Levin Report - Correspondent Banking A Gateway For Money Laundering
Levin Report - Correspondent Banking A Gateway For Money Laundering
Levin Report - Correspondent Banking A Gateway For Money Laundering
February 5, 2001
U.S. banks, through the correspondent accounts they provide to foreign banks, have become
conduits for dirty money flowing into the American financial system and have, as a result, facilitated
illicit enterprises, including drug trafficking and financial frauds. Correspondent banking occurs
when one bank provides services to another bank to move funds, exchange currencies, or carry out
other financial transactions. Correspondent accounts in U.S. banks give the owners and clients of
poorly regulated, poorly managed, sometimes corrupt, foreign banks with weak or no anti-money
laundering controls direct access to the U.S. financial system and the freedom to move money
within the United States and around the world.
This report summarizes a year-long investigation by the Minority Staff of the U.S. Senate
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, under the leadership of Ranking Democrat Senator Carl
Levin, into correspondent banking and its use as a tool for laundering money. It is the second of
two reports compiled by the Minority Staff at Senator Levin’s direction on the U.S. banking
system’s vulnerabilities to money laundering. The first report, released in November 1999, resulted
in Subcommittee hearings on the money laundering vulnerabilities in the private banking activities
of U.S. banks.1
I. Executive Summary
Many banks in the United States have established correspondent relationships with high risk
foreign banks. These foreign banks are: (a) shell banks with no physical presence in any country
for conducting business with their clients; (b) offshore banks with licenses limited to transacting
business with persons outside the licensing jurisdiction; or (c) banks licensed and regulated by
jurisdictions with weak anti-money laundering controls that invite banking abuses and criminal
misconduct. Some of these foreign banks are engaged in criminal behavior, some have clients who
are engaged in criminal behavior, and some have such poor anti-money laundering controls that they
do not know whether or not their clients are engaged in criminal behavior.
These high risk foreign banks typically have limited resources and staff and use their
correspondent bank accounts to conduct operations, provide client services, and move funds. Many
deposit all of their funds in, and complete virtually all transactions through, their correspondent
accounts, making correspondent banking integral to their operations. Once a correspondent account
See “Private Banking and Money Laundering: A Case Study of Opportunities and Vulnerabilities,” S.Hrg.
106-428 (November 9 and 10, 1999), Minority Staff report at 872.
is open in a U.S. bank, not only the foreign bank but its clients can transact business through the
U.S. bank. The result is that the U.S. correspondent banking system has provided a significant
gateway into the U.S. financial system for criminals and money launderers.
The industry norm today is for U.S. banks2 to have dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of
correspondent relationships, including a number of relationships with high risk foreign banks.
Virtually every U.S. bank examined by the Minority Staff investigation had accounts with offshore
banks,3 and some had relationships with shell banks with no physical presence in any jurisdiction.
High risk foreign banks have been able to open correspondent accounts at U.S. banks and
conduct their operations through their U.S. accounts, because, in many cases, U.S. banks fail to
adequately screen and monitor foreign banks as clients.
The prevailing principle among U.S. banks has been that any bank holding a valid license
issued by a foreign jurisdiction qualifies for a correspondent account, because U.S. banks should be
able to rely on the foreign banking license as proof of the foreign bank’s good standing. U.S. banks
have too often failed to conduct careful due diligence reviews of their foreign bank clients,
including obtaining information on the foreign bank’s management, finances, reputation, regulatory
environment, and anti-money laundering efforts. The frequency of U.S. correspondent
relationships with high risk banks, as well as a host of troubling case histories uncovered by the
Minority Staff investigation, belie banking industry assertions that existing policies and practices
are sufficient to prevent money laundering in the correspondent banking field.
For example, several U.S. banks were unaware that they were servicing respondent banks4
which had no office in any location, were operating in a jurisdiction where the bank had no license
to operate, had never undergone a bank examination by a regulator, or were using U.S.
correspondent accounts to facilitate crimes such as drug trafficking, financial fraud or Internet
gambling. In other cases, U.S. banks did not know that their respondent banks lacked basic fiscal
controls and procedures and would, for example, open accounts without any account opening
documentation, accept deposits directed to persons unknown to the bank, or operate without written
anti-money laundering procedures. There are other cases in which U.S. banks lacked information
about the extent to which respondent banks had been named in criminal or civil proceedings
involving money laundering or other wrongdoing. In several instances, after being informed by
The term “U.S. bank” refers in this report to any bank authorized to conduct banking activities in the
United States, whether or not the bank or its parent corporation is domiciled in the United States.
The term “offshore bank” is used in this report to refer to banks whose licenses bar them from transacting
business with the citizens of their own licensing jurisdiction or bar them from transacting business using the local
currency of the licensing jurisdiction. See also the International Narcotics Control Strategy Report issued by the
U.S. Department of State (March 2000)(hereinafter “INCSR 2000"), “Offshore Financial Centers” at 565-77.
The term “respondent bank” is used in this report to refer to the client of the bank offering correspondent
services. The bank offering the services is referred to as the “correspondent bank.” All of the respondent banks
examined in this investigation are foreign banks.
Minority Staff investigators about a foreign bank’s history or operations, U.S. banks terminated the
foreign bank’s correspondent relationship.
Two due diligence failures by U.S. banks are particularly noteworthy. The first is the failure
of U.S. banks to ask the extent to which their foreign bank clients are allowing other foreign banks
to use their U.S. accounts. On numerous occasions, high risk foreign banks gained access to the
U.S. financial system, not by opening their own U.S. correspondent accounts, but by operating
through U.S. correspondent accounts belonging to other foreign banks. U.S. banks rarely ask their
client banks about their correspondent practices and, in almost all cases, remain unaware of their
respondent bank’s own correspondent accounts. In several instances, U.S. banks were surprised to
learn from Minority Staff investigators that they were providing wire transfer services or handling
Internet gambling deposits for foreign banks they had never heard of and with whom they had no
direct relationship. In one instance, an offshore bank was allowing at least a half dozen offshore
shell banks to use its U.S. accounts. In another, a U.S. bank had discovered by chance that a high
risk foreign bank it would not have accepted as a client was using a correspondent account the U.S.
bank had opened for another foreign bank.
The second failure is the distinction U.S. banks make in their due diligence practices
between foreign banks that have few assets and no credit relationship, and foreign banks that seek
or obtain credit from the U.S. bank. If a U.S. bank extends credit to a foreign bank, it usually will
evaluate the foreign bank’s management, finances, business activities, reputation, regulatory
environment and operating procedures. The same evaluation usually does not occur where there are
only fee-based services, such as wire transfers or check clearing. Since U.S. banks usually provide
cash management services5 on a fee-for-service basis to high risk foreign banks and infrequently
extend credit, U.S. banks have routinely opened and maintained correspondent accounts for these
banks based on inadequate due diligence reviews. Yet these are the very banks that should be
carefully scrutinized. Under current practice in the United States, high risk foreign banks in non-
Cash management services are non-credit related banking services such as providing interest-bearing or
demand deposit accounts in one or more currencies, international wire transfers of funds, check clearing, check
writing, or foreign exchange services.
credit relationships seem to fly under the radar screen of most U.S. banks’ anti-money laundering
The failure of U.S. banks to take adequate steps to prevent money laundering through their
correspondent bank accounts is not a new or isolated problem. It is longstanding, widespread and
The result of these due diligence failures has made the U.S. correspondent banking system a
conduit for criminal proceeds and money laundering for both high risk foreign banks and their
criminal clients. Of the ten case histories investigated by the Minority Staff, numerous instances of
money laundering through foreign banks’ U.S. bank accounts have been documented, including:
–laundering illicit proceeds and facilitating crime by accepting deposits or processing wire
transfers involving funds that the high risk foreign bank knew or should have known were
associated with drug trafficking, financial fraud or other wrongdoing;
–conducting high yield investment scams by convincing investors to wire transfer funds to
the correspondent account to earn high returns and then refusing to return any monies to the
defrauded investors;
–facilitating tax evasion by accepting client deposits, commingling them with other funds in
the foreign bank’s correspondent account, and encouraging clients to rely on bank and
corporate secrecy laws in the foreign bank’s home jurisdiction to shield the funds from U.S.
tax authorities; and
–facilitating Internet gambling, illegal under U.S. law, by using the correspondent account
to accept and transfer gambling proceeds.
While some U.S. banks have moved to conduct a systematic review of their correspondent
banking practices and terminate questionable correspondent relationships, this effort is usually
relatively recent and is not industry-wide.
Allowing high risk foreign banks and their criminal clients access to U.S. correspondent
bank accounts facilitates crime, undermines the U.S. financial system, burdens U.S. taxpayers and
consumers, and fills U.S. court dockets with criminal prosecutions and civil litigation by wronged
parties. It is time for U.S. banks to shut the door to high risk foreign banks and eliminate other
abuses of the U.S. correspondent banking system.
American International Bank (AIB) In Receivership C Licensed in Antigua/Barbuda BAC of Florida C Financial fraud money
1992-1998 C Offshore Bank of America C Nested correspondents
C Physical presence in Antigua Barnett Bank C Internet gambling
Chase Manhattan Bank
Toronto Dominion
Union Bank of Jamaica
British Bank o f Latin America (BBLA) Closed C Licensed by Bahamas Bank of New York C Drug money from Black
1981-2000 C Offshore Market Peso Exchange
C Physical presence in Bahamas
and Columbia
C Wholly owned su bsidiary of
Lloyds TSB Bank
British Trade and Commerce Bank Open C Licensed by Dominica Banco Industrial de Venezuela C Financial fraud money
(BTCB) C Offshore (Miami) C High yield investments
1997-present C Physical presence in Dominica First Union National Bank C Nested correspondents
Security Bank N. A. C Internet gambling
Caribbean American Bank (CAB) In Liquidation C Licensed by Antigua/Barbuda U.S. correspondents of AIB C Financial fraud money
1994-1997 C Offshore C Nested correspondents
C No physical presence C Shell bank
European Bank Open C Licensed by Vanuatu ANZ Bank (New York) C Credit card fraud
1972-present C Onshore Citibank money
C Physical presence in Vanuatu
Guardian Bank and Trust (Cayman) Ltd. Closed C Licensed by Cayman Islands Bank of New York C Financial fraud money
1984-1995 C Offshore C Tax evasion
C Physical presence in Cayman
Hanover Bank Open C Licensed by Antigua/Barbuda Standard Bank (Jersey) Ltd.’s U.S. C Financial fraud money
1992-present C Offshore correspondent, Harris Bank C Nested correspondents
C No physical presence International (New York) C Shell bank
Overseas Development Bank and Trust Open C Licensed by Dominica U.S. correspondents of AIB C Financial fraud money
(ODBT) C Offshore AmTrade International (Florida) C Nested correspondents
1996-present C Physical presence in Dominica Bank One
(formerly in Antigua)
Swiss American Bank (SAB) Open C Licensed by Antigua/Barbuda Bank of America C Financial fraud money
1983-present C Offshore Chase Manhattan Bank C Internet gambling
C Physical presence in Antigua C Drug and illegal arms
sales money
Swiss American National Bank (SANB) Open C Licensed by Antigua/Barbuda Bank of New York C Financial fraud money
1981-present C Onshore Chase Manhattan Bank C Drug and illegal arms
C Physical presence in Antigua sales money
Prepared by Minority Staff of the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, January 2001.
Due to a paucity of information about correspondent banking practices in the United States,
the Minority Staff conducted a survey of 20 banks with active correspondent banking portfolios.
The 18-question survey sought information about the U.S. banks’ correspondent banking clients,
procedures, and anti-money laundering safeguards. The survey results are described in Chapter IV.
To develop specific information on how correspondent banking is used in the United States
to launder illicit funds, Minority Staff investigators identified U.S. criminal and civil money
laundering indictments and pleadings which included references to U.S. correspondent accounts.
Using these public court pleadings as a starting point, the Minority Staff identified the foreign banks
and U.S. banks involved in the facts of the case, and the circumstances associated with how the
foreign banks’ U.S. correspondent accounts became conduits for laundered funds. The investigation
obtained relevant court proceedings, exhibits and related documents, subpoenaed U.S. bank
documents, interviewed U.S. correspondent bankers and, when possible, interviewed foreign bank
officials and government personnel. From this material, the investigation examined how foreign
banks opened and used their U.S. correspondent accounts and how the U.S. banks monitored or
failed to monitor the foreign banks and their account activity.
The investigation included an interview of a U.S. citizen who formerly owned a bank in the
Cayman Islands, has pleaded guilty to money laundering, and was willing to explain the mechanics
of how his bank laundered millions of dollars for U.S. citizens through U.S. correspondent accounts.
Another interview was with a U.S. citizen who has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit money
laundering and was willing to explain how he used three offshore banks to launder illicit funds from
a financial investment scheme that defrauded hundreds of U.S. citizens. Other interviews were with
foreign bank owners who explained how their bank operated, how they used correspondent accounts
to transact business, and how their bank became a conduit for laundered funds. Numerous
interviews were conducted with U.S. bank officials.
Because the investigation began with criminal money laundering indictments in the United
States, attention was directed to foreign banks and jurisdictions known to U.S. criminals. The case
histories featured in this report are not meant to be interpreted as identifying the most problematic
banks or jurisdictions. To the contrary, a number of the jurisdictions identified in this report have
taken significant strides in strengthening their banking and anti-money laundering controls. The
evidence indicates that equivalent correspondent banking abuses may be found throughout the
international banking community,6 and that measures need to be taken in major financial centers
throughout the world to address the types of money laundering risks identified in this report.
Two laws lay out the basic anti-money laundering obligations of all United States banks. First is
the Bank Secrecy Act which, in section 5318(h) of Title 31 in the U.S. Code, requires all U.S. banks
to have anti-money laundering programs. It states:
In order to guard against money laundering through financial institutions, the Secretary [of
the Treasury] may require financial institutions to carry out anti-money laundering programs,
including at a minimum -- (A) the development of internal policies, procedures, and
controls, (B) the designation of a compliance officer, (C) an ongoing employee training
program, and (D) an independent audit function to test programs.
The Bank Secrecy Act also authorizes the U.S. Department of the Treasury to require financial
institutions to file reports on currency transactions and suspicious activities, again as part of U.S.
efforts to combat money laundering. The Treasury Department has accordingly issued regulations
and guidance requiring U.S. banks to establish anti-money laundering programs and file certain
See, for example, “German Officials Investigate Possible Money Laundering,” Wall Street Journal
(1/16/01)(Germany); “Prosecutors set to focus on Estrada bank records,” Busines sWo rld (1/15/01)(Philippines);
“Canada’s Exchange Bank & Trust Offers Look at ‘Brass-Plate’ Banks,” Wall Street Journal (12/29/00)(Canada,
Nauru, St. Kitts-Nevis); “Peru’s Montesinos hires lawyer in Switzerland to keep bank accounts secret,” Agence
France Presse (12/11/00)(Peru, Switzerland); “The Billion Dollar Shack,” New York Times M agazine (12/10/00)
(Nauru, Russia); “Launderers put UK banks in a spin,” Financial Times (London)(United Kingdom, Luxembourg,
Switzerland, Nigeria); “Croats Find Treasury Plundered,” Washington Post (6/13/00)(Croatia); “Arrests and millions
missing in troubled offshore bank,” Associated Press (9/11/00)(Grenada); “Judgement Daze,” Sunday Times
(London) (10/18/98)(Ireland); “That’s Laird To You, Mister,” New York Times (2/27/00)(multiple countries).
The second key law is the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986, which was enacted partly
in response to hearings held by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 1985. This law
was the first in the world to make money laundering an independent crime. It prohibits any person
from knowingly engaging in a financial transaction which involves the proceeds of a "specified
unlawful activity." The law provides a list of specified unlawful activities, including drug
trafficking, fraud, theft and bribery.
The aim of these two statutes is to enlist U.S. banks in the fight against money laundering.
Together they require banks to refuse to engage in financial transactions involving criminal
proceeds, to monitor transactions and report suspicious activity, and to operate active anti-money
laundering programs. Both statutes have been upheld by the Supreme Court.
Recently, U.S. bank regulators have provided additional guidance to U.S. banks about the
anti-money laundering risks in correspondent banking and the elements of an effective anti-money
laundering program. In the September 2000 “Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering
Handbook,” the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) deemed international
correspondent banking a “high-risk area” for money laundering that warrants “heightened scrutiny.”
The OCC Handbook provides the following anti-money laundering considerations that a U.S. bank
should take into account in the correspondent banking field:
A bank must exercise caution and due diligence in determining the level of risk associated
with each of its correspondent accounts. Information should be gathered to understand fully
the nature of the correspondent’s business. Factors to consider include the purpose of the
account, whether the correspondent bank is located in a bank secrecy or money laundering
haven (if so, the nature of the bank license, i.e., shell/offshore bank, fully licensed bank, or
an affiliate/subsidiary of a major financial institution), the level of the correspondent’s
money laundering prevention and detection efforts, and the condition of bank regulation and
supervision in the correspondent’s country. 8
The OCC Handbook singles out three activities in correspondent accounts that warrant
heightened anti-money laundering scrutiny and analysis:
Three of the more common types of activity found in international correspondent bank
accounts that should receive heightened scrutiny are funds (wire) transfer[s], correspondent
accounts used as ‘payable through accounts’ and ‘pouch/cash letter activity.’ This
heightened risk underscores the need for effective and comprehensive systems and controls
See, for example, 31 C.F.R. §§103.11 and 103.21 et seq. CTRs identify cash transactions above a
specified threshold ; SARs id entify possib ly illegal transac tions obs erved b y bank p ersonne l.
“Bank S ecrecy A ct/Anti-M oney La undering Hand book” (Septem ber 20 00), at 22 .
With respect to wire transfers, the OCC Handbook provides the following additional guidance:
Although money launderers use wire systems in many ways, most money launderers
aggregate funds from different sources and move them through accounts at different banks
until their origin cannot be traced. Most often they are moved out of the country through a
bank account in a country where laws are designed to facilitate secrecy, and possibly back
into the United States. ... Unlike cash transactions that are monitored closely, ... [wire
transfer systems and] a bank’s wire room are designed to process approved transactions
quickly. Wire room personnel usually have no knowledge of the customer or the purpose of
the transaction. Therefore, other bank personnel must know the identity and business of the
customer on whose behalf they approve the funds transfer to prevent money launderers from
using the wire system with little or no scrutiny. Also, review or monitoring procedures
should be in place to identify unusual funds transfer activity.10
Correspondent banking is the provision of banking services by one bank to another bank. It
is a lucrative and important segment of the banking industry. It enables banks to conduct business
and provide services for their customers in jurisdictions where the banks have no physical presence.
For example, a bank that is licensed in a foreign country and has no office in the United States may
want to provide certain services in the United States for its customers in order attract or retain the
business of important clients with U.S. business activities. Instead of bearing the costs of licensing,
staffing and operating its own offices in the United States, the bank might open a correspondent
account with an existing U.S. bank. By establishing such a relationship, the foreign bank, called a
respondent, and through it, its customers, can receive many or all of the services offered by the U.S.
bank, called the correspondent.11
Today, banks establish multiple correspondent relationships throughout the world so they
may engage in international financial transactions for themselves and their clients in places where
they do not have a physical presence. Many of the largest international banks located in the major
financial centers of the world serve as correspondents for thousands of other banks. Due to U.S.
prominence in international trade and the high demand for U.S. dollars due to their overall stability,
Id. at 23.
Similar correspondent banking relationships are also often established between
domestic banks, such as when a local domestic bank opens an account at a larger domestic bank
located in the country’s financial center.
most foreign banks that wish to provide international services to their customers have accounts in
the United States capable of transacting business in U.S. dollars. Those that lack a physical
presence in the U.S. will do so through correspondent accounts, creating a large market for those
Correspondent banks often provide their respondent banks with an array of cash
management services, such as interest-bearing or demand deposit accounts in one or more
currencies, international wire transfers of funds, check clearing, payable through accounts,14 and
foreign exchange services. Correspondent banks also often provide an array of investment services,
such as providing their respondent banks with access to money market accounts, overnight
investment accounts, certificates of deposit, securities trading accounts, or other accounts bearing
higher rates of interest than are paid to non-bank clients. Along with these services, some
correspondent banks offer computer software programs that enable their respondent banks to
International correspondent banking is a major banking activity in the United States in part due to the
popula rity of the U.S . dollar. U .S. dollars are one o f a handful o f major c urrencies accepte d throug hout the w orld.
They are also viewed as a stable currency, less likely to lose value over time and, thus, a preferred vehicle for
savings, trade and investment. Since U.S. dollars are also the preferred currency of U.S. residents, foreign
comp anies and individua ls seeking to do busin ess in the U nited State s may feel co mpelled to use U .S. dollars .
In the money laundering world, U.S. dollars are popular for many of the same reasons. In addition, U.S.
residents targeted by financial frauds often deal only in U.S. dollars, and any perpetrator of a fraud planning to take
their money must be able to process U.S. dollar checks and wire transfers. The investigation found that foreign
offshore banks often believe wire transfers between U.S. banks receive less money laundering scrutiny than wire
transfers involving an offshore jurisdiction and, in order to take advantage of the lesser scrutiny afforded U.S. bank
interaction s, prefer to keep the ir funds in a U .S. corres ponde nt accou nt and tran sact busine ss through their U.S . bank.
In fact, all of the foreign b anks exa mined in th e Mino rity Staff investiga tion chara cterized U .S. dollars as their
preferred currency, all sought to open U.S. dollar accounts, and all used their U.S. dollar accounts much more often
than their other currency accounts.
“Top 75 Correspondent Bank Holding Comp anies,” The American Banker (12/8/99) at 14.
“Payable through accounts” allow a respondent bank’s clients to write checks that draw directly on the
respondent bank’s correspondent account. See Advisory Letter 95-3, issued by the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency identifying them as high risk accounts for money laundering. Relatively few banks offer these accounts at
the present time.
complete various transactions, initiate wire transfers, and gain instant updates on their account
balances through their own computer terminals.
With smaller, less well-known banks, a correspondent bank may limit its relationship with
the respondent bank to non-credit, cash management services. With respondent banks that are
judged to be secure credit risks, the correspondent bank may also afford access to a number of
credit-related products. These services include loans, daylight or overnight extensions of credit for
account transactions, lines of credit, letters of credit, merchant accounts to process credit card
transactions, international escrow accounts, and other trade and finance-related services.
For the types of foreign banks investigated by the Minority Staff, in particular shell banks
with no office or staff and offshore banks transacting business with non-residents in non-local
currencies, correspondent banking services are critical to their existence and operations. These
banks keep virtually all funds in their correspondent accounts. They conduct virtually all
transactions external to the bank – including deposits, withdrawals, check clearings, certificates of
deposit, and wire transfers – through their correspondent accounts. Some use software provided by
their correspondents to operate their ledgers, track account balances, and complete wire transfers.
Others use their monthly correspondent account statements to identify client deposits and
withdrawals, and assess client fees. Others rely on their correspondents for credit lines and
overnight investment accounts. Some foreign banks use their correspondents to provide
sophisticated investment services to their clients, such as high-interest bearing money market
accounts and securities trading. While the foreign banks examined in the investigation lacked the
resources, expertise and infrastructure needed to provide such services in-house, they could all
afford the fees charged by their correspondents to provide these services and used the services to
attract clients and earn revenue.
Every foreign bank interviewed by the investigation indicated that it was completely
dependent upon correspondent banking for its access to international wire transfer systems and the
infrastructure required to complete most banking transactions today, including handling multiple
currencies, clearing checks, paying interest on client deposits, issuing credit cards, making
These funds transfer systems include the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
(“SWIFT”), the Clearing House Interbank Payments System (“CHIPS”), and the United States Federal Wire System
(“Fedw ire”).
investments, and moving funds. Given their limited resources and staff, all of the foreign banks
interviewed by the investigation indicated that, if their access to correspondent banks were cut off,
they would be unable to function. Correspondent banking is their lifeblood.
Three categories of banks present particularly high money laundering risks for U.S.
correspondent banks: (1) shell banks that have no physical presence in any jurisdiction; (2) offshore
banks that are barred from transacting business with the citizens of their own licensing jurisdictions;
and (3) banks licensed by jurisdictions that do not cooperate with international anti-money
laundering efforts.
Shell Banks. Shell banks are high risk banks principally because they are so difficult to
monitor and operate with great secrecy. As used in this report, the term “shell bank” is intended to
have a narrow reach and refer only to banks that have no physical presence in any jurisdiction. The
term is not intended to encompass a bank that is a branch or subsidiary of another bank with a
physical presence in another jurisdiction. For example, in the Cayman Islands, of the approximately
570 licensed banks, most do not maintain a Cayman office, but are affiliated with banks that
maintain offices in other locations. As used in this report, “shell bank” is not intended to apply to
these affiliated banks – for example, the Cayman branch of a large bank in the United States. About
75 of the 570 Cayman-licensed banks are not branches or subsidiaries of other banks, and an even
smaller number operate without a physical presence anywhere. It is these shell banks that are of
concern in this report. In the Bahamas, out of a total of about 400 licensed banks, about 65 are
unaffiliated with any other bank, and a smaller subset are shell banks. Some jurisdictions, including
the Cayman Islands, Bahamas and Jersey, told the Minority Staff investigation that they no longer
issue bank licenses to unaffiliated shell banks, but other jurisdictions, including Nauru, Vanuatu and
Montenegro, continue to do so. The total number of shell banks operating in the world today is
unknown, but banking experts believe it comprises a very small percentage of all licensed banks.
The Minority Staff investigation was able to examine several shell banks in detail. Hanover
Bank, for example, is an Antiguan licensed bank that has operated primarily out of its owner’s home
in Ireland. M.A. Bank is a Cayman licensed bank which claims to have an administrative office in
Uruguay, but actually operated in Argentina using the offices of related companies. Federal Bank is
a Bahamian licensed bank which serviced Argentinian clients but appears to have operated from an
office or residence in Uruguay. Caribbean American Bank, now closed, was an Antiguan-licensed
bank that operated out of the offices of an Antiguan firm that supplied administrative services to
None of these four shell banks had an official business office where it conducted banking
activities; none had a regular paid staff. The absence of a physical office with regular employees
helped these shell banks avoid oversight by making it more difficult for bank regulators and others
to monitor bank activities, inspect records and question bank personnel. Irish banking authorities,
for example, were unaware that Hanover Bank had any connection with Ireland, and Antiguan
banking regulators did not visit Ireland to examine the bank on-site. Argentine authorities were
unaware of M.A. Bank’s presence in their country and so never conducted any review of its
activities. Cayman bank regulators did not travel to Argentina or Uruguay for an on-site
examination of M.A. Bank; and regulators from the Bahamas did not travel to Argentina or Uruguay
to examine Federal Bank.
The Minority Staff was able to gather information about these shell banks by conducting
interviews, obtaining court pleadings and reviewing subpoenaed material from U.S. correspondent
banks. The evidence shows that these banks had poor to nonexistent administrative and anti-money
laundering controls, yet handled millions of dollars in suspect funds, and compiled a record of
dubious activities associated with drug trafficking, financial fraud and other misconduct.
Offshore Banks. The second category of high risk banks in correspondent banking are
offshore banks. Offshore banks have licenses which bar them from transacting banking activities
with the citizens of their own licensing jurisdiction or bar them from transacting business using the
local currency of the licensing jurisdiction. Nearly all of the foreign banks investigated by the
Minority Staff held offshore licenses.
The latest estimates are that nearly 60 offshore jurisdictions around the globe16 have, by the
end of 1998, licensed about 4,000 offshore banks.17 About 44% of these offshore banks are thought
to be located in the Caribbean and Latin America, 29% in Europe, 19% in Asia and the Pacific, and
10% in Africa and the Middle East.18 These banks are estimated to control nearly $5 trillion in
assets.19 Since, by design, offshore banks operate in the international arena, outside their licensing
jurisdiction, they have attracted the attention of the international financial community. Over the
past few years, as the number, assets and activities of offshore banks have expanded, the
international financial community has expressed increasing concerns about their detrimental impact
on international anti-money laundering efforts.20
Offshore banks pose high money laundering risks in the correspondent banking field for a
variety of reasons. One is that a foreign country has significantly less incentive to oversee and
See INCSR 2000 at 565. Offshore jurisdictions are countries which have enacted laws allowing the
formation of offshore banks or other offshore entities.
INCSR 2000 at 566 and footnote 3, citing “The UN Offshore Forum,” Working Paper of the United
Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (January 2000) at 6.
INCSR 2000 at 566 and footnote 1, citing “Offshore Banking: An Analysis of Micro- and Macro-
Prudential Issues,” Working Paper of the International Monetary Fund (1999), by Luca Errico and Alberto Musalem,
at 10.
See, for example, INCSR 2000 discussion of “Offshore Financial Centers,” at 565-77.
regulate banks that do not do business within the country’s boundaries than for banks that do.21
Another is that offshore banking is largely a money-making enterprise for the governments of small
countries, and the less demands made by the government on bank owners, the more attractive the
country becomes as a licensing locale. Offshore banks often rely on these reverse incentives to
minimize oversight of their operations, and become vehicles for money laundering, tax evasion, and
suspect funds.
One U.S. correspondent banker told the Minority Staff that he is learning that a large
percentage of clients of offshore banks are Americans and, if so, there is a “good chance tax evasion
is going on.” He said there is “no reason” for offshore banking to exist if not for “evasion, crime, or
whatever.” There is no reason for Americans to bank offshore, he said, noting that if an offshore
bank has primarily U.S. clients, it must “be up to no good” which raises a question why a U.S. bank
would take on the offshore bank as a client. A former offshore bank owner told the investigation
that he thought 100% of his clients had been engaged in tax evasion which was why they sought
bank secrecy and were willing to pay costly offshore fees that no U.S. bank would charge.
Another longtime U.S. correspondent banker was asked his opinion of a former offshore
banker’s comment that to “take-in” deposits from U.S. nationals was not a transgression and that
not reporting offshore investments “is no legal concern of the offshore depository institution.” The
correspondent banker said that the comment showed that the offshore banker “knew his craft.” He
said that the whole essence of offshore banking is “accounts in the name of corporations with bearer
shares, directors that are lawyers that sit in their tax havens that make up minutes of board
meetings.” When asked if part of the correspondent banker’s job was to make sure the client bank
did not “go over the line,” the correspondent banker responded if that was the case, then the bank
should not be dealing with some of the bank clients it had and should not be doing business in some
of the countries where it was doing business.
Because offshore banks use non-local currencies and transact business primarily with non-
resident clients, they are particularly dependent upon having correspondent accounts in other
countries to transact business. One former offshore banker commented in an interview that if the
American government wanted to get offshore banks “off their back,” it would prohibit U.S. banks
from having correspondent relationships with offshore banks. This banker noted that without
correspondent relationships, the offshore banks “would die.” He said “they need an established
bank that can offer U.S. dollars.”
How offshore banks use correspondent accounts to launder funds is discussed in Chapter VI
of this report as well as in a number of the case histories. The offshore banks investigated by the
Minority Staff were, like the shell banks, associated with millions of dollars in suspect funds, drug
trafficking, financial fraud and other misconduct.
See also discussion in Chapter V, subsections (D), (E) and (F ).
correspondent banking are foreign banks licensed by jurisdictions that do not cooperate with
international anti-money laundering efforts. International anti-money laundering efforts have been
led by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (“FATF”), an inter-governmental
organization comprised of representatives from the financial, regulatory and law enforcement
communities from over two dozen countries. In 1996, FATF developed a set of 40
recommendations that now serve as international benchmarks for evaluating a country’s anti-money
laundering efforts. FATF has also encouraged the establishment of international organizations
whose members engage in self and mutual evaluations to promote regional compliance with the 40
In June 2000, for the first time, FATF formally identified 15 countries and territories whose
anti-money laundering laws and procedures have “serious systemic problems” resulting in their
being found “non-cooperative” with international anti-money laundering efforts. The 15 are: the
Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, Dominica, Israel, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Marshall
Islands, Nauru, Niue, Panama, Philippines, Russia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the
Grenadines.22 Additional countries are expected to be identified in later evaluations.
Jurisdictions with weak anti-money laundering laws and weak cooperation with international
anti-money laundering efforts are more likely to attract persons interested in laundering illicit
proceeds. The 15 named jurisdictions have together licensed hundreds and perhaps thousands of
banks, all of which introduce money laundering risks into international correspondent banking.
See FATF’s “Review to Identify Non-Cooperative Countries or Territories: Increasing the Worldwide
Effectiveness of Anti-Money Laundering Me asures” (6/22/00), at paragraph (64).
See FATF’s 1999-2000 Annual Report, Annex A.
FATF 6/22 /00 review at paragraph (67).
All 20 banks responded to the survey, and the Minority Staff compiled and reviewed the
responses. One Canadian bank did not respond to the questions directed at its correspondent
banking practices, because it said it did not conduct any correspondent banking activities in the
United States.
The larger banks in the survey each have, worldwide, over a half trillion dollars in assets, at
least 90,000 employees, a physical presence in over 35 countries, and thousands of branches. The
smallest bank in the survey operates only in the United States, has less than $300 million in assets,
132 employees and 2 branches. Three fourths of the banks surveyed have over one-thousand
correspondent banking relationships and many have even more correspondent banking accounts.
Two foreign banks doing business in the United States had the most correspondent accounts
worldwide (12,000 and 7,500, respectively). The U.S. domiciled bank with the most correspondent
accounts reported over 3,800 correspondent accounts worldwide.
The survey showed an enormous movement of money through wire transfers by the biggest
banks. The largest number of wire transfers processed worldwide by a U.S. domiciled bank
averaged almost a million wire transfers processed daily. The largest amount of money processed
by a U.S. domiciled bank is over $1 trillion daily. Eleven of the banks surveyed move over $50
billion each in wire transfers in the United States each day; 7 move over $100 billion each day. The
smallest bank surveyed moves daily wire transfers in the United States totaling $114 million.
The banks varied widely on the number of correspondent banking relationship managers
employed in comparison to the number of correspondent banking relationships maintained.25 One
U.S. domiciled bank, for example, reported it had 31 managers worldwide for 2,975 relationships,
or a ratio of 96 to 1. Another bank reported it had 40 relationship managers worldwide handling
1,070 correspondent relationships, or a ratio of 27 to 1. One bank had a ratio of less than 7 to 1, but
that was clearly the exception. The average ratio is approximately 40 or 50 correspondent
relationships to each relationship manager for U.S. domiciled banks and approximately 95 to 1 for
foreign banks.
In response to a survey question asking about the growth of their correspondent banking
business since 1995, 3 banks reported substantial growth, 6 banks reported moderate growth, 2
banks reported a substantial decrease in correspondent banking, 1 bank reported a moderate
decrease, and 7 banks reported that their correspondent banking business had remained about the
same. Several banks reporting changes indicated the change was due to a merger, acquisition or sale
of a bank or correspondent banking unit.
The banks varied somewhat on the types of services offered to correspondent banking
customers, but almost every bank offered deposit accounts, wire transfers, check clearing, foreign
exchange, trade-related services, investment services, and settlement services. Only 6 banks offered
the controversial “payable through accounts” that allow a respondent bank’s clients to write checks
that draw directly on the respondent bank’s correspondent account.
While all banks reported having anti-money laundering and due diligence policies and
written guidelines, most of the banks do not have such policies or guidelines specifically tailored to
correspondent banking; they rely instead on general provisions in the bank-wide policy for
correspondent banking guidance and procedures. One notable exception is the “Know Your
Customer Policy Statement” adopted by the former Republic National Bank of New York, now
HSBC USA, for its International Banking Group, that specifically addressed new correspondent
banking relationships. Effective December 31, 1998, the former Republic National Bank
established internal requirements for a thorough, written analysis of any bank applying for a
correspondent relationship, including, among other elements, an evaluation of the applicant bank’s
management and due diligence policies.
“Relationship manager” is a common term used to describe the correspondent bank
employees responsible for initiating and overseeing the bank’s correspondent relationships.
In response to survey questions about opening new correspondent banking relationships, few
banks said that their due diligence procedures were mandatory; instead, the majority said they were
discretionary depending upon the circumstances of the applicant bank. All banks indicated that they
followed three specified procedures, but varied with respect to others. Survey results with respect to
12 specified account opening procedures were as follows:
All but 4 banks said they visit an applicant’s primary office in the licensing jurisdiction; all
but 5 banks said they determine if the bank’s license restricts the applicant to operating outside the
licensing jurisdiction, making it an offshore bank. A majority of the surveyed banks said they
inquire about the applicant with the jurisdiction’s bank regulators. Only 6 banks said they inquire
about an applicant with U.S. bank regulators.
A majority of banks listed several other actions they take to assess a correspondent bank
applicant, including:
The survey asked the banks whether or not, as a policy matter, they would establish a
correspondent bank account with a bank that does not have a physical presence in any location or
whose only license requires it to operate outside the licensing jurisdiction, meaning it holds only an
offshore banking license. Only 18 of the 20 banks responded to these questions. Twelve banks said
they would not open a correspondent account with a bank that does not have a physical presence; 9
banks said they would not open a correspondent account with an offshore bank. Six banks said
there are times, depending upon certain circumstances, under which they would open an account
with a bank that does not have a physical presence in any country; 8 banks said there are times when
they would open an account with an offshore bank. The circumstances include a bank that is part of
a known financial group or a subsidiary or affiliate of a well-known, internationally reputable bank.
Only one of the surveyed banks said it would, without qualification, open a correspondent account
for an offshore bank.
Surveyed banks were asked to identify the number of correspondent accounts they have had
in certain specified countries,26 in 1995 and currently. As expected, several banks have had a large
number of correspondent accounts with banks in China. For example, one bank reported 218
relationships, another reported 103 relationships, and four others reported 45, 43, 39 and 27
relationships, respectively. Seven banks reported more than 30 relationships with banks in
Switzerland, with the largest numbering 95 relationships. Five banks reported having between 14
and 49 relationships each with banks in Colombia.
The U.S. State Department’s March 2000 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report
and the Financial Action Task Force’s June 2000 list of 15 jurisdictions with inadequate anti-money
laundering efforts have raised serious concerns about banking practices in a number of countries,
and the survey showed that in some of those countries, U.S. banks have longstanding or numerous
correspondent relationships. For example, five banks reported having between 40 and 84
relationships each with banks in Russia, down from seven banks reporting relationships that
numbered between 52 and 282 each in 1995.27 Five banks reported having between 13 and 44
relationships each with banks in Panama. One bank has a correspondent relationship with a bank in
Nauru, and two banks have one correspondent relationship each with a bank in Vanuatu. Three
banks have correspondent accounts with one or two banks in the Seychelle Islands and one or two
banks in Burma.
There are several countries where only one or two of the surveyed banks has a particularly
large number of correspondent relationships. These are Antigua, where most banks have no
relationships but one bank has 12; the Channel Islands, where most banks have no relationships but
two banks have 29 and 27 relationships, respectively; Nigeria, where most banks have few to no
relationships but two banks have 34 and 31 relationships, respectively; and Uruguay, where one
bank has 28 correspondent relationships and the majority of other banks have ten or less. One bank
reported having 67 correspondent relationships with banks in the Bahamas; only two other banks
have more than 10 correspondent relationships there. That same bank has 146 correspondent
relationships in the Cayman Islands; only two banks have more than 12 such relationships, and the
majority of banks have two or less.
The survey asked about correspondent relationships with banks in Antigua, Austria, Bahamas, Burma,
Cayman Islands, Channel Islands, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Indonesia, Latvia, Lebanon, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg,
Malta, Nauru, Nigeria, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Seychelle Islands, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab
Emirate s, Urugu ay, Vanu atu, and o ther Carib bean an d South Pacific islan d nations .
The survey found that the number of U.S. correspondent relationships with Russian banks dropped
significantly after the Bank of New York scandal of 1999, as described in the appendix.
The survey asked the banks to explain how they monitor their correspondent accounts. The
responses varied widely. Some banks use the same monitoring systems that they use with all other
accounts -- relying on their compliance departments and computer software for reviews. Others
place responsibility for monitoring the correspondent banking accounts in the relationship manager,
requiring the manager to know what his or her correspondent client is doing on a regular basis.
Nine banks reported that they placed the monitoring responsibility with the relationship manager,
requiring that the manager perform monthly monitoring of the accounts under his or her
responsibility. Others reported relying on a separate compliance office in the bank or an anti-money
laundering unit to identify suspicious activity. Monitoring can also be done with other tools. For
example, one bank said it added news articles mentioning companies and banks into an information
database available to bank employees.
Several banks reported special restrictions they have imposed on correspondent banking
relationships in addition to the procedures identified in the survey. One bank reported, for example,
that it prohibits correspondent accounts in certain South Pacific locations and monitors all
transactions involving Antigua and Barbuda, Belize and Seychelles. Another bank said it requires its
relationship managers to certify that a respondent bank does not initiate transfers to high risk
geographic areas, and if a bank is located in a high risk geographic area, it requires a separate
certification. One bank said its policy is to have a correspondent relationship with a bank in a
foreign country only if the U.S. bank has a physical presence in the country as well. Similarly,
another bank said it does not accept transfers from or to Antigua, Nauru, Palau, the Seychelles, or
Vanuatu. One bank reported that it takes relationship managers off-line, that is, away from their
responsibility for their correspondent banks, for ten days at a time to allow someone else to handle
the correspondent accounts as a double-check on the activity. The Minority Staff did not attempt to
examine how these stated policies are actually put into practice in the banks.
The surveyed banks were asked how many times between 1995 and 1999 they became aware
of possible money laundering activities involving a correspondent bank client. Of the 17 banks that
said they could answer the question, 7 said there were no instances in which they identified such
suspicious activity. Ten banks identified at least one instance of suspicious activity. One bank
identified 564 SARs filed due to “sequential strings of travelers checks and money orders.” The
next largest number was 60 SARs which the surveyed bank said involved “correspondent banking
and possible money laundering.” Another bank said it filed 52 SARs in the identified time period.
Two banks identified only one instance; the remaining banks each referred to a handful of instances.
There were a number of anomalies in the survey results. For example, one large bank which
indicated in an interview that it does not market correspondent accounts in secrecy havens, reported
in the survey having 146 correspondent relationships with Cayman Island banks and 67
relationships with banks in the Bahamas, both of which have strict bank secrecy laws. Another
bank said in a preliminary interview that it would “never” open a correspondent account with a bank
in Vanuatu disclosed in the survey that it, in fact, had a longstanding correspondent relationship in
Vanuatu. Another bank stated in its survey response it would not open an account with an offshore
bank, yet also reported in the survey that its policy was not to ask bank applicants whether they were
restricted to offshore licenses. Two other banks reported in the survey that they would not, as a
policy matter, open correspondent accounts with offshore or shell banks, but when confronted with
information showing they had correspondent relationships with these types of banks, both revised
their survey responses to describe a different correspondent banking policy. These and other
anomalies suggest that U.S. banks may not have accurate information or a complete understanding
of their correspondent banking portfolios and practices in the field.
D. Internet Gambling
One issue that unexpectedly arose during the investigation was the practice of foreign banks
using their U.S. correspondent accounts to handle funds related to Internet gambling. As a result,
the U.S. correspondent banks facilitated Internet gambling, an activity recognized as a growing
industry providing new avenues and opportunities for money laundering.
Two recent national studies address the subject: “The Report of the National Gambling
Impact Study Commission,” and a report issued by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(“FinCEN”) entitled, “A Survey of Electronic Cash, Electronic Banking, and Internet Gaming.”28
Together, these reports describe the growth of Internet gambling and related legal issues. They
report that Internet gambling websites include casino-type games such as virtual blackjack, poker
and slot machines; sports event betting; lotteries; and even horse race wagers using real-time audio
and video to broadcast live races. Websites also typically require players to fill out registration
forms and either purchase “chips” or set up accounts with a minimum amount of funds. The
conventional ways of sending money to the gambling website are: (1) providing a credit card
number from which a cash advance is taken; (2) sending a check or money order; or (3) sending a
wire transfer or other remittance of funds.
An important marketing tool for the Internet gambling industry is the ability to transfer
money quickly, inexpensively and securely. 29 These money transfers together with the off-shore
locations of most Internet gambling operations and their lack of regulation provide prime
The N ational G ambling I mpact S tudy Co mmission (“NG ISC”) w as created in 1996 to cond uct a
comprehensive legal and factual study of the social and economic impacts of gambling in the United States. The
NGISC report, published in June 1999, contains a variety of information and recommendations related to Internet
gambling . The Fin CEN report, p ublished in Septem ber 20 00, exa mines mo ney laund ering issues r elated to Internet
gambling .
More than a dozen companies develop and sell turnkey software for Internet gambling operations. Some
of these companies provide full service packages, which include the processing of financial transactions and
maintenance of offshore hardware, while the “owner” of the gambling website simply provides advertising and
Internet access to gambling customers. These turnkey services make it very easy for website owners to open new
gambling sites.
opportunities for money laundering. 30 As technology progresses, the speed and anonymity of the
transactions may prove to be even more attractive to money launderers.
One researcher estimates that in 1997, there were as many as 6.9 million potential Internet
gamblers and Internet gambling revenues of $300 million. By 1998, these estimates had doubled, to
an estimated 14.5 million potential Internet gamblers and Internet gambling revenues of $651
million. The River City Group, an industry consultant, forecasts that U.S. Internet betting will rise
from $1.1 billion in 1999, to $3 billion in 2002.
Current federal and state laws. In the United States, gambling regulation is primarily a
matter of state law, reinforced by federal law where the presence of interstate or foreign elements
might otherwise frustrate the enforcement policies of state law.31 According to a recent
Congressional Research Service report, Internet gambling implicates at least six federal criminal
statutes, which make it a federal crime to: (1) conduct an illegal gambling business, 18 U.S.C.
§1955 (illegal gambling business); (2) use the telephone or telecommunications to conduct an illegal
gambling business, 18 U.S.C. §1084 (Interstate Wire Act); (3) use the facilities of interstate
commerce to conduct an illegal gambling business, 18 U.S.C.§ 1952 (Travel Act); (4) conduct the
activities of an illegal gambling business involving either the collection of an unlawful debt or a
pattern of gambling offenses, 18 U.S.C. §1962 (RICO); (5) launder the proceeds from an illegal
gambling business or to plow them back into the business, 18 U.S.C. §1956 (money laundering); or
(6) spend more than $10,000 of the proceeds from an illegal gambling operation at any one time and
place, 18 U.S.C. §1957 (money laundering).32
The NGISC reports that the laws governing gambling in cyberspace are not as clear as they
should be, pointing out, for example, that the Interstate Wire Act was written before the Internet was
invented. The ability of the Internet to facilitate quick and easy interactions across geographic
boundaries makes it difficult to apply traditional notions of state and federal jurisdictions and, some
argue, demonstrates the need for additional clarifying legislation.
Yet, there have been a number of successful prosecutions involving Internet gambling. For
example, in March 1998, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York indicted 21
individuals for conspiracy to transmit wagers on sporting events via the Internet, in violation of the
Interstate Wire Act of 1961. At that time, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno stated, “The Internet is
See, for e xample , the FinCE N repo rt, which state s at page 4 1: “Opp osition in the United S tates to
legalized Internet gaming is based on several factors. First, there is the fear that Internet gaming ... offer[s] unique
opportunities for money laundering, fraud, and other crimes. Government officials have also expressed concerns
about un derage gaming a nd add ictive gam bling, which some cla im will increa se with the sp read of In ternet gam ing.
Others p oint to the fac t that specific typ es of Intern et gaming may alrea dy be illega l under state laws.”
“Internet Gambling: Overview of Federal Criminal Law,” Co ngressional Research Service, CRS Re port
No. 97-6 19A (3/7 /00), Summ ary.
not an electronic sanctuary for illegal betting. To Internet betting operators everywhere, we have a
simple message, ‘You can’t hide online and you can’t hide offshore.” Eleven defendants pled guilty
and one, Jay Cohen, was found guilty after a jury trial. He was sentenced to 21 months in prison, a
two-year supervised release, and a $5,000 fine.
In 1997, the Attorney General of Minnesota successfully prosecuted Granite Gate Resorts, a
Nevada corporation with a Belize-based Internet sports betting operation. The lawsuit alleged that
Granite Gate and its president, Kerry Rogers, engaged in deceptive trade practices, false advertising,
and consumer fraud by offering Minnesotans access to sports betting, since such betting is illegal
under state laws. In 1999, the Minnesota Supreme Court upheld the prosecution. Missouri, New
York, and Wisconsin have also successfully prosecuted cases involving Internet gaming.
Given the traditional responsibility of the states regarding gambling, many have been in the
forefront of efforts to regulate or prohibit Internet gambling. Several states including Louisiana,
Texas, Illinois, and Nevada have introduced or passed legislation specifically prohibiting Internet
gambling. Florida has taken an active role, including cooperative efforts with Western Union, to
stop money-transfer services for 40 offshore sports books.33 In 1998, Indiana’s Attorney General
stated as a policy that a person placing a bet from Indiana with an offshore gaming establishment
was engaged in in-state gambling just as if the person engaged in conventional gambling. A number
of state attorneys general have initiated court actions against Internet gambling owners and
operators, and several have won permanent injunctions.
Legislation and recommendations. Several states have concluded that only the federal
government has the potential to effectively regulate or prohibit Internet gambling. The National
Association of Attorneys General has called for an expansion in the language of the federal anti-
wagering statute to prohibit Internet gambling and for federal-state cooperation on this issue. A
number of Internet gambling bills have been introduced in Congress.
The National Gambling Impact Study Commission report made several recommendations
pertaining to Internet gambling, one of which was to encourage foreign governments to reject
Internet gambling organizations that prey on U.S. citizens.
The Minority Staff investigation found evidence of a number of foreign banks using their
U.S. correspondent accounts to move proceeds related to Internet gambling, including wagers or
payments made in connection with Internet gambling websites, deposits made by companies
managing Internet gambling operations, and deposits made by companies active in the Internet
gambling field in such areas as software development or electronic cash transfer systems. One U.S.
In December 19 97, the Attorney General of Florida and W estern Union signed an agreement that W estern
Union would cease providing Quick Pay money transfer services from Florida residents to known offshore gaming
establishments. Quick Pay is a reduced-fee system normally used to expedite collection of debts or payment for
bank, Chase Manhattan Bank, was fully aware of Internet gambling proceeds being moved through
its correspondent accounts; other U.S. banks were not. Internet gambling issues are addressed in
the case histories involving American International Bank, British Trade and Commerce Bank, and
Swiss American Bank.
Until the Bank of New York scandal erupted in 1999,34 international correspondent banking
had received little attention as a high-risk area for money laundering. In the United States, the
general assumption had been that a foreign bank with a valid bank license operated under the
watchful eye of its licensing jurisdiction and a U.S. bank had no obligation to conduct its own due
diligence. The lesson brought home by the Bank of New York scandal, however, was that some
foreign banks carry higher money laundering risks than others, since some countries are seriously
deficient in their bank licensing and supervision, and some foreign banks are seriously deficient in
their anti-money laundering efforts.
The reality is that U.S. correspondent banking is highly vulnerable to money laundering for a
host of reasons. The reasons include: (A) a culture of lax due diligence at U.S. correspondent
banks; (B) the role of correspondent bankers or relationship managers; (C) nested correspondents, in
which U.S. correspondent accounts are used by a foreign bank’s client banks, often without the
express knowledge or consent of the U.S. bank; (D) foreign jurisdictions with weak banking or
accounting standards; (E) bank secrecy laws; (F) cross border difficulties; and (G) U.S. legal
barriers to seizing illicit funds in U.S. correspondent accounts.
The U.S. correspondent banks examined during the investigation operated, for the most part,
in an atmosphere of complacency, with lax due diligence, weak controls, and inadequate responses
to troubling information.
In initial meetings in January 2000, U.S. banks told the investigation there is little evidence
of money laundering through correspondent accounts. Chase Manhattan Bank, which has one of the
largest correspondent banking portfolios in the United States, claimed that U.S. banks do not even
open accounts for small foreign banks in remote jurisdictions. These representations, which proved
to be inaccurate, illustrate what the investigation found to be a common attitude among
correspondent bankers -- that money laundering risks are low and anti-money laundering efforts are
unnecessary or inconsequential in the correspondent banking field.
Due in part to the industry’s poor recognition of the money laundering risks, there is
For a description of the Bank of New York scandal, see the appendix.
substantial evidence of weak due diligence practices by U.S. banks providing correspondent
accounts to foreign banks. U.S. correspondent bankers were found to be poorly informed about the
banks they were servicing, particularly small foreign banks licensed in jurisdictions known for bank
secrecy or weak banking and anti-money laundering controls. Account documentation was often
outdated and incomplete, lacking key information about a foreign bank’s management, major
business activities, reputation, regulatory history, or anti-money laundering procedures. Monitoring
procedures were also weak. For example, it was often unclear who, if anyone, was supposed to be
reviewing the monthly account statements for correspondent accounts. At larger banks,
coordination was often weak or absent between the correspondent bankers dealing directly with
foreign bank clients and other bank personnel administering the accounts, reviewing wire transfer
activity, or conducting anti-money laundering oversight. Even though wire transfers were
frequently the key activity engaged in by foreign banks, many U.S. banks conducted either no
monitoring of wire transfer activity or relied on manual reviews of the wire transfer information to
identify suspicious activity. Subpoenas directed at foreign banks or their clients were not always
brought to the attention of the correspondent banker in charge of the foreign bank relationship.
Specific examples of weak due diligence practices and inadequate anti-money laundering
controls at U.S. correspondent banks included the following.
–Security Bank N.A., a U.S. bank in Miami, disclosed that, for almost two years, it never
reviewed for suspicious activity numerous wire transfers totaling $50 million that went into
and out of the correspondent account of a high risk offshore bank called British Trade and
Commerce Bank (BTCB), even after questions arose about the bank. These funds included
millions of dollars associated with money laundering, financial fraud and Internet gambling.
A Security Bank representative also disclosed that, despite an ongoing dialogue with
BTCB’s president, he did not understand and could not explain BTCB’s major business
activities, including a high yield investment program promising extravagant returns.
–The Bank of New York disclosed that it had not known that one of its respondent banks,
British Bank of Latin America (BBLA), a small offshore bank operating in Colombia and
the Bahamas, which moved $2.7 million in drug money through its correspondent account,
had never been examined by any bank regulator. The Bank of New York disclosed further
that: (a) despite being a longtime correspondent for banks operating in Colombia, (b)
despite 1999 and 2000 U.S. National Money Laundering Strategies’ naming the Colombian
black market peso exchange as the largest money laundering system in the Western
Hemisphere and a top priority for U.S. law enforcement, and (c) despite having twice
received seizure orders for the BBLA correspondent account alleging millions of dollars in
drug proceeds laundered through the Colombian black market peso exchange, the Bank of
New York had not instituted any special anti-money laundering controls to detect this type of
money laundering through its correspondent accounts.
–Several U.S. banks, including Bank of America and Amtrade Bank in Miami, were
unaware that their correspondent accounts with American International Bank (AIB), a small
offshore bank in Antigua that moved millions of dollars in financial frauds and Internet
gambling through its correspondent accounts, were handling transactions for shell foreign
banks that were AIB clients. The U.S. correspondent bankers apparently had failed to
determine that one of AIB’s major lines of business was to act as a correspondent for other
foreign banks, one of which, Caribbean American Bank, was used exclusively for moving
the proceeds of a massive advance-fee-for-loan fraud. Most of the U.S. banks had also
failed to determine that the majority of AIB’s client accounts and deposits were generated by
the Forum, an investment organization that has been the subject of U.S. criminal and
securities investigations.
–Bank of America disclosed that it did not know, until tipped off by Minority Staff
investigators, that the correspondent account it provided to St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National
Bank, a small bank in the Caribbean, was being used to move hundreds of millions of dollars
in Internet gambling proceeds. Bank of America had not taken a close look at the source of
funds in this account even though this small respondent bank was moving as much as $115
million in a month and many of the companies named in its wire transfer instructions were
well known for their involvement in Internet gambling.
–Citibank correspondent bankers in Argentina indicated that while they opened a U.S.
correspondent account for M.A. Bank, an offshore shell bank licensed in the Cayman Islands
and operating in Argentina that later was used to launder drug money, and handled the
bank’s day-to-day matters, they did not, as a rule, see any monthly statements or monthly
activity reports for the bank’s accounts. The Argentine correspondent bankers indicated that
they assumed Citibank personnel in New York, who handled administrative matters for the
accounts, or Citibank personnel in Florida, who run the bank’s the anti-money laundering
unit, reviewed the accounts for suspicious activity. Citibank’s Argentine correspondent
bankers indicated, however, that they could not identify specific individuals who reviewed
Argentine correspondent accounts for possible money laundering. They also disclosed that
they did not have regular contact with Citibank personnel conducting anti-money laundering
oversight of Argentine correspondent accounts, nor did they coordinate any anti-money
laundering duties with them.
–When U.S. law enforcement filed a 1998 seizure warrant alleging money laundering
violations and freezing millions of dollars in a Citibank correspondent account belonging to
M.A. Bank and also filed in court an affidavit describing the frozen funds as drug proceeds
from a money laundering sting, Citibank never looked into the reasons for the seizure
warrant and never learned, until informed by Minority Staff investigators in 1999, that the
frozen funds were drug proceeds.
–Citibank had a ten-year correspondent relationship with Banco Republica, licensed and
doing business in Argentina, and its offshore affiliate, Federal Bank, which is licensed in the
Bahamas. Citibank’s relationship manager for these two banks told the investigation that it
“was disturbing” and “shocking” to learn that the Central Bank of Argentina had reported in
audit reports of 1996 and 1998 that Banco Republica did not have an anti-money laundering
program. When the Minority Staff asked the relationship manager what he had done to
determine whether or not there was such a program in place at Banco Republica, he said he
was told by Banco Republica management during his annual reviews that the bank had an
anti-money laundering program, but he did not confirm that with documentation. The same
situation applied to Federal Bank.
–A June 2000 due diligence report prepared by a First Union correspondent banker
responsible for an account with a high risk foreign bank called Banque Francaise
Commerciale (BFC) in Dominica, contained inadequate and misleading information. For
example, only 50% of the BFC documentation required by First Union had been collected,
and neither BFC’s anti-money laundering procedures, bank charter, nor 1999 financial
statement was in the client file. No explanation for the missing documentation was
provided, despite instructions requiring it. The report described BFC as engaged principally
in “domestic” banking, even though BFC’s monthly account statements indicated that most
of its transactions involved international money transfers. The report also failed to mention
Dominica’s weak banking and anti-money laundering controls.
–A number of U.S. banks failed to meet their internal requirements for on-site visits to
foreign banks. Internal directives typically require a correspondent banker to visit a foreign
bank’s offices prior to opening an account for the bank and to pay annual visits thereafter.
Such visits are intended, among other purposes, to ensure the foreign bank has a physical
presence, to learn more about the bank’s management and business activities, and to sell new
services. However, in many cases, the required on-site visits were waived, postponed or
conducted with insufficient attention to important facts. For example, a Chase Manhattan
correspondent banker responsible for 140 accounts said she visited the 25 to 30 banks with
the larger accounts each year and visited the rest only occasionally or never. First Union
National Bank disclosed that no correspondent banker had visited BFC in Dominica for
three years. Security Bank N.A. disclosed that it had not made any visits to BTCB in
Dominica, because Security Bank had only one account on the island and it was not “cost
effective” to travel there. In still another instance, Citibank opened a correspondent account
for M.A. Bank, without traveling to either the Cayman Islands where the bank was licensed
or Uruguay where the bank claimed to have an “administrative office.” Instead, Citibank
traveled to Argentina and visited offices belonging to several firms in the same financial
group as M.A. Bank, apparently deeming that trip equivalent to visiting M.A. Bank’s offices.
Citibank even installed wire transfer software for M.A. Bank at the Argentine site, although
M.A. Bank has no license to conduct banking activities in Argentina and no office there.
Despite repeated requests, Citibank has indicated that it remains unable to inform the
investigation whether or not M.A. Bank has an office in Uruguay. The investigation has
concluded that M.A. Bank is, in fact, a shell bank with no physical presence in any
–Harris Bank International, a New York bank specializing in correspondent banking and
international wire transfers, told the investigation that it had no electronic means for
monitoring the hundreds of millions of dollars in wire transfers it processes each day. Its
correspondent bankers instead have to conduct manual reviews of account activity to identify
suspicious activity. The bank said that it had recently allocated funding to purchase its first
electronic monitoring software capable of analyzing wire transfer activity for patterns of
possible money laundering.
Money launderers are primarily interested in services that facilitate the swift and anonymous
movement of funds across international lines. These services do not require credit relationships, but
can be provided by foreign banks with access to wire transfers, checks and credit cards. Money
launderers may even prefer small banks in non-credit correspondent relationships since they attract
less scrutiny from their U.S. correspondents. Foreign banks intending to launder funds may choose
to limit their correspondent relationships to non-credit services to avoid scrutiny and move money
quickly, with few questions asked.
Under current practice in the United States, high-risk foreign banks in non-credit
correspondent relationships seem to fly under the radar screen of U.S. banks conducting due
diligence reviews. Yet from an anti-money laundering perspective, these are precisely the banks
which – if they hold an offshore license, conduct a shell operation, move large sums of money
across international lines, or demonstrate other high risk factors – warrant heightened scrutiny.
Specific examples of the different treatment that U.S. banks afforded to foreign banks in
non-credit relationships included the following.
–One Chase Manhattan correspondent banker said that she did not review the annual audited
financial statement of a foreign bank in a non-credit relationship. Another Chase Manhattan
representative described Chase’s attitude towards non-credit correspondent relationships as
“essentially reactive” and said there was no requirement to make an annual visit to bank
A correspondent bank’s analysis of credit risk does not necessarily include the risk of money laundering;
rather it is focused on the risk of monetary loss to the correspondent bank, and the two considerations can be very
different. Fo r examp le, one co rrespon dent ban k examin ed in the inv estigation c learly rejec ted a cred it relationship
with a resp onden t bank du e to dou bts abo ut its investme nt activities, bu t did not he sitate to con tinue pro viding it with
cash ma nageme nt services s uch as wire transfers.
–Bank of America representatives said that most small correspondent bank relationships
were non-credit in nature, Bank of America “has lots” of these, it views them as “low risk,”
and such relationships do not require an annual review of the respondent bank’s financial
–One bank that maintained a non-credit correspondent relationship for a year with American
International Bank (AIB), an offshore bank which used its correspondent accounts to move
millions of dollars connected to financial frauds and Internet gambling, sought significantly
more due diligence information when AIB requested a non-secured line of credit. To
evaluate the credit request, the correspondent bank asked AIB to provide such information as
a list of its services; a description of its marketing efforts; the total number of its depositors
and “a breakdown of deposits according to maturities”; a description of AIB management's
experience “in view of the fact that your institution has been operating for only one year”; a
“profile of the regulatory environment in Antigua”; the latest financial statement of AIB’s
parent company; and information about certain loan transactions between AIB and its parent.
Apparently none of this information was provided a year earlier when the bank first
established a non-credit correspondent relationship with AIB.
Inadequate Responses to Troubling Information. While some U.S. banks never learned
of questionable activities by their foreign bank clients, when troubling information did reach a U.S.
correspondent banker, in too many cases, the U.S. bank took little or no action in response. For
–Citibank left open a correspondent account belonging to M.A. Bank and allowed hundreds
of millions of dollars to flow through it, even after receiving a seizure order from U.S. law
enforcement alleging drug money laundering violations and freezing $7.7 million deposited
into the account. Citibank also failed to inquire into the circumstances surrounding the
seizure warrant and, until informed by Minority Staff investigators, failed to learn that the
funds were drug proceeds from a money laundering sting.
–Chase Manhattan Bank left open a correspondent account with Swiss American Bank
(SAB), an offshore bank licensed in Antigua and Barbuda, even after SAB projected that it
would need 10,000 checks per month and began generating monthly bank statements
exceeding 200 pages in length to process millions of dollars in Internet gambling proceeds.
–First Union National Bank left open a money market account with British Trade and
Commerce Bank (BTCB) for almost 18 months after receiving negative information about
the bank. When millions of dollars suddenly moved through the account eight months after
it was opened, First Union telephoned BTCB and asked it to voluntarily close the account.
When BTCB refused, First Union waited another nine months, replete with troubling
incidents and additional millions of dollars moving through the account, before it
unilaterally closed the account.
–When Citibank was asked by the Central Bank of Argentina for information about the
owners of Federal Bank, an offshore bank licensed in the Bahamas with which Citibank had
a ten year correspondent relationship, Citibank responded that its “records contain no
information that would enable us to determine the identity of the shareholders of the
referenced bank.” Citibank gave this response to the Central Bank despite clear information
in its own records identifying Federal Bank’s owners. When the Minority Staff asked the
relationship manager to explain Citibank’s response, the relationship manager said he had
the impression that the Central Bank “was trying to play some kind of game,” that it was
“trying to get some legal proof of ownership.” After further discussion, the relationship
manager said that he now knows Citibank should have answered the letter “in a different
way” and that Citibank “should have done more.”
The investigation saw a number of instances in which U.S. banks were slow to close
correspondent accounts, even after receiving ample evidence of misconduct. When asked why it
took so long to close an account for Swiss American Bank after receiving troubling information
about the bank, Chase Manhattan Bank representatives explained that Chase had solicited Swiss
American as a client and felt “it wasn’t ethical to say we’ve changed.” Chase personnel told the
investigation, we “couldn’t leave them.” Bank of America explained its delay in closing a
correspondent account as due to fear of a lawsuit by the foreign bank seeking damages for hurting
its business if the account were closed too quickly. A First Union correspondent banker expressed a
similar concern, indicating that it first asked BTCB to close its account voluntarily so that First
Union could represent that the decision had been made by the customer and minimize its exposure
to litigation. The Minority Staff found this was not an uncommon practice, even though the
investigation did not encounter any instance of a foreign bank’s filing such a suit.
Correspondent bankers, also called relationship managers, should serve as the first line of
defense against money laundering in the correspondent banking field, but many appear to be
inadequately trained and insufficiently sensitive to the risk of money laundering taking place
through the accounts they manage. These deficiencies are attributable, in part, to the industry’s
overall poor recognition of money laundering problems in correspondent banking.
The primary mission of most correspondent bankers is to expand business – to open new
accounts, increase deposits and sell additional services to existing accounts. But many are also
expected to execute key anti-money laundering duties, such as evaluating prospective bank clients
and reporting suspicious activity. Those correspondent bankers are, in effect, being asked to fill
contradictory roles – to add new foreign banks as clients, while maintaining a skeptical stance
toward those same banks and monitoring them for suspicious activity. The investigation found that
some banks compensate their correspondent bankers by the number of new accounts they open or
the amount of money their correspondent accounts bring into the bank. The investigation found few
rewards, however, for closing suspect accounts or filing suspicious activity reports. In fact, the
financial incentive is just the opposite; closing correspondent accounts reduces a bank’s income and
can reduce a correspondent banker’s compensation. The result was that a correspondent banker’s
anti-money laundering duties were often a low priority.
For example, the Bank of America told the Minority Staff investigation that their
relationship managers used to be seen as sales officers, routinely seeking new accounts, maintaining
a “positive sales approach,” and signing up as many correspondent banks as possible. Bank of
America’s attitude in the early and middle 1990s, it said, was that “banks are banks” and “you can
trust them.” The bank said it has since changed its approach and is no longer “beating the bushes”
for new correspondent relationships.
Even if correspondent bankers were motivated to watch for signs of money laundering in
their accounts, the investigation found that most did not have the tools needed for effective
oversight. Large correspondent banks in the United States operate two or three thousand
correspondent accounts at a time and process billions of dollars of wire transactions each day. Yet
until very recently, most U.S. banks did not invest in the software, personnel or training needed to
identify and manage money laundering risks in correspondent banking. For example, U.S.
correspondent bankers reported receiving limited anti-money laundering training and seemed to
have little awareness of the money laundering methods, financial frauds and other wrongdoing that
rogue foreign banks or their clients perpetrate through correspondent accounts.36 Standard due
diligence forms were sometimes absent or provided insufficient guidance on the initial and ongoing
due diligence information that correspondent bankers should obtain. Coordination between
correspondent bankers and anti-money laundering bank personnel was often lacking. Automated
systems for reviewing wire transfer activity were usually not available. Few banks had pro-active
anti-money laundering programs in place to detect and report suspect activity in correspondent
accounts. The absence of effective anti-money laundering tools is further evidence of the low
priority assigned to this issue in the correspondent banking field.
Examples of correspondent bankers insufficiently trained and equipped to identify and report
suspicious activity included the following.
The case histories in this report provide specific examples of how rogue foreign banks or their clients are
using U.S. correspondent account to launder funds or facilitate crime, including from drug trafficking, prime bank
guarantees, high yield investment scams, advanced-fee-for-loan scams, stock fraud, Internet gambling and tax
evasion. Correspondent bankers appear to receive little or no training in recognizing and reporting suspicious
activity related to such correspondent banking abuses.
–A Bank of New York relationship manager told the investigation that there had been little
anti-money laundering training for correspondent banking, but it is “in the developmental
stages now.” The head of Bank of New York’s Latin American correspondent banking
division disclosed that she had received minimal information about the black market peso
exchange and was unaware of its importance to U.S. law enforcement. She also said the
bank had not instituted any means for detecting this type of money laundering, nor had it
instructed its respondent banks to watch for this problem and refuse wire transfers from
money changers involved in the black market.
–A Chase Manhattan Bank relationship manager who handled 140 correspondent accounts
told the investigation that she had received no anti-money laundering training during her
employment at Chase Manhattan or her prior job at Chemical Bank; she was not trained in
due diligence analysis; the bank had no standard due diligence forms; and she received no
notice of countries in the Caribbean to which she should pay close attention when opening or
monitoring a correspondent banking relationship.
-- A Bank of America official said that anti-money laundering training had received little
attention for several years as the bank underwent a series of mergers. The bank said it is
now improving its efforts in this area.
–A relationship manager at the Miami office of Banco Industrial de Venezuela told the
investigation that she had received no training in recognizing possible financial frauds being
committed through foreign bank correspondent accounts and never suspected fraudulent
activity might be a problem. She indicated that, even after several suspicious incidents
involving a multi-million-dollar letter of credit, a proof of funds letter discussing a prime
bank guarantee, repeated large cash withdrawals by the respondent bank’s employees, and
expressions of concern by her superiors, no one at the bank explained the money laundering
risks to her or instructed her to watch the relationship.
A few banks have developed new and innovative anti-money laundering controls in their
correspondent banking units, including wire transfer monitoring software and pro-active reviews of
correspondent bank activity. A number of the banks surveyed or interviewed by the Minority Staff
expressed new interest in developing stronger due diligence and monitoring procedures for
correspondent accounts. But most of the U.S. banks contacted during the investigation had not
devoted significant resources to help their correspondent bankers detect and report possible money
C. Nested Correspondents
Another practice in U.S. correspondent banking which increases money laundering risks in
the field is the practice of foreign banks operating through the U.S. correspondent accounts of other
foreign banks. The investigation uncovered numerous instances of foreign banks gaining access to
U.S. banks -- not by directly opening a U.S. correspondent account -- but by opening an account at
another foreign bank which, in turn, has an account at a U.S. bank. In some cases, the U.S. bank
was unaware that a foreign bank was “nested” in the correspondent account the U.S. bank had
opened for another foreign bank; in other cases, the U.S. bank not only knew but approved of the
practice. In a few instances, U.S. banks were surprised to learn that a single correspondent account
was serving as a gateway for multiple foreign banks to gain access to U.S. dollar accounts, U.S. wire
transfer systems and other services available in the United States.
–In 1999, First Union National Bank specifically rejected a request by a Dominican bank,
British Trade and Commerce Bank (BTCB), to open a U.S. correspondent account. First
Union was unaware, until informed by Minority Staff investigators, that it had already been
providing wire transfer services to BTCB for two years, through BTCB’s use of a First
Union correspondent account belonging to Banque Francaise Commerciale (BFC). BFC is a
Dominican bank which had BTCB as a client.
–A Chase Manhattan Bank correspondent banker said that she was well aware that American
International Bank (AIB) was allowing other foreign banks to utilize its Chase account. She
said that she had no problem with the other banks using AIB’s correspondent account, since
she believed they would otherwise have no way to gain entry into the U.S. financial system.
She added that she did not pay any attention to the other foreign banks doing business with
AIB and using its U.S. account. One of the banks using AIB’s U.S. account was Caribbean
American Bank, a bank used exclusively for moving the proceeds of a massive advance-fee-
for-loan fraud.
–The president of Swiss American Bank in Antigua said that no U.S. bank had ever asked
SAB about its client banks, and SAB had, in fact, allowed at least two other offshore banks
to use SAB’s U.S. accounts.
–Harris Bank International in New York said that its policy was not to ask its respondent
banks about their bank clients. Harris Bank indicated, for example, that it had a
longstanding correspondent relationship with Standard Bank Jersey Ltd., but no information
on Standard Bank’s own correspondent practices. Harris Bank disclosed that it had been
unaware that, in providing correspondent services to Standard Bank, it had also been
providing correspondent services to Hanover Bank, a shell bank which, in 1998 alone,
handled millions of dollars associated with financial frauds. Hanover Bank apparently
would not have met Harris Bank’s standards for opening an account directly, yet it was able
to use Harris Bank’s services through Standard Bank. Harris Bank indicated that it still has
no information on what foreign banks may be utilizing Standard Bank’s U.S. correspondent
account, and it has no immediate plans to find out.
Case histories on American International Bank, Hanover Bank, and British Trade and
Commerce Bank demonstrate how millions of dollars can be and have been transferred through U.S.
correspondent accounts having no direct links to the foreign banks moving the funds. Despite the
money laundering risks involved, no U.S. bank contacted during the investigation had a policy or
procedure in place requiring its respondent banks to identify the banks that would be using its
correspondent account, although Harris Bank International said it planned to institute that policy for
its new bank clients and, during a Minority Staff interview, Bank of America’s correspondent
banking head stated “it would make sense to know a correspondent bank’s correspondent bank
International correspondent accounts require U.S. banks to transact business with foreign
banks. U.S. correspondent banks are inherently reliant, in part, on foreign banking and accounting
practices to safeguard them from money laundering risks in foreign jurisdictions. Weak banking or
accounting practices in a foreign jurisdiction increase the money laundering risks for U.S.
correspondent banks dealing with foreign banks in that jurisdiction.
Weak Foreign Bank Licensing or Supervision. The international banking system is built
upon a hodge podge of differing bank licensing and supervisory approaches in the hundreds of
countries that currently participate in international funds transfer systems. It is clear that some
financial institutions operate under substantially less stringent requirements and supervision than
others. It is also clear that jurisdictions with weak bank licensing and supervision offer more
attractive venues for money launderers seeking banks to launder illicit proceeds and move funds
into bank accounts in other countries.37
Licensing requirements for new banks vary widely. While some countries require startup
capital of millions of dollars in cash reserves deposited with a central bank and public disclosure of
a bank’s prospective owners, other countries allow startup capital to be kept outside the country,
impose no reserve requirements, and conceal bank ownership. Regulatory requirements for existing
banks also differ. For example, while some countries use government employees to conduct on-site
bank examinations, collect annual fees from banks to finance oversight, and require banks to operate
anti-money laundering programs, other countries conduct no bank examinations and collect no fees
for oversight, instead relying on self-policing by the country’s banking industry and voluntary
systems for reporting possible money laundering activities.
See, for example, discussion of “Offshore Financial Centers,” INCSR 2000, at 565-77.
oversight of their offshore banks, since they are supposed to deal exclusively with foreign citizens
and foreign currencies. A number of countries, including in the East Caribbean and South Pacific,
have developed separate regulatory regimes for their onshore and offshore banks, with less stringent
requirements applicable to the offshore institutions.
The increased money laundering risks for correspondent banking are apparent, for example,
in a web site sponsored by a private firm urging viewers to open a new bank in the Republic of
Montenegro. The web site trumpets not only the jurisdiction’s minimal bank licensing
requirements, but also its arrangements for giving new banks immediate access to international
correspondent accounts.
“If you’re looking to open a FULLY LICENSED BANK which is authorized to carry on all
banking business worldwide, the MOST ATTRACTIVE JURISDICTION is currently the
REPUBLIC OF MONTENEGRO. ... JUST USD$9,999 for a full functioning bank (plus
USD $4,000 annual fees) .... No large capital requirements – just USD$10,000 capital gets
your Banking License (and which you get IMMEDIATELY BACK after the Bank is ... set-
up)[.] ... [N]o intrusive background checks! ... The basic package includes opening a
CORRESPONDENT BANK [ACCOUNT] at the Bank of Montenegro. This allows the new
bank to use their existing correspondent network which includes Citibank, Commerzbank,
Union Bank of Switzerland etc[.] for sending and receiving payments. For additional fee we
can arrange direct CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNTS with banks in other countries.”38
[Emphasis and capitalization in original text.]
A similar web site offers to provide new banks licensed in Montenegro with a correspondent
account not only at the “State Bank of Montenegro,” but also at a “Northern European Bank.”39
When contacted, Citibank’s legal counsel indicated no awareness of the web sites or of how many
banks may be transacting business through its Bank of Montenegro correspondent account.
Weak Foreign Accounting Practices. Working in tandem with banking requirements are
accounting standards which also vary across international lines. Accountants are often key
participants in bank regulatory regimes by certifying the financial statements of particular banks as
in line with generally accepted accounting principles. Government regulators and U.S. banks,
among others, rely on these audited financial statements to depict a bank’s earnings, operations and
solvency. Accountants may also perform bank examinations or special audits at the request of
government regulators. They may also be appointed as receivers or liquidators of banks that have
been accused of money laundering or other misconduct.
See global-money.com/offshore/europe-mon tenegro_bank.html. See also
web.offshore.by.net/~unitrust/enmontenegrobank.html and www.permanenttourist.com/offshore-montenegro-
bank.htm l.
www.pe rmanen ttoursit.com /offshore-m onteneg ro-bank .html.
countries refused to provide information about a bank’s financial statements they had audited or
about reports they had prepared in the role of a bank receiver or liquidator. Many foreign
accountants contacted during the investigation were uncooperative or even hostile when asked for
-- The Dominican auditing firm of Moreau Winston & Company, for example, refused to
provide any information about the 1998 financial statement of British Trade and Commerce
Bank, even though the financial statement was a publicly available document published in
the country’s official gazette, the firm had certified the statement as accurate, and the
statement contained unusual entries that could not be understood without further
–Another Antiguan accounting firm, Pannell Kerr Foster, issued an audited financial
statement for Overseas Development Bank and Trust in which the auditor said certain items
could not be confirmed because the appropriate information was not available from another
bank, American International Bank. Yet Pannell Kerr Foster was also the auditor of
American International Bank, with complete access to that bank’s financial records.
The investigation also came across disturbing evidence of possible conflicts of interest
involving accountants and the banks they audited, and of incompetent or dishonest accounting
practices. In one instance, an accounting firm verified a $300 million item in a balance sheet for
British Trade and Commerce Bank that, when challenged by Dominican government officials, has
yet to be substantiated. In another instance, an accounting firm approved an offshore bank’s
financial statements which appear to have concealed indications of insolvency, insider dealing and
questionable transactions. In still another instance raising conflict of interest concerns, an
accountant responsible for auditing three offshore banks involving the same bank official provided
that bank official with a letter of reference, which the official then used to help one of the banks
open a U.S. correspondent account.
U.S. correspondent bankers repeatedly stated that they attached great importance to a foreign
bank’s audited financial statements in helping them analyze the foreign bank’s operations and
solvency. Weak foreign accounting practices damage U.S. correspondent banking by enabling
rogue foreign banks to use inaccurate and misleading financial statements to win access to U.S.
correspondent accounts.
See correspondence on CAB between the Minority Staff, the PriceWaterhouseCoopers auditor and the
auditor's legal counsel in the case study on American International Bank.
U.S. correspondent banks varied widely in the extent to which they took into account a
foreign country’s banking and anti-money laundering controls in deciding whether to open an
account for a foreign bank. Some U.S. banks did not perform any country analysis when deciding
whether to open a foreign bank account. Several U.S. correspondent bankers admitted opening
accounts for banks in countries about which they had little information. Other U.S. banks
performed country evaluations that took into account a country’s stability and credit risk, but not its
reputation for banking or anti-money laundering controls. Still other U.S. banks performed
extensive country evaluations that were used only when opening accounts for foreign banks
requesting credit. On the other hand, a few banks, such as Republic National Bank of New York,
explicitly required their correspondent bankers to provide information about a country’s reputation
for banking supervision and anti-money laundering controls on the account opening documentation,
and routinely considered that information in deciding whether to open an account for a foreign bank.
E. Bank Secrecy
Bank secrecy laws further increase money laundering risks in international correspondent
banking. Strict bank secrecy laws are a staple of many countries, including those with offshore
banking sectors. Some jurisdictions refuse to disclose bank ownership. Some refuse to disclose the
results of bank examinations or special investigations. Other jurisdictions prohibit disclosure of
information about particular bank clients or transactions, sometimes refusing to provide that
information to correspondent banks and foreign bank regulators.
The Minority Staff identified several areas where bank secrecy impedes anti-money
laundering efforts. One area involves secrecy surrounding bank ownership. In a case involving
Dominica, for example, government authorities were legally prohibited from confirming a
Dominican bank’s statements to a U.S. bank concerning the identity of the Dominican bank’s
owners. In a case involving the South Pacific island of Vanuatu, bank ownership secrecy impeded
local oversight of offshore banks. A local bank owner, who also served as chairman of Vanuatu’s
key commission regulating offshore banks, was interviewed by Minority Staff investigators. He
indicated that Vanuatu law prohibited government officials from disclosing bank ownership
information to non-government personnel so that, even though he chaired a key offshore bank
oversight body, he was not informed about who owned the 60 banks he oversaw. When asked who
he thought might own the offshore banks, he speculated that the owners were wealthy individuals,
small financial groups or, in a few cases, foreign banks, but stressed he had no specific information
to confirm his speculation.
Another area involves secrecy surrounding bank examinations, audits and special
investigations. In several cases, government authorities said they were prohibited by law or custom
from revealing the results of bank examinations, even for banks undergoing liquidation or criminal
investigations. Bank regulators in Jersey, for example, declined to provide a special report that
resulted in the censure of Standard Bank Jersey Ltd. for opening a correspondent account for
Hanover Bank, because the Jersey government did not routinely disclose findings of fact or
documents accumulated through investigations. The United Kingdom refused a request to describe
the results of a 1993 inquiry into a £20 million scandal involving Hanover Bank and a major British
insurance company, even though the inquiry had gone on for years, resulted in official findings and
recommendations, and involved a closed matter. U.S. government authorities were also at times
uncooperative, declining, for example, to disclose information related to Operation Risky Business,
a Customs undercover operation that exposed a $60 million fraud perpetrated through two foreign
banks and multiple U.S. correspondent accounts. Bank examinations, audits and investigations that
cannot be released or explained in specific terms hinder international efforts to gather accurate
information about suspect financial institutions, companies and individuals.
A third area involves secrecy of information related to specific bank clients and transactions.
When Minority Staff investigators sought to trace transactions and bank accounts related to
individuals or entities either convicted of or under investigation for wrongdoing in the United
States, foreign banks often declined to answer specific questions about their accounts and clients,
citing their country’s bank secrecy laws. When asked whether particular accounts involved Internet
gambling, the same answer was given. When asked about whether funds distributed to respondent
bank officials represented insider dealing, the same answer was given.
Bank secrecy laws contribute to money laundering by blocking the free flow of information
needed to identify rogue foreign banks and individual wrongdoers seeking to misuse the
correspondent banking system to launder illicit funds. Bank secrecy laws slow law enforcement and
regulatory efforts. Bank secrecy laws also make it difficult for U.S. banks considering
correspondent bank applications to make informed decisions about opening accounts or restricting
certain depositors or lines of business. Money launderers thrive in bank secrecy jurisdictions that
hinder disclosure of their accounts and activities, even when transacting business through U.S.
correspondent accounts.
Due diligence reviews of foreign banks, if performed correctly, require U.S. correspondent
banks to obtain detailed information from foreign jurisdictions. This information is often difficult
to obtain. For example, some governments are constrained by bank secrecy laws from providing
even basic information about the banks operating in the country. Jurisdictions with weak banking
oversight and anti-money laundering regimes may have little useful information to offer in response
to an inquiry by a U.S. based bank. Jurisdictions reliant on offshore businesses for local jobs or
government fees may be reluctant to disclose negative information. Other sources of information
may be limited or difficult to evaluate. Many foreign jurisdictions have few or no public databases
about their banks. Court records may not be computerized or easily accessible. Credit agencies
may not operate within the jurisdiction. Media databases may be limited or nonexistent. Language
barriers may impose additional difficulties. Travel to foreign jurisdictions by U.S. correspondent
bankers to gather first-hand information is costly and may not produce immediate or accurate
information, especially if a visit is short or to an unfamiliar place. The bottom line is that due
diligence is not easy in international correspondent banking.
The difficulty continues after a correspondent account with a foreign bank is opened.
Correspondent banking with foreign banks, by necessity, involves transactions across international
lines. The most common correspondent banking transaction is a wire transfer of funds from one
country to another. Foreign exchange transactions, including clearing foreign checks or credit card
transactions, and international trade transactions are also common. All require tracing transactions
from one financial institution to another, usually across international borders, and involve two or
more jurisdictions, each with its own administrative and statutory regimes. These cross border
financial transactions inevitably raise questions as to which jurisdiction’s laws prevail, who is
responsible for conducting banking and anti-money laundering oversight, and what information may
be shared to what extent with whom. Cross border complexities increase the vulnerability of
correspondent banking to money laundering by rendering due diligence more difficult, impeding
investigations of questionable transactions, and slowing bank oversight.
Another contributor to money laundering in correspondent banking are U.S. legal barriers to
the seizure of laundered funds from a U.S. correspondent bank account.
Under current law in the United States, funds deposited into a correspondent bank account
belong to the respondent bank that opened and has signatory authority over the account; the funds
do not belong to the respondent bank’s individual depositors.41 Federal civil forfeiture law, under
18 U.S.C. 984, generally prohibits the United States from seizing suspect funds from a respondent
bank’s correspondent account based upon the wrongdoing of an individual depositor at the
respondent bank. The one exception, under 18 U.S.C. 984(d), is if the United States demonstrates
that the bank holding the correspondent account “knowingly engaged” in the laundering of the funds
or in other criminal misconduct justifying seizure of the bank’s own funds.
Few cases describe the level of bank misconduct that would permit a seizure of funds from a
See, for e xample , United States v. Proceeds of Drug Trafficking Transferred to Certain Foreign Bank
Accou nts (Civil Action No. 98-434(NHJ), U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia 2000), court order dated
U.S. correspondent account under Section 984(d). One U.S. district court has said that the United
States must demonstrate the respondent bank’s “knowing involvement” or “willful blindness” to the
criminal misconduct giving rise to the seizure action.42 That court upheld a forfeiture complaint
alleging that the respondent bank had written a letter of reference for the wrongdoer, handled funds
used to pay ransom to kidnappers, and appeared to be helping its clients avoid taxes, customs duties
and transaction reporting requirements. The court found that, “under the totality of the
circumstances ... the complaint sufficiently allege[d] [the respondent bank’s] knowing involvement
in the scheme.”
Absent such a showing by the United States, a respondent bank may claim status as an
“innocent bank” and no funds may be seized from its U.S. correspondent account. If a foreign bank
successfully asserts an innocent bank defense, the United States’ only alternative is to take legal
action in the foreign jurisdiction where the suspect funds were deposited. Foreign litigation is, of
course, more difficult and expensive than seizure actions under U.S. law and may require a greater
threshold of wrongdoing before it will be undertaken by the United States government.
Nigerian financial fraud cases are a well known, widespread problem which consumes
significant U.S. law enforcement and banking resources. The INCSR 2000 report states:
“Nigeria continues to be the money laundering and financial fraud hub of West Africa, and
may be assuming that role for the entire continent. Nigerian money launderers operate
sophisticated global networks to repatriate illicit proceeds .... Nigerian Advance Fee Fraud
has arguably become the most lucrative financial crime committed by Nigerian criminals
worldwide, with conservative estimates indicating hundred of millions of dollars in illicit
profits generated annually. This type of fraud is referred to internationally as ‘Four-One-
Nine’ (419), referring to the Nigerian criminal statute for fraud, and has affected a large
number of American citizens and businesses.”43
United States v. $15,270,885.69 (2000 U.S. D ist. LEXIS 12602 , 2000 W L 123459 3 SDNY 2000).
INCSR 2000 at 713. The IN CSR 2000 report also expresses concern about Nigeria’s weak anti-money
laundering efforts, which was echoed by international banking experts interviewed by Minority Staff investigators.
The F ederal D eposit Ins urance C orpora tion recen tly issued a sp ecial alert ur ging U.S . financial institutio ns to
scrutinize transactions to avoid funds associated with Nigerian frauds. FDIC Financial Institution Letter No. FIL-64-
2000 (9/19/00). See also, for example, “Letters from Lagos promise false riches for the gullible,” The Times
(London) (8/20/99); “Nigerian Con Artists Netting Millions in Advance-Fee Schemes,” Los Angeles Times
U.S. prosecutors seeking to recover Nigerian 4-1-9 fraud proceeds face serious legal hurdles
if the funds have been deposited into a Nigerian bank’s U.S. correspondent account. Section 984(d)
precludes seizure of the funds from the correspondent account unless the United States demonstrates
that the Nigerian bank was knowingly engaged in misconduct. Demonstrating Nigerian bank
misconduct is not an easy task; Nigerian bank information is not readily available and prosecutors
would likely have to travel to Nigeria to obtain documents or interview bank personnel. Law
enforcement advised that these legal and investigatory complications make U.S. prosecutors
reluctant to pursue 4-1-9 cases, that Nigerian wrongdoers are well aware of this reluctance, and that
some Nigerians appear to be deliberately using U.S. correspondent accounts to help shield their ill-
gotten gains from seizure by U.S. authorities.
The survey conducted by the investigation discovered that at least two U.S. banks have
numerous correspondent relationships with Nigerian banks, one listing 34 such correspondent
relationships and the other listing 31. The investigation also determined that many of these Nigerian
banks were newly established, there was little information readily available about them, and the only
method to obtain first hand information about them was to travel to Nigeria. These U.S.
correspondent accounts increase money laundering risks in U.S. correspondent banking, not only
because of Nigeria’s poor anti-money laundering and banking controls, but also because of U.S.
legal protections that shield these accounts from seizures of suspect funds.
