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Patty's Toxicology

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Industrial Toxicology: Origins and Trends

Eula Bingham, Ph.D., John Zapp, Ph.D., (deceased)

1 Introduction
Industrial toxicology is a comparatively recent discipline, but its roots are shadowed in the mists of
time. The beginnings of toxicology, the knowledge or science of poisons, are prehistoric. Earliest
human beings found themselves in environments that were at the same time helpful and hostile to
their survival. They found their food among the plants, trees, animals, and fish in their immediate
surroundings, their clothing in the skins of animals, and their shelter mainly in caves. Their earliest
tools and weapons were of wood and stone.

It was in the very early period of prehistory that humans must have become aware of the
phenomenon of toxicity. Some fruits, berries, and vegetation could be eaten with safety and to their
benefit, whereas others caused illness or even death. The bite of the asp or adder could be fatal,
whereas the bite of many other snakes was not. Humans learned from experience to classify things
into categories of safe and harmful. Personal survival depended on recognition and avoidance, so far
as possible, of the dangerous categories.

In a unique difference from other animals, humans learned to construct tools and weapons that
facilitated their survival. Stone and wood gave way in time to bronze and then to iron as materials
for constructing these tools and weapons. The invention of the bow and arrow was a giant step
forward in weaponry, for it gave humans a chance to kill animals or other people from a safe
distance. And humans soon used their knowledge of the poisonous materials they found in their
natural environment to enhance the lethality of their weapons.

One of the earliest examples of the deliberate use of poisons in weaponry was smearing arrowheads
and spear points with poisons to improve their lethal effectiveness. In the Old Testament we find at
Job 6:4, “The arrows of the Almighty find their mark in me, and their poison soaks into my
spirit” (The New English Bible version). The Book of Job is generally dated at about 400 B. C.

L. G. Stevenson (1) cites the Presidential Address of F. H. Edgeworth before the Bristol Medico-
Chirurgical Society in 1916, to the effect that Odysseus is credited in Homer's Odyssey with
obtaining a man-killing poison from Anchialos, king of the Taphians, to smear on his bronze-tipped
arrows. This particular passage does not occur in modern translations of the Odyssey and, according
to Edgeworth, was probably expurgated from the text when Greece came under the domination of
Athens, at which time the use of poisons on weapons was considered barbaric and not worthy of
such a hero as Odysseus.

Because the earliest literature reference to Homer is dated at 660 B. C., well before the Pan-Athenian
period, an early origin of the use of poisoned arrows can be assumed. Indeed, the word “toxic”
derives from the early Greek use of poisoned arrows.

The Greek word for the bow was toxon and for a drug was pharmakon. Therefore, an arrow poison
was called toxikon pharmakon, or drug pertaining to the bow. Many Latin words are derived from
the Greek, but the Romans took only the first of the two Greek works as their equivalent of “poison,”
that is, toxicum. Other Latin words for poison were venenum and virus. In the transition to English,
toxicum became “toxin,” and the knowledge or science of toxins becomes “toxicology.”

There were practicing toxicologists in Greece and Rome. Stevenson (1) refers to a book by Sir T. C.
Albutt (2) according to which the professional toxicologists of Greece and Rome were purveyors of
poisons and dealt in three kinds: those that acted quickly, those that caused a lingering illness, and
those that had to be given repeatedly to produce a cumulative effect. These poisons were of
vegetable or animal origin, except for arsenic. Although the toxicity of lead was described by
Hippocrates, and of mercury by Pliny the Elder, these metals were apparently not deliberately
employed as poisons before the Renaissance.
There is little doubt that the customers of the early toxicologists were interested in assassination or
suicide. Poisons offered a safer means for the assassin of disposing of an enemy than the more
visible alternatives that posed the risk of premature discovery and possibly effective retaliation. As a
means of suicide, poison often seemed more acceptable than other available means of self-
destruction. Although poisons have continued to be used for both homicide and suicide, their
popularity for these purposes has decreased as the popularity of firearms has increased.

The use of poisons as adjuncts to other weapons such as the spear or arrow ceased in Western
Europe long before the discovery of firearms. It has persisted to this day in primitive civilizations
such as those of the African pygmies and certain tribes of South American Indians. The use of
poison on a large scale as a primary weapon of war occurred during World War I, when both sides
employed poison gases. In the interval between World War I and World War II, the potential of
chemical and biological agents as a means of coercion was thoroughly studied by most of the
powers, and both sides were prepared to use them, if necessary, in World War II. Although their use
in future wars has apparently been renounced, it should not be forgotten that the chemical and
biological toxins remain viable means of coercion that could be utilized under appropriate
circumstances in future conflicts. It would not be prudent to forget this in thinking about national

The early and sinister uses of poisons did result in contributions to toxicology. Furthermore, the
knowledge obtained did not require extrapolation to the human species, for humans were the subjects
in early experimentation.

As mentioned earlier, the professional toxicologists of Greece and Rome had recognized and dealt
with poisons that produced acute effects, those that produced lingering effects, and those that
produced cumulative effects. We recognize these categories today. The “dose-effects” relationship
was also recognized. In Plato's well-known description of the execution of Socrates, Socrates is
required to drink a cup of hemlock, an extract of a parsley-like plant that bears a high concentration
of the alkaloid coniine. When Socrates asks whether it is permissible to pour out a libation first to
any god, the jailer replies, “We only prepare, Socrates, just as much as we deem enough.”

The ancients also had some concept of the development of tolerance to poisons. There have come
down through the ages the poison damsel stories. In one of these, related by Stevenson (1), a king of
India sent a beautiful damsel to Alexander the Great because he guessed rightly that Alexander was
about to invade his kingdom. The damsel had been reared among poisonous snakes and had become
so saturated with their venom that all of her secretions were deadly. It is said that Aristotle dissuaded
Alexander from doing what seemed natural under the circumstances until Aristotle performed a
certain test. The test consisted in painting a circle on the floor around the girl with an extract of
dittany, believed to be a powerful snake poison. When the circle was completed, the girl is said to
have collapsed and died. The poison damsel stories continued to appear from time to time, and even
Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a short story about one entitled “Rappaccini's Daughter.”

Kings and other important personages, fearing assassinations, sometimes tried to protect themselves
from this hazard by attempting to build up an immunity to specific poisons by taking gradually
increasing doses until able to tolerate lethal doses, sometimes—it is said—with results disastrous to
the queen. Other kings took the precaution of having slaves taste their food before they ate. When
slaves became too scarce or expensive, they substituted dogs as the official tasters and found that it
worked about as well. Perhaps we have here the birth of experimental toxicology in which a
nonhuman species was deliberately used to predict human toxicity.

Little of importance to the science of toxicology developed during the Middle Ages. Such research
as was done was largely empirical and involved the search for such things as the Philosopher's Stone,
the Universal Solvent, the Elixir of Life, and the Universal Remedy. The search for the Universal
Remedy is rumored to have been abandoned in the twelfth century when the alchemists learned how
to make a 60% solution of ethyl alcohol through improved techniques of distillation and found that it
had some remarkable restorative properties.

Although modern science is generally held to have had its beginnings in the seventeenth century
with the work of Galileo, Descartes, and Francis Bacon, there was a precursor in the sixteenth
century of some importance to toxicology. This was the physician-alchemist Phillipus Aureolus
Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, known as Paracelsus. Born in 1490, the son of a
physician, Paracelsus studied medicine with his father and alchemy at various universities. He was
not impressed with the way that either medicine or alchemy was being taught or practiced and
decided that more could be learned from the study of nature than from studying books by ancient

Through travel and observation, Paracelsus learned more than his contemporaries about the natural
history of diseases, to whose cure he applied his knowledge of both medicine and alchemy. He
advocated that the natural substances then used as remedies be purified and concentrated by
alchemical methods to enhance their potency and efficacy. He also attempted to find specific
therapeutic agents for specific diseases and became highly successful as a practicing physician; in
1526 he was appointed Town Physician to the city of Basel, Switzerland, and a lecturer in the
university. Being of an egotistical and quarrelsome disposition, Paracelsus quickly antagonized the
medical and academic establishment.

In the sixteenth century, syphilis was a more lethal disease than it was to become later, and the
medical profession had no interest in it or cures for it. Paracelsus introduced and advocated the use
of mercury for treating syphilis, and it worked. The establishment, however, was outraged and
denounced Paracelsus for using a poison to treat a disease. Paracelsus loved an argument and
responded to this and other accusations with a series of “Defenses,” of which the Third Defense (3)
contained this statement with respect to his advocacy of the use of mercury or any other poison for
therapeutic purposes: “What is it that is not poison? All things are poison and none without poison.
Only the dose determines that a thing is not poison.” Paracelsus lectured and wrote in German,
which was also contrary to prevailing academic tradition. When his works were eventually translated
into Latin, the last sentence of the above quotation was usually rendered, “Dosis sola facit venenum”
or “The dose alone makes a poison.” This principle is the keystone of industrial hygiene and is a
basic concept in toxicology.

Mercury soon became and remained the therapy of choice for syphilis for the next 300 years until
Ehrlich discovered on his 606th trial an arsphenamine, Salvarsan, which was superior. Antimony
was widely used as a therapeutic agent from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and with the
medical profession was sharply divided as to whether it was more poison than remedy or more
remedy than poison.

The period from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century witnessed little decline in the use of
human subjects for the initial evaluation of remedies. In 1604, a book said to have been written by a
monk named Basile Valentine, but more probably by an anonymous alchemist, was published under
the title The Triumphant Chariot of Antimony. The book states that the author had observed that
some pigs fed food containing antimony had become fat. Therefore, he gave antimony to some
monks who had lost considerable weight through fasting, to see if it would help them to regain
weight faster. Unfortunately, they all died. Up to this time, the accepted name for the element had
been stibium (from which we retain the symbol Sb), but it was renamed antimony from the words
auti-moine meaning “monk's bane.” The Oxford English Dictionary agrees that this might be the
popular etymology of the word. This anecdote can be credited to H. W. Haggard (4).

Industrial Toxicology: Origins and Trends

Eula Bingham, Ph.D., John Zapp, Ph.D., (deceased)

2 Experimental Toxicology
Experimental toxicology, as we know, it followed the rise of organic chemistry, which is usually
dated at around 1800. The rise was very rapid, and it is estimated that by 1880 some 12,000
compounds had been synthesized, and of these some turned out to be very toxic, in some cases
proving fatal to the chemists who prepared them. Two of the war gases employed on a large scale in
World War I, that is, phosgene (COCl2) and mustard gas, bis(b-chloroethyl) sulfide, had been
prepared in 1812 and 1822, respectively.

Early organic chemists were not deliberately looking for poisons, but for dyes, solvents, or
pharmaceuticals. For example, toxicity was an unwanted side effect, but if it was there, it had to be
recognized. The sheer number of new organic compounds synthesized in the laboratory, along with a
growing public disapproval of the practice of letting toxicity be discovered by its effects on people,
led to a more extensive use of convenient and available animals such as dogs, cats, or rabbits as
surrogates for human beings, much as some of the ancient kings used dogs instead of slaves to test
their food before they dined.

Loomis (5) credits M. J. B. Orfila (6) with being the father of modern toxicology. A Spaniard by
birth, Orfila studied medicine in Paris. According to Loomis:

He is said to be the father of modern toxicology because his interests centered on the harmful effects
of chemicals as well as therapy of chemical effects, and because he introduced quantitative
methodology into the study of the action of chemicals on animals. He was the author of the first
book devoted entirely to studies of the harmful effects of chemicals (6). He was the first to point out
the valuable use of chemical analyses for proof that existing symptomatology was related to the
presence of the chemical in the body. He criticized and demonstrated the inefficiency of many of the
antidotes that were recommended for therapy in those days. Many of his concepts regarding the
treatment of poisoning by chemicals remain valid today, for he recognized the value of such
procedures as artificial respiration, and he understood some of the principles involved in the
elimination of the drug or chemical from the body. Like many of his immediate followers, he was
concerned primarily with naturally occurring substances for which considerable folklore existed with
respect to the harmfulness of such compounds.

A reading of some of the earlier nineteenth century reports indicates a lack of recognition of and
concern with either intraspecies or interspecies variation. Sometimes it is not possible to determine
from the report which species of animal was tested. Some reports were based on dosage of only one
animal, it being assumed that all others would react similarly. In reports of inhalation toxicity, a
lethal concentration might be identified without designating the length of the exposure time.

The initial recognition of biological variability comes from the study of the action of drugs rather
than from the study of the action of chemicals as such. The increased interest in the action of drugs
resulted from the availability of so many new organic compounds that could be explored for possible
therapeutic activity.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the phenomenon of biological variability was
recognized by pharmacologists, as was also the necessity for establishing the margin of safety
between a therapeutically effective dose and a toxic dose of a drug. Clinical trials of new drugs with
adequate controls began to be accepted as good science. The traditional wisdom and beliefs about
therapeutic practice were reexamined by pharmacologists.
Early European efforts are credited by Warren Cook to Gruber (7) who used animals and himself in
1883 to set the boundaries for carbon monoxide poisoning. Lehmann and his colleagues (8)
performed toxicity testing on numerous compounds using animals, and these provided the basis for
establishing many exposure limits. Korbert (9) provided dose response data on acute exposures for
twenty substances that gave information on levels that produced minimal symptoms after several
hours, ½ to 1 hour exposures without serious disturbances, and ½ to 1 hour exposures that range
from dangerous to rapidly fatal to man and animals. Many of these evaluations are still valid today.

Industrial Toxicology: Origins and Trends

Eula Bingham, Ph.D., John Zapp, Ph.D., (deceased)

3 Industrial Toxicology
Concerns for the safety of the workplace drove the development of industrial toxicology. The British
physician, C.T. Thackrah, noted that, “Most persons who reflect on the subject will be inclined to
admit that our employments are to a considerable degree injurious to health ... ” and “Evils are
suffered to exist, even when the means of correction are known and easily applied. Thoughtlessness
or apathy is the only obstacle to success” (10).

In the United States, the first recognition of occupational disease by Benjamin McCready appeared
(11) in an essay published by the Medical Society of New York. Illnesses including dermatoses were
noted as well as long hours, poor ventilation, and child labor. Certainly, some of the illnesses were
from chemical exposures and dust, but it should be noted that ergonomic and human performance
concepts are raised in these early writings. Working conditions became a cause for concern among
social movements mainly because of child labor. More than a century and a half later we still are
concerned about child labor.

Recognition of the relationship between chemical agents and disease (industrial toxicology) moved
rapidly in Europe during the last decade of the nineteenth century. This activity may have been
stimulated in Germany by the passage during Bismarck's rule of the Workingmen's Insurance Law,
which set up an insurance fund into which both employers and employees contributed that amounted
to about 6% of total wages paid out. For this, the workers obtained free medical care, as well as some
compensation during periods of disability.

Industrial toxicology in the United States grew out of work in occupational and industrial health by
such investigators as Hamilton and Hardy (12), the Drinkers at Harvard (13, 14), Hatch at Pittsburgh
(15), and Kehoe (16) and Heyroth (17) at Cincinnati. Government and industry provided financial
support for these efforts.

There had been no organic chemical industry in the United States before World War I. It was born
just after the war, because during the war, the United States felt the lack of useful products such as
aniline dyes (used for printing our stamps and currency, among other things) and pharmaceuticals
(e.g., aspirin), which had been imported from Germany. Manpower and facilities used during the war
for manufacturing munitions became available after 1918, and several companies decided to use
them to get into the organic chemical business. Because neither employers nor workers had any
previous experience in making and handling organic chemicals, the effects of unanticipated toxicity
began to be encountered. That toxicity was not wanted because it was counterproductive and, along
with other problems, had to be managed if the industry was to survive.

To manage a problem, it must be anticipated, the causes must be identified and analyzed, and
practical means of overcoming the problem must be available. As a means to this end, industrial
preventive medicine, industrial toxicology, and industrial hygiene became valuable tools. By the
mid-1930s, several large chemical companies in the United States had established in-house
laboratories of industrial toxicology, e.g., DuPont, Dow, and Union Carbide. The purpose of these
laboratories was to provide management with sufficient information about the toxicity of new
chemicals to enable prudent business decisions.

Another important source of experimental toxicological data that was used to inform the workplace
was from work by Hueper at one time, a pathologist at DuPont and chemists who were interested in
chemical carcinogenesis and mechanistic research, e.g., the Millers (18) at Wisconsin and Ray (19)
at Cincinnati. Early experimental data captured in Hartwell (20) “Survey of Compounds Which Have
Been Tested for Carcinogenic Activity, Federal Security Agency, U.S. Public Health Service”
eventually provided the bases for the first early lists of carcinogenic chemicals prepared by the
American Standards Association and the American Conference of Governmental and Industrial
Hygienists in the 1940s.

It should be emphasized that although these beginning efforts in industrial toxicology were occurring
in the United States, in Europe experimental toxicology and studies in occupational disease were
well underway. For example, early work of the British on coal tars, mineral oils, and other
carcinogens (aromatic amines) were widely available (22–25).

It is important to recognize that by the 1930s the data from experimental studies in animals, human
case reports, and early epidemiological studies reported the causes of many occupationally induced
cancers. Table 1.1 (26–36) presents data and references from several of these early studies, and
although more investigations have added to the knowledge regarding these carcinogens, these early
observations remain valid.

Table 1.1. Early Studies in Chemical Carcinogenesis

Year First Reported by Reported Agent or Process Site

1775 Pott (26) Soot Scrotum

1822 Paris (27) Arsenic Skin
1873 Volkmann (28) Crude wax from coal Skin
1876 Bell (29) Shale oil Skin
1879 Härting and Hesse (30) Ionizing radiation Lung
1894 Unna (31) Ultraviolet radiation Skin
1895 Rehn (32) Aromatic amines Bladder
1898 Mackenzie (33) Creosote Skin
1935 Pfeil (34) Chromate production Lung
1917 Leymann (35) Crude anthracene (coal tar?) Skin
1929 Martland (36) Radium Bone

In the United States, a dramatic change occurred in 1935 with the passage of the Social Security Act.
Financial and technical support from the Federal Government were given to the States, mostly to
Health Departments, to develop health programs to protect workers. New York and Massachusetts
maintained their programs in the Labor Department. This effort was very important in industrial
toxicology because all of these programs performed investigations into chemical and physical agents
in the workplace and the development of disease.

It is important to mention the work of the National Safety Council, which began a series of articles in
the 1920s that described the toxicology of certain chemicals in the workplace and provided
recommendations for medical and industrial hygiene monitoring. Recognized leaders in the field
wrote these guidelines, usually as a committee document. One example is the classic document on
benzol toxicity (37).

Although not called “industrial toxicology,” the emergence of industrial medicine and industrial
hygiene as significant public health disciplines became embedded in the basic principles of industrial
toxicology, that is, connecting chemical exposures with development of disease through measuring
exposures, developing dose-response relationships for adverse health effects, and recommending
interventions to reduce exposures and disease. From these early beginnings, guidelines to prevent
illness (and injuries) were developed as part of recommendations issued by the National Safety
Council, American National Standards Institute in the 1920s, and later by the American Conference
of Government Industrial Hygiene (TLVs).

By 1938, there were enough government-affiliated personnel engaged in the practice of industrial
hygiene at the federal, state, and local levels to make possible the formation of the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). In 1939, the American Industrial
Hygiene Association (AIHA) was founded. These societies sought to bring collective knowledge
regarding the toxicology of workplace hazards, mainly chemicals, and the necessary skills to reduce
exposures. In the early period, industrial toxicologists were involved in recognizing, evaluating, and
controlling hazards of the workplace that cause occupational illness and disability. Eventually, as
investigators working in industrial toxicology became more specialized, they formed their own
society in the 1960s, the Society of Toxicology, and eventually began to meet separately from the
American Industrial Hygiene Association.

At the turn of the twentieth century, most industrial toxicological information was gleaned from
observations of workers employed in various industries. By the 1930s, experimental industrial
toxicology was expanding rapidly with the introduction of studies using animals. Most early studies
focused either on cancer or acute toxic responses such as asphyxiation and acute lung injury or
neurological symptoms such as dizziness, tremors, convulsions, etc., and death. Probably the
development of certain chronic lung diseases resulting from industrial exposures over several years,
such as silicosis, coal workers' pneumoconiosis, asbestosis, beryllioses, and the recognition of lead
poisoning as a chronic disease, led to the development and use of experimental chronic toxicity

Between 1920 and 1970 (i.e., before most environmental and occupational health laws), industrial
toxicology was performed mainly by industry in its own laboratories, e.g., DuPont's Haskell
Laboratory where one of the authors of this chapter worked, at Dow Chemical Company where V.
K. Rowe was a pioneer investigator, and at various university laboratories, such as Harvard,
University of Pittsburgh, New York University, University of Cincinnati, and Johns Hopkins
University, where the work was supported by industry. The arrangements at these laboratories
ranged from contracts to grant relationships and although the interpretation of the results may have
involved some controversy, by and large, the experimental results have stood the test of time. A
great deal of toxicological data came from industries where physicians, industrial hygienists, or
toxicologists reported adverse health responses in certain occupations where a specific chemical was
used. It was this collection of industrial toxicological data that was brought together and formed the
basis of the first two editions of Patty's. For example, it is common over the years to see the names
of industry leaders in health and safety provide “personal communication” as the source of certain
toxicological data (e.g., Dr. D. Fassett, Eastman Kodak) in this volume.

Often these early references are to industry data or observations and were not published in the peer-
reviewed literature but remain in files as unpublished reports. Fortunately, some of the reports of
early studies are filed in libraries and are public documents (38).
3.1 Acute and Chronic Tests
It is interesting to note the role that World War I played in early toxicology. World War I stimulated
a great many studies of acute inhalation toxicity for chemical warfare purposes. The number of
compounds examined during World War I as possible chemical warfare agents is estimated to have
been between 3,000 and 4,000, and of these, 54 were used in the field at one time or another. During
World War I, chemical warfare agents were selected for their irritancy to skin or eyes, rather than for
systemic toxicity, and both the techniques developed for their study, as well as the information
gained, were useful to postwar industrial toxicology.

Although chronic, or cumulative, toxicity had been recognized for centuries, it received much less
attention than acute toxicity until more recent times, possibly because acute toxic effects were more
likely to be recognized than chronic effects. Chronic toxicity could, however, be investigated by any
relevant route of exposure, provided that the dosages used were small enough to permit the chronic
damage to appear. The most perplexing question was, “How long should a prolonged exposure be to
gain all the necessary information?” Opinions differed, but the majority of toxicologists seemed to
feel that 90 days of repeated exposure would be sufficient to elicit all of the important manifestations
of chronic toxicity in the rat or mouse, provided that the daily doses were sufficiently high but still
consistent with survival. This effort was given impetus by the Food and Drug Administration as it
began to require such tests for food additives and pesticides. It should be recalled that until 1970
FDA not EPA prescribed the testing requirements for pesticides.

In 1938, as a consequence of the elixir of sulfanilamide tragedy, in which a number of persons died
from taking a solution of sulfanilamide in diethylene glycol for therapeutic purposes, the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration undertook a comprehensive investigation of the toxicity of the glycols.
This investigation culminated in a “lifetime” feeding study with diethylene glycol in rats. In 1945,
Nelson et al. (39) reported the results at a meeting of the Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology. A surprising result of the study was the finding that some of the rats fed a diet
containing 4% diethylene glycol had developed bladder stones and that some of those with bladder
stones had also developed fibropapillomatous tumors of the bladder. Because neither bladder stones
nor tumors had been found in tests of shorter duration, it became obvious that, for some lesions, 90
days was not a sufficient time of exposure. By 1950, the FDA had begun recommending lifetime
studies, for which they considered two years in the rat as proper, as part of proof of safety of
proposed new intentional and unintentional food additives and pesticides. As a guide to the
perplexed, members of the FDA staff prepared an article entitled “Procedures for the Appraisal of
the Toxicity of Chemicals in Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics,” which was published in the September,
1949, issue of Food Drug cosmetic Law Journal (40). It contained a section on how to do long-term
chronic toxicity studies and recommended a period of two years for the rat, plus one year for a
nonrodent species such as the dog.

Although not an official regulation, the article advised every one of the FDA's expectations with
respect to data submitted to it as proof of safety of the proposed new food additive or pesticide. A
revision of the article appeared in 1955 (41), and a third revision was published in 1959 as a
monograph by the Association of Food and Drug Officials of the United States (42).

During the same period, the Food Protection committee of the National Academy of
Science/National Research Council was publishing and revising “Principles and Procedures for
Evaluating the Safety of Food Additives” (43) which were, in general, consistent with the FDA
staff's guidelines. One common thread ran through both sets of recommendations. With each
revision, the complexity of the tests increased and so did the cost.

The FDA's recommended protocol in 1959 (42) for a “lifetime” test with rats called for four groups
of a minimum of 25 males and 25 females each. There would be a control group, a low-dose group
(a no-effect level, it was hoped), a high-dose group (chosen to be an effect level), and a mid-dose
group. All animals would be necropsied for gross pathology. Selected organs would be weighed, and
selected organs would be preserved for histopathology. During the course of the experiment, food
consumption and weight gains would be measured, blood and urine would be monitored for
deviations from normality, and nay-behavioral changes would be noted. A three-generation
reproduction study would be carried out at all dose levels. A similar experiment would also be
carried out with four groups of six to eight dogs each for an exposure period of two years to
determine whether a nonrodent species responded differently from the rat. Dog reproduction studies
were not required. The lifetime of the rat was considered to be two years for the purposes of the test.

Industrial Toxicology: Origins and Trends

Eula Bingham, Ph.D., John Zapp, Ph.D., (deceased)

4 Trends
4.1 Toxicological Testing
Concerns raised 20 years ago about the costs and validity of toxicological information that may be
used for making risk assessments to protect workers and for business decisions on product
development are still valid today.

When John Zapp wrote the first part of this chapter, it was the late 1970s and the other author, Eula
Bingham, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, was grappling with the
need for toxicological data on which to base occupational health and safety standards. It was during
this period (1978) that the National Toxicology Program (NTP) began. This effort was intended to
expand the carcinogen testing program of the National Cancer Institute that began during the 1960s.

Today, the National Toxicology Program (44) provides a significant portion of all new data on
industrial chemicals used in the United State and in other countries. At present, 80,000 chemicals are
used in the United States and an estimated 2,000 new ones are introduced annually to be used in
products such as foods, personal care products, prescription drugs, household cleaners, and lawn care
products. The effects of many of these chemicals on human health are unknown, yet people may be
exposed to them during their manufacture, distribution, use, and disposal or as pollutants in our air,
water, or soil.

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) was established by the Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS) in 1978 and charged with coordinating toxicological testing programs within the
Public Health Service of the Department; strengthening the science base in toxicology; and
providing information about potentially toxic chemicals to health regulatory and research agencies,
scientific and medical communities, and the public (See Fig. 1.1). The NTP is an interagency
program whose mission is to evaluate agents of public health concern by developing and applying
the tools of modern toxicology and molecular biology. In carrying out its mission, the NTP has
several goals:

• to provide toxicological evaluations of substances of public health concern;

• to develop and validate improved (sensitive, specific, rapid) testing methods;
• to develop approaches and generate data to strengthen the science base for risk assessment; and
• to communicate with all stakeholders, including government, industry, academia, the
environmental community, and the public.

Nationally, the NTP rodent bioassay is recognized as the standard for identifying carcinogenic
agents. However, the NTP has expanded its scope beyond cancer to include examining the impact of
chemicals on noncancer toxicities such as those affecting reproduction and development, inhalation,
and the immune, respiratory, and nervous systems. Recently a Center for Evaluation of Risks to
Human Reproduction and a Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods were
Figure 1.1. National Toxicology Program. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) is
headquartered at the NIEHS/NIH, and its director serves as director of the NTP. The Executive
Committee composed of the heads of key research and regulatory Federal agencies provides
oversight for policy issues. Science oversight and peer review are provided through a mix of Federal,
academic, industrial, and public interest science experts.

NTP's testing program seeks to use mechanism-based toxicology studies to enhance the traditional
approaches. Molecular biology tools are used to characterize interactions of chemicals with critical
target genes. Examples of mechanism-based toxicology include identification of receptor-mediated
toxicants, molecular screening strategies, use of transgenic animal models, and the development of
alternative or complementary in vivo tests to use with rodent bioassays. Inclusion of such strategies
can provide insight into the molecular and biological events associated with a chemical's toxic effect
and provide mechanistic information that is useful in assessing human risk. Such information can
also lead to the development of more specific and sensitive (and often less expensive) tests for use in
risk assessment. There is a strong linkage between mechanism-based toxicology and the
development of more biologically based risk assessment models. Such models are useful in
clarifying dose–response relationships, making species comparisons, and identifying sources of
interindividual variability.

Genetically altered or “transgenic” mouse models carry activated oncogenes or inactivated tumor
suppressor genes involved in neoplastic processes in both humans and rodents. This trait may allow
them to respond to carcinogens more quickly than conventional rodent strains. The advantage
provided by such an approach compared with standard rodent models is that in addition to chemicals
undergoing metabolism, distribution, and relevant pharmacokinetics, the neoplastic effects of agents
can be observed in the transgenic models within a time frame in which few if any spontaneous
tumors would arise.

During the past few years, the NIEHS/NTP has evaluated transgenic strains in toxicological testing
strategies. The response for 38 chemicals was compared in two genetically altered mouse strains
(p53def: p53+/– heterozygous and Tg.AC: n-Ha-ras transgene) with that of wild-type mice tested in
chronic two-year bioassays. Findings from these studies were evaluated by the NTP Board of
Scientific Counselors for their suitability in NTP toxicological evaluations. Based upon the
NIEHS/NTP review, the transgenic models performed largely according to predictions; they
identified all known human carcinogens and most of the multisite/multispecies rodent carcinogens
but failed to identify completely rodent carcinogens that produced tumors in selected organs in two-
year studies.

The use of these genetically altered mouse models holds promise in carcinogenesis research and
testing and clearly is more rapid and less expensive than traditional NTP two-year bioassay studies.
The challenge still facing the NTP is to design studies that address remaining questions and concerns
and to explore how these models can be used in risk assessment.
The NIEHS Environmental Genome Project is a multicenter effort to identify systematically the
alleles of 200 or more environmental disease susceptibility genes in the U.S. population. Information
from this human exposure assessment initiative together with the environmental genome project will
provide the science base essential for future, meaningful studies of gene/environment interactions in
disease etiology.

As a part of an interagency human exposure assessment initiative, the NTP and the NCEH/CDC are
collaborating on a pilot project to quantify approximately 70 chemicals in either human blood or
urine that are considered endocrine disrupters. Biological samples from the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) are being tested. These data will be used to estimate
human exposure to endocrine disrupting agents within the U.S. population and to identify those of
greatest public health concern. This information can be used in prioritizing chemicals for study and
in developing biologically based models for estimating human risks.
4.2 Human Genome
The revolution in genetics and specifically in mapping the human genome, as well as the
development of transgenic animals, will radically change the way we evaluate chemical and physical
agents. See chapter 7 by Dan Nebert in this volume.

The need to keep toxicologists apprised of the current thinking regarding many new advances in
certain toxicological fields has led us to include a special chapter on genetics. Although human
variability was recognized as a phenomenon during the last half of the nineteenth century,
pharmacogenetics has now become a significant and critical element in understanding dose-response
curves in every aspect of toxicology from predicting who can metabolize a chemical to a carcinogen
to determining which patient may be at risk of death from a prescribed doses of an anticancer drug.
This area will probably bring about the greatest changes in our understanding of worker responses to
occupational exposures.
4.3 Global Workplaces
The workplaces of concern in early editions of Patty's were mainly those in U.S. factories where
chemicals and certain processes occurred. Today, many of those activities and chemicals have
moved overseas, and the scene is dynamic and changing as we write. Hopefully, the toxicological
information contained in these volumes will be useful in global workplaces. We have welcomed
authors from outside the United States, many of whom are outstanding toxicologists in their own
countries and are known internationally. It is the hope of the editors that this trend will continue for
Patty's in future editions. Without modern telecommunications and E-mail, we would not have the
courage to propose such authors.
4.4 Mixtures
Mixtures have reemerged as a special concern in toxicology. Mainly during the period (1930–1970)
when complex mixtures, particularly those derived from fossil fuels (petroleum fractions, coal tar)
were being actively investigated, the issues revolved around finding the critical chemical in the
complex mix that was responsible for its toxicology. Chemicals in these mixtures enhanced or
inhibited the critical chemical. When chemical exposures occurred either together or in sequence as
in chemical carcinogenesis, the concepts of initiation and promotion became part of understanding
mixtures. Recognition that contributions from several chemicals affecting the same target organ
could be at least additive and perhaps of concern in the workplace led the ACGIH to develop a
methodology for simple mixtures.

As more information has been produced during the last 10 years regarding the content of hazardous
waste sites, once again there are efforts to develop methodologies to account for multiple chemical
exposures in attempting to assess risk. One of the most notable is the dioxins and the use of
“equivalency factors.” However, the way to determine any potential for interactions among a
mixture of chemical exposures remains a problem in toxicology and will continue to require
investigation in the future.
4.5 Training and Personnel
Current training programs in toxicology place heavy emphasis on genetics. Courses in genetics and
molecular biology have largely replaced other fundamental medical disciplines such as biochemistry,
physiology, and pharmacology. Sometimes, aspects of these elements are covered to a small extent
in a toxicology course. Courses in risk assessment are usually elective. Most graduate programs in
toxicology today provide little background for individuals seeking to work in industrial toxicology.
On the other hand, the practical elements that remain as staples in industrial hygiene programs
provide much that is useful in industrial toxicology. The deficiency in these programs is the lack of
training in the biological sciences, since most industrial hygiene graduates have little or no
toxicology unless they take it as an elective. The result is that industry today must be prepared to
provide current graduates with on-the-job training equivalent to 2–3 years of a postdoctoral
fellowship if they are to work in industrial toxicology.

Industrial Toxicology: Origins and Trends


Cited Publications
1 L. G. Stevenson, The Meaning of Poison, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, 1959.
2 T. C. Albutt, Greek Medicine in Rome, London, 1921.
3 Paracelsus. Epistola Dedicatora St. Veit Karnten: Seiben Schutz; Schirm-und. Trutzreden,
Dritte Defension (1538).
4 H. W. Haggard, Devils, Drugs and Doctors, Harper, New York, 1929.
5 T. A. Loomis, Essentials of Toxicology, 3rd ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1978.
6 M. J. B. Orfila, Traite des poisons tirés minéral, végétal, et animal on toxicologie générale
sous le rapports de la pathologie et de la médecine legale, Crochard, Paris, 1815.
7 W. A. Cook, Occupational Exposure Limits-Worldwide, American Industrial Hygiene
Association (AIHA), Akron, OH, 1986.
8 K. B. Lehmann, Experimentelle Studien über den Einfluss Technisch und Hygienisch
Wichtiger Gase und Dampfe auf Organismus: Ammoniak und Salzsauregas. Arch. Hyg. 5, 1–
12 (1886).
9 R. Korbert, The smallest amount of noxious industrial gases which are toxic and the amounts
which may perhaps be endured. Comput. Pract. Toxicol. 5, 45 (1912).
10 C. T. Thackrah, The Effects of Arts, Trades, and Professions and of Civic States and Habits
of Living, on Health and Longevity, 2nd ed., Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, S.
Longman, London, 1832.
11 B. W. McCready, On the influence of trades, professions, and occupations in the United
States, in the production of disease. Trans. Med. Soc. State N. Y. 3, 91–150 (1835), reprinted
by Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD, 1943, with introduction by C. W. Miller.
12 A. Hamilton and H. L. Hardy, Industrial Toxicology, 2nd ed., Hoeber, New York, 1949.
13 C. K. Drinker, Carbon Monoxide Asphyxia, Oxford University Press, New York and London,
14 P. Drinker, Certain aspects of the problem of zinc toxicity. J. Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. 4, 177
15 T. Hatch and C. L. Pool, J. Ind. Hyg. 16, 177 (1934).
16 R. A. Kehoe, A. F. Thaman, and J. Cholak, Lead absorption and excretion in relation to the
diagnosis of lead poisoning, J. Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. 15, 320 (1933).
17 F. F. Heyroth, Thallum: a Review and Summary of Medical Literature, U.S. Public Hlth.
Rep. Suppl. 197, 1947.
18 J. A. Miller, E. G. Miller, and G. C. Fingen, Cancer Res. 17, 387–398 (1957).
19 F. E. Ray et al., Br. J. Cancer 15, 816–820 (1961).
20 J. L. Hartwell, Survey of Compounds Which Have Been Tested for Carcinogenic Activity,
National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute, Federal Security Agency, U.S. Public
Health Service, Washington, DC, 1941.
21 S. A. Henry, N. M. I. Kennaway, and E. L. Kennaway, The incidence of cancer of the
bladder and prostrate in certain occupations, J. Hyg. 31, 125–137 (1931).
22 S. A. Henry, The study of fatal cases of cancer of the scrotum from 1911 to 1935 in relation
to occupation with special reference to chimney sweeping and cotton mule spinning. Am. J.
Cancer 31, 28–57 (1937).
23 G. M. Bonser, Tumours of the skin produced by blast-furnace tar. Lancet 1, 775–776 (1932).
24 G. M. Bonser, Epithelial tumours of the bladder in dogs induced by pure b-naphthylamine. J.
Pathol. Bacteriol. 55, 1 (1943).
25 R. A. M. Case et al., Tumours of the urinary bladder in workmen engaged in the manufacture
and use of certain dyestuff intermediates in the British chemical industry. I. The role of
aniline, benzidine, alpha-naphthylamine and beta-naphthylamine. Br. J. Ind. Med. 11, 75
26 P. Pott, Chirurgical Observations Relative to the Cataract, the Polypus of the Nose, the
Cancer of the Scrotum, the Different Kinds of Ruptures, and the Mortification of the Toes
and Feet, Hower, Clarke, & Pollins, London, 1775.
27 J. A. Paris, Pharmacology, 3rd ed., W. Philipps, London, 1822.
28 R. Volkmann, Beiträge zu kiln. Chirurgie anschliessend an einen Bericht ueber die Täigkeit
der chiurgischen Universitäsklink zu Halle, 1873, reprint: Leipzig, 1975.
29 B. Bell, Treatise on the hydrocele or cancer and other diseases of the testis. Edinburgh Med.
J. 22 (1876).
30 F. H. Härting and W. Hesse, Vierteljahrsschr. Gerichtl. Med. 30 (1879).
31 P. G. Unna, Die Histopathologie der Haukrankheiten, A. Hirschwald, Berlin, 1894.
32 L. Rehn, Blasengeschwuelste bei Fuchsin-Arbeitern. Arch. Klin. Chir. 50 (1895).
33 S. Mackenzie, Br. J. Dermatol. 10 (1898).
34 E. Pfeil, Lung tumors as occupational disease in chromate plants (in German). Dtsch. Med.
Wochenschr. 61, 1197–1200 (1935).
35 Leymann, Zentralbl. Gewerbehyg. Unfallverhuet. 5 (1917).
36 H. S. Martland, Monthly labor review. U. S. Dep. Labor Bull. 28, (1929).
37 National Safety Council, Benzol, Final report of the Committee of the Chemical and Rubber
Sections, NSC, Washington, DC, 1926.
38 R. A. Kehoe, Kettering Laboratory Reports, 1920–1970, Heritage History of Medicine
39 A. A. Nelson, O. G. Fitzbugh, and H. O. Calvery, Diethylene glycol. Fed. Proc., Fed. Am.
Soc. Exp. Biol. 4, 149 (1945).
40 A. J. Lehman and FDA Staff, Procedures for the appraisal of the toxicity of chemicals in
foods, drugs, and cosmetics. Food Drug Cosmet. Law J. (1949).
41 A. J. Lehman and FDA Staff, Procedures for the appraisal of the toxicity of chemicals in
foods, drugs, and cosmetics. Food Drug Cosmet. Law J. (1955).
42 FDA Staff, Division of Pharmacology, Appraisal of the Safety of Chemicals in Foods, Drugs,
and Cosmetics, Association of Food & Drug Officials of the United States, Baltimore, MD,
43 National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council, Food Protection Committee/Food
& Nutrition Board, Principles and Procedures for Evaluating the Safety of Food Additives,
Publ. No. 750, NAS/NRC, Washington, DC, 1959.
44 Environmental Health Prospectives (NIEHS), 106, 10 (1998).

Pathways and Measuring Exposure To Toxic Substances

Morton Lippmann, Ph.D., CIH

1 Introduction
For toxic substances in the environment to exert adverse effects on humans, they must deposit on
and/or penetrate through a body surface and reach target sites where they can alter normal functions
and/or structures. The critical pathways and target sites can vary greatly from substance to substance
and, for a given substance, can vary with its chemical and physical form. A further complication
arises from the fact that chemical and/or metabolic transformations can take place between
deposition on a body surface and the eventual arrival of a toxic substance or metabolite of that
substance at a critical target site. A critical target site is where the toxic effect of first or greatest
concern takes place.

This chapter reviews and summarizes current knowledge concerning the generic aspects of the
environmental pathways and processes leading to (1) deposition of toxicants on body surfaces (skin,
respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract); (2) uptake of toxicants by epithelial cells from environmental
media (air, waste, food); (3) translocation and clearance pathways within the body for toxicants that
penetrate a surface epithelium; and (4) the influence of chemical and physical form of the toxicant on
the metabolism and pathways of the chemical of concern. Where the physical attributes of the
toxicant such as the length and biopersistence of airborne fibers are of generic concern, these are also
discussed in this chapter. Other aspects of the pathways and the fates of toxicants that are specific to
the chemical species that are the subject of the following chapters of this volume are discussed, as
appropriate, in those chapters.

This chapter also summarizes and discusses techniques for measuring personal and population
exposures to environmental toxicants and their temporal and spatial distributions. Quantitative
exposure assessment, as a component of risk assessment, involves consideration of (1) the nature and
properties of chemicals in environmental media, (2) the presence in environmental media of the
specific chemicals that are expected to exert toxic effects, (3) the temporal and spatial distributions
of the exposures of interest, and (4) the ways that ambient or workplace exposure measurements or
models can be used to draw exposure inferences. In this context, the knowledge of deposition, fate,
pathways, and rates of metabolism and transport within the body, to be reviewed later in this chapter,
provide appropriate rationales for size-selective aerosol sampling approaches and/or usage of
biomarkers of exposure. Finally, this chapter discusses the choices of sampling times, intervals,
rates, durations, and schedules most appropriate for exposure measurements and/or modeling that are
most relevant to risk assessment strategies that reflect data needs for (1) documenting compliance
with exposure standards; (2) performing epidemiological studies of exposure–response relationships;
(3) developing improved exposure models; and (4) facilitating secondary uses of exposure data for
epidemiological research, studies of the efficacy of exposure controls, and analyses of trends.

Pathways and Measuring Exposure To Toxic Substances

Morton Lippmann, Ph.D., CIH

2 Nature of Toxic Substances

2.1 Physical Properties of Toxic Air Contaminants
Chemicals can be dispersed in air at normal ambient temperatures and pressures in gaseous, liquid,
and solid forms. The latter two represent suspensions of particles in air and were given the generic
term “aerosols” by Gibbs (1) by analogy with the term “hydrosol,” used to describe dispersed
systems in water. Although hydrosols generally have uniformly sized particles, aerosols do not.
Gases and vapors, which are present as discrete molecules, form true solutions in air. Particles
composed of moderate- to high-vapor-pressure materials evaporate rapidly because those small
enough to remain suspended in air for more than a few minutes (i.e., those smaller than about
10 mm) have large surface to volume ratios. Some materials with relatively low vapor pressures can
have appreciable fractions in both vapor and aerosol forms simultaneously.

Once dispersed in air, contaminant gases and vapors generally form mixtures so dilute that their
physical properties, such as density, viscosity, and enthalpy, are indistinguishable from those of
clean air. Such mixtures follow ideal gas law relationships. There is no practical difference between
a gas and a vapor except that the latter is generally the gaseous phase of a substance that can exist as
a solid or liquid at room temperature. While dispersed in the air, all molecules of a given compound
are essentially equivalent in their size and capture probabilities by ambient surfaces, respiratory tract
surfaces, and contaminant collectors or samplers.

Aerosols are dispersions of solid or liquid particles in air and have the very significant additional
variable of particle size. Size affects particle motion and, hence, the probabilities of physical
phenomena such as coagulation, dispersion, sedimentation, impaction onto surfaces, interfacial
phenomena, and light-scattering. It is not possible to characterize a given particle by a single size
parameter. For example, a particle's aerodynamic properties depend on density and shape, as well as
linear dimensions, and the effective size for light scattering depends on refractive index and shape.

In some special cases, all of the particles are essentially the same size. Such aerosols are considered
monodisperse. Examples are natural pollens and some laboratory-generated aerosols. More typically,
aerosols are composed of particles of many different sizes and hence are called heterodisperse or
polydisperse. Different aerosols have different degrees of size dispersion. Therefore, it is necessary
to specify at least two parameters in characterizing aerosol size: a measure of central tendency, such
as a mean or median, and a measure of dispersion, such as an arithmetic or geometric standard

Particles generated by a single source or process generally have diameters that follow a log-normal
distribution, i.e., the logarithms of their individual diameters have a Gaussian distribution. In this
case, the measure of dispersion is the geometric standard deviation, which is the ratio of the 84.16th
percentile size to the 50th percentile size. When more than one source of particles is significant, the
resulting mixed aerosol will usually not follow a single log-normal distribution, and it may be
necessary to describe it by the sum of several distributions.

2.1.1 Particle and Aerosol Properties Many properties of particles, other than their linear size, can
greatly influence their airborne behavior and their effects on the environment and health. These

Surface: For spherical particles, the surface varies as the square of the diameter. However, for an
aerosol of given mass concentration, the total aerosol surface increases with decreasing particle
size. For nonspherical or aggregate particles, the particles may have internal cracks or pores, and
the ratio of surface to volume can be much greater than for spheres.
Volume: Particle volume varies as the cube of diameter; therefore, the few largest particles in an
aerosol dominate its volume (or mass) concentration.
Shape: A particle's shape affects its aerodynamic drag, as well as its surface area, and therefore its
motion and deposition probabilities.
Density: A particle's velocity in response to gravitational or inertial forces increases as the square
root of its density.
Aerodynamic diameter: The diameter of a unit-density sphere that has the same terminal settling
velocity as the particle under consideration is equal to its aerodynamic diameter. Terminal settling
velocity is the equilibrium velocity of a particle that is falling under the influence of gravity and
fluid resistance. Aerodynamic diameter is determined by the actual particle size, the particle
density, and an aerodynamic shape factor.

2.1.2 Types of Aerosols Aerosols are generally classified in terms of their processes of formation.
Although the following classification is neither precise nor comprehensive, it is commonly used and
accepted in the industrial hygiene and air pollution fields.

Dust: An aerosol formed by mechanical subdivision of bulk material into airborne fines that have
the same chemical composition. Dust particles are generally solid and irregular in shape and have
diameters greater than 1 mm.
Fume: An aerosol of solid particles formed by condensation of vapors formed at elevated
temperatures by combustion or sublimation. The primary particles are generally very small (less
than 0.1 mm) and have spherical or characteristic crystalline shapes. They may be chemically
identical to the parent material, or they may be composed of an oxidation product such as a metal
oxide. Because they may be formed in high concentrations, they often coagulate rapidly and form
aggregate clusters of low overall density.
Smoke: An aerosol formed by condensation of combustion products, generally of organic
materials. The particles are generally liquid droplets whose diameters are less than 0.5 mm.
Mist: A droplet aerosol formed by mechanical shearing of a bulk liquid, for example, by
atomization, nebulization, bubbling, or spraying. The droplet size can cover a very large range,
usually from about 2 to greater than 50 mm.
Fog: An aqueous aerosol formed by condensation of water vapor on atmospheric nuclei at high
relative humidities. The droplet sizes are generally larger than 1 mm.
Smog: A popular term for a pollution aerosol derived from a combination of smoke and fog. The
term is commonly used now for any atmospheric pollution mixture.
Haze: A submicrometer-sized aerosol of hydroscopic particles that take up water vapor at
relatively low relative humidities.
Aitken or condensation nuclei (CN): Very small atmospheric particles (mostly smaller than
0.05 mm) formed by combustion processes and by chemical conversion from gaseous precursors.
Accumulation mode: A term given to the particles in the ambient atmosphere ranging in diameter
from 0.1 to about 1.0 mm. These particles generally are spherical, have liquid surfaces, and form
by coagulation and condensation of smaller particles that derive from gaseous precursors. Too
large for rapid coagulation and too small for effective sedimentation, they accumulate in the
ambient air.
Coarse particle mode: Ambient air particles larger than about 2.5 mm in aerodynamic diameter
and generally formed by mechanical processes and surface dust resuspension.

2.1.3 Physical Properties of Toxic Liquid and Solid Components For liquids and solids deposited on
human skin or taken into the gastrointestinal (GI) tract by ingestion, penetration to and through the
surface epithelium depends upon their physical form, their solubility in the fluids on the surface, and
the structure and nature of the epithelial barrier. Dissolved chemicals can penetrate by diffusion,
whereas chemicals present as particles or droplets must find access via pores or defects in the barrier
associated with injury caused by trauma or corrosive chemicals or by dissolution in solvents that
alter the barrier function.

Pathways and Measuring Exposure To Toxic Substances

Morton Lippmann, Ph.D., CIH

3 Human Exposure Pathways and Dosimetry

People can be exposed to chemicals in the environment in numerous ways. The chemicals can be
inhaled, ingested, or taken up by and through the skin. Effects of concern can take place at the initial
epithelial barrier, i.e., the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, or the skin, or can occur in
other organ systems after penetration and translocation by diffusion or transport by blood, lymph,
etc. As illustrated in Fig. 2.1, exposure and dose factors are intermediate steps in a larger continuum
ranging from the release of chemicals into an environmental medium to an ultimate health effect in
an exposed individual. There are, of course, uncertainties of varying magnitude at each stage. The
diagram could also be applied to populations as well as to individuals. In that case, each stage of the
figure would include additional variance for the interindividual variability within a population
associated with age, sex, ethnicity, size, activity patterns, dietary influences, use of tobacco, drugs,
alcohol, etc.

Figure 2.1. Framework for personal exposure assessment and exposure-response (modified from
Ref. 1a).

Exposure is a key and complex step in this continuum. The concept of total human exposure
developed in recent years is essential to the appreciation of the nature and extent of environmental
health hazards associated with ubiquitous chemicals at low levels. It provides a framework for
considering and evaluating the contribution to the total insult from dermal uptake, ingestion of food
and drinking water, and inhaled doses from potentially important microenvironments such as
workplace, home, transportation, recreational sites, etc. More thorough discussions of this key
concept have been prepared by Sexton and Ryan (2), Lioy (3), and the National Research Council
(4). Guidelines for Exposure Assessment have been formalized by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (5).

Figure 2.2 outlines possible approaches for estimating contaminant exposures of populations, as well
as individuals, in a conceptual sense, and Fig. 2.3 indicates terminologies used by EPA to describe
exposures and their distributions within a population.
Figure 2.2. Possible approaches for analyzing contaminant exposures.

Figure 2.3. EPA guidance on terminology for exposures in the general population.

Toxic chemicals in the environment that reach sensitive tissues in the human body can cause
discomfort, loss of function, and changes in structure leading to disease. This section addresses the
pathways and transport rates of chemicals from environmental media to critical tissue sites, as well
as retention times at those sites. It is designed to provide a conceptual framework as well as brief
discussions of (1) the mechanisms for—and some quantitative data on—uptake from the
environment; (2) translocation within the body, retention at target sites, and the influence of the
physicochemical properties of the chemicals on these factors; (3) the patterns and pathways for
exposure of humans to chemicals in environmental media; and (4) the influence of age, sex, size,
habits, health status, etc.
3.1 Terminology
An agreed on terminology is critically important when discussing the relationships among toxic
chemicals in the environment, exposures to individuals and populations, and human health. Key
terms used in this chapter are defined as follows:
Exposure: Contact with external environmental media containing the chemical of interest. For fluid
media in contact with the skin or respiratory tract, both concentration and contact time are critical.
For ingested material, concentration and amount consumed are important.
Microenvironments: Well-defined locations that can be treated as homogeneous (or well
characterized) in the concentrations of a chemical or other stressor.
Deposition: Capture of the chemical at a body surface site on the skin, the respiratory tract, or the
GI tract.
Clearance: Translocation from a deposition site to a storage site or depot within the body or
elimination from the body.
Retention: Presence of residual material at a deposition site or along a clearance pathway.
Dose: The amount of chemical deposited on (applied dose) or translocated to a site on or within the
body where toxic effects can take place (delivered dose).
Target tissue: A site within the body where toxic effects lead to damage or disease. Depending on
the toxic effects of concern, a target tissue can extend from whole organs to specific cells and to
subcellular constituents within cells.
Exposure surrogates or indices: Indirect measures of exposure, such as: (1) concentrations in
environmental media at times or places other than those directly encountered; (2) concentrations of
the chemical of interest, a metabolite of the chemical, or an enzyme induced by the chemical in
circulating or excreted body fluids, generally referred to as a biomarker of exposure; and (3)
elevations in body burden measured by external probes.

Pathways and Measuring Exposure To Toxic Substances

Morton Lippmann, Ph.D., CIH

4 Pathways
4.1 Respiratory Tract
The respiratory system extends from the breathing zone just outside of the nose and mouth through
the conductive airways in the head and thorax to the alveoli, where respiratory gas exchange takes
place between alveoli and the capillary blood flowing around them. The prime function of the
respiratory system is to deliver oxygen (O2) to the gas-exchange region of the lung, where it can
diffuse to and through the walls of the alveoli to oxygenate the blood passing through the alveolar
capillaries, as needed over a wide range of work or activity levels. In addition, the system must also:
(1) remove an equal volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) that enters the lungs from the alveolar
capillaries; (2) maintain body temperature and water vapor saturation within the lung airways (to
maintain the viability and functional capacities of the surface fluids and cells); (3) maintain sterility
(to prevent infections and their adverse consequences); and (4) eliminate excess surface fluids and
debris, such as inhaled particles and senescent phagocytic and epithelial cells. It must accomplish all
of these demanding tasks continuously during a lifetime and do so with highly efficient performance
and energy utilization. The system can be abused and overwhelmed by severe insults, such as high
concentrations of cigarette smoke and industrial dust, or by low concentrations of specific pathogens
that attack or destroy its defense mechanisms or cause them to malfunction. Its ability to overcome
and/or compensate for such insults as competently as it usually does is a testament to its elegant
combination of structure and function.
4.2 Mass Transfer
The complex structure and numerous functions of the human respiratory tract have been summarized
concisely by a Task Group of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (6), as shown
in Fig. 2.4. The conductive airways, also known as the respiratory dead space, occupy about 0.2 liter
(L). They condition the inhaled air and distribute it by convective (bulk) flow to approximately
65,000 respiratory acini that lead off the terminal bronchioles. As tidal volumes increase, convective
flow dominates gas exchange deeper into the respiratory bronchioles. In any case, within the
respiratory acinus, the distance from the convective tidal front to alveolar surfaces is short enough so
that efficient CO2–O2 exchange takes place by molecular diffusion. By contrast, submicrometer
sized airborne particles whose diffusion coefficients are smaller by orders of magnitude than those
for gases, remain suspended in the tidal air and can be exhaled without deposition.

Figure 2.4. Structure and function of the human respiratory tract.

A significant fraction of the inhaled particles do deposit within the respiratory tract. The mechanisms
that account for particle deposition in the lung airways during the inspiratory phase of a tidal breath
are summarized in Fig. 2.5. Particles larger than about 2 mm in aerodynamic diameter (the diameter
of a unit density sphere that has the same terminal settling (Stokes) velocity) can have significant
momentum and deposit by impaction at the relatively high velocities present in the larger conductive
airways. Particles larger than about 1 mm can deposit by sedimentation in the smaller conductive
airways and gas-exchange airways where flow velocities are very low. Particles smaller than 0.1 mm
are in Brownian motion, and their random walk while in small airways causes them to diffuse to and
deposit on small airway walls at a rate that increases with decreasing size. Finally, particles whose
diameters are between 0.1 and 1 mm, which have a very low probability of depositing during a
single tidal breath, can be retained within the approximately 15% of the inspired tidal air that is
exchanged with residual lung air during each tidal cycle. This volumetric exchange occurs because
of the variable time constants for airflow in the different segments of the lungs. Because of the much
longer residence times of residual air in the lungs, the low intrinsic particle displacements of 0.1 to
1 mm particles within such trapped volumes of inhaled tidal air become sufficient to cause their
deposition by sedimentation and/or diffusion over the course of successive breaths.

Figure 2.5. Mechanism for particle deposition in lung airways.

The essentially particle-free residual lung air that accounts for about 15% of the expiratory tidal flow
acts like a clean-air sheath around the axial core of distally moving tidal air, so that particle
deposition in the respiratory acinus is concentrated on interior surfaces such as airway bifurcations,
whereas interbranch airway walls have relatively little particle deposition.

The number of particles deposited and their distribution along the respiratory tract surfaces, along
with the toxic properties of the material deposited, are the critical determinants of pathogenic
potential. The deposited particles can damage the epithelial and/or the mobile phagocytic cells at or
near the deposition site or can stimulate the secretion of fluids and cell-derived mediators that have
secondary effects on the system. Soluble materials deposited as, on, or within particles can diffuse
into and through surface fluids and cells and be rapidly transported throughout the body by the

The aqueous solubility of bulk materials is a poor guide to particle solubility in the respiratory tract.
Generally solubility is greatly enhanced by the very large surface to volume ratio of particles small
enough to enter the lungs. Furthermore, the ionic and lipid contents of surface fluids within the
airways are complex and highly variable and can lead to enhanced solubility or to rapid precipitation
of aqueous solutes. In addition the clearance pathways and residence times for particles on airway
surfaces are very different in the different functional parts of the respiratory tract.

The ICRP (6) Task Group's clearance model identifies the principal clearance pathways within the
respiratory tract that are important in determining the retention of various radioactive materials and
thus the radiation doses received by respiratory tissues and/or other organs after translocation. The
ICRP deposition model is used to estimate the amount of inhaled material that enters each clearance
pathway. These discrete pathways are represented by the compartment model shown in Fig. 2.6.
They correspond to the anatomic compartments illustrated in Figure 2.4 and are summarized in
Table 2.1, along with those of other groups that provide guidance on the dosimetry of inhaled
Figure 2.6. Compartment model.

Table 2.1. Respiratory Tract Regions as Defined in Particle Deposition Models

ISO and CEN 1966 ICRP 1994 ICRP

Structures Task Group Task Group
Included ACGIH Region Regions Region Region

Nose, Head airways Extrathoracic (E) Nasopharynx Anterior

nasopharynx (HAR) (NP) nasal
Mouth, All other
oropharynx, extrathoracic
laryngopharynx (ET2)
Trachea, Tracheobronchial Tracheobronchial Tracheobronchial Trachea and
bronchi, and (TBR) (B) (TB) large
conductive bronchi
bronchioles (to (BB)
terminal Bronchioles
bronchioles) (bb)
Respiratory Gas exchange Alveolar (A) Pulmonary (P) Alveolar-
bronchioles, (GER) interstitial
alveolar ducts, (Al)
alveolar sacs,

4.3 Extrathoracic Airways

As shown in Figure 2.4, the extrathoracic airways were partitioned by ICRP (6) into two distinct
clearance and dosimetric regions: the anterior nasal passages (ET1) and all other extrathoracic
airways (ET2), i.e., the posterior nasal passages, the naso- and oropharynx, and the larynx. Particles
deposited on the surface of the skin that lines the anterior nasal passages (ET1) are assumed to be
subject only to removal by extrinsic means (nose blowing, wiping, etc.). The bulk of material
deposited in the naso-oropharynx or larynx (ET2) is subject to fast clearance in the layer of fluid that
covers these airways. The 1994 ICRP model recognizes that diffusional deposition of ultrafine
particles in the extrathoracic airways can be substantial, whereas earlier ICRP models did not (7–9).
4.4 Thoracic Airways
Radioactive material deposited in the thorax is generally divided between the tracheobronchial (TB)
region, where deposited particles are subject to relatively fast mucociliary clearance (duration in
hours to 1 or 2 days), and the alveolar-interstitial (AI) region, where macrophage-mediated particle
clearance is much slower (duration up to several weeks), and dissolution rates for insoluble particles
not cleared by macrophages can have half-times measured in months or years.

For purposes of dosimetry, the ICRP (6) divided the deposition of inhaled material in the TB region
between the trachea and bronchi (BB) and in the more distal, small conductive airways, known as
bronchioles (bb). However, the subsequent efficiency with which mucociliary transport in either type
of airway can clear deposited particles is controversial. To be certain that doses to bronchial and
bronchiolar epithelia would not be underestimated, the ICRP Task Group assumed that as much as
half the number of particles deposited in these airways is subject to relatively “slow” mucociliary
clearance that lasts up to about 1 week. The likelihood that an insoluble particle is cleared relatively
slowly by the mucociliary system depends on its size.
4.5 Gas-Exchange Airways and Alveoli
The ICRP (6) model also assumed that material deposited in the AI region is subdivided among three
compartments (AI1, AI2, and AI3) each of which is cleared more slowly than TB deposition, and the
subregions clear at different characteristic rates.
4.6 Regional Deposition Estimates
Figure 2.7 depicts the predictions of the ICRP (6) Task Group Model in terms of the fractional
deposition in each region as a function of the size of the inhaled particles. It reflects the minimal
lung deposition between 0.1 and 1 mm, where deposition is determined largely by the exchange in
the deep lung between tidal and residual lung air. Deposition increases below 0.1 mm as diffusion
becomes more efficient with decreasing particle size. Deposition increases with increasing particle
size above 1 mm as sedimentation and impaction become increasingly effective.

Figure 2.7. Fractional deposition in each region of the respiratory tract for a reference light worker
(normal nose breather) in the 1994 ICRP model.

Although aerodynamic diameter is an excellent index of particle behavior for relatively compact
particles that differ greatly in shape and density, it is inadequate for fibers that deposit by
interception, as well as by inertia, gravitational displacement, or diffusion. The aerodynamic
diameter of mineral or vitreous fibers whose aspect ratio (length/width) is greater than 10 is about
three times their physical diameter. Fibers whose diameters are less than 3 mm can penetrate into
bronchioles whose diameters are less than 500 mm. For thin fibers longer than 10 or 20 mm,
interception, whereby an end of the fiber touches a surface and is collected, accounts for a significant
enhancement of deposition (10).

Less complex models for size-selective regional particle deposition have been adopted by
occupational health and community air pollution professionals and agencies, and these have been
used to develop inhalation exposure limits within specific particle size ranges. Distinctions are made
between: (1) those particles that are not aspirated into the nose or mouth and therefore represent no
inhalation hazard; (2) the inhalable (aka inspirable) particulate mass (IPM), i.e., those that are
inhaled and are hazardous when deposited anywhere within the respiratory tract; (3) the thoracic
particulate mass (TPM), i.e., those that penetrate the larynx and are hazardous when deposited
anywhere within the thorax; and (4) the respirable particulate mass (RPM), i.e., those particles that
penetrate through the terminal bronchioles and are hazardous when deposited within the gas-
exchange region of the lungs. These criteria are described in more detail later in this chapter in the
sections devoted to exposure assessment.
4.7 Translocation and Retention
Particles that do not dissolve at deposition sites can be translocated to remote retention sites by
passive and active clearance processes. Passive transport depends on movement on or in surface
fluids that line the airways. There is a continual proximal flow of surfactant to and onto the
mucociliary escalator, which begins at the terminal bronchioles, where it mixes with secretions from
Clara and goblet cells. Within midsized and larger airways are additional secretions from goblet cells
and mucus glands that produce a thicker mucous layer that has a serous subphase and an overlying
more viscous gel layer. The gel layer that lies above the tips of the synchronously beating cilia is
found in discrete plaques in smaller airways and becomes more of a continuous layer in the larger
airways. The mucus that reaches the larynx and the particles carried by it are swallowed and enter
the GI tract.

The total transit time for particles cleared during the relatively rapid mucociliary clearance phase
varies from ~2 to 24 hours in healthy humans (11). Macrophage-mediated particle clearance via the
bronchial tree takes place during a period of several weeks. Compact particles that deposit in
alveolar zone airways are ingested by alveolar macrophages within about 6 hours, but the movement
of the particle-laden macrophages depends on the several weeks that it takes for the normal turnover
of the resident macrophage population. At the end of several weeks, the particles not cleared to the
bronchial tree via macrophages have been incorporated into epithelial and interstitial cells, from
which they are slowly cleared by dissolution and/or as particles via lymphatic drainage pathways,
passing through pleural and eventually hilar and tracheal lymph nodes. Clearance times for these
later phases depend strongly on the chemical nature of the particles and their sizes, and half-times
range from about 30 to 1,000 days or more.

All of the characteristic clearance times cited refer to inert, nontoxic particles in healthy lungs.
Toxicants can drastically alter clearance times. Inhaled materials that affect mucociliary clearance
rates include cigarette smoke (12, 13), sulfuric acid (14, 15), ozone (16, 17), sulfur dioxide (17a),
and formaldehyde (18). Macrophage-mediated alveolar clearance is affected by sulfur dioxide (19),
nitrogen dioxide and sulfuric acid (20), ozone (16, 20), silica dust (21), and long mineral and
vitreous fibers (22, 23). Cigarette smoke affects the later phases of alveolar zone clearance in a dose-
dependent manner (24). Clearance pathways and rates that affect the distribution of retained particles
and their dosimetry can be altered by these toxicants.

Long mineral and manufactured vitreous fibers cannot be fully ingested by macrophages or epithelial
cells and can clear only by dissolution. Most glass and slag wool fibers dissolve relatively rapidly
within the lung and/or break up into shorter length segments. Chrysotile asbestos is more
biopersistent than most vitreous fibers and can subdivide longitudinally, creating a larger number of
long fibers. The amphibole asbestos varieties (e.g., amosite, crocidolite, and tremolite) dissolve
much more slowly than chrysotile. The close association between the biopersistence of inhaled long
fibers and their carcinogenicity and fibrogenicity has been described by Eastes and Hadly (25), and
additional data on the influence of fiber length on the biopersistence of vitreous fibers following
inhalation was described by Bernstein et al. (26).
4.8 Ingestion Exposures and Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract Exposures
Chemical contaminants in drinking water or food reach human tissues via the GI tract. Ingestion may
also contribute to the uptake of chemicals that were initially inhaled, because material deposited on
or dissolved in the bronchial mucous blanket is eventually swallowed.

The GI tract may be considered a tube running through the body, whose contents are actually
external to the body. Unless the ingested material affects the tract itself, any systemic response
depends on absorption through the mucosal cells that line the lumen. Although absorption may occur
anywhere along the length of the GI tract, the main region for effective translocation is the small
intestine. The enormous absorptive capacity of this organ results from the presence in the intestinal
mucosa of projections, termed villi, each of which contains a network of capillaries; the villi have a
large effective total surface area for absorption.

Although passive diffusion is the main absorptive process, active transport systems also allow
essential lipid-insoluble nutrients and inorganic ions to cross the intestinal epithelium and are
responsible for the uptake of some contaminants. For example, lead may be absorbed via the system
that normally transports calcium ions (27). Small quantities of particulate material and certain large
macromolecules such as intact proteins may be absorbed directly by the intestinal epithelium.

Materials absorbed from the GI tract enter either the lymphatic system or the portal blood
circulation; the latter carries material to the liver, from which it may be actively excreted into the bile
or diffuse into the bile from the blood. The bile is subsequently secreted into the intestines. Thus, a
cycle of translocation of a chemical from the intestine to the liver to bile and back to the intestines,
known as the enterohepatic circulation, may be established. Enterohepatic circulation usually
involves contaminants that undergo metabolic degradation in the liver. For example, DDT undergoes
enterohepatic circulation; a product of its metabolism in the liver is excreted into the bile, at least in
experimental animals (28).

Various factors modify absorption from the GI tract and enhance or depress its barrier function. A
decrease in gastrointestinal mobility generally favors increased absorption. Specific stomach
contents and secretions may react with the contaminant and possibly change it to a form with
different physicochemical properties (e.g., solubility), or they may absorb it, alter the available
chemical, and change the translocation rates. The size of ingested particulates also affects absorption.
Because the rate of dissolution is inversely proportional to particle size, large particles are absorbed
to a lesser degree, especially if they are fairly insoluble in the first place. Certain chemicals, e.g.,
chelating agents such as EDTA, also cause a nonspecific increase in the absorption of many

As a defense, spastic contractions in the stomach and intestine may eliminate noxious agents via
vomiting or by accelerating the transit of feces through the GI tract.
4.9 Skin Exposure and Dermal Absorption
The skin is generally an effective barrier against the entry of environmental chemicals. To be
absorbed via this route (percutaneous absorption), an agent must traverse a number of cellular layers
before gaining access to the general circulation (Fig. 2.8) (29). The skin consists of two structural
regions, the epidermis and the dermis, which rest on connective tissue. The epidermis consists of a
number of layers of cells and varies in thickness depending on the region of the body; the outermost
layer is composed of keratinized cells. The dermis contains blood vessels, hair follicles, sebaceous
and sweat glands, and nerve endings. The epidermis represents the primary barrier to percutaneous
absorption, the dermis is freely permeable to many materials. Passage through the epidermis occurs
by passive diffusion.

Figure 2.8. Idealized section of skin. The horny layer is also known as the stratum corneum. From
Birmingham (29).

The main factors that affect percutaneous absorption are the degree of lipid solubility of the
chemicals, the site on the body, the local blood flow, and the skin temperature. Some environmental
chemicals that are readily absorbed through the skin are phenol, carbon tetrachloride, tetraethyl lead,
and organophosphate pesticides. Certain chemicals, e.g., dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and formic
acid, alter the integrity of skin and facilitate penetration of other materials by increasing the
permeability of the stratum corneum. Moderate changes in permeability may also result following
topical applications of acetone, methyl alcohol, and ethyl alcohol. In addition, cutaneous injury may
enhance percutaneous absorption.

Interspecies differences in percutaneous absorption are responsible for the selective toxicity of many
insecticides. For example, DDT is about equally hazardous to insects and mammals if ingested but is
much less hazardous to mammals when applied to the skin. This results from its poor absorption
through mammalian skin compared to its ready passage through the insect exoskeleton. Although the
main route of percutaneous absorption is through the epidermal cells, some chemicals may follow an
appendageal route, i.e., entering through hair follicles, sweat glands, or sebaceous glands. Cuts and
abrasions of the skin can provide additional pathways for penetration.
4.10 Absorption Through Membranes and Systemic Circulation
Depending upon its specific nature, a chemical contaminant may exert its toxic action at various sites
in the body. At a portal of entry—the respiratory tract, GI tract, or skin—the chemical may have a
topical effect. However, for actions at sites other than the portal, the agent must be absorbed through
one or more body membranes and enter the general circulation, from which it may become available
to affect internal tissues (including the blood itself). Therefore, the ultimate distribution of any
chemical contaminant in the body is highly dependent on its ability to traverse biological
membranes. There are two main types of processes by which this occurs: passive transport and active

Passive transport is absorption according to purely physical processes, such as osmosis; the cell has
no active role in transfer across the membrane. Because biological membranes contain lipids, they
are highly permeable to lipid-soluble, nonpolar, or nonionized agents and less so to lipid-insoluble,
polar, or ionized materials. Many chemicals may exist in both lipid-soluble and lipid-insoluble
forms; the former is the prime determinant of the passive permeability properties of the specific

Active transport involves specialized mechanisms, and cells actively participate in transfer across
membranes. These mechanisms include carrier systems within the membrane and active processes of
cellular ingestion, phagocytosis and pinocytosis. Phagocytosis is the ingestion of solid particles,
whereas pinocytosis refers to the ingestion of fluid containing no visible solid material. Lipid-
insoluble materials are often taken up by active-transport processes. Although some of these
mechanisms are highly specific, if the chemical structure of a contaminant is similar to that of an
endogeneous substrate, the former may also be transported.

In addition to its lipid-solubility, the distribution of a chemical contaminant also depends on its
affinity for specific tissues or tissue components. Internal distribution may vary with time after
exposure. For example, immediately following absorption into the blood, inorganic lead localizes in
the liver, the kidney, and in red blood cells. Two hours later, about 50% is in the liver. A month later,
approximately 90% of the remaining lead is localized in bone (30).

Once in the general circulation, a contaminant may be translocated throughout the body. In this
process it may (1) become bound to macromolecules, (2) undergo metabolic transformation
(biotransformation), (3) be deposited for storage in depots that may or may not be the sites of its
toxic action, or (4) be excreted. Toxic effects may occur at any of several sites.

The biological action of a contaminant may be terminated by storage, metabolic transformation, or

excretion; the latter is the most permanent form of removal.
4.11 Accumulation in Target Tissues and Dosimetric Models
Some chemicals concentrate in specific tissues because of physicochemial properties such as
selective solubility or selective absorption on or combined with macromolecules such as proteins.
Storage of a chemical often occurs when the rate of exposure is greater than the rate of metabolism
and/or excretion. Storage or binding sites may not be the sites of toxic action. For example, carbon
monoxide produces its effects by binding with hemoglobin in red blood cells; on the other hand,
inorganic lead is stored primarily in bone but exerts its toxic effects mainly on the soft tissues of the

If the storage site is not the site of toxic action, selective sequestration may be a protective
mechanism because only the freely circulating form of the contaminant produces harmful effects.
Until the storage sites are saturated, a buildup of free chemical may be prevented. On the other hand,
selective storage limits the amount of contaminant that is excreted. Because bound or stored
toxicants are in equilibrium with their free form, as the contaminant is excreted or metabolized, it is
released from the storage site. Contaminants that are stored (e.g., DDT in lipids and lead in bone)
may remain in the body for years without effect. However, upon weight loss and mobilization of
body reserves, the stored chemicals can enter the circulation and produce toxic effects. For example,
pregnant women who had prior excessive exposure to lead can increase their own blood lead levels
and also create high and possibly damaging levels of lead exposures to their fetus. Accumulating
chemicals may also produce illnesses that develop slowly, as occurs in chronic cadmium poisoning.

A number of descriptive and mathematical models have been developed to permit estimation of toxic
effects from knowledge of exposure and one or more of the following factors: translocation,
metabolism, and effects at the site of toxic action.

More complex models that require data on translocation and metabolism have been developed for
inhaled and ingested radionuclides by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (6–
Pathways and Measuring Exposure To Toxic Substances
Morton Lippmann, Ph.D., CIH

5 Measuring and Modeling Human Exposures

Direct measurement data on personal exposures to environmental toxicants would be ideal for risk
assessments for individuals, and personal exposure data on large numbers of representative
individuals would be ideal for performing population-based risk assessments. However,
considerations of technical feasibility, willingness and ability to participate in extensive
measurement studies among individuals of interest, and cost almost invariably preclude this option.
Instead, more indirect measures of exposure and/or exposure models are relied on that combine a
limited number of direct measurements with general background knowledge, historic measurement
data believed to be relevant to the particular situation, and some reasonable assumptions based on
first principles and/or expert judgements.

When monitoring exposures, it is highly desirable to have benchmarks (exposure limits) as

references. There are well-established occupational exposure limits for hundreds of air contaminants,
including legal limits such as the Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) established by the U.S.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as well as a larger number of Threshold
Limit Values (TLVs) recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) as professional practice guidelines.

For ingested chemicals, there are acceptable daily intake values (ADIs), such as those adopted by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Until now, comparable exposure limits have not been available for dermal exposure. However, Bos
et al. (31) recently proposed a procedure for deriving such limits, and Brouwer et al. (32) performed
a feasibility study following the Bos et al. proposal. Table 2.2 from Bos et al. (31) summarizes the
nature and applications of such dermal exposure limits.

Table 2.2. Some Characteristics of Available Exposure Limitsa

Route of Entry

Respiratory Gastrointestinal Miscellaneous

Tract Tract Skin or Combined

Name Maximum Acceptable daily Skin Biological limit

accepted intake (ADI) denotation value; (BEI,
concentration BAT-Werte,
(MAC) biological
Threshold monitoring
limit value guidance value)
Qualitative Quantitative Quantitative Qualitative Quantitative
Target Working General Working Working
population population population population population or
Dimensions mg/m3 mk/kg/food Not (a) mg/L blood,
applicable; mg/L urine,
however mg/m3 exhaled
parts per mg/kg body likely to be (b)
million (ppm) weight assessed as mg cholinesterase
inhibition, zinc
DNA adducts,
fibres n/m3 (mg/cm2) mutations, etc.
Monitoring Environmental Food residues or For example, Biological
methods monitoring contaminants in environmental media: blood,
(EM) combination with surface wipe- urine, exhaled
food intake data off; patches, air, feces, hair
methods; skin
Personal air No specific washings; or
sampling worker skin stripping
(PAS) monitoring

From Bos et al. (31).
In routine monitoring of occupational exposures, it is quite common to collect shift-long (~ 8 hour)
integrated breathing zone samples using passive diffusion samplers (for gases and vapors) or battery-
powered personal samplers that draw a continuous low flow rate stream of air from the breathing
zone through a filter or cartridge located in the breathing zone that captures essentially all of the air
contaminants of interest for subsequent laboratory analyses. Such sampling is typically performed on
only a single worker or at most on a small fraction of the workforce on the basis that the exposures
of the sentinel worker(s) represent the exposures of other, unmonitored workers in the same works
environment. In this case, the modeling of the other worker's exposures is relatively simple.

Shift-long sampling can provide essential information for cumulative toxicants, but that information
may be inadequate when peak exposure levels are important (as for upper respiratory irritants or
asphyxiants). Continuous readout monitors would be ideal for evaluating such exposures, but may be
impractical because of their size and/or cost. Spot or grab samples can be informative for evaluating
of such exposures but require prior knowledge of the timing and locations of peak exposures. In such
situations, peak exposures can be estimated using fixed-site continuous monitors in the general
vicinity and supplementary information or experience-based models that relate breathing zone levels
to general air levels in the room. Time-activity pattern data on each worker can be combined with
measured or estimated concentrations at each work site or with specific work activities to construct a
time-weighted average exposure (TWAE) for that worker to supplement estimates of peak
exposures. The characteristics of equipment used for air sampling in industry are described in detail
in Air Sampling Instruments (33).

In constructing exposure estimates or models for community air or indoor air exposures for the
general population, this time-weighted averaging approach is generally known as
microenvironmental exposure assessment. For community air pollutants of outdoor origin, data are
often available on the concentrations measured at central monitoring sites, and population exposures
to these pollutants are based on models incorporating time-activity patterns (indoors and outdoors),
as well as factors representing the infiltration and persistence of the pollutants indoors. Such models
should recognize the substantial variability of time-activity patterns among and between
subsegments of the population (children, working adults, elderly and/or disabled adults, etc.).
5.1 Biomonitoring
An alternate approach to measuring exposures directly is the use of biomarkers of exposures,
determined from analyses of samples of blood, urine, feces, hair, nails, or exhaled air. The levels of
the contaminant, its metabolites, changes in induced enzyme or protein levels, or characteristic
alterations in DNA may be indicative of recent peak or past cumulative exposures. Exposure
biomarkers may be complementary to and, in some cases, preferable to direct measures of
environmental exposures. In any case, they are more biologically informative than indirect measures
based on models and knowledge of sources or qualitative measures of exposure such as
questionnaires about work and/or residential histories. There are diverse types of biomarkers that
range from simple to complex in measurement requirements, and they are diverse in their
relationships to either remote or recent exposures. There is also a range of biological relevance
among exposure biomarkers: some provide indices that are directly biologically relevant, e.g., the
level of carbon monoxide in end-tidal air samples and the risk of myocardial ischemia, whereas
others, although broadly related, may not cover the temporally appropriate exposure window, e.g.,
nicotine levels in biological fluids and lung cancer risk from smoke exposure.

For the near term, extensive development of new molecular level biomarkers relevant to malignant
and nonmalignant diseases can be anticipated. However, most of these new exposure biomarkers
remain to be validated, and few will be ready for translation to the population in the short term.
Anticipated applications include epidemiological studies of responses to low-level exposures to
environmental agents. Biomarkers will also be used to validate other exposure assessment methods
and to provide more proximate estimates of dose.

Exposure biomarkers may be applied to groups that have unique exposure or susceptibility patterns,
to monitor the population in general, and to document the consequences of exposure assessment
strategies designed to reduce population exposures.

Exposure biomarkers validated against the end point of disease risk and used in conjunction with
other measurements and metrics of exposure should prove particularly effective in risk assessment.
However, biomarkers of exposure may pose new and unanticipated ethical dilemmas. Information
gained from biomolecular markers of exposure may provide an early warning of high risk or
preclinical disease; capability for early warning will require a high level of, and an accepted social-
regulatory framework for follow-up actions. They may also cause false alarms and needless stress
for individuals warned about the presence of uncertain signals.

In summary, exposure represents contact between a concentration of an agent in air, water, food, or
other material and the person or population of interest. The agent is the source of an internal dose to
a critical organ or tissue. The magnitude of the dose depends on a number of factors: (1) the volumes
inhaled or ingested; (2) the fractions of the inhaled or ingested material transferred across epithelial
membranes of the skin, the respiratory tract, and the GI tract; (3) the fractions transported via
circulating fluids to target tissues; and (4) the fractional uptake by the target tissues. Each of these
factors can have considerable intersubject variability. Sources of variability include activity level,
age, sex, and health status, as well as such inherent variabilities as race and size.

With chronic or repetitive exposures, other factors affect the dose of interest. When the retention at,
or effects on, the target tissues are cumulative and clearance or recovery is slow, the dose of interest
can be represented by cumulative uptake. However, when the agent is rapidly eliminated or when its
effects are rapidly and completely reversible on removal from exposure, the rate of delivery may be
the dose parameter of primary interest.
5.2 Determining Concentrations of Toxic Chemicals in Human Microenvironments
The technology for sampling air, water, and food is relatively well developed, as are the technologies
for sample separation from copollutants, media, and interferences and for quantitative analyses of the
components of interest. However, knowing when, where, how long, and at which rate and frequency
to sample to collect data relevant to the exposures of interest is difficult and requires knowledge of
the temporal and spatial variability of exposure concentrations. Unfortunately, we seldom have
enough information of these kinds to guide our sample collections. Many of these factors that affect
occupational exposures are discussed in detail in the chapters of Patty's Industrial Hygiene, 5th ed.
(33) The following represents a very brief summary of some general considerations.
5.3 Water and Foods
Concentrations of environmental chemicals in food and drinking water are extremely variable, and
there are further variations in the amounts consumed because of the extreme variability in dietary
preferences and food sources. The number of foods for which up-to-date concentration data for
specific chemicals are available is extremely limited. Relevant human dietary exposure data are
sometimes available in terms of market basket survey analyses. In this approach, food for a mixed
diet is purchased, cleaned, processed, and prepared as for consumption, and one set of specific
chemical analyses is done for the composite mixture.

The concentrations of chemicals in potable piped water supplies depend greatly on the source of the
water, its treatment history, and its pathway from the treatment facility to the tap. Surface waters
from protected watersheds generally have low concentrations of dissolved minerals and
environmental chemicals. Well waters usually have low concentrations of bacteria and
environmental chemicals but often have high mineral concentrations. Poor waste disposal practices
may contribute to groundwater contamination, especially in areas of high population density and/or
industrial sources of wastes. Treated surface waters from lakes and rivers in densely populated
and/or industrialized areas usually contain a wide variety of dissolved organics and trace metals,
whose concentrations vary greatly with the season (because of variable surface runoff), with
proximity to pollutant sources, with upstream usage, and with treatment efficacy.

The uptake of environmental chemicals in bathing waters across intact skin is usually minimal
compared to uptake via inhalation or ingestion. It depends on both the concentration in the fluid
surrounding the skin surface and the polarity of the chemical; more polar chemicals have less ability
to penetrate intact skin. Uptake via skin can be significant for occupational exposures to
concentrated liquids or solids.
5.4 Air
Although chemical uptake through ingestion and the skin surface is generally intermittent, inhalation
provides a continuous means of exposure. The important variables that affect the uptake of inhaled
chemicals are the depth and frequency of inhalation and the concentration and physicochemical
properties of the chemicals in the air.

Exposure to airborne chemicals varies widely among inhalation microenvironments, whose

categories include workplace, residence, outdoor ambient air, transportation, recreation, and public
spaces. There are also wide variations in exposure within each category, depending on the number
and strength of the sources of the airborne chemicals, the volume and mixing characteristics of the
air within the defined microenvironment, the rate of air exchange with the outdoor air, and the rate of
loss to surfaces within the microenvironment.

For community air pollutants that have national ambient air quality standards, particulate matter
(PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and lead
(Pb), there is an extensive network of fixed-site monitors, generally on rooftops. Although the use of
these monitors generates large volumes of data, the concentrations at these sites may differ
substantially from the concentrations that people breathe, especially for tailpipe pollutants such as
CO. Data for other toxic pollutants in the outdoor ambient air are not generally collected routinely.
5.5 Workplace
Exposures to airborne chemicals at work are extremely variable in composition and concentration
and depend on the materials being handled, the process design and operation, the kinds and degree of
engineering controls applied to minimize release to the air, the work practices followed, and the
personal protection provided.
5.6 Residential
Airborne chemicals in residential microenvironments are attributable to air infiltrating from out of
doors and to the release from indoor sources. The latter include unvented cooking stoves and space
heaters, cigarettes, consumer products, and volatile emissions from wallboard, textiles, carpets, etc.
Indoor sources can release enough nitrogen dioxide (NO2), fine particle mass (FPM), and
formaldehyde (HCHO) that indoor concentrations for these chemicals can be much higher than those
in ambient outdoor air. Furthermore, their contributions to the total human exposure are usually even
greater because people usually spend much more time at home than outdoors.
5.7 Conventions for Size-Selective Inhalation Hazard Sampling for Particles
In recent years, quantitative definitions of Inhalable particulate matter (IPM), Thoracic particulate
matter (TPM), and Respirable particulate matter (RPM) have been internationally harmonized. The
size-selective inlet specifications for air samplers that meet the criteria of ACGIH (34), ISO (35),
and CEN (36) are enumerated in Table 2.3 and illustrated in Figure 2.9. They differ from the
deposition fractions of ICRP (6), especially for larger particles, because they take the conservative
position that protection should be provided for those engaged in oral inhalation and thereby bypass
the more efficient filtration efficiency of the nasal passages.

Figure 2.9. Effect of size-selective inlet characteristic on the aerosol mass collected by a
downstream filter. IPM = inhalable particulate matter; TSP = total suspended particulate;
TPM = thoracic particulate matter; (aka PM10); RPM = respirable particulate matter; and
PM2.5 = fine particulate matter in ambient air.

Table 2.3. Inhalable, Thoracic and Respirable Dust Criteria of ACGIH, ISO and CEN, and
Criteria of U.S. EPA
Inhalable Thoracic Respirable PM10

Particle Inhalable Particle Thoracic Particle Respirable Particle Th

Aerodynamic Particulate Aerodynamic Particulate Aerodynamic Particulate Aerodynamic Par
Mass Mass
Diameter Mass Diameter (TPM) Diameter (RPM) Diameter Ma
(mm) (IPM) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (TP

0 100 0 100 0 100 0

1 97 2 94 1 97 2
2 94 4 89 2 91 4
5 87 6 80.5 3 74 6
10 77 8 67 4 50 8
20 65 10 50 5 30 10
30 58 12 35 6 17 12
40 54.5 14 23 7 9 14
50 52.5 16 15 8 5 16
100 50 18 9.5 10 1
20 6
25 2

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (36a) set a standard for ambient air particle
concentration known as PM10, i.e., for particulate matter less than 10 mm in aerodynamic diameter.
It replaced a poorly defined size-selective criterion known as total suspended particulate matter
(TSP), whose actual inlet cut varied with wind speed and direction. PM10 has a sampler inlet
criterion that is similar (functionally equivalent) to TPM but, as shown in Table 2.3, has somewhat
different numerical specifications.

In 1997, following its most recent thorough review of the literature on the health effects of ambient
PM, the EPA concluded that most of the health effects attributable to PM in ambient air were more
closely associated with the fine particles in the fine particle accumulation mode (extending from
about 0.1 to 2.5 mm) than with the coarse mode particles within PM10 and promulgated new
National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) based on fine particles, defined as particles whose
aerodynamic diameters (dae) are less than 2.5 mm (PM2.5), to supplement the PM10 NAAQS that
was retained (37). The selection of dae = 2.5 mm as the criterion for defining the upper bound of fine
particles in a regulatory sense was, inevitably, an arbitrary selection made from a range of possible
options. It was arrived at using the following rationales:

• Fine particles produce adverse health effects more because of their chemical composition than
their size (see Table 2.4) and need to be regulated using an index that is responsive to control
measures applied to direct and indirect sources of such particles.

Table 2.4. Comparisons of Ambient Fine and Coarse Mode Particlesa

Fine Mode Coarse Mode

Formed Gases Large solids/droplets
Formed by Chemical reaction; nucleation; Mechanical disruption (e.g.,
condensation; coagulation; crushing, grinding, abrasion of
evaporation of fog and cloud surfaces); evaporation of
droplets in which gases have sprays; suspension of dusts
dissolved and reacted
Composed Sulfate, SO 2–; nitrate, NO –; Resuspended dusts (e.g., soil
4 3
of +
dust, street dust); coal and oil
ammonium, NH4 ; hydrogen fly ash; metal oxides of crustal
ion, H ; elemental carbon; elements (Si, Al, Ti, Fe);
organic compounds (e.g., PAHs, CaCO3, NaCl, sea salt; pollen,
PNAs); metals (e.g., Pb, Cd, V, mold spores; plant/animal
Ni, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe); particle- fragments; tire wear debris
bound water
Solubility Largely soluble, hygroscopic, Largely insoluble and non
and deliquescent hygroscopic.
Sources Combustion of coal, oil, Resuspension of industrial dust
gasoline, diesel, wood; and soil tracked onto roads;
atmospheric transformation suspension from disturbed soil
products of NOx, SO2, and (e.g., farming, mining, unpaved
organic compounds including roads); biological sources;
biogenic species (e.g., terpenes); construction and demolition;
high temperature processes, coal and oil combustion; ocean
smelters, steel mills, etc. spray
Lifetimes Days to weeks Minutes to hours
Travel 100s to 1000s of kilometers <1 to 10s of kilometers

Source: USEPA (36).
• Any separation by aerodynamic particle size that attempts to separate fine mode from coarse mode
particles cannot include all fine mode particles and exclude all coarse mode particles because the
modes overlap (see Figure 2.9).
• The position of the “saddle point” between the fine mode and coarse mode peaks varies with
aerosol composition and climate. Data from Michigan indicates a volumetric saddle point at dae
~2 mm. If the data were corrected for particle density, it might be somewhat higher. Data from
Arizona have a lower saddle point at dae ~1.5 mm.
• Evidence of a need for a fine particle NAAQS came from studies based on PM2.5 or PM2.1. If
PM2.5 errs, it also does so on the conservative side with respect to health protection. Further, it was
deemed to be impractical to have different cut sizes in different parts of the United States.
• The intrusion of coarse mode mass into PM2.5 can be minimized by specifying a relatively sharp
cut characteristic for the PM2.5 reference sampler (i.e., sg=1.5).

5.8 Indirect Measures of Past Exposures

Documented effects of environmental chemicals on humans seldom contain quantitative exposure
data and only occasionally include more than crude exposure rankings based on known contact with
or proximity to the materials believed to have caused the effects. Reasonable interpretation of the
available human experience requires some appreciation of the uses and limitations of the data used to
estimate the exposure side of the exposure–response relationship. The discussion that follows is an
attempt to provide background for interpreting data and for specifying the kinds of data needed for
various analyses.

Both direct and indirect exposure data can be used to rank exposed individuals by exposure intensity.
External exposure can be measured directly by collecting and analyzing environmental media.
Internal exposure can be estimated from analyses of biological fluids and in vivo retention. Indirect
measures generally rely on work or residential histories based on some knowledge of exposure
intensity at each exposure site and/or some enumeration of the frequency of process upsets and/or
effluent discharges that result in high-intensity, short-term exposures.
5.9 Concentrations in Air, Water, Food, and Biological Samples
Historic data may occasionally be available for the concentrations of materials of interest in
environmental media. However, they may or may not relate to the exposures of interest. Among the
more important questions to be addressed in attempts to use such data are,

1. How accurate and reliable were the sampling and analytical techniques used in collecting the
data? Were they subjected to any quality assurance protocols? Were standardized and/or reliable
techniques used?
2. When and where were the samples collected, and how did they relate to exposures at other sites?
Air concentrations measured at fixed (area) sites in industry may be much lower than those that
occur in the breathing zone of workers close to the contaminant sources. Air concentrations at
fixed (generally elevated) community air-sampling sites can be either much higher or much lower
than those at street level and indoors as a result of strong gradients in source and sink strengths in
indoor and outdoor air.
3. What is known or assumed about the ingestion of food and/or water containing the measured
concentrations of the contaminants of interest? Time at home and dietary patterns are highly
variable among populations at risk.

Many of the same questions that apply to the interpretation of environmental media concentration
data also apply to biological samples, especially quality assurance. The time of sampling is
especially critical in relation to the times of the exposures and to the metabolic rates and pathways.
In most cases, it is quite difficult to separate the contributions to the concentrations in circulating
fluids of levels from recent exposures and those from long-term reservoirs.
5.10 Exposure Histories
Exposure histories per se are generally unavailable, except in the sense that job or work histories,
routine compliance data on air concentrations, and/or residential histories can be interpreted in terms
of exposure histories. Job histories are often available in company and/or union records and can be
converted into relative rankings of exposure groups with the aid of long-term employees and
managers familiar with the work processes, history of process changes, material handled, tasks
performed, and the engineering controls of exposure.
5.11 Occupational Exposure Data in the Information Age
There are increasing opportunities for obtaining technical information that can inform our exposure
and risk assessments that arise from the development of: (1) sensitive passive monitors for time-
weighted average analyses; (2) miniature direct-reading sensors for collecting time-resolved, as well
as average personal and area concentration data; (3) long-path sensors for area monitoring; (4)
computerized tomography techniques for developing concentration maps from long-path monitoring
data; (5) biomarkers of exposure; (6) technical means of determining worker presence at
workstations; and (7) an ever-growing toxicological and epidemiological database for relating
exposure to risk.
5.12 Exposure Measurements
In the area of chemical sensors, there are multiple possibilities for developing automated and, in
some cases, relatively inexpensive real-time microsensors for measuring gaseous and particulate
pollutants in personal and microenvironmental measurements (see Table 2.5) (38). New materials
and coating technologies can provide the chemical specificity and selectivity needed for such
sensors. These new technologies offer the means to do near real-time measurements to understand
the variability of exposures over short and long time periods. Such sensors could also be used to
directly reduce exposures by providing immediate exposure information to monitored populations or
through linkages to control systems, e.g., air quality monitoring coupled with ventilation controls.

Table 2.5. A Few Examples of New Sensor Technologies with Potential

Applications to Occupational and Air Pollutant Exposure Assessmenta

Ultrasonic Flexural Plate Wave (FPW) Devices for Chemical Multiarray

Microsensors. Highly sensitive flexural plate wave devices are being
developed for in situ, real time analyses of particles and volatile organic
compounds in indoor and outdoor air and clean rooms and in emissions
sources. FPW sensors can be batch fabricated using well-developed and
inexpensive silicon technology and interfaced with microprocessors that
record and analyze the sensed measurements.
Computer Tomography/Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometry. This
emerging technology will provide the means to characterize spatial
distributions and movements of air pollutants in three dimensions in indoor
and outdoor environments. Recent breakthroughs in computer algorithms for
computer tomography have made it possible for this technology to be
commercially available within three to five years.

(From USEPA-SAB-IAQC) (38).
Sensor data from field measurements can be transmitted over telecommunications lines directly to
computer systems for analysis. Such direct transmission reduces chances for errors in recording data.

Many different kinds of exposure-related models that take advantage of computer capabilities and
large databases of information have already been developed and are currently available. These
include exposure models that combine concentration data with time-activity patterns to estimate
exposures, physiologically based pharmacokinetic models that describe the distribution and
metabolism of toxic chemicals (including biomarkers) in the body, and health effects models (e.g.,
cancer risk models). Such models are typically developed as single models without considering
linkages to other models and are often written in different computer languages and have system
designs that are not readily compatible with other models. For more fully integrated exposure
analysis, from sources to health effects, integrating frameworks must be developed that more readily
allow the output from one model to serve easily as input into other models.

In the near future, new insights will inevitably come from combining measurements of the personal
environment with measurements of the individual's capacity to interact with that environment. For
example, it is technically possible to record simultaneous real-time measurements of specific
airborne compounds in an individual's breathing zone, an individual's breathing and exercise rates,
and geographic location. Such advanced technology is already being used in some large industries.
For example, some combine location in a work area (accessible by coded badges) and continuous
work area air monitoring outputs to automatically compute daily time-weighted average exposures of
worker cohorts.
5.13 Expanded Applications of Occupational Exposure Databases
Hygienists tend to be compulsive about the quality of the data they collect when assessing
occupational exposures and the influence of exposure determinants. They are likely to be careful and
consistent in collecting data according to a rational sampling strategy that aids them in interpreting
the data and the preparation of recommendations for remedial actions as needed. They also often use
a cumulative data set to document progress in reducing exposures and/or to identify evidence for
actual or potential increases. However, they may not recognize additional ways that their carefully
acquired data resources can be used by them or others for other important purposes.

Perhaps the single most important need to use such data more broadly is to collect and enter more
data on exposure determinants into the databases. Another critical need is to devise means for
censoring the data, so that specific individuals and companies do not incur legal or public relations
problems because their data become available to others in a traceable form. There will need to be a
long period of gradual development and experience with such systems before widespread donations
of data can be expected. No matter how long it takes, it is important that the harmonization of the
data elements to be entered into company-specific databases take place as soon as possible, so that it
is at least feasible for disparate data to be used in a combined analysis. These could be used in
corporatewide or industrywide analyses whose results end up in peer-reviewed scientific literature
that can benefit all interested parties.

There are now opportunities for harmonizing data elements in occupational exposure databases that,
when combined with the capabilities of our state-of-the-art hardware and software, will enable us to
collect, assemble, and store very large amounts of data. If such consolidated databases are properly
assembled and quality-assured, they could be used by individuals and companies that contributed
data, by trade associations, and by research investigators to learn more about the distributions and
determinants of occupational exposures, the efficacy of technical means of exposure controls, and
the adequacy of current exposure limits for preventing health effects. A Workshop on Occupational
Exposure Databases (39) reviewed the various activities that were underway. This was followed by
the active development of Guidelines for the Development of Occupational Exposure Databases by
both a Joint Ad Hoc Committee of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
(ACGIH) and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and by a Task Group appointed
by the European Commission. Fortunately, both groups tried to harmonize their recommendations
before they were completed. The final report of the ACGIH-AIHA Ad Hoc Committee appeared in
Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (40), along with a progress report from the
European Community Task Group (41).

Important issues remain to be resolved before suitable arrangements can be made to establish a
central exposure data repository or for other means of sharing proprietary data that are collected and
stored using a common format. It is clear that, for at least some secondary uses of compatible data
from different sources, means must be provided to ensure that the data elements cannot be traced
back to individual workers, individual work sites, or even to employers.
5.14 Applications and Environmental Exposure and Effects Databases
The environmental health field has learned a great deal about some of the more subtle effects of
environmental toxicants on human populations by studying the statistical associations between
mortality and morbidity indices, on the one hand, and environmental exposure indices, on the other.
Small, but statistically significant increases in population relative risks (RRs) have been
demonstrated that link

• blood lead to blood pressure in U.S. adults (based on data from the second National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) (42).
• blood lead and hearing acuity to neurobehavioral development in children, also based on
• blood lead to stature in children, also based on NHANES II (44).
• both ozone and sulfate particles to hospital admissions for respiratory diseases in various U.S. and
Canadian communities (45–47).
• fine particles to hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases in various U.S. and Canadian
communities (48, 49).
• fine particles to daily mortality rates in various communities in the Americas and Europe (45, 50).
• fine particles and sulfate particles to annual mortality rates in various U.S. communities (45, 47,
51, 52).
• environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) to lung cancer mortality among spouses in various
communities in the U.S., Asia, and Europe (53).
• ETS to 150,000 to 300,000 cases/year of lower respiratory tract infections in U.S. children (53).
• ETS to 200,000 to 1,000,000 additional asthma episodes/year in U.S. children (53).
• ETS to increased prevalence of fluid in the middle ear, symptoms of upper respiratory tract,
irritation, reduced lung function in children, and as a risk factor for new cases of asthma in
children (53).

In each of these cases, the risks are relatively low ( 1.3), and the biological mechanisms that may
account for the associations are either only suggestive or unknown. However, the strength and
consistency of the observations are compelling, and attempts to find confounding factors that can
account for the associations have been unsuccessful. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) (44, 45, 53) has used these findings for public health guidance and to set environmental
standards. In some cases, detecting such small relative risks was possible only because of the large
sizes of the populations studied, sometimes including the total populations of large cities, as for the
daily mortality and hospital admissions studies (45). In other cases, stratified random samples of the
whole U.S. population have been used, as in the NHANES studies (42–44). Another approach has
been to obtain individual risk factor data on large cohorts of individuals. For example, the American
Cancer Society study of the relationship between annual mortality and sulfate particle concentrations
used data on more than a half million people in 151 U.S. communities (52).

For occupational health studies, the opportunities to study large populations in definable exposure
groupings have been quite rare, and few epidemiological studies have had the statistical power to
detect relative risks below about 2.

In the future, opportunities for access to data sets that have individual exposure data on relatively
large numbers of workers for the study of exposure–response relationships characterized by small
relative risks may eventually emerge if the Guidelines and Recommendations on Data Elements for
Occupational Exposure Databases, recently endorsed by the Boards of ACGIH and AIHA, discussed
previously, are adopted by industries, trade associations, and governmental agencies.

Pathways and Measuring Exposure To Toxic Substances

Morton Lippmann, Ph.D., CIH

Parts of this review were extracted from other writings by the author in Environmental Toxicants,
2nd ed., published by Wiley in 2000, Air Sampling Instruments, 9th ed., published by the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists in 2000, and in the 1996 Henry F. Smyth lecture
that appeared in Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (11:1287–1293, 1996). This
work was part of a Center Program supported by Grant ES00260 from the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences.

Pathways and Measuring Exposure To Toxic Substances

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Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology

Carole A. Kimmel, Ph.D., Judy Buelke-Sam

1.0 Introduction
Reproductive toxicology encompasses the study of a wide variety of chemical and physical agents
and their effects on the structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems, the
ability to conceive and reproduce, the nurture of the young during pregnancy and lactation, and the
development of offspring to grow, mature, and reproduce (Fig. 3.1). Developmental toxicology
involves the study of the effects of preconceptional, prenatal, and/or postnatal exposures up to the
time of sexual maturity on developmental processes. Developmental toxicology is a subset of
reproductive toxicology, although the subsequent effects of direct postnatal exposure of young
animals or children traditionally have notx been considered part of reproductive toxicology.
Reproductive dysfunction and developmental disorders are major public health issues that affect
significant proportions of the population. Infertility in humans, defined as the inability to conceive
after one year of unprotected intercourse, has been estimated to affect approximately 8% of all
married couples in the United States (1). Billions of dollars are spent each year on fertility
treatments, including fertility drugs and the increased use of assisted reproductive techniques (e.g., in
vitro fertilization). Although many of these technologies can improve fertility, some can also result
in multiple births that put small and premature babies at risk. The causes of infertility are varied, and
the impact of chemical and physical agents on the reproductive system is unclear. However, several
reports in the 1990s of declining human sperm concentration, an increased incidence of
cryptorchidism, hypospadias, and testicular cancer, as well as reports that some chemicals may act
by disrupting endocrine function (2–5), have raised concerns that environmental chemicals might be
causing some of these problems. These concerns have led to requirements, as part of the Food
Quality Protection Act of 1996, for testing pesticides and industrial chemicals for their potential to
cause endocrine disruption.

Figure 3.1. Reproductive life cycle of the parental and F1 generations showing the major stages in
development, reproduction, and aging.

The incidence of spontaneous abortions in the population has been estimated to be as high as 50% of
all conceptions (6, 7). Many of these occur before implantation in the uterus, are not detected, and
cannot be distinguished from subfertility or infertility. Tests sensitive to the production of human
chorionic gonadotropin as early as eight days after conception (before a woman may know she is
pregnant) have shown a rate of 32–34% spontaneous abortions for postimplantation pregnancies (8,
9). The incidence of major birth defects in live-born children is 3–4%, and developmental disorders
at school age affect approximately 12–14% of all children. The lifetime cost of caring for children
born each year with the 17 most common birth defects and cerebral palsy has been estimated to be
more than $8 billion. (10). This is a conservative estimate because these birth defects affect only
22% of children born with birth defects in a year and lost wages of caregivers were not considered.
Developmental disorders also include the full gamut of functional effects such as neurobehavioral
deficits, altered cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, and other organ system dysfunction that result
from prenatal or postnatal exposures.

The contribution of chemical and physical agents to the cases of reproductive dysfunction in humans
is unknown, but there are some outstanding examples of environmental chemicals, pharmaceuticals,
and other agents that can affect reproduction, development, and function; these include, for example,
lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, diethylstilbestrol, thalidomide, cigarette smoking,
and alcohol.
1.1 Definitions
Reproductive toxicology is the study of the occurrence of biologically adverse effects on the
reproductive systems of females or males that may result from exposure to chemical or physical
agents. The toxicity may be expressed as alterations to the female or male reproductive organs, the
related endocrine system, or pregnancy outcomes. The manifestations of such toxicity may include,
but are not limited to, adverse effects on the onset of puberty, gamete production and transport,
reproductive cycle normality, sexual behavior, fertility, gestation, parturition, lactation,
developmental toxicity, premature reproductive senescence, or modifications in other functions that
depend on the integrity of the reproductive systems.

Fertility is defined as the capacity to conceive or induce conception.

Fecundity is the ability to produce offspring within a given time period. For litter-bearing species,
the ability to produce large litters is also a component of fecundity.

Developmental toxicity is the occurrence of adverse effects on the developing organism that may
result from exposure before conception (either parent), during prenatal development, or postnatally
to the time of sexual maturation. Adverse developmental effects may be detected at any point in the
life span of the organism. The major manifestations of developmental toxicity include (1) death of
the developing organism, (2) structural abnormality, (3) altered growth, and (4) functional

Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology

Carole A. Kimmel, Ph.D., Judy Buelke-Sam

2.0 Overview of Normal Reproduction and Development Relevant to Toxicology

An appreciation of normal reproductive biology and development is important for understanding and
evaluating the toxic effects of chemical and physical agents. This section provides an overview of
these processes and a discussion of issues that are important in toxicology. Reference texts on
reproductive and developmental biology and toxicology should be consulted for more detail (11–19).
2.1 Gametogenesis
The process by which germ cells (ova and sperm) are produced in both the male and female mammal
is termed gametogenesis (Fig. 3.2) (20). The germ cells originate in both sexes from cells lining the
embryonic yolk sac and, during the sixth week of gestation in humans, migrate into the gonadal
ridges and become spermatogonia or oogonia, residing in the testis or ovary, respectively. Although
many of the processes are similar in males and females, several differences are important for
reproductive and developmental toxicology.
Figure 3.2. Gametogenesis in the male and female (used with permission of W. B. Saunders Co.,
and modified from Ref. 20).

Spermatogonia are dormant until after birth and up to the time of puberty when they begin to
increase in number through mitosis and produce primary spermatocytes. These further divide by a
process called meiosis to form two haploid (half the chromosome number) secondary spermatocytes,
that further divide to form four spermatids. The process by which spermatids are transformed into
mature sperm is called spermiogenesis. Mature sperm are released into the lumen of the seminiferous
tubule of the testis. This transformation from spermatogonia to mature sperm, called
spermatogenesis, lasts for 60 days in rats or 80 days in humans and continues throughout the life of
the male, as long as undifferentiated A-type spermatogonia are present (21). Agents that affect
spermatogonia are the most devastating because the effects may be permanent, whereas effects on
later stages of spermatogenesis are more likely to be transient. For example, agents that affect DNA
synthesis and cell division, such as the chemotherapeutic agents cyclophosphamide and cytosine
arabinoside, affect spermatogonia and early spermatocytes (22, 23), whereas brief exposure to heat
affects spermatocytes and early spermatids (24) and temporarily results in reduced fertility which is
restored as later spermatocytes mature.

Oogenesis is the process of the development of mature ova in the female mammal. Before birth, the
oogonia proliferate by mitotic division and form primary oocytes surrounded by follicular cells. The
oocyte and its follicle cells are called a primary follicle. The first phase (Prophase I) of meiosis in the
oocyte begins before birth, and cells are then arrested until around puberty. At the onset of each
estrous cycle, a pool of primordial follicles is recruited into a growing pool of primary follicles, one
or more of which go on to form the large Graafian follicle and become an ovulatory follicle. In
rodents and other polytocous species, several primary follicles become ovulatory follicles. No more
primary oocytes are formed after birth. There is a normal process of atresia of oocytes throughout the
prenatal and postnatal periods decreasing from approximately 7 million at 5 months of gestation to
approximately 2.8 million at birth, with approximately 300,000 remaining at puberty (25). These
continue to decrease so that no more follicles are present by around age 50. Damage to oogonia or
primary oocytes before or after birth may be permanent, and an agent that increases atresia of
primary oocytes reduces the complement of total ova available for ovulation and possibly decreases
the time to onset of reproductive senescence (see later).
2.2 Fertilization
Fertilization involves the penetration of the ovum, its surrounding layers of granulosa cells, and the
acellular zona pellucida by the mature sperm in the upper reaches of the oviducts (Fig. 3.3) (26).
Fertilization requires a mature sperm that has undergone capacitation during its traverse of the
female reproductive tract. The events required in capacitation are not well understood, but require
plasma membrane modifications, decreases in net negative surface charge, changes in lipid
components, alterations in fluidity/mobility of membranes, increased ion permeability, and other
internal modifications. In addition, the acrosome reaction, which may facilitate penetration of the
granulosa cells, and activated motility, to allow penetration of the zona pellucida, occur. Factors that
can alter capacitation, the acrosome reaction, or activated motility may all play a role in preventing
normal fertilization (27).

Figure 3.3. Development of the human embryo in the reproductive tract from fertilization to
implantation (used with permission of Raven Press from Ref. 26, p. 47).

Several genetic aspects are determined at fertilization. First, the diploid number of chromosomes is
restored when the male and female pronuclei fuse and chromosomes from the two become the
chromosomal complement of the embyro. Second, by gaining genetic material from two different
individuals, genetic diversity is maintained. Third, sex is determined at fertilization, in that a sperm
bearing a Y chromosome results in a genetically male individual (XY zygote), whereas an X-bearing
sperm results in a genetic female (XX zygote). Finally, fertilization stimulates rapid cell division or
cleavage to form the embryo.
2.3 Female Reproduction
The female reproductive system involves the ovaries, uterus, oviducts, cervix, vagina, and mammary
glands. The function of these is controlled by a carefully regulated interaction between the
hypothalmus, the anterior pituitary, and the ovary. The hypothalmus secretes gonadotropin-releasing
hormone (GnRH) which results in follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
release from the anterior pituitary. A preovulatory surge of FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary
stimulates differentiation of the granulosa cells and further meiotic division of the primary oocytes to
a pre-ovulatory state (Fig. 3.4) (25).

Figure 3.4. Endocrinology of the reproductive cycle in normal women. The dominant cycle
structure, pituitary gonadotropins, gonadal steroids, and basal body temperature throughout the
menstrual cycle are depicted. Note that in the follicular phase, the follicle enlarges as the serum
estrogen rises. A midcycle gonadotropin surge heralds follicular rupture and release of the oocyte.
Immediately after ovulation, the corpus luteum develops and secretes large amounts of progesterone
with a resultant elevation in basal body temperature. In the absence of the conceptus, the luteal phase
is 14 days long, and declining progesterone coincides with the onset of menses (used with
permission of Raven Press from Ref. 25, p. 182).

The ovary is comprised of an outer cortex, which includes the follicles, and an inner medulla. The
granulosa and thecal cells of the follicle secrete estrogen in a modulated fashion during the cycle and
control secretion of FSH and LH through a negative feedback mechanism. As the estradiol level
rises, it stimulates the release of LH and FSH, and possibly has direct effects on the LH releasing
hormone (LHRH) which is released in a pulsatile fashion from the mediobasal hypothalamus. Once
ovulation occurs, the follicle forms the corpus luteum, and progesterone is secreted, which stimulates
the development of a secretory endometrium in the uterus in preparation for implantation.
Progesterone secretion also causes an increase in basal body temperature. If fertilization occurs,
progesterone levels continue to rise. In humans, chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) secreted by the
embryonic membranes is necessary to maintain the corpus luteum during early pregnancy. If
fertilization does not occur, the ovum degenerates, and menses ensues.

Agents that interfere with the development of the reproductive system and the normal hormonal
patterns necessary to regulate development may alter the intricate processes involved in a number of
different ways. For example, the normal structure of the ovaries, uterus, oviducts, cervix, and vagina
can be altered during development, resulting in interference with fertility and pregnancy. This was
the case with the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES), a potent synthetic estrogen used in the 1950s and
1960s to prevent spontaneous abortion. Unfortunately, the drug was not effective in preventing labor
but had profound effects on the development of the reproductive system in both boys and girls
exposed before birth and produced a rare form of cancer (vaginal adenocarcinoma) in females not
detected until after puberty (28). Synthetic androgens and antiandrogens also alter the structure of
reproductive organs by interfering with the normal hormonal milieu during development. For
example, ethinyl testosterone given to prevent spontaneous abortion resulted in masculinization
(pseudohermaphrodism) of female offspring (29), and other androgenic compounds (e.g., danazole,
methadriol, and methyltestosterone) prescribed for endometriosis, alopecia, hypotension, and other
indications have shown similar effects. Because the endocrine activity of agents may be useful for
their therapeutic value, it is sometimes difficult to separate pharmacological efficacy from toxicity.
For example, raloxifene, a nonsteroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) developed for
treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis acts as an estrogen in bone but functions in uterine tissue
as a complete estrogen antagonist. Because estrogen is important in preparing for implantation,
raloxifene was found, not unexpectedly, to cause delays in implantation (30); such effects have been
seen with other compounds that are estrogen antagonists (reviewed in Ref. 30).

Mammary gland tissue is highly dependent on endocrine function. The mammary gland changes
dramatically around the time of parturition as a result of a number of gonadal and extragonadal
hormones. Milk letdown depends on suckling by the offspring, release of oxytocin from the posterior
pituitary, and secretion of prolactin by the anterior pituitary. Agents that affect hormonal status,
mammary gland development, and/or function may cause difficulties with milk production, milk
quality, and indirectly result in adverse effects on offspring growth and development. Two
neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, play critical roles in the neuroendocrine modulation of
prolactin secretion (31, 32), and prolactin is known to be mammotrophic and lactogenic, as well as
luteotrophic and endometriotrophic (33, 34). Acute pharmacological doses of serotonin agonists
stimulate prolactin release and enhance neonatal mouthing behavior, whereas acute doses of
antagonists decrease these responses (35). It has long been known that bromocriptine, a preferential
dopamine D2 agonist, prevents postpartum onset of lactation in humans (36), inhibits established
lactation in several species including rats (37), dogs (38), and humans (36, 39), and suppresses the
suckling-induced secretion of prolactin in rats (40, 41).

Reproductive senescence occurs with advancing age, depletion of oocytes, and loss of normal
ovarian cycling. As indicated earlier, agents that enhance atresia of oocytes may produce early
depletion and untimely reproductive senescence. The long-term consequence of early menopause is
an increased risk of a number of associated diseases, including heart disease and osteoporosis.
Cigarette smoking has been shown to reduce the age at onset of menopause by as much as 2 years
(42). In addition, Mattison and Thorgeirsson (43) showed that benzo[a]pyrene, which occurs in
tobacco smoke, can kill oocytes in mice.
2.4 Male Reproduction
The male reproductive system is comprised of the testis, accessory sex glands (seminal vesicles,
prostate, and bulbourethral or Cowper's glands), and the duct system. In rodents, there are two
additional accessory sex glands, the coagulating glands and the preputial glands. The duct system is
comprised of the efferent ducts, epididymis (consisting of three parts: head or caput epididymis, body
or corpus epididymis, and tail or cauda epididymis), ductus deferens, and ejaculatory duct. A
balanced interplay among the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, and testis regulates the function of
the male reproductive system (Fig. 3.5) (44). As in the female, GnRH production by the
hypothalmus permits release of FSH and LH by the anterior pituitary, which permits release of
testosterone from the Leydig cells, and in turn is negatively regulated by increased levels of
testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, the more active form of the androgen. Several important
proteins are secreted by the Sertoli cells, including androgen-binding protein, activin which
stimulates LH and FSH production by the pituitary, and inhibin and follistatin which have an
inhibitory influence on the pituitary gonadotropins. Undernutrition, particularly a low protein diet
(8% versus 27% in controls) started at weaning, can have a major impact on the development of the
anterior pituitary–testicular axis and the feedback mechanism that controls gonadotropin secretion
(45). Several antiandrogenic agents have been shown to interfere with normal development of the
male reproductive system. For example, finasteride, a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, causes
hypospadias in male offspring of rats exposed during pregnancy (46), and the most sensitive period
for exposure was gestational days 16 and 17 in the rat (47). Several pesticides (e.g., vinclozolin and
procymidone) are antiandrogenic and also cause hypospadias in male offspring (48–50).

Figure 3.5. Diagram summarizing the anterior pituitary-testicular axis. LH and FSH are secreted by
the gonadotrophs (G) to stimulate (+) either the Sertoli cells (SC) or Leydig cells (LC). These cells
subsequently produce peptides [inhibin (I), follistatin (FS), and activin (A)] or sex steroid hormones
[estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), or dihydrotestosterone (DHT)], which feed back principally at the
level of the anterior pituitary gland to regulate gonadotropin secretion. The modulatory role of these
compounds is primarily inhibitory (–), although activin is known to stimulate FSH secretion.
Autocrine/paracrine control over LH and FSH occurs at the level of the anterior pituitary gland via
the peptides inhibin, follistatin, and activin, which are produced by the gonadotrophs and
folliculostellate cells (FSC) (used with permission of Raven Press from Ref. 44, p. 6).

Approximately 90% of the testis is comprised of the seminiferous tubules, which are folded and
refolded within the testis and contain the developing spermatozoa and Sertoli cells. The Sertoli cells
extend from the basement membrane to the lumen of the seminiferous tubules and surround and
support the developing germ cells. Tight junctions between the Sertoli cells near the basement
membrane form the blood-testis barrier, which blocks access to the adluminal comparment. The
interstitial tissue contains the Leydig cells (the primary source of testosterone), the vascular supply
to the testis, and other cells. Testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone, the more active form
of the androgen. Spermatogenesis takes place along the tubules in a wave form, so that cross sections
of several tubules would reveal sperm in different stages of development. There are 14 distinct stages
of development that have been identified in rats (51) (Fig. 3.6) (52), and six distinct stages have been
described in humans (53). These stages can be used as a basis for determining the effect of an
exogenous agent. A serial mating design can be used to identify site-specific lesions; this type of
protocol involves mating males that have been exposed for a short time (5–7 days) with unexposed
females for 4–5 day periods over several weeks. Cytosine arabinoside, a chemotherapeutic agent,
caused reduced fertility 31 to 41 days post-exposure, indicating an effect on spermatogonia and early
spermatocytes (22).

Figure 3.6. Cycle map of spermatogenesis for the rat. The vertical columns, designated by Roman
numerals, depict cells associated with various stages. A cycle is a complete series of stages. The
developmental progression of a cell is followed horizontally until the right hand border of the cycle
map is reached and continues from left to right up the map, ending with spermiation (used with
permission of Cache River Press from Ref. 52, p. 43).

After sperm are released from the Sertoli cells into the lumen, they pass from the seminiferous
tubules through the rete testis and efferent ducts into the epididymis, then through the ductus
deferens and ejaculatory duct. The sperm undergo maturation in the epididymis and are stored there
until ejaculation. The accessory sex glands contribute most of the volume to the semen, and their
secretions may be involved in effective transport, survival, and function of the sperm through the
female reproductive tract after ejaculation. The duct system and the accessory sex glands are
androgen-dependent, and can be affected by agents that alter androgen levels (54).
2.5 Development
Development can be divided into the prenatal and postnatal periods. Prenatal development includes
the preimplantation and postimplantation periods, and the latter encompasses the embryonic and
fetal periods. Preimplantation is characterized by transport of the zygote from the upper ends of the
oviduct into the uterine cavity during a period of 7–8 days in humans, or 5–6 days in rats or mice
(Figure 3.3). Rapid cell division of the single-cell zygote (fertilized ovum) proceeds through the
morula stage, a solid ball of approximately 16 cells, and further division results in a multicellular
blastocyst that contains a cavity. The blastocyst implants in the uterine wall and develops into the
definitive embryo. The embryo itself develops from a small group of cells in the blastocyst, the inner
cell mass. The rest of the cells, the extraembryonic cells, form the placenta and surrounding
membranes. Implantation occurs around gestational day (gd) 7 in humans, gd 5–6 in mice and rats,
and gd 7 in rabbits. Agents that interfere with implantation result in apparent subfertility or infertility
in humans. The type of effect produced on fertility can be determined in rodents by counting the
number of corpora lutea (i.e., ovulated eggs) and the number of implantation sites in the uterine wall
if there are enough viable implants to maintain active corpora lutea during pregnancy or if done early
in gestation when there are no viable implants.

Placentation is a complex series of events that provides an intimate relationship between the
embryonic and maternal tissues for the purpose of nutrition of the embryo and removal of wastes.
Early on, before vascularization of the extraembryonic membranes and formation of the
chorioallantoic placenta, the yolk sac placenta provides histiotrophic nutrition (breakdown and
transfer of maternal macromolecules). The yolk sac placenta is the primary placenta in rodents
through the early part of embryogenesis (when the early neural tube and limb buds are forming), and
a gradual switchover to the chorioallantoic placenta occurs around gestation days 11–12 in the rat. In
humans, the chorioallantoic placenta becomes functional around gestation day 21 when the neural
tube is just beginning to form, an earlier embryonic stage than in rodents. Chorioallantoic
placentation involves hemotrophic nutrition (transfer of nutrients via the circulation) and is
somewhat different in different species, in that the number of maternal and embryonic layers differs.
Although much has been made of these differences in terms of their role in placental transfer of
toxicants, there is little evidence that these differences are important factors compared to maternal
blood flow, plasma protein binding, molecular size and charge, placental metabolism, and the fetal
elimination pathway. A more complete discussion of the morphology and function of the placenta
can be found in embryology textbooks and excellent descriptions related to developmental
toxicology are given by Beck (55), and Slikker and Miller (56).

Exposure to certain toxic agents during pregnancy may adversely affect placental function, which
can in turn affect the developing embryo/fetus. Effects on the placenta may include alterations in
blood flow and perfusion, metabolism, placental transfer of essential nutrients or compounds, and in
extreme cases, may cause necrosis and separation from the uterine wall. Cadmium is an
environmental contaminant associated with refineries, fossil fuel plants, and tobacco smoke and is a
demonstrated placental toxicant in both rodents and humans (56). Although cadmium may cross the
rodent yolk sac placenta very early in development and cause fetal malformations, it does not cross
but accumulates in the chorioallantoic placenta. Adverse developmental effects, ranging from growth
retardation to fetal death, observed following such accumulation result from placental dysfunction
rather than direct actions on the embryo/fetus.
The embryonic inner cell mass forms a two-layered embryonic disc, consisting of ectoderm and
endoderm. Around gestation day 17 in humans or gestation day 9 in rats, invagination of ectodermal
cells occurs through a midline primitive streak to form the third intermediate layer of cells, the
mesoderm. Figure 3.7 shows the major derivatives of each layer. The mesoderm cells form the
viscera, blood vessels and cells, muscles, tendons, and bone. The endoderm forms the lining of the
gut, respiratory system, thyroid, and pharynx. The ectoderm forms the surface layers of the body,
including the skin, hair, and nails, enamel of the teeth, and the lens; a specialized portion of the
ectoderm that forms along the edges of the primitive streak is the neuroepithelium consisting of the
neural tube and the neural crest cells. The neural tube forms the brain and spinal cord, and the neural
crest cells form the cranial and spinal ganglia and nerves, several components of the face and neck,
the adrenal medulla, and contribute to the endocardial cushions that separate the chambers of the
heart. Agents that interfere with the development and closure of the neural tube may result in
anencephaly or spina bifida, and those that interfere with migration of neural crest cells to their
ultimate site may result in craniofacial defects, cranial or spinal nerve defects, and/or cardiac septal
defects. Retinoids, including excessive supplements of vitamin A or the drug Accutane (used in
treating dermatologic disorders), interfere with neural crest cell migration, and both animals and
children exposed during early development exhibit a number of these defects (57, 58). In addition,
central nervous system malformations and a continuum of neurobehavioral disorders have been
identified in animal fetuses and offspring and in children exposed early in pregnancy (59–64).
Postnatal death, profound mental retardation, alterations in general learning ability, and other subtle
behavioral alterations have been documented. These effects in animals and humans all depend on the
dose and developmental stage at exposure, as well as the relative teratogenic potency of the
individual retinoid (64).

Figure 3.7. Derivatives of the germ layers in the mammalian embryo. Cells of the inner cell mass
form the embryonic disc consisting initially of ectoderm and endoderm. During gastrulation, a
mesodermal layer is formed in between the ectoderm and endoderm. The primary derivatives of the
three germ layers are shown.
The period during which the major conformation of organ systems occurs, called organogenesis,
encompasses the period from the primitive streak stage until palate closure (gestation days 6–15 in
rats and mice, gestation days 17–57 in humans). The fetal period consists of the time after major
organogenesis until birth, during which organization continues at the histological level in most organ

There are a number of critical periods when cells or organ systems are particularly sensitive to
exposure to toxic agents. Because of this, the manifestations of developmental toxicity vary
depending on the timing of exposure. As examples, exposure before conception may cause
chromosomal or DNA changes in germ cells that result in heritable effects, including death,
malformations, growth retardation, functional deficits, or cancer in the offspring. During very early
embryogenesis when cells are multiplying at a rapid rate and are relatively undifferentiated, exposure
tends to result in death or compensation and continued normal development. For several genotoxic
agents (e.g., ethylene oxide, ethylnitrosourea, ethyl methanesulfonate) (65–71), exposure during this
period also results in malformations and growth retardation. As organogenesis begins, cells become
more and more differentiated and the major structure of organs is formed, although not all organs
develop at the same time or rate. Exposure during this period may cause major structural defects, as
well as death, growth retardation, or postnatal functional changes. As major organ structure is
completed, organization and differentiation at the histological, physiological, and biochemical levels
proceed; in most mammals, these processes occur to varying extents during pre- and postnatal
development. However, there are important differences at birth among experimental animal species
and humans in the staging of developmental events that must be recognized in designing studies and
interpreting experimental outcome data for potential human risk. Exposure during this late
gestational or fetal period may result in alterations that are detected as histopathology, growth
retardation, functional changes, or cancer. Subsequent stages of development include further growth
and functional maturation of organs/systems, some of which are not completed until after puberty.
Exposure during this period may affect the same target organs as in adults but have different
consequences because of the immaturity of the target organ itself. Additionally, other immature
organ systems may be targets, and relative sensitivities may be greater or lesser due to immaturity of
processes responsible for metabolism and excretion of the chemical.

Less work has been done to discern the critical timing for exposure during the postnatal period, but
there are examples of neonatal exposures and effects on the developing reproductive system (72–74),
and developing nervous system (75). This is an area of current interest to provide adequate guidance
for pediatric use of pharmaceuticals and also for environmental exposures that may affect children
where they live and play. One area that has received attention recently is the significant increase in
childhood asthma (76, 77). As a result, a number of studies are being pursued to discern genetic
and/or environmental factors that may be involved or responsible both prenatally and postnatally.

Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology

Carole A. Kimmel, Ph.D., Judy Buelke-Sam

3.0 Testing Procedures and Guidelines

Standard testing procedures have been used to identify reproductive toxicity since the mid-1950s.
However, the first testing guidelines in the United States were not written until 1966 by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for testing the developmental effects (with particular emphasis
on teratogenicity) of potential new pharmaceutical agents (78). In 1982, the FDA published testing
guidelines (Redbook I) for food additives (79). The Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) issued international testing guidelines in the early 1980s for reproductive and
developmental toxicity of industrial chemicals (80, 81). In 1982, EPA published its first guidelines
for testing pesticides (82) and in 1985 for industrial chemicals (83).

During the last several years, many of these guidelines have been updated. The FDA participated as
a member of the International Committee on Harmonization (ICH), which finalized a revised set of
global testing guidelines for preclinical assessment of pharmaceuticals (84, 85). In 1993, the FDA
published the draft Redbook II (86) and in 1997 clarified the approach to toxicity testing that had
been outlined in Redbook I (79) based on level of concern. The 1997 publication is available at
www.vcm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/opa-tg1.html. (site currently unavailable) The EPA has recently
updated and expanded testing guidelines to include a more comprehensive evaluation of the
reproductive toxicity of pesticides and industrial chemicals (87–89). The OECD guidelines are
currently being revised. The most recent testing guidelines for pharmaceuticals and for pesticides
and industrial chemicals are briefly described here.
3.1 Testing Pharmaceutical Agents for Reproductive Toxicity
Testing of potential new pharmaceuticals is conducted for three reasons: (1) to provide scientifically
and ethically appropriate support for clinical trials, (2) to provide data used to establish exposure
guidelines for worker safety, and (3) to provide information relevant to risk:benefit assessments in
the product label for use by prescribing physicians. Before international acceptance of the ICH
testing guidelines (84), preclinical testing for reproductive and developmental toxicity was
conducted following different guidelines for U.S., European, or Japanese registration of a new
pharmaceutical (90, 91). Harmonization has not altered the overall requirements to evaluate
reproductive and developmental outcomes following parental exposure before mating and during
pregnancy and lactation, and assessment of effects on the entire parental reproductive process.
However, it has reduced testing redundancy and provided the flexibility necessary to design studies
most appropriate for assessing the toxicity of individual compounds. Exposure periods, dose
selection, and end points evaluated within these studies are chosen based on the following: (1)
pharmacology of the compound; (2) the plan for clinical trials, including duration of treatment; (3)
known or expected toxicity of the therapeutic class; and (4) the target medical condition and
therapeutic population(s).

Preclinical reproductive and developmental studies traditionally have been designated as Segment I,
Segment II, and/or Segment III studies based on timing of initiation and duration of parental
exposure (Fig. 3.8). These studies are routinely conducted in rodents, although a second Segment II
study in a nonrodent species, most often the rabbit, usually is required. Segment I studies are
intended to evaluate estrous cycling, mating, testicular and sperm parameters, fertility parameters,
and early embryonic development; parental treatment begins before mating (generally 2 weeks for
females, 4 weeks for males) and continues in females through implantation (gd 5 or 6). Segment II
studies are intended to evaluate embryo and organ development; maternal treatment is initiated once
implantation has occurred (gd 6 in rodents, gd 7 in rabbits) and continues throughout the period of
major organogenesis (to gd 15 in mice, gd 15–17 in rats, and gd 18–19 in rabbits). Segment III
studies are intended to evaluate maternal processes of parturition and lactation, as well as fetal and
offspring development through sexual maturity; maternal treatment begins at the end of
organogenesis and continues through to weaning of the offspring (usually postpartum day 21 in
Figure 3.8. Exposure conventions for reproductive and developmental toxicity testing of
pharmaceuticals. The Segment I, II, and III designations for these studies refer primarily to the
reproductive and developmental events that occur during the discrete parental treatment period. The
parameters monitored in any single-Segment or combined-Segment study may include relevant end
points which are measured during and/or following the treatment period (diagram developed by J. A.
Hoyt and J. Buelke-Sam, included with permission).

Currently, four studies are usually conducted for the majority of potential new pharmaceuticals: a
Segment I study in treated male and female rodents; Segment II studies in rodents and rabbits; and a
combined Segment II/III study in rodents which includes postnatal assessments of growth, physical
development, and behavioral and reproductive performance of the offspring.

However, alternative exposure periods may be more appropriate to assess individual agents. These
alternatives may include additional exposure period combinations (e.g., a combined Segment I/II
study in rodents for compounds with no anticipated effects on mating and fertility and a single rodent
combined Segment I/II/III study for compounds with no expected reproductive or developmental
toxicity and anticipated long-term clinical exposures) (92). Other alternatives include more discrete
exposure periods (e.g., gd 0–5 of pregnancy for agents that have anticipated adverse effects on
implantation processes) (30). The standard reproductive and developmental assessments in these
studies may be supplemented with any additional outcome parameters deemed appropriate for
individual agents, based on considerations listed before (e.g., progressive histopathological
evaluations or functional assessments of suspected target organs or systems) (93).

An additional component of these studies involves determining maternal blood levels and/or
toxicokinetic parameters. Most often, such determinations are made within the Segment II exposure
period but also may be applicable to other segments. These data allow a more direct comparison of
maternal animal and human exposures and may also aid in interpreting reproductive outcome.
Maternal blood level data are particularly valuable in verifying that maternal exposure did occur for
studies in which no adverse maternal or developmental findings were seen. Placental transfer studies
or milk excretion studies also may be conducted to determine embryo/fetal or neonatal exposures
more directly.

Another aspect of testing is providing adequate preclinical support for pediatric testing and guidance
in the product label for using many pharmaceuticals in the pediatric population (94, 95). Only 20%
of the pharmaceutical products currently marketed in the United States include labeling information
on safety and effectiveness in infants or children. The ICH guidelines (84) indicate that additional
studies involving direct treatment of neonatal and young animals may be necessary to support
pediatric clinical trials, in addition to appropriate repeated-dose toxicity studies, standard
genotoxicity studies, a complete reproductive and developmental toxicity package (Segments I, II
and III studies), as well as safety data from previous adult human trials. The FDA (95) has defined
four human age categories of concern: infant, neonate, child, and adolescent. Table 3.1 provides a
general comparison for these categories in humans and several test species, although the comparable
age ranges in these species vary depending on the developmental schedules of individual organs or
systems. The need for preclinical juvenile studies, the test species for such studies, age categories to
be covered, duration of exposure(s), as well as the parameters and ages for assessment of effects
within any particular study, are currently being determined compound by compound.

Table 3.1. Comparative Age Categories

Rat Mini-Pig Dog Primate Human

Category (days) (weeks) (weeks) (months) (years)

Neonate <10 <2 <3 <0.5 <1 month

Infant 10–21 2–4 3–6 0.5–6 1–2 months
Child 21–30 4–14 6–20 6–36 2–12
Adolescent 30–60 14–26 20–28 36–48 12–18

3.2 Testing Pesticides and Industrial Chemicals for Reproductive Toxicity

Several testing protocols are used to evaluate the reproductive toxicity of pesticides and industrial
chemicals. The EPA testing guidelines published in 1998 were harmonized for pesticides and
industrial chemicals, so that there are no differences in the testing protocols themselves. The
requirements for pesticide testing specifically defined in 40 CFR Part 158. 340 Subpart F include
reproductive and developmental toxicity testing for all food-use pesticides or those for which a
reference dose (RfD) will be set. For industrial chemicals regulated under the Toxic Substances
Control Act, the process involves defining the appropriate tests to be done according to the testing
guidelines in test rules for specific chemicals, or testing approaches may be developed under consent
agreements with industry for specific chemicals.

In general, the testing guidelines for pesticides and industrial chemicals are more specifically defined
than those for pharmaceuticals in terms of number of animals, days of treatment, outcomes, and the
methods for measuring them, and reporting of data. There are three major protocols used for
pesticide and industrial chemical testing of reproductive and developmental toxicity. These include
the prenatal developmental toxicity study, the two-generation reproduction study, and the
developmental neurotoxicity study (87–89). These guidelines are available at
http://www.epa.gov/docs/OPPTS_Harmonized_870_Health_Effects_Test_Guidelines/Series/. The
developmental neurotoxicity study has not been routinely required for most pesticides and industrial
chemicals, as discussed futher later. Data from adult toxicity studies are reviewed to determine
which target organs might be of concern and whether additional testing of other organ systems may
be appropriate, for example, immunotoxicity evaluations in developing animals or perinatal
carcinogenic testing.

The prenatal developmental toxicity study (Fig. 3.9) (87) involves exposure of time-mated animals
(usually rats and rabbits) to an agent throughout pregnancy or at least from implantation (around gd
6) to the day before parturition (gd 20 in rats, 28–29 in rabbits). Clinical signs and body weights
throughout the dosing period are recorded for maternal animals, which are then killed on the day
before parturition and examined for gross pathology. Fetuses are harvested from the pregnant uterus,
weighed, and examined for external, visceral, and skeletal defects. In addition, the number of
implantations and incidence of resorptions or fetal deaths are recorded.
Figure 3.9. Schematic of the prenatal developmental toxicity testing protocol (87). The treatment
period is shown by the heavy black line. GD = gestation day; the numbers shown refer to the days of
gestation in the rat. Treatment begins on GD 6 around the time of implantation or can be started as
soon as animals are mated. The protocol can be conducted in other species with appropriate
adjustment of treatment times.

The developmental neurotoxicity study (Fig. 3.10) (89) is currently triggered based on observing
malformations of the central nervous system in the prenatal developmental toxicity study, adult
neurotoxicity/neuropathology, alterations in brain weight in the two-generation study, or other
indicators of potential developmental neurotoxicity, for example, evidence that an agent may cause
hormonal effects. A recent evaluation of the literature on developmental neurotoxicity concluded
that this study should be conducted as a standard part of reproductive toxicity testing because such
triggers may not be inclusive enough to indicate all chemicals that may cause such effects (96). This
study can be done as a separate study, in conjunction with the prenatal developmental toxicity study,
or preferably with the two-generation reproduction study in the second generation. As a stand-alone
study, time-mated pregnant animals (usually rats) are dosed from gd 6 at least through postnatal day
(PND) 10 or to weaning. Pups are weighed at various postnatal ages and examined for clinical signs,
and several developmental landmarks (e.g., vaginal opening, preputial separation), as well as several
behaviors, are evaluated. These include motor activity at PND 13, 17, 21, and 60, auditory startle
habituation at weaning and at PND 60, and learning and memory at weaning and around PND 60.
Brain weights are recorded from pups killed on PND 11 and at termination of the study
neuropathology including a simple morphometric analysis is done.

Figure 3.10. Schematic of the developmental neurotoxicity testing protocol (89). The treatment
period is shown by the heavy black line, although treatment is currently being extended to weaning
in some cases (dashed line). GD = gestational day, PND = postnatal day. This study is typically done
in rats but can be conducted in other species. The study can be conducted as a stand-alone protocol
or can be done in conjunction with a prenatal developmental toxicity study or a two-generation
reproductive study.

The two-generation reproduction study (Fig. 3.11) (88) involves exposing the parental (P) male and
female animals (usually rats) for 10 weeks before mating, through the mating period, and to females
during pregnancy. Exposure continues to the lactating females postpartum and to selected F1 males
and females for 10 weeks after weaning. F1 males and females are mated and exposure continues to
the F1 females during pregnancy and lactation. A second litter may be obtained in each generation
for additional studies; for example, a standard fetal examination similar to that done in the prenatal
developmental toxicity study may be conducted or the developmental neurotoxicity study may be
conducted on a second F2 litter. A number of end points of reproductive toxicity are evaluated in this
study. For example, estrous cyclicity is evaluated for three weeks in the P and F1 females before and
throughout mating, and semen quality (sperm number, motility, and morphology) is evaluated in the
P and F1 males before mating. Reproductive development is evaluated in the F1 and F2 offspring by
observing the age at vaginal opening and preputial separation. If there is a treatment-related effect in
the F1 sex ratio or sexual maturation, the anogenital distance is measured in F2 pups at birth.
Reproductive organs, as well as other potential target organs, from animals in each generation are
weighed and examined histologically. In addition, brain, spleen, and thymus weights are recorded for
F1 and F2 pups terminated at weaning.

Figure 3.11. Schematic of the two-generation reproduction testing protocol (88). The treatment
period is shown by the heavy black line. Males and females are exposed for 10 weeks before mating,
and females are continued through gestation and lactation. F1 offspring continue treatment until they
are old enough to be mated, and treatment continues through gestation and lactation.

3.3 Other Reproductive Toxicity Testing Procedures

Additional studies may also be used to determine the potential for reproductive toxicity of a drug or
chemical. For example, Chapin (97) and Morrissey et al. (98) described the addition of improved
testicular histopathology and assessment of estrous cyclicity and sperm quality to standard
subchronic testing studies. Such data can provide valuable information on reproductive effects that
can then be followed up in further reproductive toxicity testing studies.

The single mating trial, modified from the original FDA two-litter test (90), provides a basic test of
fertility and reproductive function. In this type of study, a single mating occurs after a 60–70 day
exposure period for males and a 14-day exposure period for females. The longer period of exposure
in males is to ensure exposure to all stages of the spermatogenic cycle. If the only effects seen are
those on fertility or pregnancy outcome, the contribution of male- or female-specific effects cannot
be determined. If estrous cyclicity and ovarian/reproductive tract histopathology are included in
females and sperm measures and reproductive tract histopathology in males, the contribution of an
effect of an agent on either gender may be characterized. However, there may still be questions as to
which sex is affected. For this reason, some laboratories run separate studies in which only one
gender is treated to characterize any gender-specific effects.

The continuous breeding protocol, also known as the Fertility (or Reproductive) Assessment by
Continuous Breeding (FACB or RACB), was developed by the National Toxicology Program (99).
This protocol was based on an older protocol used to determine full reproductive capacity in which
females were mated repeatedly to determine how many litters and offspring they could produce. The
RACB, as currently designed, can be conducted in mice or rats and involves dosing before mating
and through several pregnancies over a 14-week period. Offspring are removed shortly after birth,
counted and examined for viability, litter and/or pup weight, sex, and external abnormalities, and
then discarded. Up to five litters can be produced during a 14-week period, and the number of litters,
pups, and spacing of litters are recorded. The last litter may remain with the dam until weaning to
study the effects of prenatal, as well as postnatal exposures, and to raise for production of an F2
litter. If effects are observed in the parental and F1 animals, crossover matings may be conducted
between the treated and control animals (treated females with control males, treated males with
control females), to define the affected gender and the site of toxicity. In addition, sperm measures
(number, motility, and morphology) and vaginal smear cytology to detect changes in estrous
cyclicity can be added at the end of the mating trial and used to detect changes (100, 101). This
testing approach allows observing the timing of the onset of effects on fertility, as well as the ability
to detect subfertility with measures of number of litters, litter spacing, and litter size.

Gray et al. (102) also proposed a test protocol (the Alternate Reproductive Test—ART) that includes
many of the advantages of the RACB, but in addition monitors morphological and physiological
changes associated with puberty in the F1 animals, making it useful for detecting compounds that
have hormonally mediated effects on reproductive function. Chapin et al. (103) developed a protocol
for evaluating several adult functional outcomes following perinatal and juvenile exposures.

Other protocols have been developed to screen and set priorities for further testing. In particular, the
Reproductive/Developmental Toxicity Screening Test, which is part of the Screening Information
Data Set (SIDS) protocol developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (104), was developed to screen a large number of commercial industrial chemicals that
have not been tested for potential toxicity. This protocol involves exposing a small number of males
and females (8/dose group) during the premating, pregnancy, and lactation periods and then
determining any effects on fertility, pregnancy outcome, and sperm measures. This protocol may be
combined with the repeated dose toxicity study (105). An effect in this protocol raises concerns
about the toxicity of a chemical, but lack of an effect cannot be interpreted as no effect because of
the relative insensitivity of the testing protocol.
3.4 Tests of Germ Cell Toxicity
Tests of germ cell toxicity are important for assessing reproductive toxicity, because effects on
fertility and pregnancy outcome are often the result. Two types of assays are generally used:
measurements of heritable damage (e.g, the dominant lethal test, the specific locus test, and the
heritable translocation assay) and measurements of effects in germ cells that may be related to
alteration of DNA but may not actually represent heritable damage (e.g., DNA damage and/or repair,
chromosomal abnormalities, and abnormal sperm morphology).

The male dominant lethal test was designed to detect the mutagenic effects of agents on the
spermatogenic process that are lethal to offspring. It may be conducted in one of two ways: (1)
exposure of males for a few days to one week, then mating with one or more females per week for
the duration of the spermatogenic cycle; or (2) exposure of males for 10 weeks, then mating to one
or more females immediately after exposure. In either case, a decrease in the number of implantation
sites, the number of live fetuses, and/or an increase in the number of resorptions at necropsy 15–18
days later indicate a genotoxic effect. This type of testing paradigm can be expanded to follow
animals to term and postnatally for longer term effects of male germ cell toxicity. For example,
Anderson et al. (106, 107) conducted dominant lethal studies of 1,3-butadiene in which one-half the
pregnant animals were killed on gestation day 17, the other half were allowed to litter, and the pups
were followed for 75 weeks to determine viability, growth, and tumorigenicity. A similar exposure
and mating protocol was used to characterize male-mediated alterations in the postnatal function of
surviving offspring after paternal treatment with drugs and chemical agents (108).

Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology

Carole A. Kimmel, Ph.D., Judy Buelke-Sam

4.0 Risk Assessment

Risk assessment for reproductive and developmental toxicity has developed during the past 20 years
and is currently a focus for a number of efforts in research and development, as well as in the
regulatory setting. The focus by several regulatory and funding agencies on children's environmental
health issues in the 1990s has heightened the awareness of special concerns involving pre- and
postnatal exposures and effects. For example, the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996
which updated the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) for regulating
pesticides focused much greater attention on children's exposures to and the potential health effects
of pesticides. Also in 1996, a Presidential Executive Order (No. 13045) was issued that requires
Federal agencies to make it a high priority to identify and assess environmental health risks and
safety risks that may disproportionately affect children and ensure that agency policies, programs,
activities and standards address disproportionate risk to children. Another major law affecting
children was the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997, requiring the FDA to
provide a list of approved drugs for which additional pediatric information may produce health
benefits in the pediatric population and, for certain new products, requires sufficient data and
information to support directions for pediatric use for the claimed indications.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published Guidelines for Developmental Toxicity Risk
Assessment in 1991 (109), Reproductive Toxicity Risk Assessment in 1996 (110), and Neurotoxicity
Risk Assessment in 1998 (111). These detailed guidelines describe a process for evaluating data and
setting reference values for reproductive and developmental effects resulting from environmental
exposures. No other similar risk assessment guidelines have been published by U.S. federal
regulatory agencies. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research made available for public comment two draft documents that discuss the evaluation of
human pregnancy outcome data (available at http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/2377dft.pdf) and the
evaluation of animal data for reproductive toxicity (available at
http://www.fda.gov/cder/meeting/advcomm/paper.pdf). All of these guidance documents include
many of the same principles as those in the EPA guidelines but are written for the specific regulatory
mandate of each agency.

The EPA guidelines were based on the risk assessment paradigm outlined by the National Research
Council (112). The process described by the NRC is comprised of four components, the first two are
hazard identification and dose–response assessment. These two parts of the process constitute the
toxicological evaluation that is aimed at characterizing the sufficiency and strength of the available
toxicity data and may indicate a level of confidence in the data. Dose–response modeling may be
included, if data are sufficient. Another component, exposure assessment, derives estimates of
potential human exposure based on various environmental and/or occupational scenarios. The
integration of human and animal data with the exposure assessment is termed risk characterization
and constitutes the final step in the risk assessment process. Risk characterization is used along with
social, economic, engineering and other factors in weighing alternative regulatory options and in
making regulatory and public health decisions. This latter process, called risk management, is
purposely separated from the scientific evaluation (i.e., risk assessment) to allow full evaluation of
the scientific data without bias from other nonscientific influences.
Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology
Carole A. Kimmel, Ph.D., Judy Buelke-Sam

5.0 Summary
This chapter provides a brief overview of normal reproduction and development, as well as examples
of how toxic agents may impact these processes. It summarizes the types of studies conducted and
data collected as part of routine toxicity testing. Assumptions that must be made in the risk
assessment process and an evaluation of data from both animal and human studies used in this
process are discussed. The integration of hazard data (both animal and human) and dose–response
information is described, and exposure estimates in the final characterization of risk are summarized.
Advances have been made in our understanding of reproductive and developmental toxicity,
particularly as the integration of molecular biology and toxicology has grown. However, there are
still many gaps in our knowledge of both normal and abnormal reproductive and developmental
processes. Further research will continue to fill these gaps and enhance our ability to identify more
specific susceptible events in these processes and ultimately reduce adverse reproductive and
developmental outcomes due to chemical exposures.

The views expressed in this chapter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views
or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Mention of trade names of commercial
products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology


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Occupational Chemical Carcinogenesis

Ronald L. Melnick, Ph.D.

1.0 Introduction
1.1 General Concepts of Multistage Carcinogenesis
Cancer is not a single disease, but rather is a general term applied to a multitude of diseases and
stages of disease, each of clonal origin, that elicit uncontrollable tissue growth. There are more than
100 different types of cancer. In normal tissue the balance between cell reproduction and cell death
determines the ultimate size of an organ. This balance is clearly represented after partial
hepatectomy where, following removal of as much as two-thirds of the liver, regeneration results in
restoration of the liver to its original size. If a normal cell incurs a defect in its growth regulating
processes and acquires a growth advantage over other cells in a particular tissue or organ, it may
multiply out of control producing a mass of altered cells; this abnormal overgrowth of new tissue is
called a tumor or neoplasm.
The multistep process of carcinogenesis is thought to involve at least four stages (1): (1) initiation—
the induction of a heritable change in a cell resulting from DNA damage (from endogenous
processes or by a DNA reactive environmental agent or its metabolites) that can lead to point
mutations, insertions, deletions, or chromosomal aberrations; (2) promotion—the clonal expansion
of the initiated cell population; (3) progression—the process whereby benign neoplasms become
malignant, as a consequence of increased genomic instability in neoplastic cells that gives rise to
additional genetic alterations (i.e., mutations, chromosomal deletions, and/or rearrangements), and
(4) metastasis—the spread of cancerous cells to other parts of the body. With increasing knowledge
of the number of genes altered in human cancers, it is evident that even a four-stage model is not
adequate to describe the carcinogenic process (2).

Two groups of genes control normal tissue growth; protooncogenes promote growth while
suppressor genes halt growth. Normal protooncogenes of which there are 300–400 within the human
genome regulate cell division and differentiation (3). If a protooncogene is mutated it may become
an activated oncogene that causes the normal regulated cycling pattern of the affected cell to proceed
out of control. Similarly a mutation in a suppressor gene may damage the growth-halting program of
the cell and thereby allow unabated cell division. p53 is the most commonly found mutated tumor
suppressor gene in human cancers. The proliferating mass of altered cells may undergo additional
changes during the progression stage that allow these cells to metastasize, that is, escape from their
site of origin and invade surrounding tissues or remote organs of the body. The abnormal cells of a
benign tumor become malignant (i.e., cancerous) when they acquire additional genetic changes that
enable them to invade and destroy adjacent normal tissue or to metastasize to distant sites. Thus, the
cancer cell is one that has lost the ability to respond to signals to differentiate into specialized cells,
stop dividing, or even die. Carcinogenesis is the multistep process that leads to the production of
cancers or malignant neoplasms that elicit uncontrollable growth and dissemination.

Most tumors are defined by their cell of origin and their behavior or appearance. Benign neoplasms
of epithelial origin are referred to as adenomas or papillomas, and benign neoplasms of
mesenchymal origin are referred to as fibromas, osteoma, gliomas, etc. Malignant tumors of
epithelial cells are carcinomas, and malignant tumors of mesenchymal tissues are sarcomas.

Environmental insults, including ionizing or UV radiation, certain viruses, or various chemical

agents can cause genetic damage that converts protooncogenes to oncogenes or inactivates tumor
suppressor genes. Genes involved in regulating cell division, differentiation, adaptive responses,
signal transduction, and programmed cell death could be adversely affected by exposure to certain
chemicals. Thus, environmental pollutants can pose a persistent cancer risk, especially to workers
who may be exposed to higher levels of these agents than the general population. The simplest
definition of a carcinogen is an agent that can cause cancer. However, identifying an agent as a
human carcinogen and assessing human risk associated with environmental or occupational exposure
is complicated because of the multitude of factors that must be considered: the induction of benign or
malignant neoplasms, animal-to-human extrapolations, the influence of mechanistic information on
low-dose risk, and the variability in susceptibility among individuals in an exposed population.

Tumor induction by occupational chemicals is a multistep process that may involve activation of the
compound to a DNA reactive form, binding of the active metabolite (or parent compound, e.g.,
ethylene oxide) to DNA forming a DNA adduct, faulty repair of the adduct leading to a gene
mutation, replication of the altered cell to fix the mutation in the genome, and further genetic
alterations (including gene mutations, gene rearrangements and gene or chromosome deletions) that
lead to progression to a metastatic cancer. Alternatively, some chemicals or their metabolites may act
by “nongenotoxic” mechanisms whereby normal cell cycling patterns are disregulated as a
consequence of altered gene expression, perhaps through receptor mediated processes (4). In this
case, changes in cellular function occur without the chemical producing a direct effect on the normal
DNA base sequence. Impacting on these considerations is the recognition that humans are exposed
to a multitude of chemicals that have mixed mechanisms of action, and humans vary considerably
more than inbred or outbred laboratory animals with respect to genetic factors that influence cancer
susceptibility. Thus, the predicted effect of a single agent may be affected by the mechanism of
tumor induction, genetic differences among individuals, health status, and other exposure

The first issue in cancer hazard identification is to determine whether exposure to a particular agent
can cause a carcinogenic response. Hueper and Conway (5) defined carcinogens as “chemical,
physical and parasitic agents of natural and man-made origin which are capable under proper
conditions of exposure, of producing cancers in animals, including man, in one or several organs and
tissues, regardless of the route of exposure and the dose and physical state of the agent used.”
Similarly, an Interdisciplinary Panel on Carcinogenicity (6) stated that “the carcinogenicity of a
substance in animals is established when administration in adequately designed and conducted
experiments results in an increase in the incidence of one or more types of malignant (or, where
appropriate, a combination of benign and malignant) neoplasms in treated animals as compared to
untreated animals maintained under identical conditions except for exposure to the test compound.”
In addition to causing an increase in incidence of tumors in treated animals versus controls, a
chemical may be considered carcinogenic if it causes tumors earlier in treated animals than in
controls or if it causes an increase in the number of tumors per organ (i.e., tumor multiplicity).

Concerning the issue of whether benign neoplasms are indicators of human risk, the National Cancer
Advisory Board (7) stated that “benign neoplasms may endanger the life of the host by a variety of
mechanisms including hemorrhage, encroachment on a vital organ, or unregulated hormone
production” and that “benign neoplasms may represent a stage in the evolution of a malignant
neoplasm and in other cases may be ‘end points’ which do not undergo transition to malignant
neoplasms.” A similar view was given by an Interdisciplinary Panel on Carcinogenicity (6) and by
the Office of Science and Technology Policy (8) which reported that “truly benign tumors in rodents
are rare and that most tumors diagnosed as benign really represent a stage in the progression to
malignancy.” Furthermore, it is not yet known whether benign neoplasms in rodents correspond to
benign or malignant neoplasms in other species, including humans. Accordingly, chemically induced
benign neoplasms in rodents should be considered important indicators of a chemical's carcinogenic
activity, and they should continue to be made an integral part of the overall weight-of-the-evidence
evaluation process for identifying potential human carcinogens (9).

The identification of an agent as a carcinogen is based on information from epidemiological studies,

experimental animal studies, in vitro evaluations, and assessments of mechanistic data and structure–
activity relationships. Data from these sources have shown that carcinogens may act by very
different mechanisms (e.g., direct acting or requiring metabolic activation; genotoxic or
nongenotoxic) and that carcinogens are not equal in their potential to cause human cancer. In
addition, most carcinogens operate by a combination of mechanisms that may vary in different target
tissues (2). Consequently, there has been much debate on the identification of human carcinogens
and in particular on the characterization of human risk associated with exposure to such agents. The
term “risk” is used in this chapter to indicate the probability of developing cancer from a particular
exposure. Because most known human carcinogens are also carcinogenic in animals when
adequately tested, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (10) considers that unless there
is convincing data in humans to the contrary, “it is biologically plausible and prudent to regard
agents and mixtures for which there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals
as if they presented a carcinogenic risk to humans.”

Individuals may respond differently to similar exposures to a particular carcinogen. The likelihood of
an individual developing cancer in an exposed population depends on extrinsic factors including the
intensity, route, frequency, and duration of exposure, as well as on host factors including age, sex,
health, nutritional status, and inherited characteristics. Hence, this chapter reviews issues related to
the identification of carcinogens and factors that influence human risk. We also provide an update on
agents that have been identified as “known” human carcinogens or “probable/reasonably
anticipated” human carcinogens by IARC and the National Toxicology Program (NTP), as well as
exposure standards developed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to
reduce worker exposure to these agents.
1.2 U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Laws Related to Risks from Exposures to Hazardous
During the past 30 years, several laws have been promulgated to protect workers from the harmful
effects of hazardous agents in the workplace (11). The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970,
administered by OSHA, includes the following: (1) requires employers to provide safe working
conditions for their employees, (2) prescribes mandatory occupational safety and health standards
including exposure limits for toxic chemicals, (3) requires assessment of chemical hazards and
notification to workers of their exposure to such hazards, and (4) establishes the National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) “to develop and establish recommended safety and
health standards.” The Act authorized OSHA to promulgate occupational safety and health standards
for toxic materials that ensure “to the extent feasible, on the basis of the best available evidence, that
no employee will suffer material impairment of health or functional capacity even if such employee
has regular exposure to the hazard dealt with by such standard for the period of his working life.”

Based on the belief that any exposure to a carcinogen is not safe, OSHA interpreted the
Congressional mandate to mean that carcinogens should be regulated to the lowest level feasible.
However, in the 1980 benzene decision (448 US 607, 1980), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
before OSHA “can promulgate any health or safety standard, the Secretary (of Labor) is required to
make a threshold finding that a place of employment is unsafe—in the sense that significant risks are
present and can be lessened by a change in practices.” The Supreme Court did not define “significant
risks” but wrote “if the odds are one in a billion that a person will die from cancer by taking a drink
of chlorinated water, the risk clearly could not be considered significant. On the other hand, if the
odds are 1 in a 1000 that regular inhalation of gasoline vapors that are 2% benzene will be fatal, a
reasonable person might well consider the risk significant and take appropriate steps to decrease or
eliminate it.” Noting that significant risk can exist in the face of scientific uncertainty, the Court
maintained that OSHA is “free to use conservative assumptions interpreting data with respect to
carcinogenicity risking error on the side of overprotection rather than underprotection.” Thus, OSHA
performs quantitative risk assessments using human and/or animal data to determine if an
occupational exposure poses a significant risk to workers; risks greater than 1 extra cancer death per
1000 are considered significant (12). The OSHA risk assessments and proposals for revised
standards are published in the Federal Register and are open for evaluation and comment by
scientists and interested parties (e.g., industry, labor groups, consumers). Informal hearings follow
this process.

In contrast to OSHA, the U.S.EPA regulates excess cancer risks in the general population in the
range of one per million. Though a significant risk may be clearly indicated in an occupational
setting, the promulgation of a new or revised occupational standard requires demonstration that
achieving such an exposure standard is both economically and technologically feasible. Hence,
improving control technology will reduce worker exposures to carcinogenic agents (13).

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) created by the U.S. Congress in 1976 is administered by
the U.S.EPA for the purpose of (1) regulating the production, processing, importation, and use of
chemical substances that present unreasonable risk to human health or the environment; (2) requiring
notification of production of new chemicals or significant new use of existing chemicals; (3)
requiring toxicity testing for chemicals listed in the TSCA Inventory (generally high production
volume/high exposure chemicals or chemicals that U.S.EPA believes may present an unreasonable
risk to human health or the environment); and (4) requiring record keeping and reporting of any
hazardous effects of any chemical to human health or the environment (11). The main source of
recommendations for toxicity studies is the Interagency Testing Committee, an advisory committee
that sets testing priorities for TSCA-regulatable substances.
Occupational Chemical Carcinogenesis
Ronald L. Melnick, Ph.D.

2.0 Carcinogen Identification

2.1 Human Studies
2.1.1 Historical Perspective In the early 1700s, Bernardino Ramazzini, the father of occupational
medicine, wrote about diseases that occurred in more than 60 occupations and recommended that
doctors ask their patients “What is your occupation?” This practice proved to be an extremely useful
way of obtaining valuable information on associations between workplace exposures and various
disease etiologies. Another early account of occupational cancer was made by a British physician,
Sir Percival Pott, in the late eighteenth century when he reported that chimney sweeps developed
scrotal cancer as a result of their exposure to soot (14). Subsequent research showed that agents such
as soot, coal tars and coal-tar pitches, creosotes, and shale oils are carcinogenic to humans (15).
Approximately a century after Pott's discovery, the German physician Rehn reported a high
incidence of bladder tumors in aniline dye workers (14). Thus, the initial discovery that aromatic
amines were carcinogenic was based on the detection of cancer in exposed humans; subsequent
studies in laboratory animals have confirmed these findings. With the more recent advent of animal
studies to evaluate the potential carcinogenicity of environmental and occupational agents, evidence
of carcinogenicity for several chemicals that are now classified as known human carcinogens was
first obtained in experimental animals (16). The alert clinician who recognizes an excessive number
of patients who have similar tumors and traces that cluster to a particular exposure provides an
enormous public health benefit that can lead to strategies to reduce risks and minimize or prevent
specific occupational and environmental causes of disease. The combination of clinical,
epidemiological, and experimental findings can greatly advance our understanding of mechanisms of
carcinogenesis and provide data necessary to estimate risks and to reduce or eliminate occupationally
induced cancers.

Several exposure–disease associations were discovered as the result of observations of high disease
rates in specific populations (i.e., clusters) (17). Clusters generally appear as an unusually high
occurrences of a disease in a relatively small number of people, most often occupationally or
geographically based. Occupational clusters, for example, the finding of angiosarcoma of the liver in
workers exposed to vinyl chloride (18) or kidney cancers in workers exposed to trichloroethylene
(19), may lead to the discovery of a disease etiology because the exposures are better characterized
than in an environmental cluster and there may be opportunities to confirm the association in other
workplaces with similar exposure.

Occupational Chemical Carcinogenesis

Ronald L. Melnick, Ph.D.

3.0 Risk Assessment and the Development of Occupational Exposure Standards

3.1 General Background
Section 2.0 focused on methods to identify carcinogens and criteria used to evaluate the strength of
evidence on whether an agent poses a human cancer risk. Hazard identification is the first step of the
risk assessment process and is concerned with whether an agent can cause an adverse health
outcome. Sources of information for this determination include epidemiological studies, animal
studies, short-term assays, and evaluations of structure–activity relationships. Thus, even in the
absence of epidemiological data, a potential occupational carcinogen may be identified from animal
data and/or mechanistic studies.

Risk assessment provides a systematic approach for characterizing the nature and probability of
adverse effects (i.e., health risks) in individuals or populations exposed to hazardous agents and
often serves as the basis for risk management decisions as to whether and to what extent worker
exposure should be controlled. The National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council
developed guidelines for the conduct of risk assessment in the U.S. Federal Government (80). The
risk assessment paradigm developed by the NAS consists of four parts: hazard identification, dose–
response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. The risk management decision-
making process involves assessing and developing regulatory actions and evaluating the
consequences of these actions or of alternative actions.

The evaluation of risk relies on information obtained from all relevant studies, including evidence
from exposed humans, animal studies, in vitro studies, exposure information, and analyses of
structure–activity relationships and dose–response. Uncertainties in estimating low-dose cancer risk
exist because mechanisms of chemical carcinogenesis are not well enough understood and because
information on the distribution of risk factors in exposed populations is generally not available. In
spite of uncertainties and data gaps in the sources of information used to estimate human risk, risk
management decisions can and should be made when a potentially hazardous condition is identified.
To deal with uncertainties, various assumptions are made in extrapolating effects seen in animals to
predictions of human risk (i.e., animals and humans are similarly susceptible to specific chemical
carcinogens) and in extrapolating from the exposure range of experimental studies to a range more
typical of past and present occupational exposures (i.e., low-dose effects can be estimated from
observations made at higher doses). Because the estimates of risk in the low exposure range
generally guide policy decisions, statistical models are needed to estimate excess risks that are not
readily discernible from observational data (i.e., risks in the range of one per thousand to one per

The contribution of various sources of uncertainty in quantitative models of population exposure and
low-dose risk can be assessed by analyzing the consequences of varying model assumptions (i.e.,
sensitivity analysis). A sensitivity analysis can provide information on the variability of model
predictions, such as absorption or tissue dosimetry, consequent to variations in values of the model
parameters. From such an analysis, the impact of uncertainty on health outcome versus
containment/cleanup costs can be factored into regulatory decisions that address the consequences of
human exposure to hazardous agents. Incomplete knowledge should not impede health-based
decisions that would promote avoidance or reduction of human exposure to agents that are known
human carcinogens or have a reasonable likelihood of causing human cancer. Specifying and
characterizing uncertainties is important for enhancing the transparency and credibility of regulatory
decisions and actions.

Quantitative risk assessment provides a means for incorporating basic and applied research findings
into public health policy decisions. As science progresses and we gain further knowledge relevant to
the extrapolation issues noted above, assumptions in risk models may be replaced with validated
data. In this way, scientific knowledge can strengthen the basis for risk assessments that are used in
the regulatory decision-making process. In recent years, there has been increased emphasis on
shifting from default assumptions to a more science-based strategy for assessing risk. However, until
the processes linking exposure to cancer outcome are better understood, much of this effort may
simply reflect a shift to a new set of assumptions that are less health protective.

With respect to chemical carcinogens, the categorizations formulated by authoritative bodies (IARC,
NTP, U.S. EPA) serve as the initial basis for regulatory actions. In the past, standards of permissible
exposure to occupational agents were generally based on observations of acute or short-term effects
in humans or toxic effects in animals. Many of the Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) set by the
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) (81) were based on the
assumption that a threshold exposure must be exceeded before an adverse effect could occur.

Determinations of safe exposure levels have been obtained by dividing no-observed-effect levels
(NOELs) or no-observed-adverse-effect levels (NOAELs) by safety factors that were intended to
account for differences in susceptibility between animals and humans and variability in susceptibility
among individuals. An additional safety factor would be included if the lowest dose used in the
toxicity study did not achieve a NOEL, that is, the lowest dose produced an effect that was assumed
to represent the lowest-observed-effect level (LOEL). The NOAEL approach is problematic for
evaluating low-dose cancer risk for several reasons. First, this approach assumes a threshold-type
reponse regardless of the shape of the dose–response curve or the mechanism of disease induction.
Second, the selection of “safety factors” is not based on experimental data demonstrating the validity
of the selected values. Third, the dose identified as the NOAEL depends on the size of the dose
groups used in the experimental study. The NOAEL is defined as the exposure level that does not
produce a significant increase in an adverse effect compared to controls. Thus, if the size of the dose
groups is 10, then for the following response [2 of 10 controls, 3 of 10 low dose, and 7 of the 10 high
dose], the low-dose group would be labeled as a NOAEL because 3 of 10 is not statistically different
from 2 of 10. However, if the group size were expanded to 1000 and the same ratio of response was
observed (i.e., control: 200/1000, low dose: 300/1000, high dose 700/1000), then the low-dose group
would be labeled the LOEL because 300/1000 is significantly greater than 200/1000. This point is
made to demonstrate how methodological issues may impact estimations of low-dose risk.

Most of the original OSHA PELs were based on the ACGIH TLVs for specific chemicals. For
example, before 1997, the OSHA 8-hour TWA occupational exposure standard for 1,3-butadiene
was 1000 ppm based on early studies showing that it caused irritation to mucous membranes, skin,
and eyes, or narcosis at very high concentrations (82). The carcignoenicity of 1,3-butadiene in
laboratory animals at exposure concentrations less than 1000 ppm was demonstrated as early as 1984
(83, 84), and less than 7 ppm in 1990 (65); however, the reduction in the occupational exposure
standard to 1 ppm was not promulgated until 13 years after the initial report on the multiple organ
carcinogenicity of this chemical. There is no obvious explanation why such delays occur in enacting
occupational exposure standards for carcinogenic agents. The fact that many occupational
carcinogens listed in Table 4.5 lack cancer-based exposure standards indicates that much more effort
is needed to protect workers from exposure to carcinogens in the workplace.

The U.S. Supreme Court's 1980 ruling on benzene (described in Section 1.2) was interpreted by
OSHA to mean that the Agency must perform quantitative risk assessments, when possible, to
determine whether occupational exposure to toxic or carcinogenic agents poses significant risk to
workers. If a significant risk exists, then OSHA must quantify risks associated with alternative
standards and determine an exposure level that poses no significant risk. Based on the benzene
decision, OSHA considers a lifetime occupational risk of one extra cancer per thousand workers to
be significant; this is in contrast to environmental cancer risk which is considered significant when
lifetime exposure is expected to result in one or more cancer deaths per 100,000 or more than one
per million in the general population. In addition, several occupational health standards are limited
by economic and technological feasibility. In these cases, occupational lifetime excess cancer risks
can be greater than one per thousand. For example, even after regulation the occupational lifetime
excess leukemia risk for exposure to 1 ppm benzene is 10 per 1000 (1%), the excess lung cancer risk
of occupational lifetime exposure to 10 mg/m3 inorganic arsenic is 8 to 12 per 1000, and the excess
lung cancer risk for occupational lifetime exposure to 5 mg/m3 cadmium is 4 to 9 per 1000 (13). The
determination of what is an accptable level of risk is made from political, social, technological, and
economic considerations. Unfortunately, this can result in significant excess cancer risks for exposed

Previous sections of this chapter focused on identifying cancer-causing agents, the first step of risk
assessment; issues related to the other three components of the risk assessment paradigm are
discussed next.
3.2 Exposure Assessment
Exposure assessment involves determining or estimating the magnitude, duration, frequency, and
route(s) of human exposure to the particular carcinogenic agent(s). Thus, the exposure assessment
focuses on identifying exposed populations and characterizing the routes and degrees of exposure. If
exposure data are collected on an individual basis in the exposed subpopulation (e.g., workers in a
specific industry), it would be possible to use that information to characterize the distribution of
exposure in relation to cancer risk. Because epidemiological studies generally lack data on exposure,
especially during the time that the disease may have been initiated, retrospective estimates of
exposure from incomplete data sets may introduce biases or inaccuracies in characterizing dose–
response relationships. In some studies, only semiquantitative relationships between exposure and
response can be determined, for example, ever/never exposed or separation into categories of
relatively high, medium, or low exposure.

In some animal studies, exposures were similar to those in occupational settings. For example, 1,3-
butadiene was shown to be carcinogenic in mice at exposures as low as 6.25 ppm (65), and
occupational exposures to this gas ranged from less than 1 ppm to 374 ppm (85).

Model-based approaches for estimating occupational and environmental exposures need to include
statistical distributions of model parameters to yield realistic estimates of exposure distribution.
Otherwise, reasonable “worst-case” exposure scenatrios are estimated to reflect the upper limits of
risk. This issue is particularly important for assessing occupational cancer risk because exposures in
various job categories in the past compared to the present are likely to have differed substantially. A
single estimate of average workplace exposure does not provide adequate information to assess risk
in highly exposed individuals. Ideally, exposure assessments should be based on data from work area
and personal (breathing zone) exposure monitoring; however, industrial hygiene surveys and
personal monitoring have been reasonably credible only during the past 20 years. Because of
changes in industrial processes and improvements in occupational health and safety practices,
exposure data collected during the past two decades may have limited use in addressing previous
exposures. This issue is particularly pertinent in cancer assessments because of the long latency
period for the clinical manifestation of this disease. Current exposure measurements will have
greatest value for future occupational epidemiological studies and prospective evaluations of the
effectiveness of regulatory actions.

Most occupational exposure assessments used in evaluating human cancer risk have relied on the
recall of industrial hygienists and workers and reviews of employment history. One of the most
extensive characterizations of occupational exposure in relation to cancer outcome was the study by
Macaluso et al. (20) of the styrene-butadiene rubber industry. The retrospective quantitative
estimates of exposure included information on individual work histories, plant records relevant to
exposure (e.g., industrial hygiene monitoring surveys), and interviews with plant managers,
engineers, and other long-term employees to provide insight on manufacturing operations and
potential exposure sources (i.e., release into the work area during sampling, loading/unloading,
maintenance and cleaning, or from equipment leaks). This information was used to characterize
exposure potential in work areas within each manufacturing process, while accounting for historical
changes in processes that may have affected exposure, and to characterize exposure potential
associated with specific tasks. Mathematical models were developed to estimate job-specific and
time-period-specific average exposures. These estimates were linked with individual work histories
to obtain individual cumulative exposure estimates expressed as cumulative ppm-years.
Interestingly, this analysis showed that exposure to 1,3-butadiene was associated with a dose-related
increase in the occurrence of leukemia among exposed workers (20).

Measurements of biomarkers (parent chemical and/or metabolites) in blood, urine, or exhaled breath
can provide direct estimates of worker exposure. Other biomarkers of exposure include
measurements of DNA adducts, mutations in the hprt gene, sister chromatid exchanges, micronuclei,
and chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes. The latter markers reflect
interactions of the agent or its metabolite(s) with DNA and induced genotoxic effects associated with
3.3 Dose–Response Assessment
The dose response assessment for carcinogens involves the process of quantifying the dose and
evaluating its relationship to the probability of tumor occurrence. Estimations of human cancer risk
from exposure to chemicals identified as carcinogens in animal studies require information and
methodologies for extrapolating across species (animal to human), as well as dose (experimental
exposures to workplace exposures).

3.3.1 Allometric Scaling of Animal Dose to Human Dose The first issue in the dose–response
assessment, after a hazard has been identified, is defining dose. The dose received or internalized by
experimental animals or exposed humans is not necessarily identical to the amount of applied agent
or that encountered in the environment. The applied dose may be the concentration of the agent in
water or food multiplied by the amount of food or water consumed, or the atmospheric concentration
of the agent multiplied by the inhaled volume, or the amount applied to the skin, or the amount
injected into the stomach (gavage). The delivered dose is the quantify of material internalized
consequent to one of these exposures.

In the absence of specific information on the absorption and metabolism of the agent in animals and
humans, risk assessments for airborne agents are based on the conversion of animal inhalation doses
to human doses by adjusting for differences in minute volume and normalizing to body weight. If the
route of animal exposure is different than that for humans, additional adjustments (e.g., differential
rates of absorption from inhalation, dermal, and/or oral exposures) are made to extrapolate animal
findings to humans. For example, an equivalent oral dose (EOD) from an inhalation exposure in a
given species is calculated from the following equation:


EC is the exposure concentration in air expressed as mg/L

ED is the exposure duration in minutes
MV is the minute volume expressed as mL/min
AF is the fraction of inhaled substance that is absorbed
10–3 is the conversion factor for L to mL
BW is body weight in kg

Power functions of 0.67 and 0.75 on body weight have been used to scale animal doses to human
doses on a body surface area basis. The following example shows that a dose of 10 mg in a 300 gram
(0.3 kg) rat scaled by body weight0.7 is equivalent to a dose of 454 mg in a 70 kg human:

On a body weight basis, the rat dose in this example is 33.3 mg/kg (10 mg/0.3 kg), and the human
dose is 6.5 mg/kg (454 mg/70 kg). The human equivalent dose (HED) expressed as mg/kg can also
be determined from the following equation:
Several default assumptions are implicit in these calculations. Most important is the assumption that
physiological and biochemical processes (e.g., absorption, metabolism) differ between laboratory
animals and humans by body surface area (body weight0.7). Although physiological processes such
as ventilation rate or cardiac output may scale reasonably well with body surface area, there is no
reason to assume that metabolic activities differ among species according to body surface area.

If blood or plasma time-course data for the agent are available for animals and exposed humans, then
the integrated area under the plasma concentrations curve (AUC) can serve as a surrogate of internal
dose for species comparisons of body burden. However, AUC data is limited to the specific exposure
conditions. In addition, if the active toxic/carcinogenic agent is a metabolic intermediate, then the
AUC for that metabolite would provide a better measure of potential risk.

3.3.2 Estimating Tissue Dose by Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic Modeling Tissue dosimetry
becomes even more complex when multiple metabolites are involved in the carcinogenic process and
their effects are interactive. A more scientifically rational approach than allometric scaling for
estimating tissue dosimetry consequent to a particular exposure is to characterize the biological
activities that influence the behavior of the agent in animals and in humans. Such evaluations should
include determinations of the range of activities that exist in human subpopulations. Mathematical
models that account for the physiological and biochemical processes that affect the absorption,
distribution, metabolism, and elimination of the chemical can provide a biologically based approach
for characterizing the tissue dosimetry of the parent compound and metabolites resulting from
variable exposure conditions, including multiple exposure routes. Further, by using biochemical and
physiological parameters that include the range of measured human values, it may be possible to
address genetic variability and other factors that contribute to differential sensitivities among
subpopulations. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models have been developed to
describe the behavior of drugs in animals and humans; similarly, physiologically based toxicokinetic
(PBTK) models can characterize relationships between exposure to toxic agents and tissue
concentrations of the parent compound and its metabolites.

PBTK models are designed to characterize the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination
of a toxic agent as a function of time. These models are being used increasingly to extrapolate animal
doses to human doses because they allow consideration of species differences in physiological,
biochemical, and anatomical characteristics and because they can address differences in route,
frequency, and level of exposure. Kohn (86) has emphasized the importance of providing realistic
representations of anatomical details in PBTK models; for example, including individual tissue
capillary spaces, including an alveolar space, and separating the GI tract to allow liver perfusion via
the hepatic artery (~ 20%) and via the portal vein (~ 80%) which drains the GI tract capillaries.
PBTK models consist of a series of mass balance differential equations that are formulated to
represent quantitatively the physiological and biochemical processes that affect the behavior of the
agent in the intact animal, including the uptake of the parent compound resulting from an exposure,
transport of the chemical to all tissues in the body, metabolism of the chemical, and elimination of
the parent compound and metabolites. A PBTK model for 1,3-butadiene (BD) is shown in Figure 4.1
(87). In this figure, the animal is represented as divided into separate tissue compartments, including
the site where the gas enters the body from inhalation exposure and the sites where it is subsequently
stored or metabolized. The tissue compartments in the model are connected by arterial and venous
blood flow. The kinetic behavior of the agent in an organism is determined by species–specific
attributes, inlcuding physiological (ventilation rate, cardiac output, organ compartment volumes, and
organ blood perfusion rates), physicochemical (tissue partition coefficients for parent compound and
metabolites), and biochemical (metabolic kinetic constants) parameters. In the BD model,
metabolism is represented in the liver, lung, and kidney of exposed animals. BD undergoes
cytochrome P450-mediated oxidation to mutagenic epoxide intermediates, epoxybutene (EB) and
diepoxybutane. Both of these epoxides are detoxified by hydrolysis via epoxide hydrolysis (EH) or
by conjugation with glutathione via glutathione-S-transferase (GST). By solving the equations in the
model simultaneously, estimates of the tissue concentration time-courses of the parent compound
and its metabolites are generated for any simulated exposure.

Figure 4.1. Schematic of a physiologically based toxicokinetic model for inhalation uptake,
distribution, metabolism, and elimination of 1,3-butadiene (BD). The model includes cytochrome
P450 mediated oxidation of BD to epoxybutene (EB), hydrolysis of EB catalyzed by epoxide
hydrolase (EH), and conjugation of EB with GSH catalyzed by glutathione-S-transferase (GST).

Substitution of human physiological and biochemical parameters for those of laboratory animals can
provide a scientifically sound basis to account for species differences in tissue dosimetry; this
substitution is possible because of the high interspecies correspondence in physiological structure
and function. If adequately validated, such models can serve as a powerful tool for generating
biologically based estimates of tissue dose even under conditions that differ from the experimental
range (e.g., human exposure levels) and with different routes of exposure. Validation requires that
the model accurately predict in vivo behavior of the agent in animals and humans under conditions
different from those that were used to establish any adjustable parameter values. Because PBTK
models can accommodate parameter values that cover the range of values in human populations,
they can be used to evaluate the impact of interindividual variability on tissue dosimetry.

The utility of PBTK models depends on the extent to which testable predictions have been measured
and validated. If the true carcinogenic agent arising from a particular exposure is known (parent
compound or metabolite), then the model can be used to evaluate relationships between time-
dependent tissue concentrations of that agent and tumor outcome. The identification of the
appropriate dose surrogate derived from a PBTK model for use in a dose-response analysis is not
always obvious because our understanding of the multiple mechanisms of chemical carcinogenesis is
limited and because the agent may be metabolized by multiple pathways or to several intermediates
that may influence the tumor response.

A validated PBTK model can be used to quantify response as a function of the dose of the toxic
agent in the affected tissue site and can be used to predict the likelihood of toxic effects of the
chemical at low exposures. Because PBTK models incorporate information on all of the biological
processes that affect the disposition of the agent in animals and humans, they offer the opportunity to
replace default assumptions associated with allometric scaling with biologically based estimates of
tissue dose.

3.3.3 Dose–Response Analysis Tumor response data for the dose–response analysis may come from
epidemiological studies or animals studies. Epidemiological data include the cause-specific relative
risk or SMR values (the incidence of disease or cohort mortality rates in the exposed population
divided by the incidence or mortality rate in the unexposed or general population) or the odds ratios
(see Sectoin 2.1.2). From animal studies, the response is the tumor incidence values in the control
and treated groups. As noted earlier, if survival patterns differ among dosed and control groups, then
survival-adjusted incidence rates should be used in the dose–response analysis.

Several different statistical models have been applied to cancer dose–response data to characterize
the shape of the dose–response curve, to identify specific doses associated with specified levels of
increased cancer risk (e.g., ED10 is the estimated exposure concentration associated with an
increased cancer risk of 10%), and to estimate slopes of the resultant curves. The linearized
multistage (LMS) model has been the primary default dose–response model used by federal agencies
to estimate human cancer potency and low-dose cancer risk. It is a statistical dose–response model
used to estimate extra or additional cancer risk at a specific dose. Additional risk is the probability of
a response at a particular dose, p(d), minus the probability of the response at zero dose, p(0). Extra
risk includes an adjustment in the denominator of 1-p(0) for any background rate of cancer. For
example, if 60 of 100 animals develop a tumor at dose d and the rate for that tumor in controls is 20
of 100, then the additional risk is p(d)–p(0) = 40% whereas the extra risk is p(d)–p(0)/1–p(0) = 50%.

The LMS model can generate linear and nonlinear dose–response patterns and has been used mostly
to generate a maximum likelihood estimate and an upper confidence limit on the slope of the linear
low-dose term of the dose–response curve (88). It was adopted by regulatory agencies as a public
health protective default approach; however, the use of this model for estimating human cancer risk
has been criticized because the parameters of the model do not represent specific rates in the
multistep carcinogenic process and it may overestimate the bounds of human cancer risk if the true
dose–response is nonlinear.

Empirical dose–response models do not perform extrapolations from animals to humans; rather they
assume that at equivalent doses the risk of developing a tumor is similar in humans and rodents. This
assumption would lead to an overestimation of risk if rodents are more susceptible than humans and
an underestimation of risk if humans are more susceptible than rodents. From parameter values that
provide a best fit of the data to these models, estimates of the intercept, shape, and slope of the curve
can be obtained by maximum likelihood estimation. As shown in Figure 4.2, the curve shape may
indicate a supralinear response (curve 1), a linear response (curve 2), a sublinear response (curve 3),
a saturable reponse (curve 4), or a threshold response (curve 5). A true threshold response indicates
that below a certain dose there is no increase in response compared to controls. A saturable response
may arise if the metabolic pathway that produces the active intermediate becomes rate-limiting
above a particular dose. The sublinear response may arise if cooperative interactions among
components involved in the response promote an enhanced effect as dose is increased, or this type of
response may occur if detoxification or repair pathways become saturated. The slope of the linear
dose–response curve indicates that the response increases proportionally with dose. A Weibull model
fit to tumor incidence data for chloroprene and 1,3-butadiene showed that the potency for induction
of lung tumors in mice was the same for these two chemicals (89).

Figure 4.2. Theoretical dose–response curves. Curve 1 is a supralinear response, curve 2 is a linear
response, curve 3 is a sublinear response, curve 4 is a saturable response, and curve 5 is a threshold

As events in the carcinogenic process become better understood and biomarkers of effect become
identified, it may be possible to replace empirical dose–response models with biologically based
models for estimating human risk. Mechanistic-based dose–response models link toxicokinetic
activities (time course on the distribution of an agent or its metabolites in target tissues) with
toxicodynamic activities (critical interactions between metabolites and target tissues). The
conceptual framework for the development of such a model is shown in Figure 4.3. Dosimetry
models require chemical-specific information on parameters such as tissue partitioning, metabolic
activation, detoxification, protein binding, and elimination of the agent, and toxicodynamic models
require information on DNA and chromosomal interactions, DNA repair, mutagenesis, altered gene
expression, and effects on cell cycling. The toxicokinetic model provides the input of dose for the
toxicodynamic model. Tissue time-course data and information on the elimination of parent
compound, metabolites, or other biomarkers of exposure are essential for creating and validating
dosimetry models, whereas measurements of DNA damage and repair, mutagenesis, mRNA levels,
protooncogene activation, suppressor gene inactivation, cell replication and cell death, or other
biomarkers linked to the carcinogenic process collected over a wide range of exposure are essential
for creating and validating toxicodynamic models. The linking of toxicokinetic models with tissue
response models through critical biochemical steps (e.g., DNA binding or receptor-based
interactions) can lead to the development of biologically based dose-response models that quantify
the sequence of events starting with exposure and resulting in tumor induction.
Figure 4.3. Schematic for the conceptual development of biologically based dose–response models
of chemical carcinogenesis. This schematic addresses the sequence of events between exposure and
tumor induction. Critical biochemical steps link tissue dose derived from the toxicokinetic model
with tissue response characterized in the toxicodynamic model.

Portier and Kohn (90) developed a biologically based dose–response model for liver carcinogenesis
induced by 2,3,7,8-TCDD in female arts. A PBPK model that characterized tissue dosimetry of
TCDD was linked with a two-stage model of carcinogenesis. Parameter values for the carcinogenesis
model (birth and death rates of intermediate cells and mutational rates of normal and intermediate
cells) were obtained from estimates of changes in concentrations of biomarker proteins consequent
to dosing with TCDD. Mutational effects were quantified from data on the induction of CYP1A2
(suggested to increase metabolism of estrogen to catechol estrogens, which lead to oxidative DNA
damage) and birth rate/death rate effects were estimated from data on activation of the EGF-receptor.
Although the model gave a reasonable fit to the experimental data and predicted a linear dose–
response in the low-dose range, the authors cautioned on the use of such model for estimating low-
dose risk because the mechanistic links among TCDD-mediated changes in gene expression and
mutational effects and birth rate effects are not completely known.

With continued rapid growth of mechanistic information in molecular biology and carcinogenesis,
especially in molecular signaling and cellular control processes, it should be possible to create
scientifically credible mathematical models that accurately represent the biological processes
involved in tumor induction at low doses. However, at present there is no evidence demonstrating
that biologically based dose–response models are any more accurate than the LMS model for
estimating low dose human risk (91).
3.4 Risk Characterization
Risk characterization provides an integrative summary of the information on the hazard
identification, the exposure assessment, and the dose–response assessment that were used to estimate
potential human cancer risk under various exposure circumstances. Data on the extent of human
exposure to an identified cancer-causing agent are combined with the dose(exposure)–response
analysis to generate estimates of potential risk (i.e., the probability or likelihood of cancer) in
exposed populations and susceptible subpopulations in relation to the actual exposure circumstances.
The risk characterization should (1) evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the data that serve as
the basis for the quantitative estimates of risk, (2) explain the rationale for selecting a particular
extrapolative approach to estimate low-dose risk or explain the basis for determining safe exposure
levels, and (3) identify underlying assumptions and analyze uncertainties used to estimate risk.
Additional issues such as the potential influence of mixed exposures and factors that contribute to
individual differences in susceptibility should also be addressed. The information brought forward in
risk characterization provides the basis for developing and evaluating alternative regulatory
strategies. Final risk management decisions are often based on estimates of risk, as well as cost and
technological feasibility.

OSHA's risk assessments are based on potential occupational lifetime exposure, i.e., working
lifetime exposure is assumed to be 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week, 48 weeks per year, for
45 years. Animal inhalation cancer studies with exposure of 6 hours/day, 5 days per week, for
2 years are designed to mimic occupational exposures. Both the experimental protocol and the
OSHA assessment cover approximately 15% of the expected lifetime (in hours) for humans and

Because all human carcinogens have been shown to be carcinogenic in animals when adequately
tested (92, 93), most public health agencies regard animal carcinogens as potential human
carcinogens. However, because many agents that have been shown to be carcinogenic in animals
have not been evaluated in humans, mechanistic research in industry-sponsored laboratories has been
styled to support hypotheses that suggest that animal positive findings do not reliably predict human
risk. If a critical step in the carcinogenesis process occurs in animals but not in humans, then it might
be appropriate to discount the animal tumor data for assessing human risk. For example, if the
metabolic pathway causal for tumor induction occurs in animals but does not occur in humans, then
the animal response may not be suitably informative of human risk. However, to date, no metabolic
pathway causal for tumor induction has been demonstrated to be unique to the animal models used in
cancer bioassays. Furthermore, other mechanisms may be operating in humans.

Differences in rates of activation or rates of detoxification between humans and animals should be
accounted for in dosimetry models used to extrapolate animal findings to humans. Quantitative
differences in toxicocokinetics do not indicate zero risk to humans. Furthermore, because of
interindividual differences among humans, some segments of the population may be more sensitive
than animals. Polymorphisms and differences in the degree of induction of inducible metabolic
enzymes can result in substantial interindividual variability in risk associated with exposure to
carcinogenic agents. In some instances, humans may be more susceptible to carcinogenic agents
(e.g., arsenic) than animals.

Because of our limited understanding of the mechanisms of chemical carcinogenicity, the

demonstration that a particular activity of a chemical is the critical step in the cancer process and that
that effect or a similar effect could not occur in exposed people often relies on assumptions or
unproven hypotheses (79). Although mechanistic research has increased our understanding of the
carcinogenic process, it should be recognized that the exact mechanism of tumor induction has not
been elucidated for any chemical that causes cancer in animals or in humans. Decisions to discount
the relevance of positive animal findings for evaluations of human risk when based on acceptance of
unproved hypotheses could lead to workplace exposure circumstances that pose avoidable cancer

3.4.1 Extrapolation from Animals to Humans The evaluation of human risk from epidemiological
data avoids uncertainties of animal to human extrapolations. However, obtaining this information
requires a long follow-up period between the initial exposure and the assessment of disease
incidence. The warnings from positive animal studies must be heeded to prevent disease occurrence
that could have been avoided. Extrapolation models of animal findings to human risk at occupational
exposures contain various inherent assumptions because mechanisms of chemical carcinogenicity are
not fully understood. The advancement of scientific knowledge of critical steps involved in chemical
carcinogenesis in laboratory animals and humans may eventually obviate the need for many default
assumptions used in low-dose extrapolation models, for example, the need to scale tissue dosimetry
across species by allometric procedures may be replaced by models that are based on physiological
and biochemical parameters specific for laboratory animals and humans.

In characterizing human risk based on tumor induction in laboratory animals, sources of uncertainty
need to be identified and analyzed. Uncertainties may concern the reliability of the low-dose
extrapolation model, the appropriate dose metric that is used in the tumor dose–response model (e.g.,
the occupational lifetime cumulative tissue dose, the time-weighted average lifetime dose, the
maximum daily tissue concentration), as well as issues related to species and interindividual
differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Models that are validated against measured
biomarkers of exposure and effect can strengthen the scientific basis for animal to human
extrapolations. Pharmacokinetic issues involving estimates of internal dose or tissue dose include
uncertainties in the accuracy of parameter estimates, interdependence of parameters, validity of
scaling methods, variability of parameters among individuals, and effects of coexposure to other
agents that may alter metabolic processes.

Additional data and models are needed to adequately account for interspecies, intraspecies, and sex
differences in susceptibility. The risk characterization should address issues such as, are laboratory
animals and humans similarly susceptible to the carcinogenic effects of a particular agent at
equivalent doses, has the correct causative agent or intermediate(s) been specified for low-dose
extrapolation, and do responses in animals reflect the range of responses that might occur in exposed

Species-specific mechanistic information at the cellular and molecular levels is critical for
developing biologically based dose–response models that are applicable for extrapolating animal
effects to humans. Quantitative differences between species can be incorporated into mechanistic
based dosimetry models used to extrapolate tumor responses observed in animals to humans. In the
absence of detailed quantative information on species differences in response, it is prudent to assume
that the risk of developing a tumor at equivalent doses is similar in humans and rodents. This
assumptions may lead to overestimates or underestimates of human risk because of the numerous
factors that can influence the disease outcome such as duration of exposure, age, race, tumor latency,
exposure to other agents, route(s) of exposure, health status, lifestyle, and the multitude of hormonal
and genetic factors that contribute to interspecies and intraspecies differences in susceptibility. Point
estimates of risk such as the maximum likelihood estimate obtained from low-dose extrapolation
models do not account for these sources of variability; upper 95% bounds on excess cancer risk
address sampling variability, but not the sources of variability listed above.

3.4.2 Estimation of Low–Dose Risk Statistical models, in particular the LMS model, have been used
to extrapolate animal findings to estimate risk at occupational exposures. Low-dose estimates of risk
are obtained by extending the dose–response curve to the exposure level(s) of concern. However,
because these extensions may go beyond the experimental exposure range, the USEPA (66)
proposed using a defined value near the range of experimental data as a point of departure for
estimating low-dose risk. The draft EPA guidelines for cancer risk assessment call for the use of
biologically based models for low-dose extrapolations; these are defined as models in which
parameter values are calculated independently of curve-fititing of tumor data. If no acceptable
biologically based model is available then a statistical model is fit to the tumor dose–response data to
estimate the human equivalent dose for an increased cancer risk of 10% (ED10) and the lower 95%
confidence limit on that dose (LED10). Rather than extrapolating to low doses by the default LMS
model, low-dose risk is estimated by extending a straight line from the LED10 to zero response for
agents that indicate a linear mode of action (e.g., DNA reactive genotoxic chemicals or situations in
which added human exposure is on the linear part of a dose–response curve) or for agents for which
there is insufficient evidence (uncertainty) to support a nonlinear mode of action. For agents that
demonstrate a nonlinear mode of action, the EPA will employ a margin of exposure analysis (i.e., the
LED10 divided by uncertainty or safety factors) that is intended to signify a human exposure that is
considered unlikely to induce disease. By this analysis, no estimates are made of potential risk or
likelihood of cancer occurrence. The uncertainty factors are intended to address interspecies and
intraspecies differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and the adequacy of the
database. The magnitude of the applied uncertainty factors must be analyzed to validate the level of
protection that they are assumed to provide.

For a nonlinear dose–response, the margin of exposure approach projects that the response at low
doses falls faster than that of a linear dose–response. Hence a higher level of exposure would be
considered reasonably safe compared to that estimated from linear extrapolation. The margin of
exposure approach is favored by those who have criticized the LMS model as overly health
conservative; however, caution is needed to ensure that public and worker health is not compromised
when a low-dose model with one set of assumptions is replaced with an alternative approach that is
based on unproven hypotheses and less health protective assumptions.

Occupational Chemical Carcinogenesis


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Noncancer Risk Assessment: Principles and Practice In Environmental and Occupational

Lynne T. Haber, Ph.D., Joan S. Dollarhide, MS, MTSC, JD, Andrew Maier, MS, CIH,
Michael L. Dourson, Ph.D., DABT

1 Introduction
The approach to assessing the risks of noncancer toxicity generally differs from that used to assess
the potential risks of carcinogenicity. Assessment of risks of carcinogenicity most often assumes that
a small number of molecular events can evoke mutagenic changes in a single cell, ultimately leading
to self-replicating damage and carcinogenicity. Generally, this is considered a nonthreshold effect
because presumably no level of exposure does not pose a small, but finite, probability of generating a
response. In contrast, it is most often assumed that noncarcinogenic changes have a threshold, a dose
level below which a response is unlikely, because homeostatic, compensating, and adaptive
mechanisms in the cell protect against toxic effects. For example,

Two paracetamol [Tylenol] tablets will relieve the minor aches and pains ... Twenty-two tablets [are
fatal] ... So why is not all paracetamol a danger ... ? The answer to the paracetamol puzzle is that
there are two pathways down which our bodies dispose of this drug. Most is removed by converting
it to a sulphate and this works fine provided there is no sudden excess that uses up our supply of
sulphate enzymes. If this happens the body has another way of removing paracetamol, by oxidizing
it. Unfortunately, this produces a toxic chemical that requires glutathione to detoxify it. It is only
when the supply of glutathione is exhausted that the [toxin is fatal] (1).

This threshold concept is important in many regulatory contexts. The individual threshold hypothesis
holds that some exposures can be tolerated by an organism that has essentially no chance of
expressing a toxic effect. Further, risk management decisions frequently focus on protecting the
more sensitive members of a population. In these cases efforts are made to keep exposures below the
more sensitive subpopulation threshold, although it is recognized that hypersensitivity and chemical
idiosyncrasy may exist at yet lower doses.

Quantitative assessment of the noncancer toxic effects of environmental exposures has traditionally
been evaluated in terms of concepts such as acceptable daily intake (ADI) and margin of safety.
Scientists familiar with such concepts have identified certain limits and difficulties with their use.
Based on recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) (2), scientists now are
better articulating the use of experimental and epidemiological data in making and explaining risk
assessment and risk management decisions. As a result, several newer quantitative procedures that
augment the traditional concepts have been developed and are presented here.

The basic concepts of risk assessment are also an integral part of evaluating the health risks
associated with occupational exposures. Activities such as the identification of hazards, evaluation of
the supportive data for determining occupational exposure values, and conducting exposure
estimates all fit well into the risk assessment paradigm described in the NAS publication (2).
Although one can argue that risk assessment is common in the workplace, the application of many
specific risk assessment methodologies is relatively new. Historically, occupational risk assessment
decisions relied heavily on professional judgment. A more recent event is the integration of
quantitative noncancer risk assessment approaches into the occupational arena. Examples of the
increasing focus on the application of quantitative risk assessment are apparent from the activities of
organizations that derive occupational exposure values.

Groups such as the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are
increasingly relying on risk assessment tools to promulgate new or revised occupational levels such
as Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs). The need to integrate risk assessment into the standard
setting process was demonstrated by the court rulings in response to challenges to OSHA standards.
The benzene standard and air contaminant standard were both vacated on the basis that there was an
insufficient demonstration that a significant risk existed and that adoption of the standard would
reduce that risk. After addressing the risk assessment issues, OSHA promulgated its benzene
standard in 1987. Importantly, in the proposed rulemaking for the update of the PELs (3–5), OSHA
made clear its intention to use state-of-the-art risk assessment methods to derive new air contaminant
standards. Thus it is clear that risk assessment will play an increasing role in establishing
occupational health values promulgated by OSHA.

Other organizations that develop occupational exposure limits (OELs) are also moving from heavy
reliance on professional judgment to consistent risk assessment approaches. The National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH), and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) have also increased
their interest and application of risk assessment techniques in the occupational setting. ACGIH has
included risk assessment as an issue under study by the Chemical Substances TLV Committee (6).
Similarly, AIHA recently published an issue paper on this subject (7). Documentation of risk
assessment methodologies for application to occupational settings has also increased in the recent
literature (8–11).

This chapter describes the general framework for noncancer risk assessment and some salient
principles for evaluating the quality of data and formulating judgments about the nature and
magnitude of the noncancer hazard. Highlights of noncancer risk assessment methods used by a
variety of agencies and organizations, and examples of how occupational risk assessment is moving
toward a more systematic use of risk assessment principles are presented.

This chapter also has several specific aims. The first is to provide scientifically supportable
quantitative risk assessment procedures to meet the risk assessment goals listed following. A second
aim is to provide a scientific rationale that may be used to deter-mine whether new quantitative risk
assessment procedures not specifically examined in this chapter are scientifically supportable. The
final aim of this chapter is to provide a basis for developing new or improved quantitative risk
assessment procedures.

The quantitative risk assessment procedures described in this chapter have been developed to meet
some of the risk assessment goals for various purposes. Although the protection of the public and
occupational health is a common theme that runs through these separate risk assessment goals, they
are sufficiently different to warrant separate and distinct procedures. Examples of such goals are

• to rank chemicals as to possible hazard

• to determine and/or estimate a level of daily exposure that is likely to be without an appreciable
risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime
• to determine and/or estimate the likely human response to exposure to various levels of a particular

Moreover, differing amounts of toxicity data are needed for various quantitative procedures. Thus,
the amount of data available affects the choice of procedure, as shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1. Some Risk Assessment Goals and Required Data Availability

Amount of
Goal Data Approach/End Result

Rank chemicals Limited, Structure-activity relationships (SAR), toxicity

moderate equivalency factors (TEFs) for ranking
or great
Get to a “safe” Moderate Development of acceptable daily intake (ADI),
level or great reference dose (RfD), reference concentration
(RfC), permissible exposure limit (PEL); use of
dose–response modeling such as benchmark
dose/concentration (BMD/BMC), categorical
Characterize the Great Physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBPK)
full dose– model, biologically based dose–response
response (BBDR) model (both of which can be used in
behavior developing any of the values above)

Noncancer Risk Assessment: Principles and Practice In Environmental and Occupational

Lynne T. Haber, Ph.D., Joan S. Dollarhide, MS, MTSC, JD, Andrew Maier, MS, CIH,
Michael L. Dourson, Ph.D., DABT

2 Hazard Identification
Hazard identification is a necessary first step in the risk assessment of a chemical. Hazard
identification involves evaluating the appropriateness, nature, quality, and relevance of scientific
data on the specific chemical; the characteristics, magnitude, and relevance of the experimental
routes of exposure; and the nature and significance to human health of the observed effects. Groups
such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) have developed guideline documents
that explain the process of hazard identification for developmental toxicity (12), reproductive
toxicity (13), and neurotoxicity (14). The reader is referred to these more extensive documents for
specific details.
2.1 General Principles
Many dose–response processes for noncancer toxicity depend in part on professional judgment
whether an effect or collection of effects observed at any given dose of a chemical constitutes an
adverse response. Such judgment may not be easily rendered and requires experts trained in the area.
For example, Fig. 5.1 shows individual disability as a function of organ system impairment and the
overlapping areas of adverse and nonadverse effects. Table 5.2 more clearly describes some of the
terms shown in Fig. 5.1, as well as some other key terms for hazard identification.
Figure 5.1. Individual disability as a function of organ system impairment.

Table 5.2. Some Key Definitions for Hazard Identification

ADAPTIVE EFFECT enhances an organism's performance as a whole and/or

its ability to withstand a challenge. An increase in liver weight due to an
increase in hepatic smooth endoplasmic reticulum is an example of an adaptive
effect, if hepatic metabolism reduces the chemical's toxicity.
COMPENSATORY EFFECT maintains overall function without enhancement
or significant cost. Increased respiration due to metabolic acidosis is an
example of a compensatory effect.
CRITICAL EFFECT is the first adverse effect, or its known precursor, that
occurs as dose rate or exposure level increases. One or more effects may be
ADVERSE EFFECT is a biochemical change, functional impairment, or
pathological lesion that impairs performance and reduces the ability of an
organism to respond to additional challenge. The determination of such effects
may require special tests or observation, such as preparation of slides for
histological analysis.
FRANK EFFECT is an unmistakable adverse effect, such as convulsions or
mortality. The determination of such effects can be done by clinical
observation and normally does not require special tests.
SEVERITY connotes the toxicological significance attached to the continuum
of effects, including adaptive, compensatory, critical, adverse, and frank
effects, potentially associated with exposure of xenobiotics.

Although this figure and table are useful tools for showing the broad concept of adversity, the
analysis of adversity for a given chemical or situation is strictly a case by case analysis by experts.
For example, a chemical often elicits more than one toxic effect, even in one species or in tests of the
same or different duration. After assessing the quality of each study, identifying the biological and
statistical significance of observed effects (discussed later), and distinguishing between reversible
and irreversible end points (discussed later), risk assessment scientists often identify the critical
effect(s). The critical effect(s) is the first adverse effect(s) or its known precursor that occurs as the
dose rate increases in a study. When several studies are compared, the critical effect is generally the
lowest one that occurs collectively. Current dose–response methods described in this text and
elsewhere use the critical effects as a basis for the dose–response assessment. The critical effects
may change among toxicity studies of different durations, may be influenced by toxicity in other
organs, and may differ depending on the availability of data on the shape of the dose–response curve.

Where specific guidance on hazard identification is not available, some general considerations
regarding the types of toxicity evidence and adversity of effect are needed. Toward this end, risk
assessment scientists look at the available data in several different ways, as outlined here. The
following considerations illustrate some broad concepts of hazard identification applicable to all
organ systems.
2.2 Evaluation of Human and Animal Data
In general, hazard identification should include considerations of factors affecting study quality, such
as study hypothesis, design, and execution. An ideal study addresses a clearly delineated hypothesis,
follows a carefully prescribed protocol, and includes sufficient subjects, observations, and statistical

In the experience of risk assessment scientists around the world, properly conducted and ethical
human studies are most useful in qualitatively establishing a link between exposure to an agent and
manifestation of an adverse effect. When there is adequate information on the exposure level
associated with a particular end point, controlled human exposure to levels that are not overtly toxic
and/or epidemiological studies can also provide the basis for a hazard identification and dose–
response assessment. The use of adequate human data to define the hazard and the dose–response
relationship avoids the problem of interspecies extrapolation. Animal toxicity studies serve as
supporting evidence when adequate human data are available.

Criteria for judging the adequacy of epidemiological studies are well recognized (15). They include
factors such as the proper selection and characterization of exposed and control cohorts, the
adequacy of duration and quality of follow-up, the proper identification and characterization of
confounding factors and bias, the appropriate consideration of latent effects, the valid ascertainment
of the causes of morbidity and death, the ability to detect specific effects, and the determination of
exposure and/or doses. If possible, the statistical power to detect an effect should be included in the
assessment. The strength of the epidemiological evidence, as judged by experts for specific health
effects, depends on, among other things, the type of analysis and the magnitude and specificity of the
response. For example, the weight of evidence increases rapidly with the number of adequate studies
that show comparable results for populations exposed to the same agent under different conditions.
As with judging the adequacy of studies, expert judgment is necessary to determine the weight of
evidence for or against a specific effect.

In the absence of adequate human data, risk assessment scientists rely primarily on studies of
animals for hazard identification. Adequate animal studies offer the benefit of controlled chemical
exposures and definitive toxicological analysis. Experimental observations of animals are usually
conducted in mammals, and the species most often studied are the rat, mouse, rabbit, guinea pig,
hamster, dog, and monkey. Even when there are adequate animal studies, it is often useful to
reconsider inadequate human data to evaluate whether the risk assessment based on animal data
appears reasonable based on the general understanding from the human data.

Criteria for the adequacy of experimental animal studies include chemical characterization of the test
compound(s), the number of individuals in the study groups and whether both sexes are used, the
number of study groups, the spacing and choice of dosing levels so as to determine an adequate
dose–response relationship, the types of observations and methods of analysis, the nature of
pathological changes, the consideration of toxicokinetics, and whether the route and duration of
exposure were relevant to environmental exposures. Criteria for the technical adequacy and
evaluation of animal studies have been published (16, 17), and should be used to judge the
acceptability of individual studies.

However, professional judgment regarding the adequacy of a study is not based solely on the degree
to which it fits a prescribed recipe. It is also based on how well it enables one to identify potential
adverse effects. Recent end-point-specific risk assessment guidelines published by the USEPA, for
example, discuss such professional judgments on developmental toxicity (12) and male and female
reproductive effects (13).

Supporting evidence from a wide variety of sources provides additional information for hazard
identification. For example, metabolic and other toxicokinetic studies can provide insights into
mechanisms of action. Comparison of the metabolism of the compound that exhibits the toxic effect
in the animal with its metabolism in humans may strengthen or weaken the dose–response
assessment. Toxicodynamic data may also be useful for estimating the dose to humans that would
result in the same toxicity as observed in the animal study (i.e., the “equitoxic human dose”) and/or
as part of the calculation of the delivered dose to the target organ or site. Evaluation of toxicokinetic
differences between animals and humans has allowed the development of generalized dosimetric
adjustments of exposure levels across species (18–21). Risk assessment scientists encourage the
development of comparative toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic parameters because such information
increases the fundamental understanding of xenobiotic processes and reduces the uncertainties of
interspecies extrapolation.

Animal and human studies that are deemed inadequate for quantitative risk assessment (e.g., due to
insufficient doses, study duration, number of animals, etc.) nevertheless may provide supporting
evidence regarding the target organ(s) and the critical effect. Similarly, in vitro studies can often
provide insight, but seldom definitive conclusions, on the compound's mode of action and potential
for human toxicity. However, it is possible that development of reliable and relevant in vitro tests
may increase the usefulness of such data for assessing human risk in the future and minimize the
need for live animal testing.
2.3 Route, Source, and Duration of Exposure
Because human exposure to a chemical pollutant is often route-specific (e.g., inhaled but not
ingested) or source-specific (e.g., water versus food), risk assessment scientists often approach the
investigation of a chemical with a particular route, source, and/or duration of exposure in mind. For
example, within the oral route of exposure, the bioavailability of a chemical ingested in one source
(i.e., food) may differ from that manifested when it is ingested in another source (i.e., water).
Usually, the toxicity database on the compound does not provide data on all possible routes, sources,
and/or durations of administration.

Toxic effects observed via one route or source of exposure are often relevant to other routes,
although expert judgment should be applied in making such extrapolations. For example, if a
chemical exhibits developmental effects at low doses via the oral route and it is absorbed from the
respiratory tract, there is reason to suspect that it is also a developmental toxicant via the inhalation
route. Consideration is given to potential differences in absorption or metabolism resulting from
different routes and/or sources of exposure, such as the potential for first-pass metabolism in the case
of oral exposure. Consideration is also given to the potential for portal of entry effects (e.g.,
gastrointestinal effects from oral exposure and respiratory effects from inhalation exposure).
Whenever appropriate data are available, these factors are taken into account in the dose–response
assessment. (As a specific example, the Reference Dose for hydrogen cyanide employs a fivefold
modifying factor to account for the expected pharmacokinetic differences for this compound in water
vs. food (2).) For example, guidance has recently been developed for extrapolating oral data to
inhalation scenarios (18).

Toxic effects can also vary with magnitude, frequency, and duration of exposure. Studies differ in
exposure duration (acute, subchronic, and chronic) and in dosing schedules (single, intermittent, or
continuous). Information from all these studies is useful in the dose–response assessment. For
example, overt neurological problems identified in a short-term, relatively high-dose study would
reinforce the observation of subtle neurological changes noted in a low-dose, chronic study. Low-
dose, chronic exposure, however, might also elicit effects either absent or not detected in higher
dose, shorter duration exposures (and vice versa). For example, acute exposure to benzene causes
central nervous system effects, whereas the critical effect for chronic exposure is hematological

It is frequently necessary to extrapolate from exposures that differ in magnitude, frequency, and
duration to those of interest to a specific human situation. For example, one may need to use
subchronic experimental data to assess the potential hazard resulting from chronic ambient exposure.
Consideration is given to potential differences in absorption or metabolism from different exposures.
When appropriate data are available, the quantitative impacts of these differences on the risk
assessment are delineated. The procedures outlined in this chapter are generally applicable, with
proper judgment, to exposures of differing magnitude, frequency, and duration.
2.4 Evaluation of Toxicological Effects
2.4.1 Severity Defined Severity connotes the toxicological significance attached to the continuum of
effects (including adaptive, compensatory, critical, adverse, and frank effects) potentially associated
with exposure to xenobiotics. In general, this continuum starts with adaptive effects, where the
organism's ability to withstand a challenge is enhanced. As doses increase, compensatory effects
occur and then are often seen as a way for the organism to maintain overall function without further
enhancement or significant cost. At some point as dose increases, the critical effect is reached. This
is the first adverse effect, or its known precursor, that occurs as dose increases. The critical effect is
often the focus of the dose–response assessment based on the assumption that if the critical effect is
prevented, then all subsequent adverse effects are prevented. As dose increases, the dose that causes
the critical effect is exceeded, and additional adverse effects are manifested as biochemical changes,
functional impairments, or pathological lesions. These progressively more severe effects generally
impair the performance of the organism and/or reduce its ability to respond to additional challenges.
At some point, these adverse effects become manifestly overt, and frank disease ensues.

2.4.2 Assessing the Biological Significance of Statistical Change The general approach that risk
assessment scientists take in evaluating whether a change is adverse is consistent with that outlined
in Ref. 22. An adverse effect is defined as a biochemical change, functional impairment, or
pathological lesion that impairs performance and reduces the ability of an organism to respond to
additional challenge. The presence of change alone does not necessarily indicate an adverse effect.
The determination of adversity should consider the toxicological and statistical significance of the
observed effect(s).

As discussed in part by Gaylor (23), the toxicological and statistical significance of an observed
effect must not be equated and in fact toxicological and statistical considerations are often regarded
sequentially. The determination of adversity should, instead, involve careful toxicological evaluation
where statistics are used only as a tool for clarifying the implications of the data. The actual decision
whether an effect is adverse should be based solely on biological grounds. Any animal that is in a
state of physiological compromise should be judged as exhibiting an adverse effect. If difficulties
exist in interpreting the importance of the effects, these difficulties are often related to whether the
effect was statistically significant.

Apparent conflicts between statistics and toxicology can arise when toxicologically insignificant
effects are statistically significant or vice versa. For example, the observation in a chronic study of a
5% decrease in net body weight in an experimental group compared to the control group may be
statistically significant but may not be considered toxicologically important if both groups are fed ad
libitum because such a decrease is often associated with increased longevity. Instead of a real
conflict, however, the statistical significance suggests that the effect is real, but the biological
reasoning indicates that the effect is not adverse. A special case in this situation is where the
toxicological relevance of the statistically significant effect is uncertain. In this case, it is incumbent
upon the professionals to judge whether the effect is toxicologically significant.

Evaluating changes that are not statistically significant is more difficult because the observed effects
are then only weakly linked to the exposure. The problem is compounded when statistical methods
are inappropriately applied. For example, consider the case when the exposed group shows a rare
type of lesion. If the observed frequency in the exposed group is small, then the effect is unlikely to
be statistically significant, compared with the experimental control group. The risk assessment
scientist, however, often evaluates the nature and frequency of the observation in the context of
previous experience or data in historical controls (i.e., knowledge of the spontaneous occurrence of
the observation in the species) and concludes that the effect is worth further study. Again, this does
not imply a conflict but instead illustrates the different types of data analysis that may be performed.
If the statistical analysis also included historical controls, the same conclusion might have been
reached. Similarly, an effect may exhibit a clear dose–response relationship, but not be statistically
significant in pairwise comparisons. In this case, a trend test, or a NOSTASOT test (a method for
determining a no observed adverse effect level by doing successive trend tests and removing the
highest dose) may support a toxicologist's conclusion that an adverse effect is occurring.

The evaluation of rare effects is not as confusing when the goal is to estimate a dose–response curve,
rather than to determine whether a particular dose level leads to toxicologically significant changes.
In the former case, the rarity of the lesion would be used as part of the dose–response relationship.

2.4.3 Assessing the Toxicological Significance of Observed Effects In some instances, the risk
assessor must evaluate the toxicological significance of the observed effects, for example when the
effect is reversible. A reversible change is often an adaptive or compensatory response to stress or
may be an overt adverse response that the body can repair. Reversible changes return to normal or
within normal limits either during the course of or following exposure. An irreversible change
persists or may progress even after exposure ceases (22). It must be recognized that although a
change may be reversible when exposure is terminated, it still may be adverse to an organism. In
fact, depending upon the changes observed at the various dose levels tested, a potentially reversible
change may well be selected as the critical effect in the dose-response assessment because
reversibility often depends on the magnitude of the dose and the duration of exposure. The longer the
test species receives the chemical exposure and/or the larger the amount of chemical administered,
the greater is the likelihood that the reversible change in the early stages will progress to a permanent
irreversible state. For example, the early stages of alcohol intoxication result in fatty infiltration of
the liver, which is most often reversible upon cessation of exposure. However, when the exposure
becomes chronic and the dose administered is sufficiently high, a permanent cirrhotic condition
develops. Both effects are adverse, because the fatty changes, although reversible, result from
functional impairment and are a precursor state that can progress to irreversible toxicity; however,
liver cirrhosis is considered more serious in nature because reversibility is no longer possible (24).

Certain effects are irreversible (e.g., certain chronic neurological diseases, liver cirrhosis, and
emphysema). The description of such effects has a useful role in the hazard evaluation of the
chemical in conjunction with more subtle end points because the chemical's full dose–response
behavior is described. However, the descriptions of irreversible effects by themselves are seldom
considered useful in dose–response assessment because such effects often appear well above the
experimental threshold range.

When identifying a hazard, irreversible effects can usually be distinguished from less serious but still
adverse changes. However, difficulty arises when trying to determine the toxicological significance
of more subtle and/or reversible changes. For example, transient hypertrophy or hyperplasia can be
an adaptive change resulting from exposure to a xenobiotic or can be a precursor effect to the
production of more severe toxicity, such as the disruption of normal organ function. The
toxicological significance of such manifestations is established by carefully analyzing the
biochemical, morphological, and physiological changes that occur at other doses and available
supporting data and by combining the data analysis with professional scientific judgment to reach an
overall determination.

In some cases, it must be ascertained whether an adverse effect that is observed is truly treatment
related. For example, if a respiratory tract infection is present in the animal colony, this may
predispose the exposed animals to the development of adverse respiratory effects in response to
chemical exposure, whereas such effects may not occur in healthy animals. However, if the effects
noted demonstrate a clear concentration–response relationship, despite the presence of infection,
then the effect may be considered treatment related. For example, mild irritant effects induced by
chemical exposure may allow mycoplasma to become established in the extrathoracic region, leading
to pneumonia. In this case, the incidence of pneumonia may not be a direct effect of chemical
exposure but is secondary to irritation induced by exposure to the chemical and therefore can be
considered treatment related.
2.5 Essential Elements and Bioavailability
Special consideration is required for developing oral risk values, such as RfDs, for essential
elements, primarily metals. In such cases, particular attention is paid to the available human data for
both toxicity and essentiality. Where available, World Health Organization (WHO) and U.S.
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) values for minimal requirements and the recommended
dietary allowance (RDA) or the estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intake (ESADDI) are
carefully considered in the development of an RfD. For example, consideration of uncertainty factors
used in deriving an RfD should take into account that the RfD should generally not be lower than the
ESADDI or RDA. Conversely, a risk manager may need to take into account normal dietary
exposure to the chemical of interest in calculating acceptable environmental exposure levels. These
issues were taken into account, for example, in the RfD for manganese (25).

It is also important to take bioavailability into account in developing risk values, such as PELs and
RfDs. The absorption of some chemicals, particularly metals, may depend on the route and form of
administration. For example, the inhalation absorption, bioavailability, and subsequent toxicity of
nickel compounds is thought to vary by nickel species (6, 26). Gastrointestinal uptake of nickel also
varies depending on whether it is in water or in food: human subjects who fasted absorbed 27% of a
dose of soluble nickel salts when administered in water but 0.7% when administered in food (27). To
account in part for potential differences in the bioavailability of manganese in food compared to
water and soil, the USEPA adopted a modifying factor of 3 for the manganese RfD when exposure is
via drinking water or soil.

A full consensus has not been reached on accounting for essentiality and differences in
bioavailability. An alternative to using a modifying factor is to specify that the risk value is for the
dose above that normally ingested in food. Another, more complex approach is to note the degree of
absorption via different routes and for risk assessors to take that into account when calculating the
total dose. Recent work in this area includes the effort by the National Academy of Sciences to
determine the upper intake level for nutrients as part of its overall effort to establish dietary reference
intakes (28).
2.6 Weight of the Overall Evidence
Evaluation of the overall weight of evidence is a key step in identifying the critical effect for a
noncancer assessment. Evaluation of the overall weight of evidence includes characterization of (1)
the quality of the evidence from human studies, (2) the quality of evidence from animal studies, and
(3) other supportive information, which is assessed to determine whether the overall weight of
evidence should be modified. The other supportive information can be used in evaluating the
relevance to humans of the experimental animal model or the observed effect and in identifying the
appropriate gas category for conducting dosimetric adjustments (see Section 3.1.2). Hill (15)
provided criteria for evaluating whether a causal relationship has been established in an
epidemiological study and in the overall epidemiological database. As noted by the USEPA (18),
these same criteria apply in evaluating the weight of evidence for the entire database (Table 5.3).

Table 5.3. Criteria for Establishing Causal Significance

The strength of the association is enhanced when

Consistent results are obtained by different investigators under a variety of
The association is stronger (larger relative risk or odds ratio).
The association is specific, the exposure is associated with a specific effect,
and that effect is specific to the exposure.
Exposure occurs prior to the development of the effect (temporality).
The association is consistent with what is known about the chemical's effects
and mechanism based on clinical or animal studies (coherence and biological
A dose–response relationship is observed.

Similar criteria apply in evaluating animal data. Ideally, the database should include studies of
several species in which a variety of end points are evaluated. For noncancer assessments, this
evaluation should include systemic toxicity following acute, intermediate, or chronic exposure by
several routes of exposure, as well as developmental and reproductive effects. If these general tests
or analogy to other chemicals suggests a concern, it may also be necessary to conduct specialized
testing, such as evaluations of immunotoxicity or neurotoxicity. These studies are used to
characterize the chemical's spectrum of potential human toxicity by identifying target organs and the
dose ranges associated with adverse effects in animals. In vitro data can be used to elucidate
potential mechanisms of biological activity, to evaluate the relevance of the end point to humans,
and to improve the extrapolation from animals to humans, or to characterize within-human
variability. The assessment of the animal database should include an evaluation of the reliability of
the experimental design and toxicological interpretation of the results, as described before. In
addition, consideration should be given to studies designed to evaluate the metabolism and
toxicokinetics of the chemical and to data from other studies that may elucidate its mechanism(s) of

Once the data have been critically reviewed, all of the results from the various studies should be
examined collectively to determine if a causal relationship exists between chemical exposure and the
observed effects. In addition to the general criteria described in Table 5.3, the strength of the overall
evidence is enhanced if (1) similar effects are observed in structurally similar compounds and (2)
there is some evidence that the chemical also causes the particular effects in humans.

Species-specific differences in sensitivity to a chemical should also be considered. These differences

may result from differences in metabolizing the chemical, from other physiological differences such
as differences in the anatomy of the respiratory system, or from differences in the sensitivity of the
target tissue. These differences can result in apparently inconsistent data that can be explained by
considering the chemical's dosimetry, toxicokinetics, and toxicodynamics. Thus, evaluation of
toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics can play an important role in evaluating the weight of evidence.
For inhalation studies, consideration of particle size is an important part of evaluating the weight of
evidence and may explain apparently conflicting results among studies. It is also important to
distinguish differences that result from study limitations and experimental design from those that are
related to species-specific differences in respiratory function.

Noncancer Risk Assessment: Principles and Practice In Environmental and Occupational

Lynne T. Haber, Ph.D., Joan S. Dollarhide, MS, MTSC, JD, Andrew Maier, MS, CIH,
Michael L. Dourson, Ph.D., DABT

3 Dose–Response Assessment
Dose–response assessment is generally the next step in the risk assessment process. It uses the results
of the hazard identification as a starting point for determining the likely quantitative outcome in
humans. The results of the dose–response assessment generally follow the methods described in
Table 5.1. Additional details on the “safe” dose model and improvements to this model follow here.
3.1 General Principles
“Safe” or subthreshold doses are defined by a number of health agencies worldwide. Different names
are used for these values, such as Health Canada's Tolerable Daily Intake or Concentration (TDI or
TDC) (29); International Programme on Chemical Safety's Tolerable Intake (TI) (30); U.S. Agency
for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's (ATSDR's) Minimal Risk Level (MRL) (31); USEPA's
Reference Dose (RfD) (32, 33) or Reference Concentration (RfC) (18, 20); or the World Health
Organization's Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) (34, 35). Many of the underlying assumptions,
judgments of critical effect, and choices of uncertainty factors (or safety factors) are similar among
health agencies in estimating these subthreshold doses. Approaches used to derive these different
subthreshold doses are addressed in more detail in Section 3.3.
We describe here the method for estimating “safe” doses of the USEPA as a way of showcasing
some general principles about this scientific area.

3.1.1 USEPA's Method for Developing Reference Doses (RfDs) and Reference Concentrations
(RfCs) USEPA defines the RfD (or RfC) as “an estimate (uncertainty spans perhaps an order of
magnitude) of a daily (or continuous) exposure to the human population (including sensitive
subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a
lifetime” (18, 32). The RfD/RfC is composed of the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL),
lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) or NOAEL surrogate, such as a benchmark
dose/concentration (BMD/BMC) for the critical effect, divided by the composite uncertainty factor
(UF) and modifying factor (MF). The following equation is used:

The phrase “with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude” is intended to reflect the
overall precision of the estimate, generally an order of magnitude log10. This does not preclude less
precise estimates, however, or the occasional estimate that may be precise to one arithmetic digit.
The phrase “including sensitive subgroups” suggests that the estimate is intended for sensitive
individuals, leading to the common interpretation that the RfD/RfC is a NOAEL for sensitive
individuals. An additional implication of this phrase is that the average individual can be safely
exposed to doses somewhat higher than the RfD/RfC. However, the estimate is not intended to
protect hypersusceptible individuals, if they exist for particular chemicals. Thus, for example, the
RfD/RfC is intended to protect against sensitization (see the RfC for beryllium and compounds, Ref.
25). Once an individual is sensitized, however, that individual may react to exposures much lower
than those that caused sensitization, and the RfD/RfC may not protect against such a reaction. The
phrase “likely to be without an appreciable risk” means that the estimate is thought to be without the
risk of adverse effects for most, if not all chemicals, based on the available toxicity data and the use
of uncertainty factors to account for data gaps. The complete absence of risk cannot, however, be
guaranteed, in the light of the (small) potential for data gaps that have not been taken into account
and the known variability in response among individuals.

Noncancer Risk Assessment: Principles and Practice In Environmental and Occupational

Lynne T. Haber, Ph.D., Joan S. Dollarhide, MS, MTSC, JD, Andrew Maier, MS, CIH,
Michael L. Dourson, Ph.D., DABT

4 Risk Characterization
Risk characterization, the final step in the risk assessment process, integrates the results of the hazard
identification and dose–response assessment (toxicity assessment) and the exposure assessment. In
essence, risk characterization is the “product” of risk assessment because it evaluates and synthesizes
the data collected and the decisions made in the risk assessment. The outcome of risk
characterization is a summary of the risks posed to individuals and populations, as well as the
strengths and weaknesses of the risk assessment. Risk characterization is also a communication tool
that provides the risk manager with sufficient information to make effective risk management
policies. According to the USEPA (130), an effective risk characterization must have the following

• Transparency. The risk characterization must clearly describe where scientific data were used and
where science policy judgments were used in the risk assessment. Default assumptions should also
be clearly explained. Transparency ensures clear separation between science and policy decisions,
allows for an assessment of the applicability of the risk estimate by the risk manager, and
facilitates the comparison of different risk estimates.
• Clarity. The risk characterization should present a summary of the key issues and conclusions
from each section of the risk assessment, and it should discuss the overall strengths and
weaknesses of the assessment.
• Consistency. All risk characterizations should be consistent in general format, while accounting
for the unique nature of each specific risk assessment.
• Reasonableness. For the risk assessment to be credible and therefore a useful tool for the risk
manager, the risk characterization must be accurate and well balanced. Appropriate conclusions
should be drawn without overstretching the data; alternative conclusions should be presented.

The USEPA (130) recommends that each risk characterization include three components: a
qualitative summary of each section of the risk assessment, a numerical risk estimate, and a
description of uncertainties. This section describes each of these components separately and then
discusses how these apply to risk assessment in the occupational setting.
4.1 Developing a Qualitative Summary
In evaluating the use of risk assessment in the federal government, the Commission on Risk
Assessment and Risk Management (131) noted that risk characterizations that rely primarily on
quantitative estimates “often convey an unwarranted source of precision while failing to convey the
range of scientific opinion.” As a result of this finding, the Commission recommended that risk
assessments should include qualitative information on the nature of the adverse effects and on the
risk assessment itself, so that risk managers have information on the range of scientific views and the
evidence to support them.

A full discussion of the uncertainty within each analysis and that related to the overall assessment is
critical to a complete risk characterization. Uncertainty discussions are important because they form
the basis for the overall judgment as to the adequacy of the data and conclusions drawn from it. In
addition, highlighting of uncertainties can identify areas where the collection of additional data may
reduce the uncertainty and strengthen the risk assessment. An uncertainty discussion includes the
quality and quantity of available data (toxicity and exposure), identification of data gaps, the use of
default assumptions and parameter values, and the uncertainties in the models used.

The USEPA (130) has prepared an excellent guide for risk assessors to follow when developing the
qualitative summary for a risk characterization. The guide is presented in two parts. By asking a
series of questions, the guide first directs risk assessors to bring together the major conclusions of the
risk assessment and then provides an outline for drawing together all of the information to
characterize risk. A summary of the USEPA (130) guidance is presented in Table 5.7.

Table 5.7. Summary of EPA (130) Guidelines on Risk Characterization

Characterize Hazard
Describe key studies, studies that support the key studies, and other valid
studies with conflicting results.
Describe what is known about the mechanism of chemical action.
Comment on nonpositive data and whether these data were considered in the
hazard characterization.
Summarize the hazard identification including the confidence in the
conclusions, alternative conclusions, significant data gaps, highlights of major
Characterize Dose
Describe the data used to develop the dose–response curve.
Describe the model used to develop the dose–response curve.
Discuss the route and level of exposure compared to expected human
Characterize Exposure
Discuss significant sources of exposure.
Describe the populations exposed.
Describe any modeling used to generate exposure estimates.
Describe the key descriptors of exposure.
Evaluate cumulative or multiple exposures.
Summarize the exposure assessment conclusions, including results of
different approaches, limitations of approaches, range of exposure values,
confidence in the results.
Risk Conclusions
Overall picture of risk.
Major conclusions and strengths.
Major limitations.
Science policy options and defaults used.
Reasons for choices made.

Although application of the principles described in the USEPA risk characterization guidance
represents good industrial hygiene practice, there are no specific guidelines for risk characterization
in the occupational setting. Typically the “risk characterization document” resulting from an
occupational survey is in the form of a survey report. Such a survey report typically describes the
rationale for the survey (hazard recognition), the exposure assessment strategies used, the results of
the exposure analysis, comparison of the results to occupational standards (hazard evaluation), and
recommendations for control of any hazards (hazard control). An important difference in the
qualitative description of the risk assessment is the lesser emphasis on the strengths and weaknesses
of the reference level and greater emphasis on the exposure estimates. Another major difference is
the overlap between risk characterization and risk management. The risk manager for the
occupational risk characterization is often not trained in the appropriate evaluation of exposure
control options. For this reason, the recommended hierarchy of controls is commonly outlined in the
occupational risk characterization document.
4.2 Presenting the Risk Estimate
Once the risk characterization has summarized the qualitative aspects of the risk assessment, it
should then present the quantitative aspects of the risk assessment, including calculating risk
estimates and discussing the risk in context of other similar risks. For noncancer risk assessment,
developing a quantitative risk estimate involves comparing the measure of exposure to a criterion
level that has been determined from the toxicity estimate. Based on the traditional approach, the
result allows determining whether the exposure (dose) exceeds the allowable dose level. For cancer
assessment, a probabilistic measure of risk (e.g. 1:1000 likelihood of excess cancer) is calculated and
compared with some risk management standard of “acceptable risk.” By contrast, for noncancer risk
assessment, the exposure is described only as being larger than, equal to, or less than the RfD, RfC,
or other risk value. For example, the exposure may be divided by the RfD or RfC (resulting in the
hazard quotient) in an analysis of a Superfund site, the oral intake of a pesticide may be compared to
the RfD, or a worker's TWA exposure may be compared to an occupational exposure limit.

In both the environmental and occupational evaluations of risk, it often necessary to evaluate risk in
response to a combination of exposures or to exposures through multiple routes. One approach that is
used in assessing risk from multiple substances at Superfund sites is determining the hazard index.
This involves summing the hazard quotient for each of the substances of concern. In the occupational
setting, similar approaches have been adopted by OSHA (5) and ACGIH (6). In the case of the
ACGIH, for exposure to multiple substances with similar effects, the summation of the individual
exposure/TLV ratios are compared to a value of 1. If the substances have differing effects, however,
then each exposure/TLV ratio is compared to a value of 1 independently.

The approaches for assessing the risk from multiple routes of exposure differ substantially between
environmental and occupational settings. In the Superfund paradigm, the total dose can be calculated
for the combined inhalation, dermal, and oral exposure before comparison to the appropriate
criterion level. In the occupational setting, exposure though inhalation is typically measured as the
predominant exposure route. Methods are available to measure dermal exposure; however, this is not
often done. As a result, for substances that are absorbed through the skin, comparison of the air
concentration to the exposure threshold may not adequately estimate potential risk. To address this
problem qualitatively, many organizations that establish occupational exposure limits (OELs) add a
notation for substances for which dermal absorption can contribute meaningfully to the total dose.
Another approach in occupational assessment to account for the contribution of multiple exposure
routes is the use of biological markers of exposure. Several OSHA substance-specific standards
include requirements for biological measures of exposure. In addition, biological exposure indices
(BEIs) are published by the ACGIH (6).

A single risk estimate is not sufficient to provide risk managers with a clear understanding of risks.
Rather, the USEPA (130) suggests that a range of risk descriptors be used to “allow managers to
identify populations at greater and lesser risk and to shape regulatory decisions accordingly.” The
risk descriptors suggested by the USEPA (130) include

• individual risk at both the “central tendency” (50th percentile) and “high end” (90–95th percentile)
of the risk distribution.
• population risk: For noncancer risk assessment, this is an estimate of the portion of the population
whose exposure exceeds the reference level.
• risk to important subgroups of the population.

It is important to note that, because risk is estimated as a function of exposure, the characteristics
that distinguish these different risk descriptors will be related primarily to differing exposure. In
addition, the Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management (131) suggests comparing the
distribution of a population's exposure to the reference level, so that the relationship between
exposure and the potential for harmful effects is clearer.

In the occupational setting, the presentation of the variability in the exposure estimates often receives
more weight than the uncertainty surrounding the derivation of the OEL. Issues surrounding
exposure variability in occupational settings differ from those in environmental risk assessment, in
that the exposure estimate is often based directly on measured exposures. The presentation of the
data depends on the underlying purpose for the measurements, but it is common for compliance
purposes to measure workers expected to have the greatest exposure for a representative exposure
group. Thus, an upper bound estimate of exposure is compared to the appropriate occupational
exposure limit, whereas comparison of the distribution of the exposures to the OEL would be less

Once the range of potential risks has been estimated, it is important that the risk characterization
place the risk into the context of other similar risks. Issues to address in completing this part of the
risk characterization include evaluating alternatives to the hazard and making risk comparisons. The
Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management (131) recommends that the following risk
comparisons are useful in placing risk in context:

• risks associated with chemically-related agents

• risks with the same agent from different exposure sources
• risks with different agents from the same exposure pathway
• risks of different agents that produce similar effects

4.3 Evaluating the Uncertainty Associated with the Risk Estimates

Another component in risk characterization is the discussion of the sources of both variability and
uncertainty in the risk assessment and the evaluation of uncertainty associated with the risk
assessment. The USEPA distinguishes between variability and uncertainty in its risk characterization
guidance (130). Variability describes interindividual, spatial, or temporal differences within an
animal or human population or within monitoring data. It reflects the inherent heterogeneity of the
population and cannot be reduced by gathering additional data. Uncertainty, on the other hand,
reflects areas for which data are unknown. By contrast, uncertainty can be reduced by eliminating
data gaps. Uncertainties are associated with both dose–response models and with fate and transport
models; an uncertainty analysis would evaluate the basis for and validation of the model. There are
also uncertainties associated with dose–response evaluation that do not use mathematical models. As
described in Section 3.3, a number of organizations use uncertainty factors to address such data gaps.
Uncertainty is also inherent in estimating the best choice of uncertainty factor.

The field of risk assessment is increasingly utilizing uncertainty and sensitivity analyses to better
quantify uncertainty in evaluating risks to human health. Probabilistic methods, such as Monte Carlo
modeling, can be used to quantitatively describe uncertainty and parameter sensitivity. In this
approach, each of the parameters in a model or calculation is represented by a distribution of
possible values. The probability distribution for each parameter is randomly sampled, and the model
is run using the chosen set of parameter values. This process is repeated a large number of times
until the probability distribution for the desired model output is determined. Using this approach, a
“high-end” value (e.g., 95thor 99th percentile) for the overall model can be estimated more accurately
than by simply using the “high-end” estimates for each of the inputs. Monte Carlo methods have
been used in evaluating exposure for site assessments and for characterizing uncertainty in PBPK
models. Such approaches can also be used for quantitative sensitivity analyses by determining how
the overall model output varies as one parameter is varied.

An analysis of the uncertainty in noncancer risk values is one area that has received little attention to
date. Noncancer risk assessment has traditionally calculated reference values to be protective of
human health, rather than predictive of actual toxicity. Each reference value is based on numerous
assumptions and uncertainties, which contribute to the lack of precision in these values.

Noncancer risk values are not precise. USEPA's definition for RfDs and RfCs addresses this lack of
precision, as “ ... an estimate (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily
or continuous exposure ... ” (18, 32) Similarly, IPCS defines Tolerable Intakes (TIs) as “an estimate
of the intake of a substance over a lifetime that is considered to be without appreciable health
risk” (30). Such lack of precision is specifically mentioned in IPCS (30), which indicates that the
precision of the tolerable intake depends upon the validity and reliability of the data and also on the
magnitude of the uncertainty factor. The precision of a RfD or TI is to one significant figure at best,
and an order of magnitude is the most usual case. As the uncertainty factor increases beyond 1,000,
however, the precision becomes even less.

However, as discussed more fully by Felter and Dourson (36), the concept that risk estimates are
inherently imprecise seems to have been lost somewhere between calculating risk values and making
risk management decisions. There may be several reasons for this, including the desire by risk
managers and the public to know with certainty what the risks to public health might be, or
alternatively, what dose is safe. The underlying science can seldom determine such “bright lines.”
Making decisions with imprecise and uncertain data is much more difficult.

Unlike EPA's RfDs and RfCs, which have a stated uncertainty spanning an order of magnitude,
explicit quantitative estimates of the range of uncertainty in occupational exposure values are less
clearly outlined. The OSHA PEL does not state the underlying uncertainty associated with its use,
and it is enforced so that a single 8-hour TWA above the PEL on any day would be viewed as
noncompliance (5). In contrast, the ACGIH TLV-TWA is “an exposure level to which it is “ ...
believed that nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed, day after day, without adverse effect.”
The TLV documentation addresses the underlying uncertainty by indicating that the database used in
deriving the value varies from substance to substance, and thus the precision of the estimated TLV is
subject to variation. Furthermore, the TLV is not to be considered a fine line between safe and
dangerous concentrations.

Even when the lack of precision is acknowledged in the definition of the RfD/RfC, the lack of
scientific data upon which the order of magnitude definition is based has led to widely varying
interpretations of the inherent range. A recent informal survey of risk assessors and managers at the
USEPA found that there were several interpretations of the “order of magnitude” in the definition of
the RfD (36). As described in that publication, these interpretations can be described as

“range = x to 10x (where the point estimate of RfD = x). This view is supported by those who believe
that the risk assessment process is so inherently conservative that the RfD should be considered the
lowest estimate and the range of imprecision all rests above this point estimate.
range = 0.3x to 3x. This is the view held by many of USEPA's former RfD/RfC Work Group
members, wherein the RfD is associated with uncertainty on either side. The order of magnitude is
divided into half-logs.
range = 0.1x to x. This is the view held by many risk managers, that is, regulatory decisions (e.g.,
setting of standards or cleanup levels) are based on the assumption that we are “OK” as long as we
do not exceed the level of the RfD.
range = 0.1x to 10x. This range could be envisioned if one were to assume that the order of
magnitude range could be on either side of the point estimate x.”

As discussed by Felter and Dourson (36), even if there were agreement among risk assessors how
this “order of magnitude” uncertainty should be interpreted, it may not be appropriate to apply this
range of precision equally to all risk values. A number of factors contribute to the precision in a
given noncancer risk value. These include the dose spacing, the quality of the study, the degree to
which the experimental animal species predicts effects in humans, the severity of the critical effect
and the slope of the dose–response curve (both of which are related to the precision with which the
threshold is estimated), and the size of the composite uncertainty factor. Thus, the “true” range of the
resulting risk value is specific to a given chemical and database. To some degree, the statements that
the USEPA includes about the confidence in the study, database, and overall confidence in the
RfD/RfC are meant to address the precision in the resulting value, but risk managers may find it
difficult to quantitatively apply such qualitative statements. A more formal description of uncertainty
in risk assessments can help risk managers move beyond “bright line” values and incorporate
uncertainty in risk management decisions.

Felter and Dourson (36) suggested that the expression of risk values as a range has several
advantages. Expressing these values as a range makes explicit to risk managers that these values are
not “bright lines.” Presentation of a range may help with prioritizing hazards and resulting decisions
(for example, if two chemicals have similar hazard quotients, but differ in the associated precision.)
International harmonization efforts may be assisted by making the range explicit, as risk managers
are made aware that the values for a given chemical from different organizations might differ
somewhat, but may still fall within the same range. The establishment of ranges, however, would
necessitate the development of consistent guidance for interpreting and using these ranges.

A recent invited commentary was held on the imprecision of risk numbers (132). Papers from Health
Canada, IPCS, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA), and the USEPA, USFDA, and
USATSDR set forth various views on this subject. One conclusion from this effort was that risk
assessors should be careful to convey a measure of confidence in their results and quantify this when
possible. Allowing risk managers and the public to believe that risk estimates are more precise than
appropriate may lead to inappropriate risk management decisions and less trust in the science and
practice of risk assessment.
4.4 Margin of Safety and Margin of Exposure Approach
Margin of safety (MOS) has traditionally been used in the field of toxicology as a tool to compare
dose–response data between a drug's desirable effective dose (ED) and its lethal dose (LD) or
minimum toxic dose. For example, the ED99 can be divided by the LD01 to calculate the margin of
safety, or therapeutic index, as it is sometimes called. The larger the MOS, the greater the presumed
safety in using the drug.

The MOS concept is useful and has also been carried over to the field of environmental health. In
this case, a NOAEL from a toxicity study is divided by a measured exposure to the human
population to calculate a MOS. Again, the larger the MOS, the greater the presumed safety. MOS
addresses both dose/response (NOAEL) and exposure and therefore, falls within risk characterization
as defined by the NAS (2). The MOS must be interpreted by experts depending, in part, on the
completeness of the toxicity database from which the NOAEL of the critical effect is derived (129).
An analogous term, the margin of exposure (MOE), is also used, as discussed in Barnes and Dourson

The MOS method, as practiced by the EU (129, 133) begins with the same evaluation of toxicity
data to determine the NOAEL or LOAEL in the hazard identification step of the risk assessment
process. It is after the hazard identification step that the MOS/MOE approach diverges from the
estimation of a “safe” dose. The MOS compares this NOAEL or LOAEL to the exposure estimate(s)
for the exposed human population(s), whereas in the “safe” dose approaches, uncertainty factors are
used to estimate a “safe” dose. If it is not possible to derive a N(L)OAEL/exposure ratio, a
qualitative comparison of effects with exposure data should be made. Where it is not possible to
determine a N(L)OAEL (e.g. irritation, corrosivity, sometimes sensitization, mutagenicity, genotoxic
carcinogenicity), the likelihood that the effect will occur is evaluated on the basis of exposure
information. The comparison is in the form of a dimensionless ratio where the NOAEL or LOAEL is
in the numerator, the measured or estimated exposure is in the denominator, and both are in the same
units. Exposure estimates higher than or equal to the NOAEL or LOAEL indicate concern. Those
exposures lower than the NOAEL or LOAEL are evaluated on the basis of expert judgment of the
uncertainties related to the following parameters, as outlined in Ref. 129:

• the uncertainty arising, among other factors, from the variability in the experimental data and
intra- and interspecies variation;
• the nature and severity of the effect;
• the human population to which the quantitative and/or qualitative information on exposure applies;
• the differences in exposure (route, duration, frequency and pattern);
• the dose–response relationship observed; and,
• the overall confidence in the database.

These assessment factors are similar to those covered by the uncertainty factors of the tolerable
intake approach. However, in contrast to the TI approach where expert judgments about the
appropriate factors are considered in determining a “safe” dose, which is then used to estimate a
guidance value, the MOS approach relies on expert judgments to reach conclusions about given
exposures on a case by case basis.

Because the MOS/MOE is a risk characterization technique (i.e., it combines both dose–response
and exposure assessment), the results should be compared to other established risk characterization
techniques, such as the development of criteria or guideline values. (A good discussion of the
development of guideline values can be found in Ref. 30). One advantage of deriving a guidance
value from a TI when compared to the MOS is that exposures at or less than the guidance value can
generally be interpreted as without risk. However, when exposures exceed the guidance value, then
expert judgment is needed to interpret the significance in health terms of the exceedence. One
advantage of the MOS when compared to the guidance values (from a TI) is that not all toxicity
databases are strong enough to develop a TI, yet generally these databases can be used to determine a
MOS. However, additional care is needed in interpreting of this MOS because the database is
correspondingly weaker.

Overlap often exists between the derivation of a guidance value (from a TI) and MOS. This is not
unexpected nor necessarily undesirable. However, in such situations, an analysis of these techniques
in relationship to each other should be conducted.

Although this type of approach has been used for a number of years in noncancer risk assessment, its
use in cancer risk assessment is also becoming more prevalent. Some of the issues and concerns
raised with these approaches are pertinent to noncancer risk assessment as well. For example, Health
Canada utilizes an Exposure/Potency Index (EPI) (29) to characterize risk from “nonthreshold
toxicants” and provide guidance for determining further action under the Canadian Environmental
Protection Act. The EPI approach compares quantitative estimates of carcinogenic and mutagenic
potency to the estimated daily intake of the substance by the general population (or high-exposure
subgroups) or to concentrations in specific media. A margin of exposure (MOE) analysis is
recommended by the USEPA in its proposed cancer guidelines (134) as the default approach when
there is no evidence for linearity and there is sufficient evidence to support an assumption of

Each of these approaches (i.e., MOS, MOE, or EPI) is similar in that they compare an experimental
dose or potency to an exposure to determine the ratio; the larger the ratio, the “safer” the presumed
exposure. Although the ratios may be based on scientific data, the interpretation of these ratios is
more of a management judgment. Health Canada (29) clearly identifies the EPI as a tool to
characterize risk and provide guidance in setting priorities. Under the CEPA mandate, this is the
extent of decision making that needs to be addressed, and guidance is provided as to what ranges of
EPIs would indicate priority for further action. USEPA (134) discusses MOE in the dose–response
section of cancer assessments, even though it is clearly a risk characterization concept, because it
compares dose–response information and exposure data. The proposed USEPA cancer guidelines
include a general discussion of some factors that may be considered guidance for the risk manager in
determining the appropriate MOE. These are based upon the traditional uncertainty factors utilized in
the tolerable intake approaches. However, no definitive suggestions are made for applying these or
other factors.

Although developing a MOS, MOE, or EPI is useful in evaluating safety, alternatives exist to
characterize the risk when a predetermined exposure level does not exist. One approach is to develop
a guidance value, or criterion. How should the estimate of these guidance values fit with approaches
such as the MOE or EPI? Specifically, for the MOE, the risk manager must determine a priori which
factors need to be included in extrapolating from, for example, an LED10 from animal bioassay data
to a “safe” intake level for humans. This is best handled by the using uncertainty factors, in a manner
similar to that currently used in the tolerable intake approaches for noncarcinogens and the
subsequent development of guidance values. Because not all LED10s are created equally—some will
be based on increased incidences of severe lesions; others will be based on precursor lesions with no
immediate health impact—a comparable strategy of uncertainty factors based on scientific data is
Noncancer Risk Assessment: Principles and Practice In Environmental and Occupational
Lynne T. Haber, Ph.D., Joan S. Dollarhide, MS, MTSC, JD, Andrew Maier, MS, CIH,
Michael L. Dourson, Ph.D., DABT

5 Summary
The field of noncancer risk assessment is changing. Improvements based on research and analysis
during the last 20 years have yielded newer, more quantitative methods for determining health risks
associated with chemical exposures—whether such exposures are from the workplace or the
environment. These methods can answer more questions asked of the existing data and allow better
risk management decisions. These methods also have broader use and may integrate this area of risk
assessment with those that focus more on cancer toxicity and chemical mixtures.

Noncancer Risk Assessment: Principles and Practice In Environmental and Occupational

Lynne T. Haber, Ph.D., Joan S. Dollarhide, MS, MTSC, JD, Andrew Maier, MS, CIH,
Michael L. Dourson, Ph.D., DABT

We acknowledge the invaluable assistance of Mr. Jason Unrine and Ms. Caitlin McArleton in
procuring and organizing the references, Ms. Meg Poehlmann in the editing and typing of this text,
and Dr. Ken Poirier and Ms. Jacqueline Patterson for scientific discussions that helped with the text's
overall organization and content.

Noncancer Risk Assessment: Principles and Practice In Environmental and Occupational



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doses for fetal weight changes. Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 26, 211–222 (1995).
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107 D. Gaylor and W. Slikker, Risk assessment for neurotoxic effects. Neurotoxicology 11,
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108 K. S. Crump, Calculation of benchmark doses from continuous data. Risk Anal. 15, 79–90
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110 P. McCullagh, Regression models for ordinal data. J. R. Stat. Soc. B. 42, 109–142 (1980).
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C. T. De Rosa, Ph.D., H. Hansen, S. Wilbur, H. R. Pohl, H. A. El-Masri, M. M. Mumtaz

Environmental Exposures
We live in a chemical world, and exposure to xenobiotics is a fact of life. Humans are exposed daily
to a variety of chemicals including but not limited to large categories of pesticides, pharmaceuticals,
household products, and food additives. Chemical exposures can be intentional or unintentional, to a
single chemical or to a mixture of chemicals. Exposures to environmental chemicals occur in
populations living in inner cities near chemical manufacturing plants (1, 2) hazardous waste sites,
and in the near field runoffs from fields and fertilizers (3). An overturned cargo train or
transportation truck can spill chemicals in a pristine environment and become a source of pollution,
contamination, and exposure, and eventually lead to an emergency response event. Exposures to
environmental chemicals can affect humans, animals, and plants. Thus people of various interests
and backgrounds are concerned about environmental exposures. Everyone carries a body burden of
chemicals that range from primary elements and radioactive materials to synthetic, persistent
chemicals such as dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and certain chlorinated pesticides. The
major issue is not whether we are being exposed to mixtures of chemicals, but whether these
exposure levels exceed the body's ability to detoxify, adapt, or otherwise compensate.

Following a chemical exposure, the body exhibits a spectrum of biologic responses (Fig. 6.1) (1).
For many chemicals, low-level human exposures do not produce observable health effects.
Physiologically, the body adjusts to the presence of chemicals at this level through adaptive
mechanisms. As chemical exposure increases, effects such as enzyme induction and certain
biochemical and subcellular changes of uncertain significance may result. The body may have
compensatory mechanisms at this level of chemical exposure (3). However, as chemical exposures
continue to increase, observable adverse effects may ensue as the body exhausts its adaptive and
compensatory mechanisms. Such adverse effects could lead to biochemical, pathophysiologic,
histopathologic changes resulting in organ dysfunction. Exposure to higher levels of pollutants could
lead to morbidity and mortality. Exposures from multiple sources or pathways may lower the
threshold for adverse health effects along this continuum. Considering that humans generally lack
homogeneity in biochemical characteristics, some groups within the population will be more
susceptible to chemical exposures than others.
Figure 6.1. Spectrum of biological response to environmental pollutant exposure.

Thus it is important that exposure to environmental chemicals be viewed in the context of overall
chemical exposures. Concurrent exposures to chemicals such as welding fumes, indoor air
pollutants, tobacco smoke, alcohol, and prescription and nonprescription drugs complicate the health
risk assessment of low-level, involuntary, environmental exposure such as may occur at hazardous
waste sites. Voluntary exposures to some chemicals frequently entail exposures to relatively high
chemical concentrations and are usually well defined and quantifiable, whereas involuntary
exposures from waste sites may be at low concentrations and difficult to characterize and quantify.
Individual control over exposure varies across personal, occupational, and environmental chemical
exposure pathways (Fig. 6.2). Personal exposures such as firsthand tobacco smoke or alcohol are
voluntary. Occupational exposure is voluntary, but the individual generally has less control over
these exposures. On the other hand, individuals usually have few options for controlling
environmental exposures under ordinary circumstances. In most cases, other than relocation, there
are no clear options for individual control over hazardous waste exposures. Often an individual may
not even be aware of the site, the exposure pathways, or the nature of the exposure. In terms of
concentrations, for general populations, personal exposures are usually at higher levels than
hazardous waste exposures. Such combined exposures may produce obvious adverse health effects
or compromise physiologic defenses that are necessary for maintaining homeostasis.

Figure 6.2. Human exposures to chemicals in the environment.

The potential for combined chemical exposures to compromise physiologic systems may be greater
in susceptible populations that include children, elderly persons, women of childbearing age, fetuses,
persons with certain genetic disorders, and persons with preexisting infirmities (3). In such
populations, pollutant burdens can initiate pathophysiologic changes at lower levels in comparison to
the general population. For example, human infants and children differ from adults in size,
immaturity of biochemical and physiologic functions in major body systems, and body composition
in terms of proportions of water, fat, protein, mineral mass, and chemical constituents (4, 5). During
the first 2 months of life, rapid development occurs in the brain (cell migration, neuron myelination,
and creation of neuron synapses), lungs (developing alveoli), and bones (rapid growth).
Development of the brain and lungs continues until age 12, at which time gonad maturation, ova and
sperm maturations, and breast development occur (6). Depending on the chemical, the stage of
growth and development may be a critical factor in determining toxicity (7). Finally, the contribution
of hazardous waste to exposures of populations living near hazardous waste sites may constitute a
significant contribution to overall body burdens when concurrent with occupational and personal

Historically, health concerns from exposure to single chemicals drive criteria derivation procedures.
Usually, the target chemical, or group of chemicals, is identified by a government agency,
international organization, or an advisory body based on legislative mandate, evidence or potential
for human risk, or community concerns. For each chemical, exposure and health effects data are
reviewed, and a single route-specific index of “acceptable” exposure is derived for the chemical.
This approach is taken by several organizations such as the American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR),
the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) (Table 6.1). However, most
exposures are not to single chemicals, but to complex mixtures of chemicals that can affect public
health through multiple routes of exposure. The Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, or Superfund) of 1980, the Clean Air Act of 1990, and
the Food Quality and Protection Act of 1996 all mandate organizations and agencies to consider
multiple chemical exposures, sequentially or simultaneously, while setting the criteria to protect
public health from potential health effects of chemicals. Thus one has to consider comprehensive
risk to populations that are exposed not only to a specific mixture but also to additional
environmental agents and naturally occurring compounds that may enhance, inhibit, or contribute to
the health risks posed by that mixture. In very few cases, the available information on a mixture and
its components is reviewed and a criteria for the mixture are derived. The purpose of this chapter is
to highlight issues relevant to the joint toxicity assessment of chemical mixtures through the use of
representative published studies, to present the alternative experimental testing approaches for
mixtures, and to promote the use of innovative techniques to advance joint toxicity assessment

Table 6.1. Examples of Agencies and Their Derived Criteria

Agency or Organization Acronym Criteria Derived

American Conference of ACGIH Threshold limit value (TLV)

Governmental Industrial
Agency for Toxic Substances and ATSDR Minimal risk level (MRL)
Disease Registry
National Institute for Occupational NIOSH Recommended exposure level
Safety and Health (REL)
Occupational Safety and Health OSHA Permissible exposure level
Administration (PEL)
U.S. Environmental Protection U.S. EPA Reference dose (RfD);
Agency reference concentration (RfC)
U.S. Food and Drug U.S. Acceptable daily intake (ADI)
Administration FDA
World Health Organization WHO Environmental health criteria

Types of Mixtures
Simple Mixtures Human populations are exposed to a range of chemical mixtures that can be simple
or complex, partially or completely characterized, and of stable or varying composition. This can be
illustrated through a continuum of mixtures as illustrated in Table 6.2. In the field of anesthesiology,
combinations of well-defined anesthetics under completely controlled exposure regimens have been
used for a long time. For example, morphine in combination with other epidural anesthetics has been
used effectively to provide improved overall pain relief following surgery (8). This is an example of
a simple mixture that is completely characterized, and the route and duration of exposure are
completely controlled.

Table 6.2. Continuum of Chemical Mixtures to Which Humans Can Be

Potentially Exposed

Mogensen et al. (8) Institute of Medicine (9)

Exposure and Well-defined, III-defined, uncontrolled

conditions controlled
Causative agents Bupivacaine, Unknown chemical/biological
morphine, and petroleum combustion products
Route of Inhalation and epidural Mixed; inhalation, oral or dermal
Monitoring data Complete Very limited
Hypothesis Yes No

Complex Mixtures At the opposite end of the spectrum is exposure to complex mixtures, which can
be intentional or unintentional. During the Gulf War, military personnel were intentionally exposed
to vaccines and preventive agents including anthrax vaccine and the chemical warfare antidote
pyridostigmines (9). Unintentional exposures included chemical/biologic agents and smoke and
petroleum combustion products. Potential exposures could have been through a combination of
inhalation, oral, and dermal routes. Such mixed exposures were associated with symptoms such as
fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, memory loss, skin rashes, and hair loss. Also, the
exposure occurred under varying environmental conditions of temperature, humidity, and high
winds. These types of complex mixture exposures pose a formidable challenge for health risk
assessors. In general, the availability of information on chemical mixtures encountered in the real
world varies greatly between simple and completely characterized, and the highly complex and
poorly characterized mixtures.

NIOSH estimates that more than one-half of the U.S. workforce is employed indoors, and that this
trend will continue to expand (10). This trend is paralleled by the increase in reports of symptoms
and signs related to indoor air environments. These effects range from nonspecific symptoms of
headaches and eye irritations to signs of allergic and infectious diseases. Although the majority of
health problems reported in indoor workers cannot be attributed to specific exposures, evidence
suggests that multiple factors are involved including microbiologic, chemical, physical, and
psychologic/social stressors. In addition, voluntary exposures to tobacco, prescription and
nonprescription drugs, alcohol, herbal remedies, vitamins, and cosmetics add to the complexity.

Some of the most complex and hard to characterize mixtures are those found at hazardous waste sites
because hundreds of chemicals have been identified at such sites (11–13). Attempts have been made
to rank them singly (14–16) and in combination (15, 17) based on the threat they pose to the
environment and to public health. Parameters influencing exposure, such as transportation of
chemicals from waste sites to receptor populations, have also been examined (18, 19).
Environmental laws such as CERCLA (or Superfund) section 104, as amended by the Superfund
Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) (USC 9604) [i][2]), have helped to focus efforts on
the fundamental issue of assessing the impact of chemicals and chemical mixtures. Through this
legislation, ATSDR has been specifically mandated to identify individual substances and
combinations of substances that pose the greatest public health hazard at hazardous waste sites. The
information thus obtained allows the agency to pursue activities such as developing toxicological
profiles, identifying substance-specific data needs, and establishing research agendas.

Until recently, basic and critical information necessary for identifying the mixtures most commonly
found at hazardous waste sites was not available. ATSDR's Hazardous Substance Release/Health
Effects Database (HazDat) is a searchable database that captures pertinent information from public
health assessments performed by the agency for hazardous waste sites on the National Priorities List
(NPL). HazDat contains environmental contamination and other data from more than 3500
hazardous waste sites or events for which ATSDR has conducted public health assessments,
prepared consultations, or provided responses to emergencies involving releases of substances into
community environments (20). Using HazDat, the agency produced a list of the top 275 single
substances of public health concern at U.S. hazardous waste sites (12). The algorithm used to rank
these single chemicals is driven by empirical data and consists of three components: frequency of
occurrence, inherent toxicity, and potential for human exposure. Scores from each of the three
components are added, and the chemicals ranked according to their overall score. This single-
substance list is unparalleled in the public health arena since it is based on the most comprehensive
data readily available regarding contaminants at hazardous waste sites. A trend analysis was
performed, employing HazDat, to identify the substances and mixtures that occur most frequently in
three environmental media: water, soil, and air. This analysis revealed that water, soil, and air were
contaminated at 1067 (90%), 894 (75%), and 222 (19%) sites, respectively. Within these subsets of
sites, 965 (90%) 770 (86%), and 139 (62%), respectively, exhibited two or more contaminants. The
results for the highest occurring single substances and binary and trinary combinations are given for
the three media in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3. Priority Substances Found in the Environment: Frequencies of Occurrences of Sin
Substances and Their Combinations at 1188 Hazardous Waste Sitesa

% % %
of Single of of
No. Sites Substance Sites Binary Pairs Sites Trinary (Tertiary) Combinati

1 42.4 TCE 23.5 TCE Perc 11.6 1,1,1-TCA TCE Perc
2 38.4 Lead 18.9 Lead Chromium 10.6 Benzene TCE Perc
3 27.3 Perc 17.9 1,1,1-TCA TCE 10.6 Lead Cadmium Chrom
4 25.8 Benzene 17.3 TCE Lead 9.8 1,1,1-TCA 1,1-DCA TCE
5 25.8 Chromium 17.2 Lead Cadmium 9.7 Lead Arsenic Cadm
6 23.9 Arsenic 17.0 benzene TCE 9.7 TCE Perc Lead
7 20.8 1,1,1-TCA 16.3 Lead Arsenic 9.6 Lead Arsenic Chrom
8 20.3 Toluene 14.5 TCE Trans-1,2- 9.4 Benzene TCE Tolue
9 19.8 Cadmium 13.6 TCE Toluene 9.3 TCE Perc Trans
10 17.7 MeCl 13.5 Benzene Lead 9.1 TCE Lead Chrom
1 37.7 Lead 20.5 Lead Chromium 12.0 Lead Cadmium Chrom
2 25.3 Chromium 17.8 Lead Arsenic 11.6 Lead Arsenic Chrom
3 23.0 Arsenic 17.6 Lead Cadmium 10.9 Lead Arsenic Cadm
4 19.7 Cadmium 13.3 Arsenic Chromium 8.4 Arsenic Cadmium Chrom
5 19.1 TCE 12.9 Cadmium Chromium 8.1 Lead Nickel Chrom
6 16.0 Toluene 11.6 Arsenic Cadmium 7.9 Lead Chromium Zinc
7 14.8 Perc 10.9 TCE Perc 7.7 Lead Copper Zinc
8 13.6 PCBs 10.9 Lead Zinc 7.6 Toluene Lead Chrom
9 13.0 Xylenes 10.4 Ethylbenzene Toluene 7.5 Ethlybenzene Toluene Xylen
10 12.8 Ethylbenzene 10.4 Lead Nickel 7.5 Lead Nickel Cadm
1 6.0 Benzene 3.5 Benzene Toluene 2.2 Benzene TCE Perc
2 4.7 Toluene 2.7 Benzene TCE 1.9 Benzene Ethylbenzene Tolue
3 3.8 TCE 2.6 Benzene Perc 1.8 Benzene Toluene Perc
4 3.4 Perc 2.6 TCE Perc 1.8 Benzene TCE Tolue
5 3.1 1,1,1-TCA 2.3 Toluene Perc 1.8 TCE Toluene Perc
6 2.6 Lead 2.1 Ethylbenzene Toluene 1.4 1,1,1-TCA Toluene Perc
7 2.5 Ethylbenzene 2.1 TCE Toluene 1.4 1,1,1-TCA TCE Perc
8 MeCla
2.4 1.9 1,1,1-TCA TCE 1.3 Benzene 1,1,1-TCA Perc
9 2.4 Xylenes 1.9 Toluene Xylenes 1.3 Benzene Toluene Xylen
10 1.8 Chloroform 1.9 1,1,1-TCA Perc 1.3 1,1,1-TCA TCE Tolue

MeCl = methylene chloride, PCBs = polychlorinated biphenyls, Perc=perchloroethylene
(tetrachloroethylene), 1,1,1-TCA = 1,1,1-trichloroethane, TCE = trichloroethylene, trans-1,2-
DCE = trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene.
Completed Exposure Pathways
The mere presence of single chemicals or chemical mixtures in the environment does not indicate
that a health threat exists. A four-step process is proposed to identify the chemicals that present an
actual risk to human health or wildlife (Fig. 6.3). This process allows chemicals and chemical
mixtures of concern at waste sites to be identified in a systematic manner by combining the hazard
assessment and exposure assessment information of the chemicals (19). In the first step, an all-
inclusive list of chemicals is identified. Second, a list is prepared of those chemicals found off-site in
environmental media. This takes into account the uneven movement of the chemicals through
various environmental pathways from the source of disposal to other areas in the vicinity of the site.
The third step involves compiling a list of chemicals with completed exposure pathways. This is a
list of chemicals for which all data are available to establish the link between the source of
contamination, the mechanism of transport through environmental media, routes of exposure, and a
receptor population. Populations have been exposed to such chemicals in the past, are being exposed
at present, or will be exposed in the future unless remedial actions are taken. Finally, the chemicals
of actual public health concern are selected by comparing the concentrations found with medium-
specific, health-based comparison values (and indicating those chemicals) that exceed the established
safe levels. If the concentration of a chemical in a given medium exceeds the appropriate comparison
value, the chemical is retained as a contaminant of concern for further evaluation. The most often
used comparison values are: environmental media evaluation guides (EMEGs), reference doses
(RfDs), cancer slope factors, health advisories (HAs), water quality criteria (WQCs), and permissible
exposure limits (PELs).

Figure 6.3. The identification of chemicals/chemical mixtures found in completed exposure


Thus environmental chemical mixtures are characterized through the identification of individual
chemical components in completed exposure pathways and joint toxicity assessments are carried out
on such mixtures that pose a potential threat to human health and/or the environment.

C. T. De Rosa, Ph.D., H. Hansen, S. Wilbur, H. R. Pohl, H. A. El-Masri, M. M. Mumtaz

Approaches for Assessment of Joint Toxic Action

Historical Background
Toxicity assessments for chemical mixtures are based on the following major concepts of “joint
action” as defined by Bliss (21).

Similar joint action: The chemicals produce identical effects but have different potencies, so that one
component can be substituted for a constant proportion of the other. The toxicity of a mixture is
predictable directly from that of the constituents if their relative proportions are known. Thus
components of a mixture behave as concentrations or dilutions of one another, differing only in their
potencies. This type of joint action is commonly referred to as dose addition.

Independent joint action: The chemicals act independently and have different modes of toxic action;
that is, the toxicity of the first component may or may not be correlated with the toxicity of a second
component. Thus the toxicity of the mixture can be predicted from the dosage–mortality curve for
each constituent applied alone and based on the correlation in toxicity between the two chemicals.
The observed toxicity can be computed on this basis irrespective of their relative proportions. This
type of joint action is commonly referred to as response addition.

The mixture of concern, similar mixture, and component-based approaches are used to perform joint
toxicity evaluations of chemical mixtures (22, 23). These three approaches parallel the differences in
the categories of chemical mixtures that are encountered in day-to-day life. These categories are
based, for the most part, on the nature and number of components in the mixture. The health risk
assessors utilize all the plausible approaches that can be applied, compare the results, and decide to
use the approach that best suits a given exposure scenario. The results of such multiple analyses may
be useful in describing the uncertainty in the joint toxicity assessment. In practice, the use of all three
approaches may not be possible for every mixture because of lack of data, time, and other resources.

The “mixture of concern” approach is the most direct and simple method and entails the fewest
uncertainties. Hence, it can be called the preferred approach. This approach, however, is the one that
can be least frequently applied because it requires that toxicity data be available on the specific
mixture of concern and that these data be adequate for deriving an integrated allowable level, such as
a minimal risk level (MRL), for the mixture. An MRL is defined as an estimate of daily human
exposure to a mixture that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of adverse effects
(noncarcinogenic) over a specified duration of exposure. In real life, mixtures with adequate toxicity
data are very few. An MRL was derived for fuel oils, a mixture that may vary to a small degree in its
composition, but is reasonably consistent from sample to sample. The study used in the MRL
derivation represented the actual controlled exposure to a well-defined mixture (24). Often it is not
possible to derive a single assessment value that can be used directly in every exposure scenario
because some mixtures, such as gasoline, are generally substantially variable in composition
depending on the source of the crude oil or differences in the fractionation process. Furthermore,
limitations of the mixture of concern approach include uncertainties regarding the extent to which
the mixture from the exposure assessment matches the mixture that is the basis for the MRL, due to
changes in its composition with time and distance from the release, and/or differences in the original

C. T. De Rosa, Ph.D., H. Hansen, S. Wilbur, H. R. Pohl, H. A. El-Masri, M. M. Mumtaz

Approaches for Experimental Studies of Mixtures

Many approaches can be used for experimental studies of mixtures, depending on the desired goals
(31). Problem definition and the formulation of specific questions are important steps that need to be
addressed before selecting a specific approach. If toxic effects and risks posed by a mixture are to be
determined, then the toxicologic evaluation of the mixture is carried out by testing the whole mixture
through the tier or screening approach. If a causative agent(s) is to be determined to mitigate
exposures to the active ingredient of a mixture or to identify the source of pollution, bioassay-
directed fractionation is carried out. Finally, if the tools for predictive values are being developed,
then toxicologic evaluation of individual components, in various combinations, is carried out to gain
toxicologic knowledge about the mechanism and mode of action as well as mechanisms of
interactions between the components and within the mixture.

Ideally, all the components of the mixture need to be identified, and their toxicity experimentally
determined or obtained from the literature. Several testing protocols can be used to obtain
appropriate information, but the actual experimental design depends on the number of chemical
components of the mixture and if it is desirable to assess possible existing interactions between
chemicals in a mixture. The mixture should be tested both at high effective concentrations and at low
realistic concentrations.

Once the data are generated, it is necessary to analyze and interpret them. Many descriptive terms
and mathematical, graphical, and statistical models have been used to evaluate the joint toxicity of
mixtures. Interactive effects of compounds in mixtures with more than three compounds can be best
ascertained with the help of statistical designs such as (fractionated) factorial designs or ray design.
In view of the importance of joint toxicity assessment of human exposure to multiple toxicants,
appropriate experimental designs and methods of analysis must be used to support conclusions of
additivity, synergy, and antagonism.
Whole Mixtures
Whole mixture studies involve exposing test systems to the intact mixture and conducting exposure–
response studies to evaluate the nature and magnitude of the hazard associated with exposure. The
design of these studies is usually chosen to reflect the net effect of all compounds in the mixture.
This approach is applied to study real-life mixtures, such as tobacco smoke, jet fuels, or specially
designed mixtures (88).

JP-5 is U.S. Navy's primary jet fuel. It is made up of a collection of hydrocarbons such as paraffins,
monocycloparaffins, bicycloparaffins, olefins, alkylbenzenes, and others. The whole mixture of jet
fuel JP-5 was administered to groups of 37–50 female C57BL/6 mice at 0, 150, or 750 mg/m3 by
inhalation continuously for 90 d (89). The endpoints evaluated were clinical signs, hematology,
blood chemistry, body weight, and histopathological examination of major tissues. No effect on body
weight gain was noted. The only remarkable finding in mice was hepatocellular fatty changes and
vacuolization at 150 and 750 mg/m3. This study was used to derive an MRL value of 3 mg/kg/d (25).

The whole mixture approach is recommended for situations where the mixtures are not well
characterized and for mixtures with reasonably stable concentrations. In many cases, a whole
mixture approach is advised because it can provide a real-life situation exposure scenario. However,
caution should be exercised since in many cases these mixtures do vary in composition from time to
time and from one exposure to the next. Without knowledge of the individual effects of each of the
components to the response given by the whole mixture, no unique single estimate for risk to
exposed populations can be estimated.
Formulated Mixtures
A systemic toxicity testing of n components in a chemical mixture would involve 2n-1 experiments
to address all possible combinations at one dose level for each component. To include several doses,
one must use a more focused design such as a full-factorial design, which involves kn experiments
when a range of k doses is applied for each of the n components. In most cases, such mechanistically
oriented experiments involve separating the mixture into several components that are studied
together in formulated mixtures.

A classical design in the statistical literature for studying toxicologic interaction is a factorial design
where each of the chemicals in the mixture is studied at all levels of the other chemicals. Generally,
the levels of each factor are evenly spaced so as to cover systematically the dose region of interest.
The logic of a factorial design is to support efficiently the estimation of a response surface that
includes interaction model parameters (90).

A 5 × 5 × 5 factorial design was utilized to identify nonadditive effects on developmental toxicity in

Fischer 344 rats caused by combinations of trichloroethylene (TCE), di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
(DEHP), and heptachlor (HEPT) (78). The 5 × 5 × 5 full-factorial design was selected to detect
binary and tertiary interactions among the chemicals in the mixture. The chemicals were
administered by gavage to Fischer 344 rats on gestation days 6–15. Dose levels were 0, 10.1, 32,
101, and 320 mg/kg/d for TCE; 0, 24.7, 78, 247, and 780 mg/kg/d for DEHP; and 0, 0.25, 0.8, 2.5,
and 8 mg/kg/d for HEPT. The dams were allowed to deliver, and their pups were weighed and
examined postnatally. Of the nine endpoints that were analyzed statistically, six had significant
binary interactions. Both synergistic and antagonistic interactions were detected among the three
components. Maternal death showed no main effects, but DEHP and HEPT were synergistic. For
maternal weight gain on gestation days 6–8, main effects for all three agents were observed, as well
as TCE–HEPT synergism and DEHP–HEPT antagonism. Maternal weight gain on gestational days
6–20, adjusted for litter weight, showed main effects for TCE and HEPT, but no interactions. Main
effects for all three chemicals were evident for full-litter resorptions and prenatal loss. For full-litter
loss, the TCE–HEPT and DEHP–HEPT interactions were antagonistic. Postnatal loss showed DEHP
and HEPT main effects but no interactions. Analysis of pup weights on day 1 revealed TCE and
DEHP main effects and DEHP–HEPT antagonism; on day 6, DEHP and HEPT main effects, DEHP–
HEPT antagonism, and TCE–DEHP synergism were evident. Microphthalmia and anophthalmia
incidences revealed TCE and DEHP main effects but no interactions. This extensive examination of
a full-factorial design elucidates the complexities of studying and interpreting mixture toxicity.
Although the Narotsky study illustrates the utility of full-factorial design to investigate binary and
tertiary interaction, the study also used the large number of 2000 pregnant rats experimentally.

The feasibility of carrying a full-factorial design with many chemicals rapidly decreases (90). To
overcome the usually costly full-factorial designs, statistically less-than-full designs are used. These
designs are referred to as fractionated factorial designs. A fractionated two-level factorial study was
designed for a combination of nine chemicals in a subacute rat study (91). In the study, an efficient
fractionated design for 16 different groups was used as a subset of the full design, which would have
required 29 (512) experiments. The combination experiments (satellite part) were composed of a
fraction of 1/32 subsets (of the full 512 experiments). The study was intended to find out whether
simultaneous administration of nine chemicals at a concentration equal to the “no-observed-adverse-
effect level” for each of the chemicals would result in a NOAEL for the combination. A 4-wk
oral/inhalation study in male Wistar rats was performed in which the toxicity (clinical chemistry,
hematology, biochemistry, and pathology) of combinations of nine chemicals was examined. The
study consisted of 20 groups, 4 groups in the main part (n = 8) and 16 groups in the satellite part
(n = 5). In the main study, the rats were simultaneously exposed to various combinations of all nine
chemicals (dichloromethane, formaldehyde, aspirin, di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, cadmium chloride,
stannous chloride, butyl hydroxyanisol, loperamide, and spermine) at concentrations equal to
“minimum-observed adverse-effect level” (MOAEL), NOAEL, or NOAEL. In the satellite study,
the rats were simultaneously exposed to combinations of maximally nine factors ( = 9 chemicals) in
16 experimental groups (1/32 fraction of a complete study). In the main part, many effects on
hematology and clinical chemistry were observed at the MOAEL. In addition, rats of the MOAEL
group showed hyperplasia of the transitional epithelium and/or squamous metaplasia of the
respiratory epithelium in the nose. Only very few adverse effects were observed in the NOAEL
group. For most of the endpoints chosen, the factorial design revealed main effects of the individual
compounds and interactions (cases of nonadditivity) between the compounds.

Other fractionated designs include ray designs in which mixtures of chemicals under study are
evaluated along rays of fixed ratios. In a ray design, for example, for a mixture of three chemicals
with fixed ratios, represented by chemicals A, B, and C, a 1:0:0 ratio represents a ray of chemical A
alone, while a 1:1:1 ratio represents a ray of equal levels of the three chemicals. A ray design for a
small number of chemicals and many mixture rays can support the estimation of a response surface.
However, the advantage of a ray design is that it can also be used with a mixture of many chemicals
and a few mixture rays (90). The ray design was employed to estimate a response surface of
developmental toxicity in rats using data from an earlier study in which a full-factorial design was
used (78, 90). Similar to the ray designs, other fractional procedures such as the central composite
and Box–Behnken designs use specific regions of the dose–response surface to optimize
combinational experimental procedures.
Mathematical/Statistical Procedures
Once the data are generated, they need to be analyzed and interpreted. Many descriptive terms and
mathematical, graphical, and statistical models have been used to evaluate the joint toxicity of
mixtures. In general terms, the purpose of these models is to help interpret data for the entire range
of the dose–response surface based on a mathematical/statistical description of the interaction
criteria. Thus validated models can also be used to extrapolate from one region to other regions of
the dose–response space. The models can also be used for the development of efficient experimental
design by considering the cycle of model-experiment procedures to optimize the use of resources and
time. The following discussions explain three mathematical and statistical procedures frequently
used by scientists interested in combinational toxicology.
Isobolographic Methods An isobole is a contour line that represents equal effects of two agents or
more in a mixture. Thus, when the joint effects of various dosages of two agents are plotted, each
point of equal response (e.g., ED50, percent lethality, ... , etc.) corresponding to varying doses of
both chemicals form the isobole. Isoboles can be used to characterize the nature of the toxicologic
interaction. This is done by comparing the isoboles to the line of additivity as shown in Fig. 6.9. The
graphical representation of the interactions criteria can also be depicted mathematically as follows:
For additivity:


For synergism:


For antagonism:


where Ae, Be, and Ne are the doses of chemical components A, B, and N that produce the measured
response of each chemical as if it were the only component of the mixture. Ac, Bc, and Nc are the
doses of each chemical that produce a similar response when the chemicals are all combined

Figure 6.9. Four types of isoboles for a binary mixture of chemical A and B. Curve I describes no-
interaction effect, curve II is the line of additivity, and curves III and IV depict synergism and
antagonism effects, respectively. M.50% is the dose at which 50% of the tested animals died.

The preceding equations represent the criteria for assessing interaction modes among the different
agents in a mixture (92). However, for these equations to be used, individual chemicals in the
mixture should have a nonzero response at the given doses (i.e., Ae 0, Be 0, ... , Ne 0). The
major disadvantage of the isobolographic methods is the requirement for a large number of
experiments to produce the individual isoboles. For example, one can start with doses of chemicals A
and B for a binary mixture, if the response is not equal to the one chosen for the isobole, then doses
of A and/or B have to change up or down until the fixed response is obtained. This highly iterative
procedure is very resources extensive. With a conventional experimental approach, the
isobolographic method is tedious and requires extremely large data sets. For instance, 2000–3000
animals were used to generate an isobole to study the interaction between ethanol and chloral
hydrate effect on the righting reflex of mice (93). Furthermore, the isobolographic methods can only
be applied to chemicals that share similar mechanisms and induce the same endpoint of toxicity.

For chemicals that do not share similar mechanisms, a more general mathematical procedure than
isobolographic methods is employed. One such procedure is the median-effect principle (MEP). This
method is based on the assumption that dose–response relationships of many physical, chemical, and
biological processes, specifically related to ligand–enzyme receptor-site interactions, can be
described by a general formula:


where fa and fu are the fractions of the system affected and unaffected, respectively, by the dose (D).
Dm is the dose required to produce the median effect (similar to the more familiar ED50), and h is a
Hill-type coefficient signifying the sigmoidicity of the dose–response curve. Expansions of this
equation to include criteria for the different modes of toxicologic interactions have been published

The MEP method was used for the analyzing of the interactions effect of combined administration of
immunosuppressive drugs with cyclosporine (95). Cyclosporine is widely used in organ
transplantation. However, its renal, hepatic, and nervous system toxicities limit its therapeutic
potential. This problem was addressed using MEP to find other immunosuppressive drugs that can
interact synergistically with lower (non-toxic) concentrations of cyclosporine.

Response Surface Methodology The response surface methodology (RSM) allows the study of the
mathematical relationship (model) that exists between the chemicals in the mixture and the endpoint
of toxicity. RSM was successfully applied to study the interaction between trichloroethylene, carbon
tetrachloride, and chloroform using the levels of plasma enzyme activities of ALT, AST, and SDH as
endpoints of toxicity in rats (96). This application of RSM showed that carbon
tetrachloride/chloroform and carbon tetrachloride/trichloroethylene both displayed a synergistic
response for each plasma enzyme activity.

The application of the method relies on statistical regression methods efficiently to design
experiments that yield adequate and reliable measurements of the response of interest. The
mathematical model is then developed that best fits the collected data. This is accomplished by
conducting appropriate statistical tests of hypotheses regarding the model parameters.

Isobolographic, median-effect principle, and response surface methods can quantitatively

characterize interaction among components of a chemical mixture. However, these methods cannot
provide mechanistic information for the presence of interactions because they are not based on
biological mechanisms. This shortcoming can be avoided by employing more mechanistically
oriented models such as physiologically based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PBPK/PD)

Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Models PBPK/PD models

mathematically describe the processes of absorption, distribution, storage, metabolism, and
excretion; the pharmacodynamic aspects cover the toxic response of the chemical at the target tissue.
Fig. 6.10 is a schematic of a compartmental PBPK model.
Figure 6.10. Compartments of a typical inhalation exposure PBPK model. Each compartment is
characterized by physiological and biochemical parameters. In this specific example, the chemical
under study is highly lipophilic, which causes its disposition to be blood flow limited. Thus tissues
are selected based on their blood perfusion rates (slowly and rapidly perfused), the chemical's
affinity to the tissues (fat), and metabolism sites (liver). The Qs are blood flows into each
compartment. CVS, CVR, CVF and CVL, are the venous blood concentration of the chemical
leaving the slowly perfused, rapidly perfused, fat, and liver compartments, respectively. CI is the
inhaled concentration, CX is the exhaled concentration, and CA is the arterial concentration of the
chemical in question.

Pharmacokinetic interaction mechanics can be introduced into PBPK models and verified
experimentally. A PBPK model was used to quantitatively distinguish between different types of
enzyme inhibition (competitive, uncompetitive, and noncompetitive) (97). A validated PBPK model
can also be used to investigate the interaction presence at varying levels of exposure to the different
components in a mixture. The PBPK model for the interaction between trichloroethylene and 1,1-
dichloroethylene was expanded to include description of the chemicals interactions at the available
enzyme sites (98). The investigators' efforts showed the presence of an interaction threshold, absence
of interaction, at levels of 100 ppm or less for both chemicals. Expansion of PBPK interaction
modeling to investigate a ternary mixture of alkyl benzene in rats and humans was accomplished
(99). Few examples in the literature illustrate the application of pharmacodynamic models for
analyzing toxicologic interactions. One study was able to investigate quantitatively the interaction
mechanism between Kepone and carbon tetrachloride by the use of PBPD models that described the
rates of injury and death of hepatocytes as they are affected by this highly synergistic interaction
(100). The PBPK/PD model was coupled with Monte Carlo simulations to estimate mortality results
for any given combination of the chemicals. To predict the response surface, mortality results are
applied to the following logistic regression equation:


where b0 is the background rate of lethality rate, b1 is the slope of the dose–response relationship for
Kepone (kep) alone, b2 is the slope of the dose–response relationship for carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)
alone, and b3 is the interaction parameter between Kepone and carbon tetrachloride. The overlined
kep and CCl4 are the average estimates of the range of simulated or applied doses of each chemical.
The outcome of Eq. (11) can then be introduced into the following equation to calculate the lethality

Subsequently, the model simulations are compared to the experimentally determined lethalities to
estimate the values for all the bs; specifically, b3 was significantly different from zero at a value of
0.01 for the interaction between carbon tetrachloride and Kepone. This positive value is indicative of
a synergistic interaction. The regression equations with the model-estimated parameters were then
used to derive the isoboles for the interaction between Kepone and carbon tetrachloride at different
responses (Fig. 6.11) (101).

Figure 6.11. An illustration of the contour lines (isoboles) of percent lethality of rats exposed to
varying concentrations of Kepone in diet (x axis) and intraperitoneal (IP) injections of CC14 (y axis).
The lines were generated by PBPK/PD model simulations and a regression equation.

In addition to the complexity of the problem of aggregate toxicity, several problems impair the
proper selection, implementation, and application of these approaches to risk assessment. Because of
this, for example, the occupational hygienist or toxicologist shopping for an appropriate
experimental approach is frequently confounded by the lack of direct comparisons between
approaches. Fundamentally, the characterization of chemical interactions consists of the rejection or
acceptance of a single model or the selection of a particular model from among competing models.
These decisions are based on statistical and/or graphical information involving regression equations,
each with underlying implicit and explicit mathematical, statistical, and data structure assumptions
(102). It is no easy task to distinguish clearly the intrinsic differences, distinctions, and limitations of
these models when applied to characterizing the potential interactive toxicities in the workplace.
Adverse health effects are diverse and include parametric and nonparametric responses for cancers,
and signs and symptoms of organ dysfunction. As such, the choice of model, criteria for goodness of
fit, data transformation, and method of parameter estimation are important to support a
mathematically and biologically sound decision.
C. T. De Rosa, Ph.D., H. Hansen, S. Wilbur, H. R. Pohl, H. A. El-Masri, M. M. Mumtaz

Future Directions and Conclusions

Given the different types of mixtures for which joint toxicity assessment are performed as well as the
many factors that effect the overall toxicity of such mixtures, no single approach is suitable to
conduct such assessment for every exposure scenario. However, developing joint toxicity assessment
procedures and models is a complex data-intensive task because paucity of data is frequently the
bottleneck. For these reasons it is imperative that research to develop appropriate methods continue.

Data gaps can be filled through experimental research to generate key data needed to elucidate
toxicologic mechanisms and decipher the mechanisms of interaction so as to incorporate the
principles of molecular toxicology in predictable mechanistic models. With reference to chemical
mixtures, from the outset, such research should identify elements that could contribute to the joint
toxic action of chemicals such as (1) determination of internal doses through toxicokinetics
(absorption, distribution, metabolism, receptor binding, and elimination), (2) evaluation of
mechanisms of interactions and their significance, (3) identification of multiple target organs that are
affected, and (4) assessment of biomarkers, adducts, and metabolites that can be used to biomonitor

This type of integrated systematic research is possible only when the laboratory investigators, the
model developers, and the health assessors work in a collaborative relationship to ensure parallel
research in various areas of this multidiscipline research. Special attention is needed to ensure that
the animals or test system, doses and dosing regimen, and other variables of the experimental
procedure have been selected based on existing data and efficient experimental design to address
existing data gaps in the interlinked areas of research. This type of balanced and pragmatic approach
has been recommended to meet short-term and long-term needs for screening, prioritizing, and
predicting the health effects of chemical mixtures by international panels of scientists educators and
administrators (103, 104).

The limitations of available resources make it unlikely that experimental toxicology will yield direct
information about all the possible mixtures to which humans or other species may be exposed.
Indeed, the information needed to assess hazards from individual chemical exposures may never be
obtained. In the current environment of austere resource allocations and heightened awareness of
animal use in toxicologic research, more pragmatic experimental testing methods must be used
without compromising the sensitivity or specificity obtained through classical methods. Efforts
should take into consideration all options available, including recently developed innovative
techniques. Several innovative approaches can be implemented for the assessment of joint toxic
action of chemicals. To this extent significant advances have been made in alternative toxicologic
testing methods, such as in vitro testing, PBPK modeling, and biologically based dose–response
modeling. Also, correlations have been established between in vitro and in vivo potencies of
chemicals. Hence, several in vitro assays validated with in vivo studies are available to conduct
toxicant interaction studies. Even though most of these tests are still in various investigatory phases,
they have been studied enough to obtain initial estimates of dose–response relationships for mixtures
of chemicals. Using these types of assays, for specific endpoints, it may be feasible to develop a
screen of tests to study interactions. The underlying assumption in such screens is that if biologic
activity in these tests is well correlated with in vivo toxic potency, interaction coefficients measured
using such screening tests may be similarly correlated. The plausibility of such theoretical
assumptions must be further established by highly focused in vivo studies.

An example of such studies is collaborative research between ATSDR and TNO Nutrition and Food
Research Institute to evaluate the role of chemical interactions in the expression of toxicity from
low-level exposure to combinations of chemicals (105). The goal of this project was to compare the
estimated toxicity with experimentally determined toxicity of the mixtures so as to determine the
accuracy and the predictive capability of the assessment method. The procedure used for the joint
toxicity estimates was adopted from the detailed published WOE method (74). Briefly, in the first
step, qualitative weight-of-evidence statements for binary pairs of chemicals were prepared for
various combinations of chemicals such as (1) the effect of butylhydroxyanisole (BHA) on di(2-
ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), (2) the effect of stannous chloride (SnCl2) on cadmium chloride
(CdCl2), and (3) the effect of cadmium chloride (CdCl2) on loperamide (Lop). In the second step,
these qualitative evaluations were converted to numerical scores, which were then combined to
obtain the estimate of toxicity of the four-component mixture. The estimations were made through
integration of the component chemical dose–response assessment with computative algorithms that
incorporate potential chemical interactions. The estimates thus obtained were compared with results
from experimental animal studies using the dose addition, the response addition, and the WOE
models. These comparisons indicate that the WOE approach can be used to estimate qualitatively the
joint toxicity of these mixtures. Additionally, the results from the WOE method provided the best fit
to the experimental results of the mixture of similarly acting nephrotoxicants—namely,
trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (HCBD), and 1,1,2-trichloro-3,3,3-
trifloropropene (TCTFP). However, this was not true for the mixture of dissimilarly acting
nephrotoxicants—namely, mercuric chloride, lysinolalanine, d-limonene, and HCBD. This could
have been anticipated because the WOE method is based on the concept of dose additivity, which in
turn is practiced only when the mechanisms are similar. Thus these results indicated that the WOE-
approach evaluations, based on consideration of common mechanisms, can lead to better estimates
of joint toxic action than the default assumption of dose additivity. These results also confirmed
earlier suggestions (74) that the WOE evaluations should be effect and target-organ specific because
none of the models tested could approximate the observed responses in organs other than the target
organs. Thus, to verify the role of chemical interactions and the overall toxicity of a mixture, these
kinds of specially designed focused experimental studies need to be conducted to help advance the
methods for the toxicity assessments of chemical mixtures.

Screening a selection of mixtures in in vitro assays can identify a broal range of interaction
relationships that could be beneficial to the ultimate goal of predicting interactions. Consequently, in
vivo measurements could be made to confirm the previously determined in vitro relationships
covering comparable concentrations. The linkage between the in vitro and in vivo assay correlations
needs to be strengthened by testing chemical mixtures for various effects such as nephrotoxicity,
neurotoxicity, and hepatotoxicity in target-organ-specific assays.

An experimental parallelogram design has been used to conduct such carefully planned and goal-
oriented research (Fig. 6.12). This design allows multispecies comparisons as well as extrapolation
to humans. As a first step, in vitro rodent species bioassays (rats, mice, or hamsters) are conducted to
test the toxic effects of chemicals. Results from such studies are validated in in vivo rodent studies.
These studies are then followed with in vitro studies with human systems (e.g., human cell lines) to
evaluate the findings of the animal studies. Thus the in vitro rodent studies are used to confirm the
initial in vivo rodent findings, and these results are subsequently confirmed in vitro in human
systems. The information thus generated is used to extrapolate the potential effects of the chemicals
to humans. With this design, humans and rats have been shown to have comparable metabolism of
1,3-butadiene which differed from metabolism in mice (106). These comparative data suggested that
because the concentration of butadiene epoxide, the active moiety, will be low in humans, the human
cancer risk following exposure to butadiene will be similarly low. However, if this assessment was
based only on mouse data, the risk would have been incorrectly estimated. This experimental design
can be employed for the study of toxicity of chemical mixtures. Eventually, the transformation of in
vitro findings to in vivo observations can be met using computational tools such as PBPK modeling
and biologically based dose–response modeling.
Figure 6.12. In vitro–in vivo extrapolation between animals and humans.

In general, computational methodologies provide insights and focus for strategic research. Such
methods have to be used to formulate specific hypotheses, based on available data. Then appropriate
hypotheses that support public health assessments have to be subjected to experimental testing
through collaborative research with partners using in vitro or limited in vivo studies. The results of
such investigations may lead to further testing, revisions in hypotheses, and/or the formulation of
new hypotheses. When verified, such hypotheses would allow the development of generalizable
rules that can be applied to mixtures of interest that have not been subjected to testing, cannot be
subjected to testing, or cannot be used until testing data become available. ATSDR has established a
computational toxicology laboratory with capabilities to conduct PBPK extrapolations and
quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) studies that allow extrapolations of toxicity
within and across chemical classes. Such studies are being supported through collaboration among
governmental bodies, the private sector, and academic institutions.

Through cooperative agreements with research institutions, alternative mixtures toxicity testing
methods are being developed. Cell culture systems and in vivo animal studies are being employed to
generate mechanistic and pharmacokinetic information. Following is a brief description of some
studies that are ongoing:

1. Human keratinocytes have been used to test the departure from additivity in chemical mixtures
of frequently co-occurring metals using cytotoxicity as an index (107). When individual dose–
response curves of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and lead were used in conjunction with the
mixtures of these four metals at seven different concentrations, six of these concentrations were
found to follow additivity while one of these concentrations showed a highly significant antagonistic
effect. In a series of in vivo animal studies, the role of individual chemicals in producing liver foci
by a mixture containing arsenic, 1,2-dichloroethane, trichloroethylene, and vinyl chloride was
studied. Preliminary results show that arsenic is the main component responsible for the antagonistic
interactions observed for this mixture.
2. Cultured Rhesus monkey renal cortical cells have been used to investigate the interactions
between cadmium and mercury (108). The release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was measured
for selected concentrations of 0–50 mM HgCl2, CdCl2, or binary mixtures of both metals in varying
ratios of 20:1, 10:1, 5:1, or 2:1. To characterize the interaction, the data were analyzed graphically
and mathematically using statistical isobologram, linear, and nonlinear models. The isobolographic
and response surface analysis suggested antagonism, while nonlinear models concluded no
interaction. Most models supported an overall synergistic interaction when data from all mixing
ratios were modeled together. However, individual data set analyses revealed that as the ratio
decreased from 20:1 to 2:1, the nature of the interaction gradually changed from synergism to
additivity. The relationship was consistent among all the models used, but was most clearly revealed
by the linear models.
3. With a goal to develop a PBPK/PD model to integrate tissue injury and repair, an in vivo study
has been designed to evaluate the toxicologic interactions between trichloroethylene, thioacetamide,
allyl alcohol, and chloroform. Liver injury was measured by monitoring plasma enzymes, ALT and
SDH, and histopathology. The tissue generation was measured by [H3]-thymidine incorporation into
hepatic nuclear DNA. Preliminary results indicate that the mixture of four hepatotoxicants caused
additive toxicity. The model will be used to quantify liver injury, repair, and the overall joint toxic
action as a function of mixture dose.
4. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs)
were tested utilizing a battery of cell culture assays (genotoxicity, immunotoxicity, etc.) to
investigate the toxicity of several classes of environmentally important chemical mixtures. Results
from a genotoxicity assay using binary and tertiary mixtures of PAHs revealed a dose–response
gradient with B(a)P–chrysene mixture, suggesting an interaction. Similar studies with complex
mixtures and isolated fractions indicate that the B(a)P content of the PAH mixture cannot be used to
predict the genotoxicity. The results from assays of an extract of a manufactured gas plant residue
separated into four fractions revealed that genotoxicity varied from fraction to fraction (109).
Analyses are being performed to determine the role of high-molecular-weight PAHs or possibly
alkyl-substituted PAHs.

The above examples of collaborative research investigations were based on HazDat analyses and
observations that several simple mixtures could be identified that would lend themselves to the
design of experiments and a systematic way to obtain data. They follow the general hypothesis that
research conducted on a small group of chemicals or simple chemical mixtures could benefit
communities being exposed to multiple chemicals, such as those living in the vicinity of hazardous
waste sites. Additionally, the insights attained from such experimental and computational studies
develop professional judgment as a substitute until generalizable rules for joint toxic actions are

Parallel progress in experimentation, quantitative modeling, and assessment are important to

devising generalizable rules through in-depth analysis of data (Fig. 6.13). In the meantime, continued
focused experimental/computational research is needed for conducting joint toxicity assessments to
ensure adequate public health protection. This assessment process will benefit by using a team
approach wherein experimental scientists, model developers, and health risk assessors work to
develop consensus on those issues key to protecting the public's health.

Figure 6.13. A strategic mixtures research program that allows parallel progress between
experimental assessment, and computational techniques.

In conclusion, the carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic toxicities associated with chemicals found in
the environment do not necessarily translate into actual adverse human health or environmental
effects. One must ascertain the extent of actual exposure experienced by populations at risk and the
susceptibility of members of such populations (13). Thus the risk-assessment process must be
considered as one component of risk analysis, which also includes biomedical judgment and peer
review as recommended by the NRC (110) as well as risk communication and risk management
(111). Fig. 6.14 is an illustration of the multiple components of the overall decision-making process
of risk analysis. Importantly, this process should reflect a rigorous identification of attendant
uncertainties associated with the components of risk assessment as part of risk analysis (112). This
procedure would allow the types and the extent of uncertainties to be highlighted, thus promoting the
appropriate interpretation of numerical risk estimates in decision making. Although the utility of
numerical risk estimates in risk analysis is recognized, these estimates should be considered in the
context of the variables and assumptions involved in their derivation and in the broader context of
biomedical opinion, host factors, and actual exposure conditions. Thus the actual parameters of
environmental exposures must be given careful consideration in evaluating the assumptions and
variables relating to both toxicity and exposure.

Figure 6.14. The elements of risk analysis with emphasis on biomedical judgment, including
molecular epidemiology.

Lack of knowledge and understanding of data make it virtually impossible at this time to determine
whether current approaches to protecting public health from the adverse effects of chemical mixtures
are adequate. However, from the perspective of protecting public health a high priority needs to be
given to identify and conduct research on specific mixtures. Through advances in focused
experimental and computational methods it is possible to develop simulation programs that allow
modeling of chemical mixtures behavior in biological systems and predict their toxicologic response.
Hence, it is important to continue developing suitable new methods and improving old ones for
mixture-related research. These types of efforts will help us understand the characteristics of
hazard/risk (113) and allow us better to identify, quantify, and express uncertainties in mixture-
related risk assessments (103).

C. T. De Rosa, Ph.D., H. Hansen, S. Wilbur, H. R. Pohl, H. A. El-Masri, M. M. Mumtaz

Acknowledgments are due to Dr. Patrick R. Durkin of Syracuse Environmental Research Associates
(SERA) for his thorough review of this manuscript, and to the Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry (ATSDR) staff:Emma Julian for her technical assistance, Anne Olin for editorial
assistance, and Brenda Vostreys for graphical assistance.


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Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions
Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

1 Introduction
What is “an environmental disease?” Why are some individuals and some families affected more
easily than others? Indeed, even within families, why are some members affected whereas others are
not? When taking the same dose of a prescribed medication, why do some patients—but not others—
experience side effects? Why do only 7 out of every 100 cigarette smokers die of lung cancer? The
answer to each of these questions involves interindividual genetic variation and the environment.

We begin this chapter with brief descriptions of the reasons for environmental illnesses. Next,
genetic terminology and a definition of “susceptibility genes” are covered—followed by our current
understanding of the drug-metabolizing enzymes (DMEs) and the receptors that regulate DME
genes. Subsequently, we provide a number of examples and brief summaries of the present-day
knowledge of many of these polymorphisms. Last, we speculate as to why these human
polymorphisms might exist in the first place. Many of the references cited include reviews in which
the reader will find numerous additional studies cited and details described.

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions

Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

2 Exposure and Genetic Predisposition

What is “an environmental disease?” Table 7.1 is not intended to be inclusive, but lists more than a
dozen examples of environmentally caused diseases. As will become clear, the two most important
determinants in one's risk of developing an environmental disease are (1) exposure and (2) one's
unique genetic makeup.

Table 7.1. Examples of Environmentally Caused Diseases

Bronchogenic carcinoma in cigarette smokers

Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and heavy wrinkles in cigarette smokers
Liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in alcoholics
Drug-related lupus syndrome in patients taking procainamide
Dangerously lowered blood pressure in patients taking debrisoquine or
Lung cancer in people exposed to radon
Malignant melanoma, other skin cancers, heat stroke, sunburn in persons
exposed to excessive sunlight
Lung cancer in uranium mine workers
Chloracne, porphyria cutanea tarda in workers exposed to dioxin and other
halogenated hydrocarbons
Ataxia, lowered mentality in persons exposed to high levels of lead
Increased risk of chronic myelogenous leukemia in workers exposed to
benzene, and of urinary bladder cancer in chemical dye workers
Asthma in children and adults exposed to indoor or outdoor air pollution
Toxicity or malignancy in persons living near a hazardous-waste site

The first six examples in Table 7.1 represent large doses of an environmental agent that can be quite
easily documented by a good medical history [e.g., pack-years of smoking (number of cigarette
packs smoked per year multiplied by number of years that the person has smoked), quantity of
alcohol consumed, length of time and the dose of drug taken, length of time living in a radon-
exposed house]. The next three examples represent exposures to sun and the outdoors and to
chemicals in the workplace; quantitation in these cases is generally more difficult than the first six
examples (e.g., “What is the actual number of days worked? Was the exposure identical for all these
days? Are we dealing with a single chemical or a mixture of multiple chemicals?”). The last four
examples in Table 7.1 depict even fuzzier cases in which a cause–effect correlation can be inferred
only by an epidemiological study of large human populations, but such a correlation in a particular
individual is often difficult to prove—medically, or in a court of law (e.g., ataxia might occur in one
patient whose blood Pb2+ level is more than 3 times lower than that of another who is asymptomatic.
“Is the malignancy diagnosed in a worker caused by his/her occupational exposure, or was he/she
going to develop it, anyway?” “Is this particular bout of asthma caused by urban pollution, or is it
caused by house dust or cockroach dander in the home?”).

Not listed in Table 7.1 are the even more ambiguous situations. For example, how often can an
environmental disease be caused by minuscule and intermittent exposures—over decades or a
lifetime—to “everyday” chemicals (e.g., eating fruit that had been treated with a fungicide, playing
on a golf course that had been sprayed with insecticides or herbicides, ingesting canned food having
“detectable” amounts of an endocrine disruptor). Toxicity or cancer occurring in individuals with
these kinds of exposure are the most problematic for scientists to quantitate and interpret.

In addition to the exposure component, why is it increasingly difficult for a scientist or clinician to
be certain of the cause of environmental disease, as one moves down the list in Table 7.1? The
answer to this question resides in our genes. It is now clear that, just as we each have a distinctive set
of fingerprints, each of us has a novel combination of genes that enable us to be resistant or sensitive
to various types of chemical and physical insults. This leads to our own unique underlying genetic
predisposition to toxicity or cancer. This field of study was termed ecogenetics by Brewer in the
mid-1970s, and a subset of this field (interaction between genes and response to drugs) had been
named pharmacogenetics in 1959 by Vogel (1–4). Before examining “gene–environment
interactions” in more detail, we will review briefly the essentials of genetics and the fundamentals of
exposure and risk estimation.

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions

Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

3 Introduction to Genetics
Healthy humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, 22 autosomal pairs plus the sex chromosomal pair
(XX or XY). A gene denotes a location (stretch of DNA) on each of a chromosome pair that encodes
a gene product (enzyme, or other protein). A locus indicates the location of a stretch of DNA on each
of a pair of chromosomes that need not necessarily code for a gene product. Diploid refers to a
eukaryote having chromosome pairs; haploid refers to one active chromosome of each pair (e.g., as
found in the sperm and egg). Each gene is made up of two alleles, one from the father and one from
the mother; the combination of these two alleles, as well as one's genetic makeup, is called the
genotype. An allele can transmit a dominantly inherited trait (e.g., pigmented skin) or a recessive
trait (e.g., blue eyes). Another term for “trait” is phenotype. Homozygotes are individuals having two
identical alleles; heterozygotes are individuals having two different alleles.
3.1 Simple Mendelian Traits
Consider a single-gene trait such as the alleles colored (C) and noncolored (c) in Mendel's original
studies of the garden pea. Allele C (red phenotype) is dominant to allele c (white phenotype). The
Hardy–Weinberg distribution [(p + q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q2] states that, if the allelic frequencies of C
(= p) and c (= q) in the population are 0.4 and 0.6, respectively, this would mean that 36% of the
population would have the white trait, that is, homozygous for the cc genotype (Fig. 7.1). Crossing
two Cc heterozygotes (which have the red phenotype) would give a 1 : 2 : 1 ratio of the CC : Cc : cc
genotypes and a 3 : 1 ratio of the red and white phenotypes.

Figure 7.1. Diagram of the Hardy–Weinberg distribution (p2 + 2pq + q2), showing genotype
frequency as a function of allelic frequency.

3.2 Polygenic Traits

A phenotype that is dependent on two or more genes is called polygenic, multifactorial, or a
multiplex phenotype (e.g., blood pressure, height, weight). The 1 : 2 : 1 ratio (Fig. 7.2) is the most
complicated that a (Mendelian) single-gene, two-allele trait can exhibit. If one considers a trait
expressed by two alleles from each of two genes, or from each of three genes (Fig. 7.2), we can
readily appreciate how quickly and complex the genotypes and corresponding phenotypes will
become. Obviously, the outliers, or individuals at the extreme ends of the spectrum of phenotype, are
the most valuable patients to scientists for dissecting the genes involved in producing the phenotype.
Virtually 100% of all diseases, including environmental diseases, should be regarded as multiplex
phenotypes—usually caused by two or more major genes and perhaps several dozen modifier genes.
For example, an abnormal BRCA1 “tumor suppressor gene” can be regarded as a major gene for
increasing risk of breast cancer, in probably at least 5% of women, and being homozygous for NAT2
slow acetylator alleles can be regarded as a modifier for enhancing one's risk of breast cancer (see
discussion below).
Figure 7.2. Illustration of the distribution of phenotypes, or genetic variation, for one, two or three
genes (but having only two alleles each).

3.3 Polymorphism
In a population, there are always more than two alleles for any given gene. Dozens of alleles at a
single locus give rise, for example, to the highly variable phenotypes of wing color in butterflies,
moths, and ladybugs. A genetic polymorphism exists when a subset (second allele, locus or
phenotype) is found in a population. Typically, the allelic frequency is considered by
epidemiologists to be “zero,” or negligible, or insignificant in its effects on the population structure,
if less than 1% of homozygous individuals are affected. However, this is a completely arbitrary
choice, and “a polymorphism” exists ipso facto—even if only one case is seen in an entire

Others commonly regard a polymorphism as any time a particular phenotype in a population occurs
at frequencies of 1 in 1000 or 1 in 10,000. Mutations are defined as one or more altered bases
(adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine) in the DNA; mutations require one round of new DNA
synthesis to become “fixed.” For every one fixed mutation, there are between 1000 and 10,000
“oxidative hits” or other forms of DNA damage that get repaired without turning into a mutation.
Spontaneous mutation rates (e.g., by background ionizing radiation) occur at frequencies between 1
in 106 and 1 in 108. Geneticists therefore regard any allele that persists in a population at a frequency
of <1 in 106 as “having a reason for existing in that population that we might not yet understand.”
Possible mechanisms for why a particular allelic variant would persist at greater than spontaneous
frequencies in a population might include (1) balanced polymorphisms (in which presence of the
mutant allele confers some advantage to the heterozygote; e.g., sickle cell anemia), (2) genetic
bottlenecks (enhanced interbreeding due to low numbers of individuals available, or due to
geography), and (3) founder effects (spread of a mutant allele, originally by one reproductively
vigorous individual). We will return to this topic at the end of this chapter.
3.4 Biomarkers
Because of confusion in the field of epidemiology, we believe that the term biomarkers needs to be
clarified. A biomarker refers to some type of evidence that environmental agents have altered
cellular macromolecules. Environmental exposure might be genotoxic (causing DNA damage) or
nongenotoxic (disrupting endogenous signal transduction pathways independent of DNA damage) in
the cell or organism. Thus, biomarkers would include damaged, or chemically altered, DNA bases or
protein (e.g., oxidized guanine, aflatoxin B1-DNA adducts, aniline–hemoglobin adducts) or elevated
components in the cell or organism (e.g., a-fetoprotein, metallothionein)—as the result of the
metabolism of endogenous or exogenous substrates, and/or oxidative stress. Biomarkers are often
used as an assessment of exposure to a particular chemical, especially in occupational medicine. The
activation of a protooncogene (e.g., RAS, TRP53), or the inactivation of a tumor suppressor gene
(e.g., RB1, WT1)—leading to cancer—can be the result of mutations caused by abnormally toxic
levels of endogenous or foreign chemical metabolites (e.g., benzo[a]pyrene, aflatoxin B1); as such,
these mutations represent biomarkers. On the other hand, “variant, or mutant, alleles” (i.e., one's
genetic predisposition, inherited from one's parents) have sometimes been regarded by
epidemiologists as “biomarkers”; this terminology is strongly discouraged.
3.5 The Human Genome Project
The human genome is estimated to contain approximately 120,000 ± 20,000 genes distributed within
the 3.5 billion base pairs of DNA, which constitute the haploid genome. About 5% of the genome
represents genes, and the rest represents intergenic spacer regions. Current predictions are that all
genes will be identified (but most not yet characterized) by the end of 2001. Currently, McKusick's
catalogue (OMIM, “On-line database of Mendelian Inheritance in Man,” August 1999) lists more
than 10,000 loci, of which about 75% are associated with a disease phenotype. These data would
suggest that at least 80,000 genes might have mutant alleles that adversely affect human health
and/or cause human disease. It is also possible that mutations in every gene, under the right
conditions, might contribute to human disease.
3.6 Reverse Genetics
The “candidate gene approach” means that, if gene XYZ had already been cloned and characterized
and was known to encode, for example, an enzyme that metabolizes a particular environmental
chemical to an ultimate toxic or carcinogenic intermediate, one might ask whether XYZ allelic
differences can be shown statistically to be significantly correlated to the toxicity or cancer
phenotype caused by that particular environmental chemical. Hence, reverse genetics is the
methodology of going from the gene to epidemiological studies in an attempt to explain the etiology
of an environmental disease.
3.7 Forward Genetics
As mentioned above, virtually all environmental diseases are now believed to reflect multiplex
phenotypes. For example, toxicity caused by a particular environmental chemical (or chemical
mixture) might be manifested by the actions of five genes contributing, say, 40, 30, 15, 10, and 5%
to the phenotype; three “modifier” genes might influence the action of two “major” genes. How can
such complexity be dissected and understood? The recent advances in the genetic dissection of
complex traits via forward genetics (or, the “positional cloning approach”) promise to be very
exciting indeed during the next few years—not only in human genetics—but particularly in
environmental genetics.

The challenge of genetic dissection of complex traits has become highly successful through four
major approaches: linkage analysis, allele sharing (nonparametric) methods, association studies, and
polygenic dissection of experimental laboratory animal crosses. The key breakthrough was the
recognition in the mid 1980s (5) that naturally occurring DNA sequence variation provides a
virtually unlimited supply of genetic markers (as opposed to biomarkers).

The first “useful” genetic marker, described in the late 1970s, was restriction fragment length
polymorphisms (RFLPs)—due to restriction endonuclease “sites” in the DNA usually 4–8 bases in
length. A second class of RFLPs, in which the restriction fragment length variability is caused by a
variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs, also called minisatellites), was described in the mid-
1980s. A more useful subclass of VNTR polymorphisms, in which the repeat unit consists of only
two base pairs (called dinucleotide repeats, or microsatellites), was discovered in the late-1980s and
shown to be easily scored by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). These microsatellites show a
large variability in length per DNA locus, are distributed randomly throughout the genome, and are
present as several thousand copies per genome. During the ’nineties, DNA microsatellite marker
methodology was the most common and most successfully used technique for linkage analysis. This
technology is being rapidly replaced by single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) methodologies.
There are an estimated 6–30 million SNPs throughout the 3.5 billion bases in the human genome;
this means the possibility of genetic markers every 200 to 1,000 base pairs (bp) throughout the
human (or mouse) genome. Within the next 2 years, it is anticipated that informative SNPs every
10 kb (kilo–base pairs) to every 50 kb throughout the entire 3.5 billion base pairs of the human
genome will be identified.

With the availability of so many useful SNPs as markers throughout the entire genome, a new type
of analysis is rapidly emerging as perhaps the most exciting advance in the field of genetics since our
understanding of mendelian inheritance in the mid nineteenth century. This type of approach has
been called quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis, which is the method for determining the
chromosomal locations of two or more unlinked genes that contribute to a multiplex phenotype (Fig.
7.3). Interestingly, the method of genetic mapping, by which one compares the inheritance patterns
of chromosomal regions, allows one to find where a gene is located without knowing what the gene
is. Hence, this positional cloning approach (forward genetics) is just the opposite of the above-
described candidate gene approach (reverse genetics), which has been the predominantly used
method during the past two decades.

Figure 7.3. How to correlate phenotype with genotype by QTL mapping analysis. Human (or any
other species) chromosomes are placed end to end, making the 3.5 billion bases (of human DNA) as
if it were a straight line. Following a “genomic screen,” lod scores of a trait (phenotype) are
computed as a function of points along this straight line (genotype). In this imaginary example,
primary gene A has a lod score of about 11, secondary gene B about 6, and secondary gene C about
4 (localized to chromosomes 18, 3, and 7, respectively) [Chr, chromosome; Mb, megabases (linear
distance of 1 million base pairs of DNA)].

3.8 Lod Scores

Linkage analysis is a means of correlating phenotype with genotype (Fig. 7.3) via lod scores (6).
Screening a human population for a correlation between a trait (e.g., red hair) and each of (e.g.) 2600
DNA markers, we can ask “What is the likelihood that the trait will correctly match one or more
DNA markers, versus the likelihood of a random match by chance alone?” This is what is computed
in a “log odds” (lod) score, which can establish whether a randomly chosen DNA marker is actually
linked to that particular trait. The likelihood of two (or more) loci remaining together when
chromosomes are recombined (following union of the sperm and ovum) is represented by the
recombination fraction, q; this is written L(q). The closer the two loci are to one another, the smaller
q is. The likelihood ratio, L(q)/L (½) measures whether the recombination fraction is equal to q (< ½
denotes linkage), as opposed to being equal to ½ (i.e., no linkage). Hence, the equation

If the likelihood of true linkage is 1000 times greater than that by chance alone, the log10 of the ratio
1000 is 3.0, and this is considered in human genetics as a “significant” lod score. Numerous software
programs are now available to compute lod scores, “set” the baseline, and suggest the chromosomal
locations of many “significant” major and modifier genes that might be found correlated with a
phenotype (Fig. 7.3).

It should be emphasized, however, that having a significant lod score with a particular gene does not
necessarily implicate a correlation between phenotype and genotype; in other words, ultimately
experiments that carry out functional genomics are absolutely mandatory. The true gene responsible
for the trait might be tens of thousands of base pairs away in linkage disequilibrium (i.e., two loci
segregating together from one generation to the next, due to being closely linked on a chromosome
and therefore unlikely to be separated via recombination events during meiosis). It is only after
functional studies are completed (e.g., demonstrating that an amino acid change leads to alteration in
function of the gene product in the mutant allele but not wild-type allele) that one has proven an
association between phenotype and genotype.

Experimental proof of a lowered enzyme activity or greater receptor affinity are examples of
functional studies. A recent example of an erroneous relationship was the molecular epidemiological
report on a purported association between risk of prostate cancer and the vitamin D3 receptor
(VD3R) gene (7). After the cDNA-expressed VD3R protein was demonstrated to have no alterations
in function [i.e., no differences in receptor affinity (7), it was concluded that another gene—in
linkage disequilibrium—must be responsible for the increased risk in prostate cancer. The same
appears to be the case for nonfunctional mutations in the coding region (I462V), or Msp I site 3'-
ward of the last exon, of the human CYP1A1 structural gene and its association with increased risk of
lung cancer in Japanese populations (3, 4).

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions

Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

4 Environmental Genetics
Genes that encode the DMEs involved in metabolism of environmental chemicals, and genes that
code for the DME receptors with which environmental chemicals or physical agents interact as either
agonists or antagonists, might influence a toxic or carcinogenic outcome (Fig. 7.4). There continues
to be an increasing understanding of the mechanisms by which differences in these genes or loci
(genotype) and the degree of resistance or sensitivity to a toxic or carcinogenic chemical (phenotype)
lead to environmental disease in some individuals but not others. Foreign chemicals and physical
agents (e.g., exposure or dosage), as well as the effects by other modifier genes, are all able to
influence one's genotype—leading ultimately to the toxic effect or malignancy (phenotype) (Fig.
Figure 7.4. Illustration of the effects of the environment on an organism's genotype, by which the
phenotype can be changed.

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions

Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

5 Susceptibility Genes
Of the 120,000 genes in the human genome, what genes might be involved in causing environmental
toxicity and cancer? As described earlier in this chapter, it is likely that at least 75% of these 120,000
genes might contribute to human diseases including environmental diseases. The 120,000 genes can
be divided roughly into three broad categories: metabolism genes, the signal transduction genes, and
the infrastructure genes.

Metabolism genes code for enzymes. Enzymes “act as a catalyst to induce chemical changes, altering
a substrate to form an intermediate or product.” Benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase, mediated by CYP1A1,
is an example of an enzyme characterized because of its capacity to metabolize the environmental
agent benzo[a]pyrene; although the enzyme must have an endogenous substrate for evolutionary
reasons, and is known (e.g.) to metabolize arachidonic acid metabolites, the true endogenous
substrate has not yet been established. Adenine deaminase is generally regarded as an endogenous
enzyme, metabolizing the known endogenous substrate adenine; however, any adenine analog used
as a chemotherapeutic agent would be regarded as a drug, or environmental agent—thus
demonstrating that virtually any “housekeeping gene” encoding an enzyme critical to endogenous
pathways in the cell still might contribute to environmental disease under a particular circumstance.
Any allelic differences in the genes (e.g., low enzymatic activity), encoding either benzo[a]pyrene
hydroxylase or adenine deaminase, combined with the proper environmental exposure (or dose of
drug), could therefore be responsible for interindividual susceptibility to environmental toxicity or
cancer. The genes and enzymes involved in metabolism of virtually all endogenous as well as
environmental chemicals have also been termed drug-metabolizing enzymes and DME genes,
respectively, and the receptors that up- and down-regulate many of these enzymes have been called
DME receptors (4, 8). DME genes (e.g., CYP1A2, CYP26, GSTP1, ALDH2, UGT1A6, NQO1, HYL1,
SULT1, FMO3) represent the majority of the metabolism genes.
Signal transduction genes encode proteins (including kinases, phosphatases, transcription factors,
cell-surface receptors, DME receptors, drug transporters, binding proteins, tumor suppressors) that
participate in signal transduction cascades (e.g., TP53, RB1, APC, WT1, BRCA1, PMS2, MSH6,
PPA2, MDM2, AHR, RAR, RXR, PPARA). Genes encoding proteins involved in the nuclear matrix,
histones, chromatin, or nucleosomes (anything involved in the transcriptional response to
endogenous or exogenous signaling) are also included in this category.

Infrastructure genes code for proteins involved in the assembly of all cellular and subcellular
structures (e.g., spindle formation, kinesins, adhesion proteins, Golgi apparatus, ribosomes,
peroxisomes, nucleolar membranes).

A susceptibility gene is defined as any gene that encodes a gene product (enzyme, or other protein)
that an environmental agent might interfere with (either as an agonist or an antagonist), causing
perturbation of normal cellular functions and critical life processes of the cell—leading ultimately to
toxicity or malignancy. Susceptibility genes presumably constitute subsets of metabolism genes,
signal transduction genes, and infrastructure genes. Allelic differences in any susceptibility gene
would therefore produce differences in risk of environmental toxicity or cancer. It seems feasible
that allelic variants in metabolism genes would be less likely lethal, compared with that in signal
transduction genes or infrastructure genes; studies with “knockout” mouse lines have repeatedly
demonstrated, however, that disruption of a gene considered to be “essential” did not lead to
morbidity or mortality in the mouse line. It is therefore increasingly appreciated that signal
transduction cascades exhibit a great deal of redundancy; hence, we anticipate that human allelic
variants in such signal transduction genes will exist at rates similar to that in metabolism genes.

Interindividual differences in DME activities have been shown to be particularly substantial (e.g., 10
to >40-fold), whereas differences in receptor affinity and other signal transduction function are
seldom so striking (2- to perhaps 20-fold). Such dramatic increases or decreases in DME activity can
lead to large differences in toxicity or cancer risk—in response to the same amount of exposure to an
environmental pollutant (or chemical mixture) or to a physical agent such as sunlight or ionizing

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions

Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

6 Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes
Around 1930–1970, DMEs were considered as a “liver detoxification system” responsible for
breaking down drugs and other hydrophobic environmental chemicals for excretion. It is now clear
that (1) at least some of these DMEs are located in every eukaryotic cell, (2) almost all DMEs have
endogenous compounds as their natural substrates, and (3) many of these DMEs have existed in
evolution prior to the divergence of bacteria from eukaryotes, indicating that these DMEs have been
responsible for critical life functions long before animal–plant divergence (8, 9).

Since the late 1940s, it has been taught that drug and carcinogen metabolism is carried out by phase I
(functionalization) and phase II (conjugation) reactions (Fig. 7.5). Originally, these two coupled
reactions were regarded simply as a “liver detoxification system.” In the 1960s, some of these
activities were then discovered in nonhepatic tissues such as lung, kidney, and gastrointestinal
tract—indicating that the activities were not confined only to liver. Then, by the late 1960s, it was
realized that some inert chemicals can actually be activated, or metabolically potentiated, to the toxic
or carcinogenic intermediate (10). Phase I DMEs, many of which are in the cytochrome P450
superfamily, introduce a functional group, usually a hydroxyl, into their endogenous and exogenous
substrates. Thus, a procarcinogen such as benzo[a]pyrene, found in cigarette smoke, becomes
metabolically activated to reactive intermediates such as benzo[a]pyrene 7,8-oxide and 4,5-oxide.
There are >1000 other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in cigarette smoke. Phase II DMEs—such
as glutathione transferases, UDP glucuronosyltransferases and N-acetyltransferases—take the P450-
mediated oxygenated product (or any other endogenous or exogenous compound already having
functional groups) and use the functional group for conjugation with such moieties as glutathione,
glucuronic acid, sulfate, cysteine, or acetate—yielding a very hydrophilic product that can easily be
excreted. Table 7.2 lists many of the prototypic phase I and phase II enzymes.

Figure 7.5. Diagram of the fate of drugs (R) entering the cell. The fate of other environmental
chemicals is essentially the same. Chemicals can enter the cell by either passive diffusion or active
transporters. Either the parent nonmetabolized drug or metabolite reaches its clinical target
(efficacy), or the foreign chemical or metabolite can cause toxicity via perturbation of the cell cycle
or covalent binding. Reception mechanisms are able to detect the environmental chemical as a
“signal” and sometimes can up- or down-regulate phase I and phase II DMEs (9). Transporter
proteins can also assist in moving the parent foreign chemical and metabolites out of the cell.
Reproduced with permission from Nebert et al. (4).

Table 7.2. List of Enzymes that are Often Included as Drug-metabolizing


Phase I
P450s, flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMOs), hydroxylases,
lipoxygenases, cyclooxygenases, peroxidases, oxidases, monoamine oxidases
(MAOs), dioxygenases, reductases, quinone reductases, aldoketoreductases,
carboxylesterases, NAD- and NADP-dependent alcohol (and steroid)
Phase II
UDP glucuronosyl-, glutathione-, and sulfotransferases
Transaminases, acetyltransferases, methyltransferases, acyltransferases
Glycosylases, glucuronidases, various hydrolases and esterases

These phase I and phase II reactions can be very complex (11). For example, it is possible for benzo
[a]pyrene to be metabolized to more than 700 intermediates and products, if one counts all the
stereoisomers. Benzo[a]pyrene 7,8-oxide can be converted (by epoxide hydrolase) to the trans-7,8-
dihydrodiol, which can then be activated by a phase I P450 to the ultimate carcinogen benzo[a]
pyrene trans-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide (BPDE). Although the combined effect of phase I and
phase II DME activities is usually the detoxification of the drug or environmental chemical,
metabolic intermediates, (e.g., BPDE) readily form protein and DNA adducts and are strong
toxicants, mutagens and carcinogens, by virtue of their highly reactive electrophilic groups. BPDE is
genotoxic because it produces DNA damage. Moreover, it is worth noting that incoming chemicals
can be toxic and carcinogenic without requiring metabolism. Also, so-called detoxified conjugated
products can even be cleaved to form toxic, mutagenic or carcinogenic intermediates (Fig. 7.5).
Reduced glutathione (GSH) conjugation can also enhance toxicity or malignancy. Incoming
chemicals, their metabolites, and their conjugated products can all be moved in or out of the cell by
drug transporters. Hence, allelic mutants in any of these DME genes or DME receptor or drug
transporter genes can play an important role in determining interindividual risk of environmental
toxicity or cancer.

It therefore follows that exposure to environmental agents in a “high phase I–low phase II”
metabolism individual might lead to more toxicity or cancer than that in a “low phase I–high phase
II” individual (Fig. 7.6). An example of this concept has been demonstrated in epidemiologic studies
in Japan, showing an increased risk of cigarette smoking-induced bronchogenic carcinoma
associated with particular alleles of the CYP1A1 and GSTM1 genes (see below). DME receptors that
up- and down-regulate the levels of the DME enzymes might also be responsible for contributing to
this toxicity or cancer. The remainder of this Chapter is a series of brief summaries of some of the
more extensively studied human polymorphisms. Lastly, drug transporters are likely to contribute to
interindividual differences in toxicity in cancer; allelic variants in transporter genes have only begun
to be studied.

Figure 7.6. The possible combined effects of environmental or occupational exposure and genetic
polymorphisms in the phase I and phase II DMEs in causing toxicity or cancer. Reproduced with
permission from Nebert and Carvan 1997.
Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions
Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

7 Classification of Ecogenetic Differences

Various colleagues have differing opinions as to what might be included as an “ecogenetics
difference,” because some of these are commonly considered as “inborn errors of metabolism.”
Table 7.3 lists the classification we will use here, based on categories of less enzyme or defective
protein, increased resistance (usually a receptor-mediated mechanism), altered response due to
differences in enzyme induction, abnormal metal distribution, and “other” disorders of unknown
etiology. The examples that are detailed below are selected from Table 7.3, and in the order in which
they appear on this list. (For further discussion on many of these other ecogenetic differences, the
reader is referred to Refs. 3, 4, 8, and 11–24).

Table 7.3. One Possible Classification of Human Ecogenetic Differencesa

Less enzyme/defective protein

N-acetylation polymorphisms (NAT2, NAT1)
Increased susceptibility to chemical-induced hemolysis (G6PD deficiency)
a1-Antitrypsin [protease inhibitor (PI)], defective alleles associated with
increased toxicity by cigarette smoke
a1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT), mutant alleles also associated with more
toxicity by cigarette smoke?
Hereditary methemoglobinemias
P450 monooxygenase polymorphisms (oxidation deficiencies) debrisoquine
(CYP2D6), phenytoin (CYP2C9, CYP2C19), nifedipine (CYP3A4), coumarin
and nicotine (CYP2A6), acetaminophen (CYP2E1, CYP1A2)
Null mutants of glutathione transferase, m class (GSTM1), or q class
Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT)
Paraoxonase deficiency, sarinase (PON1, PON2, PON3)
UDP glucuronosyltransferase (UGT1A1, UGT2B7)
NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1)
Epoxide hydrolase (HYL1)
Atypical alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)
Atypical/lack of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2)
Increased resistance to chemicals
Inability to taste phenylthiourea
Coumarin resistance
Increased metabolism—atypical liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)
Defective receptor—malignant hyperthermia / general anesthesia (Ca2+-
release channel ryanodine receptor) (RYR1, MHS1)
Defective drug transporters, e.g. MDR1, resistance to chemotherapeutic
Change in response due to enzyme induction
Porphyrias (esp. cutanea tarda)
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) polymorphism (inducibility of CYP1A1,
CYP1A2) dioxin-caused chloracne, porphyria cutanea tarda, cancer,
immunosuppression, (?) birth defects, (?) eye, (?) ovary
Abnormal metal distribution
Iron [hemochromatosis (HFE)], copper (Wilson's disease, Menkes's
disease), (?) lead, (?) cadmium, (?) other metals
Disorders of unknown etiology (clinically observed to run in families)
Corticosteroid (eyedrops)-induced glaucoma
Halothane-induced hepatitis
Chloramphenicol-induced aplastic anemia

From Nebert (Ref. 4a).
Note that the term ecogenetic differences, rather than disorders, is being used here. This is because a
low enzymatic activity need not necessarily be associated with an adverse reaction or unwanted
outcome. For example, an NAT2 slow acetylator who smokes cigarettes has an increased risk of
urinary bladder cancer when working in the chemical dye industry, or increased risk of breast cancer,
but has a reduced risk of colorectal cancer (4, 18).
7.1 N-Acetylation (NAT2) Polymorphism
Originally called the isoniazid acetylation polymorphism, this polymorphism was first identified in
the late 1940s in tuberculosis patients treated with isoniazid. Individuals can be phenotyped as
“slow” or “rapid” acetylators. Slow acetylators are homozygous for any one of dozens of slow
acetylator (r) alleles, whereas rapid acetylators are either heterozygous or homozygous for the rapid
(R) (wild-type) alleles. Therefore, the slow phenotype is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.
The frequency of the r alleles is about 0.72 in the United States, meaning that about one in every two
individuals [according to the Hardy–Weinberg equation, viz., (p+q)2 = p2+2pq+q2,
q2 = 0.72 × 0.72 = 0.5184, i.e., 52% of population] is homozygous for r/r and exhibits the slow
acetylator phenotype. The frequency of the slow acetylator trait ranges worldwide (Table 7.4) from
approximately 10% in Japanese populations to more than 90% in some Mediterranean peoples (24).

Table 7.4. Frequency of the Slow N-Acetylator NAT2 Alleles (q) in

Different Ethnic Populationsa

Population Number of Studies Mean

Eskimo 4 0.23
South Pacific Islands 5 0.35
Korean/Chinese/Japanese 14 0.37
North and South American Indian 10 0.50
African (excluding Kung, 0.18) 19 0.71
Central and west Asian 22 0.74
European 50 0.75
Egyptian 2 0.96

Data modified and condensed from Price-Evans 1992.
Two N-acetyltransferase functional genes (NAT1, NAT2) and one pseudogene (NATP) have been
cloned and localized to the same region on human chromosome 8pter-q11. The rapid and slow
acetylator phenotype was found to reflect principally the NAT2 gene, encoding the NAT2 enzyme,
which has a 10 times lower Km (Michaelis constant) value for aromatic amines than does NAT1.
Three major slow acetylator alleles (two common in Caucasians, one common in Asians), each
identifiable at a restriction endonuclease site, have independently been identified in several human
populations (Fig. 7.7). The number of minor, rare NAT2 alleles is now greater than 30 (25–27).

Figure 7.7. Diagram of the wild-type (R1, rapid) and three mutant (slow) alleles of the NAT2 gene.
The gene has only two exons, and these three variants can all be detected by changes in the patterns
of restriction enzyme fragments: there is loss of a KpnI site in S1, loss of a Taq I site in S2, and loss
of a Bam HI site in S3. The S1 and S2 alleles are the two most common among Caucasians, and the
S3 allele is most common among Asians. There is now recommended nomenclature for all NAT2 and
NAT1 alleles. Reproduced with permission from Nebert and Carvan 1997.

There are distinct associations between acetylation phenotypes and cancer or toxicity. For example,
the slow acetylator phenotype shows a lower incidence of colorectal carcinoma but a higher
incidence (odds ratio of 16.7) of bladder cancer (2). Both occupational exposure to arylamines and
cigarette smoking are required, in conjunction with the slow acetylator phenotype, for development
of bladder cancer, and no relationship was found between acetylator phenotype and smoking-related
bladder cancer in the absence of exposure to arylamines. These findings have been independently
confirmed by many laboratories. The slow acetylator phenotype has also been associated with
enhanced plasma levels of drugs that are NAT2 substrates. Treatment of patients with certain drugs
has resulted in the development of antinuclear antibodies and systemic lupus erythematosis at a
much greater frequency among slow acetylators than among rapid acetylators (26).
7.2 Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD)
G6PD is an enzyme in the hexose monophosphate shunt, one of the principal sources of NADPH
generation in the normal red cell and many other tissues. Thiazolsulfone was the first arylamine sulfa
drug shown to cause hemolytic anemia, and a bimodal distribution was seen in the treated population
due to G6PD differences. The enzyme G6PD has perhaps more human variants than any other
protein. Approximately 10% of the world population has one or another of the more than 350
different G6PD variants. Ethnic differences can be striking (e.g., >100-fold between Ashkenazic and
Sephardic Jews). The G6PD gene has been cloned and is located on the X chromosome, which is
consistent with the transmission of G6PD deficiency as an X-linked recessive trait; this means that a
“carrier” mother and a healthy father will have children displaying one of four possibilities: a healthy
female, a carrier female, a healthy male, and an afflicted male (16, 24).
Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions
Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

8 Synergy between two Pharmacogenetic LOCI

A toxic response to an environmental agent can be greatly exaggerated by the combination of two
ecogenetic differences in the same individual. For example, individuals with both the slow acetylator
phenotype and G6PD deficiency can be affected quite dramatically by specific environmental agents
(Table 7.5). Aniline-hemoglobin adducts among workers exposed to aniline were found to be ~50
times higher in G6PD-deficient slow acetylators than in G6PD-normal rapid acetylators. Thus,
although individuals might be exposed to the same level of an environmental chemical or mixture—
whether at a toxic waste site, in the form of a pesticide/herbicide, polluted urban air, or in the
workplace—the risk of an adverse health effect may vary by two or more orders of magnitude, due
to synergism caused by two or more ecogenetic differences. Furthermore, biomarker
measurements—presumed to determine the amount of exposure in the workplace—may vary greatly
because of underlying interindividual ecogenetic differences rather than actual occupational
exposure. This point has very important implications to those who work in the biomonitoring field.

Table 7.5. Hemoglobin (Hgb) Adducts in Chemical Dye Workers Exposed

to Anilinea

Acetylator G6PD
Status Deficiency

Fast Slow No Yes Aniline-Hgb Adducts

+ + 2
+ + 30
+ + 20
+ + 100

Modified and condensed from Lewalter and Korallus (1985).

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions

Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

9 Polymorphism and Other forms of Gene–Environment Adaptation

9.1 a1-Antitrypsin Polymorphism (a1-AT)
a1-AT is a protease inhibitor (PI), the deficiency of which is associated with emphysema and liver
disease. This secretory glycoprotein is formed primarily in liver cells for the purpose of inhibiting
proteolytic enzymes produced by neutrophils; these enzymes include elastase, cathepsin G, and
proteinase-3. a1-AT deficiency is one of the most common lethal hereditary disorders in Caucasians
of European descent. The disease is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by reduced serum
a1-AT levels. Serum a1-AT concentrations of 20–53 mM are considered normal in humans (28).
Individuals with serum levels of <20 mM are considered “deficient” in a1-AT. Deficiencies in a1-AT
are caused by defects in the protease inhibitor (PI) gene, located at 14q31-31.2 (29). More than 70
different phenotypes for the PI gene (a1-AT gene) have been identified as of this writing (30). The
most common (wild-type) M in human populations represents at least six alleles, resulting in normal
serum a1-AT levels. a1-AT deficiency is associated with the Z and S alleles. The prevalence in the
Caucasian population of the M/M, M/S, and M/Z genotypes is 86, 9, and 3%, respectively (30).
Individuals homozygous for the Z allele (i.e., Z/Z) display a severe deficiency in serum a1-AT levels,
and have a high risk for developing emphysema and liver disease, as well as an increased risk for
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (28, 30). The S/S genotype occurs in ~ 0.1% of the
Caucasian population. S/Z heterozygotes are also at risk for developing COPD, but only at mild risk
for developing emphysema (28, 30, 31). A summary of the relative risk for emphysema based on
serum a1-AT levels and the risk of COPD as a function of phenotype is found in Table 7.6.

Table 7.6. Relative Risk for Emphysema Based on Seruma a1-AT Levels
and Risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) as a
Function of Phenotypea

Emphysema Risk Risk of COPD

Serum a1-AT Compared to General Based on
Phenotype Levels (mM) Population Phenotype

MM 20–53 No increase None

MZ 12–35 No increase None
SS 15–33 No increase None
SZ 8–19 Mild increased risk Yes
ZZ 2.5–7 High risk Yes
Null–nullb 0 High risk *(?)

Modified from Crystal (28). COPD data taken from Sandford et al. 30.
b Null–null individuals have not yet been studied for risk of COPD.
Several studies have examined the combined effects of deficient levels of a1-AT and various
environmental and occupational exposures. Environmental exposures—such as cigarette smoke, air
pollution, and passive smoke—and occupational exposures to dust and fumes appear to predispose
the a1-AT-deficient individual to the development of respiratory diseases including COPD and
emphysema (31–33).
9.2 a1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT)
AACT is a plasma protease inhibitor, synthesized in the liver, belonging to the class of serine
protease inhibitors. The normal AACT serum levels are about one-tenth that of a1-AT (PI); the
AACT and PI genes exhibit homology (34) and are located in the same region on chromosome 14
(35) within 220 kb of one another (36). The abnormal AACT allele is inherited as an autosomal
dominant trait (37). When combined PI-AACT haplotypes were examined, there was no evidence of
linkage disequilibrium between defective PI alleles and AACT alleles (38). Both proteins are major
“acute phase” reactants; because their plasma concentrations are known to rise in response to trauma,
surgery, and infection, it is reasonable to expect that individuals having a defective AACT gene will
have more trouble with cigarette smoke–induced bronchitis and pulmonary fibrosis than will
individuals having the wild-type AACT gene similar to what has been found with the PI gene.
9.3 P450 Monooxygenase Polymorphisms
Cytochromes P450 are phase I enzymes (Table 7.2) that metabolize virtually all drugs and other
environmental chemicals—even certain heavy-metal ions. These enzymes carry out alkyl and aryl
hydroxylations; N-, O- and S-dealkylations; N-, O-, and S-dehalogenations; and even reductions (39,
40). There appear to be 49 cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes in the human genome (41), and an
increasing number of human allelic variants are described each month (4, 42).
9.4 The Debrisoquine Hydroxylase Polymorphism
Poor metabolizers (PMs) of the antihypertensive drug, debrisoquine, were found in the mid-1970s to
represent 6–10% of Caucasian populations, as compared with extensive metabolizers (EMs) who
handle the drug 10–200 times more efficiently. The human gene (CYP2D6, a cytochrome P450),
along with related genes and pseudogenes in the same subfamily, have been localized to
chromosome 22q13.1. As with almost every ecogenetic disorder, important ethnic differences in the
incidence of phenotypes exist; for example, the PM phenotype is virtually absent in Chinese,
Japanese, Laplanders, and Inuits (16, 26). The “debrisoquine panel” now encompasses more than 40
drugs and environmental chemicals, including antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives, b blockers,
monoamine oxidase inhibitors, morphine derivatives, antipsychotics and tricyclic antidepressants,
and nitrosamines found in tobacco smoke (2, 26). Whereas more than 60 alleles attributed to the PM
phenotype have been identified (43), the most common are the CYP2D6*3, CYP2D6*4, and
CYP2D6*5 alleles, accounting for more than 70% of all null alleles in Caucasians. The CYP2D6*5
allele (actual deletion of the entire CYP2D6 gene) represents 19% of PM individuals. The latest
nomenclature update of the human CYP2D6 alleles can be found on the Web (42).

The EM phenotype has been associated with increased risk of liver, gastrointestinal and lung cancer.
Innumerable epidemiological and ethnic studies linking the CYP2D6 allelic differences with toxicity
and cancer have been reported.

In addition to the defective (PM) CYP2D6 alleles, there are duplicated or multiduplicated active
CYP2D6 genes, resulting in the ultra-rapid-metabolism (UM) phenotype (44). In the mid–late 1990s
29% of an Ethiopian population, and 21% of a Saudi Arabian population were identified as UM
individuals (44, 45). The frequency of UM patients in black, Asian, and European populations is
only 1–2% (45).
9.5 Alcohol-Inducible CYP2E1
CYP2E1 catalyzes the monooxygenation of dozens of drugs but is especially relevant to ecogenetics
because it metabolically potentiates low molecular weight procarcinogens—such as vinyl chloride
and vinyl bromide, dimethylnitrosamine and diethylnitrosamine, acrylonitrile, urethane, styrene,
benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and trichloroethylene—to reactive (toxic, mutagenic,
carcinogenic) intermediates. Acetone is an endogenous substrate for CYP2E1. CYP2E1 metabolism
is induced by alcohol, acetone, and fasting. Nine mutant CYP2E1 alleles have been identified so far
(4, 42), and CYP2E1*2 has been demonstrated to exhibit lowered enzymatic activity due to an
important amino acid change (46). The CYP2E1*5A/*5B alleles has been reported as a risk factor in
nasopharyngeal cancer (see Ref. 47, and Refs. cited therein), although this polymorphism is located
in the 5' flanking region and has yet to be proven that it is correlated with increases in transcription
rate of the gene—leading to enhanced CYP2E1 metabolism. Further work on this allele is needed to
corroborate whether CYP2E1*5A/*5B mRNA levels and enzymatic activity are indeed augmented.
Studies looking at possible associations between CYP2E1 variant alleles and environmental toxicity
or cancer are predicted to explode within the next several years (at the time of writing). The same is
true of all other P450 polymorphisms listed in Table 7.3.
9.6 CYP1A1 Gene Polymorphism
A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) affecting the size of Msp I fragments of the
human CYP1A1 gene on chromosome 15q22-ter was noted in 1987 (48). In Japan, this RFLP
appears to be associated with a higher incidence of lung cancer, especially when combined with the
GSTM1 (glutathione transferase mu) null mutation (Table 7.7). From these studies, it seemed
plausible that the human CYP1A1 structural gene, or a region near this gene, might be correlated
with the inducibility phenotype and with increased risk of lung cancer. Studies with CYP1A1 in other
ethnic groups do not, however, find any correlation with lung cancer; Norwegians, American
Caucasians and blacks, Finns, and eastern Mediterraneans lack the association between the Msp I
RFLP, the I462V mutation, and/or lung cancer. Thus, it now appears that the Msp I RFLP might
explain some of the genetically predisposed increased risk among Japanese high inducibility
individuals for particular types of cigarette smoke–induced cancer, but it does not hold true for other
ethnic groups (4, 11). The I462V amino acid change in the enzyme active site was reported to
increase enzymatic activity; however, two studies have shown that cDNA-expressed CYP1A1
enzymatic activity in vitro is not different between the CYP1A1*1 wild-type and CYP1A1*2B/*2C
allelic products (4, 49, 50). It remains plausible that, in the Japanese population, the Msp I RFLP
polymorphism is in linkage disequilibrium with another mutation that is important for CYP1A1
inducibility or another gene (CYP1A2?) involved in tumorigenesis, whereas—in non-Japanese
populations—these mutations are not in linkage disequilibrium.

Table 7.7. Relative Risk Estimate of Lung Cancer Types in Japanese

Patients Having the Combined Genotypes for CYP1A1 and GSTM1

Ile/Ile Ile/Val Val/Val

GSTM1: + – + – + –

Lung cancer 1.0 1.7 1.7 1.4 2.3 5.8

Kreyberg I 1.0 1.8 1.3 1.8 1.6 7.9
Squamous cell CA 1.0 2.3 1.2 1.5 2.0 9.1
Kreyberg II (adenocarcinoma) 1.0 1.6 2.2 1.0 3.1 3.5

Modified and condensed from Hayashi et al. 1992.
9.7 CYP1A2 (Arylamine Hydroxylase)
CYP1A2 metabolizes aromatic amine procarcinogens, including tobacco smoke–specific
nitrosamines, such as 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl-1-butanone (NNK). Between 15- and
60-fold differences in human CYP1A2 mRNA levels, 1A2 protein levels, and CYP1A2 activities
have been reported, suggesting that interindividual differences in CYP1A2 expression might play a
role in toxicity and cancer (4, 11). Although expressed constitutively (and inducible by cigarette
smoke) in liver, CYP1A2 has not been detected in human lung and has been found at very low levels
in the gastrointestinal tract, brain, and endothelial cells of blood vessels. With the use of caffeine as a
probe, a trimodal distribution of the enzymatic activity (consistent with high/high, high/low and
low/low genotypes) has been detected in four separate populations (51, 52). The genetic basis of this
polymorphism has been extensively searched for, but is not yet understood (4, 42).

Two Cyp1a2(-/-) knockout mouse lines—showing different phenotypes—have been developed (53,
54). These mouse lines will be helpful in elucidating the role of CYP1A2 in toxicity and cancer.
9.8 Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT)
TPMT is an enzyme that can be regarded in a detoxification pathway for 6-mercaptopurine (Fig.
7.8), commonly used in chemotherapy for acute lymphocytic leukemia. The frequencies of the
high/high, high/low, and low/low genotypes are 87, 13, and 0.3%, respectively, in the Caucasian
population. This means that, when given the recommended dosage [from the Physician's Desk
Reference (PDR)] of 6-mercaptopurine, one out of approximately 300 patients would die as the
result of too much chemotherapeutic drug, 13% would have a high probability of being cured of their
disease, and 87% patients would have relapses in their leukemia due to undertreatment (Fig. 7.8).
Because this pharmacogenetic difference can lead to dire consequences, acute lymphocytic leukemia
patients are now routinely phenotyped for TPMT prior to the initiation of 6-mercaptopurine
chemotherapy; high/high patients are then usually given a 4 times higher dose, and low/low patients
are given a 10–15 times lower dose, leading to a much better cure rate and survival rate for
childhood leukemia (21). At least eight PM allelic variants have been characterized for the TPMT
gene (4).

Figure 7.8. Diagram of 6-mercaptopurine (6MP) toxicity (which can occur in all cells but more so in
rapidly growing malignant cells, due to disruption of purine biosynthesis), and the response of acute
lymphocytic leukemia patients given the “recommended dose” of the chemotherapeutic agent. XO
(xanthine oxidase), AO (adenine oxidase), and TPMT (thiopurine methyltransferase) are all enzymes
that detoxify 6MP. Toxicity of 6MP occurs much more readily in individuals have the low activity
allele, TMPTL, than the high-activity allele, TMPTH. About three in 1000 Caucasians are
homozygous for the low/low genotype, and 87% are homozygous for the high/high genotype.

9.9 Paraoxonase Polymorphism

Paraoxon is the biologically active metabolite of parathion, an organophosphate insecticide.
Interestingly, paraoxonases (PON1,2,3)—calcium-dependent A-esterases— are found in human
plasma, and we have long believed that this enzyme must exist for some reason other than
detoxifying organophosphates (which were first synthesized in the mid twentieth century). PON1 is
now known to be an apoJ high density lipoprotein (HDL)-associated enzyme that hydrolyzes many
toxic organophosphates, including sarin, and must play a role in cardiovascular homeostasis. The
enzyme functions of PON2 and PON3 are not yet understood. The frequencies of the high/high,
high/low, and low/low PON1 genotypes are approximately 50, 40, and 10%, respectively, in
Caucasians. Again, striking ethnic differences worldwide have been described (Fig. 7.9) (16). The
PON1*2 allele and PON2*3 allele, both resulting in a low activity subunit of the enzyme represent
mutations: R192Q, arginine changed to glutamic acid at position 192 (55), and C311S, cysteine
changed to serine at position 311 (56). The organophosphates allegedly used as biological warfare,
and pyridostigmine used as an antidote of anticholinesterase poisoning, have caused some to
speculate that the “Gulf War syndrome,” in which striking variations in illness occurred among some
but not other soldiers in this 1991 war, might be explained at least in part by the paraoxonase
polymorphism (57).
Figure 7.9. Genetic differences in paraoxonase. Reproduced with permission from Kalow and
Bertilsson (16).

9.10 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH2) Polymorphism

Out of the 17 human ALDH genes cloned and characterized by the late 1990s (58, 59), the
mitochondrial ALDH2 has the most clinical significance. When drinking alcohol, the enzyme alcohol
dehydrogenase (ADH) converts ethanol to acetaldehyde, which is the toxic metabolite.

If the detoxification of acetaldehyde by ALDH2 is not rapid enough, alcohol intake tends to cause
acetaldehyde buildup, facial flushing, rapid heart rate, and a drop in blood pressure (60).
Interestingly, an inactive genetic variant of ALDH2—which represents a point mutation near the
COOH terminus of the enzyme protein—occurs in some populations at a frequency as high as 50%,
and there are very striking ethnic differences (Table 7.8. ALDH2 is a tetramer, and if the tetramer
contains even one inactive subunit, the whole tetramer is enzymatically inactive. This means that
ALDH2 deficiency is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait).

Table 7.8. Distribution of ALDH2 Isozyme Deficiency in Different


Population Percent Deficient in ALDH2

Japanese 44
Central, East, and Southeast Asian 30–50
South American Indian 40–45b
North American Indian 2–5
European, Near-East, and African 0

Data modified and condensed from Goedde and Agarwal 1986.
b Different mutation from that in Asians and North American Indians.
9.11 Phenylthiourea Taster/Nontaster Polymorphism
Proposed to be the first clinical example of an ecogenetics difference (3), the inability to taste
phenylthiourea (PTU) was described as an autosomal recessive trait (24). In 1950 the frequency of
“PTU nontasters” among American Indians and Africans was reported to be only 2 and 3%,
respectively, compared with 30% PTU nontasters in the United States; hence, this was also the first
appreciation of ethnic differences in response to an environmental agent. The mechanism for PTU
nontaster is not yet known, but is presumed to be receptor-mediated.
9.12 Ryanodine Receptor/Ca2+ Release Channel (RYR1,2,3)
In response to particular inhalation anesthetics and muscle relaxants, the occasional patient will
develop sustained muscle contraction and a fever of >44 °C, which can often be fatal; this was
termed malignant hyperthermia (MH). The incidence of MH in humans is quite rare—1 : 12,000 to
1 : 40,000 (24). It was then realized that MH occurs in both humans and pigs and is caused by a
mutant allele in the ryanodine receptor (RYR1) gene. The RYR is a calcium-release channel protein
of high molecular weight (Mr = 565,000–590,000) (61). The RYR1*2 allele (R614C), is the same
amino acid variant in both humans and pigs Further studies have confounded the field, because three
RYR genes have now been found: two loci on human chromosome 17q, and another on 19q.
Moreover, another RYR1 mutation (R2434H, inherited myopathy) has a possible association with
central core disease.
9.13 The Ah Receptor (AHR) Polymorphism
The AHR polymorphism was originally identified from studies of inducible benzo[a]pyrene
metabolism in mice. Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH; benzo[a]pyrene 3-hydroxylase; now
named cytochrome P450, CYP1A1) was found to be highly inducible and controlled by a high
affinity AHR in some inbred mouse strains, and a low affinity AHR in other strains. This difference
was shown not to be due to changes in the Cyp1a1 gene itself, but rather in the Ahr gene that
encodes a receptor; the lack of inducibility is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait in genetic
crosses between C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice. There is convincing evidence, from inbred mouse
studies, that allelic differences in the Ahr gene, which encodes the AHR, can result in striking
differences in interindividual susceptibility to cancer, mutagenesis, birth defects, and cell-type-
specific toxicity of the liver, eye, ovary, bone marrow, and immune system; some of the toxicity or
cancer reported in mice have also been reported in clinical studies (62). Fig. 7.10 shows the enzyme
reactions of CYP1A1 and CYP1A2; these two enzymes, encoded by the CYP1A1 and CYP1A2
genes, are regulated by the AHR in the mouse and human. There is a cascade of events by which
environmental chemicals enter the cell, displace an (as yet unknown) endogenous ligand from the
AHR, and lead to CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 induction (62–65) and chronic oxidative stress (66).
Figure 7.10. Enzymic reactions of CYP1A1 and CYP1A2. Polycyclic hydrocarbons, such as benzo
[a]pyrene shown here, are substrates for CYP1A1; conversion of the 7,8-oxide to the trans-7,8-diol
is carried out by epoxide hydrolase. Aryl amines, such as acetaminophen and 2-acetylaminofluorene
shown here, are substrates for CYP1A2 (10).

Clinical correlations between genetic differences at the AHR locus and certain types of toxicity and
forms of cancer have been suggested (4, 62, 67–70), but an experimental assessment of this
hypothesis is, of course, hampered by the ethical difficulties of carrying out definitive experiments in
humans. Heavy exposures of human populations to dioxin, halogenated hydrocarbons, or cigarette
smoking have led to the manifestations of malignancies, birth defects, chloracne, mental problems,
early onset of menopause, and immunosuppression—but no cause–effect relationship between the
AHR phenotype and these types of toxicities or cancers has been rigorously demonstrated to date.

Using 20–40 cm3 of blood from venipuncture, numerous laboratories have studied peripheral white
cell cultures in the presence of mitogens and CYP1A1 inducers, in order to assess the human AHR
phenotype and relationship to cancer (11). There is a continuous gradient from low to high
inducibility phenotypes, with more than 12-fold differences between the lowest and highest
inducibility phenotype (71). Studies from a number of independent laboratories have suggested that,
among cigarette smokers, the highest inducibility (AHRH) phenotype is at greater risk (estimates run
between 3- and 20-fold) than the lowest inducibility (AHRL) phenotype for bronchogenic carcinoma
(Fig. 7.11), laryngeal carcinoma, and cancer of the oral cavity, but not cancer of the kidney, ureter or
urinary bladder. These data are consistent with the fact that cells in contact with incoming cigarette
smoke might be more prone to carcinogenesis than tissues distant to smoke inhalation. However, the
mitogen-activated lymphocyte 3- or 4-day culture assay is not trivial to carry out, many laboratories
have experienced difficulties in reproducibility of this assay, and numerous modifications of the
assay were introduced in the 1980s and 1990s. Consequently, the reporting by several laboratories of
an absence of association between the AHRH phenotype and bronchogenic cancer (11) is likely to
reflect technical difficulties in the white blood cell culture assay.
Figure 7.11. Ratio of CYP1A1 (aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase) activity to microsomal reductase
activity in 21 freshly diagnosed lung cancer patients and 29 (matched for age, sex, and cigarette
smoking history) patients with other pulmonary disease. At least 12 of the lung cancer patients
exhibit CYP1A1 inducibility that is significantly greater than that in any of the patients without
cancer. The original study was reported by Kouri et al. (1982) [redrawn from Nebert and Gonzalez,
(40), and permission of the copyright holder].

The fact that there are conflicting results from several laboratories underscores the importance of
developing a reliable and simple noninvasive test, such as a DNA marker, for determining the AHR
genotype in large populations. Such screening of human populations would resolve these conflicts in
the literature.

The cDNAs for the C57BL/6 (Ahrb1 allele) and DBA/2 (Ahrd allele) mouse have shown that there
are five coding polymorphisms between the two alleles (72). Of these, the mouse A375V (and the
corresponding human A381V) mutation appears to be one alteration that is critical for in vitro ligand
affinity and possibly for CYP1A1 inducibility (11, 73–75).

The Ahr(-/-) knockout mouse line has been shown to exhibit impaired development of the liver and
immune system, splenic atrophy, hyperkeratosis of the skin, and cataracts (76). This mouse line
should be very helpful in delineating further the role of the AHR in toxicity and cancer.

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions

Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

10 Ethnic Differences and the “Edge Effect”

Hundreds of clinical trials have revealed not only that the rates of metabolism differ among
individuals within the same ethnic group but also that the mean rates of drug metabolism differ
significantly between ethnic groups. Fig. 7.12 is a representative example of such a study. In this
report, the rate of codeine glucuronidation is shown to be slower in Chinese than in Caucasians.
Figure 7.12. Frequency distributions of the log10 MR (metabolic ratio = parent drug divided by
metabolite) of codeine glucuronidation. Total number of subjects, N = 149 and 133 for Caucasians
and Chinese, respectively. Reprinted with permission from Yue et al. 1989 and permission from the
copyright holder, Blackwell Scientific Publishers, Ltd., Oxford.

What significance can such ethnic differences have, for populations exposed to the same levels of
hazardous waste, or for populations of workers exposed to the same concentrations of occupationally
hazardous chemicals? Figure 7.13 illustrates the “edge effect,” where the rate of metabolism (or
clearance of a chemical) might be associated with a significant proportion of individuals at one end
or the other on this graph. Clearly, if the same exposure of a chemical occurs in the workplace, and
similar factories having workers of different ethnic groups are located in different parts of the United
States or in different countries, the “percentage of workers exhibiting a toxic response” might differ
quite dramatically.

Figure 7.13. The “edge effect” of different averages from hypothetical curves A and B, representing
normal frequency distributions for the elimination capacity of chemical X in two populations. The
abscissa denotes the rate of chemical clearance, and the ordinate (N) indicates the number of
individuals who show a particular rate of clearance. The arrow denotes the critical clearance rate
below which the chemical causes toxicity. Curves A and B were drawn with identical standard
deviations but their means are one standard deviation apart; i.e., the difference between the means is
small compared with the range of variation within each population. In population studies, such small
differences are often disregarded. The data imply that about 2% of population A (solid) and 16% of
population B (striped) would suffer toxicity. Obviously, this eightfold difference between the two
ethnic populations would grow substantially if the arrow were shifted toward the left. Reprinted with
permission from Kalow and Bertilsson (16), and permission of the copyright holder, Academic
Press, Ltd., New York.

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions

Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

11 Why these Drug Metabolism Polymorphisms Exist

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, spontaneous mutation rates occur at frequencies between 1 in
106 and 1 in 108. Any allele that persists in a population at a frequency of <1 in 106 is thus regarded
by geneticists as “having a reason for existing in that population, even though we might not yet
understand the reason.” Possible mechanisms for why a particular allelic variant might persist at high
frequencies in a population include (1) balanced polymorphisms (in which presence of the mutant
allele confers some advantage to the heterozygote), (2) genetic bottlenecks, and (3) founder effects
(77). Many of the aforementioned polymorphisms exhibit striking ethnic differences in addition to
interindividual differences among humans of the same ethnic group. From current epidemiological
data for many of these genes discussed, it is not clear that the heterozygote offers any distinct clinical
advantage over either homozygote. However, it is interesting to note that differences in the incidence
of one phenotype between ethnic groups can be as large as 100-fold; for example, the incidence of
G6PD deficiency is 0.4% versus 53% in Ashkenazic Jews and Sephardic Jews, respectively (24).
One explanation for this degree of variability may relate to geographic differences in diet over
thousands of years. Figure 7.14 illustrates the estimated rates of divergence for various ethnic groups
over many thousands of years. From the periods of time since divergence of different ethnic groups
(e.g., 10,000 years, 35,000 years), it is clear that this would be long enough for allelic variants to
arise and persist in response to the selective pressures of a particular diet (e.g., tropical fruit versus
goat milk and grains).

Figure 7.14. Genetic distance between various populations. Modified from Nei and Saitou 1986, and
reproduced with permission from the authors and the copyright holder A. R. Liss, Inc.
Another explanation for ecogenetics variability might be the evolution of balanced polymorphisms.
The classic example of a compensating, or “shared benefit,” polymorphism (Table 7.9) is the sickle
cell trait; whereas the homozygous carriers of this trait die (or fail to reproduce) because of severe
anemia, the much larger number of heterozygotes resist malaria better than do wild-type
homozygotes. It is becoming appreciated (78) that there are several classes of diseases in which the
homozygote bears the risks while the heterozygote is believed to hold a distinct survival advantage:
(1) resistance to bacterial and viral pathogens, (2) improved prenatal survival, and (3) improved
postnatal survival in response to particular environmental stresses. These diseases are summarized in
Table 7.9. Considering the ecogenetics polymorphisms described in this chapter, one might postulate
that the homozygote bears the risks, whereas the heterozygote holds some distinct survival advantage
(s). Considering the discussion at the beginning of this chapter—that DMEs are very old enzymes
that are responsible for numerous critical life functions (9, 79)—it is reasonable to assume that at
least some of the human DME allelic differences represent balanced polymorphisms that we
presently cannot yet appreciate, such as improved rates of implantation, prenatal growth, postnatal
development in response to dietary selective pressures, or resistance to bacterial or viral infections.
As more DME genes are cloned and their functions uncovered, the reasons for the DME
polymorphisms should become more apparent.

Table 7.9. Examples of a Balanced Polymorphism in Which the

Heterozygote Appears to Have a “Shared Benefit” over Either

Sickle cell anemia = resistance to malaria

G6PD deficiency = resistance to malaria
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia = protection against Hemophilus influenzae B
Tay–Sachs disease = resistance to tuberculosis
High pepsinogen I (gastric secretion) = resistance to tuberculosis
Idiopathic hemochromatosis = protection against iron loss (menses)
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus = protection against
intermittent/limited food intake
Cystic fibrosisa = resistance to cholera toxin and/or bronchial asthma

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutant allele might have
arisen and been maintained in the population because the heterozygote might exhibit enhanced
resistance to cholera and/or asthma, although a founder effect is also suspected of having
played a role (discussed in Ref. 78).
DMEs, the DME receptors, and drug transporters have evolved over several hundreds of millions of
years for critical life functions (e.g., cell division, sporulation, homeostasis, defense against
infection, differentiation, apoptosis and neuroendocrine functions). In animals DMEs more recently
expanded to include the role of detoxification of dietary products, evolving plant metabolites and, of
course, drugs (8, 9, 79). There is a growing number of developmental disorders caused by “inborn
errors of metabolism” that represent defects in a DME gene, which further underscores the fact that
DMEs often modulate critical life processes. For example, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is
caused most commonly by defects in the CYP21 gene but can also be caused, although rare, by
mutations in the CYP17, CYP11B1, CYP11B2, and CYP11A1 genes (80). Vitamin D–dependent
rickets is an autosomal recessive trait caused by a defect in 25-hydroxy-D3 1a-hydroxylase
(CYP27B1), a kidney mitochondrial P450 (81). Mutations and deletions in the microsomal fatty
aldehyde dehydrogenase (FALDH) gene were shown to be the cause of Sjögren–Larsson
syndrome—characterized by mental retardation, spasticity, and ichthyosis—indicating the
requirement of this enzyme for neurocutaneous homeostasis (82). Mutations in the CYP1B1 gene are
responsible for primary congenital glaucoma (buphthalmos), implying that failure of the CYP1B1
enzyme to metabolize some endogenous substrate leads to this affliction (83). Progressive familial
intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) is a heterogeneous group of autosomal recessive disorders leading to
cirrhosis and liver failure before adulthood; mutations in the MDR3 transporter gene are associated
with PFIC (84).

