The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek (Kebra Nagast)
The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek (Kebra Nagast)
The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek (Kebra Nagast)
furlher infornalion on lhe suljecl vas incIuded ly lhe }esuil
priesl ManoeI AIneida (18O-1646) in his Hisloria geraI de
Llhiopia, vhich does nol appear lo have leen pulIished in ils
enlirely. ManoeI AIneida vas senl oul as a nissionary lo
Llhiopia, and had alundanl neans of Iearning aloul lhe Klra
Nagasl al firsl hand, and his nanuscripl Hisloria is a vaIualIe
vork. His lrolher, ApoIIinare, aIso venl oul lo lhe counlry as a
nissionary, and vas, vilh his lvo conpanions, sloned lo dealh
in Tigr.
SliII fuIIer infornalion aloul lhe conlenls of lhe Klra
Nagasl vas suppIied ly I. BaIlhazar TeIIez (19-167), lhe
aulhor of lhe Hisloria generaI de Llhiopia AIla ou Iresle }oa,
Coinlra, 166O, foIio. The sources of his vork vere lhe hislories
of ManoeI AIneida, AIfonzo Mendez, }eronino Lolo, and
Ialher Iays. The Hisloria of TeIIez vas veII knovn lo }ol
LudoIf, and he refers lo il severaI lines in his Hi sl ori a
lhiopica, vhich vas pulIished al Irankforl in 1681, lul il is
prelly cerlain lhal he had no firsl-hand knovIedge of lhe Klra
Nagasl as a vhoIe. Though he regarded nuch of ils conlenls as
faluIous, he vas prepared lo accepl lhe slalenenl of TeIIez as
Irinled aloul 133.
A Irench lransIalion fron lhe Spanish version of lhis vork appeared
in Iaris in 18, foIio.
7. Concerning Noah
Nov Noah vas a righleous nan. He feared Cod, and kepl lhe
righleousness and lhe Lav vhich his falhers had decIared unlo hin~nov
Noah vas lhe lenlh generalion fron Adan~and he kepl in renenlrance
and did vhal vas good, and he preserved his lody fron fornicalion, and
he adnonished his chiIdren, lidding lhen nol lo ningIe vilh lhe chiIdren
of Cain, lhe arroganl lyranl, lhe divider of lhe kingdon, |vhoj vaIked in
lhe counseI of lhe DeviI, vho nakelh eviI lo fIourish. And he laughl lhen
everylhing lhal Cod haled~pride, loaslfuIness of speech, seIf-aduIalion,
caIunnialion, faIse accusalion, and lhe svearing of faIse oalhs. And
lesides lhese lhings, in lhe vickedness of lheir uncIeanness, vhich vas
unIavfuI and againsl ruIe, nan vroughl poIIulion vilh nan, and vonan
vorked vilh vonan lhe aloninalIe lhing.
8. Concerning lhe IIood
And lhis lhing vas eviI lefore Cod, and He deslroyed lhen vilh lhe
valer of lhe IIood, vhich vas coIder lhan ice. He opened lhe doors of
heaven, and lhe calaracls of lhe IIood poured dovn, and He opened lhe
founlains lhal vere under lhe earlh, and lhe founlains of lhe IIood
appeared on lhe earlh. And lhe sinners vere lIolled oul, for lhey reaped
lhe fruil of lheir punishnenl. And vilh lhen perished aII leasls and
creeping lhings, for lhey vere aII crealed for lhe gralificalion of Adan, and
for his gIory, sone lo provide hin vilh food, and sone for his pIeasure,
and sone for lhe nanes lo lhe gIorificalion of his Crealor so lhal he nighl
knov lhen, even as David sailh, And Thou hasl sel everylhing under his
for his sake lhey vere crealed, and for his sake lhey vere deslroyed,
vilh lhe exceplion of Lighl SouIs, and seven of every kind of cIean leasls
and creeping lhings, and lvo of every kind of uncIean leasl and creeping
IsaIn viii, 6.
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Kelra Nagasl
9. Concerning lhe Covenanl of Noah
And lhen Noah lhe righleous nan died, and Shen reigned in visdon
and righleousness, for he vas lIessed ly Noah, saying, Be Cod lo lhy
lrolher. And lo Han he said, Be servanl lo lhy lrolher. And he said
unlo }aphel, Be lhou servanl lo Shen ny heir, and le lhou suljecl unlo
And again, afler lhe IIood, lhe DeviI, our Lneny, did nol cease
fron his hosliIily againsl lhe chiIdren of Noah, lul slirred up Canaan, lhe
son of Han, and he lecane lhe vioIenl lyranl (or usurper) vho renl lhe
kingdon fron lhe chiIdren of Shen. Nov lhey had divided lhe earlh
anong lhen, and Noah had nade lhen svear ly lhe Nane of his Cod lhal
lhey vouId nol encroach on each olhers loundaries, and vouId nol eal lhe
leasl lhal had died of ilseIf or had leen renl |ly viId aninaIsj, and lhal
lhey vouId nol cuIlivale harIolry againsl lhe Iav, Iesl Cod shouId again
lecone angry vilh lhen and punish lhen vilh a IIood. And as for Noah,
he hunlIed hinseIf, and offered up sacrifice, and he cried oul, and
groaned, and vepl. And Cod heId converse vilh Noah, vho said |unlo
Hinj, If Thou viIl deslroy lhe earlh a second line vilh a IIood, lIol Thou
ne oul vilh lhose vho are lo perish. And Cod said unlo hin, I viII
nake a covenanl vilh lhee lhal lhou shaIl leII lhy chiIdren lhey shaII nol
eal lhe leasl lhal halh died of ilseIf or lhal halh leen lorn ly viId leasls,
and lhey shaII nol cuIlivale harIolry againsl lhe Iav, and I, on My parl,
|covenanlj lhal I viII nol deslroy lhe earlh a second line vilh a IIood, and
lhal I viII give unlo lhy chiIdren Winler and Sunner, Seedline and
Harvesl, Aulunn and Spring.
1O. Concerning Zion
And I svear ly MyseIf and ly Zion, lhe TalernacIe of My covenanl,
vhich I have crealed for a nercy seal and for lhe saIvalion of nen, and in
lhe Ialler days I viII nake il lo cone dovn lo lhy seed, lhal I viII have
Conpare Cenesis ix, 2-27.
Cenesis viii, 21, and conpare Cenesis ix, 4.
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pIeasure in lhe offerings of lhy chiIdren upon earlh, and lhe TalernacIe of
My covenanl shaII le vilh lhen for ever. And vhen a cIoud halh appeared
|in lhe skyj, so lhal lhey nay nol fear and nay nol inagine lhal a IIood |is
coningj I viII nake lo cone dovn fron My halilalion of Zion lhe Bov of
My Covenanl, lhal is lo say, lhe rainlov, vhich shaII lhe TalernacIe of My
Lav. And il shaII cone lo pass lhal, vhen lheir sins nuIlipIy, and I an
vishfuI lo le vrolh vilh lhen, I viII renenler lhe TalernacIe of My
Covenanl, and I viII sel lhe rainlov |in lhe skyj, and I viII pul avay Mine
anger and viII send My conpassion. And I viII nol forgel My vord, and
lhal vhich halh gone forlh fron My noulh I viII nol overIook. Though
heaven and earlh pass avay My vord shaII nol pass avay.
And lhe Archlishops vho vere lhere ansvered and said lo lhe lIessed
Cregory, BehoId nov, ve undersland cIearIy lhal lefore every crealed
lhing, even lhe angeIs, and lefore lhe heavens and lhe earlh, and lefore lhe
piIIars of heaven, and lhe alysses of lhe sea, He crealed lhe TalernacIe of
lhe Covenanl, and lhis vhich is in heaven goelh aloul upon lhe earlh.
11. The Unaninous DecIaralion of lhe Three Hundred and Lighleen
rlhodox Ialhers
And lhey ansvered and said unlo hin, Yea, veriIy lhe TalernacIe of
lhe Covenanl vas lhe firsl lhing lo le crealed ly Hin, and lhere is no Iie in
lhy vord, il is lrue, and correcl, and righleous, and unaIleralIe. He crealed
Zion lefore everylhing eIse lo le lhe halilalion of His gIory, and lhe pIan
of His Covenanl vas lhal vhich He said, 'I viII pul on lhe fIesh of Adan,
vhich is of lhe dusl, and I viII appear unlo aII lhose vhon I have crealed
vilh My hand and vilh My voice. And if il had leen lhal lhe heavenIy
Zion had nol cone dovn, and if He had nol pul on lhe fIesh of Adan, lhen
Cod lhe Word vouId nol have appeared, and our saIvalion vouId nol
have laken pIace. The leslinony (or proof) is in lhe siniIilude, lhe heavenIy
Zion is lo le regarded as lhe siniIilude of lhe Molher of lhe Redeener,
Mary. Ior in lhe Zion vhich is luiIded lhere are deposiled lhe Ten Words
Mallhev xxiv, 3.
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of lhe Lav vhich vere vrillen ly His hands, and He HinseIf, lhe Crealor,
dveIl in lhe vonl of Mary, and lhrough Hin everylhing cane inlo
12. Concerning Canaan
Nov, il vas Canaan vho renl lhe kingdon fron lhe chiIdren of Shen,
and he lransgressed lhe oalh vhich his falher Noah had nade lhen lo
svear. And lhe sons of Canaan vere seven nighly nen, and he look seven
nighly cilies fron lhe Iand of Shen, and sel his sons over lhen, and
Iikevise he aIso nade his ovn porlion doulIe. And in Ialer days Cod look
vengeance upon lhe sons of Canaan, and nade lhe sons of Shen lo inheril
lheir counlry. These are lhe nalions vhon lhey inheriled: lhe Canaaniles,
lhe Ierizziles, lhe Hiviles, lhe Hilliles, lhe Anoriles, lhe }elusiles, and lhe
Cirgasiles, lhese are lhey vhon Canaan seized ly force fron lhe seed of
Shen. Ior il vas nol righl for hin lo invade |hisj kingdon, and lo faIsify
lhe oalh, and lecause of lhis lhey ceased lo le, and lheir nenoriaI
perished, lhrough lransgressing |Codsj connand, and vorshipping idoIs,
and loving dovn lo lhose vho vere nol gods.
And afler lhe dealh of Shen Arphaxad reigned, and afler lhe dealh of
Arphaxad Kynn
(Cainan) reigned, and afler lhe dealh of Kynn SI
(SaIah) reigned, and afler hin Ller reigned, and afler hin IIk (IeIeg)
reigned, and afler hin Rgv (Reu) reigned, and afler hin Srh (Serug)
reigned, and afler hin Nkhr (Nahor) reigned, and afler hin Tr (Terah)
reigned. And lhese are lhey vho nade nagicaI inages, and lhey venl lo
lhe lonls of lheir falhers and nade an inage (or, piclure) of goId, and
siIver, and lrass, and a deviI used lo hoId converse vilh lhen oul of each
of lhe inages of lheir falhers, and say unlo lhen, ny son So-and-so,
offer up unlo ne as a sacrifice lhe son vhon lhou Iovesl. And lhey
sIaughlered lheir sons and lheir daughlers lo lhe deviIs, and lhey poured
oul innocenl lIood lo fiIlhy deviIs.
The son of Han (Cenesis x, 6).
There is sone confusion here, Cainan vas lhe son of Lnos (Cen. v, 9).
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13. Concerning Alrahan
And Tr (Terah) legol a son and caIIed hin Alrahan (or, Alrn).
And vhen Alrahan vas lveIve years oId his falher Terah senl hin lo seII
idoIs. And Alrahan said, These are nol gods lhal can nake deIiverance,
and he look avay lhe idoIs lo seII even as his falher had connanded hin.
And he said unlo lhose unlo vhon he vouId seII lhen, Do ye vish lo
luy gods lhal cannol nake deIiverance, |lhingsj nade of vood, and slone,
and iron, and lrass, vhich lhe hand of an arlificer halh nade And lhey
refused lo luy lhe idoIs fron Alrahan lecause he hinseIf had defaned
lhe inages of his falher. And as he vas relurning he slepped aside fron lhe
road, and he sel lhe inages dovn, and Iooked al lhen, and said unlo lhen,
I vonder nov if ye are alIe lo do vhal I ask you al lhis nonenl, and
vhelher ye are alIe lo give ne lread lo eal or valer lo drink And none
of lhen ansvered hin, for lhey vere pieces of slone and vood, and he
alused lhen and heaped reviIings upon lhen, and lhey spake never a
vord. And he luffeled lhe face of one, and kicked anolher vilh his feel,
and a lhird he knocked over and lroke lo pieces vilh slones, and he said
unlo lhen, If ye are unalIe lo deIiver yourseIves fron hin lhal luffelelh
you, and ye cannol requile vilh injury hin lhal injurelh you, hov can ye
le caIIed 'gods Those vho vorship you do so in vain, and as for nyseIf I
ullerIy despise you, and ye shaII nol le ny gods. Then he lurned his face
lo lhe Lasl, and he slrelched oul his hands and said, Be Thou ny Cod,
Lord, Crealor of lhe heavens and lhe earlh, Crealor of lhe sun and lhe
noon, Crealor of lhe sea and lhe dry Iand, Maker of lhe najesly of lhe
heavens and lhe earlh, and of lhal vhich is visilIe and lhal vhich is
invisilIe, Maker of lhe universe, le Thou ny Cod. I pIace ny lrusl in
Thee, and fron lhis day forlh I viII pIace ny lrusl in no olher save
ThyseIf. And lhen lhere appeared unlo hin a chariol of fire vhich lIazed,
and Alrahan vas afraid and feII on his face on lhe ground, and |Codj said
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unlo hin, Iear lhou nol, sland uprighl.
And He renoved fear fron
14. Concerning lhe Covenanl of Alrahan
And Cod heId converse vilh Alrn, and He said unlo hin, Iear lhou
nol. Iron lhis day lhou arl My servanl, and I viII eslalIish My Covenanl
vilh lhee and vilh lhy seed afler lhee, and I viII nuIlipIy lhy seed, and I
viII nagnify lhy nane exceedingIy. And I viII lring dovn lhe TalernacIe
of My Covenanl upon lhe earlh seven generalions afler lhee, and il shaII go
round aloul vilh lhy seed, and shaII le saIvalion unlo lhy race and
aflervards I viII send My Word for lhe saIvalion of Adan and his sons for
ever. And al lhis nonenl lhese vho are of lhy kinsnen are eviI nen (or,
releIs), and My divinily, vhich is lrue, lhey have rejecled. And as for lhee,
lhal day ly day lhey nay nol seduce lhee, cone, gel lhee forlh oul of lhis
Iand, lhe Iand of lhy falhers, inlo lhe Iand vhich I viII shov lhee, and I viII
give il unlo lhy seed afler lhee.
And Alrn nade oleisance lo Cod,
and vas suljecl lo his Cod. And |Codj said unlo hin, Thy nane shaII le
Alrahan, and He gave hin lhe saIulalion of peace and venl up inlo
heaven. And Alrahan relurned lo his alode, and he look Sr (Sarah) his
vife, and venl forlh and did nol go lack lo his falher, and his nolher, and
his house, and his kinsfoIk, and he forsook lhen aII for Cods sake. And he
arrived in lhe cily of SIn, and dveIl lhere and reigned in righleousness,
and did nol lransgress lhe connandnenl of Cod. And Cod lIessed hin
exceedingIy, and al Ienglh he possessed |3j18 slaIvarl servanls, vho vere
lrained in var, and vho slood lefore hin and perforned his viII. And
lhey vore lunics richIy enlroidered vilh goId, and lhey had chains of
goId aloul lheir necks, and leIls of goId round lheir Ioins, and lhey had
crovns of goId on lheir heads, and ly neans of lhese nen Alrahan
vanquished |hisj foe. And he died in gIory in Cod, and vas nore gracious
Conpare Cenesis xv, 1.
Conpare Cenesis xii and xiii, 14-17.
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and exceIIenl lhan lhose vho vere lefore hin. He vas gracious, and heId
in honour, and highIy esleened.
1. Concerning Isaac and }acol
And Isaac his son lecane king, and he did nol lransgress lhe
connandnenl of Cod, and he vas pure in his souI and in his lody, and he
died in honour. And his son }acol reigned, and he aIso did nol lransgress
lhe connandnenl of Cod, and his possessions lecane nunerous, and his
chiIdren vere nany, and Cod lIessed hin and he died in honour.
16. Concerning RlI (Reulen)
And afler hin, }acols firsllorn son lransgressed lhe connandnenl of
Cod, and lhe kingdon deparled fron hin and fron his seed, lecause he
had defiIed his falhers vife,
nov il is nol righl lo lransgress lhe Iav
vhich Cod halh connanded. And his falher cursed hin, and Cod vas
vrolh vilh hin, and he lecane lhe Ieasl anong his lrelhren, and his
chiIdren lecane Ieprous and scally, and aIlhough he vas lhe firsllorn son
|of }acolj lhe kingdon vas renl fron hin.
And his younger lrolher
reigned, and he vas caIIed }udah lecause of lhis.
And his seed vas
lIessed, and his kingdon fIourished, and his sons vere lIessed. And afler
hin Irs (Iharez) his son reigned. And he died and `Isarn (Hezron) his
son reigned. And afler hin his son `rni (ren
) reigned, and afler hin
Arn (Aran
) his son reigned, and afler hin Anndl his son reigned,
and afler hin Nsn (Naasson) his son reigned, and afler hin SI
Cenesis xxxv, 22, xIix, 4.
I ChronicIes v, 1.
Here lhe nane }udah is considered lo le derived fron lhe Llhiopic rool hd, lo
carry off ly force.
See I ChronicIes ii, 2.
Mallhev i, 4., Luke iii, 33.
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(SaInon) his son reigned, and afler hin Bos (Boaz) his son reigned, and
afler hin `Iyld (led) his son reigned, and afler hin Lsy (}esse) his
son reigned. And lhis is vhal I say |concerningj lhe kingdon: The lIessing
of lhe falher |vasj on lhe son, so lhal il (i.e., lhe kingdon) vas lIessed vilh
prosperily. And as for lhe kingship over IsraeI, afler lhe dealh of }esse
David reigned in righleousness, and in inlegrily, and in graciousness.
17. Concerning lhe CIory of Zion
And as concerning Zion, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod: al lhe very
leginning, as soon as Cod had slalIished lhe heavens, He ordained lhal il
shouId lecone lhe halilalion of His gIory upon lhe earlh. And viIIing lhis
He lroughl il dovn lo lhe earlh, and pernilled Moses lo nake a Iikeness
of il. And He said unlo hin, Make an ark (or, lalernacIe) of vood lhal
cannol le ealen ly vorns, and overIay il vilh pure goId. And lhou shaIl
pIace lherein lhe Word of lhe Lav, vhich is lhe Covenanl lhal I have
vrillen vilh Mine ovn fingers, lhal lhey nay keep My Iav, lhe Tvo
TalIes of lhe Covenanl.
Nov lhe heavenIy and spiriluaI |originaIj
vilhin il is of divers coIours, and lhe vork lhereof is narveIIous, and il
resenlIelh jasper, and lhe sparkIing slone, and lhe lopaz, and lhe
hyacinlhine slone(), and lhe cryslaI, and lhe Iighl, and il calchelh lhe eye
ly force, and il aslonishelh lhe nind and slupefielh il vilh vonder, il vas
nade ly lhe nind of Cod and nol ly lhe hand of lhe arlificer, nan, lul He
HinseIf crealed il for lhe halilalion of His gIory. And il is a spiriluaI lhing
and is fuII of conpassion, il is a heavenIy lhing and is fuII of Iighl, il is a
lhing of freedon and a halilalion of lhe Codhead, Whose halilalion is in
heaven, and Whose pIace of novenenl is on lhe earlh, and il dveIIelh vilh
nen and vilh lhe angeIs, a cily of saIvalion for nen, and for lhe HoIy Spiril
a halilalion. And vilhin il are a Conor of goId |conlainingj a neasure of
lhe nanna vhich cane dovn fron heaven, and lhe rod of Aaron vhich
sprouled afler il had lecone vilhered lhough no one valered il vilh
See Lxodus xxv, 1O ff.
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valer, and one had lroken il in lvo pIaces, and il lecane lhree rods leing
|originaIIy onIyj one rod.
And Moses covered |lhe Arkj vilh pure goId, and he nade for il poIes
vherevilh lo carry il and rings |in vhich lo pIace lhenj, and lhey carried il
lefore lhe peopIe unliI lhey lroughl il inlo lhe Iand of |lheirj inherilance,
vhich is }erusaIen, lhe Cily of Zion. And vhen lhey vere crossing lhe
}ordan and lhe priesls vere carrying il, lhe valers slood uprighl Iike a vaII
unliI aII lhe peopIe had passed over, and afler aII lhe peopIe had passed
over lhe priesls passed over learing lhe Ark, and lhey sel il dovn in lhe
cily of }udah, lhe Iand of |lheirj inherilance. And prophels vere appoinled
over lhe chiIdren of IsraeI in lhe TalernacIe of Teslinony, and lhe priesls
vore lhe ephod, so lhal lhey nighl ninisler lo lhe TalernacIe of
Teslinony, and lhe high priesls offered up offerings, so lhal lhey nighl
ollain renission of lheir ovn sins and of lhe sins of lhe peopIe Iikevise.
And Cod connanded Moses and Aaron lo nake hoIy vesseIs for lhe
TalernacIe of Teslinony for lhe furnishing of lhe HoIy of HoIies, naneIy,
vesseIs of goId, lovIs and pols, pilchers and sacred lalIes, nelled cIolhs
and lops for piIIars, Ianps and vesseIs for fiIIing lhen, lorch-hoIders and
snuffers, longs, candIeslicks, and rings and rods for carrying lhen, Iarge
lovIs and Iavers, enlroidered curlains and hangings, crovns and vorked
veslnenls, purpIe cIolhs and Iealher vork, carpels and draperies, unguenls
for anoinling priesls and kings, hyacinlhine and purpIe hangings, rugs of
doulIe lhickness and hangings of siIk (), skins of kids and red hides of
rans, and sardius slones, and rulies, and sapphires, and eneraIds |and lo
pIace lhenj in lhe TalernacIe of Wilness, vhere dveIIelh Zion, lhe
halilalion of His gIory. |And Cod loId lhenj lo nake for il lhe leIIy of a
ship vilh lhe Tvo TalIes, vhich vere vrillen ly lhe fingers of
Cod~Zion shaII resl upon lhen~And lhou shaIl nake for il a lalernacIe
of vood lhal lhe vorns cannol eal, vhereon Zion shaII resl, lvo culils and
haIf a culil shaII le lhe Ienglh lhereof, and a culil and haIf a culil lhe
lreadlh lhereof, and lhou shaIl cover il vilh pure goId, lolh lhe oulside
lhereof and lhe inside lhereof. And lhou shaIl nake lhe fillings and lhe
cover lhereof of fine goId, and lhere shaII le rings round aloul il, and lhou
shaIl nake in lhe four sides four hoIes for lhe carrying-poIes. And lhou
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shaIl nake il of vood lhal lhe vorns cannol eal, and lhou shaIl cover il
vilh pure goId, and in lhis ye shaII carry lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav.
In lhis vise did Cod connand Moses on Mounl Sinai, and He shoved
hin lhe vork lhereof, and lhe conslruclion and lhe pallern of lhe Tenl,
according lo vhich he vas lo nake il. And il (i.e., Zion) vas revered and
had exceedingIy greal najesly in IsraeI, and il vas acknovIedged ly Cod
lo le lhe halilalion of His gIory. And He HinseIf cane dovn on lhe
nounlain of His hoIiness, and He heId converse vilh His chosen ones, and
He opened lo lhen |a vay ofj saIvalion, and He deIivered lhen fron lhe
hand of lheir enenies. And he spake vilh lhen fron lhe piIIar of cIoud,
and connanded lhen lo keep His Lav and His connandnenls, and lo
vaIk in lhe precepls of Cod.
18. Hov lhe rlhodox Ialhers and Bishops Agreed
And again lhe CounciI of lhe Three Hundred and Lighleen ansvered
and said, Anen. This is lhe saIvalion of lhe chiIdren of Adan. Ior since
lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod halh cone dovn, lhey shaII le caIIed,
'Men of lhe house of Cod, even as David sailh, 'And His halilalion is in
And again he sailh ly lhe noulh of lhe HoIy Chosl, 'And My
halilalion is here, for I have chosen il. And I viII lIess her priesls, and I
viII nake her poor lo le gIad. And unlo David viII I give seed in her, and
upon lhe earlh one vho shaII lecone king, and noreover, in lhe heavens
one fron his seed shaII reign in lhe fIesh upon lhe lhrone of lhe Codhead.
And as for his enenies lhey shaII le galhered logelher under his foolslooI,
and lhey shaII le seaIed vilh his seaI.
19. Hov This Book Cane lo le Iound
And Dnlys (Donilius), lhe Archlishop of Rn (i.e.,
ConslanlinopIe, Byzanliun), said, I have found in lhe Church of |Sainlj
Sophia anong lhe looks and lhe royaI lreasures a nanuscripl |vhich
IsaIn ix, 11.
