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A particle of mass m is projected at an angle of 60o with a velocity of 20 m/s relative to the ground from a plank of same mass m which is placed on smooth surface. Initially plank was at rest. The minimum length of the plank for which the ball will fall on the plank itself is Section 1





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

In the diagram shown, the rod is rigid and massless. A constant force F = mg has been applied vertically downwards on the rod. The wall and the horizontal surface are perfectly smooth. If the initial value of the angle is equal to 45o then the minimum

value of coefficient of friction between the blocks for no relative motion to start between the blocks, is equal to

1. 2. 3. 4.

1/4 1/2

1/ none of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

The velocities of different points of a uniform rod of

length L at an instant is shown in the figure. The distance of a point from centre of mass of rod having zero velocity w.r.t. ground is

1. 2. 3. 4.

L/6 above L/6 below L/3 below none of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A block rests on a rough plane whose inclination to the

horizontal can be varied. Which of the following graphs shows variation of the frictional force F, between the block and the plane, with ?





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A man pulls a bucket of water from a well of depth H. If the mass of the uniform rope and bucket full of water are m and M respectively. The value of work done by the man is 1. (m + M)gh




none of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

In the diagram shown, a small block of mass m has been projected horizontally on a board of the same mass. Initially, the velocity of the small block is 1m/s and the board is in the state of rest. If the coefficients of friction are as shown in the figure then the time-after which the relative motion between the blocks come to an end is equal to

1. 2. 3.

2 sec 2/3 sec 4/3 sec


none of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

From a toy gun, bullets are fired at regular interval of time (t = 0.5 sec) as shown. At the instant 1st bullet strikes the ground. Which diagram correctly represents the correct position of other three bullets?





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution:

Ans. (1)

In the diagram shown, the coefficient of friction between the blocks is 0.9. The minimum value of the force F such that relative motion starts between the blocks, is equal to

1. 2. 3. 4.

1 mg 0.9 mg 1.8 mg none of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

In the game carom, queen and striker are identical and are placed as shown in the figure (queen is placed at origin). Now striker is imparted a velocity Calculate the value of and . , where

are velocity of queen and

striker respectively just after collision in x-y plane. The collision is elastic and all surfaces are smooth.





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

Two block A and B having equal mass, are placed in contact with each other on a rough plane, inclined at angle with

horizontal as shown in figure. If coefficients of friction for these blocks are





) respectively, then for static equilibrium of two blocks.

1. 2.

cannot be greater than tan-1 cannot be less than tan-1



3. maximum possible value of is equal to

4. maximum possible value of is equal to .

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

A block A is placed over a long rough plank B of same mass as shown in figure. The plank is placed over a smooth horizontal surface. At time t = 0, block A is given a velocity v0 in horizontal direction. Let v1 and v2 be the velocities of A and B at time t. Then choose the correct graph between v 1 or v2 and t.





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

Two point masses (m) connected with a massless string of length 2 are gently placed

on a frictionless turntable, which is rotating with constant angular velocity .

Mid point of the string lie on the centre of the table. The value of tension in the string will be

1. 2. 3. 4.

m m zero 3

2 (2

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

A bead of mass m is attached to one end of a spring of natural length R and spring constant k =

. The other end of the spring is fixed at point A on a smooth vertical ring of radius R as shown in figure. The normal reaction B just after it is released to move is





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

The net force F acting on a body versus distance traversed by a body is plotted in the figure. The mass of the body is 25kg and its initial speed is 2m/s. Kinetic energy of the body at 5m distance is

1. 2. 3. 4.

10J 15J 40J none of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

The velocity of rain is

While velocity of man is velocity of rain w.r.t. man is 1.

m/s, then the


3. 4. none of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

Two blocks of masses m1 and m2 are connected with a massless spring and placed over a plank moving with an acceleration 'a' as shown in figure. The coefficient of friction between the blocks and platform is .

1. 2. 3. 4.

spring will be stretched if a > spring will be compressed if a

g g g

spring will neither be compressed nor be stretched for a spring will be in its natural length under all conditions.

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

A ball of mass 1kg is released from position A inside a wedge with a hemispherical cut of radius 0.5 m as shown in figure. The force exerted by the vertical wall OM on wedge, when the ball is in position B is (neglect friction everywhere).Take (g = 10 m/s2 )

1. 2.

10 N



15 N

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

In the graph shown in the following figure, x-axis represents time. The y-axis could represent

1. 2. 3. 4.

speed of a body projected under gravity velocity of a body projected under gravity acceleration of a body projected under gravity distance traveled by a body projected under gravity

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

Two block are attached to the two ends of a string passes through a smooth pulley as shown in figure. The approximate value of acceleration of the block will be

1. 2. 3. 4.

