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The Outsiders Unit Plan

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The Outsiders Unit Plan Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th

Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Unit Overview: The unit will consist of activities revolving around themes presented in the novel. Students will create a portfolio for the entire unit, which will be made up of their assignments, journal entries, in class activities, final project and self-evaluation of the portfolio. The portfolio will reflect students progress made in the unit and in their self-evaluation. Final Project: Students will choose from 3 options as their final project. They will spend 3 days working on the project in class and then the final day will present to their classmates. The presentation portion accounts for 10 out of 30 possible points. Journal Entries: Students will complete a total of 7 thoughtful journal entries over the course of the unit. Each entry will be worth one point. A prompt will be provided at the beginning of each block. Participation: Students will have the opportunity to earn several participation points each day. Participation means the student is on task, contributing in discussions, actively listening and completing all activities. Points will be taken away if the student is continuously interrupting the classroom learning or repeatedly not doing the things listed above. Portfolio Assessment: Throughout this unit, the students will be assessed through a portfolio. Each document, participation point, journal entry and assignments will contribute to their final portfolio grade. Students will be held accountable to provide all documents neatly in a folder at the end of a unit. Point Totals Journal Entries: Participation In class activities Active listening Final project Total 7 11 40 12 30 100

The Outsiders Unit Plan

Day 1-Monday
Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Alabama Course of Study Standards Met: Reading: 4. Apply strategies appropriate to type of reading material, including making inferences to determine bias or theme and using specific context clues, to comprehend eighth-grade informational and functional reading materials. Applying self-monitoring strategies for text understanding Comparing predicted with actual content in informational and functional reading materials. Objectives: Pre-Assess prior knowledge. Use prior knowledge to make predictions. Insightfully reflect on their identity choices. Materials: Pre Test You Tube Video (The Outsiders Trailer) Opinionaire The Outsiders Procedures: (12-15 Minutes) Pre-Test (20 Minutes) Activity: From what I already know, I think The Outsiders is about Students will begin writing using the prompt. They will be stopped after 3 minutes and pass their paper to a neighbor. They will then add on the their neighbors passage.. etc. After the paper has been passed 4 times, they will be returned to their owner. I will select a few to read aloud. (10 Minutes) Introduction to The Outsiders (3 Minutes) Watch the You Tube Trailer for the Movie (5 Minutes) Opinionaire (5 Minutes) Discuss Opinionaire

The Outsiders Unit Plan (35 Minutes) Listen to Chapter 1 Assignments: Exit Slip: Immediate response to the story: I like it because I dont like it because. Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: Block 1: Wear light speed sound device for student with hearing impairment. Block 3: Preferential seating for student with diagnosed ADD Block 3: Use specific, constant formative assessments for low reader. Block 3: Observe student with social issues, check progress continuously Block 4: Monitor and use extra formative assessment for student with oral comprehension issues and organization. Assessment of Student Learning: Students will receive 1 point for completing a thoughtful journal entry. Students will receive 1 participation point for staying on task. Students will receive 1 participation point for handing in a thoughtful exit slip. Students will receive 1 point for active listening to Chapter reading.

The Outsiders Unit Plan

Day 2-Tuesday
Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Alabama Course of Study Standards Met: Reading 2. Evaluate the impact of setting, mood, and characterization on theme is specific literary selections. 4. Apply strategies appropriate to type of reading material, including making inferences to determine bias of theme and using specific context clues, to comprehend eighth-grade informational and functional reading materials Applying self-monitoring strategies for text understanding. Comparing predicted with actual content in informational and functional reading materials. Literature: 6. Analyze works of literature for character motivation, mood, ton, theme, similarities across texts and literary devices. Objectives: Define various themes across the novel Discuss characterization and character analysis Discuss the impact of authorial intent Materials: The Outsiders Smartboard Character Analysis handout Procedures: (10 Minutes) Journal Entry (Discuss what I expect. Show a good and bad work sample.) (35 Minutes) Listen to Chapter 2 (5 Minutes) Free Write. Suggestions to get the students going will be provided the first few times. Once they get the hang of the personal response they wont be prompted. (5 Minutes) Class brainstorm for themes across the novel (write them on the smartboard). 4