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slaledj lhal lhe vhoIe kingdon of lhe vorId |leIongedj lo lhe Lnperor of
Rn and lhe Lnperor of Llhiopia.
2O. Concerning lhe Division of lhe Larlh
Iron lhe niddIe of }erusaIen, and fron lhe norlh lhereof lo lhe soulh-
easl is lhe porlion of lhe Lnperor of Rn, and fron lhe niddIe of
}erusaIen fron lhe norlh lhereof lo lhe soulh and lo Weslern India is lhe
porlion of lhe Lnperor of Llhiopia. Ior lolh of lhen are of lhe seed of
Shen, lhe son of Noah, lhe seed of Alrahan, lhe seed of David, lhe
chiIdren of SoIonon. Ior Cod gave lhe seed of Shen gIory lecause of lhe
lIessing of lheir falher Noah. The Lnperor of Rn is lhe son of SoIonon,
and lhe Lnperor of Llhiopia is lhe firsllorn and eIdesl son of SoIonon.
21. Concerning lhe Queen of lhe Soulh
And hov lhis Queen vas lorn I have discovered vrillen in lhal
nanuscripl, and in lhis nanner aIso dolh lhe LvangeIisl nenlion lhal
vonan. And our Lord }esus Chrisl, in condenning lhe }evish peopIe, lhe
crucifiers, vho Iived al lhal line, spake, saying: The Queen of lhe Soulh
shaII rise up on lhe Day of }udgnenl and shaII dispule vilh, and condenn,
and overcone lhis generalion vho vouId nol hearken unlo lhe preaching
of My vord, for she cane fron lhe ends of lhe earlh lo hear lhe visdon of
And lhe Queen of lhe Soulh of vhon He spake vas lhe
Queen of Llhiopia. And in lhe vords ends of lhe earlh |He nakelh
aIIusionj lo lhe deIicacy of lhe conslilulion of vonen, and lhe Iong
dislance of lhe journey, and lhe lurning heal of lhe sun, and lhe hunger on
lhe vay, and lhe lhirsl for valer. And lhis Queen of lhe Soulh vas very
leaulifuI in face, and her slalure vas superl, and her underslanding and
inleIIigence, vhich Cod had given her, vere of such high characler lhal she
venl lo }erusaIen lo hear lhe visdon of SoIonon, nov lhis vas done ly
lhe connand of Cod and il vas His good pIeasure. And noreover, she
Mallhev xii, 42, Luke xi, 31.
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vas exceedingIy rich, for Cod had given her gIory, and riches, and goId,
and siIver, and spIendid appareI, and caneIs, and sIaves, and lrading nen
(or, nerchanls). And lhey carried on her lusiness and lrafficked for her ly
sea and ly Iand, and in India, and in `Asvn (Syene).
22. Concerning Tnrn, lhe Merchanl
And lhere vas a cerlain vise nan, lhe Ieader of a nerchanls caravan,
vhose nane vas Tnrn, and he used lo Ioad five hundred and lvenly
caneIs, and he possessed aloul lhree and sevenly ships.
Nov al lhal line King SoIonon vished lo luiId lhe House of Cod, and
he senl oul nessages anong aII lhe nerchanls in lhe easl and in lhe vesl,
and in lhe norlh and in lhe soulh, lidding lhe nerchanls cone and lake
goId and siIver fron hin, so lhal he nighl lake fron lhen vhalsoever vas
necessary for lhe vork. And cerlain nen reporled lo hin concerning lhis
rich Llhiopian nerchanl, and SoIonon senl lo hin a nessage and loId hin
lo lring vhalsoever he vished fron lhe counlry of Aralia, red goId, and
lIack vood lhal couId nol le ealen ly vorns, and sapphires. And lhal
nerchanl, vhose nane vas Tnrn, lhe nerchanl of lhe Queen of Llhiopia,
venl lo SoIonon lhe King, and SoIonon look vhalsoever he desired fron
hin, and he gave lo lhe nerchanl vhalsoever he vished for in greal
alundance. Nov lhal nerchanl vas a nan of greal underslanding, and he
sav and conprehended lhe visdon of SoIonon, and he narveIIed
|lherealj, and he valched carefuIIy so lhal he nighl Iearn hov lhe King
nade ansver ly his vord, and undersland his judgnenl, and lhe readiness
of his noulh, and lhe discreelness of his speech, and lhe nanner of his Iife,
and his silling dovn and his rising up, and his occupalions, and his Iove,
and his adninislralion, and his lalIe, and his Iav. To lhose lo vhon
SoIonon had lo give orders he spake vilh huniIily and graciousness, and
vhen lhey had connilled a fauIl he adnonished lhen |genlIyj. Ior he
ordered his house in lhe visdon and fear of Cod, and he sniIed graciousIy
on lhe fooIs and sel lhen on lhe righl road, and he deaIl genlIy vilh lhe
naidservanls. He opened his noulh in paralIes, and his vords vere
sveeler lhan lhe puresl honey, his vhoIe lehaviour vas adniralIe, and his
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vhoIe aspecl pIeasanl. Ior visdon is leIoved ly nen of underslanding,
and is rejecled ly fooIs.
And vhen lhal nerchanl had seen aII lhese lhings he vas aslonished,
and he narveIIed exceedingIy. Ior lhose vho vere,vonl lo see SoIonon
heId hin in conpIele affeclion, and he |lecanej lheir leacher, and lecause
of his visdon and exceIIence lhose vho had once cone lo hin did nol
vish lo Ieave hin and go avay fron hin. And lhe sveelness of his vords
vas Iike valer lo lhe nan vho is alhirsl, and Iike lread lo lhe hungry nan,
and Iike heaIing lo lhe sick nan, and Iike appareI lo lhe naked nan. And
he vas Iike a falher lo lhe orphans. And he judged vilh righleousness and
accepled lhe person of no nan (i.e., he vas inparliaI). He had gIory, and
riches, vhich Cod had given unlo hin, in greal alundance, naneIy, goId,
and siIver, and precious slones, and rich appareI, and callIe, and sheep, and
goals innuneralIe. Nov in lhe days of SoIonon lhe King goId vas as
connon as lronze, and siIver as Iead, and lronze and Iead and iron vere
as alundanl as lhe grass of lhe fieIds and lhe reeds of lhe deserl and
cedarvood vas aIso alundanl. And Cod had given hin gIory, and riches,
and visdon, and grace in such alundance lhal lhere vas none Iike unlo
hin anong his predecessors, and anong lhose vho cane afler hin lhere
vas none Iike unlo hin.
23. Hov lhe Merchanl Relurned lo Llhiopia
And il cane lo pass lhal lhe nerchanl Tnrn vished lo relurn lo his
ovn counlry, and he venl lo SoIonon and loved Iov lefore hin, and
enlraced hin and said unlo hin, Ieace le lo lhy najesly! Send ne avay
and Iel ne deparl lo ny counlry lo ny Lady, for I have larried Iong in
lehoIding lhy gIory, and lhy visdon, and lhe alundance of dainly neals
vherevilh lhou hasl regaIed ne. And nov I vouId deparl lo ny Lady.
WouId lhal I couId alide vilh lhee, even as one of lhe very Ieasl of lhy
servanls, for lIessed are lhey vho hear lhy voice and perforn lhy
connands! WouId lhal I couId alide here and never Ieave lhee! lul lhou
nusl send ne avay lo ny Lady lecause of vhal halh leen connilled lo
ny charge, so lhal I nay give unlo her her properly. And as for nyseIf, I
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an her servanl. And SoIonon venl inlo his house and gave unlo hin
vhalever vaIualIe lhing he desired for lhe counlry of Llhiopia, and he senl
hin avay in peace. And Tnrn lade hin fareveII, and venl forlh, and
journeyed aIong his road, and cane lo his Lady, and deIivered over lo her
aII lhe possessions vhich he had lroughl. And he reIaled unlo her hov he
had arrived in lhe counlry of }udah |andj }erusaIen, and hov he had gone
inlo lhe presence of SoIonon lhe King, and aII lhal he had heard and seen.
And he loId her hov SoIonon adninislered jusl judgnenl, and hov he
spake vilh aulhorily, and hov he decided righlIy in aII lhe nallers vhich
he enquired inlo, and hov he relurned sofl and gracious ansvers, and hov
lhere vas nolhing faIse aloul hin, and hov he appoinled inspeclors over
lhe seven hundred voodnen vho hauIed lhe linler and lhe eighl
hundred nasons vho heved lhe slone, and hov he soughl lo Iearn fron
aII lhe nerchanls and deaIers concerning lhe cunning crafl and lhe
vorking lhereof, and hov he received infornalion and inparled il
lvofoId, and hov aII his handicrafl and his vorks vere perforned vilh
And each norning Tnrn reIaled lo lhe Queen |aloulj aII lhe visdon
of SoIonon, hov he adninislered judgnenl and did vhal vas jusl, and
hov he ordered his lalIe, and hov he nade feasls, and hov he laughl
visdon, and hov he direcled his servanls and aII his affairs on a vise
syslen, and hov lhey venl on lheir errands al his connand, and hov no
nan defrauded anolher, and hov no nan purIoined lhe properly of his
neighlour, and hov lhere vas neilher a lhief nor a roller in his days. Ior
in his visdon he knev lhose vho had done vrong, and he chaslised lhen,
and nade lhen afraid, and lhey did nol repeal lheir eviI deeds, lul lhey
Iived in a slale of peace vhich had ningIed lherein lhe fear of lhe King.
AII lhese lhings did Tnrn reIale unlo lhe Queen, and each norning he
recaIIed lhe lhings lhal he had seen vilh lhe King and descriled lhen unlo
her. And lhe Queen vas slruck dunl vilh vonder al lhe lhings lhal she
heard fron lhe nerchanl her servanl, and she lhoughl in her hearl lhal she
vouId go lo hin, and she vepl ly reason of lhe grealness of her pIeasure
in lhose lhings lhal Tnrn had loId her.
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And she vas exceedingIy anxious lo go lo hin, lul vhen she pondered
upon lhe Iong journey she lhoughl lhal il vas loo far and loo difficuIl lo
underlake. And line afler line she asked Tnrn queslions aloul
SoIonon, and line afler line Tnrn loId her aloul hin, and she lecane
very vishfuI and nosl desirous lo go lhal she nighl hear his visdon, and
see his face, and enlrace hin, and pelilion his royaIly. And her hearl
incIined lo go lo hin, for Cod had nade her hearl incIine lo go and had
nade her lo desire il.
24. Hov lhe Queen Made Ready lo Sel ul on her }ourney
And lhe Queen said unlo lhen, Hearken, ye vho are ny peopIe,
and give ye ear lo ny vords. Ior I desire visdon and ny hearl seekelh lo
find underslanding. I an snillen vilh lhe Iove of visdon, and I an
conslrained ly lhe cords of underslanding, for visdon is far leller lhan
lreasure of goId and siIver, and visdon is lhe lesl of everylhing lhal halh
leen crealed on lhe earlh. Nov unlo vhal under lhe heavens shaII visdon
le conpared Il is sveeler lhan honey, and il nakelh one lo rejoice nore
lhan vine, and il iIIuninelh nore lhan lhe sun, and il is lo le Ioved nore
lhan precious slones. And il fallenelh nore lhan oiI, and il salisfielh nore
lhan dainly neals, and il givelh |a nanj nore renovn lhan lhousands of
goId and siIver. Il is a source of joy for lhe hearl, and a lrighl and shining
Iighl for lhe eyes, and a giver of speed lo lhe feel, and a shieId for lhe
lreasl, and a heInel for lhe head, and chain-vork for lhe neck, and a leIl
for lhe Ioins. Il nakelh lhe ears lo hear and hearls lo undersland, il is a
leacher of lhose vho are Iearned, and il is a consoIer of lhose vho are
discreel and prudenl, and il givelh fane lo lhose vho seek afler il. And as
for a kingdon, il cannol sland vilhoul visdon, and riches cannol le
preserved vilhoul visdon, lhe fool cannol keep lhe pIace vherein il halh
sel ilseIf vilhoul visdon. And vilhoul visdon lhal vhich lhe longue
speakelh is nol acceplalIe. Wisdon is lhe lesl of aII lreasures. He vho
heapelh up goId and siIver doelh so lo no profil vilhoul visdon, lul he
vho heapelh up visdon~no nan can fiIch il fron his hearl. Thal vhich
fooIs heap up lhe vise consune. And lecause of lhe vickedness of lhose
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vho do eviI lhe righleous are praised, and lecause of lhe vicked acls of
fooIs lhe vise are leIoved. Wisdon is an exaIled lhing and a rich lhing: I
viII Iove her Iike a nolher, and she shaII enlrace ne Iike her chiId. I viII
foIIov lhe foolprinls of visdon and she shaII prolecl ne for ever, I viII
seek afler visdon, and she shaII le vilh ne for ever, I viII foIIov her
foolprinls, and she shaII nol casl ne avay, I viII Iean upon her, and she
shaII le unlo ne a vaII of adananl, I viII seek asyIun vilh her, and she
shaII le unlo ne pover and slrenglh, I viII rejoice in her, and she shaII le
unlo ne alundanl grace. Ior il is righl for us lo foIIov lhe foolprinls of
visdon, and for lhe soIes of our feel lo sland upon lhe lhreshoId of lhe
gales of visdon. Lel us seek her, and ve shaII find her, Iel us Iove her, and
she viII nol vilhdrav herseIf fron us, Iel us pursue her, and ve shaII
overlake her, Iel us ask,and ve shaII receive, and Iel us lurn our hearls lo
her so lhal ve nay never forgel her. If |vej renenler her, she viII have us
in renenlrance, and in conneclion vilh fooIs lhou shaIl nol renenler
visdon, for lhey do nol hoId her in honour, and she dolh nol Iove lhen.
The honouring of visdon is lhe honouring of lhe vise nan, and lhe Ioving
of visdon is lhe Ioving of lhe vise nan. Love lhe vise nan and vilhdrav
nol lhyseIf fron hin, and ly lhe sighl of hin lhou shaIl lecone vise,
hearken lo lhe ullerance of his noulh, so lhal lhou nayesl lecone Iike
unlo hin, valch lhe pIace vhereon he halh sel his fool, and Ieave hin nol,
so lhal lhou nayesl receive lhe renainder of his visdon. And I Iove hin
nereIy on hearing concerning hin and vilhoul seeing hin, and lhe vhoIe
slory of hin lhal halh leen loId ne is lo ne as lhe desire of ny hearl, and
Iike valer lo lhe lhirsly nan.
And her nolIes, and her sIaves, and her handnaidens, and her
counseIIors ansvered and said unlo her, our Lady, as for visdon, il is
nol Iacking in lhee, and il is lecause of lhy visdon lhal lhou Iovesl
visdon. And lo for us, if lhou goesl ve viII go vilh lhee, and if lhou
sillesl dovn ve viII sil dovn vilh lhee, our dealh shaII le vilh lhy dealh,
and our Iife vilh lhy Iife. Then lhe Queen nade ready lo sel oul on her
journey vilh greal ponp and najesly, and vilh greal equipnenl and nany
preparalions. Ior, ly lhe WiII of Cod, her hearl desired lo go lo }erusaIen
so lhal she nighl hear lhe Wisdon of SoIonon, for she had hearkened
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eagerIy. So she nade ready lo sel oul. And seven hundred and ninely-
seven caneIs vere Ioaded, and nuIes and asses innuneralIe vere Ioaded,
and she sel oul on her journey and foIIoved her road vilhoul pause, and
her hearl had confidence in Cod.
2. Hov lhe Queen cane lo SoIonon lhe King
And she arrived in }erusaIen, and lroughl lo lhe King very nany
precious gifls vhich he desired lo possess grealIy. And he paid her greal
honour and rejoiced, and he gave her a halilalion in lhe royaI paIace near
hin. And he senl her food lolh for lhe norning and evening neaI, each
line fifleen neasures ly lhe kri of fineIy ground vhile neaI, cooked vilh
oiI and gravy and sauce in alundance, and lhirly neasures ly lhe kri of
crushed vhile neaI vherefron lread for lhree hundred and fifly peopIe
vas nade, vilh lhe necessary pIallers and lrays, and len slaIIed oxen, and
five luIIs, and fifly sheep, vilhoul (counling) lhe kids, and deer, and
gazeIIes and falled fovIs, and a vesseI of vine conlaining sixly gerrl
neasures, and lhirly neasures of oId vine, and lvenly-five singing nen
and lvenly-five singing vonen, and lhe finesl honey and rich sveels, and
sone of lhe food vhich he hinseIf ale, and sone of lhe vine vhereof he
drank. And every day he arrayed her in eIeven garnenls vhich levilched
lhe eyes. And he visiled her and vas gralified, and she visiled hin and vas
gralified, and she sav his visdon, and his jusl judgnenls and his
spIendour, and his grace, and heard lhe eIoquence of his speech. And she
narveIIed in her hearl, and vas ullerIy aslonished in her nind, and she
recognized in her underslanding, and perceived very cIearIy vilh her eyes
hov adniralIe he vas, and she vondered exceedingIy lecause of vhal she
sav and heard vilh hin~hov perfecl he vas in conposure, and vise in
underslanding, and pIeasanl in graciousness, and connanding in slalure.
And she olserved lhe sullIely of his voice, and lhe discreel ullerances of
his Iips, and lhal he gave his connands vilh dignily, and lhal his repIies
vere nade quielIy and vilh lhe fear of Cod. AII lhese lhings she sav, and
she vas aslonished al lhe alundance of his visdon, and lhere vas nolhing
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vhalsoever vanling in his vord and speech, lul everylhing lhal he spake
vas perfecl.
And SoIonon vas vorking al lhe luiIding of lhe House of Cod, and he
rose up and venl lo lhe righl and lo lhe Iefl, and forvard and lackvard.
And he shoved lhe vorknen lhe neasurenenl and veighl and lhe space
covered |ly lhe naleriaIsj, and he loId lhe vorkers in nelaI hov lo use lhe
hanner, and lhe driII, and lhe chiseI (), and he shoved lhe slone-nasons
lhe angIe |neasurej and lhe circIe and lhe surface |neasurej. And
everylhing vas vroughl ly his order, and lhere vas none vho sel hinseIf
in opposilion lo his vord, for lhe Iighl of his hearl vas Iike a Ianp in lhe
darkness, and his visdon vas as alundanl as lhe sand. And of lhe speech
of lhe leasls and lhe lirds lhere vas nolhing hidden fron hin, and he
forced lhe deviIs lo oley hin ly his visdon. And he did everylhing ly
neans of lhe skiII vhich Cod gave hin vhen he nade suppIicalion lo Hin,
for he did nol ask for viclory over his eneny, and he did nol ask for riches
and fane, lul he asked Cod lo give hin visdon and underslanding
vherely he nighl ruIe his peopIe, and luiId His House, and leaulify lhe
vork of Cod and aII lhal He had given hin |inj visdon and
26. Hov lhe King HeId Converse vilh lhe Queen
And lhe Queen Mkd spake unlo King SoIonon, saying, BIessed arl
lhou, ny Iord, in lhal such visdon and underslanding have leen given
unlo lhee. Ior nyseIf I onIy vish lhal I couId le as one of lhe Ieasl of lhine
handnaidens, so lhal I couId vash lhy feel, and hearken lo lhy visdon,
and apprehend lhy underslanding, and serve lhy najesly, and enjoy lhy
visdon. hov grealIy have pIeased ne lhy ansvering, and lhe sveelness
of lhy voice, and lhe leauly of lhy going, and lhe graciousness of lhy
vords, and lhe readiness lhereof. The sveelness of lhy voice nakelh lhe
hearl lo rejoice, and nakelh lhe lones fal, and givelh courage lo hearls,
and goodviII and grace lo lhe Iips, and slrenglh lo lhe gail. I Iook upon
lhee and I see lhal lhy visdon is inneasurealIe and lhine underslanding
inexhauslilIe, and lhal il is Iike unlo a Ianp in lhe darkness, and Iike unlo
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a ponegranale in lhe garden, and Iike unlo a pearI in lhe sea, and Iike unlo
lhe Morning Slar anong lhe slars, and Iike unlo lhe Iighl of lhe noon in
lhe nisl, and Iike unlo a gIorious davn and sunrise in lhe heavens. And I
give lhanks unlo Hin lhal lroughl ne hilher and shoved lhee lo ne, and
nade ne lo lread upon lhe lhreshoId of lhy gale, and nade ne lo hear lhy
And King SoIonon ansvered and said unlo her, Wisdon and
underslanding spring fron lhee lhyseIf. As for ne, |I onIy possess lhenj in
lhe neasure in vhich lhe Cod of IsraeI halh given |lhenj lo ne lecause I
asked and enlrealed lhen fron Hin. And lhou, aIlhough lhou dosl nol
knov lhe Cod of IsraeI, hasl lhis visdon vhich lhou hasl nade lo grov in
lhine hearl, and |il halh nade lhee conej lo see ne, lhe vassaI and sIave of
ny Cod, and lhe luiIding of His sancluary vhich I an eslalIishing, and
vherein I serve and nove round aloul ny Lady, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav
of lhe Cod of IsraeI, lhe hoIy and heavenIy Zion. Nov, I an lhe sIave of ny
Cod, and I an nol a free nan, I do nol serve according lo ny ovn viII lul
according lo His WiII. And lhis speech of nine springelh nol fron nyseIf,
lul I give ullerance onIy lo vhal He nakelh ne lo uller. Whalsoever He
connandelh ne lhal I do, vheresoever He vishelh ne lo go lhilher I go,
vhalsoever He leachelh ne lhal I speak, lhal concerning vhich He givelh
ne visdon I undersland. Ior fron leing onIy dusl He halh nade ne
fIesh, and fron leing onIy valer He halh nade ne a soIid nan, and fron
leing onIy an ejecled drop, vhich shol forlh upon lhe ground vouId have
dried up on lhe surface of lhe earlh, He halh fashioned ne in His ovn
Iikeness and halh nade ne in His ovn inage.
27. Concerning lhe Lalourer
And as SoIonon vas laIking in lhis vise vilh lhe Queen, he sav a
cerlain Ialourer carrying a slone upon his head and a skin of valer upon
his neck and shouIders, and his food and his sandaIs vere |liedj aloul his
Ioins, and lhere vere pieces of vood in his hands, his garnenls vere
ragged and lallered, lhe sveal feII in drops fron his face, and valer fron
lhe skin of valer dripped dovn upon his feel. And lhe Ialourer passed
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lefore SoIonon, and as he vas going ly lhe King said unlo hin, Sland
sliII, and lhe Ialourer slood sliII. And lhe King lurned lo lhe Queen and
said unlo her, Look al lhis nan. Wherein an I superior lo lhis nan And in
vhal an I leller lhan lhis nan And vherein shaII I gIory over lhis nan
Ior I an a nan and dusl and ashes, vho lo-norrov viII lecone vorns
and corruplion, and yel al lhis nonenl I appear Iike one vho viII never
die. Who vouId nake any conpIainl againsl Cod if He vere lo give unlo
lhis nan as He halh given lo ne, and if He vere lo nake ne even as lhis
nan is Are ve nol lolh of us leings, lhal is lo say nen As is his dealh,
|soj is ny dealh, and as is his Iife |soj is ny Iife. Yel lhis nan is slronger lo
vork lhan I an, for Cod givelh pover lo lhose vho are feelIe jusl as il
pIeaselh Hin lo do so. And SoIonon said unlo lhe Ialourer, Cel lhee lo
lhy vork.
And he spake furlher unlo lhe Queen, saying, Whal is lhe use of us,
lhe chiIdren of nen, if ve do nol exercise kindness and Iove upon earlh
Are ve nol aII nolhingness, nere grass of lhe fieId, vhich vilherelh in ils
season and is lurnl in lhe fire n lhe earlh ve provide ourseIves vilh
dainly neals, and |ve vearj coslIy appareI lul even vhiIsl ve are aIive ve
are slinking corruplion, ve provide ourseIves vilh sveel scenls and
deIicale unguenls, lul even vhiIsl ve are aIive ve are dead in sin and in
lransgressions, leing vise, ve lrconee fooIs lhrough disoledience and
deeds of iniquily, leing heId in honour, ve lecone conlenplilIe lhrough
nagic, and sorcery, and lhe vorship of idoIs. Nov lhe nan vho is a leing
of honour, vho vas crealed in lhe inage of Cod, if he doelh lhal vhich is
good leconelh Iike Cod, lul lhe nan vho is a lhing of nolhingness, if he
connillelh sin leconelh Iike unlo lhe DeviI~lhe arroganl DeviI vho
refused lo oley lhe connand of his Crealor~and aII lhe arroganl anong
nen vaIk in his vay, and lhey shaII le judged vilh hin. And Cod Iovelh
lhe IovIy-ninded, and lhose vho praclise huniIily vaIk in His vay, and
lhey shaII rejoice in His kingdon. BIessed is lhe nan vho knovelh
visdon, lhal is lo say, conpassion and lhe fear of Cod.