2m/s 2 4m/s 2 6m/s 2 8m/s 2

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A particle A is projected from the ground with an initial velocity of 10 m/s at an angle of 60o with horizontal. From what height h should an another particle B be projected horizontally with velocity 5 m/s so that both the particles collide in ground at point C if both are projected simultaneously ( g = 10 m/s 2 )

1. 2. 3. 4.

10 m 30 m 15 m 25 m

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A 2m wide truck is moving with a uniform speed v0 = 8 m/s along a straight horizontal road. A pedestrian starts to cross the road with a

uniform speed v when the truck is 4 m away from him. The minimum value of v so that he can cross the road safely is

1. 2. 3. 4.

2.62 m/s 4.6 m/s 3.57 m/s 1.414 m/s

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

From an inclined plane two particles are projected with same speed at same angle figure. Which of the following statement is correct? ,

one up and other down the plane as shown in

1. 2. 3. 4.

the particles will collide the plane with same speed the times of flight of each particle are same both particles strike the plane perpendicularly the particles will collide in mid air if projected simultaneously and time of flight of each particle is more than the time of collision.

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

Velocity-time graphs of a particle moving in a straight line is shown in the figure. Mass of the particle is 2 kg. Work done by all the forces acting on the particle in time interval t = 0 to t = 10 sec is

1. 2. 3. 4.

300 J - 300 J zero - 400 J

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

A particle is moving in x-y plane with y = x/2 and vx = 4 - 2t. The displacement versus time graph of the particle would be





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

Two particles having position vectors


are moving with velocities


If they collides after 2 sec, the value of 'a' is 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 4 6 8

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

A particle P is sliding down a frictionless hemispherical bowl. It passes the point A at t = 0. At this instant of time, the horizontal component of its velocity is v. A bead Q of the same mass as P is ejected from A at t = 0 along the horizontal string AB, with the speed v. Friction between the bead and the string may be neglected. Let tP and tQ be the respective times taken by P and Q to reach the point B. Then

1. 2. 3.

t P< t Q t P = tQ t P > tQ


Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A particle of mass m = 5 units is moving with a uniform speed unit in x-y plane along the line y = x + 4 in given reference

frame. If at t = 0 particle was at (0,4). Moment of inertia of mass about the x-axis at t = 1 sec will be

1. 2. 3. 4.

340 units 80 units 60 units 245 units

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

In the gravitational field two masses are projected with the same horizontal velocity from different points as shown in the figure. The time taken by the 2m mass to reach the ground after the m mass strikes the ground, is



2. 3. 4. 1 sec 2 sec


Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

Block B moves downward with a constant velocity of 0.6 m/s. Then

1. 2. 3. 4.

the velocity of block A is 0.9 m/sec the velocity of block C is 0.1 m/sec the velocity of portion D of the cable is 5.0 m/sec the relative velocity of portion D of the cable with respect to block B is 3.0m/sec

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A person traveling eastwards finds that the wind appears to blow directly from north. On doubling his speed it seems to come from north-east. If he trebles his speed in what direction it would appear to blow?

1. in the direction making an angle sin-1 to east of south

2. in the direction making an angle sin-1 to north of east

3. in the direction making an angle tan-1 to north of east

4. in the direction making an angle cos-1 to west of north

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

A gun is fired from a moving platform and ranges of the shot are observed to be R1 and R2 when the platform is moving forwards and backwards respectively with velocity V. The elevation of the gun in terms of the given quantities is





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

A particle is projected at an angle of elevation and after

t seconds it appears to have an elevation of as seen from the point of projection. The initial velocity of projection is





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

A simple pendulum consists of a bob of mass m and a string of length R suspended from a peg P1 on the wall. A second peg P2 is fixed vertically below the first one at a distance of 3 R/7 from it. The pendulum is drawn aside such that the string is horizontal and released. The highest point (with respect to the lowest point) to which it rises is a

1. 2. 3. 4.

12R/23 20R/39 6R/19 27R/28

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

For a short interval, collars A and B are sliding along the fixed vertical shaft with velocities vA = 2 m/s and vB . = 3 m/s in the directions shown. The magnitude of the velocity of point C for the position = 60 o

1. 2. 3. 4.

1.328 m/sec 1.428 m/sec 1.528 m/sec 1.628 m/sec

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

A bobbin rolls without slipping over a horizontal surface so that the velocity v of the end of thread is directed along the horizontal. A board hinged at one end leaves against the bobbin as shown in the figure. The inner and outer radii of the bobbin are r and R respectively. The angular velocity of the board

as a function of an angle






Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A rectangular plate is firmly attached to a frictionless horizontal plane. One end of a cord which is wrapped around two edges of the plate is attached to the plate at A and the other end is attached to a sphere of mass m located at C. The sphere is given an initial velocity v0 which causes it to make a complete circuit of the plate and return to point C. Determine the velocity of the sphere as it strikes point C if v0 is parallel to BC

1. 2. 3. 4.