The Outsiders Unit Plan

(15 Minutes) Character analysis. Students will select a character that has been introduced in chapter one. They will do a 3 minute free write to describe as many details they can recall about the character. 12 Minute Group discussion, we will compile all information on the smartboard and students will take notes. (10 Minutes) Mini-Lesson: All about the Author I will introduce S.E. Hinton and we will begin discussion about her intent when writing this novel. (10 Minutes) Students will write a list of questions they have for the author. Assignments: Each student must have at least 5 questions for S.E. Hinton. If they do not finish, they must finish for homework. Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: Block 1: Wear light speed sound device for student with hearing impairment. Block 3: Preferential seating for student with diagnosed ADD Block 3: Use specific, constant formative assessments for low reader. Block 3: Observe student with social issues, check progress continuously Block 4: Monitor and use extra formative assessment for student with oral comprehension issues and organization. Assessment of Student Learning: Students will receive 1 point for completing a thoughtful journal entry. Students will receive 1 participation point for staying on task and contributing to conversation. Students will receive 1 point for handing in questions for the author. Students will receive 1 point for active listening to Chapter reading.

The Outsiders Unit Plan

Day 3-Wednesday
Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Alabama Course of Study Standards Met: Reading: 2. Evaluate the impact of setting, mood, and characterization on theme is specific literary selections. Objectives: Discuss the setting of the 1960s and the novel Discuss the issues of the 1960s Discuss the differences and similarities of the 1960s vs. 2011 Materials: The Outsiders Family Feud PowerPoint on the 1960s Similarities/Differences Graphic Organizer Procedures: (5 Minutes) Journal (10 Minutes) Discuss the ideas and perceptions of setting. What clues, evidence did they find in the novel about setting? (50 Minutes) 1960s Family Feud and Discussion of the 1960s, Music, Movies, News Headlines, popular books, sports figures, problems teenagers faced. How does the 1960s relate to 2011? What are some similarities and differences among the youth? (35 Minutes) Listen to Chapter 3 Assignments: None Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: Block 1: Wear light speed sound device for student with hearing impairment. Block 3: Preferential seating for student with diagnosed ADD Block 3: Use specific, constant formative assessments for low reader. Block 3: Observe student with social issues, check progress continuously Block 4: Monitor and use extra formative assessment for student with oral comprehension issues and organization. 6

The Outsiders Unit Plan

Assessment of Student Learning: Students will receive 1 point for completing a thoughtful journal entry. Students will receive 1 point for participation in discussion. Students will receive 1 point for active listening to Chapter reading.

The Outsiders Unit Plan

Day 4-Thursday
Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Alabama Course of Study Standards Met: Reading: 2. Evaluate the impact of setting, mood, and characterization on theme is specific literary selections. Literature: 6. Analyze works of literature for character motivation, mood, ton, theme, similarities across texts and literary devices. Writing and Language: 9. Applying mechanics in writing, including using quotation marks, underlining, and italics to punctuate titles and using semicolons, conjunctive adverbs, and commas to join two independent clauses or to correct run-on sentences. Demonstrate correct sentence structure by avoiding commas splices in writing. Objectives: Evaluate and analyze character identity and values Identify sentence fragments and make corrections. Complete a 6-Word Memoir that identifies with a specific character from the novel Materials: Portfolio Rubric Grammar selection Youtube clip Index cards Identity graphic organizer The Outsiders Procedures: (5 Minutes) Journal (15 minutes) Introduce portfolio project. Give out rubric. Answer questions.