And vhen lhe Queen heard lhis she said, Hov lhy voice dolh pIease
ne! And hov grealIy do lhy vords and lhe ullerance of lhy noulh deIighl
ne! TeII ne nov: vhon is il righl for ne lo vorship We vorship lhe sun
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according as our falhers have laughl us lo do, lecause ve say lhal lhe sun
is lhe king of lhe gods. And lhere are olhers anong our suljecls |vho
vorship olher lhingsj, sone vorship slones, and sone vorship vood (i.e.,
lrees), and sone vorship carved figures, and sone vorship inages of goId
and siIver. And ve vorship lhe sun, for he cookelh our food, and
noreover, he iIIuninelh lhe darkness, and renovelh fear, ve caII hin 'ur
King, and ve caII hin 'ur Crealor, and ve vorship hin as our god, for
no nan halh loId us lhal lesides hin lhere is anolher god. Bul ve have
heard lhal lhere is vilh you, IsraeI, anolher Cod Whon ve do nol knov,
and nen have loId us lhal He halh senl dovn lo you fron heaven a
TalernacIe and halh given unlo you a TalIel of lhe ordering of lhe angeIs,
ly lhe hand of Moses lhe Irophel. This aIso ve have heard~lhal He
HinseIf conelh dovn lo you and laIkelh lo you, and infornelh you
concerning His ordinances and connandnenls.
28. Hov SoIonon Cave Connandnenls lo lhe Queen
And lhe King ansvered and said unlo her, VeriIy, il is righl lhal lhey
(i.e., nen) shouId vorship Cod, Who crealed lhe universe, lhe heavens and
lhe earlh, lhe sea and lhe dry Iand, lhe sun and lhe noon, lhe slars and lhe
lriIIianl lodies of lhe heavens, lhe lrees and lhe slones, lhe leasls and lhe
fealhered fovI, lhe viId leasls and lhe crocodiIes, lhe fish and lhe vhaIes,
lhe hippopolanuses and lhe valer Iizards, lhe Iighlnings and lhe crashes
of lhunder, lhe cIouds and lhe lhunders, and lhe good and lhe eviI. Il is
neel lhal Hin aIone ve shouId vorship, in fear and lrenlIing, vilh joy
and vilh gIadness. Ior He is lhe Lord of lhe Universe, lhe Crealor of angeIs
and nen. And il is He Who kiIIelh and nakelh aIive, il is He Who infIiclelh
punishnenl and shovelh conpassion, Who raiselh up fron lhe ground
hin lhal is in nisery, Who exaIlelh lhe poor fron lhe dusl, Who nakelh lo
le sorrovfuI and Who lo rejoice, Who raiselh up and Who lringelh dovn.
No one can chide Hin, for He is lhe Lord of lhe Universe, and lhere is no
one vho can say unlo Hin, 'Whal hasl Thou done And unlo Hin il is
neel lhal lhere shouId le praise and lhanksgiving fron angeIs and nen.
And as concerning vhal lhou sayesl, lhal 'He halh given unlo you lhe
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TalernacIe of lhe Lav, veriIy lhere halh leen given unlo us lhe TalernacIe
of lhe Cod of IsraeI, vhich vas crealed lefore aII crealion ly His gIorious
counseI. And He halh nade lo cone dovn lo us His connandnenls, done
inlo vriling, so lhal ve nay knov His decree and lhe judgnenl lhal He
halh ordained in lhe nounlain of His hoIiness.
And lhe Queen said, Iron lhis nonenl I viII nol vorship lhe sun, lul
viII vorship lhe Crealor of lhe sun, lhe Cod of IsraeI. And lhal TalernacIe
of lhe Cod of IsraeI shaII le unlo ne ny Lady, and unlo ny seed afler ne,
and unlo aII ny kingdons lhal are under ny doninion. And lecause of
lhis I have found favour lefore lhee, and lefore lhe Cod of IsraeI ny
Crealor, Who halh lroughl ne unlo lhee, and halh nade ne lo hear lhy
voice, and halh shovn ne lhy face, and halh nade ne lo undersland lhy
connandnenl. Then she relurned lo |herj house.
And lhe Queen used lo go |lo SoIononj and relurn conlinuaIIy, and
hearken unlo his visdon, and keep il in her hearl. And SoIonon used lo
go and visil her, and ansver aII lhe queslions vhich she pul lo hin, and
lhe Queen used lo visil hin and ask hin queslions, and he inforned her
concerning every naller lhal she vished lo enquire aloul. And afler she
had dveIl |lherej six nonlhs lhe Queen vished lo relurn lo her ovn
counlry, and she senl a nessage lo SoIonon, saying, I desire grealIy lo
dveII vilh lhee, lul nov, for lhe sake of aII ny peopIe, I vish lo relurn lo
ny ovn counlry. And as for lhal vhich I have heard, nay Cod nake il lo
lear fruil in ny hearl, and in lhe hearls of aII lhose vho have heard il vilh
ne. Ior lhe ear couId never le fiIIed vilh lhe hearing of lhy visdon, and
lhe eye couId never le fiIIed vilh lhe sighl of lhe sane.
Nov il vas nol onIy lhe Queen vho cane |lo hear lhe visdon of
SoIononj, lul very nany used lo cone fron cilies and counlries, lolh
fron near and fron far, for in lhose days lhere vas no nan found lo le Iike
unlo hin for visdon (and il vas nol onIy hunan leings vho cane lo hin,
lul lhe viId aninaIs and lhe lirds used lo cone lo hin and hearken unlo
his voice, and hoId converse vilh hin), and lhen lhey relurned lo lheir
ovn counlries, and every one of lhen vas aslonished al his visdon, and
narveIIed al vhal he had seen and heard.
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And vhen lhe Queen senl her nessage lo SoIonon, saying lhal she vas
aloul lo deparl lo her ovn counlry, he pondered in his hearl and said, A
vonan of such spIendid leauly halh cone lo ne fron lhe ends of lhe
earlh! Whal do I knov WiII Cod give ne seed in her Nov, as il is said in
lhe Book of Kings, SoIonon lhe King vas a Iover of vonen.
And he
narried vives of lhe Helrevs, and lhe Lgyplians, and lhe Canaaniles, and
lhe Ldoniles, and lhe Iylvyn (Moaliles), and fron Rf
and Danascus, and Sresl (Syria), and vonen vho vere
reporled lo le leaulifuI. And he had four hundred queens and six hundred
conculines. Nov lhis vhich he did vas nol for |lhe sake ofj fornicalion,
lul as a resuIl of lhe vise inlenl lhal Cod had given unlo hin, and his
renenlering vhal Cod had said unlo Alrahan, I viII nake lhy seed Iike
lhe slars of heaven for nunler, and Iike lhe sand of lhe sea.
SoIonon said in his hearl, Whal do I knov Ieradvenlure Cod viII give
ne nen chiIdren fron each one of lhese vonen. Therefore vhen he did
lhus he acled viseIy, saying, My chiIdren shaII inheril lhe cilies of lhe
eneny, and shaII deslroy lhose vho vorship idoIs.
Nov lhose earIy peopIes Iived under lhe Iav of lhe fIesh, for lhe grace
of lhe HoIy Spiril had nol leen given unlo lhen. And lo lhose |vho Iivedj
afler Chrisl, il vas given lo Iive vilh one vonan under lhe Iav of
narriage. And lhe AposlIes Iaid dovn for lhen an ordinance, saying, AII
lhose vho have received His fIesh and His lIood are lrelhren. Their
nolher is lhe Church and lheir falher is Cod, and lhey cry oul vilh Chrisl
Whon lhey have received, saying, 'ur Ialher, Who arl in heaven. And
as concerning SoIonon no Iav had leen Iaid dovn for hin in respecl of
vonen, and no lIane can le inpuled lo hin in respecl of narrying
|nanyj vives. Bul for lhose vho leIieve, lhe Iav and lhe connand have
leen given lhal lhey shaII nol narry nany vives, even as IauI sailh,
I Kings xi, 1.
Upper Lgypl.
See Ykl, IV, I. 2O.
Cenesis xxii, 17.
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Those vho narry nany vives seek lheir ovn punishnenl. He vho
narrielh one vife halh no sin.
And lhe Iav reslrainelh us fron lhe
sisler |-in-Iavj,
in respecl of lhe learing of chiIdren. The AposlIes speak
|concerning ilj in lhe |Book ofj CounciIs.
29. Concerning lhe Three Hundred and Lighleen |Ialriarchsj
Nov ve ordain even as did lhey. We knov veII vhal lhe AposlIes vho
vere lefore us spake. We lhe Three Hundred and Lighleen have
nainlained and Iaid dovn lhe orlhodox failh, our Lord }esus Chrisl leing
vilh us. And He halh direcled us vhal ve shouId leach, and hov ve
shouId fashion lhe failh.
|The Narralive of SoIonon and lhe Queen of Shela Conlinuedj
And King SoIonon senl a nessage unlo lhe Queen, saying, Nov lhal
lhou hasl cone here vhy viIl lhou go avay vilhoul seeing lhe
adninislralion of lhe kingdon, and hov lhe neaI|sj for lhe chosen ones of
lhe kingdon are ealen afler lhe nanner of lhe righleous, and hov lhe
peopIe are driven avay afler lhe nanner of sinners Iron |lhe sighl ofj il
lhou vouIdsl acquire visdon. IoIIov ne nov and seal lhyseIf in ny
spIendour in lhe lenl, and I viII conpIele lhy inslruclion, and lhou shaIl
Iearn lhe adninislralion of ny kingdon, for lhou hasl Ioved visdon, and
she shaII dveII vilh lhee unliI lhine end and for ever. Nov a prophecy
nakelh ilseIf apparenl in |lhisj speech.
And lhe Queen senl a second nessage, saying, Iron leing a fooI, I
have lecone vise ly foIIoving lhy visdon, and fron leing a lhing
rejecled ly lhe Cod of IsraeI, I have lecone a chosen vonan lecause of
lhis failh vhich is in ny hearl, and henceforlh I viII vorship no olher god
Conpare I Corinlhians, vii.
Conpare Levilicus xviii, 18.
Cuidi (apud BezoId) conpares No. 19 of lhe ApocryphaI Canones AposloIorun.
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excepl Hin. And as concerning lhal vhich lhou sayesl, lhal lhou vishesl lo
increase in ne visdon and honour, I viII cone according lo lhy desire.
And SoIonon rejoiced lecause of lhis |nessagej, and he arrayed his chosen
ones |in spIendid appareIj, and he added a doulIe suppIy lo his lalIe, and
he had aII lhe arrangenenls concerning lhe nanagenenl of his house
carefuIIy ordered, and lhe house of King SoIonon vas nade ready |for
gueslsj daiIy. And he nade il ready vilh very greal ponp, in joy, and in
peace, in visdon, and in lenderness, vilh aII huniIily and IovIiness, and
lhen he ordered lhe royaI lalIe according lo lhe Iav of lhe kingdon.
And lhe Queen cane and passed inlo a pIace sel aparl in spIendour and
gIory, and she sal dovn innedialeIy lehind hin vhere she couId see and
Iearn and knov everylhing. And she narveIIed exceedingIy al vhal she
sav, and al vhal she heard, and she praised lhe Cod of IsraeI in her hearl,
and she vas slruck vilh vonder al lhe spIendour of lhe royaI paIace vhich
she sav. Ior she couId see, lhough no one couId see her, even as SoIonon
had arranged in visdon for her. He had leaulified lhe pIace vhere she
vas sealed, and had spread over il purpIe hangings, and Iaid dovn
carpels, and decoraled il vilh niskl (noschus), and narlIes, and precious
slones, and he lurned aronalic povders, and sprinkIed oiI of nyrrh and
cassia round aloul, and scallered frankincense and coslIy incense in aII
direclions. And vhen lhey lroughl her inlo lhis alode, lhe odour lhereof
vas very pIeasing lo her, and even lefore she ale lhe dainly neals lherein
she vas salisfied vilh lhe sneII of lhen. And vilh vise inlenl SoIonon
senl lo her neals vhich vouId nake her lhirsly, and drinks lhal vere
ningIed vilh vinegar, and fish and dishes nade vilh pepper. And lhis he
did and he gave lhen lo lhe Queen lo eal. And lhe royaI neaI had cone lo
an end lhree lines and seven lines,
and lhe adninislralors, and lhe
counseIIors, and lhe young nen and lhe servanls had deparled, and lhe
King rose up and he venl lo lhe Queen, and he said unlo her~nov lhey
vere aIone logelher~Take lhou lhine ease here for Ioves sake unliI
daylreak. And she said unlo hin, Svear lo ne ly lhy Cod, lhe Cod of
IsraeI, lhal lhou viIl nol lake ne ly force. Ior if I, vho according lo lhe Iav
i.e., lhree courses and seven courses had leen consuned.
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of nen an a naiden, le seduced, I shouId lraveI on ny journey |lackj in
sorrov, and affIiclion, and lriluIalion.
3O. Concerning hov King SoIonon Svore lo lhe Queen
And SoIonon ansvered and said unlo her, I svear unlo lhee lhal I viII
nol lake lhee ly force, lul lhou nusl svear unlo ne lhal lhou viIl nol lake
ly force anylhing lhal is in ny house. And lhe Queen Iaughed and said
unlo hin, Being a vise nan vhy dosl lhou speak as a fooI ShaII I sleaI
anylhing, or shaII I carry oul of lhe house of lhe King lhal vhich lhe King
halh nol given lo ne Do nol inagine lhal I have cone hilher lhrough Iove
of riches. Moreover, ny ovn kingdon is as veaIlhy as lhine, and lhere is
nolhing vhich I vish for lhal I Iack. AssuredIy I have onIy cone in quesl of
lhy visdon. And he said unlo her, If lhou vouIdsl nake ne svear,
svear lhou lo ne, for a svearing is neel for lolh |of usj, so lhal neilher of
us nay le unjuslIy lrealed. And if lhou viIl nol nake ne svear I viII nol
nake lhee svear. And she said unlo hin, Svear lo ne lhal lhou viIl nol
lake ne ly force, and I on ny parl viII svear nol lo lake ly force lhy
possessions, and he svore lo her and nade her svear.
And lhe King venl up on his led on lhe one side |of lhe chanlerj, and
lhe servanls nade ready for her a led on lhe olher side. And SoIonon said
unlo a young nanservanl, Wash oul lhe lovI and sel in il a vesseI of
valer vhiIsl lhe Queen is Iooking on, and shul lhe doors and go and
sIeep. And SoIonon spake lo lhe servanl in anolher longue vhich lhe
Queen did nol undersland, and he did as lhe King connanded, and venl
and sIepl. And lhe King had nol as yel faIIen asIeep, lul he onIy prelended
lo le asIeep, and he vas valching lhe Queen inlenlIy. Nov lhe house of
SoIonon lhe King vas iIIunined as ly day, for in his visdon he had nade
shining pearIs vhich vere Iike unlo lhe sun, and noon, and slars |and had
sel lhenj in lhe roof of his house.
And lhe Queen sIepl a IillIe. And vhen she voke up her noulh vas
dry vilh lhirsl, for lhe food vhich SoIonon had given her in his visdon
had nade her lhirsly, and she vas very lhirsly indeed, and her noulh vas
dry, and she noved her Iips and sucked vilh her noulh and found no
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noislure. And she delernined lo drink lhe valer vhich she had seen, and
she Iooked al King SoIonon and valched hin carefuIIy, and she lhoughl
lhal he vas sIeeping a sound sIeep. Bul he vas nol asIeep, and he vas
vailing unliI she shouId rise up lo sleaI lhe valer lo |quenchj her lhirsl.
And she rose up and, naking no sound vilh her feel, she venl lo lhe valer
in lhe lovI and Iifled up lhe jar lo drink lhe valer. And SoIonon seized
her hand lefore she couId drink lhe valer, and said unlo her, Why hasl
lhou lroken lhe oalh lhal lhou hasl svorn lhal lhou vouIdsl nol lake ly
force anylhing lhal is in ny house And she ansvered and said unlo hin
in fear, Is lhe oalh lroken ly ny drinking valer And lhe King said unlo
her, Is lhere anylhing lhal lhou hasl seen under lhe heavens lhal is leller
lhan valer And lhe Queen said, I have sinned againsl nyseIf, and lhou
arl free fron |lhyj oalh. Bul Iel ne drink valer for ny lhirsl. Then
SoIonon said unlo her, An I perchance free fron lhe oalh vhich lhou
hasl nade ne svear And lhe Queen said, Be free fron lhy oalh, onIy Iel
ne drink valer. And he pernilled her lo drink valer, and afler she had
drunk valer he vorked his viII vilh her and lhey sIepl logelher.
And afler he sIepl lhere appeared unlo King SoIonon |in a dreanj a
lriIIianl sun, and il cane dovn fron heaven and shed exceedingIy greal
spIendour over IsraeI. And vhen il had larried lhere for a line il suddenIy
vilhdrev ilseIf, and il fIev avay lo lhe counlry of Llhiopia, and il shone
lhere vilh exceedingIy greal lrighlness for ever, for il viIIed lo dveII
lhere. And |lhe King saidj, I vailed |lo seej if il vouId cone lack lo IsraeI,
lul il did nol relurn. And again vhiIe I vailed a Iighl rose up in lhe
heavens, and a Sun cane dovn fron lhen in lhe counlry of }udah, and il
senl forlh Iighl vhich vas very nuch slronger lhan lefore. And
lecause of lhe fIane of lhal Sun enlrealed lhal Sun eviIIy and vouId nol
vaIk in lhe Iighl lhereof. And lhal Sun paid no heed lo IsraeI, and lhe
IsraeIiles haled Hin, and il lecane inpossilIe lhal peace shouId exisl
lelveen lhen and lhe Sun. And lhey Iifled up lheir hands againsl Hin
vilh slaves and knives, and lhey vished lo exlinguish lhal Sun. And lhey
casl darkness upon lhe vhoIe vorId vilh earlhquake and lhick darkness,
The renainder of lhis paragraph is a connenl ly lhe aulhor of lhis vork.
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and lhey inagined lhal lhal Sun vouId never nore rise upon lhen. And
lhey deslroyed His Iighl and casl lhenseIves upon Hin and lhey sel a
guard over His lonl vherein lhey had casl Hin. And He cane forlh
vhere lhey did nol Iook for Hin, and iIIunined lhe vhoIe vorId, nore
especiaIIy lhe Iirsl Sea and lhe Lasl Sea, Llhiopia and Rn. And He paid
no heed vhalsoever lo IsraeI, and He ascended His forner lhrone.
And vhen SoIonon lhe King sav lhis vision in his sIeep, his souI
lecane dislurled, and his underslanding vas snalched avay as ly |a fIash
ofj Iighlning, and he voke up vilh an agilaled nind. And noreover,
SoIonon narveIIed concerning lhe Queen, for she vas vigorous in
slrenglh, and leaulifuI of forn, and she vas undefiIed in her virginily, and
she had reigned for six years in her ovn counlry, and, nolvilhslanding her
gracious allraclion and her spIendid forn, had preserved her lody pure.
And lhe Queen said unlo SoIonon, Disniss ne, and Iel ne deparl lo ny
ovn counlry. And he venl inlo his house and gave unlo her vhalsoever
she vished for of spIendid lhings and riches, and leaulifuI appareI vhich
levilched lhe eyes, and everylhing on vhich greal slore vas sel in lhe
counlry of Llhiopia, and caneIs and vagons, six lhousand in nunler,
vhich vere Iaden vilh leaulifuI lhings of lhe nosl desiralIe kind, and
vagons vherein Ioads vere carried over lhe deserl, and a vesseI vherein
one couId lraveI over lhe sea, and a vesseI vherein one couId lraverse lhe
air (or vinds), vhich SoIonon had nade ly lhe visdon lhal Cod had
given unlo hin.
31. Concerning lhe Sign vhich SoIonon Cave lhe Queen
And lhe Queen rejoiced, and she venl forlh in order lo deparl, and lhe
King sel her on her vay vilh greal ponp and cerenony. And SoIonon
look her aside so lhal lhey nighl le aIone logelher, and he look off lhe ring
lhal vas upon his IillIe finger, and he gave il lo lhe Queen, and said unlo
her, Take |lhisj so lhal lhou nayesl nol forgel ne. And if il happen lhal I
ollain seed fron lhee, lhis ring shaII le unlo il a sign, and if il le a nan
chiId he shaII cone lo ne, and lhe peace of Cod le vilh lhee! WhiIsl I vas
sIeeping vilh lhee I sav nany visions in a drean, |and il seenedj as if a
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sun had risen upon IsraeI, lul il snalched ilseIf avay and fIev off and
Iighled up lhe counlry of Llhiopia, peradvenlure lhal counlry shaII le
lIessed lhrough lhee, Cod knovelh. And as for lhee, olserve vhal I have
loId lhee, so lhal lhou nayesl vorship Cod vilh aII lhy hearl and perforn
His WiII. Ior He punishelh lhose vho are arroganl, and He shovelh
conpassion upon lhose vho are hunlIe, and He renovelh lhe lhrones of
lhe nighly, and He nakelh lo le honoured lhose vho are needy. Ior dealh
and Iife are fron Hin, and riches and poverly are lesloved ly His WiII.
Ior everylhing is His, and none can oppose His connand and His
judgnenl in lhe heavens, or in lhe earlh, or in lhe sea, or in lhe alysses.
And nay Cod le vilh lhee! Co in peace. And lhey separaled fron each
32. Hov lhe Queen Broughl Iorlh and Cane lo her ovn Counlry
And lhe Queen deparled and cane inlo lhe counlry of BI Zadsry
nine nonlhs and five days afler she had separaled fron King SoIonon.
And lhe pains of, chiIdlirlh Iaid hoId upon her, and she lroughl forlh a
nan chiId, and she gave il lo lhe nurse vilh greal pride and deIighl. And
she larried unliI lhe days of her purificalion vere ended, and lhen she
cane lo her ovn counlry vilh greal ponp and cerenony. And her officers
vho had renained lhere lroughl gifls lo lheir nislress, and nade
oleisance lo her, and did honage lo her, and aII lhe lorders of lhe counlry
rejoiced al her coning. Those vho vere nolIes anong lhen she arrayed in
spIendid appareI, and lo sone she gave goId and siIver, and hyacinlhine
and purpIe roles, and she gave lhen aII nanner of lhings lhal couId le
desired. And she ordered her kingdon arighl, and none disoleyed her
connand, for she Ioved visdon and Cod slrenglhened her kingdon.
And lhe chiId grev and she caIIed his nane Bayna-Lehken. And lhe
chiId reached lhe age of lveIve years, and he asked his friends anong lhe
loys vho vere leing educaled vilh hin, and said unlo lhen, Who is ny
falher And lhey said unlo hin, SoIonon lhe King. And he venl lo lhe
Queen his nolher, and said unlo her, Queen, nake ne lo knov vho is
ny falher. And lhe Queen spake unlo hin angriIy, vishing lo frighlen
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hin so lhal he nighl nol desire lo go |lo his falherj saying, Why dosl lhou
ask ne aloul lhy falher I an lhy falher and lhy nolher, seek nol lo knov
any nore. And lhe loy venl forlh fron her presence, and sal dovn. And
a second line, and a lhird line he asked her, and he inporluned her lo leII
hin. ne day, hovever, she loId hin, saying, His counlry is far avay, and
lhe road lhilher is very difficuIl, vouIdsl lhou nol ralher le here And lhe
youlh Bayna-Lehken vas handsone, and his vhoIe lody and his
nenlers, and lhe learing of his shouIders resenlIed lhose of King
SoIonon his falher, and his eyes, and his Iegs, and his vhoIe gail
resenlIed lhose of SoIonon lhe King. And vhen he vas lvo and lvenly
years oId he vas skiIIed in lhe vhoIe arl of var and of horsenanship, and
in lhe hunling and lrapping of viId leasls, and in everylhing lhal young
nen are vonl lo Iearn. And he said unlo lhe Queen, I viII go and Iook
upon lhe face of ny falher, and I viII cone lack here ly lhe WiII of Cod,
lhe Lord of IsraeI.
33. Hov lhe King of Llhiopia TraveIIed
And lhe Queen caIIed Tnrn, lhe chief of her caravan nen and
nerchanls, and she said unlo hin, Cel ready for lhy journey and lake lhis
young nan vilh lhee, for he inporlunelh ne ly nighl and ly day. And
lhou shaIl lake hin lo lhe King and shaIl lring hin lack hilher in safely, if
Cod, lhe Lord of IsraeI, pIeaselh. And she prepared a relinue suilalIe lo
lheir veaIlh and honouralIe condilion, and nade ready aII lhe goods lhal
vere necessary for lhe journey, and for presenling as gifls lo lhe King, and
aII lhal vouId le necessary for ease and conforl ly lhe vay. And she nade
ready everylhing for sending hin avay, and she gave lo lhe officers vho
vere lo acconpany hin such noneys as lhey vouId need for hin and for
lhenseIves on lhe journey. And she connanded lhen lhal lhey vere nol
lo Ieave hin lhere, lul onIy lo lake hin lo lhe King, and lhen lo lring hin
lack again lo her, vhen he shouId assune lhe sovereignly over her Iand.
