Introduction To Swara Yoga
Introduction To Swara Yoga
Introduction To Swara Yoga
The word SWARA in Sanskrit, means sound or musical note; it also means the continuous flow of air through one nostril. And we all know that YOGA means union. So Swara Yoga is the science which is about the realization of cosmic consciousness, through the awareness or observation, then control or manipulation of the flow of breath in the nostrils. Swara yoga is an ancient tantric science which involves the systematic study of the breath flow through the nostrils (or swara) in relation to the prevailing phases of the moon, time of day and direction . Although we think of 'pranayama' when we think of techniques associated with the breath, in Swara yoga, it is the association of the breath in relation to the activities or phases or positions of the sun, moon, planets, seasons, time of day, with the physical and mental conditions of the individual and then taking the appropriate action according to these subtle relations. For example, knowing the moon phases and checking the flow of your nostrils before you get out of bed in the morning and letting the corresponding foot be the first to touch the floor and make the first step, is a simple practice that ensures success in everything that happens for that day. The first foot to touch the ground will get the prevailing 'successful' flow of energy from the cosmos.
Swara yoga is an ancient science existing since before the Vedic period, over ten thousand years ago. It was a secret science, only available for the select few, specially kings and dedicated sadhaks. It was kept as a closed secret by the ancient sages and saints who had intuitively received this knowledge from the Divine. This ancient divine knowledge was available only for sadhaks, to those who had risen above the worldly and mundane affairs of life, those who had a spiritual attitude, and the dedication and devotion of a disciple, so that this precious knowledge was kept pure and it didn't go into the wrong hands. It was used for yearly predictions and other divinations. It was used for those who had mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual problems so that they could get rid of their problems by using this divine knowledge of Swara Yoga. Also, it was useful for the Grahastha, the householder, in day to day matters. It was commonly used for general future predictions as well as in special cases such as making wars go according to the wishes of the king, or for having a divine child. It was used to choose an auspicious time, start special jobs, journeys, wars, building etc. and for creating harmony in world affairs, predicting the time of death, and to deal with planetary effects, astral forces and negative effects of planets of the zodiac and the constellations. Through the knowledge of swara yoga one can become free from all kinds of negative influences of one's destiny and can achieve heightened awareness. The swara yoga practices related to breath were used understand the governing forces of life, to understand the nature of the universe and effects of the elements on body and mind by observing the different patterns of breath. Further, it was used to go beyond the limitations of the mind. Swara yoga is a tantric science coming from the Agama Shastras and from Shaiva Tantra, where Lord Siva is the guru and Shakti is the disciple She asks questions about nature and the governing forces of the universe. Lord Siva gives this precious knowledge of swara yoga to Shakti. Other tantric traditions also existed such as Surya tantra, Ganapatya tantra and Vaishnava tantra. Today only two tantric techniques are commonly available, Saiva and Shakta tantra.
The fascinating thing about Swara yoga is that just by being aware of the swara (dominant nostril) in relation to the environment, you can manipulate the results of what you are about to do. In other words, you can find out which is going to be the successful route and then follow it. It can be as simple as checking your nostrils
before setting out of the house, noting the direction you wish to go in and then choosing the appropriate foot with which you will make your first step, to ensure success and positive outcomes for everything that follows thereafter.
Shiva Swarodaya
A brief on the Swara Yoga shastra Shakti asks Lord Shiva: Q. 1. Which knowledge bestows perfection? Q. 2. How was the universe created? Q.3. How does the universe change and dissolve? Q.4. Who determines the universe? Lord Shiva responds: Creation takes place due to tattwas (subtle essences), is sustained by them and finally dissolves into them. Tattwas are the origin of the universe. There is one birthless, formless supreme existence from which evolves akasha (ether), from which comes vayu (air). From vayu originates tejas (fire), from tejas apas (water) and from apas prithvi (earth). These five elements are spread throughout the world. Creation is formed and sustained from them and again merges back into them as the subtle process of creation continues ceaselessly. What is swara? The science of Swara is the secret of all secrets and reveals the essence of all benefits. This science is the crown jewel of all knowledge. It is the subtlest of all subtle knowledge. It is easy to understand and based on truth. To the atheist it is a wonder, to the theist, the base (verse 11, Shiv Swara Udaya) Who may have the knowledge? It should be given to one who is peaceful, pure, well behaved, dedicated to the guru, determined in mind, grateful (verse 13) The glory of Swara The power of swara overcomes enemies and joins friends, obtains wealth and glory (verse 22) O Lady of beautiful face, all sacred books, moral stories, learning and Upinashads are not beyond the knowledge of swara (verse 25) If you have knowledge of Swara, it is not necessary to consult the date, stars, days, planets, gods, conjunctions of stars or disorders of humours, phlegm, bile, wind, before starting any project (verse 29) The teaching should not be revealed simply to answer someone's questions, but by one's own self, by one's own intellect in one's own body (verse 28) AMONG SHASTRA Among subjects that the texts on Swara discuss are the placement, location and function of the nadis, Yoga sadhana, description of auspicious/ inauspicious nadis according to the day, rules of the five tattwas, Zodiac signs according to the day and night, the appropriate direction of travel, reverse situations, fulfilment of desires, auspicious acts during the flow of ida nadi, successful acts during the flow of Pingala nadi, characteristics of sushumna nadi, eight-fold division of elements or breath, predictions and divination, places of the five elements in the body, how to get gain and prosperity, prediction and indicators of death, attainment of psychic powers
through the knowledge of swara, getting a divine child, super-psychic Astrology and Vastu connected with nadis and chakras and overcoming illnesses.