The special forfeiture protections in U.S. law for deposits into correspondent accounts are
not available for deposits into any other type of account at U.S. banks. Additional examples of U.S.
legal barriers impeding forfeiture of illicit proceeds from U.S. correspondent accounts are discussed
in the case histories involving European Bank, British Bank of Latin America, and British Trade and
Commerce Bank.
VI. How an Offsho re Bank Laund ers Mon ey Thro ugh a U.S . Correspo ndent A ccount:
The Lessons of Guardian Bank
In March 2000, the Minority Staff conducted an in-depth interview of a former offshore
bank owner who had pled guilty to money laundering in the United States and was willing to
provide an insider’s account of how his bank used U.S. correspondent accounts to launder funds and
facilitate crime in the United States.
Guardian Bank and Trust (Cayman) Ltd. was an offshore bank licensed by the Cayman
Islands which opened its doors in 1984 and operated for about ten years before being closed by the
Cayman government. At its peak, Guardian Bank had a physical office in the Cayman Islands’
capital city, over 20 employees, over 1,000 clients, and about $150 million in assets. The bank
operated until early 1995, when it was abruptly closed by Cayman authorities and eventually turned
over to a government-appointed liquidator due to “‘serious irregularities’ identified in the conduct
The majority owner and chief executive of Guardian Bank for most of its existence was John
Mathewson, a U.S. citizen who was then a resident of the Cayman Islands. In 1996, while in the
United States, Mathewson was arrested and charged with multiple counts of money laundering, tax
evasion and fraud, and later pleaded guilty.45 As part of his efforts to cooperate with federal law
enforcement, Mathewson voluntarily provided the United States with an electronic ledger and
rolodex providing detailed records for a one year period of all Guardian Bank customers, accounts
and transactions.
The encrypted computer tapes provided by Mathewson represent the first and only time U.S.
law enforcement officials have gained access to the computerized records of an offshore bank in a
bank secrecy haven.46 Mathewson not only helped decode the tapes, but also explained the
workings of his bank, and provided extensive and continuing assistance to federal prosecutors in
securing criminal convictions of his former clients for tax evasion, money laundering and other
Johnson v. United States, 971 F.Supp. 862 , 863 (U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey 1997).
In 1997, Mathewson pleaded guilty to charges in three federal prosecutions. The U.S. District of New
Jersey ha d indicted him on thr ee coun ts of mone y launderin g, United States v. Mathewson (Criminal Case No. 96-
353-AJL); the Eastern District of New York had charged him with four counts of aiding and abetting the evasion of
income tax, United States v. Mathewson (Criminal Case No. 97-00189-001-ALJ); and the Southern District of
Florida h ad charg ed him w ith one co unt of con spiracy to c ommit w ire fraud, United States v. Mathewson (Criminal
Case No. 97-0188-Marcus). He was also subject to a 1993 civil tax judgment for over $11.3 million from United
States v. Mathewson (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Civil Case No. 92-1054-D avis).
The government-appointed liquidator of Guardian Bank sued unsuccessfully to recover the computer
tapes from the U.S. government, arguing that they had been improperly obtained and disclosure of the bank
informatio n would violate Ca yman co nfidentiality law s and da mage the reputatio n of the Ca yman ba nking indu stry.
Johnson v. United States, 971 F. Supp. 862 (U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey 1997). The Cayman
government also refused U.S. requests for assistance in decoding the information on the compu ter tapes.
Some of the former clients for whom Mathewson has provided assistance in obtaining a criminal
conviction include: (1) Mark A. Vicini of New Jersey, who had deposited $9 million into a Guardian account and
pleaded guilty to evading $2.2 million in taxes (U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York Case No.
CR-97-684); (2) members of the Abboud family of Omaha, Nebraska, who have been indicted for money laundering
and fraud in connection with $27 million in cable piracy proceeds transferred to Gu ardian Bank (U.S. District Court
for the District of Nebraska Case No. 8:99CR-80); (3) Frederick Gipp, a Long Island golf pro who had deposited
$150,000 into a Guardian account and pleaded guilty to tax evasion (U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
New York Case No. CR-98-147-ER K); (4) Dr. Jeffrey E. LaVigne, a New York proctologist who deposited
$560,000 into a Guardian account and who pleaded guilty to evading $160,000 in taxes (U.S. District Court for the
Eastern D istrict of Ne w York Case N o. 94-1 060-C R-ARR ); (5) Dr. B artholom ew D’A scoli, a N ew Jerse y orthop edic
surgeon, who had deposited $395,000 into a Guardian account and pleaded guilty to evading $118,000 in taxes (U.S.
District Court for the Eastern District of New York Criminal Case No. 98-739-RJD); (6) Michael and Terrence
Hogan of Ohio, who had deposited $750,000 of undeclared income into a Guardian account and pleaded guilty to tax
evasion (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio Criminal Case No. CR-1-98-045); (7) David L.
Bamford of New Jersey, who had diverted corporate income into a Guardian account and pleaded guilty to tax
Mathewson stated at his sentencing hearing, “I have no excuse for what I did in aiding U.S.
Citizens to evade taxes, and the fact that every other bank in the Caymans was doing it is no excuse.
... But I have cooperated.” His cooperation has reportedly resulted in the collection of more than
$50 million in unpaid taxes and penalties, with additional recoveries possible.48 One prosecutor has
characterized Mathewson’s assistance as “the most important cooperation for the Government in the
history of tax haven prosecution.”49
Bank Secrecy. Mathewson first explained why bank secrecy plays a central role in the
offshore banking industry. He said that Cayman laws strictly limit government and bank disclosure
of bank records and personal information associated with depositors. He said that, in his
experience, Cayman bank clients relied on those secrecy laws and believed no one would be able to
trace a Cayman bank account or corporation back to them. Mathewson asserted that this secrecy
was and still is the basis of the Cayman financial industry, and is protected by Cayman authorities.
He indicated that, without this secrecy, he thought there would be no reason for U.S. citizens to
establish offshore bank accounts, trusts or corporations in the Cayman Islands and pay the costly
fees associated with them.
Mathewson stated at another point that he thought 100% of his clients had been engaged in
tax evasion, which was one reason they sought bank secrecy. He pointed out that tax evasion is not
a crime in the Cayman Islands; Guardian Bank could legally accept the proceeds of tax evasion
without violating any Cayman criminal or money laundering prohibitions; and Cayman law placed
no legal obligation on its banks to avoid accepting such deposits.50 His analysis of the bank’s clients
is echoed in statements made on behalf of the Guardian Bank liquidator in a letter warning of the
consequences of Guardian computer tapes’ remaining in U.S. custody:
“[I]t is quite obvious that the consequences of the seizure of these records by the Federal
evasion (U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey Case Number 2:98-CR-0712); and (8) Marcello Schiller
of Florida who had deposited funds in a Guardian account, pleaded guilty to Medicare fraud, and was ordered to pay
restitution exceeding $14 million (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Criminal Case No. 1:98-
The R ecord ( Berge n Coun ty, N.J.) (8/3/97).
New York Times (8/3/99).
Mathewson drew a sharp contrast between the proceeds of tax evasion, which his bank had accepted, and
the proceeds of drug trafficking, which his bank had not. He stated that Guardian Bank had refused to accept
suspected drug proceeds, and multiple reviews of its accounts by law enforcement had found no evidence of any
drug pro ceeds in th e bank.
authorities are potentially very damaging to those of the [Offshore] Bank’s clients liable for
taxation in the U.S. In the likely event that the Federal authorities share the information ...
with the Internal Revenue Service, we would anticipate widespread investigation and
possibly prosecution of the [Offshore] Bank’s clients.’”51
Subsequent U.S. tax prosecutions against Guardian clients have demonstrated the accuracy of this
prediction, establishing that numerous depositors had, in fact, failed to pay U.S. tax on the funds in
their offshore accounts.
Guardian Procedures Maximizing Secrecy. Mathewson said that Guardian Bank had
complied with Cayman secrecy requirements, and he had designed Guardian Bank policies and
procedures to maximize secrecy protections for its clients. He stated, for example, that he had
begun by changing the name of the bank from Argosy Bank to Guardian Bank. He indicated that he
had selected the name Guardian Bank in part after determining that at least 11 other banks around
the world used the word Guardian in their title. Mathewson indicated that he had thought the
commonness of the name would help secure Guardian’s anonymity or at least make it more difficult
to trace transactions related to the bank. He indicated that this was a key concern, because offshore
banks in small jurisdictions by necessity conduct most of their transactions through international
payment systems and so need to find ways to minimize detection and disclosure of client
Mathewson advised that a second set of Guardian procedures designed to maximize client
secrecy involved the bank’s opening client accounts in the name of shell corporations whose true
ownership was not reported in public records. He said that almost all Guardian clients had chosen
to open their accounts in the name of a corporation established by the bank. Mathewson explained
that Guardian Bank had typically set up several corporations at a time and left them "on the shelf"
for ready use when a client requested one.
Mathewson said that Guardian Bank had typically charged $5,000 to supply a “shelf
corporation” to a client and $3,000 to cover the corporation’s first-year management fee, for a total
initial charge of $8,000. He said that clients were then required to pay an annual management fee of
$3,000 for each corporation they owned. He said that these fees represented mostly revenue for
Guardian Bank, since, at the time, the only major expense per corporation was about $500 charged
by the Cayman authorities each year for taxes and other fees. He said that many Cayman banks
offered the same service, and $8,000 was the going rate at the time.
According to Mathewson, for an additional fee, Guardian clients could obtain an “aged”
shelf corporation. He explained that an aged shelf corporation was one which had been in existence
for several years and which either had never been sold to a client or had been sold and returned by a
client after a period of time. Mathewson indicated that some clients wanted aged shelf corporations
in order to back-date invoices or create other fictitious records to suggest past years of operation.
Johnson v. United States, 971 F. Supp. at 865.
He said that this type of corporation helped Guardian clients with preexisting tax problems to
fabricate proof of corporate existence and business activity. Mathewson stated that he and other
Cayman bankers would customize these aged shelf corporation to suit a client’s specific needs.
Mathewson said that Guardian also usually supplied nominee directors for the shelf
corporation. He explained that Cayman law required only one director to appear on the
incorporation papers, allowed that director to be a corporation, and allowed companies to conduct
business in most cases with only one director’s signature. He said that a Guardian subsidiary called
Guardian Directors Ltd. was typically used to provide nominee directors for clients and to manage
their shelf corporations. He said that the only director's name that would appear on a shelf
corporation's incorporation papers was "Guardian Directors Ltd.," and that only one signature from
the subsidiary was then needed to conduct business on the shelf corporation's behalf. That meant,
Mathewson advised, that a client's name need never appear on the shelf corporation's incorporation
papers or on any other document requiring a corporate signature; signatures were instead provided
by a person from Guardian Directors Ltd. In this way, Mathewson indicated, a client's corporation
"could do business worldwide and the US client (beneficial owner) could be confident that his name
would never appear and, in fact, he or she would have complete anonymity."
Mathewson said Guardian Bank usually kept clients’ bank account statements in the Cayman
Islands as well, again to preserve client secrecy. His written materials state, "No bank statements
were ever sent to the client in the United States." Instead, he indicated, a client visiting the Cayman
Islands would give the bank a few days notice, and Guardian Bank would produce an account
statement for an appropriate period of time, for the client's in-person review and signature during
their visit to the bank.
Mathewson noted that, because Guardian Bank was an offshore bank, all of its depositors
were required to be non-Cayman citizens. He said that 95% of the bank’s clientele came from the
United States, with the other 5% from Canada, South America and Europe, which he said was a
typical mix of clients for Cayman banks. In order to function, he said, Guardian had to be able to
handle foreign currency transactions, particularly U.S. dollar transactions, including clearing U.S.
dollar checks and wires. He said that, as a non-U.S. bank, Guardian Bank had no capability to clear
a U.S. dollar check by itself and no direct access to the check and wire clearing capabilities of
Fedwire or CHIPS. But Guardian Bank had easily resolved this problem, he said, by opening
correspondent accounts at U.S. banks.
Mathewson said that, over time, Guardian Bank had opened about 15 correspondent
accounts and conducted 100% of its transactions through them. He said, “Without them, Guardian
would not have been able to do business.” He said that, at various times, Guardian had accounts at
seven banks in the United States, including Bank of New York; Capital Bank in Miami; Eurobank
Miami; First Union in Miami; Popular Bank of Florida; Sun Bank; and United Bank in Miami. He
said Guardian also had accounts at non-U.S. banks, including Bank of Butterfield in the Cayman
Islands; Bank of Bermuda in the Cayman Islands; Barclay's Grand Cayman; Credit Suisse in
Guernsey; Credit Suisse in Toronto; Royal Bank of Canada in the Cayman Islands; and Toronto
Dominion Bank.
Mathewson indicated that Guardian Bank's major correspondents were Bank of New York,
First Union in Miami, and Credit Suisse in Guernsey, with $1 - $5 million on deposit at each bank at
any given time. He said that when Guardian Bank was closed in early 1995, it had a total of about
$150 million in its correspondent accounts. He estimated that, over ten years of operation, about
$300 - $500 million had passed through Guardian Bank’s correspondent accounts.
Mathewson said that Guardian Bank had used the services provided by its correspondent
banks to provide its clients with a wide array of financial services, including checking accounts,
credit cards, wire transfer services, loans and investments. He wrote, "The bank offered almost any
service that a US bank would offer, i.e., wire transfers, current accounts, certificates of deposit, the
purchase of shares on any share market in the world, purchase of U.S. treasury bills, bonds, credit
cards (Visa), and almost any investment that the client might wish." He explained that, while
Guardian Bank itself lacked the resources, expertise and infrastructure needed to provide such
services in-house, it easily afforded the fees charged by correspondent banks to provide these
services for its clients.
Mathewson said that to ensure these correspondent services did not undermine Cayman
secrecy protections, Guardian Bank had also developed a series of policies and procedures to
minimize disclosure of client information.
Client Deposits. Mathewson said that one set of policies and procedures were designed to
minimize documentation linking particular deposits to particular clients or accounts and to impede
the tracing of individual client transactions. He said that Guardian Bank provided its clients with
instructions on how to make deposits with either checks or wire transfers.
Client Deposits Through Checks. If a client wanted to use a check to make a deposit,
Mathewson said, the client was advised to make the check payable to Guardian Bank; one of
Guardian's subsidiaries -- Fulcrum Ltd., Sentinel Ltd., or Tower Ltd.; or the client's own shelf
corporation. He said the client was then instructed to wrap the check in a sheet of plain paper, and
write their Guardian account number on the sheet of paper. He said that the client account number
was written on the plain sheet of paper rather than on the check, so that the account number would
not be directly associated with the check instrument used to make the deposit.
Mathewson said that Guardian Bank provided its clients with several options for check
payees to make a pattern harder to detect at their own bank. He said that if a check was made out to
the client's shelf corporation, the client was advised not to endorse it on the back and Guardian Bank
would ensure payment anyway. He said that Guardian would then stamp each check on the back
with: “For deposit at [name of correspondent bank] for credit to Guardian Bank” and provide
Guardian's account number at the correspondent bank. He noted that this endorsement included no
reference to the Cayman Islands which meant, since there were multiple Guardian Banks around the
world, the transaction would be harder to trace.
Mathewson said that after Guardian Bank accumulated a number of U.S. dollar checks sent
by its clients to the bank in the Cayman Islands, it batched them into groups of 50 to100 checks and
delivered them by international courier to one of its U.S. correspondent banks for deposit into a
Guardian account. He said that the U.S. bank would then clear the client checks using its own U.S.
bank stamp, which meant the client's U.S. bank records would show only a U.S., and not a Cayman
bank, as the payor. He said the correspondent bank would then credit the check funds to Guardian's
account, leaving it to Guardian Bank itself to apportion the funds among its client accounts.
Mathewson explained that Guardian Bank never actually transferred client funds out of
Guardian’s correspondent accounts to the bank in the Cayman Islands, nor did it create subaccounts
within its U.S. correspondent accounts for each client. He said that Guardian Bank purposely left
all client funds in its correspondent accounts in order to earn the relatively higher interest rates paid
on large deposits, thereby generating revenue for the bank. For example, Mathewson said, a
Guardian correspondent account might generate 6% interest, a higher rate of return based on the
large amount of funds on deposit, and Guardian Bank would then pay its clients 5%, keeping the 1%
differential for itself. He said that Guardian might also transfer some funds to an investment
account in its own name to generate still larger revenues for the bank. He said that Guardian Bank
had opened investment accounts at 10 or more securities firms, including Prudential Bache in New
York, Prudential Securities in Miami, Smith Barney Shearson, and Charles Schwab.
He explained that Guardian did not create client subaccounts or otherwise ask its
correspondent banks keep track of Guardian client transactions, since to do so would have risked
disclosing specific client information. Instead, he said, transactions involving individual Guardian
accounts were recorded in only one place, Guardian Bank’s ledgers. He said that Guardian Bank’s
ledgers were kept electronically, using encrypted banking software that was capable of tracking
multiple clients, accounts, transactions and currencies and that ran on computers physically located
in the Cayman Islands, protected by Cayman bank secrecy laws.
Client Deposits Through Wire Transfers. Mathewson also described the arrangements for
client deposits made through wire transfers. He said that clients were provided the names of banks
where they could direct wire transfers for depositing funds into a Guardian correspondent account.
He said the wire instructions typically told clients to transfer their funds to the named bank “for
further credit to Guardian Bank,” and provided Guardian’s correspondent account number.
Mathewson said that Guardian Bank had preferred its clients to send wire deposits to a non-
U.S. bank, such as Credit Suisse in Guernsey, or the Bank of Butterfield in the Caymans, to
minimize documentation in the United States. He said the clients were given Guardian's account
number at each of the banks and were instructed to direct the funds to be deposited into Guardian’s
account, but not to provide any other identifying information on the wire documentation. He said
clients were then instructed to telephone Guardian Bank to alert it to the incoming amount and the
account to which it should be credited. He said that Guardian Bank commingled the deposit with
other funds in its correspondent account, recording the individual client transaction only in its
Cayman records.
Mathewson stated that, although discouraged from doing so, some clients did wire transfer
funds to a Guardian correspondent account at a U.S. bank. He said that Guardian had also, on
occasion, permitted clients to make cash deposits into a Guardian correspondent account at a U.S.
bank. In both cases, however, he indicated that the clients were warned against providing
documentation directly linking the funds to themselves or their Guardian account numbers. He said
that after making a deposit at a U.S. bank, clients were supposed to telephone Guardian Bank to
alert it to the deposit and to indicate which Guardian account was supposed to be credited. He
indicated that, as a precaution in such cases, Guardian Bank would sometimes wire the funds to
another Guardian correspondent account at a bank in a secrecy jurisdiction, such as Credit Suisse in
Guernsey, before sending it to the next destination, to protect client funds from being traced.
Mathewson said that, whether a client used a check or wire transfer to deposit funds, if the
client followed Guardian's instructions, the documentation at the correspondent bank ought to have
contained no information directly linking the incoming funds to a named client or to a specific
account at Guardian Bank in the Cayman Islands.
Client Withdrawals. Mathewson next explained how Guardian Bank used its U.S.
correspondent accounts to provide its clients with easy, yet difficult-to-trace access to their offshore
funds. He described three options for client withdrawals involving credit cards, checks or wire
Client Withdrawals Through Credit Cards. Mathewson said that Guardian Bank had
recommended that its clients access their account funds through use of a credit card issued by the
bank, which he described as the easiest and safest way for them to access their offshore funds. He
explained that Guardian Bank had set up a program to assign its U.S. clients a corporate Visa Gold
Card issued in the name of their shelf corporation. He said that the only identifier appearing on the
face of the card was the name of the shelf corporation, imprinted with raised type. He said that the
clients were then told to sign the back of the card, using a signature that was reproducible but hard
to read. He said that, while some clients had expressed concern about merchants accepting the
credit card, Guardian had never experienced any problems.
Mathewson said that Guardian Bank had charged its clients an annual fee of $100 for use of
a Visa card. Mathewson explained that the cards were issued and managed on a day-to-day basis by
a Miami firm called Credomatic. To obtain a card for a particular client, Mathewson explained that
Guardian Bank had typically sent a letter of credit on behalf of the client's shelf corporation to
Credomatic. He said the amount of the letter of credit would equal the credit limit for the particular
card. He said that, to ensure payment by the client, Guardian Bank would simultaneously establish
a separate account within Guardian Bank containing funds from the client in an amount equal to
twice the client's credit card limit. He said these client funds then served as a security deposit for
the credit card. He said, for example, if a client had a $50,000 credit card limit, the security deposit
would contain $100,000 in client funds. He said that, while most of their cardholders had $5,000
credit limits, some went as high as $50,000.
Mathewson stated that Credomatic had not required nor conducted background checks on
Guardian's cardholders, because Guardian Bank had guaranteed payment of their credit card
balances through the letters of credit, which meant Credomatic had little or no risk of nonpayment.
Mathewson stated that Guardian Bank had instructed Credomatic never to carry a credit card
balance over to a new month, but to ensure payment in full each month using client funds on deposit
at Guardian Bank. In that way, he said, the client funds in the security deposit eliminated any
nonpayment risk to Guardian Bank. According to Mathewson, the arrangement was the equivalent
of a monthly loan by the bank to its clients, backed by cash, through a device which gave its U.S.
banking clients ready access to their offshore funds.
Mathewson observed that Guardian Bank had earned money from the Visa card
arrangement, not only through the $100 annual fee, but also through commissions on the card
activity. He explained that once a credit card was issued, Credomatic managed the credit
relationship, compiling the monthly charges for each card and forwarding the balances to Guardian
Bank which immediately paid the total in full and then debited each client. In return, he said,
Credomatic received from merchants the standard Visa commission of approximately 3% of the
sales drafts and, because Guardian Bank had guaranteed payment of the monthly credit card
balances, forwarded 1% to the bank. He said it was a popular service with clients and profitable for
Guardian Bank. In response to questions, he said that, as far as he knew, Credomatic had never
questioned Guardian Bank's operations or clients and was "delighted" to have the business.
Credomatic is still in operation in Miami.
Mathewson explained that each correspondent bank had typically provided Guardian Bank
with a checkbook that the bank could use to withdraw funds from its correspondent account. He
said that the Bank of New York, which provided correspondent services to Guardian Bank from
1992 until 1996, had actually provided two checkbooks. He said the first checkbook from the Bank
of New York had provided checks in which the only identifier at the top of the check was "Guardian
Bank" -- without any address, telephone number or other information linking the bank to the
Cayman Islands -- and the only account number at the bottom was Guardian's correspondent account
number at the Bank of New York in New York City. He said the second checkbook provided even
less information -- the checks had no identifier at the top at all and at the bottom referenced only the
Bank of New York and an account number that, upon further investigation, would have identified
the Guardian account. He explained that checks without any identifying information on them were
common in Europe, Asia and offshore jurisdictions, and that Guardian Bank had experienced no
trouble in using them.
He said that Guardian Bank sometimes used these checks to transact business on behalf of a
client -- such as sending a check to a third party like a U.S. car dealership. He said that if the
amount owed was over $10,000, such as a $40,000 payment for a car, the client would authorize the
withdrawal of the total amount of funds from their Cayman account, and Guardian Bank would send
multiple checks to the car dealership, perhaps 5 or 6, each in an amount less than $10,000, to avoid
generating any currency report. He noted that, once deposited, each check would be cleared as a
payment from a U.S. bank, rather than from a Cayman bank. He said that if the check used did not
have an identifier on top, the payee would not even be aware of Guardian Bank's involvement in the
transaction. If traced, he noted that the funds would lead only to the correspondent account held by
Guardian Bank, rather than to a specific Guardian client. He said that Cayman secrecy laws would
then prohibit Guardian Bank from providing any specific client information, so that the trail would
end at the correspondent account in the United States.
Mathewson said that correspondent checks, like the VISA credit cards, gave Guardian
clients ready access to their offshore funds in ways that did not raise red flags and would not have
been possible without Guardian Bank's correspondent relationships.
Client Withdrawals Through Wire Transfers. A third option for clients to access their
offshore funds involved the use of wire transfers. Mathewson explained that Guardian clients had
no authority to wire transfer funds directly from Guardian Bank’s correspondent accounts, since
only the bank itself had signatory authority over those accounts. He said that the clients would
instead send wire transfer instructions to Guardian Bank, which Guardian Bank would then forward
to the appropriate correspondent bank. He said that Guardian Bank would order the transfer of
funds to the third party account specified by the client, without any client identifier on the wire
documentation itself, requiring the client to take responsibility for informing the third party that the
incoming funds had originated from the client.
Mathewson observed that its correspondent accounts not only enabled its clients readily to
deposit and withdraw their offshore funds and hide their association with Guardian Bank, but also
generated ongoing revenues for Guardian Bank, such as the higher interest paid on aggregated client
deposits, credit card commissions, and wire transfer fees.
Two Other Client Services. In addition to routine client services, Mathewson described
two other services that Guardian Bank had extended to some U.S. clients, each of which made use
of Guardian Bank’s correspondent accounts. Both of these services enabled Guardian clients to
evade U.S. taxes, with the active assistance of the bank.
Invoicing. Matheson first described a service he called invoicing, which he said was
provided in connection with sales transactions between two corporations controlled by the same
Guardian client. He said that a typical transaction was one in which the client’s Cayman
corporation purchased a product from abroad and then sold it to the client’s U.S. corporation at a
higher price, perhaps with a 30% markup, using an invoice provided by Guardian Bank. He said
that this transaction benefitted the client in two ways: (1) the client's Cayman corporation could
deposit the price differential into the client's account at Guardian Bank tax free (since the Cayman
Islands imposes no corporate taxes) and, if the client chose, avoid mention of the income on the
client's U.S. taxes; and (2) the client's U.S. corporation could claim higher costs and less revenue on
its U.S. tax return, resulting in a lower U.S. tax liability.
Mathewson said that the Guardian Bank service had included supplying any type of invoice
the client requested, with any specified price or other information. He said Guardian Bank had also
made its correspondent accounts available to transfer the funds needed by the client’s Cayman
corporation for the initial product purchase, and to accept the sales price later “paid” by the client’s
U.S. corporation. In return for its services, he said, Guardian Bank had charged the client in one of
three ways: (1) a fee based upon the time expended, such as $1,000 for four hours of work; (2) a
flat fee for the service provided, such as $25,000 per year; or (3) a fee based on a percentage of the
shipment cost of the product invoiced. Mathewson observed that, at the time, he did not consider
this activity to be illegal since, unlike the United States, the Cayman Islands collected no corporate
taxes and did not consider tax evasion a crime. However, Cayman authorities told Minority Staff
investigators that Guardian Bank’s invoicing services were both unusual in Cayman banking circles
and a clearly fraudulent practice.
Dutch Corporations. Mathewson advised that Guardian Bank had also assisted a few
U.S. clients in obtaining Dutch corporations to effect a scheme involving fake loans and lucrative
U.S. tax deductions. He explained that Guardian Bank had begun offering this service after hiring a
new vice president who had set up Dutch corporations in his prior employment. Mathewson said,
for a $30,000 fee, Guardian Bank would establish a Dutch corporation whose shares would be
wholly owned by the client's Cayman corporation. Mathewson said that Guardian Bank used a
Dutch trust company to incorporate and manage the Dutch corporations, paying the trust company
about $3,000 - $4,000 per year per corporation. He said that Guardian Bank was able to charge ten
times that amount to its clients, because the few clients who wanted a Dutch corporation were
willing to pay.
Once established, Mathewson said, the Dutch corporation would issue a "loan" to the U.S.
client, using the client's own funds on deposit with Guardian Bank. He said the U.S. client would
then repay the "loan" with "interest," by sending payments to the Dutch corporation's bank account,
opened by the Dutch trust company at ANB AMRO Bank in Rotterdam. He said that the Dutch
corporation would then forward the "loan payments" to the client’s Guardian account, using one of
Guardian Bank’s correspondent accounts.
In essence, he said, the U.S. client was using Guardian Bank’s correspondent accounts to
transfer and receive the client's own funds in a closed loop. He said the benefits to the client were
fourfold: (1) the client secretly utilized his or her offshore funds; (2) the client obtained seeming
legitimate loan proceeds which could be used for any purpose in the United States; (3) the client
repaid not only the loan amount, but additional "interest" to the Dutch corporation, which in turn
sent these funds to the client's growing account at Guardian Bank; and (4) if the client characterized
the loan as a "mortgage," the client could deduct the "interest" payments from his or her U.S. taxes,
under a U.S.-Netherlands tax treaty loophole which has since been eliminated.
Due Diligence Efforts of U.S. banks. When asked about the due diligence efforts of the
U.S. banks that had provided correspondent services to Guardian Bank, Mathewson said that he
thought the U.S. banks had required little information to open a correspondent account, had
requested no information about Guardian Bank's clients, and had conducted little or no monitoring
of the account activity.
Mathewson said the account opening process was “not difficult.” He said that, during the
ten years of Guardian Bank’s operation from 1984 to 1994, U.S. banks wanted the large deposits of
offshore banks like Guardian Bank and were "delighted" to get the business. He said it was his
understanding that they would open a correspondent relationship almost immediately upon request
and completion of a simple form. He said the account was opened within "a matter of days" and
apparently with little verification, documentation, or research by the correspondent bank. He could
not recall any U.S. based bank turning down Guardian Bank’s request for an account, nor could he
recall any U.S. correspondent bank officer visiting Guardian Bank prior to initiating a correspondent
Mathewson also could not remember any effort by a U.S. based bank to monitor Guardian
Bank’s correspondent account activity. He said, “I don’t think any of them ever attempted to
monitor the account.” He stated that, to his knowledge, Guardian Bank’s correspondent banks also
had no information related to Guardian’s individual clients, since Guardian Bank had designed its
An Insider’s View. Guardian Bank was in operation for ten years. It had over 1,000 clients
and $150 million in its correspondent accounts when it was closed by the Cayman Government in
early 1995. Since then, Mathewson has pled guilty to money laundering, tax evasion and fraud, and
has helped convict numerous former bank clients of similar misconduct. He has also provided the
most detailed account yet of the operations of an offshore bank.
Mathewson informed Minority Staff investigators that correspondent banks are fundamental
to the operations of offshore banks, because they enable offshore banks to transact business in the
United States, while cloaking the activities of bank clients.
When asked whether he thought Guardian Bank’s experience was unusual, Mathewson said
that, to his knowledge, he was "the first and last U.S. citizen" allowed to attain a position of
authority at a Cayman bank. He said he thought he was both the first and last, because Cayman
authorities had been wary of allowing a U.S. citizen to become a senior bank official due to their
vulnerability to U.S. subpoenas, and because he had met their fears of a worst case scenario – he
was, in fact, subpoenaed and, in response, had turned over the records of all his bank clients to
criminal and tax authorities in the United States. However, in terms of Guardian Bank’s operations,
Mathewson said that Guardian Bank “was not unusual, it was typical of the banks in the Cayman
Islands and this type of activity continues to this day.” He maintained that he had learned
everything he knew from other Cayman bankers, and Guardian Bank had broken no new ground, but
had simply followed the footsteps made by others in the offshore banking community.
The Mathewson account of Guardian Bank provides vivid details about an offshore bank’s
use of U.S. correspondent accounts to move client funds, cloak client transactions, and maximize
bank revenues. One hundred percent of Guardian Bank’s transactions took place through its
correspondent accounts, including all of the criminal transactions being prosecuted in the United
States. A number of the following case histories demonstrate that Guardian Bank was not a unique
case, and that the deliberate misuse of the U.S. correspondent banking system by rogue foreign
banks to launder illicit funds is longstanding, widespread and ongoing.
The year-long Minority Staff investigation into the use of international correspondent
banking for money laundering led to several conclusions and recommendations by the Minority
Based upon the survey results, case histories and other evidence collected during the
investigation, the Minority Staff has concluded that:
(1) U.S. correspondent banking provides a significant gateway for rogue foreign banks and
their criminal clients to carry on money laundering and other criminal activity in the United
States and to benefit from the protections afforded by the safety and soundness of the U.S.
banking industry.
(2) Shell banks, offshore banks, and banks in jurisdictions with weak anti-money laundering
controls carry high money laundering risks. Because these high risk foreign banks typically
have limited resources and staff and operate in the international arena outside their licensing
jurisdiction, they use their correspondent banking accounts to conduct their banking
(3) U.S. banks have routinely established correspondent relationships with foreign banks that
carry high money laundering risks. Most U.S. banks do not have adequate anti-money
laundering safeguards in place to screen and monitor such banks, and this problem is
longstanding, widespread and ongoing.
(4) U.S. banks are often unaware of legal actions related to money laundering, fraud and
drug trafficking that involve their current or prospective respondent banks.
(5) U.S. banks have particularly inadequate anti-money laundering safeguards when a
correspondent relationship does not involve credit-related services.
(6) High risk foreign banks that may be denied their own correspondent accounts at U.S.
banks can obtain the same access to the U.S. financial system by opening correspondent
accounts at foreign banks that already have a U.S. bank account. U.S. banks have largely
ignored or failed to address the money laundering risks associated with “nested”
correspondent banking.
(7) In the last two years, some U.S. banks have begun to show concern about the
vulnerability of their correspondent banking to money laundering and are taking steps to
reduce the money laundering risks, but the steps are slow, incomplete, and not industry-
(8) Foreign banks with U.S. correspondent accounts have special forfeiture protections in
U.S. law which are not available to other U.S. bank accounts and which present additional
legal barriers to efforts by U.S. law enforcement to seize illicit funds. In some instances,
money launderers appear to be deliberately using correspondent accounts to hinder seizures
by law enforcement, while foreign banks may be using the "innocent bank" doctrine to shield
themselves from the consequences of lax anti-money laundering oversight.
(9) If U.S. correspondent banks were to close their doors to rogue foreign banks and to
adequately screen and monitor high risk foreign banks, the United States would reap
significant benefits by eliminating a major money laundering mechanism, frustrating
ongoing criminal activity, reducing illicit income fueling offshore banking, and denying
criminals the ability to deposit illicit proceeds in U.S. banks with impunity and profit from
the safety and soundness of the U.S. financial system.
Based upon its investigation, the Minority Staff makes the following recommendations to
reduce the use of U.S. correspondent banks for money laundering.
(1) U.S. banks should be barred from opening correspondent accounts with foreign banks
that are shell operations with no physical presence in any country.
(2) U.S. banks should be required to use enhanced due diligence and heightened anti-money
laundering safeguards as specified in guidance or regulations issued by the U.S. Treasury
Department before opening correspondent accounts with foreign banks that have offshore
licenses or are licensed in jurisdictions identified by the United States as non-cooperative
with international anti-money laundering efforts.
(3) U.S. banks should conduct a systematic review of their correspondent accounts with
foreign banks to identify high risk banks and close accounts with problem banks. They
should also strengthen their anti-money laundering oversight, including by providing regular
reviews of wire transfer activity and providing training to correspondent bankers to
recognize misconduct by foreign banks.
(4) U.S. banks should be required to identify a respondent bank’s correspondent banking
clients, and refuse to open accounts for respondent banks that would allow shell foreign
banks or bearer share corporations to use their U.S. accounts.
(5) U.S. bank regulators and law enforcement officials should offer improved assistance to
U.S. banks in identifying and evaluating high risk foreign banks.
(6) The forfeiture protections in U.S. law should be amended to allow U.S. law enforcement
officials to seize and extinguish claims to laundered funds in a foreign bank’s U.S.
correspondent account on the same basis as funds seized from other U.S. accounts.
Banking and anti-money laundering experts repeatedly advised the Minority Staff
throughout the course of the investigation that U.S. banks should terminate their correspondent
relationships with certain high risk foreign banks, in particular shell banks. They also advised that
offshore banks and banks in countries with poor bank supervision, weak anti-money laundering
controls and strict bank secrecy laws should be carefully scrutinized. The Minority Staff believes
that if U.S. banks terminate relationships with the small percentage of high risk foreign banks that
cause the greatest problems and tighten their anti-money laundering controls in the correspondent
banking area, they can eliminate the bulk of the correspondent banking problem at minimal cost.
The investigation developed the following ten case histories of high risk foreign banks with
U.S. correspondent accounts.
Case Histories
American International Bank (AIB) is a small offshore bank that was licensed in Antigua
and Barbuda and is now in liquidation. This case history shows how, for five years, AIB facilitated
and profited from financial frauds in the United States, laundering millions of dollars
through a succession of U.S. correspondent accounts, before collapsing from insufficient capital,
insider abuse, and the sudden withdrawal of deposits. The case history examines how, along the
way, AIB enabled other offshore shell banks to gain access to the U.S. banking system through
AIB's own U.S. correspondent accounts, including Carribean American Bank, a notorious shell bank
set up by convicted U.S. felons. Finally, the case history shows that AIB’s questionable financial
condition went unnoticed due, in part, to years of late and inaccurate financial statements by AIB's
outside auditor.
The following information was obtained from documents provided by the government of
Antigua and Barbuda, the government of Dominica, Bank of America, Toronto Dominion Bank
(New York), Chase Manhattan Bank, Popular Bank of Florida (now BAC Florida Bank), First
National Bank of Commerce (now Bank One Corporation), Jamaica Citizens Bank Ltd. (now Union
Bank of Jamaica, Miami Agency), AmTrade International Bank; court pleadings; interviews of
government officials and other persons in Antigua and Barbuda, the United Kingdom, Dominica,
and the United States, and other materials. Key sources of information were interviews with
William Cooper, owner and Chairman of American International Bank, conducted on October 12,
2000; John Greaves, President of American International Bank, owner of American International
Management Services (later called Overseas Management Services), and formerly owner and
Director of Overseas Development Bank and Trust of Dominica and Overseas Development Bank
(in Antigua and Barbuda), conducted on July 24 and 25, 2000; Malcolm West, owner of Overseas
Development Bank and Trust of Dominica and Overseas Development Bank (in Antigua and
Barbuda), conducted on October 13, 2000; relationship managers and other officials from Bank of
America (conducted July 10, 11 and 31 and October 24, 2000), Chase Manhattan Bank (conducted
August 2, 3, and 4, 2000), Popular Bank of Florida (now BAC Florida Bank) (conducted July 31
and December 12, 2000), Barnett Bank (conducted October 26, 2000) and AmTrade International
Bank (conducted October 26, 2000); Eddie St. Clair Smith, receiver of American International
Bank, conducted October 12, 2000; and Wilbur Harrigan, partner for Pannell Kerr and Forster,
conducted October 10, 2000. The investigation greatly benefitted from the cooperation and
assistance provided by a number of officials of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda,
particularly the Executive Director of the International Financial Sector Regulatory Authority and
the Director of the Office of Drugs and Narcotics Control Policy; and officials from the government
of Dominica.
American International Bank (“AIB”) was incorporated as an offshore bank in Antigua and
Barbuda on April 18, 1990, one day after applying for its license. Antigua Management and Trust
Ltd, (hereafter called “AMT Trust”) an Antiguan trust company owned by William Cooper and his
wife, formed AIB, served as its agent and one of the three directors of the bank, and was to manage
the bank for the shareholder, Shirley Zeigler-Feinberg of Boca Raton, Florida.52 However, according
to Cooper, the Feinbergs’ plans for the bank never materialized, and in September 1992, Cooper and
his wife purchased the 1 million capital shares of AIB using a British Virgin Islands (BVI)
corporation that they owned, called AMT Management Ltd. (hereafter called “AMT Management”).
Cooper then became President of AIB.53
AIB was part of a group of companies owned by Cooper and his wife collectively known as
the American International Banking Group. The companies offered banking, trust, company
formation and management and ship registry services to clients.54
AIB’s brochures indicated that its primary banking business was focused on private banking
and investment banking services. The bank grew quite rapidly from when it began operations in
mid-1993 and became one of the largest offshore banks in Antigua and Barbuda. According to the
bank’s audited financial statements, its asset base grew from $1.2 million from the end of 1993 to
Although the owner of the bank at the time of formation was listed as Shirley Zeigler-Feinberg, the true
owner of the bank, according to Cooper, was her son who didn’t want to be identified as the owner of the bank.
At that time, Antiguan law required a bank to be capitalized with $1 million. In the case of AIB, the
capital sha res of the b ank were acquired through a “book e ntry transac tion,” acc ording to the bank ’s current re ceiver.
AMT M anagement borrowed $1 million from AIB to pay for the purchase of the bank’s stock, and it secured that
loan with the very stock AMT Management was purchasing. The initial financial audit of the bank shows that upon
opening, the bank had $1.1 million in outstanding loans; it doesn’t show that at least $1 million was to finance the
purchas e of the ba nk itself. This transaction set a pattern for future len ding activity a t the bank th at ultimately
contributed to a liquidity crisis leading to its collapse.
The companies that comprised American International Banking Group were: American International
Bank, AMT M anagement, AMT Trust, and Ship Registry Services, Ltd., a ship registry company. All four
companies in the group were owned by Cooper and his wife. In June 1996 Cooper formed and licensed another
offshore b ank, Am erican Inte rnational B ank and Trust. It wa s one of the first banks lice nsed und er Dom inica’s
offshore banking law which had been enacted in early 1996. However, the bank had very little activity and ceased
operations 1997.
$57 million at the end of 1996. According to Cooper, after 2 ½ years of operation the bank had $3.5
million in accumulated earnings. No financial statement was produced in 1997, but Cooper
indicated that the assets of the bank had grown to about $100 million by the end of 1997. AIB’s
receiver put AIB’s assets as high as $110 million.
By the end of 1997, AIB had approximately 8,000 clients and the same number of accounts.
According to Cooper, about 50% of AIB’s client base was from the U.S.; 10% was from Canada;
40% was from Europe and the Middle East. Almost all clients had established International
Business Corporations (“IBCs”)55 in whose names the accounts were opened. Cooper said the main
reason why Americans established accounts at AIB was for “confidentiality” reasons.
The AIB Banking Group created and operated offshore banks for individuals with no staff of
their own or any physical presence in Antigua and Barbuda. AIB generated revenue by serving as a
correspondent bank to a number of these and other offshore banks. According to Cooper and John
Greaves, former President and Board Member of AIB, 6 banks formed by AMT Trust established
correspondent relationships with AIB. At least 2 of these banks were the centers for financial frauds
and money laundering activity.
Cooper told the Minority Staff that through AMT Trust, he helped form and obtain Antiguan
offshore banking licenses for approximately 15 other offshore banks.56 Antiguan law requires that
the board of each offshore bank include an Antiguan citizen with banking experience. Since only a
small number of Antiguans could qualify for that position and Cooper was one of them, he often
became the local director for the banks that he formed through AMT Trust. In a number of
instances he would also serve as an officer of the bank.57
International Business Corporations (“IBCs”) are corp orations that are established in offshore
jurisdictions and are generally licensed to conduct business only outside the country of incorporation. Often,
jurisdiction s with IBC statutes will also offer little or no taxation an d regulatio n of the IB Cs and w ill have cor porate
secrecy laws that prohibit the release of information about the ownership of the IBC. In some jurisdictions, IBCs are
not required to keep books and records. A report for the United Nations Global Programme Against Money
Launde ring, Financial Havens, Banking Secrecy and Money Laundering, stated: “International Business
Corporations (“IBC”s) are at the heart of the money laundering problem ... virtually all money laundering schemes
use these entities as part of the scheme to hide the ownership of assets.”
The Minority Staff identified 30 banks with Antiguan offshore banking licenses that identified AMT T rust
as their agent. This could mean that Cooper underestimated the number of banks he and his company formed and
licensed, or that AMT T rust became the agent for some of the banks after another company had formed and licensed
the bank .
The value of the legal requirement of a local board member is questionable, however. As Cooper
informed the Minority Staff, he never followed the activities of the banks on whose boards he served. He said he
was sitting on the boar d only to fu lfill the legal req uiremen t for a loca l director a nd, in fact, re quired e ach of his
client banks to sign liability waivers and indemnity provisions to protect him from any liability that might accrue as a
result of his position on the board .
In order to service its clients who wanted to conduct financial activity in the major
economies of the world, AIB established correspondent relationships with banks in a number of
countries. As will be discussed in more detail below, AIB had numerous correspondent accounts
with U.S. banks. They included: Jamaica Citizens Bank Ltd. (now Union Bank of Jamaica, Miami
Agency), the New York Branch of Toronto Dominion Bank, Bank of America, Popular Bank of
Florida (now BAC Florida Bank), Chase Manhattan Bank, Norwest Bank in Minnesota, and Barnett
Bank. According to Cooper and AIB documents, AIB correspondents in other jurisdictions included
Privat Kredit Bank in Switzerland, Toronto Dominion Bank in Canada, Midland Bank in England, a
German bank (whose name could not be recalled by Cooper)60 and Antigua Overseas Bank.
Antigua Overseas Bank, an offshore bank licensed by the Government of Antigua and
Barbuda, became particularly useful to AIB when AIB was no longer able to obtain correspondent
accounts at U.S. banks. Antigua Overseas Bank had a number of correspondent accounts at U.S.
banks, including Bank of America, Chase Manhattan Bank and Bank of New York. AIB, through
its relationship with Antigua Overseas Bank, exploited Antigua Overseas Bank’s correspondent
The ownership of AIMS is uncertain. Greaves informed the Minority Staff that he and Cooper each
owned half of AIM S. Coo per told th e Mino rity Staff he had nothing to do with A IMS. T he com pany’s
incorporation papers list only Greaves as the owner. However, the bank management services contract used by
AIMS lists both Greaves and Cooper as signing on behalf of AIMS. Additionally, brochures on the AIB group
include AIMS as a member of the group .
One o f the back o ffice service s listed in the A IMS b ank man agemen t contract w as “the estab lishment o f a
corresp onden t banking r elationship with Ame rican Intern ational B ank to effec t wire transfer s and issue multi-
currency drafts.”
Account opening docu mentation supplied by AIB to one o f its U.S. correspondents identified Berenberg
Bank in Germa ny as a cor respon dent ban k.
relationships with U.S. banks to maintain its (AIB’s) access to the U.S. banking system.
Cooper described AIB’s due diligence and anti-money laundering controls to the Minority
Staff. According to Cooper, AIB had many requests to establish accounts for IBCs without
identifying the beneficial owner but AIB never granted the request. The bank did not establish
pseudonym accounts or numbered accounts. AIB required the identification of the owner and
shareholder of all accounts and that it be able to contact all account holders. AIB required
passports, a bank reference letter, a professional letter of reference and the full address, and phone
number for all account holders. Daily reports on all transactions of $5,000 or more were produced
and reviewed by Cooper. According to Cooper AIB’s correspondent banks always inquired about
its due diligence policies and requested a copy of AIB’s operation manual. An AIB brochure that
contained a description of its operating procedures stated:
Each new client is screened by the account officer of American International Bank Ltd.
before being accepted. In each individual case, the origin of the funds have to be known.
No cash deposits are accepted. Any and all deposits with the bank are to be done through
wire transfer or by check.
However, in a number of AIB relationships discussed in this case study, it is apparent that
these policies were not implemented.
During its operation between 1993 and 1998, AIB was never subjected to a bank
examination by its sole regulator, the government of Antigua and Barbuda. Regulators did not
conduct examinations of any licensed offshore banks until 1999, relying on audited financial
statements and other filings prepared by the banks as a means of monitoring their activity. The
government made an effort in the 1997-1998 period to collect information on the ownership and
activities of all licensed offshore banks in Antigua and Barbuda. However, there was no follow up
on the information that was collected. In 1999, Antigua and Barbuda initiated a new program for
government bank examinations of licensed offshore banks.
After operating for 4 ½ years, AIB eventually failed as a result of bad loans and loss of
deposits. Despite several attempts to sell the bank, AIB was formally placed in receivership in July
1998, where it remains today.
During its period of operation, AIB had correspondent relationships with over seven U.S.
banks. These correspondent accounts were essential to AIB’s operations and provided AIB’s clients
with access to U.S. banks as well. AIB’s growth centered around three activities, some of which
evidence a high probability of money laundering, and which ultimately contributed to the collapse of
the bank in 1998:
As many as 3,000 to 6,000 of AIB’s 8,000 accounts were related to investors in a highly
questionable investment scheme called the Forum.61 The Forum established a relationship with
AIB shortly after the bank was opened in 1993. The Forum is an Antiguan corporation that
promotes investment schemes and provides administrative services to individuals who invest in
those schemes. It has a staff that serves as a point of contact between investors and the offshore
banks and accounting firms handling their accounts. The Forum appears to be a Ponzi-type
investment scheme, apparently targeted at low and middle income individuals, offering investors
extraordinarily high returns. It appears that the investment returns investors received actually came
from funds paid by new investors. The Forum also employed a multi-level marketing plan to bring
in new investors. That is, partners (existing investors) who brought in new investors would receive
a portion of the initial payments made by those new investors and also would receive descending
percentages of the initial payments made by subsequent members recruited by the new investors.
According to AIB’s receiver, at the end of 1997, when AIB’s assets were $110 million,
approximately $60 million were attributable to accounts by the Forum and its investors.
A central figure in the Forum is Melvin Ford of Bowie, Maryland.62 Ford has a history of
Cooper estimated that 30% to 40% of AIB’s accounts were related to Forum investors. Greaves estimated
that as many as 60% of the accounts were related to Forum investors. The AIB receiver concurs with the latter
Ford d id not assu me a form al position of leader ship in the o rganizatio n. This m ay be the re sult of a
former civil action brought against him by the SEC in the early 1990's. (See next footnote.) However, there are
clear indications that he played a leading role in the activities of the Forum. A 1996 story in the Washington Post on
the Forum reported:
Last week Ford requested and was granted a meeting with Prime Minister [Lester] Bird [of the government
of Antigua and Barbuda]. According to Bird, Ford represented himself as the leader of the Forum and
explained that his group’s operation was legal and aboveboard.
Many times, Ford was the featured speaker at Forum gatherings. Forum members and leaders referred to him as
“Chief” or “chief consultant.” One insider described Ford as the leader of the organization and identified Ford as the
originator of many of the Forum investment schemes. He and an associate, Gwendolyn Ford Moody, were the ones
who directly dealt with Cooper regarding the account that held the funds received from the IBCs and the fund used
for the dispersal of those funds. In interviews with the Minority Staff, both Cooper and Greaves spoke of Ford as the
leader of the Forum and its investment activities.
Investors were required to establish International Business Corporations (IBCs) and accounts
for the IBCs at overseas banks. The accounts were structured so power of attorney to withdraw
funds from the account was transferred to other accounting and management entities. According to
one individual familiar with the organization, the transfer of funds was really controlled by
Prior to his involvement with the Forum, Ford was the founder and president of an organization called the
International Loan Network (“ILN”), which he described as “a financial distribution network whose members believe
that through the control of money and through the control of real estate you can accumulate wealth and become
financially independent.” The organization included, among other things, a multi-level marketing program where
ILN members shared in the fees paid by individuals they recruited into the program, as well as descending
percentages of fees for additional members recruited by the new members they had brought in (i.e., “downline
recruitme nts”). ILN also ran a series of pr operty ac quisition p rogram s in which IL N investo rs would receive the ir
choice of either rights to property or cash pay outs equivalent to five to ten times their initial investment within three
to six months. One version of the program also offered a refund (with 50% interest). The SEC alleged that over $11
million in refunds were requested and only $2 million had been paid. It was estimated that participants paid over
$100 million into the ILN during its operation. In May 1991 the SEC commenced an action against Ford and one of
his partner s for the fraud ulent sale o f unregistere d securities . The U .S. District C ourt for the District of C olumbia
subsequ ently issued a Temp orary Re straining O rder and then a Pr eliminary In junction a gainst ILN and Fo rd and h is
partner a nd froze the assets o f ILN. In its d ecision, the court co ncluded :
...the evidence is clear that ILN is nothing more than a glorified chain letter, destined to collapse of its own
weight. Despite the inevitably of this outcome, potential investors were, until the issuance of the temporary
restraining o rder in this c ase, contin uing to be promise d great we alth throug h their partic ipation in th e ILN.
The pyramid nature of the organization was never fully revealed to them.
In 1992, the SEC and Ford reached a settlement in which Ford agreed to pay an $863,000 fine, and a trustee
was appointed to recover funds for the investors. After paying approximately $5,000 of the fine, Ford declared
bankruptcy. To date, the trustee has been able to recover only a small percentage o f the investors’ funds.
International Debt Recovery (“IDR”), an Irish corporation that seeks to recover funds lost by victims of
frauds, representing over 1600 Forum-related IBCs that have invested in Forum-related ventures provided details of
some of the investment schemes. They included a com mercial fishing venture in Gambia called Pelican Foods,
which has been directed by Chester Moody, a close associate of Ford. The company has been unable to obtain a
fishing license from the government because of non-payment of port duties. Only one of four fishing boats owned by
the company is seaworthy. Workers had been unpaid for nearly eight months and the company has many large
unpaid b ills due.
Anothe r recipien t of Forum -related inv estors is the A .A. Min ing Com pany, whic h has a jo int venture w ith
the De Beers diamond company. A Forum-related management committee recently wrote to investors that “the
Mining company has entered into a letter of intent to joint venture on a project which could be worth over 500
million do llars. In add ition, with pro per fund ing this ventu re could start to send money b ack to the Trustee s within
180 d ays.” Ho wever, ac cording to De B eers officials a nd pub lications, D e Beer s has put up the bulk o f the funds in
the oper ation, and results at the site which is the su bject of th e venture “are so far d isappo inting,” and the prosp ects
for discovery of diamond-containing minerals is “moderate to low.”
A November 1999 article in the Washington P ost identified two other Forum-related investments: purchases
of locked boxes from Sierra Leone that reportedly contained $10 million worth of gold, but only contained rocks and
dirt, and the Diamond Club International, a venture that sold mail order diamonds and has been sued by creditors for
over $5 00,00 0 in unpa id bills.
associates of Ford. When investors deposited funds to their IBCs, the funds were transferred to a
holding account. Disbursements were made from a second account (“disbursement account”).
Authority to order disbursements from the disbursement account was vested in Gwendolyn Ford
Moody, a close associate of Ford. The funds in the holding account were apparently used as
collateral for expenditures from the disbursement account.
The funds were used to support highly speculative investments - many of which were
controlled by Ford and his associates - and lavish lifestyles for Ford and his associates.
International Debt Recovery (“IDR”), an Irish corporation that seeks to recover funds lost by victims
of frauds and now represents over 1600 Forum-related IBCs that have invested in Forum-related
ventures, discovered one scheme in which Ford and his associate, Gwendolyn Ford Moody, held
AIB-issued Visa Cards with very high limits. The disbursement account was used to pay the debts
accumulated on the cards. Although the funds supporting the disbursement account represented
deposits that were for investments, they were used to fund operations, staff salaries and personal
expenses of Ford and Moody. Millions of dollars of investors’ funds were expended in this way.
Cooper told investigators that significant sums obtained through Ford’s schemes were
transferred from AIB to The Marc Harris Organization (“The Harris Organization”) in Panama. The
Harris Organization, which is the owner of a number of investment and trust companies licensed in
different offshore jurisdictions, is owned by Marc M. Harris. Harris and the companies he controls
have been found to be behind a number of international bank and investment frauds, including
banks that have been shut down by the British banking authorities for conducting illegal and
fraudulent activities. More recently, his organization is alleged to have co-mingled and misapplied
client funds and engaged in securities fraud.65 In addition, Harris
In 1998 Harris filed a claim against an investigative journalist named David Marchant for repo rting these
facts. Marc M. Harris v. David E. Marchant (United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Miami
Division, Case No. 98-761-CIV-MOORE), Final Judgment (August 10, 1999). The court’s opinion listed some of
the allegations:
“. . . 12. Marchant learned from Shockey [John Shockey, former investigator for the U.S. Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency] that Marc M. Harris (“Harris”), the founder and de facto head of the Harris Organization, had
operate d severa l offshore sh ell banks in Mon tserrat in the 1 980s. T hese ban ks were su bseque ntly closed down in
1988 by British banking authorities for conducting “illegal and fraudulent activities.” According to Shockey, these
banks exhibited numerous financial and fiduciary improprieties. One of the banks, the Fidelity Overseas Bank, took
fees from clients even though it never performed any services for them. Another bank, the First City Bank, doctored
its financial statements. Finally, a third bank, the Allied Reserve Bank, was issued cease-and-desist orders for
operatin g in the Un ited States w ithout autho rization. . .
“. . . 33. On Marc h 31, 19 98, M archant p ublished an article in O ffshore Ale rt titled “W e Expo se The Harris
Organization’s Multi-Million Dollar Ponzi Scheme.
“34. This article made a number for factual allegations, which substantively accused The Harris Organization of
defrauding its clients and misappropriating clients’ funds. These allegations specifically at issue are:
and his organizations are allegedly closely associated with organizations that advocate offshore
mechanisms for evading taxes and avoiding other legal judgments. 66 Recently some clients of
Harris have been indicted in the United States for money laundering and tax evasion through
offshore vehicles set up and established by The Harris Organization.67
c. That Harris used clients funds to invest in the Infra-fit [a Chilean bicycle manufacturer] venture.
d. Tha t The H arris Org anization inflated the la nd value of the LA RE [L atin Ame rican Re al Estate F und, a
Harris-affiliate entity] investm ent in their finan cial stateme nts...
h. That T he Har ris Organ ization had issued $2 0 million o f worthless p reference shares.”
“. . . 8. From the time he published the initial article to the present, Marchant had evidence which provided
persuasive support for the truth of each of the allegations at issue. He spoke with numerous inside sources, including
Dilley (a consultant who served in a position equivalent to the CEO of The Harris Organization), and outside sources
such as Shockey, who appeared credible and knowledgeable about Harris, The Harris Organization, and the financial
situation within The Organization. Marchant was privy to internal financial and management documentation which
suppo rted the info rmation le arned fro m his sour ces.”
A 1998 Business Week article on Marc Harris (“Tax Haven Whiz or Rogue Banker?” Business Week, June 1, 1998,
p. 136) reported that the Florida Professional Regulation Department suspended Harris’ Certified Public Accountant
license in 1990 for various “accounting violations.” One violation cited in the order was that Harris “issued an
accoun ting comp ilation, similar to an aud it, for MM H Eq uity Fund I nc. The comp ilation did n ot disclos e that Ha rris
was an offic er and d irector of th e fund.”
The ar ticle also no tes that: “... Ha rris is now flo uting U.S . law that pro hibits U.S . citizens from making inv estments
in Cuba: His Cuba W eb site offers Americans just that ... if Americans take his advice and form offshore
corporation s to invest in Cuba, that’s “entirely their de cision,” he says. Yet a se nior Treasury D ept. official says
such moves are illegal: “Even if you interpose a third-country company, it’s the same as going to Cuba directly.”
In October 2000, La Commission Nacional de Valores, the Panamanian Securities Commission, suspended the
operatio ns of Th e Harris O rganizatio n.
“28. The Harris Organization maintained substantial links, either directly or indirectly, with persons and
entities known variously as “PT Shamrock,” “Peter Trevellian,” and “Adam Starchild,” that advocated in print and
on the Internet offshore mechanisms for evading the payment of taxes, judgments, and other debts in the United
States ... in essence, tax evasion and fraudulent conveyance of funds to offshore locations.”(Marc M. H arris v. Da vid
E. Marchant, Case No. 98-761-CIV-MOORE, United States District Court for The Southern District of Florida
Miami Division).
“Anthony Vigna and his son Joseph were arrested on November 9, 2000 in Panama... 22 months after they
were criminally indicted at the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida on multiple counts of money
laundering and conspiracy to defraud the IRS,” according to Offshore Alert (“Two more H arris clients d eported to
the US” , Offshore Alert, Nove mber 3 0, 200 0, Issue 4 6, p. 5).
Documents show that by 1996, Ford had established 4 accounts in his name at The Harris
Organization: Fundacion Greenwich, Greenwich Trading Company, S.A., Melvin J. Ford Trust, and
Onan Enterprises, Inc. (incorporated in Nevada) . His associates, Chester Moody and Gwendolyn
Ford Moody, had established 6 accounts: Chester and Goldie Moody Trust, Jackson Management.
Inc., Sancar International, S.A., Argyll Trading Corporation, Steel Management Corporation, and
the Chester and Goldie Moody Trust (business). Cooper estimated that for a period of time Ford
and his associates were transferring up to $800,000 per week from investors’ accounts to The Harris
Organization and that during a period of 6 to 8 months during 1997-1998, between $5 million and
$10 million were moved to The Harris Organization. Antiguan officials confirmed extensive
transfers from the Forum-related accounts at AIB to The Harris Organization. Antiguan officials
estimate that the amounts transferred are likely as high as tens of millions of dollars.68 In a letter to
Senator Levin, IDR estimates that during an 18 month period starting in 1997, approximately $100
million from Forum-related investors flowed through AIB to The Harris Organization.
Thousands of individuals were drawn into Ford’s investment schemes. One individual close
to the operation estimated that as many as 30,000 people invested in Forum-related ventures. IDR
represents over 1600 IBC’s whose owners (estimated to number approximately 16,000 individuals)
lost investments through Forum-related ventures. IDR told the Subcommittee that its clients had
provided documentation of a total of $52 million that they had lost to those ventures. In the 1998-
1999 time period, federal IRS agents executed search warrants on the homes of Melvin Ford and
Gwendolyn Ford Moody, and the federal investigation into this investment scheme is still
Ford and his associates used a series of offshore corporations, banks, accounting firms and
The 1998 Business Week article provided a description of the structure used by Harris:
“Harris insists he is not trying to help folks illegally evade taxes. But an attendee of two Harris seminars, Jay
Adkisson, an Oklahoma City tax lawyer, says Harris explicitly promoted tax evasion. He says Harris “starts with the
premise: We’re going to evade taxes. No. 2, we’re going to make this so smooth that while we’re evading taxes, we
don’t get caught.” Adkisson sets up offshore trusts to protect clients from the future creditors, not the IRS.
“Harris’ scheme, says Adkisson, is for clients to move assets offshore to avoid taxes yet still retain control over those
assets. Harris recommends setting up what he refers to as “the octopus,” says Adkisson. Its head is a Panamanian
foundation, an amorphous legal entity where neither the owner of the assets nor his beneficiaries’ names need be
disclosed. The foundation creates a tangle of companies– banks, leasing companies, insurance firms– in other
offshore havens that appear to be unrelated. They then bill the client for various expenses. The client pays the
invoices to offshore e ntities, then de ducts the p ayments a s business e xpenses on his tax re turn. To the IRS, it
appears that the client has been billed by many unrelated third parties, says Adkisson. Under offshore secrecy laws,
the IRS c an’t determ ine whethe r the entities the octopu s controls are really co ntrolled b y the same person.
The article reports that Harris said “that 80% of his ‘several thousand’ clients are Americans or Canadians.”
The A IB rece iver conc urred with the estimate s of Coo per and the Antigua n officials. H e told the M inority
Staff that during 1997, large transfers on the order of $300,000 were made from Forum-related accounts two to three
times each week. H e stated tha t most, if not a ll, of the transfer s went to T he Har ris Organ ization in P anama.
trusts that were established in offshore banking and corporate secrecy jurisdictions such as the
Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Nevis, Panama, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.69 Administration
of investor IBC accounts was, over time, shifted among at least two different accounting firms.70
IBC formation and renewal were handled by at least three different firms.71 Investor relations with
AIB, the bank that managed their accounts, was handled through the Forum. All of this had the
effect of generating more fees, obscuring the flow of funds, obscuring the involvement of Ford and
his associates, confusing the investors and making it more difficult for U.S. regulators and law
enforcement officials to regulate and investigate their activities. A major base of operation for the
Forum was the nation of Antigua and Barbuda, where Ford held regular meetings and seminars,
drawing many prospective U.S. investors.
AIB became the base through which Ford ran his investment scheme72 and millions of
For example, investment programs funded by Forum-related IBCs have been operated or administered by
a company in the Bahamas and a company in Dominica (which apparently later moved to St. Vincent and the
Grenadines), and an investment company in Nevis. In the past few years documents indicate that Forum-related
investment programs have been placed under the control of The Wilshire Trust, which granted the shares to the WT
Trust, which then appointed a company called Financial and Corporate Services as the trustee. All of those entities
are locate d in Nev is.
Two a ccountin g firms - LM B Acc ounting S ervices L td. (“LM BAS L”) in the B ahamas and Co rporate
Accou nting Serv ices Ltd. (“C ASL”) in Antigua a nd Ba rbuda ( now re-lo cated to D ominica ) - were utilize d to
administer investor IBC accounts (which included forwarding investments to the IBC ac counts at the offshore
banks). Each investor in an IBC was charged an annual fee of $100 for this service. LMBASL had an account at
BTCB - another bank profiled in this report. One of BTCB’s U.S. correspondent banks questioned the LMBASL
deposits into BTCB ’s account. LMBAS L’s response provided an explanation of its operations and relationships:
LMBASL is a domestic Bahamian company which was incorporated on April 2, 1996, to provide
accounting services for International Business Companies (IBC’s).
The source of LM BASL custome rs are Trust Companies in various Caribbea n jurisdictions. These
companies are primarily engaged in company formation and off-shore financial services. LMBASL
provid es accou nting service s for com panies fo rmed b y Antigua a nd Ba rbuda M anagem ent and T rust in
Antigua and Barbuda; Antigua Barbuda International Trust in Antigua and Barbuda; International
Management & Trust in Dominica and upo n referral other Trust companies.
The number of IBC’s formed by these companies number in the hundreds. Also each IBC could have three
or more members. It is not unusual for some IBC’s to have five to ten members. LMBASL charges each
IBC member a $100.00 annual fee for computer services. This fee compensates LMBASL for accounting
services involving processing transactions which relate to individual IBC members.
Also IBC members send larger deposits for the account of the IBC. LMBASL has satisfied itself that the
sources of these IBC funds are from savings accounts or other banks, or investment accounts of the IBC
memb ers and a re not de rived from any questio nable so urces. LM BAS L has also taken step s to perso nally
meet many of these IBC mem bers and feel comfortable that they are solid citizens.
AMT T rust initially formed most of the IBCs. After AIB collapsed, Forum-investors were told to have
their IBC s renewed through L MB ASL o r CASL , rather than AMT Trust, C ooper ’s firm. The investors w ere told
that their inve stments wo uld no lo nger be a ccepted if their IBC s were still ma naged th rough A MT Trust.
Other Antiguan banks were also used to hold Forum-related investments. Before the Forum operations
began to use AIB, investor funds were deposited into Swiss American Bank. Another Antiguan bank, Worldwide
International Bank (whose President, Joan DeNully, had previously been an official at AIB), was also used by the
dollars flowed through the bank. Cooper, the owner and Chairman of the Board of AIB, was
directly involved in servicing the Forum program. He attended Forum seminars, spoke about
offshore corporations and passed out material on offshore corporation formation and AIB. With the
assistance and encouragement of Forum personnel, investors would apply for the creation of an IBC
and an account at AIB. AMT Trust, Cooper’s company, would form IBCs for Forum investors.
(Often as many as five, ten or more individuals would jointly invest through one IBC.)73 One of the
entities established to manage some of the Forum-related investments, Equity Management
Services, Ltd. at one point used the offices of AMT Trust as its mailing address. Cooper told the
Minority Staff that most of the profits that the AIB Banking group made from Forum-related
operations resulted from the formation of the IBCs.
Ford and his associates used AIB’s correspondent accounts with U.S. banks to hide the trail
of the funds. For example, by piecing together documents made available to the Minority Staff and
the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, it can be seen that a number of transfers from Forum
accounts utilized AIB’s correspondent relationship with Chase Manhattan Bank. From there, the
funds were transferred to Banco de Brazil in New York. Banco de Brazil then transferred the funds
to its branch in Panama, which transferred the funds to The Harris Organization in Panama. Funds
were also transferred from AIB to Gwendolyn Ford Moody’s account at a Maryland branch of
The Forum is still an operating organization. Meetings and seminars are still held in the
U.S. and elsewhere to continue to attract investors.74 Offshoot organizations, controlled by Ford
associates, are still promoting investments.75
Normally, AMT Trust charged a fee of $1225 for the formation of an IBC, but in the case of the Forum-
related IB Cs, AM T Tr ust charge d clients $1 500. A MT Trust ke pt $12 25 and the additio nal $27 5 was pu t into
accoun ts controlle d by Fo rd and a ssociates a t the Forum . This bu siness alon e was very lucrative fo r Coop er and his
company, since it is estimated that there were approximately 3,000 to 6,000 IBC accounts at AIB. In addition, each
accoun t was charg ed an an nual adm inistrative fee o f $100 and an a nnual IB C renew al fee of ap proxim ately $80 0.
One such meeting, at which Ford spoke, was held at the Raleigh Sheraton in Raleigh, North Carolina on
November 7, 1999. Presentations on IBC formation and investment are still being held. One victim of the Forum-
related investments recently received a notice of “private workshops” that are scheduled for 2001 and will involve
the W .T. Tru st, the Nev is comp any that serv es as trustee for many o f the Forum -related inv estments .
For example, an organization called the Offshore Business Managers Association (formerly called the
Offshore Business Managers Forum) was established to: “provide a vehicle to bring together parties that share an
interest in wealth accumulation through international trade and international financial activities. The common theme
among all members is the use of the International Business Company (IBC) as a trading and financial entity and the
belief that confidentiality and the right to financial privacy is a right that the Government should respect and not
hinder.” ( See the o rganizatio n’s We b site at www.osbma.com). In the early stages of the organization, the
Executive Committee included such close Fo rd associates as Gwendolyn Ford Moody and Chester Mood y. More
recently, the C hairman was Ear l Coley, a fre quent sp eaker at the Forum meetings a nd repo rtedly a rela tive of M oody.
According to the organization’s mailings, the point of contact for the organization was the Forum offices in Antigua
AIB provided correspondent banking services to a number of other offshore banks licensed
in Antigua and Barbuda. By establishing correspondent accounts at AIB, those banks (and their
clients), like Russian Matryoshka dolls, nested within AIB and gained access to the same U.S. dollar
accounts at U.S. banks that AIB enjoyed through its correspondent accounts at those U.S. banks.
The U.S. banks performed no due diligence review of AIB’s correspondent accounts. Instead, they
relied on AIB to review and clear its client banks, even though the U.S. correspondent banks were
the vehicles for their access into the U.S. financial system. In a number of instances, AIB’s client
banks utilized their accounts with AIB to launder funds and take advantage of AIB’s correspondent
accounts with U.S. banks to work the illicit funds into the U.S. financial system. The most
notorious example is Caribbean American Bank.
Caribbean American Bank. Caribbean American Bank emerged as the focal point of a
major advance-fee-for-loan fraud that originated in the United States and defrauded victims across
the world of over $60 million over eight years. Between 1991 and 1997, members of the
organization posed as representatives of a group of venture capital investors willing to provide
funding to business projects. Individuals and businesses seeking capital were required to pay
advanced fees or retainers which, ostensibly, were to be used for processing loans and syndicating
the investors. Applicants were instructed to wire the retainers to an attorney or bank escrow
account, often located at an offshore bank. However, the terms of the funding agreements were
almost impossible for the applicants to fulfill. For example, applicants were required to produce
fully collateralized bank payment guarantees or letters of credit equivalent to 20% of the loan
amount requested. Usually, the guarantee had to be produced within 5 to 7 days. Members of the
organization targeted applicants who had little financial resources and were, therefore, unlikely to
secure such a guarantee within the 5 to 7 day time period. Sometimes, for an additional fee, the
organization would supply the applicants with a facilitator who pretended to assist the applicants in
their efforts to obtain a guarantee from a financial institution. When the applicants were unable to
meet this or other terms of the agreement, the members of the organization notified the applicants
that they had violated the terms of the agreement, that no loans would be made and that their
retainers were forfeited. If any of the funds still remained in the escrow accounts, they were quickly
moved to other accounts controlled by accomplices of the organization.76
and B arbuda .
U.S. Customs Service press release “U.S. Customs and FBI Crack Huge Money Laundering Scam,” May
7, 1998.
USA v. Dona ld Ray G amble a /k/a Don ald Jake Gamb le (U.S. District Court for the Middle District of
Tennessee, Northeastern Division, Criminal Case No. 2:97-00002), Information and Accompanying Statement of
Facts, February 10, 1997.
USA v. Arthur H ouseho lder, et. al. (U.S. D istrict Cour t for the No rthern D istrict of Florid a, Gaine sville
Division, Criminal Case No. 1:98CR19), Testimony of Lawrence Sangaree, June 19, 2000.
USA v. Lawrence Sangaree, Terri Sangaree, Maxine Barnum and Peter Barnum (U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of Florida, Gainesville Division, Criminal Case No. 1:97CR MM P), Statement of Facts in Support
of Guilty Plea of Peter and Maine Barnum, 11/25/97, and Statement of Facts in Support of Guilty Plea of Lawrence
A document seized during the execution of a search warrant issued for the residence of one
of the leaders of the organization provided a description of the fraud. It was marked “Confidential”
and addresses payments made by the loan applicants under the terms of the contract. It makes clear
that members of the fraud should not expect to collect loan fees other than the initial retainer from
the applicant because the loan will never be provided. The only fees that the organization focused
on were the fees that the client paid in advance of receipt of the loan:
You have to make the client think you are really working to get to the second payment and
the third payment. This draws his attention away from the first payment - which is the only
payment you will see but he doesn’t know that.
... FOR YOUR INFORMATION the 2nd and 3rd payments will never come. You are in it for
the first payment. However, you act like you are after all 3 payments.
...What all the clients refuse to see, just plain do not understand is that in Section 3 the
Syndication Agreement demands that the Payment Guarantee be COLLATERALIZED.
That means it must be cash backed or no bank will issue it. It is the clients responsibility to
do that. However, you do not call any attention to that UNTIL you have been paid. Period.
No exceptions.
Perpetrators of the fraud also required their applicants to establish Antiguan IBCs, with the
idea that all transactions would take place between Antiguan entities. This was an effort to ensure
that if applicants initiated legal action against the organization, the dispute would be subject to
Antiguan, rather than U.S. jurisdiction since both parties would be Antiguan entities. A document
seized from one of the organization’s representatives, entitled Business Development Syndications
Program Description, stated:
You must be an Antiguan offshore business corporation to enter our programs. To guarantee
this is done before a DBA [sic] (Business Development Agreement-Equity Purchase) is
entered into such incorporation will be handled for you by your syndicator. We will not
accept any other method of incorporation. Neither your syndicator nor the investors wish to
become familiar with any laws, corporate or otherwise, other than those of Antigua and
Barbuda. All transactions will be done between chartered Antiguan corporations only. No
Between 1994 and 1998 the U.S. FBI and the U.S. Customs Service conducted an
investigation (called “Operation Risky Business”) of the fraud operation. The Customs Service
described the operation as the largest non-drug related undercover operation that it ever conducted.
The government estimates that as many as 300 to 400 firms or individuals in 10 different countries
have been victimized by the fraud. It is estimated that as much as $60 million dollars were stolen
through this operation. Twenty two individuals have been indicted or charged as a result of their
participation in this operation; 14 have pleaded guilty; and 4 have been found guilty at trial.
Investigations and prosecutions are continuing.
AIB, AMT Trust and AIMS played key roles in the formation and operation of Caribbean
American Bank.77 In August 1994, William Cooper (through AMT Trust) established two IBCs -
BSS Capital and RHARTE. The beneficial owners of those corporations were, respectively, Jake
Gamble and Larry Sangaree, two organizers of the fee-for-loan scam. Cooper then formed
Caribbean American Bank. The bank license application identifies BSS Capital and RHARTE as
the shareholders/owners of the bank. Cooper was listed as the President of both BSS Capital and
RHARTE. Cooper and Gamble were listed as the Directors of the bank.78 In September 1994,
In 1993, fairly early in the history of this fraud operation, members of the organization flew to Antigua
and Barbuda to establish a bank that would serve as the repository for the retainer payments and facilitate the
laundering of the illicit proceeds of the operations. According to court records, they met with Vere Bird, Jr., son of
the former Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda. The introduction was arranged by Julien Giraud, a senior
member of the Democrat Labor Party in Dominica who knew Frank Dzwonkowski, a member of the organization
who had been convicted o f distribution of methaqualone in the U.S. and had contacts in Antigua and Barbua . In
1994 , memb ers of the o rganizatio n again flew to Antigua and B arbuda and me t with Willia m Coo per, own er of AIB .
The members of the organization who made the trip were Jake Gamble, a Tennessee attorney who served as the
agent for the escrow accounts that received the retainer payments and posed as an underwriter with access to the
venture capital (backed by a fraudulent Japanese Yen bond); Larry Sangaree, who had been convicted of murder and
served as the organization’s field operations manager; and Dzwonkowski. Dzwonkowski maintained an account at
another A ntiguan offsh ore ban k, Swiss Am erican B ank, which memb ers of the o rganizatio n had be en using to
launder funds stolen in the fraud. Sangaree testified that the group decided to establish a bank in Antigua and
Barbuda because of the favorable secrecy laws (“you could effectively hide funds down there from the
governm ent”); the co nnection s enjoyed by Girau d; and the desire to m irror the o peration s of anothe r group w ithin
the organization that was claiming to use a bank in the Cayman Islands. Cooper agreed to assist in the formation and
operatio n of the ba nk.
According to one U.S. bank that provided correspondent services to AIB, Cooper informed the bank that
the offshore bank licensing process in Antigua and Barbuda required detailed information about all shareholders and
directors, verified with background checks, bank and professional references. The app licant, whether it is a
corporation or an individual, must submit financial information for review by the Director of International Business
Corporations. Biographical information for each proposed director, officer and subscriber of 5% or more of the
bank sto ck must b e submitte d.
It appears as if AMT Trust did not comply with these requirements. The Minority Staff asked Cooper what
due diligence he performed on the owners of the bank before he submitted the application to the Antiguan licensing
authority, an d if he was a ware of S angaree ’s convictio n. Coop er stated tha t he had a sked the F inance M inister Keith
Hurst ab out obta ining inform ation on th ose indiv iduals and Hurst info rmed him that it would not be p ossible to
obtain information from the United States and, based on Hurst’s statement, Cooper did not try to obtain any
information on Sangaree. One part of the application asks “Have any of the proposed directors, officers or proposed
stockholders of five percent or more of the IBC’s stock ever been charged with or convicted of any criminal offense?
If so, give details, including status of case.” The answer on the form is “No.” However, Sangaree was convicted of
first degree murder in Florida in 1970 and sente nced to life imprison ment. H e was relea sed from prison in th e late
1980 's. He was su bseque ntly arrested for aggra vated ass ault in 198 7 and a rrested fo r grand th eft in 199 0.
To rec eive an o ffshore ba nking licen se in Antigu a and B arbuda at that time, ap plicants we re require d to
demonstrate that they had $1 million in capital. A report of CAB’s liquidators filed in the High Court of Justice of
Caribbean American Bank was granted an offshore banking license by the Government of Antigua
and Barbuda. AMT Trust initially managed the CAB account at AIB for a fee of $5000 per month.
The administration of CAB was taken over by AIMS after it was formed and took over management
of the correspondent accounts at AIB.
A number of other accomplices in the organization also established IBCs in Antigua and
Barbuda, many of them with the assistance of Cooper and his company, AMT Trust. Those IBCs in
turn established accounts at Caribbean American Bank. The Department of Justice informed the
Minority Staff that it identified 79 IBC accounts established at CAB that were controlled by
members of the fee-for-loan fraud organization. According to DOJ, all of those IBCs were formed
by Cooper or his company AMT Trust. Many were bearer share corporations, meaning that
ownership was vested in whoever had physical possession of the corporate shares. Such an
arrangement makes it virtually impossible for a bank to really know who the ultimate account holder
is and what the purpose of the organization is. Retainer fees wired into the organization’s escrow
account by the fraud victims would be dispersed into the IBC accounts controlled by accomplices of
the scheme. From there, the accomplices transferred the funds to other accounts they maintained at
other banks, using the correspondent accounts of AIB.
AIB also issued credit cards to CAB clients. This provided a perfect avenue for money
laundering. The card holder would use a credit card to charge purchases and other transactions.
The outstanding balance on the cards could be paid out of the illicit proceeds the clients had on
deposit in their CAB accounts. This enabled the card holders to utilize their funds without even
engaging in additional wire transfers that might raise questions about the origins of the funds.
Documentation shows that in 1994, AIB attempted to use its correspondent relationship with
Bank of America to confirm letters of credit issued to the fraudulent venture capital companies,
American European Venture Capital and Bond Street Commercial Corporation, operated by the
perpetrators of the advance-fee-for-loan fraud. The confirmed letters of credit would then be used
by the criminals to convince victims that venture capital was available once the advance payments
Antigua and Barbuda offers the following description of CAB’s capitalization funds:
There are two shareholder loans of record, both of which are for $500,00. The loans appear to have been
generated by the Bank to enable the shareholders to finance the capitalization of the Bank. The fund s were
never deposited in the bank. The two shareho lders are holding companies, which have issued bearer shares,
and we do not know who is in possession of the shares. Collectibility of these loans is unlikely and the
amoun ts have be en written-o ff in the boo ks of the B ank.
Lawrence Sangaree, the owner of one of the bearer share corporations that owned CAB, testified at the trial
of one o f his accom plices ear lier this year. H e said that to comp ly with the $1 million cap italization re quireme nt,
perpetrators of the fraud used funds that had been wired into the bank by one of the victims. The funds were placed
in AIB in August of 1994. After an auditing firm confirmed the presence of the $1 million in AIB, it was distributed
among the members of the organization.
In October 1996, one of the loan applicants sent a facsimile to Caribbean American Bank,
instructing it to return $62,500 his company had wired into a CAB escrow account. A copy of the
facsimile was supplied to the FBI. The funds were never returned.
In early 1997, a due diligence report performed by an Antiguan law firm for a Russian bank
that was considering doing business with the organization wrote the following about Caribbean
American Bank:
Caribbean American Bank has two shareholders both of which are non-banking offshore
companies and were incorporated by William Cooper, one of Caribbean American Bank’s
two Directors, who is known to be an active figure in Antigua and Barbuda’s offshore
banking industry. Non-banking offshore companies are not required to disclose details of
their shareholders or show financial statements.
The company files disclosed that inquiries similar to yours have been addressed to the
director of International Banking & Trust Corporations in respect of Caribbean American
Bank involving foreign investors who have been required to deposit funds into escrow
accounts to be held by Caribbean American Bank. In one such instance Barclays Bank of
Antigua made inquiries of the Director of International Banking & Trust Corporations and in
light of the information received about Caribbean American Bank advised their customers
not to proceed with the transaction.
Further it may be of interest to you to learn that the share issue of Caribbean American Bank
apparently consists of bearer shares only and Caribbean American Bank’s filed annual
returns disclose No Activity, in terms of movement of funds, whatsoever.
As noted above, the report of CAB’s liquidator confirmed that the listed owners of the bank
were bearer share corporations. The current receiver of AIB informed the Minority Staff that the
CAB account at AIB had multiple sub accounts. According to the receiver, tens of millions of
dollars moved quickly through the CAB account, with the funds being wired to many different
locations. In addition, monthly statements of AIB’s correspondent accounts at U.S. banks clearly
show movements of funds through the IBC accounts at CAB. The Minority Staff could not gain
access to the CAB “filed annual returns” referenced above. However, the information contained in
In April 1994, AIB requested that Bank of America confirm letters of credit for two entities. Although
AIB did not have a credit relationship with BOA, the communications AIB forwarded to one of the targeted victims
of the fraud suggest that AIB had developed a financing plan with Bank of America. Communications sent by AIB
to Bank of America two months later in June 1994 indicate AIB was still pursuing the confirmation of two letters of
credit. Since CAB was not licensed until September 1994, it suggests that Cooper and AIB were providing
assistance to the entities involved in the fraud even before CAB was opened and those entities became account
holders a t CAB .
AIB’s monthly statements and the AIB receiver’s comments about the flow of funds suggest that
either the due diligence report on the filed financial statements was inaccurate or the financial
statements filed by CAB’s manager (AIMS) were false.
Key perpetrators of the fraud were arrested and convicted in 1997.80 Greaves and Cooper
told the Minority Staff that despite their role in forming and managing CAB and forming many of
the IBCs used by the perpetrators of the fraud, they were unaware of the fraud being perpetrated
through Caribbean American Bank and AIB. Greaves told the Minority Staff that in the
March/April 1997 time frame his staff began to develop concerns about the CAB account because of
customer complaints and the transactions being conducted. Greaves said he contacted the Antiguan
Supervisor of International Banks and Trust Corporations81 about his concerns, and then unilaterally
froze the CAB account. However, events in the U.S. suggest that Greaves may have been acting in
response to actions taken by U.S. law enforcement agencies.82 In addition, CAB internal documents
show that the bank continued to disburse funds at the instruction of one of the perpetrators at least
until early May. In August 1997, the Antiguan Supervisor of International Banks and Trust
Corporations appointed Price Waterhouse as the Receiver/Manager of CAB. On November 19,
1997, the High Court of Antigua and Barbuda ordered the Receiver/Manager to liquidate CAB.
At a hearing in a U.S. Federal District Court, a U.S. Customs Service agent testified that
U.S. law enforcement agencies investigating the fraud had identified no legitimate purpose for the
existence of Caribbean American Bank. That conclusion was supported by the report of the CAB
liquidator which reported that: “The shareholders of the Bank are under investigation for money
laundering” and that “(a)ll depositors of the Bank are under investigation for money laundering.”
An FBI agent’s affidavit contained a description of how IBCs and AIB’s correspondent
accounts were used to perpetrate the fraud and launder the funds that were illicitly obtained:
The violators also make extensive use of offshore corporations, principally in Antigua, W.I.,
In Febru ary 199 7, Gam ble was ind icted, pro vided info rmation to governm ent officials an d plead ed guilty
to money laundering in early May 1997. On February 16, 1997, a U.S. District Court Judge issued a warrant for the
search of Sangaree’s property for information and materials related to the advance-fee-for-loan fraud. Sangaree was
subsequ ently arrested and cha rged on a parole violation re lated to we apons p ossession in Febru ary 199 7.
Information on his role in the fraud was brought out during a subsequent bail hearing. In August 1997, Sangaree and
several o ther mem bers of the organiza tion were in dicted fo r money la undering and fraud . Sangare e plead ed guilty in
Decem ber 19 97.
This is the predecessor to the International Financial Sector Regulatory Authority, which is the
Gove rnment O f Antigua an d Barb uda auth ority that regu lates offsho re banks .
The U.S. governm ent served a subpoena on on e of the perpetrators of the fraud, Judith Giglio, in January
or early February of 1997. Lawrence Sangaree, one of the leaders of the fraud, testified at the trial of one of the
perpetrators that: “A copy of that subpoena was circulated by Giglio to everybody in this operation. They all knew
that the U.S . Gove rnment w as targeting AIB, C AB an d peop le associa ted with that o peration .” Also, see footnote
29, abo ve, for ad ditional ac tions taken against the p erpetrato rs before the Ma rch/Apr il 1997 time perio d.
to shield themselves from investigation and lend credibility to their assertion that they have
access to funds from unidentified offshore investors. Additionally, fees received from
victims are, at the direction of the violators, transferred offshore through American
International Bank accounts in Canada, Switzerland, Germany, and elsewhere, ultimately
ending up in the Caribbean American Bank in St. Johns, Antigua. As indicated in previous
paragraphs, funds have already been traced from victims to American International Bank
correspondent accounts in the U.S. and Caribbean American bank accounts in Antigua, W.I.
These funds have also been traced as they are returned to the violators to purchase a variety
of assets.
These fund transfers were accomplished by exploiting the correspondent banking network.
Since CAB had a correspondent account with AIB, CAB and its account holders could transact
business through the correspondent accounts that AIB had established with other banks, including
U.S. banks. AIB accounts at Bank of America, Chase Manhattan Bank, Toronto Dominion Bank
were used to receive wire transfers from fraud victims and/or to disburse the illicit funds to accounts
controlled by the criminals. Funds would be transferred from AIB’s accounts in the U.S. to
accounts controlled by the criminals in other U.S. banks and securities firms.83 The banks that
served as AIB’s correspondents were either unaware that AIB itself had correspondent accounts, or
they relied on AIB to review and monitor its own clients, including the banks that had accounts at
AIB. Thus, by nesting within AIB, CAB and the criminals who were its owners and account holders
gained entry into the U.S. banking system with no review or due diligence by the host U.S. banks.
In April 1999, Cooper was also indicted in the United States for money laundering related to
the illicit funds associated with the advance-fee-for-loan fraud.
Another portion of AIB’s account base was comprised of sports gambling entities. The legal
and money laundering issues related to this type of activity are addressed in another section of this
report. Many U.S. banks have been unwilling to accept these types of accounts or enter into
correspondent relationships with banks engaged in this activity primarily because of the reputational
At the trial of one of the perpetrators of the fraud, the government produced a list of wire codes obtained
through the execution of a search warrant. The seven page document identifies over 35 accounts at over 20 U.S. and
foreign b anks that the perpetr ators used for the mo vement o f these funds .
For mo re informa tion abo ut Hano ver Ba nk, see the c ase history in this repor t.
Overseas Developm ent Bank and Trust Co mpany Ltd., a bank licensed in 1995 in D ominica, was a
correspondent of AIB from mid-1996 until late 1997. This bank is discu ssed later in this case history.
risk that they pose. Moreover, recent court cases in the U.S. have held that the wire transfer of
funds for gambling is illegal, raising serious legal questions for banks that facilitate the transfer of
such funds.
From the earliest days of its activity, AIB serviced sports betting accounts. In the period
1994-95, AIB had the accounts of a number of sports betting firms that advertised widely and
directed clients to wire transfer funds through the correspondent accounts AIB had established at
U.S. correspondent banks. AIB maintained these types of accounts at least through 1997, despite its
representation to its correspondents that it did not want that type of business.86 Clients associated
with gambling/sports betting included Top Turf, English Sports Betting, Caribe International
Sheridan Investment Trust and World Wide Tele-Sports (“WWTS”). WWTS, an Antiguan sports
betting firm, was one of 11 sports betting firms indicted by the U.S. government in March 1998 for
illegally accepting wagers on sports events over the phone or Internet. In December 1997, an article
in the Atlanta Constitution described WWTS as “the island’s largest sports book, tak[ing] 35,000
wagers a week, with a Monday-to-Sunday handle [the amount of money wagered before the
payment of prizes] ranging from $5 million to $10 million.” The article noted that the winnings are
tax free. “If the gamblers want to declare their profits to the Internal Revenue Service, fine. But
[the director of the operation in Antigua and Barbuda]’s not forwarding any information .... He
points to a paper shredder in the accounting office. ‘That’s what I do for the U.S. government,’ he
says, laughing as he guides a piece of paper into the machine. ‘We have clients with sensitive
information.’ ” Through AIB and its correspondent account, WWTS was able to use U.S. banks for
processing customer gambling deposits and possibly disbursements.
