Standing Waves: Project PHYSNET Physics Bldg. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Standing Waves: Project PHYSNET Physics Bldg. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Standing Waves: Project PHYSNET Physics Bldg. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
1. Introduction a. Properties of Running Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b. Standing Waves and Normal Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 c. Eect of Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Standing Waves on a String a. Oppositely-Directed Waves Add Linearly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 b. Reection Produces Oppositely Directed Waves . . . . . . . . . 3 c. Boundaries Determine the Possible Wavelengths . . . . . . . . . 3 d. Second Boundary Condition: Restricted Frequencies . . . . . 4 e. Other Conditions, Other Characteristic Frequencies . . . . . . 5 f. Nodes for Characteristic Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. Longitudinal Standing Waves a. Comparison to Transverse Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 b. Open-End and Closed-End Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ID Sheet: MISN-0-232 THIS IS A DEVELOPMENTAL-STAGE PUBLICATION OF PROJECT PHYSNET The goal of our project is to assist a network of educators and scientists in transferring physics from one person to another. We support manuscript processing and distribution, along with communication and information systems. We also work with employers to identify basic scientic skills as well as physics topics that are needed in science and technology. A number of our publications are aimed at assisting users in acquiring such skills. Our publications are designed: (i) to be updated quickly in response to eld tests and new scientic developments; (ii) to be used in both classroom and professional settings; (iii) to show the prerequisite dependencies existing among the various chunks of physics knowledge and skill, as a guide both to mental organization and to use of the materials; and (iv) to be adapted quickly to specic user needs ranging from single-skill instruction to complete custom textbooks. New authors, reviewers and eld testers are welcome. PROJECT STAFF Andrew Schnepp Eugene Kales Peter Signell Webmaster Graphics Project Director
Title: Standing Waves Author: J. S. Kovacs, Michigan State University Version: 5/7/2002 Length: 1 hr; 28 pages Input Skills: 1. Vocabulary: amplitude, frequency, wavelength, wave equation, traveling wave (MISN-0-201); transverse wave, longitudinal wave, sound wave (0-202). 2. Write the wave equation for a one-dimensional traveling wave of given amplitude, frequency, wavelength, and direction of propagation (0-201). 3. Recall and use equations relating wave velocity, frequency, wavelength, and the characteristics of media: transverse waves along a string of given mass, length and tension; longitudinal waves in air and along a solid of given elastic constants (0-202). Output Skills (Knowledge): K1. Vocabulary: antinode, characteristic (resonant) frequency, rst overtone, fundamental frequency, harmonics, node, normal modes, overtones, standing wave, superposition. Output Skills (Problem Solving): S1. Given a set of physical boundary conditions, determine the possible frequencies of the normal modes for transverse standing waves on a stretched string. For a string of given mass per unit length under a given tension, determine the numerical values for some of these frequencies. S2. For longitudinal sound waves in a closed organ pipe, apply the appropriate boundary conditions to determine the possible frequencies for standing waves. Do the same for an open pipe. Determine the numerical values of the fundamental frequency and some of its lower harmonics. Evaluation: Stage 0
ADVISORY COMMITTEE D. Alan Bromley E. Leonard Jossem A. A. Strassenburg Yale University The Ohio State University S. U. N. Y., Stony Brook
Views expressed in a module are those of the module author(s) and are not necessarily those of other project participants. c 2002, Peter Signell for Project PHYSNET, Physics-Astronomy Bldg., Mich. State Univ., E. Lansing, MI 48824; (517) 355-3784. For our liberal use policies see:
waves on a string (or in a pipe) is attributed to the conditions that must be satised at the boundaries of the string (or pipe). The possible energy levels of atomic systems also have a discrete spectrum, instead of a continuous spectrum. The boundary conditions that must be satised by the solutions to such atomic problems can be seen to be the explanation of this discrete (quantized) spectrum.2
represents a wave of transverse displacement from equilibrium traveling to the right.4 It satises Eq. (1) above and is a function of x vt. If, at the same time, there were another wave traveling to the left, the resultant displacement from equilibrium at coordinate x at time t would be the superposition or the sum of the displacements due to the individual waves. Lets take the case where the two waves have amplitudes 0 and 0 , and the same frequency. The superposition is (x, t) = 0 sin(kx t) + 0 sin(kx + t) ,
2 This 3 The
is developed and applied in MISN-0-242 and MISN-0-245. shape of the wave form is determined by the function form f of the composite variables x vt or x + vt. See The Wave Equation and Its Solutions (MISN-0-201). 4 Here is the amplitude of the wave (the maximum transverse displacement from 0 equilibrium), k is 2 times the reciprocal of the wavelength, and is 2 times the frequency. These are the same as dened in MISN-0-201.