The Outsiders Unit Plan (15 Minutes) Mini-Grammar LessonSentence fragments. Use example from Day 1 activity I think this novel is about Students will revise a paragraph that has been modified from the same activity. (5 Minutes) Introduce 6-word memoirs. Show youtube example clip. (5 Minutes) Select a character. Brainstorm as many character traits, ways to identify, and feelings etc that pertain to that character. (3 Minutes) Narrow selection down to 10 words. (5 Minutes) Write each of the 10 words on a note card. (3 Minutes) Select and arrange 6 words into a 6 word memoir that defines the character selected. (3 Minutes) Repeat process above. (3 Minutes) Repeat process above. (3 Minutes) Select final and favorite of the 3 6 word memoirs and write final choice on blank sheet of paper. (25 Minutes) Listen to Chapter 4 (10 Minutes) Class discussion. Discuss the similarities and difference of each character. Are the identities the same/different? What role does gender play in identity of position? What makes the characters different? Is it Money, House, Clothing? (Graphic organizer) Assignments: None Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: Block 1: Wear light speed sound device for student with hearing impairment (if needed). Block 3: Preferential seating for student with diagnosed ADD Block 3: Use specific, constant formative assessments for low reader. Block 3: Observe student with social issues, check progress continuously Block 4: Monitor and use extra formative assessment for student with oral comprehension issues and organization. Assessment of Student Learning: 9

The Outsiders Unit Plan Students will receive 1 point for a thoughtful journal entry. Students will receive 1 point for active listening to chapter reading. Students will receive 1 point total for sentence activity. (9/10=.9 points.)


The Outsiders Unit Plan

Day 5-Friday
Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Alabama Course of Study Standards Met: Reading: 2. Evaluate the impact of mood, setting and characterization on theme is specific literary selections. Identifying components of plot 4. Apply strategies appropriate to type of reading material, including making inferences to determine bias of theme and using specific context clues, to comprehend eighth-grade informational and functional reading materials Determining sequence of steps, events, or information. Objectives: Students will present their projects from their summer reading choice book. Students will sample menu items from their projects menu. Students will check out a book from the library. Materials: Final Projects Food Library Book Procedures: (20 Minutes) Students will have 20 minutes to visit the library. They will be allowed to check out and return books and have silent reading time. (80 Minutes) Feast Day. Today students will present their summer reading projects. They will also be asked to bring in food items from their project menu to share with the class. Assignments: No assignments for the weekend. Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: Block 1: Wear light speed sound device for student with hearing impairment. Block 3: Preferential seating for student with diagnosed ADD Block 3: Use specific, constant formative assessments for low reader. Block 3: Observe student with social issues, check progress continuously 11

The Outsiders Unit Plan Block 4: Monitor and use extra formative assessment for student with oral comprehension issues and organization. Assessment of Student Learning: This assignment is part of a prior project. There will be no assessment from this project that will contribute towards final portfolio grade.


The Outsiders Unit Plan

(Monday is Labor Day) Day 6-Tuesday

Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Alabama Course of Study Standards Met: Reading: 4. Apply strategies appropriate to type of reading material, including making inferences to determine bias of theme and using specific context clues, to comprehend eighth-grade informational and functional reading materials Confirming authors credentials. Literature: 6. Analyze works of literature for character motivation, mood, ton, theme, similarities across texts and literary devices. Objectives: Create and complete a 6-Word Memoir that characterizes a character from the novel. Use textual and research based evidence to answer questions pertaining to authorial intent. Materials: The Outsiders Computer Lab Directions Page Rubric for 6-Word Memoir Outline for computer research Procedures: (30 Minutes) Listen to Chapter 5. (5 Minutes) Brief overview/discussion of chapter (5 Minutes) Give directions for computer lab (60 Minutes): Computer Lab. Students will do several activities. 1. They will create a PowerPoint slide with their characters 6-word memoir. They will select an image to put on the background. They will then save their project onto a flash drive to be compiled as a class. (graphic organizer)