In marketing brochures that it shared with prospective correspondent banks, AIB reported its
loan philosophy as follows:
The bank engages in lending only under certain conditions. Loans must be either cash
collateralized or properly backed up by valuables or other guarantees to the satisfaction of
and under control of the bank. Loans are given only to the best of clients. A credit analysis
is made, and the sources of for payback must be clearly identifiable. A reserve for loan
losses will be established, if required, but the bank will not take significant commercial
lending risks.
Every loan is approved by at least two officers, and every loan agreement is signed by at
In October 1994 Bank of America (“BOA”), a correspondent bank of AIBs, learned that a client of AIBs
was a sports betting company and that gambling proceeds were being moved through the BOA account. In an
October 1994 fax memo to BOA, Cooper wrote that, “It is clearly not our policy to deal with such companies and we
are pursuing as quickly as possible to terminate the entire relationship.” In May of 1997, the relationship manager
who han dled the A IB acc ount for P opular B ank (now BAC Florida B ank) aske d AIB about so me of A IB’s
custome rs, including Caribe I nternation al and Sh eridan In vestment T rust. AIB identified tho se two entitie s as sports
betting esta blishmen ts.
least two directors of the bank. Every loan is reviewed at least on an annual basis.
However, within its first year of existence, the AIB loan portfolio swelled from $1.1 million
to $25 million. It receded slightly in 1994 and 1995. By the end of 1996, AIB’s loan portfolio
reached $41.2 million. A significant portion of those loans (estimated by the receiver to be roughly
40%) were loans that AIB made to Cooper (AIB’s owner), his family members and business
interests. According to the receiver, this included a $6 million dollar loan to Woods Estate
Holdings Ltd., which was half owned by Cooper and his wife.87 Other loans were a loan to Julien
Giraud, a well-known political figure in Dominica, who introduced some of the criminals involved
in the Caribbean American Bank fraud to Vere Bird, Jr., and one to a broker who handled the AIB
trading account at a U.S. securities firm.
By the time AIB encountered serious financial trouble in late 1997, non-performing loans
represented a substantial problem to the institution and contributed to its closure. When AIB was
placed under the control of a receiver in July 1998, the receiver discovered that most of the
outstanding loans were non-performing. In a November 1998 letter to the bank’s clients, the
receiver wrote:
I have since conducted a more thorough examination of the records and received a draft
report of the Bank’s activities for the year ended December 31, 1997. Of particular concern
to me, has been the quality of the Bank’s assets, particularly, its loan portfolio. In many
instances, I have been forced to refer these accounts to legal counsel for collection and where
necessary, to utilize the Courts, in this exercise.
The receiver informed the Minority Staff that there were numerous non-performing loans. In
some instances, provisions weren’t made for non-performance. No security was provided for a
number of loans. According to the receiver, there were instances where loans were issued with the
expectation that security would be provided after the issuance of the loan, but no security was
provided for the loan. The receiver stated that there were also a number of instances in which AIB
had circumvented regulations that prohibit offshore banks from making loans to local residents and
businesses by making loans to Cooper’s BVI Company, AMT Management, which would then
make loans to the local businesses. In those cases, the collateral was assigned to AMT
Management, and not the bank. This has impeded the receiver’s efforts to collect on non-
performing loans.
Presently, the receiver estimates that there are approximately $18 million in outstanding
loans and $10 million in overdrafts on the bank’s books. The receiver estimates that approximately
50% of those are loans to Cooper or individuals or entities associated with Cooper. The receiver
Brochures of the AIB Group show that AMT Managem ent, the BVI company wholly owned by Cooper
and his wife, owned 50% of Woods Estate Holdings Ltd. Greaves told the Subcommittee that the amount of the loan
was $6 million, and that Cooper owned half of the venture. The AIB receiver confirmed the size of the loan and
Coop er’s owne rship.
has retained legal counsel to recover about $13 million of the outstanding loans.88
According to the receiver, the AIB annual audited financial statements prepared by Pannel
Kerr Forster did not accurately portray the status or nature of the loans made by AIB. Review by
the Minority Staff of the annual audits shows that the auditors never identified any problems with
the loan portfolio. The audits did not reflect any concern about a lack of provisions for bad loans,89
nor did they reflect that a high portion of the loans were made to individuals or interests associated
with the owner or officers of the bank. For example, the audited financials for 1993 through 1996
report that 8%, 23.9 %, 18.4% and 11.9% , respectively, of AIB’s loans were issued to owners, staff
or interests associated with owners. This sharply contrasts with the estimates made by the receiver
and Greaves.
Greaves agreed that the percentage of loans to related individuals or entities was much
higher than reflected in the audited financial statements. The AIB marketing brochure states, “All
reports that are made available to sources outside the bank are checked, approved and signed by two
directors.” When the Minority Staff asked Greaves why he signed off on the auditor’s report if he
realized that it understated the amount of loans to related entities, he stated that he had written a
letter to the auditor advising him that the information in the report was not correct, yet the numbers
in the report were not changed.
The auditor for Pannell Kerr Foster noted that initially, in 1993, AIB did not make
provisions for bad debts because the bank was new and the loans were new. He stated that when
AIB officials conducted subsequent reviews of the loan portfolio, and as loans went bad, they
required provisions for bad loans. He did state that AIB became a “little bit loose” with its loans.
He disagreed with the receiver that many of the loans were uncollectible and that AIB was
insolvent. He told the staff that he had conducted a review of the loan portfolio and concluded the
loans were good and AIB was not insolvent. He noted that he had contacted Cooper and told
Cooper that the loans associated with Cooper had to be “regularized” and that Cooper agreed to
In late 1997, when AIB was encountering severe financial problems, Overseas Development Bank and
Trust (“ODBT”), a Dominican bank, attempted to purchase AIB. The effort lasted about 4 months before it was
abandoned by ODBT. When it abandoned its effort to acquire AIB, ODBT accepted approximately $4.5 million
worth of AIB loans as settlement for the funds it had on account at AIB and for the funds it expended while it had
tried to take over AIB. Many of those loans are not being repaid. Malcolm West, owner of ODBT, informed the
Minority Staff that ODBT w as planning to go to court to attempt to collect on many of those loans.
The 1993 audited financial statement contains the following language under Note 4 (“Loans”) of the
statement: “There were no loans requiring provision for bad debts during the period under review.” The financial
statements for 1993 through 1996 all contained the following language: “The provision for loan losses is based on a
monthly evaluation of the loan portfolio by management. In this evaluation management considers numerous factors
including, but not necessarily limited to, general economic conditions, loan portfolio composition, prior loan loss
experience and managem ent’s estimation of future potential losses.” This seems to conflict with the brochure
distributed by AIB to poten tial corresp onden ts, which stated : “Loans m ust be eithe r cash co llateralized or prop erly
backed up by valu ables or o ther guara ntees to the satisfaction o f and und er contro l of the ban k. Loans a re given o nly
to the best of clients. A credit analysis is made, and the sources of for payback must be clearly identifiable.”
fulfill the loans that he was responsible for and to his knowledge Cooper had not “shirked” any of
his responsibilities to those loans.
The auditor also disagreed that a high percentage of the bank’s loans were to individuals and
entities associated with Cooper and AIB staff. He pointed out that in December of 1997, AIB had
$66 million in outstanding loans, $40 million of which were associated with a fully collateralized
loan associated with the Forum. He did not address prior years. According to the auditor, in June
1998, after the Forum-related loan was repaid, $13 million of the $26 million in outstanding loans
were associated with entities or individuals associated with Cooper or AIB staff.
The auditor also told the Minority Staff that he did not receive a letter from Greaves
reporting that the information regarding the amount of associated loans on the financial statement
was incorrect.90
Over its short life, June 1993 - July 1998, AIB established correspondent accounts with a
number of U.S. banks. They included: Jamaica Citizens Bank Ltd. (now Union Bank of Jamaica,
Miami Agency), the New York Branch of Toronto Dominion Bank, Bank of America, Popular
Bank of Florida (now BAC Florida Bank), Chase Manhattan Bank, Norwest Bank in Minnesota, and
Barnett Bank. With many of the banks, the pattern of the relationship was similar. AIB would apply
for a correspondent account at a U.S. bank; due diligence reviews would not identify any problems
with AIB; the U.S. bank would establish a correspondent account for AIB; then, account activity
over time would generate concerns that would lead to the termination of the account. The
termination would then often be delayed at AIB’s request to allow it to first associate with another
correspondent bank.
AIB maintained a correspondent account at Bank of America (“BOA”) from June 1993
through April 1996. During that period, $128 million moved through its account. AIB approached
BOA about a correspondent relationship in June 1993, shortly after it began to function as a bank.
The BOA relationship manager had known Cooper from the time that Cooper had been manager of
another offshore institution, Antigua Barbuda Investment Bank, that was a customer of BOA. BOA
employees said that before 1997, there was a great reliance on the relationship manager’s decision
about a client, and this appears to be the case with AIB.
At that time BOA was one of the more active U.S. banks in the Caribbean area. A senior
BOA official said that at that time the relationship managers were primarily sales officers and the
primary objective of the relationship managers was on expanding the business. BOA readily
Cooper told the Minority Staff that all loans to his family members either had been repaid or are in the
proces s of being r epaid.
established correspondent relationships with offshore banks that wanted demand deposit accounts or
cash management services in the United States. Because no credit was involved, BOA said
relationship managers placed less emphasis on those accounts and did not follow those kind of
accounts as closely as accounts with more potential for additional business. There was an
expectation that documentation on a bank client would be obtained and available, but depending on
the relationship, sometimes it would not be required. To the extent there was concern about risk,
the focus was placed on a client bank’s credit risk, not the money laundering risk it posed.
The BOA relationship manager for AIB said he typically did not establish relationships with
offshore banks. He generally established relationships only with commercial, indigenous banks
(banks that were licensed to operate and serve residents in the jurisdiction that granted the license).
The only exceptions to that practice were AIB and Swiss American Bank (addressed in a later
section). According to the relationship manager, although he had heard that the regulatory program
in Antigua and Barbuda was weak at the time, BOA representatives relied more upon the individual
owning the bank than the regulatory apparatus. The relationship manager said the key to doing
business in the Caribbean was to know your customer. He told the Minority Staff that he knew
Cooper personally, spoke to people in the community about him and that he thought Cooper had a
good reputation.
Account opening documentation for AIB that was provided to the Subcommittee showed
that BOA obtained the following: a background description of America International Banking
Group; a copy of the articles of incorporation of AIB; minutes of the organizational meeting of the
board; and a copy of the bank license and certificate of good standing. Financial statements for the
bank were not yet available because the bank only started operation in June 1993 and the first
audited financial statement was not issued until March 1994. There were no written references.
In June 1993 the relationship manager wrote a memo to the credit manager seeking a
decision on whether to open the AIB account. He described AIB as a commercial bank in the
process of formation. He said he knew the directors and major stockholders, having worked with
them in their previous banks. Since AIB was a new bank, there was not much of an operational
history from which to assess its performance. However, BOA did little probing into the nature of
the bank or its clientele. Material provided to BOA indicated that although AIB was formed in
1990, it did not hold its first organizational meeting until December 1992. A senior BOA official
acknowledged this was not typical operating procedure for a bank and that it should have raised
questions about the regulatory authority when it allowed such a thing to happen. However, there is
no indication in the account opening materials supplied by BOA that this issue was a factor in
BOA’s decision to open a correspondent account for AIB.
An AIB brochure identified the commercial activities and objectives of the bank: to provide
offshore financial services in a tax free environment, primarily but not exclusively to private
banking and corporate customers. It stated, “ The ability to provide this complete service in a
confidential manner is seen as a competitive advantage which will enable the bank to expand its
client base on a worldwide basis.” The issue of confidentiality did not raise concerns with BOA.
As one senior official noted, while it is an issue today, it was not so in the early 1990's. It was
viewed as standard wording for offshore banks and the relationship manager was comfortable with
the relationship.
A senior BOA official observed that more should have been done before the account was
accepted, although he said it is difficult to say exactly what should have been done. The
relationship manager made a trip to AIB in 1993 and saw AIB’s premises and an organizational
chart. In May 1994 he made another site visit and saw the AIB offices, employees, and customers.
According to the relationship manager, everything BOA heard about Cooper at that time was
positive. The senior official suggested that there should be a more careful analysis by the bank of
why it wants to do business with a particular client, and whether the regulatory authority can be
relied upon.
Ongoing monitoring of the bank was the responsibility of the account administrator, who
handled the day to day operations of the correspondent account. The relationship manager was
liaison with 80 banks that had relationships with BOA; the account administrator had more accounts
to handle than the relationship manager. In addition, as noted above, because the AIB account was a
cash management account and not classified as a full relationship involving credit, it received less
attention from the relationship manager. BOA officials told the Minority Staff that the account
administrator monitored account activity, but if the activity did not reach a certain level it would
likely not be noticed. The relationship manager would see summaries of balances and the checks
issued by the client to get an idea of the business being conducted, but there was no anticipated
account activity profile established and there did not appear to be any tracking to make sure the
activity in the account was in line with account purposes. In addition, because the AIB account was
a non-credit relationship, annual audited financials were not required. No audited financial
statements were issued by AIB between March 1994 and June 1996.
In May 1994, the relationship manager wrote a description of his site visit:
Formed just a year ago by a former general manager of Antigua Barbuda Bank, American
Int’l. is already profitable...nice quarters and a very slick operation. The group includes the
bank (offshore/private), a management and trust co. (offshore records and registration), asset
management and even a ship registry Co. While probably never a user of any volume
corbank services, this is already a nice relationship... Cooper is also a big supporter of BofA
as the result of his experiences at Antigua Barbuda, and provided a new lead during the visit.
According to BOA officials, they did not see any indications of problems with the AIB
account until 1995. However, in April and June 1994 AIB asked BOA to confirm letters of credit
for two entities - American European Venture Capital and Bond Street Commercial Corporation.
These requests raised a number of questions. Although AIB did not have a credit relationship with
BOA, the communications AIB forwarded to BOA suggest that AIB had developed a financing plan
with BOA. Communications sent to BOA two months later indicate AIB was still pursuing the
confirmation of the same letters of credit. However, these requests did not lead to further
investigation or review by BOA. The relationship manager explained that the communications did
not make him suspicious, because it appeared to him that Cooper had designed a scheme to make a
deposit and convert it into a loan to accommodate a private banking customer. However these
entities were two of the venture capital corporations that were used to perpetrate the advance-fee-
for-loan fraud that eventually operated through CAB, an offshore bank that had a correspondent
account at AIB.
In October 1994, BOA learned that a client of AIBs was a sports betting company.
Gambling proceeds were being moved through the BOA account, and the AIB client was telling its
customers to wire money through the AIB account at BOA. BOA notified AIB. AIB told BOA that
the account was being terminated and wrote to BOA that “It is clearly not our policy to deal with
such companies and we are pursuing as quickly as possible to terminate the entire relationship.”91
However, AIB maintained other accounts related to sports betting and gambling throughout its
On October 10, 1995, an internal BOA memo from the Vice President of International
Deposit Services to the Vice President of Account Administration notes that the AIB account “has
recently seen a number of returned items for large dollar amounts.” The returns were for forged
checks. After providing details of the parties involved, the memo states:
It would seem to me that our customer is dealing with clients on their side that are unknown
to them. The area in which they are located, St. John’s Antigua W.I. is already well known
to us and has caused us substantial problems in the past. Therefore, based on our limited
knowledge of customers practices I would suggest the following: ..
2. Increase the availability given to this customer from 5 business days to 10 in order to
avoid a potential overdraft situation that will not be covered.
3. Upon review of the background make a logical decision as to why we should NOT
disengage from this customer. [Emphasis in original.]
On October 18, the relationship manager reported to the Vice President for International
Deposit services that he contacted Cooper, President of AIB and informed him that BOA wanted to
terminate the correspondent relationship with AIB within 60 days. As a reason he “reiterated the
several transactions below which has [sic] recently passed through his account and which we
Fax memo from William Cooper, President, AIB, to Lee Roy King, a BOA relationship manager, October
1994. Although Wulff was the relationship manager for the AIB account, he worked closely with King, who had
worked in the Carib bean reg ion for B OA for a long time . Accord ing to W ulff, sometim es Coo per wou ld
comm unicated with King.
considered unacceptable.” He later notes some of the unacceptable transactions included: 10/94
apparent gambling proceeds, advertising leaflets; 4/95 - clearing high volumes of small money
orders, apparent gambling or money laundering; 10/95 - clearing large denomination forged checks.
Cash letter activity was terminated 60 days later, and the account was completely closed in April
1996. The relationship manager said this arrangement was reached in order to give AIB time to find
a new bank and establish a correspondent relationship while still reducing AIB’s ability to move
more funds through the account.
In July 1996, the relationship manager wrote a memo about a visit he made to another
Antiguan bank. As part of that memo he included the following:
On a related subject, and although I did not call on American International Bank for obvious
reasons, exiting that relationship (the account is now totally closed) also seems to have been
prudent since although no proof is of course available, their reputation in the local market is
abysmal. Rumors include money laundering, Russian Mafia, etc., while management of that
bank also now includes the former manager of SAB, again not a reassuring situation.
The relationship manager told staff that the situation with Cooper’s reputation changed
suddenly and he “became the poster boy for bad banking.” He stated that he brought the AIB
account in as an exception and he shouldn’t have. It should be noted that no one else in the BOA
system objected to opening the account. He also told the Minority Staff when informed that other
U.S. banks serviced AIB after BOA closed the account, that it was hard to believe that other banks
would accept AIB as a client as late as 1997, noting that they should have known better by that time.
AIB maintained a correspondent account at the New York Branch of Toronto Dominion
Bank from January 1996 to January 1997. During that period, $16 million moved through its
account. AIB had previously established a correspondent account with Toronto Dominion Bank in
Canada and on January 8, 1996, requested that the Canadian branch establish a U.S. dollar account
at the New York office, which the New York office did on January 10, 1996.
Information on due diligence and account opening activities in the Canadian branch were not
made available to the Subcommittee. The New York branch did not perform any due diligence on
AIB before establishing an account, apparently relying on the due diligence performed by the
Toronto office when AIB first became a customer of the bank. The individual who handled the AIB
account in New York has left the bank, and a box of records related to the account cannot be
Monthly statements which are available show a high level of activity in the account. On
November 1, 1996, the account manager in New York sent the following email to the Toronto
To accommodate your request, we opened the above account last January. However, this is
a heavy volume account and we are not set up for this accommodation. We have therefore,
decided to close the account. Since they made their opening arrangements through
Corresponding Banking in Toronto, we now request that you notify the customer.
On the same day, the Toronto office sent a letter to AIB informing the bank that the New
York correspondent account was going to be closed. The letter stated:
As you are aware, this account was opened to accommodate your request to have a US dollar
account in the United States. Because of the high volume activity on this account (approx.
2000 per month), special arrangements had to be made with our Toronto Office to have
regular transfers made to the subject account to cover any overdrafts. This account has since
had to be monitored on a daily basis to ensure coverage of funds.
Clearly this has become a high cost account for us and it is no longer economically feasible
for us to retain this or any other such accounts.
Toronto Dominion Bank informed AIB that the account would remain open until November
30. The closing date was subsequently moved. The account was frozen in mid-December and was
closed as of January 9, 1997. In December the Toronto Dominion head office in Canada also
informed AIB that it would no longer provide cash letter services for U.S. dollar items drawn on
U.S. locations; it would continue to accept cash letters for Canadian dollar and U.S. dollar items
drawn on Canadian locations. In January 1997, the New York branch transferred the remaining
account balance to the head office in Toronto.
The Vice President and Director for the New York office where the AIB account had been
located informed the Minority Staff that the bank had not seen any suspicious activity associated
with the account. According to the counsel, the basis for the closure of the account was what was
noted in the letter to AIB - given the volume of activity, it was too costly for the Toronto Dominion
branch in New York to service the account.
In addition to the activity in AIB’s account in Toronto Dominion’s New York branch,
records of AIB’s other U.S. correspondent accounts suggest that the Toronto Dominion account in
Canada was a major conduit for AIB funds into the U.S. banking system. For example, between
June 1996 and January 1997, $20.9 million was wired to the AIB correspondent account at Chase
Manhattan Bank from the AIB account at Toronto Dominion Bank in Canada.
From the records available to the Subcommittee, it appears as if the Toronto Dominion
office in Canada maintained AIB’s correspondent account until at least mid-1997.
AIB maintained a correspondent account at Chase Manhattan Bank (Chase) from April 1996
through June 1997. During that period, $116 million moved through its account. The initial contact
was made through a “cold” or unsolicited call to AIB from a Chase representative. At the time, AIB
had been notified by BOA that its correspondent relationship would be terminated.
In the mid 1990's Chase was not promoting credit relationships with banks in many nations
in the Caribbean and South America. However, it was making a concerted effort to promote service
products that would generate fees without exposing the bank to credit risk. A major product was
electronic banking - taking advantage of the bank’s sophisticated computer equipment and
hardware to provide U.S. bank accounts and non-credit related services to offshore banks. As a
result of this focus, Chase’s contact with banks in those areas was conducted primarily through
sales representatives rather than a relationship manager that would have a wider range of
responsibilities and functions. The sales team was overseen by a credit risk manager. At the time,
Chase sales representatives working in the area handled a large number of bank clients. One
representative had more than 75 banks. The salary of the Chase representatives was tied to revenues
and fees generated by the accounts they handled. One representative reported that it could be a large
part of one’s salary.
At the time of Chase’s association with AIB, the account opening procedures required the
sales representative to obtain a letter from the client requesting to open an account, bank reference
letters, bank financials and a background/justification memo. In addition, the individual who served
as the credit risk manager at the time stated that the representatives were required to know the nature
of the bank’s business through an on-site visit and have a reasonable understanding of the
transactions the bank would initiate.
The initial contact memo for AIB was written on January 23, 1996. The memo states that
AIB will provide the copies of audited figures for the three years that AIB had been in existence.
Neither the Chase sales representative nor the risk manager could remember if the financials were
provided. A subsequent memo indicates that financial statements were received and reviewed
during February or March. However, at that time the only audited financial statement available was
the 1993 statement. Financial statements for 1994 and 1995 were not published until June 1996.
Although Antiguan regulations require that audited financial statements be produced within 4 or 5
months of the end of the year, Chase did not question the absence or lateness of the financial audit
for 1994. The memo also describes a primary function of AIB:
As I understand it, his [Greaves’] typical pitch is to ‘incorporate’ individuals into offshore
citizenship which then makes them eligible for a host of products voided to domestic (U.S.)
Nationals. Such set-up typically costs $1250 and is efficient for someone with as little as
$20M [thousand]-$25M [thousand] to invest. John elaborated to the effect that to “take-in”
deposits from US nationals is not a transgression. It becomes a transgression if and when
these nationals end up not reporting the investment, which is no legal concern of the offshore
depository institution.
When asked by staff if these comments by Greaves had caused any concern, the sales
representative who is still involved in correspondent banking for Chase replied that they showed
that Greaves knew his craft - that he set up mechanisms to ensure compliance with the law. The
representative noted that the whole essence of offshore banking is non-resident accounts, accounts
in the name of corporations with bearer shares, and directors that are lawyers “that sit in these tax
havens that make up minutes of board meetings.” He noted that the comments in the memo were
intended to be informational and not questioning whether Chase should be in the field. When asked
if part of the sales representative’s job was to make sure the client bank did not go over the line, the
representative responded if that was the case, then the bank should not be dealing with some of the
clients it had and shouldn’t be doing business in some of the countries where it was doing business.
He added, however, that in the case of AIB, it did not seem that AIB was doing anything illicit,
rather it was in the business of offshore banking and that is the type of thing AIB needed to do to
attract clients.
In March 1996, the Chase sales representative and the credit risk manager participated in a
conference call with Greaves. The purpose was to clarify three specific points before establishing a
relationship with AIB: the ownership of AIB, AIB’s due diligence and KYC policies, and Chase’s
expectations regarding cash management letters. Both Chase officials admitted that it was rather
unusual for the credit risk manager to participate in such a call before approving an account. The
credit manager could not remember if there was something in the AIB material that caused the call.
However, he noted that he generally had developed a heightened concern about small “boutique”
banks and because of the ongoing Chase-Chemical Bank merger, he was concerned that if his
department were eliminated he did not want to admit a bank that might later create problems for
whoever inherited the account. The risk manager wrote a memo on the phone conversation, and in
the section regarding AIB’s due diligence and KYC programs, he included the sales representative’s
characterization that: “Greaves stated that AIB exceeds the U.S. Treasury’s guidelines in this area.
AIB takes this issue so seriously that Greaves himself was unable to ‘free up’any time to see [the
Chase sales representative] in Miami last month while attending a local Treasury-sponsored Anti
Money Laundering Seminar.” A Chase representative noted that this characterization of AIB’s
commitment to anti-money laundering was perhaps an “embellishment.”
Regarding AIB’s Due Diligence / Know Your Customer policies, the memo reported that:
“A 12- page instructional document is sent to, and acknowledged by all AIB staffers who handle
accounts.” However, neither the credit manager nor the sales representative can recall if they ever
saw the document. After the March 26 teleconference, the AIB correspondent account was
approved and established.
As noted above, Chase representatives were required to know the nature of the bank’s
business through an on-site visit and have a reasonable understanding of the transactions they would
initiate. The sales representative stated that he believed that AIB’s businesses included offering
products to personal corporations, forming trusts and a ship registry. He told staff that although he
was not told so by AIB, on the basis of his experience, he understood that since AIB was an offshore
bank, its clientele was largely private banking type clients, individuals with enough discretionary
wealth to form trusts and other products. Neither the sales representative nor the credit manager
was aware of the Forum or the large presence that Forum-related accounts had at AIB.
In addition neither the sales representative or the credit risk manager were aware that AIB
served as a correspondent bank for a number of other offshore banks such as Caribbean American
Bank, Hanover Bank or Overseas Development and Trust Company. The manager noted that at that
time Chase representatives were not required to ask a client bank if it served as a correspondent for
other banks. He said the issue never came up, but if it were a regular service offered by AIB it
should have been raised to him. He noted that there was no Chase policy against establishing a
correspondent relationship with a bank that served as a correspondent to other banks, but noted that
if he had been aware that AIB served as a correspondent to other banks, he would have asked
additional questions about that situation.
Chase’s ongoing monitoring efforts were admittedly less rigorous for non-credit
correspondent relationships than the ongoing monitoring for credit relationships. The credit risk
manager described the effort as “reactive,” responding to any suspicious activity or any other reports
that might come to the attention of the bank. According to the credit risk manager, while the
general policy was to keep alert in all areas where Chase conducted business, there was no annual
review of non-credit relationships such as AIB’s and clients were not required to supply updated
financials. Sales representatives did not review monthly statements; they would review billing
statement analyses to get an idea of the activity of the account. Although a key aspect of ongoing
monitoring was maintenance of direct contact with the client through site visits, smaller revenue
clients were not visited on a regular basis, if at all.
In May of 1996, a new sales representative assumed responsibility for the account. The new
representative visited the AIB offices in September 1996. The report of the meeting indicates that
AIB officials advised the representative that BOA had previously handled AIB’s accounts and that
AIB had been unhappy with the support received from BOA. There was no mention that BOA, not
AIB, had terminated the relationship. The new representative stated that since she had taken over
the account after it was opened up, she didn’t inquire about the BOA relationship because she
assumed that the matter had been addressed during the opening of the account. The new
representative stated there was no information in the file about the customer base and she had
inquired about the nature of AIB’s clientele. The site visit representative noted that AIB managed
“three to four thousand offshore customers (trust private banking) and they are not allowed to
operate locally in Antigua.” The representative was not aware of the large base of Forum-related
IBCs that were part of AIB’s clientele. She noted that while she obtained an overview of the
clientele, she felt that the bank would not provide information on what the offshore client base was.
The report also noted:
This apparently did not raise concerns with the new representative. She told the Minority
Staff that she did not pay attention to AIB’s respondent banks. When asked by the Minority Staff if
she made further inquiries about the banks serviced by AIB, she noted that AIB had told her that the
banks it serviced were much smaller banks and that no money center banks would do business with
them. She noted it was a judgment call as to whether the client would tell the representative what
its customers were doing.
In March 1997, the sales representative was instructed by the Chase fraud department to
terminate the relationship with AIB. According to the sales representative, the instruction was
delivered shortly after AIB received a sizable stolen check and had recently completed a
questionable wire transfer. On March 12, 1997, Chase informed AIB that it would close the account
in 30 days (April 12). After two letters of complaint from AIB about the decision and the difficulty
of establishing a new relationship within thirty days, Chase informed AIB that it would extend the
closing date to May 17, 1997, and agreed to accept cash letters until May 2.
On April 7, AIB reiterated a request for an additional 3000 checks. On May 21, 1997, AIB
requested that its remaining balance be forwarded to Popular Bank in Florida. A June 2 Chase
memo addressed the account:
[W]e concluded that it should be closed, we can’t wait any more ... I tried to get a list of
outstanding checks from Syracuse but the list was not only very long but also included
pending items from June/96. I do not think the list is accurate. We have given them over
two weeks more from the date the account was supposed to be closed which was May 16/97.
You can go ahead and do what is necessary to close it ...
On June 17, 1997, the account was officially closed. After its correspondent account with Chase
was terminated, AIB informed its clients of the closure in the following way:
Due to certain operational considerations, we have decided to close our account with Chase
Manhattan Bank in New York by May 15, 1997.
AIB maintained a correspondent account at Popular Bank from April 1997 through July
1997. During that period, $18 million moved through its account. Popular Bank had approached
AIB about a correspondent account in early 1997.
Since April 1995, AIB maintained a Visa Credit Card settlement account at Popular Bank,
backed by a $100,000 Certificate of Deposit. Credomatic, a credit card payment processing
company, was owned by the same individuals who owned Popular Bank. Some of the financial
institutions that utilized Credomatic’s services established their escrow accounts at Popular Bank.
Popular Bank used that escrow account list to market its correspondent banking services.
In early March the relationship manager for Popular Bank wrote a letter to AIB describing
the correspondent services Popular Bank could provide and requested the following from AIB:
financial statements for the past three years, background on the bank and the nature of its business,
identity of the major shareholders and other business interests they had, and a list of senior officers.
A site visit was not made before the account was opened. The account manager was planning a visit
to Antigua and Barbuda in the near future and planned to make a site visit at that time. In a later
communication, the relationship manager requested a list of some of the correspondent banks used
by AIB.
In a letter responding to the request, Greaves pointed out that AIB operated in Antigua and
Barbuda and Dominica. The letter noted that AMT Trust was a part of the American International
Banking Group, formed and managed corporations, and had over 5000 corporations on its books
that could be incorporated in Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts or Dominica. Greaves also pointed out
that American International Management Services Ltd. provided full back office services for
offshore banks and corporations. The letter also states that “the bank does very little lending and is
mainly used as an investment vehicle for our clients.” At the same time, AIB’s balance sheet
showed that as of December 1996, AIB had over $40 million in loans and advances out of a total
asset base of $57 million. The list of correspondent banks provided by AIB named Toronto
Dominion Bank in Canada, Privat Kredit Bank in Switzerland and Berenberg Bank in Germany.
The list did not include any of AIB’s U.S. correspondents.
As part of the due diligence process, the relationship manager made inquiries about AIB
with a European bank with a branch in Antigua and Barbuda. He was cautioned to be careful about
doing business in Antigua and Barbuda, although no negative information about AIB or its officers
was transmitted.
The account became operational on April 1, 1997. Although the account was quiet during
the first month, activity increased dramatically in the month of May. During that month, $7.5
million was deposited and $2.7 million was withdrawn from the account (including $1.6 million
withdrawn through 488 checks). Also in May, the relationship manager made an inquiry of AIB
about some of AIBs customers and, at the end of May, learned that AIB serviced the accounts of
sports betting companies. In June, Popular Bank received a request from a Russian bank to transmit
the text of two loan guarantees ($10 million and $20 million) to AIB, for further transmittal to
Overseas Development Bank and Trust. Popular Bank refused to transmit the guarantees, because it
would have put Popular Bank in the position of guaranteeing the loans for the Russian banks, which
were not clients of Popular Bank.
In early June, the relationship manager visited Antigua and Barbuda. During the trip, he
visited the AIB offices and acquired some AIB brochures that highlighted some services of the
group that raised questions about its vulnerability to money laundering and the nature of the
clientele it was trying to attract. One document described the various entities that made up the
American International Banking Group and the bank formation and management services offered by
the group, including the fact that AIMS provided back office services for some of the offshore banks
that had accounts with AIB. The description of the management services offered by the American
International Management Services Ltd. (“AIMS”) contained the following:
It has become increasingly important for overseas tax authorities to see that the ‘mind and
management’ of a bank is in the country of origin. Therefore, we are now providing
management services for a number of our clients. American International Management
Services Ltd. can provide offshore management services for an offshore bank.
...In addition to the administrative responsibilities mentioned above, we will also provide
full back office services. These services will include but not be limited to: establishing an
account with American International Bank to make wire transfers and the issuance of
multi-currency drafts; the operation of a computerized banking and accounting system;
issuance of certificates of deposit and account statements; administrative/clerical functions
relating to the purchase and sale of securities and foreign exchange and the filing of all
correspondence/documentation and all other ancillary functions of an administrative nature.
... [emphasis added]
Another document describing the corporate and trust services of the American International
Banking Group identified a number of advantages of incorporating in Antigua and Barbuda, some of
which stressed how, under Antiguan law, it was easy to hide information about account activity and
- Antigua and Barbuda only has an Exchange of Information Treaty with the U.S.A and this
is only for criminal matters.
- There are no requirements to file any corporate reports with the government regarding any
offshore activities.
- The books of the corporation may be kept in any part of the world.
The manager informed the Minority Staff that he also visited with governmental officials
and became concerned when he learned that although the government was in the process of
collecting a great deal of information about its offshore banks, it lacked the resources to review and
analyze the information it had collected.
On June 13, he filed a report on his visit to AIB. The memo reviewed the various entities
that made up the American International Banking group. After noting that one of the entities in the
group provided back office services that included establishing accounts at AIB, he commented:
“The back up services provided by the group offer a high risk as we do not know either the entities
The memo also noted that information obtained from the Antiguan banking community
about Greaves “leaves me uncomfortable.” The memo concluded with the following
Antigua has no regulations nor the capacity to enforce them for offshore banks.
John Greaves has not the best prestige among bankers in Antigua. [emphasis in original]
On June 16, the relationship manager sent a facsimile to AIB, stating the following:
Please be advised that we will be unable to continue servicing your operating account
effective Monday June 23rd 1997. Please do not send any more items for deposit after today
June 16th 1997.
We thank you for your business but we must be guided by U.S. banking regulations which
require a disclosure of comprehensive information about our clients and parties involved in
our transactions.
The bank refused to grant an extension to AIB. Two days later, Popular Bank also
terminated AIB’s credit card settlement account, which had been at the bank since 1995. In the
month of June, $7.8 million was deposited into AIB’s account at Popular Bank and $11.6 million
was withdrawn (including $3.4 million through 962 checks). All account activity was ceased at the
end of June and the account was closed in early July.
AIB maintained a correspondent account at Barnett Bank from May 1997 through November
1997. During that period, $63 million moved through its account. AIB President John Greaves
contacted the relationship manager for Barnett’s Caribbean division and said that AIB was looking
for a correspondent bank to provide cash management activities for the bank in the United States.
correspondent accounts was shared with the Treasury Management Services Department, which
handled the cash management services of the account. The correspondent banker, also called the
relationship manager, would handle both credit and cash management relationships. The Caribbean
Region office in Barnett had about 25 clients and did a lot of cash letter and wire transfer business.
While financial incentives were not offered to relationship managers for attracting new accounts,
they were related to fee income and loan balances.
The relationship manager said that as part of her due diligence review, she would check with
the bank regulator of the jurisdiction in which the client was located. The regulatory authority of
the bank’s home jurisdiction was assessed as part of a country risk evaluation. However those
assessments were performed for credit relationships; they were not done for cash management, non-
credit relationships. Similarly, although reports of agencies that rated the creditworthiness of banks
were reviewed, the reports didn’t include Caribbean banks. Bankers were not required to perform
an initial site visit or write a call memo before the relationship was established. An initial site visit
was not made to AIB, because the relationship manager had just returned from a trip to Antigua and
Barbuda when AIB made its request to open an account. The manager made a site visit during the
next scheduled trip to Antigua and Barbuda in August of 1997.
Treasury Management would review the account opening documentation for completeness
and establish the account. The relationship manager had the authority to approve the opening of a
non-credit relationship. Credit relationships had to be reviewed and approved by a credit
When Greaves initially contacted the relationship manager, he explained that the bank
serviced private banking clients and trusts. Information materials supplied to Barnett by AIB
indicated that the bank serviced wealthy individuals. The manager was unaware of Melvin Ford or
the Forum and had not heard of Caribbean American Bank and the relationship those entities had
with AIB. The relationship manager was not aware that AIB served as a correspondent to a number
of offshore banks. The relationship manager was unaware that AIB had licensed a bank in
Dominica in June of 1996. The fact that there were other companies in the American International
Banking Group that formed IBCs was not viewed as relevant to the bank. Barnett did not obtain any
information that provided details of AIB’s client base. Because AIB had a cash management
relationship, its loan profile and loan philosophy were not reviewed.
The relationship manager noted that the staff always tried to perform substantial due
diligence but Barnett did not have a presence in the local market and had to rely on the opinions of
people in the market and the regulatory agencies. However, the manager noted that those entities
are reluctant to provide information and don’t want to say anything negative about another party.
Barnett said that their reluctance to provide information made it difficult for Barnett to assess the
entire situation.
With respect to ongoing monitoring, the relationship manager would make annual on-site
visits to banks that had cash management relationships with Barnett and more frequent visits o
clients with credit relationships. The relationship manager would review some recent monthly
statements and check with Treasury Management on the status of the account before making site
visits. Treasury Management would notify the manager if any unusual activity was noticed, and
Barnett said it had an Anti-Money Laundering unit that monitored accounts.
The AIB account at Barnett Bank operated for 5 months. During that period, the account
experienced substantial wire and checking activity. In June and July, there was a large number of
transfers out of the account valued between one and ten thousand dollars. In July, there were over
500 checks issued for a total value of $3.2 million. The relationship manager noted that the volume
of checks was unusual and it was also unusual to issue checks in the denomination of seventy-five
to one hundred thousand dollars, as AIB was doing. In August, there were $5 million worth of
checks written against the account.
The relationship manager was informed by Treasury Management personnel in about July
that there was a large volume of wire transfer activity in the account and it was difficult to keep up
with the volume. When an inquiry was made to AIB, the bank explained that the activity was
related to many payments to trust accounts. This response didn’t raise the suspicions of the
In late July or early August, prior to a trip to Antigua and Barbuda, the relationship manager
noted an incoming wire transfer for $13 million. It attracted the manager’s attention because it was
unusually large. She was unable to reach Greaves, and she received an unsatisfactory explanation
about the wire from AIB’s operations manager. The following week the relationship manager
traveled to Antigua and Barbuda and met with AIB officials. She was still unable to receive a
satisfactory explanation for the $13 million transfer. After returning to Miami, she spoke with the
head of the International Banking Department and the Compliance Department and the decision was
made to close the account. Initially, Barnett informed AIB that the account would be closed at the
beginning of October. AIB requested additional time, and Barnett agreed to hold the account open
until November. AIB was able to use wire transfer services throughout that period. The account
was closed in November.
(8) AIB’s Relationship with Overseas Development Bank and Trust Company
In late 1997 AIB was suffering severe liquidity problems largely because of non-performing
loans and the attempt by certain investors to withdraw their funds. As the growing liquidity
problem threatened the solvency of the bank, the owners of Overseas Development Bank and Trust
Company Ltd. (“ODBT”), an offshore bank licensed in Dominica, attempted to take over AIB.
ODBT was licensed in 1995 in Dominica; it was one of the first offshore banks licensed in
Dominica after Dominica passed its law allowing offshore banks in June 1996.92 ODBT’s
formation was handled by AMT Management, the British Virgin Islands corporation owned by
William Cooper and his wife. ODBT’s initial shareholders were Cooper, his wife and John
Greaves. The Coopers disposed of their shares and the owners of ODBT, each with an equal share,
became John Greaves, Arthur Reynolds and Malcolm West.
On December 30, 1997, AIB and ODBT signed an agreement for the sale of all of AIB’s
assets and liabilities to ODBT. At the same time, officers of both AIB and ODBT wrote to a former
U.S. correspondent bank of AIB and informed it that ODBT was taking over the assets of AIB.93 In
January 1998, the counsel for ODBT issued an opinion certifying that he had examined the
documents associated with the purchase (purchase agreement, deed of assignment, absolute bill of
sale, assumption of liabilities) and that the documents were “duly executed and legally binding and
enforceable.” On January 6, 1998, the Board of Directors of ODBT published a public notice
stating that the bank had purchased the assets and liabilities of AIB, that it had applied to the
Government of Antigua and Barbuda for a banking license and that if the license were granted it
hoped to employ 50 people in its bank in Antigua and Barbuda. However over the next 4 months,
the financial problems of AIB did not abate and by April, after ODBT had invested nearly $4.5
million in AIB, the purchase agreement was dissolved. The owners of ODBT subsequently worked
out an arrangement with the receiver of AIB to assume $4.5 million worth of loans payable to AIB
The other offshore bank initially licensed was American International Bank and Trust Company Ltd,
owned by Cooper and his wife. According to the manager of the Dominica International Business Unit (the
governmental body that regulates offshore banks), American International and ODBT were closely aligned. The
banks’ applications were submitted at the same time, they shared the same agent (AMT Management) and they
shared th e same o ffice space .
In order to comply with Antiguan regulations that prohibit a bank from using the word “trust” in its name,
the owners of ODBT applied for, and received, a temporary bank license for a new Antiguan bank in the name of
Overseas Development Bank (“ODB”). In a December 1997 letter to the counsel in Antigua and Barbuda who was
handling th e incorp oration a nd licensin g for OD BT, J ohn G reaves su pplied “a full name o f all shareho lders in
various companies that own the Overseas D evelopment Bank & Trust Company Ltd.” A ccording to Greaves’ letter,
ODBT was owned 100% by Overseas Development Corporation, an Antiguan Corporation, which was owned by
three com panies - Fin ancial Se rvices G roup, Inte rnational M anagem ent Servic es, Inc., and Overse as Deve lopmen t &
Trust C ompa ny. The owners of the Financial Services group were listed John Greaves, Arthur Reynolds and Derek
Pinard (General Manager of ODBT). Greaves was listed as the owner of International Management Services, Inc.
The owner of Overseas Development Trust Company was listed as the Honorable Ivan Buchanan (a director of
ODBT). Malcolm West was not listed.
In the second half of 1999, Greaves and Reynolds sold their shares to West, who told the
Minority Staff that he is currently the sole shareholder of ODBT.
Like AIB, ODBT was one of a group of companies within an umbrella group; ODBT’s
umbrella group was called Overseas Development Banking Group. In addition to ODBT, the group
contained companies for corporate and trust formation and bank management.
ODBT shared a number of common elements with AIB. Although licensed in Dominica, the
bank was operated out of Antigua and Barbuda by AIMS, the bank management service owned by
Greaves and closely tied with AIB.95 A number of officers and employees of AIB and the
The owners of ODBT subsequently characterized the relationship with AIB in different ways. In one
instance, the investment in AIB was a “loan” rather than expenditures associated with the purchase of the bank. In
another communication, Greaves stated that “in order to offer final assistance to American International Bank and
their clients aimed more at perhaps assisting the image of the offshore banking industry than the individual bank, we
purchased loans from the Receiver to the sum of US $4.5 million. All of these loans are active and in good standing
although some of them are longer than we would prefer.” The receiver of AIB informed the Minority Staff that
many of the loans assumed by ODBT were non-performing and the current owner of ODBT concurred, stating that
the bank was plann ing to initiate leg al proce eding to r ecover the funds. O DBT officials estima ted that ap proxim ately
one half of the $4.5 million in loans were related to interest associated with the former owner of AIB, Cooper.
In December 1999, the Supervisor of International Banks of the Antiguan International Financial Sector
Authority (the immediate predecessor to the International Financial Sector Regulatory Authority, the current
regulator of offshore banks in Antigua and Barbuda) wro te to ODB and informed the bank that its tentative license
was to be revoked on Janua ry 14, 2000, due to lack of activity and assets.
After ODBT abandoned its takeover of AIB, a second takeover effort was mounted. In May, another
Antiguan bank , called Oversea s Develop ment Bank , Antigua was forme d. The ba nk was granted a license in one day.
Accor ding to filings that acco mpanie d the licens e applica tion, that lead ership of th e bank w as closely c onnecte d to
the Forum operations. The major shareholder (owning 3 million of 5 million shares of the capital stock) was
Wilshire Trust Limited, which was one of the trusts that controlled many of the Forum-related investments. Some
board members of the new Overseas Development Bank, Antigua, also had ties with the Forum. David Jarvis had
run the Forum office in Antigua and Barbuda. Earl Coley of Clinton, Maryland, was a frequent speaker at Forum
meetings and is reported to be a relative of Gwendolyn Ford Moody, who handled much of the financial activity for
Melvin Ford and the Forum. A number of individuals familiar with the formation of Overseas Development Bank,
Antigua told the Minority Staff that backers of the new bank were two Antiguan banks, Antigua Overseas Bank and
World W ide International Bank. Both of those banks serviced accounts of Forum-related investors. However, the
staff saw no written record of their involvement. Within a month or two, after investing a few million dollars,
Overseas Development Bank, Antigua abandoned its efforts to takeover AIB. The Minority Staff has acquired
records that show that at the same time that Overseas Development Bank, Antigua was formed, Corporate and
Accounting Services Ltd., one of the accounting firms that administered accounts of the Forum-related IBCs, sent
out a letter to IBC members offering them the opportunity to buy shares of Overseas Development Bank, Antigua.
In Augus t 2000 , the Antigua n Internatio nal Financ ial Sector Regulato ry Author ity informed the Min ority
Staff that Overseas Development Bank, Antigua had not been in operation since August 1998 and the bank had been
put on no tice that its licens e was to b e revoke d.
AIM S chang ed its nam e to Ove rseas M anagem ent Servic es (“OM S”) befo re closing in August 1 999.
Greaves also informed the Minority Staff that AIMS was also known as International Management Services (“IMS”)
before its n ame wa s change d to Ov erseas M anagem ent Servic es (“OM S”).
management service became employees of ODBT and were authorized signators for the
correspondent accounts established for ODBT. 96 From the time that ODBT commenced operations
as an offshore bank through the end of 1997, it used AIB as its correspondent bank to access the
U.S. financial system. ODBT also issued Visa cards to its clients through AIB.
Promotional literature of ODBT touted the secrecy and anonymity the bank used to attract
Numbered accounts - are available and are particularly useful; not only in providing
anonymity but, as further security against unauthorized access to accounts. ... Bank secrecy
regulations do not permit the release of any information without specific written permission
from the account holder. ... Annual bank audits required by Government do not reflect
individual accounts. ... Account information is otherwise only available by order from the
high Court. ... Formation of ‘International Business “offshore’ companies’ can be arranged
in a variety of Caribbean jurisdictions. Such companies can be comprised of Registered, or
Bearer shares, or a combination of both, at the discretion of the client. ... In the case of
Bearer Share companies, where the client is concerned about anonymity, our trust company
can function as the Sole Director.
Another brochure on the Overseas Development Banking Group offered clients economic
citizenship in other jurisdictions.97
As a result of these policies, ODBT had numerous accounts where the true owners were
unknown to the bank. In an interview with the Minority Staff, ODBT officials said that because of
the wide use of bearer share accounts in the bank, they could not determine the beneficial owners of
almost half of ODBT’s accounts. So, for example, when asked how many of their clients were
from the United States, they were unable to answer. Bank personnel knew who the signators on the
accounts were, but they had no way of identifying the beneficial owner of the accounts. The bank
personnel told the Minority Staff that when ownership of ODBT was shifted to West in July 1999,
the bank had roughly 3,000 accounts and nearly 45% of those accounts did not contain sufficient
information to establish ownership and were closed. West told the Minority Staff that the bank
currently had approximately 100 accounts.
They included: Pat Randall D iedrick, Assistant Manager, ODBT (Corporate Secretary and D irector, AIB),
Danley Philip, Assistant Manager, ODB T (Assistant Manager/Accoun tant, AIB) Sharon W eeks, Accounts Manager,
ODB T (AIM S emplo yee), Ann e Mar ie Athill, Office Mana ger, OD BT ( AIM S emplo yee).
Economic citizenship is conferred when an individual makes the investment of a certain amount of money
in, and/or pays a fee to, a country and in return receives a citizenship in that country. The required level of
investmen t and/or fee is set by the co untry offering the citizensh ip. As with IB Cs, econ omic citize nship is gen erally
offered by jurisdictions that also have little or no taxation and bank secrecy and co rporate secrecy statutes.
Individu als who o btain the ec onomic citizenship can then e njoy the ec onomic benefits of th ose po licies and o btain
second passpo rts.
At the same time, ODBT’s due diligence policy told a different story. In an August 1996
publication, which was sent to one of its U.S. correspondent banks, ODBT stated that its policy for
International Business Corporation (IBC) accounts was to require its employees to obtain, among
other things: “Full details of beneficial owner, including address, work and home telephone number
and relationships with employer and social security number of U.S. citizen,” a copy of the beneficial
owner’s passport; and a banker’s reference. For individual accounts, the policy directed that
“personal identification must be taken and retained on file, i.e. a copy of the front page of the
passport with photographs, drivers license, etc.”, and that employees should “obtain a home address
and telephone number and verify that by calling after the interview if there is no acceptable
supporting information.”
Of those clients who were actually identifiable, several raise serious concerns.
ODBT was a key offshore vehicle used in the Koop fraud.98 William H. Koop, a U.S. citizen
from New Jersey, was the central figure in a financial fraud which, in two years from 1997 to 1998,
bilked hundreds of U.S. investors out of millions of dollars through a fraudulent high yield
investment program. Koop carried out this fraud in part by using three offshore banks, ODBT,
Hanover Bank, and British Trade and Commerce Bank (BTCB). In February 2000, Koop pleaded
guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering. As part of his plea agreement to cooperate with
government investigations into his crimes, Koop provided the Minority Staff investigation with a
lengthy interview as well as documents related to his use of offshore banks.
ODBT was the first offshore bank Koop used in his fraud and seemed to set a pattern for
how he used the other two. First, ODBT established Koop’s initial offshore corporation,
International Financial Solutions, Ltd., a Dominican company that would become one of Koop’s
primary corporate vehicles for the fraud. Second, over time, ODBT opened 5 accounts for Koop
and allowed him to move millions of dollars in illicit proceeds through them. Third, ODBT itself
began to feature in the fraud after Koop offered, for a fee, to open an offshore account for any
investor wishing to keep funds offshore. Documentation suggests that Koop opened at least 60
ODBT accounts for fraud victims, before ODBT liquidity problems caused Koop to switch his
operations to Hanover Bank and BTCB.
The documentation indicates that Koop had accounts at ODBT for almost two years, from
August 1997 until April 1999, which was also the key time period for his fraudulent activity.99
ODBT documentation indicates that the bank established at least five Dominican corporations for
For more information, see the explanation of the Koop fraud in the appendix.
ODB T also a ppears to have ke pt the Ko op-relate d acco unts after it term inated its asso ciation with A IB in
the spring of 1998, possibly because Ko op was one of the few AIB d epositors with substantial assets.
The statements for one of the accounts established by Koop include four entries showing
that Koop paid $300 per account to open 60 additional accounts at ODBT, apparently for fraud
victims who wished to open their own offshore accounts.101 When asked, West indicated during his
interview that he had been unaware of the 60 accounts opened by Koop for third parties. He said
that, in 1999, ODBT had closed numerous accounts with small balances due to a lack of information
about the beneficial owners of the funds, and guessed that the 60 accounts were among the closed
accounts. While he promised to research the 60 accounts, he did not provide any additional
information about them.
Koop directed his co-conspirators and fraud victims to send funds to his ODBT accounts
through various U.S. correspondent accounts. For example, account statements for Jamaica
Citizens Bank Ltd. (now Union Bank of Jamaica, Miami Agency) show numerous Koop-related
transactions from October 1997 into early 1998. Wire transfer documentation shows repeated
transfers through Barnett Bank in Jacksonville. In both cases, the funds went through a U.S.
account belonging to AIB, and from there were credited to ODBT and then to Koop. In January
1998, Koop also issued wire transfer instructions directing funds to be sent to Bank of America in
New York, for credit to Antigua Overseas Bank, for further credit to Overseas Development Bank,
and then to one of his five accounts at ODBT.
Given the millions of dollars that went through his ODBT accounts, it is likely that Koop
was one of ODBT’s larger clients. The documentation indicates that Koop was in frequent contact
with West and ODBT administrative personnel at AIMS, in part due to his establishment of new
corporations and frequent wire transfers. West said that he recognized the name but professed not
to remember Koop. There is also no documentation indicating that ODBT expressed any concerns
about the nature of Koop’s business, the deposits made to his account from so many sources, the
source of the funds, or their rapid turnover.
Koop might have remained at ODBT, except that in the spring of 1998, ODBT began
experiencing liquidity problems due to its efforts to prop up the solvency of AIB, and it began
failing to complete Koop’s wire transfer requests. Koop materials from this time period state:
We are currently transacting our banking business with the Overseas Development Bank and
Trust Company, which is domiciled in the island of Dominic[a] in the West Indies. We have
See the appendix for more d etails on the corporations and accounts.
These account entries were:
witnessed a slowness in doing business with this bank as far as deposit transfers and wire
transfers are concerned. Because of these delays, we have made arrangements with the
Hanover Bank to open accounts for each of our clients that are currently with ODB, without
any charge to you. If you are interested in doing so, please send a duplicate copy of your
bank reference letter ... passport picture ... [and] drivers license .... IFS [one of Koop’s
companies] will then open an account for you in the Hanover Bank, in the name of your
By April 1998, Koop began directing his co-conspirators and fraud victims to deposit funds
in U.S. correspondent accounts being used by Hanover Bank or British Trade and Commerce
Bank,102 and generally stopped using his ODBT accounts.
The audited financial statements of ODBT also raised some issues. The 1996 audit, due in
the spring of 1997, was not produced until July 1997. In the 1998 audit, produced in July 1999, the
auditor noted:
[W]e were unable to verify the accuracy and collectability of the amount of $1,365,089 due
from American International Bank (In Receivership) since we have not yet received a third
party confirmation and there were no practical alternative audit procedures to enable us to
substantiate the collectability of the amount. No provision has been made in the Financial
Statements in the event of any uncollectable amounts.
Our examination of the US Dollar bank reconciliation revealed that there were numerous
reconciling items totaling $2,198,181.72 for which management was unable to obtain the
supporting information from American International Bank to substantiate their entries on the
bank statement. Management is of the view that although the balance is in its favor, it arose
as a result of errors on the path of American International Bank.
In January 1999 three default judgments totaling $1.2 million had been entered against
ODBT in Dominica. Two of the judgments (one for $487,000 and another for $350,000) involved
unauthorized use of client funds and failure to return client funds. The third judgment was for
$400,000 and involved a complaint by Western Union that ODBT failed to repay Western Union for
wires sent through and paid by Western Union.
First National Bank of Commerce (now Bank One International Corporation). ODBT
Both o f these ban ks are the su bject of c ase studies in this repo rt.
maintained a correspondent account at First National Bank of Commerce (“FNBC”) from January
1998 through October 1998. One of the owners of ODBT contacted an attorney associated with
FNBC about opening a correspondent account with the bank.
In late 1997, shortly after ODBT and AIB reached an agreement on the sale of AIB to
ODBT, Arthur Reynolds, one of the owners and Board members of ODBT, wrote a letter to a New
Orleans attorney, Joseph Kavanaugh, asking for assistance in setting up a correspondent account.
Reynolds noted that ODBT was acquiring AIB and that ODBT had previously utilized AIB’s
correspondent banking network and Visa card services. However, he said, those services had been
withdrawn from AIB, and ODBT would not be able to use those services “pending a complete new
due diligence and reviewing an audited statement on the expanded ODBT operation.” Reynolds
also noted that one U.S. bank that had been processing over 1000 checks per week for AIB and
ODBT was expected to terminate the relationship because it could not handle the volume. Reynolds
concluded the letter by noting that “time is of the essence in this situation.”
Reynolds forwarded his business card, a copy of ODBT’s banking license, a one page
consolidated balance sheet covering the period up to December 11, 1998, and resumes and reference
letters for himself and Greaves. Kavanaugh then sent this material to a correspondent banker at
FNBC on January 2, 1998. By January 29, 1998, FNBC had established a correspondent account
for ODBT. None of the documents related to the ODBT account that were supplied by FNBC in
response to a Subcommittee subpoena indicate what, if any, additional information was collected or
due diligence was performed.
Over the course of the relationship, two additional accounts at FNBC were opened for
ODBT, one in March 1998 and another in May 1998. Other than communications regarding the
updating of signatures on signature cards and the return of a few checks, there are no records to
indicate there was any contact between the relationship manager at FNBC and ODBT between the
time the accounts were opened and late August1998.
There were two communications which raise questions about how well FNBC
representatives understood the operations of their client, ODBT. On July 27, 1998, the FNBC
relationship manager wrote a letter to Eddie St. Clair Smith, the receiver of AIB in Antigua and
Barbuda, enclosing the signature cards and resolutions for the three ODBT accounts at FNBC and
asking Smith to sign and return them. On August 31, the FNBC Regional Manager for Latin
America also wrote to Smith to inform him that Bank One had acquired FNBC (“your
correspondent in New Orleans”). The regional manager informed Smith that he would try to contact
Smith within the next day or so and looked forward “to continuing and developing the
correspondent banking relationship that your institution has maintained with First National Bank of
Smith was, and continues to be, the receiver for AIB. As far as the Minority Staff can tell,
Smith had no affiliation with ODBT other than as receiver for AIB negotiating the settlement of
accounts and money owed with respect to ODBT’s former dealings with AIB. ODBT wasn’t in
receivership, and if it had been, that should have raised questions for FNBC . Yet, FNBC
communicated with an individual identified as such, and there is nothing in the FNBC records to
indicate that FNBC had any concerns or made any inquiry about the fact that its correspondent
appeared to be in receivership, even though it was the wrong bank.
On September 22, 1998, nearly nine months after FNBC established a correspondent
relationship with ODBT, the FNBC Latin America Regional Manager wrote the following to
Greaves of ODBT:
..the following information is required in order to document and evaluate the correspondent
banking relationship with Overseas Development Bank & Trust Company, Ltd.:
Annual reports for the last three years including the auditor’s statement of opinion.
A brief explanation of significant changes in the balance sheet and income statement
over the last three years.
The following day, Greaves responded with a letter that answered some of the questions
posed by the manager and included some of the requested documents. He promised to supply the
rest of the requested materials and wrote, “The Certificate of Good Standing will be included but
will, of course, come from the Dominican banking regulators.” On August 9, 2000, the manager of
the International Business Unit for Dominica informed the Subcommittee that a Certificate of Good
Standing had never been issued to ODBT.
On October 2, 1998, the FNBC relationship manager received a letter from the President of a
U.S. company requesting FNBC to confirm that a large quantity of oil was available for sale by a
client of ODBT’s and asking FNBC to issue a 2% performance bond as guarantee of delivery.
On October 5, 1998, the bank informed ODBT that the correspondent relationship would be
terminated on October 15, 1998. The reason given for terminating the relationship was lack of
“strategic fit” between FNBC and ODBT. It was subsequently agreed that FNBC would move the
closure date back to November 2, 1998, and ODBT would discontinue sending cash letters for
processing on October 28, 1998. Two of the three ODBT accounts were closed on November 2,
1998. A third account remained open solely for the payment of pending drafts. That account was
closed on December 16, 1998.
At the time, according to the Senior Vice President for correspondent banking, AmTrade had
a very small correspondent banking business, with a focus on Latin/South America and the
Caribbean. The staff consisted of a Senior Vice President, who reported to the President of the
bank, another correspondent banker and some assistants. The Senior Vice President handled credit
relationships and the other banker was responsible for depository, or cash management,
relationships. The bank had about 40- 45 credit relationships and 20 depository relationships on the
Caribbean/Latin American area. The Senior Vice President and the compliance officer were
responsible for approving new accounts. According to the Senior Vice President, in principle the
bank had a policy of visiting correspondent clients once a year at the client’s bank site, but he added
that bank representatives also met with clients at meetings outside the bank’s jurisdiction, such as
banking conferences.
In March 1999 Malcolm West, a shareholder of ODBT, met with AmTrade officials and
discussed establishing a correspondent relationship. Later in March, the President of AmTrade
Bank, Herbert Espinosa, asked the Senior Vice President to meet with West to discuss the opening
of a correspondent account. According to the Senior Vice President, ODBT was referred to
AmTrade by its majority owner, Lord Sandberg, who had an acquaintance with a board member of
ODBT, Lord Razzle. Espinosa asked the Senior Vice President to be the account manager and have
the primary relationship with West because of the Sandberg/Razzle connection. The Senior Vice
President had little connection with the day to day operation of the account, which was assigned to
another account manager.
The Senior Vice President understood that ODBT did a fair amount of private banking and
served businesses and individuals in the area. It was expected that the bank would require cash
management services such as wire transfers, possibly check clearances and a pass though checking
account. No site visit was made before opening the account. The Senior Vice President said he
understood that the President was traveling and would meet with the client on site during his trip
(sometime between April and August). There is no site visit or call report in the client file.
However, the Vice President stated that he met with West four or five times between March and
August, when he left the bank.
Significant details of ODBT’s ownership, its background, practices and current status, which
may have affected the decision to open the account were unknown to AmTrade. The government
investigation and prosecution of the fee-for-loan fraud that was operated through Caribbean
American Bank and American International Bank occurred in Florida. Significant national and local
publicity had been focused on the case as indictments and prosecutions were initiated from mid-
1997 and continued through the time that AmTrade was conducting its due diligence review of
ODBT. The Senior Vice President was not aware of the role of AIB, where Greaves served as
President, in the fraud, but said he would have raised it as an issue had he known.
Although AmTrade did not have a policy against accepting banks that offered bearer share
account, the Senior Vice President said he typically did not like to deal with them because of the
problems they present. However, he was not aware that a significant portion of ODBT’s accounts
were bearer share accounts.
AmTrade received ODBT’s internal financials for 1998 and was aware that ODBT resources
had been committed to the takeover of AIB and resulted in the assumption of loans from AIB. The
Vice President was not sure if AmTrade had received the audited financial statements for previous
years and was not aware of the issues raised in the audited financial statements for FY 97, such as
the auditor’s finding that ODBT management could not find supporting information to substantiate
over $2 million worth of entries into its balance sheet. He stated that the issue would have raised
concerns with respect of the adequacy of assets and questions as to the strength of the balance
sheets. The auditor’s finding that it could not verify the accuracy and collectibility of $1.3 million
due from AIB, and that ODBT had made no provision to address uncollectible amounts, raised
issues as to the quality of the asset base and the impact on the balance sheet and the capital base.
The official was unaware that in early 1999 three judgments totaling $1.2 million had been
entered against ODBT in Dominica. He mentioned that it would have been an issue that needed to
be resolved. Similarly, he was unaware that in April 1999, shortly before the due diligence review
on ODBT was initiated, the President of the bank received a subpoena for OBDT records from a
governmental enforcement agency investigating financial crimes. The Senior Vice President stated
that he was never informed of the subpoena and thought it was strange that he was not informed.
He stated that had he known about the subpoena he would have held up opening the account until he
knew how the investigation was resolved.
The Senior Vice President left AmTrade in August 1999. There are no documents in the
records supplied to the Subcommittee that indicate that there was any additional contact or
interaction between AmTrade representatives and ODBT after that period (other than monthly
statements) until AmTrade sent a letter to ODBT terminating the relationship on August 8, 2000.
The Senior Vice President observed that some additional oversight probably should have
been performed and AmTrade could have done more with respect to the background check on the
bank itself. He also noted it would have been helpful if he or the other account manager had visited
the site earlier.
AIB was a troubled bank from the beginning. It was licensed and operated in a jurisdiction,
Antigua and Barbuda, which did not effectively regulate its banks during the time that the bank
existed. There were a number of warning signs that certain policies and practices of AIB posed
serious money laundering vulnerabilities: the servicing of correspondent accounts, Internet
gambling, and bearer share accounts, and AIB’s related business activities such as arranging
economic citizenship and promoting IBCs.
Moreover, even as troubles for AIB mounted, activities of its clients came under law
enforcement attention and its reputation diminished in the local banking community, U.S.
correspondents did not seem to pick up on those developments. As a Bank of America
representative wrote of AIB in 1996, “ their reputation in the local market is abysmal.” Yet, even
after that assessment, a number of new correspondent accounts for AIB was established. No one
appeared to question why AIB moved from bank to bank. As one manager noted it was difficult to
receive candid appraisals from other banks who serviced the account. This enabled AIB to continue
opening new correspondent banking accounts and maintain its access into the U.S. financial system.
The nature of the correspondent relationship that most banks had with AIB also resulted in a
weakened degree of scrutiny. Non-credit, cash management relationships were viewed as
opportunities to generate fees without putting the correspondent bank at risk. Since the basic
investment in the cash management systems had already been made and the incremental costs of
handling additional accounts were generally nominal, the cash management accounts provided a
risk-free, solid rate of return. Because of the low level of risk, the banks that established
relationships with AIB performed a lower level of scrutiny during both the account opening and
monitoring stages than if they had established a credit relationship where their own funds were at
risk. Most of the banks interviewed by staff noted that certain reviews or assessments were only
applied to banks that were attempting to establish credit relationships and therefore would put the
correspondents’ funds at risk. In the case of ODBT, fundamental due diligence questions were
never asked until almost nine months after the correspondent relationship was established.
The fact that a certain type of correspondent relationship poses a lower level of financial risk
to the correspondent bank does not mean that it poses a lower risk of money laundering. In fact, it
could be quite the opposite. The lower level of scrutiny applied to non-credit relationships plays
into the hands of money launderers who require only a system to move funds back into the U.S.
financial system. The less scrutiny that system receives, the greater the money laundering
opportunities and greater the chances for success.
Although some of the banks reviewed in this section reacted quickly after problems and
issues surfaced during the operation of the AIB account, initial due diligence was often lacking. This
enabled AIB to move from one correspondent relationship to another, opening a new account at one
bank while an existing account at another bank was being terminated, even as its problems
accumulated and its reputation diminished. Then, as its access to U.S. correspondents began to
diminish, AIB was able to utilize the services of U.S. banks through a correspondent account it
established at Antigua Overseas Bank, which itself had correspondent relationships with U.S. banks.
Through its relationship with Antigua Overseas Bank, AIB received banking services from some of
the same banks that had said they no longer wanted to provide those services to AIB. All of these
factors allowed AIB and the clients it served to maintain their gateway into the U.S. banking system.
April 1996-June 1997
MAY $0 $220,000 $0 $0 0 $.66
JUNE $.66 $2,419,588 $1,877,551 $26,457 12 $7,243
JULY $7,243 $18,783,934 $14,027,641 $3,200,766 858 $37,390
AUGUST $37,390 $21,310,634 $18,525,032 $5,625,795 1001 $70,959
SEPTEMBER $70,959 $16,406,311 $13,899,129 $2,974,534 863 $.79
OCTOBER $.79 $3,625,040 $3,320,245 $396,434 89 $50,473
NOVEMBER $50,473 $0 $50,473 $0 0 $0
$51,700,071 $12,223,986
TOTALS $62,765,507
British Trade and Commerce Bank (BTCB) is a small offshore bank licensed in Dominica, a
Caribbean island nation that has been identified as non-cooperative with international anti-money
laundering efforts.103 This case history examines the failure of U.S. banks to exercise adequate anti-
money laundering oversight in their correspondent relationships with this offshore bank, which is
managed by persons with dubious credentials, abusive of its U.S. correspondent relationships, and
surrounded by mounting evidence of deceptive practices and financial fraud. Although each of the
U.S. banks examined in this case history ended its relationship with BTCB in less than two years, the
end result was that BTCB succeeded in using U.S. bank accounts to engage in numerous questionable
transactions and move millions of dollars in suspect funds.
BTCB was among the least cooperative of the foreign banks contacted during the Minority
Staff investigation. The bank declined to be interviewed, took four months to answer a letter
requesting basic information, and refused to disclose or discuss important aspects of its operations and
activities. The following information was obtained from BTCB’s written submission to the
Subcommittee dated September 18, 2000; BTCB’s website and other websites; documents subpoenaed
from U.S. banks; court pleadings; interviews in Dominica, Antigua, Canada and the United States; and
documents provided by persons who transacted business with the bank. The investigation also
benefitted from assistance provided by the governments of Dominica and the Bahamas.
Although BTCB refused to identify its owners and Dominican bank secrecy laws prohibit
government disclosure of bank ownership, evidence obtained by the Minority Staff investigation
indicates that this offshore bank was formed and directed for much of its existence by a U.S. citizen,
John G. Long IV of Oklahoma. The bank’s other owners and senior management have ties to
Dominica, Venezuela, the United States and Canada. BTCB is very active within the United States,
through its affiliation with a U.S. securities firm, solicitation of U.S. clients, and preference for
transacting business in U.S. dollars.
Dominica is one of 15 countries named in the Financial Action Task Force’s “Review to Identify Non-
Coop erative C ountries o r Territo ries” (6/2 2/00), a t paragra ph (64 ). See also Chapte r IV(B ) of this repo rt.
government and, to date, is one of only a handful of offshore banks actually operating in Dominica.104
BTCB’s 1998 financial statement indicates that BTCB began actual banking operations in
October 1997, about seven months after receiving its license. If accurate, BTCB has been in operation
for a little more than three years. BTCB has one office in Roseau, the capital city of Dominica. It
refused to disclose the total number of its employees, but appears to employ less than ten people. The
bank refused to disclose the total number of its clients and accounts. The bank’s 1998 financial
statement claimed total assets of approximately $370 million, but the evidence suggests the bank is, in
fact, suffering severe liquidity problems.
BTCB Ownership. BTCB refused a request by the Minority Staff investigation to identify its
owners. However, when applying for correspondent relationships at U.S. banks, BTCB provided the
following specific ownership information.
In 1997, when applying for its first U.S. correspondent relationship at the Miami office of
Banco Industrial de Venezuela, BTCB stated in a September 17, 1997 letter that it had two owners,
Rodolfo Requena Perez and Clarence A. Butler.105 Requena, a citizen of Venezuela, has been
associated with BTCB from its inception and serves as BTCB’s chairman of the board and president.
BTCB materials state that he has extensive banking experience, including past positions with major
financial institutions in Venezuela. Requena spends considerable time in Florida, maintaining a
Florida office, residence and drivers license. Butler is a citizen of Dominica and, according to BTCB
materials, his credentials include heading the Dominican Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, and
helping to form and operate The Ross Medical University in Dominica. He does not appear to be
involved with the daily management of the bank.
In 1998, when applying for correspondent relationships at two other U.S. banks, Security Bank
N.A. and First Union National Bank, BTCB provided new ownership information indicating that it had
seven shareholders, with the largest shareholder controlling 50% of its stock. BTCB provided both
banks with the same one-page “confidential” document listing the following “Shareholders of British
Trade & Commerce Bank”:
A Dominican Ministry of Finance official told the investigation that, as of September 6, 2000, the
government had issued licenses to seven offshore banks, of which three were actually operating. The official said the
three operating banks were BTCB , Overseas Development Bank and Trust, and Banc Caribe. The official listed four
other banks which held licenses but were not yet operating because they were still raising required capital: Euro
Bank, First International Bank, Global Fidelity Bank and Griffon Bank. The official said that one bank, American
International Bank and Trust, had its offshore license revoked in 1999. The official noted that Dominica also had
two onshore banks: National Commercial Bank of Dominica and Dominica Agricultural Industrial and Development
Bank. One bank that was not me ntioned by the official but also operates in Dominica is Banque Francaise
Commerciale, which is a branch of a wholly owned subsidiary of a French bank, Credit Agricole-Indosuez.
Documentation indicates that Requena and Butler were the original “subscribers” to the “Memorandum
of Association” that established “British Trade and Commerce Ltd.,” before it received its banking license.
Treasury shares held for officer and employee profit sharing110 6,000 [shares]
This BTCB shareholder list indicates that BTCB’s controlling shareholder is a trust beneficially
owned by John Long. Other BTCB materials describe Long as chairman of the bank’s “advisory
Baillett Inte rnational L td. was ap parently a B ahamian corpo ration. B ahamian governm ent officials
informed the investigation that its records show this company was incorporated in the Bahamas on 1/17/95, but
“struck” on 10/31/97, and is no longer a recognized corporation in the jurisdiction. BTCB materials provided by the
Dominican government to the investigation describe Dana Bailey as a medical doctor and “the Canadian
representative for Bail[l]ett International Ltd., a consulting firm specializ[ing] in Trust and Fund Management
activities.” E vidence obtained by the inves tigation ind icates that S cott Bre tt is a U.S. citiz en who h as resided in
Texas, transacted business with John Long and BTCB, and served on BTCB ’s advisory committee.
The BTCB shareholder list and other information indicate that the beneficial owner of Bayfront
Investment Trust, Pablo Urbano Torres, is a Venezuelan citizen. The trust is described in BTC B documentation as a
“Dominica corporation,” and U.S. bank records reference what appears to be a related company, “Bayfront Ltd.”
BTCB documents indicate that Diran Sarkissian Ramos is a citizen of Venezuela.
Herry Calvin Royer, a citizen of Dominica, serves as BTCB’s corporate secretary. Documentation and
interviews indicate he is involved with BTCB’s activities on a daily basis. According to BTCB’s Subcommittee
submission, Ro yer is also a director o f International Corp orate Services, Ltd ., a wholly owned B TCB subsidiary.
BTC B’s 19 98 bala nce shee t indicates tha t, sometim e during th e bank’s first 1 5 month s of oper ation, it
paid $1.1 million for “Treasury stock.” It is unclear whether the Treasury stock referenced in the balance sheet is the
6,000 shares referenced in the BTCB shareholder list. It is also unclear who, if anyone, was the original owner of
this stock and why BTCB expended over $1 million to repurchase its stock at such an early stage of its existence.
committee,” a two-person committee that apparently consisted of himself and Brett.111 John G. Long
IV is a U.S. citizen residing in Antlers, Oklahoma. In a telephone conversation on July 11, 2000,
initiated by a Minority Staff investigator, Long stated that he had helped form BTCB and assisted it in
purchasing a securities firm in Florida. However, Long vigorously denied being a shareholder,
insisting, “I have never owned one share of stock in the bank.”112
Besides his own admission of involvement with the bank, the investigation found considerable
evidence of Long’s continuing association with BTCB. The evidence includes monthly account
statements at U.S. banks showing BTCB transactions involving Long, his companies Republic
Products Corporation and Templier Caisse S.A., and companies such as Nelson Brothers Construction
involved with building a new house in Oklahoma for the Long family. One U.S. correspondent banker
described meeting Long, and sources in Antlers spoke of Long’s association with a Dominican bank.
The investigation also has reason to believe that Long and his son attended a BTCB board meeting in
the spring of 2000 in Dominica. Dominican government officials, when asked whether BTCB was
correct in telling U.S. banks that Long was the bank’s majority owner, indicated that, while they could
not disclose BTCB’s ownership, they were “not unfamiliar” with Long’s name.
The evidence suggests that Long formed and has been actively involved in the bank’s affairs,
but chose to conceal from the investigation his majority ownership of the bank.
BTCB Management. In its September submission to the Subcommittee, BTCB asserted that a
list of its “Officers, Consultants, and Directors ... shows the breadth, depth and integrity of the [bank’s]
senior management. ... Unlike some ‘offshore’ banks, this is no haven for misfits; rather BTCB is
BTC B mate rials include various d escription s of Long ’s backgr ound. F or exam ple, BT CB m aterials
provided by the Dominican government state the following:
“John G[.] Long, Chairman of the [BT CB] Advisory Co mmittee. JD, M BA, C PA (U SA), with
extensive e xperienc e in bank ing origina ting with his fam ily which has b een in ba nking for o ver 100 years.
His family w as the foun ders of the Farmer s Excha nge Ba nk in Okla homa a nd co-o wners of the First State
Bank M cKinne y in Dallas[ ,] Texa s. ... He has a lso served as Senio r Financia l Analyst for p rojects in
Central America for US AID (United States Agency for International Development); Special Attache of the
United S tates Justice Depa rtment ba sed in G eneva, with contacts w ith all majo r Wes tern Euro pean B anks.
Serves a s consultan t to financial p rojects an d to man aging trust o peration s in the Ba hamas.”
Minority Staff investigators were unable to confirm much of this biographical information. Sources in Antlers,
Oklahoma confirmed that the Long family had been in banking for decades and once owned the two listed banks, but
denied that Long had acquired extensive banking exp erience through the family businesses. Antlers sources also
denied that Long held a law degree or accounting certification. The U.S. Justice Department and U.S. Agency for
International Development each sent letters denying any record of Long’s employment with them over the past 25
and 30 years respectively. Since Long and BTCB declined to be interviewed, neither was available to provide
addition al informa tion or an swer que stions abo ut Long’s c redentials , past exp erience o r current e mploym ent.
Long’s ch aracteriza tion of his o wnership interest, while m isleading, c ould be seen as co nsistent with
BTCB ’s shareholder list if, in fact, Long has held his BTCB shares through a trust or corporation. There is also
some evidence that the trust’s official beneficiaries may be Long’s two minor children.
composed of officers whose backgrounds compare to those at high levels in the United States.”
BTCB lists four directors in its September 2000 submission: Royer, Butler, Urbano and Oscar
Rodriguez Gondelles.113 However, a list of BTCB directors provided by the Dominican government in
August 2000, identifies seven directors. The government-supplied BTCB director list names three
persons mentioned in BTCB’s submission -- Royer, Butler and Urbano -- as well as Requena,
Sarkissian, Bailey, and George E. Betts. The discrepancies between the two director lists has not been
BTCB’s chief executive officer is Requena. Documentation and interviews indicate that
Requena is actively involved in the day-to-day business of BTCB, including its correspondent
relationships. Requena is also president of BTC Financial Services, a U.S. holding company whose
primary subsidiary is First Equity Corporation of Florida (“FECF”), an SEC-regulated broker-dealer.
He is also the president of FECF. When Minority Staff attempted to reach Requena by telephone in
Dominica, BTCB personnel suggested calling him at BTC Financial Services in Miami, where he
maintains another office. Requena did not, however, return calls placed to him and never spoke with
any Minority Staff.
George Elwood Betts, who like Requena has been associated with BTCB from its inception, is
listed in BTCB’s submission to the Subcommittee as a key management official. His job title is
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of BTCB. Documentation and interviews
indicate that he is actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the bank. Betts has also served as
the treasurer of BTC Financial Services.
The background provided by BTCB for Betts highlights his accounting degree and experience
with Deloitte & Touche in Asia, which Minority Staff investigators were able to confirm. Further
investigation indicates that Betts is a U.S. citizen who formerly resided in Idaho and whose wife
apparently still resides there. In November 1997, after beginning work at BTCB, Betts pleaded guilty
in U.S. criminal proceedings 114 to one count of illegally transporting hazardous waste materials from a
wood laminating company, Lam Pine, Inc., which he owned and operated in Oregon, to the site of
another company he owned in Idaho, North Point Milling Company. In 1998, in connection with his
guilty plea, Betts served two weeks in federal prison and agreed to pay a $163,000 fine. He was also
placed on criminal probation for 5 years ending in 2003. Dominican government officials told the
investigation that they were unaware of this criminal conviction and that BTCB should have but did
not report it to the Dominican government.
A third key BTCB management official listed in BTCB’s submission is Charles L. (“Chuck”)
Brazie, Vice President of Managed Accounts. Documentation and interviews indicate Brazie is
BTCB ’s submission describes Rodriguez as having 20 years of experience “in Venezuelan banking and
credit card institutions.”
See United S tates v. Be tts, ( Criminal Case No. 97-011-S-BLW, U.S. District Court for the District of
Idaho), plea agreement dated 11/13/97, and judgement dated 5/29/98.
actively involved with BTCB clients and investment activities. Brazie is a U.S. citizen who has resided
in various U.S. states, including Florida, Missouri, Nebraska and Virginia. Minority Staff investigators
located documentation supporting some of his past employment and education credentials.
Information was also located regarding a key credential listed in the BTCB submission to the
Subcommittee, Brazie’s service as a “Special Consultant to the Executive Office of the President.”
Brazie discussed this experience in a sworn deposition he provided to the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) on November 7, 1994, in connection with SEC v. Fulcrum Holding Co. (Civil
Case No. 1:94:CV02352, DDC) and United States v. Andrews (Criminal Case No. 96-139 (RCL),
DDC). These cases involved fraud investigations which were examining, in part, Brazie’s work for
Fulcrum Holding Company. In his deposition, Brazie indicated that his association with the Executive
Office of the President occurred in 1973, more than 25 years ago, when as part of his work for a “think
tank,” he was “assigned to a project in the White House and spent a year and a half-plus on a temporary
assignment at a remote location.”115 Brazie also disclosed during his deposition that, in 1992, he
declared bankruptcy in St. Louis, Missouri.116 His deposition presents additional disturbing
information about his conduct at Fulcrum Holding Co. and involvement with individuals such as
Arthur Andrews, later convicted of securities fraud.
BTCB’s submission to the Subcommittee was noticeably silent with respect to Long. It also
failed to mention Ralph Glen Hines, a U.S. citizen who resides in Florida and North Carolina, has
handled some of BTCB’s administrative and computer operations, and served as the contact person for
BTCB’s account at First Union National Bank. Hines has a criminal record which includes serving
more than a year in prison for obtaining goods and property under false pretenses, more than six
months in prison for unauthorized use of state equipment, and 60 days of probation for
misappropriation of an insurance refund check. The BTCB submission also stated that BTCB has no
“managing agents” in other countries, despite U.S. bank records showing three years of regular
transactions with Stuart K. Moss, a London resident identified in some interviews as working for
BTCB. The management list provided by BTCB to the Subcommittee is marred by these omissions,
the discrepancies over BTCB’s directors, the questionable credentials of some BTCB officials which
include past criminal convictions, a bankruptcy and an SEC fraud investigation, and BTCB’s refusal to
answer questions about its staff.
Dominican law requires its offshore banks to submit annual audited financial statements which
are then published in the country’s official gazette. These audited financial statements are intended to
provide the public with reliable information regarding the solvency and business activities of
Dominica’s offshore banks.
BTCB’s 1999 audited financial statement was required to be submitted in April 2000, but as of
Depo sition of B razie at 13 .
Deposition of Brazie at 11.
October 2000, had not been filed. BTCB has filed only one, publicly available audited financial
statement. This financial statement covers a fifteen month period, from October 1, 1997 until
December 31, 1998, which BTCB presents as covering the first 15 months of its operations. Although
the 1998 audited financial statement is a public document, BTCB declined to provide a copy. The
Dominican government, however, did provide it.
BTCB’s 1998 financial statement was audited by Moreau, Winston & Co., an accounting firm
located in Dominica.117 On August 22, 2000, after speaking by telephone with Austin Winston who
requested all inquiries to be placed in writing, Minority Staff investigators sent a letter requesting the
firm’s assistance in understanding BTCB’s 1998 financial statement. The firm’s legal counsel
responded the next day with a letter stating that the auditors would be unable to provide any
information. The legal counsel wrote:
[BTCB] is a private bank chartered under the Offshore Banking Act of the Commonwealth of
Dominica. Our clients are constrained by the provisions of the governing statute. All
information might better be provided by [BTCB] itself or as otherwise allowed under the said
On September 22, 2000, the Minority Staff asked BTCB to authorize its auditors to answer questions
about the 1998 financial statement, but BTCB never responded. Accordingly, neither the bank nor its
auditors have provided any information about the 1998 audited statement.
In the absence of obtaining first hand information from the bank or its auditors, inquiries were
directed to Dominican government officials and U.S. bankers for their analysis of BTCB’s 1998
financial statement. Without exception, those reviewing BTCB’s 1998 financial statement said it
contained questionable entries. The questionable entries included the following.
–$300 Million Assets. The two largest entries on BTCB’s 1998 balance sheet cite over $300
million in “[s]ecurities held for investment and financing” and a $300 million “reserve for
project financing.” Dominican government officials informed the investigation that, when they
asked BTCB about these entries during the summer of 2000, BTCB refused to provide any
concrete information or support for them, claiming they involved “secret” transactions which
the U.S. and U.K. governments prohibited them from disclosing. The Dominican officials
indicated that they considered this explanation unsubstantiated and insufficient. The Minority
Moreau, W inston & Co. stated in a covering letter:
“These financial statements are the responsibility of management of British Trade and Commerce Bank
Limited; o ur respo nsibility is to exp ress an op inion on th e financial sta tements b ased on our aud it. We
condu cted our audit ... in acc ordanc e with gene rally accep ted auditin g standar ds ... to ob tain reaso nable
assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes
examinin g, on a test b asis, eviden ce supp orting the a mounts a nd disclo sures in the fina ncial statem ents ....
In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the
Bank a s at Dece mber 3 1, 199 8.”
Staff investigation obtained an earlier version of the 1998 financial statement, which BTCB had
given to First Union National Bank when applying for a correspondent account. That version
reported BTCB’s finances as of June 30, 1998, and cited over $400 million in “securities held
for investment and financing.” This figure is $100 million, or 25% larger than the comparable
entry in the financial statement dated just six months later. Note 4 in the June 1998 statement
provides a breakdown of the $400 million figure into four constituent elements: $130 million
in “Government of Grenada Guarantees”; over $76 million in “Bolivian Municipal Bonds”;
$140 million in “Russian Government Guarantees” and $55 million attributed to “Other.”
When asked about these items, the First Union correspondent banker who analyzed BTCB’s
financial statement said they were “not credible,” and were part of the reason First Union had
rejected a correspondent relationship with BTCB. A Dominican government official stated that
Grenadian government officials, when asked about the alleged $130 million in “Government of
Grenada Guarantees,” had refused to confirm their existence.
–$51 Million in Receivables. The next largest entry in BTCB’s balance sheet is $51 million in
“[l]oans, debentures and other receivables,” which Note 5 in the audited statement attributes
primarily to $49.4 million in “fees receivable.” Both Dominican government officials and U.S.
bankers expressed skepticism about a new bank’s generating $50 million in fees in the first 15
months of operation. When asked, neither could offer a banking scenario which would explain
the nature of the fees or who would be expected to pay them.
–$16 Million in Investment Fees. Another BTCB balance sheet entry reports that, as of the
end of 1998, BTCB had over $27 million in “customers’ deposits.” Note 10 states that, as of
December 31, 1998, BTCB “held $27,100,000 of such funds and had earned an investment
transaction fee of $16,330,000 from the management of those funds and execution of such
transactions during the year.” Both Dominican government officials and U.S. bankers
expressed doubt that any bank could have earned $16 million in fees on $27 million in deposits,
especially in a 15 month period.
–$1.1 Million For Treasury Stock. Under stockholders’ equity, the BTCB balance sheet
records a $1.1 million reduction due to “Treasury stock.” Both Dominican government
officials and U.S. bankers questioned why a new bank, in operation for only 15 months, would
have re-purchased its stock and paid such a substantial price for it. It is also unclear from the
financial statement whether the stock repurchase was paid in cash.
The Minority Staff investigation was unable to obtain any BTCB financial statements for 1999
or 2000. Evidence obtained through documents and interviews indicates, however, that BTCB
experienced severe liquidity problems throughout the latter half of 2000, including nonpayment of bills
and a failure to honor a $3 million letter of credit posted with a Canadian bank.118 On November 30,
2000, a publication that tracks offshore business developments carried an article entitled, “British
See Gold Chance International Ltd. v. Daigle & Hancock (Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Case No.
00-CV-188866). BTC B’s role in this litigation is discussed in the appendix.
Trade & Commerce Bank: Financial troubles deepen.”119 It published the text of a November 9, 2000
letter allegedly sent by BTCB to its clients in which the bank essentially admitted that it was
temporarily insolvent. The letter, by BTCB president Rodolfo Requena, begins:
You may be aware our bank has been suffering from a temporary liquidity situation. This
situation has continued to the point that the bank is unable to meet its obligations with its
depositors and creditors.
The letter provides several explanations for the bank’s liquidity problems, including citing “a large
withdrawal of deposits from the bank” after the retirement of the bank’s “major shareholder” in May
2000. It also described steps the bank was taking “to re-capitalize the bank, rebuild its liquidity, and
meet its obligations with its depositors and creditors,” including “holding conversations with three
different investor groups ... to bring fresh capital to the bank.”
The letter asked the bank’s clients to consider converting their existing accounts to “a one-year
Certificate of Deposit earning interest at a 15% per annum” or to purchase “convertible preferred stock
of the bank” with one share for “every $500 of bank deposit you have.” The letter stated, “Customers
requesting withdrawals from their accounts must wait for new investors or wait until the bank works its
way out of the liquidity problem,” an arrangement characterized by the newsletter as equivalent to an
admission by the bank “to running a Ponzi scheme.”
When asked about its correspondent banks, BTCB indicated that it kept 100% of its funds in
correspondent accounts. BTCB stated the following in its September 2000 submission to the
It is very important to note that all of BTCB’s deposits are held in the bank’s regulated accounts
inside the United States. ... Moreover, with rare exceptions, all our transactions are
denominated in United States dollars and ... all transfers to BTCB’s accounts flow through the
United States Federal Wire System or the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
Telecommunications). ... BTCB is very protective of its U.S. correspondent banking relations,
since this is our only way to transfer and move funds.
BTCB stated that it had no “formal correspondent relationships with any other banks,” but had
maintained “customary commercial banking accounts with a few reputable institutions as needed.”
BTCB specified accounts at three U.S. banks: (1) First Union National Bank; (2) Security Bank N.A.
of Miami; and (3) Banco International de Costa Rica (Miami).