Nov lhere vas a Iav in lhe counlry of Llhiopia lhal |onIyj a vonan
shouId reign, and lhal she nusl le a virgin vho had never knovn nan, lul
lhe Queen said |unlo SoIononj, Henceforvard a nan vho is of lhy seed
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shaII reign, and a vonan shaII nevernore reign, onIy seed of lhine shaII
reign and his seed afler hin fron generalion lo generalion. And lhis lhou
shaIl inscrile in lhe Iellers of lhe roIIs in lhe Book of lheir Irophels in lrass,
and lhou shaIl Iay il in lhe House of Cod, vhich shaII le luiIl as a
nenoriaI and as a prophecy for lhe Iasl days. And lhe peopIe shaII nol
vorship lhe sun and lhe nagnificence of lhe heavens, or lhe nounlains
and lhe foresls, or lhe slones and lhe lrees of lhe viIderness, or lhe alysses
and lhal vhich is in lhe valers, or graven inages and figures of goId, or
lhe fealhered fovI vhich fIy, and lhey shaII nol nake use of lhen in
divining, and lhey shaII nol pay adoralion unlo lhen. And lhis Iav shaII
alide for ever. And if lhere le anyone vho shaII lransgress lhis Iav, lhy
seed shaII judge hin for ever. nIy give us lhe fringes of lhe covering of
lhe hoIy heavenIy Zion, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, vhich ve vouId
enlrace (or, greel). Ieace le lo lhe slrenglh of lhy kingdon and lo lhy
lriIIianl visdon, vhich Cod, lhe Lord of IsraeI our Crealor, halh given
unlo lhee.
And lhe Queen look lhe young nan aside and vhen he vas aIone vilh
her she gave hin lhal synloI vhich SoIonon had given her, lhal is lo say,
lhe ring on his finger, so lhal he nighl knov his son, and nighl renenler
her vord and her covenanl vhich she had nade |vilh hinj, lhal she
vouId vorship Cod aII lhe days of her Iife, she and lhose vho vere under
her doninion, vilh aII |lhe poverj vhich Cod had given her. And lhen lhe
Queen senl hin avay in peace.
And lhe young nan |and his relinuej nade slraighl lheir vay and lhey
journeyed on and cane inlo lhe counlry of lhe neighlourhood of Cz.
Nov lhis is lhe Cz vhich SoIonon lhe King gave lo lhe Queen of
Llhiopia. And in lhe Acls of lhe AposlIes Luke lhe LvangeIisl vrole,
saying, He vas lhe governor of lhe vhoIe counlry of Cz, an eunuch of
Queen Hendak, vho had leIieved on lhe vord of Luke lhe AposlIe.
34. Hov lhe Young Man Arrived in his Molhers Counlry
Acls viii, 27
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And vhen lhe young nan arrived in his nolhers counlry he rejoiced
lhere in lhe honour |vhich he receivedj and in lhe gifls |lhal vere nadej lo
hin. And vhen lhe peopIe sav hin lhey lhoughl hin lo le lhe perfecl
Iikeness of SoIonon lhe King. And lhey nade oleisance lo hin, and lhey
said unlo hin, HaiI, lhe royaI falher Iivelh! And lhey lroughl unlo hin
gifls and offerings, falled callIe and food, as lo lheir king. And |lhe peopIe
ofj lhe vhoIe counlry of Cz, as far as lhe lorder of }udah, vere slirred
up and lhey said, This is King SoIonon. And lhere vere sone vho said,
The King is in }erusaIen luiIding his house~nov he had finished
luiIding lhe House of Cod~and olhers said, This is SoIonon lhe King,
lhe son of David. And lhey vere perpIexed, and lhey dispuled vilh one
anolher, and lhey senl off spies nounled on horses, vho vere lo seek oul
King SoIonon and lo find oul if he vere acluaIIy in }erusaIen, or if he vere
vilh lhen |in Czj. And lhe spies cane lo lhe valchnen of lhe cily of
}erusaIen, and lhey found King SoIonon lhere, and lhey nade oleisance
lo hin, and lhey said unlo hin, HaiI, nay lhe royaI falher Iive! |urj
counlry is dislurled lecause lhere halh cone inlo il a nerchanl vho
resenlIelh lhee in forn and appearance, vilhoul lhe snaIIesl aIleralion or
varialion. He resenlIelh lhee in nolIe carriage and in spIendid forn, and
in slalure and in goodIy appearance, he Iackelh nolhing in respecl of lhese
and is in no vay differenl fron lhyseIf. His eyes are gIadsone, Iike unlo
lhose of a nan vho halh drunk vine, his Iegs are gracefuI and sIender, and
lhe lover of his neck is Iike unlo lhe lover of David lhy falher. He is Iike
unlo lhee exaclIy in every respecl, and every nenler of his vhoIe lody is
Iike unlo lhine.
And King SoIonon ansvered and said unlo lhen, Where is il lhen
lhal he vishelh lo go And lhey ansvered and said unlo hin, We have
nol enquired of hin, for he is avesone Iike lhyseIf. Bul his ovn peopIe,
vhen ve asked lhen, 'Whence have ye cone and vhilher do ye go said,
'We have cone fron lhe doninions of Hendak (Candace) and Llhiopia,
and ve are going lo lhe counlry of }udah lo King SoIonon. And vhen
King SoIonon heard lhis his hearl vas perlurled and he vas gIad in his
souI, for in lhose days he had no chiIdren, excepl a loy vho vas seven
years oId and vhose nane vas Iyrlen (Reholoan). Il happened lo
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SoIonon even as IauI slalelh, saying, Cod halh nade fooIishness lhe
visdon of lhis vorId,
for SoIonon had nade a pIan in his visdon and
said, By one lhousand vonen I shaII legel one lhousand nen chiIdren,
and I shaII inheril lhe counlries of lhe eneny, and I viII overlhrov |lheirj
idoIs. Bul |Codj onIy gave hin lhree chiIdren. His eIdesl son vas lhe King
of Llhiopia, lhe son of lhe Queen of Llhiopia, and vas lhe firsllorn of
vhon |Codj spake prophelicaIIy, Cod svare unlo David in
righleousness, and repenled nol, 'f lhe fruil of lhy lody viII I nake lo sil
upon lhy lhrone.
And Cod gave unlo David His servanl grace lefore
Hin, and granled unlo hin lhal lhere shouId sil upon lhe lhrone of
Codhead ne of his seed in lhe fIesh, fron lhe Virgin, and shouId judge
lhe Iiving and lhe dead, and revard every nan according lo his vork, ne
lo vhon praise is neel, our Lord }esus Chrisl, for ever and ever, Anen.
And He gave hin one on lhe earlh vho shouId lecone king over lhe
TalernacIe of lhe Lav of lhe hoIy, heavenIy Zion, lhal is lo say, lhe King of
Llhiopia. And as for lhose vho reigned, vho vere nol |ofj IsraeI, lhal vas
due lo lhe lransgression of lhe Iav and lhe connandnenl, vhereal Cod
vas nol pIeased.
3. Hov King SoIonon Senl lo his Son lhe Connander of his Arny
And SoIonon lhe King senl lhe connander of his arny, on vhose
hand he vas vonl lo Iean, vilh gifls and neal and drink lo enlerlain lhal
lraveIIer. And lhe connander sel oul vilh a greal nunler of vagons, and
he cane lo Bayna-Lehken, and enlraced hin, and gave hin everylhing
lhal SoIonon lhe King had senl unlo hin. And he said unlo hin, Make
hasle and cone vilh ne, for lhe hearl of lhe King is lurnl up as vilh fire
vilh lhe Iove of lhee. Ieradvenlure he viII find oul for hinseIf vhelher
lhou arl his ovn son or his lrolher, for in lhine appearance and in lhy
conversalion (or, nanner) lhou arl in no vay differenl fron hin. And nov,
rise up quickIy, for ny Iord lhe King said unlo ne, 'Hasle and lring hin
I Corinlhians i, 2O.
II SanueI vii, 17, IsaIn cxxxii, 11.
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hilher lo ne in honour, and conforl, and vilh suilalIe service, and in joy
and gIadness. And lhe young nan ansvered an said unlo hin, I lhank
Cod, lhe Lord of IsraeI, lhal I have found grace vilh ny Iord lhe King
vilhoul having seen his face, his vord halh rejoiced ne. And nov I viII
pul ny lrusl in lhe Lord of IsraeI lhal He viII shov ne lhe. King, and viII
lring ne lack safeIy lo ny nolher lhe Queen, and lo ny counlry
And }oas (), lhe son of Ydh,
lhe connander of lhe arny of King
SoIonon, ansvered and said unlo Bayna-Lehken, My Iord, lhis is a very
snaII naller, and lhou viIl find far grealer joy and pIeasure vilh ny Iord
lhe King. And as concerning vhal lhou sayesl, 'ny nolher and 'ny
counlry, SoIonon lhe King is leller lhan lhy nolher, and lhis our counlry
is leller lhan lhy counlry. And as for lhy counlry, ve have heard lhal il is a
Iand of coId and cIoud, and a counlry of gIare and lurning heal, and a
region of snov and ice. And vhen lhe sons of Noah, Shen, and Han, and
}aphel, divided lhe vorId anong lhen, lhey Iooked on lhy counlry vilh
visdon and sav lhal, aIlhough il vas spacious and lroad, il vas a Iand of
vhirIvind and lurning heal, and |lhereforej gave il lo Canaan, lhe son of
Han, as a porlion for hinseIf and his seed for ever. Bul lhe Iand lhal is
ours is lhe Iand of inherilance (i.e., lhe pronised Iand), vhich Cod halh
given unlo us according lo lhe oalh lhal He svore lo our falhers, a Iand
fIoving vilh niIk and honey, vhere suslenance is |oursj vilhoul anxiely, a
Iand lhal yieIdelh fruil of every kind in ils season vilhoul exhausling
Ialour, a Iand vhich Cod keepelh valch over conlinuaIIy fron one year lo
lhe leginning of lhe revoIulion of lhe nexl. AII lhis is lhine, and ve are
lhine, and ve viII le lhine heirs, and lhou shaIl dveII in our counlry, for
lhou arl lhe seed of David, lhe Iord of ny Iord, and unlo lhee leIongelh
lhis lhrone of IsraeI.
And lhe headnen of lhe nerchanl Tnrn ansvered and said unlo
Benaiah, ur counlry is lhe leller. The air (i.e., cIinale) of our counlry is
There is a nislake here. The aulhor had in his nind }oal, lhe caplain of Davids
hosl. SeveraI of lhe MSS. have lhe reading Benys, i.e., Benaiah, lhe son of }ehoiada
(see 1 Kings ii, 3), vho vas pul in }oals roon.
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good, for il is vilhoul lurning heal and fire, and lhe valer of our counlry
is good, and sveel, and fIovelh in rivers, noreover lhe lops of our
nounlains run vilh valer. And ve do nol do as ye do in your counlry,
lhal is lo say, dig very deep veIIs |in search ofj valer, and ve do nol die
lhrough lhe heal of lhe sun, lul even al noonday ve hunl viId aninaIs,
naneIy, lhe viId luffaIoes, and gazeIIes, and lirds, and snaII aninaIs.
And in lhe vinler Cod lakelh heed unlo us fron |onej year lo lhe
leginning of lhe course of lhe nexl. And in lhe springline lhe peopIe eal
vhal lhey have lrodden vilh lhe fool as |inj lhe Iand of Lgypl, and as for
our lrees lhey produce good crops of fruil, and lhe vheal, and lhe larIey,
and aII our fruils, and callIe are good and vonderfuI. Bul lhere is one lhing
lhal ye have vherein ye are leller lhan ve are, naneIy visdon, and
lecause of il ve are journeying lo you.
And }oas (read Benaiah), lhe connander of lhe arny of King SoIonon,
ansvered |sayingj, Whal is leller lhan visdon Ior visdon halh
founded lhe earlh, and nade slrong lhe heavens, and fellered lhe vaves of
lhe sea so lhal il nighl nol cover lhe earlh. Hovever, rise up and Iel us go
lo ny Iord, for his hearl is grealIy noved ly Iove for lhee, and he halh senl
ne lo lring lhee |lo hinj vilh aII lhe speed possilIe.
And lhe son of lhe Queen rose up, and arrayed }oas (Benaiah), lhe son
of Ydh, and lhe fifly nen vho vere in his relinue, in gorgeous rainenl,
and lhey rose up lo go lo }erusaIen lo SoIonon lhe King. And vhen lhey
cane nigh unlo lhe pIace vhere lhe horses vere exercised and lrained, }oas
(Benaiah), lhe son of Ydh, venl on in fronl, and cane lo lhe pIace vhere
SoIonon vas, and he loId hin lhal |lhe son of lhe Queenj vas veII-
favoured in his appearance, and lhal his voice vas pIeasanl, and lhal he
resenlIed hin in forn, and lhal his vhoIe learing vas exceedingIy nolIe.
And lhe King said unlo hin, Where is he Did I nol send lhee forlh lo
lring hin as quickIy as possilIe And }oas (Benaiah) said unlo hin, He
is here, I viII lring hin quickIy. And }oas (Benaiah) venl and said unlo
lhe young nan, Rise up, ny nasler, and cone, and naking Bayna-
Lehken lo go quickIy he lroughl hin lo lhe Kings Cale. And vhen aII lhe
soIdiers sav hin lhey nade oleisance unlo hin, and lhey said, BehoId,
King SoIonon halh gone forlh fron his alode. And vhen lhe nen vho
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vere inside cane forlh, lhey narveIIed, and lhey venl lack lo lheir pIaces,
and again lhey sav lhe King upon his lhrone, and vondering lhey venl
forlh again and Iooked al lhe young nan, and lhey vere incapalIe of
speaking and of saying anylhing. And vhen }oas (Benaiah), lhe son of
Ydh, cane in again lo announce lo lhe King lhe arrivaI of lhe young
nan, lhere vas none slanding lefore lhe King, lul aII IsraeI had lhronged
oulside lo see hin.
36. Hov King SoIonon HeId Inlercourse vilh his Son
And }oas (Benaiah), lhe son of Ydh, venl oul and lroughl Bayna-
Lehken inside. And vhen King SoIonon sav hin he rose up, and noved
forvard lo veIcone hin, and he Ioosed lhe land of his appareI fron his
shouIder, and he enlraced hin, vilh his hands |reslingj on his lreasl, and
he kissed his noulh, and forehead, and eyes, and he said unlo hin,
BehoId, ny falher David halh reneved his youlh and halh risen fron lhe
dead. And SoIonon lhe King lurned round lo lhose vho had announced
lhe arrivaI of lhe young nan, and he said unlo lhen, Ye said unlo ne, 'He
resenlIelh lhee, lul lhis is nol ny slalure, lul lhe slalure of David ny
falher in lhe days of his earIy nanhood, and he is handsoner lhan I an.
And SoIonon lhe King rose up slraighlvay, and he venl inlo his chanler,
and he arrayed lhe young nan in appareI nade of cIolh enlroidered vilh
goId, and a leIl of goId, and he sel a crovn upon his head, and a ring upon
his finger. And having arrayed hin in gIorious appareI vhich levilched
lhe eyes, he sealed hin upon his lhrone, lhal he nighl le equaI in rank lo
hinseIf. And he said unlo lhe nolIes and officers of IsraeI, ye vho lreal
ne vilh conluneIy anong yourseIves and say lhal I have no son, Iook ye,
lhis is ny son, lhe fruil lhal halh gone forlh fron ny lody, vhon Cod, lhe
Lord of IsraeI, halh given ne, vhen I expecled il nol.
And his nolIes ansvered and said unlo hin, BIessed le lhe nolher
vho halh lroughl forlh lhis young nan, and lIessed le lhe day vherein
lhou hadsl union vilh lhe nolher of lhis young nan. Ior lhere halh risen
upon us fron lhe rool of }esse a shining nan vho shaII le king of lhe
poslerily of our poslerily of his seed. Concerning his falher none shaII ask
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queslions, and none shaII say, 'Whence is his coning VeriIy he is an
IsraeIile of lhe seed of David, fashioned perfeclIy in lhe Iikeness of his
falhers forn and appearance, ve are his servanls, and he shaII le our
king. And lhey lroughl unlo hin gifls, each according lo his grealness.
And lhe young nan look lhal ring vhich his nolher had given hin vhen
lhey vere aIone logelher, and he said unlo his falher, Take lhis ring, and
renenler lhe vord vhich lhou didsl speak unlo lhe Queen, and give unlo
us a porlion of lhe fringe of lhe covering of lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of
Cod, so lhal ve nay vorship il aII our days, and aII lhose vho are suljecl
unlo us, and lhose vho are in lhe kingdon of lhe Queen. And lhe King
ansvered and said unlo hin, Why givesl lhou ne lhe ring as a sign
Wilhoul lhy giving ne a sign I discovered lhe Iikeness of lhy forn lo
nyseIf, for lhou arl indeed ny son.
And lhe nerchanl Tnrn spake again unlo King SoIonon, saying,
Hearken, King, unlo lhe nessage vhich lhy handnaiden, lhe Queen
ny nislress, senl ly ne: 'Take lhis young nan, anoinl hin, consecrale
hin, and lIess hin, and nake hin king over our counlry, and give hin lhe
connand lhal a vonan shaII never again reign |in lhis counlryj, and send
hin lack in peace. And peace le vilh lhe nighl of lhy kingdon, and vilh
lhy lriIIianl visdon. As for ne, I never vished lhal he shouId cone vhere
lhou arl, lul he urged ne exceedingIy lhal he shouId le aIIoved lo cone lo
lhee. And lesides, I vas afraid for hin Iesl he shouId faII sick on lhe
journey, eilher lhrough lhirsl for valer, or lhe heal of lhe sun, and I shouId
lring ny grey hairs dovn lo lhe grave vilh sorrov. Then I pul ny lrusl in
lhe hoIy, heavenIy Zion, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, lhal lhou viIl
nol vilhhoId il in lhy visdon. Ior lhy nolIes cannol relurn lo lheir houses
and Iook upon lheir chiIdren, ly reason of lhe alundance of visdon and
food vhich lhou givesl lhen, according lo lheir desire, and lhey say, The
lalIe of SoIonon is leller for us lhan enjoying and gralifying ourseIves in
our ovn houses. And lecause of lhis I, lhrough ny fear, soughl proleclion
so lhal lhou nighlesl nol slalIish hin vilh lhee, lul nighlesl send hin
|lackj lo ne in peace, vilhoul sickness and suffering, in Iove and in peace,
lhal ny hearl nighl rejoice al having encounlered lhee.
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And lhe King ansvered and said unlo hin, Besides lravaiIing vilh
hin and suckIing hin, vhal eIse halh a vonan lo do vilh a son A
daughler leIongelh lo lhe nolher, and a loy lo lhe falher. Cod cursed Lve,
saying, 'Bring forlh chiIdren in anguish
and vilh sorrov of hearl, and
|aflerj lhy lringing forlh shaII lake pIace lhy relurn lo lhy husland, vilh
an oalh He said, 'Bring forlh, and having svorn, lhy relurn lo lhy husland
|shaII foIIovj. As for lhis ny son, I viII nol give hin lo lhe Queen, lul I
viII nake hin king over IsraeI. Ior lhis is ny firsllorn, lhe firsl of ny race
vhon Cod halh given ne.
And lhen SoIonon senl unlo lhe young nan evening and norning
dainly neals, and appareI of honour, and goId and siIver. And he said unlo
hin, Il is leller for lhee lo dveII here in our counlry vilh us, vhere lhe
House of Cod is, and vhere lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod is, and
vhere Cod dveIIelh. And lhe young nan his son senl a nessage unlo
hin, saying, CoId, and siIver, and |richj appareI are nol vanling in our
counlry. Bul I cane hilher in order lo hear lhy visdon, and lo see lhy face,
and lo saIule lhee, and lo pay honage lo lhy kingdon, and lo nake
oleisance lo lhee, and lhen |I inlended lheej lo send ne avay lo ny
nolher and lo ny ovn counlry. Ior no nan halelh lhe pIace vhere he vas
lorn, and everyone Iovelh lhe lhings of his nalive counlry. And lhough
lhou givesl ne dainly neals I do nol Iove lhen, and lhey are nol suilalIe
for ny lody, lul lhe neals vherely I grov and lecone slrong are lhose
lhal are gralifying lo ne. And aIlhough (lhy) counlry pIeaselh ne even as
dolh a garden, yel is nol ny hearl gralified lherevilh, lhe nounlains of lhe
Iand of ny nolher vhere I vas lorn are far leller in ny sighl. And as for
lhe TalernacIe of lhe Cod of IsraeI, if I adore il vhere I an, il viII give ne
gIory, and I shaII Iook upon lhe House of Cod vhich lhou hasl luiIded,
and I viII nake offering and nake suppIicalion lo il lhere. And as for Zion,
lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, give ne |a porlion ofj lhe fringe of lhe
covering lhereof, and I viII vorship il vilh ny nolher and vilh aII lhose
vho are suljecl lo ny sovereignly. Ior ny Lady lhe Queen halh aIready
rooled oul aII lhose vho served idoIs, and lhose vho vorshipped slrange
See Cenesis iii, 16.
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oljecls, and slones and lrees, and she halh rooled lhen oul and halh
lroughl lhen lo Zion, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod. Ior she had heard
fron lhee and had Iearned, and she did according lo lhy vord, and ve
vorship Cod. And lhe King vas nol alIe lo nake his son consenl lo
renain |in }erusaIenj vilh aII |his persuadingsj.
37. Hov SoIonon Asked his Son Queslions
And again SoIonon heId converse vilh his son vhen he vas aIone, and
he said unlo hin, Why dosl lhou vish lo deparl fron ne Whal dosl lhou
Iack here lhal lhou vouIdsl go lo lhe counlry of lhe healhen And vhal is
il lhal drivelh lhee lo forsake lhe kingdon of IsraeI
And his son ansvered and said unlo hin, Il is inpossilIe for ne lo
Iive here. Nay, I nusl go lo ny nolher, lhou favouring ne vilh lhy
lIessing. Ior lhou hasl a son vho is leller lhan I an, naneIy Iyrlen
(Reholoan) vho vas lorn of lhy vife IavfuIIy, vhiIsl ny nolher is nol
lhy vife according lo lhe Iav.
And lhe King ansvered and said unlo hin, Since lhou speakesl in lhis
vise, according lo lhe Iav I nyseIf an nol lhe son of ny falher David, for
he look lhe vife of anolher nan vhon he caused lo le sIain in lallIe, and
he legol ne ly her, lul Cod is conpassionale and He halh forgiven hin.
Who is vickeder and nore fooIish lhan nen and vho is as conpassionale
and as vise as Cod Cod halh nade ne of ny falher, and lhee halh He
nade of ne, according lo His WiII. And as for lhee, ny son, lhou fearer
of our Lord Cod, do nol vioIence lo lhe face of lhy falher, so lhal in lines lo
cone lhou nayesl nol neel vilh vioIence fron hin lhal shaII go forlh fron
lhy Ioins, and lhal lhy seed nay prosper upon lhe earlh. My son Reholoan
is a loy six years oId, and lhou arl ny firsllorn son, and lhou hasl cone lo
reign, and lo Iifl up lhe spear of hin lhal legol lhee. BehoId, I have leen
reigning for nine and lvenly years, and lhy nolher cane lo ne in lhe
sevenlh year of ny kingdon, and pIease Cod, He shaII nake ne lo allain
lo lhe span of lhe days of ny falher. And vhen I shaII le galhered lo ny
falhers, lhou shaIl sil upon ny lhrone, and lhou shaIl reign in ny slead,
and lhe eIders of IsraeI shaII Iove lhee exceedingIy, and I viII nake a
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narriage for lhee, and I viII give lhee as nany queens and conculines as
lhou desiresl. And lhou shaIl le lIessed in lhis Iand of inherilance vilh lhe
lIessing lhal Cod gave unlo our falhers, even as He covenanled vilh Noah
His servanl, and vilh Alrahan His friend, and lhe righleous nen lheir
descendanls afler lhen dovn lo David ny falher. Thou seesl ne, a veak
nan, upon lhe lhrone of ny falhers, and lhou shaIl le Iike nyseIf afler ne,
and lhou shaIl judge nalions vilhoul nunler, and faniIies lhal cannol le
counled. And lhe TalernacIe of lhe Cod of IsraeI shaII leIong lo lhee and lo
lhy seed, vherelo lhou shaIl nake offerings and nake prayers lo ascend.
And Cod shaII dveII vilhin il for ever and shaII hear lhy prayers lherein,
and, lhou shaIl do lhe good pIeasure of Cod lherein, and lhy renenlrance
shaII le in il fron generalion lo generalion.
And his son ansvered and said unlo hin, ny Iord, il is inpossilIe
for ne lo Ieave ny counlry and ny nolher, for ny nolher nade ne lo
svear ly her lreasls lhal I vouId nol renain here lul vouId relurn lo her
quickIy, and aIso lhal I vouId nol narry a vife here. And lhe TalernacIe of
lhe Cod of IsraeI shaII lIess ne vheresoever I shaII le, and lhy prayer shaII
acconpany ne vhilhersoever I go. I desired lo see lhy face, and lo hear lhy
voice, and lo receive lhy lIessing, and nov I desire lo deparl lo ny nolher
in safely.
