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Mscit 301

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Roll No. ......................

Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02

M.Sc. (IT) (Semester - 3rd)
C # WITH . NET (M.Sc. (IT) - 301)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A
(15 x 2 = 30)
a) What is .NET framework?
b) Give the syntax of main function in C #.
c) What is unboxing?
d) What is meant by type conversion?
e) Give an example using? : operator.
f) Give the syntax of switch statement.
g) What is a virtual function?
h) When do we use variable-size arrays?
i) Give an example of a regular expression?
j) Give any two differences between class and struct.
k) What is this reference?
l) What is multiple inheritance?
m) What is polymorphism?
n) What is meant by overriding?
o) Why do we use console class?
Section - B
(9 x 5 = 45)

Q2) What are the characteristics of a good abstraction?

Q3) State the features of C #.

Q4) Give an example using reference types in C #?

Q5) Give operator precedence and associativity of C #.

Q6) When will you use empty statement?

Q7) Write a program to count the upper case characters in a text ending with #.

Q8) Write a program to convert a two dimensional matrix into one dimensional
row major matrix.

Q9) Write a program to illustrate multilevel inheritance with virtual methods.

Q10) Write a program to illustrate overloading of the unary operator + +.

Q11) What are the situations when delegates are preferred?

Q12) What are different numeric formatting possible in C #?

Q13) Give an example illustrating use of checked and unchecked operators.


J-3098[S-98] 2

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