The list provided by BTCB is incomplete, omitting BTCB accounts at the Miami office of
OffshoreAlert newsletter (1 1/30/0 0) at 9. See also “British Trade & Commerce Bank answers questions
about its liquidity,” OffshoreAlert newsletter (7/31/00) at 8. Both are available at www.offshorebusiness.com.
Banco Industrial de Venezuela, the Miami office of Pacific National Bank,120 U.S. Bank, and the New
York office of Bank of Nova Scotia. In addition, the Minority Staff investigation uncovered three U.S.
correspondent accounts belonging to other foreign banks through which BTCB transacted business on
a regular basis: a Citibank correspondent account for Suisse Security Bank and Trust; a First Union
correspondent account for Banque Francaise Commercial; and a Bank of America correspondent
account for St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank. The evidence indicates that BTCB also had
correspondent accounts at several banks located outside the United States.121
BTCB provided one page of information in response to a request to describe its anti-money
laundering efforts. Without providing a copy of any written anti-money laundering policies or
procedures, BTCB’s September 2000 submission to the Subcommittee provided the following
description of its anti-money laundering efforts.
It is very important to note that all of BTCB’s deposits are held in the bank’s regulated accounts
inside the United States. ... [I]ndeed, all transfers to BTCB’s accounts flow through the United
States Federal Wire System or the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
Telecommunications). As you are aware, any transaction approved and flowing through the
U.S. Fed Wire System via SWIFT is already deemed or approved to be ‘good, clean,
legitimately earned funds of non-criminal origin.’ Thus BTCB’s Know Your Customer
Policies are the same as all U.S. banks’ policies, since we must satisfy the regulated U.S. banks
with respect to any deposit BTCB receives in our corporate banking account at their institution.
Our bank’s Know Your Customer Policies require, among other things, that a senior bank
officer conduct an interview with each new customer. This interview covers such things as the
nature of the customer’s business, how their profits are earned and where those profits are
earned. In many cases, we require audited financial statements ... or in the case of individuals,
we require bank reference letters .... We require copies of their passports, and if warranted,
BTCB will have a security check conducted in their home country.
BTCB stated further that it “employs a full-time staff person who monitors for suspicious activity in
customer accounts, and reports weekly to the Chief Financial Officer.” It also stated that “BTCB has a
special compliance consultant who had a long and distinguished career with the Florida Department of
Banking Regulation and advises on our regulatory policies and compliance issues.”
Pacific National Bank is a subsidiary of Banco del P acifico of Ecuador.
These non-U.S. banks include N ational Commercial Bank of D ominica and Banco C ypress.
misunderstanding of U.S. banking law. BTCB seems to suggest that as long as it uses U.S.
correspondent accounts and U.S. wire transfer systems, its funds automatically qualify as “good, clean,
legitimately earned funds of non-criminal origin.” BTCB also seems to suggest that if a U.S. bank
accepts its funds, the U.S. bank has reached a judgment about the funds’ legitimacy and BTCB has met
the U.S. bank’s due diligence standards. In fact, the opposite is true. U.S. correspondent banks rely in
large part upon their respondent banks to ensure the legitimacy of funds transferred into their U.S.
correspondent accounts. U.S. law does not require and U.S. banks do not routinely undertake to
examine a foreign bank’s individual clients or the source of funds involved individual client
transactions. Nor do U.S. banks certify the legitimacy of a foreign bank’s funds simply by accepting
Because BTCB did not agree to an interview, the Minority Staff investigation was unable to
clarify its policies or obtain additional information about its anti-money laundering efforts. It is still
unclear, for example, whether BTCB has written anti-money laundering procedures. None of the U.S.
banks with BTCB accounts requested or received materials documenting BTCB’s anti-money
laundering efforts. Minority Staff investigators were unable to learn which BTCB employee is
assigned to monitoring client accounts for suspicious activity. The compliance consultant BTCB
mentioned appears to be Dr. Wilbert O. Bascom, who is also listed in BTCB’s description of its senior
management team as the bank’s “Consultant on Compliance Issues.” When a Minority Staff
investigator contacted Bascom at the suggestion of Long, however, Bascom said that he works for BTC
Financial Services, has “no direct connection” to BTCB, “did not get involved with the bank’s
activities,” and could not provide any information or assistance regarding the bank.122
It is also important to note that, despite more than three years of operation, BTCB has never
been the subject of an on-site examination by any bank regulator. In July 2000, the United States
issued a bank advisory warning U.S. banks that offshore banks licensed by Dominica “are subject to no
effective supervision.” In June 2000, Dominica was named by the Financial Action Task Force as non-
cooperative with international anti-money laundering efforts. Dominica is attempting to strengthen its
anti-money laundering oversight by, for example, authorizing the East Caribbean Central Bank
(ECCB), a respected regional financial institution, to audit its offshore banks, but the ECCB has never
actually audited BTCB.
BTCB was asked to identify its subsidiaries and affiliates. In its September 2000 submission to
the Subcommittee, BTCB stated that, while it had no affiliations with other banks, it did have
affiliations with a number of companies. These affiliations depict the bank’s participation in a network
of inter-related companies in Dominica, as well as BTCB’s increasing business activities in the United
Memorandum of telephone conversation with Bascom on 8/22/00.
(1) Dominican Affiliates – BTCB identified four Dominican companies as affiliates. One was
International Corporate Services, Ltd. (“ICS”) which plays an active role in BTCB’s operations,
primarily by forming the Dominican trusts and corporations that serve as BTCB’s
accountholders.123 Two of the affiliates, InSatCom Ltd.124 and Dominica Unit Trust
Corporation,125 are active in the Dominican telecommunications and investment industries,
while the fourth, Generale International Assurance,126 is currently dormant.
(2) U.S. Affiliates – BTCB also acknowledged a relationship with two U.S. corporations, First
Equity Corporation of Florida (FECF) and BTC Financial Services, but attempted to hide its
ongoing, close association with them. BTCB stated in its September 2000 submission to the
Subcommittee that, “in-mid 1998, BTCB acquired the stock of First Equity Corporation, a
licensed broker-dealer in Miami, Florida” and “legally held First Equity’s stock for
approximately eight months, when the stock was transferred into a U.S. publicly traded
company” called BTC Financial Services (Inc.). BTCB stated that, currently, it “has no
ownership, management, nor any other affiliation with [FECF] except for a routine corporate
account, line of credit and loan as would be the case for any other corporate client.”
This description does not accurately depict the ongoing, close relationships among BTCB,
FECF, BTC Financial, and related affiliates.127 Long, Requena and Brett are major shareholders
of both BTCB and BTC Financial. Requena is the president of BTCB, BTC Financial and
FECF. BTCB’s website prominently lists FECF as an affiliated company. FECF used to be
owned by FEC Financial Holdings, Inc., a U.S. holding company which BTCB acquired when
it took control of FECF and with which it still does business. BTC Financial, FECF, FEC
Financial Holdings and other affiliates operate out of the same Miami address, 444 Brickell
In its Septe mber 2 000 su bmission to the Sub comm ittee, BT CB d escribed ICS as a “separate , corpo rate
services company affiliated with BTCB to incorporate [international business corporations] in Dominica and provide
routine nominee, director, and shareholder services to various [corporations] in Dom inica.” BTCB stated that Herry
Royer was a director of both ICS and BTCB, and in another document BTCB indicated that it owned 100% of ICS.
BTC B stated in its Septem ber 20 00 sub mission tha t it owns 55 % of InS atCom Ltd., a
telecommunications company which holds a D ominican license “to provide data transmission services to customers
and web hosting services” and which operates a satellite earth station “in conjunction with Cable & Wireless of
Dominica.” InSatCom also provides services to companies involved with Internet gambling. Requena is the
preside nt of InSatC om.
BTCB stated that it held a 20% ownership interest in Dominica Unit Trust Corporation, an investment
company that is also partly owned by “Dominican government entities.”
BTCB described Generale International Assurance as an “inactive” Dominican corporation that it may
someday use to offer insurance products.
BTC Financial owns FECF, which has a number of subsidiaries and affiliates. See, for example,
affiliates listed in F ECF’s w ebsite, www.1ste quity.com /directory .htm including a “Ft. Lauderdale Affiliate,” First
Equity Properties, Inc. and Swiss Atlantic Mortgage Corp. Another possible FECF affiliate, listed in the SEC Edgar
database, is First Equity Group, Inc.
Avenue. They also share personnel.128 Bank records reflect ongoing transactions and the
regular movement of funds among the various companies. One U.S. bank, First Union, mailed
BTCB’s monthly account statements to 444 Brickell, “c/o FEC Financial Holdings.” In short,
BTCB is closely intertwined with the BTC Financial and FECF group of companies, it regularly
uses FECF to transact business in the United States, and its declaration that it has no FECF
affiliation beyond “any other corporate client” is both inaccurate and misleading.
(3) Website Affiliates -- BTCB’s September 2000 submission also addressed its apparent
affiliation with three entities listed in BTCB’s websites. BTCB stated that “[t]o avoid
confusion” it wanted to make clear that certain names appearing on its websites,
“WorldWideAsset Protection,” “IBC Now, Limited” and “EZ WebHosting,” were “merely
websites” and not companies or subsidiaries of the bank. This clarification by BTCB was
helpful, because the websites do imply the existence of companies separate from the bank. For
example, a WorldWide Assets Protection website lists six “corporate members” who have
“joined” its organization, including BTCB. The WorldWide website contains no indication that
WorldWide itself is simply a BTCB-operated website with no independent corporate existence.
The IBC Now website129 encourages individuals to consider becoming a paid representative of a
variety of companies offering “Internet banking, brokerage, web hosting, confidential e-mail,
and on-line casino’s.” IBC Now lists BTCB as one option, again, without ever indicating that
IBC Now is itself a BTCB creation with no independent corporate existence.
More disturbing is BTCB’s failure to provide clarification with respect to other entities that
may be its subsidiaries or affiliates. BTCB’s 1998 audited financial statement, for example, records
over $4 million in “[i]nvestments and advances to subsidiaries,” which Note 8 states represented “the
cost of acquisition and advances to First Equity Corporation of Florida, International Corporate
Services S.A., Generale International Assurance Inc., InSatCom Ltd., Global Investment Fund S.A.,
FEC Holdings Inc. and Swiss Atlantic Inc.” The latter three “subsidiaries” are not mentioned in
BTCB’s September 2000 submission to the Subcommittee. Yet Global Investment Fund appears
repeatedly in BTCB documentation and U.S. bank records; in 1998, it was the recipient of millions of
dollars transferred from BTCB accounts. A September 15, 1998 letter by Brazie describes Global
Investment Fund as “wholly owned by ICS/BTCB.” FEC Holdings Inc. is listed on BTCB’s website as
an affiliated company. It is unclear whether it is a separate company from FEC Financial Holdings
Inc., which BTCB purchased in 1998. Swiss Atlantic Inc. is presumably the same company as Swiss
Atlantic Corporation, which is also listed on BTCB’s website as an affiliated company and cites 444
Brickell as its address. It may also be related to Swiss Atlantic Mortgage Company, a Florida
corporation which is an FECF affiliate, lists 444 Brickell as its principal address, and lists Robert
For example, Betts is the financial controller of BTCB and the treasurer of BTC Financial. Wilbert
Bascom is described as a consultant to both BTCB and BTC Financial. Ralph Hines has performed work for BTCB,
BTC Financial, F ECF a nd FE C Finan cial Hold ings. Rob ert Garn er, an attor ney, is listed o n FEC F’s website as its
general counsel and has also signed letters as general counsel to BTCB. Long was also, until recently, the chairman
of BT C Finan cial and the chairma n of BT CB’s ad visory com mittee.
See www .ibcnow .com/ser vice.html.
Garner as its registered agent. The Minority Staff investigation uncovered evidence of other possible
BTCB affiliates as well.130
BTCB’s subsidiaries and affiliates bespeak a bank that is fluent in international corporate
structures; functions through a complex network of related companies and contractual relationships;
and is willing to use website names to suggest nonexistent corporate structures. Together, BTCB’s
subsidiaries and affiliates depict a sophisticated corporate operation, active in both Dominica and the
United States.
In its September 2000 submission to the Subcommittee, BTCB provided the following
description of its major lines of business.
BTCB is a full service bank that provides standard services in the areas of private banking,
investment banking, and securities trading. Our private banking services include money
management services and financial planning, as well as investment accounts of securities for
long-term appreciation, global investment funds, and Certificates of Deposit (CD’s) with
competitive interest rates. ... Our investment banking activities include: debt financing for both
private and public companies in the form of senior, mezzanine, subordinated or convertible
debt; bridge loans for leveraged and management buyouts; and recapitalization transactions.
BTCB assists in the establishment and administration of trusts, international business
corporations, limited liability companies, and bank accounts. Finally, the securities trading
services include foreign securities trading on behalf of our clients. ... BTCB offers credit card
services as a principal MasterCard Member.
This description of BTCB’s major activities, while consistent with evidence collected during the
investigation, is incomplete and fails to address two of BTCB’s major activities: high yield
investments and Internet gambling.
High Yield Investments. BTCB is known for offering high yield investments. Dominican
For example, Lugano Synergy Global Services, S.A. has used as its address the same postal box as
BTCB, Box 2042 in Roseau, Dominica. This company is associated with the Lugano Synergy Investment Group,
Ltd., a company which claims in its website to have a contract with BTCB to provide financial services. See
http://lsynergy.com/investmentbanking/ high_yield_ investment.htm. U.S. bank records show a number of
transactions between BTCB and the Lugano Synergy companies. Another possible affiliate is Global Medical
Techn ologies, In c., a Florid a corpo ration whic h change d its name in 1999 , to Vecto r Med ical Tec hnologie s, Inc.
BTCB held the right to over 1 million unissued shares in the company and provided it with substantial funding, as
described in the appendix. A third possible affiliate is British Trade and Commerce Securities, Ltd. (Bahamas),
which was listed in a BTCB docum ent supplied by the Dominican government. When asked about this company, the
Baham as gover nment ind icated tha t it found no record of its existenc e; howev er, corp orate licen sing reco rds did
show a company called British Trade and Securities Ltd., which was incorporated on 9/15/97, and “struck off the
record” on 1/1/00.
government officials, U.S. and Dominican bankers, and BTCB clients all confirmed this activity by the
bank. Numerous documents obtained by the Minority Staff provide vivid details regarding BTCB’s
efforts in this area.
BTCB’s statement to the Subcommittee that it offers CDs with “competitive interest rates” does
not begin to provide meaningful disclosure about the investment returns promised to clients. Two
documents on BTCB letterhead, for example, offer to pay annual rates of return on BTCB certificates
of deposit in amounts as high as 46% and 79%. Higher yields are promised for “amounts exceeding
US$5,000,000.” When asked about these rates of return, Dominican government officials indicated
that they did not understand how any bank could produce them. Every U.S. banker contacted by the
Minority Staff investigation expressed the opinion that such large returns were impossible for a bank to
achieve, either for itself or its clients. Several described the offers as fraudulent.
Civil suits have been commenced in the United States and Canada over BTCB’s high yield
investment program.131 Documents associated with these cases, as well as other evidence collected by
the investigation, indicate that the key personnel administering BTCB’s high yield investment program
are Brazie and Betts. Brazie advises potential investors on how to set up an investment structure, enter
into agreements with BTCB and related companies to invest funds, and use BTCB bank accounts to
make investments and obtain promised profits. A two-page document on BTCB letterhead, signed by
Brazie and provided to investors in the high yield program, includes the following advice.
In order to protect assets properly, whether in BTCB or elsewhere you should consider setting-
up a specific structure to assure privacy and avoid unnecessary reporting and taxation issues. ...
(1) Immediately, establish an [International Business Corporation or IBC] in Dominica (if
necessary, in the same name as the one in which you have contractual identity ...). This will
allow an orderly and mostly invisible transition. This IBC should have an Account at BTCB in
order to receive the proceeds of Programs and to disburse them as instructed. This IBC should
be 100% owned by bearer shares to be held by the Business Trust. ... (2) Simultaneously, you
could establish a Business Trust ... in Dominica. This trust would not hold ... any assets except
the bearer shares of [the] IBC. ... (3) You should select an “Organizer” of the IBC and Business
Trust, and could designate International Corporate Services Ltd. (an IBC owned 100% by
BTCB) as the Director-Designee for the IBC and BTCB as Trustee of the Business Trust. ... (4)
A civil suit filed in New York, for example, involves a BTCB certificate of deposit for $10 million
whose funds would allegedly be invested and produce returns in excess of $50 million. See Correspondent Services
Corp. v. J.V.W. Investment Ltd. (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Civil Case No. 99-CIV-
8934 (RWS ))(9/23/98 letter from Waggoner to his investment advisor, Kelleher, referencing $50 million return;
4/13/99 letter from Kelleher to BT CB referencing $58 m illion return). A civil suit before a Canadian court
complains that a BTCB investor wrongly took possession of the plaintiffs’ $3 million and placed it in the BTCB high
yield pro gram, after which B TCB wrongly re fused to re fund the fun ds. Gold Chance International Ltd. v. Daigle &
Hancock (Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Case No . 00-CV-18886 6)(hereinafter “Gold Chance”). A civil suit in
New Je rsey includ es sworn d eposition testimony fro m a U.S . citizen rega rding an a lleged $1 .3 million p ayment into
BTCB ’s high yield program that has yet to produce any return. See Schmidt v. Koop (U.S. District Court for the
District of N ew Jerse y Civil Case No. 98 -4305 )(Koo p depo sition (3/2/9 9) at 43 3). Eac h of these su its is discussed in
more detail in the appendix.
The IBC’s Accounts should be set-up with dual signatures required, including an officer of ICS
Ltd. and an officer of BTCB (usually myself as Vice President over all managed accounts). ...
(7) The IBC held under the Business Trust would be the entity that would enter into subsequent
Trading Programs on a 50/50 cooperative venture with BTCB and would receive all resulting
‘Investor’ earnings .... Such IBC Account would operate under a Cooperative Venture
Agreement .... (10) The choice of structure is of course yours, however any client entity that is
not domiciled in Dominica is prohibited by our Board from participating in our High Yield
Income Programs, so that we may protect the bank and its clients against ‘cross-jurisdiction’
Brazie closed the document by providing telephone, fax and cellular numbers to contact him, including
cellular numbers in Dominica and Virginia.
The Brazie proposals involve BTCB in every aspect of a client’s investment program, from
establishing the client’s IBC and trust, to providing dual signatory authority over the IBC’s account at
BTCB, to joining the IBC in a “cooperative venture agreement.” In fact, by encouraging clients to
name BTCB as the trustee of their trust and giving the trust full ownership of the client’s IBC, Brazie
was, in effect, encouraging BTCB clients to cede control over their entire investment structure to the
bank. The Brazie document also states that only Dominican entities are allowed to participate in
BTCB’s high yield programs and urges clients to use the bank’s wholly-owned subsidiary, ICS, to
establish them.132 Numerous documents collected by the investigation establish that the suggested
structure was, in fact, used by BTCB clients.133
One key feature of the standard investment contract used by BTCB in its high yield program is
its insistence on secrecy. BTCB’s standard cooperative venture agreement134 essentially prohibits
participants in its high yield investment program from disclosing any information related to their
dealings with BTCB. A section entitled, “Confidentiality,” states in paragraph 4.1:
The Parties agree: that any and all information disclosed, or to be disclosed, by any other party
hereto, or by legal counsel or other associate; and, that any and all documents and procedures
transmitted to each other for and in execution of this AGREEMENT are privileged and
confidential and are to be accorded the highest secrecy. ... [T]he Parties specifically: A) ...
Similar advice has appeared in a BTCB-related website, under a subsection called “The Wall Structure.”
The website states, “This structure was submitted by the Managed Account Division for British Trade and
Comm erce B ank – for further inform ation, plea se contac t them.” Se e www.wo rldwidea ssets.org/stru cture2.htm l.
See, for example, in the Gold Chance case, a 9/7/00 affidavit by BTCB president Requena, with copies
of the “standard form agreements” used by BT CB in its “Managed A ccounts” program, including a standard
“Cooperative Venture Agreement, a Management Account Custody Agreement, a Specific Transaction Instructions
Agreem ent and a Residua l Distributio n Instructio ns Agree ment.” The Requena affidavit also provides copies of
comp leted form s signed b y a particula r BT CB clie nt, Free T rade B ureau S.A . Similar form s appea r in other civ il
proceedings, as explained in the appendix.
See Gold Chance, Requena affidavit (9/7/00), Exhibit H.
undertake ... not to disclose to any third party, directly or indirectly, or to use any such
information for any purpose other than for accomplishment of the objectives of the business
undertaken herein without the express written prior consent of the party supplying that ...
information[; and] B) [a]cknowledge that any unauthorized ... disclosures ... shall constitute a
breach of confidence and shall form the basis of an action for damages by the injured party ....
[Emphasis in original text.]
No unauthorized communications by either party with any bank outside of these procedures is
allowed without the prior written consent of the other party. Failure to observe this
consideration will immediately cause this AGREEMENT to be deemed to have been breached.
[Emphasis in original text.]
Together, documentation and interviews demonstrate that BTCB aggressively marketed its high
yield investment program, induced its clients to establish investment structures under similar
agreements including secrecy requirements, promised extravagant rates of return, and obtained millions
of dollars. The evidence also demonstrates that BTCB repeatedly failed to return invested funds or pay
promised profits and is the subject of client complaints and law suits.135
Internet Gambling. BTCB’s September 2000 submission to the Subcommittee omits a second
major activity of the bank – its involvement in multiple aspects of Internet gambling.
Internet gambling is legal in Dominica, which began issuing Internet gambling licenses to
offshore companies as early as 1996. Documentation establishes that BTCB has opened a number of
accounts for companies providing Internet gambling services, handled millions of dollars in Internet
gambling proceeds, and in the case of Vegas Book, Ltd., assumed an integral role in the day-to-day
operations of an Internet gambling enterprise.
One of the first signs of BTCB’s involvement in Internet gambling occurred in May of 2000,
when one of its U.S. correspondents, Security Bank N.A. in Miami, discovered that ten Internet
gambling websites were directing gamblers to transfer their funds to Security Bank, for further credit to
BTCB.136 Security Bank sent a May 16, 2000 letter to BTCB demanding removal of its name from the
websites and announcing its intention to close the BTCB account. BTCB responded in a May 17th
letter that it had been unaware of and had not authorized Online Commerce, Inc. – a South African
corporation that BTCB described as the “owner” of the offending Internet gambling sites – to use
Security Bank’s name. BTCB apologized and provided a copy of its letter to Online Commerce, at a
For more information on the many complaints associated with the BTCB high yield investment program,
see the appendix.
The websites were www.astrobet.com; www.atlantisstar.com; www.aztecgoldcasino.com;
www.bingotops.com; www.fairplaycasino.com; www.magic-carpetcasino.com; www.casinooldglory.com;
www.casinoorientexpress.com; www.casinoiceberg.com; and www.flyingdragoncasino.com.
Dominican address, requesting removal of the wire transfer information from the Internet gambling
websites. U.S. bank records at Security Bank indicate that, from 1998 into 2000, hundreds of
thousands of dollars in the BTCB correspondent account were transferred to persons and entities
associated with Online Commerce.
U.S. bank records show numerous other BTCB transactions involving persons or entities
associated with Internet gambling. For example, $525,000 in deposits into BTCB’s account over five
months in 1999 and 2000, were directed to Cyberbetz, Inc., a known Internet gambling company that is
a Dominican subsidiary of another Internet gambling enterprise, Global Intertainment Inc.137 In
December 1999, Security Bank records show over $100,000 was deposited into the BTCB account for
International Gaming Ltd.
BTCB’s involvement with Internet gambling did not stop with opening accounts and handling
gambling related proceeds. In the case of Vegas Book, Ltd., BTCB appears to have gone farther and
become a direct participant in the day-to-day operations of an Internet gambling enterprise. Vegas
Book is the only Internet gambling website that is directly referenced in BTCB websites and to which
BTCB-related websites have provided a direct electronic link.138 The Vegas Book website trumpets as
a key selling point its “unique” arrangement with a bank, identified elsewhere as BTCB, which enables
its gamblers to deposit their funds into a bank account (instead of a casino account); to gain instant
access to their funds through a bank-issued credit card; and to place their bets through a Dominican
international business corporation to circumvent U.S. prohibitions on Internet gambling. 139 The Vegas
Book website helpfully points out that Vegas Book customers can use their Dominican bank account
“for asset protection” as well as for gambling, directing them to BTCB’s WorldWide Asset Protection
See Survey of Electronic Cash, Electronic Banking and Internet Gaming, Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network (FinCEN), U.S. Department of Treasury (2000) at 76, 88.
BTC B’s web site, www.b tcb.com /group.h tml, on a sc reen entitled , “Wo rldwide G roup,” lists
“independent subsidiaries” that provide “related financial services” to BTCB clients. Included are “WorldWide
Asset Protection” and “IBCNOW.com,” which BTCB has disclosed to the Subcommittee are simply BTCB-
controlled websites. Both provide direct electronic links to “Vegas Book.” See
www.wo rldwidea ssets.com /memb ership.htm l; www.ibcn ow.com /link.html and ww.ibcno w.com/se rvice.html.
The we bsite, www.veg asboo k.com/sp ortsboo k/index2 .html, explains:
“Dominica-based Vegas Book, a state-of-the-art Las Vegas-style sports book takes action via toll-free
phone s and the In ternet, and trumps ev ery other sh op in the in dustry with its un ique me thod of p ayment. ...
Proceeds from every winning wager are credited to your betting account within three minutes of the
conclusio n of the eve nt. ... Your a ccount a t Vegas B ook is tota lly secure fro m all outsid e enquirie s due to
[Dominica’s] Off Shore Privacy Act of 1996. This statute sets sever[e] penalties for any release of
informatio n including identity, reve nues and profits. ... All V egas Bo ok mem bers are g iven, or p urchase ...
an Interna tional Bu siness Co rporatio n bank a ccount. A cting on yo ur wishes, the IBC w agers dire ctly with
Vegas Book, thus avoiding conflict with U.S. anti-gaming laws. Funds in the account ... are available to the
account holder 24 hours a da y. Simply take the money out of the account at any ATM , or use secured card
wherever credit cards are accepted. Your money is protected because it remains in your control, escrowed
in your acc ount at the B ank – no t at Vega s Boo k.”
The Vegas Book website provides a detailed form for opening a Vegas Book account. This
form identifies BTCB as the bank opening the accounts for Vegas Book clients. The form also
provides wire transfer instructions for Vegas Book gamblers wishing to deposit funds into their BTCB
account. The instructions direct funds to be sent to the Bank of America, for further credit to St. Kitts-
Nevis-Anguilla National Bank (“SKNANB”), for further credit to BTCB.141 Bank of America
informed the investigation that it had been unaware that BTCB was using the SKNANB correspondent
account and unaware that the SKNANB account was handling Internet gambling proceeds. A review
of the SKNANB account records indicates that, during 2000, millions of dollars moving through the
account each month were related to Internet gambling, including over $115 million in August 2000
According to its website, Vegas Book, Ltd. is “a partnership between Virtual Gaming
Enterprises, Casino del Sol, Ltd. and Chinnok West, Ltd,”143 and apparently operates under a 5/6/99
Dominican gaming license issued to Casino del Sol.144 BTCB and U.S. bank records suggest the
existence of additional ties among BTCB, Casino del Sol and Virtual Gaming Enterprises. For
example, in addition to directing Internet gamblers to the Vegas Book website, BTCB-related websites
encourage individuals to consider opening their own Internet gambling website using Casino del Sol
software.145 U.S. bank records also show over a million dollars in transactions involving Virtual
Gaming Enterprises since 1999.
See www.vegasbook.com/sportsbook/help.html, answer to “Can I use by IBC to protect my house and
The V egas Bo ok web site also allo ws clients to s end certifie d check s to depo sit funds in their accoun t.
The checks are directed to be sent to BTCB . See “Sending Funds,” rule (1) at
www.veg asboo k.com/sp ortsboo k/rule.html.
SKNANB’s monthly account statements do not indicate what percentage of the Internet gambling funds
are attributable to SKNAN B clients and what percentage to BT CB clients.
See www.vegasbook.com/sportsbook/help.html, answer to “Who are we?”
The V egas Bo ok web site repro duces a c opy of the license at ww w.vegasb ook.co m/sports book/lisc .html.
The following pitch appears in the IBC Now website’s “representative marketing program”:
“Casino del Sol offers the savvy marketer the opportunity to open an Internet business with worldwide
appea l. Daily, million s of dollar s are wage red by ga mblers h oping tha t lady luck w ill grant them a fortune.
With our casino program you eliminate chance by becoming the house. It is easy ... we host your custom
designed site from a h igh speed , state of the ar t secure ser ver in the C ommo nwealth o f Domin ica with
proprietary casino software proven as the industry’s best. After designing the look for your casino, choose
your games including Black Jack, Slots, Poker or Lil Baccarat. Each time one of your members logs in and
plays, we track his/her winnings and losses and deposit the difference in your BTCB b ank account.” See
www.ibc now.co m/service .html.
Virtual Gaming Enterprises is a publicly traded Nevada corporation that was incorporated in
June 1998, and is the subject of an ongoing SEC investigation into possible stock fraud.146 Brenda
Williams and her husband Virgil Williams are the company’s controlling stockholders and senior
management.147 In 1995, Virgil Williams was found liable for securities fraud and ordered to pay a $27
million judgement. In 1997, he and Mrs. Williams filed for bankruptcy. The company’s latest SEC
filing states that Virtual Gaming Enterprises was “formed to purchase, manage, develop, market, and
resell casino style Internet games that will allow players to wager,” and operates out of Dominica.148
The filings describe the company’s involvement in several Internet gambling efforts, including holding
a 20% interest in Vegas Book. Virtual Gaming Enterprises is apparently soliciting funds from small
investors across the United States to buy its shares.149 Security Bank records show a total of about $1.2
million deposited into BTCB’s account over a six month period, from August 1999 until March 2000,
for “Brenda J. Williams DBA-Virtual Gambling Enterprises.” When contacted, SEC staff indicated
that they had been unaware that Virtual Gambling Enterprises had a BTCB account and was making
these deposits.
Internet gambling, as explained earlier in this report,150 is illegal in the United States. Evidence
suggests that BTCB has attempted to conceal its role in Internet gambling, not only from the Minority
Staff investigation, but also from its U.S. correspondent banks. For example, BTCB moved hundreds
of thousands of dollars in Internet gambling related proceeds through its Security Bank account without
informing the bank of this activity. After Security Bank found out, BTCB’s president Requena wrote
in a May 17, 2000 letter, “We are aware of the position that US Banks maintain on this regards, and we
do not encourage at all the use of your good bank for [these] matters.” Betts sent a May 19, 2000 fax
stating, “I have made arrangements with another of our correspondent banks to take their wire
transfers. ... The customer did not consult with us before using Security Bank’s name. We certainly
would not have allowed them to use it.” It is unclear what correspondent bank BTCB turned to next
and whether it informed that bank of its Internet gambling activities; Bank of America states that it
never knew it was handling BTCB funds related to Internet gambling.
The Minority Staff investigation found evidence indicating the BTCB was involved in a
number of financial frauds and suspicious transactions moving millions of dollars through its U.S.
See Virtual Gaming Enterprises, Inc.10-KSB report to the SEC (9/14/00), Item 3 on “Legal
Proce edings”; SEC v. Virtual Gaming Enterprises, Inc. (USDC S DCA Civil Case N o. 99-MC-33 6); “Gaming firm
faces long odds in shaking shady ties,” San Diego Union-Tribune (9/19/99); “For Virtual Gaming, life is like a house
of cards,” San Diego Union-Tribune (5/5/00).
See Virtual Gaming Enterprises, Inc. 10-KSB report to the SEC (9/14/00), Item 9.
Id., Item 1.
See, for e xample , www.pe nyprofits.co m/profiles /vgam.shtm l.
See Ch apter IV (D) of this r eport.
accounts. In each instance, the bank’s U.S. correspondent relationships played a critical role in
enabling BTCB to conduct its activities. BTCB’s refusal to be interviewed prevented the Minority
Staff from obtaining any clarification or explanation that the bank might have provided with respect to
the following matters, which are summarized below and described in more detail in the appendix to
this report.
William H. Koop, a U.S. citizen from New Jersey, pleaded guilty in February 2000 to
conspiracy to commit money laundering in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1957.151 Using BTCB, two other
offshore banks,152 and their U.S. correspondent accounts, Koop bilked hundreds of U.S. investors out
of millions of dollars over a two year period by falsely promising high yield investment opportunities.
In just six months during 1998, Koop moved almost $4 million from his self-confessed frauds through
BTCB’s U.S. correspondent accounts.
In 1997, Koop began promoting “prime bank notes,” which he admitted are fictitious financial
instruments, as well as other fraudulent investments, promising rates of return as high as 489%. Koop
falsely promoted the investments as secure and touted the fact that the investment profits would be
reported to no one. Over 200 U.S. investors placed their funds with him; with few exceptions, none
recovered either their principal or any profit.
Koop began his relationship with BTCB in mid-1998 after a chance meeting with Brazie who
told him about BTCB’s own high yield investment program and other services. Koop used BTCB to
establish Dominican corporations and bank accounts for use in his fraudulent activities. Koop
instructed his co-conspirators and some of the investors in his program to send funds to him at BTCB’s
U.S. accounts. He then laundered the funds by instructing BTCB to wire them to other bank accounts
around the world or by using them for other purposes such purchasing a house in New Jersey. Koop’s
largest single investor, for example, wire transferred $2.5 million to BTCB’s correspondent account at
the Miami office of Banco Industrial de Venezuela for further credit to Koop’s company. Koop used
the money to pay his co-conspirators, open new accounts at BTCB, and advance his fraud. When the
investor sued to recover the $2.5 million, BTCB at first denied having any accounts for Koop or his
company. It was only after Koop pleaded guilty, began cooperating with prosecutors, and directed
BTCB in writing to disclose information about his accounts, that BTCB acknowledged having five
Koop-related accounts.
The evidence reviewed by the Minority Staff indicates that BTCB did more than establish
corporations, open bank accounts and transfer funds for Koop; it also convinced Koop to place $1.3
million in fraud proceeds into BTCB’s own high yield investment program. Koop indicated that BTCB
For more information, see the description of the Koop fraud in the appendix.
Koop’s activities at the other two banks, Hanover Bank and Overseas Developm ent Bank and Trust, are
discussed in the case h istories on th ose ban ks.
repeatedly solicited him to place funds in various investments offered by the bank. Koop said he
finally provided $1.3 million to BTCB’s subsidiary, Global Investment Fund. In an ironic twist, Global
had promised to pay Koop a 100% return on the funds each week for 40 weeks. After two years, Koop
said he had yet to receive a single payment or the return of his principal. If true, BTCB retains
possession of over $1 million in illicit proceeds taken from Koop’s defrauded investors.
Benjamin Franklin Cook III, a U.S. citizen from Arizona, was named in March 1999 pleadings
filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as the central figure in a fraudulent high yield
investment program which, in the course of less than one year, bilked over 300 investors out of more
than $40 million.153 In August 2000, a criminal indictment in Arizona charged Cook with 37 counts of
racketeering, fraud and theft. U.S. bank records indicate that at least $4 million associated with this
fraud passed through U.S. correspondent accounts belonging to BTCB, and BTCB was directly
involved in investment activities undertaken by persons and companies associated with the Cook fraud.
As in the Koop fraud, documentation and interviews indicate that BTCB did not stop at
providing deposit accounts and wire transfers to persons and companies associated with the Cook
fraud; the bank also worked with them to invest funds in its own high yield investment program. One
Canadian investor told the Minority Staff that he invested $30,000 in the BTCB high yield program on
the advice of a friend associated with several companies involved in the Cook fraud. He also
convinced other persons to invest their funds. He indicated that the funds were wire transferred to
BTCB’s U.S. correspondent account at Security Bank in several installments. He stated that, despite
repeated inquiries, neither he nor his associates have recovered any of their investments, much less any
of the promised returns. The documentation suggests that BTCB may still have possession of
substantial funds taken from Cook’s defrauded investors.
In April 2000, two brothers who are Canadian citizens filed suit in Ontario alleging that their
company, Gold Chance International Ltd. (“Gold Chance”) was the victim of a loan fraud involving $3
million.154 They alleged that Gold Chance had been fraudulently induced to deposit $3 million as
supposed loan collateral into an attorney trust account in Canada, waited months for a loan that never
For more information, see the description of the Cook fraud in the appendix.
For more information, see the description of the Gold Chance fraud in the appendix.
materialized, and then learned that the company’s funds had been secretly transferred to an offshore
account at BTCB.
An Ontario court granted them immediate emergency relief, including appointing a receiver to
take control of the attorney trust account and ordering BTCB and others to cooperate with discovery
requests. Although the court proceedings have yet to reach a conclusion, a preliminary court decision,
pleadings in the case, bank records and other information indicate that the $3 million was deposited
into BTCB’s U.S. account at First Union on December 15, 1999, and within a week, the funds were
divided up and wired to multiple bank accounts around the world. On the day the funds were
deposited, BTCB’s account balance at First Union was only about $14,000. During December 1999,
the $3 million in Gold Chance funds were the primary source of funds in the BTCB account and were
used to make payments to the bank’s creditors, clients, and other correspondent accounts.
BTCB maintained in court pleadings that the $3 million had been sent to the bank by a longtime
bank client for immediate placement in its high yield investment program. The bank said that the
money had been locked into a year-long program on December 15, 1999, and could not be removed
before December 15, 2000. In a June 12, 2000 order, the Ontario court expressed skepticism regarding
BTCB’s claim that the $3 million was still safely on deposit with the bank. The court wrote, “The
prepared statement of [BTCB] that the funds are in BTCB is not to be believed, against either the
tracing evidence or [BTCB’s] failure to deliver the funds.” BTCB later posted with the court a $3
million letter of credit which matured on December 15, 2000. When that date came, BTCB failed to
pay the court the required $3 million. Gold Chance is till seeking recovery of its funds.
–A dispute over the ownership of a $10 million certificate of deposit (“CD”) issued by BTCB
in bearer form resulted in extensive litigation in a New York court. In August 2000, the U.S.
district court resolved the CD’s ownership in favor of a wealthy Texan, while disclosing
troubling information about BTCB’s operations. The legal dispute and other information
disclosed, for example, inconsistent and ambiguous documentation regarding the disputed CD
and a Dominican corporation established at BTCB’s direction; BTCB’s questionable dealings
with a small Bahamian bank having a poor reputation and limited assets, including BTCB’s use
of the Bahamian bank’s correspondent account at Citibank without Citibank’s knowledge; and
BTCB’s apparent representations that its high yield investment program could quickly turn a
$10 million investment into a $50 million return. U.S. bank records also show that, as with the
Gold Chance funds, BTCB may have used $6 million of the CD funds to pay creditors and
clients, rather than make investments as promised.
–An investor from Malaysia has complained to Dominican, U.K. and U.S. authorities about his
continuing inability to recover a $1 million investment which he wired to BTCB’s U.S. account
at Security Bank in September 1998, for placement in its high yield program. The investor
claims he was induced to send the money by KPJ Trust, a BTCB client. Documents supplied
by the investor contain repeated broken promises by BTCB to return the funds. U.S. bank
records show his incoming deposit to BTCB as well as several outgoing payments to persons
associated with the KPJ Trust.
–Investors in Texas, California and Canada have made similar complaints about funds they
invested in BTCB’s high yield program allegedly at the direction of Scott Brett, a part owner of
BTCB through his company Baillett International Ltd. U.S. bank records show incoming wire
transfers to BTCB’s U.S. accounts from these investors, as well as outgoing wires to companies
associated with Brett. A criminal investigation of these complaints may be underway in the
United States.
–U.S. bank records and other documents demonstrate BTCB’s involvement with a company
headed by an individual suspected of past securities fraud, including a BTCB payment of
$500,000 to the company followed over the next year by $1 million in payments from the
company. The company explained the $1 million payment by saying it was repaying a BTCB
“loan” and obtaining a release of BTCB’s right to over 1 million in “unissued shares” in the
company. Documents indicate that, during 1999 and 2000, the company obtained over $16
million from hundreds of small investors across the United States. Civil and criminal
investigations into the company’s possible involvement in securities fraud may be underway.
BTCB has been in operation for only about three years. In that time, it has become entangled in
three multi-million dollar financial fraud investigations in the United States and Canada, as well as
numerous client complaints in multiple jurisdictions. The emergent picture is of a bank surrounded by
mounting evidence of questionable transactions, deceptive practices and suspect funds related to
Internet gambling, fraudulent investments, and criminal activity.
BTCB stated in its September 2000 submission to the Subcommittee that virtually all of its
deposits and fund transfers go through U.S. banks, and it is “very protective of its U.S. correspondent
banking relations, since this is our only way to transfer and move funds.”
The Minority Staff investigation subpoenaed documents and interviewed personnel at three
U.S. banks that operated accounts for BTCB. The banks are: (1) the Miami office of Banco Industrial
de Venezuela which operated a correspondent account for BTCB from October 1997 until June 1998;
(2) Security Bank N.A. which operated a correspondent account for BTCB from June 1998 until July
2000; and (3) First Union National Bank, whose securities affiliate operated a money market account
for BTCB from September 1998 until February 2000. While none of the banks was fully aware of
BTCB’s activities or the financial frauds that moved funds through BTCB accounts, all three indicated
that BTCB had, at times, engaged in unusual or suspicious activity, had made unauthorized use of the
U.S. bank’s name in questionable transactions, and had abused its relationship with the U.S. bank. All
three initiated the closing of BTCB’s accounts.
Interviews were conducted with BIV employees involved in the opening, administration and
closing of the BTCB account and in BIV’s anti-money laundering program. Some BIV personnel who
made key decisions with respect to the BTCB account were not interviewed, because they are no longer
with the bank. Documentation in BIV files, account statements, and other materials and information
were collected and reviewed.
Due Diligence Prior to Opening the Account. Prior to opening an account for BTCB, BIV
conducted a due diligence inquiry into the bank’s ownership and operations. BIV documentation and
interviews suggest, however, that because BTCB was newly licensed and not yet in operation, BIV
relaxed some of its documentation requirements and collected only limited information about the bank.
According to the BIV account officer who helped open and administer the account, BTCB was
referred to BIV by a former BIV client. It is possible that BTCB selected BIV because BTCB’s
president, Requena, was from Venezuela and was familiar with this Venezuelan bank’s operations.
Requena apparently telephoned BIV in 1997, and spoke with BIV’s credit manager, Pierre Loubeau,
who was then responsible for correspondent banking. BTCB followed with a letter dated July 28,
1997, providing initial information about the bank and requesting “a correspondent relationship.” On
September 15, 1997, BTCB provided another letter, signed by Requena, answering inquiries about the
bank’s ownership and main sources of income. The BTCB letter stated that the bank “was formed and
is owned by Clarence Butler of Dominica, and Rodolfo Requena of Venezuela.” The letter said that
the bank’s “main income” derived from “Trust related activities” and “investments in Financial
instruments,” and that it was developing “a Program for Insured Credit Cards.” The letter also stated
that, “as soon as we have a positive answer from your [fine] bank we are ready to transfer up to US $40
million to open the account.”
Because the BIV personnel currently at the bank did not have first hand information about the
credit manager’s due diligence efforts, the investigation was unable to determine whether he made
inquiries in Venezuela about Requena or in Dominica about BTCB. The BIV account officer noted
that BIV’s comptroller at the time, Louis Robinson, was originally from Dominica, knew Dominican
government officials, and was a distant relative of one of the BTCB owners, Clarence Butler, and may
have made inquiries in the country at the time. There was no documentation recording such inquires in
the BIV file for BTCB. The BIV account officer stated that she personally checked the U.S. Office of
Foreign Asset Control list of designated persons, and determined at the time that neither Requena nor
Butler was designated as a person barred from holding assets in U.S. financial institutions. She also
indicated that, because the bank was so new, she thought BIV had been unable to acquire much
information about BTCB’s reputation or past performance.
The BIV account officer said that the preliminary decision to open the BTCB account was made
by two of her superiors, Loubeau, the credit manager, and Esperanza de Saad, the head of BIV’s Miami
office, neither of whom are still with BIV. She said their decision was made dependent upon BTCB’s
successfully submitting required account opening forms and documentation, which she requested in a
letter dated September 19, 1997. The BIV account officer said that she was then responsible for
collecting the required information for BTCB’s client file.
Despite language in the BIV account opening application stating that the “following documents
MUST be submitted” and a “new account shall not be opened without the receipt of these
documents,” the BIV account officer said that accounts were sometimes opened before all of the
required documentation was obtained. She indicated that several exceptions had apparently been made
for BTCB. For example, she said that BTCB was allowed to submit an unaudited financial statement
in place of the required audited statement. She indicated that she thought BTCB had been allowed to
submit an unaudited statement because it was still too new a bank to have undergone an audit. The
BTCB financial statement on file at BIV indicated that, as of June 30, 1997, total BTCB assets were
about $7.2 million. The BIV account officer said that BTCB was also apparently allowed to submit
one, instead of the required two, bank references. Although she could not recall whether someone had
specifically waived the requirement for a second bank reference, she speculated that, because BTCB
was so new, it may have had only one bank account at the time. She noted that the bank reference
provided was for an account that had been opened only two months earlier at another Dominican bank,
Banque Francaise Commerciale.
BIV’s account opening documentation did not require and the BIV file did not contain a copy of
any written anti-money laundering policies or procedures in place at BTCB. Nor was the issue of
BTCB’s anti-money laundering efforts discussed in any BIV documentation. There was also no
documentation indicating the extent to which BIV may have inquired into Dominica’s reputation for
banking regulation or anti-money laundering controls.
In response to a question about a site visit,155 the BIV account officer said that no visit was
made to BTCB prior to opening the account, but one was made in the first few months after the
account was opened. She indicated that BIV’s comptroller, Louis Robinson, who was from Dominica,
had traveled to the island on vacation and, during his vacation, had visited the BTCB office, which was
not yet open to the public. She said that he met with Butler and brought back additional information
about the bank. While no report on his visit was in the client file as required by BIV procedures, the
file did contain key due diligence information about the bank that was apparently obtained during this
site visit.
BIV’s Customer Service H andbook in place at the time, in Chapter 6, required “[p]hysical inspections”
of a client’s d omicile w ithin a year o f an acco unt open ing and issu ance of a “written visitatio n repor t to be kep t in
Agency’s customer file.”
BIV’s account opening form, entitled “New Customer and Account Input Information Sheet,”
shows that BIV’s senior official, Ms. de Saad, approved opening the BTCB account on September 29,
1997. Other documentation indicates that the official opening date for the BTCB account was October
1st. The three account signatories were Requena, Betts and Royer.
Monitoring the Account Activity. The evidence indicates that, once the BTCB account was
opened, BIV failed adequately to monitor the account activity or inquire about unusual transactions,
despite repeated signs of suspicious activity.
BIV provided primarily three services to BTCB: a deposit account, an overnight sweep account
which increased the interest paid on BTCB deposits, and use of BIV’s wire transfer services. BIV did
not provide BTCB with any loans or extensions of credit.
BTCB’s initial deposit was a wire transfer on October 20, 1997, for approximately $1 million.
On October 21, 1997, according to a BIV call report, the BIV account officer contacted BTCB to
confirm the transfer. She was told that BTCB was holding its official “inauguration” on November 15,
1997, and BTCB would be transferring another $25 million to the BIV account during the week.
The BIV account officer indicated that she did not recall inquiring into or being told the source
of the initial $1 million deposit. She said that she would have asked about the source of a $25 million
or $40 million deposit by BTCB, but no such deposit was ever made. In fact, BIV account statements
show that, after the initial deposit, the BTCB account experienced little activity for four months, with
few deposits and a steady withdrawal of funds until the end of January 1998, when the closing account
balance was about $45,000.
The next three months, however, reversed course, and each month showed increased account
activity.156 The bulk of the funds in the final three months appear to have come from three sources: the
Koop fraud, the Cook fraud, and BTCB itself.157 Overall, about $17 million moved through the
account, most of it in the last three months the account was open.
For exa mple, in F ebruary 1 998, m ultiple dep osits totaling in excess o f $1 million and mu ltiple
withdrawals totaling about $650,000, led to a closing balance of about $350,000. March saw more deposits and
withdraw als, including a single de posit on 3 /30/98 of abou t $2 million and a clo sing acco unt balanc e of abo ut $2.5
million. April account activity increased still further, with multiple transactions throughout the month including
depos its of $2.5 million, $6 34,98 2, $50 0,000 and $4 06,00 0 that, toge ther, increa sed the ac count ba lance to $ 6.5
million. May witnessed similar account activity, including deposits of $1 million; $450,000; $220,000; $200,000;
$199,980; $150,000; $101,850; and $100 ,000, followed by a $5 million withdrawal on 5/27/98 to a BTCB securities
accoun t at PaineW ebber’s c learing firm, C orrespo ndent Se rvices Co rporatio n. Even a fter the $5 m illion withdra wal,
the acco unt held alm ost $3.5 million. O n June 5 , 1998 , BIV c losed the accoun t.
Koop received depos its totaling ab out $3.1 million du ring this per iod, includ ing a $2.5 million de posit
from a defrauded investor. International Business Consultants, Ltd., named by the SEC as a key participant in the
Cook fraud, received 34 deposits totaling about $1.4 million. One deposit for $2 million was made by “Inter Trade
and Commerce Ltd.,” a company otherwise unidentified. Transactions traceable to persons associated with BTCB
provided two deposits totaling $113,000, and numerous withdrawals totaling about $700,000.
When asked about the increased account activity in the spring of 1998, the BIV account officer
indicated that she did not recall noticing it at the time but thought, if she had, she would have attributed
it to the normal growth of a new bank. She also did not recall asking or being told about the source of
funds for the three largest deposits of $1 million, $2 million and $2.5 million. She indicated that she
had assumed a correspondent bank account would include large transactions. However, another BIV
employee told Minority Staff investigators that, when he reviewed the BTCB account in May, he
immediately noticed and had concerns about the increased account activity, large transactions, and
BTCB-related transactions, all of which contributed to BIV’s decision in May to close the BTCB
By the spring of 1998, BTCB’s account had become one of the largest accounts at the BIV
Miami office. The BIV account officer indicated that she began to spend considerable time working
with BTCB personnel on matters related to the account. She indicated that she spoke with the bank
several times per week, usually dealing with BTCB’s chief financial officer, Betts, and sent the bank
weekly account statements, a service BIV provided upon request to large accounts.
The BIV account officer recalled three activities in particular that occupied her time on the
BTCB account, involving letters, wire transfers and SWIFT telexes. She said that BTCB had made
several requests for letters providing either a bank reference or confirmation of funds on deposit. She
said these letters were intended for other financial institutions or for investors considering placing
money with BTCB. BIV files contained four letters written on behalf of BTCB. The first was a letter
of reference which BIV provided in March 1998, but which is undated, addressed “TO WHOM IT
MAY CONCERN,” and signed by the Miami office head, Esperanza de Saad. The BIV account officer
said that similar reference letters had been prepared for other customers. BIV indicated that it had no
knowledge of how BTCB had used this reference letter.
The BIV account officer recalled BTCB’s engaging in lengthy negotiations over the wording of
another letter requested in April 1998. She said that BTCB had asked BIV to provide a “proof of
funds” letter, addressed to BTCB itself, confirming a certain amount of funds in the BTCB account.
BTCB wanted the letter to confirm the “non-criminal origin” of the funds, and to state that BIV was
“prepared to block these funds ... or to place these funds” upon BTCB’s instruction. When asked what
she thought of the requested wording, the BIV account officer said that she did not understand what
BTCB wanted, but the requested language had made her superiors uncomfortable. She said that BIV
had refused to provide the wording, despite BTCB’s insistence. When asked why, she indicated that
her superiors had made the final decision and she could not recall their reasoning. She indicated that
she had no familiarity with fraud schemes using prime bank guarantees or U.S. bank confirmations,
and had never thought that BTCB might be engaging in suspicious conduct. She said the letter finally
provided on May 5, 1998, did not contain any of the contested language.
The BIV account officer said that, on a number of occasions, BTCB’s president, Requena, had
instructed the BIV Miami office to wire transfer funds to a BIV branch in Caracas, Venezuela, which
he would then pick up in cash. The BIV account officer explained that this arrangement, which BIV no
longer allows, was used because Requena did not have a personal bank account at BIV to which the
funds could be sent, so he was instead allowed to pick up the funds in cash. She said that the amount
was typically $6,000, which Requena had described as his salary payment. She said that, on one
occasion in December 1998, Betts had telephoned from BTCB and indicated that Requena had not
received the $6,000 wired to him in Venezuela, and she had made inquiries about the funds transfer.
She said that Requena later confirmed receipt of the funds “on 12/18/97 and Jan. 6/98.”158
The BIV account officer stated that similar cash payments may have been made to BTCB
personnel other than Requena, although she was unable to state with certainty that they were. BIV
account statements show numerous transactions with BTCB employees and other persons associated
with the bank.159 Some of these transactions may have involved cash; others were wire transfers to
BIV bank records show 11 occasions in 7 months on which funds were wire transferred to Requena and
may have been paid to him in cash. These payments included:
In addition, $10,000 was wire transferred to Requena on 5/26/98, to a U.S. office of Banco Venezuela, an unrelated
bank. When shown these 11 transactions totaling $77,000, the BIV account officer could not recall whether all of
them resulted in cash payments to Requena, or just the ones involving $6,000. She also co uld not recall the purpose
of the wire tra nsfers in am ounts othe r than $6 ,000, o r why Req uena oc casionally r eceived two “salary” paymen ts in
the same month. She was also unable to explain her handwritten notation that Requena had received funds on
1/6/98 , a date no t included in the BIV accoun t statements. S he therefo re was una ble to say w hether oth er paym ents
had also been made to Requena.
These transactions included:
–$470,000 in payments to John Long, his companies Rep ublic Products Corporation and Templier Caisse
S.A., and companies involved with constructing a new residence for the Long family in Antlers, Oklahoma,
such as Nelson Brothers Construction;
–$11 3,000 in payme nts to M avis Betts, th e wife of B TCB ’s chief financ ial officer G eorge B etts, or to
Lavern Erspan, a woman a ssociated with Mrs. Betts;
–$100,000 deposit to the credit of Bayfront Ltd., a company apparently associated with Pablo Urbano
Torres who was a BTCB d irector, and $16,800 in payments directed to him; and
–$25,000 in payments to Mary Brazie, the wife of Charles Brazie, the BTCB vice president in charge of
managed accounts.
The BIV account officer indicated that the only BTCB officials she knew at the time were Requena, Betts and
accounts. Together, they and the Requena transactions involved more than $800,000 in deposits and
withdrawals over a seven month period.
The BIV account officer said that a third BTCB account activity requiring her attention had
been the re-transmission of SWIFT telexes to and from BTCB. She explained that BTCB’s staff had
been unable to operate BTCB’s telex equipment, and had instead routinely faxed telexes to BIV and
asked BIV to re-transmit them. She said they had also directed their clients to send telexes to BIV for
re-transmission to BTCB. The BIV account officer said the SWIFT traffic for BTCB had increased so
rapidly that BIV’s operations department had begun complaining about the additional work.
The BIV account officer described events related to one particular April 1998 telex involving a
Mexican credit union called “Union de Credito de Fomento Integral de Naucalpan SA.” This telex had
been sent to BIV, and the credit union had asked BIV to re-transmit the message to BTCB in
Dominica. The text of the message, addressed to BTCB, stated that the credit union was going to send
a telex to Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. in Chicago confirming ten “letters of guarantee” at $10
million apiece for a total of $100 million, and promising to honor these letters of guarantee
“irrevocably and unconditionally.” The BIV officer said that, in this instance, BIV had refused to re-
transmit the message. When asked why, the BIV account officer said her superiors had made that
decision and she was unsure of the reason. She indicated that she was unfamiliar with “letters of
guarantee” or their use in financial frauds, and it had never occurred to her that BTCB might have been
attempting to include BIV’s name on the telex to lend credibility to what may have been a fraudulent
transaction. She could not provide any other information about the transaction. She said that, with
hindsight, it was surprising that such a new bank, with only $7 million in assets, would have been
engaged in a $100 million transaction.
BIV’s anti-money laundering officer while the BTCB account was open was Louis Robinson,
the comptroller who originated from Dominica. The investigation did not interview him since he had
left the bank, so his efforts in reviewing the BTCB account while it was open are unclear. The BIV
account officer recalled informing him on several occasions of troubling incidents involving BTCB,
including the contested proof of funds letter and the $100 million telex. She said that Mr. Robinson
was one of her supervisors who had refused to go along with BTCB’s requests. At the same time, he
apparently never warned her about the account or instructed her to pay special attention to it. BIV’s
anti-money laundering procedures at the time, a copy of which were provided to the investigation,
explicitly called for heightened scrutiny of accounts opened by foreign corporations domiciled in “an
‘Offshore’ Tax haven,” stating that the corporation’s “beneficial owner(s) must be identified and their
source of wealth verified.” While the section did not reference foreign banks or bank secrecy
jurisdictions, the analogy could have been made to apply the heightened scrutiny standard to BTCB.
There is no evidence, however, that Mr. Robinson or other BIV employees exercised heightened
scrutiny of the BTCB account.
Butler; and she was not aware that so many of the bank’s transactions had involved persons affiliated with BTCB.
Closing the BTCB Account. The BIV account officer told Minority Staff investigators that
she never suspected BTCB of wrongdoing and never recommended closing the account. The
investigation learned that the closure decision was a consequence, instead, of the sudden arrest of the
head of the Miami office, Esperanza de Saad, on May 15, 1998, for alleged misconduct in connection
with a U.S. Customs money laundering sting known as Operation Casablanca. 160 After de Saad’s
arrest, a team of senior bank officials flew in from BIV’s New York office to assume control of the
Miami office and review all accounts. The BTCB account was one of more than a dozen accounts
closed during the review process.
The Minority Staff investigation interviewed the key BIV employee from New York involved
in closing the BTCB account. He explained that, after de Saad’s arrest, as a precautionary measure,
BIV had placed the remaining three senior officers in the Miami office on leave, although none were
accused of wrongdoing. He said that the New York BIV team then began reviewing all of the Miami
accounts, looking for suspicious activity. He said that the New York team purposely conducted this
review without consulting the Miami staff, due to uncertainty over the extent of the problems in the
Miami office. He said that, due to the de Saad arrest, U.S. bank regulators and law enforcement
personnel were also reviewing BIV records.
The BIV employee said that the BTCB account was one of the largest in the Miami office. He
said that when he reviewed it, he immediately became concerned about wire transfers making
payments to BTCB officers, which he considered signs of “self-dealing.” He indicated that when he
reviewed the BTCB file, he also became concerned about missing documentation, including the
absence of an audited financial statement. He said his immediate reaction was, “I didn’t like what I
On May 28, 1998, BIV sent a letter to BTCB requesting additional due diligence documentation
including picture identifications, reference letters, the bank’s articles of incorporation, and a current
financial statement. BIV sent another letter the next day requesting the name of BTCB’s accountant
and law firm. BTCB responded on the same day, May 29, 1998, providing most of the requested
After reviewing this information and additional account transactions, the decision was made by
the New York BIV team, in consultation with legal counsel, to close the account. In interviews, BIV
personnel indicated that the decision to close the account was made due to a number of concerns about
the account, including the increased account activity, rapid turnover of funds, large transactions,
transactions involving the same payer and payee, and the transactions involving BTCB officers and
employees. A memorandum dated May 29, 1998 instructed BIV operational staff to close the BTCB
United States v. de Saad (U.S. District Court for the Central District of California Criminal Case No. 98-
504(B)). De Saad was convicted by a jury on ten counts of laundering narcotics proceeds, but a district court judge
overturn ed the jur y verdict an d acqu itted her o n all counts . See “Opinion and Order Granting Defendant Esperanza
de Saad’s Motion for Judgment of Acquittal” by Judge Friedman (7/13/00). The United States is appealing the
judge’s decision.
The BIV employee said that at the time the closure decision was made, BTCB’s president
Rodolfo Requena was in Miami. He stated that, on June 1, 1998, BTCB had sent BIV a letter
requesting that BIV prepare letters of reference for BTCB to be given to four U.S. banks, and that
Requena would pick up the letters in person. The BIV employee said that none of these letters was
prepared. Instead, he said, a meeting was held in the conference room of the BIV Miami office in
which BIV discussed with Requena the bank’s decision to close the BTCB account. He said that the
reasons BIV gave for closing the account were the restructuring of the Miami office and the need to
reduce the customer service portfolio, because BIV had no proof of misconduct, such as a criminal
indictment against BTCB. He said that Requena became angry, claimed to know the president of BIV
in Venezuela, and threatened to have him fired for improperly closing the BTCB account.
The following week, a two-page internal BIV memorandum, dated June 11, 1998, was sent by
the BIV Miami office to BIV headquarters in Venezuela with information about the closing of the
BTCB account. It is unclear whether this memorandum was prepared in response to a complaint by
BTCB. One part of the memorandum described the surge in account activity in April, noting that it had
increased the account balance to $6 million, included wire transfers in large amounts, and included
wire transfers in which the payer and payee were the same individual or corporation, such as
International Business Consultants. In other documents, BIV described the transactions as indicative of
“money laundering” and “self-dealing,” and stated that BTCB appeared to have been using the account
to provide “payment orders to its own officers” and “trying to use our institution as a pass through
(window to USA) account.”
On June 5, 1998, BIV formally closed the account and sent BTCB a check for about $3.5
million. On June 8, 1998, BTCB opened a new account at Security Bank N.A. in Miami.
Security Bank N.A. is a small Florida bank with several offices across the state and about $90
million in assets. Its Miami office is located in the lobby of 444 Brickell, the same building occupied
by First Equity Corporation of Florida (FECF), BTC Financial and related companies. Security Bank
operated a correspondent account for BTCB for about two years, from June 1998 until July 2000. It
closed the BTCB account after discovering that BTCB was handling Internet gambling proceeds and
Security Bank was being referenced in Internet gambling websites.
Interviews were conducted with Security Bank employees involved in the opening,
administration and closing of the BTCB account and in Security Bank’s anti-money laundering
BIV personnel indicated, when asked, that the bank had not been aware of the Koop fraud at the time the
BTC B acco unt was op en, althoug h bank d ocume nts were late r requeste d in conn ection with a related c ivil lawsuit,
Schmidt v. Koop. BIV w as also una ware, until info rmed b y Mino rity Staff, that a co mpany fre quently na med in
BTCB wire transfer documentation, International Business Consultants Ltd., had been named in SEC pleadings
related to the Cook fraud.
program. Documentation in Security Bank files, account statements, and other materials and
information were collected and reviewed.
Due Diligence Prior to Opening the Account. The evidence indicates that Security Bank
opened a correspondent account for BTCB prior to conducting any due diligence on the bank, but on
the understanding that the account would be closed if negative information surfaced. Security Bank
followed the account opening with a due diligence effort that failed to uncover any problems with
BTCB, which by then had been in operation for about 6 months.
According to Security Bank interviews and a June 10, 1998 memorandum describing the
opening of the account, shortly after FECF first moved into 444 Brickell Avenue, Security Bank
approached FECF about opening an account, given the convenience of the bank’s office in the lobby of
the building. FECF’s then owner, Steven Weil, introduced BTCB president Requena to Security Bank
personnel, indicating that BTCB was then in the process of purchasing FECF. Requena expressed
interest in opening an account at Security Bank for BTCB. Requena indicated that BTCB was then
closing its “main account” at BIV’s Miami office due to, in the words of the Security Bank
memorandum, “bad publicity that [BIV] was receiving ... as a result of laundering money charges
against one of its principal officers.” Security Bank agreed to open an account for BTCB immediately,
on the understanding that it would conduct subsequent inquiries into the bank. The account was
opened on June 8th, with a BIV cashiers check for $3.5 million, which Security Bank personnel
considered a very large deposit.162
The head of Security Bank’s international department, who assisted in the opening,
administration and closing of the BTCB account, said that at the time the account was opened Security
Bank had 25 to 30 foreign bank clients, primarily from Latin America. He said that it was not
uncommon for Security Bank to open an account for a bank subject to later due diligence research. He
said we “usually open and then investigate,” due to the time required to obtain due diligence
information and documentation.
The international department head described a number of steps that the bank took to investigate
BTCB. First, BTCB supplied requested information about the bank’s ownership, lines of business and
financial status. Bank files included copies of BTCB’s banking license, articles of incorporation,
website information, a BTCB shareholder list, an unaudited financial statement, and other
documentation about the bank. The international department head stated that, because Security Bank
was not familiar with Dominica, it had decided not to initiate a credit relationship with BTCB and to
provide only limited correspondent banking services such as a deposit account and wire transfer
services. For that reason, he said, no financial analysis was performed of BTCB, nor did he or his staff
take a detailed look at BTCB’s major lines of business. He said that he did not recall even seeing
BTCB’s financial statement at the time and thought no one had examined it.
According to Security Bank, it was because this deposit was so large that it prepared a memorandum
documenting the circumstances related to the opening of the account. It said that it did not normally prepare an
account opening memorandum.
The international department head said that Security Bank undertook several efforts to check
BTCB’s reputation. He said the bank required BTCB to provide two written, personal references for
each account signatory, copies of which were in the file. In addition, he said, inquiries were directed to
banking personnel in Venezuela about Requena, who received favorable reports. He said another due
diligence factor in BTCB’s favor was its purchase of FECF, which was completed within a month of
opening the account. He said the purchase had given Security Bank “comfort” because they knew the
SEC investigated potential securities firm owners, and BTCB had apparently received SEC approval.
He said that Security Bank had also obtained two written bank references for BTCB, one from
Banque Francaise Commerciale and one from BIV’s Miami office. Security Bank provided a copy of
the BIV reference letter, which was undated and signed by Esperanza de Saad. The international
department head indicated that the letter had been provided in July 1998. When told that, in July 1998,
de Saad was in jail awaiting trial on money laundering charges and the BIV account officer who
handled the BTCB account was absent from the bank on maternity leave, the Security Bank employee
indicated he had been unaware of those facts. When told that it was actually BIV that had closed the
BTCB account, he said that he had also been unaware, until informed by Minority Staff investigators,
that BIV had initiated the closing of the BTCB account. He expressed surprise and concern at that
information. When asked how the letter of reference was delivered to Security Bank, and shown the
BTCB fax line at the top of the letter, he indicated that he could not recall whether the letter had come
directly from BIV or whether it had been supplied by BTCB. When shown the BTCB reference letter
prepared by de Saad in March 1998, he agreed that it looked like the same letter given to Security Bank
in July 1998.
When asked about a site visit, the international department head said that, while Security Bank
normally did visit its foreign bank clients, no on-site visit was made to BTCB. He said that BTCB was
less than a year old when the account was opened and Dominica was unfamiliar territory, which meant
that an on-site evaluation was unlikely to provide meaningful information. He said that he had met
with BTCB senior personnel in Miami, including John Long, and was comfortable with the bank’s
leadership. He noted that BTCB had a limited correspondent relationship that imposed no credit risk to
the bank. He said that, because BTCB was their only client on Dominica, he had made the decision
that it was not “cost effective” to fly there.
The international department head said that he was unaware, in 1998, that Dominica had a
reputation for weak banking regulation and anti-money laundering controls. He indicated that he had
recently read press reports about Dominica’s anti-money laundering deficiencies.163 The
documentation suggests that no inquiry was made into BTCB’s anti-money laundering efforts either.
The Security Bank file for BTCB did not contain copies of written anti-money laundering policies or
procedures in place at BTCB nor is the issue of BTCB’s anti-money laundering efforts ever mentioned
or analyzed.
In June 2000, Dominica was named by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, the
leading inte rnational a nti-money la undering organiza tion, as one of 15 co untries that fail to coope rate with
international anti-money laundering efforts.
Security Bank’s internal account opening documentation indicates that the BTCB account was
opened in June 1998, with three account signatories, Requena, Betts and Royer. Over the next two
years, Security Bank provided primarily three services to BTCB: a checking account, a “supernow
account” which functioned as a savings account and increased the interest paid on BTCB deposits, and
access to Security Bank’s wire transfer services.
Monitoring the Account Activity. The evidence indicates that, once the BTCB account was
opened, Security Bank failed adequately to monitor the account activity and failed to provide effective
responses to repeated signs of suspicious activity.
The international department head said that BTCB was “a very big account” for Security Bank,
and BTCB was its largest foreign bank client. An analysis of the BTCB account transactions shows
that, over the course of two years, more than $50 million moved through its Security Bank account.
The initial deposit of $3.5 million was followed two days later by a wire transfer of $3.6 million from
BTCB’s account at PaineWebber’s clearing firm, Correspondent Services Corporation. Over the next
two years, the account saw 16 transactions involving $1 million or more, with the largest involving
$6.5 million. Many of the transactions appear associated with matters under civil or criminal
investigation or otherwise open to question.164 In addition, Security Bank account statements and wire
transfer documentation show numerous transactions over two years involving persons or companies
closely associated with BTCB and collectively involving more than $3.5 million.165 Although BIV
These transactions included the following:
–$3.8 million in deposits and $3 million in withdrawals involving the Koop fraud (see explanation of Koop
fraud in the appendix);
–$2.3 million in deposits and $2 million in withdrawals involving companies or persons associated with the
Cook fraud (see explanation of Coo k fraud in the appendix);
–$770,000 in deposits and $10,000 in withdrawals involving Zhernakov, Chatterpaul or Free Trade (see
explanation of the Gold Chance fraud in the app endix);
–$10 million in de posits and withdraw als involving McK ellar, Gar ner and p ossibly the J VW high yield
investment funds (see explanation of the JVW interpleader action in the appen dix);
–$1 million deposit by Tiong, and $30,000 in withdrawals and an attempted $200,000 withdrawal involving
comp anies or p ersons as sociated with the K PJ T rust (see ex planation of the Tio ng $1 m illion investm ent in
the appendix);
–$443,000 in deposits and $320,000 in withdrawals involving companies associated with Scott Brett (see
explanation of Brett investors in the appendix); and
–$600,000 in deposits and $500,000 in transfers involving Global/Vector Medical Technology (see
explanation in the appendix).
These transactions included:
–$2 million in deposits and withdrawals involving Global Investment Fund, S.A., a BTCB affiliate;
–$1.3 million in payments to John Long or his companies Republic Products Corporation and Templier
Caisse S .A.;
–$950,000 in deposits and withdrawals involving FEC Financial Holdings;
–$23 9,000 in payme nts to Req uena, B TCB ’s preside nt;
–$134,000 in payments to Mavis or Anthony Betts, relatives of George Betts, BTCB ’s chief financial
personnel considered similar transactions signs of possible “self-dealing,” Security Bank personnel
indicated that they had felt no concern nor asked any questions about BTCB transactions involving
affiliated parties.
When asked about BTCB’s account activity, Security Bank personnel told Minority Staff
investigators that they had never witnessed evidence of actual illegal activity in the account and had not
been concerned about particular transactions. One Security Bank employee said that they had expected
a correspondent account to show large movements of funds, particularly when, in the case of BTCB,
the bank also owned a securities firm.
Security Bank personnel also described a number of troubling incidents over the two years the
account was open, involving law enforcement inquiries, BTCB attempts to include Security Bank’s
name on documents associated with multi-million dollar transactions, BTCB’s high yield investment
program, and BTCB’s involvement with Internet gambling.
The first incident occurred in July 1998, two months after the account was opened, when the
bank received inquiries from U.S. law enforcement about BTCB account transactions involving
William Koop. In response, a July 27, 1998 Security Bank memorandum shows that the bank
contacted two U.S. banking agencies, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, to request information about BTCB. The banking regulators advised
Security Bank to be “cautious” due to concerns that BTCB was possibly involved with “bogus
guarantee[s]” known as the “Grenada Guarantees,” but “there were no prohibitions [on] doing
business” with BTCB. The memorandum noted that a Secret Service agent had also checked but found
“no adverse information” on BTCB.
A month later, Security Bank sent a letter dated August 27, 1998, to the federal prosecutor
handling indictments related to the Koop fraud and included the following request:
If there comes a time that your office feels that information should be given to us concerning
British Trade and Commerce Bank that indicates that we should not do business with British
Trade and Commerce Bank, it would be appreciated if you would so advise.
Security Bank personnel said that the prosecutor advised calling U.S. banking regulators, but never
suggested closing the BTCB account. That Security Bank made inquiries to four different government
agencies shows it had concerns about BTCB and made reasonable due diligence inquiries about the
bank, but received no adverse information indicating the account should be closed.
Additional troubling incidents, however, followed. Security Bank memoranda describe three
separate occasions, for example, on which it had to insist on BTCB’s removing its name from
documentation related to multi-million-dollar certificates of deposit (“CDs”). The incidents, which
took place over a two month period in late 1998, involved BTCB-prepared CDs for $1 million, $6
million and $20 million.166
The three incidents were described in Security Bank do cumentation as follows.
–A 10/21/98 Security Bank memorandum stated that BTCB had telephoned to request the bank’s approval
of a $6 million CD for “The Northfield Trust,” which included language stating that the $6 million “will be
paid by the issuing Bank or at the counters of Security Bank.” The memorandum stated that Security Bank
would n ot hono r the CD and its nam e “must no t appea r” on the p aperwo rk.
–A 11/5/98 Security Bank memorandum stated that, two weeks later, BTCB sought approval of a $20
million draft CD for “Heller Securities” which an accompanying letter stated was “payable upon
presentation at our counter as the Issuing Bank, or upon three (3) banking days advance notice ... at the
counter o f our US corresp onden t bank, Se curity Ban k.” The memo randum stated that S ecurity Ba nk “will
not make any commitment like that one, as ... discussed before.” Security Bank’s international department
head indicated that he considered this CD “very similar” to the rejected CD, and was “concerned” that
BTCB was not familiar with or did not understand U.S. banking rules regarding CDs. He said that he
person ally spoke with Betts o f BTC B and told him tha t the word ing created a possib le liability for Se curity
Bank. He said that Betts told him that he was “wrong” and Security B ank would ha ve “no respo nsibility”
for the transaction. He said Security Bank had nevertheless insisted on removing its name from the letter.
–A Security Bank memorandum dated about one month later, on 12/10/98, stated that a draft $1 million CD
containing the same w ording a s the rejec ted CD from O ctober, h ad bee n faxed b y Banco Solidario de Co sta
Rica which was attempting to verify it. The memorandum said that Security Bank informed the Costa Rican
bank that it “did not accept any responsibility and that the document had no validity for us.” The
international department head said that he had, again, become worried. He said that he had thought BTCB
either was acting in good faith but did not understand U.S. banking law, or that it was trying to take
advantage of Security Bank.
Another troubling incident, in November 1998, involved a sudden influx of over 300 checks,
primarily from U.S. residents in amounts ranging from $100 to $10,000, which BTCB presented to
Security Bank for clearing. All of the checks were made out to LBM Accounting, a Bahamian firm
that allegedly provided accounting services to international business corporations.167 Security Bank
personnel indicated to BTCB that the bank “didn’t like that type of deposit,” and would not clear
similar checks in the future. The bank records contain no evidence that BTCB attempted to deposit
those types of checks again.
Another incident, which began with a $1 million wire transfer by an individual from Malaysia
named Tiong to BTCB’s account in September 1998, escalated after a February 1999 letter from Tiong
demanded that Security Bank return his funds.168 The letter stated that the wire transfer documentation
had instructed Security Bank not to accept the funds unless it agreed to return them a year later. The
Tiong letter stated that, because Security Bank had not acknowledged that condition prior to accepting
the $1 million, he wanted his money back. Telephone conversations and correspondence followed
involving Security Bank, BTCB and Tiong. Security Bank sent Tiong a letter denying any liability in
the matter. Security Bank’s international department head indicated that this incident had raised
concern that BTCB might be, again, misusing Security Bank’s name in dealing with its clients.
Still another incident took place during the summer of 1999, when Security Bank received a fax
dated August 19, 1999, from a company called Actrade Capital asking it to confirm a $1 million
“Standby Letter of Credit.” The standby letter of credit by BTCB was accompanied by a document
stating that the “Confirm and Paying Bank” was Security Bank. Security Bank sent a fax the next day
to Actrade Capital stating that it “has not and will not confirm this letter of credit[.] [T]he name of
Security Bank, N.A. has been used without our authorization and we do not have or accept any liability
on this matter.” The international department head indicated that he personally told Betts at BTCB
“don’t do this anymore,” because BTCB had no credit relationship with Security Bank and would not
confirm its letters of credit. He said this incident had caused additional concern about BTCB.
Security Bank reported that it later received, on three occasions, civil subpoenas or law
enforcement inquiries about these and other incidents involving BTCB clients.
In addition to these incidents, at some point during 1998 or 1999, according to the international
department head, BTCB asked Security Bank to consider providing them with a line of credit. He said
that Requena talked to him personally on several occasions about obtaining credit from Security Bank.
He said that he did not support extending credit, however, because of the bank’s “unusual” activities.
He indicated, for example, that BTCB was not engaged in the typical international trade or lending
activities engaged in by their other foreign bank clients. He said that Requena had explained that
BTCB was instead an “investment bank” engaged in investing in “high yield paper.” He said that
This company is also discussed in the case history on American International Bank.
This matter is described in more detail in the appendix.
Requena had indicated BTCB would, for example, invest client funds, earn a 20% return, pay 15% to
their clients, and keep 5% for the bank. Security Bank’s international department head said that he had
“never heard” of investments with such high rates of return, and did not understand “how it is done.”
He said that BTCB was also involved in unusually large credit transactions – involving $1 million, $6
million, even $20 million – that Security Bank itself did not have the capital to handle. He said, “I
couldn’t understand their activities.” He said that, because he could not understand BTCB’s high yield
investment activities or its multi-million-dollar letters of credit, he had declined to recommend
extending BTCB a credit relationship.
The international department head stated, however, that while he did not support extending
BTCB credit, he did not support ending the relationship either. He said that, while some of the BTCB
transactions were worrying, Security Bank had a “good relation” with BTCB, the BTCB account had
“good balances,” and the transactions were ones that Security Bank felt it had “under control.” He said
that the inquiries made about the bank with U.S. banking regulators and the Secret Service had also
reassured them about BTCB, so the account was allowed to continue into 2000.
Anti-Money Laundering Controls and Oversight. Discussions with Security Bank’s anti-
money laundering personnel and review of its anti-money laundering manual disclosed a number of
deficiencies in Security Bank’s written materials and day-to-day monitoring of accounts for suspicious
activity, which were illustrated by the bank’s failure to conduct adequate monitoring of the BTCB
One key deficiency was that Security Bank’s Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) Manual did not direct
either the BSA officer for the bank or individual account officers to monitor accounts for suspicious
activity. While the BSA Manual provided detailed guidance and procedures for identifying and
reporting cash transactions, it contained virtually no guidance or procedures for identifying and
reporting suspicious activity. No provisions directed bank employees to report suspicious activity to
the BSA officer. No provisions required the BSA officer to examine bank transactions for suspicious
activity. No provisions discussed the filing of Suspicious Activity Reports. No provisions even
mentioned correspondent banking.
When Security Bank’s BSA officer was asked about his anti-money laundering duties, he did
not mention monitoring accounts or transactions for suspicious activity. When asked whether he had
ever reviewed the BTCB account, he indicated that he had not because the account had rarely involved
cash transactions. He indicated that it was his responsibility to monitor cash transactions, while it was
the responsibility of another Security Bank official to monitor wire transfer and other non-cash
transactions. The Security Bank official responsible for monitoring non-cash transactions had not
reviewed the BTCB account either. He explained that, because bank policy prohibited wire
transactions by non-customers, and all customers underwent a due diligence review prior to opening an
account, bank policy did not require reviewing wire transfers for suspicious activity, beyond an
In short, Security Bank’s policies failed to require any monitoring of wire transfers for
suspicious activity and, even if it had required this monitoring, its software made anti-money
laundering analysis difficult. The result was that no Security Bank employee, in two years, had
reviewed or analyzed the nearly $50 million in incoming and outgoing wire transfers in BTCB’s
But even if Security Bank had adequate policies, procedures and automated systems in place
and its BSA officer had reviewed the BTCB account, it is unclear whether the bank would have
identified or reported any suspicious activity. In the words of one Security Bank official,
correspondent bank accounts were expected to show “lots of money going in and out.” The bank had
no procedures calling for heightened scrutiny of correspondent accounts, offshore banks or transactions
in bank secrecy jurisdictions.
Closing the Account. Security Bank personnel said the incident that “spilled the cup” with
respect to the BTCB account and led to its closure occurred in May 2000, when it discovered BTCB
was involving Security Bank in Internet gambling. One Security Bank employee explained that the
bank simply did not want to be associated with gambling; another said that all of the other BTCB
incidents causing concern had involved single transactions which Security Bank had felt could be
controlled, but Internet gambling involved multiple transactions by multiple parties that were beyond
its control. In a letter dated May 16, 2000, Security Bank informed BTCB that it objected to use of its
name in gambling websites and advised that the BTCB account would be closed “within thirty days of
this communication.” The account was closed, in fact, about 60 days later in July 2000.
Security Bank personnel indicated that, overall, Security Bank had been careful not to go along
with questionable transactions requested by BTCB and had closed the account once Internet gambling
problems were uncovered. The personnel stressed that they felt they had never seen any direct
The Security Bank monthly account statements also contained much less wire transfer information than
other statements reviewed in the investigation. A bank official explained that, in 1999, due to increased wire traffic,
the bank had purchased a new software system which identified individual wire transfers primarily by providing a
unique identification number for each transaction. For example, an outgoing wire transfer might be designated on
the monthly account statement as: “OT906020010,” without any origination or beneficiary information. An
incoming wire transfer might be designated “IN905060020.” He said that this software had been selected because,
among other features, it enabled the bank’s electronic database to process wire transfers more quickly, in part by
making more rapid OFAC checks. When the new system was implemented in May 2000, however, it also eliminated
the names of wire transfer originators and beneficiaries from the monthly account statements, significantly increasing
the difficulty of m oney laun dering an alysis. The analysis was more d ifficult becau se instead o f analyzing w ire traffic
simply by looking at an account’s monthly statement, a second set of documents – the original wire transfer
documentation with origination and beneficiary information – would have to be collected and compared to the
information in the account statement. Making the work even more difficult was the absence of any Security Bank
software c apable of analyzing wire traffic da ta for patter ns or unus ual transac tions. Th ese obsta cles to effec tive anti-
money laund ering oversight con tinue today.
evidence of illegal activity by the bank and were not convinced that the bank had been engaged in any
wrongdoing. One pointed out that when all of the questionable events involving BTCB were discussed
in the same interview, they conveyed a much stronger impression than when the account was open and
each problem occurred and was resolved weeks apart. The international department head said that he
felt that Security Bank could not be faulted in its handling of the BTCB account except for “maybe
delaying the closing of the account.”
First Union National Bank is a major U.S. bank, with over 72,000 employees, $250 billion in
assets, and one of the larger correspondent banking portfolios in the United States. Although First
Union’s correspondent banking department rejected a BTCB request for a correspondent relationship,
BTCB managed to open a money market account with First Union’s securities affiliate and used it as if
it were a correspondent account for almost 18 months, from September 1998 until February 2000.
During that period, BTCB moved more than $18 million through the account. First Union closed the
account due to concerns about suspicious activity and to stop BTCB from claiming a correspondent
relationship. It subsequently discovered and closed several other First Union accounts associated with
Interviews were conducted with First Union employees involved in the opening, administration
and closing of the BTCB account and in First Union’s anti-money laundering program. Documentation
in First Union files, account statements, and other materials and information were collected and
Due Diligence Prior to Opening the Account. The evidence indicates that, in September
1998, BTCB opened a money market account with First Union’s securities affiliate without any due
diligence review. BTCB then requested a formal correspondent relationship, but was turned down by
First Union due to negative information about the bank.
According to First Union interviews and documentation, on September 17, 1998, First Union
Brokerage Services, Inc. accepted a telephone call from BTCB and immediately opened a money
market account for the bank, called a “CAP” account. First Union Brokerage Services, Inc., now First
Union Securities, Inc., is a subsidiary of First Union Corporation and closely affiliated with First Union
National Bank. It is a fully licensed and regulated broker-dealer.
A licensed broker at a First Union Brokerage Services “call center” opened the BTCB account.
First Union indicated during interviews that rules in place at the time prohibited opening a CAP
account for a bank, but those rules had not been spelled out and the broker was unaware of them. First
Union said that research has since determined that no bank, other than BTCB, has ever opened a First
Union CAP account, and its rules have since been clarified to prevent any bank from opening a CAP
account in the future.
First Union said that the money market account was immediately opened, without any due
diligence, on the understanding that the accountholder would subsequently provide a limited amount of
account opening and corporate documentation. First Union indicated during interviews that the broker
acted in accordance with accepted practice in 1998, although its money market account opening
procedures have since been changed. First Union said that its brokers must now complete an initial
due diligence checklist over the telephone prior to opening a CAP account. It said that foreign
nationals or nonresident aliens are no longer permitted to open CAP accounts over the telephone; their
inquiries are instead directed to First Union’s private bank. It said that, if a U.S. citizen or resident
alien provided satisfactory oral information in response to the due diligence telephone checklist, a First
Union broker could authorize the immediate opening of a money market account during the telephone
conversation, subject to a subsequent review by compliance personnel and senior securities personnel.
It is unclear who from BTCB made the call to First Union’s securities affiliate. First Union’s
“New Commercial CAP Account Application” lists two contacts for the account: Ralph Hines and
George Betts. The application also provides a U.S. address for the account: “British Trade and
Commerce Bank ... c/o First Equity Group of [Florida], 444 Brickell Avenue." Later bank statements
list the same 444 Brickell Avenue address, but send the statements in care of “FEC Financial Holdings,
Inc.” The CAP account application is signed by Betts.
Within a few months of opening the CAP account, BTCB asked First Union to issue a letter of
credit to secure a BTCB credit card account with Mastercard. BTCB was initially directed to First
Union’s domestic corporate banking personnel. However, when told that BTCB was “chartered in
Dominica and owned by Texans,” a domestic corporate banker directed BTCB to First Union’s
international division. First Union records indicate that BTCB contacted three different international
bankers at different First Union offices over several months in late 1998 and early 1999, in an attempt
to open a formal correspondent relationship, but First Union personnel declined to issue a letter of
credit or otherwise establish a correspondent relationship with BTCB.
First Union interviews indicate that its most detailed due diligence review of BTCB was
conducted in late 1998, after Hines had contacted a Miami office that formerly belonged to Corestates
Financial Corporation, a U.S. bank which had been purchased by First Union. BTCB submitted a large
packet of information about its ownership, lines of business and financial status, and offered to deposit
$15 million with the bank. In response, several First Union employees in the international division
made inquiries about the bank. One First Union correspondent banker indicated in an interview that he
asked three other U.S. banks about BTCB which, by then, had been in operation for over a year. The
First Union correspondent banker indicated that he had received uniformly negative reports about
BTCB, including statements that the bank was “not reputable” and First Union should “stay away.”
The First Union correspondent banker also reviewed the materials provided by BTCB. He said
that BTCB had presented itself as having strong ties to the United States, stressing its ownership of
First Equity Corporation of Florida, but he was not familiar with that securities firm. He indicated that
BTCB’s unaudited financial statement as of June 1998, had raised “red flags.” He said it had
indicated, unlike most banks, that BTCB was involved with investment, rather than lending activities.
He noted that BTCB had claimed $400 million in “securities held for investment and financing” and
then listed three “unusual” securities. The first was $130 million in “Government of Grenada
Guarantees,” which he said he had “never heard of” and could not verify as having the value indicated.
The second was $76 million in “Bolivian Municipal Bonds.” He said that Bolivian bonds represented
a “very small market,” and the large investment figure claimed in the financial statement did not “make
sense” to him. He also questioned the value of the third investment, $140 million in “Russian
Government Guarantees.” He said that, together, the listed securities were “beyond credibility.”
He said the statement’s claim that BTCB had $9 million in retained earnings after just nine
months of operation was also “unusual” and “not credible.” He said that Note 8's claim that BTCB had
earned $10 million from “primarily the financing of bonds from the Government of Venezuela” was
also “not feasible” since Venezuela was then experiencing economic hardship. He also questioned the
$1 million Treasury stock entry, given BTCB’s brief existence. He said that, overall, the financial
statement was “not credible.” He said that he did not question BTCB about its financial statement,
however, since the negative reports on the bank’s reputation had already led him to recommend against
establishing a correspondent relationship.
Although BTCB’s request for a correspondent relationship was rejected, BTCB began to use
the CAP account at First Union’s securities affiliate as if it were a correspondent account and began to
claim a correspondent relationship with First Union. First Union personnel were adamant in rejecting
BTCB’s claim of a First Union correspondent relationship, calling that characterization of the
relationship between the two banks “unfair” and “inaccurate.”
Monitoring the CAP Account Activity. The evidence indicates that, about six months after
BTCB opened the CAP account, First Union began receiving reports of unusual account activity,
suspicious letter of credit transactions, and inaccurate claims by BTCB that it had a correspondent
relationship with First Union. While First Union quickly detected and analyzed the transactions in the
BTCB account, it was slow to take decisive action in response. After first asking BTCB to voluntarily
close its account in May 1999, First Union unilaterally closed it nine months later, in February 2000.
The CAP account opened by BTCB functioned in the same way as a checking account. BTCB
made deposits and withdrawals, using wire transfers, deposit slips and checks drawn on the account.
First Union paid interest on the deposits and imposed charges for wire transfers, overdrafts and other
account activity. First Union sent BTCB monthly account statements. First Union also opened a
brokerage account for BTCB, although this account was never used. BTCB used the CAP solely to
move funds; it never used the account to purchase any securities.
BTCB opened the CAP account on September 17, 1998, with $10,000. The account saw little
activity for about six months.170 The next nine months saw a significant increase in account activity, as
Transa ctions of no te included a $175 ,000 d eposit by BTC B in No vembe r 1998 , in connec tion with its
requests seeking a letter of credit and correspondent relationship with First Union. In December 1998, BTCB
depos ited 200 small chec ks and inc reased th e closing b alance to $252 ,000. Ja nuary saw 185 sm all depo sits, BTC B’s
withdrawal of the $175,000, and a closing balance of $187,000. February saw $279,000 in small deposits, and a
closing balance of $467,000. March saw a $400,000 withdrawal by BTCB which sent the funds to its account at
millions of dollars began moving through the CAP account. An analysis of the BTCB account
transactions shows that, overall during its almost 18 months of existence, about $18 million moved
through the CAP account. Nine transactions involved $1 million or more, with the largest involving $6
million. Many of the transactions appear associated with matters under civil or criminal investigation
or otherwise open to question.171
April 1999 was the first month of increased account activity, when a $6 million deposit was
made from a First Union attorney account belonging to Robert Garner.172 This $6 million deposit was
followed by almost $4 million in withdrawals. The April closing balance was $2.3 million, more than
five times the previous largest balance in the account.