Swara Cycle
Swara yoga is about the effect of nasal breathing on our body and mind through right nostril, (Pingala Nadi) left nostril, Ida Nadi) both nostril (Shushumna Nadi). The different pattern and nature of breath indicates the active elements (Panch Mahabhutas ie. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether) in our psychic body . In Swara yoga, practices are connected with the flow of nadi in a systematic pattern with moon phases, Sun and other planets. Elements are connected with different planets in different nasal flow. When a planet affect earth's gravitational field and electromagnetic field they will alter human energy patterns in the psychic body on feedback basis. This can be experienced as change in the flow of our breath. Swara yoga identifies this as different elements. In order to balance and harmonize these subtle forces, Swara yoga gives the easy and effective tool - The time and cycle of breath. The cycle of breath is based the luner tithis (Moon's position at different times).
Tithi is considered as the first phase or portion (Kala) of the 16 phases of the Moon. The 15 days, commencing from Amavasya (the last day of the dark half of a lunar month) to Purnima (Full moon), are called the Tithis of the Shukla-Paksha or Waxing Moon (brighter phase) when moon becomes fuller and the days commencing from Purnima to Amavasya are called Krishna Paksha waning Moon (darker phase) when moon becomes darker. In Indian Astrology, the calculation of the Tithis starts from Pratipada (The first day in each half of the lunar month) of the Shukla-Paksha. They are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. Pratipada. 2. Dwitiya. 3. Tritiya. 4. Chaturthi. 5. Panchami. 6. Shashthi. 7. Saptami. 8. Ashtami. 9. Navami. 10. Dashami. 11. Ekadasi. 12. Dwadashi. 13. Trayodashi. 14. Chaturdashi. 15. Purnima / 30. Amawasya.
Similarly, in the Krishna-Paksha, starting from Pratipada till Chaturdashi, all the dates are same; the only difference being the fifteenth day which is Amavasya (No Moon or Moonless night) For
tithi calculation for any particular day any location Click here. In Swara cycle right nostril becomes active during Krishna paksha on tithes Pratipada,(1) Dwitiya, ,(2) Tritiya, ,(3) Saptami, ,(7) Ashtami, ,(8) Navami, ,(9) Trayodashi, ,(13) Chaturdashi, ,(14) Amavasya,(15). There after Ida and Pingala function alternately in 1-2 hour cycle throughout the day until, at sunset left nostril begins to function on the specified days. On days 4 , 6, 10, 12, of dark fortnight (Krishna paksha) the left nostril flows at sunrise and right nostril at sunset. During shukla paksha we see the reverse. At sunrise of the first 3 days, left nostril flows and during sunset right and same alternate manner it goes on up to full moon. See the chart below.
Swara days chart is a fixed chart that show the nostril dominance on particular phases of the moon known as tithis. Every day there will be a tithi and according to that you have to change the flow of your breath. For ex. 5th October 04 the tithi was saptami and during sunrise right nostril is (Pingala swara) recommended in chart for flow and the same day left nostril (Ida swara) should flow during sun-set. For Indian panchanga calculation according to date click here and for sunrise and sunset click here any where in the world. When you will calculate the tithi other things of panchanga will come because panchanga means five angas of indian lunar calendar.For swara yoga sadhana (practices) first three are required ie. weekdays, tithi and naxhatra. But for beginners first one month they should observe the breath to know the pattern and imbalances. And form next month they should start manipulation or change in the flow of breath according to dates. How to change the breath form one nostril to other nostril
If anyone who want to chang the flow of breath from active swara (breath) to inactive swara use these three most effective and easy method. 1. Yoga Danda Method Using yoga danda under the armpit of your active side and put your weight over the danda. Observe your breath flow and you will find within 5 to 10 minute your breath flow will change into soonya (non-active side). For ex. if your right nostril is active put yoga danda under your right armpit, breath flow will change in to left.