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions

Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

12 Conclusions
Many studies have demonstrated the importance of phenotypic polymorphisms in DME genes and
DME receptor and drug transporter genes as risk factors in the development of cancer, toxicity, and
other diseases associated with chemical exposure. The genetic bases of many of these
polymorphisms have been elucidated, and noninvasive genotyping methods that can be applied to
large populations have been developed. The study of the relationship between genetic
polymorphisms, cancer susceptibility, toxicity, and environmental exposure is a new, exciting and
promising area of research. The identification of genetic factors—which, acting in conjunction with
the amount of environmental exposure, might increase the interindividual risk of toxicity or cancer—
will undoubtedly have important implications for the prevention, early diagnosis, and intervention of
human disease.

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions

Daniel W. Nebert, Amy L. Roe, Ph.D

We thank our colleagues for valuable discussions and a careful reading of this review. This work
was supported in part by NIH Grants R01 ES06321, R01 ES08147, and P30 ES06096.

Ecogenetics: The Study of Gene–Environment Interactions


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Regulations and Guidelines In the Workplace

Eula Bingham, Ph.D., L. Faye Grimsley, MSPH, CIH

1.0 Introduction and History

Occupational diseases can be used as the first historical markers for concern about toxic substances
in the workplace. The passage in 1798 of the Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen
established The Marine Hospital Service, which was later named the Public Health Service. This was
the first real legislation that dealt with occupational disease. Most of the seamen who benefited in the
early years probably had traumatic injuries or infectious diseases, but it is certain that some suffered
from chronic exposures. In 1835, McCready described the role of trades, professions, and
occupations in the development of disease and noted several toxic substances of importance (1), lead
and dusts. In 1860, Freeman described problems with mercury among hatters. Actual legislation to
regulate the workplace was slow to develop and was confined to conditions that affected children,
for example, hours worked and ages when children could begin work (1a).
Research and technology provide the rationale and the methodologies used to develop legislation,
regulations, and guidelines that reduced workplace hazards. However, the main factors bringing
about the passage of laws and/or regulations are likely to be social. These have included
catastrophes, such as mine explosions, asbestos disease, epidemics, and the Gauley bridge episode,
political movements such as the environmental and civil rights movements, and organizations
capable of pressing for legislation, such as labor organizations, community groups, and trade

In the early part of this century, regulations and guidelines to control toxic substances in workplaces
emerged out of social forces such as those introduced by labor unions and social reformers, one of
whom was Alice Hamilton. She was instrumental in putting workplace health and safety on the
agenda for U.S. federal activities during the early 1900s. Federal efforts were located in the Office of
Industrial Hygiene and Sanitation of the U.S. Public Health Service.

States were at the forefront of early efforts on worker health. Anna Baetjer (1b) reported that a
commission on Hygiene of Occupations and Railroads was established under the Health Department
of Ohio in 1886. Early efforts to investigate and make recommendations to eliminate and/or prevent
occupational disease were instigated by New York and Ohio in 1913, followed by Connecticut in
1928. In 1905, the Massachusetts Health Department had investigators of dangerous occupations.
Later, this early program was placed in the Massachusetts Department of Labor (2).

It is of interest to note that the first academic programs to support these efforts were instituted before
1920. For example, C.E.A. Winslow gave a course in industrial hygiene in the Department of
Biology and Public Health at MIT in 1905, followed by the University of Pennsylvania where there
was a doctorate in public health in 1906 that emphasized industrial hygiene. In 1919, the University
of Cincinnati established a one-year Certificate of Public Health in Industrial Hygiene (3).

An example of the roles various organizations had in the United States in establishing exposure
levels can be found in the preamble to the benzene standard (4). A committee of the National Safety
Council on Benzol chaired by C.E.A. Winslow reported that, even at 10 ppm or less, one in three
workers were affected. The Committee notes the importance of substituting another solvent where
possible (5). In the 1940s as a result of a death in the range of 40–80 ppm, Massachusetts lowered its
permissible limit to 35 ppm. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
(ACGIH) recommended a threshold limit value (TLV) of 100 in 1946, 50 in 1947, and 35 in 1948. In
1963, a TLV of 25 was recommended (6). Another private organization, the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI), recommended a limit of 10 ppm. This value became the first PEL for
benzene adopted in 1971 in the rulemaking 6(a).

In 1936, the Industrial Hygiene Committee of the State and Provincial Health Authorities of North
America published a list of the duties and qualifications for physicians and engineers in industrial
hygiene, that are similar to those recommended today. In addition to the professional requirements,
this list included certain desirable personality characteristics: “ability to establish contact with plant
executives, foremen, and laborers; initiative; tact; good judgement, and address” (1).

Among governmental bodies, the development of guidelines and regulations covering toxic
substances was varied. Certain states developed both exposure limits and practices for reducing
exposures, for example, New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, whereas others had few
regulations. Most of these guidelines or regulations were in the Labor or Health Department codes.
The U.S. Department of Labor first issued guidance for toxic substances encountered in the
workplace through the Bureau of Labor Standards. In a review of the requirements that the state
governments had for workplace safety and health, there is a compilation of the various provisions,
responsible agencies, and selected subjects such as mines, workmen's compensation, reporting
requirements, women and minors, and vocational rehabilitation. The sources used are provided. The
requirements range greatly. Examples of several states are given in Table 8.1. It should be noted that
even among the states that have one of the most extensive sets of requirements, Pennsylvania, a
comprehensive standard to protect coke oven workers did not result until after the federal
Occupational Health and Safety Act was passed in 1970. One can speculate that the comprehensive
nature of this federal standard as well as the federal inspection to enforce its provisions brought
about safer working conditions (7).

Table 8.1. Selected Requirements in Three States Prior to OSHActa

Reporting of Medical
Occupational Surveillance

State OELb Inspections Injuries Diseases Lead Solvents Silica

Texas Limited Yes Yes No No No No

Pennsylvania Limited Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
South Limited Yes Yes Yes No No No

From Ref. 7.
b OEL—Occupational Exposure Limits.
From these early beginnings, guidelines to prevent illness from toxic substances were developed as
part of recommendations issued by various private organizations, the National Safety Council, and
the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in the 1920s and 1930s, and the ACGIH (TLV's)
in 1941.

Other organizations provided guidelines for various toxic substances that would provide protection
for workers. For example, the American Petroleum Institute published a series of pamphlets on toxic
substances (8).

Among the governmental bodies in the United States, the development of guidelines and regulations
for toxic substances evolved over the first half of the twentieth century by a fragmented process.
Certain states developed both exposure limits and practices for reducing exposures. In the United
States, two major sources of numerical limits for various chemical and physical agents were set by
ANSI, which is made up of professionals mainly from industry, government, and sometimes
academia. ACGIH membership consisted of professionals employed in government (federal, state, or
local) and academia, but input was routinely sought from industry specialists.

The TLV Committee of the ACGIH, established in 1941, was composed of six nationally recognized
industrial hygienists and toxicologists not associated with private industry. The first list comprising
144 substances with their Maximal Allowable Concentrations (MAC) was promulgated in 1946 as
recommendations to industry. In 1943, the Division of Industrial Hygiene of the U.S. Public Health
Service published a prior list of 45 substances. Before 1955, no formal documentation of these
values was issued. The early documentation was for Committee use only as an aid in revising limits
at some future time. Documentation published by the Committee appeared in 1962 and comprised
267 substances. A second revised edition appeared in 1966 and included almost 400 substances.
Now, supplements appear annually as new substances are added or as revisions are made in the list

The criteria and procedures of the ACGIH TLV Committee are governed by the following
Threshold Limits for industrial settings are based on the premise that, although all chemical
substances are toxic at some concentration experienced for a period of time, a concentration exists
for all substances from which no injurious effect will result no matter how often the exposure is
repeated (9).

However, the ACGIH recognizes this as a desirable goal but has adopted the following philosophy:
Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) are airborne concentrations of substances to which it is believed that
nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed day after day without adverse health effects. Because
of wide variation in individual susceptibility, a small percentage of workers may experience
discomfort from some substances at concentrations at or below the threshold limit; a smaller
percentage may be affected more seriously by aggravation of a preexisting condition or by
development of an occupational illness. Individuals may also be hypersusceptible or otherwise
unusually responsive to some industrial chemicals because of genetic factors, age, lifestyle,
medication, or previous exposures. Such workers may not be adequately protected from adverse
health effects from certain chemicals at concentrations at or below the threshold limits (10, 11).

TLVs were prepared only for the use of industrial hygienists, who could exercise their own judgment
in applying these values. They were not to be used for legal purposes (1).

Several approaches for deriving occupational exposure limits (OELs) from animal data have been
proposed and put into use during the past 40 years. Approximately 50% of the 1968 TLVs were
derived from human data, and approximately 30% were derived from animal data. By 1992, almost
50% were derived primarily from animal data. Of those TLVs based on human data, most are
derived from effects observed in workers who were exposed to the substance for many years.
Consequently, most of the existing TLVs were based on the results of workplace monitoring,
compiled with qualitative and quantitative observations of the human response (9). In recent times,
TLVs for new chemicals have been based primarily on the results of animal studies, rather than
human experience (12).

It is noteworthy that in 1968 only about 50% of the TLVs were intended primarily to prevent
systemic toxic effects. Roughly 40% were based on irritation, and about 2% were intended to
prevent cancer. By 1993, about 50% were meant to prevent systemic effects, 35% to prevent
irritation, and 5% to prevent cancer (13).

TLVs are based on the best available information from industrial experience and human and animal
experimental studies—when possible, from a combination of these sources (11, 14). The rationale
for choosing limiting values differs from substance to substance. For example, protection against
impairment of health may be a guiding factor for some, whereas reasonable freedom from irritation,
narcosis, nuisance, or other forms of stress may be the basis for others. The age and completeness of
the information available vary, consequently, the precision of each TLV is different. The most recent
TLV and its documentation should always be consulted to evaluate the quality of the data upon
which that value was set.

The issue of threshold effects is controversial, and scientists argue for and against threshold theories.
Beginning in 1988, concerns were raised by numerous persons regarding the adequacy or health
protectiveness of TLVs. The key question raised was, do the TLVs protect enough workers (15)?

Ziem and Castleman argued both that the scientific basis of the standards was inadequate and that
they were formulated by hygienists who had vested interests in the industries being regulated (16).

A follow-up study by Roach and Rappaport (17) attempted to quantify the safety margin and
scientific validity of TLVs. They concluded that there were serious inconsistencies between the
scientific data available and the interpretation given in the 1976 Documentation by the TLV
Committee. They also noted that the TLVs were probably reflective of what the Committee
perceived to be realistic and attainable at the time (17). This approach has been criticized, but it
reflects the OSHAct where feasibility is critical criterion.

The TLV procedures and documentation continue to be debatable. It is clear that the process by
which the TLVs and other OELs will be set will probably never be as it was between 1945 and 1990.
It is likely that in the coming years, the rationale, as well as the degree or risk inherent in a TLV, will
be more explicitly described in the documentation for each TLV. It is also certain that the definition
of “virtually safe” or “insignificant risk” with respect to workplace exposure will change as the
values of society change (18).

OELs have also been set by OSHA and NIOSH. Under the OSHAct, exposure limits are set via
specific procedures. Criteria documents and literature reviews published by NIOSH serve as a basis
for Recommended Exposure Limits (RELs). These RELs provide a scientific basis for OSHA to use
in preparing a proposal (19), however, it should be noted that the constraints in the OSHAct require
considering technical and economic feasibility, so that the permissible exposure limits (PELs) that
OSHA sets are usually greater than the RELs that are based only on health considerations.

After a court decision that required OSHA to demonstrate the effect of a new standard, the number
of adverse health effects reduced by lowering the PEL, OSHA has conducted quantitative risk
assessments for the substance proposed for regulation showing the impact on illness, injury, or
deaths at the old versus the proposed new PEL.

OSHA enforces approximately 400 PELs. These limits were adopted in 1970 under the Occupational
Safety and Health Act and came from the 1968 list of the ACGIH TLVs and the standards of the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). An attempt was made in 1989 to adopt 428
chemicals from the 1989 TLV list as legally binding PELs, but legal challenges by various groups
ultimately resulted in overturning these newly adopted values in 1992. The courts found that OSHA's
approach was not consistent with the requirements set forth in Section 6(b) of the Act (20). The
standards should be based on research, demonstrations, and experiments.

Regulations and Guidelines In the Workplace

Eula Bingham, Ph.D., L. Faye Grimsley, MSPH, CIH

2.0 Legislation, Standards and Guidelines in United States for Health and Safety in the Workplace
Standards, regulations, and guidelines are major tools for protecting workers and consumers from
chemical and physical hazards in the workplace and the environment. In the United States as in other
countries, there are specific procedures for developing standards, regulations, and guidelines for the
workplace. In many countries, the governments pass the legal framework or laws that provide the
basis for standards/regulations, guidelines, and exposure limits. The U.S. Congress passes laws that
govern workplaces in the United States. To put those laws into effect, Congress authorizes certain
governmental agencies such as the Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Transportation (DOT) to create and enforce rules.

Because laws often do not include all the details, regulations or standards are promulgated to
describe specific rules for the legal requirements. Once the regulation is in effect, agencies then
educate affected entities, such as employers and employees, as to how to comply. In some instances,
guidelines are issued by governments and are not considered legally enforceable. Guidelines are
sometimes developed by trade organizations to provide advice to members. The enforcement of the
legal requirements is usually delegated to a part of the agency separate from regulations or standards

A process is followed to create regulations. First, an authorized agency such as OSHA decides that a
regulation may be needed. The agency gathers information and provides an Advance Notice of
Intended Rulemaking to the Federal Register. This notice provides an opportunity for interested
persons to comment on the need for a standard. The need for new regulations may be based on new
law, court order, public petition, or agency initiative. The proposal is published in the Federal
Register, so that members of the public can consider it and send their comments to the agency. The
agency receives all the comments, revises the regulation as appropriate, and issues a final rule. At
each stage in the process, the Federal Register notices are available from the agency and are posted
on the Internet. The specific processes to promulgate standards by OSHA are set out in section 6b
and 3(8) of the OSHAct (4, 21).

The steps vary to some extent from those for regulations in that specific comment times are required
as well as public hearings, if requested and a regulation follows. When a standard is completed, it is
printed in the Federal Register as a final rule that includes the rationale, and the scientific and
technical basis for the rule. The final rule without the supporting rationale is “codified” by being
published in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The CFR is the official record of all regulations
created by the U.S. federal government. It is divided into 50 volumes, called titles, each of which
focuses on a particular area. Almost all environmental and workplace regulations appear in Titles 40
and 29, respectively. The CFR is revised yearly, and one-fourth of the volumes is updated every
three months.

The way research, technology, social and political movements interact determines the combination
of laws, regulations, and guidelines that control toxic substances in the workplace. Standards are set
as a measurable reference point consisting of specific guidelines by which the desired objective can
be quantified and achieved (15). Regulations and guidelines for toxic substances in the workplace
have been developed primarily to address injury and illness prevention, communicate hazards via
training, and control hazards.

With passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970 (OSHAct), workplace regulations
and guidelines to control toxic substances were transformed and OSHA was established. Under the
OSHAct, OSHA is authorized to issue and enforce regulations and standards that protect employees
who work in businesses engaged in interstate commerce. Under Sections 6(a), 6(b) and 3(8) (4, 21),
the process and criteria for promulgating standards for toxic substances in the workplace are
provided. The federal or state governments (acting under special provisions provided in the OSHAct)
can enforce final standards in the workplace. OSHA also has the authority to enforce an employer's
obligation to protect employees from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or
serious physical harm, even in the absence of a specific standard. This obligation is called the
“general duty clause” (section 5(a) of the OSHAct), states:

“Each employer (1) shall furnish to each employee a place of employment which is free from
recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his
employees; (2) shall comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this
Act” (21).

When the OSHAct was passed, it required the first standards to be national consensus standards or
established federal standards as outlined in Section 6(a). Section 6(b) and 3(8) of the Act outline the
criteria and guidelines for setting OSHA standards.
2.1 Types of Standards
Occupational health and safety standards have been set to cover four primary industry sectors that
include General Industry which is found in 29 CFR 1910, Construction 29 CFR 1926, Maritime 29
CFR portions of 1915–1919, and Agriculture 29 CFR 1928. OSHA has three categories of standards
defined as follows:

(A) Standard means a standard which requires conditions, or the adoption or use of one or more
practices, means, methods, operations, or processes, reasonably necessary or appropriate to provide a
safe or healthful employment and places of employment; (B) National Consensus standard means
any standard or modification thereof which (1) has been adopted and promulgated by a nationally
recognized standards-producing organization under procedures whereby it can be determined by the
Secretary of Labor or by the Assistant Secretary of Labor that persons interested and affected by the
scope or provisions of the standard have reached substantial agreement on its adoption, (2) was
formulated in a manner which afforded an opportunity for diverse views to be considered, and (3)
has been designated as such a standard by the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary, after consultation
with other appropriate Federal agencies; and (C) Established Federal Standard means any operative
standard established by any agency of the United States and in effect on April 28, 1971, or contained
in any act of Congress in force on the date of enactment of the Williams–Steiger Occupational Safety
and Health Act (22).

In addition, a further breakdown of Consensus Standard was established to assist in implementing

regulations, and they are defined as follows:

Specification standard is defined as a standard that sets detailed requirements for protecting
employees from a workplace hazard. Vertical Standard is defined as an OSHA standard pertaining to
a specific industry, such as construction or maritime trades. Performance Standard is defined as a
standard that sets general requirements for protecting employees from a workplace hazard, allowing
employers to choose their own means for complying with the regulation (23).

2.2 Other U.S. Agencies that Establish Workplace Regulation of Toxic Substances
Within the United States, some of the most common guidelines and regulations are established by
the EPA and OSHA. The major U.S. federal agencies that have standards, regulations, or guidelines
dealing with toxic substances are presented in Table 8.2. These laws regulate some aspect of toxic
substances in the workplace. The OSHAct remains the most extensive piece of safety and health
legislation in the United States and regulates conditions in six million private business
establishments (23). However, other legislation and authorities have a major role in controlling
chemical and physical exposures in the workplace.

Table 8.2. Federal Laws and Agencies Affecting Toxic Substance Controla

Statute Year Enacted Responsible Agency

Toxic Substance Control Act 1976 EPA

Clean Air Act 1970; amended EPA
1977 & 1990
Federal Water Pollution Control 1972; amended EPA
Act (now Clean Water Act) 1977
Safe Drinking Water Act 1974; amended EPA
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, 1947; amended
and Rodenticide Act 1972, 1975,
Act of July 22, 1954 (codified as 1954; amended EPA
Section 346 (a) of the Food, Drug, 1972
and Cosmetic Act)
Resource Conservation and 1976 EPA
Recovery Act
Comprehensive Environmental 1980; amended EPA
Response, Compensation, and as SARA 1986
Liability Act (CERCLA)
Marine Protection Research and 1972 EPA
Sanctuaries Act
Asbestos Hazard Emergency 1986 EPA
Response Act (AHERA)
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 1938; amended FDA
Food additives amendment 1958 FDA
Color additives amendment 1960 FDA
New drug amendments 1962 FDA
New animal drug amendments 1968 FDA
Medical device amendments 1976 FDA
Fair Packaging and Labeling Act 1976 FDA
Public Health Service Act 1944; amended FDA
Federal Meat Inspection Act 1967; amended USDA
Poultry Products Inspection Act 1957; amended USDA
Egg Products Inspection Act 1970 USDA
Poison Prevention Packaging Act 1970 CPSC
Lead Based Paint Poisoning 1973; amended CPSC, HHS, HUD
Prevention Act 1976
Hazardous Materials 1975; amended DOT—Materials
Transportation Act 1976 Transportation Bureau
Federal Railroad Safety Act 1970 DOT—Federal Railroad
Ports and Waterways Safety Act 1972 DOT and Coast Guard
Dangerous Cargo Act 1952
Occupational Safety and Health 1970 OSHA, NIOSH
Federal Mine Safety and Health 1977 Labor (Mine Safety and
Act Health Administration) and

CPSC = Consumer Products Safety Commission
DOT = Department of Transportation
EPA = Environmental Protection Agency
FDA = Food & Drug Administration
HHS = Health and Human Services
HUD = Housing & Urban Development
NIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health
OSHA = Occupational Safety & Health Administration
USDA = United States Department of Agriculture
SARA = Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
You will find some of the other legislation and regulatory agencies that have promulgated standards
in the United States to address employee health and safety in Table 8.3. When the OSHAct was
passed, the recognition of other agencies came in the form of a special provision in section 4(b) (1),
which states “Nothing in this Act shall apply to working conditions of employees with respect to
which other Federal agencies, and State agencies acting under section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act
of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2021), exercise statutory authority to prescribe or enforce standards
or regulations affecting occupational safety or health” (21).

Table 8.3. Regulations To Protect Workers from Toxic Agents in the U.S.

Statute Agency Part/Section Requirementsb

Toxic Substance EPA TSCA Sections 8 (c, Premarketing testing

Control Act d, & e) and reporting of
(TSCA) chemicals; and
Reporting of
substantial risks
Federal EPA 40 CFR, Part 170 Testing may deny
Insecticide, registration, warnings,
Fungicide, and re-entry limits
Rodenticide Act
Resource EPA 40 CFR, Part 263 Training
Conservation and
Recovery Act
Asbestos Hazard EPA 40 CFR, Part 763 Training
Response Act
Hazardous DOT 49 CFR, Parts 171- Training and labeling
Materials 180
Occupational OSHA 29 CFR, Part 1910 Promulgates health
Safety and Health 29 CFR, Part 1915 and safety regulations
Act 29 CFR, Part 1917 and enforces training
29 CFR, Part 1918 requirements
29 CFR, Part 1926
Federal Mine MSHA 30 CFR Parts 1-199 Promulgates health
Safety and Health and safety regulations
Act and enforces training

EPA = Environmental Protection Agency
DOT = Department of Transportation
OSHA = Occupational Safety & Health Administration
MSHA = Mine Safety and Health Administration
CFR = Code of Federal Regulations
b Refer to appropriate statutes and regulations for specific requirements.

2.2.1 Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Health and safety conditions in the mining
industry are regulated by the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (MSHAct). This law,
whose enactment was prompted by a number of mine disasters in the 1970s, amended the Federal
Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 and repealed the Metal and Nonmetallic Mine Act of
1966, bringing many types of mines that previously had been covered by a variety of earlier laws
under one system of regulation.

MSHA was created to set and enforce standards and established an independent Federal Mine Safety
and Health Review Commission to hear challenges to MSHA citations. MSHA has jurisdiction over
work activities in mines, and also over work activities on the roads leading to and from mines; on the
roads belonging to the mine property; over the lands, structures, equipment, and property used in
connection with mines; including milling operations; and over the work of preparing coal or other
mined minerals, including custom coal preparation facilities. The MSHAct requires MSHA to
inspect every underground mine at least four times a year and every surface mine at least twice per

The MSHAct procedures for setting standards are similar to those set by the OSHAct for OSHA.
MSHA must publish a proposed standard in the Federal Register for comment and give interested
parties the opportunity to request a hearing.

MSHA may issue emergency temporary standards when it determines that miners are “exposed to
grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful, or
to other hazards,” and that emergency action is needed to protect the miners. However, the agency
must begin permanent rulemaking to address the hazard as soon as it publishes the emergency rule
and must issue a permanent standard no more than nine months later. MSHA may modify the
application of a permanent standard when petitioned to do so by a mine operator or a representative
of the miners employed at the time, by a process that is similar to OSHA's process for variances from
OSHA standards.

An interagency agreement signed between OSHA and MSHA on March 29, 1979, clarifies the
jurisdictional authorities of the two agencies. As a general rule, the agreement specifies that MSHA
will exercise its authority on mine sites and in milling operations. However, where the provisions of
the mine act do not cover or otherwise do not apply to job-related hazards at these sites, or where
MSHA has statutory jurisdiction but no MSHA standards exist that are applicable to particular
working conditions, the OSHAct will apply.

OSHA may also exercise its authority over an employer who has control over working conditions at
a mining or milling site, if that employer is neither a mine operator nor an independent contractor
subject to the mine act, if application of the OSHAct to this type of employer would provide a more
effective remedy than citing a mine operator or independent contractor that does not have direct
control over those conditions (24).

MSHA has broad authority to develop, promulgate, and enforce mandatory health and safety
standards to protect the health and safety of the nation's miners. MSHA's authority to regulate in the
area of radiation is derived from its statutory mandate to protect and promote occupational safety and
health in the mining and milling of minerals, including those that expose the miner to radioactivity.
In addition, MSHA may exercise jurisdiction over any equipment used in mining that potentially
exposes miners to radioactivity. MSHA had codified regulations dealing specifically with radiation
in Title 30, subchapter N, Part 57, of the Code of Federal Regulations (24a).

The Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 substantiates MSHA's authority to protect
existing and future housing, property, persons, and public facilities located adjacent to or near active
and abandoned coal, uranium, metal, and nonmetallic mines against mining hazards (24).

2.2.2 Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) Under the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968, FDA is authorized to
promulgate and enforce performance standards for controling radiative emissions by electronic
products. FDA's regulations promulgating these standards are set forth in Title 21, Subchapter J, of
the Code of Federal Regulations (24a). Although not specific for workers, provisions to protect
consumers can also protect workers in some industries such as drug manufacturing and food
production (24b).

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health The National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH) has primary responsibility for certifying and approving respirators. After
enactment of the OSHAct, NIOSH and the U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) promulgated 30 CFR,
Part 11, which outlined the procedures for respirator approval. After reorganization of the USBM,
function for respirator certification and approval were eventually transferred to the MSHA in 1977,
and respirators were jointly approved by NIOSH and MSHA (25).

In 1995, a final rule (42 CFR part 84) was issued that addressed NIOSH and MSHA's certification
requirements for respiratory protective devices. The provisions of this rule now give NIOSH
exclusive authority for testing and certifying respirators. Certain mine emergency devices will
continue to be jointly certified by NIOSH and MSHA (26).

2.2.3 Department of Transportation (DOT) The Federal Hazardous Materials Transportation Law
(Federal Hazmat Law), formerly the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, is the basic statute that
regulates hazardous materials transportation in the United States. Under this law, DOT has broad
authority to issue and enforce regulations for the safe transportation of hazardous materials,
including radioactive materials, on the nation's highways. In addition, the Hazmat Law specifically
directed DOT to issue regulations regarding the transportation of radioactive materials on passenger-
carrying aircraft, railways, and waterways (27).

Pertinent regulations are codified in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The Hazardous
Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171–180) cover five areas and include hazardous
materials definition/classification, hazard communication, packaging requirements, operational rules,
and training. Those relating specifically to radioactive materials cover labeling, shipping, rail
transportation, air transportation, carriage by vessel, and highway transportation (28).

2.2.4 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Several statutes administered by the EPA provide
basic authorization for it to regulate worker health and safety directly, for example, the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), which promulgates reentry limits for pesticide
application in fields thus protecting farm workers. FIFRA also requires labeling and protections from
low-level ionizing radiation. Other EPA statutes provide for indirect regulation that can impact
worker health. The Clean Air Act regulates the emissions of pollutants, including radioactive
materials, into the air. The Clean Water Act regulates the discharges of pollutants into waterways
and sewage systems, including radioactive materials, except for those (source material, special
material, and by-product material) regulated under the Atomic Energy Act. The Safe Drinking Water
Act protects against contaminants, including radioactive materials, in public water systems, and
underground injection which may contaminate public water systems. The Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act (RCRA; Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended) covers the disposal of hazardous
wastes, and which requires worker training. The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) regulates
manufacturing, distribution, processing, use, and disposal of toxic substances, including radioactive
materials, except for those regulated under the Atomic Energy Act, and the Marine Protection,
Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 regulates ocean dumping of all materials, including all
radioactive materials. Several provisions of TSCA impact workers' health such as Section 8 c, d, and
e. These sections require pre-market toxicity testing, reporting of chemicals, and reporting of
substantial risk.

In addition, under the Atomic Energy Act as amended by the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation
Control Act of 1978, EPA has authority to set standards for disposal of uranium mill tailings at
active and inactive sites. Under Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970, EPA is further authorized to
establish generally applicable environmental standards for protecting the general environment from
radioactive material. These standards are promulgated by EPA but implemented by the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Department of Energy (DOE). The standards are published
in Title 40, Subchapter F, of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Also under Reorganization Plan No. 3, EPA is responsible for advising the President generally with
respect to radiation matters that directly or indirectly affect health, including guidance for all Federal
agencies in formulating radioactive standards and in establishing and executing cooperative
programs with the states (29).

2.2.5 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) The NRC's authority to regulate radiative exposure,
particularly in workers in DOE operations (under private corporations contracted to DOE), is derived
principally from the regulatory authority of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). All licensing
and related regulatory functions of the AEC were transferred to the NRC by the Energy Regulation
Act of 1974, which created the NRC. Under this legislation, the NRC has broad authority to license
and regulate the use and distribution of special nuclear material, source material, and by-product
material and to establish minimum criteria for the issuance of licenses. In addition, the NRC has
broad authority to regulate licenses. These authorities have been implemented by the NRC through
regulations set forth in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 20, 30–35, 40, 50, 51, 70,
and 71.

Title II of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 extended NRC's licensing
authority over by-product material to include uranium and thorium mill tailings. The act also
subjects this class of by-product material to more extensive regulatory requirements than provided
for other by-product material and authorizes the NRC to take appropriate measures to protect public
health and safety and the environment from radiological hazards associated with such material.

In view of the overlap between the responsibilities of NRC and other agencies, NRC has entered into
various Memoranda of Understanding with the DOT, the EPA, the Coast Guard, the Army Corps of
Engineers, the Council on Environmental Quality, the Air Force, DOE, FDA, NOAA, and the FAA

2.2.6 Coast Guard/Maritime Under U.S. maritime law, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) has authority
over safety on tank and passenger vessels. Among Coast Guard standards pertaining to the safety of
maritime employees are those regulating lifesaving equipment on tank vessels, fire-fighting
equipment on tank vessels, lifesaving equipment on passenger vessels, and special construction
arrangements and other provisions for carrying anhydrous ammonia, combustible liquids, and other
dangerous cargoes in bulk (31).

In a memorandum of understanding (32), OSHA and the Coast Guard have agreed that OSHA
retains its authority under the OSHAct to respond to complaints by seamen aboard Coast Guard-
inspected vessels regarding alleged discrimination for safety-related activity. OSHA also has the
authority to order vessel owners to post notices informing employees of their right to complain about
working conditions to the Coast Guard, OSHA, or to the employer, and to be free from retaliatory

The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act gives the Coast Guard and the Department of the Interior's
Minerals Management Services (MMS) the authority to set and enforce standards to regulate
hazardous working conditions on the outer continental shelf.
Standards set by MMS pertain to safety in drilling operations by offshore rigs, well completion, and
well workover; production safety systems; platforms and structures, including inspection and
maintenance; and employee training (30).

The Coast Guard's regulations pertain to mobile offshore units—vessels engaged in drilling
operations—rather than stationary rigs. They include rules for inspection and certification of vessels,
including testing of firefighting equipment and lifeboats, design and equipment, including location of
firefighting equipment and lifeboats, and operations, including practice drills and stowage of safety

There is also an agreement, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), between OSHA and the Coast
Guard regarding enforcement of standards covering working conditions for which the Coast Guard
has no specific standards of its own. The Coast Guard notifies OSHA whenever a Coast Guard
inspection finds apparent violations of OSHA rules and cooperates with any subsequent enforcement
activity that OSHA undertakes.

Under the Federal Water Pollution Act, the Coast Guard has been delegated the authority to respond
to discharges of oil into U.S. waters. Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Coast Guard has been delegated the authority, as
the designated On-Scene Coordinator, to respond to the release of hazardous substances into the
environment within the U.S. coastal zone.

Coast Guard employees, other government employees, and contract personnel involved in oil spill
response activities must comply with all applicable worker health and safety laws and regulations.
The primary regulation is OSHA's hazardous waste operations and emergency response (29 CFR
1910.120). Other regulations may be applicable if employees are involved in cleanup operations at
uncontrolled hazardous waste sites being cleaned up under government mandate and in certain
hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal operations conducted under the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA). The regulations apply to both emergency response
and post-emergency cleanup of hazardous substance spills. Most oils and oil spill responses are also
covered in 49 CFR Part 172. The rules cover employee protection during initial site characterization
and analysis, monitoring activities, materials handling activities, training, and emergency response
(29, 31).

Regulations and Guidelines In the Workplace

Eula Bingham, Ph.D., L. Faye Grimsley, MSPH, CIH

3.0 Governmental Regulation of Toxic Chemicals in Workplaces

3.1 Rationale for Workplace Exposure Limits
Occupational health professionals are faced with the challenge of evaluating and controlling
exposures to the thousands of chemicals used in the workplace. There are only a few hundred
occupational exposure limits worldwide to provide guidance with regard to safe levels.

The rationale for setting occupational limits varies, depending upon the chemical and the country or
specific organization that establishes the exposure limits. Some exposure limits are set to avoid
nuisances such as odor, whereas another may be to prevent irritation or chronic diseases such as
cancer. Overall, the goal of most occupational exposure limits is to protect workers during their
entire working lifetime, which is approximately 40 years. Approximately 23 countries and
organizations have established and published occupational exposure limits using various criteria
(33). Some of the most common are presented in Table 8.4. In the United States, OSHA, ACGIH,
NIOSH, and AIHA have set forth occupational exposure limits. The German Commission for the
Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area is responsible for
developing the Maximum Allowable Concentrations (MAKs).

Table 8.4. Selected Countries/Organizations That Have Occupational

Exposure Limitsa

Type of Standard Setb

Enforcement (Monitored and

Country Enforced) TWA STEL Ceilings BEI

Australia N Y Y Y N
Ontario Y Y Y Y —
Community Y Y Y Y Y
Germany Y Y Y Y Y
Japan N Y Y Y Y
Sweden Y Y Y Y —
United Kingdom Y Y Y Y —

Table 4 abridged from Ref. 31a.
b TWA = Time Weighted Averages
STEL = Short-term Exposure Limits
BEI = Biological Exposure Indices
Exposure limits for most workplace air contaminants are based on the premise that although all
chemical substances are toxic at some concentration when experienced for a period of time, a
concentration (e.g., dose) does exist for all substances at which no injurious effects should result, no
matter how often the exposure is repeated (9, 11). Thinking differs throughout the world with regard
to the amount of chemical exposure that constitutes a safe level. For example, one country might
think that the optimal value and goal to be sought is zero concentration. Table 8.5 lists the numerical
occupational exposure limits for many chemicals throughout the world. For this reason, the criteria
and procedures for setting limits differ (9). Zero exposure is the goal that should be set forth, but it is
not generally the reality in the workplace.

Table 8.5. Occupational Exposure Limits for Selected Substances and


Asbestos Silica
Arsenic Lead (Crocidolite) (Crystalline)
(Inorganic)a (Inorganic)a a a

Australia ppm 0.1
mg/m3 0.05 0.15 0.2
Germany (MAK)cd ppm
mg/m3 0.1 0.15
Japan ppm
mg/m3 0.5 0.1
Poland ppm
mg/m3 0.01 0.05 1.0
Sweden ppm
mg/m3 0.03 0.05 0.1
United Kingdom ppm
mg/m3 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3
USA-ACGIH (TLV) ppm 0.1
mg/m3 0.01 0.05 0.1
USA-NIOSH (REL) ppm 0.1
mg/m3 C0.002 < 0.1 0.05
USA-OSHA (PEL) ppm 0.1 1.0 e

f/cc f/cc
mg/m3 0.01 0.05
Venezuela ppm
mg/m3 0.5 0.5 0.15 0.45
Trichloroethylene Vinyl
Benzene (TCE) Chloride

Country/Organization Unit TWA STEL TWA STEL TWA STEL

Australia ppm 5 50 200 5

mg/m3 16 270 1080 10
Germany (MAK)d ppm 50
mg/m3 270
Japan ppm 10 25 25 2.5
mg/m3 32 80 135 6.5
Poland ppm
mg/m3 10 40 50 5 30
Sweden ppm 1 5 10 25 1 5
mg/m3 3 16 50 140 2.5 13
United Kingdom ppm 5 100 150
mg/m3 16 550 802 7
USA-ACGIH (TLV) ppm 0.5 2.5 50 100 1
mg/m3 1.6 8 269 537 2.3
USA-NIOSH (REL) ppm 0.1 1 25 (10-hr TWA) C 2
mg/m3 0.32 3.2
USA-OSHA (PEL) ppm 1 5 100 C 200 1 5
mg/m3 3 15
Venezuela ppm 10 100 150
mg/m3 30 535 800

References (6, 19, 35, 36, 50, and 51) used to generate table.
b STEL = Short-term Exposure Limit
TWA = Time-weighted average
C = Ceiling
ppm = Parts of vapor or gas per million parts of contaminated air by volume
mg/m3 = Milligrams of substance per cubic meter of air
f/cc = Fiber per cubic centimeter of air
c Respirable quartz
d Germany does not set specific OEL for carcinogens
e Formulae: (10 mg/m3) ÷ (% SiO + 2)
Occupational exposure limits established both in the United States and elsewhere are derived from a
variety of sources and based on different methodologies. The majority were developed from human
experience and animal data. Because the process of carrying out the scientific work to obtain the
necessary experimental, clinical, and epidemiological data is complex, only a few countries have
been able to set validated exposure limits for any substantial number of industrial chemicals.

Some countries have also developed guidelines for biological monitoring in addition to exposure
limits for inhalation of chemicals. According to the ACGIH, biological monitoring consists of
assessing overall exposure to chemicals that are present in the workplace by measuring the
appropriate determinants in biological specimens collected from the worker at the specified time.
The ACGIH has developed Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) as reference values intended as
guidelines for evaluating potential health hazards. Other countries, including the United Kingdom
and Germany, have also developed biological exposure limits (see Table 8.4).

Enforcement of occupational exposure limits varies greatly from country to country. Some countries
use them as guidelines to assist in compliance with the law. Others believe that the occupational
exposure limits have legal force and are enforced by regulatory agencies. In the United States, the
OSHA permissible exposure limits are the most common airborne exposure limits enforced. Table
8.4 lists selected countries and their enforcement practices for their exposure limits. However, such
limits set forth by the ACGIH and other organizations are also used as guidelines in the workplace,
and some companies report that they abide by the lowest values.
3.2 Exposure Limit Definitions and Special Notations
Occupational exposure limits have been set for airborne contaminants by many countries and
organizations. Some have also established exposure limits for biological and physical agents. Limits
are established to protect against peak exposures and chemical exposures that may have long-term
effects. The terminology for exposure limits can be confusing. Following, you will find some of the
most common exposure limits and definitions.

TLVs are defined as guidelines by the ACGIH (34), which represent airborne concentrations of
substances and representative conditions under which employees, generally, may be repeatedly
exposed without suffering adverse health effects. Specifically, the ACGIH has three categories of
exposure limit values and the following definitions are based on information from the TLV booklet
and are defined as follows: (1) Threshold Limit Value—Time-Weighted Average (TLV-TWA)—the
time-weighted average concentration for a conventional 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek, to
which it is believed that nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed day after day without adverse
effect; (2) Threshold Limit Value—Short-Term Exposure Limit (TLV-STEL)—is defined as a 15-
minute TWA exposure which should not be exceeded at any time during the workday even if the 8-
hour TWA is within the TLV-TWA. STELs were developed to set concentrations to which it is
believed that workers can be exposed continuously for a short period of time without suffering from
irritation, chronic or irreversible tissue damage, or narcosis of sufficient degree to increase the
likelihood of accidental injury, to impair self-rescue, or materially reduced work efficiency, provided
that the daily TLV-TWA is not exceeded; (3) Threshold Limit Value-Ceiling (TLV)—the
concentration that should not be exceeded during any part of the working exposure.

Permissible exposure limits are established and published by OSHA and are legally enforceable. The
PELs are TWA concentrations that must not be exceeded during an 8-hour workshift of a 40-hour
workweek. These limits are deemed by the agency to be the highest level to which an employee may
be exposed to a harmful substance or physical agent without harmful effects. The OSHA permissible
exposure limits (PELs), are found in tables Z-1, Z-2, and Z-3 of the OSHA General Industry Air
Contaminants Standard (29 CFR 1910.1000). OSHA has also set action levels for specific agents.
The action level is defined as the concentration or level of an agent at which it is deemed that some
specific action should be taken. Employers are required by OSHA to begin regular monitoring to
measure ongoing exposure, and to use engineering controls and personal protective equipment if the
action level is exceeded. Usually, in general practice the action level is set at one-half of the
permissible exposure limit (10).

Recommended Exposure Limits (RELs) are set by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) and are used as recommendations for criteria standards for specific substances
identified by OSHA based only on projected health effects (feasibility is not a criterion). RELs are
TWA concentrations for up to a 10-hour workday during a 40-hour workweek (19).

The German MAK value (“Maximale Arbeitsplatz-konzentration”, maximum workplace

concentration) is defined as the maximum concentration of a chemical substance in the workplace air
which should not have known adverse effects on the health of the workers nor cause unreasonable
annoyance even when the person is repeatedly exposed during a 40-hour workweek (or 42-hour
when averaged over four weeks in firms that have four work shifts). Usually, the MAK value is an
average concentration obtained by integrating the concentrations determined during a period of up to
one working day or shift. MAK values are established on the basis of the effects of chemical
substances. When possible, practical aspects of the industrial process and the resulting exposure
patterns are also taken into account; scientific criteria, for preventing adverse effects on health are
decisive, not technical and economic feasibility (35). The values are estabished by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Federal Republic of Germany, Commission for the Investigation of
Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area.

The MAK values were developed for healthy persons of working age. The unconditional adoption of
MAK and BAT (Biological Tolerance value for the working Material) values as guidelines during
pregnancy is not possible because observance of these values does not guarantee in every case that
the unborn child is reliably protected from the prenatal toxicity of the substances. The expression
“prenatal toxicity” is taken in its broadest sense by the Commission; it includes any effect of the
substance that elicits an alteration from the physiological norm in the offspring or causes permanent
morphological or functional damage. Many substances have not yet been investigated or have not
been thoroughly evaluated for prenatal toxicity. It is usually not safe to justify or quantify a risk of
prenatal toxicity in man on the basis of animal studies. In the individual case, risk to a human can
exist, even if the result of animal tests are negative, if the dose is significantly lower than the
threshold dose determined in animal experimentation.
The Commission is testing the substances in the lists of MAK and BAT values to determine whether
a risk of prenatal toxicity can be excluded by observance of MAK values and BAT values, whether
such a risk has been reliably proved or must be assumed as probable on the basis of the existing data.

Substances have been classified according to their prenatal toxicity and grouped in following

Group A: A risk of damage to the embryo or fetus has been unequivocally demonstrated. Exposure
of pregnant women can lead to damage to the developing organism even when the MAK and BAT
values are observed.
Group B: Currently available information indicates that a risk of damage to the embryo or fetus
must be considered probable. Damage to the developing organism cannot be excluded when
pregnant women are exposed, even when MAK and BAT values are observed.
Group C: There is no reason to fear a risk of damage to the embryo or fetus when MAK and BAT
values are observed.
Group D: Classification in one of the groups A–C is not yet possible because, although the data
available may indicate a trend, they are not sufficient for final evaluation.

MAK values cannot be established for a number of carcinogenic and mutagenic substances for the
following reasons: cancer and mutations become manifest only after years and decades and under
certain circumstances in future generations. After extended periods of exposure to low doses of these
substances, the effects are extensively accumulated; whether or to what extent repair occurs can not
presently be stated. However, because certain carcinogens are unavoidable in industrial processes
and to some extent also occur naturally and because exposure to these substances cannot be
completely eliminated, quantitative guidelines for protective measures and their analytical
surveillance are necessary to ensure protection at work. The German Commission has set up
technical exposure limits (TRK) in special cases. TRK values are not MAK values and are not listed
in Table 8.5 for carcinogens (35).

Skin Guidelines Some substances are designated with skin notations because absorption of
substances through the skin can make a significant contribution to systemic exposure to the
employee or can even be the main exposure route. The ACGIH, OSHA and the German Commission
have developed criteria to address skin absorption. Substances that have a “Skin” notation refer to
the potential significant contribution to the overall exposure by the cutaneous route, including
mucous membranes and the eyes, either by contact with vapors or, of probable greater significance,
by direct skin contact with the substance. Substances are designated with an “H” when systemic
exposure may be increased by cutaneous absorption (6, 34, 35).

Mixtures Special attention should also be given to the application of the exposure limits in assessing
the health hazards from exposure to mixtures of two or more substances. The ACGIH and OSHA
have established guidelines for exposure values for mixtures. The guidelines state that when two or
more hazardous substances which act upon the same organ system are present, their combined effect,
rather than that of either individually, should be given primary consideration. In the absence of
information to the contrary, the effects of the different hazards should be considered additive, that is,
if the sum of the concentrations divided by the corresponding threshold value exceeds unity, then the
threshold limit of the mixture should be considered exceeded. Exceptions to this guideline may be
made when there is a good reason to believe that the main effects of the different harmful substances
are not in fact additive but are independent, for example, when purely local effects on different
organs of the body are produced by the various components of the mixture. In such cases, the
threshold limit ordinarily is exceeded only when at least one member of the series of concentrations
and exposure limits itself has a value that exceeds unity. For examples and more information, see the
ACGIH TLV booklet or OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1000 (34, 36). In general, the MAK value is
valid only for exposure to a single pure substance, and the German Commission has refrained from
calculating MAK values for mixtures (35).

Carcinogens Several organizations and agencies provide guidelines for defining and classifying
chemical or physical agents as carcinogens. Three of the most well-known agencies that have
developed procedures and protocols for testing and classifying agents for carcinogenic potential are
the National Toxicology Program (NTP), the International Agency on Research for Carcinogenicity
(IARC), and the U.S. EPA.

First, the listing of a substance in the Annual Report on Carcinogens is mandated by Public Law 95-
622. The evaluation of substances listed in the Annual Report is performed by scientists from the
National Toxicology Program (NTP) and other federal health research and regulatory agencies. The
listing of a substance in the Annual Report is descriptive and qualitative in nature and represents an
initial step in hazard identification, which is generally considered the first step in the analytical
process known as risk assessment. It is necessary to conduct a risk assessment to estimate the
potential of any substance to harm human health. Risk assessments are not conducted by the NTP for
substances in the Annual Report.

For the purpose of the NTP Report, “known carcinogens” are defined as those substances for which
there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans to indicate a causal
relationship between the agent and human cancer. “Reasonably anticipated to be carcinogens” are
those substances for which there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and/or sufficient
evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals. Sufficient evidence in animals is demonstrated
by positive carcinogenicity findings in multiple strains and species of animals, in multiple
experiments, or to an unusual degree with regard to incidence, site, type of tumor, or age of onset.
Only substances for which the evidence of carcinogenicity has been peer-reviewed are evaluated for
possible inclusion in the Annual Reports (37).

In 1969, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) initiated a program to evaluate the
carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans and to produce monographs on individual chemicals. The
monographs' program has since been expanded to include consideration of exposures to complex
mixtures of chemicals and of exposures to other agents such as radiation and viruses.

The objective of the program is to prepare, with the help of international working groups of experts,
and to publish in the form of monographs, critical reviews and evaluations of evidence on the
carcinogenicity of a wide range of human exposures. The monographs represent the first step in
carcinogenic risk assessment and may also state where additional research efforts are needed.

The monographs may assist national and international agencies in making risk assessments and in
formulating decisions concerning any necessary preventive measures. The evaluations of IARC
working groups are scientific, qualitative judgments about the evidence for or against
carcinogenicity provided by the available data. These evaluations represent only one part of the body
of information on which regulatory measures may be based. Other components of regulatory
decisions may vary from one situation to another and from country to country, responding to
different socioeconomic and national priorities. Therefore, no recommendation is given with regard
to regulation or legislation, which is the responsibility of individual governments and/or other
international organizations.

The overall evaluation of the carcinogenicity of substances has been categorized by the IARC. The
agent, mixture, or exposure circumstance is described according to the wording of one of the
following categories, and the designated group is given. The categorization of an agent, mixture, or
exposure circumstances is a matter of scientific judgment, reflecting the strength of the evidence
derived from studies in humans and in experimental animals and from other relevant data.

Group 1—The agent (mixture) is carcinogenic to humans. The exposure circumstance entails
exposures that are carcinogenic to humans. This category is used when there is sufficient evidence
of carcinogenicity in humans.
Group 2A—The agent (mixture) is probably carcinogenic to humans. The exposure circumstance
entails exposures that are probably carcinogenic to humans. This category is used when there is
limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in
experimental animals.
Group 2B—The agent (mixture) is possibly carcinogenic to humans. The exposure circumstance
entails exposures that are possibly carcinogenic to humans. This category is used for agents,
mixtures, and exposure circumstances for which there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in
humans and less than sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals.
Group 3—The agent (mixture or exposure circumstances) is not classifiable as to its
carcinogenicity in humans. This category is used most commonly for agents, mixtures, and
exposure circumstances for which the evidence of carcinogenicity is inadequate or limited in
experimental animals.
Group 4—The agent (mixture) is probably not carcinogenic to humans. This category is used for
agents or mixtures for which there is evidence that suggests lack of carcinogenicity in humans and
in experimental animals (38).

The U.S. EPA has developed a similar system for stratifying evidence of human carcinogenicity. In
the EPA system, chemicals are classified in one of five groups, based on the overall weight of the
evidence for carcinogenicity. Group A comprises those chemicals for which there is “sufficient
evidence from epidemiologic studies to suggest a causal association between exposure to the agents
and cancer.” Group B includes those compounds for which there is limited evidence of human
carcinogenicity. As in the IARC scheme, this group is further divided into two subgroups, B1 and B,
and the criteria for inclusion in B1 is limited evidence of carcinogenicity from epidemiological
studies. B2 is for sufficient evidence in animals. The EPA system includes a group C, which
comprises compounds that are designated as possible human carcinogens on the basis of a wide
range of evidence, including limited long-term bioassays, short-term tests, and structure–activity
relationships. Group D is for compounds that are not classifiable as human carcinogens, and Group E
comprises compounds for which there is adequate epidemiological and experimental evidence that
they are not human carcinogens. It is worth noting that EPA's classification of a chemical as a
carcinogen often does not indicate whether the hazards exist for the inhalation or oral routes, even
though EPA has acknowledged that cancer hazards may be route specific. The EPA Cancer
Guidelines, unlike the OSHA Cancer Policy, discuss risk assessment methodology and suggest that
as a special case of the multistage model, the linearized multistage model (LMS) is generally
appropriate (39).

Regulations and Guidelines In the Workplace

Eula Bingham, Ph.D., L. Faye Grimsley, MSPH, CIH

4.0 Toxic Substance Exposure Prevention Guidelines

4.1 Communication of Chemical Hazards
The need for communicating health risks from chemical hazards in the workplace has resulted in a
variety of classification schemes for toxicity data, so that organized interpretations of significance to
humans can be made. These schemes typically exist as part of hazard communication, transportation,
and labeling regulations, or as a part of various consensus standards, toxicity testing protocols, or
independent publications (40). Unfortunately, the criteria used for hazard classification purposes are
not always consistent (41–43). This can result in portraying a chemical differently by various
classification schemes, thus leading to inconsistency and confusion, despite the fact that the same
toxicity data have been used for classification. Examination of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs)
from two or more sources for the same chemical reveals such differences in interpretation. Efforts
have been initiated to “harmonize” various classification schemes worldwide (44). However, a
disparity is likely to exist for some time to come. Consequently, the practicing occupational health
professional needs to be aware of various health hazard classification systems to cope effectively
with different regulations and the overall demands of hazard communication.

Many countries have requirements that address some aspect of chemical classification and labeling,
but few have comprehensive systems. Different agencies have responsibility and authority for
different parts of an overall system. Often there are different purposes or driving forces within
different pieces of legislation and, although all have a general purpose of protecting people
potentially exposed to the chemicals, the specific intents may vary. For example, the United States
and Canada have workplace hazard identification systems that are based on the principle that
workers have the “right to know” this information. Hence, they are driven by a necessity to
communicate hazards to the ultimate users. In the European Community (EC), an added purpose is
to facilitate trade within EC countries. Thus, there may be less emphasis on worker training. The
degree of specificity also varies significantly among various schemes. The EC system is very
specific and gives exact wording for label statements on particular categories of substances;
however, the scope is narrower than comparable sysems in the United States and Canada where a
performance-oriented, criteria-driven approach is used. This does not imply that one system is
inherently better than another; rather the differences in the various schemes simply underscore how
divergent results can occur (40).

4.1.1 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) recognizes that hazard evaluation is a process that relies heavily on the professional
judgment of the evaluator, particularly in the area of chronic hazards. The performance orientation
noted in the OSHA hazard identification standard of the hazard determination does not diminish the
duty of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or employer to conduct a thorough evaluation to
examine all relevant data and produce a scientifically defensible evaluation. Data used in making
hazard determinations that meet the requirements of OSHA are human studies, animal studies, and
other experimental data, for examples, mutagenesis.

OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR, 1910.1200) requires employers to inform
workers of chemical hazards via MSDSs, container labeling, and training (45).

4.1.2 European Community's Classification of Dangerous Substances Within the European

Community (EC), the objective of classifying chemical hazards is to identify the toxicological,
physiochemical, and ecotoxicological properties of substances that may present a risk during normal
handling and use. Individual chemicals and chemical mixtures are labeled in accord with identified
hazard classes to warn and protect the user, the general public, and the environment. The EC label is
intended to take into account all hazards in the form in which chemicals are placed on the market and
not necessarily in any different form in which they may be used, that is, diluted. The most severe
hazards are highlighted by specific symbols. Other hazards are specified in standard risk phrases and
safety phrases that advise on handling precautions (46).

The data required for classification and labeling under EC provisions may be obtained from a variety
of sources, for example, the results of previous tests, information required for the international
transportation of chemical substances, information taken from reference publications in the scientific
literature, or information derived from practical experience. EC rules do not require testing to
classify chemical hazards. However, from a practical standpoint, testing is frequently conducted,
especially for acute effects, by chemical suppliers to provide a rational basis for classifying and

4.1.3 Canada's Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) The Workplace
Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is the Canadian national system designed to
ensure that all employers provide needed information and train employees properly in the handling
of hazardous materials in the workplace. WHMIS is consensus legislation that represents input from
government, industry, and labor. It is intended to ensure that the hazards of materials produced or
sold in, imported into, or used within Canadian workplaces are identified by suppliers and that
standard classification criteria are used. Suppliers of chemical materials in Canada must convey
hazard information in a specified manner by labeling on the containers of “controlled products” and
by providing more detailed information in the form of material safety data sheets (MSDS). A
controlled product for health purposes is defined for WHMIS under the Federal Hazardous Products
Act as any material included in any of the classes outlined in the act (47). For health purposes, these
classes include materials that cause immediate and serious toxic effects, materials that cause other
toxic effects, biohazardous materials, and corrosive materials. Employers are responsible for
evaluating all products produced in a workplace process using the hazard criteria identified in the
Controlled Products Regulations.

Employers in Canada must ensure that supplier-provided containers of controlled products are
labeled with WHMIS labels. As long as a controlled product remains in its supplier-provided
container, the supplier label must remain attached to the container and be legible. For workplace
processes, employers are required to furnish workplace warnings in the form of labels, tags, or
appropriate markings. There is no specific format for workplace labeling; however, information on
safe handling, hazard warnings, storage, and use of the controlled product must be provided.
Reference must also be made to the availability of a Material Safety Data Sheet (48).
4.2 Worker Training Regarding Chemical and Physical Toxicity
Provisions are set forth in Section 21(c) of the OSHAct, for training and employee education.
According to paragraph (c), “the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human
Services, shall (1) provide for the establishment and supervision of programs for the education and
training of employers and employees in the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of unsafe or
unhealthful working conditions in employments covered by this Act, and (2) consult with and advise
employers and employees, and organizations representing employers and employees as to effective
means of preventing occupational injuries and illnesses” (21).

Most regulations and standards set forth by OSHA and other agencies have training requirements.
The training requirements vary for each standard but have been included in the regulation to increase
an employee's awareness of health hazards in the workplace and to reduce injuries and illnesses.
Employers are responsible for training employees about health hazards of biological, chemical, and
physical agents.

Particularly, in the United States, the Federal Hazardous Materials Transportation Law requires the
Department of Transportation (DOT) to regulate the training of all hazardous materials (hazmat)
employees. The hazardous materials regulations (HMR) include training requirements in several
sections of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as follows: (a) General 173.1; (b) Specific
172.704; (c) Air 175.20; (d) Vessel 176.13; and (e) Highway 177.800, 177.816. Each employer that
is covered by the regulation must train and test, certify and develop, and retain records of current
training (inclusive of preceding three years) for each hazmat employee (during the period of
employment and 90 days thereafter). The hazmat training must include general
awareness/familiarization, function-specific, safety, and driver training for each hazmat employee
who will operate a motor vehicle.

Initial training should be completed within 90 days of employment or change in job function.
Recurrent training is required at least once every three years. The three-year period begins on the
actual date of training. Relevant training received from a previous employer or source may be used
to satisfy the requirements, provided that a current record of training is obtained from the previous
employer or source.

Under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), OSHA and EPA are
required to protect employees engaged in hazardous waste and emergency response operations. To
enforce SARA, OSHA issued guidelines requiring employers to establish and implement site-
specific plans for worker protection at hazardous waste sites and in emergency response operations,
and to provide training, medical surveillance, protective equipment, and engineering controls for
hazards. SARA also requires OSHA to set limits for workers engaged in hazardous waste and
emergency response operations and to set requirements for handling, transporting, labeling, and
disposal of hazardous waste. To protect employees who do not fall within OSHA's jurisdication,
EPA adopted OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (Hazwoper)
(29 CFR 1910.120).

EPA is also responsible for administering specific guidelines for asbestos. The Asbestos Hazard
Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA), which requires school systems to inspect school
buildings for asbestos hazards and to abate those hazards through removal, replacement,
encapsulation, or other appropriate actions, addresses potential hazards to public and worker health
resulting from such activities. The act requires contractors who perform such activities to be
accredited through state governments.

The law requires EPA to develop model accreditation programs for the states. Under those
accreditation plans, contractors are required to pass an examination that addresses such elements of
asbestos safety and includes recognition of asbestos containing materials and knowledge of asbestos
health hazards; assessing the risk of asbestos exposure, knowledge of respirators, appropriate work
practices, and hazard-control measures; and knowledge of ways to prepare an area correctly for
response action and of proper asbestos disposal.

EPA has jurisdiction over worker protection in the fields where pesticides and herbicides are used.
Most of the regulations are in the category of training, labeling, and reentry times. OSHA regulations
cover the manufacture of pesticides (29).

Regulations and Guidelines In the Workplace

Eula Bingham, Ph.D., L. Faye Grimsley, MSPH, CIH

5.0 Global Standards

A brief description of standards in several countries is provided here so that the reader can recognize
the varied approaches to regulations for worker protection.
In Australia, occupational exposure standards for airborne contaminants in the workplace are set by
the Australian National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (Commission). Section 38(1)
of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission Act of 1985 (Commonwealth Act)
authorized the Commission to develop, facilitate, and implement a national occupational health and
safety strategy. Within the Commission, the Expert Working Group (ESEWG) works under the
Standards Development Standing Committee (SDSC) to recommend occupational exposure
standards for individual chemical substances.

The first group of OELs established by the ESEWG in 1986 was adopted from the ACGIH TLVs.
The Commission compared the ACGIH list with the lists of permissible exposure limits of other
countries. When agreement was found among the lists, the Commission adopted the ACGIH value.
If a discrepancy was found, the ESEWG reviewed the relevant information and selected the
appropriate value.

Exposure standards set forth are meant to serve only as guides. They have no legal status unless they
are adopted into Commonwealth, State, or Territory legislation (33).
The Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area
(Commission), an organization within the German Research Institute (Institute), publishes MAK
occupational exposure limits for air contaminants in the workplace. MAK values are adopted as
regulatory guidelines by the German federal government under the Ordinance on Dangerous

The Commission selects chemicals for establishing MAK values. In establishing these values,
primarily the effects of the compounds are taken into consideration by utilizing toxicological and
work practice information.

The Commission also establishes biological exposure limits. A Biological Tolerance Value for the
Working Material (BAT) is defined as the maximum permissible quantity of a chemical compound
or its metabolites in blood or urine.

Through the Ordinances on Dangerous Substances as technical guidelines, the German government
imposes MAK values in the workplace. Employers are responsible for testing and ensuring that they
comply with MAK values (35).
The Japan Association of Industrial Health (Association) issues permissible exposure limits as
reference values for measuring exposure to chemical and physical hazards. The Association is a
private, academic organization consisting of committees.

The procedures used to establish exposure limits in Japan were substantially influenced by the
ACGIH, and a majority of the initial exposure limits was adopted from the ACGIH TLV list.

Because the organization that establishes the exposure limits is a private entity, they hold no legal
means of enforcement and are issued as only reference values. They are meant to serve as guidelines
to industry and government (33).
The Joint Steering Committee on Hazardous Substances in the Workplace established the
Occupational Exposure Limits Task Force to set up and review exposure limits for the workplace.
Due to limited resources and time, the OELs were based on the review of five other countries:
Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Norway. The Task Force decided to
adopt OELS that were lower than Ontario's as part of a proposed list of new OELs. After a public
comment period, the Task Force makes a final decision on OEL values, and they are made available
through publications.

Ontario's OELs are normally adopted by regulation and are thus compulsory. The province has teams
of inspectors who routinely inspect establishments.

If violations are found by inspectors, the maximum penalty for corporations is $500,000 and $25,000
plus one year in prison for individuals (33).
In 1976, a list of “maximum permissible concentrations” (MACs) of more than 300 potentially
injurious substances came into force under the administration of the Ministry of Labor, Wages, and
Social Affairs. By 1982, a new system had been implemented for establishing OELs based on
national legislation. A group of experts uses health-based criteria for recommending MACs to the
Polish Permanent Commission on Hygienic Standards. After acceptance by the Commission, the
MAC values are promulgated by the Minister of Labor, Wages, and Social Affairs as legally binding
regulations (49).
United Kingdom
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) of 1988 introduced legal
procedures for controling exposures to hazardous substances in the workplace.

Occupational exposure limits are set by the Health and Safety Commission's (HSC) Advisory
Committee on the Toxic Substances (ACTS) in conjunction with its Working Group on the
Assessment of Toxic Chemicals (WATCH).

Before setting OELs, WATCH reviews relevant primary literature (published and unpublished),
assessment is performed by a scientific committee, and endorsement is conducted within a superior
committee structure. All standard chemical databases are searched, and contacts are made with
relevant industry sources to obtain any available toxicological, exposure, and occupational health

Occupational exposure limits and other relevant legislation are enforced actively by inspectors of the
Health and Safety Executive under extensive powers provided by the Health and Safety at Work Act
of 1974 (33).
Occupational exposure values are revised and updated by the Venezuelan Commission of Industrial
Standards, a government-headed committee comparable to the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI). The OELs, termed “Candidates Ambientales Maximas Permissibles (CAMPS),
were originally based on the 1978 ACGIH TLV, and occasional substances were added. The
standards that are related to health and safety are legally enforceable (49).
European Union
Many member states within the European Union (EU) have formulated their own occupational
exposure limits. For example, in Germany MAK values have been established. The European
Commission (Commission) was seeking to harmonize EU-wide OELs, and in 1990, decided to set up
an informal group of scientists known as the Scientific Expert Group (SEG) to advise on setting
occupational exposure limits. In 1995, the SEG became an official committee and was
commissioned to set up a formal basis for the work on the scientific evaluation of risk at the
workplace related to chemical substances.

Specifically, the committee was to give particular advice on setting OELs based on scientific data
and where appropriate shall propose values such as eight-hour time weighted average (TWA), short-
term/excursion limits (STEL), and biological limit values.

The scientific reliability of the SEG recommendations is the cornerstone for any of the Commission's
legislative proposals to set limit values for chemicals. In 1994, the Commission approved a Guidance
note (as an internal working document) on procedures to set limits, which sets out the arrangements
for the scientific review and evaluation to establish OELs in the European Union. It includes the
procedures to be followed and at what stage interested parties can make their contribution to this

The procedures entail a detailed evaluation of criteria documents from different sources,
identification of critical health effects, development of a summary document describing the
recommended OELs and their basis, and a description of the critical effects. Once the summary
document is agreed upon by the Committee, the Commission makes it available for public review
and comments for about six months. After this review, the SEG makes recommendations to the
Commission, which then develops legal proposals for OELs. The Commission's proposal for a
legislative text is submitted to the Advisory Committee for Safety, Hygiene, and Health Protection at
Work (ACSHH) for comments and approval.

Although specific enforcement provisions in the area of occupational compliance do not exist at the
EU level, member states have an obligation to satisfy both their own and EU requirements (50).
Nordic Countries
Scientific data in the literature are available internationally and have allowed smaller countries to use
this information as the basis for developing occupational exposure limits (OELs). This initiated the
development of the Nordic Expert Group (NEG). The task of the NEG was to develop scientifically
based criteria documents for use as a common scientific basis of OELs by the regulatory authorities
in the five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Joint international
ventures are therefore advantageous to the involved parties because writing criteria documents is a
time-consuming and costly process.

The criteria documents from the NEG lead to the definition of a critical effect and dose–
response/dose-effect relationship. The critical effect is the adverse effect that occurs at the lowest
exposure. There is no discussion of safety factors, and a numerical OEL is not proposed. Since 1987,
criteria documents are published yearly by the NEG concurrently in English (13, 15).

Of the Nordic Countries, according to the available literature, Norway and Sweden do not enforce
their OELs but use them to guide entities on complying with law.
5.1 Uniform Approach for Setting Occupational Exposure Limits
According to Lundberg (51) each country should use a standardized approach when building the
documents. A summary of the approach and characteristics follow: A standardized criteria document
should reflect the up-to-date knowledge presented in the scientific literature. The literature used
should preferably be peer-reviewed scientific papers, but at least be available publicly. The scientific
committee should consist of independent scientists from academia and government. All relevant
epidemiological and experimental studies should be thoroughly scrutinized by the scientific
committee, especially “key studies” that present data on the critical effect. All observed effects
should be described. Environmental and biological monitoring possibilities should be pointed out.
Data permitting, the establishment of dose–response and dose–effect relationships should be stated.
A no-observable-effect level (NOEL) or lowest observable effect level (LOEL) for each observed
effect should be stated in the conclusion. If necessary, reasons should be given as to why a certain
effect is the critical one. The toxicological significance of an effect is thereby considered.

Specifically, mutagenic, carcinogenic, and teratogenic properties should be pointed out, as well as
allergic and immunologic effects. A reference list for all studies described should be given. If a
document states that only relevant studies have been used, there is no need to give a list of references
not used or explain why. However, it could be of interest to list those databases that have been used
in the literature search.

There are only minor differences in the way OELs are set in various countries that develop them.
Therefore, it should be relatively easy to agree upon the format of a standardized criteria document
containing the key information. From this point, then, the decision as to the margin of safety that is
incorporated in the limit would be a matter of national policy (51).

Regulations and Guidelines In the Workplace


Cited Publications
1 B. W. McCready, On the influence of trades, professions, and occupations in the United
States, in the production of disease. Trans. M. Soc. State of New York 3, 91–150, reprinted
by the Johns Hopkins Press, 1943, with introduction by G. W. Miller.
1a J. A. Freeman, Mercurial disease among hatters. Trans. New Jersey State Med. Soc., 61–64,
(Jan 24 and 25) (1860).
1b J. M. Baetjer, The early days of industrial hygiene—Their contribution to current problems.
Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 41, 773–776 (1980).
2 J. S. Felton, 200 years of occupational medicine in the U.S. J. Occup. Med. 18(12), 809–
817 (1976).
3 M. C. Klem and M. F. McKiever, 50-year chronology of occupational health. J. Occup.
Med. 8(4), 225–234 (1966).
4 Final Rule: Benzene. Fed. Regist. 52(176), (1987).
5 C. E. A. Winslow, Chair, Final Report of the Committee for Chemical and Rubber Sections
National Safety Council on Benzol, National Bureau of Casualty and Survey Underwriters,
6 American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), TLVs and
Other Occupational Exposure Values CD-Rom, ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH, 1999.
7 V. M. Trasko, Occupational Health and Safety Legislation, Public Health Serv. Publ. No.
357, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, DC, 1954.
8 American Petroleum Institute (API), API Toxicogical Review—Benzene, API, New York,
9 H. E. Stokinger, Criteria and Procedures for Assessing the Toxic Responses to Industrial
Chemicals, in Permissible Levels of Toxic Substances in the Working Environment,
International Labour Office, Geneva, 1968.
10 G. C. Miller and D. R. Klonne, in S. R. DiNardi, ed., Occupational Exposure Limits in the
Occupational Environment—Its Evaluation and Control, American Industrial Hygiene
Association, Fairfax, VA, 1997.
11 American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), TLV
Documentation 6th ed., ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH, 1991.
12 H. W. Leung and D. J. Paustenbach, Application of pharmokinetics to derive biological
exposure indexes from threshold limit values. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 49, 445–450 (1988).
13 International Labour Office (ILO), in J. M. Stellman, ed., Encyclopaedia of Occupational
Health and Safety, 4th ed., CD-ROM Version, ILO, Geneva, 1998.
14 R. G. Smith and J. B. Olishifski, Industrial toxicology. In J. B. Olishifski, ed.,
Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, National Safety Council, Chicago, IL, 1988.
15 J. H. Vincent, International occupational exposure standards: A review and commentary.
Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 59, 729–742 (1998).
16 G. E. Ziem and B. I. Castleman, Threshold limit values: Historical perspectives and current
practice. J. Occup. Med. 31(11), 910–917 (1989).
17 S. A. Roach and S. M. Rappaport, But they are not thresholds: A critical analysis of the
documentation of threshold limit values. Am. J. Ind. Med. 17, 727–753 (1990).
18 D. J. Paustenbach, OSHA's program for updating the permissible exposure limits (PELs):
Can risk assessment help “Move the ball forward”? Risk in Perspect. 5(1), 1–6 (1997).
19 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Pocket Guide to Chemical
Hazards, NIOSH, Cincinnati, OH, 1997.
20 N. A. Ashford and C. C. Caldert, Technology, Law, and the Working Environment, Island
Press, Washington, DC, 1996, p. 103.
21 Occupational Safety and Health Act, U.S. Congress (91st) S2193, Public Law 91-596, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1977.
22 Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR 1910.2, Government Institutes, Rockville, MD, 1998.
23 F. Blosser, Primer on Occupational Safety and Health, Bureau of National Affairs,
Washington, DC, 1992.
24 Mine Safety and Health Act, 1977, in BNA's Safety Library on CD, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1999.
24a United States Code, 42 U.S.C., 263b-263-n, 1968.
24b Code of Federal Regulations, 21 CFR, 1000.3–1050.10, 1997.
25 G. J. Gillotti, Government regulations. In B. A. Plog, et al., eds., Fundamentals of Industrial
Hygiene, 4th ed., National Safety Council, Itasca, IL, 1996.
26 Federal Register 60(110) (1995).
27 Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, in BNA's Safety Library on CD, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1999.
28 Code of Federal Regulations, 49 CFR, Parts 171–180, U.S. DOT, Washington, DC, 1996.
29 Environmental Statutes, 1998 ed., Government Institutes, Rockville, MD, 1998.
30 BNA's Safety Library on CD, Washington, DC, 1999.
31 U.S. Coast Guard, BNA's Safety Library on CD, 46 CFR, Washington, DC, 1999.
31a An International Review of Procedures for Establishing Occupational Exposure Limits,
Chemical Manufacturers Assoc., American Industrial Hygiene Assoc., 1996.
32 Memorandum of understanding, Fed. Regist. 48, 11,550 (1983).
33 Chemical Manufactures Association, An International Review of Procedures for
Establishing Occupational Exposure Limits, American Industrial Hygiene Association,
Fairfax, VA, 1996.
34 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 1998 TLVs® and
BEIs®: Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and
Biological Exposure Indices, ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH, 1998.
35 Deutsche Forschungemeinschaft (DFG), List of MAK and BAT Values 1996, Rep. No. 32,
Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work
Area, Weinheim, Germany, 1996.
36 Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR 1910.1000, Washington, DC, 1998.
37 Seventh Annual Report on Carcinogens 1994, Vol. 1, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Public Health Service National Toxicology Program, Washington, DC,
38 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Monographs on the Evaluation of
Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol. 71, Part One, IARC, Lyon, France, 1999.
39 R. P. Beliles, and C. O. Schulz, Occupational carcinogens. In G. D. Clayton and F. E.
Clayton, eds., Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 4th ed., Vol. 2, Part A, Wiley,
New York, 1993.
40 E. J. Sowinski and F. L. Cavender, Criteria for identifying and classifying toxic properties
of chemical substances. In G. D. Clayton and F. E. Clayton, eds., Patty's Industrial Hygiene
and Toxicology, 4th ed., Vol. 2, Part A, Wiley, New York, 1993.
41 HMIS, Hazardous Material Information System, National Paint and Coatings Association,
Washington, DC, (1972).
42 NFPA National Fire Protection Agency, Standard 704, NFPA, Quincy, MA., 1990.
43 American National Standard Institute (ANSI), American National Standard for Hazardous
Industrial Chemicals—Precautionary Labeling, ANSI Z129.1-1988, ANSI, New York,
44 B. Broecker et al., Criteria for identifying and classifying carcinogens, mutagens and
teratogens. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 7, 1–20 (1987).
45 Code of Federal Regulations, OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200,
Washington, DC, 1998.
46 Classification and Labeling of Dangerous Substances, European Community Council
Directive, Annex VI, 67/548/EEC, June 27, 1967.
47 Control Products Regulations, SOR/88-64, Part II, Canada Gazette, January 20, 1998.
48 Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations, Amendments, SOR/88-68, Part II,
Canada Gazette, January 20, 1988.
49 W. A. Cook, Occupational Exposure Limits—Worldwide, American Industrial Hygiene
Association, Fairfax, VA, 1987.
50 European Commission, Official Journal, Report of Scientific Expert Group, 1995, p. 14.
51 P. Lundberg, National and International approaches to occupational standard setting within
Europe. Appl. Occup. Environ. Hyg. 9(1), 25–27 (1994).
Toxic Chemical Information Sources
Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH

1 Introduction
Knowing where to go to get relevant up-to-date as well as state-of-the-art information about the
health effects of a chemical is essential for effective protection of workers and the environment. The
means to access information is changing every day and the amount of occupational health and safety
information is expanding. Finding information to prepare a MSDS, to respond to an emergency, to
meet legislative and regulatory requirements, to determine the cause of an illness, or to develop a
health and safety program can be challenging, overwhelming, and time-consuming. Toxicological
information and data are of interest to more than workers, toxicologists, industrial hygienists,
lawyers, and regulators. The general public is increasingly interested in the health effects of
industrial chemicals.

Depending upon who wants the information and why they want it affects the use it will have and the
amount of detail required about the chemical. For some, knowing that the basic health effects are
respiratory or skin irritation is enough. For others, knowing the mechanics of the way the chemical
works in the body will be of interest and required. For still others, the information is needed for an
emergency so that whatever information is obtained must be gained quickly.

The recency of the information may affect which information sources are used. Electronic data
bases, which have become a fact of life and are probably now the first source of reference for most
people looking for chemical information and toxicological data, may not be the best resource.
Electronic data bases can include both CD-ROMs and on-line databases available either directly
from the service provider such as DIALOG, MEDLINE, or CCOHS or via the Internet. The
government sources of information are usually free; however, there are fees for many of the other
services. Comprehensive information and data are necessary to develop regulations to protect people
and the environment from the effects of exposure from a chemical; all of this information may not be
available from an electronic source. But electronic data sources are the places to go to quickly to find
current toxicological data. There are a number of different methods of finding electronic data
sources, and they are discussed later in the chapter.

There are a number of different types of safety, health, and toxicological information sources. These
include traditional paper sources such as books, journals, and periodicals which were the typical
sources of information before about 1970. There are also gray data. Gray data can include private or
government research reports that have not been published, company catalogs, and material safety
data sheets (MSDSs). These information sources are called gray data because they are difficult to
find and are not always readily available (1). Still other sources of health and safety data are laws,
standards, and patents in print. A preamble to a Federal OSHA health standard provides historical
epidemiological data about a chemical.

This chapter discusses basic mechanics of information searching, general or traditional places to go
for information, and then specific resources. To provide a chapter with just specific sources in this
age of greatly expanding possible resources would be both a waste of time and a disservice to
Toxic Chemical Information Sources
Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH

2 Basics of Toxicological Literature Searching

In the old days of literature searching, people who wanted information would go to libraries and ask
librarians for what they wanted. The librarian, familiar with the book and journal collection would
direct the requester. Manual searches included looking in encyclopedias, going through card
catalogs, and reviewing the abstracts provided by a number of different organizations. Now,
however, information is available beyond the four walls of a building. In addition to the contents of a
library, the library has access to the contents of other libraries, and in many instances the ability to
access information on the World Wide Web, otherwise called the Web or the Internet. The Web
makes available databases within the government, associations, academic libraries, and private
industry. Many of them are free; some are not, and must be paid for either by an annual fee or on a
per use basis. There are also CDs of databases containing toxicological information.
2.1 Search Strategy: Questions to Ask
What are some of the questions to ask before conducting a literature search or looking for

1. Why do I want the information, and what will I do with it?

2. How much information do I have already?
3. How soon do I need this information?
4. Do I need historical use information, toxicological data, or information about the chemical and
physical properties?
5. Where is the best place to start?
6. What is the information that I need to conduct a literature search?

No matter where one starts, it may seem rudimentary, but knowing the correct spelling of the
chemical and its correct chemical registry number are absolute essentials. If you have the wrong
spelling or the wrong registry number, you would get information about the wrong chemical.
2.2 Information to Look for: Chemical Registry Numbers
There are several chemical registry numbers to use. The most commonly used registry number in the
United States is one developed by the American Chemical Society (ACS). This registry contains
over 19 million compounds. The ACS assigns a CAS number to a specific compound, regardless of
the name or nomenclature system used. For all practical purposes, it is the social security number for
a particular chemical.

Another registry number only for organic chemicals, was developed by Beilstein Institute, Frankfurt
am Main, Germany. Beilstein currently maintains a computerized database of more than 7.5 million

A third registry number was established by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) in its Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS). This registry number is
a unique nine-position alphanumeric designation assigned to each prime chemical name.

Table 9.1 provides a summary of selected sources for obtaining chemical registry numbers and
determining a chemical from only a chemical registry number or other limited information about a

Table 9.1. Selected Sources for Obtaining Chemical Registry Numbers and
Other Identifying Information

Name of
Chemical Information
Database Source/Address Available Cost

American Internet or direct contact CAS numbers for ACS

Chemical www.acs.org 19 million members: free
Society compounds. nonmembers:
Chemical fee/use
Beilstein Internet: Contains data on Fee
CrossFire www.beilstein.com more than 7.5
System million compounds
dating back to 1648.
NIOSH CCOHS: Internet or CD- Profiles of more Fee for either
RTECS ROM www.ccohs.ca than 130,000 format
Chemfinder: Internet Limited Free
www.chemfinder.com information; links
to other data; can
access information
with CAS Number
NLM (SIS) NLM Internet: Contains about Free
ChemIDplus igm.nlm.nih.gov/tehip(site 350,000 records, of
currently unavailable) biomedical and
regulatory interest
including drugs
Acronym Freie Universitat Berlin Will locate a Free
Database Institute of Chemistry chemical given only
Internet: acronym; in English
www.chemie.de/tools and German
IUPAC University of London, Full text of IUPAC Free
Database of Queen Mary and Westfield recommendations
organic College Internet:
Chemicals www.chem.qmw.ac.uk
Pesticide EXTOXNET Internet: Specific Free
Information ace.orst.edu/info/extonet information on
Profiles pesticides

2.3 How to Look for the Information: Using the Internet

Users can retrieve much information on their own. In 1995, Michael Blotzer published a user's guide
to the Internet. This user's guide provides a road map for health and safety information, and it
provides the reader with a means for understanding how to use the Internet (2). A number of journals
and periodicals also publish lists of resources on the World Wide Web otherwise known as the Web
(www). Journals such as Chemical and Engineering News, or Science provide new Web sites of
interest to scientists; the periodical Occupational Health and Safety has a regular feature entitled
“Computer Applications.” Many professional organizations have Web sites at which there are safety
links. These links can lead you to a number of other sources of information.

List Servers are subscriber-based computer-generated mailing lists designed so that subscribers of
mutual interests can ask, discuss, or comment on topics of interest. There are several that have
discussed topics as varying as flock worker's lung, the effects of isocyanate inhalation, and the odor
threshholds of various chemicals. The reader is cautioned, however, that the List Servers in use now
may have changed, and there could certainly be additional ones. Examples of listservs pertinent to
chemical information include


For information on signing up or joining a listserv, refer to Internet User's Guide for Safety & Health
Professionals by Michael Blotzer (2).
2.4 Searching the Web
There are different ways to search the Web: search engines, directories, links, or knowing the Web
address of the information desired. Search engines use software that crawls the Web and records the
text on every page. When you make a query, the search engine goes into the depths of the page to
find relevant keywords. Generally, the more times a keyword appears on a page, the higher it ranks
on a list of results. Selected search engines include fast search (www.alltheweb.com), AltaVista
(www.altavista.com), google (www.google.com), and Northern Light (www.northernlight.com). A
directory is an organized selection of categories such as toxic, health, or chemistry. The content
within those categories has been handpicked by humans. When you submit a query, it pulls up
relevant sites from those in the library. Selected directory search sites include Yahoo
(www.yahoo.com), Lycos (www.lycos.com), and Looksmart (www.looksmart.com). Links are
provided by academic institutions, professional organizations, or governmental agencies to other
locations on the Web where related and relevant information may be found.

However, it should be noted, that what is available when this chapter was written, may be only a
small fraction of what is available when this book has been published. It is impossible to guess what
will be on the Internet. Just use the premise that the information exists; the only question is where.
With this in mind, how do you go about finding what you do not know may exist.

Toxic Chemical Information Sources

Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH

3 Sources of Toxic Chemical Information

3.1 United States Government Technical Information Centers and Sources
The U.S. government expends a large amount of its budget on research and development. Much of
this research is in the field of chemical toxicology. A number of governmental agencies are involved
in this research. These agencies include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National
Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Department of Defense (DOD), to name a few. The research
efforts of these departments yield thousands of reports every year. In addition, the government
reviews the medical, health, and safety literature and publishes information that is obtained from
these reviews.

Information resources within the U.S. government are becoming more and more available and
accessible via the Internet. Following are selected sources of government databases and toxic
chemical information.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS) NTIS, a part of the U.S. Department of Commerce,
located in Springfield, VA, is a central source for documents in a variety of formats (printed,
electronic, audio, etc.) relating to government sponsored efforts in scientific, technical, and business
fields. The NTIS collection contains nearly three million titles. The Internet location for NTIS is
www.ntis.gov. From this location, one can search for products, find out about on-line subscriptions,
learn about services of federal agencies, and order reports and subscriptions to databases or other
information available from the NTIS. Orders maybe placed by telephone, mail, fax, or E-mail.

Telephone Orders:

Sales Desk: 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000

Subscriptions: 1-800-363-2068 or 703-605-6060
Mail Orders: NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161
Fax Orders: 703-605-6900
E mail: www.ntis.gov

National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) Located in the U.S. Department of
Commerce, NIST has several databases that can provide reliable physical properties and related data.
Several of these databases are on-line. These include NIST Chemistry WebBook and Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbon Structure Index. These databases may be accessed at
webbook.nist.gov/chemistry. (site currently unavailable)

National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine (NLM) The NLM, located on the
campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, is the world's largest medical library.
The Library collects materials in all areas of biomedicine and health care, as well as works on
biomedical aspects of technology, the humanities and the physical, life, and social sciences. The
collection stands at 5.3 million items—books, journals, technical reports, manuscripts, microfilms,
phonographs, and images. The Internet address for NLM is www.nlm.nih.gov. NLM is located at
8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894. Phone: 888-346-3656.

Toxic Chemical Information Sources

Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH

4 Where are the Sources Found

The sources of information on toxic chemicals are found in libraries or electronically via computers.
The computers may be located in academic institutions, governmental agencies, individual offices,
or most anywhere.
4.1 Libraries
A number of library collections can be searched via the Internet. The premier library in the field of
information on toxic chemicals is the National Library of Medicine. However, many universities,
professional and labor organizations, and governmental agencies contain collections of printed
materials that contain information on toxic chemicals. Telephone books, Internet Web sites, and
local public libraries can provide the names of libraries that may have the information that you want.
The easiest way to find a library is with your computer, if you can access the Internet and the Web.

The following libraries have their catalogs on the web:

• Norwegin Libraries which can be found at BIBSYS. BIBSYS is a shared library system of all
Norwegian university libraries, the National Library, and a number of research libraries in
Norway. This Web site provides a list of libraries in Norway. Internet address: www.bibsys.no.
• Online Computer Center (OCLC) is comprised of information from 17,000 libraries in the United
States and 51 other countries and territories. The OCLC system helps libraries to locate, acquire,
catalog, and lend library materials. Internet address: www.oclc.org.
• Library of Congress (Internet address: www.loc.gov) contains catalogs of all materials copyrighted
in the United States. Catalogs of the Library may be searched at this Web site.
A number of college and university libraries have websites available for conducting literature
searches. Their URL addresses are not being provided because their addresses are in continual flux.
An edu at the end of a URL address signifies an academic institution.

Addresses on the Web at which information about libraries maybe obtained include

• Library Catalogs on the Web. Internet address: www.lights.com/webcats.

• National Library Catalogs Worldwide. Internet address: www.library.uq.edu.au.

4.2 Electronic Sources

Many sources of information on toxic chemicals can be found on the Internet, the World Wide Web,
or on CD-ROM. As they used to say about the Telephone Yellow Pages, “Let your fingers do the
walking.” Table 9.6 lists electronic databases related to occupational safety and health that are
available either on floppy disk, CD-ROM, or on the Web. This database list was generated by the
International Labour Organisation (ILO).

Table 9.6. Databases Related to Occupational Safety and Healtha

Database nameb type Language PC/floppy disks CD ROM name

ACCIDENTS MINIERS Full text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc

AIDSCAN Bibliographic English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
AIDSLINE Bibliographic English CD downloads AIDSLINE
ARBLINE Bibliographic Swed/Engl
BIOSIS (BA on CD) Bibliographic English BIOSISCD ROM
CANADIAN Full text Engl/Fre CD downloads LEGISLATION
CANADIAN STUDIES Factual English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
CANADIANA Bibliographic English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
CANCERLIT, CANCERCD Bibliographic English CD downloads CANCERCD
CASELAW Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
CCOHS Publications Full text Engl/Fre CD downloads CCOHS
CESARS Factual English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
CESARS helpinformation Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
CHEM (EC chem.labelling) Factual English IBM, dBaseIII+
ChemADVISOR Factual/full English CD downloads Chemical
Chemic. Safety Full text English Floppy/printed UNChemCD
modules Train.Mod
CHEMINFO Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
CHEMINFO Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
CHEMTOX Full text English
CHRIS Full text English CD downloads CHEM BANK
CIS THESAURUS Descriptors Engl/Fre ASCII,Microisis
CISDOC (CISILO) Bibliographic English CD downloads OSH ROM
CISILO (CISDOC) Bibliographic English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
CISILO français (CISBIT) Bibliographic French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
CISINFO Full text English Floppy software
ClinMED,. MEDLINE Prof Bibliographic English CD downloads ClinMEDCD

DAISY (Gloves) Full text Swedish

DATABASES Factual English ASCII,WP,dBase4
DIRECTORYOSH. Bibliographic English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
DOCUMENTINFO Bibliographic English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
DOMESTIC/NON-DOM Factual Engl/Fre CD downloads CCINFOdisc
EARTH SUMMIT Full text En/Fr/Sp CD downloads EARTH
ECDIN Factual English CD downloads ECDIN
EINECS PlusCD Factual English CD downloads EINECS PlusCD

EMBASE on CANCERCD Bibliographic English CD downloads CANCERCD

ENCYCLP. Full text English CD downloads KirkOthmerCD
EPACHEM Full text English dBaseIII+
ERIC Bibliographic English CD downloads ERIC

ESSENTIALS Bibliographic English CD downloads CCINFOdisc

ETUDES-CANADIENNES Factual French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
EXPOSURE LIMIT Factual English Clipper,dBaseIV
Excerpta Medica Bibliographic English CD downloads Excerpta Medica
FACTS chem. accidents Bibliographic English ASCII
FATALITY REPORTS Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc

HAZARDTEXT Full text English CD downloads TOMES PLUS

HealthPLAN Bibliographic English CD downloads HealthPLAN-CD

HOMMEL:H. buch Full text German CD downloads GefahrgutCD

HSELINE Bibliographic English CD downloads OSH ROM
INETETUDESEN-coursinrs Text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
INET RESEARCH Text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
INFOCHIM Full text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
INFOCHIM Full text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
INORORGANIS-MESINRS Full text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
INOR RESEARCH- Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
INRS B BIBLIOGRAPHIE Bibliographic English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
INSTDIR Directory Full text Engl/Fre ASCII,Microisis
IPCSCHEM Full text Engl/Eur. CD OSH Publications
IPCSEnv.HealthCriteria Full text English CD-downloads OSH Publications
IRPTC/UNEP Factual English UNChemicalCD
ISST Bibliographic Fre/Eng ESAIRS,CSST
JURISPRUDENCE Full text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
KETURI Full text Finn/Engl InEngl,dBaseIV
LABOURDOC Bibliographic Eng/Fre ASCII,Microisis
LEGISLATIVE- Bibliographic En/Fr/Sp ASCII,Microisis
LEO Bibliographic Fi/En/Sw
MAJHAZ Chemical info Bibliographic English IBM, dBaseIII+

MBLINE Bibliographic Swe/Eng

MEDITEXT Full text English CD downloads TOMES PLUS
MEDLINE 1966 to present Bibliographic English CD downloads MEDLINE 4
MHIDAS Factual English CD downloads OSH-ROM
MININGINCIDENTS Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
MSDS Full text Engl/Fre CD downloads CCINFOdisc
NEW JERSEY Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
NICEDIC Full text English IBM, dBaseIII+
NIOSHTIC Bibliographic English CD downloads OSH
NIOSHTIC Bibliographic English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
NiPERACAB Bibliographic English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
NIVEAUX DE BRUIT Factual French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
NOISE Factual English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
NOMS DE MARQUE, Full text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
NONIONIZING Factual English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
NORMESET Bibliographic French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
NURSING & ALLIED Bibliographic English CD downloads SilverPlatter
OHMTADS Full text English CD downloads CHEM BANK
ORGANISMES Full text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
OSHA databases Full text/bibl. English CD downloads OSHA disc
OSH-UK Full text/bibl. English CD downloads OSH-UK
PERINORM Standards Bibliographic En/Fr/Ge PERINORM
PERSONNES Full text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
PEST BANK Product Data Factual English CD downloads PEST BANK
PEST BANK Tolerances Full text English CD downloads PEST BANK
PRIS EXPERIMENTAL Factual English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
PRISINSECT RELEASES Factual English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
PRIS MAX RESIDUES Factual English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
PRIS MINOR USE Factual English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
PRIS PEST MGT Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
PRIS THESAURUS Synonyms English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
PUBLICATIONS Full text Eng/Fren CD downloads OSH
RAYONNEMENTS Factual French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
REFERENCES- Bibliographic French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
REPERTOIRE Bibliographic French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
REPERTOIRE Full text Fre/Eng
RESOURCE- Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
RESOURCE PEOPLE Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
RIPA Full text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
RIPP Full text English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
RTECS Coded English CD downloads CHEM BANK
RTECS English Full text/bibl English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
RTECS français Full text/bibl French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
SAFE USE OF- Multimedia English SAFE USEOF
SILDEMPLOI LIMITE Factual French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
SILD LACHERS Factual French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
SILD PRODUITSEXPER. Factual French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
SILD RECHERCHE Full text French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
SILD RESIDUS Factual French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
SILD THESAURUS Synonyms French CD downloads CCINFOdisc
STANDARDS & Bibliographic English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
TAPS Full text Finnish
TDG/49CFR Factual English CD downloads CCINFOdisc
TOXLINE 1981 87 Bibliographic English CD downloads TOXLINE
TOXLINE 1988 Bibliographic English CD downloads TOXLINE
TRADE NAMES, (see Full text Eng/Fre CD downloads CCINFOdisc

Obtained from ILO from their Web site.
b Sources of databases:

(gloves), MBLINE Al/Sweden
BIOSIS, ERIC Silver Platter
Canadian Centre for
CCINFO or CCOHS Occupational Health (CCOHS)
CHEMTOX Van Nostrand Reinhold
EARTH SUMMIT United Nations
ENCYCLP. Chem Eng Bookstores
FACTS chem. accidents TNO, Netherlands
MEDITEXT Micromedex, Inc.
HOMMEL: buch gefar. Gut Springer Verlag
LEGISLATIVE International Labour
REFERENCE Organisation (ILO/CIS)
LEO IOH, Finland

Internet addresses have been provided throughout this chapter. It is a sign of the times. Before the
1980s people asked, “What is your area code and phone number?” In the 1980s the question was,
“What is your fax number?” Now the question is, “What is your E-mail address or Web site?”

Toxic Chemical Information Sources


Cited Publications
1 International Labour Office (ILO). Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, 4th
ed., ILO, Geneva, 1998.
2 M. J. Blotzer, Internet User's Guide for Safety and Health Professionals, Genium Publishing
Corp., Schenectady, NY, 1995.
3 R. E. Maizell, How to Find Chemical Information, 3d ed., New York, 1998, p. 140.

Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety

Gloria Rachamin, Ph.D.

1 Introduction
More than 70,000 chemicals are currently registered in the chemical substances inventory under the
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) in the United States (U.S.), and every year new chemicals are
introduced to the market. Each chemical can produce toxic effects that may be reversible or
irreversible. Exposure to chemicals in the workplace can result in a wide range of adverse health
outcomes, for example pulmonary disease skin irritation and sensitization, neurotoxicity, lung and
liver function impairment, cancer, and hereditary diseases.

Toxicological data provide the basis for evaluating the potential health risks of chemicals to humans.
Information from human and animal studies is used to characterize the nature of the toxic effects of
chemicals and to predict their risk to human health under given exposures. The ultimate goal of
using data from such studies is to determine “safe” levels of human exposure to toxic substances.
Because it is not possible to assure absolute safety to everyone for any chemical, “safe” does not
imply risk-free but a level of risk that is acceptable in our society.

In practice, chemical safety is defined by setting numerical health-based exposure limits for
chemicals, exposure levels below which the risk of adverse health outcome is acceptable. For more
than 60 years, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has
developed “Threshold Limits Values” (TLVs) for airborne concentrations of substances that
“represent conditions under which it is believed that nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed
day after day without adverse health effects,” as well as “Biological Exposure Indices” (BEI) for
chemicals and their metabolites in body fluids. Similarly, regulatory agencies in the United States
(e.g., Occupational Safety and Health Administration/OSHA, Environmental Protection
Agency/EPA, Food and Drug Administration/FDA) and other jurisdictions have set exposure
standards or guidelines to protect the health of the working population and the general public from
exposure to chemicals. These standards include “Permissible Exposure Limits” (PELs) and
“Recommended Exposure Limits” (RELs) for chemicals in the workplace, “Acceptable Daily
Intake” (ADI) levels of chemicals in food, and “Reference Inhalation Concentrations” (RfC) for
ambient air contaminants.

The term risk, in this context, refers to the probability of an adverse health outcome resulting from
chemical exposure. The risk of experiencing adverse outcomes varies from minimal to high
depending on the inherent toxicity (hazard) of the chemical, the level of exposure, and the
susceptibility of the individual. Because of wide interindividual variation in susceptibility to
chemicals, the risk of an adverse outcome for an individual is generally different from that defined
for a population. Risk estimates may be qualitative, quantitative, or semiquantitative, depending on
the data and methods used to derive them.

Agreement on what constitutes an acceptable risk for human populations involves a value judgment
and is often an object of intense controversy. As a result of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the
proposed benzene standard in 1980, OSHA has been required to demonstrate that its proposed
standards reduce significant risks to worker health. Significant was suggested to be an increase in
lifetime risk of developing cancer greater than 1 in 1,000 (1). In contrast, most regulatory agencies
whose mandate is to protect public health, (e.g., USEPA, FDA, Health Canada) consider an excess
lifetime cancer risk of 1 in a million acceptable.
In addition to providing the basis for deriving numerical exposure limits, toxicological data are used
to identify and classify chemicals based on their toxic effects. Toxicity classification systems have
been developed in various jurisdictions, including the United States, Canada, and European
Community, to communicate information on the nature of chemical hazards more simply to workers
and other end users. It is important to note that toxicity classification systems are usually hazard-
based and not risk-based; the substance is classified on the basis of its toxic effects observed in
experimental studies rather than on the level of risk it may present to human health under given
exposure conditions. Recently the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) endorsed globally harmonized classification criteria for acute toxicity and other toxic end
points, including cancer and developmental toxicity (2).

During the past two decades, reliance on toxicological principles and experimental data has become
an integral part of the process that regulatory agencies use to control human exposure to chemical
hazards. The results of chemical risk assessment, along with socioeconomic, technical feasibility,
statutory, and political factors, provide input to risk management decisions to regulate a substance
and on exposure control options (3–5). Before regulating a chemical, it is necessary to determine the
potential of a substance to cause harm to humans and that the exposure is likely to occur.

Within the U.S. regulatory framework, risk assessment is defined as the process of systematic
scientific characterization of potential adverse health effects resulting from human exposure to
hazardous agents (3, 4). It consists of four main steps: hazard identification, dose–response
assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. Exposure assessment characterizes
actual exposure to a chemical in a specific population. The outputs from the dose–response
assessment and the exposure assessment are used to characterize the risk of adverse health outcome
for this population.

The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of toxicological data (hazard identification and dose–
response assessment, respectively) to predict chemical health risks to exposed human populations
and to derive exposure limits, using risk assessment methodologies, is traditionally referred to in
toxicology as chemical hazard evaluation (6). This constitutes the process that is used to evaluate
chemical safety. Note that the commonly used term “chemical safety evaluation” originated from
drug safety evaluations. For drugs, a margin of safety is established by comparing the toxic dose to
the effective therapeutic dose (7). For chemicals that have no beneficial effects, however, this ratio
has no relevance. For nondrug chemicals, the term “margin of safety” has been adopted in risk
assessment procedures to indicate the magnitude of the difference between an estimated dose to
which a human population is exposed and the highest dose at which adverse effects are not observed
in experimental studies.

To evaluate chemical hazard, data are required on all the toxic effects that a chemical can produce by
acute or chronic exposure. The most direct evidence comes from well-conducted studies in humans
under conditions that are identical to those of the exposed population. In most cases, however,
human data are not available, and surrogate data from animal studies are extrapolated to humans by
using different risk assessment methodologies. The validity of toxicological predictions obtained by
extrapolating from experimental data depends on the quality of the data, the methods used, and the
degree of uncertainty.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the process of chemical safety evaluation in
the context of the regulatory risk assessment paradigm from the perspective of occupational
toxicology. As seen in Figure 10.1, toxicological data from studies of the chemical in humans and
animals, including physicochemical, toxicokinetic, and mechanistic data, are used in this evaluation.
First, the adverse effects are identified and categorized by toxic end point. Next, the dose–response
relationship for each end point is characterized, and the overall evidence is evaluated to determine
the hazard class of the substance. If the toxicological database for a chemical is adequate, potential
health risks to humans are then estimated, and exposure limits are derived by using risk assessment
methodologies. Depending on the dose–response relationship (threshold or nonthreshold) of the
adverse effect that is observed at the lowest dose (critical effect), three general risk assessment
approaches can be applied: safety/uncertainty factor, low-dose extrapolation risk model, and a
unified benchmark dose approach. Note that various risk assessment procedures have been
developed over the years and continue to evolve as science advances. A new terminology has also
emerged in large part from environmental risk assessment work that focuses on community
exposures to chemicals.

Figure 10.1. Chemical safety evaluation roadmap. This is a flowchart of the process of chemical
safety evaluation indicating input and output data and the main steps (see Appendix 1 for

Toxicological principles are an integral part of chemical risk assessment, so basic toxicological
concepts and references are included in Appendix 1. Key references on risk assessment that were
used in preparing this chapter include government publications (3, 4, 8–18), books (19–23), reviews
(6, 24–27), and other original papers cited in the text.

Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety

Gloria Rachamin, Ph.D.

2 Toxicological Data
A large volume of toxicological data is required to identify and characterize the nature of the toxic
effects of chemicals and to predict their potential risk to humans under given exposure conditions.
To evaluate chemical safety, regulatory agencies use data from both human and animal toxicological
studies. Such data can be obtained from various sources, including published literature,
computerized databases, and submissions from chemical manufacturers.

Four main categories of toxicological data are used to evaluate chemical safety: human studies,
whole body animal bioassays, short-term tests, and structure-activity relationship (SAR) data. Short-
term tests and SAR data are used primarily to screen chemicals for mutagenicity or potential
carcinogenicity and to support the interpretation of in vivo human and animal studies. Data from
human studies are often scarce or inadequate, in practice, so whole body bioassays in animals
provide the main source of toxicological information.
2.1 Human Studies
Studies of exposed humans provide the most direct evidence for predicting potential chemical
hazard. The main source of human data available is from epidemiological studies, particularly in the
working environment where exposures are relatively high. Data are available for some chemicals,
from well-controlled clinical studies and also from case reports.

Analytical epidemiological studies, which include case-control and cohort studies, are most useful in
identifying an association between human exposure and adverse health effects. Epidemiological
studies under occupational settings attempt to determine whether an adverse health outcome is
associated with a specific chemical exposure in the workplace. Benzene is an example of a substance
that was first found to be carcinogenic in studies of workers, and only later was shown to cause
cancer in animal studies (24, 28–30). The use of epidemiological studies, however, is generally
limited due to several factors, including lack of adequate exposure data, confounding exposures, and
a study population that is too small to detect a statistically significant effect (see section 3.1.1). In
addition, from a public health perspective, positive findings in human studies are not desirable
because the objective is to prevent disease before humans are harmed. Early detection of excessive
exposure using biological markers in epidemiological studies is a valuable method for implementing
interventions to prevent disease.

The advantage of clinical trials is that exposures can be controlled and quantified, and subjects can
be selected to include susceptible individuals. Other than clinical trials for therapeutic agents, the use
of this study design is limited because it is not ethical to expose humans to a potentially harmful
agent. Only short-term reversible effects (e.g., irritation) of a chemical can be investigated in clinical
trials but not the potential to cause chronic disease such as cancer.

Case reports of adverse effects in an individual are usually of limited value as evidence of causal
association because they are not controlled studies and rely heavily on the recall of possible chemical
exposure. Nevertheless, these observations should not be overlooked because the first suggestion that
a number of substances cause disease such as cancer and peripheral neuropathy came from case that
reports. Case reports can be used as indicators of the need to carry out controlled studies.
2.2 Whole Body Animal Bioassays
Studies of experimental animals provide the main source of data for assessing chemical safety. They
provide information on the toxicity of a chemical under controlled experimental conditions (dose
levels, effects measured, population size). Animal toxicity tests are particularly important because
they provide an opportunity to identify toxic chemicals before people are actually exposed to them
and, therefore, prevent potential adverse health effects.

In general, animal studies have a high predictive value for human health risks. Almost all known
chemical carcinogens in humans cause cancer in some animal species. Further, it has been shown
that exposure of animals to toxic agents in high doses is a valid method for discovering potential
hazards to humans. Results can be extrapolated from high exposures in animal studies to lower
exposures typically experienced by humans (see section 6.2).

To evaluate chemicals before humans are exposed, the U.S. TSCA requires the manufacturer of a
new chemical to submit to the EPA any available toxicological data on the chemical before
manufacturing or distributing it. It has only limited authority, however, to order that toxicity tests be
done. Similarly, premanufacturing or premarketing notification and submission of toxicological data
on new chemicals is also required in other jurisdictions, including Canada and the European

There are no set toxicity test protocols for every new chemical because the need is determined on the
basis of the specific chemical, its intended use, and the toxic effects produced by structural
analogues. A battery of screening tests is usually conducted first to determine whether further testing
is required. Regulatory agencies (e.g., USFDA, USEPA) and other bodies such as the OECD have
developed guidelines for toxicity tests. It is expected that toxicity tests to support the introduction of
a new chemical to the market follow these guidelines. The guidelines are based on good laboratory
practice (GLP) and provide direction on experimental design and methodology.

Numerous toxicity tests for evaluating chemical hazard have been developed and continue to evolve
as scientific knowledge increases. It is generally recommended that bioassays be conducted in two
mammalian species, one rodent and one nonrodent (usually dog or primate). The oral route of
administration is used most often, but tests via inhalation and skin exposure are also performed when
these are relevant. The following is a summary of the main types of bioassays that are used to
identify toxic effects, target organs, and dose ranges of a chemical that causes adverse effects,
emphasizing the principles and significance of each test (7, 31, 32).

2.2.1 Acute Toxicity The acute toxicity test is usually the first experiment performed with a new
chemical. Different doses of the chemical are administered orally to groups of adult males and
females of one or two species of rodents, most often the mouse and rat. If exposure via inhalation or
skin absorption is expected, acute studies by inhalation and dermal exposure routes are also
conducted. Most often the exposure duration in inhalation studies is 4 h. An acute dermal toxicity
test is usually conducted in rabbits by applying the substance directly to the skin for 24 h. Mortality
and other toxic end-point data are collected for up to 14 days after acute exposure.

The main objectives of this test are to obtain a quantitative estimate of the acute median lethal dose
(LD50, see Appendix 1) for comparing the potency with other substances, to identify target organs
and clinical manifestations of acute toxicity, to determine whether an effect is reversible, and to
provide guidance on the dose range for other studies. Acute toxicity tests, thus, identify highly toxic
substances and their potential health hazards.

2.2.2 Skin and Eye Irritation/Corrosion The potential of a chemical to cause skin and eye irritation or
corrosion is tested upon acute exposure, usually in rabbits. The agent is applied directly to the skin or
the eye, and the degree of irritation from mild to corrosive is scored as specified in the test protocols.
The Draize test (original or modified) is used to evaluate dermal irritation. The degree of skin
irritation is scored for erythema, eschar, edema formation, and corrosive action.

2.2.3 Skin and Respiratory Sensitization Sensitization is a process mediated by the immune system
whereby first exposure to a substance does not cause adverse reactions, but repeated exposure
induces a significant immune response that may not be limited to the contact site. Many procedures
have been developed to test the potential of a chemical to cause allergic sensitization to the skin or
the respiratory tract upon repeated exposure. Skin sensitization is the most common form of
sensitization in industrial settings, although respiratory sensitization also occurs often with some
substances (e.g., toluene diisocyanate, trimellitic anhydride).

Sensitization tests are usually conducted in guinea pigs, a highly sensitive species. In general, a
sensitization test protocol involves exposing the animals to multiple doses of the test substance
during a period of two to four weeks. About two weeks after the last treatment, animals are
challenged with a low dose of the test substance. Depending on the specific test, the animals are
evaluated for an allergic response to the skin (e.g., erythema, or edema) or the respiratory tract (e.g.,
bronchoconstriction or asthma).

2.2.4 Subacute Studies These studies are conducted to obtain toxicity information after repeated
exposure for one month or less and to establish doses for subchronic studies. Typically three or four
doses are administered to the animals in their feed. Clinical chemistry and histopathology are
performed 14 days after exposure.

2.2.5 Subchronic Studies Subchronic studies are conducted in two species by the oral route (or
intended route of exposure) with at least three dose levels, most commonly for 90 days. The main
goals of these studies are to establish a no-observed-adverse-affect level (NOAEL, see Appendix 1),
and to further identify and characterize the specific toxic effects of a chemical on organs or tissues
after repeated administration. The lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL, see Appendix 1)
may also be obtained in these studies. The NOAEL and LOAEL depend on the doses and number of
animals tested. These parameters are used to develop standards and have numerous regulatory
implications. In addition to characterizing the dose–response relationship after repeated exposure,
subchronic data provide information for appropriate doses in chronic studies.

2.2.6 Chronic/Carcinogenicity Studies Long-term or chronic exposure studies are conducted to

assess cumulative toxicity or effects that require a long latency period. They are similar to
subchronic studies, except that the duration of exposure is longer. Chronic studies are usually
conducted in rodents for exposure durations of 6 months to lifetime (18–24 months for mice, 2–2.5
years for rats). Ideally, the design and conduct of chronic toxicity studies should allow the detection
of general toxicity, including neurological, physiological, biochemical, and exposure-related
morphological changes. The studies often include evaluation of carcinogenic effects following
lifetime exposure, so that a separate carcinogenicity study is not required. Thus, animals are used as
surrogates for humans to identify agents that pose potential risk for cancer induction in humans.

To detect a small but statistically significant increase in cancer incidence at the low doses that are
usually encountered in human exposures, it is necessary to use a very large number of animals.
Because this is impractical, a high dose is administered to the known most sensitive species to
increase the probability of detecting a statistically significant increase in cancer incidence with a
small number of animals (at least 50). This high dose, called the maximum tolerable dose (MTD), is
usually estimated from subchronic studies. The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) defines
the MTD as the dose that suppresses body weight gain by no more than 10% in a 90-day subchronic
study. Additionally, one or two lower doses and a control group are also tested.

2.2.7 Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity Studies Developmental toxicity is defined as the
occurrence of an adverse health effect anytime during the life span that results from chemical
exposure before conception (either parent), during prenatal development, or postnatally until
puberty. Teratogenicity is the induction of birth defects by exposure during development between
conception and birth. Reproductive toxicity is the occurrence of adverse effects on the male or
female reproductive system resulting from chemical exposure.

Four types of tests, usually in rodents, are used to study potential effects on development and
reproduction. General fertility and reproductive performance are tested by administering the
chemical to male and female rats before mating and throughout gestation. Typical end points
measured are the percentage of females that become pregnant, the number of stillborn and live
offspring and the weight, growth, survival and general condition of offspring in the first three weeks
of life. Teratogenic effects are tested by administering the chemical to pregnant females during
organogenesis (day 6–15 of gestation in rats). The fetuses are removed by Cesarean section a day
before the estimated time of delivery. The numbers of live, dead, and resorbed fetuses are recorded.
Live fetuses are weighed, half of each litter is examined for skeletal abnormalities, and the other half
for soft tissue anomalies.

Perinatal and postnatal toxicity are examined by administering the compounds to rats from the
fifteenth day of gestation throughout delivery and lactation. Birth weight, survival, and growth rate
during the first three weeks of life are measured.

A multigenerational study is also often conducted to determine the effects of chemicals on the
reproductive system. Male and females rats (F0 generation) are exposed shortly after weaning
throughout breeding, gestation, and lactation. The offspring (F1 generation) are bred at about 140
days of age to produce the F2 generation, and exposure is continued. Thus, both the F1 and F2
generations would have been exposed in utero and via lactation. F1 and F2 litters are examined as
soon as possible after delivery, and indexes of fertility, gestation, viability, and lactation of F0 and F1
females are determined.
2.3 Short-Term Studies (Mutagenicity Tests)
Short-term tests have been used primarily to evaluate the potential mutagenicity of a chemical. A
mutagenic chemical interacts with the genetic material in the nucleus of germ or somatic cells and
produces changes that can be transmitted during cell division. Germ cell mutations damage the DNA
in sperm or egg cells and can result in hereditary diseases or congenital abnormalities in offspring.
Somatic cell mutations are implicated in the development of diseases such as cancer but are not
heritable. The initiation of chemical carcinogenesis is thought to be via mutagenesis.

There are numerous short-term mutagenicity tests (33). The more commonly used tests include gene
mutation assays in bacteria (Salmonella/mammalian microsome assay or Ames test), mammalian
assays for chromosome damage in vivo (metaphase analyses or micronucleus assay in rodent bone
marrow), and cytogenetic assays in cultured Chinese hamster or humans cells (chromosomal
aberrations, micronuclei, aneuploidy). Of these tests, the Ames test (34) is the most widely used
assay and allows evaluation of the mutagenicity of the chemical and its metabolites.

Screening for mutagens in short-term bacterial assays is a rapid and inexpensive method that is often
used to predict potential carcinogenicity of chemicals in humans. Data indicate that the Ames
mutagenicity test, combined with an evaluation of the chemical structure, allows identification of a
large proportion of genotoxic (directly acting on the DNA) rodent carcinogens. Positive mutagenic
response was also found with substances that are known human carcinogens. Although a similar
relationship would be expected with germ cell mutagenicity, due to lack of data one can not evaluate
the ability of the Ames test to predict mammalian germ cell mutagenicity.
2.4 Structure–Activity Relationships (SAR)
When the toxicity of a chemical is not known, toxicological data from another chemical with similar
structure can be used to predict its potential to produce adverse health effects. It is assumed that a
key molecular structure of the chemical termed “structural alert” is responsible for causing the toxic
effect. This method has been used by regulatory agencies primarily to identify potential carcinogenic
hazards. Examples of carcinogenic structural alerts include n-nitroso or aromatic amines, amino azo
dye structures and phenanthrene nuclei. Eight of the first 14 occupational carcinogens regulated by
OSHA belong to the aromatic amine class (25). The USEPA relies on SAR in the initial evaluation
of premanufacturing submission of data for new chemicals. Computer-based SAR programs have
been developed that are quite good in predicting the carcinogenicity of chemically related
compounds. This method is applicable only when the toxicity of structural analogues has been

Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety

Gloria Rachamin, Ph.D.

3 Adequacy of Toxicological Data

Several factors need to be considered in evaluating the adequacy of the toxicological database for a
chemical, including the quality of individual studies, the completeness of the database, the relevancy
of studies to exposed populations, and the overall weight of evidence. Professional judgment must be
exercised in evaluating the data. To bridge data gaps, default inferences are used by regulatory
agencies based on science policy and the application of the precautionary principle.
3.1 Qualitative Evaluation of Toxicological Data
It is of utmost importance that chemical safety evaluation is based on data from well-conducted
scientific studies. Criteria for assessing the quality of individual epidemiological and animal studies
have been published to provide guidance (10, 16). These criteria address primarily the evaluation of
factors related to the study design and methods used, including test subjects, controls, dose levels,
exposure duration and frequency, measured end points, and statistical analysis. Some of the
following specific issues need to be addressed in evaluating human and animal studies.

3.1.1 Human Studies There are three main areas of concern in assessing the quality of an
epidemiological study. They relate primarily to the design and methodology used to measure
exposure, measure health outcome, and to control confounding variables.

In most cases, direct measurements of exposure are not available or are inaccurate or
unrepresentative. The accuracy and relevance of exposure measurements in epidemiological studies
may also be questionable due their long-term nature. For example, exposure levels change over time
with different industrial hygiene practices and as a result of individuals changing jobs.

Response data in epidemiological studies are usually reported as incidence, standardized mortality
ratios, and relative risk ratios. It is important to carefully evaluate the study design, including
selection of exposed and control groups, power to detect statistically significant association between
exposure and effect, and the methods used to ascertain disease. For example, the causes of death in
studies that report mortality data may be questionable because they are obtained from death
certificates but are rarely confirmed by autopsy.

Epidemiological studies are designed to detect association between exposure and adverse health
outcome. Various host risk factors, however, including preexisting health conditions or lifestyle
habits such as smoking can influence the health index assessed. Often, an individual is also exposed
to multiple chemicals that may not be identified or quantified. It is important to determine whether
the study addresses and controls for risk factors and confounding exposures.

The following criteria have been developed to evaluate the causality of an association between
adverse health outcome and chemical exposure in epidemiological studies (35):

1. Strength of association. This is usually expressed as a risk ratio of mortality or disease in an

exposed population relative to an unexposed population. The higher the risk ratio, the more likely
it is that the association is causal.
2. Consistency (reproducibility). Causal association is supported when positive results are found in
several studies done independently by different investigators using different populations.
3. Specificity. Causality is more than likely if a particular exposure is associated with only one
illness, for example, the relationship between vinyl chloride exposure and liver angiosarcoma.
4. Temporal relationship. Exposure should precede the development of the disease by a biologically
relevant time period (i.e., latency).
5. Coherence of the evidence. An epidemiological inference of causality should not conflict with
what is known about the history and biology of the disease.
6. Biological gradient. This requires demonstrating dose–response relationships between the
exposure level and disease rate.
7. Biological plausibility. A causal association is strengthened when there are biological
mechanisms that explain association between the substance and the disease.
8. Experimental verification. Removal of the substance should be followed by a decline in the
incidence of the disease.

3.1.2 Animal Studies The main issues to be considered in evaluating animal studies are the
appropriateness of the test species as a model for humans, the study design, and its validity.

Several animal models for identifying carcinogens may not be appropriate because they have a high
incidence of spontaneous tumors or the relevance to the tumor induced in humans may be
questionable. Studies have shown that thyroid tumors mediated by hyperstimulation in rodents and
renal tumors mediated by alpha2u-globulin induction in male rats do not predict human cancer due
to species differences related to the mechanism of tumor production (25, 36). Acrylonitrile-induced
carcinoma of the Zymbal gland (ear canal gland) has been reported in animals, but there is no
counterpart organ in humans (20).

The study design should be consistent with good laboratory practice and include clear definition of
all exposure elements, including dose, route, exposure schedule and duration, physicochemical
properties of the substance, species, age, and gender. The study should include controls comparable
to test animals in all respects except for the treatment variable. It should provide adequate data to
establish a dose–response relationship, and a valid test must be performed that is relevant to humans.
Studies should include appropriate statistical analysis, and conclusions should be justified by the data
in the report and consistent with current scientific knowledge.
3.2 Completeness of Database
An ideal toxicological database should include all of the toxic effects that a chemical can produce by
acute or chronic exposure via different routes of exposure and in several test species. It should also
include data on the dose–response relationship for each adverse effect. Often, however, there is
limited information on a chemical, and data gaps exist. It is important, therefore, to determine the
magnitude of insufficiency of the database for a chemical because it will impact on whether risk
assessment can be conducted and on the rating of uncertainties.
3.3 Selection of Principal and Supporting Studies
To predict human risks and set exposure limits, it is important to select studies that match the
characteristics of the population for which the risk is characterized (e.g., workers). Variables to be
matched include the identity and physicochemical properties of the substance (CAS Number, purity,
dust, vapor, etc.), route of exposure, exposure level, dose rate, fraction of lifetime exposed,
biokinetics, and mechanisms of toxicity (20).

Principal studies that contribute most significantly to the assessment of the potential toxicity of a
chemical and to setting exposure limits need to be identified. Obviously, inhalation studies in
humans are most relevant for deriving air standards for chemicals in the workplace. Supporting
studies that provide information on the chemical with respect to the mechanisms of action,
metabolism, and toxicokinetic data can also be used to refine the dosimetric adjustment.
3.4 Weight of Evidence
All available human and animal data should be considered to assess whether the weight of evidence
supports a conclusion about potential adverse health outcomes in humans. This involves integrating
evidence from all diverse data to evaluate the overall strength, consistency, and biological
plausibility of the association between the chemical exposure and the adverse outcome (10).

Indicators of stronger association between exposure and adverse effect include low LD50, low
NOEL, high potency, evidence of a dose–response gradient, high incidence rate, large excess risk,
and high level of statistical significance. High consistency is demonstrated if the association is found
in various studies in several animal species, different routes of administration and dose regimens,
and in epidemiological studies. The biological plausibility is further evaluated with respect to other
scientific information that is related to causal mechanisms, including the gradient response observed,
short-term in vitro studies and SAR data, toxicokinetics, mechanisms of toxicity, preclinical
indicators of disease, and biological monitoring of exposure.
Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety
Gloria Rachamin, Ph.D.

4 Classification by Toxic Effect

An adverse effect, in the context of risk assessment, has been defined as any alteration in structure or
function that is clearly deleterious to the living organisms or a degree of injury such that the body's
normal compensatory and protective mechanisms are overwhelmed, resulting in irreversible or only
partially reversible functional changes (10, 14).

Toxicological data are reviewed to identify the adverse effects that a chemical induces under given
experimental exposure conditions. The acute lethality test is first evaluated to determine the median
mortality dose (LD50, see Appendix 1) for a chemical. The LD50 provides an index of potency
relative to other chemicals but has limited value in assessing morbidity.

In evaluating chemical hazard, adverse health effects are usually grouped into five general categories
based on toxic end points: carcinogenic, genotoxic, reproductive, developmental, and organ/tissue
effects (e.g., irritation, sensitization, neurotoxic). The term “systemic toxicity” has been used in risk
assessment in reference to all toxic effects other than cancer and gene mutations (13). In addition to
general scientific principles, the following are special issues that need to be considered in evaluating
these toxic end points (toxicity tests are described in section 2.2).
4.1 Carcinogenicity
A chemical carcinogen has been defined by the USEPA (8, 12, 16) as any substance capable of
inducing neoplasia in humans or laboratory animals. The evidence for carcinogenicity is usually
derived from long-term animal bioassays described in section 2.2.6.

4.1.1 Tumor Type In evaluating animal studies, the general practice by regulatory agencies is to
assign almost the same weight to benign and malignant tumors, particularly if data suggest that
benign tumors can progress to malignancy. The analyses of tumors are usually organ-specific or site-
specific rather than for overall incidence of tumors. A statistically significant increase in the
incidence of tumors in exposed animals compared to controls is considered indicative of
carcinogenic potential.

4.1.2 Carcinogenicity Classification Classification of a chemical as an animal carcinogen is usually

based on the weight of evidence from positive studies. The IARC's weight of evidence classification
system (see Table 10.1) and other similar systems such as that of the EPA are used to classify
carcinogens (37, 38). According to the EPA (8), a chemical is an animal carcinogen if it causes an
increase in malignant or malignant and benign tumors in multiple species or strains or in multiple
experiments, or even in a single experiment if the incidence is particularly high, the site or type of
tumor is unusual, or the onset is at an early age. The EPA (16) has proposed changing the
carcinogenic classification to a simpler descriptive weight of evidence system consisting of three
categories: known/likely, cannot be determined and, not likely. The National Toxicology Program
(NTP) criterion for classifying a chemical as a carcinogen is that it must be carcinogenic in at least
one site in one sex of F344 rats or B6C31 mice.

Table 10.1. IARC Weight of Evidence Classification for Carcinogenicitya

Group The agent is carcinogenic to humans

— sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans
Group The agent is probably carcinogenic to humans
— limited evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in experimental
— only limited evidence in humans or only sufficient evidence in
experimental animals in the presence of other supporting data
Group The agent is possibly carcinogenic to humans
— limited evidence in humans in the absence of sufficient evidence in
experimental animals
— sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals and
inadequate evidence or no data in humans
— limited evidence in experimental animals with other supporting
data and inadequate or no data in humans
Group The agent is not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity
— category used for agents that do not fall into any other group
Group The agent is probably not carcinogenic to humans
— category for agents for which there is evidence suggesting lack of
carcinogenicity in both humans and experimental animals
— occasionally used for agents for which there is inadequate
evidence or no data in humans and evidence suggesting lack of
carcinogenicity in experimental animals which is “consistently and
strongly supported by a broad range of other relevant data”

Assembled by Calabrese and Kenyon (19) from IARC (37).
Overall, animal bioassays have high predictive value for human carcinogenicity. IARC considers
chemicals that demonstrate sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animal experiments as potential
human carcinogens. Almost all chemicals that IARC evaluated as carcinogenic in humans showed
positive results in animal bioassays (39–42). Animal bioassays successfully predicted human
carcinogenicity of many chemicals including 4-aminobiphenyl, diethylstilbestrol, mustard gas,
aflatoxin, bis-chloro methyl ether, estrogens, vinyl chloride, 1,3-butadiene, dioxin, and formaldehyde
(39, 43).

4.1.3 Test Dose Levels The use of high doses such as the maximum tolerated dose (see section 2.2.6)
in bioassays is highly controversial. These doses are usually much greater than those experienced by
humans, but some reported occupational exposures have been close to the doses of rodent
carcinogens that are used experimentally (44).

The validity of the assumption of dose–response relationships with MTD has been questioned
because it was suggested that overloading of metabolic and repair pathways may occur at higher
doses and lead to overt toxicity, but this may not happen at low doses. Tissue damage from high
doses can lead to regenerative cellular proliferation that may promote carcinogenesis. Although
some studies reported cellular proliferation, a review of 52 long-term bioassays suggested that for
most chemicals it is not the primary cause for carcinogenic response (43).

4.1.4 Carcinogenic Potency Gold et al. (45) recently published a supplement to the carcinogenic
potency database (CPDB) that has been developed to provide a systematic and unifying analysis of
the published results of chronic, long-term animal cancer tests on individual chemicals. According to
this publication, the database includes the results of a total of 5620 experiments on 1327 chemicals
that have been reported in 1250 published papers and 414 National Cancer Institute/NTP Technical
Reports. The TD50, an index of potency, was estimated for each set of tumor incidence data reported
and presented in a plot format. Gold et al. (45) further reported that 11 of the 25 chemicals that were
tested in monkeys did not cause cancer (an additional three showed equivocal results), despite strong
carcinogenic evidence in rodent or human studies. The authors suggested that this may be due to the
fear that these studies lacked power to detect an effect. Among chemicals that were carcinogenic in
both monkeys and rodents, potency values correlated highly between the two species.

4.1.5 Mechanisms of Carcinogenicity The dose—response relationship is one of the most

contentious issues in evaluating animal carcinogens. Because animal bioassays are conducted at dose
orders whose magnitude is greater than human exposure, mathematical models are used to
extrapolate data from high doses in animals to low doses in humans to obtain a quantitative estimate
of human risk (see section 6.2). Quantitative risk assessment of carcinogens has been widely used in
the United States particularly for environmental carcinogens. The choice of a mathematical model
depends on the mechanism of carcinogenesis of a chemical and on the science policy of selecting the
more conservative model.

Chemicals can produce cancer via genotoxic (directly acting on DNA) or nongenotoxic (epigenetic)
mechanisms (46). The current theory is that genotoxic carcinogenesis is a nonthreshold phenomenon
that proceeds through initiation, promotion and progression. Initiation is an irreversible alteration of
DNA caused by a chemical carcinogen. Promotion represents the process of replication of initiated
cells that demonstrate a growth advantage over uninitiated cells. Progression is the irreversible
change from benign lesion to malignancy. There is a general agreement that carcinogenesis is likely
to be a nonthreshold phenomenon for classical carcinogens such as vinyl chloride and benzo(a)
pyrene (24). The mechanisms of nongenotoxic carcinogenesis do not involve direct interaction with
the DNA but as yet are poorly understood. There is debate over whether carcinogenesis is a
threshold phenomenon for nongenotoxic carcinogens such as dioxin and trichloroethylene.

The decision whether to evaluate a chemical as a genotoxic or epigenetic carcinogen has a major
impact on the derivation of exposure standards. For example, the estimated acceptable daily intake
for dioxin in the United States is about 15 times lower than that in Canada. Because dioxin has been
considered a genotoxic carcinogen in the United States but not in Canada, different risk assessment
methods were applied that resulted in a large difference in the standards adopted by the two
jurisdictions (24).
4.2 Genotoxicity (Mutagenicity)
Mutagenicity tests are used to predict carcinogenicity or to predict human germ cell mutagenicity.
Data obtained are used to support findings in bioassays. The predictive value of short-term genotoxic
tests depends on several factors, including the characteristics of the chemical, its mechanisms of
action, and the sensitivity and specificity of the test used.

A mutagen can interact with the DNA to induce several alterations (33) including point mutations
(changes in the base sequence of DNA), and structural or numerical chromosomal aberrations.
Structural aberrations include deficiencies, duplications, inversions, and translocations. Numerical
aberrations are gains (e.g., trisomy) or losses of whole chromosomes or sets of chromosomes

The development of batteries of short-term tests to predict which chemicals are carcinogens is an
area of continuous research and debate. A comparison of results from four widely used mutagenicity
tests with cancer bioassays of 73 chemicals in rodents showed a concordance of about 60% (47). An
analysis of data for 301 chemicals tested for carcinogenesis in mice and rats showed that when the
Ames test data was combined with “structural alerts” (see section 2.4), 93% of the structurally
alerting chemicals that were carcinogenic in both these species were also mutagenic in the Ames test
(33, 48–50). Positive mutagenic response was also reportedly associated with substances known as
human carcinogens.
The IARC has recommended that short-term tests alone should not be used to determine whether an
agent is carcinogenic nor to predict reliably the relative carcinogenic potencies of chemicals in
animals. The IARC's (51) weight of evidence system for evaluating genetic activity of chemicals in
short-term tests is based on four end points (DNA damage, mutation, chromosomal effects, and cell
transformation) and the level of phylogenetic complexity of the test system ranging from prokaryotes
to humans in vivo (see Table 10.2). According to the EPA's criteria for evaluating evidence for
mutagenicity in germ cell DNA, a positive test in a well-characterized gene mutation assay in
mammalian germ cells strongly suggests that the chemical would be mutagenic in human germ cells.

Table 10.2. IARC Scheme for Assessing Evidence of Genetic Activity in

Short-Term Testsab

Sufficient At least three positive entries, one of which must involve

evidence mammalian cells in vitro or in vivo and must include at least
two of the three end pointsb, DNA damage, mutation, and
chromosomal effects
Limited At least two positive entries
Inadequate Only one positive entry or when too few data do not permit an
evidence evaluation of an absence of genetic activity or when there are
unexplained, inconsistent findings in different test systems
No evidence Applies when there are only negative entries; these must
include entries for at least two end points and two levels of
biological complexity, one of which must involve mammalian
cells in vitro or in vivo

Source: Assembled by Calabrese and Kenyon (19) from IARC (51).
b End points: DNA damage tests for covalent binding to DNA, induction of DNA breakage or
repair, induction of prophage in bacteria, and differential survival of DNA repair-proficient/-
deficient strains of bacteria.
Mutation tests for measuring heritable alterations in phenotype and/or genotype. These
include tests for detecting the loss or alteration of a gene product and change of function
through forward or reverse mutation, recombination, and gene conversion; they may involve
the nuclear genome, the mitochondrial genome, and resident viral or plasmid genomes.
Chromosomal effects tests for detecting changes in chromosomal number (aneuploidy),
structural chromosomal aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges, micronuclei and dominant-
lethal events. This classification does not imply that some chromosomal effects are not
mutational events.
Cell transformation tests that monitor the production of preneoplastic or neoplastic cells in
culture and are significant because they attempt to simulate essential steps in cellular
carcinogenesis. These assays are not grouped with the end points listed before because the
mechanisms by which chemicals induce cell transformation may not necessarily be the result of
genetic change.
Data obtained from screening tests for mutagens are used for setting priorities for further testing of
chemicals and provide input for making decisions on whether to develop a new chemical product or
to regulate a substance. Many compounds have been evaluated for mutagenicity, and results have
been compiled by various agencies, including a published list by IARC (51), the EPA's Gene-Tox
database, and the U.S. Environmental Mutagen Information Center (EMIC, Tennessee).
4.3 Reproductive
Toxicity to the male reproductive system may be expressed as alterations to the male reproductive
organs and/or related endocrine system. The manifestation of such toxicity may include changes in
sexual behavior, fertility, pregnancy outcomes, or modifications in functions that depend on the
integrity of the male reproductive system. Similarly, female reproductive toxicity includes, but is not
limited to, adverse effects on sexual behavior, onset of puberty, fertility, gestation, parturition,
lactation, or premature reproductive senescence (17). (See also Chapter 3, “Reproductive

In evaluating chemicals for reproductive toxicity, it is important to distinguish between reproductive

and developmental effects, particularly in multigenerational studies (see section 2.2.7). There is an
overlap in the outcomes that are measured to evaluate reproductive and developmental toxicity, for
example, the pregnancy outcome. An adverse pregnancy outcome in offspring of exposed males that
are mated with unexposed females can be attributed to male reproductive toxicity. Similarly, such an
outcome in the offspring of an exposed female, before gestation, that is mated with an unexposed
male can be attributed to female reproductive toxicity. Difficulties arise in interpreting the results if
males or females are exposed before conception and females are also exposed during pregnancy.
Data from reproductive studies of different experimental designs can provide complementary
information that can be integrated.
4.4 Developmental
The four general end points of developmental toxicity that are evaluated are death of the conceptus,
structural abnormality, altered growth, and functional deficiency (11). Functional deficiency is not
routinely evaluated for several reasons, including methodological difficulties and the time and cost

Chemicals that cause adverse effects in developing offspring in animal studies are viewed as
potential human toxins. Chemicals that cause adverse developmental effects at exposure levels that
do not produce maternal toxicity present the greatest developmental hazard. The majority of
chemicals that produce maternal toxicity in animal studies also cause adverse developmental
outcomes (19). This complicates the interpretation of the observed adverse developmental effects in
offspring because it is difficult to determine the influence of maternal toxicity on the adverse
outcome. From a regulatory perspective, a developmental toxin is usually considered a substance
that causes developmental toxicity in the absence of maternal toxicity or for which developmental
effects are not specifically related to maternal toxicity.
4.5 Organ/Tissue Effects
This category includes all adverse effects that are not covered in the previous four categories. It
encompasses all immediate and delayed systemic and local adverse effects that result from acute or
chronic exposures and occur via threshold mechanisms. They represent a large proportion of
chemically-induced adverse health outcomes that have been encountered in the workplace, including
irritation, sensitization, neurotoxic effects, impaired pulmonary function, and liver or kidney
pathology. Discussion of these effects is beyond the scope of this chapter.

Sensory irritation is unique because it is localized, rapid, noncumulative, and subjective.

Occupational exposure limits have often been set on the basis of human data because it is difficult to
determine irritation threshold from animal studies. An animal model in mice has been developed in
which reduced respiratory rate provides an index of respiratory irritation.

Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety

Gloria Rachamin, Ph.D.

5 Characterization of Dose–Response Relationships

The quantitative relationships between dose and the incidence of adverse response (see Appendix 1)
provide the basis for evaluating chemical hazard and the derivation of exposure limits. The approach
used to assess the dose–response relationship depends on whether the chemical produces threshold
or nonthreshold end points (19, 20).
5.1 Threshold and Nonthreshold Effects
A threshold dose–response relationship is used to evaluate chemicals that produce no adverse effects
below a certain dose. The underlying mechanism for a threshold is that multiple cells must be injured
for an adverse effect to occur (52). A nonthreshold (“zero” threshold) dose–response relationship is
used to evaluate chemicals that convey some risk of adverse response at any dose above zero. The
mechanism of carcinogenesis is considered nonthreshold, whereby a genotoxic insult in a single cell
is theoretically sufficient to produce a malignant tumor eventually.

Traditionally, the threshold dose–response relationship has been used for assessing noncancer end
points and the nonthreshold approach for cancer end points. The use of a nonthreshold dose–
response relationship to evaluate nongenotoxic carcinogens has been a subject of much debate
because it has been suggested that these substances are likely to produce cancer via a threshold
phenomenon (53). Both threshold and nonthreshold approaches have also been applied to evaluate
reproductive and developmental toxins (54, 55).
5.2 Dose Scaling
To facilitate interspecies comparisons of the dose–response relationship for adverse effects, it is
necessary to obtain an estimate of the human equivalent dose. The two methods that are most
commonly used to convert animal dose or exposure to an equipotent dose for humans are based on
body characteristics.

The first method calculates the equivalent human dose from an animal study by scaling (adjusting)
the animal dose rate for animal body weight, often expressed as mg/kg body weight/day. Similarly,
the second method is based on body surface area scaling by adjusting for differences in metabolic
rate, using the factor of body weight to the power of 2/3 or 3/4. Body weight scaling, however, is
simpler and has been used by the USEPA for risk assessment and derivation of numerical criteria.

Ideally, the concentration at the target site would provide the best dosimetry. A method has been
developed to estimate target tissue exposure (concentration × time) using a physiologically based
pharmacokinetic model that incorporates biological data and processes. Because input data on the
biokinetics and mechanisms of toxicity are rarely available for animals or humans, it is difficult to
verify the validity of using this model for dose scaling.
5.3 Critical Adverse Effect
The dose–response relationship is characterized for each of the adverse responses that a chemical
produces by using data from the most relevant and scientifically sound studies. For threshold
responses the NOAEL, TD50, or LD50 are determined (see Appendix 1). Depending on the response
that is modeled, each response to a chemical can have a different threshold. For nonthreshold end
point, models for extrapolation from high doses to low doses below the observed range are applied
(see section 6.2).

A chemical can produce various effects ranging from not toxic to very toxic or “frank effect
level” (FEL) (25, 56). The critical adverse effect is defined as “the first adverse effect, or its known
precursor that occurs as the dose rate increases” (14). Operationally, for threshold end points, the
critical effect is the most conservative LOAEL. This end point is used to derive the exposure limit
(see section 6).

Figure 10.2 shows a hypothetical example of a chemical that produces two adverse threshold effects
at different dose ranges. Liver pathology occurs at higher doses than respiratory function
impairment. In this case, respiratory impairment is considered the critical end point with a
corresponding experimentally measured LOAEL. The highest dose level that does not produce a
statistically or biologically significant impaired respiratory function is the NOAEL. The NOAEL or
LOAEL can be used to derive the exposure limit (see section 6).
Figure 10.2. Hypothetical dose–response relationship curves for a chemical that produces two
adverse threshold effects and illustrates the critical toxic effect, LOAEL, and NOAEL.

If a chemical produces both threshold and nonthreshold (cancer) adverse effects, exposure limits can
be calculated on the basis of the threshold effect that is observed at the lowest dose and also on the
nonthreshold end point (see section 6). For a nonthreshold effect, various curves of excess risk
versus dose may be used to extrapolate downward from an experimental dose, depending on the
quantitative risk model applied (see Fig. 10.3). Then the lowest concentration or the most
conservative estimate for exposure limit is recommended.

Figure 10.3. Alternative extrapolation models for the same experimental data set (from Ref. 3 with
some modifications).
Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety
Gloria Rachamin, Ph.D.

6 Derivation of Exposure Limits

Traditionally, two different approaches have been used by regulatory agencies to derive exposure
limits for substances that produce threshold and nonthreshold effects (19). The safety/uncertainty
factor method has been used for threshold (noncancer) end points. For a cancer end point, the general
approach has been to use a low-dose extrapolation risk model. Recently, a unified approach for
threshold and nonthreshold effects has been proposed for deriving exposure limits by using the
benchmark dose and uncertainty factors (57). The three approaches are described here.
6.1 The Safety/Uncertainty Factor Approach for Threshold Effects
The traditional safety/uncertainty factor approach of dividing the no-observed-adverse-effect level
(NOAEL) of the critical effect by a safety factor has been widely used to derive “safe” exposure
limits for chemicals that produce threshold effects (52). The ACGIH has used this approach for both
threshold and nonthreshold effects in developing TLVs (58).

Historically, a safety factor of 100 has been applied to the NOAEL to account for all uncertainties,
including interindividual and interspecies variation. Over the years, it became customary to divide
this factor into two factors of 10 to account for interspecies and intraspecies variability, respectively

Although the terms safety factor and uncertainty factor have the same meaning, the USEPA (13)
recommended using the term uncertainty because “safety factor” may be inadvertently interpreted as
absolute safety. It has further endorsed the use of uncertainty and modifying factors when deriving
the oral reference (RfD) (13) and the reference inhalation concentration (RfC, USEPA 1994) for
noncancer effects. The RfC (expressed in mg/m3) is defined as “an estimate (with uncertainty
spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a continuous exposure to the human population
(including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without appreciable risk of deleterious effects
during a lifetime” (14). The same general principles apply to the derivation of the inhalation
reference concentration and the oral reference dose (13, 14), but the RfC methodology has been
expanded to account for the dynamics of the respiratory system as the route of entry. In the RfC
method, the NOAEL from animal studies is converted to a refined dosimetric adjustment referred to
as human equivalent concentration (HEC). The dose is also defined as the agent mass deposited per
unit tissue volume delivered to specific target sites in the respiratory tract or made available to
uptake and metabolic processes for systemic distribution. This methodology further distinguishes
between gases or particulates and the type of effect the substance exerts, pulmonary or extra

The RfC is derived from the NOAEL (or the LOAEL, if the NOAEL is not available) as follows


NOAELHEC = NOAEL adjusted for dosimetric differences between animal species and humans,
expressed as human equivalent concentration (HEC).
UF = uncertainty factors suited to the characteristics of the data:

• 10-fold to account for interindividual variation in susceptibility among thehuman population

• 10-fold for interspecies variation between animal and humans
• Five-fold or 10-fold for extrapolating from data in a subchronic study to chronic or from less
than a lifetime study to a lifetime study
• Five-fold or 10-fold for extrapolating downward from LOAEL to a NOAEL. These uncertainty
factors are based on historical and experimental data and are independent multiplicative factors
MF = modifying factor, that is, an additional uncertainty factor which is based on professional
assessment of the adequacy of the entire database (e.g., relevancy to humans and mechanistic and
toxicokinetic data), ranging in magnitude from 1 to 10.

The NOAEL approach has been criticized for several reasons, including (1) the NOAEL must be by
definition a tested experimental dose, (2) experiments that test fewer animals would result in a higher
NOAEL and thus a higher or less protective exposure limit, (3) the use of the NOAEL ignores the
rest of the dose–response curve, and (4) the NOAEL approach does not identify actual responses at
the NOAEL and, depending on the experimental design, will result in regulatory exposure limits
being set at various levels of risk (15, 64, 65).

In view of these limitations, an alternative approach using the benchmark dose (BMD) has been
proposed by Crump (64). In this method the dose–response is modeled and the lower confidence
bound for a dose at a specified response level, usually 1–10%, is calculated. The BMD can be used
as an alternative to NOAEL in calculating the oral reference dose or inhalation concentration:

The UF and MF are the same as those used for the NOAEL or LOAEL. This method has been
adopted by the USEPA (15) for noncancer effects and has been applied to developmental end points
(54, 66).
6.2 Risk-Model Approach for Nonthreshold Effects
For cancer end points, the general approach has been to use a mathematical model to estimate the
excess risk for a given dose (e.g. lifetime exposure to 1 mg/m3 of substance in air) or the dose for a
given risk (e.g., one in a million). Different dose–response models can be proposed to extrapolate
from high doses in animal bioassays to low doses that might be encountered by humans, that is,
extrapolation beyond the region in the dose–response curve for which experimental data are
available (3, 67). Depending on the model chosen, the level of risk can vary by orders of magnitude
at the same exposure level (see Fig. 3).

The risk extrapolation models can be divided into two general categories, namely, mechanistic
models and statistical (or probability distribution) models (25) as follows. The mechanistic models
(e.g., one hit, multihit, multistage, linearized multistage) use a mathematical equation to describe
dose–response relationships that are consistent with postulated mechanisms of response. The
mechanistic models assume that a response in a subject (animal, human) results from a random
occurrence of one or more biological events (stochastic events). The distribution models (e.g., Log-
probit, Logit, Weibull), on the other hand, assume that each individual has a tolerance level to a
chemical and that this response level is a variable that follows a specific probability distribution
function. These responses can be modeled by using a cumulative dose–response function, as in the
case of the normally distributed dose–response curve.

The linearized multistage model (LMS) is the model most commonly used by regulatory agencies in
the United States (68). This model, consistent with proposed genotoxic carcinogenic mechanisms,
assumes that a series of ordered stages is required for a cell to undergo initiation, transformation, and
progression to form a tumor. The USEPA uses the upper 95% confidence limit of this model on the
basis of biological plausibility and conservatism. It has been argued, however, that the use of the
upper 95% confidence limit reduces the model to a worst-case scenario and does not take into
account carcinogenic mechanisms (24).
Until recently, these models have been used to extrapolate from high to low doses without
considering interspecies variation. This raised the question whether carcinogenic potencies derived
from these models are relevant to humans. A comparison of potencies across species for known
human carcinogens (e.g., aflatoxin, vinyl chloride) showed relative concordance, at least within one
order of magnitude (24). The prudent public policy has been to assume a similar ranking across
species for animal carcinogens, unless there is convincing evidence to assume otherwise.

The advancement of physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) and biologically based dose–
response (BBDR) modeling in recent years has improved the application of risk extrapolation
models. The PBTK model is used to estimate the “effective target tissue dose,” thereby, reducing
uncertainties associated with extrapolation across species from high to low dose and across routes of
administration (69). The use of PBTK models in risk assessments of methylene chloride and
perchloroethylene reportedly reduced risk estimates relative to those obtained from linearized
models (24, 69).

BBDR models are intended to make mechanistic risk assessment models reflect specific biological
processes (70). This type of model was reportedly applied effectively to epidemiological data on
retinoblastoma and to animal data on kidney and liver tumors in the acetylaminofluorene
“megamouse” study and to bladder cancer in saccharin-exposed rats (25, 71, 72). The carcinogenic
risk assessment guidelines proposed by the USEPA (16) indicate that the biologically based or case
specific model is the preferred approach for evaluating dose–response relationship for carcinogens.
In the absence of such data, the use of a linear or nonlinear approach is recommended, depending on
the mode of action of the chemical.

A recent comparative evaluation of threshold and nonthreshold risk assessment methods for
establishing safe occupational exposure limits for vinyl halides (vinyl chloride, vinyl bromide, and
vinyl fluoride) was reported (73). Safe levels derived from nonthreshold methods ((LMS model and
BMD with linear extrapolation) were two- to three-fold below 0.5–5 ppm, whereas those derived by
using the threshold approach methods (LOEL/LOEL and BMD uncertainty factor approaches) fell
within the 0.5–5 ppm range. Similar results were reported for vinyl bromide and vinyl fluoride. The
authors concluded that these results undermine the USEPA default assumption of nonthreshold for
vinyl halides and support the threshold methods because reducing occupational exposure to vinyl
chloride to 0.5–5 ppm has, so far, successfully eliminated vinyl chloride liver angiosarcoma.
6.3 Unified Approach for Threshold and Nonthreshold Effects Using Benchmark Dose and
Uncertainty Factors
Recently, Gaylor et al. (57) proposed adopting a unified approach for establishing human exposure
guidelines for both cancer and noncancer end points. They suggest that a lower confidence limit on
the estimated dose to produce an excess incidence of adverse outcome in 10% of the individuals in
human studies or of the test subjects in animal studies be used as a benchmark dose. Then,
uncertainty factors can be applied to this dose. For severe irreversible adverse health effects, they
recommend a total default uncertainty factor for animal data of the order of 10,000 which is
comparable to current environmental guidelines, and for reversible adverse effects, a smaller
uncertainty factor of 1000, which is comparable to that often used for LOAEL. The use of the
benchmark dose approach has been indicated for both genotoxic and nongenotoxic carcinogens in
the USEPA (16) proposed guidelines for carcinogenic risk assessment.
6.4 Occupational Versus Environmental Exposure Limits
Due to differences in population characteristics, exposure characteristics, risk assessment methods
used to derive exposure limits, and acceptable risk levels, ambient air exposure standards are usually
significantly lower than occupational exposure limits for the same chemicals. Ambient air standards
intend to protect all people, including high risk groups such as children and the elderly, from
continuous exposure over their life time and also take into consideration exposure from other media
(water, soil, food). In the case of occupational exposure standards, it is believed that workers
constitute a subpopulation that is healthier than the general population, and exposure is assumed to
occur during an 8-h workday and 40-h workweek over a working life span of 48 years.
Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety
Gloria Rachamin, Ph.D.

7 Uncertainties in Chemical Safety Evaluation

In evaluating chemical hazards, it is most important that all sources of uncertainties are identified so
that the limitations of the results are clearly understood. There are many sources of uncertainties,
including extrapolation from high doses in animals to low doses in humans and across routes of
administration, interspecies variability in biokinetics and mechanisms of toxicity, interindividual
variation in biological response, poor specification of exposure conditions (concentration, duration,
frequency and route of exposure, chemical identity), deficient control groups, and confounding
factors in epidemiological studies. In some cases, an impact analysis of uncertainties can be

Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety

Gloria Rachamin, Ph.D.

8 Global Harmonization of Hazard Classification System (GHS)

Hazard classification systems have been developed in various jurisdictions to provide information on
the toxic effects of chemicals to protect human health. They are used for communicating information
on chemical hazards to workers or other end users so that appropriate precautions can be taken for
safe chemical use. Hazard classification systems are usually incorporated into sector-specific
regulations for transport, consumer products, and occupational health. Due to differences in chemical
use and exposure, hazard classification schemes vary between sectors and within sectors among

Toxicity classification criteria for chemicals in the workplace are included in the OSHA Hazard
Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) and the Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials
Information System (WHMIS) legislation (74). In general, chemicals are categorized by toxic end
points (e.g., acute toxicity, cancer, irritation, sensitization etc.) based on evaluation of the
toxicological evidence against set classification criteria. Untested product mixtures are classified by
the toxic effects of the ingredients using cutoff concentrations. Toxicity classification systems are
usually based on the inherent toxicity of the chemical (e.g., cancer induced in rodents via oral
administration) rather than on the risks that a chemical poses to human health under given exposures.

The OECD Advisory Group on Harmonization of Hazard Classification and Labeling was
established 1994 to develop proposals for a harmonized classification system for the hazards of
chemicals to human health and the environment (2). Member countries in this initiative include the
United States, Canada, and the European Community (EC). Recently, the OECD released a report
endorsing harmonized hazard classification criteria for acute toxicity, skin irritation/corrosion, eye
irritation/corrosion, respiratory or skin sensitization, mutations in germ cells, cancer, and
reproductive toxicity. The acute toxicity criteria in several jurisdictions and those endorsed by the
OECD are compared in Table 10.3 (74). The OECD harmonized hazard classification system may
eventually be implemented globally.

Table 10.3. Comparison of Acute Oral, Dermal, and Inhalation Toxicity Criteria
Dermal Inhalation
LD50 Rat or LC50 Rat, 4-
Oral LD50 Rabbit h Vapor Dust/Mist/Fume
Category Rat (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Gas (ppm) (ppm) (mg/L)

Highly 50 200 200 200 2
Toxic >50 500 >200 1000 >200 2000 >200 2000 >2 20
Very 50 200 2500 1500 0.5
Toxic >50 500 >200 1000 — >1500 2500 >0.5 2.5
Very 25 50 0.25
Toxic >25 200 >50 400 >0.25 1.0
Harmful >200 2000 >400 2000 >1 5
Class 1 5 50 100 0.5 mg/L 0.05
Class 2 50 200 500 2.0 mg/L 0.5
Class 3 300 1000 2500 10 mg/L 1.0
Class 4 2000 2000 5000 20 mg/L 5.0
Class 5 5000

Material in this table was derived from OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR
1910.1200), WHMIS Resource Manual (73), European Community Directive 67/548/EEC
(Annex VI) and OECD (2).
b OSHA LC values are for 1-h continuous inhalation (all the other LC values are for 4-h).
50 50
c OECD criteria are upper limit cut-off values for each class.
d EC inhalation LC50 values for gas or vapor in mg/liter/4-h are 0.5 for very toxic, >0.5 2
for toxic, and >2 20 for harmful.

Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety

Gloria Rachamin, Ph.D.

Appendix 1: Basic Toxicological Principles

The following is a summary of basic toxicological principles that are covered comprehensively in
toxicology and pharmacology textbooks (7, 75).
Routes of Exposure and Fate in the Body
A chemical has to enter the body and reach sites of action (“receptors”) at a concentration and for a
length of time sufficient to produce toxic effects. Inhalation and absorption through the skin are the
main routes of exposure to chemicals in the workplace. Accidental poisoning usually occurs by
Metabolism is a term that refers to the total fate of a chemical in the body, including its absorption
into systemic circulation, distribution to organs and tissues, biotransformation, and excretion.
Absorption of a chemical into the blood and distribution in the body depend on the physicochemical
characteristics of the substance. Depending on the specific chemical, biotransformation of the
chemical usually occurs primarily in the liver and can result in chemical detoxification or activation
to a toxic metabolite. Toxic chemicals and their metabolites are excreted via the kidneys or the lungs.
Toxicokinetics quantitatively describes the rates of the various steps of chemical desposition in the
body, absorption, distribution, and elimination by biotransformation and excretion. Mathematical
models are used to describe the fate of chemical in the body and their validity is tested by comparing
them with experimental observations. Variation in toxicokinetics among individuals and species
plays an important role in differences in toxic effects.
Exposure Duration and Frequency
The terms acute, subacute, subchronic, and chronic refer to the duration of exposure to chemicals in
animal studies via any route of exposure. Acute is defined as exposure to a chemical for less than
24 h. Repeated exposure for one month or less is subacute exposure, for one to three months is
subchronic exposure, and for more than three months is chronic exposure. For many chemicals, the
toxic effects that are produced following acute exposure are different from those produced by
repeated exposure. To evaluate the toxic potential of a chemical, therefore, data from both acute and
repeated exposure studies are required. In general, repeated exposure is a more common form of
human exposure to chemicals and can result in delayed toxic effects.

The frequency of exposure is another important factor. Severe toxic effects that are produced by a
single dose of a chemical may not occur if the total dose is divided and administered at several
intervals. Depending on the elimination rate of the chemical from the body and the frequency of the
dosing intervals, the chemical may or may not reach a toxic concentration. Even if the chemical does
not accumulate, it still may be that some tissue damage occurs. The question is whether the interval
between doses is sufficient to allow for complete repair. Chronic toxic effects, therefore, may be due
to bioaccumulation of the chemical, to irreversible toxic effects, or to insufficient time for tissue
recovery between dosing intervals.
Toxic Effects
Chemicals can produce a wide spectrum of undesirable effects ranging from deleterious (adverse,
toxic) to slightly toxic. For many chemicals, toxic effects from acute exposure are different from
those produced by chronic exposure. For example, acute exposure to benzene results in central
nervous system depression, but chronic exposure can cause leukemia. Toxic effects may be
reversible or irreversible and may occur immediately after exposure or after a long latency period as
in the case of carcinogens. The effects may be local at the site of entry as seen with substances that
are corrosive to the skin or irritating to the respiratory tract. Systemic effects require absorption and
distribution of the chemical to a distant site where toxic effects occur. Usually, chemicals elicit their
toxicity in specific sites or tissues called target organs.
Dose–Response Relationships (DRR)
The fundamental concept in toxicology is the dose–response relationship, which correlates the
characteristics of exposure with the spectrum of effects. Although conceptually the same, in practice,
there are two types of DRR:

1. “graded,” which describes the response of an individual to varying doses of a chemical,

characterized by a dose–related increase in the severity of response; and
2. “quantal,” which characterizes the distribution of responses to different doses in a population by
determining the dose required to produce a specific toxic effect (end point) in each individual; the
presence or absence of a specific toxicity end point, such as death or a disease state, is called a
quantal or all-or-none response.

The dose–response relationship assumes a causal association between the dose and response. The
quantal dose–response–relationship is used extensively in toxicology, and the shape of the curve has
important implications in chemical risk assessment. It is customary to plot the response against the
logarithm of the dose, and the resulting curve is typically S-shaped or sigmoidal (see Fig. 10.4a).
Displaying the same data in a frequency histogram shows a normal frequency distribution bell-
shaped curve (see Fig. 10.4b). The data can be further displayed in different ways for statistical
analysis. Although typical, the dose–response relationship is not always normally distributed.
Several concepts emerge from the classical dose–response curve of a normally distributed population
(see figure 4) that are integral to evaluating chemical safety:

1. The Median Toxic Dose (TD50) and Lethal Dose (LD50)

The sigmoid curve has a relatively linear portion between 16 and 84% that represent the limits of
one standard deviation of the mean. It is possible to statistically derive the single dose of a
substance that would be expected to cause a toxic effect in 50% (or other percentage) of the
subjects tested. If the response is mortality, then this dose is called the median lethal dose, or
LD50 (LC50 is the median lethal concentration in inhalation studies). A relative toxicity index can
be derived from the ratio of the TD50 of two different substances that produce an identical
response or the ratio of the same chemical necessary to yield different toxic effects. The slopes of
the curves, however, may differ.
2. Threshold Dose, Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL), and No Observed
Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL)

A normally distributed sigmoid curve approaches 0% as the dose is decreased but theoretically
never passes through 0%. The lowest dose of a chemical that evokes a quantal response is called
the threshold dose, even if it cannot be measured experimentally. The identification of a threshold
dose depends on the specific response measured, the sensitivity of the measurement, and the
number of subjects. The LOAEL is the lowest experimentally measured dose that produces a
toxic effect. The NOAEL is the experimentally measured dose that does not produce any adverse
effect (Fig. 10.4a).

The biological basis of thresholds for acute responses is well established and often is based on
mechanistic information. The existence of a threshold for chronic responses is not as well
defined, especially for carcinogens. Carcinogenic effects are often considered linear at low doses
and do not exhibit a threshold. Thus, all doses are associated with a risk of cancer. Different
methods of deriving “safe” exposure limits are applied to threshold effects and nonthreshold
3. Interindividual Biological Variation

It is evident from the normal frequency distribution curve (Figure 10.4b) that there are differences
in susceptibility to chemicals among individuals in a population. Subjects who respond at the low
end of the curve are hypersusceptible and those at the high dose end are resistant. It is important
that individual differences and also species differences are considered when assessing chemical
Figure 10.4. (a) A typical quantal dose–response relationship curve illustrating NOAEL, LD50 or
TD50. (b) Frequency distribution of response.

Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety

Gloria Rachamin, Ph.D.

The author wishes to express gratitude to Ms. Irene Rule and Mr. Fermin Labog for their assistance
in the preparation of the manuscript, and Dr. Harold Kalant and Dr. Allan Okey for reviewing this
chapter. The views expressed in this chapter are the author's and not necessarily those of her

Use of Toxicological Data in Evaluating Chemical Safety

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Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

1 Introduction
The uses of silica and the potential health hazards for workers or others exposed to dust particles
date back thousands of years and are documented. Hippocrates and Pliny both mentioned silica's
ability to cause disease and Pliny even described miners who used forms of respiratory protection
(1). In 1556, Agricola described in De Re Metallica, women living in the Carpathian mountains who
oftentimes would have as many as seven different husbands in their lifetimes because the men who
worked in the local mines were dying of pulmonary disease at very young ages (2, 3). In his 1713
edition of De Morbis Artificum, Ramazzini discusses an observation by Diemerbroeck from Holland
who gives an extremely graphic description of the effects of exposure to silica on stonecutters (4).
“Diemerbroeck gives an interesting account of several stonecutters who died of asthma; when he
dissected their cadavers he found, he says, piles of sand in the lungs, so much of it that in cutting
with his knife through the pulmonary vesicles he felt as though he were cutting a body of sand.”

The first study of silicosis, in the time of the industrial revolution, was that of Johnstone in 1796 who
noted the high mortality of needlepointers at Redditch, England (5). Knight first wrote of silica-
induced disease in Sheffield during the early 1800s and later Thackrah, acknowledging Knight's
work, described the dangers of sandstone dust in mining compared to the harmlessness of limestone
dust and noted that bricklayers and limestone workers were long-lived whereas the sandstone
masons usually died at an early age (6). Flint knappers, the makers of flints for flintlock guns, had
high rates of silica-induced disease. Studies of the English and French knappers found that more than
75% died of “phthisis” compared to less than 10% in the general rural populations (7). Phthisis is an
obsolete term for tuberculosis of the lungs derived from Greek meaning “a wasting away” or
“consumption” (8). South African women who used sandstone grindstones for maize and corn
developed diseases similar to those developed by the makers of the grinding stones (9, 10). Silicosis
comes from the Latin, silex, meaning flint and is defined as “a pathological condition of the lungs
due to inhalation of particulate matter containing free or uncombined silica, silicon dioxide, ... ” (5).
The term's first use is attributed to Visconte in 1870 (5). By 1918, English workers received
compensation for disability as a result of silicosis (11). Silicosis is a pneumoconiosis, but the terms
must not be used synonymously. Silicosis, of all the pneumoconioses, has probably claimed the
largest number of victims, either alone or in combination with tuberculosis, a condition frequently
associated with silicosis (5). Betts gave the first description of acute silicosis in the United States
(12). In 1932, the American Public Health Association (APHA) developed the definition for the
fibrotic lung disease silicosis as

A disease due to breathing air containing silica (SiO2), characterized anatomically by generalized
fibrotic changes and the development of miliary nodulations in both lungs, and clinically by
shortness of breath, decreased chest expansion, lessened capacity for work, absence of fever,
increased susceptibility to tuberculosis (some or all of which symptoms may be present) and by
characteristic X-ray findings.” (13).

In 1917, Dr. Alice Hamilton described the life of stonecutters in the Barre, Vermont area of the
United States. She quoted a stonecutter as saying “sure I know it will get me. It got my father, it's got
my older brother, it's only a question of time when it will get me.” Dr. Hamilton went on to describe
stonecutters as having a high standard of living and decidedly above average compared to manual
workers in education and intelligence, but she described the site of the mill as “dreadful” and of men
“ ... carving tombstones and, as they did it, preparing themselves for their own graves.” Dr. Hamilton
was so incensed at the fate of these workers that she could not contain herself and implored, in a
speech, to the Consumers' League in Baltimore “ ... begged my hearers never to fulfill their duty to
their beloved dead by means of a granite tombstone” (14). Dr. Hamilton went on to describe the
introduction of the air hammer to the granite mines of the Barre, Vermont area and how the ensuing
dust had given the Barre stonecutters a death rate from tuberculosis of 60.6 per 1,000, whereas the
rural Vermont death rate was only 1.5 per 1,000 (14). Later the United States Public Health Service
studied these workers and issued a report giving preventive measures to combat silicotuberculosis
and silicosis resulting from the inhalation of silica-containing dusts for Barre workers and also for
other exposed workers (15).

Silica is a natural mineral composed of silicon dioxide, which occurs in either the crystalline or
amorphous form. Silica makes up 21% of the earth's crust and is the most common of all chemical
compounds (16). Pure silicon dioxide crystals are found naturally in three polymorphic forms:
quartz, the most common; tridymite; and cristobalite. Each of the three is important to human health
and make up the crystalline form of silica (16, 17). Both tridymite and cristobalite appear more
fibrogenic than quartz (18). Silicon dioxide is an acidic oxide, which is practically insoluble in water,
but can be attacked by hydrogen fluoride (16). The amorphous form of silicon dioxide, also called
vitreous silica, does not pose a significant threat to human health because it has not been associated
with pneumoconiosis. In the few reports that have claimed an association between amorphous silica
and disease, the truly amorphous nature of the material has been in doubt (19). Therefore, for the
purposes of this discussion, the review and comments relate to quartz (the most common silicate),
which is sometimes called free silica.

Human exposures to silica were encountered from the first time man dug into the ground because
silica deposits are found in every land mass and stratum from every era and period of geological time
(20, 21). The use of silica in the production of glass probably dates back thousands of years (22).

It is difficult to get accurate figures on the use and production of silica because it is such a universal
material and has a multitude of uses including glassmaking, ceramic making, foundry castings,
abrasives, sandblasting, hydraulic fracturing, production of silicon and ferrosilicon metals, silica gel
desiccants, builders for detergents, filtering material, furnace linings and beds, and fine silica as
fillers in paints, rubber, paper, plastics, asphalt, scouring powders, cements, etc. Large quartz
crystals are used in jewelry and for electronic applications, this latter application resulted from
discovery of the crystal's dielectric and piezoelectric properties in 1880 (17). More recently, quartz
crystals are being used in fiber optics (23).

The uses of silica are quite varied and so is the production of silica. Processing operations depend
upon the nature of the deposit as well as the desired end product and include crushing, secondary
milling to refine particle size, and other methods to further refine the particles (22).

World production was estimated by Davis and Tepordei at 182 million tons in 1983, Asia was the
largest producer, followed by Europe, South America, North America, and Africa. This production
pattern has been relatively stable for the last 10–15 years (22). The largest deposits of quartz crystals
are in Brazil; minor deposits are in the United States, Angola, India, and Madagascar, and the mining
methods are still quite primitive, most are extracted by hand tools (21, 23, 24). Fine particles of silica
flour are used industrially as abrasive cleaners and as inert fillers in toothpastes, scouring powders,
metal polishes, paint, wood fillers and road-surfacing mixtures, and in some foundry processes (25).

When the pneumatic hammer drill was introduced in 1897, it produced so much dust that it was
named a “widow-maker.” Sandblasting was introduced about 1904 and resulted in numerous cases of
silicosis. In 1936, British sandblasters, many of whom had acute silicosis, were said to survive an
average of ten years compared to 40 years for those with chronic silicosis (26). In 1929, Sutherland
and Bryson (27) and Sutherland et al. (28) detected silicosis by X ray in 25% of sandstone workers
and 53% of granite workers.

Case reports and surveys by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and the Public Health Service documented the
occurrence of pulmonary disease in various worker groups exposed to silica. Public attention was
galvanized by the Gauley Bridge (WV) outbreak of acute silicosis among tunnelers of nearby pure
quartz. This incident provided an impetus for industrial health reform in the United States and led in
1937 to dust control standards and to the Walsh–Healy legislation (29). Silicosis rates among granite
workers in Vermont decreased dramatically during subsequent decades. From that time to the
present, standards have been under continued reevaluation, and decremental changes in permissible
exposures to “free” silica dust have reduced but have not eliminated silicosis as a health hazard.

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

1.0 Silicon Dioxide

Silicondioxide has three main forms: silica, crystalline quartz; silica, crystalline cristobalite silica,
crystalline tridymite is a mixture.
1.0.1 CAS Number:
[14808-60-7] (crystalline quartz or a-quartz); [14464-46-1] (crystalline cristobalite or a-cristobalite);
[15468-32-3] (crystalline tridymite)
1.0.2 Synonyms:
Chalcedony; chert; coesite; cristobalite; cryptocrystalline silica; flint; jasper; microcrystalline silica;
novaculite; quartz; quartzite; sandstone; silica sand; stishovite; tridymite; tripoli
1.0.3 Trade Names:
BRGM; D & D; DQ12; Min-U-Sil; Sil-Co-Sil; Snowit
1.0.4 Molecular Weight:
60.085 except tridymite, which is a mixture.
1.0.5 Molecular Formula:
1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
1.1.1 General (Table 11.1).

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

2.0 Amorphous Silica

2.0.1 CAS Number:
2.0.2 Synonyms:
Amorphous silica; colloidal silica; diatomaceous earth; diatomite; fumed silica; fused silica;
kieselguhr; opal; precipitated silica; silica gel; silica glass; silica soot; vitreous silica
2.0.3 Trade Names:
Aerosil; Cab-O-Sil; Celite; Ludox; Silcron G-910
2.0.4 Molecular Weight:
2.0.5 Molecular Formula:
2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
2.1.1 General
2.2 Production and Use
A number of silicate or aluminosilicate minerals are commercially important in their own right
and/or as starting materials for manufacturing other compounds or materials. These minerals
encompass a wide range of chemical compositions and display a variety of physical properties. Thus,
for example, the materials discussed following range from minerals that occur naturally as loose
fibrous networks, for example, erionite, to dense cohesive clays, for example, kaolin and attapulgite.
Occupational health interest in these minerals stems from two concerns. First, they may be toxic in
their own right. Second, some of them may occur naturally in association with other silicon-
containing minerals that are toxic, such as crystalline silica or asbestos. For the second reason, many
epidemiological studies of workers who are occupationally exposed to these minerals are difficult to
interpret because observed health effects may be attributable to any or all of the components of the
mixed exposure. For example, the observation of increased incidences of malignant and
nonmalignant respiratory diseases among workers exposed to talc may be attributable to asbestos in
the talc or to talc itself.
2.4 Toxicity
Not all forms of silica are equally pathogenic. In general, the relatively insoluble forms of
amorphous silica can be fibrogenic but are less so than pure crystalline samples. Both fused
(amorphous) and unfused (crystalline) silica produced nodules in rabbits following intraperitoneal
injection of 200 mg dust, but the nodules produced by crystalline quartz were larger at three months;
this difference became more marked with time (122). In rabbits, inhalation of 40 mg/mL amorphous
silica for up to 1100 days caused only diffuse tissue reaction (123). However, intratracheal injection
of amorphous silica (particles, < 1 mm) produced lesions on the lymph nodes in rats six months after
infection, which were described as identical to those produced by quartz dust (124). Similarly,
typical silicotic lesions have been produced in rats by intraperitoneal injection of 50 mg amorphous
silica (125). Following exposure of rats by intraperitoneal injection, intratracheal injection, or
inhalation of a variety of silica preparations, it was reported that solutions of silicic acid and silica
gels were nontoxic and nonfibrogenic, that colloidal amorphous silica was toxic but not fibrogenic,
and that crystalline quartz produced a maximal fibrotic response (126). The effects of samples of
silica that were either completely amorphous or had a low content of crystalline material have been
examined in rats, guinea pigs, rabbits and monkeys by a number of authors (127–140).

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

3.0 Erionite
3.0.1 CAS Number:
3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
3.1.1 General Prismatic crystals in radiating groups; finely fibrous or wool-like; erionite is not
known in other than fibrous form (141).

Density: 2.02–2.08
Color: White

3.2 Production and Use

Erionite is a natural zeolite consisting of aluminosilicate tetrahedra in finely fibrous or wool-like
form. The name derives from the Greek word for wool. When ground, erionite particles resemble
amphibole asbestos fibers morphologically.

Worldwide production of natural zeolites increased dramatically in 1989 and was estimated at
250,000 tons (142), of which 12,000 tons was mined in the United States. Until 1990, erionite was
mined at two locations in the United States, but these operations have been stopped. No known
production of erionite takes place in the United States now.

Natural zeolites have a number of commercial uses based on their ability to adsorb molecules
selectively from air or liquids. They are used in wastewater treatment, in odor control products, and
in cat litter. Historically, erionite was used as a metal-impregnated catalyst in a hydrocarbon
cracking process. Now, however, because of health concerns described following, there are no
known commercial uses of erionite in the United States.
3.3 Exposure Assessment
3.4 Toxicity
Erionite is of particular occupational health interest because of experimental and epidemiological
evidence that it is similar to asbestos in inducing mesothelioma and, perhaps, lung cancer. Groups of
40 (20 per sex) Fischer 344 rats were exposed to either fibrous erionite, a synthetic nonfibrous
zeolite that has the same composition as erionite, or crocidolite asbestos by inhalation for 7 h/day, 5
days/week for 1 year (143). Pleural mesotheliomas were found in 27 of 28 rats exposed to fibrous
erionite that survived for at least 12 months. One pulmonary adenocarcinoma and one mesothelioma
were observed in rats exposed to nonfibrous synthetic erionite and one pulmonary squamous-cell
carcinoma was observed in the rats exposed to crocidolite asbestos. In other studies in which erionite
was administered to rats and mice by intrapleural or intraperitoneal administration, high incidences
of mesotheliomas were produced (144).

Pulmonary and pleural fibrosis have been observed in humans living in areas where there are natural
deposits of fibrous erionite (144). High mortality due to malignant pleural mesothelioma was noted
in three Turkish villages where the environment was naturally contaminated by erionite. Erionite had
been used in construction. Descriptive studies conducted in these villages strongly suggest that the
incidences of mesothelioma and nonmalignant radiographic changes in the lung and pleura among
residents are correlated with exposure to erionite. The IARC working group concluded that there was
sufficient animal and human evidence of the carcinogenicity of erionite (144).

Erionite is a striking illustration that the ability to cause mesothelioma and nonmalignant pulmonary
and pleural fibrosis is not confined to minerals of the serpentine and amphibole groups, that is,
asbestos. Clearly the physical form of the fibrous material is as important in determining its
biological activity as its chemical and mineralogical characteristics.

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

4.0 Wollastonite
4.0.1 CAS Number:
4.0.2 Synonyms:
Aedelforsite; gillebächite; okenite; rivaite; schalstein; tabular spar; vilnite
4.0.3 Trade Names:
Cab-O-Lite; Casiflux; F1; FW50; FW200; FW325; NCI-C55470; Nyad; Nyad G; Nycor; Tremin;
Vansil; Wollastokup
4.0.4 Molecular Weight:
4.0.5 Molecular Formula:
4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
4.1.1 General Crystals commonly tabular; usually massive, cleavable to fibrous; also granular and
compact. Twinning on (100) common. Structure changes to monoclinic at 1150°C (1120°C, 145);
this form is sometimes called para-wollastonite or wollastonite-2M (146, 147). A 10% water slurry
has a naturally high pH (9.9) (145).

Hardness: 4.5–5 on Mohs' scale

Density: 2.87–3.09
Specific Gravity: 2.1
Water Solubility: < 0.1 g/100 mL at 21°C
Color: Brilliant white; may be greyish, pale green or brownish with impurities (21, 146)
4.2 Production and Use
Wollastonite is a natural calcium silicate that typically occurs in deposits with other silicate minerals.
When crushed, it tends to cleave into particles that have length to diameter ratios of 7 or 8 to 1.
Fibrous forms of wollastonite are not uncommon.

The largest commercially exploited natural deposits of wollastonite are in the United States and
Finland. Significant commercial production began in the United States in about 1950. The United
States is currently the largest producer. It is estimated that 83,000 tons was produced in the United
States in 1983 (144). There has been a dramatic increase in use (> 10% per year) in recent years, and
production was estimated at 180,000 tons in 1988 (148).

Wollastonite was first mined for the production of mineral wool. The most important use at present
is in ceramics which accounts for more than half of the consumption. Ceramic materials may include
up to 70% wollastonite. It is also used as an extender in paints and coatings and as a filler in plastics.
Some of the recent increase in use is attributable to its increasing importance as a replacement for
asbestos. It is combined with binders, fillers, and organic fibers to make heat containment panels,
ceiling and floor tiles, brake linings, and high-temperature appliances.
4.4 Toxicity
Occupational exposures to wollastonite involve a significant exposure to fibers (67). Fiber
concentrations ranging from 1 to 45 fibers/cm3 have been measured in air at a Finnish quarrying
operation and concentrations between 8 and 37 fibers/cm3 were measured in the flotation and
bagging plant. Fiber concentrations in the air in a mill in the United States ranged from 0.8 to 48

Very little relevant information is available about the potential health effects of wollastonite.
Intrapleural administration of wollastonite to rats resulted in a significant increase in pleural
sarcomas when the implanted material contained fibers > 4 mm long and < 0.5 mm in diameter (67).
Mild changes characteristic of pneumoconiosis and pleural thickening have been seen in some
workers exposed to wollastonite at facilities in Finland and the United States (144). In one small
cohort mortality study of workers at a Finnish quarry, there was no indication of increased cancer
mortality. In view of the increase in the use of wollastonite as an asbestos replacement, much more
research is needed regarding its potential health effects.

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

5.0 Attapulgite
5.0.1 CAS Number:
5.0.2 Synonyms:
5.0.3 Trade Names:
Attaclay; Attacote; Attagel; Attasorb; Diluex; Min-U-Gel FG; Permagel; Pharmasorb-colloidal;
2000/P-RVM; RVM-FG; X-250; Zeogel
5.0.4 Molecular Weight:
5.0.5 Molecular Formula:
(Mg, Al)2 Si4 O10 (OH) · 4H2O
5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
5.1.1 General The structure of attapulgite is similar to that of minerals of the amphibole group and
differs only in minor respects from that of sepiolite. It occurs as elongated, lath-shaped crystals in
bundles that comprise thin sheets composed of minute interlaced fibers.

Hardness: Soft
Density: 2.2
Color: White, gray; translucent; dull

5.2 Production and Use

This material is closely related to sepiolite and is categorized as a hormitic clay. Attapulgite has a
structure similar to minerals of the amphibole group. This structure results in long, thin crystals that
are similar to chrysolite asbestos fibrils (144). Attapulgite occurs in large deposits in the southeastern
United States. The term “fuller's earth” has been used to describe commercially mined absorbent
clays in the United States, and most of this material is attapulgite.

Worldwide attapulgite production in 1983 was estimated at about 1.1 million tons, of which 84%
came from the United States (144). The primary use of attapulgite is as an animal waste absorbent
(cat litter). Other important uses of attapulgite in the United States are as a component of drilling
muds, as oil and grease absorbents, and in fertilizer and pesticide formulations.
5.3 Exposure Assessment
5.3.3 Workplace Methods No ACGIH TLV standards or guidelines have been developed for
attapulgite (149).
5.4 Toxicity
The results of long-term surveillance of workers at two sites in the United States where attapulgite
was mined and milled indicated that there was an increased prevalence of pneumoconiosis and that
the incidence increased with age and with duration of exposure (144). A decrease in pulmonary
function was associated with total cumulative exposure to respiratory dust in the workers at one of
these facilities.

The evidence relevant to the possible carcinogenic effects of attapulgite was reviewed by the IARC
working group (144). Studies in which attapulgite was administered to rats by either intraperitoneal
or intrapleural administration indicated that attapulgite containing significant number of fibers
> 5 mm long produced mesotheliomas and sarcomas. A single epidemiological study of miners and
millers exposed to high concentrations of attapulgite dust for long durations indicated that there was
increased mortality from lung cancer, but no information on smoking behavior was determined. The
working group concluded that there was limited evidence that attapulgite was carcinogenic in
experimental animals but that the human evidence was inadequate to support a conclusion.
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No exposure standards or guidelines have been developed for attapulgite by OSHA, NIOSH, or
ACGIH (150–152).

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

6.0 Sepiolite
6.0.1 CAS Number:
[18307-23-8], [15501-74-3]
6.0.2 Synonyms:
6.0.3 Trade Names:
6.0.4 Molecular Weight:
6.0.5 Molecular Formula:
6.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
6.1.1 General Sepiolite is similar to attapulgite but has an additional SiO4 tetrahedron at regular
intervals on the chain, so that the united cell is about 50% larger than that of attapulgite (21); usually
clay-like, nodular and fibrous; also compact massive (meerschaum) or leathery (mountain skin) (153,

Hardness: 2–2.5 on Mohs' scale

Density: ~2
Color: White with tints of grey-green or red; also light yellow

6.2 Production and Use

A particularly pure form of sepiolite mined in Europe and the Middle East is known as
“meerschaum” and has been used historically for carving pipes and cigarette holders. Sepiolite
production in 1983 was less than half of the estimated 1.1 million of attapulgite in the world. A
primary use of sepiolite was as an animal waste absorbent (cat litter).
6.3 Exposure Assessment
6.3.1 Workplace Methods No ACGIH TLV standards have been developed for sepiolite (155).
6.4 Toxicity
Little information is available regarding the potential effects of sepiolite. A limited study of workers
and residents in a village in Turkey who were exposed to sepiolite during mining and trimming
indicated that exposed individuals did have clinical and radiological evidence of pulmonary fibrosis
but no cases of mesothelioma or other pleural diseases were observed. The IARC working group
concluded that the animal evidence was inadequate and that there was no human evidence available
to evaluate the potential carcinogenicity of sepiolite (144).
6.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No exposure standards or guidelines have been developed for sepiolite by OSHA, NIOSH, or
ACGIH (150–152).

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

7.0 Kaolin
7.0.1 CAS Number:
7.0.2 Synonyms:
Kaolinite; china clay; bolus alba; porcelain clay; aluminum silicate hydroxide; Kaopectate;
aluminum silicate (hydrated); aluminum silicate dihydrate
7.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Kaolin is a hydrous aluminosilicate mineral that is found in large natural deposits of kaolinite in
Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas (156). A typical kaolin contains 38.5% by weight aluminum
oxide, 45.5% silicon dioxide, 13.9% water, and 1.5% titanium dioxide, with small amounts of
calcium, magnesium, and iron oxides. A single crystal consists of a layer of silicon dioxide that is
covalently bonded to a layer of aluminum oxide. When the clay is processed by centrifugal
classification, it can be separated into fractions consisting of stacks of the hexagonal plates (< 2 mm
in diameter and particles greater than 2 mm in diameter consisting of stacks of the hexagonal plates).
Kaolin, as mined, contains other minerals including quartz, muscovite, and altered feldspars (157).
The purification process removes much of the crystalline silica, so that commercial products
typically contain less than 3% crystalline silica and the respirable dust contains less than 1%. On the
other hand, if kaolin is calcined, some of it may be converted to cristobalite.

Color: white to yellowish or grayish powder (149)

7.2 Production and Use

Domestic production of kaolin was estimated at 8.6 million tons in 1988 (158). More than 80% was
produced in Georgia. A major use of kaolin is as a filter and a pigment in the manufacture of coated
paper. Kaolin is also used as an extender and pigment in paints, in ceramics, rubber, thermosetting
resins, and adhesives.
7.3 Exposure Assessment
7.3.3 Workplace Methods The recommended methods for determining workplace exposures to
kaolin are NIOSH Method #0500 for total dust and #0600 for respirable dust (31).
7.4 Toxicity
The health effects of exposure to kaolin dust by inhalation have not been adequately studied.
Historically, reports of respiratory diseases among workers exposed to kaolin were attributed to
possible contamination of the kaolin by crystalline silica. Before 1991, the ACGIH TLV for kaolin
was that for a nuisance dust, namely, 10 mg/m3 TWA. However, in 1991, ACGIH reviewed the
available information and issued a notice of intended change (157). The ACGIH cited a number of
case reports and epidemiological studies of workers who were exposed to kaolin during mining and
processing in Georgia. For the most part, Georgia kaolinite contains little or no crystalline silica. In
workers who were exposed to kaolin dust during the milling and bagging of kaolin, there was an
increased prevalence of pneumoconiosis. The prevalence of pneumoconiosis was correlated with
both the intensity and duration of exposure. Pneumoconiosis incidence was not increased in open pit
miners, who were exposed to significantly lower dust concentrations than workers involved in
milling, bagging, and loading. As with many epidemiological studies of the effects of respiratory
particulate matter, quantitative data on past exposure for these workers were of poor quality, but
exposure levels in the past were unquestionably very high.

There are no reports to suggest that workers exposed to kaolin free silica have a history of malignant
respiratory diseases. The carcinogenic potential of kaolin has not been systematically studied in
either experimental animals or exposed workers, however. Based on the available evidence that
kaolin induces pneumoconiosis.
7.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines
NIOSH has a recommended exposure limit of 10 mg/m3 (total); 5 mg/m3 (resp); OSHA has a
standard of 15 mg/m3 (total); 5 mg/m3 (resp) (149). The ACGIH TLV standard is 2 mg/m3 for
matter containing no asbestos and <1% crystalline silica in the respirable fraction (157). It may be
carcinogenic for humans but cannot be assessed conclusively because of lack of data. Pneumoconisis
is the critical effect (155).

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

8.0 Perlite
8.0.1 CAS Number:
8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
8.1.1 General Perlite is a natural glass formed by volcanic action. It is a sodium potassium
aluminosilicate that has an amorphous structure. It possesses an unusual physical characteristic of
expanding to about 20 times its original volume when heated to temperatures within the softening
range, somewhere between 1400 and 2000°C. Expanded perlite is either a fluffy, highly porous
substance or a glassy-white particulate with low porosity, depending on how the material is heated.
The bulk material has a density between 3 and 20 lb/ft3.

8.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The crystalline silica content of 16 samples of perlite ore
collected from 19 deposits in 16 western states was quite low, < 2% in 15 and 3% in one sample
(159). The crystalline silica content of typical expanded perlite ranged from 0 to 2% (160).
8.2 Production and Use
An estimated 517,000 tons of perlite was produced in the United States during 1988 (161). Most uses
of perlite involve the expanded form. It is used in abrasives, acoustical plaster and tile, charcoal
barbecue base, cleaner base, concrete aggregates, filter aids, fertilizer, metal foundries, insulation,
and refractory products. It is used as a filler in numerous materials. Incorporation into construction
materials accounts for about 70% of the domestic use of perlite.
8.3 Exposure Assessment
8.3.3 Workplace Methods The recommended methods for determining workplace exposures to
perlite are NIOSH Method #0500 for total dust and #0600 for respirable dust (31).
8.4 Toxicity:
8.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The NIOSH standard is 10 mg/m3 for total dust and 5 mg/m3 for respirable perlite. The OSHA
standard is 15 mg/m3 for total dust and 5 mg/m3 for respirable perlite (149). The ACGIH TLV for
perlite is 10 mg/m3 for dust containing less than 1% crystalline silica and no asbestos (150).

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

9.0 Pumice and Pumicite

9.0.1 CAS Number:
9.1 Chemical and Physical Properties:
9.2 Production and Use
Domestic production of pumice and pumicite was estimated at 400,000 tons in 1988 (162). About
70% of this came from mines in New Mexico and Idaho. Concrete admixtures and building blocks
are the major uses for this material and account for 86% of the total production. A very finely
groundform of pumice known as micronized pumice is used as an abrasive in toothpaste, polishes,
and soaps. There is very little published information on potential occupational exposures to, and
adverse health effects of, pumice.
9.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
There are no hygienic standards or guidelines for controlling occupational exposure to these
compounds. By default, pumice and pumicite containing no asbestos and less than 1% crystalline
silica are considered inert or nuisance dusts for which the OSHA PEL is 15 mg/m3 total dust or
5 mg/m3 respirable dust TWA (151).

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

10.0 Kyanite
10.0.1 CAS Number:
10.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
10.1.1 General Kyanite, andalusite, and sillimanite are anhydrous aluminosilicate minerals that are
closely related to several other aluminum silicate minerals such as topaz. Calcination of this mineral
produces a refractory material that can be used to manufacture high-performance, high-alumina
refractories (163).
10.2 Production and Use
It was estimated that in 1987, 90% of the kyanite produced in the United States was used in
refractories, 55% of this for smelting and processing iron, 20% for smelting and processing
nonferrous metals, and 15% for refractories in glassmaking and ceramics (163).
10.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
As with pumice and pumicite, little is known about the occupational health and industrial hygiene
aspects of this class of materials. There are no standards or guidelines for limiting occupational
exposure to this material. By default, air concentrations are limited to those for inert or nuisance
dusts according to OSHA policy (151).

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

11.0 Mica
11.0.1 CAS Number:
11.0.2 Synonyms:
Zimmwaldite, fluorophlogopite; margarite; silicates; soapstone, lipidolite; roscoelite
11.0.3 Trade Names:
Muscovite, Phlogopite; biotite
11.0.4 Molecular Weight:
11.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
11.1.1 General Nonflammable, nonfibrous, water insoluble

Color: Colorless, odorless flakes or sheets

11.2 Production and Use

Mica is a nonfibrous, natural silicate, found in plate form in nine different species. These materials
are hydrous silicates, and the predominant minerals of commerce are muscovite, a hydrous
aluminosilicate, and phlogophite, a magnesium silicate (164). Sheet forms of mica in the form of
muscovite have historically been mined by hand from pegmatites. However, in the past decade,
demand for sheet forms of mica have dropped dramatically as the electronics industry has switched
to synthetic quartz to meet the traditional uses of this material. Most modern uses of mica involve
ground material and almost all of this is derived as a by-product from mining lithium, feldspar, or
kaolin. The state of North Carolina accounted for 75% of the domestic production of mica in 1988.
The major uses of mica in 1988 were in wallboard joint cement, paint, rubber, and oil well drilling
fluids. These uses totaled 95,000 tons (164).
11.5 Standards, Regulations or Guidelines of Exposure
The NIOSH recommended exposure limit is 3 mg/m3, and OSHA's is 20 mppcf (149). ACGIH TLV
has a TWA of 3 mg/m3. This is the value for particulate matter containing no asbestos and < 1%
crystalline silica. Pneumoconiosis is a critical effect (155).
Silica and Silica Compounds
Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

Manufactured Products Containing Silicon

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

12.0 Portland Cement

12.0.1 CAS Number:
12.0.2 Synonyms:
Silicate, cement; cement, portland, chemicals: cement kiln dust; kiln precipitator catch; portland
cement kiln dust: portland cement plant kiln dust; waste kiln dust; hydraulic cement; portland cement
12.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
12.1.1 General Although it is not a natural silicate mineral, portland cement resembles this family of
minerals in its physical and chemical characteristics. Portland cement is the most common form of
cement used throughout the world and was named because of its resemblance to a well-known
English building stone from the Isle of Portland. It is manufactured by blending lime, alumina, silica,
and iron oxide as tetracalcium aluminoferrate (with the theoretical formula 4CaO · Al2O3 · Fe2O3),
tricalcium aluminate (3CaO · Al2O3), tricalcium silicate (3CaO · SiO2), and dicalcium silicate
(2CaO · SiO2). Small amounts of magnesia (MgO), Na, K, and S are also present. Sand is added to
make concrete. Modern cement may be augmented with a variety of natural or synthetic additives to
impart specific physical properties. Natural or synthetic fibers may be added to impart specific
physical properties and to improve strength or thermal resistance. Polymeric materials such as epoxy
resins may be added to impart strength, flexibility, improved curing properties, or moisture

Portland cement is produced by grinding and mixing the starting materials and calcining this mixture
in rotary kilns at about 1400°C. The cooled clinker that is formed is ground and mixed with additives
such as gypsum to form the final cement. The cement may then be mixed with sand or gravel to
make concrete. The quartz content of cement is usually less than 1%.
12.2 Production and Use
Because most portland cement is used in the construction of buildings, consumption parallels
building trends. The total consumption of cement in the United States in 1988 was 84 million tons
(165). This was similar to the consumption in the previous two years and considerably higher than
the approximately 65 million tons consumed in 1982, a recession year. Occupational exposure to
portland cement occurs during its manufacture and use and is limited primarily to inhalation of, or
dermal contact with, the dry material. The majority of the cement used in construction is mixed with
sand and gravel and water at a central plant and trucked wet to the construction site. Thus there is
little opportunity for exposure of workers at the site to cement dust. Nevertheless, many construction
workers may be exposed to cement dust when small amounts are mixed on site or when cement or
concrete materials are cut or ground.
12.3 Exposure Assessment
12.3.3 Workplace Method The recommended method for determining workplace exposures to
Portland cement is NIOSH Method #0500 (31).
12.4 Toxicity
The potential adverse health effects of portland cement have not been extensively studied. The
available evidence suggests that it has a low degree of toxic hazard. There does not appear to be any
evidence that pneumoconiosis is associated with exposure to portland cement dust if that exposure is
not accompanied by exposure to other fibrogenic dusts such as crystalline silica. Deposition of
portland cement in the eye can result in alkali burns from calcium oxide (CaO) in the cement if the
material is not washed out (166).
12.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The OSHA PEL TWA for exposure to portland cement dust is 10 mg/m3 for total dust and 5 mg/m3
for respirable dust (151). The NIOSH REL is the same (152). The ACGIH TLV TWA is 10 mg/m3.
This value is for particulate matter containing no asbestos and < 1% crystalline silica. It causes
irritation and dermatitis (155).

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

13.0 Silicon Carbide

13.0.1 CAS Number:
13.0.2 Synonyms:
Carborundum; carbolon; silicon monocarbide; silicon carbide, 98.8%
13.0.3 Trade Name:
13.0.4 Molecular Weight:
13.0.5 Molecular Formula:
13.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
In recent years, a crystalline form of silicon carbide, known as silicon carbide whiskers, has become
an important industrial material. A silicon carbide whisker is a single crystal of silicon carbide that
has a cylindrical shape, an aspect ratio of greater than 3, and a diameter of less than 5 mm (167).

Color: Yellow to green to bluish black iridescent crystals (149).

13.2 Production and Use

Silicon carbide, also known by the trade name Carborundum, has been manufactured and used as an
abrasive material for more than a century. It combines desirable properties of hardness and thermal
resistance. It is produced by heating high-grade silica sand with finely ground carbon at 2400°C in
an electric furnace (178). In its powdered or granular form, it has been used as the abrasive material
in “empty” paper and wheels. It is used as an abrasive in sandblasting and engraving. It has been
incorporated into ceramics and glass and especially into refractory ceramic materials.

In silicon carbide, whiskers are used to impart strength and increased thermal resistance to structural
materials that are used at high temperatures. Composite ceramics containing silicon carbide whiskers
have been used in manufacturing sandblasting nozzles, rocket motor nozzles, heat shields for reentry
vehicles, and parts for nuclear reactor fuel assemblies.
13.3 Exposure Assessment
13.3.3 Workplace Method The recommended method for determining workplace exposures to
silicon carbide is NIOSH Method #0500 for total dust and Method #0600 for respirable dust (31).
13.4 Toxicity
13.4.1 Experimental Studies Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Silicon carbide whiskers
accumulated in a dose-related manner in lung tissue during the exposure period and resulted in a
significant increase in lung weight for the rats in the highest exposure group compared to controls.
The whiskers were most concentrated at the bifurcations of the alveolar ducts and respiratory
bronchioles. Most whiskers were either engulfed by alveolar macrophages or located intracellularly
in the interstitial tissues. Whiskers also accumulated in the bronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes.
Whiskers were present in the interstitial lung tissue and lymph nodes after the 26-week recovery
period. Histopathologically, there was evidence of inflammation in both the alveoli and in the lymph
nodes. Bronchiolar, alveolar, and pleural thickening, focal pleural fibrosis, and reactive lymphoid
hyperplasia were observed in treated rats, and the incidence and severity were dose-related. At the
end of the 26-week recovery period, inflammation and lymph node hyperplasia regressed but there
was an increased incidence of alveolar and pleural thickening accompanied by a dose-related
incidence of adenomatous hyperplasia of the lungs. Despite the relatively short exposure period in
this study, the changes seen are consistent with early pulmonary responses to fibrogenic and
carcinogenic mineral fibers, such as asbestos, and some of these changes were not reversible. Lapin
et al. also noted that no “no-effect level” was demonstrated in their study and that lower exposure
levels would need to be examined to detect such a level (167).

In vitro and in vivo studies of silicon carbide whiskers deposited on the ciliated epithelium of the
respiratory system indicated that the whiskers were swept to the nonciliated regions by ciliary action
(143). There they penetrated the epithelial layers and caused cell damage and death. The cytotoxicity
observed was similar to that of asbestos. Intrapleural injections of 20 mg of silicon carbide whiskers
once a month for three months caused a 47.7% incidence of pleural mesotheliomas in rats compared
to a 34.1% incidence in rats treated with UICC chrysolite asbestos (168). Epidemiology Studies Silicon carbide dust has been considered relatively inert when
inhaled. However, in recent years, a number of publications have appeared, suggesting that
inhalation of silicon carbide during its manufacture or use as an abrasive may result in
pneumoconiosis, Individual cases were described in reports by Funahashi et al. (169), De Vuyst et al.
(170), and Hayashi and Kajita (171). Peters et al. (172) found radiographic abnormalities and altered
pulmonary function in 171 men employed in the manufacture of silicon carbide. Osterman et al.
(173) and Gauthier et al. (174) studied workers from this same plant and also reported decrements in
pulmonary function, increased respiratory symptoms, and radiographic changes related to the
duration of exposure. Elding et al. (175), on the other hand, found no increases in total mortality,
cancer mortality, or mortality from nonmalignant respiratory diseases among 521 men who
manufactured abrasive materials using silicon carbide. Interpretation of the results from the studies
by Peters et al. (172) and Osterman et al. (173) is complicated by the fact that workers involved in
the manufacture of silicon carbide are also exposed to sulfur dioxide and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons. Furthermore, the particulate matter to which they were exposed contained small
quantities of quartz and cristobalite (176). Durand et al. (177) examined chest radiographs of 200
workers at a Quebec silicon carbide manufacturing plant. Twenty-eight had abnormal radiographs
providing clinical evidence of pneumoconiosis, half of which were typical of pure silicosis.
Examination of these workers over a seven-year period indicated that the condition did not progress.
These same authors examined the particulate materials to which these workers were exposed and
conducted experiments in sheep designed to identify the agent that might cause the conditions that
were seen (178). They discovered that the particulate matter in the air of the plant contained silicon
carbide in both particulate and fibrous form. In the sheep model, silicon carbide particles were no
more active than inert materials such as latex beads and graphite powder. The silicon carbide fibers,
on the other hand, had fibrogenic activity comparable to that of crocidolite and chrysotile asbestos
fibers. They concluded that workers in silicon carbide manufacturing plants may be exposed to
silicon carbide fibers, which can contribute to the induction of interstitial lung disease.
13.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH has a standard of 10 mg/m3 (total); 5 mg/m3 (resp). OSHA has a standard of 15 mg/m3 total
(<1% silica) and 5 mg/m3 (resp) (149). These standards and guidelines reflect the traditional view of
this material as relatively innocuous. Silicon carbide whiskers in particular and perhaps silicon
carbide dust also may be more biologically active than is reflected by these numbers. Occupational
exposure should be minimized while additional information is being developed. The ACGIH TLV
has a TWA of 10 mg/m3 which is the value for particulate matter containing no asbestos and <1%
crystalline silica. There is concern that it is carcinogenic for humans, but not enough data exists for a
definite determination. The critical effect is on the lungs (155).

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

14.0 Silicon Halides

Silicon Silicon
Tetrabromide Tetrafluoride Silicon Tetrachloride

14.0.1 CAS [7789-66-4] [7783-61-1] [10026-04-7]

14.0.2 Synonyms Silicon (IV) Silicon (IV) SIC-L (TM); silicon
bromide; fluoride; chloride;
tetrabromo- tetrafluorosine tetrachlorosilane;
silane tetrachlorosilicon;
silicon (IV) chloride
14.0.3 Trade NA NA NA
14.0.4 Molecular 347.40 104.080 169.90
14.0.5 Molecular SiBr4 SiF4 SiCl4
14.1 Chemical Decomposes
and Physical
Color Colorless gas Colorless, mobile
fuming liquid

14.1.1 General
Of the three silicon tetrahalides (also known as tetrahalosilanes), only two, the chloride and bromide,
are of commercial significance, and silicon tetrachloride is of greatest importance. The tetrafluoride
is a gas at room temperature whereas the tetrachloride and tetrabromide are fuming liquids. They are
prepared by the direct halogenation of pure quartz or silicon carbide at elevated temperature and

The primary use of silicon tetrachloride is as the starting material for the manufacture of high-purity
silicon, amorphous silica, and ethyl silicate. Silicon tetrafluoride is used as a starting material for
fluorosilic acid (H2SiF6) for water fluoridation.
14.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties
Silicon tetrafluoride exhibits a very pungent odor. Silicon tetrachloride has a suffocating odor, is
moisture sensitive.
14.4 Toxicity
Silicon tetrahalides are readily hydrolyzed to their corresponding hydrogen halides and silica upon
contact with moisture. For this reason, all three silicon tetrahalides are highly toxic by either
inhalation or ingestion and can cause severe irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. In this
respect their occupational hazards are qualitatively similar to those associated with the hydrogen

Silica and Silica Compounds

Richard Lemen, Ph.D., Eula Bingham, Ph.D.

15.0 Silanes

Tetrahydride Trisilane Trichlorosilane Hexachloro-disilane

15.0.1 CAS [7803-62-5] [7783- [10025-78-2] [13465-77-5]

Number 26-8]
15.0.2 Synonyms Silane; Silicochloroform;
silicone trichloromonosilane
anhydride; Si-
silane, C. P.
grade; Silicon
15.0.3 Trade NA NA NA NA
15.0.4 Molecular 32.118 92.321 135.45 268.89
15.0.5 Molecular SiH4 Si3H8 HSiCl3 Si2Cl6
15.1 Chemical Insoluble in Decomposes
and Physical H2O
Color Colorless liquid

15.1.1 General
Silicon forms a large homologous series of silicon hydride compounds analogous to the alkane series
of hydrocarbons. The simplest member of this series is silicon tetrahydride, better known as silane.
Subsequent members of the series are disilane (Si2H6), trisilane (Si3H8), and so on. As with the
hydrocarbons, individual hydrogen atoms may be replaced by certain functional groups such as
halogens, aliphatic hydrocarbons, and hydroxyl groups to form parallel series of compounds.

The silicon–hydrogen bond in silanes is much weaker than the corresponding carbon–hydrogen bond
in aliphatic hydrocarbons. Therefore, these compounds are much more reactive and undergo
spontaneous oxidation in air. They also are readily hydrolyzed to silicic acid and silica in the
presence of water. They decompose upon heating to liberate hydrogen and free silicon.
15.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties
Silicon tetrahydride is a highly toxic gas with a repulsive odor. It is spontaneously flammable in air.
Trichlorosilane has an acrid odor, fumes in air and supports combustion. It is a lachrymator and is
moisture sensitive. Octamethyl tetrasilane is moisture sensitive.
15.4 Toxicity
Because of their reactivity and specialized usage, there is relatively little opportunity for significant
occupational exposure to the silanes and their derivatives. Perhaps the most extensively used
compounds are trichlorosilane and hexachlorodisilane. These compounds decompose upon contact
with moisture to form hydrogen chloride. The primary hazard associated with chlorosilanes is their
extreme flammability. Silane ignites spontaneously in air and trichlorosilane has a flash point of 7 °
F. Apart from their flammability, these compounds have a relatively low order of acute toxicity
relative to other volatile inorganic hydrides. The LC50 of trichlorosilane for rats is 1000 ppm and the
oral LD50 is 1030 mg/kg. Silane is less toxic than trichlorosilane.
15.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The OSHA PEL for silane (silicon tetrahydride) is 5 ppm (7 mg/m3), but was vacated (151). The
NIOSH recommended exposure limit is also 5 ppm (149), and the ACGIH TLV si 5 ppm (7 mg/m3)

Silica and Silica Compounds


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Charles H. Powell, ScD, CIH, Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH

1.0 Asbestos
Asbestos is a generic name given to six fibrous minerals that have been used in commercial
products. The six types of asbestos are: chrysotile, the most widely used; crocidolite; amosite;
anthophyllite asbestos; tremolite asbestos; and actinolite asbestos. The properties that make asbestos
so versatile and cost-effective are high tensile strength, chemical and thermal stability, high
flexibility, low electrical conductivity, and large surface area.
1.0.1 CAS Number
The CAS Numbers, mineral, and commercial names for the asbestos mineral group, and the
chemical formulas are provided in Table 12.1.

Table 12.1. Asbestos Mineral Group

Mineral Mineral Name Mineral CAS
Name for Asbestos Group Number Chemical Formula

Chrysotile Chrysotile Serpentine [12001-29- Mg3Si2O5(OH)4

Riebeckite Crocidolite Amphibole [12001-28- Na2(Fe2+,Mg)
4] 3+Si
3Fe 8O22(OH)2
Anthophyllite Anthophyllite Amphibole [17068-78- Mg7Si8O22(OH)2
9] or
Grunerite Amosite Amphibole [12172-73- (Fe2+)2(Fe2+,Mg)
Actinolite Actinolite Amphibole [13768-00- Ca2Fe5Si8O22(OH)2
8] or
Tremolite Tremolite Amphibole [14567-73- Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2
8] or
Asbestos Asbestos [1332-21-4]



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208 M. Huncharek, “Chrysotile Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma,” Br. J. Ind. Med. 44,
287–288 (1987).
209 T. F. Mancuso, “Relative Risk of Mesothelioma among Railroad Machinists Exposed to
Chrysotile,” Am. J. Ind. Med. 13, 639–657 (1988).
210 T. F. Mancuso, “Mesotheliomas among Railroad Workers in the United States,” Ann. NY.
Acad. Sci. 643, 333–346, (1991).
211 L. T. Stayner, D. Dankovic, and R. A. Lemen, “Occupational Exposure to Chrysotile and
Cancer Risk: A Review of the Amphibole Hypothesis,” Am. J. Pub. Health, 86(2) 179–186
212 M. Marten et al., “Distribution of Asbestos Bodies in the Human Organism,” Der
Pathologe 10, 114–117 (1989).
213 J. M. G. Davis, “Current Concepts in Asbestos Fiber Pathogenicity,” In R. Lemen and J.
M. Dement, eds., Dusts and Disease, Pathotox Publishers, Inc., Illinois, 1979, pp. 45–49.
214 Y. Suzuki et al., “Asbestos Fibestos Fibers and Human Malignant Mesothelioma,” in K.
Chiyotani, Y. Hosoda, and Y. Aizawa, Advances in the Prevention of Occupational
Respiratory Diseases, Elsevier Sciences, 1998, pp. 709–713.
215 W. Malorni et al., “On the Mechanism of Cell Internalization of Chrysotile Fibers: An
Immunocytochemical and Ultrastructural Study,” Environ. Res. 52, 164–177 (1990).
215a B. W. Case, “Health Effects of Tremolite, Now and in the Future,” Ann NY Acad. Sci. 31
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216 A. Churg et al., “Mineralogic Correlates of Fibrosis in Chrysotile Miners and Millers,” Am.
Rev. Resp. Dis. 139(4), 891–896 (1989).
216a A. Churg, “Chrysotile, Tremolite and Malignant Mesothelioma in Man,” Chest 93(3),
621–628 (1988).
217 J. C. McDonald and A. D. McDonald, “Chrysotile, Tremolite, and Carcinogenicity,” Ann.
Occ. Hyg. 41(6), 699–705 (1997).
218 A. D. McDonald et al., “Mesothelioma in Quebec Chrysotile Miners and Millers:
Epidemiology and Aetiology,” Ann. Occ. Hyg. 41(6), 707–719 (1997).
219 M. Goodman et al., “Cancer in Asbestos-exposed Occupational Cohorts: A Meta-
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220 A. Churg and J. L. Wright, “An Animal Model of Co-exposure to Cigarette Smoke and
Mineral Dust,” in A. P. Wehner, Biological Interaction of Inhaled Mineral Fibers and
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221 J. Hansen et al., “Environmental Exposure to Crocidolite and Mesothelioma, Exposure–
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223 H. Bohlig and E. Hain, “Cancer in Relation to Environmental Exposure,” in Biological
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225 H. A. Anderson et al., “Household Contact Asbestos Neoplastic Risk,” Ann. NY Acad. Sci.
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226 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Report to Congress on
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227 A. N. Rohl, A. M. Langer, and I. J. Selikoff, “Exposure to Asbestos in the Use of
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Owners,” Environ. Res. 32, 305–313 (1983).
229 Ref. 16, p 143.

Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH, Charles H. Powell, ScD, CIH

1.0 Talc
Talc is a natural mineral of the general chemical composition Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 (1). The
composition varies widely from one geologic deposit to another and even within the same deposit.
The main component, crystalline hydrated silicate of magnesium, is usually found as plates but
rarely may also be found as fibers. In many talc deposits, other silicates such as the amphiboles,
tremolite and anthophyllite, as well as serpentines, antigorite, lizardite, and even chrysotile, may be
present. This chapter discusses only the health effects associated with talc that does not contain
asbestiform fibers. However, a number of studies have been conducted to determine the health
effects of talc in which the purity of the material was not known. The discussion of asbestos is
covered in Chapter 12, Asbestos.
1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
Hydrous magnesium silicate; non abestiform talc; steatite talc
1.0.3 Trade Names for Talc
Synonyms for talc include the following: Agalite; Asbestine; B9 finntalc P40; B13; Beaver white
200; CP-10-40; CP 38-33; Crystalite; CR 6002; Desertalc 57; Emtal 500; Emtal 549; Emtal 596;
Emtal 599; Fibrene C 400; French chalk; FW-XO; Hydrous magnesium silicate; HSDB 830; IT
Extra; LMR 100; Microneeca K 1; Micro white 5000A; Microtalco IT extra; Mistron; MP 25-38;
MP 40-27; MP 45-26; MST; MT 12-50; Mussolinite; nonfibrous talc; NCI CO6018; Nytal 200;
Nytal 400; Pk-C; Pk-N; Polytal 4641; Polytal 4725; Potstone; Snowgoose; Soapstone; Steatite;
Steawhite; Supreme; Supreme dense; Talcan PK-P; Talcron CP 44-31; Talcum (2).
Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH, Charles H. Powell, ScD, CIH

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Talc has a hardness of 1 on the Mohs scale of hardness; a density of 2.58 to 2.83; is commonly
composed of thin tabular crystals up to 1 cm wide and is usually massive, fine-grained, and compact.
It is also found as foliated or fibrous masses or in globular stellate groups (3).

Talc is a natural single-phase mineral ideally composed of 31.88% magnesium oxide, 63.37% silicon
dioxide and 4.75% water. Formation is said to have occurred by hydrothermal alteration of rocks
rich in magnesium and iron and low grade thermal metamorphism of siliceous dolomites (4). It is an
odorless, solid material that varies in color depending upon the minerals that are found with it. Talc
may be pale green to dark green or greenish gray; brownish; translucent; white to grayish white; or
pearly, greasy, or dull.

The term talc in the mineralogical connotation denotes a specific rock-forming mineral of the sheet
silicate category. However, when talc is referenced in the industrial or commercial sense, it may
represent a varied mixture of associated minerals that have physical properties similar to the mineral
talc (5).

Figure 13.1. Molecular structure of pure talc mineral (1).

A number of minerals are commonly associated with talc deposits: calcite, dolomite, magnesite,
tremolite, anthophyllite, antigorite, quartz, pyrophyllite, micas, and chlorites (5).

The most common type of talc is of ultramafic origin, formed by the alteration of serpentinite to talc-
carbonate rock. It is common in Vermont, Quebec, and Finland. Talc of mafic origin, found in
Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia, is formed by hydration of mafic rock to serpentinite, followed
by alteration of the serpentinite to talc-carbonate. It is usually contaminated with chlorite and silica.
Talc of metasedimentary origin is formed by hydrothermal alteration of the dolomitic host rock by
silica-containing fluid. This type of talc is commonly found in Montana and Australia. It is usually
quite pure and quite white. The fourth type of talc is of metamorphic origin, where siliceous
dolomite is first converted to tremolite or actinolite and then partially converted to talc. The New
York and California deposits are of this type (1).

Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH, Charles H. Powell, ScD, CIH
1.2 Production and Use
Talc-containing rocks were first used in prehistoric times as utensils and ornaments. The term talc
was first applied to this mineral in 869 AD. The abundance of talc, the ease with which it can be
mined, and its properties have made it an important industrial mineral (6).

Talc is an extremely versatile mineral that has found a number of uses despite the relative impurity
of most of the ores mined. Except for pure steatite grades, hand-picked, platy, cosmetic talcs and a
few products from wet processing plants, industrial products are mixtures of many minerals. The
principal uses are as an extender and filler pigment in the paint industry; for coating and filling
paper; in ceramic products; and as a filler for plastics and roofing products. Miscellaneous uses of
talc include binders and fillers in textiles; fillers in integral, foamed, latex rubber backings for
carpets, rugs, and parquet hardwood floor panels; filler for upholstery fabric backing and draperies;
lubricant in extreme temperature range greases; corrosion proofing composition; 10–15% in dry fire
extinguishing powders; loading and bleaching materials such as cotton sacks, cordage, and rope
string; cereal polishing; bleaching agents; food odor absorber; floor wax; water filtration; leather
treatment; joint fillers and grouts; insecticides; shoe polishes; welding rod coatings; printing inks;
encapsulant for acceleration testing artillery shells; coatings for iron ore pellets in direct reduction
processes; source of magnesium in plant foods; pigment in white shoe polishes and white glove
cleaners; dusting powder for salami; admixture for certain concretes; polishing medium for peanuts,
gunpowder grains, and turned wooden articles; to prevent sticking of bottle, rubber and candy molds;
and to impart a finish to wire nails and leather (7).

For example, much of the talc used by the ceramic industry is a mixture of platy talc and tremolite;
most of the talc used by the rubber, plastic, and paper industry is at best about 90% talc and the
balance is dolomite, calcite, serpentine, chlorite, actinolite, iron- and manganese-containing
minerals, and carbonaceous material.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, China was the largest producer in 1999 with 2.3 million
metric tons, and the United States produced about 0.9 million metric tons. After these two countries,
Finland, India, and Brazil are the next largest producers. In 1999, the total usage of talc totaled
796,000 metric tons. Consumption in decreasing order was in ceramics (31%), paper (21%), and
paint (18%) (7a).

Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH, Charles H. Powell, ScD, CIH

1.3 Exposure Assessment

The NIOSH Method P&CAM #355 is recommended for determining workplace exposures to talc.
This method involves drawing a known volume of air through a MCE filter. Then the sample is
ashed and analyzed by X-ray diffraction (8). However, if the sample contains asbestos, several other
methods are recommended. These include NIOSH Method 7400 that uses optical counting of
asbestos fibers, NIOSH Method 7402 that uses transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for analysis
of the sample, or NIOSH Method 9000 that uses X-ray diffraction for analysis. A method
recommended for determining the presence of asbestos in talc is NIOSH Method 9002 that analyzes
the sample by polarized light microscopy (PLM) (9).

Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH, Charles H. Powell, ScD, CIH
1.4 Toxic Effects
1.4.1 Experimental Studies
Inhalation Studies

Inhalation studies have had technical problems due to the lack of methods to determine accurately
the amount of talc inhaled by exposed animals. Acute Toxicity Rats exposed to a “very dense” cloud of talc, whose particle size was less
than 5 mm, for 3 hours per day up to 12 days may have died because of suffocation (10). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity None of a group of rats exposed to 30–383 mg/m3 of
“technical/pharmaceutical grade” talc for 6 hours per day, six days a week for up to nine months died
as a specific consequence of exposure. However, they developed chronic inflammatory changes,
including thickening of the pulmonary artery walls and eventually emphysema (11).

Hamsters exposed by inhalation to 8 mg/m3 respirable “baby talc” for up to 150 minutes per day,
five days a week for 300 days showed no negative effects (12, 13). According to a study conducted
by Hildick Smith, hamsters exposed to respirable cosmetic grade talc dust showed no difference in
incidence, nature, or pathological lesions from those observed in a group of untreated animals (14).

Heavy dosing of rats by inhalation of talc caused severe dyspnea. However, no histological change
was observed within 20 days, and talc particles were trapped by alveolar macrophages (10).

Minimal fibrosis was observed in rats exposed by inhalation to 10.8 mg/m3 of Italian talc (grade
00000, ready milled, mean particle size 25 mm) for three months; this did not change during the
postexposure period. The rats exposed for one year had minimal to slight fibrosis, whose degree had
increased to moderate within one year after exposure ceased (15).

However, Syrian golden hamsters exposed to 8 mg/m3 of talc aerosols for up to 150 minutes per day,
five days per week for 30 days showed no histopathological change in the lungs, heart, liver, renal
tissues, stomach, or uterus (12, 13, 16).

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) (17) conducted a lifetime study of talc in rats. This study
consisted of groups of 49 or 50 male and 50 female rats exposed to aerosols of 0, 6, or 18 mg/m3 of
talc until mortality in any exposure group reached 80%. This occurred at 113 weeks for males and
122 weeks for females. These exposures were based on 4-week inhalation studies of terminal lung
talc burden in F344/M rats; concentrations greater than 18 mg/m3 were expected to overwhelm lung
clearance mechanisms and impair lung function. These exposure concentrations provided a dose
equivalent of 0, 2.8, or 8.4 mg/kg per day for male rats and 0, 3.2, or 9.6 mg/kg per day for female
rats. The survival of male and female rats exposed to talc was similar to that of the controls. Mean
body weights of rats exposed to 18 mg/m3 were slightly lower than those of controls after week 65.
No clinical findings were attributed to talc exposure.

In another study, conducted by the NTP (17), groups of 22 male and 22 female rats were similarly
exposed and examined for interim pathology or pulmonary function after 6, 11, 18, and 24 months
and for lung biochemistry and cytology after 24 months. Absolute and relative lung weights of male
rats exposed to 18 mg/m3 were significantly greater than those of controls at the 6, 11, and 18 month
interim evaluations and at the end of the lifetime study, whereas those of female rats exposed to
18 mg/m3 were significantly greater at the 11, 18, and 24 month interim evaluations and at the end of
the lifetime study. Lung talc burdens of male and female rats exposed to 6 mg/m3 were similar and
increased progressively from 6 to 24 months. Lung talc burdens of females exposed to 18 mg/m3
also increased progressively from 6 to 24 months, whereas those of males exposed to 18 mg/m3
remained about the same after 18 months. Lung burdens were generally proportional to exposure
concentrations at each interim evaluation. It was also noted that a concentration-related impairment
of respiratory function increased in severity with increasing exposure duration. The impairment was
characterized by reductions in lung volume, lung compliance, gas exchange efficiency and
nonuniform intrapulmonary gas distribution.

The NTP (17) also conducted a 2-year study of exposure to talc by mice. Groups of 47 to 49 male
and 48 to 50 female mice were exposed to an aerosol containing 0, 6, or 18 mg/m3 talc for up to 104
weeks. These exposures were selected based on 4-week inhalation studies of the terminal lung talc
burden in B6C3F1 mice; concentrations greater than 18 mg/m3 were expected to overwhelm lung
clearance mechanisms and impair lung function. These exposure concentrations provided a dose
equivalent of 0, 2, or 6 mg/kg per day for male mice and 0, 1.3, or 3.9 mg/kg for female mice.
Survival and final mean body weights of male and female mice exposed to talc were similar to those
of the controls. There were no clinical findings attributed to talc exposure.

In a special study by the NTP, additional groups of 39 or 40 male and 39 or 40 female mice similarly
exposed, were examined for interim pathology, lung biochemistry, and cytology after 6, 12, and 18
months of exposure. Lung talc burdens of mice exposed to 6 mg/m3 were similar between males and
females and increased progressively from 6 to 24 months, except for males at 18 months. The lung
talc burdens of mice exposed to 18 mg/m3 were also similar between the sexes at each interim
evaluation. Although the talc burdens of males and females increased substantially from 6 to 24
months, the values at 12 and 18 months were similar. Generally, lung burdens of mice exposed to
18 mg/m3 were disproportionately greater than those of mice exposed to 6 mg/m3, suggesting that
clearance of talc from the lung was impaired or impaired to a greater extent in mice exposed to
18 mg/m3 than in mice exposed to 6 mg/m3 (17). Oberdörster comments on the study that analysis of
the particle accumulation kinetics in lungs of the rats shows that lung overload had been reached at
both the 6 and 18 mg/m3 concentrations, resulting in increased talc accumulation of high lung
burdens (18).

In a previous study, a group of 24 male and 24 female Wistar-derived rats, six to eight weeks of age,
was exposed by inhalation to a mean respirable dust concentration of 10.8 mg/m3 Italian talc (grade
00000; ready milled; mean particle size 25 mm; containing 92% talc, 3% chlorite, 1% carbonate
minerals, and 0.5 to 1% quartz) for 7.5 hours per day, five days a week for six or twelve months. Ten
days after the end of each exposure period, six rats in each group were killed; another four rats were
killed in each group one year later. Within 28 months of the start of the study, another 12 animals in
each group had died. No lung tumors were observed in rats exposed to talc for six months, whereas
one lung adenoma occurred among those exposed for 12 months. No lung tumors were found in 24
male or 24 female controls (15).

Three groups of 50 male and 50 female Syrian golden hamsters, four weeks old, were exposed to an
aerosol of talc baby powder, prepared from Vermont talc by flotation, for 3, 30, or 150 minutes per
day, five days a week for 30 days. The mean total aerosol concentration was 37.1 mg/m3 with a
mean respirable fraction of 9.8 mg/m3. Two other groups of hamsters, seven weeks old, were
exposed to a talc aerosol concentration of 27.4 mg/m3 with a mean respirable fraction of 8.1 mg/m3.
Two control groups of 25 males and 25 females were sham exposed. No primary neoplasms were
found in the respiratory system of any hamster. The incidence of alveolar cell hyperplasis was 25%
in the groups exposed to aerosols for 30 or 150 minutes per day for 300 days compared with 10% in
the control group (13, 14).

Guinea pigs exposed for eight weeks to continuously circulating talcum dust were sacrificed at
intervals after dust exposure, and sections of the lungs were examined histologically. Chronic
inflammatory changes were noted in one animal sacrificed immediately after four weeks of
exposure. There was no nodule formation and no increase in connective tissue, although masses of
dust particles had accumulated in the lungs. In another animal exposed to talc for four weeks and not
sacrificed for six months, fewer inflammatory changes were found, and there was much less dust
present (19).

Pickrell et al. studied the lung deposition and effects of inhalation exposure in F344/Crl rats and
B6C3F1 mice. The rats were exposed to aerosols containing 2.3, 4.3, or 17 mg/m3 talc for 6 hours a
day, 5 days a week for 4 weeks. The mice were similarly exposed to 2.2, 5.7, or 20.4 mg/m3 talc.
The animals were killed 24 hours after the last exposure. Talc accumulated in the lungs in a dose-
dependent manner. The average talc lung burdens in rats ranged from 0 to 0.72 mg per gram of lung
tissue and in mice from 0 to 1.0 mg per gram. No exposure-related lung lesions were seen other than
slight diffuse increases in the number of free macrophages containing talc particles within the
alveolar spaces of rats and mice exposed to the highest doses (20).


Groups of 25 male and 25 female Wistar rats, ten weeks old, received about 50 mg/kg body weight
per day of commercial talc (characteristics unspecified) in their diets for life (average survival 649
days). No significant difference in tumor incidence was found compared with controls (21).

A group of 16 male and 16 female Wistar-derived rats, 21–26 weeks of age, was exposed to 100 mg
of Italian talc (grade 00000, ready milled; mean particle size 25 mm; containing 92% talc, 3%
chlorite, 1% carbonate minerals, and 0.5 to 1% quartz) per day per rat in the diet for five months and
then maintained on a basal diet for life (average survival 614 days). A control group of 16 rats was
fed a basal diet. No difference in tumor incidence was found between the two groups (15).

Rats fed 100 mg of talc for 101 days showed no significant depression of mean life span (15).

Phillips et al. studied the effects of tritium-labeled talc fed to male albino Wistar rats, female LACA
mice, female guinea pigs and intravaginally instilled in large white female rabbits. In rats, 75% of
the single dose was excreted in feces in 24 hours; after 96 hours, 95.8% of the dose had been
eliminated. Kidneys of rats that received multiple doses had less than 0.02% radioactivity. In the
guinea pigs, nearly all of the radioactive dose was excreted in 96 hours, and less than 0.2% was in
the urine. For the mice, all of the radioactivity was found in the GI tract and feces, and none in other
tissues. In rabbits, after 72 hours, radioactivity was found only at the site of a single installation and
at the site of administration (22).


Guinea pigs that received two or three 25-mg intravenous injections of talc in saline showed
significant mortality (23). Guinea pigs that received single 200-mg intraperitoneal injections of one
of several industrial grade talcs (up to 52% talc, up to 82% tremolite, and traces of quartz) developed
nodules consisting of macrophages and giant cells after 10 days on the ventral parietal surface which
became smaller after a 15-month period. Fibroblastic proliferation was pronounced in the early
phases (24).

In contrast, there were no treatment-related deaths of rabbits injected daily for two weeks with
100 mg of talc in saline (25), of rabbits that received 50-mg injections of talc two times a week for
ten weeks, or of rats that received injections of talc over a nine week period, total dose 100 mg. (26).
In another study, rabbits were observed to have transient convulsions after cisternal injection of
1 mL of a 1:9 or 1:4 suspension of talc in saline (27).

Rats that received a single 50-mg/mL intratracheal injection of talc in water suffered a 79% mortality
rate. Subsequently, it was found the rats could tolerate the dose if they were given two 25-mg/0.5 mL
injections at weekly intervals (28). Rats injected intratracheally with 25 mg tremolitic talc/mL of
water had a 40% mortality rate. In another study of rats, granulomas at the injection site were
common, and one small pulmonary adenoma was observed two years after the injection of 20 mg of
Italian talc into the right pleural cavity, but no other relevant pathology was observed in the lungs
(15). Albino rats that received an intraperitoneal injection of approximately 400 mg of talcum
powder of the type used on surgical gloves exhibited typical granulomas and numerous foreign body
giant cells when laparotomized six months later (29). No acute toxicity was observed after a single
10-mg injection into the bursa of rats (30). Three of 11 rats died within one day following injection
of 1400 mg/kg body weight of talc into the lower pole of the spleen (31). Hamilton et al. studied the
effects of talc on the ovaries of Sprague–Dawley rats. Animals were sacrificed at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 18
months. They concluded that changes in the ovarian surface may be related to the direct effects of
talc or may be due to the buildup of high concentrations of steroid hormones in the distended bursa

Two out of 14 chinchillas given five 40-mg intratracheal injections of talc in saline died (32).
Chinchillas that received a single or several 40-mg intratracheal injections of “purified” talc in saline
exhibited chronic pulmonary irritation, proliferative pneumonia, giant cell granulomas, and adjacent
metaplasia of the alveolar epithelium. The hyperplastic cells subsequently transformed into cuboid
cells that formed a continuous lining of the affected alveoli and finally acquired an adenomatous
appearance (32).

Mice injected with 10 mg of talc (containing asbestos fibers) into the pleural cavity produced
granulomas, some of which were firmly attached to the surface of the lungs or other chest contents
and occasionally to the lung lobes (33). No acute toxicity was observed after a suprascapular
subcutaneous 600-mg injection into mice (34). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Seven different types of talc were
administered in vitro to mouse peritoneal macrophages. All of the talcs caused cytoxcity as
determined by the release of lactate dehydrogenase and beta-glucuronidase. All of the talcs were of
high purity, except for one talc that contained high amounts of chlorite (35).

Mice that received a sterile subcutaneous injection of talc were studied by measuring the
incorporation of radioactive leucine and glucosamine into liver and plasma proteins and the talc
granuloma at various intervals between 2 and 528 hours after injection. Incorporation into plasma
proteins indicated a biphasic response with a marked increased incorporation into the perchloric acid
insoluble fraction at 21 hours, a return to normal values at 45 hours, and a similar marked increase
into the perchloric acid soluble fraction at 45 hours with a gradual return toward normal values. The
response was dependent upon the amount of talc injected (36).

Using radioactive tracer techniques in rats, mice, guinea pigs, and hamsters, no intestinal absorption
or translocation of ingested talc to the liver and kidneys was detected (37).

In hamsters, the deposition, translocation, and clearance of talc was followed by giving them a single
nose-only inhalation exposure to 40–75 mg/m3 neutron-activated talc for 2 hours. High cosmetic talc
was used, consisting of 95% platy talc. Alveolar deposition was approximately 6 to 8% of the
inhaled amount. The biological half-life of talc deposited in the alveoli was 7 to 10 days, and the
alveolar clearance was basically complete four months after exposure. No translocation of talc to
liver, kidneys, ovaries, or other parts of the body was found (12, 38).

Rats that were exposed to aerosols of Italian talc retained 2.5, 4.7, and 12.2 mg per rat following
exposures for 3, 6, and 12 months, respectively. These levels were roughly proportional to the
cumulative exposures (15). In rats exposed for 2.3, 4.3, and 17 mg/m3 of respirable talc for 6 hours
per day, five days a week for 4 weeks, the amounts retained in the lung at the end of exposure were
77,187, and 806 micrograms talc per gram of lung (39).
In the NTP two-year study conducted of exposure of rats to talc which was discussed earlier, male
rats exposed to 6 mg/m3 talc had a significant increase in beta-glucuronidase and polymorphonuclear
leukocytes after 24 months. Males exposed to 18 mg/m3 had significant increases in beta-
glucuronidase, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, and total protein in bronchoalveolar
lavage fluid. All exposed females had significantly increased alpha-glucuronidase, lactate
dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes; females
exposed to 18 mg/m3 also had significantly increased glutathione reductase. Viability and phagocytic
activity of macrophages recovered from lavage fluid were not affected by talc exposure. The total
lung collagen was significantly increased in rats at both exposure concentrations after 24 months
whereas collagenous peptides in lavage fluid and the percentages of newly synthesized protein from
females, but not males, were also significantly increased at the 6 or 18 mg/m3 levels. In addition,
lung proteinase activity, primarily cathepsin D-like activity, was significantly greater in exposed
males and females. Rats exposed to talc also had significant increases in collagenous peptides and
acid proteinase in lung homogenates.

In the NTP study conducted of exposure of mice to talc which was discussed above, increases in
total protein, beta-glucuronidase, lactate dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase, total nucleated cells
and polymorphonuclear leukocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were observed primarily in mice
exposed to 18 mg/m3, although some parameters were also increased in mice exposed to 6 mg/m3.
The amount of collagenous peptides in lavage fluid and total lung collagen were increased in male
and female mice exposed to 18 mg/m3. Acid proteinase activity, principally cathepsin D-like activity
of lung homogenate supernatant fluid was also significantly increased in mice at the 18 mg/m3

Guinea pigs given a single 200-mg intraperitoneal injection of one of seven commercial talc samples
were examined at intervals up to 15 months. Talc particles were found mainly on the ventral parietal
surface of the peritoneum within macrophages and giant cells (24). Reproductive and Developmental Talc produced nonspecific abnormalities in chicken eggs at
an incidence similar to that induced by thalidomide and sulphadimethoxine (40).

No teratolological effects were observed in hamsters, rats, mice, or rabbits after oral administration
of the following doses of talc: 1600 mg/kg body weight to rats on days 6–15 of gestation,
1600 mg/kg body weight to mice on days 6–15 of gestation, 1200 mg/kg body weight to hamsters on
days 6–10 of gestation, and 900–mg/kg body weight to rabbits on days 6–18 of gestation (41).

Talc was not mutagenic to Salmonella typhimurium TA 1530, his G46, or Saccharomyces cerevisiae
D3 in vitro or in host-mediated assays in mice given 30 to 5000 mg/kg body weight (42).

In human W138 cells treated with talc at 2 to 200 mg/mL, chromosomal aberrations were not
induced nor were dominant lethal mutations induced in rats following oral administration of 30–
5000 mg/kg body weight of talc (42).

Single 20-mg intraperitoneal injections of talc plus 2 mg of particulate prednisolone acetate in saline
into mice induced significant numbers of multinucleated giant cells within 48 hours. Neither
compound alone induced this response. The multinucleated cells arose by cell fusion, and the
resultant polykarions exhibited severe chromosomal abnormalities. Prednisone in combination with
talc also elicited the formation of multinucleated giant cells. Polykarions were not observed when
talc was injected in combination with cortexone acetate, cortisone, or testosterone isobutyrate (43). Carcinogenesis Hamsters given 10- or 25-mg intrapleural injections of tremolitic talc and
maintained for 600 days were studied for tumorigenic effects. No tumors were seen in animals
treated with talc (44).

The NTP conducted a 2-year inhalation study with talc in rats and mice. In this study, male and
female F344/N rats were exposed to aerosols of 0, 6, or 18 mg of nonfibrous talc/m3, free of SiO2
and asbestiform minerals, for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week for up to 113 weeks (males) and 122
weeks (females). Groups of B6C3F1 mice were exposed similarly for up to 104 weeks. These
exposures resulted in concentration-related chronic inflammation, cell proliferation, and fibrosis in
the lungs of both male and female rats, and 13 out of 50 of the female rats of the high-exposure
group developed lung tumors. The mice showed only limited chronic inflammation and no increased
cell proliferative, fibrotic, or tumorigenic responses in their lungs (17).

A four-week talc inhalation study on rats was also conducted by the NTP. This study determined that
exposure concentrations in excess of 18 mg/m3 overwhelmed the lung clearance mechanisms and
impaired the lung function of the animals (18).
1.4.2 Human Experience

In persons exposed to talc by inhalation, gross examination of the lungs may reveal diffuse pleural
thickening and fibrous adhesions of pleural surfaces. In some cases, localized pleural plaques,
located on the costal parietal pleura and diaphragmatic surfaces may calcify. According to J.F.
Gamble and M. Kleinfeld (7, 45), pulmonary parenchymal lesions may be classified in three general

1. Diffuse interstitial fibrosis with collagen deposition in the alveolar walls and dust laden
macrophages both in the alveolar septa and free in the alveolar spaces. Bronchi and bronchioles
may be distended and distorted, and normal lung architecture may be obliterated with dilated
spaces lined with cuboidal metaplastic cells replacing the alveoli.
2. Lesions of widespread, poorly defined nodules which consist of stellate collections of
macrophages and fibroblasts. There may be some fine reticulin, but little collagen is found in
these lesions.
3. Foreign body granulomata consisting of epitheloid cells and foreign body giant cells.
Granulomata may be found in association with nodular fibrosis or isolated in the alveolar
interstitium with normal thin alveolar septa intravening.

Health effects found in workers who have inhaled talc vary, depending upon the composition of the
dust inhaled. A significant increase in mortality was found for nonmalignant respiratory disease,
especially pneumoconiosis and obstructive lung disease. When silica is significant, the lesions
resemble those in silicosis. When fibrous materials such as tremolite are present, diffuse interstitial
fibrosis resembling that of asbestosis may be found. Epidemiology Studies Merewether was one of the first to observe that rubber tire workers
exposed to French chalk showed “diffuse interstitial fibrosis” by chest X-ray and nothing more than
“peribronchial increase in the fibrous tissue” after 30 years. Exposure ranged from 10 to 32 years (7).

In 1949, Hogue and Mallett reported on 20 rubber workers exposed to talc for 10 to 36 years.
Exposure concentrations averaged 20 mppcf for six tube machine operators, 15 mppcf for three tube
bookers, 15 mppcf for 10 tube curemen, and 50 mppcf for a liner reroller. None of them had
dyspnea, cough, shortness of breath, cyanosis, or clubbing of the fingers. Chest X-rays were all
normal, and their vital capacity range was 71 to 122% with a median of 105% (46).

A number of studies looked at the health effects of mining and milling of talc on workers. The most
significant exposures occurred in milling talc. Table 13.1 (47–78) summarizes a number of these
studies and includes several studies of rubber workers.

Table 13.1. Epidemiological Studies

of Exposure No. of
Occupation Focus of study exposure concentration people Findings Date

Mining and milling 17 to 1,672 66 Of 33 patients

mppcf of exposed to high
Georgia talc concentrations of
dust, 22 had
pneumoconiosis of
varying severity.
Persons with low
exposures showed
no signs of
Mining and milling Lung fibrosis 15 to >30 Tremolitic 221 Fibrosis was found 1943
years talc; 6 to in 32 people. All of
5,000 mppcf them had been
in mines; 20 exposed for at least
to 215 mppcf 10 yrs. The highest
in milling incidence, 40.6 %,
occurred with those
who had been
exposed 15 to 19
yrs. Of the eight
workers who had
worked >30 yrs, six
had fibrosis.
Rubber worker Fatal 37 years Norwegian or 1 At autopsy, both
pneumoconiosis Canadian lungs were found to
varieties of be moderately
talc pneumoconiotic.
Respiratory 28 1 X-ray revealed two,
disorder years dense,
opaque masses with
round irregular
contours in the
upper portion of the
pulmonary field.
Millers Talc 32 Talc plaques
pneumonoconiosis observed in all but
one case. Six of 11
configurations were
abnormal. Four
persons died who
ranged in age from
48 to 84.
Miners Mortality studies 10 mo to 8 Causes of death:
27 years five died of cor
pulmonale or TB;
one of congestive
cardiac failure; one
of nephritis with
complications; and
one unknown.
Soapstone workers Pneumoconiosis 16 to 8 Extent of disease
60 mo. varied with the time
of exposure.
Clinical signs
included cough,
sputum with talc
bodies, dypsnea on
exertion, and
Rubber workers Talcosis 19 years 12,000 During TB
average screening, 16 cases
of symmetrical,
modular foci of the
lungs w/o swelling
of the hilar glands,
nine cases of
definite talcosis (19
yrs exposure) and
seven cases of slight
talcosis (12 yrs
Lead casters Talc 15 to 39 7 One death from cor
pneumoconiosis years pulmonale and talc
after 15 yrs.
exposure. Chest X-
rays of all patients
showed the
presence of
scattered opacities
thoughout the lungs
which coalesced to
form larger masses
with indefinite
margins and uneven
Miners >20 years 60 All had
those with greater
exposure had more
severe disease.
Miners Pneumoconiosis >12 years 260 First radiographic
signs of
appeared in 89%
after 12 yrs; after 22
yrs. it was 100%.
Grinders Pneumoconiosis 10 to 20 25 Incidence of
years pneumoconiosis
was 52% after 10 to
20 yrs.
Rubber workers Pneumoconiosis Unknown 72 Exhibited linear
pneumoconiosis in
11% of workers.
Pneumoconiosis 24 years 6 The most frequent
average pathological change
was diffuse fibrosis
macrophages with
absorbed dust
particles. Also
found were diffuse
or localized
emphysema and
formation made up
of focal areas of
epitheliod and
foreign body giant
Miners/millers Pulmonary function 23 years Talc admixed 20 Changes in 1964
average with tremolite, pulmonary function
anthopyllite, indicate a restrictive
and free silica: or obstructive
>50 mppcf breathing disorder.
No consistent
correlation exists
between degree of
functional lung
impairment and
clinical symptoms
or X-ray findings.
Pulmonary function >10 years 62.3 mppcf 43 Predominant
symptoms were
dyspnea, cough,
basilar crepitations,
and clubbing. Poor
correlation between
impairment and
clinical and X-ray
Electrical fitter Pulmonary talcosis 15 years Pharmacy talc 1 Thoracic
revealed large
nodular trabecular
images with fairly
abundant rounded
spots in both lungs.
Miners or millers Mortality >15 years Talc mixed 91 Nine lung
with carcinomas, one
serpentine and fibrosarcoma of the
tremolite pleura, two stomach
cancers, one case
each of colon,
rectal, and
pancreatic cancer;
25 cardiac arrests
and 28 deaths from
Rubber workers Talcosis 20 to 40 5 Granular
years pneumoconiosis
resulting from long-
term or intense
Milling <5 to >25 > MAC for 50 Sixteen cases of talc
years talc pneumoconiosis
16.2 Commercial 39 One worker showed
years talc with a chest X-ray
tremolite and consistent with
anthophyllite pneumoconiosis.
Talc containing
tremolite and
anthophyllite may
be less fibrogenic
than chrysotile or
amosite at the same
exposure levels.
Mortality >15 260 The overall
years proportional
mortality due to
carcinoma of the
lung and pleura was
four times that of
the general
population. The
carcinogenic effect
was significant in
workers exposed 15
to 24 yrs.
Rubber workers Respiratory 80 Workers exposed
function below 20 mppcf
showed a greater
prevalence of
productive cough
and positive criteria
for COPD than
control workers.
Workers with < 10
yrs. exposure
showed decreased
exposures below
25 mg/m3 are
Rubber workers Stomach cancer 17,000 There was an
association between
exposure to talc
materials and 100
cases of stomach
Miners/millers Morbidity study NY State talc 121 With <15 yrs.,
prevalence of cough
and dyspnea; with
>15 yrs. increased
prevalence of
pleural calcification.
findings occur
primarily after 15
Talc miners Mortality patterns 1,260 Death was due
primarily to
pneumoconiosis and
Talc millers Mortality patterns 22 years 11 mppcf 218 Radiographic
evidence of
after 22 years of
exposure but little
Mining/milling Mortality/morbidity 13 years N.Y. State talc 398 Significant increase 1979
in mortality due to
respiratory disease,
and respiratory
tuberculosis. Four
of 10 bronchogenic
cancer deaths
occurred in
individuals with
less than 1 yr. of
Grinding(milling) Interstitial lung U.S., 6 Large amounts of
disease Australian, talc and talc bodies
and French were found in the
talc BAL fluid of all of
the workers 21 yrs.
after last exposure.
The authors suggest
that examination of
BAL fluid can
provide information
about talc exposure.
Mining Morbidity/mortality > 1 year Talc with 94 27 deaths, with 15
(cancer) (1944– < 1% quartz cases of cancer;
1972) cancers were of the
stomach, prostate,
and lung.
Milling Morbidity/mortality > 2 years Talc with 295 90 deaths, with 31
(cancer) (1935– <1% quartz cases of cancer;
1972) cancers of the
bladder and kidney
were elevated.
Mining Bronchiolitis > 15 Before 1976: 1 Pulmonary function
years 86 mg/m3; testing revealed a
after 1976: restrictive
3.5 mg/m3. ventilatory defect
Smoked 21 and impaired
cigarettes/day diffusing capacity.
for 21 yrs. Open lung biopsy
Talc factory Respiratory 1.87 mg/m3 to 139 Increased exposure
health decreased FVC and
15 mg/m3
Latex glove mfg. Respiratory 7.7 mg/m3 17 FVC and FEV1
function total dust; were lower in latex
1.9 mg/m3 workers than
resp. dust controls.

As can be noted from Table 13.1, a number of studies looked at the rate of cancer among talc
workers. There have been several individual case reports of cancer, including a lung adenocarcinoma
following talc pleurodesis (79) and a pleural mesothelioma following occupational exposure to talc

Talc mining is attributed to causing four cases of mesothelioma reported to the tumor registry of the
Cancer Control Bureau, New York Department of Health. These mines contain high levels of fibrous
tremolite (83). Other Health Effects In 1995, a workshop on consumer uses of talc was organized and held
under the joint sponsorship of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Cosmetic,
Toiletries and Fragrances Association (CFTA), and the International Society of Regulatory
Toxicology and Pharmacology (ISRTP). One of the issues discussed was the association of perineal
talc exposure with ovarian cancer. The attendees agreed that, although some weak association
between talc exposure and ovarian tumors has been reported, so far there was insufficient evidence
for concern. Although it is theoretically possible that talc could reach the ovaries, the actual access to
or the presence of talc in ovarian tissue has not yet been documented (84).
Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
A number of countries have standards, regulations, and guidelines for regulating exposure to talc in
the workplace. The exposure limits vary depending upon whether the talc contains asbestos or silica
or if it is total dust or respirable dust only. Total dust exposures for talc are 10 mg/m3 in Switzerland
and the United Kingdom, 5 mg/m3 in Finland, 2.5 mg/m3 in Australia, and 2 mg/m3 in Belgium and
Germany. Respirable dust exposures for talc are 2 mg/m3 in Bulgaria, Columbia, Jordan, Korea,
New Zealand, Singapore, and Vietnam; and 1 mg/m3 in the United Kingdom (85).

In the United States, the OSHA PEL for talc not containing asbestos and containing less than 1%
quartz is 20 mppcf. For talc containing no asbestos but 1% or more of quartz, the OSHA PEL is
calculated from the formula for silica. For talc containing asbestos, the asbestos limit is used (86).
The ACGIH has a TLV of 2 mg/m3 for talc dust containing no asbestos and a TLV of 0.1 f/cc for
talc containing asbestos (87).



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Rock Wool and Refractory Ceramic Fibers

Carol Rice, Ph.D., CIH

1 Introduction
Man-made vitreous fibers (MMVF) is a generic descriptor for a group of fibrous materials made
from melting inorganic substances such as sand, clay, glass, or slag. Synthetic vitreous fibers (SVF)
or man-made synthetic vitreous fibers (MSVF) may also be used to describe these groups of
materials. These terms have generally replaced earlier use of man-made mineral fibers (MMMF).
MMVF are further classified by the raw material used in production; major categories include glass
fibers (glass wool or continuous filament), mineral wool (rock or slag), and refractory ceramic fibers.
The latter two types are covered in this chapter; glass fibers are described in Chapter. Within each
category, a variety of commercial products have been produced and may be identified by
manufacturer and product name and number. Each has a slightly different formulation and
characteristics; therefore it is important where possible to identify the particular product number.

Dimension, durability, and dose delivered to the target organ are critical factors in the toxicity of
MMVF. Fibers are generally distinguished from other particles by having a length to width ratio
(aspect ratio) of at least 3:1. A maximum or minimum for one or more of the dimensions may also be
specified. For example, a fiber meeting WHO (1) criterion has an aspect ratio of at least 3:1 and a
diameter of 3 mm or less. MMVF counted in airborne exposure assessments in the United States are
generally described as having an aspect ratio of at least 5:1, a diameter of 3 mm or less, and at least
5 mm long (2). Long fibers are thought to be more biologically active than shorter fibers (3).

MMVF are characterized by length (L) and diameter (D). The arithmetic mean or median of the
observed distribution of lengths and diameters may be given as the count mean or median diameter
(CMD) or length (CML). If the observed values are transformed by taking the natural logarithm of
the measured parameters, the geometric mean (GM) of each dimension may be given with a
geometric standard deviation (GSD). The size determinations may be made by either scanning
(SEM) or transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. TEM has the lower limits of detection by which
investigators can characterize fibers with diameters in the nanometer range. Dose by some routes of
administration may be further described by the mass of material, for example, in implantation or
single bolus injection studies. For inhalation studies, GM and GSD length and diameter are usually
listed for the exposure aerosol, and often the number of fibers within specific size ranges are listed;
for example, the number of WHO fibers or the number longer than 20 microns may be tabulated.
Following inhalation, fibers may be deposited on surfaces within the respiratory tract or exhaled. For
the fibers that are deposited, the site of deposition (dose) depends upon the characteristics of the
fiber and results from one of five mechanisms: impaction, interception, sedimentation, electrostatic
precipitation, or diffusion. The majority of the deposition of MMVF is probably governed by the
first three mechanisms. Impaction and interception occur when the fiber is removed from the
airstream by physically contacting the surface of the airway or a bifurcation. Sedimentation occurs in
the lower airways, where the velocity of the fiber becomes low enough for it to settle on the airway
surface. Electrostatic precipitation results when the fiber carries a charge opposite to that of the
airway surface; for mineral wool fibers, no reports have been found on surface charge measurements.
Deposition due to diffusion requires that the air molecules collide with the fiber, resulting in
movement toward the surface. This mechanism could contribute to deposition of very thin fibers,
e.g., those with diameters substantially less than one-half micron, but few of them are expected in the
work environment (4).

The clearance mechanism of the deposited fibers depends upon the characteristics of the fiber and
the site of deposition. Fibers deposited in the tracheobronchial region are cleared with the mucous by
the cilia and swallowed. This process is completed in a matter of days, during which little change in
fiber dimensions would be anticipated. Fibers deposited lower in the respiratory tract are cleared
more slowly. Here the fibers are cleared by translocation to another area of the lung or dissolve;
translocation may be facilitated by partial dissolution of the fiber or breakage into particles of shorter
length. When fibers recovered from the lung or other tissue are characterized by dimensions,
comparison with the parent material provides information on deposition and distribution.

Solubility has been investigated as an indicator of durability. Guldberg et al. (5) noted that testing at
pH 7.2 to 7.8 represents the neutral conditions of the lung; testing at an acidic pH of 4.5 to 5
represents the environment created by contact with the phagolysosomes. End points include 95%
loss of leachable elements, 75% total mass loss, and mass lost in a specified number of days. Both
pH values should be considered when evaluating biopersistence (6). The formulation of the test fluid
for solubility studies also influences results (5, 7); however, for a given fluid, the rank order of
dissolution rates is unchanged (5).

The interpretation of short-term bioassay results is still under study (8). Bernstein et al. (8a)
suggested that the results of dissolution at neutral pH are correlated with in vivo biopersistence.
Others report that the dissolution rates of MMVF that have high aluminum content are much greater
in acidic environments (9). Evidence from animal studies shows that the macrophages may interact
with long fibers and that multiple macrophages attach to a single fiber which can lead to dissolution

Two reviews of animal studies should be consulted by the reader interested in contrasting the
observations of effects among two or more MMVF (14, 15). The contribution of various types of
studies to the overall assessment of the toxicity of MMVF was the focus of a 1994 workshop (16),
and a 1995 review by De Vuyst et al. (17).

Rock Wool and Refractory Ceramic Fibers

Carol Rice, Ph.D., CIH

1.0 Mineral Wool

1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
rock wool, slag wool
1.0.3 Trade Names
The major U.S. suppliers and product types include

American Rockwool, Inc.

Rock/slag wool building insulation

Rock/slag wool fire-accoustical thermal spray systems
Rock/slag loose wool industrial and OEM fibers and insulation
Celotex Corporation

Slag wool ceiling tile

Fibrex, Inc.

Rock wool board, pipe and blanket insulation

Slag blowing wool building insulation
Rock wool roof insulation
Rock wool marine insulation
Isolatek International

Slag wool insulation (bulk)

Slag wool fire protection (sprayed)
Slag wool building insulation (sprayed)
MFS, Inc.

Slag wool insulation (bulk)

Slag wool fire protection (sprayed)
Slag wool insulating cement (troweled, sprayed)

Rock wool pipe, board, and blanket insulation

Rock Wool Manufacturing Co.

Slag wool building insulation

Slag wool pipe and board insulation
Slag wool commercial insulation
Roxul, Inc.

Rock wool building insulation

Rock wool pipe, board, and blanket insulation
Rock wool roof insulation
Sloss Industries Corporation

Slag wool insulation (bulk)

Slag wool ceiling tile
Slag blowing wool insulation
Thermafiber LLC

Slag wool board and blanket insulation

Slag wool building insulation
Slag wool ceiling tile
USG Interiors, Inc.

Slag wool ceiling tile

Brand names are not given because a single supplier may have 200 products, each with a unique
trade name.

(Source: North American Insulation Manufacturers Association, Washington, DC, 1999).

Rock Wool and Refractory Ceramic Fibers

Carol Rice, Ph.D., CIH

2.0 Refractory Ceramic Fibers (RCF)

2.0.1 CAS Number:
2.0.2 Synonyms:
2.0.3 Trade Names
United States trade names:

Anchor Loc
Pre Flex
Pre Mix

(Source: Refractory Ceramic Fiber Coalition, Washington, DC, 1999)

2.0.4 Molecular Weight
The molecular weight varies depending upon the raw materials used in the formulation.
Rock Wool and Refractory Ceramic Fibers


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R. A. Lemen, Ph.D.

1.0 Fiberglass
1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
Glass wool; Fiberglas®; Fiberglass insulation; boron silicate glass fibre; Saint Gobain; JM 100; JM
102; JM 104; JM 110; TEL
1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
1.1.1 General Physical properties are listed in Table 15.1.

Table 15.1. Physical Properties of Fiberglassa

Glass Fiber Diameter Specific Gravity Refractive

Type Form Range (mm) (g/cm3) Index

I Textiles 6–9.5 2.596 1.548

II Mats 10–15 2.540 1.541
Textiles 6–9.5
III Wood 7.5–15 2.605 1.549
IV Packs 115–250 2.465 1.512
V Wool, fine 0.75–5 2.568 1.537
Ultrafine 0.25–0.75
VI Textile 6–9.5 4.3 —

NIOSH (4) and taken from IARC (5).
Relative density of fiberglass is 2.5–2.6 (water = 1). It is not soluble in water. Components are listed

Continuous Glass

Glass Woolab (Mohr and Rowe, Ref. 1) % by

Component % by Weight Weight
SiO2 52–56 63
CaO 16–25 7
Al2O3 12–16 (+Fe2O3)6
B2O3 8–13 6
MgO 0–6 3
Na2O 0–3 14
K2O 0–3 1
TiO2 0–0.4 —
Fe2O3 0.05–0.4 —
F2 — 0.7

Ref. 2.
b Glass wool is an amorphous silicate manufactured from glass and may contain a binder and an
oil for dust suppression (3).

1.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Fiberglass can irritate the eyes, skin and the respiratory tract (3).
It can also cause an itch called fiberglass itch (6).
1.2 Production and Use
Fiberglass is produced as a glass wool or glass filament by drawing, centrifuging, or blowing molten
glass into fibers of certain predetermined widths and lengths or by continuously drawing or
extruding glass filaments from molten glass (5).

Glass fiber production is in the 100s of million kg per year and continues to grow (5.
1.3 Exposure Assessment
1.3.1 Air: NA

1.3.2 Background Levels Fiber concentrations in the atmosphere have been generally low and range
from undetectable to 0.00004 to 0.009 fiber/cm3 (5).

1.3.3 Workplace Methods Fiberglass can be sampled by using a filter (0.45 to 1.2 mm cellulose ester
membrane, 25-mm; conductive cowl on cassette) and measured by the light microscope, phase
contrast technique. This allows a manual count of all fibers. If used for detecting one fiber type it
will not be successful because other fibers with similar diameters and lengths will interfere. The
working range is between 0.04 to 0.5 fibers/cc for a 1000-L air sample. The limit of detection
depends on sample volume and the quantity of interfering dust, but in the absence of such
interferences, the quantitative concentration goes down to <0.01 fiber/cc (7). NIOSH recommends
alternate counting rules for non-asbestos fibers that include “B” rules given in NIOSH Method 7400.
NIOSH further recommends the use of the 3 : 1 aspect ratio in counting fibers. Other methods are
outlined by the IARC (5) and WHO (2). However, the phase contrast method described by NIOSH
(7) is the most commonly used method and NIOSH recommends it be used in conjunction with the
NIOSH electron microscopy method 7402. Optical and scanning electron microscopy are improving
with time and can add to the level of quantification. Scanning electron microscopy is the method of
choice for identifying fiber type and for accurate sizing. With a magnification of 5000×, it can detect
fibers as small as about 0.5 mm in diameter.

1.3.4 Community Methods The same sampling methods apply to the community as for the
1.4 Toxic Effects
1.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Inhalation can result in sore throats, hoarseness,
coughs, and labored breathing. Skin contact can result in itching and redness; and eye contact can
cause redness, pain, and itching (3). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Studies of hamsters revealed hemorrhagic and edematous
lungs after intratracheal instillation of 0.1 mm diameter fiber but not in animals given thicker fibers
(median diameter, 2.3–4.1 mm). Gross et al. (1956) reported similar findings in rats. Other findings
included pulmonary inflammation in rats, phagocytosis of short, thin fibers from the lungs by
macrophages, as well as other cellular reactions to the fibers once in the lung (8–13). Other effects
included filling of the alveoli of rats and hamsters with granular material that caused a condition of
alveolar lipoproteinosis (14, 15). The asbestos fiber amosite did not cause alveolar lipoproteinosis.

Fibrosis tends to be related to the fiber length. Davis (16) found that finely ground material was
much less effective in producing fibrosis than dusts containing long fibers. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechansims 4Deposition, retention, and clearance

depend clearly on a large number of factors including, but not limited to, the fiber size (length and
width); velocity; and aerodynamic properties. An excellent discussion of each these factors and
others are found in IARC (5). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis The IARC has concluded that there is sufficient evidence of the
carcinogenicity of glass wool in experimental animals (5). The NTP has listed glass wool (respirable
size), first in the Seventh, and now in the Eighth Report on Carcinogens as reasonably anticipated to
be a human carcinogen (17, 18).

These conclusions are based on the findings of numerous animals studies supporting the
carcinogenic potential of fiberglass. Excellent reviews of these studies can be found in IARC (5),
WHO (2), and Infante et al. (19). Basically these reviews found that after intratracheal instillation,
statistically significant incidences of lung tumors occurred in rats and that significantly increased
incidences of thoracic tumors (lung tumors and sarcomas) and mesotheliomas were found in
hamsters. The fiber diameters were generally less than 0.3 mm.

Intrapleural implanation and injection in rats caused incidences of pleural tumors (mesothelioma)
which varied with fiber size, but not with physicochemical properties.

Injection of glass wool into the peritoneal cavity of rats caused mesotheliomas and sarcomas, and the
incidence depended upon fiber size and dose. Leaching of fibers with hydrochloric acid in two of the
studies reduced the number of tumors, whereas treatment of fibers with sodium hydroxide did not.
One study of Fisher 344 rats inoculated intrapleurally with a single 20-mg dose of JM-100 fibrous
glass (mean length 2.2 mm and width 0.15 mm; within respirable range) found that 3/25 developed
mesothelioma, but because the authors observed such a spectrum of pleural mesothelial
histopathological changes they concluded that there may be a gradual progression from mesothelial
hyperplasia or dysplasia to mesothelioma (20).

Inhalation studies reviewed by both the IARC and NTP were insufficient to determine fiberglass
carcinogenicity. However, as explained in the NTP report, those differences in particle deposition
and retention in rodents are considerably different from those in humans and thus particles that may
be important in inducing human disease may never reach the target tissues with sufficient quantities
in rodents. Therefore, inhalation studies may well be less sensitive than tests by other routes. IARC
indicates that it is often necessary to use other routes of administration when testing the
carcinogenicity of mineral fibers (5).
Some inhalation studies have found that special application of 475 fiberglass can induce pulmonary
fibrosis and pleural mesothelioma in hamsters as does amosite asbestos (21). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Glass wool reportedly induced numerical and
structural chromosomal alterations in mammalian cell in vitro and caused morphological
transformation in rodent cells in vitro. The transformation depended on fiber diameter and length.
Neither sister chromatid exchanges in vitro nor mutations in bacteria were induced by glass wool (5).
It is reported that glass fiber-induced cell transformation could be the result of activating the H-ras,
K-ras, c-myc, and c-fos proto-oncogenes and/or inactivating the p53 tumor suppressor gene as a
result of gene amplification and/or point mutations, and that multiple mutations might be the result
of genomic instability from chromosomal alterations induced by glass fibers (22). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization

1.4.2 Human Experience General Information Excellent summaries of human experience are
found in IARC (5), WHO (2), and Infante et al. (19). Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Inhalation can cause sore throats, hoarseness,
coughs, and labored breathing (3). Skin contact can result in fiberglass itch and redness (3, 6) dermal
effects reported have been as high as 61% in a worker population (23), but most other studies have
reported lower incidences. Sometimes the irritant effects of dermal exposure can result in inducing
eczematous reactions that mimic allergic responses, and allergic reactions to resins applied on the
fibers can occur (24).

Irritation of the cornea was reported by Longley and Jones (25) after exposure to manmade mineral
fibers (MMMF). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity There have been no consistent findings of pulmonary
effects among workers exposed to fiberglass. However, some findings of pulmonary abnormalities
have been reported. Radiological abnormalities have been reported among workers in the glass fiber
manufacturing industry (26–28). Others who found radiological abnormalities have been unable to
associate them clearly with exposure to fiberglass either because of a history of smoking or lack of
correlation with duration or intensity of exposure (29–32). Epidemiology Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis In 1988, the IARC concluded that there was inadequate evidence of the
carcinogenicity of glass wool and glass filaments in humans, but that glass wool was possibly
carcinogenic to humans, placing it in its Group 2B (5). Infante et al. (19) reviewed the studies
evaluated by IARC and additional epidemiological studies (33–37) and concluded that when all
studies were taken together, they were sufficient to conclude that respirable glass wool is
carcinogenic and that when placed in combination with the experimental carcinogenic findings the
data were sufficient to include fibrous glass in the category of a likely human carcinogen. These
same data were reviewed by the NTP which concluded that glass wool (respirable size) is reasonably
anticipated to be a human carcinogen (17). Chiazze et al. (38) reported a statistically significant lung
cancer odds ratio of 23.4 (95% CI 32–172.9) in a case-control study among a group of fiberglass
workers drawn from a historical cohort mortality study conducted on behalf of the Thermal
Insulation Manufactures Association (TIMA). On further analysis, again using a case-control design,
it was reported that a history of cigarette smoking and not exposure to respirable glass was the most
important variable for the increased lung cancer (39). New data continue to emerge evaluating
fibrous glass and carcinogenicity. However, the evidence is still compelling enough given both the
experimental data and the epidemiological data that neither IARC nor NTP have reversed their
conclusions that glass wool can reasonably be anticipated to be a human carcinogen (17) or that glass
wool is possibly carcinogenic to humans (5).
1.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA regulates fibrous glass dust at a PEL of 15 mg/m3 (total) and 5 mg/m3 (respirable), and
NIOSH recommends an REL of 3 fibers/cm3 (fibers ~3.5 mm in diameter and ~10 mm in long) or
5 mg/m3 (total dust) (40). The ACGIH recommends a TLV of 1 fiber/cc as a TWA (41).



Cited Publications
1 J. G. Mohr and W. P. Rowe, Fiber Glass, Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York, 1978.
2 World Health Organization (WHO), Man-Made Mineral Fibres: Environmental Health
Criteria 77, International Programme on Chemical Safety. United Nations Environmental
Programme, International Labour Organization, WHO, Geneva, 1988, p. 165.
3 World Health Organization (WHO), Glass Wool: Intenational Chemical Safety Cards.
International Programme on Chemical Safety, United Nations Environmental Programme,
International Labour Organization, WHO, Geneva, 1999.
4 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Criteria for a
Recommended Standard ... Occupational Exposure to Fibrous Glass, DHEW(NIOSH),
Publ, No. 77–152, NTIS Publ. No. PB-274198, NIOSH, Cincinnati, OH, 1977.
5 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Man-Made Mineral Fibres, IARC
Monog., Vol. 43 World Health Organization, Lyon, France, 1988, pp. 33–171.
6 International Labour Office (ILO), Encyclopeadia of Occupational Health and Safety, 4th
ed., Vol. I, ILO, Geneva, 1998, p. 12.2.
7 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Asbestos and other fibers by
PCM. Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM), 4th ed., U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Service,
Cincinnati, OH, 1994.
8 S. E. Skyes et al., The advantages and limitations of an in vivo test system for investigating
the cytotoxicity and fibrogenicity of fibrous dusts. Environ. Health Perspect. 51, 267–273
9 J. M. G. Davis, P. Gross, and R. T. P. de Treville, Ferruginous bodies in guinea pigs. Fine
structure produced experimentally from minerals other than asbestos. Arch. Pathol. 89, 364–
373 (1970).
10 K. Miller, The in vivo effects of glass fibres on alveolar microphage membrane
characteristics. In J. C. Wagner, Biological Effects of Mineral Fibres, IARC Sci. Publ. No.
30, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, 1980, pp. 459–465.
11 G. W. H. Schepers and A. B. Delahant, An experimental study of the effects of glass wool
on animal lungs. Arch. Ind. Health 12, 276–279 (1955).
12 S. Sethi, E. G. Beck, and N. Manojlovic, The induction of polykaryocytes by various fibrous
dusts and their inhibition by drugs in rats. Ann. Occup. Hyg. 18, 173–177 (1975).
13 S. K. Botham and P. F. Holt, The development of glass-fibre bodies in the lungs of guinea-
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14 K. P. Lee et al., Pulmonary response to glass fiber by inhalation exposure. Lab. Invest. 40,
123–133 (1979).
15 K. P. Lee and C. F. Reinhardt, Biological studies on inorganic potassium titanate fibres. In
Biological Effects of Man-made Mineral Fibres, Proc. WHO/IARC Conf. Vol. 2. World
Health Organization, Copenhagen, 1984, pp. 323–333.
16 J. M. G. Davis, The fibrogenic effects of mineral dusts injected into the pleural cavity of
mice. Br. J. Exp. Pathol. 53, 190–201 (1972).
17 National Toxicology Program (NTP), Glasswool (Respirable Size): Seventh Annual Report
on Carcinogens, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences, Public Health Service, Washington, DC, 1994.
18 National Toxicology Program (NTP), Glasswool (Respirable Size): Eighth Annual Report
on Carcinogens, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences, Public Health Service, Washington, DC, 1999.
19 P. F. Infante et al., Commentary: Fibrous glass and cancer. Am. J. Ind. Med. 26, 559–584
20 A. E. Fraire et al., Effect of fibrous glass on rat pleural mesothelium. Histopatholigic
observations. Am. J. Respir. Gcrit. Care Med. 150(2), 521–527 (1994).
21 T. W. Hesterberg et al., Studies on the inhalation toxicology of two fiberglasses and amosite
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22 W. Z. Whong et al., Genetic alterations of cancer-related genes in glass fiber-induced
transformed cells. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 56(6), 397–404 (1999).
23 A. Bjornberg, Glass fiber dermatitis. Am. J. Ind. Med. 8, 395–400 (1985).
24 A. A. Fisher, Fiberglass vs mineral wool (rockwool) dermatitis. Cutis 29, 412–427 (1982).
25 E. O. Longley and R. C. Jones, Fiberglass conjunctivitis and keratitis. Arch. Environ. Health
13, 790–793 (1966).
26 G. W. Wright, Airborne fibrous glass particles: Chest roentenograms of persons with
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27 A. N. M. Nasr, T. Ditchek, and P. A. Scholtens, The prevalence of radiographic
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28 H. Valentin, H. P. Bost, and H.-G. Essing, Are glass fibre dusts of concern for health?
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29 H. Weill et al., Respiratory health in workers exposed to man-made vitreous fibers. Am. Rev.
Respir. Dis. 128, 104–112 (1983).
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Man-made Mineral Fibres, Proc. WHO/IARC Conf. Vol. 1, World Health Organization,
Copenhagen, 1984, pp. 387–412.
31 J. W. Hill et al., Glass fibres: Absence of pulmonary hazard in production workers. Br. J.
Ind. Med. 30, 174–179 (1973).
32 J. W. Hill, C. E. Rossiter, and D. W. Foden, A pilot respiratory morbidity study of workers
in a MMMF plant in the United Kingdom. In Biological Effects of Man-made Mineral
Fibres, Proc. WHO/IARC Conf., Vol. 1, World Health Organization, Copenhagen, 1984, pp.
33 H. S. Shannon et al., Mortality experience of Ontario glass fibre workers—Extended follow-
up. Ann. Occup. Hyg. 31, 657–662 (1987).
34 P. E. Enterline et al., Mortality update of a cohort of US man-made mineral fibre workers.
Ann. Occup. Hyg. 31, 625–656 (1987).
35 G. M. Marsh et al., Mortality among a cohort of US man-made mineral fiber workers: 1985
follow-up. J. Occup. Med. 32, 594–604 (1990).
36 L. Simonato et al., The International Agency for Research on Cancer historical cohort study
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Ann. Occup. Hyg. 31, 603–623 (1987).
37 P. Boffetta et al., Lung cancer mortality among workers in the European production of man-
made mineral fibers—A Poisson regression analysis. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 18,
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38 L. Chiazze, Jr., D. K. Watkins, and C. Fryar, A case-control study of malignant and non-
malignant respiratory disease among employees of a fibreglass manufacturing facility. Br. J.
Ind. Med. 49(5), 326–331 (1992).
39 L. Chiazze, Jr., D. K. Watkins, and C. Fryar, Adjustment for the confounding effect of
cigarette smoking in an historical cohort mortality study of workers in a fiberglass
manufacturing facility. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 37(6), 744–748 (1995).
40 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Fibrous glass dust. Pocket
Guide to Chemical Hazards, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Service, Washington, DC, 1997, pp. 144–
41 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 1997 TLVs® and
BELs®, ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH, 1997.

Michael Attfield, Vincent Castranova, Eileen Kuempel, Gregory Wagner, MD

1.0 Coal
1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
Coal, anthracite, bituminous coal, lignite, brown coal.
1.0.3 Trade Names:
1.0.4 Molecular Weight:
The molecular weight of coal as mined is indeterminate. Alkylated coal products have molecular
weights from 500–2000 (low to high rank coal) (1).
1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
1.1.1. General Coal is an organic, combustible, rock-like natural substance that occurs in various
forms from hard and brittle anthracite to soft and friable lignite. Coal is sometimes classified into
two types: hard coal and soft coal. These terms do not, however, have a standardized meaning. One
definition calls anthracite hard coal and places all other coal types in the soft coal category. A more
common convention is that of Speight (1), in which anthracite and bituminous coals are termed hard
coal and lignite and brown coal are classified as soft coal. Research on the health effects of coal has
been heavily concentrated on the more common anthracite and bituminous types. There, the results
have shown more of a gradient in toxicological effect across coal types rather than any clear-cut
divisions between types. Little research has been undertaken on lignite and other brown coals. This
has prohibited drawing firm conclusions on its toxicity relative to its harder cousins. This lack of any
obvious demarcation has led us to report on overall patterns of effect rather than to provide separate
presentations by coal type. Where data are available, we draw attention to any findings especially
relevant to any particular coal type.

Coal varies considerably in composition and consists largely of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen with
smaller amounts of sulfur, nitrogen, trace elements, and metals. Coal originated from mostly organic
material that was long ago buried by sediments. Heat and pressure converted the plant remains over
geologic time to coal, the process thought to have led to peat, lignite, bituminous coal, and anthracite
in turn. Coal, as extracted, contains many minerals in various proportions, including quartz, clays,
carbonates, and sulfides. These minerals can be intrinsic to the coal, as in silica grains within the coal
matrix, or may lie in pockets or layers. Although there are different methods for classifying coal—
each developed for a specific geological or economic purpose—all tend to relate to the age of the
coal. Older coals are purer, harder, more brittle, have less volatile matter, and have higher calorific
value. They also contain higher amounts of fixed carbon. Fixed carbon is the basis of a commonly
used classification index of coal—coal rank. High rank coals, such as anthracite, have the greatest
amount of fixed carbon, whereas bituminous and subbituminous coals are defined as low rank. A
rank-based system devised by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) divides coal
into four main subtypes: anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, and lignite (2). Each subtype is
further divided, using fixed carbon, moist Btu, or other factors. For example, the main anthracite
group is divided into meta-anthracite (98% or more fixed carbon), anthracite (92–98% fixed carbon),
and semianthracite (80–92% fixed carbon). The lignite group is split into lignite and brown coal; the
main distinction is whether the substance is consolidated (lignite) or not consolidated (brown coal).



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Wood Dust
John Dement

1.0 Softwoods and Hardwoods

Wood dust is any particle arising from processing or handling wood (1). Woods are classified into
two broad botanical classifications; hardwood is the common name given to the botanical
classification Angiosperms, and softwood is the common name given to the botanical classification
Gymnosperms. Gymnosperms have exposed seeds whereas angiosperms have encapsulated seeds.
Although there are more than 12,000 species of trees recorded, most species are deciduous trees or
hardwoods, and only about 800 species are coniferous trees or softwoods (2). Table 17.1 summarizes
nomenclature for the more typical softwoods and hardwoods.

Table 17.1. Nomenclature of Some Softwoods and Hardwoods

Genus and Species Common Name

Abies Fir
Chamaecyparis Cedar
Cupressus Cypress
Larix Larch
Picea Spruce
Pinus Pine
Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas fir
Sequoia sempervirens Redwood
Thuja Thuja, arborvitae
Tsuga Hemlock
Acer Maple
Alnus Alder
Betula Birch
Carya Hickory
Carpinus Hornbeam, white beech
Castanea Chestnut
Fagus Beech
Fraxinus Ash
Juglans Walnut
Platanus Sycamore
Populus Aspen, poplar
Prunus Cherry
Salix Willow
Quercus Oak
Tilia Lime, basswood
Ulmus Elm
Tropical Hardwood
Agathis australis Kauri pine
Chlorophora excelsa Iroko
Dacrydium cupressinum Rimu, red pine
Dalbergia Palisander
Dalbergia nigra Brazilian rosewood
Diospyros Ebony
Khaya African mahogany
Mansonia Mansonia, bete
Ochroma Balsa
Palaquium hexandrum Nyatoh
Pericopsis elata Afrormosia
Shorea Meranti
Tectona grandis Teak
Terminalia superva Limba, afara
Triplochiton schleroxylon Obeche

Wood Dust


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Cotton and Other Textile Dusts

James A. Merchant, MD

1 Introduction
Byssinosis is a generic term applied to acute and chronic airway disease among those occupationally
exposed to vegetable dust arising from the processing of cotton, flax, hemp, and possibly other
textile fibers. Observations regarding respiratory disease attributable to these vegetable dusts date to
the early eighteenth century (1).

Today the production of cotton products is commercially important to developed and developing
countries alike. Processing of flax and hemp remains regionally important industries, which continue
to provide traditional textile products. Thus several million workers are occupationally exposed to
these vegetable dusts worldwide. In the United States more than 300,000 workers are directly
exposed to cotton dust, primarily in the textile industry, but also in cotton ginning, cotton
warehousing and compressing, cotton classing offices, cottonseed oil and delinting mills, bedding
and batting manufacturing, and utilization of waste cotton for a wide variety of products.

Two febrile syndromes characterized by fever, cough, and other constitutional symptoms including
headache and malaise are also associated with byssinosis and textile manufacturing. These occur
most frequently with exposure to low-grade, spotted cotton. Mattress-maker's fever and weaver's
cough may be considered together because of their characteristically high attack rate and probable
similar etiology. Mill fever, which is characterized by fever, malaise, myalgia, fatigue, and often
cough, was a common complaint among workers first exposed to high levels of these vegetable
dusts, with the prevailing cotton dust levels in the Western world it now rarely occurs. These febrile
syndromes are similar to other febrile syndromes described among agricultural workers exposed to
high levels of contaminated vegetable dusts. It is now also clear that symptoms typical of byssinosis
are observed among others occupationally exposed to vegetable dusts. Many of those exposed are
employed in agriculture, which typically involves daily exposure, rather than the cyclical workweek
exposure of textile workers. It is also clear that exposure to organic dusts in textile and nontextile
operations will often result in clinical asthma. This often results in self-selection or transfer of the
affected worker out of dusty jobs or entirely out of the industry. There is also now evidence that
exposure to textile dusts results in heightened airway reactivity and that atopy is a risk factor for the
development of vegetable-dust-induced bronchoconstriction (2). These observations are likely to
become more relevant with regulation of cotton dust to lower levels. This may allow toleration of
lower exposure to cotton dust by many of those who were previously selected out of these industries
because of asthma, thereby resulting in increased risk to the development of chronic airway disease.
1.1 Exposure Assessment
It is recommended that workplace exposures be determined using a vertical elutriator.

Cotton and Other Textile Dusts

James A. Merchant, MD

2 Epidemiology
The term byssinosis was first used by Proust in 1877 to describe respiratory disease among textile
workers (3). It arises from the Latin byssus, which means fine and valuable textile fiber known to the
ancients, usually referring to flax, but also cotton, silk, and other natural textile fibers. While
Ramazzini was the first to describe asthma and chronic respiratory disease arising from the
processing of textiles, there are abundant important historical descriptions of respiratory disease
among textile workers, which were variously described as tracheal phthisis, spinner's phthisis, cotton
pneumonia, stripper's asthma, or stripper's and grinder's asthma.

Mortality studies began with the collection of data on those exposed to cotton dust found in the
Decennial Supplements to the Annual Report of the Registrar General of Births, Deaths, and
Marriages in England and Wales between the years 1880 and 1932. Caminita et al. (4) reviewed
these data and found a “marked excess” of deaths in higher age groups, particularly from bronchitis
and pneumonia. Later reports emphasized that excess mortality from respiratory disease occurred
chiefly among card room and blowing room operators, strippers, and grinders, rather than among
other cotton workers. These observations were reconfirmed by Schilling and Goodman (5, 6), who
showed that a substantial proportion of cardiovascular deaths should have been classified as
respiratory deaths because cardiovascular disease was traditionally given priority in multiple
certifications prior to 1939.

Barbero and Flores (7) studied 100 consecutive deaths among hemp workers and compared the
results with 100 consecutive deaths among farm workers from the same region of Spain for the years
1938–1943. The mean age of death for hemp workers was 39.6 years; that for farm workers, 67.6
years. Cardiorespiratory disease was listed as the cause of death twice as often among hemp workers.

Contemporary studies of cotton textile workers' mortality have not revealed consistent excesses in
overall mortality. Assessment of respiratory mortality has been difficult because of a lack of
adequate work history data and lack of smoking histories. Enterline and Kendrick (8) studied 6281
white male cotton textile workers employed in Georgia mills. They found an overall mortality
similar to that of asbestos building product and asbestos friction material workers but less than that
of asbestos textile workers. There was no evidence of excess respiratory deaths among all cotton
workers when cause-specific rates were compared to U.S. white male mortality rates. There was,
however, an increase in cardiovascular and all causes of death with increasing duration of exposure.
Of interest was a deficit in lung cancer deaths that led Enterline to suggest that there may be a cancer
inhibitor, possibly endotoxin, in cotton dust (9). Recent studies of lung cancer in China have
confirmed significantly less lung cancer among cotton textile workers after controlling for smoking
(10). While methodologic factors were considered, these authors concluded that their findings are
consistent with Enterline's hypothesis that some tumor-inhibiting factor(s) may be present in dusts
from cotton and other vegetable fibers.

Daum investigated a South Carolina cohort exposed primarily to cotton processing and employed
between 1943 and 1949 (11). In this small cohort, moderate increases in respiratory deaths were
found among male carders with 10–20 years' exposure, and from respiratory and cardiovascular
disease among female spinning room workers with greater than 20 years' exposure. A study of two
North Carolina mills assessing exposure between 1936 and 1970 found no increase in respiratory
mortality, but did report a trend towards increased respiratory mortality with increasing duration of
exposure (12). Excesses in cardiovascular mortality were also observed and accounted for a high
proportion of deaths. A proportionate mortality study of Rhode Island male textile workers who died
during the period 1968–1978 reported a statistically significant increase in nonmalignant respiratory
mortality that appeared to be consistent with cotton dust exposure (13). Prospective evaluation of
mortality among Finnish women cotton workers hired between 1950 and 1971 found no excess in
respiratory disease mortality but did report a fourfold excess in disability from respiratory disease
(14). Mortality from cardiovascular diseases was lower than expected, and mortality from specific
cancers did not differ from that expected. All these mortality studies suffer from the selection biases
of the healthy worker effect, which becomes more pronounced with years of followup (12, 15).
However, in a recent prospective mortality study of a cohort British textile workers, initially enrolled
between 1968 and 1970, both the overall mortality and the respiratory disease mortality of the whole
cohort were less than expected. However, there was an excess mortality from respiratory disease in
those initially reporting byssinotic symptoms.

Early morbidity studies of cotton and flax workers found an unusually high prevalence of respiratory
disease, particularly among those working in high dust exposure areas (16–18). In Great Britain,
byssinosis was made a compensable disease in 1942 and, on the basis of the number of cases
compensated, was thought to be a disappearing disease. Schilling and Goodman rediscovered
byssinosis when they studied Lancashire mills to investigate an apparent increase in cardiovascular
mortality (5, 6). In a series of studies extending over a 10-year period, Schilling contributed
significantly to our understanding of the epidemiology of respiratory diseases among textile workers.
He developed, and tested for reliability and validity, a series of questions that were added to the
British Medical Research Council (BMRC) respiratory questionnaire, which provided the basis for
his byssinosis grading scheme (19):

Grade O. No symptoms of chest tightness or breathlessness on Mondays

Grade 1/2. Occasional chest tightness on Mondays, or mild symptoms such as irritation (cough) of
the respiratory tract on Mondays
Grade 1. Chest tightness and/or breathlessness on Mondays only
Grade 2. Chest tightness and/or breathlessness on Mondays and other workdays
Schilling's questionnaire and grading scheme has been the standard for worldwide epidemiologic
studies of workers exposed to textile and other vegetable dusts. To validate the grading scheme, he
demonstrated that cotton workers with increasing grades of byssinosis have corresponding increases
in airway obstruction. Together with Roach, he was the first to quantify a strong linear dose–
response relationship between total and respirable cotton dust and the prevalence of byssinosis,
which largely explained differences in prevalence in various mill work areas (19). He was also the
first to report that smoking was an important risk factor in determining byssinosis prevalence (5, 19).

Since Schilling's publications, similar findings have been reported among textile workers from many
countries around the world. Recent studies confirm the presence of byssinosis, but especially
nonspecific respiratory symptoms and associated lung function abnormalities among Chinese cotton
textile workers (20, 21). While byssinosis is now much less prevalent, it is still found among
Lancashire cotton textile workers (22) and flax workers in Normandy, France (23). In addition to
those exposed in primary textile mill operations, the disease has been reported among cotton ginners
(24, 25), cotton seed oil and delinting workers (24, 26), workers in waste cotton operations (27),
those in garneting (bedding and batting operations) (28), and those processing soft hemp (29, 30) and
flax (30–33). Byssinosis has not been typically found among those processing “hard” fibers of sisal
or jute (34, 35). However, one study reported typical byssinosis among Tanzanian sisal workers with
very high dust exposure (36). In addition, symptoms consistent with byssinosis have been reported
among workers exposed to herbal tea processing and among workers engaged in swine confinement
housing operations (37, 38).

Several investigations (25, 32, 39–42) have now confirmed, with remarkable uniformity, Schilling's
early dose-response findings, despite differences in dose–measurement technique, study population
composition, and source of raw product. More recent studies have demonstrated that reliance on total
dust measurement may provide a misleading indication of risk, as much of the mass may be
composed of cotton lint (43).

In the United States measurement of inhalable dust (<15 mm in aerodynamic diameter) has proven to
be a reliable and valid dust measurement for assessment of vegetable dust dose–response (44). Most
of these studies have concentrated on preparation and yarn-production workers, with little attention
given to weavers and others exposed to cotton dust. One study examined both preparation and yarn
processors, who were found to have similar dose–response relationships, and weavers, who were
found to have a quantitatively different dose–response relationship (44) (see Fig. 18.1). Studies of
changes in lung function over a Monday working shift have provided objective data on dose-related
declines in FEV1, which were consistent with the dose–response relationships based on byssinosis
prevalence (44). Based on these data, a permissible exposure limit for exposure to raw cotton dust
has been promulgated by the U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA): for preparation and yarn
operations, a time-weighted concentration of 0.2 mg/m3 of air, and for weavers, 0.75 mg/m3 of air
Figure 18.1. Byssinosis prevalence by grade and by median dust level among cotton preparation and
yarn area workers: linear regressions and fitted probit dose–response curves.

Dose–response data are less available for cotton dust exposures outside the cotton textile industry,
but there is evidence of a dose–response relationship for other cotton operations and for processing
of flax and hemp (46, 47). Based on all available data, the World Health Organization has
recommended exposure limits for several of these exposures (48).

Assessment of chronic cough and phlegm, as defined from the BMRC respiratory questionnaire (49),
has been an integral part of most epidemiologic studies of cotton, hemp, and flax textile workers.
While not a uniform observation, most surveys have reported increased rates of chronic cough and
phlegm among those with heavy cotton dust exposure, especially among those with symptoms of
byssinosis (50, 51). Similarly, indices of dyspnea, as assessed by the BMRC questionnaire, have
been shown to be strongly associated with dustier exposures and have been found to be increased
among those with more severe grades of byssinosis (29–31, 47). As with many other epidemiologic
studies of respiratory disease, smoking has been found to be a powerful risk factor for chronic cough
and phlegm and for measures of dyspnea (44, 52).

Two major effects of vegetable dust on lung function have been reported in epidemiologic studies.
The first is a chronic effect characterized by airway obstruction and manifest by reductions in FEV1,
FVC, and FEV1/FVC with increased dust concentration and duration of exposure. The second is an
acute effect characterized by measures demonstrating bronchoconstriction over a working shift of
exposure to cotton dust, especially after an absence from exposure for 2 or more days (Fig. 18.2) (41,
53). Spirometric evaluation, typically conducted prior to the Monday shift in Western countries, has
confirmed Schilling's observation that those with symptoms of byssinosis, as a group, may be
expected to have lower expiratory flow rates than comparable controls. Furthermore, those with
chronic cough and phlegm, in addition to symptoms of chest tightness, have been found to have a
further decrease in lung function (50–52, 54). In large cross-sectional studies, smoking has also been
found to exert a significant additive decrease in preshift lung function (43, 44, 55). Recent studies by
Schacter et al. suggest that smoking may be more related to abnormalities in maximum expiratory
flows at 50% and 25%, whereas cotton dust appears to be either more important than or as important
as the smoking effect on FVC and FEV1 among cotton textile workers with long exposures (56).
Figure 18.2. Pattern of response among 25 cardroom workers exposed to cotton dust.

McKerrow et al. (57) were the first to observe a reduction in expiratory flow rates over a work shift,
a reduction that was most marked after an absence from exposure and especially among workers in
areas with higher dust levels. From these observations they suggested that symptoms of Monday
chest tightness and dyspnea might be explained by the reduction in expiratory flow rate. This
hypothesis has been questioned, as many with symptoms of byssinosis do not exhibit work shift
decrements and because the degree of reduction, although statistically significant in epidemiologic
studies, is typically not considered clinically significant (decrement of 10% or more) (58).

It has been further observed that subjects with bronchitis and byssinosis tend to have greater cross-
shift decrements in expiratory flow than those with byssinosis alone (50, 54). On the basis of the
epidemiologic association between byssinosis grade and mean decrement in expiratory flow,
Bouhuys et al. (59) proposed a functional grading scheme. Subsequent reports have shown that the
relationship between a Monday decline in FEV1 of 200 cm3, as proposed by Bouhuys, is highly
variable. An appreciable proportion of those without symptoms of byssinosis have a Monday
decrement of greater than 200 cm3 or 5%, whereas many with byssinosis symptoms do not show
even a modest decline (50, 60). Nevertheless, because expiratory flow can be easily measured in
untrained subjects and provides an objective indicator of biologic effect to vegetable dusts,
spirometry before and following exposure has been widely used in epidemiologic studies. Those
exposed to cotton, soft hemp, and flax dusts usually have greater decrements in expiratory flow than
those exposed to similar dust levels from “hard fibers” (46, 47). Those exposed at higher dust levels
have been found to show more marked decrements, and the dose–response relationship between
respirable dust and decrement in flow rates approximates that for byssinosis symptoms (25, 28, 44).

In a series of experimental card room studies utilizing volunteer subjects exposed to a wide variety
of cottons at different levels of dust exposure, Castellan et al. have demonstrated a stronger dose–
response relationship between vertically elutriated endotoxin than vertically elutriated dust and have
concluded that these observations strongly support the hypothesis that endotoxin plays a causative
role in the acute pulmonary response to cotton dust (61, 62). As the volunteer subjects were not
textile workers, these investigators were unable to assess the pattern of symptoms characteristic of
byssinosis. Kennedy et al., in a dose–response study in Shanghai, reported a significant association
with current endotoxin level and the prevalence of byssinosis and chronic bronchitis, but not with
dust alone (63). While smoking clearly affects baseline spirometric levels, there is conflicting
evidence regarding the influence of smoking on acute changes in lung function (50, 53, 63). Cross-
shift decline in FEV1 remains a very useful epidemiologic tool, and despite its limitations in its
application to individual workers, it has been incorporated as one feature of the medical surveillance
examinations required by the U.S. Cotton Dust Standard (45).

Several studies have evaluated lung function prospectively (64–67). In each of these studies,
conclusions were necessarily based upon survivor populations and include other selection biases,
which usually tend to minimize occupational effects. Prospective assessments of decline in lung
function have been carried out on workers exposed to high levels of cotton dust in Yugoslavia, India,
and China, all of which demonstrated accelerated annual declines in FEV1, which were associated
with higher dust exposures that were several times higher than the U.S. Cotton Dust Standard (68–
70). Berry et al. (65) reported roughly twice the annual decline in FEV1 among cotton textile
workers as among synthetic textile workers. The decline attributable to cotton dust was slightly
greater, but similar in magnitude, to that attributable to smoking, and was somewhat greater among
those working in dustier areas and among those exposed for shorter periods of time than longer
periods. Merchant et al. (67), who studied a single cotton textile mill several times over a single year,
found that those exposed to high levels of cotton dust (many of whom were new employees) had 10-
month declines as high as 280 cm3, and that smaller dose-related increased 10-month declines in
FEV1 occurred among workers in three other work areas with less dust exposure and longer tenure.
A community study of active and retired older cotton textile workers found cotton textile workers to
have a higher prevalence and attack rate of respiratory symptoms than controls, and that both men
and women cotton textile workers had greater annual declines than did community controls. This
study confirmed the cross-sectional assessment of this community and reported a significantly higher
proportion of textile workers than nontextile worker controls to be severely impaired (55, 64).

In the first published prospective study of lung function among cotton textile workers exposed at or
below the U.S. Cotton Dust Standard, Glindmeyer et al. (66) found no accelerated decline in FEV1
among slashers and weavers exposed below the cotton dust standard and no accelerated decline
among nonsmoking yarn-processing workers exposed at the cotton dust standard. However, smoking
yarn-processing workers were found to have accelerated loss in annual FEV1, even below the cotton
dust standard of 0.2 mg/m3; dose-related increases in decline in annual FEV1 were observed among
men and women smokers and nonsmokers, thereby unambiguously confirming the dose–response
findings from the cross-sectional studies of byssinosis prevalence and cross-shift decline in FEV1 on
which the U.S. Cotton Dust Standard was based (40, 45). While these aggregate data support the
hypothesis that those with increased acute responses are at increased risk for increased declines in
lung function over time, as suggested by Bouhuys (30, 69), this question is not fully resolved.

Cotton and Other Textile Dusts

James A. Merchant, MD

3 Clinical Evaluation
3.1 Signs and Symptoms
The hallmark of byssinosis is the characteristic symptom of chest tightness that typically occurs
following a weekend away from exposure. Chest tightness is described by workers, often
accompanied by placing a hand over their chest, as a heaviness on their chest, as chest congestion, as
difficulty taking a deep breath, and sometimes as a bandlike feeling around their chest. The onset of
chest tightness is variable in the British Home Office report (71), which described the symptoms in
100 card room workers: 93% described respiratory symptoms; of these 59% experienced their most
severe symptoms during the first half of the working shift, and 41% during the second half of the
shift. In all workers symptoms were most severe on the first day of the working week. This time
period is important as it distinguishes byssinosis from occupational asthma, which tends to increase
in severity over the working week. Affected workers often compare the feeling of chest tightness to
that of a chest cold. Frequently chest tightness is accompanied by a cough, which is more prominent
on Monday. Indeed, a Monday cough may be the only symptom. A history of chronic productive
cough is frequently obtained. Among older workers who have been exposed to cotton dust for many
years, a history of exertional dyspnea is a common finding. Among those severely affected, chest
tightness and dyspnea occur on all workdays, with relief coming only on weekends and holidays, if

All these symptoms become more severe if the period away from cotton dust exposure is prolonged;
that is, the affected individual appears to lose exposure tolerance. Conversely, Monday symptoms do
not occur if exposure occurs 7 days a week, as often occurs with cotton ginning. Symptoms are more
severe and more frequent among smokers (42, 67). Occasionally, a worker with typical byssinosis
will report that symptoms of Monday chest tightness disappeared when he or she stopped smoking
without an apparent change in dust exposure (52).

There are no typical or characteristic signs found upon physical examination of workers with
symptoms of byssinosis. While the symptomatic worker frequently exhibits a productive cough, on
examination the chest is usually relatively quiet. Wheezing is not commonly found early in the
course of the disease. Among those severely affected, all the physical findings of advanced chronic
airflow limitation may be observed.

A number of nonspecific symptoms of occular and nasal irritation are often observed among those
exposed to cotton dust, apart from byssinosis. Febrile syndromes that have been associated with
cotton processing include mattress maker's fever and weaver's cough. These conditions occur among
experienced workers and are characterized by a high attack rate, a clear-cut febrile episode, severe
cough, and dyspnea. Most of these outbreaks have been attributed to mildewed yarn. These febrile
syndromes are similar to those common among agricultural workers who are frequently exposed to
high concentrations of moldy grain, hay, or silage (72–74). Because the clinical presentation is the
same, and because the etiology of all these febrile syndromes is probably from microorganism
toxins, the term organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS) has recently been suggested in an attempt to
codify this condition (75). It is likely that the febrile syndromes arising from high levels of cotton or
grain dust are also attributable to endotoxins, which are now well-known constituents of these
vegetable dusts.

Newly hired workers, and those who first go into dusty cotton-processing areas for a period of a few
hours, may experience mill fever (76), which has also been called card room fever, dust chills, dust
fever, cotton cold, cotton fever, weaver's fever, and, among flax workers, heckling fever (4). A
similar syndrome has been described among those exposed to high concentrations of grain dust (75).
Symptoms, which typically occur 8–12 h following heavy dust exposure, consist of chills, headache,
thirst, malaise, sweating, nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting, and a transient fever,
followed by fatigue. Without further exposure, these symptoms subside spontaneously within a day
or two, but the fatigue may continue for several days. With repeated exposure, such as that
experienced by a newly hired textile worker, these symptoms may occur for several days until the
worker is “seasoned” or develops a tolerance (77). This “seasoning” is well recognized by workers
exposed to high dust concentrations.

Another common complaint of new workers or visitors to mills with high exposures to cotton dust is
tobacco intolerance (52). Also a common finding among mill visitors who have a history of asthma,
and who may not have had an asthma attack for years, is immediate onset of clinical asthma, which
may be severe and often requires medical intervention (78). With the improved dust control achieved
through implementation of the Cotton Dust Standard, mill fever and tobacco intolerance are now
infrequent observations. However, it has been suggested that better dust control may allow many
more workers with airway hyperreactivity to remain in vegetable dust-processing operations and that
these workers may constitute a high-risk group for future development of airway obstruction (79).
3.2 Lung Function
A series of studies of volunteer textile and nontextile workers in experimental card rooms have
provided a good understanding of lung function abnormalities with cotton dust exposure (2, 41, 77,
80–82). These studies have documented a linear decline in expiratory flow over the period of
exposure, which is most consistently and significantly discriminated by the FEV1 (41). Measures of
expiratory flow rates have been found to be more sensitive indicators, but increased variance in flow
rate measurements decrease their discrimination. Closing capacity and total lung capacity have been
found to increase and oxygen tension decrease, but not significantly, with exposure. Body
plethysmography before and following exposure suggests that those who exhibit decreased
expiratory flow with exposure have increased resistance primarily in peripheral airways, while
increased resistance among those who do not have an expiratory flow response occurs primarily in
central airways (77). Helium–oxygen spirometry in these subjects found significant decrements in
specific airways conductance and found that smokers had greater spirometric responses than
nonsmokers (82).

A temporal association between a peripheral leucocytosis and recruitment of leucocytes to the nasal
mucosa and decline in FEV1 has been noted with heavy dust exposure (41). Evaluation of a selected
population of nonasthmatic volunteers demonstrated that atopy, defined as positive prick tests to at
least two allergens, and cross-shift decline in FEV1 were independent. However, those with atopy
had significantly greater long-term declines in FEV1, and the degree of atopy, as measured by the
number of positive skin tests, was significantly associated with cotton-induced decrements in FEV1
(2). It was suggested that this finding may reflect airways hyperresponsiveness described in
nonasthmatic, atopic individuals. Studies by Boehlecke et al. (personal communication) now suggest
that exposure to cotton dust heightens airways hyperreactivity, as has been previously reported with
other organic dust exposures (83).

Only one detailed physiologic study has been done of an asthmatic with exposure to cotton dust (68).
This followed an unexpected asthma attack triggered by cotton dust exposure in an investigator who
had not had asthma since childhood. Highly significant declines in FEV1 accompanied by marked
declines in oxygen tension occurred within 15 min of exposure. Both FEV1 and PaO2 remained
depressed following exposure and over 3 more days of cotton dust exposure. No significant change
was noted in temperature, leukocyte, or eosinophil count. FEV1 and PaO2 returned to baseline level,
without bronchodilation, after 3 days away from dust exposure.

Assessment of lung function in those with byssinosis and cotton textile workers with long-duration
exposure has usually demonstrated a pattern of mild to moderate airways obstruction, but
occasionally this may be severe (84, 85). A very significant proportion of older cotton textile
workers (50% of men and 37% of women) have been found to have some lung function abnormality
(85). One study of women with byssinosis assessed transfer capacity for carbon monoxide (TLCO)
and found that smokers had significantly lower TLCO, despite shorter cotton dust exposure, while
nonsmoking women had normal levels of TLCO. The authors concluded these results support the
hypothesis that emphysema among cotton textile workers is probably due to concomitant cigarette
smoking and is not itself a feature of byssinosis (86).
3.3 Treatment
Research on medical treatment for byssinosis has been confined to acute events. Clinical trials have
relied almost exclusively on changes in flow rates among active workers as the indicators of effect.
While propranolol has been shown to increase bronchoconstriction with hemp dust exposure,
antihistamines and ascorbic acid have been found to protect against this effect (87, 88). Similarly,
inhaled bronchodilators (87–89). Finally, preexposure treatment with cromolyn sodium tends to
block bronchoconstriction (87–89). Inhaled beclomethasone also appears to reduce the flow-rate
response to cotton dust exposure (89). It must be emphasized that these beneficial physiologic effects
occur without similar documentation in regard to symptoms. Thus, while the bronchoconstricting
effect of these organic dusts, which is usually not severe, may be blocked or reversed, there is no
evidence that use of these drugs will necessarily suppress byssinosis symptoms or retard the
progression of cotton-dust-induced obstructive airway disease. Therefore, these drugs cannot be
considered preventive measures. Management of severe cases of byssinosis does not differ from that
for chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
3.4 Pathology
Schilling and Goodman reviewed pathologic observations on lungs of workers with long cotton dust
exposure, as made by several early investigators, and concluded that the pulmonary pathology was
that of chronic bronchitis and emphysema (6). In one report lungs were fixed in inflation from 10
autopsies of workers with over 20 years of cotton dust exposure. Nine of these cases were found to
have chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema, which was more marked among those working in high
dust exposure areas. These five and two others had evidence of right ventricular hypertrophy, and
four of these cases were judged to have died of cor pulmonale. Gough and Woodcock described
lungs of cotton textile workers with histories of byssinosis as having inflammation of the bronchi
with squamous metaplasia and generalized emphysema, which was somewhat more prominent in
proximity to dust deposits (6).

Three more recent studies of lung pathology in cotton textile workers have been reported (90–92).
Edwards et al. (90) studied lungs from 43 patients who had long exposures to cotton dust and had
been receiving industrial benefits for byssinosis. The lungs were distended with formalin at
necropsy. Gross examination revealed 27 (63%) with no significant emphysema, 10 (23%) with
varying degrees of centrilobular emphysema, and 6 (14%) with panacinar emphysema. Most cases
showed heavy black dust pigmentation, often associated with centrilobular dilation of distal
airspaces. There was, however, significantly more mucous gland hyperplasia and hypertrophy of
smooth muscle in the upper and lower lobar bronchi and significantly less connective tissue and
cartilage in cases than in controls. While the authors suggested that both smoking (17 cases) and air
pollution from living in the Lancashire region could have contributed to these pathologic lesions, this
study did not assess these possible risk factors.

Pratt and colleagues (92) studied lungs fixed in inflation from 44 textile workers and 521 nontextile
workers. Their study had the advantage of using lungs properly prepared for evaluation of
emphysema and knowledge of smoking status. It was limited, however, by lack of documentation of
cotton dust exposure, the extent of that exposure, and the small numbers of nonsmoking textile
workers (8 cases). Nevertheless, significantly more mucous gland hyperplasia and goblet cell
metaplasia was found among textile workers. Centrilobular emphysema was slightly, but
insignificantly, increased among textile workers. Moran (91), who conducted a study of cotton
textile workers over an 18-year period, reported an odds ratio of 2.2 for emphysema among active
and highly exposed cotton textile workers compared to a group of noncotton workers. The results of
this study suggested that there may be a shift to an earlier age of onset of emphysema among certain
exposed cotton textile workers, but details regarding specific cotton dust and smoking exposures
were not available. Of relevance to the question of emphysema among cotton textile workers is a
recent animal model of intratracheally instilled cotton dust endotoxin in hamsters, which revealed
both functional and morphologic evidence of mild emphysematous lesions (63, 93).

In summary, the available pathologic data consistently find evidence of considerably more airway
disease (both large and small airway lesions of chronic bronchitis), while the data regarding
emphysema are incomplete. There appears to be historical evidence for the existence of emphysema
and some recent clinical and animal morphologic evidence for an increase in emphysema among
those with heavy cotton dust exposure. An autopsy study of a larger number of cotton textile workers
with well-documented occupational and smoking histories is needed to resolve this issue.
3.5 Prevention
Given our current state of knowledge regarding the etiology of byssinosis and the lack of practical
biological assays, risk assessment depends on measurement of dust concentrations, and prevention
depends largely on dust control in the workplace (94). Significant improvements in exhaust
ventilation and in dust control technology and application have resulted in reduced risk in most areas
of textile mills in the United States. A second control technology, which appears promising in
experimental studies, is cotton washing (53). Although this preprocessing has been found to reduce
symptoms and functional changes among experimentally exposed subjects (largely through removal
of fine dust), it is not yet clear whether cotton washing will be technically feasible prior to spinning.
It is recognized to be efficacious for certain cotton products (medicinal cotton and cotton batting)
that do not require spinning and is so recognized by the U.S. Cotton Dust Standard (45).

While dust control is the foundation of a respiratory disease prevention program in the cotton-
processing industries, medical surveillance and employee education also play important roles.
Smoking, and the interaction between smoking and cotton dust exposure, are clearly important risk
factors in byssinosis and chronic lung disease arising from cotton dust exposure. Therefore, it is
essential that information regarding the adverse effects of smoking, and the combined effects of
smoking and cotton dust exposure, be made available to workers through employee education and
smoking cessation programs. Workers who continue to smoke should be placed in low dust exposure
areas (44, 66). It is also essential to stress the use of appropriate work practices to reduce dust
exposure. Periodic medical examinations designed to detect those acutely affected and those with
chronic lung disease are important and can be effective (66). Through the use of a standard
questionnaire, it is possible to ascertain a sound occupational and smoking history and to screen for
byssinosis, bronchitis, dyspnea, and other common medical conditions. Simple, routine spirometry
will identify many of those acutely affected and should detect all with significant impairment.

All these prevention provisions—allowable dust concentrations, work practices, and medical
surveillance—are detailed in the Department of Labor Cotton Dust Standard promulgated in 1978
(45). With the 4-year grace period given to the industry to implement all provisions, this standard has
now been in place for 10 years. Evaluation of the efficacy of the standard has been examined by
Glindmeyer et al. (66), who found that the standard provided protection from progressive declines in
lung function for all those working in slashing and weaving areas and for all yarn-processing
workers, except for smokers, who still showed progressive losses in lung function below the
0.2 mg/m3 standard. This finding, which is consistent with previous cross-sectional and prospective
studies of smoking cotton textile workers, points up the importance of medical surveillance and
appropriate placement of smoking textile workers, but raises the possibility that dust levels may need
to be further controlled to protect this sector of the workforce.

Cotton and Other Textile Dusts

James A. Merchant, MD

4 Summary
Byssinosis is the term given to the acute and chronic respiratory disease arising from occupational
exposure to textile vegetable dusts. It is characterized by chest tightness following an absence from
regular exposure to dust. Symptoms of chest tightness have also been observed with a variety of
other organic dusts, but this finding has not been referred to as byssinosis in nontextile processing
settings. Also observed with exposure to textile vegetable dusts is an increased prevalence of
nonspecific airway symptoms, modest cross-shift declines in spirometry, and progressive declines in
lung function that may result in significant lung impairment among those with long exposure to these
dusts. Linear dose–response relationships have been observed between byssinosis prevalence, cross-
shift decline in FEV1, and concentration of inhalable cotton dust. Similar findings for various dust
fractions have been observed in other industries. These findings have led to regulation of cotton dust
in the United States and in several other countries. While dust control is the hallmark of prevention
of lung disease among textile workers, placement of smokers in low dust areas, periodic medical
surveillance, and appropriate work practices are essential components of an overall program to
prevent lung disease among textile workers.

Cotton and Other Textile Dusts


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44 J. A. Merchant et al., An industrial study of the biological effects of cotton dust and cigarette
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87 E. Zuskin and A. Bouhuys, Protective effect of disodium cromoglycate against airway
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88 E. Zuskin, F. Valic, and A. Bouhuys, Byssinosis and airway responses to exposure to textile
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90 C. Edwards et al., The pathology of the lung in byssinotics. Thorax 30, 612–623 (1975).
91 T. M. Moran, Emphysema and other chronic lung disease in textile workers: An 18-year
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92 P. C. Pratt, R. T. Vollmer, and J. A. Miller, Epidemiology of pulmonary lesions in non-
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93 D. K. Milton et al., Toxicity of intratracheally instilled cotton dust, cellulose and endotoxin.
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94 J. A. Merchant, Byssinosis: Progress in prevention (editorial). Am. J. Public Health 73(2),
137–138 (1983).

Bioaerosols and Disease

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D.

1 Introduction
Airborne contaminants in the workplace can include chemical, physical, and biological agents.
Although the primary focus of the industrial hygienist and toxicologist in the past has been on the
health effects of chemical and physical contaminants, there is renewed interest in the science of
“aerobiology”—the study of airborne particles of biological origin.

Millions of workers in hundreds of occupations are exposed to potential health hazards in their
workplace because of substances they breathe in the air. Every year, an estimated 65,000 U.S.
workers develop respiratory disease related to their jobs, and an estimated 25,000 persons die from
occupational lung disease (1–3). Respiratory illness causes an estimated 657 million person-days of
restricted activity and 324 million person-days of lost work (4). Occupational exposure to airborne
particles (aerosols) is very common and may pose a potential hazard to human health because
microbial cells are particulate matter, studies that deal with airborne microorganisms are concerned
with aerosols. Many of the physical and chemical processes that describe aerosol behavior also apply
to bioaerosols.

The term bioaerosol is used to describe a colloidal suspension of liquid droplets or solid particles in
air, that contain or have attached to them one or more living or dead organisms, certain products of
bacterial and fungal metabolism, or other biological material. Bioaerosols are ubiquitous indoors and
outdoors and may contain cell fragments, dust mites, animal dander, skin scales, and a wide variety
of microscopic organisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, amoebae, and protozoa. Other
nonliving biological substances (e.g., cotton dust, pollen, hemp, jute, sugarcane) also produce
respiratory illness in workers. These are not considered in this chapter but have been reviewed
elsewhere (5). This chapter focuses on those bioaerosols most likely to be related to the workplace,
although nonoccupational sources can be prevalent. Bioaerosols such as house dust mites, animal
dander, or cockroach products that are very important in inducing diseases like asthma may be
referred to but are not discussed in detail because of their strong association with the home
environment. Attention is given to infectious agents (and their products) because many working
conditions are conducive to transmitting of such agents.

Although bioaerosols generally represent fewer hazards than those of a physical or chemical nature,
there are certain occupations where the risk of such exposures may be more prevalent. Occupational
settings of concern include agriculture, saw mills, textile manufacturing, meat and other food
processing, biotechnology, research laboratories, waste disposal, construction, and health-care
institutions (6–8).

The extent of health problems caused by bioaerosols in the workplace is difficult to estimate partly
because of the wide array of agents that evoke a variety of human responses. The workplace
atmosphere may contain hundreds of different kinds of biological particles, both pathogens and
nonpathogens, and today's technology cannot quantify all of them. The complexity is even greater
because of the broad range of different types of industrial environments and because exposures are
not often recognized until the workers experience illness. Understanding the cause and effect
relationship associated with exposure to bioaerosols is a most difficult and vexing problem. Despite
uncertainty about the magnitude of the health risk caused by exposure, the impact is appreciable and
has been considered the largest single cause of morbidity (9, 10).

This chapter is intended primarily for those occupational health professionals who seek to
understand the potential health risk of airborne biological agents in the workplace. It presents an
overview of the basic concepts and methodologies useful in assessing the health effects of
bioaerosols, including the (1) types and properties of bioaerosols; (2) sources of bioaerosols; (3)
transmission, infections, and disease; (4) interaction with environmental and physiological factors;
(5) health effects from the inhalation of bioaerosols; (6) sampling and identifying airborne microbial
contaminates; (7) assessment of risk; and (8) control and prevention of airborne infectious disease.

Bioaerosols and Disease

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D.

2 Types and Properties of Bioaerosols

Bioaerosols differ from other air pollutants because they have complex and varied organic structures
and may be capable of reproducing, thereby causing infections. This section presents an overview of
the different types and properties of agents associated with bioaerosols. For those who desire more
details and further explanation, there are numerous excellent texts on microbiology, aerobiology, and
the toxicology of airborne contaminants (11–14).
2.1 Bacteria
Bacteria are free-living, unicellular organisms that can self-perpetuate without the aid of a host cell.
Their chemical composition is not greatly different from that of other living materials. They are
composed of water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and various inorganic compounds such as sulfur,
phosphorus, and salts. Nearly all bacteria are encased in porous but rigid cell walls that protect them
from osmotic rupture and give different types of bacteria characteristic shapes. They occur in three
general shapes: spherical (coccus), rod-shaped (bacillus), and spiral (spirochete, spirillum, and
vibrio). They also differ in size. Cocci range from 0.15 to 2.0 mm in diameter. The smallest bacillus
is about 0.5 mm long and 0.2 mm in diameter, and the largest pathogenic bacillus may approach
1 mm in diameter and 3 mm in length. The spirilla are usually 1 to 14 mm long. An important fact
associated with bacterial cells is that the ratio of surface area to volume is extremely high. This high
surface area provides a good opportunity for direct contact with the surface tissue of susceptible host
cells. Typically pulmonary diseases resulting from bacterial infections include pneumonia,
brucellosis, Legionnaires' disease, tuberculosis, meningitis, and anthrax.

A mucilaginous capsule surrounds many pathogenic bacteria. The presence of a capsule may
increase the virulence of an organism by protecting it against certain host defenses. Most
unencapsulated microorganisms are readily destroyed after being engulfed by local phagocytes. As
an example, unencapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae are generally considered avirulent, whereas
encapsulated strains can produce pneumonia. Some airborne bacilli form resistant structures, known
as spores. In a spore state, the organism has a relatively high degree of resistance to all sorts of
injurious environmental influences such as high temperatures, germicidal chemicals, dryness, etc.
When spores are brought under conditions favorable for growth, they germinate; the spore becomes
a vegetative form of the bacillus, which then multiplies and behaves in the usual manner.
2.2 Viruses
The large and heterogeneous group of microorganisms called viruses are alike in that they are all
obligate intracellular parasites that live in cells of their selected hosts. Viruses, the smallest parasites
(0.02 to 0.3 mm), are intracellular molecular particles, in some instances crystallizable. The virus
particle consists of a central core of a nucleic acid for its reproduction. The nucleic acid core may be
made up of either RNA (ribonucleic acid) or DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which represents the
basic infectious material. When viruses invade a host cell, the genetic material takes over the host
cell's own reproduction process and causes the cell to produce more viruses. Viruses cannot replicate
themselves in the extracellular state and are highly specific in selecting cells that they will infect.
Some viruses replicate within the cytoplasm of the host cells, and others replicate within the nucleus
of the cell. Viruses can be released from the host cell when the cell ruptures, a process which is
lethal to the host cell. Other viruses are released from the host cell gradually through a “budding-off”
process. In this process, each newly formed virus particle released is surrounded by a host-derived
membrane called an envelope. This process does not result in the death of the cell. The severity of
the disease caused by viruses varies considerably in terms of their effect on susceptible individuals.
Pulmonary diseases caused by viruses include influenza, the common cold, and bronchiolitis.
2.3 Fungi
Fungi are a diverse group of saprophytes that occur in many forms, inhabit air, soil, water, and
vegetation, and also live on the bodies of humans and animals. It has been estimated that there are
more than 50,000 species of fungi, but fortunately only about 50 are associated with human disease.
Fungi are considered one of the most common forms of life on earth. They vary in shape and size
from a single-celled microbe to giant multicellular mushrooms. Fungi reproduce by a variety of
methods, including budding, fission, and spore formation. Pathogenic fungi generally produce no
toxins. All fungi are heterotropic, requiring organic nutrients for existence, and most are obligate
aerobes. Within the protoplasm of fungi are enzymes which, when diffused into the surrounding
environment, change complex substances into simpler substances useful as nutrients for the cell.
Human disease caused by fungi can vary from superficial infections of the skin to severe diseases
that involve the respiratory system and other internal tissues and organs. The pulmonary diseases
associated with fungal infection include asthma, aspergillosis, coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis,
and various types of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Fungi have a special tendency to cause infections
in people with compromised immune systems. Fungal pneumonia may be dormant in the host
respiratory system for months or years and cause disease only when the host's defenses are

Yeasts are filamentous, unicellular forms of fungi that are usually 3 to 5 mm in diameter. In view of
the ubiquitous distribution of yeast in air, dust, and soil and also on surfaces of the body, it is not
surprising that these forms have been associated with a variety of pathological processes.
Morphologically they are oval or ellipsoidal and rarely form long filaments. Yeast cells are, on
average, larger than bacteria and may have a volume thousands of time that of some bacteria. Yeast
can be frequently found inhabiting the throats of healthy individuals. Many types of yeast infections
are superficial, but serious systemic diseases may occur.

Molds are multicellular fungi found practically everywhere. The term mold is a general one which is
used to describe the woolly, cobweb-like, cottony or powdery, black, green, yellowish, or white
growths, seen on a variety of surfaces. Molds are very conspicuous in nature and are recognized by
their filamentous and branching structures and macroscopic size. Molds have branching tubular
structures that can be 2 to 10 mm in diameter and are associated with nutrition and reproduction.
Molds produce enzymes that cause rapid fermentation, proteolysis, and other biochemical changes in
a variety of substances. Some allergic diseases caused by the inhalation of molds include farmer's
lung disease from the inhalation of moldy hay, bagassosis from dried stalks of sugarcane, grain fever
from handling grain in all stages of production from harvest to storage, sequoiosis from moldy
sawdust, and coffee worker's lung from coffee bean dust (5, 15).
2.4 Rickettsias
Rickettsias are closely related to viruses. They are smaller than bacteria, and their growth occurs
within the cytoplasm (e.g., typhus) or in the nucleus of the infected cell (e.g., Rocky Mountain
spotted fever). These organisms have a diameter of about 0.3 mm and lengths seldom exceeding
2.0 mm. They are pleomorphic and may be found singly, in pairs, in chains, or in long filaments. No
spores are produced. The normal natural reservoir and primary hosts of these organisms are a variety
of infected insects (lice, fleas) or arachnids (ticks and mites). When these organism invade the
human, they attack the reticuloendothelial system and colonize in the lining of the blood vessel
walls. With such infection, there is hyperplasia of endothelial cells and a localized thrombus
formation that leads to obstruction of blood flow and results in the escape of red blood cells into the
surrounding tissue. The rickettsia that causes Q fever is resistant to drying and can survive in the dust
for months until it becomes airborne and infects an individual.
2.5 Nonliving Contaminants of Biological Origin
The products of microbial metabolism are complex and numerous. Chemically, they can consist of a
wide variety of proteins, lipoproteins, and mucopolysaccharides. The amounts of these materials
produced are determined by the particular substrate available to the organism and the environmental
conditions (i.e., temperature, humidity). Exotoxins are proteins produced within the cell and excreted
into the surrounding environment and may be fatal in quantities of micrograms or less by causing
diseases such as botulism, tetanus, gas gangrene, and food poisoning. Bacteria may also liberate
endotoxins, which are lipolysarcharides intimately associated with the cell wall of certain gram-
negative bacteria that can produce diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, and brucellosis. They are
not released until the cell disintegrates. Endotoxins are usually water soluble, relatively heat-stable
but less potent than the exotoxins, and less specific in their action. Certain fungi may also produce
toxins that may have health effects in sufficient doses. For example, the Aspergillus organism
elaborates aflatoxins that can cause hepatic necrosis, liver cancer, and immunotoxic effects.

Microorganisms such as bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi may also produce a variety of volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-VOCs during metabolism. VOC metabolites such as higher
alcohols, ketones, and organic acids are responsible for the odor often associated with the growth of
these microbes.

Bioaerosols and Disease

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D.

3 Sources of Bioaerosols
Microorganisms are the most versatile and most widely distributed kind of living thing and occur
nearly everywhere in the environment. As such, they may be capable of replicating themselves or
merely surviving in habitats that are extremely diverse. Any place that maintains viable
microorganisms represents a reservoir from which they may be dispersed. Although certain
organisms are known for their infectivity and are commonly referred to as pathogens, all organisms
are potential pathogens under certain host conditions, especially in an immunocompromised

The air does not constitute a normal bacterial habitat. Air is not a medium in which microorganisms
can grow, rather it is a carrier of particulate matter, dust, and droplets that may be laden with
microbes. The microbial flora of air are both transient and variable. Only those species resistant to
desiccation and exposure to the conditions in the air can persist long in this medium.

The number and types of microbes that contaminate the air are determined by the source of
contamination. The environment is laden with reservoirs of microorganisms that may become
airborne when disturbed. Once airborne, success in reaching a susceptible host depends on the
number of organisms present, the particle size, the force with which they are propelled into the
environment, the resistance to drying, the temperature and humidity of the air, the presence of air
currents, and the distance to the host. There are numerous processes and activities in industry that
may generate microbial aerosols. A few examples include facilities such as slaughter houses, textile
mills, animal-waste rendering plants, hospitals, nursing homes, and various research and diagnostic
laboratories. Biomedical researchers in hospitals, universities, and research institutions are at risk of
infections with a wide variety of microorganisms. Workers may become infected because their
occupation puts them in direct contact with animals, their secretions, and their by-products. Some of
the animals used in research may harbor pathogens of human disease.

Although most of the microbial contaminants identified in the work environment are similar to those
microbes found outdoors, the air within the workplace may actually become more heavily
contaminated, even under normal working conditions, and may potentially place workers at greater
risk (16). An enclosed work environment tends to confine aerosols under temperate conditions and
may actually allow them to increase in numbers. Certain bacteria and fungi can flourish in
improperly maintained air ducts, air conditioners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air-cleaning filters,
carpets, and improperly ventilated places where moisture is likely to collect (17, 18). Fan coil units
are potential sources of bioaerosols in health-care facilities and in certain offices. Ventilation
systems can pick up contaminated air, distribute, and transport infectious microorganisms to other
parts of the building and to susceptible individuals (19, 20). A good example is Legionella
pneumophila which becomes airborne from contaminated cooling system water and is responsible
for Legionnaires' disease (21, 22).

Bioaerosols are also produced as sprays in liquid droplets from nozzles in agricultural applications,
spray from manufacturing processes, bursting bubbles from wastewater treatment plants, and spray
drift from nuclear cooling towers or as dry particles from urban vehicular activity and rural
agricultural practices.

Although progress in occupational health and safety has led to the disappearance of some
occupational diseases, technological development has brought new challenges (15, 23, 24). New
hazards could arise from the introduction of new products and technologies through biotechnology
and genetic engineering. Genetic engineering technology can be used to alter the genetic material of
living cells, allowing changes to be made to the inherited characteristics of plants, animals, and
microorganisms. The methodology used ranges from traditional techniques such as natural mating
methods for selective breeding to advanced recombinant DNA techniques where genetic material is
altered and manipulated directly. The ability to produce organic materials with new characteristics
offers many potentially useful products for the production of pharmaceutical products, food
processing, agriculture advances (plant breeding and biological pesticides), mineral leaching and
recovery, enhanced oil recovery, and pollution control. A major concern has been the fear of
releasing such genetically engineered microbes into the environment. The metabolites produced by
such organisms may be toxic and may even persist in the environment. For example, a potential
concern regarding a microorganism being used to biodegrade toxic chemicals is the buildup of
intermediary metabolites that could be more toxic, more mobile, or more resistant than the original
chemicals. In addition, once such organisms are developed in the laboratory, it becomes necessary to
test these organisms in the field. Such field testing can inevitably result in the use of large volumes
of microorganism with possible decreased control of the exposure and a potentially increased health
risk. This emerging threat results from microbes that develop new pathways, new proteins, and new
strategies for survival. Microorganisms, even of different species, are known to exchange genetic
material, including the gene for drug resistance.

Even in a outer space, numerous microorganisms have been identified in the spacecraft environment
and may pose a potential health hazard for astronauts who work in space (25). The primary source of
microorganisms in spacecraft habitats is the crew. The risk of infection among crew members has
been well documented from previous missions, and the incidence of infections can be expected to
increase as space missions lengthen (26). The potential health risk from airborne contaminants
within the spacecraft is unique due to microgravity conditions, which affects the dispersion and
transmission of airborne particles, including microorganisms. On earth, large droplets produced by
coughs and sneezes settle to the floor quickly. For example, a spherical particle 100 mm in diameter
falls 3 m (the height of an average room) in 10 seconds, 40 mm particles take 1 minute, and 20-mm
particles require 17 minutes to settle out. In the microgravity environment of space, atmospheric
particles would possibly remain airborne indefinitely and continue to contaminate the breathing air
regardless of their size (26, 27).

Microbial contaminants have been found in increasing levels in recent years because of the attempts
to make buildings more airtight for energy conservation. This action reduces the rate of air exchange
between outside (fresh air) and the inside environment. For example, older buildings may have air
exchange rates that are 7–10 times greater than those in newer buildings. With this reduction, the
levels of airborne particles, including microorganisms, can be higher than the concentration of these
same materials outdoors. Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a term used to describe workers’
discomfort and medical symptoms believed related to the accumulation of airborne contaminants
indoors. Complaints include respiratory tract infections, irritation of the eyes, nose and throat,
lethargy, and other flu-like symptoms (28). The range and severity of the symptoms vary greatly,
depending on the sensitivity of the exposed individual. It has been proposed that the problems
associated with SBS can be attributed to poorly designed and functioning ventilation systems,
inadequate filtration, improper drain lines, and inadequate maintenance that result in subsequent
increased levels of microbiological contamination and/or indoor pollution sources such as tobacco
smoke and volatile organic compounds from building material and cleaning products (20, 29–32).
The availability of moisture, increased CO2, and the temperature have been factors that amplify
microbial agents within this environment.

All forms of life harbor microorganisms in and on their bodies. Generally, the agents of infectious
diseases are transmitted from one species to another or from one individual of a species to another
member of the same species. Certain individuals may be carriers who harbor pathogenic agents in
their bodies but show no signs of illness, that is, the carrier is infected but is asymptomatic. Human
carriers play an important role in the spread of diphtheria, epidemic meningitis, hepatitis B,
streptococcal infections, and pneumonia, and such individuals can be considered living reservoirs
from which microbes can be dispersed. Consequently, many normal human activities generate
airborne microbes during sneezing, coughing, talking, shedding of skin flakes, surgical and dental
processes, and activities such as cleaning and sweeping (20, 27, 33). It has been estimated that a
healthy individual maintains about 1012 bacteria on the skin, 1010 in the mouth, and 1014 in the
alimentary canal (34). Microbes are being shed continuously from the skin. Humans shed about 1010
skin scales every 24 hours, including about 4.0 × 107 bacteria that are shed with these desquamated
skin scales (17, 34, 35). Diseases spread from person to person by direct contact include
tuberculosis, diphtheria, measles, pneumonia, scarlet fever, the common cold, smallpox, and
epidemic meningitis.

Bioaerosols and Disease

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D.

4 Transmission, Infection, and Disease

4.1 Transmission
Although bacteria exist in the air only as accidental contaminants, the air provides an effective
means of disseminating the organisms. Once organisms are introduced into the air, they may be
transported a few feet or many miles, some organisms die in a matter of seconds; others survive for
an extended time. The ultimate fate of airborne microorganisms is governed by a complex set of
circumstances. Their survival and hence their numbers is influenced by the environmental conditions
of the air that transports them. Those that survive best have some resistance to heat, UV light,
drying, and chemical agents. Some organisms can survive for months and attain survival as highly
resistant spores. The simple presence of a microorganism in the air is insufficient evidence that it
will cause disease. The microorganisms must be transmitted to a host and have attributes that enable
them to infect the susceptible host.

Transmission depends on the size of the particle, which may range from a single microorganism to
large droplets containing agglomerations and/or rafts of microorganisms, often attached to various
airborne particles. Liquid droplets may change in size due to evaporation (or condensation) and leave
an aeroplanktonic residue of nonvolatile solute, particle matter, and/or viable or nonviable

The size of the bioaerosol is important for transmitting the organism and also is directly associated
with the organism's ability to produce disease. Large particles (10 to 50 mm in aerodynamic
diameter) are predominately deposited in the nasal passages. Particles less than 5 mm in diameter are
considered respirable and are the most effective in establishing airborne infections. They can remain
suspended in air for long periods and are most likely to be carried by air currents in a building's
ventilation system. Particles <5 mm have a large deposition fraction in the alveoli, whereas particles
between about 5 and 10 to 15 mm are predominately deposited in the tracheobroncheal region. Lung
deposition can be influenced by the level of breathing and whether or not the breathing is through the
mouth or nose.
4.2 Infection
It is important to understand the difference between infection and disease. Infection implies that a
microbe has taken up residence in a host and may be capable of multiplying within the host—
perhaps with no outward signs of disease. Thus, it is possible to be infected but not have the disease
symptoms commonly associated with the agent, although disease may develop later.

At rest, the average adult breathes about 15 kg (10,000 to 20,000 liters) of air each day. When one
compares this amount with the daily intake of food (1.5 kg) and water (2.0 kg), the potential
exposure through inhalation becomes significant. During a lifetime, breathing brings approximately
300 million liters of air and airborne substances into contact with the respiratory surfaces (36). The
lung also has nearly four times the total surface area (70 m2) interfacing with the environment as the
total combined surface area of the gastrointestinal tract and the skin. When comparing the potential
exposure via inhalation to other routes of exposure, the seriousness and importance of bioaerosols
becomes evident. This makes the respiratory tract the main portal of entry into the body and the lung
the prime target organ for infection. In addition, the unique morphology of the conducting airways
and the minute separation between the airspaces and the capillary circulatory system to the rest of the
body highly suit the pulmonary milieu for microbial contamination.

The process of establishing an infection is complex and requires several steps. To initiate a
respiratory infection, a sufficient number of organisms must escape from the existing reservoir,
become airborne, enter the host's environment, be transmitted (directly or indirectly) to a susceptible
host, and enter the host through the respiratory portal of entry. If there is a delay between these
events, the organism must be able to survive in an unfavorable environment. Once the organisms
have been deposited at a particular site in the host, the organism must enter into a relationship with
the host (i.e., host–parasite relationship). After entry, the organisms must have been deposited on or
be transported to a susceptible tissue particularly suitable for its multiplication and have the ability to
remain viable and virulent during this process. The epithelial surfaces of the respiratory tract provide
an appropriate medium for many microorganisms.

Elaborate defense mechanisms have evolved that enable the lung to protect itself from such
microbial attacks (37–39). In spite of the vast exposure to many viable microorganisms, the normal
respiratory system is efficient in clearing the lung of unwanted substances and in maintaining
pulmonary health. Particles deposited in the tracheobronchial region may be transported out of the
upper airways within a few hours by the mucociliary escalator system. The most effective defense of
the alveolar region is provided by resident macrophages that can inactivate and kill microorganisms
within a few hours of exposure. When normal pulmonary defenses are compromised by inhaled
substances, an individual's risk of disease can be significantly enhanced.

Once an organism has survived transport through the environment and has infected a susceptible
host, several features of the bacteria are important in establishing disease. The term virulence is used
as a quantitative expression of the disease-producing potential of a pathogenic organism.
Measurement of the virulence of a microbe largely reflects the invasive properties of the organism.
Certain organisms produce infections because they can invade tissue rapidly, spread throughout the
body, and multiply extensively in susceptible tissue (40). A part of the invasiveness of
microorganisms may also be attributed to certain surface components that protect the organism from
normal host defenses, such as engulfment by phagocytic cells. Such surface substances may be
polysaccharide capsules (e.g., pneumococci, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenza),
hyaluronic acid capsules, and surface “M” proteins (beta-hemolytic streptococci), or a surface
polypeptide (anthrax bacillus). The pathogenicity of some organisms results from their ability to
secrete complex toxins and extracelluar enzymes that aid in establishing infection and in spreading
the organism through the tissue (41). Examples of factors and types of organisms that produce these
factors include coagulase (staphlococci), hyaluronidase (staphlococcus, streptococcus,
pneumococci), streptokinase or fibrinolysin (hemolytic streptococcus), hemolysins and leukocydins
(streptococcus, staphlococcus), lecithinase, collagenase, exotoxins, endotoxins, and proteases

Other factors that can influence exposure and the process of infection include specific occupational
activities, as well as a various other factors related to age, drug use, alcohol consumption, smoking,
hygienic habits, institutionalization (nurseries, day care, rest homes), and certain socioeconomic
4.3 Disease
Once the host is infected, a number of factors influence the susceptibility of the host and the severity
of the disease. The factors that function to prevent infection of a host can be divided into two
categories: nonspecific and specific or acquired. Nonspecific or innate factors operate against a wide
variety of organisms and include the body's natural physiological barriers at the portal of entry,
inflammatory response, and phagocytic cells that engulf and destroy inhaled microbes. Certain
specific defenses (immunological) are directed against specific organisms and are characterized by
antigen-specific processes. An adverse change in the structure and functioning of these defense
systems after exposure to a foreign substance is defined as an immunotoxic effect. Such
immunotoxicity can be manifested in the host as an immunosupression, hypersensitivity, or an
autoimmunite effect. Individuals particularly vulnerable to airborne infections are those whose
normal pulmonary defenses are suppressed. Immunosuppression can be caused by inherited diseases,
aging, alcoholism, HIV infections, radiation treatment, pregnancy, medication, and other concurrent
infections (10, 42). Microbes that take advantage of a person's weakened state are called
opportunistic organisms.

Individual susceptibility to airborne infections and the severity of the disease is also associated with
the route of exposure (portal of entry), the duration of exposure, concomitant exposure to other
pulmonary toxicants (tobacco smoke, air pollutants), age at the onset of infection, medication for
treatment of other diseases, and nutritional status.

Race does not usually influence the infection process if exposure is equal, but the severity of the
infection may vary, such as seen in Blacks with tuberculosis. However, there is overwhelming
evidence that the conditions and the prevalence of health and disease may vary enormously among
and within the regions of the world. The strikingly higher rates of mortality and morbidity in the less
developed countries compared with the more highly developed countries are generally explained by
a serious shortage of food, medical care, and extensive poverty due to socioeconomic conditions.
Bioaerosols and Disease
Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D.

5 Contributing Environmental and Physiological Factors

In the natural environment, healthy individuals exist in equilibrium with a mass of potentially
pathogenic microorganisms. The presence of microbes in humans and animals may be considered the
normal state, and the process of disease is merely a disturbance of the equilibrium between the host,
the parasite, and the environment. In addition to considering the virulence of the agent and the
susceptibility of the host, attention must be given to a variety of environmental and physiological
factors that might also influence the course of the disease. For this reason, a person exposed to a
combination of stresses, such as those of a physical or chemical nature, may be more susceptible to
certain biological agents and thus may be at a greater risk of contracting disease.

There is a need to learn more about the quantitative impact of a variety of physiological changes that
may alter an individual's susceptibility to biological agents. The special conditions of the workplace
may need to be taken into account in accurately assessing and characterizing the health risk
associated with such exposures.

The nature, severity and likelihood of toxicity from bioaerosols are influenced by the total dose that
ultimately reaches the sensitive target tissue. A number of generic factors significantly influence the
dose of microbes reaching the lung. Ventilation is important because (1) the physics of airflow
influences deposition and (2) the rate and depth of breathing influences the volume of air and hence
the mass or number of infectious agents that enter the respiratory tract and the total surface area over
which deposition will occur (43). An important element is the route of breathing (oral, nasal, or
oronasal). This influences the efficiency of filtering inhaled materials in the nose and thus impacts
the dose of infectious agents delivered to the respiratory system. Although most adults are nasal or
oronasal breathers at rest, they often resort to oral breathing under certain work conditions or
exercise that result in increased penetration of larger particles into the lung. Increased fatigue from a
variety of stress factors (e.g., noise, vibration, temperature) may alter the homeostatic state of people
and make them more susceptible to pulmonary disease.

A wide variety of gaseous and particulate airborne pollutants that may be present in the workplace
can adversely affect the normal functioning of the host's defenses. Although the lung has an array of
effective defense mechanisms available to kill, detoxify, and remove inhaled substances, numerous
inhaled metals (e.g., Ni, Cd, Pb, V, and Mn), gaseous pollutants (e.g., NO2, O3, SO2, phosgene,
benzene, toluene, HCHO), particles (e.g., H2 SO4), and complex mixtures (e.g., auto exhaust,
cigarette and wood smoke, and fly ash) can impair the functioning of these mechanisms which may
significantly increase the susceptibility of the individual to infectious disease (37, 43–46). Infections
have occurred in the workplace when uniquely sensitized workers were exposed to an airborne
pathogen. Examples are Acinetobacter pneumonia in foundry workers and silicotuberculosis in
workers with tuberculosis who are exposed to silica dust (47, 48).

Bioaerosols and Disease

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D.

6 The Health Effects of Bioaerosols in the Workplace

Of the many diseases that have been associated with airborne contaminants in the workplace, the
contribution of biological agents to total illness is presumed to be large. But to date, the attributable
risk is not known with certainty. The frequency and severity of such diseases vary, depending on the
particular work environment, types of organisms present, and the individual's susceptibility to the
agent. Experimental and epidemiological studies have been used to evaluate the health effects of
bioaerosols. Respiratory infections, it has been estimated, cause 50–60% of all acquired illnesses
(49). In the United States about two million people get pneumonia each year. It ranks sixth among all
disease categories as a cause of death and is the most frequent lethal hospital-acquired infection (14).
The economic impact from the standpoint of health-care cost and loss of productivity in the
workplace is in the millions of dollars. A few examples of infectious diseases that are transmitted via
inhalation are discussed later. This section addresses the potential for workplace exposure to
biological agents, provides examples illustrating various mechanisms of action of different microbes,
and identifies the great variety of illnesses that are associated with a broad range of diverse
biological agents. Rather than attempt to list and discuss all organisms that might pose a threat
within the workplace environment, this section uses a few examples to illustrate the principles
involved in airborne infectious diseases. A broad base of understanding the basic concepts of the
potential health risk of airborne microbes can aid in preventing and controlling such diseases.
Excellent texts and handbooks on infectious diseases are readily available in most research and
medical libraries for a more detailed discussion of specific types of organisms and the pathogenesis
of their disease (4, 37, 50, 51).
6.1 Bacteria
6.1.1 Bacillus Anthracis As a disease of great antiquity, anthrax occupies an important place in the
history of infectious diseases because it was the first human disease attributed to a specific pathogen
(52). This organism is a large rod-shaped microbe that occurs frequently in chains. The bacterium
can maintain itself in a spore state under severe adverse environmental conditions for many years.
Anthrax is primarily a disease of farm animals (e.g., sheep, goats, cattle, and horses). The infected
animal becomes a living reservoir from which the pathogens are dispersed. Human pulmonary
anthrax, also called “woolsorter's disease” is rare but can be deadly. It is primarily an occupational
disease among workers who come in contact with infected animals and/or their products (e.g., hides,
hair, or meat) (53). It occurs occasionally in textile mills where imported animal products (goat,
camel, sheep hair) are incorporated into fabrics. Such an occurrence can call for an immediate
shutdown and disinfection of the entire plant, which is difficult and expensive. Pulmonary anthrax
develops after aerosolized cells, usually spores, gain entry into the body through the respiratory
system. The virulence of this organism results from the production of an exotoxin which allows this
organism to spread rapidly through the circulation, and death can occur suddenly, usually as a result
of cardiac failure (52, 54, 55).

Anthrax is a major military threat facing the armed forces and a biological agent that could be used
in a terrorist attack. It has been estimated by the Department of Defense that more than ten countries
may possess or are suspected of having anthrax as a biological warfare agent. The Department of
Defense has plans to vaccinate more than 2.4 million military members against this organism by the
year 2005.

6.1.2 Brucella The Brucella organisms are obligate parasites that can persist intracellularly in an
infected host. Infected animals, typically cattle, swine, and goats are the reservoirs from which
humans acquire brucellosis. In naturally acquired brucellosis, the organism usually enters the body
through broken skin, the conjunctivae, or via the gastrointestinal tract. However, the organism may
also enter the body via inhalation when contaminated dust becomes airborne. The symptoms are
quite nonspecific, and the diagnosis may be overlooked unless a high degree of suspicion exist.
Brucellosis has been associated with farm workers, packing house employees, livestock workers, and
veterinarians and has been identified as one of the bacteria most infectious to laboratory personnel,
probably by aerosols. In some developing countries, brucellosis is a reemerging communicable
disease (56–58).

6.1.3 Klebsiella Pneumoniae This bacillus belongs to an enteric group of organisms whose natural
habitat is the intestinal tract. The organism was initially described in 1882 by Friedländer who
believed that it was the exclusive cause of pneumonia. These organisms are nonspore forming and
are closely related to coliform bacilli. Klebsiella pneumonia can be found in the nose, mouth, and
intestinal tract of healthy persons and is the etiologic agent responsible for about 5% of bacterial
pneumonias. These pneumonias are usually very serious and are characterized by the production of
sputum and frequently the formation of lung abscesses which can be highly fatal. Klebsiella has a
large mucoid capsule that surrounds the organism and is effective in protecting it against
phagocytosis. It can be a secondary invader in the lungs of patients with bronchiectosis or chronic
pulmonary diseases. Health-care workers are at risk of infection with these agents from daily
exposure to patients who are admitted with this illness. It accounts for a significant proportion of
pneumonias acquired in hospitals (59, 60).

6.1.4 Legionella Pneumophila The outbreak of this respiratory illness at the 1976 American Legion
convention in Philadelphia focused attention on a common source of exposure to a bacterium later
classified as Legionella pneumophila. Although morbidity rates are generally less than 5% for
exposed individuals, the mortality rates may approach 10–15% (61). Legionella infections are not
transmitted by respiratory droplets from one infected person to another but instead result from
inhaling contaminated water droplets from sink outlets, shower sprays, humidifiers, water cooling
towers, and air conditioners. Ingestion of contaminated water has not been implicated. The initial
symptoms of the disease include malaise, headache, fever, chills, cough, and changes in mental
status. At least 23 different species of Legionella have been implicated in human disease. This
microorganism is very difficult to recover from air and usually detection depends on collecting and
analyzing of water specimens (62–65).

6.1.5 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a rod-shaped bacterium and is a

highly contagious disease easily passed from one person to another in the airborne droplets formed
when a person with active tuberculosis sneezes or coughs. The causative agent (Mycobacterium
tuberculosis) usually persists in the body long after the primary infection is over but can be
reactivated, especially if immunosuppression occurs. Tuberculosis is a significant hazard to hospital
personnel, medical students, and physicians who have two to three times the incidence of infection
compared to nonmedical personnel. The AIDS epidemic has increased the likelihood that health-care
workers will come in contact with active pulmonary tuberculosis because this organism is often one
of the opportunistic infections seen in patients with AIDS. The TB incidence rate among people
infected with HIV is nearly 500 times the rate for the general population. After a decline in rates of
TB during the last several decades, the United States is experiencing a disturbing increase in such
infections. The number of cases has gone from 22,200 in 1985 to more than 26,000 in 1991 or 10.4
per 100,000 population (7). Even more alarming is the rise of multidrug-resistant strains (14).
Because of the importance of this highly communicable disease, a separate chapter (Chapter 21) has
been dedicated to it (66–68).

6.1.6 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae These organisms are the smallest known free-living bacteria that,
unlike most bacteria, do not possess cell walls. Mycoplasma are widespread in nature, commonly in
pooled water and soils. This organism is associated with primary atypical pneumonia, an acute,
febrile disease that usually begins in the upper respiratory tract and spreads to the lungs. The
manifestations of the disease, including fever, cough, headache and malaise, can be fairly severe.
Although the disease is transmitted by oral or nasal secretions, it is generally not considered very
contagious. Mycoplasma pneumoniae can be recovered from sputum or pharyngeal swabbing. This
disease typically occurs in young adults and children and also in institutions and among military
personnel (69–71).

6.1.7 Neisseria Meningitis This organism causes meningococcus meningitis. Meningitis is a general
term for inflammation of the meninges (membranes covering the brain and spinal cord). The cells
may be either kidney-shaped or spherical, about 0.6 to 1.0 mm in diameter. They are nonmotile and
nonspore forming. Early symptoms are excessive nasal secretions, sore throat, headache, fever, neck
and back pain, and loss of mental alertness. Like most respiratory infections, the meningococcus
organism is disseminated by direct contact through droplet infections from secretions of the nose,
mouth, and throat. Some persons are temporary carriers, whereas others may discharge the organism
continuously or sporadically. After being deposited in the nasopharynx, the organism directly
invades the blood stream. This bacteremia is followed by the onset of acute purulent meningitis. The
virulence of this organism is related, in part, to the antiphagocytic properties of its capsule. In
addition, these organisms produce an endotoxin that can cause extensive vascular damage. These
organisms can withstand drying and other adverse physical conditions. Epidemics of meningoccus
meningitis are prone to occur in military populations probably related to reduced overall resistance
of the individual due to conditions of military life, fatigue, and exposure to inclement weather. It
seems that with the relatively high carrier rate and the rather low rate of morbidity, there must be a
high degree of normal resistance to this organism in the general population (72, 73).

6.1.8 Streptococcus Infections This organism is the commonest cause of community-acquired

bacterial pneumonia and is also responsible for sore throats, bronchitis, meningitis, sinusitis, otitis,
scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, and septicemia (55, 74). Streptococcal infection of the upper
respiratory tract does not usually progress to involve the lungs. The various disease-causing strains
of Streptococcus are grouped by their behavior, chemistry, and appearance. Group A streptococci are
the most virulent species for humans. The ultimate source of these infections is usually a person who
harbors these organisms. Such an individual may have a demonstrable or subclinical infection or
may be a carrier. Nasal discharges of the organism are the most dangerous source of transmission of
this disease. Although all streptococci are similar in cellular morphology, these organisms are
extremely variable in pathogenicity. The high virulence of this organism is associated with its ability
to produce several kinds of extracellular products, such as hemolysins, hyaluronidase, leukocidin,
streptokinase, streptodornase, and erythrogenic toxins. Many of these products aid in spreading the
organism within the host. The most virulent streptococci (beta-streptococci) produce hemolysins
capable of destroying red blood cells. The less virulent organisms (alpha-streptococci) may also
produce hemolysins but are characterized by their lack of complete lysis of the red blood cells. Of
special concern is that a “new” form of highly virulent streptococcus has been identified (10, 75).
The British tabloids have coined the term “flesh-eating bacteria” to describe this invasive,
necrotizing infection. This new strain, like other streptococci, is transmitted by inhalation. However,
the resulting infection is especially insidious. Its early symptoms are easily mistaken for signs of the
flu. The infection is extremely difficult to treat even with massive doses of antibiotics, and there is
no treatment for the deadly toxin produced which actually causes the pneumonia. Resistance against
the streptococci is type-specific. Thus, a host who has recovered from infection by one Group A type
is fully susceptible to infections by another type. Epidemics can occur in workplaces and institutions
where large numbers of people are close together. Certain irritants (i.e., SO2, NO2, phosgene, and
NH3) in the workplace can increase the risk and incidence of this bacterial infection.
6.3 Fungi
A fungus infection is known as a mycosis. Environmental factors that can influence fungal growth in
the workplace include outdoor air concentrations, type and rate of ventilation, and indoor moisture
levels. Many of the diseases caused by these organisms occur in agricultural workers and workers
exposed to contaminated air handling systems and open water spray chambers. The fungi that cause
systemic mycoses are generally saprophytes in soil. Inhalation of these spores initiates the infection
in humans. The spores germinate and develop vegetative organisms that initiate a localized infection.
The earliest pulmonary infections are usually acute, consisting of self-limited pneumonitis that can
be often overlooked or ascribed to a bacterial or viral disease. The infection subsequently begins to
spread progressively to other tissues and often results in the development of granulomatous lesions
that clinically resemble tuberculosis. Many fungi can spread by way of the bloodstream and can
attack almost any tissue in the body. Because these organisms are not transmitted from human to
human, they are not contagious. The organisms appear in infected tissue as small, oval cells (1–
5 mm in diameter) frequently located within macrophages and/or reticuloendothelial cells. Miliary
lesions appear throughout lung parenchyma, and the lymph nodes become enlarged. The disease may
occur either in an acute or chronic state and may be localized or disseminated. Workers without
adequate respiratory protection, who are exposed to atmospheres that have been contaminated with
quantities of bird or bat droppings, are especially at risk of these types of respiratory diseases. The
full range of health effects due to fungal exposure include allergic disease (e.g., allergic rhinitis,
asthma, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis) and infectious diseases (e.g., histoplasmosis,
blastomycosis, aspergillosis, coccidioidomycosis, and acute toxicosis). Fungi that cause these
diseases are frequently opportunistic organisms that produce disease in compromised hosts, such as
those with reduced pulmonary defenses (e.g., from corticosteroids, X irradiation, medication), some
concurrent disease, or a coexposure with some other air pollutants (76–79).

Of the more than 100,000 fungal species in our environment, only about 150 are pathogenic and of
these only about 40 affect the lung. Of these, the two most pathogenic are Histoplasma capsulatum
and Coccidioides immitis.

6.3.1 Histoplasma Capsulatum Histoplasmosis, sometimes called Darling's disease, is an infection

resulting from inhalation of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. It was discovered in 1906 by
Darling who observed it in sections of tissue taken from post-mortem cases. H. capsulatum is the
most common endemic fungal disease in the United States, and it has been estimated that about
500,000 new cases of histoplasmosis occur each year (80). About 90–95% of these cases represent
asymptomatic, self-limited pulmonary infections. The remaining 5–10% of patients may develop an
acute pulmonary form, a disseminated form or a chronic pulmonary form of the disease (80).

Histoplasma capsulatum has been isolated from soil in more than 50 countries. In the United States,
the most heavily endemic area includes Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Arkansas, and
Missouri. In these areas, up to 75% of the population has had primary pulmonary histoplasma
infection before the age of 20, based on positive skin tests for the organism (80). Like other fungi
that cause systemic mycoses, these organisms can be found as saprophytes in soil. Soil constitutes
the reservoir from which infections with H. Capsulatum occur. These organisms are commonly
found in areas heavily contaminated with the droppings of chickens and keratonaceous material, as
well as in the soil beneath areas where pigeons, starlings, and other birds nest (80). Bats are
implicated as carriers, and outbreaks of this disease have been traced to the inhalation of dust from
bat guano found in caves. In these cases, the disease has been referred to as “cave fever” or
“speleonosis.” Another source of soil contamination comes from decaying bodies of small rodents
and excreta from a variety of wild and domesticated animals (81). Besides man, a variety of
domesticated and wild animals are naturally infected (e.g., cats, fox, opossum; and dogs). Although
chickens are heavily exposed, they do not develop the disease, nor do other birds, presumably
because the fungus does not thrive at their high body temperature. No intermediate host has been
identified, and the disease is not transmitted directly from one human to another or from an animal to
a person.

Workers other than farmers who may be at risk include construction crews, operators of heavy
equipment, such as bulldozers and graders, and maintenance workers. Any type of industrial activity
that results in disturbing contaminated soil can disperse and scatter the infectious spores into the air,
which then can be carried by prevailing winds to residents of adjacent areas who may also be at risk
(81). Outbreaks of histoplasmosis have been associated with excavation of infected soil for
construction of buildings and roads, working in soil fertilized by chicken manure, and breathing dust
from silo towers or derelict houses where starlings have congregated or in caves inhabited by bats
(82). Like all highly pathogenic fungi, these organisms are dimorphic, capable of changing their
growth characteristic from a mycelial form normally found in nature and in laboratory culture, to a
budding, oval, yeast-like structure found in infected tissue.

The pathogenesis of H. capsulatum has been clearly established. When soil or other contaminated
matter is disturbed, aerosolized fungal spores called conidia are inhaled and they are transformed
within the respiratory system, into yeast forms by the heat of the body. Most often, the infection
remains localized within the lungs perhaps producing patchy areas of interstitial pneumonitis, but it
is usually self-limiting (83). The host response to this infection varies with the dose of inoculum and
the age and immunologic status of the host (84–86). In the lung, the spores are engulfed by
macrophages and multiply intracellularly in the yeast phase with a generation time of about 4 h. The
draining lymph nodes become quickly involved, and hematogenous spread of the organisms occurs.
This fungemia is generally self-limited but results in seeding of reticuloenothelial organs throughout
the body with this organism. Specific lymphocyte-mediated cellular immunity develops in 7–14 days
that results in rapid limitation of the infection both in the lung and at distant sites with necrosis and
granuloma formation in involved areas. The lymphocytes of patients with healthy immune systems
produce cytokines that activate macrophages and induce formation of granulomas. In a small number
of individuals, an effective cell-mediated immune response may not develop, the infection becomes
progressive and widely disseminated, and lesions occur in practically all tissues and organs.
Ulcerating lesions may be found in the nose, tongue, and mouth. Fever, wasting, and enlargement of
liver, spleen, and lymph nodes may occur, and the disease may closely simulate miliary tuberculosis.
Histoplasmosis is also occasionally seen as a chronic pulmonary disease with cavitation that
simulates chronic pulmonary tuberculosis.

Factors that may increase one's susceptibility to this infection include aggressive immunosuppressive
therapy in organ transplant recipients and in AIDs patients and the presence of chronic debilitating
diseases such as cancer, diabetes, Hodgkins disease, leukemia, and tuberculosis (83). Because this is
an “opportunistic” organism, children and old and debilitated patients are also predisposed.

A provisional diagnosis of histoplasmosis is based upon clinical manifestations, serological tests, and
a positive skin response to histoplasmin. The latter has virtually no value in those localities where
the fungus is so prevalent that most persons have positive reactions to histoplasmin.

No treatment is needed for most patients with acute mild pneumonitis, but treatment is recommended
for patients with severe, persistent, or progressive disease and for immunosuppressed patients.
Amphotericin B remains the drug of choice (85).

6.3.2 Coccidioides Immitis This fungus causes the second most common endemic infection in the
United States and is the cause of coccidioidomycosis (84). Coccidioides immitis was first observed
in Argentina in 1892 when the causative agent was thought to be a protozoan but later was cultured
and shown to be a fungus. This disease also goes by names of “valley fever,” “Joaquin fever,” or
“desert rheumatism.” Approximately 100,000 cases occur annually in the United States and about 70
of these cases per year are fatal (84).

The fungus has a predilection for growth in desert soils and occurs endemically in the southwestern
United States, especially in the San Joaquin Valley of California, and in areas around Tucson and
Phoenix and western Texas, where the soil is arid and alkaline and the ambient temperature is
usually higher than 26°C (84). In these areas, the majority of residents give evidence of past
infection by a positive skin test. Both man and animals (e.g., wild rodents, dogs, and cattle) are
infected by the inhalation of airborne spores contained in dust (82). The disease is not
communicable, and there is no evidence that infected animals contribute directly to the spread of this

In these endemic areas, the people who are particularly at risk include those individuals who work in
agriculture and allied pursuits as well as oil field workers, highway maintenance and construction
crews, operators of graders, bulldozers, and other heavy equipment, and occasionally train crews
who pass through. Repair workers, mechanics, and those involved with handling the organism in a
laboratory may also be exposed (81, 87). A high incidence has also been found in American Indian
tribes who live in reservations in these dusty, desert areas (85).

Like other pathogenic fungi, C. immitis is dimorphic, that is, the infective stage within the tissue is
morphologically different from that observed in nature and in culture. In body exudates and in
histological sections, the organism appears as spherules or a mixture of spherules and hyphae (84,
88). The spherules are thick-walled structures as small as 5 mm in diameter but at maturity may be
20–60 mm. They are filled with hundreds of irregularly shaped endospores varying from 2 to 5 mm
in diameter. These large spherules eventually rupture, and the endospores are released and develop
into new spherules. In culture, growth is rapid, and fluffy white mycelia appear within about 5 days.
A characteristic feature of the hyphae is the cast-shaped arthrospores, which alternate with smaller
clear hyphal cells. When the hyphae fragment, they release huge numbers of arthrospores, which are
easily airborne and highly infectious.
Coccidioides immitis can be both an acute, benign respiratory infection or a chronic disease, fatal if
untreated. In about 60% of infected persons, the disease is not clinically apparent; infection is
revealed only by the acquisition of delay-typed hypersensitivity (positive coccidioidin skin test
reaction) in about three weeks. The rest of the individuals may develop a spectrum of symptoms
ranging from a flu-like syndrome to frank pneumonia following an incubation period of 1–4 weeks.
Symptoms include cough, fever, headache, chest pain, dyspnea, and malaise, often with pleurisy and
skin eruptions. About 5% of infected persons ultimately develop chronic pulmonary cavitary disease
resembling pulmonary TB. Dissemination occurs in less than 1% of the infected persons, producing
infected granulomatous lesions that are indistinguishable from tuberculosis, unless spherules can be
detected in numerous organs (84, 85). Death from disseminated coccidioidomycosis is usually
attributed to meningitis (58%) or pulmonary disease.

Host factors associated with high risk of disseminated infection include race, sex, age, pregnancy,
and immunosuppression. Dissemination occurs ten times more frequently in dark-skinned than light-
skinned individuals. Men are 1.5 to 6 times more susceptible to disseminated infection than
nonpregnant females. Pregnant females are more susceptible, especially during the second and third
trimesters (84, 85). In endemic areas, this fungus is the third most frequent opportunistic infection of
HIV-infected individuals. Many of these cases probably result from reactivation of latent infection
rather than a recent primary infection.

Diagnosis is made by finding the fungi in the lesions. The organism can be found by direct
microscopic examination of pus, sputum, gastric washings, spinal fluid, and biopsy specimens. The
cocidioidin test, a test of skin sensitivity to an extract of the organism, is of value; however, cross
reactions with other fungal infections such as histoplasmosis and blastomycosis may occur.

In endemic areas, infection can be diminished by dust control measures. Repeated spraying with oil
has been used to reduce the incidence of C. immitis infections in very arid, dusty environments (81).
No treatment is needed for most patients with acute pulmonary Coccidioides immitis but
amphotericin B is the drug of choice for chronic or cavitary disease (85).
6.4 Viruses
Several hundred different viruses may infect humans. Examples of viruses found in indoors include
rhinoviruses, influenza, parainfluenza, variola, adenoviruses, varicella zoster, paramyxoviruses,
poliovirus, and cytomegalovirus (10, 23). The viruses that occur primarily in humans are transmitted
chiefly by humans, mainly via the respiratory route. Diseases caused by viruses vary considerably in
their effects on susceptible individuals, mild or moderate in some cases and extremely dangerous in
others. Epidemics caused by viruses present formidable challenges to public health officials
responsible for preventing and controlling the spread of such diseases. Infectious diseases caused by
viruses are many and varied. This discussion focuses on viral infections such as influenza and the
common cold that are associated with crowded working conditions.

6.4.1 Influenza Virus The 1918–1919 influenza pandemic is recognized as one of the most serious
and devastating outbreaks of an infectious disease known. It was estimated that more than 20 million
people died of this disease during that period (7, 78). Later, in the pandemics of 1957 and 1968, it
was estimated that influenza killed 90,000 people in the United States alone and the direct cost of
medical care exceeded $3.4 billion. Outbreaks have been associated with crowded working
conditions and military posts. Influenza is an acute infection that enters the respiratory tract by direct
contact with the mucus of an infected person. The virus can persist for hours in dry mucus. It is an
RNA virus that possesses an unusual degree of genetic variability. As a result of this property, the
virus frequently undergoes major antigenic shifts, and new variants emerge. Thus, individuals with
immunity to prior strains have limited protection to the newly emerged strains. The infectious strain
enters the body through the mouth and nose and replicates in the upper respiratory tract. Normally,
the disease is self-limiting. However, serious effects may occur when the virus destroys the cells of
the respiratory tract and secondary bacterial infection develops. The incubation period is short, only
1–2 days. The symptoms of infection include chill, fever, malaise, muscular aches, cough, and
general respiratory symptoms. Individuals with immunosuppression or chronic respiratory diseases
have the greatest risk (89).

6.4.2 Common Cold The common cold is aptly named because it is one of the most common human
maladies; it has been recognized since earliest recorded history. There are more than 200 agents that
are etiologically responsible for clinical syndromes associated with pharyngitis or the common cold.
These include certain bacteria and a wide host of viral agents, including respiratory syncytial virus,
rhinovirus, adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza virus, and certain echo- and coxsackieviruses. About
90% of colds stem from viral infections. Serological testing or viral isolation is necessary to establish
the specific etiologic agent. Most colds develop in the nose and throat but then can spread to the
trachea and larynx (laryngitis), the sinuses (sinusitis), or the lungs (bronchitis). Colds account for
more time lost from work than any other cause. Although self-limiting, colds can lead to secondary
infections. Health-care workers are at risk from these agents due to frequent exposure to infected
individuals. Infection may be facilitated by excess fatigue, allergic nasopharyngeal disorders, or
inhalation of certain noxious fumes in the workplace (90, 91).
6.5 Rickesttsial and Chlamydial Infections
Both chlamydia and rickesttsiae rely on host cells to compensate for their own metabolic
deficiencies; thus they are obligate intracellular parasites. Although rickettsial infections in humans
usually begin in the vascular system following the bite of an infected arthropod, an important
rickettsial disease is acquired by inhaling contaminated dust particles, resulting in Q fever. Q fever is
an acute febrile illness that affects veterinarians, farmers, dairy workers, and abattoir employees.
Animals shed the organism (Coxiella burnetii) in their nasal and salivary secretions, and it can be
inhaled by individuals who work in this environment. The organism remains viable in a dried state
for long periods of time (92, 93).

Chlamydial infections are occupational diseases in the poultry industry. However, veterinarians,
workers in pet bird industries, and bird owners may be infected. Psittacosis or ornithosis is the term
used for human infections. At highest risk are workers engaged in plucking and eviscerating
chickens and turkeys. Most infections are transmitted through inhalation. Because the symptoms
resemble the “flu,” misdiagnoses are common (94).
6.6 Hypersensitivity Diseases
Microorganisms in the workplace may also affect the immune system. Allergic respiratory diseases
may develop in response to inhaling aerosols of both viable and nonviable organisms and their
antigens, as well as microbial products such as glucans, endotoxins, and mycotoxins. Fragments of
microbial cells, including cell wall segments, flagella, genetic material, and by-products of
metabolism that are transported as bioaerosols can cause health problems (95). Such allergic
respiratory illnesses produce acute symptoms, including malaise, fever, chills, shortness of breath,
and coughing. They can often be serious diseases possibly leading to permanent lung dysfunction.
Individuals can become hypersensitive to the inhalation of thermophilic actinomycetes in heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning systems (19, 96).

Potential allergens include dust mite wastes, mold spores, fungal hyphal fragments, and
macromolecular organic dust deposited on floors and surfaces. Exposure to such allergens is an
important cause of asthma and chronic allergic rhinitis in certain occupations. Worldwide, the
incidence of asthma is increasing, and occupational asthma has become more prevalent. Various
factors have been suggested to explain this increase, including increased exposure to allergens,
possible adjuvant effects of environmental chemicals, and improved diagnoses. Occupational
asthma, a common respiratory ailment, may be defined as a disease characterized by variable airflow
limitations and/or hyperresponsiveness due to conditions in an occupational environment and not to
certain stimuli outside the workplace. Symptoms include recurrent episodes of wheezing,
breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. About 200 agents have been implicated in causing
workplace asthma (97). Examples include baker's asthma in workers exposed to Aspergillus and
Alternaria, workers exposed to mites found in grain dusts, handlers of animal, workers involved in
the manufacture of detergents where certain proteolytic enzymes are added; and workers exposed to
wood dusts, especially red cedar.
6.7 Diseases Related to Bacterial Toxins
Microorganisms that cause disease may produce certain toxins. Airborne endotoxins are ubiquitous
in nature and may be distributed throughout the workplace. Given appropriate moisture content and
temperature, organic substrates furnish the necessary nutrients to promote the growth and
reproduction of a wide variety of microorganisms (gram-negative) capable of producing endotoxins.
Adverse human reactions to these endotoxins have been associated with a number of occupational
settings including agriculture (e.g., swine/poultry shelters, composting, rice hulling and silo
unloading, animal feed), manufacturing (e.g., machining oils, bioengineering, and mattress making),
and textile production (e.g., cotton spinning mills, flax and textile processing, cotton garnetting, and
carpet weaving). Although most of the settings in which high aerosol levels of endotoxins may occur
are occupational, bacterial endotoxins have also been implicated in nonoccupational exposures as
well. Endotoxin exposure is a possible cause of humidifier fever and is related to SBS (20, 98–100).
A very important type of reservoir for such organisms is recirculated water-based fluids that are
found in many home and office humidifier systems and possibly in areas where humans live
downwind from sewage outfalls, solid waste processing centers, or wastewater treatment plants (98,
99). Endotoxin inhalation may cause an acute illness with fever, sweating, muscle aches, and
headaches; sometimes rhinitis, asthma, and breathlessness may occur. Symptoms usually start within
hours after exposure and may resolve in a day; however, they can reappear again with repeated

Mycotoxins, such as aflatoxins, are products of fungal metabolism that can lead to respiratory
distress and severe systemic toxicosis. Some mycotoxins may be immunosuppressive and increase
the likelihood of opportunistic and secondary bacterial infections. Inhalation of such toxin-
containing spores may lead to “pulmonary mycotoxicosis” due to the absorption of toxin through the
mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (100).

Bioaerosols and Disease

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D.

7 Sampling and Identifying Airborne Microbial Contaminants

Before commencing extensive sampling for the presence of airborne microorganisms, medical
evidence should suggest the occurrence of infectious or allergic disease among the workers that
appears to be related to the workplace. Significant exposure to aerosolized infectious agents in the
workplace can be suspected when there are (1) several important sources or reservoirs, (2) amplifiers
or conditions favoring microbial survival, (3) highly susceptible individuals or known carriers, (4)
complaints or epidemics of disease, and (5) a microbiological laboratory report of positive cultures.
Of special concern are those environments with high occupant density possibly resulting in increased
risk of the airborne transmission of infectious agents between individuals. An on-site inspection may
aid in uncovering the potential source of biological contamination, which can be confirmed using
standard microbiological techniques. The ventilating system should be examined for appropriate
design, operation, and maintenance. Evidence of microbial growth in cooling coils and on wet
surfaces can indicate a source of biological contamination and a possible microbial reservoir. In
some cases, bioaerosol sampling may not be necessary if there is substantial evidence of visible
microbial growth. With evidence of microbial growth on floors, walls, or ceilings, or in the
ventilation systems, sampling for bioaerosols and appropriate remediation should be considered.
Sampling for microorganisms should be undertaken, especially when medical evidence suggests the
occurrence of disease. A careful on-site inspection can be of significant value in designing
appropriate air sampling methods. Once the purpose or the goal of bioaerosol sampling is
determined, appropriate sampling method(s) should be chosen. Sampling for bioaerosols in the
workplace can provide useful information necessary to characterize the exposure conditions,
determine whether the contamination represents a potential or real hazard, and establish the need for
control measures.
Bioaerosol monitoring is a rapidly emerging area of industrial hygiene. Airborne sampling for
bioaerosols is complex, expensive, and may include measuring bacteria, viruses, fungal spores,
endotoxins, allergenic and toxic substances of plant and animal origin, and protein aerosols (3). The
airborne concentration may be expressed in different ways, depending on the type of particle.
Bacteria and fungal spores, for example, may be expressed in terms of the number of bacteria entities
of a given type per unit volume of air (i.e., number per m3 of air). On the other hand, viable particles
may be expressed in terms of their ability to reproduce—that is, the number of “colony-forming
units” per unit of volume of air (i.e., cfu per m3 of air). For endotoxin and allergenic materials, it is
appropriate to express concentration in terms of the mass of the active component per unit volume of
air (i.e., mg per m3 of air) Such diversity presents many difficulties in sampling and measurement
methodology for exposure assessment.

Although there are no standard methods for sampling and analysis of microbiological agents in air,
the same principles that apply to measuring and collecting any particulate aerosol also govern air
sampling for microorganisms (101). The sampling methods most commonly used to collect airborne
microbes are described in detail elsewhere (101–103). Methods commonly used include glass
impingers, cascade impactors, sedimentation, and real-time samplers. A recent comprehensive
review compares the various experimental, theoretical, and physical characteristics of the commonly
used bioaerosol samplers (104).

The selection of the sampling methods and subsequent laboratory analyses are determined by the
medium to be sampled (air, water, surface) and the type of agent to be detected (6). Samplers used to
isolate viable microbes in the air must be capable of collecting the aerosol with high efficiency, must
minimize injury to the organism during the collection process, and must maintain the culturability of
the collected microorganisms. In monitoring viable microorganisms, only culturable microorganisms
are enumerated and identified, thus possibly leading to an underestimation of bioaerosol

Aeroallergens (pollen and fungi) may be sampled without culturing the microorganisms. This can be
done using passive aerobiological monitors that rely on gravity collection on an appropriate medium
or on some collection surface. Then the collected microorganisms can be enumerated and identified
using microscopy, classical microbiology, molecular biology, or immunochemical techniques. With
this method, large particles are collected more effectively than small particles. These passive
monitors can be used either as area or personal monitors, but they provide only semiquantitative
information because only particles of certain dimensions will settle onto the surface in a given time
and there is no way of knowing the volume of air that is being sampled.

In sampling culturable bacteria and fungi, the bioaerosol is generally collected by impaction onto the
surface of a solid medium (agar), filtration through a membrane filter, or impingement into an
isotonic liquid medium. Such an air sampler consists of a pump that draws a known quantity of air
over or through a collection surface that contains appropriate growth or collection medium for the
organism suspected of being present.

After impaction onto a medium surface and incubation, the organisms may be transferred onto
selective or differential media and incubated at different temperatures for identification and
enumeration of the microbes (105). When using collection fluids, the sample can be placed directly
on agar or serially diluted and plated, or the entire volume of fluid can be filtered through a
membrane filter. The membrane filter is then placed on an appropriate growth medium. Microbes
may be identified by using microscopy, classical microbiology, or molecular biology techniques
such as restriction fragment length polymorphic (RFLP) analysis. Classical microbiology techniques
include observation of growth characteristics, cellular or spore morphology, simple and differential
staining, and biochemical, physiological, and nutritional tests for bacteria. DNA analytical
techniques which may be applied to both nonviable and viable microorganisms include polymerase
chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Such methods may be used to identify
specific microorganisms and to locate areas of contamination. Concentrations of endotoxin
determined by using the Limulus amebocyte lysate assay method have been correlated with patient
symptoms in some studies (105).