MISN-0-232 which can be written as5 (x, t) = (0 + 0 ) sin kx cos t + (0 0 ) cos kx sin t .
2b. Reection Produces Oppositely Directed Waves. How can we generate waves which have the functional form of Eq. (4)? If a very long string is oscillated at one end (the other end is assumed to be an innite distance away from the point of excitation), waves travel in one direction only, away from the oscillating end. If, however, the string is of nite length, the wave upon arriving at the far end will, in general, undergo a reection, producing a traveling wave directed opposite to the incident one. Under steady state conditions, the two waves travel along the length of the string simultaneously, producing the wave form described by Eq. (4). 2c. Boundaries Determine the Possible Wavelengths. The superposition of the sinusoidal waves moving in the two directions along the string, as represented by Eq. (3) or Eq. (4), appears to have three free variables: the amplitudes 0 and 0 and the angular frequency .6 You should be able to externally control the values of these parameters. The value of is determined by the frequency of transverse oscillation imposed at the input end of the string.7 The amplitude 0 is also determined by this input signal. The other amplitude 0 , however, is determined by the condition that for all times t the displacement of the string from its equilibrium position at the input end of the string (take this to be at x = 0) should be zero. According to Eq. (4), (0, t) = (0 0 ) sin t , (5)
that all points oscillate in phase: the displacement at all points goes to zero at the same time (when t is an odd multiple of /2) and has its maximum value at all points at the same time (when t is an integer multiple of ). These are standing waves as contrasted with the traveling waves which travel down the length of the open string when one end is excited. 2d. Second Boundary Condition: Restricted Frequencies. There is another boundary, the other end of the string, which also imposes a condition on the wave form, Eq. (6). If, for example, the other end at coordinate x = L is also held xed at the equilibrium position, this adds the restriction that (L, t) = 0, for all t . (7) Setting 0 equal to zero would satisfy this condition but it would result in the trivial uninteresting solution that (x, t) is zero for all x at all times t. The only other variable parameter is k. The quantity sin kx, evaluated at x = L, will be zero only for certain values of k. Those are given by: sin kL = 0 or, with k = 2/, 2L = n, n = 1, 2, . . . . (9) when kL = integer multiple of , (8)
and this will be zero for all t only if 0 = 0 . With that boundary condition, Eq. (4) is modied to: (x, t) = 20 sin kx cos t . (one end xed) (6)
This restricts the possible wavelengths of standing waves on the string (only those wavelengths for which an integer multiple is twice the strings length). This thus restricts the possible frequencies of excitation with which standing waves can be set up in a string which is xed at the equilibrium position at both ends. n = nv , 2L n = 1, 2, . . . . (both ends xed) (10)
where v is the wave velocity for waves along the string. Help: [S-1] For example, the lowest frequency of standing wave that can be set up on a 25 cm string of mass 10 gm clamped at both ends and held under a tension of 100 N is 100 Hz. Other possible frequencies are integer multiples of this fundamental frequency, namely 200 Hz, 300 Hz, 400 Hz, . . . , etc. Note that the fundamental mode corresponds to the case where exactly one-half wavelength ts between the xed ends of the string. Other modes have a full wavelength, one and a half wavelengths, two wavelengths, etc.
The eect of this boundary condition is not a trivial one. Eq. (6) doesnt describe a traveling wave. Each point x on the string oscillates up and down with frequency (equal to /2). The amplitude of oscillation varies from point to point, the amplitude at x being 20 sin kx. Note also
the trigonometric relations: sin(A B) = sin A cos B cos A sin B . quantity k is related to through the xed velocity of the waves along the string. Because k = 2/, = 2, and = v, we have that = vk. 7 is essentially determined by the energy introduced at the input end. See MISN0 0-203 for the relationship between the energy in a wave and its amplitude.
