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Welcome to value-conscious company. We are proud of the advanced engineering and quality construction of each equipment we manufacture. This manual explains the working of equipment. Please read it thoroughly and have all the occupants follow the instructions carefully. Doing so will help you enjoy many years of safe and trouble free operation. When it comes to service remember that K.C. Engineers knows your equipment best and is interested in your complete satisfaction. We will provide the quality maintenance and any other assistance you may require. All the information and specifications in this manual are correct at the time of printing. However, Because of K.C. Engineers policy of continual product improvement we reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice. Please note that this manual explains all about the equipment including options. Therefore you may find some explanations for options not installed on your equipment. You must follow the instructions and maintenance instructions given in the manual carefully to avoid possible injury or damage. Proper maintenance will help ensure maximum performance, greater reliability and longer life for the product.

K.C. Engineers

Sedimentation Studies Apparatus

Sedimentation Studies Apparatus


Objective Aim Introduction Theory Utilities Required Experimental Procedure Observation & Calculation

1 1 1 1 2 2 3

Sedimentation Studies Apparatus


Study of batch sedimentation process.

1. To plot a graph between the height of interface (z) and time ( ) for slurries having five different concentration (5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, and 15 %) of CaCO3 2. To plot settling rate (dz/d ) 0 vs initial concentration (Co) on a log-log-scale. 3. To determine the critical constant ( c, Cc) for each concentration (Co). 4. Use these critical parameters of slurry for the determination of Area (A) for continuous thickener.

The separation of dilute slurry by gravity settling into a clear fluid and slurry of higher solid concentration is known as Sedimentation. The mechanism of sedimentation observed during a batch settling set is shown in figure. As Sedimentation continues, the height of each zone varies as indicated in the figure. Both A and D grow larger at the expense of B and ultimately zone B & C disappear and all the solids appear in D. This is known as critical settling point. The same zones shall be present in a continuous thickener. Batch Sedimentation tests are used to determine the settling characteristics of a Slurry/Sludge. The analysis is further used for the design of continuous thickener.

For any batch sedimentation experiment, on slurry of known concentration, the height of a liquid-solid interface is obtained as a function of time. Slopes of this curve at any point of time represent settling velocities of the suspension at that time and are characteristics of specific solid concentration.

Sedimentation Studies Apparatus

U n ifo rm C o n c e n tr a tio n

V a r ia b le C o n c e n tra tio n

A B C D ( b ) C S o o T r a n s iti o n

A B C D ( c )

( a S t a r t

a r s e li d

A C E n d ( d ) D ( e )

Figure- (1). zo Let initial conc. of solids in the cylinder be = Co Height of solid liquid interface Cross sectional area of cylinder = zo =A z Height of interface 0 Figure - 2 Let c be the time needed to reach the critical concentration C c (i.e. when the settling velocity decreases rapidly). From the settling curve data (Figure - 2) as: a) b) c) d) e) Draw a tangent to the early part of the curve (representing free settling condition). Draw a tangent to the last portion of the curve (representing hindered settling condition). Extend the two tangents till they intersect. At the intersection, construct the angle bisector. The intersection of this angle bisector line with the settling curve gives an estimate of
c c

and Cc are obtained

Sedimentation Studies Apparatus

The mass balance for solid is: Cozo = Cuzu Subscript u denotes the underflow or

zu = zoCo / Cu case obtained from :


(zc - zu) / ( A = Lo

- c) = (z1 - zc) /

and area of thickener is obtained from :


/ zo, Lo = flow to the Unit


From the batch settling data the settling velocity at any tangent drawn at = Concentration at CL = Co zo / zi

is obtained from the slope of the

and is given by:


Settling Velocity V = (zi - zL) /


is given by:

1. Graduated Cylinders (1m long, 50mm dia.) 2. Stop Watch 3. CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate)

Prepare five samples of CaCO3 slurry (5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, and 15 %) in each cylinder. Mix the samples thoroughly before starting the experiment so that homogeneous slurry is obtained in each case. Note the initial height (zo). Start recording the time and interfacial height in each of the graduated cylinder separately continue to take the record till height of interface stops any further Note the final height (z).

Sedimentation Studies Apparatus


Concentration (Co, g/L) Time ( ) Seconds Hight of Interface zi (cm)

Plot all the curves Z vs . Find the slope of initial settling rates (dz /d ) =0 for each concentration (Co) and plot on a log-log graph.

log(dz/d ) =0 15% cm 1 12.5% 10% 7.5% 5% sec For a particular Co obtain settling rate concentration relationship. Determine the thickness A for any value of Lo. (log Co)

Sedimentation Studies Apparatus

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