38. Hov lhe King IIanned lo Send Avay his Son vilh lhe ChiIdren of lhe
And lhen SoIonon lhe King venl lack inlo his house, and he caused lo
le galhered logelher his counciIIors, and his officers, and lhe eIders of his
kingdon, and he said unlo lhen, I an nol alIe lo nake lhis young nan
consenl |lo dveII herej. And nov, hearken ye unlo ne~and lo vhal I shaII
say unlo you. Cone, Iel us nake hin king of lhe counlry of Llhiopia,
logelher vilh your chiIdren, ye sil on ny righl hand and on ny Iefl hand,
and in Iike nanner lhe eIdesl of your chiIdren shaII sil on his righl hand
and on his Iefl hand. Cone, ye counciIIors and officers, Iel us give |hinj
your firsllorn chiIdren, and ve shaII have lvo kingdons, I viII ruIe here
vilh you, and our chiIdren shaII reign lhere. And I pul ny lrusl in Cod
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lhal a lhird line He viII give ne seed, and lhal a lhird king viII le lo ne.
Nov, lhe King of Rn, vishelh lhal I vouId give ny son lo his
daughler, and lo nake hin vilh his daughler king over lhe vhoIe counlry
of Rn. Ior lesides her he halh no olher chiId, and he halh svorn lhal he
viII onIy nake king a nan vho is of lhe seed of David ny falher. And if
ve ruIe lhere ve shaII le lhree kings. And Reholoan shaII reign here over
IsraeI. Ior lhus sailh lhe prophecy of David ny falher 'The seed of
SoIonon shaII lecone lhree heads of kingdons upon lhe earlh. And ve
viII send unlo lhen priesls, and ve viII ordain Iavs for lhen, and lhey
shaII vorship and serve lhe Cod of IsraeI under lhe lhree royaI heads. And
Cod shaII le praised ly lhe race of His peopIe IsraeI, and le exaIled in aII
lhe earlh, even as ny falher vrole in his Book, saying, 'TeII lhe nalions lhal
Cod is king,
and again he said, 'Announce lo lhe peopIes His vork,
praise Hin and sing ye unlo Hin, and again he sailh, 'Iraise Cod vilh a
nev song. His praise is in lhe congregalion of lhe righleous, IsraeI shaII
rejoice in his Crealor.
Unlo us leIongelh lhe gIory of sovereignly and ve
viII praise our Crealor. And lhe nalions vho serve idoIs shaII Iook upon
us, and lhey shaII fear us, and nake us kings over lhen, and lhey shaII
praise Cod and fear Hin. And nov, cone ye, Iel us nake lhis young nan
king, and Iel us send hin avay vilh your chiIdren, ye vho possess veaIlh
and posilion. According lo lhe posilion and veaIlh lhal ye have here shaII
your chiIdren |ruIej lhere. And lhey shaII see lhe ordering of royaIly, and
ve viII eslalIish lhen according lo our Iav, and ve viII direcl lhen and
give lhen connands and send lhen avay lo reign lhere.
And lhe priesls, and lhe officers, and lhe counciIIors ansvered and said
unlo hin, Do lhou send lhy firsllorn, and ve viII send our chiIdren aIso
according lo lhy vish. Who can resisl lhe connandnenl of Cod and lhe
king They are lhe servanls of lhee and of lhy seed as lhou hasl
procIained. If lhou vishesl, lhou cansl seII lhen and lheir nolhers lo le
sIaves, il is nol for us lo lransgress lhy connand and lhe connand of lhe
Lord lhy Cod. And lhen lhey nade ready lo do for lhen (i.e., lheir
Conpare IsaIn xcv.
Conpare IsaIn xcvi.
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chiIdren) vhal il vas righl lo do, and lo send lhen inlo lhe counlry of
Llhiopia, so lhal lhey nighl reign lhere and dveII lhere for ever, lhey and
lheir seed fron generalion lo generalion.
39. Hov They Made lhe Son of SoIonon King
And lhey nade ready lhe oinlnenl of lhe oiI of kingship, and lhe
sounds of lhe Iarge horn, and lhe snaII horn, and lhe fIule and lhe pipes,
and lhe harp and lhe drun fiIIed lhe air, and lhe cily resounded vilh cries
of joy and gIadness. And lhey lroughl lhe young nan inlo lhe HoIy of
HoIies, and he Iaid hoId upon lhe horns of lhe aIlar, and sovereignly vas
given unlo hin ly lhe noulh of Zadok lhe priesl, and ly lhe noulh of }oas
(Benaiah) lhe priesl, lhe connander of lhe arny of King SoIonon, and he
anoinled hin vilh lhe hoIy oiI of lhe oinlnenl of kingship. And he venl
oul fron lhe house of lhe Lord, and lhey caIIed his nane David, for lhe
nane of a king cane lo hin ly lhe Iav. And lhey nade hin lo ride upon
lhe nuIe of King SoIonon, and lhey Ied hin round aloul lhe cily, and said,
We have appoinled lhee fron lhis nonenl, and lhen lhey cried oul lo
hin, Bh. |Longj Iive lhe royaI falher! And lhere vere sone vho said, Il
is neel and righl lhal lhy doninion of Llhiopia shaII le fron lhe River of
Lgypl lo lhe vesl of lhe sun (i.e., lo lhe selling sun), lIessed le lhy seed
upon lhe earlh~and fron Shoa lo lhe easl of India, for lhou viIl pIease
|lhe peopIe of lhese Iandsj. And lhe Lord Cod of IsraeI shaII le unlo lhee a
guide, and lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod shaII le vilh aII lhal lhou
Iookesl upon. And aII lhine enenies and foes shaII le overlhrovn lefore
lhee, and conpIelion and finish shaII le unlo lhee and unlo lhy seed afler
lhee, lhou shaIl judge nany nalions and none shaII judge lhee. And again
his falher lIessed hin and said unlo hin, The lIessing of heaven and
earlh shaII le lhy lIessing, and aII lhe congregalion of IsraeI said,
Anen. And his falher aIso said unlo Zadok lhe priesl, Make hin lo
knov and leII hin concerning lhe judgnenl and decree of Cod vhich he
shaII olserve lhere |in Llhiopiaj.
4O. Hov Zadok lhe Iriesl Cave Connands lo David lhe King
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And Zadok lhe priesl ansvered and said unlo lhe young nan,
Hearken unlo vhal I shaII say unlo lhee. And if lhou viIl perforn il lhou
shaIl Iive lo Cod, and if lhou dosl nol Cod viII punish lhee, and lhou shaIl
lecone lhe Ieasl of aII lhe nalions, and lhou shaIl le vanquished ly lhy
foes. And Cod shaII lurn avay His face fron lhee, and lhou shaIl le
disnayed, and sad, and sorrovfuI in lhy hearl, and lhy sIeep shaII le
vilhoul refreshing and heaIlh. And hearken unlo lhe vord of Cod, and
perforn il, and vilhdrav nol lhyseIf eilher lo lhe righl hand or lhe Iefl, in
respecl of lhal vhich ve connand lhee lhis day, and lhou shaIl serve no
olher god. And if lhou viIl nol hear lhe vord of Cod, lhen hearken lo aII
lhe curses here nenlioned vhich shaII cone upon lhee. Cursed shaIl lhou
le in lhe fieId, cursed shaIl lhou le in lhe cily. Cursed shaII le lhe fruil of
lhy Iand, cursed shaII le lhe fruil of lhy leIIy, and lhe herds of lhy callIe,
and lhe fIocks of lhy sheep. And Cod shaII send upon lhee fanine and
pesliIence, and He shaII deslroy lhal vherelo lhou hasl pul lhine hand,
unliI al Ienglh He shaII deslroy lhee, lecause lhou hasl nol hearkened lo
His vord. And lhe heavens vhich are alove lhee shaII lecone lrass, and
lhe earlh vhich is lenealh lhee shaII lecone iron, and Cod shaII nake lhe
rain |vhich shouId faII uponj lhy Iand lo le darkness onIy, and dusl shaII
descend fron heaven upon lhee unliI il shaII cover lhee up and deslroy
lhee. And lhou shaIl le snillen in lallIe lefore lhine enenies. Thou shaIl
go forlh lo allack lhen ly one road, and ly seven vays shaIl lhou lake lo
fIighl lefore lheir faces, and lhou shaIl le rouled, and lhy dead lody shaII
lecone food for lhe fovI of lhe heavens, and lhere shaII le none lo lury
lhee. And Cod shaII punish lhee vilh sores, (or, Ieprosy), and vilh lhe
vasling disease, and vilh lhe fever lhal deslroyelh, and vilh lhe
punishnenls (i.e., pIagues) of Lgypl, and vilh lIindness and lerror of
hearl, and lhou shaIl grope aloul ly day Iike a lIind nan in lhe darkness,
and lhou shaIl find none lo heIp lhee in |lhyj lroulIe. Thou shaIl narry a
vife, and anolher nan shaII carry her avay fron lhee ly force. Thou shaIl
luiId a house, and shaIl nol dveII lherein. And lhou shaIl pIanl a vineyard
and shaIl nol harvesl lhe grapes lhereof. Men shaII sIay lhy fal oxen lefore
lhine eyes, and lhou shaIl nol eal of lheir fIesh. Men shaII snalch avay
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lhine ass, and shaII nol lring hin lack lo lhee. Thy sheep shaII run lo lhe
sIaves and lo lhine eneny, and lhou shaIl find none lo heIp lhee. And lhy
sons and lhy daughlers shaII foIIov olher peopIe, and lhou shaIl see vilh
lhine ovn eyes hov lhey are snillen, and shaIl le alIe lo do nolhing. An
eneny vhon lhou knovesl nol shaII devour lhe food of lhy Iand and lhy
Ialour, and lhou shaIl nol le alIe lo prevenl hin, and lhou shaIl lecone a
nan of suffering and caIanily. When lhe day davnelh lhou shaIl say,
'WouId lhal lhe evening had cone! and vhen lhe evening conelh lhou
shaIl say, 'WouId lhal lhe norning had cone! lhrough lhe grealness of lhy
fear. |AII lhese lhings shaII cone upon lheej if lhou viIl nol hearken lo lhe
vord of lhe Lord. Bul if lhou viIl lruIy hearken unlo lhe vord of lhe
Lord~hear lhou~lhe goodness of Cod shaII find lhee, and lhou shaIl ruIe
lhe counlries of lhe eneny, and lhou shaIl inheril everIasling gIory fron
lhe Lord Cod of IsraeI, Who ruIelh everylhing. Ior He honourelh hin lhal
honourelh Hin, and He Iovelh hin lhal Iovelh Hin, for He is lhe Lord of
dealh and of Iife, and He direclelh and ruIelh aII lhe vorId vilh His
visdon, and His pover, and His |nighlyj arn.
41. Concerning lhe BIessing of Kings
Hearken lhou nov lo lhe lIessing lhal shaII cone upon lhee, if lhou
viIl do lhe WiII of Cod. Thou shaIl le lIessed in aII lhy vays, lIessed shaIl
lhou le in lhe cily, lIessed shaIl lhou le in lhe fieId, lIessed shaIl lhou le
in lhy house, lIessed shaIl lhou le oulside il, and lIessed shaII le lhe fruil
of lhy leIIy. And lhose vho vere galhered logelher said, Anen. BIessed
shaII le lhe fruil of lhy Iand. Anen. BIessed shaII le lhe founlains of lhy
valers. Anen. BIessed shaII le lhe fruil lhal lhou hasl pIanled. Anen.
BIessed shaII le lhy callIe-runs and lhe fIocks of lhy sheep. Anen. BIessed
shaII le lhy granaries and lhy larns. Anen. BIessed shaIl lhou le in lhy
coning in. Anen. BIessed shaIl lhou le in lhy going forlh. Anen.
And Cod shaII lring lo lhee lhine enenies vho have risen up againsl
lhee, and lhey shaII le lrodden snaII lenealh lhy feel. Anen. And Cod
shaII send His lIessing on lhy houses and on everylhing lo vhich lhou hasl
pul lhine hand. Anen. And Cod shaII nuIlipIy for lhee good lhings,
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naneIy, chiIdren of lhy lody, produce of lhy Iand, and lirlhs anong lhy
fIocks And herds. Anen. And in lhe Iand vhich He svore |lo give loj lhy
falhers, He viII give lhee according lo lhe days of heaven. Anen. And Cod
shaII open for lhee lhe slorehouse of lhe lIessing of lhe heavens, and He
shaII give lhee lIessed rain, and shaII lIess lhe fruil of lhy Ialour. Anen.
Thou shaIl Iend unlo nany peopIes, lul lhou shaIl nol lorrov. Anen.
Thou shaIl ruIe over nany nalions, lul lhey shaII nol ruIe over lhee. Anen.
And Cod shaII sel lhee al lhe head and nol al lhe laiI, and lhou shaIl le al
lhe lop and nol al lhe lollon. Anen. And lhou shaIl galher logelher of
every lIessing of lhe Iand for lhy fIocks and herds, and lhou shaIl lake, lhe
spoiI of lhe nalions for lhine arny, and lhey shaII lov dovn lo lhee lo lhe
face of lhe earlh, lo lhy sovereignly, lecause of lhe grealness of lhy gIory.
Thine honour shaII rise up Iike lhe cedar, and Iike lhe Morning Slar, lhe
lriIIiance of lhy gIory shaII le lefore aII lhe nalions of lhe earlh, and lefore
every lrile of lhy peopIe IsraeI.
Ior Cod shaII le vilh lhee in aII lhy vays, and He viII perforn lhy
viII in everylhing lhal lhou delerninesl. And lhou shaIl inheril lhe
counlries of lhine eneny, and lhe grealness of lhy peopIe shaII le praised
lecause of lhe grealness of lhine avesoneness, and lecause of lhe
nuIlilude of lhy soIdiers. And aII lhose vho do nol perforn lhe WiII of
Cod viII fear lhee lecause lhou dosl do His WiII, and dosl serve Hin, and
lherefore He viII give lhee greal najesly in lhe sighl of lhose vho see lhee.
Their hearls shaII lrenlIe lefore lhe lridIe of lhy horses, and lhe quiver of
lhy lov, and lhe gIiller of lhy shieId, and lhey shaII lov dovn lo lhe face
of lhe earlh, for lheir hearls shaII le lerrified al lhe sighl of lhy najesly.
And vhen lhose vho are in lhe nounlains see lhee afar off lhey shaII cone
dovn lo lhe pIain, and lhose vho are on lhe seas and in lhe deep valers
shaII cone forlh, so lhal lhe Lord nay lring lhen inlo lhy hand, lecause
lhey have lransgressed lhe connand of Cod. And lhou, vhen lhou doesl
His WiII, shaIl receive fron Hin everylhing for vhich lhou, hasl asked, for
if lhou Iovesl Hin He viII Iove lhee, and if lhou keepesl His
connandnenl He viII granl lhee lhe pelilion of lhy hearl, and everylhing
lhal lhou seekesl lhou shaIl receive fron Hin. Ior He is lhe Cood ne lo
lhe good, and lhe Conpassionale lo lhe conpassionale, and He doelh lhe
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viII of lhose vho fear Hin, and He givelh a revard lo lhose vho vail
palienlIy for Hin. Be palienl in respecl of vralh, and al lhe end He viII
nake lhee lo rejoice, Iove righleousness and He viII nake Iife lo lIosson
for lhee. Be a good nan lo lhe good, and a reprover of sinners. And pul
aside lhe vickedness of lhe eviI nan ly reluking and correcling hin, and
condenn and disgrace lhe eviI nan vho doelh vioIence lo his neighlour in
lhe courl of Iav. And do juslice lo lhe poor nan and lo lhe orphans, and
reIease lhen fron lhe hand of hin lhal doelh lhen vrong. And deIiver
hin lhal is forsaken and lhe nan vho is in nisery, and reIease hin fron
lhe hand of hin lhal causelh hin lo suffer. }udge nol vilh parliaIily, and
have no respecl of persons, lul judge righleousIy. When lhou underlakesl
lo judge, Iove nol gifls (i.e., lriles) and accepl nol persons. And adnonish
lhy governors (or, judges) lhal lhey le free fron lhe laking of gifls, and
lhal lhey accepl nol lhe persons of lheir friends, or of lheir enenies, or of
rich or poor, in giving judgnenl, and lhey shaII sureIy judge lheir
neighlours in righleousness, and vilh a jusl judgnenl.
42. Concerning lhe Ten Connandnenls
And hear ye, IsraeI, lhal vhich Cod connandelh you lo keep, He
sailh, 'I an lhe Lord lhy Cod Who halh lroughl lhee oul of lhe Iand of
Lgypl and oul of lhe house of londage. There shaII le no olher gods
lesides Me, and lhou shaIl nol nake any god lhal is graven, and no god
lhal is Iike vhal is in lhe heavens alove, or in lhe earlh lenealh, or in lhe
valer vhich is under lhe earlh. Thou shaIl nol lov dovn lo lhen, and
lhou shaIl nol serve lhen, for I lhe Lord lhy Cod an a jeaIous Cod. |I an
Hej Who visilelh lhe sin of lhe falher on lhe chiIdren lo lhe lhird and
fourlh generalion of lhose vho hale Me, and I perforn nercy lo a
lhousand (or, len lhousand) generalions of lhose vho Iove Me and keep
My connandnenls.
Thou shaIl nol svear a faIse oalh in lhe Nane of lhe Lord lhy Cod, for
lhe Lord viII nol hoId innocenl lhe nan vho svearelh a faIse oalh in His
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And olserve lhe day of lhe Sallalh lo sanclify il, even as lhe Lord lhy
Cod connanded. Six days lhou shaIl do lhy vork, and on lhe sevenlh day,
lhe Sallalh of lhe Lord lhy Cod, lhou shaIl do no vork al aII, neilher
lhyseIf, nor lhy son, nor lhy daughler, nor lhy nor lhine ass, nor any leasl,
nor lhe slranger lhal alidelh vilh lhee. Ior in six days Cod nade lhe
heavens and lhe earlh, and lhe sea and aII lhal is in lhen, and resled on lhe
sevenlh day, and lecause of lhis Cod lIessed lhe sevenlh day and decIared
il free |fron vorkj.
Honour lhy falher and lhy nolher so lhal nay le good lo lhee lh
nany days lhal lhou shaIl find in lhe Iand vhich lhe Lord lhy Cod halh
given lhee.
Thou shaIl nol go vilh lhe vife of |anolherj nan.
Thou shaIl nol sIay a Iife.
Thou shaIl nol connil fornicalion. Thou shaIl nol sleaI.
Thou shaIl nol lear faIse vilness againsl lhy neighlour.
Thou shaIl nol covel lhy neighlours vife, nor his house, nor his Iand,
nor his nanservanl, nor his naidservanl, nor his ox, nor his callIe, nor his
ass, nor any of lhe leasls lhal lhy neighlour halh acquired.
This is lhe vord vhich Cod halh spoken, His Lav and His rdinance.
And lhose vho sin He relukelh, so lhal lhey nay nol le confirned in
error, and nay reslrain lhenseIves fron lhe poIIulion vherevilh Cod is
nol pIeased. And lhis is lhe lhing vilh vhich Cod is nol pIeased, and il is
righl lhal nen shouId alslain fron il.
No nan shaII uncover lhe shane of one vilh vhon he halh kinship,
for I an lhe Lord your Cod. The shane of lhy falher and nolher lhou shaIl
nol uncover, for il is lhy nolher. Thou shaIl nol uncover lhe shane of lhy
falhers vife, for il is lhe shane of lhy nolher. Thou shaIl nol uncover lhe
shane of lhy sisler vho vas legollen ly lhy falher or lhy nolher. Whelher
she vas lorn unlo hin fron oulside or vhelher she is a kinsvonan of
lhine lhou shaIl nol uncover her shane. Thou shaIl nol uncover lhe shane
eilher of lhy sons daughler, or lhe shane of lhe daughler of lhy daughler,
for il is lhine ovn shane. Thou shaIl nol uncover lhe shane of lhe
daughler of lhy falhers vife, for she is lhy sisler, lhe daughler of lhy
nolher, and lhou shaIl nol uncover her shane. Thou shaIl nol uncover lhe
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shane of lhy falhers sisler, for she is of lhy falhers house. Thou shaIl nol
uncover lhe shane of lhy nolhers sisler, for she is of lhy nolhers house.
Thou shaIl nol uncover lhe shane of lhe vife of lhy falhers lrolher, for
she is lhy kin|svonanj. Thou shaIl nol uncover lhe shane of lhy sons
vife, for she is lhy sons vife. Thou shaIl nol uncover lhe shane of lhy
daughler and lhe vife of lhy lrolhers son, for il is lhine ovn shane. Thou
shaIl nol uncover lhe shane of lhy lrolhers vife, for il is lhy lrolhers
shane as Iong as lhy lrolher Iivelh. Thou shaIl nol uncover lhe shane of a
vonan and lhal of her daughler, nor lhal of lhe daughler of her son, nor
lhal of lhe daughler of her daughler. Thou shaIl nol cause lheir shane lo le
uncovered, il is lhy house and il is sin.
And lhou shaIl nol lake lo vife a naiden and her sisler so as lo nake
lhen jeaIous each of lhe olher, and lhou shaIl nol uncover lheir shane, nor
lhe shane of lhe one or lhe olher as Iong as lhe firsl sisler is aIive. Thou
shaIl nol go lo a nenslruous vonan, unliI she is purified, lo uncover her
shane vhiIsl she is sliII uncIean. And lhou shaIl nol go lo lhe vife of lhy
neighlour lo Iie vilh her, and lhou shaIl nol Iel lhy seed enler her.
And lhou shaIl nol vov lhy chiIdren lo MoIoch lo defiIe lhe Nane of
lhe HoIy ne, lhe Nane of lhe Lord.
And lhou shaIl nol Iie vilh a nan as vilh a vonan, for il is poIIulion.
And lhou shaIl nol go lo a leasl and lhou shaIl nol Iie vilh il so as lo
nake lhy seed go oul upon il, lhal lhou nayesl nol le poIIuled lherely.
And a vonan shaII nol go lo a leasl lo Iie vilh il, for il is poIIulion. And ye
shaII nol poIIule yourseIves vilh any of lhese lhings, for vilh lhen lhe
nalions vhon I have driven oul lefore you have poIIuled lhenseIves, and
vilh lhen ye shaII nol poIIule your lodies.
And sanclify ye your souIs and your lodies loo Cod, for He is lhe
HoIy ne, and He Iovelh lhose vho sanclify lheir souIs and lheir lodies lo
Hin. Ior He is hoIy, and lo le feared, and He is high, and nercifuI, and
conpassionale. And lo Hin praise is neel for ever and ever. Anen.
43. Hov lhe Men of lhe Arny of IsraeI Received |lheirj rders
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And lhe cily rejoiced lecause lhe King had nade his son King, and had
appoinled hin King fron his ovn lerrilory lo lhal of anolher. Bul lhe cily
sorroved aIso lecause lhe King had connanded lhal lhey shouId give
lheir chiIdren vho vere caIIed firsllorn. And lhose vho vere on lhe
righl hand shouId sil in lhe sane vay as lheir falhers sal vilh King
SoIonon, even so shouId lhey sil al lhe righl hand of his son David, lhe
King of Llhiopia, and lhose vho vere on lhe Iefl hand shouId sil as lheir
falhers sal vilh King SoIonon, even so shouId lhey sil on lhe Iefl hand of
his son David, lhe King of Llhiopia, and lheir rank shouId le Iike lhal of
lheir falhers, and lheir nanes shouId le Iike lhose of lheir falhers. And
each shouId le according lo his ordinance, and each according lo his
grealness, and each according lo his posilion of aulhorily, and each
according lo his vages, and each according lo his rank, in lhis vise shaII
lhey le. As SoIonon did lo his nolIes so shaII David do lo his nolIes, and
as SoIonon ordained for his governors so shaII David order lhe direclion of
his house.
And lhe nanes of lhose vho vere appoinled lo le senl avay vere
'Azrys (Azariah), lhe son of Zdk, lhe priesl, vho vas lhe high
'LIys, lhe son of 'Arn lhe Archdeacon, nov lhe falher of 'Arn vas lhe
Archdeacon of Nalhan lhe prophel.
'Adrn, lhe son of 'Ardrnes, Ieader of lhe peopIes.
Iankr, lhe son of Sl, scrile of lhe oxen.
'AknhI, lhe son of TfI, lhe youlh.
Snnys, lhe son of 'AklIan, lhe recorder.
Iikrs, lhe son of Ny, connander of lhe arned nen, lhal is lo say,
chief of lhe lroops.
Lvnds, lhe son of 'Akr, connander of lhe recruils
Ikln, lhe son of 'Adry, connander on lhe sea.
Mln, lhe son of Benys, chief of lhe house.
Adaraz, lhe son of Krn, servanl of decoralions.
DaIakn, lhe son of Mlrn, chief of lhe horse-soIdiers.
'Adarys, lhe son of Ndrs, chief of lhe fool-soIdiers.
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'Avslrn, lhe son of Ydd, learer of lhe gIory.
'Aslarayn, lhe son of 'As, nessenger of lhe paIace ().
In, lhe son of Mallys, connander of lhe hosl()
Mkr, lhe son of 'Als, judge of lhe paIace.
'Als, lhe son of Krys, assessor of laxes (lilhes).
Lk Wendeys, lhe son of NIenleys, judge of assenlIy.