6 The 5 Using
fixed end
x=0 x=L Figure 1. A stretched string connects a xed point and a ring that can slide frictionlessly on a transverse rod.
Figure 2. First overtone for standing waves on a string xed at both ends. corresponding to the case where the length of the system is a quarter wavelength of the wave as illustrated in Fig. 1. 2f. Nodes for Characteristic Frequencies. The normal modes of excitation for a string, of length L, xed at both ends have the characteristic frequencies given by Eq. (10). For the second frequency of excitation, usually called the rst overtone,8 the length of the string L is exactly equal to the wavelength associated with that frequency. According to Eq. (6), the displacement from equilibrium at points x for any t is for the n = 2 mode given by: 2 (x, t) = 20 sin x cos t . (12) L This satises the boundary condition that for all times t the points x = 0 and x = L have zero displacement from equilibrium. These nonmoving points are called nodal points or nodes. However, for this mode of excitation, the point x = L/2, the midpoint of the string, is also a node (see Fig. 2). If this point were also held xed (along with x = 0 and x = L), this mode of standing wave could still be excited. The mode n = 1 could not be, nor could any mode which did not produce a node at x = L/2. Those modes which could be excited if the midpoint were
fundamental frequency is also called the rst harmonic because it is the rst member of a harmonic series. The second frequency is called the second harmonic or rst overtone, etc, Help: [S-3].
8 The
2e. Other Conditions, Other Characteristic Frequencies. The characteristic frequencies that can excite standing waves along a string are determined by the physical boundary conditions. The set of frequencies as expressed by Eq. (10) above are characteristic of a string with both ends xed. Another set of boundary conditions gives rise to a dierent set of characteristic frequencies. For example, if at the end x = L the string is attached to a ring on a vertical frictionless rod (instead of being xed), then this end is free to move up and down (see Fig. 1). Furthermore, because the rod is frictionless, it cannot exert a vertical force on the ring and hence the ring cannot exert a vertical force on the string at the point of connection. Consequently, the tension in the string at x = L must at all times be directed horizontally. A segment of exible string, however, aligns itself along the direction of the net force on it. The alignment of the string at x = L thus is at all times horizontal, its slope is always zero. This condition combined with the condition that the x = 0 end is xed, yields the result that the characteristic frequencies are: n = (2n 1)v ; 4L n = 1, 2, . . . . Help: [S-2] (11)
For example, for the string described after Eq. (10), if the end x = L is attached to such a frictionless ring, the fundamental frequency is 50 Hz,
Figure 3. The amplitude distribution for standing sound waves in: (a) a pipe closed at one end and open at the other; and (b) a pipe open at both ends. for one of the normal modes for standing waves in each case: (a) a pipe closed at one end and open at the other; and (b) a pipe open at both ends. Help: [S-4] In each case it is not the fundamental mode but the rst overtone that is illustrated. Note that in case (a) the overtones, the tones that actually occur, are not consecutive members of the harmonic series. For this system, the rst, second, third. etc., overtures are the third, fth, seventh, etc., harmonics. The system illustrated in case (b) exhibits all harmonics.
The author wishes to thank Professor James Linneman for several useful suggestons. Preparation of this module was supported in part by the National Science Foundation, Division of Science Education Development and Research, through Grant #SED 74-20088 to Michigan State University.
anti-node: a position along the medium where a standing wave shows maximum oscillation as time progresses. boundary condition: for a wave function, a requirement that it have some particular value at some point in space for all times. The requirement represents on a physical restraint that has been placed on the medium.
end. Thus the eective length of a pipe with an open end is (1/3) diameter longer than the physical length. For the purposes of this module we will assume the eective length is the physical length or that the diameter of the pipe is very much smaller than any wavelength of interest.
MISN-0-232 characteristic frequency: frequencies. fundamental frequency: frequency. fundamental mode: lowest frequency.