On April 15, 1999, a First Union representative in Brazil sent an email to First Union’s
international division describing a customer engaged in negotiating a credit arrangement with BTCB
which claimed to “have [an] account with First Union National Bank.” In response, another First
Union employee sent an email stating that a corporate customer in Montreal had reported “expecting to
receive a $30 [million] standby letter of credit” from BTCB who had listed First Union “as a
reference.” These and other First Union emails in April 1999 expressed concerns about BTCB,
Dominica, and whether the CAP account should be closed. One stated: “Dominica is about 20 sq.
miles, with mountainous territory. Their business is banana exports. ... Very dirty offshore banking
center.” Another said, “I think if we don’t feel good about the client, we absolutely must close the
account.” First Union’s international division asked its anti-money laundering personnel to research
These transactions included the following:
–$2 m illion in withdr awals from April to O ctober 1 999, inv olving co mpanie s or perso ns associa ted with
IBCL and the Co ok fraud (see explanation of the Cook fraud in the append ix);
–$6 million deposit on 4/26/99, involving McKellar, Garner and possibly the JVW high yield investment
funds, follo wed by 1 01 outg oing wire tr ansfers tota ling $5.7 million, includ ing $1 m illion to BT CB’s
account at Correspondent Services Corporation and $1 million to BTCB’s account at Security Bank (see
explanation of the $10 million CD interpleader action in the append ix);
–$1 million deposit on 10/19/99 by Garner, possibly involving the JVW investment funds, followed by
multiple outgoing wire transfers to bank accounts around the world;
–$3 million Gold Chance deposit on 12/15/99, followed by multiple wire transfers to bank accounts around
the world (see explanation of the Gold Chance fraud in the appendix);
–$2.1 million in transfers from July 1999 to January 2000 involving Orphan Advocates, China Fund for the
Handicapped, and “Corporation Project of the Rehabilitation of Disable Children” (see explanation of the
Gold Chance fraud in the app endix);
–$185,000 in transfers in November 1999 involving the KPJ Trust (see explanation of the $1 million
investment involving KPJ Trust in the appendix);
–$220,000 transfer involving Aurora Investments S.A., a company associated with Scott Brett, a part owner
of BTCB (see explanation of Brett investors in appendix); and
–$300,000 in deposits involving Global/Vector Med ical Technology (see explanation in the appendix).
The $ 6 million d eposit is ass ociated with the JV W inter pleade r action an d is descr ibed in m ore deta il in
the appendix.
On May 3, 1999, a First Union employee circulated an email about the BTCB account stating
the following:
On May 5, another First Union employee forwarded a copy of a BTCB letter discussing a $6 million
letter of credit. The letter by BTCB, dated April 13, 1999, stated that the bank was “ready, willing and
able to issue a Standby Letter of Credit in the favor of US C&R HOLDINGS INC. for the amount of
... $6,000,000.” [Emphasis in original text.] An attached 1998 financial statement for BTCB
referenced deposits of over $800,000 at First Union, which apparently led to First Union’s being asked
to confirm the information.
On May 13, 1999, First Union sent BTCB a letter stating that, in a “written communication
with third parties,” BTCB had “implied that First Union will somehow act in concert with [BTCB] in a
letter of credit arrangement. You are directed to immediately cease and desist from such unauthorized
use of First Union National Bank’s name, and from any express or implied indication that you have a
correspondent or any other sort of relationship with First Union other than as a depositor.”
The letter did not, however, ask BTCB to close the CAP account. Instead, explained a First
Union correspondent banker in an interview, the decision had been made to make a verbal request to
BTCB to close the CAP account. He said that he personally made this request in a May telephone
conversation with Ralph Hines who responded with a “belligerent tone.” He said they then waited to
see whether BTCB would close the CAP account. When asked why First Union did not put the request
to close the account in writing or unilaterally close it, the correspondent banker indicated that the bank
was worried that it did not have sufficient proof of wrongdoing and BTCB might sue them, so they had
decided to try to encourage BTCB to close the account on its own.
BTCB chose not to close the account. Instead, it used the next four months to move over $5
million through the CAP account, including a $900,000 wire transfer to International Business
Consultants, Ltd., a company associated with the Cook fraud, and a $3 million deposit by the China
Fund for the Handicapped for BTCB’s high yield investment program.173 On August 27, 1999, a First
Union representative in Argentina sent an email to the international division indicating that
For more information, see the explanation of the Gold Chance fraud in the appendix.
BankBoston had called to confirm a statement by BTCB that it was a correspondent of First Union.
First Union’s international division replied in an email of the same date:
They are not, but they continue to claim that they have a correspondent banking relationship
with First Union. We have asked them to close an unauthorized CAP account that they opened
last year. This is their only claim to a relationship with First Union. We have sent a legal
advice to the bank’s President, requesting that they stop promoting false facts, and to refrain
from using First Union’s name again. They are not a correspondent!
This email was “broadcast” to all First Union international offices as a warning about BTCB. Despite
the email’s exasperated tone, First Union took no further action to close BTCB’s CAP account.
The next four months saw another $5 million move through the CAP account, including a $1
million deposit from the Robert Garner account and $300,000 from the Vector Medical Technology
account.174 December witnessed the $3 million Gold Chance deposit, followed by $3 million in wire
transfers to bank accounts around the world.
Closing the BTCB Account. In late December 1999, BTCB attempted to withdraw $1 million
on an account balance of about $733,000. First Union refused to approve the overdraft and another
round of internal emails raised questions about the account, including the risk of monetary loss to First
Union. On December 28, 1999, the First Union correspondent banker then in charge of the Americas
division decided the time had come for the bank to unilaterally close the account. He telephoned
BTCB and informed it that the account was going to be closed and then sent an email to the legal
division stating the following:
URGENT!! This account has significant wire and cash letter activity that is suspicious. We
need to close account! I just spoke to the ... Accounts Manager at BT&C and I requested for
the bank to close the account at once. He requested for me to send a letter to the bank’s
President .... This account was opened by the CAP department without International’s
authorization, and without any compliance requirements. I have reported this problem to Loss
Prevention for over one year. It has turned out to be a headache for the bank, as this entity
boasts to be a correspondent of First Union National Bank. .... I need a letter as soon as
In an interview, the First Union correspondent banker said that later the same day, he received a
telephone call from Betts in Florida asking for the account to be kept open, at least to the end of the
year, to allow completion of ongoing transactions. On December 29, 1999, First Union sent a letter to
BTCB stating that the CAP account would allow fund transfers for 10 days and close in 30 days. No
significant account transactions took place after that letter, aside from a final $1 million transfer to
For mo re informa tion, see the appen dix, in which the $1 m illion Gar ner transfer is discussed in
connec tion with the $ 10 million CD inte rpleade r action an d the $3 00,00 0 depo sit is discussed in conne ction with
Vector Med ical Technology matter.
Orphan Advocates LLC. First Union notified law enforcement about BTCB’s actions, and, on
February 7, 2000, First Union closed the CAP account.
But the BTCB story was not over. For six months, First Union continued to receive reports of
suspicious activity and requests to confirm a First Union correspondent relationship. On January 13,
2000, for example, Huntington National Bank in Cleveland asked First Union to confirm a BTCB letter
of credit for $30,000. First Union personnel summed up their reaction with one word: “unbelievable.”
First Union sent word that it had no correspondent relationship with BTCB and would not confirm a
letter of credit.
On May 1, 2000, First Union received two telexes from BTCB about a $100 million
transaction. The two telexes, which contained the same message, began as follows:
Please advise First Union National Bank Jacksonville, Florida as follows. We British Trade
and Commerce Bank confirm with full responsibility the authenticity of the issuance of
promissory notes numbers 1 - 10 with a nominal value of ten million dollars each to in total
equals 100 million United States dollars in favor of St. David’s Investment Trust and Bank Co.,
First Union personnel said their reaction to this $100 million telex was twofold: “unbelievable” and
“this is fraud.”
On May 4, 2000, First Union sent a second “broadcast” warning to all of its international
personnel about BTCB. The email stated, “Please be advised that, under no circumstances, is
business to be conducted with [BTCB] without first contacting me.” [Emphasis in original text.] On
May 8, 2000, First Union sent BTCB a letter stating:
[W]e have become aware of a Brokerage account ... in the name of [BTCB]. We have also
received two unauthenticated SWIFT messages from [BTCB] dated May 1, 2000 confirming
the issuance of ten promissory notes in the amount of ten million dollars each .... Please be
advised that it is our policy to work and maintain accounts only with foreign banking
institutions that meet our internal compliance criteria and that fit our line of business criteria. ...
[T]he Bank has ascertained that your company does not fit our requirements. ... [E]ffective
immediately, your above referenced account has been closed. Please refrain from attempting to
use this account and from sending First Union National Bank or any subsidiaries thereof
transaction related information or requests in the future. ... [A]ny attempt to use First Union’s
services or its name will invite First Union to consider other remedies it may have.
First Union reported the telexes to law enforcement, and placed BTCB on an internal “hotlist” to
prevent BTCB from opening a new account.
In July 2000, First Union received an email indicating that a Costa Rican bank was discussing a
standby letter of credit with BTCB who was, again, claiming a correspondent relationship with First
Union. First Union also learned that BTCB had listed First Union as one of its correspondent banks in
the widely-used Polk directory of correspondent banking relationships. One First Union correspondent
banker wrote: “Too late ... it is already in the Polks directory!! We are one of their correspondents
listed ... unbelievable.” But another First Union employee responded, “It’s never [too] late! ... Polk’s is
now going through the update process and has informed us that they will honor our written request to
remove our name from BTC’s entry if BTC includes us.” First Union sent a letter regarding the Polks
directory on July 21, 2000.
First Union personnel told Minority Staff investigators that the bank’s experience with BTCB
was an eye-opening lesson about how a foreign bank can misuse a U.S. correspondent relationship.
They indicated that they felt BTCB had repeatedly mischaracterized its relationship with First Union,
had repeatedly misused First Union’s name to lend credibility to questionable transactions, and had
moved suspect funds through First Union accounts.
In addition to the bank accounts just examined, BTCB appears to have had access to a number
of other U.S. based banks, including past or present accounts at Banco International de Costa Rica in
Miami, Pacific National Bank in Miami, U.S. Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia in New York, the Suisse
Security Bank and Trust account at Citibank, and the St. Kitts-Nevis-Antilles National Bank account at
Bank of America. It may also be functioning through bank accounts opened by First Equity
Corporation of Florida, FEC Financial Holdings, Inc., BTC Financial Services or other related entities.
It has also carried on business through bank accounts belonging to securities firms, including
See chart entitled, “BTCB Related Accounts at First Union National Bank.” These accounts included:
–the Robert Garner attorney account, which was opened on 1/20/98, had only a few transactions over three
years, almost all of which appeared to involve BTCB, and was scheduled for closure in October 2000;
–an FEC Financial Holdings, Inc. account, which was opened over the telephone, operated for about 19
months from 11/12/98 until 6/30/00, and appeared to involve primarily BT CB related transactions;
–a BTC Financial Services account, which was opened on 11/2/99, appeared to involve primarily BTCB
related transactions, and was scheduled for closure in October 2000; and
–numerous accounts involving Global/Vector Medical Technology, Inc., described in the appendix.
When it began operations in 1997, BTCB was an unknown, offshore bank in a small bank
secrecy jurisdiction known for weak banking and anti-money laundering controls. BTCB was
nevertheless able, within three years, to open accounts at several U.S. banks and move more than $85
million through the three accounts examined in this investigation. Evidence indicates that a significant
portion of these funds involved illicit proceeds from financial frauds or Internet gambling. While the
U.S. banks examined in this investigation closed their BTCB accounts in seven months to two years,
BTCB was able to replace each closed account with a new one, and continues to operate in the United
States today. BTCB’s apparent ease in opening and utilizing U.S. bank accounts demonstrates how
vulnerable the U.S. international correspondent banking system is to a rogue foreign bank intent on
infiltrating the U.S. financial system.
The BTCB case history illustrates problems in the due diligence efforts at each of the three U.S.
banks examined in this investigation.
When asked to open an account, all three of the U.S. banks worked to gather information about
BTCB’s ownership, finances and business activities. The efforts of BIV and Security Bank were made
more difficult by the fact that BTCB was a new bank with a limited track record, while First Union was
able to draw on reactions to the bank after more than a year of operation. Despite their good intent and
initial work, the due diligence efforts of all three are open to criticism. BIV relaxed its requirements
for audited financial statements and bank references, and opened the BTCB account prior to compiling
a complete file. Security Bank failed to conduct even minimal research into Dominica, waived its
usual on-site visit to the bank, and failed to analyze BTCB’s financial statement. First Union obtained
immediate negative information on BTCB and decided against establishing a correspondent
relationship, but failed to close the CAP account which BTCB then used as if it were a correspondent
account. None of the three banks appear to have asked BTCB anything about BTCB’s own anti-money
laundering efforts.
Once BTCB began using its U.S. accounts, new warning signals emerged. All three banks
witnessed sudden surges in account activity, involving millions of dollars. All three received telexes or
faxes about BTCB’s participation in questionable credit transactions involving $1 million, $6 million,
$20 million, even $100 million. BTCB tried to pressure BIV into signing a proof of funds letter
containing unusual language. BTCB tried to convince Security Bank that its high yield investment
program could earn returns of 20%. BTCB ignored First Union’s demands to stop claiming a
correspondent relationship.
The U.S. banks’ response to these warning signs was indecisive and ineffective. The BIV
account officer indicated that it never occurred to her that BTCB might be engaged in wrongdoing.
She assumed the sudden increase in account activity was the normal growth of a new bank. She
viewed in the best possible light BTCB’s letter requests, telex difficulties, and involvement in letters of
guarantee for $100 million. She accepted BTCB’s explanation that the repeated cash payments to its
personnel involved salary payments. Neither she nor any of her superiors engaged in heightened
scrutiny of an offshore bank that, despite its brief existence, remote location and limited assets, was
moving millions of dollars through its BIV account. It was only after the BIV team from New York
arrived that the BTCB account was reviewed with a skeptical eye, and signs of self-dealing and
possible money laundering were followed by the account’s immediate closure.
Security Bank personnel did not view BTCB through quite the same rose-tinted glasses as the
BIV account officer, but they too gave BTCB the benefit of repeated doubts. Security Bank’s
international department head indicated that the bank repeatedly had concerns about BTCB’s conduct,
but felt they never witnessed actual wrongdoing by the bank. Security Bank knew about BTCB’s high
yield investment program, its lack of lending or trade activities typical of foreign banks, and its
involvement in unusual, multi-million-dollar letter of credit transactions. It was aware that at least one
financial fraud, committed by Koop, had utilized BTCB’s account, and another depositor was fighting
BTCB for the return of $1 million. Security Bank had itself repeatedly warned BTCB against
wrongfully involving it in credit transactions with third parties. But Security Bank personnel showed
no skepticism or reticence in providing services to an offshore bank in a remote location. The
international department head said that he thought he had stopped BTCB transactions misusing
Security Bank’s name, and had protected the bank against loss by refusing to extend BTCB any credit.
The bank’s anti-money laundering personnel had assumed a correspondent account would show multi-
million-dollar movements of funds and made no attempt to understand the transactions, clients or
origins of the funds. The only reason Security Bank closed the BTCB account was because its name
began appearing on Internet gambling websites and it did not want to be associated with gambling.
First Union initially displayed a much tougher attitude than BIV or Security Bank toward
BTCB. Its initial inquiries produced an immediate negative impression of BTCB, and First Union
refused to establish a correspondent relationship. Nevertheless, First Union did not initially
recommend or even seem to consider closing BTCB’s CAP account. Later, when it began to receive
information that BTCB was falsely claiming a correspondent relationship with First Union, misusing
the bank’s name in questionable transactions, and moving millions of dollars in suspect funds through
its money market account, First Union responded with a weak verbal request that BTCB voluntarily
close the account. When BTCB refused, First Union took another nine months, replete with troubling
incidents and additional millions of dollars, before it unilaterally closed the CAP account. The incident
that finally produced decisive action was an attempted overdraft by BTCB that risked monetary loss to
First Union.
Each of the U.S. banks examined in this investigation provided BTCB with access to the U.S.
banking system. BIV opened the door to BTCB’s U.S. activities, not only by providing BTCB’s first
correspondent relationship, but also by providing letters of reference for the bank, including the
undated general letter relied upon, in part, by Security Bank. Security Bank personnel appeared
oblivious to common signs of financial fraud, such as high yield investment programs offering double
digit returns, standby letters of credit involving millions of dollars, and a small foreign bank with no
lending or international trade portfolio but alleged access to tens of millions of dollars. First Union
provided a major boost to BTCB’s U.S. profile by allowing it to keep a money market account for two
years despite mounting evidence of misconduct -- a decision of increasing significance in U.S.
financial circles, given the consolidation of the U.S. banking and securities industries and the uneven
anti-money laundering controls being applied to securities accounts.
None of the three U.S. banks appeared sufficiently aware of or alarmed by the potential damage
that a single rogue foreign bank with a U.S. bank account could cause in the United States. The
potential damage is illustrated by the facts of the BTCB case history, with all its suspect transactions,
client complaints, correspondent abuses, law enforcement investigations, and prosecutions. Here, a
single foreign bank accepted $8 million in proceeds from the Koop and Cook frauds, facilitating the
swindling of hundreds of U.S. investors, with their resulting criminal prosecutions and civil recovery
proceedings. It accepted $3 million in Gold Chance fraud proceeds leading to civil litigation in Canada
and related discovery proceedings in the United States. It issued a $10 million bearer-share CD,
resulting in lengthy civil litigation in New York, and took $1 million from a Malaysian investor who is
still trying to recover his money through complaints to officials in Dominica and the United States.
These and other BTCB-related investigations and proceedings continue to clog U.S. courts and
consume U.S. law enforcement resources, while tarnishing the U.S. banking system with questions
about its safety, integrity and money laundering risks. None of it would have happened if the U.S.
banks had not opened their doors and their dollar accounts to BTCB, an offshore bank in a suspect
The BTCB case history also illustrates the legal difficulties involved in seizing funds related to
financial frauds from a U.S. correspondent account. The Koop, Cook, and Gold Chance proceedings
involve fraud victims seeking the recovery of millions of dollars. In proceeding after proceeding,
BTCB has contested jurisdiction and impeded discovery.
In Schmidt v. Koop, for example, a defrauded investor filed civil suit in a federal court in New
Jersey to recover $2.5 million he wire transferred to BTCB. BTCB claimed that the U.S. court had no
jurisdiction over it and responded to discovery requests with claims that it had no accounts for Koop or
his company. It was only after Koop pleaded guilty to criminal charges and sent BTCB written
authorization to disclose information about his accounts that BTCB admitted the existence of five
Koop-related accounts and produced limited documents for them, in exchange for being dismissed
from the suit. It has not returned any funds to the defrauded investor, even though it may have $1.3
million in Koop-related funds. In the Gold Chance civil suit, the fraud victims have named BTCB a
defendant and are actively seeking return of their funds. BTCB is contesting jurisdiction and has
refused to return the disputed $3 million. In the Cook case, a receiver appointed by the SEC to recover
funds for defrauded investors was never told by BTCB that BTCB had invested funds for some of the
fraud victims and may still retain possession of some of the money. The SEC receiver is still mulling
his legal options for compelling discovery and seizing funds from this bank’s U.S. accounts.
BTCB is contesting jurisdiction in the United States, despite its U.S. ownership, affiliation with
U.S. firms, numerous U.S. clients and multiple U.S. accounts. It does not volunteer any information
about its U.S. business activities, and litigants are not having an easy time investigating or proving
them. Should jurisdiction be established, BTCB could then draw upon a body of U.S. law giving it
added protections against seizing funds from its U.S. accounts.176 BTCB’s conduct in the legal
proceedings suggests that it is well aware of the legal protections afforded to U.S. correspondent
accounts and the difficulties involved in obtaining information or funds from an offshore bank in a
bank secrecy jurisdiction.
See Ch apter V (G) of this r eport.
Records were subpoenaed from June 1998 to March 2000. The account remained open until July 2000.
Includes $6 million withdrawal from Supernow Account-02.
Includes $1 million withdrawal from Supernow Account-02.
Includes $200,000 withdrawal from Supernow Account-02 .
Prepared by U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Minority Staff, November 2000
Does not include interest/dividend payments.
Does not include wire transfer or annual fees.
4 other accounts?
Michael H. Salit, M.D. DDA - individual 109-001-566-5656 Open 4/28/98 - now
Signal Hill Media Grp DDA - corporate 200-000-677-7665 Open 6/30/00 - now
Hanover Bank is an offshore shell bank licensed by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda
(GOAB). This case history looks at how an offshore bank, operating well outside the parameters of
normal banking practice with no physical presence, no staff, virtually no administrative controls, and
erratic banking activities, transacted business in the United States by utilizing a U.S. correspondent
account belonging to another foreign bank and became a conduit for millions of dollars in suspect
The following information was obtained from documents provided by GOAB, Hanover Bank,
and Harris Bank International; court pleadings; documents associated with regulatory proceedings in
Jersey and the United Kingdom; interviews of persons in Antigua and Barbuda, Ireland, Jersey, the
United Kingdom and the United States; and other materials. A key source of information was a June
26, 2000 interview of Hanover Bank’s sole owner, Michael Anthony (“Tony”) Fitzpatrick, an Irish
citizen who voluntarily cooperated with the investigation. Another key bank official, Richard O’Dell
Poulden, a British citizen no longer with the bank, refused to provide either an interview or answers to
written questions. Two additional key interviews were conducted on March 30, 2000, with William H.
Koop, a U.S. citizen who has pled guilty to laundering money from a financial fraud through Hanover
Bank, and on July 23, 2000, with Terrence S. Wingrove, a British citizen fighting extradition to the
United States to stand trial on criminal charges related to the Koop fraud.183 Wingrove was interviewed
at Wormwood Scrubs prison in London. The investigation also greatly benefitted from assistance
provided by the Antigua and Barbuda Government, the Jersey Financial Services Commission, and the
Jersey Attorney General.
The Hanover Bank, Ltd. (“Hanover Bank”) was established as an international business
corporation on August 12, 1992. According to one document, the bank received its offshore banking
license the same day; according to another, the license was actually granted four months later on
December 8, 1992. As of this writing, Hanover Bank remains a fully licensed offshore bank.
Throughout its existence, the bank has had no physical office or permanent staff other than Fitzpatrick,
the bank’s sole owner, who operates the bank from his residence in Ireland.
Hanover Bank’s Formation. When asked how Hanover Bank got started and how he ended
up as its sole owner and chief executive despite a lack of banking experience, Fitzpatrick provided the
following information. Fitzpatrick indicated that, in 1992, when he decided to try to open an offshore
See United States v. Koop (U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey Criminal Case No. 00-CR-
68); United States v. Wingrove (U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina Criminal Case No. 0:00-91);
and United States v. Cabe (U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina Criminal Case No. 0:00-301). See
also the description of the Koop fraud in the appendix.
bank in Antigua and Barbuda, he realized he would need assistance from persons with banking
experience. Fitzpatrick stated in his interview that he was "not a banker" and did not have any banking
experience prior to his involvement with Hanover Bank. He said that his business background was in
marketing, and later noted that he had never “gone to university.” A copy of his resume, which he
submitted to GOAB in 1993 in connection with Hanover Bank, lists credentials in the field of
journalism and public relations, including serving from 1981-82, as public relations advisor to the
Honorable Charles Haughey, then Prime Minister of Ireland.
Fitzpatrick turned to two individuals with banking experience to help him establish Hanover
Bank. The first was Richard O’Dell Poulden, a British citizen with whom Fitzpatrick had done
business in the past. He said that he turned to Poulden, because Poulden’s credentials, which include a
London and Harvard Business School degree, an Oxford law degree, and work at a leading merchant
bank and accounting firm, would impress GOAB authorities, and because Poulden’s business
connections would help attract deposits for the bank. He said that Poulden agreed in a telephone call to
serve as the bank's nominal owner and chairman.
The second individual with banking experience who helped Fitzpatrick establish Hanover
Bank was William W. Cooper. 184 Fitzpatrick said that he met Cooper through the Antiguan office of
PriceWaterhouse (now PriceWaterhouseCoopers), an accounting firm he had contacted for assistance.
Fitzpatrick said that he worked with one of the PriceWaterhouse partners, Don Ward, to set up the
bank. He said that Ward introduced him to Cooper, an American who was an Antiguan resident with
extensive banking experience and who owned Antigua Management and Trust, Ltd., which was
experienced in obtaining bank licenses. He said that GOAB law required a local director for each of its
banks, and Cooper had agreed to serve as Hanover Bank’s local director. He said that Ward also
introduced him to Justin L. Simon, an Antiguan citizen who was then legal counsel to PriceWaterhouse
and who agreed to serve as the bank’s local registered agent, another requirement under GOAB law.
He indicated that PriceWaterhouse prepared the paperwork necessary to "set up the bank for me."185
Fitzpatrick said that he paid PriceWaterhouse a total of $25,000, of which $10,000 went for the bank’s
initial licensing fees.
GOAB documentation corroborates this description of Hanover Bank’s formation. The August
1992 application to establish Hanover Bank Ltd., for example, lists Cooper and Simon as the
company’s original “incorporators,” as does the company’s articles of incorporation. The company’s
by-laws state that the “initial Board of Directors shall consist of the following members: Justin Simon,
Richard O’Dell Poulden and Antigua Management & Trust Ltd.” [Lower case letters added to original
text.] The banking license application names the same three “proposed directors” for the bank.
Although Fitzpatrick’s name does not appear on any of the 1992 incorporation or licensing documents,
Simon confirmed that Fitzpatrick was the moving force behind the formation of the bank. Cooper also
recalled Fitzpatrick’s being associated with the bank from its inception.
Coop er is also ass ociated with Ame rican Intern ational B ank, ano ther case h istory exam ined in this
Fitzpatrick and Poulden also established Hanov er Nominees Ltd., described in Fitzpatrick’s resume as a
“marketin g subsidia ry of The Hano ver Ba nk.”
When asked, Fitzpatrick indicated that although he was the initial organizer and financial
backer of Hanover Bank, he did not undergo any due diligence review by GOAB authorities in 1992.
He said that GOAB authorities instead focused on Poulden, who was then the bank's sole shareholder
and chief executive. Because Poulden refused to respond to requests for information, he did not
provide any description of his role in Hanover Bank’s formation. Ward of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
also declined to cooperate with the investigation and so was unavailable to answer questions about his
role in the bank’s formation.
In early 1993, Fitzpatrick was listed for the first time in filings submitted by the bank to GOAB
as Hanover Bank’s sole owner. Notice of his status is recorded in a Hanover Bank corporate resolution
which was signed by Fitzpatrick, as sole shareholder, and submitted to GOAB on March 31, 1993. The
resolution stated that Hanover Bank had replaced Antigua Management & Trust Ltd. with two new
directors, Fitzpatrick and Cooper. The official form notifying the government of this change did not
explain how Fitzpatrick had become the bank’s sole shareholder, nor what happened to Poulden.
According to Fitzpatrick, Poulden had decided to resign from the bank after the Clerical
Medical scandal, described below, and, in 1993, transferred all of his shares to Fitzpatrick, in return for
about $200,000 that was never paid. Simon also recalled a transfer of shares in 1993, and promised to
look for the official notification to the government of the change in bank ownership. Although neither
Fitzpatrick nor Simon produced documentation to substantiate this explanation of how Fitzpatrick
assumed control of the bank, the investigation found no evidence to contradict it. It is undisputed that,
from 1993 to the present, Fitzpatrick – a man without any banking experience – took control of
Hanover Bank and served as its sole owner and chief executive.
Hanover Bank Management. Hanover Bank’s chief executive, holding the titles of Chairman
of the Board and Managing Director, has long been Fitzpatrick. The bank has no other paid staff,
either on a management or clerical level, although Fitzpatrick indicated that the bank could hire
employees on a part-time basis if needed and has paid commissions to individuals in the past for
bringing in deposits or performing other services. Fitzpatrick said during his interview that it had
always been his intent to hire professionals to manage Hanover Bank, but the persons he had dealt with
had "never delivered," and he had essentially been operating the bank on his own "most of the time."
He said that he believed his lack of banking experience and misjudgements had contributed to
problems at the bank.
GOAB documentation does not identify Hanover Bank’s management team other than
Fitzpatrick, but does record eight years of frequent changes in Hanover Bank’s directors, including nine
individuals and one company. 186 The Bankers Almanac, a leading source of information about banks
Hanover Bank’s directors included the following:
4/92 Initial directors: Simon, Poulden, and Antigua Management & Trust Ltd. (AMT), the company
owned by Coop er.
3/93 AMT was removed as a director, and Fitzpatrick and Cooper were appointed. Although the status
of Simon and Poulden is unclear from the documentation, it appears that Simon remained a
director, w hile Pou lden resign ed durin g 1993 .
worldwide, states in a 1999 entry for Hanover Bank that the bank had five employees, including three
executives besides Fitzpatrick: John Burgess, described as the bank’s “general manager”; Brian
Shipman, in the bank’s “International Division”; and Jeffre St. James, in the bank’s “Foreign Exchange
& Documentary Credits” division. Older versions of the Bankers Almanac list Poulden as the general
manager and Peter Coster as the head of correspondent banking. When asked about the Bankers
Almanac information, Fitzpatrick said the named individuals had been bank employees or officers in
the past, although never “full time.” However, Burgess told a Minority staff investigator that, although
he had received commissions from the bank and did “not want to embarrass Tony,” he had never been
a Hanover Bank employee. When told that the Bankers Almanac described him as Hanover Bank’s
general manager, Burgess laughed and said, “That’s the first I’ve heard of it.”
Proposed Bank Sale in 1998. Fitzpatrick indicated in his interview that he had attempted
several times to sell Hanover Bank and was still interested in selling it. He said that one set of
negotiations took place in 1998, when Poulden telephoned him unexpectedly and asked whether he
would consider selling Hanover Bank to a group of Japanese stockbrokers looking to form a financial
group. Fitzpatrick indicated that he would, and said it was unclear whether Poulden was representing
the group as an attorney or as a business partner who might become one of the bank owners. He said
that Poulden introduced him to Theoddor Tsuru and Takuma Abe, two Japanese businessmen who
appeared to be part of the group negotiating to buy Hanover Bank, although Poulden never identified
the specific individuals involved. Fitzpatrick said that Poulden engaged in detailed negotiations on
behalf of the group, including settling on a $1 million purchase price and proposing to structure the
sale by using a company to purchase the bank. He said that the designated company was at first
Cranest Capital S.A., a company that appeared to be associated with Tsuru, but it later changed to
Societe Suisse S.A., a bearer share corporation then owned by Poulden. Societe Suisse S.A. made an
initial payment of £20,000 towards the purchase price, and a second payment of $100,000 was made
from another source, before the deal fell through during the summer of 1998.
Fitpatrick said that as part of the purchase negotiations, Poulden had requested and he had
agreed to immediately appoint Poulden as the chairman of the bank and to appoint Tsuru as a director.
He said that Hanover Bank issued a corporate resolution in March 1998 appointing both men to the
board of directors, but never filed formal notice of the change in directors with the government, as
required by GOAB law, so the appointments never became final. When asked why the required papers
10/97 Crawsh ay resigned on 10/7 /97, and Peter C oster was a ppointe d. Direc tors were : Fitzpatrick ,
Simon, Coster.
3/98 Poulden and Theoddor Tsuru appointed directors by bank resolution on 3/12/98, with notice
provid ed to G OAB on 5/11 /98, in H anover B ank’s annu al repor t (item 5). D irectors we re:
Fitzpatrick, Poulden, Tsuru, Simon and Coster. Tsuru appointment was later rescinded, and
Poulden apparently resigned or his appointment was ended at some point in 1998.
11/99 Mohammad Jawad and M ichael Gersten appointed. Directors were: Fitzpatrick, Simon, Jawad
and Gersten.
were not filed, he said that he had been keeping them until closure of the deal and awaiting final
paperwork from Poulden and Tsuru that never arrived. Fitzpatrick stated that he did not conduct any
due diligence review of Tsuru prior to appointing him a bank director, but relied on Poulden's judgment
as to Tsuru’s reputation and suitability. He said when he later learned of Tsuru's possible involvement
in the Casio fraud, described below, he rescinded the Tsuru appointment. He said the Poulden board
appointment also ended after the bank purchase fell through.
Documentation obtained by the investigation indicates that, whether or not the Poulden and
Tsuru appointments became final under GOAB law, during 1998, Poulden repeatedly represented
himself as the bank’s chairman. In addition, Hanover Bank’s 1997 annual submission to the GOAB
announced in Note 5, “two new appointments to the Board of Directors,” naming Poulden and Tsuru.
Poulden also exercised joint signatory authority over Hanover Bank’s correspondent account at
Standard Bank, which was opened in 1998. Fitzpatrick explained that he had agreed to make Poulden
a signatory on the account, because Poulden had helped convince Standard Bank to open the
correspondent account, he thought Poulden would attract new business to the bank, and his group
would soon be the bank owner. He said that he did not give Poulden sole signatory authority over the
account, because he had to protect the assets of the bank until the purchase was complete. He said that
because the transfer of ownership over the bank was still "in transition," it had seemed appropriate for
them to share control over the Hanover account and so became joint signatories.
Fitzpatrick indicated that, while serving as bank chairman in 1998, Poulden also became
actively involved in the bank’s management. He said that Poulden opened accounts, attracted new
deposits, and approved all outgoing wire transfers. He said he had communicated with Poulden two or
three times per week, usually by telephone or fax. He said that he had also traveled with Poulden to
Antigua and introduced him to government officials and other business contacts. Fitzpatrick indicated
that Poulden’s management role at the bank had ended when the purchase agreement fell through in the
latter half of 1998.
Fitzpatrick said that he had entertained other offers to buy Hanover Bank as well. He said that
one of the bank clients, Terrence Wingrove, had repeatedly expressed interest in buying the bank in
1998, but never took any concrete action to do so. In 1999, he said, two British residents, Mohammad
Jawad and Michael Gersten, had offered to buy the bank for $500,000. He appointed them directors in
November 1999, and notified GOAB authorities. As of December 2000, however, the bank had not yet
changed hands.
GOAB law requires offshore banks to submit annual audited financial statements. Hanover
Bank’s financial statements for three years, 1997, 1998 and 1999, were audited by Vaghela Unadkat &
Co., which the investigation has been told is a one-man firm operating out of the accountant’s
residence in Birmingham, England. These statements show, over a three-year period, tremendous
swings in Hanover Bank assets, liabilities and expenses, as well as significant payments to Fitzpatrick.
The 1997 statement depicted an active bank with rapidly growing earnings, and net profits of
over $1.3 million.187 It indicated that customer deposits had skyrocketed over the prior year to almost
$14 million, almost all of which would turn out to be related to the Koop and Casio frauds, described
below. The financial statement also showed a dividend payment to Fitzpatrick, the bank’s sole
shareholder, of $350,000.
The 1998 statement presented a more mixed picture of the bank, but an even larger dividend
payment to Fitzpatrick.188 Net profits were about $1 million. Customer deposits had fallen from $14
million to $650,000. The dividend payment to Fitzpatrick had climbed to $1.9 million, twice the
amount of net profits.
The 1999 statement depicted a much less active and profitable bank.189 Net profits were 80%
lower, at about $211,000. Customer deposits had fallen another 10% to about $563,000. No dividend
payment was made to Fitzpatrick. This statement covers the period in which, according to Fitzpatrick,
Hanover Bank had ceased operations and kept its funds in its solicitor’s account in London.
The three financial statements show wild swings in the bank’s assets and liabilities. In the
space of a year, customer deposits plummeted from $14 million to $650,000; Hanover Bank’s own
deposits fell from $1.2 million to $150,000; commission payments dropped from $344,000 to $24,000;
securities valued at $5 million disappeared; foreign exchange losses of $186,000 appeared one year and
disappeared the next; dividend payments swung from $1.9 million to nothing. These financial
statements suggest an offshore bank that was neither stable nor engaged in the prudent banking
activities typical of a U.S. financial institution subject to safety and soundness regulation.
Assets included “[f]ee income” of over $1.3 million, and “[i]nterest receivable” of over $1.1 million,
both of which showed a tenfold increase over the prior year. Expenses exceeded $1 million, including
“[m]anagement charges” of $124,500; “[c]ommissions and consultancy fees” of almost $276,000; travel expenses
exceeding $93,000; and interest charges exceeding $562,000. The financial statement showed “[c]ash & inter bank
deposits” of $1.2 million; “Government securities” valued at about $1 million; “[o]ther listed securities” valued at
$4.1 million; and “[b]ills of exchange” valued at $6.4 million. “Loans and advances” were $3.4 million. “Issued
share capital” was $1 million, the minimum required under GOAB law. Audit and accountancy fees were a bargain,
just $15 ,000.
Assets sho wed fee in come h ad dro pped to about $ 965,0 00, while in terest rece ivables ha d increas ed to
about $1.4 million. Expenses again exceeded $1 million, including management charges of $82,000; commissions
and consultancy fees of more than $344,000; travel expenses exceeding $71,000; and interest charges exceeding
$645,000. A ne w expense for “[f]oreign exchange trading losses” exceeded $1 86,000. At the same time, “[c]ash
and inter b ank dep osits” had fallen tenfold to abou t $150 ,000. A ssets repre sented b y securities we re zeroe d out,
while “[b]ills o f exchang e” had ris en slightly to $ 6.5 million . “Loans a nd adva nces” ha d increas ed significa ntly to
$5.6 million. “Issued share capital” increased fivefold, from $1 million to $5 million, in response to GOAB’s new
capital requirement for offshore banks. At the same time, the financial statement included a new entry for $4 million
in “[p]romissory notes,” suggesting that the bank’s $4 million in additional capital might have been financed through
a book entry loan. A udit and a ccounta ncy fees rem ained at $ 15,00 0.
Fee inco me had fallen to ab out $11 9,000 , and intere st receivab les were d own to a bout $2 83,00 0.
Expenses had also fallen, with management charges down to $60,000; commissions and consultancy fees down
tenfold to $24,000; travel expenses halved to about $37,000; and both interest charges and foreign exchange losses
zeroed out. “Cash & inter b ank dep osits” were down to about $ 66,00 0. “Bills of e xchange ” were d own tenfo ld to
$658 ,000. “L oans and advanc es” were down a similar amo unt to abo ut $630 ,000. A new categ ory of liability
appea red called “Directo rs loan ac counts,” fo r about $ 84,00 0. The promiss ory note to tal had incr eased to about $ 4.2
million. Audit and accountancy fees were halved to $7,500.
Fitzpatrick told the investigation that he kept 100% of Hanover Bank's client deposits in
correspondent accounts. Although the Minority Staff investigation never discovered any U.S. bank
that opened a correspondent account for Hanover Bank, Hanover Bank nevertheless gained access to
the U.S. banking system by using U.S. correspondent accounts belonging to other foreign banks, such
as American International Bank and Standard Bank.
American International Bank. Fitzpatrick indicated that when Hanover Bank began
operation in 1992, he opened its first correspondent account at American International Bank (AIB), an
offshore bank that was also licensed in Antigua and Barbuda. He said that he left this account open for
years, despite making little use of it. He indicated that, in 1997, he received a letter from Overseas
Development Bank and Trust (ODBT) indicating that AIB had gone into liquidation and ODBT would
be opening an office in Antigua and taking over AIB’s accounts. He said that he, again, left Hanover
Bank's account open and, in a 1997 submission to GOAB, listed “Overseas Development Bank Ltd.” in
Antigua as Hanover Bank’s “banker.” He said that he later learned ODBT had closed its Antiguan
office, but continued to operate in Dominica.
AIB and OBDT each opened a number of correspondent accounts in the United States, as
explained in the AIB case history. By maintaining an account at AIB and then ODBT, Hanover Bank
maintained access to their U.S. correspondent accounts as well. Fitzpatrick said that, in 2000, he had
telephoned ODBT to see if he could deposit a client's funds in Hanover Bank’s account at that bank.
He said he was informed that ODBT had unilaterally closed the Hanover Bank account due to
inactivity, and he took no steps at that time to re-open it.
Standard Bank/Harris Bank International. Fitzpatrick said that he soon discovered that
clients in Europe did not want to deal with a bank whose only correspondent was another Antiguan
offshore bank. He said that is why, in 1992, Hanover Bank opened a correspondent account at
Standard Bank Jersey Ltd. According to the Bankers Almanac, Standard Bank Jersey Ltd. is a
subsidiary of Standard Bank Offshore Group Ltd., and is related to The Standard Bank of South Africa
Ltd., a major financial institution with over $22 billion in assets, and subsidiaries and related
companies worldwide. According to the Bankers Almanac, Standard Bank Jersey Ltd. alone has over
200 employees and more than $600 million in assets.
When asked how Hanover Bank was able to open a correspondent account at Standard Bank
Jersey Ltd. (“Standard Bank”), Fitzpatrick attributed it to Poulden's business contacts. He said that, in
1992, Poulden served on the boards of several companies, including a venture capital company whose
board included David J. Berkeley, then managing director of Standard Bank. He said that Poulden
telephoned Berkeley directly to request a correspondent account for Hanover Bank. He said it was his
understanding that Berkeley immediately agreed on the telephone, and the account opening forms were
a mere formality. Because Standard Bank declined to respond to requests for information, it has not
provided a description of or documentation related to the 1992 account opening.
Fitzpatrick stated that he knew in 1992, that Standard Bank had a U.S. dollar account with
Harris Bank International in New York, and that by opening an account with Standard Bank in Jersey,
Hanover Bank would be able to transact business through Standard Bank's account in the United
Fitzpatrick indicated that Standard Bank closed the Hanover account in 1993, after less than a
year, due to the Clerical Medical scandal, described below. However, he said that, six years later in
1998, Standard Bank opened a new account for Hanover Bank, again after Poulden contacted Berkeley,
who was still at Standard Bank. Fitzpatrick explained that, to strengthen the bank in connection with
the proposed 1998 sale, Poulden had, again, telephoned Berkeley and reached him at an airport. He
said that Berkeley gave his approval for the correspondent account during the telephone call, instructed
Poulden to wait five minutes to give him time to contact a Standard Bank employee, and then to call
that employee who would provide him with an account number. He said that Berkeley told Poulden
that he could complete the account opening documentation at a later time. He said that the Clerical
Medical scandal was not discussed. He said that Poulden followed the instructions and immediately
obtained an account number for Hanover Bank from a Standard Bank employee. He said they later met
with Standard Bank employees in person and completed the account opening documentation.
Fitzpatrick said that Standard Bank should not have opened the account in the way that it did, but it
was instructive to him to see that large banks also sometimes broke the rules.
Because Standard Bank declined to respond to requests for information, it has not provided a
description of or documentation related to the 1998 account opening. What is known, however, is that
Jersey banking regulators subsequently investigated and censured Standard Bank for exercising
inadequate due diligence in opening the Hanover Bank account. In a statement issued on July 13,
2000, the Jersey Financial Services Commission stated that, in opening the Hanover Bank account,
“the senior officers [at Standard Bank] directly involved failed to follow proper procedures” and “[t]he
conduct of the Bank fell well short of the standards expected by the Commission” with respect to due
diligence. As a result of the investigation, Berkeley and another senior official left Standard Bank.
The Commission’s July statement observed: “The Commission is also satisfied that senior
management changes in place, including the departure of the officers concerned, have strengthened the
management of the Bank.” When contacted by Minority Staff about this investigation, Jersey
regulators indicated that the facts they uncovered did not match Fitzgerald’s description of the 1998
account opening, but declined to provide the text of the report, a description of their findings or the
underlying documentation, because the report had not been made public. The regulators indicated that,
as a rule, such reports are not made public, although the Commission had yet to make a decision with
respect to the Hanover Bank matter.
Fitzpatrick indicated that Hanover Bank actually used the Standard Bank correspondent account
for only about three months, primarily from April to June 1998, after which the account was frozen
amid questions regarding possibly suspicious activity. Fitzpatrick said the account was actually closed
in December 1998 or January 1999.
Bank for the whole period during which Hanover Bank maintained accounts with our client.” The
Standard Bank schedule shows a total of about $17.4 million in deposits and $13.9 million in
withdrawals moving through the Harris Bank International over the three-month period. Other
documentation indicates that Hanover Bank made use of other Standard Bank correspondent accounts,
for example, to transact business in British pounds or Australian dollars. Harris Bank did not have, and
Standard Bank did not produce any records relating to the closing of the Hanover Bank account in late
1998 or early 1999.
Hanover Bank has had at least a few other correspondent accounts during its eight years of
existence, including a 1992 account at Lombard National Westminster Bank in Cyprus, and perhaps an
account at a bank in Switzerland. The investigation did not attempt to document its non-U.S.
correspondent accounts.
No Current Correspondent Bank. Fitzpatrick indicated that, as of his June 2000 interview,
Hanover Bank had become inactive and had no correspondent account at any bank. According to
Fitzpatrick, all remaining funds in the Hanover Bank account at Standard Bank had been transferred in
late 1998 or early 1999 to an attorney trust account belonging to Finers in London, Hanover Bank’s
legal counsel. He indicated that funds remained in that account, although reduced, in part, by legal
fees. The bank’s 1998 financial statement shows that Hanover Bank also paid Fitzpatrick a 1998
“dividend” of $1.9 million, twice the amount of the bank’s net profits. It is unclear whether any client
deposits were used for the dividend.
Because the investigation was interested in the day-to-day operations of a shell offshore bank,
Minority Subcommittee investigators interviewed Fitzpatrick about how his bank actually conducted
business. His explanations and other information provide vivid details about a bank operating with
few, if any, of the administrative procedures and internal controls in place at U.S. banks.
According to Fitzpatrick, Hanover Bank did not have a permanent office or a permanent staff
other than himself, and he was not a banker or accountant by training. Fitzpatrick said that he generally
kept records associated with Hanover Bank at his residence in Ireland, although Poulden also kept
some records during the time he was associated with the bank. Fitzpatrick stated that he did not have
“computerized” records for Hanover Bank in Ireland, nor did the bank have an electronic ledger.
Fitzpatrick indicated that, for about a six month period in 1997, the bank used the services of an
Antiguan company called American International Management Services Ltd. (“AIMS”) to handle
Hanover Bank's back office operations, including administering its client accounts and keeping the
bank’s books.190 He said that he had visited the company in Antigua and found a “very professional”
operation handling administrative matters for six or seven "small obscure banks like mine." He said,
however, that Hanover Bank could not afford the $5,000 per month cost. He also described an
unpleasant encounter with the head of AIMS, John Greaves, over what he described as improper
disclosures of confidential information to a Hanover Bank client, which led him to sever relations with
AIMS is also discussed in the case history for American International Bank.
Fitzpatrick said that Hanover Bank kept 100% of its client funds in its correspondent accounts.
He said that the bank dealt mostly in U.S. dollars, but also occasionally in other major currencies such
as sterling or yen. He said the bank usually had only a few client accounts open at a time, and he kept
track of each client’s funds by analyzing the monthly account statements sent by the correspondent
banks. He said the monthly statements showed all of the deposits, withdrawals and fees affecting the
Hanover Bank accounts, and he would use this information to attribute deposits, withdrawals and fees
to Hanover Bank’s individual client accounts.
Fitzpatrick said that Hanover Bank did not routinely prepare bank statements for its clients, nor
did it pay interest on client funds. He said that most persons using a bank like his were concerned
about confidentiality, and did not want monthly statements sent to them because they did not want
others knowing they had an offshore bank account. He said the bank usually prepared account
statements only upon request. He described one occasion in 1998, when he and Poulden together typed
up statements for two client accounts, the Wingrove and Doi accounts, using Poulden’s computer in
England. He said they prepared the statements without assistance from anyone else, using the
information in correspondent banks’ monthly statements. His description indicated that it was an
unusual and ad hoc effort.
One of Hanover Bank’s clients, Terrence Wingrove, who was interviewed by Minority Staff
investigators, confirmed that the bank did not routinely prepare account statements. When asked how
he felt about not receiving monthly account statements, Wingrove said, “You don’t go into a fish and
chip shop and ask for filet mignon.” He said that he had trusted Fitzpatrick to handle his money
properly, without worrying about the paperwork, and had told Fitzpatrick, “If my money goes
walkabout, you go walkabout. That wasn’t a threat, it was a promise.” He said that, while Hanover
Bank was not the most “efficient” bank, Fitzpatrick had acted as his “personal banker” and provided
acceptable service, which was why he had maintained an account there.
When asked how Hanover Bank found clients, Fitzpatrick indicated that it was willing to pay
commissions to individuals who brought deposits to the bank. He said the bank also had an entry in
the Bankers Almanac, which helped demonstrate to clients that the bank was an established institution
with an 8-year track record. He said that the bank did not engage in extensive marketing efforts, which
was one reason it had so few accounts at a time.
Subsequent to the Fitzpatrick interview, another Hanover Bank client, John Burgess,
voluntarily contacted a Minority Staff investigator and discussed his experience with the bank.
Burgess said that for a period of time, from 1997 until early 1998, a Swiss company he controlled, The
Trust and Agency Co. (“Tragenco”), had managed a portion of the bank’s business. He said Tragenco
had operated under an agreement which authorized it to unilaterally open Hanover Bank accounts for
Tragenco clients engaged in investment activities. He said these clients collectively made $50-60
million in deposits and provided Hanover Bank with about $2 million in earnings, until Tragenco
ended its investment program. While the investigation did not attempt to confirm this activity, it
suggests the existence of another roster of Hanover Bank clients functioning through another,
unidentified correspondent account, perhaps in Switzerland, raising additional questions about Hanover
Bank’s account opening procedures and internal controls.
When asked how the bank handled wire transfers, Fitzpatrick indicated that Hanover Bank did
not have its own capability to send or receive wire transfers, but worked through its correspondent
banks. He said that incoming wire transfers were handled entirely by the correspondent bank, which
unilaterally decided whether to accept the incoming funds and credit them to Hanover Bank’s account.
He said that he played no role in deciding whether the funds should be accepted. He said that he
usually learned of an incoming wire transfer some days after the funds had come in, when he received
and reviewed Hanover Bank's monthly account statement from the correspondent bank. He said that
the monthly statement would list all deposits into the Hanover Bank account, virtually all of which
would have been made by wire transfer.
Fitzpatrick said that the monthly statements often provided little or no information about
particular deposits, and he sometimes had to contact the correspondent bank to get additional
information to determine which client account should be credited with the incoming funds. He said,
for example, that the wire transfer documentation often failed to name a Hanover Bank accountholder
as the beneficiary of the funds, instead referencing individuals or companies who were not
accountholders at the bank. When asked how he knew to attribute these incoming funds to a particular
client, Fitzpatrick said that the bank generally had only a few accounts and he could figure it out. He
said that Hanover Bank’s clients also often contacted him to let him know funds were coming in and
should be attributed to their account.
When asked about outgoing wire transfers, Fitzpatrick explained that he personally approved all
outgoing wires. Fitzpatrick said that the outgoing wire transfers were actually made by correspondent
bank personnel who would debit the funds from Hanover Bank's correspondent account. He said that
the bank would complete an outgoing wire transfer only after receiving written "wire instructions”
from Hanover Bank specifying the amount, the beneficiary and the beneficiary’s bank, and signed by a
person authorized to withdraw funds from the account. He said that he usually faxed the wire
instructions from his residence in Ireland to the appropriate correspondent bank personnel.
Fitzpatrick described, for example, how Hanover Bank worked with Standard Bank in 1998
with respect to wire transfers. He said that incoming funds were typically in U.S. dollars and wired to
Standard Bank's correspondent account at Harris Bank International in New York. He said that the
accompanying wire transfer documentation, identifying the originator and intended recipient of the
funds, went to Harris Bank International, and was not routinely forwarded to Hanover Bank. He said
that what he received was Hanover Bank’s monthly account statement from Standard Bank, which was
sent to his address in Ireland. He said that he would review the monthly statement to determine what
deposits had been made into the account. However, the monthly statements often listed an incoming
amount without any origination or beneficiary information. He indicated that, even when information
was provided, he was sometimes unable to determine who was the intended recipient of the funds at
Hanover Bank and would have to contact his clients to ask about particular deposits.
With respect to outgoing wire transfers, Fitzpatrick explained that he and Poulden had joint
signatory authority over the 1998 Hanover account at Standard Bank, and had to jointly approve all
funding withdrawals. He said that, typically, if an outgoing wire transfer involved an account he had
opened, such as the Wingrove account, he would initiate a fax with the desired wire transfer
instructions and send it to Poulden; Poulden would sign the instructions with no questions asked; and
Poulden would fax the instructions to Standard Bank. He said that if an outgoing wire transfer
involved an account that had been opened by Poulden, Poulden would initiate the fax to him, he would
sign it with no questions asked, and he would fax the instructions to Standard Bank. Standard Bank
would then complete the transfer.
Fitzpatrick discussed one incident in May 1998, which suggested that the wire transfer approval
process did not always work smoothly. He said that, on the day he was moving to a new residence in
Ireland, he received a request from Wingrove for an outgoing wire transfer. He said that he approved
the wire and sent the wire instructions to Poulden, without first checking Wingrove’s account balance
because the bank records were inaccessible during the move. Standard Bank completed the wire
transfer, and Fitzgerald later discovered that there was a shortfall in the Wingrove account of more than
$800,000. That meant the outgoing wire transfer had been paid for with funds deposited by another
Hanover client. Both he and Wingrove stated that neither had been aware there were insufficient funds
in Wingrove’s account to cover the wire transfer. Both said that Wingrove quickly repaid about
$400,000 of the shortfall but, as of July 2000, two years later, about $400,000 plus interest remained
Hanover Bank’s Anti-Money Laundering Controls. When asked about Hanover Bank’s
anti-money laundering efforts, Fitzpatrick provided a copy of a 1997, one-page “Policy Statement on
the Opening and Conduct of Accounts.” Fitzpatrick indicated that he had drafted the policy statement
in response to efforts by the Antiguan government to strengthen their banks’ anti-money laundering
controls. The Hanover Bank policy statement set forth a number of due diligence requirements for
opening new accounts, including the following.
–Customers must supply one reference from another banking institution covering the
customer’s banking history for at least 5 years.
–[A] customer must supply two professional references, by whom the customer has been known
for at least 10 years.”
–In respect of a corporation, the same references must be supplied for each director as well as
for the corporation itself.
–Each and every signatory or proposed signatory of an account ... must be personally
interviewed by a Bank officer prior to the opening of the account.
–[T]he original of each signatory’s passport must be inspected and a copy taken for the Bank’s
–[A] notarized statutory declaration, duly legalized, as to beneficial ownership of funds ... must
be completed.
–All transactions in excess of USD 50,000 have to be personally authorized by a bank director.
Fitzpatrick said that he was responsible for implementing these due diligence requirements, but
admitted that he did not always comply with them. For example, he said that when he opened the
Wingrove account in November 1997, a month after issuing the policy statement, he did not perform
any due diligence review. He said that he had known Wingrove for several years and was convinced
that Wingrove was an established art dealer with access to substantial funds. Fitzpatrick said that,
contrary to Hanover Bank policy, he did not obtain any bank or professional references prior to opening
the account. He said that he had actually asked Wingrove for these references, but he had not
produced them, and Fitzpatrick had opened the account anyway. He acknowledged that there were
only two pages of account opening documentation for the Wingrove account, a one-page application
form and a 1-page copy of Wingrove's passport photograph. In his interview, Wingrove said that he
had signed the account opening documentation while at an airport in England, and never saw or was
asked to sign a signatory card for the account.
Fitzpatrick said that although he normally was the only person who opened accounts at Hanover
Bank, in 1998 Poulden also opened them. Fitzpatrick explained that, since Poulden was then chairman
of the bank, he and Poulden had agreed that Poulden could open accounts on his own authority,
without the prior approval of Fitzpatrick. He said that he had instructed Poulden on how to open an
account, by completing certain paperwork and performing a due diligence review on the prospective
client, as set out in Hanover Bank's policy statement. Fitzpatrick said that because Poulden was a
"practicing barrister" and experienced businessman and seemed to want a successful Hanover Bank as
much as he did, he had trusted Poulden to comply with the account opening requirements and never
doublechecked his efforts. He said that Poulden had also often told him he had the paperwork for the
accounts he had opened, so Fitzpatrick had not bothered to obtain a copy for his files.
Fitzpatrick said he later determined, however, that Poulden had opened some accounts without
telling him and had failed to complete any account opening or due diligence documentation.
Fitzpatrick was also unaware of what due diligence reviews Poulden had conducted, if any. According
to Fitzpatrick and documentation obtained during the investigation, Poulden appears to have opened at
least four accounts in 1998:
(1) Account No. 930509 -- $2.4 million deposit made on 4/1/98 for Yoshiki Doi;
(2) Account No. 930510 -- opened for Cranest Capital S.A., but no apparent transactions;
(3) Account No. 930511 -- $190,000 deposit made on 4/24/98 for Ted Tsuru and Takuma Abe
joint account; and
(4) Account No. 930512 -- $10 million deposit made on 6/2/98 for Morgan Steepleton
Investment & Securities S.A.; funds withdrawn and wire transferred two weeks later on 6/15/98
to a Morgan Steepleton account at another bank.
Fitzpatrick said that, because there was no account opening or due diligence documentation, he could
not say with certainty who the account signatories were or what the relationships were among the
accounts. He said that he had no information about Doi other than an address in Japan, and had never
met or spoken with him. He thought that Poulden, Tsuru and Abe had administered the Doi account
but was not sure who had signatory authority over it. Fitzpatrick thought Cranest Capital and Morgan
Steepleton Investment & Securities were companies associated with Tsuru, but was not sure and was
unaware who had signatory authority over either of those accounts.
When asked about the $2.4 million deposit to the Doi account, Fitzpatrick said that he first
learned of that deposit when reviewing Hanover Bank's April 1998 account statement from Standard
Bank. He said the amount "surprised" and "delighted" him, because he assumed it was the result of
Poulden's efforts to bring new deposits to the bank and provided proof that Poulden had access to
individuals with substantial funds. He said that after he saw the deposit, he telephoned Poulden who
told him about opening the account for Doi. Fitzpatrick said that he did not know the purpose of the
deposit or the source of the funds.
When asked what had happened to the $2.4 million, Fitzpatrick said that a number of large
outgoing wire transfers initiated by Poulden had utilized funds from the Doi account.191 Fitzpatrick
thought these transfers were used, in part, to purchase an oil company in Texas and a securities firm in
New York192; to pay legal or consulting fees; and to help finance the purchase of Hanover Bank.193
Fitzpatrick said that another $400,000 was inadvertently withdrawn from the Doi account in
connection with the Wingrove overdraft. He said that he wrote to Doi several times about the
overdraft, but Doi had never responded or requested the return of his $400,000, which Fitzpatrick said
he found surprising and suspicious.
When asked about the $10 million deposit in June and its withdrawal two weeks later,
Fitzpatrick indicated that he did make inquiries about those wire transfers at the time. He said that
Poulden had told him the $10 million was going to be used to purchase “prime bank notes,” and that
Poulden was acting as a middleman in the transaction, between the sellers of the notes and the
purchaser, Tsuru. Fitzpatrick said that Poulden had agreed with him that it was a scam, since prime
bank notes are fictitious instruments with no tradeable market, but Poulden said he had been unable to
convince Tsuru not to go forward with the purchase. Fitzpatrick thought, in the end, however, the
purchase had not gone forward. Fitzpatrick said he did not know Tatsuya Omura, the person identified
on the wire transfer documentation as the originator of the $10 million deposit, nor did he know the
source of the funds. He also had no information about the Morgan Steepleton account to which the $10
million was transferred.
Fitzpatrick was also asked about Hanover Bank’s lending activities. He said that Hanover Bank
U.S. bank records show outgoing transfers totaling over $1.3 million, including $300,000 on 4/6/98;
$100,000 (in two $50,000 payments) on 4/9/98; $300,000 on 4/9/98; $150,000 on 4/20/98; $400,000 on 5/15/98;
and $100,000 on 6/19/98, that were apparently initiated by Poulden or associated with the accounts opened by
Poulden. Other bank records show outgoing transfers of £135,000 (U.S. $225,000) on 4/21/98; and 130 million
Japane se yen (U .S. $50 0,000 ) on 5/29 /98.
The $ 300,0 00 paym ent on 4/9 /98 was m ade to an accoun t at Texa s Comm erce B ank N.A . for “Anglo
Gulf En ergy Inc.” A rticles of inco rporatio n for Ang lo-Gulf E nergy Inc., file d in Te xas in Oc tober 1 997, ind icate
that it is a Texas corporation and Poulden was one of its two initial directors. An article in Private Equity Week ,
dated 8/10/98, states: “Anglo-Gulf Energy Inc. of Spring, Texas, is raising $3 million through a private placement of
common stock. ... Alden Capital Markets Inc. of New York is acting as agent for a sales commission of $300,000.”
It is possible that Alden Capital Markets Inc. was the securities firm referred to by Fitzpatrick.
With respect to purchasing Hanover Bank, Fitzpatrick indicated that he thought Poulden had obtained
approval to transfer $100,000 from the Doi account, in two $50,000 payments on 4/9/98, to Fitzpatrick’s personal
bank accounts, in partial satisfaction of the bank’s proposed $1 million purchase price. When asked whether Doi
was one of the Jap anese sto ckbrok ers buying the bank , Fitzpatrick said that wa s never m ade clea r.
did not engage in regular lending, but occasionally issued a letter of credit, certificate of deposit or
loan, which he would approve. The few credit transactions examined during the Minority Staff
investigation presented additional evidence of questionable operations at the bank. For example, an
April 3, 1998 letter signed by Fitzpatrick stated that Doi had $16.5 million in his account, even though
bank records indicate that the account never held more than $2.4 million. When asked about the letter,
Fitzpatrick said that Doi had asked for a "temporary loan," and Hanover Bank had engaged in a "book
transaction" in which it loaned him the funds and he repaid them a few days later, returning his account
to its original status. When asked where Hanover Bank had obtained the capital to make a $16.5
million loan, Fitzpatrick said that it was "just a book transaction" that took place on paper and did not
involve actual funds. He said that Poulden had drafted and asked him to sign the letter. He said he had
trusted Poulden "one hundred percent," thought Poulden would not want to get him or the bank into
trouble, and so had done as he asked in signing the letter. Fitzpatrick could not provide any other
information about the transaction. A second questionable credit transaction, involving a $1 million
letter of credit issued to an individual seeking to launder criminal proceeds, is described below in
connection with the criminal conviction of Eric Rawle Samuel who once worked for Hanover Bank.
Together, the information collected by the Minority Staff investigation about the day-to-day
operations of Hanover Bank show a bank that operated with few formalities, few controls, few records,
and few worries about client due diligence or money laundering.
In eight years of operation, Hanover Bank never underwent a bank examination by its primary
regulator, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda. GOAB authorities did not conduct examinations
of any of its licensed banks until 1999, previously relying on audited financial statements and other
filings prepared by its banks to monitor their activities. In 1999, GOAB authorities initiated a new
program for government-sponsored bank examinations and, in 2000, began its first examination of
Hanover Bank.194 The examination completed a review of the bank’s documents in Antigua over the
summer and requested an on-site inspection in Ireland in late 2000.
Irish banking authorities have also never conducted an examination of Hanover Bank.
Personnel from the Central Bank of Ireland indicated, when contacted by the Minority Staff
investigation, that they had been unaware of Hanover Bank’s activities in Ireland. They indicated that
they had not known that Fitzpatrick was involved in international banking, that he was the sole owner
of Hanover Bank, or that he was keeping bank records and faxing wire transfer instructions from his
residence in Ireland. They also indicated that Ireland does not exercise any regulatory authority over
Hanover Bank, since it is licensed by GOAB and apparently does not solicit deposits in Ireland.
Although it has not been the subject of routine bank examinations, Hanover Bank has
undergone three special reviews by bank regulators. The first took place in 1993, shortly after the bank
was licensed, when it was alleged to be involved in the Clerical Medical fraud, described below. U.K.
authorities conducted a lengthy investigation, but took no formal action against the bank. GOAB
authorities apparently did not investigate or take any action against the bank in this matter.
See 8/25/00 letter from the GOAB’s International Financial Sector Regulatory Authority to Elise Bean of
Senator Levin’s office, at 2.
A few years later, however, as part of a general offshore banking reform effort, GOAB issued a
March 24, 1997 notice of its intent to revoke Hanover Bank’s license. The specified grounds were the
bank’s failure to pay its 1996 registration fees and its failure in 1992 to commence banking operations
within six months of receiving a license. GOAB actually revoked the bank’s license two days later.
Hanover Bank was one of over a dozen banks whose licenses were revoked in the 1997 GOAB reform
effort, and it is included in a list of banks that GOAB told the U.S. State Department were closing their
doors. But Hanover Bank refused to close. Justin Simon, the bank’s local director and registered
agent, filed suit in court to overturn the license revocation. According to Simon, the suit was heard by
Justice Kenneth Allen in 1997. Although GOAB authorities thought the court had overturned the
revocation as a result of that proceeding, Simon indicated that Justice Allen did not actually issue a
decision on the merits. He said that, instead, Keith Hurst, then head of the GOAB’s International
Business Corporations (IBC) Unit, unilaterally reversed the government’s position and reissued the
bank’s license. The May 30, 1997 certificate reinstating Hanover Bank’s license is signed by IBC
Director Hurst.
In 1998, U.K. and Jersey banking authorities commenced a special investigation of Hanover
Bank after receiving evidence that the bank was conducting illegal banking activities in both
jurisdictions, as described below. In July 1998, the U.K. Financial Services Authority (FSA) obtained
a court injunction prohibiting Hanover Bank from conducting banking activities in the United
Kingdom. The FSA rescinded this injunction only after receiving Hanover Bank’s assurance that it
would not conduct business in the jurisdiction. Jersey banking authorities conducted a parallel
investigation into Hanover Bank’s activities in Jersey. This investigation led to its censuring Standard
Bank Jersey Ltd. for opening a Hanover Bank correspondent account; alerting U.S. authorities to
suspicious activity in Standard Bank’s U.S. correspondent account at Harris Bank International related
to Hanover Bank; and alerting GOAB authorities to their findings and concerns about Hanover Bank.
These actions contributed to the unraveling of the Koop fraud and the filing of multiple U.S.
indictments,195 as well as GOAB’s subsequent decision to conduct an on-site examination of Hanover
Bank in 2000.
The Minority Staff investigation found evidence of fraudulent and criminal activities
throughout Hanover Bank’s eight years of operation, involving millions of dollars lodged in various
correspondent bank accounts. Three frauds in 1998, involving virtually all of Hanover Bank’s clients
and 100% of the funds it moved through a U.S. correspondent account, raise particular concerns.
Together, they demonstrate that Hanover Bank’s inadequate oversight of its few clients, associates and
transactions contributed to fraudulent activity and multiple violations of banking, civil and criminal
laws in the United States, United Kingdom, Jersey and elsewhere.
In 1993, soon after receiving its banking license, Hanover Bank became embroiled in a major
financial scandal involving £20 million, a prominent British insurance company called Clerical
See appendix for a more detailed description of the Koop fraud.
Medical, and a fraudulent investment scheme involving prime bank notes. Prime bank notes are
fictitious financial instruments which typically contain a false promise or “guarantee” by a well-known
or “prime” bank to pay a specified amount of funds, and the notes are then fraudulently characterized
as available for trade at a discounted price. Fitzpatrick said during his interview that he now knows
that no trading market exists for prime bank notes and they are considered a warning sign of financial
fraud, but said he did not have that information at the time. The 1993 scandal, highly visible at the
time, is still cited on occasion as one of the earliest examples of prime bank note fraud.196
Fitzpatrick explained that, soon after the bank began operations, Poulden and he began to
negotiate a prime bank note investment with Managed Opportunities Ltd., an Isle of Man corporation
that managed funds for the Clerical Medical Group. He said the negotiations led to an agreement
among Hanover Bank, Managed Opportunities Ltd., and a Cyprus company called Kinitor Ltd., which
essentially provided that Kinitor would provide certain prime bank notes in exchange for £20 million to
be deposited into a Hanover Bank correspondent account at Lombard National Westminster Bank in
Cyprus. Other companies, such as Bankhall Investment Management and Corporate Financial
Investments were also involved.
Press reports indicate that after the £20 million was transferred to Hanover Bank’s account at
the Cyprus bank in or around June 1993, Clerical Medical claimed the transfer was unauthorized and
demanded return of the funds.197 Legal injunctions and lawsuits followed, freezing the funds in the
Hanover account in Cyprus for about a year. Inquiries were launched by two U.K. bodies, the
Securities and Investments Board and the Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory
Association, as well as by the fraud office of the International Chamber of Commerce. Fitzpatrick said
that, in the end, Clerical Medical recovered the £20 million, and the lawsuits were settled. He said that
none of the inquiries reached any conclusions regarding Hanover Bank's knowing participation in a
fraud. When the Minority Staff contacted the U.K. Financial Services Authority (FSA) for its
evaluation of the Clerical Medical matter, the FSA declined to provide any information because, as the
FSA stated in a letter, “the Financial Services Act of 1986 ... does not provide for publication of any
report ... and use of, and/or disclosure to third parties, of information contained in any such report or
otherwise obtained in the course of a Section 105 investigation is subject to statutory restrictions.”198
The Clerical Medical scandal was the first indication that Hanover Bank was possibly engaging
in questionable activity. Despite the lengthy investigations into its conduct, U.K. policies against
releasing FSA reports meant than none of the FSA information was made available to the public or
persons attempting to evaluate Hanover Bank’s track record.
See, for example, “Primed for fraud,” Accountancy (4/95).
See, for example, “Suspension lifted on fund managers,” Financial Times (London) (7/19/94); “Clerical
Medical regains Pounds 20m,” The Times (7/11/9 4); “British Firm Sue s Two Lebane se Me n For E mbezz lement,”
AP Worldstream (4/28/94); “SIB investigates switch of Clerical Medical funds to Cyprus,” The Times (1/3/94);
“Clerical Medical rejects demands over funds,” The Times (8/23/9 3); “Insure r sues ove r controls of Poun ds 20m ,”
The Times (8/14/93).
Letter dated 5/30/00 from FSA to Subcommittee.
In September 1993, just after the Clerical Medical scandal broke, Eric Rawle Samuel was
arrested in the United States for offering to launder up to $12 million through Hanover Bank.199 In
January 1994, Samuel pled guilty to one count of money laundering related to his actions and was
sentenced to more than 5 years imprisonment in the United States.
In his interview, Fitzpatrick characterized the U.S. prosecution as a case of "clear entrapment."
He said that it was his understanding that Samuel had received an unexpected telephone call from
someone he knew in the United States, who was secretly participating in a law enforcement sting
operation in an effort to reduce his own criminal sentence after an arrest. He said that the individual
had apparently told Samuel that he had cash to invest, and wanted to buy a certificate of deposit or
letter of credit from Hanover Bank with a face value of $1 million, for which he would pay $800,000
up-front and the rest later. He said that Samuel had told him about the proposal, which he had
considered essentially a loan request, and he had approved going forward. Fitzpatrick said that he
personally drafted the letter of credit Samuel used in the transaction. He said that Samuel then
telephoned the person in the United States to inform him that the deal had been approved.
He said that the person had then told Samuel that he had "dirty money," and Samuel "fell for it"
and said he "didn't mind" and would accept the cash. He said that Samuel flew to the United States
with the letter of credit and met the person at a hotel, where their conversation was apparently recorded
by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He said that the person had apparently again told Samuel
that he had "dirty money" and Samuel had again said he "didn't mind" and would accept it. He said the
See United States v. Samuel (U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia Criminal Case No.
93-CR-420-AL L), indictment dated 10/5/93; “News Release” d ated 1/19/94, by the U.S. Attorney for the Northern
District of Georgia, announcing guilty plea; “Judgement in a Criminal Case” dated 3/30/94.
See United States v. Samuel, “Affidavit” dated 9/10/93, paragraph (3).
Id., paragraphs (19) and (25).
United States v. Samuel, indictment, paragraph (17).
GOAB authorities indicated, when asked about the Samuel money laundering conviction, that
they had no knowledge or record of the indictment or Hanover Bank’s involvement. Hanover Bank’s
local director and registered agent, Justin Simon, indicated that he thought the indictment had involved
a different Hanover Bank and was surprised to hear that Fitzpatrick had acknowledged his bank’s
involvement in the facts underlying that prosecution. The Samuel money laundering conviction
provided a second strong, and early indication of Hanover Bank misconduct, but news of the
conviction apparently never even reached the bank’s licensing authority.
William H. Koop, a U.S. citizen from New Jersey, utilized Hanover Bank in a financial fraud in
which, from 1997 to 1998, he bilked hundreds of U.S. investors out of millions of dollars through a
high yield investment scam.204 In interviews with Minority Staff investigators, Fitzpatrick, Koop and
Wingrove offered different and often conflicting views of what happened during the fraud, who was
defrauding whom, and who knew what was going on when. Rather than attempt to evaluate their
conflicting statements or assign culpability, the investigation focused on how Hanover Bank, whether
knowingly or unknowingly, became a conduit for millions of dollars in illicit fraud proceeds.
The evidence indicates that Hanover Bank played a prominent role in the Koop fraud in two
ways. First, Koop sent almost $5 million in fraud proceeds to Hanover Bank, partly in response to
claims by Wingrove that Koop could earn returns of 20% or more. Second, Hanover Bank became a
featured element in Koop promotional materials. Koop urged potential investors in his fraudulent high
yield program to wire their investment funds to his Hanover Bank account and offered, for a fee, to
open a Hanover Bank account for any investor wanting an offshore account. Documentation suggests
that Koop pretended to open over 200 Hanover Bank accounts for his defrauded clients, eventually
charging over $3,300 to open each new account.
Laundering $5 Million in Fraud Proceeds. In his interview, Koop stated that he first learned
of Hanover Bank in late 1997, during a London meeting in which he was introduced to Wingrove. In a
sworn deposition, Koop said that Wingrove had claimed to be a “majority stockholder of Hanover
Bank”205 and an international trader who could produce significant returns on short term investments.206
Koop indicated that, after checking into the background of both Wingrove and Hanover Bank, he had
Fitzpatrick said that after the arrest, a friend of Samuel had telephoned him and told him what had
happened, and he had sent some money to help pay Samuel's legal fees. He said that he was never questioned by
anyone a bout the m atter and w as never a sked to te stify.
For more information about the Koop fraud, see the appendix and the case histories for British Trade and
Comm erce B ank and Overse as Deve lopmen t Bank a nd Tru st.
Koop deposition in Schmidt v. Koop (12/10/98) at 182.
Id. at 169, 232.
decided to open an account and direct some of his illicit proceeds to Wingrove for investment.207
Koop said that he never spoke with anyone else at Hanover Bank, including Fitzpatrick, and did
not find out for a number of months that Wingrove had no official position with the bank.208 He said
that he thought Wingrove had opened a Hanover Bank account for him, under the name of IFS, for
which Koop was the sole signatory, and which paid 20% interest on deposits.209 He said that he later
discovered that no account had ever been opened, and all the funds he sent to Hanover Bank had
actually been deposited into Wingrove’s account at the bank.210
Koop maintained in his deposition that, of the nearly $5 million that he and his associates
directed to Hanover Bank, about $3 million was supposed to have been deposited into his account,
while the other $2 million was intended for Wingrove, for international investments.211 Koop said that
Wingrove actually took control of all $5 million and has yet to return a single dollar of these funds.
Koop indicated that Wingrove had led him to believe he was investing the funds in artwork and
antiquities, “currency trading” and “computer chips,” although he did not ask and was not informed
about specific trades made with his funds.212
Wingrove maintained in his interview that he never misrepresented his relationship to Hanover
Bank and never agreed to make investments of any type other than in art and antiquities, which were
his specialty. He said that he did promise Koop to produce a 50% return over a five-year period from
the purchase and sale of art and antiques. Both Koop and Wingrove agreed, however, that this promise
was never put in writing, and Koop sent Wingrove millions of dollars without any formal agreement.
Wingrove said that “within weeks” of their first meeting, Koop began sending him money to
speculate in art. He said, at a later point, Koop arranged for him to meet his associate, Johnny Cabe,
who was in London on a business trip. He said that Cabe also began to invest funds with him and
introduced him to his London accountant, Winston Allen.
Both Koop and Wingrove indicated that the $5 million sent to Hanover Bank was part of a
larger sum, $12 million, that Koop directed to Wingrove over the course of six months using accounts
at several banks. According to Wingrove, the funds sent to Hanover Bank were at first deposited by
Koop through his company IFS,213 or by Cabe through his company Hisway International Ministries.
Later, Wingrove said, funds were sent to Hanover Bank by third parties in the United States with
Id. at 169-71.
Id. at 225. See also Koop deposition in Schmidt v. Koop (3/2/99) at 369.
Koop deposition in Schmidt v. Koop (12/10/98) at 165-167.
Id. at 165-66, 182-83.
Koop deposition in Schmidt v. Koop (12/10/98) at 166, 178-80.
Id. at 169, 227-232.
As explained in the BTC B case history, “IFS ” refers to several different co rporations co ntrolled by
Koop, including International Financial Solutions. Ltd. and Info-Seek Asset Management S.A.
whom he had no direct contact. He said these third party deposits caused confusion and cash flow
problems, because the timing and amounts of the deposits often conflicted with information provided
by Koop or Cabe about incoming funds.
Standard Bank account statements at Harris Bank International and a Hanover Bank account
statement prepared for the Wingrove account214 show numerous deposits related to the Koop fraud,
totaling almost $5 million. Fitzpatrick confirmed that he attributed all of these funds to the Wingrove
account. He explained that he had never met Koop or any of the other persons indicted in the Koop
fraud and had never opened an account for any of them other than Wingrove. Fitzpatrick indicated that
he had no idea that Koop and Cabe thought they had accounts at Hanover Bank and were directing
funds into them. According to him, that was why it never occurred to him, when a $240,000 deposit
was made on April 6, 1998, to “International Financial Solutions,” or a $103,000 deposit was made on
April 22, 1998, to “Hisway Inc.,” that the funds might be intended for an account other than the
Wingrove account.215 Banking experts, however, have told the Minority Staff that a bank’s casual
acceptance of deposits earmarked for persons or accounts not associated with the bank is both unusual
and improper bank procedure.
Fitzpatrick noted that Hanover Bank had only a handful of accounts in 1998, and the Wingrove
account was the only one receiving numerous deposits at the time.216 He said that he opened the
Wingrove account in November 1997, but Wingrove did not begin using it until March 1998, when
Hanover Bank opened its correspondent account at Standard Bank. Fitzpatrick stated, and bank
records confirm, that from the day the account opened, Wingrove immediately began moving millions
of dollars through it.
The bank records and other information indicate that Wingrove quickly transferred the deposits
made into his Hanover Bank account to other bank accounts around the world. Fitzpatrick said that the
quick passage of the funds through the Wingrove account did not strike him as suspicious, since he
assumed Wingrove was receiving funds from clients and immediately using the funds to purchase
Fitzpatrick and Poulden prepared one account statement for the Wingrove account, covering the months
of April a nd M ay 1998 . This do cument w as turned over by H anover B ank in disc overy pr oceed ings assoc iated with
a U.S. civ il suit filed by an investor atte mpting to recover his funds fro m Ko op, Schmidt v. Koop (U.S. District
Court fo r the Distric t of New J ersey Civil C ase No . 978-C IV-43 05). T his suit name d Han over B ank as a d efendan t,
but voluntarily dismissed the bank from the suit after obtaining discovery documents.
Virtually all o f the depo sits credited by Fitzpa trick to the W ingrove a ccount w ere direc ted to be paid to
someone other than W ingrove. For example, the very first deposit into the 1998 Hanover B ank account at Standard
Bank was for $250,000 on March 30, 1998. That deposit was made by wire transfer from the United States and
directed the funds to be paid to “Financial Solutions Ltd.” Three days later, on 4/2/98, $1.2 million was deposited
into the H anover B ank acco unt for furthe r credit to “A cct A01 0010 01 IN T.” Fitzp atrick ackn owledg ed in his
interview tha t Financial S olutions L td. was no t a Hano ver Ba nk acco untholde r, nor wo uld Han over B ank’s
numbering system produce an account number like “A01001001.” He said that many of the deposits into the
Hanover Ban k account referenced compan ies or individuals who were not accountholders at the bank and were
unfamiliar to him. When asked how he knew to credit such funds to the Wingrove account, Fitzpatrick said that
Wingrove had sometimes called to alert him to expected incoming funds, while other times Wingrove had appeared
surprised by particu lar depo sits but agre ed they sho uld be attr ibuted to his accou nt.
Fitzpatrick said that the only other active Hanover Bank accounts in 1998 had been opened by Poulden,
who would tell him when incoming funds should be cred ited to one of his clients’ accounts.
artwork. Legal action on behalf of Koop fraud victims has since been taken to seize remaining funds
from Wingrove-controlled accounts as well as some of the artwork purchased with the Koop funds.
Advertising Hanover Bank in the Fraud. In early 1998, promotional materials associated
with the Koop fraud began to feature Hanover Bank. One example is a packet of information entitled,
“The I.F.S. Monthly ‘Prime’ Program,” which Koop gave to potential investors to convince them to
place funds in his fraudulent investment program. Section 2 of the packet, entitled “Wire Transfer
Instructions,” directed all investors to send their funds to the IFS account at Hanover Bank.217 The
Koop packet also provided background information about Hanover Bank, describing the bank’s
establishment, services and correspondents, and claiming the bank had “one of the most extensive and
complete list of correspondent banks in the entire banking business.”
In an early version of the Koop packet, a document entitled “Banking Information” stated:
We have made arrangements with The Hanover Bank to open accounts for each of our clients ...
without any charge to you. If you are interested in doing so, please send a duplicate copy of
your bank reference letter and a copy of your passport picture page .... IFS will then open an
account for you in The Hanover Bank in the name of your trust. We are negotiating for the
purchase of the this bank at this time.
A later version of this document stated that, “[a]s of April 1st, 1998, IFS has ... become the largest
stockholder ... of the Hanover Bank.” A document entitled, “Trusts and Bank Accounts” offered to set
up an offshore trust and bank account at Hanover Bank for $3,375, with checks made payable to Koop.
Both the early and late versions of the Koop packet provided blank copies of Hanover Bank’s account
opening forms for personal and corporate accounts.
Still another document, dated June 22, 1998, and entitled “A Personal Letter from the Desk of
William H. Koop,” described how Koop’s company, IFS, had been experiencing problems with its
prior bank, Overseas Development Bank, and decided to make a “changeover” to Hanover Bank. The
document described plans to “re-structure” the bank and move its “operating office from Antigua to the
Island of Jersey.” The Koop letter promised “in the very near future” to “unveil the positive factors of
the bank, showing you the opportunities that it will present to you personally [including]. ... numbered
accounts[,] ... high interest rates on time deposit accounts[, and] ... debit cards.” The Koop letter
remarked that, by June 1998, “[m]ost of you” already had Hanover Bank accounts. Documents
These instructions s tated in pa rt:
collected in civil proceedings associated with the Koop fraud218 included a specific list of investors
who supposedly had Hanover Bank accounts. This list identified over 200 individuals by name,
providing each with a fictitious account number at Hanover Bank.
Fitzpatrick indicated during his interview that he had no idea at the time that Koop was
purporting to open Hanover Bank accounts. Fitzpatrick speculated, and Wingrove separately
confirmed, that Koop had obtained copies of Hanover Bank's account opening forms and wire transfer
instructions from Wingrove, who had that information. Wingrove stated in his interview that he had
sent the Hanover Bank account opening forms to Koop, because Koop had been considering opening
an account.
When asked about statements in the IFS promotional materials about purchasing Hanover
Bank, Koop indicated during his interview that he and Wingrove had often spoken about buying the
bank, but never completed the transaction. In a sworn deposition, Koop said Wingrove had told him he
was “going to have a percentage of stock in [Hanover Bank, but] ... never turned the stock over to
Koop created further confusion about his relationship to Hanover Bank and the bank’s role in
the Koop fraud by incorporating a Dominican company called “Hanover B Ltd.” and opening an
account at British Trade and Commerce Bank (BTCB) in the name of this corporation. Koop stated in
a sworn deposition that he chose the company’s name “to correspond to Hanover Bank.”220 Wingrove
indicated during his interview that he was well aware of the account at BTCB, thought Koop had
opened it in a deliberate attempt to “mirror” the Hanover Bank account, and thought it had helped
Koop appear to be opening Hanover Bank accounts for Koop investors. Fitzpatrick indicated that he
knew nothing of "Hanover B Ltd.," had never had any contact with BTCB, and had never opened a
correspondent account for Hanover Bank at BTCB.
The Koop fraud provides a detailed account of how criminals can use an offshore bank to
launder funds and perpetuate financial frauds. It also demonstrates how loose bank controls and
nonexistent money laundering oversight contribute to the ability of criminals to carry out their
activities. Fitzpatrick repeatedly said that he had no knowledge of Koop’s misconduct, Wingrove’s
misrepresentations, or their joint misuse of the bank, yet he also failed to follow basic banking
procedures that would have enhanced his awareness and understanding of the transactions taking place
through his bank. When asked when he first got wind of possible wrongdoing, Fitzpatrick said that the
first indications probably came in the summer of 1998, when he learned that the U.K. Financial
Services Authority was investigating Hanover Bank for illegal banking activities in England and Jersey
and asking about Wingrove’s role at the bank.
Schmidt v. Koop, (U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey Civil Case No. 978-CIV-43 05).
Koop deposition in Schmidt v. Koop, (12/10/98) at 158.
Koop deposition in Schmidt v. Koop (3/2/99) at 431.
In 1998, for the first time since the Clerical Medical scandal five years earlier, bank regulators
in England and Jersey took a close look at Hanover Bank. They determined that the bank was not only
operating illegally in both their countries, but was also moving millions of dollars in suspect funds.
Their inquiry led to exposure of the Koop fraud, the censure of Standard Bank for providing
correspondent services to Hanover Bank, and additional regulatory examination of this offshore shell
bank’s activities.
The 1998 inquiry began after an individual who was considering depositing funds with the bank
asked Jersey banking authorities to confirm that Hanover Bank had a Jersey banking license and a
London representative office.221 The Jersey authorities contacted the U.K. Financial Services Authority
(FSA) which obtained a search warrant, entered the alleged Hanover Bank office in London, and seized
documents. The documents included Hanover Bank “brochures” stating that “[t]he bank holds a
license to conduct international banking business on the Island of Jersey” and was “operating within
the security of Jersey’s stringent banking laws.”222 Another document described the London address as
Hanover Bank’s “Representative Office.”223 FSA investigators then interviewed persons associated
with the London office, including Terrence Wingrove, Winston Allen 224 and Patrick Makosso–Jouvam.
On July 24,1998, at the request of the FSA, the High Court in London issued an emergency
injunction prohibiting Hanover Bank from conducting banking activities in the United Kingdom, since
it was not licensed to accept deposits or operate a representative office.225 An affidavit filed in the case
by an FSA official stated that Wingrove had allegedly represented himself to be Hanover Bank’s
chairman and promised to pay commissions to Allen and Jouvam if they located new deposits for the
See FSA v. The Hanover Bank Ltd., “First Affida vit of Peter Geoffre y Brian W illsher,” (7/2 3/98) a t 4.
See also FSA Press Release, “The FSA gains injunctions against Hanover Bank Limited, Winston Allen and Patrick
Mako sso-Jouv am” (7/2 4/98), re printed a t www.fsa.gov.uk/pubs/press/1998/050.html; and Terry Wingrove, Winston
Allen, Patrick Makosso-Jouvam (CH 1 998 C ase No . F410 7) befo re the Hig h Court o f Justice, Ch ancery D ivision.
Neither the FSA nor Jersey authorities would provide copies of the pleadings. However, Fitzpatrick provided copies
of certain pleadings to the plaintiff in Schmidt v. Koop pursuant to discovery in that case, and plaintiff provided
copies to the Minority Staff investigation.
Id. at 5.
Id. at 7-8.
Evidence obtained by the Minority Staff investigation indicates that Allen was also associated with the
Koop fraud. For example, documentation and interviews establish that, in 1997 and 1998, Allen worked for Cabe,
Hisway International Ministries, and related companies. In a sworn deposition, Koop described Allen as “a personal
friend” to whom he loaned over $140,000 to purchase and furnish an apartment in New York. See Schmidt v. Koop,
Koop deposition (12/10/98) at 209, 211-14, 235-36, 243; and Koop deposition (3/2/99) at 393-95. A 10/1/98 fax
sent by Koop to Leonard Bedneau at BTCB , asked the bank to establish a new Dominican corporation called
Atlantic Marine Bancorp, Ltd. and “add Winston Allen as an organizer with William H. Koop.” Wingrove indicated
in his interview that Allen w as also invo lved in K oop’s es tablishme nt of the H anover B accoun t at BT CB.
The inj unction als o proh ibited W ingrove, A llen, and Jo uvam fro m “using the name H anover B ank,”
describing themselves as bankers, or otherwise engaging in banking activities within the United Kingdom. A second
FSA affidavit in FSA v. The Hanover Bank Limited, “Second Affidavit of Peter Geoffrey Brian W illsher (7/28/98),
asked the court to restrain Wingrove from “making certain misleading, false or deceptive statements” regarding
Hanover Bank.
Fitzpatrick said that he first learned of the FSA injunction when, in July 1998, he received a
letter from Standard Bank stating that it intended to close Hanover Bank's correspondent account due
to its distribution of inaccurate literature. He said the letter was a "shock," and he immediately began
investigating the matter. Fitzpatrick said he eventually learned of the role of Wingrove, who denied
misrepresenting his relationship with Hanover Bank and admitted only to describing Hanover Bank’s
willingness to pay commissions for new deposits. Fitzpatrick said that Allen and Jouvam had used a
computer to design new Hanover Bank "literature" to market the bank, included incorrect information
about its license and ability to transact business in the U.K. and Jersey; and began prospecting for
clients.226 Fitzpatrick indicated that he did not know how many clients had been contacted or how
many accounts had been purportedly opened in the Allen-Jouvam marketing effort, but believed no
deposits had actually been made to the bank in connection with the effort.227
On November 26, 1998, the High Court in London withdrew the injunction against Hanover
Bank, with the consent of the FSA and on Hanover Bank’s representation that it would not transact any
banking business in the U.K. Hanover Bank issued a press release claiming it had been cleared and
including the Fitzpatrick statement, “I am delighted the FSA has accepted that the bank was not
involved in any wrongdoing.”