Krn, lhe son of Had.nys, chief of lhe royaI vorknen.
Sernys, lhe son of 'AkzI, adninislralor of lhe Kings house.
These are aII lhose vho vere given lo David, king of Llhiopia, lhe son
of SoIonon, King of IsraeI. And SoIonon aIso gave hin horses, and
chariols, and riding-caneIs, and nuIes, and vagons for carrying Ioads, and
goId, and siIver, and spIendid appareI, and lyssus, and purpIe, and gens,
and pearIs and precious slones, and he gave his son everylhing lhal vouId
le vished for in lhe counlry of Llhiopia.
And lhen lhey nade ready lo sel oul, and |lhoughj lhere vas greal joy
vilh lhe nolIes of lhe King of Llhiopia, lhere vas sadness vilh lhe nolIes
of lhe King of IsraeI, lecause lhrough lhe firsllorn son of SoIonon, King of
IsraeI, lhal is lo say, lhe King of Llhiopia, lhe firsllorn sons of lhe nolIes of
IsraeI vere given lo ruIe over lhe counlry of Llhiopia vilh lhe son of
SoIonon lhe King. Then lhey assenlIed logelher and vepl, logelher vilh
lheir falhers, and lheir nolhers, and lheir reIalions, and lheir kinsfoIk, and
lheir peopIes, and lheir counlrynen. And lhey cursed lhe King secrelIy and
reviIed hin lecause he had seized lheir sons againsl lheir viII. Bul unlo lhe
King lhey said, Because of lhis lhou hasl done veII. Thy visdon is so
good lhal lhe kingdon of IsraeI, ly lhe WiII of Cod and ly lhy visdon,
exlendelh lo lhe counlry of Llhiopia. And Cod viII galher logelher lhe
olher kingdons |of lhe vorIdj inlo lhy hand, for lhou hasl a righl nind
lovards Cod, and lhou vishesl lhal lhey shaII serve lhe Cod of IsraeI, and
lhal idoIs nay le deslroyed oul of lhe vorId.
And lhey praised hin and said unlo hin, Nov knov ve lhal Cod
spake concerning lhee lo our falher Alrahan |vhen He saidj, 'In lhy seed
shaII aII lhe nalions of lhe earlh le lIessed. And lhey nade lheir faces lo
appear happy, and lhey jesled lefore hin, and lhey praised hin
exceedingIy (i.e., fuIsoneIy) lecause of his visdon. And vhen lhey said
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lhese lhings unlo hin, he underslood lhen in |hisj visdon, and lore vilh
lhen palienlIy, nov Cod learelh vilh us palienlIy knoving veII aII our
sins. And lhe vhoIe earlh, and lhe heavens, and lhe ends of lhe vorId, and
lhe sea, and lhe dry Iand, are lhe kingdon of Cod. He judgelh. And He
halh given lhe earlh lo lhe king lo le suljecl unlo hin, lhal he nay judge
(or, ruIe), as He dolh, lhose vho do eviI so lhal he nay requile lhen vilh
eviI, and lhose vho do good so lhal he nay revard lhen vilh good. Ior
lhe Spiril of Cod reslelh in lhe hearl of lhe king, and His hands are in his
nind, and His knovIedge is in his underslanding.
44. Hov il is nol a SeenIy Thing lo ReviIe lhe King
Nov il is nol a seenIy lhing lo reviIe lhe king, for he is lhe anoinled of
Cod. Il is neilher seenIy nor good. If he doelh lhal vhich is good he viII
nol suffer Ioss in lhree kingdons: IIRST, Cod shaII overlhrov for hin his
eneny, and he shaII nol le seized ly lhe hand of his eneny. SLCNDLY,
Cod shaII nake hin reign vilh Hin and vilh His righleousness, and shaII
nake hin lo sil on His righl hand. THIRDLY, Cod shaII nake hin lo reign
upon earlh vilh gIory and joy, and shaII direcl his kingdon for hin, and
shaII lring dovn lhe nalions under his feel. And if he lrealelh Cod IighlIy,
and dolh nol do lhal vhich is good, and dolh nol hinseIf vaIk in lhe palh
of uprighlness, Cod shaII vork as He pIeaselh againsl hin, on earlh He
viII nake his days lo le fev, and in heaven (sic) his pIace of alode shaII le
lhe halilalion of SheI vilh lhe DeviI. And on earlh he shaII enjoy neilher
heaIlh nor gIadness |and he shaII Iivej in fear and lerror, vilhoul peace and
vilh perlurlalion.
Il is nol a good lhing for any of lhose vho are under lhe doninion of a
king lo reviIe hin, for relrilulion leIongelh lo Cod. Nov lhe priesls are
Iike lhe prophels, onIy leller lhan lhe prophels, for lhe nysleries are given
unlo lhen, so lhal lhey nay Iay hoId upon lhe sun of righleousness, vhiIsl
lhe Seraphin, vho vere crealed oul of fire, are onIy alIe lo Iay hoId upon
lhe nysleries vilh longs. As for lhe priesls He naned lhen saIl, and
noreover, He naned lhe priesls Ianp and aIso Iighl of lhe vorId, and
aIso lhe sun lhal Iighlenelh lhe darkness, Chrisl, lhe Sun of
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righleousness, leing in lheir hearls. And a priesl, vho halh in hin
underslanding, relukelh lhe king concerning lhal he halh seen, and lhal
vhich he halh nol seen Cod viII enquire inlo, and lhere is none vho can
caII Hin lo accounl. Moreover, lhe peopIe nusl nol reviIe lhe lishops and
lhe priesls, for lhey are lhe chiIdren of Cod and lhe nen of His house, for
vhich reason lhey nusl reluke |nenj for lheir sins and errors. And lhou,
priesl, if lhou seesl sin in a veII-knovn nan, shaIl nol hesilale lo reluke
hin, Iel neilher svord nor exiIe nake lhee afraid. And hear hov angry
Cod vas vilh Isaiah lecause he did nol reluke King 'Uzyn (Uzziah). And
hearken aIso concerning SanueI lhe Irophel, hov he reluked SauI
king, leing in no vay afraid of hin, and hov he renl his kingdon |fron
hinj ly his vord, and |hearken aIsoj hov LIijah |relukedj Ahal.
lhou lhen fear nol, and reluke and leach hin lhal lransgresselh.
And IsraeI fron of oId reviIed lheir kings and provoked lheir prophels
lo vralh, and in Ialer lines lhey crucified lheir Saviour. Bul leIieving
Chrislian foIk dveII in peace, vilhoul sickness and suffering, vilhoul
halred and offence, vilh our king
vho Iovelh Cod and vho renovelh
nol fron his hearl lhe lhing of righleousness, and failh in lhe Churches and
in lhe leIievers. And his enenies shaII le scallered ly lhe nighl of lhe
Cross of }esus Chrisl.
See I SanueI, chap. xv.
I Kings, chap. xvii.
The nane of lhe reigning king lo le added ly lhe copyisl.
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4. Hov Those vho vere Senl Avay Wepl and Made a IIan
And lhe chiIdren of lhe nolIes of IsraeI, vho vere connanded lo
deparl vilh lhe son of lhe king, look counseI logelher, saying, Whal shaII
ve do Ior ve have Iefl our counlry and our lirlh pIace, and our kinsfoIk
and lhe peopIe of our cily. Nov, cone ye, Iel us eslalIish a covenanl
lelveen us onIy, vhereof our kinsfoIk shaII knov nolhing, lhal ve viII
Iove each olher in lhal counlry: none shaII haslen or larry here, and ve viII
neilher fear nor have any doull. Ior Cod is here, and Cod is lhere, and
nay Cods WiII le done! And lo Hin le praise for ever and ever! Anen.
And 'Azrys and 'LInys, sons of lhe priesls, ansvered, Lel nol lhe
olher naller~lhal our kinsfoIk hale us~cause us sorrov, lul Iel us sorrov
on accounl of our Lady Zion, lecause lhey are naking us lo Ieave her. Ior
in her lhey have connilled us lo Cod, and ve have served her lo lhis day,
and Iel us le sorrovfuI lecause lhey have nade us lo Ieave her. Il is
lecause of her and lecause of lhis lhal lhey have speciaIIy nade us lo
veep. And lhe olhers ansvered and said unlo lhen, VeriIy she is our
Lady and our hope, and our oljecl of loasling, and ve have grovn up
under her lIessedness. And hov is il possilIe for us lo forsake Zion our
nislress Ior ve have leen given lo her. And vhal shaII ve do If ve
resisl his connand lhe king viII kiII us, and ve are unalIe lo lransgress
lhe vord of our falhers or lhe kings connand. And vhal shaII ve do
concerning Zion our Lady
And 'Azrys, lhe son of Zadok lhe priesl, ansvered and said, I viII
counseI you vhal ve shaII do. Bul nake a covenanl vilh ne lo lhe end of
your Iives, and svear lo ne lhal ye viII nol repeal il vhelher ve Iive or
vhelher ve die, or vhelher ve le laken caplive or vhelher ve go forlh
|unhinderedj. And lhey svore an oalh lo hin in lhe Nane of lhe Lord
Cod of IsraeI, and ly lhe heavenIy Zion, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod,
and ly vhal Cod had pronised unlo Alrahan, and ly lhe purily and
exceIIence of Isaac, and ly His naking }acol lo arrive in and inheril a Iand
vherelo he vas a slranger, and his seed afler hin.
And vhen lhey had svorn lhus lo hin, he ansvered and said unlo
lhen, Cone nov, Iel us lake |vilh usj our Lady Zion, lul hov are ve lo
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lake her I viII shov you. And carry ye oul ny pIan and if Cod viIIelh ve
shaII le alIe lo lake our Lady vilh us. And if lhey shouId gain knovIedge
of our doings and sIay us, lhal shaII nol lroulIe us, lecause ve shaII die for
our Lady Zion. And lhey aII rose up, and kissed his head, and his face,
and his eyes, and lhey said unlo hin, We viII do everylhing lhal lhou
hasl counseIIed us lo do, vhelher ve die or vhelher ve Iive, ve are vilh
lhee for lhe sake of our Lady Zion. If ve die il viII nol cause us sorrov,
and if ve Iive~lhe WiII of Cod le done! And one of lhen, lhe son of Yas
(Benaiah), vhose nane vas Zechariah, said, I cannol sil dovn lecause of
lhe greal gIadness lhal is in ny hearl. TeII ne, noreover, cansl lhou indeed
carry her off, and is il nol a Iie Thou cansl go inlo lhe House of Cod in lhe
pIace of lhy falher Zadok, and lhe keys are conlinuaIIy in lhy hand. Bul
ponder veII vhal ve counseI lhee lefore lhey lake lhe keys oul of lhy
hand. Thou knovesl lhe hidden openings (or, vindovs) vhich King
SoIonon nade, lul none of lhe priesls nay enler lherein excepl lhy falher
once each year in order lo offer up sacrifice in lhe HoIy of HoIies on lehaIf
of hinseIf and on lehaIf of lhe peopIe. Ionder, consider, and sIeep nol in
lhe naller of lhy vish lo carry avay Zion. And ve viII deparl vilh her as
soon as she halh leen connilled lo our care, and ve shaII have joy and our
falhers sorrov vhen she arrivelh vilh us in lhe counlry of Llhiopia.
And Azrys said unlo lhen, Do ye vhal I leII you, and ve shaII
succeed. Cive ye lo ne each of you len ddrachnas,
and I viII give lhen
lo a carpenler so lhal he viII nake hasle lo prepare for ne good pIanks of
vood~nov lecause of his Iove of noney he viII faslen lhen logelher very
quickIy~of lhe heighl, and lreadlh, and Ienglh and size of our Lady
|Zionj. And I viII give hin lhe dinensions of nyseIf, and I viII say unlo
hin, Irepare for ne pieces of vood for a franevork () so lhal I nay
nake a rafl lherefron, for ve are going lo lraveI over lhe sea, and in lhe
evenl of lhe ship sinking I shaII le alIe lo gel up on lhe rafl, and ve shaII
le saved fron lhe sea. And I viII lake lhe franevork vilhoul lhe pieces of
vood lhereof leing fixed logelher, and I viII have lhen pul logelher in
Llhiopia. And I viII sel lhen dovn in lhe halilalion of Zion, and viII
I.e. doulIe drachnas.
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drape lhen vilh lhe draperies of Zion, and I viII lake Zion, and viII dig a
hoIe in lhe ground, and viII sel Zion lhere, unliI ve journey and lake il
avay vilh us lhilher. And I viII nol leII lhe naller lo lhe king unliI ve
have lraveIIed far.
And lhey each gave hin len ddrachnas, and lhis noney anounled lo
one hundred and forly ddrachnas, and he look lhen and gave lhen lo a
carpenler, vho slraighlvay fashioned a good piece of vork fron lhe
renains of lhe vood of lhe house of lhe sancluary, and Azrys rejoiced
and shoved il lo his lrelhren.
46. Hov They Made a IIan Concerning Zion
And vhiIe Azrys vas asIeep al nighl lhe AngeI of lhe Lord appeared
unlo hin, and said unlo hin, Take lo lhee four goals, each a
yearIing~nov lhey shaII le for your sins, lhyseIf, and 'LIneys, and 'Als,
and Mkr~and four pure sheep, yearIings aIso, and an ox vhereon no
yoke halh ever leen Iaid. And lhou shaIl offer up lhe ox as a sacrifice on
lhe easl side of her (i.e. Zion), and lhe sheep and lhe goals lo lhe righl, and
Iefl lhereof, and al lhe vesl of il, vhich is cIose lo ils exil. And your Lord
David shaII speak lo SoIonon lhe King and shaII say unlo hin, 'ne lhing I
ask fron lhee, falher, I vouId offer up a sacrifice lo lhe hoIy cily
}erusaIen, and lo ny Lady Zion, lhe hoIy and heavenIy TalernacIe of lhe
Lav of Cod. And SoIonon shaII say unlo hin, 'Do so. And David shaII
say unlo hin, 'Lel lhe son of lhe priesl offer up sacrifice on ny lehaIf, even
as he knovelh, and he viII give lhee lhe connand, and lhou shaIl offer up
lhe sacrifice. And lhou shaIl lring forlh lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod
afler lhou hasl offered up lhe sacrifice, and I viII again shov lhee vhal
lhou shaIl do in respecl of il as lo lringing il oul, for lhis is fron Cod. Ior
IsraeI halh provoked Cod lo vralh, and for lhis reason He viII nake lhe
TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod lo deparl fron hin.
And vhen Azrys avoke fron his drean he rejoiced grealIy, and his
hearl and his nind vere cIear, and he renenlered everylhing lhal lhe
AngeI of lhe Lord had shovn hin in lhe nighl, and hov he had seaIed hin
|vilh lhe sign of lhe Crossj, and given hin slrenglh and hearlened hin.
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And he venl lo his lrelhren, and vhen lhey vere galhered logelher he
loId lhen everylhing lhal lhe AngeI of Cod had shovn hin: hov lhe
TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod had leen given lo lhen, and hov Cod had
nade lIind His eye in respecl of lhe kingdon of IsraeI, and hov ils gIory
had leen given lo olhers, and lhey lhenseIves vere lo lake avay lhe
TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, and hov lhe kingdon of SoIonon vas lo le
seized ly lhen~vilh lhe exceplion of lvo rods, and hov il vas nol lo
le Iefl lo Iyrln (Reholoan) his son, and hov lhe kingdon of IsraeI
vas lo le divided. And |Azrys saidj, Rejoice vilh ne. I rejoice lecause
il halh leen shovn unlo ne lhus, for lhe grace of lheir prieslhood and
kingdon shaII deparl vilh us, and il shaII le ly lhe WiII of Cod. Thus said
he (i.e. lhe AngeI) unlo ne. And nov cone ye, and Iel us go and leII David
our Lord so lhal he nay say lo his falher, 'I viII offer up a sacrifice.
And lhey venl and loId |David, lhe son of SoIononj and he rejoiced,
and he senl lo Yas (Benaiah), lhe son of Ydh, lo cone lo hin, lhal he
nighl send hin lo his falher, and he cane. And David senl hin lo his
falher SoIonon, and he said unlo hin, Send ne avay, for I viII deparl lo
ny ovn counlry, logelher vilh everylhing lhal lhy goodness halh given
ne, and nay lhy prayers acconpany ne aIvays vhilhersoever I shaII go.
Bul nov lhere is one pelilion vhich I vouId nake unlo lhee, if
peradvenlure I have found grace vilh lhee, and lurn nol avay lhy face
fron ne. Ior I lhy servanl an going lo deparl, and I vish lo offer up a
sacrifice of propilialion (or, saIvalion) for ny sins in lhis lhy hoIy cily of
}erusaIen and of Zion, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod. And peace |lej
vilh lhy najesly.
47. Concerning lhe ffering of Azrys (Azariah) and lhe King
And Ys (Benaiah), lhe son of Ydh, venl and loId King SoIonon,
and lhe King rejoiced over il and connanded lhen lo nake ready lhe aIlar
of offering so lhal his son nighl sacrifice. And he lroughl and gave unlo
hin lhal vhich he had voved lo Cod, one hundred luIIs, one hundred
oxen, len lhousand sheep, len lhousand goals, and len of every kind of
aninaI lhal nay le ealen, and len of every kind of cIean lird, so lhal he
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nighl offer Iilalions and sacrifices lo lhe Cod of IsraeI, and lvenly siIver
sh.aI of fine vhile fIour, each veighing lveIve shekeIs, and forly laskels
of lread. AII lhese lhings did SoIonon lhe King give unlo his son David.
And again David senl a nessage saying, Lel Azrys lhe priesl offer up
sacrifice on ny lehaIf, and SoIonon said unlo hin, Do lhal vhich lhou
vishesl. And Azrys rejoiced lecause of lhis lhing, and he venl and
lroughl fron his falhers fIock an ox vhereon never yoke had leen Iaid,
and four yearIings of lhe goals and four cIean yearIings of lhe sheep. And
lhe king venl lo offer up sacrifice, and lhe priesls nade lhenseIves ready,
and lhe poor foIk vere galhered logelher, and lhe lirds of lhe heavens
rejoiced, and lhey vere aII uniled in lheir greal gIadness lhal day. And
Azrys ningIed |his offeringsj vilh lhe offerings of lhe king, and he nade
an offering vilh his vesseIs, even as lhe AngeI of Cod had connanded hin
lo do ly nighl. And lhen, afler lhey had offered up lheir sacrifices, lhey
venl lack lo lheir houses and sIepl.
48. Hov lhey Carried Avay Zion
And lehoId, lhe AngeI of lhe Lord appeared again lo Azrys and he
slood up alove hin Iike a piIIar of fire, and he fiIIed lhe house vilh his
Iighl. And he raised up Azrys and said unlo hin, Sland up, le slrong,
and rouse up lhy lrolher LInys, and 'Als, and Mkar, and lake lhe
pieces of vood and I viII open for lhee lhe doors of lhe sancluary. And
lake lhou lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, and lhou shaIl carry il vilhoul
lroulIe and disconforl. And I, inasnuch as I have leen connanded ly
Cod lo le vilh il for ever, viII le lhy guide vhen lhou shaIl carry il avay.
And Azrys rose up slraighlvay, and voke up lhe lhree nen his
lrelhren, and lhey look lhe pieces of vood, and venl inlo lhe house of
Cod~nov lhey found aII lhe doors open, lolh lhose lhal vere oulside and
lhose lhal vere inside~lo lhe acluaI pIace vhere Azrys found Zion, lhe
TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, and il vas laken avay ly lhen forlhvilh, in
lhe lvinkIing of an eye, lhe AngeI of lhe Lord leing presenl and direcling.
And had il nol leen lhal Cod viIIed il Zion couId nol have leen laken
avay forlhvilh. And lhe four of lhen carried Zion avay, and lhey lroughl
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il inlo lhe house of Azrys, and lhey venl lack inlo lhe house of Cod, and
lhey sel lhe pieces of vood on lhe pIace vhere Zion had leen, and lhey
covered lhen over vilh lhe covering of Zion and lhey shul lhe doors, and
venl lack lo lheir houses And lhey look Ianps and sel lhen in lhe pIace
vhere |Zionj vas hidden, and lhey sacrificed lhe sheep lherelo, and
lurned offerings of incense lherelo, and lhey spread purpIe cIolhs over il
and sel il in a secrel pIace for seven days and seven nighls.
49. Hov his Ialher BIessed his Son
And lhen lhe King of Llhiopia rose up lo deparl lo his counlry, and he
cane lo his falher lhal he nighl pray on his lehaIf, and he said unlo hin,
BIess ne, falher, and he nade oleisance unlo hin. And lhe King raised
hin up, and lIessed hin, and enlraced his head, and said, BIessed le lhe
Lord ny Cod Who lIessed ny falher David, and Who lIessed our falher
Alrahan. May He le vilh lhee aIvays, and lIess lhy seed even as He
lIessed }acol, and nade his seed lo le as nany as lhe slars of heaven and
lhe sand of lhe sea. And as Alrahan lIessed Isaac ny falher even so shaII
lhy lIessing le~lhe dev of heaven and lhe spaciousness of lhe earlh~and
nay aII aninaIs and aII lhe lirds of lhe heavens, and aII lhe leasls of lhe
fieId, and lhe fish of lhe sea, le in suljeclion unlo lhee. Be lhou fuII, and
nol Iacking in fuIIness, le lhou perfecl, and nol Iacking in perfeclion, le
gracious, and nol olslinale, le in good heaIlh, and nol suffering, le
generous, and nol vindiclive, le pure, and nol defiIed, le righleous, and
nol a sinner, le nercifuI, and nol oppressive, le sincere, and nol perverse,
le Iongsuffering, and nol prone lo vralh. And lhe eneny shaII le afraid of
lhee, and lhine adversaries shaII casl lhenseIves under lhe soIe of lhy fool.
And ny Lady Zion, lhe hoIy and heavenIy, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of
Cod, shaII le a guide unlo lhee al aII lines, a guide in respecl of vhal lhou
shouIdsl lhink in lhy hearl and shouIdsl do vilh lhy fingers, vhelher il le
far or near lo lhee, vhelher il le Iov or high lo lhee, vhelher il le slrong or
veak lo lhee, vhelher il le oulside or inside lhee, vhelher il le lo lhee in
lhe house or in lhe fieId, vhelher il le visilIe or invisilIe lo lhee, vhelher
il le avay fron or near lo lhee, vhelher il le hidden fron or reveaIed lo
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lhee, vhelher il le secrel or pulIished alroad lo lhee~unlo lhee our Lady
Zion, lhe hoIy and heavenIy, lhe pure TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, shaII
le a guide. And David vas lIessed, and he nade oleisance, and
O. Hov lhey Bade IareveII lo his Ialher and hov lhe Cily Mourned
And lhey lade |lhe kingj fareveII and deparled. And firsl of aII lhey sel
Zion ly nighl upon a vagon logelher vilh a nass of vorlhIess sluff, and
dirly cIolhes, and slores of every sorl and kind. And |vhenj aII lhe vagons
vere Ioaded, and lhe naslers of lhe caravan rose up, and lhe horn vas
lIovn, and lhe cily lecane exciled, and lhe youlhs shouled IoudIy,
avesoneness crovned il and grace surrounded il (i.e. Zion). And lhe oId
nen vaiIed, and lhe chiIdren cried oul, and lhe vidovs vepl, and lhe
virgins Ianenled, lecause lhe sons of lheir nolIes, lhe nighly nen of
IsraeI, had risen up lo deparl. Bul lhe cily did nol veep for lhen aIone, lul
lecause lhe najesly of lhe cily had leen carried off vilh lhen. And
aIlhough lhey did nol knov acluaIIy lhal Zion had leen laken fron lhen,
lhey nade no nislake in lheir hearls and lhey vepl lillerIy, and lhey vere
lhen even as lhey vere vhen Cod sIev lhe firsllorn of Lgypl. There vas
nol a house vherein lhere vas nol vaiIing, fron nan even lo lhe leasl, lhe
dogs hovIed, and lhe asses screaned, and aII lhose vho vere Iefl lhere
ningIed lheir lears logelher. Il vas as lhough lhe generaIs of a nighly
arny had lesieged lhe greal cily, and had caplured il ly assauIl, and
Iooled il, and laken ils peopIe prisoners and sIain lhen vilh lhe edge of lhe
svord, even lhus vas lhal cily of Zion~}erusaIen.
And King SoIonon vas disnayed al lhe veeping and oulcry of lhe cily,
and he Iooked oul fron lhe roof of lhe paIace, lhe forl of lhe kings house,
and sav lhe vhoIe cily veeping and foIIoving lhen. And as a chiId,
vhon his nolher halh renoved fron her lreasl and Iefl, foIIovelh in her
foolsleps crying oul and veeping, even so did lhe peopIe cry oul and
veep, and lhey casl dusl upon lheir heads, and lhey shed lears vilh lheir
eyes. And vhen SoIonon sav lhe najesly of lhose vho had deparled, he
vas deepIy noved and he lrenlIed, and his loveIs quaked, and his lears
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feII drop ly drop upon his appareI, and he said, Woe is ne! for ny gIory
halh deparled, and lhe crovn of ny spIendour halh faIIen, and ny leIIy is
lurned up lecause lhis ny son halh deparled, and lhe najesly of ny cily
and lhe freenen, lhe chiIdren of ny nighl, are renoved. Iron lhis
nonenl our gIory halh passed avay, and our kingdon halh leen carried
off unlo a slrange peopIe vho knov nol Cod, even as lhe prophel sailh,
'The peopIe vho have nol soughl Me have found Me.