Bioaerosols and Disease

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D.

8 Assessment of Risk
Remarkable changes have occurred in the way human health and environmental risks have been
assessed and regulated during the past few decades. The passage of many federal, state, and local
governmental regulations and statutes enacted to protect the health of workers and general public
from occupational and environmental exposure and consumer products have provided a major
stimulus to develop a formalized approach for assessing human health risk from exposure to
radiation, physical and chemical agents, and other conditions that may pose human health or
environmental hazards. The National Academy of Science/National Research Council has provided a
structured approach to the risk assessment process that has become increasingly accepted (106). This
method has been widely used by several governmental agencies, including the U.S. EPA, for
assessing the risk of cancer and other health effects that result from exposure to chemical agents.
Much has been written about the risk assessment process as it relates to chemical exposure (107–
112). Such quantitative risk assessment has been widely used for (1) assessing human effects from
exposure to chemicals, (2) developing regulatory standards, and (3) conducting risk/benefit analysis
used to inform major policy decisions. A complete risk assessment approach that emerged in the
1980s involved four interrelated components but conceptually distinct steps: (1) hazard identification
(the potential of the source for releasing a risk agent); (2) exposure characterization (the intensity,
frequency, and duration of exposure and the nature of the population that might be exposed); (3)
exposure–response characterization (the relationship between exposure and the resulting health
consequences); and (4) risk characterization (the combined influence of these three factors on risk
will provide estimates of the magnitudes of possible adverse health effects, including a
characterization of the probabilities, uncertainties, and degree of confidence associated with these

With increase awareness of the potential for disease from exposure to microorganisms in our
working and living environment, there has been an interest in developing similar risk assessment
models to evaluate the likelihood of adverse human health effects from exposure to infectious
microorganisms. Currently, the process being used to assess risk from exposure to pathogens uses
the conceptual framework developed to assess risks of chemical exposures.

However, there are several reasons that these methods presently being used for chemicals may not be
appropriate for assessing the risk of exposure to microorganisms. Issues that must be considered that
are unique to assessing risks of the infectious disease process include an assessment of pathogen/host
interaction, consideration of secondary spread, the possibility of short- and long-term protective
immunity, and an assessment of those conditions that might allow the microorganism to propagate.

The development of a pathogenic risk assessment process is complex and may consist of several
interrelated components but conceptually distinct steps (113).
8.1 Phase One
The initial phase is a systematic planning step that identifies the goals, breadth, and focus of the risk
assessment. A critical component of this problem formulation phase is to determine the purpose of
the risk assessment and to identify those specific questions that the assessment analysis is to answer.
A risk assessment may be initiated for a number of reasons. For example, if it is known that
microorganisms are present in air, food, or water without a recognized outbreak of the disease, it
may be desirable to assess the potential for human risk of exposure to the organism. Conversely, a
risk assessment may be initiated as the consequence of an infectious outbreak but where the specific
pathogen or the vehicle of infection (medium of concern) is unknown. Such analysis can be useful in
determining critical points for control, such as reducing airborne contamination, activating specific
water treatment processes, or initiating certain food handling activities.
8.2 Phase Two
The second phase consists of a number of technical evaluations of the existing database to gain a
better understanding of the potential for exposure and consequential health effects. In characterizing
the exposure, one attempts to determine the properties of the organism that are expected to influence
its ability to be transmitted to the host, to infect, and to cause disease. The properties of the pathogen
to be considered include virulence, host specificity, ability to survive in the environment, portal of
entry, and mode of transmission. Characterization of the expected occurrence, distribution, and
physical state of the microorganism can aid in determining the expected concentration of the
organism in the environment and the sources of the microbes. Data gathered from this phase should
provide useful information about relevant factors pertaining to the occurrence and distribution of the

Included in this second phase is an exposure analysis step that characterizes the source and temporal
nature of human exposure. This includes identifying and elucidating the vehicle of transmission,
such as air, drinking water, food, as well as the size and demographics of the potentially exposed
population. Such exposure analysis may aid in identifying whether a single airborne exposure to a
certain organism with high transmission potential may have substantially different consequences
than multiple exposures to pathogens with low transmission and virulence potential. The route of
exposure and the transmission potential can in turn be influenced by the behavioral characteristics of
the individuals exposed.

From this evaluation, an exposure profile can be developed to provide a qualitative and/or
quantitative description of the magnitude, frequency, and patterns of exposure focused on those
scenarios developed during the problem formulation phase. The exposure profile draws heavily on
information obtained from the characterization and occurrence of the pathogen and the exposure
analysis phase. The exposure profile should include an assessment of the various assumptions,
modifying factors, and uncertainties that are included in the analysis, providing insight into the
strengths and weaknesses of the assessment process.

The final task in this second phase is to characterize the human effects from exposure to the
microorganisms. To meet these needs, one collects data necessary to adequately characterize the
host. Host characterization involves evaluating the nature and characteristics of the population that
might be exposed and the susceptibility to a particular pathogen. High-risk groups may develop
severe symptomatic illness, whereas low-risk groups may develop asymptomatic infections or mild
illnesses. Many other factors can influence susceptibility and severity, but not all are important for
all microorganisms. The outcome of host characterization is the identification of factors that
influence susceptibility and severity and the identification of susceptible subpopulations.

In the analysis of the health effects from exposure to the microorganism, the clinical illnesses need to
be characterized. This should include characterizing the whole spectrum of clinical manifestations,
including symptomatic and asymptomatic infections, duration of clinical illnesses, mortality, and
sequelae. In most cases, the assessment of health effects usually relies on epidemiological and
clinical information, but animal studies can provide useful information.

Dose–response analysis can be valuable in evaluating the relationship between dose, infectivity, and
the manifestation of clinical illness. This relationship is complex, and in many cases a complete
understanding of this relationship may not be possible. Often only crude indirect measures for dose–
response assessment can be made because an actual dose of the microorganism is not available.
When this phase is successfully completed, it provides valuable insight into the host–pathogen
profile that provides qualitative and/or quantitative descriptions of the nature of the illness a
quantitative dose–response analysis for the scenarios developed during problem formulation, and
serves as input for risk characterization.
8.3 Phase Three
The final step of the pathogenic risk assessment is the risk characterization phase. This consists of
combining information from the other phases and provides estimates of the magnitude of the adverse
health effect. This includes an estimated number of people who experienced health impacts of
various severaties over time, a measurement that indicates the nature and magnitude of adverse
consequences to the exposure, and the likelihood that adverse human health effects will occur. The
degree of confidence in these risk estimates should be expressed in the risk description and should
include consideration of the sufficiency, defensibility, quality, and uncertainties of the database and
the evidence of causality.

The use of such risk assessment models can aid significantly in integrating our existing knowledge,
identifying data gaps, and improving our planning and designing of future research to fill those gaps.
Although the current methodology used in risk assessment has significant limitations and
shortcomings, it still provides a useful short-term approach for addressing health, safety, and
environmental risks and for providing a logical and effective means for analyzing and evaluating
limited information to understand specific risk. In developing risk assessment processes for
infectious diseases, the emphasis should be on the dynamic and iterative nature of the risk
assessment process in providing individuals with a variety of options for planning and conducting
risk analysis under a variety of diverse conditions often found in occupational environments (113).

Bioaerosols and Disease

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D.

9 Control and Prevention of Airborne Infectious Disease

The fundamental aim of occupational hygiene is to protect the health of individuals by preventing or
reducing risk from exposure to chemical, biological, or physical agents in the workplace. In
controlling and preventing infectious diseases, the ultimate aim must be to quickly identify the
causative agent and to establish reliable approaches for prevention and control. A well-designed,
well-implemented surveillance program can detect unusual clusters of disease, document an
outbreak, estimate the magnitude of the problem, and identify factors responsible for its emergence.
Although specific guidelines for each industry are obviously beyond the scope of this chapter, there
are certain practices that can significantly reduce the incidence of illness (114). Employing the
control and prevention measures listed here will aid in (1) eliminating the reservoir of the
microorganism, (2) interrupting the transmission of the infection, and/or (3) providing increased
resistance of the individuals to the microorganism.

• Personal hygiene will lessen the spread of disease.

• The elimination and control of the source of the hazard is preferable to relying on personal
protection, but in some work environments, the use of personal protective equipment, (e.g.,
clothing, gloves, face mask, and respirators) may be necessary for an acceptable level of
• Cleanliness in the workplace, conforming to appropriate standards (e.g., refuse removal, hosing
down abattoirs, disinfection of surfaces and articles in day-care centers and medical practices) is
always indicated.
• Proper disposal of wastes, especially those suspected of microbial contamination, and proper
cleaning of contaminated articles is critical.
• Special attention should be paid to the design and construction of buildings to avoid bioaerosol
contamination. For example, the structure should consist of nondeteriorating material, so as not to
offer a substrate for microbial growth. Control of moisture (i.e., maintaining relative humidity at
levels less than 70%) is an important factor in minimizing fungal growth. Proper maintenance,
repair, and cleaning of air handling equipment (HVAC) is a cost-effective means of controlling
contamination. Removal of pollutants from air can be accomplished by increasing effective
ventilation and by air cleaning.
• Special care is necessary in the case of immunocompromised and particularly sensitive or
susceptible employees.
• Prevention can occur through immunization or allergic desensitization. In certain professions
where there is a high risk of exposure (e.g., veterinarians, researchers, animal handlers, and
medical care personnel), immunization can be provided to maintain a high level of protection.
• Education and training helps workers to recognize conditions (e.g., sources, reservoirs) that
contribute to bioaerosols. Individuals can use such information to reduce their exposure and to
remove themselves from contaminated areas.

Bioaerosols and Disease


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Infectious Diseases, 2nd ed., Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1998, pp. 2004–2009.
94 J. Schachter, Chlamydia. In S. L. Gorbach, J. G. Bartlett, and N. R. Blacklow, eds.,
Infectious Diseases, 2nd ed., Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1998, pp. 1980–1990.
95 W. G. Sorenson et al., Trichothecene mycotoxins in aerosolized conidia of
Stachybotry.satra. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53, 1370–1375 (1987).
96 E. F. Banaszak, W. H. Thide, and J. N. Fink, Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to
contamiääänation of air-conditioner. N. Engl. J. Med. 283, 271–276 (1970).
97 L. M. Fabbri, G. Caramori, and P. Maestrelli, Etiology of occupational asthma. In R. A.
Roth, ed., Comprehensive Toxicology, Vol. 8, Pergamon, Oxford, 1997, pp. 425–435.
98 R. Burrell, Bacterial endotoxins. In R. A. Roth, ed., Comprehensive Toxicology, Vol. 8,
Pergamon, Oxford, 1997, pp. 611–628.
99 D. K. Milton, Endotoxins. In H. A. Burge, ed., Bioaerosols, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton,
FL, 1995.
100 R. S. Tobin et al., Significance of fungi in indoor air: Report of a Working Group. Can. J.
Public Health 78, S1–S14 (1987).
101 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Guidelines for the
Assessment of Bioaerosols in the Indoor Environment, ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH, 1989.
102 P. J. Lioy and M. J. Lioy, eds., Air Sampling Instruments for Evaluation of Atmoshperic
Contaminants, 6th ed., American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists,
Cincinnati, OH, 1983.
103 P. R. Morey and J. E. Woods, Indoor air quality in healthcare facilities. Occup Med.: State
of the Art Rev. 2, 547–563 (1987).
104 P. A. Jensen et al., Evaluation of eight bioaerosol samplers challenged with aerosols of free
bacteria. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 53(10), 660–667 (1992).
105 G. J. Tortora, B. R. Funke, and C. L. Case, Microbiology—An Introduction, 3rd ed.
Benjamin/Cummins, Redwood City, CA, 1989, pp. 162–216.
106 National Research Council (NRC) Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing
the Process. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1983.
107 V. T. Covello and M. W. Merkhofer, eds., Risk Assessment Methods, Plenum, New York,
108 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), IARC Monographs on the Evaluation
of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals in Humans: Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity,
Suppl. No. 7, IARC, Lyon, France, 1987.
109 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Guidelines for carcinogen risk
assessment. Fed. Regist. 51, 33992–34003 (1986).
110 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Framework for Ecological Risk
Assessment, EPA/630/R-92/001, USEPA, Washington, DC, 1992.
111 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH), Threshold Limit
Values and Biological Exposure Indices for 1991–1992, ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH, 1991.
112 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (USEPA), Guidelines for exposure assessment.
Fed. Regist. 57, 22888–22938 (1992).
113 A conceptual framework to assess the risks of human disease following exposure to
pathogens. Risk Anal. 16(6), 841–848 (1996).
114 W. J. Hausler, Jr. and G. M. Breuer, Determination of biological agents in the workplace. In
G. D. Clayton and F. E. Clayton, eds., Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 4 ed., Vol
1, Wiley, New York, 1991, pp. 193–203.

Bloodborne Pathogens In the Workplace

Debra L. Hunt, Jerry J. Tulis, MD

1 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1

On June 5, 1981, the CDC reported several cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in young male
homosexuals (7). Several weeks later, Kaposi[apos ]s sarcoma was reported in 26 male homosexuals,
some of whom also were diagnosed with P. carinii pneumonia (8). These reports represented the
first recognized cases of what is now defined as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Seventeen years later, in June 1998, over 657,077 AIDS cases had been reported to the CDC among
persons of all ages in the United States (9, 10), with an estimated 50 million infected throughout the

Within 3 years of the recognized syndrome, the virus causing AIDS was isolated and found to be a
new human retrovirus (11–13). Retroviruses had been studied primarily in animal diseases and were
found to be a cause of a human disease in 1980 by Poiesz et al. (14). Although the virus was
originally called human T-cell lymphotropic retrovirus III (HTLV-III) by Gallo, and
lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV) by Montagnier, the virus has subsequently been termed
human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) by committee (15).
1.1 Biological Characteristics
Certain biological characteristics of HIV-1 are important to the epidemiological and clinical aspects
of the virus, and contribute to the risk involved with viral transmission. These include (16):

1. HIV-1 belongs to a group of RNA viruses known as human retroviruses named for the novel
reverse transcriptase (RT) enzyme. The RT enzyme allows a DNA chain to be copied from the
viral RNA. The double-stranded DNA material from the viral template is then incorporated into
the host cell genome. This step is important epidemiologically, because the retroviruses are able
to exist in a latent period for years to decades before disease develops. More specifically, HIV-1
belongs to the lentivirus group (lenti- = “slow”). It is estimated that the average incubation period
between HIV-1 infection and the development of the disease, AIDS, for both homosexual men
and adults with transfusion-associated HIV infection via transfusion is 8 years (17), and may be
extended with treatment with antivirals or protease inhibitors.
2. The reverse transcriptase enzyme is a natural target for antiviral agents. For example,
azidothymidine (AZT) inhibits HIV-1 replication by blocking reverse transcriptase activity. Such
agents can block further transmission of HIV to other cells, but cannot eliminate the HIV provirus
from reservoirs in cellular DNA.
3. Since reverse transcriptase activity is specific for replication of retroviruses, its detection provides
an excellent indicator of retroviral activity in laboratory tests.
4. The polymerase enzyme of HIV that is involved in transcription is error-prone, contributing to the
antigenic hypervariability on the viral envelope. This complicates the development of a universal
vaccine and perhaps influences the virulence of the different strains of virus.
5. Surrounding the RNA viral core and viral enzymes, the lipoprotein envelope contains several
important glycoproteins that help bind the virus to host cell receptors and are the focus of several
vaccine studies. Evidence of antibodies to glycoproteins GP120, GP160, and GP41 is essential to
laboratory testing for infection with HIV-1 (18).
6. Retroviruses, like other enveloped viruses, are rapidly destroyed by common laboratory
disinfectants and detergents (19).
7. The HIV-1 viruses replicate intracellularly in the host. The major target cells are those that
possess the CD4 protein receptor, primarily the T4 lymphocytes. The T4 cell is lysed or severely
limited in function by viral replication, leading to eventual depletion of immunological
capabilities. The monocyte–macrophage cell, another target cell for HIV-1, harbors the virus, but
is more resistant to the cytopathic effects. The monocyte–macrophage cell serves as a reservoir
for the latent viral state, a “Trojan horse” that transports the virus throughout the body, protecting
it from host defenses. Evidence also indicates that the Langerhans cells of the skin may also
harbor the virus (20).
8. The HIV-1 virus is found in body fluids as cell-associated as well as cell-free. The numbers of
virally infected cells and infectious viruses in plasma vary with the stage of HIV-1 infection. For
example, HIV p24 antigen, a marker of HIV-1 replication, has been demonstrated during the
acute stage of HIV infection, and at the late stages of infection when CD4 lymphocytes decrease
in number (21). Also, increased HIV-1 plasma titers are associated with the later stages of the
disease (22). This higher “dose” of virus may be an important determinant of an increased risk of
viral transmission.
9. The HIV-1 virus has been cultured from blood (12), semen (23), vaginal and cervical secretions
(24, 25), saliva (26), breast milk (27), tears (28), urine (29), cerebrospinal fluid (30), alveolar
fluid (31), and amniotic fluid (32); however, human transmission of the virus has occurred only
via blood, bloody body fluids, semen, vaginal and cervical secretions, breast milk, or
concentrated viral material. Proteins found in urine, tears, saliva, and mother[apos ]s milk
neutralize HIV and may explain why HIV is not transmitted via these fluids (33).
1.2 Inactivation Studies
Retroviruses are classified by Klein and Deforest (19) as protein and lipid viruses and, as such, are
susceptible to many common disinfectants found in the laboratory. Since 1984, several studies have
evaluated the inactivation of HIV-1 by a variety of physical and chemical means. The methods of
testing for viability of HIV-1 after exposure to disinfectants or physical methods include the
determination of reverse transcriptase activity and the ability of the treated virus to infect T-cell lines
in tissue culture. The tissue culture assay appears to be more sensitive for small amounts of virus
than the RT assay (34). It is yet unknown if the tissue culture assay is able to measure the critical
human infectious dose. Therefore, the observed log reductions in virus titer and extrapolated decay
rates using high concentrations of virus allow for inferences about effectiveness of the disinfectant or
method of inactivation.

1.2.1 Environmental Stability Under experimental laboratory conditions and grown in high
concentrations of 7–10 logs tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50), HIV-1 demonstrates stability at
room temperature in both dry and liquid forms. One TCID50 is the amount of virus required to infect
half of the cells in tissue culture. In aqueous suspensions of tissue culture fluid, the virus has
remained viable after 1–2 weeks (34). Several authors have demonstrated the recovery of viable
HIV-1 after 3–7 days in the dried state as a viral film on glass or a petri dish (34–36). Resnick et al.
(34) and Prince et al. (36) calculated the amount of time required to reduce viral infectivity by 1 log
or 90% (the D10 value) in a dried state at room temperature to be 8–9 h. It follows that a blood spill
containing 1–3 logs of virus per milliliter (22) in a clinical or laboratory setting could potentially
contain viable HIV-1 for over a day if allowed to dry. Prompt cleaning with appropriate disinfectants
should be initiated to remedy this situation.

1.2.2 Heat Inactivation Although the HIV-1 appears stable at room temperature, it is very heat-labile.
McDougal et al. (37) found that the virus follows first-order kinetics, and calculated the D10 values
for a series of temperatures (see Table 20.1) (37–39). The study found little difference in the thermal
decay rate when the virus was suspended in culture medium, serum, or liquid factor VIII, but found
that the virus in the lyophilized state was somewhat resistant to heat.

Table 20.1. Environmental Survival of HIV-1

Condition Temperature Parameters D a Comments Ref.


Heat 60°C 2 min ND Virus in factor VIII 37

60°C 2h ND Lyophilized virus 37
56°C 10 min ND — 38
56°C 20 min ND 50% serum 39
56°C 10 min 2 min — 37
56°C 5h 20 min 50% plasma 34
50°C — 24 min — 37
45°C — 3.3 h — 37
37°C — 4.8 — 37
37°C 11 days ND 50% plasma 34
37°C 6 days ND Dried virus 36
Aqueous RTb 15 days — — 34
solution RT >7 days — — 35
Dried virus RT >3 days 9h 50% plasma 34
RT >7 days — In petri dish 35
RT >7 days 8h 5% serum on glass 36

D10 = amount of time required to reduce viral infectivity by 1 log or 90%.
b RT = room temperature (20–27°C).
Martin, as well as other authors (38, 39), reported inactivation of HIV-1 suspensions at 56°C within
10–20 min (D10 value = 2 min). Resnick et al. (34), however, found that heating at 56°C for 5 h was
necessary, calculating a D10 value of 20 min. The reason for discrepancies in these studies is

A 1988 survey of laboratories evaluating HIV-1 tests for CDC (40) reported that 3.9% of the
laboratories heat-inactivated serum specimens at 56°C as a safety measure before testing. However,
the heating process can cause false-positive results for enzyme immuno assay (EIA) and Western
Blot tests (41, 42), changes in laboratory enzyme levels, and turbidity problems with plasma (43).
The CDC recommended that heat inactivation of serum does not preclude the use of standard
precautions and should not be used as a routine means of protection of laboratory workers (40).

The heating process has better applicability in the preparation of safe therapeutic blood products.
Piszkiewicz (44) found that pasteurization of antithrombin III concentrate at 60°C for 7 min reduced
HIV-1 to below detectable levels. Others have found alternative methods of inactivation of blood
products, including exposure to tri- (n-butyl) phosphate and sodium cholate for 20 min at room
temperature (45). A promising method that destroys HIV-1 but does not effect changes in
hematological parameters is the “photodynamic method,” a hematoporphyrin photosensitizer (46).
1.3 Epidemiology
Since the recognition and reporting of AIDS in 1981, more than 650,000 persons with AIDS have
been reported to public health departments in the United States (9). In the United States, AIDS was
the leading cause of death among those aged 25–44 years in 1993 (47), but dropped to the fifth
leading cause in 1997 (48). Worldwide, at the end of 1997, approximately 30.6 million people were
living with HIV infection, 20.8 million of them in sub-Saharan Africa (49).

Epidemiological information gathered since the early 1980s indicate that the modes of transmission
of HIV-1 have remained the same. HIV-1 is transmitted through sexual contact, percutaneous or
mucous membrane exposure to blood, birth, or breastfeeding from an infected mother, or transfusion
of HIV-contaminated blood. However, trends of HIV infection for certain populations reflect the
evolution of the epidemic. For example, in the United States, AIDS cases attributed to homosexual
or bisexual behavior decreased from 65% of cases in 1984 to 48% in 1998. Heterosexual contact
cases increased from 1.2% in 1984 to 10% in 1998 (50, 51).

The findings demonstrate a disproportionate increase in U.S. women and racial[sol ]ethnic
minorities. Women accounted for only 7% of AIDS cases in 1984 (50), 10% in 1987 (52), and
increased to 16% in 1998 (51). The overall rate of AIDS per 100,000 population in 1998 was 34;
however, the rate for African-Americans was 125 (51). Dr. Helene Gayle (53) noted that African-
Americans make up 13% of the U.S. population, but accounted for 48% of all AIDS cases in 1998,
and that higher annual infection rates are seen with young homosexual men, intravenous drug users,
women, and minorities.

The annual incidence of AIDS cases associated with blood transfusions and therapeutics for
hemophilia stabilized with about five cases per year after the serological screening of blood
donations and heat-treatment of clotting factors was initiated in 1985. Currently (at the time of
writing), it is estimated that the risk of any unit of blood being contaminated with HIV after the
screening process is 1:200,000–1:2,000,000 (54). The American Red Cross began testing donated
blood units via nucleic acid testing (NAT) in June 1999 for early detection of viruses, such as HIV
and hepatitis C virus (HCV) (55). Because NAT detects viral DNA or RNA, rather than the donor
[apos ]s antibodies, it can detect HIV virus within 6–10 days after exposures and HCV within about
41 days after exposure. This reduces the risk of transmission of undetected HIV or HCV via blood

In 1998, 8% of all AIDS cases were assigned to a “no identified risk” (NIR) category, representing a
large caseload of those recently diagnosed (51). For many of these cases, follow-up investigation is
incomplete or the patient has died before an investigation could be performed. Historically, on
investigation, 83% of the NIRs are classified into an identified risk category.

Bloodborne Pathogens In the Workplace

Debra L. Hunt, Jerry J. Tulis, MD

2 Occupational HIV-1 Transmission

2.1 AIDS in Healthcare Workers
National surveillance data about AIDS in healthcare workers demonstrate that there is no high risk
for working in the healthcare or laboratory setting. As of 1998, approximately 20,769 (5.1%) of
reported AIDS cases whose work history was known had related a history of working in a healthcare
or laboratory setting since 1978 (4). This percentage is comparable to the proportion of the U.S.
population working in the healthcare area (56). The occupations of those healthcare workers with
AIDS are as follows: 22% nurses, 21% health aides, 13% technicians, 8% physicians, 5% therapists,
2% dental workers, and 2% paramedics (4). Overall, 75% of the cases of AIDS in healthcare workers
have died.
2.2 Prevalence Studies
More indirect evidence that the risk of transmission of HIV-1 in the healthcare setting is small is
found in HIV prevalence studies conducted on cohorts of healthcare workers around the country,
many of whom work in areas of high community seroprevalence. These studies have examined 7595
U.S. and European healthcare workers with reported HIV exposures and found nine seropositives
(0.12%) in workers with no identified community risk (57–69). The prevalence of infection in
healthcare workers does not appear to be any higher than that of the comparable population at large.

The lack of association of HIV transmission in the healthcare setting has also been demonstrated in a
recent serosurvey of hospital-based surgeons in 21 hospitals in moderate to high AIDS incidence
areas across the United States conducted by the CDC Serosurvey Study Group (70). This study also
found a low prevalence of 0.14% (one seropositive in 740 surgeons with no community risk
identified). This same finding is demonstrated in prevalence studies from Kinshasa, Zaire (71, 72),
where community prevalence of HIV is high (6–8%), infection control practices are limited, and
needles and syringes are usually washed by hand, sterilized, then reused. No higher rates of
seropositivity were found in the hospital staff, nor were there any significant differences among the
medical, administrative, and manual workers (6.5, 6.4, and 6%, respectively). These findings
reaffirm the apparent low risk for occupational transmission of HIV.
2.3 Documented Case Studies
Occupational HIV infection following a specific exposure is the best indicator of the mode of HIV
transmission in the healthcare setting. Although the risk of occupational HIV transmission appears to
be low, case reports of healthcare workers infected with the virus through occupational exposure
have been reported. Between 1981 and 1998, 54 healthcare workers in the United States have been
documented as having seroconverted to HIV following occupational exposures. Twenty-five have
developed AIDS. Individuals who seroconverted include 22 nurses, 19 laboratory workers (16 of
whom were clinical laboratory workers), 6 physicians, 2 surgical technicians, 1 dialysis technician, 1
respiratory therapist, 1 health aide, 1 embalmer[sol ]morgue technician, and 1 housekeeper[sol ]
maintenance worker (4). The modes of transmission in these cases appear to be: 46 percutaneous
(puncture[sol ]cut injury) exposures, 5 mucocutaneous (mucous membrane and[sol ]or skin)
exposures to blood, 2 had both percutaneous and mucocutaneous exposure, and 1 unknown. Forty-
nine exposures were to HIV-infected blood, 3 to concentrated virus in a laboratory, 1 to visibly
bloody fluid, and 1 to an unspecified fluid.

Additionally, 133 other cases of HIV infection or AIDS have been reported among healthcare
workers who were found to have no other social risk factors for HIV infection, but who experienced
nondocumented occupational exposures to blood, body fluids, or laboratory levels of HIV. These
include 33 nurses, 18 clinical laboratory workers, 17 physicians, 15 health aides, 12 paramedics, 10
housekeepers[sol ]maintenance workers, 9 technicians, 7 dental workers, 3 dialysis technicians, 2
surgical technicians, 2 embalmers[sol ]morgue technicians, 2 respiratory therapists, and 2 others (9).

Worldwide, including the United States, 94 documented and 170 possible occupational HIV
infections have occurred among healthcare workers as of September 1997 (73). The United States
accounted for 62.9% and Europe for 28.4% of documented and possible cases. Of the European
countries, France had the highest number with 14.3% of cases. According to case descriptions, the
majority of documented infections occurred among nurses or clinical laboratory workers (70.2%)
after contact with infected blood (89.4%) from patients with AIDS (76.5%) by percutaneous
exposure (88.3%) during a procedure involving placement of a device in an artery or vein (68%).

Bloodborne Pathogens In the Workplace

Debra L. Hunt, Jerry J. Tulis, MD

3 Occupational Risk Assessment

Prevalence and epidemiological studies indicate that occupational HIV infection seldom occurs.
Documented HIV seroconversion due to exposures demonstrate that an occupational risk of HIV
transmission exists. Factors that may contribute to the magnitude of that risk include the type and
extent of injury, the body fluid involved, the “dose” of inoculum, environmental factors, and
recipient susceptibility. The interactions and additive effect of these factors on the individual
laboratory worker are complex and unknown. However, some data are available that can help further
define risks associated with several procedures or circumstances. The type, extent, and frequency of
occupational HIV-1 exposure are summarized in Table 20.2.

Table 20.2. Summary of Published Prospective Studies of the Risk for

Occupational HIV-1 Transmission in the Clinical Setting

N N N Infection
Exposure Type Studiesa Exposures Infected Rate (%)

Percutaneous 23 6202 20 0.32

Mucous membrane 13 1364 1 0.07
Cutaneous 1 5568 0 0
Routine patient care 3 929 0 0
activities (no exposures)

Refer to text for references (N = number of).
3.1 Route and Extent of Exposure
3.1.1 Parenteral Of the 54 occupationally acquired HIV infections reported, 46 (85%) have been
associated with parenteral exposure (needlesticks, cut with contaminated objects, or nonintact skin
exposure to blood) (4). In 1995, a case control study described risk factors associated with
occupational HIV infection after percutaneous exposures in cases reported from national surveillance
systems in the United States, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom (74). The findings indicate an
increased risk for occupational infections following a percutaneous exposure if it involved a larger
quantity of blood, such as a device visibly contaminated with the patient's blood, or a procedure that
involved a large-gauge, hollow-bore needle, particularly if used for vascular access. Other factors
associated with increased risk include a source patient in the terminal stage of illness and lack of
zidovudine prophylaxis of the healthcare worker (discussed in more detail later).

The best direct measure of risk of HIV transmission from a single exposure is accomplished through
prospective cohort studies that document an HIV exposure event with follow-up serological
monitoring of the exposed healthcare worker. In 23 prospective studies that have reported 6202
percutaneous exposures in healthcare workers, 20 instances of seroconversion have been
documented, for an overall risk of transmission per percutaneous injury from an HIV-infected patient
of 0.32% (66, 75–88). The risk of 0.3% is the average of all the types of percutaneous exposures to
blood from patients in various stages of HIV infection. Certain factors, discussed below, contribute
to a subset of exposures for which the risk is higher than 0.3%.

There have been two cases of HIV transmission from bites reported (89, 90). Both indicated that
blood was involved. In one case (90), the biter died of AIDS 13 days after the bite.

3.1.2 Mucous Membrane Four mucous membrane exposures resulting in HIV infection have been
reported in healthcare workers (91, 92, 92a), although in both instances, nonintact skin contact with
blood could not be ruled out as a route of exposure. One of them was a laboratory worker whose face
was splattered with blood when a vacutainer top flew off the tube while she collected blood from a
patient. She also reported having acne (91).

Thirteen prospective studies have included mucous membrane exposures in their risk evaluations and
have reported only one seroconversion from 1364 exposures (66, 75–77, 79–82, 84–87). Therefore,
the risk of transmission of HIV via mucous membrane is extremely low (0.07%), much lower than
that of a percutaneous injury: <0.3% per exposure.

3.1.3 Cutaneous The identification of the Langerhans' cell in the subepithelial tissue as a target cell
for the HIV (20) has caused concern among some healthcare workers that cutaneous exposure to
HIV may result in transmission of the virus via these cells into the body (93). Infection of the
Langerhan's cells is usually a consequence of septic HIV infection (20). Enormous protection against
all pathogens is provided by intact skin; however, penetration of the skin into the subepithelial
tissues and subsequent inoculation of the Langerhan's cells might occur during a needlestick or cut
injury, or other breaks in the skin (94).

One reported case of HIV transmission via skin contact has been reported in a mother caring for her
HIV-infected child (95). Although no specific cuts, punctures, or splashes were noted, the mother
reported that she used no barrier precautions such as gloves or gowns, and did not always wash her
hands after caring for her child. She frequently handled blood and bloody body fluids. It is likely that
tiny cuts on the skin may have actually been the route of transmission of the virus.

A report of a laboratory worker infected with a laboratory strain of HIV (60) considered the source
of that exposure to be “contact of the individual's gloved hand with H9/HTLV-IIIB culture
supernatant with inapparent and undetected exposure to skin.” The subject worked with concentrated
HIV and reported wearing gowns and gloves routinely. The subject admitted episodes when pinholes
or tears in gloves required that they be changed. The subject also related accounts of leakage of
virus-positive culture fluid from equipment, and the subsequent decontamination efforts with a hand
brush. The subject also recalled an episode of nonspecific dermatitis on the arm that was always
covered by a gown.

A subgroup of 98 other laboratory workers who also worked with concentrated HIV were
seronegative. An incidence rate of 0.48 per 100 person-years of exposure has been calculated for
prolonged laboratory exposure to concentrated virus, approximately the same magnitude of risk of
infection as healthcare workers who experience a needlestick HIV exposure (60). Over a 45-year
career, this rate would lead to a risk of 195 infections per 1000 exposed workers in research and
production facilities.

Three prospective studies have reviewed the risk of HIV transmission as a result of routine patient
care activities without a known percutaneous or mucous membrane exposure (66, 81, 96). None of
the 929 healthcare workers studied has been infected. Henderson et al. (77) summarized a 6-year,
ongoing study of the risk of HIV transmission to healthcare workers sustaining a variety of
occupational exposures, including cutaneous exposure. Responding to a questionnaire, 149 National
Institute of Health workers reported 5568 cutaneous exposures to blood or other body fluids from
HIV-infected patients or their specimens and more than 10,000 cutaneous exposures to blood from
all patients. No seroconversion occurred from these exposures despite the high frequency of
occurrence, confirming the lack of evidence of any measureable risk of transmission of HIV by
cutaneous exposure in a clinical setting.

3.1.4 Other Routes of Exposure There have been no documented cases of HIV transmission through
the respiratory, ingestion, or vector route of exposure. Some have questioned the possibility of
respiratory transmission of HIV (97), specifically with the research laboratory-acquired infection
with no documented percutaneous exposure (60). It is well known that common laboratory
procedures using blenders and centrifuges have been evaluated and shown to produce infectious
aerosols. Prior to the CDC and NIH recommendations for biological containment in laboratories,
agents such as rabies (98), which are not transmitted by aerosols in the community or clinical setting,
were documented to cause infection under laboratory conditions when concentrated agents were
aerosolized by blending or purification procedures. The reported laboratory worker infected with the
laboratory strain of HIV may have been exposed to aerosols released during reported rotor-seal
failures involving the continuous-flow zonal centrifuge.

However, an expert safety review team convened by the Director of NIH addressed this issue and
agreed that the potential for direct contact transmission was much greater than for aerosol
transmission (100). Procedures that generated aerosols were carried out in biological safety cabinets.
They cite other instances involving overt aerosol exposure in laboratory and production facilities
involving concentrated HIV that have not resulted in seroconversions in exposed workers (100).
Nevertheless, the occurrence of infection through an unknown exposure emphasizes the need for
laboratory workers, particularly in research or production facilities, to strictly adhere to published
safety guidelines.

The potential for respiratory transmission of HIV in individuals performing aerosol-producing

procedures in a clinical setting (e.g., surgery, dentistry) has also been raised (93, 97). No
epidemiological information supports this theory. In fact, several studies have shown a low
prevalence of HIV infection in dentists who are routinely exposed to aerosolized body fluids (64, 65,
68, 101, 102). Likewise, surgeons are not overrepresented in the reported AIDS cases compared with
other healthcare workers (4).

Johnson and Robinson (97) demonstrated that HIV can remain viable in cool vapors and aerosols
generated by common surgical power instruments, but not in the heated vapors produced from
electrocautery. In a companion study, Heinsohn et al. (103) demonstrated that aerosols of nanometer
and micrometer sizes are produced by the instruments. Questions remain as to whether any
respirable-size particles generated contain viable HIV and if there exists an infectious dose required
for aerosol transmission of HIV.
3.2 Other Factors
3.2.1 Viral Concentration The transmission of HIV and subsequent infection may also depend on the
“dose” of the virus present at time of exposure. The dose is determined by the size of the inoculum
or the concentration of virus in the inoculum. The dose of HIV required to infect humans is
unknown. Fultz et al. (104) studied the infection of chimpanzees with HIV-1 and found that those
receiving >1 TCID50 by intravenous injection were persistently infected for up to 18 months.
Chimpanzees inoculated with low doses (0.1 TCID50) did not become infected, suggesting that
immune systems can contain small inocula of virus.

A large inoculum of HIV-infected blood such as a unit of transfused blood carries a higher likelihood
of virus transmission. Donegan et al. (105) examined recipients of infected blood units with no other
risk factors for HIV infection and found 89.5% were seropositive. Ho et al. (22) estimates that
250 mL of HIV-contaminated blood contains 104–106 TCID50 of HIV. In contrast, a much lower
risk is associated with occupational exposures (0.3%) in which the amount of blood involved is
unknown, but calculated by Ho to contain 0.06–7 TCID50 of HIV.

A risk factor for occupational HIV infection identified by a CDC case control study (74) was injury
with a large-gauge, hollow-bore needle, which may be directly associated with the amount of blood
exposure. This is consistent with laboratory studies that have indicated that less blood is transferred
by suture needles (solid bore) than by phlebotomy needles (hollow-bore) of similar diameter (106,

The concentration of virus in blood or body fluid is dependent on the stage of the patient's illness and
the antiviral treatment of the patient (21, 22). In the CDC case control study of occupationally
acquired HIV infections transmitted by percutaneous injury, a factor associated with increased risk
of infection was exposure to a source patient in the terminal stage of illness (74), and may have a
direct association with the amount or dose of virus present at the time of exposure. Saag et al. (21)
evaluated the plasma viremia levels in patients infected with HIV and found that (1) none of the
asymptomatic adults, (2) 12% of adults with AIDS-related complex, and (3) 93% of AIDS patients
had cell-free infectious virus in their plasma. Titers of the virus ranged from 10 to 108 TCID/mL of
plasma, with a mean of 102.8 TCID/mL in patients with AIDS. Patients with acute HIV infection had
viral titers of 10–103 TCID/mL.

Saag et al. (21) also found that therapy with zidovudine (AZT) led to a significant decline in titer. Ho
et al. (22) found a 25-fold lower titer mean in AIDS patients treated with AZT versus untreated
AIDS patients. Reverse transcriptase inhibitors, such as AZT, and protease inhibitors protect
uninfected cells from becoming infected and, therefore, reduce the viral burden in patients' blood

Research or production laboratory workers, by the nature of the work performed, are placed at
greater risk because of the high viral concentrations in culture (>108 TCID/mL). Published
recommended barrier protection and precautions developed by NIH and CDC reduce worker
exposure to high risk operations (6, 109, 110).

3.2.2 Specimen Age The length of time the blood has been removed from the source prior to
exposure may also influence the number of infectious viruses present in the inoculum. Although
most occupational infections have occurrred after exposure to “fresh” blood, HIV has demonstrated
stability in the environment in both liquid and dry states (34), and may survive for hours to days at
room temperature.

3.2.3 Other Other factors contributing to the overall risk of HIV transmission may include the
virulence of the viral strain (111), post exposure first aid or prophylactic practices, or inflammation
around the exposure site (numbers of CD4[plus ] cells available) (77). Other healthcare-worker-
related factors contributing to risk are skin integrity and immunological status (66). Pinto et al. (112)
demonstrated that parenteral exposure to HIV can induce cell-mediated immune response in the
absence of seroconversion. It is possible that this immune response is protective against a low HIV
infection, and may contribute to the low infectivity rates of healthcare workers.

Bloodborne Pathogens In the Workplace

Debra L. Hunt, Jerry J. Tulis, MD

4 Hepatitis Viruses
At the time of writing, at least six viruses are known to cause hepatitis: hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, and
G. Epidemiologically, the viruses can be divided into two groups according to mode of transmission.
The hepatitis A and E viruses are transmitted primarily by the fecal–oral route. The hepatitis B, C, D,
and G viruses are transmitted by direct contact with blood or body fluids. Hepatitis B and C viruses
are frequently responsible for occupational infections.
4.1 Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Hepatitis B virus is transmitted parenterally, sexually, and perinatally, and is the major cause,
worldwide, of acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. High risk groups
in industrialized countries include intravenous drug users, homosexual men, and those with multiple
sexual partners (113). Others at substantial risk of infection include hemodialysis patients,
institutionalized patients, and healthcare workers with occupational exposure to blood (114).

Healthcare personnel have been known to be at greater risk for HBV infection than the general
population (115, 116). The incidence of clinical cases of hepatitis B in healthcare workers before the
availability of the hepatitis B vaccine (i.e., before 1982) was reported to be between 50 and 120 per
100,000 (117, 118), much higher than that of the general population of <10 cases per 100,000 (114).
Level of risk was related to several factors, including the frequency of exposure to blood, body
fluids, or blood-contaminated sharps; the duration of employment in a high risk occupation where
blood exposure was common; and the underlying prevalence of HBV infection in the patient
population. High prevalence of infection was found in occupations associated with the emergency
department, laboratory, blood bank, intravenous team, and the surgical house officers (119).

Since 1982, changes in infection control practices, including the recommendation in 1987 of
“universal precautions” (6), and the availability of the hepatitis B vaccine to at-risk workers have
undoubtedly been responsible for the decline in the numbers of occupational hepatitis B infections
(120). The proportion of reported hepatitis B cases associated with healthcare workers has declined
from 4% in 1982 to 1% in 1988. The annual number of new HBV infections in healthcare workers
has steadily declined from 12,000 in 1985 to 1000 in 1994 (121). Several reports from university
hospitals confirm the decline after initiation of the hepatitis B immunization programs. Lanphear et
al. (122) reported a decline in clinical hepatitis B in healthcare workers from 82 cases per 100,000 in
1980–1984 to no cases between 1985 and 1989. At Duke University, the number of cases of clinical
hepatitis B in hospital employees has declined from 2 cases per 1000 in 1979 to none since 1992,
with a vaccine acceptance rate of 90% (122a).
4.2 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
Choo et al. (123) discovered the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome in 1989 and developed a
serological test for the agent. Since then, HCV has been found to be the primary agent of
parenterally transmitted non-A, non-B (NANB) hepatitis and a major cause of acute and chronic
hepatitis throughout the world (124). High rates of HCV infection occur in intravenous (iv) drug
users, where it has been estimated that two-thirds of addicts are anti-HCV seropositive within 2 years
of regular use of IV drugs, increasing to close to 100% seropositivity after 8 years (125). Other
groups at high or moderate risk include patients with repeated direct exposures to blood such as
hemodialysis patients (126) and hemophiliacs (127). Lower rates are found in those with inapparent
parenteral or mucosal exposures such as sexual contacts of infected persons (128) or transmissions
from mother to infant (129). Blood transfusions have transmitted the virus. Before testing of the
virus was available in 1989, the risk of HCV infection per unit was 0.45%; after antibody testing
became available, 0.06% (130).

Although HCV transmission occurs in the healthcare setting, the seroprevalence rate in workers is
only slightly higher than the corresponding general population. In general, most studies document an
HCV seroprevalence of between 1 and 2.8% for healthcare workers compared with the rate of 0.3–
1.5% in blood donors (the community rate) (131).

Prospective studies that record seroconversions after documented percutaneous exposures indicate
the risk of HCV infection after a single injury to a healthcare worker can range from 0.75% (132) to
10% when PCR methodologies are used to determine HCV-RNA (133). The wide range of risk
reflects the differences in study design, diagnostic tests used, number of cases followed, source
patient status, and community prevalence. In general, after pooling data from 9 published
prospective studies, a risk of 2.5% after a percutaneous injury is a reasonably accurate estimate

Bloodborne Pathogens In the Workplace

Debra L. Hunt, Jerry J. Tulis, MD

5 Relative Risks for Occupational Infection

The anxiety surrounding HIV in the laboratory setting has been partially due to the historical
problem of occupational hepatitis B infection and its designation as a model for transmission of a
bloodborne pathogen. In the early 1980s, the CDC estimated that 12,000 healthcare workers became
occupationally infected with hepatitis B each year, resulting in over 250 deaths (134). In contrast, the
total number of occupationally acquired HIV infections in 17 years is estimated to be 187 (54
documented, 133 possible), an average of approximately 10 per year.

The risk of hepatitis B infection following a single parenteral exposure to hepatitis B surface
antigen–positive blood (6–30%) (135) is much higher than the risk of HIV infection from a similar
exposure to HIV–infected blood (0.3%). The risk of hepatitis C infection from a single percutaneous
exposure to antihepatitis C–positive blood is approximately 2.5% (131). The differences in
transmission rates correlate directly with average titers of the viruses found in infected sources. Viral
titers of hepatitis B during the acute stage of disease can reach 102–108 viral particles per milliliter
of blood (136, 137), hepatitis C titers generally reach 10–106 viral particles per milliliter (137), and
HIV titers average around 10–103 viral particles per milliliter (22).

Although hepatitis B transmission rates are higher than other bloodborne pathogens in the
occupational setting, it is generally a self-limiting disease in the general population (only 5%
develop chronicity) and is entirely preventable with vaccination for workers at risk. The chronic
nature of hepatitis C and HIV infection increases the reservoir of infected sources in the population
and the potential for exposures.

Bloodborne Pathogens In the Workplace

Debra L. Hunt, Jerry J. Tulis, MD

6 Other Bloodborne Pathogens

6.1 Retroviruses
Since 1980, five types of human retroviruses have been isolated: HTLV-I, HTLV-II, HIV-1
(formerly HTLV-III), HIV-2 (formerly HTLV-IV), and HTLV-V. On the basis of morphological
features and molecular hybridization studies, HTLV-I, II, and V are classified as oncornaviruses and
are associated primarily with malignancies such as leukemia and lymphoma. HIV-1 and HIV-2 have
likewise been classified together as lentiviruses (16) and cause cell lysis and death.

6.1.1 Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Types I and II (HTLV-I, HTLV-II) The HTLV-I and -II viruses
are classified as oncornaviruses and are associated with malignancies such as leukemia and
lymphoma. The HTLV-I was the first human retrovirus to be isolated (14), and is a cause of adult T-
cell leukemia–lymphoma, and tropical spastic paraparesis (138). The seroprevalence of the virus is
1.4 per 10,000 in screened blood donations in the United States (139). HTLV-I is transmitted as
other bloodborne pathogens, namely, sexual contact, perinatally, and through contaminated blood.
One occupational transmission has been reported in a healthcare worker from Japan who was caring
for a patient with adult T-cell leukemia–lymphoma (140).

In 1982, a related virus, HTLV-II, was isolated from a patient with a T-cell variant of hairy cell
leukemia (141). The epidemiology of HTLV-II is not as well defined as HTLV-I because of the lack
of a specific screening test. However, when specific DNA amplification tests were performed in one
study, a risk factor of IV drug use was associated with HTLV-II seropositivity (142).

6.1.2 Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Type 2 (HIV-2) In 1986, a second human retrovirus capable
of causing AIDS was isolated from patients of western African origin (143). Originally named
human T-lymphotropic virus type IV (HTLV-IV) and later renamed HIV-2, the virus is endemic to
western Africa, where it is the dominant HIV. Because of the high incidence of HIV-2 in this region,
but low rate of AIDS, there is speculation that the ability of this virus to cause disease is less
efficient than HIV-1 (144).

In June 1992, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended screening all blood and blood
products with the combined HIV-1/HIV-2 enzyme immunoassay (145). Only a few cases of HIV-2
have been detected among the blood donations in U.S. blood centers, and most of them have been
from donors with western African association (146).

HIV-2 seems to be transmitted in the same way as HIV-1. As of 1988, no occupational infections
have been documented, although there is documentation of parenteral transmission through IV drugs
and blood transfusions (147).

6.1.3 Human T-Lymphotropic Virus, Type V (HTLV-V) The HTLV-V is the designation given to an
apparently new retrovirus isolated from a cluster of patients in southern Italy with a clinical
syndrome resembling mycosis fungoides. This virus is significantly cross-reactive with and
genetically related to HTLV-I (16). As with HIV-2 and HTLV-II, there is a lack of epidemiological
data regarding HTLV-V.
6.2 Other Pathogens
Concern over laboratory-acquired infections has focused on HIV and the hepatitis viruses. Several
other infectious agents may not be included under the category of classic “bloodborne pathogens,”
but may warrant mention because of the potential for occupational transmission because: (1) the
agents may be found in high titers during the septic phases of their disease processes, (2) rates of
community infections may be increasing and thus provide a larger reservoir for exposure, or (3)
occupational infections may not be recognized or diagnosed because of the unusual route of

No published information is available regarding the risk of occupational transmission of any of these
agents; however, documented cases of occupational parenteral transmission or transmission through
blood transfusions has been recorded in the literature.

Many of the agents are rarely found in the United States and may not pose a significant risk at this
time. For example, Chagas disease is endemic in Latin America where blood transfusions frequently
transmit the trypanosomes. However, Kerndt et al. (148) discovered a 2.4% seropositivity rate in Los
Angeles after testing over 1000 blood donations.

Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of syphilis, is found in highest numbers during the
secondary, hematogenous stage, but is also found intermittently in blood if syphilis is left untreated.
During 1990, the rate for primary and secondary syphilis in the United States (20.3 per 100,000) was
the highest since the 1940s (149). Outbreaks have been linked epidemiologically to increased crack-
cocaine use and HIV infection. The increasing numbers of patients with syphilis and HIV increases
the possibilities for occupational exposures and infection. Nosocomial transmission of syphilis has
occurred by needlesticks, blood transfusions, and tattooing (150, 151).

Few agents have been implicated in documented occupational infections with clinical exposures, but
the amount of infectious agents present during septic phases of infection indicate the real potential
for percutaneous transmission. For example, Babesia microti is present in 30–85% of peripheral red
blood cells during the parasitemia stage of infection (152), and has been transmitted through blood
transfusions (153, 154). In acute Brucella melitensis infections, 70–90% of blood cultures will grow
the organism (155, 156). Human parvovirus B19 can demonstrate a high viral titer (1010 virions/mL)
during a brief viremic stage (157), and has been transmitted through blood transfusions. In fact,
Barbara and Contreras (157) estimated that up to 90% of recipients of factor VIII are likely to be
seropositive for parvovirus B19, the causative agent of erythema infectiosum, also known as “fifth

Amplification of some bloodborne agents in the laboratory environment has resulted in laboratory-
acquired infections due to contact with higher doses of agent than is found in clinical situations.
Examples include Arboviruses (158) or Leptospira sp. (151). In many of the reported laboratory-
acquired cases, no specific incident for exposure could be recalled. Rather, the worker simply
“worked with the agent” (151, 158), implying either aerosolization of high titers of organisms or
inadvertant inoculation of mucous membranes or nonintact skin by contaminated hands. Most of the
agents caused an occupational infection prior to the publication of the standard laboratory
containment guidelines (159) designed to protect laboratory workers from aerosols, splashes, and
other hazardous exposures.

Bloodborne Pathogens In the Workplace

Debra L. Hunt, Jerry J. Tulis, MD

7 Strategies for Infection Prevention

Within one year of the first recognized cases of the newly defined disease, AIDS, the CDC issued
guidelines (160) for clinical and laboratory staff regarding appropriate precautions for handling
specimens collected from AIDS patients. Later, the CDC reemphasized precautions that had been
recommended previously for handling specimens from patients known to be infected with hepatitis
B, specifically, minimizing the risk for transmission by the percutaneous, mucous membrane, and
cutaneous routes of infection. After anecdotal laboratory-associated infections with HIV reports of
the CDC issued its first agent summary statement for work with HTLV-III/LAV in 1986 (100). The
statement included a summary of laboratory-associated infections with HTLV-III (HIV), the hazards
that might be encountered in the laboratory, and advice on the safety precautions that should be
taken by laboratories. Biosafety level 2 precautions were recommended for work with clinical
specimens, body fluids, or tissues from humans or laboratory animals known or suspected to contain
HTLV-III/LAV (HIV). Biosafety level 3 additional practices and containment equipment were
recommended for activities involved with culturing research laboratory-scale amounts of the virus. A
biosafety level 3 facility and biosafety level 3 practices and procedures were recommended for all
work involving industrial-scale, large-volume concentrations of the virus (see Table 20.3).

Table 20.3. CDC/NIH Recommended Precautions for Laboratory Work

with HIV-1a

Practices and
Facility Procedures Activities Involving

BL2 BL2 Clinical specimens

Body fluids
Human/animal tissues infected with HIV
BL3 BL3 Growing HIV at research lab scale
Growing HIV-producing cell lines
Working with concentrated HIV
Droplet/aerosol production

Refer to text for references (BL = biosafety level).
Reports issued by CDC (91) in May 1987 documented that laboratory workers and other clinical
staff were occupationally infected with HIV via nonintact skin and mucous membrane exposures.
Because the HIV serostatus of the patient sources were unknown at the time of exposure and the
exposures were nonparenteral, the CDC issued the “universal blood and body fluid precautions”
recommendations in August 1987 (6). The major premise involved the careful handling of all blood
and body fluids as if all were contaminated with HIV, HBV, or other bloodborne pathogens. This
“universal precautions” concept formed the basis for all subsequent recommendations from CDC
(109, 134) and other professional organizations such as the National Committee for Clinical
Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) (161).

The counterpart of universal precautions in a laboratory situation involves the consistent use of
biosafety level 2 facilities and practices as outlined in the CDC/NIH manual, Biosafety in
Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (110). The biosafety level 2 precautions are most
appropriate for clinical settings or when exposure to human blood, primary human tissue, or cell
cultures is anticipated. Standard microbiological practices form the basis for biosafety level 2 with
additional protection available from personal protective equipment (PPE) and biological safety
cabinets (BSCs) when appropriate.

In 1988, two reports of research laboratory workers with documented occupational HIV infection
prompted an investigation by an expert team to review possible sources of exposure and any need to
revise current practices to reduce hazards in the research laboratory (99). Subsequently, an agent
summary update was issued and included in the 1988 edition of Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories (162). The expert team did not advise alteration of the CDC/NIH biosafety
recommendations for laboratories, but stressed the need for reinforcement of safety practices through
proficiency and administrative discipline.

In addition to the advisory nature of the CDC/NIH guidelines, the federal Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) issued a final standard to regulate occupational exposure to
bloodborne pathogens (163). The standard builds on the implementation of “Universal Precautions”
specifying the need for control methods, training, compliance, and recordkeeping.

OSHA also recognized that employees in HIV/HBV research laboratories and production facilities
may be placed at a higher risk of infection following an exposure because of the concentrated
preparations of viruses. Requirements for practices and special procedures, facility design, and
additional training for these workplace situations are included in the OSHA standard and are
consistent with the CDC/NIH laboratory biosafety guidelines for biosafety levels 2 and 3.
7.1 Specific Precautions
OSHA has issued the bloodborne pathogen standard as a “performance” standard. In other words, the
employer has a mandate to develop an exposure control plan to provide a safe work environment, but
is allowed some flexibility in order to accomplish this goal. OSHA embraces the basic philosophy of
the CDC “universal precautions,” and marries it with combinations of engineering controls, work
practices, and personal protective equipment in order to accomplish the intent of the standard.

Recognizing the risks inherent in needlestick and sharps exposures, OSHA recently (at time of
writing) introduced the Healthcare Worker Needlestick Injury Prevention Act of 1999 (164). The bill
would amend the federal Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to require that employers utilize needleless
systems and devices with engineered sharps protections to prevent occupational exposure to
bloodborne pathogens. It also enhances needlestick reporting requirements and establishes a national
clearinghouse to collect data on safety devices. Four states have already adopted revised bloodborne
pathogens regulations requiring the use of safety devices as of August 1999: California, Maryland,
Texas, and Tennessee.

Exposure control plans for laboratories must adhere to the rules of the OSHA standard, but can also
benefit from safety recommendations from other professional organizations such as CDC, NIH, or
NCCLS (National Commitee for Clinical Laboratory Standards). Specific rules and
recommendations that might augment a laboratory safety plan are worth noting.

7.1.1 Sharps Precautions Since injuries from contaminated sharps represent the highest risk for HIV
transmission, clinical and research laboratory safety plans should restrict the use of needles and other
sharp instruments in the laboratory for use only when there is no alternative, such as performing
phlebotomy. For laboratory procedures, other means should be considered to achieve the job, such as
the use of blunt cannulas or small-bore tubing. If needles must be used, investigate the use of “self-
sheathing” needles or “needleless” systems that have recently been designed to prevent needlesticks.

Used needles should never be bent, broken, recapped, removed from disposable syringes, or
otherwise manipulated by hand before disposal; rather, they should be carefully placed in
conveniently located puncture-resistant containers (110). Removal of needles from nondisposable
vacutainer sleeves or syringes should be accomplished with a mechanical device such as forceps or
hemostats, or by using notched slots designed into needleboxes for safe removal of the needle. The
OSHA standard allows a “one-handed” recapping technique only if there is no alternative feasible.
All disposable sharps encountered in the laboratory, including pipettes, microtome blades,
micropipette tips, capillary tubes, and slides, should also be carefully placed in conveniently located
puncture-resistant containers for disposal. Nondisposable sharps should be placed in a hard-walled
container for transport to a processing area.

Plasticware should be substituted for glassware whenever possible. Broken glassware should never
be handled directly by hand, but must be removed by mechanical means such as a brush and dustpan,
tongs, or forceps. Cotton swabs can be used to retrieve small slivers of glass.

7.1.2 Engineering Controls Recognizing that human behavior is inherently less reliable than
mechanical controls, OSHA advocates the use of available technology and devices to isolate or
remove hazards from the worker. The use of “self-sheathing” needles is an example of an
engineering control to help isolate the worker from the hazard of needlestick exposure.

Another engineering control in the laboratory is the use of a properly maintained biological safety
cabinet (BSC) to enclose work with a high potential for creating aerosols or droplets, namely,
blending, sonication, necropsy of infected animals, intranasal inoculation of animals, or opening
lyophilized vials under pressure. All work with infectious material in an HIV research laboratory
should be performed in a BSC or other physical containment device. For example, high energy
activities such as centrifugation that are performed outside a BSC should be designed for aerosol
containment. Sealed safety cups or rotors should be used for centrifugation, and changed out in a
BSC. Before centrifugation, tubes should be examined for cracks, and any glass fragments in the
centrifuge cups should be carefully removed with forceps or hemostats. Microwell plate lids can be
sealed with tape or replaced with adhesive-backed Mylar film prior to centrifugation.

Plastic shielding can be used to reduce the exposure to splatter or droplets from fluorescent activated
cell sorters or other automated laboratory equipment that might generate droplets of infectious
material. Likewise, the plexiglass radiation shield used in reverse transcriptase assays offers
protection from splatter. However, if used in a BSC, the sloped top may divert airflow in the cabinet,
and must be removed to provide optimal protection by the BSC.

High speed blenders and grinders are available that contain aerosols of infectious material, and need
to be opened in a BSC after processing. Enclosed electrical incinerators are preferable to open
Bunsen burner flames for decontaminating bacteriological loops to prevent splatter, and may be used
within or outside a BSC.

7.1.3 Work Practice Controls The manner in which a task is performed can minimize the likelihood
of exposures in the laboratory. For example, careful disposal of used needles without recapping or
otherwise manipulating by hand can reduce the likelihood of needlesticks.

Standard microbiological practices have been recommended by CDC and NIH guidelines for all
laboratory containment levels (110). Most of the practices are designed to prevent indirect
transmission of infectious material from environmental surfaces to the hands, and from hands to the
mouth or mucous membranes. Such practices include prohibition of mouth pipetting, eating,
drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics, or handling contact lenses in the laboratory, and attention to
environmental decontamination.

One of the best work practices for any laboratory setting is that of frequent and adequate
handwashing when hands are visibly contaminated, after completion of work, before leaving the lab,
after removing gloves, and before eating, drinking, smoking, or changing contact lenses. Any
standard handwashing product is adequate, but products should be avoided that disrupt skin integrity.
When knee- or foot-pedal-controlled faucets are not available, faucets should be turned off by using
paper towels used to dry hands to prevent recontamination of hands. Proper attention to handwashing
will prevent inadvertant transfer of infectious material from hands to mucous membranes.

In clinical settings, skin lesions may be covered by occlusive dressings and, if lesions are on the
hands, gloves worn over the dressings to prevent contamination of nonintact skin. However, workers
with skin lesions or dermatitis on hands or wrists should not perform procedures with concentrated
HIV material even if wearing gloves. Other work practices can reduce the amount of splatter from
laboratory procedures. Covering pressurized vials with plastic-backed or alcohol-soaked gauze when
removing needles or when removing tops of pressurized vacutainer tubes will minimize the exposure
to splatter. To prevent popping stoppers on evacuated tubes or vials, blood should never be forced
into the tube by exerting pressure on the syringe plunger; rather, tubes and vials should be filled by
internal vacuum only. Extreme caution should be used when handling pressurized systems such as
continous-flow centrifuges, apheresis, or dialysis equipment. Use of imperviously backed absorbent
material (“lab diapers”) can reduce the amount of splatter on laboratory work surfaces when liquids
accidentally leak or fall during lab procedures and can aid in laboratory cleanup. Remember to keep
the air-intake and exhaust grilles in BSCs clear of any surface covers or equipment.

Safe transport of specimens or infectious material within the laboratory or to other areas can
minimize the potential for accidental spills or injuries. Specimens should be contained in a closed,
leakproof primary container, and placed in a secondary container (i.e., a plastic bag) to contain leaks
during transport. OSHA regulations do not mandate labeling or color-coding specimens if the
specimens are handled only within the facility, a policy implementing “universal precautions” is in
effect, and the containers are recognizable as human specimens. Bulk samples may be safely
transported in a rack within a sealable plastic container such as a modified “tackle box.” The box
may need to be labeled with a biohazard symbol or color-coded if the contents are not clearly visible
as specimens. Luer caps should be used to transport syringes (needles removed with forceps or
hemostats and properly disposed) or needles carefully recapped using a one-handed technique.
Capillary tubes should be transported in a solid-walled secondary container such as a screw-top test
tube. Transport of cultures or hemocytometers from the BSC within the laboratory may be facilitated
by placing them on a tray to limit the number of trips and opportunities for spillage.

Designation of “clean” versus “dirty” areas of the laboratory or within BSCs can help to prevent
inadvertent contamination. Work should be planned to move from clean areas to dirty areas. Routine
cleaning of work surfaces must be done after procedures are completed and at the end of each
workshift, with additional decontamination as needed for spills. Routine cleaning can be
accomplished using a variety of disinfectants, including iodophors registered as hard-surface
disinfectants, phenolics, and 70% ethanol [with consideration given to the need for longer contact
time when decontaminating dried viral cultures (165)]. Diluted bleach has been most widely used for
routine disinfection [10% bleach (0.5% sodium hypochlorite) for porous surfaces and 1% bleach
(0.05% sodium hypochlorite) for cleaned, hard, and smooth surfaces]. Aldehydes are not
recommended for surfaces because of their potential toxicity.

Prompt decontamination is important following spills of infectious materials, since HIV is able to
survive for several hours in the environment (see Table 20.1). Appropriate spill cleanup in a clinical
setting should involve the following steps:

1. Absorb the spill with towels or “lab diapers” to remove the extraneous organic material.
2. Clean with soap and water.
3. Decontaminate with an appropriate disinfectant [CDC recommends an EPA-registered “hospital
disinfectant” that is also “tuberculocidal” or, a 1–10% bleach solution is sufficient (6)].

Large spills of cultured or concentrated agents may be safely handled with an extra step:

1. Flood the spill with an appropriate disinfectant or absorb the spill with granular material
impregnated with disinfectant.
2. Carefully soak up the liquid material with absorbent material (paper towels), or scrape up the
granular absorbent material and dispose of according to the waste-disposal policy.
3. Clean the area with soap and water.
4. Decontaminate with fresh disinfectant.

Laboratory equipment (analyzers, centrifuges, pipettors) should be checked routinely for

contamination and appropriately decontaminated. Any equipment sent for repair must also be
decontaminated before leaving the laboratory, or labeled as to the biohazard involved.

Because the intent of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard is worker protection, the rules for
appropriate waste disposal emphasize adequate packaging. Sharps disposal containers must be
puncture- and leakproof as well as easily accessible. Other “infectious” or “medical” waste must be
placed in leakproof containers or bags that are color-coded red or orange, or labeled with the word
“biohazard” or the universal biohazard symbol. All disposal containers should be replaced before
they are full.

Blood or body fluids may be disposed of by carefully pouring down the sanitary sewer if local health
codes permit, but not poured into a sink where handwashing is performed. Liquid and solid culture
materials, however, must be decontaminated before disposal, most commonly by steam sterilization
(autoclaving). Tissues, body parts, and infected animal carcasses are generally incinerated. All
laboratory waste from HIV research-scale laboratories or production facilities and animal rooms
must be decontaminated before disposal (biosafety level 3 practices). Additional “medical” or
“infectious” waste definitions and requirements may exist locally and must be consulted for proper
disposal policies.

7.1.4 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Another strategy to minimize worker exposure to
infectious material is the use of PPEs that are appropriate for the laboratory procedure and the type
and extent of exposure anticipated. Examples include a variety of gloves, gowns, aprons, and face,
shoe, and head protection. Personal protective equipment may be used in combination with
engineering controls and/or work practices for maximum worker protection.

Gloves are required by OSHA when hand contact with blood, other potentially infectious materials,
mucous membranes, or nonintact skin is reasonably anticipated. The federal regulations also require
gloves when handling or touching contaminated items or surfaces, and for performing vascular
access procedures. Gloves are appropriate in the laboratory when handling clinical specimens,
infected animals, or soiled equipment, when performing all laboratory procedures in research
laboratories, cleaning spills, and handling waste.

For routine procedures, vinyl or latex gloves are effective when appropriately used for prevention of
skin exposure to infectious materials. Gloves are not intended to prevent puncture wounds from
needles or sharps. However, evidence of a “wiping” function exists that may reduce the amount of
blood or infectious material exposure from the outside of the needle as it penetrates a glove or
combination of gloves. Johnson et al. (166) found that two or three layers of latex gloves appeared to
reduce the frequency of HIV-1 transfer by surgical needles to cell cultures. They also found that
Kevlar gloves (untreated), Kevlar gloves (treated with the virucidal compound, nonoxynol-9), and
nonoxynol-9-treated cotton gloves used as intermediate layers between two layers of latex gloves
significantly reduced the amount of HIV-1 transfer when compared with a single latex glove barrier.
Gerberding et al. (167) reported that when surgeons wear double gloves, the rate of puncture of the
inner glove is 3 times less than the rate of puncture of a single glove.

Other gloves are available that provide puncture “resistance” such as stainless-steel mesh (chain
mail) gloves to protect against injury from large sharp edges such as knife blades. Nitrile gloves
(synthetic rubber) have some degree of puncture resistance that may eliminate problems with rings
or fingernails, yet retain the necessary dexterity required for performing laboratory procedures. A
thin leather glove has been developed that can be worn under latex gloves for an an additional barrier
against needlesticks or animal bites. Even heavyweight utility gloves (dishwashing gloves) provide
extra protection and should be worn when the procedure permits, such as cleaning contaminated
equipment or spills.

Undetected physical holes and leaks require that gloves be frequently inspected and changed. The
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued acceptable quality limits (AQLs) for defects at
2.5% defective for surgeons' gloves and 4.0% for latex exam gloves (168), although the AQL varies
widely among manufacturers. The reported percentage defective due to holes for nonsterile latex
gloves ranges from 0 to 32%; for nonsterile vinyl gloves, from 0 to 42% (161). Clearly, for high risk
situations such as gross contamination of gloves with blood, bloody body fluid, or high
concentrations of HIV-1, the use of double gloves will lower the risk of hand contamination from
seepage through undetected glove defects. Although they are more puncture-resistant, nitrile gloves
are designed to tear apart when any pressure is applied to a hole in the glove, so that any violation of
the glove will be detected.

Gloves must never be washed or disinfected for reuse. Detergents may cause enhanced penetration
of liquids through undetected holes causing a “wicking” effect (134, 161). Disinfectants, such as
70% ethanol, can also enhance the penetration of the glove barrier and facilitate deterioration (161,
Gloves must be changed when visibly contaminated, torn, or defective, or when tasks are completed.
Since hands may be inadvertently contaminated from laboratory surfaces, gloves should be removed
before handling telephones, doorknobs, or “clean” equipment. Alternatively, “dirty” equipment may
be designated and marked to be handled only with gloved hands. Laboratory workers should practice
the aseptic technique for glove removal, specifically, the contaminated side remains on the inside as
gloves are removed to protect the worker from skin contamination. Hands should always be washed
after glove removal.

When soiling of clothing is anticipated, laboratory coats, gowns, or aprons are recommended.
However, when a potential for splashing or spraying exists, solid-front, fluid-resistant gowns are
appropriate. If the anticipated exposure involves soaking, solid-front fluidproof gowns are required,
as well as hoods/caps, facial protection, and shoe covers. Biosafety level 3 practices advise a solid-
front or wraparound, long-sleeved gown or coveralls for adequate protection in research laboratories
or production facilities.

Gowns with tightly fitting wrists or elasticized sleeves should be worn for work in BSCs.
Alternatively, water-resistant “gauntlets” that provide a barrier between the glove and the laboratory
coat are available to reduce skin exposure of the wrist and arm.

Laboratory coats or gowns should not be worn outside the laboratory. In HIV-1 research laboratories
or production facilities, the gowns or other protective clothing must be decontaminated before
laundering or disposal (BSL-3 practices).

When splashing of blood or infectious material into the mucous membranes of the face is
anticipated, a mask and goggles or faceshield must be used. Most laboratory procedures involving
this degree of exposure should be conducted within containment equipment such as a BSC. Face
protection might be needed for activities conducted outside a BSC, such as performing an arterial
puncture, removing cryogenic samples from liquid nitrogen, or in some animal care areas. Masks
and eye goggles or faceshields also serve a passive function as a means of preventing accidental
contact of contaminated gloved hands with the eyes, nose, and mouth during the course of work

Whatever the PPE needs of any particular laboratory, OSHA requires that the employer provide an
adequate supply of PPEs in the appropriate sizes. Hypoallergenic gloves must be available for
employees who develop allergies to glove material or the powder inside gloves. Any defective PPE
must be replaced, and reusable protective clothing must be laundered and maintained by the
institution. Finally, all laboratory workers must be instructed in the proper use of PPEs and their
7.2 Employee Training and Monitoring
One of the most important components of an exposure control plan for the laboratory is a formal
training program. “On-the-job training” is not acceptable as adequate safety training in the
laboratory. The recommendations from CDC (109) and NCCLS (161) that emphasize education of
laboratory workers have been incorporated into the OSHA bloodborne pathogen standard (163).

Interactive training sessions must be conducted on initial hire and with annual updates by a person
knowledgeable about the standard. Employees must be educated regarding their risks and the
institution's plan to control these risks.

Recognizing the increased risk of working with concentrated viral preparations, OSHA requires that
employees in HIV research laboratories and production facilities receive additional initial training.
Employees in these situations must demonstrate proficiency in standard microbiological practices as
well as practices and techniques specific to the facility prior to work with HIV. This might include
prior experience in handling human pathogens or tissue cultures, or participation in a training
program with a progression of work activities to develop proficiency before pathogens are handled.
Employers must ensure compliance with the OSHA standard. The CDC (109) and NCCLS (161)
recommend that workplace practices be monitored at regular intervals by a biosafety expert. The
NCCLS suggests that audits be conducted that evaluate the existence and effectiveness of training
programs and the job descriptions of the safety trainers. The audit should also examine the adequacy
of the laboratory facilities and equipment, the standard operating practices, and the written safety
protocols. Corrective measures should be implemented if needed. If breaches in protocol are
detected, employees should be reeducated and, if necessary, disciplinary action taken.

Bloodborne Pathogens In the Workplace

Debra L. Hunt, Jerry J. Tulis, MD

8 Postexposure Management
The implementation of a bloodborne pathogen exposure control program that includes Universal
Precautions and the recommendations from CDC and NIH may reduce the incidence of occupational
exposure to HIV and other bloodborne pathogens; however, use of prevention strategies will not
entirely eliminate the risk of accidental exposures and subsequent occupational infection. OSHA
estimates that full compliance with the bloodborne pathogen standard would reduce the risk of
mucous membrane and skin exposure by 90%, and the risk of parenteral exposure by 50% (170).
Therefore, a postexposure evaluation program is a necessary and mandated component of a
workplace safety program.

Work settings in which workers handle blood, other potentially infectious materials, or concentrated
HIV viral material must adhere to the OSHA postexposure protocol that requires confidential
medical evaluation, follow-up, and documentation of an exposure incident. OSHA defines an
“exposure incident” as a “specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or
parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the
performance of an employee's duties” (163). The bloodborne pathogen standard requires follow-up
according to the U.S. Public Health Service recommendations, specifically, CDC guidelines.

The postexposure management of hepatitis B exposures has been well defined on the basis of the
vaccination status of the exposed employees (4, 171). The management of such exposures involves
serological testing of the vaccinated employee for a protective antibody level against HBV. If
antibody levels are negative or not detectable, a booster dose of HBV vaccine is given. For
nonvaccinated employees, the HBV vaccine is offered in combination with hepatitis B immune
globulin (HBIG).

HCV postexposure management has been defined (172) and involves serological testing of the
employee at intervals up to 6 months postexposure for antibody to HCV as well as liver enzyme
testing. The CDC does not recommend immune globulin for such exposures.

Analysis of data in the CDC case control study of occupationally acquired HIV infection suggested
that use of AZT postexposure might be protective for healthcare workers (74). The risk for HIV
infection in this study was reduced approximately 79% in workers who were given AZT
prophylactically following exposure. Because of these results, the CDC recommended the use of
antiviral agents for postexposure treatment after high risk exposure to HIV-infected patients (9).
These guidelines outline a number of considerations in determining whether a healthcare worker
should receive postexposure prophylaxis and in the choosing the type of prophylaxis regimen.

Bloodborne Pathogens In the Workplace

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164 J. L. Perry, Safer needle devices mean fewer needlesticks: New federal legislation
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172 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Recommendations for follow-up of
healthcare workers after occupational exposure to hepatitis C virus. Morbid. Mortal. Wkly.
Rep. 46, 603–606 (1997).

Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacteria

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D., Fellow ATS

1 Introduction
The genus Mycobacterium is one of the most widely distributed bacteria genera in nature and
includes those organisms that cause two of the world's most prevalent infectious diseases in humans,
M. tuberculosis, the agent of tuberculosis and M. leprae, the agent of leprosy. A large number of
other species in this genera are widespread and occur as contaminants in soil, water, or organic
debris. These organisms may be ingested or inhaled in dust particles and produce syndromes that are
indistinguishable from classic tuberculosis. The term tuberculosis (TB) is commonly applied to all
cases of mycobacterial infections except leprosy. Many of these infections are now being recognized
more frequently in immunosuppressed patients who have organ transplants, individuals being treated
for leukemia or cancer, and patients suffering from AIDS. In most cases of TB in humans, the lungs
are the major organ affected but other tissues and organs such as bone, skin, and the digestive tract
may also be infected. Although this chapter focuses primarily on tuberculosis, a discussion of a few
of these other opportunistic organisms in this genus that are associated with human disease are also

The bibliography provided will guide the readers to works which they can consult for more detailed
information about these organisms. These references contain discussions on taxonomy, growth
requirements, as well as the morphological characteristics, physiology, pathogenicity, and the
metabolic activity of these organisms (1–6).

Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacteria

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D., Fellow ATS

2 Historic Perspective
Throughout the ages, tuberculosis has been a scourge of humankind. Human fossils excavated from
Neolithic burial grounds dating about 6,000 years ago show evidence of TB of the spine (7). Robert
Koch is credited with discovering the tuberculosis bacillus in 1882 and reporting that it was the
causative agent of TB in both humans and cattle. Tuberculosis gets its name from the small nodules
(tubercles) commonly found in infected individuals; however, throughout history it has been known
by many other names, including scrofula, phthisis, and consumption.

The Industrial Revolution created ideal conditions for the spread of this organism. Malnutrition,
overcrowding, poorly ventilated factories and homes, unsanitary conditions, poverty, and certain
occupational settings provided the means for this organism to spread. Tuberculosis was the leading
cause of death from infectious disease in the United States and Western Europe until the first decade
of this century, and it remained the second leading cause of death (the first was malaria) from that
time until the advent of antimicrobial drugs in the 1950s, when infection rates began to decline
steadily (8). This trend was reversed between 1985 and 1992 when the frequency of TB started to
increase at an alarming rate. At that time, many hospitals lacked the appropriate ventilation systems,
ultraviolet lights, isolation areas, and clinical expertise needed to treat active tuberculosis and to
prevent this organism from spreading.

Among persons infected with the tubercle bacillus, as detected by a positive tuberculin test (see
later), only a small proportion develop overt disease. Thus humans seem to have a considerable
natural resistance to TB. It is important to understand the difference between infection and disease
(this series, Chapter 19). Infection implies that a microbe has taken up residence in a host and may
be capable of multiplying within the host—perhaps with no outward signs of disease. Thus, it is
possible to be infected but not have the disease symptoms commonly associated with the agent,
although disease may develop at a later time. This is often the situation with exposure to the TB
organism. The transition from infection to mild or severe disease depends strongly on various factors
besides the presence of the bacilli.

Even with this natural resistance to TB, today worldwide, this organism kills more people than any
other infectious disease and infects more than 1 billion people; of these, an estimated 20 million
actually develop the disease. Each year, the number of new infections continues to increase. For
example, in 1990, the number of new TB infections was 7.5 million with 2.5 million deaths, and by
1995 new infections increased to 8.9 million and the death rate had increased to 3 million. By the
year 2000, 10.2 million new cases are expected with 3.5 million deaths. (9–12).

In the United States, about 30,000 active cases are reported yearly, but the number of Americans
infected could be as high as 15 million. From 1985 to 1991, the estimated number of new cases
increased nearly 20%. Tuberculosis is even more threatening elsewhere in the world. During this
same period, TB increased 30% in Europe, and it rose nearly 300% in parts of Africa (12).

TB is reemerging for a number of reasons. First, the prevalence of drug-resistant strains has risen
dramatically. Initially, only about 1–2% of the strains of M. tuberculosis had significant drug
resistance (8, 13). In the 1960s and 1970s, the number of new resistant strains increased by about 3–
5% in the United States. Today, about 33% of the tuberculosis strains isolated are resistant to at least
one drug, and about 19% are resistant to two or more antimicrobial agents (13). This makes the
disease more lethal and treatment longer and more difficult. When multiresistant TB strains are
identified, the case fatality rates may exceed 80% in certain compromised individuals.

Secondly, a weakening of the host's immune system through inherited diseases, aging,
immunosuppressive medications, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections has resulted
in a massive increase in the incidence of tuberculosis in individuals who might have otherwise been
able to defend themselves against this illness. The HIV epidemic is perhaps the most significant
factor responsible for this dramatic upsurge in tuberculosis. TB is often the first sign that a person
harbors HIV (14). The TB incidence rate among people infected with HIV is nearly 500 times the
rate for the general population. An alarming aspect of these coepidemics is that the impaired
defenses caused by HIV infection facilitate the transmission of drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis
(8, 13, 15). In the United States, 50% of the autopsied AIDS patients have mycobacterial infections
(8, 13).

Another reason for this increase is attributed to inadequate health care provided for the poor,
homeless, and drug addicts. Many of these people have little access to health care, some refuse care
when it is offered, and many quit treatment before the disease could be arrested. The latter event
facilitates drug-resistant strains. Some of the most recalcitrant dropouts are individuals who are drug-
addicted, alcoholic, or mentally ill. Many have no permanent homes and cannot be traced by public
health officials. A final reason that more cases are appearing today is the increase in number of
elderly people in our society. TB is common among the elderly. Of the total cases reported in the
United States in 1995, about 25% involved individuals over 65. It is possible that many of them
could have been infected years previously, when TB was more common, but their disease broke out
only as a consequence of the immunosuppression associated with natural aging. In addition, these
individuals often spend later life in health-care facilities where people are more likely to be in close
contact with other elderly individuals, thus increasing the risk of contracting the disease. For
example, nursing home residents are 10 times more likely to contract TB than the general

Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacteria

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D., Fellow ATS

3 The Organisms
Human TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. hominis. The genus Mycobacterium is the
only genus in the family Mycobacteriaceae and is represented by various pathogenic species, which
characteristically produce chronic granulomatous lesions. Although the genus Mycobacterium
includes other obligate parasites, saprophytes, and opportunistic pathogens that live freely in soil and
water, the major ecological niche for M. tuberculosis is the tissue of humans and other warm-
blooded animals. The following section contains a description of some of the important species of
Mycobacterium. The reader can consult various text and review articles for additional information
about these organisms (5, 16–20).

These bacilli are straight or slightly curved, rod-shaped organisms. They vary from about 0.2–
0.6 mm wide, and from 1–10 mm long, occasionally occurring as filaments but rarely branching. On
the surface of a liquid media, their growth appears mold-like. The name “myco” suggests fungus-like
and was derived because they occasionally exhibit filamentous or mycelium-like growth. These
organisms are aerobic, nonmotile, and nonspore forming. Although mycobacteria have previously
been described as unencapsulated organisms, recent electron microscopic data have provided
evidence that pathogenic Mycobacterium has a capsule that aids in protecting the cells from the
activities of the host's alveolar macrophages (21). These bacilli are very resistant to drying, thus
increasing their ability to remain viable during prolonged stays outside the body. This resistance to
drying is due to the large amounts of complex long-chain lipids (C78–C90) in their cell walls (40% of
total cell dry weight). This high lipid content is also responsible for the fact that mycobacterial cells
are difficult to stain by conventional methods, and once stained, they resist decolorization by either
95% ethanol or 3% hydrochloric acid. All mycobacteria have this characteristic and are often
referred to as “acid-fast.” Acid fastness is the most important characteristic of a mycobacterium
because it can be used to differentiate these types of bacteria from other organisms. Mycobacterium
species are euphemistically also referred to as “red snappers” because they appear red when stained
and appear to break sharply when they reproduce. Another important component of the cell wall of
these organisms is trehalose dimycolate, an indicator of the virulence of the organism. When this is
present, the virulent strains tend to grow in a characteristic “serpentine” cord-like pattern in an
artificial medium, where avirulent strains do not (22).

Because the great majority of Mycobacterium can be cultured on artificial media, these organisms
are not considered obligate parasites. The major exception is M. leprae which has not been cultured
on artificial media but grows only in certain animal or tissue cultures of macrophages. Growth rates
for these organisms in culture range from slow to very slow. The transport of nutrients into the cell
through the lipid layer in the cell wall is very slow, which is a factor in the slow growth rate of these
organisms. It sometimes takes weeks for a visible colony to form. Waxes that make up the cell wall
of these organisms also play a major role in their pathogencity and aids them in resisting digestion
by phagocytes. In fact, this organism can actually multiply inside phagocytes.

Except for M. leprae, the Mycobacterium are classified into two broad categories—typical (e.g., M.
tuberculosis, M. bovis, and M. africanum) and atypical which includes virually all the other species.
All of these various members of Mycobacterium are closely related on the basis of DNA homology
(23). The different organisms can be separated and identified by their growth rate, pigmentation in
the light or dark, catalase and niacin production, nitrate and tellurite reduction, and Tween 80
hydrolysis. They have also been called MOTT (Mycobacteria other than tuberculosis). These
atypical mycobacteria cause diseases that mimic TB and are clinically, roentgenographically, and
pathologically identical to the disease produced by M. tuberculosis, except for one major difference.
These infections are usually not communicable. In most cases, the causative agent can be
differentiated from tuberculosis only by culturing the organism (24).

Mycobacterium africanum causes TB in tropical Africa; M. bovis causes TB in cattle, and it is highly
virulent in humans and other primates, certain carnivores (e.g., dogs, cats, and swine), parrots, and
some birds of prey. The organism is a bit shorter and plumper than M. tuberculosis, but the
difference is slight. The disease produced in humans is virtually indistinguishable from that caused
by M. tuberculosis var. hominis and is treated similarly (25). However, there are some differences
between these two organisms. For example, M. bovis is highly pathogenic in rabbits, whereas M.
tuberculosis is much less so. In culture, M. bovis tends to grow more slowly and cannot tolerate as
high a concentration of glycerol. Serological tests and skin tests, however, cannot be used to
differentiate between the two organisms.

Drinking unpasteurized milk and other dairy products from tuberculous cows has been responsible
for much human TB. The ingested organisms presumably penetrate the mucosa of the oropharynx
and intestines and give rise to early lesions in the cervical or mesenteric lymph nodes. Subsequent
dissemination from these sites infects principally bones and joints. Such infection of vertebrae was
largely responsible for the hunchbacks in previous generations. When inhaled (e.g., dairy farmers),
the organism can also cause human pulmonary tuberculosis. TB due to M. bovis has now become
very rare in many countries as a result of widespread pasteurization of milk and the elimination of
tuberculosis in cattle.

In poultry and swine M. avium is an important cause of disease and can also infect humans. It was
first recognized in the 1800s as the causative agent of a disease in chickens, but was not recognized
as a cause of human disease until 1943. These organisms, which are collectively known as M. avian
complex (MAC) are ubiquitous in nature and have been isolated from water, soil, plants, house dust,
and a myriad of other environmental sources. These organisms usually have low pathogenicity and
frequently colonize in individuals without causing disease. Human cases of MAC infection,
unrelated to AIDS, occur more frequently in farming populations than in urban patients. The risk of
contracting M. avium disease is very high among HIV + individuals. Lung infections caused by
MAC most often occur in individuals (primarily men) who are smokers, whose lungs have been
damaged by an old tuberculosis infection, bronchitis, or emphysema, or who have AIDS (14). There
seems to be a clear difference in the disease pattern for the different types of mycobacterial infection
in AIDS patients. Exposure to the usual human strain of TB seems to be related to an early onset of
the disease in HIV + individuals, whereas the M. avium strain emerges only in the later stages of the
disease (26). There has been speculation that there are different levels of immunity against the two
organisms (i.e., an immunocompetent host, in general, can better control the growth of M. avium
than M. tuberculosis) (25).

Some mycobacteria grow in swimming pools and even in aquariums. Aquarium workers and
fishermen are at risk of being exposed to M. marianum, an organism that is associated with fish
(swimmer's granuloma). The site of this infection is primarily soft tissue, usually of the extremity.

Leprosy (Hansen's disease) is a chronic infectious disease caused by M. leprae, which has a unique
tropism for two tissues—peripheral nerves and skin. The World Health Organization estimates that
the global prevalence of leprosy is 10–12 million and the majority of cases occur in Asia and Africa.
M. leprae is virtually indistinguishable in morphology and staining properties from M. tuberculosis
and has many clinical features in common with TB. Because M. leprae has never been cultured
successfully in vitro, it appears to be an obligate intracellular pathogen that requires the environment
of the host macrophage for survival and propagation. This bacillus resists intracellular degradation
by macrophages, perhaps by escaping from the phagosome into the cytoplasm, where it can
accumulate to high levels (1010 bacilli/g of tissue) in lepromatous leprosy.

In voles, guinea pigs, rabbits, and calves, M. microti are associated with TB lesions. Other species
such as muris and piscium are tubercle bacilli that cause a similar type of disease, but the primary
hosts are fish, frogs, and turtles. Mycobacterium cheloni is frequently found in the soil and water,
and in 1980 a microbiologist recognized this bacillus as a cause of lung disease, wound infections,
and skin abscesses in humans (4, 22). In 1991, M. haemophilum surfaced as a pathogen when cases
occurred in immunocompromised individuals in New York hospitals (4, 22).

Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacteria

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D., Fellow ATS

4 Sources
In the United States, humans are the most common reservoir and source of human TB. Individuals
with active pulmonary TB are potential sources of danger to all those with whom they come in
contact. Numerous studies of TB epidemics in closed populations (e.g., on naval vessels, in nursing
homes) have documented the highly contagious nature of this organism. Because the infection is
acquired by inhalation in most cases, it is natural that the lung should be the most common target
organ for the disease. (Chapter 19, this volume). These organisms are spread by droplet aerosols
released when a person with active TB coughs, sneezes, talks, or even sings. An individual with a
moderately advanced case of TB may expel from 2–4 billion bacteria in a single 24-h period. The
small droplets (1–10 mm) may stay afloat in room air for several hours, increasing the risk of
infection (27). Because of the high lipid content of their cell walls, mycobacteria can retain their
pathogenic properties in dried sputum for months or even years. When inhaled, these organisms can
reach the smallest terminal airway passages without being trapped and removed by the host's upper
airway clearance mechanisms (Chapter 19, this volume). Prime settings for transmitting this disease
are hospitals and other health-care facilities that place health-care workers in close proximity to
patients with this disease. The recent outbreaks of multidrug-resistant organisms have refocused
attention on the detection, transmission, and prevention of TB in these health-care settings. Airborne
transmission of these organisms is a major concern in other institutions such as jails, homeless
shelters, AIDS hospices, and drug treatment facilities.

Fomites do not play a major role as a source of these organisms. However, within a clinical
laboratory environment or autopsy rooms, workers may come into contact with them.

A clinical difference between M. tuberculosis and the nontuberculosis (atypical) mycobacteria is the
lack of transmission of the latter from patient to patient (24). Rather, these organisms exist
saprophytically in the soil or water or in association with some infected-animal reservoir. In
developing countries, where bovine TB has not been eliminated, cattle are the reservoirs for the
bovine strains, and transmission to humans commonly occurs by ingestion of unpasteurized milk or
dairy products. Sometimes these organisms may be transported through the air to infect farmers and
animal handlers.

Individuals who work with marine life or in an aquatic environment may be exposed to M.
marianum infections. Those at risk include fishermen, marine biologists, pet store employees, and
zoo personnel. The organism gains entry into the host through breaks in the skin or through bites by
marine organisms, and M. marianum may cause nonhealing skin ulcers, arthritis, lymphadenitis, or

With M. leprae, the primary source of infection is the infected individual, and the route of
transmission is through the air. A patient with untreated leprosy may discharge up to 8 × 108 bacilli
in a single nose blow. Leprosy may also be transmitted via penetrating wounds and insect bites.
However, shedding from the nose is more important in the transmission of this disease, than
shedding from skin lesions (28). Even with this high number of organisms released into the air,
leprosy is not very contagious and human-to-human transmissions usually requires prolonged
contact. Natural infections that can be transmitted to humans have also been documented in certain
animals such as monkeys and armadillos.

Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacteria

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D., Fellow ATS

5 Health Issues
TB is a particularly good illustration of an infectious disease process that involves an ecological
lifelong balance between a host and a microbe. TB in humans is predominately an airborne infection
of the lungs that is almost always initiated by inhalation. Once the organisms have been inhaled and
deposited in the lung, these organisms can be found in the lung's phagocytic cells (alveolar
macrophages) that tend to protect them from antibodies and other host immune defenses. Individual
susceptibility to TB and the severity of the disease are based on the virulence of the organism, the
duration of exposure, concomitant exposure to other toxicants, medication for treatment of other
diseases, and the nutritional status of the host. Once the organism has survived the transport through
the environment and has infected a susceptible host, the TB infectious process can be divided into
two stages that are commonly referred to as primary and secondary infections. During the primary
phase, after an incubation period of 4–8 weeks, the infected individual is usually asymptomatic but
may produce nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, anorexia, and low-grade fever.
However, in most cases the host may not even be aware that such a pathogen has invaded the body.
Initially, the infecting organisms do not elicit a marked inflammatory reaction because they do not
immediately produce any toxins or tissue-destructive enzymes. In most healthy people, the primary
infection often subsides spontaneously as a result of the activities of the immune system, especially
if the infecting dose is low. Even so, a scar remains on the lungs as evidence of a previous infection.
At this stage, approximately 5–10% of the individuals infected with this organism show symptoms
and develop active TB within the first year; the remaining infected individuals continue to be at risk
with a latent infection. Initially, the macrophages that have become laden with numerous
intracellular bacilli may be unable to destroy the invading cells. However, after a few weeks a cell-
mediated immunity develops. Sensitized lymphocytes attract and activate these macrophages, which
greatly enhances the phagocyte's bactericidal capability. As the initial lesion heals, tiny granulomas
or tubercles are formed that can harbor the bacilli indefinitely. In the majority of cases, the infection
is arrested, and the bacilli remain in a dormant state walled up in these primary lesions (tubercles).

The pathogenesis of this infection cannot be separated from the host's immune response. During the
infectious stage, much of the tissue damage is caused by the host's own immune response, rather
than by bacterial toxins. Activated macrophages may release various enzymes and cytokines that
may ultimately cause damaging inflammation at the site of the infection. TB is a good example of
such a host-mediated pathogenesis where the tissue damage is actually caused by toxic factors
released from the lymphocytes and macrophages that infiltrate the site of the infection. Often the
host response is so intense that the tissue is substantially destroyed, allowing the invading bacteria to
proliferate further (6). In most of these infections, the host's cell-mediated immunity generally
continues to control the infection. However, within the “healed” lesions, there may still be viable
organisms that remain dormant for years, even decades, without producing any further symptoms of
the disease.

Most individuals recover from primary TB, but in a small percentage of cases, the primary infection
may progress, and further lung destruction can occur. In general, about 10% of the people with latent
infections develop active TB sometime in their lives. The risk of reactivating a primary infection is
greatest during the first two years after the initial infection. An individual with HIV has a 10–15%
risk per year of progression of the infection. This reactivation of the disease is referred to as
secondary TB. During this reactivation process, symptoms may include a cough that produces
mucopurulent sputum, occasional hemoptysis, and chest pain. During reactivation, the individual
pulmonary lesions may merge and enlarge; the resulting necrotic tissue (interior of the tubercle) will
become cheese-like (caseous). If the body's defenses arrest the disease at this time, this caseous
lesion slowly heals, undergoes fibrosis, or becomes calcified with cavities containing the living
bacilli. These cavities show up on X-rays and are referred to as Ghon complexes. Later, this lesion
may become more liquid, a process called liquefaction, and will commence to discharge the isolated
viable organisms. Within these liquidified cavities, the bacilli can replicate to very high numbers (as
many as 109 bacilli in a single lesion). At this stage, the organisms are highly infective and can be
expected to serve as a source for the continual spread of the disease.

The organism can exist in these lesions for long periods or can disseminate to almost any organ of
the body, including the central nervous system, the genital tract, bone, kidney, or lymph nodes.
When the organisms spread to other parts of the body, this condition is known as miliary
tuberculosis. The name is derived from the numerous millet seed-like tubercles formed in the
infected target tissue. The tubercle bacilli can spread to other organs in three ways: (1) the organism
may continue to gradually destroy the infected tissue at the primary site of infection and then
proceed to invade other tissues from this initial site; (2) the organism can spread from the initial site
of infection along the lymphatic vessels to the lymph nodes that drain the infected area; or (3) the
tuberculous lesion may perforate the walls of a blood vessel, releasing millions of bacilli into the
blood stream.

Pulmonary disease due to M. avian complex (MAC) typically occurs in white males, 45–65 years old
with some preexisting lung disease such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, a previous TB lesions,
bronchiectasis, or pneumoconiosis. Patients with AIDS may have either a focal or disseminated
MAC infection. MAC is commonly isolated from sputum or stool cultures from patients with HIV
infection. It is thought that MAC is acquired and colonizes in either the gastrointestinal or respiratory
tract before dissemination in HIV-infected patients. MAC infectious may also involve the peripheral
lymph nodes. Bacteremia occurs in almost all such patients, and the organism can be found in the
circulating monocytes (29).

Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous disease. The principal manifestations of the disease includes
anesthetic skin lesions and peripheral neuropathy with peripheral nerve thickening. The medical
complications of leprosy arise from nerve damage, immune reactions, and infiltration of the
organisms to other sites (28).

Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacteria

Donald E. Gardner, Ph.D., Fellow ATS
6 Who is at Risk?
A number of factors increases the risk of infection and can substantially increase the likelihood of
reactivation. These include certain diseases such as diabetes mellitus, Hodgkin's disease, silicosis,
AIDS, chronic renal failure, and other conditions, such as body weight 10% below the ideal, children
under 5 years old, and treatment with corticosteroids or other immunosuppressive drugs.

Cases of TB are not evenly distributed throughout all segments of the U.S. population. Certain ethnic
subpopulations have a higher risk of TB, either because they have a higher likelihood of exposure
and infection or because they are more likely to progress to an active disease state (19). For example,
African-Americans, Eskimos, Native Americans, Asians, and Hispanics account for about two-thirds
of the new cases. This organism affects twice as many men as women and is four times more likely
to infect non-Whites as Whites. The literature also indicates that certain other individuals may have a
greater risk of developing TB, including those in correctional institutions, alcoholics, intravenous
drug users, the homeless, and the elderly.

At particular high risk are those whose immune systems are suppressed, such as cancer patients
receiving chemotherapy, organ transplant recipients, and individuals with AIDS. Generally at risk
are people living in crowded, poorly ventilated, and unsanitary conditions. The risk of infection with
TB is proportional to the duration of exposure to an infected individual and the concentration of the
airborne infectious droplets. Individuals infected with tuberculosis have a 100-fold greater risk of
developing active TB if they are also HIV+. Mycobacterium infections that occur in HIV infected
people may represent either a reactivation of a latent infection or a new infection. Progression from
tuberculous infection to clinical disease occurs in only about 5% of non-HIV infected individuals,
but this increases to about 30% in HIV infected persons. Today, a major risk factor is the increasing
incidence of the disease and also the increased prevalence of cases that display multiple drug
resistance. Such cases are difficult to treat and further the possibilities for widespread transmission
of the disease. Delays in diagnosing and treating TB contribute to increased morbidity and mortality
and the nosocomial spread of TB.

Transmission of this disease in the workplace is not well understood, and a cause–effect analysis is
often not possible. The infectious dose required to cause an infection may be influenced significantly
by environmental contaminants in the workplace. At high risk are individuals with certain
occupations where the atmosphere may be contaminated with substances that may adversely effect
the functioning of the host's normal defense mechanisms. This includes occupational environments
encountered by miners, tunnel diggers, quarry workers, steel and iron foundries workers, ceramic
workers, stone cutters, workers manufacturing abrasive soaps, glassmakers, and those involved in
sandblasting operations. For example, the association between silicosis (silicotuberculosis) and
pulmonary tuberculosis is well-accepted. Silicosis, one of the oldest known occupational lung
diseases, develops in people who inhale silica dust for many years. People with silicosis are three
times more likely to develop TB than people without silicosis. Mycobacterial infection must always
be suspected when a silicotic patient experiences worsening respiratory symptoms and chest
radiographs. In some incidences, (foundry workers) an increased incidence of pulmonary
tuberculosis may occur, even in individuals who did not show radiographic evidence of silicosis but
had been employed in the industry for more than 25 years.

Tuberculosis remains a significant hazard to hospital personnel despite the widespread use of certain
screening tests for the early identification of cases and knowledge of the way the disease is spread.
Medical students and physicians have two to three times the prevalence of infection with
tuberculosis as nonmedical, age-matched controls (16). The AIDS epidemic has increased the
likelihood that health-care workers will come in contact with an individual with active pulmonary
tuberculosis. This is often unrecognized by medical personnel at the time of admission, when
transmission is most likely to occur.

Direct contact with infectious material is possible at all stages in a diagnostic laboratory, and these
infectious organisms are known to be transmitted during autopsies (30, 31). Certain medical
procedures routinely performed on patients may carry additional risk of TB transmission due to the
generation of large amounts of infectious respiratory droplets. Procedures needed for sputum
induction, such as aerosolized pentamidine treatment that induces coughing in the patients,
bronchoscopy, and endotracheal intubation and suctioning, should be carried out in well-ventilated,
negative-pressures rooms, and health-care workers should wear particulate respirators while in these

The fetus may also be at risk of acquiring TB from its mother before or during birth by breathing or
swallowing infected amniotic fluid.
6.1 Sampling Analysis and Detection
A key to the diagnosis of TB is a high index of suspicion of the disease and the prompt use of
appropriate sampling and diagnostic procedures for identifying the causative agent. Sampling,
isolation, staining procedures, cultural media, and procedures for identifying the Mycobacterium
(e.g., growth characteristics, biochemical tests) have been outlined and recently reviewed (2, 3). The
initial step in laboratory diagnosis is a microscopic examination of smears taken from collected
sputum or other specimens. Although different types of specimens may be submitted for
mycobacterial examination, the vast majority submitted will be specimens from the respiratory tract.
They may include sputum (both expectorated and induced), bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, or
bronchial washings from patients unable to produce sputum. Other samples commonly tested include
blood, urine, and gastric aspirates. Blood and stool specimens may be submitted from patients with
AIDS. Miliary TB usually requires transbronchial liver or marrow biopsy samples for diagnosis.
Samples should be stained for the acid-fast bacilli. However, a positive confirmation of TB requires
isolating the suspected organism in culture, which may take from 3–6 weeks.

Because the bacteria grow more rapidly in broth culture, many clinical laboratories grow the
specimens in a medium containing radiolabeled palmitic acid as a substrate; the release of CO2
indicates the presence of mycobacteria. However, this procedure may still take from 7–14 days.
Although many different media are available for culturing the organism, the most commonly used
medium in the United States is Middlebrook–Cohn 7H11. This has the advantage of transparency,
and permits earlier recognition of the colonies. But it has the disadvantage of requiring 5% CO2 in
the incubator. The availability of biphasic isolation media, the refinement of high-performance liquid
chromatography for identifying mycobacteria, the widespread use of nonisotopic probes for culture
identification, and the application of nucleic acid amplification techniques for direct detection of M.
tuberculosis in clinical specimens are important new developments in sampling and detecting these
organisms. In addition, progress in understanding the molecular genetics of drug resistance in
mycobacteria has been substantial, and sensitive growth indicator systems for more rapid
susceptibility testing are being developed (3).
6.2 Prevention and Treatment
Growing support for the germ theory of disease in the late 1800s and the early 1900s led to a
dramatic reduction in the frequency of infectious disease epidemics. It was reasoned that if
microorganisms cause disease, then it is possible to control disease by controlling the
microorganism. Today it is generally agreed that there is little possibility of stopping the
transmission of TB. Thus it seems clear that the complete eradication of TB is not immediately
possible. Therefore, controlling the transmission of these organisms is essential.

The occupational risk of TB continues to be a subject of considerable debate in the United States
(32). The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued an enforcement policy
dealing with occupational exposure to TB (33). This OSHA document specifies administrative
actions, engineering controls, and personal protective equipment for workers in health-care facilities,
correctional institutes, homeless shelters, long-term health-care centers, and drug treatment facilities.
Early identification of potentially infected patients and worker training are aspects that are
emphasized (31, 32).

Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially have no regulatory
responsibilities, they have provided guidelines and recommendations for health-care workers to
prevent and control nosocomial infectious. These guidelines include providing consultation on
methods for disease diagnosis, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, defining risk factors for
transmission, conducting surveillance of health-care workers, exposure incidence, and the
development of strategies for prophylaxis (19, 33, 34). Institutional outbreaks of TB have been
associated with the failure to isolate infectious patients, delays in initiating therapy, inadequate
treatment, and placing of TB patients in rooms with ventilation that directs contaminated airflow into
other rooms or hallways.

The most effective intervention to halt the transmission of TB is early identification of infectious
cases and antituberculosis therapy. Three hierarchical elements compose the core of these
recommendations (34). The first recommendation is isolation of potentially infectious cases. Early
detection of TB is difficult because the disease has a slow chronic course and individuals may be
infective for months before seeking treatment. The undiagnosed case of TB has long been considered
the greatest potential disseminator of disease. Placing patients into respiratory isolation has been
effective in reducing the rate of employee infections. Respiratory isolation of patients in appropriate
ventilated rooms is necessary for inpatient facilities. Patients should be instructed to cover their
mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing, which will reduce respiratory droplet generation.

The second recommendation is the use of appropriate environmental controls. The three types
commonly used are discussed here; they include the use of (1) appropriate ventilation, especially in
isolation rooms; (2) high-efficiency filtration; and (3) germicidal irradiation.

Droplet nuclei generated by coughing of an individual with pulmonary TB may remain suspended in
room air for long periods of time. The concentration of droplets may be reduced or eliminated by
appropriate ventilation. Air contaminants can be removed from the room by either direct exhaust to
the outside or by recirculating the air through the general ventilation system. Care must be taken
when the air is recirculated into other rooms; otherwise additional individuals may be exposed to the
organism. Vents that exhaust to the outside should be located away from intake vents and pedestrian
traffic. Currently, ventilation rates of six air exchanges or greater per hour are recommended in TB
isolation rooms in existing facilities and than 12 air changes per hour are recommended in new or
renovated facilities. Isolation rooms need to be maintained under negative air pressure, which
requires that the rate of air exhaust exceed the rate of air intake.

The use of high-efficiency particle air filters (HEPA) in ventilation systems can be effective in
removing particles 0.3 mm in diameter with 99.7% efficiency. The use of HEPA filtration may be
useful in the recirculation of air in waiting rooms or emergency rooms where an increased risk of TB

Ultraviolet (UV) germicidal irradiation is an effective means of air disinfection for droplet infections
such as TB. UV lamps have been recommended as a supplement to a well-designed ventilation
system in high-risk settings. Such lamps are usually installed on ceilings; however, adequate air
mixing within the room is important to ensure its effectiveness. They may also be installed in
ventilation ducts.

The third recommendation is the use of personal respiratory protective equipment. Standard surgical
masks do not provide adequate protection against infectious droplet nuclei produced by persons with
pulmonary TB. However, the use of protective devices, such as high efficiency particulate respirators
that filter particles 1 mm in size with 95% efficiency, has been recommended for individuals,
who working in rooms in which patients with known or suspected TB are isolated, during cough-
inducing procedures, and in other settings where the risk for TB exposure is greatest (34). There is
much controversy surrounding the recommendations for the use of mask and respirators. It has been
argued that a safer working environment awaits new means of diagnosis, not a better respirator.

In 1986, the EPA published guidelines for infectious waste management. The Agency suggested that
all generators of such infectious waste develop proper management for its disposal. Most states have
developed specific regulations for handling infectious waste, but these vary considerably in scope
and complexity (35). In general, these guidelines direct each institute to have a written plan for
properly managing infectious waste, including properly training all personnel who are involved in
generating, collecting, transporting, and/or storing infectious waste.

A good discussion of prophylactics and treatment methods available can be found in Merck (24). In
the nineteenth century, some of the treatments for the disease included drinking elephant's blood,
spending time by the sea, or touching the hand of a reigning monarch. During the late 1880s, the
medical community came to believe that fresh air and relaxation were beneficial. Consequently, the
use of sanitariums, where patients were assured of clean fresh air, rest, and care, became the
preferred treatment. In 1944, with the discovery of the drug streptomycin by Dr. Selman Waksman,
the medical community began to actually control the disease.

Because the risk of M. tuberculosis carriers developing an active disease depends on the individual's
standard of living, working environment, and general health, individuals who have TB must take
special care not to spread the disease. Sputum should be safely disposed of. In the future, the ability
of infected individuals to survive such an infection will depend on the availability of adequate
medical care and whether drug research can outpace the evolution of new drug-resistant strains of
this bacillus. The risk of infections can be reduced by improving social conditions, such as
overcrowding, education of the public in the mode of spread, and appropriate methods for control.

Presently a combination of antibiotics is used to treat TB. The most common combination is
isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide. If drug resistance occurs, these medications can be
supplemented with other antimycobacterial agents (e.g., ethanbutol and streptomycin) (3, 15, 36, 37).
For individuals with strains that are sensitive to the usual antituberculosis drugs, correct treatment
yields an excellent prognosis. However, in people with strains that resist two or more of the major
drugs, the death rate may approach 80%. Prolonged treatment is necessary because the bacillus
grows slowly, and these antibiotics are effective only against growing cells.

Diagnostic tests include chest X rays, tuberculin skin tests, sputum smears, and cultures to identify
the organism. Chest X rays may show nodules, patchy infiltrates, cavity formation, scar tissue, and
calcium deposits. However, it may not be possible to distinguish active from inactive TB. As stated
earlier, the diagnosis of TB disease requires isolating the organism from sputum or other suspected

TB is easy to detect by a skin test with tuberculin, which is a purified protein derivative (PPD) of the
tubercle bacilli. Infected persons develop a cellular immune reaction against M. tuberculosis,
demonstrated by a positive tuberculin skin test within 2 to 8 weeks after the initial exposure.
Conversion of the tuberculin skin test from negative to positive reveals only whether a person has
had previous exposure to the organism, either from immunization or from coming in contact with the
TB organism. It has been estimated that 5% of the U.S. population is tuberculin positive; however,
the rate varies considerably according to age, ethnic group, and location. Hospital personnel should
be skin tested for tuberculosis when they are first employed and after known exposures. In some
cases, skin testing should be repeated annually. For health-care workers who “convert,” their skin
test should be evaluated by physical examination and a chest X ray to rule out the possibility of a
progressive primary infection. If active pulmonary infection is identified, combination therapy with
isoniazid and other antituberculous drugs can be effective in controlling active infection and
decreasing the likelihood of additional respiratory transmission. Smoking must be stopped and
nutrition improved.

A second method of prevention is to initiate a vaccination program to protect uninfected populations.

The vaccine available is called BCG (bacillus of Calmette and Guerin). Worldwide, the BCG
vaccine is one of the most common vaccines used today (3). It is a live strain of the tuberculin bacilli
which has been rendered avirulent. It has been recommended that all individuals at high risk,
including health personnel, be vaccinated.

Elimination of bovine tuberculosis among cattle can be accomplished by identifying the animals at
risk by routine tuberculin testing. The proper pasteurization of milk and milk products can be
effective in preventing the spread of this disease to humans.

Controlling dust and other airborne contaminants is essential in industrial plants and mines. When
such airborne substances cannot be controlled, such as in the sandblasting industry, workers should
wear hoods or masks that filter out the particles.

Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacteria


Cited Publications
1 L. V. Crowley, ed., Introduction to Human Disease, 4th ed., Jones & Bartlett, Boston, MA,
1997, pp. 420–427.
2 F. S. Nolte and B. Metchock, Mycobacterium. In P. R. Murray et al., eds., Manual of
Clinical Microbiology, 6th ed., ASM Press, Washington, DC, 1995.
3 G. J. Tortora, B. R. Funke, and C. L. Case, eds., Microbiology, 6th ed., Benjamin/Cummins,
Menlo Park, CA, 1998.
4 I. E. Alcamo, ed., Fundamentals of Microbiology, 5th ed., Benjamin/Cummins, Menlo Park,
CA, 1998.
5 G. P. Youmans, Tuberculosis. In G. P. Youmans, P. Y. Patterson, and A. M. Sommers, eds.,
The Biological and Clinical Basis of Infectious Disease, 2nd ed., Saunders, Philadelphia,
6 S. Baron, ed., Medical Microbiology, 3rd ed., Churchill-Livingstone, New York, 1991, pp.
7 D. P. Dawson, ed., McGills's Medical Guide, Health and Illness, Vol. 3, Salem Press,
Pasadena, CA, 1995, pp. 765–770.
8 J. Lederberg, R. E. Shope, and S. C. Oaks, eds., Emerging Infections, Institute of Medicine,
Committee on Emerging Microbial Threats to Health, National Academy Press,
Washington, DC, 1992.
9 J. Lederberg, ed., Encyclopedia of Microbiology, Vol. 3, Academic Press, San Diego, CA,
1992, pp. 203–215.
10 D. Pimentel et al., Ecology of increasing disease. BioScience 48(10), 817–826 (1998).
11 World Health Organization, World Health Organization Report, WHO, Geneva, 1996.
12 R. Porter, The Greatest Benefit to Mankind, Norton, New York, 1997.
13 R. Roizman, ed., Infectious Diseases in an Age of Change, National Academy of Sciences
National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1995.
14 J. L. Fahey and D. S. Flemming, eds., AIDs/HIV, 4th ed., Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore,
MD, 1997, pp. 191–205.
15 H. Sheldon, ed., Boyd's Introduction to the Study of Disease, 11th ed., Lea & Febiger,
Philadelphia, PA, 1992, pp. 342–346.
16 R. Garibaldi and B. Janis, Occupational infections. In W. N. Rom, ed. Environmental and
Occupational Medicine, Little, Brown, Boston, MA, 1992, pp. 607–617.
17 American Thoracic Society and Center for Disease Control, Treatment for tuberculosis in
adults and children. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 134, 355–363 (1986).
18 G. L. Woods and J. A. Washington, Mycobacterium other than Mycobacterium tuberculosis:
Review of microbiology and clinical aspects. Rev. Infect. Dis. 9, 275–294 (1983).
19 Center for Disease Control, Recommendations of Advisory Committee for Elimination of
Tuberculosis, Screening for tuberculosis and tuberculosis infections in high-risk populations
and the use of preventive therapy for tuberculosis infection in the US. Morbid. Mortal. Wkly.
Rep. 39(RR-8), 1–7 (1990).
20 D. E. Snider and W. L. Roper, The new tuberculosis. N. Engl. J. Med. 326, 703–709 (1992).
21 N. Rastosi, Recent observations concerning structure and function relationship in the
Mycobacterium cell envelope. Res. Microbiol. 142, 464–470 (1991).
22 W. Levinson and E. Jawetz, eds., Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 4th ed., Appleton
Lange, Stanford, CT, 1996.
23 T. Imaeda, Deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness among selected strains of M. tuberculosis, M.
bovis, M. microti and M. africanum. Int J. Syst. Bacteriol. 35, 147–151 (1985).
24 R. Berkow, ed., The Merck Manual, 16th ed., Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway, NJ,
1992, pp. 131–139.
25 D. Raoult, ed., Antimicrobial Agents and Intracellular Pathogens, CRC Press, Boca Raton,
FL, 1993.
26 C. R. Horsburgh, Epidemiology of mycobacterial disease in AIDS. Res. Microbiol. 143,
276–372 (1992).
27 E. A. Nardell, Environmental control of tuberculosis. Med. Clin. North Am. 77, 1315–1325
28 A. Bryceson and R. F. Pfaltzgraft, Leprosy, Churchill-Livingstone, London, 1990.
29 A. Teirstein et al., Pulmonary infection with MAI: Diagnosis, clinical patterns and
treatments. Mt. Sinai J. Med. 54, 209–215 (1990).
30 N. Grist and J. Emslie, Infections in British clinical laboratories, 1982–1983. J. Clin. Pathol.
38, 721–725 (1985).
31 K. G. Castro and S. W. Dooley, Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in healthcare
settings. Infect. Control Hosp. Epidemiol. 14–65 (1993).
32 W. N. Rom, ed., Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 3rd ed., Lippincott-Raven,
Philadelphia, PA, 1998.
33 R. A. Clark, Enforcement Policy and Procedures for Occupational Exposure to
Tuberculosis, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Washington, DC, 1993.
34 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Guidelines for preventing the
transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in healthcare facilities. Morbid. Mortal. Wkly.
Rep. 43(RR-13), 1–132 (1994).
35 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), EPA Guidelines for Infectious Waste
Management, EPA No. 1530-SW-86-014, Office of Solid Waste, Washington, DC, 1986.
36 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Tuberculosis morbidity in US. Morbid.
Mortal. Wkly. Rep. 45, 365–370 (1996).
37 J. O. Woolliscroft, ed., Current Diagnosis and Treatment, 2nd ed., Mosby, Chicago, IL,
1998, pp. 440–443.
Petroleum, Coal Tar, and Related Products
Richard W. Niemeier, Ph.D.

In 1619, Dudley discovered that when certain (bituminous) coals wre heated in the absence of
oxygen, referred to as “charking,” “coak” was produced, which could be substituted for wood
charcoal. By 1800, commercial products included coke-oven gases (“illuminating gas”), a low-
boiling distillate known as coal naphthas (light oil of tar, also known as light liquid naphtha or
benzine), and a “buttery-solid” condensation product containing carbon, “naphthaline,”
paranaphthaline or anthracene, paraffin, chrysene, pyrene, phenanthrene, fluorene, and biphenyl,
called coal tar. Further fractional distillation of coal tar yields coal tar creosote “oil” (containing
phenols, cresols, and xylenols, in contrast to pharmaceutical creosote, which contains guiacol, cresol,
phenol, and xylenol from beechwood tar), coal tar pitch, and naphthalene (1). Because coal tar, coal
tar pitch, and coal tar pitch volatiles (CTPV) may occur together, they are combined in this review.

The chemical composition of coal tar, coal tar pitch, and related materials is complex and variable.
The estimated number of compounds present in these complex mixtures is in the thousands. Because
of variation in source materials and manufacturing processes, including different temperatures and
times of carbonization, no two coal tars or pitches are chemically identical, and their toxicity may
differ with their origin (2). In general, however, approximately 80% of the total carbon present in
coal tars exists in aromatic form (3).

Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) is probably the most potent, widespread occupational carcinogen in coal tar,
coal tar pitch and its volatiles, coke oven emissions, and creosote, all of which have corresponding
work exposure standards (4); however, there is no occupational workplace standard for B(a)P. It may
account for more than 75% of the carcinogenic activity of coal tar pitch fume condensate (5).
Individuals who work in tarring facilities, roofing operations, power plants, and asphalt and coke
manufacturing facilities may be exposed to benzo[a]pyrene and related PAHs. These mixtures may
differ qualitatively and quantitatively.

Coal tar is completely or nearly completely soluble in benzene and nitrobenzene and it is partially
soluble in acetone, carbon disulfide, chloroform, diethyl ether, ethanol, methanol, petroleum ether,
hexane, and sodium hydroxide solution, and slightly soluble in water. It has a characteristic
naphthalene-like odor. Coal tar is heavier than water and on ignition it burns with a reddish,
luminous, and very sooty flame. Coal tar fumes are highly flammable and are easily ignited by heat,
sparks, or flames. Vapors are heavier than air. They may travel to a source of ignition and flash back
and may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors will spread along ground and collect in low or
confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks). Vapor explosion is a potential hazard indoors, outdoors,
or in sewers. Some may polymerize explosively when heated or involved in a fire. Runoff to a sewer
may create a fire or explosion hazard. Containers may explode when heated. Coal tar may be
transported hot (3).

The greatest complexity occurs when toxicity is based on the effects of a class of compounds or of a
material of a certain physical description. Some polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNA) and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are carcinogens of varying potency, and they usually exist
in mixtures with other PNAs/PAHs and with compounds (activators, promoters, inhibitors) that
modify their activity. Analysis of each individual compound is very difficult and when done does not
yield a clear answer. Given the complexity of the mixture of biologically active agents and their
interactions, a calculated equivalent dose would have little accuracy. In these instances, it is common
to measure some quantity related to the active agents and to base the occupational exposure limit on
that index. An occupational exposure limit for PNAs has been based on the total weight of benzene-
or hexane-soluble airborne material (6). This limit may be appropriate for coal tar pitch volatiles for
which it was developed, but it may not work for other PNA/PAH containing materials. Crude oil,
asphalt fumes, and cracked petroleum stocks may contain PNA/PAH. The coal dust particles mixed
in with coal tar pitch volatiles are not soluble in benzene, but almost all of the petroleum-derived
materials admixed with PNAs/PAHs are soluble in benzene. For example, a heavy aromatic naphtha
may or may not contain PNAs/PAHs depending on the manufacturing process but is completely
soluble in benzene. Thus a measurement of the benzene-soluble fraction of a heavy aromatic naphtha
aerosol will reveal nothing about the PNA/PAH content. Alternate indices include the single
carcinogen B(a)P, the sum of a subset of six carcinogenic PNAs (benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b]
fluoranthene, benzo[j]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthen, benzo[a]pyrene, and benzo[e]pyrene) or 14
or more individual PNAs (7, 8). The NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (6) contains numerous
methods for coal tar pitch volatiles (#5042), coal tar naphtha (#1550), benzene, cresols, PNAs, and
PAHs (6).

Some of the highest measured levels of coal tar pitch volatiles (CTPV) have occurred in the
aluminum reduction industry, especially in the Soderberg process potrooms where concentrations as
high as 63 mg/m3 have been reported (9). That same review mentioned that the highest level
reported in a roofing operation using coal tar pitch was 2.38 mg/m3. The NIOSH (10) review of coke
oven plant workers exposed to CTPV stated that one category of worker, the lidman, had the highest
exposure, a range up to 18 mg/m3, and an average exposure of 3.2 mg/m3. The NIOSH Immediately
Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) value has been revised for CTPV from 700 mg/m3 to
80 mg/m3 based on toxicity data in animals (11–14).

The problem of differentiating the several classes of compounds in a mixed atmosphere such as coal
tar pitch volatiles adds complexity to sampling method selection, and it is sometimes necessary to
make, and clearly state alongside the results, certain simplifying assumptions. It is commonly
assumed when measuring the more toxic soluble form of an element, that the “safe” assumption may
be made that all the element present was soluble (8).

In a study of bioremediation effectiveness, the ability of indigenous soil microorganisms to remove

these contaminants from aqueous solutions was determined by GC analysis of organic extracts of
biotreated groundwater. Changes in potential environmental and human health hazards associated
with the biodegradation of this material were determined at intervals by “Microtox” assays and fish
toxicity and teratogenicity tests. After 14 days of incubation at 30°C, indigenous microorganisms
effectively removed 100, 99, 94, 88, and 87% of measured phenolic and lower molecular weight
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and S-heterocyclic, N-heterocyclic, and O-heterocyclic
constituents of creosote, respectively. However, only 53% of the higher molecular weight polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons were degraded. Despite the removal of a majority of the organic
contaminants through biotreatment, only a slight decrease in the toxicity and teratogenicity, of
biotreated goundwater was observed (3).

Table 22.1. Typical Fractions from Continuous Tar Distillationa

Fraction Boiling % Crude Tar

number Synonyms Range (°C) (by Weight)

1 Crude benzene, Light oil 106–107 2.4

2 Naphtha, Carbolic oil, 167–194 3.1
Phenolic oil
3 Heavy naphtha, Carbolic oil, 203–240 9.3
Naphthalene oil
4 Naphthalene oil 215–254 3.5
5 Wash oil, Benzene absorbing 238–291 10.2
oil, Light creosote
6 Creosote 271–362 11.5
7 Heavy creosote, Heavy oil 285–395 12.1
Residue Medium-soft pitch — 40.5
Liquor and — — 7.4

From NIOSH (9).

Table 22.2. Occupations with Potential Exposure to Coal Tar Productsa

Artificial stone makers Impregnated felt makers

Asbestos goods workers Insecticide-bomb makers
Asphalt workers Insulation-board makers
Battery box makers Insulators
Battery workers, dry Lens grinders
Boatbuilders Linemen
Brickmasons Miners
Brick pressers Painters
Brickyard workers Paper conduit makers
Briquette makers Pavers
Brushmakers Pipeline workers
Cable makers Pipe pressers
Carpenters Pitch workers
Coal tar still cleaners Railroad track workers
Coal tar workers Riveters
Coke-oven workers Road workers
Corkstone makers Roofers
Creosoters Roofing-paper workers
Diesel engine engineers Ropemakers
Electric equipment makers Rubber workers
Electricians Shingle makers
Electrode makers Shipyard workers
Electrometallurgic workers Soapmakers
Farmers Smokeless fuel makers
Fishermen Stokers
Flue cleaners Tar paintmakers
Fuel pitch workers Tile pressers
Furnace men Waterproof-concrete workers
Gashouse workers Waterproofers
Glassblowers Wood preservers

NIOSH (9).
Table 22.3. Types of Industrial Processes Using Coal Tar Productsa

Type of Coal Tar Industrial

Product Industry Process Products

COAL Aluminum Aluminum Aerospace

TAR production equipment parts
PITCH Siding, windows,
Foil, wires, cans
Steel Electric steel Automobiles
Oxygen furnace Construction
steel material
Foundry Large casting Machine tools for
production consumer products
Carbon-graphite Carbon and Batteries for
graphite portable equipment
products Pencils
Streetlighting arcs
Movie projector arcs
Clay targets
Electrical Electrical Motors and parts for
conduit household
production appliances, TV sets,
pumps, power tools,
CREOSOTE Construction Treatment of Construction of
construction and buildings, factories,
marine pilings pipelines, roads, etc.
pipeline coatings
Tar road,
roofing, and
Railway Treatment of Rails, roadways
railway ties
Utility Treatment of Poles for power
utility poles and telephone
Adapted from NIOSH (9).

Table 22.4. Petroleum Distillates and Their Usesa

Carbon Range Class of
Fraction Atoms (°C) Compounds Synonymsb Use

Crude oil C1–>C50 <0– More than 300 Earth oil, Petrochemicals
>1000 organic substances, petroleum and petroleum
some heavy metals distillates
Natural gas C1–C2 –164 to Methane (83–99%), Fuel, chemical
–88 ethane (1–13%),
propane (0.1–3%),
and butane (0.4–
Liquefied C3–C4 –44.4 to Propane and butane Bottled gas, Fuel gas, stock
gas +1.0 with mercaptans LPG for
added for odorant (liquefied petrochemicals
warning properties petroleum
Petroleum C5–C6 30–60 Paraffins (pentanes, Petroleum Dry cleaning,
ether hexanes, benzine, thinner,
isohexanes); ligroine, solvents
principally 80% n- Skellysolve
pentane and 20%
Naphthas C5–C11 95–160 55.4% paraffins, VM&P Cleaning
30.3% mono- and naphtha, fluids,
2.4% varnish solvents,
dicycloparaffins, makers and thinner, polish,
0.1% benzene, painters refining stock
11.7% naphtha,
alkylbenzenes, 0.1% light
indans and tetralins. naphtha,
C7–C12 150–204 Paraffins, High flash
naphthenes, naphtha
C5–C12 185–207 60.8% paraffins, 140° flash
24.5% mono- and naphtha,
11.2% aliphatic
dicycloparaffins, solvent
0.07% benzene, 3% naphtha
alkylbenzene, 0.3%
indans and tetralins
C8–C13 93–315 Paraffins, Aromatic
alkylbenzenes petroleum
Coal tar
C8–C13 184–206 Paraffins, mono-, Aromatic
di- and tricyclic solvent
naphthalenes, and
Rubber C5–C7 45–125 41.4% paraffins, — Rubber solvent
solvent 53.6%
0.1% olefins, 1.5%
benzene, 3.4%
Gasoline C4–C12 32–210 Isoparaffins, Petrol, Aviation fuel
olefins- and benzin, automobile
aromatics petroleum fuel, thinner
motor or
Mineral C6 150–200 80–86% paraffins, White Solvent,
spirits 1% olefins, 13–19% spirits, degreasing,
aromatics and petroleum dry cleaning
naphthenes spirits,
Stoddard C7–C12 160–210 47.7% paraffins, White Solvent
solvent 26% mono- and spirits
0.1% benzene,
alkylbenzenes, 0.5%
indans and tetralins
Kerosene C5–C16 175–325 Alkylbenzenes, Gas turbine Jet and
25% normal fuel, jet turbofuel
paraffins, 11% fuels (JP1–
branched paraffins, 6)
30% mono- and
16% mononuclear
aromatics, and 5%
dinuclear aromatics
Aliphatic, olefins, Tractor
mono- and fuel, coal
dicycloparaffins, oil, stove
alkylbenzenes oil
Diesel fuel C5–C16 177–400 Fuels, solvent,
lighter fluid
Deodorized C6–C14 209–274 55% paraffins, 41% Solvent
kerosene naphthenes, 4%
Fuel oil C9–C16 184–334 Gas oil, Fuel
heating oil,
furnace oil
Lubricating C7–C20 204–400 Oil, white Lubricating
oil oil, mineral oils and
oil greases,
260–370 Predominantly Mineral
paraffinic, but may seal oil
contains some
naphthenic and
alkyl aromatic
C17–higher 366–588 Grease,
Paraffin C20–higher 204–400 n-Alkanes with Paraffin, Sealant,
wax varying proportions waxes, polish, food
of iso- and petroleum component,
cycloalkanes waxes sealing wax
Asphalt C20–higher 400– Road oil, Sealant,
higher tar, construction

Adapted from Cavender (21), NIOSH (110), and Sandmeyer (111).
b A complete listing of synonyms is given in each topic section.

Table 22.5. Some Occupations with Potential Exposures to Petroleum

Distillate Solventsa

Adhesive makers Leather japanners

Ammonia synthesis workers Metal cleaners
Asphalt coating workers Naphtha workers
Ceramic production workers Oil processors
Degreasers, metal Painters
Detergent makers Paint makers
Dry cleaners Perfume extraction workers
Enamel makers, synthetic Petrochemical workers
Farmers Petroleum refinery workers
Fat and oil processors Photographic chemical makers
Fungicide handlers Printers
Garage workers Resin makers
Heating fuel handlers Rocket fuel handlers and makers
Herbicide handlers Rubber coaters and makers
Hydrogen manufacturing workers Stainers
Ink production workers Stain makers
Insecticide handlers Typesetters
Jet fuel handlers and makers Varnish makers
Kerosene handlers Wax makers
Laboratory workers, chemical Wood preservative makers
Lacquers Wool process workers

Adapted from NIOSH (9).

Petroleum, Coal Tar, and Related Products

Richard W. Niemeier, Ph.D.

Petroleum Distillates
Petroleum distillates is a very complex topic which has been described by many authors (21, 110–
112, 134). Much variation is found in the literature in describing the various fractions tested and/or
described, and these descriptions have been made by classes of usage (i.e., diesel oil, jet fuel,
thinners), distillation fraction cuts usually classified by boiling ranges, refining categories, such as
hydrotreated, catalytic cracking, or clay treated, or viscosity ranges in the case of refined oils. For
example, NIOSH (110) considered only the refined petroleum solvents that have a total aromatic
content of less than 20%. Other hydrocarbon solvents such as thinners, whose total aromatic content
may exceed 20%, were not discussed in this document. In another criteria document, NIOSH (143)
described only alkanes. Tomes (15), HSDB (3), REPROTOX (19), TERIS (87), and the Canadian
Domestic Substances List (144) list petroleum distillates by distillation treatment and refining
categories. Many synonyms have been listed for each component. However, there may be overlap in
names from one CAS Number to another. This is especially evident for the naphthas and fuel oils. In
RTECS (18), data from both refining categories and primary chemical names, including the
Chemical Abstracts Number (CAS) and other related information such as commercial uses (145,
146) can be found. This review will not attempt to weave all of these categories into one unified
presentation but will convey what is available in the literature.

Table 22.6 illustrates the complexity of products that are available through distillation, cracking, and
secondary refining proceses (134) leading only to the high boiling petroleum products.
Table 22.6. High Boiling Petroleum Products

Products of distillation and cracking processes

Light and uncracked distillates
Heavy aromatic naphthas
Spraying oils
Diesel fuels
Heavy and cracked distillates
Industrial fuels
Heat transfer oils
Pyrolysis fuel oils
Uncracked residues
Cracked residues
Petroleum pitch
Petroleum coke
Products of secondary refining processes
White oils
Mineral seal oils
Petroleum waxes
Lubricating oils
Cutting and grinding oils
Motor oils
Metallurgic oils
Quenching oils
Tempering oils
Insulating oils
Transformer oils
Cable oils
Hydraulic oils
Transmission fluids
Textile oils
Printing oils
Aromatic extracts
Rubber extension oils
Printing ink vehicles
Textile oils
Foundry core oils
Heat transfer fluids
Table 22.7. Alkane Isomersa

Alkane Formula Isomer Name

Pentane C5H12 n-Pentane

Hexane C6H14 n-Hexane
Heptane C7H16 n-Heptane
Octane C8H18 n-Octane

From NIOSH (143).
Table 22.8. Potential Occupational Exposures to Pentane, Hexane,
Heptane, and Octanea

Adhesive workers Petroleum refinery workers

Automobile fuel handlers Plastics manufacturing workers
Aviation fuel handlers Polyethylene laminating workers
Cabinet finishers Printers
Degreasing workers Printing ink production workers
Farm fuel handlers Resin makers
Furniture makers Rubber cement workers
Glue fabrication workers Shoe factory workers
Gluing machine operators Solvent workers
Laboratory workers, chemical Spray painters
Lacquerers Stainers
Lacquer makers Stain makers
Laminators Synthetic chemical production workers
Leather cementers Synthetic rubber workers
Metal degreasers Thermometer makers, low temperature
Petrochemical process workers Varnish makers
Petroleum distillation workers Vegetable oil extraction workers
Petroleum extraction workers Vinyl production workers

From NIOSH (143).

Table 22.9. Summary of U.S. Occupational Exposure Limits and Recommendations for Pet

Compound CAS Number OSHA PEL REL Ceiling IDLH

Crude oil [8002-05-9] 500 ppm 350 mg/m3 1800 mg/m3 1100 mg/m3
2000 mg/m3

Natural and [8006-14-2][74-82-8] None None None None

liquefied gas
Gasoline [ None Carcinogen None (CA) None (CA)
8006-61-9; 86290-81-5] (CA)
Alkanes (see test)
Petroleum [8002-05-9] 500 ppm 350 mg/m3 1800 mg/m3 1,100 mg/m3
distillates (naphtha) 2000 mg/m3

Petroleum ether [ None 350 mg/m3 1800 mg/m3 None

8032-32-4; 68476-50-6]
Rubber solvent [8030-30-6] 100 ppm 100 ppm 1,000 ppm
(400 mg/m3) (400 mg/m3)
VM&P naphtha [8030-30-6] 100 ppm 100 ppm 1,000 ppm
(400 mg/m ) (400 mg/m3)

Petroleum spirits [64475-85-0] 350 mg/m3 500 mg/m3

Stoddard solvent [8052-41-3] 500 ppm 350 mg/m3 1,800 mg/m3 20,000 mg/m3
2000 mg/m3

140 ° flash naphtha [8030-30-6] 100 ppm 100 ppm 1,000 ppm
3 3
(400 mg/m ) (400 mg/m )
Aromatic 100 ppm 100 ppm 1,000 ppm
Naphthas (400 mg/m3) (400 mg/m3)
Kerosene [8008-20-6] None 100 ppm None
(400 mg/m3)
(hydrodesulfurized) [64742-81-0]
Jet fuels [94114-58-6] None None
Diesel fuel [68334-30-5] None None
Heating Oils see text See
White oils [8012-95-1] 5 mg/m3 5 mg/m3 10 mg/m3 2,500 mg/m3
Metallurgical oils
Insulating oils
Hydraulic oils
Textile oils
Printing oils
Lubricating oils
Paraffin (waxes) [8002-74-2] None 2 mg/m3 None None
Cutting oils [64771-79-5] 0.4 mg/m3
(metalworking (thoracic
fluids) particulate
0.5 mg/m3
Petrolatum [8009-03-8; 8020-83-5] None None
Residual oils see text None None

Asphalt [8052-42-4] None 1 mg/m3 None None

0.3 mg/m3
Occupational exposure limits, sampling, and analytical methods were based on the CAS
Number because of discrepancies and confusion in using synonyms.

Petroleum, Coal Tar, and Related Products

Richard W. Niemeier, Ph.D.

Lubricating Stock Distillates

Petroleum, Coal Tar, and Related Products

Richard W. Niemeier, Ph.D.

Other Descriptions of Distillate Fractions

Table 22.10 lists characteristics of higher molecular weight petroleum distillate products processed
by various methods. Some toxicity information is provided where available. It is assumed that many
of these fractions would be similar to other higher viscosity cuts. Severe solvent or hydrogen
treatment has been found to remove many impurities found to be more carcinogenic in the less
refined fractions.

Table 22.10. Fractionation of Various High Molecular Weight Petroleum Distillatesa

Petroleum CAS Carbon range Method of Principal
Fraction Number Content °C (°F) Viscosity Production Components

Catalytic, [68477-31-6] <288° Distillation Complex combination

reformer C of catalytic of hydrocarbons
fractionator (550° reformer
residue, low- F) fractionator
boiling residue
Clay-treated [64742-44-5] C20– NA >100 Treatment Complex combination
heavy naphthenic C50 SUS at with of hydrocarbons
100°F natural or containing few normal
modified paraffins
contact or
to remove
the trace
amounts of
Clay-treated light [64742-45-6] C15– NA <100 Same as for Complex combination
naphthenic C30 SUS at clay-treated of hydrocarbons
100°F heavy containing few normal
naphthenic parafins
Clay-treated [64742-36-5] Same as for Lower content of
heavy paraffinic clay-treated aromatic compounds.
Hydrodesulfurized [64742-80-9] C11– 205 to H2 to
middle C 400°C convert
25 (401 to organic S
752°F) to H2S for
Hydrotreated [64742-52-5] C20– NA >100 H2 in Few normal paraffins
heavy naphthenic C50 SUS at presence of
100°F catalyst
Hydrotreated [64742-54-7] C20– NA >100 H2 in Large portion of
heavy paraffinic C50 SUS at presence saturatedhydrocarbons
100°F ofcatalyst
Hydrotreated light [64742-47-8] C9–C16 150 to H2 in
290°C presence of
(302 to catalyst
Hydrotreated light [64742-53-6]
Hydrotreated light [64742-55-8] C15– NA <100 H2 in Large portion of
paraffinic C30 SUS at presence of saturated
100°F catalyst hydrocarbons
Hydrotreated [64742-46-7] C11– 205– H2 in
middle C25 400°C presence of
(401– catalyst
Hydrotreated [64742-52-5] C20– NA >100 H2 in Contains relatively
(mild) heavy C50 SUS at presence of few normal paraffins
naphthenic 100°F catalyst
Hydrotreated [64742-52-5] H2 in
(severe) heavy presence of
naphthenic catalyst
Light catalytic [64741-59-9] C9–C25 150– Catalytic Large portion of
cracked 400°C cracking bicyclic aromatic
(302– hydrocarbons

Adapted fom TOMES (15) and Canadian Environmental Protection Act (144).
33.0 Petroleum Distillates, Catalytic, Reformer Fractionator Residue, Low-Boiling
33.0.1 CAS Number: See Table 22.10.
33.0.2 Synonyms: Petroleum distillates; distillates, petroleum; catalytic reformed naphtha; catalytic
reformer fractionator residue, low-boiling; low-boiling catalytic reformer fractionator residue;
naphtha, catalytic reformed; reformate
33.1 General
Commonly used as pesticide diluents. In subchronic inhalation studies with petroleum distillates in
the form of full-range catalytically reformed naphtha (reformate), rats were exposed to the partially
vaporized material at concentrations up to 8050 mg/m3 for 13 weeks. The highest exposure group
had reduced body weights and liver and kidney weights (284).

Chronic exposure to some low-boiling petroleum fractions has been associated with permanent
central and/or peripheral nerve damage. No studies were found on the possible genetic or
carcinogenic activity of these petroleum distillate fractions in humans or experimental animals.
Petroleum distillates in the form of full-range catalytically reformed naphtha (reformate) were not
teratogenic or fetotoxic in rats exposed at airborne levels up to 7,800 mg/m3 of vapors on days 6
through 19 of gestation (284).
34.0 Petroleum Distillates, Clay-treated Heavy Naphthenic
RTECS (18) reported equivocal tumorigenic effects on the skin of mice of 410 gm/kg/78 weeks or
406 gm/kg/22 weeks at the site of application.
35.0 Petroleum Distillates, Clay-Treated Light Naphthenic
RTECS (18) reported that this material is an equivocal tumorigenic agent in mice at 577 gm/kg/78
week, and tumors were found at the site of application.
36.0 Petroleum Distillates, Heavy Paraffinic, Clay-Treated
This product may be a mild skin and eye irritant. Inhalation of large amounts of vapor may produce
symptoms of CNS depression, including nausea, headache, weakness, dizziness, loss of
coordination, and coma. It is unlikely that high enough concentrations of the vapors would be
present to cause death unless bulk quantities of this product are handled under conditions of poor
36.4 Toxic Effects
Repeated skin contact with this product may produce dermatitis or oil acne. Inhalation of large
amounts of the mist may result in accumulations of mineral oil in the lungs, accompanied by
pulmonary fibrosis. It is possible that this product may contain substances which have caused cancer
in laboratory animals. It may be noted that used lubricating oils tend to contain higher amounts of
cancer-causing substances than new oils. Mineral oils that have high levels of aromatic compounds
have been linked with scrotal and lung cancer in humans. Newer mineral oils generally do not
contain high levels of these aromatic compounds.
37.0 Petroleum Distillates, Hydrodesulfurized Middle
No information was available on the toxicity of this fraction.
38.0 Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated Heavy Naphthenic
No information was available on the toxicity of this fraction.
39.0 Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated Heavy Paraffinic
RTECS reported (18) an oral LD50 in rat of >15 gm/kg and a dermal LD50 in rabbit of >5 gm/kg.
This product, listed by EPA, is used frequently as a spray oil in pesticide preparations (146).
40.0 Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated Light
No information was available on the toxicity of this fraction.
41.0 Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated Light Naphthenic
No information was available on the toxicity of this fraction. This product, listed by EPA, is used
frequently as a spray oil in pesticide preparations (146).
42.0 Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated Light Paraffinic
No information was available on the toxicity of this fraction.
43.0 Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated Middle
No information was available on the toxicity of this fraction.
44.0 Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated (Mild) Heavy Naphthenic
44.0.1 CAS Number: See Table 22.10
44.0.2 Synonyms: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated (mild) heavy naphthenic; hydrotreated (mild)
heavy naphthenic distillate; hydrotreated (mild) heavy naphthenic distillates (petroleum); petroleum
distillates, hydrotreated (mild) heavy naphthenic
44.4 Toxic Effects
RTECS (18) listed a rat LD50 by the oral route at >15 gm/kg, and dermal application in rabbits
resulted in a LD50 >5 gm/kg. Skin irritation in rabbits was severe at 500 mg. An IARC review of
animal data led to the conclusion that there was sufficient evidence for carcinogenicity (Group I).
RTECS listed a mouse skin-painting study with an dose intermittent of 398 gm/kg/22 weeks which
resulted in classifying it as an equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria, and skin and
appendage tumors were at the site of application. Another study cited by RTECS in a mouse skin-
painting study with an dose intermittent of 402 gm/kg/78 weeks led to the conclusion that it is an
equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria, and skin and appendage tumors were at the site of
application. An additional mouse skin-painting study was cited where the intermittent dose was
480 gm/kg/80 weeks, the results were considered neoplastic by RTECS criteria, and skin and
appendage tumors were at the site of application.
45.0 Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated (Severe) Heavy Naphthenic
45.0.1 CAS Number: See Table 22.10

45.0.2 Synonyms: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated (severe) heavy naphthenic; hydrotreated

(severe) heavy naphthenic distillate; hydrotreated (severe) heavy naphthenic distillates (petroleum);
petroleum distillates, hydrotreated (severe) heavy naphthenic
45.4 Toxic Effects
RTECS (18) listed a rat LD50 by the oral route at >15 gm/kg, and dermal application in rabbits
resulted in a LD50 >5 gm/kg. IARC determined that the evidence in animal studies was inadequate
(Group 3).
46.0 Petroleum Distillates, Light Catalytic Cracked (Light Catalytic Cycle Oil)
RTECS (18) listed an inhalation LC50 in the rat at 3400 mg/m3/4h and an oral LD50 in the rat as
3200 mg/kg.

Petroleum, Coal Tar, and Related Products


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Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Division of Surveillance, Hazard
Evaluations, and Field Studies, Cincinnati, OH, 1997.
283 T. Partanen and P. Boffetta, Am. J. Ind. Med. 26, 721–747 (1994).
284 W. Dalbey and M. Feuston, Inhalation Toxicol. 8, 271–284 (1996).

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

1 Introduction
Ionizing radiation is undoubtedly one of the most intensely studied of all toxic agents. The impetus
for understanding its manifold effects came from its extensive use since the beginning of the century
in medical diagnosis and in treating cancer. With the development of atomic energy during World
War II, the field expanded dramatically. Atomic energy became one of the country's largest
industries. The potential health hazards from occupational and environmental sources of radiation
became an important area for research; it spawned a new field in the post-World War II era of
measurement and control called health physics.

Under the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), a great national laboratory complex was established
for research on weapons and power production and for biomedical and physics research. Long-term
biomedical research was also initiated at large university-based facilities and by the support of
individual grants. The development and sale of radioisotopes and radiation measuring instruments
was subsidized by the AEC to the great benefit of biomedical research in general. Radiation biology
has its own society, (the Radiation Research Society), and its own journal, the Journal of Radiation
Research. In recent years, radiation has become an integral tool for understanding cellular function at
the molecular level, for example, the tumor suppressor gene, p53. However, the level of biomedical
research on radiation is much lower in the last few decades than earlier.

This chapter gives the toxicologist the basic features of radiation biology. Because of the scope of
the field, only the essential concepts are presented. The reader is referred to textbooks (1–6) and
other publications cited for more details.
Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

2 Physical Considerations
There are two forms of ionizing radiation: high energy electromagnetic waves and subatomic
particles. Their common property is the ability to eject electrons from molecules, a phenomenon
called ionization. At levels of lesser energy deposition, they are also capable of raising electrons to
higher energy levels which are called excitation. Both ionization and excitation can lead to chemical
change. Thermal effects are of no consequence in the biological effects of ionizing radiation. A
whole body exposure of 2000 rads enough to kill everyone twice, would raise the body temperature
by only 0.01°C.

The energy of ionizing radiation is expressed in electron volts. The energy range of ionizing
radiation is large, from a few electron volts to billions of electron volts. Most commonly encountered
is the kilovolt (keV) and megavolt (MeV) domain. The average energy that causes ionization in
tissue is about 75 eV.
2.1 Electromagnetic Radiation
Electromagnetic radiation is propagated in packets called photons. The energy of photons is a
function of the wave frequency. These frequencies range through many decades. Electromagnetic
radiation, in order of increasing frequency and energy, includes radio waves, infrared radiation,
visible radiation, ultraviolet radiation and ionizing radiation. Among the nonionizing radiation,
ultraviolet light can cause excitation but not ionization, and infrared radiation causes heating.

There are two kinds of electromagnetic ionizing radiation (photons): gamma rays and X rays. They
have identical properties but different sources. X rays are generated by machines that accelerate a
beam of electrons so that it impacts a metallic target releasing X rays whose energy depends on the
speed (energy) of the impacting electrons. This is the bremsstrahlung (braking radiation). Gamma
rays are emitted by disintegrating atomic nuclei of radioactive isotopes. The energies of the gamma
radiations released by the disintegration process are unique to each radioactive isotope.

There are three modes of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter: pair production,
compton scattering, and the photoelectric effect.

2.1.1 Pair Production Pair production occurs when a photon whose energy is in excess of 1.02 MeV,
passes near an atomic nucleus and is transformed into an electron and a positron. The probability of
pair production increases rapidly above the threshold of 1.02 MeV and is a function of the square of
the atomic number of the irradiated material. When the positron loses energy to about 1.022 MeV by
interactions with the absorbing medium, it undergoes an “annihilation” reaction when it contacts an
electron. This results in the release of two photons in opposite directions each with an energy of
511 keV. Pair production is not important in tissue-equivalent materials at photon energies less than
10 MeV.

2.1.2 Compton Scattering Compton scattering is the dominant form of interaction in tissue-
equivalent materials at photon energies in the MeV range, such as the gamma radiation from
radioactive cobalt-60. The process involves loosely bound electrons. With Compton scattering, the
incident photon causes the ejection of an electron and the emission of a photon whose energy is
lower than the incident photon. The amount of energy lost by incident photons covers a broad range
from virtually zero to 80%. The scattered electrons form a continuous spectrum of energies with a
maximum somewhat below the energy of the incident photon and with a peak at both high and low
energies. The process is independent of atomic number and is important in the energy range of
100 keV to 10 MeV.
2.1.3 The Photoelectric Effect The photoelectric effect predominates over Compton scattering in the
kilovolt energy range used in diagnostic X ray. The photoelectric effect involves only bound
electrons in the K, L, and M shells of the atoms in the absorbing material. This is in contrast with
Compton scattering that involves loosely bound electrons. The incident photon gives all of its energy
to the electron. Some energy is required to overcome the binding energy of the electron; the rest is
given to the electron in the form of kinetic energy. When the orbital electron is ejected from the
atom, it is replaced by an electron from an outer shell. The difference in the binding energies of the
two shells is released as a fluorescent X ray with the characteristic energy of the electron shell. For
example, a device for measuring the amount of lead paint in walls is based on the photoelectric
effect; it works by shining a source of gamma radiation from cadmium-108 on the wall and
measuring the intensity of one of the fluorescent X rays characteristic of lead (7). The intensity is a
function of the amount of lead in the paint.

Both Compton scattering and the photoelectric effect occur in the kilovolt range X rays used for
diagnostic purposes; the former is dominant at the higher energy range, and the latter at the lower
energies. The photoelectric effect is strongly dependent on the atomic number (Z) of the absorber,
namely Z3; hence, diagnostic X rays display bone shadows because of the higher Z of bone
compared to soft tissues. Energies in the MeV range are desirable for radiation therapy because
Compton scattering predominates, and there is an advantage of having equal absorption by bone and
soft tissue.

The radiobiological effects of absorption by the Compton and photoelectric processes are similar
because they both result in converting the energy of the photons to electrons. However, the energy of
fluorescent photons is small, in the range of 500 eV, and has little biological effect.

In fact, the final common pathway for biological effects for both particulate and electromagnetic
radiation, that is, all forms of radiation, is the production of electrons.
2.2 Particulate Radiations
There are two types of particulate radiation: those that are charged and eject electrons by collision
and those that are uncharged and interact with matter to form charged particles. The important
particulate forms of ionizing radiation that are charged include alpha rays (helium nuclei), protons
(hydrogen nuclei), and beta rays (electrons). Neutrons are uncharged atomic nuclear particles that
eject protons by collision with hydrogen nuclei.

Alpha and beta particles can be released by the decay of radioisotopes. Neutrons are produced
mainly by nuclear fission in reactors or nuclear weapons. Charged particles such as electrons and
protons, as well as heavier ones such as carbon, neon, and argon, can be produced in accelerators.

There are two important mechanisms for energy loss by electrons. The first is by scattering. This
involves ionization and excitation. The second, bremsstrahlung, involves passage of the electron near
an atomic nucleus. Electrostatic forces around the nucleus bend the path of the electron; the
consequent acceleration causes the release of a photon. Bremsstrahlung has a broad continuous
spectrum of energies characterized by its peak energy; for example, a 250-keV X ray machine
produces X rays that range continuously in energy from a few hundred electron volts to a peak of
250 keV.

Electrons undergo multiple collisions in an absorbing material, and each electron has a zigzag track.
Secondary electrons that are released by the collision of a primary electron are called delta rays; each
has its own zigzag track. The penetration of electrons, for example, into the skin from an isotopic
source applied to the surface of the skin, resembles the diffusion of a gas. The dose varies with
depth. There is an initial increase due to the buildup of scattered electrons and then a monotonic
decrease with increasing depth in skin down to the maximum range.

In the zigzag paths of electrons, short branching tracks are called “spurs”; these contain an average
of three ion pairs. In the case of gamma or X rays, 95% of the energy is deposited in spurs. Larger
and more densely ionizing tracks are called “blobs,” and when they overlap the DNA molecule, they
produce sites of multiple damage.

With all particulate radiations, the energy transferred is proportional to its charge, the Z of the
absorber, and inversely proportional to the square of its velocity. Hence, the rate of energy transfer
from particulate radiations per unit path length rises toward the end of its track when the kinetic
energy approaches zero. This terminal rise in energy deposition, the Bragg peak, is most important
with heavy charged particles whose tracks are straight. It is the basis for selective irradiation of deep
tissues within the body, such as the pituitary gland, by highly energetic accelerator-produced

Neutrons are generated over a very wide range of energies, depending on their source. They do not
interact electrically with matter but are scattered or absorbed. The modes of interaction are complex
and energy dependent. For example, one important mode of interaction is elastic scattering. This is
particularly important with hydrogenous material. Both the neutron and the hydrogen nucleus recoil.
The recoiling hydrogen nucleus, which is a proton, causes ionization over a distance of microns and
the recoiled neutron, now at lower energy, undergoes further collisions. This is the reason that
hydrogenous material such as paraffin can be used as a neutron shield.

Another important neutron reaction is absorption by an atomic nucleus, in which the nucleus with its
added neutron becomes unstable and undergoes radioactive decay and releases ionizing radiation.
Neutron bombardment in a nuclear reactor is one method of producing radioisotopes commercially.
The formation of radioactive isotopes in a neutron-irradiated body can also be used to estimate the
neutron dose from radiation accidents.

The penetration into tissue of charged particles such as alpha, beta, and protons is very limited.
Heavily charged particles produce densely ionizing tracks of short length because their energy
deposition per unit path length is so high. Alpha particles deposit energy in short tracks whose length
depends on the energy but commonly is on the order of 35 to 50 microns long and a few microns
wide. Alpha particles and protons are blocked by tissue-equivalent material no thicker than a sheet of
paper. Electrons penetrate one or two centimeters depending on their energy. Electromagnetic
radiation and neutrons easily pass through the entire human body because they deposit energy in a
widely scattered fashion.

The energy deposition per unit path length, called “linear energy transfer” (LET), has significant
consequences with respect to biological effects. There is great inhomogeneity in the dose distribution
of high-LET radiation at the microscopic level: many cells receive no radiation at all, and others
receive very high doses. A cell can be killed by a single alpha track that traverses its nucleus in sharp
contrast with the more diffuse radiation patterns from the low-LET electrons and gamma or X rays.

Densely ionized tracks produced by alpha and protons are qualitatively different from X or gamma
rays because the damage, although focal, is so intense that it is difficult for the cells to accomplish
repair. The temperature within alpha tracks is several million degrees.
2.3 Dose
Because all forms of ionizing radiation have the final common pathway of ionization and excitation
caused by electrons, the important determinant of the way they produce biological damage is the
pattern and energy of electron release. Radiation dosimetry can be exceedingly complicated (8). The
concept of dose is energy deposition per unit mass of the absorber. The pattern of energy deposition
depends on (1) the type of radiation, particulate or electromagnetic; (2) the energy of the radiation;
and (3) the geometrical characteristics of the applied radiation. The whole human body can be
exposed more or less uniformly throughout all of its tissues by exposure to a broad beam, high-
energy external source of gamma or X rays. By contrast, an equal dose can be delivered to the
surface epithelium of the tip of one finger by an external isotopic source of alpha radiation. The
biological consequences in this example are very different. Hence, the biological effects depend on
both the magnitude and location of the dose.

The basic unit of absorbed dose is the rad, which is 100 ergs per gram. This assumes that one gram
units of tissue have a uniform deposition of energy. Since 1977, with the introduction of the SI
system (Systeme Internationale), the gray (Gy) has been introduced to supplant the rad as the unit of
dose. One gray equals 100 rads. Thus a bridge between the rad and the gray that is commonly used
by those who think in terms of rads is one centiGray (cGy) which equals one rad.

Because the biological effects of the various kinds of radiation can be different at equal average
tissue doses due to the differences in the microscopic pattern of energy distribution, it has been
useful to introduce a weighting factor that makes doses from different types of radiation equivalent
in terms of biological effect. Multiplying the dose in rads or grays by a weighting factor yields a
dose in terms of rem (roentgen equivalent man) or the sievert. One sievert equals 100 rem just as one
gray equals 100 rads. The weighting factor for a specific type of radiation is its relative biological
effectiveness (RBE) in relation to a reference type of radiation, namely 250 keV X rays. RBE is
commonly used in radiobiological research. In radiation protection, the weighting factor is called a
quality factor. As a matter of practicality the RBE is constrained to a specific biological effect, but
the quality factor applies to a given type of radiation without reference to a specific biological effect.
2.4 Radionuclides
In its gross structure, the atomic nucleus consists of protons and neutrons (4). The number of protons
determines the atomic number (Z) which is the net positive charge of the atom. The negative orbital
electrons balance the positive charge. The number of neutrons contributes to the atomic mass
number (A). Each element has a unique value of Z. Each nuclide of an element has specific value of
Z and A, and is designated by its name and A, for example, Chromium-51. If a nuclide is unstable, it
is called a radionuclide. Isotopes of a given element can have different values of A due to different
numbers of neutrons. The terms radioactive isotopes and radionuclides are used synonymously.

Unstable nuclides undergo nuclear rearrangements called radioactive decay because they result in the
emission of radiation and transmutation to a different element. Generally, the greater the ratio of
neutrons to protons, the more unstable; nuclides of A>200 are all radioactive. Ultimately, radioactive
decay reduces the ratio of neutrons to protons, but in chain decay there may be a temporary increase
in the ratio due to electron emission.

Alpha decay involves the emission of helium nuclei, each consisting of two protons and two
neutrons. This reduces Z by 2 and A by 4. Beta decay is equivalent to converting a neutron to a
proton, and it results in an increase in Z. The resulting nuclide may be stable or in a excited state
which is relieved by the emission of a gamma ray. The energy of alpha radiation emitted by a given
radionuclide is constant; usually, the shorter the half-life, the more energetic. However, beta rays are
not monoenergetic but exhibit a spectrum of energies which is characteristic of the radionuclide.

More unusual forms of decay involve (1) positron emission (positive electrons) which is the
equivalent of converting a proton to a neutron, (2) electron capture with the apparent engulfment of a
K orbital electron by the nucleus to convert a proton to a neutron and with the emission of a K
electron X ray, (3) Auger electron emission which is the equivalent of electron capture where the
fluorescent X ray itself is captured by an orbital electron which is then ejected from the M shell of
the decayed atom. Both electron capture and Auger emission reduce the value of Z by one.

Radionuclides undergo decay by a number of alternative pathways so that mixed forms of decay are
frequent. The relative frequency and energies of gamma radiation constitute a signature that can be
used to identify radionuclides by gamma spectroscopy.

Radionuclides have the property of decaying on a probabilistic basis. Each radioactive atom has a
50% chance of decaying in a fixed period of time, called a “half-life.” In each successive half-life,
the number of undecayed radioactive atoms is reduced by a factor of 2. Half-lives range from
fractions of a second to billions of years. Most of the stable lead in the world came from the decay of
the uranium and thorium series. The parent isotopes, uranium-238 and thorium-232, have half-lives
in the billions of years (9).

Radioactive decay series involve two or more sequential decays before a stable isotope is reached.
Starting with a pure sample of the parent isotope, the buildup and decay of the successive daughter
isotopes can have complex patterns that are a function of their respective half-lives. These patterns
are readily calculable by using partial differential (Bateman) equations. When a decay series reaches
equilibrium, the decay rate (e.g., disintegrations/second) is equal for each member of the series; the
number of radioactive atoms of each member is proportional to its half-life. The mean life of an
isotope is 1.44 times its half-life. The mean life is useful for calculating the total number of atoms of
an isotope at time zero; the number of atoms of an isotope is the disintegration rate
(disintegrations/minute) multiplied by the mean life (in minutes).

The dose rate from radionuclides deposited in the body decreases as the radioactive atoms decay and
because the radionuclide is excreted. If the excretion is exponential, there is an “effective half-life”
of the radionuclide in the body which is the product of the radiological and biological half-lives
divided by their sum. For example, if the radiological and biological half-lives are each 2 hours, the
effective half-life in hours 2 × 2/2 + 2 = 1.

The original metric for radioactive decay rate was the curie (Ci) which is the number of
disintegrations per second in a gram of radium-226. One Ci = 3.7 × 1010 d/s. One
mCi = 3.7 × 107 d/s. One mCi = 3.7 × 104 d/s or 2.2 × 106 dpm. A more recent unit for radioactivity
is the becquerel (Bq) which is 1 disintegration per second.

Isotopes of a given element differ chemically only in atomic mass which affects the diffusion rate.
The fissionable isotope, uranium-235, was isolated from its parent uranium-238 by gaseous diffusion
despite the small mass differential; this was the essential step in the development of atomic energy.
Biologically, the mass differences are significant only with the lightest elements. Significant
diffusion differences exist between stable hydrogen and heavy hydrogen (deuterium) and tritium
(hydrogen-3). Otherwise the behavior of radionuclides is essentially identical to the normal stable
isotopes found in living organisms. This is the reason that they can be used as biological tracers.
2.5 Measurement of Radiation
Many commercial instruments are used for measuring ionizing radiation, but the basic principles
behind their operation are relatively few. Ionization devices depend on the ionization of air or other
gases by radiation. One of the oldest instruments is the gold leaf electroscope, in which a strip of
gold foil is hung over an insulated arm, forming two adjacent but connected leaves. The application
of an electrostatic charge to the foil causes the leaves to fly apart where they remain until ionization
of the air discharges them and causes them to fall toward each other. The extent to which they do so
in a given time is a measure of the radiation dose. The loss of a static charge is the basis for the
commonly used pocket dosimeters. Ionization chambers measure current flow from ionized gas in a
voltage field applied to parallel conducting plates. A cascade of ions in a high-voltage field between
a cylinder wall and a central electrode is the basis for the Geiger counter which records individual
ionization as clicks or as current flow. Depending on the thickness of the walls of an ionization
chamber, they can be adapted to measuring gamma rays, beta rays of different energies, or alpha

Photographic film responds to ionizing radiation much as it does to visible light. A piece of uranium
ore unwittingly placed on a wrapped sheet of unexposed film led to the discovery of radioactive
isotopes by Becquerel. Film packs are commonly used as personal dosimeters.

Single crystals of sodium or cesium iodide are commonly used scintillation detectors. When struck
by penetrating radiation, they emit a flash of light whose intensity is proportional to the energy of the
radiation. Photomultiplier tube(s) placed against the scintillation detectors convert the flash of light
into an electrical impulse whose size is proportional to the intensity of the flash. Scintillation
detectors count both the number and energy of the detected radiation, providing an energy spectrum
that can be useful in identifying the radiation source, generally of gamma-emitting isotopes. These
devices are used extensively for imaging in nuclear medicine by using multiple, small, columnated
scintillation detectors for gamma radiation and for coincidence counting of positrons that annihilate
to form 0.511 MeV gamma rays that are released back-to-back, 180° apart.

Liquid scintillation counters are widely used to measure radionuclides whose radiations are too weak
to penetrate the light seal around solid scintillation detectors. The radiation-emitting samples are
suspended or dissolved in the fluorescent liquid. As with solid detectors, the intensity of the light
signal can be used to count isotopes with different energies, such as tritium-3 and carbon-14,

Thermoluminescent detectors, such as lithium fluoride pellets, store radiation energy during
exposure; heating releases the stored energy in the form of light. The intensity of the light is a
function of the amount of absorbed energy. Because of their small size, thermoluminescent
dosimeters can be very useful in determining the dose distribution in tissue-equivalent phantoms that
simulate the radiation of body parts.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

3 Radiation Damage at the Molecular Level

The biological effects of radiation result principally from damage to DNA. Other molecules in the
cell are also damaged but they are either present in large numbers or can easily be replaced. DNA
may be damaged directly by deposition of ionizing energy within the molecule itself or indirectly by
the diffusion of radiation-induced free radical ionization products of water into the DNA molecule.
3.1 Radiation Chemistry
The radiative chemistry of water is extremely complicated (10). However, the most important
sequence of reactions between water and radiation is the production of an ionized (charged) water
radical, H2O+, which reacts with a normal water molecule to yield a free OH* (hydroxyl) radical.
The hydroxyl radical accounts for most of the indirect radiative damage and has a lifetime of only
about 10–5 seconds. Its short lifetime limits the diffusion distance to a cylinder of about twice the
diameter of the DNA molecule. Hence, free water radicals have to be produced in the immediate
vicinity of DNA molecules to do damage. About two-thirds of the radiation damage is indirect,
caused by water radicals.

Molecular radiation damage can be reversed by several mechanisms. Recombination of radicals and
ions can occur before they diffuse apart, within the first 10–11 seconds. This is the coming together
of the ion and radical pairs to produce the original molecule. A molecule such as DNA can be
restituted by reaction of the free radical on DNA with a sulfhydryl molecule, yielding a sulfide
radical and normal DNA.

The free radical on DNA is thereby transferred to the sulfhydryl moiety restoring the DNA to a
normal state. Enzymatic repair, as discussed later, can also reconstitute DNA to its normal state.

The OH* radical can react by extraction of hydrogen atoms as in

The OH* radical can undergo addition reactions as in

with the formation of a carbonium ion.

Oxygen can play an important role in the fixation of radiation damage as in

This peroxidation radical is relatively stable and, more importantly, prevents chemical restitution.
The presence of oxygen has a dramatic effect in increasing the biological damage from ionizing
radiation, as discussed later.
3.2 DNA Damage
Radiation of DNA can damage purine and pyrimidine bases, as well as the sugar backbone (11). The
most important mode of radiative damage is to the sugar backbone and results in either single- or
double-strand breaks. The single-strand breaks are repaired rapidly within a period of minutes and so
efficiently that the DNA is restored to normal with a high degree of freedom from errors in the
sequence of base pairs. Single-strand breaks undergo excision repair in which the gap is trimmed
back and then reconstituted by polymerase enzymes using the intact strand as a template. Damaged
bases per se are removed by glycoylase enzymes, and then the strand is reconstructed by an excision
repair process.

Double-strand breaks are much more serious because rejoining the broken ends can result in
abnormalities of chromosomal structure. Double-strand breaks can be formed when two single-
strand breaks occur simultaneously from an ionization track or if the two single-strand breaks are
formed sequentially within ten bases of each other in a period less than that required for repair.
Double-strand breaks take hours to be rejoined. With low-LET radiation, single-strand breaks occur
about one hundred times more frequently than double-strand breaks. Double-strand breaks are much
more common with high-LET radiation.

The principal form of nonlethal genetic damage caused by radiation is the loss (deletion) of
chromosomal segments. Less important is single base pair damage that results in point mutations,
that is, altered base sequences.

One double-strand break on an unreplicated chromosome results in a broken arm that can rejoin
(with some loss of DNA) or remain fragmented either in the form of a rod or, when the ends fuse, as
a ring (12). Both the damaged chromosome and the fragment can replicate to form two short-arm
chromosomes and acentric fragments. The acentric fragments remain in the parent cell, and the
short-armed chromosome segregates into the parent and daughter cells. Two double-strand breaks on
one arm of a prereplicated chromosome can lead to the displacement and loss of the segment
between the breaks and also results in a short-armed chromosome and a fragment. Acentric
fragments, those that have no centromeres, can become encapsulated in a membrane. Such structures
are called microsomes and are useful quantitative markers for the action of genotoxic agents,
including chemicals and radiation. The microsomes eventually disappear.

When multiple double-strand breaks occur on different chromosomes in close proximity, rejoining
can lead to a wide variety of chromosomal abnormalities. Lethal abnormalities include dicentric and
ring lesions. Abnormalities that are not necessarily lethal include deletions and translocations.

A double-strand break on each arm of two nearby unreplicated chromosomes can result in a
translocation in which the chromosomal fragments switch places. Alternatively, the amputated arm
of each unreplicated chromosome can anneal to form a single chromosome with two centromeres.
The dicentric chromosome can replicate and become observable in metaphase preparations during

If cells are irradiated after the chromosomes have replicated (during the G2 period) but before being
separated during mitosis, a lethal lesion can be formed that is called an anaphase bridge. This is
caused by a simultaneous break in the arms of the paired (replicated) chromosomes and subsequent
annealing of the stumps. The parent and daughter cells cannot separate during anaphase because of
the chromosomal bridge, and they die.

These chromosomal abnormalities are important because they are a mechanism of cell killing and
genotoxicity. They can be quantitated in metaphase spreads giving informative dose–response
relationships. The shape of the dose–response curve for dicentrics and rings is linear-quadratic. At
low doses, the curve is linear because some of the two double-strand breaks are produced
simultaneously by a single ionization track. The quadratic higher dose portion of the curve is due to
production of each of the two double-strand breaks by separate ionization tracks. Here the
probability that two chromosomes are hit by separate tracks within a short time in about the same
location is a function of the square of the dose. These relationships make it possible to reconstruct
the radiation dose received by an individual by quantitating chromosomal abnormalities in
circulating lymphocytes; some lymphocytes have a long residence time in the blood and can be
stimulated to undergo cell replication.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

4 Radiation Effects at the Cellular Level

Cell death is reproductive in nature. This means that cells die when they try to divide. This
phenomenon was shown in the classic studies of Spear with X irradiation of fibroblast cultures (13).
The number of mitotic cells falls promptly after radiation. The magnitude and duration of the
decrease in mitosis increases with dose. The presence of necrotic cells first makes its appearance at
about the time when there is recovery from mitotic depression. It follows that the first appearance of
radiation damage is a function of the proliferative rate of tissues. For example, white blood cells
have a rapid turnover of precursors in the bone marrow and a short life in the peripheral circulation.
There is a prompt decrease in white blood cell counts shortly after radiation in contrast to red blood
cells whose precursors have a slower reproductive rate in the marrow, and the red cells have a
relatively long life in circulation.
4.1 Cell Survival Curves
A great deal of quantitative information about reproductive cell killing, cellular repair, and dose–
response relationships has been obtained by using the colony formation method developed by Puck
(14). This approach involves dispersing cultured cells into single-cell suspensions. Aliquots are
loaded into petrie dishes where they settle and attach. The petrie dishes may have a “feeder” layer of
lethally irradiated cells that cannot multiply but are metabolically active and facilitate the growth of
the single-cell aliquots. After attaching, the reproductively competent cells grow to form colonies
several millimeters in diameter in a few weeks. Irradiation of the petrie dishes at the single-cell stage
reduces the number of reproductively viable cells monotonically with increasing dose. Colony
counts at two weeks give the fraction of cells, corrected for the plating efficiency of controls, that are
rendered sterile. Those cells that are “reproductively dead” actually survive and multiply a few times
but cannot form colonies. A plot of the log of the fraction of the plated cells, normalized to unity on
the basis of the plating efficiency of the controls plotted against the dose on an arithmetic scale,
gives a survival curve. The survival curve for high-LET radiation is exponential, a straight line on a
semilog plot. The slope is a function of the sensitivity of the types of cells that are exposed to a given
type of radiation. The slope is expressed as the D0 dose, a reduction of survival to 37% which is
equivalent to an average of one “hit” per cell. Typical D0 values are on the order of 1–2 Gy.
The survival curves for low-LET radiation have a flat shoulder in the low-dose region, where
relatively little cell killing occurs (15). At higher doses, the curves tend to become exponential, a
straight line on a semilog plot. The shoulder reflects repair of the radiative damage. This can be
shown by irradiating cells twice with an increasing amount of time between the two exposures. With
increasing intervals and replating the cells soon after the second exposure, the shoulder reappears,
growing from a small size to the magnitude encountered with single radiative exposures. The repair
is complete in a few hours and likely represents the repair of single-strand breaks. After sufficient
time for repair, the surviving cells behave as if they had not been previously irradiated. They show
the same shoulder and the same survival slope as cells that are irradiated for the first time. This kind
of radiative damage, called “sublethal” refers to damage that will be repaired unless additional
radiation is administered before the repair period is over. The lack of a shoulder with high-LET
radiation indicates that there is no repair, and the interval between split radiative exposures has no
effect on the kinetics of survival. There is another kind of damage that is called “potentially lethal.”
It is a form of damage that is inevitably lethal unless circumstances interfere with the progress of the
cell cycle, as with confluent growth in tissue culture where cell-to-cell contact inhibits proliferation.
Under these circumstances, the irradiated cells have a chance to recover somewhat from the
potentially lethal damage, probably by repairing double-strand breaks. The repair of potentially
lethal damage is considerably slower that of sublethal damage.

Back-extrapolation (from high dose to low dose) of the exponential slope to a survival of unity gives
a quasi-threshold measure of the width of the shoulder. This varies according to cell type by a factor
of 2–3. Some survival curves with a “true” exponential high-dose region can be construed to reflect a
multihit process; back-extrapolation of the linear slope to zero dose gives an intercept that can be
interpreted as a “hit” number, the number of hits required to render the cell reproductively sterile.
The magnitude of the hit number is also an indication of the size of the shoulder.

Some survival curves show a gradually increasing slope without a convincing linear exponential
portion. These curves are better interpreted as linear-quadratic in nature. There is a low-dose linear
portion and a quadratic portion in the higher dose range.

The equation for the linear quadratic dose response, where R is reproductive cell death, D is dose,
and A and B are constants, is

This is the same equation used to describe the dose response for the induction of chromosomal
damage discussed earlier, and the same interpretation holds that the cell killing has a single-hit
component and a two-hit component.

The linear and quadratic components of the cell killing are equal when the dose D is equal to the
ratio of the constants A and B:


There is compelling evidence that cell death is a function of chromosomal damage, for example, in
terms of a linear relationship between the number of chromosomal aberations (dicentrics and rings)
per cell and the log of the cell survival. Other evidence includes cell lethality by tritiated thymidine
which is incorporated in DNA and which irradiates only DNA, the increased sensitivity to cell
killing by halogenated pyrimidines that are incorporated into DNA, etc.
Tissues of a given type tend to show a relatively narrow range of sensitivities. However, tumors that
arise in a given tissue tend to show a broader range of radiosensitivities, some higher and others
lower than normal but with considerable overlap. This is an impediment to effective radiative

The kinetics of cell killing with the Puck technique have proved to be comparable to the kinetics
observed in vivo. Estimates of cell survival in cancer radiotherapy have some utility. Because single-
cell preparations from freshly excised tissue do not do well in the Puck technique, surrogates based
on cell numbers in agar suspensions and total DNA content of tumors have been used as measures of
reproductive survival.

Radiotherapy involves repeated exposures at intervals that allow for repair in normal tissues.
Survival curves for repeated irradiation are exponential without a shoulder because the cell killing
from each radiative fraction combines with subsequent fractions multiplicatively. For example, four
successive fractions, each reducing survival by a factor of 0.6 will combine to reduce survival to
0.6 × 0.6 × 0.6 × 0.6 = 0.13. This type of multiplicative interaction yields an exponential survival

Survival curves provide the basis for useful radiotherapeutic calculations. For example with a tumor
of 109 cells, a 90% chance of cure would involve reducing the population by a factor of 10–10. This
target would be achieved with an estimated dose of 69 Gy. This estimate is based on a survival curve
without a shoulder, a D0 of 3 Gy and daily dose fractions of 2 Gy. A tenfold reduction in survival
would be equal to 2.3 × D0. Therefore a dose required to reduce survival by ten orders of magnitude
(D10) would be D10 = 2.3 × 3 = 6.9 Gy × 10 = 69 Gy.
4.2 Modifiers of Radiation Damage
Survival curves provide a useful means of quantifying the effects of modifiers of radiation damage.
For example, the oxygen effect increases the slope of the survival curve by a factor of about 2–4
from the hypoxic to the aerated state (16). The character of the survival curve stays the same, but the
effect of oxygen is to decrease the dose by a constant factor for the same level of effect. This applies
to both the high-dose quadratic and the low-dose linear portion of the survival curve, although the
factor, called the “oxygen enhancement ratio” (OER), is 3.5 for the former and 2.5 for the latter. By
contrast, the (OER) is smaller for the higher LET radiations. For example, for alpha radiation, it is
1.0 (no effect), and the OER is 1.6 for 15 MeV neutrons.

Equal total doses given at low dose rates for low-LET radiation have a smaller effect than higher
dose rates because the lower dose rates permit repair. This is not true for high-LET radiation.
However, if the dose protraction becomes large, the mitotic cycle has an effect because different
parts of the mitotic cycle have different radiosensitivities.

The mitotic cycle has a quiescent phase, called G1, which, depending on the proliferative rate, can
last for a matter of hours to weeks. Then cells given appropriate stimulation enter the phase of DNA
replication, called the S period, which lasts on the order of ten hours. A short period, called G2,
follows that lasts a few hours, in which the chromosomes condense. Finally the mitotic phase, called
M, takes place which also lasts a few hours; here, the chromosomes line up at an equatorial plate and
are pulled by spindle fibers to opposite sides of the cell which then divides in the middle to form two
cells. Then the divided cells are either in the G1 phase, and the cycle repeats itself, or are in a G0
phase which is out of the cell cycle.

The influence of the cell cycle on radiation sensitivity can be easily studied in tissue culture because
cells in mitosis round up and are easily detached from the surface of the culture dish by gently
agitating the medium. Then the harvest of synchronized mitotic cells can be studied by the Puck
technique of colony formation after radiation. The pattern varies with cell type, but the constant
feature is that the sensitivity is highest in the G2 and M phases and lowest at the end of the S period.
In some cell types sensitivity is increased at the begining of the G1 period as well (17).

Radiative sensitivity, according to cell cycle, plays a role in the effects of dose rate on cell survival.
The effect of dose rate on cell survival is complicated but predictable on the basis of what is known
about the dynamics of DNA repair and the effects of the cell cycle on radiative sensitivity. When
low-LET radiation is given in a short period at relatively high dose rates, the typical survival curve is
obtained with its shoulder and high-dose exponential fall-off. As the dose rate is decreased, the first
effect is an increase in the size of the shoulder and a more shallow exponential drop, that is, the D0
increases. This is due to the fact that DNA repair proceeds during the radiative exposure and nullifies
some of its damaging effects. At this level of dose rate, cells are substantially arrested at the junction
between G1 and S and between S and G2. The rate of mitosis is much depressed. The reason for the
arrest at these checkpoints is the action of the p53 gene. DNA damage activates the p53 gene which
then expresses more of its protein. The p53 protein interacts with proteins of related genes to activate
the checkpoints that arrest the flow of cells through the mitotic cycle. The effect of this arrest is to
give more time for DNA repair, which, if inadequate, triggers cell death by apoptosis.

With a further lowering of dose rate, the checkpoint block is only partial, and cells move through the
cycle into G2 and M, where they are more radiation sensitive. This reverses the trend toward
shallower survival curves, and the slope of the survival curve increases toward those of the higher
dose rates. As the dose rate further decreases, the flow of cells into mitoses is further increased
toward normal, and cell proliferation counterbalances the losses due to reproductive death. This
further decreases the slope of the survival curve, and it may be flat or have a positive slope
indicating that the number of cells increases during radiation.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

5 Cell Survival in Tissues

A number of assays have been developed to determine the survival of clonogenic cells in tissues.
These cells include the skin, the villi of the small intestine, the testes, the tubules of the kidney, and
cells of the bone marrow and thyroid. The skin assay depends on the formation of regenerating
nodules on the skin surface arising from cells that have migrated upward from the underlying hair
follicles that have survived the radiative exposure (18). The intestine assay examines the proportion
of the villi that are regenerating after irradiation (19). The bone marrow assay looks at colony
formation in the spleen after irradiated cells have been injected into the bloodstream and have been
deposited there (20). The testes assay determines the proportion of tubules that contain
spermatogenic epithelium (21). These assays are done with graded doses of single, multiple, or split
exposures. The results of these studies resemble those with cell cultures in terms of a wide range of
widths of the shoulders and fairly uniform high-dose slopes.

Assays have been done on functional end points in contrast to cell survival. Typical of such studies
are the effects of X rays on skin reactions in the mouse (erythema, desquamation, and ulceration)
with single and fractionated exposures. It is evident that fractionation permits a great deal of
radiative repair in the skin. As shown later, this holds true for skin carcinogenesis as well.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD
6 Radiation Sensitivity According to Cell Type
As early as 1906, Bergonie and Tribondeau (22) noted that different kinds of mammalian tissues
have very different radiation sensitivities. The most sensitive were those that have a high mitotic
rate, undergo many cell divisions, and are primitive in character, that is, are undifferentiated.

Rubin and Casarett's categorization of types of cells according to decreasing levels of

radiosensitivity is still used (23). Category I includes the most radiosensitive: these are cells like the
basal cells of the epidermis that undergo regular cell division and show no differentiation between
divisions. Category II cells are like myelocytes in the bone marrow that also divide regularly but do
undergo some differentiation between divisions. Category III cells are relatively resistant like the
hepatocytes in the liver that normally divide very infrequently but can be triggered into rapid mitosis.
In the case of the liver, this occurs with toxic liver damage or partial hepatectomy. Category IV has
the most resistant cells, including muscle cells and the neurons of the central nervous system. These
cells are highly differentiated, and it is questionable that they divide at all once the organism reaches

Cell death is reproductive in nature. It follows that the first appearance of radiation damage is a
function of the proliferative rate of tissues. For example, white blood cells have a rapid turnover of
precursors in the bone marrow and a short life in the peripheral circulation. There is a prompt
decrease in white blood cell count shortly after radiation, in contrast to red blood cells whose
precursors have a slower reproductive rate in the marrow, and the red cells have a relatively long life
in the circulation (24).

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

7 Chemicals that Modulate Radiation Effects

Some chemicals increase and others decrease radiation effects. One class of chemicals that increases
radiosensitivity is the halogenated pyrimidines, including 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and 5-
iododeoxyuridine (IUdR) (25). The halogen is recognized as a methyl group, and these chemicals are
treated metabolically as if they were thymidine and are incorporated into DNA. The DNA bonds are
weaker with the halogen moieties, and radiation-induced strand breakage occurs more readily. The
degree of incorporation is a function of the rate of cell proliferation. Therapeutic effectiveness for
cancer depends on the relative rates of turnover of cancer cells compared to normal surrounding
tissues. In cultured cells, the dose required to reduce survival to a given level of reproductive death is
about one-half in halogenated pyrimidine treated cells compared to untreated cells. The use of these
agents has received some clinical attention.

There are chemicals that increase the radiation sensitivity of hypoxic cells but not those that are well
oxygenated (26). Their potential use in cancer radiotherapy depends on the presence of hypoxic cells
in tumors because such cells are relatively radioresistant. These chemicals belong to the class of
nitroimidazoles such as etanidazole. They mimic the action of oxygen and fix radiative damage by
preventing chemical restitution of the damaged molecules. They have an enhancement ratio of about
2. Their use is limited by neurotoxicity. They also sensitize cells to cancer chemotherapeutic drugs,
particularly alkylating agents.

Chemicals that decrease radiation effects are called radioprotectors. The sulfhydryl compounds are
an important class of radioprotectors, including the natural amino acid cysteine and its metabolite
cysteamine (27). The factor for dose reduction (the ratio of doses for equal effect) is about 2 for
these compounds. They work by scavenging free radicals and promote chemical repair by restitution.
Because of the short life of free radicals, the radio protector must be present at the time of
irradiation. Their behavior with respect to LET is analogous to the oxygen effect, strong for the low-
LET radiations and minimal for the high-LET radiations. Like the oxygen effect, the maximum dose
reduction factor would be 3. The nausea and vomiting produced by cysteine and cysteamine are
reduced by covering the SH moiety with a phosphate. Such a compound is activated intracellularly
by metabolic removal of the phosphate. The best of the synthetic compounds is WR2721 which is S-
(2-(3-amino propylamino)) ethylphosphothioic acid (28). Its effectiveness depends on penetration of
cells. Its failure to protect the central nervous system is due to the blood–brain barrier.
Radioprotective agents do not have important uses. For practical reasons they are of no help in
radiation accidents, where the administration is necessarily delayed. Their use for anticipated
exposure is limited by hypotensive toxicity. Use in cancer radiotherapy is problematic because
benefit requires protection of normal tissues but not the tumor which cannot be readily determined
except after the fact.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

8 Let and RBE

As indicated earlier, gamma and X rays are sparsely ionizing; there is substantial separation of the
ionization in tissue. Particulate radiation such as alphas, protons, and neutrons are densely ionizing
because they produce dense columns of ionization (29). LET refers to the energy deposition per
micron of path length. Typical values are 0.3 keV/mm for 1 MeV gamma rays, 2 keV/mm for
250 keV X rays and 100–2,000 keV/mm for heavy charged particles. The relative biological effect
(RBE) is the ratio of doses for equal biological effect for a given type of radiation relative to the
benchmark radiation of 250 keg X rays. RBE increases with LET to a peak of 100 keV/mm and
decreases at higher LETs (30). The reason for this pattern is that at 100 keg/mm the average
separation between ionizations is about 2 nm which is similar to the diameter of the DNA helix, thus
maximizing the efficiency of a double-strand break. LETs less than 100 keg are more likely to
produce single-strand breaks that are more readily repaired than double-strand breaks. LETs higher
than 100 keg represent overkill for double-strand breaks and are less efficient and more wasteful of
radiation dose.

The RBE for high-LET radiation compared to low-LET radiation increases at lower doses because of
the shoulder in the dose–response curve for low-LET radiation, whereas the high-LET radiation is
linear. Hence, RBEs are not dose invariant. RBEs differ according to tissue type and tend to be
higher where DNA repair is rapid for sublethal damage so that the shoulder on the dose–response
curve is broad. The oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) is about 3 for low-LET radiation. It decreases
when the LET reaches 30 keV/mm and reaches unity at 160 keV/mm (31).

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

9 Whole Body Radiation Syndrome

The duration of survival and the nature of the effects of brief whole body exposure to penetrating
ionizing radiation is related to dose. Most of our information on the whole body radiation syndrome
in humans has been the result of accidental nuclear criticality incidents and the study of atom bomb
survivors (32).

At the highest doses in the domain of ten thousand rads (100 gray), the reaction is immediate. One
example is that of an individual who worked in a uranium-235 recovery plant. Uranium 235 is the
fissionable isotope of the uranium-238 decay chain. Late Friday afternoon, he inadvertently poured a
container held under his left arm, filled with a solution of 235U-enriched uranium, into a barrel
already containing a similar solution. He apparently lost track of how much fissionable material the
barrel contained. The amount he added exceeded criticality. There was a blue flash as the liquid
exploded, and he was drenched with the radioactive fluid. He immediately became disoriented. His
coworkers did a partial decontamination. He was taken by ambulance to a series of hospitals which
refused admission. An admitting hospital was finally located, and he was installed in an evacuated
emergency ward, placed on a rubber sheet and further decontaminated by sponging with wet towels.
During the night, his blood pressure dropped sufficiently to warrant continuous intravenous
vasopressor medication. The next morning, his left arm and the left side of his face abruptly became
severely edematous. In spite of the vasopressor medication, he went into irreversible shock and died
that afternoon about 22 hours after exposure. This pattern is known as the central nervous
system/cardiovascular syndrome. The disabling effect of high doses of radiation on the function of
the nervous system was the basis for considering the wartime use of atomic weapons to disable

The gastrointestinal syndrome predominates at doses of about 1000 rads (10 gray). It is expressed as
a cholera-like syndrome that results from denuding the lining of the small intestine. Nausea and
vomiting are immediate and intense. Diarrhea begins in a day or two. If not treated, the outcome is
fatal in about 9 days. The reason for the GI syndrome is the radiosensitivity of the stem cells of the
crypts of the intestinal villi. These villi are numerous finger-like projections of the intestinal mucosa
that enormously increase the absorptive capacity of the small intestine. As the stem cells reproduce,
the daughter cells move up the villi, undergo differentiation, and eventually slough off the tips of the
villi. The proliferating stem cells at the base of the villi are more radiosensitive than the postmitotic
cells on the villi. The effect of the radiation is to cut off the supply of new cells on the villi. After a
number of days, the surface of the intestine is denuded. Transmucosal water transport is deranged,
and fluids pour into the lumen of the intestine causing diarrhea which can be bloody. Supportive
therapy with fluid replacement and antibiotics to restrain bacterial growth in the gut can be helpful
but the damage at doses of 1000 rads or greater is too severe to permit survival. Death can supervene
before the lethal consequences of hemopoietic damage take effect.

The radiation dose required to kill half the population of humans (LD50) is about 400 rads if no
medical treatment is used. With treatment by antibiotics and the use of sterilized environments, the
LD50 is about 800 rads. The cause of death is the hemopoietic syndrome or bone marrow death.

The mechanism is similar to the GI syndrome. The stem cells in the bone marrow are more
radiosensitive than their differentiated offspring, and they stop replicating. There is a drop in the
concentration of circulating blood cells which is a function of the life spans of the various types of
blood cells. The drop in red blood cells is slow because of the 120-day life span of mature
erythrocytes. Adult lymphocytes are unusual in being directly destroyed by radiation, and their
disappearance from the blood is precipitous. Leukocytes and platelets fall in a matter of 2–3 weeks.
When the concentration of leukocytes and platelets falls to critical levels, the irradiated individual
develops infection particularly in the mouth and oropharynx and bleeding of the skin (petechia) and
from the kidney into the urine. Transfusion of bone marrow cells has been used to treat the
hemopoietic syndrome by replacing stem cells of the marrow. There is a relatively narrow window
for success. Doses at or greater than 1000 rads are lethal because of the GI syndrome, and doses up
to double the LD50, 800 rads, are recoverable with medical treatment. So the dose range where bone
marrow transfusion is life-saving is between 800–1000 rads. The dosimetry of radiative accidents is
generally uncertain, so the need for bone marrow transfusion is mostly with high-dose radiotherapy
of disseminated cancer such as leukemia. The required bone marrow dose is on the order of 2 × 109

Ancillary damage with the whole body radiation syndrome on the order of the LD50 is hair loss
because of the relatively high sensitivity of cells in hair follicles. This sensitivity was the basis for
the Adamson–Keinbock method of depilation of the scalp by X radiation for treating scalp ringworm
(Tinea capitis). Previous to this, the hair was pulled out manually to decontaminate the scalp of the
fungus. Hair grew back in a few months.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

10 Heritable Effects
As indicated earlier, ionizing radiation can produce genetic damage by chromosomal breakage or
single base pair changes (point mutations). Classic studies by Muller in the 1920s on Drosophila
demonstrated the linearity of the dose–response for mutations (33). There was no effect of dose rate
or fractionation. Effects on the male gametes depend on the stage of sperm development, and mature
sperm (spermatogonia) are the least sensitive, and dividing meiotic cells are eight times more
sensitive. Oocytes are relatively insensitive. Concern about the applicability of these data to humans
led to massive studies of millions of mice by the Russells at Oak Ridge (34). Using a number of
specific traits such as various hair colors, they confirmed the linearity of the dose–response but
found that, unlike Drosophila, there is a pronounced dose–rate effect that amounts to a reduction
factor of 3 in dose for a given level of mutagenic effect.

The female is so much less sensitive than the male that for practical purposes almost the entire
burden of radiation-induced mutations falls on the male. It was found that a delay of a few months in
conception after radiation in the mouse markedly reduced the number of mutations. Humans are
advised to delay conception for 6 months after heavy radiation. This reduction is presumed to be due
to a repair mechanism.

Based on the mouse data, the estimated doubling dose in humans, the dose required to double the
background incidence of mutations, is about 100 rads (1 gray) (35). Using a variety of indicators, the
doubling dose in A-bomb survivors was in the same domain, about 156 rads although the data were
not statistically significant (36). The ICRP uses an estimate of 0.6 × 10–4 per rem for radiation-
induced hereditary disorders in a working population. The effect of radiation on the induction of
congenital malformations is far more important than on heritable effects.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

11 In Utero Effects
Radiation damage at the preimplantation stage leads to fetal death. In the period of organogenesis,
radiation causes structural malformations. In the stage after organogenesis, called the period of fetal
development, radiation causes growth retardation manifested by low birth weight which may or may
not be reversible during childhood. The stages of preimplantation, organogenesis, and the fetal
period corresponds to 0–9 days, 10 days to 6 weeks, and 6 weeks to term, respectively, in humans.
All in utero effects are due to cell killing, abnormal differentiation, and impairment of cell migration
in the brain (37).

Irradiation during organogenesis in mice results in major malformations such as anencephaly,

evisceration, and spinal bifida, as well as minor terata such as extra ribs. Humans are apparently not
as susceptible as mice to the induction of malformations although some have been reported
anecdotally from clinical experience. In the study of Japanese survivors of the A-bomb, growth
retardation, microcephaly, and mental retardation have been encountered (38). The occurrence of
mental retardation peaked at 8–15 weeks (fetal age) of irradiation. There was a fairly linear dose–
response relationship that reached 60% at doses in the range of 135 rads (39). Before and after this
period of fetal development, radiation produced little mental retardation. Radiation before 8 weeks
can lead to microcephaly without mental retardation. The dose response for mental retardation
suggests a threshold at 25 rem.

Minimal doses with effects on the embryo and fetus include oocyte death in primates
(LD50 = 5 rads), CNS damage in mice at 10 rads, brain damage in rats at 6 rads, small head
circumference in humans at 6 rads (38).

The NCRP recommends that the maximum permissible dose during the entire gestation period in
women should not exceed 0.5 rem and the monthly exposure should not exceed 0.05 rem (40). The
data on mental retardation suggest that a reduction in IQ would be undetectable at 10 rads. Exposure
of the conceptus/fetus during the period 10 days to 26 weeks, which is the period of sensitivity to
malformations, reduction in head circumference, and mental retardation, to radiation above 10 rads
should raise concern about the advisability of therapeutic abortion.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

12 Carcinogenesis
Radiation is probably the most thoroughly studied of all known carcinogens in both animals and
humans. The impetus for this effort stemmed from the frequent appearance of cancer in X ray
pioneers at the beginning of this century, soon followed by the demonstration that radiation can
induce cancer in animals. These findings made it clear that radiation is dangerous and that there is a
need to protect the large numbers of individuals involved in the extensive use of radiation in
medicine and in the atomic energy industry that was developed during and after World War II.

Some generalizations can be made about radiation in relation to other carcinogens. Radiation can
induce cancer in virtually every organ of mammalian species but not necessarily in the same species.
It can induce cancer de novo in tissues that do not normally develop cancer, and can accelerate the
spontaneous occurrence of cancer. The kinds of cancers that are induced by radiation do not differ
from those that occur spontaneously or are induced by other carcinogens. This makes it difficult to
detect small carcinogenic effects of radiation. Radiation behaves like other carcinogens. Higher
doses elicit tumors faster than low doses. As with other carcinogens, there is a substantial delay from
the onset of exposure to the induction of cancer by radiation. As with other carcinogens and with
spontaneous cancer, the latency is a function of the life span of the species in which cancer is
induced; the shorter the life span, the shorter the latency. Latency in humans is a matter of years and
can range from a few years up to about 40 years, depending on the target organ and the level of
exposure. For example, leukemia induction in Japanese atom bomb survivors began to appear in a
few years, whereas excesses of solid tumors in this group did not begin to appear until several
decades after exposure. Most cancers take on the order of 15 years to develop after the onset of
exposure. Most cancers induced by radiation or chemicals, once started, continue to appear unabated
over the lifetime. Leukemia induction by radiation is an exception because it peaked at 5 years.
Among chemical carcinogens, bis-chloromethyl ether was also unusual in having a wave of tumor
induction in humans. The cause of either the continuous or limited response pattern is not known.

All of the types of radiation can produce cancer if they penetrate to the target cells of the target
organ. Generally, high-LET radiations have a linear dose–response pattern, whereas low-LET
radiations generally have a linear quadratic shape. This makes the RBE of high-LET radiation
greater in the low-dose range. Radiation can induce cancer by external exposure or internal exposure
from implanted isotopic sources or from inhaled or ingested radioactive isotopes.

The mechanism of action of radiation is similar to that of chemical carcinogens in their ability to
damage DNA with the activation of oncogenes or the deactivation of tumor suppressor genes. The
former involves a “single hit” process. Activation of an oncogene on one allele is tumorigenically
sufficient. By contrast, it is necessary to deactivate both alleles of tumor suppressor genes to induce
cancer most effectively.

Radiation interacts with other environmental carcinogens. For example the interaction between
irradiation of the lung by radon and cigarette smoking is multiplicative and therefore far larger than
the effects of either agent separately.

The induction of cancer by radiation is similar to other biological effects in terms of the importance
of repair processes. Generally, there is a comparable reduction in the effectiveness of cell killing and
tumorigenesis by low-LET radiation with split-dose or low-dose rate exposures. No such effects
occur with high-LET radiation. There are exceptions to this generalization such as the more efficient
induction of lymphoma by split X ray doses in mice (41) and increased cell killing and tumorigenesis
with neutron radiation.

Radiation is unusual among carcinogens in that a single dose can induce cancer, whereas with
chemical carcinogens, repeated doses are required to induce tumors. Tissue damage is a common
accompaniment to the induction of malignancy.

Although these generalizations are valid, they do not give the flavor of the complexity of tumor
induction in individual tissues, different species, and by different kinds of radiation. We illustrate the
point by considering skin cancer induced by radiation in the rat, compared with the mouse and
12.1 Skin Tumorigenesis
With single beta-ray exposures of the back of the rat, radiation induces a wide variety of tumor
types, most of which resemble the differentiation patterns of various parts of the hair follicle: the
sebaceous glands, the external sheath, the hair germ, and the squamous keratinization pattern
(squamous carcinomas) of the upper part of the hair follicle or the surface epidermis (42). There are
also tumors whose cells are undifferentiated that arise from the hair follicles and from the surface
epithelium. All of these tumor types are seen in humans, but with radiation of the scalp most of the
tumors are of the basal cell variety; squamous carcinomas arise from irradiation of relatively
nonhaired parts like the hands. Squamous tumors are the only type induced in the mouse skin with
radiation (43). Skin tumors in the mouse therefore have a more limited range of differentiation than
in either the rat or human.

The dose–response pattern in the rat does not fit any simple formulation, linear quadratic or dose
square. The dose–response has a sigmoid shape with a sharp peak and a rapid fall with further
increases in dose. The fall is associated loss of viable skin due to increasingly severe and extensive
ulceration with progressively narrower scars. The tumor types also change with increasing dose. Hair
follicle tumors are not formed in the ulcerating dose range, only squamous carcinomas. The growth
rate of the tumors increases with dose even among the squamous carcinomas. In the high-dose range,
the rats generally carry one or two large squamous carcinomas on their backs. In the lowest
tumorigenic dose range, all of the tumors are sebaceous cysts that look like clusters of mature
sebaceous glands. The clumps of overreplicated sebaceous glands are nodular. These quasi-tumors
give way at higher doses to the less differentiated hair follicle and squamous tumors. Hence, this rat
skin model is not consistent with the stochastic concept of carcinogenesis, namely, that malignancy
is independent of dose, that is, only the incidence is a function of dose. Similarly, in the harderian
gland tumor model, the lesions are more benign at low dosage, although of the same histological
type (44). The relationship of dose to malignancy is insufficiently studied in the field of both
radiation and chemical carcinogenesis. Its importance relates to the cancer risks of low levels of
exposure to carcinogens.

The hair follicle tumors in the rat can be seen histologically to arise from atrophic hair follicles at a
ratio of about one tumor per 2000 atrophic follicles. The follicles are completely eliminated at higher
doses where the tumor type is limited to squamous lesions. This suggests that the differentiation
pattern of tumors reflects that of the surviving cells. The shapes of the dose–response for tumors and
hair follicle damage are very similar. The both have the typical sigmoid shape of toxic responses.

The mouse is different from the rat. With increasing dose, the hair follicles survive intact up to the
point where they are obliterated completely. There is no intermediate form of partially killed
(atrophic) follicles. This is apparently the reason that the mouse does not develop hair follicle
tumors. The tumor induction in the mouse appears at dose levels that eliminate hair follicles.

Chemical carcinogens show a different response pattern in the rat, as illustrated by a study with the
polycyclic aromatic carcinogen, anthramine. No hair follicle killing was observed, but there was a
profuse yield of hair follicle tumors and squamous tumors. Thus, the association of hair follicle
atrophy would seem to rest on the similarity of the dose response for cell killing and malignant cell
transformation, not the role of tissue damage in the cause or enhancement (promotion) of tumor
induction (R.E. Albert, personal communication).

The skin is markedly sensitive to the depth of penetration of radiation (45). This was first noted with
proton irradiation of rat skin where doses up to 10,000 rads to the skin surface produced no tumors.
The penetration of the proton radiation was only about 200 microns. Subsequent studies showed that
with electron radiation, tumor formation increased for equal surface doses when the penetration of
the radiation was increased by increasing the energy of the electrons. Subsequent studies showed that
the effects of penetration depth could be reconciled by relating the tumor responses to the dose at a
depth of 330 microns in the skin. This is the location of the hair follicle bulge region that contains
the stem cells for the hair follicles. Thus, the tumor response is related only to the dose to the stem
cells. This finding has subsequently been confirmed by studies of chemical carcinogenesis. It is now
commonly assumed that the target cells for tumor induction in every tissue are its stem cells.

Split doses with low-LET radiation showed dramatic reductions in tumor formation indicating the
importance of repair processes. Increasing the intervals between the two doses from 1 to 24 hours
demonstrated that the repair has a half-life of about 2 hours (46). This is consistent with the time
required to repair double-strand breaks in DNA, suggesting that the dominant process in skin
tumorigenesis is chromosomal damage. Skin exposed to high-LET radiation such as accelerator-
produced argon nuclei showed no repair with split doses. Apparently, the amount of damage to DNA
by high-LET radiation is too great to repair.

The characteristics of tumors are so closely linked with those of the parent tissues that cancer is
frequently considered a collection of individual diseases that have some features in common.
Although this is an exaggerated idea, it conveys the point that extrapolation of carcinogen-induced
responses of one tissue to another should be done with circumspection.
12.2 Epidemiological Studies
Many epidemiological studies have been done to characterize the nature and magnitude of the
carcinogenic effects of radiation in humans (47). These populations include Japanese atom bomb
survivors and patients treated by X radiation for ankylosing spondylitis, acute mastitis of the breast,
tinea capitis infection, and thymic enlargement in infants. Follow-up studies have been done on
children whose mothers were given X-ray pelvimetry when they were in utero, as well as women
who had repeated fluoroscopic examinations for tuberculosis in relation to their breast cancer
experience. Studies have been done on uranium miners and miners of other ores that are
contaminated with uranium to determine the effect of radon exposure on lung cancer induction.
Women who were occupationally exposed to radium were studied for bone cancer, and a number of
studies have been done on radiation workers in the atomic energy industry to determine their cancer
experience at low levels of exposure.
Only a relatively few studies characterize dose–response relationships in radiation-induced cancer in
humans. The rest are useful for giving estimates of risk at one specific dose level.

Two approaches have been used to characterize cancer incidence or death rates in epidemiological
studies. One method is to subtract background cancer from the observed response and to regard the
excess as the radiation effect. This is known as the “absolute risk” model. The underlying idea is that
the radiation effect is independent of whatever it is that causes background cancer. The alternative
method is the “relative risk” model which regards radiation as interacting with whatever it is that
causes background cancer. This approach is similar to the doubling dose concept mentioned above in
the context of the mutagenic response to radiation. Experience with a wide variety of radiation
cancer responses tends to support the use of the relative risk model, although not exclusively.

The kinds of tumor studies that provide dose–response relationships include leukemia, breast cancer,
lung cancer from radon and bone cancer from radium.

Leukemia induction has been studied mainly in two populations: atomic bomb survivors in Japan
and patients with ankylosing spondylitis, a form of rheumatoid arthritis of the spine, which is treated
with X radiation. A wave pattern of leukemia was found in both studies. Leukemia in the Japanese
peaked at 10 years after exposure and declined thereafter without returning to normal. The same was
true for the spondylitics, except that leukemia began earlier at about 2 years postexposure. Japanese
up to 20 years of age at the time of irradiation showed an earlier peak than those over 20 years of age
at irradiation with a more rapid decline, so that the overall risk was about the same. The dose–
response in the Japanese for leukemia is consistent with a linear nonthreshold pattern with the lowest
dose at 40 rem and a peak induction at 300–400 rem. Above this dose range, the incidence declines
with increasing dose presumably due to the killing of potentially leukemogenic cells. The relative
excess risk was 4.2–5.2. No excess cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia were observed. The effect
was limited mainly to acute and chronic myelogenous leukemia. The leukemia risks in the
spondylitics were considerably lower than in the Japanese presumably due to the partial bone
marrow exposure, because the radiation was centered over the spine, the radiation was more
protracted, and the population was older.

The effect of radiation in inducing breast cancer in women has been studied in Japanese atom bomb
survivors, tuberculosis cases that were repeatedly fluoroscoped, and cases of X-irradiated postpartum
mastitis. These studies have all shown low-dose linearity of cancer induction. There was no effect of
fractionation on the cancer response. The cancer risk was highest in women who were less than 20 at
the time of radiation; those over 40 showed no increase in the incidence of cancer. The latency of
breast cancer was about 10 years with a peak incidence at 15–20 years after exposure and a peak in
mortality about 5 years later. There was no effect of dose on latency. Whether this was due to the
relatively short period of exposure is not clear. Short periods of exposure in animals do not show
much of a dose effect on latency, compared to chronic lifetime exposure.

Lung cancer has been studied mainly in Japanese atom bomb survivors and uranium miners, as well
as in ankylosing spondylitics. There are dose–response data only for the uranium and other
underground miners exposed to radon. Here again the dose–response is consistent with a linear
nonthreshold character (48).

It is apparent that most of the data on dose–response relationships is linear, suggesting that there is
no level of exposure that does not have an associated cancer risk. However, in all of these cases the
lowest doses are substantial, for example, 40 rem in the Japanese leukemia data. Hence for radiation
protection purposes, it is assumed that the radiative dose response is linear nonthreshold.

A considerable body of information has been accumulated on cancer risks in the absence of dose–
response data. There is considerable variation in the radiosensitivity among the various organs, on
the order of a factor of 7 at the extremes (47).
Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

13 Cataracts of the Optic Lens

One of the important nonstochastic late effects of ionizing radiation is damage to the lens of the eye
(49). The lens is an onion-structured epithelial tissue located inside a fibrous capsule that is situated
immediately behind the pupil. The epithelial cells constitute the outer anterior layer. They divide
near the equator of the lens. The replicated cells are displaced inward where they flatten and become
transparent fibers. There is no mechanism for removing damaged cells. When the proliferating cells
are damaged by radiation, they migrate as opaque granules to the posterior surface of the lens. If the
amount of damage is mild as with scattered radiation to the eyeball from tinea capitis radiation,
where the dose was about 50 rads, the only observed effect was scattered posterior granules. These
had no effect on eyesight. Furthermore, the damage was not progressive (50, 51).

The threshold for sight-impairing cataracts is on the order of 250 rads. Doses of this magnitude and
greater produce more extensive opacities on the posterior face of the lens which can become
progressive to the point of obscuring eyesight.

The experience with radiation-induced cataracts has been largely with the untoward effects of
radiation therapy. Workers around accelerators in the early days were particularly at risk for
cataracts because of the high RBE of neutrons (52). The dose response in mice for neutron radiation
is linear, unlike that from low-LET radiation. The RBE at high doses is on the order of 10. At low
doses, the RBE is in the range of 50.

In humans, the time for developing cataracts depends on the dose and can range from months to
decades. The latency is on the order of 8 years for doses between 250 and 650 rads. The reason for
the long delay and the progressive nature of some cataracts is not clear. Presumably, it has to do with
the delays associated with reproductive cell death, where consecutive normal cell replications can
occur before cell death supervenes; the slowly accumulating cellular debris is undoubtedly a factor.
13.1 Other Late Nonstochastic Tissue Effects
Late irreversible and progressive damage to tissues results from clonal depletion of tissue cells with
particular reference to blood vessels (53). This process leads to fibrosis and circulatory insufficiency.
Depletion of cells can occur in terms of functional subunits, such as, kidney nephrons. Damage to
the vasculature can occur at the level of both the larger vessels and the microcirculation. An example
of the former is the case of accidental radiation of the lower extremities from cyclotron-produced X
rays. This resulted in progressive sclerosis of the major arteries in the lower extremities requiring
amputation about 6 months after exposure.

Other examples of late damage include fibrosis and stenosis of the esophagus, fibrous atrophy of the
stomach and intestinal mucosa, atrophy of the epidermis of the skin and permanent loss of hair
follicles, fibrosis of the lung, and necrosis of the brain. Fractionation and dose protraction generally
reduce the effectiveness of low-LET radiation in inducting late tissue damage.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

14 Health Effects of Radionuclides

The health significance of radionuclides lies in their ability to enter the body where their biological
behavior is determined by their chemical properties and their radioactive properties allow them to
irradiate tissues in which they localize. Thus alpha- and low energy beta-emitting isotopes, which are
essentially innocuous outside the body, can produce radiation damage when taken into the body. The
two principle routes of exposure to nuclides are inhalation and ingestion. If the inhaled particles are
soluble, they are absorbed promptly from the lung and distributed in the body according to their
chemical properties. If insoluble, the particles deposited on the bronchial mucosa are swept out of
the lung by ciliary action and swallowed. The particles that are deposited in the air spaces of the lung
(alveoli) can remain there for long periods of time if they are sufficiently insoluble, such as thorium
dioxide which has a half-life of years. Such particles can be slowly relocated to the pulmonary
lymph nodes. Particles that are ingested or swallowed after inhalation can be absorbed from the gut
and distributed in the body. Some chemicals such as the actinides, thorium and plutonium, are not
absorbed regardless of their solubility.

Of the hundreds of radionuclides only relatively few constitute a source of health concern.
14.1 Nuclear Fission Products
The enormous number of nuclear fragments resulting from the fission of nuclear materials in bombs
and fuels in nuclear reactors constitutes a potentially dangerous radioactive source of external and
internal exposure. Large-scale release of fission products such as happened at Chernobyl (54) can
make large geographic areas uninhabitable for years and is one of the deadliest consequences of
nuclear war or reactor accidents. The decay of fission isotopes follows a log-log pattern with a rapid
initial disappearance of short-lived isotopes and slower disappearance of the residual long-lived
isotopes. Yet the quantities of isotopes are so large in nuclear fuels that liquid storage in tanks
requires refrigeration to prevent their boiling and exploding. The core of the earth is molten because
of heat from the decay of uranium and thorium. Fallout from atomic weapons testing in this country
resulted in the dissemination of two important isotopic health hazards: iodine-131 and strontium-90;
these are cancer hazards for the thyroid gland and bone, respectively.
14.2 Radium-226
Radium-226 is one of the elements in the decay chain of the naturally occurring uranium-238 decay
chain. Radium-226 has a half-life of 1600 years and decays to the gas Radon-222, and then to a
series of bismuth, polonium, and lead isotopes to stable lead (55). Young women painted aircraft
instrument dials with luminous paint that contained mainly radium-226 mixed with a phosphor so
that the dials would glow in the dark. To paint thin lines, the women tipped the brushes with their
tongues and thereby ingested substantial amounts of radium (55).

Metabolically, radium behaves like calcium, and the major site of deposition was in the calcified
parts of the bone. Radiation, primarily from the alpha rays, heavily damaged the bone and caused
cancer in skeletal and nasal sinuses of the most heavily exposed individuals. Follow-up studies were
done on many of the women involving evaluation of the skeletal burdens by measuring radon in
exhaled air and direct measurement of the skeletel radium-226 in whole body counters. These
coumters are steel chambers on the order of 6 inches thick that reduced the ambient background to
very low levels and permit measuring the gamma rays from radium-226 with large sodium iodide
scintillation detectors. By following the urinary excretion of radium and successive whole body
counts, the effective disappearance of radium from the body was determined to be a log-log function,
and back-extrapolation gave the initial body burdens.

The exposure standard for radium-226 was set at 0.1 mCi because no evidence of bone cancer was
seen at this level of exposure. The dose–response curve for bone cancer looks like a threshold
response (56). When it became evident that strontium-90 from atomic weapons tests was widely
disseminated in the environment and from there into milk via grazing cattle, great efforts were made
to formulate standards of exposure in relation to radium-226. This was done by comparing skeletal
cancer induction by radium-226 with strontium-90 in dogs. It was felt that the dosimetry of these
bone-seeking isotopes was too complex to rely on comparisons of the isotopes in terms of absorbed
dose. The distribution of the radionuclides was spotty in the bone and partially buried in the calcium
matrix, and there was uncertainty about which cells were the targets for cancer induction. Hence the
comparison was based on skeletal burdens in relation to tumor induction.
Another isotope of radium, radium-224 (thorium X), a 3.6-day half-life, alpha emitter has been used
to treat children with tuberculosis and ankylosing spondylitis. Bone tumors (osteosarcomas) were
induced with appearance times of 3–22 years after the initial injection (57).
14.3 Plutonium-239 and Plutonium-238
Plutonium-239 and Plutonium-238 are alpha-emitting man-made elements (48). Plutonium-239 has a
half-life of 24,400 years and is the principle fissionable material in atomic weapons. Plutonium 238
has a half-life of 86 years, is intensely radioactive, and is used mainly as a heat source to power
thermoelectric devices such as cardiac pacemakers and batteries for use in space vehicles.

Plutonium localizes principally in the liver and skeleton. Like other actinides (thorium), plutonium is
taken up on the trabecular and periosteal bone surfaces not in the calcium matrix like radium and
strontium. In the bone, plutonium is in relatively close proximity to cancer-inducing target cells and
is a formidable bone carcinogen. Both the GI tract and the skin are impermeable even to the soluble
forms of plutonium, except for penetrating wounds of the skin, and the main route of exposure is by
inhalation. The residence time of insoluble forms of plutonium in the lung is a matter of years, a
half-life of 1500 days. With high levels of exposure in dogs, there is induction of pneumonitis,
followed by pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer. With inhalation exposure to soluble plutonium,
there is rapid redistribution to the liver and skeleton and induction of cancer in both organs.
Although five thousand to ten thousand people have been exposed to plutonium in the atomic energy
industry, the levels have not been sufficient to cause perceptible injury to date.
14.4 Iodine-131
Iodine-131 is a beta-gamma emitting fission-product isotope with a half-life of 8 days that attracted a
great deal of attention because of its wide dissemination via milk from atomic weapons testing (58).
Even with atmospheric tests of atomic weapons as far away as the USSR, iodine-131 was easily
measured in the thyroid glands of children living on the east coast of the United States. Like
strontium-90, iodine-131 posed a cancer threat to children.

Iodine is a component of the thyroid hormone and is concentrated in the thyroid. Thyroid uptake of
radioiodine, as measured by external gamma-ray counting, is used as a diagnostic test of thyroid
function. Its localization in the thyroid gland is also the basis for treating hyperthyroidism by
destroying thyroid tissue to reduce the production of thyroid hormone. Thyroid tumors can be
induced by ionizing radiation, especially in children. This was shown in children whose thyroid
glands were exposed in association with irradiation of the thymus gland as infants (59). External
exposures of the thyroid gland at doses as low as 5–10 rads in children who were treated by X
radiation for ringworm of the scalp showed in the induction of thyroid adenomas and carcinomas
(60). However, equivalent average doses of radiation from iodine-131 have not produced tumors of
the thyroid gland. This apparent discrepancy may be due to inaccurate dosimetry because some of
the beta radiation is lost to the gland when deposited in its outer portions, and much of the
radioiodine is in the inert colloid storage areas in the gland where some of the radiation is absorbed.
However, there is no question that radioactive iodine can produce cancer of the thyroid gland as
evidenced by the study of populations exposed to radioactive fallout in the Marshall Islands and in
the USSR from the Chernobyl release.
14.5 Radon-222
Radon-222 and its decay products are the most important radiation hazard to the lungs (61). It was
the cause of a mysterious illness known since the Middle Ages as “mountain sickness” among
miners in the central European silver mines of Jochimsthal and Schneeberg. The disease was
identified as lung cancer only in the 1920s. Since then lung cancer has occurred among domestic
uranium miners, Chinese tin miners, and other types of miners of different countries where
significant amounts of radon occur.

Radon-222 has a half life of 3.82 days and is the immediate gaseous decay product of radium-226. In
turn, it decays through eight daughters of bismuth, polonium, and lead to reach the stable isotope,
lead-206. The series has an effective half-life of about 30 minutes down to the sixth daughter, Lead-
210, which has a half-life of 22 years and effectively stops radiation in the lung. The series is a
composite of alpha and beta emitters but the alpha radiation accounts for most of the dose. Radon
itself, distributes throughout the body and localizes in fat; its dose in the lung is unimportant
compared to the radiation dose to the mucosa of the lung from the daughters. Radon decay products
are solids and when formed in the air, attach to a considerable extent to smaller airborne particles.
The deposition pattern in the lung follows that of the particles to which the daughters are attached
except for those that are unattached ions. The ions have a high velocity in air and plate out in the
upper part of the respiratory tract, whereas those that are attached to small particles tend to deposit
deeper in the lung in the lower part of the tracheobronchial tree and in the alveoli.

Once deposited on the bronchial mucosa, the radon daughters are entrained in the mucus layer that
coats the mucosa which is propelled by the beating of the mucosal cilia toward the top of the trachea
from whence they are swallowed. The daughters are presumably mixed in with the mucus as it is
being transported. The alpha particles are the most important component of the radiation, but their
penetration is limited to about 70 microns which barely reaches the basal cells of the mucosa; these
cells seem to be the target cells for cancer induction, but this is not known for sure. Inhalation of the
analog of radon-222 daughters, namely, the gamma-emitting daughters of thoron-220 which have an
effective half-life of 10 hours, did not show any clearance from the lung at all (62). It was not
possible with the scintillation counting equipment available at the time to determine whether there
was any redistribution in the bronchial tree. It is evident that the dosimetry of radon daughters is
complex and uncertain.

Of environmental importance is the fact that some homes are situated on radium-rich soils which
emit substantial amounts of radon gas into the homes. Using a linear dose–response model based on
the radon cancer data in mines and extrapolating the risk to homes, it can be estimated that at the
average indoor radon levels of about 15 Bq/m3 (0.1–0.2 WLM), about 5–10% of the total lung
cancer incidence can be attributed to radon. In homes on radium-rich soils, where the radon
concentration can be 20 times higher, close to 50% of the total lung cancer incidence can be
attributed to radon (63). The presumed factor of the greater susceptibility of children to the
carcinogenic effects of radiation lends concern to these estimates. However, the dosimetry of radon
in mines is crude, and there is evidence for a strong interaction with cigarette smoking in the miners
which is applicable to children only in terms of passive exposure to cigarette smoke in the
households of smokers.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

15 Background Radiation
Background radiation occurs from sources external to and within the body. External sources include
cosmic radiation and gamma radiation from uranium and thorium decay chains in soil, rocks, and
building material. Radiation from within the body arises from naturally occurring radionuclides,
mainly potassium-40. Naturally occurring radioactive isotopes that originate outside the body and
enter the body include the gas, radon, and its decay products that arise from radium-226 deposits in
soil that are inhaled and carbon-14 which is produced by the interaction of cosmic radiation in the
atmosphere. Another source of background radiation stems from the diagnostic and therapeutic uses
of radiation.

The effective dose from background sources is the dose in rads (or grays) multiplied by the radiative
weighting factor, which is 20 for alpha particles emitted by radon daughters and multiplied by the
tissue weighting factor which is 0.12 for the lungs. The annual effective dose to the U.S. population
is about 646 millirems of which more than half comes from radon (55%); a total of 82% comes from
natural sources: cosmic (8%), terrestrial (8%), and internal (11%). Man-made sources (18%) include
medical X rays (11%), nuclear medicine (4%), and consumer products (3%). Less than 1% comes
from other sources, including occupational exposure (0.3%) (64).

The intensity of cosmic radiation is a function of altitude. Radiation in Denver is about twice that of
regions at sea level. There are regions of high radiative background on the Colorado Plateau because
of the high content of uranium and thorium in the soil and rocks. A number of places around the
world have high backgrounds for similar reasons. For example, in Kerala, India, the background is
triple that in the United States at 1.3 rem/year. There has been a lack of perceptible increases in
cancer or severe heritable defects in such areas, lending credence to the position that restricting
excess radiation exposures to levels that are double the background level will ensure that no
“detectable” harm will be suffered.

Ionizing Radiation
Roy E. Albert, MD

16 Radiation Protection
Historically, occupational standards were developed separately for radon-222, radium-226, and for
whole body exposure.
16.1.1 Radon-222
Setting a standard for radon-222 to prevent lung cancer is complicated by the fact that radon-222
rarely exists in equilibrium with its daughters. The difficulty was circumvented by using, as a unit of
radon activity, the Working Level (WL), defined as any combination of radon daughters in one liter
of air that releases 1.3 × 105 MeV of alpha energy. This is equivalent to 100 pCi per liter of radon-
222 in equilibrium with its daughters. A pCi is 10–12 Ci. A Ci is 3.7 × 1010 disintegrations per
second (d/s). Therefore 100 pCi is 3.7 d/s for each of the isotopes in the decay chain. Most of the
dose to the tracheobronchial mucosa comes from the alpha-emitting isotopes, polonium-218 (Ra A)
and polonium-214 (Ra C'). When the disintegration rate equivalent to one WL continues for a
working month, which is 170 hours, the cumulative exposure is called a Working Level Month
(WLM). So far as the tracheobronchial mucosa is concerned, a WLM is a total dose from about
1.5 × 107 disintegrations of Ra A and Ra C'. This number of disintegrations can occur during any
period of time, for example, a year. The dose to the bronchial epithelium is 0.2 mrem/year per pCi/L
using a radiation weighting factor of 20. The occupational standard for radon-222 is 4 WLM per
year. This is equivalent to a bronchial dose of 80 rem/year (65).

Radon in homes in the United States averages from 0.5–1.6 pCi/L and 2.7 pCi/L in Scandinavia. The
U.S.EPA has set an “action level at 4 pCi/L suggesting that remedial action should be taken at levels
higher than this. This affects 1 in 12 homes in the United States, a total of about 6 million. The
action levels in Europe are 2 to 5 times higher. The EPA action level of 4 pCi/L is 100 times lower
than the occupational standard. This action level translates into an effective dose of 0.8 rem/year and
a cancer risk of 4 × 10–4/year. Despite the complexity and uncertainty of the lung dosimetry, these
crude dose estimates for the occupational standard are far higher than those permitted for external
exposure. The bronchial dose associated with the EPA action level for background radon exposure is
far higher than the background exposure from other sources.
16.1.2 Radium-226
A standard for radium-226 was based on studies of radium dial workers. The standard is a maximum
body burden of 0.1 mCi. This value was picked because at that body burden, no cases of bone cancer
were observed. Subsequently, the standards for other bone-seeking isotopes were derived mainly
from dog studies that compared the potency of radium-226 with strontium-90 and plutonium-239.
The dosimetry of radioisotopes in bone is so complex that the standards were based on skeletal
burdens rather than on dose estimates.
16.1.3 External Radiation Standards
External radiation standards were originally focused on preventing acute responses, first skin
erythema in the 1920s. Later, with higher energy X-ray machines, the concern shifted to deeper
tissues, particularly the bone marrow, as manifested by depressed white blood counts. Subsequently
there was a shift to preventing more sensitive responses, namely, cancer and mutations. Today,
standards are based largely on preventing cancer. All of these changes were accompanied by
progressively lower standards.

As indicated earlier, the absorbed dose is absorbed energy per gram of tissue (100 ergs/gram). The
absorbed dose is expressed in rads or Grays (Gy = 100 rads). The radiation weighting factor (Wr) is
based on the RBE combined with judgment factors about the relative effectiveness of different kinds
of radiation at low doses. The radiation weighting factor converts the absorbed dose to equivalent
dose measured in rems or sieverts (Sv = 100 rems). The radiation weighting factor for gamma rays
and electrons = 1; protons = 5; alpha particles, fission fragments and heavy nuclei = 20;
neutrons = 5–20, depending on energy (66).

The concept of effective dose is used for stochastic effects (cancer and hereditary effects) with
uniform whole-body radiation. It is a measure of the total harm that can be ascribed to the sum of the
deleterious effects on individual organs. Therefore, effective dose is the sum of the equivalent dose
multiplied by the tissue weighting factor (WT) for each organ. WT = 0.20 for the gonads; 0.12, for
the colon, lung and stomach; 0.05 for the bladder, breast, liver, esophagus, and thyroid; 0.01 for the
skin and bone surfaces; and 0.05 for the remainder (66).

The concepts of committed equivalent dose and committed effective dose are applied to internally
deposited radionuclides where the total dose is obtained by integrating over a period of 50 years.

The concept of collective equivalent dose and collective effective dose is used to express the
radiative dose to an exposed population. It is the average individual dose multiplied by the number
of people exposed. When combined with the cancer risk per unit dose, for example, the collective
dose gives the number of people who will get cancer. The collective equivalent dose is expressed in
person-rads or person-Gy and the collective effective dose is expressed as person-rem or person-

The basic NCRP occupational whole body radiation standard is 1 rem/year (0.01 Sv/year).
Occupational radiation exposure is not permitted under the age of 18, except for training purposes
when the limit is that for the general population described later. The maximum occupational
exposure in any one year, as an effective dose, is 5 rem (0.05 Sv). Extra exposure is allowed for
limited areas of the skin (50 rem/year) and 15 rem/year for the lens of the eye. Emergency
occupational limits up to 50 rem/year are allowed but with subsequent restrictions on exposure.
Occupational exposure of the fetus after pregnancy is declared should be no more than
50 millirem/month (0.0005 Sv/month).

The limit for general population exposure is 0.1 rem/year (0.001 Sv) or 0.5 rem/year if such
exposure is very infrequent. Individuals under the age of 18, if in occupational training, are allowed
the general population exposure limit.

A uniform whole-body exposure to a population is estimated to produce a total detriment of

5.6 × 10–4/rem. This is made up of the sum of 4 × 10–4/rem for fatal cancer and equal contributions
from nonfatal cancer and hereditary effects of 0.8 × 10–4/rem each. The comparable figures for the
general population are somewhat higher because of the higher sensitivity of the young, namely,
7.3 × 10–4/rem, which is made up of 5 × 10–4/rem for fatal cancer, 1 × 10–4/rem for nonfatal cancer,
and 1.3 × 10–4/rem for hereditary effects (66).

A negligible individual dose is one millirem (0.01 mSv). This is the dose below which further
expenditure to improve radiative protection are unwarranted. It carries a risk of between 10–6 and
10–7 of carcinogenesis or heritable effects.

For occupational radionuclide exposures, the Annual Limit On Intake (ALI) (67) is the maximum
intake in a year whose committed equivalent dose would not exceed the occupational limit.

All of the radiative standards are coupled with the ALARA principle: as low as reasonably
achievable, given economic and social factors. This makes the standards upper limits of exposure.
The concept is that all exposure is potentially harmful. No unnecessary exposure should be allowed.
Facilities should be designed to keep exposure to a minimum and not as much as the standard. No
exposure should be permitted unless risks, benefits, and alternatives are considered.

Ionizing Radiation


Cited Publications
1 E. L. Alpen, Radiation Biophysics, 2nd ed., Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1998.
2 E. J. Hall, Radiobiology for the Radiologist, 4th ed., Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, PA,
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4 R. D. Evans, The Atomic Nucleus, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955.
5 R. E. Lapp and H. L. Andrews, Nuclear Radiation Physics, 4th ed., Prentice-Hall,
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6 A. P. Casarett, Radiation Biology, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1968.
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25 J. Michell et al., Differing sensitivity to fluorescent light in Chinese hamster cells containing
equally incorporated quantities of BUdR versus IUdR. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 10,
1447–1451 (1984).
26 S. Dische, Chemical sensitizers for hypoxic cells: A decade of experience in radiotherapy.
Radiother. Oncol. 3, 97–115 (1985).
27 H. M. Patt et al., Cysteine protection against x-irradiation. Science 110, 213–214 (1949).
28 J. M. Yuhas, J. M. Spielman, and F. Culo, The role of WR2721 in radiotherapy and/or
chemotherapy. In L. Brady, ed., Radiation Sensitizers, Masson, New York, 1980, pp. 303–
29 A. M. Kellerer and H. H. Rossi, RBE and the primary mechanism of radiation action.
Radiat. Res. 47, 15–34 (1971).
30 E. A. Blakely et al., Heavy ion radiobiology. Adv. Radiat. Biol. 11, 295–389 (1984).
31 B. Palcic and L. D. Skarsgard, Reduced oxygen enhancement ratio at low doses of ionizing
radiation. Radiat. Res. 100 328–339 (1984).
32 E. P. Cronkite and V. P. Bond, Radiation Injury in Man, Thomas, New York (1960).
33 H. J. Muller, Artificial transmutation of the gene. Science 66, 84–87 (1927).
34 W. L. Russell, The effects of radiation dose rate and fractionation on mutation in mice. In F.
H. Sobels ed., Repair of Genetic Radiation Damage, Pergamon, New York, 1963, pp. 205–
35 Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Health Effects of Exposure to
Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation, National Academy of Sciences/National Research
Council, Washington, DC, 1990.
36 W. L. Schull, M. Otake, and J. V. Neal, Genetic effects of the atomic bomb: A reappraisal.
Science 213, 1220–1227 (1981).
37 L. B. Russell and W. L. Russell, An analysis of the changing radiation response of the
developing mouse embryo. J. Cell. Physiol. 43 (Suppl. 1), 1030–1049 (1952).
38 Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, The Effects on Populations of
Exposure to Low Levels of ionizing Radiation, National Academy of Sciences/National
Research Council, Washington, DC, 1980.
39 M. Otake and W. J. Schull, In utero exposure to A-bomb radiation and mental retardation: A
reassessment. Br. J. Radiol. 57, 409–414 (1984).
40 National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurents, Review of NCRP Radiation Dose
Limit for Embryo and Fetus in Occupationally Exposed Women, Rep. No. 53, NCRP,
Bethesda, MD, 1977.
41 H. S. Kaplan, The role of radiation in experimental leukemogenesis. Natl. Cancer Inst.
Monogr. 14, 207–220 (1964).
42 R. E. Albert et al., The morphology and growth characteristics of radiation induced epithelial
skin tumors in the rat. Cancer Res. 29, 658–668 (1969).
43 R. E. Albert, F. J. Burns, and P. Bennett, Radiation-induced hair follicle damage and tumor
formation in mouse and rat skin. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (U.S.) 49, 1131–1137 (1972).
44 R. J. M. Fry and J. B. Storer, External radiation carcinogenesis. Adv. Radiat. Biol. 13, 31–90
45 F. J. Burns et al., Tumor induction and hair follicle damage for different electron
penetrations in rat skin. Radiat. Res. 67, 474–481 (1976).
46 F. J. Burns et al., The effect of a 24 hour fractionation interval on the induction of rat skin
tumors by electron radiation. Radiat. Res. 62, 478–487 (1975).
47 United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR),
Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation, Report to the General Assembly, United
Nations, New York, 1988.
48 Commitee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Health Risks of Radon and other
Internally Deposited Alpha-Emitters, National Academy of Sciences/National Research
Council, Washington, DC, 1988.
49 G. R. Merriam, A. Szechter, and E. F. Focht, The effects of ionizing radiations on the eye.
Front. Radiat. Ther. Oncol. 6, 346–385 (1972).
50 R. E. Albert et al., Follow-up study of patients treated by X-ray epilation for Tinea capitis.
II. Results of clinical and laboratory examinations. AMA Arch. Environ. Health 17, 919–934
51 A. C. Upton, The biological effects of low-level ionizing radiation. Sci. Am. 46, 41–49
52 C. Medvedovsky and B. V. Worgul, Neutron effects on the lens. Radiat. Res. 128, S103–
S110 (1991).
53 G. W. Casarett, Radiation Histopathology, Vols. 1 and 2. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1980.
54 M. Goldman, R. J. Catlin, and L. Anspaugh, Health and environmental consequences of the
Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. In E. L. Alpen, R. O. Chester, and D. R. Fisher,
eds., Population Exposure to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Gordon & Breach, New York, 1988,
pp. 335–342.
55 Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, in Health Risks of Radon and
other Internally Deposited Alpha-Emitters, National Academy of Sciences/National
Research Council, Washington, DC, 1988, pp. 176–244.
56 R. E. Rowland, A. F. Stehney, and H. F. Lucas, Dose-response relationships for female
radium dial workers. Radiat. Res. 76, 368–383 (1978).
57 C. W. Mays, H. Spiess, and A. Gerspach, Skeletal effects following Ra224 injection into
humans. Health Phys. 35, 83–90 (1978).
58 F. W. Whicker and T. Kirchner, Pathways: dynamic foodchain model to predict radionuclide
ingestion after fallout deposition. Health Phys. 19, 493–499 (1987).
59 R. E. Shore et al., Thyroid tumors following thymus irradiation. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 74,
1177–1184 (1985).
60 R. E. Albert and A. R. Omran, Follow-up study of patients treated by X-radiation for Tinea
capitis. I. Population characteristics, post-treatment illness, and mortality experience. AMA
Arch. Environ. Health 17 899–918 (1968).
61 Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, in Health Risks of Radon and
other Internally Deposited Alpha-Emitters, National Academy of Sciences/National
Research Council, Washington, DC, 1988, pp. 24–158.
62 R. E. Albert and L. C. Arnett. Clearance of radioactive dust from human lung. AMA Arch.
Environ. Health 12, 234–242 (1955).
63 W. Jacobi, Carcinogenic effects of radiation on the human respiratory tract. In A. C. Upton
et al., eds., Radiation Carcinogenesis, Elsevier, New York, 1986, pp. 261–278.
64 National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP), Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the
Population of the United States, NCRP Rep. No. 93, NCRP, Washington, DC, 1987.
65 National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP), Evaluation of Occupational and
Environmental Exposures to Radon and Radon Daughters in the United States, NCRP Rep.
No. 78, NCRP, Washington, DC, 1984.
66 International Commission on Radiological Protection, Recommendations, Rep. No. 60,
Pergamon, New York, 1991.
67 International Commission on Radiation Protection, Limits for Intake of Radionuclides by
Workers, ICRP Publ. No. 30, Pergamon, New York, 1979.

Gary P. Bond, Ph.D., DABT

1 Introduction to Metallocenes
Metallocenes are organometallic complexes with a central metal atom attached to aromatic ligands.
Group II iron, which has a 2+ valence, was in one of the earliest metallocenes, but group IV metals
such as titanium are currently more common. For group IV metallocenes, halides (e.g., chlorine),
pseudohalides (e.g., carboxylates), or other similar molecules can also be attached to the metal.
There is some debate among metallocene scientists whether one or two aromatic ligands are required
for the complex to be a metallocene, but it is currently generally accepted that two aromatic ligands
attached to the metal are a basic definitional criterion for metallocenes (1).

Metallocenes have been used as chemical intermediates, antiknock additives to gasoline, lubricants,
and for other uses, but the main current application is as catalysts in the plastics industry.
Metallocenes are also currently being actively investigated as a cancer treatment agent. Catalysts,
substances that initiate or speed up desirable chemical reactions, have made possible the
development of several modern plastic polymers. Metallocene catalysts are improved over the initial
plastics polymerization catalysts of the 1950s of Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta (Ziegler–Natta
catalysts), which catalyzed polymerization of ethylene and propylene into polyethylene and
polypropylene. Metallocenes provide better control of polymerization, making it possible to create
plastics with physical properties designed for particular uses. For example, precise control over
polymer growth allows making plastics that are durable for gearwheels or can withstand high
temperatures for piping. The billions of pounds of plastics produced and sold every year can be light,
waterproof, resistant to corrosion, and used in such items as water pipes, trash bags, hair combs,
fibers for clothing and road construction, and packaging for food and medicines, just to name a few

Metallocene catalysts, first synthesized in 1953 by John Birmingham, contain a metal. Unlike the
Ziegler–Natta catalysts, metallocenes contain just a single atom of metal. The basic metallocene
structure is
The metal is frequently titanium or zirconium but can be hafnium, tin, germanium, or another group
IV metal. Group II metals, chromium, cobalt, and iron, can also be the metal in the metallocene.
Group IV metals are linked to two rings of carbon atoms (e.g., cyclopentadienyl or a wide variety
and complexity of other cyclic molecules), which can be linked to one or more other groups. These
other groups are often other carbon atoms with attached hydrogens (2). The other carbon-based
groups attached to the cyclic molecules can also vary in complexity from methyl groups to longer
chain carbon groups, some with unsaturated double bonds. For a more complete and thorough
description of the chemistry of the metallocene catalysts refer to such technical references as the
Kirk–Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (3). Because of the widespread production of
plastics via metallocene catalysts, metallocenes have become worthy of consideration for potential
effects on the worker and the workplace. The antitumor effects of metallocenes underscore the
importance of this consideration for protecting workers from workplace chemicals that interact with
nuclear material and the cellular duplication process. Two important examples of metallocene
catalysts discussed in this chapter are ferrocene and titanocene. Ferrocene, an atypical group II
metallocene that has iron (Fe) as the central metal with two cyclopentadiene cyclic groups has no
halide groups and is considered first because it was one of the early metallocenes. Ferrocene is the
first metallocene to have the “sandwich” structure created by two cyclopentadiene rings attached to
the metal. Titanocene, with group IV titanium as the metal, has two cyclopentadiene rings and two
chlorine molecules attached to the metal. Little toxicological data are available at present for most
metallocenes and limits the number of metallocenes covered in this chapter. If metallocenes are
developed into anticancer agents for humans, the amount of available toxicological data will
certainly increase. The initial chemical listed, dicyclopentadiene, although not a metallocene, is
presented as a baseline for its health effects, and the intention is to compare it to dicyclopentadiene
iron and the other metallocenes presented.

Gary P. Bond, Ph.D., DABT

2 Metallocenes as Cytostatic Anticancer Drugs

Numerous studies have compared the cancer potency and toxicity of several metallocenes (4–14).
The anticancer potential of metallocenes has been investigated in cell culture and in intact animals.
Metallocene dichlorides were the first organometallic complexes that exhibited both antitumor and
antiviral activities. Although early studies considered that they act similarly to the cell cycle
arresting agent cisplatinum, later studies suggested that the metallocene dihalides have additional
cytostatic mechanisms. Metallocene dihalides form DNA adducts, and they also disrupt DNA, RNA,
and protein synthesis. Because of these additional cytostatic effects on cancerous cells at doses that
are relatively nontoxic and clearly less toxic than cisplatinum, metallocene dihalides are being
considered for development as human cancer treatment drugs for such human cancers as ovarian

Different structural variants of metallocene dihalides have been tested. In vitro testing of group IV
metals showed that vanadium is ~ 10- to 100-fold more potent than titanium and molybdenum which
were ~ 10- to 100-fold more potent than zirconium and hafnium. Similar potency relationships were
observed in vivo. Titanium-based metallocene exhibits increased potency compared to the vanadium
Gary P. Bond, Ph.D., DABT

1.0 Dicyclopentadiene
1.0.1 CAS Number: [77-73-6]

1.0.2 Synonyms: 1,3-Cyclopentadiene dimer; 3A,4,7A-tetrahydro-4,7-methanoindene;


1.0.3 Trade Names: NA

1.0.4 Molecular Weight: 132.22

1.0.5 Molecular Formula: C10H12

1.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (15, 16)

1.1.1 General Dicyclopentadiene is a colorless crystalline solid.
Boiling point 172°C
Melting point 33.6°C
Solubility (at 20° insoluble in water; soluble in 95% ethanol, carbon tetrachloride, acetic acid, and
C) petroleum ether
Flash point 32°C (90°F)
Stability stable
Density 0.93 g/mL at 35°C
Specific gravity 0.979 at 20/20°C
Vapor pressure 10 mm Hg at 47.6°C
Vapor density 4.55 g/mL
Viscosity 0.736 centipoise at 21°C
Octanol/water partition coefficient log Kow = 2.89 (estimated)

1.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Dicyclopentadiene has a disagreeable, camphor-like odor that is
not distinguishable from the odor of other hydrocarbons with closely related structures, such as
terpenes. Human sensory response studies indicate that dicyclopentadiene can be detected in the
range of 0.003–0.2 ppm but does not become noticeably irritating below 10 ppm. It must be inhibited
and maintained under an inert atmosphere to prevent polymerization.
1.2 Production and Use
Dicyclopentadiene is produced by recovery from hydrocarbon streams from high temperature
cracked petroleum fractions. It is also a by-product of the coke oven industry. Cyclopentadiene
polymerizes to dicyclopentadiene on standing. It is used as a chemical intermediate for insecticides,
certain (e.g., EPDM) elastomers, metallocenes, paints and varnishes, and flame retardants for plastics
(15, 16).
1.3 Exposure Assessment
1.3.1 Air Although no air-specific method of exposure assessment was reported, analysis of products
and residues of dicyclopentadiene can be done by gas–liquid chromatography with a flame
ionization detector (16).

1.3.2 Background Levels Dicyclopentadiene has been reported in effluent samples as a result of
pesticide production.

1.3.3 Workplace Methods None reported.

1.3.4 Community Methods None reported.

1.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers None reported.

1.4 Toxic Effects
1.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity (15–18) Dicyclopentadiene causes mild to severe
eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation, and severe response of the eyes and skin result from 24-
hour exposure. The acute toxicity varies with the route of exposure. The LD50/LC50 in mice has
been reported as 200 mg/kg (i.p.), 190 mg/kg (oral), and 145 ppm/4 hours (inhalation). The LD50
and LC50 in rats has been reported as 200 mg/kg (i.p.), 353 mg/kg (oral), and 500 ppm/4 hours
(inhalation). The LD50 and LC50 in rabbits have been reported as 5080 mg/kg (dermal) and
771 ppm/4 hours (inhalation). The inhalation LC50 in guinea pigs is 770 ppm/4 hours and the oral
LD50 in cattle is 1200 mg/kg. Pathological findings following acute lethal exposures were typical for
large doses of irritant hydrocarbons, namely, general congestion, hyperemia, and focal hemorrhage
in affected organ tissues such as the lung, kidney, and bladder. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Rats were exposed to dicyclopentadiene by inhalation for
7 hours per day, 5 days per week for 10 days at levels of 72, 146, and 332 ppm (17, 18). Death,
observed only in the highest dose group, included all six males and females by day 4 of dosing and
was characterized by convulsions, hemorrhage in the lungs, blood in the intestines, and blood in the
thymus (females only). In similarly exposed mice at 47, 72, and 146 ppm, all mice exhibited
convulsive deaths on the first day of exposure. Death at 72 ppm occurred in five of six mice of each
sex during the 10 days of exposure and was not associated with the convulsions or gross lesions
observed in rats. No deaths occurred at 47 ppm and no other effects of treatment were observed.
Male beagles (1 per group) were also exposed similarly to levels of 20, 40, and 72 ppm. Signs of
toxicity included inactivity at 72 ppm, diarrhea and excessive salivation on day 2 with hind quarter
spasticity on day 9 at 47 ppm, and diarrhea at 20 ppm. No treatment-related gross lesions were

Groups of 12 male and female rats were exposed to dicyclopentadiene by inhalation at levels of 19.7,
35.2, and 73.8 ppm, 7 hours per day, 5 days per week for 89 days (17, 18). Some convulsions were
observed only in the highest dose group. Mean body weight gains were significantly reduced for the
highest dose group through only the first four days of exposure. Organ weights exhibited no clear
treatment-related effects. Kidney effects, which included tubular degeneration, were observed in
males and females of the two high-dose groups, and males exhibited increased frequency and
severity. Three dogs per group of male beagles were exposed using the same dosing schedule of 8.9,
23.5, and 32.4 ppm. Clinical chemistry was the only biological parameter affected by treatment with
dicyclopentadiene, and this occurred only at the highest dose. The microscopic pathology of 28
organs and electrocardiograms were normal.

The results of other chronic and subchronic toxicity tests were reported in the literature but could not
be confirmed by obtaining the original literature. Refer to various databases in Ref. 16 for additional
information. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms (16) In general, although some

dicyclopentadiene can be exhaled unchanged, most of that absorbed is hydroxylated in the liver,
undergoes glucuronide conjugation, and is excreted in the urine. When dicyclopentadiene was given
by mouth to lactating cows, only trace amounts were secreted in the milk, and the majority was
contained in the urine and feces. Reproductive and Developmental (19) The National Toxicology Program (NTP) reported the
completion of teratology studies in rats and rabbits at doses of 50, 200, 300, 400, and 500 mg/kg.
Dicyclopentadiene was administered by oral gavage. The results of these studies were not available. Carcinogenesis None reported. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies The NTP (19) and the EPA GENETOX (16, 20)
programs reported that dicyclopentadiene was negative in the Salmonella typhimurium histidine
reversion assay. Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization None reported.

1.4.2 Human Experience Human sensory responses to dicyclopentadiene were studied in three
human volunteers (18). The odor threshold was reported as low as 0.003 ppm. In two of the subjects
exposed to 1 and 5.5 ppm for 30 minutes, one subject experienced mild eye and throat irritation after
7 minutes at 1 ppm, and the other subject reported olfactory fatigue after 24 minutes. Eye irritation
was reported after 10 minutes, but no olfactory fatigue was reported by either test subject at 5.5 ppm.
The researcher interpreted these results to indicate that dicyclopentadiene does not lose its warning
properties under conditions of longer exposures. During the conduct of these studies, which also
included animal studies as reported in section 1.4, workers accidentally exposed to
dicyclopentadiene reported headaches during only the first 2 months of the 5-month study period. No
other information was found regarding human effects of exposure to dicyclopentadiene (17, 18).
1.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV for dicyclopentadiene is 5 ppm as an 8-hour TWA. The NIOSH REL is 5 ppm as a
10-hour TWA. The OSHA PEL is 5 ppm as an 8-hour TWA. The ACGIH TLV has been adopted
and/or is the same value as standards in numerous other countries such as those in Europe, Australia,
Colombia, Jordan, Korea, and New Zealand (15–17).
1.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None reported.

Gary P. Bond, Ph.D., DABT

2.0 Ferrocene
2.0.1 CAS Number: [102-54-5]

2.0.2 Synonyms: dicyclopentadienyl iron; biscyclopentadienyliron; iron bis (cyclopentadiene)

2.0.3 Trade Names: Catane, Ferrosten

2.0.4 Molecular Weight: 186.05

2.0.5 Molecular Formula: (C5H5)2Fe

2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
2.1.1 General Ferrocene is an orange crystalline solid (16).
Boiling 249°C
Melting 173–174°C
Solubility 19 g/100 g benzene, 10 g/100 g catalytically cracked gasoline, 6 g/100 g jet fuel (JP-
4), 5 g/100 g diesel fuel, insoluble in water, slightly soluble in petroleum ether
Flash point unknown
Stability stable
Sublimes >100°C
Specific unknown
Vapor 0.03 mm Hg at 40°C
Iron content 29.4–30.6%

2.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Ferrocene has a camphor-like odor and reacts violently with
ammonium perchlorate. It is classified as a flammable solid.
2.2 Production and Use
Ferrocene is produced from the reaction of cyclopentadiene with reduced iron in the presence of
metal oxides. It is used as a catalyst for vulcanization acceleration and polymerization, as a chemical
intermediate for polymeric compounds such as high temperature polymers, as an antiknock additive
for gasoline, as a coating for missiles and satellites, and as a high-temperature lubricant (16).
2.3 Exposure Assessment
2.3.1 Air NIOSH Methods 173 (21) and 351 (20, p. v7 351-1) are available air sampling methods for
iron, and the analytical laboratory methods use atomic absorption and atomic emission spectroscopy,
respectively (16).

2.3.2 Background Levels None reported.

2.3.3 Workplace Methods See 2.3.1.

2.3.4 Community Methods See 2.3.1.

2.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers No information is available for ferrocene.

The use of biomonitoring/biomarkers for iron should be considered in instances of suspected

ferrocene overexposure. Refer to the section on iron in this publication.
2.4 Toxic Effects
The toxicological properties of ferrocene have not been extensively investigated. Toxic effects have
usually been associated with the iron in the ferrocene, but some data indicate that cyclopentadienyl
may be a causative agent in liver cirrhosis (see

2.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Ferrocene may cause eye, skin, and respiratory
tract irritation. The LD50 in mice has been reported as 335 mg/kg (i.p.), 178 mg/kg (i.v.), 600 mg/kg
(oral), and 832 mg/kg (oral). In the rat, the LD50 is 500 mg/kg (i.p.) and 1320 mg/kg (oral) (16, 22). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Male and female rats and mice were exposed to vapors of
ferrocene for 6 hours/day for 2 weeks at target concentration levels of 2.5, 5, 10, 20, and 40 mg/m3
(actual levels of 2.33, 5.29, 9.89, 20.02, and 36.47 mg/m3) (23). No mortality, clinical signs of
toxicity, or gross histological effects were observed. Decreased body weight gains in treated versus
control animals were observed for the male rats and mice exposed to 40 mg/m3 ferrocene and the
female mice exposed to 10, 20, and 40 mg/m3. Relative liver weights decreased in male rats
(40 mg/m3). Dose-related decreases were observed in relative liver and spleen weights (male and
female mice) and relative spleen weights (female mice). The thymus weights were increased in a
dose-related manner in male mice. Nasal turbinates, lungs, liver, and spleen were observed
microscopically. The only effect observed was inflammation of the nasal turbinates in both species
with a dose-dependent severity. Observed toxic effects from ferrocene inhalation were attributed to

Male and female dogs received ferrocene in gelatin capsules at doses of 30, 100, and 300 mg/kg/day
for 6 months and at 1000 mg/kg for 3 months (24). No deaths or urinalysis differences, except for an
amber color of urine, were associated with ferrocene exposure. A dose-related accumulation of iron
with hemosiderosis was observed (liver, spleen, bone marrow, adrenals, lungs, gastrointestinal tract,
lymph nodes, testes). Blood effects (decreased hemoglobin, packed cell volume, and erythrocyte
count) occurred within 4 weeks at 300 mg/kg. Liver cirrhosis, considered to be related to the
cyclopentadiene, was observed in the 300- and 1000-mg/kg group. Dose-related testicular hypoplasia
was observed. Treatment of other dogs with ferrous sulfate determined that only liver cirrhosis was
specifically ferrocene-related because the other effects were related to iron overload. No other effects
were observed during 12–26 months after treatment ended.

Male and female rats and mice were exposed to vapors of ferrocene for 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for
13 weeks at target concentration levels of 3, 10, and 30 mg/m3 (actual levels of 3.06, 10.06, and
29.89 mg/m3) (25). No mortality, clinical signs of toxicity, or gross histological effects were
observed. Decreased body weight gains versus control animals were observed in the male rats at 3
and 30 mg/m3 of ferrocene and in female mice at 3 and 10 mg/m3. Increases in the lung burden of
iron were dose- and time-related. Decreased thymus and testes weights in male rats and liver weights
in female rats (3 and 30 mg/m3) and decreased liver (all doses), heart, and spleen (30 mg/m3) in
female mice were observed. Increased relative liver weights (30 mg/m3 male rats, 10- and 30-mg/m3
female rats, and 30-mg/m3 male mice) and kidney weights (30-mg/m3 male rats) were observed.
Decreased relative liver weights were observed in female mice (3 mg/m3). No ferrocene-related
changes were observed in respiratory function, lung biochemistry, bronchoalveolar lavage cytology,
total lung collagen, clinical chemistry, and hematology. Exposure-related histopathological lesions,
primarily iron accumulation, were observed in the nose, larynx, trachea, lung, and liver of both
species and in the kidneys of mice. Nasal lesions were dose-related in severity and included
necrotizing inflammation, metaplasia, and regeneration. Observed toxic effects from ferrocene
inhalation were attributed to iron ions released from the ferrocene. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The metabolism of ferrocene was studied in
rats following a 17-minute inhalation exposure (26). Ferrocene deposition was significant in the
nasopharynx and lungs. The half-life for clearance of radiolabeled iron was 200 days for the
bronchopulmonary region and 70 days for the nasopharyngeal region. Within 24 hours after
exposure, 75% of the radiolabeled hydrogen was cleared from the respiratory tract. For the retained
radiolabeled iron, 90% was in the bronchopulmonary and nasopharyngeal regions of the lungs, 10%
was in the liver, and 1% was in the spleen. Reproductive and Developmental Dose-related testicular hypoplasia was observed in dogs
that received ferrocene in gelatin capsules at doses of 30, 100, and 300 mg/kg/day for 6 months and
at 1000 mg/kg for 3 months (24). Treatment of other dogs with ferrous sulfate determined that this
effect was related to iron overload because administered ferrous sulfate caused similar effects. Carcinogenesis Ferrocene was administered by intramuscular injection at a dose of
5175 mg/kg/2 years. By the criterion established by the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical
Substances (RTECS), ferrocene was an equivocal tumorigenic agent and tumors were most evident
at the site of multiple injections (16, 27). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Ferrocene was tested for the potential to cause
genetic mutations by point and frameshift mutations in bacteria (Salmonella typhimurium), by sister
chromatid exchange in Chinese hamster ovary cells, and by heritable effects (sex chromosome
loss/nondysjunction and heritable translocation test) in Drosophila melanogaster (28–30). Results
indicate that ferrocene is not mutagenic.

2.4.2 Human Experience None reported.

2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure (16)
The ACGIH TLV for ferrocene is 10 mg/m3 as an 8-hour TWA. The NIOSH REL is 10 mg/m3 as a
10-hour TWA for total dust and 5 mg/m3 for the respirable fraction. The OSHA PEL is 15 mg/m3 as
an 8-hour TWA for total dust and 5 mg/m3 for the respirable fraction. The ACGIH TLV has been
adopted and/or is the same value as standards in numerous other countries. The U.S. EPA, Canada,
and Mexico have drinking water standards for iron of 0.3 mg/L.
2.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None reported.

Gary P. Bond, Ph.D., DABT

3.0 Titanocene Dichloride

3.0.1 CAS Number: [1271-19-8]

3.0.2 Synonyms: dicyclopentadiene titanium; dichlorotitanocene; bis (cyclopentadienyl) titanium


3.0.3 Trade Names: NA

3.0.4 Molecular Weight: 248.99

3.0.5 Molecular Formula: (C5H5)2TiCl2

3.0.6 Molecular Structure:

3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (16)

3.1.1 General Titanocene dichloride is a reddish-orange crystalline solid.
Melting point 289°C
Solubility moderately soluble in toluene, chloroform, alcohol, and other hydroxylic
solvents; sparingly soluble in water, petroleum ether, benzene, ether, carbon
disulfide, and carbon tetrachloride
Stability stable (tetravalent titanium compounds are the most stable of the variable
valence compounds of titanium)
Density/specific 1.6

3.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties (16) Titanocene dichloride is irritating to the skin and mucous
3.2 Production and Use
Titanocene dichloride is produced by the reaction of titanium tetrachloride with cyclopentadienyl
sodium. It is used as a research chemical, as a catalyst in Ziegler–Natta polymerization reactions, and
as an implant material in orthopedics, oral surgery, and neurosurgery. Titanocene dichloride is being
investigated as a chemotherapeutic agent (16).
3.3 Exposure Assessment
3.3.1 Air Atmospheric concentrations of titanium have been reported at an average urban
concentration of 0.04 mg/m3 with a maximum concentration of 1.10 mg/m3 (16, 31).

3.3.1 Background Levels Titanium, an apparently nonessential metal for humans or animals, has
been detected in North American rivers at levels of 2–107 mg/L with mean concentrations in U.S.
drinking water of 2.1 mg/L. Titanium has been detected in food and seafood (levels unreported) (31).

3.3.2 Workplace Methods NIOSH Methods 7300 (32), 600 (33), and 500 (34) are available air
sampling methods for titanium, and the analytical laboratory methods use atomic emission
spectroscopy, gravimetric (respirable dust fraction), and gravimetric (airborne particulate matter)
procedures, respectively (16).

3.3.3 Community Methods NIOSH method 3111 is available for determining titanium in water and
wastewater by using direct aspiration atomic absorption spectrometry (35).

3.3.4 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers (16) Blood None reported. Urine NIOSH method 8310 is available for detecting titanium in urine by using atomic
emission spectroscopy (36). Other The estimated body burden of titanium is ~15 mg, most of which is in the lungs as a
result of inhalation exposure (31).
3.4 Toxic Effects (16)
The toxicological properties of titanium dichloride have not been extensively investigated. Toxic
effects have usually been associated with the titanium.

3.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Titanocene dichloride may cause skin and
mucous membrane irritation. The LD50 in mice has been reported as 60 mg/kg (i.p.), and 180 mg/kg
(i.v.). In the rat, the LD50 is 25 mg/kg (i.p.) (16, 22). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity In studies conducted as part of the National Toxicology
Program (NTP), titanocene dichloride was administered by gavage in corn oil to male and female
rats for 14 days, 13 weeks, or 2 years (37).

In the 14-day study, titanocene dichloride was administered at doses of 0, 65, 125, 250, 500, or
1,000 mg/kg (37). All high-dose rats and four of the five males and two of the five female rats given
500 mg/kg died during the studies. A dose-related decrease in body weight gain was seen in rats at
all but the 65-mg/kg dose. Treatment-related lesions included hepatocellular necrosis, tubule
necrosis in the kidney, erosions and ulcers of the glandular stomach, and hyperplasia of the
forestomach epithelium.

In the 13-week study, titanocene dichloride was administered at doses of 0, 8, 16, 31, 62, or
125 mg/kg (37). One female rat in the highest dose group died due to the titanocene dichloride
during the fourth week of the studies. Body weight gain was reduced compared to controls in rats
given 62 or 125 mg/kg. Histopathological lesions related to treatment with titanocene dichloride
were observed in the stomachs of high-dose males and all groups of females. Hyperplasia and
metaplasia of the glandular stomach and hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis of the forestomach were

In the 2-year study, titanocene dichloride was administered at doses of 0, 25, and 50 mg/kg (37).
These doses were selected based on the stomach and body weight effects observed in the 3-week
study. The principal toxic effects of administering titanocene dichloride for 2 years occurred in the
stomach. Lesions observed at 15 months were similar to, but less severe than, those observed at 2
years. The lesions included focal erosions of the glandular mucosa, inflammatory responses,
hyperplastic and metaplastic responses, and fibrotic changes. Effects were observed in both groups
administered titanocene dichloride, but not in control animals. Macrophages with blue-gray pigment
accumulated in many organs of dosed rats including the gastrointestinal tract, liver, lung, and lymph
nodes. The pigment was believed to contain titanium. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa and lung
was also attributed to administration of titanocene dichloride, resulting from reflux and/or
regurgitation and aspiration of gavage solution due to the severe stomach lesions. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption Titanium compounds

are generally considered to be poorly absorbed upon ingestion and inhalation (38). However,
detectable amounts of titanium can be found in the blood, brain, and parenchymatous organs of
individuals in the general population; the highest concentrations are found in the hilar lymph nodes
and the lung. Titanium is excreted with urine (16). Distribution The subcellular distribution of titanium in the liver of mice was determined at
24 and 48 hours after administering titanocene dichloride (39). At 24 hours, titanium was
accumulated mainly in the cytoplasm of endothelial and Kupffer cells lining the hepatic sinusoids.
Titanium was also detected in the nucleoli and the euchromatin of liver cells. It was packaged as
granules together with phosphorus and oxygen. At 48 hours, titanium was still present in cytoplasmic
inclusions within endothelial and Kupffer cells, but there were only a few deposits in hepatocytic
nucleoli. Titanium was found in hepatocyte cytoplasm, incorporated into cytoplasmic inclusion
bodies which were considered most likely to be lysosomes. Location of these inclusions near bile
canaliculi with occasional extrusion of the content into the lumen of bile capillaries suggests biliary
elimination of titanium.

Titanium concentrations were not elevated in mouse embryos after injection (i.p.) of pregnant mice
on day 10, 12, or 14 of gestation compared to untreated controls (40). On day 16 of gestation, after
the period of organogenesis, small amounts of titanium were detectable in the fetal compartment in
excess of that of controls. These results are consistent with the result of a teratology study in which
there was an absence of histological lesions in developing embryonal organs and a lack of multiple
teratogenic effects in newborns after application of therapeutic doses of titanocene dichloride to
pregnant mice during embryonal organogenesis (see section The teratogenic effect is
considered to result from indirect effects on the maternal animal such as altered hormonal status (40–
42). Excretion (16) Titanium is excreted with urine, and gastrointestinal excretion via the bile is
possible (38, 39). Reproductive and Developmental The teratogenic and embryotoxic effects of titanocene
dichloride were investigated after intraperitoneal injections of single therapeutic doses of titanocene
dichloride (30 or 60 mg/kg) to pregnant mice on days 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16 of gestation (43). The
fetuses were removed on day 18 by caesarean section and examined for external, internal, and
skeletal malformations, as well as for toxic effects of treatment. Cleft palate was observed in
numerous fetuses (10% of the fetuses at 30 mg/kg; 40–50% of the fetuses at 60 mg/kg) after
titanocene dichloride administration on days 10 and 12. Skeletal malformations were observed in
some fetuses. No other malformations were observed. Toxic effects of treatment included a
decreased number of live fetuses per litter, dose-dependent reduction of mean fetal body weight, and
delayed skeletal ossification. The lack of a broad range of effects observed with other cytostatic
chemicals was consistent with effects on maternal hormonal status, namely, increased cortisol
release (42). Carcinogenesis Based on the results of 2-year gavage studies, the National Toxicology
Program determined that there was equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity of titanocene
dichloride in male and female rats based on a marginal increase in the incidence of forestomach
squamous cell effects. Refer to study results in section for more details (37). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies (16) Titanocene dichloride was evaluated for
mutagenic potential as part of the EPA GENETOX and National Toxicology Programs. Positive and
negative mutagenic effects were observed, consistent with the equivocal carcinogenic data and
characterization by the National Toxicology Program. The results were as follows:

positive in Salmonella typhimurium strain TA100 in the absence of exogenous metabolic

activation/S9 microsomal enzymes and negative in TA100 with S9 (44);
negative in all other Salmonella typhimurium strains with or without S9 (44);
inconclusive in bacteria Escherichia coli polA point mutation assay without S9 microsomal
enzymes (45);
negative in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae host-mediated assay (45);
positive and dose-responsive in mouse cell transformation (45);
negative for sister chromatid exchanges or chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary
cells, with or without S9 (45);
positive in unscheduled DNA synthesis assay using human fibroblasts (in vitro) (45);
positive in SHE-clonal assay and in the transformation of rat embryo cells (45);
positive in neoplastic transformation of a cloned mouse cell line, hamster embryo cells, and
virally-infected rat embryo cells (20); Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization None reported.

3.4.2 Human Experience The spermicidal activity of several metallocene complexes on human
sperm was investigated (46). Of the metallocene complexes investigated, neither titanocene
dichloride nor any other metallocenes except vanadium-based metallocenes caused immobilization
of sperm.
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None reported.
3.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None reported.

Gary P. Bond, Ph.D., DABT

4.0 Vanadocene Dichloride

4.0.1 CAS Number: [12083-48-6]
4.0.2 Synonyms: cyclopentadienylvanadiumdichloride, bis; bis (cyclopentadienyl) vanadium

4.0.3 Trade Names: NA

4.0.4 Molecular Weight: 252.04

4.0.5 Molecular Formula: (C5H5)2VCl2

4.0.6 Molecular Structure:

4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

4.1.1 General Vanadocene dichloride is a pale green crystalline solid (15, 16).
Boiling not available
Melting >250°C
Solubility (at 10–50 mg/mL in DMSO; <1 mg/mL in 95% ethanol; <1 mg/mL in acetone; soluble in
20°C) chloroform, ether, benzene, and many organic solvents; insoluble in petroleum ether;
slightly soluble in carbon disulfide and carbon tetrachloride
Flash point not available
Stability sensitive to air and moisture
Specific 1.60
Density 1.60 g/mL
Vapor not available

4.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None reported.

4.2 Production and Use
Vanadocene dichloride is used like other metallocenes as a catalyst, ultraviolet absorber, reducing
agent, free radical scavenger, antiknock agent in gasoline, and as a developmental anticancer drug
4.3 Exposure Assessment
None reported.
4.4 Toxic Effects (15, 16)
Little toxicity information was found. The only toxicity reported is in reference to vanadium
compounds, which act chiefly as irritants to the conjunctivae of the eye and the mucous membranes
of the respiratory tract. The oral LD50 in rats was reported at 87 mg/kg. Vanadocene dichloride was
tested using the Ames bacterial mutagenicity assay, but the results of the assay were not available by
press time.

4.4.1 Experimental Studies Very little data was reported other than those listed in the section on
metallocenes as cytostatic anticancer drugs.

4.4.2 Human Experience The spermicidal activity of several metallocene complexes on human
sperm was investigated (46). Of the metallocene complexes investigated, only vanadium-based
metallocenes caused immobilization of sperm.
4.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None reported.
4.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None reported.

Gary P. Bond, Ph.D., DABT

5.0 Cobaltocene
5.0.1 CAS Number: [1277-43-6]

5.0.2 Synonyms: bis (cyclopentadienyl) cobalt

5.0.3 Trade Names: NA

5.0.4 Molecular Weight: 189.13

5.0.5 Molecular Formula: (C5H5)2Co

5.0.6 Molecular Structure:

5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

5.1.1 General Cobaltocene is a black-purple crystalline solid (15, 16).
Boiling point not available
Melting point 173–174°C
Solubility (at 5–10 mg/mL in DMSO; <1 mg/mL in water; <1 mg/mL in 95% ethanol; 50–
20°C) 100 mg/mL in acetone; soluble in other hydrocarbons
Flash point not available
Stability sensitive to air and moisture
Specific not available
Density not available
Vapor pressure not available

5.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None reported.

5.2 Production and Use
Cobaltocene is used to catalyze the synthesis of pyridines from alkynes and nitriles, as a
polymerization inhibitor of olefins up to 200°C in Diels–Alder reactions, and as a paint drier and
oxygen stripping agent (15).
5.3 Exposure Assessment
None reported.
5.4 Toxic Effects
Little toxicity information was found. The intraperitoneal LD50 is 55 mg/kg and 80 mg/kg in the rat
and mouse, respectively. Intramuscular doses of 200 mg/kg intermittently for 60 weeks caused
tumors at the dose site. Cobaltocene was classified as an equivocal tumorigenic agent. It was tested
using the Ames bacterial mutagenicity assay, but the results of the assay were not available by press
time (15, 16).
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV and NIOSH REL for cobalt is 0.02 mg/m3 as an 8-hour TWA. The ACGIH lists
an A3 designation for cobalt because it is considered an animal carcinogen. The NIOSH IDLH is
200 mg/m3. The relevance of the cobalt standard to cobaltocene itself has not been determined (15,
5.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None reported.



Cited Publications
1 S. Palackal, Phillips Petroleum Company to R. Jayaraman, Phillips Petroleum Company,
personal communication with e-mail to G. P. Bond, Phillips Petroleum Company, January
19, 1999.
2 J. A. Ewen, New chemical tools to create plastics. Sci. Am., May, 1997, pp. 1–8.
3 J. Kroschwitz, ed., Kirk-Othmer Concise Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Wiley,
New York, 1998.
4 H. Kopf and P. Kopf-Maier, Titanocene dichloride—the first metallocene with cancerostatic
activity. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Eng. 18(6), 477–478 (1979).
5 P. Kopf-Maier et al., In vitro cell growth inhibition by metallocene dichlorides. Cancer
Chemother. Pharmacol. 5(4), 237–241 (1981).
6 P. Kopf-Maier et al., Tumor inhibition by metallocenes: Activity against leukemias and
detection of systemic effect. Eur. J. Cancer 17(6), 665–669 (1981).
7 P. Kopf-Maier et al., Induction of cell arrest at G1/S and in G2 after treatment of Ehrlich
ascites tumor with metallocene dichlorides and cis-platinium in vitro. J. Cancer Res. Clin.
Oncol. 106(1), 44–52 (1983).
8 P. Kopf-Maier and D. Krahl, Tumor inhibition by metallocenes: Ultrastructural localization
of titanium and vanadium in treated tumor cells by electron energy loss spectroscopy. Chem.
Biol. Interact. 44(3), 317–328 (1983).
9 P. Kopf-Maier and G. Hermann, Cytologic observations on the effects of metallocene
dichlorides on human fibroblasts cultivated in vitro. Virchows Arch. B, 47(2), 107–122
10 P. Kopf-Maier and H. Kopf, Antitumor metallocenes: New developments and toxicologic
features. Anticancer Res. 6(2), 227–233 (1986).
11 P. Kopf-Maier et al., Antitumor properties of organometallic complexes of tin and
germanium. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 114(5), 502–506 (1988).
12 J. H. Murray and M. M. Harding, Organometallic anticancer agents: The effect of the central
metal and halide ligands on the interaction of metallocene dihalides Cp2MX2 with nucleic
acid constituents. J. Med. Chem. 37(13), 1936–1941 (1994).
13 V. J. Moebus et al., Antitumor activity of new organometallic compounds in human ovarian
cancer cell lines and comparison to platin derivatives. Anticancer Res. 17(2A), 815–821
14 J. Aubrecht et al., Molecular genotoxicity profiles of apoptosis-inducing vanadocene
complexes. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 154, 228–235 (1999).
15 National Toxicology Program (NTP), Chemical Repository Information, Radian
Corporation, 1991.
16 MICROMEDEX®TOMES Plus®. 1999. Interactive WWW System, Toxicology,
Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Series. Databases used: CHRIS—
Chemical Hazard Response Information System, HSDB—Hazardous Substances Database,
HAZARDTEXT®—Hazard Management, MEDITEXT®—Medical Management, New
Jersey DHSS Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet, NAERG—North American Emergency
Response Guidebook Documents, NIOSH Pocket Guide, OHM/TADS—Oil and Hazardous
Materials/Technical Assistance Data System, RTECS®—Registry of Toxic Effects of
Chemical Substances, SARATEXT®.
17 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Dicyclopentadiene.
Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices, 6th ed.,
ACGIH, Washington, DC, 1991, pp. 451–452.
18 E. R. Kinkead et al., The mammalian toxicity of dicyclopentadiene. Toxicol. Appl.
Pharmacol. 20, 552–561 (1971).
19 National Toxicology Program (NTP), TRP92049 and TRP92050 - Dicyclopentadiene, NTP,
Washington, DC. Website: http://ntp-server.niehs.nih.gov 1999.
20 EPA GENETOX Program (1988), as cited in Ref. 16.
21 U.S. Department of Health, Education Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease
Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety Health, NIOSH Manual of Analytical
Methods, 2nd ed., Vols. 1–7, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1977–
present, p. V1 173–1.
22 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Dicyclopentadienyl
iron. Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices, 6th ed.,
ACGIH, Washington, DC, 1991, pp. 453–454.
23 J. D. Sun et al., Two-week, repeated inhalation exposure of F344/N rats and B6C3F mice to
ferrocene. Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 17, 150–158 (1991).
24 R. A. Yeary, Chronic toxicity of dicyclopentadienyliron (ferrocene) in dogs. Toxicol. Appl.
Pharmacol. 15, 666–676 (1969).
25 K. J. Nikula et al., Thirteen-week, repeated inhalation exposure of F344/N rats and B6C3F1
mice to ferrocene. Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 21, 127–139 (1993).
26 A. R. Dahl and T. J. Briner, Biological fate of a representative lipophilic metal compound
(ferrocene) deposited by inhalation in the respiratory tract of rats. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.
56, 232–239 (1980).
27 Progress Report for Contract No. PH-43-64-886, Submitted to the National Cancer Institute
by the Institute of Chemical Biology, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
(PH43-64-886), as listed in Ref. 15 (RTECS).
28 S. Haworth et al., Salmonella mutagenicity test results for 250 chemicals. Environ. Mutagen.
Suppl. 1, 95 (1983).
29 S. Zimmering et al., Chemical mutagenesis testing in Drosophila. II. Results of 20 coded
compounds tested for the National Toxicology Program. Environ. Mutagen. 7, 87–100
30 S. M. Galloway et al., Development of a standard protocol for in vitro cytogenetic testing
with Chinese hamster ovary cells: Comparisons of results for 22 compounds in two
laboratories. Environ. Mutagen. 7, 1–51 (1985).
31 P. B. Hammond and R. P. Beliles, Metals. In J. Doull, C. D. Klaassen, and M. D. Amdur,
eds., Casarett and Doull's Toxicology, 2nd ed., Macmillan, New York, 1980, p. 459.
32 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease
Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH Manual of Analytical
Methods, 3rd ed., Vols. 1 and 2 with 1985 supplement and revisions, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1984, p. 7300–7301.
33 Reference 26 - p. 0600–1.
34 Reference 26 - p. 0500–1.
35 M. A. Franson ed., Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 17th
ed. 1989, pp. 3–13.
36 Reference 26 - p. 8310–1.
37 National Toxicology Program (NTP), TR399 - Titanocene Dichloride, NTP, Washington,
DC, 1991.
38 L. Friberg et al., eds., Handbook of the Toxicology of Metals, 2nd ed., Vols. 1 and 2,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1986, p. V2 594.
39 P. Kopf-Maier et al., Virchows Arch. 57(4), 213–222 (1989).
40 P. Kopf-Maier et al., Transplacental passage of titanium after treatment with titanocene
dichloride. Toxicology 48(3), 253–260 (1988).
41 P. Kopf-Maier and S. Gerlach, Patterns of toxicity of titanocene dichloride in mice. Blood
and chemical parameters. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 111, 243 (1986).
42 P. Kopf-Maier, Glucocorticoid induction of cleft palate after treatment with titanocene
dichloride. Toxicology 37, 111–116 (1985).
43 P. Kopf-Maier and P. Erkenswick, Teratogenicity and embryotoxicity of titanocene
dichloride in mice. Toxicology 33, 171–181 (1984).
44 Progress Report for Contract No. PH-43-64-886, Submitted to the National Cancer Institute
by The Institute of Chemical Biology, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
(PH43-64-886), as listed in Ref. 16 (RTECS), p. 137.
45 V. C. Dunkel et al., Comparative neoplastic transformation responses of Balb/3T3 cells,
Syrian hamster embryo cells, and rausher murine leukemia virus-infected Fischer 344 rats
embryo cells to chemical carcinogens. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 67(6), 1303–1312 (1981).
46 O. J. D'Cruz et al., Spermicidal activity of metallocene complexes containing vanadium (IV)
in humans. Biol. Reprod. 58, 1515–1526 (1998).

Neurotoxicology and Behavior

William K. Boyes, Ph.D.

1 Importance of Considering Neurotoxicity

1.1 Neurotoxic Episodes
Neurotoxicity is important to consider as a component of occupational and environmental safety and
health programs. The failure to do so has contributed to a number of tragic cases in which workers,
consumers of manufactured products, and people exposed in the environment were irreparably
harmed by exposure to industrial compounds that proved toxic to the nervous system (1–3). The
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has listed neurotoxic disorders as
one of the ten leading occupational problems in the United States (4, 5). Many of the most severe
environmental, industrial, and commercial human health disasters attributable to chemical exposure
have involved neurotoxic effects (6). In Detroit, Michigan, in 1934, for example, an automotive
redesign required grinding large amounts of excess lead solder from each car. Inhalation of the
resulting lead dust produced between 2,700 and 4,000 cases of lead poisoning whose symptoms
ranged from mild gastrointestinal upset to severe neurological deficits, including peripheral
neuropathy and encephalopathy. As many as 12 people may have died. In another case that occurred
during the Prohibition Era, a single batch of the popular ethanol-based elixir “Ginger Jake” was
adulterated with tri-o-cresylphosphate (TOCP). This batch was then distributed throughout the
southeastern and midwestern United States. As many as 50,000 people suffered peripheral
neuropathy caused by degeneration of the large, long axons in the peripheral nerves of the legs and
spinal cord (7). In a food contamination episode, 459 people were killed and more than 6,500
became ill in Iraq from methylmercury which was applied as a fungicide to seed grain intended for
planting, but which was instead ground into flour and cooked into bread (8, 9). Methylmercury was
also the cause of environmental poisonings in Minamata Bay, Japan, in which industrial effluent
discharged into the Bay bioconcentrated in the food chain and eventually led to exposure of
thousands of inhabitants who consumed seafood from the bay (10, 11). The effects on Minamata
children exposed in utero were particularly severe. Since that time methlymercury poisoning has
been referred to as “Minamata disease.”

Fortunately, catastrophic disasters are relatively rare occurrences that typically involve exposures to
high concentrations of neurotoxic compounds. A more common concern in occupational and
environmental settings is exposure to lower levels of potentially neurotoxic compounds, for long
periods of time. It is important to consider neurotoxicity in long-term, low-level exposure situations.
Many occupational and environmental exposure standards have been established on the basis of
effects on the nervous system. There is also concern that subtle neurotoxic damage might not be
evident at the time of exposure due to the plasticity and functional reserve capacity of the nervous
system but may become manifest later (12–14). Damage inflicted long ago may become evident as
individuals age or undergo other stresses. Alternatively, low-level exposure to neurotoxic
compounds may cause a progressive accumulation of damage that becomes apparent only over an
extended period of time. The possibility that there could be a latent period between exposure to
neurotoxic compounds and the time at which functional impairments become evident should be

Neurotoxicology and Behavior

William K. Boyes, Ph.D.

2 General Description of the Nervous System

The nervous system is diverse and complex. It contains many different types of cells, each expresses
unique proteins that can act as selective targets for neurotoxic compounds. The cells of the nervous
system operate using many different neurotransmitter substances and second messenger systems and
interact in complex networks that perform many vital functions. A simplified view of the role of the
nervous system is that it receives information through the sensory systems, processes and integrates
that information in the central nervous system, and then takes actions through the motor systems.
The nervous system also is responsible for regulating many vital life functions through the
autonomic nervous system and helps control the neuroendocrine and neuroimmune systems as well.
More extensive information on the structure and function of the nervous system can be found in a
number of excellent sources such as Kandel et al. (35).
2.1 Structure of the Nervous System
2.1.1 Regions of the Nervous System The nervous system as a whole consists of the central nervous
system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord,
and the PNS includes the sensory and motor nerves that innervate the many peripheral organs and
tissues of the body. Peripheral nerves enter and leave the CNS through the cranial nerves, connecting
directly to the brain, and spinal nerves that enter the spinal cord through the dorsal spinal roots
(sensory nerves) or leave the spinal cord through the ventral spinal roots (motor nerves). The spinal
cord is divided into four sections including the cervical, nearest the head; the thoracic, in the upper
trunk; the lumber, in the lower trunk; and the sacral at the base of the spine. The brain includes the
hindbrain that contains the brainstem (the pons and medulla) and the cerebellum, the midbrain, and
the forebrain, including the diencephalon (the hypothalamus and thalamus), the cerebral hemispheres
and other underlying structures, including the basal ganglia, the hippocampus, and the amygdaloid
nucleus. The central nervous system is covered by meninges, a set of three protective membranes
called the dura, the arachnoid, and the pia. The CNS is also protected by the blood–brain barrier,
which limits diffusion of large and polar compounds from the blood into the CNS.

2.1.2 Cellular Components of the Nervous System The nervous system contains two distinct classes
of cells, the nerve cells (or neurons) and the glial cells (or glia). Nerve cells are the primary
information-processing cells of the nervous system. The more numerous glial cells serve a variety of
roles, including physical structure and support, electrical insulation, metabolic and nutritive activity,
maintenance of the extracellular ionic balance, forming part of the blood–brain barrier, and
responding to injury. Neurons Neurons come in many different shapes and sizes, but there are general
characteristics that are representative for most of them. The cell body contains a nucleus and
extranuclear organelles. Two types of structures extend from the cell body: dendrites and the axon.
Neurons may have between one and many dendrites, which are typically long, multibranched
structures. The dendrites contact other neurons to receive and integrate incoming neural signals. The
other structure coming from the cell body is a single axon, which may branch many times, and
transmits neural activity from the neuron to other cells. The axon of some neurons is covered
intermittently by a myelin sheath, formed by specialized glial cells, that serves to increase the
velocity of nerve impulse transmission. The region where one nerve cell transmits information to
another is called the synapse. In the CNS, a single cell may have thousands of synaptic contacts with
other neurons. Glia There are several different types of glial cells that play complex roles in the normal
structure and function of the nervous system and in the response to injury. The major types of glia in
the CNS are astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia.

Astrocytes Astrocytes were named for their “starlike” appearance resulting from the abundance of
processes extending from the cell body. Astrocytes are often located between neurons and blood
vessels. The foot processes of astrocytes surround the capillaries and play a role in forming the
blood–brain barrier. The fibrous type of astrocyte is abundant in the gray matter of the central
nervous system and undergoes hypertrophy in response to neural injury.

Oligodendrocytes Oligodendrocytes are the type of glial cell that forms the myelin sheath for axons
in the CNS. A different type of cell named the Schwann cell produces myelin in the PNS. One
oligodendrocyte may form a myelin sheath around the axons of several different neurons. The
myelin sheath is a multilayered spiral wrapping around the axon that is composed of lipid-rich
material. This covering electrically insulates portions of the axon and increases the velocity of nerve
conduction. The high lipid content of the brain provided by myelin is a reason that lipophilic
compounds often show preferential distribution to brain tissues.

Microglia Microglia are the type of glial cells that function as macrophages in the central nervous
system. The microglia respond to CNS injury by enlarging, becoming more prolific, and then by
phagocytic ingestion of cellular debris. Normally, the CNS is considered “immune privileged,”
meaning that the normal blood-borne immunological cells usually do not enter the CNS in response
to damage or infection. The presence of immunological cells within the CNS indicates a breakdown
of the normal barriers.

2.1.3 Blood–Brain Barrier The concept of a diffusional barrier between the blood and the brain
developed from observations that vascular injection of dyes stain many tissues of the body, yet do
not stain brain tissues. The so-called blood–brain barrier is a misnomer, however, because it is not an
absolute, but rather a selective or semipermeable diffusion barrier between the blood and the brain.
The capillary endothelial cells in the brain are joined by tight junctions and lack the fenestrations and
intracellular clefts found in other organs that allow relatively free exchange between the blood and
the tissues. In addition, the capillaries of the brain are entirely surrounded by foot processes of
astrocytic glial cells. This capillary structure limits diffusion of large and polar molecules from the
blood into the brain tissue. The dyes used in the early studies of the blood–brain barrier were largely
bound to proteins that could not penetrate into the brain. Smaller lipophylic dyes, however, do cross
from the blood into the brain, demonstrating that the blood–brain barrier is relatively permeable to
these types of compounds. The physiological role of the blood–brain barrier is the protection of the
extracellular concentrations of ions, glucose, and protein, as well as the pH and osmolarity of the
brain. All of these factors are critical to neuronal function. Selective uptake mechanisms in the brain
capillaries are responsible for transporting specific nutrients such as particular ions, amino acids, and
glucose. As a result of the blood–brain barrier, many potentially toxic compounds are effectively
excluded from the brain. Compounds that have ready access to the brain include lipophilic
compounds that move readily across lipid bilayers of epithelial and astrocytic cell membranes and
may concentrate in brain tissues. In addition to passive diffusion, many compounds are actively
transported into the brain, including compounds that resemble necessary nutrients, and are
transported into the brain by the nutrient uptake pathways.

There are regions of the brain that do not have a blood–brain barrier. These include the
circumventricular organs, the olfactory bulbs, and the optic nerve near the lamina cirbrosa. The
circumventricular organs are regions of the brain that contain chemoreceptors that monitor blood
constituents or that monitor and produce hormones. Access to plasma filtrates is necessary for the
function of these areas. A list of the circumventricular organs includes the area postrema, median
eminence, neurohypophysis, subcommissural organ, and choroid plexus. Areas of the brain not
protected by a blood–brain barrier may be at risk of neurotoxicity from compounds that are excluded
from the other areas of the brain. Further information about the role of the blood–brain barrier in
neurotoxicity can be found in Jacobs (36).
2.2 Function of the Nervous System
Information is processed within neurons electrically and transmitted between neurons both
electrically (gap junctions) and chemically. This combination of electrical and chemical signaling
forms the basis of neuronal activity. Many neurotoxic compounds alter neuronal function by
disrupting these processes.

2.2.1 Electrical Properties of Excitable Nerve Cells Electrical informational processing by nerve
cells begins with an ionic charge differential between the intracellular and extracellular sides of the
cell membrane. The interior of nerve cells is usually about 60–70 mV more negative than the
outside, a difference called the resting membrane potential. The resting membrane potential results
from an uneven distribution of Na+, K+, and Cl– ions and negatively charged organic acids and
proteins. The cell membrane separates high extracellular Na+ and intracellular K+ concentrations.
Negatively charged chloride ions in most cells align with a higher concentration outside the cell than
inside so that a balance between the forces is created by the charge and ionic concentration
differentials. The ionic concentration gradients are maintained through an energy-dependent process.
The Na+–K+ pump, also known as Na+–K+ ATPase, transports Na+ ions out of the cell and K+ ions
into the cell against electrical and chemical concentration gradients through an energy-dependent
process. Intracellular concentrations of Ca2+ are typically low, allowing this ion to serve as an
intracellular second messenger substance, and also protecting against toxicity associated with high
intracellular Ca2+.

In the area of the dendrites and axon cell body, synaptic input leads to transient depolarizing or
hyperpolarizing changes in the resting membrane potential. Synaptic input may excite the cell by
opening Na+ channels, causing the membrane to become permeable to Na+ ions. Na+ ions then enter
the cell through the opened channels along charge and concentration gradients, resulting in
depolarization of the transmembrane potential. Other synaptic contacts are linked to chloride
channels. Opening of chloride channels allows Cl– ions to flow into the cell and make the inside of
the membrane more negative than the normal resting membrane potential, or “hyperpolarized”.
Hyperpolarization counteracts depolarizing currents and makes the cell less likely to fire. Chloride
ion-based hyperpolarizing currents are called inhibitory currents. These excitatory and inhibitory
currents spread in a graded fashion along the cell membrane. At any one time, the cell body trans-
membrane potential reflects an integrated sum of the activity of the many incoming synaptic contacts
acting upon that cell.

The region of the neuronal cell body that contacts the axon is called the axon hillock. In this region,
the graded potentials of the dendrites and cell body can be transformed into an all-or-none signal
called the action potential. When the transmembrane potential reaches a criterion depolarization
voltage, the voltage-sensitive ion channels in the region of the axon hillock open. Opening of
voltage-sensitive Na+ channels leads to an inward flow of depolarization current carried by
positively charged Na+ ions. Shortly afterward, voltage-sensitive K+ channels open, and Na+
channels begin to close. Because the membrane is now permeable to K+ and the transmembrane
potential is depolarized, K+ ions move out of the cell and create repolarizing potassium current. This
rapid wave of depolarization–repolarization is called the axon potential. Unlike the graded potentials
of the dendrites and cell body, the action potential occurs in an all-or-none fashion and is transmitted
down the entirety of the axon.

In nonmyelinated axons, the wave of reciprocal sodium and potassium currents that constitute the
action potential spreads continuously down the length of the axon. The speed with which action
potentials spread, termed the “nerve conduction velocity,” is relatively slow in nonmyelinated axons.
In contrast, the transmembrane ion currents in myelinated axons occur only at exposed portions of
the axon located between the insulated axon segments that are called the nodes of Ranvier. By
restricting the current flow to the nodes of Ranvier, the wave of depolarization need not occur along
the entire axon but leapfrogs rapidly from one node to the next down the length of the fiber. The
nerve conduction velocity in a typical nonmyelinated axon might be a few meters per second,
whereas myelinated axons can transmit nerve impulses as rapidly as 50–70 m/sec. Exposure to
compounds that damage myelin, such as triethyltin or lead, reduces nerve conduction velocity (37).
Electrical resistance to transmembrane currents, which is lower in larger diameter fibers, also
influences nerve conduction velocity. Larger diameter axons have faster nerve conduction velocities.
Myelinated axons tend to be larger in diameter than nonmyelinated axons, further adding to their
advantageous conduction velocity.

2.2.2 Chemical Neurotransmission Across the Synapse When an impulse traveling down an axon
reaches the region of the nerve terminal, the electrical signal of the action potential becomes
converted to a chemical message for transmission across the synapse. The presynaptic region of the
nerve terminal contains voltage-sensitive calcium channels that open when the action potential
depolarization enters the terminal region of the nerve. Ca2+ ions enter the cell according to their
charge and concentration gradients. The resulting rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration causes
small vesicles that contain neurotransmitter molecules to fuse with the presynaptic cell membrane
and release the neurotransmitter substance into the synaptic cleft. Neurotransmitter molecules
contact receptor proteins on the cell membrane of the postsynaptic cell. Contact of the
neurotransmitter substance with the postsynaptic receptor can lead to several different events,
depending upon the type of receptor involved. Postsynaptic events can involve neurotransmitter
receptors linked to ion channels that can then lead to either excitatory or inhibitory postsynaptic
currents as described earlier. Alternatively, postsynaptic receptors can be linked to intracellular
second messenger systems that drive many different types of responses or alter the sensitivity of the
cell to further stimulation.

After the neurotransmitter substance acts on the postsynaptic receptors, it is normally removed from
the synapse rapidly, which preserves the discrete nature of neural signaling. Removal of the
neurotransmitter may involve passive diffusion, active reuptake into the presynaptic nerve terminal,
or enzymatic degradation. The latter is particularly important for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine,
which is broken down into acetate and choline by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Inhibition of
acetylcholinesterase is the primary target of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides and several
chemical weapon nerve agents such as sarin. Compounds that inhibit acetylcholinesterase cause a
buildup of still active molecules of acetylcholine in the synapse, leading to repeated and prolonged
stimulation of the postsynaptic cell. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter in the central and peripheral
nervous systems, notably at neuromuscular junctions and postganglionic neurons of the autonomic
nervous system. Acute overexposure to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors leads to a variety of signs and
symptoms characteristic of cholinergic overexcitation, including salivation, lacrimation, urination,
and defecation (the “SLUD” syndrome). In addition, cholinergic overstimulation produces pupil
constriction (miosis), muscle fasciculations and tremor, headache, blurred vision, and mental
confusion. Exposure to high doses can lead to respiratory paralysis and death.

In addition to acetylcholine, many substances have been identified as neurotransmitters. This list of
known or suspected neurotransmitters continues to grow with new neurobiological research. A
partial listing of some of the major established neurotransmitters includes acetylcholine; the
catecholamines epinepherine, norepinephrine and dopamine; serotonin; the excitatory amino acids
glutamate and aspartate; the inhibitory neurotransmitters gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and
glycine; the family of endogeneous opioids; and a variety of peptides such as substance P. Each
neurotransmitter may act on several different types of receptors. The application of molecular
biological techniques to identify new neurotransmitter receptor molecules has recently led to a rapid
expansion of the number and types of receptors known.

Many neurotoxic and neuroactive compounds act at voltage-sensitive and ligand-gated ion channels
(38–42). Among the compounds active at Na+ channels are tetrodotoxin from Japanese puffer fish, a
variety of toxins from different species of scorpions and dinoflagellates, and pyrethroid and DDT
insecticides. The pyrethroids prolong the duration of the opened state of the Na+ channel and cause
spontaneous depolarization of the resting membrane potential and repetitive action potentials to a
single stimulus input (42). Type II pyrethroids keep the channel open longer than Type I pyrethroids,
which may account for the differences in toxicity. Compounds that block K+ channels include
tetraethylammonium and 4-aminopyridine. Compounds active at Ca2+ channels include a number of
divalent metallic cations such as Pb2+ (43), Hg2+ (44), and Cd2+ (45). In addition to elemental
mercury, methylmercury also blocks Ca2+ channels (46, 47). Many compounds interfere with
intracellular second messenger systems or intracellular calcium signaling such as Pb (48, 49), and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (50).

2.2.3 Energy Metabolism in the Nervous System The brain demands a high flow rate of metabolic
energy. The brain accounts for a large proportion of the cardiac output and consumes a large amount
of oxygen. Unlike other organs, the brain consumes almost all of its energy in the form of glucose
used through oxidative metabolism. The more active neurons become, the more active the metabolic
machinery must become in response. This high metabolic demand makes the central nervous system
particularly vulnerable to interruption of the supply of blood and oxygen and to compounds that
interfere with glucose metabolism or which otherwise impair oxidative respiration, such as carbon
monoxide. Exposure to carbon monoxide or to other hypoxic gases causes a series of symptomatic
and behavioral changes that progress with increasing dose. Feelings of headache and nausea are
commonly reported during CO exposure, but systematic investigations of behavioral deficits during
low level exposure have produced inconsistent results (51). Of course, exposure to high
concentrations is lethal.

2.2.4 Axonal Transport The axonal processes of neurons range in length from relatively short, as in
CNS interneurons, to very long for sensory and motor cells. The latter reach from the spinal cord out
to the end processes in the periphery. At the extreme are sensory neurons that innervate the toes,
have cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglion at the spinal cord, and send an ascending process to the
brain stem at the top of the spinal cord before synapsing. These single cells can be more than five
feet long. Much of the material necessary for maintaining the structure and function of the axon and
terminal regions is synthesized in the cell body and transported along the length of the axon. This
axonal transport process is vulnerable to disruption by certain types of compounds, especially in the
largest and longest axons. Disruption of axonal transport leads to degeneration of the axonal segment
distal to the blockage site.
2.3 Response to Injury
The neurons of the central nervous system are derived from neuroblastoma cells during
development. These cells divide, migrate to their positions in the mature brain, differentiate into
mature cell types, and establish functional synaptic contacts as a part of normal developmental
processes. Once the maturation process is completed, however, neurons in the CNS lose the ability to
replace themselves. When neurons die in the CNS of mature mammals, they are not replaced. In
recent years there have been interesting reports that, in some cases, neurons in the CNS can
regenerate. However, in mammalian species, the vast majority of the evidence is that mature CNS
neurons are not replaced. Lost neurons are lost forever.

A permanent loss of neurons does not necessarily mean that the functions performed by that neural
tissue are also lost forever. The remaining neural tissue retains a great deal of plasticity. Even in the
mature brain, synaptic contacts are continuously being modified through changes in structure and
functional plasticity. Patients who suffer from brain injury often experience gradual recovery as
remaining areas of the brain subsume lost functions. The recovery may not restore function to its
original state, however, because the loss of the brain tissue can diminish the overall functional
capacity of the brain. Reduced overall functional capacity may lower the ability to deal with future
challenging or stressful situations and impair recovery from further injury. Conceptually, a loss of
reserve capacity could also cause the functional deficits from normal aging to appear earlier (14).

Axons that are sufficiently damaged degenerate. Severing an axon from the cell body interrupts the
flow of essential materials and nutrients from the cell body down the axon. The segment of the axon
distal to the cut degenerates gradually over a period of weeks to months in a characteristic sequence
of changes referred to as Wallerian degeneration. Cells that have synaptic contact with damaged
neurons may be affected. Trophic factors associated with synaptic function are required to maintain
viable contacts. When one neuron degenerates, the loss of trophic factors can cause a range of
transsynaptic changes in the contacted neurons ranging from mild to so severe as to cause
degeneration in the contacted neuron.

Damaged dendrites and axons can regenerate, although repair is often incomplete. This repair
process is linked to the functional plasticity of the nervous system and the ability of neuronal
processes to change in a use-dependent fashion. Central nervous system axons, however, typically
fail to regenerate more than short processes. These abbreviated fibers do not establish restored
functional connections. Improving the ability of severed nerve fibers in the CNS and PNS to
regenerate and form functional contacts with lost targets is an active area of neuroscience research,
particularly with regard to spinal cord injuries. At the present time, however, the ability to recover
from neurotoxic or other injuries to neurons and their processes in the CNS must be considered
limited at best.

The capacity for repair of nerve fiber injury and recovery of function in the PNS is better than in the
CNS. If the original pathway of the nerve fiber, the nerve sheath, is intact after the injury, it is likely
that the fibers can regenerate and form functional contacts again. A study of acrylamide intoxication
in baboons demonstrated the gradual decline of electrophysiological function in peripheral sensory
and motor nerves during the course of chronic treatment and when treatment ceased, a gradual return
to normal approximately two years later (52). If the pathway is blocked or disrupted, however, then
it is likely that regeneration will not be successful. In the peripheral nervous system, additional
branches from remaining healthy nerves might replace lost fibers. In the case of motor neurons, this
can result in more muscle fibers being innervated by a single motor neuron. Electrophysiological
studies that stimulate an individual motor nerve fiber elicit a larger muscle response than normal due
to the higher number of motor units innervated. In the case of sensory neurons, such as those
innervating the skin, the process is similar. If surviving neighbor neurons innervate a region of
previous denervation, then the ability to discriminate between stimulation of the skin in different
locations is reduced in proportion to the increased size of the receptive field surface innervated by
the individual surviving neurons.

2.3.1 Glial Response Injury to the central nervous system induced by physical trauma, hypoxia, or
neurotoxicant exposure elicits a stereotypical response pattern. The glial fibrillary astrocytes play a
prominent role in this response. Following injury, the astrocytes surrounding the damaged region
hypertrophy, support the physical structure of the remaining brain tissue, and clean up the damage.
Microglial cells then invade the area and digest and remove cellular debris, as would macrophages
elsewhere in the body. An astrocytic glial scar remains in the site of a lesion.

The hypertrophy of astrocytes in response to injury is associated with an increased amount of glial
proteins. A protein expressed only in fibrillary astrocytes, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), has
become useful as a general marker for neurotoxicant-induced injury to the CNS (53–55). This glial
marker is useful in part because of the uniform nature of the astrocytic response to neural injury.
Given the diverse nature of neural tissue, it is difficult to predict what neurochemical or
neuroanatomical measures are sufficient to ensure that an experimental toxicity study does not miss
subtle nervous system damage. An assay of GFAP utilizes the brain's own injury response system to
signal neural damage and therefore can detect many types of damage.

Neurotoxicology and Behavior

William K. Boyes, Ph.D.

3 Neurotoxic Outcomes
3.1 Pathological Changes
Spencer and Schaumburg classified different types of neurotoxic damage, depending upon the region
of the nervous system and cell types involved (56). Neurotoxic substances may damage neuronal cell
bodies and produce a neuronopathy, they may damage the axon and produce an axonopathy, or they
may damage the myelin and produce a myelinopathy. In addition, the damage may occur in the
central and/or peripheral nervous system. Chang reviewed neurotoxicological aspects of
neuropathology (57).

3.1.1 Neuronopathy Pathological changes in neurons can be observed as a response either to injury
to the axonal processes or to the cell body (19, 56, 57). Damage to the axon can produce a reaction in
the neuronal cell body called central chromatolysis. This reaction is observed microscopically as a
slight distending of the cell body and dissolution of the Nissel substance (the neuronal version of
rough endoplasmic reticulum) beginning around the nucleus and extending over time to involve the
entire cell. Central chromatolysis has been observed in neurons of the dorsal root ganglion after
methylmercury poisoning and in neurons of the brain stem after alkyl lead poisoning. Neurons may
survive axonal injuries and sprout new processes.

A somewhat different reaction to injury is called peripheral chromatolysis. In this case, there is a
slight reduction in neuronal size and depletion of the Nissel substance in the peripheral portions of
the cytoplasm. The reaction is observed in motor neurons of the spinal cord anterior horn after
degeneration or atrophy of muscles.

Atrophy and degeneration of neurons are irreversible injuries. Neurons in the process of
degeneration often shrink in size and become hyperchromatic. Acute intoxication may initially
produce neuronal or axonal swelling and vacuolation, which eventually is followed by atrophy and
degeneration. In some cases, an accumulation of neurofibrils is observed in the cytoplasm of
neurons. This is called neurofibrillary degeneration and is commonly seen in Alzheimer's patients. A
similar fibrillary condition, but not identical, has been observed in animals intoxicated with
aluminum. Neuronal death (necrosis) is observed as a densely stained cell body and condensed
nuclear chromatin called pyknosis.

3.1.2 Axonopathy Neurotoxic substances may cause damage to nerve axons. Axonopathies are
classified by the site of damage: close to the cell body, a proximal axonopathy, or far from the cell
body, a distal axonopathy. Axonopathies are typically characterized by a tangled accumulation of
neurofilaments inside the axon, which blocks axonal transport and causes transported materials to
accumulate. The axonal segment around the tangle swells as a result of the accumulated material.
Giant axonal swellings are a hallmark of axonopathy. In some cases, the swellings resolve if
treatment with the neurotoxic compound is terminated, but in other cases the portion of the axon
distal to the swellings degenerates in a Wallerian fashion. Depending on the dose level and dose rate,
experimental exposure to b,b'-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) can produce proximal giant axonal
swellings, whereas exposure to acrylamide, n-hexane, or carbon disulfide can produce distal axonal
swellings (58). Primary axonal degeneration can lead to secondary degeneration of the myelin that
once surrounded the now missing axons..

Neurotoxicology and Behavior

William K. Boyes, Ph.D.

4 Classes of Neurotoxic Compounds

Detailed information about the neurotoxic effects of specific chemical compounds is provided
elsewhere in this series of volumes. Therefore, only a brief overview of the major classes of
neurotoxic chemicals is provided here. The major classes of environmental and occupational
neurotoxicants are metals, insecticides, and organic solvents. There are also many other compounds
that produce neurotoxic effects but do not fall within these three categories.
4.1 Metals
Numerous metallic compounds have proven neurotoxic in humans or in experimental animals. The
form of the metal compound, whether it is elemental, an inorganic salt, or contained within an
organic compound, can strongly influence neurotoxicity. In general, organometallic compounds are
more neurotoxic than the inorganic forms due to the greater penetration of these compounds into the
brain. In addition, the route of exposure and age of the subject are critical determinants of toxicity.
Inhalation exposure to mercury vapor is much more dangerous than oral exposure, for example.
Developing organisms are often more sensitive to metals than adults. There is very little information
regarding the sensitivity of the aged to metal toxicity, but many now suspect that the aged may be
more at risk than young adults. The neurotoxicities of lead, mercury, and manganese compounds are
well established in working populations. In addition, a variety of other metals produce neurotoxic

4.1.1 Lead The neurotoxicity of lead has been known since ancient times. Today, lead is arguably the
most widely recognized environmental pollutant. Much has been written about lead toxicity, and the
interested reader can find many thorough reviews (161, 162). Lead is toxic acutely and chronically to
adults and children. In the United States, regulatory actions have made a large impact in reducing
sources of exposure to lead from occupational, environmental, and food and water sources. The
range of toxic signs and symptoms is a function of the dose.

In worksite situations, exposure to lead has been one of the most extensively studied compounds.
Anger summarized the data from 33 studies conducted in 9 or 10 countries involving a total of 3271
exposed workers and 2309 referents (6). Consistent deficits were observed across these studies in the
performance of tests designed to assess several aspects of cognitive function, including intelligence,
memory, vigilance, acquisition, coding, spatial relationships, distractibility, and vocabulary. In
addition, these studies consistently reported deficits in motor coordination and response speed and
changes in affect. These consistent findings across a large number of studies clearly indicate the
potential of occupational exposure to lead to produce adverse neurological consequences.

Currently, a major concern for lead neurotoxicity is for the cognitive function of children exposed to
what was once considered an acceptable level of lead. The work of Needleman and colleagues was
instrumental in demonstrating an association between the body burden of lead, measured as elevated
blood and/or dentine lead levels, and deficits in performing a variety of cognitive tasks (154). A
number of ongoing prospective studies around the world have confirmed and advanced the
relationship between developmental lead exposure and impaired cognitive function (163, 164).
Animal models of cognitive function confirm the deleterious actions of lead exposure (162, 165,
166). Recently, neurophysiological measures have shown that lead-treated animals show deficits in
long-term potentiation, which is thought to reflect the cellular processes involved in learning and
memory (167–169). Less appreciated are the other effects of lead on the nervous system, including
toxicity to vision (170–176); and perhaps, somatosensory systems (126). The mechanisms of action
through which lead produces its neurotoxic effects remain unknown despite numerous hypotheses
(48, 161). Hopefully, the continued development of conceptual models and mechanistic research will
lead to an eventual understanding of this most infamous of neurotoxicants.

4.1.2 Mercury Mercury in many forms can produce neurotoxic effects by inhalation of mercury
vapor, ingestion of inorganic mercury salts, or by exposure to organomercurial compounds (155).
Methylmercury is the most notorious of the organic forms of mercury because of its role in
poisoning hundreds of individuals in Minamata Bay, Japan, (10, 11) and thousands in Iraq (8).
Methylmercury is produced from industrial sources and through methylation of inorganic mercury
by microbes in soils and sediments. Methylmercury is lipophilic and bioaccumulates in
environmental food chains. Fish and marine mammals may have enriched methylmercury
concentrations in their tissues.

Exposure to inorganic forms of mercury in the workplace has been the focus of numerous studies of
neurobehavioral function. Anger (6) reviewed data from 18 studies conducted in eight or nine
countries involving a total of 1002 exposed workers and 831 referents. Consistent deficits in exposed
workers were observed in tests designed to assess intelligence, memory, and coding ability. In
addition, exposed workers consistently performed poorly on tasks of motor coordination, response
speed, and steadiness. Exposed workers also consistently showed changes in responding to
personality tests. These data demonstrate that neurological function should be a concern in industrial
hygiene programs for workers potentially exposed to inorganic mercury.

As with lead, exposure of children to low levels of methylmercury is currently a primary health
concern. Two ongoing longitudinal studies are investigating populations that rely heavily on ocean-
caught fish for their diets. One is a study of the neurobehavioral development of children who reside
in the Seychelle Islands, where methylmercury-contaminated fish represent a substantial portion of
the diet. No deleterious relationship between the concentration of methylmercury in hair samples and
neurological development has been observed in this population (177, 178). In contrast, a study of
residents of the Faroe Islands, where marine mammals contaminated with methylmercury are
consumed, has observed significant deficits in the performance of cognitive tasks as a function of
hair methylmercury concentration (179). Several factors might account for these apparently
discrepant results, including different levels of mercury exposure, coexposure to other contaminants
such as PCBs in the Faroe Islands, the older age of the children evaluated in the Faroe Islands, and
more sensitive neurobehavioral evaluative procedures used in the Faroe Islands.

4.1.3 Manganese Manganese (Mn), a transitional metal and essential trace nutrient, can become
neurotoxic under certain exposure conditions. The range of toxicological outcomes following
exposure to Mn varies as a function of dose. Low levels of exposure cause subtle subclinical changes
in the performance of motor tasks and nonspecific subjective complaints such as fatigue, poor
memory and insomnia. Workers occupationally exposed to low dose levels of Mn have changes in
mood and deficits in performing cognitive and motor tasks (180–186). Continued or higher levels of
exposure lead to an intermediate phase of toxicity, including psychomotor excitement, dysphoria,
and abnormalities of gait and posture. This is followed by the late stage development of severe,
debilitating, extrapyramidal deficits. Humans who have advanced Mn intoxication display prominent
signs of basal ganglia dysfunction including bradykinesia, rigidity, fatigue, masked face, intention
tremor, and disturbances of gait and balance (187, 188). The clinical, neurochemical, and
pathological manifestations of Mn poisoning resemble those of Parkinson's disease but are distinct in
the more global distribution of changes throughout the basal ganglia, more inclusive neurochemical
changes, the spectrum of clinical manifestations, and the response to pharmacological therapy (188,
189). The motor disturbances in advanced Mn intoxication are linked to identifiable lesions in nuclei
of the extrapyramidal motor system, including the globus pallidus, caudate, and the substantia nigra.
The nigrostriatal pathway, which degenerates in Parkinson's disease, is evidently spared in
manganese poisoning.
4.2 Solvents
Organic solvents are widely used in many industrial and commercial operations. Many solvents are
highly volatile, creating an opportunity for substantial inhalation exposure. Because of their high
lipid solubility, organic solvents gain ready access to neural tissues in the central and peripheral
nervous system. Exposure to organic solvents can produce a variety of acute and chronic effects on
the nervous system. This combination of factors makes potential neurotoxic effects a concern for
workers and others exposed to organic solvents. Many different chemicals are used as organic
solvents. The neurological effects of acute exposure are similar for many organic solvents, making it
tempting to consider the toxic effects of these chemicals as a class. Arlien-Søborg (190) has
extensively reviewed solvent neurotoxicity. Toluene, xylene, styrene, n-hexane, methyl n-butyl
ketone, methyl ethyl ketone, 2,5-hexanedione, methylene chloride, methyl chloride,
trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, white spirits and solvent mixtures are covered in this work.
Workers are often exposed to a combination of different organic solvents used either individually or
as chemical mixtures. This factor can make it difficult or impossible to attribute any toxic effects
observed to a particular chemical compound, and consequently the outcomes in several occupational
exposure studies have been attributed to mixed solvent exposure. In some cases coexposure to
multiple solvents may show greater than additive toxic effects (191).

Each organic solvent has a different chemical structure, forms a different set of metabolites and,
therefore, can produce unique toxic effects (192). Despite this fact, this chapter will consider the
neurotoxicity of organic solvents grouped under general categories of neurotoxic effects, rather
chemical by chemical, because chemical specific information is presented elsewhere in these
volumes. Four general categories of neurotoxic effects of exposure to organic solvents are of
concern. These include the effects sedative/narcotic like effects of acute exposure, central/peripheral
polyneuropathy produced by exposure to some organic solvents, ototoxicity that has been observed
primarily in laboratory animals to date, and chronic solvent-induced dementia and toxic
encephalopathy, the most controversial of the neurotoxic effects of organic solvents. The issues of
ototoxicity and peripheral neuropathy produced by organic solvents were discussed previously.
Therefore, this section focuses on the neurotoxic effects of acute and chronic exposure to organic

4.2.1 Neurotoxic Effects of Acute Exposure to Organic Solvents Acute exposure to many volatile
organic compounds produces effects on the nervous system that resemble those of other CNS
depressants, such as ethanol, barbiturates, or benzodiazapines (75, 128, 193, 194). Indeed, some
commonly used industrial solvents, such as trichloroethylene, were used historically as medical
anesthetics. Initial exposure produces a mild excitation or giddiness, similar to imbibing a moderate
amount of an alcoholic beverage. Animal studies may show an initial increase in behavioral activity
(128, 194) or an excitatory change in electrophysiological recordings (195). Continued exposure or
higher concentrations produce CNS depression and deficits in cognitive function, sensory
perception, and motor performance. Studies of laboratory animals or exposed human subjects show
changes in electrophysiological recordings from the brain and impaired performance of behavioral
tasks (192, 196–204). Humans in such a state are prone to make errors in judgment, to have poor
motor coordination, and slowed reactions. Operation of motor vehicles, industrial machinery, or
other heavy equipment while exposed to organic solvent vapors can be acutely hazardous, just as is
driving a car while under the influence of alcohol. Coexposure to alcohol or CNS depressant drugs
and organic solvent vapors further increases the danger. The occupational exposure limits for many
organic compounds have been established specifically to avoid the narcotic effects of exposure.

Many experimental laboratory studies have been published in which human volunteers were acutely
exposed to organic solvents and a variety of neurobehavioral procedures were administered. Dick
has extensively compiled this literature in a review article (205). Because of safety and ethical
concerns, experimental studies of exposed human subjects are limited to dose levels low enough to
ensure that no irreversible effects are produced. Typically, human subject protection committees will
not approve deliberate exposure concentrations above the occupational exposure limits.
Consequently, most of the procedures in these studies have reported negative results. However, a
number of these studies have reported that solvent exposure was associated with changes in task
performance. Many studies reported effects of solvents on symptom and sensory irritation
questionnaires, tests of attention and vigilance, short-term memory (digit-span) tests, simple and
choice reaction time, manual dexterity and motor speed, EEG and visual evoked potentials, postural
sway, and various measures of visual perception (205).

The acute effects of exposure to many organic solvents have a rapid onset and rapid reversal. After
inhalation, organic solvents readily cross the alveolar membranes and enter the blood where they are
carried largely in the membranes and lipophilic regions of proteins in blood cells. These compounds
travel from the lungs directly to the brain where favorable blood–brain partition coefficients
encourage movement into brain tissues. The blood–brain barrier does not effectively restrict
movement of these compounds into the brain. Once in the brain, the mechanism of action of these
compounds to produce narcosis or other functional changes is not known. One hypothesis is that
these compounds partially dissolve neuronal cell membranes, increasing their fluidity (206, 207).
Another view is that organic solvents are attracted to the lipophilic regions of cell membrane
proteins, where they alter protein function (208–211). Which proteins are critical is in question.
Changes in receptors for the dopamine (190), GABA (194) and excitatory amino acid (212)
neurotransmitter systems have been proposed. Following cessation of exposure, the acute
neurological effects of most organic solvents rapidly dissipate as the compound is quickly
eliminated. This can present a problem for the experimental study of acute solvent if the subjects
must be tested after removal from the exposure chambers. The interpretation of such studies should
consider that the tissue concentrations of the compound and the associated behavioral changes
rapidly diminish after termination of exposure.

In expressing occupational exposure limits as a time-weighted average (TWA), it is assumed that the
average amount of exposure over a workday is the critical determinant in producing an adverse
outcome. Short-term excursions above the TWA may produce acute symptoms even though the
average daily exposure is well within the TWA. It is important to adhere to short-term excursion
limits (STELs) for volatile organic solvents because of the rapid onset of symptoms. In assessing the
risk of short-term exposures, it is important to consider the relationship between exposure
concentration (C) and duration (t) in producing adverse outcomes (213). If extrapolation is based on
a classical linear form of Haber's Rule (i.e., C × t = k, where k represents a constant toxic effect) to
predict the effects of short duration exposures, it is not sufficiently protective (214, 215). A better
option may be to determine the tissue concentrations of the compound associated with a toxic effect
(216) and then use a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model to calculate the various exposure
conditions that can achieve that critical tissue concentration (217).

4.2.2 Solvent-Induced Toxic Encephalopathy The possibility that chronic occupational exposure to
organic solvents could lead to cognitive and neurological deficits was one of the most controversial
issues in neurotoxicology. Concern first grew from a number of studies conducted in Scandanavian
countries (reviewed in Refs. 190, 218–220). Because many of the original cases described involved
painters, the condition became known as “painter's syndrome,” or alternatively, as solvent induced
“psycho-organic syndrome.” The later label emphasized the psychological deficits and the belief that
there was organic damage to the brain as a result of solvent exposure. The cognitive deficits included
global impairment of intellect, changes in personality, and loss of memory. These studies were
disputed for a number of reasons; a principal reason was inadequate matching of exposed and control
populations, particularly with regard to preexposure intelligence (221). The ability to use
postexposure outcome measures to match groups for preexposure levels of intelligence remains
controversial (222, 223). Recently, however, a growing set of studies demonstrate associations
between chronic solvent exposure and neurological deficits (66, 224–229). The expression of chronic
solvent neurotoxicity progresses with continued exposure from mild symptoms to severe debilitating
dementia. The stages of the disorder have been categorized according to various schemes (218, 230).
Milder stages feature complaints of fatigability, memory impairment, and difficulty concentrating.
Intermediate phases involve sustained changes in personality and mood, emotional liability, and
difficulty with impulse control and mood. As the condition progresses, there are objectively
demonstrable cognitive impairments and neurological signs. The final stage of dementia features
global deterioration of intellect and memory, hard neurological signs, and positive neuroradiological
findings. Upon cessation of exposure, the effects of chronic solvent exposure are thought to remain
stable and not degenerate further over time (231).

Worksite neurobehavioral studies of solvent exposed workers have observed a number of consistent
types of deficits. For workers exposed to carbon disulfide, deficits have been reported in three or
more independent studies on tests of intelligence, memory, vigilance, coding, spatial relations, motor
coordination, response speed, and personality (6). For exposure to styrene, consistent deficits have
been observed in tests of memory, motor coordination, and response speed (6). Consistent deficits
have been reported in three or more independent studies of workers exposed to mixed solvents in
tests of intelligence, memory, vigilance, acquisition, coding, concept shifting, spatial relations,
categorization, motor coordination, response speed, color vision, and personality (6).

Workers with a diagnosis of solvent-induced encephalopathy after occupational exposure to solvents

show ventricular and cortical atrophy by CT and MRI imaging (232). MRI was a more sensitive
measure and showed changes in workers normal by CT. A case-control study of 23,000 residents in
Seattle, Washington, found that a work history of potential exposure to organic solvents increased
the risk of subsequent diagnosis with Alzheimer's disease (233). The risk was particularly strong for
males for whom working jobs with potential solvent exposure increased the risk of being diagnosed
with Alzheimer's disease sixfold over controls.

Although now there is considerable evidence that chronic exposure to solvents can lead to a
degenerative neurological state, uncertainties remain as to the dose–response relationships. In most
of the occupational studies to date, an objective and thorough characterization of exposure levels and
exposure history is lacking. Are the effects due to current lower level exposures, or can they be
attributed to past exposures when the levels were often higher? Also, the role of repeated exposure to
spikes that may go well above the TWA exposure limits is unknown. One handicap in addressing
these questions is the lack of good animal models that show persistent cognitive deficits following
chronic solvent exposures. Answers to these questions must await further research.
4.3 Pesticides
By design, pesticides are toxic to living organisms. Ideally, they are preferentially toxic to the target
pest organisms and less toxic to nontarget organisms, including humans, wildlife, and beneficial
plants and insects. Many insecticides have been developed specifically for their toxicity to the
nervous system. For the most part, these insecticides act on the neural tissues of humans in the same
manner as they do on the target insect species. The extent to which humans are less sensitive to these
agents than insects is typically due to metabolic factors. The mammalian toxicity of insecticides
varies widely across agents and classes of compounds. Some compounds such as parathion or
aldicarb are highly toxic, whereas others such as malathion and carbaryl have relatively low
mammalian toxicity. Because insecticides typically have a known mechanism of toxicity, it is
tempting to focus toxicity studies on the known mechanisms of action. However, it is also important
to consider alternative mechanisms of action and toxicity mediated through other potential actions of
the compounds. The major classes of insecticides that are designed to be neurotoxic include
organophosphorus, carbamate, pyrethroid, and organochlorine compounds. This section considers
the mammalian neurotoxicity of organophosphorus insecticides because of the widespread use of
these compounds and recent concern for their safety.

4.3.1 Organophosphorus Compounds Organophosphorus compounds are the most widely used class
of pesticides. Approximately 50 compounds are currently registered for use in the United States, and
more than one hundred are used worldwide. More than 50,000 organophosphorus compounds have
been synthesized and screened for pesticidal activity (234). A metabolite of chloropyrifos, the most
widely used organophosphorus compound, was detected in the urine of 82% of a sample of 1000
adults living in the United States (235). Exposure to organophosphorus compounds can be
particularly hazardous if not used according to approved applications. For example, recently several
hundred homes in the southern and midwestern United States were illegally sprayed with methyl
parathion, a practice potentially lethal to residents, especially children, and had to be decontaminated
at an estimated cost of over $50 million (236). A number of extensive review articles cover the
toxicity of organophosphorus insecticides (234, 237–242).

Some organophosphorus compounds are active as the parent compound. Others must be
metabolically activated in the liver to an oxon derivative to become active. Organophosphorus
compounds produce acute toxicity through inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme that
inactivates the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in synapses and neuromuscular junctions. A discussion
of the actions of acetylcholine and the consequences of acetylcholinesterase inhibition was presented
earlier. The enzyme acetylcholinesterase is found in the central and peripheral nervous systems and
in red blood cells. Butyrylcholinesterase, also known as nonspecific cholinesterase,
pseudocholinesterase, or simply as cholinesterase is another enzyme that hydrolyzes acetylcholine
and is inhibited by organophosphorus compounds and many other acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.
Butyrylcholinesterase is found in myelin in the nervous system, liver, and plasma. The physiological
roles of acetylcholinesterase in blood and butyrylcholinesterase in plasma are not known, but the
inhibition of these enzymes is widely used as an indicator of exposure to organophosphorus
compounds. Acute toxicity Symptoms of acute overexposure to organophosphorus compounds are

attributable to acetylcholinesterase inhibition and the consequent overstimulation of neurons,
muscles, and glands postsynaptic to cholinergic synapses. Acute symptoms include abdominal pain,
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, blurred vision, constriction of the pupils (miosis), increased
salivation, lacrimation, and sweating. High doses lead to severe poisoning marked by dilated or
nonreactive pupils, muscle twitching, pulmonary edema, tachycardia, convulsions, coma, respiratory
paralysis, and death. Timely antidotal treatment, including atropine, that blocks cholinergic
muscarinic receptors, and oxime compounds such as 2-PAM, that promote regeneration of active
acetylcholinesterase molecules, is effective in mitigating the effects of acute organophosphate
poisoning. Although the actions of organophosphorus compounds as cholinesterase inhibitors are
well known, recent evidence shows that these compounds also have direct actions at cholinergic
muscarinic receptors (243, 244) and, perhaps secondarily, on intracellular second messenger systems
(245). Recovery of normal acetylcholinesterase activity follows the time course of new enzyme
synthesis. Exposure to organophosphorus compounds also induces a down-regulation of muscarinic
cholinergic receptors, that, it is thought, mediates tolerance to repeated dosing (246). Recovery of
behavioral and motor functions from acute exposure can precede the return of normal levels of
acetylcholinesterase and of cholinergic muscarinic receptors (247, 248). Chronic Toxicity A number of studies have demonstrated that individuals who survive acute
poisoning from organophosphorus compounds may have long-term deficits in memory, attention,
mood, and changes in EEG and peripheral nerve function (249–252). Three or more worksite
behavioral studies have found deficits in tests of intelligence and memory in organophoshate
exposed workers (6). Animal studies have shown persistent changes in the second messenger
systems of the brain (253) and retina (254) after a single dose of an organophosphorus compound.
Until recently, there was no evidence that workers exposed to organophosphorus compounds, but
who were never acutely poisoned, suffered any long-term consequences (255, 256). A series of
recent reports from the study of sheep dippers in Great Britain, however, show deficits in performing
cognitive tests, including tests of attention and information processing speed, and peripheral nerve
function, including two-point sensory discriminations, among organophosphorus workers who have
not experienced acute poisoning (257–259). Organophosphorus-Induced Delayed Neurotoxicity Exposure to some, but not all,

organophosphorus compounds causes axonal degeneration in the spinal cord and peripheral nerves.
This syndrome became widely recognized first during the American Prohibition Era in which the
organophosphorus compound, tri-o-cresyl phosphate (TOCP; now called tri-o-tolyl phosphate)
adulterated the popular drink, Jamaican ginger extract. The syndrome has since become known as
organophosphorus pesticide-induced delayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN), even though many of the
compounds that produce the syndrome (such as TOCP) are not actually used as pesticides. After a
single or repeated dose of an active organophosphate, axons of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves
degenerate in a distal, dying-back style that is distinct from that of acrylamide and the hexacarbons
(260). Symptoms appear after a delay period of approximately 6–14 days. Affected individuals show
weakness and sensory loss in the distal portions of the feet and legs, ataxia, and with continued
dosing, progressive debilitation that can spread to the upper limbs and autonomic nervous system in
severe cases. Young animals are more resistant to OPIDN than mature ages. Rats do not develop
clinical signs of OPIDN such as ataxia, despite the presence of neuropathology similar to other
sensitive species (261). Hens, in contrast, are quite sensitive to OPIDN and have become a standard
species for screening compounds for this potential problem. The production of OPIDN does not
involve inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. Johnson devised a test of enzymatic activity that does
correlate well with a compound's potency to produce OPIDN, that is referred to now as neurotoxic
esterase or alternatively, as neuropathy target enzyme (NTE) (262). Compounds that inhibit NTE
activity by 50–70% or more are considered potential axonal pathogens. Organophosphorus pesticide
products registered in the United States undergo a gait test in hens and testing for NTE inhibition to
detect and eliminate compounds with this potential. More information on OPIDN can be found in
review articles by Abou-Donia (234, 263), Lotti (264), and Richardson (265). Issues Arising Recently there has been increased public concern about the susceptibility of
children to exposure to organophosphorus compounds and other pesticides (266). This concern led to
passage of the Food Quality Protection Act that contains provisions for assessing the safety of
pesticide residues in foods. Among the novel provisions of the act are that pesticide safety
evaluations should consider specifically the susceptibility of young individuals and also that
cumulative and aggregate exposures to pesticides should be considered. Among adults, there is
evidence that genetic differences in the enzyme human serum paraoxonase (PON1) can markedly
influence susceptibility to organophosphorus agents (267). Another public concern is for the
possibility for ocular toxicity resulting from exposure to organophosphorus compounds (268–270).
Combining these two different concerns, recent evidence suggests that developmental exposure to
organophosphates might interfere with the visual control processes necessary for proper ocular
development (271). Future research on organophosphorus compounds will feature factors that
influence individual susceptibility differences, understanding compound exposures, nontraditional
toxicity targets such as the eye, and other, perhaps noncholinergically mediated, effects.

Neurotoxicology and Behavior

William K. Boyes, Ph.D.

5 Preventing Neurotoxicity
The prevention of neurotoxic disorders should be a primary goal of occupational and environmental
health programs. The National Research Council (2) outlined several facets of a program to better
prevent future neurological disorders from exposure to toxic chemicals. A simplified distillation of
this program might include more extensive efforts at the following:

1. screening of new and existing chemicals for potential neurotoxicity, so that neurotoxic hazards
can be identified and avoided;
2. surveillance of exposures in occupational and environmental settings;
3. monitoring the neurological health of those potentially exposed, and
4. training medical and occupational health professionals to better recognized and understand
neurotoxic conditions.

Neurotoxicology and Behavior


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Silver and Gold
Daland R. Juberg, Ph.D., F. Terry Hearne, MS

1.0 Silver
1.0.1 CAS Number: [7440-22-4]

1.0.2 Synonyms: argentum; collargol; C.I. 77820

1.0.3 Trade Names: NA

1.0.4 Moleculer Weight: 117.86

1.1.1 General Silver, an element of the II(B) Group, is in the second transition series of the periodic
table. It is a white, lustrous, relatively soft and very malleable metal. Silver has high thermal and
electrical conductivity and resists oxidation in air that is devoid of hydrogen sulfide. Silver is
insoluble in water although it can exist in an aqueous environment in three cationic forms, Ag(I), Ag
(II), and Ag(III), in addition to its metallic state (Ag0) (1). Most silver compounds are made from
silver nitrate, which is prepared from silver metal. Although the chemical and physical properties of
various silver compounds and salts may be quite variable depending on the nature of the base, some
common properties of metallic silver are listed in Table 26.1.

Table 26.1. Selected Silver Compounds and Physical/Chemical Properties


Aqueous TWAand
Solubility MSHA
Molecular CAS Molecular (g/L H2O Standard-
Compound Formula Number Weight at 25°C) air

Silver Ag [7440- 107.87 Virtually

22-4] insoluble
Silver chloride AgCl [7783- 143.32 1.9 × 10–3
Silver nitrate AgNO3 [7761- 169.87 2.2 × 102a
Silver oxide Ag2O [20667- 231.74 2.2 × 10–2b
Silver sulfide Ag2S [21548- 247.74 1.4 × 10–4
Silver bromide AgBr [7785- 187.8
23-1] soluble
Silver C10H9AgN4O2S [22199- 357.1 Insoluble 0.01 mg
sulfadiazine 08-02] in H2O (Ag)/m3
and acid
4-Amino-N-(2-pyrimidinyl)benzenesulfonamide silver salt,
benzenesulfonamide, 4-amino-N-2-pyrimidinyl-, monosiliver(1+) salt,
silver sulfadiazine,
silver sulphadiazone,
sulfadiazone silver,
sulfadiazine silver salt
Silver acetate C2H3AgO2 [563-63- 166.9 Insoluble
3] in H2O
and acid
Silver iodide AgI [7783- 234.8 Insoluble
96-2] in H2O
and acid
Silver C2AgF3O2 [2966- 220.9 Insoluble
trifluoroacetate 50-9] in H2O
and acid
Silver fluoride AgF [7775- 126.9 Insoluble
41-9] in H2O
and acid
Silver lactate C3H5AgO3 [128-00- 196.9 Slightly
7] soluble in
Sodium [12244-
aurothiomalate 57-4]

Value is per 100 g H2O.
b Measured at 20°C.

Silver and Gold

Daland R. Juberg, Ph.D., F. Terry Hearne, MS

2.0 Gold
2.0.1 CAS Number: [7440-57-5]

2.0.2 Synonyms: Burnish gold, colloidal gold, gold powder, gold-197, gold flake

2.0.3 Trade Names: NA

2.0.4 Molecular Weight: 197

2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
2.1.1 General Gold is a dense, yet malleable, lustrous, yellow metal widely found in nature as
elemental gold or in combination with sulfides in igneous rocks and ores. Gold is very stable and
nonreactive and does not burn or oxidize in air. Other than in its atomic state, the metal does not
react with oxygen, sulfur, or selenium at any temperature. Gold does react with various oxidizing
agents at ambient temperatures provided a good ligand is present to lower the redox potential below
that of water. Therefore, gold is not attacked by most acids under ordinary conditions and is stable in
basic media. Gold does, however, dissolve readily in 3:1 hydrochloric–nitric acid to form HAuCl4
[16903-35-8], and in alkaline cyanide solutions in the presence of air or hydrogen peroxide to form
AuCN2, and these chemical reactions are important to the extraction and refining of the metal. Gold
reacts with halogens, particularly in the presence of moisture, and at low ( 200°C) temperatures,
chlorine is adsorbed on the gold surface to form surface chlorides. Its melting and boiling points are
1064 and 2807°C, respectively. Information about common gold compounds is presented in Table

Table 26.6. Selected Gold Compounds and Physical/Chemical Properties


Molecular CAS Molecular Solubility
Compound Formula Number Weight (g/L) at 25°C

Gold Au [7440- 196.97 Virtually

57-5] insoluble
Gold chloride AuCl [10294- 232.42 Soluble in
29-8] HCl, HBr,
Gold potassium KAuCl4 2H2O [13682- 414.16 618
chloride 61-6]
Sodium C4H6O4S Au 2Na [42722- 393.05 Very soluble
aurothiomalate 04-3]
Aurothioglucose C6H11AuO5S [12192- 392.08 Very soluble
Gold (I) sodium AuNa3(S2O3) 526.24 500
thiosulfate 2-water 2H O
2 2
Gold trichloride AuCl3 [13453- 303.33 680
Gold potassium [554-07-
cyanide 4]
Gold (I) potassium C2AuKN2 [13967- 288.09
cyanide 50-5]

Silver and Gold


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161 A. B. Smith and Y. Suzaki, Histopathologic classification of bronchogenic carcinomas
among a cohort of workers occupationally exposed to beryllium. Environ. Res. 21, 10–14
162 L. S. Newman, Beryllium. In J. T. Zelikoff and P. Thomas, eds., Immunotoxicology of
Environmental and Occupational Metals. Taylor & Francis, London, 1998, pp 27–40.
163 K. McConnochie et al., Chronic beryllium disease in identical twins. Br. J. Dis. Chest 82,
431–435 (1988).
164 R. M. Kotloff et al., Chronic beryllium disease in a dental laboratory technician. Am. Rev.
Respir. Dis. 147, 205–207 (1993).
165 J. Lieben and F. Metzner, Epidemiological findings associated with beryllium extraction.
Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 20, 494–499 (1959).
166 H. L. Hardy, E. W. Rabe, and S. Lorch, U. S. Beryllium Case Registry (1952–1966):
Review of its methods and utility. J. Occup. Med. 9, 271–276 (1967).
167 M. Eisenbud and J. Lisson, Epidemiological aspects of beryllium-induced non-malignant
lung disease: A 30-year update. J. Occup. Med. 25, 196–202 (1983).
168 W. N. Rom, J. E. Lockey, and K. M. Bang, Reversible beryllium sensitization in a
prospective study of beryllium workers. Arch. Environ. Health 38, 302–307 (1983).
169 S. Shima, Beryllium poisoning and health care. Sangyo Igaku J. 3, 14–22 (1980).
170 L. S. Newman et al., Beryllium sensitization precedes chronic beryllium disease. Am. Rev.
Respir. Dis. Suppl. 145, A324 (1992).
171 K. Kreiss et al., Risks of beryllium disease related to work processes at a metal, alloy and
oxide production plant. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 54, 605–612 (1997).
172 U. S. Department of Energy, Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program, Fed. Regist.
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173 T. F. Mancuso, and A. A. El-Attar, Epidemiologic study of the beryllium industry. Cohort
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174 T. F. Mancuso, Relation of duration of employment and prior respiratory disease among
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175 T. F. Mancuso, Occupational lung cancer among beryllium workers. In R. Lemen and J.
Dement, eds., Dust and Diseases, Pathotox Publ., Forest Park, IL, 1979, pp. 463–472.
176 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Toxicological Review of Beryllium and
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177 P. F. Infante, J. K. Wagoner, and N. L. Sprince, Mortality patterns from lung cancer and
non-neoplastic respiratory disease among white males in the Beryllium Case Registry.
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178 T. F. Mancuso, Mortality study of beryllium industry workers' occupational lung cancer.
Environ. Res. 21, 48–55 (1980).
179 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Monographs on the Evaluation of the
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180 E. Ward et al., A mortality study of workers at seven beryllium processing plants. Am. J.
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181 K. Steenland and E. Ward, Lung cancer incidence among patients with beryllium disease: A
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182 H. Vainio and J. M. Rice, Beryllium revisited. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 39, 203–204 (1997).
183 L. S. Newman, Immunology, genetics, and epidemiology of beryllium disease. Chest 109,
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184 D. J. Kanarek et al., Respiratory illness in a population exposed to beryllium. Am. Rev.
Respir. Dis. 108, 1295–1302 (1973).
185 N. L. Sprince et al., Reversible respiratory disease in beryllium workers. Am. Rev. Respir.
Dis. 117, 1011–1017 (1978).
186 D. Kriebel et al., Beryllium exposure and pulmonary functions: A cross-sectional study of
beryllium workers. Br. J. Ind. Med. 45, 167–173 (1988).
187 U. S. Department of Energy, Beryllium, Fed. Regist. USDOE, Washington, DC, 1975.
188 S. Shima et al., Diagnostic value of lymphocyte transformation and macrophage migration
inhibition tests in chronic beryllium disease. J. Sci. Lab. 63, 77–84 (1987).
189 K. Ellis et al., A Comparison of the Particle Size Distributions for Aerosols Generated
during Wet Grinding and Dry Deburring of Beryllium. American Industrial Hygiene
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190 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Annual Reports of
the TLV and BEI Committees, ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH 1998.
191 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Technical Drinking Water and Health Contaminant
Specific Fact Sheet for Beryllium, USEPA, Washington, DC, 1998.

Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium

Mary Beth Genter, Ph.D., DABT

1.0 Magnesium
1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
Magnesium turnings, metal turnings
1.0.3 Trade Names:
1.0.4 Molecular Weight:
1.0.5 Molecular Formula:
1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
1.1.1 General Magnesium is one of the most common elements found in the earth's crust (2.1% by
weight). There are three naturally occurring isotopes of magnesium: 24Mg (78.7%), 25Mg (10.13%),
and 26Mg (11.17%). Magnesium metal is not found as such naturally; rather, it occurs in mineral or
salt form, such as magnesite, carnallite, dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2], epsomite, and many other
minerals. Over 50 magnesium salts are known. Magnesium is one of the alkaline-earth elements; as
such, it is insoluble but reactive in water, liberating hydrogen gas, and extremely flammable.
Magnesium burns with a brilliant white flame. Melting point: 650°C; boiling point: 1107°C; flash
point: 500°C; specific gravity: 1.74; vapor density: 0.84.

1.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None attributable to magnesium, but the associated anions may
be responsible for an odor characteristic of the various magnesium salts.
1.2 Production and Use
Magnesium is found in seawater and plant and animal tissues. Chlorophylls a and b are magnesium
chelates of porphyrin (2, 3). Magnesium metal may be prepared industrially by reduction of MgO-
containing materials (4). Magnesium is used as a constituent of light alloys, in the manufacture of
precision instruments, as a deoxidizing and desulfurizing agent in metallurgy, in the production of
flashbulbs and flares, for Grignard reagents, and in semiconductor research (4). Magnesium is an
essential element in the diet [recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 4.5 mg/kg] and is a cofactor in
over 300 enzymatic reactions (5). Magnesium is essential in the synthesis of ATP and other enzymes
involved in muscle contractility and neuronal transmission. Several magnesium salts, most
commonly the citrate, are used as cathartics. Magnesium nitrate is used in the production of
pyrotechnics. Magnesium sulfate [7487-88-9] is used as an anticonvulsant in preeclampsia or
eclampsia (5). Magnesium oxide and the trisilicate are used as antacids (4).
1.3 Exposure Assessment
1.3.1 Air Air samples for magnesium analysis should be collected on 0.8 mm mixed cellulose ester
filters. Analysis is by inductively coupled argon plasma atomic absorption spectroscopy (6).
1.3.2 Background Levels: NA

1.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

1.3.4 Community Methods: NA

1.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood The reference value for magnesium in blood is 1.5–
2.8 mg/dL (or 1.2–2.3 meq/L) (5). Intracellular magnesium concentrations are much higher than
serum magnesium concentrations, so serum measurements may not be meaningful. Ion-specific
electrodes have become available for determining ionized magnesium in plasma (3). Magnesium
oxide can be measured in whole blood (6). Magnesium can also be measured in blood and plasma
via neutron activation analysis (7). Urine: NA
1.4 Toxic effects
1.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Magnesium chloride was administered
intravenously to ICR mice, and an LD50 value of 14.4 mg/kg was determined (8). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Magnesium can interact with and block
calcium channels (9). Parenterally administered magnesium decreases acetylchloline in motor nerve
terminals and acts on myocardium by slowing rate of S-A node impulse formation and prolonging
conduction time (5). Absorption Magnesium absorption following oral ingestion is reported to range from 40 to
60%, with a lower percentage of absorption at higher daily intakes. The transport of magnesium into
or out of cells appears to require a carrier-mediated transport system, and a Mg2+/H+ exchanger has
only recently been described in Arabidopsis thaliana (3, 10). Magnesium decreases the absorption of
fluoride (11), and excess calcium may partially inhibit the absorption of magnesium. Distribution In the plasma, magnesium is about 65% in the ionic form, with the remainder
bound to plasma proteins. Of the approximately 20 g body burden of magnesium, most is stored
primarily in bone and muscle following absorption (12). Excretion The kidney is the primary organ involved in magnesium homeostasis, with
filtration–reabsorption, but not tubular secretion, occurring. Approximately 12 mg of magnesium is
excreted in the urine per day. Magnesium excretion can also occur via the sweat and breast milk.
Hypermagnesiumemia has been reported in individuals with renal impairment. Severe toxicity has
been reported in individuals with renal impairment who were administered magnesium-containing
laxatives or antacids; cardiac and neurological symptoms can occur if serum levels reach
approximately 4.8–8.4 mg/dL (3, 12, 13). Unabsorbed magnesium is excreted in the feces. Reproductive and Developmental No teratogenicity studies were found for magnesium salts.
However, magnesium deficiency (0.2 mg Mg/100 g diet during days 6–12 of gestation) has been
associated with defects in rat fetuses (14). These defects occurred in 14% of the viable fetuses and
reportedly included skeletal malformations, cleft lip, hydrocephalus, and heart, lung, and urogenital
anomalies. A significant number of fetal resorptions was also noted. Gunther et al. (14) similarly
reported a high rate of resorption in rats subjected to gestational magnesium deficiency. No
significant increase in congenital defects was seen in surviving pups. Carcinogenesis MgO is regarded as an “experimental tumorigen” (15), although the only
reference in the literature that could be found relating to the carcinogenicity of MgO was an
instillation study, in which MgO dust instilled intratracheally for 30 weeks resulted in induction of
histiocytic lymphomas in hamsters (16). It was also demonstrated that MgO enhanced the
tumorigenesis of benzo[a]pyrene and was an effective carrier agent for the experimental induction of
respiratory tract tumors (17).

1.4.2 Human Experience General Information Magnesium is an essential element for human
survival. The recommended intakes are 30–75 mg/day for infants; 80–130 mg/day for children;
240 mg/day (age 9–13 years), increasing with age to 420 mg/day for males >70 years of age;
240 mg/day (age 9–13 years), increasing to 320 mg/day for females >70 years of age. Normally,
serum contains 2–5 mg/dL of magnesium; the total body burden is estimated at 20 g. Recommended
daily allowances for pregnancy range from 360 to 400 mg/day, and 320 to 360 mg/day during
lactation (3). Hypocalcemia is a prominent manifestation of magnesium deficiency in humans (3).
Early clinical signs of hypermagnesiumemia include hypotension, hyporeflexia, and decreased
respiration (18). Magnesium deficiency has been associated with neuromuscular irritability,
pathological calcification, and damage to the heart and kidneys (19). Toxicological concerns arise
from exposure to magnesium oxide [1309-48-4] (particulates and fumes), and, to a lesser extent,
magnesite [546-93-0] (MgCO3). Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Large pharmacological doses of magnesium can
have serious adverse effects, including metabolic alkalosis, diarrhea, dehydration, and cardiac arrest.
In a number of cases, renal impairment contributed to magnesium toxicity (3). Inhalation of MgO
fumes produced a febrile reaction and leukocytosis, analogous to metal fume fever induced by ZnO
(12). Dermal contact with magnesium compounds, or embedded magnesium particles, can induce
“chemical gas gangrene,” which is slow to heal (15). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanism Oral doses of some magnesium salts,
namely, the sulfate and citrate, are poorly absorbed; osmotic withdrawl of water from the gut wall
causes their purgative effects. Reproductive and Developmental No increase in birth defects was noted in the offspring of
141 women treated with magnesium sulfate (including six treated during the first 4 months) during
pregnancy (20). Twenty-seven hypertensive women were treated with magnesium hydroxide during
the third trimester of pregnancy; no effect was noted on the newborns, except a slight increase in
body weight in the children born to the treated mothers vs. controls (21). Cord serum levels of
magnesium were reported to be 70–100% of the maternal levels after maternal therapy. In such
cases, neurological depression may occur in the neonate, characterized by respiratory depression,
muscle weakness, and decreased reflexes (22). No decrease in Apgar scores was noted in infants of
females treated for pregnancy-induced hypertension, although the magnesium levels in the infants
reflected hypermagnesiumemia (23). Prolonged magnesium treatment during pregnancy may be
associated with maternal and fetal hypocalcemia and adverse effects on fetal bone mineralization
(22). Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc.: NA Epidemiology Studies When ingested as a naturally occurring food source, magnesium has
not been demonstrated to have adverse effects. Acute Toxicity The initial sign of excessive oral magnesium intake from nonfood sources is
diarrhea; in fact, various magnesium salts are used pharmacologically for their cathartic effects. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanism: NA Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Habitual low magnesium intake or
prolonged hypomagnesiumemia is associated with alterations of vascular and cardiac function, as
well as with cardiovascular disease. Magnesium supplementation after a heart attack reduces the
incidence of therapy-requiring arrhythmias, and individuals exposed to drinking water with high
concentrations of magnesium reportedly have a reduced incidence of hypertension (3, 18). A study
involving 2316 patients with acute myocardial infarction showed a 24% reduction in 28-day
mortality when intravenous magnesium was used either before or at the time of thrombolytic
administration (24). A subsequent study in which magnesium was administered over a different time
course did not confirm these observations, so further evaluation of this issue has been undertaken
(25). Magnesium supplementation may also be beneficial in the treatment of burns and migraine
headaches (26, 27).
1.5 Standards, Regulation, or Guidelines of Exposure
No drinking-water standards have been established for magnesium or magnesium salts. The
threshhold limit value (TLV) for magnesium oxide [1309-48-4] fume is 10 mg/m3. The OSHA time-
weighted-average permissible exposure limit (TWA PEL) is also 10 mg/m3 (total particulates) and
5 mg/m3 (respirable particles). Magnesite [546-93-0] (MgCO3) is considered by both OSHA and
ACGIH to be a dust that does not produce significant organic disease or toxic effect when exposures
are kept under reasonable control. The ACGIH TLV TWA is 10 mg/m3, measured as total
particulate, and the OSHA TWA PEL is 15 mg/m3 as total particulate, and 5 mg/m3 for respirable

Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium

Mary Beth Genter, Ph.D., DABT

2.0 Calcium
2.0.1 CAS Number:
2.0.2 Synonyms:
2.0.3 Trade Names:
2.0.4 Molecular Weight:
2.0.5 Molecular Formula:
2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
2.1.1 General Melting point: 845°C, boiling point: 1484°C, specific gravity: 1.54; vapor density: 1.4.
Calcium is a silvery-white alkaline-earth metal that is seldom found as the free metal in nature. It is
an essential component of leaves, bones, teeth, and shells. It is a hard, silvery-white metal that forms
a white coating of nitride in air. Calcium is found as limestone, gypsum, and fluorite, and makes up
>3% of the earth's surface (fifth most abundant element). Calcium imparts a red color to flames.
Calcium occurs naturally as six isotopes: 40Ca (97%), 44Ca (2.06%), 42Ca (0.64%), 48Ca (0.18%),
43Ca (0.145%), and 46Ca (0.003%).

2.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties No odor or warning properties are attributable to calcium itself,
although calcium salts may have an odor characteristic of the associated anions.
2.2 Production and Use
The principal commercial source of calcium is limestone. Calcium metal can also be produced by
electrolysis of calcium chloride. Seawater contains approximately 400 g of calcium per ton. Calcium
is an essential element, required for normal physiological function of all cells. It is also a cofactor
required for the function of multiple metabolic enzymes, and is required for neurotransmitter release.
Calcium is used in metallurgy as a deoxidizer for copper, beryllium, and steel and to harden lead for
bearings. Calcium is alloyed with cerium to make flints for cigarette and gas lighters. Calcium is
used in the manufacture of electronic vacuum tubes as a “getter” to fix residual gases as oxides,
nitrides, and hydrides of calcium. Calcium gluconate is used as a treatment for acute hypotension,
and many calcium salts are used in the treatment of hypocalcemia. Calcium carbide is used in the
production of acetylene (4). Calcium cyanamide is used medically for its Antabuse–like effect. Many
calcium compounds are used as food additives for a variety of functions including calcium acetate as
a texturizer and stabilizer, calcium bromate as a flour treatment, calcium carbonate as a nutritional
supplement, and calcium chloride as a humectant (28). Calcium EDTA is used in the treatment of
lead poisoning, as it has been shown to be effective in removing lead from soft tissues (29).
2.3 Exposure Assessment
2.3.1 Air Calcium compounds can be measured (as Ca2+) using ICP-AES (NIOSH method 7300) or
atomic absorption (NIOSH method 7020) (6).

2.3.2 Background Levels: NA

2.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

2.3.4 Community Methods: NA

2.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood Measurement of serum calcium is a routine part of

various clinical blood profiles. Reference values for serum calcium concentrations: up to 1 month of
age: 7.0–11.5 mg/dL; 1 month of age to 1 year: 8.6–11.2 mg/dL; up to 30 years of age: 8.2–
10.2 mg/dL, with a continuing slight decrease with advancing age (5). Calcium can also reportedly
be measured in blood and plasma via neutron activation analysis (7). Urine: NA
2.4 Toxic Effects
2.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Calcium chloride was administered intravenously
to ICR mice, and an LD50 value of 42.4 mg/kg was derived from these studies (8). Severe mucous
membrane irritation can result from ingestion of plant tissues containing calcium oxalate crystals
(e.g., Philodendron, Diffenbachia), and calcium oxalate is the causative agent of the renal toxicity
associated with ethylene glycol poisoning. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms In general, toxicological effects of concern

related to calcium are associated with sustained increases in intracellular calcium. Although this
situation can have a therapeutic benefit in certain instances, such as the increase in intracellular
calcium caused secondarily to inhibition of Na+, K+-ATPase by such compounds as digitalis—thus
causing enhanced contractility and excitability of cardiac muscle (30), sustained increases in
intracellular calcium are rarely beneficial. The intracellular concentration of cytosolic free Ca2+ is
approximately 100 nM (31). The 10,000-fold gradient between extracellular and intracellular
calcium is maintained by the impermeability of the plasma membrane to calcium and by calcium
pumps that either move calcium up the concentration gradient across the plasma membrane, or
sequester excess intracellular calcium in the endoplasmic reticulum or mitochondria. Because
mitochondria have a low affinity transporter, they are active in calcium sequestration only when
concentrations rise into the micromolar concentration range.

Sustained increases in intracellular free calcium can occur via a number of mechanisms (Table 28.1)
(32, 33) and can cause cell damage in at least three ways. First, increased sequestration of calcium in
mitochondria is associated with decreased ATP synthesis, with depletion of cellular energy reserves.
This can potentiate a destructive cycle, as the extrusion of calcium from cells is ATP-dependent. A
second means by which increased intracellular calcium can have toxic effects is via its effect on
cellular cytoskeletal proteins. Increased intracellular calcium causes diassociation of actin filaments
from a-actinin and fodrin; these two proteins promote anchoring of actin filaments to the plasma
membrane. Without this anchoring, membrane blebbing occurs, which predisposes the membrane to
rupturing (30). A third mechanism by which increased intracellular calcium can exert a toxic effect is
via activation of hydrolytic enzymes that degrade protein, phospholipids, and nucleic acids. Neutral
calcium-activated neutral proteases, or calpains, target integral membrane proteins and can
proteolytically activate protein kinase C. Activation of phospholipases by calcium ions causes
membrane degeneration directly and by the generation of detergents. Chromatin fragmentation
occurs with the activation of Ca2+-Mg2+-dependent endonucleases. In addition, elevated intracellular
Ca2+ can lock topoisomerase II in a form that cleaves—but does not ligate—DNA, contributing to
chromatin fragmentation (30).

Table 28.1. Mechanisms and Agents Associated with Sustained Elevated

Intracellular Ca2+a

Mechanism Agent(s)

Increased influx of Ca2+ into

cytoplasm via
Glutamate receptor agonists “Excitotoxins”: glutamate, domoate
Vanilloid receptor agonists Capsaicin, resiniferatoxin
Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels Maitotoxin
Newly formed membrane pores Amphotericin B, ionomycin, A23187
Disruption of cell membranes Detergents, hydrolytic enzymes, lipid
peroxidants, cytoskeletal toxins
Release from mitochondria Alloxan, ninhydrin
Release from sarcoplasmic Ryanodine, also mutation in ryanodine
reticulum receptor
Inhibition of Ca2+ export from the
Inhibition of Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase DDT, cyclodiene insecticides, pyrethroid
Blockage of voltage-gated Ca2+ Nickel, manganese, lanthanum
Inhibition of Ca2+-activated K+ Barium, apamin (bee venom),
channels dendrotoxin
Impairment of mitochondrial ATP
Inhibition of hydrogen delivery to Fluoroacetate, dichlorovinylcysteine
the electron-transport chain
Inhibition of electron transport Rotenone, MPP+, dinitroaniline, cyanide,
Inhibition of oxygen delivery to CNS depressants, carbon monoxide
the electron-transport chain
Inhibition of ADP DDT, N-ethylmaleimide, dinitrophenol
Hydrolysis of NAD(P)+ in Alloxan, t-butyl hydroperoxide,
mitochondria menadione

Adapted from Refs. 9, 30, 32, 33 and 33a. Absorption Calcium is absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract as a two-step process.
Absorption occurs rapidly from the gut lumen into mucosal cells, and is then extruded into the
interstitial fluid, with the first step faster than the second. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D,
the active form of vitamin D) is required for both steps in calcium transport. Fractional calcium
absorption varies inversely with dietary calcium intake. With a prolonged decrease in calcium intake,
serum parathyroid hormone and 1,25(OH)2D concentrations increase and the fraction of ingested
calcium which is absorbed increases (3). Distribution Calcium in the bloodstream is predominantly associated with albumin (33b). Excretion Unabsorbed calcium is excreted in the feces. Renal calcium excretion is a
function of the filtered load and the efficiency of reabsorption; the latter of these is regulated by
parathyroid hormone. A high sodium diet increases the renal excretion of calcium, as both compete
for reabsorption at the same sites in the renal tubules. The absorption of calcium from foods can be
decreased by the presence of oxalic acid (found in spinach, sweet potatoes, rhubarb, and beans) or
phytic acid (found in unleavened bread, nuts, grains, and soy isolates) (3). Reproductive and Developmental Shackelford et al. (34) fed rats up to 1.25% dietary calcium
carbonate for 6 weeks prior to mating and during gestation and found no adverse effects. Carcinogenesis No studies on the carcinogenicity of elemental calcium were noted. The
carcinogenicity of calcium chromate is attributed solely to intracellular soluble chromium (1). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Under normal physiological conditions, intracellular
calcium concentrations are maintained approximately 10,000-fold lower than extracellular levels.
Calcium cyanamide was weakly positive and inconclusive in the Salmonella assay, and it was
negative in the mouse lymphoma assay, Drosophila tests, and cytogenetic tests for chromosomal
aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges (35).

2.4.2 Human Experience General information Calcium accounts for 1–2% of adult human
body weight, and the greatest proportion is found in bone and teeth. Adequate calcium ingestion is
critical for proper bone and tooth development, as well as for the proper function of nerves, muscles,
and other tissues. Adequate calcium ingestion is also felt to be critical in preventing osteoporosis.
Recommended daily allowances (RDAs) range from 210 to 270 mg/day for infants, 500 to
800 mg/day for children, 1250 mg/day for males and females up to age 18, and 700 mg/day for
adults (3). Toxicological concern is associated with exposure to such calcium salts as calcium
silicate [1344-95-2], calcium oxide [1305-78-8] (lime), calcium hydroxide [1305-62-0], and calcium
cyanamide [156-62-7]. Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Calcium oxide (also known as unslaked lime) is a
component of Portland cement and many commercial wall plasters. On contact with water, calcium
hydroxide and heat are liberated. When calcium oxide comes into contact with the eye, both the heat
and the tendency for the formation of clumps can result in ocular damage (36). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The available data on the adverse effects of excessive
calcium intake in humans primarily concerns calcium intake from nutritional supplements. The three
most significant biological effects of excessive calcium intake are kidney stone formation
(nephrolithiasis), the syndrome of hypercalcemia and renal insufficiency with and without alkalosis,
and the interaction of calcium with the absorption of other minerals.

It is clear that other minerals, such as magnesium, are also important in kidney stone formation, but
there is a clear association between high calcium intake and kidney stone formation. Hypercalcemia
and renal insufficiency, also known as the milk–alkali syndrome (MAS), was recognized in the
context of a formerly popular treatment of peptic ulcers by administering large amounts of milk and
absorbable antacids. MAS was associated with progressive renal failure, which in turn led to the
deposition of calcium in soft tissues, particularly the kidney. Calcium can clearly decrease the
absorption of iron, although clinically, human data do not show an association between iron
deficiency and high calcium intake (3). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental Supplemental doses of calcium salts taken during
pregnancy are regarded as unlikely to pose a teratogenic risk (37). Heinonen et al. (20) reported the
results of a survey of 1007 women who took calcium compounds during the first trimester of
pregnancy. In this study, 10 central nervous system (CNS) defects were observed (no specific
deformity was described), and 4.7 were expected; this is likely to be a sporadic observation, as the
standardized relative risk with 95% confidence interval ranged from 1.02 to 3.87. A congenital
condition known as infantile hypercalcemia has been associated with supravalvular aortic stenosis,
failure to thrive, mental retardation, and areas of dense calcification in the skull, vertebrae, and long
bones. This rare condition appears to develop in children taking normal vitamin doses and whose
mothers took a normal vitamin supplement during pregnancy (38). Carcinogenesis Although calcium chromate is reportedly carcinogenic, the carcinogenicity

is solely attributable to intracellular soluble chromium, not the calcium cation (1). The
carcinogenicity of calcium cyanamide has not been evaluated. Epidemiology Studies Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS)
is an autosomal dominant disorder of skeletal muscle and a major cause of death due to anesthesias.
Malignant hyperthermia arises from stimulus-elicited release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum. Many individuals diagnosed with MHS have one of several known mutations in the Ca2+
release channel, known as the ryanodine receptor (39, 40). Intravenous administration of dantrolene
blocks release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, decreasing heat production and acidosis,
which characterize this condition (41).
2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH has a TLV TWA of 0.5 mg/m3 for calcium cyanamide. OSHA similarly has an 8-h
TWA PEL of 0.5 mg/m3 for calcium cyanamide. The ACGIH TLV TWA and the OSHA PEL for
calcium hydroxide are 5 mg/m3. Calcium silicate and calcium carbonate, regulated as nuisance dusts,
have 8-h TWAs of 10 mg/m3, and the OSHA standards are 15 mg/m3 for the 8-h TWA, and 5 mg/m3
limit as the respirable fraction. The TLV TWA and OSHA PEL for calcium hydroxide are both set at
5 mg/m3. The TLV TWA and OSHA PEL for calcium oxide are 2 and 5 mg/m3, respectively. No
drinking-water standards have been established for calcium or calcium salts.

Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium

Mary Beth Genter, Ph.D., DABT

3.0 Strontium
3.0.1 CAS Number:
3.0.2 Synonyms:
3.0.3 Trade Names:
3.0.4 Molecular Weight:
3.0.5 Molecular Formula:
3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
3.1.1 General Strontium is a silvery-white alkaline-earth metal that rapidly assumes an oxide film
and yellow color on exposure to air. Strontium salts impart a brilliant red color to a flame. The finely
divided metal ignites spontaneously in air; therefore, the metal should be stored under oxygen-free
liquid. Naturally occurring isotopes include 88Sr (82.56%), 86Sr (9.86%), 87Sr (7.02), and 84Sr
(0.56%) (4). In addition, at least 11 strontium isotopes are produced by fission; of these, the 89Sr and
90Sr isotopes are considered to be environmentally significant. 89Sr emits b particles with an average

energy of 583 keV (1.46 MeV maximum) and has a half-life of 50.5 days. 90Sr is a long-range b-
emitter (mean energy 195.8 keV; maximum 540 keV) with a half-life of 28 years (42). At least 20
strontium salts are known.

3.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties No odor or warning properties are attributable to strontium itself,
although Sr salts may have an odor characteristic of the associated anions.
3.2 Production and Use
Strontium is found in small quantities associated with barium and calcium minerals. Strontium has
been used in the past in the production of radioluminescent paints for use particularly on watch dials.
Strontium bromide is used as a sedative; the chlorate, chloride, nitrate, and sulfate salts are used in
the production of pyrotechnics. 89SrCl2 [14158-27-1] (Metastron) is used therapeutically for relief of
bone pain in patients with skeletal metastases (5).
3.3 Exposure Assessment
3.3.1 Air: NA
3.3.2 Background Levels Strontium is widely found, generally in association with calcium. Seawater
contains 10 ppm. Celestite (SrSO4) and strontianite (SrCO3) are strontium-containing minerals (43).
The concentration of strontium in drinking water from nine communities in Ohio and Wisconsin
ranged from 0.02 to 33.9 mg/mL (44). 90Sr was detected at significantly higher concentrations in soil
than in food crops grown at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico (45).

3.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

3.3.4 Community Methods: NA

3.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers A unique body counting system (SICH-9.1) has been described for
determining body burdens of 90Sr via bremsstrahlung (46). Blood A method for determination of strontium in human blood samples by ICP–AES has
been described (47). Strontium can also reportedly be measured in blood and plasma via neutron
activation analysis (7). Urine A three-column system composed of a chelating concentrator column, a cation-

exchange column, and an ion–exchange separator column has successfully been used to determine
90Sr in water and urine samples (48). Other Because strontium readily substitutes for calcium in many biological reactions, the
content of strontium in milk is of particular interest. Several methods for determination of 90Sr in
milk have been described (48, 49).
3.4 Toxic Effects
3.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity In general, stable (nonradioactive) strontium salts
are of little toxicological concern, particularly on oral ingestion, because of their limited absorption
from the GI tract. Strontium chloride was administered intravenously to ICR mice, and an LD50
value of 147.6 mg/kg was derived (8). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption Strontium is highly

associated with calcium throughout the food chain. However, in humans, absorption of calcium is
preferred to strontium, and calcium is used preferentially over strontium in bone and milk
production. The Sr:Ca ratio in bone is relatively constant for members of a species, regardless of age.
Gastrointestinal absorption of strontium was reported to be approximately 20–30%. Combined nasal
and gastrointestinal absorption of soluble 85Sr was about 85%, with >50% directly absorbed from
the nasal cavity (50). Distribution Strontium is either deposited in bone or distributes into an exchangeable pool
composed of plasma, cellular fluids, soft tissues, and bone surfaces. Orally administred Sr(NO3)2
accumulated in rat skeletons proportional to the administered dose, averaging 2.7% (1). 90SrCl2
administered via inhalation (aerosol) was rapidly translocated from the lung to the skeleton,
behaving similarly to intravenously administered soluble Sr on reaching the bloodstream (51).
Following intravenous administration of 89SrCl2 at two different doses (0.74 kBq/g body weight or
74 kBq/g), approximately 1.30 and 1.50%, respectively, of the administered dose was retained in the
femurs 7 days after administration (52). Skeletal Sr can be mobilized during late pregnancy and
lactation, migrating to the fetal skeleton and to the infant via breast milk (53). An active
transplacental transfer of strontium has been demonstrated, with discrimination between strontium
and calcium early in pregnancy and equal transplacental transport of the two ions later in pregnancy
(54). Excretion Excretion of unabsorbed Sr is predominantly via the feces, with smaller amounts
in urine and sweat (1). Reproductive and Developmental In a multigenerational miniature swine study, dams were
fed 90Sr at various levels, and then the offspring were exposed via lactation and feed. It was
observed that levels of 90Sr high enough to affect fetal or neonatal mortality would not permit the
survival of the dam through gestation (51). Injection of pregnant mice with 90Sr was associated with
a decrease in the number of fetal oocytes (20 mCi on gestational day 11 or 16) and skeletal
malformations (5–10 mCi) (14). Carcinogenesis The carcinogenicity of stable (nonradioactive) strontium chromate was

attributed solely to intracellular soluble chromium (1). 90Sr has been examined in long-term studies
in four species, involving beagles, mice, monkeys, and pigs. A summary of the findings of these
studies can be found in Ref. 51. Following intravenous injection of 90Sr at doses ranging from 0.027
to 362 × 104 Bq/kg, the most prominent 90Sr-induced endpoint was bone sarcoma. Neoplasms
involving the soft tissues near bone in the oronasopharynx and paranasal sinuses and bone marrow
dysplasia were also significantly elevated over controls. Feeding studies in beagles extending from
the in utero period to age 540 days resulted in the development of the same array of tumors, and, in
addition, myeloproliferative disorders. Inhalation exposure to 90SrCl2 was associated with multiple
carcinogenic and non-neoplastic lesions in dogs, with an excess of bone tumors reported as the major
finding. Interestingly, inhalation exposure of dogs to insoluble forms of 90Sr was associated with
lung tumors, but not bone tumors (51). In an additional study in which beagle dogs were injected
with low levels of 90Sr (21.1 kBq/kg, or 5 times the maximum permissible (retained) body burden),
90Sr was not associated with a decrease in survival time (55). It has been estimated that 90Sr is
approximately two orders of magnitude less toxic than radium (56). Two monkey studies were also
summarized by the Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (51). One of these studies
involved administration of single intravenous injections of 90Sr (0.10–6.21 MBq) to rhesus monkeys.
These monkeys had no symptoms or disease attributable to 90Sr 20 years after exposure. In another
study, administration of 1.85 or 3.7 MBq of 90Sr as a single oral dose resulted in bone sarcomas (51). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Oral administration of strontium chloride to
mice resulted in dose-dependent chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow metaphase preparations
(57). An increased mutation frequency was noted in the bone marrow, but not liver or spleen, in the
lacZ transgenic mouse (Muta mouse) following intravenous administration of 74 MBq/kg of 89Sr

3.4.2 Human Experience General Information In general, the nonradioactive salts of
strontium are of little toxicological concern, particularly on oral administration, because of the low
GI bioavailability of the strontium ion. However, strontium is highly dangerous in its radioactive
forms. On absorption, strontium concentrates primarily in bones. Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity In patients administered 89SrCl2 for relief of bone
pain associated with metastatic bone cancer, the major side effects noted are bone marrow supression
and thrombocytopenia (5). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental Leikin and Paloucek (5) list 89SrCl2 as a pregnancy risk
factor D, meaning that there is positive evidence of fetal risk, but the benefits from use in pregnant
women may be acceptable despite the risk. There are equivocal data, summarized in Shepard (14),
regarding the relationship between fetal 90Sr body burden and incidence of birth defects in humans. Epidemiology Studies Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis The U.S. EPA has categorized stable strontium as a cancer group D, which
indicates that there is inadequate or no human or animal evidence of carcinogenicity (59). Strontium
chromate is a suspected human carcinogen, an effect attributable to the chromate component.
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Strontium is listed by the U.S. EPA as a candidate for establishment of a maximum contaminant
level, but none presently exists. The reference dose (RfD) for strontium has been estimated at
0.6 mg/kg per day; this corresponds to a daily level of exposure that is likely to be without
appreciable risk of deleterious effects over a lifetime. The TLV TWA for strontium chromate is
0.0005 mg/m3 as chromate, because strontium chromate is regarded as a class A2, or suspected
human, carcinogen.

Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium

Mary Beth Genter, Ph.D., DABT

4.0 Barium
4.0.1 CAS Number:
4.0.2 Synonyms:
4.0.3 Trade Names:
UN 1399, UN 1400, UN 1854
4.0.4 Molecular Weight:
4.0.5 Molecular Formula:
4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
4.1.1 General Melting point: 725°C; boiling point: 1640°C; specific gravity: 3.51 at 20°C. Barium
exists as multiple isotopes: 138 (71.66%); 137 (11.32%); 136 (7.81%); 135 (6.59%); 134 (2.42%);
132 (0.097%); 130 (0.101%) (4). Barium participates in chemical reactions typical of alkaline-earth
metals, that is, it reacts violently with acids, water, and carbon tetrachloride. Pure barium metal
exists as yellowish-white, slightly lustrous lumps that are somewhat malleable and very easily
oxidized (must be kept under petroleum or other oxygen-free liquid to exclude air). Typical of other
alkaline-earth metals, barium decomposes in water, evolving hydrogen gas. There are approximately
40 different barium salts. Of these barium salts, approximately half are freely soluble in water,
whereas others are practically insoluble (notably barium sulfate and carbonate). Solutions of soluble
barium salts give a white precipitate with sulfuric acid or soluble sulfates, and they color
nonluminous flame green. Water or acid soluble barium salts should be regarded as poisonous.
4.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Most barium salts are odorless or have an odor and characteristic
of the associated anion.
4.2 Production and Use
Barium carbonate occurs in nature as the mineral witherite; barium sulfate occurs in nature as the
mineral barite; also as barytes, heavy spar. Barium is used as a carrier for radium. Alloys of barium
with Al or Mg are used as getters in electronic tubes. Barium carbonate is used as rodenticide (4, 60)
and in paints, enamels, and marble substitutes (4). Barium sulfate (multiple trade names, including
Bakontal, Esophotrast, Micropaque, Raybar) is used as an X-ray-contrast material (4) and as a
weighting substance for golf balls (61). Barium nitrate is used in the manufacture of pyrotechnics
and green signal lights. Barium sulfide is used as a depilatory and in luminous paints.
4.3 Exposure Assessment
4.3.1 Air Barium can be released into the air during mining and in various industrial processes.

4.3.2 Background Levels Barium's abundance in earth's crust is approximately 0.05%. The
background concentration of Ba in groundwater is approximately 0.1 mg/L, although significant
regional excursions from this value have been documented (62). Seawater reportedly contains
approximately 13 mg/L (5). Various measurements have revealed soil concentrations to range from
15 to 3000 ppm, and the average atmospheric concentration in North America is reported to be
0.12 mg/m3 (5). Brazil nuts are exceptionally high in barium, with a concentration of 3000–4000
ppm (5). Depending on the geographic site, daily barium intake is estimated to be 300–
1700 mg/person (63, 64).

4.3.3 Workplace Methods Barium-containing fluxes used in welding can result in significant
airborne barium fumes and elevated urinary barium concentrations in exposed workers (65).

4.3.4 Community Methods In addition to workplace exposures, consumer products can be a source
of barium exposure. For example, about half of a sample of crayons was demonstrated to contain
barium capable of migrating, thus representing a potential source of exposure for children (66). It has
also been predicted that some lipsticks can represent a significant source of barium exposure (64).

4.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers No biomarkers of exposure to barium have been recognized,

although methods to measure barium in various physical media have been described (67). Blood Inductively coupled plasma–atomic absorption spectrometry (ICP-AES) has been used
for measurement of barium compounds (as Ba) in biological materials, including blood. The detetion
limit for Ba in blood by this method is reported to be 0.6 mg/L of blood (68). Neutron activation
analysis has also been used for determining levels of Ba in human blood, with detection limits of
7 mg Ba/L of red blood cells and 66 mg Ba/L of plasma (7). Urine Barium concentrations in urine of workers exposed to barium welding fumes
reportedly increased, but the method used was not described (65). Subsequently, methods for
detecting barium in urine have been published (6, 68, 69). The detection limit for Ba in urine
measured by ICP-AES is reported to be 0.26 mg/L of urine (68). A proposed reference value for Ba
in urine for biological monitoring purposes is <15 mg/g creatinine (70). Other In the workplace soluble barium compounds can be monitored in air by flame atomic
absorption. Samples can be collected on 0.8-mm cellulose ester membranes at a flow rate of 1 to
4 L/min (6).
4.4 Toxic Effects
4.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity LD50 values were derived following intravenous
administration of soluble barium salts in two strains of mice: Swiss Webster and ICR. The Swiss
Webster mice were the more sensitive strain, with LD50 values of 8.1, 8.5, and 11.3 mg/kg for
barium chloride, nitrate, and acetate, respectively. The corresponding values for the ICR mice were
19.2, 20.1, and 23.3 mg/kg for barium chloride, nitrate, and acetate, respectively (8). In rats, the oral
LD50 of barium zirconate was reported to be >1.98 g/kg and the inhalation LD50 of barium zirconate
was calculated to be 0.42 g/kg (71). A soluble form of barium, barium chloride, was considerably
more acutely toxic in rats, with the LD50 calculated to be 220 mg/kg (as Ba) in weanling rats, and
132 mg/kg (as Ba) for adult rats (72). Elevated blood pressure, bronchoconstriction, ECG
abnormalities, and myocardial hyperexcitability were demonstrated in guinea pigs administered
barium-containing fume extract. These effects could be modified by nifedipine and propranolol (73).
Similarly, intravenous administration of barium chloride to rabbits resulted in severe ventricular
dysrhythmias, which were relieved by treatment with doxepin or verapamil (74). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Barite dust inhaled by guinea pigs was reportedly
associated with nodular pulmonary granulation, characteristic of human baritosis (1). A more recent
study revealed no pulmonary granulomas following inhalation exposure to barium zirconate,
although thickening of alveolar walls, as well as the medial layer of arteriole walls, was noted, with
the general picture of a chronic interstitial pneumonitis (71).

The results of at least three subchronic barium chloride drinking-water studies have been published.
In the first of these, groups of young adult Charles River rats of both sexes were exposed at
concentrations of barium chloride of 250 mg/L (ppm) for 4, 8, or 13 weeks. No significant toxic
effects were noted. A tissue distribution study revealed that barium concentration in several tissues
increased with dose, but not duration of exposure, and that the highest concentrations were found in
bone (72). A subsequent subchronic study in which Fischer 344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice were
administered barium chloride in the drinking water at levels up to 4000 ppm revealed renal toxicity
as the major toxicological finding (75). Barium-treated male and female rats exhibited higher serum
phosphorous than did controls, but other electrolytes and hematological values were within normal
ranges. In both species, the animals in the 4000-ppm treatment group exhibited alterations in motor
activity, grip strength, and thermal sensitivity. Central nervous system effects were also reported
after subchronic–chronic subcutaneous injection of barium chloride (43).

A third barium chloride drinking water study was designed to evaluate the potential in vivo
cardiovascular effects of long–term barium exposure. Long–term administration of barium chloride
(100 ppm) resulted in hypertension, hypersensitivity to barbiturate anesthesia, disturbances in
myocardial energy metabolism, and depressed cardiac excitability, preferentially in the
arterioventricular nodal region of the heart (76). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The barium ion is a chemical antagonist to
potassium, and it appears that symptoms of barium poisoning are attributable to Ba2+-induced
hypokalemia (77). a-Adrenergic responsiveness was found to be enhanced in barium-treated Purkinje
fibers (78). Barium mimics calcium in its effects, but their kinetics in subcellular stores may be
different (79). Barium also inhibits Ca2+-activated K+ channels, which prolongs excitation and can
cause potentially lethal neuroexcitatory and spasmogenic effects (30). Absorption Barium, in food sources, is absorbed from the GI tract into the bloodstream at
approximately 6% of the administered dose (5). Approximately 75% of inhaled barium is absorbed
(5). In beagle dogs, respiratory tract absorption of inhaled particles (1.2–2.1 mm median
aerodynamic diameter) contributed significantly to the absorption of BaCl2. Approximately 75% of
the body burden was absorbed into the circulatory system within hours of inhalation exposure; 55%
was attributed to absorption deposited in the pulmonary regions of the lung and 2% to GI absorption
(50). Distribution Studies in rats showed that barium is cleared from the serum by deposition in
bone and teeth (5, 80). Barium is also deposited in muscles, and is stored in lung, with little retention
in liver, kidneys, spleen, brain, heart, or hair (81). Excretion A study of the metabolism of 140Ba in rats showed the urinary and fecal
excretions to be 7 and 20%, respectively (1). The half life in the human body is estimated to be 3.6
days (5). Reproductive and Developmental A subchronic study in which Fischer 344/N rats and
B6C3F1 mice were administered barium chloride in the drinking water at levels of 4000 ppm
revealed no anatomical effects in either species, but the offspring of the high dose rats exhibited a
marginal reduction in pup weight. No effects were seen on reproductive indices (75). An earlier
study in which BaCl2 (20 mg) was injected into chick yolk sacs revealed curled toes in 50% of the
surviving chicks (Ridgeway and Karnofsky, cited in Ref. 14). Carcinogenesis A National Toxicology Program (NTP) 2-year study with male and female
rats and mice, in which barium chloride hydrate was administered in drinking water, reported no
evidence of carcinogenicity in either species (82). Bronchogenic carcinomas reportedly developed in
rats injected intratracheally with [35S]BaSO4 (80). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Barium nitrate was not positive in the Ames
assay (S. typhimurium strains TA1535, TA1537, TA1538, TA97a, TA98, TA100, TA102c) with or
without metabolic activation, with plate incorporation assay and preincubation assay methods. It was
also negative in the mitotic crossing-over test, in the mitotic genic conversion test, and in the
retromutation test in Saccharomyces cerevisiae D7 strain with or without metabolic activation (83).
Genotoxicity studies with barium chloride hydrate were positive in the mouse lymphoma assay but
negative in Salmonella assays and assays for increased frequencies of chromosomal aberrations and
sister–chromatid exchanges in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells (82).

4.4.2 Human Experience General Information: NA Clinical Cases Epidemic poisonings from soluble barium salts are rare. The most common
poisoning occurs after ingestion of barium carbonate, which is used as a rodenticide (60). Onset of
symptoms occurs within minutes to hours of ingestion and includes perioral paresthesias, vomiting,
and severe diarrhea. Hypertension and cardiac dysrhythmias may follow. Profound hypokalemia and
weakness progressing to flaccid paralysis are additional characteristics of barium poisoning. In one
instance, a family was poisoned following accidental ingestion of barium carbonate, and one of these
individuals also developed respiratory failure and rhabdomyolysis (60).

Following intentional ingestion of approximately 13 g of BaCl2, a patient was hospitalized with

intractable diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness, and hiccups (84). The patient developed paralysis
and profound hypokalemia, despite aggressive potassium replacement therapy. The patient also
developed renal failure, possibly because he was administered intravenous magnesium sulfate. Oral
magnesium sulfate is the treatment of choice to precipitate insoluble barium sulfate, thus preventing
systemic absorption of barium; intravenous administration may have contributed to this patient's
renal failure as a result of precipitation of barium sulfate in the bloodstream and/or kidneys (84). Acute Toxicity The lethal dose of barium by ingestion is reported to be between 1 and 15 g
(85), or 56 mCi/kg (5). The initial symptoms of toxicity are irritation of the gastrointestinal tract with
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Premature ventricular contraction and systemic hypertension often
follow. The poisoned victim may progress to hiccups, convulsions, and flaccid paralysis. The
paralysis often progresses centrally, and death occurs as a result of respiratory or cardiac arrest (84).
Barium hydroxide and barium oxide are strongly alkaline in solution, causing severe burns of the eye
and irritation of the skin (61). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity A benign pneumoconiosis, baritosis, was first described
in humans in the 1930s (1). The condition occurs in individuals exposed to finely-ground BaSO4 as
well as barite miners (1, 86). Because of the high radiopacity of barium, the chest radiologic picture
shows discrete, dense images; however, no symptoms, abnormal physical signs, interference with
lung function, or increased susceptibility to thoracic disease is believed to occur. The radiographic
abnormalities disappear slowly with cessation of exposure (86). Bronchial irritation has been
associated with BaCO3, and BaO dust is considered a potential agent for dermal and nasal irritation
(1). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The toxicity of barium is related to its
direct stimulation of smooth, striated, and cardiac muscles and to severe depression of serum
potassium levels. The reduced serum potassium levels are the result of increased intracellular
potassium, rather than increased urinary excretion. Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc There is some debate as to the
appropriateness of the use of insoluble BaSO4 as a contrast material in patients with obstructive
bowel disease. The controversy centers on the fact that, whereas BaSO4 is an excellent contrast
material, it causes serious peritonitis when in contact with the peritoneal cavity; such contact could
potentially occur if the patient requires surgery or if there is a rupture of the bowel (87). Epidemiology Studies Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity There are a number of epidemiological studies which
together are inconclusive concerning the health impacts of barium in drinking water. An
epidemiological study released in 1979 (88) associated an elevated risk of cardiovascular mortality
with barium concentrations in drinking water > 1 ppm. The area in question was a region of northern
Illinois where the barium concentration in drinking water was in the range of 7–10 ppm. However,
another study in the same area did not reveal an associated elevation in blood pressure in individuals
consuming high barium drinking water (62). A systematic follow-up study to these reports was
conducted in eleven healthy men who were monitored for cardiovascular risk factors following 4
weeks of drinking water with 0 ppm of barium, followed by 4 weeks of drinking water with 5 ppm of
barium, followed by 4 weeks of drinking water with 10 ppm of barium. Diet and water volume
consumption were strictly monitored. It was determined that there were no changes in blood
pressure, plasma cholesterol, lipoprotein, or apolipoprotein levels, serum potassium or glucose
levels, or urine catecholamine levels. There were no arrhythmias related to barium exposure.
Therefore, it was concluded that barium exposure at 5 or 10 ppm in the drinking water did not appear
to affect any of the known modifiable cardiovascular risk factors (89).
4.5 Standards, Regulation, or Guidelines of Exposure
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has established a maximum contaminant
level (MCL) of 2 ppm of barium in the drinking water. The MCL represents the maximum level of a
contaminant in water that is delivered to any user of a public water-supply system. U.S. EPA also
requires that discharges or environmental spills of 10 lb or more of barium cyanide be reported. The
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the American Conference of Governmental Hygienists (ACGIH)
have set occupational exposure limits of 0.5 mg/m3 (threshold limit value [TLV]) for an 8-h
workday, 40 h/week for soluble barium compounds. The OSHA limit for barium sulfate dust in air is
10 mg/m3 (total particulate; 5 mg/m3 for respirable particles). NIOSH currently recommends that a
level of 50 mg/m3 be considered immediately dangerous to life and health. Australia and the United
Kingdom have established exposure values of 0.5 mg/m3 as Ba. Germany has additional exposure
values for the inhalable fraction of the aerosol: TWA short-term, 0.5 mg/m3 1 mg/m3; 30 min, 4
times per shift.

Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium

Mary Beth Genter, Ph.D., DABT

5.0 Radium
5.0.1 CAS Number:
5.0.2 Synonyms:
228Ra (mesothorium); 223Ra (actinium X); 224Ra (thorium X)
5.0.3 Trade Names:
5.0.4 Molecular Weight:
5.0.5 Molecular Formula:
5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
5.1.1 General Pure metallic radium is brilliant white when freshly prepared, but blackens on
exposure to air, likely because of formation of the nitride. Radium and its salts exhibit luminescence;
like other alkaline-earth metals, radium decomposes on exposure to water and is more volatile than
barium. Radium imparts a carmine red color to a flame. There are four naturally occurring isotopes
of radium: 226Ra, 228Ra, 223Ra, and 224Ra. All isotopes of radium are radioactive, emitting a, b, and
g rays. 226Ra (half-life 1600 years) emits a radiation with an energy of 4.87 MeV. The endpoint of
226Ra radioactive decay, emitting radioactive radon gas (222Rn), is the formation of lead. 224Ra has

a much shorter half-life (3.62 days) and also decays via a particles (5.8 MeV). 222Ra has a half-life
of 11.4 days and similarly emits an a particle in its decay (5.98 MeV), whereas 228Ra (half-life 5.7
years) decays by release of a b particle. Radium is over a million times more radioactive than the
same mass of uranium (90). Melting point: 700°C, boiling point: 1737°C, d: 5.5.
5.2 Production and Use
Radium is extremely scarce but may be found in uranium ores such as pitchblende at approximately
1 g/ton. The commonly occurring salts are the chloride, bromide, carbonate, and sulfate. Radium
may be made on a very small scale by the electrolysis of molten radium chloride (90). Radium was
discovered in the early twentieth century, and found medicinal uses and, because of its
luminescence, use in the painting of watch and clock dials, as well as military instruments. Radium
therapy (226,228Ra) was accepted by the American Medical Association (AMA) for treatment of
rheumatism and as a general tonic, as well as for the treatment of mental disorders. 224Ra was used
in Europe for over 40 years in the treatment of tuberculosis and ankylosing spondylitis. The isotopes
223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, and 228Ra have all been used as radiation sources for treating neoplasms in
humans (5).
5.3 Exposure Assessment
5.3.1 Air The combustion of coal is probably the most important mechanism of release of radium
into the atmosphere. The mean concentration of 226Ra in coal is on the order of 1 pCi/g. Radium
combustion products may condense onto coal fly ash. The concentration of 226Ra in fly ash ranges
from 1 to 10 pCi/g; the 228Ra content has been reported to vary from 1.8 to 3 pCi/g (91). It has been
estimated that 2.2 Ci of total radium is released in this manner annually in the United States. Global
release of 226Ra is estimated at 150 Ci per year. 226Ra concentrations in glacial ice samples have
increased 100 fold since the 1920s, likely as a result of the increased combustion of fossil fuels (92).
5.3.2 Background Levels The concentration of radium in surface water is generally quite low.
Shallow wells reportedly have lower 226Ra concentrations than do deeper wells, and the total content
in municipal water supplies is generally lower than that in untreated well water. A summary of
several sampling studies reveals that 226Ra generally occurs at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to
0.5 pCi/L in surface water, and the mean concentration in drinking water is 0.91 pCi/L. 228Ra
activity in several midwestern states in the United States ranged from 0.3 to 32 pCi/L, with typical
concentrations < 1 pCi/L. The main source of radium contamination in water is believed to be from
uranium mine tailings. Radium in water exists as the divalent cation and can interact significantly
with sediments and dissolved solids in water.

The mean concentration of 226Ra in soil in 33 states was 1.1 pCi/g, similar to levels reported for
various types of rocks (91). Analysis of garden plots in Port Hope, Ontario, Canada revealed radium-
contaminated plots with up to 830 pCi/g soil, compared to 1.2–2.6 pCi/g in plots uncontaminated by
adjacent uranium mines (93). It has been estimated that the mean concentration of radium in the diet
is approximately 0.73 pCi/kg of food (94).

5.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

5.3.4 Community Methods: NA

5.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Exposure to radium can be determined by the use of a whole body
counter to measure the g radiation emitted by radium (95, 96). Blood Radium can be measured in urine, feces, and other biological media by use of g-ray
spectroscopy (91). Urine Radium can be measured in urine, feces, and other biological media by use of g-ray
spectroscopy (91). Other The body burden of radium can be established by quantitation of radon in exhaled
breath (94).
5.4 Toxic Effects
5.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity For a variety of reasons, rodent studies examining the
effects of a-particle emitters have been difficult to extrapolate to humans. Therefore, because of its
long lifespan and the similarity of its biological properties to those of humans with regard to target
organs, the beagle dog has been used as the model for study by several groups. Studies in beagle
dogs indicate that a particles emitted by 226Ra are bone-seeking and associated with bone tumors,
whether administered as a single or repeated doses (97). Primary bone tumors (n = 155) were
reported in 131 of 246 beagles injected with 226Ra (5 primary bone sarcomas in 4 of 158 unexposed
controls). The predominance of these (94%) were osteosarcomas (98). Mice injected with 224Ra (69–
550 Bq/g body weight) developed myeloid leukemia and osteosarcoma, with a dose–response
correlation observed for both tumor types (99). In terms of extrapolating to human carcinogenic
response to radium, these studies were interesting because a number of the mice in this study
developed leukemia in the absence of osteosarcoma, and historically leukemia has not been a cancer
linked to radium exposure (97, 100, 101). C57Bl/Do (black and albino) mice receiving
approximately 10 mCi/kg of 226Ra similarly developed bone sarcomas (102). In a beagle dog study
designed to evaluate the appropriateness of permissible body burdens for humans, 228Ra,
administered at 16.6 times the human maximum permissible body burden (MPB), caused a shortened
lifespan, whereas 226Ra at 10 times the MPB was associated with neither a significant number of
excess bone tumors or shortened lifespan (55). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption In rats, oral
administration results in 1–7% retention 400–500 days after administration; in contrast, 77%
retention was observed 140–300 days after intradermal administration (91). In a study in which
human volunteers ingested small amounts of 224Ra, 20% of the ingested dose reached the
bloodstream (95). Following oral administration of radium, 80% appeared in the feces 10 days
following expousre, with 20% retained and distributed systemically. The fecal:urine excretion ratio
was also high (30:1) following IV administration (91). Accidental human inhalation exposure was
associated with sequestration of radium in the bones, suggesting absorption from the lung and
distribution via the bloodstream (91). Distribution Following ingestion, radium is similar to calcium in its metabolism and is
incorporated on bone surfaces into the mineralized portion of bone. The long half-life of 226Ra
allows for distribution throughout the mineral skeleton over life. Excretion The loss of radium from the body by excretion was determined to follow a
relatively simple power function: R = 0.54t–0.52, where R = total body retention and t = time in days
(103). As more data became available, it became apparent that the Norris equation is relatively
accurate except at very long times after exposure e.g., (106). In practical terms, one year after
exposure, approximately 2% of a dose of radium is retained in the body, but after 30 years, 0.5% still
remains (104). Reproductive and Developmental An old study (14) revealed that intravenous or
subcutaneous administration of 5 mCi of radium to rats late in pregnancy caused fetal death
associated with hemorrhage in the head and dorsal areas. Carcinogenesis Although the National Toxicology Program has not classified radium with
regard to its carcinogenicity, multiple laboratory studies document the ability of radium isotopes to
cause cancer in animals.

5.4.2 Human Experience General Information The maximum permissible (retained) body
burden for bone of 226Ra for humans has been tentatively set at 1 mCi (3.7 kBq) for a 70-kg man, or
0.529 kBq/kg (55). This body burden is expected to be without radiation-induced injury. Clinical Cases Acute toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Two types of cancer—sarcomas of the bone and
carcinomas of the paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells (called “head cancers”)—have been shown
to be associated with radium exposure (105, 106). It is significant to note that, although all isotopes
of radium are bone-seeking, and despite laboratory animal studies in which rodents exposed to
radium developed both leukemia and bone sarcomas, human leukemia is not recognized as a long-
term sequela of radium exposure. Raabe et al. (107) modeled bone sarcoma risk in the human, dog,
and mouse and determined that there is a threshold dose and dose rate, representing a dose low
enough so that bone cancer will not appear within a human lifespan; this dose is 0.04 Gy/day, or a
total dose of 0.8 Gy to the skeleton. A population of 900 German patients, both juveniles and adults,
who had been treated with 224Ra had 54 patients who developed bone sarcomas. The average
skeletal dose in this population was 4.2 Gy. In a second cohort followed by Wick et al. (91), two
ankylosing spondylitis patients (mean skeletal dose = 0.65 Gy) have developed osteogenic sarcoma,
with no cases in the control group. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The a-particles emitted by radium, once
deposited on bone surfaces, can penetrate approximately 70 mm. The long half-life of 226Ra allows
distribution throughout the mineral skeleton over a lifetime. The target cells for osteogenic sarcoma
reside in marrow on endosteal surfaces approximately 10 mm from the bone surface (104). With its
shorter half-life, 224Ra delivers its a dose while the radium is still on bone surfaces (104). Reproductive and Developmental Although many of the humans occupationally exposed to
radium were women, there is little published about reproductive or developmental consequences of
radium exposure. It has been reported that the adult heights of humans injected as children with
224Ra for treatment of tuberculosis were markedly lower than the heights of nontreated persons (91). Carcinogenesis The U.S. EPA has classified radium as a class A carcinogen, meaning that
there are sufficient data to support a link between exposure to radium and the development of human
cancer. The a-particle radiation associated with radium is recognized as the causative agent for
sarcomas of the bone and carcinomas of the paranasal sinuses in humans (106). A study attempting
to ascertain the dose–incidence relationship for induction of these tumors examined 1474 women
employed in the U.S. radium dial painting industry before 1930. This population exhibited 61 known
cases of bone sarcoma and 21 cases of carcinoma of the paranasal sinuses or the mastoid air cells
(106). Of these individuals, the radium body burden was known for 759, among whom there were 38
cases of bone sarcoma and 17 head carcinomas. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies In an analysis of a number of human proto-
oncogenes in persons with internal systemic exposure to radium, alterations in the c-mos proto-
oncogene were found in many, but not all, tissues from 6 of 7 subjects (105). The changes were
EcoRI restriction fragment length alterations, and these were noted in normal (i.e., neoplasm-free)
tissues from these individuals. Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Leikin and Paloucek (5) report that
adverse reactions associated with the use of radium in the treatment of neoplasms include
leukopenia, cirrhosis, and cataracts. Epidemiology Studies Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Evans (95) summarized quantitative studies of more than
450 humans who carried skeletal deposits of 226Ra and 228Ra for up to 50 years. For residual
skeletal burdens >0.5 mCi, the occurrence of osteoporosis, dense-bone necrosis, trabecular
coarsening, and spontaneous bone fractures increased with increasing skeletal burden. Pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis Evans (95) summarized >450 cases of humans with skeletal burdens of
226Ra and/or 228Ra. For residual skeletal burdens ranging from 0.5 to 60 mCi of 226Ra, the fractional
incidence of osteogenic sarcoma and carcinoma of the paranasal sinuses or mastoids was about 40%
and appeared to be independent of residual body burden. However, in individuals with tumors, the
latency period was determined to be related to the residual body burden. It has been noted that breast
cancer, liver cancer, and chronic myeloid leukemia have also been associated with radium exposure
5.5 Standards, Regulation, or Guidelines of Exposure
No oral reference dose or inhalation reference concentration for radium has been established. The
USEPA has established a maximum contaminant level of 5 pCi/L for combined 226Ra and 228Ra in
drinking water and has classified radium as a class A carcinogen; this represents an agent for which
sufficient evidence exists to support a causal relationship between exposure and cancer.

Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium


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Zinc and Cadmium

Marek Jakubowski, Ph.D.

1 Zinc and Zinc Compounds

1.0 Zinc
1.0.1 CAS Number: [7440-66-6]

1.0.2 Synonyms: Zinc dust, zinc powder

1.0.3 Trade Names: Asarcor; L15; Blue Powder; CI 77945; CI pigment Metal 6; Emanay Zinc Dust;
Granular Zinc; JASAD; Merrilite; PASCO (97).

1.0.4 Molecular Weight: 97.45

1.0.5 Molecular Formula: Zn

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
1.1.1 General Zinc is a relatively soft, bluish-white shiny metal. It exhibits a strong tendency to react
with both the inorganic compounds (e.g., oxides, sulfates, and phosphates) and the organic ones. The
physical and chemical properties of zinc are displayed in Table 29.1.

Table 29.1. Physical and Chemical Properties of Zinc and Zinc Compounds

Boiling Melting Solubility Refractive P

CAS Molecular Point Point (° Specific in Water Index (20°
Compound # Formula MW (°C) C) Gravity (at 68°F) C)

Zinc [7440- Zn 65.38 908 419.5 7.14 at Insoluble — 1

66-6] 25°C H
Zinc oxide [1314- ZnO 81.38 No 100 5.607 at 0.0016 g/L —
13-2] data (decomp.) 20°C at 29°C
Zinc [7646- ZnCl2 136.29 732 290 2.907 at 4320 g/L —
chloride 85-7] 25°C at 25°C

Zinc sulfate [7733- ZnSO4 161.44 No 600 3.54 at 1667 g/L — N

02-0] data (decomp.) 25°C at 25°C
Zinc [557- Zn(C2H3O2)2 183.47 — 200 1.84 300 g/L at —
acetate 34-6] (decomp.) 20°C
Zinc [557- Zn(C18H35O2)2 632.23 — 130 — Insoluble —
stearate 05-1]
Zinc [7783- (NH4)2SO4 401.66 — Decomp. 1.931 70 g/L at 1.489,
ammonium 24-6] ZnSO4 6H2O 0°C 1.493,
sulfate 1.495
Zinc and Cadmium
Marek Jakubowski, Ph.D.

2 Cadmium and Cadmium compounds

1.0 Cadmium
1.0.1 CAS Number: [7440-43-9]

1.0.2 Synonyms: Cadmium dust fume, cadmium powder, colloidal cadmium

1.0.3 Trade Names: NA

1.0.4 Molecular Weight: 112.40

1.0.5 Molecular Formula: Cd

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
1.1.1 General Cadmium (oxidation state 2, density 8.6, melting point 320.9°C, boiling point 765°C),
is a silver-white metal that belongs to the group IIb in the periodic table. Its natural isotopes are 106
(1.22%), 108 (0.88%), 110 (12.37%), 111 (12.75%), 112 (24.07%), 113 (12.26%), 112 (24.07%),
1139 (12.26%), 114 (28.86%), and 116 (7.59%). Cadmium is insoluble in water and soluble in acids.
It has a relatively high vapor pressure. In ambient air cadmium vapor is oxidized rapidly to produce
cadmium oxide. In the presence of reactive gases or vapors, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor,
sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide, or hydrogen chloride, cadmium vapor reacts to produce, respectively,
cadmium carbonate, hydroxide, sulfite, sulfate, or chloride. These compounds may be formed in
stacks and emitted to the environment. The physical and chemical properties of major cadmium salts
are summarized in Table 29.4.

Table 29.4. Physical and Chemical Properties of Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds

Boiling Melting Solubility Refractive Pressure
Molecular Point (° Point (° Specific in Water Index (20° (mm
Compound CAS # Formula MW C) C) Gravity (at 68°F) C) Hg)

Cadmium [7440- Cd 112.41 765 320.9 8.642 Insoluble — 1 at 394°

43-9] C
Cadmium [10108- CdCl2 183.32 960 568 4.047 at 1400 g/L — 10 at
chloride 64-2] 25°C at 20°C 656°C
Cadmium [1306- CdO 128.41 Sublimes No data 8.15 Insoluble — 1 at
oxide 19-0] at 1559 1000°C
Cadmium [1306- CdS 144.47 No data 1750 at 4.82 0.0013 g/L 2.506 No data
sulfide 23-6] 100°C at 18°C 2.529

Zinc and Cadmium


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Ernest Foulkes, Ph.D.

Mercury is a heavy metal widely distributed in nature, both as the metallic element (Hg0) and as
inorganic or organic compounds of its oxidation products, the mercurous (Hg+) and mercuric (Hg2+)
ions. These mercury species are readily interchangeable in the environment and in the body, and
evidence suggests that their toxicity in many cases reflects the actions of the mercuric ions formed
by oxidation of mercury or by breakage of the mercury–carbon bond. To that extent, different
toxicities of individual compounds can largely be attributed to differences in their toxicokinetic
properties such as rates of absorption, distribution, degradation, or oxidation to Hg2+, and finally
excretion. Monosubstituted organic compounds of mercuric mercury may also react directly with
biological molecules before degradation to Hg2+.

Although all biological tissues contain traces of mercury, no essential biological function has been
identified for the metal. To the contrary, because the end product of the metabolism of mercury and
mercurials is usually the mercuric ion, which has high affinity for proteins and other biological
molecules, many of the organic and inorganic compounds of the metal strongly inhibit biological
reactions in very low concentrations. The high chemical reactivity of Hg2+ also helps explain the
relatively nonspecific nature of mercury toxicity in the target organs. For instance, mercuric mercury
accumulates primarily in the kidney, but in that organ it inhibits a large number of different
enzymatic and other functions.

Natural sources of mercury include primarily deposits of the metal itself or of insoluble mercuric
sulfide (HgS, cinnabar). Most of the world's production of mercury comes from mines in Algeria,
China, Spain, and Kyrgyzstan. The background concentration of mercury in the environment reflects
outgassing from the earth's crust and the result of volcanic activity. Large amounts of mercury are
also contributed to the environment by human activities. The use of Hg by humans has been traced
back thousands of years, and the high morbidity observed in mercury miners was well recognized in
Roman days. Among major anthropogenic contributions to mercury pollution are the combustion of
fossil fuels, the application of inorganic fertilizers and sewage sludge to agricultural lands, the
amalgam process of extraction and purification of noble metals, losses incurred during the extensive
use of mercury and its compounds in industry, and leaks from waste disposal. Natural and
anthropogenic releases of mercury into the atmosphere in the 1980s were roughly equivalent and
reached values of more than 6000 tons per year (quoted in Ref. 1).

Human exposure to mercury and mercurials also was, and in part still is, associated with their direct
application for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. Even in the twentieth century, such uses have
included topical treatment with mercury-containing skin whiteners, antiseptics, and infants' teething
powder. Organic mercurials have also been prescribed routinely as diuretics for treating salt and
water retention. These human applications have mostly been abandoned, but the presence of the
element in dental amalgams remains a significant and continuing source of human exposure.
The interchangeability of various mercury species in the environment and in the body and the
overlap between the toxic effects of individual mercurials and between the biomarkers available for
monitoring exposure to these mercurials make it impractical to consider the different mercurials
under entirely separate headings. This chapter, therefore, discusses the occupational toxicology of
mercury and selected mercury compounds under three main overlapping headings: A. Elemental
Mercury, B. Inorganic Mercury Compounds (primarily the chloride salts of mercuric and mercurous
mercury, although other inorganic mercury salts are also cited), and C. Organic Mercury Compounds
(mostly methylmercuric chloride and phenylmercuric acetate). A very extensive literature has
accumulated on all of these topics. However, no attempt will be made here to provide an exhaustive
survey; a detailed listing, for instance, of all occupational uses and reported health effects of each
chemical species of mercury in every animal species tested and in humans, under all exposure
conditions would have to cover thousands of references and is hardly necessary to emphasize the
major problems potentially associated with human occupational and general exposure to mercury
and its compounds. Additional details on mercury and mercurials may be obtained from a number of
informative recent publications, including the EPA document on mercury (2), a toxicological profile
placed into the Federal Register by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
(3), the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (4), and the authoritative review of Clarkson (5). The
volume edited by Chang on the Toxicology of Heavy Metals (6) provides an extensive discussion of
the toxic properties of mercury. Environmental health criteria for inorganic mercury were discussed
by WHO (7). An earlier volume on the history of mercury contains much fascinating information on
this important element (8).

Ernest Foulkes, Ph.D.

A. Elemental Mercury
Although elemental mercury is readily oxidized to mercuric ions, the industrial applications and the
toxicity of the two mercury species differ greatly. This is related to their physicochemical properties
and their different distributions in the body. It is therefore appropriate to discuss the two species
under separate headings.
1.0 Mercury
1.0.1 CAS Number: [7439-97-6]

1.0.2 Synonym: Quicksilver

1.0.3 Trade Names: NA

1.0.4 Molecular Weight: 200.61

1.0.5 Molecular Formula: Hg0

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
1.1.1 General Metallic mercury at room temperature is a silvery and volatile heavy liquid (specific
gravity 13.546) with a vapor pressure of 0.0012 mmHg at 20°C. The metal is slowly oxidized to
mercuric oxide (HgO) near its boiling point (356.9°C) in the presence of oxygen. This reaction is
reversed at higher temperatures. Similarly, the element may be reversibly oxidized to mercuric
mercury in the environment and in the body. The metal reacts with halogens and sulfur and dissolves
in nitric acid or concentrated sulfuric acid; it is little affected by hydrochloric acid (1). Mercury
vapor is very slightly soluble in water (56 mg/L at 25°C).

Among physical and chemical properties which make the metal important for many technical
purposes are (1) the high vapor pressure of Hg0, which permits purification of the metal by
distillation. Vaporization also provides a convenient tool for spectroscopic analysis of mercury (see
section 1.3). The volatility of mercury makes inhalation exposure an important potential risk. (2) The
high surface tension of Hg0 reduces wetting of glass and other surfaces. This property, together with
its uniform thermal expansion, makes the metal ideal for use in thermometry. (3) The high electrical
conductance of Hg0 is important in thermostats, electrical switches, electrodes, etc. (4) The high
specific gravity of Hg0 is important in manometers, barometers, and other control devices. (5) Hg0
forms amalgams with gold and other metals that are used extensively in extracting and purifying of
noble metals and in dental fillings.

1.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The metal is odorless, but its presence can readily be detected by
UV spectroscopy or cold-vapor atomic fluorescence measurements, as proposed by the EPA (9).
These techniques have also proven useful for analyzing biological and other samples for trace
amounts of inorganic mercury compounds following their reduction to the element by reagents such
as stannous chloride (see section 2.1.2). Listing of other techniques for estimating total mercury
content may be found in Ref. 1.
1.2 Production and Use
Mercury is mined primarily in underground mines as the metal or as the red sulfide cinnabar (HgS).
Like HgO, the sulfide decomposes at higher temperatures. Heating of the ore and condensation of
the mercury vapor constitute a convenient procedure for reducing, extracting, and purifying mercury
from its ore. Total world production fell from 8698 metric tons in 1975 to 1760 in 1994, reflecting in
part increasingly prohibitive environmental, health, and safety regulations. In the United States,
mercury is produced primarily from secondary sources; this involves recycling a variety of industrial
waste products. Total consumption of the element in the United States in 1995 amounted to 463
metric tons (3). More than 150,000 workers are believed to have been potentially exposed to
mercury and its compounds in the United States in 1990 (10); the majority of these exposures
involved mercury vapor.

Some of the many uses of the metal have been described in section 1.1.1. Others include, for
instance, mercury vapor lamps, and as a heavy liquid in fluid bearings and clutches. A major
application is as a cathode in chloralkali plants that produce NaOH and chlorine by electrolyzing
NaCl. The significance of the exposure from this process can be illustrated by the work of
Langworth et al. (11) who found fourfold increases in blood Hg levels and 13-fold increases in
normalized urinary levels in workers engaged in this process. The toxicity of mercury and the cost of
its safe disposal have led to the search for alternative, Hg-free processes. Thus, total U.S.
consumption of mercury fell from 1503 tons in 1988 to 621 in 1992. By way of illustration, about
50% of chloralkali plants used Hg-free processes in 1994 (2). Although as much as 16% of mercury
consumed by industry has been recovered and recycled (3), the remaining major portion represents a
very significant addition to the environment.
1.3 Exposure Assessment
Exposure to elemental mercury, as well as to most of its compounds, can best be monitored by the
total levels of mercury in blood and urine. A difficulty in relying on the level of blood mercury for
quantitatively evaluating an earlier exposure to mercury vapor is posed by the peak in the blood
concentration that occurs 2–4 days after exposure; blood analyses after longer periods are therefore
generally less informative. Another problem in evaluating mercury exposure especially from blood
mercury levels arises from the likelihood of mercury release from tissues. Peaks of mercury
concentration in urine after exposure appear and decline more slowly than in blood. Total mercury
concentrations in urine following exposure to mercury vapor are of interest especially because of the
oxidation of Hg0 to Hg2+; the latter accumulates primarily in the kidney, from which it may directly
enter the urine (see section 2.4). The significance of exhaled Hg0 following acute exposure may be
confounded by the output from dental amalgam and by the possibility of the reduction of Hg2+ in the
Hair analysis has also proven useful, and reasonably good correlations have been observed between
hair and blood mercury contents. Segmental analysis of scalp hair, growing at a rate of around
3 mm/week, can provide some indication of the history of exposure over relatively long periods.
Hair analysis is particularly useful in providing evidence of exposure to methylmercury because this
compound is incorporated into hair as such (see section 4). The estimation of mercury and its
compounds is discussed in greater detail in section 2.3. In environmental or biological samples, as
emphasized before, the interchangeability of the various chemical species of Hg makes total mercury
levels more significant than those of elemental Hg.

Mercury vapor can pose health problems in occupational settings and also following, for instance,
accidental breakage of such instruments as thermometers and barometers in the home or the use of
mercury and mercurials for cosmetic, therapeutic, and other purposes. A major contribution of
mercury from such sources at present results from the application of Hg amalgams in dental fillings.
Urinary levels of mercury, ultimately derived from dental amalgams, have attained or even exceeded
occupational health limits. To quote just one of many papers, urine collected from individuals
carrying more than 36 dental amalgam restorations contained on the average 30 nmol Hg/L,
compared to 6 nmol/L in the urine of control subjects without amalgams (12). According to WHO
reports (7), occupational exposure to 50 mg Hg vapor/m3 air increases the rate of urinary Hg
excretion to more than 30 nmol/mmol creatinine. The potential internal Hg exposure due to dental
amalgams may also be judged by the report that mean levels of Hg0 in the breath of subjects who
carry amalgam restorations was 8.2 ng/L (or mg/m3), more than 100 times higher than in the breath
of subjects without amalgam fillings (3). Individuals who have many amalgam restorations may
absorb 10–12 mg of mercury per day (12). Exposure of dental health professionals also results from
present practice, and one report describes an increased frequency of reproductive failures in female
dentists and dental assistants (13). Overall, however, no clear-cut health effects of amalgam exposure
have been described (14), and its toxicological significance remains under discussion.

1.3.1 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood and urine levels of Hg are commonly assayed and provide at
least a qualitative measure for evaluating exposure to mercury. This topic has already been
considered earlier in section 1.2 Exposure Assessment. Because elemental mercury is fairly rapidly
oxidized to Hg2+ in body fluids, exposure to Hg0 is generally evaluated by blood and urine analysis
for elemental plus inorganic mercury. This commonly involves reducing the inorganic mercury to
the element and using UV spectroscopy for Hg vapor. Analysis specifically for Hg0 in the presence
of Hg2+ omits the reduction step. Further details will be given under the heading of mercuric
chloride (section 2.3).
1.4 Toxic Effects
Because the element is relatively inert, it exerts little direct toxic action. On the other hand, it is
readily oxidized to mercuric ions. One biological mechanism for this oxidation involves the enzyme
catalase in presence of hydrogen peroxide; the reverse reaction, the reduction of Hg2+ to Hg0, has
also been observed in animals. In any case, all evidence points to Hg2+ as the ultimate toxicant
during exposure to mercury vapor, salts of mercurous mercury, and in part also to organic
mercurials. Many aspects of the toxicity of elemental mercury will therefore be included in section
2.4 under the heading of Toxic Effects of Hg2+. The fact that Hg0 to some extent like methylmercury
(see section C on Organic Mercury Compounds), but in contrast to Hg2+, acts primarily on the
central nervous system can be explained by its lipid solubility and consequent ability to cross cell
membranes such as those in the blood–brain barrier. After moving across this barrier, elemental
mercury is likely to be extensively oxidized to Hg2+ and consequently to become trapped in the
central nervous system.

1.4.1 Experimental Studies Liquid (metallic) mercury is very poorly absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract. Release of mercury vapor in the intestine may be retarded by a coating of
insoluble HgS formed in the intestine. This may help explain the survival of patients treated in
former centuries for constipation by ingestion of the metal. Inhalation is the most important route of
exposure to Hg0: as much as 80% of inhaled vapor is retained in the lungs (15). As pointed out by
Clarkson (5), this high value represents essentially complete absorption across the alveolar
membranes. Dermal absorption of elemental mercury has also been described but, though not
insignificant, is much smaller. Thus, for every mg of Hg/liter of air, the vapor is taken up by the skin
at an average rate of 0.24 mg/cm2·min. The calculated amount of mercury thus retained amounted
only to about 2% of simultaneous pulmonary absorption. Moreover, only half of the Hg0 taken up in
the skin could be recovered as systemic mercury (16); the remaining portion presumably is retained
and accumulates in dermal cells and is subsequently lost upon their desquamation.

Mercury vapor is rapidly distributed throughout the body, readily penetrates cellular barriers such as
the placenta and the blood–brain barrier, and appears in milk and other secreted body fluids. Once it
has crossed the placenta and the blood–brain barrier, elemental mercury is oxidized and becomes
largely trapped as Hg2+ in the central nervous system. Inhalation of the vapor by rats and mice, leads
to mercury accumulation primarily in the gray area of the central nervous system. The highest levels
are in certain neurons of the cerebellum, the spinal cord, the medulla, the pons, and the midbrain
(17). Such inhalation is, therefore, associated primarily with neurotoxic effects. Similar lesions are
produced by methylmercury, also reflecting the trapping of mercury in the brain (see section 4).
Toxic effects of Hg0 on the developing central nervous system have been described in rat fetuses and
pups. Limited evidence only has been found for carcinogenic actions of elemental mercury (see the
genotoxicity of Hg2+ in section 2.4), and it is not classified as carcinogenic by the USEPA.
Sarcomas have been reported in rats following intraperitoneal injection (18).

In general, many of the cytotoxic actions of the metal resemble those of its oxidation product, the
mercuric ion (see section 2.4). Differences in their overall toxicity are mostly related to their usual
portals of entry and to their different distributions in the body. Thus, the first pass of Hg0 through the
lungs during inhalation exposes these organs to much higher concentrations of mercury than the
kidneys; the inverse is true for Hg2+ following ingestion. Similarly, the ready passage of mercury
vapor across the blood–brain barrier, in contrast to the essential impermeability of that barrier to
Hg2+, helps to explain the primarily neurotoxic effects of the vapor.

1.4.2 Human Experience Hursh et al. (15) studied the clearance of radioactive mercury vapor inhaled
by human subjects. Seven percent of inhaled mercury in their study was exhaled again, with a half-
time of 18 h. The half-life of total mercury in the kidney region was as long as 64 days, consonant
with oxidation to Hg2+ and preferential renal uptake. Acute inhalation of mercury vapor at a
concentration in excess of 1 mg/m3 may cause damage to the lungs; renal malfunction has also been
observed. The major functional lesions, however, are found in the central nervous system. They are
manifested by behavioral and other deficits. Erethism, a peculiar form of emotional instability, has
long been recognized as a symptom of mercury intoxication. Other symptoms include tremor, weight
loss, gingivitis, headache, and drowsiness. Acute exposure can also cause pneumonitis and contact
dermatitis. Overt toxicity may be expected in populations exposed to time-averaged air
concentrations of Hg0 that exceed 0.1 mg/m3.

There are conflicting reports in the literature on reproductive effects of human exposure to metallic
mercury. The potential problems encountered by workers exposed to dental amalgam have already
been discussed in section 1.3 Exposure Assessment. Reproductive toxicity in males was studied by
Cordier et al. (19) whose results indicate that paternal exposure prior to conception might increase
the subsequent risk of spontaneous abortion.

Elemental mercury does not react with chelators (see section 2.4). Their successful therapeutic use
following exposure to Hg0 therefore indicates, as already mentioned, that the element is oxidized to
Hg2+ in the body. Indeed, about 80% of Hg0 taken in by humans is subsequently excreted as
mercuric mercury.
1.5 Standards, Regulations or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA, NIOSH, and the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) have
selected a permissible exposure level (PEL) (time-weighted average) of 50 mg Hg0/m3 of air. The
USEPA Integrated Risk Information System (see Ref. 52) quotes a reference concentration in air of
0.3 mg/m3; no NOAEL was determined for chronic inhalation exposure, but a LOAEL, adjusted for
occupational inhalation and workweek was calculated as 9 mg/m3 (2).
1.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Because of the ready interchangeability of elemental, inorganic, and organic mercury, the problem of
general environmental impact of mercury will be considered here under a common heading for the
element and its compounds. Additional information is provided in section 4.6 for methylmercury, a
frequent and potentially very toxic contaminant of the human food chain. This compound is formed
by bacterial methylation of inorganic mercury, a further reason for minimizing levels of total
mercury in the environment.

Mercury is added to the environment from two main sources: “natural” mercury, and mercury arising
from human activities (anthropogenic mercury). Natural sources include degassing of mercury from
the earth's crust and from volcanic eruptions. The presence of mercury in fish (mostly in the form of
methylmercury, see section 4.6) such as sword fish, which is at the top of the marine food chain and
is harvested far from likely industrial sources of mercury, has thus been attributed ultimately to
mercury from volcanic activity. The anthropogenic origin of mercury is associated with mining, coal
combustion and incinerators, agricultural and industrial applications, surface waste disposal and
other activities; these anthropogenic sources contribute a major fraction of the Hg added to the
atmosphere each year (20). Atmospheric Hg0 becomes oxidized to Hg2+, and as such may be
deposited on land or water. Deposited Hg, in turn, tends to be reduced to the volatile metal. Because
of this volatility, elemental mercury is continuously cycled through various environmental
compartments and becomes widely distributed throughout the environment. However, it is only in
proximity to specific point sources that environmental damage is likely to become significant.

The total mercury content of unpolluted waters usually falls below 1 ng/L. The average daily intake
of total mercury from air by the general population in the United States has been estimated at
0.04 mg/day; a similar value was found for drinking water (0.05 mg/day). The total intake in non-
fish food was calculated as 3.6 mg/day; normal fish consumption raised this value to 6.6 mg/day.
Note that intake of Hg0 from dental amalgams can rise as high as 21 mg/day.

Section 1.2 already referred to the considerable scope for minimizing the anthropogenic input of
mercury into the environment, especially by substituting Hg-free processes for those that depend on
mercury. It was noted, for instance, that washing of coal reduces its mercury content by an average
of 21% (2). Further reductions are probably achievable with the development of new procedures. Of
course, washing of coal only transfers the metal to waste slurries and thereby does not automatically
reduce the concentration in the environment.

The magnitude of the human contribution to environmental pollution is reflected in the two to
fivefold increase in atmospheric Hg since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The persistent
problem of such contributions is dramatically emphasized by the report that during a period of 33
years, about 213 metric tons of mercury and mercuric nitrate were spilled into creeks at the Oak
Ridge National Laboratory (3). Mercury remaining at that site is present now primarily as insoluble
HgS; bacterial oxidation to the more soluble sulfate, however, will continue to make the metal
slowly available for reactions in the biosphere.
Ernest Foulkes, Ph.D.

B. Inorganic Mercury Compounds

Occupational exposure to inorganic mercury compounds occurs during mining for the major mercury
ore, cinnabar (mercuric sulfide, HgS), and as a result of their extensive industrial applications.
Among these compounds, for instance, is mercuric oxide (HgO), once a common constituent of
many types of batteries, including Zn–carbon cells, Zn–silver oxide cells, and others. Mercuric
sulfate has also been used in paints and is a catalyst in the chemical industry (see section 4.2).
Mercuric nitrate was formerly applied in the felting process for beaver furs in the hat industry
(thence the suggested origin of the term “a mad hatter,” believed to have been originally applied to
an affected victim of occupational exposure in the hatting industry). Mercuric fulminate is a common
constituent of percussion caps of firearm ammunitions. Mercuric acetate and bromide are common
laboratory reagents. Several mercuric mercury salts have, in the past, also been extensively used as
antibacterial compounds.

Among important mercurous salts are mercurous chloride (calomel), employed as the standard
calomel electrode, and mercurous sulfate, also found in batteries. Mercurous acetate, iodide,
phosphate, and tannate salts have all been used at one time to treat syphilitic lesions. Mercurous
chromate has served as green colorant for chinaware.

The various salts of mercurous (Hg+) and mercuric (Hg2+) ions are all more or less toxic; the toxic
entity is usually the mercury ion. The actual toxicity of the compounds also depends, of course, on
their water solubility and thence their availability for absorption. The actions of mercurous ions in
the body have been attributed to their oxidation to the mercuric form; this, in turn, readily reacts with
biological molecules. Mercurous mercury (Hg–Hg)++ in aqueous solution decomposes into mercuric
and elemental mercury according to the equation

Mercuric ions in solution readily form a variety of coordination complexes. For instance, in the
presence of high chloride concentrations such as in physiological saline, Hg2+ exists mostly as
polychloride anions like HgCl3–; such anions are involved in the intestinal absorption of mercuric
mercury (21). Iodide complexes such as K2HgI4 are freely available. Complexes are also produced
with ammonia or amino groups, as in Hg(NH3)2Cl2. Mercuric ions also form relatively stable
covalent mercury–carbon bonds to produce the organic mercurials; these are used for many purposes
and will be discussed further under heading C. Organic Compounds of Mercury. Some organic
mercury compounds are relatively nontoxic, whereas others, especially the short-chain alkyl
derivatives, are potent neurotoxins.

Although mercury vapor is absorbed primarily through the lungs, uptake of inorganic mercury
compounds mostly follows ingestion. Table 30.1, based on Ref. 22, summarizes the daily retention
of mercury and mercurials by adults in the general environment.

Table 30.1. Daily Retention of Mercury and Mercurials by Adults in the

General Environmenta

Source Hg vapor Inorganic mercury Methylmercury

Air 0.024 0.001 0.0064

Food: fish 0 0.042 2.3
Non-fish 0 0.250 0
Water 0 0.003 0
Dental amalgams >3.0 0 0
Total >3.0 0.3 2.3

Values represent individual retention (in mg/day) of different species of mercury taken in
from air, food, and water, or from dental amalgam. Calculations are based on 80% fractional
retention of inhaled Hg vapor and 7% and 96% fractional intestinal absorption of ingested
inorganic and methylmercury, respectively.

Several points in this table deserve special emphasis. Note in particular that dental amalgam
represents the major source of total mercury uptake and retention, significantly higher than that from
background levels in food, water, and air. Mercury as mercuric chloride and similar salts is not well
absorbed; the same is even truer of essentially insoluble mercurous salts. In contrast, methylmercury,
derived mostly from fish in the diet, is strongly retained in the body (see section 4.4.1). It represents
the major source of body mercury in populations that consume larger than average amounts of fish in
their diet. These observations were made in studies of several isolated populations, and their
toxicological significance is further reviewed in section 4.4. In an unpolluted environment, the FDA
Total Diet Study (23) on populations not primarily dependent on fish consumption reported for the
period 1982–1984 an average daily Hg intake in the general environment of approximately 50 ng/kg
body weight; this applied to all age groups except young children. To this daily dose must be added
any mercury taken in as a result of cosmetic and therapeutic uses of mercury and its compounds. The
percutaneous toxicity of inorganic heavy metal compounds, including those of mercury, is generally
relatively low (24).

The two representative inorganic salts selected for more detailed discussion are mercuric and
mercurous chloride.

Ernest Foulkes, Ph.D.

C. Organic Compounds of Mercury

As mentioned in the introduction to section B, the mercuric ion readily forms covalent bonds with
carbon; some organic mercurials contain Hg–N bonds, as in mercuric succinimide. A large number
of carbon–mercury compounds have been synthesized, and some are extensively used in agriculture
and industry, for instance, for seed dressing and as antifungal compounds in paints and other

Some organic mercurials have also been employed for therapeutic purposes, although especially
systemic administration is rare now. Mercurials such as mercurochrome
(dibromohydroxymercurifluorescein) and merthiolate (ethylmercurithiosalycilate) have been applied
as topical antiseptics. Among widely used systemic mercurial drugs were the diuretic isopropyl
alcohol derivatives whose general structure is R · CH2 · CH(OY) · CH2 · HgX, where X stands for
chloride, thioacetate, or other residues, and Y is commonly a methyl group. The Hg · X bond is
ionic, leaving one mercury valence free to react with tissue components. The same important
property is found in the monoaryl or monoalkyl derivatives of mercuric mercury. Thus,
parachloromercuribenzoate is a common sulfhydryl reagent, extensively used in biochemical
laboratories, and monomethylmercury forms biologically active complexes with L-cysteine or
glutathione (see section 4.1).
Although monosubstituted organic mercurials may react directly in this manner with, and thereby
inhibit the function of, critical sulfhydryl groups, much of their toxic potential is associated with the
likelihood of degradation to free mercuric ions. The highly neurotoxic dimethylmercury, which is
very lipid-soluble and rapidly absorbed through the skin and taken up across the blood–brain barrier
into the brain, is presumably demethylated at least to the monomethyl compound before exerting any
effects. Risks of exposure to dimethylmercury are exacerbated by the ability of the compound to pass
through latex gloves; this apparently permitted the fatal poisoning of a laboratory worker, as reported
recently in the news media.

The mercurial diuretics and many of the other organic mercurials are relatively nontoxic and possess
little occupational relevance; they will therefore not be discussed in detail here. However, exceptions
to the generally low toxicity of many organic mercurials are the extremely toxic short-chain
alkylmercurials. Of primary interest from the environmental and toxicological points of view are
monomethylmercury salts, as further discussed in section 4.0. The dimethyl compound is a volatile
and extremely potent neurotoxin; it is very easily absorbed through the skin or by inhalation, but
poses little threat outside the laboratory. As already mentioned in section 1.4, the high neurotoxicity
of methylmercury compounds, in contrast to the primarily nephrotoxic action of inorganic mercury,
can be explained by their respective abilities rapidly to cross the blood–brain barrier. The
alkylmercurial selected here for more detailed discussion is the chloride salt of monomethylmercury
(see section 4). Other salts, like the nitrate, are biologically indistinguishable from the chloride. Ethyl
mercury, another short-chain monosubstituted alkylmercury compound, has also been used as a
biocide and exhibits toxic effects similar to those of the methyl derivative.

A large number of aryl and alkoxyalkyl mercury compounds are known. The aryl compounds
especially are used in occupational settings. A well-known example is the application of
phenylmercury as a biocide in paints and agricultural products. Parachloromercuribenzoate (PCMB)
is an aryl compound frequently employed in biochemical laboratories as a sulfhydryl reagent. The
arylmercurial selected here for more detailed consideration is the acetate salt of phenylmercury (see
section 5). The nature of the alkyl or aryl residue in organic mercury compounds largely determines
their ability to reach especially intracellular target sites in selected organs and the stability of the
mercury–carbon bond. Generally, long-chain alkyl mercurials are more readily dealkylated than
short-chain compounds.
4.0 Methylmercuric Chloride
4.0.1 CAS Number: [115-09-3]

4.0.2 Synonyms: Chloromethylmercury; MMC; methylmercury chloride; monomethyl mercury

chloride; caspan; methylmercury (II) chloride

4.0.3 Trade Name: Caspan

4.0.4 Molecular Weight: 251.10

4.0.5 Molecular Formula: CH3 · HgCl

4.0.6 Molecular Structure:

4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

4.1.1 General Monomethylmercuric mercury is a univalent cation. Despite its ionic nature, however,
it is significantly more lipid-soluble than inorganic mercury compounds. The chloride salt is a white
crystalline solid at room temperature and has a melting point of 170°C. Its specific gravity is 4.06,
and its vapor pressure at 25°C is 0.0085 mmHg. At higher temperatures, it volatilizes with a
disagreeable odor. It is slightly soluble in water (<0.1 mg/mL at 21°C). The free mercury valence
bond in monomethylmercury reacts with sulfhydryl groups in biological molecules. Thus, biliary
secretion of methylmercury involves a complex with glutathione, the most common endogenous and
low molecular weight thiol compound in cells (37). An L-cysteine complex of methylmercury is
transported across membranes by the neutral amino acid carrier system (38). The direct binding of
methylmercury, for example, to protein sulfhydryl groups through the free valence bond of mercury
may, in part, explain the toxicity of methylmercury. At the same time, demethylation to the mercuric
ion in the body also contributes to the toxic effects observed.

4.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties In spite of its disagreeable odor, methylmercury is not readily
recognized at low concentrations. In biological matrices the compound is set free from sulfhydryl
complexes at pH 1 and can then be measured by gas chromatography and other convenient
techniques (see section 2.1.2). The procedure of Magos (25) for determining methylmercury in the
presence of inorganic mercury was referred to in section 2.1.2. It avoids the need for separating
inorganic from organic mercurials before chemical reduction, based on the fact that stannous
chloride does not reduce mercury bound covalently to carbon. Another sensitive method (lower
detection limit 15 ng/g) for estimating methylmercury takes advantage of its enzymatic conversion to
methane (39).
4.2 Production and Use
Alkylmercury compounds, like methylmercury, are generally prepared by a Grignard reaction in
ethyl ether:

The compounds served in the past for seed dressing, but by 1970 this application was abandoned
after a disastrous episode of methylmercury poisoning in Iraq (5). Although no longer widely used,
the compound may enter the environment as a by-product of mercury-catalyzed reactions, as in the
case of the production of acetaldehyde in the presence of mercuric sulfate: Minamata disease in
Japan resulted from the contamination of marine food supplies by methylmercury, produced either in
the catalytic reaction or by the microbial methylation of inorganic mercury. Both drained in
industrial wastes into Minamata Bay. Methylmercury becomes widely spread through the aquatic
food chain, where it accumulates, especially in organisms like swordfish in the ocean or pike in fresh
water. Such organisms at the top of the food chain are then likely to be consumed by humans.

Because of its high toxicity, industrial and agricultural use of the compound and therefore its
industrial production have generally been abandoned. Methylmercury remains of considerable
concern, however, because of its continuous synthesis in nature by bacterial methylation of inorganic
mercury. Minimization of environmental mercury contamination therefore remains imperative.
4.3 Exposure Assessment
The odor of methylmercury at low concentrations is not sufficient to detect it. Current assessment of
exposures therefore requires chemical determination of the compound in air, food, or water.
Detection of past exposures can be based on an analysis of blood or hair. The compound becomes
incorporated into hair at a concentration much higher than its level in blood. It remains stable in hair,
so that a longitudinal history of its blood levels may be obtained.

In spite of its fairly long half-life in blood (see section 4.4), methylmercury is slowly degraded in the
body to inorganic mercury. After longer periods following exposure to methylmercury, total mercury
levels in blood and urine may prove informative. Analytical techniques for estimating
methylmercury were briefly reviewed in sections 2.1.2 and 4.1.2.
4.4 Toxic Effects
4.4.1 Experimental Studies Methylmercury is one of the most toxic common mercurials. ATSDR has
described the NOAEL and LOAEL values for different organ systems in various species (3). Lethal
doses vary with the duration and rate of administration, the strain and developmental stage of the
animal, the gender, and presumably other factors such as diet. An acute oral dose equivalent to
16 mg Hg/kg resulted in the death of 4 of 6 male mice, but no increased mortality was seen in
females that received less than 40 mg Hg/kg.

The compound is readily absorbed into the body by inhalation or ingestion. Pulmonary uptake was
measured in rats (40); net intestinal absorption of 95% of the compound present in a fish diet has
been seen in human volunteers (41). Some absorption may also occur through the skin.

As described later, methylmercury is readily distributed throughout the body. The central nervous
system is not well protected against the toxicant by the blood–brain barrier and is highly sensitive to
its actions, especially in immature organisms. Indeed, methylmercury acts primarily as a general
neurotoxin that affects cortical function, neuromuscular coordination, and other activities. Such
neurotoxic effects characterize the so-called Minamata disease (see section 4.4.2). The mechanism of
the neurotoxic action reportedly involves a variety of effects (42). For instance, methylmercury
decreases the evoked release of neurotransmitters, perhaps through changes in Ca2+ metabolism; it
inhibits several mitochondrial enzymes and depolarizes the mitochondrial membrane, thereby
decreasing production of ATP; protein synthesis is also inhibited. Like the nonspecific cytotoxicity
of Hg2+, the early cellular effects of methylmercury are diverse, and damage can be attributed to
more than one mechanism. One such mechanism involves damage to the microtubules involved in
intracellular solute distribution and other functions (5).

The toxicant also crosses the placenta, and the fetal LD50 in rats was reached at maternal doses of
approximately 20 mg/kg body weight. Reproductive effects of methylmercury have frequently been
reported following oral exposure of various animal species, including rats, mice, hamsters, and
monkeys (3).

The relatively free passage of methylmercury across cell membranes is further illustrated by its
secretion into maternal milk; it appears in bile as sulfhydryl complexes (37). Enterohepatic
recirculation, as well as renal tubular reabsorption, contribute to the relatively long biological half-
life of the mercurial. The compound may also be demethylated in the intestine and excreted in feces
as Hg2+.

4.4.2 Human Experience The absorption of methylmercury in humans and its wide distribution in the
body are partly explained by the appreciable lipid solubility of the compound; this facilitates its
passage across cell membranes. Attention must be drawn, however, to the fact that the lipid
solubility of methylmercury is limited by its ionic nature. Transfer across some cellular barriers like
the blood–brain barrier is further catalyzed by membrane transporters for neutral L-amino acids;
these react with and transport the L-cysteine complex of methylmercury into cells (38).

Large numbers of humans have been accidentally exposed to methylmercury, mostly by ingestion of
contaminated fish or grain. In some isolated populations that depend primarily on fish as a source of
dietary protein, levels of methylmercury in hair or blood may exceed estimated safe levels (5).
Acutely fatal oral doses estimated from tissue concentrations range from 10 to 60 mg/kg (43).

The half-life in human blood reportedly varies from 5 to 23 weeks; such a long residence time may
reflect extensive enterohepatic recirculation, as well as renal tubular reabsorption. In blood, the
concentration ratio of methylmercury in red cells and plasma is generally elevated; values as high as
20/1 have been observed. This is in strong contrast to the distribution ratio of about 1 for Hg2+, a fact
potentially useful in distinguishing between exposures to the two toxicants.

Methylmercury is secreted into maternal milk and may constitute a serious risk to nursing infants.
The risk of exposure in utero is enhanced by the ready passage of the compound through the
placenta. Methylmercury is one of the most important developmental neurotoxins. The great
sensitivity of the developing central nervous system to the compound has been dramatically
demonstrated in several major episodes of accidental exposure, as in Minamata Bay in Japan. Unlike
the extensive information on developmental toxicity of methylmercury, there is little documentation
of reproductive effects in humans.

Another catastrophic episode was caused in Iraq by consumption of seed grains treated with
methylmercury as a fungicide. The estimated exposure in this case ranged from 0.71 to
5.7 mg/kg · day for a period of 43–68 days; there was a high mortality (459 deaths out of 6350
hospital admissions) (44). The symptoms of the so-called Minamata disease, typical of severe
nervous system toxicity, have included paresthesia of the extremities and/or the perioral area, ataxia,
visual disturbances, speech and hearing difficulties, tremors, and other neuromuscular deficiencies.

The high affinity of methylmercury for—SH groups has encouraged the development of treatments
aimed at reducing its absorption from the intestine and at stimulating its excretion. Thus, Clarkson et
al. showed that a synthetic polythiol resin (45) inhibits intestinal absorption of the mercurial by 50%.
Keratin, in the form of reduced hair powder, had been previously used for this purpose by Takahashi
and Hirayama (46).

Evidence for human carcinogenicity is limited. A number of authors have reported carcinogenic
effects in rats and mice exposed orally to methylmercury; other investigators observed no increase in
tumor incidence. The EPA has classified the compound as a possible human carcinogen (2).
4.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
A benchmark dose was established by the EPA for ingestion of methylmercury (2) not to exceed
1.1 mg/kg body weight per day. It was derived from observations on neurological changes in Iraqi
children and represents the intake of the compound associated with the lower limit on a 95%
confidence interval for a dose that produces a 10% increase in adverse effects. This dose maintains a
blood concentration in adults of about 44 mg/L or a hair concentration of 11 mg Hg/g. As pointed
out by the EPA (2), fetuses of mothers whose hair concentrations are less than 1 mg Hg/g, a level
associated with the present RfD (Reference Dose, defined as the daily permissible intake over a
lifetime) of 0.1 mg/kg body weight per day, are not likely to suffer ill effects. The World Health
Organization (22) concluded that exposure leading to hair levels in adults of up to 50 mg Hg/g and a
blood concentration not exceeding 200 mg Hg/L has minimal risks.

An action level of 1 mg Hg/g was chosen by the FDA for human consumption of fish, which contain
almost all of their body burden of mercury as methylmercury. This compares to an average level in
tuna fish, for instance, of 0.2 mg/g. A minimal risk level for neurodevelopmental lesions of 0.5 mg
Hg/kg · day was derived for methylmercury uptake for periods of 1 year or longer (47); the same
value was proposed by ATSDR. Application of different safety factors to the results of
epidemiological studies carried out on the fish-eating population of the Seychelle Islands led the
EPA to a maximum permissible methylmercury intake equivalent to 0.1 mg Hg/kg · day (95% of this
intake consists of methylmercury). The American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists
(ACGIH) chose a concentration of 10 mg/m3 for the maximum permissible and time-weighted
concentration of methylmercury in air. No standards have been set by the Occupational Health and
Safety Administration (OSHA). There is currently no OSHA PEL for this compound.
4.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Methylmercury may be added to the environment as such or may be formed by biological
methylation of soluble inorganic mercury, especially in lake and marine sediments. Therefore,
control of methylmercury levels in the environment requires minimizing the concentration of total
mercury. Significant bioaccumulation of methylmercury has been observed in both marine and fresh
water fish, especially those at the top of the food chain; in albacore tuna, the average body
concentration of Hg was reported as 264 ng/g (2). In Minamata, fish-eating animals such as sea gulls
and cats exhibited symptoms of neurotoxicity. Generally, wildlife is likely to be strongly affected by
methylmercury in their food chain.
5.0 Phenylmercuric Acetate
A number of phenylmercuric salts are commonly available, including the acetate, bromide, chloride,
cyanide, and iodide. The acetate salt, [(C6H5) · Hg]+[OOC · CH3]–, (PMA), has been selected here
for more consideration. It must be emphasized, however, that the toxic properties of water-soluble
phenylmercury salts, as of other salts of mercury and of its derivatives, are generally independent of
their anion.

5.0.1 CAS Number: [62-38-4]

5.0.2 Synonyms: Phenylmercury acetate; PMA; (acetato-O)phenylmercury; (acetato)phenyl

mercury; phenylmercury (II) Acetate; acetoxyphenylmercury; (aceto)phenylmercury; PMAC;
PMAS; Gallotox; Liquiphene; Phix; Mersolite; Tag HL-331; Nylmerate; Scutl; Riogen; Advacide
PMA 18; Cosan PMA; Mergal A25; Metasol 30; Nildew AC 30; Nuodex PMA 18; Agrosan;
Cekusil; Celmer; Hong Nien; Pamisan; Seedtox; Shimmer-ex; Unisan; acetic acid, phenylmercury
deriv.; (acetoxymercuri)benzene; agrosan gn 5; algimycin; antimucin wdr; benzene,
(acetoxymercurio)-; Bufen; ceresan universal; contra creme; dyanacide; Femma; FMA; fungitox or;
HL-331; hostaquik; kwiksan; leytosan; mersolite 8; norforms; phenmad; phenomercuric acetate;
phenylmercuriacetate; pmacetate; PMAL; purasan-sc-10; puraturf 10; quicksan; quicksan 20;
sanitized spg; SC-110; spor-kil; TAG; tag 331; trigosan; ziarnik; Anticon; Fungicide R; Fungitox;
Meracen; Mercuron; Neantina

5.0.3 Trade Names: PMA, PMAS, liquiphene, mersolite, and numerous others

5.0.4 Molecular Weight: 336.75

5.0.5 Molecular Formula: C8H8HgO2

5.0.6 Molecular Structure:

5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

5.1.1 General The salt crystallizes in small, white, rhombic crystals, whose melting point is 153°C. It
is only slightly soluble in water but dissolves in glacial acetic acid and in various organic solvents. It
is readily degraded in vivo to mercuric ions.

5.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The salt possesses no significant odor or other physical
properties that would reveal its presence in low concentrations. Therefore, evaluating its presence
requires a chemical assay (see section 5.3).
5.2 Production and Use
Phenylmercury compounds are used as catalysts in manufacturing certain polyurethanes. They were
also formerly employed for seed dressing (see methylmercury in section 4); as slimicides; as
fungicides in paper, pulp and both latex and waterborne paints; and as topical disinfectants and
spermicides. The use of PMA in interior latex paints was banned by the EPA in 1992. The
compound is synthesized by refluxing a mixture of mercuric acetate and acetic acid in a large excess
of benzene; the excess benzene prevents the formation of polymercurated benzene derivatives.
5.3 Exposure Assessment
Assessment of exposure requires chemical analysis. Because of the instability of the Hg–C bond,
especially in the body, it is usually most convenient to determine total mercury. The NIOSH Manual
of Analytical Methods (4) lists no specific analytical procedure for phenylmercury.
5.4 Toxic Effects
There is relatively little information on the toxic effects of PMA in humans and animals. However,
because of the relative ease with which the C–Hg bond can be split, it is not surprising to find a
number of adverse effects described in the literature. In general, the toxicity of PMA resembles that
of inorganic mercury.
5.4.1 Experimental Studies PMA is absorbed from the intestine in rats, dogs and chicks, and can
cause a variety of lesions (48); the compound circulates in the blood. NIOSH lists more recent
references to gastrointestinal effects (3). Daily intake of PMA in feed at a level equivalent to 1.7 mg
Hg/kg body weight produced no observed gastrointestinal effects in rats over a period of 2 years.
Solecki et al. (49) observed nephrosis in rats at a lower chronic dose in drinking water, equivalent to
0.4 mg Hg/kg/day. A daily dose of 4.2 mg led to increased incidence of renal cell adenomas. Takeda
et al. (50) compared the distribution and excretion of various mercury compounds injected
subcutaneously into rats. Mercury administered as phenylmercury distributed in the body and was
excreted in urine similarly to mercury given as HgCl2; this confirms the conclusion that the aryl
compound rapidly breaks down to inorganic mercury. Urinary excretion of Hg from both compounds
peaked 2 days after injection.

5.4.2 Human Experience There is very little information on the toxicity of PMA in humans. Use of
phenylmercury as a disinfectant by a diaper service in Argentina (51) led to acrodynia in infants.
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
An oral reference dose for PMA equivalent to 0.08 mg Hg/kg · day was calculated for human
consumption by the EPA (52). This was based on a LOAEL in rats equivalent to 50 mg Hg/kg · day.
The ACGHI has chosen 100mg as the time-averaged maximum concentration of arylmercury per
liter of air. No standards have been set by OSHA.
5.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
No information was located on the possible environmental impact of PMA. In general, as with any
other mercurial, contamination of the environment should, of course, be avoided. This is especially
desirable because degradation and metabolism of mercurials may lead to formation of more toxic
compounds in the human food chain, such as methylmercury in fish.



Cited Publications
1 Kirk-Othmer's Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 16, Wiley, New York, 1995, pp.
2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Mercury Study: Report to Congress,
USEPA, Washington, DC, 1997.
3 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), Toxicological Profile for
Mercury, ATSDR, Washington, DC, 1997.
4 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Manual of Analytical
Methods, 4th ed., NIOSH, Cincinnati, OH, 1994.
5 T. W. Clarkson, The toxicology of mercury. Crit. Rev. Clin. Lab. Sci. 34, 369–403 (1997).
6 L. W. Chang, ed., Toxicology of Heavy Metals, CRC-Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL,
7 World Health Organization (WHO), Environmental Health Criteria 118: Mercury, WHO,
Geneva, 1991.
8 L. Goldwater, Mercury: A History of Quicksilver, York Press, Baltimore, MD, 1972.
9 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 821-R-95-027, Method 1631: Mercury in
Water by Oxidation, Purge and Trap, and Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry,
USEPA, Washington, DC, 1995.
10 National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH), Pocketguide to Chemical
Hazards, Publ. 90-117, NIOSH, Cincinnati, OH, 1990.
11 S. Langworth et al., Renal and immunological effects of occupational exposure to inorganic
mercury. Br. J. Ind. Med. 49, 394–401 (1992).
12 A. Jockstadt et al., Dental amalgam and mercury. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 70, 308–313 (1992).
13 R. Sikorski et al., Women in dental surgeries: Reproductive hazards in occupational exposure
to metallic mercury. Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health 59, 551–557 (1987).
14 Committee to Coordinate Environmental Health and Related Programs, Dental Amalgam: A
Public Health Service Strategy for Research, Education and Regulation, U.S. Public Health
Service, Wahington, DC, 1992.
15 J. B. Hursh et al., Clearance of mercury (Hg-197, Hg-203) vapor inhaled by human subjects.
Arch. Environ. Health 31, 302–309 (1976).
16 J. B. Hursh et al., Percutaneous absorption of mercury vapor by man. Arch. Environ. Health
44, 120–127 (1989).
17 G. B. Casano et al., The distribution of inhaled mercury (203Hg) vapors in the brain of rats
and mice. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. 28, 308–320 (1966).
18 H. Druckrey, H. Hamperl, and D. Schmahl, Carcinogenic action of metallic mercury after
intraperitoneal administration in rats. Z. Krebsforsch. 61, 511–519 (1957), as quoted in U.S.
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, NIOSH, Occupational Exposure to Inorganic
Mercury, NIOSH, Cincinnati, OH, 1973.
19 S. Cordier et al., Paternal exposure to mercury and spontaneous abortions. Br. J. Ind. Med.
48, 375–381 (1991).
20 R. P. Mason, W. F. Fitzgerald, and M. M. Morel, Biogeochemical cycling of elemental
mercury: Anthropogenic influences. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 58, 3191–3198 (1994).
21 E. C. Foulkes and D. Bergman, Inorganic mercury absorption in mature and immature rat
jejunum. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 120, 89–95 (1993).
22 International Programme on Chemical Safety, (IPCS), Methyl Mercury Vol. 101, World
Health Organization, Geneva, 1990.
23 E. L. Gunderson, FDA total diet study, April 1982–April 1984. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.
71, 1200–1209 (1988).
24 J. E. Wahlberg, Percutaneous toxicity of metal compounds. Arch. Environ. Health 11, 201–
204 (1965).
25 L. Magos, Selective atomic absorption determination of inorganic mercury and
methylmercury in undigested biological samples. Analyst (London) 96, 847–853 (1971).
26 K. Kostial et al., Influence of age on metal metabolism and toxicity. Environ. Health
Perspect. 25, 81–86 (1978).
27 D. V. Vassallo et al., Effects of mercury on the isolated heart muscle are prevented by DTT
and cysteine. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 156, 113–118 (1999).
28 P. R. Young, U. S. Nandi, and N. R. Kallenbach, Binding of Mercury++ to poly (dA-dT)
studied by proton nuclear magnetic resonance. Biochemistry 21, 62–66 (1982).
29 R. K. Zalups and L. H. Lash, Advance in understanding the renal transport and toxicity of
mercury. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 42, 1–44 (1994).
30 E. C. Foulkes, Nature of Cd and Hg effects on epithelial amino acid transport in vivo and
role of chelators. Toxicology 69, 177–185 (1991).
31 E. C. Foulkes, Metallothionein and glutathione as determinants of cellular retention and
extrusion of cadmium and mercury. Life Sci. 52, 1617–1620 (1993).
32 H. V. Aposhian et al., Human studies with the chelating agents DMPS and DMSA. J.
Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. 30, 505–528 (1992).
33 E. C. Foulkes, Excretion and retention of cadmium, zinc and mercury by the rabbit kidney.
Am. J. Physiol. 227, 1356–1360 (1974).
34 M. Berlin and R. Rylander, Increased brain uptake of mercury induced by BAL in mice
exposed to phenylmercuric acetate. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 146, 236–240 (1964).
35 E. C. Foulkes, On the mechanism of transfer of heavy metals across cell membranes.
Toxicology 52, 263–272 (1988).
36 B. Aberg et al., Metabolism of methylmercury compounds in man. Arch. Environ. Health 19,
478–484 (1969).
37 N. Ballatori and T. W. Clarkson, Dependence of biliary secretion of inorganic mercury on the
biliary transport of glutathione. Biochem. Pharmacol. 33, 1093–1098 (1984).
38 E. L. Kerper, N. Ballatori, and T. W. Clarkson, Methylmercury transport across the blood-
brain barrier by an amino acid carrier. Am. J. Physiol. 262, R761–R765 (1992).
39 F. Baldi and M. Filippelli, New method for detecting methylmercury by its enzymatic
conversion to methane. Environ. Sci. Technol. 25, 302–305 (1991).
40 S. C. Fang, Comparative study of uptake and tissue distribution of methylmercury in female
rats by inhalation and oral routes of administration. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 24, 65–
72 (1980).
41 J. K. Miettinen, Absorption and elimination of dietary Hg++ and methylmercury in man. In
M. W. Miller and T. W. Clarkson, eds., Mercury, Mercurials and Mercaptans, Thomas,
Springfield, IL, 1973, pp. 233–243.
42 W. D. Atchison and M. F. Hare, Mechanisms of methylmercury-induced neurotoxicity.
FASEB J. 8, 622–629 (1994).
43 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Drinking Water Criteria for Mercury,
USEPA, Washington, DC, 1985.
44 F. Bakir et al., Clinical and epidemiological aspects of methylmercury poisoning. Postgrad.
Med. J. 56, 1–10 (1980).
45 T. W. Clarkson, H. Small and T. Norseth, Excretion and absorption of methylmercury after
polythiol resin treatment. Arch. Environ. Health 26, 173–176 (1973).
46 H. Takahashi and K. Hirayama, Accelerated elimination of methylmercury from animals.
Nature (London) 232, 201–202 (1971).
47 P. W. Davidson et al., Longitudinal neurodevelopmental study of Seychellois children
following in utero exposure to methylmercury from maternal fish ingestion.
NeuroToxicology 16, 677–688 (1995).
48 O. G. Fitzhugh et al., Chronic oral toxicities of mercuri-phenyl and mercuric salts. Arch. Ind.
Hyg. Occup. Med. 2, 433–442 (1950).
49 R. Solecki et al., Computerized analysis of pathological findings in long-term trials with
phenylmercuric acetate in rats. Arch. Toxicol., Suppl. 14, 100–103 (1991).
50 Y. Takeda et al., Distribution of inorganic, aryl and alkyl mercury compounds in rats.
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 13, 156–164 (1968).
51 C. A. Gotelli et al., Early biochemical effects of an organomercury fungicide on infants.
Science 227, 638–640 (1985).
52 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Integrated Risk Information System,
USEPA, Washington, DC, 1977.

Bertram D. Dinman, MD, Sc.D

A. Introduction
Because of this element's electrochemical properties, its positvely charged ions form very tight
chemical bonds with other anions such that dissociation is minimal in neutral or near-neutral-pH
environments. Since most living organizations operate at or about such pH levels, by implication
most naturally occurring aluminum compounds would display minimal potentials for cellular or
subcellular interactions. Its binding forces, in addition to making this element available only recently
(at the time of writing), has also meant that aluminum was relatively unavailable to the milieu
intériur. However, since progressively more of the metal and its compounds came into common
human use and commerce, ultimately its wide usage could be expected to eventually result in the
possibility intimate human contact and finally, human health and hazard concerns.

These events have indeed occurred so that aluminum and its possible association with neurological
disorders became a prominent health issue of the late twentieth century. Because of the foregoing
electrochemical physical realities, concerns have focused on the element's health effects per se, with
little or attention directed at effects of aluminum compounds, such as chloride, phosphate, and
sulfates. This should also not be unexpected, given their relative biological inavailability. Obviously,
some aluminum compounds do ionize sufficient to lower pH in aqueous environments (e.g.,
aluminum chloride or phosphate) and act as simple irritants. However, most other aluminum
compounds, as expected have had very little apparent biologic availability or effects, and thus are
accorded little scientific attention as compounds per se.

These facts are reflected in the content of contemporary biomedical literature. Although multiple
aluminum compounds have been studied, few, if any, are studied except as they serve to “transport”
aluminum into the body. The overwhelming majority represent interest in aluminum's effects alone
rather than an individual compound's possible bioimpact.

For these reasons, this chapter deals mainly with aluminum as an element and the most common
prevalent form: the oxides. Since its other compounds as such are the subject of so little current
investigation, these other compounds are considered separately later in this chapter.

Bertram D. Dinman, MD, Sc.D

B. Aluminum and its Oxides

Aluminum is the third most common element—after oxygen and silicon—of the lithosphere,
representing 8.13%. Paradoxically, despite its ubiquity in the environment, because of its high
affinity for oxygen it is never found in its free, elemental state. In the pH-neutral, aqueous
environments characteristic of most biological systems the common, naturally occurring aluminum
oxides, oxy- and hydroxides, silicates, alkali and alkaline-earth metal, and phosphate compounds are
extremely insoluble and thus relatively inaccessible to biological interaction. Other compounds of
aluminum that do not commonly occur in nature, such as aluminum sulfate or aluminum citrate, are
more soluble and thus have been used by experimentalists. Unfortunately, information so derived
often bears questionable relevance to aluminum's relative biological inactivity resulting from real-
world encounters with this element. In addition, its amphotericity and ability to form double salts
contributes toward serious analytical problems in defining its various chemical and physical species
in natural systems. Inadequate understanding of the physicochemical behavior and chemical species
of aluminum occuring in living systems have accentuated inconsistencies in biomedical research
outcomes. Confusion among aluminum physicochemical nomenclature (1) has further obscured
understanding of inconsistent toxicological research results (2). Thus, although aluminum has been
present at microgram levels in most biotic systems over evolutionary timescales, its effect on such
systems remains controversial and poorly defined.

Indeed, relative physicochemical inaccessibility caused it to be the last of the common metals to be
commercially produced. The Romans referred to any astringent substance as alum, but in the Middle
Ages it was recognized as an independent substance manufactured from alum stone. A few drops of
the metal were chemically isolated in 1825 by Hans C. Oersted, but its importance in commerce
dates from the almost simultaneous appearance of patents in 1886. Charles Martin Hall via a
backdated, refiling claimed to have discovered the electrolytic reduction process in the United States
on February 23; in France Paul-Louis-Toussaint Héroult filed his patent application on April 23.
(Ironically, Hall and Héroult subsequently both died at age 51 in 1914 of the same cause: typhoid
fever.) After both legal and commercial developmental problems, the inventors finally succeeded in
developing the new industry so that the price of the metal dropped from $75 a pound in 1890 to 29–
30 ¢ /lb by the end of the nineteenth century.

Regardless of problems regarding the physicochemical behavior of this element and its compounds,
toxicologists have paid considerable attention to this element and its compounds. As early as 1897,
Doelkin (3) applied aluminum to the cortex of experimental animals with locally damaging results.
(Such interest undoubtedly reflects the simultaneous ready availability of the metal and the
development of modern toxicology.) However, this and subsequent other experiments should also
consider issues such as the biological relevance of those chemical species studied, the dose-
dependent effect of the doses employed, or to the appropriateness of portals of entry. The direct
application of various chemical species to organs or tissue sites of interest implicitly reflects the
particular difficulty of delivering these biologically nonreactive compounds of the element to a target
organ or cellular site via the usual natural routes of transfer. Although positive experimental
outcomes could be assured by such design strategies, their relevance to biological reality may be

Bertram D. Dinman, MD, Sc.D

C. Aluminum Chloride, Sulfate, Phosphide, and Fluoride and Sodium Aluminate

As has been noted in the foregoing, the electrophysical forces strongly binding aluminum to the
anion(s) results in compounds possessing little—if any—aqueous solubility, which, in turn, favors
neither their absorption nor biological accessibility at physiologic pH ranges. This is clearly the case
for essentially all of the oxides that are insoluble in water at normal pH. By contrast, several of the
double salts display a range of slight solubilities, whereas, in turn, the simple salts show a higher
range. (These statements represent generalizations, since within this classification of salts there is a
small range; e.g., the simple salt AlF3 is relatively insoluble in water). As would be expected, these
simpler salts, such as aluminum chloride or the simple sulfate, are capable of evoking irritant effects
at biological interfaces. Even here, such effects usually require relatively large dosing or protracted
skin contact; when they are inhaled, irritation can also be seen at higher doses, particularly with
respirable particulate sizes (see Ref. 148 and Section ).

Biomedical research periodically focuses on the health effects of aluminum; however, which
chemical species is active and significant in biological systems has yet to be defined. Despite this
lacuna, biomedical researchers generally have not been reluctant to administer a wide variety of
aluminum compounds via variably relevant or pertinent portals of entry. Under these circumstances
such research focuses on the effects of aluminum atom or ion, rather than on the aluminum
compound itself. These aluminum compounds are regarded as simply carriers of the element into the
milieu intériur; thus, there is very little health and biomedical literature concerned with effect(s) of
the compounds per se, beyond any exceptions to be noted. Accordingly, it is such biological
misperceptions that help account for the relative paucity of recent literature on aluminum compounds
that follow.
2.0 Aluminum Chloride
2.0.1 CAS Number: [7446-70-0]

2.0.2 Synonyms: Aluminum trichloride; trichloroaluminum; aluminum chloride, anhydrous

2.0.3 Trade Names: NA

2.0.4 Molecular Weight: 1233.34

2.0.5 Molecular Formula: AlCl3

2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

2.1.1 General
Melting point 194°C
Density (at 20°C) 2.44 g/L
Boiling point 262°C, decomposes
Appearance granular crystals, white to colorless; when impure, gray or yellow to greenish
Vapor pressure 1 mm Hg at 100°C
Vapor density 4.5
Solubility 69.9 g/L water; dissolves freely in benzene, ether, many organic solvents
Very deliquescent, readily forms HCl fumes in atmospheric water or air
When heated in small quantities, volatilizes without melting

2.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Strong odor of hydrogen chloride

2.2 Production and Use
This compound can be synthesized by a number of methods, including the heating of aluminum in a
current of chlorine, followed by dissolving the product in water and crystalization. The synthesis can
also be accomplished by reacting purified gaseous HCl with molten aluminum.

This compound has many uses; the major use is in cosmetics (aluminum chloride hexahydrate
antiperspirants) and the pharmaceutical industry. It has wide application in chemical synthesis as a
catalyst, especially in Friedel–Crafts reactions, for instance, in cracking of petroleum, for
ethylbenzene, dyestuff intermediates, and detergent alkylate and as a chemical intermediate for
numerous aluminum compounds. It also finds major uses in manufacture of specialty papers and in
2.3 Exposure Assessment
Either NIOSH method 7300 (10) or NIOSH method 7013 (9), in which the analyte is aluminum, can
be used. Although methods for analysis of aluminum in blood or urine are also applicable, the
meaning of any findings in terms of aluminum chloride body exposure or body burdens would be
only speculative.
2.4 Toxic Effects
2.4.1 Experimental Studies The acute oral LD50 (rat) was reported to be relatively high, 370 mg/kg
(31); similarly, the LD50 for the rabbit was 400 mg/kg rabbit (169).
2.4.2 Human Experience Because of this compound's ready tendency to volatilize hydrochloric acid
in the presence of moisture, it may produce an unpleasant, irritant environment. If it is applied as a
dry material on the skin or mucous membranes, an astringent as well as inflammatory response may
occur. Splashes or other exposures to the eye produce marked irritation and possible conjunctival
inflammation and ulceration. Although respiratory tract inflammation might be expected, there are
no reliable reports that this has occurred.
2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV TWA is 2.0 mg/m3 soluble salts, as aluminum. This TLV is based on the amount
of hydrolyzed acid and the corresponding TLV. On the basis that 3 mol of HCl, with a TLV of 5
ppm, hydrolyze from 1 mol of AlCl3, a TLV TWA of 2 mg/m3, as aluminum, is recommended to
yield a comparable degree of freedom from irritation as provided by the TLV for HCl.

The (OSHA) PEL is 2.0 mg/m3.

3.0 Aluminum Sulfate
3.0.1 CAS Number: [10043-01-3]

3.0.2 Synonyms Although “alums” were used by the ancient Greeks and Romans as medicinal
astringents, knowledge of their exact chemical nature long postdated this use. Currently, it is clear
that “alum” consisted of a group of crystalline double salts composed primarily of aluminum and
sulfate plus a monovalent cation, namely, potassium, ammonium, or sodium, with the general
formula M+Al3+(SO4)2* 12 H2O. Accordingly, although these three compounds, specifically (1)
aluminum potassium sulfate (AlKO8S2), (2) aluminum sodium sulfate (AlNaO8S2), and (3)
aluminum ammonium sulfate [AlNH4 (SO4)2]—may be referred to and used as an “alum”, such
usage is imprecise. To further complicate the issue, Al2(SO4)3 · 18 H2O—most properly referred to
as “aluminum sulfate”—in common usage equally inappropriately is called and used as an “alum.”
Given these common usages, it is not unexpected that a large number of synonyms are in common
use, such as aluminum trisulfate alum, kaolinite, cake alum, exsiccated alum, pearl alum, potassium
alum, alum flour, alum meal, and filter alum.

3.0.3 Trade Names: NA

3.0.4 Molecular Weight: 342.14

3.0.5 Molecular Formula: Al2O12S3

3.0.6 Molecular Structure:

3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

3.1.1 General
Physical appearance odorless white or colorless powder or crystals
Specific gravity 2.71
Melting point 770°C, becomes anhydrous at 250°C
Solubility freely in water, glycerine; solution in water is medium strong acid, pH
insoluble in alcohol

3.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Odorless; when heated or burning, produces irritant sulfur oxides
3.2 Production and Use
Aluminum sulfate is used mostly for clarification as a particulate flocculant in raw water, clarifying
sugar and in baking powders. Other major applications are in pulp/papermaking, in fabric dying, in
dye manufacture, in lakes, and as a catalyst.
3.3 Exposure Assessment
See Section 2.3.
3.4 Toxic Effects
3.4.1 Experimental Studies Presently there is very scanty modern data; a 1966 study indicated very
low acute toxicity in rats at an oral LD50 of 6.1 g/kg (170).

3.4.2 Human Experience General Information: NA Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity No human experience has been reported. On the
basis of its potential irritant behavior, one might expect its mild to moderate irritant capacity to cause
skin redness and mild inflammation on moderate to heavy skin contact with particulate dusts or
powdered forms, especially if not removed. Similarly, it could be expected to produce mild
pulmonary irritation and cough with heavy exposure to dusts. With pyrolysis, sulfur oxide fumes can
be generated, and could produce upper and possibly midrespiratory tract lung irritation cough, and
other disorders. The Camelford Episode Acute oral ingestion of aluminum sulfate occurred in a
population accidentally exposed for several days to 20 tons distributed through the water distribution
system of Camelford, Cornwall in 1988. Acute symptomatology seen in this episode is nondescript,
numerous and varied; questionable, involving the digestive, (sore throat, gastric upsets), skin rashes,
backache, and musculoskeletal problems; and with general neuropsychological (anxiety, depression,
cognitive problems such as partial loss of memory and concentration ability) complaints and
generalized fatigue (171). Because of nonuniform distribution, dose estimations of this large, short-
term loading could not be determined, although elevated levels of aluminum as well as other metals
persisted for the next several days.

Two years after the episode Rowland et al. (172) compared a 480-person cohort from the Camelford
area with 532 persons from an uninvolved district. The exposed cohort more readily reported the
occurrence of all 18 symptoms in a questionnaire than covered the control cohort. The exposed
cohort had a statistically significantly higher relative risk of joint pains complaints, although this
complaint occurred in less than 25% of all respondents. The minimal 45% overall response rate
among the exposed cohort confounded this study's positive findings.

Further complicating this investigation, neuropsychological evaluation of 10 individuals was

performed serially between 8 and 26 months after the episode; the adequacy of information
processing and memory was assessed. While showing “consistent impairment of these functions,”
the investigators qualified these findings, as they were unable to differentiate between acute brain
damage and the imposed psychological stress of the episode (173). By contrast, the same investigator
led a study of the psychological performance of children from Camelford and outside the area and
could find no differences (175).

Seven years after the Camelford episode, public health authorities (176) reported a 5-year
retrospective study of two similar-sized cohorts as previously. Over this 5-year period, serial
determinations of standardized hospital discharge ratios were compared and analyzed. They reported
standardized discharge ratios for the Camelford cohort higher than those of the control groups but
offered no explanation for this phenomenon.

McMillan et al. (173) also reported that 6 and 7 months after the Camelford exposure the aluminum
present in the bones of two of those exposed had disappeared. Similarly, no stainable aluminum was
present in bone biopsies of eight exposed persons 12–17 months after the episode. Although this
might generally be expected, whether this test (i.e., biopsy and bone stain) of the continued presence
of Al in bone is sufficiently sensitive to truly indicate its presence in bone could be questioned, given
Priest's (49) indications of a more prolonged bone residence time. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Occupationally Exposed

Populations Simonsson et al. (148) reported on the exposures of workers engaged in the synthesis of
the simple aluminum sulfate salt; three other workers in another plant producing aluminum fluoride
were reported incidentally. Exposures were poorly controlled as a result of start-up problems, and
atmospheric exposure concentrations ranged from 0 to 53 mg/m3 as dusts with 25–30% in the
respirable range. The employees manifested nocturnal wheezing and breathlessness characteristic of
occupational asthma. This reversible airway obstruction persisted despite 2–5 years of nonexposure
(mean = 41 months) in 11 of the 19 workers initially affected. The similarity of these cases of
reversible obstructive airway disease or occupational asthma cases to those seen in aluminum
smelters is noteworthy. However, the occupational asthma syndrome is not uncommon, as it has
been been reported consequent to other irritant metal salt exposures, such as from chromates,
platinum, nickel, and vanadium. The onset of this condition following production upsets has been
seen elsewhere, suggesting a similarity to the reactive airway dysfunction syndrome (RADS). In the
cases reported here, the potential irritant capacities of large doses of the simple aluminum sulfate salt
would not be not unexpected. It is not reasonable to suggest that many of these cases represented
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure

ACGIH: TLV TWA as soluble Al salt; ACGIH = 2.0 mg/m3 (For discussion of rationale, see
Section 2.5)
OSHA: PEL = 2.0 mg/m3

4.0 Aluminum Phosphide

4.0.1 CAS Number: [20859-73-8]

4.0.2 Synonyms: Aluminum monophosphide, phostoxin, aluminum phosphide, celphos, celphide,


4.0.3 Trade Names: Alutal, Celphide, Delicia, Gas-Ex-T, Phosfume, Phostek, Zedesa, AlP;
Fumitoxin; Detia; Phos-Kill; L-Fume; Quik-Phos; Gastoxin; Quik-Fume; AL-PHOS; Celphine;
Aluminum Phosphide, Tech

4.0.4 Molecular Weight: 58

4.0.5 Molecular Formula: AlP

4.0.6 Molecular Structure: Al P

4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
4.1.1 General Dark gray to yellow crystals; density 2.9(water = 1) melting point > 1000; hydrolyzes in
water, acids

4.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None if dry; reacts if contacts water or acids, hydrolyzing to
highly irritant products and garlic odor.
4.2 Production and Use
Because aluminum phosphide hydrolyzes to phosphine in the presence of moisture, it is used to
sterilize grain against insect infestation and as a rodenticide in grain storage.
4.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH methods 7300 (10) and 7013 (9) can be used to analyze air.
4.4 Toxic Effects
4.4.1 Experimental Studies This compound exhibits toxicity as a consequence of its hydrolysis in
water to phosphine (see Chapter covering “Phosphorus and Its Hydride Phosphine, sec —). Rats fed
aluminum phosphide exhibited an LD50 of 11.5 mg/kg; inhalation exposures have previously
indicated an LD50 of 15.5 mg/m3 after 4 h of exposure (176); subsequent studies (177) suggested
that these results may be overstated. Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Aluminum phosphide is not apparently

absorbed transcutaneously. Experimentally, its hydrolysis product has consistently produced severe
systemic intoxications as a consequence of phosphine formation subsequent to hydrolysis to
phosphine in gastric acid and/or respiratory moisture. From those junctures toxicity is due to

4.4.2 Human Experience As with the animal data, toxicity stems from phosphine intoxication (see
Chapter, sec —).
4.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
See chapter,“phosphine”.
5.0 Aluminum Fluoride
5.0.1 CAS Number: [7784-18-1]

5.0.2 Synonyms: Aluminum trifluoride

5.0.3 Trade Names: NA

5.0.4 Molecular Weight: 83.98

5.0.5 Molecular Formula: AlF3

5.0.6 Molecular Structure:

5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

5.1.1 General

Hexagonal crystals, slightly soluble in water 0.6 g/100 mL

Melting point 250°C
Sublimes at 1272°C; sparingly soluble in acids and alkalis, even in hot H2SO4

5.2 Production and Use

Inhibitor in fermentation, in ceramics, as catalyst in organic reactions.
5.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH methods 7300 (10) and 7013 (9) can used to analyze air.
5.4 Toxic Effects
5.4.1 Experimental Studies No relatively recent animal experimentation data appear to be available.
Aluminum fluoride has been considered to have low oral toxicity because of its low aqueous
solubility. Evidence is contradictory regarding cutaneous and mucous membrane irritant properties,
given this behavior.

5.4.2 Human Experience The report by Simonsson et al. (148) (see Section included
three individual workers who worked in a separate aluminum fluoride production facility. As was the
case with the larger group of 19 employees at the other plant, these three individual developed
asthma-like symptoms characteristic of reversible airway obstructive disease. Relatively few details
of the conditions of exposure or the clinical course among these AlF3 exposed individuals were
reported, as was the clinical course of these few cases. Given the nature of these exposures, their
responses, and the relative paucity of human exposure cases, this report remains only suggestive and
requires confirmation.
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Both the ACGIH TLV and the OSHA PEL limit exposure to AlF3, as a“soluble salt of aluminum,” at
a maximum concentration of 2.0 mg/m3. It is open to question whether the same standard should
apply to aluminum fluoride in view of its relatively minimal solubility compared to aluminum
chloride or sulfate.
6.0 Sodium Aluminate
6.0.1 CAS Number: [1302-42-7]

6.0.2 Synonyms: Aluminum sodium oxide, aluminum sodium dioxide, sodium aluminum hydride

6.0.3 Trade Names: NA

6.0.4 Molecular Weight: 81.97

6.0.5 Molecular Formula: AlNaO2

6.0.6 Molecular Structure:

6.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

6.1.1 General

White hygroscopic powder

Melting point 1650°C
Insoluble in alcohol
Solubility in water = very high, strongly alkaline
Density (water = 1) > 1.5
Reacts violently with acid
Corrosive with aluminum, zinc

6.2 Production and use

Printing on fabrics, sizing paper, water softners.
6.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH methods 7300 (10) and 7013 (9) can be used to analyze air.
6.4 Toxic Effects
Because of the highly alkaline nature of this compound in solution, it should be treated as a
6.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
ACGIH: TLV TWA—in view of its relatively high aqueous solubility, it would clearly be
considered under the category of “soluble salt of aluminum.” The ACGIH assigns a maximum
concentration value of 2.0 mg/m3.

Bertram D. Dinman, MD, Sc.D

D. Alkyl Aluminum Compounds

This class of chemicals represents a large and continuously expanding group of organometallic
compounds with varied uses in industry. They have the following general structures: R2AlH, R3Al,
R2AlR', R2AlX, RAlX2, and R2AlR'X, where R and R' are straight-or branched-chain, saturated or
unsaturated or mixed alkyls, and X is a halogen. These are treated as a class of aluminum
compounds having similar chemical properties that determine their physical behavior and
consequently their potential health impacts. They are extremely reactive in air and especially in the
presence of water, where they may decompose explosively. Such rapid decomposition is
accompanied by rigorous rearrangements of their carbon skeletons with the formations of flammable
and/or explosive concentrations of ethylene, propylene, and butylene.
7.0 Diisobutyl Aluminum
7.0.1 CAS Number: [1191-15-7]

7.0.2 Synonyms: Aluminum, hydrobis (2-methylpropyl)-aluminum diisobutyl; diisobutyl alane

7.0.3 Trade Name: DIBAL-H

7.0.4 Molecular Weight: 142.22

7.0.5 Molecular Formula: C8H19Al

7.0.6 Molecular Structure:

7.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

7.1.1 General

Colorless liquid
Melting point –70°C
Boiling point 105°C at 2 mm Hg
Specific gravity 0.701 g/ml
Pyrophoric in air at concentrations > 25% by weight
Soluble with hydrocarbon solvents

7.2 Production and Use

Major uses as polymerization catalyst; intermediates in silicones, certain polymers and organic acid
7.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH methods 7300 (10) and 7013 (9) can be used to analyze air.
7.4 Toxic Effects
Essentially no toxicity data have been reported, although the known corrosive properties of the
family of compounds is well established. It has been reported that contact with solutions of < 20%
concentration (172) may be without hazard. Corrosive action can be expected on eye contact (173).

Atmospheric exposures to fumes of Al2O3 will result following pyrophoric and/or explosive
reactions as a consequence of oxidation of the aluminum of this compound. Although numerous
investigators have suggested that metal-fume fever might result from the aluminum oxide fume so
formed, no primary source can be found for that assertion.
7.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
A TLV has been set by the ACGIH for the alkyl aluminum compounds as a class, recognizing the
paucity of experimental and/or human exposure data. Although they recognize that their major
thermal decomposition product of these metalloalkyls would be Al2O3, they also note that many
species in this class are halogenated. (see introductory paragraph preceding Section 7.0).
Consequently, it could be assumed that pyrolysis would also be accompanied by the formation of
halogen acid gases. Given the (possible) presence of such acid gases, ACGIH recommended a
blanket guideline lower than that set for aluminum welding fume, specifically 2 mg/m3 for those
alkyl aluminum compounds not otherwise classified (NOC).
8.0 Triisobutylaluminum
8.0.1 CAS Number: [100-99-2]

8.0.2 Synonyms: Aluminum triisobutyl; aluminum, tris (2-methylpropyl)-; Tibal; aluminum

triisobutamide; triisobutylalane

8.0.3 Trade Names: NA

8.0.4 Molecular Weight: 198.33

8.0.5 Molecular Formula: C12H27Al

8.0.6 Molecular Structure:

8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

8.1.1 General

Clear, colorless liquid

Melting point 6°C
Boiling point 86°C (at 10 mm Hg)
Vapor pressure 1 mm Hg (at 47°C)
Pyophoric or explosive in water
Explosive reactions with alcohols, benzene
8.1.2 Odor or Warning Properties White fumes with musty odor.
8.2 Production and Use
Major use is as a polymerization catalyst in synthesis of polybutadiene, polyisoprene, primary
alcohols, and olefins; also as an intermediate in synthesis of phosphate insecticides, and as a
8.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH methods 7300 (10) and 7013 (9) can be used to analyze air.
8.4 Toxic Effects
See Section 7.4.
8.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH guideline TLV is 2.0 mg/m3. (For discussion of rationale, see Section 7.5.)



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Gallium, Indium, and Thallium

Guillermo Repetto, MD, Ana del Peso

A. Gallium and Gallium Compounds

1.0 Gallium
1.0.1 CAS Number: [7440-55-3]

1.0.2 Synonyms: Gallium, gallium metal

1.0.3 Trade Names: UN2803

1.0.4 Molecular Weight: 69.72

1.0.5 Molecular Formula: Ga

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
1.1.1 General The chemical element gallium (Ga), of atomic number 31, is a bluish metal of group
IIIA in the periodic table. Gallium is a relatively rare metal that is becoming increasingly important
in the manufacture of semiconductor electronic devices. Gallium was isolated for the first time from
zinc sulfide ore in 1875 by the French chemist Lecoq de Boisbaudran, who named it after Gallia, the
Latin name for France. Later the same year Dmitry Mendeleyev showed that gallium was the
missing group IIIA element predicted in his theory of chemical periodicity, below aluminum and
above indium.
Gallium is present in the earth's crust in a concentration of 5–15 ppm. It often occurs in small
amounts in the sulfide ores of its neighbors in the periodic table, zinc and germanium; because of its
chemical similarity to aluminum, it is a minor component of all aluminum ores. It is not present in
significant concentrations in the ocean. The richest source, which is located primarily in
southwestern Africa, is the mineral germanite, a sulfide. Germanite may contain 0.5–0.7% of
gallium, but gallium is widely distributed in small amounts in zinc blends, aluminum clays,
feldspars, and coal, and in the ores of iron, manganese, and chromium. Bauxite, the clay-like ore
from which aluminum is obtained, contains 0.0002–0.008% gallium, whereas some tin ores contain
0.01–0.05% of gallium.

Gallium is a lustrous, silvery liquid or bluish metal or a gray solid. It is the only metal, except for
mercury, caesium, and rubidium, that can be liquid near room temperatures; this makes possible its
use in high-temperature thermometers. It has one of the longest liquid ranges of any metal and has a
low vapour pressure even at high temperatures. Ultrapure gallium has a beautiful, silvery
appearance, and the solid metal exhibits a conchoidal fracture similar to that of glass (1).

Molten gallium expands by as much as 3.2% on solidifying; therefore, it should not be stored in
glass or metal containers, as they may break while the metal solidifies. Bismuth is the only other
metal having this property. High purity gallium is attacked only slowly by mineral acids. Gallium
arsenide is capable of converting electricity directly into coherent light, as it is a key component of
LEDs (light-emitting diodes).

Gallium, Indium, and Thallium

Guillermo Repetto, MD, Ana del Peso

B. Indium and Indium Compounds

8.0 Indium
8.0.1 CAS Number: [7440-74-6]

8.0.2 Synonyms: Indium metal

8.0.3 Trade Names: NA

8.0.4 Molecular Weight: 114.82

8.0.5 Molecular Formula: In

8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
8.1.1 General Indium is a rare, lustrous silver-white metal with atomic number 49 and In as its
atomic symbol. It is widely distributed in the earth's crust in minute quantities (0.1 ppm) and is also
found in the hydrosphere. Indium belongs to group IIIA in the periodic table. It was found and
spectroscopically identified as a minor component in zinc ores and isolated in 1863 by Ferdinand
Reich and Theodore Richter. Indium is so named for the indigo blue color that its salts lend to
flames. Indium resembles tin in its physical and chemical properties and to some extent in its
toxicological properties. It is extremely soft and malleable, with a Brinell test hardness of less than 1
and a Mohs scale hardness of 1.2. In the electromotive series it appears between iron and tin, and
does not decompose in water at boiling temperature. It is stable in air, but when heated, it burns with
a nonluminous, blue-red flame yielding indium oxide. The surface of indium remains bright up to its
melting point; above this, it forms an oxide film.

Indium has a density of 7.3 g/mL (at 20°C), a melting point of 156.61°C, a boiling point of 2000°C,
and a specific heat of 0.0568 cal g–1 °C–1. Indium is insoluble in hot or cold water, soluble in acids,
and very slightly soluble in sodium hydroxide (163). There are two natural isotopes: 115 (95.77%)
and 113 (4.23%). Indium-115 is a b-emitter, with a half-life of 6 × 1014 years. The artificial
radioactive isotopes are 107–112, 114, and 116–124 (1–5). Indium forms mono-, di-, and trivalent
compounds, of which the last is the most common. The trichloride is deliquescent; the sulfate is
hygroscopic. Intermetallic semiconductors are formed from group III and group V elements. Most
used are InSb, InAs, and InP. All require very high element purity (0.1 ppm). InSb is employed in
infrared detectors and magnetoresistors. It wets glass, as does gallium. It is useful for making low
melting alloys. An alloy of 24% indium and 76% gallium is liquid at room temperature.

8.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Indium is flammable in the form of dust, yielding indium oxide
when exposed to heat or flame. Mixtures of indium with sulfur ignite when heated. Indium reacts
explosively with dinitrogen tetraoxide plus acetonitrile. Indium exhibits a violent reaction with
mercury(II) bromide at 350°C. Indium is unaffected by water, is attacked by mineral acids and is
very resistant to alkalies (7).

Gallium, Indium, and Thallium

Guillermo Repetto, MD, Ana del Peso

C. Thallium and Thallium Compounds

14.0 Thallium
14.0.1 CAS Number: [7440-28-0]

14.0.2 Synonyms: Thallium, rod; thallium metal, ramor

14.0.3 Trade Names: NA

14.0.4 Molecular Weight: 204.383

14.0.5 Molecular Formula: Th

14.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
14.1.1 General Thallium is a soft, gray-white metal. It is a member of group IIIA in the periodic
table. The name derives from the Greek root thallos, meaning green or young twig. Thallium metal
was isolated in 1861 by William Crookes and, independently, by the French chemist Claude-Auguste
Lamy. Thallium's innate toxicity was recognized shortly after its discovery, when Crookes suffered
from its effects. Thallium does not occur in nature in the elemental state but is present as a trace
compound in many minerals, mainly associated with potassium and rubidium. Although thallium is
widely distributed in the earth in an estimated abundance of 0.3 ppm, its wide distribution belies its
availability, for it occurs chiefly as a minor constituent in iron, copper, sulfide and selenide ores,
crooksite (TlCuAg)2Se, orabite (TlAs2SbS5), and lorandite (TlAsS3), mainly in Texas and Brazil.
One exception is the occurrence of lorandite in gold ore in Nevada, which contains an average of
60% thallium. The deposits of thallium minerals are so small as to have no commercial significance
at present.

Thallium metal is somewhat softer and more malleable than lead and, when freshly melted,
resembles tin in whiteness. Thallium, however, oxidizes rapidly, turning gray, then brownish black
from an oxide coating. For this reason thallium rods are often paraffin-coated. The metallurgical
properties of thallium are unknown because of limited use of the metal. The most interesting
properties include boiling point 1457°C, melting point 303.5°C, commencement of volatilization at
174°C, density 11.85, vapor pressure 1 mm Hg at 825°C and 20 mm Hg at 1040°C, specific heat at
20°C 0.13 J/g, first ionization energy 590 kJ/mol, fusion heat 21.1 J/g, atomic volume 5.15 × 10+30
W/(C.m), thermal conductance 0.39 W/(cm K), covalent radius 0.148 nm, electronegativity 1.8
according to Pauling's scale, linear coefficient of expansion 28 × 10–6, electrical resistivity
18 mW/cm, tensile strength 9.0 MPa, bond strength <22 kcal/mol, heat of formation (gaseous)
43.55 kcal/mol. Easily fusible, thallium leaves a streak on paper; below 230°C it forms close-packed
hexagonal crystals and above 230°C, body-centered cubic crystals. It may be distilled in a stream of
hydrogen. Two natural isotopes of thallium have been found: 203 (29.50%) and 205 (70.50%) (1–5).

Gallium, Indium, and Thallium


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Germanium, Tin, and Copper

James H. Stewart, Ph.D., CIH, Donald V. Lassiter, Ph.D.

1.0 Germanium
1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
1.0.3 Trade Names:
1.0.4 Molecular Weight:
1.0.5 Molecular Formula:
1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Germanium is a semiconducting metal from Group IVA of the periodic table.

The physical and chemical properties of germanium and some of its compounds are listed in Table

Table 33.1. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Germanium and

Some of Its Compounds

Germanium Germanium
Germanium Dioxide Tetrachloride Germanea
Form (Ge) (GeO2) (GeCl4) (GeH4)

Atomic or 72.60 104.6 214.4 76.63

mol. wt.
Specific 5.35 (20°C) 4.228 (25°C) 1.879 (20°) —
Melting pt. 937.4 1115 –49.5 –165
Boiling pt. 2830 — 84.0 –90
Solubility Insol. water, Sl. sol. water; Dec. water; sol. Insol. water;
alkalis; sol. hot sol. acids, dil. HCl, alcohol, sol. NaClO
H2SO4 alkalies ether

Germanium tetrahydride.
In 1886 Clemens A. Winkler, a German chemist, isolated germanium from the mineral argyrodite, a
mixed sulfide of silver and germanium. It was named after the country of the discoverer. In recent
years various germanium compounds, for example, carboxyethyl germanium sesquoxide (Ge-132)
and lactate–citrate–germanate, have been sold as nutritional supplements, thereby increasing
exposure above predicted levels.

Germanium metal has the most unusual property of being highly transparent to infrared light. This
characteristic, coupled with a high index of refraction, is used to advantage in making unique optical
elements. Crystalline germanium is a true semiconductor; traces of impurities of 0.1 ppm such as
antimony, tin, and lead will lower its electric resistivity from 50 to 0.1–10 ohm/cm. Germanium
forms alloys with many metals, producing solid solutions or intermetallic compounds that expand on
solidification. Germanium is not attacked by O2 in air or by HF (aq.) or HCl (aq.), but reacts slowly
with concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids. Alkaline H2O2 or aqueous NaClO rapidly oxidizes
germanium. Germanium forms two series of salts, divalent and tetravalent, which chemically
resemble stannous and stannic compounds. The tetravalent is the most common, stable form.
Germanium does not form salts with the common inorganic oxy acids. In its tetravalent compounds
germanium is in coordinate valence with neighboring atoms. Germanium forms a series of hydrides,
germanes, by the reaction of HCl and Mg2Ge. They possess pungent odors, are combustible, and are
often explosive. Germanium tetrahydride, GeH4, does not react with O2 below 230°C or explode
below 330°C; digermane (Ge2H6) is more explosive. A series of halogenated germanes are known
that are colorless gases or liquids. Although germanium does not form a carbide, it forms strong
bonds with carbon atoms to form a variety of organo compounds such as tetraalkyl- and
tetraarylgermanes. They are volatile, stable, colorless substances, insoluble in water, but soluble in
organic solvents.

Germanium forms a series of hydrides that correspond chemically to the methane series of
hydrocarbons and to silanes (silicon series of hydrides). The germanes are insoluble in hot and cold
water, soluble in sodium hypochlorite (aq.), and slightly soluble in hot HCl (aq.).

There are numerous organogermanium compounds. Interest in the organogermanium compounds has
centered around their antimicrobial activity and the fact that their mammalian toxicity is
considerably lower than the corresponding derivatives of tin or lead.
1.2 Production and Use
Although it looks like metal, in the pure form it is fragile like glass. The concentration in the earth's
crust is 1.5 to 7 ppm. Germanium is not found in the free state, but in combination with other
elements as a mineral, such as in the principal minerals argyrodite (Ag8GeS6, 5–7% Ge) and
germanite (7CuS–FeS2–GeS2, 8.7% Ge). Enargite, a Cu–As sulfide, is found in the western United
States and contains as much as 0.03% Ge; but none of these minerals is utilized for recovery of
germanium because of the small quantities available. Germanium is commonly distributed within the
structure of other minerals, most abundantly in sphalerite (ZnS) in quantities of less than 1%. Some
silver and tin ores contain germanium, as do some coals; the germanium content of coals in West
Virginia, Illinois, and Kansas has been reported, but no commercial recovery has been made. A
germaniferous lignite in the Unites States has been reported. Oak and beech humus in one locality in
Germany contains 70 ppm Ge. Germanium is taken up by cereals, especially oats, from germanium-
bearing soils. The principal domestic source of germanium is from the residues of cadmium derived
from zinc ores. Commercial recovery of germanium has been chiefly from zinc and Zn–Cu–Pb ores,
germanite, and flue dusts from coals.

Ores from the tristate area of Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas are concentrated and roasted to a
crude zinc oxide by conventional means. Roasted ores mixed with salt and coal are sintered at a high
temperature; germanium, cadmium, and some other impurities are vaporized. The vapors are then
condensed and collected in an electrostatic precipitator. This by-product fume is chemically treated
to obtain crude fractions of germanium, cadmium, and the other impurities.

The germanium concentrate is reacted with strong hydrochloric acid, and the resultant GeCl4 (bp 86°
C) is distilled off. The crude tetrachloride is purified further and finally distilled with chlorine (to
hold back arsenic). The purified, redistilled GeCl4 is then hydrolyzed in water to form GeO2, which
is reduced to a powdered metal by heating to 650°C in an atmosphere of hydrogen. The powdered
metal is melted at 1100°C in an inert atmosphere to form ingots. When extreme metal purity is
desired, multiple-zone melting and fractional crystallization are used, which make the impurities
concentrate at one end of the bar.

The modern field of semiconductors owes much of its development to the early use of germanium.
In 1948, William Shockley used germanium to make the first transistor. Many of the uses for which
germanium is noted arise from its property as a semiconductor: in transistors, diodes, and rectifiers,
replacing and exceeding the functions of vacuum tubes. Their development during World War II was
responsible to a large extent for the “revolution in electronics.” Diodes are used in various types of
electronic circuits, including ratio, television, telegraphy and telephony, multiposition switching, and
in voltage-multiplier circuits. Small diodes are made by the millions; large ones for power generation
are also produced. Transistors are utilized in radio and television as amplifiers and oscillators.
Because germanium is only one of several substances with semiconductor properties, other
substances such as silicon are competing with germanium as transistor diode material. Various
combinations, such as arsenic and antimony alloyed with aliminum, gallium, and indium, also are
being developed for these purposes.
In 1998 the largest use was in fiber optic systems (40%) followed by polymerization catalysts (20%),
infrared optics (10%), electrical/solar operations (20%), with the remaining 10% used in metallurgy,
chemotherapy or formation of phosphors (1).

Lenses of germanium have been made for industrial infrared work. MgGeO3 is used as a phosphor.
Glass in which germanium replaces silicon possesses a high refractive index and is used in wide-
angle camera lenses and in microscope objectives.

Germanium is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of coal, and particularly as an extremely low-
temperature catalyst. More recent uses are for gamma-ray detection, principally in nuclear research,
activation analysis, and medical applications. It is used in gold alloys when precision casting is
needed. Germanium catalysts are used in some petroleum refining operations and processes for the
production of polyester fibers.
1.3 Exposure Assessment
Industrial exposures are to the dusts and fumes of the metal and its oxide during the separation and
purification from the ore concentrate. Exposure to cadmium, lead, and zinc occur concomitantly
during this process. In the electronics industry, exposures are confined to dopant application, diode
production, and substrate production. No reports of hazardous industrial exposures have yet appeared
in the literature.

Exposure assessment methods have been developed for measuring air levels of germanium
tetrahydride and germanium dioxide. NIOSH does not have a method for either compound or any
other germanium compounds (1a). The suggested sampling methods are given in Table 33.2.

Table 33.2. Chemical Sampling Methods and Related Data for Common
Germanium Compounds

Name Germanium Tetrahydride Germanium Dioxide

CAS Number [7782-65-2] [20619-16-3]

Physical state Gas Solid
Monitoring Charcoal tube (100/50 mg Mixed cellulose ester filter
media sections, 20/40 mesh) (MCEF) 0.8 mm pore size
Maximum 48 L 960 L
Minimum 24 L 480 L
Analytical Atomic absorption Atomic absorption spectroscopy
method spectroscopy

1.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Urine samples have been recommended as an effective medium for
biological monitoring. The “tentative maximum persmissible concentration” in the urine is 40 mg/g
creatinine with a reference value of 1 mg/100 g creatinine.

A molybdenum blue method has been used by Rosenfield (2) for the determination of microgram
amounts of germanium in biologic samples. Although the procedure has not been reported in detail,
a critical examination of the optimal conditions for analysis of microgram quantities with an error of
5% is given by Shaw and Corwin (3). A spectrographic procedure, adapted for the analysis of
germanium in silicon alloys over a concentration range of 1 to 98 mol.% Si, with a standard
deviation of 8%, has been reported (4). Atomic absorption spectroscopy has not been reported for
determining small quantities of germanium, but electron probe X-ray microanalysis has been
employed to determine tissue concentrations (5).
1.4 Toxic Effects
There is no know biologic requirement for germanium, germanates, or any organogermanium
compound. Germanium deficiency has not been demonstrated in any animal. The estimated average
dietary intake of germanium in humans is 1.5 mg/d. Germanium is widely distributed in edible
foods, such as baked beans (5 ppm), canned tomato juice (5 ppm), and canned tuna (3 ppm).

Neutron-activated, commercially cast germanium metal dust (Ge) with a mean particle size of
1.7 mm proved innocuous to rats exposed by inhalation for 1 h at an unspecified concentration, as
did GeO2 of particle size 0.45 mm (6). Harrold et al. (7) had previously reported that GeO2 is
innocuous, based on their results of intraperitoneal injection at large doses (100 mg) in guinea pigs
and intrapleural or intravenous injections in rabbits. Dermal application of either pure or buffered
solutions of GeO2 in humans and animals are also not harmful. Later work by Rosenfeld and
Wallace (8) found that the maximal tolerated single intraperitoneal dose of neutralized (pH 7.3)
GeO2 approximated 600 mg/kg for the rat; the corresponding minimal lethal and “absolute” lethal
doses were 700 and 1200 mg/kg, respectively. The estimated intraperitoneal LD50 was 750 mg/kg.
Similarly administered germanium–annitol and germanium–glycerin were tolerated at 140 mg/kg.
Most of the deaths from GeO2 were rapid, occurring within 12 h; the remaining deaths occurred
within 24 h. Gross tissue changes consisted of edematous, hemorrhagic lungs, multiple petechiae in
the walls of the small intestine, and peritoneal effusion. The peritoneal fluid was voluminous and
rich in protein. Death was usually preceded by hypothermic shock (rectal temperatures sometimes
below 80°F) and almost complete respiratory depression. No effects on the nervous system or on the
blood were found. Loss of retroperitoneal fat was due to the alkalinity of Na2GeO3, and not to
germanium per se, confirming the results of Harrold et al. (7).

Inhalation of GeH4 in minimally effective concentrations (70 mg/m3 for GeH4) for 2–15 d resulted
in nonspecific and nonpersistent changes in the nervous system and kidneys and in the blood
composition. When adequate physiological loads were applied, a strain on the compensatory
mechanisms was discernible after two to four inhalation periods. Under analogous conditions, GeCl4
at 4 mg/m3 caused changes in the respiratory system that persisted (9).

Acute (4-h) and subacute (4-wk) inhalation toxicity studies of germanium metal powder (purity
99.8%, mean particle size 2.0–2.4 mm) were carried out in young adult Wister rats. The 4-h LC50
value of germanium metal powder in rats is greater than 5.34 g/m3. Rats were exposed to 0, 9.9,
65.1, or 251.4 mg/m3 for 6 h/d, 5 d/w, for 30 d. At the end of the exposure period, fasting blood
glucose was decreased in males exposed to the high concentration. In females of this group, blood
creatinine and urea levels and urine volumes were increased, but urine density was decreased.
Increased blood creatinine levels and urine volume and decreased urine density were also observed
in females exposed to 65.1 mg/m3. The absolute and relative lung weights were increased in rats in
the mid- and high-concentration groups. Histopathological evaluation revealed accumulation of
particulate material in the lungs of all treated groups, accumulation of alveolar macrophages in the
mid- and high-concentration groups, and alveolitis, mainly in the high-concentration group. After a
4-w recovery period, urine volume was increased in males that had been exposed to germanium. In
exposed rats of both sexes, lung weights were still increased and histopathological changes were
present, but to a lesser extent than at the end of the exposure period. The no-adverse-effect level in
the 4-w study was 9.9 mg/m3 air (10).

Additional acute and subacute studies were performed on wistar-rats to assess the effects of exposure
to amorphous or hexagonal germanium dioxide. Exposures were for 4 h or 4 wk. A variety of
biochemical and histopathological variables were examined at various times following exposures. At
the end of the study, changes were identified consisting of gray spotted lungs with macrophage
accumulation. In the subacute study, alterations included decreases in body weights, hematocrits,
thrombocyte counts, fasting glucose levels, total protein concentrations, and urine density and pH,
and increases in neutrophil and white blood cell counts, plasma alanine aminotransferase and
aspartate aminotransferase activities, plasma urea nitrogen, plasma bilirubin, urinary volume, and
kidney, spleen, heart, and lung relative weights. These changes occurred primarily in rats exposed to
the highest germanium dioxide levels. Histological evaluation of the kidney revealed changes in the
renal tubular epithelium. In the acute study, the LD50 for amorphous germanium dioxide was
calculated to be 3.10 g/m3 and 1.42 g/m3 for hexagonal germanium dioxide, while the NOAEL (no
observed adverse effect level) in the subacute study using hexagonal germanium dioxide was
72 mg/m3 (10a).

Ohinishi (1989) used rats and monkeys to assess the neurotoxicity of germanium dioxide. Rats were
administered orally and intraperitoneally doses of 100 mg/kg/d of germanium dioxide 3 days a week
for 8 weeks and 400 mg/kg/d once a week for 8 weeks. No degeneration of the peripheral nerves was
observed. In addition to the rats, two monkeys were also exposed via the oral route to 30–
40 mg/mg/day, 5 days a week for 8 months. As with the rats, no degeneration of peripheral nervous
system was observed. However, proteinuria and elevated blood urea nitrogen were observed (10b).

The effects of exposure to germanium dioxide and germanium tetrachloride were studied in chickens
to assess whether germanium affected weight gain (10c). In one experiment there were 9 groups of
birds. They were fed a basic diet supplemented with 0, 1, 10, 100 or 1000 ppm germanium (as
germanium dioxide) and 1, 10, 100, 1000 ppm germanium (as germanium tetrachloride). Germanium
dioxide at 10 ppm improved growth and feed conversion by 12% and 7.5% (p < 0.05), respectively.
The fattening effect was not observed for any of the germanium tetrachloride exposed chickens. In
the highest exposure group (1000 ppm germanium from either germanium dioxide or germanium
tetrachloride) all the birds died in 17 and 28 d, respectively. In the second experiment, there were 8
groups of birds. They were also fed a basic diet and 0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200 ppm germanium
as germanium dioxide. The 5 ppm group showed a slight growth-promoting effect (3.3%) over the
controls. No adverse effects were observed in any of the groups in experiment 2.

A study on the suppressive effects of Ge-132 (carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide) on protein

glycation was undertaken to test the hypothesis that reduced protein glycation would result in
reduced cataract formation. Sprague–Dawley rats were fed a 50% galactose diet, a diet that
historically leads to development of cataracts in these rats. One group of rats received topical saline;
the other group received Ge-132 in saline four times per day. The lenses were examined for cataract
development starting on day 3 and continuing through day 21. The study found that the
abnormalities associated with cataract formation were present in both groups but that the treated
group experienced delayed cataract development (10d). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Germanium dioxide (GeO2) behaves as a potent
antimutagen on frameshift-type reverse mutations induced by Trp-P-2 (3-amino-1-methyl-55H-
pyrido[4,3-blindole]) in strains of Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA1538 (11). This observation
has led to the investigation of the chronic nephrotoxicity in rats orally administered GeO2 for 24 wk.
Increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum phosphate, as well as decreased creatinine
clearance, weight loss, anemia, and liver dysfunction, were apparent at week 24 only in the GeO2-
treated rats. Vacuolar degeneration and granular depositings were observed by light microscopy in
the degenerated renal distal tubules of the rats. Electron microscopy revealed electron-dense
inclusions in the swollen mitochondrial matrix of the distal tubular epithelium among the GeO2-
treated rats. Although systemic toxicities were reduced after GeO2 was discontinued at week 24,
renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis became prominent even at week 40. A Ge-K alpha X-ray spectrum
was clearly demonstrated in the mitochondrial matrix of the distal tubular epithelium in the GeO2
rats by electron probe X-ray microanalysis. The renal tissue content of germanium was high at weeks
24 and 40 in the GeO2-treated rats. It appears that residual GeO2 remains for a long time, even after
the cessation of intake (5).

Chronic nephrotoxicity was investigated in rats administered germanium dioxide and carboxyethyl
germanium sesquioxide for 24 wk. The germanium dioxide group experienced increased blood urea
nitrogen, increased serum phosphate, as well as decreased creatinine clearance, weight loss, anemia,
and liver dysfunction. Degeneration of the renal distal tubules was observed. There was also
observable granular deposition in the degenerated tubules. These effects were only observed in the
germanium dioxide exposed group. It was concluded that germanium dioxide causes this
characteristic nephropathy while carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide does not (11a). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Inorganic germanium as neutralized GeO2

is readily absorbed following small (a few milligrams) oral, subcutaneous, intramuscular, or
intraperitoneal doses in the rat (2). Blood concentrations somewhat less than 10 mg/g are attained
within a few hours after administration. Following a single small dose, germanium leaves the
bloodstream within a few hours. Germanium is transported via the blood unbound to protein.
Germanium is widely distributed throughout the body and is not selectively retained in any tissue.
After 1 wk following a moderate intraperitoneal dose (40 mg Na2GeO3/kg) all germanium that had
gone to the tissues had disappeared. Germanium is excreted by both the kidneys and the
gastrointestinal tract, but the kidney is the chief excretory organ (80 versus 13%).

Excretion studies of elemental Ge and GeO2 in the rabbit and rat showed elimination chiefly via the
urine (12). Essentially the same type of kinetic activity occurred with neutron-activated Ge and
GeO2 dusts by inhalation (13). Rats exposed to (unmeasured) atmospheres of Ge for 1 h at
respiratory particle sizes (1.7 and 0.45 mm mean diameter, respectively) showed moderately fast
elimination of the Ge from the lungs; 52% disappeared in 1 d and 82% in 7 d, the longest period of
observation. The kidneys and liver contained only trace amounts at 7 d. Germanium dioxide-Ge was
cleared somewhat more rapidly from the lungs, kidneys, and liver (79% in 1 d); and only trace
amounts remained in these organs at 4 and 7 d.

Spirogermanium is a new metallic investigational anticancer drug. The metal germanium is

substituted for a one-carbon moiety in the ring structure to form spirogermanium. This drug inhibits
DNA and RNA synthesis in HeLa cells. The mode of action has not been fully elucidated; however,
spirogermanium is not a phase- or cell-cycle-specific drug and inhibits DNA, RNA and protein
synthesis, and protein synthesis being the most susceptible to this agent. Spirogermanium has
revealed activity in vivo against intraperitoneally implanted Walker 256 sarcoma, 13762 mammary
adenocarcinoma, and 11095 prostatic carcinoma in rats, but no antitumor activity in vivo was found
in the murine tumors used in L 1210 and P 388 leukemia, B 16 melanoma, or Lewis lung carcinoma.
In addition, spirogermanium has shown cytotoxic activity in vitro against several human tumor cell
lines at concentrations (1 mg/mL) that were toxic to the cultured rat neurons. Although
spirogermanium has no effect on normal bone marrow colony-forming cells in mice, dogs, or
humans, it has shown cytotoxic activity in vitro against human myeloid leukemia cell line K 562 at
clinically acceptable concentrations. These in vitro findings indicating selective cytotoxic activity
against leukemia cells suggest this agent as a candidate for clinical studies in acute and chronic
leukemias. Spirogermanium lacks bone marrow toxicity, unlike many other anticancer drugs. This
has been confirmed in preclinical toxicology and clinical studies. However, moderate, predictable,
and reversible CNS toxicity is dose limiting. Activity in malignant lymphoma, ovarian cancer, breast
cancer, larger bowel cancer, and prostatic cancer was also reported in the clinical studies. A dose of
80–120 mg/m2 (body surface) given by 60-min infusion three times a week was used in the clinical
studies (14). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) is a known carcinogen
and mutagen found in tobacco smoke and a number of other environmental sources. Olson et al.
(1995) conducted a study to assess the ability of germanium dioxide to reduce the mutagenic
potential of BaP in the Ames assay. In general, germanium dioxide was found to be relatively
ineffective in reducing the mutagenic potential of BaP. In three out of four strains tested germanium
showed some effect, and then only at highest concentrations, for example, 400–600 mg/plate (14a).

1.4.2 Human Experience There have been 18 reported cases of acute renal dysfunction or failure,
including two deaths linked to oral intake of germanium elixirs containing GeO2 or Ge. In these
cases, biopsies show vacuolar degeneration of the renal tubular epithelial cells in the absence of
glomercular changes, without proteinuria or hematuria. Serum creatinine levels have been well
above 400 mmol/L in such patients. In 17 of 18 cases, accumulated elemental germanium intakes
reportedly ranged between 16 and 328 g over a 4–36 mo period, or between 100 and 2000 times the
average estimated dietary intake for humans. In surviving patients, renal function improved after
discontinuation of germanium suplementation. However, in no case was recovery complete (15).

In a typical case a 55-year-old woman was admitted to a hospital, complaining of general malaise,
muscular weakness, anorexia, and weight loss. She had a history of ingesting a germanium
compound for the preceding 19 months, with a total dose of 47 g as Ge. The patient had renal failure
(BUN, 44 mg/dL; serum creatinine, 2.6 mg/dL) without abnormal findings in urinalysis, and
muscular and nervous damage. Polymyositis was diagnosed and prednisolone given. She did not
improve. The neuromuscular signs continued to develop until she died. In the histopathological
evaluation of the kidney, lipofuscin granules increased in the cells of the thick ascending limb of
Henle's loop to the distal convoluted tubule accompanying mild tubular atrophy. Some of the tubules
of these segments had vacuolar degeneration or desquamation. No glomercular and vascular changes
were observed. Germanium was found in serum, urine, and various tissues, including the spleen,
liver, kidney, adrenal gland, and myocardium, whereas in normal individuals germanium cannot be
detected in serum, urine, or tissues (16). The principal clinical toxic effects observed were
neurological, manifested as lethargy, dizziness, and ataxia; and a grand mal seizure was produced
after an accidental overdose. A partial response was achieved in a patient with lymphocytic leukemia

In another clinic, five patients were evaluated who had taken inorganic germanium preparations over
a prolonged period. In each patient, renal function had deteriorated with no proteinuria or hematuria.
Through histological examination the kidneys were found to have widespread tubular degeneration
and interstitial fibrosis with minor glomercular abnormalities. The most common symptomatolgy
included gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, anorexia, and weight loss; however, one
patient had peripheral neuropathy and myopathy. Germanium was detected in the hair or nails of the
patients (17a).

Another case involved a 4-year-old female who had orally received 225–450 mg/kg/day of
germanium dioxide for the previous 28 months. The child had suffered from gait disturbances and
muscle weakness for the past 22 months. Findings were made of chronic renal failure, anemia,
diffuse muscle atrophy, tongue fasciculation, and reductions in median and ulnar nerve conduction
velocities. On the seventeenth day of hospitalization the child died of renal failure. Autopsy showed
damage to the renal tubular cells, widespread nerve fiber loss, and axonal degeneration (17b).

No recent studies of the toxicity of the germanes appear to have reached the open literature, but
early, limited toxicity tests (30 and 60 min) of GeH4 indicated 610 mg/m3 for 30 min was ultimately
lethal to a mouse, whereas 480 mg/m3 for 60 min was lethal to a mouse but not a guinea pig, and in a
rabbit 310 mg/m3 for 60 min produced only dyspnea, not death (18). Hemoglobinuria was noted in
the animals, thus resembling AsH3 in this respect. Thus the order of increasing toxicity would appear
to be GeH4, AsH3, and SnH4, but comparisons on such limited data are very uncertain. The higher
hydrides of Ge are noted (6) to be less toxic than GeH4, but no supporting evidence is given.
1.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Germanium tetrahydride is the only germanium compound for which air standards have been
established (19). The NIOSH REL and the ACGIH TLV are 0.2 ppm (approximately 0.63 mg/m3).
In Australia and the United Kingdom the permissible level is also 0.2 ppm. The toxicity, hemolysis,
is similar to that of stibine, but GeH4 is believed to be about half as toxic as stibine (20). No IDLH
(immediately dangerous to life and health) level has been established for any of the germanium
compounds, including germanium tetrahydride. The TLV for germanium tetrahydride was based on
acute toxicity. There are currently no TLV, RELs, etc. for other germanium compounds.

Germanium, Tin, and Copper

James H. Stewart, Ph.D., CIH, Donald V. Lassiter, Ph.D.

2.0 Tin
2.0.1 CAS Number:
2.0.2 Synonyms:
Tin, metal, metallic tin, tin element, tin powder, tin paste
2.0.3 Trade Names:
C.I. Pigment Metals 5, Silver Matt Powder, Wang
2.0.4 Molecular Weight:
2.0.5 Molecular Formula:
2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Tin is a solid, rather unreactive metal in Group IVA of the periodic table. Its chemical symbol, Sn, is
derived from stannum, the Latin word for tin. Tin is known as Etain in French and Zinn in German.
Tin has 10 naturally occurring stable isotopes, the largest number of stable isotopes of any element.
The most abundant stable isotope is one having a mass of 120 (32.85%). Tin has a large number of
unstable isotopes with half-lives ranging from 2.2 min to 105 years.

Tin has played a major role in the development of civilization. The Bronze Age began approximately
3500 B.C. with the discovery that easily smelted soft copper could be made harder and stronger by
alloying with tin. The first inclusion of tin in bronze was probably an accidental result of tin ore
being found in copper ore; pure tin was most likely obtained at a later date.

The physical and chemical properties of tin and some of its compounds are listed in Table 33.3.

Germanium, Tin, and Copper

James H. Stewart, Ph.D., CIH, Donald V. Lassiter, Ph.D.

3.0 Copper
3.0.1 CAS Number:
3.0.2 Synonyms:
3.0.3 Trade Names:
3.0.4 Moleculer Weight:
3.0.5 Molecular Formula:
3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Copper is located in Group IB of the of the periodic table and was one of the first metals used by
humans and is second only to iron in industrial importance.

The electrical conductivity and malleability of copper are its most importance properties. The boiling
point of copper is 2567°C, the melting point is 1083.4°C, and the density is 8.92. Other properties of
copper compounds are shown in Table 33.5. Copper is slowly attacked by dilute hydrochloric acid or
dilute sulfuric acid and is slowly soluble in ammonia water (56).

Table 33.5. Physical and Chemical Properties of Selected Cu Compounds

At. or MP (°
Form Mol. Wt. Sp. Gr. C) BP (°C) Solubility

Copper, Cu 63.57 8.92 1083 2567 Insol. water; sol. HNO3,

hot H2SO4; v. sl. sol.
Copper oxide, 79.54 6.4 Dec. — Insol. water; sol.
CuO 1226 NH4Cl, KCN
Copper acetate, Cu 199.65 1.88 115 Dec. 72 g/L cold water; sl.
(C2H3O2)2 · 6H2O 240 sol. alcohol
Copper carbonate, 221.11 4.0 Dec. — Insol. cold water; dec.
CuCO3 · Cu(OH)2 200 hot water
Copper chloride, 134.44 3.386 620 (93 dec. 706 g/L (0°C); sl. sol.
CuCl2 (25°C) to CuCl alcohol
Copper cyanide, 115.58 — Dec. — Insol. cold water, sol.
Cu(CN)2 acids, alkalies, KCN

3.2 Production and Use (128)

Copper, like silver and gold, the other members of the noble metals, is found free in nature. Because
it was found free in nature, was malleable, and could be utilized in making tools copper was in use
before 5000 B.C. A naturally forming “patina” of copper carbonate that covers exposed copper
prevents further oxidation. The name copper is derived from the Latin word cuprum, which, in turn,
is derived from an earlier word, cyprium or “Cyprium metal.” The Romans obtained much of their
copper from Cyprus, as the name implies.

Copper is found at a concentration of 50 ppm in the earth's crust, and its concentration in seawater is
0.001 to 0.02 ppm. Although copper can also be obtained in an almost pure state in nature, about
85% of the copper mined today is derived from low-grade ores containing 2% or less of the metal.
The major ore is chalcopyrite (CuFeS2). Ores are removed by open-pit mining as well as
underground mining. Ores containing as little as 0.4% Cu can be profitably recovered in open-pit
mining. The sulfide ores such as chalcopyrite and chalcocite must be enriched before smelting
begins. In this ore-flotation procedure, the ore is crushed, powdered, and agitated with water
containing a foaming agent and an agent to make the copper-bearing particulates water repellent.
The particles are then accumulated on the foam, which is removed and heated to about 800°C to
remove water, arsenic, antimony, and sulfur. The residue is mixed with silica and melted in a furnace
at 1500°C. Of the two liquid layers produced, the upper layer of silicate slag is removed. The lower
layer (matte) consists of copper sulfides and oxides. Silica or siliceous copper ore is added to the
matte, and the liquid is aerated. The iron slag is removed, and the remaining copper sulfide is
reduced to copper by heating in limited air. The remaining molten copper is about 98% pure. This
material can be further purified by electrolytic refining. The impure copper is the anode in this
process, and pure copper strips are the cathode. Aqueous copper serves as an electrolyte. The copper
is transferred from the anode to the cathode. The anode sludge may contain silver and gold, making
the process more economically feasible. Oxidized copper ores such as cuprite and tenorite can be
directly reduced by heating with carbon in a furnace.

In the United States the major use (about 50%) for copper is an an electrical conductor, and copper
piping is widely used in private and commercial plumbing.

Bronze, which is composed of copper and as much as 10% tin, was one of the first alloys used by
humans. The brasses are also a most useful group of alloys. Copper and zinc are the main
components of brass. Brasses having less than 58% copper are of limited application. Medicinally,
copper sulfate has been used as an emetic, and copper is a component of several intrauterine devices,
responsible for their contraceptive effects.

Copper, particularly copper sulfate, has many uses in agriculture. Copper sulfate is used as a
fungicide, an algicide, a source for copper in animal nutrition, and in some fertilizers.
3.3 Exposure Assessment
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identified copper contamination at 210 of the 1177
total sites on the National Priorities List (NPL) (129). Workplace exposure to copper dust and fumes
may be determined using NIOSH method 7029 (132).

Copper dusts and mists may be collected on a particulate filter (0.8 mm); the filter is digested with
acid and analyzed. Atomic absorption spectrometry is the preferred method of analysis (132).

Copper is one of the metals to which workers have a great deal of occupational exposure. It is
estimated that 46,481 workers are exposed to copper on a full-time basis. Of 12,035 combined
federal and state OSHA samples, 7.8% were above the PEL, and 15% were above half of the PEL
(130). The adverse health effects associated with copper production may be due to the large amounts
of sulfur oxides generated or because of the impurities, such as arsenic and antimony, which are
associated with the copper ores.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Research (129) estimated that the concentration of
copper in air ranges from 1 to 200 ng/m3. The average concentration in drinking water ranges from
20 to 75 ppb, although morning concentrations may reach 1 ppm due to water standing overnight in
copper pipes and brass faucets. Uncontaminated soil may contain between 2 and 250 ppm of copper,
although soil concentrations may reach nearly 7000 ppm in the vicinity of copper production
facilities. The average daily dietary intake (water and food) is approximately 1 mg/d. Copper is
essential to health and longevity in humans (131).
3.4 Toxic Effects
As with many essential metals, biochemical mechanisms have evolved that control the oral
absorption and excretion of copper in order to maintain an appropriate balance. Copper is found in
more than a dozen proteins, including cytochrome C oxidase. Relative to metabolic requirements, all
human diets have sufficient copper. The daily requirement is 2–3 mg (133).

Clinically significant copper deficiency is rare and limited to instances of marked gastrointestinal
malabsorption, drastically reduced dietary intake, or to the presence of an X-linked disorder of
copper absorption and transport known as Menkes's steely- or “kinky-hair disease”. Menkes's disease
in males is characterized by physical and mental retardation, with widespread degeneration of the
brain, hypothermia, and death occurring in the first few years of life (131).

The homeostatic mechanisms controlling oral absorption also make copper toxicosis rare. In humans,
about half of the dietary copper is not absorbed, but is excreted in the feces. Urinary exretion
accounts for approximately 3% of the absorbed dose. The fraction of the intake that is absorbed
decreases as the dose increases. Thirty percent is absorbed at 100 mg, whereas about 56% is
absorbed at doses of 0.4–4.5 mg.

After absorption, copper is transported via the plasma bound to albumin or amino acids. Almost all
the copper is deposited in the liver. Free copper ions are not normally found in the body fluids.
Eighty percent of absorbed copper is found in the cytosol bound to hepatocuprein, copper-chelatin,
or metallothionein. Incorporation of copper into metallothionein apparently requires prior binding of
the copper to glutathione, thus defining a requirement for intracellular availability of glutathione.
Metallothionein, a cysteine-rich metal-binding protein, serves as a temporary, intracellular binding
site for copper, which, as a free ionic metal, is a strong oxidizing agent, capable of generating
hydroxyl radicals. The remaining 20% of absorbed copper is bound to other copper proteins, such as
cytochrome C oxidase, or is sequestered by the lysosome. Despite absorption, the body burden of
copper does not increase with age. The secretion of some copper into the blood and incorporation
into ceruloplasmin, a copper-containing globulin of blood plasma, plays an important role in
hematopoiesis and oxygen reduction. Copper excretion from the lysosome maintains a balance of
about 150–300 mg of ceruloplasmin containing 0.5–1 mg of copper. Ceruloplasmin is broken down
in the liver, and 0.1 mg is excreted into the intestine. Biliary copper may not be reabsorbed because
it is bound to protein.

The body content of copper in animals on an average diet is about 2 ppm in fat-free tissue. The
highest concentrations are in the liver and the brain, with lesser amounts in the heart, spleen, and
kidneys. The concentration in the brain doubles from birth to maturity (131).

Copper toxicity in humans as a result of oral intake occurs only in cases of attempted suicide or
when there is a genetic defect in copper metabolism, as in Wilson's disease. However, ingestion of
large amounts of copper salts, most often copper sulfate, can result in death. Vomiting, sometimes
with a blue-green color of the vomitus, hematemesis, hypotension, melena, coma, and jaundice are
symptoms. Centrilobular hepatic necrosis may be an autopsy finding (134). The therapeutic emetic
dose of copper sulfate is 300 mg in water.

In Wilson's disease, an autosomal recessive hereditary disease, the copper steadily accumulates first
in the liver, and then in other tissues. Wilson's disease has been found in every racial group. The
illness is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, with a general prevalence of about 1 in 200,000.
Approximately, there is a single “Wilson's disease gene” in every 200 people. The heterozygotes
remain free of pathological manifestations of Wilson's disease. Relatives, particularly siblings of
patients with Wilson's disease, must be examined, even if they appear perfectly healthy because of
the autosomal recessive transmission of the illness. Fortunately, biochemical findings in patients
with the manifest disease have made it possible to confirm the diagnosis in an asymptomatic
individual when there are less than 20 mg ceruloplasmin/100 mL serum and more than 250 mg Cu/g
dry liver (131). Decreased serum concentrations also have been found in about 20% of the healthy
heterozygous carriers of the one abnormal “Wilson's disease gene” and in all newborns during the
first 6 months of life. Ceruloplasmin is generally less than 20 mg/100 mL in those individuals with
Wilson's disease, whereas it normally ranges from 20 to 50 mg/100 mL. Damage to the liver and
central nervous system is usually fatal. Chelation with D-penicillamine is most often a successful
treatment (131).

Almost all patients with Wilson's disease exhibit a lifelong deficiency of the plasma copper protien
ceruloplasmin and an excess of hepatic copper. This excess copper in the liver may be caused, in
part, by impairment of lysosomal excretion of hepatic copper into bile, and is associated with
diminished or absent hepatic synthesis of ceruloplasmin. It is remarkable that retaining only 1% of
the dietary intake of copper (10–20 mg/year) is sufficient to cause Wilson's disease. During the early
stages of Wilson's disease, the liver is capable of binding as much as 30 to 50 times its normal
concentration of copper with little, if any, overt clinical disorder. Hepatic copper is released into the
bloodstream, and in the face of massive necrosis of hepatic parenchyma, that action may suddenly
infuse large amounts of copper into the plasma, inducing severe hemolysis and jaundice. In most
patients, however, the metal diffuses into the circulation gradually, causing the plasma concentration
of free copper to rise 5–10 times, to about 25–50 mg/100 mL. Characteristic ultrastructural changes,
fatty degeneration of hepatocytes, necrosis, collapse of parenchyma, and postnecrotic cirrhosis occur
in the liver. Later, the excess hepatocellular copper is sequestered by lysosomes, a process that seems
to render the metal innocuous for other cytoplasmic organelles. Unless the patient with Wilson's
disease succumbs to hepatic necrosis, the toxic effects of copper ultimately are manifested primarily
in the central nervous system and kidneys. In the corneas, copper deposits are visible as Kayser–
Fleischer rings, blue crescents. In about half of all patients, the first clinical evidence of Wilson's
disease is dysfunction of the liver. Ascites, esophageal variceal hemorrhage, a syndrome mimicking
toxic or infectious hepatitis, hemolysis caused by sudden release of sequestered copper, deficiency of
clotting components, hypersplenism, or gonadal dysfunction may occur. In almost all other patients,
neurological or psychiatric disorders are the initial clinical manifestation. The neurological picture
may resemble Parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, chorea, dystonia, or any combination of these
diseases. The usual onset is insidious. Dysarthria is a frequent sign in children; and often subtle
incoordination, resting or intentional tremors, athetoid movements, rigidity, or dystonic posturing,
and distortion can occur at all ages. Epileptiform seizures have been reported but are unusual.
Psychiatric disorders may accompany the neurological symptoms or may precede any other evidence
of disease. In young adults the spectrum ranges from mild behavioral disturbance, through marked
deterioration of schoolwork and neurosis, to a manic–depressive or schizophrenia like psychosis,
which may appear in all age groups. The emotional disturbance may be partly a reaction to the
somatic dysfunction (131).

Reports from India have indicated infants and children can develop a condition termed Indian
Childhood Cirrhosis (ICC) from drinking milk boiled and stored in brass vessels. This condition has
largely disappeared from India following preventive measures. Reports from the United States show
children developing severe liver disorders from ingestion of 10 mg Cu in contaminated milk. It is
possible that the homeostatic mechanisms controlling copper absorption are not developed early in
life (135).

Copper is an important component of the human metalloezyme copper/zinc superoxide dismutase

(cu/znSOD). This enzyme protects oxygen-metabolizing cells from the oxidizing actions of
superoxide free radicals. It catalyzes the following reaction:

The damaging superoxide ion (O2–) is formed in vivo via reduction of O2 during various enzymatic
reactions, or by ionizing radiation. This ion has been implicated in aging, lipid peroxidation and such
neurologic diseases as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer's Disease. Also, there is
some evidence from animal studies that copper deficiency promotes oxidative damage. Hence, while
free copper ions can be cytotoxic oxidizing agents, copper is important as an active component of the
antioxidant enzyme, cu/znSOD.

Contact dermatitis associated with copper has been reported, but few cases of dermatitis caused by
copper metal or its compounds occur in industry. A green coloration, noted more than a century ago
among copper workers, is mentioned. A similar localized coloration is caused today from wearing
jewelry made of copper or high-copper alloys. There have been occasional reports of allergic contact
dermatitis following patch testing with copper pennies or copper sulfate (136, 137). Eye irritation has
been reported among sheet metal workers (138).

Copper's usefulness in contraception is based on its spermatocidal activity. For this application,
copper concentrations must range from 8 to 60 mg/mL in human uterine fluid (139). In vitro, copper
spermatocidal activity has been found to be potentiated by washing the spermatozoa free of seminal
plasma. Once immobilized, spermatozoa do not regain motility, even after extensive washing,
prolonged dialysis, or treatment with copper-specific chelating agents. Apparently, copper induces a
change in the properties of the spermatozoa, which results in irreversible immobilization (140).

Occupational exposure to copper fume at 0.1 mg/m3 causes nausea and metal fume fever, with
reversible flulike symptoms (141). Metal fume fever (also called brass founder's ague) is a transient
condition and is characterized by fever, chills, muscle pain, and vomiting. Recovery normally occurs
within 24 to 48 h. Tolerance may develop, but is generally lost over the weekend. Metal fume fever
has also been observed among workers exposed to freshly formed zinc fume.

Metal fume fever occurred among workers involved in cutting brass pipes with electric torches in an
enclosed, poorly ventilated steam condenser. Symptoms most commonly reported among the 26
workers were fever (21), dyspnea (23), chills (21), headache (21), and nausea (19). Fourteen of the
workers experienced the symptom of an unusual sweet or metallic taste in the mouth. Clinical signs
were limited to wheezing or rales in eight patients; leukocytosis (21) and an elevation of band cell
forms (20) were seen in a total of 24 workers. The average time between exposure and onset of
symptoms was 5 h. None of three workers who spent less than 1 h in the condenser became ill,
whereas 25 of the 26 who spent more than 1 h became ill. Five of 12 workers had urine copper levels
in excess of 0.05 mg/L (142).

Reports of granulomatous and fibrotic changes among vineyard workers using a Bordeaux mixture
containing 1–2% copper sulfate and hydrated lime have been made (143, 144). This mixture is no
longer used in the United States.

Among hamsters, 3.3 mg/m3 of copper sulfate decreased cilia activity and caused alveolar
thickening. This effect was not present in mice (145).

Although an increase in lung cancer has been reported among workers in copper smelters, this is
generally accepted as the result of exposure to arsenic trioxide and, perhaps, sulfur dioxide (146).
The animal bioassays on copper and copper compounds do not provide any support for the
classification of copper as an occupational carcinogen. The carcinogenicity of a copper-containing
compound, copper hydroxyquinoline, was studied in two strains of mice (B6C3F1 and B6AKF1).
Groups of 18 male and 18 female 7-day-old mice were administered 1000 mg copper
hydroxyquinoline/kg (180.6 mg Cu/kg) suspended in 0.5% gelatin, daily until they were 28 days old,
after which they were administered 2800 ppm (505.6 ppm Cu) in the feed for 50 additional weeks.
No statistically significant increases in tumor incidence were observed in the treated 78-week-old
animals. In the same study, a single subcutaneous injection of gelatin (control) or 1000 mg/kg of
copper hydroxyquinoline (180.6 mg Cu/kg) suspended in 0.5% gelatin to groups of 28-day-old mice
of both strains produced, after 50 days of observation, an increased incidence of reticulum cell
sarcomas in the male B6C3F1 mice, compared with controls. No tumors were observed in the treated
male B6AKF1 mice, and a low incidence of reticulum cell sarcomas was observed in the treated
female mice of both strains (147). Intramuscular injections containing 20 mg of cupric oxide
(16 mg Cu), cupric sulfide (13.3 mg Cu), and cuprous sulfide (16 mg Cu), into thighs of 2- to 3-
month-old Wistar rats caused no injection-site tumors after 20 months of observation. Other tumors
were observed at a very low incidence in the rats receiving cupric sulfide (2/30) and cuprous sulfide
(1/30) (148). The International Agency for Research on Cancer does not list copper or any copper
compounds as suspected carcinogens for animals or humans.
Mutagenic data are equivocal for copper or its salts. No increases in mutations in E. coli and S.
typhimurium strains (TA98, TA1535, TA1537, and TA1538) incubated with up to 5 mg copper
quinolinolate/plate and in S. typhimurium TA98 and TA100 incubated with up to 5 mg copper
sulfate/plate were found (149). Negative results were also obtained with copper sulfate or copper
chloride in assays using S. cerevisiae (150) and Bacillus subtilis (151–153). Dose-related mutagenic
effects in E. coli with 2–10 ppm copper sulfate in a reverse mutation assay were reported (154).
Errors in DNA synthesis from poly-(c)templates have been induced in viruses incubated with copper
chloride or copper acetate (155). Chromosomal aberrations were induced in isolated rat hepatocytes
when incubated with copper sulfate (156). Casto et al. (157) showed enhanced cell transformation in
Syrian hamster embryo cells infected with simian adenovirus following the addition of cuprous
sulfide and copper sulfate. Law (158) reported increases in the percent of lethals observed in
Drosophila larvae and eggs when exposed to copper by microinjection (0.1% copper sulfate) or
immersion (concentrated aqueous copper sulfate), respectively.
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV of 0.2 mg/m3 for copper as copper fume and 1 mg/m3 for copper dusts and mists
is to prevent irritation (20). The OSHA PEL for copper dusts and mists 1 mg/m3 and for copper fume
is 0.1 mg/m3, as an 8-h TWA (159). OSHA declined to increase its PEL to the concentration
recommended by ACGIH because the latter's TLV was based on a 1972 personal communication.
This communication stated that workers in the United Kingdom that were exposed to copper fumes
at concentrations up to 0.4 mg/m3 during welding and copper metal refining operations failed to
experience ill effects. OSHA's position was that the Agency must demonstrate that exposed workers
will not be placed at increased risk even after the limit has been raised. The National Institute for
Occupational and Health recommended exposure level (REL) of 1 mg/m3 applies to copper dusts
and mists, with a REL of 0.1 mg/m3 for copper fumes. The ACGIH TLV for copper dusts and mists
is 1 mg/Cu and for copper fume is 0.2 mg/m3.

Initial physical examinations for workers likely to be exposed to copper in the course of their
employment should include respiratory and liver function tests and a screening for Wilson's disease.
Normal concentrations of copper in blood from nonexposed workers range from 0.8 to 1.6 mg/L,
with an average copper blood concentration of 1.2 mg/L.

Germanium, Tin, and Copper


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Robert A. Goyer, MD

A. Inorganic Lead Compounds

1.0 Lead
1.0.1 CAS Number: [7439-92-1]

1.0.2 Synonyms: NA

1.0.3 Trade Names: NA

1.0.4 Molecular Weight: 207.19

1.0.5 Molecular Formula: Pb

1.0.6 Molecular Structure: Pb

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Lead is a lustrous silvery metal that tarnishes in the presence of air and becomes a dull bluish gray.
The chemical symbol, Pb, is derived from plumbum, the Latin word for waterworks, because of
lead's extensive use in ancient water pipes. Lead has four electrons in its valence shell, but only two
ionize readily. The usual oxidation state of lead in inorganic compounds is therefore +2 rather than
+4. Lead generally forms stable compounds. Four stable lead isotopes exist in nature (208, 206, 207,
and 204 in order of abundance). Through the years lead mined from deposits of different geologic
eras has entered the environment, so that today there are wide variations in isotopic ratios of lead in
commerce and in the environment. These differences in isotopic ratios may be used as
nonradioactive tracers in environmental and metabolism studies (14).

For the purposes of this chapter the toxicology of all lead compounds are considered similar once the
lead has entered body tissues. Generally, it is the lead ion that interacts with the target organ or
organelle. Solubility in body tissues affects rates of absorption. Exceptions are the industrially
synthesized lead–carbon compounds such as tetraethyl lead (TEL) and tetramethyl lead (TML),
which have major differences in the toxicological properties. These compounds were added to
gasoline to improve engine efficiency and reduce gasoline consumption in automobiles. Although
their use as fuel additives has diminished, there are still potential occupational exposures. Lead
released from these compounds following combustion of gasoline forms inorganic lead compounds.
The toxicology of TEL and TML is considered in a later section of this chapter. Chemical and
physical properties of lead and some of its compounds are shown in Table 34.1 (15, 16).



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Titanium, Zirconium, and Hafnium

Leela I. Murthy, Ph.D., David A. Dankovic, Raman C. Murthy

A. Titanium and Titanium Compounds

Titanium (Ti) [7440-32-6] is a silvery gray metal that resembles polished steel. Titanium a transition
element, was first discovered as its oxide by William Gregor in 1791 and named in 1795 by Martin
H. Klaproth after the Titans, the giants of Greek mythology. Nevertheless, the pure metal was not
isolated until 1910 and remained a laboratory curiosity until an economical purification process was
developed in 1946.

Because titanium is as strong as steel and 45% lighter in weight, it is especially suitable for use in
aviation and astronautics. About 50% of the titanium produced is used for jet engine components
(rotors, fins, and compressor parts). Titanium alloys readily with other metals such as aluminum and
tin. The alloy composition Ti + 2.5% tin + 5% aluminum is used when high strength at high
temperatures is required, and the alloy Ti + 8% aluminum + molybdenum + vanadium is used in low
temperature applications. Each supersonic transport contains about 270,000 kg of titanium.

The most important titanium compound is titanium dioxide, TiO2 [13463-67-7], a white substance
that has a high reflective index. TiO2 forms the basis of the titanium pigment industry because of its
opacifying property, ready availability, and relatively low cost. TiO2 is processed at very high
temperatures into artificial rutile, which is used as a semiprecious stone (titania). Titania has a light
yellow color and a higher index of refraction than diamond, but is rather soft. TiO2 has been used to
some degree since 1918, but its use expanded after technological improvements in ore processing
and because of expanded industrial need. Fifty percent of the TiO2 used is as pigments, 20% in
paper, and 12% in plastics. It is also used in cosmetics and sun screens. Additional uses of TiO2 are
as a catalyst, a dielectric in capacitors, and a source of titanium metal.

The remaining titanium compounds have a variety of special uses.

Titanium trichloride, a dark-violet deliquescent solid that decomposes in air and water, is used as a
cocatalyst for polyolefin polymerization and in organometallic synthesis. The tetrachloride is a
colorless liquid that fumes in moist air and forms a dense, persistent, white cloud used in smoke
screens. The tetrachloride is used extensively in TiO2 production.

Titanium disulfide, a yellow solid, is used as a solid lubricant, and titanous sulfate, green in the
crystalline state but dark purple in acid solution, is used in the textile industry as a reducing agent for
stripping or discharging colors.

The toxicity of titanium varies with the chemical form. Metallic titanium and TiO2 are insoluble,
unreactive, nonmetabolized, and virtually devoid of acute toxicity, though prolonged exposure to
high concentrations of TiO2 causes lung tumors in rats. In contrast, the soluble inorganic titanium
salts are absorbed and metabolized and do show appreciable acute toxicity. A third titanium form,
the oil-soluble organotitanium complex, titanocene, is metabolized by a still different pathway and is
both toxic and tumorigenic in animals.

The toxicology of two other titanium compounds, titanium diboride and titanium carbide, is not
discussed in this chapter. Titanium diboride [12045-63-5], an extremely hard substance (Mohs
hardness 9 +) with oxidative resistance up to 1400°C, is used as a metallurgical additive for super
alloys and nuclear steels, as a high-temperature electrical conductor, and in coatings resistant to
attack by molten metals. Titanium carbide is extremely hard and as a crystalline solid has its chief
use as an additive to tungsten carbide in cutting tools and other parts that are subjected to thermal

Table 35.2. Physical and Chemical Properties of Titanium (Ti) and its

Boiling Melting
CAS Molecular Mol. Point Point (° Specific
Compound Number Formula Wt. (°C) C) Gravity Solubility

Titanium [7440- Ti 47.87 3287 1660 4.5 Insol. cold

32-6] water; dec.
hot water
Titanium [13463- TiO2 79.87 2500– 1830– 3.90 Sol. hot
dioxide 67-7] 3000 1850 (anatase) H2SO4,HF,
4.23 alkali;
(rutile) insol. HCl,
Titanium [12070- TiC 59.88 4820 3140 4.93 Insol.
carbide 08-5] water; sol.
aqua regia,
Titanium [7705- TiCl3 154.23 660 Dec. 2.64 Sol. water;
trichloride 07-9] 440 HCl; v. sol.
insol. ether
Titanium [7550- TiCl4 189.68 136.4 –25 Liq. Sol. cold.
tetrachloride 45-0] 1.726 water;
Titanium [7704- TiH2 49.88 Dec. — 3.75 —
hydride 98-5] 450
Titanium [12039- TiS2 112.00 — — 3.37 Hyd. sl.
(IV) sulfide 13-3] colder;
dec. in
HCl; sol.
dil. HNO3,
Titanium [10363- Ti2(SO4)3 383.93 — — — Insol.
(III) sulfate 61-0] water,
sol. dil.

59) isolated impure zirconium by heating a mixture of potassium zirconium fluoride with potassium
in an iron tube. Zirconium occurs abundantly in stars and has been identified in the sun and in
meteorites. It is present as a minor impurity during the extraction of beryllium from its ore,
Zirconium, one of the more abundant elements, is widely distributed in the earth's crust and occurs
as the oxide, baddeleyite (ZrO2), or as part of a complex of oxides as in zircon, ZrO2 · SiO2, elpidite,
Na2ZrSi6O13 · 3H2O, and eudialyte, Na13(Ca · Fe)6 · (Zr · Si)20O52Cl (60). Zircon is the most
important commercial ore and baddeleyite also has some importance. It has been estimated that
zirconium constitutes about 0.017% of the lithosphere.

Major world sources of zircon are Australia, the Republic of South Africa, and the United States.
France, Japan, and the United States are producers of nuclear- and commercial-grade zirconium
metals. About 50,000 tons of the world demand of 184,000 tons (27%) of zircon were consumed by
the United States in 1983. Zircon occurs worldwide as an accessory mineral in igneous,
metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks from which it is mined.

Commercial deposits occur only in Brazil and the Republic of South Africa, but it is also found in
East Africa, Sri Lanka, and the former Soviet Union. Zircon sand is produced in Australia, Republic
of China, Korea, South Africa, India, and Brazil. All commercial sources of zircon are derived from
mining ancient, unconsolidated beach deposits, the largest of which are in Kerala, India, in Sri
Lanka, the east and west coasts of Australia, on the Trail Ridge in Florida, and at Richards Bay in the
Republic of South Africa. These heavy mineral sands are processed to recover the titanium-bearing
minerals ilmenite, rutile, and leucoxene, and zircon is obtained as a coproduct. The output of zircon
depends mainly on the market for titanium minerals used in producing titanium oxide white pigment
and titanium metal (59, 61). The production of zirconium metal is only a minor use of zircon.

In the United States, the zirconium content of zircon in beach sand and placer deposits in Florida and
Georgia is estimated at 4 million tons. In addition, 4 million tons of marginal reserves and
subeconomic resources are located principally in Tennessee, New Jersey, South Carolina, and
California. Zircon is recovered from mineral sands by dredging and mining.

Zirconium is associated with other metals in many minerals but is recovered only from zircon
(ZrO4SiO2), baddeleyite (brazilite) (ZrO2), eudialyte [Na13(CaFe)6 · (ZrSi)20O52Cl]. Hafnium is
invariably associated with zirconium. Zircon occurs in all igneous rocks but is more common in
granite, sylnite (complex silicates), and diorite (alkaline earth silicates). Zircon is a common
constituent of river gravels and beach sands, from whence it is recovered as a coproduct of ilmenite
(FeO4TiO2), rutile (TiO2), and monazite (thorium and lanthanum phosphates). Baddeleyite usually
occurs in phenolite and is also found in river gravels and beach sands (59).

Because of its very high chemical activity at temperatures just above normal ambient temperature,
zirconium occurs only in the combined state (61). Zirconium is found in at least 37 different mineral
forms (62), but the predominant commercial source is the mineral zircon, zirconium orthosilicate.

Baddeleyite, a natural zirconium oxide, has been found in Brazil and in Transvaal, South Africa. The
Brazilian ore occurs frequently with zircon and may contain 65–85% zirconium oxide, 12–18%
silica, and 0.5% uranium oxide. Currently, very little Brazilian ore is exported because all
radioactive minerals are under the close scrutiny of the Brazilian government. The Transvaal ore is a
complex ore composed of different sections; these are mined to recover magnetite, apatite (a copper
concentrate), vermiculite, and baddeleyite. The baddeleyite ore contains a zirconium oxide
concentration of 0.2% but when concentrated, it yields about 96% zirconium oxide with a hafnium
content (Hf/Zr + Hf) of about 2%. Zirconium and hafnium are geochemically associated in the
principal ore mineral, zircon, in a ratio of 50 to 1. The two elements are separated only for nuclear

Eudialyte [Na13(Ca · Fe)6 · (Zr · Si)20O52Cl], a third ore, is the source of pure zirconium oxide from
large deposits in southwest Greenland. Two zirconium-containing minerals have been discovered in
the past 20 years, welognite (Sr2.8Ca0.2)ZrNa2(CO3)6 · 3H2O and gittinsite CaZrSi2O7. Unlike
zircon, the zirconium content of these minerals and eudialyte can be dissolved by strong acid.

Zircon is the primary zirconium mineral of commercial significance. It is recovered solely as a by-
product of mining and extracting of the titanium minerals, ilmenite and rutile, for which there is a
much larger demand. Zircon has been known as a gem mineral since biblical times and was called
Jargon in Sri Lanka and Hyacinth in France. The name zircon comes from the Arabic “zargun,”
meaning gold color, describing the gemstone now known as zircon. Zircons may be colorless, amber,
red, reddish brown, blue, green, or black. Analysis of the gemstone Jargon from Sri Lanka in 1789
by Klaproth revealed 68% of an unknown earth which he called zirkonerde (63). In 1797, Vauquelin
studied this new earth, gave it the name zirconia, and published the preparation and properties of
some of its compounds (64). It was only in 1824 that Berzelius prepared the first crude zirconium
metal, a black powder, by heating potassium and potassium hexafluorozirconate in a closed pot (61).
The mineral zircon is mainly used for facings on foundry molds; foundries consume approximately
one-half of the domestic zirconium production, and the remaining one-half is consumed by
refractory, abrasive, ceramic, metal, and other industries. Domestic zirconium is marketed in
proprietary mixtures for use as weighting agents, Zr–TiO2 blends for welding-rod manufacture, and
zirconium-refractory heavy-mineral (kyanite, sillimanite, and staurolite) sand blends for foundry
sand and sandblasting applications. The zirconium-bearing foundry sand was reportedly designed to
provide consistent high-quality performance at low cost for critical casting applications (65).

Zircon is widely used in furnaces and hearths as refractory bricks and blocks for containing molten
metals. Zircon is also used in manufacturing fused cast and bonded AZS (alumina-zirconia-silica-
base) refractories for glass tank furnace use and in alumina–zirconia snagging wheels used in heavy
grinding on rough metal surfaces. Zircon is also used as a refractory material for dies used to extrude
various materials (59).

Table 35.3. Physical and Chemical Properties of Zirconium and Its Compoundsa

Boiling Solubility
CAS Molecular Mol. Point Melting Specific in Water
Compound Number Formula Wt. (°C) Point (°C) Gravity (68°F) Ref.

Zirconium [7440-67-7] Zr 91.22 4409 1855 6.52 Insoluble a

Zirconium [12010-33-2] ZrBe13 1925 2.72 a

Zirconium ZrBe17 1980 3.08 a

Zirconium [12045-64-6] ZrB2 112.85 3040 6.17 a,b

Zirconium [12045-28-2] ZrB 2800 b

Zirconium [12046-91-2] ZrB12 Decomposes b

boride at 2250
Zirconium [13777-25-8] ZrBr4 410.84 360* 450** 3.98 a

Zirconium [12020-14-3] ZrC 103.24 3532 6.73 a

Zirconium [10026-11-6] ZrCl4 233.04 331* 437** 2.80 Reacts a

chloride, with
zirconium water
Zirconium [13762-26-0] ZrCl2 162.13 Decomposes 3.6 c

dichloride at 350
Zirconium [7783-64-4] ZrF4 167.22 912* 932** 4.43 Slightly a

fluoride, sol
Zirconium [7704-99-6] ZrH2 92.34 5.6 Insoluble a

Zirconium [14475-63-9] Zr(OH)4 159.25 Decomposes 3.25 Insoluble a

Zirconium [13986-26-0] ZrI4 598.84 431* 499** 4.85 Very a

iodide soluble
Zirconium [13746-89-9] Zr(NO3) 429.32 Decomposes Very a

nitrate, at 100 soluble

pentahydrate 4 · 5H2O

Zirconium [25658-42-8] ZrN 105.23 2960 7.09 a

Zirconium [10101-52-7] ZrSiO4 183.31 Decomposes 4.56 Insoluble a

orthosilicate at 1540
Zirconium [1314-23-4] ZrO2 123.22 2710 5.68 Insoluble a

Zirconium [12039-90-6] ZrSi2 147.40 1620 4.88 Insoluble a

Zirconium [12039-15-5] ZrS2 155.36 1480 3.82 Insoluble a

Zirconium [7446-31-3] Zr(SO4) 355.41 Decomposes 2.8 Very a

sulfate, at 100 soluble

tetrahydrate 2 · 4H2O

Zirconium [14644-61-2] Zr(SO4)2 283.3 Decomposes 3.2 d

sulfate at 410
Zirconium [13520-92-8] ZrOCl2 · 8H2O 322.25 Decomposes 1.91 Very a

chloride, at 400 soluble

Zirconium [7699-43-6] ZrOCl2 178.13 d


a = Adapted from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, 78th ed., Boca
Raton, FL., 1997–1998.
b b = Adapted from Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4th ed., Vol. 4, John

Wiley & Sons, 1992.

* * = sublimation point.
** ** = triple point.
c c = Adapted from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, 67th ed., Boca

Raton, FL., 1986–1987.

d d = Adapted from CHEMFINDER.com

Table 35.4. Statistics of Zirconium Imports and Exports—United States,


Metric Tons

1993 1994 1995 1996 (est.)

Zirconium ores and concentrates 45,500 53,300 60,800 60,100 41,600

Zirconium alloys, waste and scrap 798 837 884 830 993

Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) 1,990 2,400 4,370 5,240 3,870


Zirconium ores and concentrates 23,400 20,800 26,200 22,780 24,900


Zirconium alloys, waste and scrap 2,020 1,640 1,680 1,480 1,690


Zircon, dollars per ton:

Domestic NAb 278 319 419 400

Imported 200 220 325 411 400

Zirconium sponge, dollars per kg: 9–12 9–12 9–12 9–12 9–12

Adapted from U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, 1998.
b NA = not available.

Table 35.5. The Supply/Demand for Zirconia (Zirconium Oxide) in Metric

Tons for 1991 and 1994a

United Western
States Europe Japan Totalb

1991 1994 1991 1994 1991 1994 1991 1994

Number of 5 5 5 4 9 9 19 18
Production 9,747 12,100 4,100 4,400 6,750 6,280 19,850 22,780
Imports d 1,536 2,404 6,100 naf 650 900 8,286 naf
Exportse 1,495 1,222 300 naf 718 naf 3,213 naf
Consumption 9,788 13,282 9,845 10,175 7,400 7,190 23,421 30,641
Adapted from Chemical Economics Handbook, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, August
b Totals may not equal the sums of categories because of rounding.
c Data for United States and Western Europe do not include producers of zirconia metal and

reprocessors of baddeleyite. Data for Japan include manufactured zirconia producers that use
baddeleyite as a raw material.
d Data for United States and Western Europe include baddeleyite but not for Japan.
f Not available.
e Japan's export figures include germanium oxide which represents less than 5% of total


10.1 Aluminum Zirconium Compounds

10.4.2 Human Experience General Information Clinical Cases Zirconium compounds have been associated with the development of
hypersensitivity granulomas. However, aluminum zirconium complexes have not previously been
shown to induce sensitization. The clinical and histologic findings of a case was described in which a
patient developed an acute hypersensitivity reaction to an aluminum zirconium complex (134).
10.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH has a recommended exposure limit (REL) of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of 10 mg/m3
(45). As of July 1999, the OSHA TWA has remained at 5 mg/m3 (43). The 2000 ACGIH TLV is
5 mg/m3 and the STEL value is 10 mg/m3 (44).
11.1 Zirconium Compounds (Combination Studies)
11.4.2 Human Experience Clinical Cases Men who worked with zirconium compounds at
one site in the North of England were monitored since 1975 to evaluate the effects of exposure on
the lung (mainly < 10 mg/m3) over many years. Chest radiographs (in 1975, 1978, and 1982) and
lung function measurements (from 1975–1988) were carried out on all 178 men known to have
worked with the compounds; an estimate of cumulative exposure was computed from job title and
likely exposures. No evidence was found that zirconium exposure resulted in abnormal chest
radiographs or impaired pulmonary function (135).
11.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH has a recommended exposure limit (REL) of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of 10 mg/m3
(45). As of July 1999, the OSHA TWA has remained at 5 mg/m3 (43). The 2000 ACGIH TLV is
5 mg/m3, and the STEL value is 10 mg/m3 (44).
12.1 Sodium Zirconium Lactate
12.4.2 Human Experience Clinical Cases By 1959 there were numerous reports of axillary
granulomas following the use of stick deodorants containing NaZr lactate (136). These granulomas
appear as underarm eruptions of small, indolent, flesh-colored papules, often in linear streaks.
Several years later, zirconium oxide, as a cream, introduced as a treatment for poison ivy dermatitis,
produced small papules in the skin which, on microscopic examination, revealed epithelioid cell
granulomas (137). When the sensitizing Zr salt was removed from the preparation, healing occured.
12.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH has a recommended exposure limit (REL) of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of 10 mg/m3
(45). As of July 1999, the OSHA TWA has remained at 5 mg/m3 (43). The 2000 ACGIH TLV is
5 mg/m3 and the STEL value is 10 mg/m3 (44).
13.1 Zirconium-Containing Aerosol Spray Clinical Cases Epstein (138) developed a zirconium-containing aerosol spray that did not
produce granulomas of the skin in an unsensitized person. However, Zr-containing antiperspirant
sprays were ultimately banned following a panel statement of the FDA and subsequent hearings
which concluded that (1) the respiratory tract is the deposition site for the antiperspirant in spray
form, (2) no proof was presented on the metabolic fate or integrity of the deposited spray in the
respiratory tract, and (3) zirconium chlorhydrate can elicit a hypersensitivity granulomatous response
in sensitized persons.
13.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH has a recommended exposure limit (REL) of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of 10 mg/m3
(45). As of July 1999, the OSHA TWA has remained at 5 mg/m3 (43). The 2000 ACGIH TLV is
5 mg/m3 and the STEL value is 10 mg/m3 (44).
14.1 Lead Titanate Zirconate
14.2 Human Experience Clinical Cases An Ontario plant with 101 workers who produced and used the ceramic
compound lead titanate zirconate (LTZ), was the site of an investigation (139). Although air lead
levels were high in most plant areas, 82 workers who were not exposed to lead oxide but to LTZ in
the process had normal blood lead levels. In addition, no radiographic changes or abnormal
pulmonary function test results were detected in 61 workers examined. The particle size of LTZ was
less than 5 micrometers, and the solubility of LTZ in body fluids was significantly less than lead
oxide. The authors postulated that the observed low toxicity of LTZ could be due to its low solubility
in body fluids. Further studies of the toxicity of LTZ and other less soluble lead compounds were
recommended by the authors (139).
14.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH has a recommended exposure limit (REL) of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of 10 mg/m3
(45). As of July 1999, the OSHA TWA has remained at 5 mg/m3 (43). The 2000 ACGIH TLV is
5 mg/m3 and the STEL value is 10 mg/m3 (44).
15.1 Zircaloy
15.4.2 Human Experience Clinical Cases A 51-year-old nonsmoking female suffered from
relapsing progressive pneumonia for several years. She had worked for 16 years in the nuclear
industry and was exposed to grinding particles and welding fumes from working with Zircaloy, an
alloy that contains tin, iron, chromium, and zirconium. During an exacerbation of the pneumonia,
radiography showed interstitial infiltration of both lower lobes. In addition, nodular and painful
thickenings appeared in old operation scars on various parts of her body. Persistent infiltrations of
the lung led to lobectomy of the right lower lobe to exclude a malignant disease in the worker. The
histological picture of the lung tissue showed different stages of alterations and pronounced
proliferation of the alveolar epithelium, epithelioid cell granulomas between well-preserved alveolar
walls, and additional large areas of scar tissue (140). This observation was similar to that noted in
another study published a few years previously, where the authors called it “Zirconium lung” (141).
15.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH has a recommended exposure limit (REL) of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of 10 mg/m3
(45). As of July 1999, the OSHA TWA has remained at 5 mg/m3 (43). The 2000 ACGIH TLV is
5 mg/m3, and the STEL value is 10 mg/m3 (44).
15.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Zircaloy hazards associated with the shear/leach operation at the second Thermal Oxide
Reprocessing Plant (THORP) at the Sellafield factory were examined. Potential hazards of the
process include Zircaloy dust explosions in the vicinity of the shear and either dry or submerged
ignition layers. With respect to the development of the safety case for layer ignitions, the reaction
kinetics were experimentally investigated by reproducing the conditions under which a thermal
runaway could be seen. A mathematical model of the settled layer heat transfer characteristics was
developed. It was shown that an oxide layer formed on particles of Zircaloy resulted in a slowing of
explosive reactions of particulate Zircaloy (142).

Titanium, Zirconium, and Hafnium

Leela I. Murthy, Ph.D., David A. Dankovic, Raman C. Murthy

C. Hafnium and Hafnium Compounds

Hafnium (Hf), CAS Number: [7440-58-6], one of the transition elements, belongs to Group IV B of
the periodic table along with titanium and zirconium. Hafnium is never found free in nature but is
always associated with the more plentiful zirconium in natural minerals. Hafnium and zirconium are
almost identical in nature and hence show close similarity in chemical properties not seen in any
other pair of elements in the periodic table.

Hafnium is one of the less abundant elements in the earth's crust. It makes up 2% of the combined
weight of hafnium and zirconium in zircon, (ZrHf)O2 · SiO2, which is recovered from certain beach
sands. Hafnium makes up about 0.5–2% of the combined weight with zirconium in the ore,
baddeleyite, (Zr.Hf)O2 (143). Because of its similarity to zirconium, no qualitative differences have
been found that would permit separating them except for the production of hafnium-free nuclear-
grade zirconium (61).

Hafnium was positively identified only in 1923 though zirconium was discovered in 1789. The
theory that element 72 was tetravalent and not trivalent like the rare earth series elements was
postulated by the Bohr atomic theory and by Moseley's X-ray spectra of several zircon concentrates
(144). The name hafnium comes from Hafnia, the Latin name for Copenhagen where the discovery
was made.

Hafnium was also identified by X-ray fluorescence analysis and by neutron activation analysis in a
chronosequence of soils in the Indiana Dunes. It was leached along with titanium, selenium, and
heavy lanthanides associated with heavy minerals, particularly, iron oxides, in the very fine sand
fraction (0.05–0.1 mm) of the Indiana Dunes soils (145).

The primary commercial source of hafnium is zircon, zirconium orthosilicate, which is inert and
refractory and is obtained during the mining of rutile and ilmenite mineral sands. Zircon sands
contain 2% hafnium oxide but higher concentrations are found in altered zircons such as cyrtolite,
malacon, alvite, and naëgite. The statistics of hafnium imports and prices for 1993–1997 are
presented in Table 35.6.

Table 35.6. Statistics of Hafnium Imports and Prices—United States, 1993–


1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Imports, metric tons

Hafnium, unwrought, waste, and 3 5 5 8 8
Prices 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Hafnium sponge, dollars per 165–210 165– 165– 165– 165–
kilogram 210 210 210 210

Adapted from U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, 1998.

It is extremely difficult to separate hafnium from zirconium. Some of the methods used in the
laboratory for separating it from zirconium are: (1) solvent extraction of thiocyanates by hexone, (2)
solvent extraction of nitrates by tributyl phosphate and, (3) fractional crystallization of the double
fluorides (146). Three industrial methods are normally used to separate hafnium and zirconium: (1)
liquid-liquid extraction (2) molten salt distillation and (3) fluorozirconate crystallization. Different
hafnium compounds are obtained from zircon using different procedures. Figure 35.1 presents a
flowchart for obtaining the various hafnium compounds, as well as the different forms of hafnium
from zircon.

Figure 35.1. Flow sheet of hafnium production from zircon.

Another method used a pressurized ion-exchange column to separate hafnium from zirconium.
Basically, the hafnium and zirconium sulfate complex was separated by chromatographic elution
from Dowex 50W-X8 (15–25 mm) resin with sulfuric acid solutions. Fluorometric and colorimetric
reagents were used to monitor the column effluents continuously. Because neither the fluorometric
nor the colorimetric reagent was specific for either hafnium or zirconium, peak patterns were
identified using the stable isotopes 90Zr and 180Hf as “fingerprints” of their elution position (147).
An unseparated fraction was also obtained which was thought to be a polymeric hydrolytic product.

Some physical properties of hafnium and its compounds are presented in Table 35.7.
Table 35.7. Physical and Chemical Properties of Hafnium and Its Compoundsa

Boiling Solubility
CAS Molecular Mol. Point Melting Specific in Water
Compound Number Formula Wt. (°C) Point (°C) Gravity (68°F) Ref.

Hafnium [7440-58-6] Hf 178.49 4603 2233 13.31 Insoluble a

Hafnium HfBe13 1595 3.93 a

Hafnium HfBe17 < 1750 4.78 a

Hafnium [12007-23-7] HfB2 200.11 3100 10.5 a

Hafnium [12228-27-2] HfB 189.3 Dec. at 210 b

Hafnium [32342-52-2] a

Hafnium [13777-22-5] HfBr4 498.11 323* 424** 4.90 a

Hafnium [12069-85-1] HfC 190.50 3000 12.2 a

Hafnium [13499-05-3] HfCl4 320.30 317* 432** Reacts a

chloride with
Hafnium [13709-52-9] HfF4 254.48 970* > 970 7.1 a

Hafnium [12770-26-2] HfH2 180.51 11.4 a

Hafnium [13777-23-6] HfI4 686.11 394* 449** 5.6 a

Hafnium [25817-87-2] HfN 192.50 3305 13.8 a

Hafnium [13870-13-8] HfSiO4 270.57 7.0 a

ortho silicate
Hafnium [12055-23-1] HfO2 210.49 2774 9.68 Insoluble a

Hafnium [14456-34-9] HfOCl2 · 8H2O 409.52 Decomposes Soluble a

Hafnium [12325-59-6] HfP 209.46 9.78 a

Hafnium [12162-21-9] HfSe2 336.41 7.46 a

Hafnium [12401-56-8] HfSi2 234.66 1700 7.6 a

Hafnium [15823-43-5] Hf(SO4)2 370.62 Decomposes a

sulfate > 500

Hafnium [18855-94-2] HfS2 242.62 6.03 a


a = Adapted from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, 78th ed., Boca
Raton, FL., 1997–1998.
b b = Adapted from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, 67th ed., Boca

Raton, FL., 1986–1987.

* = sublimation point.
** ** = triple point.

Titanium, Zirconium, and Hafnium


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Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth

Lisa Gallicchio, Bruce A. Fowler Ph.D., Emily F. Madden

1.0 Arsenic
1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
Inorganic arsenic, arsenite, arsenate, arsenic acid, arsine gas
1.0.3 Trade Names:
1.0.4 Molecular Weight:
1.0.5 Molecular Formula:
1.0a Arsenic Trioxide
1.0.1a CAS Number: [1327-53-3]

1.0.2a Synonyms: Arsenic oxide; arsenic (III) oxide; arsenous trioxide; arsenous acid; arsenous
oxide; arsenic sesquioxide; white arsenic; diarsenic trioxide; crude arsenic; arsenic (white); arsenious
oxide; arsenic (III) trioxide; arsenous anhydride; arsenite; arsenolite; arsenous acid anhydride;
arsenous oxide anhydride; arsodent; claudelite; claudetite; arsenic oxide (3); arsenic oxide (As2O3);
arsenic sesquioxide (As2O3); arsenicum album; diarsonic trioxide; diarsenic oxide; arsenious oxide,

1.0.3a Trade Names: NA

1.0.4a Molecular Weight: 395.628

1.0.5a Molecular Formula: As4O6

1.0.6a Molecular Structure:

Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth

Lisa Gallicchio, Bruce A. Fowler Ph.D., Emily F. Madden

2.0 Antimony
2.0.1 CAS Number:
2.0.1a Antimony Trioxide, [1309-64-4]
2.0.2 Synonyms:
Antimony is also known as stibine (gaseous form of antimony hydride).
2.0.3 Trade Names:
2.0.4 Molecular Weight:
2.0.5 Molecular Formula:
2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
2.1.1 General Sb as an element is a brittle, flaky, crystalline (hexagonal) silver-white metal. It does
not react with air at room temperature but burns brightly when heated, and forms white fumes. It is a
poor conductor of electricity and heat. Antimony occurs in tri- (+3) and pentavalent (+5) compounds
and is found in the earth's crust mostly associated with sulfur as stibnite and in ores associated with
arsenic. Antimony is a group VA element of the periodic table and it has many of the same chemical
and biological properties as the element arsenic.

2.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Stibine gas is odorless. Exposure to antimony at high levels may
result in a variety of adverse health effects. For example, breathing high levels of antimony and some
of its compounds can irritate the eyes and lungs and can cause problems with the heart, lungs, and
2.2 Production and Use
Antimony is used as a common constituent of metal alloys; antimony ores are mined and mixed with
other metals such as lead and copper. Antimony is used frequently for hardening lead in lead storage
batteries. Antimony is used in the manufacture of ceramics, paints, glass, solder, pewter, typemetal,
bearings, castings, explosives, and semiconductors. Antimony compounds are also used as abrasives
for flameproofing material such as textiles and plastics. Antimony trioxide is an important
component of pigments and munitions primers (189).

Historically, antimony compounds were used as emetics and expectorants. Recently, antimony
compounds, such as tartar emetic and sodium stibogluconate, are used as antihelminthic and
antiprotozoic drugs in treating parasitic diseases and infections (190). It plays no role in nutrition and
is a nonessential element.
2.3 Exposure Assessment
2.3.1 Air Antimony concentrations in the air of the order 1–10 mg/m3 were reported from a number
of different smelter operations (191). Average working zone concentrations of antimony ranging
from 4.7 to 10.2 mg/m3 have been reported in smelting works (192). In one abrasives plant, the
average air concentration of antimony was 3.0 mg/m3 (193). Currently, the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) has set an occupational exposure limit of 0.5 mg of antimony per
cubic meter of air for an 8-hour workday, 40-hour workweek.

2.3.2 Background Levels Data regarding daily intake of antimony are controversial. Reports range
from about 10& mg in a Swedish study (194) (neutron activation), a weekly average of 23 mg in
four normal German diets (195) (neutron activation) to 250–1250 mg in one U.S. study of
institutional diets for children using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) without extraction
(196). There is reason to believe that the AAS method may have given falsely high values (191).
Antimony concentrations of 3 to 8 mg/kg have been found in milk and potato powder (195).
Antimony occurs primarily as a suspended particulate in water, although hydrolysis is possible
(197). Antimony is likely to accumulate in sediments, and although antimony concentrations have
been observed in some marine and freshwater invertebrates (possibly in methylated forms),
antimony does not biomagnify (198, 199). Antimony concentrations in fresh water fish are
reportedly of the order of 3 mg/kg wet weight (200). Antimony levels of 0.2 mg/L were reported in
the northeastern Pacific Ocean, and in the Rhine River levels average 0.1 mg/L (201). The EPA
currently allows 0.006 parts antimony per million parts of drinking water (ppm). In soil, antimony
ranges from 0.1 to 10 mg/kg dry weight (202). Antimony is a common air pollutant and has an
average concentration of 0.001 mg/m3 (203). Antimony concentrations in air ranging from 1.4 to
55 ng per cubic meter (204) and an average of 32 ng per cubic meter (205) were reported in Chicago
using neutron activation analysis. The combustion of fossil fuels and products that contain antimony
compounds commonly release antimony into the air, most likely as the trioxide and possibly the
tetroxide and pentoxide forms (198). In addition, antimony levels in cigarettes have been studied by
neutron activation, and an average of 0.1 mg of antimony per kg dry weight of tobacco was
estimated (206).

2.3.3 Workplace Methods The recommended method for determining workplace exposures to
antimony is NIOSH Method PCAM #261 (207).

2.3.4 Community Methods: NA

2.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood Blood concentrations can be measured several days
after antimony exposure by using atomic absorption spectrometry. Urine Occupational exposure is monitored by measuring antimony in the urine and also for
the clinical investigation of antimony therapeutics. Some tests are, however, not routinely performed
in doctors' offices and may require specialized equipment and methods such as AAS to perform
2.4 Toxic Effects
The major targets in antimony poisoning are the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, and the
effects have been documented in both animals and humans (203). Other targets include the liver and
the hematopoietic system. Renal toxicity including histological changes have been observed in
animals (203). Antimony is an irritant of the mucous membranes, skin, and eyes. Pulmonary injury is
linked with heavy exposure to antimony trioxide and pentoxide, and antimony trisulfide is regarded
as cardiotoxic. It has been suggested that the descending order of toxicity is the antimony metalloid
(mainly as stibine gas), the trisulfide, the pentasulfide, the trioxide, and the pentoxide from (203).
The chemical properties and biological activities of antimony are similar to arsenic, although it is
considerably less toxic.

2.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Acute antimony poisoning is a rare occurrence
but can result in death within several hours (203). The symptoms of acute antimony poisoning are
similar to those of arsenic poisoning: vomiting, diarrhea, colic, and a metallic taste (203). For
example, acute symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea were produced in cats and dogs when
administered antimony potassium tartrate in doses of the order of 10 mg/kg (191). In acute peroral
exposure, antimony potassium tartrate is more toxic than antimony tri- and pentoxide. Cats and dogs
exposed to doses of 100 mg/kg antimony trioxide and pentoxide for months exhibited no toxic
manifestations (208, 209). Acute exposure to antimony compounds by inhalation can produce
respiratory effects. For example, guinea pigs that inhaled antimony trioxide at an average
concentration of 45 mg/m3 for 33 to 609 hours exhibited signs of interstitial pneumonitis (210).
Acute antimony exposures induce circulatory system effects. For example, an acute circulatory
response, with a drop in blood pressure was observed after intravenous injections of antimony (211,
212). Pathological ECG changes were observed in dogs injected for four days with 5 mg of antimony
potassium tartrate; the most prominent change was inversion of the T-wave (213). Liver and kidney
effects have been observed with acute exposure; fatty degeneration occurred in the convoluted
tubules of the kidney and the liver after a single dose of 60 mg of antimony potassium tartrate
solution was given to rabbits (214). The pathological kidney changes occurred a few hours after the
administration but preceding the changes observed in the liver. Fatty degeneration of the liver, but
not the kidneys, was observed in one inhalation study of guinea pigs (210). Exposure to antimony
and its compounds reportedly causes mild but inconsistent hematological effects in animals. Rats fed
894 mg/kg/day of antimony trioxide for up to one month showed an increased red blood cell count
(215). In contrast, decreased red blood cell counts were reported for rats that received antimony
trioxide in doses of 418 mg/kg/day for 24 weeks (216). In addition, decreased hematocrit and
hemoglobin levels, as well as decreased plasma protein concentrations were observed for rats
exposed orally to metallic antimony at 500 to 1000 mg/kg/day for 12 to 24 weeks. The odorless toxic
gas stibine (antimony hybride), like arsine, is a potent hemolytic agent. The lethal concentration of
stibine in air for mice is reportedly about 100 ppm for 1.6 hours (217). The formation of Heinz
bodies in red blood cells was associated with acute stibine exposure that may underlie its hemolytic
effects. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Antimony potassium tartrate is more toxic in chronic
peroral exposure than antimony tri- and pentoxide (191). Rats given 5 mg/L antimony potassium
tartrate in drinking water in a long term study showed a significant decrease in survival and average
life span (about 15%) compared to control animals (218). Rats given a diet containing 0.5 to 2%
antimony or antimony trioxide had a decreased weight gain (216). Rats and rabbits exposed to
antimony trioxide for periods up to 14 months at 90 to 125 mg/m3 of air during 100 h/month
exhibited pneumonitis, lipoid pneumonia, fibrous thickening of alveolar walls, and focal fibrosis
(219, 220). In this study, rabbits appeared more susceptible than rats (220). A study of the long-term
toxicity of inhaled antimony trioxide using female CDF-rats and miniature swine, where animals
were exposed to low (1.6 mg/m3) and high (4.2 mg/m3) doses for 6 hours a day at 5 days per week
for one year, showed pronounced morphological changes in the lung in rats, but not in miniature pigs
(221). The changes in the lung included focal fibrosis, adenomatous and pneumonocytic hyperplasia,
and cholesterol clefts, and the changes were more pronounced in the high-exposure group.
Circulatory system and cardiovascular effects from chronic antimony exposures were observed.
Chronic effects, including parenchymatous degeneration in the myocardium, were reported upon
histopathological examination of hearts from rabbits and rats exposed to 3.1 and 5.6 mg/m3
antimony trisulfide for 6 weeks (193). In contrast, Watt (221) found no evidence of cardiovascular
effects in his long-term study of miniature swine exposed to antimony trioxide. Long-term peroral
exposure to high doses of antimony may induce liver toxicity in animals. For example, rats exposed
to 0.5 to 2% antimony and antimony trioxide in the diet for up to 24 weeks had elevated serum levels
of liver enzyme GOT for the higher exposure (216). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption Antimony is poorly

absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract but is more readily absorbed through the respiratory tract
(203). For example, at least 15% of a single oral dose of labeled antimony potassium tartrate given to
mice is absorbed when recovered in the urine and tissues (222). Distribution Antimony is distributed nonspecifically, although trivalent compounds tend to

react with red blood cells and the liver, and the pentavalent form tends to remain in the plasma (203).
Two hours after an intraperitoneal injection of 3 mg trivalent antimony in rats, more than 95% of the
amount in blood was incorporated in the red blood cells, whereas for pentavalent antimony, 90% was
mainly recovered in the plasma (223). After acute or chronic oral or parenteral exposure to
antimony, the highest levels are recovered in the thyroid, adrenals, and kidneys. A study of rats fed a
diet that contained 2% antimony for 1.5 months showed that highest antimony concentrations were
found in the thyroid and adrenals at values of 88.9 and 67.8 mg/kg, respectively. For spleen, liver,
lungs, and kidneys, the antimony concentrations ranged between 6.7 and 18.9 mg/kg (224). For
humans, body surface scanning of persons given intravenous injections of labeled sodium antimony
dimercaptosuccinate revealed highest antimony amounts in the thyroid, liver, and heart (225, 226).
Forty-three days after the last injection, the liver showed values about one-sixth the maximum value
reached one day after the last injection. Excretion The rate and route of excretion depend on the valency of the antimony
compounds, and certain species differences have also been observed (191). Pentavalent organic
antimony is excreted mainly in the urine in a rapid manner, and trivalent is eliminated mainly
through the feces (223, 227). Antimony is also excreted in bile primarily conjugated to glutathione
(228). For hamsters administered tri- and pentavalent antimony by intraperitoneal injection, after 24
hours about 15% of the trivalent and 65% of pentavalent antimony were found in the urine (229). For
fecal excretion over the same period of time, about 50% of trivalent antimony and less than 10%
pentavalent antimony was recovered. In addition, 6% of the trivalent and 88% of pentavalent
antimony dose given to rats was eliminated via the urine within 24 hours of administration (223). No
methylation of antimony has been reported in humans or in animals (228). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis Existing data to date suggest that antimony may be an animal carcinogen;
however, the data are not sufficient for a quantitative estimate of cancer potency (203). Inhalation of
antimony dust in laboratory rats may increase the risk of lung cancer, but there is no evidence of an
increased risk in animals fed an antimony-containing diet or drinking water. Female rats exposed to
antimony trioxide at 4.2 and 3.2 mg/m3 for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for one year, developed lung
tumors after one additional year of observation (232). Similar results were reported in another study
in which 27% of female rats were exposed to 45 mg/m3 antimony trioxide for one year, and 25% of
female rats exposed to 38 mg/m3 antimony ore containing mostly antimony trisulfide developed lung
neoplasms (233). In addition, no lung tumors were observed in male rats exposed to either antimony
compound, or in the controls. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has
concluded that antimony trioxide is a possible carcinogen (234); antimony trioxide production has
been given an A2 suspected human carcinogen designation by the ACGIH but no TLV has been
assigned to date (207). There is still limited evidence for the carcinogenicity of antimony trisulfide
(234). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Both negative and positive results have been
reported in genotoxic assays of antimony and its compounds (189).

2.4.2 Human Experience General Information Most acute and chronic information about
antimony toxicity, was obtained primarily from industrial airborne exposures; occupational
exposures are usually by inhalation of dust containing antimony compounds, antimony tri- and
pentachloride, trioxide, and trisulfide (235). Data on the adverse effects from treating parasitic
diseases with antimony compounds were also reported. Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Respiratory effects may be acute, particularly from
airborne tri- and pentachloride exposures that induce rhinitis and even acute pulmonary edema (235).
Acute respiratory exposure to antimony trichloride (73 mg/m3) produced irritation and soreness of
the upper respiratory tract in several workers (236). Cordasco and Stone (237) reported three cases,
two of them fatal, of severe pulmonary edema induced by antimony pentachloride exposure,
although no air concentrations were available. Gastrointestinal effects were recorded upon acute
exposure to antimony compounds. Inhalation of dust containing antimony by factory workers
induced gastrointestinal irritation, probably the result of antimony dust transported via the
mucociliary escalator and swallowed (189). Acute symptoms, including abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
and vomiting, among smelter workers subjected to heavy exposure to antimony fumes were reported
by Renes (192). Potassium antimony tartrate at a dose of 0.53 mg/kg can induce vomiting (238).
Vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea were reported in 150 children who drank an antimony-contaminated
lemon drink (239). Acute antimony poisoning is rare but can result in death within several hours
(203). Various toxic side effects and cases of sudden death were recorded in connection with medical
treatment of tropical diseases using antimony compounds (240). Common features during treatment
with antimony compounds are nausea and vomiting (241–243).

Acute antimony poisoning is rare, and hence little documentation is available. Symptoms such as
vomiting, diarrhea, colic, and a metallic taste have been described in a number of reports of acute
antimony poisoning. Seventy people became ill after drinking a lemonade drink containing 0.013%
antimony, and 56 people were taken to the hospital with burning stomach pains, nausea, vomiting
and colic (238, 262). Werrin (239) reported acute antimony poisoning of 150 children who ingested
a contaminated lemon drink (about 30 mg/L). In former times, drinks stored in antimony cups were
used as expectorants and emetics, the dose ranged from 30 to 60 mg to induce vomiting (263). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Workers chronically exposed to airborne antimony and
antimony compounds can develop persistent symptoms such as dermatitis, eye irritation, obstructive
lung alterations, and emphysema with increased pneumoconiosis (244, 245). Chronic respiratory
effects related to antimony were reported among 78 smelter workers exposed to antimony
concentrations ranging from 4.7 to 11.8 mg/m3 for periods exceeding two weeks (192). Symptoms
suffered by the workers included rhinitis (20%), pharynigitis (8%), pneumonitis (5.5%), and
tracheitis (1%). In addition, 70% of the workers experienced soreness in the nose and nosebleeds. It
must be noted that the workers were also exposed to arsenic concentrations around 0.7 mg/m3, and
hence several of the symptoms may have been caused by arsenic, considering the more toxic
properties of the metal (246). Respiratory tract irritation was not mentioned by Brieger et al. (193) in
an extensive study of workers exposed to antimony trisulfide ranging from 0.6 to 5.5 mg/m3.
Pneumoconiosis-like X-ray pictures obtained from workers who had long-term occupational
exposure to antimony have been noted by several authors (244, 245, 247–251). It is likely that silica
may have been present in some of these instances (191). An X-ray method for measuring inhaled
antimony trioxide was developed by McCallum et al. (252), and a significant correlation between
estimated lung antimony and the period of employment was found upon examining 113 antimony
process workers. A report of the examination of 51 Yugoslavian antimony smelter workers showed
X-ray changes that indicated antimony pneumoconiosis (antimoniosis); the X-ray findings were
characterized by the presence of diffuse, densely distributed, punctate opacities whose diameter was
less than 1 mm (245). In addition, pulmonary function tests showed obstructive changes and mixed
restrictive-obstructive changes, along with increases of airway resistance and decreased forced
expiratory flow rates. Chronic coughing was also another major complaint of the exposed workers.
Other investigators also observed lung changes among antimony workers exposed to antimony
trioxide for up to 28 years (247, 253); the prevalence of pneumoconiosis and symptoms of
emphysema were given as 21 and 42%, respectively, among the workers (253). Antimony
pneumoconiosis has been commonly regarded as a benign condition that had no detrimental effects
upon health or life expectancy (251), but chronic respiratory effects were reported in a number of
studies, and therefore heavy antimony exposure cannot be regarded as harmless (191). Skin effects
from chronic antimony exposures have been reported. Pruritic skin papules progressing to skin
eruptions, referred as “antimony spots,” are occasionally seen in workers chronically exposed to
antimony and its salts. Of thirty-two antimony smelter workers examined by Potkonjak and
Pavlovich (245), 67.2% had developed “antimony dermatosis.” The skin eruptions are transient and
mainly affect skin areas exposed to heat and where sweating occurs (192, 248, 254, 255). Circulatory
system and cardiovascular effects were reported by Brieger et al. (193) upon examining 124 abrasive
industry workers exposed to airborne antimony trisulfide ranging from 0.6 to 5.5 mg/m3 for 8 to 24
months. Six workers died suddenly, and two died from chronic heart disease during this period. In
addition, ECG changes, mostly of the T-wave, were seen in 37 out of 75 workers examined. It must
be noted that no control group was examined in this study. Cardiovascular effects, including
arrhythmia, were also reported among antimony exposed persons in clinical settings (256, 257). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Single intramuscular or intravenous

injections in human volunteers produced higher 24-hour urinary excretion of pentavalent (80%) than
of trivalent (25%) antimony compounds, a similar pattern found in animal data (225, 258, 259). A
study of elimination of a single intravenous administered dose of labeled antimony potassium tartrate
(trivalent antimony) showed urinary excretion about four times higher than fecal elimination, and in
one patient about 73% of the total dose was eliminated within 4 weeks (260). When pentavalent
antimony in the form of sodium stibgluconate was administered intramuscularly to patients, about
95% of the dose is recovered in urine within 6 hours indicating that the initial excretion of antimony
in humans is rapid (190). A study by Mansour et al. (261) suggested there may be a long-term
component of antimony elimination. They found average blood and urine antimony levels of 6.7 and
27.6 mg/L, respectively, in three patients clinically treated one year earlier for bilharzia with
antimony. Because antimony is a group VA element, it has many of the same chemical and
toxicological properties as arsenic, although it is less toxic. For example, the toxicity of trivalent
compounds is greater than the pentavalent compounds. Hence, the metabolism of antimony is similar
to that of arsenic, and antimony tends to bind to sulfhydryl groups of respiratory enzymes (203).

Much of the data from the studies of industrially exposed persons give information regarding the
excretion of antimony by monitoring antimony levels in the urine of workers. Workers exposed to air
containing around 3 mg/m3 antimony showed urinary antimony values ranging from 0.08 to
9.6 mg/L, which are higher compared to normal values (193). Smith and Griffiths (269) found higher
urinary concentrations of antimony ranging from 10–220 mg/L in urine samples from exposed
workers compared to urine samples of nonexposed persons (less than 1 to 5 mg/L). A number of
studies also examined the half-life of antimony retention in the lungs of industrial workers exposed
to airborne antimony. A study by Gerhardsson and his group (270) of lung tissue obtained from
former exposed smelter workers found that inhaled antimony may be deposited and retained in the
lungs up to several years. Exposed workers had an average of 12 times higher lung concentrations of
antimony (315 mg/kg) compared to nonexposed persons (26 mg/kg). Leffler and co-workers (271)
studied lung retention of antimony and arsenic in hamsters after intratracheal instillation of industrial
dust neutron-activated from a Swedish copper smelter. In this study, two phases in lung clearance of
antimony were found: the half-life for the initial phase was 40 hours for antimony trioxide and 30
hours for antimony dust, and the half-life for the second phase was approximately 20 to 40 days for
antimony trioxide and antimony dust. The low solubility of antimony in factory dust along with its
long biological half-life may explain the observed lung accumulation and retention of antimony in
industrially exposed workers (191). Reproductive and Developmental A report from Russia reported an increase in the number
of spontaneous abortions in women exposed to antimony in the workplace, but no exposure levels
were available (189, 230). The often-cited Balyaera report (231) indicates an increase in the number
of spontaneous abortions and menstrual cycle disturbances among female workers exposed to
antimony-containing aerosols. In animal studies, no effects were observed in the offspring of rats
administered low doses of antimony trichloride in drinking water.

Gynecological examinations were performed on women who were exposed to dust that contained
metallic antimony, antimony trioxide, and antimony pentasulfide during a two-years period (231),
and a higher incidence of “various sexual disturbances” was reported in exposed women compared
to the controls (77.5% vs. 56.0%). Disturbances of the menstrual cycle, inflammatory disease, and
other ailments of the sexual organs were reported. The incidence of spontaneous abortions was
12.5% in the exposed women as compared with 4.1% in the controls, and the incidence of premature
births was 3.4% versus 1.2% in controls. Birth weights of children born to exposed women were
comparable to the controls, but the body weight of children of exposed women began to lag after one
year. It must be noted that the level of antimony exposure in this study was not specified, and it is
not known how the control group was selected, whether confounding factors were controlled for, and
if exposures to other toxic substances occurred.

The often cited Balyaera study (231) indicated that women workers exposed to dust containing
antimony and antimony compounds experienced a greater incidence of spontaneous abortions than a
control group of non-exposed females. Aiello (272) observed a high rate of premature deliveries
among women workers in an antimony smelting and processing plant. Carcinogenesis Existing experimental data suggest that antimony may be an animal
carcinogen, but there is lack of data on the possible carcinogenic properties of antimony and
antimony compounds for human exposures. The ACGIH (246) refers to unpublished data on a large
antimony smelter in the United Kingdom in the 1960s where workers were exposed to antimony
trioxide ranging from 0.5 to 40 mg/m3. The data may indicate increased mortality in lung cancer
among the heavily exposed workers, but the workers were also exposed to zirconium making the
data cited difficult to interpret (191, 246). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies No genotoxic effects from human exposure to
antimony and antimony compounds were reported. Epidemiology Studies Most epidemiological findings come from the studies of
occupationally exposed industrial workers and of persons clinically exposed to antimony compounds
for treating tropical diseases and parasitic infections.

Epidemiologic data regarding chronic antimony toxicity comes mainly from studies of
occupationally exposed workers in the mining and extraction industries. Renes' (192) study of 78
smelter workers relates chronic respiratory effects, such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, pneumonitis,
trachetiis, and chronic cough to antimony exposures. However, the workers were also exposed to
arsenic concentrations that may have influenced the results. Brieger and co-workers (193) reported
excess mortality and morbidity among 124 workers in the abrasive industry. The report describes
respiratory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal effects among workers exposed to antimony
trisulfide ranging from 0.6 to 5.5 mg/m3 for 8 to 24 months. A study by McCallum and co-workers
(252) using X-ray spectrometry for measuring inhaled antimony trioxide found a significant
correlation between estimated antimony levels in the lung and the period of employment in years
among 113 antimony process workers. X-ray changes indicating antimoniosis and altered pulmonary
function tests were reported among 51 Yugoslavian smelter workers exposed for 9 to 31 years to
dust containing antimony trioxide antimony pentoxide, and free silica (245). They also describe the
development of “antimony dermatosis” among 62.7% of the workers. Two other groups reported
lung effects (including pneumoconiosis and emphysema) in antimony workers (247, 253). Adverse
effects during clinical antimony treatment for parasitic infections were described. ECG changes,
particularly in the T-wave, were reported frequently during long-term treatments (264–268).

There are no epidemiological data available to suggest that antimony is genotoxic in humans.
2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Approaches used to limit exposure to arsenic apply also to antimony and antimony compounds. The
OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL), the NIOSH recommended exposure limit (REL), and the
ACGIH threshold limit value-weighted average (TLV-TWA) for antimony and its compounds
0.5 mg/m3 (207). The ACGIH has listed antimony trioxide as a suspected source of human
carcinogenicity with an A2 designation.
2.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Antimony is a common air pollutant that occurs at an average concentration of 0.001 mg/m3 (203).
Antimony is released into the environment from burning fossil fuels and from industry (198). In the
air, antimony is rapidly attached to suspended particles and thought to stay in the air for 30 to 40
days (198). Antimony is found at low levels in some lakes, rivers, and streams, and may accumulate
in sediments. Although antimony concentrations have been found in some freshwater and marine
invertebrates, it does not biomagnify in the environment (198, 199). The impact of antimony and
antimony compounds on the environment has not been extensively studied to date.

Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth

Lisa Gallicchio, Bruce A. Fowler Ph.D., Emily F. Madden

3.0 Bismuth
3.0.1 CAS Number:
3.0.2 Synonyms:
3.0.3 Trade Names:
3.0.4 Molecular Weight:
3.0.5 Molecular Formula:
3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
3.1.1 General Bismuth is a brittle, white, crystalline metal that has a pinkish tint. It is the most
diamagnetic of all metals, and its thermal conductivity is lower than any metal except mercury. In
addition, bismuth has high electrical resistance and the highest Hall effect of any metal. Inorganic
salts of bismuth are poorly water soluble; solubility is influenced by the acidity of the medium and
the presence of additional certain compounds containing sulfhydryl or hydroxyl groups (273).
Bismuth belongs to the VA group of the periodic system together with arsenic and antimony, and it
forms compounds in the +3 and +5 oxidation states. Bismuth occurs in the native form; however, it
is found largely in nature in minerals such as bismite, bismuthinite, and bismutite and is usually
associated with sulfide ores of lead and copper and tin dioxide.

3.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Human exposure to bismuth and bismuth compounds is quite
limited, except for its use in medicine where it has been prescribed for more than a century.
Occupational and environmental exposure to bismuth and its toxicological significance are still
3.2 Production and Use
Bismuth is used in low-melting alloys and metallurgical additives, including thermoelectric and
electronic applications. It is also used for catalysts, pearlescent pigments in cosmetics, in industrial
chemicals, and in pharmaceuticals. Bismuth compounds have been used as antiseptics, astringents,
antacids, dusting powders, and as radio-opaque agents in X-ray diagnosis.

Organic bismuth compounds such as tartrate, gallate, nitrate, and salicylate were used in the
treatment of syphilis before the advent of penicillin in the 1940s (274). Inorganic bismuth
compounds such as Bi subnitrate, subcarbonate, and subgallate, are still used today in some countries
for treating gastrointestinal complaints including diarrhea, constipation, cramps, and flatulence. Bi
subsalicylate (BSS) is the principal ingredient of Pepto-Bismol, and is consumed worldwide in large
quantities (275). Colloidal Bi subcitrate (CBS) is available by prescription for treating of peptic ulcer
and has prove to be effective as a histamine H2-antagonist for treating gastric and duodenal ulcer
when given in 4- to 8-week courses (273, 276). Bismuth subgallate (BSG) is still used as a topical
antiseptic for the skin and as a hemostatic agent after adenotonsillectomy (273, 276). Bismuth
subsalicylate (BSS) is used in treating and the preventing traveler's diarrhea in the United States
(277), and also for treating Helicobacter pylori associated with gastritis (278).
3.3 Exposure Assessment
3.3.1 Air The concentration of bismuth in the air outside cities is less than 1 mg/m3 (275). Bismuth
concentrations in urban air range from 1 to 66 ng/m3, and concentrations in rural air from 0.1 to
0.6 ng/m3 (279). It is estimated that the daily intake of bismuth via inhalation is <0.01–0.76 mg (280,

3.3.2 Background Levels Investigation of ambient concentrations of bismuth is limited because

industrial and environmental bismuth poisonings are rare (275). Bismuth levels in seawater have
been reported at 0.2 mg/L (282), and much lower values in the range of 0.053–0.63 ng/L have been
reported for ocean surface waters (283). Levels of bismuth in soil have been reported at 1 mg/kg, and
in rocks bismuth levels range from 0.1 mg/kg in coal to 3 mg/kg in sandstone (284). The daily intake
of bismuth from food and water ranges from 5 to 20 mg (283). Representative food samples pooled
from the main regions of the United Kingdom were analyzed, and it was estimated that the daily
intake of bismuth is less than 5 mg (285). Woolrich (280) reported that the daily intake of bismuth
from food and water is about 20 mg, but data on bismuth concentrations in specific food items were
not given in this report.

3.3.3 Workplace Methods Exposure to bismuth and bismuth compounds can occur in the
manufacture of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and industrial chemicals. Information regarding
occupational exposures to bismuth is lacking, but it may soon gain attention because bismuth is
being increasingly used to replace lead in many chemical and technical applications (286). NIOSH
Analytical Method #0500 is recommended for determining workplace exposures to bismuth telluride
doped with selenium sulfide and undoped (10a).

3.3.4 Community Methods Human exposure to bismuth and bismuth compounds is frequently
through the use of bismuth-containing medications, and consumption worldwide is often under
uncontrolled situations. Though evidence shows that the risk of bismuth-related toxicity is low in the
general population, clinicians should be aware of the possibility that bismuth is involved in
neurotoxicity, although not much is known regarding its mechanisms (287).

3.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood Concentrations of Bi measured in the blood are not
predictive of the severity of Bi-induced encephalopathy (288), but concentrations in the CSF and
may reflect the clinical condition of an exposed individual better (289). It is unlikely to detect
bismuth levels in the blood of persons recently exposed to Bi therapy for gastric ulcers (290). Urine High Bi concentrations in the urine can also support the diagnosis of Bi-induced
encephalopathy, but such measurements are more difficult to relate to the severity of the clinical
condition (287). The methods of choice at present for quantifying bismuth in urine, blood, and serum
are either electrothermal AAS or AAS with hydride generation (273). For the analysis, sample
pretreatment is usually necessary because of matrix effects. Other Intracellular inclusion bodies (metal-protein complexes), observed after exposure to
bismuth occurs most frequently in the nuclei of cells in the proximal renal tubule (291–293). It is
unclear what role the formation of these metal-protein complexes have in bismuth-induced
nephrotoxicity (273). The clinical significance of these inclusion bodies may be as a diagnostic
indicator of exposure (293).
3.4 Toxic Effects
The main target organs of bismuth toxicity are the brain, kidney, and bone. Common toxic effects
that have been attributed to bismuth and bismuth compounds in humans are encephalopathy,
nephropathy, osteoarthropathy, gingivitis, stomatitis, and colitis. (273). The liver could be a target
organ of Bi toxicity, and whether hepatitis is an adverse side effect of bismuth intoxication is still in
dispute (273). Adverse side effects on the various organ systems may depend on the chemical and
biological characteritics of the bismuth compound. For example, neurotoxicity, it has been found, is
caused by “insoluble” inorganic bismuth compounds, whereas bismuth compounds used in the past
for treating syphilis caused nephrotoxicity and bone disease (273).

3.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Application of trimethyl- and triethylbismuth to
the skin of rabbits and rats reportedly produced intense inflammation and edema. In addition, local
necrosis was also observed at the injection sites. Another local effect was eye irritation after
inhalation exposure to alkylbismuth (294). Acute local effects of inhalation, including pulmonary
edema, were observed after inhalation of trimethylbismuth by dogs, rats, and cats. Acute
administration of bismuth salts produced both liver and kidney toxicity in both humans (274, 295–
298) and animals (299). Toxicity in the kidney is observed primarily in the renal proximal tubule
cells by the development of phosphaturia, amino aciduria, and glucosuria (296). More recent studies
(299) demonstrated marked inhibition of enzymes in the heme biosynthetic pathway in both liver and
kidney. The mechanisms of bismuth toxicity and target organelle damage are complex and involve
disrupting a number of biochemical systems. Liver toxicity was observed as cloudy swelling, nuclear
degeneration, and random small foci of necrosis after rabbits were given lethal injections of sodium
and potassium tartro-bismuthate (i.v. 10–30 mg/kg; i.m. 150–350 mg/kg) and bismuth trioxide (i.m.
450 and 500 mg/kg) (300). Exposure to bismuth tri- or thioglycollamate and bismuth diallylacetate
induced acute renal toxicity, and these compounds are no longer used in medicine (287). In some
cases, bismuth-induced acute nephrotoxicity is reversible (295–297, 301–305). Kidney damage was
produced in rats given single intramuscular injections of 13 different bismuth compounds at
concentrations ranging from 0.03 to 1.5 g/kg (274). Histological examination of 104 rats showed that
36 or 37 of the animals that died before 21 days had varying degrees of nephritis as had 11 of the 67
surviving animals. The most prominent site of toxicity was the proximal tubule. Bismuth
thioglycollate was the least toxic compound, although doses of 0.04–0.080 g/kg produced severe
nephritis. Subcutaneous injections of 5 g bismuth subnitrate daily for up to 3 days produced
degenerative changes, and intranuclear and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies were found in the renal
proximal tubules of rabbits (291). The formation of pathognomonic bismuth-containing intranuclear
inclusion bodies (291–293) in renal proximal tubule cells (Figure 36.2) is hence an important
diagnostic indicator of elevated bismuth exposure. The relationship of the formation of these
structures to bismuth binding to metallothionein-line proteins (306, 307) in the kidney is presently
not clear but may be related to a process similar to that observed in renal lead-binding proteins (308,
309, 310, 311), and the formation of pathognomonic lead-containing intranuclear inclusions. The
toxicological significance of the inclusion body phenomenon rests with the intracellular storage of
these toxic metals in a target cell population such as the renal proximal tubular epithelium. They
appear as sharply defined, round structures whose diameter is up to 5 mm and are found mainly in
the cell nuclei, in the cytoplasm, and possibly in the lysosomes. Inclusion bodies were observed in
86% of the kidneys of syphilis patients medically treated with bismuth compounds (291). These
inclusions contained bismuth, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and sulfur (292, 293, 312–314). Their
implication in bismuth-induced renal toxicity still remains unclear (287). Enzymes in the heme
biosynthetic pathway were highly sensitive to inhibition by bismuth both in vivo and in vitro (299).
Specifically, rats injected with bismuth subnitrate over a dose range of 0, 20, 40, and 80 mg Bi/kg
and sacrificed 16 hours later showed marked mitochondrial swelling and distortion of the inner
mitochondrial membranes of both liver and kidney at the 40 and 80 mg Bi/kg dose levels. These
morphological effects were associated with dose-related decreases in the activities of the
mitochondrial enzymes ALA synthetase and heme synthetase and the cytosolic enzyme ALA
dehydratase in liver. In kidneys, similar dose-related decreases in the activities of ALA synthetase
and ALA dehydratse but not heme synthetase were observed. In vitro studies using bismuth
concentrations from 0–0.4 mM for 1 hour demonstrated that the observed effects on the mitochodrial
heme pathway enzymes are the result of both membrane distortion and the direct inhibitory action of
bismuth on these essential enzymatic activities.
Figure 36.2. Diagram of renal proximal tubule cell showing a pathognomonic bismuth-containing
intranuclear inclusion body, bismuth binding to methallothionein-like proteins, and reaction with
heme biosynthetic pathway enzymes. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity With chronic ingestion, bismuth accumulates in a number
of tissues until both nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity develop (275). It has been found that patients
who died of Bi encephalopathy had Bi concentrations in the gray matter (1.2 to 29 mg/g) that were
generally twice as high as that in the white matter (1.3 to 15.9 mg/g) (315). The highest
concentrations of Bi were found in the thalamus, frontal, and cerebellar cortex. In another body, the
highest Bi concentrations were found in the brain stem and the pons (316). The precise mechanisms
of Bi-induced neurotoxicity, including Bi encephalopathy, still remain unclear. One in vitro study
showed that astrocytes are much more sensitive to Bi sodium tartrate than nerve cells in cultures of
brain, meninges, and neuronal retina cells from chicks (317). Damage to astrocytes may be
responsible for the early “vague” symptoms of Bi neurotoxicity, whereas nerve cells are damaged
only after prolonged Bi exposure. Neuronal cell degradation in rat hippocampal slices was
demonstrated from prolonged Bi exposures, whereas no effects on the bioelectric activity of
pyramidal cells were observed for acute exposures (317). Chronic nephrotoxicity from bismuth
exposure was observed in a number of animal studies. Hemorrhages in the cortical and cerebral layer
of the kidney and lymphohistiocytic infiltrations were found in rats after 6 months of peroral
treatment with potassium bismuthate and bismuth sulfate (0.025–5.0 mg/kg) (318). The
administration of bismuth trichloride by subcutaneous injection at doses of 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 mg/kg
every other day for up to 2 weeks greatly increased renal concentrations of copper and concomitant
levels of metallothionein-like proteins (306). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption Bismuth compounds

are considered slightly to moderately absorbed through the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts,
depending on their solubility. Slikkeveer and de Wolff (319) divided pharmacologically active
bismuth compounds into four toxicological groups: Groups 1: water-insoluble organic salts and
subsalts that are absorbed minimally from the gut and cause no toxicity; Group 2: absorbable lipid-
soluble organic compounds that can elevate Bi blood levels and cause neurotoxicity and
hepatoxicity; Group 3: absorbable water-soluble organic compounds that elevate Bi blood levels and
cause nephrotoxicity; and Group 4: water-soluble complexes that hydrolyze in the gastrointestinal
tract with some absorption of Bi and the hydrolyzed radical, elevating Bi and complex radical levels.
The absorption of inorganic Bi compounds, it is suggested, depends on their solubility in the
gastrointestinal tract (320–322). In one study, the bioavailability of radiolabeled Bi compounds
corresponded with the solubility in artificial duodenal juice but not with the solubility in gastric juice
(323). Citrate enhanced intestinal absorption of bismuth from Bi subnitrate, Bi subsalicylate, Bi
citrate, BiCl3, and colloidal Bi subcitrate during in vivo perfusion of rat intestine (273). In addition,
the simultaneous intake of citrate and Bi subnitrate by human volunteers increased bismuth
absorption significantly, and the absorption profiles for Bi in blood and citrate in serum were
parallel, suggesting the formation of a bismuth citrate complex (273). A notable rise in bismuth
blood levels was seen after oral administration of Bi subnitrate and sulfhydryl-containing
compounds, the increase was largest for 3-mercaptopropionic acid, penicillamine, cysteine, and
homocysteine (324). No effect on bismuth absorption was found for serine, alamine, and methione.
Bismuth absorption was also increased by the simultaneous intraperitoneal administration of Bi
subnitrate and cysteine (325). Promotion of bismuth absorption has also been suggested for several
other hydroxy-containing compounds (287), for sorbitol (326), and for lactic acid (327), but
experimental proof is lacking. Because bismuth is not an essential element, it is thought to share
absorption routes with other different substances (287). Several unidentified bismuth species may
form in the intestine that may then partake in counterion absorption, but the actual sites of bismuth
absorption are not known (287). Distribution The chemical form of bismuth in the blood is not known, and there are no data
available on the specific carriers of bismuth in the blood after oral intake of bismuth compounds
(287). It has been shown in vitro that 17% of radioactive bismuth citrate was associated with
erythrocytes, and the remainder of the concentration was bound to serum proteins (328). Twenty
days after an oral dose of colloidal Bi subcitrate, a relatively considerable amount was associated
with red blood cells (about 8.7% of the dose) (323). Two hours after the addition of bismuth
subnitrate to whole blood, about 82.3% was found in red blood cells at 25 mg/L, and about 97.7%
was found at 2500 mg/L (329). For concentrations below 200–300 mg/L, overall binding to the
blood components seemed to be stronger than above the level. Gel filtration of blood after incubation
with bismuth subsalicylate exhibited an association of bismuth with the higher molecular weight
fraction (>200,000 Da): a2-macroglobulin, IgM, b-lipoprotein, and haptoglobulin (322). The
distribution of bismuth in the various organs is mostly independent of the Bi compound administered
or the route of administration because the highest concentration per gram wet weight was always
recovered in the kidneys (328, 330–335). However, with more detailed studies of bismuth
distribution, exceptions have been found. For example, when bismuth was administered as a colloid
or adsorbed onto charcoal, the distribution after intravenous delivery depended on particle size where
Bi-containing particles were found mainly in the lung and in the reticuloendothelial system (328,
336, 337). In a study of tissue distribution of Bi subnitrate, Bi subsalicylate, colloidal Bi subcitrate,
Bi citrate, and Bi subnitrate with added citrate buffer in rats fed for 14 days to reach comparable Bi
concentrations in the blood, it was found that rats fed Bi subsalicylate had lower Bi levels in the
kidney and higher levels in the liver compared to other Bi compounds (273). Although Bi
subsalicylate intake led to the lowest bismuth levels in the kidneys, it was the only compound to
show transient kidney toxicity at the highest blood concentration. For dogs orally administered
trimethylbismuth, the concentration of Bi was higher in the liver than in the kidneys, which is most
likely due to the organic characteristics of the compound (294). The kidneys had the longest
retention time of bismuth compared with any other organ (287). Russ et al. (328) found that 144
hours after intravenous injection of 206Bi citrate, 12% of the injected dose remained in the kidneys,
0.9% in the bone, and no or very little of Bi remained in other organs. For rats exposed for 14
months to colloidal Bi subcitrate, bismuth levels ranked from high to low in the kidney, lung, spleen,
liver, brain, and muscle respectively (338). The wet weight concentrations of Bi in the kidney were
13.9 mg/g and 0.13 mg/g in the muscle. In other studies where bismuth concentrations in the bone
were measured, the concentrations in bone were usually 10 to 20 times lower than in the kidney
(335, 339, 340). Elevated bismuth concentrations in the brain were observed in a number of studies
and may account for its neurotoxic effects. In animals and humans that received bismuth, the
concentration in the brain tissue was higher than in the controls, showing that Bi can pass through
the blood–brain barrier, although in small quantities (338, 341–343). In rats administered
radiolabeled bismuth citrate intravenously, the highest activity was found in the spinal cord, medulla
oblongata, hypothalamus, and pons after 2 hours (333). Excretion Bismuth is eliminated from the body through the urine and feces, and the route
may depend on the Bi compound and the dose (287). In one study where rats were intravenously
injected with 206Bi nitarte, 38% of the metal was excreted in four days: 21% in the urine and 17% in
the feces (340). After intramuscular injection of bismuth butylthiolaureate to rats, equal amounts of
Bi were excreted in the urine and feces after 90 days, and 10% of the dose remained in the body
(344). In humans, the elimination of different Bi compounds was showed no differences; 99.9% of
an oral dose of several radiolabeled Bi compounds was excreted in the feces (323). On day 12 after
exposure, the ratio of Bi in the urine and feces (bile) was 1:1. In the presence of biliary drainage, Bi
could still be found in the intestine after intravenous delivery, implying that Bi is eliminated into the
intestine, partly through intestinal and partly through bile secretion (334). The cecum in rats is
suggested as a location for intestinal secretion because after intravenous injection, a high amount of
Bi was recovered there (333, 344, 345). A number of studies suggest a two- or three-compartment
model to describe the elimination kinetics of Bi, and the kidney is the major compartment (287). For
example, in one study of two human volunteers intravenously administered 206Bi and of three
patients recovered from Bi-induced encephalopathy, the half-lives of 3.5 min, 0.25 min, and 3.2
hours were established (346). For rats exposed to a single oral dose of 205Bi as colloidal Bi
subcitrate, a three-compartment model was used to describe urinary and fecal elimination; the
biological half-lives were estimated at 10, 36, and 295 hours, respectively (323). The elimination
half-life in human plasma after multiple dosing was estimated at about 20.7 days (347). It must be
noted there is considerable variation and little consistency in the data, possibly due to the use of
different bismuth compounds in the studies, some of them even unnamed (287). Reproductive and Developmental There is no evidence to date that bismuth has any
reproductive and developmental effects in humans or in animals. Carcinogenesis An old life time study with rats fed 2% bismuth subcarbonate (BSC) in the
diet did not show an increase of tumors or a decrease of survival (348). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Chromosomal aberrations with gaps were observed in
the mouse bone marrow after an oral uptake of an aqueous suspension of Bi2O3 for up to 21 days
(349). In addition, no abnormal sperm were detected in this experiment. It must be noted that in this
mutagenicity study, no measurements of Bi blood levels were taken to ensure that bismuth had
indeed reached the bone marrow because Bi2O3 absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is
considered negligible (287). Other Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Blood pressure of dogs, received
hypodermic or intramuscular injections of trimethylbismuth (at 4 doses of 350 mg/kg) dropped to
shock level without alteration of heart rate, arrhythmia, or blockage. The animals were anesthetized
with barbiturates (294). A slight decrease of blood pressure and amplitude in heart rate was observed
after intravenous injection of elemental bismuth (0.50 mg/kg). Higher bismuth doses of 1.8 mg/kg
resulted in heart block, and all fundamental heart functions were affected, including excitability,
conductivity, and contractility (350).

3.4.2 Human Experience General Information There are very few reports of occupational
exposure to bismuth and its compounds. An important source of bismuth exposure in the past has
been through the therapeutic use of bismuth compounds to treat infections such as syphilis and
gastrointestinal complaints. Because of problems associated with acute and chronic bismuth toxicity,
the medical use of bismuth compounds has been restricted in Europe, Canada, and Australia (275). Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Clinical manifestations of acute bismuth intoxication
are similar to those caused by mercury and lead: neurological abnormalities which include
encephalopathy, and renal dysfunction with nephrotic syndrome that may progress to acute failure
(275). The blood levels may reach 1500 to 2000 mg/L when large amounts of bismuth compounds
are ingested acutely, resulting in encephalopathy with obtundation that can progress to coma,
myoclonus, and abnormal electroencephalographic readings (351). Daily doses of 5 to 10 g of
bismuth subsalicylate caused encephalopathy after 7 days in one patient, whose blood bismuth levels
reached 200 mg/L and urine bismuth concentration was 2960 mg/L. Chelators such as British
antilewisite or dimercaprol can be used for severe bismuth poisoning. Clinical symptoms of bismuth
toxicity may resolve over a course of several weeks to months after a patient ceases using bismuth
compounds (275). There are no reports of occupational exposure effects of bismuth (352).

Application of trimethylbismuth to human skin produced no effects, but irritation developed when
the exposed skin had been scratched. Irritations of the eye and upper respiratory tract were also
observed for humans (294). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Chronic ingestion of bismuth compounds produces
bismuth lines (pigmentation) on the gums and way cause stomatitis, excess salivation,
osteoarthropathy, and pathological fractures (275). Generalized osteoporosis, sometimes in
combination with osteomalacia, was observed after bismuth treatment for syphilis (287), Lesions
were often localized in the pelvis, the head of the femur, and the vertebrate. It has been mentioned
that the presence of bismuth in the bone can aggravate a preexisting tendency toward osteoporosis
(353–355). Hepatotoxicity from bismuth intoxication is suggested from one case study of 121
inmates in an American prison who had liver damage after receiving bismuth therapy for syphilis
(356). It must be noted that no bismuth concentrations were measured in this study, and hence the
association of bismuth intake with hepatotoxicity is viewed as unconvincing (287). There are
numerous cases that report the neurotoxicity of bismuth compounds, the clinical cases usually
include Bi encephalopathy. Before the onset of encephalopathy, a “prodromal period” occurs of
other varying symptoms such as deterioration of memory, impairment of walking, standing and
writing, insomnia, changes in behavior, depression, anxiety, hallucinations, and excitation (287). The
observed characteristic symptoms of Bi encephalopathy are myoclonia, changes of awareness,
astasia and/or abasia, and dysarthria. Myoclonias were frequently observed in the distal parts of the
arms but were also observed in the legs, trunk, face and tongue (287). One case history described a
69-year-old German patient who developed depression, insomnia, lack of concentration,
nervousness, and panic attacks after the intake of Bi nitrate at 8 g/day for a period of 3 weeks. After
12 months of bismuth intake, he was diagnosed as suffering from major depression, and he gradually
developed difficulty with short- and long-term memory, difficulty in reading and writing, tremor,
vertigo, and dysarthria. After 15 months of bismuth intake the syndrome progressed into full
myoclonic Bi encephalopathy. Another case hisotry describes a German woman who used a Bi
subgallate containing stomach powder for more than 15 years and suffered from dementia, abnormal
coordination, occasional tremors, and dysarthria. The Bi concentration in her blood was 70 mg/L six
days after discontinuing Bi subgallate intake. The patient was discharged from the hospital after 4½
months in good medical condition, indicating the reversibility of Bi-induced encephalopathy. In
France, where a wide range of bismuth compounds on the French market were used for
gastrointestinal complaints, an epidemic outbreak of encephalopathy possibly related to bismuth
intake drew public attention in 1974 (357). Bismuth subnitrate was involved most frequently in
bismuth-induced encephalopathy because it was used by the majority of patients (358). Legal
restrictions on the sale of Bi-containing compounds in France were imposed, overall Bi sales
declined, and indirectly the number of patents who had Bi encephalopathy declined (359). In 1980, a
total of 942 cases was reported in France, 72 of which ended in death (360). It has never been proven
that these deaths were directly associated with bismuth intake. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms There is very little known regarding the
mechanisms of toxicity of bismuth and bismuth compounds. Because the clinical signs of acute
bismuth toxicity are similar to those of lead and mercury, the curent knowledge of the mechanisms
of toxicity of these two metals may help to elucidate the mechanisms behind bismuth toxicity in
animals and in humans (275). Reproductive and Developmental Although bismuth can penetrate the placenta (361) there
are no clinical reports of teratogenicity in humans. Carcinogenesis There is no evidence of carcinogenicity of bismuth compounds in humans. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Besides one animal study that may implicate
bismuth as a possible mutagen (349), there is no evidence that bismuth is mutagenic in humans. Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Pityriasis, rosea-like eruptions, and
other skin manifestations such as the “erythema of the ninth day” syndrome (Milian's syndrome)
have been occasionally reported as a result of therapy with bismuth compounds (362, 363).
Ulcerative stomatitis has been observed after bismuth treatment (364, 365). Bismuth pigmentation
has been found in the colon, vagina, and the skin (366). Colitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, purpura,
agranulocytosis, and aplastic anemia have also been reported after bismuth treatment (367). Epidemiology Studies There are numerous case reports of bismuth toxicity, mostly of its
medicinal use for treating syphilis and gastrointestinal complaints, but there have been no clearly
defined epidemiologic studies of bismuth toxicity in the general population. An outbreak of
encephalopathy in France in 1974 may possibly be related to Bi intake, but no cases were reported in
the United States, the United Kingdom or in the Netherlands where large amounts of Bi were sold
(289). It has never been proven that the etiology of this outbreak of encephalopathy can be attributed
exclusively to Bi intake (287).
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The 1999 ACGIH threshold limit value-time weighted average (TLV-TWA) is 5 mg/m3 for “doped”
bismuth telluride, which is used in semiconductors and is “doped” with selenium sulfide to alter its
conductivity and 10 mg/m3 for undoped bismuth telluride. NIOSH has the same recommended
exposure levels. OSHA has a PEL of 15 mg/m3 for total undoped bismuth telluride and 5 mg/m3 for
respirable undoped bismuth telluride. Industrial bismuth poisoning is considered uncommon (275).
3.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
There is no evidence to date that bismuth in the environment alters the health of humans, other
animals, or plants. The presence of bismuth in various organisms is not considered significant and
probably results from its presence in trace amounts in soil, water, and food. Solubilization of bismuth
in ground water by acid rain may increase its biological concentration and human exposure, but there
is no evidence to date to suggest that this is occurring.

Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth


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The Halogens
Daniel Thau Teitelbaum, MD

A. Fluorine and its Compounds

1.0 Fluorine
1.0.1 CAS Number: [7782-41-4]

1.0.2 Synonyms: Fluorine-19

1.0.3 Trade Names: NA

1.0.4 Molecular Weight: 37.99680

1.0.5 Molecular Formula: F2

1.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Because of the small atomic radius (Table 48.1), the effective surface charge density of the fluorine
atom is greater than that of any other element, making fluorine the most electronegative and the most
reactive of the elements (1–3). Under appropriate conditions, it forms compounds with all other
elements except argon, helium, and neon (4). Fluorine is univalent, and no compounds are known in
which fluorine has a valence of > 1. Asbestos and finely dispersed water, glass, ceramics, carbon,
and metals all burn in fluorine. In contact with massive mild steel, copper, nickel, or Monel metal,
fluorine forms a film that prevents further attack, which means that these materials can be used to
handle fluorine at ordinary temperatures (3). Fluorine reacts with water to form hydrogen fluoride
and the highly toxic oxygen difluoride, OF2. Fluorine in combination exists in either the ionic form
or the covalent tetrahedral form. Compounds resulting from the interaction of fluorine and metals are
usually ionic and have high melting and boiling points. Many fluorides, for example, the fluorides of
lithium, aluminum, strontium, barium, magnesium, and manganese, are sparingly soluble or
insoluble in water. Nonmetallic elements react with fluorine to yield covalent compounds, for
examples are silicon tetrafluoride, sulfur hexafluoride, and complex anionic forms. These covalent
compounds are characterized by low melting points and high volatility. The inorganic chemistry of
fluorine is discussed in detail by Glemser (5) and by the World Health Organization in its
Environmental Health Criteria 36 (6).
1.2 Production and Use
Fluorine is the most reactive of all the elements. Free fluorine is rarely, if ever, found in nature.
Elemental fluorine is produced on a commercial scale by the electrolysis of anhydrous hydrogen
fluoride in a molten solution of potassium fluoride (essentially the same process as that used by
Moissan in 1886 to isolate fluorine for the first time). Fluorine gas is formed at the anode and
hydrogen at the cathode. The principal impurity is hydrogen fluoride, most of which is removed by
passing the gas stream through a condensation trap; the remaining traces are converted to sodium
bifluoride (NaHF2) on exposure to sodium fluoride pellets.

The Halogens
Daniel Thau Teitelbaum, MD

B. Chlorine and its Compounds

Table 48.12. Properties of Chloride Saltsa

CAS Mol. Specific (°
Compound Number Wt. Gravity MP (°C) C) Solubility

Ammonium [12125-02-9] 53.5 1.52725 Sublimes — 283 g/L H2O, 25°

chloride without C, 396 g/L H2O,
80°C; soluble in
methanol, ethanol;
insoluble in
acetone, ether
Potassium [7447-40-7] 74.55 1.98 773 — 357 g/L H2O, 25°
chloride C, 555 g/L H2O,
100°C; 0.4% in
alcohol; insoluble
in acetone, ether
Sodium [7647-14-5] 58.45 2.1725 804–1600 — 357 g/L H2O, 25°
chloride C, 385 g/L H2O,
100°C; slightly
soluble in alcohol;
insoluble in HCl

From Ref. 222.

Table 48.13. Properties of Chlorine Dioxide and Fluoridesa

Mol. MP BP (° Sp. Gr.

Compound Description Wt. (°C) C) (Liquid) Solubility

Chlorine Yellow to 67.46 – 11 1.642 Soluble in

dioxide reddish-yellow 59.00 water,
gas; unpleasant alkalies,
odor similar to H2SO4
that of chlorine
Chlorine Corrosive, 92.46 – 11.75 1.7713 Violently
trifluoride odorless gas; 76.34 hydrolyzed
sweet, suffocating by water
Chlorine Colorless gas with 130.45 — — — Reacts
pentafluoride a suffocating odor explosively
with water

From Refs. 222 and 223.

Table 48.14. Properties of Chlorine Salts Containing Oxygena

Mol. Sp. MP (°
Compound Formula Description Wt. Gr. C) Solubility

Calcium Ca(ClO3)2 Hygroscopic 206.99 2.71 100 Soluble in

chlorate water, alcohol
Potassium KClO3 Colorless, 122.55 2.32 368 60.6 g/L H2O,
chlorate lustrous 25°C; 555 g/L
crystals H2O, 100°C;
almost insol. in
Sodium NaClO3 Colorless 106.45 2.5 248 Soluble in 1
chlorate crystals part water, 0.5
parts boiling
water; slightly
soluble in
Sodium NaOCl Crystals; 74.44 — 18 293 g/L H2O,
hypochlorite anhydrous 0°C
form is
Sodium NaClO2 Slightly 90.45 — Dec. at 390 g/L H2O,
chlorite hygroscopic 180– 30°C
crystals or 200°C
Ammonium NH4ClO4 Orthorhombic 117.49 1.95 Dec. on Soluble in
perchlorate crystals heating water,
slightly soluble
in ethanol,
insoluble in
Potassium KClO4 Colorless 138.55 2.52 Dec. at Soluble in 65
perchlorate crystals or 400°C parts water;
white powder practically
insoluble in
Sodium NaClO4 White, 122.44 2.02 Dec. at Very soluble in
perchlorate deliquescent 130°C water

From Ref. 222.

Table 48.15. Estimated Number of Workers Exposed to Oxygen-

Containing Chlorine Salts in 1983a

Compound Number of Workers

Calcium chlorate 19,597

Potassium chlorate 8,679
Sodium chlorate 28,583
Calcium hypochlorite 39,878
Sodium hypochlorite 562,423
Sodium chlorite 18,585
Ammonium perchlorate 1,445
Potassium perchlorate 2,640
Sodium perchlorate 1,452

From Ref. 7.
Table 48.16. Acute Toxicity Values for Oxygen-Containing Chlorine Saltsa

Compound Species Oral LD50 (mg/kg)

Calcium chlorate Rat 4500

Potassium chlorate Rat 1870
Sodium chlorate Rat 1200
Mouse 8350
Rabbit 7200
Sodium chlorite Rat 165
Mouse 350
Guinea pig 300
Sodium hypochlorite Rat 8910
Sodium perchlorate Rat 2100

From Ref. 151.

The Halogens
Daniel Thau Teitelbaum, MD

C. Bromine and its Compounds

Table 48.17. Chemical Properties of Bromine Compounds and Estimated Number of

Workers Exposeda

Mol. Sp. BP (° Exposed
Compound Formula Description Wt. Gr. MP (°C) C) Solubility in 1983

Hydrogen HBr Colorless 80.92 3.5 g/l –86.9

–66.8 Saturated 20,571
bromide gas solution
at 66%
Ammonium NH4Br White, 25
97.96 2.43 Sublimes — Soluble in —
bromide slightly water,
hygroscopic alcohol,
crystals acetone;
soluble in
Potassium KBr Colorless 119.01 2.75 730 — Soluble in 50,375
bromide crystals or water;
white slightly
powder soluble in
Sodium NaBr White 102.91 3.21 755 — Soluble in 124,815
bromide crystals water,
Potassium KBrO3 White 167.01 3.27 350 (dec. — Soluble in 26,562
bromate crystals 370) water;
soluble in
Sodium NaBrO3 Colorless 150.91 3.34 381 — Soluble in 27,921
bromate crystals (dec.) water
Bromine BF3 Colorless or 136.92 2.8025 8.77 125.75 Very 357
trifluoride pale yellow reactive
Bromine BF5 Fuming 174.92 2.4625 –60.5 40.76 Explodes 357
pentafluoride liquid on

From Refs. 7 and 222.

The Halogens
Daniel Thau Teitelbaum, MD

D. Iodine and Its Compounds

15.0 Iodine
15.0.1 CAS Number: [7553-56-2]

15.0.2 Synonyms: NA

15.0.3 Trade Names: NA

15.0.4 Molecular Weight: 253.8090

15.0.5 Molecular Formula: I2

15.0.6 Molecular Structure:

15.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Iodine is the heaviest of the halogens that are of industrial interest. Under ordinary conditions, iodine
takes the form of gray-black plates or granules that have a metallic, crystalline luster. It volatilizes at
room temperature to yield a sublimed, violet vapor. Iodine's physical properties are shown in Table

Although iodine resembles other members of the halogen group, it is the least electronegative; it is
thus the least chemically reactive of the halogens and forms the weakest bonds with more
electropositive elements. Like other halogens, iodine unites with all elements except sulfur,
selenium, and the noble gases. It reacts directly with most elements (except carbon, nitrogen,
oxygen, and some of the more unreactive metals), and reacts with numerous organic compounds that
are of pharmaceutical interest. Iodine also forms compounds with other halogens, such as iodine
bromide and iodine monochloride; these interhalogen compounds are used in organic synthesis
(131). Iodine occurs in valence states from 1 to 7 (223). The most stable of the positive iodine
compounds are the iodates, in which the valence of iodine is +5, and the periodates, in which it is +7.
Thirty isotopes of iodine have been identified, although only one, 127I, occurs in nature (2).
15.2 Production and Use
Iodine is the 47th most abundant element in the earth's crust (133). The name iodine derives from the
Greek word for violet-colored, ioeides, which was used to describe the purple vapor generated by
heating iodine (133).

The major U.S. sources of iodine are natural and oil-field brines, such as those near Shreveport,
Louisiana (oil field), in the Los Angeles basin of California, and in the natural brines of Midland,
Michigan and Woodward, Oklahoma. Iodine occurs in trace quantities in seawater and igneous rocks

Large iodine resources exist in foreign countries. Japan's natural gas-well brines are credited with as
much as four-fifths of the world's iodine reserve. An estimate of the indicated reserve of Chilean
nitrate minerals, from which iodine is obtained as a by-product, is about 1 billion short tons (~ 0.04%
I2). Unmeasured quantities of iodine are contained in brines in Indonesia, Germany, France, Italy,
the United Kingdom, Norway, Ireland, and the former Soviet Union (297). In the United States, the
principal method used to recover iodine from oil brines involves the oxidation of iodide by chlorine,
followed by removal of the volatile iodine from solution with an airstream. The iodine is reabsorbed
in solution and reduced to hidrotic acid with sulfur dioxide. The solution is then chlorinated to
precipitate free iodine, which is further purified by treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid. The
same process is used to recover iodine from natural brines. In the recovery of iodine from Chilean
nitrate deposits, solutions containing the iodates are reduced with sodium bisulfite to precipitate the
iodine, which is then purified by sublimation.

In 1984, an estimated 500 trillion lb of crude or resublimed iodine products were produced in the
United States, and more than 2 billion lb were imported in 1985 (263). Approximately 22% of this
total was used in organic synthesis, and another 20% found use in pharmaceutical applications. Other
uses, and their percentages of total consumption, were as follows in 1984: animal feed supplements
(18%), sanitary and industrial disinfectants (12%), stabilizers (11%), inks and colorants (6%),
photographic chemicals (5%), and miscellaneous uses (6%) (263).

Iodine is used both in animal and human medicine, where its disinfectant and antiseptic properties
are valued. The lack of iodine causes goiter (compensatory hypertrophy of the thyroid gland), and
iodine is used both to treat iodine deficiency and hyperthyroidism (131). Table 48.18 shows the
principal iodine compounds and their industrial uses. NIOSH has estimated that in 1983, 204,902
workers were exposed to iodine (7).

Table 48.18. Principal Iodine Compounds and Their Usesa

Compound Principal Uses

Sodium iodide Photography, organic chemical cloud seeding, iodized salt,
medication, wet extraction of silver, feed additive, laboratory
Potassium Photographic emulsions, treatment of radiation accidents,
iodide laboratory analysis, animal and poultry feed
Hidrotic acid Reducing agent, manufacture of organic iodides, laboratory
analysis, disinfectant
Potassium Oxidizing agent in chemical analysis, topical antiseptic,
iodate nutrient iodine source
Iodine chloride Organic synthesis, laboratory analysis
Iodine Organic synthesis
Iodine Chlorinating agent, oxidizing agent, topical antiseptic
Iodine Fluorinating agent, component of explosives
Hydrogen iodide Manufacture of hidrotic acid and organic iodo compounds

From Refs. 2, 131, 222.
16.0 Inorganic Compounds
The inorganic iodine compounds of commercial interest, and their physical properties, are shown in
Table 48.19. The iodides, an important class of inorganic iodine compounds, have less tendency to
form complexes than the other halides. Chlorine and bromine freely displace iodine from the iodides
(133). Iodine forms industrially useful and important compounds with hydrogen, metals, the other
halogens, and oxygen. The ones presented below are typical.

Table 48.19. Properties of Industrially Useful Inorganic Iodine Compounds

CAS Mol. Physical Sp. Gr. MP

Compound Number Formula Wt. Properties (°C) (°C) BP (°C) Solubility

Hydrogen [10034-85-2] HI 127.91 Colorless Gas –50.8 –35.88 425 cm3/L

iodide gas 5.66° H2O, 0°C;
Ammonium [12027-06-4] NH4I 144.94 Colorless, 2.51425 Subl. 220 vac. 1.542 kg/L
iodide cubic, 551 H2O, 0°C;
hygr. 2.503 kg/L,
H2O, 100°C;
very soluble
acetone, NH3
Potassium [7681-11-0] KI 166.01 Colorless 3.13 681 1330 1.275 kg/L
iodide or white, H2O, 0°C;
cubic 2.08 kg/L,
H2O, 100°C;
18.8 g/L,
alcohol, 25°
C; slightly
soluble ether
Sodium [7681-82-5] NaI 149.89 Colorless 3.66725 661 1304 1.84 kg/L
iodide cubic H2O, 25°C;
3.02 kg/L
H2O, 100°C;
425 g/L, 25°
C; sol.
Iodic acid [7782-68-5] HIO3 175.91 Colorless 4.6290 Dec. — 2.8 kg/L
or pale 110 H2O, 0°C;
yellow 4.73 kg/L
cryst. H2O, 80°C;
very soluble
alcohol 87%
Potassium [7758-05-6] KIO3 214.0 Colorless, 3.9332 560 Dec.>100 47.4 g/L
iodate monoclinic H2O, 0°C;
323 g/L H2O,
soluble KI;
insol. alcohol
Sodium [7681-55-2] NaIO3 197.89 White, 4.27717.5 Dec. — 90 g/L H2O,
iodate rhombic 20°C;
340 g/L H2O,
soluble acetic
Periodic acid [10450-60-9] H5IO6 191.91 Colorless — Subl. Dec. 138 Very soluble
110 (decomposes)
cold H2O
Iodine [7789-33-5] IBr 206.81 Dark gray 4.41570 (42) Dec. 116 Soluble
bromide cryst. subl. (dec.) cold
50 H2O; soluble
Iodine [7790-99-0] ICl 162.36 Dark red 3.18220 27.2 97.4 Decomposes
chloride needles to HIO3 cold
H2O; soluble
ether, CS2,
Iodine — IBr3 366.63 Brown — — — Soluble cold
tribromide liquid
H2O; soluble
Iodine [7783-66-6] IF5 221.90 Colorless 3.75 9.6 98 Decomposes
pentafluoride liquid cold H2O;
dec. acid,

16.0a Hydrogen Iodide

Hydrogen iodide [HI (hidrotic acid)] gas dissolves in water at 10°C and 1 atm pressure to the extent
of 70 wt% to form hidrotic acid. The technical grade, 47% HI, is a highly corrosive liquid that fumes
in moist air. Its solutions, like others containing the iodide ion, can dissolve in large quantities of
iodine (e.g., tincture of iodine, KIúI2). Hidrotic acid is more stable than the gas and is one of the
strongest acids; it dissolves metals, oxides, carbonates, and salts of the other weak, monoxidizing
acids, causing the formation of iodides. The major uses of hidrotic acid are shown in Table 48.18.
16.0b Iodides
Of the commercially available iodides, potassium iodide (KI) is the most important. All iodides are
highly water-soluble, stable, and high melting solids (Table 48.19). The tetraiodides of titanium and
zirconium, however, decompose to their elements at elevated temperatures, yielding very high purity
zirconium metal. According to NIOSH (7), there were 243,989 workers exposed to potassium iodide
in 1983.
16.0c Iodates and Periodates
The iodates and periodates are among the most stable and well known of the iodine compounds.
Except for the salts of the alkali metals, most iodates are sparingly soluble in water. Both iodates and
periodates are powerful oxidizers in acid solution and are thus used as disinfectants. Other uses are
as feed additives and in medicine. Approximately 193,692 workers were exposed to potassium
iodate in 1983; the corresponding figure for sodium iodate is 8972 (7).
16.0d Iodine Halides
The four iodine halides of interest, iodine monobromide, iodine chloride, iodine trichloride, and
iodine pentafluoride, are shown in Table 48.19.
16.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Table 48.19 show their physical properties. All are high density substances.
16.2 Production and Use
The chief use of these halides is in organic synthesis and as halogenation catalysts. Iodine
pentafluoride is a fluorinating and incendiary agent. The reaction of iodine pentafluoride with
organic substances must be carefully controlled because explosions may occur.
16.3 Exposure Assessment
Occupational exposure to airborne iodine can be measured using a charcoal tube impregnated with
alkali-metal hydroxide. The iodine is desorbed using sodium nitrate, and analysis is conducted by ion
chromatography (143). This method has a limit of detection of 0.01 ppm for a 7.5-L air sample. The
overall precision of the method (coefficient of variation) is 0.11. At iodine concentrations of 0.5
times the OSHA PEL of 0.1 ppm, the overall error of the method is 27%, which is slightly above the
maximum acceptable error of 25%. At iodine concentrations of 1 and 2 times the limit, overall error
is acceptable.

The NIOSH method for sampling iodine (method 6005) is similar to that described above, except
that sodium carbonate is used as the desorption agent (25). The estimated limit of detection for this
method is 1 mg per sample, and the overall precision is slightly better (coefficient of variation 0.085)
than is obtained from the use of sodium nitrate as the desorption agent.
16.4 Toxic Effects
Because iodine is an essential nutrient that is required for the healthy development and functioning
of the thyroid gland, it has been the subject of numerous metabolic studies in human volunteers and
experimental animals. However, information on the toxic effects of iodine and iodine compounds in
the occupational setting is scarce.

In general, the vapor of iodine is reported to be more irritating than that of chlorine or bromine (129,
130), although case reports are few because iodine does not find wide industrial use. In one of the
few available animal studies, dogs exposed to iodine vapor (concentration not specified) developed
signs of pulmonary edema (129, 130). In humans, exposure to the vapor causes irritation of the eyes
and eyelids, upper respiratory tract, lungs, and skin (129, 130).

Four volunteers exposed to a 0.57-ppm concentration of iodine vapor for 5 min reported no ill
effects; at a concentration of 1.63 ppm, however, all volunteers reported experiencing eye irritation
after 2 min (298). Exposures to the vapor have also been associated with headaches, lacrimation,
chest tightness, and sore throat (129, 130). In a study of workers exposed to vapors emanating from a
tank containing an iodine solution, concentrations of 1.0 ppm were reported to be ‘highly' irritating
(129, 130), and early studies report that working in an atmosphere containing 0.15–0.2 ppm of the
vapor was difficult and that work had to be discontinued when the concentration reached 0.3 ppm
(129, 130).

Topical applications of iodine solutions have caused redness and inflammation; strong solutions may
cause thermal burns (129, 130). There are reports of fatalities caused by skin absorption of iodine
tinctures applied to wounds (298), and a fatality has been attributed to the use of an iodine solution
to provide continuous postoperative irrigation of a hip wound (33). Two Dutch eel fishermen
developed contact dermatitis attributed to the iodine in Japanese Sargasso weed in the local lake;
both cases were confirmed by patch test (299).

Matt studied the effects of halogen gases on humans and animals. In a series of open-room exposure
experiments he confirmed the known cutaneous, mucosal, and respiratory toxicities of the halogen
gases, at relatively low concentrations. He estimated that workers could tolerate iodine exposures of
0.001%, but that concentrations of 0.005% could not be tolerated. He observed preferential irritation
of the ocular membranes by iodine in this study (300).

Chronic absorption of iodine can lead to “iodism,” a condition characterized by sleeplessness,

tremor, rapid heart rate, diarrhea, weight loss, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and bronchitis (298). However,
this syndrome is usually associated with long-term ingestion of iodine-containing medications
(expectorants, diuretics) rather than with occupational exposure (129, 130).

There is little information on the acute toxicity of iodine and its compounds. Table 48.20 shows the
available data, as well as the signs and symptoms associated with exposure to each substance.

Table 48.20. Acute Toxicity and Exposure-Related Signs and Symptoms

for Iodine and Some of Its Compoundsa

Acute Toxicity
Data (Route,
Substance Species) Signs and Symptoms of Exposure

Iodine Oral LD50, rat: Tearing, nasal secretions, sore throat,

14 g/kg chest tightness, headache, skin burns,
rash, allergic dermatitis
Inhalation LCLO,
rat: 800 mg/m3 for
1 hr
Iodine Severe eye, skin, and respiratory tract
monochloride Oral LDLO, rat: irritation; pulmonary edema; burns of the
50 mg/kg eye and skin
Dermal LDLO, rat:
500 mg/kg
Potassium Oral LDLO, guinea Dust causes eye, skin irritaion
iodate pig: 400 mg/kg
Potassium Oral LDLO, mouse: Eye, skin irritation; in animals,
iodide 1862 mg/kg teratogenic effects
Sodium iodide Oral LDLO, rat: Eye, skin irritation; cough
4340 mg/kg
Hydrogen — Severe eye, nose, throat irritation;
iodide laryngeal and broanchial spasms
(sometimes fatal); pulmonary edema;
necrosis of skin
Iodine — Severe eye, nose, and throat irritation,
pentafluoride bronchial and laryngeal edema
Hidrotic acid — Lacrimation, sore throat, difficult
breathing, cough, edema; burns, blisters,
and necrosis of the skin

From Refs. 129, 130, 151, 223, and 298.
The most significant concerns about iodine and iodine exposure have arisen from air contamination
and food and waterborne radioiodine (radioactive iodine) from nuclear releases. These releases from
atmospheric nuclear testing, and from accidents such as that at Three Mile Island (Pennsylvania,
USA) and Chernobyl (Russia) have profound implications for the occurrence of thyroid cancer in the
surrounding populations. Drift of radioiodine and contamination of potable-water and food supplies
at great distances from the source of the material is also a major concern. The kinetics of these
exposures, and their impact is beyond the scope of this chapter, but in any discussion of iodine as an
industrial poison, the radioiodine forms produced and released by all of the uses of nuclear energy
should be considered.
16.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA (174), NIOSH (175), and the ACGIH (22) all have established a ceiling limit of 0.1 part per
million (ppm) for iodine. NIOSH has also calculated an IDLH value for this element of 2 ppm (21).
No limits have been established for the principal compounds of iodine.

The Halogens
Daniel Thau Teitelbaum, MD

E. Astatine
17.0 Astatine
17.0.1 CAS Number: [7440-68-8]

17.0.2 Synonyms: NA

17.0.3 Trade Names: NA

17.0.4 Molecular Weight: 210

17.0.5 Molecular Formula: At
17.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
The fifth halogen—astatine—is little known and has to date found few uses. The physical and
chemical properties of astatine are as follows:
Atomic number 85
Atomic weight 210
Melting point 302°C
Boiling point 337°C (est.)
The name astatine derives from the Greek word for unstable, astatos. Astatine is believed to have
four valence states: 1, 3, 5, and 7. Twenty-four isotopes have so far been identified, and the longest-
lived of these, (301), At, has a half-life of only 8.1 h. The total amount of astatine in the earth's crust
is believed to be less than 1 ounce (2).

Astatine behaves chemically in a manner much like iodine; however, it is believed to be more
metallic than iodine. It is likely to accumulate in the thyroid gland, although this has not been
demonstrated (2).

The Halogens


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300 L. Matt, Inaugural Dissertation for Achieving a Degree in Medicine, Surgery and
Obstetrics, Hygiene Institute, Wurzburg University, Germany, Julius Waldkirch
Publishing, Ludwigshafen am Rhine, 1989.
301 J. D'Auria, S. Lipson, and J. M. Garfield, J. Trauma 30, 353 (1990).

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Tania Carreón, MS

A. Alkanes (Saturated Hydrocarbons, Paraffins)

The alkanes have the generic formula of CnH2n+2. All the carbons have single covalent bonds
between them. They are also called saturated hydrocarbons, which means that all the carbons have
the maximum number of bonds (four). The alkane series is composed of gases (methane, ethane,
propane, and butanes), liquids from pentanes (C5–C16 compounds), and longer-chain solids (1).

The toxicity of the alkanes is generally related to vapor pressure, viscosity, surface tension, and lipid
solubility. Physical properties of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons are listed in Table 49.1.

Table 49.1. Physicochemical Properties of Alkanesa

Boiling Melting Density Flash

Molecular Molecular Point Point (° (mg/cm ) Refractive Point F
Compound Formula Weight (°C) C) (at °C) Index nD Solubility (°C)

Methane 16.042 –161.5 –182.5 0.4228 (– — w 3, al 3, –187.8

CH4 162) et 3, ac 2 (open
Ethane C2H6 30.07 –88.63 –183.23 0.5446 (– — bz 4 –135
Propane C3H8 44.09 –42.1 –187.7 0.493 — w 3, al 3, –104.0
(25) et 4, ac 2
Butane C4H10 58.12 –0.5 –138.35 0.573 1.3326 w 3, al 4, –60.0
(25) (20) et 4, ch 4 (closed
2-Methylpropane C4H10 58.12 –11.7 –159.6 0.5510 1.3518 (– w 2, al 3, –82.8
(25) 25) et 3, ch 3 (closed
Pentane C5H12 72.15 36.1 –129.8 0.6262 1.3575 w 2, al 5, –49.0
(20) (20) et 5, ac 5
2-Methylbutane C5H12 72.15 27.8 –159.8 0.6201 1.3537 w 1, al 5, –51.0
(20) (20) et 5
2,2- C6H14 86.177 49.7 –100 0.6444 1.3688 w 1, al 3, –48.0
Dimethylbutane (25) (20) et 3, ac 4
2,3- C6H14 86.177 58 –128.5 0.6616 1.3750 w 1, al 3, –29.0
Dimethylbutane (20) (20) et 3, ac 4
2,2- C5H12 72.15 9.5 –16.6 0.5258 1.3476 (6) w 1, al 3, –6.67
Dimethylpropane (25) et 3, ct 3
Hexane C6H14 86.10 68.95 –95 0.6548 1.3749 w 1, al 4, –22.0
(25) (20) et 3, ch 3 (closed
2-Methylpentane C6H14 86.177 62 –154 0.650 1.3715 w 1, al 3, –23.0
(25) (20) et 3, ac 5
3-Methylpentane C6H14 86.177 64 –118.0 0.6598 1.3765 w 1, al 3, –6.0
(25) (20) et 5, ac 5
Heptane C7H16 100.20 98.4 –90.7 0.6837 1.3878 w 1, al 4, –4.4
(20) (20) et 5, ac 5 (closed
2-Methylhexane C7H16 100.20 90.0 –118.2 0.6787 1.3848 w 1, al 3, –1.0
(20) (20) et 5, ac 5
3-Methylhexane C7H16 100.20 92.0 –119.0 0.6860 1.3887 w 1, al 3, –4.0 —
(20) (20) et 5, ac 5
Octane C8H18 114.22 125.7 –56.8 0.6986 1.3974 w 1, al 3, –13.0
(25) (20) et 3, ac 5 (closed
2,5- C8H18 114.23 109.1 –91.0 0.6901 1.3925 w 1, al 5, — —
Dimethylhexane (25) (20) et 3, ac 5
2,2,4- C8H18 114.22 99.2 –116 0.6877 1.3915 w 1, al 5, –12.0 —
Trimethylpentane (25) (20) et 3, ac 5
2,3,4- C8H18 114.23 113.5 –109.2 0.7191 1.4042 w 1, al 4, –12.0 —
Trimethylpentane (20) (20) et 5, ac 5
Nonane C9H20 128.26 150.8 –53.5 0.7176 1.4054 w 1, al 4, 31.0
(20) (20) et 4, ac 5
2,2,5- C9H20 128.26 124.0 –105.7 0.7072 1.3997 w 1, al 4, 13.0 —
Trimethylhexane (20) (20) et 4, ac 4
Decane C10H22 142.28 174.1 –29.7 0.7300 1.4102 w 1, al 5, 46
(20) (20) et 3, ct 2
2,7- C10H22 142.28 159.9 –54.9 0.7202 1.4086 et 3, aa 3 — —
Dimethyloctane (25) (20)
Undecane C11H24 156.31 195.9 –25.59 0.7402 1.4398 w 1, al 5, 60.0
(20) (20) et 5
Dodecane C12H26 170.34 216.3 –9.6 0.7487 1.4216 w 1, al 4, 71.0
(20) (20) et 4, ac 4
Tridecane C13H28 184.36 235.4 –5.5 0.7564 1.4256 w 1, al 4, 79.0 —
(20) (20) et 4, ct 3
Tetradecane C14H30 198.39 253.7 5.89 0.7628 1.4290 w 1, al 4, 99
(20) (20) et 4, ct 3
Pentadecane C15H32 212.42 270.63 9.9 0.7685 1.4315 w 1, al 4, 132 —
(20) (20) et 4
Hexadecane C16H34 226.44 287 18.17 0.7733 1.4345 w 1, al 2, 135
(20) (20) et 5, ct 3
Heptadecane C17H36 240.47 302.0 22.0 0.7780 1.4369 w 1, al 2, — —
(20) (20) et 3, ct 2
Octadecane C18H38 254.50 316.3 28.2 0.7768 1.4390 w 1, al 2, >100.0 —
(28) (20) et 3, ac 3
Nonadecane C19H40 268.53 329.9 32.1
Pristane C19H40 268.53 296.0 — 0.783 1.4379 et 4, bz 4, — —
(20) (20) ch 4, pe 4
Eicosane C20H42 282.55 343.0 36.8 0.7886 1.4425 w 1, et 3, >100.0 —
(20) (20) ac 4, bz 3

Molecular Formula—in Hill notation; molecular Weight—relative molar mass; Density—
mass per unit volume in g/cm3 at the temperature indicated in parentheses; Refractive Index—
at the temperature indicated in parentheses, unless otherwise indicated, all values refer to a
wavelength of 589 nm; Solubility—solubility in common solvents (w—water, al—ethanol, et—
ethyl ether, ac—acetone, bz—benzene, ch—chloroform, ct—carbon tetrachloride, aa—acetic
acid, pe—petroleum ether, os—organic solvents) on a relative scale: 1 = insoluble, 2 = slightly
soluble, 3 = soluble, 4 = very soluble, 5 = miscible, 6 = decomposes; Flammability Limits—
explosive limits (in percent by volume) at ambient temperature and pressure.

The aliphatic hydrocarbons are practically nontoxic for single exposures below the lower
flammability limit. In general, the saturated hydrocarbons from propane through the octanes show
increasingly narcotic properties. The margin between narcosis and lethal depression of vital centers
is too narrow, and because of their explosive characteristics, these compounds are not used as
surgical anesthetics. Narcotic effects may be accompanied by exhilaration, dizziness, and headache

Virtually all paraffins will cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and occasionally diarrhea when
ingested (2–4). Dermatitis, CNS depression, anesthesia, and cardiac sensitization have also been
noted for many paraffins. Acutely, the most common toxic effects are CNS depression and asphyxia
following inhalation and chemical pneumonitis after the aspiration of ingested alkanes. Asphyxia
occurs when the oxygen in air is displaced by high concentrations of a gas or vapor. When the
oxygen concentration is lowered from ambient levels to 10%, hypoxia results and the body is
starved for oxygen. At this level of oxygen deprivation, death occurs swiftly.

Dermal irritation and CNS depression are common problems with liquid aliphatic hydrocarbons in
chronic exposures. Dermal irritation occurs in workers repeatedly exposed to liquid hydrocarbons as
solvents. The paraffins are lipid solvents and dissolve or extract the fats from the skin, resulting in
painful drying and cracking of the skin, that is, chronic eczematoid dermatitis, with itching and

CNS depression occurs as the inhaled vapor or gas crosses the alveolar–capillary membrane to be
absorbed into the bloodstream. At levels that cause CNS depression, the lung itself is spared injury
(2–4). The CNS depressant properties of some alkanes have led to substance abuse in the form of
“glue sniffing,” usually toluene or n-hexane. Other abusers have utilized gasoline; paints containing
solvents such as xylene, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone, ethyl acetate, ethyl benzene, and isobutyl
acetate; typewriter correction fluids; aerosol can propellants, including propane and isobutane; and
exhaust emissions. Abusers often exhibit a drunken appearance and suffer from learning or memory
impairment, personality disorders, seizures, neuropsychological disorders, and tachycardia (2–4).

In general, branched-chain derivatives are less toxic than the corresponding parent straight-chain
alkanes. Odorant properties increase whereas analgesic properties decrease with increasing chain
length. Both dermal and pulmonary irritant properties increase with increasing chain length up to
C14 derivatives (5).

Table 49.2. Occupational Exposure Limits for Propane in the United


NIOSH Exposure
Exposure Limits OSHA PEL Limit ACGIH TLV

Time-weighted 1000 ppm 1000 ppm 2500 ppm

average (1800 mg/m3) (1800 mg/m3) (4508 mg/m3)
Short-term — — —
exposure limit
Ceiling limit — — —

OSHA and ACGIH—8-h TWA; NIOSH—10-h TWA. From Ref. 19.

Table 49.3. Occupational Exposure Limits for Propane in Different


Country Exposure Limit

Australia Asphyxiant
Belgium Asphyxiant
Denmark TWA 1000 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
Finland TWA 800 ppm (1100 mg/m3)
Germany TWA 1000 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
Hungary Asphyxiant
The Netherlands Asphyxiant
The Philippines TWA 1000 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
Switzerland TWA 1000 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
United Kingdom Asphyxiant

From Ref. 19.

Table 49.4. Occupational Exposure Limits for Butane in the United Statesa

OSHA NIOSH Recommended

Exposure Limits PEL Exposure Limit ACGIH TLV

Time-weighted — 800 ppm (1900 mg/m3) 800 ppm

average (1900 mg/m3)
Short-term — — —
exposure limit
Ceiling limit — — —

ACGIH—8-h TWA; NIOSH—10-h TWA. From Ref. 19.

Table 49.5. Occupational Exposure Limits for Butane in Different


Country Exposure limit

Australia TWA 800 ppm (1900 mg/m3)

Austria TWA 1000 ppm (2300 mg/m3)
Belgium TWA 800 ppm (1900 mg/m3)
Denmark TWA 500 ppm (1200 mg/m3)
Finland TWA 800 ppm (1900 mg/m3); STEL 1000 ppm
(2350 mg/m3)
France TWA 800 ppm (1900 mg/m3)
Germany TWA 1000 ppm (2350 mg/m3)
Hungary TWA 300 ppm; STEL 900 ppm
India TWA 800 ppm (1900 mg/m3)
Ireland TWA 600 ppm (1430 mg/m3); STEL 750 ppm (1780 mg/m3)
Japan TWA 500 ppm (1200 mg/m3)
Mexico TWA 800 ppm (1900 mg/m3)
The Netherlands TWA 600 ppm (1430 mg/m3)
Poland TWA 1900 mg/m3; STEL 3000 mg/m3
Russia TWA 500 ppm; STEL 300 ppm
Switzerland TWA 800 ppm (1900 mg/m3)
United TWA 600 ppm (1450 mg/m3); STEL 750 ppm (1810 mg/m3)

From Refs. 19 and 20.

Table 49.6. Summary of Subchronic Toxicity Studies in Animals Exposed to

Mixtures Containing 2-Methylpropane

Exposure Approximate Treatment Observed

Species route Chemical mixture Dose regimen Effect Ref.

Fischer Inhalation 50–50 (wt%) n- 1000, 6 h/day, 5 Mild– 76

rats butane:n-pentane 4500 ppm days/week, transient
13 weeks kidney effects
not exposure-
50–50 (wt %) 1000, 6 h/day, 5 Mild–
isobutane:isopentane 4500 ppm days/week, transient
13 weeks kidney effects
not exposure-
Unleaded gasoline 1200, 6 h/day, 5 No
blend 5200 ppm days/week, nephrotoxicity
13 weeks observed
Sprague– Inhalation 25 (wt%) n-butane, 0, 44, 432, 6 h/day, 5 No clinical 77
Dawey n-pentane, 4437 ppm days/week, signs of
rats isobutane, 3 weeks toxicity and
isopentane no
Rabbits Inhalation Hairspray with 22% 2 daily—30-s 3 No changes in 46
isobutane aerosol bursts days/week, body weight,
90 days hematology,
and urinalysis

Table 49.7. Occupational Exposure Limits for 2-Methylpropane in

Different Countriesa

Country Exposure Limit

Germany TWA 1000 ppm (2350 mg/m3)
Switzerland TWA 800 ppm (1900 mg/m3)
United Kingdom TWA 600 ppm (1430 mg/m3); STEL 750 ppm

From Ref. 19.

Table 49.8. Occupational Exposure Limits for Pentane in the United


NIOSH Exposure
Exposure Limits OSHA PEL Limit ACGIH TLV

Time-weighted 1000 ppm 120 ppm 600 ppm

average (2950 mg/m3) (350 mg/m3) (1770 mg/m3)
Short-term 750 ppm 610 ppm —
exposure limit (2250 mg/m3) (1800 mg/m3)
Ceiling limit — — —

OSHA and ACGIH—8-h TWA; NIOSH—10-h TWA. From Ref. 19.

Table 49.9. Occupational Exposure Limits for Pentane in Different


Country Exposure Limit

Australia TWA 600 ppm (1800 mg/m3); STEL 750 ppm (2250 mg/m3)
Belgium TWA 600 ppm (1770 mg/m3); STEL 750 ppm (2210 mg/m3)
Denmark TWA 500 ppm (1500 mg/m3)
Finland TWA 500 ppm (1500 mg/m3); STEL 625 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
France TWA 600 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
Germany TWA 1000 ppm (3000 mg/m3)
Hungary TWA 500 mg/m3; STEL 1500 mg/m3
Ireland TWA 600 ppm (1800 mg/m3); STEL 750 ppm (2250 mg/m3)
Japan TWA 300 ppm (880 mg/m3)
Mexico TWA 600 ppm (1800 mg/m3); STEL 760 ppm (2250 mg/m3)
The Netherlands TWA 600 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
The Philippines TWA 1000 ppm (2950 mg/m3)
Poland TWA 1800 mg/m3; STEL 2300 mg/m3
Russia TWA 300 ppm; STEL 300 mg/m3
Sweden TWA 600 ppm (1800 mg/m3); STEL 750 ppm (2000 mg/m3)
Switzerland TWA 600 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
Turkey TWA 1000 ppm (2950 mg/m3)
United Kingdom TWA 600 ppm (1800 mg/m3); STEL 750 ppm

From Refs. 19 and 20.

Table 49.10. Summary of Subchronic Toxicity Studies in Animals Exposed to Hexane

Species Exposure Chemical Approximate Treatment Observed Effect Ref.

Route Dose (ppm) Regimen

Fischer Inhalation Hexane 0, 3000, 6 h/day, 5 Depression of body 130

rat 6500, 10,000 days/week, weight gain, lower
13 weeks brain weight, and
axonopathy in males
B6C3F1 Inhalation Hexane 0, 500, 1000, 6 h/day, 5 No effect in survival 131
mice 4000, 10,000 days/week,
13 weeks
0, 500, 1000, 6 h/day, 5 Morphological
4000, 10,000 days/week, alterations in the
13 weeks respiratory tract
1000 22 h/day, 5 Paranodal axonal
days/week, swelling in the tibial
13 weeks nerve
SM-A Inhalation Commercial- 0, 100, 250, 6 Peripheral neuropathy 132
male grade hexane 500, 1000, days/week, by electromyographic
mice 2000 1 year analysis
Sprague– Inhalation Hexane 0, 6, 26, 129 6 h/day, 5 No signs of nervous 133
Dawley days/week, system degeneration
rats 26 weeks
0, 5, 27, 126 21 h/day, 7 No signs of nervous
days/week, system degeneration
26 weeks
Sprague– Inhalation Hexane 0, 126, 502 22 h/day, 7 Abnormal gait, axonal 134
Dawley days/week, degeneration, myelin
rats 6 month vacuolization
Hexane + hexane 125 + 125, 22 h/day, 7 No
mixtures 375, 1375 days/week, neuropathic/myopathic
6 month alterations
Wistar Inhalation Hexane 0, 500, 1200, 12 h/day, 7 Dose-dependent 135
male rats 3000 days/week, peripheral
16 weeks neurotoxicity and
body weight decrease
Sprague– Inhalation Hexane 0, 500, 1500, 9 h/day, 5 Decrease in weight 91
Dawley 5000 days/week, gain, axonal
rats 14–30 degeneration, swelling
weeks of axons
2500 10 h/day, 6 Axonal degeneration,
days/week, swelling of axons
Rabbits Inhalation Hexane 3000 8 h/day, 5 Ocular and upper 136
days/week, respiratory tract
24 weeks irritation, respiratory

Table 49.11. Summary of Neurotoxicity Studies in Human Exposed to Hexane

Type of Mixture Exposure Persons

Facility/Population Composition Levels Affected Findings Ref.

Laminating plant Solvents 500– 17 cases Polyneuritis 159

containing 65– 2000 ppm
95% hexane
Vinyl sandal Glues containing 500– 93 of Progressive 171
manufacture 70% hexane 25007 ppm, 296 polyneuropathy,
48 h/week symmetrical
disorder, no
Shoe industry Hexane and 196 ppm, 15 Reductions in 172
other solvents 1–25 years studied maximal motor
and distal
sensory nerve
Changes in
Press proofing Solvents 190 ppm 15 of 59 Overt 173–
workers containing studied peripheral 175
hexane neuropathy,
after exposure
removal; no
neuropathy at
<100 ppm
Tungsten carbide Tungsten 58 ppm 8-h 14 + 5 No signs of 176
milling carbide + hexane TWA/2 past neuropathy;
or acetone years exposed headaches,
of limbs, and
Printers and spray Solvents 1–39 ppm, 16% of Not clinically 177
painters containing 6 years 240 significant
hexane exposed signs of

Table 49.12. Occupational Exposure Limits for Hexane in the United



Time-weighted 500 ppm 50 ppm 50 ppm

average (1800 mg/m3) (180 mg/m3) (176 mg/m3)
Short-term — — —
exposure limit
Ceiling limit — — —

OSHA and ACGIH—8-h TWA; NIOSH—10-h TWA. From Ref. 19.

Table 49.13. Occupational Exposure Limits for Hexane in Different


Country Exposure Limit

Australia TWA 50 ppm (180 mg/m3)

Belgium TWA 50 ppm (180 mg/m3)
Denmark TWA 50 ppm (180 mg/m3)
Finland TWA 50 ppm (180 mg/m3); STEL 150 ppm (530 mg/m3)
France TWA 50 ppm (180 mg/m3)
Germany TWA 50 ppm (180 mg/m3)
Hungary TWA 100 mg/m3; STEL 200 mg/m3
Ireland TWA 20 ppm (70 mg/m3)
Japan TWA 40 ppm (140 mg/m3)
Mexico TWA 100 ppm (360 mg/m3)
The Netherlands TWA 25 ppm (90 mg/m3)
The Philippines TWA 500 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
Poland TWA 100 mg/m3; STEL 400 mg/m3
Russia TWA 40 ppm; STEL 300 mg/m3
Sweden TWA 25 ppm (90 mg/m3); STEL 50 ppm (180 mg/m3)
Switzerland TWA 50 ppm (180 mg/m3); STEL 100 ppm (360 mg/m3)
Turkey TWA 500 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
United Kingdom TWA 20 ppm (72 mg/m3)

From Refs. 19 and 20.

Table 49.14. Occupational Exposure Limits for Heptane in the United



Time-weighted 500 ppm 85 ppm 400 ppm

average (2000 mg/m3) (350 mg/m3) (1640) mg/m3
Short-term — 440 ppm 500 ppm
exposure limit (1800 mg/m3) (2050) mg/m3
Ceiling limit — — —

OSHA and ACGIH—8-h TWA; NIOSH—10-h TWA. From Ref. 19.

Table 49.15. Occupational Exposure Limits for Heptane in Different


Country Exposure Limit

Australia TWA 400 ppm (1600 mg/m3); STEL 500 ppm (2000 mg/m3)
Belgium TWA 400 ppm (1640 mg/m3); STEL 500 ppm (2050 mg/m3)
Denmark TWA 400 ppm (1600 mg/m3)
Finland TWA 300 ppm (1200 mg/m3); STEL 500 ppm (2000 mg/m3)
France TWA 400 ppm (1600 mg/m3)
Ireland TWA 400 ppm (1600 mg/m3); STEL 500 ppm (2000 mg/m3)
Germany TWA 500 ppm (2100 mg/m3)
Japan TWA 200 ppm (820 mg/m3)
Mexico TWA 400 ppm (1600 mg/m3); STEL 500 ppm (2000 mg/m3)
The Netherlands TWA 300 ppm (1200 mg/m3); STEL 400 ppm (1600 mg/m3)
The Philippines TWA 500 ppm (2000 mg/m3)
Poland TWA 1200 mg/m3; STEL 2000 mg/m3
Russia TWA 200 ppm
Sweden TWA 200 ppm (800 mg/m3); STEL 300 ppm (1250 mg/m3)
Switzerland TWA 400 ppm (1600 mg/m3); STEL 800 ppm
Turkey TWA 500 ppm (2000 mg/m3)
United Kingdom TWA 400 ppm (1600 mg/m3); STEL 500 ppm

From Refs. 19 and 20.

Table 49.16. Occupational Exposure Limits for Octane in the United



Time-weighted 500 ppm 75 ppm 300 ppm

average (2350 mg/m3) (350 mg/m3) (1401) mg/m3
Short-term — — 375 ppm
exposure limit (1750) mg/m3
Ceiling limit — 385 ppm —
(1800 mg/m3)

OSHA and ACGIH—8-h TWA; NIOSH—10-h TWA. From Ref. 19.

Table 49.17. Occupational Exposure Limits for Octane in Different


Country Exposure Limit

Australia TWA 300 ppm (1450 mg/m3); STEL 375 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
Belgium TWA 300 ppm (1400 mg/m3); STEL 375 ppm (1750 mg/m3)
Denmark TWA 300 ppm (1450 mg/m3)
Finland TWA 300 ppm (1400 mg/m3); STEL 375 ppm (1750 mg/m3)
France TWA 300 ppm (1450 mg/m3)
Germany TWA 500 ppm (2400 mg/m3)
Hungary TWA 500 mg/m3; STEL 1500 mg/m3
Ireland TWA 300 ppm (1450 mg/m3); STEL 375 ppm (1800 mg/m3)
Japan TWA 300 ppm (1400 mg/m3)
Mexico TWA 300 ppm (1450 mg/m3); STEL 375 ppm (800 mg/m3)
The Netherlands TWA 300 ppm (1450 mg/m3)
The Philippines TWA 500 ppm (2350 mg/m3)
Poland TWA 1000 mg/m3; STEL 1800 mg/m3
Russia TWA 300 ppm
Sweden TWA 200 ppm (900 mg/m3); STEL 300 ppm (1400 mg/m3)
Switzerland TWA 300 ppm (1400 mg/m3); STEL 600 ppm
Turkey TWA 400 ppm (1900 mg/m3)
United Kingdom TWA 300 ppm (1450 mg/m3); STEL 375 ppm

From Refs. 19 and 20.

Table 49.18. Occupational Exposure Limits for Nonane in Different


Country Exposure Limit

Denmark TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3)

Finland TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3); STEL 250 ppm (1315 mg/m3)
France TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3)
Ireland TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3)
Mexico TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3); STEL 250 ppm (1300 mg/m3)
Japan TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3)
The Netherlands TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3)
Switzerland TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3)

From Refs. 19 and 20.

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Tania Carreón, MS

B. Alkenes (Olefins)
Alkenes differ from alkanes in the presence of a double covalent bond in the carbon chain. They
have the generic formula CnH2n. They represent the simplest of the unsaturated hydrocarbons.

Alkenes are chemically more reactive than alkanes, primarily through addition reactions across the
double bonds (5). When heated or in the presence of catalysts, most olefins will polymerize. They
have higher boiling points than the parent paraffins as shown in Table 49.19.
Table 49.19. Physicochemical Properties of Alkanesa

Boiling Melting Density Flash

Molecular Molecular point point (° (mg/cm ) Refractive Point Fla
Compound formula weight (°C) C) (at °C) index nD Solubility (°C) Li

Ethene C2H4 28.0 –103.7 –169.2 0.5678 (– 1.363 w 1, al 2, –130 2.7–

104) (100) et 3, ac 2 (closed
Propene C3H6 42.08 –47.4 –185.24 0.505 1.3567 (– w 4, al 4, –108 2.0–
(25) 70) aa 4
1-Butene C4H8 56.107 –6.1 –185.3 0.588 1.3962 w 1, al 4, — 1.6—
(25) (20) et 4, bz 3
cis-2-Butene C4H8 56.107 3.7 0.616 1.3931 (– w 1, al 4, — 1.7–
(25) 25) et 4, bz 3
trans-2-Butene C4H8 56.107 0.88 0.599 1.3848 (– bz 3 — 1.8–
(25) 25)
2- C4H8 56.107 –6.9 –140.3 0.589 1.3926 (– w 1, al 4, — 1.8–
Methylpropene (25) 25) et 4, bz 3
1-Pentene C5H10 70.134 30 –165 0.6405 1.3715 w 1, al 5, –28 1.5–
(20) (20) et 5, bz 3
cis-2-Pentene C5H10 70.13 36.9 –151.4 0.6556 1.3830 w 1, al 5, <–20.0 —
(20) (20) et 5, bz 3
trans-2- C5H10 70.13 36.3 –140.2 0.6431 1.3793 w 1, al 5, < – —
Pentene (25) (20) et 5, bz 3 20.0
3-Methyl-1- C5H10 70.13 20.1 –168.5 0.6213 1.3643 w 1, al 5, –7.0 1.5–
butene (25) (20) et 5, bz 3
1-Hexene C6H12 84.16 63.3 –139.8 0.6731 1.3837 al 4, et 4, 15 1.2–
(20) (20) bz 4, pe 4 (closed
cis-2-Hexene C6H12 84.16 68.8 –141.1 0.6869 1.3979 w 1, al 3, –21.0 —
(20) (20) et 3, bz 3
trans-2- C6H12 84.16 67.9 –133.0 0.6732 1.3936 w 1, al 3, — —
Hexene (25) (20) et 3, bz 3
2-Methyl-2- C6H12 84.16 67.3 –135.0 0.6863 1.4004 w 1, al 3, <–7.0 —
pentene (20) (20) bz 3, ct 3
1-Heptene C7H14 98.188 93.3 –119 0.6970 1.3998 w 1, al 3, —
(20) (20) et 3, ct 2
1-Octene C8H16 112.22 121.2 –101.7 0.7149 1.4087 w 1, al 5, 21.0 —
(20) (20) et 3, ac 3
2-Methyl-2- C8H16 112.22 122.6 — 0.7200 1.4170 w 1, et 3, — —
heptene (25) (20) bz 3, ct 3
1-Nonene C9H18 126.24 146.9 –81.3 0.7253 1.4257 — 26.0 —
(25) (20)
Propadiene C3H4 40.06 –34.4 –136.2 0.584 1.4168 bz 4, pe 4 — 2.1—
(25) (20)
1,3-Butadiene C4H6 54.09 –4.4 –108.9 0.6149 1.4292 (– w 1, al 3, –76 2.0—
(25) 25) et 3, ac 4
2-Methyl-1,3- C5H8 68.118 34.0 –1200.679 1.4219 w 1, al 5, –48 1.5—
butadiene (20) (20) et 5, ac 5
cis-1,3- C6H10 82.15 73.1 — 0.7033 1.4379 — — —
Hexadiene (25) (20)
trans-1,3- C6H10 82.15 73.2 –102.4 0.6995 1.4406 — — —
Hexadiene (25) (20)
1,4-Hexadiene C6H10 82.15 65.0 — 0.7000 1.4150 w 1, et 4 –21.0 2.0–
(20) (20)
1,5-Hexadiene C6H10 82.15 59.4 –140.7 0.6878 1.4042 w 1, al 3, — —
(25) (20) et 3, bz 3
1,7-Octadiene C8H14 110.20 115.5 — 0.734 1.4245 — 9.0 —
(20) (20)
Squalene C30H50 410.73 280.0 < –20.0 0.8584 1.4990 w 1, al 2, — —
(20) (20) et 3, ac 3
Lycopene C40H56 536.88 — 175.0 — — al 2, et 3, — —
bz 4, ch 4
b-Carotene C40H56 536.88 — 183.0 1.00 (20) — w 1, al 2, — —
et 3, ac 3

Molecular Formula—in Hill notation; Molecular Weight—relative molar mass; Density—
mass per unit volume in g/cm3 at the temperature indicated in parentheses; Refractive Index—
at the temperature indicated in parentheses, unless otherwise indicated, all values refer to a
wavelength of 589 nm; Solubility—solubility in common solvents (w—water, al—ethanol, et—
ethyl ether, ac—acetone, bz—benzene, ch—chloroform, ct—carbon tetrachloride, aa—acetic
acid, pe—petroleum ether, os—organic solvents) on a relative scale: 1 = insoluble, 2 = slightly
soluble, 3 = soluble, 4 = very soluble, 5 = miscible, 6 = decomposes; Flammability Limits—
explosive limits (in percent by volume) at ambient temperature and pressure.

Alkenes, except for butadiene, are only slightly more toxic than alkanes. Ethene, propene, butene,
and isobutene are weak anesthetics and simple asphyxiants. Pentene has been used for surgical
anesthesia. Because of increasing mucous membrane irritancy and cardiac effects with increasing
chain length, the hexylenes and higher members are unsuitable as anesthetic agents. The higher
members may cause CNS depression, but are not sufficiently volatile to be considered vapor hazards
at room temperature (267). Branching decreases the toxicity of C3 alkenes, does not appreciably
affect the C4 and C5 alkenes, and increases the toxicity of C6–C18 alkenes. Unlike the hexanes, the
olefins do not produce axonopathy. Repeated exposure to high concentrations of the lower members
of the alkenes results in hepatic damage and hyperplasia of the bone marrow in animals. However,
no corresponding effects have been noted in humans. Alpha olefins are more reactive and toxic than
beta isomers. The alkadienes are more irritant and generally more toxic than the corresponding
alkanes (268).

1,3-Butadiene is probably the most toxic member of the alkene family. The toxicological properties
of butadiene have been studied extensively in both experimental animals and humans.
Epidemiological studies on cancer among people exposed to butadiene have suggested increased
risks for leukemia and lymphoma (269).

Table 49.20. Summary of Carcinogenicity Studies and Tumors Developed in

Animals Exposed to 1,3-Butadiene

Exposure Approximate Treatment

Species Gender Route Dose (ppm) Regimen Neoplasm Ref.

Sprague– Female Inhalation 0, 1000, 8000 6 h/day, 5 Mammary gland 362

Dawley days/week, adenoma and
rats 105 weeks carcinoma
Thyroid follicular
cell adenoma
Uterine sarcoma
Zymbal gland
Sprague– Male Inhalation 0, 1000, 8000 6 h/day, 5 Pancreatic 362
Dawley days/week, exocrine adenoma
rats 111 weeks Testicular Leydig
cell tumors
B6C3F1 Female Inhalation 0, 625, 1250 6 h/day, 5 Lethal thymic 388
mice days/week, lymphomas
60–61 Acinar cell
weeks carcinomas of the
mammary gland
Granulosa cell
neoplasms of the
neoplasms of the
B6C3F1 Male Inhalation 0, 625, 1250 6 h/day, 5 Lethal thymic 388
mice days/week, lymphomas
60–61 Heart
weeks hemangiosarcomas
neoplasms of the
B6C3F1 Female Inhalation 0, 6.25, 20, 6 h/day, 5 Lethal thymic 389
mice 62.5, 200, days/week, lymphomas
625 104 weeks Heart
Harderian gland
adenoma and
Granulosa cell
neoplasms of the
Mammary gland
neoplasms of the
B6C3F1 Male Inhalation 0, 6.25, 20, 6 h/day, 5 Lethal thymic 389
mice 62.5, 200, days/week, lymphomas
625 104 weeks Alveolar–
Harderian gland
adenoma and
Squamous cell
neoplasms of the
Preputial gland
adenoma or

Table 49.21. Summary of Mutation Induction Studies in Transgenic

Animals Exposed to 1,3-Butadiene

Exposure Approximate
Species route Dose (ppm) Treatment Gene Mutation Ref.

CD2F1 Inhalation 625 6 h/day, 5 Increased mutant 407

transgenic days/week, frequency of the lacZ
mice 1 weeks transgene from the
lung, no increase in
bone marrow and
B6C3F1 Inhalation 625 6 h/day, 5 Increased frequency 408
mice days/week, of hprt mutant T
2 weeks lymphocytes
(102/E1 X Inhalation 200, 500, 1300 6 h/day, 5 Increased frequency 409
C3H/E1)F1 days/week, of hprt mutant T
1 weeks lymphocytes at
mice higher dose
B6C3F1 Inhalation 62.5, 625, 6 h/day, 5 Concentration- 410
transgenic 1250 days/week, dependent increase
mice 4 weeks in bone marrow lacI
mutant frequency
B6C3F1 Inhalation 62.5, 625, 6 h/day, 5 Increase in bone 411
transgenic 1250 days/week, marrow lacI mutant
mice 4 weeks frequency at all
levels of exposure
B6C3F1 Inhalation 20, 62.5, 625 6 h/day, 5 Increased frequency 412
mice days/week, of hprt mutant T
4 weeks lymphocytes
F344 rats Inhalation 20, 62.5, 625 6 h/day, 5 Increased frequency 412
days/week, of hprt mutant T
4 weeks lymphocytes, rate of
accumulation greater
in rats

Table 49.22. Summary of Epidemiological Studies in Human Exposed to


Study Workers Study Main Result—SMR (95%

Design Industry (N) Period C1) unless indicated Ref.

Cohort SBR 2756 11943– All LHC: 1.3 (0.9–1.4) 437,

1976 Leukemia: 1.7 (0.8–1.5) 438
Lymphosarcoma: 1.7 (0.7–
Cohort BDM 2795 1943– All LHC: 1.5 (1.1–2.0) 439
1994 Leukemia: 1.1 (0.6–1.9)
Lymphosarcoma: 1.9 (0.9–
Cohort SBR 12,110 1943– All LHC: 1.0 (0.9–1.4) 440
1982 Leukemia: 1.0 (0.8–1.5)
Lymphosarcoma: 0.6 (0.7–
Case- SBR 59 (LHC 1943– OR (95% CI) 441
control cases) 1982
193 All LHC: 2.3 (1.1–4.7)
(controls) Leukemia: 9.4 (2.1–22.9)
Lymphosarcoma: 0.5 (0.1–
Case- SBR 59 (LHC 1943– OR (95% Cl) at 1 ppm 442
control cases) 1982 butadiene
1242 Leukemia: 1.5 (1.1–2.1)
Cohort SBR 15,649 1943– All LHC: 1.1 (0.9–1.3) 443
1991 Leukemia: 1.3 (1.0–1.7)
Lymphosarcoma: 0.8 (0.4–
Cohort SBL 420 1947– All LHC: 1 obs, 2.2 exp 444
1986 Leukemia: 1 obs, 0.9 exp
Cohort BDM 614 1948– All LHC: 0 obs, 1.2 exp 445
Cohort BDM 364 1943– All LHC: 1.7 (0.7–3.6) 446
1970 Leukemia: 1.2 (0.2–4.4)
Lymphosarcoma: 5.8 (1.6–

Key: ABS—acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene plastic; BDM—butadiene monomer; CI—
confidence integral; exp.—expected; LHC—lymphohematopoietic cancer; obs—observed;
OR—odds ratio, SBL—styrene–butadiene latex; SBR—styrene–butadiene rubber; SMR—
standardized mortality ratio.

Table 49.23. Occupational Exposure Limits for 1,3-Butadiene in the United



Time-weighted 1 ppm Lowest feasible 2 ppm

average (2.2 mg/m3) concentration (4.4 mg/m3)
Short-term 5 ppp — —
exposure limit (11 mg/m3)
Ceiling limit — — —


Table 49.24. Occupational Exposure Limits for 1,3-Butadiene in Different


Country Exposure Limit

Australia TWA 10 ppm (22 mg/m3); carcinogen
Belgium TWA 10 ppm (22 mg/m3); carcinogen
Denmark TWA 10 ppm (22 mg/m3); carcinogen
Finland TWA 50 ppm (73 mg/m3); carcinogen
France TWA 10 ppm (22 mg/m3)
Germany Carcinogen
Hungary STEL 10 mg/m3; carcinogen
Ireland TWA 10 ppm (22 mg/m3); carcinogen
Mexico TWA 1000 ppm (2200 mg/m3); STEL 1250 ppm
(2750 mg/m3)
The TWA 21 ppm (46.2 mg/m3)
The Philippines TWA 1000 ppm (2200 mg/m3)
Poland TWA 10 mg/m3; STEL 40 mg/m3; carcinogen
Russia STEL 100 mg/m3
Sweden TWA 10 ppm (22 mg/m3); STEL 20 ppm (40 mg/m3);
Switzerland TWA 5 ppm (11 mg/m3); carcinogen
Turkey TWA 1000 ppm (2200 mg/m3)
United TWA 10 ppm (22 mg/m3)

From Refs. 19 and 20.

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Tania Carreón, MS

C. Alkynes
The presence of a triple covalent bond in the carbon chain gives rise to the compounds called
alkynes. They have the generic formula CnH2n–2. Physical properties for selected alkynes are listed
in Table 49.25.

Table 49.25. Physicochemical Properties of Alkanesa

Boiling Melting Density Flash

Molecular Molecular point point (° (mg/cm ) Refractive Point Flam
Compound formula weight (°C) C) (at °C) Index nD Solubility (°C) Lim

Acetylene C2H2 26.02 –84 –80.8 0.337 — w 2, al 2, –17.7 2.5–

(subl. (trip. (25) ac 3, bz 3 (closed
pt.) pt.) cup)
Propyne C3H4 40.07 –23.2 –103 0.607 1.3863 (– w 2, al 4, — 2.1–
(25) 40) bz 3, ch 3
3- C5H8 68.12 26.3 –89.7 0.6660 1.3723 w 1, al 5, — —
Methylbutyne (20) (20) et 5
1-Buten-3- C4H4 52.08 5.1 — 0.7094 1.4161 (1) w 1, bz 3 — 21.0–
yne (0)
1,6- C7H8 92.14 112.0 –85.0 0.8164 1.4510 w 1, bz 3, — —
Heptadiyne (17) (17) aa 3
1-Decyne C10H18 138.25 174.0 –44.0 0.7655 1.4265 w 1, al 3, — —
(20) (20) et 3, os 3

Molecular Formula—in Hill notation; Molecular Weight—relative molar mass; Density—
mass per unit volume in g/cm3 at the temperature indicated in parentheses; Refractive Index—
at the temperature indicated in parentheses, unless otherwise indicated, all values refer to a
wavelength of 589 nm; Solubility—solubility in common solvents (w-water, al-ethanol, et-ethyl
ether, ac-acetone, bz-benzene, ch-chloroform, ct-carbon tetrachloride, aa-acetic acid, pe-
petroleum ether, os-organic solvents) on a relative scale: 1 = insoluble, 2 = slightly soluble,
3 = soluble, 4 = very soluble, 5 = miscible, 6 = decomposes; Flammability limits—explosive
limits (in percent by volume) at ambient temperature and pressure; subl. pt.—sublimation point;
trip. pt.—triple point.

The alkynes do not exert any acute local toxicity. The lower members are anesthetics and cause CNS
depression. They are practically nonirritating to the skin, but cause pulmonary irritation and edema at
very high concentrations. The higher molecular weight members can be aspirated into the lungs
when ingested (5).

Table 49.26. Occupational Exposure Limits for Propyne in the United



Time-weighted 1000 ppm 1000 ppm 1000 ppm

average (1650 mg/m3) (1650 mg/m3) (1640) mg/m3)
Short-term — — —
exposure limit
Ceiling limit — — —

OSHA and ACGIH—8-h TWA; NIOSH—10-h TWA. From Ref. 19.

Table 49.27. Occupational Exposure Limits for Propyne in Different


Country Exposure Limit

Australia TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3); STEL 1250 ppm

Belgium TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3); STEL 1250 ppm
(2050 mg/m3)
Denmark TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3)
Finland TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3); STEL 1250 ppm
(2065 mg/m3)
France TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3)
Germany TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3)
Ireland TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3)
Mexico TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3); STEL 1250 ppm
(2040 mg/m3)
The TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3)
The Philippines TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3)
Poland TWA 1500 mg/m3; STEL 2000 mg/m3
Switzerland TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3)
Turkey TWA 1000 ppm (1650 mg/m3)

From Refs. 19 and 20.

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons


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Alicyclic Hydrocarbons
C. Stuart Baxter, Ph.D.

A. Cycloalkanes or Cycloparaffins
The alicyclic hydrocarbons include the cycloalkanes, also called cycloparaffins, cyclanes, and
naphthenes, and the cycloalkenes, also known as cycloolefins and cyclenes, and their alkyl and
alkenyl derivatives. Some of these derivatives occur naturally in plants and are commonly known as
terpenes. Other compounds can be isolated from crude petroleum refinery distillates or catalytically
cracked petroleum products. Cycloalkanes are extensively used to produce re-formed aromatics (1)
and as solvents or synthesis intermediates. Some physical properties of the cycloalkanes are given in
Table 50.1 (2–18).

Table 50.1. Physical and Chemical Properties of Cycloalkanes

Vapor Density
Boiling Melting Refractive Pressure g/mL, Flash
Molecular Point (° Point (° Index (20° (mm at 20 ° Point Solubilit
Compund Weight C) C) C) Hg) (°C) C (°C) w/al/eta

Cyclopropane 42.08 –76 –128 1.37 — 0.6769 — s/v/v

Cyclobutane 56.10 13 –91 1.426 — 0.72 <10 i/v/v
Cyclopentane 70.13 49 –94 1.4065 400 (31) 0.7454 –37 i/v/v
Methylcyclopentane 84.16 71.8 –142.4 1.4097 100 0.7486 –10 i/v/v
Ethylcyclopentane 98.18 103 –138 1.4198 — 0.7665 15 i/v/v
Cyclohexane 84.16 80.74 6.6 1.4262 100 0.7786 –18 i/v/v
Methylcyclohexane 98.19 100.93 –126.3 1.42056 43 (20.5) 0.7694 –3 i/s/s
Ethylcyclohexane 112.21 131.78 –111 –33.5 — 0.788 18 i/s/s
1,1- 112.21 120 — 1.428 — 0.781 7 i/s/s
1,2- 112.21 124 — 1.432 10 (10.2) 0.778 15 i/s/s
1,3- 112.21 121-4 — 1.426 — 0.767 9 i/s/s
1,4- 112.21 120 –87 1.426 — 0.773 15 i/s/s
Cycloheptane 98.19 118.4 –12 1.445 — 0.8098 6 i/v/v
Cyclooctane 112.21 151/740 m 15 1.458 — 0.836 30 i/v/v
Cyclononane 126.24 126.24 11 — — 0.854 — i/v/v
Cyclododecane 168.32 239 61 — — 0.863 — i/v/v

Solublity in water/alcohol/ether: v = very soluble; s = soluble; i = insoluble.

A.1 Toxicity
Cyclopropane and cyclobutane are gases and have been used as anesthetics. Cyclopentane and higher
members are liquids with low acute and chronic toxicity overall, but still able to induce many toxic
responses characteristic of lipophylic compounds, including central nervous system (CNS)
depression, dizziness, and headache. For cyclohexane and higher analogs, the margin of safety
between CNS depression and death is very narrow and symptomatically barely recognizable.
Following ingestion or inhalation cycloalkanes are exhaled in unchanged form or rapidly
metabolized into water-soluble metabolites, usually glucuronides. Exposure of humans and
laboratory animals to high concentrations may cause excitement, loss of equilibrium, stupor, and
coma, but rarely death. Oral administration of high doses to animals has additionally resulted in
severe diarrhea, vascular collapse, and heart, lung, liver, and brain degeneration. Cycloparaffins and
cycloalkenes are also ocular and dermal irritants since, as lipophylic agents, they defat the skin. In
many cases they are also skin sensitizers; their sensitizing activity increases with the number of
double bonds. The liquid members up to cyclooctane, and to a lesser exent cyclododecane, are
aspiration hazards.

A number of alicyclic hydrocarbons are nephrotoxic in male rats. Repeated dose oral (19) or
inhalation (20) studies result in tubular degeneration characterized by hyaline droplet formation,
necrosis, intratubular casts, and medullary mineralization. These effects are associated with the
presence of a2-u-globulin in the males of a number of rat strains including Fischer 344, Sprague–
Dawley, Wistar, Buffalo, and Norway Brown. It is not produced in the NCI–Black–Reiter (NBR)
strain (21) or in female rats (22), and nephropathy is not produced by alicyclic hydrocarbons in these
animals. This type of hydrocarbon nephropathy has been produced by cyclohexane (23, 24), 2,2,4-
trimethylpentane (25), JP-5 jet fuel (25), JP-10 jet fuel (26), d-limonene (27), decalin (22, 28), and
tetralin (29). The nephropathy has been studied extensively using a short-term decalin inhalation
model (20). The nephropathy is not seen in mice or dogs (24).

This protein was of primary interest in carcinogenesis studies of unleaded gasoline (30). Kidney
tumors were produced only in males and were associated with a2-u-globulin. Further study revealed
that humans do not produce this protein. On this basis, the National Toxicology Program stated that
the kidney tumors seen in male rats were not relevant to carcinogenesis in man (31). Unleaded
gasoline did not produce kidney tumors in male NBR rats (32).

Alicyclic Hydrocarbons
C. Stuart Baxter, Ph.D.

B. Cycloalkenes or Cycloolefins
The cyclic olefins are more highly reactive than their paraffin counterparts. They contribute to
photochemical smog by reacting with ozone and other small molecular or ionic species (105).
Selected physical properties are given in Table 50.2 (2–17). In C4–C7 cycloalkenes, toxicity
increases with molecular weight. Cycladienes and polyenes appear to possess increasingly irritant,
toxic, and sensitizing properties, peaking somewhat higher for cycladienes than for monocyclic
alkenes. The aspiration hazard also appears higher for the cycloalkenes than the cycloalkanes (53).

Table 50.2. Physical and Chemical Properties of Cycloalkenes and Polycyclic


Point Vapor
(°C) Melting Refractive Pressure Density Flash
Molecular (mm Point (° Index (20° (mm g/mL, Point Vapor
Compund Weight Hg) C) C) Hg) (°C) at 20°C (°C) Density

Cyclopentene 68.12 44.24 –135 1.4225 — 0.772 –30 2.3

Cyclohexene 82.15 82.98 –104 1.4465 162 (38) 0.811 –20 2.8
Cycloheptene 96.17 114.6 –56 1.4552 — 0.824 –6 —
1-Vinylcyclohexene 108.18 145 — 1.4915 — 0.8623 — —
4-Vinylcyclohexene 108.18 126 –101 1.4639 25.8 (38) 0.8229 14 3.76
Limonene 136.24 176 –74.35 1.473 — 0.8411 46 —
1,3-Cyclopentadiene 66.10 42 –85 1.44 — 0.8021 32.2 —
Methylcyclohexa- 94.156 114– — 1.471 — 0.8354 10 —
1,4-diene 115
1,3,5- 92.14 116 –79.49 1.519 — 0.888 5 —
Cycloocta-1,5-diene 108.18 150.8 –69 1.493 — 0.8803 45 —
Cyclooctatetraene 104.15 143 –27 1.537 7.9 (25) 0.925 22 —
cis-Decalin 138.25 193 –43.01 1.481 1 (22.5) 0.8965 58 4.76
trans-Decalin 138.25 195.65 –30.7 1.4695 10 (47.2) 0.8699 52 4.76
Tetralin 132.20 207.57 –35 1.5414 — 0.973 77 4.6
Dicyclopentadiene 132.20 170 –1 1.505 10 (47.6) 0.9302 26 4.55
a-Pinene 136.24 155 –64 1.4658 10 (37.3) 0.857 32 4.7
Turpentine 136.23 150– –60 — — 0.854– 35-9 4.6–
180 68 4.84
Vinyl norbornene 120.19 141 –80 — — — 27 —
Ethylidene 120.19 67 — — — 0.893 38 4.2
Camphene 136.24 318 114 1.475 — 0.839 36 —
a-Caryophyllene 204.35 123 — 1.5004 — 0.8905 — —

Alicyclic Hydrocarbons
C. Stuart Baxter, Ph.D.

C. Alkenyl Cycloalkenes
C.1 Vinylcyclohexenes
13.0 1-Vinylcyclohex-1-ene
13.0.1 CAS Number: [2622-21-1]

13.0.2 Synonyms: Cyclohexenylene, 1-ethenylcyclohexene, or tetrahydrostyrene

13.0.3 Trade Names: NA

13.0.4 Molecular Weight: 108.18

13.0.5 Molecular Formula: C8H12

13.0.6 Molecular Structure:

13.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
13.1.1 General Vinylcyclohex-1-ene is a flammable liquid (33). Selected physical properties are
given in Table 50.2.
13.2 Production and Use
Vinylcyclohex-1-ene is a common component of tobacco smoke thought to be formed by
dimerization from butadiene (119). It serves as an important chemical intermediate.
13.3 Exposure Assessment:
13.4 Toxic Effects
13.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Vinylcyclohex-1-ene is an irritant and CNS
depressant at high concentrations. In mice exposed to 1-vinylcyclohexene, CNS depression was
noted at a concentration of 7.5 mg/L. The 4-h LC50 in mice is 13.7 mg/L (120). It has a low degree
of toxicity following ingestion or dermal absorption.

13.4.2 Human Experience No information is available; CNS depressant activity anticipated.

14.0 4-Vinylcyclohexene
14.0.1 CAS Number: [100-40-3]

14.0.2 Synonyms: Butadiene dimer; 4-ethenylcyclohexene; cyclohexene, 4-ethenyl-; cyclohexene, 4-

vinyl-; cyclohexenylethylene; ethenyl-1-cyclohexene; ncic54999; 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrostyrene;
vinylcyclohexene; 1-vinylcyclohexene-3; 4-vinylcyclohexene; 4-vinylcyclohexene-1

14.0.3 Trade Names: NA

14.0.4 Molecular Weight: 108.18

14.0.5 Molecular Formula: C8H12

14.0.6 Molecular Structure:

14.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

14.1.1 General 4-Vinylcyclohexene is a colorless liquid. Selected physical properties are given in
Table 50.2.
14.2 Production and Use
4-Vinylcyclohexene produced by dimerization of butadiene, as a by-product of chlorination of
butadiene, or from butadiene on long storage (121). It is present in the offgases from tire curing
(122) and is used as an intermediate for the production of vinylcyclohexene dioxide, which is used as
a reactive diluent in epoxy resins. Previous uses of 4-vinyl-1-cyclohexene include comonomer in the
polymerization of other monomers and for halogenation to polyhalogenated derivatives that are used
as flame retardants. It is a precursor for ethyl cyclohexyl carbinol plasticizers, and is used as an
intermediate for thiocyamate insecticides and as an antioxidant (122)
14.3 Exposure Assessment
14.3.1 Air Gas chromatography was used to determine the quantity formed from butadiene by its
dimerization in the GC (123).

14.3.2 Background Levels: NA

14.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

14.3.4 Community Methods: NA

14.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers No information is available. Metabolites may be quantitated in

tissues and urine following exposure.
14.4 Toxic Effects
14.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity 4-Vinylcyclohexene is an irritant and CNS
depressant at high concentrations, with a low degree of toxicity following ingestion or dermal
absorption. The oral LD50 in the rat is 3080 mg/kg, and the dermal LD50 in the rabbit is 20 mL/kg.
Time to death for rats was 15 min in the saturated vapor, and a concentration of 8000 ppm for 4 h
proved lethal to four of six rabbits (107). The 4-h LC50 in mice is 27 mg/L (124). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity In one study, 1 g/m3 administered by inhalation for
6 h/day over 4 months, inhibited weight increase and caused leukocytosis, leukopenia, and
impairment of hemodynamics in rats and mice. Exposure of rats and mice to 1000 mg/m3 (226 ppm)
by inhalation for 6 h per day over 4 months was reported to inhibit weight gain and to cause
leukocytosis, leukopenia, and impairment of haemodynamics (122). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Incubation in vitro with liver microsomal
enzymes yields the major metabolic products 4-vinyl-1,2-epoxycyclohexane and 4-epoxyethyl-1,2-
dihydroxycyclohexane, with trace amounts (<0.001%) of vinylcyclohexene diepoxide (125).
Metabolism in mice was reported to proceed to the mono- and diepoxides, and the latter was
proposed to be the ultimate ovotoxic metabolite (126). To further investigate the role of metabolism
in 4-vinylhexene toxicity, microsomal preparations were prepared from liver, lung, and ovaries
obtained from female Crl:CD rats and B6C3F1 mice, rat, and mouse liver and lung, but not ovarian
microsomes, metabolized 4-vinylcyclohexene to the 1,2-epoxide at detectable rates. Compared to the
rat, the mouse appeared to be more efficient at metabolism to epoxides, and less efficent at
hydrolysis of epoxides to diols, which may explain the higher ovotoxicity of 4-vinylcyclohexene to
this species (125). Adsorption See Section Distribution No information is available, but facile absorption and distribution of nonpolar
compounds of this type is expected. Excretion Excretion of the compound as conjugated metabolites is expected in the urine. Reproductive and Developmental 4-Vinylcyclohexene is toxic to ovaries; following

intraperitoneal administration to B6C3F1 mice for 30 days a signicant deletion of ovarian follicles
was reported (127). Carcinogenesis A dose of 145 g/kg applied to mouse skin for 54 weeks provided weak
evidence of carcinogenicity (109). Administration by gavage of doses of 0, 200, or 400 mg/kg body
weight, 5 days per week, to groups of 50 F344/N rats for 103 weeks induced a slightly increased
incidence of epithelial hyperplasia of the forestomach (1/50; 3/50; 5/47) and squamous-cell
papillomas or carcinomas (combined) of the skin, in males receiving the highest dose. Low dose
female rats whose survival was more similar to that of the vehicle controls had a marginally
increased incidence of adenomas or squamous-cell carcinomas (combined) of the clitoral gland.
Under these conditions, the 2-year gavage studies in male and female rats were considered
inadequate because of extensive and early mortality at the high dose or at body doses and the lack of
conclusive evidence of a carcinogenic effect (125). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies No mutagenicity was observed in Salmonella
typhimurium strains TA100, TA1535, TA1537, or TA98 in the presence or absence of Aroclor
1254–induced male Sprague–Dawley rat or male Syrian hamster liver S9 when tested according to
the preincubation protocol. Several recognized metabolites, including 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide,
4-vinyl-1,2-epoxycyclohexane, and 4-epoxyethyl-1,2-dihydroxycyclohexane, were mutagenic in
Salmonella and/or produced chromosomal damage in vitro (124). 4-Epoxyethyl-1,2-
epoxycyclohexane, but not 4-vinyl-1,2-epoxycyclohexane or 4-epoxyethycyclohexane-1,2-diol,
induce 6-thioguanine-resistant mutants in cultured Chinese hamster V79 cells when tested at 0.3–
20 mM. 4-Vinyl-1,2-epoxycyclohexane and 4-epoxyethylcyclohexane-1,2-diol, tested at 2.0 mM,
induced micronuclei, but 4-epoxyethyl-1,2-epoxycyclohexane did not; all three metabolites induced
chromosomal damage (bridges and lagging chromosomes in anaphase) in V79 cells(109).

14.4.2 Human Experience General Information 4-Vinylcyclohexene is an irritant in high

concentrations, and possibly a CNS depressant. It has a low degree of toxicity via ingestion and skin
penetration (128). Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Exposed workers experienced keratitis, rhinitis,
headache, hypotonia, leukopenia, neutrophilia, lymphocytosis, and impairment of pigment and
carbohydrate metabolism (129). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis There is inadequate evidence in humans for carcinogenicity (109).

Classification is A2: Suspected human carcinogen (130).
14.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Neither NIOSH nor OSHA have established limits for this chemical. The ACGIH has establish an
8 h TWA TLV of 0.1 ppm with an A3 notation. The A3 notation indicates that the chemical is a
confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans (130). 4-Vinylcyclohexene is
included on the TSCA list. A testing consent order is in effect for health effects and chemical fate
testing (131).
C.2 Terpenes
Further side-chain substitution of cyclohexene, with a methyl, isopropenyl, ethenyl, or other group,
forms a class of chemicals named terpenes. Limonene is a C10 cyclic olefin and a-pinenes are
common monoterpenes.
15.0 Limonene
15.0.1 CAS Number: [138-86-3]

15.0.2 Synonyms: Carvene; cinene; cajeputene; eulimen; kautschin; a-limonene; p-mentha-1,8-

diene; 1,8(9)-p-menthadiene; cyclohexene; 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)- or 1-methyl-4-
isopropenyl-cyclohex-1-ene; 4-isopropenyl-1-methyl-1-cyclohexene; nesol; d-1,8-terpodiene; ciene;
1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)cyclohexene; acintene DP dipentene; cyclil decene; 4-isopropenyl-1-
methyl-; Dipenten; DL-p-mentha-1,8-diene; mentha-1,8-diene; mentha-1,8-diene, DL; menthadiene;
methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)cyclohexene; methyl-4-isopropenyl-1-cyclohexene; methyl-4-
isopropenylcyclohexene; monocyclic terpene hydrocarbons; terpodiene; 4-(1-methylethenyl)-1-
methyl-cyclohexene; dipentene, mixt. of limonene, 56–64%, and terpinolene, 20–25%; DL-

15.0.3 Trade Names: NA

15.0.4 Molecular weight: 136.24

15.0.5 Molecular Formula: C10H16

15.0.6 Molecular Structure:

15.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

15.1.1 General Selected physical properties are given in Table 50.2.

15.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties A highly fragrant, pleasant, lemon-like odor free from
camphoraceous and turpentine-like notes has been noted.
15.2 Production and Use
Limonene occurs in the oil of many plants (132), and is the main constituent ( 86%) of the
terpenoid fraction of fruit, flowers, leaves, bark, and pulp from shrubs, annuals, or trees including
anise, mint, caraway, polystachya, pine, lime, and orange oil (118, 133). It occurs as a by-product in
the manufacture of terpineol and in various synthetic products made from a-pinene or turpentine oil.
It is found in the gas phase of tobacco smoke (134) and has been detected in urban atmospheres
(135). It has antimicrobial, antiviral (136), antifungal (137), antilarval (138), and insect attractant
(139) and repellent (140) properties. In Japan, it has been used to dissolve gallstones (141) and in
wound healing (142). Used to add fragrance and taste to fruit and essence to flowers and leaves, as
an odorant (143), a solvent (144), an aerosol stabilizer (145), and a wetting and dispersing agent (4).
Polylimonene is used as a flavor fixative (12).
15.3 Exposure Assessment
GC or HPLC can be used with both microbore and standard columns in reversed and normal phase.
Fractions are detected spectrophotometrically at 220 and 320 nm before and after evaporation of
samples (146).
15.4 Toxic Effects
15.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Acute toxicity is low; d-limonene solution
injected as bolus into biliary tract of cats produced hepatobiliary tissue damage, depending on
contact time, volume, and flow direction (147). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Administration of 2-3.6 mL/kg per day to dogs for 1 for 6
months caused frequent vomiting, nausea, and decrease in body weight, blood sugar, and cholesterol.
No significant change was observed in organs except in the kidney (148). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The major metabolite in Sprague–Dawley

rats is limonene 1,2-oxide. A metabolite isolated from rabbit urine was identified as p-mentha-1,8-
dien-10-ol (149). After oral administration, the major metabolite in urine was perillic acid 8,9-diol in
rats and rabbits, perillyl-b-d-glucopyranosiduronic acid in hamsters, p-menth-1-ene-8,9-diol in dogs,
and 8-hydroxy-p-menth-1-en-9-yl-b-d-glucopyranosiduronic acid in guinea pigs and man (150). Adsorption Monoterpenes are poorly resorbed in the GI tract. Exposure to limonene from
in a foam bath led to a maximum blood level after 10 min of exposure and with a concentration
proportional to the skin exposed (151). Limonene is absorbed 100 times more rapidly than water and
10,000 times faster than sodium and chloride ions (152). Distribution The resorbed portion of agents of this type accumulates in the lipophilic body
compartments and is then metabolized and excreted by the kidneys. Excretion Metabolic studies in humans and animals demonstrated 75–95% of the material
to be excreted in the urine and 10% in the feces (153). In another study, 25% of the administered
limonene was excreted in the bile within 48 h (154). Reproductive and Developmental When dosed with 2869 mg/kg during days 9–15 of
gestation, rats exhibited a decrease in body weight gain and the fetuses exhibited prolonged
ossification of the metacarpal bone and proximal phalanx and slightly decreased spleen and ovarian
weights (155). In mice given 2363 mg/kg orally on days 7–12 of gestation, fetuses exhibited a
decrease in weight gain and increase in the incidence of abnormal bone formation (156). Rabbits
showed decreased body weight gain and six deaths of 21 animals administered 1000 mg/kg during
gestation. A dose of 250 mg/kg resulted in no teratogenic effects (157, 158). Carcinogenesis Induction of kidney neoplasias has been observed in male rats of strains that
have significant concentrations of the protein a2u-globulin (159). This protein is not expressed in
females or species other than the rat; therefore limonene carcinogenicity appears to be limited to the
male of specific strains of this species. Subcutaneous injection of the compound or its hydroperoxide
into C57BL/6 mice decreased the incidence of dibenzopyrene-induced tumors appreciably (160).
Given orally either 15 min or 1 h prior to nitrosodiethylamine, d-limonene reduced forestomach
tumor formation by about 60% and pulmonary adenoma formation by about 35%. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Limonene was found to be non-mutagenic in
four strains of Salmonella typhimurium (TA98, TA100, TA1535, or TA1537) and not to significantly
increase the number of trifluorothymidine resistant cells in the mouse L5178Y/TK + or–assay, and
not to induce chromosomal aberrations or sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in cultured Chinese
hamster ovary (CHO) cells. All assays were conducted in the presence and absence of exogenous
metabolic activation (S9) (159). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Activity as a dermal irritant and
possible skin sensitizer has been reported (4). Dunkin–Hartley guinea pigs were induced by topical
application of air oxidation products of limonene: (+)-limonene oxide, or (R)-(–)-carvone, (–)-
carveal, or air-exposed d-limonene. Air oxidation of d-limonene is necessary for its sensitizing
potential due to the production of potent allergens such as limonene oxide and carvone (161).

Administration of single oral doses of 0, 0.1, 0.3, 1, or 3 mmol in corn oil resulted in a dose–
response relationship for the exacerbation of hyaline droplet formation in the kidneys of male
Sprague–Dawley rats (27). The male rat hydrocarbon nephropathy should not be predictive of a
normal human renal response. In a 24-h single-dose experiment on the renal toxicity of mercuric
chloride, potassium dichromate, d-limonene, and hexachloro-1:3-butadiene administered
simultaneously in 12-week-old male Wistar rats, absence of both dose additivity and potentiating
interaction at subeffective levels of the individual nephrotoxicants was suggested (162).

15.4.2 Human Experience General Information Toxicity is most likely low, although mild
dermal irritation and skin sensitization may occur. Hematuria and albuminuria might occur if large
amounts are ingested. Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Liquid has been reported to irritate eyes and skin;
ingestion causes irritation of GI tract (16). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity No information available; toxicity is most likely to be
low. Mild dermal irritation and skin sensitization may occur. Hematuria and albuminuria might
occur if large amounts are ingested. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms In human volunteers exposed by

inhalation (2 h, workload 50 W) in an exposure chamber on three different occasions to
concentrations approximately 10, 225, and 450 mg/m3 the relative pulmonary uptake was high,
approximately 70% of the amount supplied. A decrease in vital capacity was observed after exposure
at a high exposure level. The subjects did not experience any irritative symptoms or symptoms
related to the CNS (163). Metabolic studies in humans and animals demonstrated that 75–95% of the
material was excreted in the urine and 10% in the feces (153). In another study, 25% of the
administered dose was excreted in the bile within 48 h (154). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis No data are available on carcinogenicity to humans. The overall

evaluation is “Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans” (group 3). (164). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Allergic contact dermatitis from
honing oil containing the compound was reported (165).
15.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The odor threshold in water is 10 ppb (165). It is quantified using gas chromatography. With proper
handling precautions, this material presents no health hazard. On the EPS TSCA Chemical Inventory
and Test Submission Data Base (41).
15.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
If limonene is released to soil, limited data indicate resistance to biodegradation under aerobic
conditions and low to slight mobility in soil. Expected to rapidly volatilize from both dry and moist
soil to the atmosphere, although adsorption to soil may attenuate the rate of this process. If limonene
is released to water, limited data indicate resistance to biodegradation under aerobic conditions. It
may bioconcentrate in fish and aquatic organisms and significantly adsorb to sediment and
suspended organic matter. It is expected to rapidly volatilize from water to the atmosphere. The
estimated half-life for volatilization from a model river is 3.4 h, although adsorption to sediment and
suspended organic matter may attenuate the rate of this process. If released to the atmosphere,
expected to rapidly undergo gas-phase oxidation reactions with photochemically produced hydroxyl
radicals, ozone, and at night with nitrate radicals. Calculated lifetimes for these processes in a clean
and moderately polluted atmosphere are 2.0 h and 30 min, 36 min and 11 min, and 9 min and
0.9 min, respectively. Limonene is readily degraded in soil (26).

Alicyclic Hydrocarbons
C. Stuart Baxter, Ph.D.

D. Cyclopolyenes
16.0 1,3-Cyclopentadiene
16.0.1 CAS Number: [542-92-7]

16.0.2 Synonyms: R-Pentine, pentole, pyropentylene or cyclopentdiene

16.0.3 Trade Names: NA

16.0.4 Molecular Weight: 66.10

16.0.5 Molecular Formula: C5H6

16.0.6 Molecular Structure:

16.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
16.1.1 General 1,3-Cyclopentadiene is a colorless liquid that dimerizes easily in the presence of
peroxides and trichloroacetic acid to a colorless solid (4). Selected physical properties are given in
Table 50.2.

16.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties It has a sweet odor resembling turpentine. Low odor
threshold = 5.0 mg/m3; high threshold = 5.0 mg/m3. (154).
16.2 Production and Use
This compound occurs in the C6–C8 petroleum distillation fraction (1), and in coke-oven light oil
fractions (4). It is produced by dehydrogenation of cyclopentadiene or monomerization of its dimer.
It is used as an intermediate in resin manufacture and chemical syntheses, especially for Diels–Alder
reactions (4).
16.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH method 2523. Matrix: air. Sampler: solid sorbent tube (maleic anhydride on Chromosorb
104, 100 mg/50 mg). Flow rate: 0.01–0.05 L/min. Sample size: 3 L (63a).
16.4 Toxic Effects
16.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The 1-h LC50 is 39 mg/L in the rat and
15 mg/L in the mouse (41). The LD50 for the dimer in rats is 0.82 g/kg orally. When injected
subcutaneously into the rabbit, 3.0 mL caused CNS depression with fatal convulsions. Signs and
symptoms during CNS depression include primary motor unrest and decreased, intermittent
respiration rate prior to death. Its vapors produce CNS depression in the frog in 10 min, but recovery
is complete in 70 min (35). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity In a total of 35 exposures of 7 h/day over a period of 53
days at an average concentration of 500 ppm, mild centrolobular cloudy swelling of liver cells and
cloudy vacuolization of renal tubular epithelium was noted in rats (167).

16.4.2 Human Experience 1,3-Cyclopentadiene is irritating to eyes and mucous membranes (118). It
has caused contact dermatitis and sensitization (168). No other information is available.
16.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The OSHA (55) PEL is 75 ppm (200 mg/m3), and the ACGIH (56) TLV is 75 ppm (203 mg/m3).
The NIOSH recommendation is 8-h TWA: 75 ppm (200 mg/cm3) (87). Cyclopentadiene is on the
EPA TSCA Chemical Inventory and the Test Submission Data Base (41).
16.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
1,3-Cyclopentadiene may be released to the environment in emissions from waste incineration,
polymer manufacturing plants, combustion of polymers, biomass, gasoline, and cigarettes and also in
wastewater from manufacturing plants. If concentrated solutions are spilled, this compound is
expected to polymerize spontaneously to dicyclopentadiene. If released to soil in small amounts, it
may undergo extensive leaching or rapid volatilization. If released to water in dilute amounts,
cyclopentadiene is expected to undergo rapid volatilization (estimated half-life 2.4 h from a model
river). The significance of biodegradation in either soil or water is unknown. Chemical hydrolysis,
oxidation, bioaccumulation in aquatic organisms, and adsorption to suspended solids and sediments
are not expected to be significant fate processes in water. If released to the atmosphere,
cyclopentadiene is expected to exist almost entirely in the vapor phase. This compound is expected
to rapidly react with ozone molecules, photochemically generated hydroxyl radicals, and possibly
nitrate radicals. The atmospheric half-life for cyclopentadiene is estimated to be about 40 min.
17.0 Cyclooctadienes
17.0a cis, cis-1,3-Cyclooctadiene
17.0.1a CAS Number: [3806-59-5]

17.0.2a Synonyms: NA
17.0.3a Trade Names: NA

17.0.4a Molecular Weight: 108.18

17.0.5a Molecular Formula: C8H12

17.0.6a Molecular Structure:

17.0b Cycloocta-1,5-diene
17.0.1b CAS Number: [111-78-4]

17.0.2b Synonyms: 1,5-cyclooctadiene; COD

17.0.3b Trade Names: NA

17.0.4b Molecular Weight: 108.18

17.0.5b Molecular Formula: C8H12

17.0.6b Molecular Structure:

17.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

17.1.1 General Cyloocta-1,5-diene is a flammable, highly reactive liquid; selected physical
properties are given in Table 50.2. Cycloocta-1,3-diene exhibits the same properties as the 1,5
isomer but is more reactive.

17.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Aromatic odor. Threshold 10 ppb.

17.2 Production and Use
Cycloocta-1,5-diene is produced from petroleum distillation fractions and is used as an intermediate
in the plastics industry, as a synthetic lubricant, and in numerous other applications.
17.3 Exposure Assessment
No information is available, but methods similar to those used for other cyclic alkenes are
17.4 Toxic Effects
17.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms 1,5-Cyclooctadiene has been shown to

reduce glutathione concentration in the rat liver. In the rat and rabbit both the 1,3 and 1,5 isomers are
metabolized to dihydroxycyclooctylmercapturic acids and to sulfate and glucuronide conjugates
(169). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis None of the components present in this material at concentrations of 0.1%
are listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA, or ACGIH as a carcinogen. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Cyclooctadiene is corrosive to the skin,
with necrosis of the epidermis and ulceration and marked inflammation of the dermis. Nonoccluded
applications of cyclooctadiene to the skin of rabbits, guinea pigs, and hairless mice produced an
immediate erythematous reaction. It is also a skin sensitizer (170). Cyclooctadiene applied to the
guinea pig skin on 3 alternate days was irritating to the skin, causing erythema, dry appearance,
slight dermal weight increase, and increased arginase activity (54).
17.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure:
17.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Aquatic toxicity:

24-h LC50, goldfish: 14 mg/L

24-h LC50, Daphnia magna: 0.9 mg/L
96-h LC50, rainbow trout: 30–38 mg/L

18.0 1,3,5-Cycloheptatriene
18.0.1 CAS Number: [544-25-2]

18.0.2 Synonyms: Cyclohepta-1,3,5-triene, tropilidene

18.0.3 Trade Names: NA

18.0.4 Molecular Weight: 92.14

18.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H8

18.0.6 Molecular Structure:

18.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

18.1.1 General 1,3,5-Cycloheptatriene is a flammable liquid. Selected physical properties for this
compound triene are given in Table 50.2.

18.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Aromatic odor.

18.2 Production and Use
This compound is found as an environmental air pollutant and is used in chemical synthesis.
18.3 Exposure Assessment
18.3.1 Air See Section 18.3.4.

18.3.2 Background Levels See Section 18.3.4.

18.3.3 Workplace Methods See Section 18.3.4.

18.3.4 Community Methods 1,3,5-Cycloheptatriene is identifiable and quantifiable by gas

chromatography. Gas chromatographic retention properties are applied to the identification of
environmental contaminants (171).

18.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Information is unavailable; methods have been reported for the
detection of other cycloalkenes and their metabolites.
18.4 Toxic Effects
18.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The oral LD50 of 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene is
57 mg/kg in the rat and 171 mg/kg in the mouse. The dermal LD50 in the rat is 442 mg/kg (172). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization This compound is a severe dermal
irritant but not a sensitizer. When applied to the guinea pig skin on three alternate days, it causes
erythema, thickening, and increased weight of the epidermal layer and increased dermal arginase
activity. All dermal effects were less remarkable than for the cyclooctadienes (54). The compound
was immediately irritant to the rabbit eye, producing mild conjunctivitis, which cleared within 48 h.
The eyelids became swollen and exuded a discharge. Blephanitis resolved somewhat more slowly
than for cyclododecatriene 1 week after the application.
18.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Analytical procedures are available for quantifying a number of the cycloalkenes. Protective
garments should be worn to prevent contact with the skin and eyes. Cycloheptatriene is on the EPA
TSCA Test Submission Data Base (41).
19.0 Cyclododecatriene
19.0a 1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene
19.0.1a CAS Number: [2765-29-9]

19.0.2a Synonyms: 1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene (mixed isomers); cis,trans,trans-1,5,9-

cyclododecatriene; (E,Z,Z)-1,5,9-cyclododecatriene

19.0.3a Trade Names: NA

19.0.4a Molecular Weight: 162.27

19.0.5a Molecular Formula: C12H18

19.0.6a Molecular Structure:

19.0b trans, trans, trans-1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene

19.0.1b CAS Number: [676-22-2]
19.0.2b Synonyms: 1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene, (E,E,E)-

19.0.3b Trade Names: NA

19.0.4b Molecular Weight: 162.27

19.0.5b Molecular Formula: C12H18

19.0.6b Molecular Structure:

19.0.1 CAS Number: [27070-59-3]

19.0.2 Synonyms: 1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene, cyclododeca-1,5,9-triene

19.0.3 Trade Names: None known

19.0.4 Molecular Weight: 162.27

19.0.5 Molecular Formula: C12H18

19.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
19.1.1 General Cyclododeca-1,3,5-trienes are flammable, corrosive low-melting solids or liquids.

19.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Oily aromatic odor.

19.2 Production and Use
These compounds are used in chemical synthesis.
19.3 Exposure Assessment
No information is available; methods used for other cycloalkenes are applicable.
19.4 Toxic Effects
19.4.1 Experimental Studies Application to guinea pig skin on 3 alternate days caused erythema,
thickening, and increased weight of the epidermal layer and increased dermal arginase activity. All
dermal effects were less remarkable than for the cyclooctadienes (54); however, cyclododecatriene is
a more potent skin sensitizer (170). The compound is immediately irritant to the rabbit eye,
producing mild conjunctivitis, which cleared within 48 h. The eyelids became swollen and exuded a
discharge. Blephanitis resolved faster for cyclooctadiene, but was still apparent 1 week after

19.4.2 Human Experience General Information: NA Clinical Cases This compound was found to be an immediate irritant and corrosive agent
toward the eyes and skin, and a skin sensitizer.

Alicyclic Hydrocarbons
C. Stuart Baxter, Ph.D.

E. Dicyclic Alkanes
20.0 Decalin
20.0a cis-Decalin
20.0.1a CAS Number: [493-01-6]

20.0.2a Synonyms: cis-Bicyclo[4.4.0]decane; cis-decahydronaphthalene

20.0.3a Trade Names: NA

20.0.4a Molecular Weight: 138.25

20.0.5a Molecular Formula: C10H18

20.0.6a Molecular Structure:

20.0b trans-Decalin
20.01b CAS Number: [493-02-7]

20.02b Synonyms: trans-Bicyclo[4.4.0]decane; trans-decahydronaphthalene; Decahydronapthalene-


20.03b Trade Names: NA

20.04b Molecular Weight: 138.25

20.05b Molecular Formula: C10H18

20.06b Molecular Structure:

20.0.1 CAS Number: [91-17-8]

20.0.2 Synonyms: Bicyclo[4.4.0]decane, decahydronaphthalene, naphthalane, naphthane,

perhydronaphthalene, Dec or DeKalin

20.0.3 Trade Names: NA

20.0.4 Molecular weight: 138.25

20.0.5 Molecular Formula: C10H18

20.0.6 Molecular Structure:

20.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
20.1.1 General Decalin is a flammable liquid. Selected physical properties are given in Table 50.2.
On standing or storage, peroxides form that can cause explosions during distillation (4).

20.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Slight odor resembling menthol.

20.2 Production and Use
Decalin occurs naturally in crude oil and is produced commercially by the catalytic hydrogenation of
naphthalene. It is also a product of combustion and is released from natural fires (12). Of the dicyclic
alkanes, decalin is the most important member industrially. It is widely used as a solvent for
naphthalene, fats, oils, resins, and waxes, as an alternate for turpentine in lacquers, shoe polish, and
floor waxes, as a component in motor fuels and lubricants, and as a fuel for stoves (4).
20.3 Exposure Assessment
20.3.1 Air: NA

20.3.2 Background Levels: NA

20.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

20.3.4 Community Methods Decalin may be collected on charcoal, desorbed with carbon disulfide,
and quantified by gas chromatography or mass spectroscopy.

20.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Brownish green urine has been reported in workers exposed to a
mixture of decalin and tetralin (68). Metabolites may be quantitated in the urine.
20.4 Toxic Effects
20.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The oral LD50 is 4.17 g/kg in the rat, and the
dermal LD50 is 5.9 g/kg in the rabbit. Exposure to the saturated vapor was lethal to rats in 2 h (180).
The 4-h LC50 is 500 ppm for the rat and 993 ppm for the mouse (48). Exposure to 500 ppm for 4 h
was lethal to four out of six rats (173). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Of three guinea pigs exposed to 319 ppm (1.8 mg/L) for
8 h/day, one died on day 1, the second on day 21, and the third on day 23 (62). Gross and
microscopic evaluation revealed lung congestion, kidney, and liver injury. Application to the skin of
guinea pigs on 2 successive days resulted in death within 10 days of exposure. The systemic tissue
injury was identical to injury from inhaled decalin (62). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Both cis- and trans-decalin gave rise in
the rabbit to racemic decanols (142, 174), which were excreted in the urine, conjugated with
glucuronic acid. Guinea pigs dosed orally with decalin exhibited a brownish green urine, an
occurrence also reported in workers exposed to a mixture of decalin and tetralin (62). This was not
seen in inhalation or dermal studies. Reproductive and Developmental Forty-eight pregnant CD-1 mice given 2700 mg/kg
decalin daily in corn oil by gavage on days 6–13 of gestation and allowed to deliver experienced
14% maternal mortality associated with a significant increase in maternal weight gain. No effect in
the offspring of treated mice for the parameters assayed was noted (175). Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Decalin is irritating to the eyes, skin,
and mucous membranes. Vapor exposures in guinea pigs and application of the liquid to rabbit eyes
caused cataracts (107).

20.4.2 Human Experience General Information Systemic toxicity is not well defined, but no
serious industrial poisonings are known (107). Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Decalin induces dermatitis and conjunctival
irritation. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The lowest vapor concentration to affect humans was
100 ppm (10). Excessive exposure to high concentrations causes numbness, nausea, headache, and
vomiting (149) Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms A brownish green urine was reported in
workers exposed to a mixture of decalin and tetralin (68). This was not seen in inhalation or dermal
studies. Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Dermatitis without serious
systemic poisoning has been reported in painters (68). When used as a cleaning agent, decalin has
caused eczema, pruritis, and skin sensitization (93).
20.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Decalin is on the EPA TSCA Chemical Inventory and the Test Submission Data Base (41).
20.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Limited marine water and sediment grab sample data suggest that decalin will biodegrade in
acclimated soils under the proper conditions. It is not expected to undergo hydrolysis or photolysis in
soil, but to be slightly mobile to immobile. Volatilization from moist soils with a low organic matter
content may be rapid. Limited data suggest biodegradation in acclimated aquatic systems under the
proper conditions and little hydrolysis or photolysis in environmental waters. Decalin has the
potential to bioconcentrate in aquatic systems, and may also partition from the water column to
organic matter contained in sediments and suspended solids. Volatilization from environmental
waters should be rapid. The volatilization half-life from a model river has been estimated to be 3.4 h.
The volatilization half-life from a model pond, which considers the effect of adsorption, has been
estimated to be about 28.1 days (48).

Decahydronaphthalene is expected to exist entirely in the vapor phase in ambient air. In the
atmosphere, direct photolysis or hydrolysis is unlikely to occur. Reactions with photochemically
produced hydroxyl radicals is likely to be an important fate processes in ambient air. An estimated
rate constant at 25°C of 1.90 × 10–11cm3molecule–1s–1 for the vapor-phase reaction with hydroxyl
radicals corresponds to a half-life of 20.3 h at an atmospheric concentration of 5 × 105 hydroxyl
radicals (48). The aquatic TLm96 was 10–100 ppm (60). Marine organisms can utilize decalin as
their sole carbon source (176). Pseudomonas fluorescens and Corynbacterium degraded decalin
more slowly than alkanes and alkenes (177).

Alicyclic Hydrocarbons
C. Stuart Baxter, Ph.D.
F. Dicyclic Alkenes
21.0 Tetralin
21.0.1 CAS Number: [119-64-2]

21.0.2 Synonyms: Naphthalene, 1,2,3,4-, tetrahydrobenzocyclohexane, naphthalene 1,2,3,4-

tetrahydride, d5,7,9-naphthantriene, tetrahydronaphthalene 1,2,3,4-, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalin,
tetraline, THN, bacticin

21.0.3 Trade Names: Tetranap

21.0.4 Molecular Weight: 132.20

21.0.5 Molecular Formula: C10H12

21.0.6 Molecular Structure:

21.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

21.1.1 General Tetralin or 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene is a flammable liquid. Selected physical
properties are given in Table 50.2.

21.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties These properties resemble those of benzene and menthol (4).
Detection threshold 18 ppm in water; purity not specified (178).
21.2 Production and Use
Tetralin is prepared by the catalytic hydrogenation of naphthalene or during acidic, catalytic
hydrocracking of phenanthrene (1). At 700°C, tetralin yields tars that contain appreciable quantities
of 3,4-benzopyrene (179). Tetralin is used widely as a solvent for fats and oils, as an alternative to
turpentine in polishes and paints (180), and as a pesticide (12).
21.3 Exposure Assessment
21.3.1 Air Tetralin is quantified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.

21.3.2 Background Levels In avian tissues pentane extraction followed by GLC and GLC-MS is
used, and in fish samples by vacuum distillation and fused-silica capillary GC/MS (156).

21.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

Alicyclic Hydrocarbons
C. Stuart Baxter, Ph.D.

G. Other Cyclic Olefins

25.0 Ethylidene Norbornene
25.0.1 CAS Number: [16219-75-3]

25.0.2 Synonyms: 5-Ethylidenebicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene; bicyclo(2,2,1)hept-2-ene; 5-ethylidene-;

ENB; 5-ethylidenebicyclo(2,2,1)hep-2-ene; 5-ethylidenebicyclo(2,2,1)hept-2-ene;
ethylidenenorbornene, 2-norbornene, 5-ethylidene-; 5-ethylidene-2-norbornene; ethylidene-2-
norbornene; 5-ethylidene-8,9,10-trinorborn-2-ene; 5-ethylidene-2-norbornene, mixture of endo and
exo isomers, stabilized
25.0.3 Trade Names: NA

25.0.4 Molecular Weight: 120.19

25.0.5 Molecular Formula: C9H12

25.0.6 Molecular Structure:

25.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

25.1.1 General Colorless, mobile liquid.

25.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Ethylidene norbornene has a pungent turpentine-like odor.
25.2 Production and Use
Ethylidene norbornene is the third monomer in EPDM (ethylene–propylene diene monomer)
elastomers (13).
25.3 Exposure Assessment
Ethylene norbornene is quantitated by absorption in glacial acetic acid and determined by absorption
at 536 nm (236). It can also be determined in air by absorption in toluene and subsequent
chromatography of the solution on 60–80-mesh Chromosorb impregnated with 2,3-tris(cyanoethoxy)
propane (237).
25.4 Toxic Effects
25.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity An oral LD50 of 3.2 g/kg was originally
reported in rats (238). Slight toxicity by dermal route and moderate toxicity by oral route were
reported in single-dose studies in rats, rabbits, mice, and dogs (238). On the basis of exposures of
7 h/day for 3 months in dogs, a TLV of 5 ppm for an 8-h workday has been suggested (239). In one
study (240), peroral LD50 values of 2.54 and 5.66 mL/kg were reported for male and female rats,
respectively. Percutaneous toxicity in the rabbit was low by 24 h occluded contact, with no
mortalities below 8.0 mL/kg. Saturated vapor LT50 values in the rat were 75 (male) and 125 (female)
min, and 4 h LC50 values were 2717 (male) and 3015 (female). Intravenously the LD50 ranged from
0.09 (male rabbit) to 0.11 ml/kg (female). The 4-h LD50 was 732 ppm for the female mouse and
3100 ppm for the male rabbit. Acute neurotoxic signs were seen by the intravenous and inhalation
routes of exposure, including tremors, ataxia, and convulsions. Moderate skin irritation was observed
with erythema and edema, but not necrosis, in rabbits. There was also slight conjunctival hyperemia
and chemosis without corneal injury (240). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Renal lesions occurred in rats at 90 or 237 ppm and at
higher dose liver lesions. At concentrations of 61 or 93 ppm for 7 h/day for 89 days, hepatic lesions
were observed in dogs. Inhalation of 61 ppm for 7 h daily for 88 days decreased weight gain in male,
but not female, rats, whereas weght gains in dogs were not affected by 1.5 times this concentration
(238). Repeated 7-h exposures to 237 ppm, days per week, were fatal to 21/24 rats. In a later study
male and female rats were exposed for 6 h per day over an 11-day period to vapor concentrations of
52, 148, or 359 ppm, or 66–67 days over 4 weeks to 4.9, 44.8, and 149 ppm. Clinical signs were
limited to periocular swelling and/or encrustation and urogenital area wetness. Body weight gain was
decreased in the 359-ppm females and the subchronic 24.8- and 149-ppm males, and there was an
increase in liver weight associated with minimal centrilobular hepatocytomegaly in the 9-day study.
The principal effect noted was a hypertrophic and hyperplastic response of the follicular epithelium
of the thyroid gland, for which there was a no-effect concentration of 4.9 ppm (241).
Necrosis was observed following application to rat skin. Inhalation of 0.11–0.43 mg/L by mice or
rats 4 h/day for 7–12.5 weeks decreased the soporific effects of hexenal and caused morphological
changes in heart, liver, and endocrine glands. Hormonal dysfunction of ovaries was observed in
female rats (221). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genitic and Related Cellular Effects Studies At doses of 0, 3, 10, 33, 100, and 333 mg/plate
in four Salmonella typhimurium strains (TA98, TA100, TA1535, and TA1537) in the presence and
absence of Aroclor-induced rat or hamster liver S9, no mutagenicity was observed. The highest
ineffective dose level tested (without causing a slight clearing of the background lawn) in any
Salmonella tester strain was 100 mg/plate (242). In a later study no activity was found again toward
the Salmonella strains, nor in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell HGPRT mutation, sister chromatid
exchange (SCE), or cytogenetic assays, with or without metabolic activation (243). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization At 90-ppm exposure of rats, kidney
lesions were noted

25.4.2 Human Experience General Information Human exposure data are very limited.
Vapors are moderately irritating such that personnel seldom tolerate moderate or high
concentrations. Odor threshold ranges between 0.007 and 0.014 ppm (244). No specific treatment is
available. Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Human volunteers noted some irritation of eyes
and nose in 30-min exposures at 11 ppm, and transient eye irritation at 6 ppm (244). If swallowed,
liquid will cause nausea and vomiting. Inhalation of vapors causes headache, confusion, and
respiratory distress. Ingestion causes irritation of entire digestive system. Aspiration causes severe
pneumonia. Contact with liquid causes irritation of eyes and skin. The vapor is irritating to the
throat. If inhaled, it will cause coughing or difficult breathing. If spilled on clothing and allowed to
remain, it may cause smarting and reddening of skin.
25.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Based on exposures of 7 h/day for 3 months in dogs, a exposure limit of 5 ppm for an 8-h workday
was suggested (239). ACGIH and NIOSH have a ceiling value of 5 ppm as of 1983/84.
26.0 Vinylnorbornene
26.0.1 CAS Number: [3048-64-4]

26.0.2 Synonyms: 5-ethenylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene; vinylnorbornene; 5-vinylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-

ene; 5-vinyl-2-norbornene

26.0.3 Trade Names: NA

26.0.4 Molecular Weight: 120.19

26.0.5 Molecular Formula: C9H12

26.0.6 Molecular Structure:

26.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
26.1.1 General Vinylnorbornene is a colorless, mobile liquid.

26.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Vinylnorbornene has an oily lachrymator-like odor.
26.2 Production and Use
Vinylnorbornene is the third monomer in EPDM (ethylene-propylene diene monomer) elastomers
26.3 Exposure Assessment
Vinylnorbornene is quantitated by absorption in glacial acetic acid and determined by absorption at
536 nm (236). It can also be determined in air by absorption in toluene and subsequent
chromatography of the solution on 60–80-mesh Chromosorb impregnated with 2,3-tris(cyanoethoxy)
propane (237).
26.4 Toxic Effects
26.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity An oral LD50 of 5.9 mL/kg (male) and
11.9 mL/kg (female) was reported in rats (238). Percutaneous toxicity in the rabbit was low by 24 h
occluded contact, with one mortality up to 16.0 mL/kg. Saturated vapor LT50 values in the rat were
28 (male) and 37 (female) min, and 4-h LC50 values were 2231 (male) and 2518 (female).
Intravenously the LD50 ranged from 0.10 to 0.05. Acute neurotoxic signs were seen by the
intravenous and inhalation routes of exposure, including tremors, ataxia, and convulsions. Moderate
skin irritation was observed with erythema and edema, but not necrosis, in rabbits. There was also
slight conjunctival hyperemia and chemosis without corneal injury (192). The inhalation mouse
LC50 was 17700 mg/m3 in 2 h; oral LD50 was 5667 mg/kg. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Carcinogenetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies No activity was found toward the Ames
Salmonella strains, nor in CHO cell HGPRT mutation, SCE, or mouse bone marrow micronucleus
assays, with or without metabolic activation (237). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Necrosis was reported when applied to
the skin of the mouse tail (221).
27.0 Camphene
27.0.1 CAS Number: [79-92-5]

27.0.2 Synonyms: 3,3-Dimethyl-2-methylene norcamphone, bicyclo(2.2.1)heptane, 2,2-dimethyl-3-

methylene-; 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylene-norbornane; 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylenebicyclo[2.2.1]heptane;
2,2-dimethyl-3-methylenenorbornane; 3,3-dimethyl-2-methylenenorcamphane; (+/–)-camphene;
camphene, remainder mainly a-fenchene

27.0.3 Trade Names: NA

27.0.4 Molecular Weight: 136.24

27.0.5 Molecular Formula: C10H16

27.0.6 Molecular Structure:

27.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
27.1.1 General Cubic crystals (4) form flammable vapors (7). Selected physical properties are given
in Table 50.2.

27.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Camphene has an insipid odor, with a camphoraceous taste.
27.2 Production and Use
Occurs naturally in the oils of several plants; can be prepared from a-pinene. Isolated as, and used in
tablet form for mothproofing (245). Also used in the manufacture of camphor and in the cosmetic,
perfume, and food flavoring industries (246).
27.3 Exposure Assessment
27.3.1 Air Camphene concentration is determined in ambient air by gas chromatographic method
(247) and is analyzed by GC/MS (248).

27.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Urinary conjugates of diol metabolites have been analyzed by gas
chromatography or mass spectrometry following hydrolysis.
27.4 Toxic Effects
27.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The oral LD50 value in the rat is >5 g/kg, and
the dermal LD50 is >2.5 g/kg in the rabbit (190). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Camphene is metabolized in the rabbit to

the glycol, conjugated, and excreted in the urine (249). Metabolites are analyzed by gas
chromatography or mass spectrometry. Adsorption Camphene is readily absorbed following inhalation, ingestion, or topical

application. Distribution: NA Excretion In one study, 3.6% was eliminated unchanged in expired air within 3 h
following dermal application or IV injection of 0.6 mg/kg body weight (0.05 mL in 2.5 mL of 1,2-
propanediol) into a young pig. The major portion appeared within 5 minutes and 90% within 30 min. Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies No mutagenic activity found toward Ames
Salmonella tester strains in the presence or absence of S9 rat liver fraction (201).

27.4.2 Human Experience Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms In one study,
3.6% was eliminated unchanged in expired air within 3 h following dermal application or IV
injection of 0.6 mg/kg body weight (0.05 mL in 2.5 mL 1,2-propanediol) into a human subject. The
major portion appeared within 5 min and 90% within 30 min. The compound was absorbed through
the skin and was also partially excreted in expired air, appearing within 20 min of the start of a 30-
min full bath containing 150 mL pine bath oil in 450 L water, and was still detectable 1 day after the
bath, although inhalation of volatiles from the bath was prevented. A maximal level was reached
after 75 min, with 60% exhaled within first 2 h and a total of 0.67 mL exhaled during the first 5 h.
This study suggested a major route of elimination of unchanged compound in bile with excretion
through intestinal tract, followed by glucuronide formation and excretion via the kidney (246). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Tests at 4% in petrolatum

camphene produced no irritation after a 48-h closed-patch test on human subjects. Camphene was
also found not to be a sensitizer for human skin (246).
27.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Limits in foods are nonalcoholic beverages, 40–90 ppm; ice cream, ices, and similar, 20 ppm; candy,
160 ppm; baked goods, 27 ppm. FDA requirement 121.1164 (250). Protective clothing including
gloves and face shield are recommended when handling this agent (16). Camphene is on the EPA
TSCA Chemical Inventory and the Test Submission Data Base (41)
27.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
The LC50 for sheepshead minnows is 1.9 ppm/96 h (95% confidence limit 1.6–2.2 ppm) (251).

Camphene is converted by Aspergillus niger into 2-nonene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid anhydride, with

formation of diacetone alcohol as an artifact (246).
28.0 Caryophyllene
28.0.1 CAS Number: [87-44-5]

28.0.2 Synonyms: 4,11,11-Trimethyl methylenebicyclo[7.2.0]undec-4-ene; caryophylene; b-

caryophyllene; tricyclo[,6)]dodecane; 4,12,12-trimethyl-9-methylene-, (1R-(1R*, 4R*, 6R*,
10S*))-; tricyclo[8.20.0(4,6)]dodecane; 4,12,12-trimethyl-9-methylene-, (1R, 4r, 6r, 10s)-;
humulene; b-caryophyllene; bicyclo[7.2.0]undec-4-ene; 4,11,11-trimethyl-8-methylene-, [1R-(1R*,
4E, 9S*)]-; bicyclo[7.2.0]undec-4-ene, 4,11,11,-trimethyl-8-methylene-, (E)-(1R, 9S)-(–)-; bicyclo
[7.2.0]undec-4-ene, 8-methylene-4,11,11-trimethyl-, (E)-(1R, 9S)-(–)-; trans-caryophyllene; 1-
caryophyllene; (–)-b-caryophyllene; (–)-caryophyllene; (–)-trans-caryophyllene; 8-methylene-
4,11,11-(trimethyl)bicyclo[7.2.0]undec-4-ene; 2-methylene-6, 10,10-trimethyl bicyclo[7.2.0]undec-

28.0.3 Trade Names: NA

28.0.4 Molecular Weight: 204.35

28.0.5 Molecular Formula: C15H24

28.0.6 Molecular Structure:

28.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Caryophyllene is a liquid with a boiling point of 129–130°C.

28.1.1 General Selected physical properties for a-caryophyllene are given in Table 50.2.
28.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Fragrant cloves and turpentine odor are charactersitic.
28.2 Production and Use
This compound occurs naturally in many plants (4, 132) in the a, b, and iso forms (4). It is widely
used in the perfume industry, and in the manufacture of its epoxide.
28.3 Exposure Assessment
Caryophyllene is quantifiable using thin-layer and gas chromatography.

28.3.1 Air: NA

28.3.2 Background Levels: NA

28.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

28.3.4 Community Methods: NA

28.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers 14-Hydroxycaryophyllene oxide and other metabolites can be

quantitated in the urine.
28.4 Toxic Effects
28.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Caryophyllene is reported to be a skin irritant
in the rabbit (41). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms 14-Hydroxycaryophyllene oxide was

isolated from the urine of rabbits treated with (–)-caryophyllene and the X-ray crystal structure
reported. The metabolism was shown to progress through (–)-caryophyllene oxide since the latter
compound also afforded 14-hydroxycaryophyllene as a metabolite (252).

Caryophyllene is expected to be readily absorbed and systemically distributed by inhalation or

gastric or topical administration. It is excreted as 14-hydroxycaryophyllene oxide from the urine of
rabbits treated with (–)-caryophyllene. Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis Caryophyllene showed significant activity as an inducer of the detoxifying

enzyme glutathione S-transferase in the mouse liver and small intestine. The ability of natural
anticarcinogens to induce detoxifying enzymes has been found to correlate with their activity in the
inhibition of chemical carcinogenesis (251).
28.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Caryophyllene is on the EPA TSCA Chemical Inventory (48).

Alicyclic Hydrocarbons


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Aromatic Hydrocarbons—Benzene and Other Alkylbenzenes
Rogene F. Henderson, Ph.D., DABT

A. Introduction
Benzene and its alkyl derivatives are monocyclic aromatic compounds (arenes). The compounds are
of considerable economic importance as industrial raw materials, solvents, and components of
innumerable commercial and consumer products. The aromatics differ vastly in chemical, physical,
and biologic characteristics from the aliphatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons. The aromatics are more
toxic to humans and other mammals; of prime importance are (1) the hematopoietic toxicity of
benzene resulting in aplastic anemia in humans and other mammalian species, (2) benzene-induced
leukemia in humans, and (3) the cerebellar lesions and loss of central nervous system (CNS)
integrative functions in “glue sniffers” exposed to high levels of toluene.

The simplest single-ring aromatic hydrocarbon compound is benzene, the nonsubstituted ring
system. When one methyl group is attached to the ring, toluene is formed, and with two attached
methyl groups, xylene is formed. Xylene occurs in three isomeric forms. The hemimellitines and
mesitylenes possess three methyl groups, durene four, and the penta- and hexamethylbenzenes, five
and six methyl groups, respectively. Other industrially important compounds are ethylbenzene and
isopropylbenzene or cumene.
1.0 Benzene and its Compounds in General
1.1 Physical and Chemical Properties
Benzene and its alkyl derivatives occur in liquid or vapor form. The lower molecular weight
derivatives possess higher vapor pressures, volatility, absorbability, and solubility in aqueous media
than do the comparable aliphatic or alicyclic compounds. Studies by Cometto-Muniz and Cain (1, 2)
indicate that eye irritation thresholds were well above odor thresholds for a series of alkylbenzenes
(toluene, ethylbenzene and propylbenzene) and that both sensory thresholds declined with carbon
chain length. Selected physical data of benzene and its alkyl derivatives are given in Table 51.1 (3–
23). These properties contribute to their biological activities. The compounds are characterized by
miscibility or conversion to compounds soluble in aqueous body fluids, high lipid solubility, and
donor–acceptor and polar interactions (24). Because of their low surface tension and viscosity,
benzene and its alkyl derivatives may be aspirated into the lungs during ingestion, where they cause
chemical pneumonitis.