2. Lying Method Lying on the same side which swara is active (see figure) your close nostril will open within 5 to 10 minute . For ex. If your left nostril is active and you want to change into right, lie down on your left side keep right side upward, right will become active in given time. If your breath is not changing even after more then 20 minutes that means your breath has just shifted from other side..If it is not then it indicate imbalance sate of energy flow that may cause chronic mental or physical illness in fucture or even death.
3. Pressure on the arm pit by hand Put pressure under the armpit of the active side with opposite hand. For ex. if your right nostril is active and you want to change into left. Put pressure by your left hand on your right armpit by the thumb and other four finger. Swara will change within 20 minutes Days 1. 2. 3. 4. Tithis Pratipada Dwitiya Tritiya Chaturthi. Fort night Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Sunrise swara Ida (left nostril) Ida Ida Pingala Sunset swara Pingala (right nostril) Pingala Pingala Ida
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Panchami Shashthi Saptami. Ashtami. Navami. Dashami. Ekadasi. Dwadashi. Trayodashi. Chaturdashi. Purnima Pratipada Dwitiya Tritiya Chaturthi. Panchami Shashthi Saptami. Ashtami. Navami. Dashami. Ekadasi. Dwadashi. Trayodashi. Chaturdashi. Amawashya
Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Shukla Paksha Full moon Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha Krishna Paksha No Moon
Pingala Pingala Ida Ida Ida Pingala Pingala Pingala Ida Ida Ida Pingala Pingala Pingala Ida Ida Ida Pingala Pingala Pingala Ida Ida Ida Pingala Pingala Pingala
Ida Ida Pingala Pingala Pingala Ida Ida Ida Pingala Pingala Pingala Ida Ida Ida Pingala Pingala Pingala Ida Ida Ida Pingala Pingala Pingala Ida Ida Ida
In cycle of Swara, the time of sunrise and sun set is an important consideration. In summer, the sun rises earlier then in winter, and the time is constantly changing throughout the year. The time will also differ according to the exact location and hemisphere of the continent on which one is living. For Panchang details like Tithi, Paksha , VARA (week days) For Sunrise and sunset timings and Breath flow during sunrise and set for any where in the world use calculator at the bottom of this page to get date wise rhythm of breath. The flow of breath during sunrise according to Swara yoga cycle should start 24 minute before actual sunrise 12 minute during the rise from the horizon and 24 minute after completion of rise same way during sunset.
If tithi is not same during sunrise and sunset for that day whatever Nadi is given in the chart, avoid and flow your right nostril during sunrise and left nostril during moon rise. For Sun / Moon rise and set, tithi swara calculations use our calculator of this page at the bottom. Benefits of Swara rhythms In the 1970s science coined the word chronopsychology for the 24 hour cycle. Chronopsychologists found that during the 24 hour cycle certain events and ones mental, emotional and physical abilities have a best or most favorable time of day. Swara yoga says the same, and further specifies the times when tasks are either auspicious or inauspicious. Swara yogi knows that during the flow of left nostril or right nostril when favorable elements rises certain things can be undertaken if you want to be successful. Scientists have postulated that external forces set the biological clock by stimulating the pineal gland, which is affected by dark/light cycles. These rhythms which were previously known to the ancient Rishis, so man is actually only rediscovering himself in relation to the cosmos. By the practice of Swara yoga one can become the master of the nadis and elements, so as to adjust himself with the universal forces which is the source of everything that gives birth to the experience of both material and spiritual life with heightened awareness. By properly practicing Swara yoga, directly under an adept one can definitely achieve success in all spheres of lives. For Physical. Subtle & Causal body swara cycles click here
Calculate Sun / Moon Rise - Set Time & Swara For Daily Swara Sadhana.
Calculate for Swara yoga Sadhana - year / month / date, tithi (indian vedic calendar lunar days) sunrise swara, sunset swara, moonrise and moonset . Fill, year, month, the day of the month in which you want to start calculation, longitude for west negative, time zone behind Greenwich negative, latitude south negative. It will calculate for 7 day .
For Bangalore India you don't need any change in the table. Only change the month year and day as per the need and calculate. Swara yoga is an ancient tantric science which need proper guideline from a adept. We are not responsible for any claim in case you are practicing Swara yoga using this website.