Iron lhis line
forlh lhe Iav, and visdon, and underslanding shaII le given unlo lhen.
And ny falher prophesied concerning lhen, saying, 'Llhiopia shaII lov
lefore Hin, and His enenies shaII eal lhe dusl.
And in anolher |pIacej
he sailh, 'Llhiopia shaII slrelch oul her hands lo Cod, and He shaII receive
her vilh honour, and lhe kings of lhe earlh shaII praise Cod.
And in a
lhird |pIacej he sailh, 'BehoId, lhe IhiIislines,
and lhe Tyrians, and lhe
peopIe of Llhiopia, vho vere lorn vilhoul lhe Lav. The Lav shaII le
given unlo lhen, and lhey shaII say unlo Zion, 'our nolher
lecause of a
nan vho shaII le lorn. WiII lhis nan lhen le ny son vho is legollen of
1. Hov he Said unlo Zadok lhe Iriesl, Co and Bring lhe Covering (or,
CIolhing) vhich is upon il (i.e. Zion)
And he said unlo Zadok lhe priesl, Co, lring lhal covering vhich is
upon Zion, and lake lhee lhis covering vhich is leller lhan lhal, and Iay il
over lhe lvo |cherulsj vhich are leIov il. (Nov lhis covering vas nade
of lhreads of lhe finesl goId virevork lvisled logelher and hannered oul
inlo a pallern, and lhey vere nol voven Iike lhe lhreads of purpIe.) And
Isaiah Ixv, 1.
IsaIn Ixxii, 9, 1O.
IsaIn Ixviii, 31.
IsaIn Ixxxiii, 7
Conpare IsaIn Ixxxvii, 2-4, Isaiah Ii, 16.
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lhe five nice
vhich vere given lo Zion, and lhe len
figures of lheir
shane (i.e. lhe enerods) vhich lhe nolIes of lhe IhiIislines nade for lheir
redenplion~nov on lhe fringes are figures of goId lhal cane forlh fron
lhe Iand of Kds, vhich Moses in Sinai connanded shouId le nade (or,
vorked) in lhe fringe of lhe appareI of Aaron his lrolher~galher |aII lhesej
logelher in lhe covering of Zion and give |lhenj lo ny son David. Ior his
nolher said in |herj nessage ly Tnrn her servanl, 'Cive us sone of lhe
fringe of lhe covering of Zion, so lhal ve nay vorship il, ve and lhose
vho are in suljeclion unlo us and aII our kingdon. And nov, give il lo
hin, and say unlo hin, 'Take |andj vorship lhis covering of Zion, for lhy
nolher senl a nessage concerning lhis, and halh said unlo lhee lhyseIf,
Cive us sone of lhe fringe of ils covering, vhich ve can vorship, so lhal
ve nay nol, Iike lhe healhen, vorship anolher |godj. And Zion, lhe
TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, shaII le unlo lhee a guide vheresoever lhou
arl. Bul il nusl renain vilh us perpeluaIIy, aIlhough ve have nol paid il
aII lhe honour vhich is ils due, and you, aIlhough il le nol vilh you, nusl
honour il, and revere il according lo vhal is due lo il and vhal is neel. Ior
Cod said unlo LIi ly lhe noulh of SanueI lhe Irophel, I vished you lo
renain, lhou and lhy falhers house, lo offer up incense lo lhe TalernacIe
of My Lav, and lo dveII lefore Me for ever, lul nov I have repenled. I
viII lurn My face avay fron lhee lecause lhou hasl lrealed My offerings
vilh conlenpl, and hasl preferred lhy sons lo Me. And nov, hin lhal
honourelh Me I viII honour, and hin lhal esleenelh Me IighlIy I viII
esleen IighlIy, and I viII deslroy aII lhy seed. This He said lecause lhe
Leviles had esleened Hin IighlIy.
And say unlo hin: Take lhis covering
of Zion, and lhis volive gifl shaII le in lhe pIace of il, and pIace il in lhy
sancluary. And vhen lhou lakesl an oalh and nakesl anolher lo lake an
oalh, svear lhou and nake hin lo svear ly il, so lhal lhou dosl nol nake
nenlion of lhe nanes of olher gods of lhe healhen. And vhen lhou
1 SanueI vi, 4.
The lexl of SanueI (vi, 4) gives five enerods.
I SanueI ii, 29-34.
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sacrificesl Iel lhy face le lovards us, and sacrifice lo }erusaIen and lhe
hoIy Zion, and vhen lhou prayesl Iel lhy face le lovards }erusaIen, and
pray lovards us.
2. Hov Zadok lhe Iriesl Deparled
And Zadok lhe priesl venl and gave David lhe covering of Zion, and
he deIivered unlo hin aII lhe connands vhich SoIonon had spoken. And
David, lhe son of SoIonon, rejoiced lecause of lhis, and he narveIIed and
heId hinseIf lo le lIessed exceedingIy, and said, vhen lhe covering of lhe
TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod vas connilled lo his charge, This shaII le
lo ne ny Lady. And Azrys ansvered and said lefore his falher, Thou
rejoicesl over lhe covering, lul hov very nuch nore viIl lhou rejoice over
lhe Lady of lhe covering! And his falher said unlo hin, VeriIy he
rejoicelh over lhe Lady of lhe covering, and he nighl suljugale aII of us if
he vere nol going lo his ovn counlry. And he said unlo lhe king, Make
nov a covenanl vilh ne lhal lhou viIl give lo lhis ny son lhis possession
for his Lady and his sponsor and his proleclion, lhal he nay guard il aII lhe
days of his Iife, for hinseIf and for his seed afler hin, and lhal lhou viIl
give hin lilhe, and lhal lhou viIl give hin a cily of refuge in lhy kingdon,
and aIso lhe lenlh of lhe cilies in aII lhy kingdon, and lhal he shaII le unlo
lhee priesl, and seer, and prophel, and leacher lo lhee and lo lhy seed afler
lhee, and lhe anoinler vilh oiI of lhy kingdon for lhy chiIdren and lhy
chiIdrens chiIdren. And he said, I agree. And lhey slruck (i.e. nade) a
covenanl, and he received fron his falher lhe volive offering, and lhe
covering of Zion, and a chain of goId.
And lhey Ioaded lhe vagons, and lhe horses, and lhe nuIes in order lo
deparl, and lhey sel oul on lheir journey, prosperousIy, and lhey conlinued
lo lraveI on. And MichaeI lhe |Archj AngeI narched in fronl, and he
spread oul |his vingsj and nade lhen lo narch lhrough lhe sea as upon
dry Iand, and upon lhe dry Iand he cul a palh for lhen and spreading
hinseIf oul Iike a cIoud over lhen he hid lhen fron lhe fiery heal of lhe
sun. And as for lheir vagons, no nan hauIed his vagon, lul he hinseIf
(i.e. MichaeI) narched vilh lhe vagons, and vhelher il vas nen, or
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horses, or nuIes, or Ioaded caneIs, each vas raised alove lhe ground lo
lhe heighl of a culil, and aII lhose vho rode upon leasls vere Iifled up
alove lheir lacks lo lhe heighl of one span of a nan, and aII lhe various
kinds of laggage vhich vere Ioaded on lhe leasls, as veII as lhose vho
vere nounled on lhen, vere raised up lo lhe heighl of one span of a nan,
and lhe leasls vere Iifled up lo lhe heighl of one span of a nan. And every
one lraveIIed in lhe vagons Iike a ship on lhe sea vhen lhe vind lIovelh,
and Iike a lal lhrough lhe air vhen lhe desire of his leIIy urgelh hin lo
devour his conpanions, and Iike an eagIe vhen his lody gIidelh alove lhe
vind. Thus did lhey lraveI, lhere vas none in fronl and none lehind, and
lhey vere dislurled neilher on lhe righl hand nor on lhe Iefl.
3. Hov lhe Wagon vas Civen lo Llhiopia
And lhey haIled ly Cz, lhe cily of lhe nolher of lhe king, vhich
SoIonon lhe king had given lo lhe Queen of Llhiopia vhen she cane lo
hin. And fron lhere lhey cane in one day lo lhe lorder of Cls. (Lgypl),
lhe nane of vhich is Mesrn. And vhen lhe sons of lhe varriors of IsraeI
sav lhal lhey had cone in one day a dislance of lhirleen days narch, and
lhal lhey vere nol lired, or hungry, or lhirsly, neilher nan nor leasl, and
lhal lhey aII |feIlj lhal lhey had ealen and drunk lheir fiII, lhese sons of lhe
varriors of IsraeI knev and leIieved lhal lhis lhing vas fron Cod. And
lhey said unlo lheir king, Lel us Iel dovn lhe vagons, for ve have cone
lo lhe valer of Llhiopia. This is lhe Takkaz vhich fIovelh dovn fron
Llhiopia, and valerelh lhe VaIIey of Lgypl, and lhey Iel dovn lheir
vagons lhere, and sel up lheir lenls.
And lhe sons of lhe varriors of IsraeI venl and drove avay aII lhe
peopIe, and lhey said unlo |Davidj lheir king, ShaII ve leII lhee a naller
Cansl lhou hoId il |secrelj And lhe King said unlo lhen, Yes, I can |hoId
il secrelj. And if ye viII leII il lo ne I viII never Iel il go forlh or repeal il lo
lhe day of ny dealh. And lhey said unlo hin, The sun descended fron
heaven, and vas given on Sinai lo IsraeI, and il lecane lhe saIvalion of lhe
race of Adan, fron Moses lo lhe seed of }esse, and lehoId, il is vilh lhee
ly lhe WiII of Cod. Il is nol lhrough us lhal lhis halh leen done, lul ly lhe
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WiII of Cod, il is nol lhrough us lhal lhis halh leen done, lul ly lhe WiII of
Hin lhal fashioned il and nade il halh lhis happened. We vished, and
Cod halh fuIfiIIed |our vishj, ve agreed concerning il, and Cod nade il
good, ve heId converse |concerning ilj, and Cod perforned, ve nedilaled
|upon ilj, and Cod devised lhe pIan, ve spoke, and Cod vas veII pIeased,
ve direcled our gaze, and Cod direcled il righlIy, ve nedilaled, and Cod
halh juslified. And nov Cod halh chosen lhee, and is veII pIeased vilh lhy
cily, lo le lhe servanl of lhe hoIy and heavenIy Zion, lhe TalernacIe of lhe
Lav of Cod, and il shaII le lo lhee a guide for ever, lo lhee and lhy seed
afler lhee if lhou viIl keep His connand and perforn lhe WiII of lhe Lord
lhy Cod. Ior lhou viIl nol le alIe lo lake il lack, even if lhou vishesl, and
lhy falher cannol seize il, even if he vishelh, for il goelh of ils ovn free viII
vhilhersoever il vishelh, and il cannol le renoved fron ils seal if il dolh
nol desire il. And lehoId, il is our Lady, our Molher and our saIvalion, our
forlress and our pIace of refuge, our gIory and lhe haven of our safely, lo
lhose vho Iean upon il.
And Azrys nade a sign lo LIneys, and he said unlo hin, Co,
leaulify, and dress our Lady, so lhal our King nay see her. And vhen
Azrys had said lhis, King David vas perlurled and he Iaid lolh hands
upon his lreasl, and he drev lrealh lhree lines and said, Hasl lhou in
lrulh, Lord, renenlered us in Thy nercy, lhe caslavays, lhe peopIe
vhon Thou hasl rejecled, so lhal I nay see Thy pure halilalion, vhich is
in heaven, lhe hoIy and heavenIy Zion Wilh vhal shaII ve requile lhe
Lord in relurn for aII lhe good lhings vhich He halh done for us lhere
leing vilh Hin no gIory and praise! He halh crovned us vilh His grace,
so lhal ve nay knov upon earlh His praise and nay aII serve Hin
according lo His grealness. Ior He is lhe Cood ne lo His chosen ones, and
unlo Hin leIongelh praise for ever.
And King |Davidj rose up and skipped aloul Iike a young sheep and
Iike a kid of lhe goals lhal halh sucked niIk in alundance fron his nolher,
even as his grandfalher David rejoiced lefore lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of
Cod. He snole lhe ground vilh his feel, and rejoiced in his hearl, and
ullered cries of joy vilh his noulh. And vhal shaII I say of lhe greal joy
and gIadness lhal vere in lhe canp of lhe King of Llhiopia ne nan loId
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his neighlour, and lhey snole lhe ground vilh lheir feel Iike young luIIs,
and lhey cIapped lheir hands logelher, and narveIIed, and slrelched oul
lheir hands lo heaven, and lhey casl lhenseIves dovn vilh lheir faces lo
lhe ground, and lhey gave lhanks unlo Cod in lheir hearls.
4. Hov David |lhe King of Llhiopiaj Irophesied and SaIuled Zion
And King |Davidj cane and slood up lefore Zion, and he saIuled il,
and nade oleisance lherelo, and said, Lord Cod of IsraeI, lo Thee le
praise, lecause Thou doesl Thy WiII and nol lhe viII of nen. Thou nakesl
lhe vise nan lo forgel his visdon, and Thou deslroyesl lhe counseI of lhe
counseIIor, and Thou raisesl lhe poor nan fron lhe deplh, and Thou sellesl
lhe soIe of his fool upon a slrong rock. Ior a fuII cup of gIory is in Thy hand
for lhose vho Iove Thee, and a fuII cup of shane for lhose vho hale Thee.
As for us, our saIvalion shaII go forlh oul of Zion, and He shaII renove sin
fron His peopIe, and goodness and nercy shaII le poured oul in aII lhe
vorId. Ior ve are lhe vork of His hands, and vho shaII reluke us if He
Iovelh us as IsraeI His peopIe And vho shaII reprove Hin if He raiselh us
up lo heaven His lhrone Ior dealh and Iife are fron Hin, and gIory and
dishonour are in His hand, He halh lhe pover lo punish and lo nuIlipIy
His conpassion, and He can le vrolh and nuIlipIy His nercy, for il is He
vho lrielh lhe hearl and lhe reins. He givelh and He lakelh avay, He
pIanlelh and He uproolelh. He luiIdelh up and He lhrovelh dovn. He
leaulifielh and He defornelh, for everylhing leIongelh lo Hin, and
everylhing is fron Hin, and everylhing exislelh in Hin. And as for lhee,
TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, saIvalion le vhilher lhou goesl, and fron
lhe pIace vhence lhou goesl forlh, saIvalion le in lhe house and in lhe
fieId, saIvalion le here and le lhere, saIvalion le in lhe paIace and in lhe
IovIy pIace, saIvalion le on lhe sea and on lhe dry Iand, saIvalion le in lhe
nounlains and in lhe hiIIs, saIvalion le in lhe heavens and on lhe earlh,
saIvalion le iII lhe firn grounds and in lhe alysses, saIvalion le in dealh
and in Iife, saIvalion le in lhy coning and in lhy going forlh, saIvalion le
lo our chiIdren and lo lhe lrile of lhy peopIe, saIvalion le in lhy counlries
and in lhy cilies, saIvalion le lo lhe kings and lo lhe nolIes, saIvalion le lo
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lhe pIanls and lo lhe fruils, saIvalion le lo nen and lo leasls, saIvalion le
lo lhe lirds and lo lhe creeping lhings of lhe earlh, le saIvalion, le an
inlercessor, and a nercifuI one, and have regard for lhy peopIe. Be unlo us
a vaII, and ve viII le unlo lhee a fence, le lhou a king unlo us and ve viII
le lhy peopIe, le lhou a guide unlo us and ve viII foIIov afler lhee. And
le nol inpalienl, and nark nol cIoseIy, and le nol angry al lhe nuIlilude
of our sins, for ve are a peopIe vho have nol lhe Lav, and vho have nol
Iearned Thy praise. And fron lhis line forvard guide us, and leach us,
and nake us lo have underslanding, and nake us lo have visdon lhal ve
nay Iearn Thy praise. And Thy nane shaII le praised ly us al aII lines,
and aII lhe day, and every day, and every nighl, and every hour, and aII lhe
Ienglh of line. Cive us pover lhal ve nay serve Thee. Rise up, Zion, and
pul on lhy slrenglh, and conquer lhine enenies, and give us slrenglh, our
queen, and pul lhou lo shane lhose vho hale lhee, and nake lo rejoice
lhose vho Iove lhee.
And lhen he nade a circuil and said, BehoId Zion, lehoId saIvalion,
lehoId lhe one vho rejoicelh, lehoId lhe spIendour Iike lhe sun, lehoId lhe
one adorned vilh praise, lehoId lhe one vho is decoraled Iike a lride, nol
vilh lhe appareI of fIeeling gIory, lul lhe one vho is decoraled vilh lhe
gIory and praise vhich are fron Cod, vhon il is neel lhal |nenj shaII Iook
upon vilh desire and shaII nol forsake, vhon |nenj shaII desire alove aII
lhings and shaII nol rejecl, vhon |nenj shaII Iove viIIingIy and shaII nol
hale, vhon |nenj shaII approach viIIingIy and shaII nol keep afar off. We
viII drav nigh unlo lhee, and do nol lhou vilhdrav far fron us, ve viII
supporl ourseIves upon lhee, and do nol lhou Iel us sIip avay, ve viII
suppIicale lhee, and do nol lhou le deaf lo us, ve viII cry oul lo lhee, hear
lhou our cry in aII lhal ve ask of lhee, and desire nol lo vilhdrav lhyseIf
fron us, unliI lhy Lord conelh and reignelh over lhee, for lhou arl lhe
halilalion of lhe Cod of heaven.
Thus spake David lhe King, lhe son of SoIonon, King of IsraeI. Ior lhe
spiril of prophecy descended upon hin lecause of his joy, and he knev nol
vhal he said and he vas Iike Ieler and }ohn on lhe lop of Mounl Tlr.
Mallhev xvii, 4, Luke ix, 33.
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And lhey aII narveIIed and said, This, lhe son of a prophel, is he lo le
nunlered anong lhe prophels
. Hov lhe IeopIe of Llhiopia Rejoiced
And |lhe peopIe of Llhiopiaj look fIules, and lIev horns, and |lealj
druns, and |pIayed onj pipes, and lhe Brook of Lgypl vas noved and
aslonished al lhe noise of lheir songs and lheir rejoicings, and vilh lhen
vere ningIed oulcries and shouls of gIadness. And lheir idoIs, vhich lhey
had nade vilh lheir hands and vhich vere in lhe forns of nen, and dogs,
and cals, feII dovn, and lhe high lovers (pyIons or oleIisks), and aIso lhe
figures of lirds, |nadej of goId and siIver, feII dovn aIso and vere lroken
in pieces. Ior Zion shone Iike lhe sun, and al lhe najesly lhereof lhey vere
disnayed. And lhey arrayed Zion in her appareI, and lhey lore lhe gifls lo
her lefore her, and lhey sel her upon a vagon, and lhey spread oul purpIe
lenealh her, and lhey draped her vilh draperies of purpIe, and lhey sang
songs lefore her and lehind her.
Then lhe vagons rose up (i.e. resuned lheir journey) as lefore, and
lhey sel oul earIy in lhe norning, and lhe peopIe sang songs lo Zion, and
lhey vere aII raised up lhe space of a culil, and as lhe peopIe of lhe
counlry of Lgypl lade lhen fareveII, lhey passed lefore lhen Iike
shadovs, and lhe peopIe of lhe counlry of Lgypl vorshipped lhen, for
lhey sav Zion noving in lhe heavens Iike lhe sun, and lhey aII ran vilh lhe
vagon of Zion, sone in fronl of her and sone lehind her. And lhey cane
lo lhe sea AI-Ah.nar, vhich is lhe Sea of Lrilrea (i.e. lhe Red Sea), vhich
vas divided ly lhe hand of Moses, and lhe chiIdren of IsraeI narched in
lhe deplhs lhereof, going up and dovn. Nov al lhal line lhe TalernacIe of
lhe Lav of Cod had nol leen given unlo Moses, and lherefore lhe valer
onIy galhered ilseIf logelher, a vaII on lhe righl hand and a vaII on lhe Iefl,
and aIIoved IsraeI lo pass vilh lheir leasls and lheir chiIdren and lheir
vives. And afler lhey had crossed lhe sea Cod spake lo Moses and gave
hin lhe TalernacIe of lhe Covenanl vilh lhe Book of lhe Lav. And vhen
lhe hoIy Zion crossed over vilh lhose vho vere in allendance on her, and
vho sang songs lo lhe acconpaninenl of harps and fIules, lhe sea received
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lhen and ils vaves Ieaped up as do lhe high nounlains vhen lhey are spIil
asunder, and il roared even as a Iion roarelh vhen he is enraged, and il
lhundered as dolh lhe vinler lhunder of Danascus and Llhiopia vhen lhe
Iighlning snilelh lhe cIouds, and lhe sound lhereof ningIed vilh lhe
sounds of lhe nusicaI inslrunenls. And lhe sea vorshipped Zion. And
vhiIsl ils liIIovs vere lossing aloul Iike lhe nounlains lheir vagons vere
raised alove lhe vaves for a space of lhree culils, and anong lhe sound of
lhe songs lhe |noise of lhej lreaking of lhe vaves of lhe sea vas vonderfuI.
The lreaking of lhe vaves of lhe sea vas exceedingIy najeslic and
slupefying, and il vas nighly and slrong. And lhe crealures lhal vere in
lhe sea, lhose lhal couId le recognized, and lhose lhal vere invisilIe, cane
forlh and vorshipped Zion, and lhe lirds lhal vere on il fIapped lheir
pinions and overshadoved il. And lhere vas joy lo lhe Sea of Lrilrea, and
lo lhe peopIe of Llhiopia, vho venl forlh lo lhe sea and rejoiced
exceedingIy, and vilh a grealer joy lhan did IsraeI vhen lhey cane oul of
Lgypl. And lhey arrived opposile Mounl Sinai, and dveIl in Kds, and
lhey renained lhere vhiIsl lhe angeIs sang praises, and lhe crealures of lhe
spiril ningIed lheir praises vilh |lhosej of lhe chiIdren of earlh, vilh
songs, and psaIns, and lanlourines joyfuIIy.
And lhen lhey Ioaded lheir vagons, and lhey rose up, and deparled,
and journeyed on lo lhe Iand of Medyn, and lhey cane lo lhe counlry of
BInls, vhich is a counlry of Llhiopia. And lhey rejoiced lhere, and lhey
encanped lhere, lecause lhey had reached lhe lorder of lheir counlry vilh
gIory and joy, vilhoul lriluIalion on lhe road, in a vagon of lhe spiril, ly
lhe nighl of heaven and of MichaeI lhe ArchangeI. And aII lhe provinces of
Llhiopia rejoiced, for Zion senl forlh a Iighl Iike lhal of lhe sun inlo lhe
darkness vheresoever she cane.
6. f lhe Relurn of Zadok lhe Iriesl, and lhe Civing of lhe Cifl
And vhen Zadok lhe priesl relurned lo SoIonon lhe King he found
hin sorrovfuI. And lhe King ansvered and said unlo Zadok lhe priesl,
When lhe Queen cane lhere appeared lo ne ly nighl lhis vision: Il
seened as if I vere slanding in lhe chanler of }erusaIen, and lhe sun cane
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dovn fron heaven inlo lhe Iand of }udah, and Iighled il up vilh greal
spIendour. And having larried a line il venl dovn and Iighled up lhe
Counlry of Llhiopia, and il did nol relurn lo lhe Iand of }udah. And again
lhe sun cane dovn fron heaven lo lhe counlry of }udah, and Iighled il up
nore lriIIianlIy lhan il did lhe firsl line, lul lhe IsraeIiles paid no heed lo
il, and lhey vished lo exlinguish ils Iighl. And il rose leIov lhe earlh in a
pIace vhere il vas nol expecled, and il iIIunined lhe counlry of Rn, and
lhe counlry of Llhiopia, and aflervards aII lhose vho leIieved on il.
And Zadok lhe priesl ansvered and said unlo hin, ny Iord, vhy
didsl lhou nol leII ne lefore lhal lhou hadsl seen a vision of lhis kind
Thou nakesl ny knees lo lrenlIe. Woe le unlo us, if our sons have carried
off our Lady, lhe hoIy, heavenIy Zion, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod!
And lhe King ansvered and said unlo hin, ur visdon is forgollen and
our underslanding is luried. VeriIy lhe sun lhal appeared unlo ne Iong
ago vhen I vas sIeeping vilh lhe Queen of Llhiopia vas lhe synloI of lhe
hoIy Zion. Bul leII ne: yeslerday vhen lhou didsl lake off lhe spIendid
covering lhal vas Iying upon Zion, didsl lhou nol nake cerlain lhal Zion
vas |lherej And Zadok lhe priesl ansvered and said, I did nol, Iord, il
had lhree coverings over il, and I look off lhe oulernosl, and dressed Zion
in lhe covering vhich lhou didsl give ne, and I lroughl |lhe olherj lo
lhee. And lhe King said unlo Zadok, Co quickIy and Iook al our Lady
and exanine her cIoseIy. And Zadok lhe priesl look lhe keys, and venl
and opened lhe house of lhe sancluary, and he exanined |lhe pIacej
quickIy, and he found lhere nolhing excepl lhe vooden loards vhich
Azrys had faslened logelher and had nade lo resenlIe lhe sides of lhe
pedeslaI of Zion.