The Outsiders Unit Plan 2. Students will type and answer their questions to S.E. Hinton. They will answer the questions based on the text and evidence they find in their research. For example: Why did S.E. Hinton write that the Socs drove around in a blue Cadillac? Not only was S.E. Hintons favorite color blue, but she wanted to include details in her novel that symbolized peace and tranquility between social classes. Assignments: Finish questions/answers as needed. Bring to class tomorrow prepared to use. Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: Block 1: Wear light speed sound device for student with hearing impairment. Block 3: Preferential seating for student with diagnosed ADD Block 3: Use specific, constant formative assessments for low reader. Block 3: Observe student with social issues, check progress continuously Block 4: Monitor and use extra formative assessment for student with oral comprehension issues and organization. Assessment of Student Learning: Students will receive 1 point for participation Students will receive 10/10 points for 6-Word Memoir (rubric) Students will receive 1 point for spot check on authors questions/answers. Students will receive 1 point for actively listening.


The Outsiders Unit Plan

Day 7-Wednesday
Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Alabama Course of Study Standards Met: Reading: 3. Distinguish among the subcategories of poetry, such as ballads, lyric poems, epics, haiky, and limericks, based on their characteristics. 4. Apply strategies appropriate to type of reading material, including making inferences to determine bias of theme and using specific context clues, to comprehend eighth-grade informational and functional reading materials Confirming authors credentials. Objectives: Analyze Robert Frosts Nothing Gold Can Stay Discuss personal interpretations. Work in groups to prepare a formal interview process Materials: The Outsiders Interview Day PowerPoint How its going to work Group Work Self-Evaluation Procedures: (5 Minutes) Reread excerpts from pages 54-56 and 76-77 aloud. (15 Minutes) Students will personally interpret the poem, line by line. (5 Minutes) Think-pair-share. With a partner, students will share their interpretations with their partners. They must justify what they interpret. (15 Minutes) Class Discussion. Students will share their interpretations. (25 Minutes) Listen to Chapter 6 (5 Minutes) Brief response-write (5 Minutes) Introduce interview project for tomorrow. PowerPoint. Also introduce group work self-evaluation


The Outsiders Unit Plan (25 Minutes) In groups of 5, each member will select 1 question for S.E. Hinton with answers. Choose one cameraperson, one S.E. Hinton, one interviewer, one director and one noise coordinator. Students will begin practicing for their interview procedures. Select a backdrop for interviews (to be enlarged on the smart board) (3 Minutes) Self Evaluation Assignments: Finish preparations for interview if needed. Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: Block 1: Wear light speed sound device for student with hearing impairment. Block 3: Preferential seating for student with diagnosed ADD Block 3: Use specific, constant formative assessments for low reader. Block 3: Observe student with social issues, check progress continuously Block 4: Monitor and use extra formative assessment for student with oral comprehension issues and organization. Assessment of Student Learning: 1 Point for participation/discussion during poem interpretations. 5 possible points for self-evaluation of group work. Students will receive 1 point for actively listening.


The Outsiders Unit Plan

Day 8-Thursday
Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Alabama Course of Study Standards Met: Reading: 4. Apply strategies appropriate to type of reading material, including making inferences to determine bias of theme and using specific context clues, to comprehend eighth-grade informational and functional reading materials Confirming authors credentials. Objectives: Create realistic media interviews Answer questions for the author based on textual evidence. Create a biography poem for the main character in the novel. Discuss and share biography poems. Materials: Microphone Video Camera Action cutout Smartboard (background) Interviewers chair Cardboard S.E. Hinton face The Outsiders Group work peer evaluation Procedures: (40 Minutes) In groups of 5, students will film their interview the author (35 Minutes) Listen to Chapter 7 (3 Minutes) Introduce biography poem about Ponyboy. (10 Minutes) Individually write poem about Ponyboy. (12 Minutes) Class Discussion. How does your identity relate to Ponyboys? What are the similarities/differences? Do others (characters in the novel) see Ponyboy as you described him in the poem? How important is it to celebrate your identity?


