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Discussion Guide 8

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Developing Relationships By Pastor Bong Baylon

Discussion Guide No. 8

Respecting Boundaries

elcome to the eight session of DEVELOPING RELATIONSHIPS. Relating with people
is a challenge. But because we desire intimacy and friendship, we are willing to
risk getting involved with other people. Doing so, however, requires certain skills
and attitudes. So far we have covered seven of them in our course. We still need to talk
about three items. The first of these is respecting boundaries. Boundaries are what define
our personhood in relation to others. When our boundaries are healthy, our self-identity is
also secure. But when they are violated, we feel violated also. When we know how to
respect other people’s boundaries, we help them develop their own self-respect. At the
same time, we can help others without becoming too involved. In this session, we will
learn what it means to respect our own boundaries as well as the boundaries of other

Icebreaker Question:

How would you define the concept of “boundaries” in your own understanding?

Scripture reading: Galatians 6:1-5

Discussion Questions:

1. According to this passage, what are our responsibilities toward others in the body of
2. On the other hand, what are the responsibilities of people toward themselves?
3. How can we balance these two sets of responsibilities?
4. What does it mean to be responsible for your own thinking, feeling and doing?
5. How far can we help people with their own thinking, feeling and doing?
6. Why is it important to recognize our own boundaries as well as the boundaries of
other people?
7. How can you summarize the concept of boundaries based on what you have talked
about in this session?


1. Clarify your boundaries with each other. Explain what you would consider as
“boundary trespass.”
2. Make a promise to each other that you will respect each other’s boundaries.
However, agree also that you will apply the law of Christ (i.e. carrying each other’s
burdens) whenever it is necessary to do so.


Choose the next person who will share his or her life testimony in your next meeting.
Pray for that person. Be assertive if your boundaries are broken this week.

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