Table 51.1. Physical Properties for Benzen

CAS Density point Freezing
B P (° Registry (at Empirical Flammability [°C point (° MP Mol
Compound C) No. 20.4°C) Formula Limitsa (%) (°F)] C) (°C) We

Benzene 80.10 [71-43- 0.8787 C6H6 1.4–7.9 –11 5.53 5.5 78

2] (12)
Toluene 110.62 [108-88- 0.8869 C7H8 1.4–7.9 4.4 –94.99 95 92
3] (40)
o-Xylene 144.41 [95-47- 0.8802 C8H11 1.0–6.0 32 25.18 10
6] (90)
m-Xylene 139.10 [108-38- 0.8642 C6H10 1.1–7.0 29 47.87 10
3] (84)
p-Xylene 138.35 [106-42- 0.8611 C8H11 1.1–7.0 27 13.34 10
3] (81)
Xylenes, mixed 138.3 [1330- 0.864 C6H11 1.0–7.0 37.6 10
Trimethylbenzene 20-7] (100)
1,2,3- 176.1 [526-73- 0.8944 C9H12 0.88e –25.4 25.17 12
1,2,4- 169.35 [96-63- 0.8798 C9H12 0.88e 54.5 –42.2 43.8 12
6] (130)
1,3,5- 164.7 [108-67- 0.8652 C9H12 0.88 e 44.7 12
1,2,3,4- 205.0 [488-23- 0.9052 C10H14 –6.25 13
1,2,3,5- 198.0 [527-53- 0.8670 C10H14 – 13
7] 23.68
1,2,4,5- 196.0 [95-93- 0.8875 C10H14 79.24 13
Ethylbenzene 136.2 [100-41- 0.8670 C9H10 1.6–7 12.8 – 10
4] (55) 94.97
Methylethylbenzene 161.3 [620-24- 0.8645 C9H13 – 12
4] 95.55
1,2-Diethylbenzene 183.4 [135-01- 0.8800 C10H14 –31.2 13
1,3-Diethylbenzene 181.0 [141-93- 0.8620 C10H14 – 13
5] 83.89
1,4-Diethylbenzene 183.8 [105-05- 0.8620 C10H15 – 13
5] 42.85
Diethylbenzene, 183.8 [25340- 0.868 C10H14 55.6 13
mixed 17-4] (1.32)
n-Propylbenzene 159.2 [103-65- 0.8620 C9H12 0.8–6 30 –99.5 12
1] (86)
Cumene 152.4 [98-82- 0.8618 C9H12 0.9–6.5 36 –96 12
8] (96)
o-Cymene 178.15 [527-84- 0.8766 C10H14 – 13
4] 71.54
m-Cymene 175.14 [535-77- 0.8610 C13H12 – 13
3] 63.75
p-Cymene 177.1 [99-87- 0.8573 C10H14 0.7–5.6 47 – 13
6] (117) 67.94

n-Butylbenzene 183 [104-51- 0.8601 C10H14 0.8–5.8 71 –88.0 13

8] (160)
sec-Butylbenzene 173.0 [135-98- 0.8621 C10H14 0.8–6.9 52.2 –75 13
8] (126)
Isobutylbenzene 172.8 [538-93- 0.8532 C10H14 0.8–6.0 52.2 –51.5 13
2] (126)
tert-Butylbenzene 169 [98-06- 0.8655 C10H14 0.7–5.7c 60 – 13
6] (140) 57.85
tert-Butyltoluene 192.8 [98-51- 0.8575 C11H14 68.3 –52.4 14
1] (155)
Dodecylbenzene 293- [123-01- 0.9 C18H30 140.6 24
410 3] (285)
Lower limit (let) to upper.
b Solubility in water/alcohol/ether v = very soluble; s = soluble; d = slightly soluble;
i = insoluble
e Open cup.
d Closed cup.
c –100°C.

1.2 Production and Use

Benzene and its alkyl derivatives are obtained as products or by-products in petroleum or coal
refining, burning, or pyrolysis processes. From coke-oven operations, the aromatics are recovered
from the gases and the coal tars. From crude oil distillation, they are produced by fractionated
distillation, solvent extraction, naphthenic dehydrogenation, alkylation of benzene or alkenes, or
from alkanes by catalytic cyclization or aromatization.

Benzene and its alkyl derivatives are used widely as chemical raw materials, intermediates, solvents,
in oil and rosin extractions, as components of multipurpose additives, and extensively in the glue and
veneer industries owing to their rapid drying characteristics. The compounds are also used in the dry-
cleaning industry, in the printing and metal processing industries, and for many other similar
applications. They can be found as constituents of aviation and automotive gasolines and represent
important raw materials in the preparation of pharmaceutical products. The use of benzene as a
solvent is decreasing because of its known leukemogenic properties (25, 26).
1.3 Exposure Assessment
Benzene and its alkyl derivatives are volatile enough to be monitored in air by adsorption on
charcoal or resins, followed by desorption and analysis by gas chromatography. Methods for analysis
in water and soil are also available. Benzene has been detected in cigarette smoke at concentrations
of approximately 50 ppm (27, 28). Benzene and toluene have been detected in rainwater at
concentrations of 0.1–0.5 mg/L, and 1.0 mg/L in the ambient air (29). Biomonitoring of exposures
in occupational settings depends mainly on assessment of urinary metabolites.
1.4 Toxic Effects
Benzene is a known hematotoxin and leukemogen. The alkyl derivatives of benzene are not
hematotoxic. The unique effects of benzene on bone marrow and blood-forming mechanisms are of
major importance.

Benzene and its alkyl derivatives are primary skin irritants, and repeated or prolonged skin contact
may cause dermatitis, dehydrating, and defatting of the skin. Eye contact with the liquids may cause
lacrimation, irritation, and on prolonged contact, severe burns. Conjunctivitis and corneal burns have
been reported for the C6–C8 members. The alkylbenzenes, with side chains C1–C4, are readily
aspirated and can produce instant death, via cardiac arrest and respiratory paralysis. For example, in
hexylbenzene exposure, death occurred in 18 min, during which time extensive pulmonary edema
occurred (30), resulting in a considerable increase in lung weight. The higher alkylbenzenes showed
few or no effects.

For the alkylbenzenes in general, the acute toxicity is greatest for toluene and decreases further with
increasing chain length of the substituent, except for highly branched C8–C18 derivatives. The
toxicity increases again for the vinyl derivatives. Pharmacologically, the alkylbenzenes are CNS
depressants, and exhibit a particular affinity to nerve tissues.

1.4.1 Acute Toxicity The acute toxicities of benzene and its alkyl derivatives are CNS effects and
irritancy. Benzene is more toxic than any of the substituted benzene derivatives, except for toluene
and styrene. Benzene and alkylbenzenes cause local irritation and changes in endothelial cell
permeability, and are absorbed rapidly. Secondary effects have been observed in the liver, kidney,
spleen, bladder, thymus, brain, and spinal cord in animals (31). The aromatic hydrocarbons, even
from a single dose, exhibit a special affinity to nerve tissue. Animals dosed with alkylbenzenes
exhibit signs of CNS depression, sluggishness, stupor, anesthesia, and coma. A study of acute
behavioral effects of alkylbenzenes in mice (32) indicated that concentrations between 2000 and
8000 ppm for 20 min produced changes in posture, decreased arousal and rearing, increased ease of
handling, disturbances of gait, mobility, and righting reflex, decreased forelimb grip strength,
increased landing foot splay, and impaired psychomotor coordination. This is in sharp contrast with
benzene, which is a neuroconvulsant, producing tremors and convulsions. The CNS depressant
potency of the alkylbenzenes depends on branching or side-chain length. It diminishes with
increasing numbers of substituents or side-chain carbon number up to dodecylbenzene, which has
practically no CNS depressant activity (31).

1.4.2 Chronic Toxicity The hematotoxicity and leukemogenicity of benzene in humans have been
established by a large body of epidemiological evidence (25, 26). Because of its affinity to blood-
forming tissue and myelotoxic activity, chronic exposure to benzene is considered more serious than
for all other alkylbenzenes. All substituted benzene derivatives tested are devoid of this
myelotoxicity. This has been clearly demonstrated with toluene, which does not alter leukocyte
count or bone marrow nucleation in the rat (31). In lifetime studies, benzene is carcinogenic in
rodents (25, 26); benzene is a known human carcinogen (leukemogen) (25, 26).

1.4.3 Metabolism Benzene and its derivatives are readily hydroxylated, and their alkyl side chains
are oxidized to carboxylic acids. Benzene may also be metabolized by ring opening. Benzene
immediately increases the urinary excretion of organic sulfate. Of the alkylbenzenes, only m-xylene
and mesitylene follow this trend. Metabolism is required for the expression of benzene toxicity (34).
1.5 Standards, Regulations or Guidelines of Exposure
From an industrial hygiene standpoint, benzene and its alkyl derivatives require close monitoring and
evaluation, particularly benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, cumene, and p-tert-butyltoluene. In
the late 1990s, threshold limit values (TLVs) were lowered incrementally for some of the aromatic
compounds. This was a consequence of the development of better sampling and analytic techniques
and more extensive toxicity testing. Industrial monitoring programs should be continually evaluated.
Where excursion values are found, biologic monitoring should be carried out in addition to regular
medical surveillance programs.
1.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Aromatic hydrocarbons appear to accumulate in marine animals to a greater extent and are retained
longer than are alkanes (35). In all species tested, the accumulation of aromatic hydrocarbons
depended primarily on the octanol/water partition coefficient. Once absorbed, higher molecular
weight hydrocarbons are released more slowly (35). The concentration to produce deep CNS
depression in barnacle larvae after immersion for 15 min was 3.1% for benzene and 4.5% for toluene
(36). To some bacteria, as little as 0.01% of toluene, xylene, mesitylene, phenol, or cresol may be
bacteristatic or bactericidal (37), whereas other microorganisms tolerate concentrations of 0.5%
hydrocarbon. Benzene is the least susceptible to bacterial oxidation; increasing substitution and
chain length, especially to even numbers, promotes the ease of oxidation (37).

Aromatic Hydrocarbons—Benzene and Other Alkylbenzenes

Rogene F. Henderson, Ph.D., DABT

B. Specific Substances
2.0 Benzene
2.0.1 CAS Number: [71-43-2]

2.0.2 Synonyms: Phenyl hydride; coal naphtha; benzol; cyclohexatriene; benzine; benzolene; phene;
(6)annulene; bicarburet of hydrogen; carbon oil; mineral naphtha; motor benzol; nitration benzene;

2.0.3 Trade Name: NA

2.0.4 Molecular Weight: 78.113

2.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6

2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Benzene, benzol, or phene is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic sweet odor at low
concentrations, disagreeable and irritating at high levels. Selected physical data are summarized in
Table 51.1. The odor threshold for benzene is 2.0 mg/L in water and is 1.5–4.5 ppm in air (38). The
odor is irritating at 9000 ppm (39). The taste threshold is 0.5–4.5 mg/L in water (38). Its solubility in
water is 1.78 g/L at 25°C. The octanol/water partition coefficient for benzene is 2.13–2.15, and the
organic carbon partition coefficient is 1.8–1.9. Henry's law constant for benzene at 25°C is 5.5 × 10–
3 atm m3/mol. Benzene forms a highly flammable (40) and explosive mixture with air at 1.4–8.0%.
The autoignition temperature for benzene is 580°C. It is an excellent solvent. Chemically, it is fairly
stable, but it readily undergoes substitution reactions to form halogen, nitrate sulfonate, and alkyl
derivatives. Commercial benzene has three standard grades and usually contains varying
concentrations of toluene, xylene, and phenol, and traces of carbon disulfide, thiophene, alkenes,
naphthalene, and related compounds.

The photochemical formation of nitrobenzenes and nitrophenols from benzene has been observed in
the presence of nitrogen oxides. Benzene also combines photochemically with halogens to produce
eye and mucous membrane irritants (41). Ozone reacts 10–20 times more slowly with benzene than
with toluene or other methyl-substituted derivatives (42).

Aromatic Hydrocarbons—Benzene and Other Alkylbenzenes


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Polycyclic and Heterocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

David Warshawsky, Ph.D.

Introduction to Class of Chemicals

Aromatic hydrocarbons are the class of chemicals that include multiring aromatic compounds.
Smaller aromatic hydrocarbons, one to two rings, are of considerable economic importance as
industrial raw materials, solvents, and components of innumerable commercial and consumer
products. However, aromatics differ vastly in chemical, physical, and biological characteristics from
the aliphatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons. In addition, aromatics are more toxic to humans and other
mammals. Of prime importance are the carcinogenicity of styrene and the polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (1–11).

Chemically, aromatic hydrocarbons can be divided into three groups: (a) alkyl-, aryl-, and alicyclic-
substituted benzene derivatives, (b) di- and polyphenyls, and (c) polycyclic compounds composed of
two or more fused benzene ring systems. The basic chemical entity is the benzene nucleus, which
occurs alone, substituted, joined, or fused.

Aromatics are moderately reactive and undergo photochemical degradation in the atmosphere.
Aromatic compounds occur in liquid, vapor, or solid form. The lower molecular weight derivatives
possess higher vapor pressures, volatility, absorbability, and solubility in aqueous media than the
comparable aliphatic or alicyclic compounds. These properties contribute to their biological
activities. They are characterized also by miscibility or conversion to compounds soluble in aqueous
body fluids, high lipid solubility, and donor–acceptor and polar interaction. Because of their low
surface tension and viscosity, aromatics may be aspirated into the lungs during ingestion, where they
cause chemical pneumonitis.

Benzene and its alkyl derivatives, the polyphenyls, and polycyclic aromatics (PAHs) are obtained as
products or by-products in petroleum or coal refining, burning, or pyrolysis. In coke-oven
operations, the aromatics are recovered from the gases and the coal tars. In crude oil distillation, they
are produced by fractionated distillation, solvent extraction, naphthenic dehydrogenation, alkylation
of benzene or alkenes, or from alkanes by catalytic cyclization or aromatizations.
Aromatic hydrocarbons are used widely as chemical raw materials, intermediates, solvents, in oil and
rosin extractions, as components of multipurpose additives, and extensively in the glue and veneer
industries because of their rapid drying characteristics. Aromatics serve in the dry-cleaning industry,
in the printing and metal processing industries, and for many other similar applications. They are
important constituents of aviation and automotive gasolines and represent important raw materials in
the preparation of pharmaceutical products.

Aromatics are primary skin irritants, and repeated or prolonged skin contact may cause dermatitis,
dehydrating, and defatting of the skin. Eye contact with aromatic liquids may cause lacrimation,
irritation, severe burns and from prolonged contact. Naphthalene causes cataracts in the eyes of
experimental animals. Its vapors are respiratory and mucous membrane irritants and may cause
severe systemic injury. Direct aerosol deposition or contact from ingestion and subsequent aspiration
can cause severe pulmonary edema, pneumonitis, and hemorrhage (12, 13). Alkylbenzenes that have
C1 to C4 side chains are readily aspirated and can produce instant death via cardiac arrest and
respiratory paralysis.

Polycyclic and Heterocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons


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Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

1.0 Phenol
1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
Hydroxybenzene; carbolic acid; phenic acid; phenylic acid; phenyl hydroxide; Phenic; monohydroxy
benzene; oxybenzene; benzenol; monophenol; phenyl hydrate; phenylic alcohol; phenyl hydroxide;
baker's p and s; phenol alcohol; phenyl alcohol; phenol reagent
1.0.3 Trade Names:
1.0.4 Molecular Weight:
1.0.5 Molecular Formula:
1.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state white crystalline mass of hygroscopic, translucent, needle-shaped crystals;
pink or red when impurities are present; darkens on exposure to light.
Odor Acrid odor, with threshold 0.04 ppm
Specific gravity 1.071
Melting point 43°C
Boiling point 182°C
Vapor density 3.24 (air = 1)
Vapor pressure 0.357 mmHg (20°C) 0.35 torr at 25°C
Refractive index 1.54 (45°C)
Concentration in 0.046% by volume (0.77g/m3) (25°C)
“saturated” air
Density of 1.00104 (air = 1)
“saturated” air
Conversion 3.84 mg/m3 = 1 ppm; 1 mg/m3 = 0.26 mg/m3
Flash point Closed cup, 79°C; open cup, 85°C

Additional properties are as follows:

Flammability. Phenol presents a marked fire hazard. Phenol fires can be extinguished with water,
carbon dioxide, or dry chemicals. Mixtures of air and 3–10% phenol are explosive
Solubility. Phenol forms a true aqueous solution when present in concentrations of 8%, and
also in concentrations ranging from about 71–97%, in terms of both weight and
volume; it is miscible with water above 68°C. Phenol is soluble to >50% in ethyl
alcohol, chloroform, ethyl ether, ethyl acetate, toluene, glycerol, and olive oil (2).

1.1.1 General: NA

1.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Phenol has a distinct, aromatic, somewhat sickening sweet and
acrid odor discernable at 0.5–5 ppm. It has a sharp and burning taste.

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

The authors thank Brendan Dunn of Allied Signal for his thorough review of the section on phenol.

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

2.0 Pyrocatechol
2.0.1 CAS Number:
2.0.2 Synonyms:
Catechol; 1,2-benzenediol; o-dihydroxybenzene; pyrocatechin; 1,2-dihydroxybenzene; o-
benzenediol; benzcatechin; Catechol–pyrocatechol; 1,2-dihydroxybenzene (Catechol)
2.0.3 Trade Names:
2.0.4 Molecular Weight:
2.0.5 Molecular Formula:
2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

2.1.1 General
Physical state Colorless to white crystalline solid that discolors in air and light; sublimes readily;
volatile in steam
Specific 1.344 (4°C)
Melting point 105°C
Boiling point 245.5°C (decomposes at 240 to 245°C)
Vapor density 3.79 (air = 1)
Solubility Soluble in water, alcohol, ether
Flash point 137°C (closed cup)

2.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties There is a faint, characteristic odor.

2.2 Production and Use
Pyrocatechol may be obtained by the fusion of o-phenolsulfonic acid with alkali, by heating
chorophenol with a solution of sodium hydroxide at 200°C in an autoclave, or by cleavage of the
methyl ether group of guaiacol (obtained from beechwood tar) with hydroidic acid (107).
Pyrocatechol is used for various purposes, but particularly as an antioxidant in the rubber, chemical,
photographic, dye, fat, and oil industries. It is also employed in cosmetics as couplers in oxidative
hair dyes (108, 109), but is no longer used as an antiseptic.
2.3 Exposure Assessment
2.3.1 Air: NA

2.3.2 Background Levels: NA

2.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

2.3.4 Community Methods: NA

2.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood Urine The methods of Baernstein or Tompsett can be used to determine pyrocatechol in urine
and in other biologic materials (13). In another study, 24 h urine samples examined after 7–9 h of
exposure to air polluted with pyrocatechol and phenol gave pyrocatechol levels of 24.2 mg, but
control values of 19.2 mg, which were considered background (110). The 24-h urinary levels of
pyrocatechol were 4.4 mg in nonsmokers, and 6.8 mg in smokers, indicating that diet is a major
factor in determining pyrocatehcol intake (111).
2.4 Toxic Effects
2.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Pyrocatechol is moderately toxic in acute studies.
Phenol-like signs of illness are induced in experimental animals given toxic or lethal doses. Unlike
phenol, large doses of pyrocatechol can cause a predominant depression of the central nervous
system (CNS) and a prolonged rise of blood pressure (13). Pyrocatechol is more toxic than phenol
except by inhalation (111). The oral LD50 in rats is 0.3 g/kg. The dermal LD50 in rabbits is 0.8 g/kg.
It is an irritant to eyes and skin, but less irritating to the skin than phenol. After 8h of inhalation at
concentrations of 2 or 2.8 g/m3 rats showed signs of intoxication (irritation and tremors) for ~24 h
after exposure. At 1.5 g/m3 no signs were observed (111). Flickinger (17) reported hyperemia of the
stomach and intestines after lethal oral doses in rats, and loss of toes and tips of tails of rats after
exposure to high concentrations (2 or 2.8 g/m3) in a chamber. Dietering reported degenerative
changes in the kidney tubules (13). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The repeated absorption of sublethal doses by animals may
also induce methemoglobinemia, leukopenia, and anemia. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Pyrocatechol is readily absorbed from the
GI tract and through the intact skin of mice, and probably through the lungs (13). Part of the catechol
is oxidized with polyphenol oxidase to benzoquinone. Another fraction conjugates in the body with
glucuronic, sulfuric, and other acids and is excreted in the urine, with a little “free” pyrocatechol.
The conjugates hydrolyze easily in the urine with the liberation of the “free” catechol, which is
oxidized by air with the formation of dark-colored substances that impart to the urine a “smokey”
appearance (13).

Rabbits administered pyrocatechol orally excreted in the urine 18% as sulfate, 70% as
monoglucuronide, and 2% as free pyrocatechol (112). When mice were exposed to cigarette smoke
containing radiolabeled pyrocatechol, pyrocatechol was distributed readily into the blood and tissues;
90% of the radioactivity was excreted in the urine within 24 hrs (113). Reproductive and Developmental Pyrocatechol was reported to be a moderately active

maternal toxicant, and an active developmental toxicant in a preliminary screening assay (114).
Sprague–Dawley rats were administered pyrocatechol at oral doses of 333, 667, or 1000 m g/kg on
day 11 of gestation, and allowed to deliver normally. Both mid and high doses caused maternal
lethality and weight gains. Litter size and weights were reduced at the maternally toxic doses.
Malformations involving limbs, tail and urogenital systems were reported at all doses (114). Carcinogenesis Pyrocatechol has been extensively studied for its role in carcinogenesis of the
rat glandular stomach; it was concluded that pyrocatechol was carcinogenic (109). When rats and
mice were administered 0.8% pyrocatechol in their feed for life, there was an increase in glandular
stomach adenocarcinoma in both male and female rats. Pyrocatechol also caused hyperplasia of the
glandular stomach in both rats and mice, a mechanism that could cause promotion of carcinogen-
initiated cells (115); no effects on the esophagus or urinary bladder were reported. There were no
cutaneous neoplasms when pyrocatechol was applied in dermal studies. Pyrocatechol may be
classified as a cocarcinogen because it enhanced the number and/or incidence of lesions in the
stomach induced by several carcinogenic nitrosamines, and cutaneous neoplasms when administered
dermally together with several carcinogens (109). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Pyrocatechol has been tested in a variety of
bacterial and mammalian tests systems, and both positive and negative results were obtained
(summarized in Ref. 109). For example, pyrocatechol was negative in the Ames assay, but induced
SCEs (sister chromatid exchanges) in CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) V79 cells (116). In in vivo
mouse micronucleus assays, in which the conjugation enzymes responsible for detoxication were
present, both positive (117, 118) and negative results (119) were reported. Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Undiluted pyrocatechol was severely
irritating to rabbit eyes, with permanent changes including corneal opacity (17). Pyrocatechol was a
skin sensitizer in guinea pigs (120). In in vitro studies, pyrocatechol has been shown to affect several
immunologic and other properties of murine bone marrow cells, both alone and when combined with
hydroquinone (summarized in Ref. 108).

2.4.2 Human Experience General Information: NA Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Inhalation results in a burning sensation in the throat
and lungs and, subsequently, a pronounced increase in the rate of breathing (13). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Cases of industrial or accidental poisoning have been
rare. Pharmacokinics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The calculated biological half-life of

pyrocatechol in humans was 3–7h (110). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Contact with the skin has been
known to cause an eczematous dermatitis. Absorption through the skin, in a few instances, has
resulted in symptoms of illness resembling closely those induced by phenol, except for certain
central effects (convulsions) that were more marked (13). Apparently pyrocatechol acts by
mechanisms similar to those reported for phenol. The rise of blood pressure appears to be due to
peripheral vasoconstriction. Death apparently is initiated by respiratory failure (13).

A woman developed acute contact dermatitis after using a permanent cream for eyelashes and
eyebrows; when she was patch-tested, pyrocatechol evoked strong positive reactions (121). Another
woman became allergic to pyrocatechol from her occupational exposure as a radiographer (122). Epidemiology Studies Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis Between 35 and 45% of American women dye their hair, often at monthly
intervals, over a period of years. A number of epidemiological studies have investigated the
association between cancer and occupation as a hairdresser or barber, or personal use of hair dyes.
IARC (123) concluded that there is inadequate evidence that personal use of hair colorants entails
exposures that are carcinogenic. However, IARC concluded that “occupation as a hairdresser or
barber entails exposures that are probably carcinogenic.”
2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA for pyrocatechol is 5 ppm (23 m g/m3) (124). The NIOSH REL is also
5 ppm (20 m g/m3) (105). The “S” skin notation in the listing refers to the “potential significant
contribution to the overall exposure by the cutaneous route, including mucous membrane and the
eyes, either by contact with vapors or, of probable greater significance, by direct skin contact with
the substance (124)”.
2.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
The EC50 for Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) was 9.00 mg/L for 96 h; the effect determined
was loss of equilibrium. Similarly, the LC50 was reported to be 9.22 mg/L for 96 h (125).

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

3.0 Resorcinol
3.0.1 CAS Number:
3.0.2 Synonyms:
1,3-Benzenediol; m-dihydroxybenzene, resorcin, 1,3-dihydroxybenzene, 3-hydroxyphenol, CI
76505; m-hydroquinone
3.0.3 Trade Names:
3.0.4 Molecular Weight:
3.0.5 Molecular Formula:
3.0.6 Molecular Structure:

3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

White, needle-shaped crystals or rhombic tablets and pyramids, which turn pink on exposure to light
and air. It is an acid with pKa values of 9.51 and 11.32 in water at 30°C.

Specific gravity 1.2717

Melting point 109–111°C
Boiling point 280°C
Vapor density 3.79 (air = 1)
Percent in “saturated” air 2.64% by volume (25.1°C)
Density of “saturated” air 1.0739 (air = 1)
Solubility Soluble in water, alcohol, glycerol, ether (1)
Flash point 127°C (closed cup) 127°C (closed cup)

3.1.1 General

3.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Resorcinol has a faint, characteristic odor and a sweetish,
followed by a bitter, taste.
3.2 Production and Use
Resorcinol is usually prepared by fusing sodium m-benzenedisulfonate with sodium hydroxide. The
major use is in the production of resorcinol–formaldehyde adhesives used in tires, automobile belts
and hoses, bonding wood products, and neoprene rubbers. It is also used in tanning, in photography,
and in the manufacture of explosives, dyes, cosmetics, organic chemicals, antiseptics, resins, and
adhesives (13). A minor use is as a bacteriocide in pharmaceuticals for the treatment of acne,
psoriasis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis etc. Resorcinol is used to remove warts, corns, and calluses.
Resorcinol is most effective when delivered as an aerosol spray germicide (126).
3.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH (127) estimated that 100,000 workers are potentially exposed to resorcinol.

3.3.1 Air: NA

3.3.2 Background Levels: NA

3.3.3 Workplace Methods Air samples can be collected with impingers containing distilled water. If
Millipore™ filters are used, about 50% may pass through the filter (17). Analysis can be performed
with ultraviolet spectroscopy at 273.5 nm using a 10-cm cell.

3.3.4 Community Methods: NA

3.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood Detection of free resorcinol in plasma and urine
requires the use of HPLC and a simple ethanol extraction. This method is useful to concentrations as
low as 0.5%, at which it gives recoveries of greater than 90% with good reproducibility (13).
3.4 Toxic Effects
3.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The primary signs of intoxication resemble those
induced by phenol, and include initial stimulation of the CNS, followed by depression, renal
glomerular and tubular degeneration, central hepatic necrosis, myocardial depression, pruitis and
reddening of the skin. Resorcinol has been reported to be less toxic than phenol or pyrocatechol by
oral and dermal routes.

The oral LD50 in rats is 0.98 g/kg, and the dermal LD50 in rabbits is 3.36 g/kg (17). It is irritating to
the eyes and skin; eye irritation included corneal ulcerations that were not reversible. At high dermal
doses, it causes irritation and necrosis in a dose-related response (17). Inhalation of aqueous aerosols
by rats for 1h at 7.8 g/m3 (1733 ppm) or 8 h at 2.8 g/m3 (625 ppm) caused no deaths or gross lesions. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Groups of 10 male and female F344 (Fischer 344) rats were
given 0, 32, 65, 130, 260, or 520 m g/kg resorcinol by gavage 5 days/week for 13 weeks (126). Most
animals at the top dose died. Daily doses of 65 m g/kg produced increased liver weights, but no other
toxic effects were reported. When B6C3F1 mice were similarly treated, most mice at the high dose
died, but only reduced adrenal weight was noted at other dose levels (126). In subacute inhalation
studies rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs were exposed to 34 m g/m3 (8 ppm) 6 h daily for 2 weeks
without any gross toxic effects (17). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Resorcinol was readily absorbed from the
GI tract after oral administration to rats, rapidly metabolized and excreted in the urine (128). After an
oral dose of 122–225 m g/kg, >90% of the dose was excreted in the urine and 2% in the feces; 50%
of the administered dose underwent enterohepatic circulation. The monoglucuronide conjugate
accounted for 70% of the urinary metabolites, together with the monosulfate, diglucronide, and
mixed sulfate/glucuronide. There was no evidence of bioaccumulation. Essentially identical results
occurred after five pretreatment doses, indicating that conjugation was not saturated at these doses

Similar results were obtained after subcutaneous (SC) administration of 50 or 100 m g/kg of
resorcinol to rats (129). Resorcinol was distributed to all tissues but did not accumulate. After 1 h,
62% of the radiolabel appeared in the urine, and 98% within 24 h. Elimination was biphasic with
half-lives of 20 min and 8–10hrs. Essentially the same results were obtained after a 30-day
pretreatment of 100 m g/kg resorcinol (129). Reproductive and Developmental Resorcinol is not a primary developmental toxicant. When
pregnant rabbits were administered resorcinol orally at 40, 80, or 250 m g/kg per day on days 6–18
of gestation, there was no increase in embryonic or fetal deaths, or in congenital malformations
(130). Oral administration to pregnant rats on days 6–15 of gestation at 125, 250, or 500 m g/kg per
day caused maternal toxicity (reduced body weight) at the top dose, but there was no evidence of
developmental toxicity. In a subsequent study rats were dosed with 80 m g/kg per day throughout
gestation, producing overt maternal toxicity and some evidence of embryotoxicity; 40 m g/kg per
day was a NOEL (130). In another study, daily doses of 125, 250 or 500 m g/kg were administered
orally to Sprague–Dawley rats during days 6–15 of gestation (131). There was a slight reduction in
maternal body weight gain at the top dose, but no effect on the number of litters, nor on the number
of fetal anomalies or malformations. Carcinogenesis Resorcinol was administered in water by gavage 5 days per week for 104
weeks to F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice at maximally tolerated doses; there was no evidence of
carcinogenicity in any sex or species (126). Resorcinol at concentrations of 5, 10, or 50% in acetone
was applied twice weekly to the ears of rabbits for 180 weeks; there were no local tumors or
evidence of systemic toxicity (132).

Orally administered resorcinol did not induce proliferative lesions in hamster forestomach or bladder
(133), and was not a promoter of carcinogenesis by other chemicals in these organs in rats (134).
However, intraperitoneal (IP) injections of resorcinol did increase the incidence of esophageal
tumors induced by a carcinogenic nitrosamine (135). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Despite positive genotoxic findings in some in
vitro genotoxicity assays, no positive findings have been reported in any in vivo studies in which the
conjugation pathways are active (see see Table 53.2) (136–146).

Table 53.2. Genotoxicity of Resorcinol

Test System Results Ref.

In vitro Assays

Salmonella typhimurium bacterial mutagenicity Negative 14–19, 47, 60, 136–

Drosophila melanogaster sex-linked recessive Negative 75
Mouse lymphoma mammalian mutagenicity Positive 140
Chinese hamster ovary chromosomal Positive 141
Human lymphocytes chromosomal aberrations Positive 142
In vivo Assays
Mouse bone marrow micronucleus Negative 75, 143
Inhibition of rat DNA synthesis in rat testicular Negative 144
Rat bone marrow micronucleus Negative 145
Rat bone marrow sister chromatid exchange Negative 146

3.4.2 Human Experience General Information Few reports of the toxicity of resorcinol have
been published. Oral ingestion in humans may cause methemoglobinemia, cyanosis, and
convulsions, whereas dermal exposure has been reported to cause dermatitis, hyperemia, and pruritis
(13). Industrial inhalation exposures are rather rare, but could occur in any industry if the compound
is heated beyond 300°F. Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Pathology reported for humans includes anemia,
marked siderosis of the spleen and marked tubular injury in the kidney, fatty changes of the liver,
degenerative changes in the kidney, fatty changes of the heart muscle, moderate enlargement and
pigmentation of the spleen, and edema and emphysema of the lungs (13).

The cutaneous application of solutions or salves containing 3–5% resorcinol may result in local
hyperemia, itching, dermatitis, edema, corrosion, and the loss of the superficial layers of the skin.
The allergic/sensitization reactions also include eczematous reactions, erythema, edema, and the
formation of vesicles. Burning sensations may also be noted (13). These changes, if they are severe,
may be associated with some or all of the following effects: enlargement of regional lymph glands,
restlessness, methemoglobinemia, cyanosis, convulsions, tachycardia, dyspnea, and death (13).
Ingestion of resorcinol induces similar signs and symptoms. Thus a child, after accidentally
swallowing 4 g, complained of dizziness and somnolence. The ingestion of 8 g, in another case,
induced an almost immediate hypothermia, fall in blood pressure, and decrease in the rate of
respiration, with tremors, icterus, and hemoglobinuria. Recovery was noted 2 h after the poisoning
(13). Other cases are on record in which similar doses apparently had no ill effects (13). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Resorcinol is believed to be readily

absorbed from the GI tract and, in a suitable solvent, is readily absorbed through the human skin.
The compound is excreted in the urine, as are other phenols, in a free state and conjugated with
glucuronic, sulfuric, or other acids (13). Epidemiology Studies Acute Toxicity In a study of 268 workers in a motorcycle
tire manufacturing plant, the presence of dermatitis was directly correlated with exposure to the
processes involving resorcinol use (147). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Resorcinol in certain resins was reported to cause
respiratory problems in the rubber industry (13). An epidemiologic study of rubber workers exposed
to a hexamethylenetetramine–resorcinol rubber system revealed no specific symptoms caused by
resorcinol. The concentrations of resorcinol in air were less than 0.3 m g/m3 (148). In another study
there were no reports of irritation or discomfort by workers when concentrations were 10 ppm or less
for periods of 30 min (17). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproduction and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Resorcinol has been reported to
cause sensitization and cross-sensitization with other phenolic materials and to cause goiter (13).
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The TLV TWA is 10 ppm (45 m g/m3). The STEL (short-term exposure limit) is 20 ppm
(90 m g/m3) (149). There is no proposed biological exposure index (BEI). NIOSH REL TWA
10 ppm (45 m g/m3) STEL/CEIL(c) 20 ppm (90 m g/m3).

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

4.0 Hydroquinone
4.0.1 CAS Number:
4.0.2 Synonyms:
1,4-Benzenediol, benzohydroquinone, 1,4-dihydroxy benzene, hydroquinol, a-hydroquinone, p-
hydroxyphenol, b-quinol, p-benzenediol, benzoquinol, p-dihydroxybenzene, hydroquinole, p-
hydroquinone, quinol
4.0.3 Trade Names:
The only trade name identified for hydroquinone was Tecquinol. This trade name is no longer used.
4.0.4 Molecular Weight:
4.0.5 Molecular Formula:
4.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

5.0 Quinone
5.0.1 CAS Number:
5.0.2 Synonyms:
Benzoquinone, p-benzoquinone, 1,4-benzoquinone, 2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione, 1,4-
dioxybenzene, 1,4-dione, quinone, cyclohexadienedione, 1,4-cyclohexadienedione, cyclohexadiene-
5.0.3 Trade Names:
Chinone, Steara PBQ
5.0.4 Molecular Weight:
5.0.5 Molecular Formula:
5.0.6 Molecular Structure:

5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Large, yellow, monoclinic prisms

Specific gravity 1.318 (20°C)
Melting point 115.7°C
Boiling point 293°C
Vapor pressure Considerable; sublimes readily on gentle heating
Flash point 38°C
Solubility Soluble in alcohol and ether.
Solubility in water 2.5% at 38°C, 1.4% at 25°C, 1% at 12°C

5.1.1 General Quinone can decompose violently at elevated temperatures and has combustible

5.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Quinone has an acrid odor similar to that of chlorine. The vapors
are irritating enough to cause sneezing.
5.2 Production and Use
Quinone was produced as early as 1838 by oxidation of quinic acid with manganese dioxide (302).
Quinone can be prepared by oxidation starting with aniline or by the oxidation of hydroquinone with
bromic acid. More recently quinone has been made biosynthetically from D-glucose (302). The
compound has been used in applications in the dye, textile, tanning, and cosmetic industries
primarily because of its ability to transform certain nitrogen-containing compounds into a variety of
colored substances. In the past, large amounts of quinone were produced as an intermediary for
hydroquinone production. Newer production methods eliminate the need for quinone.
5.3 Exposure Assessment
Methods of controlling exposure during manufacture are largely a matter of reducing release by
using containment systems and adequate ventilation. Severe local damage to the skin and mucous
membranes may occur following contact with solid quinone, solutions of quinone, or quinone vapors
condensing on exposed parts of the body (particularly moist surfaces) (303). Thus, skin contact is to
be avoided and contaminated clothing should be removed immediately. Personal protection (full-face
mask, air-supplied respirator) may be necessary in operations where other controls are not feasible
(303). Quinone may be present in areas in which hydroquinone is used, as hydroquinone can be
oxidized to quinone under moist or alkaline conditions.

5.3.1 Air Airborne quinone levels in a hydroquinone manufacturing operation have been reported to
have declined from a high of 0.27 ppm to 1995 levels, which were <0.05 ppm (280).

5.3.2 Background Levels Quinone occurs naturally in a variety of arthropods that appear to use its
irritating properties as a defense mechanism. Quinone containing Tribolium (order Coleoptera)
beetles may result in contamination of food products, particularly flour (304, 305). Quinone is one of
many constituents of tobacco smoke.

Quinone is chemically and photolytically extremely labile, and is assumed to be short-lived in the
environment (306). A number of surveys and studies have failed to detect quinone in surfaces waters
in the United States (301, 307, 308).

5.3.3 Workplace Methods See section 5.3.4.

5.3.4 Community Methods Air samples can be collected in a midget impinger containing
isopropranol. A colored reaction product can be produced with phloroglucinol and read at 520nm
(270). This method does not distinguish between quinone and hydroquinone.

5.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Quinone forms adducts with cysteine residues of proteins such as
hemoglobin and albumin. Background levels of these adducts in blood from people without
occupational exposure to quinone are relatively high at >20 nm adducts/g protein (309). Quinone
precursors from dietary and endogenous sources are proposed to explain high background levels.
Quinone is a metabolite of benzene, phenol, hydroquinone, and acetaminophen; therefore,
hemoglobin and albumin adducts do not represent biomarkers specific to quinone. Because of the
high level of background adducts in blood, hemoglobin and albumin adducts are not likely to be
useful biomarkers for occupational exposure to quinone.

Quinone and hydroquinone are closely related metabolically as quinone can be readily converted
enzymatically and nonenzymatically to hydroquinone. Because of this close relationship,
background levels of hydroquinone metabolites detected in the blood and urine of individuals
without occupational exposure to either quinone or hydroquinone would include background levels
of quinone (154).
5.4 Toxic Effects
5.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Single dose oral LD50 values of 130 and
165 mg/kg have been reported for rats (4, 13, 14). Unlike hydroquinone, quinone does not produce
tremors or convulsions, and death may be delayed for days after dosing (310, 311). Respiratory
impairment was the primary effect observed as acute effects following quinone exposure (304).
Parenteral exposure results in an LD50 value (IV LD50 – 25 mg/kg) that is significantly less than the
oral LD50 (310, 311). No dermal toxicity studies were found in the literature. Woodard reported that
quinone vapor was very irritating, causing coughing and sneezing (311). Solid quinone or relatively
concentrated solutions are very irritating to the rabbit eye (312). Ocular sensory irritation is seen at a
concentration of 0.0001% and acute conjunctivitis at 0.001%. A solution of 0.002% produced
cloudiness of the cornea in 24 h and neovascularization in 4 days. The airborne concentration of
quinone that decreases the respiratory rate of mice by 50% (RD50) is reported to be 22.5 m g/m3
(313). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Rats given 25 mg/kg quinone twice a week by SC injection
for 2.5–5 months had anemia, methemoglobinemia, decreased serum albumin, and decreased serum
cholinesterase (314).

Rats exposed to 2.7–3.6 m g/m3 quinone 4 h/day for 4 months lost weight, showed easy tiredness,
transient anemia, and thrombopenia (314). Two of eight rats exposed to 0.27–0.36 m g/m3 quinone,
4 h/day for 4 months showed thrombopenia (314).

Mice given 2 mg/kg quinone IP, 6 days/week for 6 weeks manifested decreased red blood cells and
lymphocytes, and increased polymorphonuclear leukocytes in their peripheral blood (184).
Decreased bone marrow cellularity, decreased relative thymus weight, and increased relative spleen
and lymph node weights were also observed in the quinone-dosed mice when compared to a control

The usefulness of these data is diminished by incomplete reporting of results. Parenteral

administration of quinone is a confounding factor in interpreting these data as the hemogram can be
expected to be altered in response to tissue inflammation and destruction caused by exposure to a
highly irritating material. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms There are no data available on the
pharmacokinetics and metabolism of quinone using expected routes for occupational or
environmental exposures. Much of the available mechanistic information has been collected using in
vitro systems that attempt to model quinone interactions relevant to benzene toxicity.

Quinone vapor can be expected to be readily absorbed through the lungs, and quinone solutions
should be readily absorbed from the GI tract. Absorption of solid quinone is likely to be slow
because of its low water-solubility unless ingestion with an organic solvent occurs. Absorption of
quinone through the skin can be expected; however, binding of quinone to epidermal proteins may
reduce absorption when dilute solutions are encountered. Concentrated solutions of quinone may
damage the barrier properties of the skin enhancing absorption.

Quinone can be expected to undergo transformations, including (1) enzymatic or nonenzymatic

reduction and conjugation with glucuronide or sulfate resulting in detoxication and metabolites that
are readily excreted in the urine; (2) covalent binding to proteins such as hemoglobin and albumin;
(3) binding to glutathione, which may lead to detoxication or activation depending on the
electrochemical state of the metabolite, and (4) one-electron reduction by reductases or diaphorases,
which may produce a semiquinone and reactive oxygen species via redox cycling. Mean half-lives of
0.68 and 3.5 h have been reported following incubation of 50 mM quinone with fresh F344 rat or
human blood at 37°C (309, 315). Hemoglobin and albumin have second-order rate constants of 18
and 76L mol–1 h–1 for human samples and 180 and 74L mol–1 h–1 for rat samples (309, 315).

Covalent binding of quinone to critical proteins is an expected mode of action in vivo. However,
because of its reactive nature, it may not be possible to achieve a toxicologically significant
internalized dose at systemic target sites when exposures occur via occupationally or
environmentally relevant routes of exposure. Reproductive and Developmental Studies Studies on reproductive and developmental effects
for quinone have not been reported. However, these endpoints have been studied for hydroquinone,
which is a precursor to quinone (228–230). On the basis of analogy with hydroquinone, quinone
would not be expected to be a reproductive or developmental toxicant by common routes of
occupational and environmental exposure. In an in vitro system, quinone was lethal to rat embryos at
100 mM and reportedly dysmorphogenic at 10 mM but not 50 mM (220). Carcinogenesis Quinone has been tested for carcinogenicity in mice by skin application or
inhalation and in rats by subcutaneous injection. None of these studies were considered sufficient to
evaluate carcinogenicity (316, 317). A cancer bioassay of tribolium infested flour has been
conducted but lack of quantification of quinone and methodological issues make the data difficult to
interpret (305).

Quinone has produced negative results in studies designed to examine its ability to promote
carcinogenicity. In a liver bioassay, quinone did not increase the formation of GGT-positive foci in
the liver (241). Quinone did not promote induction of stomach or skin tumors in mice dosed with
7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene (318, 319). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Genotoxicity assays with quinone have recently
been reviewed by IARC (317). The results of several Ames/Salmonella assays were as a group
inconclusive; however, mutations in Neurospora were increased. DNA strand breaks, mutations at
the hgprt locus, and micronuclei were induced in mammalian cells in vitro. Weakly positive
micronuclei responses were observed in mice dosed by gavage. A dominant lethal assay in mice
given quinone IP was negative at a dose level of 6.25 mg/kg. These test results indicate that quinone
is weakly positive for genotoxicity in vivo. Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Quinone produced an extreme skin
sensitization response in the guinea pig maximization test (Magnusson–Kligman test) and positive
response in the mouse local lymph node assay (261). Rajka and Blohm (256) found that quinone
sensitized 19 of 20 guinea pigs given 10 daily injections of 0.001% quinone. Studies on cross
sensitization with p-phenylenediamine are inconclusive (320, 321).

Numerous cytotoxicity tests have been conducted with quinone (314). Most of these studies have
examined bone marrow cells in attempts to elucidate the mode of action of benzene, as quinone is
one of the metabolites of benzene. These studies do not provide information that is readily applicable
to common routes of quinone exposure.

5.4.2 Human Experience General Information Skin contact with quinone can be expected to
temporarily stain the skin a brownish color. Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Reports of acute toxicity following exposure to
quinone have not been published. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Sterner et al. (270), Anderson (272), Anderson and
Oglesby (275), and Oglesby et al. (271) reported that in a manufacturing process that produced
hydroquinone by reduction of quinone, discoloration of the eyes and in some cases more serious
ocular damages were seen among production workers. The changes occurred over a period of years,
and no serious ocular cases were observed with less than 5 years of exposure.

Initially, there was brown staining of the conjunctiva. This pigment deposition in the conjunctiva did
not impair vision; however, its presence was evidence of exposure, and its increase or decrease was
used as an indication of the severity of exposure to hydroquinone dust and quinone vapor.

With continued eye exposure to high concentrations of hydroquinone and quinone, pigment
deposition extended into the cornea, and structural alterations of the cornea occurred that impaired
vision. One of the first complaints of individuals with corneal involvement was difficulty driving at
night as light beams from oncoming automobiles were scattered and reflected by the corneal

The reports by Sterner et al. (270), Anderson (272), and Oglesby et al. (271) led to the establishment
of an ACGIH TLV of 0.1 ppm quinone vapor.

No evidence of systemic toxicity was seen in a group of hydroquinone production workers who were
exposed to quinone vapor and hydroquinone dust (154, 280). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Pharmacokinetics and metabolism studies

with quinone have not been published. Reproductive and Developmental Studies Case studies of reproductive or developmental

toxicity following quinone exposure have not been reported. Carcinogenesis Case studies of carcinogenicity following exposure to quinone have not
been reported. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Case studies of adverse genotoxic effects
following exposure to quinone have not been reported. Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Case studies of neurologic,
pulmonary, sensitization or other adverse health effects following quinone exposure have not been
reported. Epidemiology Studies A cohort study of hydroquinone production workers who were also
exposed to quinone reported significantly lower mortality due to a number of disease endpoints
including cancer when compared to a general population control (279).

Pifer et al. (280) reported that a cohort of 879 men and women involved in manufacturing
hydroquinone using a process that included production of quinone had significantly lower death rates
for malignant and nonmalignant diseases when compared to general population and employed
referent groups.
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV, OSHA PEL, NIOSH REL, and German MAK values for quinone are 0.1 ppm as
an 8 h TWA. The NIOSH IDLH value was 100 mg/m3.
5.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
In the past, large amounts of quinone were produced in the United States as an intermediary for
hydroquinone production. Newer production methods eliminate the need for quinone. Therefore,
releases of quinone from U.S. manufacturing sites to the environment have been decreasing steadily
for several years according to Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reports. TRI reports for the year 1997
included no releases of quinone to air, water, or land (322). In countries such as China, and India,
where the aniline oxidation method continues to be used to produce hydroquinone, releases of
quinone to the environment may occur. Environmental surveys of industrial sites in the United States
have failed to detect quinone in surface waters (301, 307, 308).

Because of its low water solubility and vapor pressure, quinone is likely to partition into the
atmosphere, if released. As a result of photolysis and chemical lability, quinone is expected to be
short-lived in the environment following release (306). Since chemical structures such as quinone are
readily metabolized by microorganisms, biodegradation is expected to be rapid. Polymeric forms of
quinone are known as humic acids, which are common constituents of soil.

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

6.0 Pyrogallol
6.0.1 CAS Number:
6.0.2 Synonyms:
Pyrogallic acid; pyro; 1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene; 1,2,3-benzenetriol; fouramine base ap; Benzenetriol
6.0.3 Trade Names:
CI 76515; CI Oxidation Base 32; Fouramine Brown AP; Fourrine 85; Fourrine PG; Piral
6.0.4 Molecular Weight:
6.0.5 Molecular Formula:
6.0.6 Molecular Structure:

6.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state White, or nearly white needle or leaf-shaped crystals or crystalline powder
Specific gravity 1.453 (4°C)
Melting point 131–134°C
Boiling point 309°C (decomposes at 293°C)
Solubility Soluble in water (1–2), alcohol (1–1.5), and ether (1–2) at 25°C

6.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Pyrogallol is practically odorless.

6.2 Production and Use
Pyrogallol is prepared by heating dried gallic acid at about 200°C with the loss of carbon dioxide
(13) or by the chlorination of cyclohexanol to tetrachlorocyclohexanone, followed by hydrolysis
(323). Pyrogallol's commercial use is based primarily on the fact that it is easily oxidized in alkaline
solutions (even by atmospheric oxygen), so that such solutions become potent reducing agents. It is
used specifically as a developer in photography and for maintaining anaerobic conditions for
bacterial growth. It is additionally used in dyeing operations, the oxidized products being dark blue,
process engraving, and as a topical antibacterial agent (13).
6.3 Exposure Assessment
6.3.1 Air: NA

6.3.2 Background Levels: NA

6.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

6.3.4 Community Methods: NA

6.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood: NA Urine The content of pyrogallol in the urine can be determined by various methods (324).
6.4 Toxic Effects
6.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The oral LD50 for technical synthetic pyrogallol
(92%, as a 500 mg/kg aqueous solution) in Sprague–Dawley rats was 1270 (males) and 800
(females) mg/kg (summarized in Ref. 323). Clinical observations included cyanosis, reduced
activity, reduced muscle tone, body tremors, ataxia, lacrimation, salivation, piloerection, coolness to
touch, hunched posture, pale extremities, and general soiling. General observations on gross
necropsy included cyanosis, dark and/or enlarged spleen, dark kidneys, brown or pale liver and
lungs, distension of the stomach and bladder, and fluid in the intestines.

Because of its marked reducing action, pyrogallol has a tremendous affinity for the oxygen of the
blood. There was extensive destruction and fragmentation of the erythrocytes. Death is initiated by
respiratory failure. The urine of poisoned animals may contain casts, glucose, hemoglobin,
methemoglobin, urobilin, and other compounds that cause discoloration (323).

The dermal LD50 in rats administered pyrogallol in aqueous solution for 24 h under occlusion
exceeded 2100 mg/kg (323). Clinical observations in females included cyanosis and pale extremities;
the treated skin and surrounding fur of all animals was stained brown. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Repeated absorption of toxic but sublethal concentrations
into the tissues of animals has been found to cause severe anemia, icterus, nephritis, and uremia. The
approximate lethal dosages of pyrogallol in aqueous solution for various animals species, under
varying conditions of administration, was reported to be (324) rabbit, 1.1 g/kg (orally); rabbit or
guinea pig, 10 g/kg (SC); dog or cat, 0.35 g/kg (SC); and dog, 0.09 g/kg (IV). Pathological changes
in animals caused by pyrogallol include edema and hyperemia of the lungs, and moderate fatty
degeneration, round cell infiltration, and necrosis of the liver. The kidneys may show hyperemia,
necrosis of the epithelium, granular pigmentation, and glomerular nephritis (13). Changes of the
bone marrow and myeloid changes in the spleen were noted after chronic administration of this
compound (13). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Pyrogallol is readily absorbed from the GI
tract and from parenteral sites of injection. Little is absorbed through the intact skin. The bulk of
absorbed pyrogallol is readily conjugated with glucuronic, sulfuric, or other acids and excreted
within 24 h via the kidneys (13). When rats were administered 100 mg/kg pyrogallol, both pyrogallol
and 2-O-methylpyrogallol were recovered in the urine as hydrolyzable conjugates; there was no
unconjugated pyrogallol. Traces of resorcinol were detected in the feces suggesting that pyrogallol
could be reduced (325). Reproductive and Developmental A multigeneration rat reproduction study was conducted
with a hair dye containing 0.4% pyrogallol applied to the skin twice per week during mating,
gestation, and lactation through weaning (323). There were no treatment-related effects on
reproduction, and only mild skin reactions at the application site noted intermittently.

Pyrogallol in propylene glycol was administered to pregnant Sprague–Dawley rats during days 6–15
of gestation at doses of 100, 200, or 300 mg/kg. There were no maternal mortalities, but at the top
dose there was a decrease in maternal body weight gain, smaller fetuses, and an increase in the
number of fetal resorptions. The numbers of fetal implants and abnormalities were not affected
(326). Carcinogenesis Pyrogallol was not carcinogenic in mouse and rabbit chronic dermal studies.
Mice were treated twice weekly with pyrogallol in acetone (50%) on the shaved flank for life. There
was no increase in dermal or systemic tumors (327). A similar study in rabbits also revealed no skin
tumors, although positive controls showed an increase in tumors in both mice and rabbits (132).

Pyrogallol was considered to be cocarcinogenic when administered dermally three times a week
together with the skin carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene for 440 days; pyrogallol administered alone caused
no increase in skin tumors (231). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Pyrogallol was mutagenic in nearly all systems
(323). Most of the assays were performed in vitro, but pyrogallol was also positive in in vivo assays.
There was an increase in sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in Drosophila melanogaster, in mouse
micronuclei (75), and in chromatid breaks in bone marrow cells of mice injected intraperitoneally
with pyrogallol (323). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Powdered pyrogallol was an ocular
irritant, but not when tested at a concentration of 1% in propylene glycol (323). Powdered pyrogallol
was slightly irritating when tested under dermal occlusion for 24 h in rabbits, and a 50% aqueous
solution was slightly irritating in guinea pigs (323). Pyrogallol was reported to be a skin sensitizer
when tested in guinea pigs by one unconventional procedure, but was negative in a second study
using intradermal and dermal induction, and topical challenge applications (323).

6.4.2 Human Experience General Information: NA Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Cases of human poisoning have not been frequent.
Cases reported in the older literature include one man who ingested an aqueous solution containing
8g of pyrogallol and who recovered after suffering an acute intoxication; another, who ingested 15 g
of this compound, died despite prompt vomiting (13). Signs of acute intoxication include vomiting,
hypothermia, fine tremors, muscular incoordination, diarrhea, loss of reflexes, coma, and asphyxia
(13). When applied to the human skin in the form of a salve, it can cause local discoloration,
irritation, eczema, and even death. Repeated contact with the skin has been reported to cause
sensitization (13). The symptoms observed in acute intoxications in humans resemble closely the
signs of illness displayed by experimental animals. Chronic and subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Pyrogallol detected in human urine

presumably results from intestinal bacterial decarboxylation of gallic acid, an ingredient in tea (324). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinognesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Positive skin sensitization
reactions to pyrogallol were reported in 25 patch-tested patients with leg ulcers (328). In contrast,
there were no positive responses when 8230 patients with allergic contact dermatitis were patch
tested with pyrogallol (1% in petrolatum) (329).

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

7.0 o-Cresol
7.0.1 CAS Number:
7.0.2 Synonyms:
2-Methylphenol; phenol, 2-methyl; 2-cresol; o-cresylic acid; 1-hydroxy-2-methylbenzene; 2-
hydroxytoluene; o-hydroxytoluene; o-methylphenol; o-methylphenylol; o-oxytoluene; o-toluol
7.0.3 Trade Names:
7.0.4 Molecular Weight:
7.0.5 Molecular Formula:
7.0.6 Molecular Structure:

7.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state colorless, yellowish, or pinkish crystals, darkens with age and exposure to light
and air (330, 331). o-Cresol can also appear as a liquid
Odor Phenolic odor, with an odor threshold of 5 ppm; sometimes referred to as an
empyreumatic odor
Specific gravity 1.030–1.038 (o-), (m-), (p-)
Melting point 11–35°C (mixture)/31°C (o-)/12°C (m-)/35°C (p-) (330, 332)
Boiling point 191–203°C (mixture)/191°C (o-)/202°C (m-)/202°C (p-) (330)
Vapor density 3.72 (air = 1) (332)
Vapor pressure (25°C) 0.29torr (o-)/0.14torr (m-)/ 0.11torr (p-) at 25°C
Refractive index 1.537
Density of 1.00089 [air = 1]
saturated air
Flash point 82°C (mixture)/81°C (o-)/86°C/m- p-) (all closed cup) (332)

Other characteristics are as follows:

Flammability. o-Cresol is combustible and presents a marked fire hazard. Fires can be extinguished
with water, carbon dioxide, appropriate foam, or dry chemicals. Mixtures of air and 1.47% o-cresol
are explosive (332).
Solubility. o-Cresol is soluble in organic solvents, vegetable oils, alcohol, ether, glycerin,
chloroform, and dilute alkali; also in 40 parts water (330, 333).

7.1.1 General: NA

7.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties o-Cresol has a distinct phenolic odor discernible at 5 ppm. Taste
has not been noted in the available literature.
7.2 Production and Use
The cresols (cresylic acids) are methyl phenols and generally appear as a mixture of isomers (330).
o-Cresol is a 2-methyl derivative of phenol (335) and is prepared from o-toluic acid or obtained from
coal tar or petroleum (333, 336). Crude cresol is obtained by distilling “gray phenic acid” at a
temperature of ~180–201°C. o-Cresol may be separated from the crude or purified mixture by
repeated fractional distillation in vacuo. It can also be prepared synthetically by diazotization of the
specific toluidine, or by fusion of the corresponding toluenesulfonic acid with sodium hydroxide.

o-Cresol is used as a disinfectant and solvent (330). Lysol™ disinfectant is a 50% v/v mixed-cresol
isomer in a soap emsulion formed on mixing with water. Besides disinfection products at solutions
of 1–5% (333), the cresols are used as degreasing compounds, paintbrush cleaners, and additives in
lubricating oils (334). Cresols were previously widely used for disinfection of poultry houses, but
this use was discontinued because of their toxicity; they cause respiratory problems and abdominal
edema in young chicks (337). o-Cresol has been used in synthetic resins, explosives, petroleum,
photographic, paint, and agricultural industries.
7.3 Exposure Assessment
With rare exceptions, human exposure in industry has been limited to accidental contact of o-cresol
with the skin or inhalation of vapors (335).

7.3.1 Air: NA

7.3.2 Background Levels: NA

7.3.3 Workplace Methods Air sampling and analytical methods for personal monitoring are
essentially the same manner as for phenol. Cresol is absorbed in dilute alkali and determined
colorimetrically with diazotized p-nitroaniline reagent (339), absorbed in spectrograde alcohol with
direct determination by ultraviolet spectrophotometry (340), or absorbed on silica and determined by
gas–liquid chromatography (341). One sampling procedure consists of drawing a known volume of
air through a silica gel tube consisting of two 20/40-mesh silica-gel sections, 150 and 75 mg,
separated by a 2-mm portion of urethane foam. Acetone desorbed samples can be analyzed using gas
chromatography with a flame ionization detector. The column is packed with 10% free fatty-acid
polymer in 80/100 mesh, acid-washed DMCS Chromosorb W. The useful range of this method is 5–
60 mg/m3 (341).

7.3.4 Community Methods: NA

7.3.5 Biomonitorng/Biomarkers A sensitive method for the detection of cresol and metabolites in
serum has been reported (342).
7.4 Toxic Effects
7.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity

Dermal. The dermal LD50 of o-cresol was 890 mg/kg in rabbits (18). Toxic symptoms are similar
after oral and dermal routes.
Inhalation. No verifiable LC50 values have been reported, but rats survived a 1-h, exposure to
1220 mg/m3 (340) and mice apparently survived a 2-h exposure [179 mg/m3] to o-cresol (340).
Irritation and Sensitization. o-Cresol, undiluted and in solution, can cause severe local irritation
and corrosion following dermal and ocular exposure. Irritant effects include severe skin lesions,
edema, erythema, and necrosis. In a study using rabbits that were dosed with 524 mg o-cresol for
24 h under occlusion, severe skin effects were produced (340). Eye irritation can be severe and
include corneal opacity. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity o-Cresol was tested for subchronic toxicity in animal
studies of 28 and 90days' duration by dietary administration.

Ingestion by Diet In a 28-day study, F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice of both sexes (5/sex/group) were
given o-cresol at concentrations of 300–30,000 ppm in the diet. All rats survived until study
termination; some mice died at the 10,000- and 30,000-ppm dietary levels. Increased liver weights
and kidney weights were noted in both species at doses as low as 3000 ppm. No microscopic
changes were associated with the organ weight changes. Bone marrow hyperplasia and atrophy of
the uterus, ovary, and mammary gland were seen in the 10,000- and 30,000-ppm dietary groups

In a 90-day study, F344/N rats (20/sex/dose) and B6C3F1 mice (10/sex/dose) of both sexes received
dietary administration of 30,000 ppm o-cresol (rats) and 20,000 ppm o-cresol (mice). No deaths
in either species were related to administration of o-cresol. Hematology, clinical chemistry, and
urinalysis were unremarkable; however, bile acid accumulation in the high dose rats was observed.
Mild bone marrow hypocellularity in rats and forestomach hyperplasia in mice was revealed in
animals with the higher doses (343). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Cresol is absorbed through the skin, open
wounds, and mucous membranes of the gastroenteric and respiratory tracts. The rate of absorption
through the skin depends on the size of the area exposed rather than the concentration of the material
applied (340). The metabolism and the rate of absorption, detoxification, and excretion of the cresols
are much like those for phenol; they are oxidized and excreted as glucuronide and sulfate conjugates. Absorption: NA Distribution: NA Excretion The major route of excretion of the cresols is in the urine. The o- and m- cresols
are ring-hydroxylated to a small extent, whereas the p-cresol gives rise to the formation of some p-
hydroxybenzoic acid. 2,5-Dihydroxytoluene has been isolated from the urine of rabbits fed o- and m-
cresols, and p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-cresylglucuronide from those administered p-cresol (340). Reproductive and Developmental Although no reproductive or developmental toxicity

studies were conducted on o-cresol, two subchronic assays did investigate the effect on the
reproductive organs. In a 28-day subchronic study of o-cresol at doses of 30,000 ppm in the diet to
both sexes of rats and mice, reproductive tissue evaluations showed no indication of adverse effects
in the male reproductive system. The estrus cycle was, however, lengthened in rats and mice
receiving 10,000 or 20,000 ppm o-cresol (343). In a 90-day study of o-cresol administered in the diet
to rats and mice of both sexes, the reproductive organs were evaluated. Atrophy of the female
reproductive organs was noted occasionally at 10,000 ppm, but more consistently at 30,000 ppm
(343). Carcinogenesis o-Cresol has been investigated for tumor promotion following induction by
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, but does not appear to be a tumorigen.

Skin Application Female Sutter mice (27–29/group) were dosed with a single application of
dimethylbenzanthracene followed one week later by 25 mL of a 20% solution of o-cresol in benzene
twice weekly for 12 weeks. Benzene-treated controls did not experience mortality, although many of
the cresol mice died. o-Cresol produced 10/17 tumors (papillomas) on surviving mice (234). In
another promotion study, mice were painted with a 20% solution of o-cresol for 11 weeks following
initiation with dimethylbenzanthracene. No carcinomas were produced (344). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies In an unscheduled DNA synthesis assay, o-
cresol was shown to be negative using rat hepatocytes (345). A cell transformation assay using
BALB/3T3 cells showed o-cresol to be negative (346). Salmonella assays of various strains, both
with and without liver homogenate, showed no mutagenic activity (59, 60, 347). In a mouse
lymphoma forward mutation assay with liver homogenate, o-cresol was not mutagenic (345). Sister
chromatid exchange (SCE) assays produced no evidence of mutagenicity in CHO (Chinese hamster
ovary) cells (346). o-Cresol induced sister chromatid exchange in human lung fibroblasts (345, 348).
7.4.2 Human Experience General Information Cresols can cause local and systemic toxicity
in humans after exposure by oral or dermal exposure. Clinical Cases Approximately 20 mL of a 90% solution of mixed cresol solution caused
chemical burns, cyanosis, unconsciousness, and death within 4h when accidentally poured on an
infant's head. Hepatic necrosis; cerebral edema; acute tubular necrosis of the kidneys; and
hemorrhagic effusions from the peritoneum, pleura, and pericardium were observed postmortem.
Blood cresol concentration was 120 mg/mL (349). Acute Toxicity Oral lethality data from Lysol™ (which contains 50% mixed cresols) has
been estimated to be between 60 and 120 mL (352). Ingestion is associated with corrosivity to body
tissues and toxicity to the vascular system, liver, kidneys, and pancreas (344). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Chronic cresol poisoning has been infrequently reported.
About 10 subjects were exposed to o-cresol at 1.4 ppm and complained of respiratory tract irritation
(350). Documentation was not confirmed. Seven workers who were exposed to mixed cresols vapor
for 1.5–3 years experienced headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Some of those exposed also had
elevated blood pressure, signs of impaired kidney function, blood calcium imbalance, and marked
tremors (350). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Cresols are normally present in human
7.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) TLV TWA for cresol is
5 ppm (22 mg/m3) with a “skin” notation (351). The OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) is also
5 ppm (22 mg/m3) with a skin notation (351). The “skin” notation in the listing refers to “the
potential significant contribution to the overall exposure by the dermal route, including mucous
membranes and the eyes, either by contact with vapors or, of probable greater significance, by direct
skin contact with the substance. The NIOSH REL TWA is 2.3 ppm (10 mg/m3); the IDLH is
250 ppm.

Treatment of Cresol Ingestion Treatment should be supportive and symptomatic. There are no
known antidotes (335).

Skin Decontamination Treatments after Accidental Exposure of Phenol Skin contact should be
treated by washing with copious amounts of water, then bathing in glycerol, propylene glycol, or
polyethylene glycol. Patients may require ventilatory support (335).

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

8.0 m-Cresol
8.0.1 CAS Number:
8.0.2 Synonyms:
3-Methylphenol; phenol, 3-methyl; 3-cresol; m-cresylic acid; 1-hydroxy-2-methylbenzene; 3-
hydroxytoluene; m-hydroxytoluene; m-methylphenol; m-methylphenylol; m-oxytoluene; m-toluol;
m-cresylic; 3-methyl-1-hydroxybenzene; 1-hydroxy-3-methylbenzene; m-kresol; hydroxy-3-
8.0.3 Trade Names:
8.0.4 Molecular Weight:
8.0.5 Molecular Formula:
8.0.6 Molecular Structure:

8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless, yellowish, or pinkish liquid, darkens with age and exposure to light and
air (330, 331)
Odor Phenolic odor, with an odor threshold of 5 ppm; sometimes refered to as an
empyreumatic odor
Specific 1.030–1.038 (mixture)
Melting point 11–35°C (mixture)/31°C (o-)/12°C (m-)
Boiling point 191–203°C (mixture)/191°C (o-)/202°C (m-)
Vapor density 1.034 air = 1
Flash point 82°C (mixture)/81°C (o-)/86°C (m-, p-) (all closed cup)

Other properties are as follows:

Flammability. m-Cresol is combustible and presents a marked fire hazard. m-Cresol fires can be
extinguished with water, carbon dioxide, appropriate foam, or dry chemicals. Mixtures of air and
1.47% m-cresol are explosive (332).
Solubility. m-Cresol is soluble in organic solvents, vegetable oils alcohol, ether, glycerin,
chloroform, and dilute alkali; also in 40 parts water (330, 331).

8.1.1 General: NA

8.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties m-Cresol has a distinct phenolic odor discernable at 5 ppm.
8.2 Production and Use
The cresols (cresylic acids) are methyl phenols and generally appear as a mixture of isomers (334).
m-Cresol is prepared from m-toluic acid or obtained from coal tar or petroleum (331, 335, 336).
Crude cresol is obtained by distilling “gray phenic acid” at a temperature of ~180–201°C. The m-
cresol may be separated from the crude or purified mixture by repeated fractional distillation in
vacuo. It can also be prepared synthetically by diazotization of the specific toluidine, or by fusion of
the corresponding toluenesulfonic acid with sodium hydroxide.

m-Cresol is used as a disinfectant and solvent (330). Lysol™ disinfectant is a 50% v/v mixed-cresol
isomer in a soap emulsion formed on mixing with water. The isomer m-cresol is an oily liquid with
low volatility. Besides disinfection at solutions of 1–5% (331), the cresols are used in degreasing
compounds, paintbrush cleaners, and additives in lubricating oils (334). Cresols were once widely
used for disinfection of poultry houses but this use has been discontinued because they cause
respiratory problems and abdominal edema in young chicks (337). m-Creosl has been used in
synthetic resins, explosives, petroleum, photographic, paint, and agricultural industries.
8.3 Exposure Assessment
With rare exceptions, human exposure in industry has been limited to accidental contact of m-cresol
with the skin or inhalation of vapors (335).

8.3.1 Air: NA

8.3.2 Background Levels: NA

8.3.3 Workplace Methods Air sampling and analytical methods for personal monitoring are
essentially the same as for phenol. Cresol is absorbed in dilute alkali and determined colorimetrically
with diazotized p-nitroaniline reagent (339), absorbed in spectrograde alcohol with direct
determination by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, or absorbed on silica and determined by gas–liquid
chromatography (340). One sampling procedure consists of drawing a known volume of air through
a silica-gel tube consisting of two 20/40-mesh silica gel sections, 150 and 75 mg, separated by a 2-
mm portion of urethane foam. Acetone-desorbed samples can be analyzed using gas chromatography
with a flame ionization detector. The column is packed with 10% free fatty-acid polymer in 80/100-
mesh, acid-washed DMCS Chromosorb W. The useful range of this method is 5–60 mg/m3 (341).

8.3.4 Community Methods

8.3.5 Biomonitoring A sensitive method for the detection of cresol and metabolites in serum has
been reported (342).
8.4 Toxic Effects
8.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity

Ingestion. Orally administered m-cresol is moderately to acutely toxic in animals. After oral
administration to rats, the LD50 value was determined to be 2.02 g/kg body weight (340). It is
considered to have about the same general degree of toxicity as phenol, but to be slightly less
corrosive than phenol with slower absorption, which accounts for slightly milder systemic effects.
m-Cresol is somewhat less toxic and less irritating than phenol (340). Corrosion to the GI tract and
mouth is expected following cresol exposure with similar effects as phenol. Following oral
administration, kidney tubule damage, nodular pneumonia, and congestion of the liver with pallor
and necrosis of the hepatic cells is seen. Acute exposure can cause muscular weakness, GI
disturbances, severe depression, collapse, and death.
Dermal. The dermal LD50 in rabbits of m-cresol was 2050 mg/kg (340). Toxic symptoms are
similar after oral and dermal routes.
Inhalation. No verifiable LC50 values have been reported, but rats survived 1 h exposure to
710 mg/m3 (340).
Irritation and Sensitization. m-Cresol, undiluted and in solution, can cause severe local irritation
and corrosion following dermal and ocular exposure. Irritant effects include severe skin lesions,
edema, erythema, and necrosis. In a study using rabbits that were dosed with 517 mg m-cresol for
24 h under occlusion, severe skin effects were produced (340). Eye irritation can be severe and
include corneal opacity. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity m-Cresol was tested for subchronic toxicity in animal
studies of 28 and 90 days duration by dietary administration.
Ingestion by Diet In a 28-day study, F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice of both sexes (5/sex/group) were
given m-cresol at concentrations of from 300–30,000 ppm in the diet. All rats survived until study
termination; some mice died at the 10,000 and 30,000 ppm dietary levels. Increased liver weights
and kidney weights were noted in both species at doses as low as 3000 ppm. No microscopic
changes were associated with the weight changes. Bone marrow hyperplasia and atrophy of the
uterus, ovary, and mammary gland were seen occasionally in both the 10,000- and 30,000-ppm
groups (343). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Cresol is absorbed through the skin and
open wounds and mucous membranes of the gastroenteric and respiratory tracts. The absorption rate
through the skin depends on the size of the area exposed rather than the concentration of the material
applied (340).

The metabolism and the rate of absorption, detoxification, and excretion of the cresol are much like
those for phenol; they are oxidized and excreted as glucuronide and sulfate conjugates. Absorption: NA Distribution: NA Excretion The major route of excretion of the cresols is in the urine. Both o- and m-cresols
are ring-hydroxylated to a small extent, whereas p-cresol gives rise to the formation of some p-
hydroxybenzioc acid. 2,5-Dihydroxytoluene has been isolated from the urine of rabbits fed o- and m-
cresols, and p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-cresylglucuronide from those administered p-cresol (340). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis m-Cresol has induced a few papillomas but no carcinomas in tumor studies.

Skin Application Female Sutter mice (27–29/group) were dosed with a single application of
dimethylbenzanthracene followed one week later by 25 mL of a 20% solution of m-cresol in benzene
twice weekly for 12 weeks. Benzene-treated controls did not experience mortality, although many of
the cresol-treated mice died. m-Cresol produced 7/17 tumors (papillomas) in surviving mice (234).
In another promotion study, mice were painted with a 20% solution of m-cresol for 11 weeks
following initiation with dimethylbenzanthracene; no carcinomas were produced (344). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects studies Salmonella assays of various strains, both with
and without liver homogenate, showed no mutagenic activity (57, 60, 345–348). Sister chromatid
exchange assays produced no evidence of mutagenicity in CHO cells (346).

8.4.2 Human Experience General Information Cresols can cause local and systemic toxicity
in humans after exposure by oral or dermal routes. Clinical Cases Approximately 20 mL of a 90% solution of mixed-cresol solution caused

chemical burns, cyanosis, unconsciousness, and death within 4h when accidentally poured on an
infant's head. Hepatic necrosis; cerebral edema; acute tubular necrosis of the kidneys; and
hemorrhagic effusions from the peritoneum, pleura, and pericardium were observed postmortem.
Blood cresol concentration was 120 mg/mL (349). Acute Toxicity Oral lethality data from Lysol™, which is 50% mixed cresols, has been
estimated to be between 60 and 120 mL (352). Ingestion is associated with corrosivity to body tissue
and toxicity to the vascular system, liver, kidneys, and pancreas (344). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Chronic cresol poisoning has been infrequently reported.
Seven workers who were exposed to mixed-cresol vapor for 1.5–3 years experienced headaches,
nausea, and vomiting. Some of those exposed also had elevated blood pressure, signs of impaired
kidney function, blood calcium imbalance, and marked tremors (344). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Cresols are normally present in human
urine. Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc All isomers of cresol cause renal
toxicity, hepatic toxicity, and CNS and cardiovascular disturbances (335).
8.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV TWA for cresol is 5 ppm (22 mg/m3) with a “skin” notation (351). The OSHA
PEL is also 5 ppm with a “skin” notation (350). The “skin” notation in the listing refers to “the
potential significant contribution to the overall exposure by the dermal route, including mucous
membranes and the eyes, either by contact with vapors or, of probable greater significance, by direct
skin contact with the substance.” The NIOSH REL TWA is 2.3 ppm (10 mg/m3); the IDLH value is
250 ppm.

Treatment of Cresol Ingestion Treatment should be supportive and symptomatic. There are no
known antidotes (335).

Skin Decontamination Treatments after Accidental Exposure of Phenol Skin contact should be
treated by washing with copious amounts of water, then bathing in glycerol, propylene glycol, or
polyethylene glycol. Patients may require ventilatory support (335).

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

9.0 p-Cresol
9.0.1 CAS Number:
9.0.2 Synonyms:
4-Methylphenol; phenol, 4-methyl; 4-cresol; p-cresylic acid; 1-hydroxy-4-methylbenzene; 4-
hydroxytoluene; p-hydroxytoluene; p-methylphenol; p-methylphenylol p-oxytoluene; p-toluol; 1-
methyl-4-hydroxybenzene; p-methylhydroxybenzene; p-tolyl alcohol
9.0.3 Trade Names:
9.0.4 Molecular Weight:
9.0.5 Molecular Formula:
9.0.6 Molecular Structure:
9.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless, yellowish, or pinkish liquid, darkens with age and exposure to light and air
(330, 331); p-cresol can also appear as a liquid
Odor Phenolic odor, with an odor threshold of 5 ppm; sometimes refereed to as an
empyreumatic odor
Specific 1.034
Melting point 32–34°C
Boiling point 202°C (330)
Vapor density 3.7 (air = 1) (332)
Vapor 0.11 torr (25°C)
Refractive 1.537
Flash point 86°C (closed cup)

Other characteristics are as follows:

Flammability. p-Cresol is combustible and presents a marked fire hazard. Fires can be extinguished
with water, carbon dioxide, appropriate foam, or dry chemicals. Mixtures of air and 1.47% p-cresol
are explosive (332).
Solubility. p-Cresol is soluble in organic solvents, vegetable oils, alcohol, ether, glycerin,
chloroform, and dilute alkali; also in 40 parts water (330, 333).

9.1.1 General: NA

9.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties p-Cresol has a distinct phenolic odor discernable at 5 ppm. Taste
has not been noted in the available literature.
9.2 Production and Use
The cresols (cresylic acids) are methyl phenols and generally appear as a mixture of isomers (334).
p-Cresol is a 4-methyl deriviative of phenol (335) and is prepared from m-toluic acid or obtained
from coal tar or petroleum (333, 336). Crude cresol is obtained by distilling “gray phenic acid” at a
temperature of ~180–201°C. p-Cresol may be separated from the crude or purified mixture by
repeated fractional distillation in vacuo. It can also be prepared synthetically by diazotization of the
specific toluene, or by fusion of the corresponding toluenesulfonic acid with sodium hydroxide.

p-Cresol is used as a disinfectant and solvent (330). Lysol™ disinfectant is a 50% v/v mixed-cresol
isomer in a soap emulsion formed on mixing with water. Besides disinfection products at solutions
of 1–5% (333), the cresols are used as degreasing compounds, paintbrush cleaners, and additives in
lubricating oil (334). Cresols were previously widely used for disinfection of poultry houses, but this
use was discontinued because they cause respiratory problems and abdominal edema in young chicks
(337). p-Cresol has been used in synthetic resins, explosives, petroleum, paint, photographic and
agricultural industries. p-Cresol is used safety in foods as a synthetic flavoring substance and
adjuvant (338).
9.3 Exposure Assessment
With rare exceptions, human exposure in industry has been limited to accidental contact of p-cresol
with the skin or to inhalation of vapors (335).

9.3.1 Air: NA

9.3.2 Background Levels: NA

9.3.3 Workplace Methods Air sampling and analytical methods for personal monitoring are
essentially the same manner as for phenol. Cresol is absorbed in dilute alkali and determined
colorimetrically with diazotized p-nitroaniline reagent (339), absorbed in spectrograde alcohol with
direct determination by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, or absorbed on silica and deteremined by gas–
liquid chromatography (340). One sampling procedure consists of drawing a known volume of air
through a silica-gel tube consiting of two 20/40-mesh silica-gel sections, 150 and 75 mg, separated
by a 2-mm portion of urethane foam. Acetone desorbed samples can be analyzed using a gas
chromatography with a flame ionization detector. The column is packed with 10% free fatty-acid
polymer in 80/100-mesh, acid washed DMCS Chromosorb W. The useful range of this method is 5
to 60 mg/m3 (341).

9.3.4 Community Methods: NA

9.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers A sensitive method for the detection of cresol and metabolites in
serum has been reported (342).
9.4 Toxic Effects
9.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity

Ingestion. Orally administered p-cresol is moderately acutely toxic in animals. After oral
administration to rats, the LD50 value was 1.8 g/kg body weight (340). This is considered to have
about the same degree of toxicity as phenol but to be slightly more corrosive than phenol with
slower absorption, which accounts for slightly milder systemic effects (340). Corrosion of the GI
tract and mouth is expected following oral cresol exposure similar to phenol. Following oral
administration, kidney tubule damage, nodular pneumonia, and congestion of the liver with pallor
and necrosis of the hepatic cells is seen. Acute exposure can cause muscular weakness, GI
disturbances, severe depression, collapse, and death.
Dermal. The dermal LD50 in rats was 750 mg/kg (340). Toxic symptoms are similar after oral and
dermal routes.
Inhalation. No verifiable LC50 values have been reported, but rats survived 1 h exposure to
710 mg/m3 (340).
Irritation and Sensitization. p-Cresol, undiluted and in solution, can cause severe local irritation
and corrosion following dermal and ocular exposure. Irritant effects include severe skin lesions,
edema, erythema, and necrosis. Eye irritation can include severe irritation with corneal opacity. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity p-Cresol has been tested for subchronic toxicity in animal
studies of 28 days' duration by dietary administration.

Ingestion by Diet In a 28-day study, F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice of both sexes (5/sex/group) were
given p-cresol at concentrations of 300–30,000 ppm in the diet. All rats survived until study
termination; some mice died at the 10,000 and 30,000 ppm dietary levels. Increased liver weights
and kidney weights were noted in both species at doses as low as 3000 ppm, but no microscopic
changes were associated with the organ weight changes. Bone marrow hyperplasia, and atrophy of
the uterus, ovary, and mammary gland were seen in the 10,000- and 30,000-ppm dietary groups
(343). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption Cresol is absorbed
through the skin, open wounds, and mucous membranes of the GI and respiratory tracts. The rate of
absorption through the skin depends on the size of the area exposed rather than the concentration of
the material applied (340).

The metabolism and the rate of absorption, detoxification, and excretion of the cresols are much like
those of phenol; they are oxidized and excreted as glucuronide and sulfate conjugates. Distribution: NA Excretion The major route of excretion of the cresols is in the urine. Both o- and m-cresols
are ring-hydroxylated to a small extent, whereas p-cresol gives rise to the formation of some p-
hydroxybenzoic acid. 2,5-Dihydroxytoluene has been isolated from the urine of rabbits fed o- and m-
cresols, and p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-cresylglucuronide from those administered p-cresol (340). Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity: NA Carcinogenesis o-Cresol has been induced a few papilloma but no carcinomas in tumor

Skin Application Female Sutter mice (27–29/group) were dosed with a single application of
dimethylbenzanthracene followed one week later by 25 mL of a 20% solution of p-cresol in benzene
twice weekly for 12 weeks. Benzene treated controls did not experience mortality, although many of
the cresol mice did die. p-Cresol produced 7/20 tumors (papillomas) on surviving mice (234). In
another promotion study, mice were painted with a 20% solution of p-cresol for 11 weeks following
initiation with dimethylbenzanthracene. Four of fourteen mice treated with p-cresol produced
papillomas; no carcinomas were produced (344). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies In Vitro Effects In an unscheduled DNA
synthesis assay, p-cresol was shown to be negative using rat hepatocytes (345). A cell transformation
assay using BALB/3T3 cells showed o-cresol to be negative (346). Salmonella assays of various
strains, both with and without liver homogenate, showed no mutagenic activity (59, 60, 347). In a
mouse lymphoma forward mutation assay with liver homogenates, o-cresol was not mutagenic (345).
Sister chromatid exchange assays produced no evidence of mutagenicity in CHO cells (346). o-
Cresol induced SCEs in human lung fibroblasts (345, 348). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Sensitization Depigmentation occurred when CBA/J mice
were treated topically with a laundry ink containing p-cresol (353).

9.4.2 Human Experience General Information Cresols can cause local and systemic toxicity
in humans after exposure by oral or dermal routes. Clinical Cases Approximately 20 mL of a 90% solution of mixed-cresol solution caused

chemical burns, cyanosis, unconsciousness, and death within 4h when accidentally poured on an
infant's head. Heptaic necrosis; cerebral edema; acute tubular necrosis of the kidneys; and
hemorrhagic effusions from the peritoneum, pleura, and pericardium were observed postmortem.
Blood cresol concentration was 120 micrograms/ml (349). Acute Toxicity Oral lethality data from Lysol™ (which contains 50% mixed cresols) has
been estimated to be between 60 and 120 mL (352). Ingestion is associated with corrosivity to body
tissue and toxicity to the vascular system, liver, kdineys, and pancreas [Proctor 88]. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Chronic cresol poisoning has been reported infrequently.
About 10 subjects were exposed to o-cresol at 1.4 ppm and complained of respiratory tract irritation
(350). Documentation was not confirmed. Seven workers who were exposed to mixed-cresol vapor
for 1.5–3 years experienced headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Some of those exposed also had
elevated blood pressure, signs of impaired kidney function, blood calcium imbalance, and marked
tremors (344). Pharmacokineics, Metabolis, and Mechanisms Cresols are normally present in human
urine. The normal human excretes 16–39 mg p-cresol/day (340). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc All isomers of cresol cause renal
toxicity, hepatic toxicity, and CNS and cardiovascular disturbances (335).
9.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV TWA for cresol is 5 ppm (22 mg/m3) with a “skin” notation (351). The OSHA
PEL is also 5 ppm with a “skin” notation (351). The “skin” notation in the listing refers to “the
potential significant contribution to the overall exposure by the dermal route, including mucous
membranes and the eyes, either by contact with vapors or, of probable greater significance, by direct
skin contact with the substance.” The NIOSH REL TWA is 2.3 ppm (10 mg/m3); the IDLH value is

Treatment of Cresol Ingestion Treatment should be supportive and symptomatic. There are no
known antidotes (335).

Skin Decontamination Treatments after Accidental Exposure of Phenol Skin contact should be
treated by washing with copious amounts of water, then bathing in glycerol, propylene glycol, or
polyethylene glycol. Patients may require ventilatory support (335).

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

10.0 Creosote
10.0a Coal-Tar Creosote
10.0.1a CAS Number: [8001-58-9]

10.0.2a Synonyms: Creosote oil; creosotes; coal-tar oil; naphthalene oil; heavy oil; cresylic creosote;
AWPA #1; brick oil; creosote p1; creosotum; liquid pitch oil; Preserv-o-sote; tar oil; wash oil; dead
oil; Smoplastic-F; Osmoplastic-D; original carbolineum
10.0.3a Trade Names: NA

10.0.4a Molecular Weight: varies with purity

10.0.5a Molecular Formula: NA

10.0.6a Molecular Structure: NA

10.0b Wood Creosote
10.0.1b CAS Number: [8021-39-4]

10.0.2b Synonyms: Beechwood creosote; creasote; Fagus sylvatica creosote

10.0.3b Trade Names: NA

10.0.4b Molecular Weight: Varies with purity

10.0.5b Molecular Formula: NA

10.0.6b Molecular Structure: NA

10.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Coal-tar creosote is a translucent black or brown, oily liquid. It is heavier than water. Wood creosote
is a colorless or yellowish oily liquid.

Wood Creosote Coal-Tar Creosote

Specific gravity 1.09 1.1

Melting point –4°C Not available
Boiling point 428°C at 0mmHg 203–220°C (decomposes)
Vapor pressure 39mmHg (51°C) 42mmHg (22°C)
Flash point
Closed cup 74°C 73.9°C
Open cup — 85°C

10.1.1 General: NA

10.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Coal-tar creosote has a characteristic aromatic smoky odor.
Wood creosote has a characteristic smoky odor and a caustic burning taste.
10.2 Production and Use
Wood creosote is obtained from wood tars, from beech and the resin from leaves of the creosote
bush, and by distillation and is composed mainly of phenols, xylenols, guaiacol, and creosol. Coal-
tar creosote is produced by high temperature carbonization and distillation of bituminous coal. Coal-
tar creosote contains liquid and solid aromatic hydrocarbons, tar acids, and tar base (354). At least
75% of the coal-tar creosote mixture is polyaromatic hydrocarbons (355). Purification of the crude
preparation is accomplished by distillation and extraction from suitable oils.
Coal-tar creosote has been used as a wood preservative pesticide in the United States since the late
1890s. This accounts for over 97% of coal tar creosote production (356). Coal-tar creosote prevents
animal and plant growth on concrete marine pilings and is a component of roofing pitch. (355).
Other uses include animal and bird repellent, insecticide, animal dip, fungicide, and pharmaceutical
applications (357). Beechwood creosote has, in the past, been used for medicinal purposes. It is
rarely used in the United States for medical purposes today (355).
10.3 Exposure Assesment
Workers most likely to be exposed are carpenters, railroad workers, farmers, tar distillers, glass- and
steel-furnace attendants, and engineers. Injuries to the skin or eyes have occurred mainly among
male workers engaged in dipping and handling mine timbers and woods for floors and other
purposes. Recent studies indicate that dermal exposure to creosote contribute more significantly to
total body burden than respiratory exposure (358). There is limited risk of exposure to wood creosote
due to its limited commercial use.

10.3.1 Air According to the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), coal-tar creosote manufacturing and
processing facilities listed for 1993, the major portion of creosote released to the environment is
released to the air. An estimated total of 1,152,129lb of coal-tar creosote, amounting to 99.2% of the
total environmental release, was discharged to the air from manufacturing and processing facilities in
the Unites States in 1993. No major sources of wood creosote releases to the environment have been
reported (355).

10.3.2 Background Levels No information was found on atmospheric ambient concentrations of

wood or coal-tar creosote components. Results from 2 years of groundwater monitoring at a wood
treatment facility in Conroe, Texas, where coal-tar creosote had been used for about 20 years showed
that monitoring wells were contaminated with naphthalene, methylnaphthalene, dibenzofuran, and
fluorene (359).

10.3.3 Workplace Methods GC/MS has been employed to determine creosote levels in workplace air
from impregnated wood. Detection levels of 10–50 × 10–6g creosote/m3 sample, and recoveries of
82–102% were acheived (360).

10.3.4 Community Methods: NA

10.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers No biomarkers uniquely specific to wood creosote or coal-tar

creosote have been identified (355). The levels of creosote in biological mateials can be estimated by
measuring the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content in biological samples. Available
methods include GC/FID, GC/MS, and HPLC. GC/MS and HPLC have been employed to detect
creosote derived polyclyclic aromatic hydrocarbon complexes in human tissues, including adipose
tissue, blood, and urine (361, 362). Blood NA Urine NA Other NA
10.4 Toxic Effects
10.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Ingestion The acute toxicity of wood creosote
in both rats and mice was evaluated following single-gavage administration of a 10% aqueous
solution (363). The oral LD50 of wood creosote was 885 mg/kg (males) and 870 mg/kg (females) in
rats and 525 mg/kg (male) and 433 mg/kg (female) in mice. Most animals died within 24 h. The oral
LD50 for coal tar creosote is reported to be 725 mg/kg in rats and 433 mg/kg in mice (355). A study
by Pfitzer (364) reported a rat LD50 of 1700 mg/kg. The acute lethal dose of coal tar creosote in
sheep and calves is 4 g/kg (365).
Dermal The dermal LD50 of coal-tar creosote is >7950 mg/kg following 24-h application to intact
and abraided skin (364).

Inhalation Pfitzer (364) exposed rats by inhalation to near-saturated vapors generated from coal-tar
creosote for one day. The animals exhibited dyspnea, slight nasal irritation, and eye irritation. The
dose level was not determined. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Ingestion No treatment related deaths were observed
when rats were administered wood creosote in the feed at dose levels up to 1224 mg/kg/day in males
or 768 mg/kg per day in females for 3 months (363). Male and female Wistar rats fed diets
containing up to 313 or 394 mg/kg wood creosote per day for 96 weeks exhibited deaths in all
groups. Treatment related deaths were observed in the males at the high dose only and were
attributed to chronic progressive nephropathy (366). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Generally, the PAH components of coal-
tar creosote are metabolized by oxidative enzymes in the liver and lungs to generate active
metabolites that can bind to macromolecules. The principal products include phenols, dihydrodiols,
quinones, anhydrides, and conjugates of these products (355). Absorption No studies specific to the absorption of wood creosote or coal tar creosote
were found. Distribution No studies specific to the distribution of wood creosote or coal tar creosote
were found. Excretion Creosote appears to be excreted in the urine mainly in conjugation with sulfuric,
hexuronic, and other acids (367, 368). Oxidation also occurs with the formation of compounds that
impart a “smoky” appearance to the urine. Traces are excreted by way of the lungs. Reproductive and Developmental The only available study in animals reported dermal
contact with coal-tar-creosote-treated wood by pregnant sows (369). Four sows were confined in
wooden crates for 2–10 days before delivery. The crates were coated with three applications of
98.5% coal-tar creosote. Of 41 pigs delivered, 21 were dead at birth; 11 pigs died by day 3 post-
farrowing. No toxic effects were evident in the sows. These findings were considered suggestive of
developmental toxicity. Carcinogenesis The carcinogenicity of creosote oils has been studied quite thoroughly using
mice (370, 371). Studies indicate that coal-tar cresosote and several of its fractions can be
carcinogenic when applied to the skin of mice and rabbits. Dermally applied coal-tar creosote can
also act as a tumor-initiating agent when applied prior to croton-oil treatment (355). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies The genotoxic potential of coal-tar creosote
has been investigated using in vitro assays of the material and of urine from exposed animals. The
available genotoxicity data indicate that creosote is an indirect mutagen and induces gene mutation
in bacteria and mouse lymphoma cells (355). Bos et al. (372) identified fluoranthene as one of the
major volatile components of creosote responsible for the genotoxicity observed in Salmonella
typhimurium strains. Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization

Neurological Effects. Rats and mice treated via gavage administration of a single high dose of
beechwood creosote (300 mg/kg rats) exhibited muscle twitching followed by convulsions within
1–2 min. This was followed by asphyxiation, coma, and death (363).
Pulmonary Effects. Beechwood creosote failed to produce an adverse effect on lung weights when
fed to rats (1224 mg/kg per day males; 1570 mg/kg per day females) in the feed for 3 months
(363). Thickening of tracheal mucous membrane was observed in mice who ingested feed
(474 mg/kg males, 532 mg/kg females) containing beechwood creosote for 52 weeks. This was
attributed by the author to inhalation of volatile components rather than to oral toxicity (363).
Immunological and Lymphoreticular Effects. Daily exposures to beechwood creosote at 805 or
1224 mg/kg in the diet for 3 months resulted in increased relative spleen weight of male rats.
Similar effects were not seen in mice (363).

10.4.2 Human Experience General Information: NA Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity Ingestion Fatalities have occurred 14–36 h after
the ingestion of about 7g of coal-tar creosote by adults or 1–2 g by children (373). The symptoms of
systemic illness included salivation, vomiting, respiratory difficulties, thready pulse, vertigo,
headache, and loss of pupillary reflexes, hypothermia, cyanosis, and mild convulsions. The repeated
absorption of therapeutic doses from the GI tract may induce signs of chronic intoxication,
characterized by disturbances of vision and digestion (increased peristalsis and excretion of bloody
feces). In isolated cases of “self-medication,” hypertension, and general cardiovascular collapse have
been described (374). Acute toxic hepatitis has been attributed to the ingestion of chaparral, an
herbal supplement derived from the leaves of the creosote bush (375). Icterus and jaundice were
observed in a 42-year-old male who consumed 500 mg of chaparral a day for 6 weeks. Elevated
bilirubin, g-glutamyltranspeptidase, AST, and LDH were observed. Recovery occurred in
approximately 3 weeks.

Dermal Creosote burns were observed in construction workers who handled creosote-treated wood
(376). The majority of these cases were mild and were characterized by erythema of the face. Coal-
tar creosote is capable of inducing phototoxicity of the skin (355). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental No studies on reproductive or developmental effects of

wood creosote or coal-tar creosote were identified. A site-surveillance program was conducted by
the Texas Department of Health in 1990 at a housing development that was built on an abandoned
creosote wood treatment plant. No reproductive or developmental findings were evident (355). Carcinogenesis Cookson (377) described a 66-year-old coal-tar creosote factory worker
who developed a squamous-cell carcinoma of the right hand after 33 years of heavy exposure.
Autopsy revealed metastases to the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, and lymph nodes. A similar case was
reported in which a worker developed squamous-cell papillomas of the hands, nose, and thighs after
several years of employment in the creosote impregnation of logs (378). Lenson (379) reported on a
64-year-old creosote shipyard worker who developed several primary carcinomas of the face. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Contact of creosote with the skin
or condensation of vapors of creosote on the skin or mucous membranes may induce an intense
burning and itching with local erythema, grayish yellow to bronze pigmentation (376), papular and
vesicular eruptions, gangrene, and cancer (380–382). Heinz bodies were noted in the blood of a
patient 1 year after his exposure to creosote (379). Jonas (376) made similar observations following
percutaneous absorption. On contact with the eyes, creosote caused protracted keratoconjunctivitis.
This involves loss of corneal epithelium, clouding of the cornea, miosis, irritability, and
photophobia. Subsequently, both blurring of vision and superficial keratitis can occur (334). Epidemiology Studies Most of the available information on the effects of coal-tar creosote
in humans comes from cases of acute poisoning following accidental or intentional exposure to coal-
tar creosote and from occupational exposures in the wood preserving and construction industries.
These studies are limited by lack of exposure concentrations and duration and by exposure to other
potentially toxic substances. The few available studies are limited by small sample size, short follow-
up periods, and brief exposure periods. These studies suggest that coal-tar creosote is a dermal
irritant and a carcinogen following dermal exposure. Additional well-controlled epidemiological
studies are needed (355). Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms: NA Reproductive and Developmental A site-surveillance program was conducted by the

Texas Department of Health in 1990 at a housing development that was built on an abandoned
creosote wood treatment plant. No reproductive or developmental findings were evident (355). Carcinogenesis Case reports and occupational surveys associate occupational creosote
exposure with the development of skin cancer (355). These reports outline a similar disease etiology
for different groups of workers exposed to creosote that include the development of dermatoses that
progressed to carcinoma, usually squamous-cell carcinoma. Cancer of the scrotum in chimney
sweeps has been associated with prolonged exposure to coal-tar creosote. The latency period for the
development of dermatoses was usually 20–25 years (377, 383, 384). More recent studies suggest
that prolonged exposure to coal-tar creosote and other coal-tar products may cause cancer of the skin
and other organs (385–387). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Leonforte (388) reported several
cases of acute allergic dermatitis subsequent to contact with a creosote bush and confirmed by a
patch test.
10.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The USEPA has classified coal-tar creosote as a class B1 carcinogen (Probable human carcinogen)
(389). IARC classifies creosote as a human carcinogen (class 2A) (390). Creosotes are listed by the
California Environmenal Protection Agency under Proposition 65 as chemicals known to cause
cancer (391). The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set an exposure limit
of 0.2 mg/m3 of coal-tar pitch volatiles in the workplace during an 8 h workday, 40 h workweek. The
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends the same level
for coal tar pitch volatiles. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
recommends a maximum level of 0.1 mg/m3 of coal-tar pitch volatiles for a 10 h workday, 40 h
workweek (392).
10.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Coal-tar creosote materials encountered in old production facilities or waste-disposal sites within the
top several feet of soil have become weathered, as virtually all of the phenolic and heterocyclic
fractions have volatilized, oxidized, or biodegraded (355, 393). The lighter fractions of PAH will
have degraded, and the remaining material shows limited ability to migrate. Johnston et al. (394)
concluded that aqueous partitioning and volatilization are probably the main processes that control
modification of coal-tar at gasworks sites. Spills of newly produced creosote may pose a more
serious toxicity concern.
Phenol and Phenolics
Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

11.0 Pentachlorophenol and Sodium Pentachlorophenate

11.0a Pentachlorophenol
11.0.1a CAS Number:
11.0.2a Synonyms:
Pentachlorophenate; 2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorophenol; pentachlorofenolo; pentachlorphenol; penta;
Dowicide 7; Dowicide EC-7; penchlorol; Santophen 20; Chlorophen; Pentacon; Penwar; Sinituho;
PCP; pentachlorofenol; pentachlorophenol, dp-2; Dow pentachlorophenol dp-2 antimicrobial; chem-
tol; cryptogil oil; Dowicide 7; durotox; EP 30; fungifen; grundier arbezol; lauxtol; lauxtol a;
liroprem; term-i-trol; Thompson's wood fix; penta-kil; peratox; permacide; permagard; permasan;
permatox dp-2; permatox penta; permite; priltox; santobrite; Pol-NU; Oz-88; Osmoplastic; Forepen;
Dura-Treet (395)
11.0.3a Trade Names:
Block Penta, Forpen-50, GlazD Penta, K-Ban, Osmose, Penta Concentrate, Penta OL, Pentacon,
Pentacon-5, Pentacon-7, Pentacon-10, Pentacon-40, Pentasol, Penta-WR, Penwar, Penwar 1-5, Pol-
Nu, Pol-Nu-Pak, Treet II, Vulcan Premium Four # Penta (PCP2) Concentrate, Woodtreat (396–398)
11.0.4a Molecular Weight:
266.35 (395)
11.0.5a Molecular Formula:
11.0.6a Molecular Structure:

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

Table 53.6. Physicochemical Properties of Various Chlorophenols

Odor Specific Vapor Vapor

CAS Threshold Gravity MP Density Pressure D
Name Number Appearance ( mg/mL) (g/mL) (°C) BP (°C) (mmHg) (mmHg) (g
2,3,4,5- [4901- Beige solid N/A 1.6 116 Sublimes N/A N/A N/
Tetrachlorophenol 51-3]
2,3,4,6- [58-90- Beige solid N/A 1.839 70 150 N/A 1–60 N/
Tetrachlorophenol 2]
2,3,5,6- [935-95- Beige solid N/A 1.6 114– 164 N/A N/A N/
Tetrachlorophenol 5] 116
2,3,4- [15950- Light peach N/A N/A 77– Sublimes N/A N/A N/
Trichlorophenol 66-0] solid 79
2,3,5- [933-78- White N/A N/A 57– 248–249 N/A N/A N/
Trichlorophenol 8] chalky solid 59
2,3,6- [933-75- Purple 300 N/A 56 253 N/A N/A N/
Trichlorophenol 5] crystals
2,4,5- [95-95- Off-white- N/A 68 253 >1 1–5 1.5
Trichlorophenol 4] solid
2,4,6- [88-06- Orange-and- N/A 69.5 244.5 N/A 1–5 N/
Trichlorophenol 2] white-solid
3,4,5- [609-19- Off-white N/A N/A 101 271–277 N/A N/A N/
Trichlorophenol 8] solid
2,3- [576-24- Brown 30 N/A 59 206 N/A N/A N/
Dichlorophenol 9] crystals
2,4- [120-83- White solid 210 45 210 5.62 1 N/
Dichlorophenol 2]
2,5- [583-78- White 30 N/A 57 211 N/A N/A N/
Dichlorophenol 8] crystals
2,6- [87-65- Purple 3–200 N/A 67 219 1–10 N/A N/
Dichlorophenol 0] crystals
3,4- [95-77- Brown and 100 N/A 67 N/A N/A N/
Dichlorophenol 2] yellow
3,5- [591-35- Pink crystals N/A N/A 68 233 N/A N/A N/
Dichlorophenol 5]
2-Chlorophenol [95-57- Yellow 20 175.6 N/A 1–22 1.2
8] liquid
3-Chlorophenol [108-43- White 1–5 214 N/A 1–5 1.2
0] crystals
4-Chlorophenol [106-48- White N/A 43.2– 220 4.4 0.1 1.6
9] crystals 43.7

M.P = Melting Point; B.P. = Boiling Point; V.D. = Vapor Density; V.P. = Vapor pressure;
Sub. = Sublimes.

Table 53.7. Solubilites of Various Chloro-phenols

DMSO Ethanol Ethyl Acetone Water

Name ( mg/mL) CH3OH ( mg/mL) ether ( mg/mL) Benzene CCl4 ( mg/ml)
2-Chlorophenol 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A 10–50
3-Chlorophenol 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A 10–50
4-Chlorophenol 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A 10–50
3,5- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <1
3,4- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <1
2,3- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <1
2,6- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <1
2,5- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <1
2,4- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <0.1
3,4,5- 100 N/A 100 >10% 100 N/A N/A <1
2,4,6- 100 525% 100 354% 100 113% 37% <0.1
2,4,5- 100 615% 100 525% 100 163% 51% <1
2,3,6- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <1
2,3,5,6- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <1
2,3,5- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <1
2,3,4,6- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <1
2,3,4,5- 100 N/A 100 N/A 100 N/A N/A <1
2,3,4- 100 N/A 100 >10% 100 >10% N/A <1

Table 53.8. Uses of Various Chlorophenols

Compound Use

2,3,4,5- Fungicide
2,3,4,6- Pesticide; wood preservative; slimicide for paper mills
2,4,5,6- Fungicide
2,4,5- Chemical intermediate for herbicides, insecticides,
Trichlorophenol preservative for adhesives, textiles, rubber, wood, paints,
in paper manufacture; cooling towers, on swimming-pool
surface, veterinary medication
2,4-Dichlorophenol In synthesis of anthelmintic bithionol sulfoxide; chemical
2,5-Dichlorophenol Chemical intermediate for 3,6-dichloro-O-anisic acid, the
herbicide dicamba
2,6-Dichlorophenol This compound is used as a starting material for the
manufacture of trichlorophenol, tetrachlorophenols and
pentachlorophenol; used as sex pheromone with pesticide
3,5-Dichlorophenol Known uses: used in veterinary medicine as an
3,4-Dichlorophenol Chemical intermediate for 2-chloro-1,4-
dihydroxyanthraquinone and 2,3,4-Trichlo
o-Chlorophenol Component of disinfectant, soil sterilant, organic
synthesis of dyes
m-Chlorophenol Intermediate in organic synthesis and
phenolformaldehyde resins, catalyst for a polymers, vet
p-Chlorophenol In synthesis of dyes, pharmaceuticals, solvent in refining
mineral oils, intermediate for use in dental practice,
bacterial agent, topical antiseptic ointment, soil sterilant

Table 53.9. Acute Toxicity of Various Chlorophenols

Compound Mouse Rat Rabbit

a. LD50 of the isomers by oral administration (8)

p-chlorophenol 367 500
o-chlorophenol 345 670
m-chlorophenol 521 570
2,3-dichlorophenol 2376
2,4-dichlorophenol 1276 580
2,5-dichlorophenol 946
2,6-dichlorophenol 2120
3,4-dichlorophenol 1685
3,5-dichlorophenol 2389
2,4,5-trichlorophenol 600 820 1000
2,4,6-trichlorophenol 820
2,4,5,6-tetrachlorophenol 140 250
2,3,4,5-tetrachlorophenol 400
2,3,5,6-tetrachlorophenol 109
b. LD50 ( mg/m3) of the isomers by the inhalation route (8)

Compound Rat Hamster

p-chlorophenol 11 10,000
c. LD50 ( mg/m3) values for administration of the isomers by the subcutaneous
(or dermal (sk)) route (8)

Compound Rat Rabbit Guinea Pig

p-chlorophenol 1030;1500(sk)
o-chlorophenol 950 950 800
m-chlorophenol 1390
2,6-dichlorophenol 1730
2,4-dichlorophenol 1730
2,4,5-trichlorophenol 2260
2,4,5,6-tetrachlorophenol 210 250(sk)
d. LD50 Values for administration of the isomer by the intraperitoneal route
(or the intravenous (iv) route) (8)

Compound Mouse Rat Rabbit

p-chlorophenol 332 281

o-chlorophenol 235 230 120
m-chlorophenol 355
2,4-Dichlorophenol 153 430
2,6-Dichlorophenol 390
2,3,6-Trichlorophenol 308
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 276
2,4,5-trichlorophenol 56(iv) 355
2,3,4,5-tetrachlorophenol 97
2,3,5,6-tetrachlorophenol 500
2,4,5,6-tetrachlorophenol 250 130

Table 53.10. Genotoxicity of Various Chlorophenols

Mouse Chromosome Chromatid
Isomer Ames Test Lymphoma Aberrations Exchanges Ref.

m-Chlorophenol Negative 60
p-Chlorophenol Negative 60
o-Chlorophenol Negative 60
2,3- Negative Positive Negative Positive 599,
Dichlorophenol 600
2,4- Negative Positive Negative Positive 60,
Dichlorophenol 599,
2,5- Negative 60
2,6- Negative 60
3,4- Negative 60
3,5- Inconclusive 60
2,3,4- Negative Positive Positive 596,
Trichlorophenol 601
2,3,5- Negative 60
2,3,6- Negative Positive Negative 60,
Trichlorophenol 596
2,4,5- Negative 60
2,4,6- Negative Positive Negative Negative 65,
Trichlorophenol 596,
3,4,5- Negative Negative Negative 596
2,3,4,5- Negative Positive Inconclusive 60,
Tetrachlorophenol 596

Table 53.11. Some Ecotoxicological Properties of 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol

Log octanol/water partition 3.87

Bioconcentration factor 310 in golden orfe (Leucisens idus
Air <1 day (estimated)
Water <1–19 days (estimated)
Soil 5 days for complete biodegradation
Phenol and Phenolics
Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

13.0 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid

13.0.1 CAS Number:
13.0.2 Synonyms:
Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; phenoxy herbicide; 2,4-D; 2,4-D acid; phenoxyacetic acid herbicide.
13.0.3 Trade Names:
Formula 40*, Esteron* 99* Concentrate, HiDep, Weedar 64, Weedone, Aqua-Kleen, LV400 2,4-D
Weed Killer, Salvo, Savage, Weed Rhap A-4D, Weedestroy AM-40, DMA* 4
13.0.4 Molecular Weight:
13.0.5 Molecular Formula:
13.0.6 Molecular Structure:

13.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

13.1.1 General
Color White to light tan
Physical state Crystalline solid or flake
Density 1.565
Boiling point 160°C at 0.4 mm Hg
Melting point 140–141°C
Hydrolysis (per day) Stable in water at 25°C at pH 5
Stable in water at 25°C at pH 7
Stable in water at 25°C at pH 9
Photolysis (per day) Aqueous: t½ 13 days in water at 25°C, pH 7.0

Soil: t½ 68 days in loam soil at 25°C, pH 7.8

Vapor pressure (mPa) 1.4 × 10–7mmHg at 25°C
Water solubility (ppm) 311 ppm in water at 25°C and pH 1
20,031 ppm in water at 25°C and pH 5
23,180 ppm in water at 25°C and pH 7
34,196 ppm in water at 25°C and pH 9
Henry's law (Pa · m3/mol) 1.3 × 10–10 in water at 25°C, pH 1
5.7 × 10–11 in water at 25°C, pH 3
1.0 × 10–12 in water at 25°C, pH 5
Octanol/water partitioning (log Kow) 385 in water at 25°C, pH 1
1.10 in water at 25°C, pH 5
0.12 in water at 25°C, pH 7
0.09 in water at 25°C, pH 9
Acid dissociation (pKa) 2.87 in water at 25°C

13.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Phenolic odor (odorless when pure).
13.2 Production and Use
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is an organic herbicide that has provided economical,
selective, postemergence control of broadleaf weeds in grass crops and non-cropland since the late
1940s and it is still the most widely used herbicide throughout the world. The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) has approved 2,4-D registered products for weed control in farming,
forestry, powerline maintenance, roadside brush control, aquatics, on home lawns, and for other end
uses. The various forms of 2,4-D are absorbed through both the roots and leaves of most plants,
especially broadleaf species (606).

The structure of 2,4-D is similar to that of the plant-specific hormone indole acetic acid and thus acts
as a plant growth regulator. The acid is the parent compound, but many of the 2,4-D formulations in
use contain the amine salts, which are more water-soluble than the acid, or the ester derivatives,
which are readily dissolved in an organic solvent.

Phenoxy herbicides play a major role in weed management when used either alone or in combination
with other herbicides. Applied as a foliar spray at 10–24 ppm in water, it acts as a fruit-drop-
prevention agent in citrus. In contrast, 2,4-D is used at higher concentrations (0.25–4lb acid
equivalent per acre) to control weeds in the crop and non-cropland areas. The herbicide 2,4-D is
registered for use on over 65 crops in the United States: raw agricultural commodity (RAC) residue
tolerances have been established (607). Also, 2,4-D is registered for numerous non-cropland and
aquatic uses. The first year of sales and testing in the United States was 1945, and 917,000lb were
produced. Production rose to 5.5 million lb in 1946 and 14, 36, 54, 52–67 million lb in 1950, 1960,
1964, and 1990, respectively. At the time of writing, the annual production of 2,4-D for use of the
United States is approximately 47 million lb and greater than 100 million lb worldwide (608, 609).
The major manufacturers are Dow AgroSciences (United States), Nufarm (Australia), Atanor
(Argentina), A. H. Marks (England) UFA (Russia), Rokita (Poland), and Polaquimia (Mexico).
13.3 Exposure Assessment
13.3.1 Air Based on EPA Toxicology Endpoint Selection Document, 1996, exposure via inhalation
(acute, short-term, or long-term) is not a concern based on the LC50 = >1.79 mg/L; acute inhalation
tox category III (610).

13.3.2 Background Levels: NA

13.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH/OSHA Occupational Health Guideline for 2,4-D is 10 mg 2,4-D
per m3 exposure averaged over an 8 h shift (611).

13.3.4 Community Methods The EPA drinking-water maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) for
2,4-D is 0.070 mg/L (ppm) (612).

13.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood In rats 14C-2,4-D was rapidly and almost
completely absorbed, as peak plasma levels were attained about 4 h after treatment, and 85–94% of
the dose was excreted in the urine. The feces are a minor excretory pathway (2–11%). Rapid
excretion of radiolabeled 2,4-D is also corroborated by the approximate half-life of 5 h for urinary
excretion after oral administration (163). The rapid clearance of 2,4-D from plasma and its rapid
excretion in the urine indicate that it has little potential to accumulate in mammals. Analysis of all
major tissues and organs for residual 14C activity indicated that only a small fraction of the dose was
still present 48 h after treatment. Tissues and organs from animals at the low dose contained <0.7%
of the administered dose (613). These results indicate that the fate of 2,4-D in the rat is independent
of dose and sex, that the compound is rapidly and almost completely eliminated, essentially by the
urinary route, and that it has little potential to accumulate. Urine See section

13.4 Toxic Effects
13.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The acute toxicity of 2,4-D is summarized in
Table 53.12 (614–620). After oral administration, the clinical signs of toxicity observed consistently
were ataxia, myotonia, and decreased limb tone. No dermal or systemic toxicity was seen in rabbits
treated dermally, and no deaths were seen after inhalation. Clinical signs of toxicity seen during eye
exposure were decreased activity and closed eyes. Signs seen at the end of and during the week after
exposure were salivation, lacrimation, mucoid nasal discharge, labored breathing, dried red or brown
material around the eyes and nose, matted fur, and staining of the fur in the anogenital region. None
of these signs was seen within 3–7 days of treatment. There was no significant finding postmortem

Table 53.12. Acute Toxicity of 2,4-D

Route LD50 ( mg/kg bw) or LC50 ( mg/L) Ref.

Oral—rat 699 614, 615

Dermal—rabbit >2000 614, 616
Inhalation—rat >1.8 614, 617
Eye irritation—rabbit Irritation >21 days 618, 619
Dermal irritation—rabbit Nonirritant 619, 620
Dermal sensitization Negative/nonsensitizing 619 Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Subchronic rat and dog toxicity studies were conducted on
all three forms of 2.4-D: 2,4-D acid, dimethylamine salt [DMA], and 2-ethylhexyl ester [2-EHE].
Toxicity was comparable for the three forms in both species, and suport a rat subchronic NOEL of
15 mg/kg per day, and a dog subchronic NOEL of 1 mg/kg per day (629, 630). A one year chronic
study in the dog with 2,4-D acid at doses of 0, 1.0, 5.0 and 7.5 mg/kg per day showed no indication
of immunotoxic or oncogenic effects; the chronic dog NOEL was 1.0 mg/kg per day (629). Doses in
the 2-year chronic/oncogenicity rat study were 0, 5, 75, and 150 mg/kg per day. The chronic toxicity
NOEL of 5 mg/kg per day was established. A slight increase in astrocytomas observed (in males
only) at 45 mg/kg per day in a previously conducted chronic rat study was not confirmed in the
Jeffries 1995 study (621) at daily doses as high as 150 mg/kg the MTD. Daily doses in the 2-year
mouse oncogenicity studies were 0, 5, 62.5, and 125 mg/kg for males. No oncogenic effect was
noted in the study. In summary, the finding of these studies indicate low chronic toxicity of 2,4-D
and the lack of oncogenic response to 2,4-D following chronic dietary exposure of 2,4-D in the rat
and the mouse (622). EPA states in its review of the chronic rat and mouse studies, “2,4-D acid was
not carcinogenic in male or female rats or mice” (623). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption 2,4-D was rapidly
absorbed, distributed, and excreted after oral administration to mice, rats, and goats. At least 86–94%
of an oral dose was absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in rats. 2,4-D was excreted rapidly and
almost exclusively (85–94%) in urine by 48 h after treatment, primarily as unchanged 2,4-D. In rats
no metabolites have been reported apart from conjugates (613). In goats minor metabolites were free
and conjugated 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP). Pharmacokinetic studies with salts and esters of 2,4-
D have shown that the salts dissociate and the esters are rapidly hydrolyzed to 2,4-D. The similarity
in the fate of 2,4-D and its salts and esters explains their similar toxicities (614, 619).

Absorption of 2,4-D appears to be rapid and complete from the GI tracts of humans and
experimental animals (624, 625). Although ingestion is usually a relatively minor route of exposure,
most toxicity testing of 2,4-D has been conducted by oral exposure. Because 2,4-D is absorbed more
efficiently through the GI tract than through the skin, 2,4-D should be more toxic when ingested than
when applied to the skin. Therefore, using oral studies of 2,4-D to test toxicity may add some margin
of safety when these data are used to predict risk from exposure to 2,4-D through skin contact. Distribution Once absorbed, 2,4-D was widely distributed throughout the body, but did
not accumulate because of its rapid clearance from the plasma and rapid urinary excretion (614,
626). The excretion, tissue residues, and metabolism of 14C-2,4-D were investigated in a lactating
goat given an oral dose of 483 ppm for three consecutive days in a capsule. About 90% of the dose
was recovered in the urine and feces. Milk, liver, kidneys, composite fat, and composite muscle
accounted for <0.1% of the total dose received. The residues in the milk were 0.22–0.34 ppm at the
morning milking and 0.04–0.06 ppm in the evening. Kidneys accounted for the highest residue
concentration, 1.4 ppm; liver contained 0.22 ppm, fat contained 0.09 ppm, and muscle contained
0.04 ppm (614, 627). Binding of 2,4-D to plasma proteins can occur and may affect distribution
(625). When 2,4-D is bound to the plasma proteins, it cannot reach tissues where it might cause
damage. High doses of 2,4-D can saturate or use up all the plasma protein binding sites, which could
result in a dramatic rise in the concentration of “free” 2,4-D. Free 2,4-D may be excreted; however,
at very high doses of 2,4-D, the rate of excretion may slow down, and therefore the concentration of
2,4-D that can reach tissues in the body may increase and cause toxicity. Excretion In animals and humans who have ingested 2,4-D, it was quickly absorbed and
excreted rapidly in the urine; about 84–94% of the administered dose was found in the urine within
48h. No metabolites were detected (613, 614, 626). Also refer to Sections,, and Reproductive and Developmental Reproductive The reproductive toxicity of 2,4-D has
been studied at dietary doses of 0, 5, 20, and 80 mg/kg/day in a two-generation reproductive study in
Fischer 344 rats (628). The parental F0 group was treated with 2,4-D for 15 weeks prior to mating.
No adverse effects on fertility were observed in the 5- and 20-mg/kg daily dose groups, although
reduced pup weights were noted in the 20-mg/kg F2a litters. A daily NOAEL of 5 mg/kg for
reproductive toxicity was established from this study. In addition to this reproduction study, recent
subchronic and chronic studies in rats, mice and dogs produced no evidence of treatment-related
histopathological changes in the testes at any of the dose levels tested (622, 629, 630).

Developmental The teratogenic potential of 2,4-D acid and a variety of its salt and ester derivatives
have been evaluated in a series of studies in both rats and rabbits. In rats, the lowest daily no-
observed-effect-level (NOEL) doses were 25 mg/kg for 2,4-D acid and 50 mg/kg (acid-equivalent
dose) for the various 2,4-D derivatives. Observations of embryo or fetal toxicity, which were
observed only in the presence of maternal toxicity, were limited to decreased fetal body weights and
increased incidences of minor-skeletal variations. In rabbits, no gross, soft-tissue, or skeletal
malformations or variations were observed up to a top daily dose of 90 mg/kg of 2,4-D acid, or at top
daily doses equal to or greater than 90 mg/kg of 2,4-D derivatives (acid-equivalent doses). The
NOAEL daily doses for rabbit maternal toxicity were 30 mg/kg for 2,4-D and 10 mg/kg for the
derivative acid-equivalents. Thus, these extensive series of studies support the conclusion that 2,4-D
has a very minimal potential for inducing developmental toxicity, and that such toxicity only occurs
in the presence of maternal toxicity. Importantly, the minimal developmental toxicity of 2,4-D in rats
was reported only at daily doses equal to or above 50 mg/kg, the dose level at which 2,4-D has been
shown to exhibit nonlinear pharmacokinetic behavior in rats due to saturation of renal 2,4-D
clearance (631). Carcinogenesis The carcinogenicity of 2,4-D has been assessed in two recent rat studies
conducted according to good laboratory practice (GLP) requirements (621, 632). In the 1986 study
conducted in Fischer 344 rats, the kidney was the primary organ affected by 2,4-D treatment (632).
The minor kidney lesions constituted the basis for establishment of an overall rat NOEL of 5 mg/kg
per day. A low incidence of astrocytomas was observed only in high dose males of this study.
However, a follow-up analysis of the astrocytoma findings led to the conclusion that the brain
tumors were not likely treatment-related for several reasons, including (1) no earlier tumor
appearance in treated versus nontreated rats, (2) no evidence of tumor multiplicity, (3) similar tumor
size and anaplastic characteristics of astrocytomas in control and treated rats, and (4) no evidence of
brain lesions or brain toxicity in treated rats not exhibiting tumors (624). Astrocytomas were not
confirmed in the Jeffries 1995 study at the threefold higher daily dose of 150 mg/kg (621, 622).

The EPA Carcinogenicity Peer Review Committee (CPRC) met in 1996 to discuss and evaluate the
weight of the evidence on 2,4-D with particular reference to its carcinogenic potential. The CPRC
concluded that 2,4-D should remain classified as a Group D—Not classifiable as to human
carcinogenicity. That is, the evidence is inadequate or no human and animal evidence of
carcinogenicity (623). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies The genotoxic potential of 2,4-D has been
adequately evaluated in a range of assays in vivo and in vitro. Overall, the responses observed
indicate that 2,4-D is not genotoxic, although conflicting results were obtained for mutation in
Drosophila. In a more extensive range of assays, several amine and ester formulations of 2,4-D were
evaluated and were not genotoxic in vivo or in vitro. The World Health Organization concluded that
2,4-D and its salts and esters are not genotoxic (614, 626). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Neurological Single-dose acute and 1-
year chronic neurotoxicity screening studies in rats were conducted on 2,4-D according to the
USEPA guidelines in 1991. The studies emphasized a functional observation battery, automated
motor activity testing, and comprehensive neurohistopathology of perfused tissues. Daily doses were
250 mg/kg by gavage for the single-dose study and 150 mg/kg in the diet for 52 weeks in the
repeated-dose study. In the acute study, slight transient gait and coordination changes were observed
along with decreased motor activity at the time of maximal effect on the day of treatment (day 1). No
gait, coordination, or motor activity effects were noted by day 8. In the chronic study, the only
finding of neurotoxicologic significance was retinal degeneration in females in the high dose group.
In summary, the findings of these studies indicated a mild, transient locomotor effect from high level
chronic exposure. The results from these two studies, indicated that the NOAEL for acute
neurotoxicity was 67 mg/kg per day and for chronic neurotoxicity was 75 mg/kg per day (610, 614,
626, 633). The mechanism by which the effects occur at high doses appears to be dependent on the
inhibition of the organic acid transport system and/or damage to the blood–brain barrier. Exposures
to 2,4-D below the threshold for inhibition of the organic acid transportation pathway (approximately
40–100 mg/kg body weight) are not associated with increased concentrations of 2,4-D in the brain,
alterations to brain neurochemistry, behavioral effects, or CNS pathology. This provides a very large
margin of safety (>20,000-fold) when compared to estimation of bystander exposures
(0.0005 mg/kgbw per/day) following commercial aerial application of 2,4-D (634). Therefore, when
application of 2,4-D is conducted in compliance with recommended uses and rates, it is not expected
to result in detrimental impacts on the nervous system (624).

Pulmonary The pulmonary effects reported in case studies of extreme human exposure cannot be
associated with 2,4-D exposures that would be expected to occur following routine and
recommended use of this herbicide. Assessment of the potential impact of 2,4-D on human
pulmonary system is based mainly on anecdotal and uncontrolled case studies in which pulmonary
effects as a result of exposure to very high levels of 2,4-D have been reported. Some pulmonary
effects such as labored breathing and respiratory tract irritation have been reported in herbicide
sprayers who were exposed to extremely high levels of 2,4-D. However, these workers were exposed
to a number of different chemical formulations, including other herbicides and solvents, at
undetermined concentrations. Thus, these pulmonary effects cannot be attributed, directly or
indirectly, to 2,4-D exposure. Animal studies indicate that pulmonary effects can be considered to be
secondary to other impacts, such as kidney toxicity. A comparison of the NOEL to estimated
bystander exposures following commercial aerial application of 2,4-D (0.0005 mg/kgbw/day) (634)
yields a margin of safety of over 10,000-fold (624).

Dermal Dermal exposure data support the conclusion that exposure to 2,4-D under recommended
conditions and application rates would not be expected to cause adverse dermal effects. Several
studies have quantified typical bystander exposure to (634, 635). On the basis of these studies,
bystander exposure to 2,4-D from various sources, including home and garden use and commercial
aerial application, was estimated to range from less than the detection limit to 0.0005 mg/kgbw/day.
These bystander exposures to 2,4-D are >20,000-fold lower than the most conservative daily
NOAEL of 10 mg/kgbw for dermal toxicity determined from subchronic animal studies (624).

Immunotoxicity The available animal and human studies do not provide evidence that 2,4-D
adversely affects the immune system nor does it act as a dermal sensitizer (624).

Thyroid The reported effects of 2,4-D on the rodent thyroid following administration at high doses in
the subchronic and chronic studies are considered to be of no relevance to humans. This conclusion
was based on the known differences between rodents and humans with respect to thyroid hormone
carrier proteins, thyroid hormone turnover, TSH levels, and responsiveness to goitrogens and/or anti-
thyroid substances. Also supporting this conclusion were data indicating that thyroid effects in
rodents occur only at doses that are at, or exceed, the capabilities of clearance mechanisms (624).

Testes and Ovaries No definitive human studies are available describing potential effects of 2,4-D
exposure on the testes or ovaries (624). An exhaustive series of animal studies provide strong
evidence that 2,4-D does not adversely affect the testes or ovaries under recommended conditions of

13.4.2 Human Experience General Information The phenoxy herbicides are low in toxicity
to humans and animals (636, 637). No scientifically documented human health risks, either acute or
chronic, exist from the approved uses of phenoxy herbicides, including 2,4-D. Acute toxicity to
humans, based on oral, dermal, ocular, or inhalation administration, may vary with the 2,4-D
formulation. However, phenoxy herbicides have been used widely by numerous individuals (637)
from homeowners to farmers and ranchers, and even with significant exposure, humans have shown
essentially no acute toxicity (624). Clinical Cases See section Acute Toxicity: See section Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption After dermal application of

14C-2,4-D to the forearm of five male volunteers, 5.8% of the dose was absorbed within 120h (610,
638). When the acid and its dimethylamine salt (DMA) were applied to the back of the hand, 4.5%
of the acid and 1.8% of the salt were absorbed, and of this 85% of the acid and 77% of the salt were
recovered in the urine within 96 hours after application (639). The rate of excretion depends on the
dose. Excretion of 2,4-D is through the organic acid transport system in the kidney (624). Low doses
of 2,4-D are excreted more rapidly than high doses, which can saturate this active kidney transport
system. Munro et al. (624) point out that the doses of 2,4-D that most humans are exposed to should
be below doses that saturate active kidney transport. Therefore, they suggested the toxicologic
results from animals treated with high doses of 2,4-D that saturate renal transport should be
interpreted with caution because they may not be relevant to typical human exposures (624). Studies
conducted in a variety of species show that, after oral dosing, 2,4-D is found in the liver, kidney,
lung, and to a lesser extent in the brain (624). The distribution of 2,4-D through the human body
appears to be similar to that in test species. When organs were examined following fatal poisonings
(suicides), the highest levels of 2,4-D were found in kidney and liver, and lower levels are found in
brain, muscle, and heart (625). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis Collectively, the epidemiological and toxicological data show that 2,4-D
is not likely to be carcinogenic in humans unless it is acting through an unknown mechanism that is
not evident in animals. According to the calculated RfD and data from exposure studies, the general
public should not experience toxic effects from exposure to 2,4-D. Because workers involved in the
manufacture or application of 2,4-D may be exposed to levels above the RfD, appropriate protective
equipment should be used (640). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies: NA Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Neurotoxicity Some case reports
have suggested an association between exposure to 2,4-D and the development of nervous system
effects ranging from peripheral polyneuropathy and reduced nerve conduction velocity to depression,
anxiety, and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome in Vietnam veterans (624). In test
animals, doses of 2,4-D above 100 mg/kg can cause myotonia of the skeletal muscle (624), and oral
doses above 150 mg/kg of 2,4-D can damage the blood–brain barrier (641). Toxicologic studies in
rats and rabbits indicate, however, that neurotoxic effects of 2,4-D do not occur at doses below those
that saturate the kidney transport system. Therefore, neurotoxic effects would only be expected to
occur at high doses of 2,4-D. Epidemiology Studies Acute Toxicity See section Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity See section Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms See section Reproductive and Developmental See section Carcinogenesis: See section The following observations are also germane.

Epidemiological studies have suggested an association between the development of non-Hodgkin's

lymphoma and exposure to chlorophenoxy herbicides, including 2,4-D. The results of these studies
are not consistent; the associations found are weak, and conflicting conclusions have been reached
by the investigators. Most of the studies did not provide information on exposure specifically to 2,4-
D, and the risk was related to the general category of herbicides. Case-control studies provide little
evidence of an association between the use of 2,4-D and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Cohort studies
of exposed manufacturing workers have not confirmed the hypothesis that 2,4-D causes this
neoplasm (642). Findings of three agencies are as follows:

IARC. A working group convened by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (643)
concluded that there was limited evidence that chlorophenoxy herbicides are carcinogenic to
humans. 2,4-D could not be clearly distinguished from the chlorophenoxy herbicides.
Canada. The Ontario Pesticide Advisory Committee of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment
(644) concluded that “there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in man from exposure to
phenoxyacetic acid herbicides. In terms of exposure to 2,4-D specifically, the evidence must still
be regarded as inadequate to classify it as a carcinogen.”
Harvard School of Public Health. A panel at the Harvard School of Public Health (645, 646)
concluded: “Although a cause-effect relationship is far from being established, the epidemiological
evidence for an association between exposure to 2,4-D and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is suggestive
and requires further investigation. There is little evidence of an association between 2,4-D use and
any other form of cancer.” Genetic and Related Cellular Studies. See section Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc See section The
following findings are also relevant.

Dermal There are no studies reported in the epidemiological literature directly linking 2,4-D with
dermal effects in humans. One report (647) provides evidence of a possible association, but the
effect reported may be attributable to other factors. Caution must be exercised in the interpretation of
epidemiological data because exposure cannot be quantified, and exposures to mixtures of herbicides
or solvents cannot be excluded. The only evidence for dermal sensitization to 2,4-D is based on a
group of 30 farmers, all of which were already diagnosed with contact dermatitis (648). Although
three of this group reported positive patch test results for 2,4-D, the interpretation of this study is
confounded by preexisting dermal conditions of unknown origin.

Immunotoxicity Current epidemiology studies do not provide evidence that 2,4-D affects the
immune system of humans (624). A study conducted in farm workers applying a mixture of 2,4-D
and 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) suggested that phenoxy herbicides may exert
short-term immunosuppressive effects (649). Since this study did not include a control group
matched to the same work conditions (i.e., normal variations in immune system parameters were not
characterized), and also did not provide any information on actual worker exposure to 2,4-D, the
results are uninterpretable.
13.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure:

Absorption. Based on dermal absorption data from a 14C-labeled 2,4-D acid human study (638)
EPA set maximum absorption at 5.8% (610).
Acute Dietary Endpoint (1-day exposure). Dose and endpoint for use in risk assessment:
NOEL = 67 mg/kg per day (610).
Short-Term Occupational or Residential Exposure (1–7 days). Dose and endpoint for use in risk
assessment: NOEL = 30 mg/kg per day (610).
Intermediate-Term Occupational or Residential Exposure (1 week to several months). Dose and
endpoint for risk assessment: NOEL = 1 mg/kg per day (610).
Chronic Occupational or Residential Exposure (several months to lifetime). Dose and endpoint for
risk assessment: NOEL = 1 mg/kg per day (610, 614).
Inhalation Exposure (any time period). Exposure via inhalation is not a concern based on the
LC50 = >1.79 mg/L. This risk assessment will not be required by EPA (610).
Air. NIOSH/OSHA Occupational Health Guideline for 2,4-D is 10 mg 2,4-D/m3 air averaged over
an 8-h shift (611). (ACGIH TLV TWA = 10 mg/m3; NIOSH REL IDLH value = 100 mg/m3).
Water. EPA drinking-water regulations and health advisory lifetime standard for 2,4-D:
0.070 mg/L ( ppm) (612).

13.6 Studies on Environmental Impact

Terrestrial Environment
Soil. As part of the 2,4-D EPA reregistration process in the Unites States, 30 soil dissipation
studies were conducted with 2,4-D dimethylamine salt (2,4-D DMA) and 2,4-D 2-ethylhexyl ester
(2,4-D 2-EHE) over a 2-year period. The data from the current and former studies show that ester
and amine forms have little effect on the rate of dissipation of 2,4-D per se because they are
converted rapidly to the same anionic form. The average half-life (t½) in the soil is 4.4 days for
2,4-D DMA and 5.1 days for 2,4-D 2-EHE (650).
Groundwater. The rapid dissipation of 2,4-D in soil and its affinity to attach to soil colloids
significantly reduce the potential for downward movement. 2,4-D is not expected to be a concern
for groundwater contamination (607).
Microorganisms. The most significant routes of exposure of soil microorganisms to 2,4-D are
likely to be from its use by ground or aerial applications. Data from laboratory studies indicate that
the risk to soil microorganisms should be low even at excessive application rates of 7.4 and 18.75
kg 2,4-D/ha (651, 652).
Bees. Honeybees may be exposed to 2,4-D by foraging flowering weeds present in treated crops.
Oral and contact LD50 study values for 2,4-D DMA and 2,4-D 2-EHE were all >100 mg/bee,
which is considered low bee toxicity (651, 652).
Earthworms. Earthworms may be exposed from either single or multiple applications of 2,4-D to a
wide variety of crops but in particular from its use on grass, fallowland, and stubble. A 14-day
LC50 study exposed earthworms to 2,4-D DMA at 350 mg/kg soil, with no mortality noted at
concentrations less than or equal to 100 mg a.e./kg. The risk to earthworms from the use of 2,4-D
is low (651, 652).
Birds. The risk to birds based on foraging on grass or insects is considered low. The acute avian
LD50 values range from 200 to >2000 mg/kgbw for mallards, bobwhite quail, Japanese quail,
pheasants, partridges, and doves. Dietary LC50 values exceed 4640 mg/kg diet for mallards,
bobwite quail, Japanese quail, and pheasants. At doses greater than recommended application rate,
2,4-D did not adversely affect the reproductive performance of pheasants, quail, partridges, or
chickens (651, 652).

Aquatic Environment

Bioaccumulation. There was no evidence of bioaccumulation of 2,4-D in aquatic organisms (651,

Fish. The main risk to aquatic organisms from the use of 2,4-D is from overspray during aerial use,
spray drift from ground-based applications, or use to control aquatic weeds. Because of the very
rapid degradation of the salts and esters of 2,4-D in water, the long-term risk to aquatic organisms
is considered to be low. Embryos and larvae of fathead minnow, were exposed to up to 416.1 mg/L
of 2,4-D ester for 32 days; the NOEC was 80.5 mg/L. Generally, 2,4-D and its salts are less toxic
to fish than are the esters. Typical 96 h LC50 values for adult fish were 5–10 mg acid
equivalentsa.e./L for the ester, 200–400mga.e./L for 2,4-D, and from 250–500 mg a.e./L for 2,4-D
salts (651, 652). Highest applications in water are expected to be approximately 2 ppm for weed
control. Significant safety margins exist between maximum water concentration and toxic levels to
Amphibians. Frog and toad tadpole 96 h LC50 values ranged from 8 mg/L for 2,4-D 2-EHE
(maximum solubility of ester) to 477 mg/L for the 2,4-D DMA salt. No effects were noted,
indicating that 2,4-D is considered low toxicity to amphibians (651, 652).
Phenol and Phenolics
Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

14.0 Pentabromophenol
14.0.1 CAS Number:
14.0.2 Synonyms:
14.0.3 Trade Names:
14.0.4 Molecular Weight:
14.0.5 Molecular Formula:
14.0.6 Molecular Structure:

14.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

14.1.1 General
Physical Light brown powder; monoclinic prisms or needles
Melting point 229.5°C
Solubility Insoluble in water; miscible in ether, hot alcohol, benzene (653).
14.2 Production and Use
Flame retardant, molluscicide, and chemical intermediate.
14.3 Exposure Assessment:
14.4 Toxic Effects
14.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The approximate (oral) LD50 in the rat of
pentabromophenol is slightly more than 200 mg/kg when administered as the sodium salt in aqueous
solution. The signs and symptoms from pentabromophenol included increased respiratory rate and
amplitude with general body tremors, occasional convulsions, and death (13). Chronic and Subchroic Toxicity Sodium and copper pentachlorophenate were given in
drinking water to three young bulls at a daily dosage of 7.6 mg/kgbw for 5 weeks. No significant
signs of intoxication and no micropathological changes were noted (13). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms These compounds are rapidly absorbed
from the gastroenteric tract (13).
14.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure:
14.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
The EC50 for Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) was 93.0 mg/L for 96 h. The effect was loss of
equilibrium; the LC50 for P. promelas was 93.0 mg/L for 96 h (654).

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

15.0 2,4,6-Tribromophenol
15.0.1 CAS Number:
15.0.2 Synonyms:
Bromol; tribromophenol
15.0.3 Trade Names:
15.0.4 Molecular Weight:
15.0.5 Molecular Formula:
15.0.6 Molecular Structure:

15.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Appearance Long, soft white crystals

Specific gravity 2.55 at 20°C
Density 2.55 g/mL
Boiling Point 244°C
Melting point 95–96°C

Additional parameters were as follows:

Solubility. Water—excess amounts of 14C-labeled 2,4-6-tribromophenol were shaken in a water

bath at 35°C overnight. Samples were centrifuged at 15°C, 25°C or 35°C at 12,000g for 1 h.
Solubility was determined by radioassay. Solubility (ppm): 996 (15°C), 969 (25°C), and 884 (35°
C) (655).
Partition Coefficient. The n-octanol/water coefficient of radiolabeled 2,4,6-tribromophenol was
2198 (log 10 = 3.342) (655).
Photolysis. A photolysis study using 14C-labeled 2,4,6-tribromophenol was conducted on silica-gel
TLC plates under UV light. The half-life was estimated to be 4.6h. The disappearance of 2,4,6-
tribromophenol followed apparent first-order kinetics. A degradation product was tentatively
identified as 2,6-dibromo-3,5-dihydroxy-p-quinoimine (655).
15.1.1 General: NA

15.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties 2,4,6-Tribromophenol has a penetrating bromine odor.
15.2 Production and Use
2,4,6-Tribromophenol is produced by the controlled bromination of phenol (655).
15.3 Exposure Assessment:
15.4 Toxic Effects
15.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Ingestion Single doses of 2,4,6-
tribromophenol in 0.5% Methocel (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose) were administered by intubation
to groups of five male and five female rats each at levels of 1585, 2512, 3980, 6308, 10,000, and
15,848 mg/kg. Reactions noted between 0 and 4 h after dosing at 6308 mg/kg included decreased
motor activity, tachypnea, tachycardia, ataxia, and tremors. There were no effects on body weight.
Death occurred between 0 and 4 h on the day of the dosing. The oral LD50 values (with 95%
confidence limits) in mg/kg were 5012 (4034–6227) in males and females and 5012 (4178–6013) for
males and females combined (655).

Three groups of five male rats each received single oral doses of 2,4,6-tribromophenol suspended in
corn oil at levels of 50, 500, and 5000 mg/kg. All rats died at 5000 mg/kg within 24 h of treatment.
2,4,6-Tribromophenol was considered toxic but not highly toxic by the oral route of administration

Groups of five male and five female rats received single oral doses by gavage of 2,4,6-
tribromophenol suspended in corn oil. Levels tested were 631, 1000, 1585, 2512, 3980, and
6308 mg/kg. Deaths occurred on the day of dosing (0–4h) and on day 1. The oral LD50 values (with
95% confidence limits) in mg/kg were 1995 (1728–2304) in males and 1819 (1513–2187) in
females. The combined male–female value was 1905 (1738–2089) (655).

Dermal Administration A single topical application of 8000 mg/kg of 2,4,6-tribromophenol to the

shaved backs of two male and two female New Zealand white rabbits was used to evaluate dermal
toxicity. The skin of one rabbit of each sex was abraded while the skin of the other remained intact.
Afer application of 2,4,6-tribromophenol, the sites were wrapped with occlusive dressings for 24 h.
Following the exposure period, the wrappings were removed and the area washed with tepid tap
water. There were no effects on body weights or survival during the 14-day observation period. The
dermal LD50 for 2,4,6-tribromophenol in rabbits is >8000 mg/kg (655).

A single topical application of either 200 or 2000 mg/kg of 2,4,6-tribromophenol was administered
to two groups of four New Zealand white rabbits each. The trunks of the animals were then wrapped
for a 24 h exposure. There were no deaths. 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was not considered to be toxic by
the dermal route of administration (655).

Inhalation A single group of five male and five female rats was exposed to a dust atmosphere of
2,4,6-tribromophenol at an analytical concentration of 1.63 mg/L for 4h. Reactions noted during
exposure were ptosis and red nasal discharge. All rats survived the 14-day observation period. The
inhalation LC50 was reported as >1.63 mg/L (655).

One group of five rats per sex was exposed to a dust atmosphere of 2,4,6-tribromophenol at 50 mg/L
(highest attainable concentration). During exposure, reactions noted included decreased motor
activity, eye squint, slight dyspnea, erythema, and ocular porphyrin discharge. At 24 h, diarrhea,
ocular porphyrin discharge, and slight dyspnea were noted. Some of the observations continued for
most of the 14-day observation period. The inhalation LC50 was calculated as >50 mg/L (655).
Groups of 10 male rats each were exposed to dust atmospheres of 2,4,6-tribromophenol at either 2 or
200 mg/L for 1 h. Reactions noted during exposure were eye squint, increased followed by decreased
respiration, prostration, nasal discharge, lacrimation, erythema, decreased motor activity, and
salivation. No deaths occurred. 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was not considered to be toxic by the
inhalation route of administration (655).

Eye Irritation The potential of 2,4,6-tribromophenol to produce eye irritation was evaluated in
rabbits in accordance with regulations of the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA). A single
application of 100 mg of 2,4,6-tribromophenol was placed into the conjunctival sac of the right eye
of each of three male and three female New Zealand white rabbits. Eyes were scored for irritation at
24, 48, and 72 h and at 7 days post-instillation according to the method of Draize. Instillation elicited
slight to moderate conjunctival redness in four of six rabbits at 24 h, six of six rabbits at 48h, and
slight redness in one of six rabbits at day 7. Very slight to slight chemosis and very slight to marked
discharge were observed in four of six rabbits at 48h. Dulling of the cornea was observed in one of
six rabbits at 48 and 72h. Examination with fluorescein and UV light at 72 h indicated slight corneal
damage in five of six rabbits. 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was considered an eye irritant (655).

Additionally, 100 mg of 2,4,6-tribromophenol was instilled into the conjunctival sac of three male
and three female New Zealand white rabbits. Conjunctival and iridal irritation was observed. Very
slight opacity was noted at 24 h, and dulling of the cornea at 48 h was noted in one rabbit.
Fluorescein examination under UV light revealed corneal damage in one rabbit at the 72 h
examination. 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was considered a moderate eye irritant (655).

Primary Skin Irritation 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was evaluated for primary skin irritation in rabbits in
accordance with the regulations of the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA). A single
application of 500 mg of 2,4,6-tribromophenol was made to the shaved backs of three male and three
female New Zealand white rabbits (skin was abraded on three rabbits) and the sites occluded for
24 h. Sites were scored for irritation at 24 and 72 h post-application. The primary irritation score was
0.3. 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was not considered a primary irritant, nor was it expected to pose a
corrosive hazard (655). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity 28-Day Dermal Toxicity 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was
evaluated for toxicity in a 28-day dermal study with New Zealand white rabbits. The material was
ground to a fine powder and prepared as a suspension in 1.0% (w/v) aqueous methylcellulose. The
material suspensions and control (1000 mg/kg aqueous methylcellulose) were applied topically to the
clipped unoccluded skin. Groups consisted of four rabbits each (2/sex/group with the skin of two
males and two females/group abraded). Doses were applied 5 days/week for 4 weeks (20
applications) at levels of 100, 300, and 1000 mg/kg. One rabbit died after 15 applications. The cause
of death could not be determined. There were no pharmacotoxic signs, but 2,4,6-tribromophenol was
slightly irritating to the skin following repeated exposure. No effects on body weight, hematology,
clinical chemistry, urinalysis, and organ weights and ratios were produced. Microscopically, dose-
related lesions were noted at the treated skin sites. The lesions consisted of epidermal acanthosis and
hyperkeratosis, and were accompanied by multifocal to diffuse inflammatory infiltrates (655).

21-Day Dust Inhalation Toxicity 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was evaluated for toxicity in a 21-day dust
inhalation study. Two groups of five male and five female rats were exposed to dust atmospheres of
2,4,6-tribromophenol for 6 h/day, 5 days/week (15 exposures). A concurrent control received no dust
exposures. Test concentrations were 0.1 and 0.92 mg/L. One male and one female at 0.92 mg/L died
after 10 and 11 exposures, respectively. Reactions noted in treated groups included hypoactivity,
salivation, lacrimation, and red nasal discharge. Body weight gain of high level males and females
were lower than that of the controls. No effects were noted in hematology, clinical chemistries, and
urinalysis evaluations. At necropsy, four of five males and all females from the high exposure group
were emaciated. In the high test concentration, tan discoloration was observed on the kidney of one
male and an area described as fibrotic was observed in the liver of one female. Histopathologic
evaluation revealed dilation of the renal tubules in three of five animals of each sex and a solitary
area of hepatic necrosis in one female. The changes were considered to be related to treatment (655). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The rates of absorption, distribution, and
excretion of 2,4,6-tribromophenol were determined in rats. Single oral doses of radiolabeled 2,4,6-
tribromophenol were administered and animals sacrificed at various intervals post-treatment. 2,4,6-
Tribromophenol was rapidly absorbed. The bulk of radioactivity (77.0%) was readily excreted in the
urine and 2–14% eliminated in the feces within 48h. Blood concentrations peaked at 4.57 ppm after
1 h and plunged to 0.002 ppm by 24 h. The only detectable residues after 48 h were in the kidneys,
liver, and lungs. The pharmacokinetics appeared to follow a one-compartment open-model system.
2,4,6-Tribromophenol was rapidly distributed in the body, and the rate of elimination in urine was
proportional to the concentration in the blood. The rate constant for elimination (Ke) was 0.3 and the
t½ in the blood was 2.03h. The results indicate that 2,4,6-tribromophenol should be neither persistent
nor accumulative in mammalian systems (655).

Bioaccumulation in Fat Tissue Six test groups of five rats each and six control groups of three rats
each were used. In all test groups 2,4,6-tribromophenol was fed at 1000 ppm. Increases in fat residue
content were noted after 7 days of feeding. Small quantities of residue were found in fat tissue of
animals allowed a 7-day recovery after 7 days of feeding. Animals fed 21 days showed similar
increases in fat residues as animals fed for 7 days. However, no detectable residues were noted in
animals allowed recovery of 14 days or longer (655). Reproductive and Developmental 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was ground with a mortar and
pestle, suspended in corn oil, and administered via gavage to groups of five female rats each. Test
concentrations of 0 (corn oil), 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, and 3000 mg/kg were administered on days 6–
15 of gestation. All animals were sacrificed on day 20 of gestation. All females died after 1 day of
treatment at 3000 mg/kg. Slight decreases in body weight gains between days 6 and 12 of gestation,
an increase in post-implantation loss, and slight decrease in the number of viable fetuses were noted
at 1000 mg/kg. The maximum dose suggested for a teratology study was 1000 mg/kg (655).

Lyubimov et al. (656) exposed Wistar rats to 2,4,6-tribromophenol by whole-body inhalation at

concentrations of 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 mg/m3, 24 h/day, 7 days/week from day 1 to 21 of gestation.
Significant decreases were observed in orientation reactions at a concentration of 1.0 mg/m3.
Nonsignificant trends toward decreased horizontal movement and emotionality in the open field and
increased electrical impulse skin pain threshold were observed. Preimplantation and
postimplantation embryo losses were significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner and were
seen at all concentrations except the lowest (0.03 mg/m3). Significant effects were found for lower
incisor eruption and ear unfolding at 0.3 mg/m3. Grooming behavior was decreased in males at all
concentrations and in females at 0.3 mg/m3. The NOEL for developmental neurotoxicity in this
study was >0.03 mg/m3. The results of this study suggest that 2,4,6-tribromophenol may cause
developmental neurotoxicity, embryotoxicity and fetal toxicity. Carcinogenesis: NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was evaluated for
mutagenicity in the Salmonella/microsome assay using S. typhimurium tester strains TA98, TA100,
TA1535, and TA1537 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, strain D4 with and without metabolic
activation. 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was not mutagenic in any strain tested (657). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization The potential of 2,4,6-tribromophenol

to produce dermal sensitization was evaluated in guinea pigs. Doses were administered by
intradermal injections in the right flank of 8 guinea pigs every other day 3 days/week, until 10
induction doses were given. 2,4,6-Tribromophenol was administered as a 1% solution in 0.9%
sodium chloride (NaCl). a concurrent positive control, DNCB (dinitrochlorobenzene), was
administered to a group of four guinea pigs using the same regimen, and 0.9% NaCl solution was
administered in a like manner to the left flank of each animal. The first sensitizing dose was
administered at a volume of 0.05 and 0.1 mL for the remaining nine doses. The challenge dose
(0.05 mL) was administered 2 weeks after the last dose. Four of eight 2,4,6-tribromophenol-treated
animals exhibited a flare response that was slightly greater than that seen during the induction phase.
2,4,6-Tribromophenol was considered to be potentially sensitizing in humans, producing slight
sensitization in the occasionally susceptible individual (655).
15.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure:
15.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
First-instar (24-h-old) daphnids were exposed to 2,4,6-tribromophenol at concentrations of 1.8, 3.2,
5.6, 10.0, and 18 ppm for 48 h under dynamic conditions. A solvent control (acetone) and untreated
control were run concurrently. Four vessels containing five Daphnia each were used for each test
and control group. The 48 h median tolerance limit (TL50) was 5.5 (4.4–7.0) ppm (655).

2,4,6-Tribromophenol was tested in two species of fish (trout—0.18, 0.21, 0.24, 0.28, 0.32 ppm;
bluegill—0.18, 0.24, 0.32, 0.42, 0.56 ppm). Static bioassays were conducted at 10°C for trout and
18°C for bluegill. Each group (control untreated and acetone solvent control) consisted of 10 fish
each. Rapid or shallow respiration was noted in trout at all concentrations; quiescence was noted at
concentrations of 0.21 ppm; and loss of equilibrium, lying on bottom of the vessel, and dark
discoloration were noted at concentrations of 0.24 ppm and above. The median tolerance limit
[TL50] value for trout was 0.24 ppm. At concentrations of 0.24 ppm, bluegills exhibited quiescence
and flaccid and dark discoloration. Fish at 0.42 and 0.56 ppm displayed loss of equilibrium, shallow
respiration, and lying on the bottom of the vessel. The median tolerance limit [TL50] value for
bluegills was 0.28 ppm.

Bluegills were exposed to radiolabeled 2,4,6-tribromophenol in a flow-through bioassay. The fish

were exposed to a concentration of 0.0092 ppm for 28 days followed by a 28-day withdrawal period.
Samples of water and edible tissue and viscera were taken and analyzed periodically.
Bioaccumulation in the edible tissue was 20-fold and viscera 140-fold over the concentration in the
water. The plateau levels in the edible tissue and viscera were reached in 3–7 days of exposure. The
half-life for radiolabeled carbon residue (withdrawal phase) was <24 h in both the edible tissue and
viscera (655).

Oxygen uptake by microorganisms was measured in the presence of 2,4,6-tribromophenol using the
Warburg respirometer. The biological seed culture was prepared from fresh sewage and topsoil. Nine
concentrations were tested: 1, 10, and 100 ppb; 1, 10, and 100 ppm; and 0.1, 1.0, and 10%.
Incubation was at ambient temperatures (water bath at 23°C) with constant shaking for 96h. Test
concentrations of 100 ppm, 0.1, 1.0, and 10% exhibited slight inhibition of microbial respiration.
After 96h, the average oxygen uptake in samples with concentrations ranging from 1 ppb to 10 ppm
was 26.5 mg O2/L media. Amount O2 utilized in control (seeded dilution water) was 21.1 mg/L. The
highest volume of absorbed oxygen was 75.9 mg/L with 1 ppm glucose (PC). Concentrations of
oxygen at 100 ppm, 0.1, 1.0, and 10% TBP were decreased, indicating inhibited endogenous
respiration (655).

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

16.0a o-Phenylphenol (OPP)

16.0.1a CAS Number:
16.0.2a Synonyms:
2-Phenylphenol; 2-hydroxybiphenyl; orthoxenol; 2-biphenylol; 1,1'-biphenyl-2-ol; (1,1'-biphenyl)-2-
ol; orthohydroxydiphenyl; biphenyl-2-ol; biphenylol; hydroxydiphenyl; hydroxy-2-phenylbenzene;
hydroxybiphenyl; OPP; phenylphenol; o-biphenylol; o-hydroxybiphenyl
16.0.3a Trade Names:
Dowicide 1, Preventol O Extra
16.0.4a Molecular Weight:
16.0.5a Molecular Formula:
16.0.6a Molecular Structure:

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

16.0b Sodium o-Phenylphenate (SOPP) and its tetrahydrate (SOPP · 4H2O)

16.0.1b CAS Number:
[132-27-4] and [6152-33-6] respectively.
16.0.2b Synonyms:
2-Biphenylol, sodium salt; 2-phenylphenol sodium salt; sodium o-phenylphenoxide; [1,1'-biphenyl]-
2-ol, sodium salt; OPP-NA; 2-hydroxybiphenyl sodium salt; orphenol; o-phenylphenol, sodium
derivative; Preventolon; (2-biphenylyloxy)sodium; sodium o-phenylphenolate; SOPP; biphenylol,
sodium salt; hydroxydiphenyl, sodium salt; phenylphenol, sodium salt
16.0.3b Trade Names:
Dowicide A, Preventol ON Extra
16.0.4b Molecular Weight:
16.0.5b Molecular Formula:
16.0.6b Molecular Structure:
16.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
16.1.1 General Melting Points OPP: 57°C; SOPP · 4H2O: 298°C (loss of water at 120°C) Solubility (g/kg solvent at 20°C):


Water 0.76 (pH 5.67) 534 (pH 13.61)

Methanol 500 526
Acetone 479 543
Acetonitrile 532 531
Octanol 529 439
Toluene 466 0.53
Hexane 48.6 0.047 Vapor pressure (at 25°C)

OPP: 1.62 × 10–3mmHg or 2.16 × 10–4kPa

SOPP: 1.8 × 10–9mmHg or 2.4 × 10–10kPA Partition Coefficient (Octanol/Water)

OPP: log10Kow = 3.0 at pH 7 Dissociation Constant

SOPP: pKa = 9.84 (20°C), pH of 1% solution = 11.2–11.6 Appearance

OPP: White to pink solid or crystals

SOPP: Available only as the tetrahydrate
SOPP · 4H2O: White to buff solid or flakes Stability

OPP: Stable to hydrolysis and photolysis

SOPP · 4H2O: Dissociates in water to OPP– and Na+

16.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties

OPP: Phenolic odor
SOPP · 4H2O: Strongly alkaline solution in water

16.2 Production and Use

OPP is produced as a by-product in the manufacture of diphenyloxide or by aldol condensation of
hexazinone. Current global production is estimated to be less than 10 millionlb per year. Chief uses
of products containing OPP are as disinfectants, antimicrobials, preservatives, antioxidants, and
sanitizing solutions in various industries.

SOPP is produced as its tetrahydrate by reaction of OPP with NaOH, followed by flaking. This
water-soluble form is used primarily for sanitation of equipment and for postharvest treatment of
fresh fruits and vegetables to control microbial and fungal infections during prolonged storage and
distribution worldwide.
16.3 Exposure Assessment
16.3.1 Air No exposure limits established by OSHA, ACGIH, or NIOSH

16.3.2 Background Levels: NA

16.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

16.3.4 Community Methods: NA

16.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood: NA Urine OPP is rapidly and almost completely excreted in urine as water-soluble conjugates
that can be quantitated using any of several chromatographic methods (658, 659). In an occupational
exposure study, 11 volunteers were treated with 10 consecutive 3- mL applications of an undiluted
hand disinfectant containing 2% OPP. Each time, the formulation was rubbed on the hands for
1 min, then water was added and the hands were rinsed under running water for 30s before drying on
a paper towel. Total 24-h urine samples were collected over a 4-day period after treatment and were
analyzed by steam distillation followed by gas chromatography. The total OPP excreted by the 11
subjects ranged from 2.95 to 7.22 mg, with an average of 4.45 mg on the first day, 1.08 mg on the
second day and only traces on the third and fourth days. Since the total OPP applied was ~600 mg,
most was washed off and only about 1% was absorbed through the skin under the conditions of this
study (660).
16.4 Toxic Effect
16.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity OPP is slightly toxic, with reported oral LD50
values of 1100–3500 mg/kg in male and female mice, and 2600–2800 mg/kg in male and female
rats. It is essentially nonirritating to skin but may cause moderate eye irritation and corneal injury.
The dermal LD50 of OPP is >5 g/kg in rabbits. Repeated applications did not cause delayed
hypersensitivity in guinea pigs (658, 659).

The sodium salt (SOPP) is slightly more toxic, with LD50 values of 800–900 mg/kg bw in male and
female mice, and 850–1700 mg/kgbw in male and female rats. It can cause severe skin burns and
severe eye irritation with corneal injury due to its high alkalinity; a 1% solution of SOPP has a pH of
11.2–11.6 (658, 659). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity OPP and its sodium salt (SOPP) have been studied
extensively in Japan, Germany, and the United States as required for pesticide registration and
reregistration. Only subchronic and chronic studies with OPP are reviewed here; humans are not
exposed to SOPP in the diet, such as on washed fruit, because it readily hydrolyses to OPP during
the fungicidal treatment. The many feeding studies conducted with SOPP at high levels in the diet of
rats are considered to be of little relevance for the assessment of potential toxicity in humans
exposed to low levels of OPP (658, 659). Subchronic Toxicity Two similar short-term studies were conducted in Japan in which
groups of 10–12 rats of each sex were fed OPP at dietary levels of 0.125 or 0.156, 0.313, 0.625, 1.25,
and 2.5% for 12 or 13 weeks. The dietary NOEL was 0.625% in each study, reported to be
equivalent to a dose level of ~780 mg/kgbw per day in one study (661) and to ~420 mg/kgbw per
day in the other (662). Body weights and body weight gains were severely depressed in males and
females fed 2.5% OPP in the diet. Only 73% of males survived compared to 92% of females at this
high dietary level equivalent to a dose level of ~2500 mg/kgbw per day, and all rats in lower dose
groups lived to the end of these short-term studies. Absolute and relative weights of many organs
were depressed in male rats fed 2.5% OPP, and proliferative lesions of the urinary bladder and slight
nephrotoxic lesions were noted (662).

In a U.S. study, 30 male rats were fed a diet containing 2% OPP (~1250 mg/kgbw daily) and were
sacrificed at intervals for 90 days. Food consumption was greatly reduced with consequent weight
loss during the first week, which improved but remained somewhat depressed throughout the study.
Seven of the rats died of apparent malnutrition. Observations included small amounts of blood in the
urine, significantly decreased urine specific gravity at 65 and 90 days, increased sizes of liver and
kidneys, and discolored focal areas of the kidneys at the end of the study. On microscopic
examination slightly swollen liver cells were seen, as well as signs of kidney pathology that were not
considered severe enough to seriously impair renal function and did not increase in severity on days
30–90 of treatment. No treatment-related urinary bladder lesions were seen in this study (663). Chronic Toxicity Groups of 50 mice of each sex were fed diets to provide dose levels of 0,
250, 500, and 1000 mg/kgbw daily for 2 years. Satellite groups of 10 mice/sex/dose level were
sacrificed at 1 year for evaluation of general chronic toxicity. In-life observations, mortality,
hematology, clinical chemistry, and urinalyses were not affected. Significantly decreased body
weights and body weight gains were noted in all groups except low dose males. The primary target
organ was the liver, based on increased absolute and/or relative weights at all dose levels, and on
gross and histopathology. Microscopic changes in the liver suggested adaptation to OPP metabolism,
associated with a statistically significant increased incidence of liver cell adenomas in middle and
high dose males. No oncogenic effects were observed in low dose males or in females at any dose
level. The minor effects observed in the low dose groups suggest that a long-term NOEL would
likely be 100 mg/kgbw OPP daily in mice (664).

To confirm the adverse findings in male rats in short-term studies, several longer-term studies were
conducted with OPP in Japan using small groups of male rats. In a 91-week study at dietary levels of
0.63, 1.25 and 2.5% OPP, survival rates and mean body weights were significantly lower in mid-
dose and high-dose groups. Bladder tumors were seen in 23/24 males in the mid-dose group, but in
only 4/23 of high dose group. Moderate to severe nephrotic lesions were found in 3/24 of the group
fed 1.25% OPP and in all 23 of the male rats fed 2.5% OPP for 91 weeks (662). In another study, no
tumors were induced when male rats were fed 2% OPP for 36 or 64 weeks, or 1.25% for 96 weeks
followed by 8 weeks on untreated diet. In the latter 104-week study, only papillary or nodular
hyperplasia of the bladder was seen in 3/27 male rats fed 1.25% OPP (665).

In a recent study conducted according to U.S. pesticide guidelines, groups of 70–75 rats of each sex
per dose level were fed OPP at constant nominal dietary concentrations of 0, 0.08, 0.4, and 0.8%
(males) or 1.0% (females). These levels were equivalent to average daily dose levels of 39/49,
200/248, and 402/647 mg/kgbw in male and female rats, respectively. Satellite groups of 20
rats/sex/dose level were sacrificed at 1 year to evaluate interim toxicity; remaining rats were
sacrificed at 2 years to evaluate long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity. Food consumption remained
unchanged, but mean body weights were decreased in mid-dose and high dose males and females.
Increased mortality was noted in highdose males fed 0.8% but not in females fed 1.0% OPP. Clinical
observations included abnormal urine color and various staining, and an increased incidence of blood
in the urine of high dose males. Postmortem findings included wet/stained ventrum, urinary bladder
masses, and pitted zones and abnormal texture in the kidney. No effect on organ weights was noted.
Histopathological findings in mid-dose and high dose males were characterized as structural
alterations in the kidney and urinary bladder, including evidence of urothelial hyperplasia and/or
neoplasia (papilloma and transitional-cell carcinoma). Neoplastic changes were not observed in high-
dose females at a dose level ~60% higher than in males. The NOEL for systemic chronic toxicity
was 0.08% OPP in the diet, equivalent to daily dose levels of 39 and 49 mg/kgbw in male and female
rats, respectively (666). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Extensive studies have been conducted in
the United States and Japan on the metabolism of OPP in mice, rats, cats, and dogs given relatively
high single or multiple oral doses. The results are compared in a recent publication, which also
reports a metabolism study in human male volunteers exposed to a low dermal dose of radiolabeled
OPP (667). Absorption When single oral doses of 500 mg/kg of 14C-OPP or 14C-SOPP were given to
male rats, both compounds were absorbed rapidly as demonstrated by recovery of ~90–95% of the
radioactivity in urine and 5–6% in feces, chiefly in the first 24 h. The disposition of the radioactivity
was not greatly affected by preconditioning the rats by feeding equimolar amounts of unlabeled OPP
(1.3%) or SOPP · 4H2O (2.0%) in the diet for 2 weeks before administration of the labeled
compounds. SOPP appeared to be eliminated somewhat more rapidly than OPP (663). Distribution OPP is distributed rapidly via enterohepatic circulation and does not
bioaccumulate in tissues after either oral or dermal exposure in experimental animals (658, 659). Excretion Absorbed OPP is excreted rapidly in urine primarily as the sulfate and
glucuronide conjugates. Administration of high doses results in saturation of the sulfation pathway
and some conversion of OPP to 2,5-dihydroxybiphenyl (phenylhydroquinone), which is also
excreted as sulfate and glucuronide conjugates (663, 667). Reproductive and Developmental In a reproduction study, groups of 30 rats of each sex
were fed OPP at dietary concentrations to provide dose levels of 0, 20, 100 or 500 mg/kgbw daily
over two generations. Animals in the high dose groups exhibited parental toxicity consisting of
reduction in male and female body weights, urine staining in males, bladder calculi in males, and
histological changes in the kidneys, bladder, and ureter of males. No reproductive effects were
observed at any dose level. The parental and neonatal NOEL was 100 mg/kgbw per day, and the
NOEL for reproductive effects was 500 mg/kgbw per day (659, 668).

A teratogenicity study was conducted in which groups of 25–27 female rats were bred and given
daily doses of 100, 300, or 700 mg OPP/kgbw by gavage on days 6–15 of gestation. No evidence of
maternal or fetal toxicity was produced by administration of the two lower dose levels. The high
dose did not cause embryotoxic or teratogenic effects, but was slightly toxic to the dams as
evidenced by decreased body weight gain and food consumption during the treatment period (659,

Another teratogenicity study was conducted in groups of 16–24 artificially inseminated female New
Zealand white rabbits by oral gavage of OPP in corn oil at targeted daily dose levels of 0, 25, 100, or
250 mg/kgbw on days 7–19 of gestation. The high dose caused increased mortality (13%), gross
pathological alterations of the GI tract, and histopathological alterations of the kidneys. The NOEL
for maternal toxicity was 100 mg/kgbw per day and the embryonal/fetal NOEL was 250 mg/kgbw
per day, the highest dose level tested in rabbits (659, 670). Carcinogenesis IARC classified SOPP as a B2 carcinogen in 1983, based on reports from
Japan that high dietary levels of this sodium salt caused bladder tumors in male rats (671, 672). Both
sodium saccharin and sodium cyclamate also cause bladder tumors at high doses in male rats, but
classification of these food additives as B2 carcinogens was recently rescinded by IARC at a meeting
in 1998.

OPP was not classified by IARC because little published data were available when this form was
evaluated in 1983 (671, 672). Since then, several conventional long-term studies have been
conducted with OPP in both sexes of mice and rats. Groups of 50 mice/sex were fed dietary levels of
OPP to provide dose levels of 0, 250, 500, or 1000 mg/kgbw daily for 2 years. The liver was
identified as the target organ, with microscopic changes suggestive of adaptation to OPP
metabolism. No oncogenic effects were observed in females at any dose level or in low dose males,
but a statistically significant increased incidence of liver cell adenomas was seen in male mice given
500 or 1000 mg/kgbw daily for 2 years. These dose levels also caused significantly decreased body
weights and body weight gains, indicating that the MTD had been exceeded (664). OPP was also
administered to groups of 50 rats/sex/dose level at nominal dietary concentrations of 0, 800, 4000,
and 8000 ppm in males and at 0, 800, 4000, and 10,000 ppm in females for 2 years. The equivalent
dose levels in both male and female rats were reported to be 39/49, 200/248, and 402/647 mg/kg bw
per day. No neoplastic changes were observed in females, including the high-dose group given 60%
more than the high-dose males. Histopathological findings in mid-dose and high-dose males were
characterized as structural alterations in the kidney and urinary bladder, including urothelial
hyperplasia and/or neoplasia (papilloma and transitional cell carcinoma). A statistically significant
increase in incidence of these neoplasms was seen only in male rats given 402 mg OPP/kgbw daily
for 2 years (666).

The U.S. National Toxicology Program conducted a skin-painting study with OPP in groups of 50
mice per sex. The OPP was applied as an acetone solution on 3 days per week for 2 years, both alone
and as a promoter with 7, 12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA). No skin neoplasms were
observed in either sex treated with OPP alone, and there were no tumor enhancing or inhibiting
effects when OPP and DMBA were given in combination (673). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies OPP, SOPP, and the oxidative metabolites
phenylhyroquinone (PHQ) and phenylbenzoquinone (PBQ) have been tested for genotoxic properties
in a variety of test systems. Most in vitro and in vivo assays were negative, but the metabolites had a
tendency to bind with DNA. OPP is probably not genotoxic, but SOPP and PBQ are possibly
genotoxic at high doses (658, 659). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization No evidence of delayed contact

hypersensitivity was found in standard Buehler tests with OPP and SOPP in guinea pigs (658, 659).
In an early study in humans, the potential for skin sensitization was tested in 200 unselected subjects,
100 males and 100 females, by placing patches impregnated with OPP or SOPP in direct contact
with the skin on the back, covering with an impervious film and taping into place. The first
application was kept in constant contact with the skin for 5 days before removal, and any reaction
was recorded. A second application was made in the same way 3 weeks later and kept in direct
contact for 48 h before removal. Each subject was examined immediately and again 3 days and 8
days later. OPP did not cause primary irritation when tested as a 5% solution in sesame oil, and did
not cause sensitization. Applications of aqueous solutions of SOPP caused no irritation at 0.1% and
very slight simple irritation at 0.5%, but were significantly irritating at 1 and 5%. However, no skin
sensitization was produced by SOPP at these concentrations (674).

16.4.2 Human Experience General Information Products containing OPP or SOPP have
been used extensively as antimicrobials and sanitizers, and for fungicidal treatment of fruits and
vegetables since the 1940s without adverse effects. Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity: NA Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity: NA Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms OPP was rapidly eliminated following
dermal exposure to a single dose of ~0.4 mg on the forearm of six human male volunteers. The
radiolabeled test substance was applied to a 4 × 6-cm area of shaved volar surface as a 100-mL
aliquot of a 0.4% w/v solution in isopropyl alcohol. A protective dome was placed over the treatment
site and was left in place for 8h. The treated sites were then wiped with cotton swabs dipped in
isopropanol, rinsed with alcohol, and stripped with tape at ~1, 23, and 46 h after removal of the
protective dome to determine the amount of residual activity associated with surface layer of skin.
The radioactivity in blood, urine, and feces was measured at intervals for 5 days. Under the
conditions of this study, ~43% of the applied OPP was absorbed through the skin, and 99% of the
absorbed dose was recovered in the urine collected within the first 48 h after exposure. The urinary
metabolites consisted of 69% OPP sulfate, 4% OPP glucuronide, 15% as conjugated
phenylhydroquinone (PHQ), and 13% as the sulfate of 2,4'-dihyroxybiphenyl. Little or no free OPP,
and no free PHQ or PBQ metabolites were found in urine following this dermal exposure to a
representative low level in humans (667).

Using data from this dermal exposure study, a pharmacokinetic model was developed to simulate the
potential for bioaccumulation of OPP from repeated dermal exposures. A worst-case occupational
scenario was selected, with continuous occluded dermal exposure to 6 mg OPP/kg body weight for
8 h per day on 5 consecutive days per week. The calculated half-lives for absorption and excretion
were 10 and 0.8h, respectively, indicating that OPP is unlikely to bioaccumulate in exposed workers
16.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
National and international tolerances or maximum residue limits (MRLs) were established in many
countries during the past 45 years for residues remaining on the surface of fresh fruits and vegetables
treated post-harvest with either OPP or SOPP to retard spoilage during storage and transportation to
market. These MRLs have ranged from 3 ppm in/on cherries and nectarines to 25 ppm in/on apples
and pears (676), but many have been rescined in the absence of new data reflecting current good
agricultural practice. At their joint meeting in Rome in September 1999, the United Nations food and
Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended
withdrawl of remaining MRLs except for 10 ppm in/on citrus fruits, and added 0.05 ppm for orange
juice and 60 ppm for dried citrus pulp. FAO/WHO also increased the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI)
to 0.4 mg/kg bw for humans and agreed that an acute RfD was not necessary (659).
16.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Metabolism on OPP in soil and and by aquatic microorganisms is fairly rapid and is complete under
conditions resembling those of activated sludge systems, under both aerobic and anaerobic
conditions. Complete degradation OPP of was obtained within 2 days under simulated biological
wastewater treatment conditions for loadings at 30 and 100 mg/L. However, the antimicrobial
properties of OPP slowed its degradation at levels higher than 100 mg/L in wastewater. Studies with
14C-OPP showed that it is readily degraded to CO at the low concentrations likely to occur in the
natural environment, such as in river water, and that the rate of degradation is enhanced in activated
sludge, especially after acclimation (678).

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.

17.0 Di-tert-Butylmethylphenol
17.0.1 CAS Number:
17.0.2 Synonyms:
DBMP, 4-methyl-2,6-di-tert-butylphenol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol, di-tert-butylhydroxytoluene
17.0.3 Trade Names:
Deenax, Paranox, DBPC Antioxidant, Ionil
17.0.4 Molecular Weight:
17.0.5 Molecular Formula:
17.0.6 Molecular Structure:
17.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
17.1.1 General
Physical state Slightly yellow, crystalline solid
Melting Point 70°C
Boiling point 265°C
17.2 Production and Use
Di-tert-butylmethylphenol (DBMP) is an antioxidant that prevents the deterioration of fats, oils,
waxes, resins, and plastic films. It is incorporated into many edible vegetable or animal fats and oils,
into baked and fried foods, and into waxes or plastic films used for coating food wrappers or
containers. It acts as an anti-skidding agent when added to paints and inks, and its antioxidant
qualities allow it to be used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals (11).
17.3 Exposure Assessment:
17.4 Toxic Effects
17.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity When absorbed in toxic concentrations into the
tissues of unanesthetized animals, DBMP induced signs of intoxication resembling those seen after
absorption of a toxic dose of a parasympathetic drug (salivation, a mild degree of miosis,
unsteadiness, restlessness, hyperexcitability, diarrhea, and tremors) (13). When given intravenously
to a dog under pentobarbital anesthesia, DBMP (25 mg/kg) induced a prompt reduction of blood
pressure. Atropine sulfate partially antagonized this depressor effect. Large doses of DBMP
produced a gross disturbance of sodium, potassium, and water balance in the rabbit (13). It was
concluded that the increase in sodium and aldosterone excretion was due to pyelonephritis, and that
death was due to potassium depletion. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity From the results of chronic toxicity studies using dogs and
rats (13), it was concluded that DBMP is a relatively innocuous compound for occupational
handling. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Metabolism studies in rats, dogs, and
humans showed some differences in excretion patterns (13). In the rat there was slower excretion
than in humans, and evidence of enterohepatic circulation was not apparent in humans. In humans
more metabolites are excreted in the urine and overall excretion is more rapid than in rats (13). Reproductive and Developmental: NA Carcinogenesis The oral feeding of DBMP increased the detoxification and inhibited cancer
induction by known carcinogens (2).

Phenol and Phenolics

Ralph Gingell, Ph.D., DABT, John O'Donoghue, Ph.D., DABT, Robert J. Staab, Ph.D.,
DABT, Ira W. Daly, Ph.D., DABT, Bruce K. Bernard, Ph.D., Anish Ranpuria, MS, E. John
Wilkinson, Daniel Woltering, Ph.D., Phillip A. Johns, Ph.D., Stephen B. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
Larry E. Hammond, Ph.D., Marguerita L. Leng, Ph.D.
18.0 Dodecylthiophenol
18.0.1 CAS Number:
18.0.2 Synonyms:
18.0.3 Trade Names:
18.0.4 Molecular Weight:
18.0.5 Molecular Formula:
18.0.6 Molecular Structure:
18.1 Chemical and Physical Properties:
18.2 Production and Use:
18.3 Exposure Assessment:
18.4 Toxic Effects
18.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The acute toxicity of this material is of a low
order. An intramuscular dose of 20 g/kg is not fatal in the rat; lethal oral doses range from 20 to
30 g/kg. When applied to the skin of the rat, rabbit, and guinea pig, the material induces loss of hair
in 6–12 days. When applied to the human skin, the material may induce local eczema but apparently
does not cause loss of hair (13).

Phenol and Phenolics


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W. D. Johnson, Dermal Sensitization Study of Pentachlorophenol in Guinea Pigs Using the
Modified Buehler Method, Proj. No. L08386, Study No. 1, IIT Research Institute, 1992.
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554 M. Eriksson, L. Hardell, and H.-O. Adami, Exposure to dioxins as a risk factor for soft
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571 CCME Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Canadian Water
Quality Guidelines for Chlorophenols - Draft, CCME, 1995.
572 R. Eisler, Pentachlorophenol Hazards to Fish, Wildlife and Invertebrates: A Synoptic
Review, Contaminant Hazard Rev. Rep. No. 17, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department
of the Interior, Washington, DC, 1989.
573 K. M. Brooks, Literature Review, Computer Model and Assessment of the Potential
Environmental Risks Associated with Pentachlorophenol Treated Wood Products Used in
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574 U. K. Health and Safety Executive (UK H&SE), Review of the Use of Pentachlorophenol,
Its Salts and Esters in Wood Preservatives and Surface Biocides, Advisory Committee on
Pesticides, Pesticides Registration Section, UK H&SE, 1994.
575 S. J. Hobbs, P. D. Howe, and S. Dobson, Environmental Hazard Assessment:
Pentachlorophenol, TSD/10, Toxic Substances Division, Directorate for Air, Climate and
Toxic Substances, U.K. Department of the Environment, 1993.
576 USEPA 1992 (MRID No. 42633704), submitted by the US Pentachlorophenol Task Force:
J. R. Hoberg, Pentachlorophenol Technical—Toxicity to the Marine Diatom, Skeletonema
costatum, Study No. 12836.0692.6109.450, Rep. No. 92-12-4540, Springborn Laboratories,
577 USEPA 1993 (MRID No. 42633705), submitted by the US Pentachlorophenol Task Force:
J. R. Hoberg, Pentachlorophenol Technical—Toxicity to the Freshwater Diatom, Study No.
12836.0692.6108.440, Rep. No. 92-12-4521, Springborn Laboratories, 1993.
578 USEPA 1993 (MRID No. 42633706), submitted by the US Pentachlorophenol Task Force:
J. R. Hoberg, Pentachlorophenol Technical—Toxicity to the Freshwater Green Alga,
Selenastrum capricornutum, Study No. 12836.0692.6107.430, Rep. No. 92-10-4481,
Springborn Laboratories, 1993.
579 USEPA 1993 (MRID No. 42633707), submitted by the US Pentachlorophenol Task Force:
J. R. Hoberg, Pentachlorophenol Technical—Toxicity to the Freshwater Blue-Green Alga,
Anabaena flos-aquae, Study No. 12836.0692.6110.420, Rep. No. 92-11-4502, Springborn
Laboratories, 1993.
580 USEPA 1993 (MRID No. 42633708), submitted by the US Pentachlorophenol Task Force:
J. R. Hoberg, Pentachlorophenol Technical—Toxicity to the Duckweed, Lemna gibba,
Study No. 12836.0692.6111.410, Rep. No. 93-1-4560, Springborn Laboratories, 1993.
581 USEPA 1992 (MRID No. 42481101), submitted by the US Pentachlorophenol Task Force:
M. Blumhorst, Aqueous Hydrolysis of Pentachlorophenol, No. 156-001, EPL Bio-
Analytical Services, 1992.
582 USEPA 1992 (MRID No. 42594302), submitted by the US Pentachlorophenol Task Force:
J. Schmidt, Aerobic Soil Metabolism of 14C-Pentachlorophenol, Final Report No. 38353,
ABC Laboratories, 1992.
583 USEPA 1991 (MRID No. 41995201), submitted by the US Pentachlorophenol Task Force:
J. Schmidt, Anaerobic Soil Metabolism of 14C-Pentachlorophenol, Final Report No. 38437,
ABC Laboratories, 1991.
584 USEPA 1992 (MRID No. 42288601), submitted by the US Pentachlorophenol Task Force:
J. Schmidt, Aerobic Aquatic Metabolism of 14C-Pentachlorophenol, Final Report No.
38354, ABC Laboratories, 1992.
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Aliphatic Nitro, Nitrate, And Nitrite Compounds

Candace Lippoli Doepker, Ph.D.

A. Aliphatic Nitro Compounds

Nitroalkanes, or nitroparaffins, are derivatives of alkanes with the general formula CnH2n+1, in
which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by the electronegative nitro group (–NO2).
Nitroalkanes are classed as primary, RCH2NO2, secondary, R2CHNO2, and tertiary, R3CNO2, using
the same convention as for alcohols. Some examples of commercial nitroalkanes, are nitromethane,
nitroethane, 1-nitropropane, and tetranitromethane (1).

The nitroalkanes are produced in large commercial quantities by direct vapor-phase nitration of
propane with nitric acid or nitrogen peroxide. The reaction product is a mixture of nitromethane,
nitroethane, and 1- and 2-nitropropane. The individual compounds are obtained by fractional

The chemical and physical properties of a number of nitroalkanes are described in Table 54.1 and in
the individual summaries following. Nitroparaffins are colorless, oily liquids with relatively high
vapor pressures. Their solubility in water decreases with increasing hydrocarbon chain length and
number of nitro groups. As expected, their boiling and flash points are higher than their
corresponding hydrocarbons.

Table 54.1. Properties of the Mononitroalkanes and Tetranitromethane

in H2O Vapor
at 20°C pressure Vapor (Closed/open)
Mol. B.p. Specific (% by (mmHg) density flash point (° 1 mg/L 1
Name wt. (°C) gravity vol.) (°C) (Air = 1) F) (ppm) (m

Nitromethane 61.04 101.2 1.139 9.5 27.8 2.11 95/110 400.7

(20/20°C) (20)
Tetranitromethane 196.04 125.7 1.6629 Insoluble 8.4(20) 0.8 — 124.7
Nitroethane 75.07 114.8 1.052 4.5 15.6 2.58 82/106 325.7
(20/20°C) (20)
1-Nitropropane 89.09 131.6 1.003 1.4 7.5 (20) 3.06 96/120 274.7
2-Nitropropane 89.09 120.3 0.992 1.7 12.9 3.06 —/102 274.7
(20/20°C) (20)
1-Nitrobutane 103.12 153 0.9728 0.5 5(25) 3.6 — 237.1
2-Nitrobutane 103.12 139 0.9728 0.9 8(25) 3.6 — 237.1

The uses of nitroalkanes depend on their strong solvent power for a wide variety of substances
including many coating materials, waxes, gums, resins, dyes, and numerous organic chemicals. Most
organic compounds, including aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters, ketones, ethers, and
carboxylic acids, are miscible with nitroalkanes. Thus, they are used in products such as inks, paints,
varnishes, and adhesives. Another important use is in the production of derivatives such as
nitroalcohols, alkanolamines, and polynitro compounds. In some cases, they provide better methods
of manufacturing well-known chemicals such as chloropicrin and hydroxylamine. They are also used
as special fuel additives, rocket propellants, and explosives.

Nitroalkane vapor pressures are sufficient to produce high vapor levels in the workplace unless
controlled. Thus, the chief industrial hazard is respiratory irritation when these compounds are
inhaled. The odors of nitroalkanes are easily detectable, and concentrations below 200 ppm are
disagreeable to most observers (2). However, the odor and sensory symptoms are not considered
dependable warning properties.

The fire and explosion hazards of nitroalkanes are considered low for they have relatively high flash
points. Despite these high flash points, shock explosion can result under certain conditions of
temperature, chemical reaction, and confinement.

Nitroalkanes are acidic substances. Polynitro compounds are even stronger acids than the
corresponding mononitroalkanes. They are rapidly neutralized with strong bases and readily titrated.
Tautomerism, a general property of primary and secondary mononitroalkanes, gives rise to a more
acidic “aci” form, or nitronic acid. In organic solvents, primary and secondary mononitroalkanes
exist as neutral nitroalkanes. However, in aqueous solutions, they exist in a state of equilibrium
between the protonated neutral nitroalkane, the nonprotonated nitronic acid and its anion, or
nitronate. Tautomerism is important for understanding the biological effects of nitroalkanes and also
forms the basis of a number of important chemical reactions through the formation of nitroalkane
salts. Mercury fulminate, Hg(ON C)2, is one of the better-known compounds that is derived from
the mercury salt of nitromethane [(CH2 NO2)2Hg].

Except for chloropicrin, the production of chloronitroparaffins, uses tautomerism. The important
intermediate methazonic acid, which is a starting product for a number of

well-known compounds (e.g., nitroacetic acid and glycine) also uses tautomerism. Additionally,
many nitro derivatives are a source of guanidine [H2NC( NH)NH2] by reaction with ammonia. A
number of other useful products such as primary amines, nitrohydroxy compounds, aromatic amines,
and b-dioximes, which in turn can yield isoxazoles by hydrolysis, are also among the
armamentarium of the nitroalkane reaction possibilities.

Early methods (1940–1959) of determining nitroalkanes used colorimetric procedures (see chemical
summaries below for more details). Since 1970 these have been replaced by instrumental methods.
References to the colorimetric procedures are included here because these procedures were used for
monitoring animal exposures, which provide the toxicity data in Table 54.2. Instrumental methods of
mass spectroscopy and gas chromatography are now used routinely, and infrared has been used in
animal exposure studies (3).

Table 54.2. Results of Inhalation Experiments (13)a

Nitromethane Nitroethane

No. No.
No. guinea No. guinea
Concn Time rabbits pigs Concn Time rabbits pigs Concn Ti
(%) (hr) Concn × time killed killed (%) (hr) Concn × time killed killed (%) (h

1.0 6 6 2 2
3.0 2 6 2 2
5.0 1 5 2 2
2.5 2 5 2 0
3.0 1.25 3.75 2 2
3.0 1 3 0 2 3.0 1 3 1 1
1.0 3 3 0 2 1.0 3 3 2 1 1.0 3
0.5 6 3 1 1
0.25 12 3 2 1
0.10 30 3 0 2
2.25 1 2.25 0 1
3.0 0.5 1.5 0 1 3.0 0.5 1.5 1 0
0.5 3 1.5 0 1 0.5 3 1.5 2 0 0.5 3
0.1 12 1.2 1 0
0.5 2 1 1 0
1.0 1 1 0 0 1.0 1 1 1 0 1.0 1
3.0 0.25 0.75 0 0 0.25 3 0.75 0 0
0.1 6 0.6 0 0
0.05 30 1.5 0 b

0.05 140 7.0 0 0c 0.05 140 7.0 0 0c

0.1 48 4.8 1c 1c

Two rabbits and two guinea pigs in each experiment.
b No animals exposed.
c One monkey exposed.

The primary mononitroalkanes on which toxicity data were determined, were analyzed
colorimetrically by measuring the color developed from an HCl-acidified alkaline solution
containing FeCl3 (4). Analytical data on the secondary nitroalkanes were determined by measuring
ultraviolet radiation at a wavelength of 2775 Å through an alcoholic solution in a Beckman
spectrophotometer (5). A more sensitive spectrophotometric determination of primary nitroalkanes
uses the coupling reaction with p-diazobenzenesulfonic acid (3). Simple, secondary nitroalkanes do
not interfere as do some complex secondary nitro alcohols.

Mass spectrography, gas chromatography, and infrared spectroscopy are the current methods of
choice for determining nitroalkanes in air (6). Mass spectra have been determined for eight C1 to C4
mononitroalkanes (6, p. 418). The different conditions recommended for analyzing nitroalkane
mixtures including chloronitroparaffins by gas chromatography, along with their chromatograms, are
given in Ref. 6 on pp. 425–429 and 430–433, and for nitroalcohols, on pp. 441–443.

Because nitroparaffins can cause respiratory irritation, inhalation toxicity data have always been of
interest. The inhalation toxicity data on the nitroalkanes gathered in the late 1930s and summarized
below lacked some of the refinements of late work with these compounds. Exposure “chambers”
consisting of steel drums of 233-liter capacity lacked the space to expose what is now considered an
adequately sized complement of animal species (7). The exposure concentrations at levels of 5000 to
50,000 ppm must be considered “nominal” because of measurement by interferometer, the chamber
airflow characteristics, and fan circulation of air.

Incomplete information on polynitroalkanes indicates that an increased number of nitro groups

results in increased irritant properties. Thus, the chlorinated nitroparaffins are more irritating than the
unchlorinated compounds (8). This reaches a severe degree with trichloronitromethane
(chloropicrin). Unsaturation of the hydrocarbon chain in the nitroolefins also increases the irritant
effects (9, 10).

The primary nitroalkanes fail to show significant pharmacological effects on blood pressure or
respiration (11). Oral doses result in symptoms similar to those produced by inhalation except for the
additional evidence of gastrointestinal tract irritation. They are less potent methemoglobin formers
than aromatic nitro compounds.

In general, applications of nitroalkanes to the skin give no evidence of sufficient absorption to result
in systemic injury. After application of the nitroalkanes in five daily treatments to the clipped
abdominal skin of rabbits, no systemic effects or evidence of weight loss was reported (2).

Nitroalkanes are readily absorbed through the lungs and through the gastrointestinal tract (12).
Animals that die following brief inhalation of the nitroalkanes show general visceral and cerebral
congestion. After exposure at high concentrations, there is pulmonary irritation and edema, but the
latter is inadequate to be the sole cause of death.

Oxidative denitrification of nitroalkanes occurs by two mechanisms. The microsomal cytochrome

P450 monooxygenase system of rat and mouse liver metabolizes nitroparaffins in vitro (13, 14).
Specific activities are greatest for 2-nitropropane, followed by 1-nitropropane, nitromethane, and
tetranitromethane. One study found up to 25% of residual denitrifying activity with mouse liver
microsomes under anaerobic conditions (15), suggesting that an oxygen-independent mechanism
may exist. Dayal et al. found that 2-nitro-2-methylpropane was not denitrified by the
monooxygenase system (16). This indicates that a hydrogen atom is required in the position alpha to
the nitro group for oxidative cleavage of the neutral tautomeric form. They also showed that the
nitronate anion of 2-nitropropane was denitrified 5 to 10 times faster than the neutral form. Because
the tautomeric equilibrium of primary nitroalkanes, such as 1-nitropropane, lies far to the neutral side
of physiological pH, the authors suggest that this may explain the slower reaction rate with these
compounds relative to 2-nitropropane.

A second mechanism of oxidative denitrification has been demonstrated for various flavoenzyme
oxidases (17–20). The relative reactivity rates of the nitroalkanes are similar to those of the
microsomal systems, except that tetranitromethane was inert (18). The interesting aspect of this
pathway is that a superoxide radical is produced either as an intermediate (18) or as an
initiator/propagator of the reaction (20). Superoxide radical and other active oxygen species
produced from it (oxygen free radicals, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical) have been associated
with toxicity and mutagenicity.

Official Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and ACGIH threshold
limit values (TLVs) have been adopted for the seven nitroalkanes listed in Table 54.3. No TLVs
have been established for any nitroolefin or nitroalcohol. For the basis of TLVs, see Documentation
of TLVs published by the ACGIH.

Table 54.3. Occupational Exposure Limits for Nitroalkanes

OSHA Standard TLVa

Compound ppm mg/m3 ppm mg/m3

Nitromethane 100 250 20 50

Nitroethane 100 310 100 307
1-Nitropropane 25 90 25b 91
2-Nitropropane 25 90 10c 36, A2
Tetranitromethane 1 8 1 8
Chloropicrin 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.67
1-Chloro-1-nitropropane 20 100 2 10

From 1999 list.
b Not classified as human carcinogen.
c Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans.

Table 54.4. Acute Toxicity of Nitromethane (13, 27)

Route Animal Dose Mortality

Oral Dog 0.125 g/kg 0/2

0.25–1.5 g/kg 12/12
Rabbit 0.75–1.0 g/kg Lethal dose
Mouse 1.2 g/kg 1/5
1.5 g/kg 6/10
Subcutaneous Dog 0.5–1.0 ml/kg Minimum lethal dose
Intravenous Rabbit 0.8 g/kg 2/6
1.0 g/kg 2/6
1.25–2.0 g/kg 9/9
Inhalation Rabbit 30,000 ppm <2 h 0/6
2h 2/2
10,000 ppm 6 h 3/2
1–3 h 0/4
5,000 ppm, 6 h 1/2
3h 0/2
500 ppm, 140 h 0/2
Guinea pig 30,000 ppm, 1–2 h 4/4
30 min 1/2
15 min 0/2
10,000 ppm, 3–6 h 4/4
1h 0/2
1,000 ppm, 30 h 2/3
500 ppm, 140 h 0/3
Monkey 1,000 ppm, 48 h 1/1
500 ppm, 140 h 0/1

Table 54.5. Acute Toxicity of TMN to Rats and Mice (40)

Test Rats Mice

Oral LD50 (95% c.l.) 130 (83–205) mg/kg 375 (262–511) mg/kg
Intravenous LD50 (95% c.l.) 12.6 (10.0–15.9) mg/kg 63.1 (45.0–88.7) mg/kg
4-Hr Inhalation (95% c.l.) 17.5 (16.4–18.7) ppm 54.5 (48.0–61.7) ppm

Table 54.6. Effect of Various Concentrations of Tetranitromethane (TNM)

Concentration Duration of
Animal (ppm) exposure Effect (Ref.)

1 cat 100 20 min Death in 1 h (41)

1 cat 10 20 min Death in 10 days (41)
5 cats 7–25 2½–5 h Death in 1–5½ h (25)
2 cats 3–9 6h×3 Severe irritation (25)
2 cats 0.1–0.4 6h×2 Mild irritation (25)
20 rats 1230 1h All died in 25–50 min
20 rats 300 1½ h All died in 40–90 min
20 rats 33 10 h All died in 3–10 h (8)
19 rats 6.35 6 months 11 deaths (8)
2 dogs 6.35 6 months Mild symptoms (8)

Table 54.7. Response to Inhalation of Nitroethane (13)a

Concentration (ppm) Time (h) Rabbit Guinea Pig

30,000 1.25 2 2
1 1 1
0.5 1 None
10,000 3 2 1
1 1 None
5,000 3 2 None
2 1 None
2,500 3 None None
1,000 2 1 None
6 None None
500 30 None None
140b None None

Two rabbits and two guinea pigs in each experiment.
b One monkey exposed, not fatal.

Table 54.8. Response to Inhalation of 2-Nitropropane (6)

Highest tolerable concentration Lowest lethal concentration

(ppm) (ppm)

Animal 1h 2.25 h 4.5 h 1h 2.25 h 4.5 h

Rat 2353 1372 714a 3865 2633 1513

Guinea 9523 4313 2381 9607 4622b
Rabbit 3865 2633 1401 9523 4313 2381
Cat 787 734 328 2353 1148 714

Time 7 h.
b Time 5.5 h.

Table 54.9. Response to Inhalation of 1-Nitropropane

Concentration (ppm) Time (h) Rabbit Guinea Pig

10,000 3 2 2
10,000 1 None 1
5,000 3 2 2

Two rabbits and two guinea pigs in each experiment.

Table 54.10. Chemical and Physical Properties of Chlorinated Mononitroparaffins

solubility Vapor
at 20°C pressure Vapor Flash
Mol. BP (° Specific (% by (mmHg) density point 1 mg/L 1 ppm
Name wt. C) gravity vol.) (25°C) (Air = 1) (°F) (ppm) (mg/m3)

Trichloronitromethane 164.38 111.84 1.656 Insoluble 16.9 5.7 — 148.8 6.72

(chloropicrin) (20/4° (20°)C
1-Chloro-1- 109.51 127.5 1.2860 0.4 11.9 3.6 133 237 4.21
nitroethane (20/20°
1,1-Dichloro-1- 143.9 124 1.4271 0.25 16 5.0 168 169.9 5.89
nitroethane (20/20°
1-Chloro-1- 123.5 139.5– 1.209 0.5 5.8 4.3 144 198 5.05
nitropropane 143.3 (20/20°
2-Chloro-2- 123.5 133.6 1.197 0.5 8.5 4.3 135 198 5.05
nitropropane (20/20°

Ref. 9.

Table 54.11. Response to Inhalation of 1,1-Dichloronitroethane (9)


Average concentration (ppm) Duration of exposure Rabbit Guinea pig

4910 30 min 2 2
985 3½ h 2 1
594 2½ h 1 None
254 1h None None
169 2h 1 1
100 6h 2 2
60 2h None None
52 18 h, 40 min 2 None
34 4h None None
25 204 h None None

Two rabbits and two guinea pigs in each experiment.

Table 54.12. Response to Inhalation of 1-Chloro-1-nitropropane (10)


Average concentration (ppm) Duration of exposure Rabbit Guinea pig

4950 60 min 2 1
2574 2h 2 None
2178 1h None 1
1069 1h None None
693 2h None None
393 6h 1 None

Two rabbits and two guinea pigs in each experiment.

Table 54.13. Effects of Various Concentrations of Trichloronitromethane

in Animalsa


Duration of exposure
Animal mg/L ppm (min) Effects

Dog 1.05 155 12 Became ill

0.08– 117– 30 Death of 43% of the
0.95 140 animals
Mouse 0.85 125 15 Death in 3 h to 1 day
Cat 0.51 76 25 Death usually in 1 day
Mouse 0.34 50 15 Death after 10 days
Dog 0.32 48 15 Tolerated
Cat 0.32 48 20 Death after 8 to 12 days
0.26 38 21 Survived 7 days
Mouse 0.17 25 15 Tolerated

Refs. 41, 80, 81.

Table 54.14. Effects of Various Concentrations of Trichloronitromethane

in Humans


Duration of
mg/L ppm exposure (min) Effect

2.0 297.6 10 Lethal concentration

0.8 119.0 30 Lethal concentration
0.1 15.0 1 Intolerable
0.050 7.5 10 Intolerable
0.009 1.3 Lowest irritant concentration
0.0073 1.1 Odor detectable
0.002– 0.3– 3–30 s Closing of eyelids according to
0.025 3.7 individual sensitivity

Table 54.15. Acute Effects of Nitroolefins (14)

Intraperitoneal Dermal
Oral toxicity, toxicity, rats, toxicity,
rats, undiluted undiluted rabbits, open,
Vapor exposure (approx. lethal (approx. lethal 5-h (approx.
(5 h) dose) dose) lethal dose)

Concn. rats, 47%
Name (ppm) humidity g/kg mmol/kg g/kg mmol/kg g/kg mmol/kg

2- 1400 100 min 0.28 2.8 0.08 0.8 0.62 6.1

2- 240 240 min 0.28 2.4 0.08 0.7 0.94 5.4
2- 55 Survived
3- 268 280 min 0.42 3.7 0.05 0.4 0.62 8.2
2- 515 50– 0.42 3.3 0.12 0.9 1.40 7.3
Nitro- 85 min
hexene 152 Survived
3- 557 30– 0.42 3.3 0.08 0.6 0.94 10.9
Nitro- 70 min
hexene 50 Survived
2- 308 3–18 h 0.94 6.6 0.28 2.0 0.94 6.6
2- 135 Survived
3- 0.62 4.3 0.28 2.0 1.40 9.8
2- 54 24 h 1.4 9.0 0.28 1.8 0.62 4.0
2- 47 Survived
3- 142 18–24 h 0.62 4.0 0.18 1.2 0.94 6.0
3- 72 Survived
3- 141 18–72 h 0.62 4.0 0.18 1.2 0.62 4.0
2- 44 Survived
2- 64 Survived 2.1 12.3 0.28 1.6 0.62 3.6
3- 59 24 h 2.1 12.3 0.42 2.5 0.42 2.5
3- 10 Survived
Aliphatic Nitro, Nitrate, And Nitrite Compounds
Candace Lippoli Doepker, Ph.D.

B. Aliphatic Nitrates
Aliphatic nitrates are nitric acid esters of mono- and polyhydric aliphatic alcohols. The nitrate group
has the structure –C–O–NO2, where the N is linked to C through O, as contrasted to the nitroalkanes
in which N is linked directly to C.

The nitric acid esters of the lower mono- di- and trihydric alcohols are liquids (methyl nitrate,
ethylene glycol dinitrate, trinitroglycerin), whereas those of the tetrahydric alcohols (erythritol
tetranitrate, pentaerythritol tetranitrate) and hexahydric alcohol (mannitol hexanitrate) are solids.
They are generally insoluble, or only very slightly soluble in water, but are more soluble in alcohol
or other organic solvents. Some chemical and physical properties of this group of compounds are
shown in Table 54.16.

Table 54.16. Chemical and Physical Properties of Aliphatic Nitrates and

Related Explosive Compounds

Mol. Physical density H2O
Name wt. state BP (°C) (air = 1) solubility

Methyl nitrate 77.04 Volatile 66 2.66 Slight

liquid (explodes)
Ethyl nitrate 91.07 Colorless 87.6 3.14 1.3% (55°
liquid C)
Isopropyl nitrate 105.09 Pale yellow 110.5 3.62 Very slight
Amyl nitrate 133.15 Slightly 150 — 0.3%
yellow liquid (unstable)
Ethylene glycol 152.07 Colorless 114 5.24 0.52%
dinitrate liquid (explodes)
Glyceryl trinitrate 227.10 Colorless oily 260 7.80 Slight
(nitroglycerin) liquid (explodes)
Propylene glycol- 166.09 Red-orange 121 — —
1,2-dinitrate liquid (decomp)
Pentaerythriol 316.15 Water-wet 180 — Very slight
tetranitrate solid (50 mm
Cyclonite (RDX) 222.26 White 276–280 — Insoluble
crystalline (mp)
HMX 296.16 Colorless 204 (mp) — Insoluble
Uses of aliphatic nitrates are chiefly as explosives and blasting powders. The lower aliphatic nitrates,
methyl, ethyl, propyl, and isopropyl have also been used as rocket propellants and special jet fuels.

Trimethylenetrinitramine (cyclonite, RDX) and cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine (HMX) have

been included in this section because they are also used as explosives.

Early methods used for determining aliphatic nitrate esters consisted of various colorimetric or
spectrophotometric procedures. These have now been largely replaced by instrumental methods
(since mid-1960). References to the colorimetric procedures are included here (29, 104–111) because
they were used for monitoring animal or worker exposures in work, summarized later in the sections
on specific compounds.

Colorimetric procedures used for determining “traces” of polynitrate esters were reported in the mid-
1930s and early 1940s (106, 107). These procedures appear relatively crude by present-day
standards, for they were based on the nitration of reagents by the aliphatic nitrate being determined.
More precise methods were developed later (108) and used to monitor animal exposures.
Colorimetric methods were still being used as late as 1966 for determining of aliphatic nitrates,
nitroglycerin, and ethylene glycol dinitrate in workplace air (109).

Instrumental methods, such as infrared spectrography, are generally considered satisfactory for
identifying of aliphatic nitrate esters (104, 105). Spectral correlations have been compiled by Pristera
et al. using band assignments at 6.0, 7.8, and 12.0 mm. Gas chromatographic procedures have been
used for determining certain aliphatic nitrates (isopropyl nitrate, ethylene glycol dinitrate, and
nitroglycerin in blood and urine (112–114). A comparison of solid sorbents in air sampling using a
chromatographic method has been published (115). These methods have the advantage of greater
precision and ease of manipulation of samples and have thus largely replaced the colorimetric
methods of the past. More advanced methods of liquid chromatography to measure RDX in
biological fluids (116) and ion mobility spectrometry to measure ethylene glycol dinitrate in air
(117) have been reported. More recently, the detection of C1–C5 alkyl nitrates in snow, frost, and
surface water has been demonstrated with a new water co-distillation enrichment technique coupled
with on-column head-space gas chromatography (118).

The chief physiological effects of the aliphatic nitrates are dilation of blood vessels and
methemoglobin formation. Vascular dilation accounts for the characteristic lowering of blood
pressure and headache. Animals given effective doses orally or parenterally exhibit such signs as
marked depression in blood pressure, tremors, ataxia, lethargy, alteration in respiration (usually
hyperpnea), cyanosis, prostration, and convulsions. When death occurs, it is either from respiratory
or cardiac arrest. Animals that survive the acute exposure recover promptly.

Aliphatic nitrates (e.g., nitroglycerin, erythritol tetranitrate, pentaerythritol tetranitrate, and methyl
nitrate) can produce varying degrees of hypotension in humans. Headache is the outstanding
symptom produced in humans following exposure. This is usually described as very severe and
throbbing and is often associated with flushing, palpitation, nausea, and less frequently, vomiting
and abdominal discomfort. Temporary tolerance develops from continued or repeated daily
exposures (119). Pentaerythritol tetranitrate is the least effective at inducing such headaches and
nitroglycerin is considered the most potent for headache induction. Other pharmacological
consequences of vasodilation are increased pulse rate, an increase in cardiac stroke volume, variable
cardiac dilation and cardiac output, and a shift in blood distribution with increased stasis and
pressure in pulmonary arteries (128).

For some members of the series, the ease of hydrolysis to the alcohol and nitrate and the degree of
blood pressure lowering are parallel. Early studies suggested little evidence that hydrolysis to nitrate
is necessary for hypotensive action (120–122). It appears that this effect of the nitrate esters does not
depend exclusively on the liberation of nitrite groups. Dilation can occur without measurable nitrite
in the blood or when the amount measured is not sufficient to account for the effect observed. Direct
effects of nitrates on smooth muscle cells include stimulation of guanylate cyclase producing
increased cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels. cGMP in turn lowers intracellular
calcium concentrations, thus relaxing contractile protein and causing vasodilation (119).

The in vivo formation of nitrite is commonly assumed to be the explanation for the methemoglobin-
forming properties of the aliphatic nitrates (123). The mechanism of formation of nitrite is not clear
(124). It is possible that reduction to nitrite occurs before hydrolysis as follows (125):

Some aliphatic nitrates cause methemoglobin formation in experimental animals. For example, ethyl
nitrate is a weak methemoglobin former, nitroglycerin is a moderately active methemoglobin former,
and ethylene glycol dinitrate is considerably more effective (approximately four times). Ethylene
glycol mononitrate, on the other hand, is not very active in this respect (126).

Heinz body formation has been observed following treatment of animals with certain aliphatic
nitrates (e.g., ethyl, propyl, and amyl nitrates, ethylene glycol dintrate, and nitroglycerin). The
precise nature of these small, rounded inclusion bodies in the red blood cells, described by Heinz in
1890, is not clear. They have been observed in humans and animals after absorption of a variety of
chemical compounds, the most prominent of which are the aromatic nitrogen compounds, inorganic
nitrites, and the aliphatic nitrates. Their appearance is commonly associated with anemia and the
production of methemoglobin. Some evidence indicates that they are proteins, possibly hemoglobin
degradation products. Red blood cells containing the inclusion bodies have a shorter life span and are
removed from the circulation by the spleen. Special stains are required to demonstrate their presence
satisfactorily. In the case of the aliphatic nitrates, erythrocytes containing Heinz bodies disappear
from the circulating blood more slowly than methemoglobin (108, 125, 127).

Alkyl nitrates are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (128). Certain alkyl nitrates are better
absorbed (see following for detail) than others through the skin and through the lung. The nitric acid
esters of the monovalent alcohols are rapidly absorbed from the lung. Pathological examinations of
animals that died following acute intoxication have been negative or have revealed only slight
nonspecific pathological changes consisting of congestion of internal organs.

No injuries to workers from exposure to any of the lower monohydric alcohol esters of nitric acid
(methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, amyl isomers) have appeared in the published literature. However, for
polynitrate esters such as nitroglycerin or ethylene glycol dinitrate, the occurrence of characteristic
and severe headaches in workers was so frequent that such acquired names as “dynamite head” and
“powder headache” were common. Similar effects were reported for exposure to ethylhexyl nitrate
(129). Since the 1950s, hypotension and peripheral vascular collapse have been associated with these
headaches (129). It is now clear that NG and especially EGDN increase the risk of cardiovascular
disease through attacks due to nitrate withdrawal, 1 to 3 days after last exposure, and through a long-
term risk which persists long after exposure ceases (130, 131). The short-term risk was noted first
and termed “Monday morning angina.” This includes findings of angina, myocardial infarction,
arrhythmia, and sudden death. Generally, symptoms are not induced by exercise or psychic arousal,
and no vascular lesions have been found at autopsy. Occupational or other exposures to NG
involving repeated dermal contact cause irritant contact dermatitis (72).

The mechanism for tolerance development, a common response to organic nitrates, has been
elucidated generally (130). This work was performed because the treatment of angina is hindered by
the development of tolerance to the vasodilator action of these esters. See nitoglycerin section later
for more detail.

Table 54.17. Acute Effects of n-Propyl Nitrate—Animals (117, 129)

Animal Dose (g/kg) Route Effect

Rat 7.5 Oral Approximate lethal dose (sample I)

Rat 5.0 Oral Approximate lethal dose (sample II)
Rat 1.0 Oral Weakness, incoordination, cyanosis
Rat 1.5 × 10 Oral Weakness, cyanosis, weight loss (first week)
Rabbit 11, 17 Skin Essentially none
Rabbit 0.2–0.25 IV Approximate LD50
Dog 0.005 IV Slight fall in blood pressure
0.050 IV Hypotension, cyanosis
0.2–0.25 IV Death in respiratory arrest
Cat 0.1–0.25 IV 6/7 died in 1 min
0.025–0.075 IV Hypotension, methemoglobinemia, survived

Table 54.18. Response to Inhalation of Various Concentrations of Amyl

Nitrates (116)


Concentration (ppm) Duration (h) Guinea pigs Rabbits Rats Mice

3730 7 2/2 2/2 3/4 5/5

3593 3.5 0/2 2/2 1/4 4/5
3227 1 0/2 0/2 0/4 0/5
3072 3×1 2/2 2/2 4/4 5/5
2774 3.5 0/2 0/2 0/4 2/4
2549 0.33 0/2 0/2 0/4 0/5
2380 2×7 2/2 2/2 0/4 5/5
2305 1 0/2 0/2 0/4 5/5
1807 7 0/2 1/2 0/4 4/4
1703 3×7 2/2 1/2 2/4 5/5
1612 7 0/2 0/2 0/4 0/5
599 9 × 7 + 6.25 0/2 0/2 0/4 0/2
262 20 × 7 0/2 0/2 0/3 0/5

No cats died following any of these exposures.
Aliphatic Nitro, Nitrate, And Nitrite Compounds
Candace Lippoli Doepker, Ph.D.

C. Alkyl Nitrites
Alkyl nitrites are aliphatic esters of nitrous acid. The nitrite group has the structure–CONO. Except
for methyl nitrite, which is a gas, the lower molecular weight members of the series are volatile
liquids. In general they are insoluble or only very slightly soluble in water but are soluble or miscible
with alcohol and ether in most proportions. They tend to decompose to oxides of nitrogen when
exposed to light or heat. Violent decomposition can occur. As a group, they tend to be flammable
and potentially explosive. They are oxidizing materials that present the possibility of violent
reactions from contact with readily oxidized compounds. The chemical and physical properties of
alkyl nitrites are given in Table 54.19.

Table 54.19. Chemical and Physical Properties of Alkyl Nitrites

CAS Molecular Molecular Physical point (° Specific
Name # formula weight state C) gravity

Methyl [624- CH3NO2 61.04 Gas –12 0.991

nitrite 91-9] (15°C)

Ethyl [109- C2H5NO2 75.07 Colorless 17 0.900

nitrite 95-5] liquid (15.5°C)
n-Propyl [543- C3H7NO2 89.09 Liquid 57 0.935
nitrite 67-9]
Isopropyl [541- C3H7NO2 89.09 Pale yellow 45 0.844
nitrite 42-4] oil (25.4°C)
n-Butyl [544- C4H9NO2 103.12 Oily liquid 78.2 0.9114
nitrite 16-1] (0/4°C)
Isobutyl [542- C4H9NO2 103.12 Colorless 67 0.8702
nitrite 56-3] liquid (20/20°C)
sec-Butyl [924- C4H9NO2 103.12 Liquid 68 0.8981
nitrite 43-6] (0/4°C)
tert-Butyl [540- C4H9NO2 103.12 Yellow 63 0.8941
nitrite 80-7] liquid (0/4°C)
n-Amyl [463- C5H11NO2 117.15 Pale yellow 104 0.8528
nitrite 04-7] liquid (20/4°C)
Isoamyl [110- C5H11NO2 117.15 Transparent 97–99 0.872
nitrite 46-3] liquid
n-Hexyl C6H13NO2 131.17 Liquid 129–130 0.8851
nitrite (20/4°C)
n-Heptyl C7H15NO2 145.20 Yellow 155 0.8939
nitrite liquid (0/4°C)
n-Octyl C8H17NO2 159.23 Greenish 174–175 0.862
nitrite liquid (17°C)

Aliphatic nitrites have been of interest mainly because of their pharmacological properties and
therapeutic use. They have been used to treat angina. More recently they have been sold as “room
odorizers” without prescription and abused for their euphoric effects by adolescents (178) and for
their sexual stimulatory effects by homosexual men (179). Amyl nitrite has important use as an
antidote in the clinical management of poisoning (180, 181). Aliphate nitrites are used also to a
limited extent as intermediates in chemical syntheses. n-Propyl nitrite, isopropyl nitrite, and tert-
butyl nitrite have been used as jet propellants and to prepare fuels.

The pharmacological and toxicological effects of aliphatic nitrites are chiefly characterized by
vasodilation resulting in a fall in blood pressure and tachycardia. Methemoglobin is produced by
larger doses. Severe complications have been described following ingestion of large quantities of
certain nitrites (e.g., amyl, butyl, or isobutyl), including a deficiency in hemoglobin reductase (182).
With respect to toxicological effects, alkyl nitrites resemble closely inorganic nitrites (sodium nitrite)
and aliphatic nitrates. Inhalation by animals and humans results in smooth muscle relaxation,
vasodilation, increased pulse rate, and decreased blood pressure progressing to unconsciousness with
shock and cyanosis. Headache is often a prominent symptom and may be due to meningeal
congestion and vascular dilation. The development of tolerance has been observed with the
therapeutic use of amyl nitrite for angina pectoris. This disappears after a week or so after
discontinuation of use. Methods for determining nitrites in air and in biological fluids have been
described (128).

Branched-chain compounds are more effective than straight-chain compounds in lowering blood
pressure. Isopropyl nitrite is considerably more effective than n-propyl nitrite and isobutyl nitrite
more than n-butyl. Secondary and tertiary butyl compounds also have a more pronounced
hypotensive effect than n-butyl nitrite. Methyl nitrite is more effective than ethyl and propyl nitrites,
and amyl nitrite is more effective than ethyl nitrite. As far as the duration of the hypotensive effect is
concerned, methyl and ethyl nitrites are more persistent, n-propyl is the least persistent of the lower
alkyl nitrites, and the iso derivatives of propyl and butyl nitrite are more persistent than the normal
compounds (128). However, the hypotensive effects of these compounds are relatively transient.
Amyl nitrite, for example, produces a rapid fall in blood pressure, which lasts only a few minutes
after inhalation.

Krantz et al. conducted extensive studies on the pharmacology of alkyl nitrites (120–122). They
found that when administering 0.3 mL through an aspirating bottle into the trachea of exposed dogs,
the degree of hypotension produced decreased from n-hexyl (58% fall) to n-heptyl (47%), n-octyl
(30%), and n-decyl (16%). Alkyl nitrites that have 11 to 18 carbon atoms in their chains showed
slight or no effect on blood pressure under these conditions. If injected, however, they produced
hypotension. With chains longer than 2-ethyl-n-hexyl-1-nitrite, the duration of action became
shorter. Cyclohexyl nitrite produced a fall in blood pressure equivalent to ethyl nitrite or amyl nitrite,
but the duration was longer. In humans, it produced severe headache. Krantz et al. believe that the
major effects are related to the relaxing action of the nitrites on smooth muscle.

Methemoglobin formation has been repeatedly observed following administration to humans and
animals. Aliphatic nitrites act as direct oxidants of hemoglobin. One molecule of nitrite and two
molecules of hemoglobin can react to form two methemoglobin molecules under appropriate
conditions. Side reactions to form nitrosohemoglobin and nitrosomethemoglobin may occur. The
amount of methemoglobin formed in cats is directly proportional to the intravenous dose (123). The
longer chain compounds induce more methemoglobin formation relative to their hypotensive effect

The therapeutic usefulness of methylene blue in acute intoxications accompanied by

methemoglobinemia remains controversial, even though support for its effectiveness in severe
methemoglobinemia continues to appear (183, 184). Although methemoglobinemia is a prominent
effect of nitrite absorption, the action of alkyl nitrites on the vascular system is also a major
determinant in their toxicity.

Reports of industrial intoxications are limited (185–188), but reports of poisoning resulting from
“recreational use” have been numerous during the past 15 years and have included fatalities (189).

Because of the widespread use of alkyl nitrites by homosexual men, prior to the discovery of the
HIV virus as the causative agent, it was postulated that alkyl nitrites might be involved in the
development of AIDS (179). This led to extensive research (190), particularly in the areas of genetic
toxicity and immunotoxicity.

Methyl (191), ethyl (192), propyl (193), butyl (193, 194), isobutyl, sec-butyl, amyl, and isoamyl
(193) nitrite are mutagenic in the Ames test. Of the six nitrites tested (propyl to isoamyl in the
previous list), only amyl nitrite was not mutagenic in the mouse lymphoma assay (193). Ethyl nitrite
also induced sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in Drosophila but did not induce micronuclei in
mouse bone marrow cells (192). Isobutyl nitrite did not cause mutations in the Drosophila test (195).

Studies of the effects on immune parameters have produced contradictory results. Amyl nitrite
caused functional deficits and structural alterations (seen by electron microscopy) in human
mononuclear lymphocytes exposed in vitro(130). However, in a study of mice exposed to 50 or
300 ppm isobutyl nitrite 6.5 h/day, 5 day/week, for up to 18 weeks, no adverse effect on B-cell or T-
cell function was detected (196). Another study in mice was done at higher exposure concentrations
based on the expectation that abusers use higher concentrations for shorter durations (197). Mice
were exposed to increasing isobutyl nitrite concentrations, 100 ppm for 1 day, 600 ppm for 3 days,
then 900 ppm for 10 days. Specific decrements in T-cell responsiveness to mitogenic stimulants
were seen, but B-cell responsiveness was unchanged.

The acute inhalation LC50values for various alkyl nitrites are shown in Table 54.20. In general,
potency decreases as alkyl chain length and branching increase. Very steep dose–response curves
were seen for all compounds, indicating that relatively small increases of exposure concentration
would produce large increases of mortality. Klonne et al. stated that the concentration range
corresponding to 0 and 100% mortality in four exposures of rats was less than 100 ppm for most of
the nitrites (198). The LC50/EC50 (for decreased motor performance) ratio for a 30-min exposure of
mice ranged from 2.0 to 2.4 (199). Therefore, acute inhalation exposure hazard for the alkyl nitrites
is greater than would be indicated by their LC50s alone.

Table 54.20. Acute Inhalation Toxicity of Alkyl Nitrites

Nitrite 4-h rat LC50 1-h mouse LC50 ½-h mouse LC50
compound (ppm) (180) (ppm) (181) (ppm) (182)

Methyl 176 — —
Ethyl 160 — —
Propyl 300 — —
Butyl 420 567 949
Isobutyl 777 1033 1346
sec-Butyl — 1753 —
tert-Butyl — 10,852 —
Isoamyl 716 — 1430

McFadden et al. measured methemoglobin levels in vivo and in vitro for butyl nitrite isomers (200).
tert-Butyl was significantly less toxic than the other isomers and was the least potent methemoglobin
inducer. Pretreatment with methylene blue before nitrite exposure also greatly increased the mean
time to death for butyl, isobutyl, and sec-butyl, but only doubled the value for tert-butyl. The authors
concluded from this that methemoglobin formation is the cause of death from butyl nitrite isomers
except for tert-butyl. However, Klonne et al. point out that deaths occurred rapidly and always
during exposure (198). This was a consistent finding of the other acute inhalation studies (199, 200).
Animals recovered rapidly from all signs of exposure except for those associated with
methemoglobinemia (cyanosis, bluish coloration of ears and feet). Exposure concentration rather
than cumulative inhaled concentration was also the primary determination for mortality (198).
Severe hypotension and cardiovascular collapse are more consistent with these findings as a cause of
death. Most likely, both vasodilation and methemoglobinemia play a role in alkyl nitrite-induced

The lower aliphatic nitrites are promptly absorbed from the lung. Amyl nitrite is ineffective orally
because it is destroyed in the gut. It is less effective by injection than by inhalation. Octyl nitrite (2-
ethyl-n-hexyl-1-nitrite) is not absorbed through the mucous membranes and is ineffective
sublingually. It appears that the nitrites are hydrolyzed in vivo to nitrite and the corresponding
alcohol, which is then partly oxidized and partly exhaled unchanged.

The pharmacological properties determined in animals are so uniform within this group that
information on the nitrites following can be taken as illustrative of the effects and potential hazards
of the other members of the series (see Table 54.20 and Table 54.21).

Table 54.21. Comparative Toxicity Data for Aliphatic Nitro, Nitrate and
Nitrite Compounds

Chemical Skin Vascular Methemoglobin Industrial

group absorption Irritation dilatation formation experience

Aliphatic nitro compounds (R3CNO2)

Nitroalkanes None Moderate None Positive Irritation,
Chlorinated None Marked None Unknown Lung injury
Nitroolefins Positive Marked Unknown Not observed None
Aliphatic Positive None Marked Positive Systemic
nitrates symptoms,
(R3CONO2) possible
Aliphatic Unknown None Marked Positive Systemic
nitrites symptoms,
(R3CONO) fatalities
Nitramines None None None None Convulsions

Aliphatic Nitro, Nitrate, And Nitrite Compounds

Candace Lippoli Doepker, Ph.D.

D. Summary
Although aliphatic nitro compounds, aliphatic nitrates, and aliphatic nitrites have several features in
common (nitrogen-oxygen grouping, explosiveness, methemoglobin formation), there are significant
differences in their toxic effects. Some of their attributes are summarized in Table 54.21. The esters
of nitric and nitrous acid, whose nitrogen is linked to carbon through oxygen, are very similar in
their pharmacological effects. Both produce methemoglobinemia and vascular dilatation with
hypotension and headache. These effects are transient. None of the series has appreciable irritant
properties. Pathological changes occur in animals only after high levels of exposure and are
generally nonspecific and reversible. The nitric acid esters of the monofunctional and lower
polyfunctional alcohols are absorbed through the skin. Information is not available on the skin
absorption of alkyl nitrites. Members of both groups are well absorbed from the mucous membranes
and lungs. Heinz body formation has been observed with the nitrates but not with the nitrites.

Nitro compounds, like nitrates and nitrites, cause methemoglobinemia in animals. Heinz body
formation parallels this activity within the series. Although some members are metabolized to nitrate
and nitrite, there is no significant effect on blood pressure or respiration. As with the lower nitrates
and nitrites, anesthetic symptoms are observed in animals during acute exposures, but these occur
late. The prominent effect is irritation of the skin, mucous membranes, and respiratory tract. This is
most marked with chlorinated nitroparaffins and nitroolefins. In addition to respiratory tract injury,
cellular damage may be observed in the liver and kidneys. Skin absorption is negligible except for
the nitroolefins.

The nitramines have entirely different activity. RDX is a convulsant for humans and animals. Skin
absorption, irritation, vasodilatation, methemoglobin formation, and permanent pathological damage
are either insignificant or absent after repeated doses.

Transient illness has been associated with the industrial use or manufacture of these materials, but
fatalities and chronic intoxication have been uncommon. Some members of each group present
extremely high fire and explosion hazards.

Aliphatic Nitro, Nitrate, And Nitrite Compounds

Candace Lippoli Doepker, Ph.D.

The author acknowledges and thanks Dr. Eula Bingham who assisted by providing valuable advice
in preparing this manuscript. The author also acknowledges Dr. Richard A. Davis whose previous
work on aliphatic nitro, nitrate, and nitrite compounds was a useful resource.

Aliphatic Nitro, Nitrate, And Nitrite Compounds


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N-Nitroso Compounds
William Lijinsky

A. Toxicity of N-nitroso Compounds

As noted with other groups of carcinogens, the test species often showed considerable variation in
toxic and carcinogenic responses to a particular N-nitroso compound. For example,
nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is more toxic to rats than nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), but NDEA
is a more potent carcinogen to rats than NDMA (6); in the Syrian hamster, NDMA is a more potent
carcinogen than NDEA (6), whereas NDEA is less toxic than NDMA in hamsters (6). Moreover, the
acute toxicity of most nitrosamines was expressed in the liver or lung of rats, mice, and hamsters
(and sometimes in the gastrointestinal tract), whereas carcinogenicity was expressed in a variety of
organs including liver, lung, stomach, bladder, pancreas, esophagus, and kidney (32). The
considerable number of nitrosamines that were toxic to the liver but did not induce liver tumors was
curious and suggested that whatever mechanisms caused liver damage were not the same as those
that caused liver cancer. Of course, it has long been known that nitrosamines do not act directly but
have to be activated metabolically to cause toxicity or carcinogenicity (33). Nitrosamines, as distinct
from the directly acting alkylnitrosamides, are not mutagenic to bacteria or cells in culture, nor
cytotoxic without metabolic activation by enzyme mixtures (e.g., S9 fractions from liver or other
organs). Strangely, single doses of nitrosamines, however large, rarely induce tumors, although
single doses of alkylnitrosamides often do. Almost all of the carcinogenic studies referred to here
involve frequent administration of small doses (too small to have noticeable toxic effects) for many
weeks, after which the animals are maintained until death (from tumors). This mode of treatment is
believed to mimic usual human exposure more closely than single or few larger doses.

In general—and counterintuitively—most alkylnitrosamides are less toxic than analogous

nitrosamines that give rise by metabolic activation to the same reactive intermediate (an
alkyldiazonium ion) that is formed spontaneously from the alkylnitrosamide. This suggests that the
alkyldiazonium ion which alkylates DNA and other macromolecules is not the common intermediate
that is responsible for the toxicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity of these compounds, but that
alternative mechanisms might be involved (34) in one or more of these biological activities. What
seem to be surprising and perhaps illogical is that toxic effects are seen by comparing
methylnitrosourea with methylnitrosourethane, both given to rats by intravenous injection, in the
case of MNU into the hepatic portal vein at 30 mg/kg body weight (and cause sufficient methylation
of liver nucleic acids to be identified by mass spectrometry (35), but cause no liver tumors). The
LD50 of MNU was 110 mg/kg body weight and that of methylnitrosourethane was 4 mg/kg, both by
intravenous injection. Yet, no toxic effects were seen in the liver examined by electron microscopy.

The difference in acute toxicity in rats or in mice or hamsters between N-nitroso compounds that,
according to conventional wisdom, exert their biological effects by forming of the same putative
reactive intermediate (e.g., the methyldiazonium ion) poses a dilemma. For example, why is a
directly acting N-nitroso compound (MNU, MNNG, or methylnitroso-urethane) less toxic than many
methylnitrosoalkylamines which must be activated to form the toxic agent? Although numerous
methylnitrosoalkylamines have similarly high toxicities, many are also considerably less toxic (Table
55.3) with no apparent explanation. However, the simple explanation of formation of the same toxic
intermediate is probably wrong or at least incomplete.

Table 55.3. Toxicity and Carcinogenicity of Some N-Nitroso Compounds

Toxicity Carcinogenicity

N-Nitroso- Species Route LD a Route Organ


dimethylamine Mouse i.p. 20 Oral Liver, lung

Rat Oral, 30 Oral Liver, kidney
Hamster s.c. 30 Oral Liver, nasal
G.pig i.p. 16 Oral Liver
diethylamine Mouse Oral 220 Oral Liver, esoph.
Rat Oral 280 Oral Liver, esoph.
Hamster s.c. 250 Oral Liver, nasal
G.pig i.p. 190 Oral Liver
methylethylamine Rat Oral 90 Oral Liver, esoph.
di-n-butylamine Rat Oral 1,200 Oral Liver, bladder
Hamster Oral 2,150 Oral Liver, bladder
di-n-propylamine Rat Oral 480 Oral Liver, esoph.
Hamster s.c. 600 Oral Nasal, trachea
methylvinylamine Rat Oral 22 Oral Lung, nasal
diethanolamine Rat Oral >7,500 Oral Liver, nasal
Hamster s.c. 11,300 Oral Nasal
morpholine Rat Oral 280 Oral Liver, esoph.
Hamster Oral 1050 Oral Nasal, trachea
2,6-dimethyl- Rat s.c. 430 Oral Esoph, nasal
morpholine Hamster Oral 370 Oral Pancreas, liver
piperidine Rat Oral 200 Oral Esoph, nasal
pyrrolidine Rat Oral 900 Oral Liver
diphenylamine Rat Oral 3,000 Oral Bladder
sarcosine Rat Oral 5,000 Oral Esophagus
proline Rat Oral 5,000 Oral Inactive -
dibenzylamine Rat Oral 900 Oral Inactive -
nornicotine Rat s.c. 1,000 Oral Esoph, nasal
methylurea Rat Oral 180 Oral Brain, stomach,
i.v. uterus, breast
Hamster s.c. 70 Oral Spleen, stomach
ethylurea Rat Oral 300 Oral Breast, stom. etc
methylnitro-guanidine Rat Oral 100 Oral Gland. stomach

mg/kg body weight as a single dose by gavage or injection.
Although it is understandable that some nitrosamines might be toxic but not carcinogenic (e.g.,
nitrosiminodiacetonitrile, methylnitroso-tert-butylamine, methylnitrosomethoxyamine,
nitrosodiallylamine in rats) because their toxicity is through some unconventional mechanism, it is
more difficult to understand why some reasonably potent carcinogens (e.g., nitrososarcosine,
nitrosodiethanolamine, ethylnitrosoethanolamine) are not toxic (or not measurably so). The cyclic
nitrosamines pose a particular dilemma because little is known about their activation, the products of
their metabolism, or the reasons for the differences in their carcinogenicity. The simplest cyclic
compound, nitrosoazetidine, is almost not toxic; toxicity increases up to nitrosopiperidine and
nitrosohexamethyleneimine and declines as the ring grows larger. All are toxic to rat liver, although
not all induce liver tumors in rats (5, 6). There are differences between species in response to the
toxicity of a given N-nitroso compound, as there are to carcinogenicity; mice are often less
responsive than rats, as mice are to carcinogenesis by many N-nitroso compounds. However, most
N-nitroso compounds are both toxic and carcinogenic (6). As already mentioned, there is no parallel
between toxicity and carcinogenicity among different species or within structurally related groups of
N-nitroso compounds.

N-Nitroso Compounds
William Lijinsky

B. Mutagenesis and Cell Transformation

One N-nitroso compound, N-methyl-N-nitroso-N'-nitroguanidine (MNNG), was one of the first
known chemical mutagens (36) and since then a large number of N-nitroso compounds have been
examined for mutagenic and cell-transforming properties, apparently propelled by the wish to
develop quick ways of identifying carcinogens instead of the lengthy and expensive chronic toxicity
test in animals (rodents). In looking for parallels between carcinogenic and mutagenic activities,
there are striking differences, even among groups of N-nitroso compounds of similar structure. It is
almost always necessary to test a nitrosamine for mutagenicity by incorporating a metabolic
activation system, usually the S-9 fraction of liver homogenate, called the “microsomal fraction,”
which was introduced by Ames into his microbial (Salmonella) mutagenic assay (37). It is assumed
that this mimics the activation of nitrosamines in vivo.

Most alkylnitrosamides are directly acting mutagens (i.e., they do not need metabolic activation),
although not proportional in activity to their carcinogenic activity. On the other hand, almost all
nitrosamines require metabolic activation to uncover their mutagenic activity. A large proportion of
the nitrosamines that have been tested for carcinogenic activity have also undergone mutagenic
testing, exhaustive in the case of some compounds, (e.g., NDMA, NDEA). NDMA with rat liver
microsomal activation is not measurably mutagenic to Salmonella strain TA1535 in the simple “plate
test,” although it is powerfully carcinogenic to rat liver. Both NDMA and NDEA are more readily
activated to bacterial mutagens by hamster liver microsomes than by rat liver microsomes, although
by no means are these two nitrosamines more potent carcinogens in hamsters than in rats (38). The
greater activity of hamster liver microsomes in this regard is true for a large proportion of
nitrosamines tested, although most are more potent carcinogens in rats than in hamsters (6, 39), and
includes the large series of methylnitrosoalkylamines, which, it is assumed, act (as mutagens and
carcinogens) by metabolic formation of the same methylating intermediate. These comparisons
throw into doubt the current concept of the close relationship—perhaps identity—of the mechanisms
of carcinogenesis and mutagenesis.

These discrepancies also apply to the large number of cyclic nitrosamines that have been studied, in
which the superiority of hamster liver microsomes over rat liver microsomes in activating them to
mutagens is even greater to the extent that several compounds are activated to mutagens only by
hamster liver enzymes, not by rat liver enzymes. This is also true of many acyclic nitrosamines, and
especially so of those nitrosamines that have oxygen functions (hydroxyl- or carbonyl-) in their side
chains. A number of carcinogenic nitrosamines are not activated by either rat or hamster liver
microsomes to mutagens (39); these include such liver carcinogens as nitrosodiethanolamine,
methylnitrosoethylamine, nitroso-3-hydroxypyrrolidine, and methylnitrosoethanolamine, as well as
methylnitrosoaniline, methylnitroso-3-carboxypropylamine, and nitrosodiphenylamine, which induce
tumors in other organs, but not in the liver (40). Most of the noncarcinogenic nitrosamines (which
include most nitrosamino acids) are not mutagenic, but some that are mutagenic are not carcinogens
(nitrosoguvacoline, nitrosophenmetrazine, nitrosodi-n-octylamine). The usefulness of the mutagenic
assays in predicting the probable carcinogenicity of N-nitroso compounds is obvious, although there
is no quantitative parallel, but the many unexpected exceptions (e.g., MNEA) indicate that
mutagenesis is not a guide to understanding the carcinogenic mechanisms of these compounds.

This conclusion is fortified by the mutagenic studies of alkylnitrosamides, which show a huge
disparity between carcinogenic potency and mutagenic effectiveness. For example, a series of
methylnitrosocarbamate esters (most of which are N-nitroso derivatives of pesticides, e.g.,
nitrosocarbaryl) vary 10- to 200-fold in mutagenicity (41, 42), but have very similar carcinogenic
potencies (43); the ratio of their mutagenicities is similarly large versus methylnitrosourea, which is
a much more potent carcinogen. Yet, all of these compounds, it is believed, act as mutagens or
carcinogens by directly forming the same alkylating intermediate, the methyldiazonium ion. Part of
the discrepancies might be explained by differences in uptake by the bacteria, as shown in
Hemophilus influenzae (44).

Among the many alkylnitrosoureas tested as bacterial mutagens, which, it is believed, act by forming
the corresponding alkyldiazonium ion, there is not a large difference among most of them in
mutagenic potency, although this tends to increase with increasing molecular weight (45). Some
unusual structures such as hydroxyethylnitrosourea, isopropanolnitrosourea, and 2-phenylethyl-
nitrosourea are especially potent, whereas benzylnitrosourea and n-tridecylnitrosourea are almost
inactive, but overall there is no parallel between mutagenicity and carcinogenicity among these
directly acting N-nitroso compounds. The same is true of the limited number of
alkylnitrosoguanidines tested, of which MNNG is almost the standard mutagen but is not a
particularly potent carcinogen; the nitroso derivative of a widely used drug, nitrosocimetidine, is
quite mutagenic but is not a carcinogen (46).

N-nitroso compounds act as mutagens or transforming agents in mammalian cells in culture or in

bacteriophage induction. It is claimed that their activity depends largely on the formation, directly or
following enzymic activation, of an alkyldiazonium ion that alkylates DNA. All have the same or
similar drawbacks and discrepancies which have been discussed earlier in connection with bacterial
mutagenic assays. The cell transformation assays (47) seem to have some characteristics that do not
depend on alkylation of DNA because compounds such as nitrosodiphenylamine, which do not form
an alkylating product, produce positive results in these assays. However, the results do not uniformly
parallel the carcinogenic activity of these compounds, indicating again that the mechanisms of the
various biological activities differ (47).

N-Nitroso Compounds
William Lijinsky

C. Metabolism and Activation

Although there are differences and discrepancies among the mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, and other
biological activities of the directly acting alkylnitrosamides, it is credible that one of the underlying
actions is the direct formation of a reactive intermediate, such as an alkyldiazonium ion, common to
many of them (e.g., the methylating compounds). On the other hand, in the case of the nitrosamines,
it is not readily apparent that formation of a simple alkylating intermediate (such as an
alkyldiazonium ion) is the underlying process. Rather, there is evidence that extensive and varied
metabolism is frequently required to bring about carcinogenesis, or even mutagenesis. As shown by
the lower activity as mutagens or carcinogens of nitrosamines labeled with deuterium in the positions
alpha to the nitroso group, alpha-oxidation is a rate-limiting step in the biological activation of most
nitrosamines (48–50). This finding is fortified by the observation that substituting methyl or other
alkyl groups in the alpha positions of nitrosamines, cyclic or acyclic, reduces or abolishes
carcinogenic or mutagenic activity. In the case of acyclic nitrosamines, alpha-oxidation forms an
unstable alpha-hydroxy derivative (51), which is reactive and decomposes to release an
alkyldiazonium ion, that can alkylate macromolecules (and presumably the alpha-hydroxy derivative
can also). In the case of cyclic nitrosamines, such as nitrosomorpholine or nitrosopiperidine, the fate
of the alpha-hydroxy derivative is much less clear, particularly the identity of the products related to
carcinogenesis or mutagenesis, and those that are simply products of detoxication.

There have been many studies of the metabolism and activation of nitrosamines, including those of
the series of methylnitroso-n-alkylamines, that show striking differences in the target organ for
carcinogenesis as the chain becomes longer. In fact, it is through beta-oxidative chain shortening
(Knoop) that the longer chain compounds produce a metabolite (methylnitroso-2-oxopropylamine)
that induces bladder tumors in rats (39), whereas the short-chain compounds induce tumors of the
liver or esophagus.

Oxidation of nitrosamines in animals can be extensive, as shown by the formation and excretion of
derivatives of nitroso dialkylamines such as nitrosodi-n-propylamine and nitrosodi-n-butylamine
hydroxylated at most positions of the alkyl chain (52) and in the studies of metabolites of
methylnitroso-n-amylamine by Mirvish (53).

The complex interrelationships between 2,6-dimethylnitrosomorpholine (DMNM—which unlike

nitrosomorpholine induces no liver tumors in rats, although it does in hamsters, together with
pancreas tumors), nitrosobis-2-oxopropylamine (NBOPA), nitrosobis-2-hydroxypropylamine
(nitrosodi-isopropanolamine—NBHPA) and nitrosohydroxypropyl-oxopropylamine (NHPOPA)
pose another unsolved problem in explaining their carcinogenic properties (54, 55).

The conventional wisdom is that N-nitroso compounds exert their carcinogenic (and probably toxic)
effects by forming of an alkylating intermediate (alkyldiazonium compound) that alkylates DNA,
causes mutations (and leads to cancer), but this is an oversimplified and unsatisfactory explanation
of the experimental data. For example, the compounds in the preceding paragraph all methylate
DNA of the liver and other organs in vivo in rats and hamsters to similar extents (somewhat lower
with DMNM). They all induce liver tumors in hamsters (but to different extents) but in rats DMNM
and NBHPA induce only tumors of the esophagus, NBOPA induces liver tumors, and NHPOPA
induces both (39, 56). These results indicate that alkylation of DNA by these nitrosamines might
play a role in inducing of tumors (in the liver, for example), that alone is insufficient and other
factors and properties of the nitrosamine are equally or more important, but these are largely
unknown. And so it is with a large number of N-nitroso compounds that methylate DNA, for
example, in rat liver. Only some of them give rise to liver tumors, but often to tumors in other organs
in which they produce less methylation of DNA. Examples are methylnitrosourea, MNNG, NDMA
in high doses (at which kidney tumors are induced) (57), although at low doses liver tumors are
induced, and not kidney tumors (58); the same is true of azoxymethane (isomeric with NDMA),
which induces tumors in the colon, as well as the liver (59).

Most N-nitroso compounds are both carcinogenic and mutagenic, but about 10% of those tested
(more than 300) are not carcinogenic. Few of the noncarcinogens are mutagens, but several
carcinogens are not mutagenic. Particularly interesting are those nitrosamines that are rat liver
carcinogens, yet are not activated to mutagens by rat liver enzymes (e.g., nitrosodiethanolamine,
nitrosodi-isopropanolamine, and methylnitrosoethylamine), although several of them are activated
by hamster liver enzymes. In the context of this volume, this fact is important only because there is
increasing reliance on “short-term” assays for predicting the carcinogenicity of newly discovered
substances, and it would be easy to overlook a nonmutagenic nitrosamine as unlikely to be a
carcinogen, forestalling a chronic toxicity test. Whether a nonmutagen (e.g., NDELA) alkylates
DNA to a very small extent, usually remains to be determined (60).

Another important consideration is that there are considerable differences in susceptibility to toxicity
and carcinogenicity among species, even those as closely related as rats, mice, and hamsters. In
general, rats are more susceptible than either hamsters or mice (in that order). In the case of NDELA,
massive doses are needed to induce liver tumors in mice, whereas modest doses are adequate in rats;
NDELA did not induce liver tumors in hamsters, but did induce tumors of the nasal cavity (61, 62).
This suggests that it might be unwise to consider that rats represent the species most sensitive to N-
nitroso compounds and that humans are no more sensitive. In fact there is evidence from the great
effectiveness of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in cigarette smokers and in smokeless tobacco users
(in whom exposure is small, but the cancer incidence high) compared with the comparable
responsiveness of rats or hamsters to much higher doses, that humans might be considerably more
susceptible to the carcinogenic effects of N-nitroso compounds than the routinely used test animals.

N-Nitroso Compounds
William Lijinsky

D. Chronic Effects—Carcinogenicity
From the extensive literature on the biological testing and evaluation of N-nitroso compounds,
numerous results frustrate the proposal of a single mechanism by which these compounds induce
tumors because of the complexity of the tumor responses in different species to a particular N-nitroso
compound. For example, consider the series of methylnitroso-n-alkylamines from C2
(methylnitrosoethylamine, MNEA) to C12 (methylnitroso-n-dodecylamine) all of which are
metabolized to form a methylating agent that methylates DNA in rat liver (63) (although not
necessarily to the same extent) and all of which are carcinogenic (64). In contrast, methylnitroso-
tert-butylamine, which cannot be metabolized to form a methylating agent, is not carcinogenic; on
the other hand, methylnitrosoaniline, which also cannot be metabolized to form a methylating agent
is carcinogenic to rats and forms esophageal tumors. However, there the simplicity ends because the
lowest members of the homologous series, NDMA and MNEA, induce tumors of the liver and lung
in rats (as well as tumors of the esophagus in the case of MNEA). The C3, C4 and C5 compounds
give rise only to tumors of the esophagus in rats, whereas the C6, C7 and C8 compounds induce
tumors of the esophagus, liver, and lung in rats, the proportions depend on whether the nitrosamine
is administered in drinking water or by gavage. Methylnitroso-n-octylamine (C8) also causes bladder
tumors in many rats. The larger C9 to C12 molecules are almost insoluble in water and had to be
administered by gavage in oil, and compounds with an odd number of carbons in the chain induced
liver and lung tumors in rats. Those with an even number of carbons in the chain induced tumors of
the bladder and lung, but seldom liver tumors, although these nitrosamines are extensively
metabolized in the rat liver. The metabolism (beta-oxidation) of those compounds with even-
numbered carbon chains terminates at methylnitroso-3-carboxypropylamine, which is beta-oxidized
and decarboxylates to form methylnitroso-2-oxopropylamine, which induces bladder tumors in rats
when injected into the bladder (65). Beta-oxidation of nitrosamines that have odd-numbered carbon
chains produces a different end product. In contrast with their varied carcinogenic properties in rats,
the response to this series of methylnitroso-n-alkylamines is quite uniform in hamsters and consists
of liver and lung tumors and occasionally tumors of the nasal cavity and bladder tumors with the
even-numbered carbon chain compounds larger than C6; there were no esophageal tumors in
hamsters (no N-nitroso compound induces esophageal tumors in hamsters, although a large
proportion of nitrosamines given to rats has induced tumors of the esophagus).

This leads to another perplexing finding, that no alkylnitrosamide—although they are directly acting
alkylating agents—induces tumors of the esophagus or nasal cavity in rats, even when given in
drinking water; many nitrosamines induce tumors of the esophagus in rats, whether given in drinking
water or by gavage, even when administered by intraurethral injection or by subcutaneous injection.
Such findings led to the conclusion that N-nitroso compounds usually act systemically, rather than
locally. However, several alkylnitrosamides produce skin tumors when painted frequently on the
skin of mice (66), as well as systemically in rats by oral administration (6). No nitrosamine has
produced skin tumors by local action, although when painted on the skin, they can be absorbed and
in some cases induce tumors of internal organs. Alkylnitrosoureas in rats induce tumors of the
nervous system, of the glandular stomach (similar to human stomach), and of the mammary gland
and mesotheliomas (in males), which have not been induced by any nitrosamine; in hamsters,
alkylnitrosoureas have induced hemangiosarcomas of the spleen almost exclusively (together with
tumors of the forestomach, probably induced locally); in splenectomized hamsters, few tumors were
induced by 2-hydroxyethylnitrosourea, mainly some forestomach tumors (67). Alkylnitrosoureas did
not induce tumors of the nervous system, glandular stomach, mammary gland or mesotheliomas in
hamsters, although they are directly acting alkylating agents. There has been no adequate
explanation of these profound differences, which do not depend primarily on the presence of
particular activating enzymes in certain tissues or organs, and the results make it difficult to accept
the conventional simple alkylation of DNA as the mechanism of such organ and species-specific
carcinogenesis by N-nitroso compounds.

The difference in response of different species to N-nitroso compounds has been discussed using rats
and hamsters as examples. Mice tend to follow rats in the pattern of tumors induced by particular N-
nitroso compounds, although rats seem to be more sensitive than mice or hamsters (perhaps by a
factor of 10). The limited evidence that can be used to compare humans with rats suggests that
humans might be considerably more sensitive (68).

Perhaps the most important property of carcinogens in relation to human health is the ability to
induce tumors transplacentally because a fetus is more susceptible (i.e., responsive to smaller doses)
to the action of many carcinogens than adults (as is true also of infants and young children). In the
case of N-nitroso compounds, there has been considerable interest in this aspect, particularly by
Ivankovic who induced tumors of the nervous system in rats transplacentally by treating their
mothers with alkylnitrosoureas during the last third of pregnancy (21). The same result was achieved
using N-methylnitroso ethyl carbamate (methylnitrosourethane) (69). This use of an alkylnitrosamide
is one of the few models for human childhood brain cancer. No nitrosamine administered to pregnant
animals has induced brain cancer in offspring, although several nitrosamines have induced other
types of tumor transplacentally, albeit not with as great efficacy as alkylnitrosoureas. Usually, one or
two mice or rats per litter with tumors has resulted, even after a substantial dose to the mother.
Because humans are exposed to rather small quantities of N-nitroso compounds, the importance of
transplacental exposure to other than alkylnitrosamides might be small.

The large difference in the incidence of many common cancers between the industrialized world and
the “less-developed” world (70) is a conundrum, compounded by the studies of vast populations of
migrants, who within one or two generations often develop the pattern of cancer of their new
country, instead of that of their ancestors. This suggests that environmental exposure to carcinogens
is a large factor in many common cancers, compared with a smaller genetic factor. (The difference in
the incidence of some cancers, such as breast cancer, in black Americans compared with West
African women can be as much as tenfold or more higher in the United States.)

A subject of great interest is the extent to which tumor models in animals can be used as surrogates
for human cancers. In some cases, N-nitroso compounds represent the best or only models. For
example, derivatives of N-nitroso-2-oxopropylamine given to hamsters give rise to tumors of the
pancreatic ducts, a common and nasty human cancer, prevalent in idustrialized countries (Western
Europe and North America). A number of nitrosamines that have this structure (or convertible
metabolically into it) have induced pancreatic tumors more or less effectively; the most effective is
nitrosobis-(2-oxopropyl)-amine; strangely, 2-oxopropylnitrosoureas, although quite carcinogenic, do
not have this property (71). Many nitrosamines have induced tumors of the esophagus in rats
(although not in hamsters) and provide a model for the human tumor, which is common in certain
areas of the world and is often associated with smoking tobacco and drinking alcoholic beverages.
The linking of alkylnitrosoureas (and probably alkylnitrosocarbamate esters) with transplacentally
induced brain and nervous system tumors in rats provides another rare model of common human
cancers. The same alkylnitrosoureas in rats give rise to tumors of the colon and other parts of the
lower gastrointestinal tract, another rare model of common human tumors, whereas in hamsters they
induce mainly hemangioendothelial sarcomas of the spleen (but not of other organs) and few other
tumors. This and other species differences in response to N-nitroso compounds is one of the
intriguing aspects of carcinogenic studies and has a probable bearing on understanding the induction
and development of cancer in general. Perhaps less important in relevance to human cancer is the
large number of nitrosamines that induce tumors of the nasal cavity in rats, mice and hamsters and
that do not have to be inhaled to do so (these tumors appear when the nitrosamines are given by
gavage or even when injected into the bladder), in contrast with formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and
numerous halogenated hydrocarbons.

The marked difference in response of different species to many N-nitroso compounds make it
impossible to predict which organs or tissues in humans would be responsive to those same
compounds. But it is unwise to assume that any N-nitroso compound that is carcinogenic in rodents
would be inactive in humans. Indeed, it is not improbable that humans are more susceptible to
carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds than rats, which are more susceptible than hamsters or mice. The
great effectiveness of cigarette smoke in producing lung cancer (and other cancers) in human
smokers is surprising because cigarette smoke has a low content of carcinogens, of which
nitrosamines are the most important. The dose of nitrosamines to a heavy cigarette smoker is
approximately 0.06 mg/kg body weight/day (72), compared with the minimal effective dose of the
most potent carcinogenic nitrosamines in rats (NDMA and NDEA) of 20–40 mg/kg body weight/day
(58). Like most carcinogens, with increasing doses, N-nitroso compounds show an increase in the
proportion of animals with tumors or a decrease in the time before tumors appear, or both (4, 73).
Dose–response studies, mainly in rats, with a number of nitrosamines (including
nitrosodiethylamine, nitrosomorpholine, nitrosopiperidine, nitrosopyrrolidine,
nitrosodiethanolamine, nitroso-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, dinitrosohomopiperazine, and
nitrosoheptamethyleneimine) have shown the same effect, often down to very low doses of a few
micrograms per day. At this level there was virtually no life-shortening effect because tumors arose
toward the end of the life span. These compounds induced a variety of tumors including those of
liver, esophagus, and lung at the higher dose rates.
N-Nitroso Compounds
William Lijinsky

E. Risk Assessment
Because NDMA is the N-nitroso compound that has the most widespread human exposure (but
possibly not the largest), risk assessment has focused on this compound and the possibility that
exposure to it increases the risk of cancer. Although it is highly toxic, the possibility nowadays that
exposure to it could be in such high concentrations as to lead to immediate toxic effects is essentially
nil (other than deliberate poisoning) (74). In few cases, governmental regulatory agencies have
calculated the long-term cancer risks of exposure, based on the results of tests in animals. The U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency has declared that a concentration of 7 parts per trillion (1012) of
NDMA in drinking water or water for recreation represents a cancer risk of 1 in 106, and the State of
California claims that exposure to 0.004 mg of NDMA per day presents a cancer risk of 10–6. In the
case of nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA), the EPA has determined that the cancer risk of
occupational exposure to 10–5 mg per kg per day is 10-6, and in Europe a similar risk is posed by
exposure to 0.0002 mg of NDELA per kg per day in cosmetics. These numbers are quite

N-Nitroso Compounds
William Lijinsky

F. Specific Chemicals

N-Nitroso Compounds


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Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

1 General Considerations
Aliphatic and alicyclic amines are nonaromatic amines that have a straight chain, a branched chain,
or a cyclic alkyl moiety attached to the nitrogen atom.

Aliphatic amines are highly alkaline and tend to be fat soluble. As such, they have the potential to
produce severe irritation to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. Corrosive burns as well as marked
allergic sensitization may also occur (1). Volatile amines, which are characterized by boiling points
lower than 100°C, are highly irritating and include methylamine, dimethylamine, trimethylamine,
ethylamine, diethylamine, triethylamine, n-propylamine, isopropylamine, diisopropylamine,
allylamine, n-butylamine, isobutylamine, sec-butylamine, tert-butylamine, and dimethylbutylamine.
Workplace practice must consider these properties in developing strategies to protect workers.
Toxicity information in humans continues to be limited. Although great strides in understanding the
process of carcinogenicity have been made in recent years, controversies regarding potential
aliphatic amine carcinogenicity are far from being resolved. Of considerable interest is the possibility
of nitrosamine formation, which is both compound specific and pH dependent.
1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Aliphatic amines are highly alkaline derivatives of ammonia where one, two, or three of the
hydrogen atoms are replaced by alkyl or alkanol radicals of six carbons or fewer. In addition,
primary and secondary amines can also act as very weak acids (Ka approximately 10–33) (2). Many
of the lower aliphatic amines have low flash points and are flammable liquids or gases. Branching of
the alkyl chain tends to enhance volatility, whereas hydroxy substitution as in the alkanolamines
decreases volatility (2a–2c). Methylamine solutions are good solvents for many inorganic and
organic compounds.

Most aliphatic amines have a distinctly unpleasant odor. The fishy or fishlike odor of methylamines
increases from mono- to trimethylamine, and in high concentrations they all have the odor of
ammonia (2). Olfactory fatigue occurs readily. No symptoms of irritation are produced from chronic
exposures to less than 10 ppm (1). Deodorization of ammonia and amines can be achieved with the
use of dihydroxyacetone, which is reportedly nontoxic to humans and domestic animals and reacts
rapidly with ammonia or amines (1b).

Amoore and Furrester reported that about 7% of humans are unable to smell (Anosmic)
trimethylamine (1c). Odor threshold measurements on 16 aliphatic amines were made with panels of
specific anosmics and normal observers. The anosmia was most pronounced with low-molecular-
weight tertiary amines, but was also observed to a lesser degree with primary and secondary amines.
This specific anosmia apparently corresponds with the absence of a new olfactory primary sensation,
the fishlike odor.

The aliphatic amines are conveniently classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary amines
according to the number of substitutions on the nitrogen atom. If only one hydrogen is replaced with
an alkyl group, the amine is a primary amine, even though the alkyl substituent may have a
secondary or tertiary structure (1).

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

2 Methylamine
2.0.1 CAS Number:
2.0.2 Synonyms:
Monomethylamine, anhydrous monomethylamine, aminomethane, methanamine, and MMA
2.0.3 Trade Names:
2.0.4 Molecular Weight:
2.0.5 Molecular Formula:
2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

2.1.1 General Methylamine is a colorless, flammable gas at room temperature and atmospheric
pressure. It is readily liquefied and is shipped as a liquefied gas under its own vapor pressure.

2.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties It has a characteristic fishlike odor in lower concentrations,
readily detectable at 10 ppm, becomes strong at 20–100 ppm, and becomes intolerably ammoniacal
at 100–500 ppm (8b). The odor threshold reportedly ranges from 0.0009 to 4.68 ppm, and becomes
irritating at 24 mg/m3 (62, 63).
2.2 Production and Use
Methylamine can be manufactured by reacting ammonia and methyl alcohol in the presence of
silica–alumina catylst at elevated temperature and pressure; by reductive amination of formaldehyde;
or by heating methyl alcohol, ammonium chloride, and zinc chloride to about 300°C. It is used in
tanning, fuel additives, photographic developers, and rocket propellants (64), in the manufacture of
dyestuffs, in the treatment of cellulose acetate rayon, and in organic synthesis.
2.3 Exposure Assessment
2.3.1 Air NIOSH (65).

2.3.2 Background Levels Bouyoucos and Melcher (66).

2.3.3 Workplace Methods Fuselli et al. (67). OSHA method #40 is recommended for determining
workplace exposure (OSHA Analytical Methods, 1990, 1993).

2.3.4 Community Methods Leenheer et al. (68).

2.4 Toxic Effects
2.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Methylamine has been reported to cause liver
toxicity in laboratory animals (69). A drop of 5 percent solution in water applied to animal eyes was
reported to cause hemorrhages in the conjunctiva, superficial corneal opacities, and edema (70, 71, p.
680). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms When administered to humans, dogs, or

rabbits as the hydrochloride, methylamine is rapidly absorbed and only traces of the unchanged
compound was observed to be excreted in the urine by early investigators (Salkowski, 1877;
Schiffer, 1880) (15). Salkowski claimed that very small amounts of methylurea were excreted by
rabbits, but this was not observed in the case of dogs by Schmiedeberg (1878) (15). In 1893, Pohl
claimed that small amounts of formate were excreted by dogs receiving methylamine hydrochloride
(15), and urea formation was demonstrated in a perfused dog liver experiment by Loffler in 1918
(15). Kapellar-Adler and Krael (1931) were the first to postulate that the amino group was probably
split off as ammonia (26).

In 1937 Richter put the two concepts together and proposed that the reaction may be split into two
stages in which the amine is first dehydrogenated to the corresponding intermediate imine, which
reacts spontaneously with water forming an aldehyde and ammonia. Richter believed that most
amines were oxidized by amine oxidase, according to the following reaction in the case of primary
amines (26):
Methylamine and trimethylamine are also reportedly metabolized to a small extent to dimethylamine
in the body (8), and Alles and Heegaard (1943) demonstrated that methylamine could be oxidized,
although with difficulty, in vitro by MAO (9, 10). Reproductive and Developmental Treatment of CD-1 mice by daily intraperitoneal injection
of 0.25, 1, 2.5, or 5 mmol/kg from day 1 to day 17 of gestation demonstrated no adverse
reproductive effects. In the same experiment, dimethylamine was also without effect; trimethylamine
decreased fetal weight without affecting maternal body weight gain. None of the amines caused a
significant increase in external or internal organ or skeletal abnormalities (8).

2.4.2 Human Experience Brief exposures to 20–100 ppm produce transient eye, nose, and throat
irritation; no symptoms of iritation are produced from longer exposures at less than 10 ppm;
olfactory fatigue occurs readily (8b).

In one plant a case of allergic or chemical bronchitis occurred in a worker exposed to 2–60 ppm,
although masks or respirators were reportedly worn during “greatest exposures” (64).
2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
An ACGIH threshold limit value (TLV)-time-weighted average (TWA) value of 5 ppm (6.4 mg/m3)
and a short-term exposure limit (STEL) of 15 ppm (19 mg/m3) have been adopted (72). The OSHA
PEL and NIOSH REL is 10 ppm.
2.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Aliphatic amines including methylamine were determined in oil-shale retort water (68).

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

3 Dimethylamine
3.0.1 CAS Number:
3.0.2 Synonyms:
DMA, N-methylmethanamine
3.0.3 Trade Names:
3.0.4 Molecular Weight:
3.0.5 Molecular Formula:
3.0.6 Molecular Structure:

3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

3.1.1 General The molecular formula for dimethylamine is (CH3)2NH. DMA is a flammable,
alkaline, colorless gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure (73, 74). It is readily liquefied
and is shipped in steel cylinders as a liquefied gas under its own vapor pressure (75).

3.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties DMA has a characteristic rotten fishlike odor in lower
concentrations (62, 63). The odor threshold ranges from 0.00076 to 1.6 ppm, and becomes irritating
at 175 mg/m3 (62, 63). In higher concentrations (100–500 ppm) the fishlike odor is no longer
detectable and the odor is more like that of ammonia.
3.2 Production and Use
Dimethylamine is manufactured by reaction of ammonia and methanol over dehydrating catalysts at
300–500°C or by catalytic hydrogenation of nitrosodimethylamine (51). DMA has been used as an
accelerator in vulcanizing rubber, in the manufacture of detergent soaps, and for attracting boll
weevils for extermination (73, 74). It has been used as a depilating agent in tanning, as an acid gas
absorbent, in dyes, as a flotation agent, as a gasoline stabilizer, in pharmaceuticals, in soaps and
cleaning compounds, in the treatment of cellulose acetate rayon, in organic syntheses, and as an
agricultural fungicide (75).
3.3 Exposure Assessment
3.3.1 Air NIOSH (65).

3.3.2 Background Levels NIOSH (76).

3.3.3 Workplace Method NIOSH Method 201D (65).

3.3.4 Community Methods Cross et al. (77).

3.4 Toxic Effects
3.4.1 Experimental Studies Dimethylamine is irritating and corrosive to both the eyes and skin of test
animals (78).

Several DMA inhalation studies have been reported. Exposure of rats, mice, guinea pigs, and rabbits
to 97 or 185 ppm of DMA 7 h/d, 5 d/wk for 18–20 wk revealed corneal injury in eyes of guinea pigs
and rabbits as well as central lobular fatty degeneration and necrosis of the liver in all species (79).
However, histopathological examination of rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, monkeys and dogs exposed to
9 mg/m3 of DMA continuously for 90 d produced only mild inflammatory changes in the lungs of all
species; dilated bronchi in rabbits and monkeys were noted (80).

Steinhagen et al. reported an acute 6-h whole-body exposure of male F344 rats to DMA
concentrations ranging from 600 to 6000 ppm for 6 h, which produced a spectrum of pathological
changes in the nasal passages, including severe congestion, ulcerative rhinitis, and necrosis of the
nasal turbinates (81). Lesions outside the respiratory tract were evident in livers of rats exposed to
2500–6000 ppm, and corneal edema was observed in the eyes of rats at 1000 ppm; corneal
ulceration, keratitis, edema, and loss of Descement's membrane was present at 2500–6000 ppm; in
addition, many rats exposed to 4000 or 6000 ppm had necrosis of the iris and severe degeneration of
the lens, suggestive of acute cataract formation. From a 10-min head-only exposure of male F344
rats to DMA concentrations ranging from 49 to 1576 ppm, a concentration–response curve indicated
that a 10-min exposure of 600 ppm would be expected to result in a 51% decrease in respiratory rate;
the corresponding calculated response dose, RD50, was 573 ppm.

In an experiment to determine whether pathological changes occurred in the respiratory tract of mice
after inhalation exposure to various sensory irritants at their respective RD50 concentrations, 16–24
male Swiss–Webster mice were exposed to 510 ppm DMA, 6 h/d for 5 d; lesions induced in the
respiratory epithelium ranged from epithelial hypertrophy or hyperplasia to erosion, ulceration,
inflammation, and squamous metaplasia (82).

In a 1-year inhalation study, male and female F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice were exposed to 0, 10, 50,
or 175 ppm DMA for 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for 12 months. The mean body weight gain of rats and mice
exposed to 175 ppm was depressed to 90% of control after 3 weeks of exposure. The only other
treatment-related effects were the dose-related lesions confined to the nasal passages, which were
very similar in rats and mice; however, after 12 months of exposure, rats had more extensive
olfactory lesions (83).
DMA was not shown to have reproductive effects in mice by intraperitoneal injection (8). Carcinogenesis In a 2-year inhalation study in male F344 rats exposed to 175 ppm, no
evidence of carcinogenicity was observed, and in addition, despite severe tissue destruction in the
anterior nose following a single 6-h exposure, the nasal lesions exhibited very little evidence of
progression, even at 2 years of exposure; it was concluded that this indicated possible regional
susceptibility to DMA toxicity or a degree of adaptation by the rat to continued DMA exposure.

A detailed evaluation of mucociliary apparatus function and response to alterations of nasal structure
was presented by the authors (84).

3.4.2 Human Experience DMA is considered to be a severe lung and skin irritant in humans (85).
Occupational exposure to vapors of DMA at concentrations too low to cause discomfort or disability
during several hours of exposure have been associated with misty vision and halos that appeared
several hours after the exposure occurred. Therefore, DMA does not have good warning properties.
Edema of the corneal epithelium, the effect principally responsible for disturbance of vision, usually
clears without treatment within 24 h. However, after exceptionally intense exposures, the edema and
blurring have taken several days to clear and have been accompanied by photophobia and discomfort
from roughness of the corneal surface (86).
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
An ACGIH TLV-TWA value of 5 ppm (9.2 mg/m3) and a STEL of 15 ppm (27.6 mg/m3) have been
adopted (72). The NIOSH REL and OSHA PEL is 10 ppm.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

4 Trimethylamine
4.0.1 CAS Number:
4.0.2 Synonyms:
TMA, N,N-dimethylmethanamine, and N,N-dimethylmethamine
4.0.3 Trade Names:
4.0.4 Molecular Weight:
4.0.5 Molecular Formula:
4.0.6 Molecular Structure:

4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

4.1.1 General It is readily soluble in water and is also soluble in ether, benzene, toluene, xylene,
ethylbenzene, and chloroform. TMA is a flammable, alkaline, colorless gas at ambient temperature
and atmospheric pressure. Trimethylamine is shipped as a liquefied compressed gas in cylinders,
tank cars, and cargo tank trucks.

4.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor threshold reportedly ranges from 0.00011 to 0.87 ppm
and the odor is a characteristic pungent, fishlike one in low concentrations, but in higher
concentrations (100–500 ppm) the fishy odoer is no longer detectable, and the odor is more like that
of ammonia (63, 75).
4.2 Production and Use
Trimethylamine is manufactured by heating methanol and ammonia over a catalyst at high
temperatures; or by heating paraformaldehyde and ammonium chloride; or by the action of
formaldehyde and formic acid on ammonia (51). TMA is used primarily in the manufacture of
quaternary ammonium compounds, in the manufacture of disinfectants, as a corrosion inhibitor, in
the preparation of choline chloride, in various organic syntheses (75), and as a warning agent for
natural gas (64).
4.3 Exposure Assessment
4.3.1 Air None available.

4.3.2 Background Levels Bouyoucos and Melcher (66).

4.3.3 Workplace Methods None available.

4.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (77).

4.4 Toxic Effects
4.4.1 Experimental Studies A 1% solution applied to animal eyes resulted in severe irritation, 5%
causes hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, and 16.5% causes a severe reaction with conjunctival
hemorrhages, corneal edema, and opacities, followed by some clearing but much vascularization (71,
p. 1060).

In contrast to MMA and DMA, TMA has been demonstrated to cause embryo toxicity in mice
(decreased fetal weight of CD-1 pups) (8). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms TMA can be detected in mammalian urine
and may arise from choline. When administered to humans, dogs, or rabbits (Linzel, 1934; Hoppe-
Seyler, 1934), it is partly degraded to ammonia and subsequently to urea, and oxidized to
trimethylamine oxide (15); according to Muller (1940) about 50% of the dose of trimethylamine
hydrochloride (administered orally to dogs) was eliminated unchanged together with traces of
dimethylamine, suggesting that trimethylamine was N-dealkylated (26).

In 1941, Green reported that tertiary amines are also oxidized by amine oxidase to the corresponding
formaldehyde and secondary amine and proposed the following reaction (26):

It was also proposed that the secondary amine can then form a primary amine and this eventually
would yield ammonia. In vivo, therefore, the nitrogen of a tertiary amine could be expected to appear
in part as urea.

The second reaction involved the oxidation of the amine to the amine oxide as follows (15):

N-dealkylation can be expected to occur with most amines, with an available a-carbon hydrogen.
The reaction is essentially the same as oxidative deamination, that is, cleavage of the carbon–
nitrogen bond with transfer of two electrons with the formation of a carbonyl compound and a
dealkylated amine. It is therefore unlikely that tertiary aliphatic amines will be easily N-dealkylated
to secondary amines. However, it may depend on the size of the alkyl groups. For example,
trimethylamine has been reported to be N-dealkylated to dimethylamine, and studies have also
shown that a t-butyl group can be removed through initial hydroxylation of one of the t-methyl
groups, resulting in C-dealkylation to the corresponding carbinol or alcohol product (87).
In cases, therefore, where tertiary amines have a small, easily removed group (methyl, ethyl,
isopropyl), then oxidative N-dealkylation can probably proceed with preferential removal of the
smaller substituents, dissociating into a secondary amine and aldehyde via microsomal P450 (88,

Trimethylamine oxide occurs in large amounts in the tissues of fish, and its transformation into
trimethylamine by bacteria containing trimethylamine oxide reductase is largely responsible for the
spoiling of fish (15).

4.4.2 Human Experience In humans, N-oxidation to trimethylamine oxide is apparently the major
route of metabolism; although N-demethylation to dimethylamine can also occur, it is a virtually
negligible minor route (8, 90).
4.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA value of 5 ppm (12 mg/m3) and a STEL of 15 ppm (36 mg/m3) have been
adopted (72). The NIOSH REL is 10 ppm.
4.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
In conjugated form, TMA is widely distributed in animal tissue and especially in fish (73, 74). It is
also found in nature as a degradation product of nitrogenous plant and animal residues and is
responsible for the odor of rotting cartilaginous marine fish (64).

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

5 Ethylamine
5.0.1 CAS Number:
5.0.2 Synonyms:
MEA, monoethylamine, aminoethane, ethanamine, and EA
5.0.3 Trade Names:
5.0.4 Molecular Weight:
5.0.5 Molecular Formula:
5.0.6 Molecular Structure:

5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

5.1.1 General It is a flammable, colorless gas.

5.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor threshold reportedly ranges from 0.027 to 3.5 ppm,
having a sharp fishy, ammoniacal odor, which becomes irritating at 180 mg/m3 (62, 63). It is
miscible with water, alcohol, and ether (71, p 76; 73, 74).
5.2 Production and Use
Ethylamine is manufactured by the hydrogenation of nitroethane; the reaction of ethyl chloride and
alcohol ammonia under heat and pressure; or by the hydrogenation of aziridines in the presence of
catalysts (51). It is used in resin chemistry, as a stabilizer for rubber latex, as an intermediate for
dyestuffs, and in pharmaceuticals, and in oil refining and organic syntheses (73, 74).
5.3 Exposure Assessment
5.3.1 Air: NA

5.3.2 Background Levels: NA

5.3.3 Workplace Methods Analytical method S144 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to ethylamine (103).

5.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (77).

5.4 Toxic Effects
5.4.1 Experimental Studies Ethylamine is a primary skin irritant (85), as well as an eye and mucous
membrane irritant (77a), and when tested on rabbit eyes, was severely damaging (86). A 70%
solution applied to the skin of guinea pigs resulted in prompt skin burns leading to necrosis; when it
was held in contact with guinea pig skin for 2 h, there was severe skin irritation with extensive
necrosis and deep scarring (8b).

In a comparative inhalation study, Brieger and Hodes exposed rabbits repeatedly to measured
concentrations of ethylamine, diethylamine, and triethylamine (91, 92). The three amines produced
lung, liver and kidney damage at 100 ppm. The triethylamine produced definite degenerative
changes in the heart at 100 ppm, whereas this was an inconstant finding with ethylamine and
diethylamine; 50 ppm of these amines was sufficient to produce lung irritation and corneal injury
(delayed until 2 weeks with ethylamine).

Ethylamine has been reported to cause adrenal cortical gland necrosis, which, according to Ribelin
(93), can also be expected following exposure to short three- or four-carbon chain alkyl compounds
bearing terminal electronegative groups. Of the three adrenal gland areas, medulla, zona
glomerulosa, and zona fasciculata/reticularis, the last is most sensitive to toxic injury, which is the
case with ethylamine. Sensitivity of endocrine glands to toxic insult occurs in the following
decreasing order: adrenal, testis, thyroid, ovary, pancreas, pituitary, and parathyroid (93). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Monoethylamine (MEA) is less readily

metabolized than methylamine, and although a large proportion may be destroyed, its nitrogen being
converted into urea (Schmiedeberg, 1878; Loffler, 1918), nearly one-third of the dose may be
excreted unchanged by humans when administered as the hydrochloride. Schmiedeberg suggested
that dogs might excrete traces of ethylurea after ethylamine (15).

5.4.2 Human Experience Ethylamine vapor has also reportedly produced vision disturbances and
decreased olfaction sensitivity in humans (94); therefore, the warning properties associated with odor
should not be relied upon.
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA value of 5 ppm (9 mg/m3) has been adopted as well as a STEL of 15 ppm
(72, 78). Both the NIOSH REL and OSHA PEL are 10 ppm.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

6 Diethylamine
6.0.1 CAS Number:
6.0.2 Synonyms:
DEA, N,N-diethylamine, diethamine, and N-ethylethanamine
6.0.3 Trade Names:
6.0.4 Molecular Weight:
6.0.5 Molecular Formula:
6.0.6 Molecular Structure:

6.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

6.1.1 General The molecular formula for diethyalmine is (C2H5)2NH. It is a colorless, flammable,
strongly alkaline liquid, miscible with water and alcohol (73, 74).

6.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor threshold ranges from 0.02 to 14 ppm, having a fishlike
odor that becomes ammoniacal and irritating at 150 mg/m3 (62, 63).
6.2 Production and Use
Diethylamine is manufactured by heating ethyl chloride and alcoholic ammonia under pressure or by
hydrogenation of aziridines in the presence of catalysts (51). DEA is used as a solvent, as a rubber
accelerator, in the organic synthesis of resins, dyes, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals, in
electroplating, and as a polymerization inhibitor (73, 74). Other applications include uses as a
corrosion inhibitor. It was reported noneffective as a skin depigmentator (95).
6.3 Exposure Assessment
6.3.1 Air: NA

6.3.2 Background Levels: NA

6.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH method 2010 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to diethylamine (65).

6.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (77).

6.4 Toxic Effects
6.4.1 Experimental Studies DEA is an eye and mucous membrane irritant and primary skin irritant
(85). Smyth et al. reported an acute 4-h LC50 value of 4000 ppm, the oral LD50 for rats was reported
as 540 mg/kg, and the dermal LD50 in rabbits was reported to be 580 mg/kg; a 10% dilution caused
severe eye burns (96). Drotman and Lawhorn reported histological evidence of liver damage and
elevations of serum enzymes following intraperitoneal administration to rats (97). In addition to
these acute studies, Brieger and Hodes exposed rabbits at 50 and 100 ppm DEA vapor for 7 h/d,
5 d/wk for 6 wk and all animals survived (91). Lungs exposed to 100 ppm exhibited cellular
infiltration and bronchopneumonia, livers showed marked parenchymatous degeneration, and
kidneys showed nephritis. Similar changes to a lesser degree were observed in animals exposed to
50 ppm. There was slight cardiac muscle degeneration at 50 ppm.

Lynch et al., in a followup study to investigate heart muscle degeneration reported by Brieger and
Hodes were unable to find any evidence of cardiac muscle degeneration or any changes in
electrocardiograms in F344 rats of both sexes exposed to DEA vapor concentrations of 25 or
250 ppm for 6.5 h/d, 5 d/wk for 30, 60, or 120 exposure days (91, 92). Rats exposed at 25 ppm
showed no effect in any measured parameter. In contrast to DMA observations previously discussed
the incidence of histopathological effects (bronchiolar lymphoid hyperplasia) was noted in both
controls and the 25-ppm dosage groups; however, the incidence was not dose-related and did not
increase with increasing DEA exposure (81). The authors therefore concluded that the lesions of the
respiratory epithelium (consisting of squamous metaplasia, suppurative rhinitis, and lymphoid
hyperplasia) were not considerd to be of toxicologic significance but were considered a result of
irritation. No evidence of cardiac muscle degeneration or of changes in electrocardiograms were seen
for up to 24 weeks. It was noted that these negative findings may reflect a species difference in
susceptibility to DEA cardiotoxicity previously reported by Brieger (91).

In a followup parallel inhalation study with DEA and triethylamine, no respiratory lesions were
observed with triethylamine in F344 rats exposed to 25 or 250 ppm (98).

6.4.2 Human Experience Adverse ocular effects have been reported following human exposure (94). Pharmacokinetis, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Diethylamine (DEA) is mainly excreted

unchanged by humans when it is administered as the hydrochloride (15).
6.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA value of 5 ppm (15 mg/m3) and a STEL of .5 ppm (37.5 mg/m3) have been
adopted (72). The NIOSH REL is 10 ppm and the OSHA PEL is 25 ppm.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

7 Triethylamine
7.0.1 CAS Number:
7.0.2 Synonyms:
N,N-diethylethanamine and TEA
7.0.3 Trade Names:
7.0.4 Molecular Weight:
7.0.5 Molecular Formula:
7.0.6 Molecular Structure: Liquid,

7.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

7.1.1 General It is a colorless, flammable, volatile liquid. It is slightly soluble in water and miscible
with alcohol and ether (73, 74).

7.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor threshold reportedly ranges from 0.10 to 29 ppm,
having a fishlike, pungent odor, which becomes ammoniacal and irritating at 200 mg/m3 (62, 63).
7.2 Production and Use
Triethylamine is manufactured by heating ethyl chloride and alcoholic ammonia under pressure or
by hydrogenation of aziridines in the presence of catalysts (51). TEA is used as a solvent and in the
synthesis of quaternary ammonia wetting agents (73, 74); it is also reportedly used in penetrating and
waterproofing agents, as a corrosion inhibitor, and in the synthesis of other organic compounds (73,
7.3 Exposure Assessment
7.3.1 Air: NA
7.3.2 Background Levels: NA

7.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH method S152 is recommended for determining workplace
exposure to triethylamine (103).

7.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (77).

7.4 Toxic Effects
7.4.1 Experimental Studies TEA is a skin and eye irritant (85). The acute oral LD50 in rats has been
reported to be 0.46 g/kg; the rabbit dermal LD50, 0.57 mL/kg; and the acute 4 h LC50, apparently
500 ppm (64). Chronic exposure of rabbits to TEA vapors at concentrations as low as 50 ppm causes
multiple erosions of the cornea and conjuctiva, as well as injuries of the lungs in the course of 6
weeks (91).

Male and female F344 rats exposed to vapor concentrations of 0, 25, or 250 ppm up to 28 weeks
showed no physiological or pathological evidence of cardioxicity; no treatment-related effects were
observed (99). However, as in the case with diethylamine, this may be species dependent. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Biotransformation metabolites eliminated

in human urine following inhalation at 10, 20, 35, and 50 mg/m3 for 4 or 8 h included unchanged
TEA and triethylamine N-oxide (100).

Pharmacokinetics in four male volunteers have been studied. The doses of TEA and TEAO were 25
and 15 mg orally and 15 mg/h × 1 h intravenously, respectively. TEA was efficiently absorbed from
the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (90–97%), no significant first-pass metabolism. The apparent volumes
of distribution during the elimination phase were 192 L for TEA and 103 L for TEAO. TEA was
metabolized into triethylamine N-oxide (TEAO) by addition of oxygen to the nucleophilic nitrogen.
TEAO was also absorbed from the GI tract. Both TEA and diethylamine (DEA) appeared in the
urine after ingestion of TEAO, but not after an intravenous route of administration. This indicates
that TEAO is reduced into TEA or dealkylated into DEA only within the GI tract. The TEA and
TEAO had plasma half-lives of about 3 and 4 h, respectively. Exhalation of TEA was minimal; more
than 90% of the dose was recovered in the urine as TEA and TEAO. The authors recommend that
the sum of TEA and TEAO be used for biologic monitoring (101). Previously reported symptoms of
visual disturbances in humans (foggy vision, blue haze) (102) were not observed following systemic
administration (101).

7.4.2 Human Experience It has also been reported that TEA inhalation in humans has resulted in
EEG changes (94).
7.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA value of 1 ppm (4.1 mg/m3) and a STEL of 3 ppm (12.5 mg/m3) have been
adopted (72). The OSHA PEL is 25 ppm. NIOSH questions whether the OSHA PEL is adequate to
protect workers.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

8 Isopropylamine
8.0.1 CAS Number:
8.0.2 Synonyms:
MIPA, 2-aminopropane, 2-propanamine, monisopropylamine, 2-propylamine, and sec-propylamine
8.0.3 Trade Names:
8.0.4 Molecular Weight:
8.0.5 Molecular Formula:
8.0.6 Molecular Structure:

8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

8.1.1 General It is a colorless, flammable liquid. Isopropylamine is miscible with water, alcohol, and
ether (73, 74).

8.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor threshold reportedly ranges from 0.21 to 0.70 ppm; the
pungent, ammoniacal odor becomes irritating at 24 mg/m3 (63).
8.2 Production and Use
Isopropylamine is manufactured by reacting isopropanol and ammonia in the presence of
dehydrating catalysts; by reacting isopropyl chloride and ammonia under pressure; or by the action
of acetone and ammonia (51). It is used as a solvent, as a depilating agent (64), in the chemical
synthesis of dyes and pharmaceuticals, and in other organic syntheses (64a).
8.3 Exposure Assessment
8.3.1 Air NIOSH Method S147 (103).

8.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

8.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method S147 is recommended (103).

8.3.4 Community Methods Koga et al. (105).

8.4 Toxic Effects
8.4.1 Experimental Studies Isopropylamine in either liquid or vapor form is irritating to the skin and
may cause burns; repeated lesser exposures may result in dermatitis (1, 85). The acute oral LD50 in
rats is reportedly 820 mg/kg (96, in Ref. 73, 74).

Dudek (106) reported a no observable effect level (NOEL) in Sprague–Dawley rats to be 0.1 mg/L in
air following a 30-d inhalation study.

8.4.2 Human Experience Humans exposed briefly to isopropylamine at 10–20 ppm experienced
irritation of the nose and throat. Workers complained of transient visual disturbances (halos around
lights) after exposure to the vapor for 8 h, probably owing to mild corneal edema, which usually
cleared within 3–4 h. The liquid can cause severe eye burns and permanent visual impairment (107)
8.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA value of 5 ppm (12 mg/m3) and a STEL of 10 ppm (24 mg/m3) have been
adopted (72). The OSHA PEL is 5 ppm. NIOSH questions whether 5 ppm is adequate.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH
9 n-Propylamine
9.0.1 CAS Number:
9.0.2 Synonyms:
1-aminopropane, MNPA, 1-propanamine, propylamine, monopropylamine, propyl amines, propan-1-
amine, and mono-n-propylamine
9.0.3 Trade Names:
9.0.4 Molecular Weight:
9.0.5 Molecular Formula:
9.0.6 Molecular Structure:

9.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

9.1.1 General It is a colorless, flammable, alkaline liquid, and is miscible with water, alcohol, and
ether (73, 74).

9.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties MNPA has a strong ammoniacal odor (73, 74).
9.2 Production and Use
n-Propylamine is manufactured by reacting propanol and ammonia in the presence of dehydrating
catalysts; by reacting n-propyl chloride and ammonia under pressure; or by the action of acetone and
ammonia (51). It is used as a solvent and in organic syntheses.
9.3 Exposure Assessment
9.3.1 Air NIOSH Method S147 (103).

9.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

9.3.3 Workplace Methods None is recommended.

9.3.4 Community Methods Koga et al. (105).

9.4 Toxic Effects
9.4.1 Experimental Studies During lethal exposure in rats, n-propylamine caused clouding of the
cornea at 800 ppm (108). Application to rabbit eyes caused severe injury after 24 h (109). The acute
oral LD50 in rats is reportedly 0.57 g/kg (109, in Refs. 73, 74). It is a possible skin sensitizer (73,
74). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms n-Propylamine appears to be more readily

metabolized than ethylamine in humans, and in dogs Bernhard (1938) found none of the
administered amine to be excreted unchanged (15).
9.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards have not been adopted.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

10 n-Dipropylamine
10.0.1 CAS Number:
10.0.2 Synonyms:
di-n-propylamine, DNPA, N-propyl-1-propanamine, and N,N-dipropylamine
10.0.3 Trade Names:
10.0.4 Molecular Weight:
10.0.5 Molecular Formula:
10.0.6 Molecular Structure:

10.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

10.1.1 General It is a colorless, flammable liquid. n-Dipropylamine is freely soluble in water and
alcohol (73, 74).

10.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor threshold reportedly ranges from 0.08 to 227 mg/m3;
the odor is ammoniacal (62).
10.2 Production and Use
Di-n-propylamine is manufactured by reacting propanol and ammonia in the presence of dehydrating
catalysts; n-propyl chloride and ammonia under pressure; or by the action of acetone and ammonia
(51). Specific uses were not identified in the literature (51).
10.3 Exposure Assessment
10.3.1 Air None is recommended.

10.3.2 Background Levels None is recommended.

10.3.3 Workplace Methods None is recommended.

10.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (77).

10.4 Toxic Effects
10.4.1 Experimental Studies Dipropylamine is a severe eye irritant (86), and the acute oral LD50 in
rats is reportedly 0.93 g/kg (109, in Refs. 73, 74); it may also be a possible skin sensitizer (73, 74).
10.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards have not been adopted.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

11 Diisopropylamine
11.0.1 CAS Number:
11.0.2 Synonyms:
N,N-diisopropylamine and DIPA
11.0.3 Trade Names:
11.0.4 Molecular Weight:
11.0.5 Molecular Formula:
11.0.6 Molecular Structure:

11.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

11.1.1 General It is a flammable, strongly alkaline liquid. Diisopropylamine is soluble in water and
alcohol (73, 74).

11.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor threshold ranges from 0.017 to 4.2 ppm; the fishlike
odor becomes irritating at 100 mg/m3 (62, 63, 86).
11.2 Production and Use
Diisopropylamine is manufactured by reacting isopropanol and ammonia in the presence of
dehydrating catalysts; by reacting isopropyl chloride an ammonia under pressure; or by the action of
acetone and ammonia (51). It is used as a solvent and in the chemical synthesis of dyes,
pharmaceuticals, and other organic syntheses (64a, 73, 74).
11.3 Exposure Assessment
11.3.1 Air NIOSH (65).

11.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

11.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Methods S141 (103).

11.3.4 Community Methods Koga et al. (105).

11.4 Toxic Effects
11.4.1 Experimental Studies The acute oral rat LD50 is reportedly 0.77 g/kg (110); the compound is
irritating to the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes (73, 74, 85).

Experimental exposures of rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, and cats have established that the vapor is
injurious to the corneal epithelium; this presumably is the cause of the visual disturbances observed
in humans. Exposure of experimental animals to vapor concentrations from 260 to 2200 ppm for
several hours causes clouding of the cornea from epithelial injury and stromal swelling. The highest
concentrations were lethal in many instances, owing to severe pulmonary damage, but the corneas of
surviving animals ultimately returned to normal (111).

Exposure of several species of animals to 2207 ppm for 3 h was fatal; effects were lacrimation,
corneal clouding, and severe irritation of the respiratory tract. At autopsy, findings were pulmonary
edema and hemorrhage (111a).

11.4.2 Human Experience Temporary impairment of vision has occurred in humans after exposure to
vapor concentrations possibly as low as 25–50 ppm during distillation of diisopropylamine (111,

Diisopropylamine is considered to be a severe pulmonary irritant in animals and humans (85).

Workers exposed to concentrations between 25 and 50 ppm complained of disturbances of vision
described as “haziness,” or “halos” around lights (85). Therefore, the warning properties of
diisopropylamine are not protective. There have also been reports of nausea and headache (85a,
85b). Prolonged skin contact is likely to cause dermatitis (85c).
11.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA value of 5 ppm (21 mg/m3) has been adopted (72). The NIOSH REL and
OSHA PEL are the same.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

12 Tripropylamine
12.0.1 CAS Number:
12.0.2 Synonyms:
12.0.3 Trade Names:
12.0.4 Molecular Weight:
12.0.5 Molecular Formula:
12.0.6 Molecular Structure:

12.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

12.1.1 General It is a flammable liquid (73, 74).
12.2 Production and Use
Tripropylamine is manufactured by reacting propanol and ammonia in the presence of dehydrating
catalysts; by reacting n-propyl chloride and ammonia under pressure; or by the action of acetone and
ammonia. No specific uses were located in the literature.
12.3 Exposure Assessment
12.3.1 Air None available.

12.3.2 Background Levels None available.

12.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method S147 (103).

12.3.4 Community Methods Koga et al. (105).

12.4 Toxic Effects
No toxicology information was located.
12.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards have not been adopted (72).

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH
13 n-Butylamine
13.0.1 CAS Number:
13.0.2 Synonyms:
MNBA, 1-butanamine, 1-aminobutane, aminobutane, butyl amine, 1-butanamine, norralamine,
mono-n-butylamine, tutane, and monobutylamine
13.0.3 Trade Names:
13.0.4 Molecular Weight:
13.0.5 Molecular Formula:
13.0.6 Molecular Structure:

13.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

13.1.1 General n-Butylamine is a flammable volatile liquid. It is miscible with water, alcohol, and
ether (73, 74).

13.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor threshold ranges from 0.24 to 13.9 ppm; the sour,
fishlike, ammoniacal odor becomes irritating at 30 mg/m3 (62, 63).
13.2 Production and Use
n-Butylamine is manufactured by the reaction of ammonia and n-butanol at elevated temperature and
pressure in the presence of silica–alumina, by reductive amination of n-butyraldehyde; or by
reduction of butyraldoxime. It is used as a solvent and as an intermediate for pharmaceuticals,
dyestuffs, rubber chemicals, emulsifying agents, insecticides, and synthetic tanning agents (73, 74).
It is also present in fertilizer manufacture, rendering plants, fish processing plants, and sewage plants
(51) and has been reported to be effective (0.1M) in inhibiting the corrosion of iron in concentrated
perchloric acid (6).
13.3 Exposure Assessment
13.3.1 Air: NA

13.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

13.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH method 2012 is recommended for determining workplace

13.3.4 Community Methods Petronio and Russo (113).

13.4 Toxic Effects
13.4.1 Experimental Studies n-Butylamine vapor is only mildly irritating to the eyes, but the liquid
tested on animals' eyes is as severely injurious as ammonium hydroxide; the injurious effect seems to
be attributable to the alkalinity of butylamine because, as with other amines, its damaging effects on
the cornea is prevented if it is neutralized with acid before testing (114–116). Other references
indicate that n-butylamine is a potent skin, eye, and mucous membrane irritant, and direct skin
contact causes severe primary irritation and blistering (73, 74). The acute oral LD50 for Sprague–
Dawley rats (male + female) has been reevaluated and reported as 371 mg/kg (117).

n-Butylamine at measured concentrations of 3000–5000 ppm produces an immediate irritant

response, labored breathing, and pulmonary edema, with death of all rats in minutes to hours. Ten
and 50% vol/vol aqueous solutions and the undiluted base produce severe skin and eye burns in
animals. The immediate skin and eye reactions are not appreciably altered by prolonged washing or
attempts at neutralization when these are commenced within 15 sec after application (8b). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms n-Butylamine is as readily metabolized in

humans as methylamine, and Pugh (1937) demonstrated in guinea pig liver slices that one of its
metabolites is acetoacetic acid (15).

13.4.2 Human Experience Direct skin contact with the liquid causes severe primary irritation and
deep second-degree burns (blistering) in humans. The odor of butylamine is slight at less than 1 ppm,
noticeable at 2 ppm, moderately strong at 2–5 ppm, strong at 5–10 ppm, and strong and irritating at
concentrations exceeding 10 ppm. Workers with daily exposures of from 5 to 10 ppm complain of
nose, throat, and eye irritation, and headaches. Concentrations of 10–25 ppm are unpleasant to
intolerable for more than a few minutes. Daily exposures to less than 5 ppm (most often between 1
and 2 ppm) produce no complaints or symptoms.
13.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH, OSHA, and the ACGIH have all adopted a ceiling value of 5 ppm (72).

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

14 2-Butylamine
14.0.1 CAS Number:
14.0.2 Synonyms:
2-aminobutane, sec-butylamine, 2-butanamine, 1-methylpropylamine, and Butafume. Butafume is
available as (R) B.P. 63°C, (+/–) B.P. 63°C, and (S) B.P. 62.5°C; the corresponding CASRNs are
[13250-12-9], [33966-50-6], and [513-49-5] (73, 74)
14.0.3 Trade Name:
14.0.4 Molecular Weight:
14.0.5 Molecular Formula:
14.0.6 Molecular Structure:

14.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

14.1.1 General It is a flammable liquid.
14.2 Production and Use
2-Butylamine is manufactured by the condensation of methyl ethyl ketone with ammonia–hydrogen
in the presence of Ni catalyst (51). It has been used as a fungistat (73, 74).
14.3 Exposure Assessment
14.3.1 Air None available, however, NIOSH methods may be applicable.

14.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

14.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH method 2012 may be used.

14.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (77).

14.4 Toxic Effects
14.4.1 Experimental Studies The acute oral LD50 for Sprague–Dawley rats (males + females) has
been reported to be 152 mg/kg (117). An earlier acute study reported an LD50 value of 380 mg/kg
(female, Harlan Wistar rats) (118).

2-Butylamine is irritating to the skin and mucous membranes (73, 74). Seven male rats exposed to
saturated vapor (280 mg/L) for 5 h exhibited intense eye and nose irritation, respiratory difficulty,
and convulsions; all died. Cornea lesions were opaque and white, and all other organs appeared
normal. All amines examined showed irritant and central nervous system stimulant effects; these
increased with the degree of substitution, but the higher members had too low a volatility to present a
significant vapor hazard. Other amino compounds studied included di-sec-butylamine, tributylamine,
nonylamine, dinonylamine, trinonylamine, hexamethylenediamine, diethylenetriamine, 2-
aminobutan-1-ol, and 1-diethylaminoentan-2-one (119).
14.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards have not been adopted.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

15 Isobutylamine
15.0.1 CAS Number:
15.0.2 Synonyms:
IBA, 1-amino-2-methylpropane, 2-methylpropylamine (73, 74), monoisobutylamine, valamine, 2-
methyl-1-propanamine, and 2-methylpropanamine
15.0.3 Trade Names:
15.0.4 Molecular Weight:
15.0.5 Molecular Formula:
15.0.6 Molecular Structure:

15.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

15.1.1 General It is a flammable liquid, miscible with water, alcohol, and ether (73, 74).
15.2 Production and Use
Isobutylamine is manufactured from isobutanol and ammonia or by the thermal decomposition of
valine to isoleucine (51).
15.3 Exposure Assessment
15.3.1 Air Nishikawa and Kuwata (120).

15.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

15.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

15.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (77).

15.4 Toxic Effects
15.4.1 Experimental Studies The acute oral LD50 for Sprague–Dawley rats (males + females) has
been reported to be 228 mg/kg (117).

15.4.2 Human Experience Skin contact can result in erythema and blistering; inhalation causes
headache and dryness of the nose and throat (73, 74).
15.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards have not been adopted.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

16 Diisobutylamine
16.0.1 CAS Number:
16.0.2 Synonyms:
1-butamine, N-butyl, di-N-butylamine, DIBA, 2-methyl-N-(2-methylpropyl)-1-propanamine, and bis
(2-methylpropyl) amine
16.0.3 Trade Names:
16.0.4 Molecular Weight:
16.0.5 Molecular Formula:
16.0.6 Molecular Structure:

16.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

16.1.1 General It is a colorless, flammable liquid, very slightly soluble in water and soluble in
alcohol or ether (73, 74).

16.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties

16.2 Production and Use
Diisobutylamine is manufactured from isobutanol and ammonia (51). Specific uses were not located
in the literature (51).
16.3 Exposure Assessment
16.3.1 Air: NA

16.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

16.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

16.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (121).

16.4 Toxic Effects
Specific toxicity data were not located in the literature.
16.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards have not been adopted.
Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines
Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

17 Di-n-butylamine
17.0.1 CAS Number:
17.0.2 Synonyms:
Dibutylamine, n-dibutylamine, DNBA, N-butyl-1-butanamine, di-n-butylamine, and N,N-
17.0.3 Trade Names:
17.0.4 Molecular Weight:
17.0.5 Molecular Formula:
17.0.6 Molecular Structure:

17.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

17.1.1 General The molecular formula for di-n-butylamine is (C4H9)2NH. It is colorless liquid,
soluble in water, alcohol, and ether (73, 74).

17.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor threshold reportedly ranges from 0.42 to 2.5 mg/m3;
the fishlike odor becomes ammoniacal at higher concentrations (62).
17.2 Production and Use
Dibutylamine is manufactured by the reaction of ammonia and n-butanol at elevated temperature and
pressure in the presence of silica–alumina; from butyl bromide and ammonia; or by reaction of butyl
chloride and ammonia (51). Dibutylamine is used as a solvent and in organic syntheses.
17.3 Exposure Assessment
17.3.1 Air: NA

17.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

17.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

17.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (121).

17.4 Toxic Effects
Animal studies have demonstrated that dibutylamine is severely irritating to the eyes (86). An acute
oral rat LD50 value of 550 mg/kg has been reported (110)
17.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards have not been adopted.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH
18 Tri-n-butylamine
18.0.1 CAS Number:
18.0.2 Synonyms:
Tributylamine, TNBA, N,N-dibutyl-1-butanamine; and n-tributylamine
18.0.3 Trade Names:
18.0.4 Molecular Weight:
18.0.5 Molecular Formula:
18.0.6 Molecular Structure:

18.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

18.1.1 General It is a hygroscopic liquid, sparingly soluble in water and very soluble in alcohol and
ether (73, 74).
18.2 Production and Use
Tributylamine is manufactured by the reaction of ammonia and n-butanol at elevated temperature
and pressure in the presence of silica–alumina; from butyl bromide and ammonia; or by reaction of
butyl chloride and ammonia. It is used as a solvent, an inhibitor in hydraulic fluids, a dental cement,
and in isoprene polymerization (51).
18.3 Exposure Assessment
18.3.1 Air: NA

18.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

18.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

18.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (77).

18.4 Toxic Effects
Exposure of four male and four female rats to 120 ppm for 19 6-h exposures caused nose irritation,
restlessness, incoordination, and tremors; organs appeared normal at autopsy (119). An LD50 (rat
oral) of 540 mg/kg has been reported (122). Tributylamine has reportedly caused central nervous
system (CNS) stimulation and skin irritation and sensitization (73, 74).
18.5 Standards, Regulations or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards have not been adopted.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

19 tert-Butylamine
19.0.1 CAS Number:
19.0.2 Synonyms:
Trimethylcarbinylamine, t-butylamine, 2-aminoisobutane, 1,1-dimethylethylamine, and
19.0.3 Trade Names:
19.0.4 Molecular Weight:
19.0.5 Molecular Formula:
19.0.6 Molecular Structure:

19.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

19.1.1 General It is a colorless, flammable liquid, miscible with alcohol (73, 74).
19.2 Production and Use
tert-Butylamine is manufactured by reacting isobutylamine with sulfuric acid followed by cyanide to
tert-butylformamide. Hydrolysis yields t-butylamine. It is used as a solvent and in organic syntheses.
19.3 Exposure Assessment
19.3.1 Air Nishikawa and Kuwata (120).

19.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

19.3.3 Workplace Methods Crommen (123).

19.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (77).

19.4 Toxic Effects
The acute oral LD50 for Sprague–Dawley rats (males + females) has been reported to be 80 mg/kg
(117). Liver toxicity NOEL was reported to be 0.20 mg/L for female Sprague–Dawley rats (122).
19.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards have not been adopted.

Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines

Finis L. Cavender, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

20 Triisobutylamine
20.0.1 CAS Number:
20.0.2 Synonyms:
TIBA (73, 74), 2-methyl-N,N-bis (2-methylpropyl)-1-propanamine, and tris(2-methylpropyl)amine
20.0.3 Trade Names:
20.0.4 Molecular Weight:
20.0.5 Molecular Formula:
20.0.6 Molecular Structure:
20.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
20.1.1 General
20.2 Production and Use
Triisobutylamine is manufactured from isobutanol and ammonia under heat and pressure (51).
20.3 Exposure Assessment
20.3.1 Air: NA

20.3.2 Background Levels Kuwata et al. (104).

20.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

20.3.4 Community Methods Hoshika (77).

20.4 Toxic Effects
No toxicology information was located in the literature (51).
20.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards have not been adopted.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

Logically, aromatic nitro and amino compounds should be discussed together because their toxic
responses are often similar due to a common metabolic intermediate. Synthetically, amines are
generally derived from nitro compounds, but in some cases nitro compounds can be prepared
through amines when other methods fail to afford specific compounds. There are good and bad
attributes to these types of compounds. Some act as sensitizers and contingent on physical properties,
may be absorbed through the skin or mucous membranes. They may also cause methemoglobinemia,
depending on such factors as the structure and the particular organism. Some members of this class
are known as animal and human carcinogens; for humans the urinary bladder is the most prominent
target organ. Nevertheless, these compounds and their derivatives have enlivened our world through
their use as dyestuff intermediates or as photographic chemicals, they alleviate pain as components
of widely used analgesics, and they cushion or insulate us through their use in flexible and rigid
foams. Other important uses include production of pesticides, including herbicides and fungicides, as
ingredients in adhesives, paints and coatings, antioxidants, explosives, optical brighteners, rubber
ingredients, and as intermediates in many other products.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

Aromatic Nitro Compounds

Aromatic nitro compounds are generally made by nitrating an aromatic hydrocarbon such as benzene
or toluene. Production has moved to continuous processes; in some facilities, jet impingement
reactors allow more rapid production and lower formation of unwanted by-products; in vapor phase
reactors, nitric acid and benzene flow through a solid catalyst in a continuous phase. These processes
are beneficial in reducing waste. Production figures vary from year to year, depending on economic
conditions, but in 1994 U.S. production of nitrobenzene was of the order of 740,000 tons (1). The
nitro aromatics are starting materials for further syntheses. Most are reduced to the corresponding
amines that provide convenient substituents or “handles” for many other syntheses.

The toxic properties of aromatic nitro compounds were discussed in the previous edition of this
series (2). These attributes of the compounds are well-known and various regulatory agencies
worldwide have set exposure limits for them.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

Aromatic Amino Compounds

Reduction of aromatic nitro compounds afford the amines that are starting materials for further
syntheses. The amines share many of the toxic properties of the nitro compounds, as discussed
previously (2), including skin sensitization, anemia, methemoglobinemia, irritation, hematuria, and
for certain ones, bladder carcinogenesis. This aspect of aromatic amines has led to banning the
manufacture of some and strict exposure limits on others. Nonetheless, research on some aromatic
amines, especially 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF), has led to a better understanding of the steps
involved in carcinogenesis (3).
1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
This topic was discussed fairly extensively in the previous edition, and no significant new
information was found.
1.4 Toxic Effects
1.4.1 Experimental Studies One of the initial toxic responses to aromatic amines or nitro compounds
is the formation of methemoglobin within the red blood cells and subsequent deleterious effects.
There are decided species differences in response to methemoglobin formers (2). The complete
tertiary structures of hemoglobin and its subunits have been mapped and described. Normal adult
hemoglobin is an oligomeric protein (MW about 67,000) that has four separate globin peptide
chains: two alpha chains and two beta chains (4). Each of these peptide chains has a noncovalently
bound porphyrinic heme group that is enclosed in a hydrophobic pocket by the globin chain. If
oxidation of the ferrous iron to ferric occurs in the center of the protoporphyrin IX ring, the resulting
greenish-brown to black pigment cannot combine reversibly with oxygen, leading to symptoms of
oxygen deficiency such as cyanosis and a consequent bluish tinge to the skin. There are three types
of substances that produce methemoglobin (5):

1. Those active either in vitro or in vivo include sodium nitrite, aminophenols, phenyl- and other
hydroxylamines, and amyl nitrite. Phenylhydroxylamine can act cyclically; after reducing
oxyhemoglobin, it generates nitrosobenzene that is reduced again to phenylhydroxylamine by the
red cell enzymes, thus generating more methemoglobin.
2. Those active only in vivo, indicating the need for some process before the primary compound
interacts with hemoglobin; this group encompasses aromatic nitro and amino compounds. An
example is that the N-hydroxy metabolite of p-aminopropiophenone (PAP) is recognized as the
moiety actually responsible for the methemoglobin-inducing action of PAP.
3. A third group includes compounds that are more active in lysates or in solutions of hemoglobin
than in intact cells; specific examples are potassium ferricyanide, molecular oxygen, and
methylene blue.
Although methemoglobinemia from exogenous substances can induce a dramatic change in skin
color and can be serious condition, a relatively benign hereditary type can also occur due to a genetic
deficiency in cytochrome b5 (6). Treatment of methemoglobinemia involves cessation of exposure to
the toxin and limited intravenous administration of methylene blue due to possible hemolysis if more
than two doses are given. Methemoglobin reductase enzyme or cytochrome b5 is the electron carrier
between NADH and methemoglobin, facilitated by formation of a complex between the two
molecules. The cytochrome binds to four lysine moieties in the heme pocket in both chains, and a
hydrogen bond between one of the lysines of the cytochrome is a bridge between two heme
propionic acid side chains of both heme proteins and affords a micropath for electron transport.

In this chapter, occupational exposure to aromatic amines and nitro compounds is the primary
concern. However, medicinal agents that contain aromatic amino or acetylamino groupings may also
cause methemoglobinemia, especially from continued exposure (7–9). Thus, methemoglobinemia,
besides being an occupational concern, can be an environmental one, if one considers the total

1.4.2 Human Experience Research on aromatic amines has usually emphasized the adducts of the
active metabolic intermediates with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as indicators of possible genetic
damage. It has been recognized that the metabolites also form hemoglobin adducts that are present in
much larger amounts than DNA adducts. These adducts are not repaired as are DNA adducts, and
they have a finite half-life (10–12). Using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, hemoglobin-
aromatic amine adducts can be measured fairly readily. These types of studies have demonstrated
that aromatic amines, including aniline derivatives and the carcinogens 4-aminobiphenyl, 2-
naphthylamine, and 2-aminofluorene, are present in tobacco smoke and form hemoglobin adducts
(12, 13). Although there appeared to be a baseline level, adduct levels were increased 3- to 10-fold in
the blood of smokers (9, 11) and were found in fetuses exposed to tobacco smoke in utero (12).
Persons who acetylated aromatic amines more slowly had higher levels of the adducts than those
who were rapid acetylators (10), implying that the free amine was necessary to initiate hemoglobin
binding. This was supported by an extensive study of more than 20 nitroarenes and the
corresponding amines that aimed at developing structure-activity relationships for hemoglobin
binding in rats. The amine bound to a greater extent than the nitroarene. The highly substituted
nitroarenes 2,4-dimethyl-, 3,4-dimethyl-, 2,6-dimethyl- and 2,4,6-trimethylnitrobenzene and
2,3,4,5,6-pentachloronitrobenzene did not bind to hemoglobin. All of the corresponding amines,
except for pentachloroaniline, bound to hemoglobin. The implications were that due to structural
interference, nitro reductase enzymes were prevented from acting on these nitroarenes, and thus
hemoglobin binding was blocked (14).

1.4.3 Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms During metabolism, aromatic nitro and amino
compounds may go by either of two pathways, detoxication or activation to toxic intermediates.
Hydroxylation on the aromatic ring to yield a phenol is the first phase of detoxication. Further
oxidative reactions may lead to demethylation of dimethylanilines or formation of quinoid
derivatives of aminophenols. Conjugation of the phenol thus formed with glucuronic and/or sulfuric
acid affords more soluble compounds that are readily excreted. Acetylation of an aromatic amine or
formation of N-glucuronides are also detoxication pathways. Removal of a nitro group from some
dinitroarenes and conjugation with glutathione ending as a mercapturic acid occurred (2, 15–17).

Activation to a toxic intermediate often leads to a common substance from nitro- or aminoarenes.
Amines/amides undergo oxidation of the nitrogen to form N-hydroxylamines or amides; nitro
compounds are reduced through nitroso and hydroxylamine stages. The hydroxylamines are largely
responsible for the methemoglobinemia from these materials. Overall, many metabolites may be
formed from one compound, depending on the structure and the animal species.

Carcinogenic aromatic amines follow the same metabolic paths as other amines, namely ring
hydroxylation, conjugation, and excretion. Hydroxylation of the nitrogen, followed by formation of a
reactive sulfate or acetate ester that yields a reactive electrophilic arylnitrenium ion (Ar-N+-H) is
involved. The nitrenium ion can arylate DNA, which is considered a crucial event in carcinogenesis
(17), at least for genotoxic carcinogens. Further discussion follows in Section 1.4.5.

Although the P450 system is a major factor in oxidative detoxication and activation of nitro- and
aminoarenes (15, 18–20), flavine-dependent enzymes and peroxidases such as prostaglandin H
synthase also oxidize amines, including benzidine and 2-aminofluorene (21).

The P450 system was so named for the wavelength of the carbon monoxide derivative of the reduced
form of the hemoprotein, namely, 450 nm (20). Originally though to be only one protein, further
research aided by better separation methods has indicated there may be several hundred, if not more,
isoforms of this enzyme, depending on the species. Thus P450 consists of a superfamily of
hemoproteins that are important in metabolizing both xenobiotics and endogenous substances.

Nomenclature of the P450 enzymes was originally based on the method used to induce them; this
changed to a system based on the protein and now based on the chromosomal location (19, 20).
Accordingly, P450IIA1 is being replaced by CYP2A1; corresponding changes for other isoforms

There are seven steps involved in the oxidation of a chemical by a P450 isoform: (1) binding of the
substrate to the ferric form of the enzyme, (2) reduction to the ferrous form by NADPH-cytochrome
P450 reductase, (3) binding of molecular oxygen, (4) introduction of a second electron from P450
reductase and/or cytochrome b5, (5) dioxygen cleavage that releases water and forms the active
oxidizing species, (6) substrate oxygenation, and (7) product release (18).

The P450 enzymes can be induced by numerous substances, including phenobarbital, ethanol,
aromatic hydrocarbons such as 3-methylcholanthrene, dioxin, and the pesticides DDT and chlordane.
Likewise, they can be inhibited by certain benzoflavones, thiocarbamates, disulfiram, and some
heterocyclic nitrogen compounds. Selective induction and inhibition of the P450 isoforms has been
demonstrated in laboratory experiments. Experimentally, the carcinogenicity of aromatic amines
could be decreased or inhibited by simultaneous administration of certain enzyme inducers.
Similarly, deleterious effects in humans have sometimes occurred from drug/drug or
drug/environmental substance interactions due to induction/inhibition of P450 enzymes.
Environmental substances include those from occupations, hobbies, food, alcohol, and tobacco

P450 isozymes important in metabolizing nitro- and aminoarenes include CYP1A2 for phenacetin,
4-aminobiphenyl, 2-naphthylamine, and 2-AAF; CYP2A6 for 6-aminochrysene and 4,4'-methylene
bis(2-chloroaniline) MOCA®; CYP2B for the same two compounds; CYP2E1 for aniline,
acetaminophen, and p-nitrophenol. CYP3A is involved in oxidative metabolism of MOCA®, 6-
amino- and 6-nitrochrysene, and 1-nitropyrene, among others (20).

The expression of the P450 enzymes is also mediated by the genetic background that leads to
differences in the rate of oxidation. One study showed that most Australians were rapid metabolizers,
but some were in the slow and intermediate categories. Chinese and Japanese were mostly
intermediate, whereas residents of Arkansas and Georgia in the southern United States were largely
intermediate, although persons in the slow and rapid classes were also in this population (22).

The relationships among aromatic amine acetylation, genetic background, and susceptibility to the
carcinogenic effect of amines were recognized some decades ago. Interest in this area has been fairly
intensive and led to many publications on N-acetyl-transferases. The acetyl transferase enzyme has at
least two forms: NATI that is monomorphic and acetylates aromatic amines; NAT2 that is
polymorphic and N-acetylates aromatic amines but also O-acetylates hydroxylamines. These
enzymes have molecular weights of approximately 29 and 31 kDa (23, 24). Slow human acetylators
are associated with increased risk of bladder cancer, and rapid acetylators are associated with higher
rates of colorectal cancer. The implication is that localized metabolic activation of arylamine type
carcinogens is facilitated by NAT2 in colon tissue. Apart from occupational exposure to aromatic
amines, other sources of exposure to such compounds are from smoking tobacco or eating large
amounts of meat. Various heterocyclic amines are formed by the ordinary methods for cooking meat
(grilling, frying) which are animal carcinogens and act like aromatic amines in their metabolic
pathways. Only NAT2 acetylated these compounds (25).

Besides leading to partial identification of the acetyl transferase enzymes, molecular techniques, led
to construction of transgenic animals which delineated the characteristics of the isozymes to a greater
extent (26, 27). Experiments with such animals supported the human epidemiological results;
animals that were rapid acetylators showed a higher response to colon carcinogens (28, 29).

1.4.4 Carcinogenesis The United States, as do many other developed countries, has an aging
population and increased age leads to a higher risk of cancer. It is estimated that 565,000 people will
die of cancer in 1998. During many decades of life, the cells in individual organs undergo trillions or
more of cell divisions, and opportunities for error occur in each one of those divisions. Biologically,
cell proliferation or division is considered a risk factor for cancer. In addition, many factors in the
environment may be responsible for human cancer. A monumental epidemiological study concluded
that 2-4% of cancers in the United States were ascribable to occupation, 8–28% to the use of
tobacco, 40–57% to diet, 8% to exposure to sunlight, and unknown or undefined factors were
responsible for 16–20% (30). Less well defined influences include genetic background, viruses,
certain medicinal agents, radiation, alcohol use, certain types of behavior, socioeconomic status, and
even methods for cooking or preserving foods (31, 32).

Although the estimate of the percentage of cancers ascribed to occupation is relatively low, it still is
necessary to follow the guidelines promulgated by various regulatory and advisory agencies to
minimize the risk of developing cancer. For nitro- and aminoarenes, avoidance of direct contact is
important because they are fairly readily absorbed through the skin at levels sufficient to cause
toxicity. Thus, the numerous “skin” notations in the advisory listings of the American Conference of
Governmental and Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) are necessary.

The carcinogenicity of aromatic amines for the human bladder was noted about 30 years after
widespread use of these compounds occurred in dyestuff factories. After another 40 years, animal
studies supported this premise (2, 3). Even with improved workplace conditions and much lower
exposures than the original dyestuff workers had, more current surveys still indicate an increased
risk of bladder cancer (33). Aromatic amines generally did not induce tumors at the point of
application, but at distant sites, including liver, intestine, and bladder. The actual organs affected
varied with the species and strain; 2-naphthylamine targets the bladder in humans, monkeys, dogs,
and hamsters but has little effect in rabbits. 2-AAF affected the liver and mammary gland in most
strains of rats and mice, but X/Gf mice and guinea pigs were resistant. Metabolic and mechanistic
studies provided clues for the differences in some cases (i.e., guinea pigs do not N-hydroxylate 2-
AAF) but not in others (34).

The carcinogenicity of any particular molecular structure can often be altered dramatically by adding
substituents (35). A premise that adding a methyl group ortho to the amino moiety in 2-
naphthylamine would reduce carcinogenicity was shown erroneous when 3-methyl-2-naphthylamine
turned out to be more active than the parent amine (36). On the other hand, adding polar moieties has
nullified carcinogenic action. Sulfonic acid derivatives of 2-naphthylamine (37) and 4,4'-
diaminostilbene were inactive (38). However, even if an aromatic amine is not carcinogenic, other
possible toxic effects such as methemoglobinemia should be kept in mind.

Carcinogens are divided into groupings, depending on their mode of action. Because of their
structures, direct acting ones react as such with cellular macromolecules, especially DNA. Usually
such compounds are not stable and are not a hazard to the general population. In contrast, nitro- and
aminoarenes, are indirect acting because they require metabolic activation before they interact with
cellular targets. Metabolic activation is influenced by many factors: species, strain, sex, age, diet,
enzyme inducers/inhibitors, and immune status, plus others. Once activated, the intermediates react
with the cell's genetic material and thus are considered genotoxic carcinogens. Some carcinogens
such as chloroform, trichloroacetic acid, and unleaded gasoline caused animal tumors but did not
attach to cellular DNA. These compounds are called nongenotoxic or epigenetic carcinogens (39).
Mechanisms for the action of epigenetic carcinogens are varied and usually show little or no
relevance to human risk.

Classification of carcinogens has been addressed before (2), but changes have occurred to some
extent in how governmental and other groups have developed systems for classifying the degree of
risk associated with chemical carcinogens. In 1969, the International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC) initiated a program to evaluate the risk in humans according to the following system: Group
1—The agent (mixture) is carcinogenic to humans; Group 2A—The agent is probably carcinogenic
to humans; Group 2B—The agent is possibly carcinogenic to humans; Group 3—The agent is not
classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans; Group 4—The agent is probably not carcinogenic to
humans (40).

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has
only two categories in its various reports on carcinogens: (1) substances or groups of substances,
occupational exposures associated with a technological process, and medical treatments that are
known to be carcinogenic; and (2) substances or groups of substances and medical treatments that
may reasonably be anticipated to be carcinogens. Known carcinogens are defined as those for which
the evidence from human studies indicates that there is a causal relationship between exposure to the
substance and human cancer. Reasonably anticipated to be carcinogens encompasses those for which
there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans or sufficient evidence from tests in
experimental animals (41).

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formerly had an A to E system as follows: A—
known human carcinogen; B—probably carcinogenic to humans; C—possibly carcinogenic to
humans; D—not adequately tested; E—tested and negative. The EPA is moving toward a narrative
system that takes into account differences between humans and experimental animals in metabolism
and mechanism of action. The system is as follows:

Known/likely—the available tumor effects and other key data are adequate to convincingly
demonstrate carcinogenic potential for humans.
Cannot be determined—available tumor effects or other essential data are suggestive or conflicting
or limited in quality and thus are not adequate to demonstrate a carcinogenic potential
convincingly in humans.
Not likely—Experimental evidence is satisfactory to decide that there is no basis for concern as to
human hazard.
The EPA system is not final, and new EPA classifications for industrial/environmental chemicals
have not been published.

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) included the following aromatic
amines or derivatives in its 1974 standards to minimize or control exposure: 2-AAF, 4-
aminobiphenyl, benzidine, 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine, 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene, 1-naphthylamine, 2-
naphthylamine, and 4-nitrobiphenyl (2).

The ACGIH, which is active in setting exposure limits for workplace chemicals, adopted the
following system approximately 10 years ago:

1. Confirmed human carcinogen. The agent is carcinogenic to humans based on the weight of the
evidence from epidemiologic studies.
2. Suspected human carcinogen. The agent is carcinogenic in experimental animals at dose levels,
by route(s) of administration, at site(s) of histologic type(s), or by mechanism(s) that are
considered relevant to worker exposure. Available epidemiological studies are conflicting or
insufficient to confirm an increased risk of cancer in exposed humans.
3. Animal carcinogen. The agent is carcinogenic in experimental animals at a relatively high dose,
by route(s) of administration, at site(s), of histological type(s) or by mechanisms(s) that are not
considered relevant to worker exposure. Available epidemiological studies do not confirm an
increased risk of cancer in exposed humans. Available evidence suggests that the agent is not
likely to cause cancer in humans except under uncommon or unlikely routes or levels of
4. Not classifiable as a human carcinogen. There are inadequate data on which to classify the agent
in terms of carcinogenicity in humans and/or animals. Substances for which animal tests are
negative without further evidence of relevant mechanisms fall into this category.
5. Not suspected as a human carcinogen. The agent is not suspected to be a human carcinogen on
the basis of properly conducted epidemiological studies in humans. These studies have
sufficiently long follow-up, reliable exposure histories, sufficiently high dose, and adequate
statistical power to conclude that exposure to the agent does not convey a significant risk of
cancer to humans. Evidence that suggests a lack of carcinogenicity in animals will be considered
if it is supported by other relevant data (42).

Increased emphasis on cooperation between countries and the formation of the European Union
make it expedient to be informed of the systems employed by the Union and the German MAK
(Maximum allowable concentration) Commission (43). The European Union proposes the following:

1. Substances known to be carcinogenic to humans

2. Substances that should be regarded as if they are carcinogenic to humans
3. Substances that cause concern for humans owing to possible carcinogenic effects

1. Substances that are well investigated

2. Substances that are insufficiently investigated

The German MAK system is as follows:

1. Substances that cause cancer in humans.

2. Substances that are considered carcinogenic to humans.
3. Substances that cause concern that they could be carcinogenic to humans but which cannot be
assessed conclusively because of lack of data.
4. Substances with carcinogenic potential for which genotoxicity plays no or at most a minor role.
No significant contribution to human cancer risk is expected, provided that the MAK value is
5. Substances with carcinogenic and genotoxic potential, the potency of which is considered to be so
low, provided that the MAK value is observed, that no significant contribution to human cancer
risk is to be expected.

In the MAK system, more emphasis is placed on the genotoxicity of substances, as detected by
mutagenicity or other short-term tests, than on animal tests for carcinogenicity. For reasons of cost
and time, determining the mutagenic potential of a substance in specific strains of bacteria has
become a surrogate for long-term studies. The most widely used of these tests involves measuring
the ability of a substance to induce mutations and thus bacterial colony growth in strains of
Salmonella typhimurium. Of the S. typhimurium strains, TA1538, which has a frameshift mutation, is
more likely to respond to aromatic amines. New strains are developed frequently, but baseline data
for many compounds have been obtained for strains TA100, TA98, TA1535, TA1537, and TA1538.
Addition of a liver fraction (S9) to the test culture allows measuring the effect of metabolic
activation on mutagenicity (44).

However, the correlation between mutagenicity in bacteria and carcinogenicity in animals is not
absolute and holds in approximately 60% of cases. It was found that using additional types of short-
term tests involving animal cells or systems did not appreciably increase the accuracy of the test.
Accordingly, the Salmonella system represents the easiest and least expensive of the short-term
systems and has an accuracy comparable to other more expensive and more complicated tests.

On the downside, the Salmonella system is not totally accurate in detecting carcinogens, and the
opposite can occur. Sodium azide was an active mutagen, but it was inactive in animal tests for
carcinogenicity. Conversely, benzene and hexamethylphosphoramide are not mutagens in the usual
test systems, but they are carcinogens in humans and animals, respectively. The fairly potent animal
carcinogens o-anisidine and p-cresidine were not genotoxic in three animal-based short-term tests,
namely, unscheduled DNA synthesis, DNA single-strand breaks, and effects in micronuclei. The
tests were performed with four strains of rats and two strains of mice (45). Thus, total reliance on
short-term tests can be misleading. Many potentially useful compounds have been discarded along
the path to development because of positive mutagenicity tests. But the results from short-term tests,
if used judiously, can afford clues as to which compounds are more likely to be active in long-term
animal studies. Such efforts are costly and require several years and involvement from people trained
in many disciplines to complete a study well (46). In the United States, the NTP is the one agency
that is primarily responsible for testing compounds in chronic studies.

1.4.5 Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies The advances in knowledge about the association
between specific enzymes and the possible increased risk of developing cancer from occupational
exposure have led to a new social concern. Employers may wish to use genetic screening to
differentiate workers at greater risk from those less likely to be affected, but there are many
uncertainties in the screening tests that make total reliance on them problematic (47–49).
Furthermore, because of the genetic polymorphisms that involve enzymes which metabolize
xenobiotics such as aromatic amines, matters of individual variation and individual rights must be
considered. As mentioned previously, there are slow, intermediate, and rapid metabolizers of
xenobiotics due to levels of expression of CYP1A2 in most populations. Likewise, although persons
of certain backgrounds are more likely to acetylate aromatic amines rapidly, this is not absolute.
Based on the identification of up to 9 different alleles for the slow acetylator phenotype, 45 different
slow acetylator genotypes, 9 heterozygous rapid genotypes, and 1 homozygous wild-type rapid
genotype, all combined with the slow, intermediate and rapid CYP1A2 types, it becomes evident that
many combinations are possible. Thus an observed “polymorphism” may reflect a great number of
genotypes. Instead of a well-defined genetic polymorphism, there can be much biochemical
individuality in a population (22, 50).

Any test to differentiate individuals into the different categories must be accurate, but false negatives
and false positives complicate the picture. In addition, enzyme induction by dietary or other
exposures, including alcohol, tobacco, and medications is a further complication. Available genetic
screening tests are not sufficiently validated for routine use.

For the individual, matters of decisional autonomy, confidentiality of medical information,

beneficence, nonmaleficence, and equity are issues of concern. Possible discrimination, protection of
equal employment opportunity, and potential stigmatization must also be considered. These concerns
have been raised worldwide (51–55). Experts in this area concluded that in view of the uncertainties,
removing the chemical carcinogen from the workplace by substituting a noncarcinogenic compound
or achieving a zero level of exposure is more effective in preventing occupational cancer than
genetic screening (50). These issues will probably remain a matter of discussion for years to come.

1.4.6 Reproductive and Developmental The previous edition of this chapter pointed out the toxicity
of nitrobenzene for the male reproductive system when given at doses up to 30 times the limit set for
occupational exposure (2). The related substance, 1,3-dinitrobenzene, also produces testicular
toxicity, affecting the Sertoli cells of the testis. Further studies have implicated the metabolite 3-
nitrosonitrobenzene as the prime candidate for the toxic effect because the other metabolites 3-
nitrophenylhydroxylamine and 3-nitroaniline were not active (56). Similarly, other nitroarenes such
as 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrotoluene were toxic to the testis, indicating that workplace exposures to such
compounds should be kept to a minimum.

Additional investigation revealed that nitrobenzene at 300 mg/kg and 1,3-dinitrobenzene at 30 mg/kg
suppressed the formation of proteins usually secreted during spermatogenesis. With labeled
methionine incorporation as a marker, nitrobenzene decreased formation of proteins usually secreted
during stages VI-VIII and IX-XII, but had no effect in the earlier stages II–IV. Results were
comparable for 1,3-dinitrobenzene except that incorporating methionine at stages II-V was
increased. Six marker proteins for which secretion was reduced greatly after the nitobenzenes were
studied; two of these proteins corresponded to two androgen-regulated proteins thought to be
products of the Sertoli cell (57).

A survey of aromatic nitro and amino compounds tested for reproductive/teratogenic effects
indicated that in general, relatively high doses of most aromatic amines to the maternal organism
were required to produce a result. In some cases, doses of 5 g/kg or more were needed (2, 58). Thus,
by observing hygienic guidelines, the risk of reproductive toxicity would be relatively small.
However, aromatic amines may lead to “oxidative stress,” methemoglobinemia, anemia, and other
types of toxicity. They may also target the hypothalamus and pituitary (59). Collectively, these
actions are likely to influence fertility or successful completion of a pregnancy.
1.5 Studies on Environmental Impact
Although nitroarenes and amines are toxic to many species, biodegradation of such compounds is
facilitated by the nitro reductase and oxidative enzymes present in sewage bacteria (60). Most of the
aromatic amines are oxidatively degraded by bacteria in wastewater unless adsorbed to soil, where
they are more resistant to action. However, in the presence of denitrifying and methanogenic
microbial activity, aniline was released from the soil and degraded readily (61). Additional
substituents in the molecule often led to slower breakdown (62). Acclimating activated sludge with
both aniline and toluenediamine, which has been considered a resistant-type compound, led to a
reasonable rate of biodegradation of the toluenediamine (63). Biodegradation of multiring aromatic
amines was highly dependent on microbial activity, as shown by increases in decomposition at
higher temperatures (30°C). Consistent relationships between breakdown of the amines and soil
properties were not noted (64).

2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) and associated compounds that occur in wastewaters are both toxic and
phototoxic to many organisms usually found in streams; one metabolite 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene
was more phototoxic than TNT and 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene. The toxicities of TNT and the two
derivatives to stream organisms were decreased by glutathione conjugation (65).

Although 4-chloroaniline delayed somewhat the various lifestages of small fish (66), 3,4-
dichloroaniline, a degradation product of the herbicide propanil, is of special concern. It affects
various benthic invertebrates, leading to complete extinction of some and reduction in the number of
surviving individuals in others (67, 68). A mixture of 3,4-dichloroaniline and lindane had an additive
effect and influenced growth somewhat in early life stages of small fish (69). If the fish were
exposed for the whole life span, they stopped reproducing (70). There was no single clear-cut
mechanism to explain the toxicity of 4-nitro- and 2,4-dinitroaniline to various environmental
eukaryotes and prokaryotes (71).

Currently, there are many efforts to develop special strains of bacteria to degrade industrial wastes.
Similarly, production of bacterial strains with enhanced P450 protein expression has been suggested
as a useful tool to biodegrade industrial and other contaminants (72). Such methods of cleaning
industrial sites and waste dumps are less disruptive than other methods currently used or proposed.
Although most of the nitroarenes mentioned in this chapter generally are industrial materials, some
have been detected in ambient airborn particulates, including those from diesel engine exhausts
(Table 57.1). Nitrogen oxides react with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the heated
engine exhaust to form nitroarenes at nano- to picogram/m3 levels; at least 25 have been detected in
such exhausts (73–76). Almost 100 PAHs have been found in engine exhausts (75), and the number
of nitroarenes formed is correspondingly large because each PAH is amenable to nitration at several
positions. However, only about 25 have been positively identified (74, 75). Nitroarenes generally are
mutagens in Salmonella (77–79). Tests for carcinogenicity have shown varying potencies. 1-
Nitronaphthalene was inactive in a feeding study with rats and mice (80), but most of the other
environmental nitroarenes have shown surprising potency (81–84). Many organ systems were
affected, including lung, colon, and breast. There have been any number of investigations on the
metabolism and DNA binding of nitroarenes and only a few are cited here (85, 86). In general, these
compounds are hydroxylated to phenols that are excreted as sulfate and glucuronide conjugates.
Reduction to the amine with N-hydroxylation and DNA binding also occurs (87). The metabolic
pattern and degree of DNA binding did not always correlate with the carcinogenic potency of a
particular nitroarene (86).

Table 57.1. Physical Properties of Some Nitroarene Air Pollutantsa

CAS Molecular Melting

Compound Number Weight Point (°C) Physical Form

3,7- [105735- 292.3 203–204 Yellow needles

Dinitrofluoranthene 71-5]
3,9- [22506-53- 292.3 275–276 Yellow-orange
Dinitrofluoranthene 2] crystals
2,7-Dinitrofluorene [5405-53- 256.2 334 Light yellow
8] solid
2,7-Dinitrofluorenone [31551-45- 270.2 292–295 Deep yellow
8] solid
1,3-Dinitropyrene [75321-20- 292.3 297–298 Orange
9] crystals
1,6-Dinitropyrene [42397-64- 292.3 310 Yellow
8] crystals
1,8-Dinitropyrene [42397-65- 292.3 300 Fluffy yellow
9] crystals
9-Nitroanthracene [602-60-8] 223.2 145–146 Yellow needles
7-Nitrobenzo[a] [20268-51- 273.3 160–163 Yellow
anthracene 3] crystals
1-Nitrobenzo[a] [70021-99- 297.3 250–250.5 Orange solid
pyrene 7]
3-Nitrobenzo[a] [70021-98- 297.3 211–212 Orange solid
pyrene 6]
6-Nitrobenzo[a] [63041-90- 297.3 255–256 Orange solid
pyrene 7]
6-Nitrochrysene [7496-02- 273.3 209 Orange-yellow
8] needles
3-Nitrofluoranthene [892-21-7] 247.3 156–160 Yellow
2-Nitrofluorene [607-57-8] 211.2 156 Light yellow
4-Nitronaphthalene [86-57-7] 173.2 61.5 Yellow needles
2-Nitronaphthalene [581-89-5] 173.2 79 Yellow needles
3-Nitroperylene [20589-63- 297.3 210–212 Brick-red
3] crystals
1-Nitropyrene [5522-43- 247.3 155 Yellow needles
0] or prisms
2-Nitropyrene [789-07-1] 247.3 197–199 Yellow
4-Nitropyrene [57835-92- 247.3 190–192 Orange needles

The relevance to human cancer has been addressed both theoretically (88) and practically (89).
Assays of excised lung tumors from nonsmoking Japanese demonstrated the presence of 1-
nitropyrene, 1,3-dinitropyrene, and 1-nitro-3-hydroxypyrene in the tissues (89). In similar specimens
from rural Chinese who had been exposed to open cooking fires, some 1-nitropyrene was detected,
but the levels of PAHs were many times higher than in the Japanese specimens.

Nitroarenes could thus be a possible factor in lung and other types of cancers. Reduction in both
PAHs and nitrogen oxides in engine exhausts is needed to decrease this possible cancer risk.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

Specific Compounds
In this section, compounds with one aromatic ring will be discussed first, then those with two rings,
et cetera. Any new developments regarding toxicity or mechanisms of action are emphasized.
Because this is an age of computerized databases or inventories, for each compound, the
bases/inventories which list that specific compound will be mentioned. The codes for these lists or
inventories are given in Table 57.2.

Table 57.2. Database/List Acronyms for Chemicals

Acronym Name Producer

ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances ATSDR, Atlanta, GA

and Disease Registry
CA65 California List of Chemicals CA EPA
Known to Cause Cancer or
Reproductive Effects
CAA1 Hazardous Air Pollutants US EPA, Washington, DC
CAA2 Ozone Depletion Chemicals List US EPA, Washington, DC
CANCERLIT Cancer Literature Bibliographic National Cancer Institute
File (NCI)
CATLINE Catalog on Line National Library of
Medicine (NLM)
CCRIS Chemical Carcinogenesis National Cancer Institute
Research Information System (NCI)
CGB DOT Coast Guard Bulk Coast Guard, DOT
Hazardous Materials Washington, DC
CGN DOT Coast Guard Noxious Coast Guard, DOT
Liquid Substances Washington, DC
ChemID Chemical Identification File National Library of
Medicine (NLM)
DART Developmental and National Library of
Reproductive Toxicology Medicine (NLM)
DEA Drug Enforcement Drug Enforcement
Administration Controlled Administration,
Substances Washington, DC
DIRLINE Directory of Information National Library of
Resources Online Medicine (NLM)
DOT DOT Hazardous Materials Table US Dept. of Transportation,
Washington, DC
DSL Domestic Substances List of Dept. of The Environment
Canada Canada, Quebec, Canada
EINECS European Inventory of Existing European Commission,
Commercial Chemical Luxembourg
ELIN European Inventory of Existing European Commission,
Commercial Chemical Luxembourg
Substances Supplement
EMIC & Environmental Mutagen National Library of
EMICBACK Information Center and its Medicine, EPA, NIEHS
ETICBACK Environmental Teratology NLM, EPA, NIEHS
Information Center Backfile
FIFR EPA Pesticide List US EPA, Washington, DC
GENE-TOX Genetic Toxicology Test Results US EPA, Washington, DC
Data Bank
GRAS Direct Food Substances U.S. Food and Drug
Generally Recognized as Safe Administration, Washington
HSDB Hazardous Substances Data National Library of
Bank Medicine (NLM)
IARC International Agency for IARC, WHO, Lyon, France
Research on Cancer List
IL The Toxic Substances List of Illinois Dept. Of labor,
Illinois Department of Labor Springfield, IL
INER List of Pesticide Product Inert US EPA, Washington, DC
IRIS Integrated Risk Information US EPA, Washington, DC
MA Massachusetts Substances List MA Dept. of Health,
Boston, MA
MEDLINE Medlars on Line National Library of
Medicine (NLM)
MPOL Marine Pollutants List International Maritime
MI Critical Materials Register of the Michigan Dept. of Natural
State of Michigan Resources
MTL EPA Master Testing List US EPA, Washington, DC
NJ New Jersey Hazardous NJ Department of
Substances List Environmental Protection,
Trenton, NJ
NJEH New Jersey Extraordinarily Bureau of Release
Hazardous Substances List Prevention, Trenton, NJ
NTPA NTP Carcinogens List NTP, NIEHS, Research
Triangle Park, NC
NTPT NTP Technical Reports List NTP, NIEHS, Research
Triangle Park, NC
PA Pennsylvania Right to Know PA Dept of Labor and
List Industry, Harrisburg, PA
PAFA List of Substances Added to US Food and Drug
Food in the United States Administration, Washington
PEL OSHA Toxic and Hazardous OSHA, U.S. Dept. of Labor,
Substances Washington, DC
REL NIOSH Recommended National Institute for
Exposure Limits Occupational Safety and
Health, Cincinnati, OH
RQ CERCLA Hazardous Substances US EPA, Washington, DC
Table 302.4
S110 ATSDR/ EPA Priority List ATSDR, Atlanta, GA
S302 Extremely Hazardous US EPA, Washington, DC
TOXLINE Toxicology Information Online National Library of
Medicine (NLM)
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Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds
Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

1.0 Nitrobenzene
1.0.1 CAS Number: [98-95-3]

1.0.2 Synonyms: Nitrobenzol, and an old name of uncertain origin is oil of mirbane.

1.0.3 Trade Names: NA

1.0.4 Molecular Weight: 123.11

1.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5NO2

1.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: CAA1, CA 65, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, CGN, DART, DOT,
1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless to pale yellow liquid

Density 1.2037 (20/4°C)
Melting point 5.7°C
Boiling point 210.9°C
Vapor density 4.1
Refractive index 1.55291
Solubility Slightly soluble in water: very soluble in ethanol, ether; soluble in benzene, oils
Flash point 88°C (closed cup)
Odor Bitter almond
1.2 Production and Use
Nitrobenzene is generally made by a continuous reaction process involving nitric acid and benzene
in vapor-phase or jet-impingement reactors (1).

Nitrobenzene is an intermediate in the preparation of aniline, in making cellulose esters and acetate,
in shoe and metal polishes, in soap perfumes, paint solvents, leather dressings, and in refining
lubricating oils to the extent of close to 2 billion pounds/year.
1.3 Exposure Assessment
Analytical methods: NMAM 4th ed. method # 5053.
1.4 Toxic Effects
The previous edition of this chapter mentioned the toxic effects of nitrobenzene which include skin
and eye irritation, cyanosis, methemoglobinemia, hemolytic anemia, spleen and liver damage,
jaundice, neural toxicity with renal and testicular damage also present. Although nitrobenzene
depressed the immune response of female B6C3F1 mice, their resistance to microbial/viral infection
was not markedly altered (90).

Noteworthy new information on nitrobenzene is that it also is carcinogenic in mice and rats (91). The
study included male and female B6C3F1 mice, male and female F344 rats, and male CD rats. The
mice were exposed by inhalation to 0,5, 25, or 50 ppm for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 2 years, and rats
were exposed to 0,1,5, or 25 ppm under the same time span as the mice. Survival of test animals was
not significantly affected by nitrobenzene exposure, and body weights did not exceed a 10%
deviation from controls.

The exposure affected hematic parameters in both mice and rats, and there were significant
differences in the incidences of nonneoplastic and neoplastic lesions. The incidence of
alveolar/bronchiolar adenomas increased to a significant degree in 25- and 50-ppm exposed male
mice, and the number of mice that had either adenomas or carcinomas was higher in all exposed
groups. Alveolar/bronchiolar hyperplasia was increased in the 25- and 50-ppm males. Follicular cell
adenomas of the thyroid were significantly higher in the 50-ppm males, and hyperplasia occurred in
the 25- and 50-ppm males.

In the female mice, mammary gland adenocarcinomas were increased at the 50-ppm level, plus a
positive trend for hepatocellular adenoma related to nitrobenzene concentration.

Hepatocytomegaly, multinucleated hepatocytes, inflammatory lesions of the nose, epididymal

hypospermia, and other nonneoplastic effects were noted in the mice.

In male F344 rats, nitrobenzene at 25 ppm led to increases in hepatocellular adenoma or carcinoma,
renal tubular adenomas, or either renal adenoma or carcinoma with a positive trend for follicular cell
adenoma or adenocarcinoma of the thyroid. Female F344 rats had a significant increase in
endometrial stromal polyps of the uterus at 25 ppm. In both male and female rats, nitrobenzene
exposures led to a striking decrease in mononuclear cell leukemia. Male F344 rats showed increases
in extramedullary hematopoiesis (1 and 5 ppm) and pigmented macrophages (25 ppm). Increased
focal inflammation of the olfactory region with pigment deposition was noted in both sexes.

The male CD rats responded to nitrobenzene with significant increases in hepatocellular adenomas
and spongiosis hepatis in the 25-ppm group. Centrilobular hepatocytomegaly and Kupffer cell
pigmentation, atrophy of the testes, and nasal pigment deposition also occurred.

The locations where tumors were induced differed based on species, sex, and for rats, on strain also.
Some of the differences could possibly be related to differences in the metabolism of nitrobenzene,
but the actual mechanism for the carcinogenicity of nitrobenzene has not been delineated. Because
carcinogenic effects were noted at 25 ppm, industrial hygienists should monitor carefully so that
workplace exposure does not exceed the permissible limit.
1.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The current ACGIH TLV-TWA is 1 ppm with a skin and A3 notation; Australia 1 ppm, skin;
Germany (BAT value), 100 mg/l; Sweden, 1 ppm; United Kingdom, 1 ppm; OSHA PEL and NIOSH
REL is 1 ppm.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

A. Monochloronitrobenzenes
2.0 1-Chloro-2-nitrobenzene
2.0.1 CAS Number: [88-73-3]
2.0.2 Synonyms: o-Chloronitrobenzene, 2-chloro-1-nitrobenzene, 2-chloronitrobenzene, 2-
nitrochlorobenzene, 1-nitro-2-chlorobenzene, o-CNB, 2-CNB

2.0.3 Trade Names: NA

2.0.4 Molecular Weight: 157.56

2.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4NO2Cl

2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: CGB, CGN, DOT, IARC, MA, NTPT, PA, WHMI,
2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow crystals

Melting point 34–35°C
Boiling point 245–246°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, benzene, ether, acetone
2.2 Production and Uses
1-Chloro-2-nitrobenzene is an important intermediate in preparing dyes and lumber preservatives
and in making photographic chemicals, corrosion inhibitors, and agricultural chemicals (92).
2.4 Toxic Effects
A 13-week inhalation study in male and female F344/N rats and male and female B6C3F1 mice at
levels of 0, 1.1, 2.3, 4.5, 9, and 18 ppm for 6 h/day 5 days a week, demonstrated that hepatocellular
necrosis and inflammation occurred in mice along with lesions of the spleen and hemosiderin
deposition. In rats, these exposures led to hyperplasia of the epithelium lining the nasal cavity.
Methemoglobinemia was noted in the rats (93).

In the male mice and rats, there were decreases in sperm motility or spermatid count (92). A
continuous breeding study in Swiss mice given 40, 80, or, 160 mg/kg by gavage showed no
reproductive toxicity, but methemoglobinemia was observed in the parental animals (94).

1-Chloro-2-nitrobenzene was absorbed through the skin of male F344 rats to the extent of 33–40% in
72 h (92).

Metabolism studies with 14C-labeled compound showed rapid excretion in the urine with up to 23
metabolites. Only about 5% remained in the animals by 72 h, mostly in the liver. Older rats absorbed
and metabolized and then excreted the labeled compound at approximately the same rate as young
rats. Hepatocytes from male F344 rats converted the nitro compound to 2-chloroaniline to a major
extent, but 2-chloroaniline N-glucuronide, and S-(2-nitrophenyl)glutathione were also formed to an
appreciable extent (92).

Oral administration to male and female CD-1 mice at 3000 or 6000 ppm for 8 months followed by
1500 or 3000 ppm for 10 months led to increases in hepatocellular carcinomas in both males and
females. In male CD rats, 1000 or 2000 ppm for 6 months, followed by 500 or 1000 ppm for 12
months, led to increased numbers of rats with multiple tumors (92).
2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Standards not assigned.
3.0 1-Chloro-3-nitrobenzene
3.0.1 CAS Number: [121-73-3]

3.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Chloro-3-nitrobenzene, m-chloronitrobenzene, 3-chloro-1-nitrobenzene, 3-

nitrochlorobenzene; 1-nitrochlorobenzene, MNCB, 3-CNB, m-CNB, nitrochlorobenzene

3.0.3 Trade Names: NA

3.0.4 Molecular Weight: 157.56

3.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4NO2Cl

3.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: DOT, IARC, MA, PA, WHMI, CANCERLIT, CCRIS,
3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical Yellow prisms from ethanol

Melting 46°C
Boiling point 235–236°C
Solubility Soluble in hot ethanol, chloroform, ether, carbon disulfide, benzene; insoluble in
Flash point 103°C
3.2 Production and Use
1-Chloro-3-nitrobenzene is an intermediate in the production of dyes and fungicides (92).
3.4 Toxic Effects
In hepatocytes isolated from male rats, 1-chloro-3-nitrobenzene was converted mainly to 3-
chloroaniline with much lower amounts of 3-chloroaniline N-glucuronide. No glutathione conjugate
was found (92).
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
4.0 1-Chloro-4-nitrobenzene
4.0.1 CAS Number: [100-00-5]

4.0.2 Synonyms: PNCB; nitrochlorobenzene; 1,4-chloronitrobenzene; 4-nitrochlorobenzene; 4-

chloro-1-nitrobenzene; para-nitrochlorobenzene

4.0.3 Trade Names: NA

4.0.4 Molecular Weight: 157.56

4.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4NO2Cl

4.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, IARC, IL, MA, MTL, NTPT, PA, PEL, PELS, REL,
4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow crystals

Specific gravity 1.52
Melting point 82–84°C
Boiling point 242°C
Vapor pressure 0.009 torr at 25°C
Flash point 127°C (closed cup)
Solubility Sparingly soluble in water; soluble in ether, carbon disulfide, ethanol, acetone
4.2 Production and Use
1-Chloro-4-nitrobenzene is employed in producing dyes, drugs, herbicides, antioxidants, and as an
intermediate in synthesizing various compounds (92).
4.4 Toxic Effects
A 13-week inhalation study in male and female F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice at levels of 0, 1.5, 3,
6, 12, and 24 ppm, 6 h/day for 5 days/week led to increases in liver and spleen weights in rats, along
with changes in kidney tubules and hematopoiesis. Methemoglobinemia was more severe than with
the 2-isomer. Mice also showed changes in liver and spleen, and in females hyperplasia of the
forestomach epithelium was noted (93).

In male rats, spermatid counts were lower, but females were not affected. Mice showed no
significant change (92). In a continuous breeding study with Swiss mice, exposure to 62.5, 125, or
250 mg/kg by gavage reduced the birth weight and viability of the pups (95).

A dermal absorption study with F344 rats demonstrated that 51–62% of labeled 1-chloro-4-
nitrobenzene was absorbed within 72 h, and 43–45% was excreted in the urine. As with the 2-
isomer, the metabolism of the 4-isomer was not greatly influenced by age (92).

In longshoremen accidentally exposed to 1-chloro-4-nitrobenzene, the same urinary metabolites

were identified as in rats, namely, N-acetyl-S-(4-nitrophenyl)-L-cysteine, 4-chloroaniline, 4-
chloroacetanilide, 4-chloro-oxanilic acid, 2-amino-5-chlorophenol, 4-chloro-2-hydroxyacetanilide,
2,4-dichloroaniline and 2-chloro-5-nitrophenol (96).

In a longer term study of 1-chloro-4-nitrobenzene, CD male and female mice fed 3000 or 6000 ppm
in the diet for 18 months showed increases in hepatocellular carcinomas and vascular tumors in the
males and vascular tumors in the females. Male CD rats given levels from 250 to 4000 ppm showed
no increase in tumors (92).
4.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The current ACGIH TLV-TWA is 0.1 ppm (0.64 mg/m3) with a skin notation; Australia, 0.1 ppm
(skin); United Kingdom, 1 ppm (skin)
Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds
Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

B. Chlorodinitrobenzenes
5.0 2-Chloro-1,3-dinitrobenzene
5.0.1 CAS Number: [606-21-3]

5.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Chloro-2,6-dinitrobenzene

5.0.3 Trade Names: NA

5.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

5.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3N2O4Cl

5.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: EINECS, EMICBACK, GENETOX, HSDB, RTECS,

5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow crystals

Melting point 86–87°C
Boiling point 315°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, toluene
5.2 Production and Use
No specific uses were found, but the commercial mixture of chlorodinitrobenzenes is used to
synthesize other compounds (2).
5.4 Toxic Effects
No toxicological information was found.
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
6.0 2-Chloro-1,4-dinitrobenzene
6.0.1 CAS Number: [619-16-9]

6.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Chloro-2,5-dinitrobenzene

6.0.3 Trade Names: NA

6.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

6.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3N2O4Cl

6.0.6 Molecular Structure: NA

Databases or inventories where listed: TOXLINE.
6.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Light yellow crystals

Melting point 64°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; insoluble in water
6.2 Production and Use
Uses are the same as other isomers such as 4-chloro-1,2-dinitrobenzene (2).
6.4 Toxic Effects
No specific information found.
6.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
7.0 3-Chloro-1,2-dinitrobenzene
7.0.1 CAS Number: [602-02-8]

7.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Chloro-2,3-dinitrobenzene

7.0.3 Trade Names: NA

7.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

7.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3N2O4Cl

7.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: None listed.

7.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Crystals

Melting point 78°C
Boiling point 315°C
Refractive index 1.6867 (16.5°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; insoluble in water
7.2 Production and Use
Uses are same as other isomers.
7.4 Toxic Effects
No specific information located.
7.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
8.0 4-Chloro-1,2-dinitrobenzene
8.0.1 CAS Number: [610-40-2]

8.0.2 Synonyms: 1,2-Dinitro–4-chloro benzene; 3,4-dinitrochlorobenzene; 1-chloro-3,4-


8.0.3 Trade Names: NA

8.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

8.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3N2O4Cl

8.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: EINECS, ETICBACK, TOXLINE, TSCAINV

8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Monoclinic prisms, needles

Melting point a, 36°C; b, 37°C; g 40–41°C
Boiling point 16°C; 4 mmHg
Solubility Soluble in ether, benzene, carbon disulfide, hot ethanol; insoluble in water
8.2 Production and Use
No specific uses found.
8.4 Toxic Effects
This compound is a sensitizer (2).
8.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
9.0 1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene
9.0.1 CAS Number: [97-00-7]

9.0.2 Synonyms: 2,4-Dinitro-1-chlorobenzene, 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene, 1,3-dinitro-4-

chlorobenzene, dinitrochlorobenzene, chlorodinitrobenzene, DNCB, 4-chloro-1,3-dinitrobenzene

9.0.3 Trade Names: NA

9.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

9.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3N2O4Cl

9.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: AIDSDRUGS, AIDSLINE, AIDSTRIALS, CANCERLIT,

9.1 Chemicals and Physical Properties (2)

Physical State Yellow crystals

Melting point a, 53°C; b, 43°C
Boiling point 315°C (762 mmHg)
Solubility Soluble in ether, benzene, hot ethanol; insoluble in water
9.2 Production and Use
DNCB is used in the manufacture of dyes and explosives, as a reagent, and as an algicide (2).
9.4 Toxic Effects
This compound is a potent sensitizer (2), and it has been used as such in many experiments.
Examples include dose-response studies (97, 98), the effect of vehicle on absorption (99), and the
effect of rat strain on sensitivity to DNCB (100). This compound depletes liver glutathione levels
(2), and more recent data show that it irreversibly inhibits another enzyme involved with sulfur.
Human thioredoxin, a dimeric enzyme that catalyzes reduction of the disulfide in oxidized
thioredoxin, was inhibited and the effect persisted after removal of DNCB (101).
9.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
10.0 5-Chloro-1,3-dinitrobenzene
10.0.1 CAS Number: [618-86-0]

10.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzene

10.0.3 Trade Names: NA

10.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

10.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3N2O4Cl

10.0.6 Molecular Structure: NA

Databases or inventories where listed: None found.

10.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless needles

Melting point 59°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; insoluble in water
10.2 Production and Use
No specific uses were noted, but it reportedly could be used for the same purposes as 4-chloro-1,2-
dinitrobenzene (2).
10.4 Toxic Effects
No new information was located.
10.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No standards assigned.
11.0 Pentachloronitrobenzene
11.0.1 CAS Number: [82-68-8]

11.0.2 Synonyms: Avical; Eorthcicle; Fortox; Kobu; Marison Forte; Pkhnb; Terrafun; Tri PCNB;
PCNB; Quintozine; quintobenzene; Terrachlor; Terraclor; Avicol; Botrilex; Earthcide; Kobutol;
Pentagen; Tilcarex; SA Terraclor 2E; SA Terraclor; nitropentachlorobenzene; brassicol; quintocene;
batrilex; fartox; fomac 2; fungiclor; gc 3944-3-4; KP 2; olpisan; quintozen; saniclor 30; tritisan

11.0.3 Trade Names: NA

11.0.4 Molecular Weight: 295.34

11.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6Cl5NO2

11.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: CAA1, FIFR, IARC, MA, MI, NJ, NTPT, PA, RQ, TLV, TRI,
11.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless solid

Specific gravity 1.718 at 25°C
Melting point 142–145°C technical grade
Boiling point 328°C at 760 mmHg
Solubility Soluble in benzene, carbon disulfide, chloroform
11.2 Production and Uses
PCNB has been used as a fungicide for seeds, soil, and turf (2).
11.4 Toxic Effects
The previous edition provided a thorough account of the toxicity and metabolism of PCNB (2). It
was not carcinogenic and did not act as a reproductive toxicant or a teratogen. It does lead to
methemoglobinemia in cats. However, in a rat study, PCNB did not form an adduct with hemoglobin
(14). probably due to steric hindrance from the chlorine substituents.
11.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 with A4 notation.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

C. Dinitrobenzenes
12.0 1,2-Dinitrobenzene
12.0.1 CAS Number: [528-29-0]

12.0.2 Synonyms: o-Dinitrobenzene; 1,2-dinitrobenzol

12.0.3 Trade Names: NA

12.0.4 Molecular Weight: 168.11

12.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4N2O4

12.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: CA65, DOT, MA, MTL, NJ, PA, PEL, RQ, TLV, TRI,
12.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state White to yellow, monoclinic plates

Density 1.565 (17/4°C)
Melting point 117–118.5°C
Boiling point 319°C (773 mm Hg)
Vapor density 5.79 (air = 1)
Flash point 302°F (closed cup)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, chloroform, benzene, methanol; slightly soluble in water
12.2 Production and Use
Dinitrobenzene is usually made as a mixture of three isomers that are used in producing dyestuffs,
explosives, and other intermediates.
12.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IInd ed., vol 4, 1978 #S214.
12.4 Toxic Effects
1,2-DNB is the least toxic of the three isomers, but it is absorbed through the skin and can cause
methemoglobinemia. It did not lead to testicular damage in rats at doses where 1,3-DNB had such an
12.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA, NIOSH REL and OSHA PEL is 0.15 ppm (1 mg/m3) with a skin notation.
13.0 1,3-Dinitrobenzene
13.0.1 CAS Number: [99-65-0]

13.0.2 Synonyms: Dinitrobenzol; m-dinitrobenzene; 2,4-dinitrobenzene; binitrobenzene; 1,3-


13.0.3 Trade Names: NA

13.0.4 Molecular Weight: 168.11

13.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4N2O4

13.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: CA65, DOT, MA, MTL, NJ, PA, PEL, REL, RQ, S110, TLV,
13.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical Colorless to yellow rhombic needles or plates

Density 1.571 (0/4°C)
Melting 89–90°C
Boiling point 302.8°C (770 mmHg)
Flash point 302°F (closed cup)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene, toluene, chloroform, ethyl acetate; slightly soluble
in water
13.2 Production and Uses
1,3-DNB is used in producing nitroaniline, 1,3-phenylenediamine, dye intermediates, and some
13.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IInd ed., vol. 4, 1978 method #S214.
13.4 Toxic Effects
The toxicity and metabolic reactions of 1,3-DNB were discussed in the previous edition (2). A major
concern is testicular toxicity (56, 57) and reproductive effects. Additional studies showed that the
toxicity of 1,3-DNB was greater in older rats, probably due to their slower rate of excretion (102).
Route of administration, whether oral vs. i.p. had little effect on the degree of testicular damage in
rats, although more was excreted in the feces after an oral dose (103). Examination of the metabolic
capacity of different tissues from rats revealed that besides intestinal mucosa (104), rat brain also
metabolized 1,3-DNB, presumably to toxic intermediates (105). The net result was that 1,3-DNB
caused brain stem lesions in rats (106), which may explain the neurotoxicity noted in some previous
studies (2).
13.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA, NIOSH REL and OSHA PEL is 0.15 ppm (1 mg/m3), with a skin notation.
14.0 1,4-Dinitrobenzene
14.0.1 CAS Number: [100-25-4]

14.0.2 Synonyms: p-Dinitrobenzene

14.0.3 Trade Names: NA

14.0.4 Molecular Weight: 168.11

14.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4N2O4

14.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: CA65, DOT, MA, MTL, NJ, PA, PEL, RQ, TLV, TRI,
14.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless to yellow monoclinic needles

Density 1.625 (20/4°C)
Melting point 173–174°C
Boiling point 298–299°C (777 mmHg) sublimes
Solubility Soluble in chloroform, benzene, ethanol; somewhat soluble in water
14.2 Production and Use
Uses are identical with those of 1,2-dinitrobenzene (2).
14.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IInd ed., vol. 4, 1978 method #S214.
14.4 Toxic Effects
Although 1,4-DNB did not cause testicular toxicity in rats, it led to cyanosis, splenic enlargement,
and methemoglobinemia from prolonged exposure (2).
14.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA, NIOSH REL and OSHA PEL is 0.15 ppm (1 mg/m3) with a skin notation.
15.0 Trinitrobenzene
15.0.1 CAS Number: [99-35-4]

15.0.2 Synonyms: Benzite; 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene; sym-trinitrobenzene; trinitrobenzene, TNB

15.0.3 Trade Names: NA

15.0.4 Molecular Weight: 213.11

15.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3N3O6

15.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: DOT, MA, NJ, PA, RQ, S110, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART,
15.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Orthorhombic bipyramidal plates

Melting point 121–122.5°C
Boiling point 315°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, benzene
15.2 Production and Use
Trinitrobenzene occurs as a by-product of trinitrotoluene (TNT) production and as a contaminant in
water systems where it is formed by photolysis of TNT. It is not biodegraded readily and thus occurs
in water, in TNT production waste disposal sites, and in soils at many military installations (107). It
is not manufactured except for research purposes.
15.4 Toxic Effects
Since the previous edition, there has been appreciable interest in the toxicity of TNB. TNB was
given to male and female rats at 0, 50, 200, 400, 800, or 1200 mg/kg diet for 14 days. Levels of
400 mg/kg and higher led to reduced food intake and lower body weights. Testicular weights were
lower in males, and an increase in spleen weights was noted in both sexes. Susceptible organs were
kidney (hyaline droplets), spleen (extramedullary hematopoiesis), brain (hemorrhage, malacia, and
gliosis), and testes (seminiferous tubular degeneration). Red blood cell counts and hematocrit
decreased while Heinz bodies and methemoglobin increased (107). Additional studies were done on
the organ systems thus affected. TNB-treated male F344 rats had a dose-related accumulation of
hyaline droplets with alpha-2-m-globulin in the proximal tubules of the kidney, but this did not occur
in female F344 or male NBR rats (108). There was a steep dose-response curve for the effect on the
brain (109). In a similar manner, the testicular effects were explored; 71 mg/kg for 10 days led to
cessation of spermatogenesis, and half that dose for 10 days led to testicular lesions. The effects were
partially reversible after a recovery period of 10 to 30 days (110, 111). However, although a
reproductive toxicity screen with Sprague–Dawley rats given 30, 150, or 300 TNB mg/kg of diet for
14 days showed spleen depletion and degeneration of seminiferous tubules in males and
methemoglobinemia and splenic hemosiderosis at higher doses in both sexes, no adverse effects
were noted in mating or fertility indices, length of gestation, sex ratio, gestation index, or mean
number of pups per litter (112).

Absorption studies with human, rat, and hairless guinea pig skin showed that absorption through rat
skin was very similar with either acetone or aqueous solutions of TNB. In human skin, absorption
from water was much greater than from acetone, whereas the reverse held for guinea pig skin. The
fluid in the receptor cell from human or rat skin contained 3,5-dinitroaniline and 1,3,5-
triacetylaminobenzene. Guinea pig skin also metabolized TNB to 1-nitro-3,5-diacetamidobenzene
and 3,5-diaminonitrobenzene to a minor extent (113). Thus, TNB was absorbed and metabolized to a
similar extent by human and rodent skin. Liver microsomes from male F344 rats produced 3,5-
diaminobenzene as a major metabolite of TNB (114).
15.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

D. Nitrophenols
16.0 2-Nitrophenol
16.0.1 CAS Number: [88-75-5]

16.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Hydroxynitrobenzene; ONP

16.0.3 Trade Names: NA

16.0.4 Molecular Weight: 139.11

16.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5NO3

16.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CCRIS, EINECS, RTECS, TSCAINV, HSDB, CGB, MA,
16.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Light yellow crystals

Density 1.657 (20°C)
Melting point 44–46°C
Boiling point 214–216°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, acetone, benzene, alkali; somewhat soluble in water
16.2 Production and Use
2-Nitrophenol is an intermediate in dyestuff production and a chemical indicator.
16.4 Toxic Effects
No new information was found. o-Nitrophenol causes central and peripheral vagus stimulation,
central nervous system (CNS) depression, methemoglobinemia, and dyspnea in animal experiments.
The oral LD50 in mice is 1.297 g/kg; in rats, 2.828 g/kg (2).

o-Nitrophenol was negative in the Ames mutagenicity test (115), and it was metabolically reduced
less readily to the corresponding amino derivative than the meta or para isomers (116).
16.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
17.0 3-Nitrophenol
17.0.1 CAS Number: [554-84-7]

17.0.2 Synonyms: 3-Hydroxy-nitrobenzene; 3-hydroxy-1-nitrobenzene

17.0.3 Trade Names: NA

17.0.4 Molecular Weight: 139.11

17.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5NO3

17.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CCRIS, DART, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK, GENETOX,
17.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless to yellowish crystals

Density 1.485 (20°C)
Melting point 97°C
Boiling point 194°C (70 mmHg)
Solubility Soluble in ether, benzene, alkali, ethanol, acetone; appreciably soluble in water
17.2 Production and Use
3-Nitrophenol is also used in synthesizing some dyestuffs and drugs and as an indicator, (117).
17.4 Toxic Effects
No new information found. In contrast to the ortho isomer, m-nitrophenol is more readily
biotransformed to its corresponding amino derivative; however, it is reportedly nonmutagenic in the
Ames bacterial mutagenicity test (2, 116).
17.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
18.0 4-Nitrophenol
18.0.1 CAS Number: [100-02-7]

18.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Hydroxynitrobenzene; Niphen; PNP; mononitrophenol

18.0.3 Trade Names: NA

18.0.4 Molecular Weight: 139.11

18.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5NO3

18.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART, DSL, EINECS, EMIC,
18.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless to yellowish monoclinic prisms

Density 1.479 (20°C)
Melting point 113–116°C
Boiling point 279°C (sublimable)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene, acetone, alkali; somewhat soluble in water
18.2 Production and Use
4-Nitrophenol is used in dyestuff and pesticide synthesis, as a fungicide, bactericide, and wood
preservative, as a chemical indicator, and as a substrate for experiments on cytochrome P450 2E1
18.4 Toxic Effects
p-Nitrophenol undergoes glutathione and glucuronide conjugation (119, 120). Isolation of a rat liver
glucuronosyltransferase isozyme has also been reported; this enzyme is responsible for the
glucuronide formation (121). In addition, p-nitrophenol can readily undergo reduction to its amino
derivative. However, in vivo nitro reduction conditions require bacterial enzymes in the natural
anaerobic environment of the gut (possibly in localized cellular ischemic conditions); in vitro,
mammalian enzymes are required under artificial anaerobic conditions (116).

p-Nitrophenol is nonmutagenic in the Ames assay (2). The oral LD50 in mice is 467 mg/kg, and in
rats, 616 mg/kg.

