Midterm Fillintheblank
Midterm Fillintheblank
Midterm Fillintheblank
Fill in the blank with the correct term using the bank word bank below. 3. The process of putting our thoughts and feelings into words and nonverbal cues 4. The process of interpreting anothers message 5. Both the route traveled by the message and the means of transportation 6. Messages put together with careful thought when we recognize that our known scripts are inadequate for the situation 7. Phrasings learned from past encounters that we judge to be appropriate to the present situation 8. Spoken without much conscious thought 9. Any stimulus that interferes with the process of sharing meaning 10. The degree of liking or attractiveness in a relationship " " encoding" " interference" " immediacy " decoding " " " constructed messages" channel" " " scripted messages spontaneous expressions
11. When Frank comes home from the doctors ofce, you notice that he looks pale and his shoulders are slumped. He sits on the couch and stares into space. Conduct a perception check.
Fill in the blank with the correct term using the word bank below. 12. Your self-identity 13. A message that reects your understanding of the meaning of another persons nonverbal behavior 14. Your overall evaluation of your competence and personal worthiness 15. The internal conversations we have with ourselves 16. A pattern of learned behaviors that people use to meet the perceived demands of a particular context 17. Events that happen as a result of being foretold, expected, or talked about 18. The internal process of observing and regulating your own behavior based on your analysis of the situation and others responses to you 19. To generalize and perceive that a person has a whole set of characteristics when you actually have observed only one characteristic, trait, or behavior " " perception checking" " self-fullling prophecies" " " self-esteem" role" " " " self-concept" " self-monitoring" " " self-talk halo effect
Fill in the blank with the correct term using the bank word bank below. 20. A group of people who speak the same language 21. A theory claiming that language inuences perception 22. Explains how people come to agree on the rules of meaning in an interaction 23. The direct, explicit meaning a speech community formally gives a word 24. The mental and verbal practice of acknowledging the presence of individual differences when voicing generalizations.
25. Use words of status and problem solving, emphasize abstract and general language, and show assertiveness and control in speaking. 26. The feelings or evaluations we associate with a word 27. Use words of empathy and support, emphasize concrete and personal language, and show politeness and tentativeness in speaking 28. I love to vacation in the mountains, where its really cool in the mornings and youre likely to see some really cool animals is an example of " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " speech community " " syntactic context" " sapir-whorf hypothesis " connotation " " " feminine styles of language" " " " " " masculine styles of language index generalizations denotation coordinated management of meaning symbolic interaction theory
29. Hannah will say exactly what she means when speaking to you. Her messages are explicit with lots of details. This demonstrates __________ context communication. 30. Jorge is indirect and uses more general and ambiguous language when he speaks to you. Understanding his message may depend on the context in which his message is sent. This is an example of __________ context communication. Match the nonverbal communication characteristic with the correct statement.
31. A furrowed brow might convey confusion, anger, disgust, or concentration. 32. Mom notices Grandmas lack of eye contact, whistling, and rapid rocking in her rocking chair and decides that Grandma is lying about not giving Mason candy during his time out. 33. The axiom We cannot not communicate is an example of which nonverbal communication characteristic? 34. Martha sighs and rolls her eyes when she says, Im happy to be here. This is an example of which nonverbal communication characteristics.
" " " " " " " " " " " " A. nonverbal communication is inevitable B. nonverbal communication is ambiguous C. nonverbal communication is the primary conveyor of our emotions D. nonverbal communication is multi channeled
Fill in the blank with the correct term using the bank word bank below. 35. Movements of our hands, arms, and ngers that we use to describe or to emphasize 36. Use of body; the interpretation of body motions used in communication 37. The interpretation of a persons use of space
38. The interpretation of a persons use of time 39. Interpretation of touch 40. Use of voice; the interpretation of the message based on the paralinguistic features 41. When I show you with my hands how big of a sh I caught Im using what kind of gesture? 42. Giving someone the nger when driving is an example of 43. Constantly cracking your knuckles and adjusting your shirt during your speech is an example of what kind of gesture " " " " " " " " " kinesics" haptics"" emblems" " " " vocalics" gestures " proxemics" " " " adaptors " illustrators chronemics "
44. In the U.S., there are 4 distinct zones that are generally perceived as appropriate and comfortable, depending on the nature of the conversation. Draw a digram and label all 4 zones in correct order.