But the FSA had not cleared Hanover Bank of wrongdoing. To the contrary, the inquiry led
FSA and Jersey authorities to take a much closer look at Hanover Bank and its Standard Bank account.
Jersey authorities alerted U.S. authorities to signs of suspicious activity in the Standard Bank account
at Harris Bank International, which led to a U.S. law enforcement investigation of the Koop fraud, and
the resulting guilty pleas and pending indictments, including the pending indictment of Wingrove.
Jersey authorities not only cooperated with the U.S. investigation, but also launched an investigation of
Standard Bank, resulting in the censure of the bank and the departure of the bank’s chairman.
Fitzpatrick was asked during his interview, what steps Hanover Bank had taken or could take in
the future to prevent third parties like Koop, Wingrove, Allen and others from misusing the bank’s
name and pretending to own it. Fitzpatrick responded that he was only one person, the bank was very
small, and it was very difficult to guard against third parties misusing the name and reputation of the
bank. He said that he had experienced repeated instances of strangers misrepresenting the ownership
of Hanover Bank, and there was "nothing [he] can do to stop it" unless others demanded adequate
proof of ownership.
In his interview, Wingrove essentially confirmed Fitzpatrick’s description of what happened, but
maintained that Allen and Jouvam had prepared the false Hanover Bank literature without his knowledge or
involvem ent.
An analysis of Hanover and Wingrove account statements by Minority investigators, however, found one
$50,0 00 dep osit on M ay 20, 19 98, des cribed in wire transfer docum entation as a transfer fro m "M etro Te lecom In c."
for further c redit to "O ttershaw C onsultanc y Ltd.," bu t which was credited to the W ingrove a ccount a nd app eared to
be associated with the Allen-Jouvam marketing effort. When asked about this deposit, Fitzpatrick said that he was
unfamiliar w ith the name s and co uld not re call the circu mstance s surround ing the dep osit. He sa id it was po ssible
that Wingrove had told him to credit the $50 ,000 to his account and he did so without asking additional questions.
He related an incident of several years ago in which his Antiguan agent, Justin Simon,
telephoned him from Antigua to say that a Brazilian businessman was on the island claiming to be the
Brazilian representative of Hanover Bank and investigating the bona fides of the bank. He asked
Simon to have the gentleman telephone him in Ireland. He said that the person called, and Fitzpatrick
informed him of his ownership of Hanover Bank. He said the Brazilian told him that a U.S. citizen had
shown him documents establishing his ownership of the bank and had asked him to become the bank’s
Brazilian representative to find new deposits for the bank. Fitzpatrick said that the Brazilian told him
he had already raised $15,000. Fitzpatrick said that when he asked for the name, address and telephone
number of the U.S. person claiming ownership of the bank, the Brazilian said that he did not have that
information. Fitzpatrick said this was not the only incident of this kind – it had happened a number of
times over the years.
In 1998, banking authorities examined Hanover Bank for illegal banking activities in Jersey and
the United Kingdom and launched an investigation into what would turn out to be the Koop fraud, but
they apparently missed the bank’s possible involvement in still another multi-million-dollar financial
fraud, which began in Japan and led to legal proceedings in multiple jurisdictions. The fraud involved
a major Japanese electronics company, Casio Computer Co. Ltd. (“Casio”), which filed suit in Japan,
the United Kingdom and the United States, among other countries, claiming that a senior employee,
Osamu Sayo, had defrauded the company out of $100 million.228 The legal suits sought worldwide
injunctions against Sayo and other individuals and corporate entities associated with the fraud,
including Theoddor Tsuru, who had apparently been hired by Sayo to help hide and invest a portion of
the stolen funds.
Casio alleged in its U.S. complaint that “the various conspirators lied to, and cheated, Casio and
each other, generated fraudulent records to conceal the frauds, and engaged in an elaborate series of
wire transfers in an effort to launder the stolen funds and conceal their racketeering activities.”229
Tsuru is described as a key conspirator who, beginning in February 1997, helped transfer Casio funds
through numerous bank accounts and place them in various high yield investment schemes. The U.S.
complaint alleged, among other misconduct, that Tsuru personally misappropriated a portion of the
missing money, stating: “All told, it appears that Tsuru stole at least $8,000,000 of the Casio Funds.”230
In June 1998, the London court issued a worldwide Mareva injunction freezing Tsuru’s assets,
including a $2 million house in Japan, a $2 million house in Florida, a $1.8 million apartment in New
York, and a $4 million yacht. It later issued a judgement against him and ordered him to repay $3.3
See, for e xample , Casio Com puter Co. v. Sa yo (CH 1998 - C No. 3241 ) before the High Court of Justice
Chancery Division in London, including 6/10/98 “Injunction Prohibiting Disposal of Assets Worldwide” naming
Tsuru, among other defendants; and Casio Com puter Co. v. Sa yo (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
New York, Civil Case No. 98-Civ-3772-WK), including 6/18/98 “Second Amended Complaint” naming Tsuru,
among other defendants.
Casio Com puter Co. v. Sa yo (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, Civil Case No.
98-Civ-3 772-W K), Sec ond A mende d Com plaint at 2.
Id. at 15.
million to Casio. Additional civil litigation in the United States involving Tsuru and the Casio funds is
ongoing in Florida, Illinois and New York.
Based upon the Minority Staff investigation’s analysis of bank records and other evidence, it
appears that three 1998 Hanover Bank deposits totaling about $12.6 million are likely associated with
the Casio fraud. The deposits were made on three occasions in 1998, using Standard Bank’s U.S.
correspondent account at Harris Bank International.231 The evidence linking the deposits to the Casio
fraud includes the following:
–Both Fitzpatrick232 and Wingrove233 indicated during their interviews that they thought the
deposits were likely related to the Casio fraud.
–The funds were deposited into accounts opened at the direction of Poulden, who was then an
associate and representative of Tsuru, a key figure in the Casio fraud.234
The three deposits were:
–$2.4 75 million depos ited on 3 /31/98 , which H anover B ank cred ited to the D oi acco unt;
–$19 0,000 depos ited on 4 /22/98 , which H anover B ank app arently cred ited to the T suru-Ab e joint acc ount;
–$10 million deposited on 5/29/98, which Hanover Bank apparently credited to the Morgan Steepleton
accoun t.
When asked whether he thought Tsuru was using Hanover Bank in connection with the Casio fraud,
Fitzpatrick said that he did not know, but "it looks like that." He said he first found out about the Casio fraud
through an article in the Observer that "had Tsuru's name all over it." He said he immediately wrote to Poulden
expressin g conce rn and the need to r emove Tsuru fro m the ba nk’s boa rd, and la ter rescind ed Tsu ru’s appo intment.
Fitzpatrick said that he also wrote to Doi asking him whether his account was associated with the Casio fraud, and
received a letter denying any connection. He agreed to provide copies of that letter exchange, but did not do so. He
noted, however, that Doi was from Japan, the source of funds in his account was unclear, and Doi allegedly allowed
his funds to be used for various investments at the direction of Tsuru, Abe and Poulden. Fitzpatrick also noted that
when $400,000 was mistakenly withdrawn from the Doi account due to the Wingrove overdraft, Doi never
comp lained or deman ded retu rn of the fund s, which he fo und unlike ly condu ct with resp ect to legitim ate funds.
Wingrove indicated that he also believed the funds deposited in Hanover Bank were associated with the
Casio fraud. He indicated that he was first introduced to Tsuru and Poulden by Fitzpatrick in March of 1998, when
Tsuru w as attemp ting to reco ver funds fr om ano ther individ ual assoc iated with the Casio fra ud, Jose ph R. K elso.
(Kelso’s role in the Casio fraud is described, for example, in “Wanted – over there, but not over here,” The Observer
(4/12/98); and “Casio admits to $100m loss as executive goes into hiding,” The Observer (6/21/98).) Wingrove
said that he met with Kelso on Tsuru’s behalf while Kelso was detained in England on alleged immigration
violations and obtained some promising information. Wingrove indicated that, because he spoke fluent Japanese and
was promised 10% of any funds he recovered, he also traveled to Japan on behalf of Tsuru and Poulden. He
declined to provide specific information about the trip, other than to say he met with Doi among others, and when he
returned in May 1998, warned Fitzpatrick about what he had found out. He said that, in the end, he never recovered
any funds for Tsuru.
Pould en had in troduce d Tsur u and co nvinced Fitzpatrick to appo int Tsuru to Hano ver Ba nk’s boa rd in
Marc h 1998 . Tsuru sta ted in plea dings be fore the Lo ndon H igh Cou rt that, from S eptemb er 199 7 until well into
1998 , he had e mploye d Pou lden as a “b arrister” to represen t him in matte rs relating to unsucce ssful investme nts
made with the Casio funds. See Casio Com puter Co. v. Sa yo (CH 1998 - C No. 3241), “Third Affirmation of
Theoddor Tsuru” (1/12/99) at 63. Since, by Tsuru’s own admission, Poulden was representing him in 1997 and
–The deposits were made in 1998, when Tsuru was still handling Casio funds, and were
deposited to accounts associated with Tsuru, including a joint Tsuru-Abe account, the Doi
account and a corporate account for Morgan Steepleton, a company Fitzpatrick said was
associated with Tsuru.
–The bulk of the funds were withdrawn through wire transfers authorized by Poulden during the
period he was associated with Tsuru.
While the evidence linking the $12.6 million to the Casio fraud is far from conclusive, it is
more than sufficient to raise concern. U.S. legal counsel for Casio indicated that they were spending
considerable time trying to track down funds and assets related to the Casio fraud, had been wholly
unaware of the Tsuru-related accounts at Hanover Bank, and were interested to learn of the deposits
and withdrawals.
The fate of the Casio funds that were still on deposit with Hanover Bank when the bank became
inactive in 1998 is also of interest. Fitzpatrick indicated that all remaining funds in its account at
Standard Bank were transferred in December 1998 or January 1999, to an attorney trust account
belonging to the bank’s London solicitor, Finers. No documents were produced, however, showing
exactly how much was transferred to the Finers account. Evidence obtained by the investigation
indicates that, at the time, a dispute arose between Fitzpatrick and Poulden over where the funds should
be transferred, with each man insisting on a different attorney trust account. Fitzpatrick resolved the
dispute by terminating Poulden’s relationship with Hanover Bank and instructing Standard Bank to
transfer the funds to Finers. There is also some evidence that Tsuru may have asserted ownership of
the funds, which Fitzpatrick declined to acknowledge in light of the Casio fraud and uncertainty over
the funds’ status.
Fitzpatrick indicated during his June 2000 interview, that the funds sent to Finers remain in the
attorney trust account, although somewhat reduced by legal fees. The bank’s 1998 financial statement
shows that Hanover Bank also paid Fitzpatrick a 1998 “dividend” of $1.9 million. The source of the
funds used to pay the $1.9 million dividend is unclear; if the funds were drawn from the Hanover Bank
correspondent account at Standard Bank, they may have included illicit proceeds from the Casio fraud.
In 1998, over a three month period, Hanover Bank accumulated deposits of more than $17
million. Nearly $5 million of these deposits came from the self-confessed Koop fraud; the remainder
appears likely to have been associated with the Casio fraud. All $17 million was deposited into and
later transferred from Standard Bank’s U.S. correspondent account at Harris Bank International in New
York. The evidence indicates this U.S. account was the account Hanover Bank used most often during
1998, although Harris Bank International had no knowledge it was providing correspondent services to
this offshore shell bank.
1998, in matters involving investments made with Casio funds, it is logical to assume Poulden was continuing to do
so in con nection w ith their dea lings with H anover B ank.
Information about Hanover Bank’s use of the Harris Bank International account was obtained,
in part, through interviews with Harris Bank International personnel involved in the administration of
the Standard Bank account. Standard Bank declined to provide either an interview or written response
to a letter requesting information. Documentation in Harris Bank International files, account
statements, and other materials and information were collected and reviewed.
Harris Bank International. Harris Bank International Corp. (“Harris Bank International”) is a
wholly owned subsidiary of Harris Trust and Savings Bank, a major Midwestern bank with over 6,500
employees and over $26 billion in assets.235 Harris Bank International, an Edge Act corporation with
about 40 employees, is headquartered in New York City, with a representative office in London. Both
banks are members of the Bank of Montreal Group of companies.
Standard Bank and Hanover Bank. Harris Bank International indicated that Standard Bank
Jersey Ltd. was one of its larger clients. Harris Bank International account statements for Standard
Bank Jersey Ltd. show numerous transactions involving millions of dollars each day, including large
bank-to-bank and bank-to-broker transfers and smaller transfers involving individual clients. The
transactions included significant sums transferred to or from foreign banks in the Standard Bank group.
In 1998 and 1999, the Standard Bank account saw so many transactions each day that Harris Bank
International issued daily account statements. Daily account totals during April 1998, for example,
ranged from a low of $3.4 million on April 10th to a high of $134 million on April 28th. In just three
months, from April to June1998, when the Hanover Bank account was active, more than $1.5 billion
was deposited into the Standard Bank account at Harris Bank International, primarily through inter-
bank transfers and the sale of large blocks of securities. Of that $1.5 billion, only about $17 million, or
about 1% of the total, were deposits to Hanover Bank.
Harris Bank International stated in its letter to the Subcommittee that it has “never maintained
an account relationship for Hanover Bank Ltd., Antigua and has acted only as an intermediary to
transactions on behalf of Standard Bank, Jersey.” Harris Bank personnel indicated that the bank did
not even know that it had been providing correspondent services to Hanover Bank in 1998. Fitzpatrick
and Harris Bank personnel agreed that the two banks had never communicated directly with each
See H arris Ban k website a t www.harrisbank.com/facts.html; and 6/15/00 letter from Harris Bank
International to the Subcommittee.
Letter dated 6/15/00 from Harris Bank International to Subcommittee.
other.237 Harris Bank International indicated that it had not known that Hanover Bank was an offshore
shell bank, or that it was owned by a single individual and licensed by a secrecy jurisdiction. It
indicated that, if Hanover Bank had applied directly for a correspondent relationship, Harris Bank
International would likely have rejected the application.
Harris Bank International’s lack of awareness of Hanover Bank is attributable, in part, to the
relatively small number and dollar volume of transactions involving Hanover Bank, when compared to
the other activity in the Standard Bank account. But it is also attributable to Harris Bank
International’s practice of not asking its respondent banks about their bank clients.
Harris Bank International indicated, for example, that despite having a longstanding
correspondent relationship with Standard Bank of Jersey, it had no information on Standard Bank’s
own correspondent practices. Harris Bank International did not know how many accounts Standard
Bank had opened for foreign banks, nor did it know whether Standard Bank would readily accept
offshore shell banks or banks in secrecy jurisdictions with weak anti-money laundering controls.
Harris Bank International indicated that, even after the Hanover Bank incident, it had not collected
information on what foreign banks may be utilizing Standard Bank’s account, and had no immediate
plans to find out.
Harris Bank International stated in its letter to the Subcommittee that it did conduct ongoing
due diligence reviews of Standard Bank and its correspondent account. It indicated, for example, that
it took steps to ensure that Standard Bank had an active anti-money laundering program in place, and
provided a copy of Standard Bank’s November 1999 “Anti-Money Laundering Handbook.” Standard
Bank’s Handbook provides general information and specific bank procedures for combating money
laundering. It specifies a Money Laundering Reporting Officer for the bank, emphasizes the bank’s
need to “know its customers,” and provides useful guidance on how to recognize and respond to signs
of possible money laundering. The Handbook provides employee instruction on account opening and
monitoring procedures, conducting due diligence, and reporting suspicious activity. It does not provide
any specific guidance or instruction on correspondent banking. Because Standard Bank did not
respond to requests for information, it is not clear if the same due diligence procedures were in place in
1998, or how the bank applies its anti-money laundering policies and procedures to correspondent bank
Harris Bank International said that it has correspondent relationship managers in New York and
London who oversee the Standard Bank account. It indicated that it monitors all of its accounts,
including the Standard Bank account, by “regularly review[ing] transaction volumes, value and
payment content.” Harris Bank International indicated that its monitoring efforts have relied on
manual reviews of this information, but after a recent Federal Reserve audit recommended
strengthening its monitoring program, it has allocated funds and is in the process of selecting an
electronic monitoring system. It indicated that its manual monitoring program did not and could not
have identified the Hanover Bank transactions as a problem, because the total dollar volume involved
represented such a small portion of the Standard Bank account activity. As it stated in its letter to the
Wingrove said in his interview that he frequently spoke with Harris Bank International customer service
personnel in 1998, to find out whether certain wire transfers had been deposited into the Hanover Bank account, but
the bank indicated that its customer service representatives had no recollection of Wingrove.
Subcommittee, the Hanover transactions “were not and would not be considered suspicious from our
intermediary bank perspective. These transaction types are typical of Standard Bank.”
Harris Bank International said that it had relied on Standard Bank to comply with its Anti-
Money Laundering Handbook and exercise due diligence in opening and monitoring all of its accounts,
including the Hanover Bank account. Harris Bank International indicated that, it was only after the
Minority Staff inquiry about the account, that it learned Jersey regulators had censured Standard Bank
for failing to conduct adequate due diligence in initiating a correspondent relationship with Hanover
As described earlier, in July 2000, the Jersey Financial Services Commission issued a statement
finding that senior officials at Standard Bank had “failed to follow proper procedures,” and the bank
had fallen “well short of the standards expected” with respect to due diligence. The statement
commended the bank for making changes in its senior management, including dismissing the chairman
of the bank, Berkeley. Because Jersey officials declined to provide copies of their investigative report
or the supporting bank documentation, it is unclear whether they made assessments or issued findings
regarding Standard Bank’s overall anti-money laundering efforts in correspondent banking.
Hanover Bank is a little known, offshore shell bank, licensed by a small bank secrecy
jurisdiction. It is essentially a one-man operation, taking deposits, wiring funds and dabbling in credit
transactions, with virtually no controls and minimal outside oversight. On two occasions it opened a
correspondent account at Standard Bank in Jersey and conducted transactions through Standard Bank’s
U.S. correspondent account at Harris Bank International in New York, unbeknownst to Harris Bank
International. In three months in 1998, Hanover Bank moved over $17 million through the New York
account, virtually all of which were likely illicit proceeds from the Koop and Casio frauds. The U.S.
bank responsible for accepting and wire transferring the $17 million had no idea it was providing
correspondent services to an offshore shell bank with no office, no trained staff, few operational
controls, and past associations with fraud and criminal money laundering.
Because Hanover Bank’s owner, GOAB authorities, and Harris Bank International cooperated
with the investigation, and supporting documents and interviews were obtained from several sources,
the Hanover Bank case history provides a rare opportunity to take a close look at how one offshore
shell bank operated on a day-to-day basis. The view is not an inspiring one.
Hanover Bank operated well outside the parameters of normal banking practice, without the
most basic administrative controls that U.S. banks expect in a regulated financial institution. It did not
have a single trained banker or accountant on staff. It had no full time staff at all. It had no electronic
ledger, and stored its records at the bank owner’s personal residence. It opened accounts with little or
no account opening documentation. It drew up a one-page set of due diligence requirements for new
accounts and then ignored them. It accepted incoming funds for persons who were not accountholders
at the bank. It kept all of its funds in its correspondent accounts and tracked client deposits by
reviewing monthly correspondent account bank statements. It authorized outgoing wire transfers,
without documenting who had authority to withdraw funds from particular client accounts. It operated
without compiling or issuing regular client account statements. It certified one client account as having
$16.5 million, when the account balance never exceeded $2.4 million. It incurred an $800,000
overdraft after failing to check a client’s account balance before approving a requested wire transfer. It
watched $17 million move through its accounts without asking any hard questions about the source of
the funds. It operated for eight years without a single on-site visit from its primary government
Hanover Bank was able to avoid regulatory oversight in part because it was a shell operation
without a permanent office or staff. GOAB authorities could not simply walk in the bank’s doors, ask
questions and inspect documents. The bank owner was literally thousands of miles away from routine
oversight. At the same time, due to its low profile, the bank never drew the attention of bank
regulators in Ireland. Even after learning of its existence in the jurisdiction, Irish regulators were
hesitant to exercise oversight of a bank that was licensed in the Caribbean, accepted deposits in the
Channel Islands, and limited its day-to-day activities in Ireland to making telephone calls and faxing
wire instructions.
The result was a bank that experienced minimal oversight and accumulated a track record of
operational problems and suspect conduct, including handling funds associated with money laundering
and frauds that are the subject of ongoing criminal prosecutions and civil litigation in New Jersey, New
York, South Carolina, Florida, and Illinois in the United States, as well as other countries around the
Interviews conducted with bankers and bank regulators in the United States and elsewhere
indicate that the international banking community has little awareness and no specific information on
how offshore shell banks conduct business. Many expressed surprise when told of the weak
recordkeeping practices and loose operating procedures at Hanover Bank. Some expressed surprise
that a small, offshore shell operation gained access to a U.S. bank. Some expressed surprise at the
amount of trouble that this one-man bank caused in the United States alone, apparently becoming a
magnet for financial fraud and suspect funds.
Although Hanover Bank never opened its own U.S. correspondent account, it managed in three
months to use Standard Bank’s U.S. account to move millions of dollars associated with financial fraud
and money laundering. The Hanover Bank case history demonstrates the money laundering
vulnerability of U.S. banks that fail to ask questions about the correspondent practices of their foreign
bank clients.
Harris Bank International’s core business is international correspondent banking and its primary
activity is providing international wire transfer services to foreign banks. Yet Harris Bank
International did not ask its respondent banks about their correspondent banking activities. It did not
ask its foreign bank client whether they provided correspondent banking services to other banks. It did
not ask how many banks might be using the foreign bank’s U.S. correspondent account, what types of
banks might be using it, or the names of those banks.
The practical result is that Harris Bank International never knew it was providing correspondent
services to an offshore shell bank licensed by a bank secrecy jurisdiction. Because Hanover Bank’s
transactions comprised just 1% of Standard Bank’s total account activity, Harris Bank International’s
monitoring systems could not reasonably be expected to isolate and evaluate these transactions. The
result is that Hanover Bank got a free pass into the U.S. banking system and carried out its transactions
without triggering any anti-money laundering oversight in the United States.
That free pass would not have been issued if Harris Bank International had required its
respondent banks to identify their bank clients and to refuse to give offshore shell banks access to their
U.S. correspondent accounts.
In December 2000, Harris Bank International personnel indicated that, in light of the Bank of
New York scandal, the Minority Staff investigation, and a recent Federal Reserve Bank audit, the bank
had decided to strengthen its anti-money laundering controls in the correspondent banking field. Harris
Bank International personnel indicated that, among other measures, funds had been allocated to
develop better risk assessments of its existing correspondent bank clients, better client profiles, and
better monitoring systems, including the bank’s first electronic monitoring software. Harris Bank
International personnel also indicated that the bank had decided to ask new applicants to identify their
bank clients and correspondent banking practices, although it had not yet been decided whether the
bank would ask the same questions of its existing clients.
Harris Bank International’s recent commitment to improving its anti-money laundering controls
is welcome. But the bank’s hesitancy to ask its existing bank clients about their correspondent
practices – including whether they allow offshore shell banks to use their U.S. accounts – continues a
limited due diligence approach that is easy to administer, but hard to justify in light of the money
laundering risks illustrated by the Hanover Bank case history.
Data based upon information provided by Standard Bank Jersey Ltd. and attached to 6/14/00 letter to Harris
Bank International Corporation from Jonathan Speck of Mourant de Feu & Jeune.
British Bank of Latin Am erica, Ltd. (BBLA) is a small offshore bank that ob tained a license in
the Bahamas, sou ght clients in Colombia, kep t its money in the United States, and closed its doors in
2000 after being named in two separate U.S. money laundering stings. This case history examines the
failure of BBLA and its major U.S. correspondent bank, the Bank of New York, to guard against money
laundering through the C olombian black market peso exch ange, the largest money laundering system in
the Western Hemisphere.
The following information was obtained from court pleadings; documents provided by BBLA,
Lloyds TSB B ank (“Lloyds” ), and the Ba nk of New York (“B NY”); interv iews; and other materia ls.
Key sources of information included a March 9, 2000 written submission by BBLA to the
Subcommittee; a March 31 2000 interview of BBLA and Lloyds personnel; and an August 17, 2000
interview of BNY personnel. All three banks voluntarily cooperated with the investigation.
The British Bank o f Latin America, Ltd. (“BBLA”) began ope rations in 1981. From its
inception to its closure in 2000, BBLA maintained an administrative office in the Bahamas and a
representative office in Colombia. In the Bahamas, the bank held an official offshore banking license;
in Colombia, it held an official certificate, first issued in 1983, authorizing it to operate a representative
office. All of BBLA’s clients were Colombian. At its height, BBLA had 8 employees, about 200
clients, and a bout $1 35 million in assets. Thro ughout its ex istence, BB LA was affiliated w ith a large
Colombian bank, Banco Anglo, and a major international bank based in London, Lloyds TSB Bank.
BBLA is a longtime Lloyds affiliate. Lloyds TSB Bank is a decades-old financial conglom erate
with, accord ing to the Ban kers Alma nac, abou t 77,000 e mployees an d $280 billion in ass ets worldw ide.
The Lloyds TSB Group includes not only Lloyds TSB Bank in London, with its 1800 branches and
numerous affiliated banks, securities firms and other companies, but it is also associated with one of the
world’s most prominent insurance companies, Lloyd’s of London.
BBLA was first established and licensed in the Ba hamas in 1981 , under the name Ba nco Anglo
Colombiano (Nassau) Ltd. It began its existence and continued for more than a decade, from 1981
until 1993, as a who lly owned subsidiary of a Colom bian bank, originally called Banco Anglo
Colombiano S.A., then renamed Ba nco Anglo S.A. (“Ba nco Anglo”). Banco Anglo is a well
established Colom bian bank with o ver 1,000 emplo yees and 50 branches throughout the cou ntry. It,
too, is a longtime Lloyds affiliate.238
Banco Anglo operated as a wholly owned subsidiary of Lloyds until 1976, when Colombian law changed
to require local ownership of Colombian banks, and Lloyds sold 51% of Banco Anglo’s shares to local Colombian
investors. In 1991, after Colombian law reversed course to again perm it foreign ownership of Colombian banks,
In 1993, Colombian law was changed to prohibit Colombian banks from owning foreign bank
subsidiaries, and Ban co Anglo was requ ired to sell its bank in the Baha mas. On June 2 9, 1993, it sold
the bank to a newly-formed holding company, Sociedad Inversionista Anglo Colombiano S.A.
(“SIAC”), which was incorporated in Colombia. SIAC’s largest stockholder was a company in the
Lloyds group, Lloyds Bank (BLSA) Ltd., which owned 49% of the shares. 239 Because a Lloyds
company was the largest stock holder of both Ban co Anglo and SIAC , the transfer of BBLA from one to
the other in 1993 ess entially kept the bank within the Lloyds group. In 1994, SIAC changed the bank’s
name from Banco Anglo Colom biano (Nassau) Ltd. to British B ank of Latin America, presum ably to
stress the bank’s affiliation with Lloyds, a leading British bank.240
Throughout its 19 years, despite multiple technical ownership changes to comply with changes
in Colombian and Bahamian laws, BBLA remained a Lloyds affiliate, through either Banco Anglo or
SIAC. BBLA continually advertised its Lloyds affiliation as a key aspect of its ownership, organization
and operation.
When asked about BB LA’s major business activities, BBLA and Lloyds personnel explained
that, because Colombian law used to severely restrict the ability of Colombian banks to offer U.S.
dollar loans to their clients, many Colombian banks established offshore subsidiaries to provide the
U.S. dollar loans they could not. According to them, BBLA was established by Banco Anglo for that
purpose. As one BNY analysis put it, “BBLA exist[ed] to book dollar loans for [Banco Anglo]
custome rs.” 241
Over time, BBLA too k on additional lines o f business, but continue d to work closely with
Banco Anglo. In simplest terms, Banco Anglo provided banking services to its clients in Colombian
pesos, and referred them to BBLA if they needed banking services in U.S. dollars.
BBLA stated, and the documentation substantiated, that the bank eventually had two basic
groups of clients. The first consisted of Colo mbian comp anies that needed U .S. dollars to engage in
foreign trade or other business transactions. BBLA provided these clients with U.S. dollar loans and
trade financing. BNY stated in one memorandum, “[BBLA] takes dollar funds and makes dollar loans
Lloyds re-purchased Banco A nglo stock and eventually regained its position as the bank’s majority shareholder.
The re maining 5 1% o f SIAC sh ares were held by a n umber o f local Co lombian investors.
From 1993 to 2000, Lloyds steadily increased its ownership of the shares of both Banco Anglo and
SIAC. By December 1999, Lloyds owned about 97% of Banco Anglo and about 98% of SIAC. Lloyds did not
become a 100% owner of BB LA, because Bahamian law had long required its banks to have more than one
shareho lder. For examp le, when B ahamian law requir ed its ban ks to have a minimum of five share holders, B BLA ’s
shareho lders includ ed SIA C and fo ur Lloyd s emplo yees in the B ahamas , each of w hom ow ned one share of B BLA .
In 1997, when Bahamian law changed to permit a minimum of two bank shareholders, BBLA’s shareholders became
SIAC and Lloyds TSB Nominees Ltd., another company in the Lloyds group.
Internal credit analysis of BBLA by BNY Credit Division (10/17/95) at 4, BNYSEN 676.
to Colom bian borro wers to finan ce imports, w orking capit al, and equ ipment.” 242 BBLA explained that
it financed its U.S. dollar loans primarily through credit lines granted to the bank by its U.S.
correspondents or Lloyds affiliates. BBLA indicated that its company clients were not shell investment
vehicles, but manufacturers, coffee growers and other Colombian businesses with tangible assets and
active import and export sales.
BBLA’s second category of clients consisted of wealthy Colom bian individuals seek ing private
banking services in U.S . dollars. Among other services, B BLA accepted dep osits from these clients
and place d them in U .S. dollar inve stment fund s and highe r interest bearin g accounts, p rimarily through
accounts made available to BBLA by its U.S. correspondents or Lloyds affiliates. BBLA earned
revenue from these placements, not only by assessing fees for its services, but also by sharing in the
higher interest earnings paid on the d eposits. BNY stated th at BBLA was also u sed as a vehicle to
allow its ind ividual sh areholders to “receive d ividends offshore.” 243
During its interview, BBLA stated that, at its height, it had about 140 depositing clients and
about 60 borrowin g clients. The b orrowing clie nts were all co mpanies . Of the 140 d epositors, B BLA
estimated that 90% were individuals ho lding accounts in their ow n names, and abo ut 10% were
corporations. At its height, BBLA indicated that it had about $50 million in client deposits, all of
which were held in its correspondent acco unts. Part of BBLA’s attraction for Ban co Anglo clients
seeking private banking services included BBLA’s location in a bank secrecy jurisdiction with no
personal or corporate taxes, and its ready access through its correspondents to U.S. dollar time deposits,
investme nt accoun ts and wire tra nsfer capab ilities.
In addition to serving its two groups of clients, BBLA’s account statements show a constant
stream of large money transfers among BBLA and a handful of Lloyds affiliates, including Lloyds
banks in Belgium, Colombia, Panama, the United Kingdom and the United States. These transfers,
involving millions of dollars moving on almost a daily basis among the Lloyds group, were the most
significant category of transactions on BBLA’s acc ount statements. They dep ict an offshore affiliate
well-integrated into the Lloyds banking network.
BBLA stated that it did not act as a correspondent for other banks or allow other foreign banks
to transact bu siness thro ugh its U.S. acc ount. It indicated that it did no t offer its clients foreign
exchange services, instead offering them banking services solely in U.S. do llars. BBLA stated that it
did not engage in high yield investment programs, Internet gambling, or other high risk activities
described in some o f the other case histories. BBLA also in dicated that it did not establish sh ell
corporations for its clients, although any clients needing such services would be able to obtain them
through other Lloyds banks.
BBLA’s fin ancial statem ents were au dited by KPM G Chartere d Accou ntants in the Bahama s.
The 1998 audited statement indicated that the bank was thinly capitalized but profitable, primarily due
to an active lending portfolio exceeding $120 million, and earnings from about $70 million in client
and bank dep osits. BBLA indicated tha t it was highly reliant on Banco An glo for virtually all of its
Internal BNY document by “BNY Credit Division” (10/18/95), BNYSEN 351.
Internal BNY “Call Report” on BBLA (3/24/00) at 1, BNYSEN 333.
client referrals. BNY apparently agreed, stating in one credit analysis, “[BBLA] exists as a going
concern o nly by virtue of its tie to [B anco An glo].” 244
BBLA indicated that, because it specialized in offering U.S. dollar services to its clients, it kept
virtually 100% of its funds in U.S. correspondent accounts and carried out almost all of its transactions
in that currency. BBLA stated that its primary U.S. correspondent had long been the Bank of New
York, where it opened an account in 1985, in part because Banco Anglo already had a correspondent
relationship there. BBLA indicated that it also had correspondent relationships with a number of other
banks, including Bank of America, Bankers Trust, Barclays Bank, Chemical Bank, Citibank and Lloyds
banks in Panama and the United States.
BBLA indicated that it had not encountered difficulty in obtaining U.S. correspondent accounts,
beca use i t had a goo d rep utat ion, sou nd fin anci al sta teme nts, and a clo se as soci atio n wi th Llo yds. It
said that, when applying to open a new account or to obtain a new credit line, it usually cited its Lloyds
affiliation and indicated that it had the “backing of the Lloyds balance sheets.” It said that the
correspondent services it used most often were deposits made to higher interest bearing accounts and
wire transfer capabilities, while also using to a lesser extent checking clearing and trade financing or
other credit arrangements.
BBLA Mana gemen t. During the 1990s, BBLA’s senior officers were all employees of other
Lloyds affiliated banks in the Bahamas and Colombia. BBLA also shared personnel, office space, and
administrative operations with Lloyds affiliates.
In 1998 and 1999, the years focused on in the Minority Staff investigation, BBLA did not have
a single senior executive who worked solely for BBLA; all of its senior management personnel also
worked for other Lloyds banks. In the Bahamas, BBLA’s most senior executive was David Nicoll, who
was the “managing director” and head of the bank. At the same time, Nicoll was the head of Lloyds’
flagship bank in the Caribbean, Lloyds TSB Bank & Trust (Bahamas) Ltd. (“Lloyds Bahamas”) and an
“international executive” with the Lloyds TSB Group. Three other senior managers who provided
services to BBLA also worked for Lloyds Bahamas.245 BBLA’s board of directors was also dominated
by Lloyds employees.246 In Colombia, BBLA’s most senior executive was J. Scott Donald, who also
worked for Lloyds TSB Bank and served as the president of Banco Anglo.
At its height, BBLA emplo yed eight individuals who worked solely for BBLA. Fo ur were
clerical staff in the B ahamas, w ho perform ed back o ffice and adm inistrative op erations for the bank.
The other four worke d in Colomb ia, serving as the bank’s sales represen tative, an account mana ger,
secretary and assistant. All eight BBLA employees worked closely with staff from other Lloyds
BNY Credit Division’s internal credit analysis of BBLA (10/17/95) at 2, BNYSEN 674.
These senior bank officials were Abraham B utler, Peter Snell and Peter Bridgewater.
BBLA’s bo ard members were N icoll, Butler and Bridgewater.
BBLA als o shared o ffice space and equipme nt with Lloyds a ffiliates. In the Baham as, BBLA
occupied a single room on the second floor of Lloyds Bahamas. As Lloyds’ flagship bank in the
Caribbean, Lloyds Baham as maintained a sizeable facility in Nassau, the B ahamas’ capital city, with
three floors of offices, bank teller services in a lobby open to the public, about 70 employees, and a
large sign on the building announcing the presence of the bank. BBLA’s name did not appear on the
outside o f the building. In C olombia , in complia nce with req uirements for separate office sp ace, BBLA
rented an office in the same building in Bogota as Banco Anglo, but on a different floor. BNY
docum ents suggest th at the Colo mbian office m ay have close d in Octob er 1998, ev en though BBLA
continued to offer client services in Colombia.
BBLA Operatio ns. With respect to day-to-day operations, BBLA explained that its Colombian
representative office acted as the bank’s front office responsible for developing new business and
servicing existing clients, while its Bahamas office acted as the bank’s back office responsible for
technical and admin istrative matters. BBLA said that the C olombian office received virtua lly all of its
client referrals from Banco Anglo and worked closely with Banco Anglo to open new accounts,
evaluate client needs, approve loans, provide investment advice, and resolve client problems. The
Colombian office did not take deposits or handle cash transactions, since it was not licensed to conduct
banking activities in Colombia. It would accept client requests for wire transfers, which the Colombian
staff would then communicate to the appropriate banking personnel for completion.
BBLA said that its Bah amas office handled specific ban k transactions and the b ank’s
administrative needs, utilizing Lloyds Bah amas’ equipmen t, electronic data systems, and staff under a
management agreement that paid Lloyds Bahamas a large annual fee to manage the bank. For example,
amon g othe r servi ces, Llo yds Ba hama s help ed ke ep BB LA’s b ooks , track client accou nt acti vity,
maintain the bank’s records, handle its correspondent accounts, file required forms in the Bahamas and
Colombia, and pay BBLA’s bills. BBLA said that it typically handled about 20 to 30 transactions per
day, including deposits, loan payments and wire transfers.
BBLA was not the only Lloyds affiliate operating out of the Bahamas under a management
agreement with Lloyds Bahamas. Another was Lloyds TSB Bank & Trust (Cayman) Ltd. (“Lloyds
Cayman”). For many years, Lloyds Cayman had a physical presence in the Cayman Islands and held a
banking license that perm itted it to conduct onsho re as well as offshore business. In 1995 , however,
Lloyds closed the Cayman office, surrendered the bank’s onshore license, and obtained a less expensive
offshore license that permitted the Cayman bank to conduct its banking operations outside the
jurisdiction. Lloyds then moved the Cayman bank’s operations to the Bahamas. Like BBLA, Lloyds
Cayman operated under a management agreement with Lloyds Bahamas, utilizing Lloyds Bahamas
equipment, electronic d ata systems and staff. Unlike BBLA, the C aymans bank did n ot have a single
employee of its own. Still another Lloyds affiliate operating out of the Bahamas location was Lloyds
TSB Bank & Trust (British Virgin Islands) Ltd., a bank that Lloyds indicated was dormant but could be
revived at a later time. In short, then, four Lloyds affiliated banks – two licensed by the Bahamas, one
licensed by the Cayman Islands, and one licensed by the British Virgin Islands – were co-located at the
same Bahamas location.
BBLA ’s Anti-M oney La undering Efforts. When asked about its anti-money laundering
efforts, BBLA disclosed that it did not have one set of written procedures or one person responsible for
overseeing anti-money laundering efforts at both its Colombian and Bahamian offices. Instead, each
BBLA office had its own anti-money laundering approach.
BBLA’s Colombian office produced a copy of written anti-money laundering procedures for
that office which conformed with Colombian requirements, and said that its account manager and sales
representative in Colombia were well versed in the due diligence requirements for opening new
accounts. BBLA’s Bahamian office, on the other hand, did not have any written anti-money laundering
procedures, despite Bahamian requirements for them, but later produced a copy of the anti-money
laundering procedu res used by Lloyds Bahamas. A D ecember 1997 anti-money laundering aud it
checklist provided by BBLA also indicated that BBLA was “going to” appoint a “money laundering
reporting officer,” another requirement under Bahamas law, but it apparently never did. Instead,
BBLA indicated that in the Bahamas, under its management agreement, Lloyds Bahamas staff was
responsible for managing its anti-money laundering efforts and provided the services of its own money
laundering reporting officer. 247 BBLA said it also used the services of Lloyds’ “money laundering
prevention officer,” Peter Snell. 248 Snell, a senior vice president of Lloyds Bahamas, was not assigned
exclusively to anti-money laundering duties, but had many other responsibilities. The end result was
that BBLA’s Bah amas office had neither written proc edures nor a particular person charged with
reporting suspicious activity, as required by Bahamiam law, but relied on Lloyds Bahamas procedures
and personnel instead.
BBLA’s anti-money laundering efforts were further disjointed by the geographical separation of
its front and back office operations, which operated without the benefit of a bank-wide policy or an
overall manager. BBLA’s Colombian staff conducted the initial due diligence reviews for new
customers and handled client requests for existing accounts, but did not otherwise monitor account
activity, since all account paperwork and activity reports were generated in the B ahamas. In contrast,
BBLA’s Baha mian staff were not involved in the account open ing process and were n ot familiar with
BBLA’s clients, but were expected to monitor day-to-day account transactions and overall account
activity. It is unclear who, if anyone was reviewing client accounts statements or wire transactions for
suspicious activity. It is also unclear how BBLA’s staff coordinated their efforts with Lloyds Bahamas.
BBLA was asked, due to its provision of U.S. dollar services to its Colombian clientele, what
steps the bank had taken to ensure that it was not a recipient of laundered funds from the black market
peso exchange. 249 BBLA and Lloyds personnel expressed unfamiliarity with both the term and the
money laundering risks posed by that method of foreign currency exchange. BBLA said that it had no
specific policies, procedures or systems in place to detect or deter money laundering through the black
market pes o excha nge.
BBLA Ov ersight by Banking Regulators. Despite operating in two countries at high risk for
Unde r Baha mian law, e very ban k is require d to have money la undering reporting officer who se duty is to
report a ny suspicio us activity to the Baham as gover nment.
This po sition, which is recom mende d but no t required under B ahamian law, is supp osed to have ov erall
responsibility for a bank’s money laundering program.
For a description of the black market peso exchange, see below.
money laundering, BB LA never underw ent a bank exam ination or on-site visit by bank regulato rs in
either jurisdiction and there is no evidence that any regulatory body ever took a close look at the bank ’s
operations in 19 years of operation.
Both the Bahamas and Colomb ia have been identified as presenting higher than average money
laundering risks. In June 200 0, the Bahamas w as one of 15 coun tries named by FATF for w eak anti-
money laundering controls and inadequate cooperation with international anti-money laundering
efforts. The U.S. State Department’s mo st recent International Narcotics Con trol Strategy Report
(“INCSR 2000 ") describes the Baham as as a country of “primary” money launde ring concern, due to
“bank secrecy laws and [a] liberal internation al business comp any (IBC) regime [which] make[s] it
vulnerab le to mone y laundering an d other finan cial crimes.” 250 While banking and money laundering
experts interviewed by the Minority Staff described the Bahamas as having good intentions and making
important improv ements, during the 199 0s, it provided weak o versight and inadequ ate resources to
regulate its more than 400 offshore banks.
Colombia is con sidered an even greater mon ey laundering risk than the Bah amas due to
ongoing problems with narcotics trafficking. The INCSR 2000 report, which identifies Colombia as
another country of “primary” money laundering concern, provides the following information:
Colombia produces and distributes more cocaine than any other country in the world and is also
an important supplier of heroin. ... Columbia is the center of the international cocaine trade,
with drugs flowing out of the cou ntry at a stable and constant rate. ... Recent statistics indicate
that approximately 85 p ercent of the heroin seized by federal autho rities in the northeastern
United States is of Colom bian origin. ... Colombia has financial institution s which engage in
currency transactions involving international narcotics proceeds that include significant
amounts of U.S. dollars. ... Colombia criminalized the laundering of the proceeds of all illegal
activities in 1995 ... but there still has not been a single money laundering conviction. ... Even
though progress has been made with respect to fighting money laundering, Colombia has fallen
short in its implementation of the money laundering and asset forfeiture laws.251
One of the key money laundering systems in Colombian drug trafficking, the black market peso
exchange, has been targeted by the United States as a top law enforcement priority for the last two
years. The 1999 U.S. National Money Laundering Strategy stated:
The Black Market Peso Exchange is the largest known money laundering system for drug
money in the Western Hemisphere. It may be responsible for the laundering of as much as $5
billion of narcotics proceeds each year. ... The Black Market Peso Exchange lets Colombian
narcotics traffickers transform large quantities of drug dollars from the streets of American
cities into pesos in their Colombian bank accounts.252
The 2000 U.S. National Money Laundering Strategy explains how the system launders funds:
International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (March 2000)(“INCSR 2000") at 637.
INCS R 200 0 at 115 -16; 65 7-58.
The N ational M oney La undering Strategy fo r 1999 (Septem ber 19 99) at 2 1-22.
First, a Colo mbian dru g cartel arranges the shipmen t of drugs to the U nited States . The drugs
are sold in the U.S. for U.S. currency which is then sold to a Colombian black market peso
broker’s agent in the United States. The U.S. currency is sold at a discount because the broker
and his agen t must assu me the risk o f ... placing the U.S. d ollars into th e U.S. financia l system.
Once the dollars are delivered to the U.S.-based agent of the peso broker, the peso brok er in
Colombia dep osits the agreed upon eq uivalent in Colom bian pesos into the cartel’s acco unt in
Colombia. At this po int, the cartel has laundered its mon ey because it has successfully
converted its drug dollars into pesos, and the Colombian broker and his agent now assume the
risk for integrating the laundered drug dollars into the U.S. banking system. ... [T]he Colombian
black market peso b roker now has acc ess to a pool of laundered U.S. dollars to sell to
Colom bian impo rters [who] us e the dollars to purchase goods ... 253
U.S. and Colombian law enforcement and banking authorities have spent significant resources
tracking the black market peso exchange, educating U.S. and Colombian banks about it, and seizing
laundered funds. Despite their joint efforts, the black market peso exchange continues to be the most
prolific money laundering system in the U nited States, successfully using U.S. and C olombian ban ks to
launder b illions of dolla rs each year in co caine and heroin dru g proceeds.
Banking and money laundering experts indicated to Minority Staff investigators that, despite the
magnitude of the money laundering problem in Colombia, Colombia’s banking regulation is sound,
with some of the better money laundering controls in Latin America. They indicated that Colombian
authorities are actively engaged in bank oversight, including enforcing requirements for detecting and
reporting suspicious transac tions. The INCSR 20 00 report noted: “Co lombia’s banks co ntinue to
comply with the reporting requ irements designed to flag suspiciou s transactions and hav e been very
cooperative with U.S. efforts to curtail financial transactions by individuals and entities designated as
involved with narco tics trafficking.” 254 This bright spot in Colombian anti-money laundering efforts,
however, did not apply to BBLA, which remained outside Colombian banking oversight and unfamiliar
with Colombian and U.S. efforts to stop money laundering through the black market peso exchange.
No Bank Exam ination in 19 Years. In 1995, Banco Anglo sent a memorandum on behalf of
BBLA to Barclays Bank which stated that, “BBLA is subject to the supervision in varying degrees of
Bahama s, Colom bia and the Bank of En gland.” 255 A copy of this memorandum was provided to BNY
which began to incorporate variations of that sentence in internal reports to indicate that BBLA was a
well regulated bank.256 In 1997, a BNY m emorandum indicated that BBLA h ad agreed in writing to
“conform to all significant prudential regulations mandated by the Colombian Superintendent of
The National Money Laundering Strategy for 2000 (March 2000) at 24-25.
INCSR 2000 at 657.
This memorandum has a bates designation of BNYSEN 648.
See, for example, internal BNY memorandum to the International Credit Committee (12/1/95) at 2,
BNYSEN 657; internal BNY credit proposal for BBLA to International Credit Committee (4/21/97) at 1, BNYSEN
Banks” and had given the Superintendent “full supervisory power” over the bank.257 In fact, however,
BBLA disclosed to the Minority Staff investigation that it had never undergone a bank examination or
even a site v isit by b ank re gulato rs in C olom bia or any oth er cou ntry.
BBLA explained that its primary regulator, the Central Bank of the Bahamas, did not conduct
examinations of licensed banks, instead reviewing annual reports submitted by each bank.258 BBLA
stated that it had submitted all required filings and had no history of problems with Bahamian bank
regulators. BBLA noted tha t it was also not subject to ex amination in Colo mbia, since that country did
not conduct ban k examination s of representative offices that did not transact ban king activities within
the jurisdiction. BBLA no ted that it had never taken d eposits or handled ca sh transactions for its
clients in Colombia, instea d working with B anco Anglo, its Baham as office, Lloyds Bahamas and its
correspondent banks, to meet its clients’ banking needs. When asked if it had ever been examined by
regulators from the Bank of England o r the United Kingdom ’s Financia l Services A uthority, BB LA
indicated that it had not.
In 1998 and 1999, U.S. civil forfeiture actions arising from two separate money laundering
undercover operations, Operation Casablanca and Operation Juno, cited BBLA as a repository of illegal
drug procee ds. In two sep arate court actio ns, the Un ited States so ught forfeiture of a to tal of about $ 2.7
million in illegal drug proceeds deposited into BBLA’s correspondent account at BNY. A subsequent
BBLA audit iden tified about 85 additiona l account transactions in 1 998 and 19 99, that appeared to
involved suspicious activity, and also fired an employee suspected of being involved in money
launderin g and other w rongdoin g.
Operation Casablanca was a three-year money laundering sting conducted from 1995 until 1998
by the U.S. Customs Service.259 A related money laundering undercover operation was code named
Operation Chec k Mark. These u ndercover operation s traced the laundering of more tha n $84 million in
illegal narcotics proceeds und er the control of professional mo ney launderers for the Cali drug cartel in
Colombia, and the Juarez drug cartel in Mexico. A significant portion of the $84 million consisted of
illegal drug proceeds picked up in cash from various U.S. city locations b y U.S. undercover agents
acting at the direction of the alleged money launderers, deposited at a U.S. bank cooperating with U.S.
law enforcement, and then transferred as part of the money laundering sting operation to still other
Internal BNY credit proposal for BBLA to International Credit Committee (4/21/97) at 1-2, BNYSEN
The INCSR 200 0 report noted, at page 637, that offshore banks in the Bahamas “must submit annual
statements that do not have to include financial statements,” and their “records can be maintained anywhere,” which
makes re gular ban k oversigh t more d ifficult. In 200 1, the Ba hamas p lans, for the first tim e, to begin conduc ting its
own bank examinations.
See United S tates v. Pro ceeds o f Drug T rafficking T ransferred to Certain Foreign Bank A ccounts (U.S.
District Court for the District of Columbia Case No. 1:98-CV -0434 (NH J))(hereinafter “Casablanca forfeiture
action”), memorandum ord er by the court (4/11/00), and first amended comp laint for forfeiture (5/18/98).
bank accoun ts. Other funds identified or provid ed by the alleged money launderers w ere, at their
direction, wire transferred by the U.S. underco ver agents to other bank acc ounts in an attempt to
launder the funds.
In February 1998, the U.S. Department of Justice seized and sought civil forfeiture under seal of
funds in various bank accounts in the United States and foreign countries related to the money
laundering stings. In May 1998, criminal indictments were unsealed against individuals and banks
involved in the money laundering operations. Also in May, the United States filed an amended
complain t in the civil forfeitu re actions to c orrect errors an d seek forfeiture of additiona l funds. A
second amended complaint was filed in March 1999. Altogether, the United States sought forfeiture of
funds from a lmost 100 bank acco unts in the U nited States and 16 fore ign countrie s.
The United States did not indict BBLA o r allege that BBLA or its employees we re directly
engaged in narcotics trafficking or money laund ering. However, the United States did name BB LA in
the first and second amended forfeiture complaints as the recipient of about $1.57 million in illegal
drug proceeds that, during the sting op erations, on the instruction o f drug traffickers, had been wire
transferred by U.S. undercover agents to B BLA’s correspond ent account at the Ban k of New York
(BNY). 260 The wire transfers had directed the funds to be credited to specific clients or accounts at
When asked for more information by the Minority Staff investigation, BBLA indicated that
Bahamian bank secrecy laws and the pending litigation prevented it from discussing either the transfers,
the bank’s cond uct, or the named accou ntholders. Pleadings filed by three of the accoun tholders
provided the minimal additional information that Proenfar S.A. was a manufacturing company
established in Colombia, Parowan Group was a Panamanian investment company, and Piedad de Hoyos
was a wealthy woman who had placed $130,000 in a certificate of deposit at BBLA.262 BBLA accoun ts
statements, subpoenaed from BNY, indicate that several of the wire transfer recipients conducted
numerous transactions through BBLA’s correspondent account in New York.
In 1999, BBLA filed legal pleadings opposing forfeiture of the $1.57 million in drug proceeds
See Ca sablanca forfeiture ac tion, motion to file second amended com plaint (3/30/99).
The wire transfer instructions named the following clients and accounts at BBLA:
–$800,000 transferred on 12/3/97 and 12/15/97 to BBLA’s correspondent account for two related
comp anies, Pro enfar S.A . and Pa rowan G roup, Inc .;
–$350,000 transferred on 12/3/97 and 3/12/98 to BBLA’s correspondent account for Jaime Trujillo;
–$190,000 transferred on 12/4/95 to BBLA’s correspondent account for a BBLA account numbered
–$150,000 transferred on 12/3/97 to BBLA’s correspondent account for Piedad de Hoyos; and
–$80,000 transferred on 12/15/97 to BBLA’s correspondent account for two related companies, Amarey
Ltd. and Nova Med ical.
See Casablanca forfeiture action, claim filed by Proenfar S.A. and Parowan Group, Inc. (7/29/99) and
claim filed by Piedad de Hoyos (7 /21/99).
to the United States.263 When asked why, among other reasons, BBLA stated that the bank “could be
subject to double liability” because the suspect funds had been frozen in both the United States and the
Bahamas and , if the courts ruled inconsistently, it could be required to pay the $1.57 million twice --
once to the U.S. government and once to the accountholders. 264 In its pleadings in the United States,
the bank also seemed to be contending that, because the bank was itself was innocent of any
wrongdoing, funds could not be seized under U.S. law from its correspondent account, even in the
even t of mis cond uct by a BBLA client or by a th ird pa rty.
In explaining its decision to accep t the illegal drug proceeds in the first instance, BBLA stated:
“BBLA assum ed that the U.S. institutions transferring the dollars w ould have con ducted adequa te
investigations to ensure the legitimacy of the sou rce of the funds that they held and transferred to
BBLA. Th us, the dep osits did no t raise any susp icions at the tim e they were ma de.” 265 This
explanation seems to suggest that BBLA considered any funds transferred by a U.S. bank to be beyond
suspicion and in n o need of anti-money laun dering oversight, but when asked, BBLA stated th at its
anti-money laundering controls also applied to funds transferred from U.S. banks. In light of the
pending litigation, however, BBLA declined to provide additional information about the actions it took
with respect to the $1.57 million.
The United States’ position, in contrast, was that BBLA was not an innocent bank, should not
have accepted the drug proceeds as deposits, and was not entitled to protection from forfeiture under
U.S. law. When asked by the Minority Staff investigation to elaborate, the U.S. Department of Justice
declined to provide furth er information . The Casab lanca civil forfeitu re proceed ings are ongo ing.
Operation Juno was a three-year money laundering sting conducted from 1996 until 1999 by the
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation
Division.266 The und ercover op eration laun dered ov er $26 millio n in drug pro ceeds, in pa rt using a
stock brokerage firm established by U.S. undercover agents. In December 1999, the United States
indicted five Colomb ian nationals for narcotics trafficking and mon ey laundering in connection with
the sting operation, accusing them of being major players in the Colombian drug trade. The United
States also seized and filed civil forfeiture actions involving $26 million in over 340 bank accounts at
34 U.S. banks and 52 foreign banks.
Again, the United States indicted neither BBLA nor its employees for narcotics trafficking or
money laundering. However, several of the Operation Juno indictments referred to drug proceeds being
See Casablanca forfeiture action, claim filed by BBLA (7/1/99 ).
See BBLA letter to the Subcommittee (3/9/00) at 8-9.
Id. at 8.
See “‘Operation Juno’ Indictment Targets Five Major Traffickers and $26 Million worth of Laundered
Drug P roceed s,” press re lease issued by the office of the U.S . Attorney fo r the No rthern D istrict of Ge orgia
(12/9/99)(hereinafter “Juno press release”).
sent to BBLA.267 The United States also named BBLA in the related civil forfeiture action, this time
seeking forfeiture of $1.1 million in drug proceeds that, during the sting operation, at the direction of
the alleged money launderers, had been wire transferred to BBLA’s correspondent account at the Bank
of New York (B NY). 268 The $1.1 million had been deposited over a two year period, from July 1997
until July 1999, in nine w ire transfers. All were transfers to BBLA’s U.S. accou nt for further credit to
Andes Trading, a BB LA client. 269 BBLA accoun t statements show nu merous transactions th rough its
BNY account on behalf of Andes Trading. When asked, BBLA declined to provide any additional
information about thes e transfers, the ba nk’s con duct, or An des Tradin g.
BBLA opposes forfeiture of the $1.1 million in drug proceeds to the United States, for many of
the same reasons given in the Operation Casablanca matter. Although BBLA ceased to conduct
business by mid 2000, its attorneys are continuing to press its claim to the $1.1 million. The United
States has taken the same position as it has in the Operation Casablanca matter, that BBLA is not an
innocent bank, should not have accepted the drug proceeds, and should forfeit the funds to law
enforceme nt. Like the Cas ablanca forfeitu re action, the J uno forfeiture action is on going.
Together, the Casablanca and Juno civil forfeiture proceedings indicate that, over a three year
period, BBLA became a repository for about $2.7 million in drug proceeds. Both cases indicate that
the funds w ere the prod uct of mon ey laundering th rough the C olombia n black m arket peso exchan ge.
For example, when asked about the Operation Casablanca deposits, BBLA described them as U.S.
dollars transferred from a U.S. bank, and noted that Colom bian law “permitted C olombian nation als to
make tho se investm ents with fore ign currency tha t had not b een obtain ed through the country’s fore ign
exchan ge markets.” 270 The Operation Juno deposits are explicitly linked to the black market peso
exchange, and the indictments are characterized by the Drug Enforcement Agency as “a significant first
step in striking out against the black m arket peso system that launde rs billions of drug dollars every
See, for e xample , United States v. M ontoya (U.S. D istrict Cour t for the No rthern D istrict of Ge orgia
Case No. 1:99-CR-438), criminal indictment (8/25/99); and United States v. Botero (U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of Georgia Case No . 1:99-CR-439), criminal indictment (8/25/99).
See United States v. All Funds in Certain Foreign Bank Accounts Representing Proceeds of Narcotics
Trafficking and Money Laundering (USDC DC Case No. 1:99-CV-03112), verified complaint for forfeiture in rem
(11/23/99). The complaint also seeks forfeiture of about $295,000 in drug proceeds sent to Lloyds TSB Bank &
Trust (Panama) Ltd.
The transfers took place, as follows:
BBLA letter to the Subcommittee (3/9/00) at 8.
year.” 271 The imp lied fact p attern in both in stance s seems to be tha t, in orde r to take a dvant age of a
better exchange rate or perhap s to avoid Colom bian legal restrictions, tariffs or taxes, BBLA clients
provided Colombian pesos to a Colomb ian money broker who exchanged them for U.S. dollars that
were, in fact, the ille gal drug proce eds sent to B BLA’s U.S . account for th e specified clien ts.
During the interview with Minority staff investigators, BBLA and Lloyds indicated that after the
bank was named in the two U.S. forfeiture actions, Lloyds decided to have BBLA’s accounts and
transactions audited to d etermine if there were other suspicio us transactions. Althou gh it declined to
provide a copy of the audit report, BBLA and Lloyds indicated that approximately 85 additional
suspicious transactions were identified during 1998 and 1999, which led the bank to file about a dozen
additional reports with law enforcement. BBLA and Lloyds declined to provide additional information
about the nature of these transa ctions, their reports, or other aspects of the BB LA audit.
A January 2000 memorandum p roduced under subpoena by the Bank of New York describes a
BBLA employee who was allegedly engaged in money laundering and other misconduct from 1997
until her employment was terminated by the bank in 1999.272 The BNY m emorandum , prepared after a
telephone conv ersation with BBLA personnel, stated in part:
It turns out that beginning in 1997, a BBLA employee began to experience personal financial
difficulties. This led to her involvement in criminal activity for personal financial gain,
including skimmin g profits and laundering mon ey. Her activities were finally discovered in
1999 and she was immediately terminated.
BNY did n ot have any additional inform ation about this matter, and B BLA declined to discu ss it, so it
is unclear how this employee’s misconduct related to the Casablanca and Juno deposits or the 85
suspicious transaction s identified in the BBLA au dit. The evidence suggests, how ever, that BBLA’s
involvement with money laundering was not limited to the $2.7 million identified in the two U.S.
money laundering stings.
In late 1999 o r early 2000, Lloyds made the d ecision to clo se BBLA , and most B BLA
transactions ceased at the end of March 2000. Lloyds explained that, during 1998 and 1999, it had
been able to buy out SIAC’s other shareholders and evaluate whether the bank should be continued or
folded into Lloyds’ other bankin g operations. Lloyds decided to termina te BBLA as a going conce rn
and re-distribute its clients, assets and loans to other Lloyds banks in the Bahamas, Colombia, Panama,
and United States. Lloyds denied that the two money laund ering forfeiture actions were the primary
See Operation Juno press release at 3-4, citing involvement of “money exchanger in Colombia, who
typically would sell the U.S. dollars for pesos on the Colombian Black M arket [P]eso Exchange.” Th e press release
also quotes James T. Martin, Chief of the Drug Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office stating that, in the Juno case,
“the defendants took millions of dollars in drug money in the U.S., and millions in pesos in Colombia, and laundered
them bo th with the mo ney physica lly leaving eithe r country.”
Internal BNY “Call Report” on Banco Anglo (1/27/00), BNYSEN 335.
reason be hind clos ing the bank , but indicate d the litigation d id not enco urage the ban k’s contin uation.
Lloyds indicated that legal counsel would continue to press BBLA’s claims in both the Casablanca and
Juno forfeiture actions. Because Lloyds is not surrendering BBLA’s license, but merely discontinuing
its operations, it is possible the bank could be revived at a later time.
The Ban k of New Y ork (BNY ) began its corre sponde nt relationsh ip with BB LA in 198 5.
While the Minority Sta ff investigation d id not exa mine the b ank’s initial d ecision to o pen the B BLA
correspondent acc ount, it did examine BNY’s due d iligence efforts during the latter half of the 1990s
with respect to the BB LA relationship. The eviden ce indicates that, while BN Y was diligent in its
efforts to monitor the BBLA account, its anti-money laundering efforts suffered several serious
deficiencies. Perhaps the most significant deficiency was BNY’s failure to exercise any anti-money
laundering controls related to the Colombian black market peso exchange.
Bank o f New Y ork. The Bank of New York is a major financial institution in the United States
with, according to the Bankers Almanac, over 17,000 employees and $60 billion in assets. BNY has a
substantial international correspondent banking portfolio, with over 2,000 international correspondent
accounts and 150 correspondent banking relationship managers around the world. Its international
correspondent accounts are handled primarily by its International Banking Sector which is organized
into five geographic regions, including a Latin American Division that also handles banks in the
Caribbean. BNY has a long history of correspondent banking in Latin America and the Caribbean,
including more than a dozen relationships in Colombia and almost as many in the Bahamas.
In responding to the Min ority Staff’s survey of correspondent banking practices , BNY initially
stated that, as a policy matter, it did not open correspondent accounts for offshore banks. When asked
about its longstanding correspondent relationships with offshore banks like BBLA and Swiss American
Bank, however, BNY subm itted a revised form of its policy indicating that the bank did sometimes
open correspondent accounts for offshore banks.273 The Minority Staff investigation indicated that
BNY has, in fact, had numerous correspondent relationships with offshore banks. In deciding whether
to initiate such relationships, BNY indicated that its policy was to “evaluate the ownership,
management, and reputation of the bank in question, as well as the regulatory environment of the
licensing co untry.”
When aske d about its correspon dent banking practices in C olombia, BNY indicated that while
it was cognizant of the money laundering risks in Colombia and designated Colombia as a high risk
area, the Latin American Division’s experience had been generally positive. As stated in several BNY
memorandu m on BBLA , “We are very comfortable with the co untry risk of Colombia du e to very
sound go vernmen t managem ent and the continuin g positive tren ds in this co untry.” 274 Another BNY
memorandu m states, “Colomb ia has one of the strictest and [mos t] vigilant bank regulatory systems in
See BNY letter to the Subcommittee (10/13/00) at 4, response to question (7).
Internal BNY memorandum from Latin American Division to International Credit Committee (10/25/94)
at 2; (5/5/95) at 2; (6/20/95) at 2.
BNY also ind icated, in response to que stions, that it was not unus ual for Colombian b anks to
have offsho re subsidia ries and stated that BNY had corresp ondent re lationship s with seve ral of them.
BNY later identified six respondent relationships with offshore banks that were subsidiaries of
Colombian b anks, in addition to B BLA. BNY ind icated that all six were licensed in P anama. It said
that BBLA was the only Colombian offshore affiliate in BNY’s portfolio that was licensed in the
Bahamas, rather than Panama.
When asked about the black market peso exchange, the head of BNY’s Latin American
Division indicated that she had recently heard the term in an advanced money laundering training
course, but was unfamiliar with the issue and had been unaware of its importance in U.S. law
enforcement’s anti-money laundering efforts. BNY indicated that it had no specific policies,
procedures or systems of any kind related to the Colomb ian black market peso exchange, even for its
Colombian respondent banks or their offshore affiliates.
BBLA . BNY documentation indicates that BNY viewed BBLA as part of its correspondent
relationships with Lloyds and Banco Anglo, two important BNY clients. BNY stated in a letter to the
Subcommittee that, “The Bank viewed BBLA as part of its overall relationship with the Lloyds Bank
group.” 276 The documentation indicates that BNY took on BBLA w hen it was a subsidiary of Banco
Anglo, one of BNY’s oldest and most profitable clients in Colombia; and BNY had considered the two
banks in tandem ever since. BNY stated that it had often paid “[j]oint visits” to the two banks,277 and
most of BN Y’s interna l memoran da discus s both ban ks jointly.
BNY provided a range of credit and non-credit correspondent services to BBLA, all in U.S.
dollars. They included wire transfers, check clearing, placements of funds in higher interest bearing
accounts, trade financing, and several lines of credit. BBLA made full use of these services and,
despite its small size, moved ten s of millions of dollars through its BN Y account each m onth. BBLA’s
dollar volume, in fact, far exceeds any other case history in the Minority Staff investigation. In 1998
and 1999 alone, BBLA’s deposits and withdrawals from its U.S. correspondent account at BNY totaled
more than $1.5 billion.278
BNY said that, although BBLA held a Bahamian banking license, BNY classified it as a
Colombian b ank because it wo rked closely with Banco Anglo, had Colom bian clients, and BNY ’s
rating systems assigned Colombian banks a higher risk rating than Bahamian banks, which ensured a
more con servative an d careful app roach to B BLA’s mo nitoring.
Internal BNY credit proposal for Banco Anglo to International Credit Committee (12/8/95) at 2,
BNY letter to the Subco mmittee (10/13/00) at 5, in answer to question (9).
Id. at 5, in answer to question (12).
See chart, “British Bank of Latin America Mo nthly Account Activity at Bank of New York; January
1998 -Decem ber 19 99.”
The documentation indicates that BNY regularly monitored BBLA and, at times, compiled
detailed credit analyses of BBLA’s finances and business activities. For example, among other
measures, BNY took the following steps.
–BNY correspondent bankers regularly traveled to Bogota to visit BBLA’s offices and meet
with the bank’s senior management; these trips were combined with BNY visits to Banco
Anglo. BNY staff also spoke regularly with BBLA staff in Bahamas and visited the Bahamas
office o ccasi onal ly.
–BNY staff regularly prepared memoranda summarizing contacts with the bank and information
about its staff and operations.
–BNY obtained copies of BBLA’s audited financial statements and other key bank
documentation. It inquired about and analyzed BBLA’s finances and primary lines of business,
and developed detailed credit analyses of the bank. It also inquired ab out and analyzed BB LA’s
client base.
–BNY inquired about BBLA’s reputation and operations with Banco Anglo and Lloyds, and
placed great weight on representatio ns that Lloyds and Banco Anglo controlled BB LA’s
management, exerted “quality control” over its procedures, and approved its extensions of
credit to clients.279 BNY also inquired about BBLA’s reputation in Colombian banking circles.
–On a t least tw o occas ions, B NY stu died B BLA’s tr ansact ions an d clearin g activitie s to iden tify
suspicious transactions, and found nothing of concern. There was no evidence, however, that
BNY regu larly monitored BBLA’s ac count activ ity for possible m oney laund ering.
BNY’s due diligence efforts, while significant, also had several serious deficiencies. For
example, BNY apparently did not request a copy of BBLA’s anti-money laundering procedures and
never realized that the Baha mas office had none and there was no BB LA employee assigned to anti-
money laundering duties. BNY also never realized that BBLA had never undergone a bank
examination or site visit by any government bank regulator. BNY indicated, to the contrary, that it had
believed BBLA was subject to more oversight than was usual for an offshore bank, with supervision
provided by the Bahamas, Colombia and the United Kingdom. BNY ’s Latin American Division head
indicated that she thought BBLA was, in fact, examined by Colombian bank regulators and was
surprised and disturbed to learn that no such examination had ever actually taken place.
BNY indicated that a major factor in its analysis of BBLA was its affiliation with Lloyds and
Banco Anglo, two established banks with good reputations, sophisticated banking operations, and a
history of involvement with th e offshore bank. Lloyds, in fact, exercised significant BBLA o versight,
through its control of BBLA’s board and senior management and day-to-day involvement with the
bank’s operations under the agreement assigning Lloyds B ahamas respons ibility for managing BBLA’s
affairs. BNY indicated that it had assumed Lloyds would ensure that BBLA had adequate anti-money
laundering policies and p rocedures in place, but there w as no evidence that B NY had ever actu ally
See, for example, BNY internal memorandum to International Credit Committee (12/1/95), BNYSEN
question ed either BB LA or Lloyds abo ut BBLA ’s specific anti-m oney laund ering efforts.
When asked about the Casablanca and Juno forfeiture actions, BNY indicated that it did not
learn of the Casablanca forfeiture action, filed in May 1998, until more than a year later when, on June
25, 1999, U.S. law enforcement seized the disputed funds from BBLA’s account in New York. BNY
indicated that, until informed by Minority staff investigators, it had not known that the forfeiture action
was filed in 1998. BN Y was also unaw are, until informed by Minority staff investigators, of the audit
of BBLA’s 1998 and 1999 transac tions that identified 85 addition al suspicious transaction s. Nor did it
have details about the BBLA employee who was fired in 1999 for two years of misconduct including
possible m oney laund ering.
After BNY learned o f the Casablanca forfeiture action in Jun e 1999, and the J uno forfeiture
action six months later, BNY personnel met and spoke with BBLA, Lloyds and Banco Anglo personnel
and completed several additional memoranda. But the written materials do not mention either of the
U.S. law enforcement actions nor do they discuss any of the issues raised by the two seizures of illegal
drug proceeds. When asked why not a single BNY analysis of BBLA ever mentions either matter or
any money laundering conc erns, the Latin American Divisio n head stated that was a “go od question” to
which she did n ot have an answ er.
The BB LA case h istory dem onstra tes how an offsho re bank can inc rease th e vulne rability of a
U.S. correspondent bank to money laundering through the black market peso exchange, when neither
takes any step s to minim ize this mon ey laundering ris k.
The black market p eso exchange risks p osed by BBLA w ere clear. BBLA had $50 million in
client deposits, all in U.S. dollars, and regularly accepted U .S. dollar deposits from its clients. It did
not provide foreign exchange services itself, but accepted U.S. dollars sent by its clients to its U.S.
account. Its clients were all from Colombia. As an offshore bank subject to strict secrecy laws and
weak bank oversight, BBLA was attractive to money launderers. It took no steps to detect when a
Colombian money broker might be exchanging a BBLA client’s pesos for U.S. dollars obtained from
drug tr afficki ng. Th e resu lt was that B BLA’ s U.S. accou nt bec ame a cond uit for i llegal d rug mo ney.
Despite a long history in Colom bia and relationships w ith seven offshore banks affiliated with
Colombian banks, BNY’s most senior Latin American correspondent banker had received little training
about the Colom bian black market pe so exchange. BN Y used none of the strategies developed to
combat this form of money laundering and had failed even to initiate discussions with its Colombian
respondent banks about the need to identify and refuse U.S. dollars coming from the Colombian black
Like most correspondent accounts for foreign banks, the majority of deposits to BBLA’s U.S.
account were made by wire transfer, which meant that electronic software had automatically accepted
the funds and directed them to BBLA’s account. No human intervention or anti-money laundering
oversight took place until later. BNY was necessarily dependent upon BBLA to ensure the legitimacy
of the funds sent to its U.S. accoun t, yet BNY failed to acquire an accurate un derstanding of BBLA’s
BNY’s experience is unlikely to be unique. The Minority Staff survey of just 20 U.S. banks
found over 200 correspondent relationships with Colombian banks; these banks have additional
relationships with Colombian offshore affiliates. The BBLA case history illustrates the money
laundering risks associated w ith these relationships and the need for U.S. correspon dent banks active in
Colombia to focus on the black market peso exchange.
A second set of issues in the BBLA case history involves how a U.S. correspondent bank
should view an offshore bank that is affiliated with an established bank in another jurisdiction. BNY
began the BBLA relationship in part as a courtesy to an existing customer and in part on the
expectation that it could rely on the established bank to oversee its offshore affiliate. BBLA’s
affiliates, Lloyds and Banco Anglo, did exercise oversight of BBLA; and the evidence reviewed by the
investigation suggests that an affiliated offshore bank often poses less of a money laundering risk than
an unaffiliated offshore bank. At the same time, the BBLA case history suggests that an affiliated
status is no guaranty against anti-money laundering deficiencies.
One issue involves the effectiveness of the oversight exercised by Lloyds. Lloyds was
intimately involved with BBLA, through its control of BBLA’s board, senior management, client
referrals and management agreement. But BBLA was not an easy bank to oversee. It operated in two
jurisdictions, with offices that had com pletely different functions, employees and regulatory
environments. BBLA did not have a single employee overseeing both offices, and the senior Lloyds
managers assigned to the bank had many other responsibilities. BBLA was, in fact, one of four
offshore banks that Lloyds was operating from the same Bahamas location, and it is far from clear how
much attention Lloyds Bahamas actually paid to BBLA. For example, Lloyds never ensured that
BBLA had a fully functioning anti-money laundering program that met the requirements of Bahamian
A second issue is w hether BBLA’s affiliated status lulled BN Y’s into paying less attention to
the bank. The evide nce indicates that BNY did actively monitor the BB LA account and ev aluated both
its operations and interactions with Lloyds and Banco Anglo. However, because it viewed the banks as
working in tandem , BNY treated BB LA in the same way that it treated its affiliates, with little
sensitivity to the fact that BBLA, as an offshore operation, posed increased anti-money laundering
risks. For example, BNY failed to realize that BBLA’s primary regulator remained the Bahamas, and
the tougher oversight theoretically available in Colombia and the United Kingdom never actually took
place. In the end , BNY failed to obtain an accurate un derstandin g of BBLA’s regu latory oversight.
A third issue is that, while BBLA’s affiliation with Lloyds provided added oversight, the banks’
close asso ciation may h ave also m ade Lloyds reluc tant to disclo se BBLA ’s deficiencies and prob lems.
The evidence indicates, for example, that Lloyds failed to alert BNY to BBLA’s involvement in the
Operation Casablanca forfeiture or the Lloyds-ordered audit which found 85 additional suspicious
transactions. No one wants to be associated with money laundering, and Lloyds’ self-interest
apparently dictated against its reporting BBLA’s failings to BNY. The BBLA case history shows a
U.S. corresponden t bank cannot alw ays rely on an affiliated bank for negative information abou t its
offshore affiliate.
One lesson of the BBLA case history, then, is that while BBLA’s affiliation with Lloyds and
Banco Anglo was a positive factor which the Bank of New York reasonably relied on, it also had
hidden drawb acks that contributed to B NY’s missing impo rtant anti-money laundering deficiencies in
BBLA’s policies, proce dures, personnel and regulatory oversight.
Finally, the BBLA case history demo nstrates the difficulties faced by U.S. law enforcement in
confiscating known drug proceeds from a U.S. correspondent account belonging to an offshore bank.
Due to the Operation Casablanca and Operation Juno mon ey laundering stings, it is undisputed
that $2.7 m illion in illegal dru g proceeds w ere sent by wire tra nsfer to BB LA’s accou nt in New York.
Yet BBLA is opposing forfeiture of the funds, citing a variety of defenses. The ongoing litigation
continues to cons ume U.S. law enforcem ent and prosecution resources, with the Casab lanca forfeiture
action ex ceeding two and one-h alf years so far, and the Juno forfeitu re action hittin g the one year ma rk.
BBLA’s argument that it was an innocent bystander to the drug deposits cannot be evaluated
here, since neither BBLA nor the United States provided information about BBLA’s role in accepting
the $2.7 million. On the o ther hand, BBLA’s argum ent that it should not be forced to bear any loss in
the event of inconsistent court decisions in the Bahamas and United States focuses attention on the
legal issue of who, under U.S. law, bears the risk of loss in this situation. BBLA was an offshore bank
that, by design, operated in multiple jurisdiction s. It chose to get its license in the Bahamas, obtain its
clients in Colombia an d keep its dollars in the Un ited States. It profited from that arrangement. Yet it
claims that it should be protected from any risk of loss when faced with forfeiture proceedings in two
jurisdictions over the sam e illegal funds. But BBLA accep ted the risk of inconsistent rulings wh en it
chose to operate in both jurisdictions at once. Even more, as a policy matter, forcing an offshore bank
like BBLA to bear som e risk of loss would prov ide an incentive for it to screen its U.S. depo sits more
carefully in the future. At the moment, however, how U.S. courts will treat BBLA’s legal argument
remains unclear.
If BBLA were to prevail in court, the $2.7 million in drug proceeds would be returned to the
bank, which w ould presumab ly release the funds to the relevant accoun tholders. The accoun tholders
would then be made whole and suffer no legal consequences for having exchanged currency on the
black market peso exchange. Such a conclusion to the BBLA forfeiture actions would make it that
much more difficult for U.S. and Colombian law enforcement to discourage use of a black market that
is financing much of the illegal drug trade plaguing both our countries.
Prepa red by the U.S. Se nate Per manent S ubcom mittee on I nvestigatio ns, Mino rity Staff
January 2001.
European Bank is a small onshore bank licensed by the Government of Vanuatu, an island
nation in the South Pacific. In 1999, European Bank opened an account and accepted $7.5 million in
deposits that turned out to be the proceeds of a massive credit card fraud in the United States. This
case history looks at how this bank deposited the $7.5 million in a U.S. correspondent account at
Citibank and fought for over one year to prevent U.S. seizure of the funds. It also looks at the practical
difficulties of Citibank’s monitoring a correspondent account in a remote jurisdiction with a tradition
of bank secrecy and weak banking and anti-money laundering controls.
The following information was obtained from documents provided by European Bank and
Citibank; court pleadings; interviews of persons in Australia, the Cayman Islands, the United States
and Vanuatu; and other materials. Key information came from interviews with two bank officials, an
August 7, 2000 interview of Thomas Montgomery Bayer, chairman and part owner of European Bank;
and a June 22, 2000 interview of Christopher Schofield Moore, a financial institutions group vice
president at Citibank in Sydney, Australia. Both European Bank and Citibank voluntarily cooperated
with the investigation. The investigation also benefitted from assistance provided by the Australian,
Cayman and Vanuatu governments.
European Bank is the only indigenous bank in Vanuatu that is privately owned. It is licensed
to do business with both Vanuatu citizens and foreign clients. Its offices are located in Port Vila,
Vanuatu’s capital city. In 1999, European Bank had about $29 million in total assets, handled about 90
clients with 250 accounts, and managed about $62 million in client funds.
European Bank Formation. European Bank Ltd. was first established in 1972. By 1986, it
was owned by a consortium of banks that included Bank of America, Union Bank of Switzerland, and
others. In 1986, the consortium sold the bank to a Delaware corporation called European Capital
Corporation, a holding company which is, in turn, owned by a trust beneficially owned by members of
the Bayer family. The bank’s name was changed in 1986 to European Bank because, according to
Thomas Bayer, the bank hoped to attract European clients doing business in the South Pacific. Thomas
Bayer became the bank’s chairman. In his interview, Bayer said that, after changing hands, the bank
went essentially dormant for ten years, handling only a few investments. He indicated that, in 1995, a
decision was made to revive the bank. The bank obtained its current license to service domestic and
international clients in April 1995, hired experienced bankers, and in the last 5 years has become an
active financial institution.
European Bank Management. European Bank’s top executive is Bayer, who has held the
title of executive chairman since 1986. Documentation and interviews indicate he is actively involved
in the management of the bank and serves as its most senior decisionmaker. 280 European Bank began
hiring management personnel when the bank came out of its dormancy in 1995. European Bank’s
current president and chief executive officer is Robert Murray Bohn. The senior vice president in
charge of operations is Brenton Terry whose predecessor, Douglas P.M. Peters, was instrumental in
reviving the bank in 1995. The current operations manager is Kely Ihrig. The senior vice president in
charge of the bank’s data systems is Susan Phelps, who is also an officer of an affiliated company,
European Trust Co. Ltd. The senior manager of the bank’s corporate and trust services is David L.
Outhred. Most of the bank’s senior officers appear to have had solid banking credentials and
European Bank Financial Statements. Vanuatu law requires its banks to submit annual
audited financial statements. In response to a request by the investigation, European Bank voluntarily
provided the Subcommittee with a copy of its 1999 financial statement, which had been audited by the
Vanuatu office of KPMG Chartered Accountants.
The 1999 financial statement presented a mixed picture of the bank’s finances. It indicated
that, overall, European Bank’s 1999 income of $1.7 million was exceeded by operating expenses of
$1.8 million, resulting in an overall loss of about $77,000 for the year. It valued European Bank’s total
assets at almost $29 million. Customer deposits, which totaled $112 million in 1998, had dropped by
almost half to $62 million. Note 15 stated that a “director related party has placed a deposit of
US$984,238 with the bank ... as security to cover the overdrawn accounts of three clients.” “Issued
share capital” was $750,000. Despite the overall loss on the year, the bank issued a dividend payment
of $116,000, double the 1998 dividend of $83,000, which was paid on profits of more than $291,000.
The financial statement suggests a small, thinly capitalized bank that, in 1999, suffered some
unexpected overdrawn accounts, operating losses and a large drop in customer deposits, but
nevertheless paid a sizeable dividend.
Bayer is a former U .S. citizen wh o worke d for the U .S. Dep artment o f Defense , moved to Australia in
1967, lived in Singapore, and eventually settled in Vanuatu in 1974. After leaving the U.S. military, Bayer worked
in internatio nal bank ing, trust activitie s and inve stments, inclu ding at offsh ore financ ial centers. W hen Va nuatu
declared independence in 1980, and asked its leading citizens to take Vanuatu citizenship, Bayer became a citizen of
Vanuatu in 1982, giving up his U.S. citizenship. Bayer indicated that he has a business degree from the Wharton
School of Business in Pennsylvania, took law courses at a university in Singapore, and is a member of the
International Bar Association.
Key companies in the Bayer group include the following:
–European Investment Corp. Ltd., a Vanuatu company which is 100% owned by European Bank,
functions a s an investm ent holdin g comp any, and o wns one s ubsidiary, E uropea n Trust C o. Ltd.;
records reflect ongoing transactions with a number of these related parties. These companies are also a
source of new clients for the bank.
European Bank Primary Lines of Business. When asked to identify its major lines of
business, European Bank described a number of different types of clients and banking activities, none
of which appear to dominate the bank. Its activities included: (1) domestic banking for Vanuatu
residents; (2) private banking primarily for foreign clients, involving funds management and
investment activities for wealthy individuals; (3) banking activities for companies and trusts formed by
the bank’s affiliated trust companies, European Trust and PITCO; (4) banking activities for the bank’s
affiliates or their clients, including the PCGF mutual funds, Fidelity Pacific Insurance, and Vanuatu
Maritime Services; (5) offshore banking activities for Asian clients, such as Hong Kong citizens
seeking escape from estate duties; (6) merchant credit card accounts; and (7) niche banking services for
mail order companies, telemarketers and lotteries. European Bank indicated that it did not engage in
regular lending activities, although it had a small trade finance portfolio.
Bayer indicated that, when European Bank first came out of its ten-year dormancy in 1995, it
concentrated on a banking specialty involving services to mail order companies, telemarketers and
lotteries. These banking services consisted primarily of clearing thousands of small checks in various
currencies from persons buying merchandise or lottery tickets, and issuing numerous small checks in
various currencies to lottery winners or persons returning merchandise or seeking refunds. European
Bank performed the labor-intensive work of gathering and batching the consumer checks, while using
correspondent banks with international check clearing capabilities, such as Citibank, to help it process
payments and issue checks as needed. Bayer indicated that, at its peak, European Bank was clearing
about 100,000 checks per month. Both Bayer and Moore indicated that it was this check clearing
–European Trust Co. Ltd. (“European Trust”), a Vanu atu com pany whic h is licensed to engag e in
company and trust formation activities in Vanuatu; is 100% owned by European Investment Corp.; shares
employees and office facilities with European Bank; and operates in close cooperation with European Bank;
–Pacific International Trust Company Ltd. (“PITCO”), a Vanuatu company which is the only other
trust company in Vanuatu aside from European Trust; is owned by PITCO Corp., a Delaware company; has
offices in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, London, New York and Port Vila; shares employees and office
facilities with European Ba nk; and uses European B ank as one of its bankers;
–Pacific Capital Growth Fund Ltd. (PCGF), a Canadian company which is wholly owned by PITCO;
operates several award-winning mutual funds; requires its clients to establish Vanuatu entities; and uses
European Ba nk as one of its bankers;
–Fidelity Pacific Life Insurance Co. Ltd., a Canad ian com pany whic h is one o f only two re gistered life
insurance companies in Vanuatu; holds preferred shares in European Bank; and uses European Bank as one
of its bankers;
–Asian Pacific Finance Ltd., a U.K. company which provides financial services and, like European Bank,
is owned by European Capital Corporation; and
–Vanuatu Maritime Services Ltd., a Vanuatu company which operates Vanuatu’s extensive international
shipping register, whic h is one o f the largest in th e world; h as registere d over 5 00 vesse ls; maintains sh ip
registration offices in Greece, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, the United States, and
Vanuatu; and uses Europea n Bank as one of its bankers.
business that led to the establishment of European Bank’s correspondent relationship with Citibank in
Another key activity at European Bank involving correspondent banks has been the bank’s
fiduciary placement of client funds in various money market or investment accounts at other banks to
maximize interest earnings. European Bank typically makes these placements after a competitive
bidding process in which its personnel contact the treasury departments at several of its correspondent
banks and obtain interest rate quotations for depositing a specified amount of funds for a specified
period of time. For example, European Bank might call Citibank, ANZ Bank, and Westpac Banking
Corp. to find the best interest rate offered for a 30-day deposit of $1 million. Once the placement terms
are settled, European Bank would direct the wire transfer of the funds to the appropriate bank and, at
the end of the agreed upon placement period, collect the promised interest payments.
According to Bayer, these placements are a good source of revenue for the bank, which shares
in the higher interest rates paid on the deposits. For example, if European Bank were able to place $1
million for 30 days at a 7% interest rate, it might pay its client 5% in interest and keep the remaining
2%. Documentation and interviews indicate that European Bank took a conservative approach to the
placement of client funds, using major banks and low-risk investments such as money market accounts
or U.S. treasury notes. The documentation also indicates that European Bank often made these
placements in U.S. dollars. Documentation and interviews indicate that European Bank often made a
fiduciary placement soon after receiving a substantial deposit from an individual client. Bayer
indicated that European Bank typically tried to move any large deposit exceeding, for example, $1
million, into a higher interest-bearing placement by the end of the day. Citibank account statements
show repeated instances in which European Bank withdrew large client deposits later the same day for
placement into a higher interest-bearing money market account either at Citibank or another bank.282
European Bank told the Minority Staff investigation that correspondent banks play a critical
role in the bank’s operations.
The role that correspondent banks play in our bank’s operation is ... a critical one. All banks
place deposits denominated in foreign currency either directly or indirectly with a
correspondent that operates in the country of that currency. ... As the Vatu [Vanuatu’s domestic
currency] is not an internationally used currency, virtually all of our bank’s assets are on deposit
with our correspondent banks. Even within Vanuatu, residents generally do not hold their
investments in Vatu, so deposits we received from locally based depositors will invariably be
denominated in a currency other than Vatu. For us to pay interest on that deposit, we must in
turn deposit it through the interbank system with one of our correspondent banks.283
According to Bayer, on some occasions, European Bank would combine funds from several client
accounts into a single placement in order to take advantage of the higher interest rates paid on interbank deposits.
Letter dated 5/22/00 from European Bank to the Subcommittee responding to requests for information
(“European Bank letter”) at 6.
In response to requests for information, European Bank provided a list of about a dozen banks
with which it has had a correspondent relationship since 1998. These correspondent banks were
licensed in Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Vanuatu, and elsewhere.
Bayer indicated that, for four years beginning in 1996, European Bank’s primary correspondent
relationship was with Citibank. That correspondent relationship was managed by Citibank offices in
Australia, but European Bank maintained seven Citibank accounts, each in a different currency,
allowing it to transact business in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the United Kingdom
and the United States, among other jurisdictions. Bayer indicated that European Bank’s preferred
currency was U.S. dollars and it carried out the bulk of its transactions through its U.S. dollar account
at Citibank. European Bank also completed transactions in such currencies as Australian dollars,
Canadian dollars, sterling and yen.
European Bank routinely transacts business in the United States, using a variety of U.S.
correspondent accounts. While its most frequently used U.S. dollar account was at Citibank, European
Bank also used U.S. dollar accounts belonging to its other correspondent banks, such as ANZ Bank
(Vanuatu) Ltd. and Bank of Hawaii (Vanuatu), both of which have U.S. affiliates. ANZ Bank
(Vanuatu) Ltd., for example, has a correspondent relationship and U.S. dollar account with ANZ Bank
(United States) which maintains a small office in New York, and European Bank routinely transacted
business through this U.S. account.284
While the Minority Staff investigation did not examine all of European Bank’s U.S.
correspondent activities, it did conduct an in-depth examination of the bank’s primary correspondent
relationship with Citibank. This correspondent relationship lasted four years, from May 1996 until
May 2000, and ended only when Citibank made a decision to reduce its correspondent activity
involving certain South Pacific island nations. Although European Bank’s Citibank accounts are now
closed, it continues to transact business in the United States through a variety of other U.S.
correspondent accounts.