The Outsiders Unit Plan Assignments: None Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: Block 1: Wear light speed sound device for student with hearing impairment. Block 3: Preferential seating for student with diagnosed ADD Block 3: Use specific, constant formative assessments for low reader. Block 3: Observe student with social issues, check progress continuously Block 4: Monitor and use extra formative assessment for student with oral comprehension issues and organization. Assessment of Student Learning: Students will receive 1 point for participation. Students will receive 1 point for biography poem. Students will peer-evaluate their group work experience. 5/5 Students will receive 1 point for actively listening.


The Outsiders Unit Plan

Day 9-Friday
Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Alabama Course of Study Standards Met: Literature: 6. Analyze works of literature for character motivation, mood, ton, theme, similarities across texts and literary devices. Oral and Visual Communication 14. Identify characteristics of spoken formal and informal language. Objectives: Identify the use of slang in literature. Create visual images for slang terms Discuss and justify interpretations of the use of slang. Materials: The Outsiders A Lot PowerPoint Blank Paper Colored Pencils Procedures: (25 Minutes) Library time (25 Minutes) Listen to chapter 8. (10 Minutes) A LOT PowerPoint. Discuss similarities of this and the use of slang in the novel. (5 Minutes) Class brainstorm. Find as many examples of the use of slang in the novel. (20 Minutes) Draw a picture and explain how the use of slang might change your interpretation of writing. (15 Minutes) Students will share their drawings with the class and explain why it makes them think of what they drew. Assignments:


The Outsiders Unit Plan Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: Block 1: Wear light speed sound device for student with hearing impairment. Block 3: Preferential seating for student with diagnosed ADD Block 3: Use specific, constant formative assessments for low reader. Block 3: Observe student with social issues, check progress continuously. Block 4: Monitor and use extra formative assessment for student with oral comprehension issues and organization. Assessment of Student Learning: Students will receive 1 point for participation. Students will receive 5 possible points for their visual slang project. Students will receive 1 point for actively listening.


The Outsiders Unit Plan

Day 10-Monday
Descriptive Course Data Instructor: Allison Cousins Grade Level: 8th Course: English Language Arts Unit: The Novel: The Outsiders

Alabama Course of Study Standards Met: Literature: 6. Analyze works of literature for character motivation, mood, ton, theme, similarities across texts and literary devices. Objectives: Examine the influence of family on characters Develop an understanding of different types of families (inside and outside the novel) Explore and understand the influence of point-of-view (how it affects ones perception of a situation. Materials: The Outsiders Role Play Cards Venn Diagram Point of View Worksheet Procedures: (5 Minutes) Journal (5 Minutes) Overview of Role Play scenarios How it works (10 Minutes) Assign each person in the group a role. (Role Play Cards) Discuss attitudes and beliefs of characters and possible reactions to situations. (30 Minutes) Each group performs their role-play in front of the class. The class has the opportunity to ask each group questions on how it might have made them feel or how they would have rather reacted in any given situation. (15 Minutes) Class Discussion. (Venn Diagram) Similarities and differences between the Greasers and the Socs? How does the role of family tie into the actions of the characters? (35 Minutes) Listen to Chapter 9 21

The Outsiders Unit Plan

Assignments: Students are to complete the point of view worksheet for homework. Come to class tomorrow prepared to discuss. Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: Block 1: Wear light speed sound device for student with hearing impairment. Block 3: Preferential seating for student with diagnosed ADD Block 3: Use specific, constant formative assessments for low reader. Block 3: Observe student with social issues, check progress continuously. Block 4: Monitor and use extra formative assessment for student with oral comprehension issues and organization. Assessment of Student Learning: Students will receive 1 point for a thoughtful journal entry. Students will receive 1 point for actively listening.


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