9 for a system, any of the normal-mode for a system, the lowest normal-mode
transverse wave: a wave whose oscillation is at right angles to the waves direction of motion. String waves and light waves are transverse waves. travelling wave: a wave for which crests (for example) travel past any given location as they move along the medium. Thus successive photographs of the medium show a wave moving along it.
harmonic series: for a system, the set of frequencies that are integer multiples of the systems fundamental frequency. The lowest-frequency harmonic, the fundamental-mode frequency, is called the rst harmonic, the next highest is called the second harmonic, etc. Not all of the systems harmonic-series frequencies need occur in the systems actual normal-mode frequencies. longitudinal wave: a wave whose oscillation is in the direction of the waves direction of motion. Sound waves are longitudinal waves. node: a position along the medium where a standing wave shows zero oscillation at all times. normal mode: for a wave function, a physical situation in which a standing wave occurs with a single frequency of oscillation. For one system, dierent frequencies can occur under dierent stimuli of the medium. Such dierent oscillations are called dierent normal modes of the system. The collection of all such possible modes are called tthe systems normal modes. overtone: for a system, any normal-mode frequency other than the lowest one. The lowest-frequency overtone is called the rst overtone, the next highest the second overtone, etc. running wave: a wave for which crests (for example) travel past any given location as they move along the medium. Thus successive photographs of the medium show a wave moving along it. standing wave: a wave which does not move along the medium. Successive photographs of the medium show a stationary wave oscillating in place. This means that at some positions, called nodes, the standing wave never varies from zero as time progresses. At all other positions it varies smoothly from a crest to zero to a trough to zero to a crest, etc, as time progresses. At positions half-way between nodes, the crests and troughs are a maximum and these are called anti-nodes.
MISN-0-232 3.
v = (T /)1/2 Note 1: Work these problems in order, completing each one successfully before going on to the next. Note 2: Problems 5 and 8 also occur in this modules Model Exam. 1.
x = 0.25m
x = 0.75m
Now suppose the wire in Problem 1 is clamped 1/3 of the way from the end x = 0, as illustrated in the sketch. Repeat parts (a) and (b) of Problem 2 with this new set of boundary conditions, namely that any normal modes must possess nodes at x = 0, x = 0.25 m and x = 0.75 m. Help: [S-5] 4.
A stretched steel wire, 75.0 cm long, is xed at both ends to perfectly reecting walls. The wire is under a tension of 3.00 102 N and has a mass of 0.625 gm. a. Calculate the velocity of propagation of any transverse wave existing on this wire. Help: [S-9] b. Taking one xed end as x = 0 and the other as x = L, apply the boundary conditions of requiring a node at both ends to determine the wavelengths of the fundamental and the rst and second overtones. Sketch the amplitude distributions of these three normal modes. c. Compute the corresponding frequencies of these normal modes and determine whether or not they form a series of harmonics. If so label each accordingly. Help: [S-10] 2. Suppose the sketched wire in Problem 1 is clamped at its midpoint, thus requiring a node to exist there. a. Apply these new boundary conditions to determine the wavelengths of the rst three normal modes. Again, sketch the amplitude distributions. Help: [S-5] b. Determine the frequencies of these three normal modes and whether or not they form a series of harmonics. If so, label them as in Problem 1.
Replace one of the xed ends of the steel wire in Problem 1 with a frictionless ring on a rod, so that a node always occurs at the left end and an antinode always occurs at the right end. Assuming all other conditions remain the same (tension in the wire, mass per unit length of the wire), repeat parts (a) and (b) of Problem 2 with this set of boundary conditions. 5.
x=0 x = 0.50m x = 0.75m Now suppose the wire in Problem 4 is clamped 0.25 m from the free end, as illustrated in the sketch. Repeat parts (a) and (b) of Problem 2 with this set of boundary conditions (nodes at x = 0 and x = 0.50 m and an antinode at x = 0.75 m). Help: [S-5]
MISN-0-232 6.