European Bank operates out of offices in the capital city of Vanuatu, Port Vila. Its offices are
open to the public, since the bank is authorized to take deposits from Vanuatu citizens as well as
international clients. The bank shares its office space and staff with two affiliated companies,
European Trust and PITCO. According to Bayer, the companies have a combined staff of about 60, of
which only about 8 persons work solely for the bank.
From 1996 through mid 2000, the bank maintained an electronic ledger and had its own wire
transfer capability using software provided by Citibank. Documentation indicates a well developed set
of standard internal forms to track client accounts and bank transactions. Bank records are kept on site
in Vanuatu.
Both ANZ Bank (Vanuatu) Ltd. and ANZ B ank (United States) are affiliated with the Australia and New
Zealand Banking Group Ltd., a large financial services conglomerate with, according to the Bankers Almanac, over
30,00 0 emp loyees and $95 b illion in assets w orldwid e.
The bank does not have a high volume of daily transactions nor does it routinely deal in
million-dollar transactions, although it occasionally facilitates large transfers of funds. In his
interview, Bayer estimated that the bank handles only about 5 to10 transactions per day and an even
smaller number of fiduciary placements. Citibank documentation indicates that over a two-year period,
1998 and 1999, only a small number of European Bank’s transactions exceeded $2 million. During
those two years, for example, only one transaction exceeded $10 million; two transactions involved
amounts between $5 and $10 million; and less than a dozen involved $2 million or more.
Nevertheless, European Bank moved significant amounts of funds through its Citibank accounts. For
example, in two years, the least active month at its Citibank U.S. dollar account experienced more than
$1 million in account activity, while the most active month saw $50 million move into and out of the
account. Overall, European Bank’s deposits and withdrawals from its U.S. dollar account at Citibank
in 1998 and 1999 totaled almost $192 million.285
European Bank’s policy statement includes sections on the definition of money laundering, how
to prevent money laundering, “client acceptance criteria,” and anti-money laundering procedures
instructing bank employees to “know your customer,” monitor transactions, and report suspicious
transactions.286 The policy statement also provides standard forms for reporting cash transactions and
suspicious activity.
The person charged with implementing the anti-money laundering policy is the bank’s
operations manager, who also serves as European Bank’s compliance officer. Bayer indicated during
his interview that, prior to July 1999, European Bank had not assigned anti-money laundering duties to
See cha rt entitled, “E uropea n Bank Mon thly Acco unt Activity at C itibank.”
Excerp ts include the following:
–“The purpose of this policy is to ensure that ... European Bank ... has adequate policies, practices and
proced ures in plac e, including strict ‘know yo ur custom er’ rules that w ill encoura ge all staff of the Bank to
promote high ethical and professional standards in the financial and banking sector and prevent the Bank
being use d, intention ally or othe rwise, by cr iminal elem ents.”
–“Tra nsactions w ill only be un dertaken for custom ers of the B ank, pro perly iden tified individ uals or with
authorize d introdu ctions from group a ssociated entities.”
–“It is mandatory that before an account is opened, the Bank Officer is satisfied that he/she ‘knows the
customer’, and is satisfied with their bona fides. ... The Bank requires to know ... where appropriate, the
‘beneficial owner’ of the account.”
–“[T]he following bank documentation must be obtained/completed: Signature Card. Account Opening
Questio nnaire[.] M oney La undering Preven tion Que stionnaire[ .] Ackno wledgm ent and A greeme nt form.
Statutory D eclaration . Benefic ial Owne rship form . ...”
a particular bank employee. He said that the policy also led to the appointment of the bank’s first
official compliance officer.
European Bank’s 1999 adoption of a written anti-money laundering policy is an overdue, but
important advance in its anti-money laundering efforts. While the policy has many positive features, it
has at least two drawbacks. First, it assigns all anti-money laundering and compliance duties to the
bank’s operations manager, who already has substantial duties in the day-to-day operation of the bank.
Bayer indicated in his interview that he thought Kely Ihrig, the current operations manager, spent a
very small percentage of her time on anti-money laundering responsibilities. Second, while the policy
statement requires “ongoing monitoring of transactions,” it appears to limit this monitoring to cash
transactions. The policy statement does not require, for example, any monitoring of wire transfer
activity, even though the vast majority of European Bank transactions take place through wire transfers.
The statement also fails to specify any monitoring procedures, whether manual or electronic, to be used
in analyzing ongoing transactions and identifying suspicious activity.
Vanuatu has separate regulatory regimes for its onshore and offshore banks, with different
statutory requirements and different regulatory agencies. Onshore, domestic banks are regulated by the
Reserve Bank of Vanuatu, while offshore banks are regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Services
Commission. European Bank is regulated by the Reserve Bank. Bayer is a long-serving member of
the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission.
Vanuatu has a mixed reputation with respect to its banking and anti-money laundering controls.
For example, the State Department’s International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (“INCSR 2000")
identifies Vanuatu as a country of “concern” in terms of money laundering, and describes a number of
deficiencies in its anti-money laundering laws. However, the United States has not issued a formal
advisory on Vanuatu nor is Vanuatu named in FATF’s June 2000 list of 15 countries found non-
cooperative with international anti-money laundering efforts. On the other hand, Vanuatu is named in
the June 2000 list of 35 unfair tax havens published by the Organization for the Economic Cooperation
and Development’s Forum on Harmful Tax Practices, and in the March 2000 list of offshore
jurisdictions with relatively weak financial regulation issued by the Financial Stability Forum. In late
1999, several major banks, including the Bank of New York, Deutsche Bank and Republic National
Bank of New York, stopped processing wire transfers involving certain South Pacific island nations,
such as Nauru, Palau Niue and Vanuatu. However, in early 2000, Vanuatu was able to convince the
banks to modify their wire transfer ban as applied to Vanuatu so that it was limited, essentially, to
Vanuatu’s offshore banks, while allowing wire transfers involving Vanuatu’s domestic onshore banks.
Later in 2000, when Vanuatu underwent its first evaluation by the Asia/Pacific Group on Money
Laundering (APG), a FATF regional affiliate, the evaluation identified both positive and negative
features of Vanuatu’s anti-money laundering controls.
Vanuatu has five locally licensed, domestic banks which together make up the Bankers
Association of Vanuatu.287 These banks are authorized to do business with Vanuatu’s residents and
any foreign citizen, and to complete transactions using the local currency, the Vatu, as well as any
foreign currency.
Beginning in 1999, the Reserve Bank of Vanuatu was assigned responsibility for regulating
these onshore banks. This regulation is carried out by the Reserve Bank’s Bank Supervision
Department. Bayer indicated in his interview that, to date, the Reserve Bank has not issued any bank
regulations, because the industry has historically been self-regulated under rules issued by the Bankers
Association of Vanuatu. Each onshore bank is required, however, to file monthly reports and an
annual audited financial statement with the Reserve Bank. These filings contain information about the
bank’s capital, balances, major depositors, operations and other information. The Reserve Bank is
charged with reviewing these reports as well as conducting bank examinations. Bayer indicated in his
interview that European Bank had undergone a number of bank examinations over the years.
In addition to five onshore banks, Vanuatu has licensed over 60 “exempted” or offshore banks.
Apparently, all are shell operations run by persons or companies outside of the jurisdiction. Bayer
indicated during his interview that about six were affiliated with banks licensed elsewhere, while the
remaining – more than 55 – were offshore banks licensed only in Vanuatu. He indicated that most of
the offshore banks operated under restricted banking licenses which permit the bank to accept deposits
only from persons or entities specified on an approved list.
All of Vanuatu’s offshore banks are regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission.
The current chairman of the Commission is Bayer, who serves in an advisory capacity. 288 The
Commission participates in both the licensing and monitoring of these banks. The Commission also
oversees much of the rest of Vanuatu’s commercial sector, including the island’s international business
corporations, trust companies, insurance firms, realtors and other commercial enterprises. It used to
oversee the island’s domestic banks as well, until that responsibility was switched in 1999 to the
Reserve Bank.
According to Bayer, compared to its other duties, the Commission has spent only a small
fraction of its time on matters related to offshore banks. He indicated that, of the time spent on
offshore bank matters, most of the Commission’s efforts have involved obtaining required fees and
reports from the offshore banks, and reviewing submitted filings. He said the Commission carried out
Vanuatu’s five onshore banks are: (1) European Bank, the island’s only privately-owned, indigenous
bank, not licensed in any other jurisdiction; (2) National Bank of Vanuatu, which is an indigenous bank owned by
the Vanuatu government; (3) ANZ Bank (Vanuatu) Ltd., which is part of the Austalia and New Zealand Banking
Group Ltd., a large regional conglomerate; (4) Banque d’Hawaii (Vanuatu) Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of an
established U.S. ba nk, Ban k of Haw aii which o perates th rougho ut the Sou th Pacific; a nd (5) W estpac B anking C orp.,
which is part of a large Australian financial conglomerate.
According to Bayer, the Commission operates with three members, one of whom is a government
employee and serves as the official “Commissioner,” while the other two serve as commission “advisors.” Bayer
indicated in his interview that he has been a member of the Commission since its inception in the 1980s and is the
only member who has continuously served on the agency since it began. Bayer indicated in his interview that he
perceived his role to be, in part, to represent the interests of the private sector. The official Commissioner for a
number of years was Julian Ala, followed recently by Dudley Aru.
its offshore banking duties through an “Offshore Banking Supervision Unit.” He said the Commission
did not, as a rule, conduct bank examinations. He indicated that offshore banks are not required to
keep records in Vanuatu, and most do not, which means offshore bank examiners would have to travel
to where the shell bank was operating or, alternatively, be limited to reviewing paperwork sent to
Vanuatu. Bayer said that, due to requests made by the international banking community, the
Commission recently agreed to examine six of its offshore banks suspected of having ties to Russian
nationals and moving questionable funds. He indicated that those examinations were being conducted
by a retired bank auditor from the U.K.’s Financial Services Authority, hired by Vanuatu to examine
the six banks. He said that Vanuatu had made no commitment to examine its other offshore banks,
which currently number more than 50. He indicated that there was an ongoing debate in Vanuatu about
whether offshore bank examinations were needed and whether the cost of compliance would
discourage bank applications in Vanuatu.
Bayer also said in his interview that, even though he is chairman of the Vanuatu Financial
Services Commission, he plays only a limited role in the licensing process because he is not permitted
to see bank ownership information. He said that, under Vanuatu law, only the official Commissioner, a
government employee, has access to bank ownership information. He said that, because of this
situation, he could not say with any certainty who owned Vanuatu’s offshore banks – even though he is
a key regulator of them. He said that it was his impression that most of the 60 offshore banks are “ego
banks” owned by wealthy individuals or subsidiaries of private companies seeking to operate a bank on
behalf of a related group of companies.
Bayer said that it is his impression from his Commission duties that Vanuatu’s offshore banks
are generally not very active. He thought that they are also generally small operations with few formal
procedures. For example, he thought that few would have formal anti-money laundering procedures.
He said that it was up to U.S. banks to investigate these banks prior to accepting funds or opening
accounts for them. When told that U.S. banks thought that they should be able to rely on Vanuatu
banking authorities to ensure the legitimacy of their licensed banks, Bayer disagreed and said U.S.
banks have their own due diligence obligations they need to perform.
Although Bayer claimed there was no conflict of interest in his serving on a Commission that
oversees only offshore banks, evidence indicates that European Bank operates a correspondent account
for at least one Vanuatu offshore bank called Nest Bank. Nest Bank is one of the six Vanuatu offshore
banks under examination for possible ties to Russian nationals. Citibank documents indicate that,
beginning in January 1999 and continuing throughout the year, European Bank allowed Nest Bank to
move more than $6 million through European Bank’s U.S. dollar correspondent account at Citibank.
These funds suggest Nest Bank may be a sizeable client at European Bank. The 1999 transactions
involved such entities as a fertilizer plant in Uzbekistan; a London company that trades in oil,
chemicals, and agricultural commodities in Russia; a company called Societe Generale S.A. in the
Ukraine; a company called Rusomax Ltd.; and International Bank Astana, Ltd. which the investigation
was unable to locate but appears to have ties to Moscow. While the investigation did not attempt to
analyze European Bank’s relationship with Nest Bank, the existence of this correspondent account
raises possible conflict of interest issues, since it calls for a private banker, Bayer, to oversee an
offshore bank that is also his bank’s client. The potential for conflict is made even more clear by the
Commission’s ongoing examination of Nest Bank for alleged ties to Russia and possible money
laundering, since Nest Bank moved over $6 million in one year through European Bank’s
The Minority Staff investigation did not conduct an exhaustive review of European Bank’s
activities, but did conduct a detailed examination of two major accounts opened in 1999, which moved
millions of dollars through European Bank’s U.S. correspondent accounts. Both accounts raise serious
questions about European Bank’s client oversight and due diligence.
In 1999, European Bank opened a bank account and accepted $7.5 million on behalf of a
Vanuatu corporation, Benford Ltd., that was established by its affiliated trust company and about which
the bank had virtually no due diligence information. After learning that the $7.5 million consisted of
proceeds from a credit card fraud, European Bank nevertheless fought for more than one year to
prevent U.S. seizure of the funds from its correspondent account at Citibank.
In April 2000, in civil proceedings filed by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to halt unfair
and deceptive trade practices, a U.S. district court found that Kenneth H. Taves and his wife Teresa
Callei Taves, both U.S. citizens, had committed a massive credit card fraud involving over $49
million.289 Imprisoned on civil contempt charges for refusing to surrender certain assets related to the
fraud, Taves was indicted in February 2000 in separate court proceedings in two countries. In the
United States, Taves was charged with making false statements; in the Cayman Islands he was charged
with money laundering.
The U.S. court also authorized an FTC-appointed receiver to track down and recover the fraud
proceeds. The receiver found over $25 million had been transferred to Taves-controlled accounts at
Euro Bank, a small bank in the Cayman Islands.290 The Cayman government charged three senior Euro
Bank officials with laundering money from the Taves fraud and later ordered the bank closed. In July
1999, in exchange for releasing the bank from damage claims, Euro Bank’s liquidators provided the
FTC receiver with “information and documents in the Bank’s possession” related to the Taves fraud.
Using this information, the FTC receiver traced $7.5 million in Taves fraud proceeds to a European
Bank account opened in the name of a Vanuatu corporation, Benford Ltd.
Benford Ltd. was incorporated by European Trust, and its bank account was opened by
European Bank. The company was established at the request of one of the Euro Bank employees later
charged with money laundering, who said he was acting on behalf of an unnamed client. The
incorporation and account paperwork was handled by a shared senior employee, Susan Phelps, who
was working for both European Trust and European Bank. Phelps has stated in a sworn affidavit that,
throughout the incorporation and account opening process, she never spoke with either the Euro Bank
employee or Benford’s beneficial owner, but relied entirely upon faxed information to establish the
corporation and open the account.
For more information, see the description of the Taves fraud in the appendix.
Euro Bank is completely unrelated to European Bank in Vanuatu.
Phelps incorporated Benford Ltd. within 24 hours of receiving an application form faxed from
Euro Bank with minimal information about the company’s beneficial owner. The application provided
no more than the beneficial owner’s name, Vanessa Phyllis Ann Clyde, a London address, a copy of
her passport photograph, and a one-word description of her occupation as “business.” On the same day
Euro Bank wire transferred $100,000 to European Bank’s account at Citibank in New York, for deposit
into the Benford account. European Bank opened the Benford bank account, without any additional
due diligence research into Clyde, the source of her wealth, or the origin of the $100,000. Bayer
indicated that all of the forms were filled out in the usual way for bank accounts opened for companies
formed by its affiliate, European Trust. In other words, it was typical practice for European Trust to
incorporate a new company within 24 hours of a request and then for European Bank to open a bank
account in the company’s name.
It was only after the Benford account was opened, that the Euro Bank employee and the
company’s beneficial owner, Clyde who had an American accent, actually telephoned Phelps to discuss
the account. Clyde apparently indicated that she wished to keep the Benford funds in U.S. dollars in a
secure but liquid investment. Over the next two months, the Benford account received additional
millions of dollars in deposits. The first transfer, for $2.8 million on March 17, 1999, prompted
European Bank to ask some questions about their new client. After Euro Bank did not volunteer any
additional information, European Bank’s senior vice president asked someone he knew in the Cayman
Islands about Euro Bank itself. He received the following negative information about Euro Bank:
Small locally incorporated bank, with a local banking licence, 20/30 people on the staff,
corporate activities too, not a good reputation locally, has its door open to business when other
doors are closed to it, very much lower end of the local banking business, dubious, 3 months
ago there were rumors that they might fail, not well respected, advise caution when dealing with
them. Barclays would not accept a reference from them and would certainly not do business
with them.
Despite this negative portrayal of the sole reference for the Benford account, European Bank left open
the account, accepted additional funds, and chose not to try to verify any information about Clyde or
her assets.
By April 1999, the Benford account held about $7.5 million. Bayer said that, by then, Benford
was a “huge client,” whose deposits represented about 15% of the bank’s total deposit base of $50 to
$60 million. In May, however, two incidents suddenly cast suspicion on the Benford funds. The first,
on May 25, 1999, was a telephone call about the account from a Clyde who had an English accent,
instead of an American accent. Bayer said it was the first time European Bank appeared to have two
different persons claiming to be the beneficial owner of an account at the bank. Later the same week,
European Bank received a fax stating that Euro Bank had been placed into receivership and the $7.5
million previously sent to the Benford account were proceeds of the Taves credit card fraud.
In response, European Bank immediately froze the Benford account, transferred the funds
internally into a new, non-interest bearing account from which client withdrawals were prohibited, and
filed a report with the Vanuatu police. Despite moving the Benford deposits into a non-interest bearing
account within the bank, European Bank decided to continue placing the $7.5 million with the
correspondent bank paying the highest interest rate on the funds, so that it could continue to earn
revenue from this large deposit. European Bank did not, however, alert the correspondent bank
holding the funds to their suspicious origin.
At the same time, European Bank made another attempt to learn more about the funds. In June
1999, Phelps asked the English-accented Clyde in a telephone conversation about the origin of the
funds. She wrote this summary of the conversation:
[Clyde] said I should have got this info from [the Euro Bank employee]. I said the funds had
just arrived without supporting documentation. ... English was asked to open the a/c. Doesn’t
know when. ... Doesn’t know how much. Wasn’t responsible for putting funds in. Not her
personal funds. Extremely uncomfortable. ... If somebody had taken funds she doesn’t want to
be tarred.291
The evidence indicates that, within months of the $7.5 million being deposited, European Bank
had notice and evidence of their suspect origin. Yet European Bank steadfastly opposed releasing the
funds to the FTC receiver seeking recovery of the money on behalf of the Taves fraud victims.
Litigation over the funds began in the summer of 1999, when European Bank and the FTC
receiver filed separate suits in Vanuatu to freeze the $7.5 million. In September, Clyde asked the
Vanuatu court to allow her to remit the Benford funds to the FTC receiver, but European Bank’s
nominee companies contested her control of Benford Ltd. and opposed releasing the funds. The
Vanuatu police launched a criminal investigation and, in November, charged Benford Ltd. with
possession of property “suspected of being proceeds of crime.” The police also obtained a criminal
freeze order preventing the funds’ release to the FTC or anyone else.
On December 10, 1999, after locating a document notifying Benford Ltd. that its funds had
been placed in an interest bearing account at Citibank in Sydney, the FTC receiver filed suit in
Australia, asking the Australian court to freeze the $7.5 million on deposit with Citibank. Unknown to
the FTC receiver at the time of its filing, European Bank had taken steps that same day to transfer the
funds from Citibank to one of its correspondent banks in Vanuatu. Before any transfer took place,
however, the Australian court froze the funds. Additional pleadings were filed by the Vanuatu
government, European Bank and FTC receiver, each seeking control over the $7.5 million. European
Bank, which had not told Citibank previously about the suspect origin of the Benford funds, sent a fax
to Citibank explaining the situation and complaining that the FTC receiver was trying “every trick in
the book” to “force the monies to be sent to the USA.” The Vanuatu and Australian litigation
continued throughout 2000.
Almost one year later, on November 29, 2000, a third set of legal proceedings began in the
United States. Acting at the request of the FTC, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a seizure warrant
and took possession of the Benford funds from Citibank in New York. It was able to seize the funds in
the United States because Citibank Sydney had always kept the Benford funds in U.S. dollars in a U.S.
dollar account in New York. In December 2000, the Justice Department filed a civil forfeiture action
seeking to eliminate any other claim to the funds. The complaint alleged that the funds were the
See Phelps affidavit and notes, CG 6509-11.
proceeds of the Taves credit card fraud, and the FTC receiver had “tried to obtain the funds from
European Bank through a Vanuatuan court proceeding, but failed to obtain relief in Vanuatu.” It is
unclear whether European Bank will assert a claim to the funds.
During more than a year of litigation battles in three countries, Clyde has supported sending the
Benford funds to the FTC, but European Bank has vigorously opposed it. When asked why, Bayer
gave three reasons during his interview: (1) the ownership of the funds remained unclear, since Clyde
had admitted in court that they were not her funds and she did not know their origin; (2) the allegation
that the funds came from the Taves fraud should be established in Vanuatu court and, if true, the
Vanuatu Attorney General could reimburse the fraud victims, rather than pay the monies to the FTC
receiver who might exhaust the entire sum through fees and expenses;292 and (3) European Bank had to
defend itself from the risk of inconsistent court decisions which might order it to pay the $7.5 million
twice, once to the Vanuatu government in connection with the Benford money laundering prosecution
and once to the FTC receiver seeking funds for the Taves fraud victims. At times, Bayer also argued
that the $7.5 million deposit at Citibank represented European Bank’s own funds, unrelated to the
Benford matter, although at other times he acknowledged the Benford deposits made up the bulk of the
Citibank placement.
The $7.5 million, now swelled with interest earnings to $8.1 million, is in the custody of the
United States, while the litigation in Vanuatu, Australia and the United States continues.
In February 1999, the same month it opened the Benford account, European Bank opened
another ill-fated account under a credit card merchant agreement with a Florida corporation called
Internet Processing Corporation (“IPC”).293 As in the Benford matter, European Bank opened the
account without a due diligence review of the prospective client. IPC used unauthorized credit card
charges to obtain $2 million in payments from European Bank and then absconded with the funds. By
the time it learned of the fraud, European Bank was unable to locate IPC, the company’s owner, or the
missing $2 million. It ultimately suffered a $1.3 million loss which threatened the solvency of the
According to Bayer, the IPC account was one of about a half a dozen new accounts that
European Bank opened in 1999 in an effort to expand the bank’s business into credit card clearing. It
opened the IPC bank account within one week of being contacted for the first time by the company. As
with the Benford account, the IPC account was opened based upon written materials and
correspondence, without any telephone conversation or direct client contact.
Despite the credit risk involved in a merchant account, European Bank failed to conduct
However, the INCSR 2000 report warns: “Case law in Vanuatu has shown that proving the criminal
origins of proceeds, especially of offenses committed abroad, is extremely difficult. Linking criminal proceeds
seized in Vanuatu with the offense committed abroad through a complex series of financial transactions conducted
by related corporations operating in several offshore jurisdictions is all but impossible.” INCSR Report 2000 at 751.
For more information, see the description of the IPC fraud in the appendix.
virtually any due diligence review of either IPC or Mosaddeo Hossain, the company’s sole
incorporator, registered agent, director and officer. IPC is a Florida corporation that had been created
two weeks prior to the opening of the account. It claimed to sell travel packages on the Internet.
Hossain was a Bangladeshi national allegedly living in Florida. European Bank did not inquire into the
company’s ownership, double check its references, ascertain its capital or bank account balances, or
verify its physical address. With respect to Hossain, it did not inquire into his business background,
obtain any personal or professional references, check his credit history, or verify any personal or
professional information about him. The bank also failed to notice that the Bangladeshi passport he
submitted as identification had expired seven years earlier.
As soon as the account became operational in late March 1999, Hossain claimed that IPC
needed to process a number of pre-sold travel packages and filed credit card charges totaling about $13
million. About 85% of these charges would later be disputed by the cardholders who would refuse to
pay them. In April 1999, European Bank processed about $3.5 million of the filed charges and paid
IPC over $2 million in four separate payments. Each payment was made through European Bank’s
U.S. dollar account at Citibank and sent to IPC’s U.S. dollar account at a Florida bank, called
On April 21, 1999, European Bank received an email from its credit card processing company
about “a possible fraud of cardholders of your merchant: Internet Processing Corp.” European Bank
immediately stopped all credit card processing and attempted unsuccessfully to recall its latest payment
to IPC of $728,000. It later learned that, each time IPC had received a payment from European Bank,
IPC had promptly directed BankAtlantic to wire transfer the funds across international lines to a bank
in either Israel or Jordan. An accountholder would then withdraw the funds from the bank, sometimes
in cash. Despite urgent requests from European Bank and Citibank, BankAtlantic failed to return the
$728,000, failed to promptly alert the banks in Israel and Jordan to the IPC fraud, and failed to provide
effective assistance in locating Hossain or IPC.
European Bank directly contacted the Israeli and Jordanian banks, but neither returned any
funds or provided investigative leads. European Bank also alerted U.S. law enforcement, including the
Secret Service. To date, it has been unable to find any trace of IPC, Hossain or the missing $2 million.
After taking into account IPC’s security deposit and the limited credit card payments it received,
European Bank determined that it actually lost about $1.3 million from the IPC fraud.
Citibank’s relationship manager for the European Bank account, Christopher Moore,
determined that the loss was substantial given European Bank’s thin capitalization and required the
bank to keep $1 million on deposit at Citibank until the IPC matter was fully resolved. Bayer
described the loss as a “very serious matter” which could have resulted in bank failure, if the exposure
had been greater. He said, however, that European Bank appears to have weathered the damage to its
Citibank’s due diligence efforts with respect to opening and monitoring the European Bank
account were among the most careful and conscientious witnessed during the investigation, but
suffered from the practical difficulties inherent in overseeing a small foreign bank in a remote
jurisdiction with weak banking and anti-money laundering controls and a tradition of bank secrecy.
Citibank. Citibank is one of the largest banks in the United States with over $700 billion in
assets and operations in more than 100 countries. According to Christopher Moore, the Citibank
Sydney vice president interviewed by the investigation, Citibank holds two banking licenses in
Australia, one for Citibank N.A. and one for Citibank Ltd., a Citibank N.A. subsidiary. Both make up
what is referred to informally as “Citibank Sydney.” Citibank Sydney also includes an entity variously
called the “Citibank N.A. Sydney Branch Offshore,” “Sydney Offshore Banking Unit,” which transacts
business with persons residing outside Australia.
Citibank Sydney has an active correspondent banking business. Most of its correspondent
banking operations are handled by its “Financial Institutions Group,” which operates out of Citibank’s
“Global Corporate and Investment Bank.” According to Moore, the Financial Institutions Group
manages about 50 correspondent relationships with financial institutions in Australia, New Zealand and
the South Pacific region. The group also oversees Australian dollar accounts for another 200 financial
institutions transacting business in that currency. Despite this large customer base, Moore said that the
Financial Institutions Group operates with about four relationship managers. The relationship
managers are supervised by Moore, who is a vice president and longstanding employee in the group,
and its senior credit officer. Moore’s direct supervisors are Citibank’s Australia country head and
country credit officer.
Moore indicated in his interview that most of the financial institutions that Citibank Sydney
works with also have U.S. dollar accounts. He indicated that, because of the frequency of U.S. dollar
transactions, the Financial Institutions Group was in regular contact with Citibank offices in New
York. He indicated that all U.S. dollar transactions take place in the United States, through Citibank
New York; U.S. dollars are not kept in Australia by Citibank Sydney.
–Citibank officials traveled to Vanuatu, visited European Bank’s offices, inspected its operating
systems, talked to the staff, and met with the bank’s senior officers, including Bayer.
See, for e xample , Citibank’s fir st Basic In formatio n Repo rt on Eur opean Bank, C G 385 2-61; first site
visit report, C G 615 5-57; an d first credit a nalysis of the b ank, CG 4203 -07.
–Citibank obtained copies of the bank’s incorporation papers, banking license, audited financial
statements and other key documentation.
–Citibank asked Vanuatu banking regulators for their opinion of European Bank. It also
analyzed Vanuatu’s banking regulation and government.
–Citibank required European Bank to submit three written bank references and followed up
with personal calls to each bank that provided a written reference. Citibank also spoke with
European Bank’s outside auditor.
–Citibank inquired about and analyzed European Bank’s finances and primary lines of business,
and developed a detailed credit analysis of the bank.
–Citibank inquired about and analyzed European Bank’s client base. Citibank made
independent inquiries into several clients that raised due diligence concerns, such as an
Australian lottery and certain mail order companies. In the case of the Australian lottery,
Citibank checked with Australian officials who apparently provided the company with a clean
bill of health, even though the company was then under criminal investigation in the United
States and later pleaded guilty to illegal lottery solicitations.295 With respect to five clients,
including the Australian lottery, Citibank required European Bank to submit a written
declaration attesting to the client’s reputation, competence and suitability. 296 Moore indicated
during his interview that Citibank eventually realized that it did not have the resources to
evaluate all of European Bank’s clients, and it would have to determine whether it could rely on
European Bank to conduct its own client due diligence.
–Citibank directly and repeatedly discussed anti-money laundering issues with European Bank,
including providing the bank with a 90 minute video on the topic and inquiring about the
bank’s due diligence procedures.297 In one memorandum, Moore expressed concern about the
bank’s due diligence procedures stating, “It’s clear to me that [European Bank] [doesn't] have a
disciplined internal call file process. The customer acceptance testing is done by Tom [Bayer]
and Robert [Bohn] and its apparently filed in their heads! I'm sure they know what they are
doing, but is that good enough for us."298 In his interview, Moore could not recall whether
European Bank then had written anti-money laundering procedures, but said he was “confident”
the bank was aware of and sensitive to its due diligence and anti-money laundering obligations.
European Bank’s first written anti-money laundering procedures came, in fact, three years later
in 1999.
See United States v. C-W Agencies Inc. (U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington
Criminal Case No. CR9 9-454C), information (8/9/99) and p lea agreement (8/24/99).
See “European Bank Ltd. Customers Information,” (5/27/96), CG 3869-73.
See “Call Report European Bank” (5/2/96), CG 6155; and 11/26/96 letter from Citibank to European
Bank, CG 6095.
The b ates design ation for this d ocume nt is CG 6 138.
Despite some deficiencies, the initial due diligence performed by Citibank was much more
extensive than due diligence inquiries observed in the other correspondent bank case histories. The
thoroughness of the effort may have been due, in part, to reservations about the relationship expressed
by the person who was then head of Citibank Sydney and Moore’s immediate supervisor. He wrote:
I have been thinking a lot about this proposed relationship and while I appreciate your diligence
in developing indepth information ... I continue to have reservations about entertaining this
business. I am particularly concerned about the lack of institutional stability of the bank, the
difficulty in monitoring events from Sydney and the overall image of Vanuatu. ... [Y]ou should
know that it will not be an easy sell.299
In his interview, Moore said that he overcame these concerns by gathering detailed information
about the bank and forming a consensus with his Citibank Sydney colleagues that the account was
worth trying. Moore said that his meetings with the bank’s management and staff impressed him with
the bank’s openness and willingness to provide information, Citibank’s efforts to verify the bank’s
information were successful, and the regulators and other references all seemed to depict a solid bank
under credible management. In an internal memorandum, Moore wrote, “[A]s we have step by step
advanced this prospect with greatest caution and initial scepticism, we have been very impressed by the
integrity and process we have seen in European Bank and its people.”300
Monitoring the Account. Citibank Sydney began its correspondent relationship with
European Bank on May 22, 1996. Over the next four years, Citibank provided European Bank with
seven deposit accounts, each in a different currency; an electronic ledger and wire transfer software;
check clearing services; check issuance capabilities allowing European Bank to issue checks in
multiple currencies; foreign exchange services; limited credit lines for overdrafts and foreign currency
transactions; access to Citibank’s money market and other higher interest bearing accounts; and access
to Citibank’s bond and stock trading capabilities. The relationship expanded slowly, but steadily.
Although Citibank indicated that it considered European Bank one of its smallest clients, the account
statements show that, in 1998 and 1999 alone, European Bank moved $192 million through its
Citibank U.S. dollar account.
Moore personally supervised the monitoring of the European Bank account. In the first six
months the account was open, he reviewed the bank’s monthly account statements and cash letter
reports. The documentation indicates that, while the account was open, Citibank personnel made
regular site visits to the bank. Moore reviewed, and at times contributed to, Citibank “call reports”
summarizing contacts with European Bank, and various annual reviews of the relationship. In
addition, when problems arose over the Benford and IPC matters, Moore personally requested
explanations and performed an independent analysis of the facts.
5/9/96 memorandum from William Ferguson to Moore, CG 6149. The mem orandum’s reference to the
bank’s “lac k of institutiona l stability,” acc ording to Moo re, was a re ference to the bank ’s small size a nd thin
capitalization. The reference to Vanuatu’s “overall image,” he said, was a reference to its image as a tax haven and
an area that drew the attention of bank regulators.
5/9/96 memorandum from Moore to Ferguson, CG 6150.
In May 1999, Citibank Sydney prepared a detailed analysis of the entire correspondent
relationship.303 Among other issues, the analysis looked at European Bank’s “compliance risk,”
“country risk” and “financial risk.” It identified risks in all three categories, but found them mitigated
by the bank’s strong management. The analysis stated, for example:
In light of Vanuatu’s tax haven status, there is the risk that EB might be dealing with
clients/funds involved in money laundering/other abnormal activity. ... Vanuatu’s no-exchange
control and no-income tax environment makes it attractive to dubious individuals and
businesses. ... EB has a small asset ... and capital ... base, making it vulnerable to unexpected
losses. ... The relationship with EB is not critical to Citibank’s franchise. However it has
provided growing revenues for the minimal risk of the credit facilities. ... [O]ur dealings with
EB are based on our assessment of the integrity of the group and professionalism of its owners
and management.
During his interview, based upon his personal experience, Moore expressed the view that
European Bank was both reputable and competent. He also acknowledged that it had not produced the
expected revenue for Citibank, and had experienced some unexpected losses and troubling incidents.
With respect to the Benford account, Moore indicated that he had never conducted a detailed
review of the account opening documentation or process. After being shown the account opening
documents and European Bank affidavits, he expressed surprise that the bank had opened the Benford
account prior to speaking to the accountholder; he said that was “not the way Citibank would do it.”
He also expressed surprise at the bank’s failure to obtain more due diligence information prior to
opening the account; he said that did not comport with his understanding of European Bank’s due
diligence practices. When asked how Citibank would have reacted to the negative information
provided about Euro Bank in March 1999, Moore said they probably would have placed the Benford
account “in suspense” at that time and performed additional research into the origin of the funds. He
also indicated that he had not been aware of the ongoing litigation in Vanuatu over whether Clyde was
the true beneficial owner of Benford Ltd. Asked for his overall reaction to the Benford account
opening process, Moore characterized it as “sloppy” and expressed surprise that the bank had handled
The bates designation for these documents are CG 3852-61.
See, for example, 4/30/97 memorandum by Moore, CG 6052-53.
See “FI – Commercial Bank Individual Analysis” for European Bank (5/7/99), CG 4038-43 and 6063.
it in the manner it did. He said it did not match his understanding of how European Bank operated.
Closing the Account. At the end of its May 1999 review of the European Bank account,
Citibank had decided to continue the correspondent relationship. One year later, Citibank reversed
course and closed the account.
Citibank’s decision to close the European Bank account was not based on profitability
concerns or bank misconduct, but on a broader policy decision to join an effort by other multinational
banks to restrict correspondent banking activities in certain South Pacific island nations, including
Nauru, Palau and Vanuatu. This effort, which began in November 1999, was partly in response to the
Bank of New York scandal which raised awareness of money laundering concerns in correspondent
banking and partly in response to media reports of $70 billion in Russian funds moving through shell
banks licensed in Nauru.304 Among the banks restricting correspondent banking in the South Pacific
were the Bank of New York, Deutsche Bank, and the Republic National Bank of New York. In a
November 25, 1999 email, Moore notified European Bank that Citibank was considering adopting the
same policy. On December 13, 1999, the Bank of New York rejected a European Bank wire transfer
due to its association with Vanuatu. On December 17, 1999, Citibank sent a letter to European Bank
announcing its decision to close the account.305 The account actually closed five months later in May
When asked about closing the European Bank account, Moore sent an email to other Citibank
colleagues explaining the basis for the decision. He wrote:
We are exiting European Bank ... a bank licensed and domiciled in Vanuatu, and owned by
Vanuatu citizens, not because of any concerns about European Bank directly. Unfortunately,
because of Australian Tax Office suspicions that Australian individuals use Vanuatu to evade
taxes, Vanuatu attracts a lot of attention from here. On top of that, the BONY action has raised
the profile of Vanuatu .... We just feel that the environmental risk, that something totally
unexpected does bob up, is more than we wish to take. The icing on this decision was that our
customer found itself with a deposit (from another bank) that was subject to action in the USA
as possible proceeds of crime. They did all the right things, including obtaining a Vanuatu
court injunction to freeze the funds with them. They also redeposited the USD with us, in the
normal course of banking, and the US receivers found this out and obtained a freeze order on
us. ... [W]e are satisfied our customer is innocent of any complicity. ... I have the highest
regard for the individuals who own and operate European Bank, and we are exiting in [a]
manner that causes least harm to their franchise.306
The European Bank case history raises at least two sets of issues. First, it raises fundamental
For more information, see the Bank of New York description in the appendix.
The bates designation for this document is CG 3945.
Moore email dated 1/24/00, CG 1053; see also Moore email dated 1/11/00, CG 1051.
questions about how a correspondent bank oversees a respondent bank in a remote, jurisdiction with a
tradition of bank secrecy and weak banking and anti-money laundering controls. Second, it provides a
vivid demonstration of how a foreign bank can delay seizure of funds from its U.S. correspondent
account, even when the funds are clearly the product of attempted fraud and money laundering.
Citibank Sydney went the extra mile in its due diligence efforts with respect to European Bank.
It assigned a senior bank official to oversee the relationship. It conducted site visits, meetings with
management, financial analyses, and client evaluations. It monitored account activity and made
inquiries into specific problems like the Benford and IPC matters. It maintained a high level of
oversight for four years.
But in the end, it is far from clear that Citibank really knew how European Bank was operating
on a day-to-day basis. The evidence is overwhelming that European Bank opened the Benford and IPC
accounts with little or no due diligence, contrary to Citibank’s understanding of the bank’s procedures.
In both instances, European Bank opened the account knowing little more than the name of the
accountholder. It made no inquiries into the accountholder’s background, source of wealth or origin of
funds. When confronted, in one instance, by negative information concerning the party who referred
the Benford account, European Bank simply averted its eyes, left the account open, and hoped for the
best. A more cynical interpretation is that European Bank deliberately accepted the large deposits
without caring where they came from or about their association with a disreputable bank. In neither
case, did European Bank undertake reasonable steps to know its customer.
The consequences for the bank have been serious. In the Benford matter, European Bank is
battling legal proceedings in three countries. The collateral damage from this litigation includes
negative media reports, diversion of bank resources, and ongoing legal expense. One case is litigating
the basic issue of who is the true owner of Benford Ltd. – a fact that European Bank should have
established with clarity when it created the corporation, opened a bank account for it, and accepted $7.5
million in deposits. Benford Ltd. has itself been charged with possession of crime proceeds, and
European Bank’s reputation has been tarnished by its role in incorporating and managing this company.
In the IPC matter, European Bank lost $1.3 million. The bank’s chairman and part owner, Bayer, had
to cover the losses to prevent a bank failure. Citibank’s confidence in the bank’s management was
badly shaken, and it required the bank to post $1 million in deposits to secure Citibank against possible
future losses. European Bank decided to abandon the credit card clearing business at least in the short
Yet there is no reason to believe that the Benford and IPC accounts were handled in anything
but a routine manner. Both accounts were opened prior to any direct contact with the prospective
client, a situation which Bayer said was typical given Vanuatu’s remote location and time difference.
Bayer indicated that the Benford account opening forms were completed in the same way the forms are
completed for all clients referred by European Trust – providing minimal client information, signatures
from European Trust employees, and no disclosure of the true owner of the Vanuatu corporation
opening the account. European Trust has indicated that it routinely establishes new Vanuatu
corporations within 24 hours of a request, a time period which necessarily restricts how much due
diligence it can accomplish. The investigation found no evidence to indicate that the Benford and IPC
Moreover, although the Minority Staff investigation did not conduct an extensive analysis of
other accounts opened by European Bank, documentation and interviews contain warning signs of lax
due diligence practices in other accounts as well. For example, for years, European Bank maintained
an account for the Australian Lottery Federation International Ltd.307 At the same time the account was
open, this company, its owner Randall Thiemer, and related companies were under criminal
investigation in the United States and Canada, which resulted in a 1999 guilty plea to conspiracy to
conduct illegal lottery solicitations.308 Both Bayer and Moore indicated they had been unaware of the
U.S. proceedings. Another instance involves the correspondent account that European Bank opened
for Nest Bank in 1999. Nest Bank is an offshore Vanuatu bank that, because of international concerns
over suspect Russian funds moving through South Pacific shell banks, is now under review by Vanuatu
authorities. Nest Bank moved more than $6 million through its European Bank account in one year,
most of it with ties to Russia or countries formerly part of the Soviet Union. Bayer indicated that he
could not discuss the account due to Vanuatu’s confidentiality requirements and the lack of publicly
available court filings disclosing Nest Bank’s ownership and activities. Moore indicated he had been
unaware of the account.
In 1996, the head of Citibank’s operations in Australia expressed concern about the European
Bank account, in part due to “the difficulty in monitoring events from Sydney.” Vanuatu’s banks
operate under a tradition of bank secrecy and weak banking regulation. European Bank is Vanuatu’s
only indigenous bank; no parent bank audits its operations. It is owned and directed by an individual
who is a powerful player in Vanuatu’s economy and government. It works closely with trust
companies that have their own culture of nondisclosure. For the two accounts examined in detail,
Citibank was given no negative information about the Benford account until a third party filed suit in
Australia, and it had no warning of the IPC loss, even though Benford Ltd. and IPC were among
European Bank’s largest accounts.
The European Bank case history provides a powerful illustration of the money laundering risks
inherent in international correspondent banking. It demonstrates that, when dealing with a small bank
operating in a remote jurisdiction with weak bank oversight and uneven anti-money laundering
controls, even a diligent correspondent bank may be left in the dark about missteps leading to money
laundering charges, beneficial owner disputes, fraud, and substantial losses.
The European Bank case history raises a second set of issues as well. Through the twists and
turns of litigation battles in three countries, it demonstrates how a small foreign bank can delay seizure
of funds from a U.S. correspondent account, even when the funds are the product of fraud and money
See “European Bank Ltd. Customers Information” (5/27/96), CG 3869.
See United States v. C-W Agencies Inc. (U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington
Criminal Case No. CR9 9-454C), information (8/9/99) and p lea agreement (8/24/99).
Ample evidence links the $7.5 million in the Benford account at European Bank to the Taves
fraud. The players involved, the timing, the amounts, the wire transfers – all are consistent with the
money coming from the unauthorized credit card billing scheme described in the U.S. court decision in
the Taves case. Ample evidence also links the Benford account to Clyde, including her signature on
the form asking to establish Benford Ltd., her passport photograph and London address which match
the materials in European Trust’s files, her possession of the Benford incorporation papers, and her
past association with one of the individuals charged with participating in the Taves money laundering
For more than a year, in her capacity as the beneficial owner of Benford Ltd., Clyde has
supported remitting the Benford funds to the FTC receiver. Citibank has repeatedly expressed its
willingness to transfer the funds in accordance with court order. But European Bank has not been
willing to transfer the funds to the FTC receiver. It has fought legal battle after legal battle to try to
keep control of the funds and ensure they were not “forced” to the United States, but sent instead to
Vanuatu authorities. The reasons for the bank’s actions are unclear.
Perhaps European Bank felt committed to defending Vanuatu sovereignty. Perhaps it hoped to
ensure that Vanuatu received a portion of the seized funds, even though the Taves investigative work
was performed elsewhere and the monies were intended for fraud victims. Perhaps European Bank
wanted a portion of the seized funds to reimburse its legal fees, even though much of the legal
wrangling followed its refusal to allow the transfer of the funds to the United States in 1999. Perhaps
European Bank wanted the interest earnings on the $7.5 million – exceeding $600,000 at last count –
even though the bank would be profiting from illicit proceeds that it chose to move into a non-interest
bearing account in May 1999. Perhaps European Bank worried about having to pay the $7.5 million
twice, although it is hard to believe Vanuatu authorities would force one of its leading citizens to pay a
sum that, if already paid to the FTC receiver, would break the bank. Perhaps European Bank wanted
simply to best the FTC receiver, which tried so many legal maneuvers to obtain the funds and, in the
bank’s eyes, would pay its own fees and expenses before reimbursing any fraud victims.
Whatever its motivations, European Bank mounted a resourceful campaign to stop the transfer
of the Benford funds. In Vanuatu, it argued that no one really knew who owned the Benford money,
since Clyde had admitted they were not her personal funds and the FTC had not proven in court they
were from the Taves fraud. In Australia, it contended that the $7.5 million on deposit with Citibank
was not Benford’s funds at all, but European Bank’s own funds, placed in an investment account to
earn higher interest. In making this argument, European Bank drew on the legal status of funds in a
correspondent account. It claimed that the funds in the Citibank account were the property of the
accountholder – European Bank – and not the property of the bank’s clients, even if client funds were
used to make the deposits.
The FTC receiver was equally resourceful in its litigation strategy. It began by filing suit in
Vanuatu. When it found European Bank reluctant to release the $7.5 million from the Benford
account, it persuaded Clyde to file suit in Vanuatu seeking court approval to authorize her own
company to remit the funds to the FTC receiver. When the Vanuatu police appeared to be as reluctant
as European Bank to surrender custody of the $7.5 million, the FTC receiver filed suit in Australia to
try to obtain the funds directly from Citibank. While European Bank argued the funds were not
actually in Australia, but remained in the Benford account at European Bank in Vanuatu, the fact is,
when faced with the Australian court’s freeze order, Citibank refused to transfer the funds at European
Bank’s instruction. Clearly, the $7.5 million was under Citibank’s control.
The FTC receiver’s next legal effort came when it convinced the U.S. Department of Justice to
seize the funds at Citibank in New York as money laundering proceeds. After all, the $7.5 million had
always been in U.S. dollars in a U.S. dollar account. Despite appearing to travel from California to the
Cayman Islands to Vanuatu, the funds never actually left the United States -- they just moved from one
U.S. bank account to another. The proof is that, when confronted with the U.S. seizure warrant,
Citibank delivered the funds to the U.S. government.
The U.S. government’s seizure of the funds is not, however, equivalent to forfeiture of the
funds. The U.S. Justice Department’s civil forfeiture action provides all interested parties with an
opportunity to assert a contrary claim to the funds. If European Bank were to assert ownership of some
or all of the $8.1 million, the United States might have to prove, under statutory provisions affording
correspondent accounts special forfeiture protections,309 that European Bank “knowingly engaged” in
the laundering of the funds or in other criminal misconduct justifying seizure of the bank’s own money.
One recent U.S. district court has interpreted this standard to mean that the United States has to
demonstrate a bank’s “knowing involvement” in or “wilful blindness” to the criminal misconduct
giving rise to the seizure action.310 The questions in this matter would include what European Bank
knew and when, and whether it was wilfully blind to criminal misconduct associated with the Benford
The larger policy issues come into view with the realization that European Bank keeps virtually
100% of its clients’ funds in correspondent accounts and conducts 100% of its U.S. dollar transactions
through U.S. correspondent accounts. That means that 100% of European Bank’s funds in the United
States benefit from greater forfeiture protections than suspect funds in other types of U.S. bank
accounts. The same is true for all foreign banks choosing to deposit funds in U.S. correspondent
accounts. And it is not just foreign banks who benefit, but also wrongdoers who ask the foreign banks
to keep their deposits in U.S. dollars. Taves, for example, originally deposited his illicit proceeds in
U.S. bank accounts in California. He then sent the funds from the United States, through two bank
secrecy jurisdictions, the Cayman Islands and Vanuatu, only to have the funds end up back in the
United States, but in a Citibank account which requires U.S. law enforcement to surmount additional
legal hurdles to sustain forfeiture.
The European Bank case history is a cautionary tale about how a small, determined foreign
bank in a remote jurisdiction can delay and perhaps ultimately frustrate U.S. law enforcement efforts to
seize illicit proceeds sent to the foreign bank as part of a money laundering effort, so long as the
laundered funds are deposited into a U.S. correspondent account.
See 18 U.S.C. § 984(d ). See also Chapte r V(G ) of this repo rt.
United States v. $15,270,885.69 (2000 U.S. D ist. LEXIS 12602 , 2000 W L 123459 3 SDNY 2000).
Prepared by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee of Investigations, Minority Staff, December 2000
The Minority Staff also investigated Swiss American Bank, an offshore bank licensed and
operating in Antigua and Barbuda, and its onshore affiliate, Swiss American National Bank; M.A.
Bank, an offshore bank licensed in the Cayman Islands and operating in Argentina; and Federal Bank,
an offshore shell bank licensed in the Bahamas and closely affiliated with a bank in Argentina, Banco
Republica. Information on those high risk banks and their correspondent relationships with U.S. banks
will be released shortly.
This appendix summarizes a number of money laundering scandals and financial frauds
referenced in the report, concentrating on how each utilized U.S. correspondent bank accounts.
Included are:
The Bank of New York scandal became public news during the summer of 1999, with media
reports of $7 billion in suspect funds moving from two Russian banks through a U.S. bank to
thousands of bank accounts throughout the world.
Pleadings from subsequent criminal cases describe what happened.311 They indicate that,
during a four year period from 1995-1999, two Russian banks, Depositarno-Kliringovy Bank (“DKB”)
and Commercial Bank Flamingo, deposited over $7 billion into correspondent bank accounts at the
Bank of New York (“BNY”) in the United States. After successfully gaining entry for these funds into
the U.S. banking system, on multiple occasions, the Russian banks transferred amounts from their
BNY correspondent accounts to commercial accounts at BNY that had been opened for three shell
corporations, Benex International Co. Inc. (“Benex”), Becs International L.L.C. (“Becs”), and
Lowland, Inc. These three corporations, in turn, transferred the funds to thousands of other bank
accounts around the world, using electronic wire transfer software provided by BNY. In aggregate,
from February 1996 through August 1999, the three corporations completed more than 160,000 wire
In February 2000, guilty pleas were submitted by Lucy Edwards, former vice president of
BNY’s Eastern European Division, her husband Peter Berlin, and the three corporations to conspiracy
to commit money laundering, operating an unlawful banking and money transmitting business in the
United States, and aiding and abetting Russian banks in conducting unlawful and unlicensed banking
activities in the United States. The defendants admitted that their money laundering scheme had been
designed in part to help Russian individuals and businesses transfer funds in violation of Russian
currency controls, customs duties and taxes. The three corporations agreed to forfeit more than $6
United S tates v. Be rlin, (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Criminal Case No.
S1-99 -CR-91 4 (SW K)), infor mation filed 2/16/0 0; United States v. Kudryavtsev (U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York Criminal Case No. S1-00-CR-75 (JSR)), information filed 3/29/00.
In August 2000, a federal court held that the United States had alleged sufficient facts to
establish probable cause to seize an additional $27 million from two BNY correspondent accounts
belonging to DKB and its part owner, another Russian bank called Sobinbank.312 The judge expressed
skepticism regarding Sobinbank’s claim to be protected from seizure of its funds due to its status as an
innocent bank, observing in a footnote:
The Court cannot fathom how billions of Sobinbank’s dollars could have been transferred out
of its constantly replenished BONY Account, to accounts in the United States, without
Sobinbank’s knowledge or wilful blindness to the scheme. 313
While denying criminal liability for its own actions, BNY committed itself in a February 2000
agreement with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the New York State Banking Department
to revamping its correspondent banking practices and anti-money laundering controls. In particular,
BNY agreed to strengthen its due diligence reviews and its systems for reporting suspicious activity.
BNY subsequently ended correspondent relationships with about 180 Russian banks.
The BNY scandal caused other U.S. banks to review their correspondent accounts with Russian
banks as well. Information provided in response to the Subcommittee’s correspondent banking survey
indicates that, from 1998 to 2000, Deutsche Bank’s U.S. operations reduced the number of its
correspondent relationships with Russian banks from 149 to 57, while HSBC Bank USA ended almost
230 relationships with Russian banks, going from 283 to 57.
The BNY scandal also led to a wider review of Russian money laundering activities utilizing
international payment systems to move funds.314 The State Department's 1999 International Narcotics
Control Strategy Report, a leading analysis of international anti-money laundering efforts, reported that
according to the Central Bank of Russia, $78 billion was sent by Russians to offshore accounts in 1998
alone, and $70 billion of that amount went through banks chartered in Nauru, a small island in the
Pacific. In response, several U.S. banks determined in 1999 that they would no longer open
correspondent accounts or process wire transfers for banks licenced by Nauru or certain other small
South Pacific islands. Nauru is reported to have licensed 400 banks in recent years, including Sinex
Bank which, according to the court order in the BNY civil forfeiture case, was the ordering party
“responsible for over $3 billion in transfers to the Benex and Becs Accounts” at the Bank of New
The BNY money laundering scandal, the revelations regarding Russian correspondent banking
practices, and the $7 billion and $78 billion figures reflecting possibly illegal Russian funds moving
through the U.S. and international correspondent banking systems, drive home the money laundering
vulnerabilities present in the correspondent banking field.
United States v. $15,270,885.69 (2000 U.S. D ist. LEXIS 12602 , 2000 W L 123459 3 SDNY 2000).
Id. at footnote 11.
See, e.g., 1999 hearings on Russian Money Laundering before House Banking Committee.
In February 2000, William H. Koop, a U.S. citizen from New Jersey, pleaded guilty to
conspiracy to commit money laundering in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1957.315 Koop was the key figure in
a financial fraud which, over two years, bilked hundreds of U.S. investors out of millions of dollars.
As part of this fraud, Koop made frequent use of U.S. correspondent accounts utilized by three offshore
banks, Overseas Development Bank and Trust (ODBT), Hanover Bank and British Trade and
Commerce Bank (BTCB). He moved about $13 million in illicit proceeds through U.S. accounts
associated with these banks,316 and used their services to launder these funds and otherwise advance his
fraudulent activity.
Nature of Koop Fraud. Court pleadings, documents, videotapes, and interviews317 provide the
following information about Koop’s illicit activities.318 In or around the summer of 1997, Koop, a
retired swimming pool contractor with no financial credentials or education beyond high school, began
to represent himself as an experienced investment advisor. Koop claimed he had a high yield
investment program that could produce returns as high as 489% over a 15-month period, allegedly with
little or no risk. He also admitted in his criminal proceedings that he had represented himself as
specializing in “prime bank notes,” which he acknowledged are fictitious financial instruments. On a
number of occasions, Koop appeared before groups of small investors urging them to pool their funds
into amounts of $1 million to $5 million, for placement into his investment program. Over 200 U.S.
investors appear to have placed funds with Koop. With rare exceptions, none has recovered any of
their principal or promised returns.
Koop called his investment program the “I.F.S. Monthly ‘Prime’ Program.” Koop operated this
program through several entities he controlled, all of which he referred to as “IFS.” These entities
included: (1) International Financial Solutions, Ltd., which was incorporated in Dominica by OBD,
and changed its name on 11/28/97, to Info-Seek Ltd.; (2) Info-Seek Asset Management Trust, which
was established by BTCB in Dominica on 4/20/98; and (3) Info-Seek Asset Management S.A., which
was established by BTCB in Dominica on the same day, 4/20/98.
Koop prepared and distributed a large packet of information about the IFS investment program
United States v. Koop (U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey Criminal Case No. 00-CR -68),
criminal info rmation d ated 2/4 /00.
As set out in the case histories for each bank, Koop moved about $4.3 million through ODBT, nearly $5
million through Hanover Bank, and about $4 million through BTCB. He moved additional millions through other
banks in the United States and elsewhere.
Key interviews included a March 30, 2000 interview of Koop; a June 26, 2000 interview of Hanover
Bank’s sole owner, Michael Anthony (“Tony”) Fitzpatrick, an Irish citizen who voluntarily cooperated with the
investigation; a October 13, 2000 interview of OD BT’s sole owner L. M alcolm West, a British citizen who also
voluntarily cooperated; and a July 23, 2000 interview of Terrence S. Wingrove, a British citizen fighting extradition
to the Un ited States to stand trial o n criminal c harges re lated to the Koop fraud. W ingrove a lso volunta rily
cooperated with the investigation and was interviewed at Wormwood Scrubs prison in London.
Many of the documents in this matter were provided by a defrauded investor who filed suit against Koop,
Schmidt v. Koop (U.S. D istrict Cour t for the Dis trict of New Jersey C ivil Case N o. 978 -CIV-4 305), in a n attemp t to
recove r a $2.5 million inve stment.
to potential investors. His promotional materials explained the IFS investment program as follows:
This program will pay you up to 489% plus principal on your investment, and your initial
investment is guaranteed. ... Receive a check for 5% of your initial investment each month
while your balance grows to the rate chosen in any one of the following listed programs. Your
first check starts after the first 90 days. ... If you are worried about whether IFS will really
pay what is promised, please be advised that IFS has never failed to payout on any
program that it has ever entered into with any and all clients. [Emphasis in original text.]
In a section entitled, “Frequently asked questions,” the IFS materials explained how IFS could
offer such large returns:
Your investment in the form of money will be held in a trust offshore. There is a very large
demand offshore for large blocks of money that are certified and cleared as clean funds. By
joining group funds together and committing large blocks of funds, we are able to command the
returns that are normal for these transactions.
In response to a question about the safety of the funds, the IFS materials stated:
All of the monies go into the trust where they are disbursed through lines of credit and
promissory notes. This is done through a credit line that IFS has been able to establish with
many of the prime banks of the world. The money never leaves the trust. The truth of the
matter is that these funds are safer than mutual funds, real estate and the stock market.
When asked about taxes, the materials stated, “It is up to you to report your income to Uncle Sam as
you see fit to do so. Due to the fact that IFS is setup as a pure private trust, we do not report it to
Koop worked with a number of other persons who served as intermediaries in organizing
individuals into investment groups and soliciting investment funds. Koop worked, for example, with a
minister in South Carolina, Johnny Cabe, who formed his own company called Hisway International
Ministries, and solicited investments primarily from church members.319 He worked with Hank A.
Renovato Jr. who formed a Nevada corporation, Capital Fortress, Inc., and solicited investors in
Alabama and Colorado. He worked with Glenn Cruzen who formed a company called Effortless
Prosperity and solicited investments in Texas and California; Richard Olit who solicited investors in
California; Leighton L.K.L. Suganuma who formed a Nevada corporation called Aloha “The Breath of
Life” Foundation, Inc.; and Mark A. Meyerdirk in Kansas. Koop also worked with two individuals
living in England, Terrence Wingrove and Winston Allen. Koop has indicated that he typically paid an
intermediary 10% of the funds they were responsible for directing into the IFS investment program.320
Koop’s Use of Offshore Banks. Koop utilized numerous bank accounts in the commission of
See United States v. Johnny William Cabe and Shelton Joel Shirley (U.S. District Court for the District
of South Carolina Criminal Case No. 0:00-301) and United States v. Terrence Stanley Victor Wingrove (U.S.
District Court for the District of South Carolina Criminal Case No. 0:00-91).
Schmidt v. Koop, Koop deposition (12/10/98) at 121.
his illicit activities. At first, he directed fraud victims to send money to his personal bank account at
Interchange State Bank in Saddle Brook, New Jersey. Later he directed funds to banks in other states
such as Illinois, Missouri, and Oregon. In 1997, he began using offshore banks. Koop used the
offshore banks examined in this investigation to further his fraudulent activities in four ways: (1) to
establish offshore companies to conduct business transactions; (2) to open offshore accounts where co-
conspirators and investors could send funds and he could start to launder them; (3) to generate revenue
and perpetrate his fraud by offering investors the opportunity, for a fee, to open their own offshore
bank accounts where promised investment returns could be deposited; and (4) to increase his wealth by
earning interest on deposits or using the offshore banks’ investment programs.
Overseas Development Bank and Trust. ODBT was the first offshore bank Koop used in his
fraud. ODBT established Koop’s initial offshore corporation, International Financial Solutions, Ltd.,
which would become one of Koop’s primary corporate vehicles for the fraud. ODBT opened 5
accounts for Koop and allowed millions of dollars in illicit proceeds to move through them. It allowed
Koop to open at least 60 more accounts for third parties -- who turned out to be the defrauded
investors, before ODBT liquidity problems caused Koop to switch his offshore banking to Hanover
Bank and BTCB.
According to Koop, he first became involved in offshore banking when, in 1997, he saw a fax
advertising offshore services at American International Bank (AIB) in Antigua and Barbuda. Koop
said that he quickly and easily established his first offshore corporation and opened his first offshore
account at AIB, without ever actually speaking to anyone at the bank. He said he simply exchanged
faxed materials with the bank, including an application form requesting minimal due diligence
information, and his corporation and account were established.
Koop said in his interview that he later learned that AIB had been taken over by ODBT and so
began dealing with ODBT. However, account documentation indicates that he dealt with directly with
ODBT from the beginning, and that ODBT appears to have handled his accounts from their
inception.321 The documentation indicates that Koop had accounts at ODBT for almost two years, from
August 1997 until April 1999, which was also the key time period for his fraudulent activity.322
ODBT documentation indicates that the bank established at least the following five Dominican
corporations for Koop and opened bank accounts in their names:
For example, the investigation obtained copies of faxes dated 8/12/97, which we re written by Koop, were
addressed specifically to ODBT, and referred to the initial opening of Koop-related accounts at the bank. A key
account statement covering an 18-month period from 8/97 until 3/99, was also issued by ODBT. The investigation
found no similar documentation addressed to AIB. Because, from its inception in 1996 until late 1997, ODBT had a
correspondent account at AIB, Koop may have mistakenly thought that he was dealing with AIB. Much of the
documentation related to the Koop accounts at ODBT was collected in discovery proceedings related to Schmidt v.
Koop, after Koop provided written authorization for ODBT to produce all documentation related to his accounts at
the bank. Some of the documents refer to Overseas Development Bank, or Overseas Development Banking Group,
rather than Overseas Development Bank and Trust. But because the vast majority refers to ODBT, this discussion
refers to O DBT througho ut the text.
ODB T also a ppears to have ke pt the Ko op-relate d acco unts after it term inated its asso ciation with A IB in
the spring of 1998, possibly because Ko op was one of the few AIB d epositors with substantial assets.
The investigation obtained only one, fairly complete account statement for these five accounts.
It lists all transactions for IFS account numbered 010-001-988, from August 1997 when it opened, until
March 17, 1999, about a month before the account closed. Most of the deposits and withdrawals were
in large round numbers, such as $10,000, $50,000 or $100,000. Many of the deposits were made by
Koop, his fraud victims or co-conspirators.326 Over a dozen transactions, mostly withdrawals,
exceeded $100,000.327 Altogether over almost 18 months, the account statement shows deposits
totaling more than $4.3 million and withdrawals of nearly the same amount.
The investigation also obtained a single page from an account statement for the IFS account
numbered 010-002-285, covering the first month this account was opened. It shows an initial deposit
The inc orpora tion pap ers for K oop’s ke y offshore c ompa ny, Internatio nal Financ ial Solution s, Ltd.,
indicate it was incorporated in Dominica on 10/21/94, although later documents claim the incorporation date was
10/21/97. Since the ODBT account documentation shows transactions as early as August 1997, however, the 1994
incorpo ration da te appe ars more likely to be a uthentic. O n Nov ember 2 8, 199 7, Koo p chang ed the na me of his
company from International Financial Solutions, Ltd. to Info-Seek Ltd. He referred to both companies as “IFS.”
This account was associated with a Visa credit card that ODBT had provided to K oop’s company and
was apparently used to pay the company’s substantial Visa charges.
Charity-Seek International Ltd. was incorporated as a Dominican bearer-share company by ODBT at
Koop’s request in December 1997. Koop told the bank that the company would be owned by Charity-Seek
International Trust, which Koop described as a trust he had previously established in Belize and which was
controlled by him and his associates, Hank Renovato, Leighton Suganuma and Mark Meyerdirk. Professional Fund
Raisers In ternationa l Ltd. was inc orpora ted by O DBT on the sam e day as a b earer-sha re comp any that K oop sa id
would be owned by a Belizian trust, Professional Fund Raisers International Trust, controlled by the same
individuals. Koop requested the establishment of both companies and their accounts in a 12/2/97 memorandum he
sent to W est at OD BT. H e asked O DBT to establish the com panies an d acco unts within 2 4 hours o f his reques t.
Koop also mad e the unusu al reques t that OD BT se rve as the a ccount sig natory for b oth acco unts, app arently to av oid
identification of the accounts if a subpoena were to request all accounts for which Koop were a signatory. In
response, ODBT established both accounts within 24 hours, although it is unclear whether ODBT agreed to act as
the signatory for them. West indicated in his interview that he did not recall either account and did not believe that
ODBT would have agreed to act as the signatory since that would have been “very unusual.” He said that his normal
course of action would have been to forward the Koop requests to AIMS for processing. He promised to research
the matter a nd pro vide cop ies of the ac count op ening do cumenta tion if they co uld be lo cated, bu t no such d ocume nts
were provided to the Minority Staff investigation.
ODBT also opened accounts for some of the persons working with Koop, in particular account numbered
010-0 03-02 6 for Effo rtless Pro sperity, a co mpany a ssociated with Glen n Cruze n.
The largest transactions were:
of $800,000, all of which was transferred from the original IFS account; two withdrawals totaling
$700,000, which were wire transferred on December 3, 1997 to Arab Bank in Dubai, and a closing
balance of about $100,000. On November 26, 1997, Overseas Development Banking Group issued a
letter “To Whom It May Concern” stating that Koop was the sole signatory for the IFS account and the
account balance was in excess of $1.5 million.328 All of this money was related to Koop’s self-
confessed financial fraud and money laundering.
The IFS account statement also includes four entries showing that Koop paid $300 per account
to open 60 additional accounts at ODBT, apparently for fraud victims who wished to open their own
offshore accounts.329 Koop apparently was charging his investors a much higher fee than $300 for each
account he opened. The investigation obtained copies of faxes sent by 16 individuals in nine states in
the United States to ODBT, inquiring about the status of their ODBT accounts and whether Koop or
IFS had deposited any funds into them. When asked, West indicated during his interview that he had
been unaware of the 60 accounts opened by Koop for third parties. He said that, in 1999, ODBT had
closed numerous accounts with small balances due to a lack of information about the beneficial owners
of the funds, and guessed that the 60 accounts were among the closed accounts. While he promised to
research the 60 accounts, he did not provide any additional information about them.
Because the Minority Staff investigation was unable to obtain account statements for the 60
accounts, the other four accounts opened for Koop, and the accounts opened for other persons involved
in the IFS investment scheme, the total deposited into ODBT accounts in connection with the Koop
fraud is unknown. The facts indicate, however, that it is certain to collectively involve millions of
Koop directed his co-conspirators and fraud victims to send funds to his ODBT accounts
through various U.S. correspondent accounts. For example, account statements for Jamaica Citizens
Bank Ltd. (now Union Bank of Jamaica, Miami Agency) show numerous Koop-related transactions
from October 1997 into early 1998. Wire transfer documentation shows repeated transfers through
Barnett Bank in Jacksonville. In both cases, the funds went through a U.S. account belonging to AIB,
and from there were credited to ODBT and then to Koop. In January 1998, Koop also issued wire
transfer instructions directing funds to be sent to Bank of America in New York, for credit to Antigua
Overseas Bank, for further credit to Overseas Development Bank, and then to one of his five accounts
at ODBT.
In the spring of 1998, ODBT began experiencing liquidity problems and failing to complete
Koop’s wire transfer requests. Koop materials from this time period state:
This balance apparently reflects both IFS accounts open at the time, account 101-001-988 with about
$783 ,000, an d acco unt 010 -002-2 85 with ab out $80 0,000 .
These account entries were:
We are currently transacting our banking business with the Overseas Development Bank and
Trust Company, which is domiciled in the island of Dominic[a] in the West Indies. We have
witnessed a slowness in doing business with this bank as far as deposit transfers and wire
transfers are concerned. Because of these delays, we have made arrangements with the
Hanover Bank to open accounts for each of our clients that are currently with ODB, without any
charge to you. If you are interested in doing so, please send a duplicate copy of your bank
reference letter ... passport picture ... [and] drivers license .... IFS will then open an account for
you in the Hanover Bank, in the name of your trust.
By April 1998, Koop began directing his co-conspirators and fraud victims to deposit funds in U.S.
correspondent accounts being used by Hanover Bank or BTCB, and generally stopped using his ODBT
accounts. In a document sent to Koop investors entitled, “A Personal Letter from the Desk of William
H. Koop,” dated June 22, 1998, Koop stated that, due to the problems encountered at ODBT, IFS had
made the “changeover” to Hanover Bank. Koop finally closed his ODBT accounts in April 1999.
Hanover Bank. Koop’s subsequent use of Hanover Bank is detailed in that bank’s case
history, earlier in this report.
Koop and BTCB. Koop stated that he began his relationship with BTCB in mid-1998, after a
chance meeting in Washington, D.C. with Charles Brazie, a BTCB vice president, who told him about
the bank’s high yield investment program and faxed him account opening forms.330 BTCB
documentation indicates that Koop opened his first BTCB bank account on April 20, 1998.
Over the course of 1998, BTCB documentation indicates that the bank established the
following five Dominican corporations for Koop and opened bank accounts in their names:
The Info-Seek Asset Management S.A. account was the successor to Koop’s three IFS accounts
at ODBT. Hanover B Ltd. was incorporated on May 21, 1998. The Hanover B account was opened in
an apparent attempt by Koop to mimic a correspondent account for Hanover Bank. Koop has stated in
a sworn deposition that the name “Hanover B Ltd.” was chosen “to correspond to Hanover Bank.”331
Another person indicted in the Koop fraud, Terrence Wingrove has said that he understood the
Hanover B account was opened to “mirror” the real Hanover Bank account and make fraud victims
think they were sending funds to either IFS or to their own Hanover Bank offshore accounts that Koop,
for a fee, had pretended to open for them. In a letter dated 12/10/98, BTCB’s own legal counsel
See account opening documentation, 4/9/98 document signed by Brazie on how to structure BTCB
relationship. See also Schmidt v. Koop, Koop deposition (12/10/98) at 130.
Schmidt v. Koop, Koop deposition (3/2/99) at 431.
BTCB account statements covering most of 1998,333 show that in a six month period from April
to October 1998, over $2.6 million was transferred into and out of the IFS account, while about $1.3
million passed through the Hanover B account in the same period.334 These funds, which were
deposited into BTCB’s U.S. accounts at BIV and Security Bank, total almost $4 million. All of this
money is related to Koop’s self-confessed financial frauds and money laundering.
Most IFS investors, when sending money to IFS directly, transferred amounts in the range of
$5,000 to $50,000. The largest single IFS investor appears to have been Glenn Schmidt, of California,
who sent $2.5 million. This money was sent by wire transfer on 4/22/98, two days after Koop opened
his first account at BTCB. Schmidt transferred the funds from his bank in California to BTCB’s
correspondent account at BIV in Miami, for further credit to IFS. It was the largest single deposit into
BTCB’s account at BIV. Koop admitted in his criminal case that he had convinced Schmidt to invest
these funds, failed to invest the money as promised, and failed to repay any funds to Schmidt despite
repeated assurances. Instead, he used the $2.5 million to provide funds to his co-conspirators, establish
four more accounts at BTCB, and make Ponzi payments to a few IFS investors awaiting returns. He
also transferred $1 million to a Bank of America account in Oregon for “CPA Services,” a company
run by the Christian Patriot Association, an organization which is associated with militia groups and
which Koop said he sometimes used to make cash payments to third parties.335
In September 1998, Schmidt filed a civil suit in federal court in New Jersey to recover his $2.5
million.336 That suit named as defendants Koop, several of his companies, BTCB, BIV and Hanover
Bank. BTCB sought to be dismissed from the suit, claiming among other arguments that the suit had
failed to state a claim against the bank and the U.S. court lacked jurisdiction over it. BTCB also, at
first, seemed to deny any relationship with Koop. A 10/29/98 “certification” filed by BTCB president
Requena stated in part: “[T]here is not, nor has there been an account opened in BTCB ... for ‘William
H. Koop’ or for ‘International Financial Solutions Ltd.”337 Despite this certification, plaintiff’s
counsel sent BTCB a written authorization by Koop to provide documentation related to “any BTCB
Both BT CB and H anover Bank have told the investigation that they never dealt directly with each other,
and Hanover Bank never opened a correspondent account at BTCB. W hile the documentation supports that
representation, the documentation also makes it clear that Hanover B Ltd. was confused on more than one occasion
with Hanover Bank.
These statements were produced by BTCB in response to Schmidt v. Koop discovery requests.
BTCB account statements for the Cadogan and Atlantic Ma rine Bancorp accounts show they were
opened in July 1998, with the $6,500 minimum in deposits allowed, and experienced no further activity through
December 9, 1998. No account statement was produced for the Starfire account. The deposits into the IFS and
Hanover B accounts came from co-conspirators in the Koop fraud and from defrauded investors. BTCB records
show, for example, that Koop’s co-conspirator, Cabe, sent payments of $450,000, $150,000 and $499,990 to the
Hano ver B a ccount. S everal IF S investor s wired fund s to the IFS accoun t.
Schmidt v. Koop, Koop deposition (12/10/98) at 66, 73.
This is the Schmidt v. Koop case.
Schmidt v. Koop, “Certification of Rudolfo Requena,” dated 10/29/98.
account” controlled by or related to him. In response, on 12/10/98, BTCB disclosed that Koop had, in
fact, five accounts at the bank and provided account statements and other information. In return,
plaintiff’s counsel voluntarily dismissed BTCB from the civil suit “without prejudice,” meaning that it
could petition to rejoin the bank again, if appropriate.
Koop has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to launder the fraud proceeds. BTCB records show that
virtually all of the $4 million deposited into the IFS and Hanover B accounts in 1998 was withdrawn
within about six months. Much of the money was transferred to bank accounts controlled by Koop or
his accomplices, including in Mississippi, the United Kingdom, and at CPA Services. In two instances
in June 1998, a total of over $30,000 was paid to third parties to help purchase and furnish a New York
apartment. In another instance, on 7/21/98, BTCB issued a certified check for $294,000 to Bergen
County in New Jersey, enabling Koop to purchase a house there.338 According to Koop, what is
omitted from the records provided by BTCB in the civil suit is another $1.3 million in illicit proceeds
that he placed in BTCB’s high yield investment program.
Koop Investment in BTCB High Yield Program. Koop told the investigation that, on June
29, 1998, he transferred $1,325,000 to a BTCB subsidiary, Global Investment Fund, for investment in
BTCB’s high yield program.339 He said that BTCB had contacted him repeatedly about investment
opportunities. He provided a copy, for example, of a BTCB document promising annual returns on
certificates of deposit as high as 79%. He also provided copies of BTCB documents setting out
specific terms for an investment in its high yield program, including a letter of intent, corporate
resolution for a private placement of funds, and cooperative venture agreement. Koop said that he
pursued only one of the offered BTCB investments, in which BTCB’s subsidiary, Global Investment
Fund, promised to pay him a 100% return on the $1.3 million each week for 40 weeks, for a total of
more than $50 million.
U.S. bank records for BTCB’s account at Security Bank show transfers of millions of dollars in
July and August 1998 to accounts associated with Global Investment Fund, any one of which could
have included Koop’s investment funds. These transactions included:
-- 7/3/98 wire transfer of $1 million from BTCB’s account at Security Bank to Bank One in
Colombus, Ohio, for further credit to Bank One in Houston, Texas, for further credit to “Global
Investment Fund S.A.”-- these funds were initially rejected and successfully re-transmitted on
–8/14/98 wire transfer of $170,000 from BTCB’s account at Security Bank to Banque National
de Paris in New York for Sundland States “Ref: Global Investment Fund/Outlast”;
–8/14/98 wire transfer of $830,000 from BTCB’s account at Security Bank to the Royal Bank
of Scotland in the Bahamas for Highland Financial Corp. “Ref: Global Investment Fund”;
Schmidt v. Koop, Koop deposition (3/2/99) at 433.
See also Schmidt v. Koop, Koop deposition (12/10/98) at 58-59, 143-46, 149-57; and (3/2/99) at 406;
and evid ence of $ 1 million tra nsfers from the BT CB ac count at S ecurity Ba nk to a G lobal Inv estment F und on 7 /3
and 7/6/00.
–8/26/98 wire transfer of $1,006,918.31 from Bank One Trust Company N.A. in Columbus,
Ohio, to BTCB’s account at Security Bank for further credit to “Global Investment Fd SA”; and
–8/31/98 wire transfer of $1 million from BTCB’s account at Security Bank to U.S. Bank in
Aurora, Colorado, for Global Investment Fund S.A.
These transactions alone establish transfers of $3 million to Global Investment Fund during the
summer of 1998, which was when Koop alleged he made his investment into BTCB’s high yield
program. Koop noted in his interview that, as of March 2000, BTCB had yet to make a single payment
or to return any of his principal. He stated that BTCB still had $1,325,000 of his proceeds, together
with any interest or profits accumulated over the last two years. If true, BTCB would still have
possession of over $1.3 million in fraud proceeds that ought to be returned to Koop’s defrauded
The Koop fraud provides a detailed illustration of how criminals can use offshore banks and
their U.S. accounts to launder funds and perpetuate financial frauds. It also demonstrates how
inadequate bank controls and money laundering oversight contribute to the ability of criminals to carry
out their activities. The impact on the United States includes hundreds of defrauded investors,
prosecutions in New Jersey and South Carolina, extradition proceedings in the United Kingdom, civil
litigation, and the ongoing depletion of law enforcement and court resources.
In March 1999, Benjamin Franklin Cook III was named in civil pleadings filed by the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Texas as a key figure in a fraudulent high yield investment
program which, in the course of less than one year, bilked over three hundred investors out of more
than $40 million. In August 2000, a criminal indictment in Arizona charged Cook with 37 counts of
racketeering, fraud and theft. U.S. bank records indicate that at least $4 million associated with this
fraud passed through U.S. correspondent accounts belonging to BTCB, and BTCB was directly
involved in investment activities undertaken by persons and companies associated with the Cook fraud.
Nature of Cook Fraud. On March 16, 1999, the SEC filed a complaint and other pleadings
before a federal court in Texas requesting emergency relief against Cook, his company Dennel Finance
Ltd. (“Dennel”), International Business Consultants Ltd. (“IBCL”), and a number of other individuals
and entities, for engaging in a “fraudulent scheme to offer and sell unregistered ‘prime bank’ securities
throughout the United States.”340 The complaint alleged that the defendants raised funds primarily by
“target[ing] religious and charitable groups and persons investing retirement funds.” It alleged
“numerous misrepresentations and omissions of material fact” by defendants, including that investor
funds would be “secured by a bank guarantee,” would serve as “collateral to trade financial instruments
with top 50 European Banks,” and would earn “annual returns of 24 to 60 percent.” The complaint
alleged that, “[i]n reality, the prime bank program ... [did] not exist,” and defendants had
“misappropriated investment funds for personal and unauthorized uses, including making Ponzi
SEC v. Cook (U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas Civil Case No. 399 -CV-0571),
complaint and other pleadings dated 3/16/99. See also legal pleadings compiled at www.dennelfinancial.com.
The U.S. district court in Texas issued orders in March and April 1999, prohibiting Cook from
making false statements to investors, freezing his assets, appointing a receiver, requiring expedited
discovery, and affording other emergency relief requested by the SEC. To recover investor funds, the
SEC appointed Lawrence J. Warfield as its official receiver charged with locating and taking control of
assets belonging to Cook and others involved in the fraud. The receiver quickly froze about $11
million in assets, began reconstructing business and financial records, and began subpoenaing records
from142 U.S. bank accounts used in the Cook fraud.
Cook and his associates refused to cooperate with the investigation. In September, the court
issued an order requiring Cook to show cause why he should not be held in contempt, and on October
8, 1999, ordered him imprisoned for contempt of court. On October 20th, Cook was arrested and
confined to a Texas detention facility.
On August 20, 2000, the Arizona Attorney General indicted Cook on 37 counts of racketeering,
fraud and theft. The indictment, which was sealed pending Cook’s extradition from Texas, was
described by the Arizona Attorney General as alleging that Cook defrauded 300 investors out of more
than $41 million through a fraudulent investment program. The indictment allegedly asserted that only
$635,000 of the $41 million had ever been invested, and most of these funds were lost. The complaint
also allegedly stated that Cook used much of the $41 million on personal expenses, including a luxury
home, automobiles, airplanes and jewelry, and to purchase real estate.
Cook and BTCB. After reviewing U.S. bank records and other information, the investigation
determined that at least $4 million in illicit proceeds from the Cook fraud moved through accounts at
BTCB, and that BTCB itself was directly involved in investment activities undertaken by persons and
entities associated with the Cook fraud.
--BIV records disclosed 34 deposits totaling over $1.4 million from April 6 until May 28, 1998,
when BIV closed the BTCB account. All were wire transfers directed to BTCB for further
credit to IBCL. The first deposit, on 4/6/98, was for $634,982, which increased the bank’s total
deposits at the time by 23%.
–Security Bank records disclosed 34 deposits totaling over $2.3 million, and 24 withdrawals
totaling over $2 million from June 22, 1998 until February 14, 2000. These transactions
involved wire transfers to or from Security Bank’s U.S. correspondent account for BTCB,
See chart entitled, “B TCB Transactions R elated to Coo k Fraud,” in B TCB case history.
accompanied by directions to credit or debit an entity associated with the Cook fraud. The
transactions involved primarily IBCL or Dennel, but also Global Investments Network Ltd.,
Trans Global Investments, Wealth & Freedom Network LLC, and Premier Gold Fund Ltd. The
transfers included 14 deposits in 1998 with directions to credit the funds to Dennel, suggesting
the existence of a Dennel account at BTCB at least during that year.
–First Union records disclosed 8 withdrawals totaling over $2 million from April 26 to October
6, 1999. All were wire transfers from BTCB to accounts associated with IBCL and, in one
instance, with Desert Enterprises Ltd., also associated with the Cook fraud.
More than 20 of the 100 wire transfers equaled or exceeded $100,000. Two of the largest transactions,
on 4/6/98 and 9/16/98, together deposited more than $1 million into the IBCL account at BTCB. The
largest withdrawal, on 5/7/99, sent $900,000 to an IBCL account in California.
The transactions included in this data analysis were selected because of bank account or wire
transfer documentation which, on its face, directly linked the funds to a defrauded investor or to an
entity associated with the Cook fraud, as indicated in court filings and other materials provided by the
SEC receivers’ office. It is likely that additional Cook-related transactions escaped detection due to the
limited documentation available to the Minority Staff investigation and limited public information
regarding how the Cook fraud operated. In light of the $40 million scope of the Cook fraud, the $4
million that passed through BTCB accounts shows BTCB was an active conduit for the fraud.
IBCL Investment in BTCB High Yield Program. In addition to opening accounts and
moving funds, the investigation obtained evidence indicating that BTCB actively participated in some
of the investment activities undertaken by persons and companies associated with the Cook fraud.
BTCB’s investment role appears to have begun in 1998 and continued throughout 1999, despite the
March 1999 SEC complaint naming Dennel and IBCL, among others, as participants in a massive
investment fraud.
The investigation first learned of BTCB’s investment role after speaking with a person who had
complained about BTCB to the Dominican government. Wayne Brown, a Canadian citizen,
voluntarily answered questions and provided documents related to his ongoing efforts to recover
$30,000 he sent to BTCB in 1998 for placement in a high yield investment program. Brown
characterized his lost investment as due, in part, to the Cook fraud.
Brown explained that he made the $30,000 investment because an old friend, Tony Rodriguez,
allegedly an experienced investor, had recommended that he try the BTCB high yield program. Brown
said that, on the advice of Rodriguez, he solicited additional investments from family members and
other persons, pooled the funds, and provided a total of about $250,000 to Rodriguez for investment.
He said the funds were wire transferred to BTCB’s correspondent account at Security Bank in several
installments, and Rodriguez was supposed to ensure their placement in the BTCB program. He said
that it was his understanding that, in order to gain access to the BTCB investment program, Rodriguez
had worked with Peter Shifman, an accountant with ties to both Cook and IBCL. He said that it was
his understanding that Shifman, who was familiar with Dominica and BTCB, was able to get
Rodriguez’ investors into the BTCB program. He said the investment program never produced any
returns, and he and his associates have been unable to recover any of their funds.
Documents obtained by the investigation establish that Rodriguez was associated with at least
three entities that, according to the SEC receiver, were involved in the Cook fraud: Global Investment
Network Ltd., Coopman Ltd., and Wealth & Freedom Network, LLC. The documents establish that, in
1998, BTCB not only maintained accounts for Global Investment Network Ltd., Coopman Ltd. and
IBCL, but also dealt directly with Rodriguez and Shifman, and eventually placed IBCL funds into
BTCB’s own high yield investment program.
In a memorandum dated 7/20/98, on IBCL letterhead, for example, Shifman reported the
following to “All Investors,” including Brown.
I have just returned from Roseau, Dominica .... [A]ll pooled funds are now invested. I have
received a letter from Dr. Charles Brazie, Vice President of Managed Accounts of British Trade
and Commerce Bank indicating that our funds have been allocated for participation. ... Please
note that the Company mentioned on the letter head (Global Investment Funds S.A.) is the
Investment Company of British Trade and Commerce Bank. ... Dr. Brazie has indicated that
the first disbursement will now be sometime next week.
This document indicates that BTCB was directly involved in handling investments for IBCL and
IBCL’s investors.
A later memorandum from Shifman to “All Investors,” dated 4/1/99, suggests that the BTCB
investment program was not going well and investment returns were not being paid as promised.
All of you are aware that ... disbursements have not been issued since the beginning of
December, 1998 ... due to the lack of performance by the Bank that IBCLD is contracted with.
... I am able to offer these options to each individual investor. ... Continue our current contract
and wait until the end of April to see if that contact performs. Request the return of your
investment. ... Terminate the current contract and issue a new contract with the following terms:
1. The investment contract will be for twelve (12) months. 2. A Certificate of Deposit will be
purchased through the Bank and its Florida-based Securities Firm for the total amount of the
investment. 3. A guaranteed rate of return of two percent (2%) per month, paid monthly will
be paid to investors.
This memorandum is dated less than one month after the SEC complaint alleging IBCL involvement
with investment fraud.
Brown indicated that, despite the Shifman promise of a 2% monthly return, he requested the
return of his $30,000.342 Brown indicated that, in response, he received conflicting stories about
whether his $30,000 was actually with Global Investment Network Ltd. under the control of Rodriguez,
or with IBCL under the control of Shifman. On 10/8/99, Brown received a fax on IBCL letterhead
stating that, while the records indicated his $30,000 had been “transferred directly to the IBCL
account” at BTCB:
[h]owever, the funds were placed in that account under contract with Global Investments
See do cument sig ned by B rown, da ted 4/6/0 0, reque sting return o f his $30,0 00 inves tment.
Network Ltd., leaving them outside of our control. In order to place them into the Certificate of
Deposit Program, and realize further profits from the BTCB, we would have to enter a new
[agreement] issued to you from this office. I am expecting a call from Betts [at BTCB]
sometime in the next hour or so, and he and I will address your situation, as well as others, and
figure out the best and most efficient means of handling your investment.
A few days later, Brown received a letter from BTCB dated 10/11/99, signed by Betts and
addressed, “To all depositors in Global Investment Network Ltd. [a]nd certain depositors in
International Business Consultants Ltd.” After observing that the Global Investment Network account
had been largely depleted, the letter indicated a solution had been found to help individual investors.
The letter announced that BTCB had “come to an arrangement with Tony Rodriguez with respect to
handling your deposits with Global and IBCL.” The letter continued:
As I have explained to many of you on the telephone the remaining balance in Global will only
return 17% of your original principal. However, of the approximately $300,000 of your
deposits that went into Global, $252,615 was transferred into IBCL and is presently invested in
their managed account with the Bank. ... The bottom line is that if you agree to let your funds
be placed under the management of IBCL and Peter Shifman then the Bank can assure you that
your funds are safe and in an account that is intact and will stay that way until the investment
program is over.
Despite BTCB’s strong encouragement to leave all funds with IBCL in the BTCB investment program,
Brown continued to ask for the return of his funds, without success.
The investigation obtained a second BTCB letter dated 10/11/99, which was also signed by
Betts. This letter was addressed to Tony Rodriguez at Global Investment Network Ltd. It discussed a
“proposed settlement” in which BTCB would “take over the management” of Global Investment
Network funds “in conjunction with Peter Shifman,” provided that Rodriguez made up a funding
shortfall by transferring additional funds from his Coopman Ltd. account at BTCB to the IBCL
account. This letter provides still more evidence of BTCB’s deep involvement in the investment
activities of these entities at a time when, in 1999, each was under investigation in the ongoing SEC
fraud proceedings.
Brown said that, after many attempts to recover his funds from the BTCB high yield investment
program, he requested the assistance of Dominica’s banking regulators. On August 1, 2000, he
received a letter from Dominica’s banking supervisor stating that records produced by BTCB indicated
that his $30,000 had been transferred by Rodriguez out of BTCB to one of Rodriguez’s “other accounts
in the United States.” The banking supervisor wrote: “It now appears that you have to pressure
Rodriguez for the return of the funds. It was a mistake not to have invested directly with [BTCB].”
Brown indicated that he felt as if he were in a shell game where his funds were being moved
from account to account, always beyond his reach, from Global Investment Network to IBCL to BTCB
to another bank in the United States. He noted that, at each step, the persons involved had simply
blamed someone else for not producing promised returns and not returning his funds.