Since the last edition, there have been additional studies with 4-nitrophenol. Differences in sulfate
conjugation by different species and organs were noted, using guinea pig, rat, and rabbit liver and
platelets from rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and dogs. Biphasic effects were observed in platelets and
liver from rats and guinea pigs, similar to the result in humans (122). Abnormal physiological states
such as bile duct ligation of rats increased 4-nitrophenol glucuronide formation at high doses; at low
doses, ligation decreased conjugation (123). Hyperglycemia led to increased sulfate conjugation
(124), but formation of a sulfate was practically nil in isolated rat intestinal loops (125). Cytochrome
P450 2E1-mediated 4-nitrophenol hydroxylation was inhibited by benzene, toluene, and 2-
bromophenol (126), whereas ethanol treatment of rats increased hydroxylation (127). When applied
to porcine skin flaps, 4-nitrophenol did not evaporate significantly; there was greater penetration
with acetone than with ethanol solutions (128). Data from a single chemical did not predict of
absorption of binary mixtures of 4-nitrophenol and phenol (129). 4-Nitrophenol was tested by the
NTP in a dermal study with mice; the results were negative for carcinogenicity (130).
18.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS
E. Dinitrophenols
19.0 2,3-Dinitrophenol
19.0.1 CAS Number: [66-56-8]

19.0.2 Synonyms: NA

19.0.3 Trade Names: NA

19.0.4 Molecular Weight: 184.11

19.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4N2O5

19.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where mentioned: CANCERLIT, CCRIS, EINECS, MESH, RTECS,

19.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow monoclinic prisms, flammable

Melting point 144–145°C
Solubility Soluble in ether, benzene, ethanol; slightly soluble in water
19.2 Production and Use
Specific uses were not located.
19.4 Toxic Effects
No new information was found. Dermal exposure to 2,3-dinitrophenol causes yellow staining of skin
and it may also cause dermatitis or allergic sensitivity. Systematically, it disrupts oxidative
phosphorylation causing increased metabolism, oxygen consumption, and heat production. Chronic
exposure may result in kidney and liver damage and cataract formation (2, 131).
19.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
20.0 2,4-Dinitrophenol
20.0.1 CAS Number: [51-28-5]

20.0.2 Synonyms: alpha-Dinitrophenol; aldifen; Fenoxyl Carbon N; 1-hydroxy-2,4-dinitrobenzene;

2,4-DNP; solfo black b; solfo black bb; tertrosulfur black pb; dinofan; maroxol-50; solfo black 2b
supra; solfo black g; solfo black sb; tertrosulfur pbr; nitro kleenup; fenoxyl; dinitrophenols

20.0.3 Trade Names: NA

20.0.4 Molecular Weight: 184.11

20.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4N2O5

20.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where mentioned: CAA, FIFR, MA, NJ, PA, RQ, S110, TRI, WHMI,
20.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Pale yellow rhombic crystals or needles, flammable

Melting point 115–116°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform, benzene; somewhat soluble in water
20.2 Production and Use
Dinitrophenol is a dyestuff intermediate and is used as an insecticide, fungicide, bactericide, and
wood preservative.
20.4 Toxic Effects
The action of 2,4-dinitrophenol in increasing metabolic rate was presented in the previous edition
(2). Further work indicated that it could damage the myofilaments of the rat heart (132) and that
various metabolic systems were activated in response (133, 134). High levels of environmental
contamination could lead to adverse consequences in some wildlife.
20.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
21.0 2,5-Dinitrophenol
21.0.1 CAS Number: [329-71-5]

21.0.2 Synonyms: gamma-Dinitrophenol

21.0.3 Trade Names: NA

21.0.4 Molecular Weight: 184.11

21.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4N2O5

21.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where mentioned: MA, NJ, PA, RQ, CCRIS, EINECS, EMICBACK,
21.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state yellow needles, flammable

Melting point 108°C
Solubility Soluble in ether, benzene, hot water and ethanol
21.2 Production and Use
Specific applications not located.
21.4 Toxic Effects
No specific studies located. Toxicity is assumed to be identical to that of 2,3-dinitrophenol (2, 131).
21.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
22.0 2,6-Dinitrophenol
22.0.1 CAS Number: [573-56-8]

22.0.2 Synonyms: beta-Dinitrophenol

22.0.3 Trade Names: NA

22.0.4 Molecular Weight: 184.11

22.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4N2O5

22.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where mentioned: MA, NJ, PA, RQ, CCRIS, EINECS, HSDB, MESH,
22.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Pale yellow rhombic crystals, flammable

Melting point 63–64°C
Solubility Soluble in benzene, acetone, hot water, ethanol, ether
22.2 Production and Use
No specific applications found.
22.4 Toxic Effects
No specific studies were located. Toxicity is assumed to be identical to that of 2,3-dinitrophenol (2,
22.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
23.0 3,4-Dinitrophenol
23.0.1 CAS Number: [577-71-9]

23.0.2 Synonyms: NA

23.0.3 Trade Names: NA

23.0.4 Molecular Weight: 184.11

23.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4N2O5

23.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where mentioned: CCRIS, EINECS, RTECS, TOXLINE.
23.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless needles, flammable

Melting point 134°C
Solubility Very soluble in ethanol, ether
23.2 Production and Use
Specific applications not located.
23.4 Toxic Effects
No new information located. No specific studies were located. Toxicity is assumed to be identical to
that of 2,3-dinitrophenol (2, 131).
23.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
24.0 3,5-Dinitrophenol
24.0.1 CAS Number: [586-11-8]

24.0.2 Synonyms: NA

24.0.3 Trade Names: NA

24.0.4 Molecular Weight: 184.11

24.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4N2O5

24.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where mentioned: RTECS, TOXLINE.

24.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless monoclinic prisms, flammable

Melting point 134°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform, benzene
24.2 Production and Use
No specific uses located.
24.4 Toxic Effects
No new information located. No specific studies were located. Toxicity is assumed to be identical to
that of 2,3-dinitrophenol (2, 131).
24.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
25.0 Picric Acid
25.0.1 CAS Number: [88-89-1]

25.0.2 Synonyms: Picronitric acid; Melinite; pertite; carbazotic acid; 2,4,6-trinitrophenol;

trinitrophenol; lyddite; shimose; phenol trinitrate; 2-hydroxy-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene; C. I. 10305; TNP
25.0.3 Trade Names: NA

25.0.4 Molecular Weight: 229.11

25.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3N3O7

25.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where mentioned: DOT, IL, INER, MA, NJ, PA, PEL, REL, TLV, TRI,
25.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state White to yellowish needles, flammable

Melting point 122–123°C
Boiling point >300°C (sublimes, explodes)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene, acetone; slightly soluble in water

Cautionary note: Picric acid is very explosive when dry; for safety it is usually mixed with 10–20%
water; it explodes when heated rapidly or subjected to percussion.
25.2 Production and Use
Picric acid is used in making explosives; as a burster in projectiles; in rocket fuels, fireworks,
colored glass, batteries, and disinfectants; in the pharmaceutical and leather industries; as a fast dye
for wool and silk; in metal etching and photographic chemicals; and as a laboratory reagent.
25.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IInd edition, vol 4, 1978 method #S228.
25.4 Toxic Effects
Picric acid causes sensitization dermatitis (135). Allergic hepatitis has been induced in guinea pigs
by picric acid (136). Dust or fumes cause eye irritation, that can be aggravated by sensitization (137).
It dyes animal fibers yellow (including skin) upon contact (2, 131).

Systemic absorption can cause weakness, myalgia, anuria, polyuria, headache, fever, hyperthermia,
vertigo, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and coma. High doses may cause destruction of erythrocytes,
hemorrhagic nephritis and hepatitis, yellow coloration of the skin (“pseudojaundice”), including
conjunctiva and aqueous humor, and yellow vision (138, 139).

The strange visual effects where objects appear yellow may be related to the fact that systemic
toxicity results in coloring all tissues yellow, including the conjunctiva and aqueous humor, so that
yellow vision appearing under these circumstances is explained by optical effects (137). It is
reportedly nonmutagenic in the Ames assay (115). Picric acid is metabolized largely to picramic

A more definitive study of the metabolism of picric acid has appeared (140). In male F344 rats, the
oral LD50 was 290 mg/kg; in females 200 mg/kg. After a single oral dose of 14-C labeled compound,
56–60% appeared in the urine of the rats by 24 h, and 6–10% in feces. Gut contents accounted for
23% of the dose, and 3–6% remained in blood, muscle, and gut tissue. Up to 60% of the picric acid
was excreted unchanged in the urine, and N-acetylisopicramic acid accounted for 15% of urinary
activity, picramic acid 18.5%, and N-acetylpicramic acid for almost 5%, respectively. Thus,
metabolic reactions consisted of reduction of the nitro to amino groups and conjugation with acetate.
25.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
ACGIH TLV-TWA, 0.1 mg/m3; OSHA PEL and NIOSH REL, 0.1 mg/m3 (skin); Australia,
0.1 mg/m3 (skin); Germany, 0.1 mg/m3 (skin); United Kingdom, 0.1 mg/m3.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

F. Dinitrocresols
26.0 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol
26.0.1 CAS Number: [534-52-1]

26.0.2 Synonyms: DNOC; DNC; 3,5-dinitro-2-hydroxytoluene; Nitrador; 2-methyl-4,6-

dinitrophenol; dinitrocresol; antinonnin; Detal; Dinitrol; Elgetol; K III; K IV; Ditrosol; Prokarbol;
Effusan; Lipan; Selinon; Dekrysil; 2,4-dinitro-o-cresol; 2,4-dinitro-6-methylphenol; antinonin;
dinitrosol; Elgetox; 3,5-dinitro-6-hydroxy-toluene; 4,6-DNOC; Elgetol 30; methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol;
Sinox; dinitro-o-cresol

26.0.3 Trade Names: NA

26.0.4 Molecular Weight: 198.13

26.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H6N2O5

26.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: CAA1, DOT, FIFR, IL, MA, MI, MPOL, PA, PEL, REL, RQ,
26.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow prisms

Melting point 86.5°C
Solubility Soluble in ether, acetone; slightly soluble in water
26.2 Production and Use
This compound and its isomers are used as herbicides, fungicides, and wood preservatives. Release
into aquatic environments can be harmful to various organisms.
26.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM, IInd edition, vol 5, 1979 Method #S166.
26.4 Toxic Effects
No new information was located.
26.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA, NIOSH REL and OSHA PEL is 0.2 mg/m3 with a skin notation. A similar
value holds for Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
27.0 2,6-Dinitro-p-cresol
27.0.1 CAS Number: [609-93-8]

27.0.2 Synonyms: 2,6-DNPC; 4-methyl-2,6-dinitrophenol; 2,6-dinitro-p-cresol, moist solid

containing up to 10% water

27.0.3 Trade Names: NA

27.0.4 Molecular Weight: 198.13

27.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H6N2O5

27.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: DSL, EINECS, EMICBACK, HSDB, RTECS, TOXLINE,
27.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Long yellow prisms

Melting point 85°C
Solubility Soluble in benzene, ethanol, ether; insoluble in water
27.2 Production and Use
Uses are the same as those of the isomer 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol.
27.4 Toxic Effects
No new information was located. The toxicity of 2,6-dinitro-p-cresol is reportedly identical to that of
the ortho isomer (131). Peripheral neuropathy (dying back) has been reported following exposure (2)
but was not definitive.
27.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
28.0 2-Nitroanisole
28.0.1 CAS Number: [91-23-6]

28.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Methoxynitrobenzene, o-nitrophenyl methyl ether, 1-methoxy-2-nitrobenzene

28.0.3 Trade Names: NA

28.0.4 Molecular Weight: 153.14

28.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H7NO3

28.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, IARC, NTPA, NTPT, WHMI, CANCERLIT,
28.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (92)

Physical state Colorless to yellowish liquid

Boiling point 277°C
Melting point 10.5°C
Density 1.254 (20°C/4°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; moderately soluble in water
28.2 Production and Use
2-Nitroanisole is used as an intermediate in dyestuff and pharmaceutical production.
28.4 Toxic Effects
The oral LD50 is 740 mg/kg body weight in rats and 1300 mg/kg in mice. In 14-day studies in F344
rats (583–9330 ppm) and B6C3F1 mice (250–4000 ppm), the male rats showed methemoglobinemia
at levels of 1166 ppm or more. Body weights were lower and absolute liver weights higher in both
male and female rats. Aside from lower body weights, mice had no treatment-related effects. In 13-
week studies at 200, 600, 2000, 6000, or 18,000 mg/kg diet, various manifestations of toxicity were
noted, and rats were more susceptible (92). Administration in the diet at levels of 0, 666, 2000, or
6000 mg/kg to male and female B6C3F1 mice for 103 weeks led to significant increases in
hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas in both sexes, in addition to hepatic hemorrhages, Kupffer
cell pigmentation, focal necrosis, and cytological alteration. Levels of 0, 222, 666, or 2000 mg/kg to
F344 rats for 103 weeks caused increases in mononuclear cell leukemia in both sexes. When F344
rats were fed a 6000 or 18,000 mg/kg diet for 27 weeks and kept on a control diet for 77 weeks
more, the incidences of carcinomas of the urinary bladder, adenomatous polyps of the large intestine,
and transitional cell tumors of the kidney increased in both sexes (92).

Metabolism studies in rats with labeled 2-nitroanisole showed about 7% excreted in the feces and
70% in the urine after 7 days. Urinary metabolites identified were 2-nitrophenyl sulfate (63%), 2-
nitrophenyl glucuronide (11%), 2-nitrophenol (1.5%), and o-anisidine (0.6%) (92).
28.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

G. Nitrotoluenes
29.0 2-Nitrotoluene
29.0.1 CAS Number: [88-72-2]

29.0.2 Synonyms: Methylnitrobenzene; 2-methyl-1-nitrobenzene; 1-methyl-2-nitrobenzene; 2-

methylnitrobenzene; ONT; 2-nitrotoluol; o-nitrophenylmethane; alpha-methylnitrobenzene, o-
nitrotoluene, 2NT
29.0.3 Trade Names: NA

29.0.4 Molecular Weight: 137.14

29.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H7NO2

29.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CGN, DOT, IARC, MA, MPOL, MTL, NTPT, PA, PEL,
29.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow liquid

Density 1.163 (20/4°C)
Melting point –9.5°C
Boiling point 221.7°C
Vapor pressure 1.6 mmHg (60°C)
Refractive index 1.54739 (20.4°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene, chloroform; slightly soluble in water
29.2 Production and Use
2-Nitrotoluene is used to produce dyestuff intermediates and in manufacturing agricultural and
rubber chemicals.
29.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IV ed., Method #2005.
29.4 Toxic Effects
The single oral LD50 in male Sprague–Dawley rats is 891 mg/kg, in male Wistar rats 2100 mg/kg, in
female Wistars 2100 mg/kg, and in male CF1 mice 2463 mg/kg. In a 13-week subchronic study,
male and female F344 rats and male and female B6C3F1 mice were given diets containing 0, 625,
1250, 2500, 5000 or 10,000 mg/kg (ppm) of 2-NT. Several male rats at the two highest dose levels
had mesotheliomas of the tunica vaginalis on the epididymis, an unusual finding (141). Hyaline
droplet nephrotoxicity also increased in the male rats; in this respect, 2-NT was the most toxic of the
three isomers. In the mice there was degeneration and metaplasia of the olfactory epithelium but no
hepatic toxicity. In a 14-day study, 2-NT was given to F344 rats at levels from 625 to 20,000 mg/kg
in the diet. Livers of 4/5 male rats at 10,000 ppm showed minimal oval-cell hyperplasia (92). Male
and female B6C3F1 mice in the 14-day study received 2-NT at doses of 388 to 10,000 mg/kg; this
led to an increase in relative liver weights of the males on the highest dose. Rats given labeled 2-NT
excreted 86% in the urine and nine metabolites were identified. A low percentage was 2-
aminobenzoic acid; all other metabolites were nitrobenzyl derivatives conjugated with glutathione,
cysteine, sulfate, and glucuronic acid (92). The NTP has done a chronic study of 2-NT in rats and
mice, but the report is not yet available.
29.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA and NIOSH REL is 2 ppm (11 mg/m3) with a skin notation. The OSHA
PEL is 5 ppm.
30.0 3-Nitrotoluene
30.0.1 CAS Number: [99-08-1]
30.0.2 Synonyms: m-Nitrotoluol, 1-methyl-3-nitrobenzene; 3-methylnitrobenzene, m-
nitrophenylmethane, 3-NT

30.0.3 Trade Names: NA

30.0.4 Molecular Weight: 137.14

30.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H7NO2

30.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed. DOT, IARC, MA, MPOL, MTL, NTPT, PA, PEL, REL,
30.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Pale yellow liquid

Density 1.157 (20/4°C)
Melting point 15.5°C
Boiling point 232.6°C
Vapor pressure 1.0 mmHg (60°C)
Refractive index 1.5475 (20°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene; slightly soluble in water
30.2 Production and Use
3-NT is also used in producing dyestuffs, rubber and agricultural chemicals, explosives, and as a
chemical intermediate.
30.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IV ed., 1994 Method #2005.
30.4 Toxic Effects
The single dose oral LD50 in male Sprague–Dawley rats was 1072 mg/kg, in male Wistars
2200 mg/kg, in female Wistars 2000 mg/kg, and in male CF-1 mice 330 mg/kg (92).

3-NT was given in the diet to male and female F344 rats (625–20,000 mg/kg in the diet) and B6C3F1
mice (388–10,000 mg/kg in the diet) for 14 days. At the 2500-mg level, weight gains of male rats
were less than that of controls, and the relative liver weights of mice were increased at 2500 and
5000 ppm 3-NT. In a 13-week study, hyaline droplet nephropathy was noted in male rats. In mice on
3-NT for 13 weeks, no hepatic toxicity was noted, even though liver weight increased. 3-NT
decreased testicular function in male rats at the higher dose levels and increased the length of the
estrus cycle in females, but there was no adverse effect on reproduction. The exposed mice showed
no change in reproductive system evaluations, compared with controls (92, 141). 3-NT at 200–
600 mg/kg to female B6C3F1 mice decreased the IgM response and response to Listeria
monocytogenes but response to other bacteria was not affected (142).

After a dose of labeled 3-NT, male rats excreted 68% in the urine. Eight metabolites were separated;
3-aminobenzoic acid and its acetyl derivative were among them; the other metabolites were
nitrobenzyl conjugates (92).
30.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA and NIOSH REL is 2 ppm with a skin notation (11 mg/m3). The OSHA
PEL is 5 ppm.
31.0 4-Nitrotoluene
31.0.1 CAS Number: [99-99-0]

31.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Methylnitrobenzene; 1-methyl-4-nitrobenzene; 4-nitrotoluol; PNT; p-

nitrophenylmethane, 4-NT

31.0.3 Trade Names: NA

31.0.4 Molecular Weight: 137.14

31.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H7NO2

31.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CGN, DOT, IARC, MA, MPOL, MTL, NTPT, PA, PEL,
31.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellowish rhombic needles

Density 1.280 (20°C)
Melting point 54.5°C
Boiling point 238.3°C
Vapor density 4.72 (air = 1)
Vapor pressure 1.3 mmHg (65°C)
Refractive index 1.5346 (62.5°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, benzene, acetone, chloroform, ether; slightly soluble in water
31.2 Production and Use
4-NT is used as a dyestuff intermediate in producing rubber and agricultural chemicals and
explosives, and as a chemical intermediate.
31.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IV ed., 1994 Method #2005.
31.4 Toxic Effects
The single-dose oral LD50 in male Sprague–Dawley rats was 2144 mg/kg, in male Wistar rats
4700 mg/kg, in female Wistars 3200 mg/kg, and in male CF-1 mice 1231 mg/kg (92).

In 14-day studies, male and female F344 rats had doses of 625–20,000 mg/kg in the diet, and
B6C3F1 mice had doses of 388–10,000 mg/kg. In male rats, doses over 5000 mg led to decreased
body weight gain, but females were less susceptible. Although no treatment-related gross lesions
were noted after 4-NT, in male rats liver weights were increased in a dose-related fashion. No
hepatic toxicity was seen in mice (92).
A 13-week feeding study in F344 rats (625–10,000 ppm) and B6C3F1 mice led to hyaline droplet
nephropathy in male rats and mild enlargement of proximal tubule epithelium in both male and
female rats, testicular degeneration in male rats at 10,000 ppm, no discernible estrus cycle in female
rats at 10,000 ppm, increased liver weights in mice but no hepatic toxicity or effect on reproductive
parameters (92, 141). Administration of 200–600 mg/kg daily for 14 days led to suppression of the
IgM response and resistance to Listeria monocytogenes but not to other bacteria (143).

After a single dose of 14C-labeled 4-NT to male rats, about 77% was excreted in the urine within
72 h and eight metabolites were separated; 4-nitrobenzoic acid and 4-acetamidobenzoic acid were
the chief metabolites (92).
31.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA NIOSH REL is 2 ppm (11 mg/m3) with a skin notation. The OSHA PEL is
5 ppm.
32.0 Dinitrotoluene Technical Grade
32.0.1 CAS Number: [25321-14-6]

32.0.2 Synonyms: DNT; dinitrotoluene (mixed isomers); methyl dinitrobenzene (mixed isomers);
dinitrotoluene mixture; dinitrotoluene, all isomers; dinitritoluene (mixed isomers);
methyldinitrobenzene; dinitrotoluene (2,4 and 2,6 mix); dinitrophenylmethane; TDNT; toluene,

32.0.3 Trade Names: NA

32.0.4 Molecular Weight: 182.14

32.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H6N2O4

Commercial or technical grade dinitrotoluene is a mixture of about 76% of the 2,4- isomer, 19% of
the 2,6- compound and 5% is made up of 2,3-, 2,5-, 3,4- and 3,5-dinitrotoluenes (2). The mixture is
absorbed through the skin and can cause toxic effects.
32.3 Exposure Assessment
OSHA method #44 uses filter with linax GC tube and GC with thermal energy analyzer detection.
32.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA PEL and NIOSH REL is 1.5 mg/m3.
33.0 2,4-Dinitrotoluene
33.0.1 CAS Number: [121-14-2]

33.0.2 Synonyms: DNT; 2,4-DNT; dinitrotoluol; 1-methyl-2,4-dinitrobenzene; 2,4-dinitrotoluol

33.0.3 Trade Names: NA

33.0.4 Molecular Weight: 182.14

33.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H6N2O4

33.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, IARC, MA, MTL, NJ, NTPT, PA, RQ, S110,
33.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow or orange crystals

Boiling point 300°C
Melting point 71°C
Density 1.3208
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, acetone, benzene
33.2 Production and Use
2,4-Dinitrotoluene is used largely, along with the 2,6-isomer, to make toluene diisocyanate. The
DNT mixture is hydrogenated to yield the diamine which is reacted with phosgene to form the
diisocyanate which is reacted with polyols to make polyurethane foams (2). DNT is also employed to
some extent in manufacturing explosives.
33.4 Toxic Effects
The toxicity of 2,4-DNT was discussed thoroughly in the previous edition (2) and by IARC (92).
Although there are conflicting reports on carcinogenicity, depending on the animal model, 2,4-DNT
is not a hepatocarcinogen. It can affect testicular function, but the toxicity is half that of the 2,6-

The various isomers of DNT are considerably less toxic to the mouse, with the possible exception of
2,3-dinitrotoluene, indicating widely differing capacities for metabolism. The oral LD50s for 2,4-
dinitrotoluene are 268 (rat) versus 1625 (mouse) (144). 2,4-DNT is reportedly a nonsensitizer (145).

2,4-DNT is rapidly absorbed via skin exposure, and repeated dermal applications to rabbits have
produced cyanosis, lipemic plasma, depressed hemoglobin and red blood cells, liver hyperplasia and
focal necrosis, bone marrow damage, congested spleen, distended bladder, and brain edema;
testicular atrophy and aspermatogenesis were reported in beagles. Adverse neuromuscular effects,
tremors, and brain lesions in dogs following oral administration have also been reported (145).

2,4-Dinitrotoluene is also rapidly absorbed after oral administration. Little reduction of

dinitrotoluene occurs in isolated perfused liver preparation, in isolated hepatocytes, or in microsomal
preparations incubated under air (146). The first step in metabolism in male or female Fischer 344
rats is oxidation at the methyl group to yield dinitrobenzyl alcohols, followed by conjugation with
glucuronic acid, preparing the alcohol for bile excretion, which occurs to a much greater degree in
male than in female rats (146). Intestinal microflora hydrolyze the glucuronides and reduce one of
the nitro groups (to an amino group via nitroso intermediates) (147); the reduced metabolites,
aminonitrobenzyl alcohols, are then reabsorbed, whereby, it is postulated, the 2,6 isomer is activated
(146). All six dinitrotoluene isomers were metabolized to aminonitrotoluenes by an Escherichia coli
isolated from human intestinal contents (148), as well as by the intestinal microflora of rats and mice
(147). The human urinary metabolites of 2,4-dinitrotoluene in volunteers exposed to dinitrotoluene
are 2,4-dinitrobenzoic acid, 2-amino-4-nitrobenzoic acid, 2,4-dinitrobenzyl glucuronide, and 2-(N-
acetyl)amino-4-nitrobenzoic acid. The first three of these are found in rat urine; the last differs in the
position of reduction and acetylation. The most abundant metabolites of dinitrotoluenes in human
urine were the dinitrobenzoic acids; in rats the most abundant metabolites were dinitrobenzyl
glucuronides. The appearance of a reduced metabolite of 2,4-dinitrotoluene indicates either that
human hepatic enzymes are capable of nitro group reduction of dinitrotoluene or that 2,4-
dinitrotoluene (or one of its metabolites) gains access to the intestinal microflora (146). The biliary
excretion/nitro reduction pathway for bioactivation of 2,6-DNT may occur to a lesser extent in
humans than in rats, making an important difference in risk assessment (149).
In a dominant lethal mutation study of 2,4-DNT (60, 180, or 240 mg/kg/day for 5 days, Sprague–
Dawley male rats by gavage), lethal mutations were not detected, and no changes were observed in
the number of preimplantation losses or implantation sites; however, reproductive performance was
adversely affected at the 240 mg dose level (150).

Reproductive toxicity evaluation of 2,4-dinitrotoluene in adult male rats fed 0.1 or 0.2% DNT for 3
weeks demonstrated a marked change in Sertoli cell morphology following 0.2% DNT exposure.
Circulating levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were
increased in 0.2% DNT-treated animals. Raised serum levels of FSH reportedly are frequently, if not
always, associated with Sertoli cell malfunction. Reduced weights of the epididymides and decreased
epididymal sperm reserves were also observed. The authors concluded that DNT can induce
testicular injury, directly or indirectly disturb pituitary function, and exert a toxic effect at the late
stages of spermatogenesis. A direct effect on the hypothalamic-hypophyseal axis was not precluded,
according to the authors, because testosterone concentrations remained within the normal range,
whereas LH levels were elevated (151).

Exposure to 2,4-DNT reportedly decreased human sperm count and increased spontaneous abortions
in the workers’ wives (technical-grade dinitrotoluene is assumed) (145); however, in a follow-up
epidemiological study, no effect on sperm levels was found in workers (152).

The initial carcinogenicity study in 1978 was conducted by NCI and involved a dietary feeding study
of 2,4-DNT continuously for 18 months to male and female F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice at 0.008 or
0.02% (and 0.008 or 0.04%, respectively), followed by a 6-month observation period. Because the
incidence of hepatic neoplasms in treated animals and control animals was not significantly different,
the NCI bioassay was considered negative for hepatocarcinogenesis in both rats and mice. In this
study, 2,4-DNT was the primary component (95% 2,4-DNT, < 5% 2,6-DNT) (153). However, there
was an increased incidence of fibroma of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the high- and low-dose
male rats and an increased incidence of mammary gland fibroadenoma in high-dose female rats (153,

A second study evaluated 2,4-DNT (containing approximately 2% 2,6-DNT) in Sprague–Dawley

(CD) rats and mice (CD-1) for 2 years (155). The high doses were toxic to both mice and rats, and
the life span of mice was shortened by 50%. About half of the high-dose and approximately 25% of
the control male rats died by the end of the 20th month. 2,4-DNT was hepatocarcinogenic, resulting
in a 21% incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas in male rats of the high-dose (34 mg/kg/day) group
dying or killed after 1 year of age. By comparison, high-dose female rats had a 53% incidence of
hepatocellular carcinomas (155). The reason for the higher incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in
female rats compared with male rats, the inverse of that observed in a third study, is not clear;
differences in strain of rat, the isomeric composition of the DNT, or other unspecified variances in
protocols may be the basis for the differences in sex response between these two studies (154).

The results of further study demonstrated that 2,6-DNT is a complete hepatocarcinogen; in contrast,
2,4-DNT was not hepatocarcinogenic when fed at twice the high dose of 2,6-DNT during the same
time period. The authors concluded that 2,4-DNT may act as a promoter but cannot initiate
carcinogenesis. The hepatocarcinogenicity of technical-grade DNT is mainly due to 2,6-DNT (154,

In an analytically controlled comparative bioassay 2,4-dinitrotoluene was not carcinogenic in male

F344 rats (155); the lack of hepatocarcinogenicity of 2,4-DNT was consistent with the conclusion
that 2,4-DNT is not a hepatocarcinogen. The difference between these studies could simply be due to
strain differences, the greater amount of 2,6-DNT contaminating the 2,4-DNT used, the slightly
higher dose of 2,4-DNT used (34 versus 27 mg), or the extended duration of feeding (2 years versus
1 year) (155). The positive response by 2,4-dinitrotoluene in the Ames assay is unclear (115).
IARC, NIOSH, OSHA, and ACGIH have not classified this isomer as a potential carcinogenic risk.
33.5 Standards, Regulations or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 0.2 mg/m3 with a skin notation and an A3 rating. The actual listing is for
the technical grade mixture, but it applies to the components.
34.0 2,6-Dinitrotoluene
34.0.1 CAS Number: [606-20-2]

34.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Methyl-1,3-dinitrobenzene; 2,6-DNT; 1,3-dinitro 2-methylbenzene

34.0.3 Trade Name: NA

34.0.4 Molecular Weight: 182.14

34.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H6N2O4

34.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: CA65, IARC, MA, NJ, PA, RQ, S110, TRI, CANCERLIT,
34.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow rhombic crystals

Melting point 64–66°C
Density 1.2833
Solubility Soluble in ethanol
34.2 Production and Use
2,6-Dinitrotoluene is used primarily, along with the other isomers, in producing toluene
diisocyanate; production of the diisocyanate ranges from 100 million to almost a billion pounds each
34.4 Toxic Effects
The toxicity and metabolic interactions of 2,6-dinitrotoluene have been reviewed in the previous
edition (2) and by IARC (92). In F344 rats, the 2,6-isomer gave four distinct DNA adducts versus
three for the 2,4-isomer, and with a much higher level of binding than 2,4-DNT (92, 156). In male
B6C3F1 mice, only two such adducts were detected (157). A metabolite, 2-amino-6-nitrotoluene,
gave the same adducts as 2,6-DNT, but at 30-fold lower levels (158). Intestinal microflora were
important in activating 2,6-DNT to mutagenic metabolites (159), and the genotoxicity was increased
by pretreating the rats with the enzyme inducers Aroclor 1254 or creosote (160, 161).
35.0 3,5-Dinitrotoluene
35.0.1 CAS Number: [618-85-9]

35.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Methyl-3,5-dinitrobenzene

35.0.3 Trade Name: NA

35.0.4 Molecular Weight: 182.14

35.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H6N2O4

35.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases or inventories where listed: IARC, CANCERLIT, DART, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK,
35.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (92)

Physical state Yellow rhombic needles

Boiling point Sublimes
Melting point 93°C
Density 1.2772 (11/4°C)
Solubility Soluble in benzene, chloroform, ether, ethanol
35.2 Production and Use
3,5-Dinitrotoluene occurs in technical grade dinitrotoluene and has no specific uses by itself.
35.4 Toxic Effects
No specific studies of the toxicity of this isomer were located, although it may contribute to the
effects of technical grade dinitrotoluene. The 3,5-isomer was mutagenic in the Salmonella test
without metabolic activation and in some strains with the rat liver S9 fraction. It was not active in
causing mutation in Chinese hamster ovary cells, and it did not induce unscheduled DNA synthesis
in rat liver cells in culture (92).

For the remaining dinitrotoluenes, the only data found related to the databases in which they were
36.0 2,3-Dinitrotoluene
36.0.1 CAS Number: [602-01-7]

36.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Methyl-2,3-dinitrobenzene

36.0.3 Trade Names: NA

36.0.4 Molecular Weight: 182.14

36.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H6N2O4

36.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CCRIS, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK, ETICBACK,
37.0 2,5-Dinitrotoluene
37.0.1 CAS Number: [619-15-8]
37.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Methyl-1,4-dinitrobenzene

37.0.3 Trade Names: NA

37.0.4 Molecular Weight: 182.14

37.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H6N2O4

37.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CCRIS, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK, ETICBACK,
38.0 3,4-Dinitrotoluene
38.0.1 CAS Number: [610-39-9]

38.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Methyl-1,2-dinitrobenzene; 1,2-dinitro–4-methylbenzene

38.0.3 Trade Names: NA

38.0.4 Molecular Weight: 182.14

38.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H6N2O4

38.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: MA, PA, RQ, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, EINECS, EMIC,
39.0 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene
39.0.1 CAS Number: [118-96-7]

39.0.2 Synonyms: TNT; trinitrotoluol; sym-trinitrotoluene; trinitrotoluene; 2-methyl-1,3,5-

trinitrobenzene; entsufon; 1-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene; methyltrinitrobenzene; tolite; trilit; s-
trinitrotoluene; s-trinitrotoluol; trotyl; sym-trinitrotoluol; alpha-trinitrotoluol

39.0.3 Trade Names: NA

39.0.4 Molecular Weight: 227.13

39.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H5N3O6

39.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, IARC, IL, MA, NJ, PA, PEL, REL, S110, TLV,
39.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless to pale yellow crystals or monoclinic prisms

Specific 1.654 (20°C)
Melting point 82°C
Boiling point 240°C (explodes)
Vapor 0.046 mmHg (82°C)
Solubility Soluble in ether, benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, toluene, acetone;
slightly soluble in water
39.2 Production and Use
TNT has been used in explosives for almost 100 years. It must be exploded by a denonator, but it can
be poured into shells when molten.
39.3 Exposure Assessment
OSHA Analytical method # 44 using linax GC tube and analysis by GC with thermal energy
analyzer detection with explosives package.
39.4 Toxic Effects
The toxic effects of TNT in exposed workers are well known and include hepatitis, irritation of eyes,
nose, throat and skin, methemoglobinemia, and cararacts, in addition to other symptoms (2).
Workers exposed to TNT in a packing site, where levels of TNT exceeded 1 mg/m3 had skin levels
after each shift that were threefold those of unexposed workers. This correlated with total blood
levels of TNT and the metabolites 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene and 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene (162).
Furthermore, the levels of Cu, Zn, Na, Mg, and Se in the semen of these workers were significantly
decreased, and sperm viability was less. Sperm malformations increased (162). A county in Germany
contaminated with TNT residues from explosives manufacture had a higher risk for leukemia than
neighboring counties (92). Thus, biodegradation of TNT residues from military or manufacturing
sites is a matter of interest. One study found that reduction to nitroamines (2-amino-4,6-
dinitrotoluene, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene 2,4-diamino-6-nitrotoluene), reduction to 2,4,6-
triaminotoluene, and formation of azoxy compounds (2,2', 6,6'-tetranitro-4,4'azoxytoluene and 4,4',
6,6'-tetranitro-2,2'-azoxytoluene) occurred. In addition, p-cresol and methylphloroglucinol were
identified, indicating removal of the nitrogens (163). Labeled TNT residues in compost from TNT-
contaminated soil were not excreted readily in rats and accumulated in the kidneys, indicating that a
unique TNT derivative had formed (164). A 6-month oral toxicity study in beagle dogs at levels of
0.5, 2, 8, or 32 mg/kg/day led to anemia, methemoglobinemia, splenomegaly, and effects on the
liver, similar to those in exposed workers. Only the highest dose was lethal, despite the toxicity
(165). Reportedly a 24-month chronic study in mice and rats led to tumors in female rats but not in
mice or male rats (164). The toxicity, mutagenicity, and metabolism of TNT have been covered in a
review by IARC (92).
39.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV is 0.1 mg/m3 with a skin notation. The OSHA PEL is 1.5 mg/m3 with a skin
notation and the NIOSH REL is 0.5 mg/m3 with a skin notation.
40.0 Tetryl
40.0.1 CAS Number: [479-45-8]

40.0.2 Synonyms: 2,4,6-Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine; N-methyl-N,2,4,6-tetranitroaniline;

nitramine; tetralite; trinitrophenylmethylnitramine; 2,4,6-tetryl

40.0.3 Trade Names: NA

40.0.4 Molecular Weight: 287.15

40.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H5N5O8

40.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, IL, MA, NJ, PA, PEL, REL, TLV, WHMI,
40.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow monoclinic crystals

Density 1.57 at 19°C
Melting point 130°C
Boiling point 187°C, explodes
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; insoluble in water
40.2 Production and Use
Tetryl is used in various types of explosive devices.
40.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IInd ed., vol 3, 1977 Method #S225.
40.4 Toxic Effects
Tetryl is a sensitizer and causes dermatitis (2). Practically no information on toxicity studies was
located, but tetryl reportedly is under study by the U.S. EPA and military groups (115). Plant
oxidoreductase enzymes under anaerobic conditions could remove the N-nitro group as nitrite,
yielding N-methyl-trinitroaniline (166).
40.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The OSHA-PEL, NIOSH REL and ACGIH TLV-TWA are 1.5 mg/m3 with a note that it causes

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

H. Aniline and Derivatives

41.0 Aniline
41.0.1 CAS Number: [62-53-3]
41.0.2 Synonyms: Benzamine; aniline oil; phenylamine; aminobenzene; aniline oil; phenylamine;
aminophen; kyanol; benzidam; blue oil; C.I. 76000; C.I. oxidation base 1; cyanol; krystallin;
anyvim; arylamine

41.0.3 Trade Names: NA

41.0.4 Molecular Weight: 93.13

41.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7N

41.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, CGB, DOT, IARC, IL, MA, MI, MTL, NJ,
41.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Oily liquid

Density 1.002 (20/4°C)
Melting point –6.3°C
Boiling point 184.4–186°C
Vapor density 3.22 (air = 1)
Vapor pressure 15 mm Hg (77°C)
Refractive 1.5863 (20°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, acetone;
somewhat soluble in water
41.2 Production and Use
In 1992, more than 900 million pounds were produced, mostly by hydrogenation of nitrobenzene
(167). Aniline is used in manufacture of dyestuffs, various intermediates, in rubber accelerators and
in antioxidants, pharmaceuticals, photographic chemicals, plastics, isocyanates, hydroquinones,
herbicides, fungicides, ion-exchange resins, whitening agents, and as an intermediate for various
other chemicals.
41.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IVth ed., 1994 Method #2002.
41.4 Toxic Effects
The toxic effects of aniline have been discussed (2); in humans, they include headaches,
methemoglobinemia, tremors, narcosis and coma. Although historically bladder cancers in dyestuff
workers were called aniline cancers, recent epidemiological studies indicate that o-toluidine, a
probable contaminant, was more likely the cause of the bladder tumors (168). Although high doses
of aniline hydrochloride led to no excess tumors in B6C3F1 mice, levels of 3000 or 6000 ppm in the
diet led to hemangiosarcomas or fibrosarcomas of the spleen in rats. Several publications have
addressed the mechanism of this effect of aniline. Study of the hematopoietic toxicity of aniline in
rats showed that blood methemoglobinemia peaked at 37% in 0.5 h and increased lipid peroxidation
occurred in the spleen (169). Tests for up to 90 days with 600 ppm aniline hydrochloride showed that
the spleens of test rats had striking histopathological changes and damage to erythrocyte iron was
increased (170). It was surmised that reaction of aniline or a metabolite with erythrocytes led to their
accumulation, as well as iron deposition in the spleen (171); thus oxidative stress was responsible for
the splenotoxicity of aniline (172). Exposure of rats to an atmosphere of 15,000 ppm aniline for 10
minutes, a situation simulating an industrial accident, also caused an increase in lipid peroxidation in
the mitochondrial portions of the cerebellum, brain stem, and brain cortex (173).

Treatment of rats with 10% ethanol in the drinking water for 12 or 36 weeks stimulated the level of
P450 and the degree of aniline hydroxylation (127). Human hemoglobin, as well as P450, cause
aniline to be metabolized to the 2- and 4-aminophenols (174), but in vitro, exclusive 4-hydroxylation
of aniline occurred in the presence of singlet oxygen (175). Aniline is readily absorbed through the
skin. Thus the various occupational and industrial hygiene “skin” notations are necessary.
41.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 2 ppm (7.6 mg/m3) with A3 and skin notations. The OSHA PEL is
5 ppm. NIOSH considers it a carcinogen.
42.0 N-Methylaniline
42.0.1 CAS Number: [100-61-8]

42.0.2 Synonyms: MA, N-methylbenzeneamine, monomethylaniline, N-methyl-phenylamine, N-

monomethylaniline, methyl aniline, methylphenylamine, anilinomethane, (methylamino) benzene,
N-methylaminobenzene, N-phenylmethylamine

42.0.3 Trade Names:

42.0.4 Molecular Weight: 107.15

42.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H9N

42.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, IL, MA, PA, PEL, REL, TLV, WHMI, CANCERLIT,
42.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless to slightly yellow liquid; turns brown on exposure to air
Specific gravity 0.989 at 20°C
Melting point –57°C
Boiling point 194.6–196°C
Flash point 79.4°C (closed cup)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; slightly soluble in water
42.2 Production and Use
N-Methylaniline is used as a solvent and an intermediate.
42.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IVth ed., 1994, Method #3511.
42.4 Toxic Effects
No new information was located.
42.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA and NIOSH REL is 0.5 ppm with a skin notation. OSHA PEL is 2 ppm.
43.0 N,N-Dimethylaniline
43.0.1 CAS Number: [121-69-7]

43.0.2 Synonyms: Dimethylaniline, Versneller NL 63/10, N,N-dimethylbenzenamine;

(dimethylamino)benzene, dimethylphenylamine, N,N-dimethylphenylamine, dimethylphenylamine,

43.0.3 Trade Names: NA

43.0.4 Molecular Weight: 121.18

43.0.5 Molecular Formula: C8H11N

43.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, DOT, IARC, IL, MA, MTL, NJ, NTPT, PA, PEL,
43.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow liquid

Density 0.9557 (20/4°C)
Melting point 2.45°C
Boiling point 192.5°C
Vapor density 4.17 (air = 1)
Refractive index 1.55819 (20°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; slightly soluble in water
Flash point 145°F (closed cup)
170°C (open cup)
43.2 Production and Use
N,N-Dimethylaniline is used in production of dyestuffs, as a solvent, a reagent in methylation
reactions, and a hardener in fiberglass reinforced resins.
43.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IVth ed., 1994 Method #2002.
43.4 Toxic Effects
The previous edition reported that N,N-dimethylaniline can undergo both N-oxidation and N-
demethylation (2). Further studies showed that P4502B1 from rats converts this compound to the N-
oxide or dealkylates it in the ratio of 6 parts N-oxide to 1020 parts of dealkylated product, probably
by one-electron oxidation (176, 177). In another metabolic system (rabbit liver microsomes),
superoxide and P4502B4 were considered the active entities (178); this was reviewed by IARC
43.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA NIOSH REL is 5 ppm with a STEL of 10 ppm and skin and A4 notations.
OSHA PEL is also 5 ppm with skin notation.
44.0 N-Ethylaniline
44.0.1 CAS Number: [103-69-5]
44.0.2 Synonyms: Ethylphenylamine; N-ethyl aniline; anilinoethane; N-ethylaminobenzene

44.0.3 Trade Names: NA

44.0.4 Molecular Weight: 121.18

44.0.5 Molecular Formula: C8H11N

44.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, MA, PA, WHMI, CCRIS, EINECS, EMICBACK,
44.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless liquid, darkens in air

Boiling point 204.5°C
Melting point –63.5°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, benzene; miscible with ethanol, ether; insoluble in water
44.2 Production and Use
N-Ethylaniline is used an an explosive stabilizer and in dyestuff manufacture.
44.4 Toxic Effect
No specific new information located.
44.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
45.0 N,N-Diethylaniline
45.0.1 CAS Number: [91-66-7]

45.0.2 Synonyms: Diethyl aniline, N,N-diethylbenzenamine, N,N-diethylaminobenzene,


45.0.3 Trade Name: NA

45.0.4 Molecular Weight: 149.24

45.0.5 Molecular Formula: C10H15N

45.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, DOT, MA, PA, WHMI, CCRIS, DSL, EINECS,
45.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)
Physical state Colorless or yellow or brown oil (flammable)
Density 0.93507 (20/4°C)
Melting point –38.8°C
Boiling point 215.5-216°C
Refractive index 1.54105 (22°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; fairly soluble in water
45.2 Production and Use
Diethylaniline is used as an intermediate in synthesizing of dyestuffs and pharmaceuticals.
45.4 Toxic Effects
During oxidative metabolism, as with N,N-dimethylaniline, a much greater proportion of the
diethylaniline was dealkylated, rather than forming an N-oxide (176).
45.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

I. Chlorinated Anilines
46.0 2-Chloroaniline
46.0.1 CAS Number: [95-51-2]

46.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Chlorobenzenamine; 1-amino-2-chlorobenzene; fast yellow gc base; OCA

46.0.3 Trade Name: NA

46.0.4 Molecular Weight: 127.57

46.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6ClN

46.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CCRIS, DSL, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK, GENETOX,
46.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless liquid

Density 1.2125 (20/4°C)
Melting point a, –14°C; b, –1.9°C
Boiling point 208.8°C
Refractive index 1.5895 (20°C)
Solubility Soluble in acetone, ether; miscible with ethanol; insoluble in water
46.2 Production and Use
It is reportedly used as an intermediate in dyestuffs (2).
46.4 Toxic Effects
The NTP has done short-term toxicity studies of 2-chloroaniline in rats and mice, but the reports
were in peer review. 2-Chloroaniline was the most potent of the isomeric chloroanilines in F344 rats
with regard to nephrotoxic and hepatoxic effects (2). In contrast, when the chloroanilines were
acetylated, the toxicity was greatly decreased and 2-chloroacetanilide was the least toxic of the
isomers (180). Possible metabolites were tested for nephrotoxicity, but they were less potent than the
parent chloroaniline (181).
46.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
47.0 3-Chloroaniline
47.0.1 CAS Number: [108-42-9]

47.0.2 Synonyms: 3-Chlorobenzenamine, MCA, m-aminochlorobenzene, 1-amino-3-chlorobenzene,

3-chlorophenylamine, fast orange gc base, orange gc base

47.0.3 Trade Names: NA

47.0.4 Molecular Weight: 127.57

47.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6ClN

47.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: WHMI, CCRIS, DART, DSL, EINECS, EMICBACK,
47.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless liquid

Melting point –10.3°C
Boiling point 229.8–230.5°C
Refractive index 1.59424 (20°C)
Solubility Soluble in acetone, benzene, ether; miscible with ethanol; insoluble in water
47.2 Production and Use
Uses are reportedly the same as those of the other isomers.
47.4 Toxic Effects
Although 3-chloroaniline is readily absorbed through the skin and thus can cause the toxicity
associated with aromatic amines, in F344 rats, it had the lowest nephrotoxicity of the isomeric
chloroanilines. However, the situation was reversed for the acetyl derivatives, and 3-
chloroacetanilide was the most toxic (180). The various 3-haloanilines (iodo, bromo, chloro, and
fluoro) had different orders of nephrotoxic potential in vivo and in vitro for unknown reasons. They
were not potent nephro- or hepatotoxicants at sublethal doses (182). Tests of possible phenolic
metabolites of 3-chloroaniline did not show hepatotoxicity, but 4-amino-2-chlorophenol retained
nephrotoxic activity at the highest dose level tested (183).
47.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
48.0 4-Chloroaniline
48.0.1 CAS Number: [106-47-8]
48.0.2 Synonyms: p-Chlorophenylamine; 4-chlorobenzenamine, 4-chloro-1-aminobenzene, 1-amino-
4-chlorobenzene, p-aminochlorobenzene

48.0.3 Trade Names: NA

48.0.4 Molecular Weight: 127.57

48.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6ClN

48.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, IARC, MA, NJ, NTPT, PA, RQ, TRI, WHMI,
48.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless solid, rhombic crystals

Density 1.427 (19/4°C)
Melting point 72.5°C
Boiling point 231-232°C
Solubility Soluble in ether; miscible with ethanol; insoluble in water
48.2 Production and Use
4-Chloroaniline is used as a dye intermediate.
48.4 Toxic Effects
The metabolism, excretion pattern, and carcinogenicity of 4-chloroaniline were discussed (2, 179). A
patient who was acutely poisoned by 4-chloroaniline excreted conjugates of the parent compound
and 2-amino-5-chlorophenol in the urine, indicating that ortho-hydroxylation had occurred, similar
to results in other species (179). 4-Chloroaniline was somewhat less toxic to the liver and kidney of
F344 rats than 2-chloroaniline, but upon acetylation, it had higher nephrotoxic potential (180). A
study of possible phenolic metabolites showed that they had lower renal toxicity than the parent
chloroanilines but still retained some toxicity (181, 184). P450 enzymes cause removal of the
chlorine to yield 4-aminophenol (185, 186). Contrary to the situation with many halogen-substituted
compounds, a fluoro substituent in the 4-position was removed more easily than other halogens
48.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
49.0 2,3-Dichloroaniline
49.0.1 CAS Number: [608-27-5]

49.0.2 Synonyms: 2,3 Dichlorobenzenamine

49.0.3 Trade Names: NA

49.0.4 Molecular Weight: 162.02

49.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5NCl2

49.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Data bases and inventories where listed: EINECS, HSDB, RTECS, TOXLINE, TSCAINV.
49.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Boiling point 252°C

Melting point 24°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, ethanol, ether
49.2 Production and Use
No specific uses were located.
49.4 Toxic Effects
2,3-Dichloroaniline was the least nephrotoxic of the dichloroaniline isomers (187).
49.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
50.0 2,4-Dichloroaniline
50.0.1 CAS Number: [554-00-7]

50.0.2 Synonyms: 2,4 -Dichlorobenzenamine, 2,4-dichloroaniline, pract.

50.0.3 Trade Names: NA

50.0.4 Molecular Weight: 162.02

50.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5NCl2

50.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Data bases and inventories where listed: CCRIS, DSL, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK, ETICBACK,
50.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Boiling point 245°C

Melting point 63–64°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether
50.2 Production and Use
Specific uses not located.
50.4 Toxic Effects
2,4-Dichloroaniline was one of the isomers considered to have low nephrotoxicity, compared with
the 3,5-isomer (187). The relative order of toxicity was the same in vitro as in vivo (188).
50.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
51.0 2,5-Dichloroaniline
51.0.1 CAS Number: [95-82-9]
51.0.2 Synonyms: 2,5-Dichlorobenzenamine, amarthol fast scarlet gg base; azoene fast scarlet 2g
base; C.I. 37010; C.I. azoic diazo component 3; fast scarlet 2g; scarlet base gg; 1-amino-2, 5-
dichlorobenzene; 2-amino-1, 4-dichlorobenzene; 2,5-dichlorobenzamine

51.0.3 Trade Names: NA

51.0.4 Molecular Weight: 162.02

51.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5NCl2

51.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CCRIS, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK, HSDB, RTECS,
51.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Boiling point 251°C

Melting point 50°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene
51.2 Production and Use
No specific uses were located.
51.4 Toxic Effects
The nephrotoxicity of 2,5-dichloroaniline in F344 rats was somewhat lower than that of the 3,5-
isomer but greater than that of the other isomers (187). A possible metabolite, 2-amino-4-
chlorophenol, had low nephrotoxic potential (183).
51.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
52.0 2,6-Dichloroaniline
52.0.1 CAS Number: [608-31-1]

52.0.2 Synonyms: 2,6-Dichlorobenzenamine

52.0.3 Trade Name: NA

52.0.4 Molecular Weight: 162.02

52.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5NCl2

52.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: EINECS, TOXLINE, TSCAINV.

52.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)
Melting point 39°C
Solubility Soluble in ether
52.2 Production and Uses
No specific uses located.
52.4 Toxic Effects
2,6-Dichloroaniline had moderately low nephrotoxic effects in F344 rats, compared with the 3,5-
isomer (187).
52.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
53.0 3,4-Dichloroaniline
53.0.1 CAS Number: [95-76-1]

53.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Amino-3, 4-dichlorobenzene, 3,4-dichlorobenzenamine; 3,4-DCA; 4,5-


53.0.3 Trade Names: NA

53.0.4 Molecular Weight: 162.02

53.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5NCl2

53.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: MA, MTL, PA, WHMI, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART,
53.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Melting point 71–72°C

Boiling point 272°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, benzene; almost insoluble in water
53.2 Production and Use
It has some use in herbicide production.
53.4 Toxic Effects
3,4-Dichloroaniline causes methemoglobinemia in mice and chloracne in humans (2). However, its
nephrotoxic effect was relatively low, compared with that of the 3,5-isomer (187). A possible
metabolite had some renal toxicity at a high dose (183).
53.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
54.0 3,5-Dichloroaniline
54.0.1 CAS Number: [626-43-7]

54.0.2 Synonyms: 3,5-Dichlorobenzenamine; m-dichloroaniline; BF 352-31

54.0.3 Trade Names: NA

54.0.4 Molecular Weight: 162.02

54.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5NCl2

54.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CCRIS, DART, EINECS, EMICBACK, HSDB, MEDLINE,
54.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Boiling point 260°C

Melting point 51–53°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, benzene, ether
54.2 Production and Use
No specific uses were located apart from its use in research.
54.4 Toxic Effects
Of all of the dichloroanilines, the 3,5-isomer had the highest nephrotoxic action in F344 rats (187).
Further studies examined this effect more throughly. When administered intraperitoneally in
dimethyl sulfoxide solution, the rats died within 24 hrs; if given as a solution in saline or sesame oil,
no renal toxicity was noted (189). Treatment of rats with various enzyme inducers and inhibitors and
then 3,5-dichloroaniline did not cause much change in the renal or hepatic effects of the 3,5-isomer.
These results indicated that the parent compound was directly toxic (190). A putative metabolite, 4-
amino-2, 6-dichlorophenol, retained the nephrotoxic action of the parent (191). However, another
possible metabolite, 3,5-dichlorophenylhydroxylamine, was the most potent inducer of hemoglobin
oxidation, the parent 3,5-dichloroaniline was the least active, and 4-amino-2, 6-dichlorophenol was
intermediate in activity (192).
54.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

J. Nitroanilines
55.0 2-Nitroaniline
55.0.1 CAS Number: [88-74-4]

55.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Amino-2-nitrobenzene; 2-nitrobenzenamine; azoene fast orange gr base; azoene

fast orange gr salt; azofix orange gr salt; azogene fast orange gr; azoic diazo component 6;
brentamine fast orange gr base; brentamine fast orange gr salt; C.I. azoic diazo component 6; devol
orange b; diazo fast orange gr; fast orange base gr; fast orange base jr; fast orange gr base; fast
orange gr salt; fast orange o base; fast orange o salt; fast orange salt jr; hiltonil fast orange gr base;
hiltosal fast orange gr salt; hindasol orange gr salt; natasol fast orange gr salt; o-nitraniline; C.I.
37025; orange base ciba ii; orange base irga ii; orange grs salt; orange salt ciba ii; orange salt irga ii

55.0.3 Trade Names: NA

55.0.4 Molecular Weight: 138.13

55.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6N2O2

55.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, WHMI, CCRIS, DSL, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK,
55.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Golden yellow to orange rhombic needles

Density 1.442 (20/4°C)
Melting point 69–71.5°C
Boiling point 284.1°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, acetone, benzene; somewhat soluble in water
55.2 Production and Use
2-Nitroaniline is an intermediate for dyestuffs.
55.4 Toxic Effects
Although 2-nitroaniline was not mutagenic in four strains of Salmonella (TA97, TA98, TA100,
TA102), with or without metabolic activation, it was clastogenic in vitro and induced chromosomal
aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells (193).
55.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
56.0 3-Nitroaniline
56.0.1 CAS Number: [99-09-2]

56.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Amino-3-nitrobenzene; 3-nitrobenzenamine; m-nitrophenylamine; m-

nitroaminobenzene; amarthol fast orange r base; m-aminonitrobenzene; azobase mna; C.I. 37030;
C.I. azoic diazo component 7; daito orange base r; devol orange r; diazo fast orange r; fast orange
base r; fast orange m base; fast orange mm base; fast orange r base; hiltonil fast orange r base;
naphtoelan orange r base; nitranilin; m-nitraniline; orange base irga 1

56.0.3 Trade Names: NA

56.0.4 Molecular Weight: 138.13

56.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6N2O2

56.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, MTL, WHMI, CCRIS, DSL, EINECS, EMIC,
56.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)
Physical state Yellow rhombic needles
Density 1.430 (20/4°C)
Melting point 114°C
Boiling point 305–307°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; slightly soluble in water
56.2 Production and Use
It is used as an intermediate in the production of dyestuffs.
56.4 Toxic Effects
As reported in the previous edition, 3-nitroaniline causes methemoglobinemia and associated effects;
the vapor is toxic, and it is absorbed through the skin (2). A 28-day repeated dose toxicity study in
F344 rats has been undertaken (194). Male and female F344 rats received oral doses of 15, 50, or
170 mg/kg/day; lower body weight gain, but no deaths, occurred. Testicular atrophy, reduction in
spermatogenesis, hemolytic anemia, and increases in liver, spleen and kidney weight occurred, but
ovarian function was not affected. After a 14-day recovery period, the conditions eased or
disappeared. The NOEL was less than 15 mg/kg/day.
56.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
57.0 4-Nitroaniline
57.0.1 CAS Number: [100-01-6]

57.0.2 Synonyms: p-Aminonitrobenzene; 4-nitrobenzenamine; PNA; C.I. 37035; 1-amino-4-

nitrobenzene; p-nitrophenylamine; azofix red gg salt; azoic diazo component 37; C.I. developer 17;
developer P; devol red gg; diazo fast red gg; fast red base 2j; fast red base gg; fast red 2g base; fast
red 2g salt; shinnippon fast red gg base; fast red salt 2j; fast red salt gg; nitrazol cf extra; red 2g base;
fast red gg base; fast red mp base; fast red p base; fast red p salt; naphtoelan red gg base; azoamine
red 2H; C.I. azoic diazo component 37

57.0.3 Trade Names: NA

57.0.4 Molecular Weight: 138.13

57.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6N2O2

57.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, IL, MA, MTL, NJ, NTPT, PA, PEL, REL, RQ, TLV,
57.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Pale yellow crystals

Specific gravity 1.442
Melting point 146–149°C
Boiling point 331.7°C
Vapor pressure <1 torr at 20°C
Flash point 198.9°C (closed cup)
57.2 Production and Use
4-Nitroaniline is used in synthesizing dyes, as a corrosion inhibitor, and in synthesizing of
57.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IVth ed., 1994, method #5033 NIOSH for determining human exposure.
57.4 Toxic Effects
4-Nitroaniline was tested in a 2-yr study in B6C3F1 mice using doses of 3, 30, or 100 mg/kg/day in
corn oil by gavage. At the two higher dose levels, there was some increase in hepatic
hemangiomasarcoma in the male mice, leading NTP to conclude that there was equivocal evidence
for carcinogenicity. Female mice showed no increase in tumors (195). In the Salmonella test, 4-
nitroaniline was positive at high levels in TA98 and TA98NR; it was inactive in TA100 and
TA100NR (196). In a series of anilines and phenylenediamines, the nitro group had no specific
effect on toxicity (196).
57.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 3 mg/m3 with skin and A4 notations. NIOSH REL is 3 mg/m3 with skin
notation and OSHA PEL is 6 mg/m3 with skin notation.
58.0 2,6-Dichloro-4-nitroaniline
58.0.1 CAS Number: [99-30-9]

58.0.2 Synonyms: Dicloran; DCNA; Botran 75W; Dichloran; Dicloron; Allisan; ditranil; Kiwi Lustr
277; Resisan; rd-6584; AL-50; U-2069; bortran; CDNA; CNA; Resissan; Botran

58.0.3 Trade Names: NA

58.0.4 Molecular Weight: 207.02

58.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4Cl2N2O2

58.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: FIFR, NJ, TRI, WHMI, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART,
58.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Melting point 191°C

Boiling point 275°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene
58.2 Production and Use
Dichloran is used as an agricultural fungicide.
58.4 Toxic Effects
No new information located.
58.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
59.0 4-Chloro-2-nitroaniline
59.0.1 CAS Number: [89-63-4]
59.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Chloro-2-nitrobenzenamine; azoene fast red 3 gl base; azoene fast red 3 gl salt;
azofix red 3 gl salt; azoic diazo component 9; C.I. 37040; C.I. azoic diazo; component 9; daito red
base 3 gl; daito red salt 3 gl; devol red f; diazo fast red 3 gl; fast red base 3 gl special; fast red base
3 jl; fast red 3 gl base; fast red ZNC base; fast red 3 gl salt; fast red 3 gl special base; fast red 3 gl
special salt; fast red ZNC salt; fast red salt 3 jl; hiltonil fast red 3 gl base; hiltosal fast red 3 gl salt;
kayaku fast red 3 gl base; kayaku red salt 3 gl; mitsui red 3 gl base; mitsui red 3 gl salt; naphthanil
red 3g base; naphtoelan fast red 3 gl base; naphtoelan fast red 3 gl salt; 2-nitro-4-chloroaniline;
PCON; Pcona; red 3 g base; red base ciba vi; red base 3 gl; red base irga vi; Red 3 g salt; red 3 gs
salt; red salt ciba vi; red salt irga vi; red salt nbgl; sanyo fast red salt 3 gl; shinnippon fast red 3 gl
base; symulon red 3 gl salt; C.I. Azoic Diazo Component No. 9

59.0.3 Trade Names: NA

59.0.4 Molecular Weight: 172.57

59.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H5ClN2O2

59.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DSL, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK,
59.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Dark orange crystals

Melting point 116–117°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether
59.2 Production and Use
4-Chloro-2-nitroaniline is an intermediate for synthesizing other compounds.
59.4 Toxic Effects
The NTP apparently has done prechronic studies with this compound, but no toxicity technical report
was prepared.
59.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

K. Phenylenediamines
60.0 1,2-Phenylenediamine
60.0.1 CAS Number: [95-54-5]

60.0.2 Synonyms: Orthamine; o-diaminobenzene; 1,2-diaminobenzene; o-phenylenediamine; 1,2-

benzenediamine; 2-aminoaniline; C.I. 76010; C.I. oxidation base 16; o-phenylendiamine

60.0.3 Trade Names: NA

60.0.4 Molecular Weight: 108.14

60.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H8N2

60.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, MA, MTL, NJ, TLV, TRI, WHMI, CANCERLIT,
60.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Yellow crystals

Melting point 102–104°C
Boiling point 256–258°C
Solubility Soluble in benzene, ethanol, ether, chloroform; slightly soluble in water
60.2 Production and Use
1,2-Phenylenediamine is used in to synthesize dyes and fungicides and as an oxidative hair and fur
60.4 Toxic Effects
In a plant-based system, 1,2-phenylenediamine had the highest mutagenic activity of the three
isomers (197). It is also the only phenylenediamine to show carcinogenic activity.
60.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 0.1 mg/m3 with an A3 notation.
61.0 1,3-Phenylenediamine
61.0.1 CAS Number: [108-45-2]

61.0.2 Synonyms: m-Diaminobenzene; meta-phenylenediamine; Developer C; Developer H;

Developer M; Direct Brown GG: Direct Brown BR; 3-aminoaniline; m-benzenediamine; 1,3-
benzenediamine; C.I. Developer 11; C.I. 76025; 1,3-diaminobenzene; benzenediamine-1,3;
developer 11; apco 2330; MPD

61.0.3 Trade Names: NA

61.0.4 Molecular Weight: 108.14

61.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H8N2

61.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, IARC, MA, MTL, NJ, TLV, TRI, WHMI,
61.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical White rhombic crystals, turn red with air exposure

Density 1.1389 (5°C); 1.107 (58°C)
Melting 63–64°C
Boiling 282–284°C
Refractive 1.63390 (57.7°C)
Solubility Soluble in water, methanol, acetone, chloroform, dimethylformamide, dioxane, methyl
ethyl ketone: slightly soluble in ether, carbon tetrachloride; less soluble in benzene,
toluene, xylene
61.2 Production and Use
1,3-Phenylenediamine is used in to synthesize various dyes, as a curing agent for rubber and epoxy
resins, as a corrosion inhibitor and as a photographic chemical, petroleum additive, and reagent.
61.4 Toxic Effects
Although 1,3-phenylenediamine is a sensitizer, it was not a teratogen or carcinogen in animal tests. It
was less mutagenic than the 1,2-isomer in a plant system (197).
61.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 0.1 mg/m3 with an A4 notation.
62.0 1,4-Phenylenediamine
62.0.1 CAS Number: [106-50-3]

62.0.2 Synonyms: p-Diaminobenzene; Pelagol D; Renal PF; Futramine D; Fur Black 41866; C.I.
Developer 12; Developer PF; PPD; Peltol D; BASF Ursol D; Tertral D; 4-aminoaniline; 1,4-
diaminobenzene; phenylhydrazine; 1,4-benzenediamine; para-phenylenediamine; C.I. 76076; Orsin;
p-aminoaniline; phenylenediamine base; Rodol D; Ursol D; p-benzenediamine; benzofur d; C.I.
76060; C.I. developer 13; C.I. oxidation base 10; developer 13; durafur black r; fouramine d;
fourrine d; fourrine i; fur black r; fur brown 41866; furro d; fur yellow; Mako h; oxidation base 10;
pelagol dr; pelagol grey d; santoflex ic

62.0.3 Trade Names: NA

62.0.4 Molecular Weight: 108.14

62.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H8N2

62.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, DOT IARC, IL, MA, MTL, NJ, PA, PEL, REL, RQ,
62.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state White to slightly red monoclinic crystals

Melting point 139.7°C
Boiling point 267°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, chloroform, ether, acetone, benzene; slightly soluble in water
62.2 Production and Use
PPDA is used to synthesize dyes and intermediates, in fur and hairdye formulations, and as a
photographic developer.
62.3 Exposure assessment
Monitoring of employee exposure may be evaluated by using OSHA method #87.
62.4 Toxic Effects
As discussed previously (2), PPDA is a sensitizer and has toxic effects in humans, but it was not
carcinogenic in rats and mice after dietary administration. It was reported that patients with an
allergy to PPDA were more likely to be slow acetylators of aromatic amines; no rapid acetylators
were in the sensitive group (198). As with other aromatic amines, acetylation is a detoxication

An investigation of the mutagenicity of PPDA and derivatives found that mutagenicity and toxicity
did not correlate with the oxidation potential (199). Another study of mutagenicity with numerous
PPDA derivatives led to the conclusion that the mutagenicity of substituted PPDAs depends both on
the substituent groups and their positions in the molecule (200, 201).
62.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 0.1 mg/m3 with an A4 notation; dermatitis and sensitization are listed as
critical effects for the TLV.
63.0 2-Nitro-1,4-phenylenediamine
63.0.1 CAS Number: [5307-14-2]

63.0.2 Synonyms: 1,4-Diamino-2-nitrobenzene; o-nitro-p-phenylenediamine; 4-amino-2-

nitroaniline; nitro-p-phenylenediamine; 2-nitro-1,4-benzenediamine; 2-nitro-1,4-diaminobenzene;
C.I. 76070; durafur brown; C.I. oxidation base 22; durafur brown 2R; Dye gs; fouramine 2R;
fourrine 36; fourrine brown 2R; 2-NDB; oxidation base 22; ursol brown rr; zoba brown rr; 2-n-p-
pda; 2-NPPD

63.0.3 Trade Names: NA

63.0.4 Molecular Weight: 153.14

63.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7N3O2

63.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, MA, NTPT, WHMI, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART,
63.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2, 187)

Physical state Reddish-brown crystalline powder

Melting point 137–140°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, ether; slightly soluble in water, ethanol, benzene
63.2 Production and Use
This compound is used in hair and fur dyes.
63.4 Toxic Effects
The oral LD50 in an oil/water suspension was 3080 mg/kg body weight in CD rats; the level for i.p.
administration in dimethyl sulfoxide was 348 mg/kg body weight; in water, the level was
2100 mg/kg body weight in male Wistar rats. For mice, the i.p. LD50 was 214 mg/kg body weight

After an i.p. dose of 14C-labeled compound, 37% of the label was excreted in the urine and 154% in
the feces within 24 h.; urinary metabolites identified were N1, N4-diacetyl-1,2,4-triaminobenzene
(13% of urinary label) and N4-acetyl-1,4-diamino-2-nitrobenzene (6% of urinary label) (179). This
compound was a direct-acting mutagen in the Salmonella system (196).
63.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
64.0 4-Nitro-1,2-phenylenediamine
64.0.1 CAS Number: [99-56-9]

64.0.2 Synonyms: 1,2-Diamino-4-nitrobenzene; 4-nitro-1,2-benzenediamine; 2-amino-4-nitroaniline;

4-nitro-1,2-diaminobenzene; 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine; 3,4-diaminonitrobenzene; 4-NO; 4-NOP;
4-NOPD; 4-n-o-pda; 4-NDB; C.I. 76020

64.0.3 Trade Name: NA

64.0.4 Molecular Weight: 153.14

64.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7N3O2

64.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, NTPT, WHMI, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART, DSL,
64.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2, 202)

Physical state Dark red needles

Melting point 199–200°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone; slightly soluble in water
64.2 Production and Use
4-Nitro-1,2-phenylenediamine is used in inks, fur and hair dyes, and as a reagent for determining
keto acids and ascorbic acid in foods (202).
64.4 Toxic Effects
This compound was not carcinogenic when given in the diet to rats and mice for two years (2), but it
was a direct-acting mutagen in Salmonella (196), and it induced chromatid breaks and chromosomal
aberrations in certain cell lines (202).
64.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
65.0 4-Chloro-1,2-phenylenediamine
65.0.1 CAS Number: [95-83-0]

65.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Chloro-ortho-phenylenediamine; 4-chloro-1,2-benzenediamine; 1-chloro-3, 4-

diaminobenzene; 2-amino-4-chloroaniline; 4-chloro-1,2-diaminobenzene; p-chloro-1,2-
phenylenediamine; 1,2-diamino-4-chlorobenzene; 3,4-diaminochlorobenzene; 3,4-diamino-1-
chlorobenzene; 4-cl-o-pd; ursol olive 6 g; C.I. 76015

65.0.3 Trade Names: NA

65.0.4 Molecular Weight: 142.59

65.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7ClN2

65.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, IARC, IL, MA, MI, NTPA, NTPT, PA,
65.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2, 209)

Physical state Brown crystalline solid

Melting point 76°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene, petroleum ether; slightly soluble in water
65.2 Production and Use
The compound has been used in dyes and inks and may have been used to produce a photographic
chemical (2).
65.4 Toxic Effects
As discussed in the previous edition, this compound led to tumors in both rats and mice when given
in the diet. It also was mutagenic. No new information was located.
65.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
66.0 4-Chloro-1,3-phenylenediamine
66.0.1 CAS Number: [5131-60-2]

66.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Chloro-1,3-benzenediamine; 1-chloro-2,4-diaminobenzene; 4-chloro-1,3-

diaminobenzene; 4-chlorophenyl-1,3-diamine; 4-chloro-meta-phenylenediamine; 4-chlorophenylene-
1,3-diamine; C.I. 76027; 4-cl-m-pd; 4-chlorophenylenediamine

66.0.3 Trade Names:

66.0.4 Molecular Weight: 142.59

66.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7ClN2

66.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, MA, MI, NTPT, CCRIS, EINECS, EMIC,
66.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2,209)

Physical state Crystals

Melting point 91°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol; slightly soluble in water; insoluble in petroleum ether
66.2 Production and Use
This compound has uses in dye production and in rubber processing.
66.4 Toxic Effects
The effects of 4-chloro-1,3-phenylenediamine have been discussed (2, 203), and no new information
was located.
66.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
67.0 2-Chloro-1,4-phenylenediamine
67.0.1 CAS Number: [615-66-7]

67.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Chloro-p-phenylenediamine; 2-chloro-1-4-benzenediamine

67.0.3 Trade Name: NA

67.0.4 Molecular Weight: 142.06

67.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7N2Cl

67.0.6 Molecular Structure: NA

Databases and inventories where listed: WHMI, DART, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK,
67.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)
67.2 Production and Use
This compound had some uses in hair dye formulations.
67.4 Toxic Effects
The previous edition mentioned that this compound was not carcinogenic in rats or mice in two-year
feeding studies. No new information was located.
67.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
68.0 2,6-Dichloro-1,4-phenylenediamine
68.0.1 CAS Number: [609-20-1]

68.0.2 Synonyms: 1,4-Diamino-2,6-dichlorobenzene; 2,6-dichloro-1,4-benzenediamine; 2,5-

diamino-1,3-dichlorobenzene; C.I. 37020; daito brown salt rr; fast brown rr salt; 2,6-dichloro-para-

68.0.3 Trade Names: NA

68.0.4 Molecular Weight: 177.03

68.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6Cl2N2

68.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, NTPT, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART, EINECS,
68.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (204)

Physical state Gray, microcrystalline powder, needles or prisms

Melting point 124–126°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, benzene, ethanol, ether
68.2 Production and Use
The compound has been used as an intermediate for dyes, to some extent in preparing certain
polyamide fibers, and as a curing agent for polyurethane (204).
68.4 Toxic Effects
No new information on toxicity was located. 2,6-Dichloro-1,4-phenylenediamine is a metabolite of
the herbicide/fungicide 2,6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline in humans, monkeys, goats, dogs, mice, rats, and
bacteria (204).
68.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

L. Aminophenols
69.0 2-Aminophenol
69.0.1 CAS Number: [95-55-6]

69.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Amino-1-hydroxybenzene; basf ursol 3 ga; benzofur gg; C.I. 76520; C.I.
oxidation base 17; fouramine op; o-hydroxyaniline; nako yellow 3 ga; paradone olive green b;
pelagol 3 ga; pelagol grey gg; zoba 3 ga; 2-aminobenzenol

69.0.3 Trade Name: NA

69.0.4 Molecular Weight: 109.13

69.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7NO

69.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, WHMI, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART, DSL,
69.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless rhombic needles or plates

Melting point 170–174°C
Boiling point Sublimes
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; somewhat soluble in water
69.2 Production and Use
2-Aminophenol is used as a dye intermediate, in fur and hair dyes, and in making cosmetics and
69.4 Toxic Effects
Compared with 4-aminophenol, 2-aminophenol induced only mild changes in renal function (181). A
comprehensive review of the toxicology and biological properties, including absorption, distribution,
metabolism, and excretion of the three isomeric aminophenols, has appeared (205).
69.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
70.0 3-Aminophenol
70.0.1 CAS Number: [591-27-5]

70.0.2 Synonyms: 3-Amino-1-hydroxybenzene; 3-hydroxyaniline; m-hydroxyaminobenzene; basf

ursol bg; C.I. 76545; C.I. oxidation base 7; fouramine eg; fourrine 65; fourrine eg; furro eg;
futramine eg; nako teg; pelagal eg; renal eg; tetral eg; ursol eg; zoba eg; m-hydroxyphenylamine

70.0.3 Trade Name: NA

70.0.4 Molecular Weight: 109.13

70.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7NO

70.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, WHMI, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART, DSL,
70.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless prisms

Melting point 122–123°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, water
70.2 Production and Uses
3-Aminophenol is an intermediate in the production of photographic and pharmaceutical chemicals,
and in synthesizing dyes. It is also a stabilizer of chlorine-containing thermoplastics (206).
70.4 Toxic Effects
The toxicity of 3-aminophenol has been reviewed (2, 205). It is the least toxic of the three isomers.
Intraperitoneal administration (100 to 200 mg/kg) of m-aminophenol to Syrian golden hamsters on
day 8 of gestation produced inconsistent results. A teratogenic response was demonstrated, expressed
as a percentage of the total number of litters with one or more live fetuses, at a dose of 150 mg/kg in
only one (six malformed fetuses) of six litters, and teratogenicity was not evident at a dose of
200 mg/kg (207).

In a follow-up teratology study in which Sprague–Dawley rats were fed a diet of 0.1, 0.25, and 1.0%
for 90 days prior to mating, maternal toxicity was demonstrated at the highest dose level, and a
significant reduction in body weight was noted in the 0.25% group, but there was no evidence of
teratogenic or embryo-fetal toxicity at any dose level tested. Accumulation of iron-positive pigment
within the liver, kidneys, and spleen was observed in dams fed a 1% diet, together with significant
reduction in red blood cell count and hemoglobin level, as well as an increase in mean corpuscular
volume, indicating a hemolytic effect; histomorphologic appearance of the thyroid indicated
hyperactive activity (at 0.25 and 1.0% diet) (208). In contrast to o- and p-aminophenol and their
glucuronides, neither m-aminophenol nor its conjugate with glucuronic acid forms methemoglobin in
vitro (2).
70.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
71.0 4-Aminophenol
71.0.1 CAS Number: [123-30-8]

71.0.2 Synonyms: p-Hydroxyaniline; 4-amino-1-hydroxybenzene; Azol; Certinal; Citol; Paranol;

Rodinal; Unal; Ursol P; paramidophenol; Kodelon; Energol; Freedol; Indianol; Kathol; basf ursol p
base; benzofur p; C.I. oxidation base 6a; fouramine p; fourrine 84; PAP; Pelagol grey p base; tertral
p base; ursol p base; zoba brown p base; C.I. 76550; durafur brown rb; fourrine p base; furro p base;
nako brown r; pelagol p base; renal ac; 4-hydroxyaniline; 4-aminobenzenol

71.0.3 Trade Names: NA

71.0.4 Molecular Weight: 109.13

71.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7NO

71.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, MTL, WHMI, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART, DSL,
71.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless prisms

Melting point 189.6–190.2°C
71.2 Production and Use
4-Aminophenol is used in preparing dyes and photographic chemicals; the N-acetyl derivative is a
widely used analgesic.
71.4 Toxic Effects
4-Aminophenol is the most toxic of the three isomers (205, 206) and is the nephrotoxic metabolite of
aniline and the medicinal agent acetaminophen (2). Examination of the mechanism of the effect of 4-
aminophenol has yielded some conflicting views. Nephrotoxicity has been linked to the 4-
aminophenol 3-S-glutathionyl conjugate which was more toxic than the parent 4-aminophenol (209,

These toxicants are formed endogenenously (211). 4-Aminophenol caused selective necrosis to the
pars recta of the proximal tubules of the kidney (212), but ascorbic acid decreased the degree of
oxidation of the aminophenol and the toxic effect (213). It was postulated that a 4-aminophenoxy
free radical formed that was converted to a benzoquinoneimine which binds to cellular
macromolecules. However, incubation of renal tubules with 4-aminophenol caused relatively little
effect (214), which strengthened the concept that glutathione conjugates rather than autooxidation in
the kidney are responsible.
71.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
72.0 2-Amino-5-nitrophenol
72.0.1 CAS Number: [121-88-0]

72.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Hydroxy-4-nitroaniline; 5-nitro-2-aminophenol; C.I. 76535; rodol yba; ursol

yellow brown a

72.0.3 Trade Names: NA

72.0.4 Molecular Weight: 154.13

72.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6N2O3

72.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, NTPT, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART, DSL,
72.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Olive-brown to orange crystals

Melting point 207–208°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, benzene, ethanol; slightly soluble in water
72.2 Production and Use
2-Amino-5-nitrophenol is used in hair dyes and as an intermediate in preparing azo dyes (187).
72.4 Toxic Effects
The toxicity of 2-amino-5-nitrophenol is relatively low (LD50 over 4000 mg/kg orally) (179). The
compound has been studied in a two-year test in rats and mice and was not active in mice. Some
tumors were noted in male rats but were not convincing (179).
72.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
73.0 2-Amino-4-nitrophenol
73.0.1 CAS Number: [99-57-0]

73.0.2 Synonyms: 3-Amino-4-hydroxynitrobenzene; 2-hydroxy-5-nitroaniline; p-nitro-o-

aminophenol; C.I. 76530; ursol 4 gl
73.0.3 Trade Names: NA

73.0.4 Molecular Weight: 154.13

73.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6N2O3

73.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, NTPT, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART, EINECS,
73.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (179)

Physical state Yellow-brown to orange prisms

Melting point 143–145°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, acetic acid, ethanol, ether; slightly soluble in water
73.2 Production and Use
2-Amino-4-nitrophenol is used in preparing some mordant dyes and in some hair dyes (179).
73.4 Toxicity
This compound was tested (by gavage) at doses up to 250 mg/kg body weight for two years in F344
rats and B6C3F1 mice (179). The incidence of tumors in mice was not increased, but in male rats
there was a low but still significant (p = .035) incidence of renal tubular-cell adenomas. Nephropathy
was also observed in the male rats. The compound was mutagenic in bacteria, fungi, and cultured
mammalian cells. It also led to sister chromatid exchange and chromosomal aberrations in
mammalian cells (179).
73.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

M. Toluenediamines
There are six possible toluenediamines formed from nitration of toluene. The commercial mixture
contains about 28% of the 2,4-isomer, 18% of the 2,6-isomer with lesser amounts of the others.
74.0 2,3-Toluenediamine
74.0.1 CAS Number: [2687-25-4]

74.0.2 Synonyms: Toluene-2,3-diamine; 2,3-diaminotoluene; 3-methyl-1,2-benzenediamine

74.0.3 Trade Names: NA

74.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

74.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

74.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CANCERLIT, CCRIS, EINECS, EMICBACK, HSDB,
74.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Boiling point 255°C

Melting point 63–64°C
Solubility Soluble in water, ethanol, ether
74.2 Production and Use
No specific applications were found except for research purposes.
74.4 Toxic Effects
In a series of toluenediamines, the 2,3-isomer was most active as an inducer of CYP 1A (215).
74.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
75.0 2,4-Toluenediamine
75.0.1 CAS Number: [95-80-7]

75.0.2 Synonyms: Toluene-2,4-diamine; toluenediamine; 2,4-diaminotoluene; 4-methyl-1,3-

benzenediamine; 3-amino-p-toluidine; 5-amino-o-toluidine; tolylene-2,4-diamine; 1,3-diamino-4-
methylbenzene; 2,4-diamino-1-methylbenzene; 2,4-diamino-1-toluene; 2,4-diaminotoluol; 4-methyl-
m-phenylenediamine; C.I. 76035; C.I. oxidation base; C.I. oxidation base 20; C.I. oxidation base 35;
C.I. oxidation base 200; developer 14; developer b; developer db; developer dbj; developer mc;
developer mt; developer mt-cf; developer mtd; developer t; azogen developer h; benzofur mt;
eucanine gb; fouramine; fouramine j; fourrine 94; fourrine m; MTD; nako tmt; pelagol j; pelagol
grey j; pontamine developer tn; renal md; Tertral g; zoba gke; zogen developer h; 4-
methylphenylene-1,3-diamine, TDA

75.0.3 Trade Names: NA

75.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

75.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

75.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, CGB, CGN, DOT, IARC, IL, MA, MI, MTL,
75.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)
Physical state Colorless needles
Melting point 99°C
Boiling point 292°C
Solubility Soluble in water, ethanol, ether
75.2 Production and Use
The major use of toluenediamine is in producing toluene diisocyanate (TDI), the most important
diisocyanate in the flexible polyurethane foam and elastomers industry. The use in hair dye
formulations has generally been discontinued, but it is used in some other dyes.
75.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IVth ed., 1994 Method #5516.
75.4 Toxic Effects
Overt exposure in humans may lead to methemoglobinemia, especially when red blood cell-reducing
mechanisms are impaired, such as in G6PD deficiency which occurs in humans in the absence of
glutathione reductase, glutathione, or glutathione peroxidase, eye irritation that may cause corneal
damage, and delayed skin irritation.

Reproductive toxicity in the rat has been demonstrated. Reduced fertility, arrested spermatogenesis,
and diminished circulating testosterone levels have resulted in rats fed 0.03% 2,4-toluenediamine;
electron microscopy revealed degenerative changes in Sertoli cells and a decrease in epididymal
sperm reserves; after 3 weeks of 0.06% TDA feeding, sperm counts were further reduced and
accompanied by a dramatic increase in testes weight, intense fluid accumulation, and ultrastructural
changes in the Sertoli cells (216). In previous studies, testicular atrophy, hormonal effects, and
aspermatogenesis were also observed in Sprague–Dawley rats given a 0.1% diet for 9 weeks (217,
218). However, epidemiological studies of workers exposed to commercial mixtures of
dinitrotoluene and/or toluenediamine at three chemical plants indicated that the fertility of men had
not been reduced significantly and reported no observable effects on the fertility of workers (152,

2,4-Toluenediamine (and 2,6-toluenediamine) is mutagenic in the Ames assay requiring metabolic

activation in the presence of S-9; it gave weakly positive results in the micronucleus test; however,
this weak effect was detectable only at very toxic doses, and therefore the biological relevance is
questionable. Thus the micronucleus test did not discriminate correctly between the carcinogenic
2,4- and the noncarcinogenic 2,6-toluenediamine (220, 221).

When 2,4-toluenediamine was administered in the diet to male and female F344 rats (79 ppm or
170 ppm) or B6C3F1 mice (100 ppm or 200 ppm), hepatocellular carcinomas were produced in
female mice, hepatocellular carcinomas in male rats, and mammary adenomas or carcinomas in
female rats, but no carcinomas in the male mice (222). Male Wistar rats also reportedly developed
hepatocarcinomas following treatment with 2,4-toluenediamine (223). A skin painting study in
Swiss-Webster mice was reportedly noncarcinogenic (224). However, mice are less sensitive than
rats; this may be based upon differences in metabolism (225). Biliary tract cancer, although reported
in industrial workers was not increased significantly (226).

The IARC working group considered that although there are no human data for evaluation, there are
sufficient animal data to classify 2,4-toluenediamine as a Group 2B compound—an agent possibly
carcinogenic to humans (227).

2,4-TDA decreased somewhat the immune response of female B6C3F1 mice given 25–100 mg/kg
for 14 days (228). Most of the toxicity studies have attempted to elucidate the differences in
mechanism of action between 2,4-TDA and the inactive 2,6 counterpart. In a liver microsomal
system, 2,4-TDA was mutagenic, induced CYP 1A, and bound to the Ah receptor, whereas the other
isomers were much less active (215). In vivo, 2,4-TDA had twice the mutagenic activity of 2,6-TDA,
which showed values like the controls (229).

2,4-TDA formed adducts with poly-d-(G) or poly-d-(C-G) in an in vitro assay, indicating that
binding of 2,4-TDA to DNA involved guanine (230). Similarly, 2,4-TDA induced 6500 more DNA
adducts in rat liver than the noncarcinogen 2,6-TDA (231). Although both of these isomers led to
hemoglobin binding in F344 rats, only 2,4-TDA caused DNA adducts (231, 232).

2,4-TDA is the main starting material for TDI which is used in polyurethane foam production. These
foams have been crafted into covers for breast implants; thus there is considerable interest in the
ultimate fate of TDI and the possible release of 2,4-TDA from the implant. On a comparative basis,
rats given labeled 2,4-TDA, either orally or intravenously, excreted 60–70% in the urine, as mono-
and diacetyl derivatives, 20–30% in the feces, and only about 2% was retained in the carcass. In
contrast, rats that inhaled labeled TDI retained all of the radioactivity from the TDI (233). Rats
implanted with a TDI-polyester polyurethane foam did not form DNA adducts in the T lymphocytes,
whereas rats fed 2,4-TDA formed DNA adducts in liver or mammary glands (234). In patients who
had received breast implants covered with polyurethane, there was a lag period of 20–30 days; after
this 2,4-TDA and 2,6-TDA were detected in plasma at levels up to 4 ng/mL and 1.5 ng/mL,
respectively, up to two years after the implant (235). This demonstrated that the arylamines can be
released slowly from the polyurethane products.
75.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH consider 2,4-TDA a carcinogen with lowest feasible exposure.
76.0 2,5-Toluenediamine
76.0.1 CAS Number: [95-70-5]

76.0.2 Synonyms: 2,5-Diaminotoluene; 2-methyl-1,4-benzenediamine

76.0.3 Trade Names: NA

76.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

76.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

76.0.6 Molecular Structure: NA

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, WHMI, CANCERLIT, DART, EINECS, EMIC,
76.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless plates

Boiling point 273–274°C
Melting point 64°C
Solubility Soluble in water, ethanol, ether, hot benzene
76.2 Production and Use
2,5-Toluenediamine is used in hair and fur dyes.
76.4 Toxic Effects
The sulfate salt of 2,5-toluenediamine was not carcinogenic in rats and mice (2). Likewise, it did not
bind to the Ah receptor, induce CYP 1A, or have appreciable mutagenic activity (215).
76.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
77.0 2,6-Toluenediamine
77.0.1 CAS Number: [823-40-5]
77.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine; 2,6-diaminotoluene; 1,3-diamino-2-
methylbenzene; 2-methyl-m-phenylenediamine; 2,6-tolylenediamine; 2,6-diamino-1-methylbenzene;
2-methyl-1,3-phenylenediamine; 2,6-toluylenediamine; toluene-2,6-diamine

77.0.3 Trade Names: NA

77.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

77.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

77.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: MA, PA, RQ, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, DART, DSL,
77.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless prisms

Melting point 106°C
Solubility Soluble in water, ethanol
77.2 Production and Uses
2,6-Toluenediamine is used primarily for making TDI.
77.4 Toxic Effects
2,6-Toluenediamine induced formation of hemoglobin but not DNA adducts when given to F344 rats
(231, 232). Likewise, it did not form DNA adducts in an in vivo system using transgenic mice (229).
However, in a rat liver microsomal system (induced by Aroclor 1254), 2,6-toluenediamine was a
potent mutagen, but it did not induce CYP 1A or bind the Ah receptor (215). An unexplained
dichotomy is why 2,6-dinitrotoluene is a carcinogen, but the corresponding diamine is not.
77.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
78.0 3,4-Toluenediamine
78.0.1 CAS Number: [496-72-0]

78.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Methyl-1,2-benzenediamine; diaminotoluene; toluene-3,4-diamine; 4-methyl-o-

phenylenediamine; 3,4-diaminotoluene

78.0.3 Trade Names: NA

78.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

78.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

78.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: MA, PA, RQ, WHMI, CCRIS, EINECS, EMICBACK,
78.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Melting point 89–90°C

Boiling point 265°C (Sublimes)
Solubility Soluble in water
78.2 Production and Use
No specific applications found.
78.4 Toxic Effects
No information located.
79.0 3,5-Toluenediamine
79.0.1 CAS Number: [108-71-4]

79.0.2 Synonyms: 3,5-Diaminotoluene; 5-methyl-1,3-benzenediamine

79.0.3 Trade Names: NA

79.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

79.0.5 Molecular Structure: C7H10N2

79.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: WHMI, EINECS, HSDB, TOXLINE, TSCAINV,

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

N. Toluidines
80.0 o-Toluidine
80.0.1 CAS Number: [95-53-4]

80.0.2 Synonyms: C.I. 37077; o-Methylaniline; 2-methyl-1-aminobenzene; 2-methylaniline; 2-

methylbenzenamine; 2-aminotoluene; 1-amino-2-methylbenzene; 2-amino-1-methylbenzene; 1-
methyl-2-aminobenzene; o-tolylamine; methyl-2-aminobenzene

80.0.3 Trade Names: NA

80.0.4 Molecular Weight: 107.15

80.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H9N

80.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, CGB, CGN, DOT, IARC, IL, MA, MI, NJ,
80.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Light yellow to reddish brown liquid

Density 0.9984 (20/4°C)
Melting point –14.7°C
Boiling point 200.2°C
Refractive index 1.57276 (20°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; slightly soluble in water
80.2 Production and Use
o-Toluidine and the hydrochloride salt are used as intermediates in manufacturing dyes,
pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and in vulcanizing rubber.
80.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM IV ed., 1994 Method #2002.
80.4 Toxic Effects
o-Toluidine was carcinogenic in animals and is suspected as being responsible for bladder cancers in
exposed workers (168). However, it has been noted that the workers were also exposed to many
other chemicals, and o-toluidine could not be identified specifically as the responsible agent (203,
80.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 2 ppm with skin and A3 notations. The OSHA PEL is 6 ppm with a skin
notation and NIOSH recommends lowest feasible exposure because it considers it a carcinogen.
81.0 m-Toluidine
81.0.1 CAS Number: [108-44-1]

81.0.2 Synonyms: m-Tolylamine; 3-methylbenzenamine; 3-aminophenylmethane; 3-methylaniline;

m-toluamine; m-aminotoluene

81.0.3 Trade Names: NA

81.0.4 Molecular Weight: 107.15

81.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H9N

81.0.5 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, IL, MA, MTL, PA, PELS, TLV, WHMI,
81.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Melting point –30°C

Boiling point 203.3°C
Vapor pressure 1 torr at 41°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, ethanol, ether, benzene
81.2 Production and Use
m-Toluidine is used in dye production.
81.3 Exposure Assessment
Use NMAM, IVed., 1994 Method #2002.
81.4 Toxic Effects
m-Toluidine causes methemoglobinemia in exposed humans, but it was not carcinogenic in animals,
even at high doses (2). No additional data were located.
81.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 2 ppm with skin and A4 notations.
82.0 p-Toluidine
82.0.1 CAS Number: [106-49-0]

82.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Aminotoluene; 4-methylaniline; naphthol as-kgll; 4-methylbenzenamine

82.0.3 Trade Names: NA

82.0.4 Molecular Weight: 107.15

82.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H9N

82.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, DOT, IL, MA, MTL, PA, PELS, REL, RQ, TLV,
82.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Leaflets

Melting point 44–45°C
Boiling point 200.5°C
Refractive index 1.55324 (59.1°C)
Density 0.9619 (20/4°C); 0.973 (50/50°C)
Flash point 86°C (closed cup)
Specific gravity 1.046 (20°C)
Vapor pressure 1 torr at 42°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, methanol, carbon disulfide; somewhat soluble in water
82.2 Production and Use
p-Toluidine is used in the synthesis of dyes, as an intermediate, and as a reagent.
82.3 Exposure Assessment
NMAM, IV ed., 1994, Method #2002.
82.4 Toxic Effects
p-Toluidine caused methemoglobinemia and hematuria in exposed humans; it caused liver tumors in
mice, but was not effective in rats. No new information was located in the literature.
82.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 2 ppm with skin and A3 notations. NIOSH considers it a carcinogen and
recommends lowest feasible exposure limit.
83.0 4-Chloro-o-toluidine
83.0.1 CAS Number: [95-69-2]

83.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Chloro-2-methylaniline; para-chloro-ortho-toluidine; 4-chloro-2-

methylbenzenamine; 2-amino-5-chlorotoluene; azoene fast red tr base; brentamine fast red tr base, 5-
chloro-2-aminotoluene; 4-chloro-6-methylaniline; daito red base tr; deval red k; deval red tr; deazo
fast red tra; fast red base tr, fast red 5ci base; fast red tr 11; fast red tr. base; kako red tr base;
kambamine red tr; 2-methyl-4-chloroaniline; mitsui red tr base; red base nir; red tr base; sonya fast
red tr base; tula base fast red tr

83.0.3 Trade Names: NA

83.0.4 Molecular Weight: 141.60

83.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H8ClN

83.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, IARC, MA, NJ, PA, TRI, WHMI, CANCERLIT,
83.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Leaflets

Melting point 29–30°C
Boiling point 241°C
Specific gravity 1.14
Solubility Soluble in ethanol
83.2 Production and Uses
4-Chloro-o-toluidine is used to produce dyes and pesticides.
83.4 Toxic Effects
4-Chloro-o-toluidine led to hemangiosarcomas when fed to mice as the hydrochloride salt; rats had
increases in pituitary and adrenal tumors (237). In workers who had been exposed for many years,
there were increases in bladder tumors (237). Testing in Salmonella, human lymphocytes, and V79
cells (238) showed little action in mammalian cells, but with microsomal activation, there was
activity in Salmonella. Apparently, chlorines on the ring system of toluidine led toward increased
hydroxylation of the side chain (239).
82.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
84.0 5-Chloro-o-toluidine
84.0.1 CAS Number: [95-79-4]
84.0.2 Synonyms: 5-Chloro-2-methylaniline; 5-chloro-2-methylbenzenamine; 2-amino-4-
chlorotoluene; 1-amino-3-chloro-6-methylbenzene; 4-chloro-2-aminotoluene; 3-chloro-6-
methylaniline; acco fast red kb base; ansibase red kb; azoic diazo component 32; azoene fast red kb
base; fast red kb amine; fast red kb base; fast red kb salt; fast red kb salt supra; fast red kbs salt;
genazo red kb soln; hiltonil fast red kb base; lake red bk base; metrogen red former kb soln;
napthosol fast red kb base; pharmazoid red kb; red kb base; spectrolene red kb; stable red kb base;
C.I. azoic diazo component No. 32; C.I. 37090; 2-methyl-5-chloroaniline; 5-chloro-2-methyl-

84.0.3 Trade Names: NA

84.0.4 Molecular Weight: 141.60

84.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H8ClN

84.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: MA, MI, NTPT, CCRIS, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK,
84.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Off-white solid or light brown oil

Melting point 20–22°C
Boiling point 237°C
84.2 Production and Use
The compound is used in synthesizing dyes.
84.4 Toxic Effects
The compound was not carcinogenic in the rats when fed to rats and mice for up to two years, but it
led to a positive response in both male and female mice.
84.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
85.0 6-Chloro-o-toluidine
85.0.1 CAS Number: [87-63-8]

85.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Chloro-6-methylaniline; 2-chloro-6-methylbenzenamine; 2-amino-3-

chlorotoluene; 6-chloro-2-methylaniline

85.0.3 Trade Names: NA

85.0.4 Molecular Weight: 141.60

85.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H8ClN

85.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Datebases and inventories where listed: DSL, EINECS, EMICBACK, RTECS, TOXLINE,
TSCAINV. No other information on this isomer was located.
86.0 5-Nitro-o-toluidine
86.0.1 CAS Number: [99-55-8]

86.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Methyl-5-nitrobenzenamine; 2-methyl-5-nitroaniline; 2-amino-4-nitrotoluene;

1-amino-2-methyl-5-nitrobenzene; 4-nitro-2-aminotoluene; amarthol fast scarlet g base; amarthol
fast scarlet g salt; azoene fast scarlet gc base; azoene fast scarlet gc salt; azofix scarlet g salt; azogene
fast scarlet g; C.I. 37105; C.I. azoic diazo component 12; dainichi fast scarlet g base; daito scarlet
base g; devol scarlet b; devol scarlet g salt; diabase scarlet g; diazo fast scarlet g; fast red sg base;
fast scarlet base g; fast scarlet base j; fast scarlet g; fast scarlet g base; fast scarlet gc base; fast scarlet
j salt; fast scarlet mN4t base; fast scarlet t base; hiltonil fast scarlet g base; hiltonil fast scarlet gc
base; hiltonil fast scarlet g salt; kayaku scarlet g base; lake scarlet g base; lithosol orange r base;
mitsui scarlet g base; naphthanil scarlet g base; naphtoelan fast scarlet g base; naphtoelan fast scarlet
g salt; PNOT; scarlet base ciba ii; scarlet base irga ii; scarlet base nsp; scarlet g base; sugai fast
scarlet g base; symulon scarlet g base; Fast Red G Base

86.0.3 Trade Names: NA

86.0.4 Molecular Weight: 152.15

86.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H8N2O2

86.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, MA, NJ, NTPT, PA, RQ, TRI, WHMI,
86.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Yellow monoclinic prisms

Melting point 107–108°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, benzene, ether, ethanol, chloroform
Solubility in water 1 g/100 mL at 19°C
86.2 Production and Use
5-Nitro-o-toluidine is used in the synthesis of numerous dyes.
86.4 Toxic Effects
5-Nitro-o-toluidine was carcinogenic in mice and caused liver tumors; in rats there was a weak effect
in males (237). The compound was mutagenic in several strains of Salmonella.
86.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds
Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

O. Anisidines
87.0 o-Anisidine
87.0.1 CAS Number: [90-04-0]

87.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Methoxybenzenamine; o-methoxyaniline; 2-anisidine; 2-methoxy-1-

aminobenzene; 1-amino-2-methoxybenzene; o-anisylamine; o-methoxyphenylamine; o-aminophenol
methyl ether; o-aminoanisole

87.0.3 Trade Names: NA

87.0.4 Molecular Weight: 123.15

87.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H9NO

87.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, IARC, IL, MA, MI, MPOL, MTL, NJ, PA,
87.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (209)

Physical state Yellowish liquid

Boiling point 224°C
Melting point 6.2°C
Density 1.0923
Refractive index 1.5713
Specific gravity 1.092
Solubility Soluble in acetone, benzene, ether, ethanol; slightly soluble in water
87.2 Uses
The compound has been used in synthesizing dyes.
87.3 Exposure Assessment
For determining human exposure, the NMAM #2514 in the IV ed. is recommended.
87.4 Toxic Effects
When fed in the diet at levels of 2500 or 5000 mg/kg (as the hydrochloride salt), o-anisidine induced
carcinomas of the bladder in male and female B6C3F1 mice (203). F344 rats at levels of 5000 or
10,000 mg/kg of the salt showed a high incidence of bladder tumors in both males and females.
Males also had an increased incidence of thyroid tumors. However, although o-anisidine was
mutagenic in Salmonella (in the presence of a microsomal activating system), it was not genotoxic in
four rat and two mouse strains in such tests as the micronucleus test, unscheduled DNA synthesis,
and DNA single-strand breaks (45). Furthermore, even though o-anisidine was a bladder carcinogen
in transgenic mice, there was no evidence of DNA binding, using two different isotopic labeling
systems (240).
87.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The TLV-TWA is 0.1 ppm with skin and A3 notations. NIOSH considers it a carcinogen with a REL
of 0.5 ppm. The OSHA PEL is also 0.5 ppm.
88.0 p-Anisidine
88.0.1 CAS Number: [104-94-9]

88.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Methoxybenzenamine, p-methoxyaniline, p-aminoanisole, 1-amino-4-

methoxybenzene, p-anisylamine, p-methoxyphenylamine, 4-methoxy-1-aminobenzene

88.0.3 Trade Names: NA

88.0.4 Molecular Weight: 123.15

88.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H9NO

88.0.6 Molecular Formula:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, IL, MA, MTL, NJ, PA, REL, TLV, TRI, WHMI,
88.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (209)

Physical state Crystals

Boiling point 243°C
Melting point 57.2°C
Density 1.071
Solubility Soluble in acetone, benzene, ether, ethanol, water
88.2 Production and Use
p-Anisidine is used mostly for producing dyes, and some smaller quantities are employed in making
pharmaceuticals and liquid crystals (203).
88.3 Exposure assessment
To determine a potential exposure to p-anisidine, NIOSH method #2514 found in NMAM IV can be
88.4 Toxic Effects
p-Anisidine is not very toxic; the LD50 ranged from 810 to 1300 mg/kg body weight in mice,
1400 mg/kg in rats and 2900 mg/kg in rabbits (203). When fed in the diet (as the hydrochloride salt)
at levels of 5000 or 10,000 mg/kg for 103 weeks, B6C3F1 mice showed some depression in body
weight gain but no increases in tumor incidence. Under similar conditions at dietary levels of 3000
or 6000 mg/kg, F344 rats also had no increases in tumor incidence, although body weight gain was
depressed. Results from tests for mutagenicity in the Salmonella system are conflicting (203).
88.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 0.1 ppm with A4 and skin notations. NIOSH considers it a carcinogen
with a REL of 0.5 ppm. The OSHA PEL is also 0.5 ppm.
89.0 Xylidines
89.0.1 CAS Number: [1300-73-8]

89.0.2 Synonyms: Xylidine isomers; aminodimethylbenzene (mixed isomers); xylidine (mixed

isomers); dimethylaminobenzene; dimethylaniline (mixture); benzenamine, ar,ar-dimethyl-;
89.0.3 Trade Names: NA

89.0.4 Molecular Weight: 121.18

89.0.5 Molecular Formula: C8H11N

89.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: DOT, IL, MA, MTL, PA, PEL, REL, TLV, WHMI,
89.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (Commercial mixture)

Physical state Pale yellow to brown liquid, with a weak aromatic odor
Boiling point 213–226°C
Vapor pressure <1 torr at 20°C
Flash point 94.5°C
Density 0.97–0.99
Solubility Soluble in ether, ethanol; slightly soluble in water
89.2 Production and Use
The mixed isomers that comprise commercial xylidine are mostly the 2,4-, 2,5-, and 2,6-isomers.
Xylidine is used to manufacture dyes, pharmaceuticals, and other compounds.
89.3 Exposure Assessment
Human exposure may be monitered by use of NIOSH method #2002 found in NMAM IV.
89.4 Toxic Effects
Xylidine is absorbed through the skin and can cause methemoglobinemia, but it is less active in this
regard than aniline. There are species differences in the toxicities of the different isomers, as well as
in the metabolic patterns observed.
89.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The TLV-TWA is 0.5 ppm with skin and A3 notations. The NIOSH REL is 2 ppm and the OSHA
PEL is 5 ppm. Both have skin notations as well.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

P. Xylidine Isomers
90.0 2,4-Xylidine
90.0.1 CAS Number: [95-68-1]

90.0.2 Synonyms: 2,4-Dimethylaniline, 2,4-dimethylaminobenzene; 4-amino-1,3-dimethylbenzene;

1-amino-2,4-dimethylbenzene; 4-amino-3-methyltoluene; 4-amino-1,3-xylene; 2,4-
dimethylphenylamine; 2-methyl-p-toluidine; 4-methyl-o-toluidine; 4-amino-m-xylene

90.0.3 Trade Names: NA

90.0.4 Molecular Weight: 121.18

90.0.5 Molecular Formula: C8H11N

90.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, WHMI, CANCERLIT, CCRIS, EINECS, EMIC,
90.1 Physical and Chemical Properties (202)

Physical state Dark brown liquid

Boiling point 214°C
Melting point 16°C
Density 0.9723
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene; slightly soluble in water
90.2 Production and Use
2,4-Xylidine, as part of the commercial mixture, has the same uses as xylidine.
90.4 Toxic Effects
The oral LD50 in mg/kg body weight for rats ranges from 470–1259; for mice the value is 250 (144).
An intravenous dose of 30 mg/kg in cats led to methemoglobin levels almost 10-fold lower than the
same dose of aniline. Repeated oral doses for 7 days led to liver damage in rats. The compound was
absorbed through the skin of cats, and caused methemoglobinemia and liver damage. Of the three
isomers described here, the 2,4- was most active in leading to liver damage and induction of P450
protein. When administered in the diet (as the hydrochloride) for 18 months, 2,4-xylidine was not
carcinogenic in male CD rats. A similar study in CD-1 mice showed no increase in tumors in males,
but the female mice at the higher dose level had an increase in lung tumors. The major metabolite in
rats was 3-methyl-4-aminobenzoic acid (202). Minor amounts of acetyl and sulfate conjugates were
also noted.
90.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
As part of commercial xylidine, the ACGIH TLV-TWA is 0.5 ppm with skin and A3 notations; there
is no specific standard for the 2,4-isomer.
91.0 2,5-Xylidine
91.0.1 CAS Number: [95-78-3]

91.0.2 Synonyms: 2,5-Dimethylaniline; 1-amino-2,5-dimethylbenzene; 3-amino-1,4-

dimethylbenzene; 2-amino-1,4-xylene; 2,5-dimethylphenylamine; 5-methyl-o-toluidine; 6-methyl-m-
toluidine; p-xylidine; 2-amino-p-xylene

91.0.3 Trade Names: NA

91.0.4 Molecular Weight: 121.18

91.0.5 Molecular Formula: C8H11N

91.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, WHMI, CCRIS, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK,
91.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (202)

Physical state Colorless to yellow oil

Boiling point 214°C
Melting point 15.5°C
Density 0.9790
Solubility Soluble in ether; slightly soluble in ethanol and water
91.2 Production and Use
The uses are the same as those of xylidines.
91.3 Exposure Assessment
May use NIOSH method #2002 for determination of potential human exposures (in NMAM IV).
91.4 Toxic Effects
The oral LD50 in mg/kg bw was 1300 for rats and 840 for mice (144). 2,5-Xylidine was active as a
methemoglobin former but still was much less active than aniline. As with the other isomers,
repeated doses caused liver damage. When given in the diet (as the hydrochloride salt) for 18
months, 2,5-xylidine was not carcinogenic in male rats; under a similar protocol, male mice showed
an increase in vascular tumors. Rats converted 2,5-xylidine to 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethylaniline and its
conjugates, with minor amounts of 4-methyl-2 and -3-aminobenzoic acids. An oral dose of
200 mg/kg bw inhibited testicular DNA synthesis in male mice. Mutagenicity tests with the
Salmonella system showed a response after metabolic activation (144).
91.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
There is no specific standard for the 2,5-isomer; the ACGIH TLV-TWA for xylidines is 0.5 ppm.
92.0 2,6-Xylidine
92.0.1 CAS Number: [87-62-7]

92.0.2 Synonyms: 2,6-Dimethylaniline, o-xylidine; DMA; 2-amino-1,3-dimethylbenzene; 1-amino-

2,6-dimethylbenzene; xylylamine

92.0.3 Trade Names: NA

92.0.4 Molecular Weight: 121.18

92.0.5 Molecular Formula: C8H11N

92.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, CGB, CGN, IARC, MA, NJ, NTPT, PA, TRI,
92.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Physical state Colorless to reddish yellow liquid
Boiling point 214°C (739 mmHg)
Melting point 8.4°C
Density 0.9842 (20°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; slightly soluble in water
92.2 Production and Use
2,6-Xylidine is an intermediate in manufacturing pesticides, dyes, antioxidants, pharmaceuticals,
resins, fragrances, and other products.
92.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH Method #2002 can be used to determine workplace exposures.
92.4 Toxic Effects
The oral LD50 in mg/kg body weight ranges from 1050–1250 for rats; for mice the figures are 710–
750. The methemoglobin-forming activity of 2,6-xylidine was similar to that of the 2,4-isomer. Male
rats given 157 mg/kg body weight for 20 days developed hemosiderosis in the spleen. Continued
administration for 30 days led to increased liver weight but no increase in P450 microsomal protein.

CD rats were fed 2,6-xylidine in the diet at levels of 300, 1000, or 3000 ppm; progeny received the
same levels for 2 years. Adenomas and carcinomas of the nasal cavity occurred in both males and
females, plus subcutaneous fibromas and fibrosarcomas (179).

The major urinary metabolite of 2,6-xylidine in rats was 4-hydroxy-2,6-dimethylaniline, and 3-

methyl-2-aminobenzoic acid was a minor metabolite. Other reactive metabolites were tentatively
identified (187). In human liver slices, 2,6-xylidine was a metabolite of lidocaine (241).
Mutagenicity tests with 2,6-xylidine have given conflicting results.
92.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
There is no specific standard for 2,6-xylidine; the ACGIH TLV-TWA for xylidines is 0.5 ppm with
skin and A3 notations.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

Q. Two-Ring Compounds
93.0 Diphenylamine
93.0.1 CAS Number: [122-39-4]

93.0.2 Synonyms: N-Phenylbenzenamine; N-phenylaniline; DFA; No Scald; DPA; anilinobenzene;

(phenylamino)benzene; N,N-diphenylamine; big dipper; C.I. 10355; scaldip; phenylbenzenamine

93.0.3 Trade Names: NA

93.0.4 Molecular Weight: 169.23

93.0.5 Molecular Formula: C12H11N

93.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CGB, CGN, FIFR, IL, INER, MA, MTL, NJ, PA, RQ, TLV,
93.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless monoclinic leaflets

Density 1.159 (20/4°C)
Melting point 53–54°C
Boiling point 302°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, benzene, ethanol, ether, methanol; slightly soluble in water
93.2 Production and use
Diphenylamine is used as an antioxidant, fungicide, a prevention against apple scald, as a stabilizer,
antihelmintic, and as a reagent.
93.3 Exposure Assessment
Potential exposures to diphenylamine may be measured using OSHA method #78.
93.4 Toxic Effects
Diphenylamine is absorbed through the skin; chronic studies by feeding in the diet of rats and beagle
dogs showed some effects on the liver but no increase in tumors. However, dilatation of kidney
kidney tubules occurred in rats, related to the impurity N,N,N'-triphenyl-p-phenylenediamine (2).
Further investigation on a relationship between glutathione levels and renal papillary necrosis, using
the Syrian hamster model, did not reveal a specific correlation. Within 1 h after a single dose from
200–600 mg/kg body weight there was a dose-dependent decrease in renal cortical glutathione, but
significant changes in medullary or papillary glutathione were not seen (242). Ultrastructural studies
of the kidney lesions were made (243). Interestingly, dimethyl sulfoxide lessened the incidence of
papillary lesions from diphenylamine (244).
93.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The TLV-TWA is 10 mg/m3 with an A4 notation. The NIOSH REL is also 10 mg/m3.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

R. Benzidine and Derivatives

94.0 Benzidine
94.0.1 CAS Number: [92-87-5]

94.0.2 Synonyms: 4,4'-Diaminobiphenyl; 4,4'-diphenylenediamine; 4,4'-biphenyldiamine; 4,4'-

bianiline; p-diaminodiphenyl; 1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diamine, 4,4'-diamino-1,1'-biphenyl; fast corinth
base b; p-benzidine; benzidine base; C.I. azoic diazo component 112; C.I. 37225, BZ

94.0.3 Trade Names: NA

94.0.4 Molecular Weight: 184.24

94.0.5 Molecular Formula: C12H12N2 or NH2C6H4C6H4NH2

94.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, DOT, IARC, IL, MA, NJ, NTPA, PA, PEL,
94.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state White to slightly reddish powder or crystals

Density 1.250 (20/4°C)
Melting point 116/129°C (isotropic forms)
Boiling point 402°C
Vapor density 6.36
Solubility Soluble in ether; slightly soluble in ethanol, hot water
94.2 Production and Use
Benzidine has been used as an intermediate for dyes with desirable properties, as a hardener for
rubber, in security paper, and in small amounts as a laboratory reagent for blood testing. Because of
its carcinogenicity in exposed workers, as well as the carcinogenicity of certain azo dyes derived
from benzidine, manufacture for industrial use has been prohibited in the United States.
94.3 Exposure Assessment
Expsoure monitoring by NIOSH method #5509 is recommended (NMAM IV).
94.4 Toxic Effects
Epidemiological studies of exposed workers, which showed a higher risk of bladder cancer, along
with the finding that three azo dyes derived from benzidine (BZ), namely, Direct Blue 6, CAS
Number: [2602-46-20], Direct Black 38, CAS Number: [1937-37-7], and Direct Brown 95, CAS
Number: [1607-86-6], were more potent carcinogens than BZ, led to a ban on production. However,
BZ is still manufactured in some countries which has led to several mechanistic and epidemiological
studies of exposed workers, especially in regard to acetyltransferase enzyme expression, N-
glucuronide formation, and the role of BZ-DNA adducts in carcinogenesis.

Studies of N-acetylation of BZ and N-acetyl-BZ in human liver slices suggested that N-acetyl-BZ is
a better substrate for NAT1 than BZ (245, 246). NAT1 and NAT2 catalyzed N-acetylation by a
binary ping-pong mechanism, but NAT1 was the predominant acetylating enzyme. Another survey
found NAT2-associated slow acetylation was not linked to increased risk of bladder cancer in
humans and may even exert a protective effect (247). In rat liver slices, N,N'-diacetyl-BZ was formed
preferentially; in dog liver, no acetylated adducts were found (248). With rat liver microsomes, N-
acetyl-BZ was oxidized to N'-OH-N-acetyl-BZ, N-OH-N-acetyl-BZ, and ring oxidation products,
mediated through cytochrome P450 1A1/1A2 (249, 250). The reaction of glutathione with one of the
oxidation products, specifically BZ-diimine, led to the formation of 3-(glutathion-S-yl)-BZ and
prevented complexing with DNA (251).

Formation of N-(3'-monophosphodeoxyguanosin-8-yl)-N'-acetyl-BZ occured with prostaglandin H

synthase (from ram seminal vesicle microsomes) and N-acetyl-BZ (252). Levels of this adduct in
human peripheral white blood cells correlated with levels in exfoliated urothelial cells from exposed
workers (253); it was the only adduct significantly associated with total urinary metabolites of BZ,
and it was thought unlikely that interindividual variations in NAT2 function were relevant for BZ-
associated cancer (254).

Glutathione-S-transferase M1 expression had no apparent impact on bladder cancer from BZ (255),

but an acidic urine was associated with higher levels of free BZ in urine and urothelial cell DNA
adducts (256).
Glucuronide formation is also important in BZ disposition because splitting of a glucuronide by
acidic urine may release free BZ at a susceptible site. However, the N-glucuronide of N-OH-BZ was
stable at an acidic pH (257). Although dog liver slices made an N-glucuronide from BZ (258), dog
liver did not form such a conjugate from N-acetyl-BZ, but human and rat liver did (259). It was
noted that liver microsomes from aged rats were more susceptible to the effects of BZ than those
from younger animals (260). However, experiments in vivo are needed to confirm this.

The disposition of BZ and its activation differ somewhat from that of other carcinogenic amines.
94.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA does not have a PEL for benzidine. However, it does have a regulation for it: 29CFR1910.10.
This regulation states that benzidine and benzidine dyes are potential carcinogens and worker
exposures should be reduced to the lowest feasible level. No standard has been set by ACGIH, but
BZ is given an Al notation. Persons who use BZ in research should follow guidelines for handling
95.0 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine
95.0.1 CAS Number: [91-94-1]

95.0.2 Synonyms: 3,3'-Dichloro-4,4'-biphenyldiamine; o,o'-dichlorobenzidine; 4,4'-diamino-3,3'-

dichlorobiphenyl; dichlorobenzidine; DCB; 3,3'-dichloro-(1,1-biphenyl)-4,4'-diamine; C.I. 23060;
3,3'-dichlorobiphenyl-4,4'-diamine; 3,3'-dichloro-4,4'-diaminobiphenyl

95.0.3 Trade Names: NA

95.0.4 Molecular Weight: 253.13

95.0.5 Molecular Formula: C12H10Cl2N2 or NH2ClC6H3C6H3ClNH2

95.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Database and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, IARC, IL, MA, NJ, NTPA, PA, PEL, REL,
95.1 Physical and Chemical Properties (2)

Physical state Grayish to purple crystals

Melting point 133°C
Boiling point 368°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, acetic acid; insoluble in water
95.2 Production and use
The compound is used as a curing agent for urethane plastics and for manufacturing yellow dyes.
95.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH method #5509 is recommended for determining potential exposures to this chemical
95.4 Toxic Effects
The toxicity, metabolism and carcinogenicity of dichlorobenzidine were reviewed by IARC (261).
Essentially, the compound is carcinogenic in animals, but epidemiological studies in exposed
workers did not show an excess of tumors. However, the studies were deemed inadequate for a
definitive conclusion (261). Of interest is the fact that a dichlorobenzidine-based azo dye,
diarylanilide yellow, was fed to animals at 2.5 and 5% of the diet for two years and produced no
increase in tumors (262). Presumably, the presence of the chlorine moieties may have interfered with
the azo reductase enzyme so that free dichlorobenzidine was not produced.
95.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
There is no TLV-TWA, but ACGIH has skin and an A3 notation for this compound. OSHA
considers it a carcinogen and exposures are to be controlled their engineering controls, workpractices
and protective equipment.
96.0 3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine
96.0.1 CAS Number: [119-90-4]

96.0.2 Synonyms: o-Dianilidine; Fast Blue; Blue Base; C.I. Disperse Black 6; 3,3'-dimethoxy-1,1'-
biphenyl-4,4'-diamine; 4,4'-diamino-3,3'-dimethoxybiphenyl; 3,3'-dimethoxy-4,4'-diaminobiphenyl;
4,4'-diamino-3,3'-biphenyldiol dimethyl ether; dianisidine; o,o'-dianisidine; 3,3'-dianisidine; DMOB;
acetamine diazo black rd; acetamine diazo navy rd; amacel developed navy sd; azoene fast blue
base; azogene fast blue b; blue base irga b; blue base nb; blue bn base; brentamine fast blue b base;
cellitazol b; cellitazol bn; C.I. azoic diazo component 48; diacelliton fast grey g; diacel navy dc;
diato blue base b; diazo fast blue b; fast blue b base; fast blue dsc base; hiltonil fast blue b base;
kayaku blue b base; lake blue b base; meisei teryl diazo blue hr; mitsui blue b base; naphthanil blue b
base; neutrosel navy bn; setacyl diazo navy r; spectrolene blue b

96.0.3 Trade Names: NA

96.0.4 Molecular Weight: 244.29

96.0.5 Molecular Formula: C14H16N2O2

96.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, CAA1, IARC, IL, MA, NJ, NTPA, PA, RQ, TRI,
96.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (263)

Physical state Colorless to violet crystals

Molecular 244.3
Melting point 171–174.5°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, acetone, benzene, chloroform; only very slightly soluble
in water
96.2 Production and Use
This compound has been used in dye production.
96.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH method #5013 NMAM IV.
96.4 Toxic Effects
The early data on the carcinogenicity of 3,3'-dimethoxybenzidine were reviewed (263). The NTP has
done a chronic study of the dihydrochloride salt given in drinking water at levels of 80, 170, or
330 ppm for 21 months to male and female F344 rats. This treatment led to various types of skin
tumors in males, plus tumors of the Zymbal gland, preputial gland, tongue or palate, and additional
tumors of the intestines and liver. Females showed tumors of the clitoral and Zymbal glands, an
increase in mammary adenocarcinoma, and various other internal tumors (264). Besides this clear
evidence of carcinogenicity, the compound was positive in a Salmonella test (TA98) and in a sister
chromatid exchange study (264).
96.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA and NIOSH concluded this chemical may present a cancer risk and exposure should be
97.0 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine
97.0.1 CAS Number: [119-93-7]

97.0.2 Synonyms: ortho-Tolidine; DMB; Fast Dark Blue Base R;3,3'-dimethyl-1, 1'-biphenyl-4, 4'-
diamine; 3, 3'-dimethylbiphenyl-4, 4'-diamine; tolidine; dimethyl benzidine; 3, 3'-tolidine; 4, 4'-bi-o-
toluidine; 4,4'-diamino-3,3'-dimethylbiphenyl; 3,3'-dimethyl-4,4'-biphenyldiamine; diaminoditolyl;
bianisidine; o, o'-tolidine; C. I. 37230; C. I. azoic diazo component 113

97.0.3 Trade Names: NA

97.0.4 Molecular Weight: 212.29

97.0.5 Molecular Formula: C14H16N2

97.0.6 Molecular Structure:

97.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (265)

Physical state White to reddish crystals or crystalline powder

Melting point 131.5°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; somewhat soluble in chloroform, water
97.2 Production and Use
3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine is a dye intermediate.
97.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH method #5013 (NMAM IV).
97.4 Toxic Effects
The NTP did a long-term study of the dihydrochloride of 3,3'-dimethylbenzidine given in the
drinking water to F344 rats at 30, 70, or 150 ppm. The study was terminated at 14 months because of
the low number of surviving rats. Males had many types of skin tumors, neoplasms of the Zymbal
gland, liver, and large intestine, and lower numbers of tumors of the preputial gland, oral cavity,
small intestine, and lung. Females had a high incidence of tumors of the Zymbal and clitoral glands,
in addition to lower incidences of neoplasms of the skin, liver, intestines, lung, and mammary
glands. The compound also tested positive in Salmonella (TA98), in sister chromatid exchange, and
as an inducer of chromosomal aberrations (266).
97.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH and OSHA jointly published a Health Hazard Alert concluding that o-tolidine was a
potential carcinogen and recommended that worker exposure be reduced to lowest feasible level.
Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds
Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

S. Biphenyls
98.0 2-Nitrobiphenyl
98.0.1 CAS Number: [86-00-0]

98.0.2 Synonyms: o-Nitrobiphenyl; 2-nitro-1,1'-biphenyl; ONB

98.0.3 Trade Names: NA

98.0.4 Molecular Weight: 199.21

98.0.5 Molecular Formula: C12H9NO2

Databases and inventories where listed: CCRIS, EINECS, EMIC, EMICBACK, RTECS, TOXLINE.
98.1 Physical and Chemical Properties (2)

Physical State Colorless Crystals or yellow to reddish liquid

Molecular 199.21
Boiling point 320°C
Melting point 37.2°C
Density 1.44
Solubility Soluble in acetone, ethanol, methanol, carbon tetrachloride, perchloroethylene;
slightly soluble in water
98.2 Production and Use
2-Nitrobiphenyl is a plasticizer for resins, a fungicide for textiles, and a wood preservative.
98.4 Toxic Effects
The rat LD50 is 1230 mg/kg body weight and it is an irritant.
98.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
99.0 4-Nitrobiphenyl
99.0.1 CAS Number: [92-93-3]

99.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Phenylnitrobenzene; 1-nitro-4-phenylbenzene; 4-nitro-1, 1'-biphenyl

99.0.3 Trade Names: NA

99.0.4 Molecular Weight: 199.21

99.0.5 Molecular Formula: C12H9NO2

99.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, IARC, IL, MA, NJ, PA, PEL, REL, TLV,
99.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)
Physical state White to yellow needle-like crystals
Melting point 114–114.5°C
Boiling point 340°C
Solubility Soluble in hot water, ethanol, ether, insoluble in acetone, benzene
99.2 Production and Use
4-Nitrobiphenyl has some uses as a plasticizer, fungicide, and wood preservative.
99.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH method P and CAM #273, (NMAM II(4)).
99.4 Toxic Effects
4-Nitrobiphenyl has produced bladder tumors in dogs and is a carcinogenic risk (227, 267). The oral
LD50 for rabbits was reported to be 1.97 g/kg and for rats, 2.33 g/kg (144).

The IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man found
no reports on the carcinogenicity of PNB to humans and that the animal data were inadequate to
classify the compound as a human carcinogen; consequently IARC assigned 4-nitrobiphenyl to
Group 3, not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (227). However, it is considered an
occupational carcinogen by NIOSH and OSHA (267) and a “suspect carcinogen” (or A2) by ACGIH
99.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None have been assigned, however, OSHA promulgated a standard for this chemical—exposure
should be the lowest feasible level and ACGIH has skin and A2 (suspect carcinogen) notations for 4-
100.0 4-Aminobiphenyl
100.0.1 CAS Number: [92-67-1]

100.0.2 Synonyms: 4-Aminodiphenyl; xenylamine; 4-biphenylamine; [1,1'-biphenyl]-4-amine; p-

phenylaniline; p-xenylamine

100.0.3 Trade Names: NA

100.0.4 Molecular Weight: 169.23

100.0.5 Molecular Formula: C12H11N

100.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, IARC, IL, MA, MI, NJ, NTPA, PA, PEL,
100.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless crystals which turn purple on contact with air; floral odor
Melting point 53-54°C
Boiling point 302°C; 191°C (15 mmHg)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform; slightly soluble in water
100.2 Production and Use
4-Aminobiphenyl was formerly used as a rubber antioxidant and dye intermediate; it is now a
research chemical.
100.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH method P & CAM #269 (NMAM II(4)).
100.4 Toxic Effects
The carcinogenicity of 4-aminobiphenyl (4-ABP), especially with regard to induct bladder cancer in
both animals and humans was discussed in the previous edition (2). In contrast to benzidine, 4-ABP
should be a matter of concern for everyone. Although tobacco smoking is the major source of
exposure to 4-ABP, there is a baseline exposure level, as indicated by hemoglobin adducts.
Nonsmokers had levels of about 20 pg 4-ABP/g hemoglobin; levels in smokers could range from
about 140-630 pg 4-ABP/g hemoglobin (268). Even human fetuses had such adducts; in nonsmoking
women, fetuses had levels of about 9 pg 4-ABP/g hemoglobin; those from women who smoked had
levels from about 75-320 pg 4-ABP/g hemoglobin (269). These data indicate that 4-ABP can cross
the placental barrier and bind to fetal hemoglobin (270). The actual source of the 4-ABP in
nonsmokers has not been identified; one possibility may be 4-nitrobiphenyl from engine exhausts.

As with other aromatic amine carcinogens, 4-ABP is acetylated and N-hydroxylated; the mechanism
of its activation to DNA-reactive entities is a matter of much investigation. There have been many
efforts to correlate 4-ABP-DNA adduct formation and subsequent induction of cancer. In some
cases, adduct formation correlated with eventual tumorigenesis (271–277). But there were other
situations where the correlation did not always hold, depending on the tissue and the analytical
method (278). Acetylator status played a role with some types of adducts but not with all (279–281).
Peroxidase-mediated activation was minor, compared to acetyltransferase effects (282). Acid-labile
glucuronide conjugates were studied (283), as well as the possible role of glutathione transferase
(284), which did not correlate with adduct levels. 4-ABP, as are other aromatic amines, was oxidized
through cytochrome P4501A2 (285) and also through sulfotransferase (286). Even tissue from
human fetuses of 14 weeks gestation had a sulfotransferase that activated the N-hydroxy derivatives
of both 4-ABP and N-acetyl-4-ABP (287). The major DNA adduct from N-hydroxyacetyl-ABP was
3-(deoxyguanosin-N 2-yl)-4-acetylaminobiphenyl (282, 288). As with other genotoxic compounds,
in vivo and in vitro results from mutagenicity assays did not always agree (289, 290). Even in
bladder cancer patients, an important mutation (p53) did not correlate with the cancer stage, and
there was no association among 4-ABP adducts, GSTM, and NAT2 genetic polymorphisms (291).
Thus, the mechanism for the effects of 4-ABP provides issues for further investigation.
100.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Although ACGIH has set no TLV for this compound, it has the A1 notation and notes that bladder
cancer is the reason for the notation. OSHA regulates this chemical as a carcinogen exposures must
be controlled.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

T. Methylenedianilines
101.0 4,4'-Methylenedianiline
101.0.1 CAS Number: [101-77-9]

101.0.2 Synonyms: 4,4'-Methylenebisbenzeneamine; Tonox; HT 972; MDA; DDM; 4,4'-

diaminodiphenylmethane; methylenebis(aniline); diaminodiphenylmethane; bis (p-aminophenyl)
methane; DADPM; DAPM; dianilinomethane; 4,4'-diaminoditan; 4-(4-aminobenzyl)aniline;
ancamine tl; araldite hardener 972; curithane; 4,4'-diphenylmethanediamine; epicure ddm; epikure
ddm; jeffamine ap-20; sumicure M
101.0.3 Trade Names: NA

101.0.4 Molecular Weight: 198.27

101.0.5 Molecular Formula: C13H14N2

101.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, DOT, IARC, MA, MPOL, MTL, NJ, NTPA,
101.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical Pale yellow crystals (darken on air exposure)

Melting 91.5–92°C
Boiling point 398°C 768 mmHg
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, benzene, ether, acetone, methanol; slightly soluble in water,
carbon tetrachloride
101.2 Production and Use
Much of the 4,4'-methylenedianiline (MDA) produced is used as an intermediate for producing
isocyanates and polyisocyanates, in making polyurethane foams, as a hardening agent for epoxy
resins, as a curing agent, an antioxidant, and a fuel additive.
101.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH method #5029 (NMAM IV).
101.4 Toxic Effects
The toxicity of MDA has been discussed many times because it was the causative agent in the
“Epping” jaundice incident (2, 3). The toxic effects were due to cholestasis, cholangitis, minor liver
cell necrosis and hepatitis, but the exposed persons recovered within 7 weeks. After 24 years, a
follow-up study of this group revealed one case of biliary tract carcinoma, two cases of retinal
pathology, and four cases of recurrent jaundice, indicating long-term effects (292). Other deleterious
effects in humans include contact dermatitis from a variety of products which contained MDA (293–
296), allergic responses, and an increased risk of bladder cancer. However, a survey of workers who
were exposed to MDA through its use as an epoxy curing agent showed no increases in bladder
cancer (297). MDA was absorbed to a greater extent through human than through rat skin in vitro
(298). Absorbed MDA was excreted in the urine as an acetyl-MDA and an unidentified conjugate
(299). Workers exposed to MDA or to the diisocyanate of MDA excreted acetyl-MDA in the urine
and albumin, and hemoglobin adducts were identified in the blood, indicating hydrolysis of the
diisocyanate to MDA (300, 301).

In rats exposed to MDA, there was appreciable liver toxicity (302). It was determined that MDA
leads to a cholangiodestructive effect and that the biliary toxicant from MDA is released into the bile
(303, 304). As with humans, rats exposed to MDA or MDA diisocyanate excreted MDA and acetyl-
MDA in the urine, besides forming hemoglobin adducts (305). In a rabbit liver microsomal system,
MDA was metabolized to 4-nitroso-4'-aminodiphenylmethane plus both an azo and an azoxy
compound formed by combination of two MDA molecules after oxidation (306). These results
indicate oxidation of MDA through hydroxylamine to a nitroso derivative, followed by
101.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The OSHA PEL (29CFR 1910, 1050) is 0.01 ppm with a STEL of 0.1 ppm. The current ACGIH
TLV-TWA is 0.1 ppm with an A3 notation and a note that liver toxicity is a critical effect.
102.0 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-methylaniline)
102.0.1 CAS Number: [838-88-0]

102.0.2 Synonyms: 3,3'-Dimethyl-4, 4'-diaminodiphenylmethane

102.0.3 Trade Names: NA

102.0.4 Molecular Weight: 226.32

102.0.5 Molecular Formula: C15H18N2

102.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, IARC, IL, MA, MI, PA, CANCERLIT, CCRIS,
102.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (263)

Physical state White powder

Melting point 149°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, hot water
102.2 Production and Use
The compound has been used in dyestuff production.
102.4 Toxic Effects
This compound has been tested by oral administration in rats and dogs (227). It led to high
incidences of hepatocellular carcinomas in both species, and there were additional tumors of lung,
skin, and mammary gland in rats and lung tumors in dogs. Workers exposed to this compound and
others in dye production showed a higher risk of bladder cancer (227).
102.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
103.0 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline)
103.0.1 CAS Number: [101-14-4]

103.0.2 Synonyms: 3,3'-Dichloro-4, 4'-diaminodiphenyl methane; BOCA; bis-amine; Cyanaset;

DACPM; MOCA; MBOCA; Curene 442; di(4-amino-3-chlorophenyl)methane; 4, 4'-diamino-3, 3'-
dichlorodiphenylmethane; 4, 4'-methylenebis-(2-chlorobenzenamine); p,p'-methylenebis(alpha-
chloroaniline); methylene-bis-orthochloroaniline; bis-amine A; Cl-mda; curalin M; 4, 4-methylene

103.0.3 Trade Names: NA

103.0.4 Molecular Weight: 267.16

103.0.5 Molecular Formula: C13H12Cl2N2

103.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, IARC, IL, MA, MI, NJ, NTPA, PA, PELS,
103.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical Tan solid

Specific 1.44 at 4°C
Melting 99–110°C
Solubility Soluble in benzene, ether, ethanol, methyl ethyl ketone, tetrahydrofuran,
dimethylformamide, dimethyl sulfoxide; slightly soluble in water
103.2 Production and Use
The major use of 4,4'-methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) is as a curing agent for polyurethane
prepolymers where high performance products are required.
103.3 Exposure Assessment
OSHA method #71.
103.4 Toxic Effects
The carcinogenicity of MOCA in animals and its involvement in an increased risk of bladder cancer
in humans were reviewed (2, 307). Although MOCA was absorbed through human skin at a level
only one-sixth that of MDA, the rate was still sufficient to cause concern (298). As with other
aromatic amines, the metabolic process involves acetylation and N-hydroxylation (308); then MOCA
or a derivative forms DNA adducts (309, 310). Factors such as species, route of administration, and
enzyme induction were investigated (310). Use of 32P-postlabeling techniques has facilitated the
identification of DNA adducts (311–314). However, in animals, nontarget tissues such as liver often
had a higher level of adducts than the target organ (312). The DNA adducts of MOCA differ
somewhat from those of analogous amines such as benzidine. The major DNA adduct was identified
as N-(deoxyadenosin-3',5'-bisphospho-8-yl) 4-amino-3-chlorobenzyl alcohol; the minor one was N-
(deoxyadenosin–3', 5'-bisphospho-8-yl) 4-amino-3-chlorotoluene. These results indicate that an
aromatic ring was cleaved from the molecule with subsequent oxidation to a benzyl alcohol or
reduction to a toluene. N-OH-MOCA treatment of SV40 immortalized human uroepithelial cells led
the cells to convert to a neoplastic form that caused tumors in athymic nude mice (315). It was
suggested that an aryl nitrenium ion was the ultimate reactant from MOCA (315).
103.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines Exposure
The current ACGIH TLV-TWA is 0.01 ppm with skin and A2 notations, as a suspect human
carcinogen. NIOSH considers it a carcinogen with a REL of 0.003 mg/m3.
Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds
Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

U. Naphthaleneamines
104.0 1-Naphthylamine
104.0.1 CAS Number: [134-32-7]

104.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Aminonaphthalene; Fast Garnet B Base; 1-naphthalenamine; alpha-

naphthylamine; naphthalidam; naphthalidine; C. I. azoic diazo component 114; fast garnet base b

104.0.3 Trade Names: NA

104.0.4 Molecular Weight: 143.19

104.0.5 Molecular Formula: C10H9N

104.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, DOT, IARC, IL, MA, NJ, PA, PEL, REL, RQ, TRI,
104.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state White to reddish needles

Density 1.123 (25/25°C)
Melting point 50°C
Boiling point 300.8°C
Vapor density 4.93 (air = 1)
Refractive index 1.6703 (51.2°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether; slightly soluble in hot water
104.2 Production and Use
1-Naphthylamine is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of dyes, antioxidants, herbicides, some
drugs, and other chemicals.
104.3 Exposure Assessment
Analytical method NIOSH method 5518 (NMAM IV).
104.4 Toxic Effects
Pure 1-naphthylamine was not carcinogenic in animal tests (2). The commercial material of the past
usually contained from 4–10% 2-naphthylamine, a recognized human bladder carcinogen, which
accounts for the excess risk of bladder cancer in exposed workers. There has been less research on 1-
naphthylamine than some of the other aromatic amines, and most of that has emphasized the
formation of glucuronide derivatives. In a rat hepatocyte system, 1-naphthylamine was converted
mostly (68%) to the N-glucuronide and acetylation occurred to the extent of about 15%. The
situation was the reverse for 2-naphthylamine which was mostly acetylated (316). Formation of the
N-glucuronide of 1-naphthylamine by rat and human phenol UDP-glucuronosyltransferase was
increased by 3-methylcholanthrene induction (317).
104.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA in 29CFR 1910.1004 set the level at the lowest feasible level.
105.0 2-Naphthylamine
105.0.1 CAS Number: [91-59-8]

105.0.2 Synonyms: beta-Naphthylamine; NA; BNA; 2-aminonaphthalene; Fast Scarlet Base B; 2-

naphthalenamine; 2,6-naphthylamine; C. I. 37270

105.0.3 Trade Names: NA

105.0.4 Molecular Weight: 143.19

105.0.5 Molecular Formula: C10H9N

105.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, DOT, IARC, IL, MA, MI, NJ, NTPA, PA, PEL,
105.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless leaflets (darken)

Density 1.061 (98/4°C)
Melting point 113°C
Boiling point 306.1°C
Refractive index 1.64927 (98.4°C)
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene; soluble in hot water
105.2 Production and Use
2-Naphthylamine had been used to synthesize dyestuffs and antioxidants. It is now a research
105.3 Exposure Assessment
NIOSH method #5518 (NMAM IV).
105.4 Toxic Effects
2-Naphthylamine is carcinogenic in animals and is one of the recognized human carcinogens due to
its propensity to induce bladder tumors (2, 3, 227). Thus, it is no longer used commercially, but
exposure may still occur in some industrial settings. Measurable levels were excreted in the urine by
iron foundry workers, possibly through nitronaphthalene formed during foundry processes (318).
Immune function in exposed workers was somewhat depressed, as measured according to various
types of lymphocytes (319–321).

The N-hydroxy derivative of 2-naphthylamine is conjugated with glucuronic acid; the conjugate is
transported to the bladder where hydrolysis releases the N-hydroxy derivative which is active at the
site, probably through an arylnitrenium ion. Research on 2-naphthylamine has emphasized the
mechanism of oxidation and glucuronide formation. Oxidation in vitro with prostaglandin H
synthase indicated two distinct pathways (322). Ring oxygenation can occur by peroxyl radical-
mediated attack on the arylamine and by direct transfer of peroxide oxygen from the enzyme to the
amine. Horseradish peroxidase yielded polymeric monooxygenated derivatives of 2-naphthylamine
(322). N-Glucuronide formation from either the arylamine or the N-hydroxy derivative in rat
hepatocytes was inducible by 3-methylcholanthrene. In rat hepatocytes, 2-naphthylamine was mostly
acetylated; enzyme induction shifted the pattern from N-acetylation and some N-glucuronide
formation to N- and C-oxidation (316). As with other aromatic amines, various nucleic adducts have
been identified (3). Epidemiologic studies have fully confirmed the carcinogenic effects in humans
(323, 324).
105.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA standard 29CFR 1910.1009 sets the limit at the lowest feasible level, and ACGIH lists the
compound as A1, with a note on bladder cancer.
106.0 1,5-Diaminonaphthalene
106.0.1 CAS Number: [2243-62-1]

106.0.2 Synonyms: 1,5-Naphthalenediamine

106.0.3 Trade Names: NA

106.0.4 Molecular Weight: 158.20

106.0.5 Molecular Formula: C10H10N2

106.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, MA, MI, NTPT, CCRIS, EINECS, EMIC,
106.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Melting point 190°C

Boiling point Sublimes
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform
106.2 Production and Use
This compound has been used to produce diisocyanates for polyurethane production and some dyes.
106.4 Toxic Effects
An NCI bioassy (1978) in B6C3F1 mice of both sexes, fed diets containing 1000 or 2000 mg/kg for
103 weeks, demonstrated statistically significant increases in C-cell carcinomas of the thyroid gland
in females, neoplasms of the thyroid gland (follicular cell adenomas and papillary adenomas) in
males and females, hepato-cellular carcinomas in females, and alveolar/bronchiolar adenomas and
carcinomas in females. In F344 rats of both sexes fed diets containing 500 or 1000 mg/kg for 103
weeks, a statistically significant increase in the incidence of clitoral gland carcinomas was observed
(325). 1,5-Naphthalenediamine is also mutagenic to Salmonella typhimurium strain TA100 without
metabolic activation (204). No further information was located.

Based upon the lack of human data and limited evidence of carcinogenicity in animals, the IARC
working group classified 1,5-naphthalenediamine as a Group 3 compound-not classifiable as to its
carcinogenicity to humans (227).
106.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
107.0 4,4'-Oxydianiline
107.0.1 CAS Number: [101-80-4]
107.0.2 Synonyms: bis (p-Aminophenyl) ether; 4-aminophenyl ether; 4,4'-diaminodiphenyloxide;
4,4'-diaminodiphenyl ether; 4,4'-diaminophenyl ether; 4,4'-diaminophenyl oxide; ODA;
oxydianiline; oxydi-p-phenylenediamine; oxybis(4-aminobenzene); 4,4'-oxydiphenylamine;
DADPE; 4,4-dadpe; 4,4'-oxybisbenzenamine

107.0.3 Trade Names: NA

107.0.4 Molecular Weight: 200.24

107.0.5 Molecular Formula: C12H12N2O

107.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CA65, IARC, IL, MA, MI, NJ, NTPA, PA, TRI,
107.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state Colorless crystals

Melting point 186–187°C
Boiling point >300°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone; insoluble in benzene, ethanol, carbon tetrachloride, water
107.2 Production and Use
4,4'-Oxydianiline has been used to produce polyimide resins.
107.4 Toxic Effects
The previous edition outlined the carcinogenic effects noted in rats and mice fed 4,4'-oxydianiline,
where the thyroid and liver were target organs (2). Various other smaller scale studies also showed
carcinogenic effects (261). 4,4'-Oxydianiline was mutagenic to Salmonella strains TA98 and TA100
in the presence of an activating system (261).
107.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
108.0 4-Aminodiphenylamine
108.0.1 CAS Number: [101-54-2]

108.0.2 Synonyms: N-Phenyl-p-phenylenediamine; p-anilinoaniline; N-phenyl-1, 4-benzenediamine;

C. I. azoic diazo component 22; C. I. 37240; acna black df base; azosalt R; C. I. developer 15; C. I.
oxidation base 2; C. I. 76085; diphenyl black; fast blue r salt; luxan black R; naphthoelan navy blue;
oxy acid black base; peltol br; pelton br ii; N-phenyl-p-aminoaniline; p-semidine; variamine blue salt
rt; diphenyl black base P; phenyl 4-aminophenyl amine; N-phenyl-1, 4-phenylenediamine; N-(4-

108.0.3 Trade Names: NA

108.0.4 Molecular Weight: 184.24

108.0.5 Molecular Formula: C12H12N2

108.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: MTL, NTPT, WHMI, CCRIS, DART, DSL, EINECS,
108.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Melting point 73–75°C

Boiling point 354°C
108.2 Production and Use
This compound is used as an oxidation dye color in hair dyes (2). It is also promoted as an efficient
reagent for oxidase enzymes, including glucose, lactate, xanthine, and lysine oxidases (32).
108.4 Toxic Effects
Alkyl derivatives of 4-aminodiphenylamine sometimes caused sensitization reactions, in keeping
with the p-phenylenediamine structure.

A bioassay of N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine for possible carcinogenicity was conducted by

administering the test chemical in the diet to groups of 50 Fischer 344 rats and B6C3F1 mice.

The male and female rats were administered N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine at either 600 or
1200 ppm for 78 weeks and were then observed for 26 additional weeks. Groups of 50 mice were
initially administered N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine at either 2,500 or 5,000 ppm for the males and
either 5,000 or 10,00 ppm for the females for 31 weeks. Because of toxicity, the doses were lowered
at that time and terminated at 48 weeks and the animals were observed for 43 additional weeks. All
surviving mice were killed at 91 weeks.

Mean body weights of the dosed rats were only slightly lower than those of the matched controls
during the bioassay but those of the dosed mice were appreciably lower than those of the matched
controls. Mortality was high in the dosed groups before reduction of the doses, particularly in the

In the male and female rats, the incidences of neoplasms in the groups receiving the test chemical
were not significantly different from those in the corresponding control groups.

In the male mice, the incidence of combined hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas was
significantly higher (p = 0.022) in the low-dose group than in the controls, but there was no
significant dose-related trend and these neoplasms could not be established as being compound
related. Unusually extensive hepatic inflammation occurred in large numbers of the dosed males and
in lesser numbers of the dosed females. Under the conditions of this bioassay, N-phenyl-p-
phenylenediamine was not carcinogenic for Fischer 344 rats or for B6C3F1 mice (327).
108.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned.
Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds
Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

V. Three-Ring Compounds
109.0 2-Acetylaminofluorene
109.0.1 CAS Number: [53-96-3]

109.0.2 Synonyms: N-2-Fluorenylacetamide; N-9H-fluoren-2-yl-acetamide; N-acetyl-2-

aminofluorene; fluorenylacetamide; N-fluoren-2-yl acetamide; 2-acetamidofluorene; 2-
acetaminofluorene; 2-fluorenylacetamide; acetoaminofluorene; AAF; 2-AAF; FAA; 2-FAA;

109.0.3 Trade Names: NA

109.0.4 Molecular Weight: 223.27

109.0.5 Molecular Formula: C15H13NO

109.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: CAA1, CA65, IL, MA, MI, NJ, NTPA, PA, PEL, REL, RQ,
109.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Physical state White crystals

Melting point 194°C
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, ether, acetic acid; insoluble in water
109.2 Uses
2-AAF is used as a research chemical.
109.4 Toxic Effects
2-AAF has been the subject of extensive research in many species, has been the basis of structure-
activity efforts, and it has been used in model experiments on induction, promotion, and inhibition of
chemical carcinogenesis. It also serves as a model compound for investigations in molecular
carcinogenesis. Accordingly, any of the recent investigations of acetyltransferases were based on 2-
AAF as the model (22–24, 26–28, 328). Similarly, for other transferases (329, 330), DNA adduct
formation (331), or other mechanistic aspects of carcinogenesis (332), this compound is the model.
Data from the ED01 study, where about 25,000 mice were given 2-AAF at various levels have
yielded many papers; the data are still being reexamined (333–336). Various reviews on 2-AAF have
appeared (34, 337, 338), but realistically the number of papers on 2-AAF and its derivatives
(approximately 125 in 5 years) is so large that a review every 5 years or so would be needed to keep
research personnel informed.
109.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Although none have been assigned, 2-AAF was one of the compounds on the original OSHA list of
carcinogens in 29CFR1910.1014.
110.0 N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine
110.0.1 CAS Number: [135-88-6]
110.0.2 Synonyms: N-Phenyl-beta-naphthylamine; N-phenyl-2-naphthalenamine; PBNA; phenyl-
beta-naphthylamine; Agerite; PBN; aceto pbn; anilinonaphthalene; 2-anilinonaphthalene; antioxidant
116; antioxidant pbn; N-(2-naphthyl)aniline; 2-naphthylphenylamine; beta-naphthylphenylamine;
neozon d; neozone; nilox pbna; nonox d; 2-phenyl-aminonaphthalene; phenyl-2-naphthylamine;
stabilizator ar; neosone d; vulkanox pbn; nonox dn; N-(2-naphthyl)-N-phenylamine; stabilizer ar;
nocrac d; naftam 2; N-beta-naphthyl-N-phenylamine; 2-(N-phenylamino)naphthalene

110.0.3 Trade Names: NA

110.0.4 Molecular Weight: 219.29

110.0.5 Molecular Formula: C16H13N

110.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IARC, IL, MA, NTPT, PA, REL, TLV, WHMI,
110.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (202)

Physical state Gray to tan flakes or powder

Boiling point 395°C
Melting point 108°C
Solubility Soluble in acetone, benzene, ethanol; insoluble in water
110.2 Production and Use
N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine has been used as an antioxidant in rubber and other polymers.
110.3 Exposure Assessment
OSHA method #96.
110.4 Toxic Effects
N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine has been tested for carcinogenicity in various species, including dogs,
hamsters, mice, and rats (227). A two-year chronic feeding study in mice and rats, conducted by the
NTP, was negative (227), as were other tests in dogs and hamsters. However, this compound remains
under a cloud because dogs and humans dephenylated up to 0.03% of a dose to 2-naphthylamine
(202, 227). 2-Naphthylamine has induced bladder tumors in animals, is associated with bladder
cancer in exposed humans, and was on the original OSHA list of carcinogens.
110.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None assigned, but ACGIH has an A4 designation for phenyl-2-naphthylamine, with a note on
irritation by the compound.
111.0 Triphenylamine
111.0.1 CAS Number: [603-34-9]

111.0.2 Synonyms: N,N-Diphenylbenzenamine; triphenyl amine (triphenylene)

111.0.3 Trade Names: NA

111.0.4 Molecular Weight: 245.32

111.0.5 Molecular Formula: C18H15N

111.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Databases and inventories where listed: IL, MA, PA, PEL, REL, TLV, WHMI, CCRIS, EINECS,
111.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (2)

Specific gravity 0.774 (0°C)

Melting point 127–129°C
Solubility Soluble in benzene, ether
Boiling point 348°C
111.2 Production and Use
Triphenylamine is used as a photoconductor on polymer film (2).
111.4 Toxic Effects
The previous edition gave data on acute toxicity which is low; the LD50 in rats was 3200–
6400 mg/kg; in mice it was 1600–3200 mg/kg.
111.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV and NIOSH REL is 5 mg/m3; there is no carcinogenicity designation because of
the lack of a long-term test. Irritation is noted as the reason for the TLV.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds

Elizabeth K. Weisburger, Ph.D., Vera W. Hudson, MS

5 Conclusions
Besides the amino and nitro compounds discussed in the preceding sections, there are still others that
are employed in research on mechanisms of various toxic effects.

3,2'-Dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl leads to colon tumors in rodents; it is being used as a model to study

any relationship between acetylator genotype and sequential steps in colon carcinogenesis (339,
340). Still other arylamines are unusual in their actions; 2-anthramine (2-aminoanthracene) is one of
few aromatic amines to cause skin tumors when painted on rats or hamsters, but the mechanism of its
action has not been elucidated (3). The nitroarenes in engine exhaust are models for investigating
structure-activity relationships and the enzyme systems involved in the activation of these
compounds (341, 342). However, the diversity of effects attributed to aryl nitro and amino
compounds cannot consistently be explained on the basis of structure. Minimal changes often lead to
marked differences in response. Furthermore, the correlation between mutagenicity and
carcinogenicity is not absolute. And despite having a common moiety, the amino group, activation
pathways for some of the carcinogenic arylamines differ.

The reactivity of aryl nitro and amino compounds makes them useful in the preparation of many
valuable substances, including drugs, dyes, pesticides, and polymers. Reactivity with constituents of
living tissue is also the reason for their toxicity, thus the need to avoid exposure and to observe the
exposure limits set by regulatory and other agencies.

Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds


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Aromatic Amino and Nitro–Amino Compounds and their Halogenated Derivatives

Yin-Tak Woo, Ph.D., DABT, David Y. Lai, Ph.D., DABT

General Overview
1.0 Introduction
Aromatic amines are organic compounds that contain at least one amino group attached directly to
an aryl moiety. Aromatic amines represent one of the most important classes of industrial and
environmental chemicals. Many aromatic amines have been shown to be potent carcinogens and
mutagens and/or hemotoxicants capable of inducing methemoglobinemia. Since the introduction of
substituted anilines and naphthylamines as intermediates for the manufacture of azo dyes in the mid-
1800s, aromatic amines have found numerous uses in various industries. Substantial worker
exposure to aromatic amines with subsequent induction of bladder cancer occurred before preventive
measures were instituted. Beyond occupational exposure, humans may also be exposed to aromatic
amines through environmental sources. At least three carcinogenic aromatic amines (4-
aminobiphenyl, 2-naphthylamine, and o-toludine) have been detected in cigarette smoke. Many
commonly used pharmaceuticals contain or are aromatic amines. Owing to their hazard potential,
aromatic amines have been the subject of many biomonitoring studies, making them model
compounds in molecular dosimetry and epidemiology studies. Since extensive information is
available on the metabolic pathways and, to a lesser extent, the mechanism(s) of action, aromatic
amines have also become targets for genetic polymorphism studies with ultimate goals of identifying
susceptible subpopulations, and designing of strategies for cancer prevention and intervention. The
multifaceted interest in aromatic amines has continued to attract a tremendous amount of scientific
studies and attention. Since the publication of the previous edition of Patty's on aromatic amines (1),
many reviews and important research articles on aromatic amines have been published (2–102). In
this chapter, we present an overview of the aromatic amine class as a whole with emphasis on recent
studies, followed by an updated description on individual chemicals grouped into seven subgroups of
structurally related compounds.
1.1 Production and Uses
After peaking during the past two decades, recent worldwide production and sales volume for
aromatic amines have been growing only at the average rate of expansion of the chemical market as
a whole. United States production of many aromatic amines has been declining or even ceased.
Table 58.1 summarizes the recent estimates of U.S. production/import volume range of most of the
aromatic amines covered in this chapter (103). Estimated worldwide production volumes of
individual aromatic amines are also covered under discussion on specific chemicals when the
information is available. In general, the supply of many aromatic amines is shifting from United
States to East Asian countries along with textile and dye production (104).

Aromatic Amino and Nitro–Amino Compounds and their Halogenated Derivatives

Yin-Tak Woo, Ph.D., DABT, David Y. Lai, Ph.D., DABT

Specific Compounds
The compounds covered in this chapter are grouped into seven subgroups of structurally related
compounds: (1) aniline and derivatives, (2) toluidines and derivatives, (3) aminophenols and
nitroaminophenols, (4) phenylenediamines and derivatives, (5) toluenediamines, (6) chlorinated
nitrobenzene compounds and (7) bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic amines.

Aromatic Amino and Nitro–Amino Compounds and their Halogenated Derivatives

Yin-Tak Woo, Ph.D., DABT, David Y. Lai, Ph.D., DABT

A. Aniline and Derivatives

Aniline is the simplest of the aromatic amines with an amino group attached to a benzene. Aniline
derivatives that are also widely used in industry as intermediates in chemical synthesis include N-
alkyl-, N,N-dialkyl, nitro-, chloro-, and chloronitro-aniline. Aniline and its derivatives are
hematotoxic and have a similar pattern of toxicity. Acute poisoning in humans and animals is
manifested by symptoms secondary to methemoglobinemia; several of them have been shown to be
potent methemoglobin-forming agents. Animal studies have shown that aniline and its monochloro
derivatives are also nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic. In general, alkyl derivatives are less toxic than
aniline; however, addition of chloro and nitro groups on the phenyl ring may increase the toxicity of
aniline. For instance, a comparative nephrotoxicity study of aniline with its monochloro derivatives,
o-, m-, and p-chloroaniline, has shown that chloro substituents on the phenyl ring of aniline increased
the nephrotoxic potential of aniline, the ortho substitution producing the greatest enhancement. All
three choroaniline isomers are hematotoxic in rodents, with rats being more sensitive than mice and
with the relative toxicities following the order p- > m- > o-isomer. In genotoxicity assays, p-
chloroaniline has been shown to yield positive results in virtually all assays, whereas only mixed
results have been obtained on the o, and m-isomers (154). m-Nitro, o-chloro-, m-chloro, and 2,4-
dichloroanilines are also irritants to the skin and mucous membrane. Several dichloro-anilines have
been demonstrated to be skin sensitizers. Except for p-nitroaniline, there is no evidence that these
compounds are reproductive or developmental toxicants. They are inactive in most mutagenicity
tests in Salmonella typhimurium (except in strain TA98 with a co-mutagen), but have been shown to
induce gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations in other genotoxicity assay systems. Although
there is limited or equivocal evidence of carcinogenicity in rodent studies, they are considered
suspect human carcinogens.
2.0 Aniline
2.0.1 CAS Number: [62-53-3]

2.0.2–2.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: Benzamine, aniline oil, phenylamine, aminobenzene,
phenylamine, aminophen, kyanol, benzidam; blue oil, C.I. 76000, C.I. oxidation base 1, cyanol,
krystallin, anyvim, and arylamine

2.0.4 Molecular Weight: 93.128

2.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7N

2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Aromatic Amino and Nitro–Amino Compounds and their Halogenated Derivatives
Yin-Tak Woo, Ph.D., DABT, David Y. Lai, Ph.D., DABT

B. Toluidines
Toluidines are aromatic amines with an amino group and a methyl group attached to benzene. There
are three toluidine isomers: o-, m-, and p-toluidines, designated with respect to the positions of the
amino group and the methyl group. They are used primarily as intermediates in the manufacture of
azodyes for the textile industry. Major clinical signs of toxicity observed in humans exposed to
toluidines and their chloro and nitro derivatives are methemoglobinemia and hematuria. Toluidines
are suspected human carcinogens, with o-toluidine being the strongest suspect. An excess of bladder
tumors has often been found in workers exposed to varying combinations of dyestuffs containing
toluidines. In experimental studies, significant increases of multiple-site tumor incidence have been
observed in rats and/or mice on chronic administration of various toluidines in the diet.
22.0 o-Toluidine
22.0.1 CAS Number: [95-53-4]

22.0.2–22.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: C.I. 37077, o-methylaniline, 2-methyl-1-aminobenzene,

2-methylaniline, 2-methylbenzenamine, 2-aminotoluene, 1-amino-2-methylbenzene, 2-amino-1-
methylbenzene, 1-methyl-2-aminobenzene, o-tolylamine, and methyl-2-aminobenzene

22.0.4 Molecular Weight: 107.15

22.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H9N

22.0.6 Molecular Structure:

22.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

o-Toluidine is a light yellow to reddish brown liquid. It has a density of 0.9984 (20/4°C), a melting
point of –14.7°C, a boiling point of 200.2°C, a refractive index of 1.57276 (20°C), and a flash point
of 86°C (closed cup). It is slightly soluble in water and soluble in alcohol and ether (155, 156).
22.2 Production and Use
Commercial production was first reported in the United States in 1922 for o-toluidine and in 1956
for o-toluidine hydrochloride. In 1983, U.S. production of o-toluidine was between 11 and 21 million
pounds; 34 companies were identified as suppliers. In 1990, two suppliers of o-toluidine and ten
suppliers of o-toluidine hydrochloride were identified; no production volumes are available (60). o-
Toluidine and its hydrochloride salt are used primarily as an intermediate in the manufacture of dyes,
including azo pigment dyes, triarylmethane dyes, sulfur dyes, and indigo compounds. These dyes are
used primarily for printing textiles, in color photography, and as biologic stains. o-Toludine is also
used as an intermediate for rubber vulcanizing chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides.

The greatest potential for exposure to o-toluidine and its hydrochloride salt are dyemakers and
pigment makers through inhalation and dermal contact in the workplace. The National Occupational
Hazard Survey estimated that from 1972 to 1974, 13,053 workers were potentially exposed to o-
toluidine. The National Occupational Exposure Survey conducted from 1981 to 1983 indicated that
5,440 workers were exposed to o-toluidine. A total of 54,000 pounds of o-toluidine were reported to
be released to the environment by 17 industrial facilities in the United States in 1990 (60). o-
Toluidine is also present in cigarette smoke and is a metabolite of the local anesthetic prilocaine
22.3 Exposure Assessment
22.3.3 Workplace Methods The recommended method for determining workplace exposures to o-
toluidine is NIOSH Analytical Method 2002 (111a).

22.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers An increased level of methemoglobin measured in blood of

workers is a nonspecific indicator of exposure to methemoglobin-inducing chemicals, including o-
toluidine. Investigations regarding other possible biomonitoring methods have recently demonstrated
that o-toluidine binds to both albumin and hemoglobin and that a linear dose relationship exists for
hemoglobin (178). Additionally, the biologic half-lives for the protein adducts are several times that
reported for elimination of o-toluidine or its metabolites via the urine, thus providing evidence that
these proteins may be valuable biomarkers of exposure to o-toluidine in the occupational setting
(178). The formation of hemoglobin adduct has recently been developed as a biomonitoring method
to assess worker exposure to o-toluidine in a chemical plant with known bladder cancer excess (93).
22.4 Toxic Effects
The oral LD50 in rats is reported to be 900–940 mg/kg; that of the hydrochloride salt, diluted in
water, in rats is 2950 mg/kg (179). Oral, dermal, or respiratory tract absorption of o-toluidine can
result in methemoglobinemia, reticulocytosis, hematuria, skin and eye irritation, and irritation of the
epithelium of kidneys and bladder (163, 179).

o-Toluidine was reported to yield positive results in a variety of mutagenicity and related assays,
which included Ames Salmonella, in vitro chromosome aberration, in vitro sister chromatid
exchange (SCE), mouse lymphoma cell mutation, in vitro cell transformation, and in vitro
unscheduled DNA synthesis tests (100, 116). It also caused somatic mutation in Drosophila but was
negative in in vivo mouse micronucleus test (116).

An IARC working group (111) reported that there were not adequate data to evaluate the
carcinogenicity of o-toluidine hydrochloride in humans. Although an excess of bladder tumors has
often been found in workers exposed to varying combinations of dyestuffs, no population of workers
exposed to o-toluidine alone has been described, and either the data were insufficient, or insufficient
followup time has prevented a clear association being made with the exposure. An excess number of
bladder cancers has recently been reported in workers exposed to o-toluidine and aniline; the authors
concluded that it is more likely that o-toluidine is responsible for the observed excess number of
cases of bladder cancer, although aniline may have played a role (93, 180).

There is sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of o-toluidine (as the hydrochloride salt) in
experimental animals. When administered in the diet, o-toluidine induced various types of tumors in
multiple sites, including hepatocellular carcinomas or adenomas in female mice and
hemangiosarcomas at multiple sites in male mice of one strain, hemangiosarcomas and
hemangiomas of the abdominal viscera in both sexes of another strain, increased incidences of
sarcomas of multiple organs in rats of both sexes and mesotheliomas in male rats, and carcinomas of
the urinary bladder in female rats (111). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Forty-eight hours after the subcutaneous
injection of a single dose of 400 mg/kg body weight o-[methy- 14C]-toluidine hydrochloride to male
Fischer 344 rats, 83.9% of the 14C appeared in the urine, 3.3% in the feces, and 1.4% was exhaled as
14CO . Various hydroxy- and N-acetyl derivatives were identified as urinary metabolites (111).
22.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA adopted by ACGIH is 2 ppm with skin notation; the compound is
considered a confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans (A3 classification) by
the ACGIH (160). The OSHA exposure limit is 5 ppm. NIOSH considers this compound to be an
occupational carcinogen (110) and recommends appropriate worker protection. The NIOSH
immediately dangerous to life or health concentration (IDLH) is 50 ppm (110).
23.0 m-Toluidine
23.0.1 CAS Number: [108-44-1]

23.0.2 Synonyms: m-Tolylamine; 3-methylbenzenamine, 3-aminophenylmethane, 3-methylaniline,

m-toluamine, and m-aminotoluene

23.0.3 Trade Names: NA

23.0.4 Molecular Weight: 107.15

23.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H9N

23.0.6 Molecular Structure:

23.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

m-Toluidine is a liquid. It has a melting point of –30°C, a boiling point of 203.3°C, and a vapor
pressure of 1 torr at 41°C. It is slightly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, acetone, and
benzene (155, 156).
23.2 Production and Use
The major uses of m-toluidine and its hydrochloride are as intermediates in the manufacture of dyes
and other chemicals. Production has been limited because its nonplanar configuration, due to steric
hindrance, limits its use in direct dyes. It is used in only 12 dyes; none is of major importance (181).

Exposure to m-toluidine is primarily occupationally via inhalation and dermal contact. m-Toluidine
may be released in wastewater during its production and use in the manufacture of dyes and other
23.3 Exposure Assessment
23.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers An increased level of methemoglobin measured in blood of
workers is a nonspecific indicator of exposure to methemoglobin-inducing chemicals including m-
23.4 Toxic Effects
Clinical signs of intoxication in humans include methemoglobinemia and hematuria; it is absorbed
orally, dermally, and via the respiratory tract. There are no epidemiologic studies on workers who
have been exposed only to m-toluidine. The oral LD50 of m-toluidine (rats) is reported to be
974 mg/kg (179).

In an 18-mo carcinogenicity diet evaluation in male CD rats (8,000 ppm for 3 mo, then 4,000 ppm
for an additional 15 mo; or 16,000 ppm for 3 mo, then 8,000 for an additional 15 mo), and male and
female CD-1 mice (16,000 ppm for 5 mo, then 4,000 ppm in males and 8,000 ppm in females for an
additional 13 mo; or 32,000 ppm in both sexes for 5 mo and then 8,000 ppm in males and
16,000 ppm in females for additional 13 mo), there was no evidence of a significant increase of
incidence of any kind of tumor in the rats, and only a significant increase in liver tumors in male
mice (182).
23.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 2 ppm, with a skin notation (160).
24.0 p-Toluidine
24.0.1 CAS Number: [106-49-0]

24.0.2–24.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 4-Aminotoluene, 4-methylaniline, naphthol as-kgll, and

24.0.4 Molecular Weight: 107.15

24.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H9N

24.0.6 Molecular Structure:

24.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

p-Toluidine occurs in the form of plates or leaflets. It has a melting point of 43°C, a boiling point of
201.5°C, a refractive index of 1.5532 (59.1°C), a flash point of 86°C (closed cup), and a vapor
pressure of 1 torr at 42°C. It is slightly soluble in water and soluble in alcohol, ether, acetone,
methanol, or carbon disulfide. It has an aromatic, winelike odor and a burning taste (155, 156).
24.2 Production and Use
p-Toluidine and its hydrochloride are used primarily in the synthesis of dyes and in the preparation
of ion exchange resins. No information on production volumes is available.

Exposure to p-toluidine is primarily occupationally via inhalation and dermal contact. p-Toluidine
may be released in wastewater during its production and use in the manufacture of dyes and other
chemicals. It is also released during the thermal degradation of polyurethane products.
24.3 Exposure Assessment
24.3.3 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers An increased level of methemoglobin measured in blood of
workers is a nonspecific indicator of exposure to p-toluidine, which is a potent methemoglobin
24.4 Toxic Effects
Clinical signs of toxicity in humans include anoxic methemoglobinemia and hematuria. It is
absorbed orally, dermal, and via the respiratory tract. There are no epidemiologic studies reported on
workers who have been exposed only to p-toluidine. The oral LD50 of p-toluidine is 656 mg/kg in
rats and 794 mg/kg in mice; its hydrochloride salt in water was 1285 mg/kg in rats; the LD50 (rabbit
dermal) is 890 mg/kg (179).

In an 18-mo p-toluidine hydrochloride diet carcinogenicity study, male CD rats (1000 and 2000 ppm
for 18 mo) did not develop statistically significant increases of tumors; however, CD-1 male and
female mice (1000 ppm for 6 mo and then 500 ppm for an additional 12 mo; or 2000 ppm for 6 mo
and then 1000 ppm for an additional 12 mo) showed significant increases in liver carcinomas, in
males in both dose levels and in females in the high-dose level (182).
24.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV-TWA is 2 ppm (approximately 9 mg/m3) with skin notation; it is classified as a
confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans (A3 classification) by the ACGIH
25.0 4-Chloro-o-toluidine
25.0.1 CAS Number: [95-69-2]

25.0.2–25.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: para-Chloro-ortho-toluidine, 4-chloro-2-methylaniline,

4-chloro-2-methylbenzenamine, 2-amino-5-chlorotoluene, azoene fast red tr base, brentamine fast
red tr base, 5-chloro-2-aminotolueue, 4-chloro-6-methylaniline, daiz red base tr, deval red k, deval
red tr, deazo fast red tra, fast red base tr, fast red 5ci base, fast red tr 11, fast red tro base, kako red tr
base, kambamine red tr, 2-methyl-4-chloroaniline, mitsui red tr base, red base nir, red tr base, sonya
fast red tr base, and tula base fast red tr
25.0.4 Molecular Weight: 141.60

25.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H8ClN

25.0.6 Molecular Structure:

25.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

4-Chloro-o-toluidine occurs in the form of leaflets. It has a melting point of 27°C and a boiling point
of 241°C. It is soluble in alcohol (155, 156).
25.2 Production and Use
Commercial production of 4-chloro-o-toluidine was first reported in the United States in 1939.
However, production has been stopped since 1979, and all importation was discontinued in 1986.
The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) reported that 89,753 pounds of 4-chloro-o-
toluidine and its hydrochloride salt were imported in 1980, 83,098 pounds in 1981, 31,747 pounds in
1982, and 44,147 pounds in 1983 (112). It is used as an azo coupler in the synthesis of azo dyes used
in the textile industry and for the manufacture of the insecticide chlordimeform (3, 112).

The greatest potential for exposure to 4-chloro-o-toluidine and its hydrochloride salt are dyemakers,
pigment makers, and manufacturers of chloridimeform through inhalation and dermal contact in the
workplace. The National Occupational Hazard survey, conducted by NIOSH from 1972 to 1974,
estimated that 1379 workers were potentially exposed to 4-chloro-o-toluidine. The National
Occupational Exposure survey (1981–1983) indicated that 1357 workers, including 675 women,
were potentially exposed to 4-chloro-o-toluidine and 4-chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride. As a
decomposition product of chlordimeform, 4-chloro-o-toluidine has been identified in field samples
of plant materials treated with chlordimeform, a potential source of human exposure to 4-chloro-o-
toluidine by the ingestion route (112).
25.3 Exposure Assessment
25.3.3 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers An increased level of methemoglobin measured in blood of
workers is a nonspecific indicator of exposure to methemoglobin-inducing chemicals, including 4-
chloro-o-toluidine. Hemoglobin adduct formation has been demonstrated in rats exposed to 4-chloro-
o-toluidine and may be used as a dosimeter for human exposure to the chemical (73).
25.4 Toxic Effects
The intraperitoneal LD50 of 4-chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride was 560–700 mg/kg in rats and 680–
720 mg/kg in mice. Hematuria and hemorrhagic cystitis have been reported in workers exposed to 4-
chloro-o-toluidine (112). 4-Chloro-o-toluidine has been demonstrated to be genotoxic in a variety of
prokaryotic and mammalian in vitro and in vivo test systems (112).

According to the IARC working group, limited human evidence and sufficient animal data are
available to classify this agent a Group 2A compound and therefore probably carcinogenic to
humans (112, 116). Between 1982 and 1990, 7 cases of urinary bladder cancer were detected in a
group of 49 workers producing the insecticide chlordimeform from 4-chloro-o-toluidine on an
irregular basis for an average of 18 years. The incidence of bladder tumors in these workers was
significantly higher than that of the cancer registers. In other studies, increased incidences of cancer
were also observed in workers exposed to 4-chloro-o-toluidine and several other compounds that are
known or suspected carcinogens.

In experimental studies, a significant increase in hemangiosarcomas or hemangiomas was observed

in both sexes of two strain of mice on chronic administration of 4-chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride
in the diet (112, 116). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Following oral administration of [14C-

methyl]-4-chloro-o-toluidine to male and female rats, 71% of the administered radioactivity was
eliminated in the urine and 24.5% in the faeces within 72 h. 4-Chloro-o-toluidine binding to DNA
was demonstrated in vitro with calf thymus DNA and in vivo when it was administrated by
intraperitoneal injection to rats (112).
25.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA regulates 4-chloro-o-toluidine and 4-chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride under Hazard
Communication Standard. 4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride is regulated as a hazardous constituent
of waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and is subject to
reporting/recordkeeping requirements under RCRA and Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and
Community Right-to-Know Act of EPA. The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of the EPA also
subjects 4-chloro-o-toluidine and its hydrochloride salt to reporting requirements applicable to any
significant new use (60).
26.0 5-Chloro-o-toluidine
26.0.1 CAS Number: [95-79-4]

26.0.2–26.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 5-Chloro-2-methylaniline, 5-chloro-2-

methylbenzenamine, 2-amino-4-chlorotoluene, 1-amino-3-chloro-6-methylbenzene, 4-chloro-2-
aminotoluene, 3-chloro-6-methylaniline, acco fast red kb base, ansibase red kb, azoic diazo
component 32, azoene fast red kb base, fast red kb amine, fast red kb base, fast red kb salt, fast red
kb salt supra, fast red kbs salt, genazo red kb soln, hiltonil fast red kb base, lake red bk base,
metrogen red former kb soln, naphthosol fast red kb base, pharmazoid red kb, red kb base,
spectrolene red kb, stable red kb base, C.I. Azoic Diazo Component No. 32, C.I. 37090, 2-methyl-5-
chloroaniline, and 5-chloro-2-methyl-benzamine

26.0.4 Molecular Weight: 141.60

26.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H8ClN

26.0.6 Molecular Structure:

26.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

5-Chloro-o-toluidine has a melting point of 22°C and a boiling point of 237°C (155, 156).
26.2 Production and Use
Specific production volumes for 5-chloro-o-toluidine are not available. In 1977, the compound and
its hydrochloride salt were produced or sold in excess of 1,000 pounds by one U.S. company. In
1974, U.S. imports of 5-chloro-o-toluidine amounted to 42,163 pounds. 5-Chloro-o-toluidine is used
as an azo coupler in the synthesis of azo dyes used in the textile industry (3).

The greatest potential for exposure to 5-chloro-o-toluidine is for workers in the chemical and dye
manufacturing and textile industries.
26.3 Exposure Assessment
26.3.3 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Hemoglobin adduct formation has been demonstrated in rats
exposed to 5-chloro-o-toluidine and may be useful dosimeter for human exposure (73).
26.4 Toxic Effects
No specific acute toxicity data for 5-chloro-o-toluidine are available. The compound may induce a
similar spectrum of toxicity as other toluidines. The chloro derivatives of toluidines are generally
more potent than toluidines in producing methemoglobinemia and hematuria.

A bioassay for the possible carcinogenicity of 5-chloro-o-toluidine was conducted using Fischer 344
rats and B6C3F1 mice. Groups of 50 male and 50 female rats and mice were given 5-chloro-o-
toluidine in the diet at 2500 or 5000 ppm for rats and 2000 or 4000 ppm for mice. The compound
was administered for 78 wk to both rats and mice, followed by an observation period of up to 26 wk
for rats and 13 wk for mice. Under the conditions of this bioassay, 5-chloro-o-toluidine was
carcinogenic to the mice, inducing hemangiosarcomas and hepatocellular carcinomas in both males
and females. There was no conclusive evidence of the carcinogenicity of the compound in the rats
26.5 Standards, Regulations or Guidelines of Exposure
No information is available.
27.0 6-Chloro-o-toluidine
27.0.1 CAS Number: [87-63-8]

27.0.2–27.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 6-Chloro-2-methylaniline, 2-chloro-6-methylaniline, 2-

chloro-6-methylbenzenamine, 2-amino-3-chlorotoluene, and 6-chloro-2-toluidine

27.0.4 Molecular Weight: 141.60

27.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H8ClN

27.0.6 Molecular Structure:

6-Chloro-o-toluidine has a melting point of 2°C, a boiling point of 215°C, and a flash point of 98°C.
It is soluble in water and has a specific gravity of 1.152.
28.0 5-Nitro-o-toluidine
28.0.1 CAS Number: [99-55-8]

28.0.2–28.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 2-methyl-5-nitrobenzenamine; 2-methyl-5-nitroaniline;

2-amino-4-nitrotoluene; 1-amino-2-methyl-5-nitrobenzene; 4-nitro-2-aminotoluene; amarthol fast
scarlet g base; amarthol fast scarlet g; salt; azoene fast scarlet gc base; azoene fast scarlet gc salt;
azofix scarlet g salt; azogene fast scarlet g; C.I. 371.05; C.I. azoic diazo component 12; dainichi fast
scarlet g base; daito scarlet base g; devol scarlet b; devol scarlet g salt; diabase scarlet g; diazo fast
scarlet g; fast red sg base; fast scarlet base g; fast scarlet base j; fast scarlet g; fast scarlet g base; fast
scarlet gc base; fast scarlet j salt; fast scarlet mN4t base; fast scarlet t base; hiltonil fast scarlet g
base; hiltonil fast scarlet gc base; hiltonil fast scarlet g salt; kayaku scarlet g base; lake scarlet g base;
lithosol orange r base; mitsui scarlet g base; naphthanil scarlet g base; naphtoelan fast scarlet g base;
naphtoelan fast scarlet g salt; PNOT; scarlet base ciba ii; scarlet base irga ii; scarlet base nsp; scarlet
g base; sugai fast scarlet g base; symulon scarlet g base; Fast Red G Base; C.I. Azoic Diazo
Component No. 12.

28.0.4 Molecular Weight: 152.15

28.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H8N2O2

28.0.6 Molecular Structrure:

28.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
5-Nitro-o-toluidine occurs in the form of yellow monclinic prisms. It has a melting point of 107.5°C.
It is soluble in acetone, benzene, chloroform, diethyl ether, and ethanol (155, 156).
28.2 Production and Use
Production of 5-nitro-o-toluidine in the United States was reported to 180 ton in 1972 and 57 ton in
1975 (112). It has been used as a precursor in the synthesis of a wide varieties of azo dyes. It is also
used as a coupling component in the synthesis of organic textile dyes such as Naphthol Red M. The
nitro moiety serves as a chromophore (in common with other groups such as nitroso, carbonyl,
thiocarbonyl, azo, azoxy, azomethine, and ethenyl, in which the double bonds contribute to the
absorption of visible light); the amino group serves as an auxochrome (in common with other groups
such as alkylamino, dialkylamine, methoxy, or hydroxy), which functions by intensifying or
modifying the color (184).

The greatest potential for exposure to 5-nitro-o-toluidine is for workers at dye manufacturing
28.3 Exposure Assessment
28.3.3 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers An increased level of methemoglobin measured in blood of
workers is a nonspecific indi cator of exposure to methemoglobin-inducing chemicals, including 5-
28.4 Toxic Effects
Methemoglobinemia was induced in guinea pigs and cats after IP injection of the compound (112). It
is also the major toxic effect observed in workers following excessive exposure. In addition, upon
dermal contact the compound may irritate the skin and cause dermatitis. 5-Nitro-o-toluidine has been
demonstrated to be genotoxic in a variety of prokaryotic and mammalian in vitro and in vivo test
systems (112). There are no data available for evaluating carcinogenic risk to humans. When 5-nitro-
o-toluidine was administered as a dietary feeding study to F344 rats (50 or 100 ppm) and B6C3F1
mice (1200 or 2300 ppm) of both sexes, hepatocellular carcinomas were produced in mice but not in
rats (185).
28.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No information is available.

Aromatic Amino and Nitro–Amino Compounds and their Halogenated Derivatives

Yin-Tak Woo, Ph.D., DABT, David Y. Lai, Ph.D., DABT

C. Aminophenols and Nitroaminophenols

Aminophenols and nitroaminophenols are widely used for manufacture of dyes and pharmaceuticals.
They are also directly used, along with many other chemicals, as ingredients of hair dyes/colorants
and related products and therefore may lead to occupational and consumer exposure. The
International Agency for Research on Cancer (37) has extensively reviewed various epidemiological
and case-control studies showing excess risk for cancer of the urinary bladder in male hairdressers
and barbers and possible excess risk for cancer of the lung and other target sites and concluded that
there is evidence, albeit somewhat limited, that occupation as a hairdresser or barber entails
exposures that are probably carcinogenic (Group 2A). In contrast to professional exposure, there is
inadequate evidence to evaluate the carcinogenic risk of personal use of hair dyes/colorants.
In general, the introduction of the hydrophilic hydroxy group to aromatic amines is expected to
decrease its absorption and increase its excretion and therefore may appear to be detoxifying in
nature. However, if the hydroxy group is ortho or para to the amino group, highly reactive and toxic
quinoneimine intermediates may be generated after oxidation. The introduction of an additional nitro
group to aminophenol may yield an additional amino group via reduction or may confer acute
toxicity by acting as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation.
29.0 o-Aminophenol
29.0.1 CAS Number: [95-55-6]

29.0.2–29.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 2-Aminophenol, 2-amino-1-hydroxybenzene, basf ursol

3ga, benzofur gg, C.I. 76520, C.I. oxidation base 17, fouramine op, o-hydroxyaniline, nako yellow
3ga, paradone olive green b, pelagol 3ga, pelagol grey gg, zoba 3ga, and 2-aminobenzenol

29.0.4 Molecular Weight: 109.13

29.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7NO

29.0.6 Molecular Structure:

29.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

o-Aminophenol occurs as colorless, odorless rhombic needles or plates that readily become grayish
or yellowish brown upon exposure to air and light. It has a molecular weight of 109.13, a density of
1.33 g/cm3 and a melting point of 175°C and is sublimable. It is soluble in water (2 g/100 mL cold
water), alcohol (5 g/100 mL), freely soluble in ether, and slightly soluble in benzene (155, 186).
29.2 Production and Use
There is a scarcity of production data on aminophenols because they are often reported as aniline
derivatives (186). o-Aminophenol is used as an azo and sulfur dye intermediate and for dyeing fur
and hair; it is widely used in the cosmetics, dye, and drug industries.

Occupational exposure may occur to hairdressers, barbers, and dye workers. Occasional exposure
may also occur through personal use of hair dyes/colorants.
29.3 Exposure Assessment
Biomonitoring data are not available.
29.4 Toxic Effects
o-Aminophenol is not readily absorbed through intact skin but may prove to be a sensitizing agent
with resultant contact dermatitis. When inhaled in excessive amounts, it may cause
methemoglobinemia as well as bronchial asthma. Intraperitoneal administration (100–200 mg/kg) to
Syrian golden hamsters on day 8 of gestation produced a significant teratogenic response similar to
that of p-aminophenol (see section 31), including neural tube defects (exencephaly, encephalocele,
and spina bifida), eye defects, and skeletal defects (129). However, no teratogenicity study by the
oral route of administration was found. The compound was reported to be mutagenic in the Ames
test (100). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Aminophenols are generally metabolized

by N-acetylation with the relative rate following the order p- > m- > o- (187). The phenolic group
may also be conjugated (e.g., glucuronide) to facilitate excretion. Reactive electrophilic
quinoneimine derivatives may be formed by oxidation of o or p isomer but not the m isomer. The
oxidation product of o-aminophenol has been shown to bind to protein; however, there was no
evidence of binding to nucleic acids (188).
29.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
There is no information on setting of hygienic standards of permissible exposure
30.0 m-Aminophenol
30.0.1 CAS Number: [591-27-5]

30.0.2–30.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 3-Aminophenol, 3-amino-1-hydroxybenzene, 3-

hydroxyaniline, m-hydroxyaminobenzene, basf ursol bg, C.I. 76545, C.I. oxidation base 7, fouramine
eg, fourrine 65, fourrine eg, furro eg, futramine eg, nako teg, pelagal eg, renal eg, tetral eg, ursol eg,
zoba eg, and m-hydroxyphenylamine

30.0.4 Molecular Weight: 109.13

30.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7NO

30.0.6 Molecular Structure:

30.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

m-Aminophenol occurs as colorless, odorless prisms at room temperature and is relatively more
stable than its o or p isomer. It has a melting point of 125°C; it is soluble in cold water
(2.5 g/100 mL) and very soluble in alcohol, petroleum ether, and hot water (155, 156, 186).
30.2 Production and Use
m-Aminophenol is used chiefly in the synthesis of dyes and occasionally as a hair dye [red-brown
color obtained with p-phenylenediamine or light orange with p-aminophenol (189)] and in the
manufacture of p-aminosalicylic acid.

Occupational exposure may occur to hairdressers, barbers, and dye workers. Occasional exposure
may also occur through personal use of hair dyes/colorants.
30.3 Exposure Assessment
Biomonitoring data are not available.
30.4 Toxic Effects
Intraperitoneal administration (100–200 mg/kg) of m-aminophenol to Syrian golden hamsters on day
8 of gestation produced inconsistent results. A teratogenic response was demonstrated at the mid
dose of 150 mg/kg, but not at the high dose of 200 mg/kg (129). In a followup teratology study in
which Sprague–Dawley rats were fed a diet of 0.1, 0.25, and 1.0% m-aminophenol for 90 d prior to
mating, maternal toxicity was demonstrated at the highest dose level, and a significant reduction in
body weight was noted in the 0.25% group, but there was no evidence of teratogenic or embryo-fetal
toxicity at any dose level tested. Accumulation of iron-positive pigment within the liver, kidneys,
and spleen was observed in dams fed a 1% diet, together with significant reduction in red blood cell
count and hemoglobin level, as well as an increase in mean corpuscular volume, indicating a
hemolytic effect; histomorphologic appearance of the thyroid indicated hyperactive activity (at 0.25
and 1.0% diet) (190). In contrast to o- and p-aminophenol and their glucuronides, neither m-
aminophenol nor its conjugate with glucuronic acid has been shown to form methemoblobin in vitro
(191). The compound was reported to be mutagenic in the Ames test (100). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Aminophenols are generally metabolized

by N-acetylation, with the relative rate following the order p- > m- > o- (187). The phenolic group
may also be conjugated (e.g., glucuronide) to facilitate excretion. Unlike its o- or p-isomer, m-
aminophenol does not undergo oxidation to quinone imine derivative.
30.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Hygienic standards of permissible exposure levels have not been assigned.
31.0 p-Aminophenol
31.0.1 CAS Number: [123-30-8]

31.0.2–31.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 4-Aminophenol, p-hydroxyaniline, 4-amino-1-

hydroxybenzene, Azol, Certinal, Citol, Paranol, Rodinal, Unal, Ursol P, paramidophenol, Kodelon,
Energol, Freedol, Indianol, Kathol, basf ursol p base, benzofur p, C.I. oxidation base 6a, fouramine
p, fourrine 84, PAP, pelagol grey p base, tertral p base, ursol p base, zoba brown p base C.I. 76550,
durafur brown rb, fourrine p base, furro p base, nako brown r, pelagol p base, renal ac, 4-
hydroxyaniline, and 4-aminobenzenol

31.0.4 Molecular Weight: 109.13

31.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H7NO

31.0.6 Molecular Structure:

31.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

p-Aminophenol occurs as orthorhombic plates that deteriorate upon exposure to air and light. It has a
melting point of 189°C and a boiling point of 284°C, and is sublimable. It is soluble in water (0.39%
at 15°C, 0.65% at 24°C, 1.5% at 50°C, 8.5% at 90°C), very soluble in methyl ethyl ketone and
absolute ethanol, but practically insoluble in benzene and chloroform (155, 156, 186).
31.2 Production and Use
p-Aminophenol is used in the manufacture of sulfur and azo dyes and in dyeing furs. The
hydrochloride salt is used as a photographic developer in conjunction with sodium or potassium
carbonates. p-Aminophenol was tried as an analgesic because of the belief that acetanilid was
ultimately oxidized to p-aminophenol; however, it was found to be more toxic than its predecessor,
acetanilid (192). Phenacetin, the ethyl ether of N-acetyl-p-aminophenol, also known as
acetophenetidin, has been widely prescribed as an analgesic.

Occupational exposure may occur to hairdressers, barbers, and dye workers. Occasional exposure
may also occur through personal use of hair dyes/colorants as well as through the use of OTC drugs
that yield p-aminophenol as a metabolite.
31.3 Exposure Assessment
Biomonitoring data are not available.
31.4 Toxic Effects
31.4.1 Experimental Studies p-Aminophenol is a cytotoxic chemical; one mechanism associated with
its cytotoxicity has been attributed to its activity as a tissue respiratory (oxidative phosphorylation)
inhibitor (193).

Intraperitoneal administration (100–200 mg/kg) of the compound on day 8 of gestation to Syrian

golden hamsters produced a significant teratogenic response including encephalocele and limb, tail,
and eye defects; rare malformations observed included ectopic heart, cleft palate, occult
cranioschisis, and abnormal genitalia. It was proposed that the mechanism may be related to the
formation of a reactive quinone/quinoneimine. In contrast to IP administration, the compound was
not teratogenic by the oral route at the same dosages (129).

p-Aminophenol was nonteratogenic in Sprague–Dawley rats fed a diet containing 0.07, 0.2, or 0.7%
for up to 6 mo. After 13 wk, 25 females/group were mated to untreated males in a teratology study;
after 20 wk, 20 males/group were mated to untreated virgin females in a dominant lethal
mutagenicity study. Dose-related nephrosis was seen in both sexes after 13 and 27 wk and in the
high-dose males that were removed from the test diet for a 7-wk recovery period. The authors noted
an increase in developmental variations associated with maternal toxicity at the mid- and high-dose
levels. The dominant lethal study was equivocal (194).

p-Aminophenol has also been demonstrated to be nephrotoxic to rats. Administration of 25–

100 mg/kg to male F344 rats resulted in a dose-related proximal nephropathy. The observed
increased excretion of enzymes, glucose, and urine total protein, resulting in glycosuria and amino
aciduria, indicated functional defects in the proximal tubule and reduced solute reabsorption
efficiency (196). The necrosis is apparently restricted to the straight segment of the proximal tubule
of the Fischer 344 rat; Sprague–Dawley rats, on the other hand, are more resistant to the
nephrotoxicity of acetaminophen and its nephrotoxic metabolite p-aminophenol. The authors
postulated that the strain differences in p-aminophenol-induced nephrotoxicity may be related to
differences in the intrarenal activation of p-aminophenol (197).

Mutagenicity studies of p-aminophenol yielded mixed results: negative in Ames (100), positive in
L5178 mouse lymphoma assay, and negative in CHO/HGPRT assay (51). Although a number of
derivatives (e.g., phenacetin) of p-aminophenol have been reported to be carcinogenic (116, 198),
there appears to be no evidence to indicate that p-aminophenol is carcinogenic. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Aminophenols are generally metabolized

by N-acetylation with the relative rate following the order p- > m- > o- (187). The phenolic group
may also be conjugated (e.g., glucuronide) to facilitate excretion. Reactive electrophilic quinone
imine derivatives may be formed by oxidation of the o or p isomer but not the m isomer.

31.4.2 Human Experience p-Aminophenol is considered a minor nephrotoxic metabolite of

acetaminophen in humans. Long-term use of acetaminophen can result in an increased lipofuscin
deposition in kidneys. In vitro studies have demonstrated that p-aminophenol can undergo oxidative
polymerization to form melanin, a component of soluble lipofuscin. Hemolysis accompanies this
process in whole blood. Long-term excessive use of phenacetin or acetaminophen has been
associated with chronic renal disease, hemolytic anemia, and increased solid lipofuscin deposition in
tissues (195).
31.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Hygienic standards of permissible exposures have not been assigned.
32.0 2-Amino-5-nitrophenol
32.0.1 CAS Number: [121-88-0]

32.0.2–32.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 2-Hydroxy-4-nitroaniline, 5-nitro-2-aminophenol, C.I.

76535, rodol yba, and ursol yellow brown a

32.0.4 Molecular Weight: 154.13

32.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6N2O3

32.0.6 Molecular Structure:

32.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

2-Amino-5-nitrophenol is an orange crystalline solid at room temperature. It has a melting point of
200°C; it is insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol, benzene, and most common organic solvents
(155, 199).
32.2 Production and Use
2-Amino-5-nitrophenol is not produced in commercial quantities in the United States. The import
volume between 1973 and 1979 was in the order of 13,400 kg per year. It is used as a colorant in
semipermanent hair dyes and in the manufacture of azo dye (e.g., C.I. Solvent Red 8) for synthetic
resins, lacquers, and wood stains (199).

In view of its widespread use in hair dyes, occupational (hairdressers and barbers) exposure is
expected. A National Occupational Hazard Survey conducted by NIOSH in 1981–1983 estimated
that a total of 14,512 U.S. workers, including 11,827 women, were potentially exposed to 2-amino-4-
nitrophenol in 1339 beauty salons (105). Occasional consumer exposure may also occur through the
personal use of hair dye products.
32.3 Exposure Assessment
Biomonitoring studies are not available.
32.4 Toxic Effects
The LD50 of 2-amino-5-nitrophenol in rats was reported to be greater than 4 g/kg by oral and
800 mg/kg by intraperitoneal administration (200). Mutagenicity and related genotoxicity studies
indicated that the compound is positive in the Ames test with metabolic activation, positive in mouse
lymphoma L5178Y assay without metabolic activation, positive in chromosomal aberrations and
sister chromatid exchanges assays in CHO cells with and without metabolic activation (199), but
negative in dominant lethal mutation in rats (200).

The potential carcinogenicity of 2-amino-5-nitrophenol was tested by NTP (199) by oral

administration (gavage) in corn oil to F344/N rats (100 and 200 mg/kg) and B6C3F1 mice (400 and
800 mg/kg) for 2 years. There was some evidence of carcinogenic activity in low-dose male rats, as
indicated by increased incidence of acinar cell adenomas of the pancreas. No evidence of
carcinogenic activity was found among female rats and the low-dose groups of male and female
mice. The poor survival rates in the high-dose male rats and high-dose male and female mice
reduced the sensitivity for detecting potential carcinogenic response. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms There is no information on the disposition

or metabolism of 2-amino-5-nitrophenol. However, the disposition of the closely related 2-amino-4-
nitrophenol has been studied. Up to 1.67% of 2-amino-4-nitrophenol has been shown to be absorbed
after dermal application to rats. Absorbed material was excreted in the urine within 24 h. Absorption
has also been demonstrated after oral administration. Virtually all absorbed material was excreted in
5 d.
32.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Hygienic standards of permissible exposure have not been assigned. The use of 2-amino-5-
nitrophenol in cosmetic products is prohibited in the European Economic Communities (36).
33.0 4-Amino-2-nitrophenol
33.0.1 CAS Number: [119-34-6]

33.0.2–33.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: p-Aminonitrophenol, C.I. 76555, fourrine 57, fourrine
brown pr, fourrine brown propyl, 4-hydroxy-3-nitroaniline, o-nitro-p-aminophenol, oxidation base
25, 3-nitro-4-hydroxyaniline, and C.I. oxidation base 25

33.0.4 Molecular Weight: 154.13

33.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H6N2O3

33.0.6 Molecular Structure:

33.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
4-Amino-2-nitrophenol has a melting point of 131°C (155).
33.2 Production and Use
4-Amino-2-nitrophenol has been used in dyeing human hair and animal fur. The typical
concentration in the “semi-permanent” hair dyes was estimated to be in the order of 0.1--1.0% (36).

In view of its use in hair dyes, occupational (hairdressers and barbers) exposure is expected.
Occasional consumer exposure may also occur through the personal use of hair dye products.
33.3 Exposure Assessment
Biomonitoring studies are not available.
33.4 Toxic Effects
The LD50 of 4-amino-2-nitrophenol in rats was reported to be 3.3 g/kg by oral and 302 mg/kg by
intraperitoneal administration (200). The compound was reported to be mutagenic in the Ames test
and the mouse lymphoma L5178Y assay (100). The potential carcinogenicity of 4-amino-2-
nitrophenol was tested by NCI (201) by dietary administration (1250 or 2500 ppm) to F344/N rats
and B6C3F1 mice for 2 years. Under the conditions of the bioassay, the compound was carcinogenic
in male rats inducing transitional-cell carcinomas of the urinary bladder (controls 0/15, low dose
0/46, high dose 11/39). The same tumor was also observed in three dosed female rats and may have
been associated with the administration of the chemical. No evidence of carcinogenic activity was
found in the mice. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms There is no information on the disposition

or metabolism of 4-amino-2-nitrophenol. However, the disposition of its isomer 2-amino-4-
nitrophenol has been studied. Up to 1.67% of 2-amino-4-nitrophenol has been shown to be absorbed
after dermal application to rats. Absorbed material was excreted in the urine within 24 h. Absorption
has also been demonstrated after oral administration. Virtually all absorbed material was excreted in
5 d.
33.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Hygienic standards of permissible exposure have not been assigned.

Aromatic Amino and Nitro–Amino Compounds and their Halogenated Derivatives

Yin-Tak Woo, Ph.D., DABT, David Y. Lai, Ph.D., DABT

D. Phenylenediamines and Derivatives

Phenylenediamines (PDAs) are aromatic amines with two amino groups attached to benzene. There
are three possible isomers: ortho-, meta-, and para-phenylenediamine (o-, m-, and p-PDA). Their
primary uses are in the synthesis of polymers (primarily polyurethanes) and dyestuffs, and as
components of hair dye formulations. Several of their nitro and chloro derivatives are also widely
used in the hair dye industry.

Phenylenediamines are methemoglobin-forming agents and skin sensitizers. Among the three
isomers, m-PDA is the most potent methemoglobin-forming agent and p-PDA is more toxic and a
stronger skin sensitizer than o- and m-PDA. 2-Nitro-p-PDA was reported to cause developmental
toxicity in mice. All three isomers of PDA and a number of their nitro and chloro derivatives have
been shown to induce gene mutagen in bacteria and/or cultured mammalian cells. Many of them also
induced chromosomal aberrations, sister chromatid exchange, and cell transformation in cultured
mammalian cells. The m and p isomers of PDA did not show any carcinogenic effects in limited
carcinogenicity studies in rodents. However, there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in long-
term animal studies for o-PDA, 2-nitro-p-PDA, 4-chloro-o-PDA, 4-chloro-m-PDA, and 2,6-dichloro-
p-PDA. Addition of chlorine atom(s) in the phenyl ring appeared to increase the carcinogenicity of

Aromatic Amino and Nitro–Amino Compounds and their Halogenated Derivatives

Yin-Tak Woo, Ph.D., DABT, David Y. Lai, Ph.D., DABT

E. Toluenediamines
There are six possible isomers of toluenediamines (TDA), or diaminotoluenes. They are usually
synthesized commercially by dinitration of toluene, yielding a mixture of approximately 76% 2,4-
TDA, 19% 2,6-TDA, 2.5% 3,4-TDA, 1.5% 2,3-TDA, 0.7% 2,5-TDA, and traces of 3,5-TDA (85).
Among these isomers, 2,4-TDA and 2,6-TDA (both also known as m-TDA) are the most widely used
diamines principally as chemical intermediates for the manufacture of toluene diisocyante (TDI), the
predominant diisocyanate in the flexible foam and elastomer industries. In addition, TDA isomers
are also used in hair dyes and a variety of other uses.

Four isomers (2,4-, 2,5-, 2,6-, and 3,4-) of TDA have been shown to be mutagenic in the Ames
assay. In addition, both 2,4-TDA and 2,6-TDA yielded positive results in in vitro chromosome
aberration and sister chromatid exchange assays (100). In contrast to genotoxicity assays, differential
results have been observed in carcinogenicity studies. Whereas several studies indicated 2,4-TDA to
be clearly carcinogenic in rats and mice, bioassays of 2,5-TDA and 2,6-TDA gave negative results.
Mechanistic studies (83) showed that although both 2,4-TDA and 2,6-TDA are capable of binding to
DNA, 2,4-TDA is about 6500 times more effective than 2,6-TDA. In addition, 2,4-TDA has been
shown to induce hepatocellular proliferation (227) and exhibit tumorigenesis-promoting activity
inducing liver foci from diethylnitrosamine-initiated hepatocytes (83), whereas 2,6-TDA lacks such
activities indicating that genotoxicity alone is insufficient to induce complete carcinogenesis.

NIOSH Analytical Method 5516 is recommended for determining workplace exposure for all
toluenediamine isomers (111a).
44.0 2,3-Toluenediamine
44.0.1 CAS Number: [2687-25-4]

44.0.2 Synonyms: 3-Methyl-1,2-benzenediamine, toluene-2,3-diamine, and 2,3-diaminotoluene, and


44.0.3 Trade Names: NA

44.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

44.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

44.0.6 Molecular Structure:

47.1 General
2,3-Toluenediamine has a boiling point of 255°C and a melting point of 63 to 64°C; it is soluble in
water, alcohol, and ether. The most significant commercial use of o-TDA is in the manufacture of
tolyltriazoles, which are used as corrosion inhibitors, photographic chemicals, and catalysts. It is also
used as a chemical intermediate in the synthesis of polyols and antioxidants (85). No toxicology
information was located in the literature. No hygienic standards of permissible exposure have been
assigned. In the absence of data, NIOSH considers all TDA isomers as possible occupational
45.0 2,4-Toluenediamine
45.0.1 CAS Number: [95-80-7]

45.0.2–45.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: Toluene-2,4-diamine, toluenediamine, 2,4-

diaminotoluene, 4-methyl-1,3-benzenediamine, 3-amino-p-toluidine, 5-amino-o-toluidine, tolylene-
2,4-diamine, 1,3-diamino-4-methylbenzene, 2,4-diamino-1-methylbenzene, 2,4-diamino-1-toluene,
2,4-diaminotoluol, 4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine, C.I. 76035, C.I. oxidation base, C.I. oxidation
base 20; C.I. oxidation base 35; C.I. oxidation base 200, developer 14, developer b, developer db,
developer dbj, developer mc, developer mt, developer mt-cf, developer mtd, developer, azogen
developer h, benzofur mt, eucanine gb, fouramine, fouramine j, fourrine 94, fourrine m, MTD, nako
tmt, pelagol j, pelagol grey j, pontamine developer tn, renal md, Tertral g, zoba gke, zogen developer
h, 4-methylphenylene-1,3-diamine, and 2,4-TDA

45.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

45.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

45.0.6 Molecular Structure:

45.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

2,4-Toluenediamine has a boiling point of 292°C and melting point of 99°C; it is soluble in water,
alcohol, and ether. It is a colorless to brown, needle-shaped crystal or powder that tends to darken on
storage (85, 155).
45.2 Production and Use
2,4-Toluenediamine is a widely used industrial chemical intermediate. It is produced in very large
volumes with worldwide production estimated to be 6.9 × 105 metric tons in 1991 (85). The major
use for 2,4-TDA is in the manufacture of toluene diisocyanate (TDI), the predominant isocyanate in
the flexible polyurethane foams and elastomers industry. It is also used as an intermediate for the
synthesis of dyes and pigments and was used in hair dye formulations until 1971 (36).

Human exposure to 2,4-TDA may occur indirectly via exposure to 2,4-toluene diisocyanate, which is
known to hydrolyze to 2,4-TDA rapidly upon contact with water. Workers in some plastics and
elastomers industries may be exposed to atmospheres containing TDI (228). Direct exposure to 2,4-
TDA per se could also occur to hairdressers and barbers through the use of hair dye formulations.
45.3 Exposure Assessment
Biomonitoring methods to measure hemoglobin adducts of 2,4-TDA as a dosimeter of exposure have
been developed (95, 102). Immunoassays to measure DNA adducts with 2,4-TDA have also been
developed (21).
45.4 Toxic Effects
Clinical effects in humans include methemoglobinemia, especially when red blood cell-reducing
mechanisms are impaired, such as in G6PD deficiency, which occurs in humans in the absence of
glutathione reductase, glutathione, or glutathione peroxidase. It is an eye irritant that may cause
corneal damage, and delayed skin irritation reportedly occurs, which can result in blistering (1).

45.4.1 Experimental Studies Reproductive toxicity in the rat has been demonstrated. Reduced
fertility, arrested spermatogenesis, and diminished circulating testosterone levels have resulted in
rats fed 0.03% 2,4-TDA; electron microscopy revealed degenerative changes in Sertoli cells and a
decrease in epididymal sperm reserves; after 3 wk of 0.06% TDA feeding, sperm counts were further
reduced and accompanied by a dramatic increase in testes weights, intense fluid accumulation, and
ultrastructural changes in Sertoli cells (130). In previous studies testicular atrophy, hormonal effects,
and aspermatogenesis were also observed in Sprague–Dawley rats given a 0.1% diet for 9 wk (131,

2,4-TDA is mutagenic in the Ames assay with metabolic activation in the presence of S-9; it gave
weakly positive results in the micronucleus test at near toxic doses (231, 232). In vitro chromosome
aberration and sister chromatid exchange assays were reported to be positive (100). Its in vivo
genotoxic activity has recently been demonstrated using the Big Blue transgenic mouse mutation
assay (81).

When 2,4-TDA was administered in the diet to male and female F344 rats (79 or 170 ppm) or
B6C3F1 mice (100 or 200 ppm), hepatocellular carcinomas were produced in female mice,
hepatocellular carcinomas in male rats, and mammary adenomas or carcinomas in female rats, but no
carcinomas in the male mice (233). Also male Wistar rats have reportedly been shown to develop
hepatocarcinomas following treatment with 2,4-TDA (234). A skin painting study in Swiss–Webster
mice was reportedly noncarcinogenic (235). However, it has also been observed that mice appear to
be less sensitive than rats; this difference may be based upon differences in metabolism (236). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Metabolism studies (16, 21, 232, 236)
indicated that 2,4-TDA is metabolically activated by N-hydroxylation followed by N-acetylation to
yield the N-acetoxy derivative as the ultimate DNA reactive and mutagenic intermediate. Based on
analysis of the DNA adducts, the 4-amino group appears to be the preferential (80%) site of
metabolic activation (21). At an equimolar dose of 250 mg/kg, 2,4-TDA was shown to be 6500 times
more active in binding to DNA in rats liver than its 2,6-isomer (83). In addition, 2,4-TDA has been
shown to induce hepatocellular proliferation (227) and exhibit tumorigenesis-promoting activity
inducing liver foci from diethylnitrosamine-initiated hepatocytes (83). In contrast, the mutagenic but
noncarcinogenic 2,6-TDA lacks such tumorigenesis-promoting activities indicating that genotoxicity
alone is insufficient to induce complete carcinogenesis.

45.4.2 Human Experience However, epidemiological studies of workers exposed to commercial

mixtures of dinitrotoluene and/or toluenediamine at three chemical plants indicated that the fertility
of men had not been reduced significantly and reported no observable effects on the fertility of
workers (229, 230). However, other reports have suggested that human exposure may disrupt
spermatogenesis and cause an excess of miscarriages (131, 132). Biliary tract cancer has been
reported in industrial workers (237); however, it could not be determined whether 2,4-TDA played a
significant role.

An IARC working group concluded that, despite the lack of human data, there are sufficient animal
data to classify 2,4-TDA a Group 2B compound, an agent possibly carcinogenic to humans (116).
45.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH recommends that 2,4-TDA be treated as a possible occupational carcinogen.
46.0 2,5-Toluenediamine
46.0.1 CAS Number: [95-70-5]

46.0.2–46.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 2,5-Diaminotoluene, toluene-2,5-diamine, 2-methyl-1,4-

benzenediamine and 2,5-TDA

46.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

46.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

46.0.6 Molecular Structure:

46.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

2,5-Toluenediamine has a boiling point of 273 to 274°C and a melting point of 64°C; it is soluble in
water, alcohol, and ether (85, 155).
46.2 Production and Use
2,5-Toluenediamine is used primarily in hair dye formulations as one of the major oxidation dye
precursors (36). It is also used in the synthesis of saframine, a family of dyes used as biological stain
and may be present in indelible ink, antifreeze, and nail polish (238).

As may be expected from its use in hair dye formulations, hairdressers and barbers may be exposed
to 2,5-TDA (36). Workers in the dye manufacturing industry may also be exposed.
46.3 Exposure Assessment
No biomonitoring data or studies are available.
46.4 Toxic Effects
2,5-Toluenediamine is toxic following oral, inhalation, and dermal exposure causing hepatotoxicity
and hemolytic anemia. The compound is considered highly irritating to skin and eye (239).
Myotoxicity (to both cardiac and skeletal muscle) has also been observed in rats exposed to 2,5-
TDA; a number of more highly ring-methylated analogs (2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-, 2,5-dimethyl- and 2,6-
dimetyl-p-phenylenediamine) are even more myotoxic (240). Ames test showed positive
mutagenicity with metabolic activation (100).

The possible carcinogenicity of 2,5-TDA (as sulfate salt, CAS # [6369-59-1]) was tested by the
National Cancer Institute in a dietary feeding study (238). Groups of 50 male and female F344 rats
(600 or 2000 ppm) and B6C3F1 mice (600 or 1000 ppm) were given diets containing 2,5-TDA for
78 wk and then observed for an additional period of 28–31 wk for rats and 16–19 wk for mice. The
only statistically significant increased incidence was in lung tumors in high-dose female mice, but
the evidence was not convincing enough to be attributed to 2,5-TDA. Overall, the compound was
considered noncarcinogenic (238).
46.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No hygienic standards of permissible exposure have been assigned.
47.0 2,6-Toluenediamine
47.0.1 CAS Number: [823-40-5]

47.0.2–47.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: Toluene-2,6-diamine, 2-methyl-1,3-benzenediamine,

2,6-diaminotoluene, 1,3-diamino-2-methylbenzene, 2,methyl-m-phenylenediamine, 2,6-diamino-1-
methylbenzene, 2-methyl-1,3-phenylenediamine, 2,6-toluylenediamine, and 2,6-toluenediamine and

47.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

47.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

47.0.6 Molecular Structure:

47.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

2,6-Toluenediamine has a melting point of 106°C; it is soluble in water and alcohol. The
dihydrochloride of 2,6-TDA is usually more stable than the free amine (85, 155).
47.2 Production and Use
2,6-Toluenediamine is usually produced as a byproduct with 2,4-TDA in mixtures containing 20%
2,6- and 80% 2,4-isomer. It is used primarily in the manufacture of toluene diisocyanate (TDI), the
predominant isocyanate in the flexible polyurethane foams and elastomers industry (228).

Human exposure to 2,6-TDA may occur indirectly via exposure to toluene diisocyanate mixture
containing 2,6-toluenediisocyanate, which is known to hydrolyze to 2,6-TDA rapidly upon contact
with water. Workers in some plastics and elastomers industries may be exposed to atmosphere
containing TDI (228).
47.3 Exposure Assessment
Biomonitoring methods to measure hemoglobin adducts of 2,6-TDA as a dosimeter of exposure have
been developed (102).
47.4 Toxic Effects
2,6-Toluenediamine is positive in the Ames test, in vitro chromosome aberration, and sister
chromatid exchange assays (100). Long-term bioassay of 2,6-TDA (as dihydrochloride salt, CAS
[15481-70-6]) in an NCI feeding study using male and female F344 rats (250 or 500 ppm) and
B6C3F1 mice (50 or 100 ppm) showed no evidence of carcinogenicity (241), although the doses
used in the mosue study did not reach the maximum tolerated dose. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Metabolism and mechanistic studies (83,
229, 242) showed that 2,6-TDA is metabolically activated to a mutagenic and reactive intermediate
capable of binding to DNA. However, unlike its hepatocarcinogenic 2,4-isomer, 2,6-TDA lacks
tumorigenesis promoting activities as indicated by its failure to induce hepatocellular proliferation
(227) and promote development of liver foci from diethylnitrosamine-initiated hepatocytes (83).
Thus the genotoxicity of 2,6-TDA alone is insufficient to confer complete carcinogenic activity.
47.5 Standards, Regulation, or Guidelines of Exposure
No hygienic standards of permissible exposure have been assigned.
48.0 3,4-Toluenediamine
48.0.1 CAS Number: [496-72-0]

48.0.2 Synonyms: 3,4-Diaminotoluene, 4-methyl-1,2-benzenediamine, diaminotoluene, toluene-3,4-

diamine, and 4-methyl-o-phenylenediamine

48.0.3 Trade Names: NA

48.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

48.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

48.0.6 Molecular Structure:

3,4-Toluenediamine has a melting point of 88°C and a boiling point of 265°C (sublimes); it is
soluble in water. The most significant commercial use of o-TDA is in the manufacture of
tolyltriazoles, which are used as corrosion inhibitors, photographic chemicals, and catalysts. It is also
used as chemical intermediate in the synthesis of polyols and antioxidants (85). The compound was
reported to be mutagenic in the Ames test in one study (100), but negative in another (243). No
hygienic standards of permissible exposure have been assigned. In the absence of data, NIOSH
considers all TDA isomers as possible occupational carcinogens.
49.0 3,5-Toluenediamine
49.0.1 CAS Number: [108-71-4]

49.0.2 Synonyms: 5-Methyl-1,3-benzenediamine and 3,5-diaminotoluene

49.0.3 Trade Names: NA

49.0.4 Molecular Weight: 122.17

49.0.5 Molecular Formula: C7H10N2

49.0.6 Molecular Structure:

There is no information available on this isomer in the open literature.

Aromatic Amino and Nitro–Amino Compounds and their Halogenated Derivatives

Yin-Tak Woo, Ph.D., DABT, David Y. Lai, Ph.D., DABT

F. Chlorinated Nitrobenzene Compounds

Chlorinated nitrobenzene compounds are important chemical intermediates for the synthesis of dyes,
rubber, agricultural and pharmaceutical chemicals, as well as for some explosives. The chemical
reactivity and toxicity of chlorinated nitrobenzene compounds depend on the number of chloro and
nitro groups on the ring and their relative position. The ring nitro group(s) may contribute to toxicity
either by reduction to aromatic amines or by activating the chloro group to become a leaving group,
thereby yielding a direct-acting arylating agent. To yield an arylating agent, the electron-
withdrawing nitro group(s) must be situated ortho or para to the chloro group. The strongest
arylating agents are 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. There is good
evidence that the mutagenicity of halogenated nitrobenzene compounds may be correlated to their
arylating activity. A comparative mutagencity study (244), using Ames assay, of 21 chloro-
/fluoronitrobenzene and 9 chloro-/fluorobenzene compounds indicated that mutagenicity (base-pair
substitution only) was exhibited by all compounds having a chloro or fluoro group at the ortho or
para position in the nitrobenzene nucleus. Chlorinated nitrobenzene compounds are also notorious as
inducers of methemoglobinemia; this activity is less dependent on the relative positions of chloro
and nitro groups. All three isomers (o-, m-, p-) of chloronitrobenzene have been shown to be potent
inducers of methemoglobinemia.
50.0 o-Chloronitrobenzene
50.0.1 CAS Number: [88-73-3]

50.0.2–50.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 1-Chloro-2-nitrobenzene, 2-chloro-1-nitrobenzene,

Oncb, 2-nitrochlorobenzene, 2-CNB, and o-CNB

50.0.4 Molecular Weight: 157.56

50.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4ClNO2

50.0.6 Molecular Structure:

50.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

o-Chloronitrobenzene usually occurs as oily yellow crystals at room temperature. It has a melting
point of 34°C and a boiling point of 246°C; it is soluble in alcohol, benzene, ether, and acetone but
insoluble in water. At room temperature, its vapor pressure is sufficiently high to lead to significant
volatilization (62). As an aromatic nitro compound, it is easily reducible to corresponding aromatic
amino compounds (26). The chlorine atom can be easily replaced by OH, OCH3 OC6H5, etc., by
nucleophilic attack.
50.2 Production and Use
The annual production of o-CNB in the United States in 1993 was 19,000 metric tons (2) and on the
order of 50,000–70,000 metric tons in Germany (26). It is used as a chemical intermediate for the
synthesis of o-aminophenol, which is used as a photographic developer. It is also used in the
preparation of dyes, corrosion inhibitors, and agricultural chemicals.

Human exposure may occur to dyestuff workers but the extent is uncertain because of its use as a
chemical intermediate. o-Chloronitrobenzene has been detected in the surface water of the Rhine
River in a concentration range of 0.1–0.5 mg/L (26). Concentration levels of up to 1 mg/kg were
reportedly found in fish in Europe (26).
50.3 Exposure Assessment
No biomonitoring studies are available.
50.4 Toxic Effects
o-Chloronitrobenzene has been reported to cause a variety of toxic effects, which include skin, eye,
and respiratory tract irritation, pulmonary edema, methemoglobinemia, neurotoxicity, dermatitis,
skin sensitization, and hepatic, pancreatic, and renal disorders (163, 245). Toxicity studies by NTP
(62) showed that o-CNB is mutagenic in the Ames test, positive in the sister chromatid exchange
assay, and capable of inducing chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells but negative
in sex-linked recessive lethal mutation assays in Drosophila melanogaster. Inhalation exposure of
rats and mice to o-CNB resulted in methemoglobin formation and oxidative damage to red blood
cells, leading to a regenerative anemia and a spectrum of tissue damage secondary to erythrocyte
injury. Hyperplasia of the respiratory epithelium was also observed in rats exposed to o-CNB. The
increase in methemoglobin occurred in rats exposed to as low as 1.1 ppm o-CNB. The NOAEL was
6 ppm for mice in a 13-wk inhalation study. Reproductive toxicity study indicated evidence of
decreased spermatogenesis in rats exposed to o-CNB. A planned carcinogenicity study by NTP was
cancelled. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, amd Mechansims o-Chloronitrobenzene can be readily

absorbed by oral, dermal, and inhalation routes (62). It has been reported to be metabolized to o-
chloroaniline, indicating nitroreduction, and conjugated with GSH to S-(2-nitrophenyl)glutathione,
indicating the arylating activity (1).
50.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No hygienic standards of permissible exposure have been assigned. In Germany, this compound has
been considered a substance suspected of having carcinogenic potential (246).
51.0 m-Chloronitrobenzene
51.0.1 CAS Number: [121-73-3]

51.0.2–51.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 3-Nitrochlorobenzene, 1-chloro-3-nitrobenzene; MNCB,

nitrochlorobenzene, and m-CNB

51.0.4 Molecular Weight: 157.56

51.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4ClNO2

51.0.6 Molecular Structure:

51.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

m-Chloronitrobenzene has a melting point of 43°C and a boiling point of 236°C. It is soluble in hot
alcohol, chloroform, ether, carbon disulfide, and benzene, but relatively insoluble in water (2).
Unlike the o- and p-isomers, the chlorine atom in m-CNB is not activated for nucleophilic
51.2 Production and Use
m-Chloronitrobenzene is of lesser economic importance than its ortho and para isomers, with no
U.S. production reported (2). The annual production in Germany was reported to be in the order of
1000–3000 metric tons. It has limited use in the manufacturing of dyes and agricultural chemicals.

There is no information on potential exposure. Chloronitrobenzene has been detected in the surface
water of the Rhine River with concentrations between 20 and 500 ng/L and in fish at levels of up to
1 mg/kg (26).
51.4 Toxic Effects
The main toxicological concern for m-CNB is the induction of methemoglobinemia, which could be
observed in rats given dermal administration of 800–2000 mg/kg of the compound. Cats are
substantially more susceptible to the methemoglobin-forming activity of m-CNB. A single IP dose of
5–10 mg m-CNB/kg body weight was sufficient to generate methemoglobinemia with the greatest
effect observed 10 h after the administration (26). In contrast its o and p isomers, m-CNB has been
basically shown to be nonmutagenic in the Ames test, sister chromatid exchange, and chromosome
aberration assays (26, 100, 247). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption studies indicated that m-CNB
may be absorbed via oral, dermal, and inhalation routes. Metabolism studies in rabbit showed m-
chloroaniline and its phenolic derivatives as the major metabolites. There is no evidence of GSH
conjugation indicating the lack of arylating activity. There is evidence that the mode of action of
methemoglobinemia is most likely caused by the formation of hydroxylamine derivative during
metabolism (26).
51.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No hygienic standards of permissible exposure have been assigned.
52.0 p-Chloronitrobenzene
52.0.1 CAS Number: [100-00-5]

52.0.2–52.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 4-Chloronitrobenzene, PNCB, nitrochlorobenzene, 1-

chloro-4-nitrobenzene, 1,4-chloronitrobenzene, 4-nitrochlorobenzene, 4-chloro-1-nitrobenzene, p-
nitrochlorobenzene, 1-chloro-4-nitrobenzene, and p-CNB

52.0.4 Molecular Weight: 157.56

52.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H4ClNO2

52.0.6 Molecular Structure:

52.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

p-Chloronitrobenzene occurs as yellow crystals at room temperature. It has a melting point of 83.6°C
and a boiling point of 242°C; it is soluble in alcohol, benzene, ether, and acetone, but insoluble in
water. At room temperature, its vapor pressure (0.009 torr at 25°C) is sufficiently high to lead to
significant volatilization (62). As an aromatic nitro compound, it is easily reducible to the
corresponding aromatic amino compound (26). The chlorine atom can be easily replaced by OH,
OCH3, OC6H5, etc. by nucleophilic attack.
52.2 Production and Use
The annual production of p-CNB in the United States in 1993 was 35,000 metric tons (2) and on the
order of 50,000–70,000 metric tons in Germany (26). It is used as an intermediate in the manufacture
of dyes, rubber, and agricultural chemicals.

Human exposure may occur to dyestuff workers but the extent is uncertain because of its use as a
chemical intermediate. p-Chloronitrobenzene has been detected in the surface water of the Rhine
River at a concentration range of 0.1–6.38 mg/L (26).
52.3 Exposure Assessment
52.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Analytical Method 2005 is recommended for determining
workplace exposures to p-CNB (111a)

The measurement of blood methemoglobin level has been used as a nonspecific indicator of
biological exposure to p-CNB.
52.4 Toxic Effects
The most significant toxicity is methemoglobinemia, which may occur after oral, dermal, or
inhalation exposure. Symptoms of methemoglobinemia, which include headache, dizziness,
vomiting, weakness, cyanosis, and anemia, have been observed in workers exposed to p-CNB via
skin contact or inhalation. Skin penetration is rapid, and p-CNB is more potent than aniline in terms
of potential to produce cyanosis and anemia (26). Animal studies also indicated the
methemoglobinemia-inducing capability of p-CNB (26). A recent NTP subchronic inhalation
toxicity study showed evidence of methemoglobinemia in F344/N rats exposed to as low as 1.5 ppm
p-CNB. No NOAEL could be achieved for rats in this study while a NOAEL of 6 ppm was
established for B6C3F1 mice (62). Mutagenicity studies by NTP (62) showed that p-CNB is
mutagenic in the Ames test, positive in the sister chromatid exchange assay, and capable of inducing
chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells but negative in sex-linked recessive lethal
mutation assay in Drosophila melanogaster.

A teratogenicity study of p-CNB was conducted in groups of Sprague–Dawley rats administered 5,

15, or 45 mg/kg/d by gavage on days 6 to 19 of gestation and in New Zealand rabbits dosed with 5,
15, or 40 mg/kg/d on gestation days 7 to 19 by gavage (168). In the rat study, there was evidence of
embryotoxicity (increased resorptions) and teratogenicity (increased incidences of skeletal
anomalies) only at the high-dose group, which is slightly maternally toxic. In the rabbit study, the
high dose was highly toxic to the dams, whereas the mid- and low-doses caused small increases in
the incidences of skeletal malformations that were not statistically significant (168).

p-CNB was reported to be noncarcinogenic in Sprague–Dawley rats and equivocal in HaM/ICR mice
given maximally tolerated dietary doses (rats: initially 4000 ppm, reduced to 500 ppm after 3 mo and
then raised to 1000 ppm after 2 mo; mice: 6000 ppm) and half of those doses for 18 mo followed by
6 mo (rats) or 3 mo (mice) observation (182). In another long-term bioassay in which rats were given
p-CNB orally at 0.1, 0.7, or 5.0 mg/kg/d, the only predominant adverse effect was apparently
significant methemoglobinemia observed at mid- and high-dose levels (1). In view of the
uncertainties, NTP originally planned a carcinogenicity bioassay but subsequently decided to
discontinue after the subchronic toxicity studies. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption studies indicated that p-CNB
can be readily absorbed by all routes of exposure (62). In vitro studies have demonstrated that p-
CNB can be reduced to p-chloroacetanilide as well as p-chloroaniline, and that cytosolic GSH
transferase is involved in the conjugation with GSH to form S-(4-nitrophenyl)glutathione. Urinary
metabolites of male Sprague–Dawley rats following a single IP dose of 100 mg/kg of p-CNB diluted
in olive oil included trace amounts of unchanged p-CNB, p-chloroaniline, 2,4-dichloroaniline, p-
nitrothiophenol, 2-chloro-5-nitrophenol, 2-amino-5-chlorophenol, 4-chloro-2-hydroxyacetanilide,
and a small amount of p-chloroacetanilide (248).
52.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV–TWA is 0.64 mg/m3 (0.1 ppm) with skin notation. The ACGIH also considers p-
CNB a confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans (160). NIOSH considers p-
CNB as a potential occupational carcinogen. The current OSHA PEL is 1 mg/m3 with skin notation.
The NIOSH immediately dangerous to life or health concentration (IDLH) is 100 mg/m3 (110). In
Germany, p-CNB is considered a suspect carcinogen (246) and subject to a variety of legal
regulations and orders with a maximum workplace concentration of 1 mg/m3 assigned (26).
53.0 1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene
53.0.1 CAS Number: [97-00-7]

53.0.2–53.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 2,4-Dinitro-1-chlorobenzene, 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene,

1,3-dinitro-4-chlorobenzene, dinitrochlorobenzene, chlorodinitrobenzene, DNCB, and 4-chloro-1,3-

53.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

53.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3ClN2O4

53.0.6 Molecular Structure:

53.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene occurs as yellow crystals at room temperature. It has a melting point of
53–54°C (for a form) or 43°C (for b form) and a boiling point of 315°C; it is insoluble in water but
readily soluble in ether, benzene, or hot alcohol. With two electron-withdrawing nitro groups
situated at ortho and para positions, the chlorine is activated to become a good leaving group, thus
making the compound a good arylating agent (155, 156).
53.2 Production and Use
1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene is the best-known chlorodinitrobenzene isomer. It has been used in the
manufacture of dyes, as a reagent for the detection of pyridine compounds, as an algicide in coolant
water of air conditioning systems, and as a positive control in sensitization experiments.

Incidents of occupational exposure have been reported. The highly potent sensitizing activity of
DNCB has limited its uses to closed systems.
53.4 Toxic Effects
Although not known to be a potent systemic toxicant with rat oral LD50 reported to be 1.07 g/kg
(155), this chemical is a notoriously potent sensitizer. Dermal exposure can result in contact urticaria
and yellow discoloration of the skin, as well as violent dermatitis (211). Adams et al. (249) reported
a case in which DNCB had been used as an algicide in the coolant water of air conditioning systems.
Four repairmen working on these systems suffered severe contact dermatitis that was very difficult to
treat. The conclusion was that because DNCB is extremely allergenic and should be used only in
closed systems that afford no human contact (167). In fact, DNCB has been used since 1927 for
experimental induction of contact sensitivity and in allergenic cross-sensitization screening programs
(137). A detailed review of the use of DNCB in experimental sensitization studies, including dose–
response relationships and species differences, has been published (25).

1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene has been shown to be mutagenic in the Ames test without metabolic
activation (244, 250). The presence of glutathione may reduce the direct-acting mutagenicity of
DNCB by forming glutathione conjugate; however, the glutathione conjugate may be further
activated by nitroreduction (250). A preliminary carcinogenicity study of DNCB in Charles River
rats and Ham/ICR mice by dietary administration for 12–13 months was reported to be negative
(182); however, in view of its being a direct-acting arylating agent, testing by dermal and inhalation
routes may be more appropriate. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Metabolism studies have demonstrated

that DNCB depletes hepatic GSH levels by the biotransformation displacement of chlorine to yield
1-SG-2,4-dinitrobenzene (251). A reactive intermediate may be involved, for further studies have
also demonstrated that DNCB was less mutagenic in a GSH-deficient derivative of Salmonella
typhimurium TA100 (TA100/GSH-) than in TA100 itself, suggesting that the mutagenicity depends
on GSH. Further investigations indicated that halogenated aromatics may react with bacterial DNA
and produce premutagenic alterations according to two mechanisms: direct attack on the DNA
through nucleophilic substitution (SN2) of the halogen atoms, or activation through GSH conjugation
and subsequent nitroreduction of the conjugate or its metabolic products to more reactive
intermediates (250).
53.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
1-Chloro-2,4-dinitroenzene is on OSHA's List of Highly Hazardous Chemicals. The highly potent
sensitizing activity of DNCB has limited its uses to closed systems.
54.0 1-Chloro-2,5-dinitrobenzene
54.0.1 CAS Number: [619-16-9]

54.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Chloro-1,4-dinitrobenzene

54.0.3 Trade Names: NA

54.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

54.0.5 Molecular Formula: ClC6H3(NO2)2

54.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1-chloro-2,5-dinitrobenzene occurs as light yellow crystals at room temperature, has a melting point
of 64°C, and is soluble in alcohol, and ether (155). There is no specific information on its
production. Its uses are reported to be identical with those of 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, and its
toxicity is assumed to be also similar. Information on exposure and regulations is not available.
55.0 1-Chloro-2,6-Dinitrobenzene
55.0.1 CAS Number: [606-21-3]

55.0.2 Synonyms: 2-Chloro-1,3-dinitrobenzene

55.0.3 Trade Names: NA

55.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

55.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3ClN2O4

55.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1-Chloro-2,6-dinitrobenzene occurs as yellow crystals at room temperature; it has a melting point of

86–87°C and a boiling point of 315°C and is soluble in alcohol, ether, and toluene. With both nitro
groups ortho to the chlorine, this compound is expected to be a good arylating agent. There is no
specific information on its production and uses, although chlorodinitrobenzene isomers and mixtures
have been used in the manufacture of dyestuffs, other dye intermediates, and certain explosives
(167). Information on exposure, toxicology, and regulation is not available.
56.0 1-Chloro-2,3-dinitrobenzene
56.0.1 CAS Number: [602-02-8]

56.0.2 Synonyms: 3-Chloro-1,2-dinitrobenzene

56.0.3 Trade Names: NA

56.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

56.0.5 Molecular Formula: ClC6H3(NO2)2

56.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1-chloro-2,3-dinitrobenzene has a melting point of 78°C and a boiling point of 315°C, is insoluble in
water, and is soluble in alcohol and ether. There is no specific information on its production and
uses, although chlorodinitrobenzene isomers and mixtures have been used in the manufacture of
dyestuffs, other dye intemediates, and cartain explosives (167). Information on exposure, toxicology,
and regulation is no available.
57.0 1-Chloro-3,4-dinitrobenzene
57.0.1 CAS Number: [610-40-2]

57.0.2–57.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: 1,2-Dinitro-4-chlorobenzene and 3,4-


57.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

57.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6H3ClN2O4

57.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1-chloro-3,4-dinitrobenzene occurs as monoclinic prisms and needles at room temperature, has

melting points of 36°C (a form), 37°C (b form), 40–41°C (g form), a boiling point of 16° at 4 mm
Hg; it is insoluble in water, but soluble in ether, benzene, carbon disulfide, and hot alcohol. There is
no specific information on its production and uses, although chlorodinitrobenzene isomers and
mixtures have been used in the manufacture of dyestuffs, other dye intermediates, and certain
explosives (167). The compound was reported to be a skin sensitizer, causing contact dermatitis
ranging from a few itching, vesicular papules to a generalized exfoliative dermatisis (167).
Information on exposure and regulation is not available.
58.0 1-Chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzene
58.0.1 CAS Number: [618-86-0]

58.0.2 Synonyms: 1-Chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzene

58.0.3 Trade Names: NA

58.0.4 Molecular Weight: 202.55

58.0.5 Molecular Formula: ClC6H3(NO2)2

58.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1-chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzene occurs at colorless needles at room temperature; it has a melting point of

59°C, is insoluble is water, but is soluble in alcohol and ether. There is no specific information on its
production and uses, although chlorodinitrobenzene isomers and mixtures have been used in
manufacture of dyestuffs, other dye intermediates, and certain explosives (167). Information on
exposure, toxicology, and regulation is not available.
59.0 Pentachloronitrobenzene
59.0.1 CAS Number: [82-68-8]

59.0.2–59.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names: Avical, Eorthcicle, Fortox, Kobu, Marison Forte, Pkhnb,
Terrafun, Tri PCNB, PCNB, Quintozine, quintobenzene, Terrachlor, Terraclor, Avicol, Botrilex,
Earthcide, Kobutol, Pentagen, Tilcarex, SA Terraclor 2E, SA Terraclor, nitropentachlorobenzene,
brassicol, quintocene, batrilex, fartox, formac 2, fungiclor, gc 3944-3-4, KP 2, olpisan, quintozen,
saniclor 30, and tritisan

59.0.4 Molecular Weight: 295.34

59.0.5 Molecular Formula: C6Cl5NO2

59.0.6 Molecular Structure:

59.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Pentachloronitrobenzene is a colorless solid at room temperature. It has a melting point of 144°C
(technical grade) and a boiling point of 328°C; it is slightly soluble in water (0.044 mg/L at 20°C;
2 mg/L at 25°C) and freely soluble in carbon disulfide, benzene, and chloroform. Technical-grade
PCNB often contains impurities, which include hexachlorobenzene, pentachlorobenzene, and
tetrachlorbenzene (155, 156, 252).
59.2 Production and Use
Approximately 2 million pounds of PCNB are used annually in the United States for agricultural
purposes. It has been used as a soil or seed fungicide for the control of Botrytis disease, club root of
crucifers, scab of potato, and Rhizoctonia damping-off disease of seedlings (253). It is also used as a
turf fungicide to prevent root rotting.

As may be expected from its agricultural uses, occupational exposure may occur during its
production and direct application as a soil fungicide. The general population may also be exposed
through occasional consumer use or through ingestion of foods or drinking water containing PCNB
59.3 Exposure Assessment
Biomonitoring data are not available.
59.4 Toxic Effects
Exposure to PCNB can induce contact sensitization (211). Methemoglobinemia has been
demonstrated in cats, which have an unusually high sensitivity due to the low rate of methemoglobin
reductase activity, following a single high oral dose of 1.6 g/kg (254). The reported oral LD50 for
male rats (in corn oil) is 1.74 g/kg, and the LD50 (dermal) for rabbits was found to be >4 g/kg (255).
The reported LC50 values are 1.4 g/m3 for rats and 2.0 g/m3 for mice (179).

Subchronic toxicity studies of PCNB by NTP (256) in rodents exposed to diets containing 33, 100,
333, 1000, or 2000 ppm of the compound indicated hyaline droplet nephropathy in male rats exposed
to the two highest doses, minimal thyroid follicular cell hypertrophy in rats, and centrolobular
hepatocellular hypertrophy in both rats and mice. The no-observed effect levels (NOELs) for
histologic lesions were 33 ppm for male rats, 333 ppm for female rats, 100 ppm for female mice; no
NOEL could be determined for male mice in this study.

No adverse effects were reported in a three-generation reproductive study in which CD rats were
administered a diet of PCNB at concentrations of 0, 5, 50, or 500 ppm (255). A followup teratogenic
study in Charles River strain albino rats, administered PCNB at dosages of 100–1563 ppm in corn
oil, did not demonstrate any treatment-related developmental effects (257). Nonteratogenicity was
also confirmed in Wistar rats following oral administration (258). In a comparative study using
contaminated PCNB (11% hexachlorobenzene) and purified PCNB (<20 ppm hexachlorobenzene),
contaminated PCNB produced renal agenesis and cleft palates in C57B1/6 mice and cleft palates in
CD-1 mice. Purified PCNB produced fewer cleft palates and no kidney malformations. Neither
sample produced teratogenesis in CD rats (259).

Mutagenicity and related tests of PCNB showed that the compound is negative in most tests which
include Ames, E. coli WP2, sister chromatid exchange, unscheduled DNA synthesis, and dominant
lethal test in rats; there was only one report of induction of chromosome aberration in CHO cells
both with and without metabolic activation (252).

A two-year dietary feeding study in four beagle dogs of each sex, at dietary levels of 0, 5, 30, 180, or
1080 ppm, demonstrated no treatment-related effect; 30 ppm was identified as the NOEL, and
cholestatic hepatitis with secondary bile nephrosis was observed at 180 and 1080 ppm (255).

In a number of carcinogenesis assays, PCNB has not demonstrated carcinogenicity at 25, 100, 300,
1000, or 2500 ppm (diet of a commercial mixture of 20% PCNB) (260). A preliminary study showed
that PCNB, (purity not specified) generated liver tumors in male B6AKF1 mice and female B6C3F1
mice (261). A skin painting tumor initiation–promotion (croton oil) study in mice (purity not given)
generated squamous cell carcinomas (262). An NCI bioassay on technical-grade PCNB (97% pure
with 1% hexachlorobenzene) administered in the diet to Osborne–Mendel rats (5417 or 10,064 ppm
for males, 7875 or 14,635 ppm for females) and B6C3F1 mice (2606 or 5213 ppm for males, 4093 or
8187 for females) showed no evidence of carcinogenicity (253). In a second NCI/NTP study (252) in
which B6C3F1 male and female mice were fed diets containing 2500 and 5000 ppm, PCNB was also
noncarcinogenic; however, infection in female mice may have reduced the sensitivity of the bioassay
because of poor survival. In a recent industry-sponsored study submitted to the Office of Pesticide
Program, PCNB was reported to induce slight but statistically significant increases in the incidences
of follicular cell tumors in Charles River CD rats (263). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Metabolism studies in a variety of animal

species indicated that PCNB can be metabolized to (1) sulfur-containing metabolites after
glutathione-S-transferase-catalyzed conjugation with glutathione, (2) pentachloroaniline after
reduction, and (3) pentachlorophenol via denitration (252, 255). No information is available on
mechanistic studies.
59.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
A ACGH TLV–TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 with A4 designation indicating that it is not classifiable as a
human carcinogen (160). There are some restrictions on tolerance levels of this pesticide on peanuts
and a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Aromatic Amino and Nitro–Amino Compounds and their Halogenated Derivatives

Yin-Tak Woo, Ph.D., DABT, David Y. Lai, Ph.D., DABT

G. Bicyclic and Tricyclic Aromatic Amines

Many bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic amines are potent carcinogens, with three of them (2-
naphthylamine, 4-aminobiphenyl, and benzidine) unequivocally shown to be human carcinogens and
many of them considered occupational carcinogens (see Section 1.3.1) Compared to monocyclic
aromatic amines, the additional aromatic ring(s) in the bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic amines confer
greater capability for resonance stabilization of the metabolically activated reactive intermediate to
allow more time to travel from the site of activation to reach DNA binding sites to initiate
carcinogenesis. The structure–activity relationships of carcinogenic bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic
amines have been extensively studied (44, 98, 198). The following structural features have been
consistently observed across aromatic amines with various bicyclic and tricyclic aryl moieties: (1)
aromatic amines with amino group(s) occupying the terminal end(s) (e.g., 2-position of naphthalene
or aminofluorene, 4,4'-positions of biphenyl or diphenylmethane) of the longest conjugated chain of
the aryl moiety are the most active carcinogens, (2) N-substitution with alkyl group(s) higher than
methyl tends to be inhibitory especially if branched, (3) ring substitution with bulky group(s) tends
to be inhibitory especially if flanking the amino group, (4) ring substitution with highly hydrophilic
group(s) such as sulfonic acid tends to be inhibitory, and (5) ring substitution that distorts molecular
planarity [e.g., at the 2-, 2'-, 6-, 6'-position(s) of biphenyl] may decrease or abolish activity. The
structural formulas of the bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic amines covered in this chapter are depicted
in Fig. 58.2 to provide an overview as well as under description of specific compound.

Figure 58.2. Overview of structural formulas of bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic amines.

Aromatic Amino and Nitro–Amino Compounds and their Halogenated Derivatives

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323 F. DeEds, Summary of toxicological data. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1, 331–333 (1963).

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

1.0 Ethyleneimine
1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2-1.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names:
Aziridine; dimethyleneimine; azocyclopropane; azirane; dihydroazirine; EI; amenoethylene;
ethyleneimine; and ethylimine
1.0.4 Molecular Weight:
1.0.5 Molecular Formula:
1.0.6 Molecular Structure:
1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
1.1.1 General
Physical Form: mobile, colorless liquid, very volatile fluid
Boiling Point 55–56°C
Freezing Point –78°C
Specific Gravity 0.8321 (24°C)
Vapor Pressure 160 mmHg at 20°C
Flash Point –11°C
Explosive Limits IEL 3.6%
UEL 46%
Ignition Temperature (auto) 320°C
Solubility infinitely soluble in water; soluble in alkali, alcohol

1.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Ethyleneimine (EI) is a volatile liquid at room temperature and
has an ammonia-like odor that is detectable at 2 ppm (v/v). Although it is highly volatile, the liquid
is rapidly absorbed through the skin, and it is considered to have poor warning properties.
1.2 Production and Use
Ethyleneimine is used to manufacture triethylenemelamine and is used in its polymeric form in paper
and textile chemicals, adhesive binders, petroleum refining chemicals, fuels and lubricants, coating
resins, varnishes, lacquers, agricultural chemicals, cosmetics, ion-exchange resins, photographic
chemicals, colloid flocculants, and surfactants (1).

One producer of EI in the United States has estimated annual capacity of 2.2 million kg. There are
other producers of ethyleneimine in Germany, Japan, and probably the former Soviet Union (2, 3).
1.3 Exposure Assessment
Several analytical methods have been described (2–4). Environmental atmospheres that may contain
EI are sampled by drawing air through a Folin's reagent bubbler, extracting with chloroform, and
analyzing by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with an ultraviolet (UV) detector;
the range is 0.16 to 20 mg/m3. NIOSH Analytical Method 3514(14a).
1.4 Toxic Effects
1.4.2 Experimental Studies Ethyleneimine is highly toxic on an acute basis by all routes of
administration. It is treated as a Group 3 carcinogen (not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to
humans) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (2, 3), as an A3 carcinogen (confirmed
animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans) (5), a cancer-suspect agent (Group 3) by the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and is regulated when present in materials
at concentrations of 1% or more (6). The National Institute for Occupational Safety of Health
(NIOSH) also regards EI as a “potential human carcinogen” (7). Acute Toxicity Ethylenimine on an acute basis is highly toxic by all routes of administration
(Table 59.1) (8–10). Its oral LD50 in rats is only 15 mg/kg, and the free imine is also a potent skin
irritant and vesicant (8). Application of 0.005 mL of the imine as the pure material or 0.5 mL of a
15% aqueous solution caused severe corneal damage (10).

Table 59.1. Acute Toxicity Response to Ethyleneimine–Animals

Species Dose Route Response Ref.

Rat 15 mg/kg Oral LD50 8
Rat 100 mg/m3 (~56 ppm) Inhalation 2-hr LC50 9
Rabbit 100 mg/m3 Inhalation 2-hr LC50 9
Mouse 400 mg/m3 (~222 ppm) Inhalation 2-hr LC50 9
Guinea pig 25 ppm Inhalation 8-h LCLO 8
Guinea pig 0.014 mL/kg Skin LD50, necrosis 8
Rabbit 13 mg/kg Skin LD50 10
Rabbit 0.005 mL Eye Severe corneal damage 10
Rabbit 0.5 mL (15% aqueous) Eye Severe corneal damage 10

In a series of acute inhalation exposures for varying periods of time (5 to 480 min), the 8-h LC50 in
guinea pigs was 25 ppm, a concentration that also produced one death out of six rats. Death was
delayed, and both rats and guinea pigs showed extreme respiratory difficulty at concentrations higher
than 10 ppm; evidence of eye and nose irritation occurred at 100 ppm and higher (8).

Cause of death from massive overexposure is due to central nervous system (CNS) effects. Clinical
signs of toxicity include eye and respiratory irritation, vomiting, and CNS effects including
convulsions. Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity Based on repeated exposure, 7-h exposures to 1.65 ppm for
several months caused essentially no effects in several species. However, similar exposures to
3.5 ppm caused illness and death.

Inhalation of ethyleneimine results in delayed lung damage, including congestion, edema, and
hemorrhage. Kidney damage has also been observed. Proteinuria, hematuria, increased blood urea
nitrogen, and a depression of all blood elements have also been seen following inhalation.
Histopathological examination has shown necrotic degeneration of renal tubular epithelium (4). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Specific data on the absorption of EI by

various routes of exposure were not found. However, based on toxicity test results in animals, EI is
readily absorbed by all routes.

Ethyleneimine injected intraperitoneally into rats was distributed widely through the body and
slightly accumulated in the liver, spleen, kidneys, intestine, and cecum.

Ethyleneimine apparently undergoes oxidation, because recovered radiolabeled CO2 appears in the
expired air of rats dosed intraperitoneally. Several urinary metabolites were also reported but were
not identified. Some of the intraperitoneal dose was not metabolized but was eliminated unchanged
in the urine and expired air. Urinary excretion is the major route of elimination for EI and its
metabolites and accounts for about 50% of the administered dose. Pulmonary excretion of CO2 and
unchanged EI accounted for 3 to 5% and 1 to 3% of the administered dose, respectively. Fecal
elimination or other minor routes of excretion were not discussed (11). Reproductive and Developmental Except for a limited Soviet study suggesting embryo and
maternally toxic effects during a 20-day inhalation exposure at 10 mg/m3 (12), no developmental
toxicity studies or studies to evaluate reproductive performance in mammals have been reported for
EI. Carcinogenesis The carcinogenicity of ethyleneimine was evaluated in two strains of mice,
and both gave positive results (13, 14). Groups of 18 male and 18 female mice of B6C3F1 or
B6AKR strains were treated orally (initially by gavage, then in the diet) from age 7 days through 77
to 78 weeks. The time-weighted average (TWA) dose was about 1.8 mg/kg/day. The incidence of
hepatomas and lung adenomas was significantly elevated in both strains and sexes. In B6C3F1 mice,
the incidence of hepatomas and pulmonary adenomas was 15/17 and 15/17 in males and 11/15 and
15/15 females, respectively. In the B6AKR strain, hepatomas and adenomas occurred in 9/16 and
12/16 males and in 2/11 and 10/11 females, respectively. In the control groups, hepatomas were 8/79
and 0/87 in male and female B6C3F1 mice and 5/90 and 1/82 in male and female B6AKR mice. The
respective incidence of pulmonary adenomas was 5/79, 3/87, 10/90, and 3/82. The incidence of
hepatomas and pulmonary adenomas (reported as combined tumors) was significantly (p < .01)
elevated (13, 14).

In rats treated by subcutaneous injections, EI was associated with an increase in injection site
tumors, but no pulmonary or liver tumors were reported (10). In suckling mice (age 7 days,
4.64 mg/kg body weight), the incidence of tumors was significantly (p < .01) greater among males of
two strains than in controls (13). Seven of 18 B6C3F1 mice and 6 of 18 B6AKR strain male mice
developed tumors of the liver, lungs, or lymphatics. The incidence of tumors in female mice was not
different from controls.

On the basis of these carcinogenicity studies and its mutagenic potential, OSHA (6) called EI a
“cancer-suspect” agent. The International Agency for Cancer Research (2, 3) placed EI in its Group
3 category (the agent is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicty to humans). ACGIH (5) calls EI an
A3 carcinogen (confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans). NIOSH (7)
reported it as a “potential human carcinogen.” Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Ethyleneimine is an extremely reactive
alkylating agent that is very mutagenic in all test systems investigated.

Ethyleneimine induced gene mutation (in microorganisms, such as viruses and Salmonella
typhimurium bacteria, in plants, and in mammals), mitotic recombination (in fungi), mitotic and/or
meiotic chromosomal aberrations (in plants, in Drosophila melanogaster, and in mammals), and
dominant and recessive lethal mutations (in Drosophila melanogaster). It was mutagenic in every
investigation except in a few instances where negative results could clearly be attributed to a dosing
regimen that was too low (15).

1.4.2 Human Experience Epidemiological studies of worker groups exposed chronically to EI have
not been reported. Several case reports are available, however, that describe the effects of acute
accidental exposure. When five students were exposed to EI for about 2 h in a poorly ventilated
room, the effects of exposure, which were delayed several hours in their onset, included vomiting,
persistent eye inflammation (3 months after the exposure), a profound hacking cough with mild
obstructive pneumonopathy, and ulceration of the upper respiratory tract (16). Several fatalities
resulted from inhalation (or combined inhalation and skin contamination) of EI (17). Death resulted
from pneumonia and pulmonary edema within several hours after brief exposures or, in one case,
from progressive respiratory obstruction caused by destruction of the tracheobronchial cartilage over
a period of 2 months following a 5-min exposure.

An occupational hazard assessment of EI sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and
centered on its carcinogenic potential was recently reported (18).
1.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The IARC has classified EI as a Group 3 carcinogen (the agent is not classifiable as to its
carcinogenicity to humans). OSHA calls EI a “cancer-suspect agent” (Group 3) and regulates it as an
occupational carcinogen when it is present in formulations at concentrations of 1% or more requiring
protective clothing, respiratory protection. NIOSH regards EI as a “potential human carcinogen” and
recommends that occupational exposures be limited to the lowest possible concentrations. ACGIH
categorizes EI as A3 (confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans).

Ethyleneimine does not have adequate warning properties to avoid overexposure. However,
industrial exposure to EI is rigidly controlled by OSHA regulations and, or ACGIH and exhaust fans
threshold limit value (TLV) limits its exposure during a 40-h week to an 8-hr TWA of 0.88 mg/m3
(0.5 ppm), with a “skin” notation to alert against cutaneous absorption (5). Manufacturer
recommendations (U.S.) are very explicit and suggest that one should not attempt to handle EI until
fully acquainted with the dangers involved (1).

Finally, EPA lists EI as a hazardous air pollutant (HAP) generally known or suspected to cause
serious health problems. The Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990, directs the EPA to set standards
that require major sources to sharply reduce routine emissions of toxic pollutants. EPA is required to
establish and phase-in specific performance-based standards for all air emission sources that emit
one or more of the listed pollutants. Ethyleneimine is included in this list (19).
1.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Ethyleneimine may be released to the environment as emissions or in wastewater from its
manufacture and use. It is a reactive molecule, but there are no data on its fate in environmental
media. It should react in the atmosphere with hydroxyl radicals (estimated half-life 1.5 days). If
released in water, it will hydrolyze at a neutral pH in about 5 months, but it is apt to be lost much
faster by evaporation or chemical reactions with metal ions. It should rapidly evaporate from soil,
but it may also leach into the soil or complex with metal ions in the soil. It would not be expected to
bioconcentrate in fish. No environmental monitoring data could be found for EI. Human exposure
would be primarily occupational (20).

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

2.0 Propyleneimine
2.0.1 CAS Number:
2.0.2–2.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names:
2-Methylaziridine, PI, and 2-methyleneimine
2.0.4 Molecular Weight:
2.0.5 Molecular Formula:
2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

2.1.1 General
Physical Form colorless, oily liquid
Boiling Point 66–67°C
Freezing Point –65°C
Vapor Density 2.0 (air = 1)
Density 0.802 at 25°C
Refractive Index 1.409 e
Vapor Pressure 112 mmHg at 20°C
Flammability flammable
Solubility miscible in water, soluble in ethanol
Stability polymerizes; hydrolyzes in water or solutions of HCl to give methylethanolamine

2.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Similar to that of aliphatic amines (fishy).
2.2 Production and Use
Propyleneimine is used in limited quantities as a chemical intermediate in the modification of latex
surface-coating resins, polymers in textile and paper industries, dyes, photography, gelatins, oil
additives, and organic synthesis. It is also a co-monomer for polymers with methacrylic acid and
esters. Propylene imine has been made commercially by combining 1,2-dichloropropane with
ammonia at elevated temperatures. It can function chemically as a secondary amine yielding N-
substituted PI or as a cyclic amine involving ring opening reactions (2, 3).
2.3 Exposure Assessment
Several analytical methods for PI in air have been described (2, 3). In addition, one recent method
that involves HPLC and UV detection should also be considered (21). Because PI is used in limited
quantities and is treated as a possible carcinogen by OSHA, the IARC, and ACGIH, its exposure
potential would be expected to be very low.
2.4 Toxic Effects
2.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Propyleneimine is highly toxic on an acute basis.
However, relative to EI, it was one-fourth to one-eighth as toxic in a very limited acute inhalation
study in rats (8). Acute toxicity data for PI are summarized in Table 59.2.

Table 59.2. Acute Toxicity Response to Propyleneimine–Animals (8)

Species Dose Route Response

Rat 19 mg/kg Oral ~LD50

Guinea pig 0.043 mL/kg Skin ~LD50
Rabbit 0.005 ml Eye ~LD50
Rat 500 ppm, 2 hr Inhalation 0 of 6 died
500 ppm, 4 hr Inhalation 5 of 6 died
Guinea pig 500 ppm, ½ hr Inhalation 0 of 5 died
500 ppm, 2 hr Inhalation 3 of 5 died Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity No subchronic or chronic inhalation toxicity studies were
found. Repeated oral administration to assess carcinogenicity potential is discussed later. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms No published studies on the absorption,

distribution, metabolism, or excretion of PI were found. Reproductive and Developmental No studies to evaluate PI's potential effects on the pregnant
female or male and female reproductive performance were found. Carcinogenesis The carcinogenicity of PI was evaluated in rats. When groups of 26 rats/sex
were given oral doses of PI for 28 weeks, 28 of 52 rats dosed at 20 mg/kg and 45 of 52 rats dosed at
10 mg/kg developed tumors. Breast tumors, gliomas, ear duct tumors, leukemias, intestinal tumors,
and miscellaneous tumors were reported. Both test groups experienced paralysis after 18 to 30 weeks
of dosing, and mortality was high in the 20 mg/kg group. Therefore, this study, originally designed
for a 60-week dosing regimen, was terminated after approximately 28 weeks. It was concluded that
PI is a powerful carcinogen that affects a wide variety of organs (22). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Like EI, PI is mutagenic in a variety of in vitro
assays. It is positive in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and TA100 (23) and in strains TA1535
and TA1538 with and without metabolic activation (24). Propyleneimine is also positive in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (25) in an unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assay using human diploid
fibroblasts (26), and in a rec-assay with Escherichia coli (27). In addition, PI was positive in several
cell transformation assays (28).

PI was also positive in vivo in a rat micronucleus test using either bone marrow or peripheral blood
as the target organ (29). It was also positive in the Drosophila melanogaster wing spot test (30).

2.4.2 Human Experience There are no human case reports or epidemiology studies available for PI.
However, the acute toxic properties of PI are considered similar to those of ethyleneimine—irritation
of skin, eye, and upper respiratory tract, nausea, and vomiting. Headache, dizziness, and shortness of
breath might also occur.
2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
PI has been classified by the IARC as a Group 2B carcinogen (the agent is possibly carcinogenic to
humans ) (2, 3) and meets the criteria for OSHA's medical records rule (31). It has also been
classified by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) as Group
A3, a confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans (5).

Occupational exposure limits were established for PI by both ACGIH (5) and OSHA (32): 2 ppm
(4.7 mg/m3) as an 8-h TWA, 40-h workweek, with a “skin notation” to alert against cutaneous
absorption. In addition, exposure should be minimized due to IARC's classification of PI as a Group
2B carcinogen, ACGIH's classification as an A3 carcinogen, OSHA's medical record rules, and
NIOSH's listing as a “potential human carcinogen.” Its occupational exposure limit (8-h TWA, skin
notation), is 2 ppm (4.7 mg/m3) as proposed by both OSHA (32) and the ACGIH (5).
2.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
The major sources of environmental release of propyleneimine are emissions and effluents from
plants that manufacture or use this compound for surface coating resins to improve adhesion. If
released to the soil, propyleneimine may be removed by chemical hydrolysis (half-life on the order
of 17.5 days at neutral pH), ring-opening reactions with naturally occurring chemical species (i.e.
humic materials), or fairly rapid volatilization from dry soil surfaces. If released to water,
propyleneimine may undergo chemical hydrolysis (half-life 17.5 days at neutral pH), volatilization
(half-life greater than or equal to 5 days in water 1 m deep flowing 1 m/s) or undergo ring-opening
reactions with naturally occurring chemical species. Propyleneimine is not expected to photolyze,
oxidize, or bioaccumulate significantly in aquatic organisms. If released to the atmosphere,
propyleneimine, it is predicted, will exist almost entirely in the vapor phase. The primary removal
mechanism is expected to be reaction with photochemically generated hydroxyl radicals (half-life on
the order of 1.6 days). Human exposure to propyleneimine is probably due mainly to occupational
exposure during production and use (20).
Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds
Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

3.0 Triethylenemelamine
3.0.1 CAS Number:
3.0.2–3.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names:
2,4,6-Triethylenimino-1,3,5-triazine; tetramine; TEM; Triamelin
3.0.4 Molecular Weight:
3.0.5 Molecular Formula:
3.0.6 Molecular Structure:

3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

3.1.1 General
Physical Form crystalline solid
Melting Point 160°C (decomposes)
Solubility 40% in water (w/w, 26°C) <0.1 g/100 mL at 16°C
Stability aqueous solutions are stable for 3 months at 4°C; polymerizes at room temperature

3.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None.

3.2 Production and Use
Triethylenemelamine (TEM) is a potent mutagen (33). It has little, if any, industrial application.
TEM is used mainly in medicine as an antineoplastic agent and as a “positive control” in many in
vitro and in vivo mutagenicity assays (34, 35).
3.3 Exposure Assessment
Because TEM has limited, if any, use in industry, no analytical methods have been developed to
detect TEM in air, water, soil or biological specimens.
3.4 Toxic Effects
3.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Triethylenemelamine is highly toxic on the basis
of acute toxicity. Its oral LD50 is 13 mg/kg in the rat and 15 mg/kg in the mouse; in the dog, 1 mg/kg
was lethal in 3 to 5 days (36). There are delayed gastrointestinal symptoms, diarrhea, and
characteristic damage to lymphatic cells of the intestinal tract and elsewhere; bone marrow damage
with depression of all blood elements; weakness, convulsions, respiratory failure, and death (36–38).
No acute inhalation toxicity data were found. Acute toxicity responses by the oral and other routes of
administration are tabulated in Table 59.3.

Table 59.3. Acute Toxicity of TEM in Animals (36)

Species Dose (mg/kg) Exposure Route Response

Mouse 2.8 i.p. LD50
15.0 Oral LD50
Rat 1.0 i.p. LD50
13.0 Oral LD50
Dog 1.0 Oral Lethal in 3–5 days
0.4 i.v. Lowest lethal dose
Cat 1.0 i.v. Lethal in 7–12 days Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity Very limited information about the general toxic response
of animals to repeated dosing of TEM was found. Lethality occurred when rats and mice were given
five daily intraperitoneal doses of TEM at 0.32 mg/kg and 1.1 mg/kg, respectively (36). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Triethylenemelamine is well absorbed from

the gastrointestinal tract and from the peritoneal cavity (36). Absorption through the skin or from the
respiratory tract was not studied. In humans, blood levels of TEM fall rapidly after intravenous
injection to a level of only 10% of the expected value in 2 min after dosing. No selective uptake by
any tissue was reported. Eight percent of the 14C ring-labeled TEM was excreted in the urine within
24 h as cyanuric acid (39). These results were very similar to those seen earlier in mice following
intraperitoneal injection of a 14C-labeled compound (40). Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity Although no standard developmental toxicity or

reproductive toxicity studies were found, TEM did induce fetal death and malformed offspring when
pregnant rats were given intraperitoneal doses as low as 0.3 mg/kg (41). It is also a potent
antifertility agent in mice dosed intraperitoneally at 0.25 to 1.0 mg/kg for 5 days (42). Carcinogenesis In several older, limited studies, triethylenemelamine reportedly produced

tumors in mice by the dermal and intraperitoneal routes and in rats by subcutaneous and/or
intramuscular administration. These data were reviewed and evaluated by the IARC (2, 3) and
judged as “limited evidence of carcinogenicity in animals.” As a result of this evaluation of the
animal data and a lack of evidence of carcinogenicity in humans, the IARC placed TEM in its Group
3 category (2, 3). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Triethylenemelamine is a potent mutagen (33).
It evokes a positive response in almost every in vitro and in vivo mutagenicity assay in which it was
tested. TEM was mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Neurospora
crassa, and cultured human lymphocytes, and it produced dominant lethal mutations in mice (2, 3,
33). It was also positive in the mouse micronucleus assay (43) and produced alterations in sperm-
head morphology, as well as significant impairment of spermatogenesis in mice (42). In addition, it
was positive in a recent rat micronucleus study using both bone marrow and peripheral blood as
target organs (29) and produced specific locus mutations in Neurospora crassa (44). Because of its
potent mutagenicity potential, TEM is used as an antineoplastic agent in treating a variety of human
cancer types.

3.4.2 Human Experience The signs and symptoms produced in humans from therapeutic
administration of TEM are briefly described. There are delayed gastrointestinal symptoms, diarrhea,
and characteristic damage to the lymphatic cells of the intestinal tract and elsewhere; bone marrow
damage and depression of all blood elements (pancytopenia); tumor inhibition and cytotoxicity
(chromosomal aberrations and inhibition of cell division); and antifertility effects. No injuries have
been reported from the earlier, very limited use of TEM in industry (2, 3).
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Based on only limited evidence of carcinogenicity potential in rats and mice, the IARC placed TEM
in its Group 3 category (the agent is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans). Neither
OSHA nor NTP has classified TEM as a carcinogen. Because TEM has limited, if any, use in
industry, no occupational exposure limits have been set. However, TEM is a highly toxic chemical
and a potent mutagen, and exposure should be minimized.
3.6 Studies on Environmental Impact

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

4.0 Chloroethylamines (Nitrogen Mustards)

4.0.1 CAS Number:
4.0.2–4.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names:
MBA; Nitrogen Mustard; mechloroethamine; HN-2; Mustine Note; 2,2'-dichloro-N-
methyldiethylamine; Dichloren; bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine; 2-chloro-N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-
methylethanamine; bis(beta-chloroethyl) methylamine; Caryolysine; mechlorethanamine;
4.0.4 Molecular Weight:
4.0.5 Molecular Formula:
4.0.6 Molecular Structure:

4.1.1 General
The information in this section describes the properties and toxicity of six of the simpler b-
chloroethylamines in the following sections.
4.2 Production and Use
The nitrogen mustards are tertiary amines in which the halogen atom and the amine portion have
reactivities similar to those of alkyl halides and alkyl amines. They are oily liquids that have limited
water solubility but form readily soluble hydrochlorides. They are prepared by the action of thionyl
chloride on the appropriate alkanolamine. Many of the actions of the nitrogen mustards resemble
those of ethyleneimine derivatives because they are transformed in aqueous solutions into the highly
reactive ethylenimonium intermediates: these ions can readily react with a variety of organic
compounds in vitro, especially with amino, sulfhydro, and carboxyl groups of proteins and
phosphate groups in nucleic acid, and therefore can alkylate biologically important macromolecules
(36, 45).

The nitrogen mustards are not manufactured in significant commercial quantities in the United
States. Some derivatives have been used in medicine as “antineoplastic agents,” and, to an even
lesser extent, in treating a variety of nonmalignant diseases. No significant industrial uses of these
chemicals in the United States were found.
Three b-chloroethylamine derivatives have been classified by the IARC as carcinogens. Studies of
nitrogen mustard [2-chloro-N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-methylethanamine] reported “limited evidence of
carcinogenicity in humans” and “sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals,” and it is
classified by the IARC in Group 2A, (probably carcinogenic to humans). Nitrogen mustard N-oxide
[2-chloro-N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-methylethanamine, N-oxide] and uracil mustard [5-bis(2-chloroethyl)
amino-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione] studies reported “sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in
animals,” and they are classified by the IARC as Group 2B carcinogens (2, 3).
4.3 Exposure Assessment
Because there are no significant industrial uses of nitrogen mustards, no specific information to
assess human exposure potential was found.
4.4 Toxic Effects
The important characteristic actions of the bis(b-chloroethyl)amines on biological systems are (1)
severe local irritation of tissues and vesicant action on the skin and corneal damage in the eye; (2)
delayed deaths for doses around the LD50, prominent gastrointestinal effects and diarrhea; (3)
cytotoxic effects and inhibition of cell division; (4) bone marrow and lymph node damage and
leukopenia; (5) tumor inhibition; (6) antifertility effects, that is, impairment of menses and
spermatogenesis; (7) mutagenic activity (in vitro and in vivo); (8) carcinogenicity or tumor irritation;
and (9) pharmacological and neurotoxic activity (large doses). Their proclivity to damage actively
proliferating cells (bone marrow, fetal tissue, germinal epithelium, neoplasms) is evident from the
effects listed. Because many of these effects resemble those of ionizing radiation, the term
“radiomimetic” is frequently used. Not all of the series produce all of these effects to the same
degree; however, the differences among the polyfunctional b-chloroethylamines are minimal.

All of the preceding effects that have been observed in animals can presumably occur in humans.
Most of these effects have been observed during the therapeutic use of these agents. Nearly all
patients developed nausea, vomiting, headache, and diarrhea. A major toxic effect is depression of
normal bone marrow function and a decrease in the total number of circulating leukocytes and
platelets. Because the b-chloroethylamines have limited specialized use in industry and chemical
laboratories and because their high degree of toxicity and serious effects are rather universally
recognized, there have been few reports of injury from these sources. No case reports or
epidemiology studies of exposure to nitrogen mustards were found.

The chloroethylamines in this group are discussed individually in sections 5.0 through 10.0

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

5.0 Nitrogen Mustard (Hydrochloride)

5.0.1 CAS Number:
5.0.2–5.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names:
Ethanamine; 2-chloro-N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-methyl-(hydrochloride); bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine
(HCl); chlormethine(HCl); Mustine(Hal); and HN2(HCl) Mechlorethamine hydrochloride; beta,
beta'-dichlorodiethyl-N-methylamine hydrochloride; Azotoyperite; bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine
hydrochloride; C 6866; Caryolysine hydrochloride; chloramin hydrochloride; chlormethine
hydrochloride; Dema; dichloren hydrochloride; dichloromethyldiethylamine hydrochloride;
Embichin hydrochloride; Erasol hydrochloride; HN2 hydrochloride; methyl bis(beta-chloroethyl)
amine, hydrochloride; methylbis(2-chloroethyl)amine hydrochloride; Mitoxine; Mustargen
hydrochloride; Mustine hydrochlor; Mustine hydrochloride; MBA hydrochloride; N-methyl-2,2'-
dichlorodiethylamine hydrochloride; N-methylbis(beta-chlorethyl)amine hydrochloride; N-methylbis
(2-chloroethyl)amine hydrochloride; Nitrogranulogen hydrochloride; 1,5-dichloro-3-methyl-3-
azapentane hydrochloride; 2-chloro-N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-methylethanamine hydrochloride; 2,2'-
dichloro-N-methyldiethylamine hydrochloride; mustargen; N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine
hydrochloride; antimit; chlorethazine; chlormethinum; cloramin; dimitan; embikhine, erasol-ido;
kloramin; mebichloramine; merchlorethamine; Nitol; nitol “takeda”, Pliva; stickstofflost; zagreb; N-
bis-(2-chloroethyl)-N-methylamine hydrochloride; mechlorethamine Hydrochloride,5%
5.0.4 Molecular Weight:
156.05; 192.52 (*HCl)
5.0.5 Molecular Formula:
5.0.6 Molecular Structure:

5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

5.1.1 General

Nitrogen Mustard Nitrogen Mustard HCl

Chemical C5H11Cl2N C5H12Cl3N
Physical State liquid white crystals
none none
Boiling Point 217°C at 10 mmHg —
Melting Point 14.45°C –60°C
Density 1.118 at 25/5°C —
Solubility miscible with DMF, CS2, and CCl4 soluble in H2O and
Stability reacts with H2O; decomposes on stable dry; unstable in
standing H2O

5.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None.

5.2 Production and Use
See section 4.2.
5.3 Exposure Assessment
See section 4.3.
5.4 Toxic Effects
5.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Nitrogen mustard (and its hydrochloride) is highly toxic on an acute basis and
produces all of the effects previously described. It has an oral LD50 of 10 mg/kg in rats and
20 mg/kg in mice (46). By the dermal route, its LD50 in rats is 12 mg/kg, indicating that it is readily
absorbed (47). By the intravenous route, its LD50 was 1.1 mg/kg in rats, 2 mg/kg in mice, 1 mg/kg in
dogs, and 1.6 mg/kg in rabbits (46). By inhalation, the only information found was for short
exposure periods—a 2-min LC50 of 600 mg/m3 in rats, a 30-min LC50 of 1500 mg/m3 in mice, and a
10-min LC50 of 2000 mg/m3 in dogs (48).

Nitrogen mustard in contact with the eye is reportedly severely damaging and acts similarly to sulfur
mustard gas but with more immediate effect and greater tendency to injure deeper ocular structures,
particularly the iris and lens (49). Relative to dermal exposure, it is reportedly a potent vesicant and
local irritant. Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity No specific repeated exposure studies were found. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Oral absorption of nitrogen mustard and its
hydrochloride salt is variable and less complete than absorption from subcutaneous injection, but
these materials are readily absorbed dermally and by inhalation. An intravenous dose of 3 mg/kg
administered to dogs readily disappeared from the blood: 0.01% was found in urine, low levels were
found in various tissues, and bone marrow showed the highest concentration. Approximately 90%
was metabolized within 4 min of incubation with whole blood (50). Within 30 sec after intravenous
injection of 14C-labeled nitrogen mustard, more than 90% disappeared from the blood in another
study (39). The promptness with which these agents are transformed in vivo is also evident by their
rapid action. Following its in vivo administration, nitrogen mustard or its hydrochloride is probably
converted to an ethylenimonium ion which then reacts readily with a large number of biologically
important macromolecules (36, 45). Reproductive and Developmental Nitrogen mustard is reportedly an active developmental

toxin in four species of laboratory animals: mice, rats, rabbits, and ferrets (51). It was also an
antifertility agent in rodents (52–54). All of the preceding effects involved intraperitoneal or
intravenous doses of less than 1 mg/kg. Carcinogenesis Nitrogen mustard administered mainly as the hydrochloride salt is

carcinogenic in mice and rats. Following its subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, or intravenous injection, it
produced an increased incidence of lung tumors and thymic lymphomas in mice. It produced a
variety of malignant tumors in rats following intravenous injection. On the basis of there studies, its
mutagenic potential, and “limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans,” IARC has classified
nitrogen mustard in Group 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans) (3). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Nitrogen mustard, like many antineoplastic
agents, is mutagenic in many in vitro and in vivo test systems. It induced dominant lethal mutations
and induced micronuclei in bone marrow cells of mice exposed in vivo and alkylated DNA of ascites
cells in experimental animals treated in vivo. It induced chromosomal aberrations, sister chromatid
exchanges, and unscheduled DNA synthesis in human cells in vitro. It induced sister chromatid
exchanges, chromosomal aberrations, and DNA damage in rodent cells in vitro; the latter studies on
the induction of mutation were inconclusive. It also transformed mouse C3H10T1/2 cells. Nitrogen
mustard induced aneuploidy and somatic mutation and recombination in Drosophila, chromosomal
aberration in plants, mitotic recombination and mutation in fungi, and mutation and DNA damage in
bacteria (3).

5.4.2 Human Experience See section 4.4.

5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No workplace limits for industrial air have been proposed for nitrogen mustard (or its hydrochloride)
5.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Nitrogen mustard's production and use as an antineoplastic agent and its former production as a gas
warfare agent may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. If released
to the atmosphere, nitrogen mustard will mainly exist in the vapor phase in the ambient atmosphere
based on an estimated vapor pressure of 65 mmHg at 25°C. Vapor-phase nitrogen mustard is
degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals whose
estimated half-life is about 2 days. An estimated Koc of 74 suggests that nitrogen mustard will have
high mobility in soil. Volatilization from dry soil surfaces may be an important fate process based on
its vapor pressure; however, nitrogen mustard is not expected to volatilize from moist soil surfaces
because of its low Henry's law constant. Nitrogen mustard is expected to hydrolyze rapidly in both
moist soil and water. A hydrolysis half-life of 11 hours at 25°C was measured in water;
methyldiethanolamine is the expected product from this reaction. Nitrogen mustard is not expected
to adsorb to suspended matter in the water column based on its Koc value or to volatilize from water
surfaces given an estimated Henry's law constant of 8.5 × 10–8 atm-cu m/mole. Bioconcentration in
aquatic organisms should not occur based on an estimated BCF value of 3 (20).

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

6.0 Nitrogen Mustard N-Oxide (Hydrochloride)

6.0.1 CAS number:
6.0.2 Synonyms:
Ethanamine; 2-chloro-N-(2-Chloroethyl)-N-methyl-,N-oxide(hydrochloride); 2,2-dichloro-N-
methyldiethylamine, oxide (HCl); chlormethine N-oxide(HCl); HN2 Oxide Mustard; 2-chloro-N-(2-
chloroethyl)-N-methyl-Ethanamine, N-oxide hydrochloride
6.0.3 Trade Names:
6.0.4 Molecular Weight:
172; 208.5(*HCl)
6.0.5 Molecular Formula:
6.0.6 Molecular Structure:

6.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

6.1.1 General:
Physical State colorless, odorless crystals (*HCl)
Melting Point 109°C (*HCl)
Solubility both forms are soluble in H2O and ethanol

6.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None.

6.2 Production and Use
See section 4.2.
6.3 Exposure Assessment
See section 4.3.
6.4 Toxic Effects
6.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Nitrogen mustard N-oxide produces all of the
biological effects described previously for this class of compound. Although few acute data were
found, the N-oxide form is slightly less toxic than nitrogen mustard itself. Its intravenous LD50 in
rats is 60 mg/kg (55) compared to 1.1 mg/kg for nitrogen mustard (46). By the oral route, an LD50 of
60 mg/kg in rats was reported for the N-oxide (56) compared to a 10 mg/kg LD50 for nitrogen
mustard (46). No data related to dermal, eye, or inhalation toxicity were found. Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity No specific toxicity studies of repeated exposure were
found. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms After intravenous injections of 5 mg/kg of

radio-labeled N-oxide into dogs, almost no activity was found in blood after 1 h, suggesting rapid
metabolism. The highest level of radioactivity in the urine was found between 5 and 20 min after
injection and declined to zero after 4 h (57). No other information on absorption, distribution, or
excretion of nitrogen mustard N-oxide in mammals was found. Reproductive and Developmental No specific studies to evaluate developmental toxicity

potential in animals were found. However, like other b-chloroethylamines, nitrogen mustard N-oxide
has produced antifertility effects in male rats (58) and mice (59). Carcinogenesis Nitrogen mustard N-oxide is reportedly carcinogenic in mice and rats.
Following subcutaneous administration in mice, it produced lung tumors, thymic lymphomas, and
Harderian gland adenomas. In rats given the material intravenously, it produced mainly
lymphoreticular tumors and sarcomas. The preceding data were evaluated by the IARC and
considered “sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals.” Based on this evaluation and its
mutagenic potential, the IARC classified nitrogen mustard N-oxide as Group 2B (possibly
carcinogenic to humans) (3). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies In earlier studies, nitrogen mustard N-oxide was
mutagenic in tumor cells and bacteria and also induced dominant lethal mutations in mice (2, 3). In
more recent studies, this material was mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, and
Bacillus subtilis (60). It also induced sister chromatid exchanges in human lymphocytes (61) and
unscheduled DNA synthesis in various rat cell types (62).

6.4.2 Human Experience See section 4.4.

6.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No workplace limits for industrial air have been set by OSHA, ACGIH, or NIOSH for nitrogen
mustard N-oxide(or its hydrochloride).
6.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Because the substance is used only as an antineoplastic agent, health professionals (e.g., pharmacists,
nurses, and physicians) involved in cancer chemotherapy are the principal personnel who may be
exposed. Exposure may occur during drug preparation, administration, or cleanup (63).

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

7.0 Tris(b-chloroethyl)amine (hydrochloride)

7.0.1 CAS Number:
[555-77-1]; [817-09-4] (*HCl)
7.0.2 Synonyms:
Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N, N-bis(2-chloroethyl)*(hydrochloride); 2,2',2"-trichlorotriethylamine
(*HCl); HN3(*HCl); trimustine(*HCl); trichloromethine- (*HCl)
7.0.3 Trade Name:
7.0.4 Molecular Weight:
204.53; 240.99 (*HCl)
7.0.5 Molecular Formula:
7.0.6 Molecular Structure:
N(CH2CH2Cl)3( HCl)
7.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
7.1.1 General
Physical State liquid; white powder(*HCl)
Boiling Point 144°C at 15 mmHg
Solubility Very soluble in water
Melting Point 131°C (HCL)

7.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None.

7.2 Production and Use
See section 4.2.
7.3 Exposure Assessment
See section 4.3.
7.4 Toxic Effects
7.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Tris(b-chloroethyl)amine produces the same
biological effects as the preceding nitrogen mustards. This material is highly toxic on an acute basis.
It is readily absorbed through the skin as indicated by dermal LD50s of 7, 4.9, 19, and 1 mg/kg body
weight, in mice, rats, rabbits, and dogs, respectively (46). By the oral route, a lowest lethal dose
(LDLO) of 5 mg/kg for rats (64) and an LD50 of 1.1 mg/kg for mice (65) were reported. The LD50
after intravenous injection was 0.7 mg/kg for rats and 2.5 mg/kg for rabbits (46).

In dogs, tris(b-chlorethyl)amine caused vomiting, anorexia, and blood in the feces a few hours after a
single intravenous dose of 1 mg/kg. Coma preceded death by anoxia as a consequence of peripheral
circulatory failure (66). In rabbits (67) injected intravenously and in mice (68) given a subcutaneous
dose, the immediate response was a decreased peripheral lymphocyte count. Tris(b-chloroethyl)
amine is reportedly a strong vesicant on skin and produces conjunctivitis (2, 3). Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity No specific toxicity studies of repeated exposure were
found for tris(b-chloroethyl)amine (or its hydrochloride). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms No specific data on absorption, distribution,

excretion, or metabolism were found. However, tris(b-chloroethyl)amine causes cross-links in
membrane proteins and hemoglobin in human erythrocytes in vitro (69, 70), and it also alkylates
nucleic acids in vitro (71). Reproductive and Developmental No studies to assess developmental toxicity potential were
found. However, like other nitrogen mustards, tris(b-chloroethyl)amine is probably an antifertility
agent in male rats (2.4 mg/kg) by the intravenous route (72) and in male mice (1.5 mg/kg) by
intraperitoneal administration (73). Carcinogenesis Tris(b-chloroethyl)amine was tested for carcinogenic potential in mice and
rats given the material by subcutaneous injection. The study in mice was considered inadequate for
evaluation by the IARC. However, in rats, this material induced a high incidence of sarcomas
(mostly spindle-cell type) in animals of each sex at the site of injection, as well as a few intestinal
adenocarcinomas; neither tumor type was seen in controls. IARC considered the preceding data
“sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals.” Although no human
carcinogenicity data were available, the IARC classified tris(b-chloroethyl)amine in Group 2B (the
agent is possibly carcinogenic to humans). This classification was based on these animal studies, its
mutagenic potential, and analogy to other nitrogen mustards (74). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Tris(b-chloroethyl)amine, like other
antineoplastic agents, is mutagenic in vitro and in vivo. It inhibited DNA synthesis and induced
mutations at the hprt locus of Chinese hamster V79 cells (75) and produced DNA inhibition in
human fibroblast cells (76). A single intraperitoneal treatment at 5 mg/kg also induced dominant
lethal mutations in mice (77).

7.4.2 Human Experience See section 4.4.

7.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No workplace limits have been set by OSHA, ACGIH, or AIHA for tris(b-chloroethyl)amine (or its
hydrochloride) in industrial air.
7.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Tris(2-chloroethyl)amine belongs to the nitrogen mustard group of compounds. It is produced in
small quantitities as the hydrochloride and may enter the waste stream as such during the production
process. If released to either soil or water, hydrolysis is expected to be a major fate process for tris(2-
chloroethyl)amine, especially under weakly alkaline conditions. An estimated Henry's law constant
of 3 × 10–7 atm-cu m/mole indicates that this compound is essentially nonvolatile and thus
volatilization from water and moist soil will not be an important environmental fate process. An
estimated Koc value of 672 suggests that tris(2-chloroethyl)amine has a low to moderate mobility
potential through soil. However, as hydrolysis may proceed quickly, mobility of this compound
through the soil is not expected to be a major fate process. An estimated BCF value of 30 suggests
that this compound will not bioconcentrate in aquatic organisms and hydrolysis should preclude
bioconcentration from being a major fate process. If released to the atmosphere, tris(2-chloroethyl)
amine is expected to degrade rapidly based on a half-life of five hours. Insufficient data are available
to predict the relative importance or rate of biodegradation in soil or water (20).

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

8.0 Dimethyl(b-chloroethyl)amine (hydrochloride)

8.0.1 CAS Number:
[107-99-3]; [4584-46-7](*HCl)
8.0.2 Synonyms:
Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N-N-dimethyl(hydrochloride); dimethylalminoethyl chloride; HN1; nitrogen
half mustard
8.0.3 Trade Name:
8.0.4 Molecular Weight:
107.58; 144.04(*HCl)
8.0.5 Molecular Formula:
8.0.6 Molecular Structure:
(CH3)2NCH2CH2Cl( HCl)
8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
8.1.1 General
Physical State liquid
Boiling Point 109–110°C at 750 mmHg
Melting Point 205–208°C (HCl)

8.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None.

8.2 Production and Use
See section 4.2.
8.3 Exposure Assessment
See section 4.3.
8.4 Toxic Effects
8.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity This monofunctional b-chloroethylamine does
not have the cytotoxic and leukopenic potency of the nitrogen mustards. Its major actions are local
irritation, effects on the autonomic nervous system, and neurotoxicity. The single dose LD50 in mice
by subcutaneous injection was 200 mg/kg in one study (68) and 250 mg/kg (for the hydrochloride
salt) in another study (78). The only other acute information found was an intraperitoneal LD50 in
mice of 280 mg/kg (79). Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity No specific toxicity studies of repeated exposure in animals
were found for dimethyl(b-chloroethyl)amine or its hydrochloride salt. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms No information for absorption, distribution,

excretion, or metabolism in mammals was found. Reproductive and Developmental No experimental studies of dimethyl(B-chloroethyl)amine

were found to assess its potential to affect the unborn fetus or reproductive performance. Carcinogenesis No studies by common exposure routes have been conducted. In addition,
dimethyl(b-chloroethyl)amine (and its hydrochloride salt) has not been evaluated by the IARC for
carcinogenic potential. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Dimethyl(b-chloroethyl)amine was mutagenic
in a variety of in vitro assays. It was positive in the Ames test, the L5178Y mouse lymphoma cell
assay, and the hepatocyte primary culture-DNA repair test, tests designed to detect chemicals that
interact with DNA (80). It was also positive in E. coli (81), induced sister chromatid exchanges in
various rat cells (82), and produced sex chromosome loss and nondisjunction in Drosophila
melanogaster (83).

8.4.2 Human Experience See section 4.4.

8.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No workplace limits have been set by OSHA, ACGIH, or AIHA for dimethyl(b-chloroethyl)amine in
industrial air.
8.6 Studies on Environmental Impact

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

9.0 Diethyl(b-chloroethyl)amine (Hydrochloride)

9.0.1 CAS Number:
[100-35-6]; [869-24-9](*HCl)
9.0.2 Synonyms:
Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N-N-diethyl(hydrochloride); 2-chlorotriethylamine (*HCl); diethylaminoethyl
chloride (*HCl)
9.0.3 Trade Name:
9.0.4 Molecular Weight:
134.64; 172.10(*HCl)
9.0.5 Molecular Formula:
9.0.6 Molecular Structure:
9.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
9.1.1 General
Physical State liquid
Boiling Point 51–52°C at 16 mmHg
Melting Point 208–210°C (HCL)

9.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None reported.

9.2 Production and Use
See section 4.2.
9.3 Exposure Assessment
See section 4.3.
9.4 Toxic Effects
9.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The acute toxicological effects of diethyl(b-
chloroethyl)amine are similar to those of the preceding dimethyl derivative in that it is not as
cytotoxic or leukopenic as the other bifunctional nitrogen mustards. Its intravenous LD50 in mice
and rabbits was 100 and 40 mg/kg, respectively, and its subcutaneous LD50 in mice was 100 mg/kg
(46). In the rat, the oral LD50 is 17 mg/kg, and this material was also a moderate skin and severe eye
irritant. Finally, its dermal LD50 in rabbits was 300 mg/kg (84). Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity No animal toxicity studies of repeated exposure were
found. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms No information for absorption, distribution,

excretion or metabolism of diethyl(b-chloroethyl)anime in mammals was found. Reproductive and Developmental No studies to assess the effects of diethyl(b-chloroethyl)

amine on the unborn fetus or on reproductive performance were found. Carcinogenesis No studies to assess carcinogenic potential were found. In addition, this
chemical has not been evaluated for carcinogenicity potential by the IARC or ACGIH. However, its
dimethyl analog produced lung tumors in strain A mice following intraperitoneal injection (85). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Like its dimethyl analog, diethyl(b-chlorethyl)
amine is mutagenic in a variety of in vitro assays. It was positive in the Ames test, the L5178Y
mouse lymphoma cell assay, and the hepatocyte primary-culture DNA-repair test (80). It was also
positive in E. coli (86) and induced sister chromatid exchanges in various types of rat cells (82).

9.4.2 Human Experience See section 4.4.

9.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No workplace limits have been set by OSHA, ACGIH, or AIHA for diethyl(b-chloroethyl)amine in
industrial air.
9.6 Studies on Environmental Impact

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

10.0 Uracil Mustard

10.0.1 CAS Number:
10.0.2–10.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names:
5[Bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]-2, 4-(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione; Uracil nitrogen mustard; Aminouracil
mustard; Chlorethaminacil; CB-4835; Desmethyldopan; Nordopan; sk-19849; U-8344; Uracillost;
Uracilmostaza; Uramustine; 2,6-dihydroxy-5-bis[2-chloroethyl]aminopyridimidine; 5-[bis(2-
chloroethyl)amino]uracil; 5-[di(beta-chloroethyl)amino]uracil; 5-N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)aminouracil
10.0.4 Molecular Weight:
10.0.5 Molecular Formula:
10.0.6 Molecular Structure:

10.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

10.1.1 General
Physical State white, odorless crystals
Melting Point 206°C
Solubility very slightly soluble in water; slightly soluble in methanol and acetone
Stability unstable in water and acid solutions

10.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None reported.

10.2 Production and Use
See section 4.2.
10.3 Exposure Assessment
See section 4.3.
10.4 Toxic Effects
10.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Uracil mustard is highly toxic on an acute
basis. Its oral LD50 in mice and rats ranges from 2 to 6 mg/kg and its LD50 by either intramuscular
or intraperitoneal routes ranges from 1 to 3 mg/kg (86). In another study (87), the oral LD50 in rats
was 3.5 mg/kg, and rats exhibited sleepiness, muscle weakness, and gastrointestinal distress.
Extensive damage to bone marrow and testis was also reported. Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity No standard toxicity studies for repeated exposure were
found. However, as part of a limited carcinogenicity study (88), mice injected intraperitoneally (0.18
to 12 mg/kg body weight) three times a week for 4 weeks and observed for several months showed
liver damage such as early portal cirrhosis. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Only a few limited studies were found.
When 14C-uracil mustard was given to Walker carcinosarcoma-bearing rats at a 4 mg/kg dose,
incorporation of the 14C-label into macromolecules in subcellular fractions of various tissues was
maximal by 1 h after administration and was more extensive in RNA than in DNA or in protein (89).
In one other study, when 0.2 mmol/ml uracil mustard was added to heparinized human blood in
vitro, about 50% of it was no longer detectable (colorimetrically) after 30 min (90). Reproductive and Developmental In a limited developmental toxicity study, administration

of uracil mustard to female rats in doses of 0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg body weight on the 12th day of
pregnancy produced retarded and clubbed appendages, exencephaly, and deformed paws and tails in
the surviving offspring at 21 days (91). Although no standard studies to assess reproductive
performance were found, uracil mustard, like other nitrogen mustards, probably is an antifertility
agent. In one older study (87), rats given 3.5 mg/kg uracil mustard orally exhibited extensive damage
to the testis. Carcinogenesis Uracil mustard was reportedly carcinogenic in both mice and rats following
multiple intraperitoneal injections. It produced a dose-related increase in lung tumor incidence in
mice and tumors in a variety of other organs in both mice and rats. The IARC reviewed the
preceding data and deemed it “sufficient evidence of carcinogenity in animals.” Based on this
information, its mutagenic potential, analogy to other nitrogen mustards, and a lack of
carcinogenicity data in humans, the IARC classified uracil mustard in Group 2B (possibly
carcinogenic to humans) (2, 3). Uracil mustard compared to nitrogen mustard itself in the same assay
(lung tumor assay in strain A mice, intraperitoneal dosing), was more potent a tumorigen than
nitrogen mustard (92). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Uracil mustard is mutagenic in several in vitro
and in vivo assays. It is positive in Salmonella typhimurium, E. coli, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
and in a host-mediated assay using the mouse and S. typhimurium (93). It was also mutagenic in
Drosophila melanogaster (94) and in a microsomal assay using mouse lymphocytes (95).

10.4.2 Human Experience See section 4.4.

10.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No workplace limits have been set by OSHA, ACGIH, or NIOSH for uracil mustard in industrial air.
10.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Uracil mustard's production and use as an antineoplastic agent may result in its release to the
environment through various waste streams. If released to soil, uracil mustard should have high
mobility. Volatilization of uracil mustard should not be important from moist or dry soil surfaces.
Insufficient data are available to determine the rate or importance of biodegradation of uracil
mustard in soil or water. If released to water, uracil mustard would not adsorb to suspended solids
and sediment. Uracil mustard will be essentially nonvolatile from aqueous surfaces. An estimated
BCF value of 1.8 suggests that uracil mustard will not bioconcentrate in aquatic organisms. Uracil
mustard will hydrolyze rapidly in water and moist soil. Experimental neutral and base-catalyzed
hydrolysis rates in water at 25°C are 0.57/hour and 2.05/hour, respectively, which correspond to a
calculated half-life of 1.2 hours at a pH of 7. If released to the atmosphere, uracil mustard will exist
almost entirely in the particulate phase. Vapor-phase uracil mustard is degraded in the atmosphere by
reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals and the estimated half-life is about 19
hours. Vapor-phase uracil mustard is also degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with atmospheric
ozone, and then an estimated half-life is about 6.5 days. Particulate-phase uracil mustard may be
physically removed from the air by wet deposition. Direct human exposure may occur by ingestion
of the drug when dispensed in capsule form. Workers involved in formulating and dispensing the
drug may be exposed through dermal contact or inhalation of dust (20).

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

11.0 Pyrrolidine
11.0.1 CAS Number:
[123-75-1]; [25150-61-2] (HCl)
11.0.2 Synonyms:
Tetrahydropyrrole; tetramethyleneimine; 1-azacyclopentane
11.0.3 Trade Names:
11.0.4 Molecular Weight:
11.0.5 Molecular Formula:
11.0.6 Molecular Structure:

11.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

11.1.1 General
Physical Form colorless liquid that fumes in air
Boiling Point 87°C
Freezing Point –60°C
Specific Gravity 0.852
Vapor Pressure 128 mmHg at 39°C
Vapor Density 2.5
Flash Point 3°C
LEL 2.9% at –2°C
UEL 13.0% at 29.8°C

11.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Unpleasant ammonia-like odor.

11.2 Production and Use
Pyrrolidine is a flammable alkaline liquid that undergoes reactions typical of secondary amines. It is
used to prepare pesticides and rubber accelerators and as a chemical intermediate (usually the
hydrochloride form) in the pharmaceutical industry. There is relatively limited industrial exposure to
this material.
11.3 Exposure Assessment
Trace amounts (<0.1 ppm) of pyrrolidine are found in baked ham and frankfurters, and 0.06 to 6 ppm
pyrrolidine can be found in beverages such as wine, unpasteurized milk, and coffee (96).

Pyrrolidine can be detected in solids and liquids by using HPLC techniques (97).

No other data to assess human exposure were found.

A recent method for collection, desorption, and analysis of volatile organic compounds, including
pyrrolidine, has been reported (107).
11.4 Toxic Effects
11.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Pyrrolidine is moderately toxic on an acute
toxicity basis. Its oral LD50 is 300 mg/kg in rats (98), 450 mg/kg in mice (99), and 250 mg/kg in
rabbits and guinea pigs (8). By the intraperitoneal route, the LD50 in mice is 420 mg/kg for
pyrrolidine itself (100) and 241 mg/kg for the hydrochloride salt (101). The mouse 2-hr LC50 was
reported as 1300 mg/m3 (98).

Lethal oral doses in rats affected gastrointestinal mucosa and caused vascular disorders. Inhalation
exposures in mice resulted in irritation, excitement, and convulsions (98). Small intravenous doses
(<1 mg/kg) in dogs and cats caused an increase in blood pressure and respiratory rate. This activity
was reduced by ganglionic blocking agents or sympathectomy (102).

Finally, primary skin irritation studies on adult albino rabbits indicate pyrrolidine to be a severe skin
irritant (103). Based on its alkaline characteristics, it is probably a severe eye irritant, even as a 20%
solution (98). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity During or after 10 oral doses of 135 mg/kg, rats showed
no evidence of toxicity (104). A limited chronic inhalation study with rats at 2.6 mg/m3, 4 hr/day for
6 months resulted in increased excitability of the nervous system, decreased diuresis, and decreased
hemoglobin (98). No other repeated exposure studies were found. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanism No information on absorption, distribution,

metabolism and excretion of pyrrolidine in mammals was found. Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity No studies on pyrrolidine were found to assess
developmental or reproductive toxicity potential. Carcinogenesis See reference 98 in Section Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Pyrrolidine was negative for mutagenicity
potential in a direct bacterial assay, a microsomal mutagenesis asssay, and a host-mediated assay, all
using Salmonella typhimurium bacteria (105). It was also negative for aneuploidy induction in a
Saccharomyces cerevisiae assay (106). Other None

11.4.2 Human Experience No human exposure information, case histories, or epidemiological

studies on pyrrolidine were found.
11.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) or ACGIH TLV has been established for pyrrolidine.

For routine handling, rubber gloves and safety glasses are recommended. Procedures for flammable
solvents should be followed. For acute respiratory protections, organic vapor canister-type gas masks
should be used (103).
11.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
11.7 Summary
Pyrrolidine is moderately toxic on an acute basis with an oral LD50 in rats of 300 mg/kg and a 2-hr
LC50 in mice of 1300 mg/m3. It is also mutagenic in several in vitro assays. No other information
was found relative to dermal and eye toxicity, repeated exposure responses,
developmental/reproductive toxicity, carcinogenicity potential, or pharmacokinetics/metabolism.

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

12.0 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidinone
12.0.1 CAS Number:
12.0.2 Synonyms:
NMP, 2-Pyrrolidinone, N-Methyl-; and NMP
12.0.3 Trade Names:
12.0.4 Molecular Weight:
12.0.5 Molecular Formula:
12.0.6 Molecular Structure:

12.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

12.1.1 General
Physical Form colorless to light yellow liquid
Boiling point 20°C
Density 1.026 at 25°C
Vapor Pressure 0.5 mmHg at 25°C

12.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Mild, amine-like odor.

12.2 Production and Use
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) is a highly polar liquid. It is synthesized by combining acetylene
and formaldehyde to form butynediol which is then converted to butanediol, which is further
rearranged to butyrolactone and then NMP.

NMP has good chemical stability and is used by the chemical industry as a chemical reaction
medium and in the petrochemical industry as a solvent for recovery/purification of aromatics,
concentration of acetylene, and removal of sulfur from natural gas. It is also used as a formulating
solvent for coating systems such as vinyl coatings, paints, and acrylic-styrene emulsion-type floor
finishes. As a solvent, it also serves in stripping and cleaning systems for microelectronic
components and various coating systems.
12.3 Exposure Assessment
No information to assess human exposure potential was found.

A method is available for simultaneous analytical determination of 2 NMP metabolites in urine using
a GLC technique that has a detection limit of 0.2 mg/ml. This method can also be used to monitor
NMP in the workplace (108). Another method to monitor wastewater uses GLC techniques
following concentration on XAD-2 resin from NaCl solutions and elution with methanol (109).
12.4 Toxic Effects
12.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity NMP has slight acute oral toxicity and an
LD50 of 4320 mg/kg in rats. NMP also has slight dermal toxicity and no deaths or symptoms of
toxicity when 2000 mg/kg is administered onto the skin of rabbits (110), and in guinea pigs, it
produced no irritation and was not a skin sensitizer (111). In the rabbit eye, NMP produced moderate
irritation (111). By the inhalation route, NMP was moderately toxic to the rat exposed to a 4-h ALC
of 1.7 mg/1 as an aerosol-vapor mixture (111). Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity Rats were exposed to an aerosol-vapor mixture of NMP at
concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/l for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 4 weeks. At 0.1- and 0.5-
mg/L levels, rats did not show any significant clinical signs or pathological lesions. However,
lethargy, respiratory difficulty, and excessive mortality were found in rats exposed to 1.0 mg/L.
These rats had focal pneumonia, bone marrow hypoplasia, and atrophy of lymphoid tissue in the
spleen and thymus. The lesions were reversible in surviving rats following 2 weeks of recovery.
Increases in the relative and absolute numbers of neutrophils were observed during exposure at
1.0 mg/L, but returned to normal limits after 2 weeks of recovery (111). In another subchronic
inhalation study, exposure of rats to air saturated with NMP (370 ppm) had no adverse effects (112).
Data from subchronic oral studies showed that NMP had a low level of toxicity and NOELs of
80 mg/kg/day in 90-day studies in rats and dogs (110).

Rats and mice were fed either 2,000, 6,000, 18,000, or 30,000 ppm NMP (rats) or 500, 2,500, 7,500,
or 10,000 ppm (mice) for 28 days, and complete toxicological workups were conducted. The NOEL
was 6,000 ppm for male rats and body weight decreases occurred at higher levels. The NOEL was
18,000 ppm for female rats (same end-point effects). Mild alterations in lipid, protein, and
carbohydrate metabolism occurred at 18,000 ppm or higher. In mice, the NOEL in both sexes was
2,500 ppm, and kidney changes were seen at 7,500 ppm and higher (113).

Ninety-day feeding studies were also conducted in rats (3,000, 7,500, or 18,000 ppm NMP) and mice
(1,000, 2,500, or 7,500 ppm NMP). A complete toxicity profile was obtained. Decreases in mean
body weights were observed in male and female rats fed either 7,500 or 18,000 ppm NMP. Of 36
neurobehavioral parameters investigated, male rats in the 7,500- and 18,000-ppm groups showed an
increase in foot splay, and 18,000-ppm males had a higher incidence of low arousal and slight
palpebral closure suggestive of a sedative effect. Absolute and relative liver weights were increased
in 18,000-ppm females, were associated with an increased incidence of centrilobular hepatocellular
hypertrophy, and were considered to be an adaptive/physiological response. In mice, liver weight
increases (considered an adaptive response) occurred at 2,500 and 7,500 ppm; no other NMP-related
effects were seen (114). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Studies to explore the metabolism of NMP
in rats were performed with 14C- and 3H-labeled NMP. Half-lives of about 7 h for the 14C isotope
and 10 h for the 3H isotope were measured. Urinary excretion accounted for about 70% of the total
dose within 12 h. One major (70 to 75%) and two minor urinary metabolites were seen. The liver
was the major organ for tissue distribution (115, 116).

The kinetics of NMP in nonpregnant and in pregnant rats and their fetuses were investigated in a
study in which the animals were exposed by inhalation for 6 hours to 150 ppm on day 19 or 20 of
pregnancy. Similar concentrations of N-methylpyrrolidone in fetal and maternal blood were
measured. The half-life was more than 16 hours (117).
In one other limited study (118), the major urinary metabolite of NMP in rats was 5-hydroxy-N-
methylpyrrolidinone based on thin-layer chromatography and MS comparisons with an authentic
sample. Reproductive and Developmental NMP has been tested for its developmental toxicity by the
inhalation, oral, dermal, and intraperitoneal routes of administration. In an inhalation study, pregnant
rats were exposed 6 h/day on days 6 to 15 of gestation to 0.1 or 0.36 mg/L of an NMP aerosol.
Except for sporadic lethargy and irregular respiration in several rats at both exposure levels during
the first three days of exposure, no clinical signs of toxicity were observed. NMP was not
embryotoxic, and no major external or skeletal malformations were found in the fetuses (111).

In two limited inhalation studies, slight embryo and maternal toxicity was observed in rats exposed
to 800 ppm (the maximum saturated concentration in air at 25°C), 6 h/day, on either days 4 to 8 or
days 11 to 15 of gestation (119).

Groups of pregnant rats were orally administered either 332 or 997 mg/kg/day on days 6 to 15 of
gestation. Embryolethality and marked fetal retardation were noted only at the high dose. A marked
reduction in maternal body weight gain was also noted in the dams. At the low dose, a slight
retardation of ossification was reported in the fetuses, and no maternal toxicity was noted (119).

Groups of pregnant mice were orally administered 1054 to 2637 mg/kg/day on days 11 to 15 of
gestation. No maternal effects were reported. At the high dose, there was an increase in resorptions,
decreased litter size, general toxic effects on fetal development, and an increase in cleft palate
incidence (19.2 versus 9.5% in controls). No adverse effects were noted in the low-dose group (120).

Pregnant rats were dermally administered 75, 237, or 750 mg/kg/day of NMP on days 6 to 15 of
gestation. Maternal toxicity was observed at 750 mg/kg manifested by reduced body weight gain
during gestation. Fetal toxicity at 750 mg/kg was indicated by fewer live fetuses per dam, an increase
in the percentage of resorption sites, reduced fetal body weights, and apparent retardation in skeletal
development. No maternal or fetal toxicity was noted at either 75 or 237 mg/kg (121).

When three different strains of pregnant mice were given NMP by intraperitoneal injection during
gestation, increased resorptions and malformations were seen at daily dose levels of 24 to
1568 mg/kg, but sensitivity to these effects varied widely among the different strains (120).

Groups of sexually immature male and female rats were exposed to 10.3, 50.8, or 116 ppm of NMP,
6 h/day, 7 days/week, from day 34 of age until they produced a litter. Clinical signs noted among
male and female rats exposed to 116 ppm were lethargy and chromodacryorrhea. No reproductive
effects were noted in the parents or in their offspring. Additionally, no effect on reproductive ability
was noted in female rats exposed to 116 ppm of NMP and then mated with unexposed male rats or in
male rats exposed to 116 ppm of NMP and then mated with unexposed female rats (122).

Prenatal exposure of pregnant rats to NMP at 165 ppm caused preimplantation loss, low fetal
weights, and delayed ossification (123). In an earlier study, these authors reported that decreased
fetal weight was related to impairments of neurobehavioral function in adults although no dose-
response was seen and the end point examined did not necessarily indicate cause and effect (124).

In a two-generation reproduction study, rats were exposed by inhalation to 0, 10, 51 or 116 ppm
NMP for 6 h/day, 5 days/week from premating through two generations. No evidence of altered
reproductive function was seen. No developmental effects were seen although there was a slight
decrease in fetal weight at the 116-ppm dose (125). Carcinogenesis Rats were exposed to NMP vapor at either 0, 0.04 or 0.4 mg/L for 6 h/day, 5
days/week for 2 years. Male rats at 0.4 mg/L showed slightly reduced mean body weight. No life-
shortening toxic or carcinogenic effects were observed in rats exposed for 2 years to either 0.04 or
0.4 mg/L of NMP. By the dermal route, a group of 32 mice received an initiation dose of 25 mg of
NMP followed 2 weeks later by applications of the tumor promotor phorbol myristate acetate, three
times a week, for more than 25 weeks. Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride and dimethylbenzanthracene
served as positive controls. Although the NMP group had three skin tumors, this response was not
considered significant when compared with that of the positive controls (122).

A group of mice received nine 25 mg subcutaneous injections of NMP during a 17-month period.
Tumor incidence for the NMP treatment (21/49) was comparable to that of the untreated control
group (28/49) (126). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies NMP was not mutagenic in the Ames test with
or without metabolic activation (115, 122) or in the mouse lymphoma assay (122). NMP did induce
aneuploidy in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (127). NMP at single oral doses up to
3,800 mg/kg body weight did not lead to an increase either in micronucleated erythrocytes or in
structural or numerical chromosomal aberrations when bone marrow was sampled after 16, 24, and
48 hour later in the micronucleus test or after 24 and 48 hours for karyotype analysis (128).

12.4.2 Human Experience In one published industrial hygiene study in the semiconductor industry,
headaches and chronic eye irritation were described in some employees exposed to levels as low as
0.7 ppm. Levels of 49 to 83 ppm were found unbearable by the workers (121). Repeat patch testing
over 24 h showed no irritation (110).

Six male volunteers were exposed for eight hours on four different days to 0, 10, 25, and 50 mg/m3.
NMP was absorbed through the respiratory tract and readily eliminated from the body, mainly by
biotransformation to other compounds. Exposure to 10, 25, or 50 mg/m3 NMP did not cause nose,
eye, or airway irritation (129).

A case report was presented of a pregnant laboratory technician who suffered intrauterine growth
retardation and stillbirth following exposure to NMP (130). It is not clear that there is any cause and
effect relationship.

Several workers in a small electrotechnical company in Norway experienced irritant reactions of the
skin after a few days of working with NMP. The involved workers displayed acute irritant contact
dermatitis of the hands (131).
12.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No workplace exposure limit for NMP has been set by OSHA or ACGIH, but a workplace
environmental exposure level guide (WEEL) of 10 ppm, 8-h TWA, has been established by the
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) WEEL Committee.
12.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
NMP may be released to the environment as a fugitive emission during production and use. If
released to soil, NMP can biodegrade under aerobic conditions. It is expected to display very high
mobility in soil. NMP may slowly volatilize from dry soil to the atmosphere, but it is not expected to
volatilize significantly from moist soil. If released to water, screening studies indicate that NMP will
biodegrade under aerobic conditions after a short lag. A calculated bioconcentration factor of 0.16
indicates that NMP is not expected to bioconcentrate significantly in fish and aquatic organisms, nor
is it expected to significantly absorb to sediment or suspended organic matter. An estimated Henry's
law constant of 1.56 × 10–8 atm-cu m/mole at 25°C indicates that NMP is not expected to volatilize
significantly from water to the atmosphere. The estimated half-life for volatilization of NMP from a
model river is 2335 days. If released to the atmosphere, NMP is expected to undergo a gas-phase
reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals, and the estimated half-life is 5.2 hrs. It
may undergo atmospheric removal by wet deposition processes (120).
Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds
Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

13.0 Piperidine
13.0.1 CAS Number:
13.0.2–13.0.3 Synonyms and Trade Names:
Hexahydropyridine: pentamethylenimine; hexazane; cyclopentimine; Cypentil; azocyclohexane
13.0.4 Molecular Weight:
13.0.5 Molecular Formula:
13.05 Molecular Structure:

13.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

13.1.1 General
Physical Form colorless liquid that fumes in air
Boiling Point 106.3°C
Freezing Point –13°C
Melting Point –13°C
Specific Gravity 0.861
Vapor Pressure 40 mmHg at 29.2°C
Flash Point 16°C

13.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Pepper-like odor, threshold <2 ppm (132); strong base; soapy
13.2 Production and Use
Piperidine is a clear, colorless, flammable liquid that has an amine-like pungent odor. It is strongly
basic (pKb = 2.88) and reacts vigorously with oxidizing agents. Piperidine and its derivatives are
usually produced by reducing pyridine and corresponding derivatives. Chemically, piperidine has
been closely identified with alkaloids because the piperidine nucleus occurs in a wide variety of
these plant derivatives.

Piperidine is used in many active pharmaceuticals (analgesics, germicides, anesthetics), as a wetting

agent, as a hardening agent for epoxy resins, as a rubber additive, and as a catalyst in silicone esters.
Industrial exposure is limited. The chemical is highly basic making it reactive on contact with all
tissues. It has an appreciable vapor pressure, so its reactivity, flammability, and volatility make it a
serious potential hazard in the workplace.
13.3 Exposure Assessment
Trace amounts of piperidine (<0.2 ppm) have been found in baked ham, and 0.3 ppm can be found in
beverages such as coffee or milk (96).

No other data to assess human exposure potential were found.

13.4 Toxic Effects
13.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Piperidine has reported oral LD50s in the rat of
133 mg/kg (133), 447 mg/kg, (134) or 337 mg/kg (135). Rats treated with 100 mg/kg in water
showed weakness, respiratory distress, and convulsions (136). The corresponding oral value in the
rabbit is 321 mg/kg (137), and therefore the chemical is considered highly to moderately toxic
following acute oral exposure. No changes in liver biochemistry (hepatic DNA, ornithine
decarboxylase and alanine aminotransferase activities, cytochrome P450 and glutathione content)
were seen in rats following single oral exposures from 5 to 142 mg/kg (138). Injection studies have
produced LD50 values of <50 mg/kg intraperitoneally in the rat; 330 mg/kg intraperitoneally,
30 mg/kg subcutaneously, and 160 mg/kg intravenously in the mouse; and 5 to 10 mg/kg in both the
dog and cat (139). Like many secondary aliphatic amines, piperidine produces a significant
hypertensive response (136), stimulates respiration, and increases the heart rate (102, 140, 141). A 4-
h inhalation exposure of 4000 ppm killed all four rats tested (134). The 4-h LC50 in mice was
1723 ppm and the 1-h LC50 in guinea pigs was 3444 ppm (133).

Severe injury that involved nonreversible corneal damage was produced by instillation of piperidine
into the rabbit eye (133, 134). The chemical is also severely irritating to the skin of rats, mice, and
rabbits (136), and necrosis was seen in all six rabbits when the neat material was applied to the belly
(134). The LD50 in the rabbit following dermal application ranges from 275 mg/kg (134) to
1000 mg/kg (133), which indicates that the material is moderately to highly toxic by the dermal

Other simple alkylpiperidine derivatives have been studied for their acute toxicity. 5-Ethyl-2-
methylpiperidine was highly irritating to the rabbit eye and skin and, like piperidine, was readily
absorbed through the skin (dermal LD50 in rabbits of 630 mg/kg); it also produced an oral LD50 in
rats of 540 mg/kg. Five out of six rats exposed by inhalation to 250 ppm for 4 h died. This represents
a greater degree of toxicity than determined in the same laboratory for 5-ethyl-2-methylpyridine, for
which the oral LD50 in rats was 1540 mg/kg, the percutaneous LD50 in rabbits was 3420 mg/kg, and
exposure to 1000 ppm for 4 h produced death in five of six rats (84). The 1-ethyl derivative of
piperidine is also a strong skin irritant and highly toxic to rats when administered undiluted. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Rats and rabbits were exposed by inhalation to either 0.57
to 2.87 ppm piperidine 4 h/day for 4 months. The authors reported that 0.57 was the “threshold” of
chronic toxicity, and decreased arterial pressure, increased permeability of skin capillaries, and
increased neuromuscular irritability were reported. At 2.87 ppm a number of additional observations
were reported including altered brain electrical activity, cardiovascular system alterations and
spermatogenesis, decreased body weight gain, and dystrophic changes in the liver and kidney
(details not reported) (142). Ten doses of piperidine at 90 mg/kg during a 2-week period produced
marked weight loss, necrosis of the liver, and possible kidney damage in rats (143). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Piperidine has been identified in the urine
of animals and humans (140). The presence of piperidine in the urine can be easily measured with
HPLC and chemiluminescence (144) or gas–liquid chromatography (145). Derived from cadaverine
and lysine, piperidine is excreted from humans at 3 to 20 mg/day. Oral administration of cadaverine
to rabbits causes a severalfold increase in piperidine excretion. Injected into chickens or rabbits, the
major portion is excreted unchanged (146). Piperidine is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tracts, and the amount absorbed through skin is sufficient to produce death in laboratory animals. Reproductive and Developmental Inhalation of 0.9, 4.3, or 28.7 ppm by pregnant rats
produced no teratogenic effects, but embryo length and weight were reduced at the two higher levels
tested (147). Carcinogenesis No tumors were produced in rats given piperidine (0.09%) in drinking water
for 1 year. Piperidine and sodium nitrite given together also failed to produce tumors. The failure of
this treatment was surprising because nitrosopiperidine induced a high incidence of lung and
esophageal tumors. The authors suggest that the relative strong basicity of piperidine reduced the
rate of reaction with nitrite to such an extent that an ineffective amount of nitrosopiperidine was
formed (148). In mice that had cholesterol pellets containing piperidine implanted in their bladders
and were given sodium nitrite in their drinking water, an increase in bladder cancers was produced
(149). Piperidine given as a series of 24 injections in groups of mice failed to produce lung tumors in
the strain A mouse cancer screen (92). When piperidine and sodium nitrite were incubated in the
isolated rat urinary bladder, nitrosopiperidine was detected in the bladder contents. No studies
designed to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of piperidine alone following lifetime exposures have
been reported. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Piperidine did not produce an increase in
mutational frequency in the host-mediated assay using the mouse following a series of
intraperitoneal injections (105). No increase in mutational rate was seen in two E. coli strains
incubated with 40 mM piperidine (150). In the mouse lymphoma assay, DNA strand breaks were
seen following incubation with an S9 microsomal fraction. No response was seen without the
microsomal fraction (151). Only high concentrations (5 to 7 × 10–3 mM) produced increased DNA
breaks without the microsomal fraction, and no changes were reported with the S9 enzyme (152).
Piperidine produced single-strand DNA breaks in rat liver DNA followed by repair (153).
Chromosomal and mitotic abnormalities were produced by piperidine in onion plants at dose-related
concentrations ranging from 50–1000 ppm (154).

13.4.2 Human Experience Skin exposure to liquid piperidine for less than 3 min produced severe
epithelial damage and a chemical burn (155). In a workplace in which piperidine was being
transferred from drums in a semi-closed system, airborne levels of 2 to 5 ppm were measured (132).
The pungent odor could be tolerated by an unacclimated individual for only a brief time, although no
actual irritation was perceived. Volunteers reported an irritation threshold of 26 ppm (156).

No other human exposure data, clinical case histories, or epidemiology studies of piperidine were
13.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
A WEEL of 1 ppm as an 8-h TWA for a 40-h week has been recommended by AIHA (157). A skin
notation is included and the value is based on piperidine vapor irritating the respiratory tract and the
eyes. The liquid is corrosive to skin and may cause permanent eye injury; the odor is considered to
be objectionable above 2 ppm. Good ventilation is essential to minimize inhalation exposure, and the
use of personal protection to prevent accidental eye and skin contact is clearly indicated. Safety
procedures to handle flammable materials should be followed.
13.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Piperidine is found naturally in foods and fish. In soil and water, it is likely to biodegrade, and in
soil, it is likely to leach. In water at neutral conditions, piperidine will be dissociated and therefore,
evaporation will be pH dependent. In dry soil, its high vapor pressure would suggest significant
evaporation. Because of its low octanol/water partition coefficient, bioconcentration of piperidine in
fish is unlikely. Estimations of its fate in the atmosphere suggest a half-life of 3.4 days. Primary
human exposure is due to food consumption (20).

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

14.0 Piperazine
14.0.1 CAS Number:
[110-85-0] (anhydrous); [142-63-2] (hexahydrate)
14.0.2 Synonyms:
Hexahydropyrazine; diethylenediamine; piperazidine
14.0.3 Trade Name:
Lumbrical; Wurmirazin
14.0.4 Molecular Weight:
86.14 (anhydrous)

194.23 (hexahydrate)
14.0.5 Molecular Formula:
C4H10N2, C4H22N2O6(hexahydrate)
14.0.6 Molecular Structure:

14.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

14.1.1 General
Physical Form deliquescent solid (anhydrous); minute crystals (hexahydrate)
Boiling Point 146°C (anhydrous), 145–156°C (hexahydrate)
Melting Point 106°C (anhydrous), 44–45°C (hexahydrate)
Specific Gravity 1.1 (anhydrous)
Vapor Pressure <1.0 mmHg at 20°C
Vapor Density 3.0 (anhydrous)
Flash Point 82°C (anhydrous); 87°C (hexahydrate)

14.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Salty taste; no definable odor.

14.2 Production and Use
Piperazine is a transparent, deliquescent solid. Aqueous solutions of the base are strongly alkaline
(pKb = 4.19); the pH of a 10% aqueous solution is 11. It is used in medicinals, insecticides, and
corrosion inhibitors, and as an accelerator for curing polychloroprene. Piperazine and several
piperazine salts are used in humans and animals to treat parasitic infestations.

Industrial exposure is not extensive. The major producers make piperazine from higher amines (e.g.,
ethylenediamine or diethylenetriamine) and forms of triethanolamine. Formulations of 30 to 40%
piperazine are sold to reprocessors, who make products of various salts or anhydrous and
hexahydrate piperazine (158).

Primary routes of exposure are skin or eye contact or inhalation of vapors (or the dusts of salts). The
salts are less hazardous than anhydrous or hexahydrate forms of piperazine.
14.3 Exposure Assessment
No information to assess human exposure potential to piperazine was found.

Piperazine can be detected in food crops at a concentration as low as 0.03 ppm (159). A method is
applicable for aqueous solutions from the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (160).

Methods for detecting piperazine in human tissue have also been developed (161).
14.4 Toxic Effects
14.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The oral LD50 of piperazine in the rat ranges
from 2050 to 3000 mg/kg (147, 162, 163) and in the mouse from 600 (99) to 1900 mg/kg (147). In
another study, the lowest concentration that produced mortality in the rat was 5000 mg/kg, and
gastrointestinal irritation was noted at doses of 450 mg/kg or greater (164). No deaths occurred in
groups of six rats exposed for 2 h to an aerosol that had a nominal concentration of approximately
40 mg/L. Clinical signs indicative of respiratory irritation were seen but no pathological changes
were seen 14 days postexposure (165). Changes in motor activities and muscle contractions were
seen in mice that inhaled 5400 mg/m3 for 2 h. The animals apparently survived this exposure (147).
Subcutaneous injection to mice produced LD50s of 1100 mg/kg (166) and 2030 mg/kg (167).
Intraperitoneal injection in the mouse produced an LD50 of approximately 1900 mg/kg (139, 168).
Piperazine produced a biphasic effect on the rat cardiovascular system. This effect included an initial
fall in blood pressure and heart rate followed by a transient rise in both. Atropine antagonized the
initial reaction. Piperazine did not produce any electrocardiographic changes when injected (route
unspecified) alone (169).

The dermal LD50 of piperazine is 4000 mg/kg in rabbits (163). Contact of rabbit skin with undiluted
piperazine for 30 min produced slight irritation that became a chemical burn in 70 min (162). The
reaction of the belly skin of rabbits was less marked, and only transient erythema was observed
following application of approximately 500 mg piperazine (163). Only transient redness was seen in
guinea pigs from a 50% aqueous solution, but necrosis was produced following immersion of the
mouse tail in neat material (147). Mild irritation was produced in guinea pigs with 5 to 35%
concentrations in water (170), but no evidence of dermal sensitization was seen (171, 172). Severe
eye damage, presumed to be permanent, was produced in the rabbit eye following instillation of a
single drop of the undiluted chemical (49, 162), and a 5% aqueous solution produced a score of 9
(out of 10). A dose of 250 mg placed in the conjunctival sac produced severe irritation in the rabbit
eye (173). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Inhalation of 100 ppm by guinea pigs (3 h exposure,
seven exposures in 11 days) produced no effects (162). Rats were fed diets that contained 1000 ppm
for 90 days without adverse effects. Liver and kidney damage was seen at both 3000 and 10,000 ppm
(162). In another feeding study, rats fed 150 mg/kg/day for 30 days showed decreased serum and
tissue lipid levels but little change in glucose tolerance, tissue glycogen levels, and liver DNA, RNA,
and protein contents (174). No interference with the immune response was seen in mice treated with
5000 ppm piperazine for 2 weeks (175). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Piperazine is partly metabolized in

humans; only 15% of a 2-g dose was excreted unchanged. Piperazine itself is a metabolite of the
antihistaminic agent chlorocyclizine (176).

Volunteers who inhaled 0.3 mg piperazine/m3 for 4 to 16 h were given diets that contained nitrate
and/or ascorbate. N-Mononitrosopiperazine, but not N, N-dinitrosopiperazine, was detected in the
urine (177). This was also seen in workers exposed to concentrations of 0.06 to 1.7 mg/m3 during a
12-h work shift (178). The mononitrosopiperazine metabolite was detected in gastric juice and urine
following oral administration of 480 mg piperazine to four male volunteers (179). Reproductive and Developmental No complete studies to evaluate the developmental

toxicity potential of piperazine have been reported. No effects were produced in 13-day-old rat
fetuses following intrauterine application of 50 mg piperazine (180). No effects in piglets were
reported following oral administration (dose and duration unspecified) (181). Carcinogenesis No increase in lung adenomas was produced in mice administered 0.69 to
18.75 mg of piperazine/kg in drinking water for 20 to 25 weeks and sacrificed 10 to 13 weeks later
(182, 183). An increase in lung adenomas was produced in this bioassay by administration of
piperazine together with sodium nitrate, suggesting the formation of the active nitroso derivative
(184). Sodium ascorbate inhibited tumor formation, in theory, by preventing piperazine nitrosation
(185). Co-administration of 250 ppm piperazine and 500 ppm sodium nitrate in drinking water did
not produce tumors in rats (172). None of these studies were conducted using currently accepted
methods for evaluating carcinogenic potential but piperazine alone, in these assays, was
noncarcinogenic. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Piperazine dihydrochloride was not mutagenic
in the mouse host-mediated assay. However, when tested in combination with sodium nitrate (to
produce the N-nitroso derivative), a mutagenic response was seen (186). Piperazine was inactive
when tested in four Salmonella strains in amounts ranging from 33 to 2167 mg (187). No evidence of
genetic damage was reported in the LS1784 mouse lymphoma assay and the BALB/3T3
transformation assay (188). Administration of 50 mg/kg intraperitoneally to rats did not cause DNA
strand breaks, although similar administration of the dinitroso derivative caused single-strand
breakage that required 6 days or longer to repair (153). Urinary metabolites isolated from mice given
oral doses of both piperazine and sodium nitrate were also mutagenic (189).

14.4.2 Human Experience Piperazine (as the hydrochloride salt) is used as a vermifuge in humans,
and doses range from 75 to 3500 mg/kg. Side reactions have included hives, headaches, nausea and
vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, tremor, incoordination, and muscular weakness. These findings have
been transient and disappear when medication is stopped (190). Severe thrombocytopenia was
described in a male patient who took 2.25 g/day for 14 days followed by a single dose 14 days later.
This reaction resolved and was attributed to hypersensitivity following a course of therapy 15 years
earlier (191).

Severe, but reversible, neurological disorders accompanied by electroencephalographic changes, also

reversible, have been seen following the medicinal use of piperazine (192). Three cases of
occupational dermatitis attributed to piperazine, confirmed by patch testing, have been reported
(193–195). Respiratory sensitization has also been reported (193, 196). Piperazine was the inducing
agent in 29 cases of occupational asthma reported in 130 workers who handled amines and other
chemicals. The TWA concentration of piperazine associated with induction of an asthmatic state was
estimated at 1.2 mg/m3 (197). A strong exposure–response relationship as to the frequency of work-
related airway symptoms (including chronic bronchitis) that indicated asthma was detected in a
cohort of 602 studied by a mailed questionnaire (198). In the highest exposed group (no quantitative
exposure levels presented), one of four workers had chronic bronchitis. However, no association
between specific IgE antibodies, occupational asthma, and piperazine exposure was determined in a
cross-sectional study that involved 140 workers at a chemical plant, some of whom were exposed to
this substance during the course of their work (199). Miosis is occasionally induced by interference
with the sympathetic supply to the eye, and slight disturbances of accommodation may have the
same basis (200, 201). Descriptions of the visual effects are vague, variously characterized as
difficulty in vision, difficulty in focusing, disturbance in color vision, or occurrence of flashes on
closing the eyes at night, usually associated with giddiness, lack of coordination, and a sense of
detachment. In any case, the visual disturbances are rare and inconsequential (202). In contrast to the
association of piperazine and asthma, workers who manufactured piperazine products showed no
signs of any small airway disease (volume of trapped gas, forced expiratory volume, vital capacity,
and total lung capacity measurements were all normal) (203).

No differences in chromosomal aberrations or micronuclei in lymphocytes were seen in peripheral

blood in chemical factory workers. Piperazine was one of the many agents to which these workers
were exposed (204). No association between exposure and other biochemical activities or
mononuclear leukocytes was detected in these workers (205, 206). Although there was an increased
frequency of b-lymphocyte tumors and lung cancer in 85 workers at this plant, no association with
any specific chemical exposure in the plant could be established (179). In 30 workers employed in a
chemical plant where piperazine was used (not quantified), the micronucleus frequency in red blood
cells was elevated (206).
14.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
A TLV® of 5 mg/m3 has been established for the dihydrochloride salt of piperazine. This limit is
based on acute human exposures that produced mild to moderate skin burns and sensitization and
mild to moderate asthma associated with inhalation of the dust. It was felt this exposure should
prevent systemic toxicity (5). Anhydrous and hexahydrate piperazine must be handled with great
care in view of the strongly basic nature of the material. Skin and eye contact should be minimized
and immediate flushing with water is necessary to reduce damage. Minimizing inhalation exposure is
essential, and piperazine should be used only in well-ventilated areas.

Methods are available to analyze piperazine in pharmaceuticals and animal feeds. Polarographic,
titrimetric, colorimetric, and gas–liquid chromatographic methods have been published (207–210).
Capillary gas chromatography may be used to determine piperazine in the air and in human urine
(211). High-performance thin-layer chromatographic methods may also be helpful in separating
piperazine from other polyethyleneamines (212).
14.6 Studies on Environmental Impact

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

15.0 Morpholine
15.0.1 CAS Number:
15.0.2 Synonyms:
Diethyleneimide oxide; tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine; tetrahydro-p-oxazine
15.0.3 Trade Name:
15.0.4 Molecular Weight:
15.0.5 Molecular Formula:
15.0.6 Molecular Structure:

5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

15.1.1 General
Physical Form colorless, flammable, hygroscopic liquid
Boiling Point 128.9°C
Melting Point –4.9°C
Specific Gravity 1.007
Vapor Pressure 6.6 mmHg at 20°C
Flash Point 35°C closed cup; 38°C open cup
Explosive Limits LEL: 1.8%
UEL 11%

15.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Weak ammonia-like odor.

15.2 Production and Use
Morpholine is made by dehydrating ethanolamines. Its main use is as a rubber accelerator in
manufacturing tires. This process requires high temperature (300°F) and pressure, which increase the
hazards. Morpholine is also used as a boiler water additive, brightener for detergents, and corrosion
inhibitor, in the preservation of book paper, in waxes and polishes, and in organic synthesis.
15.3 Exposure Assessment
Morpholine is a natural constituent of tobacco smoke (213). It is also found in fish at concentrations
ranging from <1 ppm to 9 ppm, in canned meats at 0.4 to 0.5 ppm, and in herrings at levels of 0.2 to
1 ppm (96).

Analytic methods for separating and/or determining morpholine include ion-exchange

chromatography (214), mass spectrometry (96), thermogravimetric analysis (215),
spectrophotometry (216), colorimetric analysis (217), and gas chromatography (213, 218, 219). Gas
chromatography coupled with a thermal energy analyzer may also be used to determine traces of
nitrosomorpholine resulting from the N-nitrosation of morpholine. The detection limit of this method
is 2 ng/g (220).

High-performance liquid chromatography has been used to separate morpholine and its metabolites
(N-hydroxymorpholine, N-methylmorpholine,N-methylmorpholine N-oxide) from biological fluids
and tissue preparations (221). Morpholine also may be detected in such biological samples as urine,
feces, blood, plasma, bile, and tissue by gas and gas–liquid chromatography (222, 223).

NIOSH Analytical Method 5150 is recommended for determining workplace exposure (1223a).

No other human exposure information relative to workplace levels or other background

concentrations of morpholine was found.
15.4 Toxic Effects
15.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Morpholine is moderately to slightly toxic in
animals following single acute exposures by various routes (Table 59.4) (224–233). Single doses
from 100 to 10,000 mg/kg fed to rats and guinea pigs produced hemorrhage in the small intestine
and, in some animals, the nasal area. These doses were not tolerated and produced some mortality
(226). Rabbits given dermal doses showed necrotic epithelium and inflamed edematous dermis.
Morpholine is corrosive to the skin (226).

Table 59.4. Acute Toxicity of Morpholine

Route Species LD50 (mg/kg) Ref.

Oral Rat 1050 224

1420 225
1610 179
1600 226
Mouse 525 227
Guinea pig 900 228
Dermal Rabbit 310–810 229
500 230
Inhalation Rat 231
Male 2250a 231
Female 2151a 231
Male 1450a 231
Female 1900a 231
Unspecified 1390 232
Unspecified 365b 233
Mouse 413 79
Mouse 1350 139

ppm, 4-h exposure.
b ppm, 2-h exposure.
Rats exposed by inhalation to 73 ppm for 4 h showed an increase in respiratory rate and lung
irritation; this irritation was minimal at 11 ppm and not seen at 1 ppm (224). A 1-h exposure of rats
to 6283 ppm produced lacrimation, rhinitis, and inactivity, but all rats survived (234).

Undiluted morpholine is necrotic to rabbit skin (235). Using standardized methodologies, skin
irritation scores from 6.6 to 8.0 (maximum possible) have been reported (229).

No dermal sensitization or irritation was seen in guinea pigs tested with a 10% solution of
morpholine in a system where two morpholine derivatives were sensitizers (228). No dermal
irritation was seen in rabbits treated with a formulation containing 1% morpholine (236). Severe
corneal necrosis is produced by treatment with 0.009 mL of 40% solution of morpholine (173). The
irritation seen with 10 or 20% solutions was considerably less (49). Only slight conjunctival redness
was seen in rabbits following instillation of a 1% morpholine-containing formulation into the eye
(236). Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity Rats fed 323 mg morpholine/kg for 4 weeks showed
lowered weight gains but no gross pathological changes. No effects were seen at either 27.6 or
93 mg/kg, but clinical laboratory tests and microscopic pathology were not conducted (234). Rats
given large doses of 120 to 800 mg/kg for 30 days showed lethargy, weight loss, irritation of the
intestinal tract, and congestion of the gastric mucosa. Microscopic changes were seen in the liver,
kidneys, spleen, stomach, and lungs, and considerable mortality occurred (226). Guinea pigs did not
tolerate feeding of 450 mg/kg for 30 days. Liver, kidney, stomach, and lung lesions were seen at
these doses, but only kidney and liver changes were seen at 90 mg/kg (226). Guinea pigs were also
given daily dermal applications of morpholine, and survival was reduced at doses from 90 to
2780 mg/kg. Skin lesions were pronounced, as were the changes in the kidney and liver (226).

Rats have been used to study the effects of morpholine following inhalation for varying periods of
time. Rats that inhaled 25 ppm, 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 13 weeks showed no compound-related
changes. At 100 ppm, focal necrosis and necrotic cell debris were seen in the nasal cavity in 2 of 20
rats. Exposure at 250 ppm produced more severe irritation to the upper respiratory tract, and the
damage (including increased Harderian gland secretion) at 13 weeks was more severe than that seen
at 7 weeks (237).

Exposures to either 950 or 2000 ppm, 4 h/day, 5 days/week for 30 days produced lung and body
weight changes (238). Feed consumption decreases, increased lung and kidney weights, and
irritation of the eyes and nose were reported in rats that inhaled 450 ppm, 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 8
weeks (231). Irritation of the eyes, nose, and respiratory tract were seen following inhalation of
18,000 ppm (226).

Male and female rats exposed at 10, 50, or 150 ppm, 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 104 weeks showed
normal growth, survival, hematology, and clinical chemistries. Rats exposed at 150 ppm had focal
erosion and squamous metaplasia of the epithelium of the anterior of the nasal cavity. Signs of eye
changes including corneal irritation, uveitis, and corneal damage were seen only in rats exposed at
150 ppm. The distribution of ocular changes in the lower exposure groups was similar to that in the
controls (239). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Morpholine given to animals is excreted

primarily in the urine. Morpholine is not readily metabolized in the rat (221, 222, 240, 241) or rabbit
(242). N-methylation and N-oxidation have been reported in the guinea pig; this occurs to a much
smaller extent in the rat and hamster (221). A distribution study suggests that morpholine goes
preferentially to the kidney in rabbits (243) and rats (222).

Approximately 92% of an orally administered morpholine dose to rats appeared unchanged in the
urine within 48 h. Only 1.4% was excreted in the feces. At 24 h, 1.1, 0.5, 0.05, 0.05, and 0.6%
remained in the stomach, intestine, liver, kidney, and blood, respectively (241). The urinary
metabolite identified in the hamster, and to a much lesser extent the rat, was N-methylmorpholine N-
oxide (221).

In humans, morpholine reportedly appears predominantly unchanged in the urine (244). Reproductive and Developmental No studies to evaluate the reproductive or developmental

toxicity of morpholine have been found, but no evidence of reproductive system damage has been
reported in repeated-exposure toxicity studies in animals. Carcinogenesis Morpholine did not produce an increase in tumors in rats that inhaled from
10 to 150 ppm for 2 years (239). No tumors were seen in rats fed 5000 ppm morpholine for 8 weeks
and observed for their lifetime (245). Morpholine fed concurrently with sodium nitrate increased the
numbers of hepatocellular carcinomas and sarcomas of the liver and lungs of rats and mice, probably
mediated through the formation of N-nitrosomorpholine (246–248). The authors concluded that
morpholine itself was either weakly carcinogenic or that a nitrate from an unknown source was

No cancers were produced when 6330 ppm morpholine was added to the drinking water of mice for
their lifetimes (182). Concurrent exposure of morpholine plus nitrite or nitrogen dioxide increased
the tumor incidence in a variety of species (182, 249–252). In a recent feeding study (253) where
morpholine (0.5% in diet) and sodium nitrate were given concurrently for 23 weeks, rats showed no
evidence of cancer. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Genetic testing has produced both positive and
negative findings (Table 59.5) (254–261). In general, in vivo assays such as the dominant lethal and
host-mediated assays have been either negative or weakly positive. However, chromosomal
aberrations were reported in mice (260). In microbial test systems, incubation of morpholine with
sodium nitrite produces a strongly positive response, presumably by generating nitrosomorpholine

Table 59.5. Genetic Toxicology of Morpholine

Assay/End Point Result Ref.

Salmonella Negative 254, 255

Mouse lymphoma Positive 188
Sister chromatid exchange Positive 188
DNA repair/rat hepatocyte Negative 256
Mouse host-mediated assay
Oral Negative 257
Intravenous Weakly positive 258
Intramuscular Weakly positive 186, 259
Chromosomal aberrations
Mouse Positive 260
Rat Negative 261
Dominant lethal—rat Negative 261

15.4.2 Human Experience Shea (49) reported nose irritation to himself after a 1-min exposure at
12,000 ppm and coughing after 1.5 min. The transfer of morpholine by pipette caused a severe sore
throat and reddened mucous membranes. These symptoms cleared when exposure ceased.

The maximum allowable concentration for morpholine is 1400 ppm (v/v) based on 10% of a lower
exposure limit. However, relevant toxicological data indicates that irreversible health effects and
impairment of escape occur only at concentrations higher than 1400 ppm.

Concentrated morpholine readily permeates the skin. The undiluted compound is very irritating to
the eyes and is moderately irritating to the skin (173). The irritation diminishes as the product is
diluted to less than 25% with water. No serious chronic effects from morpholine have been observed
in humans, although irritation to the skin or respiratory tract has been noted in a few instances of
exposures to fumes from the material when heated or in contact with high concentrations (262).

Cosmetic products containing morpholine (1% generally) have been widely tested and are neither
irritants (eye or skin) nor sensitizers (263).

No other human exposure data, case histories, or epidemiology studies on morpholine were found.
15.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH (5) has a TLV® of 20 ppm (8 hour TWA) to protect against both the irritating and
systemic effects of morpholine. The OSHA PEL and NIOSH REL are also 20 ppm.
15.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Morpholine may be released to the environment in effluents and emissions as a result of its
manufacture, transport, storage, disposal, and use as a chemical intermediate (catalysts, antioxidants,
pharmaceuticals, bactericides), in textile chemicals, photographic developers, hair conditioners,
waxes and polishes, and in preservation of book paper. Total demand of morpholine was 11,000
metric tons (1975) and the U.S. estimated morpholine emissions into the atmosphere (as of 1978)
were about 10 million pounds/year. If released to soil, morpholine may volatilize from dry soil
surfaces but not from moist soil. Morpholine in soil will move with soil moisture and is expected to
leach extensively. Based on screening test results, biodegradation may be significant but only after a
long adaptation period. Morpholine released to natural waters will not tend to bioconcentrate,
volatilize, or adsorb to sediment or organic particulate matter in the water column. Morpholine is
biodegradable in screening tests, but it is unlikely that significant morpholine degradation will occur
because of the long lag required (264). Morpholine reacts with photochemically produced hydroxyl
radicals in the atmosphere and that results in an estimated half-life of 2.6 hours. The general
population may be exposed to morpholine by eating foods such as baked ham and fish and breathing
cigarette smoke. Occupational exposure would occur via inhalation and dermal contact (20).

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

16.0 Hexamethylenetetramine
16.0.1 CAS Number:
16.0.2 Synonyms:
HMTA; HEXA; hexamine; methenamine; formamine
16.0.3 Trade Name:
16.0.4 Molecular Weight:
16.0.5 Molecular Formula:
16.0.6 Molecular Structure:

16.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

16.1.1 General
Physical Form hygroscopic, white crystalline solid
Melting Point 280°C
Density 1.33
Flammability Flammable
Vapor Pressure 4.0×10–3 mmHg at 20°C
Flash Point 250°C
Water Solubility 10 g/100 mL at 20°C

16.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Slight ammonia-like odor.

16.2 Production and Use
HMTA is a tertiary aliphatic amine made by reacting aqueous formaldehyde with liquid or gaseous
ammonia. HMTA is used in the rubber industry to prevent vulcanized rubber from blocking and as
an accelerator, as a curing agent for thermosetting resins (particularly phenyl-formaldehyde and
urea-formaldehyde resins); in foundry mold castings as part of binder resins, in the production of
nitrilotriacetic acid; in the manufacture of adhesives and coatings; in firelogs and briquettes for
camping; and in flame-retardant materials. Because of its unique ability to hydrolyze to
formaldehyde and ammonia under acidic conditions, it is also used in pharmaceuticals, for intestinal
infection, and as a preservative in the food industry.
Industrial exposure potential to HMTA is quite large. Primary routes of exposure would be skin or
eye contact with powder and inhalation of the dust. Ingestion of HMTA should be a minor route of
16.3 Exposure Assessment
No information to assess the human exposure potential of hexamethylenetetramine was found.

A method using GC combined with quadruple MS has been used to analyze air samples (265).

HMTA in air can also be analyzed by HPLC (266). Detection of 0.1 mg/sample is reported using
thin-layer chromatography and spectrophotometry (267). Urinary concentration following separation
can be accomplished using ion-pair extraction and spectrophotometric techniques (268).
16.4 Toxic Effects
16.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The dose at which mice begin to die following
acute oral exposure is reportedly 512 mg/kg (269). Injection (intravenous, intraperitoneal,
subcutaneous) LD50s in rats, mice, cats, and guinea pigs range from 200 to 512 mg/kg (270–272).
This limited information suggests that HMTA is moderately toxic following acute exposure.

No skin irritation was seen from a neoprene sponge containing an unspecified concentration of
HMTA (273), and mild irritation occurred when a 5% solution of a mixture that contained 40%
HMTA was placed on the skin of guinea pigs. No sensitization was observed (274). No specific data
relating to the effects in or on the eyes have been found. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Rats fed diets that contained 1600 ppm HMTA for their
lifetimes showed no effects in body weight, life span, cause of death, organ weights, or fertility
(275). No adverse effects were seen in rats given 400 mg HMTA by gavage for 90 to 333 days (276).
Mice fed 5 g/kg/day for 10 days showed no toxic effects (277). No major adverse effects were seen
in mice given 5000 or 10,000 ppm in drinking water for 60 weeks or 50,000 ppm for 30 weeks; rats
were unaffected following exposure to 10,000 ppm for 2 years or 50,000 ppm for 2 weeks (278,
279). Rats given daily intramuscular injections of 200 mg HMTA for 90 days showed no signs of
systemic toxicity (276). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The absorption, metabolism, and excretion
of HMTA have not been adequately characterized. In human acid media (such as stomach contents
and urine), HMTA slowly decomposes to form formaldehyde (280). However, the quantity found in
the urine is minimal (281). Both HMTA and formaldehyde were seen in the urine of human
volunteers (136). Most of ingested HMTA was reportedly excreted unchanged within 3 h (species
unspecified) (282).

HMTA reportedly produces formic acid when it reacts with acidic sweat, water, and air on the skin
(283, 284).

The bioavailability of HMTA was studied in 10 healthy human volunteers. HMTA taken orally was
recovered in the urine (82%) within 24 h, and the serum elimination half-time was 4.3 h (285). A
similar response was seen over a dosage range of 100 to 500 mg (286). More recent oral data (287)
are confirmatory. Reproductive and Developmental No differences in fertility were seen in rats given
10,000 ppm HMTA before and during mating (288). In a second study, no effects on fertility were
seen in rats fed 6600 ppm (275). In addition, five generations of rats given up to 50 mg/kg daily in
drinking water were unaffected (289). Similarly, no reproductive effects were seen in dogs fed either
600 or 1250 ppm after mating although the percentage of stillborn pups increased slightly, and the
survival and weight gain were reduced (290).
No effects were seen in a developmental toxicity screening study in which small groups of mice
were given oral doses of 1 g/kg from gestation days 7 through 16 inclusive (291). Carcinogenesis No significantly increased incidence of tumors was observed in rats or mice
given HMTA for their lifetimes. Exposures in rats included 400 mg/day for 1 year (276),
10,000 ppm in drinking water for 2 years in each of three generations (288), 10,000 ppm in water for
a lifetime (148), and up to 1000 ppm in the diet for 2 years (292). In mice, testing conditions
included up to 10,000 ppm in drinking water for 60 weeks or 50,000 ppm for 30 weeks and a
lifetime holding period (277, 278), and up to 10,000 ppm in the diet for 2 years (293).

Injection of 25 to 30 g subcutaneously per mouse led to an increase in subcutaneous sarcomas in two

experiments (293, 294) but not in two other studies (295). The relevance of this methodology to the
workplace condition is questionable. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies HMTA is generally positive in microbial
assays that examined the mutagenic potential of the chemical. HMTA was positive in the Salmonella
typhimurium assay (296, 297), in E. coli (298), in Drosophila (299), and in onion cells (300).
Sublethal doses (not specified) slightly increased the number of meiotic abnormalities in male mice

Conversely, HMTA was reportedly negative in Salmonella typhimurium and in E. coli (302, 303).
No mutagenic activity was detected in vivo in the bone marrow of mice exposed to HMTA (304).

HMTA was not mutagenic in vivo in the mouse dominant lethal test following both oral (305) and
intraperitoneal doses (31) of 25 g/kg.

16.4.2 Human Experience HMTA is a skin sensitizer, and vapors or solutions have produced skin
irritation (306, 307). Inhalation may cause asthma-like reactions in previously sensitized individuals
(308). Rash and inflammation have been seen in workers, and in severe cases blisters with watery
flow result (309–311). Some workers develop a tolerance to further irritation (310, 311).
Hypersensitivity of the airways has been related to exposure to HMTA in foundry workers, although
exposure to other potential irritants was certainly possible (312). One death in a 10-day-old infant
was reported following administration of an aqueous solution (concentration, amount unspecified) in
which ammonia and formaldehyde were detected in the major organs (313).

HMTA has been suggested as a potential cause of the higher incidences of gastrointestinal and skin
cancer, because it is used as one of several accelerators in the rubber industry (314). This link was
made because of HMTA's ability to cause dermatitis and skin sensitization but there are no definitive

No other human exposure data or epidemiological studies of HMTA were found.

16.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Because HMTA has been consumed in small amounts as a food preservative and has been used
medically as a urinary antibacterial-antiseptic, the World Health Organization suggested a temporary
acceptance level of 5 mg/kg as an estimate of the acceptable daily intake of HMTA in humans (315).
No workplace airborne control-level guidance value has been proposed.
16.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
HMTA's production and use as an ammonia or formaldehyde donor may result in its release to the
environment through various waste streams. If released to air, HMTA's vapor pressure of 4.0 × 10–
3 mmHg at 25°C indicates that it will exist solely as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase
HMTA will be degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl
radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated at 15 minutes. If released to soil, HMTA is
expected to have high mobility based upon an estimated Koc of 55. Volatilization from moist soil and
dry soil surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process based upon an estimated Henry's law
constant of 1.6 × 10–9 atm-cu m/mole and this compound's vapor pressure, respectively. Hydrolysis
may be important in some soils. HMTA hydrolyzes in water at pH 3 to 7; the half-life in each case is
slightly more than 1 day. If released into water, it is not expected to adsorb to suspended solids and
sediment in water based upon the estimated Koc. Volatilization from water surfaces is not expected
to be an important fate process based upon this compound's estimated Henry's law constant. An
estimated BCF of 0.40 suggests that the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low.
In a semicontinuous activated sludge system, HMTA removal ranged from 1.1% after 5 days to
52.5% after 50 days; removal was attributed to acid hydrolysis to formaldehyde and ammonia
followed by biodegradation of these two compounds. Removal of 70 to 87% was observed after 28
days using an activated sludge inoculum. In a 5-day BOD test using a sewage seed, HMTA reached
2.02% of its theoretical BOD. Occupational exposure to HMTA may occur through inhalation of
dust particles and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where it is produced or used

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

17.0 Pyrrole
17.0.1 CAS Number:
17.0.2 Synonyms:
Azile; Divinylenimine; imidole
17.0.3 Trade Name:
17.0.4 Molecular Weight:
17.0.5 Molecular Formula:
17.0.6 Molecular Structure:

17.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

17.1.1 General
Physical Form colorless liquid
Boiling Point 129–131°C
Freezing Point –24°C
Melting Point –23°C
Specific Gravity 0.967
Vapor Density 2.31 (air = 1)
Flash Point 33°C

17.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Chloroform-like odor.

17.2 Production and Use
Pyrrole is a constituent of coal tar and bone oil. It is a weakly basic (pK = 13.6), colorless liquid that
darkens with exposure to air. It is used in drug manufacture. Industrial exposure is limited.
17.3 Exposure Assessment
17.4 Toxic Effects
17.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Acute toxicity data are scarce. The
subcutaneous LD50 in mice is 61 mg/kg. LDLOs in rabbits are reported for the oral (147 mg/kg),
subcutaneous (250 mg/kg), and intraperitoneal (150 mg/kg) routes (316). Intraperitoneal injections
of large doses into dogs caused convulsions and liver injury. Pyrrole generally causes discoloration
of urine and lung and liver injury in mammals. Death that follows large doses is accompanied by
acute emphysema and pulmonary stasis (11). Pyrrole did not produce an increase in mutational
frequency in several strains of S. typhimurium (Ames test) (317) and was negative in the rat
hepatocyte DNA-repair test (318).

Somewhat more data are available for N-methylpyrrole. The minimum oral lethal dose in rats is
about 2.5 mL/kg. Repeated oral doses to rats (five per week for 6 weeks) of 0.1 mL caused
practically no effects. Fatal oral doses (>2.5 mL/kg) to rats produced interstitial hemorrhages in the
lungs and hemorrhagic necrosis in the liver. N-Methylpyrrole did not produce skin irritation or
sensitization in guinea pigs (319). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity No other toxicity information was found for pyrrole
relative to repeated exposure toxicity, pharmacokinetics/metabolism, reproductive and
developmental toxicity, carcinogenicity, or mutagenicity.

17.4.2 Human Experience No human experience data, case histories, or epidemiology studies of
pyrrole were found.
17.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No occupational exposure standards have been established.
17.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
No information was found.

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

18.0 Aminotriazole
18.0.1 CAS Number:
18.0.2 Synonyms:
3-AT; Amitrole; ATA; 3-Aminotriazole; 2-Amino-1,3,4 triazole; 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole
18.0.3 Trade Name:
18.0.4 Molecular Weight:
18.0.5 Molecular Formula:
18.0.6 Molecular Structure:
18.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
18.1.1 General
Physical Form white to colorless crystals
Melting Point 159°C
Boiling Point 200°C
Specific Gravity 1.138
Vapor Pressure 0.055 mmHg at 20°C
Solubility soluble in water, alcohol; insoluble in acetone, benzene

18.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None.

18.2 Production and Use
Amitrole is synthesized by condensing formic acid with aminoguanidine and can be purified by
recrystallization from methanol. The chemical is effective in killing mostly woody plants, including
hardwood and coniferous species. Amitrole is an effective contact spray for controlling herbaceous
perennials, as well as most annual broadleaf weeds and grasses. It is applied as a foliar spray or as
crystals or concentrated solution to cut surfaces. Human exposures are primarily by dermal contact
or by inhalation following spray applications. This is the chemical responsible for the cranberry
crisis in the United States in 1959 (320) in which the crop of that year was reportedly contaminated
by amitrole, a chemical that could produce cancer of the thyroid when fed to rats.
18.3 Exposure Assessment
Amitrole residues can be measured to 0.1 mg (321, 322), and these techniques can be used to
determine airborne concentrations.

Aminotriazole may be measured in the workplace using NIOSH Analytical Method 0500(4a).
18.4 Toxic Effects
18.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Amitrole is very low in acute toxicity. The oral
LD50 in mice is 11,000 mg/kg and in sheep is 4000 mg/kg (323). Other reported LD50 values in
rodents include 24,600 mg/kg in the rat, 15,000 mg/kg in the mouse (324), and >4080 mg/kg in both
young and old rats (325). Depending on the dose, the symptoms of overexposure include extreme
depression, difficulty in breathing, clonic spasms, and coma (323). One dog tolerated a single oral
dose of 2150 mg/kg, but vomiting was seen at 4640 mg/kg (326). Dermal exposures of 10,000 mg/kg
to rabbits and 2500 mg/kg to rats were nonlethal (327). When amitrole was injected, the LD50 in
mice was >5000 mg/kg both intraperitoneally (25) and intravenously (328). No adverse signs were
seen after intravenous injection of 1750 mg/kg in cats and 1200 mg/kg in dogs (329). Doses of
1000 mg/kg in narcotized cats and dogs produced death due to cardiac or circulatory failure (323).
Amitrole in the acid form produced mild irritation, reversible in 48 h, in the rabbit eye (324). Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity Rats given 29 mg/kg in the diet for 2 weeks showed
decreases in thyroid hormone levels (330). Kidney weight decreases were detected in rats given
500 mg/kg in the diet for 4 weeks, an effect that could be blocked by injection of thyroid hormone
(331). Thyroid growth was modified by treatment of rats for 80 days with amitrole (332). No thyroid
hyperplasia was seen in rats fed 2000 ppm for 12 weeks (333), although thyroid changes were seen
in rats fed 50 ppm for 90 days (334). Serum T3/T4 ratios and thyroid weights were altered in rats fed
amitrole (concentration not specified) for 5 months (332). Body weights were reduced in rats given
1000 ppm in drinking water for 1 year but nonneoplastic lesions were not discussed in the report

Hyperplasia of the thyroid occurred in rats fed 100 ppm but not in rats fed 25 ppm for extended
periods. Atrophy of the thymus and spleen was also reported at feeding levels of 500 and 1000 ppm
(325). Similar changes have been confirmed in rats (335) and mice (336). Goiter was seen in dogs
treated for 50 weeks but no other specific organ toxicity was seen (337). No toxicological changes
were seen in a 2-year inhalation study in which rats were exposed to 2000 mg/m3 for 1 hour each
week (338).

Liver enzymes, including cytochrome P450, d-aminolevulenic acid dehydrase, and peroxidase, have
been affected following repeated exposures to amitrole (339–343). The short-term effects on the
thyroid gland are striking and have been extensively studied and reported (335, 344–346). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption Amitrole is rapidly

absorbed from the stomach. The highest tissue levels were reached in 1 h and declined after 2 to 6 h
(347). Distribution After intravenous injection to mice, amitrole was distributed to many soft
tissues and reached higher concentrations in actively growing parts of transplanted tumors than in
normal tissue. Excretion Following oral administration of 14C-amitrole to rats, most of the radioactivity
that appeared in the urine during the first 24 h was unmetabolized amitrole, but 3-amino-5-mercapto-
1,2,4-triazole and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazolyl-S-mercapturic acid were also present (348).

Only insignificant traces of 14C were seen in the expired air of rats 3 days after an oral exposure. In
the first 24 h, 70 to 95% of the radioactivity was in the urine. Radioactivity in the body after 6 days
ranged from 0.28 to 1.47% of the dose, and most activity was in the liver (349). Reproductive and Developmental Reproductive organs were not the target tissue in the
repeated-exposure toxicity studies reported earlier, although it is not certain that appropriate
evaluation was always conducted. In a two-generation study in rats, the number of pups per litter and
the pup weight were reduced at 500 or 1000 ppm. Most of these pups died from a condition
resembling runt disease and, upon autopsy, had atrophic thymuses and spleens. These effects were
not seen at either 25 or 100 ppm. No developmental effects were seen in pups following
administration to pregnant rats of up to 100 mg/kg via gavage from gestation days 7 through 15
(325). Marked retardation of development without structural defects has been seen in mice (350).

Amitrole did not induce abnormal sperm morphology in mice given five daily intraperitoneal
injections at doses ranging from 50 to 500 mg/kg (351). Carcinogenesis A dose-related increase in thyroid adenomas was seen in rats fed 10, 50, and
100 ppm for 2 years (352). A high incidence of thyroid and liver tumors was seen in rats given
amitrole either in drinking water (20 to 25 mg/day) or in food (250 or 500 mg/day) for 10 to 32
months (353). Mice given 1000 mg/kg by gavage early in life, followed by 53 to 60 weeks feeding of
2192 ppm, showed carcinomas of the thyroid and liver hepatomas (14). However, mice fed 1, 10, or
110 ppm for 21 to 23 months showed no carcinogenic response (354). No changes in tumor
incidence or types were seen in hamsters following lifetime (900 days) feeding of either 1, 10, or
100 ppm (354). No tumors were reported in dogs fed 10, 50, 100, or 200 ppm for 1 year (348). No
tumors were seen in rats that inhaled 2000 mg/m3 amitrole for 1 h/week for 2 years (338). No skin
tumors were seen in mice that received weekly applications of either 0.1 or 10 mg for their lifetimes
(355). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Amitrole was negative in short-term bioassays,
including the Ames Salmonella test (329), in in vitro human lymphocyte clastogenicity (330), and a
mouse lymphomas cell forward-mutation assay (331) (Table 59.6) (356–397). Additionally, amitrole
did not induce any gene expression in Salmonella typhimurium (322). Amitrole did not cause a
dominant lethal effect and did not cause chromosomal aberrations in mice (2, 3, 324). Amitrole was
positive in three in vitro mammalian cell assays: unscheduled DNA synthesis, sister chromatid
exchange, and cell transformation (334). A positive response was also seen in Syrian hamster
embryo cells; a dose-dependent increase in morphological transformation, as well as a dose-
dependent increase in gene mutations, was observed (398). Amitrole was also positive for
intrachromosomal recombination that results in genome rearrangement in the yeast S. cerevisiae

Table 59.6. Mutagenicity Tests with Aminotriazole

Assay/end point Result Ref.

Salmonella Negative 24, 331, 337, 356–366, 339

Positive 366
E. coli Negative 362, 363, 367–372
Positive 362
Saccharomyces Negative 373–377
Positive 378–380
Bacillus Negative—5 strains 381
Positive—1 strain 381
Drosophila Negative 382
Unscheduled DNA synthesis Negative 383, 384
Sister chromatid exchange Negative 383, 385
Positive 386
Bone marrow—mouse Negative 387
Cytogenetics—rat Negative 388
Mouse micronucleus Negative 389
Dominant lethal—mouse Negative 390, 391
Mouse lymphoma Negative 392–394
Cell transformation Negative 395–397

Amitrole was studied in the International Collaborative Program for evaluating short-term tests for
carcinogenicity (356). These data were reviewed and evaluated by the IARC (320), who concluded
that amitrole had a limited degree of evidence for genetic activity in short-term tests.

18.4.2 Human Experience A single oral dose of 100 mg inhibited the uptake of 131I by the thyroid
gland for 24 h in healthy subjects and in patients with hyperthyroidism. A dose of 10 mg had only a
very weak effect (399). In an attempted suicide, a 39-year-old woman ingested a mixture that
included amitrole; the amount ingested was 20 mg/kg. She did not become ill, although unchanged
amitrole at a concentration of 1000 ppm was isolated from the urine (400).

A study was made of railroad workers who had been exposed to one or more herbicides for a total of
46 days or more within the period from 1957 to 1971. Of a total of 324 workers, 143 had been
exposed mainly to amitrole. The incidence of cancer among these 143 persons was 7 (each in a
different organ), compared to the 1.9 expected on the basis of national statistics adjusted for age and
sex. In addition, there were two cancers of the lung, whereas 0.24 cancers were expected. However,
both patients with lung cancer had smoked, and the tumors were of different cell types (41, 402). The
lack of a similar report regarding persons heavily exposed to amitrole in its manufacture is
18.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
An 8-hour Time Weighted Average of 0.2 mg/m3 has been established by the ACGIH TLV®
Committee. It has been placed in Group A3 (confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance
to humans) by that committee (5). The NIOSH REL is 0.2 mg/m3.
18.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Amitrole is released into the environment primarily from its applications as a herbicide. If released to
soil, amitrole will degrade microbially and possibly chemically with a resultant average persistence
of 2 to 4 weeks at recommended herbicidal concentrations. The degree of leaching in soil may
depend upon the chemical and organic content of an individual soil. Loss of amitrole from soil by
volatilization or photodegradation is minor. If released to the aquatic environment, amitrole is not
expected to hydrolyze, directly photolyze, volatilize, or bioconcentrate significantly in aquatic
organisms. Amitrole degradation in natural waters may be possible by oxidation with
photochemically produced peroxy radicals or by photosensitized photolysis; biodegradation is not a
rapid removal process from water. Adorption of amitrole to hydrosoil may be an important transport
mechanism. An initial maximum half-life of 68 days was observed for amitrole applied to an outdoor
pond, and persistence exceeded 200 days. If released to the atmosphere, vapor-phase amitrole reacts
rapidly with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals (estimated half-life of 3.8 days at 25°C),
but does not react with ozone or directly photolyze (20).

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

19.0 Captan
19.0.1 CAS Number:
19.0.2 Synonyms:
1H-Isoindole-1,2-(2H)-dione; 3a,4,7,7d-tetra-hydro-2-[(trichloromethyl)thio]-
19.0.3 Trade Names:
Agrox; Captal; Captec; Captol; Captonex; Clomitrane; Merpan; Meteoro; Othocide; Phytocape;
Sepicap; Sorene; Vancide 89
19.0.4 Molecular Weight:
19.0.5 Molecular Formula:
19.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

20.0 Captafol
20.0.1 CAS Number:
20.0.2 Synonyms:
1H-Isoindole-1,3-(2H)-dione; 3a,4-7,7a-tetrahydro-2-[(1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethyl)thio]-
20.0.3 Trade Names:
Difolaton®, Folcid®
20.0.4 Molecular Weight:
20.0.5 Molecular Formula:
20.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

21.0 Folpet
21.0.1 CAS Number:
21.0.2 Synonyms:
1H-Isoindole-1, 3(2H)-dione, 2-[(trichloromethyl)thio]-
21.0.3 Trade Names:
21.0.4 Molecular Weight:
21.0.5 Molecular Formula:
21.0.6 Molecular Structure:

19/20/21.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

19/20/21.1.1 General
Captan Captafol Folpet
Physical Form Yellow amorphous White White
powder crystals crystals
Melting Point (°C) 178°C(pure) 159–161°C 177–180°C
Vapor Pressure 1.3 mPa (25°C) — —
Water Solubility Insoluble Insoluble Practically

19/20/21.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Captan: none (pure); pungent (tech). Captafol: pungent.
Folpet: None
19/20/21.2 Production and Use
These N-sulfenyl phthalimide fungicides are used in large quantities worldwide. They became
commercially available in 1950. Two producers make these fungicides in the United States (403).
All three are primarily agricultural fungicides, but they do find some use in preventing fungal growth
in industrial applications (e.g., paints and plastics). Captan is registered for use on more than 80
different crops including many foods, field crops, and ornamentals. Captafol and Folpet have similar
uses on crops and are used for seed and plant bed treatment as well. Captan and Folpet are available
in wettable powder formulations. All three are available as dusts, and captan and captafol are
available in flowable formulations (404). These are broad-spectrum fungicides that inhibit mycelial
growth from germinating fungus spores. They have effective protective action but will not eradicate
a preexisting infection and are not systemically active.

Industrial exposure in manufacturing is limited. Agricultural workers are exposed to the wettable
powders, dusts, and flowable formulations, as well as to aqueous emulsions, by inhalation and by
skin contact with dusts, emulsions, and sprays.
19/20/21.3 Exposure Assessment
Several methods are available to measure these compounds in air (405–407). The recommended
workplace method for determining these comparative NIOSH method 0500 (4a).
19/20/21.4 Toxic Effects
19/20/21.4.1 Experimental Studies 19/20/ Acute Toxicity Acute toxicity data on Captan,
Captafol and Folpet are summarized in Table 59.7 (408–410).

Table 59.7. Acute Toxicity (408–410)

Study Captan Captafol Folpet

Rat, oral LD50 12,500 mg/kg 6200 mg/kg >10,000 mg/kg

2500 mg/kg (80% WP)
Rabbit, skin LD50 >9000 mg/kg >15,400 mg/kg (80% 22,600 mg/kg
Rat, inhalation LC50 (2- >5.7 mg/L — >5.0 mg/L
Mouse, inhalation LC50 4.5 mg/L 5.0 mg/L >6.0 mg/L
Mouse, i.p. LD50 518 mg/kg 462 mg/L 200 mg/kg
Mouse, oral LD50 7840 mg/kg 7000 mg/kg —

19/20/ Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Captan is a moderate skin sensitizer in guinea pigs
(411). Captan was tested in subchronic studies in rats and mice to determine dose levels for chronic
studies in the NCI Bioassay Program. Both male and female rats and male and female mice showed
transient weight depression at both 2100 and 16,000 ppm (412).

