What Is A Cadence
What Is A Cadence
What Is A Cadence
Monday, Jan. 17th
9.15 - 9.30 Introduction Pieter Berg - Markus Neuwirth Session I
15.00 - 16.30
Session IV
What is a Cadence?
Theoretical and Analytical Perspectives on Cadences in the Classical Repertoire
Via Omero 8 - 00197 Roma www.academiabelgica.it
15.00-16.30: Eighteenth-century Concepts of the Tonic as Reflected in the Exposition and its Recomposition Peter A. Hoyt Break Session V
9.30 - 13.00
17.00 - 18.00
9.30-11.00: Gjerdingens Prinner: Further Harmonic and Formal Considerations William Caplin Break 11.30-13.00: Schemes: Schemata and the EighteenthCentury Cadence Vasili Byros Break Session II
9.30-11.00: The Cadence in the Partitura Tradition Felix Diergarten Break 11.30-13.00: The Cadenza in Partimento Theory and Practice Giorgio Sanguinetti Break Session VII
15.00-16.30: The Half Cadence and Other Analytic Fictions Poundie Burstein Break 16.45-18.00: To play the Cadence The Game Special Session
15.00 - 18:30
15.00-16.30: Absent Cadences Danuta Mirka 17.00-18.30: Fuggir la cadenza, or The Art of Avoiding Cadential Closure. A Contemporaneous Theoretical Perspective on 18th-century Music Markus Neuwirth Conclusions & Perspectives
9.30-11.00: The Perception of Cadential Closure in Mozarts Keyboard Sonatas David Sears / William Caplin / Stephen McAdams Break 11.30-13.00: Characteristic Signatures of Cadences in Mozarts Piano Sonatas Martin Rohrmeier/ Markus Neuwirth Break
Prof. dr. Pieter Berg (University of Leuven, Belgium) Drs. Markus Neuwirth (University of Leuven, Belgium)
18.30 - 19.30