When Minority Staff investigators contacted the SEC receiver and his staff to obtain their
perspective on BTCB, the receiver’s staff expressed surprise at the number, dollar amount and timing
of BTCB transactions tied to persons and entities associated with the Cook fraud. The staff provided a
copy of a letter sent by the SEC receiver to BTCB on May 8, 2000, asking the bank to freeze all funds
in the IBCL account. The staff said it was their understanding that BTCB had, in fact, frozen the IBCL
account, but few funds were captured. They indicated they had been unaware that $4 million in suspect
funds had passed through BTCB; unaware of the Dennel, Global Investment Network and Coopman
accounts at BTCB; and unaware that IBCL investor funds had been lodged with BTCB.
The Cook fraud provides another illustration of how criminals use offshore banks and their U.S.
accounts to launder funds and facilitate financial fraud. The impact on the United States includes,
again, hundreds of defrauded investors, SEC proceedings prosecutions in New Jersey and South
Carolina, extradition proceedings in the United Kingdom, civil litigation, and the ongoing depletion of
law enforcement and court resources.
In April 2000, two brothers filed a civil suit in Canada alleging, in essence, that their company,
Gold Chance International Ltd. (“Gold Chance”), was the victim of a loan fraud involving $3
million.343 They alleged that Gold Chance had been fraudulently induced to deposit $3 million as
supposed loan collateral into an attorney trust account in Canada, waited months for a loan that never
materialized, and then learned that the company’s funds had been secretly transferred to an offshore
account at BTCB.
In response to plaintiffs’ efforts to recover the funds, an Ontario court granted immediate
emergency relief, including freezing assets under a Mareva injunction, appointing a receiver for the law
firm’s trust account, and ordering BTCB and others to cooperate with discovery. Although the civil
proceedings have yet to reach a conclusion, a preliminary court decision, pleadings in the civil case,
and other information show that the $3 million was deposited into BTCB’s U.S. correspondent account
at First Union National Bank on December 15, 1999, and within a week, the funds were divided up and
wired to multiple bank accounts around the world. In an order dated June 12, 2000, the court
expressed skepticism regarding BTCB’s claim that the $3 million was still safely on deposit with the
bank, invested at the request of a client into a one-year BTCB high yield program maturing in
December 2000.
Nature of Gold Chance Fraud. On April 16, 2000, Canadian citizens Brent and Greg Binions
filed a civil suit in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, on behalf of Gold Chance and two other
companies they own, seeking recovery of the $3 million from two individuals, Sayse Chatterpaul and
Paul Zhernakov, several companies controlled by these individuals, and the law firm and banks
involved in moving the funds out of Canada, including BTCB.
The plaintiffs’ statement of claim, related pleadings and an opinion issued by the court in June
Gold Chance International Ltd. v. Daigle & Hancock (Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Case No. 00-
CV-18886 6)(hereinafter “Gold Chance”).
2000, indicate the following facts.344 In the fall of 1999, Gold Chance was introduced to and entered
into negotiations with Chatterpaul to obtain a loan to develop certain automobile fuel technology. In
December 1999, Gold Chance executed a borrowing agreement with Chatterpaul’s alleged company,
Triglobe International Funding Inc. The agreement provided that Triglobe would issue a loan to Gold
Chance, on the condition that Gold Chance first posted 25% of the loan amount in cash collateral to be
kept in a fiduciary account under the control of legal counsel. On December 3, 1999, having borrowed
the required sum from Toronto Dominion Bank, Gold Chance delivered a $3 million bank draft to
Daigle & Hancock, a Canadian law firm, for deposit into the firm’s fiduciary account at the Bank of
The promised loan was not, however, issued to Gold Chance. After two months, on February
17, 2000, Chatterpaul and Gold Chance replaced the original agreement with a second borrowing
agreement which, among other changes, replaced Triglobe with a company called Free Trade Bureau
S.A. (“Free Trade”). The agreement provided that Free Trade would issue a $12 million loan to Gold
Chance, collateralized by the $3 million in the fiduciary account. Chatterpaul signed the contract on
behalf of Free Trade. When no loan materialized, on March 13, 2000, Gold Chance demanded return
of the $3 million.
The pleadings allege plaintiffs learned in March 2000 that, without their consent, the $3 million
had been transferred in December 1999, to a BTCB account for Free Trade. The pleadings allege that
the $3 million was quickly depleted through multiple wire transfers initiated by BTCB to bank
accounts around the world. The pleadings also state that plaintiffs learned Free Trade was owned, not
by Chatterpaul, but by Zhernakov, an individual with whom they had had no prior dealings. The
pleadings accuse the defendants of a variety of fraudulent acts, contractual and fiduciary breaches,
wrongful conversion and other misconduct, and demand compensatory and punitive damages.
Free Trade and BTCB. BTCB admits that it has not only handled accounts and funds for
persons and entities associated with the Gold Chance fraud, but also retains possession of the disputed
$3 million, which it claimed was placed in a one-year BTCB investment program.
In its September 2000 submission to the Subcommittee, BTCB acknowledged its involvement
in the Gold Chance dispute, without using specific client names. BTCB provided the following
description of the civil litigation.
A longstanding Canadian client had an existing account with BTCB, and his background fully
checked out. He subsequently placed an additional $3 million into this BTCB account ... [and]
committed these funds under a year long investment contract with BTCB to place the funds;
which the bank in turn committed for a year. The first sign of trouble BTCB had was when a
company completely unknown to us surfaced, and alleged that the $3 million was actually its
money given to the lawyer in Trust.
Unfortunately, it turned out later that the Canadian lawyer had obtained the $3 million from a
client company under the false pretense, that the $3 million would be used as collateral for a
See Gold Chance, statement of claim (4/16/00), amended statement of claim (5/17/00), and “Reasons for
Decision” by Judge Cam pbell (6/12/00).
loan from BTCB of $12 million, a situation completely unknown to us and contradicted by all
paperwork between BTCB and this Canadian client and lawyer regarding the placement of $3
million with us in December 1999. ...
BTCB has the $3 million invested under the signed contract, and will return the funds when the
contracted one-year period expires in December 2000.”
BTCB also stated that it had “filed an affidavit [with the Canadian court] explaining our lack of
knowledge and documenting the Canadian client and lawyer’s signed documents submitted to our
bank; thus requesting a complete dismissal from the action.” Although BTCB did not provide a copy
of the affidavit or the attached documents, the investigation obtained them from the publicly available
pleadings in the Canadian lawsuit. The affidavit was signed by BTCB president Requena and filed on
September 7, 2000, less than two weeks before BTCB made its submission to the Subcommittee.
In explaining BTCB’s role to the court, the Requena affidavit attempted to draw a stark contrast
between Zhernakov and Chatterpaul, stating that while BTCB had done business with Zhernakovk for
two years, BTCB “does not have any knowledge or information ... and has never had any business or
other relationship or affiliation with” Chatterpaul or any of his companies.345 With respect to
Zhernakov, the Requena affidavit stated that Free Trade had been “incorporated on 2 January 1998 ...
for the Defendant, Paul Zhernakov pursuant to his instructions [and] ... has been a customer of BTCB
since January 1998.”346 Exhibit L to the affidavit provides copies of BTCB’s standard agreements for
its high yield investment program, signed by Zhernakov on behalf of his company Free Trade,
establishing that the company became a participant in the program in January 1998.
U.S. bank records substantiate Zhernakov’s status as a BTCB client, including records showing
the Zhernakov name in BTCB account transactions as early as April 1998. U.S. bank records also
show one transaction involving Chatterpaul -- a wire transfer dated June 21, 1999, originated by Sayse
Chatterpaul, sending $680,000 from the Canada Trustee Mortgage Company in Ontario to the BTCB
account at Security Bank for further credit to Free Trade. This deposit, for more than half a million
dollars, should have attracted BTCB’s notice. At a minimum, it provides evidence of a connection
between Chatterpaul and Free Trade and contradicts BTCB’s claim to the court that it had never had
any business dealings with Chatterpaul.
Plaintiffs’ pleadings raise questions about Zhernakov’s background, business dealings, and
source of funds.347 Plaintiffs’ information appears to be based primarily on a sworn deposition
provided by Zhernakov on June 5, 2000, in connection with the lawsuit. Citing pages in a Zhernakov
transcript, plaintiffs allege that Zhernakov was born in Russia in 1954, and is currently a citizen of
Grenada. They allege he was employed by the Russian Navy for 17 years, then worked for an airline
and had a business consulting firm, but currently “does not work or have a business.”348 They state that
Requena affidavit at 6.
See Gold Chance, “Factum of the Plaintiffs” (6/8/00).
Id. at 7.
Zhernakov testified at his deposition that he arranged loans through BTCB for commissions, spoke
regularly with Betts during 1999, and worked on occasion with Chatterpaul. Plaintiffs state that
Zhernakov testified that both he and Chatterpaul were “authorized” to act on behalf of Free Trade.349
This information raises questions about what due diligence research BTCB did prior to accepting
Zhernakov as a client and what information BTCB had about the source of his funds. It also casts
doubt on BTCB’s assertion to the court that it had no prior dealings with or information about
Chatterpaul since, according to Zhernakov, Chatterpaul had signing authority for Free Trade, a BTCB-
established Dominican corporation.
With respect to the Gold Chance funds, U.S. bank records show the deposit of the $3 million
into BTCB’s account at First Union on 12/15/99. The wire transfer documentation states that the funds
originated from Daigle & Hancock at the Bank of Montreal and the intended beneficiary was Free
Trade Bureau S.A. at BTCB. On the day the funds were deposited, BTCB’s account balance at First
Union was only $14,308. Over the next two weeks, only three other small deposits, totaling about
$25,000, came into the BTCB account. That means that, for the month of December 1999, the $3
million in Gold Chance funds were the primary source of funds in the BTCB account.
The wire transfers that depleted the $3 million deposit do not, on their face, substantiate
BTCB’s claim that it placed the $3 million into a year-long investment program. Instead, the bank
records show that the $3 million deposit on 12/15/99 was followed by a flurry of outgoing wire
transfers in widely varying amounts to multiple bank accounts around the world. Most of the payments
using the Gold Chance funds appear to have been made to BTCB creditors or clients, with about
$355,000 transferred to other BTCB correspondent accounts. Altogether, in the span of one week
ending December 23, 1999, about $2.3 million left the BTCB account.350
By December 29, 1999, only about $734,000 remained in the BTCB account, of which all but
$40,000 was attributable to the Gold Chance funds. On 12/30/99, BTCB deposited another $275,000,
taken from its Security Bank correspondent account, and on 1/3/00, it transferred $1 million from the
Id. at 8-9.
The wire transfers included the following:
BTCB account to a Bank of America branch in Idaho for “Orphan Advocates LLC.”351 After the $1
million transfer, the BTCB account at First Union held only about $11,000. No significant activity
took place in the account afterward, and in February 2000, First Union closed the BTCB account.
The Ontario court appeared to have reached the conclusion in June 2000, that Gold Chance’s $3
million was no longer at BTCB. After reviewing bank and wire transfer documentation showing
disbursement of the Gold Chance funds and recounting BTCB’s failure to return the $3 million to
Zhernakov upon his request, the Ontario court wrote, “The prepared statement of Betts that the funds
are in BTCB is not to be believed, against either the tracing evidence or Betts’ failure to deliver the
Despite this statement by the court in June, BTCB nevertheless claimed, in the Requena
affidavit submitted to the court in September, that the $3 million was “invested on 15 December
Orphan Advocates LLC is an Idaho corporation and another BTCB client. The Ontario court reviewing
the Gold Chance case has authorized the plaintiffs to inquire about whether this Idaho corporation is somehow
associated with Betts or his wife, Mavis Betts, who still resides in Idaho. See Gold Chance, court orders dated
5/15/00 and 6/2/00. The court has also authorized inquiries into the corporation’s relationship with entities called
Orphan Advocates Trust, Orphan Advocates Foundation, China Fund for the Handicapped, and a company which
has changed its name four times in four years, from Children’s Aid of Idaho, Inc. in 1994, to Children’s Adoption
Service International, Inc. in 1995, to Children’s Adoption Services Inc. in 1996, to CASI Foundation for Children,
Inc. in 1998.
Plaintiffs have alleged that the $ 1 million payme nt to Orphan Advocate s LLC on J anuary 3 rd was actua lly
paid into an account held by Orphans Advocates Trust which, in turn, transferred the funds on the same day to the
China Fund for the Handicapped. See Gold Chance, “Factum of the Plaintiffs” (6/8/00) at 6. China Fund for the
Handicapped appears to be another investor in BTCB’s high yield program. Documentation at First Union shows
that, on 6/2 1/99, the Fund tra nsferred $ 3 million fro m its bank accoun t at Chiyu B anking C orp. in H ong K ong to
BTCB’s account at First Union. Ted Johnson, a member of the Board of CASI Foundation for Children, Inc., told a
Minority Subcommittee investigator on November 3, 2000, that it was his understanding that the China Fund for the
Handicapped had invested a significant amount in BTCB’s high yield investment program. Johnson said that the
Fund was “not satisfied with the timing or amount” of the returns on their BTCB investment, although he understood
the Fund had not filed any legal action. He also said that the China Fund for the Handicapped with BTCB
investmen ts was asso ciated with the China Fund fo r the Han dicapp ed that is a q uasi-gove rnmenta l organiza tion in
China, he aded b y Deng X iaoping’s s on, De ng Pufan g. He also stated that the China F und for the Hand icappe d is
associated with Orphan Advocates LLC.
Wire transfer documentation indicates additional links between BTCB, the China Fund for the
Handicapped, and Orphan Advocates LLC. The wire transfers include the following:
--7/8/99 transfer of $1 million from BTCB account at First Union to a bank in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
called Marshall & Isley Bank, for further credit to an attorney trust account, belonging to John P. Savage;
–8/11/99 transfer of $2,500 from BTCB account at BIV to the same Milwaukee bank and the same attorney
trust account, with the following notation: “Ref: Orphans Advocates Ltd.”; and
--11/30/9 9 transfer o f $150 ,000 fro m BT CB ac count at F irst Union to the Ba nk of Co mmunic ation in
Beijing for the “Corporation Project of the Rehab ilitation of Disable Children,” which allegedly is a
member of the same Federation for the Disabled, in China, as is the China Fund for the Handicapped.
See Gold Chance , “Reasons for Decision” (6/12/00) at 9.
1999.”353 The affidavit contended that the First Union account was a “general account used for
business and investment purposes by BTCB[,] [t]he money from Free Trade was not trust money as far
as BTCB was aware and so it was co-mingled with the general funds in this account.” The affidavit
maintained that the $3 million was credited to the Free Trade account and “deposited by the Defendant
Free Trade ... into a managed investment account for a locked-in period of one year.”354 BTCB further
claimed that any dispute over the $3 million investment must be resolved by arbitration in London, as
provided in the investment agreement.
Free Trade Investment in BTCB High Yield Program. The evidence suggests that BTCB’s
high yield investment program may be contributing to the Gold Chance fraud. First, the documents
provided by BTCB to the court, attached as Exhibit L to the Requena affidavit, establish that Free
Trade enrolled in BTCB’s investment program in January 1998 -- two full years before the Gold
Chance deposit. Although BTCB maintains that the $3 million was intended for and immediately
placed into its investment program pursuant to Free Trade’s managed account agreement, the
documentation provided by the bank does not support that assertion. To the contrary, Exhibits M
through U discuss opening a “new account” with the money, under dual signatory authority that
differed from Free Trade’s managed account agreement. Not one of these documents mentions the
word “investment” in connection with the $3 million; not one references the BTCB investment
program. The first document to claim that the $3 million was placed into a BTCB investment program
is a BTCB letter dated April 12, 2000, a month after Gold Chance demanded return of its funds. The
unavoidable implication is that BTCB may itself be defrauding Gold Chance -- delaying return of the
$3 million by falsely claiming the money’s enrollment in the BTCB investment program.
Additional concerns arise from BTCB’s admission in the Requena affidavit at page 19 that,
although transactions involving the $3 million required two signatures -- from Zhernakov and Daigle --
the bank had already advanced $240,000 to Zhernakov on his signature alone. BTCB has admitted that
releasing the $240,000 violated the account instructions. Whether this violation was deliberate or
inadvertent, it demonstrates a lack of proper account controls. And it raises, again, the spectre of
BTCB misconduct -- paying funds upon request to Zhernakov, while refusing to pay funds to the
plaintiffs with the excuse that the entire $3 million is “locked” into a year-long investment.
BTCB later posted with the Ontario court a $3 million letter of credit with a maturity date of
December 15, 2000. However, when that date arrived, BTCB failed to pay the required amount to the
court. Gold Chance is still seeking recovery of its funds.
The Gold Chance fraud provides a third illustration of a financial fraud carried out in part
through an offshore bank with a U.S. account. While the major impact in this instance is in Canada,
where the defrauded investors reside and the key civil suit has been filed, there is also a collateral
impact on the United States in which BTCB’s U.S. correspondent bank is being asked to produce
documents and explain what happened to the $3 million sent to BTCB’s U.S. account.
See Gold Chance, Requena affidavit (9/7/00) at 14.
Id. at 2.
BTCB’s Issuance of the $10 Million Bearer CD. The August 2000 court decision,
documents associated with the interpleader action, discussions with bank officials, and other
information produced the following facts. Waggoner is a retired chief executive officer of a large
chemical company in Texas, and the current chief executive and owner of a U.S. company called
J.V.W. Investments, Ltd.357 In November 1997, Waggoner entered into an arrangement with Kelleher
under which Kelleher agreed to locate a high-yield investment program for a $10 million investment by
Waggoner, in exchange for receiving a percentage of any profits on such investment.358 In mid-1998,
Kelleher told Waggoner about the BTCB high yield program, and Waggoner agreed to invest in it.
On June 12, 1998, BTCB requested their completion of various forms to establish an
international business corporation and open an account.359 On June 19th, BTCB incorporated J.V.W.
Investment Ltd. as a bearer share Dominican corporation.360 The name of this company mirrored the
name of Waggoner’s existing U.S. corporation, J.V.W. Investments Ltd., but omitted the letter “s”
from “Investments.” BTCB has advocated taking this approach to naming a new Dominican
corporation to “allow an orderly and mostly invisible transition” from an existing corporation
somewhere else.
On June 25, 1998, JVW Investment Ltd. (“JVW”) entered into a cooperative venture agreement
with BTCB to place an investment in BTCB’s high yield program. As explained in the court’s
decision, this agreement provided:
(a) JVW would deposit $10 million into a ‘Custody/Transaction Account at BTCB’; (b) BTCB
would issue a certificate of deposit (‘CD’) in JVW’s name; (c) the CD would have a term of
Correspondent Services Corp. v. J.V.W. Investment Ltd. (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
New York C ivil Case No. 99-CIV-893 4 (RWS )), complaint (8/16/99).
Correspondent Services Corp. v. J.V.W. Investment Ltd., 2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 11881 (U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of New York 20 00)(hereinafter “CSC v. JVW”).
See SEC filing by Sterling Chemicals Holdings, Inc., Schedule 14A (12/27/97), proxy statement at 5.
CSC v. JVW at 4.
Id. at 11.
Id. at 14.
one year and bear interest at 6% per annum; and (d) BTCB would place the $10 million into
investments to provide a ‘significant yield’ on a best efforts basis over the course of a year.361
On 6/28/98, $10 million belonging to Waggoner was transferred into a Citibank correspondent account
in New York. This correspondent account belonged to Suisse Security Bank and Trust (“SSBT”), a
small offshore bank licensed in the Bahamas. Although Citibank was unaware of it, beginning in 1997
or 1998, SSBT had begun providing correspondent services to BTCB and allowing BTCB to use the
SSBT account at Citibank.
The court notes a factual dispute over whether the $10 million paid into the correspondent
account was supposed to be deposited into the BTCB account at SSBT, or into a freestanding account
at SSBT. The court decision states:
According to Waggoner’s pleadings, BTCB instructed Kelleher to place the $10 million into a
BTCB sub-account in the name of JVW at SSBT .... BTCB would then place the $10 million
into the Investment Program and issue the CD to JVW. Kelleher, however, transferred
Waggoner’s $10 million into a freestanding account at SSBT, not the designated BTCB sub-
account .... SSBT [then] refused to transfer the $10 million from the freestanding account to
the BTCB sub-account. As a result, Waggoner did not gain entry into the Investment Program.
SSBT, when asked why it refused to effect the transfer, first stated that it was concerned that
the $10 million might have an illegal origin. When a formal inquiry showed that to be wholly
without basis, SSBT stated that it had placed the $10 million into ACM mutual funds ... at
Kelleher’s direction. ... Kelleher claims, by contrast, that he instructed SSBT to place the $10
million in the BTCB sub-account.362
The court notes that Kelleher claimed the $10 million CD issued in JVW’s name was replaced by
BTCB with another $10 million CD “with the identical certificate number, but issued in bearer
form.”363 This bearer CD, dated 6/28/98, is the CD that was placed into Correspondent Services
Corporation custody, to be held until the CD’s one-year maturity date.
After vigorous complaints about the bank to Bahamian bank regulators, SSBT agreed to release
the funds deposited by Waggoner. SSBT chose to do so by transferring the ACM mutual funds it had
purchased with the $10 million. SSBT transferred the mutual funds to CSC, for further credit to
BTCB, to benefit JVW.364 When liquidated, the mutual funds produced about $7.7 million.365 The
court found that, by investing the $10 million in ACM mutual funds, SSBT was responsible for a
Id. at 19.
Id. at 22-24.
Id. at 24.
See 9/2 1/98 lette r from B etts to Tu cker An thony; and undated letter from K elleher to T ucker A nthony.
Tucker Anthony held the ACM mutual funds for SSBT.
shortfall of about $2.2 million from the $10 million originally deposited.366 The court noted that
Waggoner considered taking legal action against SSBT to recover the $2.2 million, but did not do so.367
When a Minority Staff investigator asked why no legal action had been taken against SSBT, Waggoner
and JVW’s legal counsel, Kenneth Caruso, declined to discuss his clients’ legal strategy. Bahamian
bank regulators provided a September 15, 2000 letter stating that an external audit of SSBT had “ruled
out any possibility of irregularity on the part of [SSBT].” However, neither the government nor SSBT
would produce a copy of the audit report.
In any event, once his funds were lodged with BTCB, Waggoner took action to eliminate
Kelleher’s role in overseeing the BTCB investment. On November 10, 1998, Waggoner sent a letter to
Kelleher terminating his services for allegedly breaching their agreement to locate a high yield
investment program.368 On the same date, Waggoner transferred all JVW shares to Wagonwheel Trust,
a new Dominican trust formed for him by BTCB and controlled by BTCB as the appointed trustee.
The next day, November 11th, Wagonwheel Trust removed Kelleher from his position as sole director
of JVW, and replaced him with a BTCB subsidiary, International Corporate Services, Ltd. After that
date, BTCB refused to provide Kelleher with any information about JVW’s investments in the BTCB
high yield program or to pay him any portion of alleged profits.369
In June 1999, the $10 million CD matured, and Kelleher claimed a portion of the funds, leading
to the interpleader action. On August 16, 2000, the U.S. district court held that Kelleher had no
ownership interest in the CD, but refused to dismiss, on summary judgement, his claim for damages
against Waggoner for failing to act in good faith in their joint business dealings.370 The civil
proceedings are ongoing.
JVW and BTCB. The interpleader action over the $10 million CD opens a window on
BTCB’s dealings with one of its clients and, in so doing, raises three sets of concerns about the bank’s
internal controls and investment activities. First, the proceedings expose operational deficiencies and
aggressive tactics at BTCB. Second, they disclose troubling information about BTCB’s dealings with
SSBT, a small Bahamian bank with a poor reputation and limited assets. Third, they illustrate
problems with BTCB’s high yield investment program, including possibly fraudulent promises to pay
extravagant returns and possibly fraudulent misuse of investor funds.
The civil litigation discloses, first, operational and internal control deficiencies at BTCB. The
court found a number of inconsistencies and ambiguities in the documentation used to establish the
beneficial owner of the $10 million CD and JVW, requiring pages of legal analysis to recite and
resolve. The CD, for example, was issued by BTCB in bearer form, despite a provision in the
cooperative venture agreement calling for the CD to name JVW so that its ownership would be clear.
Id. at 24, 27.
Id. at 26.
Id. at 27.
Id. at 64.
With respect to JVW, the court noted that the “IBC order form” containing instructions for forming
JVW, including naming the company’s beneficial owner, was signed on June 22, 1998 – three days
after the company had been incorporated on June 19th.371 JVW’s incorporation documents were signed
by BTCB’s subsidiary, ICS, again without indicating the corporation’s beneficial owner.372 A letter
sending “account opening forms” for a JVW bank account at BTCB is dated June 23, 1998 – five days
after the $10 million had been sent to SSBT and an account opened.
The civil litigation also exposes BTCB’s willingness to engage in aggressive tactics when
intervening in a dispute over client funds, even when the dispute is due, at least in part, to BTCB’s own
missteps. To resolve the dispute between Waggoner and Kelleher over th $10 million CD, BTCB
established and became the trustee of a new Dominican trust, Wagonwheel Trust, in November 1999,
set up to benefit Waggoner. BTCB caused the trust to take possession of JVW’s bearer shares, and
remove Kelleher as JVW’s sole director. In taking these actions, BTCB did not act as a neutral or
passive financial institution. To the contrary, it took an active stance in favor of Waggoner and used
the bank’s fiduciary powers and subsidiary to help Waggoner wrest control of JVW away from
Kelleher. BTCB also took possession of Waggoner’s funds for placement in its high yield program,
and refused Kelleher’s requests for information about the investment or its alleged returns.
Second, the civil litigation exposes troubling information about BTCB’s dealings with SSBT.
The documentation in the civil proceeding makes it clear that BTCB actively assisted JVW in opening
an account and transfering funds to SSBT. For example, a fax dated June 29, 1998, from Betts to
Kelleher, provided BTCB’s account number at SSBT, approved a JVW letter to SSBT, and offered to
forward the $10 million CD to SSBT on JVW’s behalf. SSBT then refused for three months to release
the $10 million. In an 8/27/98 letter to SSBT, Kelleher stated that an audited balance sheet obtained
from public records in the Bahamas showed that SSBT was “extremely small with very little cash or
assets and ... is indeed far smaller than the size of [JVW’s $10 million] deposit.” The letter expressed
“doubt” about SSBT’s “stability and liquidity.” Bahamian government officials told the investigation
that SSBT had a long history of regulatory problems requiring oversight. Yet BTCB chose to do
business with SSBT, despite its lack of assets and poor regulatory history. In addition, neither BTCB
nor SSBT ever informed Citibank that BTCB was using SSBT’s Citibank account to transact business.
Citibank told the investigation that it had been completely unaware it was providing services to BTCB.
Even more troubling is information released in the course of the civil litigation regarding
BTCB’s high yield investment program. Several of the documents indicate that Waggoner and
Kelleher had been told by BTCB that the $10 million investment would produce $50 million or more
in profits in less than six months. A 9/15/98 letter from Brazie, for example, suggested that the funds
released by SSBT be invested into “ongoing HYIPs” or high yield investment programs at Global
Investment Fund S.A. Brazie explained that Global Investment Fund S.A. was “wholly owned by
ICS/BTCB and serve[d] as a ‘pooling’ and ‘masking’ entity for funds from other IBC clients.”
Handwritten notes by Kelleher on the letter, following a telephone conversation with Brazie, state:
“Return min 25%/wk.” One week later, a 9/23/98 letter from Waggoner to Kelleher stated, “I want this
project expedited and the delays/excuses ended. As my trustee, you must hurry to get my $50 million
Id. at 11-12.
Id. at 14-15.
in profits to me this year.” A letter to BTCB from Kelleher, dated 4/13/99, stated, “The sum over due
and payable [to his company alone] ... by [BTCB] is we repeat: USD - 58,660,200.” [Emphasis in
original text.] Dominican government officials and U.S. bankers interviewed during the investigation
uniformly expressed disbelief that such returns were possible.
U.S. bank records also raise questions about what BTCB actually did with the funds once they
were in the bank’s possession. Waggoner’s $10 million is the largest single investment in BTCB’s
high yield program uncovered by the investigation. The court pleadings indicate that the ACM mutual
funds purchased with the $10 million were apparently transferred by SSBT in several stages in
September and October 1998, to CSC for liquidation.373
On 10/26/98, at BTCB’s request, CSC transferred $6.5 million to BTCB’s account at Security
Bank. The origination, timing and size of this transfer suggests that the $6.5 million came from the
JVW funds; the investigation found no other transaction that could account for the source of funds used
in this wire transfer. The next day, on 10/27/98, BTCB transferred the $6.5 million to an attorney trust
account at First Union National Bank belonging to Robert Garner. Garner is an attorney who has
worked for both BTCB and First Equity Corporation of Florida. Within a week of receiving the funds,
Garner transferred the $6.5 million, on 11/3/98, to an attorney trust account at Union Bank of
Switzerland (“UBS”) in Zurich belonging to Robert McKellar.
The $6.5 million was not the first time that U.S. bank records showed funds moving among
accounts belonging to McKellar, Garner and BTCB. Less than two weeks earlier, on 10/19/98, BTCB
had wire transferred $3.5 million from its account at Security Bank to “McKellar’s Solicitors Unit.”
The source of this $3.5 million is unclear, as is its relationship, if any, to the JVW proceedings. The
fact that the $3.5 million and $6.5 million sent to McKellar in October 1998 together add up to the $10
million at issue in the JVW proceedings may be just coincidence.
Two 1998 BTCB financial statements further document the movement of these funds. A BTCB
financial statement as of 6/30/98, which BTCB submitted to First Union when applying for a
correspondent account, states in Note 3 that the bank had $10 million in deposits at SSBT. There is no
mention of deposits at UBS. BTCB’s audited financial statement six months later, as of 12/31/98,
which was submitted to the Dominican government, states in Note 4 that the bank had “10m in Union
Bank of Switzerland.” The December 1998 financial statement made no reference to deposits at SSBT.
The logical inference, then, is that BTCB moved $10 million from SSBT to UBS during the latter half
of 1998. The timing, dollar amount and banks involved all suggest that the BTCB funds in
Switzerland came, in whole or in part, from the JVW funds.
Once the funds were placed in a Swiss bank account, little is known about them, and it is
unclear whether the funds were ever placed in an investment. What is clear is that, six months later, on
4/26/99, U.S. bank records show McKellar wire transferring $6 million from the UBS account in
Zurich to Garner’s account at First Union. On the same day, Garner transferred the $6 million to
BTCB’s account at First Union. On the day before, 4/25/99, BTCB’s First Union account balance was
only about $77,000. The $6 million was a huge addition to an account that otherwise had few funds.
See 9/2 1/98 lette r from B etts to Tu cker An thony; and undated letter from K elleher to T ucker A nthony.
Tucker Anthony held the ACM mutual funds for SSBT.
From 4/26/99 to the end of May, only six other deposits were made into the BTCB account totaling
about $217,000. The bank records establish, then, that the majority of funds in the BTCB account at
First Union, from April 26 until May 31, 1999, was attributable to the $6 million deposit.
The bank records also show that the $6 million deposit on 4/26/99 was followed by a flurry of
outgoing wire transfers, 43 in April and 58 in May, in widely varying amounts to bank accounts around
the world. In the span of one month ending May 31, 1999, BTCB transferred about $5.7 million out of
its First Union account. The three largest sets of wire transfers were the following:
–$1.4 million in 4 wire transfers on 4/26/99 and 5/7/99 to 4 accounts, each of which referenced
International Business Consultants Ltd., a participant in the Cook fraud described earlier.
U.S. bank records show another, possibly related set of transactions six months later. On
10/15/99, $999,976 was transferred from an unidentified account at UBS in Zurich to Garner’s account
at First Union. Given earlier wire transfers, it is possible that these funds came from the UBS account
belonging to McKellar. Four days later, on 10/19/99, Garner transferred the $1 million to BTCB’s
account at First Union. When the deposit was made, BTCB’s account balance was only about $27,600.
BTCB then disbursed the $1 million in the same way it had disbursed the $6 million, using multiple
wire transfers to multiple bank accounts.
BTCB’s treatment of the JVW funds, once lodged with the bank, raise unavoidable questions
about whether the bank was misusing investor funds. First, there is no clear evidence that the JVW
funds were ever invested, especially if the $6.5 million sent to Switzerland was, in fact, taken from the
JVW investment. Second, the $6.5 million transferred from CSC to BTCB, was quickly transferred
out of the bank through two attorney trust accounts in the United States and Switzerland. The reasons
BTCB used two attorney trust accounts to move the $6.5 million to Switzerland are unclear; possibly it
was devised to conceal the movement of the funds or impede tracing them.
Third, when the $6 million came back from the Swiss account, through Garner’s account, to
BTCB in April 1999, the funds arrived at a time when BTCB’s primary U.S. correspondent account
was almost empty. The quick disbursement of the $6 million in varying amounts to various bank
accounts suggests that JVW investment funds were being used, in whole or in part, to pay BTCB’s
creditors and clients and to replenish BTCB’s coffers. The $1 million transfer from Switzerland in
October 1999, seems to have followed the same pattern. When a Minority Staff investigator asked
legal counsel for Waggoner and JVW about how the JVW funds were invested and whether Waggoner
had any concerns about the status of the funds, he declined to respond, other than to indicate that his
clients did not wish to discuss their financial affairs.
(6) Other Suspect Transactions At BTCB: KPJ Trust, Michael Gendreau, Scott Brett,
Global/Vector Medical Technologies
In reviewing U.S. bank records and other information associated with BTCB, the investigation
came across additional evidence of possible misconduct and ongoing civil and criminal investigations
–KPJ Trust. U.S. bank records show that, on 9/21/98, Tiong Tung Ming of Malaysia
transferred $1 million to BTCB’s account at Security Bank. Tiong has since complained to
Dominican, U.K. and U.S. government officials, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, and
Security Bank about his continuing inability to recover his funds. Tiong invested these funds
with a BTCB client, K.P.J. Trust S.A. (“KPJ Trust”), through Michael Dibble and Rosemarie
Roeters-Van Lennep, based upon a 9/15/98 joint venture agreement promising “[t]rading profits
... [of] ONE HUNDRED FIFTY PERCENT (150%) during the duration of the program (40
weeks), which will be distributed on a monthly basis.” [Emphasis in original text.]
Documents supplied by Tiong recite repeated broken promises by BTCB to return the
funds. Yet, at the same time, U.S. bank records show that BTCB made $315,000 in payments
to several persons associated with the KPJ Trust:
–9/22/98 wire transfer of $200,000 from BTCB’s account at Security Bank to United
Bank in Rustenburg, South Africa, for “W.H. Keyser ... Ref: K.P.J. Trust S.A.,”
returned on 9/29/98 because United Bank could not locate the account;
–1/15/99 wire transfer of $5,000 from BTCB’s account at Security Bank to the Royal
Bank of Scotland in London, for Ms. Van Lennep and KPJ Trust SA, using the account
of Stuart Moss, a London resident who regularly works with BTCB;
–8/5/99 wire transfer of $25,000 from BTCB’s account at Security Bank to Wells Fargo
Bank in Denver, Colorado, for Ms. Van Lennep, “Ref: K.P.J. Trust S.A.”;
–11/1/99 wire transfer of $110,000 from BTCB’s account at First Union to Wells Fargo
Bank in San Francisco, California, for Ms. Van Lennep; and
–11/26/99 wire transfer of $175,000 from BTCB’s account at First Union to Wells
Fargo Bank in California for Ms. Van Lennep.
The KPJ Trust allegations have clear parallels to other BTCB matters examined by the
investigation, including the references to BTCB’s high yield investment program and Global
Investment Fund subsidiary; BTCB’s insistence that the investor’s funds were unavailable for
one year; and BTCB’s nonpayment of the funds to the investor, despite making payments to the
BTCB client who arranged for the funds to be deposited at the bank in the first place.
–Brett Investors. Investors in Texas, California and Canada have made complaints that funds
invested with Scott Brett and, on his instructions, wired to BTCB, have not been returned.
Brett is a part owner of BTCB through Bailett International Ltd., according to documents
supplied by BTCB to U.S. banks, and other information linking Brett to John Long, BTCB’s
majority owner. Despite the limited information available about this matter, the investigation
located U.S. bank records showing over $763,000 in wire transfers involving investors who
have complained of being defrauded or persons or entities associated with Brett, including the
–2/10/98 wire transfer of $25,000 from unknown originator to BTCB’s account at BIV
for “Aurora Investm”;
–2/25/98 wire transfer of $2,010 from unknown originator to BTCB’s account at BIV
for “Aurora Investments”;
–3/11/98 wire transfer of $29,994 from A. Kotelr to BTCB’s account at BIV for “Bailett
–4/22/98 wire transfer of $15,000 from unknown originator to BTCB’s account at BIV
for “Aurora Investmts”;
–10/22/98 wire transfer of $10,500 from Arthur W. Hogan, an investor claiming to have
been defrauded by Brett, to BTCB’s account at Security Bank;
–10/27/98 wire transfer of $110,500 from Denver and Arlene Hopkins in Louisiana to
BTCB’s account at Security Bank “per Scott Brett”;
–12/9/98 wire transfer of $250,000 from “Newcastle Enterprises Scott Brett” to BTCB’s
account at Security Bank for “Aurora Investments”;
–4/28/99 wire transfer of $220,000 from BTCB’s account at First Union to Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce in Kelowna, British Columbia, for “Bearisto & Co. Trust”
for “Aurora Investments S.A.”
–Gendreau Investment. Plaintiffs’ filings in the Gold Chance case provide information about
a BTCB client in Minnesota, Michael Gendreau, who allegedly invested $390,000 with BTCB
in 1998, and has been “unable to get his money back.”374 The U.S. Treasury Department and
the FBI in Seattle have allegedly been informed and may be investigating his claims against
Salit is a signatory on at least seven Vector accounts at First Union, and U.S. bank
records show a number of transactions between BTCB and Vector.377 The bank records
indicate that Vector’s initial account was opened at First Union on 9/30/98, well after the SEC
enforcement action was underway. The bank records indicate that, during 1999 and 2000,
hundreds of investors across the United States paid over $16 million into Vector’s CAP account
to purchase Vector shares. The bank records show that BTCB paid $500,000 into Vector’s
initial account soon after it opened, and subsequently received $1 million in payments from
Vector over a 12-month period, several installments of which were pass-through payments
involving BTC Financial.
–12/14/98 wire transfer of $300,000 with the notation “[promissory] note &
Gold Chance, “Affidavit of Brent Binions” (4/20/00) at 2.
SEC v . The A ppletree Comp anies Inc. f/k/a Mod ami Serv ices, Inc., M ichael H . Salit, Dav id B. Lo bel,
Paul B. Kravitz, and W . Scott Long III (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Civil Case No. 96-
Id., “Final Jud gment o f Perma nent Injun ction and Other R elief as to D efendan ts Salit and L obel”
(3/3/00) at 5.
Vecto r has at least se ven acco unts at First U nion, num bered 2 09-00 0-294 -6659 (opene d 9/30 /98 until
11/1/99, and referred to as the “initial account”); 998-324-6063 (opened 1/5/99 to present, and referred to as the
“CAP account”); 200 -000-276-0469 (opened 8/30/99 to p resent); 200-000-276-037 5 (opened 9/8/99 to p resent);
200-000-748-1837 (opened 5/12/00 to present); 24021271 (brokerage account); and 4063000997 (money manager
account, possibly opened in 8/00). Vector may have additional accounts in First Union’s private bank.
investment,” and a 3/15/99 wire transfer of $200,000, from BTCB’s account at Security
Bank into Vector’s initial account at First Union, which provided virtually all of the
funds in the Vector account;
–1/6/99 wire transfer of $145,000 from Vector’s initial account to its newly-opened
CAP account, utilizing the funds provided by BTCB;
–8/26/99 check for $300,000 written by Vector on its CAP account for BTCB, which
BTCB deposited on 9/2/99 into its Security Bank account, presumably in repayment of
the funds provided by BTCB in December;
–10/4/99 check for $200,000 written by Vector on its CAP account for BTCB, which
BTCB deposited on 10/5/99 into its First Union account, presumably in repayment of
the funds provided by BTCB in March;
–11/12/99 check for $100,000 written by Vector on its CAP account for BTC Financial
Services which deposited the check on the same day, waited for it to clear, and then
wrote a $100,000 check to BTCB, signed by Betts and dated 11/18/99, which BTCB
deposited into its First Union account on 11/19/99;
–12/14/99 check for $100,000 written by Vector on its CAP account for BTC Financial
Services which deposited the check on the same day, and immediately wrote a $100,000
check to BTCB, signed by Requena and dated 12/14/99, which BTCB deposited into its
Security Bank account on 12/15/99;
–1/10/00 check for $100,000 written by Vector on its CAP account for BTC Financial
Services which deposited the check on 1/11/00, and immediately wrote a $100,000
check to BTCB, signed by David Cooper and dated 1/11/99, which BTCB deposited
into its Security Bank account on 1/12/00;
–2/2/00 check for $100,000 written by Vector on its CAP account for BTCB, which
BTCB deposited into an unknown account on 2/9/00; and
–2/29/00 check for $100,000 written by Vector on its CAP account for BTCB, with the
notation “Final Payment,” which BTCB deposited into its Security Bank account on
A 1999 Vector financial statement indicates, in Note 8, that the $500,000 provided by BTCB
was a loan and, on October 4, 1999, apparently in connection with repaying the $500,000
principal, Vector agreed to pay BTCB a second $500,000 “as payment in full of principal and
interest as well as for the surrender and release by BTCB of all its right, title and interest in
Vector, including its stock ownership. BTCB had the right to approximately 1,400,000
unissued shares of the Company’s common stock.”
BTCB either failed to conduct sufficient due diligence to discover Salit’s recent
involvement with securities fraud allegations or decided to do business with Salit despite his
past. BTCB not only lent Vector significant funds -- one of the few business loans issued by
this bank -- but then allegedly acquired rights to 1.4 million in unissued Vector shares. BTCB
then supposedly surrendered these rights in exchange for a portion of the $16 million the
company was raising from new investors. SEC and criminal investigations may now be
underway to determine whether Vector Medical Technology venture has any indications of
securities fraud.
In April 2000, U.S. citizens Kenneth H. Taves and his wife Teresa Callei Taves were found
liable by a U.S. district court for defrauding hundreds of thousands of credit card holders by billing
their credit cards for unauthorized charges totaling more than $49 million. About $7.5 million in fraud
proceeds was traced to a European Bank account opened in the name of a Vanuatu corporation,
Benford Ltd. Benford Ltd. had been established by European Trust and its bank account opened by
European Bank, without any due diligence research into the company’s beneficial owner or source of
funds. Even after learning that the $7.5 million came from the Taves fraud victims, European Bank
fought for more than one year to prevent U.S. seizure of the $7.5 million from its correspondent
account at Citibank.
Taves Fraud. The Taves fraud first became public in January 1999, when the U.S. Federal
Trade Commission (FTC) filed a civil complaint in California charging the Taves and associated
companies and individuals with unfair and deceptive business practices arising from fraudulent credit
card billing. 378 In response, the court issued a temporary restraining order freezing the Taves’ assets,
requiring the defendants to provide an accounting of their activities and assets, and appointing an FTC
receiver to locate and return fraudulently obtained monies.379
In May 1999, the court held Taves in criminal contempt for hiding assets from the FTC,
including a $2 million house in Malibu transferred to a corporation and $6.2 million deposited into a
bank account at Euro Bank in the Cayman Islands.380 Euro Bank is a longstanding, Cayman licensed
bank that has no affiliation with European Bank or the Bayer family. The U.S. district court ordered
Taves imprisoned until he turned over the $2 million from the house transfer to the FTC receiver.
Imprisoned on May 4, 1999, Taves was still in custody when he was indicted in February 2000, in both
the United States and Cayman Islands.381
In April 2000, the U.S. court issued findings of fact and conclusions of law holding the Taves
See FTC v. J.K. Publications, Inc. (U.S. District Court for the Central District of California Civil Case
Number CV 99-0044 AB C (AJW x)), complaint (1/5/99) and amended complaint (1/20/99).
See FTC v. J.K. Publications, Inc., temporary restraining order (1/6/99).
See FTC v. J.K. Publications, Inc., order ho lding Ta ves in con tempt for n ot disclos ing Ma libu realty
(5/4/99); order requiring and Ms. Taves to produce documentation related to Euro Bank account (5/5/99); and order
granting summary judgement (4/7/00) at 3.
See United States v. Taves (U.S. District Court for the Central District of California Criminal Case No.
00-CR -187-A LL), indic tment (2/2 9/00); m oney laun dering ch arges filed in the Caym an Island s (2/9/00 ). A trial is
scheduled on the U.S. charges in January 2001.
and other defendants liable for fraudulent credit card billing. 382 The court ruled that “the
uncontroverted evidence overwhelmingly demonstrate[d] that the defendants participated in a billing
scheme by submitting unauthorized [credit card] charges for processing.”383 The court determined that,
in November 1997, the Taves’ companies paid a fee to Charter Pacific Bank in California to gain
access to a credit card database containing over 3 million credit card numbers.384 The Taves then
opened merchant bank accounts – accounts used to accept credit card payments – at Charter Pacific
Bank and Heartland Bank and began billing small amounts, often $19.95, to thousands of credit card
numbers in the database.385 Although the defendants apparently alleged that the $19.95 was a monthly
fee that the credit card holders paid to access adult-content Internet web sites operated by Taves-related
companies, the court found that the defendants had “stole[n]” the credit card numbers from the
database and “charged card numbers without the cardholders’ authorization.”386 The court found that,
in 1998 alone, over $49.6 million was deposited into the Taves’ merchant accounts387 from
unauthorized charges billed to over 783,000 credit card numbers in the Charter Pacific database. 388
The funds were then used for various purposes, including paying and Mrs. Taves a “salary” of $1.8
million each.389 The court found that $25.3 million of the $49.6 million had been transferred to
offshore bank accounts at Euro Bank.390
In February 2000, the Cayman government charged three senior Euro Bank officials with
money laundering, citing the $25.3 million transferred to the bank from the Taves fraud. These
charges, brought against Ivan Richard Wykeham Burges, Brian Leslie Peter Cuhna and Judith Mary
Donegan, are the first money laundering prosecutions brought against Cayman bank officials in the
country’s history. Criminal charges were also brought against six other individuals, including Taves
for money laundering. 391
In May 1999, due to money laundering concerns arising not only from the Taves fraud but other
See FTC v. J.K. Publications, Inc., order granting summary judgement (4/7/00).
Id., at 51.
Id., at 17, 21, 51.
Id. at 12, 16-17, 20, 51.
Id. at 53. See also id. at 6, 16-18, 34-35, 51-52.
Id. at 25.
Id. at 33-34.
Id. at 13.
Id., at 36-37.
Documents attached to public court filings in the FTC case in the United States, includes, for example,
documents showing Taves’ paying Donegan, one of the Euro Bank employees, $4,000 per month for her efforts on
his behalf and authorizing her to use his Cayman beach house “for the purposes of spend ing a few leisurely hours
there from time to time.” Another document shows Taves’ transferring one of his companies to her “free of charge”
in February 1999, apparently in a continuing effort to hide assets from the FTC and eva de the January 1999 cou rt
order imposing an asset freeze.
matters as well, the Cayman government closed Euro Bank.392 In June 1999, Euro Bank’s shareholders
placed the bank in voluntary liquidation, and the bank began winding up its affairs. On July 26, 1999,
Euro Bank’s liquidators agreed to provide the FTC with “information and documents in the Bank’s
possession” relating to the Taves fraud in exchange for releasing the Bank from damage claims related
to the bank’s actions in that matter.393 After the agreement was approved by the Cayman Grand Court,
the FTC receiver reviewed Euro Bank information and found the $7.5 million transfer from Taves-
related accounts at Euro Bank to the Benford account at European Bank in Vanuatu.
Establishing Benford Ltd. The Benford account was opened in February 1999, at the request
of Euro Bank employee Ivan Burges, later charged with money laundering on behalf of Taves. The
account was opened by Susan Phelps, who is both a European Bank director and employee, and a
European Trust officer.394 On 2/3/99, Burges sent a fax to European Bank inquiring about establishing
a Vanuatu corporation and opening a corporate bank account for an unnamed client. Phelps faxed
Burges the requested information. On 2/8/99, Burges requested incorporation and account opening
forms and, the next day, faxed an “urgent” request to establish a Vanuatu corporation called Benford
Ltd., still without naming the client on whose behalf he was acting. Phelps supplied him with the
requested forms as well as wire transfer instructions for sending funds to European Bank’s
correspondent account at Citibank in New York.
The documents created by European Trust to establish Benford Ltd. never identify the
company’s beneficial owner by name nor refer to Clyde.395 Instead they reference a series of shell
FTC v. J.K. Publications, Inc., “Report of Receiver’s Activities Dated August 4, 1999,” (8/6/99) at 1;
interviews of Cayman government officials in April 2000.
See “Deed of Compromise, Release, Accord and Satisfaction” (7/26/99) at 2.
This information is based upon affidavits filed by Phelps in various court proceedings, as well as account
docum entation an d other in formatio n. See, for e xample , Evans v. European Bank (Civil Case No. 85 of 199 9 before
the Supr eme Co urt of Va nuatu), P helps affida vit (11/22 /99); Evans v. Citibank (Case No. 4999 of 1999 before the
Suprem e Court o f New S outh W ales, Sydn ey Registry, E quity Divisio n), Phelps affidavit (12/17/99).
The S tate Dep artment’s IN CSR 2 000 re port states th at one of th e key defic iencies in V anuatu’s an ti-
money laundering laws is its corporate secrecy laws which “shield the identity and assets of beneficial owners of
business entities. ... The anonymity and secrecy provisions available through ownership of Vanuatuan
[corporations], along with the ease and low cost of incorporation, make them ideal mechanisms for tax evasion and
money laundering schemes.” INCS R (March 20 00) Money L aundering and Financial Crimes Country Rep orts,
corporations which Bayer said in his interview are controlled by “the Bayer group” of companies.396
Only one European Trust document -- not part of the company’s official incorporation papers --
actually named Clyde. Entitled “Nominee Declaration” and bearing the same date, 2/18/99, as the
official incorporation papers, it declared that European Trust’s nominee company, Meldrew Ltd,. was
holding Benford’s shares as a nominee for Clyde.397 Bayer explained that this nominee declaration was
typically the key document European Trust used to establish the beneficial ownership of a Vanuatu
company it formed. He said that typically European Trust would maintain a copy in its files, but would
not supply a copy to European Bank.
Opening the Benford Account. After incorporating Benford Ltd. through European Trust,
Phelps put on her European Bank hat and opened a bank account for corporation. Phelps admitted in
court pleadings that, throughout the bank account opening process, she never spoke with either Burges
or Clyde.398 The documentation also makes it clear that European Bank opened the Benford account
without conducting any due diligence research into Clyde, the source of her wealth, or the origin of the
initial deposit of $100,000.
The European Bank forms used to open the Benford bank account provide even less due
diligence information than the European Trust forms used to establish the corporation. The account
opening questionnaire, as well as a Benford corporate resolution and mandate to open the bank
account, are all signed by Phelps. None mentions Clyde.399 None provides additional due diligence
For example, the “constitution” used to establish Benford Ltd. names only one “incorporator,” Atlas
Corp. L td., a Bay er group comp any. The constitution is signed o n 2/17/9 9, by Ph elps, on b ehalf of Atla s Corp . Ltd.
A Ben ford co rporate resolution , signed b y Phelps on 2/18 /99 on b ehalf of Atla s Corp . Ltd., app oints Be nford’s so le
director, D iract Ltd., an d its sole co rporate officer, Lo tim Ltd., wh ich are two more B ayer grou p com panies. A
“share certificate” purporting to issue 100 Benford shares to a company called Meldrew Ltd., is signed by Phelps on
behalf of D iract Ltd. an d by ano ther Euro pean B ank emp loyee, D avid Ou thred, who signed the certificate o n behalf
of Lotim Ltd. Bayer said during his interview that Meldrew Ltd. is owned by Euro pean Trust. Together, Ben ford
Ltd.’s official incorporation documents, corporate resolutions and share certificate never mention Clyde, the
company’s true owner.
The d ocume nt states that M eldrew L td. “hereb y admits tha t the abov ementio ned shar es are you r absolute
prope rty and that th ey only stand registered in our nam e at your re quest as yo ur nomin ee in Tru st for you ab solutely
and that we have no beneficial interest therein whatsoever.” [Emphasis in original text omitted.] It is signed by
Phelps and Outhred o n behalf of still two more European Trust comp anies, Zenith Inc. and Orion Inc., which are
appare ntly Meld rew’s officer s.
See Evans v. European Bank (Civil Case No. 85 of 1999 before the Supreme Court of Vanuatu), Phelps
affidavit (11/22/99), paragraph (3), “I did not speak to Mr Burges during the course of the correspondence ... and
verily believe nobody else from [European Bank or European Trust] spoke to Burges.” CG 6439-43
One European Bank form, entitled “Declaration of the Beneficial Owner’s Identity,” appeared
to require disclosure of a bank account’s beneficial owner but was completed without doing so. The
copy of this form provided by European Bank to the Subcommittee was signed by Phelps, dated 2/25/99,
and identified “the beneficial owner of the assets deposited with the bank” as “Benford Limited.” Bayer
indicated this was a common way for European Trust to complete the form for companies they managed.
He explained that the purpose of the form was not to reveal a company’s true owner, but to establish that
the accountholder is also the owner of the deposits placed into the account.
information about Benford Ltd. Bayer indicated that these forms were filled out in the usual way for
bank accounts opened for companies formed by its affiliate, European Trust.
One of the European Bank forms, entitled a “Statutory Declaration of Account Holder In
Relation to the Operation of the Account,” was apparently intended, in part, to protect the bank against
money laundering. European Bank provided a copy of this completed form for the Benford account. It
stated that the “beneficial owner” of the Benford account was “Benford Limited,” again without
making any reference to Clyde, and essentially declared that the funds deposited into the Benford
account were not derived from criminal activities.400 But the declaration was not signed by Clyde or
Burges. The form was instead signed by Phelps, on 2/25/99, prior to her making any inquiry into the
origin of the Benford funds or conducting any substantive due diligence. Her signature was witnessed
by Bayer, who also signed the form without having any knowledge of the account funds or Clyde.
When asked how this document protected European Bank from money laundering, when it was signed
by its own employee and not based on any factual knowledge, Bayer said that the Benford form had
been completed in a routine manner similar to other accounts at the bank.
Bayer explained that, although Clyde’s name never appeared on a bank document connected
with the Benford account, European Bank had access to her identity through European Trust. Although
Vanuatu law generally prohibits trust companies from disclosing a Vanuatu corporation’s ownership,
he explained that this prohibition could be waived by the company owner to open a bank account.
Bayer said that European Bank could have simply asked European Trust at any time for the identity of
the corporate beneficial owner. He noted that, in the case of Benford Ltd., that step was unnecessary
since Phelps worked for both the bank and the trust company and had the knowledge on hand for both
Increasing Deposits and Increasing Concerns About the Benford Account. The Benford
bank account application and related documents were dated 2/24/99 and 2/25/99. The Benford account
was apparently opened on 2/26/00, when $97,900 out of the $100,000 transferred from Euro Bank on
2/17/99, was credited by European Bank to the newly opened Benford account, and the other $2,100
was kept by European Trust to pay for Benford’s incorporation expenses.
About two weeks after the Benford bank account was opened, on March 17, 1999, Burges
telephoned European Bank and spoke with Phelps for the first time. He included in the telephone
The Minority staff investigation later discovered a second version of this form, also signed by
Phelps on 2/25/99, which was attached to an affidavit filed by Bayer in a Vanuatu court proceeding. See
In re European Bank (Company Case No. 8 of 1999 before the Supreme Court of Vanuatu), Bayer
affidavit (7/28/99), Exhibit L. The form stated that the “beneficial owner of the assets deposited with the
bank” in the Benford account was “Vanessa P A Clyde.” During his interview, Bayer was unable to
explain why there were two versions of this document or why he had failed to supply the investigation
with the same version he filed in court.
The document states: “The deposits to be credited to the abovementioned account holder are not derived
from, nor proceeds of, any forms of unlawful activity whatsoever nor were these assets (including the funds to be
deposited) obtained in any manner contrary to the laws of the country whence they came or any other relevant
conversation a woman whom he alleged to be his client Clyde, who spoke with an American accent,
despite her British passport. According to Phelps’ sworn affidavit, this was the first of several
telephone conversations she had in March and April discussing how Clyde wished to invest her
During these two months, Burges also wired more than $7 million to the Benford account.402
All of the funds came from Taves-related accounts at Euro Bank. All were made after the 1/6/99 court
order freezing Taves’ assets. All were wire transferred to European Bank’s U.S. dollar correspondent
account at Citibank in New York.
Bayer indicated in a letter to the Subcommittee that these funds were unexpected403 and
prompted additional due diligence efforts. After the March deposit of $2.8 million, according to Bayer,
European Bank contacted Euro Bank to ask about the nature of the funds, and Euro Bank promised to
“get back to us with the answers.”404 Phelps then asked European Bank’s senior vice president,
Douglas Peters, if he could find out more about Euro Bank.
On 3/29/99, Peters sent a fax to persons he knew in the Cayman Islands asking about Euro
Bank. One of the persons responded by fax the same day stating that she would like to speak to him by
telephone. Peters’ handwritten notes of the telephone conversation on 3/30/99 state the following
about Euro Bank:
Small locally incorporated bank, with a local banking licence, 20/30 people on the staff,
corporate activities too, not a good reputation locally, has its door open to business when other
doors are closed to it, very much lower end of the local banking business, dubious, 3 months
ago there were rumors that they might fail, not well respected, advise caution when dealing with
them. Barclays would not accept a reference from them and would certainly not do business
with them.
According to Bayer, Peters communicated this information to both Phelps and to Bayer himself.
Despite this negative portrayal of Euro Bank – the sole reference for the Benford account –
European Bank left open the account, accepted additional funds, and chose not to try to verify any
information about Clyde or her assets. Bayer explained the bank’s actions by saying that Euro Bank
had referred other clients with no negative consequences, the client was not asking to withdraw the
funds, and Clyde had reassured Phelps by explaining that Clyde was retired and diversifying her
holdings as part of an estate planning process. When asked how that information fit with Clyde’s
Clyde indicated on several occasions her preference for keeping the funds in U.S. dollars in a secure but
liquid investment. For example, on 2/23/99, Clyde sent Phelps a fax asking whether the bank co uld “place Benford
client funds in a marke t accoun t ... [i.e.,] a New York b rokerag e fund and keep p rivacy.” E uropea n Bank ultimately
placed the funds in U.S. dollar, interest-bearing accounts at its correspondent banks.
Citibank records show that the $7 million was deposited in three wire transfers: $2.8 million on 3/17/99;
$750,000 on 4/9/99; and $3.88 million on 4/9/99.
Letter dated 5/22/00 from Bayer to Senator Levin at 8.
passport information indicating she was 61, and her incorporation application describing her as still in
business, Bayer said that the bank had been satisfied with her explanation and did not feel any concern
at the time. He acknowledged that the bank did not undertake any effort to independently verify
Clyde’s background or assets, or to obtain additional references for her.
By April 1999, the Benford deposits totaled about $7.5 million. Bayer said in his interview that
Benford Ltd. had become a “huge client” for the bank, and agreed that its $7.5 million represented
about 15% of the bank’s total deposit base of $50 to $60 million at the time.
In May 1999, two incidents suddenly cast new suspicion on the Benford funds. The first was
on 5/25/99, when Phelps received a telephone call about the account from a Clyde with an English
accent, instead of an American accent. Phelps reported the call and a fax received the next day to
Bayer who said during his interview that it was the first time European Bank appeared to have two
different persons claiming to be the beneficial owner of an account at the bank. On 5/29/99, a Friday,
European Bank received another fax, a letter dated 5/27/99, from a firm representing Euro Bank.405 It
stated that Euro Bank had been placed into receivership and the $7.5 million previously transferred to
the Benford account appeared to be associated with the Taves fraud. Bayer indicated that, in response
to these two events, the bank immediately froze the Benford account internally and, on Monday,
5/31/99, filed a report with the Vanuatu police. 406
Bayer indicated, and bank documentation substantiates that, prior to May 1999, European Bank
had followed its usual practice of directing the Benford funds into a series of “placements” at its
correspondent banks, in order to maximize the interest earned on the funds. After freezing the funds,
Bayer indicated that European Bank transferred them internally into a new, non-interest bearing
account from which client withdrawals were prohibited.407 However, even after moving the Benford
deposits into a non-interest bearing account within the bank, European Bank continued to place the
$7.5 million with the correspondent bank paying the highest interest rate on the funds.408 A series of
placements by European Bank with its correspondents for $7.5 million plus interest appear to have
been paid for with the Benford funds.409 In his interview, Bayer said that while he was “not denying”
that these placements included the Benford deposits, he maintained that they also included non-
Benford funds, such as European Bank’s own interest earnings from the deposits and possibly $20,000
See letter dated 5/27/99 from Maples and Calder to European Bank.
See also Evans v. Citibank (Case No. 4999 of 1999 before the Suprem e Court of New South W ales,
Sydney R egistry, Eq uity Division ), affidavit of Susan Phelps (12/17/99), CG 6519-22.
Id., Phelps affidavit at paragraph (7).
Documentation and interviews indicate the following U.S. dollar placements involving the $7.5 million:
–30 day placement from 7/20/99 until 8/20/99 at Westpac Bank;
–30 day placement from 8/20/99 until 9/20/99 at Citibank;
–30 day placement from 9/20/99 until 10/20/99 at ANZ Bank;
–placement from10/20/99 until November 2000 at Citibank, after which the funds were seized and taken
into custod y by the U nited State s.
A review of European Bank’s U.S. dollar correspondent account records at Citibank and ANZ Bank
show no other deposit, transaction or placement, in 1998 or 1999, which could have given rise to these $7.5 million
placements, other than the Benford deposits.
to $40,000 belonging to one or two other clients. Despite a request, Bayer did not identify these other
clients or provide documentation showing how or when other client funds may have been combined
with the frozen $7.5 million in Benford funds and included in these placements.
In June 1999, after freezing the Benford funds internally, European Bank attempted to find out
more about their origin. Bayer indicated and documentation suggests that inquiries directed to Euro
Bank and Burges were unanswered. Phelps had already attempted, without success, to verify Clyde’s
London address and telephone number.410 She also asked Clyde to send a notarized copy of her
passport photograph, which Clyde did and which matched the one the bank had on file for the Benford
account. On 6/15/99, Phelps asked Clyde in a telephone conversation about the origin of the funds.
She wrote this summary of the conversation:
[Clyde] said I should have got this info from Burges. I said the funds had just arrived without
supporting documentation. ... English was asked to open the a/c. Doesn’t know when. ...
Doesn’t know how much. Wasn’t responsible for putting funds in. Not her personal funds.
Extremely uncomfortable. ... If somebody had taken funds she doesn’t want to be tarred.411
Vanuatu and Australia Court Proceedings. Within months of the $7.5 million being
deposited, European Bank had notice and evidence of their suspect origin. Yet when legal proceedings
ensued in Vanuatu and then Australia, European Bank steadfastly opposed releasing the funds or
remitting them to the FTC receiver representing the Taves fraud victims.
The litigation began in the summer of 1999. On July 2, 1999, someone claiming to be Clyde
attempted to withdraw $700,000 from the Benford account. Because the account was frozen, European
Bank refused the request but, according to Bayer, also realized that it had no statutory basis or court
order supporting its refusal. On 7/28/99, European Bank filed a lawsuit in Vanuatu court asking for a
court order freezing the Benford account, which the court issued on the same day. 412 On 8/25/99, the
FTC receiver filed a civil suit in the Vanuatu court seeking information about the account and
restraining Benford Ltd. from transferring any funds.413 The court consolidated the two cases and
granted the FTC receiver access to the information in the first suit.
On 9/22/99, Clyde filed a pleading in the Vanuatu case stating that, “subject to the Order of this
Honorable Court,” she would like to remit all of the Benford funds to the FTC receiver. 414 Her sworn
affidavit stated:
I knew nothing of the founding of Benford Limited, nor of the opening of an account with
European Bank Limited, until I received, unsolicited, a copy of the Benford’s Articles of
See Phelps email dated 5/26/99, CG 6497.
See Phelps affidavit and notes, CG 6509-11.
In re European Bank (Company Case N o. 8 of 1999 before the Sup reme Court of Vanuatu).
Evans v. European Bank (Civil Case No. 85 of 199 9 before the Supreme C ourt of Vanuatu).
Evans v. European Bank, Clyde affidavit (9/22/99).
Incorporation and a summary of charges from European Bank .... In late January of 1999, I was
living in ... Malibu, California ... [and] an old and close friend of my family, Gretchen Buck ...
told me that ... I would earn a helpers fee of at least $10,000 if I would assist her in opening an
offshore account for ‘a friend.’ I was assured that the purposes of the account were totally
above board and the ‘friend’ was of unimpeachable integrity with a few legitimate business
problems but a person who craved anonymity. I agreed to assist, and at Buck’s request, signed
40 pieces of blank paper. I have not seen these papers since .... I became suspicious thereafter
when Buck was not forthcoming ... [and] would say ... ‘Its best you don’t know.’
Gretchen Buck is an associate of Taves, a former Euro Bank accountholder, and one of the individuals
indicted in the Cayman Islands for money laundering. She apparently directed the transfer of more
than $3 million to the Benford account.415
Attached to Clyde’s pleading were documents indicating that she intended to transfer control
over Benford Ltd. from European Trust’s nominee companies to the FTC receiver’s legal counsel in
Vanuatu, so that the $7.5 million could be paid to the FTC. European Trust’s nominee companies,
however, opposed this change in control over Benford Ltd. and opposed remitting the $7.5 million to
the FTC receiver.416
More litigation in Vanuatu followed, including a criminal investigation of Benford Ltd. by the
Vanuatu police for money laundering. 417 On 11/30/99, the Vanuatu police charged Benford Ltd. with
possession of property “suspected of being proceeds of crime.”418
Legal proceedings began in Australia after the FTC located a document notifying Benford Ltd.
that its funds had been transferred to “Citibank Limited, [Offshore Bank Unit] Sydney.”419 On
See FTC v. J.K. Publications, “Report of Receiver’s Activities dated August 4, 1999," at 5-6.
See Evans v. Citibank (Case No. 4999 of 1999 before the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Sydney
Registry, E quity Divisio n), affidavit of Douglas Edmund Raftesath, Australian counsel for the FTC receiver
(12/17/99) at 3.
On 9/2 3/99, the Vanua tu police a sked the c ourt to imp ose a free ze unde r criminal la w on the $ 7.5
million, pending an investigation of Benford Ltd. for money laundering. Despite requests by Benford Ltd. and the
FTC receiver to attend the hearing on this request, the court heard from the police on an ex parte basis, issued the
requested order, declined to allow release of the $7.5 million to the FTC receiver, and ordered additional
proceedings. On 10/29/99 and 11/22/99, Phelps filed two affidavits in the case providing additional information and
stating that, de spite the ba nk’s role in e stablishing th e corpo ration, op ening its ba nk acco unt and m anaging th e $7.5
million, European Bank did no t know the true identity of Benford Ltd.’s beneficial owner.
Information filed before the Supreme Court of Vanuatu (Criminal Case No. 754 of 1999). On 12/2/99,
pursuant to the request of the police, the Vanuatu court issued still another order freezing the Benford funds. On
12/3/99, Clyde filed a new civil suit in Vanuatu court requesting an order declaring her the sole beneficial owner of
Benford Ltd. and requiring Meldrew Ltd., the European Trust nominee company, to transfer all Benford shares to the
Vanua tu counse l working w ith the FT C receiv er. In re Benford Ltd. (Company Case No. 14 of 1999 before the
Supreme Court of Vanuatu). The intent of her lawsuit was, again, to facilitate the transfer of the $7.5 million to the
FTC receiver.
See “Inte rest Bea ring Dep osit Con firmation,” dated 1 0/12/9 9, issued b y Europ ean Ba nk to Be nford Ltd .,
CG 4625.
11/30/99, the FTC receiver sent a letter to Citibank offices in Sydney, Australia (“Citibank Sydney”),
alerting it to the Taves fraud and its relation to the Benford funds deposited by European Bank.420 On
12/10/99, the FTC receiver filed suit in Australia to freeze the $7.5 million on deposit with Citibank.421
Unknown to the FTC receiver at the time of its filing, European Bank had, in fact, taken steps that
same day to transfer the funds from Citibank to one of its correspondent banks in Vanuatu.422 Before
any transfer took place, however, the Australian court issued an order freezing the funds.
Additional pleadings followed in Australia from the Vanuatu government, European Bank and
FTC receiver, all seeking control of the $7.5 million. At first, European Bank alleged that the frozen
$7.5 million was unrelated to the Benford funds and Taves fraud,423 and the FTC receiver’s Australian
legal counsel agreed to drop the suit. That was on a Friday. According to Moore, European Bank
asked Citibank to transfer the funds to Westpac Banking Corp. in Vanuatu on the following Monday.
However, on Sunday, the Australian federal police filed an emergency request to freeze the funds
pending further investigation, and the Australian court reinstated the freeze.
On 12/15/99, European Bank sent a fax to Citibank complaining that the FTC receiver was
trying “every trick in the book” to “force the monies to be sent to the USA.”424 Bayer concluded the
fax with these observations:
Locally [European Bank] has been perceived as being the bank that uncovered the suspicious
The letter placed Citibank “on notice that [the FTC receiver] assert[s] priority claims over any funds
originating from this fraud, including the funds on deposit with you.” According to Citibank, this letter was the first
notice they had of any problem with the $7.5 million deposit made by European Bank. See Evans v. Citibank (Case
No. 4999 of 1999 before the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Sydney Registry, Equity Division), affidavit of
Christopher Schofield Moo re (12/16/99).
Evans v. Citibank, summons (12/10/99). The pleadings stated, in part, that while the FTC receiver had
obtained freeze orders for the funds in Vanuatu, the funds “had already been transferred before the orders could be
carried o ut ... [and] the re is a real risk that any mo neys held b y Citibank ... may be tra nsferred o ut of Citiba nk’s
accoun ts.” Affidavit of Douglas Edmund Raftesath, Australian counsel for the FTC receiver (12/10/99) at 3.
In a 12/10/99 fax to Citibank Sydney, CG 4810, Bayer informed Moore for the first time about the
suspicious activity surrounding the Benford account beginning six months earlier, in May 1999, the ongoing money
laundering investigation by the Vanuatu police, and the Vanuatu court orders freezing the funds. Bayer wrote:
“We o f course w ill not be dis tributing the [ Benfo rd] funds to anyone without the d irection o f the Vanu atu
Supreme Court. Unfortunately for your bank, it has not been the high bidder for this deposit upon rollover
and I confirm our request that you follow our instruction to transfer the funds to Westpac Banking
Corpo ration for th e credit o f their Por t Vila bra nch, for the further cred it of ourselv es (cop y enclosed ). I
assure you that the decision to move the funds has been purely a commercial one and not one driven by any
hidden a genda. W e will continu e to favor Citibank w henever possible in suppo rt of our re lationship w ith
your bank which we value greatly.”
Europ ean Ba nk conte nded tha t the freeze o rder was inappro priate be cause the funds on d eposit with
Citibank “are not funds belonging to Benford but are funds belonging to European Bank.” Evans v. Citibank,
affidavit of Susan Phelps (12/17/99) at paragraph (14 ).
12/15/99 fax from European Bank to Citibank Sydney, CG 4686-87. He stated further, “The monies
have nev er ‘fled the ju risdiction.’ T hey have a lways bee n on dep osit in US $ with Eu ropean Bank a nd now here else.
European Bank ... placed the funds in various banks to get the best return.”
transactions and took all the right steps to assist the authorities. Now in Australia we are being
cast as money launderers and probable accomplices. I fear the Australian authorities would like
to believe that.
In December 1999, a local Vanuatu newspaper gave this summary of the Benford matter:
The Vanuatu government could find themselves with a US$7.5 million (v982 million) windfall
cash gift if the Public Prosecutors office are successful in convicting ... Benford Ltd. of
laundering money here from the illicit proceeds of one of the biggest credit card frauds in
history. ... [The FTC receiver] has been travelling the world tracking down the missing money.
He advised, ‘There are a couple of countries in the Caribbean, ... Channel islands, ... Europe
and Vanuatu where stolen money was sent. ... [U]nfortunately, Vanuatu is the only country that
is trying not to return the funds to the rightful owners. ...’ [M]embers of the Finance Centre
believe that if the government do confiscate it, a clear message will be sent to the outside world
not to launder the proceeds of crime through Vanuatu’s Finance Centre. This case is however a
sensitive one. Vanuatu may have a fight on its hands if it tries to confiscate the funds owing to
ordinary people around the world that the court in California USA has ordered to be returned.425
U.S. Court Proceedings. Almost one year later, on November 29, 2000, at the request of the
FTC, the U.S. Department of Justice filed legal proceedings to seize the Benford funds from Citibank
in New York. It was able to file the pleadings in the United States, because Citibank Sydney had
always kept the Benford funds in U.S. dollars in a U.S. account at Citibank in New York. When
presented with the seizure warrant, issued by a U.S. magistrate, Citibank New York delivered the funds
to the United States. On December 21, 2000, the United States filed a civil forfeiture action seeking to
eliminate any other claim to the Benford funds.426 The complaint alleged that the funds were the
proceeds of the Taves credit card fraud, and the FTC receiver had “tried to obtain the funds from
European Bank through a Vanuatuan court proceeding, but failed to obtain relief in Vanuatu.”
During more than a year of litigation in three countries, Clyde has supported sending the
Benford funds to the FTC, but European Bank has vigorously opposed it. When asked why, Bayer
gave three reasons during his interview: (1) the ownership of the funds remained unclear, since Clyde
had admitted that they were not her funds and she did not know their origin; (2) the allegation that the
funds came from the Taves fraud should be established in Vanuatu court and, if true, the Vanuatu
Attorney General could reimburse the fraud victims, rather than pay the monies to the FTC receiver
“Vanuatu Goes After $US7.5m of Laundered Money,” Trad ing Post V anuatu (12/4/99).
United States v. $8,110,073.30 in U.S. Currency, Representing $7,593,532.48 Deposited by European
Bank at Citibank NA (Sydney Branch) on or about October 20, 1999, Plus Accrued Interest Since the Date of
Depo sit (U.S. District Court for the Central District of California Civil Case No. CV-00-13328 (CBM)), complaint
who might exhaust the entire sum through fees and expenses;427 and (3) European Bank had to defend
itself from the risk of inconsistent court decisions which might order it to pay the $7.5 million twice,
once to the Vanuatu government in connection with the Benford money laundering prosecution and
once to the FTC receiver seeking funds for the Taves fraud victims. At times, Bayer also argued that
the $7.5 million deposit at Citibank represented European Bank’s own funds, unrelated to the Benford
matter, although at other times he acknowledged the Benford deposits made up the bulk of the Citibank
The $7.5 million, now swelled with interest earnings to $8.1 million, remains in the custody of
the United States, while the litigation in Vanuatu, Australia and the United States continues.
In February 1999, the same month it opened the Benford account, European Bank opened
another ill-fated account under a credit card merchant agreement with a Florida corporation called
Internet Processing Corporation (“IPC”). As in the Benford matter, European Bank opened the account
without a due diligence review of the prospective client. IPC used unauthorized credit card charges to
obtain $2 million in payments from European Bank and then absconded with the funds. By the time it
learned of the fraud, European Bank was unable to locate IPC, the company’s owner, or the missing $2
million. It ultimately suffered a $1.3 million loss which threatened the solvency of the bank.
IPC Merchant Account. According to Bayer, the IPC account was one of about a half a dozen
new accounts that European Bank opened in 1999 in an effort to expand the bank’s check clearing
business into credit card clearing. Bayer said that the bank had not then understood the financial
exposure involved in credit card clearing, and its negative experience with IPC and two other
companies has since led to its getting out of that line of business for at least the short term.
Bayer explained that the credit card clearing business essentially involved European Bank’s
earning fees for providing advance payments at a discounted rate to merchants seeking the quick
processing of credit card charges. He said that, in 1999, European Bank worked with a Netherlands
credit-card processing company called TNT International Mail (“TNT”) to make advance credit card
payments. Essentially, a company with a European Bank merchant account would send its credit card
slips to European Bank; European Bank would forward the data to TNT; TNT would advance the total
amount of credit card charges, discounted at a certain rate, to European Bank; and European Bank
would, in turn, advance certain payments to the merchant by depositing the funds into the company’s
merchant account. European Bank would then wait for the credit card charges to clear, earning its
profits from the payments ultimately made by the cardholders.
Bayer explained that European Bank had undertaken a variety of steps to protect the bank from
the credit risk associated with advancing credit card payments to merchants, including: (1) requiring
its merchants to make a large security deposit; (2) charging its merchants a 6% discount rate instead of
However, the State Department’s INCSR 2000 report warns: “Case law in Vanuatu has shown that
proving the criminal origins of proceeds, especially of offenses committed abroad, is extremely difficult. Linking
criminal proceeds seized in Vanuatu with the offense committed abroad through a complex series of financial
transactions conducted by related corporations operating in several offshore jurisdictions is all but impossible.”
INCSR Report 2000 at 751.
the usual 2.5% to 3.5%; (3) retaining 10% of incoming payments from TNT until the merchant’s credit
card charges cleared; and (4) performing random reviews of credit card orders to detect fraud or
misconduct. According to Bayer, what the bank had not taken into account was the possibility of a
massive credit card fraud by a merchant who would abscond with the payments made by European
Bank for unauthorized credit card charges that would never clear.
Bayer said that the IPC account was first referred to European Bank by a company called Media
World which worked with telemarketers and, among other services, earned a fee for bringing them
together with banks willing to provide merchant accounts.428 Bayer said that Media World was owned
by Michael Okun, a U.S. citizen living in Florida who had referred two other merchants to European
Bank as well. Bayer said that he thought Media World had investigated IPC and was recommending
the company, but later learned that Media World had simply referred IPC, without any prior
investigation into the company’s reputation or reliability.
The documentation indicates that Media World first contacted European Bank about the IPC
account around 2/15/99, when Okun sent an email to Kely Ihrig alerting her to expect account opening
documentation from IPC. Ihrig had recently been hired by European Bank as its operations manager.
The next day, IPC letters and materials arrived by fax, with 49 pages of account opening information.
Ihrig actually opened the IPC account one week later on 2/23/99. As with the Benford account,
the IPC account was opened based upon written materials and correspondence, without any telephone
conversation or direct client contact. Further, despite the credit risk involved, the documentation
indicates that the bank performed virtually no due diligence prior to opening the IPC merchant account.
The IPC account opening questionnaire, dated 2/12/99, was signed by Mosaddeo Hossain. It
indicated that IPC had been incorporated just ten days earlier, on 2/2/99. Questions asking about IPC’s
assets and liabilities were left blank. The company address in Florida, which European Bank did not
attempt to verify, was actually the address of a “Kwik Serve Food Store” in a questionable area of
town. IPC’s business activities were described as “Outbound Telemarketing of Tours & Time Shares,”
which Bayer said referred to selling vacation and travel packages on the Internet. Bayer said that while
European Bank generally considered telemarketers a credit risk, it had been reassured by IPC’s
providing numerous pages of information about the travel packages it was marketing. Bayer indicated
that, later, the bank was unable to find any evidence that IPC had actually marketed any products on the
Internet, although it may have made some telephone sales.
The questionnaire listed two references for IPC. The first was Mike Okun of Media World.
According to Bayer, Okun later indicated that he was unaware that IPC had listed him as a reference,
and knew little about either the company or Hossain. The second reference was “Bank Atlantic
Hillsboro Office,” which turned out to be BankAtlantic, a federal savings bank in Florida. The
questionnaire states that IPC had “banked with them for 1 years/months,” without indicating whether
the correct time period was 1 year or 1 month. As part of the account opening process, European Bank
asked IPC for a written reference letter from BankAtlantic. In response, BankAtlantic provided a very
For example, Bayer said that, for every $100 in credit card charges posted by a merchant referred by
Media World, European Bank wo uld have kept $6 and, from that $6, paid Media World perhaps $1 for referring the
mercha nt.
brief letter, dated 2/19/99, addressed to “whom it may concern,” stating that IPC “has maintained an
account with BankAtlantic, and has handled [the] account as agreed.” Bayer said during his interview
that this letter had caused European Bank to assume IPC had a mature association with BankAtlantic.
However, the bank learned later that the Florida bank account had been opened on 2/5/99, two weeks
prior to the date of the reference letter; it held only $1,500 at the time of the letter; and it represented
the first time Hossain had done business with BankAtlantic.
No inquiry was made by European Bank and no information was provided by IPC about any
aspect of the company’s finances, such as its initial capitalization or account balances. Nor was any
information provided about the company’s ownership.429 The file did include copies of IPC’s
incorporation papers, but the documents contained primarily boiler plate language and virtually no due
diligence information other than listing Hossain as the company’s sole incorporator, sole director, sole
officer and sole registered agent.
Hossain was, in fact, the only individual named in any of the IPC account opening
documentation. Despite his key role, the account opening questionnaire provided minimal information
about him – nothing more than his name, a Florida address, his Bangladeshi nationality, and his
passport photograph – essentially the same skeletal information provided in the Benford account
opening documentation.430 Hossain did list himself on the questionnaire as IPC’s accountant, but
Bayer indicated that the bank did not know whether Hossain was actually a member of the accounting
profession. He admitted that the bank had not obtained any information about Hossain’s business
background, past employment or finances.431
European Bank opened the IPC bank account within one week of being contacted for the first
time by the company. Despite opening a merchant account involving credit risk and services beyond
that of a run-of-the-mill corporate bank account, European Bank conducted virtually no due diligence
investigation of IPC or Hossain. It did not inquire into the company’s ownership, double check its
references, ascertain its capital or bank account balances, or verify its physical address. With respect to
Hossain, it did not inquire into his business or employment background, obtain any personal or
A form entitled, “Verification of the Beneficial Owner’s Identity,” listed IPC as the beneficial owner of
the assets deposited with European Bank, but did not provide the “identity” of IPC’s owner. Bayer said this was not
a mistake, b ecause th e benefic ial owners hip form was not inte nded to identify a co mpany’s tru e owner , but mere ly to
verify that the entity opening the account was the true owner of any funds deposited into its account. When asked
whether the bank had noticed the lack of information about IPC’s ownership, Bayer indicated that had not been
noticed at the time, but the bank had later determined that Hossain was the sole company shareholde r.
In this instanc e, the Ba ngladesh i passpo rt was mar ked as ha ving exp ired seve n years ear lier, in 199 2, a
fact that Bayer said was not noticed at the time.
When asked whether European Bank had any concern about the geographic logic of a Bangladeshi doing
business in the United States and using a bank in Vanuatu, Bayer indicated that had not been a concern. He said that
the United States was a nation of immigrants, and Hossain had listed a U.S. telephone number, a U.S. address, and a
U.S. bank account, so the bank reasonably believed he was a U.S. resident. Bayer said they had assumed IPC was
using a Vanuatu bank because the company was so new that it had been unable to convince a U.S. bank to open a
mercha nt accou nt and so began lo oking ab road. H e ackno wledged that the ban k had sub sequently b een unab le to
locate Hossain’s personal residence, either in the United States or elsewhere, and that the company address provided
also proved false.
professional references, check his credit history, or verify any personal or professional information
about him. The only facts that the bank had were that IPC was a brand new company with a new
Florida bank account, and Hossain was willing to pay unusually high charges to open a merchant
account at a Vanuatu bank.
When asked whether he thought the bank’s due diligence effort was adequate, Bayer said that,
at the time, European Bank had not understood its exposure and had thought it was dealing with a U.S.
corporation that had sufficient bona fides to open a U.S. bank account. He indicated that the bank later
learned to its detriment that its due diligence efforts had been insufficient to protect it from loss.
IPC Fraud. European Bank approved opening the IPC merchant account in February, but the
account did not become operational until late March 1999, after European Bank had obtained a
merchant identification number for IPC from several credit card companies. During the one-month
waiting period, emails from Okun and Hossain inquired into the status of the account. Hossain
indicated that he had already sold numerous travel packages and had credit card charges piling up that
needed processing.
The Bayer interview and other documentation indicate that as soon as its merchant account
became operational, IPC filed numerous credit card charges which, in less than three months, totaled
about $13 million. Bayer indicated in his interview that the vast majority of these charges, about 85%,
would later be disputed by cardholders who refused to pay the billed amounts. He said there were also
indications, never proven, that IPC may have illegally obtained the credit card numbers from a database
and simply fabricated the unauthorized charges.
In April 1999, the first month the IPC account was operational, European Bank processed about
$3.5 million in charges and paid IPC over $2 million. The documentation shows that European Bank
sent the $2 million in four payments through its U.S. dollar account at Citibank to the IPC account at
BankAtlantic. The payments were:
On 4/21/99, European Bank received an email from TNT, its credit card processing company,
describing a phone call reporting “a possible fraud of cardholders of your merchant: Internet Processing
Corp.” European Bank attempted to find out more, but was unable to obtain any new information for
several days. On 4/23/99, it asked Citibank to recall its latest payment to IPC of $728,000, and
Citibank sent a 4/23/99 telex to BankAtlantic asking it to return the funds. Although BankAtlantic
apparently acknowledged on 4/26 receiving the Citibank telex, BankAtlantic failed to return the
$728,000. Instead, on the same day, 4/26/99, at IPC’s request, it wire transferred all but about $11,000
from the IPC account to a small bank in Jordan.
The documentation indicates that the 4/26 transfer was just the latest in a series of transfers by
IPC within days of receiving a payment from European Bank. In each instance, IPC transferred the
When asked to describe BankAtlantic’s response to the possible IPC fraud, Bayer characterized
it as “abysmal.” He noted that BankAtlantic never returned the $728,000; failed to promptly alert the
banks in Israel and Jordan to the possible IPC fraud; and failed to provide effective assistance in
locating Hossain, IPC or the missing $2 million. The Minority Staff investigation contacted
BankAtlantic directly about the IPC account. BankAtlantic neither confirmed nor denied that it had
opened the IPC account based upon an expired Florida drivers license, expired passport, and an
unverified company address. BankAtlantic indicated that it did not normally issue a bank letter of
reference for a two-week old account with minimal funds, and speculated that the BankAtlantic letter
provided to European Bank might have been a forgery. When asked whether the bank had any
concerns in April 1999 when IPC began moving large sums from Vanuatu to banks in the Middle East,
BankAtlantic indicated that the events had taken place so quickly, within the space of a month, that it
had no documentation indicating concerns prior to being contacted by European Bank. Despite a
request, BankAtlantic did not provide an explanation of why it transferred the $728,000 payment to a
Jordan bank on 4/26/99, instead of returning the funds to European Bank as requested.
European Bank alerted U.S. law enforcement, including the Secret Service, to the IPC fraud.
On 5/7/99, European Bank faxed urgent messages to Bank Leumi in Israel and Union Bank in Jordan
about the IPC fraud, but neither bank returned any funds or provided investigative leads. Bank Leumi
stated in a 6/10/99 fax that “under Israeli law, banks owe a strict duty of confidentiality to their
customers, which prevents us from providing any additional information other than by compulsion of
law.” European Bank asked Media World for assistance in locating IPC and Hossain; Okun agreed and
stated in an email that, “to avoid this absolute mess in the future, my investigating team will investigate
any and all people we bring to you.”433 European Bank was unable to find any trace of IPC, Hossain or
the missing $2 million.
European Bank calculated that, after taking into account IPC’s security deposit, the bank’s
discount rate and holdbacks, it actually lost about $1.3 million from the IPC fraud. On 5/17/99,
Citibank sent a letter asking about the fraud: “Citibank feels it would like to have an understanding of
what ... happened, and what will be done to avoid a repeat, given that we have placed very considerable
Bank docume ntation indicates the following four transfers.
–Follo wing Eur opean Bank’s p ayment o f about $ 705,0 00 on 4 /1/99, IP C transferr ed $70 0,000 on 4/5/9 9 to
Bank Leumi in Tel Aviv, Israel, and an unspecified accountholder withdrew the funds on 4/9/99.
–Following European Bank’s payment of about $333,000 on 4/9/99, IPC transferred $330,000 on 4/12/99
to Union Bank for Savings and Investment in Amman, Jordan, and P aul Al Marjai, the accountholder,
withdrew the funds o n 4/15/9 9.
–Following European Bank’s payment of about $358,000 on 4/15/99, IPC transferred $342,000 on 4/21/99
to the same Union Bank in Jordan, and Marjai withdrew the funds on 4/26/99.
–Following European Bank’s payment of about $728,000 on 4/26/99, IPC transferred $734,000 on 4/22/99
to Union Bank in Jordan, and Marjai withdrew the funds on 4/29/99.
Email dated 7/13/99 from Okun of Media World to Ihrig at European Bank.
weight on European Bank’s management.” In an internal Citibank memorandum dated 5/18/99, the
relationship manager for the European Bank account, Christopher Moore, indicated that the loss
appeared to be a substantial one, given European Bank’s thin capitalization. He wrote:
The real risk for us in the future is that some transactions that cause loss finish up in accounts
with us ... and they don’t have the resources to cover us. ... [W]e have to decide if this event is
terminal for us.
In the end he recommended requiring European Bank to keep $1 million on deposit at Citibank until
the IPC matter was fully resolved.
European Bank eventually sent Citibank a more detailed explanation of the IPC fraud.434 The
memorandum by bank president Robert Bohn stated in part:
The fraud occurred in the business of credit card clearing for a US merchant that had been
recommended ... by an existing client and which very quickly turned out to be bad. Our normal
due diligence ... on that merchant, including a trade reference and a reference from his USA
bank, as well as a financial assessment, revealed no obvious warning signals.
When asked about this memorandum, Bayer explained that the “existing client” and “trade reference”
both referred to Okun at Media World, and the “financial assessment” was the bank’s determination
that, because IPC was so new, the bank would use its most cautious merchant account terms, requiring
a 6% discount rate and 10% holdbacks on incoming credit card payments. Bayer said that, even with
those precautions, the loss had been a “very serious matter” for the bank, had required him to deposit
$1 million to cover the lost funds, and could have resulted in a bank failure, if the exposure had been
greater. He said, however, that European Bank appears to have weathered the damage to its solvency.
See 7/1/99 memorandum from European Bank to Moore at Citibank, CG 3966-67.