Brief Answers:
1. a. v = 600 m/s b. kL = n , An organ pipe, 1.50 m long, is closed at one end and open at the other. Thus for whatever standing wave patterns that are excited in the pipe, a node must occur at the closed end and an antinode must occur at the open end. a. Calculate the speed of sound waves in air at 20 C. Use M = 28.8 gm/mole and = 1.40 for air, and R = 8.31 J/(mole K) is the ideal gas constant. Help: [S-8] b. Use the boundary conditions to determine the wavelengths of the fundamental and the rst and second overtones. Sketch the air pressure amplitude distribution of these three normal modes. c. Compute the corresponding frequencies of these three normal modes and determine whether or not they form a series of harmonics. If so label each accordingly. 7. Replace the organ pipe of Problem 6 with a pipe of equal length but open at both ends. This condition requires that an antinode occur at both ends of the pipe for any standing wave. Assuming all external conditions remain the same; a. Apply the boundary conditions to determine the wavelengths of the rst three normal modes and sketch the air pressure amplitude distributions. Help: [S-6] b. Compute the corresponding frequencies and label them as harmonics. 8. A hole is drilled in the pipe of Problem 7 halfway from either end, thus imposing antinode at the midpoint of the pipe for any allowed normal mode. Repeat parts (a) and (b) of Problem 7 for this new system. First Overtone: = 1/2 L = 0.375 m n = 1, 2, 3, . . . Fundamental: = 2 L = 1.50 m
First Overtone: = L = 0.75 m
Second Overtone: = 2/3 L = 0.50 m
c. Fundamental: = 400 Hz (1st Harmonic) First Overtone: = 800 Hz (2nd Harmonic) Second Overtone: = 1200 Hz (3rd Harmonic) 2. a. k L/2 = n , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . Fundamental: = L = 0.75 m
L clamp
Second Overtone: = 1/3 L = 0.25 m
MISN-0-232 b. Fundamental: = 800 Hz (1st Harmonic) First Overtone: = 1600 Hz (2nd Harmonic) Second Overtone: = 2400 Hz (3rd Harmonic) 3. a. k L = n, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . 3 Fundamental: = 2/3 L = 0.5 m
b. Fundamental: = 200 Hz (1st Harmonic) First Overtone: = 600 Hz (3rd Harmonic) Second Overtone: = 1000 Hz (5th Harmonic) (Note that for this set of boundary conditions that even harmonics do not exist.) 5. a. k 2L/3 = n , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . Fundamental: = 4/3 L = 1.00 m
First Overtone: = 1/3 L = 0.25 m
First Overtone: = 4/9 L = 0.33 m
L clamp
Second Overtone: = 2/9 L = 0.166 m
Second Overtone: = 4/15 L = 0.20 m
L clamp
b. Fundamental: = 1200 Hz (lst Harmonic) First Overtone: = 2400 Hz (2nd Harmonic) Second Overtone: = 3600 Hz (3rd Harmonic) 4. a. kL = 2n 1 3 , ,...,( ), 2 2 2 Fundamental: = 4 L = 3.00 m for n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
b. Fundamental: = 600 Hz (1st Harmonic) First Overtone: = 1800 Hz (3rd Harmonic) Second Overtone: = 3000 Hz (5th Harmonic) (Again note that for this set of boundary conditions only odd harmonics are present.) 6. a. v = 344 m/s 2n 1 3 ,...( ), b. kL = , 2 2 2 Fundamental: = 4 L = 6.00 m
First Overtone: = 4/3 L = 1.00 m
for n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
Second Overtone: = 4/5 L = 0.60 m
First Overtone: = 4/3 L = 2.00 m
c. Fundamental: = 57.3 Hz (1st Harmonic) First Overtone: = 172 Hz (3rd Harmonic) Second Overtone: = 286.7 Hz (5th Harmonic) (Note that this system is entirely analogous to the stretched string in Problem 4; the boundary conditions are the same.) 7. a. k L = n , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . . Help: [S-6] b. Fundamental: = 229.3 Hz (1st Harmonic): First Overtone: = 458.7 Hz (2nd Harmonic) Second Overtone: = 688 Hz (3rd Harmonic) Fundamental: = 2 L = 3.00 m Second Overtone: = L/3 = 0.50 m
First Overtone: = L = 1.50 m
Second Overtone: = 2/3 L = 1.00 m
b. Fundamental: = 114.7 Hz (1st Harmonic) First Overtone: = 229.3 Hz (2nd Harmonic) Second Overtone: = 344 Hz (3rd Harmonic) L n = 1, 2, 3, . . . 8. a. k( ) = n, 2 Fundamental: = L = 1.50 m