A 54-week feeding study of both technical and recrystallized captan at 10,000 ppm was conducted
using both male and female rats. Both sexes exhibited growth depression but no signs of systemic
toxicity. At autopsy, testicular atrophy was found in three animals (411).

In two 17-month feeding studies in rats and dogs with folpet, the animals showed high tolerance to
this compound (413) (See section 19/20/

Captafol apparently is not as well tolerated as captan and folpet after chronic administration,
although no effects of tumor incidence were observed (413) (See section 19/20/

19/20/ Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Captan and folpet are quite similar.
Extensive studies of captan have shown that it is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract,
rapidly metabolized, and eliminated from the body. The probable metabolic pathways of both the
tetrahydrophthalimide and trichloromethylthio moieties have been elucidated. In rats, the
tetrahydrophthalamide moiety is excreted, 92% in 48 h and 97% in 96 h (85% in the urine and 12%
in the feces) (414). The trichloromethylthio moiety is converted to thiophosgene, which is further
metabolized to thiazolidine-2-thione-4-carboxylic acid, which is excreted in the urine of orally dosed
rats; carbon dioxide is also a product of the metabolism of thiophosgene through the intermediate
formation of carbonyl sulfide. Thiophosgene is also detoxified by sulfites present in the gut and is
excreted in the urine of orally dosed rats to yield dithiobis(methanesulfonic acid) and its disulfide
monooxide derivative (415).

Captan is metabolized in vitro by liver mixed-function oxidases to carbonyl sulfide, suggesting a

pathway similar to that which occurs in vivo (416). The metabolic fate of folpet is the same for the
trichloromethylthio moiety, and the phthalamide product is hydrolyzed to phthalic acid and
ammonia. Folpet is degraded extremely rapidly in the presence of sulfhydryl compounds, giving the
same products as from hydrolysis (413).

When hydrolyzed, captafol yields tetrahydrophthalimide, chloride ion, dichloroacetic acid, and
inorganic sulfur. No organochlorine is formed in the presence of sulhydryl groups (other products
are the same). This reaction with sulfhydryl compounds is much faster than the hydrolytic reaction
(413). The fate of the tetrahydrophthalimide moiety is the same as for captan (414).

19/20/ Reproductive and Developmental The phthalimide moiety of captan, folpet, and
captafol is structurally similar to thalidomide, which has produced birth defects. Consequently, many
studies have been done on these chemicals to address this toxic end point.

Developmental studies have been conducted with captan, folpet, and captafol in several mammalian
species, including nonhuman primates (417–419). In most studies, where these compounds were
administered throughout organogenesis, lack of developmental effects was demonstrated. However,
results of studies with rabbits were contradictory. There have been two studies with no malformed
fetuses and one in which 9 of 75 fetuses were malformed (420). Further investigation did not
produce a significant increase in the number of abnormalities (411).
In a study of golden hamsters, effects from a single administration of these compounds were
compared with effects from repeated administration throughout organogenesis. At the highest doses
(single and multiple with folpet and single with captafol), maternal mortality increased, and some
abnormal fetuses were produced. There were no indications of teratogenic activity at the lowest
single doses (captafol and folpet) and at all multiple doses (captafol) (419).

19/20/ Carcinogenesis An NCI bioassay of technical-grade captan was conducted to

determine carcinogenicity by administering captan in the feed to Osborne–Mendel rats and B6C3F1
mice. The major outcome was that tumors of the duodenum of B6C3F1 mice were associated with
the captan treatment. There was no evidence that the tumors observed in Osborne–Mendel rats were
treatment-related (412).

In the NCI study, groups of 50 rats of each sex were fed average doses of 2520 or 6050 ppm captan
in the diet for 80 weeks. Groups of 50 mice of each sex were fed 8000 or 16,000 ppm captan in the
diet for 80 weeks. These doses are approximately 250 (male) and 450 (female) mg/kg/day (high
dose) and 50 (male) to 100 (female) mg/kg/day (low dose) in rats. In mice, these doses are
approximately 2100 mg/kg/day (high dose) and 1000 mg/kg/day (low dose).

Other studies to determine the carcinogenic potential of captan reported negative findings. In one
study (14), mice were administered 215 mg/kg/day for 3 weeks and then fed a diet containing
560 ppm for the remainder of 18 months. Two feeding studies were conducted, 18 months in mice
and 2 years in rats. Doses in mice were 3750 and 7500 ppm technical-grade captan in the diet (414).

Folpet was also tested for carcinogenic potential (14). Mice were administered 215 mg/kg/day for 3
weeks and then fed a diet that contained 603 ppm for the remainder of 18 months. Folpet did not
cause a significant increase in tumors in this study. In other chronic studies of folpet, rats were fed
1000, 3200, and 10,000 ppm for 17 months, and dogs were fed 10,000, 40,000, and 60,000 ppm for
17 months. In the rats, neither the incidence nor the character of tumors in test animals differed from
those observed in the controls, and the mortality rate of test groups did not differ from those in the
controls. There was slight growth retardation at 10,000 ppm. Clinical laboratory tests were normal,
and no histological alterations were noted that could be attributed to the feeding of folpet. The dogs
all survived. Body weights were normal, as were clinical laboratory tests and histopathological
examination of tissues (413).

In a 2-year rat study of captafol added to the diet at 0 (70 males and 70 females), 250, 500, 1500, and
5000 ppm (35 females and 35 males at each test level), there was growth depression at the 1500- and
5000-ppm levels. Mortality was increased in the 5000-ppm group, and no males were alive after 23
months. A lymphocyte-to-neutrophil shift was observed in the surviving males of this group after 21
months. There was an increase in the liver-to-body weight ratio at the 500, 1500, and 5000-ppm
levels at 12 months. An increase in this ratio was also seen in males at 250 ppm. At the end of the
experiment, there was no longer a significant difference at the two lower test levels. Significant
increases were also observed in organ weight and organ to body weight ratios for kidney and adrenal
glands of rats fed at 1500 and 5000 ppm. Histopathology revealed liver changes characterized by
degeneration of hepatic cells, vacuolization, incipient fat alteration, and infiltration by mononuclear
cells. Kidney changes were characterized by alterations in proximal and distal tubular cells, and
many giant forms with large irregular nuclei were present.

These changes in liver and kidney were seen only in rats fed the two highest dose levels. No other
histopathogical changes were associated with the administration of captafol. No effects on tumor
incidence were observed (413).

19/20/ Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Captan, captafol, and folpet have been
tested extensively for mutagenic potential as shown in Table 59.8 (421–426). All have demonstrated
the ability to induce gene mutations in some of the test systems, usually without metabolic
activation. In studies with and without activation or added sulfhydryl groups (L-cysteine), it has been
shown that these compounds lost mutagenic activity rapidly in the presence of the S-9 activation
system or the sulfhydryl groups (414, 427–429).

Table 59.8. Studies to Determine Genotoxicity of Captan, Captafol, and


Test-Gene Mutations Captan Captafol Folpet

Aspergillus nidulans 421 421

Neurospora crassa 422
E. coli.
Without activation 423 423 423
With activation 423 423 423
S. typhimurium.
Without activation 254, 258 424
S. typhimurium.
With activation 423, 425 127, 424, 425 425
Drosophila melanogaster 145, 146, 426 145, 426

+ = positive result; – = negative result.
b Reference numbers in parentheses.
Captan, folpet, and captafol produced mutations in bacteria and yeast and other cellular systems, but
were inactive in in vivo mutagenicity tests (430, 431).

19/20/21.4.2 Human Experience Captafol has caused occupational dermatitis in both agricultural
workers and nonagricultural workers (408, 432, 433). Sensitization to captafol, it is estimated, occurs
in 10 to 40% of those who use this chemical.

In a nonagricultural exposure (432), a welder frequently brushed against large bags of captafol while
working at a distributing plant. After 1½ years with no problems, he suddenly developed marked
vesiculation and edema of his face and hands and associated wheezing.

In California in 1974 through 1976, 22 cases of skin exposure incidents, three cases of eye exposure
incidents, and five eye and skin exposure incidents were reported. The skin exposure incidents were
mainly allergic dermatitis. The eye and skin exposure incidents resulted primarily in chemical
conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis, and dermatitis. In most of these cases, safety equipment was
not required or used (433).

No other human experience data or epidemiology studies were found for these fungicides.
19/20/21.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
A TLV® for captan is 5 mg/m3 for an 8-hour exposure. The TLV® Committee lists captan in Group
A3 (confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans). The TLV for captafol is
0.1 mg/m3 for an 8-hour exposure. It also has a skin notation and is in Group A4 (not classifiable as
a human carcinogen) (5). An exposure limit for folpet has not been established by the TLV
Committee. The NIOSH REL for captan is 5 mg/m3 and for captafol is 0.1 mg/m3.
19/20/21.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Captan released to soil is not expected to leach extensively, but evaporation from near the surface of
soils may be significant. Captan readily hydrolyzes in water, and it will probably also hydrolyze in
soil, depending upon the pH. Captan half-lives in moist soil range from 1 to 12 days. Captan released
to water will have a moderate tendency to adsorb to suspended sediments, biota, and sediments and a
low-to-medium tendency to bioconcentrate (BCF = 36 – 900). Volatilization may be significant from
shallow rivers and streams but will be slower from lakes and ponds. The primary degradative process
for captan in water is hydrolysis. Hydrolysis half-lives will be on the order of hours. Direct
photolysis of captan is not important in relatively clear water; indirect photooxidation appears to be
important in water with high humic content. A computer estimated half-life for captan in the vapor
phase of the atmosphere based upon reaction with hydroxyl radicals is about one hour. Captan may
also be present in the atmosphere adsorbed to particulate matter. Captan has been found in food
composites at concentrations up to 0.178 ppm. The average daily intake of captan in the U.S. diet in
1979 was 0.005 mg/kg/body weight/day.

Folpet is released to the environment through its use as a fungicide. If released to soil, folpet is not
expected to be mobile and, therefore, very little leaching in soil is expected. Folpet is expected to
degrade in the ambient atmosphere by reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals,
and the half-life is 0.37 days. If released to water, neither volatilization nor bioconcentration are
expected to be important fate processes. In alkaline aqueous media, folpet undergoes rapid
hydrolysis. Absorption of folpet to sediments will be important. Exposure of folpet to the general
population is possible by inhalation of air or ingestion of food contaminated by release during its use
as a fungicide.

Captafol strongly adsorbs to soil and should therefore remain in the upper layers of soil. In soil,
biodegradation and hydrolysis transform captafol. The half-life of captafol in soil is about 11 days.
Both biodegradation and hydrolysis are expected to be the major pathways for the loss of captafol in
water. The half-life of captafol in river water was estimated at 0.3 day. Volatilization from water or
soil should be negligible. The bioconcentration of captafol in aquatic organisms should not be
important. Reaction of captafol with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals and ozone will be
the important loss process in the atmosphere. The half-life of captafol in air can be estimated at less
than 1.4 h. Partial removal of captafol will also occur as a result of dry and wet deposition. Captafol
has rarely been detected in surface water and groundwater in the United States. It has been detected
at very low levels in some foods. The applicators of the fungicide and farm workers are the most
likely people to be exposed to captafol by inhalation and dermal routes (20).

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

22.0 Benomyl
22.0.1 CAS Number:
22.0.2 Synonyms:
Carbamic acid, (1-[(butylamino)carbonyl]-1H-benzimidazol-2yl)-, methyl ester
22.0.3 Trade Names:
Benlate® Fungicide; Tersan®, 1991
22.0.4 Molecular Weight:
22.0.5 Molecular Formula:
22.0.6 Molecular Structure:
Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds
Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

23.0 Carbendazim
23.0.1 CAS Number:
23.0.2 Synonyms:
Carbamic acid, 1H-benzimidazol-2-yl-, methyl ester
23.0.3 Trade Names:
MCAB; BCM; Hoe; 17411; Drosal; Bavisitin®; MBC; carbendazim; Delsene® fungicide
23.0.4 Molecular Weight:
23.0.5 Molecular Formula:
23.0.6 Molecular Structure:

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

24.0 Thiophanate-methyl
24.0.1 CAS Number:
24.0.2 Synonyms:
Carbamic acid; [1,2-phenylenebis(imino carbonothioyl)]bis-, dimethyl ester
24.0.3 Trade Name:
Topsin M® thiophanate-methyl
24.0.4 Molecular Weight:
24.0.5 Molecular Formula:
24.0.6 Molecular Structure:
22/23/24.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
22/23/24.1.1 General

Benomyl Carbendazim Thiophanate-methyl

Physical white, crystalline light gray powder, Colorless, crystalline
Form solid solid
Melting 140 302–307°C 172°C
Point (°C)
Boiling (dec) >300°C — —
Point (°C)
Water <0.1 g/100 mL at 20°C <0.1 g/100 mL at 21°
Solubility C
Vapor Negligible Negligible (<10– —
Pressure 3
mmHg at 125°C)
Other Converts to MBC Stable Converts to MBC
with moisture with moisture

22/23/24.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Negligible.

22/23/24.2 Production and Use
There are three major benzimidazole fungicides used worldwide. All are primarily agricultural and
turf-ornamental rather than industrial fungicides. They produce their fungicidal effect by systemic
action. Benomyl has the largest share of U.S. use and is applied on many food and ornamental plant
crops (427). MBC is registered in more than 15 countries for use on at least 25 food crops as well as
turf-ornamentals, but is not registered in the United States (414). Thiophanate-methyl, whose major
metabolite is a benzimidazole, is a Japanese product that is also used widely. Residue tolerances
have been established for nine food crops in the United States.

All three fungicides are available in wettable powder formulations or dispersions that contain from 6
to 70% active ingredient, the balance is either inert ingredients or other fungicides. Industrial
exposure at the manufacturing level is limited. However, agricultural workers are exposed to the
wettable powders and dispersions, as well as to dilute aqueous emulsions. There are two primary
routes of exposure: inhalation of the dusts and skin contact with dusts, emulsions, and sprays. All
have similar uses, mechanisms of action, and toxicity. Because MBC is considered the major
metabolite of benomyl and thiophanate-methyl is found in and on plant material after use of both
products, these three chemicals are discussed together.
22/23/24.3 Exposure Assessment
Analytical methods for determining residues of benomyl are based on conversion to MBC or to 2-
aminobenzimidazole. These methods can be easily adapted for determining MBC and thiophanate-
methyl and for analyzing air samples (434, 435).
Benomyl-derived residues can be determined by HPL chromatography.

NIOSH Analytical Method 0500 or 6000 is recommended for determining workplace exposure (4a).
22/23/24.4 Toxic Effects
22/23/24.4.1 Experimental Studies 22/23/ Acute Toxicity Table 59.9 is a compilation of the
acute toxicity of benomyl, MBC, and thiophanate-methyl (414). These compounds have very low
mammalian toxicity. By most routes of exposure, the maximum feasible dose killed no animals.
Clinical signs of acute toxicity from high doses of thiophanate-methyl were tremors leading to tonic
or clinic convulsions, nose bleeding and lacrimation in rats; and decreased respiratory rate, lethargy,
disappearance of tonus of abdominal muscle, discharge from eyes, and mydriasis in rabbits and dogs

Table 59.9. Acute Toxicity of Benzimidazole Fungicides (435–437)

Species Sex Route Study Benomyl MBC methyl

Rat M Oral LD50 >10,000 mg/kg >10,000 mg/kg 7500 mg/kg

F Oral LD50 >10,000 mg/kg 6640 mg/kg
M i.p. LD50 >10,000 mg/kg >7230 mg/kg 6640 mg/kg
F i.p. LD50 >15,000 mg/kg 1140 mg/kg
M Inhalation LC50 5.6 mg/L
M,F 4 h LD50 >10,000 mg/kg
Skin >2 mg/L
Mouse M i.p. LD50 >15,000 mg/kg 790 mg/kg
F i.p. LD50 >15,000 mg/kg 1110 mg/kg
M Oral LD50 3510 mg/kg
F Oral LD50 3400 mg/kg
M Inhalation, LC50 >100 mg/L
Rabbit M Skin LD50 >10,000 mg/kg >10,000 mg/kg
M Skin Irritation None Mild
M Eye Mild None None (10%)
M,F Oral Irritation Mild >8000 mg/kg
M Unknown 2270 mg/kg
F Unknown LD50
Dog M,F Oral LD50 >8000 mg/kg
M,F Inhalation, LC50 >0.825 mg/L
M,F LD50 4000 mg/kg
Guinea M Oral LD50 3640 mg/kg
F Oral LD50 6700 mg/kg
Mallard Oral, 8 LC50 >5000 ppm >10,000 ppm
duck day
Bobwhite Oral, 8 LC50 >5000 ppm >10,000 ppm
quail day
Japanese M Oral LC50 10,996 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg
F Oral LD50 5826 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg

22/23/ Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity In 2-year feeding studies of benomyl (2500 ppm,
the highest dietary level), the no observable effect level (NOEL) was 2500 ppm for rats and 500 ppm
for dogs. In dogs fed 2500 ppm, there was biochemical evidence of impaired liver function and
histological evidence of liver cirrhosis. No oncogenic effects were observed in rats.

In a 2-year feeding study with mice, the NOEL was 500 ppm except for changes in the liver. This
NOEL was based on reduced body weights, weight effects in the liver and testis, and microscopic
changes in these tissues at 1500 and 5000 ppm. Oncogenic effects were observed in the liver of male
and female mice at all dietary levels (500 to 5000 ppm). Other studies of the active metabolite of
benomyl in similar mouse strains produced similar results; however, oncogenicity was not observed
at exposures below 500 ppm. When an unrelated strain of mice was used, that is, one with a much
lower background of liver tumor incidence among untreated animals, an oncogenic response was not
produced. This was true for exposures up to and including 5000 ppm (438).

For MBC, toxic effects described in animals from exposures by inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact
include liver, bone marrow, and testicular effects (436).

Thiophanate-methyl was not irritating or toxic in a 30-day skin absorption study of guinea pigs. The
material was applied daily to the abraded dorsum at 2, 20, and 200 mg/kg (414). Mice (CR-SCL
strain) were fed thiophanate-methyl for 2 years at doses of 10, 40, 160, and 640 ppm in their diet.
Except for slightly retarded growth in males at 640 ppm, no effects were detected (414).

22/23/ Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms As stated previously, MBC is the

major metabolite of benomyl and thiophanate-methyl in plants. Subsequent metabolic products are
hydroxylated derivatives and 2-aminobenzimidazole.

Benomyl and MBC are rapidly metabolized and eliminated in urine of rats and dogs as methyl 5-
hydroxy-2-benzimidazolecarbamate (5HBC) (439). Residue data on dog and rat tissues from 2-year
feeding studies indicate that benomyl and MBC and/or metabolites do not accumulate in animal
tissue. Data on the metabolism of thiophanate-methyl in animals were not available.

22/23/ Reproductive and Developmental Benomyl was not embryotoxic or teratogenic to rats
by dietary administration at levels as high as 5000 ppm (equivalent to approximately
373 mg/kg/day). No teratogenic effects were found in studies with rabbits fed 500 ppm in the diet
(equivalent to approximately 20 mg/kg/day). By gavage administration, a statistically significant
teratogenic response was obtained at dose levels of 62.5 mg/kg/day and higher, but not at
30 mg/kg/day and less (438).
Excessive exposure of laboratory animals to benomyl has produced testicular weight, lowered sperm
counts, and reduced fertility. These effects were accompanied by other indicators of general toxicity
and were reversible in studies that evaluated effects after exposure was discontinued. In two- and
three-generation dietary studies of rats, the overall NOEL for parents and their offspring was
500 ppm (20 to 30 mg/kg/day). Reduced body weights, testicular weights, and sperm counts were
observed at 3000 and 10,000 ppm. However, there were no compound-related effects on fertility,
mating behavior, or length of gestation. Benomyl is not considered to have selective effects on the
reproductive system. The effects occur at doses that also produce general toxicity in laboratory
animals (438, 440).

The developmental toxicity of MBC was observed in animals dosed by stomach tube; however,
when higher doses were administered in the animals' feed, developmental toxicity was observed only
at dose levels that were also toxic to pregnant animals. MBC produced reproductive toxicity in
studies of male rats and mice; however, the reproductive ability of females was not affected by this
material (436).

Groups of pregnant rats were administered MBC by gavage on days 6 to 15 of gestation at dose
levels up to 80 mg/kg/day. Groups of pregnant rabbits were similarly administered up to
160 mg/kg/day on days 6 to 18 of gestation. In the rats, dead and resorbed fetuses accounted for 29%
of conceptions in controls, 48% at 20 mg/kg of MBC, 64% at 40 mg/kg, and 73% at 80 mg/kg. In
rabbits, no dead or resorbed fetuses were seen in controls whereas 15 to 33% were found in MBC-
treated rabbits. There were no differences among groups of rats or rabbits in mean weight of live
fetuses, and there were no malformations (441).

MBC was administered by gavage to pregnant rats at doses of 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, or
1000 mg/kg/day on days 1 through 8 of gestation. When MBC doses of up to 400 mg/kg/day were
administered during early pregnancy, MBC had no significant effect on the number of implantation
sites, body weight gain, uterine weight, implantation site size, and serum ovarian and pituitary
hormone activity; however, a trend toward increased resorptions was evident. At 100 mg/kg/day,
MBC produced reductions in body weight gain, implantation site weights, and serum luteinizing
hormone and an increase in serum estradiol. When administered during pseudopregnancy,
400 mg/kg/day of MBC partially reduced uterine decidual growth but affected no other parameter

MBC was orally administered by gavage to male rats at 400 mg/kg/day for 10 days. On the third day
of treatment they were mated with unexposed females. Testicular weights were 58% less than those
of the control rats. Sixteen of the 24 males in the treatment group were infertile by the fifth week
after exposure, and 12 of the 16 never regained fertility. Most of the male rats exposed to MBC had
testes that showed atrophy of the seminiferous tubules, which were lined by Sertoli cells and
contained spermatogonia (443).

Groups of male and female rats were administered by gavage 50, 100, 200, or 400 mg/kg/day of
MBC from weaning through puberty, gestation, and lactation. A similar study was conducted with
hamsters administered 400 mg/kg/day. The growth, viability, and reproductive function of the
offspring (FI) were observed during a 4-month period of continuous breeding. MBC did not alter
pubertal development, growth, or viability.

The reproductive function of rats administered 200 or 400 mg/kg/day of MBC was reduced due to
effects on sperm production and fetal viability. In the male rats, MBC markedly altered sperm
morphology, testicular and epididymal weights, sperm numbers, and testicular histology. Fertility,
sperm motility, and hormone levels were altered primarily in the males that had low sperm counts.
The ability to conceive did not involve a female factor. In the female rats, MBC administration
caused postimplantation losses in the high-dose group, and a few malformed rat pups were found in
the litters from the 100- and 200-mg/kg/day groups. MBC was less toxic to the hamster than the rat,
and the only reproductive effects induced by MBC administration were sperm measures. Fetal and
neonatal (F1) viability were not affected (444).

Thiophanate-methyl was fed to CR rats (10 males, 20 females/group) at 0, 40, 160, and 640 ppm in a
three-generation (two litters/generation) reproductive study. There was an effect on growth at
640 ppm, but no apparent effects were noted on reproduction parameters. Tissues and organs of 3-
week-old F3b animals were examined histopathologically. Cleared specimens were also examined
for skeletal anomalies. No effects were detected (414).

22&sol;23&sol; Carcinogenesis Long-term testing for the carcinogenic potential of benomyl

and MBC is discussed in the section on Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity. Those long-term studies
evaluated a variety of toxicity end points including carcinogenicity. Both benomyl and MBC were
weak carcinogens in some in vivo studies.

Two-year feeding studies with thiophanate-methyl in ICR-SCL mice (see Chronic and Subchronic
Toxicity, earlier) a strain of mouse especially susceptible to tumors, showed a variety of tumors in all
groups, including controls, but the compound was not considered carcinogenic (414).

22/23/ Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Benomyl has been evaluated in
numerous tests for mutagenicity and genotoxicity. The vast majority of these tests were negative.
The weight of evidence from all studies indicates that benomyl is not a heritable gene mutagen. It
does not interact with cellular DNA nor induced point or germ cell mutations. Benomyl is not
considered clastogenic. The only genotoxic end point for which benomyl produces specific
responses is numerical chromosomal aberrations or aneuploidy. This is the mechanism by which
benomyl exerts its fungicidal activity (438).

Dominant lethal studies were conducted for all three compounds. Benomyl was fed to male rats for 7
days at 250, 1250, and 2500 ppm in the diet. The rats were bred to three females each week for six of
the 10 weeks required for spermatogenetic processes. No toxicity was observed in the males. The
control group had higher incidences of preimplantation losses and early resorptions. Benomyl was
not mutagenic in the dominant lethal assay (440).

MBC was administered in single doses to male mice at 1280 mg/kg (intraperitoneally). These mice
were bred to three females each week during an 8-week period. Except for slight growth depression
the first week, no effects on the males were noted. MBC was not mutagenic in this dominant lethal
assay (414).

Thiophanate-methyl was administered intraperitoneally in single doses to groups of 10 male ICR-

strain mice at 8 to 500 mg/kg. The animals were then mated during an 8-week period. No mutagenic
effects were noted (i.e., no increased early fetal death or preimplantation losses) (445).

Tests in bacterial or mammalian cell cultures and in animals indicate that MBC does not interact
with DNA. This material does cause an increase in chromosomal numbers (aneuploidy). Currently
available animal data indicate that this material does not cause permanent genetic damage in the
reproductive cells of mammals.

22/23/ Other: Neurological, Pulmanary, Skin Sensitization No other human experience data
or epidemiology studies were found for these fungicides.

22/23/24.4.2 Human Experience There is no evidence of adverse long-term health effects in humans
from exposure to these chemicals. Temporary allergic skin reactions in a few susceptible persons are
mentioned in the benomyl material safety data sheet (MSDS) from Du Pont (438).

Ten strawberry harvesters were monitored during working hours for dermal exposure, and the
average exposure was 5.39 mg/h/person (446).
22/23/24.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
These three compounds are considered nuisance dust particulates. Benomyl has an ACGIH TLV of
10 mg/m3, and the OSHA PEL TWA is 15 mg/m3 for total and 5 mg/m3 for respective benomyl.
There are no occupational exposure standards for carbendazim and thiophanate-methyl.
22/23/24.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Benomyl released to soil does not leach, but volatilization of benomyl from soil can occur.
Hydrolysis of benomyl in soil is probably the most significant removal process although
biodegradation may also be significant, especially for the benomyl hydrolytic products. When
applied to turf, benomyl has a half-life of 3 to 6 months and up to twice that in bare soil. Benomyl
released to water has a low to moderate tendency to adsorb to sediments, suspended sediments, and
biota and does not bioconcentrate to any significant extent. Volatilization of benomyl from water is
probably insignificant. Hydrolysis is probably the most significant removal process for benomyl
from water (t½ < 1 week), although biodegradation and photolysis may also be important. A
computer estimated half-life for the reaction of benomyl in the vapor phase with photochemically
produced hydroxyl radicals in the atmosphere is 1.6 hours. The half-life of carbendazim is in the 1-
to-2 month range, depending upon media (20).

No significant information was found for thiophanate-methyl.

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

25.0 Benzotriazole
25.0.1 CAS Number:
25.0.2 Synonyms:
25.0.3 Trade Name:
25.0.4 Molecular Weight:
25.0.5 Molecular Formula:
25.0.6 Molecular Structure:

25.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

25.1.1 General
Physical Form White to lighten crystals
Boiling Point 350°C
Melting Point 98.5°C
Water Solubility 0.1–0.5 g/100 mL at 23.7°C
Other May explode during vacuum distillation
Vapor Density 4.1
25.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties None.
25.2 Production and Use
1-H-Benzotriazole is manufactured in the United States. Its main use is as an anticorrosive in
metalworking, in art restoration, and as a tarnish remover and protective coating in the construction
industry. It is used as a corrosion inhibitor in water-cooling systems and in dry-cleaning equipment.
It is also used in some formulations of automatic dishwasher detergents to prevent tarnishing of
metal utensils. 1-H-Benzotraizole forms covalent linkages with metals thereby preventing attack by
corrosive agents. It is used in other capacities in electrolytic and photographic processing.
25.3 Exposure Assessment
To analyze for 1-H-benzotraizole, HPLC, thin-layer chromatography, and nonaqueous titration of the
amine function with perchloric acid are acceptable (447). One or more of these methods could be
adapted to analyze for 1-H-benzotriazole in air.
ind59-108 Toxic Effects
25.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The acute toxicity of 1-H-benzotriazole is
moderate to slight.

Oral ALD (rats) 500 to 670 mg/kg (448, 449)

Intraperitoneal LD50 (mice) 1000 mg/kg (450)
Intravenous LD50 (mice) 238 mg/kg (451)
Inhalation LC50 (rats), 3 hr. 1900 mg/m3 (452)

In a test for primary skin irritation and sensitization on guinea pigs, 1-H-benzotriazole was at most,
mildly irritating in concentrations up to 50% in ethanol and was not a sensitizer. The dry powder is
severely irritating to rabbit eyes (0.1 mL, unwashed) but prompt water washing reduces irritation
considerably (448). Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity A 56-day feeding study was conducted in rats and mice to
determine maximum tolerated doses for the bioassay of 1-H-benzotriazole (447). Toxicity (i.e.,
weight depression) was observed in rats at 300 to 30,000 ppm, but not in mice, except at 30,000 ppm
(not at 10,000 ppm). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms 1-H-Benzotriazole was metabolized by rat

liver microsomes in vitro to 4-hydroxybenzotriazole and 5-hydroxybenzotriazole (453).

No data for absorption, distribution, metabolism, or excretion of benzotriazole in mammals were

found. Reproductive and Developmental No relevant studies were found. Carcinogenesis Chronic (2-year) feeding studies were conducted. Rats were given 0, 6,700,
or 12,000 ppm in feed for 78 weeks and held for an additional 26 weeks. Mice were given 0, 11,700,
or 23,500 ppm in feed in 104 weeks. The authors concluded that under the conditions of this study,
there were no convincing evidence that 1-H-benzotriazole was carcinogenic in rats or mice (447). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies 1-H-Benzotriazole was positive in the S.
typhimurium and in E. coli mutagenicity assays (454).

25.4.2 Human Experience A report showed that two metalworkers developed contact dermatitis from
exposure to lubricating oil that contained 1-H-benzotriazole (455).

No other human experience data, case histories, or epidemiology studies were found for
25.4 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No occupational exposure standards have been established.
25.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
No information was found.

Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds


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Alkylpyridines and Miscellaneous Organic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

A. Alkylpyridines

Table 60.1. Acute Toxicity of Five Alkylpyridines (36)

Approximate Approximate
Oral LD50 Dermal LD50 Inhalation Toxicity in
(mg/kg) (mg/kg) Rats

Concn Time
Pyridine Rats Mice Guinea Pigs (ppm) (h) Mortality

2-Ethyl — — — 5400 3 100

4-Ethyl- — — — 2500 5 100
2-Methyl- 800– 800–1600 2,500–5,000 1700 3.7 100
5-Ethyl 1600
2-n-Amyl 100–200 200–400 5,000–10,000 400 6 0
4-n-Amyl 200–400 200–400 5,000–10,000 300 6 0

Table 60.2. Acute Toxicity of Vinylpyridines (36)

Approximate Approximate
Oral LD50 Dermal LD50 Inhalation Toxicity in
(mg/kg) (mg/kg) Rats

Concn Time
Pyridine Rats Mice Guinea Pigs (ppm) (h) Mortality

2-Vinyl 100–200 400–800 <500 160 6 0

Rabbits 300 (56) 5500 1.5 100
4-Vinyl 100–200 200–400 <500 150 6 0
2000 2 100
2-Methyl- 1167 775 (58) 718 (57) 1000 4.5 0
5-vinyl (57)
Rabbits 6000 3–5 100

Note: Numbers in parentheses are references.

Table 60.3. Acute Toxicity of Nicotine

Species Route (mg/kg) Response Ref.

Cat i.v. 2 LD50 108

i.v. 1.3 LD50 109
i.m. 9 Paralysis, convulsions, ataxia 98
Dogs i.v. 15 (over 8 h) Respiratory failure 110
i.v. 5 LD50 108
Mouse Oral 24 LD50 111
s.c. 16 LD50 111
i.v. 7.1 LD50 108
Oral 50–60 Approx. LD50, convulsions, 98
i.p. 5.9 LD50 112
Monkey i.m. 6 Convulsions, paralysis 98
Rabbit i.v. 9.4 LD50 108
Dermal 50 LD50 (estd.) 113
i.p. 14 LD50 114
i.m. 30 Convulsions, paralysis 98
Rat Oral 50–60 Convulsions, paralysis 115
i.p. 14.6 LD50 116
Dermal 140 LD50 117
i.v. 7 LD50 118
Intratracheal 19.3 LD50 119
Human Rectal 1.4 Hallucinations, nausea 120
Table 60.4. Acute Toxicity of Three Substituted Uracilsa

Test Bromacil Lenacil Terbacil

Oral LD50
Rat (mg/kg) 5200 (167) >11,000 (168) >5000 (169)
>7500 (170)
Dog (mg/kg) >5000 (170) — >5000 ALD (170)
Skin ALD
Rabbit (mg/kg) >5000 (171) >5000 (172) >5000 (173)
>2000 (174)
Skin irritation
Rabbit None (175) None (172) None (173)
Slight (174, 176)
Guinea pig Mild (177) Mild to moderate (171) None (173)
Guinea pig None (178, 179) None (178, 180) Mild (173)
Eye irritation
Rabbit Mild (181) Mild (171) Mild (182)
LC50 (4 h) >4.8 (183) >5.2 (184) >4.4 (185)
Rat (mg/L) >5.2 (186)

Numbers in parentheses are references.

Table 60.5. Genetic Toxicity Tests on Substituted Uracilsab

Assay/End Point Bromacil Lenacil Terbacil

Salmonella typhimurium –(214–218) –(221) –(215, 216, 222,

+(219, 220)
Esherichia coli –(218, 222, 224, –(216, 222)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae –(217, 225–227)
Drosophila melanogaster +(205, 217, 218, –(206, 229)
224, 225)
–(220, 238)
Mouse lymphoma assay +(217, 218, 224,
Chinese hamster ovary –(224, 225, 230) –(229, 231)
Unscheduled DNA/human –(225, 230)
in vivo mouse micronucleus –(224, 225, 232)
in vivo mouse dominant lethal –(217, 225, 233–

+ = positive result; – = negative result.
b Reference numbers in parentheses.

Table 60.6. Acute Toxicity of Quaternary Herbicides in Various Speciesa

(240, 241)

Dermal LD50 Inhalation LC50

Oral LD50 (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/m3)


Rat 100– 130– 270 80–350 650 — 1–10 35–83 —

200 400
Mouse — 125– 31– 62 430 — — — —
170 44
Rabbit — 101– 470 236– >400 3540 — — —
190 500
Guinea 22–80 100– — 319 400 — 4 38 —
pig 123
Monkey 50 100– — — — — — — —

PQ = paraquat; DQ = diquat; DFQ = difenzoquat; — = No data.

Alkylpyridines and Miscellaneous Organic Nitrogen Compounds

Henry J. Trochimowicz, Sc.D., Gerald L. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D., CIH, Neil D. Krivanek, Ph.D.

B s-Triazine Herbicides

Alkylpyridines and Miscellaneous Organic Nitrogen Compounds

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863 S. G. Hundley et al., Toxicol. Lett. 73, 213 (1994).
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889 D. F. McGregor, Tier II Mutagenic Screening of 13 NIOSH Priority Compounds:N,N-
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891 L. D. Katosoh and G. I. Panlenko, Mutat. Res. 147, 301–302 (1985).
892 D. A. Arnold, Report EJ82A, Industrial Bio-Tech Laboratories, 1972.
893 BASF Corporation, unpublished report, April 6, 1976.
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906 H. T. Hofmann, Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharmakol. 248, 38 (1960).
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922 D. D. Munro and R. B. Stoughton, Arch. Dermatol. 92, 585 (1965).
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925 P. J. Becci et al., J. Appl. Toxicol. 3, 83–86 (1983).
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934 D. W. Lynch, Draft NTP Technical Report on the Toxicity Studies of N,N-
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935 T. W. Slone et al., Toxicologist 13, 71 (1993).
936 L. A. Malley et al., Toxicologist 13, 71 (1993).
937 M. E. Hurtt et al., Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 18, 596–601 (1992).
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950 G. Kimmerle and L. Machemer, Int. Arch. Arbeitsmed. 34, 167 (1975).
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956 J. Helliwig, Fundam. Chem. Toxicol. 29, 193 (1991).
957 R. E. Chapin and R. A. Sloane, Environ. Health Perspect. 105, 199 (1997).
958 E. Hansen and O. J. Meyer, Appl. Toxicol. 10, 333–338 (1990).
959 Industrial Bio Test Labs, unpublished report to Monsanto Company, 1972.
960 S. C. Lewis et al., Environ. Mutagen. 1, 166 (1979).
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962 L. A. Malley et al., Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 28, 80 (1995).
963 L. A. Malley et al., Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 23, 268 (1994).
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967 J. Walrath, W. J. Fayerweather, and P. Gilby, J. Occup. Med. 31, 432–438 (1989).
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969 T. M. Brooks and B. J. Dean, Prog. Mutat. Res. 1, 261–270 (1981).
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971 N. R. Green and J. R. Savage, Mutat. Res. 57, 115–121 (1978).
972 S. A. Hubbard et al., Prog. Mutat. Res. 1, 361–370 (1981).
973 D. J. MacDonald, Prog. Mutat. Res. 1, 285–297 (1981).
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975 G. R. Mohn et al., Prog. Mutat. Res. 1, 396 (1981).
976 M. Nagao and Y. Takahashi, Prog. Mutat. Res. 1, 302–313 (1981).
977 I. F. H. Purchase et al., Nature (London) 264, 624 (1976).
978 I. Rowland and B. Severn, Prog. Mutat. Res. 1, 323–332 (1981).
979 R. W. Trueman, Prog. Mutat. Res. 1, 343–350 (1981).
980 S. Venitt and C. Crofton-Sleigh, Prog. Mutat. Res. 1, 351–360 (1981).
981 J. L. Antoine et al., Toxicology 26, 207 (1983).
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983 M. H. L. Green, Prog. Mutat. Res. 1, 183–194 (1981).
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988 F. K. Zimmerman and I. Scheel, Prog. Mutat. Res. 1, 79–82 (1981).
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997 M. V. Aldyreva et al., Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabol. 6, 24 (1980).
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1008 L. Perbellini et al., Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health 40, 241 (1977).
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1012 C. A. Redlich et al., Ann. Intern. Med. 108, 680 (1988).
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1014 L. E. Fleming, S. L. Shalat, and C. A. Redlich, Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 16, 289–
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1016 L. Poelmans et al., Acta Clin. Belg. 51, 360–367 (1996).
1017 C. Yang et al., Vet. Hum. Toxicol. 36, 345, (1994).
1018 H. P. Potter, Arch. Environ. Health 27, 340 (1973).
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1020 J. L. Chen, W. E. Fayerweather, and S. Pell, J. Occup. Med. 30, 819 (1988).
1021 W. H. Lyle et al., Br. J. Ind. Med. 36, 63 (1979).
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1032 J. R. E. Jones, Fish and River Pollution, Detailed Biological and Chemical Reports on
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Fisheries, HM Stationery office, London, 1930, from Ref 1033.
1033 L. Klein, River Pollut. 2, 283 (1962).
1034 H. Lewin, Gift Vergiftungen 582, 100–101 (1929).
1035 K. Hirao et al., Cancer Res. 36, 329–335 (1976).
1036 L. Novack and B. B. Brodie, J. Biol. Chem. 187, 787–792 (1950).
1037 M. Hara, Nippon Univ. J. Med. 3(4), 321–336 (1961).
1038 J. N. Smith and R. T. W. Williams, Biochem. J. 60, 284–290 (1955).
1039 Y. Shinohara, Gann 68, 785–796 (1977).
1040 M. Dong, Carcinog.-Compr. Surv. 3, 97–108 (1978).
1041 M. Hollstein, R. Talcott, and E. Wei, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 60, 403–410 (1978).
1042 J. L. Epler, Mutat. Res. 39, 285–296 (1977).
1043 I. Florin et al., Toxicology 15, 219–232 (1980).
1044 S. M. Galloway et al., Environ. Mutagen. 7, 1–51 (1985).
1045 M. Ishidate, Jr. and S. Odashim, Mutat. Res. 48, 337–353 (1977).
1046 A. Matsuoka, M. Hayashi, and M. Ishidate, Jr., Mutat. Res. 66, 277–290 (1979).
1047 H. Kubinski, G. E. Gutzke, and Z. O. Kubinski, Mutat. Res. 89, 95–136 (1981).
1048 G. J. Williams, H. Mori, and C. A. McQueen, Mutat. Res. 221, 263–286 (1989).
1049 M. A. Hamoud et al., Teratog. Carcinog., Mutagen. 9, 111–118 (1989).
1050 M. Grant, H. F. Stick, and R. H. C. San, Short-Term Tests for Chemical Carcinogens,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981, pp. 200–216.
1051 M. J. Baker et al., Chem. Sources USA, Directories Publishing Company, Flemington, NJ,
1052 American Cyanamid Company, Report No. 55-2, unpublished data, 1955.
1053 D. W. Fassett, Eastman-Kodak Company, unpublished data, in Ref. 1054.
1054 F. A. Patty, ed., Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 2nd rev. ed., Wiley, New York, 1963,
p. 2031.
1055 E. M. Flint, Ciba-Geigy Company, personal communication, 1979, cited in Ref. 1056.
1056 F. A. Patty ed., Industrial Hygine and Toxicology, 3rd rev. ed., Wiley, New York, 1981,
pp. 2763–2765.
1057 V. M. Blagodatin, Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabol. 12, 35–39 (1968).
1058 G. Catenacci, Med. Lav. 78, 155–161 (1987).
1059 E. Canelli, Am. J. Public Health 64, 155–162 (1974).
1060 American Industrial Hygiene Association, (AIHA) Isocyanuric Acid, Workplace
Environmental Exposure Level Guide, AIHA, 1991.
1061 B. G. Hammond et al., Environ. Health Perspect. 69, 287–292 (1986).
1062 H. C. Hodge et al., Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 7, 667–674 (1965).
1063 Anonymous, Chem. Mark. Rep. July 14, p. 5 (1975).
1064 P. G. Stoks and A. W. Schwartz, J. Chromatogr. 168, 455–460 (1979).
1065 C. B. Schaffer, American Cyanamid Company, personal communication 1955.
1066 W. Lipschitz and E. J. Stokey, Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 83, 235–249.
1067 F. S. Philips and J. B. Thiersch, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 100, 398 (1950).
1068 National Technology Program (NTP) Tech. Bull. No. 9, NTP, Washington, DC, 1983, p.
1069 J. Thiersch, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 94, 36–40 (1957).
1070 B. Ames, J. McCann, and E. Yamasaki, Mutat. Res. 36, 347–364 (1975).
1071 G. Rohrborn, Z. Vererbungsl. 93, 1–6 (1962).
1072 In NTP Technical Report on the Carcinogenesis Bioassay of Melamine, NTP TR 245, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, 1983.
1073 Farm Chemicals Handbook, Meister Publishing Company, Willoughby, OH, 1978.
1074 W. J. Wisnesser, ed., Pesticide Index, 5th ed., Entomological Society of America, College
Park, MD, 1976.
1075 T. W. Hunt, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 34, 403–406, 1985.
1076 J. R. Lane, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 46, 261 (1965).
1077 R. O. Harrison and J. O. Nelson, Food Chem. 38, 221–234 (1990).
1078 A. Meyer and G. Henze, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 329, 764–767 (1988).
1079 K. H. Jones, World Rev. Pest Control 7, 135–143 (1968).
1080 S. Zilkah, Cancer Res. 41, 1879–1883 (1981).
1081 N. R. Taylor, Vet. Rec. 109, 106–107 (1981).
1082 R. E. Grissom, Jr., C. Brownie, and F. E. Guthrie, Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 24, 119–123
1083 W. A. Mannell and H. C. Grice, Can. J. Biochem. Physiol. 35, 1233–1240 (1957).
1084 P. M. Hitachi, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 54, 1245–1247 (1975).
1085 K. V. Mukhorina, Gig. Toksikol. Nov. Pestits. Klin. Otravlenii, Dokl. Vses. Nauchn. Konf.,
2nd, 1962, pp. 156–164.
1086 H. E. Tate, U.S. Rubber Company, Naugatuck Chem. Div., unpublished data, 1951.
1087 J. R. P. Cabral and V. Ponomarkov, Toxicology 24, 169–173 (1982).
1088 C. A. Van der Heijden et al., Toxicology 19, 139–150 (1981).
1089 D. L. Mays, J. Agric. Food Chem. 16, 356–357 (1968).
1090 J. M. Barnes et al., Nature (London) 180, 62–64 (1957).
1091 J. O. Nelson and P. C. Kearney, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 17, 108–111 (1977).
1092 O. Fischnich, Eur. Potato J. 1, 25–30 (1958).
1093 R. W. Menges et al., Environ. Res. 3, 285–302 (1970).
1094 M. W. Crowe, Tob. Health Workshop Conf., Proc., 4th, 1973, pp. 198–202.
1095 M. H. Salaman and F. J. C. Roe, Br. J. Cancer 10, 70–71, 79–88, 363–378 (1956).
1096 T. Matsushima and J. H. Weisburger, Xenobiotica 2, 423–430 (1972).
1097 S. S. Epstein and H. Shafner, Nature (London) 219, 385–387 (1968).
1098 S. Y. Shiau et al., Mutat. Res. 71, 169–179 (1980).
1099 Y. Nishi, M. Mori, and N. Inui, Mutat. Res. 67, 249–257 (1979).
1100 S. Takehisa and N. Kanaya, Mutat. Res. 124, 145–151 (1983).
1101 R. Meschini et al., Mutat. Res. 204, 645–648 (1988).
1102 A. Bloom et al., Environ. Mutagen. 4, 397 (1982).
1103 P. Perry and H. J. Evans, Nature (London) 258, 121–125 (1975).
1104 R. Parkash and G. S. Miglani, Caryologia 31, 1–5 (1978).
1105 G. E. Nasrat, Nature (London) 207, 439 (1965).
1106 S. Zimmering, J. M. Manson, and R. Valencia, Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 14, 245–251
1107 NTP Tech. Bull. No. 9, 11 (1982).
1108 C. Torres et al., Mutat. Res. 280, 291–295 (1992).
1109 H. E. Holden, J. Appl. Toxicol. 2, 196–200 (1982).
1110 R. C. Chaubey et al., Mutat. Res. 57, 187–191 (1978).
1111 R. C. Chaubey et al., Mutat. Res. 53, 164 (1978).
1112 H. P. Harke, Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -Forsch. 153, 163–169 (1973).
1113 G. K. Hanna, Nucleus 19, 40–46 (1976).
1114 J. Timson, Caryologia 21, 157–159 (1968).
1115 D. P. Yang et al., Environ. Mutagen. 3, 45–52 (1981).
1116 K. S. Khera et al., J. Environ. Sci. Health B14, 563–577 (1979).
1117 G. Ribas et al., Mutat. Res. 344, 41–54 (1995).
1118 N. D. Herman, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 34, 469–475 (1985).
Cyanides and Nitriles
Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH

A. Cyanides

Table 61.1. Physical and Chemical Properties of Cyanides an

CAS Molecular Physical Molecular Boiling Point (
Compound Number Formula Formula Weight Point (°C) C)

Hydrogen cyanide [74-90- HCN Colorless 27.03 25.7 –13.2
8] liquid
Sodium cyanide [143-33- NaCN White 49.01 — 563
9] crystals
Potassium cyanide [151-50- KCN White 65.12 — 634
8] crystals
Calcium cyanide [592-01- Ca(CN)2 White 92.11 — —
8] powder
Cyanamide [420-04- CH2N2 Elongated 42.04 — —
2] tablets
Calcium Cyanamide [156-62- CaCN2 White 80.11 — 1300
7] crystals
Cyanogen [460-19- C2N2 Colorless 52.04 –27.17 –27.9
5] gas
Cyanogen chloride [506-77- ClCN Colorless 61.47 13.8 –6
4] liquid or
Cyanogen bromide [506-68- BrCN Colorless 105.9 61.6 52
3] crystals
Dimethyl cyanamide (CH3)2CN2 Colorless 70.1 — –41
Acrylonitrile [107-13- CH2 CHCN Colorless 53.06 77.5–77.9 –83.55
1] liquid
Methyl acrylonitrile [126-98- CH2 C(CH3) Colorless 67.09 90.3 –35.8
7] CN liquid
Acetonitrile [75-05- CH3CN Colorless 41.05 81.6 –43
8] liquid
Propionitrile [107-12- CH3CH2CN Colorless 55.08 97.1 –98
0] liquid
n-Butyronitrile [109-74- CH3CH3CH2CN Colorless 69.11 116 –112.6
0] liquid
Isobutyronitrile [78-82- (CH3)2CHCN Colorless 69.11 107 –75
0] liquid
3-Hydroxypropionitrile [109-78- HOCH2CH2CN Colorless 71.08 221 –46
4] or straw
Lactonitrile [78-97- C3H5NO Colorless 71.08 103 –40
7] or straw
2-Methyllactonitrile [75-86- C4H7NO Liquid 85.11 95 –20
Glycolonitrile [107-16- Colorless 57.05 183
4] HOCH2CNoily
Succinonitrile [110-61- CNCH2CH2CN Colorless 80.09 265–267 57–57.
2] waxy
Adiponitrile [111-69- CN(CH2)4CN Colorless 108.1 295 1–3
3] liquid
Glycolonitrile [107-16- HOCH2CN Clear 57.05 183 <–72
4] pale
3- [1738- (CH3) Colorless 98.15 172 –44.2
Dimethylaminopropionitrile 25-6] liquid
3- [7249- (CH3) Liquid 112.2 87 –20
Isopropylaminopropionitrile 87-8]
3-Methoxypropionitrile [110-67- CH3OCH2CH2CN Colorless 85.1 160 –62.9
8] liquid
3-Isopropoxypropionitrile [110-47- (CH3)2CH2OCH2 Liquid 113.2 177 –67
3-Chloropropionitrile [542-76- ClCH2CH2CN Colorless 89.52 132 –51
7] liquid
3-Aminopropionitrile [151-18- NH2CH2CH2CN Liquid 70.09 79–81 —
8] solid
3,3'-Iminodipropionitrile [111-94- HN(CH2CH2CN)2 Colorless 123.6 173 –5.5
4] liquid
Malononitrile [109-77- CH2(CN2)2 White 66.06 218 32
3] powder
Cyanoacetic acid [372-09- CNCH2COOH White 85.06 108 66
8] cystals
2-Cyanoacetamide [107-91- CNCH2CONH2 White 84.08 Decomposes 119
5] powder
Chloroacetonitrile [107-14- C2H2ClN Colorless 75.5 1.193 —
2] liquid
Methyl cyanoacetate [105-34- CH3OOCCH2CN Liquid 99.09 203 –22.5
Ethyl cyanoacetate [105-56- CH2(CN) Colorless 113.1 205 –22.5
6] COOC2H5 liquid

Methyl cyanoformate [17640- CNCOOCH3 Colorless 85.03 97 —

15-2] liquid
Ethyl cyanoformate [623-49- CNCOOC2H5 Colorless 99.05 116 —
4] liquid
Methyl isocyanate [624-83- CH3NCO Colorless 57.05 39–40 –80
9] liquid
Cyanuric chloride [108-77- (CNCl)3 Colorless 184.4 190 145.8
0] crystals
Bromophenylacetonitrile [5798- C6H5BrCN — 196.1 225 25
Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate [584-84- C9H2N2O2 White 174.2 250 —
9] liquid
Sodium dicyanamide — NaN(CN)2 Colorless 89.04 — 315
Dicyanodiamide [461-58- C2H2N4 Crystal 84.08 Decom- 209
5] solid poses
Sodium cyanate [917-61- NaOCN Colorless 65.01 — —
3] solid
Potassium cyanate [590-28- KOCN White 81.11 — 315
3] solid
Potassium ferricyanide [13746- K2Fe(CN)6 Red solid 329.2 — —
Potassium ferrocyanide [13943- K4Fe(CN)6 3H2O Yellow 422.4 — Loses
58-3] solid H2O a
Sodium nitroprusside [14402- Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] Red 280.92 —
89-2] H O crystals

Table 61.2. Physiological Response to Various Concentrations of Hydrogen

Cyanide in Air—Animalsa


Animal mg/L ppm Response

Mouse 1.45 1300 Fatal after 1–2 min

Mouse 0.12 110 Fatal after 45 min exposure
Mouse 0.05 45 Fatal after 2.5–4 h exposure
Cat 0.350 315 Quickly fatal
Cat 0.20 180 Fatal
Cat 0.14 125 Markedly toxic in 6–7 min
Dog 0.350 315 Quickly fatal
Dog 0.0125 115 Fatal
Dog 0.1 90 May be tolerated for hours; death after exposure
Dog 0.07–0.04 65–35 Vomiting, convulsions, recovery; may be fatal
Dog 0.035 30 May be tolerated
Guinea pig 0.035 315 Fatal
Guinea pig 0.23 200 Tolerated after 1.5 h without symptoms
Rabbit 0.350 315 Fatal
Rabbit 0.13 120 No marked toxic symptoms
Monkey 0.14 125 Distinctly toxic after 12 min
Rat 0.12 110 Fatal after 1.5-h exposure

Refs 46, 47.

Table 61.3. Physiological Response to Various Concentrations of Hydrogen

Cyanide in Air—Humansa


Response mg/L ppm

Immediately fatal 0.3 270

Estd. human LC50 after 10 min (18) 0.61 546
Fatal after 10 min 0.2 181
Fatal after 30 min 0.15 135
Fatal after 0.5–1 h or later, or dangerous to life 0.12–0.15 110–135
Tolerated for 0.5–1 h without immediate or late effects 0.05–0.06 45–54
Slight symptoms after several hours 0.02–0.04 18–36

Refs 46, 47.

Table 61.4. Toxicity of Cyanogen in Air for Various Animal Speciesa


Animal mg/L ppm Duration Response

Mouse 0.5 235 15 min Recovered

Mouse 5.5 2,600 12 min Fatal
Mouse 31.5 15,000 1 min Fatal
Rat 0.59 350 1 hr LC50 (74a)
Rabbit 0.21 100 4 hr Practically no effect
Rabbit 0.42 200 4 hr Slight symptoms
Rabbit 0.63 300 3.5 hr Severe symptoms; delayed death
Rabbit 0.84 400 1.8 hr Fatal
Cat 0.1 50 4 hr Severe symptoms but recovered
Cat 0.21 100 2–3 hr Fatal
Cat 0.42 200 0.5 hr Fatal
Cat 4.26 2,000 13 min Fatal

Ref. 47

Table 61.5. Effects of Cyanogen Chloride Inhalation on Various Animal

Species (13)


Animal mg/L ppm Duration Response

Mouse 0.2 80 5 min Tolerated by some animals

Mouse 0.3 120 3.5 min Fatal to some animals
Mouse 1.0 400 3 min Fatal
Rabbit 3.0 1200 2 min Fatal
Cat 0.1 40 18 min Delayed fatalities after 9 days
Cat 0.3 120 3.5 min Fatal
Cat 1.0 400 1 min Fatal
Dog 0.05 20 20 min Recovered
Dog 0.12 48 6 hr Fatal
Dog 0.3 120 8 min Severe injury, recovered
Dog 0.8 320 7.5 min Fatal
Goat 2.5 1000 3 min Fatal after 70 h

Table 61.6. Effects of Varying Concentrations of Cyanogen Chloride in Air

or Humansa


mg/L ppm Response

0.4 159 Fatal after 10 min

0.12 48 Fatal after 30 min
0.05 20 Intolerable concentration, 1-min exposure
0.005 2 Intolerable concentration, 10-min exposure
0.0025 1 Lowest irritant concentration, 10-min exposure
Ref. 41, 47

Table 61.7. Response of Animals to Various Concentrations of Cyanogen

Bromide in Aira

Concentration Response

mg/L ppm Mice Cats

1 230 Fatal Fatal

0.3 70 Paralysis after 3-min Paralysis after 3-min exposure
0.15–0.05 35– — Severe injury; fatal on prolonged
12 inhalation

Ref. 47

Table 61.8. Response of Humans to Various Concentrations of Cyanogen

Bromide in Aira


mg/L ppm Response

0.4 92 Fatal after 10 min

0.085 20 Intolerable concentration, 1-min exposure
0.035 8 Intolerable concentration, 10-min exposure
0.006 1.4 Lowest irritant concentration, 10-min exposure

Ref. 47, 73

Cyanides and Nitriles

Barbara Cohrssen, MS, CIH

B. Nitriles
Nitriles are often considered derivatives of carboxylic acids and are named according to the
carboxylic acid that is produced upon hydrolysis of the nitrile. For example, cyanomethane (methyl
cyanide) is named acetonitrile because hydrolysis of its cyano group yields acetic acid. Nitriles
which contain additional functional groups are typically named as cyano-substituted compounds
(e.g., cyanoacetic acid). Nitriles that contain a hydroxy ( OH) group on the carbon atom that is
bonded to the cyano moiety are known as cyanohydrins. According to Chemical Abstracts, aliphatic
nitriles are named as derivatives of the longest carbon chain and the carbon of the nitrile is included.

Table 61.9. Physiological Response to Various Concentrations of

Acrylonitrile in Air—Animals


Animal mg/L ppm Response

Rat 1.38 636 Fatal after 4 h exposure

Rat 0.28 129 Slight transitory effect
Rat 0.21 97 Slight transitory effects
Rabbit 0.56 258 Fatal during or after exposure
Rabbit 0.29 133 Marked transitory effects
Rabbit 0.21 97 Slight transitory effects
Cat 0.60 276 Markedly toxic
Cat 0.33 152 Markedly toxic, sometimes fatal
Guinea pig 1.25 576 4 hr LC50
Guinea pig 0.58 267 Slight transitory effect
Dog 0.24 110 Fatal to 75% of the dogs
Dog 0.213 98 Convulsions and coma; no death
Dog 0.12 55 Transitory paralysis; 1 dog died
Dog 0.063 29 Very slight effects

Table 61.10. Acute Toxicity of Acetonitrile in Animals

Route of
Administration Species LD50 or LC50 Remarks Ref.

Oral Rat 3.8 g/kg 116

Oral Rat 2.45 g/kg 117
Oral Rat 0.16– Young more 118
3.5 g/kg sensitive
Dermal Rabbit 3.9 g/kg 116
Inhalation Rat 16,000 ppm 4h 119
Inhalation Guinea 5,655 ppm 4h 119
Inhalation Rabbit 2,828 ppm 4h 119
Alkylpyridines and Miscellaneous Organic Nitrogen Compounds
Cyanides and Nitriles


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Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

1.0 Methyl Chloride

1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
Chloromethane; monochloromethane
1.0.3 Trade Names:
Artic; RCRA Waste Number U045; R40, Refrigerant R40, R-40; UN 1063
1.0.4 Molecular Weight:
1.0.5 Molecular Formula:
1.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless gas

Melting point –97°C
Boiling point –24.2°C
Solubility 0.9 g/100 mL water at 20°C; 7.8 g/100 mL ethanol at 20°C; soluble in ethyl
ether, chloroform, acetone
Autoignition 634°C
Flash point < 0°C
Flammability limits 8–19% in air 1 mg/L = 484 ppm and 1 ppm = 2.06 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr

1.1.1 General Methyl chloride is a natural and ubiquitous constituent of the oceans and atmosphere.
It is a product of biomass combustion and also created from biogenic emissions by wood-rotting
fungi. It has been detected in surface waters, drinking water, groundwater, and soil as well as in
industrial leachate. It is an impurity in vinyl chloride.

1.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Methyl chloride has a faint sweet odor. Charcoal used in most
organic respirator cartridges and canisters is not totally effective as a sorbent.
1.2 Production and Use
Methyl chloride has been used in rubber adhesives and other rubber solutions; in the pharmaceutical
industry; as a paint and varnish remover, in solvent degreasing; in aerosol formulations; in food and
drug processing; in the plastics industry; in hairsprays, insecticides, and spray paints; as a cosolvent
or vapor pressure depressant; as a blowing agent for flexible polyurethane foams; as a cleaning
solvent for printed-circuit boards; as a stripper solvent for photoresists; as a solvent for cellulose
acetate fiber; in plastic film; in protective coatings; in chemical processing; as a carrier solvent for
herbicides and insecticides; to extract heat-sensitive, naturally occurring substances such as cocoa,
edible fats, spices, and beer hops; for decaffeinating coffee; as a refrigerant; in oil dewaxing; as a
dye and perfume intermediate; in the textile industry; as a postharvest fumigant for strawberries; as a
grain fumigant; for degreening citrus fruits; as an industrial solvent; in low temperature extraction; as
a solvent for oil, fats, bitumen, esters, resins, and rubber; in coating photographic films; as a food
additive; in synthetic fibers and leather coatings; as a spotting agent; and in organic synthesis.

Methyl chloride is a ubiquitous environmental contaminant because it is produced in very large

quantities by fire, fungi, terrestrial plants, seaweed, algae, and possibly other organic processes. An
estimated 5 × 106 tons are produced annually by global biologic processes (9). Less than 1% of
environmentally occurring methyl chloride is the result of industrial processes.

Most industrially produced methyl chloride is consumed as a chemical intermediate, primarily in

methylating reactions. However, published reports of human exposure have primarily been the result
of its previous use as a refrigerant gas and as a blowing agent for plastic foams. Both of these uses
have virtually disappeared, although it is possible that some methyl chloride may be present in old
refrigeration systems and foams.

Because methyl chloride has a sweet odor which is not noticeable at dangerous concentrations, it
must be used in closed or well-ventilated systems, preferably with continuous monitoring to prevent
excessive exposure. Inhalation is the only significant route of toxic exposure. Respirators containing
activated charcoal have been shown to have only limited capacity for removing the gas.

Methyl chloride has been identified in at least 172 of the 1467 current or former EPA National
Priorities List (NPL) hazardous-waste sites.
1.3 Exposure Assessment
Numerous analytical methods are given in the ATSDR Toxicological Profile Update (10).

1.3.1 Air As discussed in the ATSDR Profile for methyl chloride (10), in air, methyl chloride can be
analyzed by NIOSH method 1001, using gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detector,
for a range of 66–670 mg/m3 (11). Methyl chloride can also be trapped cryogenically from an aliquot
of air collected into an evacuated canister followed by determination using GC with either electron
capture or mass spectrometric detection (12). Extreme care must be taken to ensure that no
contamination is introduced into the sampling and analysis method and correction for loss of the
compound from air samples stored in canisters. See Section 1.3.3.

1.3.2 Background Levels: NA

1.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1001 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to methyl chloride (11).

1.3.4 Community Methods: NA

1.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers The ATSDR profile (10) indicates several analytical methods in the
analytical section. Several studies have unsuccessfully attempted to correlate exposure levels in air
with urinary excretion of S-methylcysteine. Use of blood and breath analysis to monitor exposure
levels immediately after exposure were of limited value. Blood No analytical methods were found for blood. Urine S-Methylcysteine may be a urinary metabolite of methyl chloride in some humans (13,
14). S-Methylcysteine can also be analyzed as methanethiol following alkaline hydrolysis and
acidification (14). Other Breast milk can be analyzed for chloromethane, after suitable preparation using gas
chromatography and mass spectroscopy (15).
1.4 Toxic Effects
Methyl chloride is poisonous intravenously; moderately toxic by ingestion, subcutaneous, and
intraperitoneal routes; mildly toxic by inhalation. It is an experimental carcinogen and tumorigen, an
experimental teratogen, produces experimental reproductive effects, an eye, respiratory tract, and
skin irritant, and it is mutagenic to humans. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of
chlorine, hydrogen chloride gas, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and phosgene.

Chronic and subacute exposure predominantly affect the nervous system. Symptoms observed are
ataxia, staggering gait, weakness, tremors, vertigo, drowsiness, confusion, personality changes, loss
of memory, difficulty in speech, and blurred vision. In severe acute poisoning, GI disturbances such
as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea may be observed. Acute animal experiments have
indicated pulmonary congestion and edema. Histopathological changes of the internal organs are not
common and laboratory values are unaffected.

In a practical sense, the major problem encountered in mild exposure is “drunkenness” or

inebriation. The resulting incoordination and impaired judgment may lead to unsafe manual
manipulation. The employee may be injured or endanger others by mechanical misoperation.
Because this condition may persist for some time, the employee is a hazard if he or she drives a
vehicle after such exposure. The symptoms may be delayed in onset. They may also continue for
some hours after the exposure has stopped.

Although most experience would indicate complete recovery in a matter of hours following acute
exposure, symptoms may persist for several months and chronic effects following a massive, almost
lethal, exposure have been reported to last as long as 5–13 years.

Studies in laboratory animals have shown adverse effects on the brains, kidneys, liver, testes, spleen,
and sperm in several species. Kidney tumors have been produced in male mice but not female mice
or rats of either sex. These effects have generally been at neurotoxic levels of exposure, and a
threshold of about 50 to 100 ppm appears to exist for adverse effects following repeated 6–7 h
inhalation exposures of animals.

Because methyl chloride is a gas, ingestion is not of practical concern.

1.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity In an unpublished study, Sprague Dawley rats
were exposed to 99.5% chloromethane at 0, 200, 500, 1000, or 2000 ppm for 48 or 72 h. At
2000 ppm at 48 h, rats were either lethargic, moribund, or dead. At 2000 ppm rats were all dead or
moribund. The cause of death was thought to be kidney failure (16).

Morgan et al. (17) studied lesions induced by inhalation exposure of methyl chloride in C3H,
C57BL/6, and B6C3F1 mice and Fischer 344 rats. In mice exposed to 2000 ppm, all male B7C3F1
mice were moribund or died by day 2, one C576BL/6 male died on day 2, and others were moribund
by day 5. All other mice survived except one male C3H exposed to 1000 ppm, which died by day 11.
This study confirmed the existence of species, sex, and strain differences in susceptibility. Deaths are
due to effects on the central nervous system (CNS). Histological effects have been shown to occur in
the cerebellum of animals exposed to concentrations causing obvious CNS changes, including ataxia,
severe diarrhea, incoordination of fore-limbs and in some cases the hind limbs, and convulsions. In
addition, lesions have been reported in the liver, kidneys, adrenals, spleen, testes, and epididymis
particularly on repeated exposure.

Dogs exposed acutely to 15,000 ppm died within 4–6 h after an initial rise in heart rate and blood
pressure, followed by reduced respiration, decreased heart rate, and progressive fall in blood pressure
(18, 19). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity In an unpublished study with Fischer 344 rats and B6C3F1
mice (20), 120 animals per sex per exposure level were exposed in whole body chambers to 0, 50,
225, or 1,000 ppm, 6 h/day, 5 days/week. During the acute exposure (< = 14 days), there was no
effect on survival curves of male or female rats or mice. During the intermediate time (15–364 days)
there was some increased mortality in female mice at 1,000 ppm, but no effect on survival of male
mice or male or female rats. During the chronic period (> = 365 days), there was increased mortality
in 1000 ppm exposed male mice. There was no effect on survival of male or female rats. See Section for the carcinogenicity aspects of this study.

Although old reports suggest no effect after 6 months of 6-h daily exposure to 300 ppm (21), newer
studies suggest that 50 ppm is the NOEL in rats and mice after 2 years of repeated exposure (22).
The seminiferous tubules of the testes of rats were severely affected by exposure to 1000 ppm after 6
months or more. Exposure to 250 or 50 ppm caused no adverse effect in either male or female rats
except for a questionable decrease in growth of female rats at 250 ppm. B6C3F1 mice were in
general much more severely affected than rats, but 50 ppm was considered to be without effect after
2 years of exposure. At 1000 ppm, severe neurofunctional impairment (tremors and paralysis) with
supporting histopathological injury was observed, as were splenic atrophy and hepatocellular
necrosis and degeneration in the livers of male mice. Renal tubuloepithelial hyperplasia and
karyomegaly were seen in mice after 12 months of exposure to 1000 ppm as well as kidney tumors
in male mice only. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The 1998 ATSDR Toxicological Profile
(10), in the section on metabolism, indicates that methyl chloride is rapidly absorbed from the lungs
and rapidly reaches equilibrium with levels in blood and expired air approximately proportional to
the exposure concentrations. At high concentrations, kinetic processes such as metabolism or
excretion may become saturated, limiting the rate of uptake. Animal studies show that methyl
chloride is absorbed from the lungs and extensively distributed througout the body. Methyl chloride
is metabolized by conjugation with glutathione to yield S-methylglutatione, S-methylcysteine, and
other sulfur-containing compounds that are excreted in the urine or further metabolized to
methanethiol. Cytochrome P450–dependent metabolism of methanethiol may yield formaldehyde
and formic acid, whose carbon atoms are then available to the one-carbon pool for incorporation into
macromolecules or for formation of CO2. Alternatively, formaldehyde may be directly produced
from chloromethane via a P450 oxidative dechlorination.

The conjugation of chloromethane with glutathione is primarily enzyme-catalyzed. In contrast to all

other animal species investigated (rats, mice, bovine, pigs, sheep, and rhesus monkeys), human
erythrocytes contain a glutathione transferase isoenzyme that catalyzes the conjugation of
glutathione with methyl chloride. There are two distinct human subpopulations based on the amount
or forms of this transferase.

Considerable variation in toxic response related to sex, species, and strain in animal studies may be
due to qualitative and quantitative differences in metabolism. Differences in individual metabolism
are also apparent in controlled human exposure studies, with two distinct subpopulations identified
in several studies. Methyl chloride does not appear to methylate directly, and incorporation into
macromoleculars such as RNA, DNA, protein, and lipid is due to rapid conversion to formate and
metabolism as part of the one carbon pool.

The metabolism scheme presented in the previous edition is still appropriate (23) and is shown in
Figure 62.1.
Figure 62.1. Proposed metabolism of methyl chloride in the rat (From Ref. 23).

Conjugation with glutathione is the major pathway. In discussing this diagram the authors state “The
metabolic scheme depicted ... accounts for the present as well as previous findings on the
metabolism of methyl chloride.” The reaction of CH3Cl with glutathione was previously
demonstrated both in vitro (24) and in vivo (25). The reaction appears to be primarily enzyme-
catalyzed, probably by glutathione-transferase, as has been demonstrated for methyl iodide (26). The
product of this reaction, methylglutathione, may be metabolized by transpeptidases to S-
methylcysteine, which has been detected in the urine of rats (27) and humans (28) exposed to methyl

However, no relationship between urinary S-methylcystine excretion and 6 h of exposure to 50 or

10 ppm of methyl chloride was found in human studies (13); nor was S-methylcystine a sensitive
indication of exposure in beagle dogs, although the metabolite did occur in rats (27).

Peters et al. (29) have shown that erythrocyte cytoplasm from rats, mice, bovines, swine, sheep, and
rhesus monkeys did not convert methyl chloride. However, 60% of human blood samples showed
conversion to S-methylglutathione whereas 40% did not. An enzyme, glutathione-S-transferase,
present in some blood samples and not in others, accounted for the differences. This is consistent
with the observation by Landry et al. (27) that human blood samples being analyzed for methyl
chloride per se had to be quickly heated to 100°C for 1 min to stop enzymatic reactions whereas rat
blood samples were stable for several hours.

Because the major metabolic pathway involves conjugation with reduced glutathione, possibly
leading to production of potent vasoconstrictors (leukotrienes), it has been postulated that the toxic
action on sperm, the subsequent “dominant lethal affect,” as well as effects in the liver, kidneys, and
brain, are the result of these inflammatory responses (30).

In a study comparing biochemical effects in rat and mice livers and kidneys, it was concluded that
renal tumors observed in male mice at 1000 ppm are probably not evoked by intermediates or in
situ–produced formaldehyde (31). Reproductive and Developmental Reproduction studies in animals have been conducted and
the specific action of methyl chloride on the epididymis clearly influenced the results. Exposures that
did not cause inflammation of the epididymis did not affect reproduction in rats.

NIOSH (32) reviewed studies on the reproductive and/or developmental effects from exposure to
methyl chloride. Pregnant mice were exposed via inhalation at concentrations of 0, 100, 250, 500,
750, or 1500 ppm methyl chloride on days 6–18 of gestation. Exposure at 1500 ppm was terminated
due to excessive maternal morbidity. Exposure at 500 or 750 ppm caused a statistically significant
increase in the numbers of cardiac malformations. Exposure at concentrations of 250 or 100 ppm
was considered to be nonteratogenic. Offspring of rats exposed similarly to methyl chloride showed
no terata.

Daily exposure of male F344 rats at 1500 ppm for 10 weeks by Hamm et al. (33) caused severe
testicular degeneration; no males sired litters during a subsequent 2-week breeding period. The
highest no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) concentration was 150 ppm; however, the
authors stated that the actual no-effect concentration was more likely 475 ppm.

In a study by Wolkowski-Tyl et al. (34), the authors concluded that in B6C3F1 mice, an inhalation
exposure to 1492 ppm chloromethane resulted in severe maternal toxicity; exposure to 102 and
479 ppm chloromethane resulted in severe maternal toxicity. No deaths were observed in female rats.
In a reproductive and developmental effects study of methyl chloride inhalation Wolkowski-Tyl et
al. (35) concluded that an inhalation exposure to methyl chloride during Gd 6-17 resulted in maternal
toxicity at 750 ppm, but not 500 ppm. Exposure to pregnant mice to 250 ppm chloromethane
produced neither maternal nor fetal toxicity nor teratogenicity. Although teratological studies in rats
have been negative and at most questionable in mice, methyl chloride has been shown in longer
studies to have a severe effect on epididymis and sperm, with significantly altered reproductive
capability. Furthermore, fetal toxicity, possibly secondary to maternal toxicity, has been shown to be
severe at neurotoxic concentrations. Carcinogenesis Classifications are

IARC Group 3, Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans.
MAK Group 3, Possible human carcinogen.
NIOSH Carcinogen, with no further categorization.
TLV A4, Not classifiable as a human carcinogen.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (36) reviewed the final report
from an inhalation carcinogenesis bioassay by Pavkov (37) in which B6C3F1 mice and F344 rats of
both sexes were exposed at methyl chloride concentrations of 0, 50, 225, or 1000 ppm for 6 h/day, 5
days/week for 2 years. This study showed renal degenerative changes (cortical tubular epithelial
hypertrophy and hyperplasia with or without karyomegaly) and hepatocellular degeneration. A
statistically significant increase in both malignant and nonmalignant renal tumors occurred in only
the male mice exposed at 1000 ppm, including renal cortical adenomas and adenocarcinomas,
papillary cystadenomas and cystadenocarcinomas, and tubular cystadenomas. Additionally, chronic
inhalation of 1000 ppm methyl chloride induced functional limb muscle impairment and
degeneration and atrophy of the internal granular layer of the cerebellum in male and female mice.
Male and female mice exposed at 1000 ppm also exhibited atrophy of the spleen. Male and female
rats exposed to methyl chloride failed to exhibit a significant increase in neoplastic lesions or to
develop the other gross and histopathologic lesions observed in mice. Male rats developed bilateral
atrophy of the testicular seminiferous tubules; no such change occurred in the male mice, indicating
that male mice were more sensitive to the toxic effects of inhaled methyl chloride than female mice
and that both sexes of mice were more sensitive than were male or female F344 rats.

In a 2-year oncogenicity study by CIIT (20), a high incidence of renal tumors was found in male
mice exposed to 1000 ppm methyl chloride, no evidence of carcinogenicity was found in male or
female rats exposed to concentration of 1000 ppm in this study.

In 1986 IARC concluded that there was inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity of methyl
chloride in animals; however, NIOSH (36) has classified methyl chloride as a potential occupational
carcinogen. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies When studied in rats, there has been no
evidence of alkylation of DNA, even in a study designed to maximize analytic sensitivity (38).
However, in certain in vitro and in vivo studies, methyl chloride appears to be a weak, direct-acting
mutagen for bacteria, Drosophila, and mammalian cells. Although positive in a dominant lethal
study in rats, the effect appears to be secondary to injury of a specific area of the epididymis.

Dominant lethal mutations were indicated by increased preimplantation loss in male F344 rats
exposed 6 h/day at 3000 ppm administered for 5 consecutive days throughout the 8 weeks following
exposure (i.e., after treatment of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids, and spermatozoa), and a
slight increase in postimplantation loss was found only during the first week after exposure (i.e.,
after treatment of spermatozoa) (39). Subsequently the authors indicated that the postimplantation
loss was a secondary effect due to methyl chloride-induced inflammation of the epididymis (40). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Exposure to animals results in

neurological effects. Rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, and monkeys exposed to
chloromethane until death all displayed signs of severe neurotoxicity (41, 42).

A limited number of animal (not human) studies report ocular effects but the results are mixed.

1.4.2 Human Experience Since the mid-1960s or so, methyl chloride was used as a refrigerant, and
many human deaths resulted from exposure to methyl chloride vapors from leaks in home
refrigerators and industrial cooling and refrigeration systems (43).

The principal route of absorption is by inhalation, but methyl chloride can be absorbed through the
skin. Symptoms may include headache, elevated blood concentrations of carboxyhemoglobin,
nausea, and irritation of the skin and eyes. Central nervous system depression, pulmonary edema,
hemolysis, chronic intoxication, and paresthesia may also occur. Other symptoms include narcosis,
temporary neurobehavioral effects, increase in serum bilirubin, increased urinary formic acid
concentrations, and increased risk of spontaneous abortion. In addition, intravascular hemolysis,
unconsciousness, lack of response to painful stimuli, rapid followed by slowed respiration, erythema,
blistering, toxic encephalopathy, painful joints, swelling of the extremities, mental impairment,
diabetes, skin rash, aspiration pneumonia, gross hematuria, reduction of blood pH, gastrointestinal
injury, and narrowing of the intestinal lumen may also occur. Symptoms may include upper
respiratory tract irritation, giddiness, stupor, irritability, numbness, tingling in the limbs, and
hallucinations. A dry, scaly, and fissured dermatitis, skin burns, coma and death may also result.
Other symptoms may include dizziness, sense of fullness in the head, sense of heat, dullness,
lethargy, and drunkenness. In addition, mental confusion, lightheadedness, vomiting, weakness,
somnolence, lassitude, anorexia, depression, fatigue, vertigo, liver damage, nose and throat irritation,
anesthetic effects, smarting and reddening of the skin, blood dyscrasias, acceleration of the pulse,
and congestion in the head may result. Staggering may also occur. Symptoms of exposure may
include neurasthenic disorders, digestive disturbances and acoustical and optical delusions.
Arrhythmias produced by catecholamines may also result. Additional symptoms include edema,
faintness, loss of apetite, and apathy. Hyporeflexia, gross hemoglobinuria, epiglottal edema,
metabolic acidosis, GI hemorrhage, ulceration of the duodenojejunal junction, and diverticula may
also occur. Other symptoms may include kidney damage, lung damage, corneal injury, abdominal
pain, and an increase in salivary gland tumors. Cyanosis may also occur. Exposure may also cause
altered sleep time, convulsions, euphoria and a change in cardiac rate. General Information Generally, case reports do not describe respiratory effects in human
exposures. No effects on pulmonary function were observed in volunteers who were exposed to
150 ppm (44).
Cardiovascular effects (electrocardiogram abnormalities, tachycadia, increased pulse rate, and
decreased blood pressure) have been described in case reports of humans exposed occupationally or
accidentally to refrigerator leaks (45).

In an extensive study with human subjects, Stewart et al. (46) gave males single or repeated
exposures to 0, 20, 100, or 150 ppm and females to 0 or 100 ppm. Exposures were generally held at a
constant level, but in one case were allowed to range from 50 to 150 ppm, averaging 100 ppm.
Exposures were for 1, 3, or 7 h/day, 5 days/week. Using a wide battery of behavioral, neurological,
electromyographic, and clinical chemical tests, no significant decrements were found. No increase in
methyl alcohol was found in the urine, and methyl chloride in expired air dropped so rapidly as to be
of little or no value in quantifying exposure. There was a remarkable difference in individual
responses, with some subjects consistently showing several times the blood and expired air
concentrations found in others. This bimodal distribution has also been reported by Putz et al. (47).

Kegel et al. (48) and McNally (49) reported clinical cases of acute poisoning from leaking

Hansen et al. (50) observed the effects of excessive exposure after a spill. Fifteen workers
manifested signs of dizziness, blurred vision, incoordination, and GI complaints. Recovery was
complete in 10–30 days. Although rarely in the United States, some methyl chloride may still be
used as a refrigerant in other countries. A 1976 report describes poisoning of four members of a
family due to a leaking refrigerator (45).

Klimkova-Dentschova (51) observed the neurological pictures in 100 workers. The report stated:
“Involvement of the internal organs (kidney, optic disturbances) was absent even where nervous and
mental changes indicated a severe form of poisoning.” Levels of exposure were not indicated.

Numerous other studies described the effect of acute exposure, but reports of chronic low level
exposure are less common. One report described the nonspecific nature of six cases and reports
many of the symptoms discussed earlier (52). Recovery seemed to occur in all subjects, but often
several months were required. Another report of eight cases is given by MacDonald, who described
similar effects, ascribing them to exposure below 100 ppm in one subject, and to have resulted in
permanent injury in another. However, there is uncertainty in the exposure estimates.

Exposure to methyl chloride in excess of 200 ppm resulted in serious disturbances in CNS function
in a husband and wife who stored foamed plastic panels in their new house (53). The house was of
tight, energy-efficient construction (0.06 air changes/h), and the foam sheets were being stored prior
to installation. After several days, complete exhaustion, labyrinthitis, and unsteadiness of gait were
observed. Recovery appeared to have been complete. It was concluded that the foam panels had not
offgassed adequately before being placed in the house.

An epidemiological study by Holmes (54) is discussed in Section Clinical Cases Numerous case reports of humans exposed to methyl chloride vapors as a
result of industrial leaks describe neurological effects (43). In general, symptoms develop within a
few hours after exposure and include fatigue, drowsiness, staggering, headache, blurred and double
vision, mental confusion, tremor, vertigo, muscular cramping and rigidity, sleep disturbances, and
ataxia. The symptoms may persist for several months, and depression and personality changes may
develop. In some cases, complete recovery occurs, but in severe poisoning, convulsion, coma, and
death are possible. Microscopic examination of the brain of an individual who died following an
exposure showed accumulation of lipoid-filled histiocytes in the leptomeninges of the hemispheres,
hyperemia of the cerebral cortex, and lipoid droplets in the adventitia cells of the capillaries
throughout the brain (55). Exposure to animals also results in neurological effects. Rats, mice,
rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, and monkeys exposed to chloromethane until death all displayed
signs of severe neurotoxicity (41, 42).
Exposure to high concentrations of methyl chloride can result in moderate to severe neurological
effects. Refrigerator repairmen developed neurological symptoms after exposure from leaks at
concentrations as high as 600,000 ppm, but there were no deaths (56).

Numerous case reports of humans exposed to methyl chloride describe symptoms of nausea and
vomiting, but these symptoms may be associated with the concomittant CNS toxicity (43). Generally
animal studied do not support gastrointestinal damage.

Case reports of humans exposed to methyl chloride describe indicators of renal toxicity, such as
albuminuria, increased serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, proteinuria, and anuria (45).
Animal studies generally support kidney injury. Epidemiology Studies A retrospective epidemiologic study of workers exposed in a butyl

rubber manufacturing plant found no statistical evidence that the rate of death due to diseases of
circulatory system was increased when compared to U.S. mortality rates (54) discussed in the next
section. Carcinogenesis A retrospective epidemiology study of male workers exposed to

chloromethane in a butyl rubber manufacturing plant produced no statistical evidence of cancer
deaths (54).

Rafnsson and Gudmundsson (57) reported excess mortality from cancer in a long-term follow-up
after an acute high level exposure of crew members to a leaking refrigerator. The authors reported an
excess mortality from all causes associated with chloromethane exposure, including an elevated
mortality from all cancers and lung cancer, but conclusions from the study are limited because of
possibly faulty assumptions with regard to matching the control group.

The USEPA has not assigned a carcinogenicity classification. Health advisories published by the
EPA Office of Water assign chloromethane to cancer group C, which indicates that the substance is a
possible human carcinogen. IARC has classified chloromethane as group 3 (not classifiable). The
NTP has not classified the chemical with regard to carcinogenicity. NIOSH recommends that methyl
chloride be treated as a potential occupational carcinogen. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Uniquely, human erythrocytes contain a
glutathione transferase isoenzyme that catalyzes the conjugation of glutathione with methyl chloride.
There are two distinct human subpopulations based on the amount or forms of this transferase. They
are known as “fast metabolizers” and “slow metabolizers” or conjugators and nonconjugators. There
is considerable variation among ethnic groups and this aspect has significant effect on toxicity.
1.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
ACGIH TLV TWA is 50 ppm (103 mg/m3) and the ACGIH TLV STEL is 100 ppm (207 mg/m3).

NIOSH considers methyl chloride a carcinogen and recommends that exposures be limited to the
lowest feasible concentration; NIOSH IDLH is 2000 ppm. The OSHA PEL is 100 ppm, the ceiling is
200 ppm and 300 ppm is 5-min the maximum peak in any 3 hours.

In the provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAAs) of 1990, methyl chloride is among
189 compounds designated as hazardous air pollutants.

Regulations in other countries include Australia—50 ppm, STEL 100 ppm (1990); (Former Federal
Republic of) Germany—50 ppm, short-term level 100 ppm, 30 min, 4 times per shift, group 3,
Possible human carcinogen, pregnancy group B, a risk of damage to the developing embryo or fetus
must be considered to be probable and cannot be excluded when pregnant women are exposed under
conditions where MAK and BAT values are observed (1998); Sweden—50 ppm, 15-min short-term
value 100 ppm (1990); United Kingdom—50 ppm, 10-min STEL 100 ppm (1991); U.S. NIOSH—
lowest feasible concentration, carcinogen, IDLH 2000 ppm.
1.6 Studies on Environmental Impact:

Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

2.0 Methyl Bromide

2.0.1 CAS Number:
2.0.2 Synonyms:
Monobromomethane; bromomethane
2.0.3 Trade Names:
Dowfume MC-2; Dowfume MC-33; Edco; Embafume; Halon 1001, Iscobrome; MB, MBX, MEBR;
Metafume; Methogas; Pestmaster; Profume; Rotox; Terr-O-Gas 100; Zytox
2.0.4 Molecular Weight:
2.0.5 Molecular Formula:
2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

2.1.1 General
Physical state Colorless gas
Specific 1.732 (0/0°C)
Melting point–93.66°C
Boiling point3.56°C
Solubility 0.09 g/100 mL water at 20°C; soluble in ethyl ether, ethanol, benzene, carbon
Flammability Practically nonflammable; flame propagation is in the narrow range of 13.5–14.5%
by volume in air; ignition temperature is 537°C
1 mg/L = 257 ppm and 1 ppm = 3.89 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr

2.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Methyl bromide has practically no odor or irritating effect and
therefore no warning, even at physiologically hazardous concentrations. At high concentrations it has
a chloroform odor. Some mixtures of methyl bromide used for fumigation contain chloropicrin as
another active ingredient or as a warning agent. The chloropicrin may give warning of significant
concentrations of methyl bromide from leaking containers; however, experience has shown that
chloropicrin vapor may disappear before methyl bromide vapor and therefore the warning properties
are lost. Charcoal-gas mask canisters also preferentially remove chloropicrin. With prolonged use,
methyl bromide may penetrate the charcoal in harmful concentrations with no odor of chloropicrin.
2.2 Production and Use
Methyl bromide is used in ionization chambers, refrigerants, fire extinguishing agents, organic
synthesis as an methylating agent, preparation of quarternary ammonium compounds, organotin
derivatives, and antipyrine. It is also used as a soil and space fumigant; in the disinfestation of
potatoes, tomatoes, and other crops; as an acaricidal fumigant; as an industrial solvent for extraction
of plant oils; as a fungicide, herbicide, nematocide, rodenticide, and insecticide; and in degreasing
wool, nuts, seeds, and flowers. Other uses include food sterilization for pest control in fruits,
vegetables, and dairy products.

Much environmentally occurring methyl bromide is the result of biologic activity, particularly by
seaweed (58). Automobile exhaust from leaded gasoline was formerly a significant source.

The largest single industrial use for methyl bromide is as a fumigant used to treat soil, a wide range
of grains, and other commodities, mills, warehouses, and houses. The principal problems have been
associated with the fumigating personnel and control of other people who may enter the area being

Some methyl bromide is used as a chemical intermediate. In the United States use as a refrigerant is
no longer significant. It once was used as a fire-extinguishing agent, particularly in automatic
equipment for the control of engine fires on aircraft, but because of the toxicity of this material, its
use as a fire extinguisher must be limited to specialized applications. A number of reports of injury
from use as a fire extinguisher can be found in the European literature.
2.3 Exposure Assessment
Because methyl bromide is a gas at ordinary temperatures and has essentially no warning properties,
dangerous concentrations may rapidly accumulate in a work area without warning to the operator.
Owing to the high volatility, one can readily attain high concentrations in a work atmosphere. Such
high concentrations can be attained without recognition. These factors and the fact that methyl
bromide is quite toxic create a potentially high hazard. It must be used only by individuals who are
well acquainted with proper methods of handling and fully cognizant of the consequences of
exposure to excessive amounts. In industrial operations regularly using methyl bromide, it is
advisable to have some kind of warning or monitoring system for continuous analysis of the air. In
fumigation operations, suitable analytic equipment is required and personnel must have proper
protective equipment for the operation. Charcoal used in respiratory protective devices has limited
capacity to remove methyl bromide. A survey by NIOSH estimated that between 1981 and 1983,
about 105,000 workers were exposed to methyl bromide. The primary route of potential occupational
exposure is inhalation, although some intoxications have also been reported after dermal exposure.

2.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 2520 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to methyl bromide (11).

2.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood bromide levels in humans are elevated by exposure to methyl
bromide and may be useful in establishing whether exposure to methyl bromide has occurred, but
bromide ion determination is not totally satisfactory for quantifying exposure. Numerous other
sources of bromide, such as food, water, and medications, may interfere, particularly at the low
blood levels that result from repeated exposure to concentrations considered acceptable for
occupational exposure. “Normal” bromide ion concentration is below 1 mg/100 mL of blood serum,
in the absence of the above dietary sources. A concentration of 5 mg/100 mL may be considered
evidence that exposure to methyl bromide has occurred; 15 mg/100 mL of blood is consistent with
toxic symptoms. Because bromide from ingested drugs may reach 150 mg/100 mL% or more, it is
obvious that the source of the bromide must be considered in interpreting the analytic results
2.4 Toxic Effects
Methyl bromide is toxic by inhalation, by ingestion, or through skin absorption. It is readily absorbed
through the skin. It is irritating to the eyes, skin, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, and
lungs. It is narcotic at high concentrations. It may cause lacrimation from irritation of the eyes. When
heated to decomposition it may emit toxic fumes of carbon dioxide. It may also emit toxic fumes of
hydrogen bromide.

Methyl bromide is one of the most toxic of the common organic halides and is reported to be 8 times
more toxic on inhalation than ethyl bromide. Moreover, because of its greater volatility, it is a much
more frequent cause of poisoning. Fatal poisoning has always resulted from exposure to relatively
high concentrations of methyl bromide vapors (8600–60,000 ppm). Nonfatal poisoning has resulted
from exposure to concentrations as low as 100–500 ppm.

Inhalation is by far the most significant route of exposure, although serious skin burns may occur
from confined contact, especially under clothing or in shoes and gloves. Absorption through the skin
has been reported, but very high vapor concentrations were involved, and some inhalation may have
occurred as leakage around the respirators. Unless the concentration is high enough to cause rapid
narcosis and death from respiratory failure, the most striking response to exposure at high
concentrations will be lung irritation with congestion and edema. These symptoms are observed in
both animals and humans and often develop into a typical confluent bronchial pneumonia. At lower
levels of exposure, this lung condition may account for delayed deaths. If it leads to secondary
infection, the delay may be a matter of days. At threshold concentrations, this lung condition is not
observed. The response is almost entirely referable to the nervous system and usually shows up only
after prolonged and repeated exposures. Excitation and even convulsions have been observed in
animals; but if they survive repeated exposures, the later signs are paralysis of the extremities.
Paralysis of the extremities is most typical of threshold toxic response from repeated exposures over
a long period of time. Animals that have been seriously paralyzed have recovered, although the
recovery is somewhat slow. Human experience indicates that there is a high probability of complete
recovery although the time necessary may be quite long, even months. Several reviews are available

2.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Because methyl bromide is a gas at 4°C, oral
toxicity is of minor concern. Nevertheless oral doses of 60–65 mg/kg were reported to be the
minimal amount lethal to rabbits (62); a dose of 100 mg/kg, to be lethal to rats 5–7 h after exposure
(63); and 214 mg/kg, to be an oral LD50 (64).

Toxic response appears to differ significantly between test animal strains and species (65). The 8 h
survival dose for rats was reported to be approximately 1 mg/L (260 ppm). Rats survive 5200 ppm
for 6 min and 2600 ppm for 24 min. The 6-h survival dose for rabbits is approximately 2 mg/L
(520 ppm). The authors studied rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, and monkeys. They described the response
of most animals as typically one of lung irritation. If the exposure was severe enough, this resulted in
lung edema and usually a typical confluent bronchial pneumonia.

An 8 h LC50 of 302 ppm (267–340 ppm) was determined for male rats. (Sprague–Dawley/Charles
River Japan) (66). Deaths were accompanied by lung hemorrhages and convulsions.

Mice were exposed for 1 h to concentrations of 0.87–5.93 mg/L (220–1500 ppm). An LC50 of
1200 ppm was determined for the 1 h exposures. At 1.72 mg/L no toxic response was noted.
Exposure for 1 h to 2.2–2.7 mg/L was reported to cause decreased lung and liver weight. Above
3.5 mg/L kidney lesions were observed. Mortality occurred above 3.82 mg/L (980 ppm)
accompanied by weight loss and other clinical signs. At still higher concentrations, liver lesions,
decreased motor coordination, tremors, seizures, paralysis, and other effects also occurred.
Gluthathione depletion and an increase in blood bromide were observed and related to exposure
concentration (67).

Rats were exposed 6 h/day for 5 days to 0, 90, 175, 250, or 325 ppm in order to study histopathology
(68). Exposure to 325 ppm required premature sacrifices after 4 days, but the other groups were
anesthesized and perfused 1–2 h after their fifth exposure. Clinical signs confined to the 250- and
325-ppm groups were diarrhea, hemoglobinuria, gait disturbances, and convulsions. At all
concentrations except 90 ppm there were degenerative changes in the adrenals, cerebellar granular
cells, and nasal olfactory epithelium. Hepatocellular degeneration was confined to the 250- and 325-
ppm groups. The kidneys and epididymides were not affected, but cerebral cortical degeneration and
minor testicular changes were seen in the 325-ppm group.

Male rats were exposed 4 h/day to four different concentrations of methyl bromide gas, 150 ppm for
5 days/week, 11 weeks (55 times), and to 200, 300, or 400 ppm for 6 weeks (30 times) (69). Body
weight, hematology, organ weight, residual bromide concentrations, and histopathology of several
organs were studied. In addition, a 4 h acute LC50 was determined to be 780 ppm with 95%
confidence limits of 760–810 ppm. As in other studies, a remarkably steep dose response was
observed with 0 and 100% lethal concentrations of 650 and 900 ppm. Neurological signs were
manifest at 300 and 400 ppm with necrosis of the brain at 400 ppm. Necrosis of the heart was
apparent at all concentrations with little response in other organs. Certain blood enzyme levels
generally considered to be associated with pathological changes in the heart were not changed at
either 150 or 200 ppm, but at 300 and 400 ppm aspartic transaminase, lactic dehydrogenase, LAP
(not defined by the authors), and hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase were elevated. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Oral Exposure According to IRIS (online), the USEPA
determined critical effect for oral exposure as epithelial hyperplasia of the forestomach with an
NOAEL of 1.4 mg/kg/day [LOAEL: 7.1 mg/kg/day] and a RfD of 1.4 × 10–3. The previous oral RfD
[4.0 × 10–4 mg/kg/day] was based on the inhalation studies by Irish et al. (65). According to the EPA
(IRIS), inhalation studies are inappropriate for oral risk assessment extrapolation for bromomethane
because portal-of-entry effects are observed for both the inhalation route (lung pathology) and oral
route (stomach hyperplasia). In addition, neurological effects reported after inhalation exposures
have not been reported after oral exposures.

The current EPA reference dose (RfD) for oral exposure is based on the Danse et al. (64) study, on
carcinogenic effects in the rat forestomach for the oral route of exposure. Treatment of groups of 10
male and 10 female Wistar rats by gavage 5 days/week for 13 weeks with bromomethane at 0, 0.4, 2,
10, or 50 mg/kg resulted in severe hyperplasia of the stratified squamous epithelium in the
forestomach at a dose of 50 mg/kg/day and slight epithelial hyperplasia in the forestomach at a dose
of 10 mg/kg/day. At the 50-mg/kg/day dose level, decreased food consumption, body weight gain,
and anemia were observed in the male rats. Slight pulmonary atelectasis was observed, at the two
higher dose levels, in both male and female rats; however, the investigators stated that the possible
inhalation of bromomethane-containing oil during the gastric intubation procedure might have been
responsible for this effect. No neurotoxic effects were observed at any dose level tested. Renal
histopathology was not evaluated. Adverse effects were not observed at 0.4 or 2 mg/kg. This 90-day
gastric intubation study was conducted in groups of Wistar rats (10 of each sex) given 0, 0.4, 2, 10,
or 50 mg/kg methyl bromide in peanut oil. Findings included squamous cell papillomas (2 males)
and carcinomas (7 males and 6 females) of the forestomach at the 50-mg/kg dose level.

In a similar study by Boorman et al. (70) 6-week-old male Wistar rats were gavaged 5 times/week at
50 mg/kg, either for 13 weeks with a 12-week recovery period or continuously for a period of 25
weeks. At week 13, inflammation, acanthosis, fibrosis, and a high incidence of
pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia of the forestomach were observed. At week 25, rats previously
treated with methyl bromide still exhibited more severely perplastic lesions than vehicle controls.
One of 15 rats showed malignancy, which was considered an early carcinoma. However, there was a
clear regression of the overall incidence of proliferative lesions at the end of the recovery period.

Mitsumori et al. conducted a 2-year oral chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study (71) in F344 rats fed
a diet containing 80–500 ppm total bromide following fumigation with methyl bromide. Of 60 male
and 60 female rats per dosage group, 10 were sacrificed at 52 and 104 weeks, respectively, in order
to perform urine analysis, hematology, blood chemistry, and pathology. Rats killed in moribund
condition or found dead and all survivors sacrificed at the end of the 2-year dosing period were
examined for pathologic lesions. No marked toxic effects were observed at any of the dose levels
administered except for a slight decrease in body weight gain in males fed the 500-ppm methyl
bromide-containing diet at week 60 onward. The conclusion was that residues of 500 ppm total
bromide in the diet fumigated with methyl bromide are not carcinogenic in F344 rats of either sex.
The NOEL in males was given as 200 ppm [6.77 mg total bromide/kg/day]. None was determinable
from the data in females because they showed slightly higher incidence of focal fatty change of the
adrenal cortex than controls. However, control values in this study were lower than historical
controls with regard to this very common lesion in aging female F344 rats.

Inhalation Exposure For inhalation, the EPA (IRIS) considers the critical effect for chronic
inhalation to be degenerative and proliferative lesions of the olfactory epithelium of the nasal cavity
with a LOAEL of 11.7 mg/m3 (3 ppm), adjusted to 2.08 mg/m3, giving a RfC of 5.0 × 10–3 based on
a 29-month rat inhalation study by Ruezel in 1987 and 1991 (72, 73) where a series of inhalation
toxicity studies of bromomethane were conducted under the sponsorship of the National Institute of
Public Health and Environmental Hygiene of the Netherlands. In a chronic inhalation study, 50 male
and 60 female Wistar rats were exposed to 0, 3, 30, or 90 ppm (0, 11.7, 117, or 350 mg/m3,
respectively) 98.8% pure bromomethane 6 h/day, 5 days/week (duration-adjusted concentrations are
0, 2.08, 20.9, or 62.5 mg/m3, respectively) for up to 29 months. Three satellite groups of 10
animals/sex/exposure level were sacrificed at 14, 53, and 105 weeks of exposure. Animals were
observed daily, and body weight was recorded weekly for the first 12 weeks and monthly thereafter.
Hematology, clinical chemistry, and urinalyses were conducted at 12–14 weeks and 52–53 weeks in
the satellite groups. Eleven organs were weighed at necropsy, and approximately 36 tissues,
including the lungs with trachea and larynx; 6 cross sections of the nose; heart; brain; and adrenal
glands were examined histopathologically. The test atmosphere was measured by gas
chromatography every 30 min during exposure. Males and females exposed to 90 ppm exhibited
decreased body weight gains; no treatment-related changes in hematological, biochemical, or urine
parameters were observed. A significant concentration-related decrease in relative kidney weights
was reported in the 30- and 90-ppm males. A decrease in mean absolute brain weight was reported to
occur in the 90-ppm females at weeks 53 and 105, but there was no change in relative brain weight
or in brain histology. Microscopic evaluation revealed that the nose, the heart, and the esophagus and
forestomach were the principle targets of bromomethane toxicity in this study. Very slight to
moderate hyperplastic changes in the basal cells accompanied by degeneration in the olfactory
epithelium in the dorsomedial part of the nasal cavity were observed in all exposed groups of both
sexes at 29 months of exposure. At the lowest concentration, the lesion is described as very slight.
These changes were concentration-related in both incidence and severity and were statistically
significant at 29 months. Incidence of basal cell hyperplasia in control, 3-, 30-, and 90-ppm groups
were 4/46, 13/48, 23/49, and 31/48 in males and 9/58, 19/58, 25/59, and 42/59 in females,
respectively. Slight increases in incidence of basal cell hyperplasia in the 30- and 90-ppm groups
(n = 7–10) at 53 and 105 weeks were not statistically significant. Lesions in the heart were
statistically significant in the males (cartilaginous metaplasia and thrombus), and the females
(myocardial degeneration and thrombus) exposed to 90 ppm. The authors attributed part of the
increased mortality in the high concentration animals to the cardiac lesions. A statistically significant
increase in hyperkeratosis of the esophagus was observed in the 90-ppm males after 29 months of
exposure. Slight increases in forestomach lesions were not statistically significant. No effects were
observed in the tracheobronchial or pulmonary regions of the respiratory tract. No other exposure-
related effects were noted. Based on these results, a LOAEL of 3 ppm for nasal effects was

Male Sprague–Dawley rats were exposed by inhalation for 24 h at 120 ppm or continuously for 3
weeks at 10 ppm methyl bromide, which resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in the concentration
of norepinephrine in the hypothalamus, cortex, and hippocampus (74). Typical high dose effects of
methyl bromide inhalation in rats (200, 300, or 400 ppm for 6 weeks; 150 ppm for 11 weeks) are
liver necrosis with sinusoidal infiltration, degeneration of the kidney tubular epithelium, necrosis of
the excretory pancreas epithelium, focal necrosis of the heart muscle, and necrosis of the brain cortex
(69). Additional high dose effects reported were diarrhea, hemoglobinuria, and degeneration of the
zona fasciculata of the adrenals and of the olfactory epithelium (68). The latter appeared reversible
10 weeks after cessation of exposure (75). These effects were corroborated by other studies and also
in other species (76, 77). Expected similarities between the toxicity profile of methyl bromide and
methyl chloride were also noted.

Inhalation by rabbits at 27 ppm methyl bromide for 8 months for a total exposure duration of 900 h
resulted in no observable neurotoxic or other adverse signs. At 65 ppm, severe neuromuscular losses
were seen. These subsided 6–8 weeks after exposures were terminated (78, 79). Rats exposed at
55 ppm via inhalation of methyl bromide for 36 weeks with a total affective duration of 1080 h
showed no signs of a neurologic deficit (79).

In a chronic mouse study, virtually the same lesions were reported as observed in subchronic studies
at somewhat lower doses than expected (77). This mouse (77) and rat (73) inhalation bioassay has
been performed. These studies show clear mutagenicity but not carcinogenicity under the conditions
of the bioasssays. The NTP 2-year inhalation study (77) was carried out with 70 male and female
B6C3F1 mice exposed 6 h/day, 5 days/week at 0, 10, 33, or 100 ppm of methyl bromide. After 20
weeks, exposure of the high dose group (100 ppm) was discontinued because of excess mortality
(31% in males, 8% in females). Similar lesions were observed as reported in Section of this
TLV documentation, without the occurrence of excess neoplastic lesions. A NOEL was not
presented in the NTP (77) study, but there were no effects at 33 ppm.

Male and female Wistar rats were exposed by inhalation 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 29 months at 0, 3,
30, or 90 ppm methyl bromide (73). Interim sacrifices were conducted after 3, 12, and 24 months.
Excess mortality was first observed at 114 weeks in the high dose group. Dose-dependent increases
in the incidences of degenerative and hyperplastic changes of the nasal olfactory epithelium were
observed. The lesions were characterized as very slight, slight, or moderate. A statistically
significant difference was found between controls and the low dose group (3 ppm) at the end of the
exposure period (29 months) in terms of total lesions. At the highest dose level, effects (thrombi,
myocardial degeneration, hyperkeratosis of the esophagus and forestomach) were observed. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Methyl bromide is converted to bromide

ion, in vivo. At all concentrations that could be tolerated by animals, inhaled methyl bromide was
rapidly eliminated (65). Circulating bromide concentrations in untreated rabbits were approximately
10 ppm and those in rabbits with methyl bromide–induced paralysis were approximately 110 ppm

The blood bromide level tends to correlate with the severity of the clinical signs (80).

Although methyl bromide is metabolized to methanol, the quantities of methanol produced are
insufficient to account for methyl bromide's toxicity (65, 80). The toxicity of methyl bromide is with
the intact molecule. The bromide ion has been shown to be much slower in leaving the body
following exposure to methyl bromide. A half-life of 5 days has been reported for rats (66). The
investigators also concluded that neither bromide ion nor methanol was involved in the toxicity but
rather the parent compound or an incorporation of the methyl group into some other substance was
involved. Bonnefoi et al. (81) have shown that glutathione depletion occurs and may be related to
subsequent toxic effects.

Methyl bromide showed a significant non-enzymatic conjugation in human erythrocyte cytoplasm.

In the majority of the subjects there was also enzymatic conjugation but a minority lack this
enzymatic activity. Methyl bromide had a higher affinity for the conjugating enzyme(s) (possibly
erythrocyte glutathione transferases) than methyl chloride or methyl iodide (82). Reproductive and Developmental Adult male F344 rats were exposed to 0 or 200 ppm
6 h/day for 5 days and examined after 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 17, 24, 38, 52, and 73 days. The only effects
were a transient decrease in plasma testosterone and testicular nonprotein sulfhydryl. In contrast to
the very specific effects of methyl chloride there were no lasting effects on sperm quality or
spermatogenesis. However, Eustis et al. (76) reported testicular degeneration in male rats exposed to
160 ppm 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 3–6 weeks, and Kato et al. (69) reported testicular atrophy after 6
weeks of repeated 4 h/day, 5 days/week exposures to 400 ppm but not 300 ppm.

In an abstract reporting preliminary results in the F0 generation of a two-generation reproduction

study in CD rats (83), there were no reproductive effects reported after repeated 6 h/day, 5 day/week
exposures to 0, 3, 30, or 90 ppm.

There are little data to indicate anything but extremely low, if any, potency for methyl bromide for
teratogenic/reproductive toxicity. Although methyl bromide, acutely and subchronically, causes
varying degrees of testicular alterations and transiently reduced plasma testosterone concentrations,
inhalation exposure of male Fischer 344 rats for 6 h/day at 200 ppm methyl bromide for 5 days had
“no lasting effect on sperm quality or spermatogenesis” in this rat strain (75). In a study by Sikov et
al. (84), neither maternal or fetotoxic nor teratogenic effects were observed in Wistar rats exposed by
inhalation to methyl bromide 5 days/week at 20 and 70 ppm for 3 weeks prior to mating and during
gestation. Carcinogenesis The USEPA consideres the animal data for carcinogenesis as
“Inadequate” (IRIS) (5). Bromomethane was administered by gavage to groups of 10 male and
female Wistar rats (64). Animals were administered doses of 0, 0.4, 2, 10, or 50 mg/kg/day
bromomethane in arachis oil 5 days/week for 13 weeks, at which time the experiment was
terminated. There was an apparent dose-related increase in diffuse hyperplasia of the forestomach.
The authors reported a forestomach papilloma incidence of 2/10 in the high dose males and
forestomach carcinoma incidences of 7/10 and 6/10 in the high dose males and females, respectively.
These results were subsequently questioned (85, 86). A panel of NTP scientists reevaluated the
histological slides and concluded that the lesions were hyperplasia and inflammation rather than

Rosenblum et al. (87) reported a 1-year study in which beagle dogs (4 per treatment group, 6 per
control) were provided diets fumigated to residue levels of 0, 35, 75, or 150 ppm bromomethane. No
tumors were observed at any dose level; however, there was no indication that the dogs were
examined for tumors. In addition, 1-year observation is considered to be inadequate by the EPA for
tumor induction in dogs.

Bromomethane is structurally related to bromoethane which, when tested in mice and rats of both
sexes, has shown clear evidence of carcinogenicity in some cases and equivocal in others. NTP (88)
conducted an inhalation bioassay on bromoethane, and the results were recently released in a draft
report. Groups of F344/N rats (50/sex) and B6C3F1 mice (50/sex) were exposed to 0, 100, 200, or
400 ppm bromoethane 6 hours/day for 5 days/week. A statistically significant increase in uterine
adenomas, adenocarcinomas, or squamous cell carcinomas was observed in female mice exposed to
200 and 400 ppm, indicating clear evidence of carcinogenic activity. Equivocal evidence of
carcinogenic activity was reported for male and female rats and male mice. Although alveolar and
bronchiolar adenomas or carcinomas and pheochromocytomas were observed in male rats, the
incidences were not dose-related and were within the historical ranges for NTP studies. Granular cell
tumors of the brain were also observed in male rats and, although not statistically significant, the
incidence was higher than historical incidence in either the study lab or NTP studies. The incidence
of alveolar/bronchiolar neoplasms in exposed male mice was marginally greater than control or
historical incidence. An increased incidence of gliomas in exposed female rats was significant by the
trend test; however, the incidence was not significantly greater when compared with the controls in
the study and the controls used in NTP studies.
In a rather short oral gavage study, squamous-cell carcinomas were reported to be produced in 13/20
rats dosed 5 days/week with 50 mg/kg body weight (64). Marked diffuse hyperplasia of the
epithelium of the forestomach was reported at this level after only 90 days, with less effect at 10 and
2 mg/kg and none at 0.4 mg/kg. However, in rats similarly exposed in a second study (70) with an
extended recovery period, it was found that nearly all lesions regressed, suggesting they were not
malignant. Furthermore, the 29-month inhalation study in Wistar rats discussed subsequently failed
to support the finding of carcinogenicity in the rat forestomach.

In the 29-month study male and female rats were exposed to 0, 3, 30, or 90 ppm of methyl bromide
gas 6 h/day, 5 days/week (47). Ten rats per sex were killed at 13, 52, and 104 weeks for interim
information. Mortality was increased at week 114 but only in the 90-ppm group, which also had
lowered body weights. Increased incidences of degenerative and hyperplastic changes in the nasal
olfactory epithelium were observed in a dose-related manner in all groups. The lesions did not
appear to progress with time. Exposure to 90 ppm was associated with an increased incidence of
thrombi and myocardial degeneration in the heart and hyperkeratosis in the esophagus and
forestomach. There was no indication of a relationship between exposure and tumor incidence.

In the a 2-year oral chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study, Mitsumori et al. (71) concluded that
residues of 500 ppm total bromide in the diet fumigated with methyl bromide are not carcinogenic
in F344 rats of either sex. More information on this study was given in Section Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Bromomethane has been shown to produce
mutations in Salmonella strains sensitive to alkylating agents and to Escherichia coli both with and
without the addition of a metabolic activation system (89–92). Bromomethane was also mutagenic in
a modification of the standard Salmonella assay employing vapor-phase exposure (93–96).
Bromomethane was observed to be mutagenic for Drosophila and for mouse lymphoma cells (89,
91). Methyl bromide is genotoxic in in vivo and in vitro tests. Positive results were obtained in the
Salmonella (90, 91), and Drosophila (97), gene mutation assays, the sister chromatid exchange
(SCE) test with human lymphocytes (97), the test for SCE induction in female mice, and the
micronuclei test (98) (the latter two on peripheral erythrocytes). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization In a subsequent study performed by this
group (78) that was designed to assess the neurotoxic effects of bromomethane in rabbits with
longer-term exposures at low concentrations, male New Zealand white rabbits were exposed to 0
(n = 2) or 26.6 ppm (103 mg/m3, n = 6) 99% pure bromomethane 7.5 h/day, 4 days/week for 8
months (78). Exposure concentrations were monitored every 12 min by an infrared analyzer.
Neurobehavioral tests examined the latency rates of the sciatic and ulnar nerves and the amplitude of
the eyeblink reflex of the orbicularis oculi muscle. No other parameters, including respiratory
effects, were monitored. No exposure-related neurological effects were observed. As part of this
study, the animals exposed to 252 mg/m3 bromomethane for 4 weeks (79) were allowed to recover
for 6–8 weeks and the neurological tests were repeated. The animals demonstrated partial, but not
complete, recovery within the 6-week period. Therefore rabbits, which are sensitive to the neurotoxic
effects of high level exposures to bromomethane, can tolerate long-term low level exposure to
bromomethane, and appear to be able to recover from severe neurological effects after cessation of

2.4.2 Human Experience According to IRIS, the most common signs of acute intoxication with
bromomethane in humans are neurotoxic in nature and include headache, dizziness, fainting, apathy,
weakness, tiredness, giddiness, delirium, stupor, psychosis, loss of memory, mental confusion,
speech impairment, visual effects, limb numbness, tremors, muscle twitching, paralysis, ataxia,
seizures, convulsions, and unconsciousness. Several studies have been conducted on the longer-term
effects of occupational exposure to bromomethane. None of these studies can serve as the basis for
the derivation of an RfC for bromomethane because of concurrent exposures to other chemicals,
inadequate quantification of exposure levels and/or durations, and other deficits in study design.

Possible symptoms include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, corrosion to the skin, severe skin burns,
enlarged liver, kidney damage with development of albuminuria, and in fatal cases, cloudy swelling
and tubular degeneration. Central nervous system effects include blurred vision, mental confusion,
numbness, and tremors. Death following acute poisoning is usually caused by its irritant effect on the
lungs. In chronic poisoning, death is due to injury to the central nervous system. Direct skin contact
may cause prickling, itching, cold sensation, erythemia, vesication, damage to peripheral nerve
tissue, and delayed dermatitis. It may also cause double vision, dizziness, headache, convulsions,
muscular tremors, fatal pulmonary edema, and neurological and GI disturbances. It may cause skin
irritation. Other symptoms may include mental excitement, acute mania, bronchitis, pneumonia, and
severe eye damage. It may cause abdominal pain and death from respiratory or circulatory collapse.
It may also cause unconsciousness leading to a prompt “anesthetic” death, malaise, ataxia,
myoclonus, exaggerated (or absent) deep reflexes, positive Romberg's sign, paroxysmal
abnormalities of the EEG, great agitation, change of personality, coma, and mild euphoria. Exposure
to this compound may also cause muscle weakness, loss of coordination and gait, hyperthermia,
hepato- and nephrotoxicity, behavioral changes, paralysis of extremities, delirium, epileptiform
attacks, and skin lesions. It may cause respiratory tract irritation, organic brain syndrome,
psychological depression, seizures, prominent cerebellar and parkinsonian signs, renal failure due to
tubula necrosis, jaundice, elevations of liver enzyme activity in serum and abnormal liver function,
lassitude, slurring of speech, staggering gait, diplopia, epileptiform convulsions, perhaps with a
Jacksonian-type of progression, rapid respirations, cyanosis, pallor and collapse, areflexia, impaired
superficial sensation, absent or hypoactive distal-tendon reflexes, and bronchopneumonia after
severe pulmonary lesions. It may also cause severe mucous membrane burns. Other symptoms may
include DNA mutations and large chromosome alterations and congestion with coughing, chest pain,
shortness of breath, confusion, shaking and unconsciousness, severe pulmonary irritation and
neurotoxicity, narcosis at high concentrations, vertigo, tremor of the hands, dyspnea, hallucinations,
anxiety, inability to concentrate, conjunctivitis and dry, scaling, and itching dermatitis. It may also
cause lacrimation from irritation of the eyes, transient dimming of vision and blindness for 12 h,
nystagmus on lateral gaze, delirium, apathy, and aphasia, edema of the papilla, and punctiform
hemorrhages may be found, as well as optic atrophy. In addition, it causes sleepiness, digestive
problems, loss of stability, lack of motor coordination, sensorial problems, and impaired hearing.
Somnolence, permanent brain damage, lethargy, and sensory disturbances can occur. It may cause
anuria, hyperactivity, blood pressure fall, papilledema, fainting attacks, and bronchospasm. It may
also cause retinal and submucous hemorrhages, stomach congestion, and congestion of the brain
with multiple hemorrhages associated with degenerative changes, such as necrosis. General Information Reports of a toxic absorption of methyl bromide gas through the skin
have been published, but very high exposure concentrations (8000–10000 ppm) were involved and it
is possible some leakage around or through respiratory protective devices occurred (99). Obviously
skin contact with the liquid and vapor must be minimized in addition to prevention of vapor

There are difficulties in handling methyl bromide in the drug industry. Repeated splashes on the skin
resulted in severe skin lesions. Severe cases showed “vesicles or blebs.” In a less rigorous exposure,
severe itching dermatitis was observed. One report by Longley and Jones (100) describes serious
systemic effects following gross skin contact with liquid methyl bromide, but inhalation may have
been significant despite the absence of lung damage. Methyl bromide may cause difficulty when it is
held in contact with skin by clothes. This is a special problem with gloves and shoes. In the case of
shoes, it is suspected that a fairly high concentration of vapor near the floor may actually be
absorbed into the leather and cause skin irritation. Spills onto or into a shoe may cause a severe burn
if allowed to remain in contact with the skin. When methyl bromide is handled, care should be taken
to avoid splashes onto the clothing or shoes. When there is a fairly high vapor concentration, as in an
accidental spill, care should be taken to prevent seepage into the shoes or on protective clothing, and
exposure to the vapor should be minimized.
Liquid methyl bromide can cause severe corneal burns but the vapors do not appear to be painful.
Furthermore, a full-face respirator should always be used if vapor concentrations are significant;
hence the eyes will be protected from exposure.

Numerous reports attest to the high toxicity of methyl bromide to humans. Many reports indicate
failure to use reasonable recommended handling precautions. The symptoms observed in humans
from acute exposure have been reported by a number of authors whose reports have been reviewed
by von Oettingen (59, pp. 15–30). The early symptoms may be a feeling of illness, headache, nausea,
and vomiting. Tremors and even convulsions may be observed, much as they are in animals, as well
as lung edema and an associated cyanosis. If the patient survived an acute exposure for the first 2 or
3 days, the probability of complete recovery was very high.

Observations of 10 cases acutely and chronically exposed have been summarized by Hine (101) and
electroencephalographic studies on seven cases by Mellerio et al. (102). Clinical Cases Cases of severe methyl bromide poisoning in humans, some of them fatal,
were frequently reported. For example, von Oettinger (59) recorded 47 fatal and 174 nonfatal cases
of methyl bromide intoxication between 1899 and 1952. Acute poisoning was characterized by lung
irritation. The toxicity was manifested as paralysis of extremities, delirium, convulsions, and even
typical epileptiform attacks. Some of these symptoms were persistent, and recovery occurred in a
matter of months, sometimes incompletely with permanent disability. In all cases, the conditions of
exposure are inadequately described, neither the methyl bromide concentration nor the exposure
duration are exactly known. However, by retrospective estimate, the methyl bromide concentration
could have been as high as 60,000 ppm (103) in some instances.

Severe poisoning with some fatalities resulted from soil disinfection by injection of methyl bromide
into greenhouse soil (104). These workers measured methyl bromide levels following application
rates ranging from 30–3000 ppm. They found peak values of 200 ppm persisting for a few seconds
on initial injection with airborne levels above the soil declining to 4 ppm 5 days posttreatment.
Tilling the soil can produce exposures at 15 ppm as long as 9 days after soil treatment (105).
Tourangeau and Plamondon (106) reported that tests made in date-processing and date-packing
houses, where a number of employees had been stricken, showed concentrations ranging up to
100 ppm in the general workroom air, up to 500 ppm near the walls of ineffectively sealed chambers,
and over 1000 ppm at the breathing zone of workers entering the chamber to remove the fumigated
fruit. Tourangeau and Plamondon (36, 106) found concentrations up to 390 ppm in a plant where one
fatal and one nonfatal case of intoxication occurred. Hine (101) reported concentrations of about
100 ppm in plants where two of his clinical cases were found. Johnstone (107) reported mass
poisoning (34 cases) in the date-packing industry. The industrial hygiene survey conducted by the
California Department of Health, Division of Industrial Hygiene, indicates that the packers were
exposed to less than 50 ppm; however, during the purging of a fumigation chamber, the methyl
bromide concentrations in the packing room reached 100 to 500 ppm. Watrous (108) described
nausea, vomiting, headache, skin lesions, and symptoms of mild systemic poisoning in workers (90
people) exposed for 2 weeks at concentrations generally below 35 ppm.

Liquid methyl bromide may penetrate through all articles of clothing and may cause superficial
burns with much vesication when in contact with skin. Three authors (99, 100, 109) demonstrated
the possibility of absorption by the skin of toxic quantities of methyl bromide. Longley and Jones
(100) reported severe skin irritation in workers fumigating a medieval castle. Six people were
occupationally exposed to ~ 35 g/m3 (9000 ppm) methyl bromide during a 40-minute fumigation
process in spite of adequate airway protection. After a few hours, all fumigators developed sharply
demarcated erythema with multiple vesicles and large bullae. Particularly affected were the axillae,
groin, and abdomen. Histopathological examination of early skin lesions revealed necrosis of
keratinocytes, severe edema of the upper dermis, subepidermal blistering, diffuse infiltration of
neutrophils, and to a lesser extent, eosinophils. Two of the patients developed an urticarial rash about
one week post exposure. These late lesions showed the combined features of spongiotic dermatitis
and urticaria. No immunopathology was observed. The skin returned to normal in all workers after 4
weeks except for some residual hyperpigmentation. Average plasma bromide levels immediately
following exposure (9 mg/L) and 12 h postexposure (6.8 mg/L) strongly suggest dermal absorption
of methyl bromide. Carcinogenesis Assessment of EPA Classification D (Not classifiable as to human

carcinogenicity on the basis of inadequate human and animal data) was based on a single mortality
study from which direct exposure associations could not be deduced and studies in several animal
species with too few animals, too brief exposure, or observation time for adequate power. A
prospective mortality study was reported for a population of 3579 white male chemical workers. The
men, employed between 1935 and 1976, were potentially exposed to 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane,
2,3-dibromopropyl phosphate, polybrominated biphenyls, DDT, and several brominated organic and
inorganic compounds (110). Overall mortality for the cohort, as well as for several subgroups, was
less than expected. Of the 665 men exposed to methyl bromides (the only common exposure to
organic bromides), two died from testicular cancer, as compared with 0.11 expected. This finding
may be noteworthy as testicular cancer is usually associated with a low mortality rate. Therefore,
there could be more cancer cases than there appear to be based on mortality. The authors noted that it
was difficult to draw definitive conclusions as to causality because of the lack of exposure
information and the likelihood that exposure was to many brominated compounds.
2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure

OSHA PEL In 1989, OSHA established a PEL TWA of 5 ppm, with a skin notation, for
methyl bromide. This limit was promulgated to protect workers from the
significant risk of incapacitating neurotoxic disease and other systemic effects.
As a consequence of the 1992 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Eleventh Circuit the PELs promulgated under the 1989 rulemaking where
vacated; however, it currently has a ceiling limit of 20 ppm, with a skin
NIOSH The NIOSH REL for methyl bromide is an exposure to the lowest feasible limit.
REL/IDLH NIOSH based the REL on its position that methyl bromide be considered a
potential occupational carcinogen. NIOSH did not concur with the 1989 PEL
and recommended that methyl bromide be addressed in a full section 6(b)
rulemaking. NIOSH established an IDLH value of 250 ppm (NIOSH
Carcinogen) for this substance.
ACGIH Rationale Methyl bromide remains as a substance suspected of carcinogenic potential. In
for TLVs that addition, its capacity for dermal absorption, marked neurotoxicity and
Differ from the significant nasal and dermal irritation warrant a greater degree of caution and a
PEL or REL reduction in the previously recommended TLV for occupational exposure. The
ACGIH TLV for methyl bromide is 1 ppm.

Carcinogenic classification:
IARC Group 3, Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity in humans
MAK Group IIIB, Justifiably suspected of having carcinogenic potential
NIOSH Carcinogen, with no further categorization.
TLV A4, Not classifiable as a human carcinogen.
Other nations: Australia—5 ppm, skin (1990); (Former Federal Republic of) Germany—no MAK
value, skin, group IIIB, Justifiably suspected of having carcinogenic potential (1996); Sweden—
15 ppm, short-term value 10 ppm, 15 min, skin (1990); United Kingdom—5 ppm, 15-min STEL
15 ppm, skin (1997).
2.6 Studies on Environmental Impact:

Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

3.0 Methyl Iodide

3.0.1 CAS Number:
3.0.2 Synonyms:
Iodomethane; monoiodomethane; methyl iodide; Halon 10001; methyl iodine; methyl iodide
3.0.3 Trade Names:
Halon 10001
3.0.4 Molecular Weight:
3.0.5 Molecular Formula:
3.0.6 Molecular Structure:

3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

3.1.1 General Methyl iodide is a colorless liquid that turns yellow, red, or brown when exposed to
light and moisture.

Specific gravity 2.279 (20/4°C)

Melting point –66.5°C
Boiling point 42.50°C
Vapor pressure 400 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.5293 (21.0°C)
Percent in “saturated” air 53 (25°C)
Solubility 1 vol/125 vol water at 15°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether
Flammability Methyl iodide is nonflammable by standard tests in air
UEL, LEL Not available (UEL, LEL = upper, lower exposure limits)

3.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Methyl iodide has a sweet ethereal odor with poor warning
3.2 Production and Use
Methyl iodide has had very limited use as a chemical intermediate (methylations), and in microscopy
because of its high refractive index, as imbedding materials for examening diatomes, and in tests for
pyridine. It has been proposed as a fire extinguisher and insecticidal fumigant. It is a product of
natural biologic processes.
3.3 Exposure Assessment
3.3.1 Air: NA
3.3.2 Background Levels: NA

3.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1014 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to methyl iodide (11).
3.4 Toxic Effects
Little new information (from previous editions) was found. Methyl iodide has not been used
extensively; therefore, toxicological investigations and experience have been limited. It is primarily a
CNS depressant, but there are also indications of lung irritation and kidney involvement from acute
exposures. Because radioactive iodine can be released as methyl iodide, the nuclear industry has
investigated its absorption, distribution, and to some extent toxicity when inhaled, ingested, and

3.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Few new data have been published since the last

Buckell (111) determined the LD50 for rats dosed either subcutaneously or orally to be 150–
200 mg/kg of body weight. This author also reported that it would produce a “vestibular burn” if
closely held to the human skin. It was indicated that clothing contaminated with methyl iodide
should be removed immediately. Johnson (112) reported that the acute oral LD50 for mice was
76 mg/kg, but that repeated doses of 30–50 mg/kg were without effect. Single oral doses of
70 mg/kg were lethal to rabbits, but several oral doses of 50 mg/kg were necessary before they
caused death. Penetration of methyl iodide through the skin (species not indicated) was reported by
Shugaev and Mazkova (113), who considered absorption to be of more concern than local irritative
effects. Von Oettingen (33, pp. 30–32), reported a 15-min exposure at 3800 ppm that was fatal to
rats. Buckell (111) reported a LC50 for mice at 900 ppm (57-min exposure). A 4 h LC50 of 232 ppm
was reported by Deichman and Gerarde (114).

Bachem (115) studied the response of mice to methyl iodide. His work is summarized in Table 62.1.
Chambers et al. (116) reported the lethal concentration for rats for a 15-min exposure to be 22 mg/L
in air (3790 ppm). The rats died within a period of 11 days. They showed lung irritation and
pulmonary edema. Buckell (111) reported the LC50 for mice to be 5 mg/L in air from a 57-min

Table 62.1. Acute Effects of Methyl Iodide


mg/L ppm Response

454.4 78,700 Rapid narcosis; death after 10-min exposure

105.1 18,100 Death after 30-min exposure
42.6 7340 After 15–50 min, side position, no complete narcosis,
death 1 h after beginning of exposure
21.3– 3670– Death after 2–2.5 h of exposure
31.6 5370
0.43– 73–730 Death of all animals within 24 h
0.31 54 Death of all animals within 24 h; no marked toxic
symptoms Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Blank et al. (117) exposed rats by inhalation for 14 weeks
at 30 and 60 ppm. Findings were ocular irritation and depressed body weights but no clinical or
microscopic pathologic changes. Mortality occurred in 4 weeks at an exposure of 143 ppm.

The studies by Druckery et al. (118) and Poirier et al. (119) are discussed in Section Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The metabolism of methyl iodide is not yet
certain, but there appears to be rapid release of iodide ion and methylation of glutathione in rats
dosed orally. The process is enzymatically catalyzed (112). Subcutaneous injection produced similar
results (120).

In the available abstract (121), more recent investigators indicate that the addition of reduced, but not
oxidized, glutathione inhibited methyl iodide toxicity to rat brain neocortical cultures in vitro.

Alveolar absorption of inhaled 132I-methyl iodide by humans resulted in retention of 53–93%

depending on the concentration inhaled and the rate of respiration (122). Reproductive and Developmental No data on teratogenesis were found. Carcinogenesis Carcinogenicity classification:

IARC Group 3, Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans.
MAK Group 2, probably human carcinogen.
NIOSH Carcinogen, with no further classification
NTP has not conducted genetic toxicology or long-term toxicology and carcinogenesis effects
studies on methyl iodide.

Druckrey et al. (118) reported local sarcomas following weekly subcutaneous injection in BD-strain
rats. Strain A mice (a susceptible strain) that were injected with methyl iodide were reported to have
a slight but significant increase in the number of lung tumors per mouse. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Mutagenic tests on Salmonella have been
reported by McCann et al. (123) to be weakly positive, but details of the study are lacking. Newer
data confirm reported positive results in mutagenic tests in Salmonella, mouse lymphoma, Chinese
hamster ovary, and mouse lymphoma.

Binding of methyl iodide in male and female rat organs has been reported (124). According to the

Male and female F344 rats were exposed to 14C-labelled methyl iodide orally or by inhalation in a
closed exposure system. DNA adducts were detected in the liver, lung, stomach, and forestomach of
the exposed animals. [14C]3-Methyladenine, [14C]7-methylguanine and [14C]O6-methylguanine
could be identified by a combination of three different methods of hydrolysing DNA and subsequent
HPLC or GC/MS analysis. The highest values of methylated guanines were determined in the
stomach and forestomach of the animals following both oral and inhalative exposure. These results
demonstrate a systemic genotoxic effect of methyl iodide.
Binding appeared to be due to alkylation rather than metabolic incorporation into DNA.

Methyl iodide was mutagenic for Salmonella typhimurium bacterial strains TA1535 and TA100 and
also a direct acting mouse lymphoma L5178Y/%K±cells (36).

3.4.2 Human Experience General Information Garland and Camps (125) reported two cases
of exposure of humans to the vapors of methyl iodide from industrial operations. The first case was
quoted from Jaquet as reported in 1901. This case showed symptoms of vertigo, diplopia, and ataxia,
there was evidence of urinary iodine, and the individual developed delirium and serious mental
disturbances. The second case was one observed by Garland and Camps. The patient was found to be
drowsy and unable to walk, with slurred, incoherent speech. He had iodine in the urine. Death
occurred 7–8 days after exposure. Serious CNS involvement was also reported in a chemical worker
by Baselga-Monte et al. (122), but the route of exposure was not given. Depression and
psychological disturbance persisted for several weeks; complete recovery required 122 days. A
report by Appel et al. (126) of a 41-year-old chemist exposed to the vapor of methyl iodide presents
similar symptoms. These authors summarize much of the available literature. Skin irritation has been
reported even while wearing protective gloves (127).
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV TWA is 2 ppm (12 mg/m3). The OSHA PEL is 5 ppm and the NIOSH REL is
2 ppm.

Other countries (8): Australia—2 ppm, category 3, Suspected human carcinogen, skin, (1990);
(Former Federal Republic of) Germany—no MAK, 2, Probably human carcinogen (1998);
Sweden—1 ppm, 15-min short-term value 5 ppm, skin, carcinogenic (1991); United Kingdom—
5 ppm, 10-min STEL 10 ppm, skin (1991).
3.6 Studies on Environmental Impact:

Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

4.0 Methylene Chloride

4.0.1 CAS Number:
4.0.2 Synonyms:
Dichloromethane; methylene dichloride; methane dichloride; methylene bichloride
4.0.3 Trade Names:
Aeothene MM, DCM, Narkotil, Solaesthin, Solmethine, NCI-C50102, R30, UN 1953; Refrigerant
30; Freon 30; DCM; Plastisolve
4.0.4 Molecular Weight:
4.0.5 Molecular Formula:
4.0.6 Molecular Structure:
4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Methylene chloride is a clear, colorless, nonflammable, volatile liquid with a penetrating ether-like
odor. It is slightly soluble in water, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, and organic liquids.
Methylene chloride is miscible with chlorinated solvents, diethyl ether, and ethanol. It will form an
explosive mixture in an atmosphere with a high oxygen content, or in the presence of liquid oxygen,
nitrite, potassium, or sodium. When heated to decomposition, it emits highly toxic fumes of

4.1.1 General
Physical state Colorless liquid
Specific gravity 1.3266 at 20°C
Melting point –95.1°C
Boiling point 40°C
Vapor pressure 440 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.4237 (20°C)
Percent in “saturated” air 55 (25°C)
Solubility 2 g/100 mL water at 25°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether, acetone
Flammability No flash point or fire point by standard tests in air 15.5–66 vol%
Autoignition temperature 624°C
UEL, LEL 19%, 12%
1 mg/L = 288 ppm and 1 ppm = 3.48 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr

4.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Methylene chloride has a “not unpleasant,” sweetish odor at
concentrations above 300 ppm, but at about 1000 ppm the odor becomes unpleasant for most people.
At 2300 ppm the odor is strong, intensely irritating; there may be dizziness after 5 min exposure. It
has a chloroformlike odor.
4.2 Production and Use
Methylene chloide is used principally as a solvent in paint removers. It is also used as an aerosol
propellant, processing solvent in the manufacture of steroids, antibiotics, vitamins, and tablet
coatings; as a degreasing agent; in electronics manufacturing; and as a urethane foam blowing agent.
Methylene chloride is also used in metal cleaning, as a solvent in the production of polycarbonate
resins and triacetate fibers, in film processing, in ink formulations, and as an extraction solvent for
spice oleoresins, caffeine, and hops. Methylene chloride was once registered for use in the United
States as an insecticide for commodity fumigation of strawberries, citrus fruits, and a variety of

Methylene chloride has been used as a blowing agent for foams and as a solvent for many
applications, including coating photographic films, pharmaceuticals, aerosol formulations, and to a
large extent in paint stripping formulations. It is used as a solvent in a number of extraction
processes, where its high volatility is desirable. It has high solvent power for cellulose esters, fats,
oils, resins, and rubber, and is more water soluble than most other chlorinated solvents. Formulations
for paint stripping may contain other solvents as well as methylene chloride and are frequently found
outside the workplace. These formulations often contain other ingredients that retard evaporation and
in the process increase the likelihood of skin irritation.
4.3 Exposure Assessment
The exposure characteristics of methylene chloride are discussed in the 1993 ATSDR Toxicological
Profile (128). The primary routes of potential human exposure to methylene chloride are inhalation
and ingestion. Dermal absorption has been observed, although it occurs more slowly than absorption
after ingestion or inhalation. The principal route of exposure for the general population to methylene
chloride is inhalation of ambient air. Inhalation exposure may also occur through the use of
consumer products containing methylene chloride. USEPA has estimated that over one million
workers are currently exposed to methylene chloride. The National Occupational Hazard Survey,
conducted by NIOSH from 1972 to 1974, estimated that 2.5 million workers were potentially
exposed to methylene chloride vapors. On the basis of health hazard evaluations of various U.S.
companies conducted in 1973 and 1974 by NIOSH, the concentrations of methylene chloride to
which workers might be exposed in the following occupations were determined: servicing diesel
engines, 11 ppm; spray-painting booths, 1–74 ppm; chemical plant, 0–5520 ppm with an 8-h TWA
of 875 ppm; ski manufacture, 0–36 ppm; cleaning foam heads, 3–29 ppm; cleaning nozzles in
plastics manufacture, 5–37 ppm; plastic tank construction, several ppm. A 1973 study of
occupational exposure to hairspray propellants determined that methylene chloride exposure of
beauticians exceeded a daily mean concentration of 1–2 ppm. The use of methylene chloride in
hairsprays has been banned by the FDA. An estimated 500 million lb methylene chloride was
produced in the United States in 1988. From the data obtained in the EPA Consumer Use and Shelf
Survey, the CPSC calculated average individual 45-year risks. They ranged from zero for some of
the automotive products to highs of 409 per million for adhesive removers and 95 per million for
paint strippers, when the risk was based on malignant tumors in mice in the NTP bioassay; the risks
were 924 per million for adhesive removers and 214 per million for paint strippers when the risks
were based on malignant plus benign tumors in mice in the NTP bioassay. The Toxic Chemical
Release Inventory (EPA) listed 1475 industrial facilities that produced, processed, or otherwise used
chloromethane in 1988. In compliance with the Community-Right-to-Know Program, the facilities
reported releases of methylene chloride to the environment that were estimated to total 127 million
lb. Methylene chloride occurs in surface water, groundwater, finished drinking water, commercially
bottled artesian well water, and surface water sites in heavily industrialized river basins. Methylene
chloride was the sixth most frequently detected organic contaminant in groundwater from hazardous
disposal sites investigated in 1987; it had a frequency detection of 19%.

4.3.2 Background Levels See above (Section 4.3).

4.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1005 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to methylene chloride (11).

4.3.4 Community Methods: NA

4.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers DiVincenzo et al. (1927) and Stewart et al. (129) discussed biologic
monitoring for methylene chloride in expired air. The latter report includes graphs of expired air
concentrations following exposures to known concentrations of methylene chloride. Within certain
limits these may be useful in determining the exposures of workers. Carboxyhemoglobin levels in
blood may also be of some value but interpretations are complicated by other sources of carbon
monoxide and because carboxyhemoglobin is not elevated in a linear dose-dependent manner (130). Blood See above (Section 4.3.5).

4.4 Toxic Effects
Methylene chloride is a poison by intravenous route and is moderately toxic by ingestion,
subcutaneous, and intraperitoneal routes and mildly toxic by inhalation. It is an experimental
carcinogen and tumorigen and an experimental teratogen, and it has experimental reproductive
effects. It is severe eye and skin irritant.

Methylene chloride is the least acutely toxic of the four chlorinated methanes. The toxic effect is
predominantly narcosis. Methylene chloride and some other dihalomethanes are metabolized to
carbon monoxide. The principal problem from use is the “drunkenness” that may cause inept
operation, which may result in injury to the employee or other workers in the area. The symptoms of
excessive exposure may be dizziness, nausea, tingling or numbness of the extremities, sense of
fullness in the head, sense of heat, stupor, or dullness, lethargy, and drunkenness. Exposure to very
high concentrations may lead to rapid unconsciousness and death. Prompt removal from exposure
prior to death usually results in complete recovery.

Epidemiological data indicate no increase in cancer in workers exposed to methylene chloride.

Positive results have been found in experimental mice (Section

Numerous reviews are available (128, 131, 132), and detailed studies of pharmacokinetics and risk
assessments have been published (133–135).

Industrial experience with methylene chloride has resulted in few reports of serious adverse effects.
Although dermatitis has been reported due to its common usage in paint remover formulations, only
a few anesthetic deaths have occurred, all at very excessive concentrations. Reports of systemic
injury are rare, and many are of questionable authenticity. Methylene chloride is known to be
metabolized to carbon monoxide, but carboxyhemoglobin levels alone are not a good measure of the
toxic effect of methylene chloride. Other sources of carbon monoxide such as automotive exhaust
and smoking must be considered in evaluating occupational exposure to methylene chloride.

4.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Methylene chloride has a low to moderate acute
oral toxicity in laboratory animals. The acute oral LD50 of methylene chloride in rats is about
2000 mg/kg. Slight narcosis occurs at 4000–6100 ppm in several species of animals (136). The lethal
concentration for an exposure of 7 h is about 15,000 ppm (33, pp. 35–41; 136, 137).

Instillation of liquid methylene chloride directly into eyes of rabbits produced inflammation of the
conjunctiva and eyelid, which persisted for 2 weeks; keratitis and irritis; and a 59% increase in
corneal thickness at 6 h, which returned to normal by 9 days (138). Methylene chloride is mildly
irritating to the skin of rabbits on repeated contact if allowed to evaporate. Svirbely et al. (137)
reported that the LC50 for mice was approximately 50 mg/L or 15,000 ppm for an 8-h exposure.
Survival of all animals was observed at approximately 11,000 ppm. Lehmann and Schmidt-Kehl
(139) reported levels of narcosis in cats; 32 mg/L or 9000 ppm caused “displacement of equilibrium”
in 20 min but no narcosis. At 37.5 mg/L or 10,000 ppm, light narcosis occurred in 220 min and deep
narcosis at 293 min. They reported that cats and rabbits tolerated 6–7 mg/L for 8–9 h/day for 4
weeks with no significant observable changes. Subsequent studies have confirmed these early data.
Plaa and Larson (140) and Gehring (141) investigated the renal and hepatotoxicity of methylene
chloride and concluded that the compound had a very low toxicity toward these organs. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Heppel and associates (142) reported no pathology or
growth depression in dogs, puppies, rats, guinea pigs, or rabbits exposed to 5000 ppm 7 h/day, 5
days/week for 6 months. They did not detect CNS depression by ordinary observation but did not
conduct specific tests. At 10,000 ppm they observed light to moderate narcosis. Several animals
died, apparently from pulmonary congestion. Heppel and Neal (143) reported experiments with
young male rats in an activity cage. At a concentration of 5000 ppm the animals showed definite
reduction in activity.

Lifetime exposure of rats and hamsters to 3500, 1500, or 500 ppm 6 h/day for 2 years resulted in
“non-life-shortening treatment-related changes, similar to those seen in aging animals, in the livers
of male and female rats at all exposure levels.” The details of this study are discussed in Section (144). Hamsters were less affected than rats, with survival of female hamsters much higher
than in the control group.

Haun et al. (145) summarized the data from exposure studies in which animals were exposed
repeatedly and also described the results of continuous (24 h daily) exposure of rats, mice, monkeys,
and dogs for 100 days to either 25 or 100 ppm of methylene chloride vapors. Except for increased
carboxyhemoglobin levels, dogs and monkeys were unaffected by this continuous exposure. Mice
exposed to 25 ppm were likewise without effect, but the livers of the mice exposed to 100 ppm and
rats exposed to both concentrations showed positive fat stains. Cytoplasmic vacuolization was noted
in rats, as well as degenerative and regenerative changes in the kidneys. Carboxyhemoglobin was
more elevated in the monkeys than in the dogs, which showed no elevation at 25 ppm and about
1.5% elevation at 100 ppm. Levels in monkeys were increased by ~ 1% at 25 ppm and 3–4% at
100 ppm.

In a second continuous exposure study, gerbils appeared to be unusually susceptible to methylene

chloride (146). Continuous exposure to 700 ppm resulted in premature termination of the study after
7 weeks and 350 ppm at 10 weeks. Gerbils exposed continuously to 210 ppm were exposed for the
intended 3 months. Survivors from the 350- and 210-ppm groups were kept on recovery for 4
months. One female exposed to 210 ppm died, but no control gerbils died. The gerbils exposed to
210 ppm were reported to gain weight normally. Carboxyhemoglobin in the 210-ppm group was
11.5%, versus 10.3% in the 350-ppm group after 3 weeks, which is consistent with other findings of
10 weeks.

An extensive study of neurotoxicologic effects in rats following exposure to 50 ppm (below

metabolic saturation), 200 ppm (just below metabolic saturation), and at 2000 ppm (well above
metabolic saturation) failed to show deleterious effects (147). Carbon monoxide was similarly
studied at 135 ppm in air. Exposure to both substances were 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 13 weeks.
Carboxyhemoglobin levels of 10% were attained with the CO as they were with 200 ppm methylene
chloride. Postexposure functional tests included an observational battery, hind-limb grip strength,
and a battery of evoked potentials (flash, auditory brainstem, somatosensory, caudal nerve). After
functional tests were completed, rats from all groups were perfused with fixative and a
comprehensive set of nervous tissues from the high exposure group and from controls were
examined by light microscopy. The investigators concluded that subchronic exposures as high as
2000 ppm methylene chloride or 135 ppm CO had no deleterious effects on any of the measures of
this study.

Methylene chloride is mildly irritating to the skin of rabbits on repeated contact if allowed to

Additional studies are discussed in Section Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The metabolism of methylene chloride to

carbon monoxide and the subsequent production of carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) has been studied in
animals and man. In the rat, metabolism appears to be saturable with disproportionately less COHb
formed and more unchanged methylene chloride expired as exposure increased (148). Production of
carbon monoxide and carboxyhemoglobin has been shown to occur in animals (149) as well as

Von Oettingen et al. (18) studied the absorption and excretion of methylene chloride. They reported
that it was rapidly absorbed and largely excreted by the lungs. Although this appears to be partly
true, a significant amount is metabolized to carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

Figure 62.2 taken from Andersen et al. (133), indicates that CO2 is produced by either a route
involving glutathione S-transferase or a route using cytochrome P450 mixed-function oxidase
(MFO). Carbon monoxide, however, is produced only in the MFO route. According to Reitz et al.
(134), the MFO system plays a protective role, has a higher affinity for methylene chloride, and
metabolizes most of the methylene chloride at low concentrations. They conclude that after
saturation of the MFO pathway at about 300–500 ppm, the glutathione pathway increases
Figure 62.2. Proposed metabolic pathways for methylene chloride metabolism. From Ref. 133.

Different routes of exposure, dosage level/rates of metabolism, respiratory rates, and other factors
have been used to develop a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model useful in explaining
differences in response in the carcinogenic studies described previously (133). Perhaps the most
important result is the calculation that target tissue doses in humans are 140–170-fold lower (by
inhalation) or 50–210-fold lower (by drinking water) than would be expected from the customary
linear extrapolation and body surface area adjustment used in older risk assessments. However, in
1988 USEPA felt that a nine-fold reduction was more appropriate, despite a report (150) cited in
Section 4.4.2 that after a 30-year latency human cancers were not elevated and were well below that
predicted by animal studies. In vitro data (134) provide support for the Andersen et al. Model. Adsorption See above (Section Distribution See above (Section Excretion See above (Section Reproductive and Developmental Schwetz et al. (151) found no teratogenic effects in rats or
mice exposed to 1225 ppm vapor, 7 h/day on days 6–15 of gestation. The young of exposed
(4500 ppm) pregnant rats were reported by Bornschein et al. (152) to show retarded behavioral
habitation to novel environments. The authors did not attempt to determine whether the effect was
due to methylene chloride, carboxyhemoglobin, or the combination of the two. They were also
hesitant to extrapolate to possible effects at concentrations of 200–500 ppm. Rats fed up to 4%
methylene chloride in their diet showed no teratological effect (153). Neonatal weight was reduced
during an 8-week observation period following exposure to 4% in the diet but not after 0.4%.

Wistar rats fed about 2.8 mg/kg of body weight/day in their drinking water (125 ppm) for 91 days
were mated or sacrificed at the end of the exposure period; no adverse effects were noted on estrus or
reproduction (154).

Nitschke et al. (130) exposed rats and reported the following. Reproductive parameters in Fischer
344 rats were evaluated following inhalation of methylene chloride (MeCl2) for two successive
generations. Thirty male and female rats were exposed to 0, 100, 500, or 1500 ppm MeCl2 for
6 h/day, 5 days/week for 14 weeks and then mated to produce F1 litters. After weaning, 30 randomly
selected F1 pups/sex/group were exposed to MeCl2 for 17 weeks and subsequently mated to produce
F2 litters. Reproductive parameters examined included fertility, litter size and neonatal growth, and
survival. All adults and selected weanlings were examined for grossly visible lesions. Tissues from
selected weanlings were examined histopathologically. No adverse effects on reproductive
parameters, neonatal survival, or neonatal growth were noted in animals exposed to methylene
chloride in either F0 or F1 generation. Similarly, there were no treatment-related gross pathologic
observations in F0 or F1 adults or F1 or F2 weanlings. Histopathologic examination of tissues from
F1 or F2 weanlings did not reveal any lesions attributed to methylene chloride. Thus, exposure of rats
to concentrations as high as 1500 ppm methylene chloride, which has been shown in a 2-year study
to produce treatment-related effects, did not effect any reproductive parameters. Carcinogenesis IARC classifies methylene chloride in group 2B, Probably carcinogenic in
humans; MAK, group B, Suspected of having carcinogenic potential; NIOSH, Carcinogen, with no
further classification; ACGIH TLV, A3, Confirmed. Animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to

Animal evidence is considered by EPA to be “sufficient” for carcinogenesis. Methylene chloride

administered in the drinking water induced a significant increase in combined hepatocellular
carcinoma and neoplastic nodules in female F344 rats and a nonsignificant increase in combined
hepatocellular carcinoma and neoplastic nodules in male B6C3F1 mice (155, 156). Two inhalation
studies with methylene chloride have shown an increased incidence of benign mammary tumors in
both sexes of Sprague–Dawley (144) and F344 (157) rats. Male Sprague–Dawley rats had increased
salivary gland sarcoma (144) and female F344 rats had increased leukemia incidence (157). Both
sexes of B6C3F1 mice developed liver and lung tumors after methylene chloride treatment (157).

In a 2-year study by the National Coffee Association (155, 156), groups of 85 F344 rats/sex/dose
received 5, 50, 125, or 250 (mg/kg)/day of methylene chloride in the drinking water. Control groups
consisted of 135 rats/sex. In female rats the incidence of combined hepatocellular carcinoma and
neoplastic nodules was statistically significantly increased in the 50- and 250-mg/kg dose groups
when compared with matched controls (0/134, 1/85, 4/83, 1/85, and 6/85 in the five dose groups 0, 5,
50, 125, and 250 (mg/kg)/day, respectively). The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma alone was
not significantly increased (0/134, 0/85, 2/83, 0/85, 2/85). The combined incidence of hepatocellular
carinoma and neoplastic nodules in controls and the four dose groups (472 rats: 4 with carcinoma
and 8 with neoplastic nodules) was similar to that for historical controls (419 rats; 5 with carcinoma,
19 with neoplastic nodules). Male rats showed no increase in liver tumors. Also, in this study,
B6C3F1 mice received 0, 60, 125, 185, or 250 mg/kg/day of methylene chloride in drinking water.
Treatment groups consisted of 50 female mice and 200, 100, 100, and 125 male mice (low to high
dose). One hundred females and 125 males served as controls. Male mice had an increased incidence
of combined neoplastic nodules and hepatocellular carcinoma (24/125, 51/200, 30/100, 31/99,
35/125). The increase was not dose-related, but the pairwise comparisons for the two middose
groups were reported to be statistically significant (132). The hepatocellular carcinoma incidence
alone for male mice (which was about 55–65% of the total) was not significantly elevated. Female
mice did not have increased liver tumor incidence. The EPA (158) regarded this study as suggestive
but not conclusive evidence for carcinogenicity of methylene chloride.

Inhalation exposure of 107–109 Syrian hamsters/sex/dose to 0, 500, 1500, or 3500 ppm of methylene
chloride for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 2 years did not induce neoplasia (144). Sprague–Dawley rats
(129/sex/dose) were exposed under the same conditions. Female rats administered the highest dose
experienced significantly reduced survival from 18–24 months. Female rats showed a dose-related
increase in the average number of benign mammary tumors per rat (1.7, 2.3, 2.6, 3.0), although the
numbers of rats with tumors were not significantly increased. A similar response was observed in
male rats, but to a lesser degree. In the male rats there was a statistically significant positive trend in
the incidence of sarcomas of the salivary gland (1/93, 0/94, 5/91, 11/88); the incidence was
significantly elevated at the high dose. There is a question as to whether these doses reached the
MTD, particularly in the hamsters and the male rats.

Groups of 50 each male and female F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice were exposed to methylene
chloride by inhalation, 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 2 years (157). Exposure concentrations were 0,
1000, 2000, or 4000 ppm for rats and 0, 2000, or 4000 ppm for mice. Survival of male rats was low;
however, this apparently was not treatment-related. Survival was decreased in a treatment-related
fashion for male and female mice and female rats. Mammary adenomas and fibroadenomas were
significantly increased in male and female rats after survival adjustment, as were mononuclear cell
leukemias in female rats. Among treated mice of both sexes there were significantly increased
incidences of hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas, and of alveolarbronchiolar adenomas and
carcinomas, by life-table tests. Adenomas and carcinomas were significantly increased alone as well
as in combination. In addition, there were significant dose-related increases in the number of lung
tumors per animal multiplicity in both sexes of mice. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Methylene chloride was mutagenic for
Salmonella typhimurium with or without the addition of hepatic enzymes (159) and produced mitotic
recombination in yeast (160). Results in cultured mammalian cells have generally been negative, but
methylene chloride has been shown to transform rat embryo cells and to enhance viral
transformation of Syrian hamster embryo cells (161, 162). Although chlorinated solvents have often
been suspected of acting through a nongenotoxic mechanism of cell proliferation, Lefevre and Ashby
(163) found methylene chloride to be unable to induce hepatocellular division in mice.

Jongen et al. (164) have used methylene chloride in an Ames test with Salmonella typhimurium
TA98 and TA100. Increased reversions occurred in both strains of bacteria. The activity was only
slightly increased by the addition of rat liver homogenate.

4.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include headache, elevated
blood concentrations of carboxyhemoglobin, nausea, and irritation of the skin and eyes. Central
nervous system depression, pulmonary edema, hemolysis, chronic intoxication, and paresthesia may
also occur. Other symptoms include narcosis, temporary neurobehavioral effects, increase in serum
bilirubin, increased urinary formic acid concentrations, and increased risk of spontaneous abortion.
In addition, intravascular hemolysis, unconsciousness, lack of response to painful stimuli, rapid
followed by slowed respiration, erythema, blistering, toxic encephalopathy, painful joints, swelling
of the extremities, mental impairment, diabetes, skin rash, aspiration pneumonia, gross hematuria,
reduction of blood pH, GI injury, and narrowing of the intestinal lumen may also occur. Other
symptoms may include upper respiratory tract irritation, giddiness, stupor, irritability, numbness,
tingling in the limbs, and hallucinations. A dry, scaly and fissured dermatitis, skin burns, coma, and
death may also result. Other symptoms may include dizziness, sense of fullness in the head, sense of
heat, dullness, lethargy, and drunkenness. In addition, mental confusion, lightheadedness, vomiting,
weakness, somnolence, lassitude, anorexia, depression, fatigue, vertigo, liver damage, nose and
throat irritation, anesthetic effects, smarting and reddening of the skin, blood dyscrasias, acceleration
of the pulse, and congestion in the head may result. Staggering may also occur. Other symptoms of
exposure to this compound may include neurasthenic disorders, digestive disturbances, and
acoustical and optical delusions. Arrhythmias produced by catecholamines may also result.
Additional symptoms include edema, faintness, loss of appetite, and apathy. Hyporeflexia, gross
hemoglobinuria, epiglottal edema, metabolic acidosis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, ulceration of the
duodenojejunal junction, and diverticula may also occur. Other symptoms may include kidney
damage, lung damage, corneal injury, abdominal pain, and an increase in salivary gland tumors.
Cyanosis may also occur. Exposure may also cause altered sleep time, convulsions, euphoria, and a
change in cardiac rate. General Information Experience in use of methylene chloride has generally been favorable,
confirming the low toxicity observed in animals. Most commonly, recovery of exposed workers,
even from anesthetic concentrations, has been rapid and without sequelae other than
carboxyhemoglobin, which appears to persist slightly longer than that resulting from carbon
monoxide itself.

Between 1961 and 1980, 33 excessive exposures to methylene chloride were reported to the British
Health and Safety Executive (166). Thirteen subjects were unconscious, 9 had headaches, 11 were
dizzy, and 13 had GI symptoms, but liver injury was reported only in one subject who also had
xylene exposure. One death was reported.

Several laboratory and epidemiologic studies in humans have been reported. An extensive laboratory
study of healthy adult test subjects exposed repeatedly 7 h/day to 250 ppm showed no untoward
subjective health responses (129). McKenna et al. (148) exposed six healthy male volunteers “to 100
and 350 ppm methylene chloride (CH2Cl2) during each of two 6-h exposure periods. Measurement
of blood CH2Cl2 and carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels and CH2Cl2 and carbon monoxide (CO) in
expired air were performed during exposure and for the first 24 h thereafter. Dose-dependent
metabolism of CH2Cl2 was evident from both CH2Cl2 blood levels and the concentration of CH2Cl2
in the expired air when the data from the 100 and 350 ppm exposure experiments were compared.
Blood COHb levels and exhaled CO were less than expected following exposure to 350 ppm
CH2Cl2, indicative of dose-dependent or saturable metabolism of CH2Cl2 to CO. The rate of total
CH2Cl2 metabolism for each subject was calculated from the inspired–expired air concentration and
minute ventilation rate obtained at apparent steady-state. The relationship of the rate of CH2Cl2
metabolism during exposure to the CH2Cl2 exposure concentration followed apparent Michaelis–
Menten kinetics.” These authors derived a pharmacokinetic model to allow prediction of the extent
of methylene chloride metabolism and production of carboxyhemoglobin following exposure to
methylene chloride in laboratory animals and humans.

An assessment of the carcinogenic risk to humans has been published in which it is concluded the
risk to humans is very low particularly at levels of exposure producing no other adverse effect (135). Clinical Cases See Section Acute Toxicity Severe skin burns were observed in a worker found unconscious after about
30 min in a vessel with a high concentration of methylene chloride (165). He was in severe shock
and almost pulseless after being taken to the hospital while on oxygen. He was continued on oxygen
and 1 h after being rescued still had 12% carboxyhemoglobin despite being on oxygen. When he was
discharged 8 days later, the blood protein was reported to be normal, as were liver and renal function

The problem in humans may be accentuated if the chemical is confined to the skin by shoes or tight
clothing. The situation may be more severe with paint-remover formulations that form a skin or film
to prevent evaporation. Limited absorption through skin occurs, but probably is not of toxicologic
significance in industrial situations (167). Carcinogenesis An IARC Working Group reported that the data available on methylene
chloride were inadequate for an evaluation of its carcinogenicity in humans. The data from a study of
751 occupationally exposed workers also were considered inadequate to assess the carcinogenicity of
methylene chloride in humans by later IARC Working Groups.
An epidemiological mortality analysis of a male population exposed to methylene chloride has been
reported (168). This study, a follow-up of previously published reports, confirms earlier findings of
no increase in cancer.

In a series of five papers the health status and mortality experience of a group of several hundred
exposed workers has been described (169). Industrial hygiene measurements indicated exposure of
140 to 475-ppm 8-h time-weighted averages. Cause of death, included ischemic heart disease and
cancer, was unaffected. Except for the expected effects of carbon monoxide there were no health
affects related to exposure.
4.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV is 50 ppm with an A3 designation. NIOSH considers methylene chloride a
carcinogen and recommends the lowest feasible exposure level and an IDLH of 2300 ppm. The
OSHA PEL is 25 ppm and a STEL of 125 ppm.

USEPA has published water-quality criteria under CWA and established a reportable quantity (RQ)
of 1000 lb for methylene chloride under CERCLA. This chemical is exempted from a tolerance for
residues, and is regulated as a toxic inert ingredient of pesticides under FD&CA.

Methylene chloride is a listed hazardous substance under RCRA. USEPA has included methylene
chloride on a list of priority hazardous substances under SARA. Further regulatory testing is
proceeding under TSCA. FDA regulates methylene chloride as a limited food additive. Specified
residues are permitted in spice oleoresins, hops extract, and decaffeinated coffee.
4.6 Studies of Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

5.0 Methylene Chlorobromide

5.0.1 CAS Number:
5.0.2 Synonyms:
Bromochloromethane; bromochloromethane (DOT); chlorobromomethane; chlorobromomethane
(ACGIH, OSHA); halon 1011; CB; CBM; monochloromonobromomethane; mil-b-4394-b
5.0.3 Trade Names:
Halon 1011; Methane, bromochloro-; MIL-B-4394-B; Mono-chloromono-bromo-methane; UN1887
(DOT) Bromochloromethane; Chlorobromomethane Monochloromonobromomethane;
Monochloromono-bromo-methane methane; Bromochloro-CB; CBM; Halon; 1011; MIL-B-4394-B,
UN 1887; CH2BrCl, CB, BCM
5.0.4 Molecular Weight:
5.0.5 Molecular Formula:
5.0.6 Molecular Structure:

5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless liquid
Specific gravity 1.93 at 20°C
Freezing point –86.5°C
Boiling point 67°C
Vapor pressure 117 torr at 20°C
Refractive index 1.4850 (26°C)
Percent in “saturated” 21 (25°C)
Solubility Insoluble in water; soluble in organic solvents
Flammability No flash or fire points by standard tests in air; it is an effective fire
1 mg/L = 189 ppm and 1 ppm = 5.3 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr

5.1.1 General: NA

5.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Methylene chlorobromide has a distinctive odor at 400 ppm, and
hence has warning properties below any acutely hazardous concentration. Although the odor is
distinctive at the acceptable concentration and so gives some warning, it is not disagreeable enough
to drive anyone from the area. Employees may tolerate a level well above the acceptable level for
chronic exposure.
5.2 Production and Use
This compound is used in fire extinguishers and in organic synthesis.
5.3 Exposure Assessment
5.3.1 Air: NA

5.3.2 Background Levels: NA

5.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Analytical Method: 1003 is recommended (11).

5.4 Toxic Effects
Methylene chlorobromide is one of the least acutely toxic halomethanes. It falls roughly in a class
with methylene chloride in acute and short-term toxicity. The primary response to this material is
CNS depression. There appears to be very little organic injury following either acute or repeated
chronic exposure except possibly lung irritation from acute exposure at high levels. The compound is
metabolized to carbon monoxide and produces carboxyhemoglobin as well as inorganic bromide.
Few new data were found since the last revised edition. Reviews are available (170, 171).

Methylene chlorobromide is mildly toxic by ingestion and inhalation. This material has a narcotic
action of moderate intensity, although of prolonged duration. This compound is corrosive. It is
harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. It is extremely destructive to tissue of
the mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. It may cause eye, throat, and skin
irritation. When heated to decomposition, it emits toxic fumes of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen chloride gas, and hydrogen bromide gas.

5.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Highman et al. (172) reported that administration
of methylene chlorobromide by stomach tube to mice caused no changes at doses of 500 mg/kg.
Single doses of 3000 and 4500 mg/kg were followed by fatty degeneration of the liver and kidneys.
These same authors observed no liver or kidney injury in animals exposed to the vapors. They
commented that the difference in liver injury could be due to a different pathway of absorption from
the GI tract than from the lungs.

Svirbely et al. (137) reported the LC50 by inhalation for mice exposed for 7 h to be 12.03 mg/L of air
(2273 ppm). Comstock et al. (173) reported that concentrations as low as 3000 ppm produced light
narcosis in rats. Transient pulmonary edema was observed at concentrations below 27,000 ppm. At
higher concentrations, interstitial pneumonitis resulted in delayed deaths. Delayed deaths were also
observed after exposure to 20,000 ppm. Deaths during exposure occurred only from exposures above
27,000 ppm. Matson and Dufour (174) reported limited acute studies on guinea pigs. The principal
toxicological observation from the exposure was lung injury. Van Stee et al. (175) exposed dogs to
0.3–1.0% in oxygen to determine the effect on the cardiovascular system. Disturbances in
myocardial energy metabolism occurred, including cardiac arrhythmias, but the studies were
conducted on anesthetized animals and the industrial significance cannot be ascertained. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Repeated exposures by inhalation were reported by
Svirbely et al. (137). They exposed animals 7 h/day, 5 days/week for a period of 14 weeks to a
concentration of 1000 ppm. Rats, rabbits, and dogs survived these exposures and showed no
evidence of toxic response. Growth was normal, and there were no histopathological changes.

Torkelson et al. (176) indicate that female rats and dogs survived without significant effect, 370 ppm
in air, 7 h/day, 5 days/week for 6 months, but that some liver pathology was observed at 500 ppm.
Male rats, male and female guinea pigs, and rabbits showed no effect except for elevated blood
bromide at 500 ppm. However, at 1000 ppm several effects were noted, including histopathological
changes in the livers and testes in addition to increased blood bromide.

In a similar study, rats and dogs were exposed to methylene chlorobromide vapors 6 h/day for a total
of 124 exposures in a 6-month period (177). The exposure levels of 500 and 1000 ppm produced no
adverse effect except for an apparent failure of rats to gain as much weight as their controls. The
authors suggested that the lower weight might have been related to sedation owing to the elevated
levels of bromide ion in the blood. In about 20 days serum bromide levels in both rats and dogs
reached an equilibrium of about 150 mg/100 mL in dogs and 140 mg/100 mL in rats exposed to
1000 ppm. Exposures to 500 ppm resulted in equilibrium concentrations of 125 and 100 mg/100 mL
in the two species. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Svirbely et al. (137) determined inorganic
bromide in blood serum and urine in dogs exposed to 1000 ppm of methylene chlorobromide in air.
These animals were exposed 7 h/day, 5 days/week. During the third week, the blood serum inorganic
bromide had increased from a normal of 5–10 mg/100 mL to >200 mg. By the 13th and 14th weeks,
the concentration was greater than 300 mg of inorganic bromide per 100 mL of blood. The same
authors determined the blood concentration of volatile bromide expressed as milligrams of
methylene chlorobromide per 100 mL of blood. Taken immediately at the end of the exposure,
concentrations between 5 and 9 mg of methylene chlorobromide per 100 mL were observed. At
periods of 17–65 h after the end of the last exposure, no volatile bromide was observed in one dog
and concentrations of <1 mg in the other. It would appear that methylene chlorobromide as such
appears in the blood during exposure to vapors in air, but disappears rapidly on cessation of
exposure. Apparently, a significant amount of material is hydrolyzed or metabolized to yield
inorganic bromide, which may be useful to determine whether exposures to methylene
chlorobromide have occurred.

Female rats exposed to 370 ppm 8 h/day, 5 days/week, had a whole-blood bromide ion concentration
of about 70 mg/100 mL; dogs similarly exposed were found to have concentrations of 25–30 mg
Br/100 mL whole blood (176).

Although not studied as extensively as methylene chloride, methylene chlorobromide also produces
carboxyhemoglobin (178). Intraperitoneal doses of 3 mmol/kg (390 mg/kg) to rats resulted in a
maximum carboxyhemoglobin of about 5% at 4 h (methylene chlorobromide) and 8% at 2 h
(methylene chloride). Prior administration of phenobarbital, 3-methylcholanthrene, and SKF 525-A
did not alter these levels of carboxyhemoglobin. These authors found elevations in
carboxyhemoglobin with several dihalomethanes but not with certain other chloromethanes
including carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and monochloromethane, or with carbon disulfide,
methanol, formaldehyde, dimethoxymethane, trichlorofluoromethane, and dichlorodifluoromethane. Reproductive and Developmental No data on teratogenicity or carcinogenicity were found. Carcinogenesis The USEPA classification is D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity.

Bromochloromethane is structurally similar to dichloromethane (methylene chloride), which is
classified B2, Probable human carcinogen. The classification is based on the lack of data regarding
the carcinogenicity of bromochloromethane in humans or animals; however, there are data indicative
of genotoxic effects and structural relationships to halogenated methanes classified as B2, Probable
human carcinogens. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies When tested in Salmonella typhimurium and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae D3, methylene chlorobromide did not cause a mutagenic response in one
study (The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI, unpublished data) but was positive in other test
systems, including an Ames test and in vitro SCE tests with Chinese hamster FAF cells (179).

Mutagenicity tests with bromochloromethane in microorganisms yielded consistently positive

results. Osterman-Golkar et al. (180) reported positive responses in reverse mutation assays with S.
typhimurium TA100 and TA1535 exposed to bromochloromethane in the absence of activation at
20–60 mM and with or without activation in the vapor phase at 10 uL/plate. Similarly, Simmon (94),
Simmon et al. (96), and Simmon and Tardiff (93) reported positive results in S. typhimurium exposed
without activation at 10–50 uL/dessicator. Reverse mutations were observed at the tyr locus in
Escherichia coli WU361089 exposed at 10 uL/plate without activation (180). Prophage induction
was also observed in E. coli K394 exposed without activation at 10 mL/plate (180). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization Methylene chlorobromide, when applied
repeatedly to the open skin of rabbits, resulted in some hyperemia and exfoliation. When bandaged
on, it produced moderate irritation and hyperemia (181). This material would be expected to have a
rather mild effect from ordinary contact, but gross and prolonged contact might cause dermatitis

5.4.2 Human Experience General Information Symptoms of exposure to this compound
include disorientation; dizziness; irritation of the skin, eyes and throat; pulmonary edema; headache;
anorexia; nausea; vomiting; abdominal pain; weight loss; memory impairment; paralysis; weakness;
tremors; convulsions; and narcosis. It may cause coughing, chest pain, and difficulty in breathing. It
may also cause transient corneal epithelium damage.

Few reports of adverse effects in humans from exposure to methylene chlorobromide are found in
the literature. This is probably because of its low toxicity as well as its limited usage. One report
describing exposure was to a mixture of materials, including methyl chloride (183). The neurological
effects described fit more closely those expected from methyl chloride than from methylene
chlorobromide. A second report by Rotstein (182) describes an incident in which three men were
grossly exposed during its use and misuse as a military fire extinguisher. All survived, but two
required extensive therapy to prevent anesthetic deaths. The third victim, who was sprayed in the
face with the liquid for more than 40 s, did not lose consciousness. All subsequently recovered with
no evidence of persistent sequelae. Liver biopsies of the first two victims revealed normal
microanatomy, and liver function studies were normal a few days after exposure.
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV is 200 ppm (1060 mg/m3) based on CNS and liver effects. The OSHA PEL and
NIOSH REL is also 200 ppm.

International occupational exposure values:

DFG MAK (Germany)
TWA ppm 200
TWA mg/m3 1100
HSE OES (United
TWA ppm 200
TWA mg/m3 1080
STEL/CEIL© ppm 250
STEL/CEIL© mg/m3 1340
Australia TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3); STEL 250 ppm (1300 mg/m3) January
Austria TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3) January 1993.
Denmark TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3) January 1993.
Finland TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3); STEL 250 ppm (1315 mg/m3) January
France TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3) January 1993.
Ireland TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3); STEL 250 ppm (1300 mg/m3) January
The Netherlands TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3) October 1997.
The Philippines TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3) January 1993.
Poland TWA 1000 mg/m3; STEL 1300 mg/m3 1998.
Switzerland TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3); STEL 400 ppm January 1993.
Turkey TWA 200 ppm (1050 mg/m3) January 1993.
5.6 Studies on Environmental Impact:

Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

6.0 Methylene Bromide

6.0.1 CAS Number:
6.0.2 Synonyms:
Bromomethane; methylene dibromide; dibromomethane; methylene bromide (dibromomethane)
6.0.3 Trade Names:
Bercema; Brom-Methan (German); Brom-o-Gas; Brom-o-Gaz; Brom-o-Sol; Bromometano (Italian);
Bromomethane; Bromure de Methyle (French); Bromuro di Metile (Italian); Broommethaan (Dutch);
Celfume; Curafume; Dawson 100; Detia Gas Ex-M; Dowfume; Dowfume MC-2; Dowfume MC-2
Soil Fumigant; Dowfume MC-33; EDCO; Embafume; Fumigant-1 (obsolete); Halon 1001; Haltox;
Iscobrome; Kayafume; MB; MBX; MEBR; Metafume; Methane, Bromo-; Methogas; Methyl
Bromide; Methyl Bromide (ACGIH, DOT, OSHA); Methylbromid (German); Metylu Bromek
(Polish); Monobromomethane; Pestmaster (obsolete); Profume (obsolete); R 40B1; RCRA Waste
Number U029; Rotox; Terabol; Terr-o-Cide II; Terr-o-Gas 100; Terr-o-Gas 67; UN1062 (DOT);
6.0.4 Molecular Weight:
6.0.5 Molecular Formula:
6.0.6 Molecular Structure:

6.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Liquid

Specific gravity 2.497 (25/25°C)
Melting point –53°C
Boiling point 97°C (760 torr)
Vapor pressure 48 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.5381 (25°C)
Percent in “saturated” air 6 (25°C)
Solubility 1.18 g/100 mL water at 20°C; soluble in alcohol, ether, acetone
Flammability limits Not flammable by standard test in air
1 mg/L = 136.7 ppm and 1 ppm = 7.31 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr
6.2 Production and Use
Methylene bromide has limited use as a solvent and chemical intermediate.
6.3 Exposure Assessment
6.3.1 Air: NA

6.3.2 Background Levels: NA

6.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

6.3.4 Community Methods: NA

6.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood bromide and carboxyhemoglobin determinations may be of

value in assessing whether exposure to methylene bromide has occurred. However, available data are
inadequate to quantify exposure.
6.4 Toxic Effects
Methylene bromide is more acutely toxic than either methylene chloride or methylene
chlorobromide. Only limited toxicologic data are available. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and
bromide are among its metabolites. It has the capacity of producing significant liver and kidney
injury in animals on repeated exposure. The vapors are anesthetic and are reported to cause cardiac
arrhythmias (184). It is apparently produced by marine macroalgae (185). A review is available

6.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Methylene bromide has a low acute oral toxicity;
the LD50 for rats is > 1000 mg/kg. It is only slightly irritating to the eye and skin of rabbits and does
not appear to be absorbed significantly even when applied repeatedly (The Dow Chemical Co.,
Midland, MI, unpublished data). Although it has been shown by increased blood bromide and
increased carboxyhemoglobin that some absorption of the liquid and vapor does occur through rat
skin, the investigator concluded that only 5% of the inhaled dose would penetrate the skin during
vapor exposure (187). It is sufficiently volatile that inhalation of the vapors can cause anesthesia and
even death. A concentration of 17–20 mg/L (2400–2800 ppm) caused “disorders in the central
nervous system” (188). The duration of the exposure and other details were not stated in the
available abstract.

When an essentially saturated atmosphere was inhaled by rats, anesthesia occurred in 3 min, with
50% mortality in 18 min (The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI, unpublished data). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity In a very limited study methylene bromide was
administered orally to a small group of rabbits at the rate of 300 mg/kg/day (60 doses in 92 days)
with no alteration in weight gain, general appearance, or histopathology of the liver. Similar
treatment with 400 mg/kg produced marked anesthesia (The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI,
unpublished data).

In limited studies in which 10 rats and one rabbit of each sex were exposed to a nominal
concentration of 1000 ppm (900–1000 ppm recovered analytically), there was no overt evidence of
adverse effect in the rabbits, but liver and kidney degeneration was observed at autopsy following 54
exposures in 73 days (The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI, unpublished data). Blood bromide was
elevated. Rats were much more affected. Incoordination and staggering were apparent during
exposure. Failure to gain weight, possible increased mortality, and histopathological changes in the
lungs, liver, and kidneys were observed in rats receiving 30–40 7 h exposures.

In a second equally limited study by this same group, 79 exposures in 114 days to 200 ppm resulted
in much less effect, but evidence of stress was still present. The weights of the livers of male rats
were elevated when compared to the controls, and histological changes were found in the livers and
kidneys of rats and rabbits.

When inhaled 4 h/day for 2 months, 0.25 mg/L (35 ppm) methylene bromide was reported to cause
“disorder in the protein-prothrombin and glycogenesis functions of the liver and the filtration
capacity of the kidneys.” It was considered less toxic than bromoform (189). The same investigator
reported that 2.5 mg/L of the vapor for 10 days (duration of exposure not stated) when inhaled by
rabbits produced the same effects with dystrophic changes in these organs. A “threshold”
concentration of 0.23 mg/L (32 ppm) was claimed for chronic exposures. When doses of 100–
200 mg/kg were injected subcutaneously for 10 days in guinea pigs, pronounced liver and kidney
effects were reported. Dykan's report is not consistent with a more extensive study on rats and dogs
discussed below.

In another study, 115 male rats, 15 female rats, 4 male and 4 female rabbits, and 3 male beagle dogs
were exposed to 0, 25, 75, or 150 ppm methylene bromide vapor 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 13 weeks
(190). Male rats received 62 exposures, female rats 63 exposures, and dogs 70 exposures. On the day
after their last exposure, 15 male and 15 female rats and the dogs were necropsied. The balance of
the male rats were kept for 2 years in a very limited oncological study. Female rats showed a slight
increase in liver weight at 75–150 ppm, but other parameters were normal, including mortality,
clinical observations, body weight, hematology, clinical chemistry, and gross pathology and
histopathology. There was definite evidence of metabolism of methylene bromide; free bromide ion,
total bromine, and blood carboxyhemoglobin were increased in a dose-related manner. In the male
rats kept for a limited oncological study there were no treatment-related effects grossly or
microscopically after 1 year or at the termination of the study except for a possible decrease in body
weight beginning on day 121 of the study. Only gross pathological examination of the 2-year
animals was conducted and no oncological changes related to exposure were observed at any of the
three exposure levels. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Methylene bromide was determined in the
plasma of dogs following repeated 6-h exposures to 25, 75, or 150 ppm for 90 days. The plasma
clearance was at least biphasic with an ill-defined alpha phase and a terminal phase (t1/2 of
103 ± 14 min) at all three concentrations. Blood bromide was elevated markedly in rabbits exposed
to ~ 1000 ppm of the vapors, 7 h/day for a month. After 54 exposures in 73 days the blood levels had
reached 280–315 mg Br/100 mL of blood. After 79 exposures in 114 days to a vapor concentration
of about 200 ppm, blood bromide levels of 85–100 mg Br/100 mL were found in rabbits (190).

Methylene bromide, like many of the dihalomethanes, is metabolized to produce carbon monoxide
(149, 178, 191, 192). Intraperitoneal injection of 520 mg/kg of methylene bromide in corn oil
elevated carboxyhemoglobin in rats to 14% 5 h after injection. Repeated daily injection did not result
in any significant difference in carboxyhemoglobin concentrations from single injection. In vitro
studies (178, 193) show that microsomal enzymes in the presence of NADPH and molecular oxygen
convert methylene bromide to carbon monoxide and inorganic bromide. There was not significant
contribution of glutathione to the overall metabolism of methylene bromide (194). Cytochrome P450
is involved in its metabolism. Reproductive and Developmental No teratological or reproductive data were found, and only
the unusual oncological study reported above is available. Methylene bromide has been shown to be
mutagenic in certain test systems with bacteria. Methylene bromide has been tested in three strains of
Salmonella typhimurium activated with liver homogenate and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae D3. It
was at most weakly mutagenic in Saccharomyces and negative in Salmonella (The Dow Chemical
Co., Midland, MI, unpublished data).

In a study attempting to relate chemical reactivity, glutathione transferase activity, and mutagenicity
for a series of dihalomethanes, there was no strong correlation (180). Mixed results were obtained,
and methylene bromide was not strongly mutagenic in E. coli and S. typhimurium systems.
Incubation with rat liver microsomes inhanced mutagenic activity (195).
6.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure:
6.6 Studies on Environmental Impact:

Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

7.0 Chloroform
7.0.1 CAS Number:
7.0.2 Synonyms:
Trichloromethane, Methenyl chloride, methane trichloride, methyl trichloride, formyl trichloride
Methane Trichloride Methane, Trichloro- Methenyl Chloride Methenyl Trichloride Methyl
Trichloride, Trichloroform, trichloroform; R 20, r 20 (refrigerant), Refrigerant R20
7.0.3 Trade Names:
Freon 20, R20, R 20 refrigerant, NCI-CO2686, R-20 TCM, UN 1888
7.0.4 Molecular Weight:
7.0.5 Molecular Formula:
7.0.6 Molecular Structure:
7.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless liquid

Specific gravity 1.49845 (15/4°C) TLV 1.484 at 20°C
Melting point –63.2°C
Boiling point –61.3°C
Vapor pressure 200 torr (25°C) 159 torr at 20°C TLV
Solubility 1.0 g/100 mL water at 15°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether, acetone, CS2
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air
UEL, LEL Not available
1 mg/L = 206 ppm and 1 ppm = 4.89 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr

7.1.1 General Chloroform is a colorless, volatile nonflammable liquid with a pleasant, nonirritating
odor and slightly sweet taste. It is slightly soluble in water and is miscible with oils, ethanol, ether,
and other organic solvents. It is unstable when exposed to air, light, and/or heat, which cause it to
break down to phosgene, hydrochloric acid, and chlorine. It is usually stabilized by the addition of
0.6–1% ethanol. When heated to decomposition, chloroform emits toxic fumes of hydrochloric acid
and other chlorinated compounds.

7.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Chloroform has a sweetish odor. Lehmann and Flury (136)
indicated that the lowest concentration that could be detected was 200–300 ppm. This might be
considered as some warning from exposure to acutely hazardous amounts, but it is by no means low
enough to be considered a warning from chronic exposure.
7.2 Production and Use
Chloroform is used primarily in the production of chlorodifluoromethane (hydrochlorofluorocarbon
22 or HCFC-22) used as a refrigerant for home air conditioners or large supermarket freezers and in
the production of fluoropolymers. It has also been used as a solvent, a heat-transfer medium in fire
extinguishers, and an intermediate in the preparation of dyes and pesticides. Its use as an anesthetic
has been discontinued. Chloroform is still used as a local anesthetic and solvent in certain dental
endodontic surgery procedures.

Significant commercial production in the United States began in 1992. Since the 1980s, production
increased by 20–25% because of a higher demand for HCFC-22. Estimated annual production
capacity from the major facilities was 460 million lb. In 1994 it was 565 million lb.

Chloroform has been identified as a hazardous waste by USEPA, and disposal is regulated under
RCRA. Ultimate disposal can be accomplished by controlled incineration. Complete combustion
must be ensured to prevent phosgene formation and an acid scrubber should be used to remove the
haloacids produced.

Miscellaneous uses of chloroform include use as a solvent in the extraction and purification of some
antibiotics, alkaloids, vitamins, and flavors; as a solvent for lacquers, floor polishes, artificial silk
manufacture, resins, fats, greases, gums, waxes, adhesives, oils, and rubber; as an industrial solvent
in photography and dry cleaning; as a heat-transfer medium in fire extinguishers; and as an
intermediate in the preparation of dyes and pesticides. At least one grain fumigant mixture had
contained chloroform with carbon disulfide. Chloroform formulated with other ingredients is used to
control screw worm in animals. Its use as an anesthetic has been largely discontinued.
7.3 Exposure Assessment
An ATSDR Toxicological Profile (Update) for 1998 summarizes relevant material (196).
Chloroform is both a synthetic and naturally occurring compound, although anthropogenic sources
are responsible for most of the chloroform in the environment. Chloroform is released into the
environment as a result of its manufacture and use; its formation in the chlorination of drinking
water, municipal and industrial wastewater, and swimming-pool and spa water; and from other water
treatment processes involving chlorination. Most of the chloroform released into the environment
will eventually enter the atmosphere. In the atmosphere chloroform may be transported long
distances before ultimately being degraded by indirect photochemical reactions with such free
radicals as hydroxyl. The compound has been detected in ambient air in locations that are remote
from anthropogenic sources. Chemical hydrolysis is not a significant removal process. Under aerobic
conditions, some bacteria can dehalogenate carbon tetrachloride to release chloroform. While
microbial biodegradation of chloroform can take place, such reactions are generally possible only at
low concentration levels. Microbial biodegradation may also be inhibited because of high levels of
other aromatics, chlorinated hydrocarbons, or heavy metals. Because of its low soil adsorption and
slight water solubility, chloroform will readily leach from soil to groundwater. In groundwater,
chloroform is expected to persist for a long time.

The general population is probably exposed to chloroform through drinking water and beverages,
eating food, inhaling contaminated air, and through dermal contact with water.

The occupations that may involve significant exposure include chemical plants or chlorination
process in drinking-water plants, paper-and-pulp plants, and hazardous- and municipal-waste
incinerators. A maximum of 3.8 × 10–3 ppm was found in the air in an activated sludge waste-water
treatment plant (197).

The National Occupational Hazard Survey, conducted by NIOSH from 1972 to 1974, estimated that
215,000 workers were potentially exposed to chloroform in the workplace.

A National Occupational Exposure Survey (NOES) conducted by NIOSH from 1981 to 1983
estimated that 95,778 workers in the United States are potentially exposed to chloroform (198).

The NTP database (4) indicates the following. The primary routes of potential human exposure to
chloroform are ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Potential human exposure may occur by
breathing air contaminated with chloroform, eating food or drinking water that contains chloroform,
or absorption of chloroform through the skin. Chloroform has been detected in the atmosphere at
concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 13 g/m3 and in indoor air at 0.07–3.6 g/m3. Foods such as dairy
products, oils/fats, vegetables, bread, and beverages may contain small amounts of chloroform.
Drinking-water supplies may contain chloroform as a by-product of chlorination for disinfection
purposes. Occupational exposure may occur during the manufacture of chloroform or during one of
its uses. Chloroform is used in a number of industries, including building and paperboard industries,
iron and steel manufacturing, internal-combustion engine industries, pesticide manufacturing,
breweries, dry cleaning, and food processing industries. The Toxic Chemical Release Inventory
(USEPA) listed 167 industrial facilities that produced, processed, or otherwise used chloroform in
1988. In compliance with the Community Right-to-Know Program, the facilities reported releases of
chloroform to the environment which were estimated to total 23.9 million lb.

7.3.1 Air See above (Section 7.3).

7.3.2 Background Levels Information from 1982 to 1985 reported background level of air over the
northern Atlantic Ocean as 2–5 × 10–5 ppm (199); in 1976–1979, 4-4 × 10–5 ppm. Typical median
indoor air concentrations range from 2 × 10–4 to 4 × 10–3 ppm (200). The air around swimming
pools may contain chloroform in the range of 10–2 ppm (201). Finished drinking water collected in
1988 from 35 sites across the United States contained median concentrations of chloroform ranging
from 9.6 to 15 mg/L (202). Chloroform in sediment samples taken in 1980 from 3 passes of a lake in
Louisiana had concentrations ranging from 1.7 to 18 mg/kg (203). Chloroform has been detected in
various foods (196). A maximum of 13.8 × 10–3 ppm was found in the air in an activated-sludge
wastewater treatment plant (197). Since chloroform is highly volatile and shows little tendency to
bioconcentrate or bioaccumulate in higher lifeforms, it is not ordinarily included in the types of
persistent pollutants that are the focus of state fish consumption advisory programs.

7.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1003 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to chloroform (11).

Numerous analytical methods for determining chloroform are presented in the ATSDR
Toxicological Profile for 1998 (10). It is essential to take precautions during sampling, storage, and
analysis to avoid loss of chloroform. Methods commonly used in air are based on either adsorption
onto a sorbent column followed by thermal or solvent desorption with subsequent analysis using GC
or directly from a parcel of air (cryogenic). The disadvantages of the sorption tubes are that sorption
and desorption efficiencies may not be 100%, and that the background impurities in the sorbent tubes
may limit the detection limit for samples at low concentrations. In addition, storage may limit the
detection at low concentrations.

7.3.4 Community Methods: NA

7.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Analytical sample procedures for biological matrices are given in
the ATSDR profile for 1998 (10). Methods exist for analyzing chloroform in biological matrices,
including breath, blood, urine and tissues. None of these methods have been standardized by an
organization or federal agency, although a blood method by Ashley et al. (204) was developed at the
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Sample preparation methods are based on headspace
analysis, purge-and-trap, or solvent extraction. Sample preparation for breath samples typically
utilizes an absorbent followed by thermal desorption or direct analysis of an aliquot of breath. These
methods all use gas chromatography with various detection methods as analytical techniques. No
metabolite has been identified in the blood or urine that can be considered as a useful guide for
evaluating occupational exposure to chloroform at concentrations considered acceptable for
occupational exposure.
7.4 Toxic Effects
Chloroform is a human poison by ingestion and inhalation, an experimental poison by ingestion and
intravenous routes. It is moderately toxic experimentally by intraperitoneal and subcutaneous routes.
It is a suspected human carcinogen, an experimental carcinogen, neoplastigen, tumorigen, and

Much of our toxicological information has been developed because of the interest in chloroform as
an anesthetic. The literature is replete with papers on anesthetic potency or liver and kidney injury as
measured by changes in some enzyme level or other parameter. Most of these have limited value to
the industrial toxicologist or hygienist.

The most outstanding effect from acute exposure is CNS depression. High concentrations of
chloroform result in narcosis, anesthesia, and death. Responses associated with exposure to
concentrations below anesthetic or preanesthetic level are typically inebriation and excitation,
passing into narcosis. Vomiting and GI upsets may be observed. Exposure to high concentrations
may result in cardiac sensitization to adrenalin and similar compounds, as well as liver and kidney
injury. In cases of more chronic or repeated exposure to chloroform, liver injury is most typical in
humans. This is not unlike the effect of carbon tetrachloride. Although injury to the kidney is not as
common as that to the liver, it may be observed from either acute or chronic exposure. The sperm of
mice were reported to be affected in one study, but injury has not been observed in many other
studies. Teratogenic effects have not been consistently found but retarded fetal development has
occurred in some studies.
Chloroform has at most weak mutagenic potency and the positive results found in some carcinogenic
studies appear to be the result of a nongenetic response to organ injury.

There appears to be considerable difference in toxic potency between sexes, strains, and species,
probably due to differences in the rate of metabolism and other pharmacokinetic parameters.

ATSDR has prepared a Toxicological Profile for Chloroform (10), which provides references to
much of the pertinent literature. Extensive effort has been spent developing physiologically based
pharmacokinetic models which are described in great detail in the ATSDR update.

Chloroform is considered to be highly fetotoxic, but not teratogenic (205).

7.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity When chloroform was administered to rats and
mice, the oral LD50s have been reported to range within 444–2000 mg/kg for rats and 118–
1400 mg/kg for mice (196). Liver and kidney lesions are found at lower dosages. Deaths at high
dosages are probably anesthetic, but organ damages related to metabolism caused delayed death at
lower dosages. It has been postulated with some supporting evidence that injury to the organs is due
to metabolism in each organ and that species, sex, and strain differences are related to the individual
organ's ability to metabolize chloroform to phosgene.

Because of marked differences in response in mice dosed orally with chloroform in water or in corn
oil in lifetime carcinogenic studies, Bull et al. (206) conducted a 90-day study using water and corn
oil as diluents. Male and female mice were fed 0, 60, 130, or 270 mg/kg/day chloroform either in 2%
Emulphor in water or in corn oil. Much greater toxicity was observed in mice fed the corn oil
solutions. Decreased body weight, increased liver weight, liver pathology, and blood enzyme
changes were all significantly less in water-treated mice than oil-treated. Slight evidence of toxic
stress was evident even at the lowest dosage level, 60 mg/kg/day in corn oil. In a similar but shorter
study a no-effect level of 50 mg/kg/day was reported for CD1 mice treated for 14 consecutive days
with chloroform in an aqueous solution in Emulphor (207). Thompson et al. fed pregnant rats
20 mg/kg/day (10 doses) without effect on the dams; 50 mg/kg appeared to cause fatty changes
(208). These data are discussed in more detail in the section on teratology.

Oettel (209) indicated that chloroform was more irritating to the skin and eyes than many other
chlorinated solvents. Oettel's conclusions have been confirmed by Torkelson et al. (210). One or two
24 h applications on the skin of rabbits resulted in hyperemia and moderate necrosis. Healing of
abraded skin appeared to be delayed by application of a cotton pad soaked in chloroform. Absorption
through the intact skin of rabbits occurs as indicated by weight loss and degenerative changes in the
kidney tubules, but doses as high as 3980 mg/kg were survived. When the liquid was instilled in the
eyes of rabbits, some corneal injury was evident in addition to conjunctivitis. The authors concluded
that chloroform was more irritating to rabbit skin and eyes than many common organic solvents
tested by the same technique in their laboratory. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Major target organs for chloroform are the liver, kidney,
and CNS for both humans an animals. Chloroform-induced hepatotoxicity in various animal species
has been reported in several studies.

Despite its long usage, few reports of histological examination following repeated exposure of
laboratory animals are available. Repeated 7 h exposures 5 days/week for 6 months to either 85, 50,
or 25 ppm of the vapor of chloroform resulted in adverse effects in all or some of the species studied,
rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, or dogs. The effects of 25 ppm were slight and reversible. Rats exposed 4,
2, or 1 h/day were not adversely affected. Cloudy swelling of the kidneys and centrilobular granular
degeneration and necrosis of the liver were the principal adverse effects (210).

The paper by Heywood et al. (211) describes beagle dogs that were administered chloroform in a
toothpaste base [0.5 mL of toothpaste base/kg/day] in gelatin capsules. A control group composed of
16 males and 16 females received the vehicle, and additional control groups of eight animals/sex
were administered an alternative toothpaste or were left untreated. Experimental groups of eight
male and eight female dogs received 15 or 30 mg chloroform/kg/day for 6 days/week. Treatment was
continued for 7.5 years. Fatty cysts, considered to be treatment-related, were observed in livers of
some dogs in both treatment groups. Nodules of altered hepatocytes were considered treatment-
related but not dose-dependent. A dose-related increase in SGPT levels was noted and a less marked
increase in SGOT was noted in the high dose animals. The LOAEL was determined to be
12.9 mg/kg/day, and an RfD was set at 0.01 mg/kg/day. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The metabolism of chloroform is well

understood. Approximately 50% of an oral dose of 0.5 g was metabolized to carbon dioxide in
humans (212). Metabolism was dose-dependent, decreasing with higher exposure. Approximatly
38% of the dose was converted in the liver, and < 17% was exhaled unchanged from the lungs before
reaching the systemic circulation. Metabolism studies indicated that chloroform was, in part, exhaled
from the lungs or was converted by oxidative dehydrochlorination of its carbon–hydrogen bond to
form phosgene (213). This reaction was mediated by cytochrome P450 and was observed in the liver
and kidneys (214). Covalent binding of chloroform to lipids can occur under anaeroic and aerobic
conditions, binding to protein occurs only under aerobic conditions (215). Chloroform can induce
lipid peroxidation and inactivation of cytochrome P450 in rat liver microsomes under anaerobic
conditions (216). Evidence that chloroform is metabolized at its carbon–hydrogen bond is provided
by experiments using the deuterated derivative (217). Reproductive and Developmental Several studies indicate that inhalation exposure to
chloroform may cause reproductive effects in animals (205). Studies by Bader and Hofmann (218)
indicated that exposure to as little as 30 ppm chloroform resulted in increased fetal resorptions. A
significant increase in the percentage of abnormal sperm was observed in mice exposed to 400 ppm
for 5 days (219).

Chloroform-induced fetotoxicity and teratogenicity were observed in experimental animals (220).

The effect of inhaled chloroform on embryonal and fetal development was evaluated in CF1 mice.
Pregnant mice were exposed to 0 or 100 ppm of chloroform for 7 h/day on days 6–15, 1–7, or 8–15
of gestation. Exposure to chloroform on days 6–15 or 1–7 produced a significant decrease in the
incidence of pregnancy but did not cause significant teratogenicity. In comparison a significant
increase in the incidence of cleft palate was observed among the offspring of mice inhaling
chloroform on days 8–15 of gestation, but no effect on the incidence of pregnancy was discerned. A
significant increase in SGPT activity was observed in mice exposed to chloroform on days 6–15 of
gestation; among the mice exposed to chloroform, nonpregnant bred mice had a significantly higher
SGPT activity than did pregnant bred mice.

Different results were reported by Dilley et al. (221), who exposed pregnant rats to 20.1 mg/L of
chloroform vapor (duration of daily exposure not stated) and produced fetal mortality and decreased
fetal weight but no teratological effects. Thompson et al. (208) also failed to produce teratogenic
effects in Sprague–Dawley rats by intubation of 0, 30, 50, or 126 mg/kg/day or in Dutch, Belted
rabbits given daily doses of 0, 20, 35, or 50 mg/kg. These authors state: “The occurrence of anorexia
and weight gain suppression in dams of both species, as well as subclinical nephrosis in the rat and
hepatotoxicity in the rabbit, indicated that maximum tolerated doses of chloroform were used.
Fetotoxicity in the form of reduced birth weights was observed at the highest dose level in both
species. There was no evidence of teratogenicity in either species at any dose tested.” It appears that
chloroform has more fetotoxic effect when inhaled than when given by gavage. Thompson et al.
(208) speculate that doses given by gavage may result in different blood levels of chloroform, which
account for the apparent discrepancy with the effects seen on inhalation. Given the pronounced
effect of corn oil on carcinogenic response, it is quite possible that route of exposure might greatly
influence reproductive response.
Burkhalter and Balster (222) found no difference in reproductive parameters in control and male and
female mice repeatedly gavaged with vehicle (Emulphor-saline) or chloroform. The daily dosage of
31.1 mg/kg was given to both males and females for 21 days prior to mating and throughout mating,
and to the dams through gestation and lactation. Pups were dosed beginning on days 7–21. Ruddick
et al. (223) treated pregnant rats and rabbits with 200 or 400 mg/kg/day. Fetal weight of only the
400-mg/kg/day rat pups was reduced. Other parameters were unaffected. Carcinogenesis The USEPA classifies chloroform as B2, Probable human carcinogen based
on increased incidence of several tumor types in rats and three strains of mice. Chloroform has been
tested for carcinogenicity in eight strains of mice, two strains of rats and in beagle dogs.

USEPA derived a q1* of 8 × 10–2 [mg/kg/day]–1 for inhalation exposure to chloroform based on
mouse liver tumor data from a chronic gavage study (1976 IRIS). In a gavage bioassay Osborne–
Mendel rats and B6C3F1 mice were treated with chloroform in corn oil 5 times/week for 78 weeks.
On a daily basis, 50 male rats received 90 or 125 mg/kg; females initially were treated with 125 or
250 mg/kg for 22 weeks and 90 or 180 mg/kg thereafter. Male mice received 100 or 200/mg/kg,
raised to 150 or 300 mg/kg at 18 weeks; females were dosed with 200 or 400 mg/kg, raised to 250 or
500 mg/kg. A significant increase in kidney epithelial tumors was observed in male rats and highly
significant increases in hepatocellular carcinomas in mice of both sexes. Liver nodular hyperplasia
was observed in low dose male mice not developing hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatomas have also
developed in female strain A mice and NLC mice gavaged with chloroform (224, 225).

In 1985 Jorgenson et al. (226) administered chloroform (pesticide quality and distilled) in drinking
water to male Osborne–Mendel rats and female B6C3F1 mice at concentrations of 200, 400, 900,
and 1800 mg/L for 104 weeks. These concentrations were reported by the author to correspond to
daily dosages of 19, 38, 81, and 160 mg/kg for rats and 34, 65, 130, and 263 mg/kg for mice. A
significant increase in renal tumors in rats was observed in the highest dose group. The increase was
dose-related. The liver tumor incidence in female mice was not significantly increased. This study
was specifically designed to measure the effects of low doses of chloroform. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Very mixed results have resulted from
mutagenic studies (227). Chloroform is, at most, a weak mutagen and not likely to be of concern at
concentrations considered acceptable for industrial exposure. This conclusion is supported by the
low level of binding of chloroform to DNA.

The majority of tests for genotoxicity of chloroform have been negative. These negative findings
include covalent binding to DNA, mutation in Salmonella, a Drosophila sex-linked recessive, tests
for DNA damage in a micronucleus test, and transformation of BHK cells. By contrast, one study
demonstrated binding of radiolabeled chloroform to calf thymus DNA following metabolism by rat
liver microsomes (228). Chloroform caused mitotic recombination in Saccharomyces (160) and
sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in cultured human lymphocytes and in mouse bone marrow cells
exposed in vivo (229).

The carcinogenicity of chloroform may be a function of its metabolism to phosgene, which is known
to crosslink DNA. A host-mediated assay using mice indicated that chloroform was metabolized in
vivo to a form mutagenic to Salmonella strain TA1537. Likewise, urine extracts from chloroform-
treated mice were mutagenic (230). Chloroform administered to mice in drinking water promoted
growth and metastasis of Ehrlich ascites cells injected intraperitoneally (IP) (231). Inhalation of
400 ppm chloroform for 5 days increased the percentage of abnormal sperm in mice (219).

7.4.2 Human Experience General Information The NTP DataBase indicates the following:
Symptoms of exposure to this compound include nausea, vomiting, eye and skin irritation,
unconsciousness, and death. Other symptoms include drowsiness, giddiness, headache, anesthesia,
and conjunctivitis. Central nervous system depression may occur. Respiratory failure may also
occur. Exposure may cause lassitude, digestive disturbances, dizziness, and mental dullness. It may
also cause coma and an enlarged liver. Other symptoms include hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity,
reduced cardiac output, cardiac arrhythmias, and abdominal pain. It may also cause cardiac
sensitization, GI upset, sensation of fainting, salivation, intracranial pressure, and fatigue. Severe
anoxia has been reported. Exposure may lead to chest pain, serious disorientation, hepatomegaly,
and, in high concentrations, blepharospasm. It may also lead to ventricular tachycardia, bradycardia,
necrosis and hepatomas of the liver, cardiovascular depression, and ventricular fibrillation. Irritation
of the upper respiratory tract, nervous system disturbances, and renal or cardiac damage may also
occur. Nervous aberrations and profound toxemia may follow exposure. Inhalation may cause
hallucinations, distorted perceptions, unspecified gastrointestinal effects, dilation of the pupils,
reduced reaction to light, reduced intraocular pressure, feelings of warmth of the face and body,
irritation of the mucous membranes, excitation, motor disturbances or loss of reflexes, and loss of
sensation. Prolonged inhalation may cause paralysis followed by cardiac respiratory failure. Other
symptoms of exposure via inhalation include irritation of the nose and throat, drunkenness, and
narcosis. Inhalation of large doses may result in hypotension, respiratory depression, and myocardial
depression. Inhalation or ingestion of this compound may cause cardiac irregularities, cardiac arrest,
convulsions, reduced blood pressure, and uncontrollable hyperthermia (rare).

Ingestion may cause burning of the throat and mouth. Skin contact may result in smarting and
reddening. Prolonged skin contact may result in burns. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause
dermatitis through defatting of the skin. Eye contact may cause immediate burning pain, tearing,
reddening of the conjunctiva, and injury of the corneal epithelium. Chronic exposure may result in
jaundice, cirrhosis and damage of the liver, and kidney damage. Alcoholics seem to be affected
sooner and more severely.

In humans, chloroform affects the central nervous system, liver, and kidneys. Breathing about
900 ppm in air for a short time causes fatigue, dizziness, and headache. Consuming elevated levels in
food can damage liver and kidneys. Large amounts can cause sores on the skin.

Considering the long history of chloroform, there is surprisingly little clinical literature on chronic
exposure. There have been almost no quantitative toxicological studies of the response from chronic
exposure of humans to chloroform. An attempt to study “causes of death of anesthesiologists from
the chloroform era” was limited to too few cases to draw conclusions and certainly did not quantitate
exposure (232). Challen et al. (233) studied an industrial operation where chloroform was being
used. Groups exposed to concentrations varying between 77 and 237 ppm exhibited definite
symptoms. Apparently, there were also some high peak concentrations for very short periods of time.
Symptoms were GI distress and depression. Another group with shorter service was exposed to
concentrations of 21–71 ppm. They also showed symptoms of comparable nature. Tests of both
groups were made to determine possible liver injury, but none were found. It should be remembered,
however, that liver function tests are often insensitive to anything except severe liver injury. It is
quite possible, as indicated by these authors, that there may have been mild liver injury in these
cases. The recommendation of these authors that atmospheric exposure should be kept well below
50 ppm is entirely in order.

Humans are exposed to small amounts of chloroform in drinking water and in beverages made using
water that contains chloroform. The amount of chloroform expected to be in air ranges of 0.02–
0.05 ppb of air and 2–44 ppb in treated drinking water. The average amount of chloroform that a
human may be exposed on a typical day from breathing ranges from 2–5 mg in rural areas to 200 mg
in cities to 2200 mg in areas near major sources (10). Clinical Cases See above (Section 7.4.2). Acute Toxicity The human lethal dose is 10 mL; the IDLH value is 1000 ppm.

Humans and animals can withstand very high concentrations of chloroform for a short period of
time. Table 62.2, adapted from Lehmann and Flury, gives indications of the response to be expected
in humans (136). The response to acute exposures has been indicated in the summary as CNS
depression, liver and kidney injury, and possible cardiac sensitization. At the levels of exposure
currently considered acceptable for industrial workers, anesthesia and cardiac sensitization are not of
practical concern.

Table 62.2. Physiological Response to Various Concentrations of

Chloroform in Humans


mg/L ppm Response

70–80 14,336–16,384 Narcotic limiting concentration

20 4096 Vomiting, sensation of fainting
7.2 1475 Dizziness and salivation after a few minutes
5 1024 Dizziness, intracranial pressure, and nausea after 7 min
5 1024 Definite after effects; fatigue and headache still felt later
1.9 389 Endured for 30 min without complaint
1–1.5 205–307 Lowest amount that can be detected by smell

It has been reported that exposures to 40,000 ppm may be lethal unless brief and that surgical
anesthesia required 10,000–20,000 ppm. These concentrations and those listed in the table must be
used cautiously because the data are old and in many cases involved other drugs during surgery. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Several studies show kidney toxicity in humans after
inhalation exposure. The liver is a primary target of chloroform toxicity in humans. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Chloroform enters the body by skin
contact or breathing contaminated air and quickly enters the blood from lungs or intestines.
Chloroform usually collects in body fat, but its volatility ensures that it will eventually be removed
once the exposure has been removed. Some of the chloroform leaves unchanged and some is broken
down. Reproductive and Developmental Whether chloroform has caused harmful reproductive
effects or birth defects has not been determined. Carcinogenesis The USEPA considers the information Inadequate with regard to human
carcinogenesis. There are no epidemiological studies of chloroform itself. Chloroform and other
trihalomethanes are formed from the interaction of chlorine with organic material found in water.
Several ecological and case-control studies of populations consuming chlorinated drinking water in
which chloroform was the major chlorinated organic show small significant increases in the risk of
rectal, bladder, or colon cancer on an intermittent basis. Many other suspected carcinogens were also
present in these water supplies.

There is a possible link between drinking chlorinated water and colon and urinary bladder cancer.
However, it is not determined if liver and kidney cancer would develop after long-term exposure in
drinking water. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has determined that
chloroform may reasonably to anticipated to be a carcinogen. IARC has determined that chloroform
is possibly carcinogenic to humans (class 2B). The USEPA has determined that chloroform is a
probably human carcinogen.

An IARC Working Group considered the evidence for the carcinogenicity of chloroform in humans
to be inadequate. Several epidemiological and ecological studies indicate that there is an association
between cancer of the large intestine, rectum, and/or urinary bladder and the constituents of
chlorinated water. Although data may suggest a possible increased risk of cancer from exposure to
chloroform in chlorinated drinking water, the data are insufficient to evaluate the carcinogenic
potential of chloroform. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies See Section Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc The CNS is a major target for
chloroform toxicity in humans and in animals. Once widely used as an anesthetic for humans, levels
of 3000–30,000 ppm were reached. A concentration of approx. 40,000 ppm over several minutes can
cause death. Dizziness and vertigo were observed in humans after exposure to 920 ppm chloroform
for 3 min; headache and slight intoxication occurred at higher concentrations. Epidemiology Studies Most of the data regarding inhalation exposure in humans were
obtained from clinical reports describing health effects under anesthesia. Acute Toxicity See above (Section Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Chloroform-induced hepatotoxicity is one of the major
toxic effects observed in both humans and animals after inhalation exposure.

Workers exposed to 14–400 ppm chloroform for 1–6 months developed toxic hepatitis and other
effects, including jaundice, nausea, and vomiting without fever. In contrast, toxic hepatitis was
observed in workers exposed to 2-205 ppm. Reproductive and Developmental No studies show reproductive effects or developmental

effects in humans after inhalation exposure. Carcinogenesis No studies were located regarding cancer in humans or animals after
inhalation exposure.

Epidemiological studies suggest an association between cancer in humans and the consumption of
chlorinated drinking water, but the results are not conclusive at this time. Many confounding effects
in these studies are still unaccounted for. The studies dif-fered regarding the type of cancer
associated with consumption of chlorinated water. Confounding factors include the presence of other
trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, halo-acetonitriles, halogenated aldehydes, ketones and furanones,
and chlorine. Overall, the human data are insufficient to support a conclusion regarding
carcinogenicity in humans. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies No studies indicated genotoxic effects in
humans after inhalation studies. Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization, etc Epidemiological studies indicate
that chloroform can cause cardiac effects in patients under anesthesia.
7.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH recognizes chloroform as a carcinogen, and recommends a STEL of 2 ppm; ACGIH, TLV
TWA is 10 ppm, with an A3 designation. OSHA has a ceiling limit of 50 ppm.

WHO has a drinking water guideline of 30 mg/L.

IARC classifies chloroform as a group 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans, and EPA as a B2,
probable human carcinogen

The NTP database gives the following information. EPA regulates chloroform under the Clean
Water Act (CWA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA), Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act (FD&CA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Safe Drinking Water
Act (SDWA), and Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). Chloroform is a toxic
pollutant of air and water. EPA has established water-quality criteria for chloroform, effluent
guidelines, rules for regulating hazardous spills, general threshold amounts, and requirements for
handling and disposal of chloroform wastes. A reportable quantity (RQ) of 10 lb has been
established for chloroform under CERCLA and CWA. Chloroform is exempted under FD&CA from
tolerances for pesticide chemicals. Chloroform is recognized as an inert ingredient of toxicological
concern under FD&CA. A rebuttable presumption against registration of chloroform-containing
pesticides has been issued under FIFRA. Chloroform is regulated as a hazardous constituent of waste
under RCRA. USEPA requires removal of chloroform from drinking water and establishes a
maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 100 mg/L under SDWA. Under EPCRA, EPA identifies
chloroform as an extremely hazardous substance and established a threshold planning quantity
(TPQ) of 10,000 lb for chloroform. FDA regulates chloroform as an indirect food additive for
adhesive components in food packaging materials and as a component of materials that come into
contact with food. The use of chloroform in food, drugs (for both humans and animals), and
cosmetics for use in cough preparations, liniments, cosmetics, and toothache drops is banned under
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
7.6 Studies on Environmental Impact:

Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

8.0 Bromoform
8.0.1 CAS Number:
8.0.2 Synonyms:
Methenyl tribromide, tribromomethane; methyl tribromide
8.0.3 Trade Names:
NCI-C55130, RCRA Waste Number U225, UN 2515
8.0.4 Molecular Weight:
8.0.5 Molecular Formula:
8.0.6 Molecular Structure:

8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

8.1.1 General Bromoform is a colorless, nonflammable, heavy liquid, similar to chloroform in odor
and taste.
Physical state Colorless liquid
Specific gravity 2.890 (20/4°C)
Melting point 9°C
Boiling point 149.5°C
Vapor pressure 5 torr at 20°C
Refractive index 1.5980 (19°C)
Percent in “saturated” air 0.7 (25°C)
Solubility 0.3 g/100 mL water at 30°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether, benzene
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air
1 mg/L = 97 ppm and 1 ppm = 10.34 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr

8.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Bromoform has a sweetish, chloroformlike odor but odor should
not be considered as a warning property.
8.2 Production and Use
Bromoform has quite limited use as a chemical intermediate. It was formerly used as an antiseptic
and sedative. It is formed during the chlorination of certain water supplies and sewage. It is also used
to make high density liquids for geologic analysis and in the shipbuilding and aircraft industries.
8.3 Exposure Assessment
Bromoform may be absorbed through the lungs, from the GI tract, and, to a certain extent, through
the skin. The brain contains higher concentrations of bromoform than blood and liver following
inhalation (234). After oral administration, bromoform is rapidly absorbed. Gastrointestinal
absorption following oral exposure has been estimated to be 60–90% complete following a single
gavage dose; this percentage of the administered dose was recovered in the expired air, in urine, or in
the tissues (235). Tribromomethane has been identified as a drinking-water contaminant resulting
from water chlorination.

8.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Analytical Method 1003 is recommended for determining
workplace exposures to bromoform (11).

8.3.4 Community Methods: NA

8.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Blood bromide might be useful in monitoring exposure to

bromoform, but at this time data are inadequate to quantitate exposure.
8.4 Toxic Effects
This compound is a lacrimator. It can damage the liver to a serious degree and cause death. It is an
irritant of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and has narcotic effects. When heated to decomposition
it emits toxic fumes of bromine. It may be absorbed through the skin. Bromoform causes anesthesia
and sedation in animals that may take days for recovery following treatment.

The health effects of exposure to tribromomethane have been reviewed (236).

In the early 1900s, tribromomethane was administered as a sedative to children suffering from
whooping cough, and several deaths resulted from accidental overdoses (59, pp. 65–67). The most
obvious clinical sign in these fatal cases was profound CNS depression that was manifested as
unconsciousness, stupor, and loss of reflexes. Death was usually the result of respiratory failure.
These case reports are of limited value because doses were not quantified; however, the doses were
likely in the range of 20–40 drops (150–300 mg/kg) daily.

Very limited industrial experience is reported for bromoform. Data from studies in animals indicate
pronounced CNS effects, moderate acute and chronic liver and kidney toxicity, and a probably
carcinogenic response in rats but not mice. An ATSDR review is available (237).
8.4.1 Experimental Studies The principal cause of death in laboratory animals following acute oral
exposure to tribromomethane is CNS depression (238). Moody and Smuckler (239) exposed
Sprague–Dawley rats (n = 3) to single-gavage doses of 1000 mg/kg tribromomethane and observed
significant reductions in the liver microsomal cytochrome P450 content and aminolevulinic acid–
dehydratase activity and increases in porphyrin and glutathione content. These effects suggest
disturbances in hepatic heme metabolism, because porphyrins are major intermediates in heme
synthesis. Chu et al. (240) reported that female rats were more sensitive than male rats to lethal doses
of tribromomethane based on LD50 values of 1388 and 1147 for males and females, respectively. Acute Toxicity Dogs were exposed to an atmosphere of bromoform at 7000 ppm. The dogs
were deeply anesthetized after 8 min and died after a 1 h exposure (241). An inhalation LCLo of
4500 mg/m3 for the rat from a 4 h exposure to bromoform has been reported (242). Results of
subcutaneous administration have been reported. An LD50 of 1820 mg/kg for the mouse was
reported by Kutob and Plaa. (243). Narcosis and hepatotoxic effects were observed. Undiluted
bromoform was moderately irritating to rabbit eyes, but healing was complete in 1–2 days. Repeated
skin contact caused moderate irritation to rabbit skin (244). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The results of 2-year gavage study are discussed in the
section on carcinogenicity (245).

Low-level inhalation exposure of humans to tribromomethane results in irritation, lacrimation, and

reddening of the face, suggesting the potential for portal-of-entry effects. The information available
on inhalation exposure in laboratory animals comes primarily from older studies that employed high
concentrations for short durations. In these studies, the CNS, liver, and kidney are major target
organs following acute inhalation exposures. Exposure to tribromomethane vapors may also cause
irritation to the respiratory tract and lacrimation (59, pp. 65–67).

In another study, 10 F344/N rats/sex were gavaged with 0, 12, 25, 50, 100, or 200 mg/kg bromoform
and 10 B6C3F1 mice/sex were gavaged with 0, 25, 50, 100, 200, or 400 mg/kg bromoform 5
days/week for 13 weeks. Complete histology was conducted on high dose and vehicle control groups
of both species. Liver histology was conducted on all rats and on male mice receiving doses of
> 100 mg/kg. Females of both species did not show any chemically-related effects. A decrease in
body weight of both sexes of mice was reported, but was not dose-related. The male mice showed
fatty metamorphosis of the liver at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg. The only effect reported for male
rats was a dose-related increase in clear cell foci of the liver. A Fisher Exact Test showed that the
incidence of the clear cell foci at doses of 50 mg/kg (the LOAEL) or above was statistically
elevated relative to the vehicle control (p = .035); therefore, 25 mg/kg is the NOEL for F344/N rats

The health effects data for bromoform (tribromomethane) were reviewed by the USEPA RfD/RfC
Work Group (5) and determined to be inadequate for the derivation of an inhalation RfC. The
verification status for this chemical is currently “Not verifiable.”

The only studies of subchronic-duration inhalation exposure are reported in abstracts that do not
provide sufficient detail for critical evaluation. Tribromomethane had a narcotic effect on rabbits
administered single inhalation exposures of 1064–1741 ppm tribromomethane (188). Rats
administered 240 ppm tribromomethane vapor for 10 days developed CNS effects and dystrophic
and vascular alterations of the liver and kidney (188). Vapor concentrations of 24 ppm for 2 months
also induced hepatic disorders, characterized by decreased blood clotting and impaired glycogenesis,
and altered renal filtration capacity (189). A concentration of 4.8 ppm tribromomethane in rats did
not elicit any adverse effects in rats after 2 months of exposure (188). These reports provide no
details regarding exposure generation or characterization, specific effect measures, or results and are
inadequate for derivation of an RfC.

Studies of 14–90 days' duration in rats and mice exposed by gavage have reported liver, kidney, and
thyroid effects, as well as transient lethargy at high concentrations (207, 246). In the NTP (246)
study, the incidences of hepatocyte vacuolization in male rats were 3/10, 6/10, 5/10, 8/10, 8/10, and
10/10 for the control, 12, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg groups, respectively. In mice, 5/10 male mice
that received 200 mg/kg and 8/10 male mice that received 400 mg/kg tribromomethane developed
cytoplasmic vacuolization. This dose-related, minimal-to-moderate change involved only a few cells
or was diffuse. Behavioral effects (decreased response rate in an operant-conditioning test) were also
reported in mice treated by gavage with 100 or 400 mg/kg daily for 60 days (247).

A 2-year chronic gavage bioassay was conducted in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (50/sex/group),
in which doses of 0, 100, or 200 mg/kg (rats and female mice) or 0, 50, or 100 mg/kg (male mice)
dibromomethane were administered 5 days/week for 103 weeks (246). In the high dose rats (both
sexes), mean body weights were significantly (10–28%) lower than controls throughout the second
year of the study. Survival of the male rats administered 200 mg/kg was significantly reduced
(p < .001) after week 91. Dose-related lethargy was observed in male and female rats. Non-
neoplastic changes, including fatty change and scattered minimal necrosis (males) and mixed-cell
foci (females), occurred in the liver of treated rats. The incidence of focal or diffuse fatty change in
both sexes was increased (males—23/50, 49/50, and 50/50; females—19/50, 39/50, and 46/50). The
lowest daily dose tested in this bioassay (100 mg/kg) induced effects on the liver, salivary gland,
prostate gland, lungs, and forestomach, and thus is considered a LOAEL for rats. High dose female
mice developed an increased incidence of follicular cell hyperplasia of the thyroid gland (5/49, 4/49,
and 19/47). Female mice in both groups exhibited increased incidences of minimal-to-mild fatty
change of the liver consisting of scattered hepatocyte foci with vacuolated cytoplasm (1/49, 9/50,
and 24/50). Thus, 100 mg/kg also is considered a LOAEL for liver changes in female mice.

The database for tribromomethane is inadequate for the derivation of an RfC. No chronic or
subchronic inhalation studies on tribromomethane, and no reproductive or developmental studies that
employed an inhalation exposure regimen were found. The toxicokinetic data for the inhalation route
are insufficient for route-to-route extrapolation from oral data, and the potential for portal-of-entry
respiratory tract toxicity has not been adequately characterized. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The metabolism of tribromomethane is

similar to the metabolism of other trihalomethanes (248, 249). Protein synthesis and lipid
peroxidation were evaluated in rat liver slices in the presence of oxidants and protein synthesis
inhibitors (2, 3). The ability of carbon tetrabromide (and several other halogenated compounds) to
inhibit protein synthesis was correlated with its ability to induce lipid peroxidation and was also
correlated with their toxicity as indicated by the LD50. Reproductive and Developmental Developmental effects were monitored following gavage
administration of 50, 100, or 200 mg/kg/day tribromomethane to pregnant Sprague–Dawley rats
(15/group) from days 6–15 of gestation (223). Slight increases in several skeletal anomalies were
observed in treated animals and, to a lesser extent, in controls. No other significant maternal toxicity,
fetotoxicity, or teratogenicity was observed.

In a reproductive study, effects of tribromomethane were assessed in Swiss CD1 mice (n = 17–
20/group) exposed by gavage to 0, 50, 100, or 200 mg/kg/day (250). Postnatal survival was
significantly decreased in the 200-mg/kg/day group. No other reproductive effects were seen in the
F1 or F2 generations.

The reproductive toxicology has recently been reviewed in Environmental Health Perspectives
(251). Carcinogenesis The USEPA classification is B2, Probable human carcinogen on the basis of
inadequate human data and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals, (viz., an increased
incidence of tumors after oral administration of bromoform in rats and IP administration in mice).
Bromoform is genotoxic in several assay systems. Also, bromoform is structurally related to other
trihalomethanes (e.g., chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane) that have been
verified as either probable or possible carcinogens.

The USEPA considers the animal information “sufficient.” Bromoform has been tested for
carcinogenicity in two species, rat and mouse (245), by oral or intraperitoneal administration (252).

In a gavage study (245), F344/N rats (50/sex/group) and B6C3F1 mice (50/sex/group) were
administered bromoform in corn oil by gavage 5 days/week for 2 years at 0, 100, or 200 mg/kg (rats
and female mice) or 0, 50, or 100 mg/kg (male mice). Decreased body weight and survival in rats
and female mice suggest that the MTD was reached. In male rats, mean body weight was decreased
in the high and low dose groups by 12–28% and 5–14%, respectively. Survival was significantly
lower in the high-dose males after week 91. In female rats, body weight was decreased in the high
dose group by 10–25%. In male mice, body weight and survival were comparable to controls. In
female mice, however, body weight was decreased in the high and low dose groups by 5–16% and
6–11%, respectively; survival was significantly lower in both dose groups after week 77. Neoplastic
lesions (adenomatous polyps or adenocarcinomas) were observed in the large intestine (colon or
rectum) of male rats (0/50, 0/50, 3/50) and female rats (0/50, 1/50, 8/50). Adenocarcinomas alone
were not significantly increased compared with controls. The reduced survival of male rats in the
high dose group may account for the lower incidence of lesions in this group. No treatment-related
tumors were observed in mice at either dose level. Under the conditions of this study, the NTP
judged that there was clear evidence of carcinogenicity for female rats, some evidence of
carcinogenicity for male rats, and no evidence of carcinogenicity for male and female mice.

Theiss et al. (252) administered bromoform by IP injection to male A/St mice (20/group). Doses of
100, 48, and 4 mg/kg were given 3 times/week for a total of 24, 23, or 18 injections, respectively.
Mice in the control group received 24 IP injections of the vehicle, tricaprylin. Animals were
sacrificed 24 weeks after the first injection and the lungs were examined for surface adenomas. Some
surface nodules were examined histologically to confirm the morphological appearance of
adenomas. The number of lung tumors/mouse for the control, low, mid, and high dose groups were
0.27, 0.53, 1.13, and 0.67, respectively. Only the ratio of the middose group was statistically
significantly elevated over that of controls.

In a feeding study with microencapsulated bromoform, Kurokawa (253) observed no evidence of

carcinogenicity in male or female Wistar rats exposed for 24 months at concentrations of 400, 1600,
or 6500 ppm. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Bromoform is not strongly mutagenic but
positive results have been observed.

Pereira et al. (254, 255) determined that bromoform did not induce GGTase-positive foci in the rat
liver at 1 mM (253 mg/kg) or 0.8 mM (202 mg/kg) following a 2/3 hepatectomy and promotion with
phenobarbital. However, Pereira found that bromoform is a potent inducer of ornithine
decarboxylase, which is an indication of tumor promotion activity in the skin and liver.

Bromoform has been shown to produce mutations in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA97, TA98,
TA100, and TA1535 with and without rat hepatic homogenates (245). Bromoform also produces
mutations at the TK locus in mouse cells (245); SCE induction in Chinese hamster ovary cells,
human lymphocytes (in vitro) and mouse bone marrow cells (in vivo) (245); chromosomal
aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (256); cell cycle delay in human lymphocytes
(229); and an increased incidence of micronuclei in bone marrow erythrocytes from mice given
bromoform IP (245). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization The undiluted liquid was moderately
irritating to rabbit eyes, but healing appeared complete in 1–2 days. It was only moderately irritating
to rabbit skin even on repeated contact. Single doses of 2000 mg/kg under a cuff on the intact skin of
rabbits were survived by two rabbits treated with undiluted bromoform. Lethargy and slight weight
loss were noted from these 24 h applications.

8.4.2 Human Experience Exposure to bromoform vapor is reported to have caused irritation of the
respiratory tract, pharynx, and larynx, as well as lacrimation and salivation. Accidental ingestion of
the liquid has produced CNS depression with coma and loss of reflexes; smaller doses have led to
listlessness, headache, and vertigo (59, pp. 65–67). General Information Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include irritation of the
eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Ingestion may cause respiratory difficulties, tremors, and
unconsciousness. Dizziness, disorientation, slurred speech, and death may also result from ingestion.
Inhalation may be fatal as a result of spasm, inflammation, and edema of the larynx and bronchi;
chemical pneumonitis; and pulmonary edema. Other symptoms may include liver and kidney
damage and CNS depression. Inhalation may cause irritation of the respiratory tract, pharynx, and
larynx, producing lacrimation and salivation. It can also cause skin and eye irritation. Repeated or
prolonged contact may cause dermatitis.

Much of the experience in poisoning cases in humans has been from the oral administration of the
material. This was summarized by von Oettingen in 1955 (59, pp. 65–67) and ATSDR in 1990 (237).
Anesthesia including respiratory failure has been reported. It has been speculated that an oral dose of
250–500 mg/kg may be lethal to a child, with death be due to CNS depression. Carcinogenesis The USEPA considers the information with regard to human
carcinogenicity as “inadequate.” Cantor et al. (257) suggest a positive correlation between levels of
trihalomethane in drinking water and the incidence of several human cancers. Additional geographic
studies of bromoform indicate that there may be an association between the levels of trihalomethanes
in drinking water and the incidence of bladder, colon, rectal, or pancreatic cancer in humans.
However, the information from these studies is considered incomplete and preliminary because their
designs do not permit consideration of several possible variables that may be involved (e.g., personal
habits, information on residential histories, and previous exposures) (245).
8.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Bromoform exposure limits (TWAs) are as follows: NIOSH/OSHA 0.5 ppm; NIOSH IDLH
850 ppm.

The ACGIH recommendation (8) is as follows. Because of its irritant qualities and reported skin
absorption, in addition to its potential to cause liver damage and by analogy to related bromine
compounds, a TLV TWA of 0.5 ppm, with a skin notation, is recommended for bromoform. At this
time, no STEL is recommended until additional toxicological data and industrial hygiene experience
become available to provide a better base for quantifying on a toxicological basis what the STEL
should be. The reader is encouraged to review the section on excursion limits in the “Introduction to
the Chemical Substances” of the current TLV/BEI booklet for guidance and control of excursions
above the TLV TWA, even when the 8-h TWA is within the recommended limits. In light of the
recent reports on the genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of bromoform, this substance is under review
by the TLV Committee.
8.6 Studies on Environmental Impact:
Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

9.0 Iodoform
9.0.1 CAS Number:
9.0.2 Synonyms:
Triiodomethane jodoform (Czech); methane, triiodo-; NCI-C04568; triiodomethane; trijodmethane
9.0.3 Trade Names:
9.0.4 Molecular Weight:
9.0.5 Molecular Formula:
9.0.6 Molecular Structure:

9.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Iodoform is a yellow or greenish-yellow powder or crystalline solid that is volatile with steam and
contains 96.69% iodine. It has a very characteristic pungent odor. An odor threshold of 0.005 ppm
has been reported.

9.1.1 General
Physical state Yellow solid
Specific gravity 4.008 (20.4°C)
Melting point 119°C
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air
Boiling point 210°C, sublimates, explodes
Refractive index 1.800 (20°C)
Solubility 0.01 g/100 mL water at 25°C
UEL, LEL Not available
1 mg/L = 62.1 ppm and 1 ppm = 16.1 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr
9.2 Production and Use
Iodoform has limited use as a chemical intermediate and for medicinal purposes as disinfectant and
antiseptic. It may still be used in veterinary medicine.
9.3 Exposure Assessment
9.3.1 Air: NA

9.3.2 Background Levels: NA

9.3.3 Workplace Methods: NA

9.3.4 Community Methods: NA

9.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Increased iodine and carboxyhemoglobin levels may occur in the
blood but data are inadequate to evaluate their usefulness in monitoring occupational exposure.
9.4 Toxic Effects
Little additional information was found.

This material is irritating to the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. It may be absorbed through the
skin. When heated to decomposition this compound emits toxic fumes of carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, and hydrogen iodide. Decomposition becomes violent at 204°C (400°F).

Most of the problems associated with iodoform have been related to its topical application as an
antiseptic material and to oral administration. Absorption of significant amounts of this material may
result in CNS depression and injury to the heart, liver, and kidneys. Serious injury to the eyes has
been reported following early use of iodoform as a topical and intravitreal antiseptic.

9.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity According to the available information, iodoform
has oral LD50s of 355, 810, and 487 mg/kg for rats, mice, and guinea pigs, respectively (258).
Drowsiness and low activity were first observed without loss of motor activity, but bloody nasal
exudate, breathing disturbances, tonic–clonic convulsions, and paralysis of the extremities preceded
death. Daily oral administration of 35.5 mg/kg (carrier not described) caused liver and kidney injury.
The report also described changes in the brain and thyroid. This report does not appear to be
consistent with the NCI report discussed in the section on carcinogenesis.

Administration of iodoform to rats has produced an acute hepatic necrosis, not unlike that observed
following exposure to carbon tetrachloride (259).

No reports on testing of iodoform in the eyes of animals were found. Old medical literature describes
serious injury to the eyes following treatment of humans with iodoform as an antiseptic.

According to Grant (260), iodoform formerly was employed as a topical and intravitreal antiseptic.
Systemic intoxication and visual disturbances resulted from absorption of excessive amounts applied
to wounds or abscesses, or from ingestion of large quantities, but not from application to the eye.
Numerous cases of visual disturbance were reported early in the twentieth century. Most
characteristically vision was impaired by retrobulbar neuritis with accompanying central scotoma. In
rare instances transitory complete blindness occurred. In some cases the bulbar portion of the optic
nerve was involved, with neuroretinitis and occasional retinal hemorrhages. As a rule, recovery was
slow, requiring many months. In most cases vision was completely or partially recovered, but
residual pallor of the temporal part of the optic nervehead was common. Exceptionally the whole
nervehead became atrophic and white and little vision was recovered.

A percutaneous LD50 of 1184 mg/kg was determined in rabbits for a 70% ointment of iodoform
(258). Some veterinary reports indicate toxicity from use on the skin of dogs and cats, but it is not
clear whether the material was absorbed dermally or ingested.

Rats were exposed once or 7 times to iodoform vapors (261). A 7 h LC50 of 183 ppm was
determined for the single exposure of rats. Seven 7 h exposures were given to 0, 1, or 14 ppm
(verified analytically). There were no changes in rats' appearance, food or water intake, urine and
feces output, or SMR (standardized mortality rate) 12/60 blood value for any group. The only
histological manifestation was mineralized deposits in medullary renal tubules of some rats exposed
to 14 ppm.

Kutob and Plaa (243) administered iodoform subcutaneously to mice in an investigation of

hepatotoxicity of a series of halogenated methanes. The LD50 by this route was 1.6 mmol/kg
(630 mg/kg) compared to 27.5 mmol/kg for chloroform and 7.2 mmol/kg for bromoform. The doses
causing changes in a phenobarbital sleeping time study were 0.59, 1.7, and 2.3 mmol/kg for
iodoform, chloroform, and bromoform, respectively. Histological damage to the liver was noted at
1.28 mmol/kg (504 mg/kg) but not at 0.32 mmol/kg. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity No adequate study to determine the chronic toxicity of
iodoform exists. Although survival and body weight were affected in the NCI bioassay reported in
Section (262), the doses fed were so high as to be improbable as vapor concentrations. They
would indicate a low order of systemic toxicity. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The limited data that are available indicate
iodoform exposure results in increased carboxyhemoglobin levels in rats. A rat liver microsomal
fraction requiring both NADPH and molecular oxygen produced the carbon monoxide (248, 263). A
mixed-function oxidase has been reported to be involved. Carcinogenesis Iodoform has been included in the NCI daily bioassay program (262).
According to their summary: the high and low time-weighted average daily dosages of iodoform
were, respectively, 142 and 71 mg/kg for male rats, 55 and 27 mg/kg for female rats, and 93 and
47 mg/kg for male and female mice. A significant positive association between dosage and mortality
was observed in male rats but not in female rats or in mice of either sex. Adequate numbers of
animals in all groups survived sufficiently long to be at risk from late-developing tumors. No
statistical significance could be attributed to the incidences of any neoplasms in rats or mice of either
sex when compared to their respective controls. Under the conditions of this bioassay, no convincing
evidence was provided for the carcinogenicity of iodoform in Osborne–Mendel rats or B6C3F1 mice. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Limited data indicate some mutagenic potency,
but the data appear inadequate to draw a conclusion toward industrial significance.

9.4.2 Human Experience The 1980s–1990s literature deals mainly with the veterinary uses of the
compound. Used as an antiseptic, iodoform produces acute depression of the central nervous system,
systemic toxicity, vomiting, coma, and kidney, liver, and heart damage (264). Only one instance of
delirium and hallucination has been reported (265). General Information Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include dermatitis,
vomiting, varying degrees of cerebral depression or excitation (including delirium, hallucinations,
coma, and death), very rapid pulse, possible slight fever, CNS depression, collapse, frequent liquid
stools, abdominal pain, thirst, metallic taste, shock, anuria, stupor, esophageal stricture, diarrhea,
vesiculation and oozing of skin, intense itching, burning pain, tenderness, nausea, uremia, respiratory
distress, and circulatory collapse. Exposure may also result in injury to the heart, liver, and kidneys.

No reports in the literature were found for industrial use of iodoform. Clinical Cases There are several reports of iodoform toxicity caused by medical uses.
Authors warn that iodoform toxicity is not as rare as thought and has been underdiagnosed. A case of
iodoform toxicity caused by use of 5% iodoformed bandages in occlusive surgical dressings caused
signs and symptoms of iodoform toxicity syndrome (266). In another paper (267), where three cases
of iodoform toxicity were described following dressings with 10% iodoform gauze on extended
wounds, the author indicated that 5, 10, and 16 days after beginning of dressings, the patients
became confused, hallucinated, and one of them was subsequently comatose. Within a few days (3–
8) after the iodoform dressings were discontinued, the signs of iodoform toxicity disappeared. The
author suggests that the toxicity of iodoform is probably unrecognized if the rarity of the
observations published and the amount of iodoform gauzes annually sold are compared.
9.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV TWA is 0.6 ppm (10 mg/m3). The NIOSH REL is also 0.6 ppm.
HSE OES (United Kingdom) 0.6
TWA ppm
TWA mg/m3
STEL/CEIL© ppm 1
STEL/CEIL© mg/m3 16

The ACGIH (8) reports are as follows. Toxicologic data on inhaled iodoform are very limited.
Depression of the CNS and damage to the kidneys, liver, and heart following topical application of
high, local concentrations to damaged skin have occurred in humans. Accordingly, a TLV TWA of
0.6 ppm is recommended for iodoform. This value is slightly greater than that for bromoform, but on
a molar basis, it is considerably higher. Both limits should be used with caution, as there are only
scant data and little pertinent use experience with inhaled iodoform. The iodoform TLV
approximates that of methyl iodide on an iodine basis. At this time, no STEL is recommended until
additional toxicological data and industrial hygiene experience become available to provide a better
base for quantifying on a toxicological basis what the STEL should be.

International occupational exposure values:

Australia TWA 0.6 ppm (10 mg/m3) January 1993.
Belgium TWA 0.6 ppm (10 mg/m3) January 1993.
Denmark TWA 0.2 ppm (3 mg/m3) January 1993.
Finland TWA 0.2 ppm (3 mg/m3); STEL 0.6 ppm (10 mg/m3); Skin January 1993.
France TWA 0.6 ppm (10 mg/m3) January 1993.
Ireland TWA 0.6 ppm (10 mg/m3); STEL 1 ppm (20 mg/m3) January 1997.
The Netherlands TWA 0.2 ppm (3 mg/m3) October 1997.
Switzerland TWA 0.6 ppm (10 mg/m3) January 1993.
9.6 Studies on Environmental Impact:

Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

10.0 Carbon Tetrachloride

10.0.1 CAS Number:
10.0.2 Synonyms:
Tetrachloromethane; methane tetrachloride; perchloromethane; tetrachlorocarbon;
tetrachloromethane; carbon tet; R10, r 10 (refrigerant), Refrigerant R 10; necatorina; benzinoform,
carbon chloride; carbona; flukoids; necatorine; tetrafinol; tetraform; tetrasol; univerm; vermoestricid
10.0.3 Trade Names:
Benzinoform, Carbona, ENT 4,705, ENT 27164, Fasciolin, Flukoids, Necatorina, Necatorine, R 10,
Tetrachlorormetaan, Tetrafinol, Tetraform, Tetrasol, Un 1846, univerm, vermoestricid, R10
10.0.4 Molecular Weight:
10.0.5 Molecular Formula:
10.0.6 Molecular Structure:

10.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless, highly volatile liquid with a strong ethereal odor similar to
chloroform. It mixes sparingly with water. When heated to decomposition, it emits highly toxic
fumes of phosgene.

10.1.1 General
Physical state Colorless liquid
Specific gravity 1.589 at 25°C
Freezing point –23°C
Boiling point 76.5°C
Vapor pressure 115.2 torr at 25°C
Refractive index 1.46305 (15°C)
Percent in “saturated” air 15 (25°C)
Solubility 0.08 g/100 g water at 20°C; miscible with alcohol, ethyl ether, benzene
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air; will not support combustion
UEL, LEL Not available
1 mg/L = 159 ppm and 1 ppm = 6.29 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr

10.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Carbon tetrachloride has a sweetish odor. It is not considered
particularly disagreeable by most people, although some people may be nauseated by small amounts.
The odor is one to which the average individual becomes readily adapted. The odor would certainly
not be considered a satisfactory warning of excessive exposure. According to one reference, the
threshold of detection of the odor of carbon tetrachloride is approximately 79 ppm and the odor is
strong at 176 ppm (268). Another reference states that 100% of a small panel of test subjects
recognized 21 ppm of carbon tetrachloride produced from carbon disulfide and 100 ppm of carbon
tetrachloride produced by chlorination of methane (269).
10.2 Production and Use
Our understanding of the industrial hygiene measures necessary to handle carbon tetrachloride has
changed little since Irish prepared his chapter in Patty's Toxicology for the second revised edition of
Volume 2. Awareness of its hepato- and renal toxicity and the availability of less hazardous solvents
have resulted in virtually no use as a solvent; most of current production is consumed in the
production of fluorocarbons. Use of carbon tetrachloride in fire extinguishers has essentially
disappeared, as has use in fumigant mixtures.

Carbon tetrachloride is used primarily as a chemical intermediate in the production of the

refrigerants Freon 11 and 12. Freon 11 and 12 are also used as solvents, in plastic and resin
production, and as foam blowing agents, and previously as aerosol propellants. Carbon tetrachloride
also is used as a general solvent in industrial degreasing operations. Its use as a grain fumigant was
banned by USEPA in 1985.

Chemical and Engineering News reported that 271 million lb of carbon tetrachloride was produced
domestically in 1990. U.S. imports of carbon tetrachloride have tended to increase, and exports have
tended to decrease. Carbon tetrachloride imports exceeded 111 million lb in 1987. Imports increased
to over 57 million lb in 1985 from 7 million lb in 1983. Exports decreased from 86 million lb in
1980 to 36 million lb in 1985.
10.3 Exposure Assessment
The primary routes of potential human exposure to carbon tetrachloride are inhalation, ingestion, and
dermal contact. The greatest risk of occupational exposure to carbon tetrachloride occurred most
likely during fumigation processes before this use was banned in 1985. NIOSH estimated that
workers exposed to carbon tetrachloride are primarily those at blast furnaces and steel mills, in the
air transportation industry, and in motor vehicle and telephone and telegraph equipment

About 4500 workers are possibly exposed during production processes, and 52,000 during industrial
use of the chemical. OSHA estimated that 3.4 million workers may possibly be exposed to carbon
tetrachloride directly or indirectly.

Exposure to carbon tetrachloride used to occur in dry-cleaning establishments, where ambient-air

concentrations have been determined to average between 20 and 70 ppm. Average exposures of 206
and 338 ppm with excursions of 1252 and 7100 ppm have been reported during dry-cleaning
machine operations. Occupational exposure is also possible during its use in the manufacture of
Freon 11 and 12. Exposure during fluorocarbon production is most likely to be experienced by tank
farm and process operators, who may be exposed to emissions arising from storage tank vents or
resulting from transfer of the chemical or process equipment leaks or spills. The National
Occupational Hazard Survey, conducted by NIOSH from 1972 to 1974, estimated that 160,000
workers were exposed to carbon tetrachloride in the workplace, including 25,000 workers exposed
during grain fumigation. The National Occupational Exposure Survey (1981–1983) estimated that
77,315 workers, including 12,605 women, potentially were exposed to carbon tetrachloride. ACGIH
has noted the potential contribution to overall exposure by the cutaneous route, including mucous
membranes and eyes, either by airborne, or more particularly, by direct contact with the substance.

The Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (EPA) (4) listed 95 industrial facilities that produced,
processed, or otherwise used carbon tetrachloride in 1988. In compliance with the Community
Right-to-Know Program, the facilities reported releases of carbon tetrachloride to the environment
which were estimated to total 3.9 million lb. These releases indicate that a large proportion of the
general population is possibly exposed to the chemical. EPA estimated that 8 million people living
within 12.5 m of manufacturing sites are possibly exposed to average levels of 0.5 g/m3, with peaks
of 1580 g/m3. Carbon tetrachloride is readily volatile at ambient temperature and is a stable chemical
that is degraded very slowly, so there has been a gradual accumulation of carbon tetrachloride in the
environment (270). It is broken down, by chemical reactions in air, but this occurs so slowly that
elimination of 50% of the carbon tetrachloride takes between 30 and 100 years. Carbon tetrachloride
is formed in the troposphere by solar-induced photochemical reactions of chlorinated alkenes.
Concentrations of 0.1 ppb in air are common worldwide with somewhat higher values (0.2–0.6 ppb)
in cities (270). Of 113 public water systems surveyed, 10% had mean concentrations of carbon
tetrachloride ranging from 2.4 to 6.4 g/L. Investigators also found the chemical in 45% of surface-
water supplies and in 25% of groundwater samples, at concentrations of 0.001–0.40 mg/L. Estimates
indicate that 19 million people may potentially be exposed to carbon tetrachloride through ambient
air, 20 million possibly through contaminated drinking water, and 2 million possibly through
contaminated soil or landfills. Assuming inhalation of 20 m3/day by a 70-kg adult and 40%
absorption of carbon tetrachloride across the lung, typical levels of carbon tetrachloride in ambient
air (~ 1 g/m3) yield daily exposure levels of ~ 0.1 g/kg per day (270). Somewhat higher exposures
could occur near point sources of carbon tetrachloride. For water, consumption of 2 L/day by a 70-kg
adult at a typical carbon tetrachloride concentration of 0.5 g/L yields a typical intake by this route of
~ 0.01 g/kg per day. Carbon tetrachloride may possibly have been ingested as a contaminant of foods
that were treated with the chemical prior to its banning as a grain fumigant in 1985. When carbon
tetrachloride was used as a fumigant on stored grain, residue concentrations of the chemical ranged
from 3.0 to 72 mg/kg. Carbon tetrachloride may possibly be ingested in water contaminated with the
chemical (reported concentrations range 0.2–18 ppm). Also, the chemical possibly may be ingested
as a contaminant of drinking water treated with chlorine. Investigators have found carbon
tetrachloride in human tissues in concentrations of 1–13 ppm.

10.3.1 Air See above (Section 10.3).

10.3.2 Background Levels See above (Section 10.3).

10.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1003, for halogenated hydrocarbons, is recommended
for determining workplace exposures to carbon tetrachloride (11).

10.3.4 Community Methods: NA

10.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Unchanged carbon tetrachloride can be measured in the expired

air following exposures. Stewart et al. (271) have shown the relationship of exposure concentration
and time to exhaled concentration, and it would appear that at the low levels of exposure considered
safe for chronic exposure, breath samples are of very limited value. Expired air may be of value in
definitive diagnosis of acute exposure and possibly in semiquantitation of the magnitude of

At present, metabolites in blood or urine appear to be of limited value in monitoring exposure at

levels recognized as acceptable for industrial exposure because exposure to 5 ppm vapor permits
daily intake of only 4.5 mg/kg (272).
10.4 Toxic Effects
Carbon tetrachloride is a human poison by ingestion and possibly other routes and a poison by
subcutaneous and intravenous routes. It is mildly toxic by inhalation; an experimental carcinogen,
neoplastigen, tumorigen, teratogen and suspected human carcinogen; and an eye and skin irritant.
Individual susceptibility varies widely. It has a narcotic action resembling that of chloroform,
although not as strong. The aftereffects following recovery from narcosis are more serious than those
of delayed chloroform poisoning, usually taking the form of damage to the kidneys, liver, and lungs.
When recovery takes place, there may be no permanent disability. Marked variation in individual
susceptibility to this compound exists; some persons appear to be unaffected by exposures that
seriously poison their fellow workers. Concentrations on the order of 1000–1500 ppm are sufficient
to cause symptoms if exposure continues for several hours. Repeated daily exposure to such
concentrations may result in poisoning. Exposure to high concentrations of carbon tetrachloride
results in depression of the central nervous system and possibly cardiac sensitization. If the
concentration is not high enough to lead to rapid loss of consciousness, other indications of CNS
effects such as dizziness, vertigo, headache, depression, mental confusion, and incoordination are
observed. Many individuals also show GI responses such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and
diarrhea. This may be a conditioned reflex or a direct CNS effect. Functional and destructive injury
of the liver and kidney may occur from a single acute exposure, but it is much more likely to occur
from repeated exposures. In a case of long-term chronic exposure to low concentrations, kidney and
liver injury dominate the picture. The milder the exposure, the greater the tendency for the injury to
be predominantly in the liver. At threshold concentrations, the injury of the liver appears mostly as
malfunction and/or enlargement. Many enlarged livers are observed in animals at the threshold of
response and enlargement appears reversible. The detection of an enlarged liver in humans should be
considered important, although enlargement may occur from a great many other causes. It has been
recognized that the concurrent or past intake of significant amounts of alcohol with exposure to
carbon tetrachloride may greatly increase the probability of injury. Other chemicals such as
isopropyl alcohol, acetone, chlorinated insecticides, phenobarbital, and many other mixed-function
oxidase inducers may also be involved. Diabetes and certain nutritional deficiencies have been
implicated in enhanced toxic effects from carbon tetrachloride (273).

Because metabolism of carbon tetrachloride is required for most of its toxic effects, there are many
examples of species and strain differences in toxicity. Carcinogenic effects ascribed to carbon
tetrachloride appear likely to be due to organ injury.
An ATSDR profile (270) exists for carbon tetrachloride, and numerous other reviews are available.
Excellent reviews of metabolism, mode of toxic action, and detailed discussion of biochemical
effects are presented in two standard reference books (272, 274). Much of our understanding of
metabolism by the liver and toxic effects on that organ by other chemicals has come from the
numerous studies on carbon tetrachloride.

10.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity This compound is toxic by ingestion,
inhalation, or skin absorption. It is an irritant of the skin, eyes, mucous membranes, and respiratory
tract. It is readily absorbed through the skin. It may cause lacrimation. It is narcotic. When heated to
decomposition it emits irritating fumes and toxic fumes of chlorine, carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide, hydrogen chloride, and phosgene. It may also emit other hydrocarbon products (273).

The former availability of carbon tetrachloride in odd containers around the home and shop made
ingestion a serious problem. The LD50 for rats is reported by McCollister et al. as 2920 mg/kg (275).
The Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (1983/84 Supplement) lists LD50s of
2800 mg/kg for the rat, 12,800 mg/kg for the mouse, 6380 mg/kg for the rabbit; and 3680 mg/kg for
the hamster (276). Numerous values for other routes of exposure are also cited. Liver injury occurs
in animals at levels well below those causing death. The therapeutic dose previously used in humans
for treatment of ascariasis ranged from 32 mg/kg for infants to 90–100 mg/kg for adults.
Consumption of alcohol caused serious complications in some cases.

Because carbon tetrachloride is a good lipid solvent, it removes the fats from the skin and, in so
doing, causes a dry disagreeable feeling and may facilitate secondary infection. Contact with the
eyes may cause a transient disagreeable irritation but does not lead to serious injury. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The IRIS database indicates the study by Bruckner et al.
(277) as the basis for subchronic toxicity of the compound. Male Sprague–Dawley rats were given 1,
10, or 33 mg carbon tetrachloride/kg per day by corn oil gavage, 5 days/week for 12 weeks. Liver
lesions, as evidenced by mild centrilobular vacuolization and statistically significant increases in
serum sorbitol dehydrogenase activity, were observed at the 10- and 33-mg/kg/day doses in a doses-
related manner. Therefore, the LOAEL was established at 10 mg/kg/day [converted to
7.1 mg/kg/day] and the NOAEL was 1 mg/kg/day) [converted to 0.71 mg/kg/day].

Adams et al. (278) reported the response of laboratory animals to a single exposure to various
concentrations of carbon tetrachloride. The maximum time-concentrations in air survived by rats
were as follows: 12000 ppm for 15 min, 7300 ppm for 1.5 h, 4600 ppm for 5 h, and 3000 ppm for
8 h. The maximum time-concentrations in air having no adverse effects in male rats were as follows:
3000 ppm for 6 min, 800 ppm for 30 min, and 50 ppm for 7 h. Similar data were reported for rabbits
by Lehmann. The data from these two sources indicated that rabbits and guinea pigs show a
somewhat greater tolerance for carbon tetrachloride than rats do. In any case, the acute data given for
the different animals are in the same range.

The responses observed in animals and humans are reasonably comparable. There seems to be a
higher probability of significant kidney response in humans than is observed in animals.
Qualitatively, such injury is observed in both animals and humans. Histopathological and
biochemical studies of acutely injured animals show marked hepatic injury, as has been
demonstrated by increased plasma prothrombin clotting time, an increase of serum phosphatase, an
increase in liver weight, an increase of total lipid content of the liver, and central fatty degeneration
of the liver. Renal injury was not apparent in the acute exposure of rats in the studies of Adams
(278). Quite significant kidney injury has been reported, however, from what were thought to be
single exposures in humans.

Although responses referable to the nervous system or GI tract may still be observed in chronic
exposure, they are much less important factors. These effects may not be noticed at all following a
long period of chronic exposure to low concentrations; the organic and functional injury of the
internal organs becomes predominant, particularly of the liver and the kidney. It is noticeable in the
literature that carbon tetrachloride has become a classic agent for producing liver injury for
laboratory investigations.

One comprehensive toxicologic investigation in animals is that of Adams et al. (278). These
investigators studied rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and monkeys, which were given repeated 7 h daily
exposures 5 days/week. At a concentration of 400 ppm (2.52 mg/L), rats and guinea pigs suffered
severe intoxication. Less than half of them lived for 127 exposures during a period of 173 days.
There was an increase in liver weight up to twice that of the controls and a moderate increase in
kidney weight. Histological examination of the tissues showed central fatty degeneration with
cirrhosis of the liver and slight parenchymatous degeneration of the tubular epithelium of the
kidneys. Animals examined after 2 weeks of exposure demonstrated advanced liver and kidney
changes by that time. At a concentration of 200 ppm (1.26 mg/L), rats and guinea pigs still showed a
definite response and high mortality. Biochemical and histological studies were comparable but less
severe than in the 400-ppm exposure. At a concentration of 100 ppm (0.63 mg/L), rats, rabbits,
guinea pigs, and monkeys tolerated 146–163 exposures without evidence of adverse effect on gross
appearance, behavior, growth, and other parameters. They all showed histopathological changes. The
changes were equivocal in the monkey.

A continuous exposure at 61 mg/m3 (10 ppm) resulted in the deaths of three guinea pigs, as well as
growth depression and liver damage in the survivors of all species. A second continuous exposure at
6.1 mg/m3 (1 ppm) did not cause deaths or visible toxic signs in any species. All species except the
rat exhibited slight growth depression but no hematological or histopathological evidence of toxicity,
at 6.1 mg/m3.

Alumot et al. (279) fed rats diets containing carbon tetrachloride for 2 years. On the basis of growth,
fertility, reproduction, biochemical tests, and apparently limited histological examination, primarily
of the liver, the authors concluded that they had fed a no-effect level of 200 ppm. On the basis of
food consumption, this was calculated to be 10–18 mg CCl4/kg body weight per day. They also
reported fatty livers occurred in rats after 5–6 weeks on a diet containing 275 ppm CCL4,
~ 40 mg/kg/day, and decreased weight gain in male rats fed 520 ppm. Total lipid and triglycerides
were significantly higher at 275 and 520 ppm but not 150 ppm after 5–6 weeks. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Early studies to measure absorption and
excretion of carbon tetrachloride were handicapped by analytic difficulties. Studies were made only
at very high concentrations. McCollister et al. (280) were among the first who studied the absorption,
distribution, and elimination of carbon tetrachloride by using radioactive carbon. This allowed them
to study these factors at concentrations that were physiologically significant from a chronic exposure
point of view. They exposed monkeys to concentrations of 46 ppm (0.290 mg/L) of carbon
tetrachloride that was 14C labeled. Approximately 30% was absorbed. The equivalent of at least 51%
of the radioactivity due to carbon tetrachloride absorbed during an inhalation period was estimated to
have been eliminated in the expired air within 75 days. The remainder was excreted largely in the
urine and feces. Approximately 4.4% was eliminated as carbon dioxide. Some 94.3% of the
radioactivity in the urine was a nonvolatile, unidentified intermediate. Small amounts occurred as
urea and carbonate. Numerous subsequent references to the metabolism of carbon tetrachloride have
been published. The review by ATSDR (270) summarized in a diagram the metabolism of carbon
tetrachloride as adapted from Shah et al. (281). Metabolism is primarily in the liver but many other
organs have also been shown to metabolize it. The identified products underlined in Figure 62.3
support a NADP H-dependent cytochrome P450 isoenzyme reductive dehalogenation, formation of a
trichloromethyl free radical, binding to microsomal lipids and proteins, and a number of other
reactions to form products such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hexachloroethane, chloroform,
and phosgene. Metabolism is thought to be dose-dependent and saturable, and to involve destruction
of the cytochrome P450 during the metabolism process.

Figure 62.3. Pathways of CCl4 metabolism. Products identified as carbon tetrachloride metabolites
are underlined. [Adapted from Ref. 281.]

Dose–response ratio, time course, and pharmacokinetics following single oral gavage doses of 14C-
labeled CCl4 to rats were studied extensively (282). Carbon dioxide was identified as a major
metabolite, with 20–30 times less bound to liver macromolecules. An intermediate amount was
excreted in the liver and feces. Metabolism changed extensively as doses were increased.
Chloroform, for example, was the least abundant metabolite at low doses, but the second most
abundant at high doses. Metabolism by the pathways leading to CO2 and CHCl3 were more
associated with concurrent liver injury as measured by increased transaminase activity than it was to
pathways leading to metabolites bound to liver or excreted in urine. Metabolism of CCl4 clearly
impaired the pathway to CO2 after 2 h of exposure. A significant first-pass effect through the liver is
apparent after gavage; unfortunately, few data on metabolism after inhalation are available.

The fatty changes that are characteristic of carbon tetrachloride toxic effect on the liver are due to
accumulation of triglycerides, but the mechanism is not yet clear (283). The mechanism is not the
same as that producing liver necrosis, another characteristic effect of carbon tetrachloride.
Metabolism of carbon tetrachloride is certainly required and lipid peroxidation may play a key role. Adsorption Absorption through the skin of monkeys from the vapor phase was studied by
McCollister et al. (280). By using radioactive carbon tetrachloride, they were able to detect small
amounts in the blood after exposure of the skin to vapor concentrations of 485 and 1150 ppm.
Although traces were absorbed through the skin under these conditions, their conclusions were that
“absorption through the intact skin would appear to be of no practical significance in considering the
hazard to the health of industrial workers exposed to concentrations of at least as high as 1150 ppm
in the air.”

Stewart and Dodd (167) considered absorption of the liquid through the skin to present a potential
problem based on a limited study on human subjects. In view of the high potential hepatotoxicity of
carbon tetrachloride, contact of the skin with the liquid should be prevented, particularly if it could
lead to repeated exposure. Distribution See Section Excretion See Section Reproductive and Developmental Schwetz et al. (283) exposed pregnant rats 7 h/day to
either 330 or 1000 ppm carbon tetrachloride vapors from days 6–15 of pregnancy. These exposures
had no effect on fetal resorptions but

At both concentrations fetal body weight and crown-rump length were significantly less than that of
controls. No anomalies were seen upon gross examination of the fetuses. A significant incidence of
subcutaneous edema was observed at 300 ppm but not at 1000 ppm. The incidence of sternal
abnormalities was significantly increased in the fetuses of rats exposed to 1000 ppm CCl4.

Considerable hepatotoxicity was observed in the dams at both concentrations. The authors concluded
that carbon tetrachloride is not teratogenic, but is embryo toxic at these concentrations, and that these
are not related to hepatotoxicity in the mothers. Smyth et al. (284) observed three generations of rats
exposed to 50–400 ppm vapor. In these studies no evidence of reduced fertility or embryonic or fetal
abnormalities were observed.

Alumot et al. (279) fed rats diets fumigated with carbon tetrachloride for 2 years. Storage of diets
was in hematically sealed containers and diets were assayed at 80 ± 5 and 200 ± 20 ppm CCl4. The
females were rebred at 2-month intervals for a total of seven matings. From this somewhat unusual
experimental design, they concluded that exposure of both male and female rats to diets containing
80–200 ppm had no effect on male fertility, female fertility, or reproductive parameters. On the basis
of food consumption during the 2-year period, this amounted to 10–18 mg/kg/day.

After 6 months of repeated 7-h exposure to 200 ppm vapor, the testicular germinal epithelium of rats
was adversely affected, perhaps as a secondary effect (278). Carcinogenesis The USEPA (5) classifies carbon tetrachloride as B2 (Animal

carcinogenicity data is sufficient); probable human carcinogen on the basis of carcinogenicity in rats,
mice, and hamsters. Carbon tetrachloride has produced hepatocellular carcinomas in rats, mice, and
hamsters, the species evaluated to date.

Hepatocellular carcinomas developed in Osborne–Mendel, Japanese, and Wistar rats, but not
Sprague–Dawley or black rats, following subcutaneous (SC) injection of carbon tetrachloride.
Hyperplastic nodules were noted in Buffalo rats treated SC (285–287). Sensitivity varied among
strains, and trends in incidence appeared inversely related to severity of cirrhosis. Fifty Osborne–
Mendel rats/sex were administered carbon tetrachloride by corn oil gavage at 47 and
94 mg/kg/injection for males and 80 and 159 mg/kg for females 5 times/week for 78 weeks. At 110
weeks, only 7/50 high-dose males and 14/50 high-dose females survived; 14/50 low-dose males and
20/50 low-dose females survived. The incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas was increased in
animals exposed to carbon tetrachloride as compared with pooled colony controls. The apparent
decrease in the incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas in high dose female rats compared with the
low dose females (1/14 vs. 4/20, respectively) was attributed by the authors to increased lethality
before tumors could be expressed (288–290). In this same study, using the same dosing schedule,
male and female B6C3F1 mice received 1250 or 2500 mg/kg carbon tetrachloride. The incidences of
hepatocellular carcinomas in males were 5/77, 49/49, and 47/48 in the control, low and high dose
groups, respectively, and 1/80, 40/40, and 43/45 in the control, low, and high dose groups,

Carbon tetrachloride administered by gavage has also been shown to produce neoplastic changes in
livers of five additional strains of mice (C3H, A, Y, C, and L). In the last study, 56 male and 19
female L mice, which have a low incidence of spontaneous hepatomas, were treated with 0.1 mL of
40% carbon tetrachloride 2 or 3 times/week over 4 months, for a total of 46 treatments. Animals
were killed 3–3.5 months after the last treatment. The combined hepatoma incidence of treated male
mice was 47% (7/15 vs. 2/71 in the untreated male controls); treated females showed an incidence of
38% (3/8 vs. 0/81 in the untreated female controls).

As part of a large study of liver carcinogens, Della Porta et al. (290a) treated Syrian golden hamsters
(10/sex/dose) with carbon tetrachloride by gavage, weekly for 30 weeks. For the first 7 weeks,
0.25 mL of 0.05% carbon tetrachloride in corn oil was administered; this dose was halved for the
remainder of the exposure period. All animals were observed for an additional 25 weeks. All of the
10 hamsters that were killed or died between weeks 43 and 55 had liver cell carcinomas, compared
with none in controls.

IARC (294, 295) states that there is sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of carbon
tetrachloride in experimental animals. When administered by gavage, carbon tetrachloride increased
the incidences of hepatomas and hepatocellular carcinomas in mice of both sexes. By the same route
of administration, the compound increased the incidence of neoplastic nodules of the liver in rats of
both sexes. When administered by subcutaneous injection, carbon tetrachloride induced
hepatocellular carcinomas in male rats and mammary adenocarcinomas and fibroadenomas in female
rats. When administered by inhalation, carbon tetrachloride induced liver carcinomas in rats. When
administered intrarectally, the compound induced nodular hyperplasia of the liver in male mice. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Carbon tetrachloride was not mutagenic to
either S. typhimurium or E. coli. At low concentrations, carbon tetrachloride did not produce
chromatid or chromosomal aberrations in an epithelial cell line derived from rat liver (291). In vivo
unscheduled DNA synthesis assays have likewise been negative in male Fischer 344 rats (292).
Carbon tetrachloride produced mitotic recombination and gene conversion in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, but only at concentrations that reduced viability to 10% (160). Carbon tetrachloride may
be metabolized to reactive intermediates capable of binding to cellular nucleophilic macromolecules.
Negative responses in bacterial mutagenicity assays may have been due to inadequate metabolic
activation in the test systems.

10.4.2 Human Experience General Information Symptoms of exposure to this compound
may include headache, mental confusion, CNS depression, fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
coma, abdominal cramps, dizziness, unconsciousness, weakness, amnesia, paresthesia, tremors,
jaundice, and liver and kidney damage. It may also cause depression, loss of appetite, bronchitis,
internal irritation, stupor, and damage to the heart and nervous system. Skin contact may remove the
natural lipid cover of the skin and it may also lead to a dry, scaly, fissured dermatitis. Other
symptoms include GI disturbances, abdominal pain, diarrhea, enlarged and tender liver, toxic
hepatitis, diminished urinary volume, red and white blood cells in the urine, and albuminuria. It may
also cause narcosis, lung damage, acute nephrosis of the kidney, polyneuritis, narrowing of visual
fields and other neurological changes, cirrhosis of the liver, lacrimation, burning of the eyes,
malaise, dark urine, renal casts, uremia, epigastric distress, visual disturbances (such as blind spots,
spots before the eyes, visual “haze” and restriction of the visual fields), and death. Exposure to this
compound depresses and injures almost all cells of the body, including the CNS, liver, kidney, and
blood vessels. Depression of the heart muscle may result in ventricular arrhythmias. Damage to the
kidneys may result in marked edema and fatty degeneration of the tubules. Other symptoms include
slowed respiration, slowed or irregular pulse, fall of blood pressure, sudden weight gain, azotemia,
anemia, blurred vision, and loss of peripheral color vision. It may also cause drowsiness, giddiness,
oliguria, cellular necrosis of the liver, acute nephritis, and aplastic anemia. Eye and skin irritation,
dyspnea, hematemesis, hematuria, proteinuria, weight loss, cyanosis, and miosis have also been
reported. Ingestion of this compound with alcohol will intensify the effects of the chemical. Other
symptoms include hepatomegaly, optic atrophy, optic neuritis, and pulmonary edema. It may also
cause a permanent reduction in vision, deafness, and retrobulbar neuritis. Mucous membrane
irritation and anesthesia have also been reported. Hepatic nodular hyperplasia may also occur. Other
symptoms include sleepiness, increased peristalsis, erythema, gastroenteritis, and death from
ventricular fibrillation. It may cause disorientation. Alveolitis has occurred. It may cause irritation of
the nose and throat, a sense of fullness in the head, convulsions, hepatic steatosis, hypertension,
acidosis, and sudden death from depression of vital medullary centers. Other symptoms include
flatulence, fatty liver, elevated SGOT, and elevated serum bilirubin. It may also cause
incoordination, vertigo, and increased nitrogen retention. Other symptoms are pupillary constriction,
unspecified respiratory system and GI system effects, somnolence, severe GI upset, and liver
enlargement (273).

Numerous reports of injury and death following acute and repeated exposure of humans to carbon
tetrachloride can be found. Few, if any, epidemiological, studies have been completed on an
occupationally exposed population, nor have there been laboratory studies of long duration.

Stewart and Dodd (167) and Stewart et al. (271) have conducted experimental human exposure
studies with volunteer subjects. These reports indicate that absorption of the liquid through the skin
may be significant, particularly in chronic exposure. They have also determined the concentration of
carbon tetrachloride in expired air following exposure to the vapor. Carcinogenesis An IARC Working Group (294, 295) reported that there were no adequate
data to evaluate the carcinogenicity of carbon tetrachloride in humans. Three case reports described
liver tumors associated with cirrhosis in humans exposed to carbon tetrachloride. A mortality study
of laundry and dry cleaning workers exposed to a variety of solvents suggested an excess of
respiratory cancers, liver tumors, and leukemia.

The EPA considers the human data re: carcinogenesis as “inadequate.” There have been three case
reports of liver tumors developing after carbon tetrachloride exposure. Several studies of workers
(293) who may have used carbon tetrachloride have suggested that these workers may have an
excess risk of cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reviewed the available carcinogenicity
data in 1972 (294) and again in 1979 (295). Carbon tetrachloride is grouped with 18 chemicals
considered “probably carcinogenic for humans” and, according to IARC, is to be regarded “as if it
presented a carcinogenic risk to humans.” The EPA reached a similar conclusion in 1988 (296). In a
study by the NCI bioassay program, hepatocellular carcinomas developed in mice that received
gavaged daily doses of 2500 or 1250 mg/kg for 78 weeks (297). These massive doses also resulted in
adrenal tumors. The amount of noncancerous pathology in the liver was not discussed, but may have
been significant. Rats were fed doses of 100 (male) or 150 (female) mg/kg, 5 days/week for 78
weeks and then kept for 32 additional weeks. Half of these doses were fed to second groups of rats.
According to Weisburger (297), in rats “carbon tetrachloride caused neoplastic nodules and a few
carcinomas of the liver. However, the incidence was lower than anticipated.”

Considering the low mutagenic activity and the failure to alkylate DNA, a relationship of liver injury
to causation of liver tumors seems plausible.

There appear to be no data on tumors resulting from inhalation of carbon tetrachloride.

10.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Exposure limits: NIOSH carcinogen, lowest feasible concentration, with a STEL of 2 ppm and an
IDLH of 200 ppm. OSHA PEL is 10 ppm, ceiling is 25 ppm and 5-min peak in any 4 hrs is 200 ppm.
The ACGIH TLV TWA is 5 ppm and the STEL/C is 10 ppm with an A2 notation.

CPSC banned the use of carbon tetrachloride under the authority of the Federal Hazardous
Substances Act (FHSA), as well as mixtures containing the chemical, except for unavoidable
manufacturing residues of carbon tetrachloride in other chemicals that do not, during use, result in an
air concentration greater than 10 ppm. EPA regulates carbon tetrachloride under the Clean Air Act
(CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act (CERCLA), Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), Food, Drug,
and Cosmetic Act (FD&CA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Safe Drinking
Water Act (SDWA), and Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). Carbon
tetrachloride is designated as a hazardous air pollutant under CAA, hazardous waste under RCRA,
and a hazardous substance under CWA. Under CAA, EPA has set emission standards for carbon
tetrachloride for point-source categories and any stationary source for which the standards apply.
Effluent discharge guidelines have been set under CWA. Carbon tetrachloride is subject to reporting
rules under CWA, CERCLA, RCRA, and SARA. Under CERCLA, EPA has lowered the reportable
quantity (RQ) of 5000 lb established under CWA to 10 lb (SARA final RQ). EPA has banned the use
of carbon tetrachloride as a grain fumigant under FIFRA. Under FD&CA, EPA published data
collection and labeling requirements for pesticides containing carbon tetrachloride as an inert
ingredient. Carbon tetrachloride is regulated as a hazardous constituent of waste under RCRA
(hazardous-waste number, U211; regulatory level, 0.5 mg/L). Under SDWA, EPA set a maximum
contaminant level goal (MCLG; 0 mg/L) and a maximum contaminant level (MCL; 0.005 mg/L) for
carbon tetrachloride. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that no detectable
residues (limit: 0.01 ppm) of carbon tetrachloride be allowed on food or feed, but permits 50 mg/kg
on cooked cereals. FDA regulates, under FD&CA, the amount of carbon tetrachloride in bottled
water and indirect food additives.
10.6 Studies on Environmental Impact:

Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

11.0 Carbon Tetrabromide

11.0.1 CAS Number:
11.0.2 Synonyms:
11.0.3 Trade Names:
Bromid uhlicity (Czech); Carbon bromide
11.0.4 Molecular Weight:
11.0.5 Molecular Formula:
11.0.6 Molecular Structure:

11.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

11.1.1 General
Physical state Colorless solid when pure; often yellow to brown
Specific gravity 3.42 (20°C)
Melting point (a) 48.4°C; (b) 90.1°C (slight decomposition on melting)
Boiling point 189.5°C (slight decomposition)
Refractive index 1.59998 (99.5°C)
Solubility 0.24 g/100 mL water at 30°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether, chloroform
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air
1 mg/L = 74 ppm and 1 ppm = 13.58 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr

11.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Carbon tetrabromide has significant lacrimatory effect on the
eye at low concentrations. This may be reasonably good warning of acute exposure, but may not be
adequate to prevent excessive repeated exposure.
11.2 Production and Use
Carbon tetrabromide is used to a limited extent as a chemical intermediate. It has been isolated from
red algae, Asparagopsis toxiformis, found in the ocean near Hawaii.
11.3 Exposure Assessment:
11.4 Toxic Effects
Carbon tetrabromide is a highly toxic material, based on the limited amount of toxicologic data
available. Little new information is available since the previous edition.

11.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Acute exposure to high concentrations causes
upper respiratory irritation and injury to the lungs, liver, and kidneys. The response to chronic
exposure at very low concentrations is primarily liver injury. The material is a lacrimator, even at
low levels.

The LD50 by oral administration was found to be 1800 mg/kg body weight in the rat.

In the eyes of rabbits, the undiluted material caused severe irritation and permanent corneal damage.
When the material was promptly washed from the eyes, pain and irritation were noted but the
corneal damage was temporary.

Skin contact causes relatively slight irritation in rabbits. If the material is confined tightly to the skin,
it may cause hyperemia and a moderate edema. From observations made when the material was
repeatedly bandaged onto the skin, there was no indication of toxic absorption, but no attempt was
made to quantify the dosage.

The hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects of carbon tetrabromide were studied in male Sprague–
Dawley rats following a single IP administration in a dose range of 25–125 mL/kg. Carbon
tetrabromide did not cause hepatotoxic effects when given alone or in combination wth prior
exposure to chlorodecone. It caused renal dysfunction, but these effects were abolished by dietary
chlordecone pretreatment. In vitro incubation of renal cortical slices obtained from treated animals
revealed a significant depression of organic anion transport. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Exposure of rats to carbon tetrabromide “fumes” (0.01–
1 mg/L) (0.07–74 ppm), 4 h/day for 4 months was reported to cause irritation of the eyes and
respiratory tract.

In another (unpublished) study, repeated exposures of rats 7 h/day, 5 days/week for 6 months to the
vapors of carbon tetrabromide were studied. When the concentration in air was determined by
combustion of air samples and determination of halogen, the concentration without effect was found
to be 0.1 ppm by volume. When the concentration in air was determined by a polarographic method,
the concentration was 0.3–0.5 ppm by volume. Higher concentrations than this caused poor growth
and fatty and degenerative changes in the liver. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The small amount of data that is available
suggests that either hydrolysis or metabolism produces some bromide ion. Carbon tetrabromide
would not be expected to produce physiologically significant quantities of bromide ion in the blood
at levels of exposure considered acceptable by inhalation. Carbon tetrabromide is metabolized in
vitro to produce carbon monoxide, but the in vivo significance has not been established.
Like classic lipid peroxidation chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride, carbon tetrabromide show
similar activity. Protein synthesis and lipid peroxidation were evaluated in rat liver slices in the
presence of oxidants and protein synthesis inhibitors (2, 3). The ability of carbon tetrabromide (and
several other halogenated compounds) to inhibit protein synthesis was correlated with its ability to
induce lipid peroxidation and was also correlated with their toxicity as indicated by the LD50. The
authors suggest that oxidant-induced lipid peroxidation and protein synthesis damage occurs
concurrently, and that protein synthesis inhibition may be involved in cell injury or death mediated
by free radicals.

Carbon tetrabromide (as well as some other brominated and chlorinated methanes) undergoes
oxidate metabolism to electrophilic halogens by liver microsomes.
11.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV TWA is 0.1 ppm and the STEL/C is 0.3 ppm.

The NIOSH REL is 0.1 ppm with an STEL of 0.3 ppm. OSHA currently does not have a PEL.

International occupational exposure values:

Australia TWA 0.1 ppm (1.4 mg/m3); STEL 0.3 ppm (4 mg/m3) January 1993.
Belgium TWA 0.1 ppm (1.4 mg/m3); STEL 0.3 ppm (4.1 mg/m3) January 1993.
Denmark TWA 0.1 ppm (1.4 mg/m3) January 1993.
Finland TWA 0.1 ppm (1.4 mg/m3); STEL 0.4 ppm; “skin” notation January 1993.
France TWA 0.1 ppm (1.4 mg/m3) January 1993.
Ireland TWA 0.1 ppm (1.4 mg/m3); STEL 0.3 ppm (4 mg/m3) January 1997.
The Netherlands TWA 0.1 ppm (1.4 mg/m3) October 1997.
Switzerland TWA 0.1 ppm (1.4 mg/m3) January 1993.
United Kingdom TWA 0.1 ppm (1.4 mg/m3) STEL/C: 0.3 ppm.
11.6 Studies on Environmental Impact:

Saturated Methyl Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons


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Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

Ethyl Chloride
1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
Chloroethane, hydrochloric ether, monochloroethane, and muriatic ether
1.0.3 Trade Names:
Aethylos chloridium, Anodynon, Chelen, Chlorene, Chloretilo, Chloroethyl, Chloryl, Chloryl
anesthetic, Dublofix, Ether chloratus, Hydrochloric ether, Kelene, Monochloroethane, Moriatic
ether, Narcotile, and NCI-C06224
1.0.4 Molecular Weight:
1.0.5 Molecular Formula:
1.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Ethyl chloride is a colorless gas with an ethereal, somewhat pungent odor and burning taste. It is
highly flammable, even at ordinary temperature and pressure, and a severe fire and explosion risk.
Under increased pressure and lower temperatures, it is a very volatile liquid.
Physical Colorless gas
Specific gravity 0.8917 (25/25°C)0.897 at 20°C
Melting Point –138.7
Boiling Point 12.3
Vapor pressure 1200 torr (25°C) 1000 torr at 20°C
Solubility 0.57g/100 mL water at 20°C, 48 g/100 mL ethanol at 21°C 0.6% in H2O
Flammability limits 3.8–15.4% by volume in air
Autoignition temperature 519°C
Flash point –50°C (closed cup); –43°C (open cup)

1.1.1 General The principal problem in industrial use of ethyl chloride is that typical of an anesthetic
material where “drunkenness” and incoordination may lead to inept operation and therefore the
possibility of an injury. Cardiac arrhythmia are possible, but high concentrations are required (6).
The older data were summarized by von Oettingen (7), and an ATSDR profile (update) has been
published by the U.S. Public Health Service in December, 1998 (8).

1.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Ethyl chloride has an ethereal, somewhat pungent odor
recognizable at concentrations of 100–600 ppm (9). High concentrations are necessary for
potentially serious physiological effects, which may be considered a possible warning property for
acute effects. According to AD Little (9), in humans, 50% of the subjects detected the odor of ethyl
chloride at 140 ppm and 100% detected 680 ppm. An odor threshold of 4.2 ppm has been reported
by Amoore (10).
1.2 Production and Use
Ethyl chloride is used in the manufacture of tetraethyl lead, ethylcellulose, dyes, drugs, and
perfumes. It is also used as an alkylating and analytical agent, in organic syntheses, and as a solvent
for fats, oils, waxes, phosphorus, acetylene, and many resins. It is also used as a propellant, an
anesthetic, in refrigeration, and in the formulation of insecticides. Ethyl chloride has been used as a
chemical intermediate, as a topical anesthetic, and to a limited degree as a refrigerant. The most
serious problems have been with its use as an anesthetic. The major problems encountered in
industry has been fire and explosion.
1.3 Exposure Assessment
According to the ATSDR toxicity profile (8), humans can be exposed to chloroethane from
environmental, occupational, and consumer sources. In the 1970s and 1980s, chloroethane was found
in outdoor air at levels of 41–140 ppt, but current levels are expected to be lower because of
decreased production. Extremely low levels of chloroethane are present in drinking water, which
may form during chlorination. There are no data on chloroethane in food. Exposure can result from
contact with consumer products such as paints and refrigerants via skin. Occupational exposure may
result from inhalation or skin contact. According to a NIOSH survey between 1981 and 1983, an
estimated 49,212 workers in the United States were exposed to chloroethane in the workplace at that

1.3.1 Air See the preceding.

1.3.2 Background Levels See the preceding.

1.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 2519 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to ethyl chloride.

1.3.4 Community Methods Environmental methods are given in the ATSDR profile (8). These
address: ambient air, air from a contaminated site, air from a landfill, raw/treated water, finished
drinking/ raw source water, water, wastewater, groundwater, soil and sediment, solid and liquid

1.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Biological monitoring of expired air would appear to be of little

value owing to the physical properties of ethyl chloride, which suggest rapid excretion.

The ATSDR profile (8) gives a table of methods for biological samples, including exhaled air,
human milk, blood and urine, urine and adipose tissue, and also for fish and marine biota. The purge
and trap method is used for both environmental and biological samples. Blood The ATSDR profile (8) offers a method for blood and urine: The sample is mixed with
water and antifoaming agent, purged at 50°C, trapped in Tenax, and thermal desorption, followed by
Cryofocus—using high-resolution gas chromatography, flame ionization chromatography, and mass
spectrometry. The detection limit is 3 mg/L of blood and 3 mg/L of urine with >80% recovery. Urine See the preceding.

1.4 Toxic Effects
According to Sax (1) ethyl chloride has moderate toxicity via oral and inhalation routes. It is an
irritant of skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. The liquid is harmful to the eyes and can cause smoke
irritation. In the case of guinea pigs, symptoms attending exposure are similar to those caused by
methyl chloride, except that the signs of lung irritation are not as pronounced. It gives some warning
of its presence because it is irritating, but it is possible to tolerate an exposure until one becomes
unconscious. It is the least toxic of all the chlorinated hydrocarbons, but at high concentrations ethyl
chloride can cause narcosis, anesthesia, and even death on single exposure. It can cause narcosis,
although the effects are usually transient. Animal experiments show some evidence of kidney
irritation and accumulation of fat due to this material in the kidneys, cardiac mucles, and liver. It is
also readily absorbed through the skin. It is a highly dangerous fire hazard and forms phosgene on
combustion. When heated to decomposition, ethyl chloride may emit toxic fumes of HCl and may
also release fumes of CO.

1.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity A single reference reports allergic eczematous
eruption in two subjects after ethyl chloride was sprayed on the skin in an allergy-testing procedure
(11). The wide use of ethyl chloride as a local anesthetic suggests that these must have been rare

Rats were anesthetized for 2 h with ethyl chloride (12). Complete disappearance of glycogen in the
liver, a decrease in acid phosphatase levels, and increases in alkaline phosphatase and succinic
dehydrogenase levels were reported.

A 2 h LC50 of 152 mg/L (57,600 ppm) has been reported (13). Deaths were anesthetic in nature but
hyperemia, edema, and hemorrhages were reported in the internal organs, brain, and lungs. Repeated
2 h exposures for 60 d to 14 mg/L (5300 ppm) were alleged to cause a decrease in the phagocytic
activity of the leukocytes, lowered hippuric acid formation in the liver, and histological or
pathological changes in the liver, brain, and lungs. However, Troshina's results are not consistent
with newer data. In the limited study on rats and dogs, exposures to 0, 1600, 4000, or 10,000 ppm
were given 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for 2 wk (14) there were no adverse effects on any of the extensive number
of toxicological parameters studied except for a slight increase in liver to body weight ratios in rats
exposed to 4000 and 10,000 ppm. Nonprotein sulfhydryl was decreased in rats and mice.

In a 11 d study in which mice were exposed 23 h/d to 0, 250, 1250, or 5000 ppm the only effect was
a slight liver weight increase and hepatocellular vacuolization at 5000 ppm (17). In a teratological
study at 0, 500, 1500, or 5000 ppm reported in a subsequent section, no toxicologic effects were
noted in pregnant mice after 10 consecutive 6 h daily exposures to 500, 1500, or 5000 ppm (18). As
part of a lifetime carcinogenic study also reported in a subsequent section, rats and mice were
exposed 1, 10, or 65 times (19). Then 6 h exposures 5 d/wk for 14 d to 19,000 ppm also produced no
evidence of toxicity in male and female rats.

Ethyl chloride has been demonstrated to be a cardiac sensitizer (31) in dogs at or near concentrations
producing anesthesia, 30,000–45,000 ppm (32). In this condition, cardiac tissue is hypersensitized to
the effects of stimulatory endogenous catecholamines, which can result in arrhythmias and cardiac
arrest. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity In a 13 wk study, rats were exposed 6 h/d, 5 d/w (65
exposures) to 0, 2500, 5000, 10,000 or 19,000 ppm. The only effect was a slight liver weight
increase at 19,000 ppm as well as slightly lowered body weights in both sexes. Based on the effects
seen with similar compounds, and limited data on dogs, sensitization of the heart to adrenaline could
be a hazard at very high (anesthetic) concentrations (20, 21). It is not possible to determine whether
deaths that occurred during the short period of time it was used as a general anesthetic were due to
anesthesia and/or cardiac toxicity or to some other conditions related to surgery.

In an NTP study (19), groups of F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice (50/group/sex) were exposed to either 0
(air) or 15,000 ppm of 99.5% ethyl chloride (39.6 g/m3) 5 d/wk, 6 h/d for 102 wk (rats) or 100 wk
(mice). The duration-adjusted concentration becomes 7.1 g/m3. The exposure level was set at this
limit because of safety considerations for explosions. A single level of exposure was chosen as no
exposure-related changes were seen in the 90-d study at a slightly higher concentration
(19,000 ppm). Survival of female mice after week 82 was significantly lower than controls,
apparently due to an increase in deaths from carcinomas of the uterus; there were no other
statistically significant differences in survival between control and treated animals of either species.
Mean body weights were decreased in both male and female rats. In females, the maximum
difference in body wieghts between exposed and control animals was 13% and occurred at 59 wk of
exposure when 49 of 50 test animals were still alive. Although some fluctuations towards normalcy
were observed from this time forward, terminal body weights of 23 surviving treated animals were
still 10% less than their corresponding controls. In male rats, mean body weights were also
decreased when compared with controls, although the decrease achieved a miximum differential of
only 8%. The mean body weights of mice were not affected by exposure. Based on the mild decrease
in mean body weight gain, 15,000 ppm is judged as a free-standing NOAEL. The NOAEL
(HEC) = 7.1 g/m3.

Groups of F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice (10/group) were exposed to either 0 (air), 2500 ppm
(6.6 g/m3), 5000 ppm (13.2 g/m3), 10,000 ppm (26.4 g/m3), or 19,000 ppm (50.1 g/m3) of 99.5%
ethyl chloride 5 d/wk, 6 h/d for 13 wk (19). The duration-adjusted concentrations are 0, 1.2, 2.4, 4.7,
or 9.0 g/m3, respectively. Monitoring for toxicological effects was by daily observation, body
weights, and a complete necropsy and histologic examination including tissues of the entire
respiratory tract and brian.

No exposure-related clinical signs or gross or histopathological effects were observed in either

species. Relative liver weights were slightly increased in the male rats (14%) and female mice (18%)
exposed to 19,000 ppm. Slight decreases in mean body weights were noted in the rats (8% in the
males, 4% in the females) exposed to 19,000 ppm; no dose-related tendency could be discerned from
the data. As no toxicity was apparent, 19,000 ppm is considered as a free-standing NOAEL in this
study. The NOAEL(HEC)= 9.0 g/m.3

The results obtained in the two studies of Troshina (13, 22) are not consistent with those of NTP (19)
or Landy et al. (14, 17). Deficiencies preclude consideration of these studies as a reliable source of
information about the toxic effects of this chemical. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Conjugation with glutathione has been
shown to occur at a much higher rate in mice than rats (25). These data suggest that this conjugation,
which is species specific and dose dependent, may be extremely important in understanding the
development of toxicity and tumors in female mice. A nongenetic (hormonal) mechanism of uterine
tumors induction has been suggested. Reproductive and Developmental In a developmental study conducted in groups of 30 CF-1

mice, Scortichini et al. (18) exposed animals to mean time-weighted averages of 0 (air),
491 ± 37 ppm (1.3 g/m3), 1504 ± 84 ppm (4000 mg/m3), and 4946 ± 159 ppm (13,000 mg/m3)
99.9% ethyl chloride for 6 h/d on days 6 through 15 of gestation. The animals were sacrificed on the
eighteenth day of gestation. (These values are not duration adjusted.) This study shows that exposure
to ethyl chloride results in fetotoxicity. The exposure concentration of 1504 ppm is the NOAEL of
this study NOAEL(HEC) = 4000 mg/m3 based on foramina of the skull bones. The highest
concentration used in this study, 4946 ppm, is a LOAEL, (HEC) = 13,000 mg/m3.

According to Hanley et al. (23), the reproductive organs were not affected following subchronic
inhalation exposures to ethyl chloride. Exposures to mice at concentrations of 500, 1500, or
5000 ppm during organogenesis produced no teratogenic effects. The presence of a few small
unossified areas in the skull bones at 5000 ppm suggest very slight fetotoxicity.

Experiments conducted by Breslin et al. (24) suggest that exposure to ethyl chloride may disrupt the
estrus cycle of mice. Two groups (10/group) of female B6C3F1 mice were acclimated in exposure
chambers over a 2 wk period or until the estrus cycles of most mice was a 4–6 d interval (as judged
by a vaginal lavage technique). Males were included in each chamber to synchronize and promote
regular estrus cyclicity. Following acclimatization one group was exposed to 15,000 ppm (39.6 g/m3
ethyl chloride 6 h/d for a minimum of 14 consecutive days (through 3 estrus cycles). No effects on
behavior, gross, or histopathology were observed in the group undergoing exposure, although the
mean body weights in the exposed group were significantly increased rather than decreased. The
mean length of the estrus cycle in exposed mice was 5.6 d, significantly longer in duration than the
pre-exposure duration for the same group (5.0 d) and for the corresponding controls (4.5 d). The
protraction of the period could not be attributed to an increase in any particular phase of the estrus
cycle and is therefore suggestive of a general stress response. A direct exposure-related effect of
ethyl chloride on neuroendocrine function cannot be excluded. As this effect is regarded as a
systemic effect, the exposure is duration adjusted to establish a free-standing LOAEL of 6.6 g/m3.
The LOAEL(HEC) = 6.6 g/m3. Carcinogenesis The EPA (IRIS) has not made a carcinogenicity assessment at this time.

Increased cancer of the uterus of female mice has been produced by exposure to 15,000 ppm, but
lower concentrations have not been studied. Rats and mice were exposed to 0 or 15,000 ppm of ethyl
chloride in an NTP 2-year study with mixed results (19). Results in male rats were considered
equivocal based on a combined total of five skin tumors versus none in the control male rats.
Likewise female rats results were considered equivocal because three astrocytomas were found
versus none in the female control rats. The male mouse group had such poor survival that it was
deemed an inadequate study although combined alveolar/bronchiolar adenomas and carcinomas were
reported (10/48 versus 5/50 in the control male rats). Female mice exposed to 15,000 ppm had clear
evidence of an effect, for 43/50 mice had endometrial uterine carcinomas versus 0/49 in the female
control mice. In addition, there was a suggestion of an increase in combined hepatocellular
adenomas and carcinomas in the female mice (8/48 exposed versus 3/49 control). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies According to the NTP report of carcinogenic
studies, ethyl chloride was found to be mutagenic in Salmonella both with and without S-9
activation. The report considers the effect to be consistent with alkylating activity in base
substitution strains TA100 and TA1535. Studies of chromosomal aberration in the bone marrow of
mice exposed for 2 years were negative (19), as were all transformation studies in mouse BALB/c-
3T3 cells (26).

1.4.2 Human Experience Exposure to ethyl chloride can cause irritation of the eyes. It can also be
iritating to the nose, throat, and respiratory tract. At concentrations of approximately 2% (molar), it
can cause an anesthetic or narcotic effect. This can result in headache and nausea and also dizziness.
At higher concentrations, exposure can cause unconsciousness. It may also produce central nervous
system depression. This depression is usually brief and reversible. Due to its rapid rate of
evaporation, it can cause tissue freezing or frostbite on dermal contact. Other symptoms include
drowsiness, noisy talkativeness, and sensitizing effects on the myocardium. It may also cause
irregular heart beat. It may cause liver and kidney damage, incoordination, and abdominal cramps. It
may cause slight symptoms of inebriation. Exposure may also cause lung irritation, damage to
internal organs, excitement, and paralysis of respiration. It may cause lung damage. Ethyl chloride
may irritate the kidneys and cause fat accumulation in the kidneys, cardiac muscles, and liver. It is
absorbed readily through the lungs, and rapidly given off through the lungs. Other symptoms
reported include cardiac arrhythmias at high concentrations; rare allergic eczematous eruptions when
sprayed on skin; and hyperemia, edema, and hemorrhages in the internal organs, brain, and lungs. It
may also cause weak analgesia. It may cause stupor. The most serious problem from severe acute
exposure, other than the anesthetic effect, is the possibility of the potentiation of adrenalin, and the
resultant cardiac problems (27, p. 247). Exposure to this compound may cause death due to
respiratory or cardiac arrest. Deaths are anesthetic in nature.

Although used as a surgical anesthetic, ethyl chloride has a narrow margin of safety for this purpose
as anesthesia occurs at 20–30 mg % and respiratory failure at 40 mg % (28). Ethyl chloride is
explosive at 4% (40,000 ppm, 106 g/m3) in air, overlapping the concentrations required to produce
anesthesia (3–4.5%) Neurological symptoms have been observed in human case studies in instances
of ethyl chloride abuse. Hes et al. (29) noted cerebellar-related symptoms including ataxia, tremors,
dysarthria (speech difficulties), slowed reflexes, nystagmus (involuntary movement of the eyeball),
and hallucinations in a 28-year old female who sniffed 200–300 mL of ethyl chloride off her coat
sleeve daily for 4 mo. Examination revealed that her liver was enlarged (3 cm) and slightly tender
and was accompanied by a mild and transient disturbance (not clinically described) of liver function.
All symptoms were resolved by the end of 4 wks. Similar neurological symptoms were noted in a
52-year-old male who had a 30-year history of intermittent ethyl chloride (as well as alcohol and
barbiturate) abuse (30). Questioning upon hospitalization revealed that he had been inhaling at least
100 mL of ethyl chloride daily for the previous 4 mo. No liver effects were reported, and the patient
fully recovered from the neurological symptoms by 6 wk after admission.

Ethyl chloride has been used experimentally and clinically as a topical and inhalation anesthetic in
human subjects; reviews are available (6, 7).

In a study by Davidson (33) ethyl chloride was administered to humans. Intoxication started at 1.3%,
memory loss at 1.9%, incoordination at 2.5%, and at 3.36%, incoordination was followed by
cyanosis, nausea, and vomiting. General Information The acute toxicity for animals was reported by Sayers et al. (15) (see
Table 63.1) and the narcotic concentrations for humans were reported by Lehann and Flury (16) (see
Table 63.2). More recent data have not changed their conclusion significantly.

Table 63.1. Response of Guinea Pigs to Ethyl Chloride Vapor in Air (15)

Concentration Exposure time

(%) (min) Response

23–24 5–10 Unconscious, some deaths

15.3 40 Some deaths in 30 min; some survived 40
9.1 30 Survived; histopathological changes in
lungs, liver, etc.
5 40 Survived; lungs congested
4 122 Survived; returned to normal
270 Survived; histopathological changes in
lungs, liver, and kidneys
540 Some deaths
2 270 Survived; returned to normal
540 Survived; histopathological changes in
liver and kidneys
1 810 Survived; returned to normal

Table 63.2. Narcotic Ethyl Chloride Concentrations in Humans

Concentrations in Humans


mg/L ppm Response

105.6 40,000 After 2 inhalations, stupor, irritation of eyes, and stomach

88.7 33,000 After 30 sec, quickly increased toxic effect
66.0 25,000 Lack of coordination
52.8 20,000 After 4 inhalations, dizziness and slight abdominal cramps
50.4 19,000 Weak analgesia after 12 min
34.3 13,000 Slight symptoms of poisoning Reproductive and Developmental Early and late pregnancy toxemias have been observed in
women occupationally exposed to ethyl chloride and other chemicals such as ethyl bromide and
butanol (34).

Women who were exposed occupationally to unknown concentrations of ethyl chloride along with
ethylenediamine, ammonia, polyethylene polyamines, vinyl chloride, and hot summer temperatures
had genital disorders that included inflammatory diseases of the cervix and uterus and vaginitis (35). Carcinogenesis The EPA (IRIS) has not made a carcinogenicity assessment at this time
1.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV TWA is 100 ppm with an A3 designation (confirmed animal carcinogen with
unknown relevance to humans). The NIOSH considers that ethyl chloride be treated in the workplace
with caution because if its structural similarity to chloroethanes shown to be carcinogenic in animals.
The OSHA PEL is 1000 ppm.

Other Nations:

Australia: 1000 ppm (1993); Federal Republic of Germany: no MAK, Group B carcinogen,
justifiably suspected of having carcinogenic potential (1995); Sweden: 500 ppm, short-term value
700 ppm, 15 min (1993); United Kingdom: 1000 ppm, 15 min STEL 1250 ppm (1995).
1.6 Studies of Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

2.0.1 CAS Number:
2.0.2 Synonyms:
Ethylidene chloride, ethylidene dichloride
2.0.3 Trade Names:
Chlorinated hydrochloric Ether, HSDB 64
2.0.4 Molecular Weight:
2.0.5 Molecular Formula:
2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Dichloroethane-1,1 is a colorless, oily liquid with a chloroformlike odor.
Physical state Colorless liquid
Specific gravity 1.175 (20°C)
Melting point –96.98°C
Boiling point 57.3°C
Vapor pressure 234 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.41655 (20°C)
Percent in “saturated;”air 30.8(25°C)
Solubility 0.5 g/100 MI water at 20°C; soluble in (5500 mg/L) ethanol, ethyl ether
Flash point 14°C (open cup); –8.33°C (closed cup)
Flammability limits 5.6–11.4% by volume in air
Ignition temperature 493°C
2.1.1 General

2.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties 1,1-Dichloroethane has been stated to have a “chloroformlike”
odor, but the level at which this odor is detectable has not been determined.
2.2 Producton and Use
1,1-Dichloroethane is flammable and has limited use as a solvent. Its major use is as a chemical
intermediate. Formerly used as an anesthetic, it is of no importance in this field today. It appears to
be an environmental breakdown product of some commonly used chlorinated solvents. An ATSDR
toxicology profile is available (3).
2.3 Exposure Assessment
Exposure routes are inhalation, ingestion, skin, and/or eye contat. The substance can be absorbed
into the body by inhalation and by ingestion. A harmful concentration in the air can be reached rather
quickly on evaporation of this substance at 20°C. The vapor is heavier than air and may travel along
the ground; distant ignition possible.

2.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1003 for halogenated hydrocarbons is recommended for
determining workplace exposures to 1,1-dichloroethane.

2.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Although biologic monitoring for expired 1,1-dichloroethane in air

might be useful for determining recent exposure, inadequate data are available to quantify exposure.
Urinary metabolites (dichloroacetic acid and monochloroacetic acid) would be expected only in low
concentrations if present at all.
2.4 Toxic Effects
1,1-Dichloroethane may be harmful by inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption. Vapor or mist is
irritating to the eyes, mucous membranes, skin, and upper respiratory tract. When heated to
decomposition, it emits toxic fumes of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride gas, and
phosgene. It is narcotic in high concentrations. It may also have anesthetic effects at high
concentrations. It is a lacrimator.

Much less has been published on the toxicity of 1,1-dichloroethane than on its more toxic isomer
1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride). 1,1-Dichloroethane is rather low in toxicity. It is capable of
causing anesthesia, but has a relatively low capacity to cause liver or kidney injury even on repeated
exposure. Massive doses by gavage in oil were questionably carcinogenic in rats and mice, but when
fed in drinking water, no increase in liver cancer occurred in a limited study in male mice.

2.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Although the 1985 NIOSH Registry of Toxic
Effects of Chemical Substances (42) lists an oral. LD50 of 725 mg/kg for rats based on a 1967
article, this must be an error, because repeated daily doses higher than this were given by gavage for
78 wk (43). No original reference is given for a report of an oral LD50 of 14.1 g/kg for rats.

In a study by Muralidhara et al. (44), adult male Sprague–Dawley rats were given single doses of 0,
0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 8.0 g/kg in corn oil. There was significant mortality only at 8 g/kg and no
evidence of treatment-related effects on serum or urinary enzyme levels, organ weights, or tissue
morphology. Rats received repeated oral doses of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, or 4.0 g/kg 5 d/wk for 12 wk.
There was marked CNS depression and high mortality only in the 4-g/kg group but little evidence of
toxicity other than transient CNS depression at lower levels.

Inhalation Acute: In 1956, Smyth (45) found that rats survived an 8 h exposure to 4000 ppm but
were killed by 16,000 ppm. Deaths were probably due to anesthesia.

Schwetz et al. (46) showed that pregnant and nonpregnant rats survived 10 repeated 7 h exposures to
6000 ppm with no effect except for a slight liver weight increases in nonpregnant rats.

Intraperitoneal: Plaa and Larson (47) found little liver and kidney toxicity following intraperitoneal
injection. Doses of 1000 mg/kg produced no renal necrosis in mice but some evidence of tubular
swelling was reported. Urinary protein was increased after injection of 2000 mg/kg and urinary
glucose increased after 4000 mg/kg.

Klinkead and Leahy (48) report on a 4 h male, rat, inhalation exposure which gave a LC50 of ca.
13,000 ppm. In the same paper the authors reported no toxic effects in rabbits dermally exposed to
an upper limit of 2 mL/kg body weight for 24 h for 14 d.

Mueller (49) observed anesthetic effects in mice that inhaled 8,000–10,000 ppm for 2 h with a
minimum lethal dose of 17,300 ppm. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity In two studies by Muralindhara and Ramanthan (44), rats
were given a single oral bolus of 0, 500, 1000, 2000, or 4000 mg 1,1-dichloroethane/kg body weight
for 5 or 10 consecutive days. Glutathione showed a dose-dependent increase in the kidney after 5
and 10 d of exposure, but liver GSH and other indices were not different from controls. Reported in
the same paper was a subchronic study where rats were given single oral doses of 0, 500, 1000,
2000, or 4000 mg/kg body weight 5 d/wk for up to 12 wk. CNS depression, marked and high
mortality occurred in the 4000 mg/kg group, but little signs of toxicity were seen at lower dosage

Hofmann et al. (50) reported that rats guinea pigs, rabbits, and cats tolerated 6 h daily exposures to
500 ppm 5 d/wk for 13 wk with no adverse effects. Rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits also tolerated an
additional 13 wk at 1000 ppm, but cats showed histological evidence of kidney injury and increased
blood urea.

In a study by Schwetz et al. (46) pregnant female rats were exposed on days 6 to 15 of gestation to
3800 or 6000 ppm 1,1-dichloroethane vapors. Exposures were for 7h/d. Essentially no effect
occurred in either the dams or fetuses except for slight but statistically significant decreases in food
consumption and weight gain by the dams and delayed ossification in the fetuses. No teratological
effects were related to exposures. Liver weights of a group of nonpregnant rats were increased by
similar exposure, but no histological changes were apparent grossly or microscopically. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms In a study by McCall et al. (51) the authors
proposed that 1,1-dichloroethane is metabolized by hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 in vitro,
and this metabolism is important in the toxicity of the compound.

Mitoma et al. (52) studied the metabolism of 1,1-dichloroethane after chronic oral dosing of adult
mice and rats at maximum tolerated doses. The results are presented in Table 63.3. The maximum
tolerated dose was 700 mg/kg for rats and 1800 mg/kg for mice. Animals were treated 5 d/wk for
4 wk with unlabeled 1,1-dichloroethane prior to a single gavage dose of labeled material in corn oil.
The animals were placed in metabolism cages for 2 d following treatment. Rats excreted 86% as
unchanged 1,1-dichloroethane and mice 70%. Total metabolism (primarily CO2) was 7.5 and 29%,
respectively, and the metabolic products were similar in the two species. Although the investigators
report radioactivity as “bound” the “binding” may have been due to incorporation as metabolites
rather than due to alkylation.

Table 63.3. Metabolic Disposition of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Rats

and Mice

Percentage of the Administered Dose

Average (S.D.)
Dose Expired CO2 Excrete Carcass a+b+c
Species (mmol/kg) Air (a) (b) (c) Recovery Expired Air

Rat 7.07 86.13 5.12 0.92 1.41 93.46 7.45
(8.53) (0.43) (0.35) (0.19) (8.45)
Mouse 18.19 70.42 25.23 1.64 2.43 99.74 29.3
(5.50) (5.37) (0.29) (1.04) (2.81)
Rat 1.01 11.48 8.20 69.51 7.05 96.26 84.76
(7.19) (3.93) (5.11) (1.48) (14.07)
Mouse 1.51 7.65 18.21 81.88 2.37 110.12 102.46
(7.27) (3.22) (6.92) (0.23) (1.85)
Rat 22.48 83.13 0.87 2.05 1.20 89.26 4.12
(3.25) (0.14) (0.46) (0.28) (3.95)
Mouse 29.98 92.94 2.01 3.36 0.72 99.04 6.09
(2.89) (0.07) (0.35) (0.03) (3.15)
Rat 0.52 9.49 5.08 72.10 3.85 90.53 81.03
(2.64) (1.45) (11.94) (0.54) (8.77)
Mouse 2.24 6.81 3.09 75.92 2.29 88.11 81.3
(2.10) (0.90) (1.97) (0.29) (2.48)
Rat 9.89 57.41 1.80 21.64 6.67 87.54 30.11
(2.97) (1.18) (2.47) (0.92) (5.16)
Mouse 15.22 18.18 3.89 66.65 11.08 99.81 81.62
(3.59) (0.86) (4.06) (1.78) (7.20)
Rat 0.59 7.03 1.98 46.01 30.75 85.77 78.74
(1.01) (0.25) (0.85) (2.10) (1.59)
Mouse 1.19 9.69 10.14 30.29 27.44 77.57 67.87
(1.13) (2.95) (0.21) (0.74) (3.41)
Rat 1.19 34.14 1.47 60.09 3.20 98.90 64.76
(6.91) (0.84) (5.27) (0.80) (2.66)
Mouse 2.38 5.89 2.08 77.21 5.04 90.22 84.33
(0.08) (0.60) (3.51) (0.58) (5.28)
Rat 6.03 79.19 1.94 2.39 0.77 84.30 5.1
(8.99) (0.69) (0.12) (0.17) (9.17)
Mouse 5.42 57.46 2.45 14.35 5.40 79.65 22.2
(9.79) (0.48) (1.85) (1.24) (9.13)
Rat 2.11 64.55 2.37 6.33 20.02 93.28 28.72
(6.67) (0.76) (2.39) (3.70) (6.23)
Mouse 4.22 71.51 1.84 16.21 5.90 95.47 23.95
(5.09) (0.94) (3.76) (1.60) (9.59)

Thompson et al. (53) reported in vitro studies that confirmed that little 1,1- dichloroethane is
metabolized. Cytochrome P450 appears to play a major role in metabolism and the addition of
substances that increase P450 increase metabolism of 1,1-di-chloroethane. Addition of glutathione
had a protective effect. Reproductive and Developmental See the study by Schwetz et al. (46) reported in the
subchronic/chronic section. Carcinogenesis The EPA (IRIS) (2) classifies 1,1-dichloroethane as C; possible human
carcinogen based on no human data and limited evidence of carcinogenicity in two animal species
(rats and mice) as shown by an increased incidence of mammary gland adenocarcinomas and
hemangiosarcomas in female rats and an increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas and
benign uterine polyps in mice. The EPA offers no estimate of carcinogenic risk from inhalation or
oral exposure. The EPA states (IRIS) that because of similarities in structure and target organs, the
carcinogenic evidence for 1,2-dichloroethane is considered to be supportive of the classification of
1,1-dichloroethane in group C, a possible human carcinogen.

The EPA considers the animal carcinogenicity “limited.” The NCI bioassay (43), provides limited
evidence for the carcinogenicity of 1,1-dichloroethane in Osborne–Mendel rats and B6C3F1 mice.
This is based on significant dose-related increases in the incidence of hemangiosarcomas at various
sites and mammary carcinomas in female rats and statistically significant increases in the incidence
of liver carcinomas in male mice and benign uterine polyps in female mice. The study is limited by
high mortality in many groups. The low survival rates precluded the appearance of possible late-
developing tumors and decreased the statistical power of this bioassay. Technical-grade 1,1-
dichloroethane in corn oil was administered by gavage 5 d/wk for 78 wk to groups of 50 Osborne–
Mendel rats/sex/dose. All surviving animals were necropsied following a 33 wk observation period.
Due to toxicity, dosing was not continuous (3 wk on, then 1 wk off), making the TWAs for 5 d/wk
382 and 764 mg/kg/d for low- and high-dose males and 475 and 950 mg/kg/d for low- and high-dose
females, respectively. Both a vehicle and an untreated (not intubated) control group (20
rats/sex/group) were included in the study. A high incidence of pneumonia (approximately 80%) in
all 4 groups of each sex was considered to be the cause for the low survival at termination of the
study. Survival at 111 wk was 30, 5, 4, and 8% in the untreated control, the vehicle control, the low-
dose, and the high-dose male rat groups, respectively. Survival at termination for the female rat
groups was 40, 20, 16, and 18% for the untreated control, vehicle control, low- and high-dose
groups, respectively. In female rats there was a statistically significant positive dose-related trend in
incidence of hemangiosarcomas (0/19 for matched vehicle controls, 0/50 for the low-dose group, and
4/50 for the high-dose group). The incidence of mammary gland adenocarcinomas (1/20 for the
untreated group, 0/19 for the vehicle control group, 1/50 for low-dose, and 5/50 for high-dose
groups) showed a statistically significant dose-related positive trend in those female rats surviving at
least 52 wk; tumor incidence was 0/16, 1/28, and 5/31 for vehicle control, low- and high-dose
groups, respectively. (Tumor incidence at termination for the untreated control females surviving at
least 52 wk was not reported.) This bioassay was conducted before the life table tests were
implemented; so results adjusted for mortality are not available. No mammary gland adenomas or
hemangiosarcomas were observed in the dosed-male rats.

In the same NCI (43) study, groups of 50 B6C3F1 mice/sex/group were administered technical-grade
1,1-dichloroethane in corn oil by gavage 5 d/wk for 70 wk. As in the rat study, the dosage pattern
was 3 wk on and 1 wk off; the surviving animals were necropsied 13 wk after the termination of
dosing. The TWAs for 5 d/wk for the low- and high-dose groups were 1442 and 2885 mg/kg/d for
male and 1665 and 3331 mg/kg/d for female mice.

Control groups, indentical to those in the rat study and consisting of 20 mice/sex/group, were also
used. Survival at termination was 80, 80, 80, and 50% for the untreated control group, the vehicle
control group, the low- and high-dose females, respectively. In male mice survival was 35, 55, 62,
and 32% in the untreated control group, the vehicle control group, the low- and high-dose groups,
respectively. An increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in male mice was not statistically
significant by either pairwise or trend test (2/17 in the untreated control group, 1/19 in the vehicle
control group, 8/49 in the low-dose, and 8/47 in the high-dose groups). The incidence of
hepatocellular carcinoma in male mice surviving at least 52 wk was 1/19, 6/72, 8/48, and 8/32 in the
matched vehicle control group, a pooled vehicle control group consisting of mice from this and
identical controls from other concurrent experiments, and the low- and high-dose groups,
respectively; this positive trend was statistically significant. In female mice, liver carcinomas were
reported in only the vehicle control (1/19) and the low-dose groups (1/47), no liver tumors were seen
in the untreated controls or in the high-dose group. A statistically significant increase in benign
uterine endometrial stromal polyps (4/46) was observed in high-dose females; these were not
observed in any other group. A preliminary report of the NCI (43) study was published by
Weisburger (54).

To determine if 1,1-dichloroethane in drinking water could act as a tumor promoter or a complete

carcinogen, Klaunig et al. (55) exposed groups of 35 male B6C3Fl mice to 1,1-dichloroethane in
drinking water at 0, 835, or 2500 mg/L for up to 52 wk following a 4-wk treatment with either
drinking water containing 10 mg/L diethyl nitrosamine (DENA-initiated groups) or with deionized
water (noninitiated groups). The investigators estimated that the approximate weekly dose of 1,1-
dichloroethane was 3.8 mg/g/wk (corresponding to 543 mg/kg/d) for the groups exposed to
2500 mg/L. Upon sacrifice at the end of either 24 wk (10 mice/group) or 52 wk (25 mice/group) of
promotion, all tissues were examined for gross pathologic lesions and histologic sections of the liver,
kidneys, and lungs were examined. Neither the initiated nor the noninitiated 1,1-dichloroethane-
treated groups showed a significant increase in the incidence of liver or lung tumors compared with
initiated or noninitiated controls, respectively. The authors concluded that 1,1-dichloroethane was
not carcinogenic to mice and did not act as a tumor promotor following initiation with DENA. These
conclusions may not be entirely justified, since the duration of the study may have been inadequate
for the development of tumors in noninitiated 1,1-dichloroethane-treated animals. In addition, the
incidence of liver tumors in DENA-initiated controls was 70% at 24 wk and 100% at 52 wk, and the
number of tumors/mouse in DENA-initiated controls at these times was 3.00 and 29.30, respectively.
Hence, an increase in tumors or decrease in latency in 1,1-dichloroethane-treated DENA-initiated
animals would have to be marked in order to be detectable.

Carcinogenicity Classifications:
EPA Group C, Possible Human Carcinogen
ACGIH TLV A4, Not classifiable as a Human carcinogen Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies As reported in the ATSDR Toxicological profile
(56) 1,1-dichloroethane has been shown to be weakly mutagenic in some but not all test systems
primarily with metabolic activation and without glutathione, which appears to play a detoxification
role. Addition of glutathione reduces the extent of metabolic covalent binding to macromolecules,
raising the question of the suitability of bacterial test systems that are low in glutathione in
evaluating mammalian toxicity.

2.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include liver and kidney
damage, skin and eye irritation, dermatitis, and skin burns. It may cause unconsciousness, central
nervous system depression, and drowsiness. It may also cause nausea, vomiting, faintness, irritation
of the respiratory tract, salivation, sneezing, coughing, dizziness, lacrimation, reddening of the
conjunctiva, cyanosis, circulatory failure, and slight smarting of the eyes and respiratory system. It is
narcotic in high concentrations.

No reports of human experiments or experience were found.

A published report by Hamilton and Hardy (57) indicated that 1,1-dichloroethane is irritating to the
eyes and respiratory tract, produces salivation, sneezing, and coughing, is associated with dizziness,
nausea, and vomiting. Hepatic and renal injury were present in severe and fatal cases.
2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV for 1,1-dichloroethane is 100 ppm with an A4 designation, not classifiable as a
human carcinogen. The NIOSH REL is 100 ppm with an IDLH of 3000 ppm. The OSHA PEL is
also 100 ppm.

Other Occupational Exposure Values: Australia: 200 ppm, STEL 250 ppm, substance under review
(1993); Federal Republic of Germany: 100 ppm, short-term level 200 ppm, 30 min, 4 times per shift,
pregnancy group D, insufficient evidence for a final evaluation (1997); United Kingdom: 200 ppm,
15-min STEL 400 ppm (1995).
2.6 Studies of Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

Ethylene Dichloride
3.0.1 CAS Number:
3.0.2 Synonyms:
1,2-Dichloroethane, sym-dichloroethane, 1,2-bichloroethane, 1,2-ethylene dichloride, alpha, beta-
dichloroethane, glycoldichloride
3.0.3 Trade Names:
Borer sol, Brocide, Destruxol Borer-sol, Dichloremulsion, Dutch oil, Di-chlor-mulsion, Dutch liquid,
Freon 150, Dichlor-ulsion, Dichloremulsion
3.0.4 Molecular Weight:
3.0.5 Molecular Formula:
C2H4Cl2 or ClCH2CH2Cl
3.0.6 Molecular Structure:

3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Ethylene dichloride is a colorless liquid with an odor typical of chlorinated hydrocarbons. An odor
threshold of 88 ppm has been reported (10). Chemical and physical properties include (58):
Physical state Colorless liquid
Specific gravity 1.2569 at 20°C (20/4°C)
Melting point –35.5°C
Boiling point 83.5°C
Vapor pressure 87 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.44432 (20°C)
Percent in “saturated”air 11.5 (25°C)
Solubility 0.9 g/100 ML water at 20°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether
Flash point 18.3°C (open cup); 13°C (Closed cup)
Explosive limits 6.2–15.9% by volume in air
Ignition temperature 415°C

3.1.1 General An ATSDR Toxicological Profile for this material is available.

3.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Ethylene dichloride has a sweetish, not particularly disagreeable
odor. The odor is barely detectable at 50 ppm in air and is definite but not unpleasant at 100 ppm.
Although it is pronounced at 200 ppm, it still would not be considered unpleasant. Even though the
odor may be definite enough to act as a warning of acutely hazardous concentrations, it is probably
not sufficiently striking to be considered a significant warning of hazardous chronic exposure. This
is particularly true because one can adapt to the odor at low concentrations.
3.2 Production and Use
In the United States almost all the current production of ethylene dichloride is used as the starting
material for preparation of vinyl chloride monomer. Other applications are much smaller. It was
formerly used in antiknock fluids for gasoline, in fumigant mixtures, and as a solvent. Because of its
toxicity and flammability, usage as a solvent has decreased considerably as less hazardous
replacements have become available.

3.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1003, for halogenated hydrocarbons, is recommended for
determining workplace exposures to 1,2-dichloroethane (10a).

3.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers No references were found that would indicate biologic monitoring
to be satisfactory for industrial hygiene control at acceptable levels of exposure.
3.4 Toxic Effects
1,2-Dichloroethane is toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact. It can be absorbed through the
skin. It is an irritant of the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. The vapor is heavier than air and may
travel a considerable distance to a source of ignition and flash back. When heated to decomposition,
it emits toxic fumes of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride gas, and phosgene.

The toxicity of ethylene dichloride has been extensively investigated both in animals and humans. It
has been reviewed by several authors (7, 59–62). At very high concentrations, ethylene dichloride is
irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat. Other symptoms are largely related to CNS depression or
gastrointestinal upset, that is, mental confusion, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Cardiac
sensitization appears to be less important. At subacute levels, similar symptoms of CNS depression
and gastrointestinal upset are observed. Definite liver, kidney, and adrenal injury may occur at these
levels. From chronic exposure to lower concentrations, some indications of CNS depression are still
observed. Nausea and vomiting are quite common in humans. The sympton of nausea and vomiting
for ethylene dichloride is quite striking and similar to that often observed from carbon tetrachloride.
The pathological picture from repeated exposure is injury of the liver, kidneys, and adrenals. This
general pattern has been consistent in animal investigative work and in experience from human

Ethylene dichloride does not appear to be teratogenic or to have significant reproductive effects, but
current animal data suggest it may have mutagenic, and possibly carcinogenic, potential. There is
also a question of its immunologic suppression that remains unanswered. Human studies have not
supported the carcinogenic or immunologic effects seen in animal studies, but as is often the case in
epidemiology, the study populations have been small.
3.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Animal studies show liver and kidney injury.
Smyth et al. (63) calculated an oral LD50 in rats of 770 mg/kg. Opacity of the cornea was reported in
dogs and foxes following administration of ethylene dichloride (7, p.144). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The results of lifetime oral studies are discussed in the
carcinogenesis section. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms The metabolism of ethylene dichloride has
been recently reviewed (62). Figure 63.1 has a proposed metabolic map taken from Loew et al. (64).
It is readily absorbed via the lungs and gastrointestinal tract and to a lesser degree through the skin.
Although steady-state blood concentrations in the rat were achieved in 2–3 h at 150 ppm, the
equilibrium concentration in blood at 6 h was exponentially related to the inhaled concentration.
Blood levels of 1.4, 8.3, and 31.3 mg/mL were found after exposure to 50, 150, and 250 ppm in air
for 6 h. About 70% of the inhaled ethylene dichloride was absorbed in a 6 h exposure to 150 ppm,
and clearance from the blood was rapid. Elimination following oral doses was also rapid, resulting in
both cases in nonlinear kinetics. Approximately 85% of radioactivity was excreted in the urine as
thiodiacetic acid and thiodiacetic sulfoxide with some exhalation of unchanged [14C]1,2-
dichloroethane. The parent compound, as well as 2-chloroethanol, monochloroacetic acid, and 2-
chloroacetadehyde, has been found in the organs of cadavers following acute poisoning (65). Two
paths of metabolism involve microsomal cytochrome P450 or cytosolic glutathione transferase. The
cytosolic pathway was considered responsible for the mutagenicity and covalent DNA binding (66),
but other investigators found no evidence of covalent binding from the cytosol route (67). A
physiologically based pharmacokinetic model has been developed that described glutathione
depletion and resynthesis in rats and mice (68).

Figure 63.1. Proposed metabolism of 1,2-dichloreothane (from Ref. 64). Reproductive and Developmental In the available abstract, Vozovaya (69) states he produced
decreased fertility and other adverse effects in pregnant female rats and the progeny of the first
generation, but not of the second, by giving them repeated 4 h/d exposures to 57 mg/m3 (14 ppm).
However, an attempt to confirm this report failed to do so, even though the rats were exposed to
100 ppm 7 h/d for several months (70). Furthermore, pregnant Sprague–Dawley rats and New
Zealand white rabbits were exposed to 0, 100, or 300 ppm of ethylene dichloride on days 6 through
15 (rats) and 6 through 18 (rabbits) of gestation. Severe maternal toxicity was observed among rats
exposed to 300 ppm of ethylene dichloride; two-thirds of the dams died during the exposure period.
No signs of toxicity were observed among rats at the 100-ppm dose level. Maternal toxicity was
noted in rabbits as evidenced by maternal deaths at both dose levels. No adverse effects on
embryonal or fetal development were observed among litters from the exposed rats at 100 ppm or
among those from exposed rabbits. Owing to the severe maternal toxicity observed, no conclusions
could be drawn concerning the teratogenic potential of inhaled ethylene dichloride in the rat at
300 ppm; ethylene dichloride was not embryotoxic or teratogenic in rats inhaling either 100 ppm or
in rabbits inhaling 100 or 300 ppm of the compound during gestation (70).

Pregnant CD mice were fed water containing a mixture of potential water contaminants including
ethylene dichloride with no effects on the usually teratological parameters (71).

The reproduction and developmental effects of ethylene dichloride were studied in a multigeneration
study (72). Male and female ICR Swiss mice received 0, 5.14, 15.4, or 49.7 mg/kg/d. There appeared
to be no dose-dependent effects on fertility, gestation, viability, or lactation indices. Pup survival and
weight gain were not adversely affected. Gross necropsy of male and female F0 generation mice
treated with 1,2-DCE or 1,1,1-TCE failed to reveal compound or dose-related effects. Carcinogenesis The EPA classifies ethylene dichloride as B2; probable human carcinogen on
the basis of the induction of several tumor types in rats and mice treated by gavage and lung
papillomas in mice after topical application. There are no human carcinogenicity data. An NCI study
in 1978 (73) is the basis for the conclusion.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (74, p. 62) classified ethylene dichloride in group
2B, possibly carcinogenic to humans, based on sufficient evidence for carcinogenicity in animals and
no adequate data for humans.

In the NCI (75) study, 1,2-dichloroethane in corn oil was administered by gavage to groups of 50
each male and female Osborne–Mendel rats and B6C3F1 mice. Treatment was for 78 wk followed
by an additional observation period of 12–13 weeks for mice or 32 wk for low-dose rats. TWA
dosages were 47 and 95 mg/kg/d for rats, 97 and 195 mg/kg/d for male mice, and 149 and
299 mg/kg/d for female mice. All high-dose male rats died after 23 wk of observation; the last high-
dose female died after 15 wk. Male rats had significantly increased incidence of forestomach
squamous-cell carcinomas and circulatory system hemangiosarcomas. Female rats and mice were
observed to have significant increases in mammary adenocarcinoma incidence. Mice of both sexes
developed alveolar/bronchiolar adenomas, females developed endometrial stromal polyps and
sarcomas, and males developed hepatocellular carcinomas.

In the studies by Spencer et al. (76) and Maltoni et al. (77) inhalation exposure of Wistar, Sprague–
Dawley rats, and Swiss mice did not result in increased tumor incidence.

An elevation that was not statistically significant in lung adenomas was seen in A/st mice treated IP
with 1,2-dichloroethane in tricaprylin (78).

ICR/Ha Swiss mice treated topically had a significant increase in benign lung papillomas, but not
skin carcinomas (79).

Carcinogenicity Classification:
EPA Group B2, Probable human carcinogen; sufficient evidence from animal studies;
inadequate evidence or no data from epdemiologic studies.
IARC Group 2B, Possibly carcinogenic in humans.
MAK Group 2, Probable human carcinogen.
NIOSH Carcinogen, with no further categorization.
NTP Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen (RAHC).
ACGIH A4, Not Classifiable as a Human Carcinogen.
TLV Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies 1,2-Dichloroethane was mutagenic for
Salmonella in assays wherein excessive evaporation was prevented; exogenous metabolism by
mammalian systems enhanced the response (80–82). Both somatic cell mutations and sex-linked
recessives were induced in Drosophila (83–86).

Metabolites of 1,2-chloroethane have been shown to form adducts with DNA after in vitro or in vivo

3.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include irritation of the skin,
eyes, and respiratory tract, corneal clouding, and dermatitis. It may cause conjunctivitis, corneal
ulceration, headache, mental confusion, depression, fatigue, albuminuria, central nervous system
depression, convulsions, diarrhea, hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia, jaundice, narcosis, and pulmonary
edema. It may also cause flaccid paralysis without anesthesia, somnolence, cough, nausea, vomiting,
hypermotility, ulceration, fatty liver degeneration, change in cardiac rate, cyanosis, coma, edema of
the lungs, and toxic effects on the kidneys. It may cause feelings of drunkeness or drowsiness,
unconsciousness, and death from respiratory and cardiac failure, defatting of the skin, swelling of the
skin, and chemical pneumonia. Other symptoms may include mental confusion, abdominal pains,
and liver and kidney damage. It can also cause watery stool, weak and rapid pulse, and internal
bleeding. It may cause corneal opacity. Other symptoms may include edema of the brain, vascular
congestion in the lungs, heart, and spleen, weight loss, and oliguria. It may also cause dizziness,
narcosis, intestinal hemorrhages, weakness, trembling, and severe shock. Chronic exposure may
result in loss of appetite, epigastric distress, tremors, nystagmus, leukocytosis, and low blood sugar
levels. Clinical Cases There have been clinical cases of acute exposure to ethylene dichloride
reported in the literature that confirm the picture observed in the animals. Menschick (87) reported
four acute cases showing a “hepato-renal syndrome.” The author also lists 27 cases of poisoning by
inhalation collected from the literature.

Ethylene dichloride does present a problem from oral ingestion. There are a significant number of
the poisoning cases reported in the literature by this route. The response is CNS depression,
gastrointestinal upset, and injury to the liver, kidneys, and the lungs, and delayed deaths.

The Criteria Document (88) cited papers that indicate fatalities from inhalation in concentrations
insufficient to cause anesthesia.

Two epidemiologic studies, one positive and one negative, have been reported, but the results are not
conclusive owing to mixed exposures or small sample size (89, 90). Epidemiology Studies Two epidemiologic studies, one positive and one negative, have been
reported, but the results are not conclusive owing to mixed exposures or small sample size (89, 90).
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV is 10 ppm with an A4 notation, not classifiable as a human carcinogen. The
NIOSH REL is 1 ppm and the STEL is 2 ppm. NIOSH considers this chemical a carcinogen. The
OSHA PEL is 50 ppm while the ceiling is 100 ppm and the 5 min peak in any 3 hours is 200 ppm.

Other Occupational Exposure Values: Australia: 10 ppm (substance under review) (1990); Federal
Republic of Germany: no MAK, Group 2, probably human carcinogen (1998); Sweden: 1 ppm, 15-
min short-term value 5 ppm, skin, carcinogenic (1989); United Kingdom: 10 ppm, 10-min STEL
15 ppm, carcinogenic substance, R45-may cause cancer (1991).
3.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

Methyl Chloroform
4.0.1 CAS Number:
4.0.2 Synonyms:
1,1,1-Trichloroethane, methyltrichloromethane, alpha-trichloroethane, chloroethene, chlorothene,
4.0.3 Trade Names:
Aerothene TT, Chloroetene, Chloroethene NU, Chlorothane NU, Chlorothene (inhibited),
Chlorothene NU, Chlorothene VG, Chlorten, Inhibisol, NCI-C04626, RCRA Waste Number U226,
Solvent 111, Strobane, Alpha-T, Tri-ethane, UN 2831, Trichloroethane, 1,11-Trichloroetano, Tri-
4.0.4 Molecular Weight:
4.0.5 Molecular Formula:
4.0.6 Molecular Structure:

4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Methyl chloroform is a colorless, nonflammable liquid with an chloroformlike odor and an odor
threshold of 120 ppm. It burns only in excess oxygen or in air if a strong source of ignition is
present. Because of its reactivity with magnesium, aluminum, and their alloys, inhibitors (usually
1,4-dioxane, 1,3-dioxolane, isobutyl alcohol, or nitroethane) are often added to increase the stability
of the solvent.
Physical state Colorless liquid
Specific gravity 1.3376 at 20°C
Boiling point 74.1°C
Melting point (°C) –32.5
Vapor pressure 127 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.43765 (21°C)
Percent in “saturated” air 16.7 (25°C)
Solubility 0.09 g/100 mL water at 20°C; soluble in ethanol and ethyl ether
Flammability (see following note)

Note: The flammable characteristics of methyl chloroform are similar to those of trichloroethylene.
It has no flash point or fire point by ASTM procedures for Tag closed-up and Cleveland open-cup
tests. Limits of flammability of vapors of inhibited 1,1,-trichloroethane have been found to be 10–
15.5% in air with hot wire ignition. A considerable amount of energy is required for ignition. It will
not sustain combustion (91).

4.1.1 General An ATSDR Toxicological profile exists for 1,1,1-trichloroethane (3).

4.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Although methyl chloroform has a typical sweetish odor, it is not
striking enough to be considered a good warning. The odor may be noticeable at concentrations near
100 ppm, well below those known to cause physiological response. However, the odor at 500 ppm
and even 1000 ppm is not so unpleasant as to discourage exposure. The odor has been described as
strong and unpleasant at 1500–2000 ppm. Stewart et al. (92) reported that female test subjects
exposed to 350 ppm objected to the odor; however, this has not been an industrial problem.
4.2 Production and Use
According to the NTP database, methyl chloroform is used in cold-type metal cleaning, in plastic
cleaning, in vapor degreasing, as a chemical intermediate for vinylidene chloride, in aerosols (as a
vapor pressure depressant, solvent, and carrier), in adhesives (as a resin solvent), and as a lubricant
carrier to inject graphite, grease, and other lubricants. It is used alone and in cutting oil formulations
as a coolant and lubricant for drilling and tapping alloy and stainless steels. It is also used to develop
printed circuit boards, in motion picture film cleaning, in stain repellants for upholstery fabrics, in
wig cleaning, in textile processing and finishing, and as a solvent in drain cleaners, shoe polishes,
spot cleaners, insecticide formulations, and printing inks. It is also used as a solvent for cleaning
precision instruments.

Methyl chloroform is used almost exclusively as a solvent with a few percent used as an
intermediate. As a solvent for adhesives, 69% of the U.S. production is consumed in metal
degreasing. Another 23% is used in the manufacture of vinylidene chloride (93). Because of the
environmental issue of depletion of stratospheric ozone, future use can be expected to decline.

Most commercial methyl chloroform, which is sold under several trade names, contains inhibitors to
prevent reaction of the solvent with aluminum and alloys. This reaction produces hydrogen chloride
and in confined vessels may produce high pressures.
4.3 Exposure Assessment
4.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1003, for halogenated hydrocarbons, is recommended for
determining workplace exposures to methyl chloroform.

4.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Stewart et al. (92) have produced a series of graphs making it
possible to quantify exposure based on expired air samples. Analysis of urine for metabolites
probably has limited value. Monster (94) has also published extensive studies on biologic monitoring
of 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Although it has been suggested that urinary trichloroacetic acid and
trichloroethanol may be of value in quantifying exposure to methyl chloroform, and the ACGIH in
1992–1993 recommended biological exposure indices, such indices are of most value in discerning
average exposure levels and not peak exposures. Thus it is possible that “acceptable false negative”
urinary levels of these substances may be found following exposure considered excessive from the
standpoint of anesthetic effects. The same caveat must be considered in considering expired air
samples collected at the end of the workday or workweek.
4.4 Toxic Effects
Extensive testing and human experience indicate 1,1,1-trichloroethane is probably the least toxic of
the chlorinated solvents, but its high volatility and careless use and abuse have resulted in deaths
from gross exposure usually in confined spaces or due to deliberate inhalation.
Methyl chloroform is harmful by inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption. It can be absorbed
through the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and skin. It is an irritant of the skin, eyes, mucous
membranes, and upper respiratory tract. It may be narcotic in high concentrations. It may also cause
slight lacrimation. When heated to decomposition, it emits irritating gases and toxic fumes of carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride gas, chlorine, and phosgene.

The principal and first response from acute or chronic exposure to excessive amounts of methyl
chloroform is depression of the central nervous system. Possibly as a result of very little metabolism
of the compound, it has little capacity to produce organ injury from either single or repeated
exposures but at high levels can sensitize the heart to epinephrine, possibly leading in some cases to
death. Overall the available human and animal data indicate that the compound is not teratogenic,
mutagenic, or carcinogenic, although the 1,1,1-trichloroethane isomer is considerably less toxic than
the 1,1,2-trichloroethane isomer. Owing to an error in the literature, several authors have indicated
the reverse, as documented by Torkelson et al. (95).

Concentrations in excess of 14,000–15,000 ppm are fatal to animals. Human fatalities due to
anesthesia (and/or cardiac arrhythmia) have occurred in confined spaces when exposures to high
concentrations have not been promptly terminated. In cases where the victim has been alive when
removed from the high concentration, recovery has generally been rapid and complete. Abuse
(sniffing) has also resulted in deaths.

Several reviews have been published (5, 62, 96–100).

4.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Torkelson et al. (95) reports that the oral toxicity
is low with an LD50 in rats, mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs ranging from 5.7 to 12.3 g/kg. The LD50
for rabbits (skin absorption) is 16 g/kg.

Wolverton et al. (101) report that the inhalation toxicity is also low with an EC50 for motor control
loss (mice) for 30 min at 5173 ppm. No significant toxic responses were reported for rats, 500 ppm,
6 h/d, 4 d (102), mice to 1300 ppm, 1 h, rats to 3000 ppm for 0.5–4 h (103) baboons, 1400 ppm 4 h

Inhalation: As an anesthetic, methyl chloroform can cause dealth in excess of 14,000–15,000 ppm

Adams et al. (106) reported on the response of animals to acute inhalation exposure. Maximum time
concentrations in air survived by rats were as follows: 6 min at 30,000 ppm, 1.5 h at 15,000 ppm,
and 7 h at 8000 ppm. Maximum time concentrations in air with no detectable injury in rats were as
follows: 18 min at 18,000 ppm and 5 h at 8000 ppm. It should be noted that the maximum level with
no detectable injury is very close to the maximum level survived. This information has been
confirmed by Torkelson et al. (95) using inhibited solvent.

Bruckner et al. (107) performed an acute and subacute study in rats. Several parameters were studied
in addition to lethality. Single oral doses up to 4 g/kg in corn oil did not cause death or treatment-
related effects on serum enzymes organ weights, or histological findings in the livers and kidneys of
Sprague–Dawley rats 24 h after gavage. Rats treated with nine doses in 11 d were scheduled for
sacrifice on the twelfth day. Doses of 0, 0.5, 5.0, or 10.0 g/kg were administered. Doses of 5 and
10 g/kg/d caused hyperexcitability and protracted narcosis as well as some fatalities, but there was
little evidence of toxicity in the survivors or in the 0.5 g/kg/d group. In a 12 wk oral study doses of 0,
0.5, 2,5, or 5.0 g/kg were given 5 d/wk. Reduced body weight and CNS effects were seen only in the
2.5- and 5.0-g/kg groups and 35% of the rats in these groups died, but only the 5.0-g/kg group
showed serum enzyme changes. The 0.5-g/kg (500 mg/kg) group developed no alterations in toxicity
during the 12 wk study.
Torkelson et al. (95) reported on eyes, skin, and skin absorption: The material caused only minor,
transient irritation in the eyes of rabbits, and no reports of human injury have been reported
following eye contact. The skin shows only slight reddening and scaliness from contact. The reaction
is somewhat increased on repreated exposures. Confinement of the liquid on the skin results in
considerable pain and irritation. Applied under a cuff for 24 h, 3.9 g/kg was survived by all rabbits;
15.8 g/kg failed to kill all the rabbits treated with the undiluted liquid. Others have reported similar
low hepato- and renal toxicity in rats and other species (47, 108–110).

Gehring (111) determined that at 13,500 ppm the LT50 (lethal time, 50%) was 595 min but that liver
function as measured by serum glutamic-oxalic-transaminase (SGOT) was virtually unaffected
unless exposures approached those causing anesthetic death.

Klaassen and Plaa reported an intraperitoneal LD50 of 3.9 g/kg in rats (110) and an LD50 of
120 mmol/kg (16 g/kg) in mice (108). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The EPA (2) reports that the oral RfD for 1,1,1-
trichloroethane had been withdrawn on 08/01/1991 pending further review by the RfD/RfC Work
Group and that no reference concentration is available. Please see the section on carcinogenicity for
additional information.

Adams et al. (106) exposed animals 7 h/d, 5 d/wk for 1–3 mo. At 10,000 ppm rats showed staggering
gait and weakness in 10 min. By 3 h, they showed loss of color, irregular respiration, and
semiconsciousness. Survivors had completely recovered by the following morning. For those that
succumbed, death seemed to be due to either cardiac or respiratory failure. At 5000 ppm, there was
definite but mild narcotic effect within 1 h. There was reduced activity. Rats survived for 31
exposures over 41 d without apparent injury. Rabbits showed slight retardation of growth at
5000 ppm. At 3000 ppm, rabbits and monkeys showed no response over a 2-mo period. Guinea pigs
showed a barely significant retardation of growth at 650 ppm.

Torkelson et al. (95) reported results of exposures of female guinea pigs and male rats for 3 mo,
exposed for 0.05–3 h/d at 1000–10,000 ppm. Some pathologic changes in the livers and lungs of
guinea pigs exposed for 3 or 1.2 h/d at 1000 ppm and for 0.2 or 0.5 h/d at 2000 ppm. The anesthetic
effect was paramount. No significant toxic changes were reported for exposures to the vapor at
500 ppm for 7 h/d, 7 days/week, for 6 m in rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, or monkeys.

Prendergrast et al. (112) performed continuous (24 h/d) exposure for 14 wk and showed that it
produced little injury to rats, mice, dogs, and monkeys at 1000 ppm and essentially no effect at
250 ppm except minor, apparently reversible cytoplasmic alterations in the livers of mice. After
exposure to 1000 ppm dogs and monkeys were considered unaffected by the exposure, but the rats
and mice exhibited significant increases in liver weight and liver triglycerides and fatty and necrotic
changes visible microscopically in the livers.

Quast et al. (113) repeatedly exposed groups of 96 rats of each sex to 875 or 1750 ppm, 1,1,1-
trichloroethane vapor 6 h/d, 5 d/w for 1 yr with no adverse effects (see section on carcinogenicity).

Several other subchronic studies indicated minor and reversible effects (114–116).

The section on carcinogenicity also describes a 2-yr inhalation exposure study of rats and mice with
effects only at 1500 ppm in rats, but not at 500 or 150 ppm. There was no effect on mice at any
concentration. Pharamacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption from the skin of humans and
rodents after topical application (#51, 52, 53, 54) (117–120) has been shown.
Both in vivo and in vitro systems metabolize methyl chloroform by microsomal P-450 to
trichloroethanol (121, 122). This metabolite is conjugated with glucuronic acid and the
trichloroethanol-glucuronide appears in the urine (96). The trichloroethanol can also be oxidized to
trichloroacetic acid. It can account for considerable metabolites in rodent and human urine (115,

Pulmonary absorption by humans is from 30 to 60% depending on the duration and concentration of
the exposure (123, 127).

Gehring et al. (62) indicated that the low systemic toxicity of methyl chloroform is related to the
small amount of metabolism that occurs in animals and humans. Because of its low toxicity, it has
been used as a model compound in absorption–excretion studies (95, 128). In one of the first
metabolic studies on this compound, Hake et al. (129) reported 97.6% of radioactive methyl
chloroform injected intraperitoneally was excreted unchanged by the lungs, and only 0.85% of the
radioactivity was found in the urine. This and subsequent studies on humans and animals indicate
that only small amounts of trichloroacetic acid and trichloroethanol may be found in the urine after
injection or inhalation (115, 126, 130–132), but that most of the dose is expired unchanged no matter
what the route of administration.

As reported by Schumann et al. (126), rats and mice eliminated 96% of their body burden within
24 h following 6 h inhalation exposure to 150 or 1500 ppm [14C]1,1,1,-trichloroethane. Exhalation
of the parent compound was very high, 87–97% of the body burden in mice and 94–98% in rats at
150 and 1500 ppm, respectively. The remaining 14C activity (2–13%) was recovered either as CO2
in expired air or as nonvolatile radioactivity in urine, feces, carcass, or cage wash.

Although quantities were small, mice metabolized two to three time more than rats on a body weight
basis. Fat contained the highest concentrations of 14C activity. Prior long-term repeated exposure to
nonradioactive 1,1,1-trichloroethane did not increase the rate of metabolism of a radioactive dose.
Reitz et al. (133) have developed pharmacokinetic models for interspecies, high-dose/low-dose, and
dose route extrapolations, as models for regulatory risk analysis (134).

According to VanDyke and Wineman (135) the small amount of metabolism that takes place appears
to occur in a saturable process. Enzymatic dechlorination by rat liver microsomes in vitro is very low
and apparently not enhanced by enzyme inducers. VanDyke (136) reports that the reaction is
catalyzed by cytochrome P450 in the presence of oxygen. Kawai et al. (137) reported that only 2%
of absorbed 1,1,1-trichloroethane was excreted in the urine of the 48 male printing workers they

Occupational Exposures: Imbriani et al. (138) examined occupationally exposed persons and found
intact methyl chloroform in the urine from 33 to 314 mg/L. Nolan et al. (124) exposed six humans at
35 or 350 ppm for 6 h and calculated the urinary elimination of trichloroethanol and trichloroacetic
acid at 27 and 76 h, respectively. Reproductive and Developmental Schwetz et al. (139) reported that pregnant female rats and
mice were exposed 7 h/d on days 6 to 15 of gestation and the mothers and fetuses examined for
effects. The inhaled vapor concentration was 875 ppm of an inhibited formulation containing 5.5%
inhibitors. No effects related to exposure were observed on either the mothers or fetuses.

The NTP (NTP 1987 (140, 141)) found no signs of developmental toxicity at doses where maternal
intoxication was present when given to male and female CD rats prior to mating and throughout
pregnancy in drinking water at 30 ppm. Bogen and Hall (134) used these data to determine a
“virtually safe dose” of 14–28 mg/d based on the delivered dose to the rat embryo.
York et al. (142) repeatedly exposed female Long–Evans rats to 2100–2200 ppm of methyl
chloroform vapors 2 wk before breeding and until day 20 of gestation without effect on
teratogenicity or subsequent neurobehavioral studies of the offspring allowed to be delivered

Riddle et al. (72) modified a multigeneration reproduction study to include screening for dominant
lethal and teratogenic effects. Mice were fed water containing methyl chloroform so that daily
dosage levels were 0, 99.4, 264, or 852 mg/kg. According to the authors, “There appeared to be no
dose-dependent effects on fertility, gestation, viability, or lactation indices. Pup survival and weight
gain were not adversely affected. Gross necropsy of male and female F/0 generation mice treated
with 1,2-DCE or 1,1,1-TCE failed to reveal compound or dose-related effects.”

George et al. (143) reported that when methyl chloroform was fed in drinking water to CD rats at 0,
3, 10, or 30 ppm using 0.05% Tween 80 as an emulsifying agent for 14 d prior to and 13 d after
cohabitation, “there was no indication of an increase in the incidence of cardiac or other

These data as well as all other studies appear to refute adequately an allegation of teratological effect
reported by Dapson et al. (144). Carcinogenesis The EPA (IRIS) reports that there are no human carcinogenic data and
classifies this material as D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity and that the animal
carcinogenicity data are “Inadequate.” In 1987, IARC reviewed the existing information and
concluded that there was inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in animals (74, p. 73). Three
animal studies are relevant an NCI bioassay (gavage) and two inhalation studies by Quast et al.,
(145, 146), none of which gave clear evidence of carcinogenic activity.

The NCI (147) treated Osborne–Mendel rats (50/sex/dose) with 750 or 1500 mg/kg technical-grade
1,1,1-trichloroethane 5 times/wk for 78 wk by gavage. The rats were observed for an additional
32 wk. Twenty rats of each sex served as untreated controls. Low survival of both male and female
treated rats (3%) may have precluded detection of a significant number of tumors late in life.
Although a variety of neoplasms was observed in both treated and matched control rats, they were
common to aged rats and were not dose related. Similar results were obtained when the NCI (147)
treated B6C3F1 hybrid mice with the time-weighted average doses of 2807 or 5615 mg/kg 1,1,1-
trichloroethane by gavage 5 d/wk for 78 wk. The mice were observed for an additional 12 wk. The
control and treated groups had 20 and 50 animals of each sex, respectively. Only 25–45% of those
treated survived until the time of terminal sacrifice. A variety of neoplasms was observed in treated
groups, but the incidence not statistically different from matched controls.

Quast et al. (145) exposed 96 Sprague–Dawley rats of both sexes to 875 or 1750 ppm 1,1,1-
trichloroethane vapor for 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for 12 m, followed by an additional 19 mo observation
period. The only significant sign of toxicity was an increased incidence of focal hepatocellular
alterations in female rats at the highest dosage. It was not evident that a maximum tolerated dose
(MTD) was used, nor was a range-finding study conducted. No significant dose-related neoplasms
were reported, but these dose levels were below those used in the NCI study.

In another study, Quast et al. (146) used an inhibited formulation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Fischer
344 rats and B6C3F1 mice of both sexes were exposed to 0, 150, 500, or 1500 ppm 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for
2 yr. The authors indicate that there were no indications of an oncogenic effect in rats or mice
following 2 yrs of exposure to the 1,1,1-trichloroethane formulation and a no-observed-adverse-
effect-level (NOAEL) of 500 ppm for adverse effect of any kind. The ATSDR reviewed this
information (56) and determined that the study adequately demonstrated negative evidence of
carcinogenicity in animals by lifetime inhalation up to 1500 ppm.

It should be noted that an isomer of methyl chloroform, namely, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, is

carcinogenic in mice, inducing liver cancer and pheochromocytomas in both sexes. Dichloroethanes,
tetrachloroethanes, and hexachloroethanes also produced liver cancer in mice and other types of
neoplasms in rats and further that 1,4-dioxane, a known animal carcinogen that causes liver and
nasal tumors in more than one strain of rats and hepatocellular carcinomas in mice, is a contaminant
of technical-grade 1,1,1-trichlorethane. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies According to the EPA (IRIS), mutagenicity
testing of 1,1,1-trichloroethane has produced positive results in S. typhimurium strain TA100 (148)
as well as some negative results (149).

Methyl chloroform was mutagenic for S. typhimurium strain TA1535, both with exogenous
metabolic activation (150) and without activation (80). 1,1,1-Tricholoroethane did not result in gene
conversion or mitotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (150), nor was it positive in a
host-mediated forward mutation assay using Schizosaccharomyces pombe in mice. The chemical
also failed to produce chromosomal aberrations in the bone marrow of cats (151), but responded
positively in a cell transformation test with rat embryo cells (152).

The extensive summary (98) of genotoxic studies on methyl chloroform concludes that the potential
for genetic damage is very small at acceptable exposure conditions.

4.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include irritation of the eyes,
dizziness, incoordination, unconsciousness, and death. Irritation of the mucous membranes and
respiratory tract may occur. Fainting may also occur. Other symptoms may include decreased
reaction time, impaired manual dexterity, ataxia, lightheadedness, positive Romberg test, diarrhea,
respiratory arrest, and nausea. It causes a proarrhythmic activity that sensitizes the heart to
epinephrine, resulting in cardiac arrhythmias. This sometimes will cause cardiac arrest, particularly
when massive amounts are inhaled. Inhalation can cause euphoria. High concentrations may cause
narcosis. Exposure can cause headache, drowsiness, burning sensation on the eyes and skin, irritation
of the throat, cardiac sensitization, aspiration of vomitus during anesthesia, blood pressure
depression, chemical pneumonitis, and pulomary edema with hemorrhage. It can also cause
anesthesia, cardiac fibrillations, slight reddening of the skin, central nervous system impairment,
helplessness, loss in equilibrium, and mild eye and nasal discomfort. Other symptoms are
hallucinations, distorted perceptions, motor activity changes, irritability, aggression, hypermotility,
and other gastrointestinal changes. Impaired judgement has been reported. Increased reaction time
has also been reported. Repeated skin contact may result in a dry, scaly, and fissured dermatitis due
to its defatting properties. Prolonged skin contact may result in considerable pain and irritation.
Other symptoms may include difficult breathing, asphyxiation, slight lacrimation, and slight
smarting of the eyes and respiratory system. It may cause impaired psychophysiological functions. It
may also cause irregular heart beat, lassitude, and coma. High concentrations cause central nervous
system depression. Hemorrhage in the brain may also result from exposure to high concentrations.
Eye contact may lead to superficial and transient injury to the eyes. It may also lead to mild
conjunctivities. Chronic exposure may result in liver and kidney damage. Exposure to and/or
consumption of alcohol may increase its toxic effects.

Findings in laboratory animals is consistent with humans (105). Numerous deaths due to CNS
depression or cardiac arrhythmias have been reported from poorly ventilated areas (153–162).

Several authors (163, 164) have evaluated methyl chloroform as a surgical anesthetic, but for several
reasons, including lack of potency and effects on cardiac function, it was abandoned from serious
consideration. If the subject has been alive when removed from exposure, recovery has generally
been rapid and complete.

Table 63.4 on the probable effects of exposure to humans to the vapor of methyl chloroform has
been published for establishing emergency exposure limits.
Table 63.4. Probable Result of Single Exposure to the Vapors of 1,1,1-
Trichloroethane (210)

Exposure time Concentration in

(min) Air (ppm) Expected Effect in Humansa

Complete incoordination and

5 20,000 helplessness (R)
10,000 Pronounced loss of coordination (R)
5,000 Definite incoordination (R, M)
Disturbance of equilibrium. Odor is
2,000 unpleasant but tolerable (H)
15 10,000 Pronounced loss of coordination (R)
2,000 Loss of equilibrium (H)
Possible beginning loss of equilibrium
1,000 (H)
30 10,000 Pronounced loss of coordination (R)
5,000 Incoordination (R, M)
2,000 Loss of equilibrium (H)
Mild eye and nasal discomfort; possible
1,000 slight loss of equilibrium (H)
60 20,000 Surgical anesthesia, possible death (R)
10,000 Pronounced loss of coordination (R)
5,000 Obvious loss of coordination (R, M)
2,000 Loss of coordination (H)
1,000 Very slight loss of equilibrium (H)
No detectable effect, but odor is
500 obvious (R, H)
100 Apparent odor threshold (H)

Laboratory Studies: Numerous laboratory studies in humans have permitted confirmation of many of
the toxicologic data derived in animals. Stewart et al. (92), in a series of papers have evaluated the
use of expired air for monitoring employee exposure and have produced a series of graphs based on
expired air concentration following known exposures to various concentrations for different periods
of time. These studies have also investigated metabolism and urinary excretion and evaluated clinical
chemical parameters. Most important, however, are their studies to evaluate equilibrium,
coordination, alertness, and other signs of anesthetic action. Based on these studies it has been
concluded that, except for possible objections to odor, no untoward responses are observed even
after repeated prolonged exposures of human subjects to 350 ppm. A few subjects may respond as
concentrations approach 500 ppm, and if allowed to inhale 800–1000 ppm, some subjects show
minor CNS impairment.

Other investigators (165) have found similar results, but Gamberale and Hultengren (166) reported
effects at lower vapor concentrations. Gamberale and Hultengren, however, used a mask to
administer the vapors, and this may have influenced their test results.

Monster (94) has published extensive studies on biologic monitoring of 1,1,1-trichloroethane,

trichloroethylene, and perchloroethylene.

Liquid methyl chloroform has been shown by Stewart and Dodd (167) as well as Fukabori et al.
(168) to be absorbed through the intact skin, but Riihimaki and Pfaffli (169) have shown that the
vapors are not absorbed in toxicologically significant amounts.

Industrial Experience: Although chronic effects have been shown to be of little consequence in
industrial exposure (170), failure to recognize the high vapor pressure of methyl chloroform and to
prevent inhalation of high concentrations, has resulted in reports of death. The number of deaths per
year (2–3 worldwide) appears to be decreasing relative to consumption, as proper precautions are
being taken to avoid exposure. Nonoccupational cases of deliberate sniffing have been reported, but
generally a consistent pattern of use of the solvent in a confined space without regard for ventilation
is the cause of industrial death.

Stewart (171) discussed the consequencs of overexposure and the treatment of overexposed subjects.

A single report (172) alleging chronic cardiac toxicity following repeated exposure to 1,1,1-
trichloroethane is inconsistent with all other reports of rapid recovery as well as epidemiologic
evidence (170). Furthermore, there are obvious discrepancies in claiming urinary excretion of 1,1,1-
and 1,1,2-trichloroethane long after exposure, suggesting the report is in error. A rather extensive
study of an industrial population exposed to methyl chloroform for up to 6 yr confirms the data
derived from animals (170). No effect of exposure was found in a matched-pair study of 151 subjects
and 151 controls despite particular emphasis placed on hepato- and cardiotoxic effects.

Mattsson et al. (173) conducted an elaborate investigation in which male and female Fischer 344 rats
were exposed to 1,1,1-trichloroethane vapors for 6 h/d, 5 d/wk, for 13 wk. Exposure levels were 200,
630, and 2000 ppm. Rats were clinically examined regularly and were given a functional
observational battery monthly (FOB, including forelimb and hindlimb grip performance testing).
After 13 wk of exposure, the functional integrity of the nervous system was evaluated by FOB and
by visual, auditory, somatosensory, and causal nerve evoked potentials. After functional testing, a
subgroup of rats had histopathologic examination of brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and limb
muscles. No treatment-related findings were discovered in any parameter except for a slightly
smaller forelimb grip performance in the 2000-ppm exposure group. A subgroup of rats was
examined for grip performance 6 wk postexposure; forelimb grip performance was still smaller in
2000-ppm rats. Forelimb nerves and muscles from these rats then were examined
histopathologically, and no treatment-related lesions found. No reason was discovered for this
difference in forelimb grip performance. It normally decreases (habituates) over time as a function of
experimental conditions, and it is speculated that the daily acute-sedative effect of 2000 ppm 1,1,1-
trichloroethane has an interaction with the habituation process. Other than a possible indictor of
acute sedation, there was no recognized toxicologic significance to this difference in forelimb grip
performance. Furthermore, histopathological examination of rats exposed to 2000 ppm for 13 wk
found no effects related to exposure in any organ, including the nervous system. Carcinogenesis The EPA (IRIS) classifies methyl chloroform as – D; not classifiable as to
human carcinogenicity on the basis that there are no reported human data, and animal studies (one
lifetime gavage, one intermediate-term inhalation) have not demonstrated carcinogenicity.
Technical-grade 1,1,1-trichloroethane has been shown to be weakly mutagenic, although the
contaminant, 1,4-dioxane, a known animal carcinogen, may be responsible for this response.

Carcinogenicity Classification:
EPA Group D, Not Classifiable as to Human Carcinogenicity
IARC Group 3, not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans
ACGIH TLV A4, Not Classifiable as a Human Carcinogen
4.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV, NIOSH REL ceiling and the OSHA PEL are all 350 ppm. The ACGIH STEL/C is
450 ppm. ACGIH has an A4 designation for this chemical.

Other Occupational Exposure Values: Australia: 125 ppm (1990); Federal Republic of Germany:
200 ppm, short-term level 1000 ppm, 30 min, twice per shift, pregnancy group C, no reason to fear a
risk of damage to the developing embryo or fetus when MAK and BAT values are observed (1998);
Sweden: 50 ppm, 15-min short-term value 90 ppm (1990); United Kingdom: 350 ppm, 10-min STEL
450 ppm (1991).
4.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

5.0.1 CAS Number:
5.0.2 Synonyms:
Vinyl trichloride, beta-trichloroethane, 1,2,2-trichloroethane, and ethane trichloride (not
recommended because of confusion with 1,1,1-trichloroethane)
5.0.3 Trade Names:
NCI-C04579, RCRA Waste Number U227, RCRA Waste Number U359, beta-T
5.0.4 Molecular Weight:
5.0.5 Formula:
C2H3Cl3, ClH2C–CHCl2
5.0.6 Molecular Structure:

5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless liquid

Molecular weight 133.41
Specific gravity 1.4397 at 20°C (20/4°C)
Melting point 36.5°C
Boiling point 113.8°C
Vapor pressure 25 torr (25°C) 19 torr (20°C)
Refractive index 1.4711 (20°C)
Percent in 3.3 (25°C)
Solubility 0.44 g/100 g water at 20°C; soluble in ethanol and ethyl ether; 4.50 g/L at
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air
5.1.1 General

5.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Although 1,1,2-trichloroethane is reported to have an odor
similar to chloroform, no quantitative data were found concerning odor or warning properties. In
view of its high systemic toxicity, odor cannot be used to protect against excessive acute or chronic
5.2 Production and Use
The use of 1,1,2-trichloroethane is quite restrictive. It is used to a slight extent as a specialty solvent
but mostly as a chemical intermediate; a solvent for fats, waxes, natural resins, alkaloids, and various
other organic materials; intermediate in production of vinylidene chloride and teflon tubing;
component of adhesives. The availability of other less toxic solvents discourages its use. Upwards of
95% of this compound manufactured in the United States is consumed in producing vinylidene
chloride. Domestic production is about 410 million pounds. It must not be confused with its much
less toxic isomer, 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
5.3 Exposure Assessment
1,1,2-Trichloroethane has been detected in ambient urban air at concentrations up to 0.223 m/m3
(174). It is degraded in the troposphere by reaction with hydroxyl radicals (t1/2 = 24 d) (1) to
hydrochloric acid, phosgene, formyl chloride, and chloroacetyl chloride.

5.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1003, for halogenated hydrocarbons is recommended for
determining workplace exposures to 1,1,2-trichloroethane.

5.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers 1,1,2-Trichloroethane is absorbed from the lungs and no doubt also
is excreted in the breath. Although no data are available, it seems probable that the low
concentrations that could be present in expired air after exposure to levels considered safe for
occupational exposure will not be useful for monitoring workers exposure. Qualitative analysis
might verify that exposure to 1,1,2-trichloroethane has occurred.

Ikeda and Ohtsuji (130) have shown a positive Fujiwara reaction in the urine of rats and mice treated
with 1,1,2-trichloroethane, but the value of this determination in humans does not appear to have
been investigated. At the low levels of exposure considered acceptable, it may have limited value.
5.4 Toxic Effects
1,1,2-Trichloroethane is toxic by ingestion or inhalation. It is an irritant of the skin, eyes, mucous
membranes, and upper respiratory tract. It may be absorbed through the skin, and in high
concentrations, it is narcotic. It is a positive animal carcinogen. When heated to decomposition it
emits toxic fumes of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride gas, and phosgene gas.

The principal physiological responses to 1,1,2-trichloroethane are depression of the central nervous
system and liver injury. With regard to the CNS effects, it is considerably more potent than
chloroform by inhalation (7, pp. 155–156; 175). At narcotic concentrations, ocular and upper
respiratory tract irritation is present.

Similarity in chemical names has resulted in some confusion in older literature that misquoted work
by Lazarew (175) and stated that the 1,1,2 compound was less toxic than 1,1,2-trichloroethane.
Torkelson et al. (95) have explained the source of the error, which could be serious because 1,1,2-
trichloroethane is much more hepatotoxic when given to animals by single or repeated doses. Even
current literature occasionally confuses the two substances or fails to distinguish between them. No
new published reports of human injury were found.

5.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Concentrations of 13,600 ppm for 2 h exposures
produce deep narcosis, respiratory arrest, and death (7, 175). Carpenter et al. (176) indicated that
exposure of 2000 ppm for 4 h was lethal to rats. Torkelson and Rowe (105) reported hepatic and
renal necrosis for rats inhaling 250 ppm for 4 h. Smyth et al. (63) and Di Vincenzo and Krasavage
(177) reported rat oral LD50 values for male and female mice at 378 and 491 mg/kg body weight,
respectively. Klaassen and Plaa (109) reported a dog interperitoneal LD50 of 648 mg/kg. Wahlberg
(178) published that repeated applications of 0.5 mL or more to guinea pig skin caused death in all
20 animals in 3 d.

Wright and Shaffer (179) reported that the oral lethal dose for dogs was 0.5 mL/kg. Irish (180)
indicated an LD50 for rats of 0.1–0.2 g/kg. Liver and kidney pathology were seen at considerably
lower doses. Gehring (111) included 1,1,2-trichloroethane in a series of chlorinated solvents
evaluated for hepatotoxicity and considered it less hepatotoxic in the rat than carbon tetrachloride or
chloroform, but markedly more toxic than 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Klaassen and Plaa (110) and Plaa et
al. (181) have confirmed this in mice as well as rats. Watrous and Plaa (182) have indicated that
kidney injury also occurs following oral and subcutaneous treatment of mice.

Inhalation: Pozzani et al. (183) reported that a single 7 h exposure to 500 ppm of the vapor was lethal
to about half of the rats so exposed. Carpenter reported the acute lethal concentration for about half
of the exposed rats to be 2000 ppm for a 4-h exposure followed by a 14-d observation period (176). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The critical effect for oral administration, as determined by
the EPA (IRIS), is clinical serum chemistry with a NOAEL of 20 mg/L (drinking water 39 mg/kg/d),
giving an oral reference dose (RfD) of 4E-3. This was determined from a mouse subchronic drinking
water study with a LOAEL of 200 mg/L (drinking water). References for this study are White et al.
(184) and Sanders et al. (185).

The studies by White et al. (184) and Sanders et al. (185) were selected by the EPA as the basis for
the derivation of the oral RfD because they are considered adequate studies in which mice of both
sexes were exposed to 1,1,2-trichloroethane in drinking water for 90 d. Concentrations provided
were 0, 20, 200, or 2000 mg/L, which resulted in intakes of 0, 4.4, 46, and 305 mg/kg/d for males
and 0, 3.9, 44, and 384 mg/kg/d for females. Clinical chemistry indications of adverse effects on the
liver occurred in both sexes at 2000 mg/L. Effects on the erythrocytes occurred only in females, and
depressed humoral immune status occurred in both sexes at 200 and 2000 mg/L. The concentration
of 20 mg/L, corresponding to 3.9 mg/kg/d for female rats is the NOAEL at which significant adverse
effects were not observed and is chosen as the basis for the derivation of an oral RfD.

The previous oral RfD (2E-1 mg/kg/d) was based on the NCI (186) study in rats. This study's major
weakness was its lack of reporting of noncancer effects. Also, doses far below the NCI (186)
NOAEL (65.7 mg/kg/d) have been shown to alter levels of clinical serum chemistries, which are
indicative of systemic tissue damage.

At present the EPA (IRIS) does not provide a reference concentration (RfC) for inhalation exposure. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Yllner (187) injected 14C-labeled, 1,1,2-
trichloroethane intraperitoneally in mice. The site of labeling on the molecule was not stated. When
collected over a 3-d period, 73–87% of the activity was recovered in the urine. Less than 2% was in
the feces; this may have been the result of contamination by urine. Expired air contained 16–22% of
the radioactivity (60% [14C]CO2 and 40% unchanged 1,1,2-trichloroethane).