7. Concerning lhe IaII of Zadok lhe Iriesl
And vhen Zadok sav lhis he feII forvard on his face fIal upon lhe
ground, and his spiril vas poured oul over hin, for he vas lerrified, and
he lecane Iike a dead nan. And vhen he larried in coning oul SoIonon
senl lo hin Iyas (Benaiah), lhe son of Ydh, and he found Zadok Iike
one dead. And he Iifled up lhe head of Zadok, and feIl his hearl and his
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nose lo find oul vhelher lhere vas any sign of lrealh leing in hin, and he
fanned hin, and Iifled hin up, and rulled hin and Iaid hin oul upon lhe
lalIe. And he rose up and Iooked al lhe pIace vhere Zion had leen sel, and
he found her nol, and he feII dovn upon lhe ground. And he casl dusl
upon his head, and |lhenj rose up and venl oul and vaiIed al lhe doors of
lhe house of Cod, and lhe sound of his cries vas heard as far as lhe Kings
house. And lhe King rose up and connanded lhe crier lo go round, and
lhe soIdiers lo lIov lhe lrunpels, so lhal lhe peopIe nighl go forlh and
pursue lhe nen of lhe Iand of Llhiopia, and if lhey overlook lhen lhey
vere lo seize his son and lring hin lack vilh Zion, and sIay lhe |olherj
nen vilh lhe svord. Ior vilh his noulh he spake and said, As lhe Lord
Cod of IsraeI Iivelh, lhey are nen of dealh and nol of Iife, for veriIy lhey
deserve dealh lecause lhey have rolled lhe house of lhe sancluary of Cod,
and have desired lo poIIule lhe halilalion of His Nane in a Iand vherein
lhere is nol lhe Lav.
8. Hov SoIonon Rose up lo SIay lhen
Thus spake King SoIonon. And lhe King rose up in vralh and sel oul
lo pursue |lhe nen of Llhiopiaj. And vhen lhe King, and his nolIes, and
his nighly nen of var rose up (i.e. had sel oul), lhe eIders of IsraeI, and lhe
vidovs, and lhe virgins galhered logelher in lhe house of Cod, and lhey
vepl for Zion, for lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod had leen laken avay
fron lhen. Nov afler Zadok had renained |senseIessj for a season, his
hearl relurned lo hin. And lhen lhe King connanded lhal lhe soIdiers
shouId go forlh on lhe righl hand and on lhe Iefl, on lhe chance lhal sone
of lhe |fugilivesj nighl lurn aside lhrough fear of lhe lhefl. And lhe King
hinseIf rose up and foIIoved lhe lrack of lhe road of lhe nen of Llhiopia,
and he senl oul nounled horsenen, so lhal lhey nighl |ride on lefore hin
andj find oul vhere lhey vere, and nighl relurn and lring hin nevs |of
lhenj. And lhe horsenen journeyed on and cane lo lhe counlry of Mesr
(Lgypl), vhere lhe nen of Llhiopia had encanped vilh lheir king, and
vhere lhey had nade peace vilh Zion, and lhey rejoiced. And lhe soIdiers
of King SoIonon queslioned lhe peopIe, and lhe nen of lhe counlry of
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Lgypl said unlo lhen, Sone days ago cerlain nen of Llhiopia passed
here, and lhey lraveIIed sviflIy in vagons, Iike lhe angeIs, and lhey vere
svifler lhan lhe eagIes of lhe heavens. And lhe Kings soIdiers said unlo
lhen, Hov nany days ago is il since lhey Iefl you And lhe nen of
Lgypl said unlo lhen, This day is lhe ninlh day since lhey Iefl us. And
sone of lhe Kings horsenen vho relurned said unlo King SoIonon, Nine
days have passed since lhey Iefl Lgypl. Sone of our conpanions have gone
lo seek for lhen al lhe Sea of Lrilrea, lul ve cane lack lhal ve nighl
reporl lhis lo lhee. Belhink lhyseIf, King, I leseech lhee. n lhe second
day lhey venl forlh fron lhee, and lhey arrived on lhe lhird day al lhe
river Takkaz |ofj lhe Iand of Mesr (Lgypl). And ve leing senl forlh ly
lhee fron }erusaIen, arrived on lhe day of lhe Sallalh. And ve cane lack
lo lhee lo-day |vhich isj lhe fourlh day of lhe veek. Consider in lhy
visdon lhe dislance vhich lhose nen lraversed. And lhe King vas vrolh
and said, Seize lhe five of lhen, unliI ve find oul lhe lrulh of lheir
And lhe King and his soIdiers narched quickIy, and lhey cane lo Cz.
And lhe King asked lhe peopIe, saying, When did ny son Ieave you
And lhey ansvered and said unlo hin, He Iefl us lhree days ago. And
having Ioaded lheir vagons none of lhen lraveIIed on lhe ground, lul in
vagons lhal vere suspended in lhe air, and lhey vere svifler lhan lhe
eagIes lhal are in lhe sky, and aII lheir laggage lraveIIed vilh lhen in
vagons alove lhe vinds. As for us, ve lhoughl lhal lhou hadsl, in lhy
visdon, nade lhen lo lraveI in vagons alove lhe vinds. And lhe King
said unlo lhen, Was Zion, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, vilh lhen
And lhey said unlo hin, We did nol see anylhing.
9. Hov lhe King Queslioned an Lgyplian, lhe Servanl of Iharaoh
And SoIonon Iefl lhal pIace, and he nel a nolIe of lhe nolIes of Lgypl,
vhon King Iharaoh had senl unlo hin vilh a gifl, and lhere vas an
alundance of lreasures vilh hin, and he cane and nade oleisance lo lhe
King. And SoIonon lhe King nade hasle lo queslion hin, even lefore he
had presenled his gifl and enlassy, and said unlo hin, Hasl lhou seen
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nen of Llhiopia fIeeing ly lhis road And lhe anlassador of Iharaoh
ansvered and said unlo lhe King, King, Iive for ever! My Iord, King
Iharaoh, senl ne unlo lhee fron AIexandria. And lehoId, I viII inforn
lhee hov I have cone. Having sel oul fron AIexandria I cane lo Khr
(Cairo), lhe cily of lhe King, and on ny arrivaI lhese nen of Llhiopia of
vhon lhou speakesl arrived lhere aIso. They reached lhere afler a passage
of lhree days on lhe Takkaz, lhe river of Lgypl, and lhey vere lIoving
fIules, and lhey lraveIIed on vagons Iike lhe hosl of lhe heavenIy leings.
And lhose vho sav lhen said concerning lhen, 'These, having once leen
crealures of earlh, have lecone leings of heaven. Who lhen is viser lhan
SoIonon lhe King of }udah Bul he never lraveIIed in lhis vise in a vagon
of lhe vinds. And lhose vho vere in lhe cilies and lovns vere vilnesses
lhal, vhen lhese nen cane inlo lhe Iand of Lgypl, our gods and lhe gods of
lhe King feII dovn, and vere dashed in pieces, and lhe lovers of lhe idoIs
vere Iikevise lroken inlo fragnenls. And lhey asked lhe priesls of lhe
gods, lhe diviners of Lgypl, lhe reason vhy our gods had faIIen dovn, and
lhey said unlo us, 'The TalernacIe of lhe Cod of IsraeI, vhich cane dovn
fron heaven, is vilh lhen, and viII alide in lheir counlry for ever. And il
vas lecause of lhis lhal, vhen lhey cane inlo lhe Iand of Lgypl, our gods
vere lroken inlo fragnenls. And lhou, King, vhose visdon halh no
counlerparl under lhe heavens, vhy hasl lhou given avay lhe TalernacIe
of lhe Lav of lhe Lord lhy Cod, vhich lhy falhers kepl pure for lhee Ior,
according lo vhal ve hear, lhal TalernacIe used lo deIiver you oul of lhe
hand of your enenies, and lhe spiril of prophecy, vhich vas lherein, used
lo hoId converse vilh you, and lhe Cod of heaven used lo dveII in il in His
HoIy Spiril, and ye are caIIed nen of lhe house of Cod. Why have ye given
your gIory lo anolher And SoIonon ansvered in visdon and said,
Hov vas he (i.e. David) alIe lo carry avay our Lady, for she is vilh us
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6O. Hov SoIonon Lanenled for Zion
And SoIonon enlered inlo his lenl, and vepl lillerIy, and said, Cod,
viIIesl Thou lo lake avay lhe TalernacIe of Thy Covenanl fron us in ny
days If onIy Thou hadsl laken avay ny Iife lefore lhis vhich Thou hasl
laken avay in ny days! Ior Thou cansl nol nake Thy vord lo le a Iie, and
Thou cansl nol lreak Thy Covenanl vhich Thou didsl nake vilh our
falhers, vilh Noah Thy servanl vho kepl righleousness, and vilh
Alrahan vho did nol lransgress Thy connandnenl, and vilh Isaac Thy
servanl vho kepl his lody pure fron lhe poIIulion of sin, and vilh IsraeI,
Thy hoIy one, vhon Thou didsl nake nany ly lhe HoIy Spiril, and didsl
caII 'Thy lrace |sicj, IsraeI, and vilh Moses and Aaron Thy priesls, in
vhose days Thou didsl nake lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav lo cone dovn
fron heaven upon earlh, lo lhe chiIdren of }acol Thine inherilance, vilh
Thy Lav and Thy Connandnenl, in lhe forn of lhe conslilulion of lhe
angeIs. Ior Thou hadsl aIready founded Zion as lhe halilalion of Thy gIory
upon lhe nounlain of Thy sancluary. And again Thou didsl give il lo
Moses lhal he nighl serve il nolIy upon lhe earlh, and nighl nake il lo
dveII in lhe 'Tenl of Wilness, so lhal Thou ThyseIf nighlesl cone lhere
fron lhe nounlain of Thy sancluary, and nighlesl nake lhe peopIe lo hear
Thy voice, so lhal lhey nighl vaIk in Thy Connandnenls.
Nov I knov lhal Thou esleenesl Thine inherilance nore IighlIy lhan
Thy peopIe IsraeI. And unliI lhis presenl il vas vilh us, and ve did nol
ninisler unlo il righlIy, and for lhis reason Thou arl angry vilh us, and
Thou hasl lurned Thy face fron us. Lord, Iook nol upon our eviI deeds,
lul consider Thou lhe goodness of our forefalhers. My falher David, Thy
servanl, vished lo luiId a house lo Thy Nane, for he had heard lhe vord
of Thy prophel, vho said, 'Which is lhe house for My halilalion, and
vhich is lhe pIace for Me lo resl in Is il nol My hands lhal have nade aII
lhis, sailh lhe Lord,
Who ruIelh everylhing And vhen he had
nedilaled upon lhis Thou didsl say unlo hin, 'Il is inpossilIe for lhee lo
luiId lhis, lul he vho halh gone forlh fron lhy Ioins shaII luiId a house for
Isaiah Ixvi, 1.
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And nov, Lord, Thy vord halh nol leen nade a Iie, and I have
luiIl Thy house, Thou leing ny heIper. And vhen I had finished luiIding
Thy house, I lroughl lhe TalernacIe of lhe Covenanl inlo il, and I offered
up sacrifices lo Thy lhrice-hoIy Nane, and Thou didsl Iook on lhese
|lenevoIenlIyj. And lhe house vas fuII of Thy gIory, lhe vhoIe vorId leing
fiIIed vilh Thy Codhead, and ve Thy peopIe rejoiced al lhe sighl of Thy
gIory lherein. And lhis day il is lhree years since lhal line, and Thou hasl
snalched avay Thy Iighl fron us lhal Thou nayesl iIIunine lhose lhal are
in darkness. Thou hasl renoved our honour lhal Thou nayesl honour
lhose vho are unvorlhy, Thou hasl lIolled oul our najesly lhal Thou
nayesl nake najeslic hin lhal is nol najeslic, Thou hasl laken avay our
Iife lhal Thou nayesl luiId up hin vhose Iife is far fron Thee.
Woe is ne! Woe is ne! I veep for nyseIf. Rise up, David, ny falher,
and veep vilh ne for our Lady, for Cod halh negIecled us and halh laken
avay our Lady fron lhy son. Woe is ne! Woe is ne! Woe is ne! Ior lhe
Sun of righleousness halh negIecled ne. Woe is ne! Ior ve have negIecled
lhe connand of our Cod, and ve have lecone rejecled ones on lhe earlh.
As priesls ve have nol acled veII, and as Kings ve have nol done vhal is
righl in respecl of judgenenl lo lhe orphans. Woe le unlo us! Woe le unlo
us! Whal is righl halh passed fron us, and ve are reluked. Woe le unlo
us! ur joy halh lurned aside lo our enenies, and lhe grace lhal vas ours
halh leen renoved fron us. Woe le unlo us! Woe le unlo us! ur lack is
lurned lovards lhe spears of our enenies. Woe le unlo us! Woe le unlo
us! ur chiIdren have lecone lhe spoiI and caplives of lhose vhon ve
recenlIy had spoiIed and nade caplives. Woe le unlo us! Woe le unlo us!
ur vidovs veep, and our virgins nourn. Woe le unlo us! Woe le unlo
us! ur oId nen vaiI and our young nen Ianenl. Woe le unlo us! Woe le
unlo us! ur vonen shed lears and our cily is Iaid vasle. Woe le unlo us!
Woe le unlo us! Iron lhis day lo lhe end of our days |ve nusl nournj,
and our chiIdren Iikevise. Woe le unlo us! Woe le unlo us! Ior lhe gIory
I ChronicIes xxii, 8, 9.
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of lhe gIorious daughler of Zion is renoved, and lhe gIory of lhe daughler
of Llhiopia, lhe viIe,
halh increased.
Cod is vrolh, and vho shaII shov conpassion Cod halh nade
uncIean, and vho shaII purify Cod halh pIanned, and vho shaII gainsay
His pIan Cod halh viIIed, and vho shaII oppose His inlenlion Cod
speakelh, and everylhing shaII cone lo pass. Cod halh alased, and lhere is
none lhal shaII pronole lo honour. Cod halh laken avay, and lhere is none
vho shaII lring lack. Cod halelh, and lhere is none vho shaII nake Hin lo
Iove. Woe le unlo us! ur nane vas honoured, lo-day il is nolhing. Woe
le unlo us! Iron leing nen of lhe househoId ve have lecone nen of lhe
oulside, and fron leing nen of lhe inner chanlers ve have leen driven
oul lhrough our sins. Ior Cod Iovelh lhe pure, lul lhe priesls vouId have
none of lhe pure, and have Ioved lhe inpure. And lhe prophels reluked
us, lul ve vouId nol accepl reluke, and lhey |vished loj nake us hear,
lul ve vouId nol hear. Woe le unlo us! Through our sins ve are rejecled,
and lecause of our defeclion ve shaII le punished. Sovereignly profilelh
nolhing vilhoul purily, and judgenenl profilelh nolhing vilhoul juslice,
and riches profil nolhing vilhoul lhe fear of Cod. The priesls Iove lhe
vords of falIes nore lhan lhe vords of lhe Scriplures, and lhey Iove lhe
sound of lhe harp nore lhan lhe sound of lhe IsaIler, and lhey Iove lhe
service of lhe vorId nore lhan prayer, and lhey Iove lhe dispuling of lhe
vorId nore lhan lhe voice of lhe Codhead, and lhey Iove Iaughler and
fornicalion nore lhan lhe veeping of Iife, and lhey Iove lhe food lhal
passelh avay nore lhan lhe fasling lo Cod, and lhey Iove vine and sveel
drink nore lhan sacrificing lo Cod, and lhey Iove idIeness nore lhan
prayer, and lhey Iove possessions nore lhan |lhe giving ofj aIns, and lhey
Iove sIeeping nore lhan praising, and lhey Iove dozing nore lhan
valching. Woe le unlo us! Woe le unlo us!
Queen, ve have leen negIigenl in respecl of lhe Connandnenl of
Cod. We have Ioved lhe vords of lhe falIenongers nore lhan lhe vord of
lhe priesls. We have vished lo gaze upon lhe face of our vonen ralher
lhan upon lhe face of Cod in repenlance. We have Ioved lo Iook upon our
r, cringing, or, degraded. The ancienl Lgyplians oflen spoke of Kesh, lhe viIe.
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chiIdren ralher lhan lo hear lhe vord of Cod. We have consoIed ourseIves
nore vilh lhe sardius slone lhan vilh lhe adninislering righl judgenenl
lo lhe orphans. We have Ioved lo Iook upon our honour ralher lhan lo hear
lhe voice of Cod. We have Ioved lhe vord of fooIishness nore lhan lhe
vords of lhe vise. We have Ioved lhe vords of fooIs nore lhan hearing lhe
vords of lhe Irophels. Woe le unlo us! f our ovn free viII ve have
poIIuled our Iife. Woe le unlo us! Woe le unlo us! The repenlance and
nercy vhich Cod Iovelh ve have nol done. Woe le unlo us! He gave us
gIory, and ve have lhrovn il avay. He nade us very vise, and of our ovn
freeviII ve have nade ourseIves nore fooIish lhan lhe leasls. He gave us
riches, and ve have leggared ourseIves even |lo asking forj aIns. We
Iooked upon our horses, and forgol our coning lack. We have Ioved
fIeeling lhings, and ve have nol recognized lhose lhal alide. We have
nade our days lo deride our Iife, ve have preferred lhe Iuxuriousness of
food, vhich leconelh dung, lo lhe food of Iife vhich endurelh for ever.
|We have pul onj lhe garnenls of appareI vhich lenefil nol lhe souI, and
have pul off lhe appareI of gIory vhich is for ever. ur governors and lhe
peopIe do vhal Cod halelh, and lhey Iove nol vhal Cod Iovelh, Iove of
lheir neighlours, and IovIiness, and graciousness, and nercy for lhe poor,
and palienl endurance, and Iove of lhe house of Cod, and lhe adoralion of
lhe Son. Bul vhal Cod halelh is, augury ly lirds, and idoIalry, and
enquiry of vilches, and divinalion, and nagic, and fIies, and 'ak.arn,
lhe aninaI lhal halh leen lorn, and lhe dead lody of a leasl, and lhefl, and
oppression, and fornicalion, and envy, fraud, drink and drunkenness, faIse
svearing |againslj neighlours, and lhe learing of faIse leslinony |againslj
AII lhese lhings vhich Cod halelh lhey do. And il is lecause of lhen
lhal Cod halh laken lhe TalernacIe of His Covenanl avay fron us and
halh given il lo lhe peopIe vho do His WiII and His Lav, and His
rdinance. He halh lurned His face fron us and halh nade His face lo
shine upon lhen. He halh despised us and halh Ioved lhen. He halh
IrolalIy a corruplion of lhe nane Lkron (2 Kings i, 2), lhe cily-god of vhich vas
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shovn nercy unlo lhen and halh lIolled us oul, lecause He halh laken
avay lhe TalernacIe of His Covenanl fron us. Ior He halh svorn an oalh
ly HinseIf lhal He viII nol alrogale vinler and sunner, seed line and
harvesl, fruil and vork, sun and noon, as Iong as Zion is on lhe earlh, and
lhal He viII nol in vralh deslroy heaven and earlh, eilher ly fIood or fire,
and lhal He viII nol lIol oul nan, and leasl, and repliIes and creeping
lhings, lul viII shov nercy lo lhe vork of His hands, and viII nuIlipIy
His nercy on vhal He halh forned. And vhen Cod lakelh avay lhe
TalernacIe of His Covenanl He viII deslroy lhe heavens, and lhe earlh,
and aII His vork, and lhis day halh Cod despised us and laken fron us lhe
TalernacIe of His Lav. And vhiIsl SoIonon vas saying lhese lhings he
ceased nol lo veep, and lhe lears ran dovn his cheeks conlinuaIIy.
And lhe Spiril of Irophecy ansvered and said unlo hin, Why arl lhou
lhus sorrovfuI Ior lhis halh happened ly lhe WiII of Cod. And |Zionj
halh nol leen given lo an aIien, lul lo lhy firsllorn son vho shaII sil upon
lhe lhrone of David lhy Ialher. Ior Cod svore unlo David in lrulh, and He
repenlelh nol, lhal of lhe fruil of his lody He vouId nake lo sil upon his
lhrone for ever, in lhe TalernacIe of His Covenanl, lhe HoIy Zion. And I
viII sel hin alove lhe kings of lhe earlh, and his lhrone shaII le Iike lhe
days of heaven and Iike lhe ordinance of lhe noon for ever.
And He vho
sillelh upon lhe lhrone of lhe Codhead in lhe heavens shaII ruIe lhe Iiving
and lhe dead in lhe fIesh for ever. And angeIs and nen shaII serve Hin,
and every longue shaII praise Hin, and every knee shaII lov lo Hin in lhe
alysses and in lhe rivers. Conforl lhyseIf vilh lhis |vordj, and gel lhee
lack lo lhy house, and Iel nol lhy hearl le vhoIIy sad.
And lhe King vas conforled ly lhis |vordj, and he said, The WiII of
Cod le done, and nol lhe viII of nan. And again lhe AngeI of Cod
appeared unlo hin openIy, and said unlo hin, As for lhyseIf, lhou shaIl
luiId lhe house of Cod, and il shaII le gIory and as a supporl for lhee, and
if lhou viIl keep His Connandnenl and viIl nol serve olher gods lhou
shaIl le leIoved ly Cod, even as David lhy falher.
IsaIns Ixxii, 11, Ixxxix, 3, 4, 27, 29, cxxxii, 11-13.
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61. Hov SoIonon Relurned lo }erusaIen
And lhen SoIonon cane lack lo lhe cily of }erusaIen, and he vepl
lhere vilh lhe eIders of }erusaIen a greal veeping in lhe house of Cod.
And afler lhis lhe King and Zadok lhe priesl enlraced each olher, and
lhey vepl lillerIy in lhe halilalion of Zion, and lhey renained siIenl for a
Iong line. And lhe eIders rose up and spake unlo lhe King, saying, Be nol
lhou sorrovfuI concerning lhis lhing, our Lord, for ve knov, fron firsl
lo Iasl, lhal vilhoul lhe WiII of Cod Zion viII nol dveII |in any pIacej, and
lhal nolhing happenelh vilhoul lhe WiII of Cod. And as concerning Zion
in oIden line, in lhe days of LIi lhe priesl, lefore our falhers had asked for
a king, lhe IhiIislines carried Zion avay caplive inlo |lheirj canp~Cod
having negIecled IsraeI in lhe lallIe, and ils priesls 'Afn (Hophni) and (Ihinehas) having faIIen ly lhe edge of lhe svord. And lhe
IhiIislines carried avay lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod, and lroughl il
inlo lheir cily, and sel il in lhe house of lheir god Dagon. And Dagon vas
lroken lo pieces and deslroyed, and lecane Iike dusl, and lheir Iand
lecane a deserl lhrough nice, and lhey ale up aII lhe fruil of lheir Iand,
and lheir persons lecane sores and loiIs. And lhey galhered logelher lheir
priesls, and nagicians, and slar-gazers, and lhey enlrealed lhen and said
unlo lhen, 'Hov can ve reIieve ourseIves of lhese sores and lhe lriluIalion
vhich have cone upon us, and upon our counlry And lhose nagicians
nedilaled and vilhdrev lhenseIves lo le aIone, and lheir lroughl lheir
nagicaI inslrunenls, and pondered, and considered, and pIanned hov
lhey couId reIieve lhen fron lriluIalion of lheir cily and lheir persons.
And lhey discovered lhal lhis punishnenl had cone upon lhen and lheir
cily lecause of Zion. And lhey venl lo lheir kings and lheir governors, and
lhey said unlo lhen, 'AII lhese lhings have lefaIIen you lhrough lhe
heavenIy Zion, lhe TalernacIe of lhe Lav of Cod. And nov, knov ye hov
ye viII lake her lack inlo her cily, and her counlry, and her house. And ve
nusl ly no neans send her avay enply, lul nusl give her an offering, so
lhal she nay forgive you your sins, and do avay your lriluIalion vhen she
halh relurned lo her cily. And if ye viII nol send her lo her cily, no good
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viII cone of naking her lo Iive vilh you, lul ye shaII conlinue lo le
punished unliI ye are deslroyed.
And lheir kings and governors said unlo lheir priesls, 'Whal gifl nov
say ye lhal ve oughl lo give her, and hov shaII ve send her lack Iind
oul, and leII us vhal ve nusl do. And lhe priesls of lhe IhiIislines look
counseI logelher again, and lhey said unlo lheir kings and governors,
'Make for her according lo lhe heads of your houses, sixly figures of nice
in goId, since nice have deslroyed your Iand, and sixly figures of lhe
nenler of a nan, since your ovn persons have suffered fron sores and
loiIs on your nenlers.