Avoid memorizing specic formulae for normal mode frequencies since there are so many, essentially one for each set of boundary conditions. Rather, apply the boundary conditions for the particular problem at hand to Eq. (6) and derive a unique formula for the characteristic frequencies, just as was done for the case of a stretched string xed at both ends, resulting in Eq. (10). S-2 (from TX-2e) At x = 0: sin kx = 0, regardless of k. At x = L, sin kL = 1 since the string may experience its maximum displacement at this point: = (20 sin kL) cos t . The amplitude of the standing wave is 20 sin kL. What values of kL (in radians) will yield a value of 1 for sin kL? S-3 (from TX-2f ) For a set of discrete characteristic frequencies corresponding to the normal modes of standing waves in any system, the lowest allowed frequency is always be called the fundamental frequency. The next highest allowed frequency is called the rst overtone, followed by the second overtone, third overtone, etc. If these overtones can be expressed as an integer, n, times the fundamental frequency, 0 , i.e. n = n 0 , then the normal modes are said to constitute a series of harmonics, where n is the nth harmonic. The correspondence between overtones and harmonics is not xed since in certain systems some harmonics are not allowed by the boundary conditions. Help: [S-7] S-4 (from TX-3b)
Remember that only normal modes which naturally have a node at the position of the clamp satisfy the boundary conditions, hence are the only ones that can exist. Furthermore there are regular spacings between nodes and antinodes: 1/2 wavelength between adjacent nodes, 1/2 wavelength between adjacent antinodes, and 1/4 wavelength between adjacent nodes and antinodes.
l antinodes
(from PS-problem 7)
Since antinodes occur at both ends of an open pipe (x = 0 and x = L), the original waves must be represented by functions which do not cancel automatically at x = 0. Since the waves are sinusoidal, cosine functions may be used as well as sine functions to fulll the above condition: = 1 + 2 = 0 cos(kx t) + 0 cos(kx + t) = 20 cos kx cos t. This equation for the standing wave does not yield a node at x = 0. It satises the boundary conditions of the system at hand. S-7 (from [S-3])
The illustration of the amplitude distribution for standing waves in pipes depicted in Fig. 3 is not intended to be a literal picture of what you would see in an organ pipe. Rather it relies on an analogy with the standing wave patterns set up in stretched strings.
For example, the rst overtone in the case of the string xed at both ends is also the 2nd harmonic, but for a string xed at one end and free at the other, the rst overtone becomes the 3rd harmonic (work through the allowed frequencies established by Eq. (10) and Eq. (11) to convince yourself of this). Furthermore, some systems do not exhibit harmonics at all since the overtones cannot be expressed as integral multiples of the fundamental.
The speed of sound is related to the given quantities in Sound Waves and Small Transverse Waves on a String, MISN-0-202, Sect. 5d. S-9 (from PS-problem 1a) If you dont know how to get the velocity from the given quantities, you failed to learn it in a prerequisite module (see the Input Skills in this modules ID Sheet). It is also possible to recall how to do it as you read the text of this module. As you work with the numbers, make sure you convert all quantities to the proper SI units (m, kg, s) and do units algebra using, if necessary, N = kg m/s2 . S-10 (from PS-problem 1c)
v = (T /)1/2 1. See Output Skill K1 in this modules ID Sheet. 2.
If you dont know how to get frequency from the other quantities, you failed to learn it in a prerequisite module (see the Input Skills in this modules ID Sheet).
x = 0.50m
x = 0.75m
A stretched steel wire, 75.0 cm long, is xed at one end to a perfectly reecting wall. The other end is attached to a ring that can slide frictionlessly on a transverse rod, so this end is said to be free. The wire is under a tension of 3.00102 N and has a mass of 0.625 gm. The wire is clamped 0.25 m from the free end, as illustrated in the sketch. a. Determine the wavelengths of the rst three normal modes. Sketch the amplitude distributions. b. Determine the frequencies of these three normal modes and determine whether or not they form a series of harmonics. If they do, label them properly. 3. An organ pipe, 1.50 m long, is open at both ends. The temperature of the air is 20 C. A hole is drilled halfway between the ends. a. Determine the wavelengths of the rst three normal modes and sketch the air pressure amplitude distributions. b. Compute the corresponding frequencies and label them as harmonics.
Brief Answers: 1. See this modules text. 2. See this modules Problem Supplement, problem 5. 3. See this modules Problem Supplement, problem 8.