1–3% of the labeled compound remained in the animal. Metabolism by microsomal cytochrome
P450 appeared to proceed through chloroacetic acid (188), indicating oxidative dechlorination or
dechlorination followed by oxidation of 1,1,2-trichloroethane at the carbon containing two chlorine

According to VanDyke (136, 189). This is followed by further oxidation of the chloroacetaldehyde
to the corresponding acid. Cytochrome P450 is probably involved in the dechlorination. MacDonald
et al. (190) speculated that glutathione is involved in the metabolism of 1,1,2-trichloroethane. Absorption Absorption of the liquid through the skin has shown to occur in guinea pigs
(174). Jakobson and other workers also investigated the kinetics of absorption through the guinea
pigs' skin as well as the nature of injury to the skin with prolonged contact (174, 191). Wahlberg
(178) reported that repeated applications of 0.5 mL or more to the skin killed all the guinea pigs in
3 d, but 0.25 mL killed only 5 of 20 animals treated for a longer period of time. Although absorption
does not appear to be a serious problem from acute exposure, prolonged or repeated exposure of the
skin may result in manifestations of chronic toxicity. Reproductive and Developmental According to Seidenberg et al. (192) pregnant ICR/SIM
mice were intubated on days 8 to 12 of gestation with evaluation of the usual parameter of
developmental toxicity. The dose (not stated) was selected to produce minimal toxicity based on
weight reduction, mortality, or other signs of toxicity. The test results were reported to be negative.
No other details were given. Carcinogenesis According to the NCI (185), 1,1,2-trichloroethane has been included in the
NCI bioassay program, in which it was fed by gavage to rats and mice. As in many of these studies
with hepatotoxic compounds, hepatocellular carcinomas occurred in mice but not rats fed for 78 wk.
Rats were kept an additional 35 wk and mice 13 wk following treatment. Pheochromocytomas were
also observed in mice. The doses fed were 92 and 46 mg/kg/d for rats and 390 and 195 mg/kg/d for
mice. Mortality was accelerated in female mice but not in the rats or male mice. The NCI report does
not indicate the degree of noncarcinogenic histopathology produced by these doses.

In a bioassay conducted by NCI (185), technical-grade (92.7%-pure) 1,1,2-trichloroethane was

administered by gavage in corn oil to Osborne–Mendel rats and B6C3F1 mice: (50/species/sex/dose)
for each of two doses and 20 animals/species/sex for each of two control groups. Administration was
5 times/wk for 78 wk, during which time doses for rats were increased from 70 and 30 mg/kg/d to
100 and 50 mg/kg/d and doses for mice were increased from 300 and 150 mg/kg/d to 400 and
200 mg/kg/d. By two statistical tests, treatment of mice was found to be associated with increased
incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas. A dose-related increase in pheochromocytomas was also
confirmed in female mice. Tumors found in treated but not control rats included adrenal cortical
carcinomas; transitional-cell carcinomas of kidney; renal tubular adenomas; and hemangiosarcomas
of spleen, pancreas, abdomen, and subcutaneous tissue. There was, however, no statistically
significant increase in tumor incidence in rats as a function of treatment. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies There are numerous references to mutagenic
studies on 1,1,2-trichloroethane. It would appear at most to be weakly positive in some systems but
negative in others. Mirsalis et al. (193) show that it did not induce unscheduled DNA synthesis but
was positive in an S-phase synthesis. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane was found to be nonmutagenic for
Salmonella typhimurium (194). In rats and mice acutely exposed to 1,1,2-trichloroethane by
inhalation and intraperitoneal injection, trichloroacetic acid, trichloroethanol, chloroacetic acid, and
thiodiacetic acid were among the urinary metabolites identified (130, 187).

5.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include irritation of the skin,
eyes, nose, mucous membranes, and upper respiratory tract; eye damage; skin cracking and
crythema; central nervous system depression; liver and kidney damage; narcosis; drowsiness;
incoordination; unconsciousness; and death. Other symptoms may include headache, tremor,
dizziness, peripheral paresthesia, hyposthesia, or anesthesia.

The only human studies found relate to permeability in the skin and distribution in the body after
inhalation of a radioactive charge. Morgan et al. (195, 196) calculated a blood–air partition
coefficient of 44. They also found that 3% of the inhaled chlorine was recovered in exhaled air,
indicating a relatively slow elimination.

The USEPA (197) determined a permeability coefficient for intact human skin at 8.4 × 10–3 cm/h.
Using these data, Tsuruta (198) calculated the dermal uptake of 13.9 mg if both hands were exposed
for 1 min.

Wahlenberg (199) determined that a 1.5-mL application to the forearms of adult males for 5 min
caused localized hyperemia, transient blanching pain, and burning sensation. General Information Carcinogenesis The EPA classifies this compound as - C;
possible human carcinogen on the basis of: hepatocellular carcinomas and pheochromocytomas in
one strain of mice. Carcinogenicity was not shown in rats. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane is structurally
related to 1,2-dichloroethane, a probable human carcinogen. There are no human carcinogenicity
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV is 10 ppm with an A4 notation. NIOSH considers 1,1,2-trichloroethane as a
carcinogen and recommends lowest feasible exposure and an exposure limit of 10 ppm. The OSHA
PEL is also 10 ppm with a skin notation.
5.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

6.0.1 CAS Number:
6.0.2 Synonyms:
Acetylene tetrachloride, 1,1-dichloro-2,2-dichloroethane, sym-tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-TCA
6.0.3 Trade Names:
Bonoform, Cellon, Westron, Acetosol
6.0.4 Molecular Weight:
6.0.5 Molecular Formula:
6.0.6 Molecular Structure:

6.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless liquid

Molecular weight 167.86
Specific gravity 1.586 (25°C)
Melting point –44°C
Boiling point 146.3°C
Vapor pressure 6 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.4918 (25°C)
Percent in “saturated”air 0.79 (25°C)
Solubility 0.32 g/100 mL water at 25°C; soluble in ethanol and ethyl ether
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air

1 mg/L 145.8 ppm and 1 ppm 6.86 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr.

This compound has the highest solvent power of the chlorinated hydrocarbons.

6.1.1 General An ATSDR toxicological Profile for 1,1,2,2-trichloroethane is available (3).

6.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane has a mild, sweetish odor similar to
several other chlorinated hydrocarbons. Lehmann and Schmidt-Kehl (200) reported 3 ppm to have a
noticeable odor and 13 ppm to be tolerated for 10 min. Concentrations of 186 ppm inhaled for
30 min, or 335 ppm inhaled for 10 min, have a disagreeable and marked odor, causing upper
respiratory irritation and CNS effects. Because the odor is not particularly striking, and because the
acceptable level is 1 ppm, odor does not appear to be of value as a warning property. Amoore and
Hautala (10) reported 1.5 ppm was detectable by humans.
6.2 Production and Use
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane was formerly used as a solvent for cleaning and extraction processes and
is still used to some extent as a chemical intermediate. Present usage is quite limited because less
toxic solvents are available.
6.3 Exposure Assessment
6.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1019 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane.

6.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers The apparent high toxicity of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane would

suggest that neither breath nor urine analysis would be adequately sensitive for monitoring exposures
at the low level considered acceptable for occupational exposures.
6.4 Toxic Effects
According to Sax and Lewis (201), 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane is a poison by inhalation, ingestion, and
intraperitoneal routes and is moderately toxic by several other routes. It is considered to be the most
toxic of the common chlorinated hydrocarbons. It is considered to be a very severe industrial hazard,
and its use has been restricted or even forbidden in certain countries. Its narcotic action is stronger
than that of chloroform, but because of its low volatility, narcosis is less severe and much less
common in industrial poisoning than in the case of other chlorinated hydrocarbons. It is a lacrimator
and irritant of the skin, eyes, nose, throat, mucous membranes, and respiratory tract. When heated to
decomposition, it emits toxic fumes of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride gas, and

The most significant injury from subacute or chronic exposures has been reported to be in the liver.
The first indication may be a greatly enlarged and palpable liver, which may progress to fatty
degeneration, jaundice, and cirrhosis. Injury to the kidneys may also be observed.

This compound also causes CNS depression, dizziness, and incoordination, as do many chlorinated
hydrocarbons. In very severe acute exposures, unconsciousness and death from respiratory failure
may be seen. Central nervous system depression is not a striking part of the response to usual
industrial exposure because of low volatility and because other injurious effects predominate at
lower levels. Respiratory irritation may be observed and may lead to pulmonary damage. A
significant irritation in the gastrointestinal tract is also observed and may result in nausea, vomiting,
and gastric pain.
Literature reviews are available (7, 202, 203), but there is a remarkable lack of quantitative data in
animals to support the apparent high toxicity in humans. It is possible, however, that inhaled
concentrations have been underestimated, that dermal contact has been more significant than
realized, or that the purity of industrial 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane available at that time was less than
later production.

Limited data on the 1,1,1,2 isomer (204) indicate that this isomer may be less toxic than the
symmetrical isomer.

6.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Barsoum and Saad (205) reported that an oral
dose of 0.7 g/kg body weight in dogs is a toxic dose, but Wright and Schaffer (179) reported that a
lethal dose for dogs was 0.3 mL/kg (0.5 g/kg) given orally. Smyth et al. (63) reported an oral LD50
of 200 mg/kg in rats, but did not specify which isomer they used, although a prior publication refers
to the 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane isomer (45). Gohlke et al. (206) reported deaths of rats treated with
250 mg/kg.

Schwander (207) indicated that 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane may be absorbed through the intact skin.
However, it does not have a high acute toxicity by this route; Smyth (45) reported an acute dermal
LD50 of 4 g/kg in rabbits. Based on experience, repeated exposure may be of considerable concern.
It has a solvent effect on the skin, but no data on eye irritation by the liquid were found.

Although there are a number of animal experiments with this material, a clean-cut quantitative study
of animal response from acute exposure has not been reported. Smyth et al. (63) quoted unpublished
work by their laboratory indicating that rats were found to survive a 4 h exposure at 500 ppm but
would not survive 4 h at 1000 ppm. They also reported three of six rats exposed to 1000 ppm for 4 h

In a report that does not appear to be consistent with oral studies, daily doses of 100–800 mg/kg (17–
130 mg/kg/d) were injected intraperitoneally for 7 d in male rats with no toxic symptoms. Liver
enzymes and possible hematologic changes were reported (208).

1,1,2,2-TCA is moderately irritating to the skin, and vapors appear nonirritating to the eye of the dog
(209). Liver damage involving cytochrome P450 and possibly mediated through free radicals
interfering with in vivo lipid peroxidation has been reported in mice following single 300 or
600 mg/kg doses (210).

The acute inhalation toxicity of 1,1,2,2-TCA has been thoroughly studied and is relatively low. A 4 h
LC50 of 1000 ppm for rats has been reported (176); a second investigation found lethality beginning
at 1000 ppm (211). The corresponding number for the mouse is 655 ppm, with all mice dying at
786 ppm (212). Narcosis is seen in mice inhaling 625 ppm (49) and in cats at 1000 ppm (175) for
1 h.

Guinea pigs show eye irritation when exposed at 576 ppm, narcosis at 5050 ppm, and death at
6310 ppm (213). Reflex reactivity in mice is reduced within 30 min when inhaling 1091 ppm
1,1,2,2-TCA (175). At the lower end of the dose–response curve, a decrease in spontaneous motor
activity was seen in rats inhaling 200 ppm for a single 6 h period (214), and no effects were reported
following a 30-min exposure at 576 ppm (213). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The EPA (IRIS) has not determined a reference dose or
reference concentration for this material (2).

Lehmann and Flury (16) reported data from limited vapor experiments on cats and rabbits, which
were exposed to a concentration of 100 to 160 ppm for 8–9 h daily for 4 wk. No typical organ
changes were found. These observations are rather surprising when, as is discussed later, industrial
experience indicates that injury to humans has occurred at much lower concentrations.

Navrotskii et al. (215) exposed rabbits to tetrachloroethane (presumably the 1,1,2,2 isomer) vapor for
7–11 m. The 3–4-h daily exposures were to 100 mg/m3 (14.6 ppm). According to the available
abstract, only slight effects on the liver were observed. Schmidt et al. (216) also reported only slight
effects in rats exposed to 15 mg/m3 (2 ppm) for 265 d and considered their results somewhat
inconclusive. Some toxicologic parameters deviated during the exposure but were not different from
the controls at the end. Mortality was not affected, but histological examination appears to have been
inadequate to evaluate chronic effects.

Truffert et al. (217) reported exposing rats 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for 15 wk to 260 ppm with no effect on the
respiratory or renal toxicity, but increased deposits were found in the liver. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Studies have shown that 1,1,2,2-
trichloroethane is readily absorbed via the lungs or gastrointestinal tract. Some authors have
indicated absorption by the skin. It is apparently readily excreted by the lungs.

Yllner (218) injected 14C-labeled 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane intraperitoneally in female albino mice at

doses of 0.21 to 0.32 g/kg and studied the elimination for 3 days. About half the dose, 45 to 61
percent, was exhaled as carbon dioxide with 28 percent excreted in the urine. About 16 percent
remained in the animal and only 4 percent was expired unchanged. Several products were found in
the urine with half the urinary activity unaccounted for. Both enzymatic and nonezymatic activity
was postulated. Enzymatic hydrolytic fission of chlorine-carbon bonds results in dichloroacetic acid
and glycolic acid. Nonenzymatic dehydrochlorination results in trichloroethylene and subsequently
trichloroethanol and trichloroacetic acid.

When fed to rats and mice, more than 90 percent of the dose was metabolized (219). Although there
was incorporation in mouse DNA, it was not by adduct formation. These authors concluded that their
data supported a cytotoxic rather than a genetic mechanism of carcinogenesis observed in mice.

Ikeda and Ohtsuji (130) also found trichloro products in the urine of mice and rats exposed for 8 h to
100 ppm of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane vapor. Reproductive and Developmental A very limited reproduction study by Rosenkrantz (220)
indicated no gross reproductive or teratological effect in rats exposed daily for 9 mo prior to mating.
A second report by Schmidt (221) describes fetotoxic (lethal) effects in two strains of mice given
intraperitoneal injections of tetrachloroethane, presumably the 1,1,2,2-isomer. The doses
administered, 300, 400, or 700 mg/kg/d were given singly or on several days of pregnancy.
According to the author's summary, the compound was fetotoxic and faintly teratogenic.

The reproductive organs have not been target organs in the limited studies in animals. Carcinogenesis The EPA (IRIS) has classified this material as –C, possible human
carcinogen on the basis of increased incidence of hepatocellar carcinomas in mice (222).

The National Cancer Institute (222) has included 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in their bioassay series
using rats and mice. Their summary states that the time-weighted average doses (by gavage) were
108 and 62 mg/kg/d for male rats, 76 and 43 mg/kg/d for female rats, and 282 and 142 mg/kg/d for
all mice. There was a highly significant positive dose-related trend in the incidence of hepatocellular
carcinoma in mice of both sexes. No statistically significant incidence of neoplastic lesions was
observed in male or female rats. However, 2 hepatocellular carcinomas and 1 neoplastic nodule,
which are rare tumors in the male Osborne–Mendel rat, were observed in the high-dose males. Under
the conditions of this bioassay, orally administered 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane was a liver carcinogen
in B6C3Fl mice of both sexes. The results did not provide conclusive evidence for the
carcinogenicity of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in Osborne–Mendel rats. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Mixed results have been obtained in mutagenic
studies with most results negative (203). Schumann et al. (219) found little binding to DNA of rats
and mice due to adduct formation, indicating a low potential for direct mutagenic activity.

6.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include irritation of the skin,
eyes, nose, throat, mucous membranes, and respiratory tract. Lacrimation may occur. Corrosion may
also occur. Other symptoms of exposure include drowsiness, headache, jaundice, abdominal pain or
distress, tremor, fatigue, constipation, insomnia, irritability, anorexia, loss of appetite, pulmonary
edema, nephritis, albumin and casts in the urine, and kidney damage. Giddiness and unconsciousness
have occurred. Central nervous system effects include general anesthesia, somnolence,
hallucinations, and distorted perceptions. Other effects include narcosis, acute yellow atrophy of the
liver, liver cirrhosis, fatty degeneration of the kidneys and heart, brain changes, changes in the
peripheral nerves, hemolysis, salivation, restlessness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, coma, and death.
Monocytosis, dermatitis, liver tenderness and damage, delirium, and convulsions may occur.
Oliguria, cyanosis, central nervous system depression, uremia, peripheral paresthesia, and
hypesthesia may also occur. Exposure may cause prickling sensation and numbness of limbs, loss of
kneejerk, sweating, paralysis of the interossei muscles of the hands and feet, disappearance of ocular
and pharyngeal reflexes, peripheral neuritis, liver dysfunction, general malaise, an unpleasant taste in
the mouth, mental confusion, stupor, hematemesis, purpuric rashes, and blood changes, including an
increase in mononuclear leukocytes, progressive anemia, and slight thrombocytosis. Gastrointestinal
disturbances may occur. It may also cause liver necrosis, nervousness, incoordination, respiratory
failure, and enlargement and fatty degeneration of the liver. Heart damage has been reported.
Neurological disturbances have also been reported. It can cause hepatitis, gastric pain, vertigo, and
leukopenia. It can also cause a deep dusky coloration of the skin, weight loss, pain over the liver,
dark urine, and bilirubinuria. Pulmonary damage, gastrointestinal irritation, barely perceptible pulse,
and shallow and rapid respiration may result. Other symptoms that may occur are polyneuritis
(inflammation of the nerves), conjunctivitis, extreme exhaustion, hematuria, mental instability,
cardiac irregularity, and epigastalgia. Skin contact may result in dryness, scaling, and inflammation.
Severe lesions may occur. Eye contact may result in burning and serious eye damage. Inhalation may
cause a burning sensation, wheezing, coughing, laryngitis, and shortness of breath. Ingestion may
cause diarrhea and severe mucosal injury.

The review by von Oettingen (7) summarizes much of the old data on human experience and based
on numerous cases describes the rather severe effects discussed earlier in this section.

Sherman (223) reported on eight humans who were given 3 mL of tetrachloroethane by mistake. It
was given with 30 g of magnesium sulfate and water. Within 1.5–2.5 h, all were comatose. Reflexes
were absent and the pulse barely perceptible. Respiration was shallow and rapid. The patients all
recovered and showed no after-effects.

Gurney (224) reported a number of cases of chronic exposure to 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. He

studied 277 individuals of whom 75 had symptoms and 55 had enlarged livers. There were nearly as
many with enlarged livers among those who did not show symptoms as there were among those who
did. Coyer (225) reported on six cases, one of which was fatal.

It is evident from clinical reports of exposure to 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane that the principal effect
involves the liver. Symptoms referrable to gastrointestinal injury may also be observed.

A study of mortality of army personnel who treated clothing with impregnite for protection against
mustard gas in World War II has been reported (226). Tetrachloroethane was used as a solvent for
the impregnite (N,N-dichlorohexachlorodiphenylurea). The exposed group was compared with a
control group that used a water-based system and with unexposed personnel from the same unit.
Overall deaths during the 31 yr follow-up period were less than expected, possibly related to the
screening process used in selection of military personnel. The investigators, however, considered
that some other cancers may have shown an increase.

The adverse health effects of 1,1,2,2-TCA first became apparent at the beginning of World War I
with reports of numerous poisonings of workers in the aircraft industries of several European
countries (227, 228), Many deaths were reported, and most cases presented a clinical picture
characterized by gastrointestinal, hepatic, and nervous system effects. Although none of a large
number of clinical cases contains quantitative exposure data, they consistently indicate primary
involvement of the liver (229–232). In domestic airplane factories, complaints of headaches,
drowsiness, and nausea, without more serious signs, were attributed to a limited production and short
exposure time (lesser exposures) (233). From suicide cases that present similar clinical findings,
estimates of a human fatal oral dose ranging from 285 (234) to 6000 mg/kg (235) have been made.
The lowest adverse effect level has been estimated to be 100 mg/kg.

Seventy-five workers employed at a plant producing and using 1,1,2,2-TCA were studied for their
cardiovascular status. Exposure concentrations ranged from 0.37 to 3.20 ppm, with occasional peaks
to 40 ppm. The authors concluded that chronic low-level exposure caused no greater occurrence of
cardiovascular lesions than that in the general population (236).

In humans, 97% of an inhaled single-breath dose of 1,1,2,2-TCA is absorbed with very little (3.3%)
exhaled as unchanged chemical; urinary excretion was 0.015%/min (195). The metabolism and
kinetics in humans have not been as well developed as for chlorinated solvents such as trichloro- and
tetrachloroethylene (for which biologic exposure indices exist).

Of 380 workers examined in the workplace where 1,1,2,2-TCA was the solvent for cellulose acetate,
192 were in direct contact, and some of the remaining 188 workers were occasionally exposed to its
vapors. The signs of poisoning in the workers were most frequently of the nervous system. These
symptoms were characterized by tremor and increased with the amount of solvent in the air. Jaundice
was not detected in any of the workers (237).

Early work of Lehman suggests that, in humans, a concentration of 3 ppm 1,1,2,2-TCA may be
detected by odor, 13 ppm may be tolerated without effect for 10 min, and inhalation of 145 ppm for
30 min or 334 ppm for 10 min will cause irritation of the mucous membranes, pressure in the head,
vertigo, and fatigue (200). Carcinogenesis Carcinogenic Classification:

EPA Group 3, possible human carcinogen.
IARC Group 3, not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity in humans
MAK Group B, justifiably suspected of having carcinogenic potential
NIOSH Carcinogen, with no further categorization
TLV A3, animal carcinogen
6.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV is 1 ppm with an A3 and skin notation. NIOSH considers 1,1,2,2-TCA a
carcinogen and recommends the lowest feasible exposure and an REL of 1 ppm. The OSHA PEL is
5 ppm with a skin notation.

Other Nations: Australia: 1 ppm, skin (1993); Federal Republic of Germany: 1 ppm, skin, Group B,
justifiably suspected of having carcinogenic potential (1997).
6.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.
Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons
Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

7.0.1 CAS Number:
7.0.2 Synonyms:
Ethane pentachloride
7.0.3 Trade Names:
7.0.4 Molecular Weight:
7.0.5 Molecular Formula:
7.0.6 Molecular Structure:

7.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless liquid

Specific gravity 1.6712 (25/4°C)
Melting point –29°C
Boiling point 162°C
Vapor pressure 3.4 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.50250 (24°C)
Percent in “saturated air” 0.45 (25°C)
Solubility 0.05 g/100 mL at 20°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air

7.1.1 General No new information was found since last edition.

7.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Pentachloroethane has a sweetish odor, not unlike chloroform.
The threshold at which the odor is detected has not been determined, and therefore its value as a
warning is not known.
7.2 Production and Use
Pentachloroethane has been used as a solvent and chemical intermediate but has had little
commercial utilization. Pentachloroethane is used as a solvent for oil and grease in metal cleaning; in
the separation of cola from impurities by density difference; as a chemical intermediate, in the
manufacture of tetrachloroethylene and dichloroacetic acid; as a solvent for cellulose acetate, certain
cellulose ethers, resins, and gums; as a drying agent for timber by immersion at temperatures greater
than 100°C; in dry cleaning and soil sterilizing.
7.3 Exposure Assessment
No information found.
7.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 2517 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to pentachloroethane.
7.4 Toxic Effects
Sax and Lewis (242) report that pentachloroethane is a poison by inhalation and intravenous routes
and is an experimental carcinogen, and moderately toxic by ingestion and subcutaneous routes. It is
irritating to the eyes, lungs, corneas, upper respiratory tract, the skin, and mucous membranes. It is
very toxic by inhalation, or skin absorption. It has a strong narcotic effect. When heated to
decomposition, this compound emits highly toxic fumes of CO, CO2, and HCl.

Toxicologic data on pentachloroethane are quite limited. Pentachloroethane has a narcotic effect that
has been indicated to be even greater than that of chloroform. Exposure to this material may also
result in injury to the liver, lungs, and kidneys, but rats and mice have tolerated rather high doses
without injury. It has caused liver tumors in mice but not in rats.

7.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Barsoum and Saad (205) reported the lethal oral
dose to be 1.75 g/kg of body weight.

Lehmann and Flury (16) indicated that cats inhaled 1 mg/L of air (120 ppm) 8–9 h daily for 23 d
without overt symptoms of poisoning. However, they showed significant pathological changes in the
liver, lungs, and kidneys. Dogs exposed to the vapor for 3 wk showed fatty degeneration of the liver
and injury to the kidneys and lungs. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Navrotskii et al. (215) exposed rabbits to 100 or 10 mg
pentachloroethane vapor per cubic meter of air 3–4 h daily for 7–11 m. Only limited data are
discussed in the available abstract. Antibody titers were reported to be elevated after 1–1.5 m
exposure to 100 mg/m3 (12 ppm). The abstract also states that toxic effects occurred at 10 mg/m3 but
the nature of the toxic effects is not specified.

Pentachloroethane containing 4.2% hexachloroethane was studied by Mennear et al. (243). The
material was administered by gavage to rats and mice of both sexes. Prechronic studies of 2 and
13 wk failed to reveal specific target organ toxicity at 10, 50, 100, 500, or 1000 mg/kg. However, all
rats fed 1000 mg/kg/d died within 4 d, although the same dose was lethal to only one female mouse.
The 500-mg/kg/d dose was lethal to 3/5 rats of each sex between the fourth and tenth day. Decreased
motor activity and lethargy were observed but little body weight loss. There were no gross or
histological changes.

When fed 5 d/wk for 13 wk at doses of 5, 10, 50, 125, or 250 mg/kg/d to rats or 5, 10, 50, 100, or
500 mg/kg/d to mice, weight loss was the only parameter affected by treatment. All rats survived,
and only those fed 250 mg failed to gain weight at the rate of the controls. Only one mouse treated
with 500 mg/d died, but weight gain of this group was 29% less than controls. Gross and
histopathology were considered normal after 13 wk. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Yllner (244) injected 14C-

pentachloroethane subcutaneously in mice at doses of 1.1–1.8 g/kg and determined the excretion
over a 3 d period. About 1/3 of the dose (12–51%) was expired unchanged; 16–32% was excreted as
2,2,2-trichloroethanol, and 9–18% as trichloroacetic acid in the urine. The expired air also contained
trichloroethylene (3–9% of the dose), indicating both dechlorination and dehydrochlorination.

Town and Leibman (245) reported that a cytochrome P450–dependent monooxygenase system was
involved in the dechlorination of pentachloroethane to trichloroethylene and 1,1,2,2-
tetrachloroethane. Bronzetti et al. (246) considered P448 to be more important. In a report available
only as an abstract, weak covalent binding was reported following intraperitoneal injection (247).
Labeled pentachloroethane was reported to be bioactivated by cell-free microsomal and cytosolic
enzymes from mouse and rats organs.
The role of a-2m-globulin and protein droplet formation in the male rat kidneys has been studied
because it is possibly involved in the production of kidney pathology and cancer in male rats (248). Reproductive and Developmental No information on teratology or reporoduction were found.

The reproductive organs were not affected in any of the studies reported previously. Carcinogenesis When fed 5 d/wk to male rats for 104 wk at doses of 75 and 150 mg/kg/d,
mortality was excessive and body weight gain was below controls starting at 76 wk. Weight gain
was decreased in female rats at both levels starting at 42 wk, but mortality in both sexes was
increased only at 150 mg/kg/d. No increase in tumors was found, but there was a dose-related
increase in the incidence of chronic renal inflammation of male rats and mineralization of renal

Survival of mice similarly treated with 250–500 mg/kg/d was significantly shortened, and
hepatocellular carcinomas were increased. The only other tumor showing an increase was in female
mice, where there was a dose-related increase in hepatocellular adenoma. The cause of death did not
appear to be either the renal lesions in male rats or the liver tumors in mice, and no other target
organs were found to explain the deaths. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Mutagenic data are limited and equivocal in
yeast (246) and negative in S. typhimurium (249).

7.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include irritation of the eyes,
lungs, and upper respiratory tract. It may cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. It may
also cause drowsiness, giddiness, jaundice, headache, and, in high concentrations, unconsciousness.
It may also affect the central nervous system and the blood. Overexposure to this compound may
damage the liver and kidneys.
7.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No standards have been proposed for pentachloroethane. It is probably not possible to set a reliable
standard because of the limited toxicologic information and experience reported on this material. It is
obvious that a concentration safe for repeated exposure would be well below the 121 ppm that was
shown to cause pathological change. The unconfirmed report of Navrotskii suggests that exposures
be kept much lower. NIOSH recommends that this substance be handled with caution in the
7.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

8.0.1 CAS Number:
8.0.2 Synonyms:
Carbon hexachloride, ethane hexachloride, hexachloroethylene, 1,1,1,2,2,2-hexachloroethane, HCE,
ethylene hexachloride, and perchloroethane
8.0.3 Trade Names:
A Vlothane, Distokal, Distopan, Distopin, Egitol, Falkitol, Fasciolin, Mottenhexe, Phenohep
8.0.4 Molecular Weight:
8.0.5 Molecular Formula:
C2Cl6, Cl3CCCl3
8.0.6 Molecular Structure:

8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Solid <294> rhombic crystals

Specific gravity 2.091 (20°C)
Melting point Sublimes at 186.8°C
Boiling point 189°C
Solubility 0.005 g/100 mL water at 22°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyle ether
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air

8.1.1 General An ATSDR Toxicological profile for hexachlorethane is available (250). It is found as
colorless crystal.

8.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Hexachloroethane is reported to have a camphorous odor.
8.2 Production and Use
Hexachloroethane has been used as a chemical intermediate, in pyrotechnics, as an insecticide, and
as a parasiticide in animals. It is an undesired by-product of certain chlorination processes and is of
environmental concern in soil and water.
8.3 Exposure Assessment
HCE has been employed in veterinary practice as an anthelmintic for livestock, but it is doubtful that
it is still used for this purpose. While some may be used as an insecticide and in chemical
manufacture, large amounts are used by the United States Army in pyrotechnics and smoke devices
(251). It is a by-product of certain chlorination processes, sometimes appearing in waste tars. HCE is
produced in France, Spain, and the United Kingdom; it is not manufactured in the United States
(252). HCE imported for 1985 was reported to be 1,124,000 kg (253).

8.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1003, for halogenated hydrocarbons is recommended for
determining workplace exposures to hexachloroethane (10a).

8.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Biologic monitoring of exposed workers may determine if exposure

has occurred, but at this time available data appear inadequate to quantify exposure.
8.4 Toxic Effects
According to Sax (254), hexachloroethane has high toxicity via intravenous and moderate via oral,
intraperitoneal, and dermal routes. It is irritating to the skin, eyes, mucous membranes, and upper
respiratory tract. When heated to decomposition, it emits toxic fumes of CO,CO2, HCl gas, and
phosgene. It is absorbed through the skin. It is a positive animal carcinogen.

Much of the experience with this material has come about because of its use as a parasiticide in
animals, although more recent articles indicate renewed interest in this chemical because of
environmental concerns, and its use in pyrotechnics. Von Oettingen (7) reviewed the literature
available in 1955 and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1988 (255). It is possible that some of the
effects ascribed to hexachloroethane in the older literature may have been due to impurities in the
samples tested. It has been shown to produce liver cancer in mice and kidney cancer in male rats.
The kidneys appear to be the target organ, and males are more affected that female laboratory

8.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Hexachloroethane has a low acute oral toxicity.
Thorpe (256) reported the LD50 for rats to be 5.9 g/kg, a value consistent with Reynolds and Yee
(257), who reported rats survived 6.16 g/kg for up to 24 h, and Barsoum and Saad (205), who
reported dogs survived 6 g/kg. A dose of 6 g/kg over a 2-d period was lethal to cats (258). Similar
figures are given in Table 63.5 taken from Weeks et al. (251).

Table 63.5. Lethal Dosages for Animals Following Single Administration of


Animal Treatmenta Diluent Dosage (mg/kg)

Rabbit, male Oral ALD Methylcellulose >1,000

Rat, male Intraperitoneal ALD Corn oil 2,900
Rat, female Oral LD50 Corn oil 4,460
Methylcellulose 7,080
Rat, male Oral LD50 Corn oil 5,160
Methylcellulose 7,690
Guinea pig, male Oral LD50 Corn oil 4,970
Rabbit, male Dermal LD50 Water paste 32,000

The toxicity in larger species such as dogs and cattle is consistent with the laboratory animals.

Twelve daily oral doses of 1000 mg/kg to rabbits cause significant reduction in body weight and
increased relative liver and kidney weights. Gross and histology injury occurred in the liver and
kidneys. Daily doses of 320 mg/kg caused liver injury, but 100 mg/kg caused no significant effect
(251). When fed to rats to determine the maximum tolerated dose in the NTP studies discussed
subsequently, the following results were reported (259). In the 16-d studies (dose range, 187–
3000 mg/kg), all rats that received 1500 or 3000 mg/kg and 1/5 males and 2/5 females that received
750 mg/kg died before the end of the studies. Final mean body weights of rats that received
750 mg/kg were 25% lower than that of vehicle controls for males and 37% lower for females.
Compound-related clinical signs seen at 750 mg/kg or more included dyspnea, ataxia, prostration,
and excessive lacrimation. Other compound-related effects included hyaline droplet formation in the
tubular epithelial cells in all dosed males and tubular cell regeneration and granular casts in the
tubules at the corticomedullary junction in the kidney in males receiving 187 and 375 mg/kg.

Weeks et al. (251) reported reversible injury when crystalline hexachloroethane was applied to the
cornea of rabbit eyes for a prolonged period. It produced little or no skin irritation and did not appear
to be significantly absorbed percutaneously. The dermal LD50 was greater than 32 g/kg by this route.
The compound did not sensitize the skin of guinea pigs.

Rats exposed to 2.5 mg/L (260 ppm) of the vapors for 8 h showed no adverse effects, but 57 mg/L
caused severe injury, including death. The higher concentration was supersaturated and contained
particles of hexachloroethane (251).

Barsoum and Saad (205) indicated that an intravenous dose of 325 mg/kg in dogs resulted in death.
A corresponding dose for pentachloroethane was found to be 100 mg, and for chloroform, 90 mg.
This would indicate that hexachloroethane is intrinsically less toxic than the other materials, or is
absorbed much more slowly. Weeks et al. found the approximate lethal dose (ALD) when injected
intraperitoneally in male rats to be 2900 mg/kg, and Baganz et al. (260) determined an LD50 for
white mice of 4500 mg/kg by this route.

Weeks et al. (251) published the oral lethal dose (approximate) for rabbits as greater than
1000 mg/kg, the oral LD50 for rats at 4460 mg/kg (corn oil) Applied to the shaved skin of rabbits,
the dermal LD50 was 32,000 mg/kg, and it did not sensitize guinea pigs. Rats exposed for 8 h at a
calculated 59,000 ppm vapor showed severe toxic signs and death, but no toxic effects were
observed for 8 h at 260 ppm. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The EPA (IRIS) considers the critical effect for oral
exposure is “atrophy and degeneration of the renal tubules, with a NOAEL of 1 mg/kg/d and a
LOAEL of 15 mg/kg/d and a reference dose (RfD) of 1E-3. This is based on a rat subchronic dietary
study by Gorzinski et al. (261), as summarized here:

Groups of 10 male and 10 female Fischer 344 rats were treated with diets containing
hexachloroethane for 16 wk. Dosages were 0, 1, 15, or 62 mg/kg/d, as determined by the
investigators. The rats were evaluated for overt signs of toxicity, body weight gain, food
consumption; urinalysis, hematological and clinical chemistry parameters; organ weights; and gross
pathology. Comprehensive histologic examination was performed on the control and 62 mg/kg/d
groups, while histologic examination of the 1- and 15-mg/kg/d groups was limited to the liver and
kidney. At 15 and 62 mg/kg/d, male rats had dose-related increased incidences of renal lesions,
including renal atrophy, degeneration, hypertrophy, and dilation. At 62 mg/kg/d, males had increased
absolute and relative kidney weights and peritubular fibrosis; females had slight renal tubular
atrophy and increased liver weights. No other effects were observed. Thus 15 mg/kg/d is the LOAEL
and 1 mg/kg/d is the NOAEL.

In a draft report for a subchronic gavage study (262) rats were treated by gavage with 0, 47, 94, 188,
375, or 750 mg/kg/d, 5 d/wk for 13 wk. Body weight gain was reduced at 750 mg/kg/d, behavioral
signs of toxicity were seen at 94 mg/kg/d, and increased relative liver and kidney weights occurred at
375 mg/kg/d. Dose-related increased incidences of renal tubular regeneration occurred at
47 mg/kg/d.

In a 6 wk inhalation study, rats, dogs, and guinea pigs were exposed to hexachloroethane 6 h/d,
5 d/wk for 6 wk at 0, 145, 465, or 2520 mg/m3 (251). Neurobehavioral effects occurred in rats and
dogs, and reduced body weights, increased relative liver weights, and deaths occurred in guinea pigs
at 2520 mg/m3. No effects were observed at 465 mg/m3. Based on this inhalation NOAEL in rats, an
RfD of 0.03 mg/kg/d could be calculated using an uncertainty factor of 1000. However, a later 16 wk
oral study by Gorzinski et al. (261) is a better basis for the RfD.

When fed for 3 wk at dosages much higher than used by Gorzinski, NTP (259) reported the
following results: In the 13 wk studies (dose range, 47–750 mg/kg), 5/10 male rats and 2/10 female
rats that received 750 mg/kg died before the end of the studies. The final mean body weight of male
rats that received 750 mg/kg was 19% lower than that of vehicle controls. Compound-related clinical
signs for both sexes included hyperactivity at doses of 94 mg/kg or higher and convulsions at doses
of 375 or 750 mg/kg. The relative weights of liver, heart, and kidney were increased for exposed
males and females. Kidney lesions were seen in all dosed male groups, and the severity increased
with dose. Papillary necrosis and tubular cell necrosis and degeneration in the kidney and
hemorrhagic necrosis in the urinary bladder were observed in the five male rats that received
750 mg/kg and died before the end of the studies; at all lower doses, hyaline droplets, tubular
regeneration, and granular casts were present in the kidney. No chemical-related kidney lesions were
observed in females. Foci of hepatocellular necrosis were observed in several male and female rats at
doses of 188 mg/kg or higher.

Rats, dogs, guinea pigs, and quail were exposed 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for 6 wk to hexachloroethane vapor
(van Haaften (263)). Extensive studies were conducted to determine possible injury including
behavioral, reproductive, clinical chemical, hematologic, and histological examinations. Animals
exposed to 260 ppm were seriously affected, including death (except for quail). Quail showed no
adverse effect at any dosage. There was no evidence of injury of any type in any species at 15 ppm.
Exposure to 48 ppm caused minimal injury. The most significant effects appeared to be irritation of
the eyes and respiratory tract. Apparently liver and kidney injury were not significant at these levels
of exposure. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Jondorf et al. (264) reported that an oral
dose of 0.5 g/kg of body weight in a rabbit was slowly metabolized. Approximately 5% appeared in
the urine in a period of 3 d and from 14 to 24% in the expired air. These authors used
chromatographic and isotopic dilution techniques to determine the nature of the metabolities in the
urine. These were reported as percent of the dose given: trichloroethanol, 1.3; dichloroethanol, 0.4;
trichloroacetic acid, 1.3; dichloroacetic acid, 0.8; monochloroacetic acid, 0.7; and oxalic acid, 0.1.

Fowler reported different results for sheep and Leghorn cockerels (265, 266), but the differences in
the methods used make it impossible to compare the data from these species with those from rats.
Interestingly, hexachloroethane is reported to be a metabolite of carbon tetrachloride but not
chloroform. For details see the section on metabolism of chloroform.

Gorzinski et al. (261) analyzed liver, kidneys, blood, and adipose tissue from rats fed
hexachloroethane in a 110 d dietary feeding study described in a preceding section. After 57 d the
authors reported that the “concentration of HCE in the kidneys of male rats was significantly higher
at all dose levels when compared to females (mg HCE/g of kidney with increasing dose <294>males:
1.4, 24.3, 95.1; females: 0.4, 0.7, 2.0); this is consistent with the more pronounced renal toxicity
noted for male rats. However, the results of the tissue analysis indicated that HCE was cleared in an
apparent first-order manner with a half-life estimated to be 2–3 days.”

The metabolism (reductive dechlorination) of hexachloroethane in rats and mice is mediated by

microsomal cytochrome P450 with oxidation of NADPH. Dechlorination with loss of two chlorines
in a two-step process produces the major metabolite tetrachloroethylene. Much less
pentachloroethane and trichloroethylene are produced. Further metabolism results in some of the
same substances as tetrachloroethylene itself.

Hexachloroethane, being fat soluble, enters those tissues that are lipoid in nature, but has been shown
to be present at higher concentrations in male rat kidneys than in females. This is consistent with
greater toxicity in males (261).

Gorzinski (261) fed doses of 0, 1, 15, or 62 mg/kg/d in the diet for 16 wk (see preceding section on
oral toxicity for details). Clearance, due to metabolism and elimination, was first order at
62 mg/kg/d, indicating nonsaturation. The half-time was approximately 2.5 d for fat, liver, kidney,
and blood. They concluded that elimination from the rat was more rapid than that reported for other

Table 63.6 taken from Gorzinski (261), shows the organ concentration after 16 wk on the respective

Table 63.6. Concentration of Hexachloroethane in the Tissues of Rats Fed

Hexachloroethane in the Diet for 16 Weeks
mg HCE/g Tissuea

Sex (mg/kg/d) Blood Liver Kidney Fat

M 1 0.079 ± 0.057 0.291 ± 0.213 1.356 ± 0.29 3.15 ± 0.37

15 0.596 ± 0.653 1.736 ± 1.100 24.33 ± 5.73 37.90 ± 6.10
62 0.742 ± 0.111 0.713 ± 0.343 95.12 ± 11.56 176.1 ± 14.50
F 1 0.067 ± 0.039 0.26 ± 0.035 0.369 ± 0.51 2.59 ± 0.72
(3) (2)
15 0.162 ± 0.049 0.47 ± 0.204 0.688 ± 0.17 45.27 ± 11.33
62 0.613 ± 0.231 0.631 ± 0.262 2.01 ± 0.66 162.1 ± 7.10

Mitoma et al. (52) fed a series of chlorinated ethanes and ethenes to rats and mice to determine the
amount of metabolism. Rats were given the NCI maximum tolerated dose (MTD) in corn oil for
5 d/wk for 4 wk followed by a corresponding radio-labeled dose. In rats 93% was recovered and in
mice 95.5%. Their data for hexachloroethane are given in Table 63.3. They concluded the
biochemical parameters they measured including protein binding provided no clue to differentiate
the carcinogens from the noncarcinogenic compounds.

Lattanzie et al. (267), however, concluded that hexachloroethane “bound” to DNA and other
macromolecules of the rat and mouse. They reported it less reactive than tetrachloroethane and
similar to 1,2-dichloroethane. Reproductive and Developmental Weeks et al. (251) carried out teratological studies in
pregnant rats fed by gavage or exposed by inhalation. Oral doses of 50, 100, or 500 mg/kg were fed
on days 6 through 16 of gestation. Separate groups were also exposed 6 h/d to 15, 48, or 260 ppm of
the vapors. Although body weight gain of the dams in the 500-mg/kg oral and 260-ppm inhalation
groups was lower than the controls, there appeared to be no teratological effects on the fetuses. There
were adverse effects on gestation indexes and on the number of fetuses alive at the highest oral dose.
The fetal reabsorption rate was increased in this group. Carcinogenesis The EPA (IRIS) (2) classifies hexachoroethane as C, possible human
carcinogen on the basis of observation of carcinomas in one mouse strain after oral exposure. There
are no human carcinogenicity data. The EPA considers the animal carcinogenicity data as “limited.”

Technical-grade hexachloroethane (98% pure) was administered by gavage to Osborne–Mendel rats

and B6C3F1 mice (50 each male and female) (268).

Rats were treated with either 250 or 500 mg hexachloroethane/kg/d, 5 d/wk for 23 wk. After this
time animals were rested 1 wk and gavaged for 4 succeeding weeks up to week 78; an observation
period of 33–34 wk followed. Final TWA treatment doses were 212 and 432 mg/kg/d. There was no
evidence of hexachloroethane-induced neoplastic growth in rats. Mice were administered 500 or
1000 mg/kg/d, 5 d/wk, continuously. At week 9 the doses were increased to 600 and 1200 mg/kg/d,
and this dosage was maintained until week 78. Mice were observed for 12–13 wk after cessation of
treatment. The TWA doses were 590 and 1179 mg/kg/d. Mice of both sexes showed a significant
increase in the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma.

When hexachloroethane was restudied in F344/N rats at doses of 0, 10, or 20 mg/kg/d 5 d/wk to
male rats and 0, 80, or 160 mg/kg doses to female rats, body weight was only slightly depressed
toward the end of the 2 yr gavage period (259). Surrival was not affected in any group. The
following nonneoplastic and neoplastic effects were reported in the 2 yr studies: Incidences of
kidney mineralization (vehicle control, 2/50; low dose, 15/50; high dose, 32/50) and hyperplasia of
the pelvic transitional epithelium (0/50; 7/50; 7/50) were increased in dosed male rats. Renal tubule
hyperplasia was observed at an increased incidence in high-dose male rats (2/50; 4/50; 11/50). These
lesions have been described as characteristic of the hyaline droplet nephropathy that is associated
with an accumulation of liver-generated a-globulin in the cytoplasm of tubular epithelial cells. The
severity of nephropathy was increased in high-dose male rats (moderate vs. mild), and the incidences
and severity of nephropathy were increased in dosed females (22/50; 42/50; 45/50). The incidences
of adenomas (1/50; 2/50; 4/50), carcinomas (0./50; 0/50; 3/50), and adenomas or carcinomas
(combined) (1/50; 2/50; 7/50) of the renal tubule were also increased in the high-dose male group.
One of the carcinomas in the high-dose group metastasized to the lung. No compound-related
neoplasms were observed in females. The incidence of pheochromocytomas of the adrenal gland in
low-dose male rats was significantly greater than that in vehicle controls (15/50; 28/45; 21/49), and
the incidences for both dosed groups were greater than the mean historical control incidence (28–
11%). The relationship of hyalin droplet formation to kidney tumors in the rat has been the subject of
several investigations, because the phenomenon appears to be more important in male rats than in
female rats or humans. This is particularly important because the mutagenic potency of
hexachloroethane appears to be low. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Hexachloroethane was tested against one yeast
strain, Saccharomyces cervisiae, and five strains of Salmonella typhimurium with and without rat
liver activation with no evidence of mutagenic effects (263). Hexachloroethane was not mutagenic in
S. typhimurium strains TA98, TA100, TA1535, or TA1537 when tested with and without exogenous
metabolic activation. In Chinese hamster ovary cells, hexachloroethane did no induce chromosomal
aberrations with or without metabolic activation but did produce sister chromatid exchanges in the
presence of exogenous metabolic activation (259).

8.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound include skin, eye, mucous
membrane, and upper respiratory tract irritation. Chronic effects include liver damage and nervous
system disturbances. High concentrations can cause narcosis.

A report of inhalation exposures to humans describes the effects of a military smoke bomb in a
fraternity house (269). However, it is probably not appropriate to ascribe the effects specifically to
hexachloroethane because a variety of chemicals would be present in the smoke.

Exposure of workmen to the fumes of hot hexachloroethane has been reported to cause
blepharospasm, photophobia lacrimation, and reddening of the conjunctiva but no corneal injury and
no permanent damage (270, 271). However, the available citation does not give details of the
exposure conditions or duration. Carcinogenesis There is no human carcinogenicity data. EPA (IRIS) (2) classifies
hexachloroethane as C, possible human carccinogen on the basis of observation of carcinomas in one
mouse strain after oral exposure. (See animal section on carcinogenesis.)

Carcinogenic Classification:
IARC Group 3, agent is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity in humans
NIOSH Carcinogoen without further classification
NTP Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen (RAHC)
ACGIH TLV A3, Confirmed Animal Carcinogen with Unknown Relevance to Humans
8.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV for hexachloroethane is 1 ppm with a notation indicating possible skin absorption.
The NIOSH considers hexachloroethane a potential carcinogen and recommends the lowest possible
exposure, and an REL of 1 ppm. The OSHA PEL is also 1 ppm.

Other countries: Australia: 10 ppm, proposed change 1 ppm (1990); The former Federal Republic of
Germany: 1 ppm (1998); United Kingdom: vapor 5 ppm (50 mg/m3), total inhalable dust 10 mg/m3,
respirable dust 5 mg/m3 (1987).
8.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

1-Propyl Chloride
9.0.1 CAS Number:
9.0.2 Synonyms:
9.0.3 Trade Names:
9.0.4 Molecular Weight:
9.0.5 Molecular Formula:
9.0.6 Molecular Structure:

9.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless liquid

Specific gravity 0.8910 (20/4°C)
Melting point –122.8°C
Boiling point 46.4°C
Vapor pressure 350 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.38838 (20°C)
Percent in “saturated”air 44.5
Solubility 027 g/100 mL water at 20°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether
Flammability Flash point <–18°C; explosive limits 2.6–11.1% in air

9.1.1 General

9.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties No data were found concerning odor or warning properties.
9.2 Production and Use
No information found.
9.3 Exposure Assessment
No information found.
9.4 Toxic Effects
Very little information is available on n-propyl chloride because it has found so little use in industry.
Von Oettingen (7) reviewed the data available prior to 1955.

9.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Abreu et al. (272) exposed rats to 1.7 mmol/L
(40,000 ppm) 1 h/d for 4 d and then examined the livers and lungs. Slight alveolar hemorrhage and
“significant” focal necrosis of the liver were observed. This concentration was reported to be
anesthetic in mice. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity No information found. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Barnsley (273) found 2-

hydroxypropylmercapturic acid in the urine of rats injected subcutaneously with a 40% w/v solution
of 1-chloropropane in arachis oil. VanDyke and Wineman (135) reported that enzymatic
dechlorination occurs in vitro using rat liver microsomes. Cytochrome P450 may be involved based
on in vitro data (274). Hepatic microsomes from phenobarbital-induced rats produced a variety of
metabolites: propene, 1,2-epoxypropane, 1,2-propandiol, propienic acid, and an unidentified species
bound to protein (275). If glutathione was added, there was conjugation with it. Reproductive and Developmental No information found. Carcinogenesis No information found. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies n-Propyl chloride was studied at 1000 mg/kg
orally in rats and found not to produce a dominant lethal response (276). Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization No information found.

9.4.2 Human Experience No information found.

9.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None has been established for propyl chloride.
9.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

Isopropyl Chloride
10.0.1 CAS Number:
10.0.2 Synonyms:
10.0.3 Trade Names:
10.0.4 Molecular Weight:
10.0.5 Molecular Formula:
10.0.6 Molecular Structure:
10.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless liquid

Specific gravity 0.862 (20.°C)
Melting point –117°C
Boiling point 35.74°C
Vapor pressure 523 torr (25°C)
Percent in “saturated”air 68.7 (25°C)
Solubility 0.31 g/100 mL water at 20°C; soluble in alcohol, diethyl ether
Flammability Flash point –45°C (tag open cup)

10.1.1 General No new information on this compound was found since the last edition.

10.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Warning properties may be inadequate to protect against
excessive repeated exposure. Several subjects did not detect 500 ppm of the vapors.
10.2 Production and Use
Isopropyl chloride has had minimal use as a solvent and chemical intermediate, and to some extent
as an anesthetic. Its flammability has limited its use despite its apparent favorable toxicity.
10.3 Exposure Assessment
No information was found.
10.4 Toxic Effects
Isopropyl chloride has a potent anesthetic action and has been proposed for medical usage.

Von Oettingen in 1955 reviewed the literature on the use of this material as an anesthetic (7).
Vomiting and cardiac arrhythmia have been observed. It may also cause histopathological changes in
the liver and kidneys but is rather low in potency.

Very little information has been published on this compound.

10.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Twenty 6-h exposures to 1000 ppm in rats
caused no evidence of injury during exposure, but extensive vacuolation and necrosis were seen in
the liver of male and female rats. Similar exposures to 250 ppm caused no injury (277). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity No information was found. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms VanDyke and Wineman (135) report that
2-chloropropane was enzymatically dechlorinated in vitro by rat liver microsomesed. Cytochrome
P450 may be involved based on in vitro studies (274). Reproductive and Developmental No information was found. Carcinogenesis No information was found. Genetic and Relatled Cellular Effects Studies Simmon et al. (278) reported that isopropyl
chloride was mutagenic in S. typhimurium when tested in desiccators. Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, Skin Sensitization No information found.

10.4.2 Human Experience No information on human experience was found.

10.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No standards have been established for isopropyl chloride. Based on the limited available data from
animals, it is suggested that time-weighted average exposures should be controlled below 500 ppm.
10.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

Propylene Dichloride
11.0.1 CAS Number:
11.0.2 Synonyms:
1,2-Dichloropropane, alpha,beta-dichloropropane, alpha,beta-propylene dichloride, Dichloro-1,2-
propane, PDC
11.0.3 Trade Names:
AI3-15406, Caswell No. 324, CCRIS 951, ENT 15,406, HSDB 1102, NCI-C55141
11.0.4 Molecular Weight:
11.0.5 Molecular Formula:
11.0.6 Molecular Structure:

11.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless liquid

Specific gravity (20/4°C) 1.1558 (1.159 at 25°C)
Melting point –100°C
Boiling point 95–96°C
Vapor pressure 143 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.437 (25°C)
Percent in “saturated” air 3.4 (25°C)
Solubility 0.27 g/100 mL water at 20°C; soluble in alcohol, ethyl ether
Exposure limits 3.4–14.5% in air
Flash point 60°F, 16°C (Closed cup), 21°C (Open cup)

11.1.1 General

11.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor may be adequate to warn against acute injury, but it
appears doubtful if it will prevent excessive repeated exposure. It has a chloroformlike odor.
11.2 Production and Use
Propylene dichloride has been used as a solvent, chemical intermediate, and fumigant. Flammability
has significantly limited its use as a solvent.
11.3 Exposure Assessment
No information was found.

11.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1013 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to propylene dichloride (10a).

11.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers There appears to be inadequate data to determine the feasibility of

biologic monitoring of exposure to propylene dichloride following industrial exposure, although
Ghittori et al. (279) have presented limited data showing a relationship of urinary metabolites to
inhaled exposure concentrations in workers.
11.4 Toxic Effects
Propylene dichloride is toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption. It causes CNS depression,
injury to the liver and kidney, and possibly hemolytic anemia and disseminated intravascular
coagulation. There are indications of adrenal and possibly testicular injury in animals after repeated
exposure. At high concentrations the vapors are irritating to the eyes and nose, and irritation of the
nasal (olfactory) tissue of animals has been observed. It appears to be weakly mutagenic and
carcinogenic, but available data indicate no reproductive effect. When heated to decomposition, it
emits toxic fumes of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, chlorine, hydrogen chloride gas, and

Von Oettingen in 1955 summarized the literature prior to that date (7). A more recent summary
published in 1989 contains details of several extensive unpublished toxicologic studies conducted by
The Dow Chemical Company, the data from which have been provided to the EPA (60).

11.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The lethal dose of propylene dichloride to
guinea pigs is between 2 and 4 g/kg of body weight. Repeated oral feedings of doses as low as
0.2 g/kg of body weight were survived for some period of time, but the animals showed liver injury.
An oral LD50 for rats of 1.9 g/kg (1.7–2.1 g/kg) has been reported (63).

As part of their procedure for establishing dosage for lifetime studies, NTP conducted 14-d and 13-
wk studies in rats and mice (280). All five male and female rats fed 2000 mg/kg/d for 14 d died. On
gross necropsy, the renal medullae were red at this dose but not at lower doses. Body weight was
depressed 14–15% at 1000 mg/kg in both sexes and at 500 mg/kg in male rats.

Mice were slightly more susceptible because 9/10 mice fed 1000 mg/kg for 14 d died and red renal
medullae were observed in 3/5 males at 500 mg/kg and in 1/5 female mice at 125, 250, and
500 mg/kg. Body weight was depressed at 500 mg/kg in male mice and possibly at 250 mg/kg in
female mice.

An acute inhalation LD50 for 8-h exposures of rats to propylene dichloride was reported by Pozzani
et al. (183) as 14 mg/L (3000 ppm).

Mice were exposed to analytically determined concentrations of propylene dichloride vapor in order
to study the relationship of lethality to anesthesia and to liver injury (as measured by SGPT in the
blood) (111). Based on 10-h exposures, an LC50 of 720 ppm was determined. The anesthetic ET50
(ET = effective time) at that concentration was 350 min, and the ET50 for increased SGPT was
186 min. Based on these data propylene dichloride has much less potency toward causing liver injury
than carbon tetrachloride, because its anesthetic, hepatotoxic, and lethal conditions are quite similar.
Gehring reported the ratio of ET50 anesthesia to ET50 for carbon tetrachloride as 136, as compared
to 1.9 for this ratio for propylene dichloride (111). The ratio of LT50 to ET50 for carbon tetrachloride
was 5480 and for propylene dichloride 2.7. It was concluded by the investigator that in mice,
respiratory injury, rather than liver injury, was the primary cause of acute death. Anesthetic effects
were observed, but they were considered secondary to obstructive respiratory failure.

In limited unpublished study reported to the EPA “male rats and mice were exposed to 0, 500, or
1500 ppm propylene dichloride (PDC) for a single 6-h exposure. Rats exposed to 1500 ppm were
lethargic during exposure, lost weight after the exposure, and exhibited pale livers upon gross
necropsy. All mice exposed to 1500 ppm died within 24 h postexposure and exhibited nonspecific
changes typical of animals which die in acute studies. Several mice exposed to 500 ppm PDC died
and exhibited various degrees of liver toxicity upon gross and histological examination” (281).

Early longer-term toxicologic studies on this material were published by Heppel and co-workers
(282, 283). These data have been summarized by Von Oettingen (7) for repeated exposure to
concentrations of 2200 to 400 ppm. “Exposure for 7 hours daily on 5 days per week to 1,000 ppm
(4.4 mg/L) caused in guinea pig no signs, other than drowsiness; rabbits were not affected; and rats
showed some incoordination and it appeared that the animals developed some tolerance to the
exposure. On the other hand many rats and mice died after a few hours' exposure. Liver function
tests performed in dogs showed no definite abnormal values but nevertheless histological
examination of their organs gave evidence of liver damage. None of the animals studied gave
evidence of injury of the blood or blood-forming organs.”

Heppel et al. (283) reported that “repeated exposure to 400 ppm for 7 hours daily on 5 days per week
for a total of 128 to 140 (exposures) caused no other ill effects except a decrease in weight gain of
rats, whereas mice showed a high incidence of mortality.” A group of C3H strain mice exposed to
400 ppm propylene dichloride showed rather high mortality. Hepatomas were observed in some of
the animals that survived.

In an incomplete report Shaipak (284) claims impaired spermatogenesis in rats exposed continuously
to 9 mg/L (3.6 ppm). The duration of the study was not given in the available abstract but is
described as “long periods,” possibly 7 d. This report is not consistent with most of the data cited
above, or subsequent studies that indicate the testes were not affected by inhalation of higher
concentrations. However, Bruckner et al. (285) also reported testicular effects.

Results of repeated inhalation of propylene dichloride were also reported to the EPA (281, 286).
Male and female rats and male rabbits were exposed to 0, 100, 300 or 1000 ppm PDC for
6 h/exposure for 9 exposures in 2 wk; male and female mice were exposed to 0, 30, 100, or 300 ppm
PDC for the same time period. Body weight gains of rats exposed to PDC (all levels) were decreased
from control values. The olfactory mucosa of the nasal turbinates in rats was observed histologically
to be affected at all exposure levels. The extent and severity of degeneration of the olfactory mucosa
was directly correlated with exposure level. Male and female mice exposed to 300 ppm PDC had
increased liver weights and decreased thymic weights. Some mice exposed to 100 or 300 ppm PDC
had degenerative changes in the olfactory mucosa, but these changes were not as severe as observed
in rats at the same exposure level. Only minor liver changes were observed histologically in mice
exposed to 300 ppm PDC. Male rabbits exposed to 1000 ppm PDC had equivocal degenerative
changes in the olfactory mucosa. While a no-observable-effect level (NOEL) was not established in
rats, a NOEL of 30 ppm for mice and 300 ppm for rabbits was established in a 2 wk study (281).

Skin: Propylene dichloride on the open skin causes only mild irritation. Single short contact will
probably be without any effects. The intensity of the reaction is greatly increased when it is held
close to the skin by clothing. The LD50 for percutaneous absorption has been reported as 8.15 g/kg

Eye: Propylene dichloride causes some pain and irritation when splashed into the eyes of rabbits, but
it would not be expected to cause serious or permanent injury. It should be washed out immediately
with water. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The EPA (IRIS) provides no oral reference dose but does
provide a reference concentration for inhalation, based on the critical effect of hyperplasia of the
nasal mucosa with a LOAEL of 69.3 mg/m3 (15 ppm). This was based on the study by Nitchke et al.
(286). Male and female F344 and B5C3F1 mice (10/group) were exposed to 0, 15, 50, or 150 ppm
dichloropropane (0, 69.3, 231, or 693 mg/m3) for 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for 13 wk (duration-adjusted
concentrations = 0, 12.4, 41.3, and 124 mg/m3). New Zealand rabbits (7/sex/group) were exposed to
0, 150, 500, or 1000 ppm dichloropropane (0, 693, 2310, or 4621 mg/m3) according to the same
regimen (duration-adjusted concentrations = 0, 124, 413, and 825 mg/m3). The animals were
observed daily after exposure for overt signs of toxicity as well as changes in behavior pattern and
nervous system activity. Body weights were measured weekly. Hematology, clinical chemistry, and
urinalysis were done prior to exposure and 2 weeks before study termination. Histopathology was
conducted on 52 tissues in the control and high-concentration groups for all three species. The nasal
tissues, larynx, trachea, and lungs were evaluated in all concentration groups for all three species.
Histopathological examinations were also made on the liver and kidney in mice and on the liver,
bone marrow, and spleen in rabbits at all exposure concentrations. The number of sections of the
nasal cavity was not stated; it was assumed that four sections were taken as was done in the
preliminary 2-wk study in the same lab. No treatment-related deaths were observed in any species.
Body weights were statistically significantly reduced in the male rats (90% of control) and female
rats (92–94% of control) exposed to 150 ppm, and slightly reduced at 50 ppm dichloropropane. No
significant treatment-related effects on any hematological, clinical chemistry, or urinalysis
parameters studied were noted in the rats or mice. Histopathological effects were seen in the upper
respiratory tract of the rats that were concentration-related in incidence and severity. Very slight to
slight hyperplasia of the respiratory epithelium of the nasal cavity was observed (0/10, 2/9, 5/10, and
9/10 in males and 0/10, 3/10, 7/10, and 9/10 in females at 0, 15, 50, and 150 ppm, respectively). This
hyperplasia occurred primarily in the anterior regions of the nasal cavity. Very slight to slight
degeneration of the olfactory mucosa in the rostral portion of the nasal cavity was noted for all male
and female rats exposed to 50 or 150 ppm dichloropropane, but not in the control and 15-ppm
groups. Statistical analysis of these results was not reported. Slight inflammation of the larynx was
also noted in several male rats exposed to 150 ppm dichloropropane; no other treatment-related
effects were observed in the respiratory tract of rats. No effects were observed in the liver, spleen, or
bone marrow in rats exposed to 150 ppm.

No treatment-related pathological effects were observed in the mice. Anemia was seen in the rabbits
exposed to dichloropropane in a concentration-related manner. Red blood cell counts (RBC),
hemoglobin concentration, and percent packed cell volume were statistically significantly decreased
in the animals exposed to 150 ppm (red blood cell count only), 500, or 1000 ppm dichloropropane.
Animals in the 500- and 1000-ppm groups exhibited evidence of a regenerative response (bone
marrow hyperplasia and hemosiderin-laden macrophages). Minimal degeneration of the olfactory
epithelium was also observed in the nasal cavity of some rabbits from all exposure groups and the
controls, but the incidence and severity were higher in the 1000-ppm male animals. This study
demonstrates that respiratory effects are apparently the most sensitive endpoint of dichloropropane-
induced toxicity, and that species vary considerably with regard to their susceptibility to these
effects. A LOAEL of 15 ppm [LOAEL(HEC) = 1.3 mg/m3] can be estimated for this study, based on
nasal epithelial hyperplasia in female rats. This LOAEL should be considered minimal because of
the low incidence and severity of the lesions seen at this concentration. Despite the minimal nature
of the effects, they are considered to be adverse because of the increase in incidence and severity
with increasing exposure concentration. This relationship is additionally supported by the short-term
data (described later). Based on the exposure concentrations used in this study, rats are more than 10
times more sensitive than mice and 100 times more sensitive than rabbits to the nasal effects.
In an NTP (280) 13-week study rats were fed 0, 60, 125, 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg/d. Five of 10
male and female rats died at 1000 mg/kg and 5/10 males at 500 mg/kg. Body weight was depressed
16% at 500 mg/kg. Centrilobular congestion of the livers occured in 5/10 males and 2/10 females
receiving 1000 mg/kg. Hepatic fatty changes and contrilobular necrosis were observed in 2/10
females receiving 1000 mg/kg. Mice were fed 0, 30, 60, 125, 250, and 500 mg/kg. One female
mouse fed 500 mg/kg died at 12 wk, and one male fed 60 mg/kg died in the first week. Body weights
were little affected, and no compound-related histopathological effects were recorded.

In another study on male rats fed 0, 100, 250, 500, or 1000 mg/kg in corn oil for 1, 5, or 10 doses, a
larger number of biochemical parameters were measured in addition to histopathological
examination 24 h after treatment (285). There was evidence of development of resistance to
propylene dichloride by the tenth dosage. No deaths occured, but a no-observed-effect level was not
established because cytochrome P450 levels were incresed in the liver even at 100 mg/kg. However,
“doses of 500 and 1000 mg/kg were required to produce significant liver injury.”

The same dosage, 100 mg/kg, the lowest dose fed, was found to be an observed effect level in a 13-
wk gavage study as well. When fed to male rats for 13 wk at 0, 100, 250, 500, or 750 mg/kg/d,
members of the 750-mg/kg group died or were sacrificed, as did 50% of the 500-mg/kg group
Bruckner et al. 1989 (285). Although cause of death was not stated and may have been anesthetic,
histopathology was only moderate to mild. Hepatitis, hemosiderosis of the spleen, vacuolation of the
medulla and lipidosis of the cortex of the adrenals, degenerate spermatogonia, reduction in
spermatozoa in the epididymis, and testicular degeneration were observed at 750 mg/kg. At
500 mg/kg testicular and adrenal changes were reported in some of the rats with reduced sperm
production and degenerate spermatogonia in the epididymis. There was an increase in fat storage in
the adrenal cortex. No such effects were seen in the 100- or 250-mg/kg groups. Dose-dependent
depression of weight gain occured at all levels. Nephrotoxicity was not apparent, and liver toxicity as
measured by serum enzymes was very limited. Possibly hemolytic anemia occured. All animals in
the 500-ppm group were sacrificed the day after exposure, but groups of 100 and 250 mg/kg rats
examined 1 wk after treatment stopped had recovered significantly. It is interesting that the testicular
changes reported following gavage in this study have not been reported in other studies.

In response to a TSCA section 4(a) test rule, 1,2-dichloropropane (PDC) was evaluated for potential
neurotoxic effects in groups of 15 Fischer 344 rats/sex given 0 (corn oil controls), 20, 65, or 200 mg
PDC/kg body weight/d, 5 d/wk for 13 wk (287). Specific tests required by the test rule included
monthly evaluation of a functional observational battery, hindlimb grip strength, motor activity, and
comprehensive neuropathology at the end of the study. Other parameters evaluated included weekly
clinical observations, weekly body weights, and body temperatures after 13 wk of treatment.

Transient clinical effects were noted in a dose-responsive manner shortly after gavage for rats
receiving all dose levels of PDC. The rats adapted rapidly to PDC such that these effects were no
longer noted after the fourth daily dose. Body weights were depressed throughout the study for male
rats given 200 mg/kg/d. Males receiving 65 mg/kg/d and females given 200 mg/kg/d had slightly
decreased body weights that were also attributed to PDC ingestion. No effects attributable to PDC
were noted upon the functional observational battery, hindlimb grip strength, or motor activity at any
of the monthly intervals throughout the study. After 13 wk of gavage, the temperature of rats
receiving 200 mg/kg/d was slightly lower, particularly females. The body temperature was within the
range of normal daily variation and the decrease was not considered toxicologically significant. No
gross or histopathologic effects on the nervous system, either central or peripheral, were
demonstrated by any of the techniques employed.

All rats not selected for the 13-wk termination were held without further treatment for an additional
9 wk. Parameters noted to be affected in the 13-wk portion were evaluated in these rats. The body
weight differences persisted for the 9 wk post-treatment period. Body temperature differences for the
female rats, but not male rats, receiving 200 mg/kg/d also remained throughout this period. Female
rats previously receiving 65 mg/kg/d also tended to have slightly decreased body temperature during
the recovery period.

In summary, aside from early transient clinical signs and minor body weight and temperature
decreases, there were no effects attributable to DCP in the functional observational battery, grip
strength, motor activity, and neuropathology. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms It has been shown that rat liver
microsomes in vitro are capable of metabolizing 1,2-dichloropropane (136). More information on
metabolism is discussed on 1,3-dichloropropane (288). Jones and Gibson have proposed a metabolic
pathway (289) that has been expanded by Timchalk et al., who studied the disposition and
metabolism of [14C]1,2-dichloropropane (propylene dichloride) in Fischer 344 rats following oral
and inhalation exposure (290): The objective of this study was to compare the disposition and
metabolism of [14C]1,2-dichloropropane ([14C]DCP) following oral and inhalation exposure since
these two routes are of interest with regards to occupational and and accidental exposure. [14C]DCP
was administered orally to groups of four rats of each sex as a single dose of 1 or 100 mg/kg and as a
multiple 1 mg/kg nonradiolabeled dose for 7 d followed by a single 1-mg [14C]DCP/kg dose on day
8. In addition, four rats of each sex were exposed to [14C]DCP vapors for a 6-h period in a head-only
inhalation chamber at target concentrations of 5, 50, and 100 ppm. [14C]DCP was readily absorbed,
metabolized, and excreted after oral or inhalation exposure. For all treatment groups the principal
routes of elimination were via the urine (37–65%) and expired air (18–40%). The tissues, carcass,
feces, and cage wash contained <11, 9.7, and 3.8% of the dose, respectively. The major urinary
metabolites, as a group, from the oral and inhalation exposures were identified as three, N-
acetylcysteine conjugates of DCP, N-acetyl-S-(2-hydroxypropyl)-L-cysteine, N-acetyl-S-(2-
oxopropyl)-L-cystein, and N-acetyl-S (l-carboxyethyl)-L-cystein. The majority (61–87%) of the
expired volatile organic material was found to be parent DCP in all samples analyzed. Increasing the
dose/concentration of [14C]DCP resulted in an increase in the amount of exhaled [14C]-volatile
organics. The peak DCP blood concentrations (inhalation exposure) were not proportional to dose,
indicating a dose dependency in the blood clearance of DCP. Nonetheless, upon termination of
exposure, DCP was rapidly eliminated from the blood. In all treatment groups, following oral and
inhalation exposure the majority of the radioactivity was eliminated by 24 h postdosing, and no
differences were noted between sexes. Therefore, it can be concluded that in the rat the
pharmacokinetics and metabolism of [14C]DCP are similar regardless of route of exposure or sex.

These authors proposed a metabolic pathway (Fig. 63.2) quite similar to Jones and Gibson and
concluded that incorporation into macromolecules is due to metabolism and not alkylation.
Figure 63.2. Proposed metabolic scheme for 1,2-dichloropropane in the rate (R = N-acetylcysteine)
[from Timchalk et al. (290)]. Reproductive and Developmental Thirty bred female Sprague–Dawley rats were fed
propylene dichloride in oil by gavage at dose levels of 0, 10, 30, or 125 mg/kg/d on days 6 to 15 of
gestation. The usual teratological parameters were evaluated Kirk et al. (291). Administration of
PDC to pregnant rats at a dose level of 125 mg PDC/kg body weight/d produced transient decreases
in respiration, movement, muscle tone, and extensor thrust reflex, and increases in salivation and
lacrimation within 1 h of dosing on day 6 of gestation. Rapid accomodation to PDC exposure was
observed in these animals on the second day of dosing (day 7 of gestation), as evidenced by a
decrease in the frequency and severity of clinical observations. Decreased feed consumption and
significant decreases in maternal body weight gain resulting in significantly lower maternal body
weights were also observed at 125 mg PDC/kg body weight/d. There were, however, no adverse
effects on any reproductive parameter measured in any of the dose levels tested. Fetal examination
revealed a significant increase in the incidence of delayed ossification of the bones of the skull in the
125 mg PDC/kg body weight/d dose group. This increase was considered to be a reflection of at
most slight fetotoxicity, secondary to the reduced maternal growth. There were no adverse effects on
any parameter in rats exposed to 10 or 30 mg PDC/kg body weight/d. Based on these results, PDC
was not teratogenic at a dose level that produced obvious maternal toxicity (125 mg PDC/kg body
weight/d), and 30 mg PDC/kg body weight/d was considered the no-observed-effect level for
maternal and fetal effects.

In a similar study 18 inseminated New Zealand white rabbits were administrated 0, 15, 50, or
150 mg/kg/day on days 7 through 9 of gestation (292). Administration of 150 mg PDC/kg/d resulted
in anorexia in the majority of animals in this dose group producing significant decreases in maternal
body weight gain during the treatment period (days 7–20 of gestation). One maternal death resulting
from anorexia was also recorded in the 150-mg/kg/d dose group. Measurement of hematologic
parameters revealed anemia (decreased red blood cell counts, hemoglobin concentration, and
hematocrit) in rabbits given 150 mg/kg/d, with microscopic examination revealing slight-to-
moderate anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, and/or polychromasia, indicative of a regenerative anemia.
Despite the obvious maternal effects, there were no adverse effects on any of the reproductive
parameters measured in any dose group, nor were there indications of teratogenicity in any of the
dose groups. Fetal examination revealed low, but statistically significant, increase in the incidence of
delayed ossification of the bones of the skull in the 150-mg/kg/d dose groups. Based on these results,
150 mg/kg/d was considered maternally toxic and produced evidence of slight fetotoxicity.
Therefore, the no-observed-effect level for both maternal and fetal effects was 50 mg/kg/d.

A two-generation reproduction study in rats produced no effect on reproductive parameters, although

there was an obvious effect on water consumption and body weight (293). The investigators
summarize the study as follows. Groups of 30 male and 30 female Sprague–Dawley rats each were
provided with drinking water containing PDC at concentrations of 0 (control), 0.024%, 0.10%, or
0.24% (w/v) over two generations. A concentration of 0.24% PDC in water represented the
maximum practicable attainable concentration based on solubility. Adult rats were evaluated for
body weights, water and feed consumption, reproductive performance, and gross pathologic and
histologic changes. The resultant litters were evaluated for size, neonatal growth, and survival.

Administration of PDC via the drinking water to male and female Sprague–Dawley rats over two
generations produced concentration-related palatability effects in adults at 0.24%, 0.10%, and
0.024%. Decreases in water consumption, reflective of a rejection due to palatability, were observed
at all levels tested in both the f0 and f1 generations in males and females. These decreases in water
consumption at 0.24% PDC (50% below controls) resulted in consistent body weight effects. These
differences in water consumption and body weights were also evident among females during
gestation and/or lactation. Slight decreases in water consumption 0.024% PDC were associated only
with slight decreases in weight gain in females during gestation and had no adverse effects on these
animals. There were no treatment-related gross pathologic changes noted in any dose group.
Histologic changes related to PDC exposure were limited to increased hepatocellular granularity in
males and females of both generations at all dose groups. These histologic changes were considered
reflective of a physiologic, adaptive response to PDC and not an indication of toxicity. There were
no treatment-related histologic changes in the reproductive tracts of either sex in their generation.

Despite the obvious effects of continuous exposure to PDC on water consumption and body weights,
reprodutive function was unaffected in either generation. The substantial decreases in water
consumption among females at 0.24% PDC resulted in significantly lower neonatal body weights
and slightly increased neonatal mortality in their litters. These neonatal effects were considered
secondary to the substantial decreases in maternal water consumption, rather than a direct effect of
PDC. There were no neonatal effects at PDC concentrations of 0.10% or 0.024% in either

It should be noted that the concentrations of PDC in the drinking water administered to these animals
were at the limit of solubility, and were approximately 100,000-fold higher than levels detected in
the environment. Despite the exaggerated levels, neonatal growth and survival were only affected at
a PDC concentration of 0.24%, which also resulted in significant reduction in parental water
consumption and body weight changes. These effects on the neonates were thus considered
secondary to the effects on the adults. Significantly, there were no adverse effects on reproductive
performance as measured by fertility and litter sizes at any dose level tested. Thus the no observed
adverse effect level for adults was 0.024% PDC, the no observed effect level for neonatal effects was
0.10% PDC, and the reproductive NOEL was 0.24% PDC, the limit of solubility.

It was difficult to calculate with any precision the daily dosage because consumption varied greatly
with age of the rats and whether the females were pregnant or lactating. Roughly the lowest level
ranged from 20 to 25 mg/kg/d for males and 35 to 45 mg/kg/d for females. The intermediate dose
resulted roughly in 65 to 90 mg/kg/d for male rats and 110 to 140 for females. The highest water
concentration resulted in roughly 130 to 160 mg/kg/d in males and 190 to 270 mg/kg/d in females. Carcinogenesis The EPA (IRIS) (2) states: “this substance has not undergone a complete
evaluation and determination under US EPA’s IRIS program for evidence of human carcinogenicity

Propylene dichloride was fed by gavage to rats and mice, 5 d/wk for 103 wk. Dosages were 0 (corn
oil controls), 125, and 250 mg/kg for mice and 0, 62, and 125 mg/kg for rats (280). Survival was
reduced in high-dose female rats and mice (possibly due to infection in female mice). Body weight
was reduced in high-dose rats of both sexes, and clear-cell changes and necrosis of the livers were
found in high-dose female rats. The investigators concluded that dose-related increases were
observed for adenomas of the liver in both male (control, 7/50; low dose, 10/50; high dose, 17/50)
and female (1/50, 5/50, 5/50) mice. The increase in the frequency of liver carcinomas supported the
evidence that there was a neoplastic response in the mouse liver for both sexes (males: 11/50, 17/50,
16/50. females: 1/50, 3/50, 4/50). Hepatocytomegaly and hepatic necrosis were increased in male
mice, but not in female mice.

A dose-related increase in adenocarcinomas of the mammary gland was observed in female rats
(control, 1/50; low dose, 2/50; high dose, 5/50), with the majority of these tumors being found at the
end of the study (1/37, 3%; 2/43, 5%; 4/16, 25%). The incidence of mammary adenocarcinomas was
increased when compared to the historical controls for this laboratory (3/150, 2.0%) and for all
laboratories combined (11/895, 1.2%). Mammary fibroadenomas were decreased in the high-dose
treated female rats (15/50, 20/50, 7/50).

Under the conditions of these 2-yr gavage studies, there was no evidence of carcinogenicity for male
F344/N rats receiving 62 or 125 mg/kg. For female rats there was equivocal evidence of
cacinogenicity in that 250 mg/kg 1,2-dichloropropane caused a marginally increased incidence of
adenocarcinomas in the mammary gland; these borderline malignant lesions occurred concurrent
with decreased survival and reduced body weight gain. There was some evidence of carcinogenicity
for male and female B6C3F1 mice exposed to 1,2-dichloropropane, as indicated by increased
incidences of hepatocellular neoplasms, primarily adenomas (280). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Published mutagenicity tests on microbial
systems were summarized by NTP (294). Generally responses were weak to negative in Drosophila,
Salmonella, Streptomyces, and Aspergillus. NTP also conducted studies on Salmonella TA100,
TA98, TA1537, and TA1535 in the presence or absence of liver S-9 fraction, and no clearly positive
responses were obtained. Chromosomal aberration and sister chromatid exchange studies in Chinese
hamster ovary cells resulted in an increase with and without S9 activation. ATSDR concluded
dichloropropane poses a genotoxic threat to humans ATSDR (60).

A dominant lethal study in Sprague–Dawley rats fed drinking water containing 0, 0.024, 0.10, and
0.24% for 14 wk produced no evidence of mutagenicity (294).

Among PDC-treated males, concentration-related decreases in water consumption were noted at all
levels treated, and decreased body weights were noted in males given 0.10% or 0.24% in the water.
Mating performance was unaffected in these animals. Evaluation of the resorption rates among these
groups revealed that the weekly values for the females mated to PDC-treated males ranged from
2.2% to 8.1%, well within the historical control range expected for this strain. Resorption rates
among the concurrent controls were low, ranging from 3.5% to 5.4%. Statistically significant
increases from concurrent control values identified during the first week of breeding in the resorption
rates in the 0.024% and 0.24% PDC-treated groups were considered a reflection of the normal
variability in this strain. In contrast, single oral administration of cyclophosphamide at a dose of
100 mg/kg resulted in a 10-fold increase in the resorption rate, consistent with the acknowledged
mutagenic potential of this compound. The concentrations of PDC in the drinking water
administered to these animals were at the limit of solubility in water, and were approximately
10,000-fold higher than levels detected in the environment. Despite these exaggerated levels, PDC
was not mutagenic in a dominant lethal assay in male Sprague–Dawley rats exposed continuously to
concentrations up to 0.24% in the drinking water (136).

11.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include irritation of the
skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. It may also cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose,
throat, and lungs. Other symptoms may include dermatitis by defatting of the skin and more severe
irritation if confined against the skin. Exposure can cause slight smarting of the eyes or respiratory
system and smarting and reddening of the skin. Exposures may also lead to hemolytic anemia,
disseminated intravascular coagulation, necrosis and failure of the kidneys, liver failure, and death.
Liver and kidney damage occur. Heart damage may also occur. Prolonged exposure may cause
nausea, headache, vomiting, and central nervous system depression. High concentrations may cause
nacrosis. Drowsiness and lightheadedness have been reported. Cardiac effects have also been
reported. Eye contact may cause burning, tearing, reddening, and swelling of the eye and
surrounding tissue. Skin contact can cause burning and swelling. Inhalation may lead to coughing,
burning sensation, runny nose, sore throat, and dizziness.

Liver, kidney, and hemocytic anemia and disseminated intravascular coagulation appear to be
characteristic responses to excessive exposure to propylene dichloride. Pozzi et al. (295) reported
finding three publications regarding human exposure to propylene dichloride and discussed three
subjects they had examined. All the cases were from Italy, indicating propylene dichloride may have
had more usage in that country. One of the three subjects who drank an undisclosed amount of
propylene dichloride died of septic shock after developing renal failure and liver damage. Many
other changes including hemolytic anemia were observed. Clinical Cases Acute Toxicity A young woman who admitted sniffing a cleaning
solution containing 98% propylene dichloride complained of vomiting and abdominal pain,
widespread ecchymoses, hematuria, and metrorrhagia on first admission. Several months after she
was readmitted with oliguria, epistaxis, hematuria, metrorrhagia, and periorbital and conjunctival
hemorrhages. She again had vomited and had severe abdominal pain followed by fever, facial
edema, and erythemas. She showed evidence of severe renal failure, acute liver damage, and
hemolytic anemia. Renal biopsy showed acute tubular necrosis. The patient survived.

The third case, a 55-year-old woman, who had glomerulonephritis and had been on hemodialysis for
3 yr, was admitted with abdominal pain. It was subsequently found she had spent 6 h cleaning her
flat with 2 L of solvent (composition not stated) 3 d prior to admission. She developed anorexia,
abdominal pain, and nocturnal sweating prior to admission. Severe liver failure, hemolytic anemia,
and other blood changes were observed. The patient survived.

Larcan et al. (296) reported an accidental ingestion of 50 mL of a cleaning substance by a 46-year-

old man. According to the available abstract, the man was in deep coma within 2 h, with mydriases
and hypertonia. Artificial hyperventilation and osmotic diuresis were applied and consciousness was
recovered in 24 h. The patient suddenly developed a picture of irreversible shock with cardiac
failure, lactic acidosis, and hepatic cytolysis at the thirty-sixth hour. He died after developing acute
delirium with tremors. Necropsy evidenced centri- and mediolobular acute hepatic necrosis. The
abstract indicated gas chromatography was used to confirm the identity of propylene dichloride, but
no details were presented.

A similar response involving a 73-year-old woman has also been reported in a 1992 letter to the
editor (297). In addition to the hemolytic anemia, there appeared to be persistent changes in liver

A workman was sprayed on one side of his face with propylene dichloride when a pipeline burst
(271). There was smarting of the eye on that side that persisted for several hours. The corneal
epithelium was damaged in several small areas in the palpebral fissure, but recovery was prompt
with no special treatment.

Two interesting cases of dermatitis suggestive of sensitization have been reported in women using a
complex (aerosol spray) mixture containing propylene dichloride (298). When tested against the
components of the mold-release spray, one women tested strongly positive and the other slightly
positive. Few details are given.

In another report of alleged allergies due to Shell DD Fumigant Mixture, which contains about
27% propylene dichloride, two subjects tested negative for the mixture and one subject positive for
the mixture but not propylene dichloride alone (299).

The health effects in humans (truck drivers, highway patrol officers, fire fighters, and hospital
employees) who were exposed to dichloropropane following the accidental spill of 2000 gallons
from a truck were described by Rubin (300). The exposed individuals complained of chest
discomfort, dyspnea, and cough, and some had persistent chest pain or discomfort and fatigue. These
symptoms indicate that dichloropropane is a respiratory irritant. The level of exposure to
dichloropropane was not quantified.

No epidemiologic studies were found in which propylene dichloride was the subject of the study. Carcinogenesis Carcinogenicity Classification:

IARC Group 3, not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans
MAK Group 3, possible human carcinogen
NIOSH Carcinogen, with no further categorization
ACGIH TLV A4, Not Classifiable as a Human Carcinogen
11.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV TWA is 75 ppm with a STEL/C of 110 ppm. NIOSH considers propylene
dichloride a carcinogen and recommends the lowest feasible concentration. The OSHA PEL is
75 ppm.

Other Occupational Exposure Values: Australia: 75 ppm, 15-min STEL 110 ppm (1990); Federal
Republic of Germany: no MAK, Group 3, possible human carcinogen (1998).
11.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

Ethyl Bromide
12.0.1 CAS Number:
12.0.2 Synonyms:
Monobromoethane, bromic ether, bromoethane, hydrobromic, ether, and monobromoethane
12.0.3 Trade Names:
Halon 2001, Monobromoethane, Bromic ether
12.0.4 Molecular Weight:
12.0.5 Molecular Formula:
12.0.6 Molecular Structure:

12.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Ethyl bromide is a colorless to yellow, highly volatile, flammable liquid with an ethereal odor. The
material turns yellow when exposed to light and air.
Physical state Colorless liquid
Specific gravity 1.4515 g/mL at 25°C (25/4°C)
Melting point –119°C
Boiling point 38.4°C
Vapor pressure 475 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.42386 (25°C)
Percent in “saturated”air 62.5 (25°C)
Solubility 0.91 g/100 mL water at 20°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether
Flammability limits 6.75–11.25% by volume in air

12.1.1 General

12.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Ethyl bromide has a definite though not particularly distinctive
odor. A threshold of odor response has not been reported. Odor should not be considered a warning
12.2 Production and Use
The principal use of ethyl bromide is as a chemical intermediate. Although it has been occasionally
proposed as an anesthetic, it has not been used to any extent for that purpose.
12.3 Exposure Assessment
Human exposure has occurred with its use as an anesthetic, but widespread use has ceased.

12.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1011 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to ethyl bromide (10a).

12.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Determination of bromide ion in the blood may be of value in

determining whether exposure to ethyl bromide has occurred. However, the available data do not
permit a quantification of exposure based on blood bromide; nor is it known if measurable
concentrations will be present at currently acceptable levels of exposure.
12.4 Toxic Effects
Ethyl bromide may be harmful by ingestion or inhalation. It is an irritant of the skin, eyes, mucous
membranes, and upper respiratory tract. It is narcotic in high concentrations. When heated to
decomposition, it emits toxic fumes of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, bromine, and hydrogen
bromide gas.

The primary acute response from exposure to ethyl bromide is CNS depression, as in the case of
ethyl chloride. In contrast, however, ethyl bromide causes irritation of the lungs and injury to the
liver, muscle, kidneys, and other organs. It has caused cancer in female mice and possibly in male
mice and both sexes of rats.

12.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Oral, Skin, and Eyes: The liquid is apparently
irritating to the skin and eyes of rabbits and is reported to be absorbed through the skin (301).

Inhalation: Sayers et al. (302) reported acute studies on the response of guinea pigs to ethyl bromide
(see Table 63.7).

Table 63.7. Physiological Response of Guinea Pigs to Ethyl Bromide in Air


Concentration Exposure Time

(%) (min) Response
14 10 Unconscious; death in several days
5 98 Unconscious; died 1 h later
6 10 Survived; lung injury
2.4 90 Died in 18 h
30 Some delayed death; pathological changes
in lungs, liver and spleen
1.2 270 Some deaths; histopathological changes
90 Survived; histopathological changes
55 Survived; slight histopathological changes
0.65 270 Some deaths
180 Survived; histopathological changes
0.07 810 One death and histopathological changes
540 Survival; normal

Vernot et al. (303) determined 1-h LC50s of 27,000 and 16,200 ppm (120 and 72 mg/L) for rats and
mice, respectively.

These data are similar to the results in F344/N rats and B3C3F1 mice given single 4 h exposure to
625-, 1250-, 2500-, 5000-, or 10000-ppm exposures. All animals exposed to 10,000 ppm died.
During the initial part of the exposure, clinical signs included an increased rate of respiration,
hyperactivity, and incoordination. By the end of the exposure the rats were dyspneic and comatose. It
is not clear what clinical signs were observed at lower concentrations or how long the signs persisted
after exposures ceased. Male rats did not die after exposure to 5000 ppm or less, but 2/5 female rats
died at 5000 ppm. No rats or mice died at 2500 ppm.

Rats and mice were also given 10 repeated 6-h exposures to 0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, or 4000 ppm
(304). All animals exposed repeatedly to 4000 or 2000 ppm died or were sacrificed in extremis. All
animals exposed to 1000 ppm or less survived. Deaths occurred as early as days 2 and 3 at 4000 ppm
and as late as day 10 at 2000 ppm. Growth of survivors was not affected by exposure. Prostration,
dyspnea, lacrimation, and twitching were observed during exposure. Pulmonary congestion and
hemorrhage were observed at 2000 ppm and to a lesser degree at 1000 ppm.

Intraperitoneal: The available abstract of a report by Kosenko (305) gives LD50 values of 2850 and
1750 mg/kg for mice and rats given single intraperitoneal injections. The abstract further states the
material was rapidly detoxified and not accumulated significantly in mouse tissues.

Waite and Yant (306) studied the microscopic pathology of guinea pigs exposed to ethyl bromide
vapor. Ethyl bromide exposure concentrations of 60,000 to 180,000 ppm were used with 5- to 19-
min exposure times, and concentrations of 3,200–24,000 ppm were used with exposure times of 90–
810 min. The exposed animals that died and those that survived up to 8 d postexposure were
autopsied to determine any resulting pathology. The high-concentration exposures mainly produced
pulmonary damage in the bronchioles and alveoli. Bronchiolar cells showed swelling, distention, and
cytoplasmic vacuolation with an exudate containing erythrocytes, epithelial cells, and leukocytes.
Swelling of the alveolar walls was noted. Alveolar spaces were found to contain a sero-fibrinous
exudate, endothelial leukocytes, and fine granules. At the lower exposure concentrations, the
pulmonary reactions were similar to those at the higher concentrations, but to a lesser degree. In
some cases, congestion of the kidneys and liver caused by large numbers of erythrocytes was also
observed. At the lower concentrations, kidney effects were the most prominent with apparent
compression of the capillary tufts and tubular damage. There was also central liver lobule necrosis in
many cases.

Similar toxicity has been reported in rats (307), dogs (308), cats (309), rabbits (310), and mice (272).
Oral doses of 200 mg/kg body weight of ethyl bromide administered in 61 daily doses were reported
to cause no apparent toxicity in rabbits (311). Sixty-two daily oral doses administered to rabbits at
300 or 600 mg/kg resulted in paralysis but were not fatal. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity According to the available abstract, rats were exposed 4 h
daily for 6 mo to 2.4 mg/L (about 540 ppm), with some evidence of liver injury and disrupted liver
function (312).

More recently, rats and mice were exposed 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for 14 wk (65 exposures) to 0, 100, 200,
400, 800, or 1600 ppm (304). In mice, a single death occurred at 200 ppm but none at 800 ppm.
Body weight gains did not appear to be affected except at 1600 ppm, at which concentration ataxia,
posterior paresis, dyspnea, and tumors were observed. At autopsy, lesions were observed only at
1600 ppm. Mineralization of granular layer of the cerebellum, degeneration of the spinal cord,
hemosiderosis of the spleen, depletion of the hematopoietic cells of bone marrow, atrophy of skeletal
muscle, severe atrophy of the testes with complete absence of germinal epitheleum, and minimal
atrophy of the uterus were observed in rats. Mice were less affected than rats, but atrophy of the
uterus, involution of the ovary, and atrophy of skeletal muscle were reported. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Ethyl bromide, given to rats and mice
rapidly detoxified and did not accumulate after repeated administration (313). Cohn et al. (314)
suggested that some of the ethyl bromide in anesthetized patients is converted to ethyl sulfide since
there is evidence of a lingering garlic odor on the breath for several days postexposure.

Ethyl bromide is enzymatically dehalogenated in vitro by rat liver extract (315). Ethyl bromide is a
substrate for glutathione S-transferase. Female Wistar rats given 1.16 millimoles of ethyl bromide in
oil by gavage were sacrificed 2 h later, and livers were assayed for glutathione; ethyl bromide-treated
rats showed liver glutathione levels 52% that of controls (316). Ethylmercapturic acid is also an ethyl
bromide metabolite as shown by its apperance in the urine of rats administered 1.25 g/kg
subcutaneous doses of ethyl bromide. This finding was supported by the presence of S-ethyl-cysteine
in acid-treated urine (317). Ethyl bromide reduces cytochrome P450 activity by degradation of the
enzyme's heme group. Hepatic microsomes from phenobarbital-induced Wistar rats, treated with
44.4 millimolar ethyl bromide, showed a 27% reduction in cytochrome P450 activity. The enzyme
binding was by the type I manner. Activities of cytochrome b5 and cytochrome c were not affected.
Speculation suggests that deactivation of the cytochrome P450 by heme degradation could be a
mechanism that would trap reactive species that could damage cellular components.

Absorption and excretion through the lungs is rapid, but it may be hydrolyzed to some degree in the
body, resulting in the formation of inorganic bromide (318). Reproductive and Developmental No data for teratogenicity were found. Carcinogenesis: ACGIH considers this chemical an animal carcinogen with unknown
relevance to humans. There is no EPA (IRIS) file.

In the lifetime carcinogenic/toxicology study (304), groups of rats and mice were exposed 6 h/d,
5 d/wk for 104 wk to 0, 100, 200, or 400 ppm by inhalation. Survival of rats was unaffected or in the
case of the 100 ppm female rats was significantly above the control group. Body weights were also

Likewise survival of mice was little affected by exposure except for a decrease in survival at
400 ppm in female mice, which also had body weights 6–16% lower than controls after the twenty-
ninth week. No clinical signs were apparent in any group, but at autopsy there was evidence of
respiratory irritation at 400 ppm. It was concluded there was clear evidence of an increase in
neoplasms (endometrial adenomas, adenocarcinomas, and squamous cell carcinomas) in the uteri of
female mice. The tumors contributed to the decreased survival of the female mice exposed to
400 ppm. The terminal rats of uterine tumors were 0, 3, 14, and 61% in the 0-, 100-, 200-, and 400-
ppm groups.

There was equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity in the lungs of male mice, and a marginally
increased incidence of neoplasms in the brain and lungs of female rats. Male rats were considered to
have some evidence of a slightly increased incidence of tumors in the adrenals, brain, and lungs.
Although there was a clear dose–response relationship in female mice, the dose response in male
mice and rats of both sexes was not as clear.

These results are somewhat similar to the results of the study on ethyl chloride, but obviously ethyl
bromide is a more potent uterine carcinogen in female mice, causing uterine cancer at much lower

Simmon and Poirier (319) and Poirier et al. (320) gave intraperitoneal doses to strain A mice in three
groups of 20 animals each at 1, 1/2, and 1/5 of the MTD once per week for 24 wk. They reported no
increased incidence of pulmonary tumors over background (background was ca. 20%). The authors
speculated that the inactivity may be due to metabolic inactivation when administered

Dipple et al. (321) gave rats single subcutaneous injections and observed over 90 wk for sarcomas at
the injection site. Doses were 1.36, 0.46, and 0.14 g/kg and showed no activity. The authors
speculated that the inactivity may be due to the slow reaction rate of ethyl bromide for sufficient
alkylation of vital cellular components. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Because of its alkylating properties, ethyl
bromide has been tested for mutagenicity in microbial systems. Based on several studies including
those at NTP, ethyl bromide appears to be a direct alkylating agent in bacterial systems (304). In
cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells it induced increased sister chromatid exchange but did not
increase the frequency of chromosomal aberrations (322).

12.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound include irritation of the skin,
eyes, mucous membranes, and upper respiratory tract. Other symptoms include anesthesia, narcosis,
lung irritation, acute congestion and edema, liver damage, and kidney damage. It can cause nausea,
dizziness, headache, and nervous system disturbances. Central nervous system depression, cardiac
arrhythmias, and cardiac arrest may occur. Loss of balance, slurred speech, unconsciousness, and
death can occur. Ingestion can cause burning of the digestive tract, vomiting, and moderate
gastrointestinal upset. Skin rash may occur. This compound can affect motor control after repeated
exposures. Heart damage has been reported. Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye
problems, or impaired kidney or respiratory function, may be more susceptible to the effects of this

Ethyl bromide has toxic effects on the skin, pulmonary, hepatic, renal, cardiovascular, and
neurological systems of humans. In some instances, the toxic effects can be delayed. Individuals
with pre-existing disease of the above organ systems probably would be at increased risk from ethyl
bromide exposure. There is a lack of data on the human carcinogenicity of ethyl bromide. Skin
absorption may also contribute to the overall exposure to ethyl bromide.

Limited human experience during surgical anesthesia has indicated that, in addition to CNS
depression, there is a possibility of lung congestion and degeneration of the liver and kidney tissues. Clinical Cases There are no detailed epidemiological or human toxicological studies
concerning ethyl bromide, but there are reports of human exposures. In the late eighteenth century,
the use of ethyl bromide as an anesthetic was advocated for a number of medical procedures.
Probable ethyl bromide concentrations used during some of these procedures approached
100,000 ppm. Von Oettingen (7, pp. 134–138; 323) and Scherbatscheff (308) have reviewed the
adverse effects encountered from the use of ethyl bromide for this purpose. In addition to central
nervous system (CNS) depression, narcosis, and anesthesia, ethyl bromide administration causes
excitation and an initial increase in pulse rate, followed by a slowed pulse and marked vasodilation.
Patients have been reported to experience tinnitus, heart palpitations, muscle rigidity and spasms,
abdominal wall cramping, hemorrhaging, and a garlicky odor on their breath. Fatalities have
occurred from respiratory or cardiac arrest immediately following anesthesia or up to over 24 h post-
treatment. Symptoms in fatal cases include vertigo, weakness, difficult breathing, weak and rapid
pulse, and unconsciousness, followed by cardiac failure. The autopsy of one fatal case showed
ecchymosis of the pericardium, hyperemia and edema of the lungs, and fatty degeneration of the
heart and liver. Blindness and conjunctival hyperemia and hemorrhaging have also been reported as
occasional results of ethyl bromide anesthesia.

Sayers et al. (302) found that 12,000 ppm ethyl bromide caused immediate eye irritation in human
volunteers, and a 5-min exposure at 6500 ppm lead to eye irritation, headache, and vertigo.

Reznikov (324) related clinical cases of occupational ethyl bromide intoxication observed between
1937 and 1942. The course of ethyl bromide poisoning was described in three stages. The first stage
lasted 2–4 d and involved a garlicky odor on the breath, sleepiness, fatigue, sharp pain and
paresthesia of the lower legs, and a staggering gate. During the second phase that lasted 2–5 d, the
symptoms of the first phase grew more severe. The third phase was characterized by spastic
paresthesia of the legs, disturbance of the peripheral nervous system, and atrophy of the lower leg.
CNS disturbances can also occur at high ethyl bromide exposures. Prognosis for recovery is good for
most patients. Blood bromine concentrations of patients suffering from ethyl bromide poisoning at
the time of admission were reported to be 15–53 mg/100 mL. Spinal fluid bromine concentrations
were 4–7 mg/100 mL. After 5–10 d without exposure, the patients' blood bromine levels were 5–
7 mg/100 mL; however, after 2–3 wk, these returned to background levels of 0.61–1.81 mg/100 mL.
No background levels for spinal fluid bromine concentration are reported. Blood bromine levels are
suggested as a diagnostic and monitoring tool for ethyl bromide exposure. It was pointed out that the
blood bromine levels did vary and not all workers supposedly poisoned by ethyl bromine showed
greatly elevated levels.

Watrous (325) reported that a group of workers intermittently exposed to ethyl bromide air
concentrations up to 1500 ppm complained of no systematic symptoms over a period of several
years, but the possibility of undetected chronic toxicity was not ruled out. The abstract of a study of
262 pregnant workers exposed to ethyl bromide vapor reported a significant number of early and late
pregnancy toxemias. These workers were also exposed to toluene, ethyl chloride, butyl alcohol, and
orthosilicic ester; therefore, these observations cannot be solely attributed to ethyl bromide.

In addition to irritation, repeated or prolonged contact of ethyl bromide with the skin may also lead
to absorption of the compound. The Dow Chemical Company (326) states that a single prolonged
skin exposure can lead to the absorption of harmful amounts of ethyl bromide. The National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (327) states that ethyl bromide can be absorbed
through human skin. Carcignogenicity Carcinogenicity Classification:

IARC 3, not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans
MAK 2, probably human carcinogen
ACGIH A3, Confirmed Animal Carcinogen with Unknown Relevance to Humans
12.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV TWA is 5 ppm with an A3 and skin notation. NIOSH questions whether the
OSHA PEL of 200 ppm is protective enough for workers. The NIOSH IDLH is 2000 ppm.

Other Occupational Exposure Values: Australia: 200 ppm, STEL 250 ppm (1990); Federal Republic
of Germany: no MAK, A2, clearly carcinogenic only in animal studies (1997); United Kingdom:
200 ppm, STEL 250 ppm (1995).
12.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

Ethylene Dibromide
13.0.1 CAS Number:
13.0.2 Synonyms:
1,2-Dibromoethane, Sym-dibromoethane, dibromoethane, alpha, beta-dibromoethane, glycol
bromide, and glycol dibromide, ethylene bromide
13.0.3 Trade Name:
Bromofume, Celmide, DBE, Dowfume 40, Dowfume EDB, Dowfume W-8, Dowfume W-85,
Dowfume W-90, Dowfume W-100, EDB, EDB-85. E-D-BEE, ENT 15,349, Fumo-Gas, Iscobrome
D, Kopfume, NCI-C005220, Nephis, Pestmaster, Pestmaster EDB-85, RCRA Waste Number U067,
Soilbrom-40, Soilbrom-85, Soilbrom-90, Soilbrom-100, Soilbrome-85, Soilbrome-90EC, Soilfume,
UN 1605, and Unifume
13.0.4 Molecular Weight:
13.0.5 Molecular Formula:
13.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Ethylene dibromide is a colorless, nonflammable, heavy liquid with a sweetish odor.
Physical state Colorless liquid
Specific gravity 2.172 at 25°C (25/4°C)
Melting point 9.97°C
Boiling point 132°C
Vapor pressure 11 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.53789 (20°C)
Percent in “saturated” 1.5 (25°C)
Solubility 0.43 g/100 mL water at 30°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether
Flammability Essentially nonflammable by standard tests in air; it has been used as a fire

13.1.1 General

13.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor of ethylene dibromide is not unpleasant and has been
termed “chloroformlike.” The odor is not detectable at a low enough concentration to be considered
a good warning of excessive exposure.
13.2 Production and Use
Ethylene dibromide was previously used extensively in leaded antiknock gasoline and in fumigant
mixtures, but both of these uses have virtually disappeared in the United States. It is used to some
extent as a chemical intermediate, special solvent, and gauge fluid. The most significant human
exposure appears to have been the result of its use as a fumigant. The high boiling point, low vapor
pressure, and high heat of vaporization greatly reduce the probability of high concentrations
accumulating rapidly in the work atmosphere.
13.3 Exposure Assessment
No information found.

13.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1008 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to ethylene dibromide (10a).

13.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Increased bromide ions may be found in the blood after exposures
but is of limited value in biologic monitoring because of the low concentrations present at acceptable
levels of exposure. It is not clear if any of the other metabolites is of use for the same reason.
13.4 Toxic Effects
Ethylene dibromide may be toxic by inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption. It is irritating to the
skin, eyes, mucous membranes, and respiratory tract. It may also cause narcosis. It is absorbed
through the skin. When heated to decomposition, it emits toxic fumes of carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide, and hydrogen bromide gas. It may also emit ionic and oxidized halogen.

The toxicity of ethylene dibromide has long been recognized and probably because of its low vapor
pressure and control of exposure, a relatively small number of cases of acute human injury have been
reported despite rather widespread usage. Exposure to high concentrations of the vapors of ethylene
dibromide may result in some CNS depression, although the anesthetic action is weak. Deaths from
acute exposure at high concentrations are usually due to pneumonia developed as a result of injury to
the lungs. Following acute exposures, injury may be observed in the lungs, liver, and kidneys.
Chronic exposure over a long period to levels significantly above the threshold also results in a
response very similar to that seen from acute exposure. It should be particularly noted that in
experimental animals the difference between the concentration causing severe injury and death and
that which is tolerated for long-term exposure is not great. Ethylene dibromide has been shown to be
carcinogenic in animals, to be mutagenic in many test systems, and to cause adverse effects on the
sperm of laboratory and domestic animals. EPA (IRIS) (2) considers it a probable human carcinogen
on the basis of increased incidences of a variety of tumors in rats and mice in both sexes by three
routes of administration but that the human data are “inadequate.”

Several reviews are available, one of the more comprehensive by Alexeeff et al. (328). Certainly
extreme caution must be used in handling ethylene dibromide, to prevent inhalation, ingestion, and
skin contact.

13.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Although there are newer references, the acute
and short-term animal data cited in previous editions of this volume remain valid. Alexeeff et al.
(328) cites many of the more recent reports. There is new evidence of toxic effects at dosages lower
than those causing death.

Rowe et al. (329) reported the single-oral-dose LD50 for several species of animals: female mice,
420 mg/kg; male rats, 148 mg/kg; female rats, 117 mg/kg; guinea pigs, 110 mg/kg; unsexed chicks,
79 mg/kg; and female rabbits, 55 mg/kg.

Rowe et al. (330) and McCollister et al. (331) compared ethylene dichloride, carbon tetrachloride,
and ethylene dibromide, as components of fumigant mixtures. With regard to oral toxicity, ethylene
dibromide was, by far, the most toxic of the three. Also ethylene dibromide was more toxic in
inhalation exposures of less than 7 h. The minimum lethal concentration for rats in the 8-h exposure
as 200 ppm. The highest concentration not producing detectable injury for 8 h was 50 ppm.

Eyes: Rowe et al. (329) also reported experiments on the effects of ethylene dibromide in the eyes of
rabbits. Undiluted ethylene dibromide caused obvious pain and conjuctival irritation, clearing in
48 h. A slight, superficial necrosis of the cornea was observed. Nevertheless, healing was prompt
and complete. A 10% solution in propylene glycol was also tested and produced a more severe
reaction than did the undiluted material. However, the eye healed without scarring or apparent
injury. It is obvious that, in handling ethylene dibromide, the eye should be protected. If the material
gets into the eye, it should be washed out promptly.

Skin: Ethylene dibromide is definitely irritating and injurious to the skin. Rowe et al. (329) reported
that a 1% solution of ethylene dibromide in butylcarbitol acetate applied 10 times in 14 d to a rabbit's
ear caused slight irritation characterized by erythema and exfoliation. The same repeated application,
when bandage on to the shaved abdomen, produced erythema and edema, progressing to necrosis
and sloughing of the superficial layer of the skin.

Skin Absorption: Thomas and Yant (330) indicated that ethylene dibromide could be readily
absorbed through the skin in toxic amounts. Rowe et al. reported quantitive measurements of the
toxic dose absorbed through the skin in rabbits for a contact period of 24 h. A dose of 0.21 g/kg body
weight was survived by 14 out of 15 animals; 1.1 g/kg body weight killed five of five animals.

Inhalation: A quantitative expression of acute vapor toxicity of ethylene dibromide is found in the
data of Rowe et al. (329). The maximum survival exposures of rats to ethylene dibromide vapor in
air were as follows: 3000 ppm for 6 min, 400 ppm for 30 min, and 200 ppm for 2 h. Guinea pigs
survive 400 ppm for 2 h and 200 ppm for 7 h. The maximum exposure without adverse effect on
female rats are 800 ppm for 6 min, 100 ppm for 2.5 h, and 50 ppm for 7 h. The pathological changes
following acute exposure described by Rowe et al. were congestion, edema, hemorrhages, and
inflammation of the lungs. The liver showed cloudy swelling and central lobular fatty degeneration
and necrosis. The kidneys showed slight interstitial congestion and edema with slight cloudy
swelling of the tubular epithelium in some cases. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity EPA (IRIS) indicates that there is no reference dose
available for oral exposure for ethylene dibromide, nor is there a reference concentration for
inhalation exposure.

Alexeeff et al. (328) reported finding 20 studies in which cats, chickens, guinea pigs, mice, quail,
rabbits, and rats were repeatedly exposed to ethylene dibromide. Generally the results are similar to
those found following single exposures.

Oral: Aman et al. (33) gave 3–20 mg/kg dosages fed daily to rats and guinea pigs for 95 d were
reported to cause no effect on body weight, nor were clinical signs apparent.

These data are consistent with a study by NCI (73) in which rats and mice were intubated 5 d/wk for
6 wk and then observed for an additional 2 wk. All rats survived 63 mg/kg/d, but one male and one
female fed 100 mg/kg/d died. Male mice fed 159 mg/kg/d or less survived, but one female mouse
dosed with 100 mg/kg/d and two dosed with 250 mg/kg/d died. Body weight of mice was unaffected
at dosages 159 mg/kg/d.

Repeated vapor exposure in animals has been reported by Rowe et al. (329). Animals were exposed
7 h/d, 5 d/wk for periods up to 6 mo. At 100 ppm in air, rats and rabbits were in poor condition, and
some deaths occurred within the first week or two of exposure. The rats showed injury to the lungs,
liver, and spleen. The rabbits showed definite liver injury. At 50 ppm, the rates showed a fairly high
mortality (approximately 50%) due to pneumonia and infection of the upper respiratory tract, which
may be related to the effect of ethylene dibromide on the lung. A number of them, however, lived
through the full 6-mo period. They had increase in lung, liver, and kidney weight and some
histopathological changes in the lungs. Guinea pigs subjected to 57 7-h exposures in 80 d showed
some depression of growth but no increase in mortality. Lung, liver, and kidney weights were
increased. There were slight histopathological changes in the liver and kidneys. An exposure of
25 ppm was tolerated by rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and monkeys. The male rats, however, showed
high mortality due to pneumonitis and infections of the upper respiratory tract, which the authors
apparently considered the result of the chemical exposures. Testicular pathology was not exceptional
in these animals, and testicular weights were not consistently affected. Changes in the testes of
certain species are discussed in the next sections.

Plotnick and Conner (332), however, saw adverse effects in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to 20 ppm
of the vapor 7 h/d for their lifetimes. Half the rats that also had 0.5% disulfiram (Antabuse) in their
diet were very severely affected by 10 mo of exposure. The section on carcinogenesis contains more
details of this study.

NTP (335) exposed rats and mice to 0, 3, 15, or 75 ppm of the vapor 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for 13 wk. No
deaths occurred in either male or female rats, but male weight gain was depressed in a dose-related
manner at all levels. Female rats failed to gain weight only at 75 ppm. Swelling and/or vacuolization
of the adrenal cortical cells of the zona fasiculata was found in 8/10 rats and a slight decrease in the
follicular size of the thyroid in 6 of 10 rats at this dosage level. A dose-related depression of weight
gain was observed in both sexes of mice at all dosage levels. One death occurred in female mice
exposed to 75 ppm, and four deaths occurred in the lowest-exposure group of male mice, although
there were none at the two higher levels. There was apparently eye irritation in mice exposed to
75 ppm, and megalocytic cells were found lining the bronchioles at that concentration.

Other short-term repeated studies include Short et al. (336), Rezanick et al. (337), and Nitschke et al.
(338), discussed in the following.

Reznick exposed rats and mice 6 h/d for 13 wk to 0, 3, 15, or 75 ppm. Rats exposed to 15 or 75 ppm
and mice exposed to 75 ppm had cytomegaly, focal hyperplasis, squamous metaplasia, and loss of
cilia in the dorsal region of the nasal cavity.

Short et al. exposed pregnant rats and mice to 0, 20, 38, or 80 ppm ethylene dibromide 23 h/d for
10 d starting on day 6 of pregnancy. There were adverse effects on maternal welfare as measured by
lack of weight gain or food consumption in both species at all doses. Mortality occurred in rats
exposed to 80 ppm and in mice exposed to 38 and 80 ppm. The fetus was affected but only at
exposures causing maternal toxicity, and was not considered tetratological.

Nitschke et al. exposed rats to 0, 3, 10, or 40 ppm 6 h/d, 5 d/wk, with scheduled sacrifices after 1, 6,
or 13 wk of exposure and after 88–89 d recovery following exposure.

Exposures to 3 ppm were without “consistent effect in any parameter measured.” Ten ppm caused
slight epthelical hyperplasia in the nasal turbinates of 1, 6, and 13 wk but not after 88 d recovery.
Rates exposed to 40 ppm exhibited decreased body weight gain throughout the 13-wk exposure
period and increased liver and kidney weights after 6 and 13 wk. Hyperplasia and nonkeratinizing
squamous metaplasia of the respiratory epithelium of nasal turbinates were also seen after 13 wk
exposure with apparent recovery of 19/20 rats during the 88-d recovery period. The authors
concluded that 3 ppm was a NOEL. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Alexeeff et al. (328) suggest that the route
of metabolism may have a pronounced effect on the site and nature of toxic action. Further, it is
speculated by these authors that the rat may not be the best animal model because it uses a
mercapturic acid pathway little used in humans. Figure taken from the above reference, is based
primarily on rat studies.

It has been shown by Stott and McKenna (339) that rats about 50–60% of inhaled ethylene
dibromide and none of the retained compound was excreted unchanged.

The role of ethylene dibromide versus its metanolites in binding with macromolecules and with
toxicity and/or carcinogenicity at sites remote from the site of treatment is not clear, but may be
influenced greatly by glutathione. Alexeeff et al. (328) indicate the complexity by stating the
following: “Thus, the studies on EDB's potential mechanism of action indicate that GSH may be a
major factor for preventing the noncarcinogenic action of EDB. The studies also indicate GSH may
be involved in the metabolic activation of EDB producing a genotoxic intermediate. These findings
represent a potential paradox. GHS may be important in the prevention of the noncarcinogenic
effects of EDB, but the resulting EDB–GSH conjugate may be reponsible for the carcinogenic action
of EDB. These conclusions are further complicated by studies indicating that while single doses of
EDB deplete GSH, multiple doses increase GSH levels. The conjugation pathway appears secondary
in the liver but may be primary in the extrahepatic tissues where most of the carcinogenic action of
EDB is observed. Humans differ quantiatively in comparison to rodents in the hepatic production of
genotoxic metabolites; human tissue appears to produce more genotoxic metabolites via the
oxidative pathway than rodent tissue. Reproductive and Developmental According to Short et al. (336), although it caused
maternal toxicity at 20, 38, or 80 ppm when inhaled 23 h/d, ethylene dibromide did not appear to be
teratogenic in rats and mice.

According to IRAC (340), it has been shown to have rather marked effects on the reproductive
systems of some birds and mammals. Ingestion of ethylene dibromide by chicken hens for a
prolonged period reduced the number and size of the eggs.

Alumot et al. (341) showed that male chickens were less affected than hens, and bulls, but not cows,
rams, or ewes, were markedly affected by repeated exposure to ethylene dibromide. The number of
sperm, their morphology, and their motility were affected in bulls and rams, as shown by
examination of testes and ejaculates. Rat spermatogenesis was reversibly impaired by five daily
intraperitoneal injections of 10 mg/kg (341).

When Epstein et al. (342) studied a dominant lethal test system using mice, ethylene dibromide was
found to be negative. Doses of 50 or 100 mg/kg were given orally and intraperitoneally. Carcinogenesis The EPA (IRIS) classified ethylene dibromide as B2; probale human
carcinogen on the basis of increased incidences of a variety of tumors in rats and mice in both sexes
by three routes of administration at both the site of application and at distant sites. Ethylene
dibromide is mutagenic in various in vitro and in vivo assays and structurally similar to 1,2-dibromo-
3-chloropropane, a probale human carcinogen and to ethylene dichloride, a probale human

The EPA (IRIS) considers the human data, with regard to carcinogenesis, as Inadequate. Mortality
studies of workers occupationally exposed to EDB (343) found neither total deaths nor total
malignancies of individuals exposed to EDB exceeded the control rate. The studies are inconclusive
due to their small cohort size; lack of, or poorly characterized, exposure concentrations; and/or
concurrent exposure to other potential or known carcinogens.

The EPA (IRIS) considers the animal carcinogenicity data as sufficient—ethylene dibromide has
been tested for carcinogenicity by gavage, inhalation, and dermal adminstration.

Gavage Study: The NCI (344) administered TWA doses of 27 and 29 mg EDB/kg bw/d to male and
26 and 28 mg EDB/kg bw/d to female rats by gavage for 49 and 61 wk for the low- and high-dose
groups, respectively. High treatment-related mortality prompted the early termination of the study
(planned for 110 wk) and alterations of the dosing regime, regimen, resulting in similar TWA dosage
for high- and low-treatment groups. Significant increased incidences of squamous cell carcinomas of
the stomach (both sexes), hepatocellular carcinomas and neoplastic nodules of the liver (females),
and hemangiosarcomas of the circulatory system (males) were observed upon histologic
examination. The stomach tumors developed after a short latency period and were observed to
metastasize to multiples sites. Male and female B6C3F1 mice received TWA doses of 44 or 77 mg
EDB/kg bw/d by gavage for 53 wk and were observed for their lifetime (344). The incidence of
squamous cell carcinomas and alveolar/brochiolar adenomas of the lung was significantly increased
over the controls in all the mice. As in the rat bioassay, no tumors were observed in the controls, and
high treatment-related mortality prompted dosing regimen alterations.

Inhalation Study: Fischer 344 rats and B6C3F1 mice of both sexes were exposed to EDB vapors at 0,
10, or 40 ppm, 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for their lifespans (335). The incidence of nasal cavity carcinomas and
adenocarcinomas in the rats of both sexes and alveolar/bronchiolar carcinomas in female rats and
mice of both sexes was significantly increased over the controls. The chronic inhalation of EDB was
also associated with circulatory system hemangiosarcomas in both sexes of rats (high-dose only),
mammary gland fibroadenomas of female rats, mammary gland adenocarcinomas of female mice,
subcutaneous fibrosarcomas of female mice, and tunica vaginalis mesotheliomas of males rats.
Stinson et al. (1981), in a chronic inhalation study of experimental design indentical to the NTP
study (with B6C3F1 mice only), reported an elevated incidence of nasal cavity carcinomas in the
female mice exposed to 40 ppm EDB. Both sexes had dose-related epithelical hyperplastic lesions of
the nasal cavity. Histologic and pathologic exams were conducted only on the nasal cavity.

Inhalation: Wong et al. (345) exposed Sprague–Dawley rats of both sexes by inhalation to 0 or
20 ppm EDB, 7 h/d, 5 d/wk for 18 mo. Splenic hemangiosarcomas and adrenal gland tumors of both
sexes, subcutaneous mesenchymal tumors in males, and mammary gland tumors in females were
significantly increased over the controls. Histologic examination excluded the nasal cavity.

Dermal: Lifetime dermal application of EDB to female He:ICR Swiss mice caused both skin
papillomas at 50 mg and lung papillomas at 25 and 50 mg, a significant increase by comparison to
the controls (79). A single dermal application of EDB followed by thrice weekly treatment with
phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) did not result in an increased papilloma incidence. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies EDB has been studied for mutagenic potential
by a variety of in vitro and in vivo test systems. Reverse and forward mutations have been
consistently produced in bacterial assays and in in vitro assays using eukaryotic cells. EDB caused
an increase in unscheduled DNA synthesis in cultured mammalian cells (346–348) and single-strand
DNA breaks in in vitro cultured cells and in in vivo rat liver cells (350). Direct evidence of
intractions with DNA have been provided by the formation of nonextractable radiolabeled DNA
following both in vivo and in vitro exposure to radiolabeled EDB.

13.4.2 Human Experience Ethylene dibromide may cause skin, eye, mucous membrane, and
respiratory tract irritation. It may also cause demage to the lungs, liver, and kideys. Inhalation may
result in delayed pulmonary lesions. The vapor may have a narcotic action. Prolonged skin contact
with the liquid may cause erythema, blistering, and skin ulcers (may be delayed 24–48 h). Dermal
sensitization to the liquid may develop. Inhalation may cause severe acute respiratory injury, central
nervous system depression, and severe vomiting. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea,
diarrhea, dark and scant urine, anuria, mild icterus, marked agitation, jaundice, moderate anemia,
systemic effects, and chemical burns. Pulmonary congestion may result after exposure by inhalation,
and ingestion may cause gastrointestinal distress and pulmonary edema. After short exposure to very
high concentrations, drowsiness occurs. Other symptoms include tychypnea, diffuse inflammation of
the gastric and intestinal mucosa, massive central lobular necrosis of the liver, and patchy necrosis of
the tubular epithelium. It may cause vesiculation. It may also cause skin burns. Inhalation may be
fatal as a result of spasm, inflammation, and edema of the larynx and bronchi. Other symptoms
include chemical pneumonitis and eye damage. High concentrations are extremely destructive to
tissue of the mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, skin, and eyes. Anesthesia, conjunctivitis,
pharyngeal and bronchial irritation, severe loss of appetite, headache, and depression have also been
reported. Eye contact may cause a temporary loss of vision. Death may result from respiratory or
circulatory failure. Lung injury may result in pneumonia and eventually cause death. Persons with
pre-existing skin disorders or eye problems, or impaired liver, kidney, or respiratory function may be
more susceptible to the effects of this material.

Von Oettingen (74 p. 152) noted cases of poisening when ethylene dibromide was mistakenly used
in place of ethyl bromide as an anesthetic.

Kochman (351), in reporting a subacute poisoning case from accidental inhalation, stated that a
concentration of 50 ppm could be dangerous to humans.

Kochmann (351) reported poisoning in a chemical plant worker engaged in manufacturing ethylene
dibromide who suffered from conjunctivitis, pharyngeal, and bronchial irritation, severe loss of
appetite, headache, and depression. When he was removed from the exposure, his condition

The liver and kidneys are target organs as in animals.

Olmstead (352) reported on a death following ingestion of 4.5 mL or 140 mg/kg by a 43-year-old
woman, and Letz et al. (353) on two workers who entered a tank. However, it is not clear from the
nature of their response that the two worker were in fact injured by ethylene dibormide or by some
other agent such as Clostridia (354).

Serious skin injury can occur from clothing (particularly shoes) wet with ethylene dibromide. This is
true not only when material is spilled inside the shoe but also when it wets the outside, for it
penetrates leather. Pflesser (355) observed a case of prolonged contact with the skin when liquid
ethylene dibromide was accidently spilled into the shoes. There was reddening, blistering, and
burning pain.

Calingaert and Shapiro (356) have observed that ethylene dibromide can penetrate through serveral
types of protective clothing, particularly neoprene rubber and several types of plastic gloves. Nylon
was found to be the most resistant material but lacking in good physical characteristics.

Ott et al. (343) performed an epidemiological study of 161 employees who manufactured ethylene
dibromide. Concentration in one plant ranged from 1 to 10 ppm in 1950; in 1952, concentrations
were from 19 to 31 ppm (area samples) and up to 13 ppm in drum filling. Twenty years later, time-
weighted-average concentrations averaging 2 and 3.5 ppm were found for two groups of workers
(343). Three episodes of exposure to concentrations of ethylene dibromide vapor believed to be
between 100 and 200 ppm were reported. These excursions resulted in gastrointestinal discomfort,
vomiting, and respiratory involvement, which apparently were caused by exposures above 100 ppm
for an hour or less or by longer exposures at lower concentrations (e.g., 75 ppm). In one plant, 5
malignant neoplasms were reported versus 2.2 expected. In the other plant, there seems to have been
no excess over the number expected. The exposure to ethylene dibromide vapor at one of these
plants, at least, appears to have been greater than at two other facilities engaged in the manufacture
of ethylene dibromide (and in one case, vinyl bromide). Of 68 sample results in these plants during
1975 and 1976, only 1 sample, at 18 ppm, exceeded 5 ppm and only 10 others were above 1 ppm.
IARC (74) reviewed this and two other studies of workers but determined that there was inadequate
evidence for carcinogenicity to humans.

The reproductive history of 297 male employees manufacturing ethylene dibromide was also
summarized by Wong et al. (357). In this limited study, reproduction generally appeared to be
unaffected by exposure to ethylene dibromide, although in one of four plants, the subjects had fewer
children than predicted, possibly due to a high number of vasectomies.

Other studies, however, suggest the number and quality of sperm from 46 exposed workers may
have been affected by exposure (358). However, there are inconsistencies in the results, such as a
lack of a clear relation to extant of exposure. General Information Carcinogenesis The EPA(IRIS) considers the human data
with regard to carcinogenesis as inadequate (see later section on human experience—
carcinogenesis). Mortality studies of workers occupationally exposed to EDB (343) found neither
total deaths nor total malignancies of individuals exposed to EDB exceeded the control rate. The
studies are inconclusive due to their small cohort size; lack of, or poorly characterized, exposure
concentrations; and/or concurrent exposure to other potential or known carcinogens.
13.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No TLV for ethylene dibromide was recommended by the ACGIH in1992–1993, although it was
included in their list of their animal carcinogens. It would appear prudent to limit vapor exposure
with careful control to minimize dermal contact as well.
NIOSH REL Ca TWA 0.045 ppm C 0.13 ppm (15-min)
OSHA PEL TWA 20 ppm C 30 ppm 50 ppm (5-min maximum peak)
IDLH Ca (100 ppm)

ACGIH-TLY Recommendation: Ethylene dibromide is a severe mucuous membrane, eye and skin
irritant. It causes liver and kidney damage and is carcinogenic in experimental animals.

Evidence of carcinogenicity was reported in animals exposed to ethylene dibromide through several
routes of administration. Based on these data and the redefination of the carcinogenicity
classifications by the TLV Committee, the A2 classification no longer applies. Therefore, an A3,
Confirmed Animal Carcinogen with Unknown Relevance to Humans, is assigned to ethylene
dibromide, with no set TLV at this time. Because of the potential for systemic toxicity resulting from
skin absorption, a skin notation is also recommended.

Carcinogenic Classification
EPA Group B2, Probable human carcinogen; sufficient evidence from animal studies; inadequate
evidence or no data from epideologic studies
IARC Group 2A, Probably carcinogenic to human
MAK Group 2, Probably a human carcinogen
NIOSH Carcinogen, with no further categorization
NTP Group 2, resonably anticipated to be a carcinogen
TLV A3, Confirmed Animal Carcinogen with Unknown Relevance to Humans

Other Occupational Exposure Values: Australia: no exposure standard, Category 2 carcinogen,

probable human carcinogen, skin (1990); Federal Republic of Germany: no MAK, skin, Group 2
carcinogen, probably a human carcinogen (1997); Sweden: Group B carcinogen, may be produced,
used, or otherwise handled only after permission has been obtained from the Labour Inspectorate
(1984); United Kingdom: 0.5 ppm, skin, carcinogenic substance, R45—may cause cancer (1991);
U.S. NIOSH: 0.045 ppm, 15-min ceiling 0.13 ppm, carcinogen, IDLH 100 ppm; U.S. OSHA: 20,
STEL 30 ppm, 5-min peak per 8-h shift 50 ppm (113).
13.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.
Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons
Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

14.0.1 CAS Number:
14.0.2 Synonyms:
Acetylene tetrabromide, tetrabromoacetylene, and 1,1,2,2-tetrabro--moethylene
14.0.3 Trade Names:
Muthmann's liquid, TBE, and UN 2504
14.0.4 Moleculer Weight:
14.0.5 Molecular Formula:
14.0.6 Molecular Structure:

14.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless to yellow liquid

Molecular weight 345.7
Specific gravity 2.966(20/4°C)
Melting point –1.0°C
Boiling point Decomposition 253.5°C
Vapor pressure 0.04 torr (24°C)<0.1 torr at 20°C
Refractive index 1.63795(20°C)
ppm v/v in air “saturated” at 80(theoretical)
Solubility 0.065 g/00 mL water at 30°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether,
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air

1mg/L 70.4 ppm and 1 ppm 14mg/m3at 25°C, 760 torr

14.1.1 General

14.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties The odor of 1,1,2,2-tetrabromomethane is sweetish and has
been compared with chloroform or camphor. The odor is not distinctive enough to be considered a
good warning property, although it may give sufficient warning to avoid serious acute exposure.
14.2 Production and Use
Because of its high density, this compound is used in separating minerals by specific gravity or
density. It is also used as a solvent for fats, oils, and waxes, as solvent in microscopy, and as a fluid
inliquid gauges.
14.3 Exposure Assessment
14.3.3 Workplace Methods Si gel; tetrahydrofuran; gas chromatography/flame ionization detection;
IV[#2003]: (4), sample workup with silica gel; IV indicates the 4th edition of NIOSH Mannual of
Analytical Methods (DHHS) [NIOSH] publication No. 94-113.
14.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Few data are available, but some metabolism may occur, since
Hoollingsworth et al (359) reported a slight increase in blood bromide of chronically exposed
14.4 Toxic Effects
Virtually no new reports were found of toxicologic studies since the last revised edition of this

According to SAX, this compound is a poison by inhalation and ingestion, an experimental

neoplastigen, an eye and skin irritant, and a narcotic. This compound is a very potent mutagen (360).

Acute/chronic hazards: This compound may be fatal if swallowed (361). It is harmful if inhaled or
absorbed through the skin. It is an irritant of the skin and respiratory tract (361). When heated to
decomposition, it emits highly toxic fumes of carbon oxides, carbonyl bromide, bromine, and
hydrogen bromide gas (361, 362).

1,1,2,2-Tetrabromomethane is a CNS depressant and liver and kidney toxicant. If given in

sufficiently large doses, it may cause narcosis, coma, and eventually death from respiratory failure.
There may be lung irritation, and pathological changes may be observed in the liver and kidneys.
Because the vapor pressure is exceedingly low at room temperature, inhalation exposure may be
controlled by reasonable precautions and ordinary ventilation. However, contact with the skin should
be avided as well.

14.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Gray (363) reported the LD50 for rabbits and
guinea pigs to be approximately 0.4 g/kg of body weight. Rats survived 0.6 g/kg and succumbed to
1.6 g/kg (359).

Based on studies using rabbits, contact with the open skin does not result in any skin reaction if it is
washed off in a resonable period of time. If the material is bandaged onto the skin and allowed to
remain there for a period of hours, a slight redness appears. In 24 h there is some edema and
blistering. It can be concluded that ordinary contact does not represent a skin problem. However, wet
clothing or shoes that may contain the material should be removed and cleaned before reuse.

No data were found on skin absorption, but given the rather high inhalation toxicity, it should be
assumed enough can be absorbed on repeated exposure to be toxic.

Arkhangel-Skaya and Yanushkevich (364) reported on the exposure of rats to aerosols of 1,1,2,2-
tetrabromomethane. A concentration varying from 3.7 to 4.2 mg/L for a single exposure of 2 h gave
only slight and ill-defined symptoms of toxicity. Concentrations varying from 5.9 to 7.2 mg/L
caused excitation followed by sleepiness. Repeated daily exposure to aerosol concentrations of 3.7 to
4.2 mg/L resulted in death of the animals. Ingestion due to preening may have increased the

Merzbach (365) and Glaser and Frisch (309) exposed animals to vapors of 1,1,2,2-
tetrabromomethane. It is a bit difficult to determine the significance of their findings, for Gray (363)
indicated that the concentrations reported by these authors were, in most instances, well above a
saturated atmosphere.

Gray reported exposure of animals to the vapors of 1,1,2,2-tetrabromomethane at near saturation in a

static chamber. Rabbits were exposed for up to 2.5 h and rats for up to 3 h with no deaths. Guinea
pigs exposed 0.5 h survived. One out of two survived an exposure of 1 h but all exposed succumbed
to exposures of 1.5 h or more. In the guinea pigs that died, injury was seen in the liver and kidneys.
The guinea pigs recovered consciousness in a period of 5 h but died in periods of from 1 to 5
following exposure. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Gray (363) exposed mice, rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits
for 15 min daily for 47–92 d to a “saturated atmosphere.” One mouse out of 43 died of an unknown
cause; the rest survived without adverse effects. Four out of 36 albino rats were ill from lobar
pneumonia, a complication that was considered unrelated to the exposure. The rest of the animals
survived without injury. The rabbits were observed taking significant amounts of the condensed
1,1,2,2-tetrabromomethane orally by licking it from their bodies. They were therefore not considered
significant to the experiment. It should also be recognized that a certain amount of oral intake would
have been possible in the case of the other animals as well, but even so, the chronically exposed
animals showed no significant pathological change.

Hollingsworth et al. (359) reported that the concentration in air could not be maintained above
approximately 14 ppm by analysis. The theoretically saturated concentration should have been about
79 ppm. Rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and a monkey were exposed 7 h/d, 5 d/wk for periods ranging
from 100 to 106 d. The average concentration was 14 ppm by analysis. All animals survived and
apperared normal. There was growth depression in guinea pigs. All animals showed an increase in
liver weight. Histopathological changes were observed in the liver and lungs. At 4 ppm, some
animals showed slight histopathological changes in the liver and some in the lungs. At 1.1 ppm,
animals appeared normal. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Few data are available, but some
metabolism may occur, since Hollingsworth et al. (359) reported a slight increase in blood bromide
of chronically exposed animals. Reproductive and Developmental No reports were found. Carcinogenesis 1,1,2,2-Tetrabromomethane was applied to tumor-prone H2: ICR Swiss

mice in a skin application study (79). Doses of 45 mg/application/mouse were applied 3 d/wk as in
action solution to the dorsal skin. Apparently no increase in tumors was found at the site of
application, but there were a statistically significant greater number of stomach papillomas. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Brem et al. (366) reported that the compound
was not mutagenic to S. typhimurium and that it inhibited the growth of E. coli.

Rosenkrantz et al. (367) subsequently reported that 1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane was negative in the
standard (Ames) assay but strongly mutagenic against S. typhimurium when tested in suspension.

14.4.2 Human Experience Symptoms of exposure to this compound include irritation of the eyes,
nose and upper respiratory tract, anorexia, jaundice, central nervous system effects, urobilinuria,
bilirubinuria, and monocytosis (368). Other symptoms include nausea, severe headaches, irritation of
the mucous membranes and skin, and dizziness (prolonged exposure). It can cause abdominal pains,
lung irritation, dermatitis, and kidney damage (361). It can also cause liver damage (369, p.9; 370).
Skin contact may result in blisters (370).

Van Haaften (263) describes the only available report of human injury alleged to be due to 1,1,2,2-
tetrabromomethane. Although there appears to be little doubt that the chemists involved had
exposure to the vapors, skin exposure was very high, and it is impossible to separate the effects.
“Near-fatal liver injury” was reported with headaches, anorexia, stomach ache, and heartburn.
Although there is no question of a serious response by the liver, the effects were similar to viral
hepatitis. Unfortunately no determinations of blood bromide were reported to determine the
magnitude of the exposures.
14.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The TLV for 1,1,2,2-tetrabromomethane recommended by the ACGIH in 1992–1993 is 1 ppm
(14 mg/m3).

OSHA PEL: TWA 1 ppm (14 mg/m3)

IDLH 8 ppm
14.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

Propyl Bromide
15.0.1 CAS Number:
15.0.2 Synonyms:
n-Propyl bromide, bromopropane, 1-bromopropane
15.0.3 Trade Names:
15.0.4 Molecular Weight:
15.0.5 Molecular Formula:
15.0.6 Molecular Structure:

15.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless liquid

Specific gravity 1.3539 (20/4°C)
Melting point –109.85°C
Boiling point 71.0°C
Vapor pressure 143 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.43411 (20°C)
Percent in “saturated” air 19.3 (25°C)
Solubility 0.25 g/100 mL water at 20°C; soluble in alcohol, ethyl ether
Flammability No data were found

1 mg/L 198.8 ppm and 1 ppm 5.03 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr

15.1.1 General

15.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties No data were found.

15.2 Production and Use
Propyl bromide has had but minor use in industry. It has been studied as an anesthetic but has not
found significant use.
15.4 Toxic Effects
Propyl bromide has a depressant action on the central nervous system and, for that reason, has been
considered as a possible anesthetic. Exposure of animals to anesthetic concentrations may result in
injury to the lungs and liver.

15.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity The material is reported to be irritating to the
skin and eyes of mice (301) and to have intraperitoneal LD50s of 2.5 and 2.9 g/kg for mice and rats,
respectively (371). Orally administered 1-bromopropane was excreted in expired air (318). Barnsley
et al. (273) report that rats metabolize 1-bromopropane. Another reference (372) also reports
excretion by rats of a mercapturic acid metabolite as well as the parent compound. It has been
reported to be negative when tested for dominant lethal activity in rats (276) when studied at
400 mg/kg orally.
15.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
None has been established.
15.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

Ethyl Iodide
16.0.1 CAS Number:
16.0.2 Synonyms:
Monoiodoethane, 1-iodoethane, ethyl iodide, ethyl iodide, 99% and hydriodic ether, 99%
16.0.3 Trade Names:
16.0.4 Molecular Weight:
16.0.5 Molecular Formula:
16.0.6 Molecular Structure:

16.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical state Colorless liquid that may become colored with iodine if exposed to the
Specific gravity 1.9245 (25/4°C)
Melting point –108.5°C
Boiling point 72.2°C
Vapor pressure 137 torr (25°C)
Refractive index 1.5076 (25°C)
Percent in “saturated” 18 (25°C)
Solubility 0.4 g/100 mL water at 20°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether, benzene,
Flammability No flash point by standard tests in air, but can be made to combust

1 mg/L 156.7 ppm and 1 ppm 6.38 mg/m3 at 25°C, 760 torr

16.1.1 General Colorless liquid that may become colored with iodine if exposed to the light

16.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Ethyl iodide has an ethereal odor but may not be an adequate
warning of excessive exposure.
16.2 Production and Use
Ethyl iodide is used in small quantities as a chemical intermediate. In the past, it had limited
medicinal use.
16.4 Toxic Effects
Most of the information on the toxicity of ethyl iodide has been obtained because of the interest in
this material for the treatment of fungus infections and for measurement of cardiac output. No new,
relevant data were found since the third revised edition of this volume. It has been administered to
humans as a vapor that, when inhaled, is absorbed by the lungs. It can cause CNS depression and
may affect the kidneys, thyroid, lungs, and the liver.

16.4.1 Experimental Studies Acute Toxicity Skin Absorption: Von Oettingen (7) cites a
1936 report by Schwander (207) that indicated ethyl iodide was absorbed through the skin, with
deaths occurring 7 d after treatment.

Flury and Zernik (373) have reported the physiological effect of various concentrtations on mice.
According to Reinhardt et al., who cite data by Herman and Vial, it was not possible to classify ethyl
iodide as to its potency as a cardiac sensitizer based on the available data. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Simmon and Poirier (319) tested ethyl iodide
against S. typhimurium and E. Coli with positive mutagenic results.

Poirier et al. (320) indicate that when injected intraperitonially two to four times in 24 wk at a total
dose of 38.4 mmol/kg, ethyl iodide did not result in an increase in lung adenomas in Strain A mice.

16.4.2 Human Experience Discussions of the response of humans to the therapeutic inhalation of the
vapors of ethyl iodide are given in the publications of Blumgart et al. and Schwartz. These reports
describe skin lesions and peripheral neuritis in patients.
16.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
No standard has been established for ethyl iodide.
16.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
None found.

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

17.0.1 CAS Number:
17.0.2/3 Synonyms and Trade Names
Names DBCP; CBCP; 3-chloro-1,2-dibromopropane; os 1897; Fumazone; Nemafume, Nemagon;
1,3-Dibromo-3-chloropropane; Nemanax; Nemaset; Nematocide; dibromochloropropane; 1-chloro-
2,3-dibromopropane; fumagon; BBC 12; fumazone 86; nemabrom; nemagon soil fumigant; nemagon
206; nemapaz; nematox; nemazon; oxy dbcp; Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (DBCP)
17.0.4 Molecular Weight:
17.0.5 Molecular Formula:
17.0.6 Molecular Structure:
See attachment
17.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

17.1.1 General :
Physical state Dense yellow or amber liquid. May also appear in granular form.
Specific gravity 209 (20/4°C)
Melting point 5°C
Boiling point 196°C
Vapor pressure 0.8 torr (21°C)
Refractive index 1.5518 (25°C)
Solubility Less than 0.1 g/100 ml water at 20øC;
Soluble in hydrocarbons, alcohols
Percent in saturated air is 0.13 at 25°C
Flammability Not flammable by standard tests in air

17.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties: Pungent odor at high concentrations. Unpublished data indicate
the odor is perceptible at 0.01 ppm to 0.03 ppm (374). It appears doubtful that odor will provide
significant warning to discourage excessive exposure, since 0.2 ppm was tolerable although
disagreeable to a small series of test subjects.
17.2 Production and Use
DBCP is produced by liquid phase addition of bromine to allyl chloride It was first produced
commercially in the United States in 1955.

DBCP is a contaminant of the flame retardant tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate, and was been
used primarily as a soil fumigant to control nematodes. Unlike other halogenated nematocides,
DBCP could be applied to soil without damaging perennials. Its use in the United States was
canceled in 1979. However, it is still used in Hawaii for use on pineapples and in other places in the
17.3 Exposure Assessment
17.3.3 Workplace Methods Per the OSHA website, the primary sampling/analytical method is:
media-petroleum base charcoal tube (100/50 mg sections, 20/40 mesh); sampling volume-10 liters;
sampling rate-0.2 liters/min; analytical method-GC/ECD; Secondary analytical method: PID.

17.3.4 Community Methods A number of methods have been approved for the determination of
DBCP in water. These include: AOAC Method 993.15; APHA Methods 6210-C and D, 6230-C and
D; CLP Methods 6231-B and LC_VOA; EMSLC Methods 502.2, 504, 504.1, 524,1, 524.2 551 and
608.1 (375).

17.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Although an increase in bromide ion in the blood of individuals

exposed to DBCP is likely, the small quantities expected at acceptable levels of exposure would not
be meaningful for assessing worker exposures (376).
17.4 Toxic Effects
Laboratory studies and human experience have shown DBCP to be a highly toxic material,
particularly from chronic exposure. The testes, liver and kidneys appear to be particularly affected. A
summary of the toxicity has been published (377). Much of the original data on acute and repeated
studies in animals was initially determined by Torkelson et al (378).

17.4.1 Experimental Studies

17.4.2 Acute Toxicity Oral Single dose oral LD50s for male rats have been reported as 170 and 300
mg/kg and for female mice as 260 and 410 mg/kg by two laboratories. Oral LD50s of 210, 180 and
60 mg/kg were reported for male guinea pigs, male rabbits and unsexed chicks. Kidney degeneration
and depressed body weight, which took a long time for recovery, were noted after single doses of
126 mg/kg to male rats (379). Slightly higher LD50 values were reported by Rakhumatullaev who
noted CNS depression and incoordination following acute oral doses. Single oral doses of 100 mg/kg
produced inhibition of the CNS system, prolonged weight loss, and decreased spermatogenesis

Eyes Slight pain and irritation of conjuctiva and irises were observed in rabbits treated with a few
drops of undiluted DBCP or a 1 percent solution in propylene glycol.

Skin Single applications did not appear to be more than slightly irritating to rabbit skin, but when
applied repeatedly there appeared to be extensive necrosis in the dermis although the epidermis
showed only slight crustiness.

Skin Absorption When applied to rabbits' skin for 24 hours, LD50s of 1.4 and 0.5 g/kg have been
reported for undiluted DBCP and a 10 percent solution in propylene glycol.

Inhalation Values of 368 ppm, 1hr; 323 ppm, 2 hr; 154 ppm, 4 hr; and 103 ppm, 8 hr were reported
by one laboratory (378). In this same paper a second laboratory found DBCP to be somewhat more
lethal to their strain of rats, with kidney injury and delayed deaths commonly observed. When rats
given 15-7 hr exposures to 40 ppm, almost all died. Extensive injury was noted in the kidneys and
testes. Six exposures produced poor health, loss of weight, lung congestion, cloudy swelling of the
liver, and nephritis in groups of five male or female rats. The testes of one male appeared atrophied.

Intramuscular Injections Rats were reported to have survived two series of intramuscular injections
each given 3 consecutive days (total six injections). The daily doses, 25 mg/kg in propylene glycol,
did not produce significant alterations in body weight, lymphocyte counts, or in nucleated cells in
formoral smears. These data appear somewhat inconsistent with the previously discussed effect of
subacute inhalation exposure (378). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Oral In a 90 day feeding trials, the lowest dose level
causing a decrease in growth rate for female rats was 150 mg/kg and for male rats 450 mg/kg (380).

Daily oral administration of 70 mg/kg body weight to rats was lethal after 3 weeks of dosing.
Degenerative effects were noted in the vascular system and in all internal organs. DBCP was given
by gavage to 190 rats either in a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight (single dose) or in repeated doses of
10 mg/kg for 5 months. After the single dose, the animals developed nervous system depression and
weight loss (381).

In another study by Kodama and Dunlap in which DBCP was fed as part of the diet, chronic toxicity
was not as high as in other studies by gavage or inhalation. Rats fed diets containing 1350 ppm by
weight of DBCP were injured but rats ingesting diets containing 450 mg DBCP per kilogram of diet
showed only slight evidence of injury. A diet containing 150 mg/kg fed for 90 days produced
retarded weight gain of female rats but otherwise was reported to have little effect on male and
female rats. The doses in milligrams per kilogram of body weight and the possible loss of DBCP by
evaporation from the food prior to eating were not discussed (374).

Inhalation Torkelson et al. reported severe effects following 50 to 66 7-hr exposures of rats, guinea
pigs, rabbits, and female monkeys to 12 ppm. Five ppm inhaled 7 hr/day for 70 days (50 exposures)
produced severely decreased testicular weights in half the rats, with histological changes in the
testes, kidneys, and bronchioles (376). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms When a dose of 20 mg/kg of 1,2-dibromo-

3-chloropropane-3-14C was given orally, it was metabolized rather rapidly by male rats (382). Only
traces (0.4 percent of the 14C were excreted in the expired air as unchanged DBCP. Essentially all
(98.8 percent) was absorbed from the gut and 90 percent of the activity was excreted in 3 days.
During the first 24 hr, 49, 14 and 16.5 percent of the activity was excreted in the urine, feces, and
expired air, respectively. The radioactivity in expired air was primarily carbon dioxide. The activity
in the urine was in the form of an acidic metabolite (8 percent of the activity of the urine) or as a
highly polar metabolite(s) (>90 percent of urinary activity). Some accumulation occurred in the body
fat in the form of a metabolite.

Single subcutaneous injections of DBCP produced dose-dependent injury to kidney, testis,

epididymis and liver in male rats. Pretreatment with enzyme inducer phenobarbital reduced the
nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity of DBCP and resulting serum creatinine and urea nitrogen
concentrations. Cobaltous chloride pretreatment enhanced the necrogenic effect of DBCP on the
kidney and potentiated DBCP-induced elevations of serum creatinine and urea nitrogen
concentrations. The gonadotoxicity of DBCP was enhanced by cobaltous chloride and reduced by
phenobarbital. The modulating effects of cobaltous chloride and phenobarbital could not be ascribed
simply to changes in tissue concentration of the protective conjugation substrate glutathione, since
cobaltous chloride increased and phenobarbital did not alter renal and hepatic nonprotein sulfhydryl
concentrations (383).

Rats treated orally with DBCP excreted a small amount of 2-bromoacrylic acid. Rabbit liver
microsomal oxidases also yielded 2-bromoacrylic acid from DBCP. The conversion involves initial
enzymic sulfoxidation or hydroxylation at methyl chloride moiety (CH2Cl) substituents and then
facile nonenzymic reaction to liberate 2-haloacroleins which are further oxidized to the 2-haloacrylic
acids. 2-Haloacroleins as potent mutagens and intermediary metabolites may contribute to the
adverse toxicologic properties of DBCP (384).

Male rats were challenged with a single dose of DBCP showed a significant decrease in cytochrome
p450 in microsomes isolated from liver, kidney, testis, lung and small intestine mucosa 48 hr after
treatment. Lipid peroxidation was not found in hepatic microsomes. In liver tissue, treatment resulted
in decrease in cytochrome p450 in both rough and smooth microsomal fractions and nuclei, but not
in mitochondrial fractions. Mixed function oxidase activities in hepatic microsomes decreased
parallel with cytochrome p450 content. Thus, treatment with alkyl halides may preferentially affect
isozymes of cytochrome p450 (385).

Following intraperitoneal administration of 50 mg/kg of DBCP to rats in propylene glycol, S,S'-(2-

hydroxypropane-1,3-diyl) bismercapaturic acid and S-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)mercapturic acid were
found as metabolites in urine. The metabolic pathway for DBCP includes oxidation and hydrolysis to
a series of epoxide metabolites and formation of male anti-fertility agents alpha-chlorohydrin and
alpha-bromohydrin from epoxides. Subsequent oxidative metabolism of these latter two compounds
to oxalic acid presumably causes liver damage (386). Adsorption Male Wistar rats were orally given 20-400 mg/kg (387) 14C labeled DBCP.
Major sites of radioactivity were found in the liver and kidney. It is suggested by the authors that the
macromolecular binding in vivo is caused by an activated metabolic intermediate formed on the
microsome (387). Reproductive and Developmental Following repeated treatment by gavage in either doses of
100 mg/kg body weight or repeated doses on 10 mg/kg body weight to rats for 5 months, an effect on
spematogenesis was observed in males: the number and viability of spermatozoa were decreased; the
estrus was inhibited in females (381).

Male rabbits exposed to 10 ppm DBCP for 8 weeks by inhalation appeared infertile when mated
during the 14th week (388).

Male rabbits, about 14 weeks old were exposed continuously to 0.3 to 10 ppm DBCP. Hypertrophy
of the adrenals and marked weight reduction of epididymis, testes and seminal vesicles were
observed. Reduction in number of spermatozoa in epididymis and reduction in white blood cells also
occurred (389).

Although DBCP has a pronounced effect on the male reproductive system, it was not teratogenic
when given to female rats at dosages of 0, 12.5, 25, or 50 mg/kg body weight on days 6 through 15
of pregnancy. The investigators reported it was toxic to dams and fetuses at 50 and 25 mg/kg but not
at 12.5 mg/kg (390). Reznik and Sprinchan reported that the estrus cycle of female rats was affected
by doses of 10 mg/kg fed repeatedly for 4 to 5 months. Morphological changes have not been
reported in the ovaries but these authors suggest that decreased hormonal secretion by the ovary
produces the altered estrus cycle (391).

The report by Torkelson et al. (378) of severe testicular injury has been confirmed by numerous
other investigators (379, 388, 391, 392, 393, 394). The papers by Burek et al (394) and Rao et al
(388) indicate significant species differences, with rabbits more sensitive than rats. Male rabbits
were exposed 6 hr/day, 5 days/week to 0, 0.1 or 1.0 ppm (14 weeks) or 10 ppm (2 and 8 weeks).
Male and female rats were exposed for 14 weeks to 0, 0.1, 1 or 10 ppm DBCP vapor. Two weeks of
exposure of rabbits to 10 ppm produced detectable testicular alterations principally on
spermatogenesis. Sertoli cells were unaffected in these animals. Six to 8 weeks of exposures to 10
ppm produced nearly complete atrophy of the germinal tissue of rabbits. Rats, on the other hand,
showed no detectable changes after similar exposure to 10 ppm for 5 weeks and only moderate
alterations after 14 weeks. There was considerable variation between individual animals. At 1 ppm,
rats showed no testicular atrophy after 14 weeks but rabbits were moderately affected. At 0.1 ppm,
no effect was seen microscopically in either species, but an equivocal, apparently reversible increase
in abnormal sperm was seen by electron microscopy of the testes of the rabbits but not of the rats
(394). Reproduction was severely impaired at the higher concentrations, as would be expected from
the marked effect observed on sperm counts. Furthermore, a dominant lethal effect was observed
when male rates exposed to 10 ppm were mated with unexposed females. This effect was reversible
since subsequent matings did not show this effect. Carcinogenisis Two groups of 50 male and 50 female B6C3F1 hybrid mice, 5 to 6 weeks
old were fed technical grade DBCP in corn oil by gavage on 5 consecutive days/week. Approximate
time weighted average doses were 114 and 219 mg/kg for males and 110 and 209 mg/kg for females.
Two groups, each of 20 males and 20 females were used as vehicle controls. Animals were killed at
60 and 78 weeks and high dose animals at 47 weeks because of high mortality related to tumors. In
males, 40/50 of the high dose group had died by end of week 47 and 42/50 of the low dose group had
died by week 59. In females, 30/50 of the high dose group had died by end of week 47 and 41/50 of
the low dose group. By week 60, squamous cell carcinomas of forestomach occurred in 43/46 low
dose males, 47/49 high dose males, 50/50 low dose females and 47/48 high dose females. This lesion
occurred with frequent metastases to abdominal viscera and lung. No gastric neoplasms occurred in
either vehicle or untreated controls (381).

When fed by gavage to male and female rats and mice in a NCI bioassay program, DBCP had been
shown to produce tumors. The high exposure rats were given 24 to 30 mg/kg per day and the low
dose rats 12 to 15 mg/kg per day. The dosage to mice was changed during the study so that daily
doses ranged from 160 to 260 mg/kg per day as well as half these levels (low dose) in male mice,
and 120 to 160 mg/kg per day and half these levels (low dose) in female mice. Treatments were
given 5 days/week for 78 weeks. Tumors were present after 10 weeks of treatment. Ultimately 90
percent of the mice and 60 percent of the rats developed squamous cell carcinomas of the
forestomach. A high incidence (54 percent) of mammary adenocarcinomas was observed in female
rats but not in mice (395). These results have been confirmed in subsequent studies in which DBCP
was administered to rats and mice in the diet, by gavage or by inhalation. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies DBCP was evaluated for genotoxicity in the
mouse spot test. Male PW mice, homozgous for 5 coat mutation, were mated with C57BL/6 females.
On day 10 of the pregnancy, the females received ip injections of 106 mg/kg DBCP dissolved in
soybean oil. The offspring were examined for recessive color spots for 14-30 days following birth.
Pups from treated animals showed a significantly higher frequency (2.9%) of recessive color spots
compared with solvent treated (0.6%) or untreated (0.9%) controls. Most of the spots induced by
DBCP were light brown, which suggest that DBCP induced predominately point mutations in the
pigment cells. It was, therefore, concluded that DBCP is mutagenic in somatic cells of mice in vivo;
however, no teratogenic effects were observed (396).

DBCP has been found to be mutagenic in bacterial test systems using S. typhimurium TA 1530 and
E. coli but is quite toxic to the latter. The dominant lethal effects reported by Rao et al (388) also
suggest mutagenic changes in mammals.
17.4.2 Human Experience General Information In the July 1977, a worker at a chemical plant in California noted and
complained of his inability to father a child. During discussions with fellow workers, it was
discovered that several other workers were having a similar problem. These workers were tested and
found to be sterile. As a result of this testing, the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (OCAW) union
requested the National Institute for Safety and Health (NIOSH) to conduct a health hazard evaluation
of their plant. Subsequent to, OSHA alerted approximately 80 manufacturers and formulators to the
potential hazard of worker exposures to DBCP. Clinical Cases Investigations in the health effects of DBCP began in 1977. Since that time, a
number of studies have confirmed the toxic nature of DBCP. Acute Toxicity In humans, DBCP produces moderate CNS depression and pulmonary
congestion after exposure by inhalation and causes acute gastrointestinal distress and pulmonary
edema after ingestion (397). Reproductive and Developmental Five to eight years after the initial effects of DBCP
exposure were discovered in 1977 and all exposures were terminated, there appeared to be no major
changes in testicular function of most of the 44 exposed men as measured by sperm concentration or
serum FSH levels. Recovery of sperm production in two of eight originally azoospermic workers
was observed and no increase in sperm production could be detected in the other men who had low
sperm counts (398).

A group of 22 factory workers who were exposed to DBCP during production were reassessed 8
years after being diagnosed as azoospermic (388) or oligozoospermic (380) when initially evaluated
in 1977. A follow-up study after 4 years had indicated that the gonadotoxic effects of DBCP might
be reversible. The objective of the eight year reassessment was to confirm this effect as well as to
assess the outcome of pregnancies among wives of DBCP exposed workers. It was observed that
recovery of spermatogenesis occurred in 4 oligozoospermic and 3 azoospermic men whose plasma
FSH hormone concentration was normal during the whole period. A marked increase in this
hormone and luteinizing hormone levels above the upper limit of normal was found in azoospermic
men who did not recover. No significant changes in FSH hormone levels were detected in both
recovered and non-recovered oligozoospermic workers. It was also concluded that paternal exposure
to DBCP was not associated with increased risk of fetal malformations or spontaneous abortions.
There were 44 conceptions; 22 occurred during paternal exposure to DBCP and 22 during the
recovery period. These 44 conceptions resulted in 36 live births (and one ongoing uncomplicated
pregnancy). The spontaneous abortion rate did not differ from the frequency found in the re-exposed
or non-exposed pregnancies. The 3 induced abortions were not related to paternal DBCP exposure

Kapp et al (399a) have reported Y-chromosomal nondisjunction in DBCP exposed employees but
these data were not confirmed at the time. The Y-chromosome counts were made on ejaculates with
extremely low sperm counts; the control sample was from a different location, and the statistical
methodology was questioned. Epidemiology Studies The mortality experience of a cohort of 548 workers who had
potential exposure to DBCP was updated in 1989. There were 68 total deaths compared with 72.1
expected. There 19 deaths from all malignancies compared to 19.0 expected. There no deaths from
stomach, liver, kidney, testes or nasal cavity cancers. There were 7 deaths from cancer of the lung
compared with 6.6 expected (400).

A historical prospective mortality study was conducted on 3579 white male workers employed
between 1935 and 1976 with potential exposures to brominated compounds, including DBCP.
Workers were classified by their work areas or departments to estimate their potential exposures. A
significant excess due to diseased of the circulatory system was observed among the workers
exposed to DBCP (401).

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

17.5 Standards, Regulations or Guidelines of Exposure

There is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of DBCP. There is sufficient
evidence in experimental animals for its carcinogenicity. According to IARC, the overall evaluation
of DBCP is that of a possible carcinogen to humans (Group 2B) (402).

The OSHA permissible exposure limit is 1 ppb DBCP as an 8 hr time weighted average (403).
NIOSH recommends that occupational exposures to carcinogens be limited to the lowest feasible
concentration (404).

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons

Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

17.6 Studies on Environmental Impact

Since the restrictions on the use of DBCP in 1979 as a nematocide and soil fumigant, little release of
DBCP presently occurs. The use of DBCP as a laboartory reactant is not expected to result in large
quantities being released to the environment. If released to the atmosphere, DBCP will exist solely in
the vapor phase in the ambient atmosphese based on measured vapor pressure of 0.58 mm HG at 20°
C. Vapor phase DBCP is degraded in the atmosphere by reactionwith photochemically produced
hydroxyl radicals with an estimated half life of 37 days. Products of DBCP are formed during this

DBCP released to soil will likely volatilize or leach. In alkaline, but not neutral or acidic soils,
hydrolysis may be significant. Biodegradation is possible but is expected to be slow relative to
volatilization and leaching.

In water, DBCP is expected to volatilize. It may also hydrolyze. Esitmated volatilzation half lives for
a model river and model lake are 14 hours and 9 days, respectively. In groundwater after DBCP is
expected to persist due to its low estimated rate of hydrolysis. In surface waters, biodegradation may
occur but is expected to be slow relative to the rate of volatilization. Photodegradation is not
expected to be an important fate process for this compound. Sorption to sediments and
bioconcentration are not expected to be important fate processes based on measured Koc values of
40-149 and measured BCF values of 3.6-19, respectively. Human exposure is expected to result
primarily from ingestion of drinking water, particularly from ground water sources containing DBCP

Saturated Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Two To Four Carbons


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Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons

R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

1.0 1,3-Dichloropropene
1.0.1 CAS Number:
1.0.2 Synonyms:
3-Chloroallyl Chloride; 3-chloropropenyl chloride; Telone®; Telone II Soil fumigant; 1,3-
dichloropropylene; alpha-chloroallyl chloride; chloroallyl chloride; 1,3-dichloro-1-propene; Telone
II; alpha, gamma-dichloropropylene; gamma-chloroallyl chloride; 1,3-dichloropropene (mixed
isomers); 1,3-dichloro-1-propylene; 1,3-dichloropropene-1; dorlone ii; Tri-Form; 1,3-D; Telone IIR;
chloropropenyl chloride; 1,3-dichloro-2-propene; 1,3-dichloropropene, E-Z-; 1,3-Dichloropropene
1.0.3 Trade Names:
cis,trans-1,3-Dichloropropene, DD Soil Fumigant (Shell Chemical Company), Telone Soil
Fumigants (The Dow Chemical Company), Vorlex Soil Fumigants (Schering, A. G.
1.0.4 Molecular Weight:
1.0.5 Molecular Formula:
1.0.6 Molecular Structure:
1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
1.1.1 General (1) Although a product that contains primarily cis isomer is available, 1,3-
dichloropropene isomers are not commonly separated. Commercial products often contain varying
amounts of other C3 compounds and epoxy inhibitors. Hence the following data for a 92% material
must be considered only approximate.

Physical State colorless to light straw-colored liquid

Specific Gravity 1.22
Melting Point –60°C
Boiling Point 104°C
104.3°C (cis)
112°C (trans)
Vapor Pressure 5720 Pa at 25°C (cis); 4522 Pa at 25°C (trans) (2)
Relative Vapor 3.83 (air = 1) (2)
Percent in 3.7 at 25°C
“Saturated” Air
Solubility <0.01 g/100 ml in water; soluble in acetone, diethyl ether, benzene,
chloroform, octane, and toluene (2, 3).
Flash Point 27°C
Explosive Limits 5 to 14.5% at 80°C

1.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Rick and McCarty (4) reported that an odor concentration of
4.4 ppm to 3.1 ppm (mean ñ SD) was detected by 22 persons. Concentrations that can cause injury
from a single exposure will probably have an odor detected by most people; however, the odor
cannot be relied upon to warn against concentrations that can cause injury from prolonged repeated
exposure. The odor is sharp, penetrating and irritating (3).
1.2 Production and Use
The cis and trans isomers of 1,3-dichloropropene are used primarily in soil fumigants. A small
amount is used as a chemical intermediate. Exposure occurs principally during manufacture or
during bulk handling activities. Because it is generally injected into the soil at depths of 15 to 30 cm,
airborne concentrations are generally well below 0.5 ppm, even when measured in the middle of a
fumigated field. The material is flammable.
1.3 Exposure Assessment
1.3.1 Air Indoor air in Knoxville, TN contained 52.4 mg/m3 during the winter and outside the mean
was 5.0 mg/m3 (2).

1.3.2 Background Levels 1,3-Dichloropropene is not a natural product, and its presence in the
environment results from industrial use.

1.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers It seems unlikely that analysis of blood urine or expired air will be
of significant value for industrial hygiene monitoring at currently accepted levels of exposure but
may help determine if exposure has occurred.
1.4 Toxic Effects
1.4.1 Experimental Studies The subchronic inhalation toxicity data for 1,3-dichloropropene are
contradictory. Older data indicate that the commercial product studied at that time (1958–1975) was
quite irritating and hepatotoxic, but data developed on currently produced fumigants indicate
considerably less hepatotoxicity. Although impurities and inhibitors in the samples used in older
toxicity studies may account for part of the discrepancy, different strains of animals, different
animals' diets, and different methods of handling the samples used in recent studies may also explain
the difference. It is reasonable to rely more on the more recent data, which has been obtained with
improved methods and with samples of better characterized purity. Reviews are available (5, 6). Acute Toxicity A 10% solution of a cis and trans mixture of 92% purity (8% related
compounds) had acute oral LD50s of 710 and 470 mg/kg in male and female rats, respectively. The
livers and kidneys of treated animals were grossly affected and there was a suggestion of lung injury
in surviving animals (7). Stott et al. (8) reported oral LD50s of 640 mg/kg for male and female mice,
300 to 713 mg/kg for male rats, and 224 to 560 mg/kg for female rats.

Severe to moderate injury occurred in the eyes of rabbits in which a couple of drops of liquid 1,3-
dichloropropene had been placed. Prompt washing with water greatly reduced the degree of
irritation. The vapors were quite irritating to the eyes and caused lacrimation (7). When a more
recent sample was tested, marked conjunctival irritation and discharge were noted and some
reddening of the iris. All irritation subsided in 14 days (8).

Necrosis and edema occurred when liquid 1,3-dichloropropene was confined on the skin of rabbits,
but if it was allowed to evaporate, the effect was greatly reduced. Positive guinea pig skin
sensitization was reported using a 0.1% v/v solution in mineral oil (6), an atypical response for a
small chlorinated hydrocarbon.

Absorption through the skin occurred particularly when the liquid was confined or when it was
dissolved in propylene glycol, which retarded evaporation. A 24 h LD50 for dermal exposures to
333 mg/kg under a cuff was been determined. Higher dermal LD50s of 1000 mg/kg for males and
between 1300 and 2000 for females were determined for rats. Fourteen days after treatment, there
was congestion of the lungs and congestion of the viscera was apparent in animals that died (6).

According to a 1967 publication by Torkelson and Oyen (7), 2700 ppm was extremely irritating to
the respiratory tract and caused liver and kidney injury in rats. Rats survived a 1 h exposure but died
from a 2 h exposure to 1000 ppm of the vapor. These rats and others exposed to 700 ppm had a
peculiar garlic (or skunk) odor following exposure, indicating probable absorption and possible
reaction of the 1,3-dichloropropene with the hair or skin of the rats. Guinea pigs, but not rats,
succumbed following a single 7 h exposure to 400 ppm; the rats, however, were severely injured,
lost weight, and required 8 days to recover lost weight. Lung injury was still present 8 days after

When a more recent sample was studied, 4 h inhalation LC50s between 1035 and 855 ppm for male
rats and 905 ppm for female rats were determined (8). All rats exposed to 1000 ppm for 4 h died, as
well as one female exposed to 850 ppm. Eye and nasal irritation were observed, as well as decreased
body weight. Although body weight had not returned to normal at the end of the 2 week observation
period, there were no exposure-related observations at gross autopsy. These investigators also
reported a strong odor, described as mercaptan-like in rats and mice exposed to 90 or 150 ppm.

In an early subacute study to define the conditions for a subsequent chronic study, Torkelson and
Oyen found considerable liver and kidney injury grossly evident in small groups of rats exposed 19
times to 50 ppm, 7 h/day in a 28-day period. Less injury from these early chemical samples was seen
at 11 ppm (7).

However, much less toxicity was observed from a later sample tested by Stott et al. (8), according to
the authors' abstract.

To provide a comprehensive subchronic inhalation toxicity study of the soil fumigant, technical
grade 1,3-dichloropropene (DCPT), male and female Fischer 344 rats and B6C3F1 mice were
exposed to 0, 10, 30, 90, or 150 ppm DCPT vapors for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 13 weeks. The
primary target tissues of inhaled DCPT were identified as the nasal mucosa of both sexes of rats and
mice and the urinary bladder of female mice. In addition, depressed growth rates of all animals
exposed to 90 or 150 ppm DCPT (up to 20% in rats and 12% in mice) resulted in a variety of
alterations in hematologic and clinical chemistry parameters and changes in organ weights relative to
controls. Nasal mucosal effects consisted of a slight dose-related degenerative effect on nasal
olfactory epithelium or a mild hyperplasia of the respiratory epithelium or both in all animals
exposed to 90 or 150 ppm and 2 of 10 male rats exposed to 30 ppm DCPT. Some focal areas of
respiratory metaplasia were also noted in high-exposure group mice. Urinary bladder effects
consisted of a diffuse, moderate hyperplasia of the transitional epithelium in female mice exposed to
90 or 150 ppm DCPT. No treatment-related effects were observed in rats or mice exposed to 10 ppm
DCPT vapors.

Parker et al. (9) also found much less effect than Torkelson and Oyen in CD-1 mice and Fischer 344
rats exposed to 0, 5, 15, or 50 ppm for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 6 or 12 weeks. Their test material
was Shell DD soil fumigant, which contained 55% 1,3-dichloropropene and 30% 1,2-
dichloropropane. The balance was related compounds, according to the available abstract.

The following parameters were examined: pharmacotoxic signs; body weights; hematology (HGB,
HCT, RBC, WBC, and diff. leukocyte count), serum chemistry (BUN, GLU, ALB, GPT, and ALP);
urinalysis; gross pathology; histopathology; organ weights and organ weight/body weight ratios of
brain, heart, liver, kidneys, testes or ovaries, and adrenals. The only exposure-related effect observed
was increased mean liver weight/body weight ratios of male mice and rats and mean kidney/body
weight ratios of female rats at the 50-ppm exposure level. Other statistically significant differences
were either inconsistent or not dose-related. Slight to moderate diffuse hepatocytic enlargement in
12/21 of the 50-ppm male mice after 12 weeks exposure was the only compound-related
histopathological change. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity When 1,3-dichloropropene was fed by gavage to groups of
rats at 0, 1, 3, 10, or 30 mg/kg body weight for 6 days/week for 13 weeks, it was concluded that 3 to
10 mg/kg was a nontoxic effect level. No gross or microscopic pathological changes related to
exposure were observed at any level, nor were general condition, demeanor, survival, hematologic
indexes, serum enzyme, activity, or urinalysis affected by exposure. The relative weights of the
kidneys increased at 30 mg/kg/day in both sexes and at 10 mg/kg/day in males (10). More recent
data by Osterloh and Kiwen (11) suggest that the nephrotoxic effects of 1,3-dichloropropene may be
mediated through the mercapturic acid metabolites in the kidney rather than glutathione depletion
(2). Haut et al. (12) found a no-observed-adverse-effect of 5 mg/kg body weight for rats and
15 mg/kg body weight per day for mice.

1,3-Dichloropropene is included in the NCI bioassay program discussed under carcinogenesis in the
next section, and a lifetime study on a microencapsulated sample is under way.

Four species of animals were exposed for 7 h/day, 5 days/week to either 3 or 1 ppm 1,3-
dichloropropene in air for 6 months. This study used a sample available in 1977 (7). There was no
effect in rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, or dogs exposed to 1 ppm (0.9 ppm recovered analytically) based
on demeanor, general appearance, growth, mortality, hematologic examination, final body and organ
weights, and gross and microscopic examination of all major organs. The kidneys of the males rats
exposed to 3 ppm showed cloudy swelling, which was attributed to exposure. This effect was also
seen in a small group of male rats exposed for 4 h/day, but not in rats exposed 2 or 1 h/day. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms 1,3-Dichloropropene given either orally or

via inhalation is absorbed rapidly and eliminated through metabolism (glutathione conjugation)
within 24–48 hours (3). Reproductive and Developmental Pregnant Fischer 344 rats and New Zealand white rabbits
were repeatedly exposed to 0, 20, 60, or 120 ppm for 6 h/day on days 6 to 15 (rats) or 6 to 18
(rabbits) of gestation (13). There was no evidence of teratological effects despite obvious toxicity the
pregnant dams. The authors' abstract states,

Exposure-related decreases in maternal weight gain and feed consumption were observed in rats at
all treatment levels. Decreased weight gain was also observed among rabbits at 60 and 120 ppm. A
slight, but statistically significant, increase in the incidence of delayed ossification of the vertebral
centra in rats exposed in utero to 120 ppm of DCP was considered of little toxicologic significance in
light of the maternal toxicity observed at this exposure concentration. No evidence of teratogenic or
embryotoxic response was observed in either species at any exposure level tested. Thus, it was
concluded that DCP was not teratogenic at exposure levels up to 120 ppm in either rats or rabbits.

A two-generation reproduction study in which rats were routinely given 6 h daily exposure, 5
days/week to 0, 10, 30, or 90 ppm was reported (14). Dams and nonpregnant females were not
exposed from day 20 of gestation through day 4 of lactation. Toxic effects were seen only in the
parents exposed to 90 ppm and consisted of decreased body weight and histological changes in nasal
mucosa. Reproductive parameters, neonatal growth, and survival were unaffected at all levels,
including 90 ppm.

When Shell DD fumigant that contained 28% cis-1,3-dichloropropene, 25.6% trans-1,3-

dichloropropene, and 25.6% 1,2-dichloropropane was used in a single-generation study, adverse
effects were observed only in the group of rats that inhaled 90 ppm (15).

The effects of inhaled D-D (1,3-dichloropropene/1,2-dichloropropane) on reproduction were studied

in rats of both sexes. The rats inhaled nominal concentration of 0, 10, 30, or 90 ppm (v/v) D-D for
6 h/day, 5 days/week for 10 weeks. Treated males of proven fertility were paired with untreated
virgin females at intervals during and after exposure. Treated females were paired with untreated
males immediately after the 10-week exposure period. Various aspects of reproductive performance
and general toxicity were assessed. Exposure to D-D produced no adverse effects on the libido,
fertility, or morphology of the reproductive tracts of rats of either sex; no treatment-related dominant
lethal effect was observed in male rats. Slight reduction in body weight gains and slight increases in
liver and kidney weights were observed in 90 ppm rats of both sexes.

There were no treatment-related effects on testicular weight, sperm count, or sperm morphology in
male mice given five injections of 10, 19, 38, 75, 150, 300, or 600 mg/kg intraperitoneally and
examined 30 days later (16).

Possibly because of impurities or stabilizers in different samples, contradictory results have been
obtained in in vitro and in vivo test systems. Highly purified 1,3-dichloropropene had no directly
acting mutagenicity to Salmonella typhimurium TA100 (17). The investigators hypothesized that a
minor oxidation product produced in purifying of previous samples was responsible for the direct
mutagenic activity seen in some previous studies.

Furthermore glutathione, which is present in much higher concentrations in mammalian cells than in
bacteria, has a detoxifying conjugative effect (18). The addition to standard bacteria test systems of a
concentration of glutathione, equal to that present in mammalian cells, virtually eliminated
mutagenic activity in S. typhimurium TA100 (19). In fact, many mammalian systems have produced
negative results, including the Chinese hamster ovary HGPRT forward mutation assay, rat
hepatocyte unscheduled DNA synthesis, mouse bone marrow micronucleus, and a dominant lethal
study in rats (6, 15). It is important to develop a better understanding of the importance of
glutathione and the significance of bacterial test systems that are low in glutathione (18). Carcinogenesis The IARC (2) has concluded that technical grade 1,3-dichloropropene (that
contains 1.0% epichlorohydrin) administered by gavage caused urinary bladder, lung, and
forestomach tumors in mice and in the liver and forestomach in rats. Further, it concluded that
inhalation exposures resulted in bronchioalveolar adenomas in mice, whereas no tumors were seen in
rats (2). After injection with the cis isomer, malignant tumors occurred at the site of injection (2).
These findings led the IARC (2) to conclude that there is sufficient evidence for carcinogenicity in
experimental animals, at least when tested with technical grade 1,3-dichloropropene (2).

Van Duuren (20) tested what was reportedly cis-1,3-dichloropropene and found it negative in an
initiation-potentiation bioassay on mouse skin when tested with 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene and
phorbol myristate. It was not carcinogenic to the backs of Hs:ICR Swiss mice following 3
times/week application of 122 mg/kg for 85 weeks. Subcutaneous injections once a week increased
local fibrosarcomas.

NTP (21, 22) tested a 92% commercial product that was stabilized with epichlorohydrin. It is not
clear how much epichlorohydrin was present but the concentration may have been as high as 1.8%.
Rats were fed 0, 25, or 50 mg/kg/day and mice 0, 50, or 100 mg/kg/day via gavage for 3 days/week
for up to 2 years. Ancillary studies were conducted to determine the time-related effects on a group
of rats treated for 9 to 27 months, according to the authors' summary.

The primary organs affected were forestomach (rats and mice), urinary bladder (mice), lung (mice),
and liver (rats). Compound-related nonneoplastic lesions included basal-cell or epithelial hyperplasia
of the forestomach (rats and mice), epithelial hyperplasia of the urinary bladder (mice), and
hydronephrosis (mice). Neoplastic lesions associated with administration of Telone II included
squamous-cell papillomas of the forestomach (male and female rats, female mice), squamous-cell
carcinomas of the forestomach (male rats, female mice), transitional-cell carcinomas of the urinary
bladder (female mice), alveolar/bronchiolar adenomas (female mice), and neoplastic nodules of the
liver (male rats). Although cis- and trans-1,3-dichloropropene are the principal components of
Telone II, the presence of 1% epichlorohydrin, a direct-acting mutagen and carcinogen added as
stabilizer, may have influenced the development of forestomach lesions. The results of the ancillary
studies supported the findings of the carcinogenesis studies and demonstrated the time-dependent
development of lesions in the forestomach (basal-cell hyperplasia and squamous-cell papilloma).

Perhaps the most pertinent study is that of Lomax et al. (23), who exposed Fischer 344 rats and
B6C3F1 mice to 0, 5, 20, or 60 ppm (0, 22.7, 90.8, or 272 mg/m3) technical grade 1,3-
dichloropropene for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for up to 2 years. Ancillary groups were exposed for 6 to
12 months. Exposure resulted in nontumorigenic lesions of the nasal mucosa in both sexes of rats
and mice exposed to 60 ppm and female mice exposed to 20 ppm, in the urinary bladder mucosa of
both sexes of mice exposed to 60 ppm, and in the forestomach of male mice exposed to 60 ppm.
Slight changes in the relative degree of cellular vacuolation in renal and hepatic tissues of male and
female mice exposed to 60 ppm, respectively, were also observed following months of exposure.
These changes were consistent with changes in the renal lipid and hepatic glycogen content of these
mice and were considered related to depression of body weight and did not represent a
toxicologically significant effect of exposure. However, in contrast to the results of the oral gavage
bioassay, an increased incidence of benign lung tumors in the high-exposure group of male mice was
the only tumorigenic response observed. The benign tumors did not progress to malignancy, nor did
they have an effect on survival. This apparent difference in results between the lifetime gavage and
the lifetime inhalation studies is striking, especially when the total daily dose 5 days/week by
inhalation, based on respiratory rates and tidal volumes, would have been considerably more than
that from the repeated boluses of oral dose given three times per week. Whether the response in the
oral study was due to the administration of boluses or possibly due to some other factor such as the
epichlorohydrin that had been added to the sample is not clear. It certainly suggests the need for
caution in extrapolating the results to humans, particularly in the light of the lack of mutagenic
activity of 1,3-dichloroprene in mammalian cells. No-effect levels of 5 ppm for mice and 20 ppm for
rats were found.

Gehring et al. summarized the available data on metabolism (6). Absorption occurs through the skin,
from the gut, or by inhalation. Hutson et al. (24) fed 14C-labeled 1,2-dichloropropane and both
isomers of 1,3-dichloropropene to rats and found differences in their metabolism. With all
compounds, 80 to 90% of the radioactivity was eliminated in the first 24 h. The major route of
excretion of radioactivity was in the urine, where 50.2, 80.7, and 56.5% of the 1,2-dichloropropane,
cis-1,3-dichloropropene, and trans-1,3-dichloropropene activity, respectively, were found. The
amount of 14C-carbon dioxide excreted was quite different for the two isomers. The cis isomer
yielded only 3.9% of the dose and the trans isomer 23.6%, and correspondingly less radioactivity
was in the urine. As expected with volatile compounds, residual unreacted compounds were not
present as significant residues, although metabolites entered the normal metabolic pool.
Subsequently Climie et al. (25) showed that 82 to 84% of the radioactivity of the 14C-label at the
second carbon was recovered in the urine of rats as N-acetyl-S-(cis-3-chloropropenyl)cysteine.

Both cis and trans isomers are eliminated rapidly by the rat (half-life less than 30 min) (26). A
relatively small amount was found bound to macromolecules in the forestomach and to a lesser
degree in the glandular stomach of rats and mice. Macromolecular binding correlated to dose- and
time-related depression of nonprotein sulfhydryl of the stomach and liver (27, 28).

Excretion and distribution of 1,3-dichloropropene in rats fed up to 50 mg/kg was independent of

dose. More than 80% was excreted in 24 h. Mice had a similar response at doses up to 100 mg/kg.
Excretion in rat urine was primarily of the mercapturic acid conjugate and its corresponding
sulfoxide, as it was in humans (28).

The N-Acetylcysteine conjugate of 1,3-dichloropropene was found in the urine of four men 24 h
after field application of Telone II fumigant, consistent with similar findings in animal studies (16).

1.4.2 Human Experience Acute Toxicity A brief case report was found in the literature.
This article is of dubious value because it contains a significant amount of subjective evidence and
presents inadequate control data (29). After accidentally drinking a solution containing a mixture of
cis and trans isomers of 1,3-dichloropropene, a 27-year-old male died 40 hours later after
experiencing gastrointestinal distress, adult respiratory distress syndrome, and hematologic and
hepatorenal function impairment (30).

A fatality following ingestion reportedly involved abdominal pain and vomiting. The patient became
semicomatose, exhibited muscular twitching, and died, despite gastric lavage and therapy for
pulmonary edema (31). Carcinogenesis In a case report (32) 1,3-dichloropropene and malignant lymphoma were
associated in two firemen who died 7 years after a single exposure. A third person, a farmer, was
included, but the authors failed to mention that he had been ill for some time before his alleged
exposure. The authors correctly drew no conclusions as to cause and effect. IARC (2) concluded that
there was no epidemiological data on the carcinogenicity of 1,3-dichloropropene in humans.
However, based on the experimental animal data, IARC (2) place classified the technical grade 1,3-
dichloropropene as possibly carcinogenic to humans and placed it in its 2B Group. 1,3-
Dichloropropene has been classified as may reasonably be anticipated to be a carcinogen (33).
1.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA has no PEL for 1,3-dichloropropene, whereas NIOSH considers it a carcinogen and
recommends a REL of 1 ppm (5 mg/m3) with a skin notation (34). The ACGIH has recommended
1 ppm as the TLV®, with skin and A4 notations; similar values have been used as guidelines and
standards in other countries (35, 36). The WHO has recommended an international drinking water
standard of 20 mg/L (37).

Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons

R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

2.0 cis- and trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene

2.0.1 CAS Number:
[156-59-2] cis isomer; CAS Number: [156-60-5] trans isomer; CAS Number: [540-59-0] mixed
2.0.2 Synonyms:
1,2-Dichloroethene; acetylene dichloride; sym-dichloroethylene; acetylene dichloride; dioform;
2.0.3 Trade Names:
2.0.4 Molecular Weight:
2.0.5 Molecular Formula:
2.0.6 Molecular Structure:

; trans-

2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

2.1.1 General (38)
Physical State colorless liquid
Specific Gravity 1.284 (cis); 1.257 (trans)
Melting Point –57°C; –81.5°C (cis); –49.4°C (trans)
Boiling Point 48–60°C; 60.3°C (cis); 48.0–48.5°C (trans)
Vapor Pressure kPa at 20°C: 24.0 (cis); 35.3 (trans) 180–264°C (cis);
Percent in 27.4 at 20°C
“Saturated” Air
Relative Vapor 3.4 (air = 1)
Solubility poor in water, 0.50 g/100 mL; 0.08 g/100 mL (cis); 0.63 g/100 mL (trans);
soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether
Explosive Limits 9.7 to 12.8% in air (cis)
Autoignition 460°C
Flash Point 6°C (c.c.); 2.2 to 3.9°C (c.c.) (cis); 6°C (trans) (c.c.)
2.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties No definitive data are available. The odor has been described as
slightly acrid like a chloroform mixture of isomers.
2.2 Production and Use
The cis and trans isomers of 1,2-dichloroethylene have had only limited use as solvents and
chemical intermediates. Neither of the isomers has developed wide industrial usage in the United
States partly because of their flammability.
2.3 Exposure Assessment
2.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1003 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to the 1,2-dichloroethylene isomers (80).

2.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers The metabolisms of cis- and trans-1,2-dichloroethylene have been

reviewed (39). Metabolism is thought to proceed via epoxidation through dichloroacetaldehyde to
dichloroethanol and dichloroacetic acid. Cytochrome P450 is involved in the epoxidation (40, 41).
There are differences in the rate of metabolism of the two isomers.

There are no data to evaluate biological monitoring in humans.

2.4 Toxic Effects
2.4.1 Experimental Studies Because neither isomer has found wide usage, toxicological data are
limited. The compounds were studied as anesthetics, and von Oettingen (42) summarized the old
data. However, some of these data must be considered suspect because the purity of the samples and
the ratio of the isomers is not always indicated. Even recent data are inconsistent, and there are
considerable variations among studies (39).

Unpublished data indicate low to moderate oral toxicity and rather large differences among studies.
Unpublished data cited in the third revised edition of this publication reported an oral LD50 of more
than 2000 mg/kg for a 60:40 cis:trans mixture. Fruendt et al. (43) reported an oral LD50 of
1275 mg/kg which was surprisingly low compared to an intraperitoneal LD50 of 7650 mg/kg
reported for female Wistar rats by the same investigators. Fruendt et al. reported considerable
pulmonary pathology, suggesting that some of the dosage may have been aspirated. Hayes et al. (44)
reported feeding trans isomers to Sprague–Dawley rats and determining acute oral LD50s of 7900
and 9900 for males and females, respectively.

Values of 2100 and 2400 mg/kg were determined for fasting mice gavaged with a 10% aqueous
solution containing Emulphor (45). Deaths generally appeared to be due to anesthetic effects.

trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene was fed to rats and mice in drinking water studies (44). There was little
effect when it was fed to mice for 14 days at daily doses of 21 and 210 mg/kg body weight. When it
was fed for 90 days at average doses of 0, 17, 175, and 387 mg/kg to male mice and 0, 23, 224, and
452 mg/kg body weight to female mice, effects were described as minimal based on gross
pathological, hematologic, and clinical chemical parameters. Histopathological examinations were
not made, but cell-mediated immune status was reportedly unaffected in both sexes. Humoral
immune response was not affected in female mice but was suppressed at all three dosages in male
mice (46).

Immunotoxicity was evaluated by feeding trans-1,2-dichloroethylene (47) to Charles River CD-1

mice. LD50s of 2221 and 2391 mg/kg body weight were determined for males and females,
respectively. Deaths due to CNS depression occurred between 4 and 24 h after treatment. When fed
by gavage for 14 days at 0.1 and 0.01 of the LD50 levels, there was no effect on body weight.
Necropsy 24 h after the last dosing showed no changes in liver, spleen, lung, thymus, kidney, or
brain weight. Serum lactic dehydrogenase, SGPT, and urea levels were unaffected. There was a
nonstatistically significant trend toward reduction in the ratio of humoral IgM antibody forming cells
to spleen red blood cells. When evaluated for cell-mediated immune response by using human serum
albumin, the mice showed a slight effect that was not dose-dependent.

Plaa and Larson (48) evaluated kidney toxicity in mice and concluded that both the cis and trans
isomers were, at most, weak nephrotoxins.

When fed in drinking water to Sprague–Dawley rats for 90 days at doses of 402, 1314, and
3114 mg/kg body weight per day (male rats) and 353, 1257, and 2809 mg/kg/day (female rats), there
were no compound-related effects on hematological, serological, or urinary parameters. Female rats
showed a dose-related increase in kidney weight, but no gross or histological changes were found in
either males or females (44).

The available data conflict on whether there is a significant difference between the toxicity of the
two isomers. According to Smyth, the cis isomer did not kill or anesthetize rats in 4 h at 8000 ppm.
At 16,000 ppm, they were anesthetized in 8 min and were killed in 4 h. He also states that the trans
isomer was twice as toxic and anesthetic as the cis isomer (49), and that the important effect of
inhalation is narcosis. Lehmann and Flury (50) reported that disturbance of equilibrium and
prostration occur in approximately the same length of time from similar concentrations of the cis and
trans isomers. Both slight narcosis and deep narcosis occurred with the cis isomer at concentrations
of about half of the trans isomer.

More recently, Gradiski et al. (51) reported a 6 h LC50 of 22,000 ppm for mice exposed to the trans
isomer, but Fruendt et al. (43) claimed adverse effects in rats that received a single 8 h exposure to
200 ppm of the trans isomer. Fruendt et al. reported that five of six rats had livers that appeared
normal when stained for fat accumulation, but one showed fat deposition. Apparently, all six rats
showed effects in the lungs, whereas only one control rat was similarly affected. These workers
reported fibrous swelling in the cardiac muscle of rats exposed for 8 h to 3000 ppm. Fruendt's data
are markedly inconsistent with other inhalation studies.

Fruendt and Macholz (52) reported that a single 8-h exposure to 200 ppm of either cis- or trans-1,2-
dichloroethylene inhibited mixed-function oxidases in rats and the cis isomer was more active than
the trans at high concentrations.

The concentration of 1,2-dichloroethylene required to cause anesthesia is not clear. No gross effects
were seen in rats at 200 ppm (43), in several species at 1000 ppm (51), or in rats at 3000 ppm. Old
data suggest that concentrations approaching 1 to 2% are required to cause surgical anesthesia in
mice or other species (42).

Reinhardt et al. (53) concluded there were inadequate data on which to rank the ability of 1,2-
dichloroethylene to sensitize the heart to adrenaline.

Intraperitoneal LD50s of 6 mL/kg (7650 mg) (rats) and 3.2 mL/kg (mice) for the trans isomer were
reported by Fruendt et al. (43), who surprisingly reported a lower oral LD50 (1 mL/kg) for rats. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Lehmann and Flury (50) reported the results of repeated
exposures of cats and rabbits to vapor concentrations of 0.16 to 0.19% in air. Animals exposed to the
cis isomer at this concentration showed loss of appetite and some respiratory irritation but no
histological changes.

Conflicting data exist on the chronic toxicity of 1,2-dichloroethylene. Torkelson, as cited in the
Third Revised Edition of Patty's, reported no adverse effect in rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, or dogs
exposed to either 500 or 1000 ppm for 7 h/day, 5 days/week for 6 months. The sample consisted of
60% cis and 40% trans isomers. The parameters studied included growth, mortality, organ and body
weights, hematology, clinical chemistry, and gross and microscopic examinations of the major
organs. In contrast, Fruendt et al. (43) claimed marked effects in rats exposed for 8 h daily, 5
days/week for 16 weeks to 200 ppm of the vapors of the trans isomer. Liver and lungs were affected
and the leukocyte count decreased. Reproduction and Developmental When cis- and trans-dichloroethylene isomers were
incubated in the presence of metabolically active mouse liver enzymes, they were not mutagenic to
E. coli K-12 or S. typhimurium (54, 55).

More recent data give mixed results in a variety of in vitro and in vivo test systems (39), and the cis
isomer was apparently more active than the trans isomer. Chromosomal aberrations in a mouse bone
and gene conversion in a mouse host-mediated assay have been reported (39).

No data on teratogenesis or carcinogenesis were found. cis- and trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene have
been scheduled in the NTP bioassay program, but no data are available.

2.4.2 Human Experience General Information 1,2-Dichloroethylene was studied as an

anesthetic in humans, apparently with some success. Only one old report of one fatality was found
(56); death was probably due to anesthesia. Routes of exposure can be by inhalation and ingestion.
Harmful contamination of the air is reached rapidly by evaporation at 20°C. Irritation of the eyes and
respiratory tract can also occur and central nervous system effects, like narcosis (38) may occur at
high levels. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Long-term or repeated exposure can result in defatting of
the skin (38).
2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The TLV recommended by the ACGIH is 200 ppm (793 mg/m3) (35). The NIOSH REL/OSHA PEL
is also 200 ppm. The NIOSH IDLH is 1000 ppm.

Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons

R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

3.0 Dichloroacetylene
3.0.1 CAS Number:
3.0.2 Synonyms:
1,2-Dichloroacetylene; Dichloroethyne; DCA
3.0.3 Trade Names:
3.0.4 Molecular Weight:
3.0.5 Molecular Formula:
3.0.6 Molecular Structure:

3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

3.1.1 General (57–59)
Physical liquid (or colorless gas at elevated temperatures)
Melting –66 to –50°C
Boiling 32–33°C
Solubility insoluble in water; soluble in ethanol, diethyl ether and acetone
Flash Point Spontaneously combustible; severe explosion hazard; Acetylene is used as a stabilizer;
in the presence of trichloroethylene its stability is considerably increased

3.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Dichloroacetylene has a disagreeable sour-sweet odor. Based on
the experience in closed environmental systems, it is doubtful that dichloroacetylene has useful
warning properties. No data were found for odor thresholds.
3.2 Production and Use
Dichloroacetylene is not commercially available in large quantities. It is reportedly a by-product of
the synthesis of vinylidene chloride and is not known to be used commercially (58, 59).

Dichloroacetylene is a highly toxic, spontaneously combustible, undesired, and noncommercial

product of the dehydrochlorination of trichloroethylene. It has resulted from exposure of
trichloroethylene vapor to Hopcalite in a closed environmental system (submarine) and soda lime in
closed circuit (rebreathing) anesthesia machines and from exposure of trichloroethylene liquid to
caustic in degreaser tanks. It may also be an undesired by-product during chemical processes such as
production of vinylidine chloride (60).

When dichloroacetylene was decomposed in the presence of oxygen, seven substances were found;
phosgene, hexachlorobutadiene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroacetyl chloride,
tetrachloroethylene, and trichloroacryloylchloride (60).
3.3 Exposure Assessment
3.3.1 Air Dichloroacetylene does not occur as a natural product (58, 59).

3.3.3 Workplace Methods No workplace measurement method is available (61).

3.3.4 Community Methods Dichloroacetylene has been measured in air over the range of 0.4–
40 mg/m3 using gas chromatography with electrolytic conductivity detection.

3.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers No data were found but in view of the high toxicity of
dichloroacetylene, biological monitoring does not appear reasonable.
3.4 Toxic Effects Acute Toxicity Dichloroacetylene is highly toxic and causes nausea; neurological, liver, and
kidney injury; and liver and kidney tumors in rodents.

Reichert et al. (62) reported that the LC50s for 1 and 4 h exposures of mice were 124 and 19 ppm,
indicating that the vapor is highly toxic. Deaths were due to kidney injury. Degenerative lesions
were found in the brain, a finding the investigators thought consistent with rather pronounced
sensory loss and effects in facial muscles of humans. Reichert et al. reported similar injury in rabbits.
Neuropathological changes were not found following a 2.25 h exposure of groups of rats to about
300 ppm dichloroacetylene (63). However, trigeminal somatosensory evoked potentials were
significantly slower than baseline values or concurrent controls.
Trichloroethylene/dichloroacetylene-exposed control animals were unchanged.

Rats were exposed for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 6 weeks to dichloroacetylene at 2.9, 9.8, or 15.5 ppm
in a dichloroacetylene–trichloroethylene mixture and for continuous 90 day exposure to 2.8 ppm
dichloroacetylene (64). The trichloroethylene vapor concentrations were 3.2, 50, and 150 ppm during
the repeated exposures and 5.3 ppm during the continuous. Approximately 4 ppm acetaldehyde
vapor was also present. Although no deaths were reported, rats exposed repeatedly to 9.8 and
15.5 ppm were unkempt in appearance and showed some respiratory distress. No signs of toxicity
were seen during repeated exposure to 2.9 ppm, but rats exposed continuously were emaciated and
showed weakness in the hind limbs. One rat appeared to be blind at the end of the exposure period.
The most striking observation during microscopic examination was in the kidneys of rats exposed
continuously to 2.8 ppm and repeatedly to 15.5 ppm. Effects in the lungs were less consistent and not
clearly related to exposure. The course of development of the kidney changes with time has been
studied in rats exposed continuously to 4.8 ppm for up to 28 days. In addition to rather marked injury
to this organ, weakness in the hind legs, self-inflicted bite wounds, weight loss, and some deaths
were observed.

Reichert et al. (65) also reported severe kidney injury and some deaths in rabbits exposed for 1 h to
126, 202, and 307 ppm or for 6 h to 17 to 23 ppm. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The rat is mildly to markedly susceptible to
dichloroacetylene-induced trigeminal nerve dysfunction, as assessed by trigeminal nerve-stimulated
somatosensory evoked potential. The kidney is the likely target organ of exposure to
dichloroacetylene (66). Data from longer term studies are reported in the section on carcinogenicity.
Patel et al. (67) found that glutathione-dependent bioactivation of dichloroacetylene might be related
to neurotoxic effect of dichloroacetylene. Barret et al. (68) found that, although dichloroacetylene
had only a slight effect on the fatty acid content of the brain, it did have a higher intensity for
inducing trigeminal nerve alterations. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Glutathione conjugation has been shown in
rats following inhalation of dichloroacetylene (69). These investigators reported the identification of
S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl) glutathione (DCVG) as a product of the glutathione (GSH)-dependent
metabolism of DCA in vitro and the identification of N-acetyl-S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine (N-
Ac-DCVC) as a urinary metabolite of DCA in rats.

The product, DCVG, was definitively identified by 1H-NMR spectrometry (400 MHz), mass
spectrometry, and UV spectroscopy. N-Ac-DCVC was identified as a urinary metabolite from rats
by GC/MS after esterification. Urine (collected for 24 h) from male rats exposed to 36 ñ 5 ppm DCA
(100 mmol of DCA introduced into the exposure system) for 1 h contained 10.7 mmol of N-Ac-
DCVC as determined by HPLC analysis. Formation of DCVG, renal processing to S-(1,2-
dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine, and cleavage of this cysteine S-conjugate by cysteine S-conjugate b-lyase
in the kidney and the formation of reactive and mutagenic intermediates may account for DCA
nephrotoxicity and nephrocarcinogenicity. N-Ac-CDVC is the end product of DCVG processing by
the enzymes of mercapturic acid formation.

Using a nose-only dynamic system, Kanhai et al. (70) gave 14C-dichloroacetylene to rats for 1 h at
concentrations of 20 or 40 ppm. Retention rates of 17.6 and 15.6% of the radioactivity were reported
for 20 and 40 ppm, respectively. Elimination of radioactivity was almost quantitative in 96 h.
Elimination of radioactivity in urine was 67.8% at 20 ppm and 60% at 40 ppm. Elimination in feces
was 27.5% at 20 ppm and 27% at 40 ppm. Only 3.4 to 3.5% remained in the carcass.

Metabolites in the urine were identified as N-acetyl-S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine,

dichloroethanol, dichloroacetic acid, oxalic acid, and chloracetic acid. Only the cysteine conjugate
was found in feces. It was formed in the kidneys because only S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl) glutathione was
found in the bile. Biliary cannulation did not influence renal excretion of the cysteine conjugate.

They concluded that

the results suggest that two metabolic pathways are operative in dichloroacetylene metabolism in
vivo. Cytochrome P450-dependent oxidation represents a minor pathway accounting for the
formation of 1,1-dichloro compounds after chlorine migration. The major pathway is the
biosynthesis of toxic glutathione conjugates. Organ-specific toxicity and carcinogenicity of
dichloroethyne (acetylene dichloride) is due most likely to the topographical distribution of gamma-
glutamyl transpeptidase which is concentrated mainly in the kidney of rats. Reproduction and Developmental The reproductive organs have not been target organs in
available studies.

Only limited data on the mutagenic potential of this very reactive compound were found (71). The
investigators summarized their study which they concluded clearly demonstrated the mutagenicity of
pure dichloroacetylene, as follows: DCA vapor was streamed under analytical control through the
bacterial suspensions. DCA is soluble in aqueous solution and was stable under the experimental
steady-state conditions of the bacterial exposure. There is a linear correlation between the supply of
DCA vapor and solubilized DCA in the range of 1000 and 16,000 ppm. Mutagenic response was
observed with strain TA100 if the bacteria were suspended in Oxoid medium. No mutagenicity was
detected with strain TA98. DCA mixtures with acetylene, as used as a stabilizer for animal
experiments, were not mutagenic in either bacterial strain with or without S9 mix in the cell
suspension. One of the degradation products of DCA, trichloroacryloyl chloride, showed pronounced
mutagenic properties with and without drug-metabolized enzymes. Other degradation products of
DCA, such as trichloroacetyl chloride and hexachlorobutadiene, were not mutagenic, with or without
liver homogenate. Carcinogenesis The IARC (58, 59) concluded that there is limited evidence for the
carcinogenicity of dichloroacetylene to experimental animals based on treatment-related increases in
the incidence of adenocarcinomas of the kidney in male mice, benign tumors of the liver and kidney,
and an increased incidence of lymphomas in rats.

Kidney tumors were the most significant carcinogenic response reported in an inhalation study of
rats and mice (72). The investigators summarized their data as follows: Groups of 30 male and 30
female rats and mice were exposed to DCA vapor under the following conditions: mice, group I:
9 ppm for 6 h/day, 1 day/week for 12 months; group II: 2 ppm for 6 h/day, 1 day/week for 18
months; group III: 2 ppm for 6 h/day, 2 days/week for 18 months; rats: 14 ppm for 6 h/day, 2
days/week for 18 months; controls: under identical conditions except for the addition of DCA to
breathing air. The most important result is a striking increase in the formation of kidney
cystadenomas of the proximal tubuli in all DCA-exposed animals. The median latency time of this
tumor varied widely in both mice and rats. Renal cystic adenocarcinomas were found in statistically
significant numbers in male mice. In addition to kidney tumors, the development of cystadenomas of
the Harderian gland in mice and of liver cholangiomas in rats were highly significant findings. DCA
failed to induce liver tumors in mice. Our results confirm that DCA possesses high carcinogenic
potential, pronounced organotropic properties, and distinct species differences for the number and
nature of the induced tumors. The risk associated with handling chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons is
essentially increased by the decomposition product, DCA.

The investigators commented on the rapid induction of tumors at low concentrations and in only 1 to
2 days/week of exposure. Cystic adenocarcinomas were found in 42% of the male mice after
exposure to 2 ppm for 1 day/week for 18 months.

3.4.2 Human Experience Acute Toxicity Deaths possibly due to kidney injury have been
reported. Defolgue (73) summarized human experience during anesthesia from trichloroethylene
before 1961. IARC (59) has summarized more recent data, most of which has come from Henschler
and co-workers in Wurzburg, Germany, who concluded that dichloroacetylene “possesses the
highest carcinogenic potential of all representatives of the class of chlorinated, aliphatic
hydrocarbons” and “that it is by far the most toxic compound of this class of xenobiotics” (72).

Deaths ascribed to dichloroacetylene have been reported following use of trichloroethylene with
soda lime in closed-circuit anesthesia machines, but the precise inhaled concentrations were not
determined (64). Saunders (74) described human experience in an incident in a closed environmental
system in which alkaline materials were present in the life support system. Epidemiology Studies Acute Toxicity Dichloroacetylene can cause headaches,
dizziness, nausea, vomiting, eye irritation, mucous membrane irritation, and neurological disorders
such as paresis and neuralgia in several cranial nerves. Nausea has occurred at concentrations as low
as 0.5 to 1.0 ppm. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The toxic effects were mainly neurological and could last
from several days to years (58, 59). Carcinogenisis The IARC (58) could not find data by which to classify dichloroacetylene
for its carcinogenicity to humans.
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA has no PEL for dichloroacetylene, whereas NIOSH recommends treating it as a carcinogen
that has a ceiling REL of 0.1 ppm (0.4 mg/m3) (61). The TLV for dichloroacetylene recommended
by the ACGIH is a ceiling of 0.1 ppm (0.39 mg/m3) with an A3 notation (35). The ILO (75)
indicates that the standards and guidelines are similar for other countries, and no international
drinking water standard exists (37).

Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons

R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

4.0 Allyl Chloride

4.0.1 CAS Number:
4.0.2 Synonyms:
3-chloropropene; 3-chloropropene-1; 3-chloro-1-propene; 1-chloro-2-propene; chloroallylene,;
chloropropene; 3-chloropropylene; alpha-chloroproplylene; 3-chloroprene; 1-chloro propene-2; 3-
chloro-1-propylene; 2-propenyl chloride
4.0.3 Trade Names:
4.0.4 Molecular Weight:
4.0.5 Molecular Formula:
4.0.6 Molecular Structure:

4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties (76)

Physical State colorless yellow, or purple liquid

Specific Gravity 0.9376 at 20/4°C
Melting Point –134.5°C
Boiling Point 44.6°C
Vapor Pressure 39.3 kPa at 20°C
Relative Vapor Density 2.6 (air = !)
Refractive Index 1.4155 (20°C)
Percent in “Saturated” 48 at 25°C
Solubility 0.337 g/100 mL in water at 20°C; miscible with ethanol, ethyl ether, and
Flash Point –31.7°C (c.c.)
Explosive Limits 3.3 to 11.1% in air
Autoignition 390°C

4.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Allyl chloride can be a yellow or purple liquid that has an
unpleasant and pungent odor. Shell Chemical Company published the following information in its
bulletin (77). The odor threshold for half of the people was 0.47 ppm in air. The odor threshold for
essentially all people was 25 ppm. Eye irritation occurs between 50 and 100 ppm. Nasal irritation
and pulmonary discomfort may be observed at levels below 25 ppm.

Another study reports a 50% response to 0.21 ppm and a 100% response to 0.5 ppm. A third study
reports that a definite odor was detected by 10 to 13 volunteers exposed to 3 ppm (78).

Odor may be considered a warning of levels hazardous from acute exposure, but allyl chloride is not
detected at low enough concentrations to warn of levels hazardous from chronic exposure.
4.2 Production and Use
The major use of allyl chloride is as a chemical intermediate for resins and polymers. About 90% is
used to make epichlorohydrin, the basic building block for epoxy resins, and in glycerol synthesis
(79). Allyl chloride is flammable. World production in 1989–1990 was estimated at 500–600
thousand tons per year, and production facilities were located in South America, China, Europe, and
the United States (79).
4.3 Exposure Assessment
4.3.1 Air Few data are available for allyl chloride in the environment (79).

4.3.3 Workplace Methods Allyl chloride can be measured in the workplace by using a solid sorbent
tube (coconut shell charcoal, 100 mg/50 mg) and using the gas chromatography, FID technique. The
working range is 0.16 to 3 ppm (0.5 to 10 mg/m3) for a 100-L sample. The method is applicable to
short-term samples taken at 1 L/min (80).

4.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers No data were found that would indicate the utility of biological
monitoring, and it appears doubtful if it would be useful at the exposure level acceptable to workers.
4.4 Toxic Effects
4.4.1 Experimental Studies Although older data indicate that allyl chloride is moderate in acute
toxicity and high in chronic toxicity, data recently derived for rats and mice indicate considerably
lower liver and kidney toxicity. The effects are primarily due to inhalation, which can produce
respiratory irritation, as well as liver and kidney injury. Effects on the pancreas have been alleged,
but this has not been confirmed. Skin contact can produce irritation and a deep-seated pain referred
to as “deep-bone ache.”

There are reports of polyneuropathies in exposed workers and experimental animals, changes that
have not been seen in laboratory animals exposed to higher concentrations of vapor in other studies.
These claims obviously need confirmation.

Literature was reviewed by NIOSH (81) and IARC (79, 82). Acute Toxicity Smyth and Carpenter (83) reported an oral LD50 of 700 mg/kg of body
weight as determined in rats. Karmazin (84) also reported moderate oral toxicity; LD50s of 450, 500,
and 300 mg/kg were determined for rats, mice, and rabbits, respectively. Mild degenerative changes
were observed in the myocardium, livers, and kidneys. Lu et al. (85) reported 425 and 460 mg/kg
LD50s for mice and rats, respectively.

Unless confined on the skin, allyl chloride is only mildly irritating. It may be absorbed through the
skin in amounts sufficient to cause systemic intoxication in animals. Smyth and Carpenter reported
an LD50 of 2.2 g/kg for 24 h skin absorption on rabbits. The Shell Chemical Corporation's Industrial
Hygiene Bulletin (77) states, “The absorption of the liquid through the skin of human beings is
attended by deep-seated pain in the contact area.”

Vapor concentrations of 50 or 100 ppm allyl chloride are irritating to the eyes. Higher concentrations
of vapor may cause very severe irritation and pain. Liquid splashed in the eyes would be expected to
cause severe irritation and should be washed out immediately with water.

There are contradictory reports of the toxicity of allyl chloride vapors in animals. Acute vapor
studies of animals were reported by Adams et al. (86). Maximum exposure time–concentrations in
air for a single exposure survived by rats were as follows: 3 h at 290 ppm, 1 h at 2900 ppm, and
15 min at 29,300 ppm. Comparable figures for guinea pigs were 8 h at 290 ppm, 3 h at 2900 ppm,
and 1/2 h at 29,300 ppm.

The primary lesions were in the kidneys and the lungs. The kidney injury was severe, and there was
congestion, hemorrhage, and marked parenchymatous degeneration. The pulmonary injury was also
severe, particularly at higher concentrations. It consisted of marked congestion and frequent
hemorrhages in the alveolar spaces.

A similar high acute and subacute toxicity has been shown by Shamilov and Abasov (87), who
determined 4 h and 2 h LC50s of 2100 and 2600 ppm (6.6 and 8.2 mg/L) for rats and mice. Four hour
daily exposures to 0.4 mg/L (130 ppm) for a month affected the central nervous system and kidney
function of rats, as shown by increased excretion of chlorides and protein.

However, a later study indicates significantly less acute effects on rats and mice (Dow Chemical
Company, Midland, MI, unpublished data). The reason for the difference in response is not clear but
may be due to changes in sample purity, the method of handling the sample, the strains of animals,
changes in diets, or combinations of these and other factors. Groups of 10 male and female Fischer
344 rats and B6C3F1 mice were exposed to various concentrations (range 200 to 2000 ppm) for 6 h.
Parameters monitored included appearance and demeanor, body weights, clinical chemistry values,
organ weights, and gross and histopathological examination. Significant findings included mortality,
body weight loss, increased blood urea nitrogen and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase values,
and liver and kidney pathology. Although both liver and kidneys were target organs, the primary
effect of allyl chloride exposure in both rats and mice was renal toxicity. Rats were more susceptible
to allyl chloride vapor than mice on the basis of mortality data, renal pathology, and associated
clinical laboratory findings. Female rats were affected to a greater degree than male rats, whereas
male mice were affected to a greater degree than female mice. Minimal effect levels for renal
toxicity were 300 ppm for rats and 800 ppm for mice. No significant effects were seen in rats or mice
exposed to 200 ppm allyl chloride. Previous studies reported mortality in rats at 300 ppm; hence
these results are quite different because the first mortality did not occur until rats were exposed to
concentrations of 1000 ppm.

Lu et al. (85) reported 2 h LC50s of 11.5, 11.0, 11.4, and 5.8 mg/L (3680, 3520, 3660, and
1856 ppm) for female mice, male rats, female rats, and male guinea pigs, respectively. They also
reported 2 h “lethal concentrations” of 22.5 and 10.5 mg/L for male rabbits and cats. Another report
by these investigators (88) describes the exposures as static with gas chromatographic analysis.
Lethal concentrations caused signs of irritation, such as closed eyes, pawing and scratching of the
nose and mouth, lacrimation, and salivation, which were most prominent in guinea pigs and cats.
Diarrhea occurred within 24 h. Initial signs included hypoactivity, unconsciousness, breath holding,
and paralysis of rear legs in mice. Later drowsiness, unconsciousness, tremors, convulsions, and
death due to apnea occurred in the various species but were most severe in guinea pigs. Unsteady
gait and ataxia in cats were also observed following exposure. Marked injury to the lungs and
histopathological changes in the kidneys were reported. Injury to the liver and alveolar space were
observed at higher levels. Conditioned reflex was reportedly affected in cats by exposure to
745 mg/m3 but not to 650 mg/m3. Duration of exposure was not given. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Almeev and Karmazin (89) stated that repeated oral doses
of 0.015 mg/kg/day in the course of an 8 month study did not lead to morphological changes or other
effects in rats. Karmazin (90) reported changes in conditioned reflexes after 6 months at this same
dosage, which was the only dose level in these studies.

Data on repeated exposure of animals are also contradictory. The effects of repeated inhalation of
allyl chloride vapors by four species were reported by Torkelson et al. (78). They reported that

animals were exposed repeatedly to either eight or three ppm of allyl chloride in air to establish
conditions safe for repeated exposure. Rats, guinea pigs and rabbits had definite liver and kidney
pathology after one month of repeated seven-hour exposures to eight ppm.

Histopathological examination showed

significant evidence of ill effect of a severe degree in the liver and kidneys of essentially all the
animals. These were characterized by dilation of the sinusoids, cloudy swelling and focal necrosis in
the liver; and by changes in the glomeruli, necrosis of the epithelium of the convoluted tubules and
proliferation of the interstitial tissues in the kidney.

These species and dogs tolerated similar exposures to 3 ppm for 6 months, and only slight reversible
liver pathology was seen in female rats.

The report by Torkelson et al. varies considerably from more recent data from the same laboratory.
In 90 day studies, rats and mice have shown no effect from repeated 7 h exposures to 100 ppm or
less (Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI, unpublished data). Groups of 25 rats and mice of each
sex were exposed to 0, 50, 100, or 250 ppm for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 3 months. Ten animals of
each sex and species from each concentration were sacrificed after 30 days, and the balance was
necropsied at the end of the exposure period. The parameters evaluated included in-life observations,
body weight, hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, organ weights, gross necropsy, and light
microscopic examination of tissues from major organs. The kidneys of male rats exposed to 250 ppm
had increased cytoplasmic granularity and eosinophilic staining of the cortical epithelial cells. There
was also an increased incidence and degree of focal tubular collagen and atrophy in the kidneys of
the 250-ppm rats. No adverse effects were observed in any group of mice or in rats exposed to
100 ppm or lower after 90 days.
Because of outbreaks of polyneuropathy in workers, limited studies were conducted in animals by
Lu et al. (85). Six male rabbits and two female cats were reportedly exposed to a nominal
concentration of 206 mg/m3 (66 ppm) for 6 h/day, 6 days/week for 3 months. Muscle weakness in
the extremities, lurching motion, and unsteady gait were evident in all rabbits by the second month,
but there was considerable difference in the time of onset in individual rabbits. Paralysis and
unsteady gait, muscle atrophy, and emaciation were seen in rabbits but only muscle weakness and
unsteady gait in rats. EMG changes, degeneration of peripheral nerve fibers only in distal nerves, and
liver kidney and lung pathology were observed. Such marked peripheral nerve injury or paralysis has
not been observed in other studies at higher concentrations in rats and mice.

Ten male and one female rabbit and 20 male rats were also exposed for 6 h/day, 6 days/week for 5
months to 17.5 mg/m3 (5.6 ppm) without apparent ill effects. EMG studies showed occasional sharp
waves in three rabbits at the end of the exposure, but the investigators did not attach significance to

In a follow-up study, He et al. (91) treated 10 albino mice three times per week with gavage doses of
300 or 500 mg/kg for 2 to 17 weeks. They reported that 70% of the animals had focal kidney change
and that central-peripheral distal type axonopathy was commonly seen. Tolerance developed from
continued dosing.

Omura et al. (92) found that male ICR mice died within 24 hours after a single subcutaneous
injection of 496–1037 mg/kg body weight and had severe haemorrhage and edema of the lung and
inconsistent, non-dose-related damage to the liver and kidney. When the surviving mice were
sacrificed one week later, the only histopathological changes were found in the testes. Reproduction and Developmental Intraperitoneal injections of 80 mg/kg given from day 1 to
day 15 of gestation caused severe toxicity in rat fetuses. The sample used may not have been pure,
and the route of treatment is most unnatural (93).

Allyl chloride was not teratogenic in rats or rabbits following exposure to 30 or 300 ppm for 7 h/day
during the period of major organogenesis (94).

Decreases in body weight gain and increased liver weight were observed among both rats and rabbits
exposed to 300 ppm of AC, and an increase in kidney weights was observed in maternal rats. The
incidence of fetal resorptions was not significantly increased in either test species.

Ossification of vertebral centra and sternebrae was delayed at 300 ppm.

This slight delay in fetal development may be associated with the observed effects in the maternal
animals at this level. Fetal body weights and measurements were not adversely affected in rats, thus
the effects on the offspring were minimal and were observed only at an exposure level which also
produced effects in the maternal animal. Low incidences of malformed fetuses were observed in all
test groups, including controls, for both rats and rabbits and there was no indication of a teratogenic
response in either species following inhalation exposure.

Mutagenic data were summarized by the IARC (82), which concluded that allyl chloride was
positive in many test systems. Redistilled allyl chloride was studied for mutagenic structure–activity
relationships in a large series of compounds (95) and then compared to chemical alkylating capacity
using 4-(p-nitrobenzyl) pyridine. Mutagenicity in S. typhimurium TA 1535, 1537, 1538, 98, and 100
bacteria with and without liver homogenate (S-9) activation was determined. Allyl chloride was
mutagenic even without liver homogenate. It was positive in a chemical alkylating test, and the
authors considered that it was a direct-acting mutagen, particularly because adding of the S-9
fraction greatly decreased mutagenic activity. Carcinogenesis Allyl chloride was included in the NCI gavage bioassay program and
reportedly showed no evidence of carcinogenicity in Osborne–Mendel rats of either sex. There was a
higher than background incidence only of squamous cell carcinomas and papillomas in the
forestomachs of both sexes of mice and squamous cell papillomas in the forestomachs of female
mice. The incidence in other organs did not increase.

The doses fed by gavage were as follows: male rats, 77 and 57; female rats, 73 and 55; male mice,
199 and 172; and female mice, 258 and 129 mg/kg/day. Survival of high-dose male mice, male rats,
and female rats was poor. As in many of these old studies, histopathological examinations were
inadequate. Gastric irritation was evident.

Groups of 30 Ha:ICR Swiss mice received 31 or 90 mg technical grade allyl chloride in acetone on
their skin three times per week for 440 to 594 days without evidence of tumors. Equivocal results
were observed in a two-stage mouse-skin assay, that involved a single 94 mg application followed by
3 days/week treatment with phorbol myristyl acetate (20).

Allyl mercapturic acid was isolated from the urine of rats dosed with allyl chloride (96). These
investigators also reported that 3-hydroxypropylmercapturic acid was identified as a metabolite. A
study of the pharmacokinetics and metabolism following single administration of 14C-allyl chloride
to CDF-Fischer 344 rats by oral, inhalation, and intravenous exposure was reported (97).

Following oral and inhalation exposure, the fate was dose- and route-dependent. Most of the
radioactivity was excreted as polar metabolites in urine or as CO2 and parent compound in expired
air. Epichlorohydrin was not a major metabolite. A one-compartment bimodal absorption model
adequately described the parent compound blood level following oral treatment, and a two-
compartment model better described the blood levels following intravenous dosing and inhalation
exposure. The terminal half-life in blood depended on the inhaled concentration at high
concentrations, but at 100 ppm or less, the half-lives were less than 30 min. A single 6 h exposure to
1000 or 2000 ppm caused marked depletion of nonprotein sulfhydryl (NPSH) in the liver, kidneys,
and lungs, but a 100 ppm exposure caused only a slight although statistically significant decrease.
NPSH was not changed in kidneys, liver, lung, or blood after a 6 h exposure to 100 ppm.
Cytotoxicity was apparent in rats' kidneys 24 h after a 6 h exposure to 1000 or 2000 ppm.

IARC (79) has found inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals.

4.4.2 Human Experience Because of its recognized toxicity, allyl chloride has generally been
handled carefully during its manufacture. Eye irritation resulting from overexposure to the vapors
has been the most frequent complaint (77, 81). The onset of orbital pain may be delayed several
hours after exposure. More intense vapor exposure produces conjunctivitis, reddening of the eyelids,
and corneal burn.

One unique feature of dermal exposure is a so-called deep-bone ache, which has been reported
following dermal contact.

A report available only as an abstract indicates kidney dysfunction in workers exposed above the
3 mg/m3 standard. Although kidney injury is consistent with the response in animals, not enough
data are given in the abstract to determine the significance of the report in terms of dosage (98).

Another report by Hausler and Lenich (99) also inadequately describes the employees' exposure
levels but indicates many adverse effects in a population of 60 people. An odor of garlic on the
breath and body was a common complaint. The skin and respiratory tracts appear normal, but there
were alterations in liver function tests. These effects disappeared following better industrial hygiene
control measures.

Neurological effects attributed to allyl chloride in the absence of liver and kidney injury have been
reported in Chinese workers (91). Although the peripheral neuropathies were ascribed by the
investigators to inhaled allyl chloride, absorption through the skin was not considered. Furthermore,
their results were not confirmed in other countries. No explanation is readily apparent, and the issue
merits further study.

Enterline et al. (100) found limited evidence for elevated heart disease in a Texas plant where
workers were exposed to allyl chloride and high, moderate, low, or no exposure to epichlorohydrin.
It was suggested by the senior author that further research on this apparent association is needed
(101), and Ross (102) suggested that the study lacked data on confounders and adequate exposure

Olsen et al. (103) reported on a cohort of 1064 men employed at a Texas plant in epoxy resin,
glycerine, and allyl chloride/epichlorohydrin production between 1957 and 1986 and followed-up
through 1989. There were 66 total deaths (SMR = 0.8; 95% CI 0.6–1.0) and 10 cancers (SMR = 0.5;
CI 0.2–0.9). However, the authors noted that the cohort was limited due to sample size, duration of
follow-up, small numbers of deaths both expected and found, and the limited exposure potential.

The IARC found that it could not classify allyl chloride as a human carcinogen on the basis of
available data (79).
4.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The TLV for allyl chloride recommended by the ACGIH is 1 ppm (3 mg/m3), and the STEL is
2 ppm (6 mg/m3) with an A3 notation. The OSHA PEL is 1 ppm (3 mg/m3) as is the NIOSH REL
(80). Skin contact must be prevented because allyl chloride may be absorbed (76). The ILO (104)
indicates that similar standards or guidelines are used in other countries (104). No international
guidelines for drinking water have been suggested (37).

Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons

R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

5.0 Hexachlorobutadiene
5.0.1 CAS Number:
5.0.2 Synonyms:
HCBD; perchlorobutadiene; hexachloro-1,3-butadiene; 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro-1,3-
hexachlorobutadiene; dolen-pur; gp-40-66:120; hexachlorobuta-1,3-diene; hexachlorobutadiene 13-
5.0.3 Trade Names:
5.0.4 Molecular Weight:
5.0.5 Molecular Formula:
5.0.6 Molecular Structure:
5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
5.1.1 General The physical properties listed for hexachlorobutadiene are somewhat uncertain (105,

Physical State colorless liquid

Specific Gravity 1.68 (25/4°C)
Melting Point –21°C
Boiling Point 212°C
Vapor Pressure 20 Pa at 20°C
Relative Vapor Density 9.0 (Air = 1)
Refractive Index 1.5535 (25°C)
Percent in “Saturated” Air 0.037 at 25°C
Solubility insoluble in water at 20°C (0.00032 g/100 mL)
Flammability not flammable by standard tests in air
Flash Point 90°C

5.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Old data on an inadequately characterized sample indicate that
1 ppm was detectable by only about half of those who attempted to smell it. The odor of
hexachlorobutadiene should be considered inadequate to warn against excessive repeated exposures.
It reportedly has a turpentine-like odor.
5.2 Production and Use
Although hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) has been used as a pesticide in other countries, exposure in
the United States has mostly been as an unwanted by-product of certain processes associated with
chlorination of hydrocarbons. It is reported to have some use as a chemical intermediate (107). In the
United States it was also used for recovering chlorine-containing products and as a fluid for
gyroscopes (108).
5.3 Exposure Assessment
5.3.1 Air The air around vineyards where hexachlorobutadiene was used was found contaminated
within a radius of 100 meters (108). It has also been found near plants that manufacture
tetrachloroethylene; trichloroethylene (highest level reported was 463 mg/m3) at lower levels was
found near plants that produce chlorine and triazine herbicide and in landfills where chemical wastes
were dumped (109, 110).

5.3.3 Workplace Methods Sampling is done with a solid sorbent tube (XAD-2; 100 mg/50 mg) and
then measured by the gas chromatography/ECD technique (NIOSH Method 2543). The working
range is 0.01 to 2.0 mg/m3 for a 100-L sample. The estimated limit of detection (LOD) is 0.02 mg
per sample (111).

5.3.4 Community Methods Many methods have been suggested for measuring hexachlorobutadiene
in air, water, food and drink, biological tissues, and soil. A good summary can be found in IARC
Monograph 71 (108).

5.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Currently there are no useful biological monitors for

hexachlorobutadiene, particularly at the low levels recommended for occupational exposure. Kociba
et al. (112) suggested that urinary excretion of coproporphyrins be included as part of a medical
surveillance program for employees.
5.4 Toxic Effects
5.4.1 Experimental Studies Kociba et al. cite literature values for acute oral LD50s of 90 mg/kg for
guinea pigs, 87 to 116 mg/kg for mice, and 200 to 350 mg/kg for rats. They also determined an LD50
of 580 mg/kg for adult male rats and a range of 200 to 400 mg/kg for adult female rats. Weanling
rats have LD50s of 65 and 46 mg/kg for males and females, respectively. Most deaths occurred 2 to 3
days after treatment but some were delayed as long as 17 days. Short-term dietary studies in which
rats were fed 0, 50, 150, and 450 ppm in their diet for 2 weeks resulted in growth depression and
kidney injury similar to that seen in acute studies (122).

Kociba et al. also reported that no kidney injury was produced by daily doses of 3 mg/kg body
weight but that higher levels in a 30-day study did. At 100 mg/kg body weight/day, minimal liver
injury was observed.

When groups of five B6C3F1 mice of each sex were fed 0, 30, 100, 300, 1000, or 3000 ppm in their
feed for 15 days, very severe effects and deaths occurred at the highest dosages (123). Apparently no
attempt was made to relate dietary level to dose per body weight in the published paper, but
estimated daily intake was calculated in the NTP report of this study (121). Estimated intakes by
male mice were 3, 12, 40, 19, and 24 mg/kg/day for the 30-, 100-, 300-, 1000-, and 3000-ppm diets
and 5, 16, 49, 30, and 36 mg/kg, respectively, for female mice. All mice died or were sacrificed in a
moribund condition after 7 days at the two top levels. There was no mortality at the three lowest
levels. However, retardation of growth was seen at all levels, and clinical signs were apparent at
300 ppm and higher. Histopathology was observed in several organs, particularly the liver but also
the kidneys and spleens. The weights of several organs, including the thymus, lungs, kidney, and
testes, were affected.

When hexachlorobutadiene was fed to mice for 13 weeks at dietary levels of 0, 1, 3, 10, 30, or
100 ppm, no clinical signs or mortality were observed (124). These dietary levels corresponded to 0,
0.1, 0.4, 1.5, 4.9, and 16.8 mg/kg/day for hexachlorobutadiene for male mice and 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.8, 4.5,
and 19.2 mg/kg/day for female mice based on food consumption. A marked reduction in body
weight gain and in kidney weight was seen in male mice at 30 and 100 ppm and in female mice at
100 ppm. Thymus weights were comparable in all groups in contrast to marked changes in the two-
week study. No gross lesions were seen at autopsy, and the only microscopic lesion was tubular
regeneration in the renal cortex at 30 and 100 ppm and possibly at 10 ppm in male mice, although
female mice kidneys were affected at all dosage levels. The mobility of sperm was reduced in dosed
mice, though not in a dose-related manner. Female mice were more susceptible than males, and a
NOAEL was not achieved for female mice. The NOAEL for male mice in this 13-week study was
considered by the investigators to be 10 ppm in the diet.

According to Kociba, “Dermal application of 126 mg/kg hexachlorobutadiene was lethal to half the
rabbits in 7 hours and 4 of 4 after 24 hours. All rabbits survived the dermal application of 120 mg/kg
for 4 hours or 63 mg/kg for 24 hr.”

According to an available abstract, a single subcutaneous injection of 20 mg/kg into female rats
resulted in the deaths of young born 3 months later to these dams (866). This must be confirmed.

Single 4- to 7-h exposures to 133 to 500 ppm hexachlorobutadiene caused the deaths of some or all
exposed rats. Exposure for 0.9 h to 160 ppm or 3.5 h to 35 ppm was survived by all rats. Guinea pigs
and cats died from similar exposures to 160 ppm or from 7.5 h exposures to 35 ppm (112).

Gage (125) exposed rats to 250 ppm for 4 h and 100, 25, 10, or 5 ppm for 6 h. Fifteen exposures to 5
or 10 ppm resulted in no observed toxic effects, except for retarded weight gain at 10 ppm. Fifteen
exposures to 25 ppm, two exposures to 100 ppm, and two exposures to 250 ppm resulted in
respiratory irritation and injury, as well as rather pronounced effects on the renal tubules. The
adrenals showed injury at 100 and 250 ppm.

Limited unpublished data of The Dow Chemical Company also indicate a rather high subacute
toxicity for hexachlorobutadiene when inhaled. Small groups of rats and guinea pigs were exposed to
about 8 or 30 ppm 7 h/day, 5 days/week. The guinea pigs exposed to 30 ppm died after four
exposures, whereas 9 of 10 rats survived. However, severe injury was grossly apparent in the lungs,
livers, and kidneys of the survivors. Ten of 10 rats and four of five guinea pigs survived 197 h
exposures to 8 ppm, but liver and kidney injuries were grossly apparent on necropsy. Acute Toxicity Hexachlorobutadiene has a rather high chronic toxicity and can cause lung,
liver, and particularly renal injury in rats, including renal cancer. Much of the data for this section
are taken from Kociba et al. (112), who reviewed the literature and published their own chronic
toxicity and reproductive studies in rats.

The proximal tubules of the kidneys were the site of most injury in Kociba's studies. Subsequently,
there have been a number of studies of metabolism and mode of toxic action, including a large
number of reports from the Central Research Laboratory of Imperial Chemical Industries (113–119).

Yang (120) published a useful review. NTP (121) reviewed some of the data as part of the ongoing
studies referred to in subsequent sections, ATSDR (107) has issued a draft for comment, and the
IARC (108) reviewed the data in 1979 and 1987 (3). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Small groups of rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs exposed for
7 h/day, 100 times to 3 ppm in a 143 day period were adversely affected, but those exposed 129
times in 184 days to 1 ppm were not. The livers and kidneys of the animals exposed to 3 ppm were
the organs most affected (Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI, unpublished data).

An available abstract indicated that mice and rats tolerated 0.024 mg/L (22 ppm) of
hexachlorobutadiene in air for 7 months. The details of the number of hours per day and the number
of exposures are not available (126).

Kociba et al. (112) presented the most complete study to date. Their summary follows: In the chronic
dietary study, as in shorter term studies conducted previously with HCBD, the kidney was the
primary target organ. Ingestion of 20 mg/kg-day of HCBD for up to 2 years caused multiple
toxicological effects, including decreased body weight gain, increased mortality, increased urinary
excretion of coproporphyrin, increased weights of kidneys, increased renal tubular epithelial
hyperplasia, and renal tubular adenomas and adenocarcinomas, some of which metastasized to the

Ingestion of the intermediate dose level of 2 mg/kg-day of HCBD for up to 2 years caused lesser
degrees of toxicity, including increased urinary coproporphyrin excretion and increased renal tubular
epithelial hyperplasia. The fact that urinary excretion of coprophyrin increased at this dose level,
which produced no neoplasms, may indicate the usefulness of this parameter as a biological monitor
when included in a medical surveillance program for workers exposed to HCBD. Ingestion of the
lowest level doses of 0.2 mg/kg-day of HCBD for up to 2 years caused no effects that could be
attributed to treatment. Whereas the intermediate dose level of 2.0 mg/kg-day caused a slight degree
of renal toxicity, the highest dose level of 20 mg/kg-day for up to 2 years caused multiple and
substantial toxicological effects, including renal tubular neoplasms. Thus, these data indicate a clear-
cut dose-response relationship for HCBD-induced toxicity that affects primarily the kidney. HCBD-
induced renal neoplasms occurred only at a dose level higher than that causing discernible renal
injury. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Because the kidneys are the primary site of
toxic action in rodents, they have also been a major subject of metabolic study. However, the liver,
biliary excretion, reabsorption, and metabolism are also involved (113–119).

Yang (120) has proposed a metabolic scheme based on a number of references.

Davis et al. (127) used low intraperitoneal doses of 14C-hexachlorobutadiene with and without
nonradioactive 300-mg/kg oral doses. The oral dose reportedly decreased urine osmolality, the
glomerular filtration rate, and drug excretion and caused necrosis of the proximal tubular cells of the
kidneys. At 48 h following dosing with only the tracer, rats excreted 40% in the feces and 30% in the
urine but those that also received the nephrotoxic 300-mg/kg oral dose excreted only 7% in the feces
and 6% in the urine. Eighty-seven percent of that in the urine was water soluble and polar, as was all
the activity in the bile. Reichert (128) gave oral doses of 1 or 50 mg/kg 14C-hexachlorobutadiene and
after 72 h found 45 and 67% in the feces, as well as 26 and 11%, respectively, in the urine at the two
dosages. There was not as marked a change in the amount of unchanged hexachlorobutadiene
exhaled, but [14C]CO2 was reduced from 3 to 1.2%, and 8 to 10 times as high a proportion was
bound covalently in the kidneys and liver. Of five major metabolites found in urine, one was the
glucuronide, whereas in the bile the major metabolite reported by Reichert was the glutathione

Biliary excretion of an orally administered dose of hexachlorobutadiene is high in rats compared to

fecal excretion. Within two days, 17 to 20% of a 200-mg/kg dose was excreted in bile versus less
than 5% in feces (117). Both the glutathione conjugate and the probable conjugate metabolite,
cysteinyl glycine conjugate, were identified. A bile cannula completely protected the kidneys
indicating that metabolism by the liver was necessary. Yang (120) summarizes work that supports
increased toxicity due to glutathione conjugation rather than the more common detoxification
associated with glutathione conjugation.

Payan et al. (129) drew similar conclusions from studies in rats given oral or intravenous doses. Reproduction and Developmental Several studies of teratogenicity and reproduction of

hexachlorobutadiene were reported. Japanese quail kept on diets that contained 30 ppm (about
5 mg/kg body weight per day) for 90 days had no deleterious effect on reproduction. Male and
female rats were fed 20, 2, or 0.2 mg/kg/day for 90 days before mating and during gestation and
lactation. Both sexes fed the two higher levels were adversely affected, primarily in the kidneys, but
reproductive indexes were not. Only slight changes occurred at 2 mg/kg/day, and no effects were
observed at 0.2 mg/kg/day. The only reproductive finding was a slight nonsignificant decrease in
neonatal weight at 21 days at the top dosage only. No toxicological effects were observed among the
adults at a dose level of 0.2 mg/kg/day or among the neonates at dose levels of 0.2 or 2.0 mg/kg/day.

Harleman and Seiner (122) also reported no effect on fertility or progeny except for decreased body
weight at birth and weaning in rats born to mothers fed 150 ppm in their diet. Grossly observable
malformations were not seen in their small study.

Rats were exposed to 0, 2, 5, 10, or 15 ppm hexachlorobutadiene for 6 h/day during days 6 to 20 of
gestation in an inhalation teratology study. A significant reduction in maternal weight gain and in
fetal body weight occurred at 15 ppm. The incidences of external, visceral, and skeletal alterations
did not significantly increase in any of the hexachlorobutadiene-exposed groups. It was concluded
that hexachlorobutadiene was not teratogenic at concentrations high enough to cause maternal
toxicity and slight fetal toxicity.

Yang (120) summarized conflicting data on the mutagenic potential of hexachlorobutadiene.

Reichert et al. presented evidence that published positive results may be due to impure samples and
that larger than normal quantities of drug metabolizing enzymes (S-9 mix) are needed in the test
system. Two putative metabolites, pentachloro-3-butenoic acid chloride and pentachloro-3-butenoic
acid, were mutagenic in the absence of S-9 mix and were 50 to 100 times as active as
hexachlorobutadiene. Carcinogenesis Schrenk and Dekant reported that considerably more binding to DNA
occurred in the kidney compared to the liver and concluded that a genotoxic mechanism of
carcinogenesis was “operative” in initiating hexachlorobutadiene nephrocarcinogenesis. However,
there is strong evidence of such severe proximal tubular injury that the relationship of this injury to
subsequent cancer is a likely possibility. In rats given oral administration, it produced benign and
malignant tumors in the kidneys in both sexes (108). IARC (108) then concluded that there is limited
evidence that hexachlorobutadiene is carcinogenic in rats.

Nakagawa et al. (130) reported that hexachlorobutadiene is a potent nephrotoxicant that selectively
damaged the straight portion (pars recta) of the proximal tubule in the rat. They also reported
administering 0.1% hexachlorobutadiene for 30 weeks to male Wistar rats previously given 0.1% N-
ethyl-N-hydroxyethylnitrosamine (EHEN) in their drinking water for 2 weeks and that the combined
treatment resulted in a significantly higher incidence of renal cell tumors than when EHEN was
administered alone.

5.4.2 Human Experience In 1979 (108), the IARC cited only one study of human effects. The draft
ATSDR profile cited no references to human data. The WHO (105) indicated that
hexachlorobutadiene can be absorbed through the skin causing pain, redness, blisters, and skin burns.
They also indicated that if it is in the eyes, it can cause pain, redness, severe deep burns, and even
loss of vision. If ingested, it can cause a burning sensation, abdominal pain, shock and/or collapse.
When inhaled, it can result in a burning sensation, cough, sore throat; the symptoms can be delayed,
and coma may occur in severe cases (105). WHO (105) further stated that harmful contamination can
be reached in the air rather quickly at 20°C. Acute Toxicity Acute or short-term exposures can result in irritation of the eyes, skin, and
respiratory tract. The liquid is known to be corrosive and may affect the kidneys (105). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Chronic, long-term, or repeated exposures can result in
skin sensitization and may cause genetic damage in humans (105). Carcinogenesis The IARC (108) concluded that there were no data on which to evaluate its
human carcinogenicity. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Chronic exposure may cause genetic damage
in humans (105).
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH recommended TLV is 0.02 ppm (0.21 mg/m3) and an A3 carcinogen designation (35).
OSHA has no PEL and NIOSH recommends treating it as a carcinogen at a REL of 0.02 ppm
(0.24 mg/m3), and both ACGIH and NIOSH note a skin designation (131).

Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons

R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

6.0 b-Chloroprene
6.0.1 CAS Number:
6.0.2 Synonyms:
Chloroprene, 2-chlorobutadiene; chlorobutadiene; beta-chlorobutadiene; alpha-chloroprene;
neoprene; 2-chloroprene; 2-chlorobutadiene; 2-chlorobuta-1,3-diene; 2-chloro-1,3-butadiene
6.0.3 Trade Names:
6.0.4 Molecular Weight:
6.0.5 Molecular Formula:
6.0.6 Molecular Structure:

6.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

6.1.1 General (132)
Physical State colorless liquid
Specific Gravity 0.9583 (20/20°C)
Boiling Point 59.4°C
Melting Point –130°C
Vapor Pressure 23.2 kPa at 20°C (188 torr at 20°C)
Relative Vapor Density 3.0 (Air = 1)
Refractive Index 1.4583 (20°C)
Percent in “Saturated” Air 28 (25°C) (25.000 ppm at 20°C)
Solubility 0.21152/100 mL at 20°C in water; soluble in alcohol, diethyl ether
Flash Point –40°C
Explosive Limits 4 to 20% in air

6.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties b-Chloroprene has a pungent, ether-like odor (133) and is a
6.2 Production and Use
Chloroprene is used as a chemical intermediate, largely as a monomer for manufacturing rubber. At
room temperature, it reacts with oxygen to form peroxides and polymerizes to produce cyclic dimers
or open-chain, high molecular weight products (134).
6.3 Exposure Assessment
Chloroprene is not found as a natural product (135).

6.3.1 Air Chloroprene emissions into the air have been reported in the United States from 838 tons in
1987 down to 446 tons in 1995 (136).

6.3.2 Background Levels Chloroprene has been found in industrial waste water and nearby
groundwater and in waste gas from industrial sources (137–139).

6.3.3 Workplace Methods b-Chloroprene in the workplace is sampled with a solid sorbent tube
(coconut shell charcoal, 100 mg/50 mg) and then measured using the gas chromatography, FID
technique, NIOSH Method 1002. The working range is 10 to 60 ppm (40 to 200 mg/m3 for a 3-L air
sample and the method is sensitive enough to determine concentrations as low as 12 ppm in 15-min
samples taken at 0.2 L/min. The estimated limit of detection (LOD) is 0.03 mg per sample
(3.8 mg/m3) assuming a maximum sampling volume of 8 L (140).
6.3.4 Community Methods Methods have been described for sampling b-chloroprene in water using
gas extraction, thermal desorption, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and the detection
limit is thought to be around 0.02 mg/L (135).
6.4 Toxic Effects
6.4.1 Experimental Studies Old reviews of the toxicity of b-chloroprene are available (141, 142), but
surprisingly few new references were found since the Third Revised Edition of this publication.
What is available tends to support the conclusions of that edition. At high concentrations b-
chloroprene has an anesthetic action, but this is not as important as eye and respiratory tract irritation
and liver injury, which result from excessive exposures. Hair loss has also been reported in humans
and animals exposed to b-chloroprene.

The available literature is extremely contradictory as to the type of injury that has resulted from
exposure to b-chloroprene and to the exposure levels that cause them. Russian literature claims
considerably different and/or greater effects than have been observed in studies from other places
that have tried to confirm these claims. No clear explanation is available, but at least two possible
explanations appear reasonable. b-Chloroprene is a very unstable compound, which, unless handled
with extreme care, expoxidizes and polymerizes to toxic compounds (143, 144). This might explain
the alleged effects in animals. Alleged effects in humans may be due to this same cause or to the use
of different chemical processes that produce different types of impurities. Many other causes can be
postulated, but in our opinion more credence must be given to animal studies in which the sample is
known to have been handled with extreme care and to the results of experience in U.S. industry
where the method of handling has been reported. Acute Toxicity b-Chloroprene is an irritant when intubated into the stomach of laboratory
animals. It also produces CNS depression, generalized congestion, and edema. Von Oettingen et al.
(145) reported that the LD100 for rats is 670 mg/kg of body weight. Death occurred from 5 h to 4
days after administration. LD50s of 251 mg/kg for rats and 260 mg/kg for mice were reported by
Asmangulian and Badalian (146).

Conjunctivitis and necrosis of the cornea were reported. Von Oettingen (42) quoted Roubal to this
effect. Apparently, nervousness and irritability are typical responses to exposure. A more thorough
discussion of the clinical picture can be found in reports by Nystrom (143) and Ritter and Carter

The vapors reportedly cause irritation and evidence of pain in the eyes at 625 ppm but not at 160 or
40 ppm in rats exposed for 6 h/day for 4 weeks (147).

Von Oettingen (145) indicated that some systemic toxicity results from repeated topical application
of chloroprene to the skin of rats. Ritter and Carter (147) indicated that systemic poisoning results
from the topical application of chloroprene to guinea pigs. It is uncertain how completely the animals
were prevented from breathing the vapors when it was applied to the skin.

Perhaps the most surprising effect from topical application is the loss of hair. Because hair grows
readily when the individual is removed from contact, the action may be directly on the hair.
Apparently, this is observed both in humans in industrial operations and in animals exposed in the
laboratory. Ritter and Carter question whether this action is of chloroprene itself or an intermediate
in the polymerization of chloroprene, but it is agreed that the depilatory action does occur in workers
who handle chloroprene in the polymerization process.

Von Oettingen (145) indicated that a 1 h exposure of mice to chloroprene vapor at a concentration of
3 mg/L of air (829.2 ppm) was fatal to all animals exposed. A concentration of 1 mg/L (277 ppm)
did not kill any of the animals. They also reported that the LC100 is 7.5 mg/L for an 8 h exposure of
rabbits of air and is 2.5 mg/L for cats.
Clary et al. (148), using fresh, purified b-chloroprene, determined an approximate lethal
concentration of 2280 ppm (8.42 mg/L) for a 4 h exposure of rats. All six rats exposed to 1690 ppm
(6.24 mg/L) survived. Injury to the respiratory tract was apparent in a few rats sacrificed 1 or 2 days
after exposure. Some liver changes were reported.

They also exposed rats and hamsters to 625, 160, or 40 ppm for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 4 weeks.
The authors concluded that toxic effects were observed at all levels.

The primary effects seen at the low level were skin and eye irritation and weight loss in rats. At
higher levels, tissue damage, especially to the lung and liver, and mortality were observed. Hair loss
was observed, primarily at the two highest levels in female rats. The range-finding studies indicate
that repeated exposure of rats at approximately 625 ppm resulted in mortality, as well as growth
retardation. In hamsters, one exposure at 630 ppm was lethal. Midzonal liver degeneration and
necrosis, as well as increased liver and kidney weights in both species, were also noted at both the
high exposure and midexposure levels. The lower exposure level (40 ppm) was irritating in both
species, and significant growth retardation was also noted in the rats. The alopecia observed in the
present studies is consistent with earlier reports (144).

Thirteen-week exposures of rats and mice to chloroprene were conducted by NTP as part of their
procedure for selecting doses for lifetime studies (134). The exposure concentrations were 0, 5, 12,
32, 80, and 200 ppm for rats and 0, 5, 12, 32, and 80 ppm for mice. Exposures were for 6 h/day. The
Pathology Working Group (PWG) draft report (149) indicates

administration of chloroprene to male and female rats via inhalation 5 days per week for 13 weeks
resulted in minimal to moderate lesions of the nasal mucosa in those exposed to 80 and 200 ppm.
Degeneration and respiratory metaplasia of the olfactory epithelium and suppurative inflammation of
the turbinates were observed in 10/10 males and 8/10 females dosed at 200 ppm and 10/10 males and
9/10 females dosed at 80 ppm. Lesions in the liver considered to be compound-related included
randomly distributed necrosis in 2/10 males and 6/10 females; hemosiderosis in 5/10 males and
10/10 female rats; and minimal inflammation in 3/10 male and 8/10 females rats limited to the
200 ppm dose level. The PWG considered the 32 ppm dose as the no-effect level for both male and
female rats.

Nasal and occular discharge were observed at 200 ppm, and the feet were bloodstained. Growth and
final body weight were not affected. Other data in the consulting laboratory report to NTP indicate
an increase in kidney weight in both sexes of rats exposed to 80 and 200 ppm but no effect on male
reproductive parameters or on cyclicity or length of estrus in female rats. Neurobehavioral test were
unaffected. Moderate coagulopathy was also reported at 200 ppm, and the nonprotein sulfhydryl was
reduced in the liver and lungs of rats, suggesting conjugation with glutathione. A possible exposure-
related minimal suppurative gastritis was observed in the forestomach submucosa of 2/20 rats
exposed to 200 ppm.

The draft PWG report summary states.

Administration of chloroprene to male and female B6C3F1 mice via inhalation 5 days per week for
13 weeks resulted in a minimal or slight epithelial hyperplasia in the forestomach. The incidence was
3/10 male and 7/10 female mice dosed at 80 ppm. The no-effect level was 32 ppm.

At terminal necropsy, gross lesions of firm white nodules or raised pale foci were observed in a few
stomachs of the 80-ppm group. In addition, the consulting laboratory report indicated no clinical
signs but a slight reduction in body weight gain at 80 ppm. Neither male nor female mice
reproductive parameters were altered. No hematologic or clinical chemical parameters were altered,
but nonprotein sulfhydryl content of liver and lungs was reduced at 80 ppm at week 12. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Bartsch et al. (150) reported isolating a
metabolite capable of alkylation when they added human liver enzymes to S. typhimurium in their
mutagenicity test system, but few data have been added since. The most likely route of metabolism is
epoxidation and subsquent glutathione conjagation with mercapturic adic formation (151). Reproduction and Developmental Numerous Soviet reports describe teratological and
reproductive effects in animals. These effects may have been due to improper handling of the
samples and resulting toxic reaction products.

When the purity of the sample was carefully controlled, repeated exposures to 25 ppm or less of the
vapor caused no reproductive, teratological, or embryo toxic effects in rats (152). Despite frank
clinical toxicity in exposed pregnant rats, fetuses showed no teratogenic effects at b-chloroprene
levels as high as 175 ppm (E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, DE, unpublished data).
Reproductive parameters were unaffected in the NCI study reported in the previous section.

b-Chloroprene, like many other compounds was mutagenic in some but not all test systems. Several
reports summarized by NIOSH (141) indicate mutagenic activity in Drosophila, mice, and rats in
addition to microorganisms. Whether this is due to impurities in the samples is not clear. Bartsch et
al. (150) reported that liver enzymes were needed to produce mutations in S. typhimurium. They
were able to trap an alkylating metabolite and considered the mutagenic activity as the likely result
of an oxirane metabolite. An unpublished study (E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, DE,
unpublished data) found no dominant lethal effects in rats and mice exposed to 100 ppm.

Using NTP genetic test procedures, negative results were obtained in S. typhimurium TA98, TA100,
TA535, and TA1537 with and without Arochlor-induced rat and hamster liver S-9 homogenate.
Dosages were 0, 3, 10, 33, 100, 333, 1000, or 3330 mg/plate. The top dosage inhibited growth. No
effect on cytogenetic end points occurred in bone marrow cells of B6C3F1 mice exposed to 0, 12,
32, 80, or 200 ppm (153). A lack of genetic effect has also been demonstrated in groups of 10 to 15
male B6C3F1 mice exposed for 6 h/day for 10 days to ambient air, or 12, 32, 80, or 200 ppm b-
chloroprene (154). Butadiene and isoprene that were run concurrently caused several mutagenic
effects correlated with exposure concentration. All mice exposed to 200 ppm b-chloroprene died. At
80 ppm and less, there was

no increase in CA (chromosomal aberrations), SCE (sister chromatid exchange) or micronucleated

erythrocytes nor did it significantly alter the rate of erythropoiesis or bone marrow cellular
proliferation kinetics. However the MI (mitotic index) in the bone marrow of chloroprene exposed
mice was significantly increased. Carcinogenesis The IARC (135) determined that there is sufficient evidence for the
carcinogenicity of chloroprene in experimental animals. This evaluation is based on production of
tumors of the lung, circulatory system, Harderian gland, mammary gland, liver, kidney, skin,
mesentery, forestomach, and the Zymbal gland in mice (135). In rats, the IARC found that tumors of
the mammary gland increased only at high-doses and when all types were combined (135). No
tumors were reported in the hamster studies (135).

A large number of Soviet studies reportedly produced cancer in animals (141). b-Chloroprene
dissolved in corn oil (150 mg/kg) was administered to pregnant rats on the 17th day of gestation, and
the offspring were treated from weaning with weekly doses of 50 mg/kg for their life spans (155).
According to the abstract of this somewhat unusual experimental design, the total incidence of
tumors was similar in treated and controls.
Kumming albino mice inhaled 0, 2, 19, or 189 mg/m3 (0.5, 5, or 50 ppm) for 4 h/day, 6 days/week
for 7 months (156). All survivors were killed at the end of the eighth month or when moribund. No
lung tumors were found before the sixth month. The reports indicate an increase in lung
papilloadenomas and to a lesser extent adenomas occurred in a dose-related manner but it is not clear
at what levels of exposure.

The NTP reported significantly increased incidences of neoplasms of the lung, circulatory system,
Harderian gland, and mammary gland (females only) and that tumors of the forestomach, liver
(females only), kidney (males only), skin and mesentery (females only), and Zymbal gland (females
only) also increased after mice inhaled chloroprene that was more than 99% pure at concentrations
of 0, 12.8, 32, and 80 ppm (0, 46, 116, and 290 mg/m3) (157). The IARC (135) noted that the livers
of both exposed and control male mice contained lesions consistent with Helicobacter hepaticus
infection, but the females did not, which may have compromised the detection of neoplastic effects
in this organ among the male mice.

The NTP (157) also found increases in neoplasms of the oral cavity, thyroid gland, kidney, lung
(males only), and mammary gland (females only) in rats exposed to chloroprene more than 99% pure
at inhalation concentrations of 0, 12.8, 32 and 80 ppm (the same as the mice above). Melnick et al.
(158) reported that the cancer potency of chloroprene was greater in mouse lungs than in the lungs of
rats whereas it was greater in the rat kidney than in the mouse kidney but nearly equivalent in the
mammary gland of both rats and mice.

In another study that exposed rats to inhalation concentrations of 0, 10 or 50 ppm (0, 36 or

180 mg/m3) chloroprene for 6 hours, five days a week for 24 months, mammary tumors significantly
increased in exposed female rats, and if skin tumors in the male had originated from the epidermis,
then the total number of squamous-cell carcinomas of the skin (5/100) in high-dosed rats would have
been significantly different (p<.05) from the control group (159). In a similar study of hamsters, no
increase in tumors was found comparing the control group and those exposed (159).

6.4.2 Human Experience Clinical Cases Even more so than other chemicals, the extreme instability of b-chloroprene
and the resulting products make it difficult to ascribe effects in humans to the chemical itself.
Numerous reports of injury in production and use of b-chloroprene have been published and
presented by NIOSH (141) and WHO (132). Symptoms include hair loss, chest pain, fatigue, nausea,
personality changes, conjunctivitis, dermatitis and chemical burns, unconsciousness, decreased
spermatogenesis and other reproductive effects, sexual impotency, cough, dizziness, and sore throat.

A group of 336 currently exposed and 227 previously exposed b-chloroprene workers was compared
to 283 workers never exposed to b-chloroprene (160). No biochemical or hematologic alterations
were indicated or suggested for a wide array of tests, including many that were positive in earlier
studies. Carcinogenesis NIOSH (141) reported skin cancer, lung cancer, and liver and kidney

Careful study of two U.S. plants (161) did not find lung cancer. In this study, no other cause of death
was related to exposure to b-chloroprene, and overall mortality was equal to the experience
throughout the rest of the company.

Mortality from cancer that accounted for 16 deaths among 1258 workers was reported in a Chinese
study resulting in an SMR of 2.4. A significant excess of liver cancer was reported in employees in
the monomer workshop, and the SMR was 4.8 (4 observed when only 0.83 would have been
expected) (162). The IARC (135) reported that the selection criteria were not entirely clear and that a
bias could have occurred because only reference rates during a three-year period were used.

In a Russian study of Moscow shoe-manufacturing workers, there was an excess of cancer mortality,
and 265 deaths had an SMR of 1.2 (95% CI 1.0–1.3). Overall 10 deaths occurred from liver cancer
giving an SMR of 2.4 (95% CI 1.1–4.3); leukemia accounted for 13 deaths giving an SMR of 1.9
(95% CI 1.0–3.3). When workers exposed to chloroprene were compared to those unexposed
workers, the relative risk of liver cancer increased to 4.2 (95% CI 0.5–33), accounting for 9 deaths; 9
deaths from kidney cancer were also reported giving a relative risk of 3.8 (95% CI 0.5–31); and a
slight increase of nine leukemia deaths occurred at a relative risk of 1.1 (95% CI 0.3–3.7). The
authors suggested that the leukemia excess may be due to concomitant exposure with benzene,
whereas the liver cancer excesses point to the carcinogenic effect of chloroprene (163). A study of
chloroprene workers from Armenia evaluated the cancer risk among 1897 men and 417 women at a
production plant in Yerevan between 1940 and 1988 and found that the overall cancer mortality was
less than expected, but increased incidence (SMR 3.27; 95% CI 1.47–7.27) and mortality (SMR
3.39; 95% CI 1.09–10.5) from liver cancer was found. This increase, it was suggested, had a dose-
response relationship through duration of employment, duration of high exposures, and cumulative
exposure (164).

The IARC (135) concluded that there was inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity of
chloroprene in humans but given the sufficient evidence from experimental animal studies, gave its
overall evaluation that chloroprene is possibly carcinogenic to humans and placed it in its 2B Group.
6.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH TLV of b-chloroprene is 10 ppm with a skin designation (36 mg/m3). Thus skin contact
should be prevented. OSHA has a 25 ppm PEL (90 mg/m3) also with a skin designation, and NIOSH
considers b-chloroprene a carcinogen and recommends a REL ceiling value of 1 ppm for 15 minutes
(3.6 mg/m3) (165). The exposure limits and guidelines of other countries range from 0 mg/m3 in
Germany, because it is considered a carcinogen, to 50 mg/m3 in Czechoslovakia (135).

Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons

R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

7.0 Vinylidene Chloride

7.0.1 CAS Number:
7.0.2 Synonyms:
1,1-Dichloroethylene, VDC, 1,1-DCE
7.0.3 Trade Names:
7.0.4 Molecular Weight:
7.0.5 Molecular Formula:
C2H2Cl2 or CH2 CCl2
7.0.6 Molecular Structure:
7.1 Physical and Chemical Properties
7.1.1 General (166)
Physical State volatile, colorless liquid*
Specific Gravity 1.213 (20°C)
Freezing Point –122.5°C
Boiling Point 31.7°C
Melting Point –122°C
Vapor Pressure 66.5 kPa at 20°C; (495 torr at 20°C)
Relative Vapor Density 3.3 (air = 1)
Relative Density of the Vapor–Air 2.5 (air = 1)
Mixture at 20°C
Refractive Index 1.427 (20°C)
Percent in “Saturated” Air 78
Solubility 0.225 g/100 mL by weight in water at 25°C; soluble in most
organic solvents
Flash Point –19°C (c.c.); –15°C (o.c.)
Autoignition Temperature 570°C
Flammability Limits 5.6 to 16% by volume in air Octanol/water Partition
Coefficient as Log POW 1.32

*In the presence of air or oxygen, and particularly with the inhibitor removed, vinylidene chloride
forms a complex peroxide compound at temperatures as low as –40°C. The peroxide is shock-
sensitive and explosive. Reaction products formed with ozone may be particularly dangerous.

7.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Vinylidene chloride has a characteristic sweet smell that
resembles carbon tetrachloride or chloroform. Most persons can detect a mild but definite odor at
1000 ppm in air. Some people can detect it at 500 ppm. Vapors that contain decomposition products
have a disagreeable odor and can be detected at concentrations considerably less than 500 ppm.
Neither the odor nor the irritating properties of vinylidene chloride are adequate to warn of excessive
7.2 Production and Use
Vinylidene chloride is used as a chemical intermediate, particularly as a copolymer in the production
of plastics. Production in 1990 was 290 thousand tons (167).
7.3 Exposure Assessment
7.3.1 Air It is estimated that 2–5% of the vinylidene chloride manufactured is emitted to the air in the
United States (168). EPA estimates that the median ambient air level in suburban/urban areas is
20 ng/m3 (169, 170). The levels found around industrial sources were higher, and the median was
14 mg/m3.

7.3.2 Workplace Methods Analytical sampling can be done with a solid sorbent tube (coconut shell
charcoal, 100 mg/50 mg) and measured by gas chromatography, FID. The working range is 0.5 to
5 ppm (2 to 20 mg/m3) for a 5-L air sample (NIOSH Method 1015) (171).
7.4 Toxic Effects
Little information is available from studies in humans, and most conclusions are based on animal
studies. This may be partly the result of early recognition of the rather high chronic toxicity of
vinylidene chloride and the need to control exposures in a manner quantitatively similar to carbon
tetrachloride. Exposures to high concentrations result primarily in CNS depression and the
associated symptoms of drunkenness, which may proceed to unconsciousness and even death. Liver
and kidney injury may result but are more likely the result of repeated exposures. Species, strain,
sex, and nutritional state have a significant impact on the observed responses of laboratory animals
to vinylidene chloride. Reviews are available (42, 172–175).

7.4.1 Experimental Studies When VDC was fed in a corn oil solution to male rats, an acute oral
LD50 of 1500 mg/kg was determined (176). These workers and Jaeger et al. (177) showed that
numerous changes in liver and plasma enzymes occur, consistent with the histological changes
observed in the livers of treated animals.

Forkert and Reynolds (178) reported unusual histological changes in the Clara cells and ciliated cells
of the bronchiolar epithelium of the lungs of rats fed vinylidene chloride at doses of 10 or 200 mg/kg
body weight as a solution in mineral oil. Despite serious injury, recovery appeared to be complete 7
days after treatment. Similar changes occurred in mice (179). These investigators examined
biochemical changes following 125 mg/kg intraperitoneal doses and noted marked changes in the
lung in the absence of liver and kidney effects. Recovery took 3 to 6 weeks. The unusual
susceptibility of mice is consistent with data from other studies. As described in the section on
carcinogenicity, the mouse kidney is the only organ that shows a positive response in animal studies.

Vinylidene chloride is moderately irritating to the eyes of rabbits. It causes pain, conjunctival
irritation, and some transient corneal injury. Permanent damage is not likely. However, a high
concentration of the phenolic (MEHQ) inhibitor sometimes used in vinylidene chloride may cause
eye injury. Contaminated eyes should be flushed immediately with large quantities of flowing water.

Liquid vinylidene chloride is irritating to the skin of rabbits after direct contact for only a few
minutes. The inhibitor content of the vinylidene chloride may be partly responsible for this irritation.
Where leaks occur, vinylidene chloride will evaporate and the phenolic (MEHQ) inhibitor may
accumulate until it reaches a concentration that can cause local burns and possibly depigmentation of
the skin. Particular caution should be used with regard to contamination of clothing, which should be
removed immediately and thoroughly cleaned before reuse. The volatility of vinylidene chloride
probably prevents absorption of significant quantities through the skin unless it is in solution or

Lethality varies considerably with species, sex, strain, and nutritional status, possibly explained in
part by the availability of glutathione, which provides a protective effect. ATSDR (174) reported
LCT50s for 4 h exposure of male rats of 6000 to 8000 ppm and for female rats of 10,000 ppm. When
rats were non-fasting (sex unspecified), 4 h LCT50s of 10,000 ppm to 15,000 ppm were observed;
fasting for 16 h before exposure reduced the LCT50 almost 30-fold (177).

Mice were much more susceptible to 4 h LC50s of 100 ppm reported for “fed” male mice and
200 ppm (females) versus 40 and 115 ppm, respectively, for fasting mice (180). When rats received
20 repeated 6 h exposures to 200 ppm, only slight nasal irritation was observed; similar exposure of
four male and four female rats to 500 ppm also decreased weight gain and produced liver cell
degeneration (125). Rabbits, monkeys, rats, and guinea pigs were exposed for 8 h/day, 5 days/week
for 6 weeks to 395 mg/m3 (100 ppm), and there were no deaths, overt signs of toxicity, or
histopathological changes (181).

Seven days of essentially continuous exposure (22 to 23 h/day) to 40 ppm was more toxic to male
mice than female mice or male rats in terms of SGOT, SGPT, and lethality (182). Seven of 10 male
mice died, whereas no female mice or male rats died. This is consistent with the higher rate of
metabolism of vinylidene chloride by mice, the carcinogenic effect in that species, and the higher
susceptibility of that species to liver and kidney injury.

Although vinylidene chloride sensitizes the heart of rats to epinephrine, only limited data are
available on its potency (183). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The results of long-term feeding studies are described in
the section on carcinogenicity. Quast et al. reported no effect in dogs fed capsules containing daily
doses of 25 mg/kg/day in peanut oil for 90 days (184).

Animals exposed for 5 days/week, 8 h/day for 6 months had liver and kidney injuries at
concentrations of 100 and 50 ppm. There was minimal injury to the liver and kidney, even at a
concentration as low as 25 ppm (Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI, unpublished data). In a
continuous exposure for 90 days to 189 mg/m3 (about 47 ppm), considerable mortality occurred in
guinea pigs and monkeys (7/15 and 3/9, respectively), but surviving animals exhibited no overt signs
of toxicity. Mottled livers were evident on gross examination, and considerable injury was seen
microscopically in that organ. Dog livers were most affected, but kidneys, adrenals, and lungs were
also injured. Less effect was observed following continuous exposure to 101, 61, and 20 mg/m3

Repeated 6 h daily exposures to 25 or 75 ppm for 5 days/week for 90 days resulted in minimal,
apparently reversible changes in the livers of rats (185). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Absorption of vinylidene chloride from the
lungs or gastrointestinal tract or after intraperitoneal injection is rapid and is dose-dependent and
saturable. Furthermore, it is influenced by the state of nutrition of the animal (fasting versus non-
fasting rats) and by feeding other substances, including ethyl alcohol. At relatively high dosages,
most ingested or injected vinylidene chloride is excreted unchanged in the expired air of rats (199).
Mice metabolize a higher proportion of orally administered vinylidene chloride than other species,
consistent with the higher toxicity in mice (200).

The metabolism of vinylidene chloride following inhalation and oral administration has been studied
(201, 202). Metabolism is dose-dependent. Following a 6 h exposure to 10 ppm, 98% of the acquired
body burden was metabolized by the rat to nonvolatile compounds. At 200 ppm, only 92 to 96% was
metabolized. Fasting before exposure significantly reduced the detoxifying pathways for vinylidene
chloride and enhanced covalent binding of metabolites to liver and kidney tissue. Fasting rats
exposed to 200 ppm sustained liver and kidney damage, whereas nonfasting rats did not; fasting had
no effect on rats exposed to 10 ppm vapor. The two major urinary metabolites were N-acetyl-S-(2-
hydroxyethyl)cysteine and thiodiglycolic acid, indicating that the major detoxification pathway in
the liver is by conjugation with liver glutathione, possibly through an epoxy intermediate. Jones and
Hathway (199) found monochloroacetic acid in the urine of rats treated orally with vinylidene
chloride. Short et al. (203) also reported that disulfiram reduced the acute lethal and hepatotoxic
effects of vinylidene chloride.

Based on published data, Fielder et al. proposed a rather elaborate metabolic map for vinylidene
chloride shown in Figure 38.9.

A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model was proposed for the rat. The authors note the
extreme sensitivity of their model to vinylidene chloride kinetics and warn that extrapolation to
different conditions or to humans must be done very cautiously. Reproductive and Developmental Rats and rabbits were exposed 7 h/day to 20 (rats only), 80,
or 160 ppm of vinylidene chloride vapor during organogenesis (186). Pregnant rats were also fed
drinking water that contained 200 ppm (w/w) of vinylidene chloride. No teratogenic effects were
observed in either species but toxic effects (decreased weight gain, decreased food consumption,
increased water consumption, or increased liver weight) were observed in the dams of rats that
inhaled 80 or 160 ppm and rabbits that inhaled 160 ppm. Although a teratogenic effect was not
observed, embryo toxic and fetotoxic effects were noted in both rats and rabbits. These included
delayed ossification, wavy ribs, and resorption (rabbits). The investigators concluded that
at levels causing little or no maternal toxicity (20 ppm in rats and 80 ppm in rabbits), there was no
effect on embryonal or fetal development. Among the rats given drinking water that contained
200 ppm vinylidene chloride there was no evidence of toxicity to the dams or their offspring.

On the basis of their inhalation studies, Short et al. (187) claimed that vinylidene chloride is a weak
teratogen in rats and mice.

Sprague–Dawley rats were used to evaluate the effects of parental administration of vinylidene
chloride in drinking water on reproduction (188). Rats were fed water containing 0, 50, 100, or
200 ppm for three generations, including six litters. Mild dose-related changes of the livers occurred
in the dams but not in the offspring. The investigators concluded that reproductive capacity was not
affected by the exposure.

Reproductive organs have not been target organs in long- or short-term studies.

Summaries of the available data on mutagenesis are available (173, 174, 189). Vinylidene chloride
per se is not mutagenic in an in vitro test system but positive results have been observed with
metabolic activation in several microbial, yeast, and cellular systems. Because glutathione is often
present in lower concentrations in in vitro systems than it is in mammalian organs, many of these
mutagenic tests may not be representative of expected effects in humans.

Vinylidene chloride was inactive in a mouse dominant lethal mutation study (190) after exposure to
40, 120, 200 mg/m3 (10, 30, or 50 ppm) for 6 h/day for 5 days. Male CD rats exposed to 55 ppm for
6 h/day, 5 days/week were also unaffected when studied for dominant lethal effects (182).

Although reaction with macromolecules occurs following treatment of rats and mice with vinylidene
chloride, available data suggest that reaction is the result of metabolic activity and occurs only at
concentrations injurious to rodents (191, 192). The weak activity of vinylidene chloride, the
protective effect of glutathione, and the lack of direct alkylation are consistent with the low
carcinogenic activity seen only in mice, but not in rats and hamsters, and support a nongenotoxic
causation of cancer in mice kidneys. Carcinogenesis Varying results have been obtained in carcinogenic studies in animals (193).
Although the carcinogenicity of this material has not been observed in several long-term studies in
rats (193–195) or in hamsters (195), kidney tumors were reported in a single study in mice (195).
The tumors were observed primarily in the kidneys of male mice and were accompanied by
significant injury to the kidney tissue (191, 196, 197) considered that the effects were the result of
tissue injury and subsequent repair rather than a genetic mechanism that involves alkylation of DNA.

F344 rats were fed 1 or 5 mg/kg body weight and B6C3F1 mice 2 or 10 mg/kg body weight in a corn
oil solution by gavage for 104 weeks. The report concludes that “vinylidene chloride was not
carcinogenic for F344 rats or B6C3F1 mice of either sex.” Although high-dose male and female rats
showed chronic renal inflammation and high-dose male mice showed necrosis of the liver, NTP
concluded that maximum tolerated doses had not been fed (198). Vinylidene chloride inhaled for
6 h/day for 12 months caused two hemangiosarcomas (one of the mesenteric nodes and one of the
subcutaneous tissue). Although the authors consider the finding significant, the failure to produce
this tumor in other long-term studies, together with the fact that vinyl chloride was being used
simultaneously in a parallel study, has prompted questions about the significance of the observation.
Van Duuren et al. (20) applied low doses of vinylidene chloride to ICR/Ha Swiss mice skin by
several methods. Repeated dermal application of vinylidene chloride by itself produced no tumors,
but when a promoter, phorbol myristate acetate, was used, skin tumors resulted. Vinylidene chloride
did not produce tumors when injected subcutaneously at weekly intervals at a dose of 2 mg/mouse
per injection.

In the largest available study, no increase in tumors was found in rats that ingested up to 19.3 or
25.6 mg/kg/day (male and female rats, respectively) or in rats that inhaled 25 or 75 ppm (v/v) for
6 h/day for 18 months and then kept for their lifetimes (184, 193).

7.4.2 Human Experience Acute Toxicity Inhalation can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and
even unconsciousness. Skin exposure can cause redness and burns. Exposure of the eyes can result in
redness and pain and ingestion can cause abdominal pain and sore throat (166). Ingestion may also
cause aspiration into the lungs and a resulting risk of chemical pneumonitis, and it may also affect
the central nervous system (166). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Long-term or repeated exposures that cause dermatitis
may result from contact with the skin. Vinylidene chloride may also have long-term effects on the
liver and kidneys (166). Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms In the Ames bioassay test, vinylidene
chloride is activated by human liver S9 supernatant, thus suggesting the presence of cytochrome
enzyme P450 (167). The WHO (167) also reported the formation of dichloroacetaldehyde from two
human liver microsomal preparations. Epidemiology Studies Studies of industrial populations that handle vinylidene chloride have
been published but all are small and of limited value. The first mortality study has limited value
because the major interest was vinyl chloride, and only limited exposure to vinylidene chloride
occurred. A second study, also by Ott et al., looked at mortality and the findings of health
examinations of 138 employees exposed to measured levels of vinylidene chloride where vinyl
chloride was not involved. Measured concentrations ranged from 5 to 20 ppm time-weighted
average. No effects on mortality or health parameters were found. Studies by Thiess et al. (204) and
by Waxweiler et al. (205, 206) were also negative.

The IARC has concluded that there is inadequate evidence in humans and limited evidence in
experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of vinylidene chloride and has placed it in its Group 3
category as not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (207).
7.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA has no PEL for vinylidene chloride, and NIOSH recommends treating it as a carcinogen
based on animal studies (171). The ACGIH recommends a TLV of 5 ppm (20 mg/m3) with an A4
notation (208). The International Labour Office (209) reports similar values for standards and
guidelines in other countries. The World Health Organization has a guideline for drinking water at
30 mg/L (210).

Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons

R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

8.0 Vinyl Chloride

8.0.1 CAS Number:
8.0.2 Synonyms:
Monochloroethylene; chloroethene; chloroethylene; VC; VCM; Vinyl C monomer
8.0.3 Trade Names:
8.0.4 Molecular Weight:
8.0.5 Molecular Formula:
8.0.6 Molecular Structure:

8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

8.1.1 General
Physical State colorless gas
Specific Gravity 0.9106 (20/4°C)
Melting Point –153.8°C
Boiling Point –13.4°C
Vapor Pressure 2530 torr at 20°C
Solubility 0.11 g/100 mL at 25°C; soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether, carbon tetrachloride,
and benzene
Stability may produce peroxides; on combustion degrades to hydrogen chloride, carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, and traces of phosgene
Flash Point –77.8°C (open cup)
Autoignition 472.22°C
Explosive Limits 4 to 22% by volume in air

8.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Although vinyl chloride has a faintly sweet odor at high
concentrations, the odor is of no value in preventing excessive exposure. The actual vapor
concentrations that can be detected have never been adequately determined and vary from one
individual to another, in impurities in the sample, and probably in duration of exposure.
8.2 Production and Use
Vinyl chloride was first synthesized around 1935 (211). Vinyl chloride has been used in the United
States for more than 65 years. Production of vinyl chloride monomer is based on cracking ethylene
dichloride (212). The demand for vinyl chloride was 13.7 billion pounds in 1996, 14.5 billion pounds
in 1997, and is expected to be 16.8 billion pounds by 2001 (212). The historical growth of the
industry has been around 3.7% per year from 1988–1997 and is expected to continue at around 3%
through 2001 (212). Ninety-eight percent is used for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production and the
remaining 2% for polyvinylidene chloride and chlorinated solvents (212). More than 70% of the
PVC manufactured is used in construction (212).
8.3 Exposure Assessment
8.3.1 Air The air concentrations of VC around PVC plants averages around 44 mg/m3 (17 ppb), and
some measurements in U.S. cities were from 8 mg/m3–3.2 mg/m3 (3.1–1250 ppb) in Houston,
Texas, an area where large production facilities are located, and in Delaware City, Delaware, with
maximum concentrations were 3.9 mg/m3 91.5 ppm (213–215).

8.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH analytical method 1007, has been a method of choice that uses a
solid sorbent tube and then the gas chromatography, FID technique. The working range is 0.4 to
40 mg/m3 (216).

8.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Biological monitoring is of little practical value at exposures

considered acceptable by today's standards.
8.4 Toxic Effects Acute Toxicity The primary acute physiological effect of vinyl chloride is depression of the
central nervous system, which begins to occur at concentrations of 8000 to 10,000 ppm (217). Early
studies as a surgical anesthetic were discouraged by its high flammability and by cardiac and
circulatory disturbances noted in animals and patients at the 10 to 20% concentration necessary to
produce surgical anesthesia (218–220).

Acute liver toxicity even at these high concentrations appeared to be low, but there have since been
suggestions of a delayed carcinogenic response following massive subacute exposures in animals
(221). Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Essentially no investigations were published before 1961
on the response to chronic vapor exposure. Schaumann exposed mice and rats and found that they
tolerated a level sufficient for “light narcosis” for periods of 4 h/day for five to eight consecutive
days or for 1 h/day for 4 weeks without showing kidney or liver injury [as cited by Lehmann and
Flury (50)].

Torkelson et al. (222) reported on repeated exposures of animals for 7 h/day, 5 days/week. At
500 ppm, rats showed increased liver weight and histopathology. At 200 and 100 ppm, rats showed
increased liver weight, but no changes could be observed in dogs or guinea pigs. All species
tolerated 50 ppm for 6 months without adverse effects. Repeated exposures of rats for 1 h/day at 200
or 100 ppm were tolerated without observable effect. The effects on the liver were mild and
apparently reversible, and they were not observed in rats kept 6 to 8 weeks after the 6 month
exposures ceased. This was the longest period for which any animals were observed in this study.

Noncarcinogenic effects in the liver were also reported in later onconological studies. Reproductive and Developmental At least two studies have shown no teratological response
in laboratory animals that inhaled vinyl chloride during pregnancy; however, fetotoxic effects were
observed, particularly when ethanol was administered simultaneously in drinking water.

John et al. (223) evaluated the effects on mice, rats, and rabbits. Groups of pregnant CF-1 mice,
Sprague–Dawley rats, and New Zealand white rabbits were exposed to 500 ppm vinyl chloride for
7 h daily during organogenesis. Mice were also exposed to 50 ppm and rats and rabbits to 2500 ppm.
Maternal toxicity was observed, most prominently in the mice, but the exposures did not cause
significant embryonal or fetal toxicity or teratological effects. Simultaneous administration of 15%
ethanol in drinking water produced toxic effects greater than those of vinyl chloride alone. Maternal
toxicity was increased more than embryo toxicity.

Ungvary et al. (224) showed that vinyl chloride crosses the placenta and is found in the amniotic
fluid and fetal blood, as well as in the maternal blood of rats. Pregnant rats were exposed
continuously to 1500 ppm (4000 mg/m3) during the first, second, or third trimester of pregnancy
without teratological effects. No embryo toxicity was noted when vinyl chloride was administered
during the second or third trimester, but during the first trimester, it increased fetal mortality and
caused other fetotoxic effects. Fetal losses and induction of CNS malformation due to trypan blue
administration were not potentiated by a combined exposure of pregnant rats to vinyl chloride and
the dye. The reproductive organs were target organs in lifetime animal studies, although Bi et al.
claim to have produced testicular injury in male Wistar rats in 12 months at 100 ppm (225).

Numerous references attest to the mutagenic effect of vinyl chloride or its metabolites in in vitro
systems using bacteria, yeast, and hamster cells (226, 227). Drosophila males treated with 1 to 20%
vinyl chloride vapors had an increased frequency of complete and mosaic recessive lethals. Muratov
and Guskova (228) reported that continuous exposures of rats to 0.15, 0.4, or 10 mg/m3 (60, 160, or
3900 ppm) for 3.5 months increased the incidence of chromosomal fragmentation, agglutination, and
bridging. The incidence reportedly increased when the rats were housed at 35°C rather than at 22°C.
No mutagenic effects were observed at 0.07 mg/m3 (28 ppm).

Inhalation of 2500 or 5000 ppm for 4 h/day for 5 days or intraperitoneal injection of 300 or 600 mg
vinyl chloride/kg/day resulted in chromosomal changes in the marrow cells of Chinese hamsters
(229). However, Anderson et al. (230) reported the lack of a dominant lethal effect in a study in
which mice were exposed to 3000, 10,000, or 30,000 ppm for 5 days. Similarly Short et al. (231)
found no evidence of pre- or postimplantation loss in female rats mated with males that had been
exposed for 11 weeks to 0, 250, or 1000 ppm. Exposures were for 6 h/day, 5 days/week.

The available mutagenic data are consistent with a genotoxic causation of cancer.

8.4.2 Human Experience Clinical Cases Because vinyl chloride is a gas, the only significant
route of toxic industrial exposure is inhalation. Ingesting low levels for a long period of time has also
produced adverse effects, including cancer in animals. If vinyl chloride is confined on the skin in a
liquid, some might be expected to be absorbed, but the relative amount is small. The likelihood of
acute toxic effects is not nearly as significant as are liver injury, angiosarcoma of the liver, liver and
biliary cancer, and possibly acroosteolysis. It appears that metabolism of vinyl chloride is necessary
before many of its toxic effects occur. Numerous reviews, bibliographies, and key references are
available (42, 232–234), and many regulations apply to handling vinyl chloride. Acute Toxicity Limited human studies by Mastromatteo et al. (217) showed that
concentrations must approach 1% (10,000 ppm) before humans notice the anesthetic effects of vinyl
chloride gas. Surgical anesthesia requires concentrations greater than 10%. Baretta et al. (235)
studied the expired air of subjects exposed to 50, 250, or 500 ppm for 7.5 h with a half-hour lunch
break. Although they concluded that expired air sampling might have utility in monitoring exposure
at the occupational standards then in use, expired air can be expected to be of little value at currently
accepted levels of exposure. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Numerous studies indicate that a reactive
metabolite, not vinyl chloride per se, is probably responsible for its toxicity. Although most inhaled
vinyl chloride is excreted unchanged, depending on the dose, a varying amount is metabolized in a
saturable process (235). Vinyl chloride is metabolized by epoxidation and subsequent production of
chloroacetaldehyde. Further oxidation and conjugation with glutathione are responsible for the
metabolites in urine.

Gehring et al. (234, 236) analyzed the metabolic and carcinogenic data from humans and laboratory
animals. Using several models to predict the incidence in humans from animal data, they found that
all models overpredicted, unless corrections were made for rates of metabolism and for the surface
areas of the different species. Carcinogenesis Because it was one of the first large-scale industrial chemicals clearly
demonstrated to cause cancer in humans, it has been the subject of much research and regulation.
Only a small portion of the available references have been cited.

The early industrial history of vinyl chloride is remarkably free of adverse reports except for
problems of fire and explosion. The earliest reports of adverse effect on industrial workers related to
vinyl chloride were of anesthesia and anesthetic deaths. Danziger (237) reported two fatal cases, only
one of which was definitely ascribed to a massive exposure to vinyl chloride. Other reports indicate
that exposures were poorly controlled, and probably amounted to thousands of parts per millions in
many situations before 1974.

Cutaneous lesions (scleroderma), collagen disease, and Raynaud's syndrome were reportedly
observed by Suciu et al. (238) in a PVC plant, but contrary to some reports these authors did not
ascribe the effects to vinyl chloride per se; rather they considered that they were related to other
materials used in the factory. Subsequently, numerous authors reported acroosteolysis in PVC
workers in Europe and the United States. This was accompanied by scleroderma and Raynaud's

The association of vinyl chloride exposure with human cancer occurred when three case reports of
angiosarcoma of the liver were discussed in a report of Creech and Johnson in 1974 (239). This
finding led to many studies of the effects of exposure to vinyl chloride. There is no question that
angiosarcoma of the liver was caused by exposure to vinyl chloride primarily while cleaning reactor
vessels. As of February 1991, a total of 153 vinyl chloride-related deaths due to angiosarcoma of the
liver were recorded in non-Soviet bloc countries some cases apparently still living (240). The
incidence of death reached a maximum of 10 cases per year during 1973–1984 and subsequently
decreased to about four per year. Latency since the year of first exposure averages about 24 years

Angiosarcoma of the liver and combined liver-biliary tumors in humans are certainly consistent with
the results of studies in animals because they have been produced in several epidemiological studies.

Mutagenic effects reported in workmen exposed to vinyl chloride include increased frequency of
chromosomal aberrations, sister chromatid exchange, and micronuclei (241). Several of the studies
cited by Sinus et al. (241) indicated that there is a dose response and that no-effect levels for
mutagenesis may exist.

A U.S. study covering 1942–1982 identified a population of 10,173 men who satisfied the definition
of the study cohort (242). A total of 1536 deaths occurred, and the standardized mortality ratio
(SMR) was of 90.07. A total of 359 cancer deaths were observed versus 341.73 expected (SMR
105.1) which was not statistically significant. Angiosarcomas of the liver and combined liver-biliary
cancers were significantly elevated.

The investigators also claimed an excess of brain and CNS cancers as a result of exposure to vinyl
chloride. There were 23 deaths observed and 12.76 expected (SMR, 180.2). The authors stated,

Our analysis did not demonstrate any dependence of brain cancer mortality on latency. Contrary to
our observation on liver cancer, a higher brain cancer mortality risk was found among those who
were exposed after age 35 and who were exposed during or after 1960 than those who were exposed
before 1960 and at a younger age. Based on the limited exposure information available in this
mortality study, the implication of this difference in risk profile is not clear at this point.

Pneumonia as a cause of death was significantly low, but in PVC plants, emphysema (including
chronic respiratory disease) was elevated (SMR 163). Earlier English studies suggest that the
respiratory effects may have been due to PVC dust.

Cancers of the buccal cavity and pharynx, digestive tract, lung cancer, brain cancer, and lymphatic
cancers were reported among workers who were employed at least one year in plants that produced
and/or polymerized vinyl chloride (243). Brain and liver cancer were observed among 161 workers
who died and were employed in two plants that produced and polymerized vinyl chloride. An 11-
fold excess of liver and biliary tract cancer and a fourfold excess of brain cancer occurred. Digestive
tract and lung cancer were also elevated (244). Cancer mortality among 257 workers exposed to
vinyl chloride for at least 5 years consisted of a 2.3-fold excess in cancer deaths from all sites and
three deaths due to hemangiosarcoma of the liver (245).

A report from the United Kingdom reported an increased risk of digestive system cancers among
workers who had 15 years of latency or more from exposures to vinyl chloride or poly(vinyl
chloride) (246). The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) study by
Waxweiler et al. (247) found two causes of death in excess: nonneoplastic respiratory disease (6
obs.vs. 3.4 exp.) and all malignant neoplasms combined (35 obs. vs. 23.4 exp., p = .05). When
specific cancer sites were evaluated, excess cancers were found for CNS, respiratory system, and
hepatic systems in workers who had 15 or more years of latency since first exposure. Pathological
analysis of the 14 liver cancer cases, showed that 11 were angiosarcoma, and nine of the ten cases of
brain cancer were glioblastoma multiforme. All of the lung cancers were large cell undifferentiated
or adenocarcinomas. In Sweden, statistically significant excesses of liver-pancreatic and brain cancer
were reported among 771 workers of a vinyl chloride/polyvinyl chloride production plant (248). In
Germany vinyl chloride-polyvinyl chloride exposed workers had excesses of cancer of the liver,
lung, brain, and the lymphatic and hematopoietic systems (249). In the United Kingdom, excess liver
cancer mortality was found at all exposure levels (high, medium, or low) among 7561 males
employed at one of four plants that produced poly(vinyl chloride) between 1940 and 1974 (250).

A large multicentric study of European experience combined 12,706 subjects from 19 factories in
Italy, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (241). A total of 1438 deaths were observed versus
1636.4 expected (SMR 88.95). The SMR for all malignant neoplasms was 104, for cancer of the
liver-biliary 286 (24 versus 8.4), and for cancer from unspecified sites 187 (24 versus 12.9
expected). Three of the cancers of unspecified site were liver cancers; no other site was in excess.

Another area of interest is the question of what, if any association, did vinyl chloride have in the
etiology of lymphoma and hemopoietic cancers? In an industry-sponsored study published in 1974,
there was a pattern of increased exposure and lymphoma among 8384 men who had worked at least
one year with exposures to vinyl chloride before December 31, 1972. Though not statistically
significant, the authors indicated that the findings “ ... are particularly interesting.” They observed 5
cases when 7.54 would have been expected (243). This paper probably suffered from lack of power
to really detect a true increase, so this finding was of great interest. At a conference in New York, the
next year, another study, this one conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH), looked at four plants and 1,294 workers who had at least 5 years of exposure and
also reported a nonstatistically significant excess for lymphatic and haematopoietic system cancers
(4 obs. vs. 2.5 exp.—SMR 159). The SMR increased with latency to 176 after a 15 year latency
period (247).

Additional studies continued and reported increased mortality from lymphoma. One study of nine
different countries found nonstatistical increases in malignant lymphomas in conjunction with
exposure to vinyl chloride (251). Such increases were also observed in studies in Germany and
Russia in the early 1980s (252–254). In a further report from Russia, some of the same authors of the
earlier study, found that a significant increase in deaths from malignancies of the lymphatic and
hemopoietic tissues in the absence of liver angiosarcomas occurred among workers employed
between 1939 and 1977 in producing vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride. They suggest that this
finding probably reflected the specific carcinogenic action of different doses of vinyl chloride. The
risk of cancer was highest among the workers exposed to concentrations of vinyl chloride of
300 mg/m3 and also greater in those who had worked at the plant for 15 to 19 years (255).

In a mortality study of 88,000 Union Carbide Corporation personnel employed from 1974 to 1983
using a population-based surveillance system, the overall population exhibited a 30% lower
mortality and a 10% lower cancer mortality compared to the general United States population. The
mortality rates for both lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma were significantly elevated, and
according to the authors, these higher rates were found among hourly male employees who were
clustered in one company location. They point out that this same location showed an excess of liver
cancer associated with vinyl chloride operations (256).

Briefly, another study found chromosomal breaks induced by vinyl chloride and lymphocytosis
(257) in which the authors conclude that G-banding showed that sites of chromosomal break points
caused by vinyl chloride can be related to lymphatic tissue disorders. The authors also conclude that
lymphomas and leukemias can be expected from vinyl chloride exposure at concentrations as low as
1 ppm. Finally, a study of Danish men found that a probable exposure to vinyl chloride was
associated with increased risk of myeloma (a tumor composed of cells derived from hematopoietic
tissues of the bone marrow) that rose fivefold from longer exposures (258).

There are epidemiological studies that have not shown such associations with exposure to vinyl
chloride, but the studies cited above do point to a general pattern that leads to a conclusion that vinyl
chloride exposures can result in malignancies of the lymphatic and hematopoietic system. This is
also the conclusion of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and its conclusion was
based on fewer studies than are now available (259). Animal bioassay's have also supported these
epidemiological findings (260–262).

Almost 30 years since the first reports of angiosarcomas in the liver of animals and humans, it is
clear that, in addition to liver angiosarcoma and combined liver-biliary cancer which have
consistently increased, brain and lymphatic cancers are also attributable to exposures to vinyl
chloride. Mutagenic effects have been found and have reversed as exposures were better controlled.
Liver injury has resulted from vinyl chloride per se, as have such well established conditions as
acroosteolysis, scleroderma, and Raynaud's syndrome, which have been clearly related to the PVC
production process. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that the
evidence for cancer in humans shows that exposure to vinyl chloride causes tumors of the liver,
brain, lung, and hematolymphopoietic system (259). The IARC has also concluded that evidence for
cancer in animals shows that VC produces tumors of the mammary gland, lung, Zymbal gland, and
skin and angiosarcomas of the liver. Oral administration of ethanol and inhalation of vinyl chloride
resulted in more liver tumors than from vinyl chloride alone (259).

Tamburro (263) has concluded that current clinical, biochemical, and hematologic tests are of
limited value in predicting angiosarcoma but may be of value in other hepatotoxic effects. Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Despite efforts to corroborate reported
reproductive effects in human studies (264), they have not been confirmed in properly conducted
epidemiological studies. In fact the early “positive” report (264) has been severely criticized for bias
and defective methodology and, according to independent reviews, should not continue to be cited as
evidence for reproductive effects in humans (265–267).
8.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH recommends a TLV of 1 ppm (2 mg/m3) vinyl chloride. The U.S. Department of Labor
(OSHA) PEL is 1 ppm and the 15 min ceiling is 5 ppm; standards in other countries vary, but
generally require limiting exposures to 5 ppm or less. It appears reasonable to assume that these
levels established to protect against angiosarcoma of the liver will prevent other adverse effects as
well. NIOSH recommends treating vinyl chloride as a carcinogen.
8.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Cases of hepatic angiosarcoma have been reported in persons who had no occupational exposure but
lived in the area near vinyl chloride polymerizing or fabricating poly(vinyl chloride) facilities in the
United States and Great Britain. This indicates an environmental etiology (268–270).
Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons
R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

9.0 Vinyl Bromide

9.0.1 CAS Number:
9.0.2 Synonyms:
Bromoethylene; bromoethene; monobromoethylene: Vinyl-13C2 bromide (gas)
9.0.3 Trade Names:
9.0.4 Molecular Weight:
9.0.5 Molecular Formula:
9.0.6 Molecular Structure:

9.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

9.1.1 General
Physical State colorless gas
Specific 1.4933
Melting Point –139.5°C (271)
Boiling Point 15.8°C (271)
Vapor Pressure 119 kPa at 20°C 1033 torr at 20°C
Solubility soluble in acetone, benzene, diethyl ether, chloroform, and ethanol; insoluble in
water (271)
Stability polymerizes rapidly in sunlight and, can react vigorously in the presence of
oxidizing materials (271)
Flash Point 5°C
Explosive upper, 15%; lower 9% by volume (272)

9.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Pungent odor. No published data were found but, based on its
high chronic toxicity, it can be assumed that vinyl bromide has inadequate warning properties to
prevent excessive chronic exposure.
9.2 Production and Use
Vinyl bromide is used as a copolymer primarily in the production of flame resistant acrylic polymers
and to a limited extent as a chemical intermediate. Vinyl bromide is produced in Germany, Japan,
and the United States (273).
9.3 Exposure Assessment
9.3.1 Air Sampling for vinyl bromide was conducted in two communities in the United States where
production facilities were located, but no concentrations were reported in the air. However, the
authors did report that vinyl bromide was in the air. More recently, vinyl bromide has been measured
in ambient air samples (272).

9.3.2 Background Levels No information on whether vinyl bromide occurs naturally was found.
Vinyl bromide may be found in the air as a result of degradation from 1,2-dibromoethane as well as
from facilities that use or manufacture it (274).
9.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH recommends gas chromatography/flame ionization detection for
analysis, Method 1009 a method that is valid over the range of 1.3–56 mg/m3 (0.3–33 ppm) for a 6-L
air sample (80).

9.3.4 Community Methods The method for environmental monitoring using gas
chromatography/mass spectrometric has a lower limit of detection of between 103–105, but no range
was given.

9.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Vinyl bromide is metabolized and bromide ion is found in the
blood of exposed animals. Determination of blood bromide was considered useful for biological
monitoring at the then current industrial hygienic levels, but blood bromide is of very limited value
at current standards of 1 to 5 ppm.
9.4 Toxic Effects Acute Toxicity Vinyl bromide is a gas and the only significant route of toxic industrial
exposure is inhalation. Limited data have been published. According to Leong and Torkelson (275),

Preliminary evaluation of the toxicity of vinyl bromide showed that the compound had an acute oral
LD50 of approximately 500 mg/kg when a chilled 50% solution in corn oil was fed to male rats. It
was found to be slightly to moderately irritating to the eyes, to be essentially nonirritating to the
intact or abraded skin or rabbits, and to produce no frostbite from evaporation of the liquid.

Abreu (276) reported that 7 mmol/L (1700 ppm) was the highest tolerable concentration for mice
exposed for 10 min and that half that concentration produced pronounced anesthesia. Leong and
Torkelson (275) published very limited acute data indicating much lower toxicity than Abreu. They
reported that

acute inhalation toxicity studies showed that exposure of rats to a nominal concentration of
100,000 ppm (437,636 mg/m3) resulted in deep anesthesia and death within 15 minutes, but if the
exposure was terminated before death, all animals recovered and survived. Exposure to a nominal
concentration of 50,000 ppm (218,818 mg/m3) resulted in unconsciousness within 25 minutes. All
animals survived a 1½-hour exposure, but not a 7-hour exposure. At 25,000 ppm (109,409 mg/m3)
rats were anesthetized, but they recovered rapidly when removed from the atmosphere even after 7
hours of exposure. Necropsy of survivors of the 50,000 ppm groups 2 weeks after exposure revealed
slight to moderate liver and kidney damage. However, no abnormality was observed grossly in the
survivors of the 25,000-ppm group. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Male and female rats, rabbits, and monkeys were
repeatedly exposed for 6 h/day to either 250 or 500 ppm for 6 months without apparent effect, except
for an increase in blood bromide ion concentration (275). There were no compound-related effects
with respect to demeanor, body and organ weights, food consumption, a number of hematologic
parameters, or mortality. Gross and microscopic examination of the major organs and tissues at the
end of the exposure period revealed no remarkable abnormal changes. This study was not long
enough to evaluate carcinogenicity. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms Based on bromide release, Gargas and
Andersen concluded that vinyl bromide had two distinct saturable components (277). Metabolism is
expected to be similar to that of vinyl chloride, probably proceeding through epoxidation, and
subsequent conjugation to macromolecules and other biological compounds (278) Vinyl metabolites
to alkylate liver nucleic acids. Absorption Vinyl bromide inhaled by rats was readily absorbed by the lung and showed an
11-fold accumulation in the entire organism compared to equilibrium (274). Reproductive and Developmental No data were found, even by the IARC working group (59,
274). Carcinogenesis Sprague–Dawley rats were exposed to nominal concentrations of 10, 50, 250,
or 1250 ppm vinyl bromide gas for 6 h/day, 5 days/week (279). Groups were scheduled for sacrifices
after 9, 12, 18, or 24 months; however, the 1250-ppm group had to be sacrificed after 72 weeks
because of severe effects. In general, the results were quite similar to those seen from exposure to
vinyl chloride. The investigators concluded that a decline in body weights was evident among all
exposure levels. Microcytic anemia, elevated serum bromide levels, decreased BUN, elevated
alkaline phosphatase, elevated LDH, and hematuria were observed. Angiosarcomas, primarily of the
liver, were induced in both male and female rats in all four exposure groups. An increase in the
number of Zymbal's gland neoplasms was found in both male and female rats at exposure levels of
52, 247, and 1235 ppm. An increased incidence of primary hepatocellular neoplasms was seen in
males exposed to 247 ppm and in females exposed to 9.75, 52, and 247 ppm. The increase in primary
hepatocellular neoplasms was detected primarily in animals that survived the 24-month exposure or
died following 18 months of exposure. No exposure-related pathology was observed in the brains of
the rats.

Similarly, results were seen in groups of six rats exposed to 50, 250, or 1250 ppm for 6 months as
part of a carcinogenic study and killed as part of an interim sacrifice (279). After 1 year, however,
tumors of the liver and Zymbal glands of the ears were observed. Liver angiosarcomas and Zymbal
gland tumors that were dose-response related were observed after inhalation by rats (274).

The carcinogenic potency of vinyl bromide compared to vinyl chloride has not been established;
however, Bolt et al. (280) studied the formation of preneoplastic hepatocellular foci in newborn rats
and concluded that vinyl bromide had only one-tenth the potency of vinyl chloride. The investigators
speculated that the lower potency may be associated with the lower rate of metabolism reported for
vinyl bromide (281). Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies Vinyl bromide vapors were mutagenic in
Salmonella typhimurium TA1530 and TA100. Addition of rat and human liver enzymes enhanced
activity in the in vitro test system (282) and also induced somatic mutations in Drosophila
melanogaster (274). It is thought that vinyl bromide reacts with DNA and form etheno adducts, the
same as those formed by vinyl chloride (283).

9.4.2 Human Experience Human experience has been limited, but it should also be assumed that
vinyl bromide, like vinyl chloride, can cause certain cancers in humans. Toxicological reviews are
available (173, 279). Acute Toxicity Vinyl bromide can cause loss of consciousness and is a skin and eye irritant
with that results in a frostbite type of burn (173). Carcinogenesis No data for the effects of vinyl bromide on humans were available (274).
However, the IARC (274) has classified vinyl bromide as probably carcinogenic to humans (2A)
based on the consistently parallel response between vinyl bromide and vinyl chloride. Both vinyl
chloride and vinyl bromide are activated to their corresponding epoxides via a P450-dependent
pathway (274).
9.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The ACGIH recommends a TLV of 0.5 ppm (2.2 mg/m3) for vinyl chloride. OSHA has no standard
and the standards in other countries require limiting exposures to 5 ppm or less. The National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends treating vinyl bromide as a
carcinogen limited to 0.2 ppm, the limit of quantification (LOQ) (284).
9.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
Vinyl bromide as a degradation product of 1,2-dibromoethane may form in the air (274).

Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons

R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

10.0 Trichloroethylene
10.0.1 CAS Number:
10.0.2&sol;10.0.3 Synonyms & Trade Names:

Acetylene Trichloride Fluate TCE Tri-Clene

Algylen Germalgene Threthylen Trielene
Anamenth Lanadin Threthylene Trielin
Blacosolv Lethurin Tri Trilene
Chlorilen Narcogen Triad Triline
Chlorylen Narkosoid Trial Trimar
Densinfluat Nialk Triasol Vestrol
Dow-Tri Perm-A-Clor Trichloran Vitran
Ethinyl Trichloride Petzinol Trichloren Westrosol
Fleck-Flip Philex Triclene

(285, 286).
10.0.4 Molecular Weight:
10.0.5 Molecular Formula:
10.0.6 Molecular Structure:
Unsaturated Halogenated Hydrocarbons
R. A. Lemen, Ph.D., MSPH

11.0 Tetrachloroethylene
11.0.1 CAS Number:
11.0.2 Synonyms:
tetrachloroethylene; 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethylene; tetrachloroethene; PERK;PERC; Dowper; Perclene;
Nema; Tetracap; Tetropil; Ankilostin; Didakene; carbon dichloride; perchlor; antisol1; fedal-un;
PER; Perawin; Perclene d; Percosolve; perklone; persec; tetlen; tetraleno; tetralex; tetravec;
tetrochloroethane; tetroguer; perchloroethylene
11.0.3 Trade Name:
11.0.4 Molecular Weight:
11.0.5 Molecular Formula:
11.0.6 Molecular Structure:

11.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

Physical State colorless liquid

Specific Gravity 1.625
Melting Point –22°C
Boiling Point 121°C
Vapor Pressure 1.9 kPa at 20°C (20 torr at 26.3°C)
Relative Vapor 5.8 (air = 1)
Solubility almost insoluble in water (0.015 g/100 mL at 25°C); soluble in ethanol, and
ethyl ether, chloroform, and benzene

11.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Perchloroethylene has a not unpleasant ethereal or aromatic
odor. In addition to clinical evaluation of perchloroethylene as an anesthetic, several other studies in
human subjects are available. Hake and Stewart (428) summarized their extensive studies on
humans. The analysis of expired air and urine were discussed in the preceding section and dermal
absorption of perchloroethylene in the section on skin absorption. Based on detailed studies of
neurological, psychological, and behavioral effects and the volunteers' subjective response, the
authors concluded that 100 ppm of perchloroethylene was probably without effect but the margin of
safety is small. Perchloroethylene plus alcohol or Valium (Diazepam) had no more effect on
performance than alcohol or Valium alone. At 200 ppm some subjects objected to the odor and eye
irritation, and higher concentrations were unacceptable. Light-headedness began at 200 ppm or
slightly above.

Carpenter (429) exposed himself and three other subjects to perchloroethylene and determined that
the odor was detectable at 50 ppm; that 500 ppm produced salivation, a metallic taste, eye irritation,
and other objectionable reactions; and that 1000 and 2000 ppm produced the beginnings of narcosis
and discomfort. This is consistent with data by Rowe et al. (430), who found that 280 ppm was
objectionable to test subjects and 216 ppm was marginal.
11.2 Production and Use
Perchloroethylene is used as an industrial solvent, particularly in dry cleaning and degreasing. It has
been used as an anti helmintic in humans and animals. It also finds limited use as a chemical
11.3 Exposure Assessment
Sampling in the workplace is done by air bag using gas chromatography (portable/photoionization
detector (PDI) (431). The working range for this method is from 0.1 to 100 ppm for both air and
exhaled breath samples by direct on-site analysis or by collection into inert sampling bags.

11.3.3 Workplace Methods NIOSH Method 1003 is recommended for determining workplace
exposures to tetrachloroethylene (80).

11.3.5 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers Hake and Stewart (428) summarized much of their own and
others' data on the use of expired air for monitoring industrial exposures. This included the results of
an extensive study (432) in which male and female human subjects were exposed singly or
repeatedly for various periods of time to several concentrations of perchloroethylene. Graphs are
presented that are useful in estimating worker's exposure on the basis of expired air samples. It
appears that analysis of expired air is useful for monitoring occupational exposure to
perchloroethylene but that analysis of urinary metabolites is of less value (433).
11.4 Toxic Effects
The major response to perchloroethylene at high concentrations is CNS depression. It is not,
however, sufficiently effective to be considered a useful anesthetic. Irritation of the eyes, nose, and
throat may also be observed at high concentrations. There are some indications of nausea and
gastrointestinal upset at high concentrations, and changes in the liver and kidneys may be seen
following excessive exposure; however, the effects are not as severe or striking as they are from a
material such as carbon tetrachloride. Relatively few incidences of industrial problems due to
exposure to perchloroethylene have been reported, probably because of a number of circumstances,
including low vapor pressure and toxicity.

Case reports relate a rather consistent set of symptoms. Certainly anesthesia and, in cases of higher
exposure, liver injury are related to perchloroethylene. Nausea, headache, anorexia, vertigo,
dizziness, and other symptoms may be related to the CNS and hepatic effects. Sensitization of the
heart to epinephrine does not occur with this compound. As for many compounds, massive doses of
perchloroethylene given by gavage produced liver cancer in mice but not rats. Kidney tumors
occurred only in male rats and a possible increase in mononuclear cell leukemia was also observed in
both sexes of rats. Numerous reviews are available (6, 42, 142, 434, 435). Acute Toxicity Perchloroethylene has moderate to low toxicity by single-dose ingestion.
When fed to laboratory mice, an LD50 of 8850 mg/kg was reported. Animals survived at 4000 (dog
and cat) and 5000 (rabbit) mg/kg. A dose of 500 mg/kg reportedly does not cause death in humans
(436). Pozzani et al. (437) reported an acute oral LD50 of 2600 mg/kg for rats, and Hayes et al. (438)
reported 3835 and 3005 mg/kg for male and female rats, respectively.

Liquid perchloroethylene may cause pain, lacrimation, and burning; however, permanent injury is
unlikely. High concentrations of the vapors are uncomfortable to the eyes.

If perchloroethylene is allowed to evaporate, no significant effect on the skin is likely. However, if it

is confined on the skin or if exposures are prolonged and frequently repeated, the solvent causes
dermatitis by defatting the skin. Absorption of liquid through the skin is not likely to be a significant
route of toxic exposure (439, 440), although some absorption does take place. Riihimaki and Pfaffli
(441) determined that absorption of the vapors through the skin of human subjects was not
significant at 600 ppm.
The response of rats to single exposures was reported by Rowe et al. (430). They stated that
2000 ppm was tolerated for up to 14 h and 3000 ppm was tolerated for 4 h with no deaths.
Unconsciousness was observed in the rats within a few minutes at concentrations of 6000 ppm or
more, and after several hours at 3000 ppm, but unconsciousness was not observed at 2000 ppm. At
these high-level single exposures, the predominant response was one of depression of the nervous
system. Deaths occurred during or immediately after exposure. There were slight changes in the
liver, characterized by a slight increase in weight, slight increase in total lipids, and slight cloudy

Pozzani et al. (437) reported an 8 h LC50 of 34.2 mg/L (5040 ppm) for rats.

Several other investigations studied the effect of perchloroethylene on the liver and confirmed the
observation of Rowe et al. (430). Kylin et al. (442) exposed mice for 4 h to 200, 400, 800, or
1600 ppm. No liver necrosis was observed, but fatty infiltration consistent with dose was observed at
all levels.

Drew et al. (443) exposed rats to 500, 1000, or 2000 ppm perchloroethylene vapors for 4 h and
measured serum enzymes. Four liver enzymes (SGOT, SGPT, glucose-6-phosphatase, and ornithine
carbamyl transferase) were markedly increased by exposure to 2000 ppm and moderately increased
by exposure to 1000 ppm, but were affected very little by exposure to 500 ppm.

Gehring (444) exposed mice to 3700 ppm and determined an anesthetic ED50 of about 234 min, a
SGPT ED50 of 470 min, and an LT50 of 730 min. He concluded that liver toxicity was of relatively
low importance compared to anesthesia.

The hepatotoxicity and renal toxicity of perchloroethylene were studied following subcutaneous
injection. Plaa et al. (445) determined an LD50 of 390 mg/kg when perchloroethylene was injected in
male mice. The hepatoxicity was low (rated 3 versus 1 for 1,1,1-trichloroethane and 190 for carbon
tetrachloride). Plaa and Larson (48) measured nephrotoxicity following intraperitoneal injection and
concluded that perchloroethylene was only weakly nephrotoxic.

Other references reported LD50 values of 4600 to 5700 mg/kg for mice (444, 446) and 3400 mg/kg
for dogs given intraperitoneal injections. Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity The NCI included perchloroethylene in their bioassay
program, but unfortunately their experimental design did not call for adequate histological
examinations of noncancerous lesions. They did report toxic nephropathy as discussed later under
carcinogenesis (447).

When perchloroethylene was administered in drinking water for 90 days, body weight decreased and
there were suggestions of liver effects but no clear evidence of injury at 1400 mg/k/day, the highest
dosage fed (438).

The first chronic study of tetrachloroethylene vapors was carried out by Carpenter (429). He exposed
rats to concentrations of 70, 230, and 470 ppm for 8 h/day, 5 days/week for periods up to 7 months.
All of his animals survived and had growth comparable to his controls. No pathological effects were
observed at 70 ppm. At 230 ppm, he observed some pathological changes in both the liver and
kidneys. At 470 ppm, the pathological indications of injury to the liver and kidneys were more

Rowe et al. (430) reported the results of chronic vapor exposures of several species of animals. At
1600 ppm in air, rats showed a drowsy, depressed condition for the first week and later a definite
“irritation.” Enlargement of the liver and kidneys was noticeable. Guinea pigs showed a loss in body
weight, an increase in liver weight, and moderate histological changes. At 400 ppm, after 130
exposures of 7 h/day over a period of 183 days, rats showed no evidence of adverse effect. Guinea
pigs showed definite increases in liver and kidney weights and slight fatty degeneration of the liver.
Rabbits and monkeys showed no evidence of injury. At 200 ppm, guinea pigs showed an increase in
liver weight, an increase in total liver lipids, and slight to moderate histopathological changes in the
liver. At 100 ppm, female guinea pigs showed an increase in liver weight. Histologically, the liver
appeared normal.

Guinea pigs in these studies displayed a particular susceptibility and showed changes even at
100 ppm. However, because human experience had been favorable, these authors were inclined to
accept the previously used maximum allowable concentration of 200 ppm as satisfactory. They
suggested, however, that this should be considered a ceiling and fluctuations should be around an
average of 100 ppm.

In a similar study, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, and dogs were exposed to a 4:1 mixture of 1,1,1-
trichloroethane and perchloroethylene vapors (448). Animals exposed to 800 ppm 1,1,1-
trichloroethane plus 200 ppm perchloroethylene for 7 h/day for 6 months exhibited mild and
reversible liver and kidney changes consistent with the effect expected from 200 ppm of
perchloroethylene alone. Repeated exposures to 400 ppm 1,1,1-trichloroethane plus 100 ppm
perchloroethylene had no effect in all species.

Kylin et al. (449) exposed mice to 200 ppm for 4 h/day, 6 days/week for 1, 2, 4, or 8 weeks. Fatty
degeneration was observed, but no liver cell necrosis or effects on the kidneys were observed.

NTP exposed rats and mice for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 13 weeks to establish a dose for the lifetime
study reported in the section on carcinogenesis (450). The targeted concentrations were 0, 100, 200,
400, 800, and 1600 ppm. The highest concentration was lethal to 20 to 70% of the rats and mice.
Exposures to 200 to 800 ppm caused minimal to mild hepatic congestion in rats.

In dosed male and female mice, minimal to mild hepatic leukocytic infiltration, centrilobular
necrosis, bile stasis (400–1600 ppm) and mitotic alteration (200–1600 ppm) were produced.
Tetrachloroethylene exposure also caused minimal renal tubular cell karyomegaly in mice at
concentrations as low as 200 ppm. Pharmacokinetics Metabolism, and Mechanisms Perchloroethylene is metabolized by a

microsomal cytochrome P450 mixed-function oxidase system. Metabolism is dose-dependent in the
rat, first-order at low concentrations and zero-order (metabolic saturation) at higher concentrations
(281). Mice metabolize perchloroethylene faster than rats, which do so faster than humans. Mice and
probably humans also have saturable metabolisms (464).

When given to rats by gavage or inhalation, much of the administered perchloroethylene was
recovered unchanged in expired air (465). These investigators reported that 72 and 90% of the body
burden were expired unchanged after oral doses of 1 and 500 mg/kg in rats and 68 and 88% after a 6-
h exposure to 10 or 600 ppm vapor. The balance was primarily nonvolatile metabolites.

In mice there was a shift in metabolism at high doses (458), and much more was excreted unchanged
above 500 mg/kg given orally.

By far the major urinary metabolite in rats and mice is trichloroacetic acid; more than half appears as
the acid and its conjugate. Much smaller amounts of oxalic acid, trichloroethanol, dichloroacetic
acid, and N- trichloroacetylaminoethanol or its conjugate (466) are excreted. Ethylene glycol,
chlorine, and CO2 have been reported by others as metabolites. Conjugation with glutathione is not
as significant as with some other chlorinated solvents, but at high doses, a mercapturic acid
conjugate has been found in bile and urine. More is found in the rat than in the mouse. Gehring et al.
(6) commented on the carcinogenic significance of this metabolite, and noted that although it appears
to be a “spill-over” metabolite, it has mutagenic activity in bacterial assays (Ames test), suggesting
that care be taken to avoid kidney and liver injury by limiting human exposure. Reproduction and Developmental Early studies of reproduction by Carpenter (429) showed
no effect at 420 ppm. Schwetz et al. (451) evaluated the teratogenic potential of perchloroethylene in
rats and mice. Pregnant rats and mice were exposed to 300 ppm perchloroethylene for 7 h/day on
days 6 to 15 of gestation. They reported a significant decrease in the fetal body weight of mice and a
slight, but statistically significant, increase in the incidence or resorptions among the rat fetal
population. Soft tissue examination of fetuses from exposed mice revealed a significant increase in
the incidence of subcutaneous edema. The incidence of skeletal anomalies was not different from the
controls, but among litters of mice the incidence of delayed ossification of skull bones and the
incidence of split sternebrae increased slightly compared to those of the controls. A teratogenic
effect was not observed. Negative teratological studies have also been reported in rats and rabbits by
Beliles et al. (452) and John et al. (453).

Perchloroethylene was inactive when tested in E. coli and S. typhimurium, even when mouse liver
enzymes were added (54).

NIOSH (454) and Bartsch et al. (455) also reported no mutagenic effects in tests with Salmonella but
Cerna and Kyperova (456) claimed that it was positive even without metabolic activation. The
available abstract also indicated that perchloroethylene was positive in a host-mediated assay in ICR
mice, but the response was at high dosages (LD50 and 1/ 2 LD50) and was not dose-related.

Cerna and Kyperova (456) reported no cytogenetic changes in female ICR mice given half the LD50
once or one-sixth the LD50 five times by intraperitoneal injection.

Rampy et al. (457) reported no mutagenic effects in lymphocytes of rats after 12 months of 6 h daily
exposures 5 days/week to either 300 or 600 ppm of the vapor.

NTP conducted its battery of mutagenic tests as part of the cancer bioassay (450). It had negative
results in all categories including the S. typhimurium Ames test with and without activation, mouse
lymphoma with and without activation, sex-linked recessive mutations in Drosophila, and sister
chromatid exchange in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Schumann et al. (458) did not find evidence of
significant binding to hepatic DNA.

Other references cited by ATSDR (435) in its 1992 review give conflicting results, possibly due to
impure samples or samples inhibited with epoxides. It is clear, however, that perchloroethylene is at
most a weak mutagen. Carcinogenesis Several studies of different types have been conducted on

perchloroethylene, indicating that it has a low carcinogenic potential in mice, but not a definite effect
in rats.

When perchloroethylene was fed by gavage at doses of approximately 1000 and 500 mg/kg/day to
Osborne-Mendel rats and B6C3F1 mice in the NCI bioassay program, hepatocellular carcinomas
increased in mice but not in rats (447, 459). Toxic nephropathy was seen in both rats and mice.

Perchloroethylene was not active when tested for lung adenomas in Strain A cancer-susceptible mice
(460). The mice were injected intraperitoneally with 80 mg/kg (14 injections), 200 mg/kg (24
injections), and 400 mg/kg (24 injections).

Van Duuren et al. (20) treated the skin of mice in different manners and did not produce cancer of
the skin or of distant sites. Doses of 54 and 18 mg/kg were applied three times per week to the dorsal
skin of mice. A dose of 163 mg/kg was applied in conjunction with a promoter (phorbal myristate

In a toxicological and carcinogenic study in which rats were exposed for 6 h/day for 12 months to
600 or 300 ppm perchloroethylene vapor and then kept for their lifetimes, there was no evidence of a
tumorigenic response in either sex (457). Other criteria examined included body weights, mortality,
hematologic data, urinalyses, clinical chemistry determinations, lymphocyte cytogenetics, terminal
organ weights, and gross and histopathological changes, especially tumor incidence. An increase in
mortality from the 5th to the 24th month of the study in male rats exposed to 600 ppm was the only
deviation from controls that was considered related to exposure. The mortality increase was
associated with an earlier onset of spontaneous advanced chronic renal disease.

Studies have been conducted to explain mechanistically the sensitivity of the B6C3F1 mouse and the
resistance of the rat to perchloroethylene-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (458). On the basis of
body weight, mice activated perchloroethylene to a greater extent than rats, resulting in a greater
degree of hepatic injury in the mouse. The authors suggested that the predominant mechanisms of
tumorigenicity of perchloroethylene in the mouse was by recurrent hepatic cytotoxicity which
enhanced the spontaneous incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma normally found in B6C3F1 mice
and not by direct interaction of perchloroethylene with hepatic DNA. They also suggested that the
levels of perchloroethylene that protect against organ toxicity should be effective in preventing any
tumorigenic risk of perchloroethylene to humans.

NTP (450) exposed rats to 0, 200, or 400 ppm and mice to 0, 100, or 200 ppm for 6 h/day, 5
days/week for 103 weeks. They concluded that

under the conditions of these 2-year inhalation studies, there was clear evidence of carcinogenicity of
tetrachloroethylene for male F344/N rats as shown by an increased incidence of mononuclear cell
leukemia. There was clear evidence of carcinogenicity for B6C3F1 mice as shown by increased
incidence of both hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas in males and of hepatocellular
carcinomas in females.

Because there was considerable tissue injury in the mouse liver and rat kidney and because the
mononuclear cell leukemia is very common in the Fischer rat, there has been a considerable question
about the significance of these data. The lack of or weak mutagenic activity in most test systems also
supports a nongenetic mechanism for the production of tumors.

When exposed for only 10 consecutive days to 0, 100, 200, or 400 ppm (the same as the NTP study),
rats were unaffected, but mice showed considerable evidence of liver injury, including peroxisomal
proliferation (461). Likewise, Goldworthy et al. (462, 463) reported hyalin droplet formation in male
rat kidneys, a finding often related to specific organ toxicity and carcinogenicity in male rats.

11.4.2 Human Experience Oral doses of about 60 to 86 mg/kg were given when perchloroethylene
was used as an anthelmintic (434). Metabolism in humans is consistent with that found in rats and
mice, but is slower. Most of the inhaled perchloroethylene is excreted unchanged over a relatively
long period of time (432).

The older data on human exposure to perchloroethylene were summarized by von Oettingen (42) and
more recent data by NIOSH (454). As expected, numerous case reports give conflicting data.

Deaths probably due to anesthesia have occurred, but there is little documentation of the
concentrations inhaled. In other cases, victims have been unconscious for hours and survived with no
sequelae. In general, it appears that the following responses are possible: anesthesia ranging from
slight inebriation to death, nausea, although less pronounced than carbon tetrachloride or ethylene
dichloride; and headache, anorexia, and eye and nasal irritation. Liver injury following excessive
subacute and chronic exposure has been reported in a few but not all subjects. Carcinogenesis Perchloroethylene is considered a carcinogen in the latest annual report of

the National Toxicology Program (467). The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
considers perchloroethylene probably carcinogenic to humans, which they base on sufficient
evidence in experimental animals and limited evidence in humans (286). NIOSH recommends
treating perchloroethylene in the workplace as a potential occupational carcinogen (323, 397).

Two cohort studies have reported excesses of cancer of the esophagus, and relative risks were 2.1
and 2.6, respectively (409, 411). However, caution should be used in interpreting these results
because of the lack of smoking and alcohol histories. Cervical cancers increased in two cohort
studies, and relative risks were 1.7 and 3.2, respectively (409, 412). Blair et al. (409), Spirtas et al.
(410), and Anttila et al. (412) found excesses of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and relative risks were
1.7, 3.2, and 3.8, respectively in three different cohort studies of workers exposed to
perchloroethylene. One study found a significant excess of leukemia which appeared to be dose-
related whether or not the latent period was considered (468). Hepatocellular adenomas and
carcinomas in mice significantly increased in both sexes as did mononuclear-cell leukemia in rats of
both sexes (450, 469).

Overall, perchloroethylene causes peripheral nervous system damage, liver injury, defects in
memory, various CNS effects, esophageal cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia, and cervical
cancer in humans. In animals, it has caused kidney and liver injury, as well as liver cancer and
leukemia. Toxic effects from animal studies of perchloroethylene have been known since the early
1950s (430, 470), and since the early 1940s the ingestion of PCE by humans has been known to
cause psychosis, vertigo, intoxication, giddiness, nausea, sleepiness, and unconsciousness (471–473).
11.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
OSHA has a PEL of 100 ppm and a ceiling of 200 ppm, and a 300 ppm 5-min max peak in any 3
hours (474). NIOSH recommends treating tetrachloroethylene as a carcinogen (474).

The TLV recommended by the ACGIH is 25 ppm (170 mg/m3). Perchloroethylene is classified as
A3 (animal carcinogen).

The Biological Exposure Indices Committee of the ACGIH recommends a limit of 10 ppm
perchloroethylene is end-exhaled air (1 ppm = 6-8 mg/m3 at NTP).

Care should be taken to use these TLVs and BEIs only in the manner recommended by the
committees. It is also desirable not to depend only on the BEIs but also to use air monitoring because
brief, high exposures may produce unacceptable incoordination and yet result in acceptable BEIs. In
view of the carcinogenic response in animals, human exposure should be carefully controlled to
prevent possible liver and kidney injury.

Dibenzo-p-Dioxins: 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin
Jon B. Reid, Ph.D., DABT

Dibenzo-p-dioxins are a class of compounds of which there are 75 possible isomers as shown in the
following structure and Table 65.1. A recent IARC Monograph (1) summarizes much of the
information on these compounds (Table 65.2) (2–4). By far, the majority of the information is for
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), the most toxic of the isomers. Most of the material in
this chapter relates to this compound.

Table 65.1. Isomers of Dibenzo-p-Dioxins

Number of Cl Atoms Number of Isomers

1 2
2 10
3 14
4a 22
5 14
6 10
7 2
8 1
Total 75

The most important isomer is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD).

Dibenzo-p-Dioxins: 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin


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Halogenated Biphenyls
Debdas Mukerjee, Ph.D.

1.0 Introduction
Polyhalogenated biphenyls are a family of compounds based on biphenyl as the parent compound.
Chlorinated and brominated biphenyls have been manufactured for commercial purposes. There are
209 possible structural congeners of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) (1) and for polybrominated
biphenyls (PBBs) the same number of congeners (2) can exist.
1.0.1 CAS Numbers
A listing of all PCB congeners is given in Table 66.1 along with their Chemical Abstract Services
(CAS) Registry numbers an identifying numbering system (3). Table 66.2 contains synonyms and
molecular structures of PCB congeners.

Table 66.1. Numbering of PCB Isomers and their CAS Numbers

Ballschmiter No.a Structureb CAS No.

Molecular weight: 188.66
Molecular formula: C12H9Cl
1 2 [2051-60-7]
2 3 [2051-61-8]
3 4 [2051-62-9]
Molecular weight: 223.10
Molecular formula: C12H8Cl2
4 2,2' [13029-08-8]
5 2,3 [16605-91-7]
6 2,3' [25569-80-6]
7 2,4 [33284-50-3]
8 2,4' [34883-43-7]
9 2,5 [34882-39-1]
10 2,6 [33146-45-1]
11 3,3' [2050-67-1]
12 3,4 [2974-92-7]
13 3,4' [2974-90-5]
14 3,5 [34883-41-5]
15 4,4' [2050-68-2]
Molecular weight: 257.55
Molecular formula: C12H7Cl3
16 2,2',3 [38444-78-9]
17 2,2',4 [37680-66-3]
18 2,2',5 [37680-65-2]
19 2,2',6 [38444-73-4]
20 2,3,3' [38444-84-7]
21 2,3,4 [55702-46-0]
22 2,3,4' [38444-85-8]
23 2,3,5 [55720-44-0]
24 2,3,6 [55702-45-9]
25 2,3',4 [55712-37-3]
26 2,3',5 [38444-81-4]
27 2,3',6 [38444-76-7]
28 2,4,4' [7012-37-5]
29 2,4,5 [15862-07-4]
30 2,4,6 [35693-92-6]
31 2,4',5 [16606-02-3]
32 2,4',6 [38444-77-8]
33 2',3,4 [38444-86-9]
34 2',3,5 [76708-77-5]
35 3,3',4 [55712-37-3]
36 3,3',5 [38444-87-0]
37 3,4,4' [38444-90-5]
38 3,4,5 [53555-66-1]
39 3,4',5 [38444-88-1]
Molecular weight: 291.99
Molecular formula: C12H6Cl4
40 2,2',3,3' [38444-93-8]
41 2,2',3,4 [52663-59-9]
42 2,2',3,4' [36559-22-5]
43 2,2',3,5 [70362-46-8]
44 2,2',3,5' [41464-39-5]
45 2,2',3,6 [70362-45-7]
46 2,2',3,6' [41464-47-5]
47 2,2',4,4' [2437-79-8]
48 2,2',4,5 [70362-47-9]
49 2,2',4,5' [41464-40-8]
50 2,2',4,6 [62796-65-0]
51 2,2',4,6' [68194-04-7]
52 2,2',5,5' [35693-99-3]
53 2,2',5,6' [41464-41-9]
54 2,2',6,6' [15968-05-5]
55 2,3,3',4 [74338-24-2]
56 2,3,3',4' [41464-43-1]
57 2,3,3',5 [70424-67-8]
58 2,3,3',5' [41464-49-7]
59 2,3,3',6 [74472-33-6]
60 2,3,4,4' [33025-41-1]
61 2,3,4,5 [33284-53-6]
62 2,3,4,6 [54230-22-7]
63 2,3,4',5 [74472-34-7]
64 2,3,4',6 [52663-58-8]
65 2,3,5,6 [33284-54-7]
66 2,3',4,4' [32598-10-0]
67 2,3',4,5 [73575-53-8]
68 2,3',4,5' [73575-52-7]
69 2,3',4,6 [60233-24-1]
70 2,3',4',5 [32598-11-1]
71 2,3',4',6 [41464-46-4]
72 2,3',5,5' [41464-42-0]
73 2,3',5',6 [74338-23-1]
74 2,4,4',5 [32690-93-0]
75 2,4,4',6 [32598-12-2]
76 2',3,4,5 [70362-48-0]
77 3,3',4,4' [32598-13-3]
78 3,3',4,5 [70362-40-1]
79 3,3',4,5' [41464-48-6]
80 3,3',5,5' [33284-52-5]
81 3,4,4',5 [70362-50-4]
Molecular weight: 326.44
Molecular formula: C12H5Cl5
82 2,2',3,3',4 [52663-62-4]
83 2,2',3,3',5 [60145-20-2]
84 2,2',3,3',6 [52663-60-2]
85 2,2',3,4,4' [65510-45-4]
86 2,2',3,4,5 [55312-69-1]
87 2,2',3,4,5' [38380-02-8]
88 2,2',3,4,6 [55215-17-3]
89 2,2',3,4,6' [73575-57-2]
90 2,2',3,4',5 [68194-07-0]
91 2,2',3,4',6 [68194-05-8]
92 2,2',3,5,5' [52663-61-3]
93 2,2',3,5,6 [73575-56-1]
94 2,2',3,5,6' [73575-55-0]
95 2,2',3,5',6 [38379-99-6]
96 2,2',3,6,6' [73575-54-9]
97 2,2',3',4,5 [41464-51-1]
98 2,2',3',4,6 [60233-25-2]
99 2,2',4,4',5 [38380-01-7]
100 2,2',4,4',6 [39485-83-1]
101 2,2',4,5,5' [37680-73-2]
102 2,2',4,5,6' [68194-06-9]
103 2,2',4,5',6 [60145-21-3]
104 2,2',4,6,6' [56558-16-8]
105 2,3,3',4,4' [32598-14-4]
106 2,3,3',4,5 [70424-69-0]
107 2,3,3',4',5 [70424-68-9]
108 2,3,3',4,5' [70362-41-3]
109 2,3,3',4,6 [74472-35-8]
110 2,3,3',4',6 [38300-03-9]
111 2,3,3',5,5' [39635-32-0]
112 2,3,3',5,6 [74472-36-9]
113 2,3,3',5',6 [68194-10-5]
114 2,3,4,4',5 [74472-37-0]
115 2,3,4,4',6 [74472-38-1]
116 2,3,4,5,6 [18259-05-7]
117 2,3,4',5,6 [68194-11-6]
118 2,3',4,4',5 [31508-00-6]
119 2,3',4,4',6 [56558-17-9]
120 2,3',4,5,5' [68194-12-7]
121 2,3',4,5',6 [56558-18-0]
122 2',3,3',4,5 [76842-07-4]
123 2',3,4,4',5 [65510-44-3]
124 2',3,4,5,5' [70424-70-3]
125 2',3,4,5,6' [74472-39-2]
126 3,3',4,4',5 [57465-28-8]
127 3,3',4,5,5' [39635-33-1]
Molecular weight: 360.88
Molecular formula: C12H4Cl6
128 2,2',3,3',4,4' [38380-07-3]
129 2,2',3,3',4,5 [55215-18-4]
130 2,2',3,3',4,5' [52663-66-8]
131 2,2',3,3',4,6 [61798-70-7]
132 2,2',3,3',4,6' [38380-05-1]
133 2,2',3,3',5,5' [35694-04-3]
134 2,2',3,3',5,6 [52704-70-8]
135 2,2',3,3',5,6' [52744-13-5]
136 2,2',3,3',6,6' [38411-22-2]
137 2,2',3,4,4',5 [35694-06-5]
138 2,2',3,4,4',5' [35065-28-2]
139 2,2',3,4,4',6 [56030-56-9]
140 2,2',3,4,4',6' [59291-64-4]
141 2,2',3,4,5,5' [52712-04-6]
142 2,2',3,4,5,6 [41411-61-4]
143 2,2',3,4,5,6' [68194-15-0]
144 2,2',3,4,5',6 [68194-14-9]
145 2,2',3,4,6,6' [74472-40-5]
146 2,2',3,4',5,5' [51908-16-8]
147 2,2',3,4',5,6 [68194-13-8]
148 2,2',3,4',5,6' [74472-41-6]
149 2,2',3,4',5',6 [38380-04-0]
150 2,2',3,4',6,6' [68194-08-1]
151 2,2',3,5,5',6 [52663-63-5]
152 2,2',3,5,6,6' [68194-09-2]
153 2,2',4,4',5,5' [35065-27-1]
154 2,2',4,4',5,6' [60145-22-4]
155 2,2',4,4',6,6' [33979-03-2]
156 2,3,3',4,4',5 [38380-08-4]
157 2,3,3',4,4',5' [69782-90-7]
158 2,3,3',4,4',6 [74472-42-7]
159 2,3,3',4,5,5' [39635-35-3]
160 2,3,3',4,5,6 [41441-62-5]
161 2,3,3',4,5',6 [74472-43-8]
162 2,3,3',4',5,5' [39635-34-2]
163 2,3,3',4',5,6 [74472-44-9]
164 2,3,3',4',5',6 [74472-45-0]
165 2,3,3',5,5',6 [74472-46-1]
166 2,3,4,4',5,6 [41411-63-6]
167 2,3',4,4',5,5' [52663-72-6]
168 2,3',4,4',5',6 [59291-65-5]
169 3,3',4,4',5,5' [32774-16-6]
Molecular weight: 395.33
Molecular formula: C12H3Cl7
170 2,2',3,3',4,4',5 [35065-30-6]
171 2,2',3,3',4,4',6 [52663-71-5]
172 2,2',3,3',4,5,5' [52663-74-8]
173 2,2',3,3',4,5,6 [68194-16-1]
174 2,2',3,3',4,5,6' [38411-25-5]
175 2,2',3,3',4,5',6 [40186-70-7]
176 2,2',3,3',4,6,6' [52663-65-7]
177 2,2',3,3',4',5,6 [52663-70-4]
178 2,2',3,3',5,5',6 [52663-67-9]
179 2,2',3,3',5,6,6' [52663-64-6]
180 2,2',3,4,4',5,5' [35065-29-3]
181 2,2',3,4,4',5,6 [74472-47-2]
182 2,2',3,4,4',5,6' [60145-23-5]
183 2,2',3,4,4',5',6 [52663-69-1]
184 2,2',3,4,4',6,6',4',6 [74472-48-3]
185 2,2',3,4,5,5',6 [52712-05-7]
186 2,2',3,4,5,6,6' [74472-49-4]
187 2,2',3,4',5,5',6 [52663-68-0]
188 2,2',3,4',5,6,6' [74487-85-7]
189 2,3,3',4,4',5,5' [39635-31-9]
190 2,3,3',4,4',5,6 [41411-64-7]
191 2,3,3',4,4',5',6 [74472-50-7]
192 2,3,3',4,5,5',6 [69782-91-8]
193 2,3,3',4',5,5',6 [69782-91-8]
Molecular weight: 429.77
Molecular formula: C12H2Cl8
194 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5' [35694-08-7]
195 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6 [52663-78-2]
196 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6' [42740-50-1]
197 2,2',3,3',4,4',6,6' [33091-17-7]
198 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6 [68194-17-2]
199 2,2',3,3',4,5,6,6' [52663-73-7]
200 2,2',3,3',4,5',6,6' [40186-71-8]
201 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6' [52663-75-9]
202 2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6' [2136-99-4]
203 2,2',3,4,4',5,5',6 [52663-76-0]
204 2,2',3,4,4',5,6,6' [74472-52-9]
205 2,3,3',4,4',5,5',6 [74472-53-0]
Molecular weight: 464.22
Molecular formula: C12HC9
206 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6 [40186-72-9]
207 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6,6' [52663-79-3]
208 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6,6' [5121-88-0]
209 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6' [2015-24-3]

From Ref. 3.
bSee Table 66.2 for synonyms and molecular structure. Compounds identified by Ballschmiter

Halogenated Biphenyls
Debdas Mukerjee, Ph.D.

[The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views
and policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The author is grateful to Kathleen
Connick and Jennifer Heffron for their technical assistance.]

Halogenated Biphenyls


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502 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, PBBs and Tris: Significant new uses of chemical
substances. Fed. Regist. 52(16), 2699–2703 (1987).

Halogenated Benzenes
A. Philip Leber Ph.D., DABT, James S. Bus, Ph.D., DABT

A. Introduction
This group of chemicals is derived through substitutions of chlorine for hydrogen atoms on the
benzene ring. The toxicological properties of chlorinated benzenes differ substantially from benzene
in that they lack the hematological toxicity and leukemogenic activity that have been associated with
benzene. The compounds have an aromatic odor with lower volatilities, higher densities, and lower
flammabilities than the parent compound benzene. Some of the settings in which exposures may be
encountered are in manufacturing sites, home and public areas where deodorants or disinfectants are
present, and in the applications of the materials as fumigants, insecticides, lacquers, paints, and seed
disinfection products.

Because a substantial number of studies have focused on comparative evaluations of compounds in

this chemical group, the results of these investigations are presented below prior to detailed
discussions of individual compounds. In addition, a summary of various regulatory classifications of
these compounds is provided.
Comparative Toxicological Properties of Chlorobenzenes
According to a Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) Technical Report (1), consistently
observed signs of acute intoxication vary with the route of administration and the degree of
exposure. Varshavskaya (2) reported the following effects for chlorobenzene and o- and p-
dichlorobenzenes (DCB) in mice, rats, and guinea pigs: hyperemia of the visible mucous
membranes, increased salivation and lacrimation, and initial excitation followed by drowsiness,
adynamia, ataxia, paraparesis, paraplegia, and dyspnea. Induced mortality, which usually occurs
within 3 days, results from respiratory paralysis. Changes revealed by gross postmortem examination
may include hypertrophy and necrosis of the liver and submucosal hemorrhages in the stomach.
Histologically disclosed changes are edema of the brain and necrosis of the centrobular region of the
liver, the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidneys, the bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium of the
lungs, and the stomach mucosa. The liver generally showed the most severe damage.

Table 67.1 (3) presents data on the acute oral toxicity of mono- and dichlorobenzenes in rodents.
This information suggests greater toxicity for o-DCB relative to the other compounds in three of four
animal species tested. The basis for this observation may lie within the differences seen for the
metabolism of these compounds, and the formation of a more reactive metabolite for the ortho-
substituted chemical (discussed further below).

Table 67.1. Oral LD50 for Chlorobenzenes (3)

LD50 (Mg/kg body weight)

Species Chlorobenzene o-Dichlorobenzene p-Dichlorobenzene

White mice 1145 2000 3220

White rats 2390 2138 2512
Rabbits 2250 1875 2812
Guinea pigs 5060 3375 7595

The acute effects of intraperitoneal dosing of a series of chlorinated benzenes (mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-,
and penta-substituted) were assessed in rats (4). Following single doses at levels in excess of
100 mg/kg, animals were monitored for evidence of liver, kidney, and thyroid effects. The 1,2-di-,
1,2,4-tri-, and 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzenes were most toxic in terms of body weight losses over 3
days. Liver function enzyme levels [alanine aminotransferase (ALT)] were significantly elevated, as
were microscopic signs of cellular damage following treatments with 225 and 450 mg/kg of the
monochloro compound, 150 mg/kg of 1,2-dichlorobenzene, and 185 mg/kg and above of 1,2,4-
trichlorobenzene. Kidney changes included protein droplet nephropathy for the 1,4 dichloro and the
more highly substituted compounds. Serum thyroxine (T4) levels were suppressed at the lowest
doses administered (1 mmol/kg) for the 1,2-dichloro and the higher-substituted benzenes. The
greatest activity was seen for the tri and penta compounds. This activity appears to depend on
formation of phenolic metabolites, which were shown to have the capacity to displace T4 from
serum binding proteins in the rat. Alternatively, enhanced metabolic deiodination of T4 may result
from induction of hepatic enzymes by the chlorinated benzene compounds. The precise mechanism
for this phenomenon has not yet been established.

Hepatotoxicity evaluations of the three dichlorobenzene isomers (ortho, meta, para) were made
following intraperitoneal injection into Sprague–Dawley and F344 male rats (5). Liver effects were
monitored using plasma ALT levels, microscopic observations, liver nonprotein sulfhydryl (NPSH)
concentration, and 14C-DCB binding to liver proteins. One day following a dose of 132 mg/kg of
each isomer, ALT levels were increased for o-DCB only. As dose levels were increased up to 5
times, p-DCB exhibited no activity in this assay, whereas m-DCB induced a weak response
beginning at 264 mg/kg. Test chemical binding to proteins paralleled this liver response. Results for
phenobarbital-pretreated rats indicated that liver enzyme induction was associated with the
hepatotoxity of the ortho and meta isomers but not the para isomer. Further evidence of enzyme
mediation in the hepatotoxic mechanism was found when SKF-525A (a cytochrome P450 enzyme
inhibiter) blocked the response of the ortho and meta isomers. NPSH levels were depressed relative
to controls following dosing of ortho and meta isomer dosing, but the para isomer did not cause any
change in this parameter. The authors concluded that the relative hepatotoxicity of dichlorobenzene
isomers is o- > m- p-, and that oxidative biotransformation plays an important role in this
activities of these chemicals.
Carcinogenicity of Chlorinated Benzenes
The carcinogenic potentials of many of the chlorobenzenes have been assessed in animal studies.
Table 67.2 (6–13) summarizes these findings.

Table 67.2. Results of Carcinogenesis Bioassays in Rodents Following

Administration and Chlorinated Benzenes

Tumors In
Compound Mice Rats Dose (mg/kg) Ref.

MCB None Liver nodules 60, 120 oral 6

(males) 30, 60 (male mice)
o-DCB None None 60, 120 (gavage) 7
p-DCB Liver Males—kidney 150, 300—male rats 8
300, 600—others oral
None None 75,500 ppm inhaln. 9
5 hr/day, 5 days/week,
57 weeks—mice; 78
HCB Liver Liver, males— 6–24 mg/kg daily (diet) 10,
kidney 11
Liver, thyroid, (Hamsters) 4–16 mg/kg daily 12,
angiosarcomas 13

The findings for monochlorobenzene (MCB) were negative in mice whereas benign liver tumors
were induced in rats. o-DCB did not induce rodent tumors in this bioassay. p-DCB was shown to be
carcinogenic in both rodent species in oral gavage studies, but the results were negative in inhalation
tests. Owing to the relatively short periods of exposure in the latter study compared to the
conventional 100+ weeks, the results may be considered equivocal. Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) has
been demonstrated to induce tumors in multiple species in multiple organs. These results have
contributed to the higher suspicion of carcinogenic potential for HCB compared to other chlorinated
benzenes (see Table 67.3).

Table 67.3. Cancer Classifications for Chlorobenzenes


Chemical (26) (27) (28) (29)

Chlorobenzene Da — — —
o-Dichlorobenzene — 3a — —
p-Dichlorobenzene Cb 2Bd +e —
Tri-, tetra-, — — — —
Hexachlorobenzene B2c 2Bd +e —

Not classifiable as to carcinogenicity in humans.
b Possible human carcinogen.
d Possibly carcinogenic to humans.
e Reasonably anticipated to be carcinogenic to humans.
c Probable human carcinogen (no human evidence).

The chlorobenzene class of compounds is devoid of significant evidence of genetic toxicity (14).
MCB and o-DCB are the two members of the class most likely to form expoxides, which renders
suspect genotoxic activities. However, MCB was negative in bacterial and Aspergillus gene mutation
tests and in rat hepatic DNA repair assays but weakly positive in a mouse micronucleus assessment
(15). The mutagenicity literature for o-DCB indicates some activity in higher plants but no effects in
Salmonella, Escherichia coli, or yeast (16). p-DCB literature (17) indicates that the compound lacks
genotoxic activity in bacteria, hepatic DNA repair assays, mouse lymphoma cells, tests for
chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, and rat and mouse
bone marrow cells. This compound did induce chromosomal changes in various higher plant assays,
although human health implications have not been established (see further discussion for p-DCB
below). HCB has been shown to be devoid of genotoxic activities in Salmonella gene mutation and
rat dominant lethal testing (18). This lack of genetic activity suggests that alternative mechanisms of
action (nongenotoxic) for the tumorigenic members of the class need to be considered.

Because of the induction of kidney tumors by p-DCB and HCB, these chemicals as well as other
chlorobenzenes were investigated for evidence of a protein-mediated mechanism that is known to
operate for numerous chemicals, including unleaded gasoline and d-limonene. It was discovered that
both p-DCB (19) and HCB (20) induced a male rat–specific protein that causes increased kidney cell
turnover and necrosis (sometimes referred to as hyalin droplet nephropathy) with kidney tumor
formation a long-term outcome of this chronic injury. The implication of these findings is that
kidney tumors formed in this manner have no relevance to human risk assessments because the
protein (a2u-globulin) responsible for the adverse effects in the kidney is unique to male rats. This
concept is now recognized in certain regulatory agencies (21). Evaluations of other agents have been
performed for this protein-induction activity, and results indicate that the 1,3,5 (22) and 1,2,4 (23)
trichlorobenzenes, 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene (24), and pentachlorobenzene (25) are active.
However, the actual carcinogenic potentials of these chemicals have not been determined in long-
term bioassays.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) regulate various chlorobenzenes as pesticides, as potential pollutants of air
and water, or as workplace contaminants. These agencies as well as other nonregulatory bodies
[International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC), National Toxicology Program (NTP),
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)] issue classifications that are
intended to indicate the level of evidence for carcinogenic potentials in humans (based on animal
data) for each of these chemicals. These classifications are presented in Table 67.3 (26–29).

The precise relevance to human health of tumor findings in animal studies is a topic that continues to
be actively debated. Although there is no substantive evidence that any of the chlorobenzenes have
induced cancer in humans, positive results in animals indicate a need for awareness that exposure to
these materials should be kept to a minimum.

Halogenated Benzenes
A. Philip Leber Ph.D., DABT, James S. Bus, Ph.D., DABT

B. Halogenated Benzenes

Table 67.4. Excretion and Distribution of Radioactive Metabolites from

Orally Administered [14C]-Chlorobenzene in Rabbitsa (51)

% of Dose
Urine 19.6
Methanol extract 1.05
Dry burn 1.55
Tissues (one animal) 0.053

Combined total urinary, carcass, and fecal 14C collected during 4 days dosing and 3
subsequent days. Total dose = 8.28 g.

Table 67.5. Distribution of RadioactiveMetabolites in Urine of Rabbits

Dosed Orally with 14C-Chlorobenzene (51)

Metabolite % of Total Urinary Radioactivity

3,4-Dihydro-3,4-dihydroxychlorobenzene 0.57
Monophenols 2.84
Diphenols 4.17
Mercapturic acids 23.80
Ethereal sulfates 33.88
Glucuronides 33.57
Total 98.83

Table 67.6. Subchronic Toxicities of Hexachlorobenzenea

Species Dose Duration Effects Observed

Rats 2 mg/kg/day 13 days No toxic effects

6 mg/kg/day 13 days Skin twitching and nervousness
20 mg/kg/day 13 days Neurotoxic symptoms; increase in
liver weight
60, 13 days Neurotoxic symptoms; increase in
200 mg/kg/day liver and kidney weights
Rats 10 mg/kg/day 30 days No toxic effects
30, 65 mg/kg/day 30 days Increase in feed consumptions/body
weight gains; increased urinary
coproporphyrin; increase in liver/body
weight ratio
100 mg/kg/day 30 days Same as at 30 mg/kg/day plus
elevated excretion of uroporphyrin
Rats 100 mg/kg/day 51 days 13/33 deaths in 1 months; neurotoxic
symptoms; increased liver weight;
Rats 300 mg/kg/day 10 days 30% mortality
150 mg/kg/day 30 days 60% mortality
50 mg/kg/day 30 day 30% mortality
Male rats 0.2% 12 weeks Retardation in weight gain; prophyria;
degenerative changes in liver
Rats 0.025 mg/kg/dayb 4–8 No toxic symptoms; possible effect on
months conditioned reflexes
Guinea 0.5% 8–10 days Marked neurological symptoms
Mice 0.5% 8–10 days Marked neurological symptoms
Rabbits 0.5% 6 weeks Increase in urinary porphyrins
0.5% 8–12 Mortalities
Japanese 1 ppm 90 days No toxic effects
quail 5 ppm 90 days Slight increase in liver weight; slight
20 ppm 90 days Increased liver weight, decreased egg
production; porphyria; liver/kidney
pathological changes
80 ppm 90 days 5/15 deaths (18- to 62-day period);
neurotoxic symptoms; porphyria;
increased liver weight; decreased egg
production and hatchability;
liver/kidney pathological changes.
Japanese 500, 2500 ppm 30 days All 12 died in 30 days
quail 100 ppm 3 months Mortality (1/12 on 20th day, 10 within
7 weeks 1 in 10 weeks); one surviving
cock showed marked loss of weight;
necrosis of liver cells and porphyria
Chickens 120–480 ppm 3 months No toxic effects

This table was prepared by C. E. Mumma and E. W. Lawless for the EPA (119) and is based
on information from a 1975 report by the National Academy of Sciences (120). The route is
oral (in diet) unless otherwise indicated.
b Administered in water.

9.0 Other Halogenated Benzene Compounds

o-, m-, and p-dibromobenzene

Tri- and tetrabromobenzenes
1,2-, 1,3-, 1,4-bromochlorobenzene
2,4- and 3,5-dibromochlorobenzene
o-, m-, and p-bromofluorobenzene
2,4- and 3,4-dibromofluorobenzene
o-, m-, and p-bromotoluene
o-, m-, and p-bromophenol
9.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
A potential source of information is the Material Safety Data Sheets from the suppliers of these
chemicals. Further data may be available from the chemical literature.
9.2 Production and Use
Many halogenated benzene chemicals are manufactured and sold, but only in small amounts (<1
million lb) relative to those for the lower chlorinated benzenes. These materials are sold for the
manufacture of specialty products (e.g., pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, high performance

Virtually no data have been published on the health effects of these chemicals. Producers may have
information that is unpublished.

Halogenated Benzenes


Cited Publications
1 Chemical Manufacturers Association, Worldwide Literature Search on Chlorobenzenes,
Tech. Rep., Manufacturing Chemists Association, Washington, DC, 1976.
2 S. P. Varshavskaya, Hyg. Sanit. 33(10), 17 (1967).
3 S. P. Varshavskaya, Nauchn. Tr. Aspir. Ordinatorov. 1-i Mosk. Med. Inst., 175 (1967);
through Ref. 1 and Chem. Abstr. 51, 4816 (1970).
4 C. den Besten et al., Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 111, 69 (1991).
5 E. R. Stine, L. Gunawardhana, and I. G. Sipes, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 109, 472
6 National Toxicology Program (NTP), Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Study on
Monochlorobenzene, Tech. Rep. No. 261, NTP, Washington, DC, 1985.
7 National Toxicology Program (NTP), Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Study on 1,2-
Dichlorobenzene, Tech. Rep. No. 255, NTP, Washington, DC, 1985.
8 National Toxicology Program (NTP), Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Study on 1,4-
Dichlorobenzene, Tech. Rep. No. 319, NTP, Washington, DC, 1987.
9 E. Loeser and M. H. Litchfield, Food Chem. Toxicol. 21, 825 (1983).
10 R. W. Lambrecht et al., Fed. Proc., Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. 42, 782 (1983).
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13 J. G. Voss et al., Ann. NY Acad. Sci. (1987).
14 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Health Assessment Document for
Chlorinated Benzenes, NTIS PB85-150332, USEPA, Washington, DC, 1985.
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Organic Chlorofluoro Hydrocarbons

George M. Rusch, Ph.D., DABT, FATS

A. Introduction
The chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were introduced in the 1930s as “safe” replacements for
refrigerants such as sulfur dioxide, ammonia, carbon tetrachloride, and chloroform. In World War II,
they were used to produce insecticide aerosols to protect the troops in tropical areas against malaria
and other insectborne diseases. During the next 40–50 years, the number and type of applications
expanded to include foam blowing, precision cleaning, and propellants for medicinal, cosmetic, and
general-purpose aerosols, air conditioning, and refrigeration. These uses eventually resulted in
emission of the CFCs into the atmosphere. Because of their low chemical reactivity, they typically
have long atmospheric residence times, and as a consequence, they are distributed globally (Table
68.1) (1–12).

Table 68.1. Ozone-Depletion Potential (ODP), Atmospheric Lifetime, years

(AL), and Greenhouse Warming Potential (GWP) for Various
Chlorofluorocarbons, Hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and

GWP Relative to

Substance ODP years CFC 11 (100 yr) References

CFC 11 65 1, 2
1.0 60 1.0 4000
(230 yr)
CFC 12 1.0 102 8100 1, 3, 5
110 3.1
CFC 13 No data
CFC 112 No data
CFC 112a No data
CFC 113 90 3, 4, 4a
0.9–0.8 90 1.3–1.4
CFC 113a No data
CFC 114 0.85–1.0 200 3.7–4.1 3, 4a
CFC 114a No data
CFC 115 0.30–0.50 380 1, 3, 4a
0.40–0.60 400 7.4–7.6
HCFC 21 2 5
HCFC 22 0.05 15 0.1 1500 3, 4, 4a
HCFC 123 0.012–0.02 1.4 0.02 3, 4a
1.6 0.017–0.02
HCFC 124 0.022 6.6 0.10 4, 6
HCFC 0.025 4 7
HCFC No data
HCFC 0.10–0.12 10.8 0.12 600 3, 4, 4a, 8, 9
141b 0.07–0.11 7.8 0.087–0.097
HCFC 0.05–0.06 18.4 0.34–0.39 1800 5
HFC 32 0 6 0.13 580 10, 11
HFC 125 0 40.7 0.84 3400 4a, 6, 12
28.1 0.51–0.65
HFC 134a 0 14 0.3 4a, 9, 10
15 0.24–0.29
HFC 152a 0 1.7 0.026–0.033 4a
HFC 245fa 0 8.4 790 Personal

In 1974 Molina and Rowland (13) hypothesized that, once the CFCs reach the stratosphere, they will
undergo breakdown to release chlorine atoms. The chlorine atoms could then react with the
stratospheric ozone breaking it down into oxygen (Fig. 68.1). Since the stratospheric ozone absorbed
much of the sun's ultraviolet b radiation (UVB), decreased ozone levels would lead to increases in
ground-level UVB (14). This could affect crop growth and lead to increases in cataracts and
nonmelanoma skin cancers. Following reports of a marked drop in column ozone over Antarctica
(the “ozone hole”) during the Antarctic winter, in 1987 most of the nations of the world drafted and
signed an agreement calling for the phaseout of CFCs. This agreement is known as the Montreal

Figure 68.1. Stratospheric breakdown of CFCs 11 and 12.

Development was initiated on two types of “in-kind” replacements (15–17). The first were the
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and the second were the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Both
contain hydrogen and are susceptible to attack by hydroxyl radicals present in the atmosphere.
Therefore, they have a shorter atmospheric lifetime and either are not transported to the stratosphere
or are transported there only in small amounts. The HCFCs contain chlorine and are still capable of
causing ozone depletion, although, since their atmospheric lifetimes are short, their ozone-depleting
potential (ODP) is lower than those associated with the CFCs. The HFCs do not contain chlorine (or
bromine, also associated with ozone depletion). They, therefore, do not cause ozone depletion. A
ranking scale has been developed using CFC11 as the reference compound, with an assigned value
of 1. These values are also presented in Table 68.1.

A second concern, regarding both CFCs and their replacements, is that they are greenhouse warming
gases. They, along with other substances such as carbon dioxide, trap the sun's infrared radiation and
convert it to heat. However, they are also good insulating materials, and frequently their use as foam
blowing agents in refrigeration equipment can lead to considerable energy savings, reducing carbon
dioxide emissions. The greenhouse warming potentials (GWPs) for many of the CFCs, HCFCs, and
HFCs are given in Table 68.1.

Many methods have been developed for atmospheric monitoring of these substances. For low level
determinations, frequently a preconcentrating step is employed first, then the collected material is
eluted into a gas chromatograph using either an electron capture detector or high resolution mass
spectrometry (Brunner) (18, 19). Collection materials include cold, activated carbon (20), cold,
activated carbon plus Tenax-TA (21), porous glass beads (22), sorption on cold SE-30/glass wool
(23), or sorption on cold OV-101 (24, 25) all followed by gas chromatography (GC) with an electron
capture detector. These methods are reported to have a detection level of 1 part per trillion (ppt).
Sorption on cold activated charcoal coupled with GC and high resolution mass spectroscopy has a
detection limit of 2.6 ppt (26). Sensitivity without precollection is much lower, frequently in the
range of 50–100 ppb (27, 28) although with an electron capture detector it reportedly can reach 5–
10 ppt (29–31). For higher levels, sorption on silica gel followed by GC with a flame ionization
detector has been used (32) or direct chromatography with flame ionization detection (33, 34).
Methods have also been developed to measure low levels in water (35).

Because of their widespread use and concerns about their environmental effects and health effects,
several reviews have been written on these materials, such as the IPCS monograph on the fully
halogenated chlorofluorocarbons (36), the IPCS monograph on the partially hydrogenated
chlorofluorocarbons (37), the review of the alternate fluorocarbons by Dekant (15), the detailed
discussion on CFC 11 written by Aviado in the last edition of this book (38), and the series of Joint
Assessment of Commodity Chemicals monographs published by ECETOC on HCFC 22, HFC 32,
HCFC 123, HCFC 124, HFC 125,HCFC 132b, HCFC 133a, HFC 134a, and HCFC 141b.

From the reviews as well as the data presented later in this chapter, it can be seen that many of these
chemicals are not highly toxic. Some, in fact, do not show significant signs of toxicity at air exposure
levels up to a few percent or even over 5 or 10%. The most typical response seen following
overexposure is CNS depression related to the anesthetic properties of many of these chemicals.
Also, some have caused hepatotoxicity and occasionally reproductive effects. In the 1960s, it was
discovered that inhalation of the vapors of some of the CFCs could produce a “high.” This was a
preanesthetic effect associated with central nervous system (CNS) depression. Some individuals,
typically teenagers, would spray substances containing CFC propellants into a bag and then take
several deep breaths of the vapor. The products associated with this abuse included fry pan vegetable
oil sprays, aerosol deodorants and hairsprays, and glass chiller sprays. The propellants most often
involved were blends of CFCs 11 and 12, although nonchlorofluorocarbon substances such as
toluene, benzene, and gasoline were also implicated (39–41). Occasionally one of the individuals
would show a short period of excitement and then collapse and die. Autopsy generally was
unremarkable. Death was attributed to cardiac arrhythmia resulting from sensitization of the heart to
catechol amines (42). In all, some 65 deaths were attributed to this CFC “sniffing.” Although rare, a
few cases of death have been reported for people using metered dose inhalants for asthma (43). In
these cases, it could not be determined whether death was due to the propellant or a
sympathomimetic agent. It did appear that the inhalant had been overused. Occupationally, there
were also reports of a few accidental deaths attributed to overexposure to CFCs, most typically CFC
113. The pattern was similar to that reported in the abusive “sniffing” situations. An individual was
working in a confined area where large quantities of CFC 113 were present. In such cases, the
individual is overexposed for a fairly short time, collapses, and develops a rapid heartbeat, which can
lead to cardiac arrhythmia and possibly death (44). Several approaches using mice (45, 46), monkeys
(47), rabbits (48), and dogs (49) have been evaluated; however, the protocol that involves exposure
of dogs to test a compound under conditions designed to simulate stress, while monitoring cardiac
function, has provided good comparative information. This protocol was developed in the late 1960s
and early 1970s (42, 50–52) and has recently been reviewed (399). The protocol involves training a
group of dogs to calmly accept the procedure for several days prior to the exposure. On the day of
the exposure, each dog is exposed individually. The dog is placed in a sling and the snout-only
exposure mask and EKG leads are attached. After 2 min, the dog is given an injection of epinephrine
(adrenaline) of 4–12 mg/kg. An amount that has previously been determined to be just below that
necessary to produce a spontaneous arrhythmia. The animal is observed for 5 min. If no arrhythmias
are produced, the exposure is initiated. After 5 min of exposure, the dog is given a second injection
of epinephrine and the exposure is continued for another 5 min with EKG monitoring for ventricular
fibrillations or cardiac arrhythmias. The test is concluded at that point. Each dog will receive
multiple exposures, each separated by at least one week. The study should be designed to allow for
the determination of a no-observed-effect level (NOEL), a threshold, and the EC50 as median effect
concentration. The two most important values are the NOEL and threshold. The level of epinephrine
used represents approximately 10 times the level seen in people under stress; this makes the test
highly sensitive. In fact, the NOEL determined in this test is well below the minimum exposure level
required to induce cardiac effects in humans or animals resulting solely from a combination of stress
and exposure. This has been demonstrated using CFC 113 as an example. For CFC 113, with
injections of epinephrine, the highest NOEL was 2500 ppm and the threshold was 5000 ppm (52).
When 12 dogs were exposed to 2000 ppm for 6 h and then given and injection of epinephrine, only
one developed an arrhythmia. When dogs were exposed to concentrations of 12,000 ppm and
frightened by electric shock or a loud noise, none developed an arrhythmia. Likewise, when dogs
were exercised on a treadmill and exposed to 20,000 ppm of CFC 113, none developed an
arrhythmia (50). No arrhythmias were seen in monkeys exposed to 50,000 ppm or in mice exposed
to 100,000 ppm of CFC 113 without injections of epinephrine or other stressers (125). All of these
studies demonstrate the sensitivity of the protocol design in determining the potential for exposure to
a chemical to induce cardiac effect. A comparison of the dogs given an injection of epinephrine to
those exercising on the treadmill indicates at least an eightfold difference in thresholds. If the
comparison is made to monkeys not under stress, the difference is at least 20-fold. Finally, with
HCFC 142b, in conjuction with epinephrine, arrhythmias were seen in all 12 dogs exposed to
100,000 ppm. Without epinephrine, exposures of 800,000 ppm of HCFC 142b caused only a marked
response in one of the dogs. When the dogs were exposed to 800,000 ppm of HCFC 142b and
startled with a noise, but not given epinephrine, only 42% gave a marked response (42).

On the following pages, each compound is discussed individually. They have been divided into three
general areas: chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and hydrofluorocarbons.

Organic Chlorofluoro Hydrocarbons

George M. Rusch, Ph.D., DABT, FATS

B. Chlorofluorocarbons
1.0 Trichlorofluoromethane
1.0.1 CAS Number: [75-69-4]

1.0.2 Synonyms: CFC 11, R-11, fluorotrichloromethane, F-11, Halocarbon 11, Fluorocarbon 11,
Freon-11, Frigen 11, Fluorocarbon no. 11, FC 11, Halon 11, Propellent 11, Trichlorofluoromethane

1.0.3 Trade Names: Algofrene 11, Isceon 11, Forane 11, Arcton 11, AF 11, Genetron 11, Freon® 11,
Freon® MF (solvent), Arcton 9, Genetron 11, Isceon 131, Isotron 11, Ledon 11, Aigofrene type 1,
Electro-cf 11; Eskimon 11, Kaltron 11, Khaladon 11

1.0.4 Molecular Weight: 137.38

1.0.5 Molecular Formula: CCl3F

1.0.6 Molecular Structure:

1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

1.1.1 General (36)
Physical form Liquid
Color Colorless
Boiling point at 101.3 kPa 23.8°C
Freezing point –111°C
Specific gravity 1.494 @ 17.2°C
Vapor density 5.86 g/L
Vapor pressure 690 torr at 20°C
Solubility in water 0.11 g/L
log Pow 2.53
Limit of flammability Nonflammable

1.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties CFC 11 has a light ethereal odor with poor warning properties.

Organic Chlorofluoro Hydrocarbons

George M. Rusch, Ph.D., DABT, FATS

C. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
11.0 Dichlorofluoromethane
11.0.1 CAS Number: [75-43-4]

11.0.2 Synonyms: HCFC 21, F-21, R-21, dichloromonofluoromethane, refrigerant R21, freon 21,
fluorodichloromethane, R-21

11.0.3 Trade Names: Genetron 21, AF-21, Freon® 21

11.0.4 Molecular Weight: 102.92

11.0.5 Molecular Formula: CHCl2F

11.0.6 Molecular Structure:

11.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

11.1.1 General (7, 117)
Physical form Gas
Color Colorless
Boiling point at 101.3 kPa 8.9°C
Freezing point –135°C
Specific gravity 1.405 at 9°C
Liquid density at 9°C 1.405
Vapor density (air = 1) Data not available
Vapor pressure at 25°C Data not available
Solubility in water at 25°C 9.5 g/L
log Pow Data not available
Limit of flammability Not flammable

11.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Dichlorofluoromethane is almost odorless with poor warning

Organic Chlorofluoro Hydrocarbons

George M. Rusch, Ph.D., DABT, FATS

D. Hydrofluorocarbons
19.0 Difluoromethane
19.0.1 CAS Number: [75-10-5]

19.0.2 Synonyms: HFC 32, R-32, HFA 32

19.0.3 Trade Names: Ecoloace 32, Forane 32, Asahiklin 32, Genetron 32; Meforex 32; Klea 32

19.0.4 Molecular Weight: 52.024

19.0.5 Molecular Formula: CH2F2

19.0.6 Molecular Structure:

19.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

19.1.1 General (336)
Physical form Gas
Color Colorless
Boiling point at 101.3 kPa –51.7°C
Freezing point –136°C
Liquid density at 20°C 1.1 g/mL
Vapor density (air = 1) 1.8
Vapor pressure at 25°C 1670 kPa
Solubility in water at 25°C 4.4 g/L
log Pow 0.21
Limit of Flammability lower, % v/v: 13.6

upper, % v/v: 32.2

19.1.2 Odor and Warning Properties Difluoromethane is odorless or has a light ethereal odor with
poor warning properties.

Organic Chlorofluoro Hydrocarbons


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