SNMP Cisco Routers
SNMP Cisco Routers
SNMP Cisco Routers
track response time IP and SNA probe Send IP ICMP Echo,SNA SSCP echo Configure: snmp-server community public ro snmp-server community ourCommStr ro access-list 60 permit Traps: snmp-server host public Snmp-server host public snmp bgp Snmp-server enable traps Snmp-server enable traps envmon temperature MIB Management Information Base Managed Objects\ (scalar variables,tables,table element 3ops: get(object),set(object value) and get-next(object) snmpNotifyTable-selects a set o management targets snmpTargetAddrTable-defines transport parameters (IP,UDPport) snmpTargetParamsTable-defines which version to use vacmContextTable-read-only table that lists all available contexts vacmSecurityToGroupTable-maps a securityModel and a Name to a groupname vacmViewTreeFamilyTable-vacmViewTreeFamilyTable is indexed by viewName and defines objects in the MIBview. VacmViewTreeFamilyEntry ::= Sequence { vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName SnmpAdminString } Snmpa:send_notification(Agent,Notifications,Receiver..l) Snmpa:send_trap(Agent,) MIB compiler Snmpc:compile(RPC1213-MIB) Output <mibname>.bin EX: Get Operation Scaler: variable_access(get [, ExtraArg1, ] Tables: table_access(get,RowIndex,Cols..l..] EX: Set Operation