2v0 b/b + a v 0 b/a - b v 0 a/b - a v 0 b/a + b

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

A particle is projected, such that it touches the points B, C, D and E of a regular hexagon of side a. Find its horizontal






Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A solid body starts rotating about a stationary axis with an angular acceleration = where


is a

constant vector and is an angle of rotation of rotation from the initial position. Find the angular velocity of the body as a function of the angle.





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

Calculate the angular velocity w of the slendar bar AB as a function of the distance x and the

constant angular velocity

of the drum.





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A lift of total mass M kg is raised by cables from rest to a height h. The greatest tension the cables can safely bear is 2M kgwt. Find the shortest interval of time in which the ascent can be made.





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution:

Ans. (1)

Two equal spheres are traveling in opposite directions with equal velocities along parallel lines. If these lines are at such a distance that the line joining their centers, at the moment of contact is inclined at an angle to the direction of motion and if the coefficient of restitution is e, the condition that after impact both spheres should be traveling at right angles to their original direction is 1. 2. 3. 4. e = cot 2 e = tan 2 e = sin2 e = cos 2

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A particle is projected from the ground with an initial speed of v at an angle with

horizontal. The average velocity of the particle between its point of projection and highest point of trajectory is





v cos

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution:

Ans. (3)

Two particles are projected simultaneously from two points O and O' such that d is the horizontal distance and h is the vertical distance between them as shown in the figure. They are projected at the same inclination to the horizontal with the same velocity v. The time after which their separation becomes minimum is





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

An elevator accelerates upwards at a constant rate. A uniform string of length L and mass m supports a small block of mass M that hangs from the ceiling of the elevator. The tension at distance from

the ceiling is T. The acceleration of the elevator is





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A uniform rod AB of mass m and length 2a is falling freely without rotation under gravity with AB horizontal. Suddenly the end A is fixed when the speed of the rod is v. The angular speed with which the rod begins to rotate is 1. 2. 3. 4. v/2a 4v/3a v/3a 3v/4a

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

A bob of mass m is attached to the lower end of a rigid light bob of length L and other end is fixed to a point O so that the system may rotate in vertical circle about O as shown in the figure. Initially the bob is at point A and rod makes an angle 45o from vertical. What minimum speed (v) should be imparted to the bob so that it may complete the circular track.





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A 2kg block is moved at constant speed in a straight line over a surface for which coefficient of kinetic

friction is

. If it is pulled by a

force F acting at 45o with the vertical as shown in figure. The block is displaced by 6 meter. The work done on the block by F is

1. 2. 3. 4.

zero 20 Joule 10 Joule 25 Joule

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

Equal volumes of two immiscible liquids of densities and 2 are filled in a vessel as

shown in figure. Two small holes are punched at depth h/2 and 3h/2 from the surface of lighter liquid. If v1 and v2 are the velocities of efflux at these two holes, then v 1 / v 2 is





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

A satellite is revolving round the earth with orbital speed . If it

stops suddenly, the speed with which it will strike the surface of earth would be (vc = escape velocity of a particle on earth's surface)





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

A particle free to move along the x-axis has potential energy given by U(x) = k

where k is a positive constant of appropriate dimensions. Then 1. 2. 3. At points away from the origin, the particle is in unstable equilibrium For any finite non zero value of x, there is a force directed away from the origin If its total mechanical energy is k/2, it has its minimum kinetic energy at the origin


For small displacements from x = 0, the motion is simple harmonic

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

A particle of mass m is executing oscillations about the origin on the x axis. Its potential energy is V (x) = k | x |3 where k is a positive constant. If the amplitude of oscillation is a, then its time period T is 1. 2. 3. 4.

Proportional to 1/ Independent of a

Proportional to Proportional to a3/2

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A particle is moved from (0, 0) to (a, a) under a force from two

paths. Path 1 is OP and path 2 is OQP. Let W1 and W2 be the work done by this force in these two paths. Then

1. 2. 3. 4.

W1 = W2 W1 = 2W 2 W2 = 2W 1 W2 = 4W 1

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A self-propelled vehicle of mass m, whose engine delivers constant power P, has an acceleration a = P/mv (assume that there is no friction). In order to increase its velocity from v1 to v2 , the distance it has to travel will be.





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

Force acting on a particle is

. Work done by this force is zero, when a particle is moved on the line 3y + kx = 5. Here value of k is 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 4 6 8

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A particle moves in the x-y plane under the action of the force such that the value of

its linear momentum at time t is: p x = 2 cos t and py = 2 sin t. The angle and will be: 1. 2. 3. 4. 90o 0o 180 o 30o between at time t

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A particle is displaced from x = -6 m to x = +6m. A force F acting on the particle during its motion is shown in figure. Graph between work done by this force (W) and displacement (x) should be





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A ball of mass 50 gm and relative density 0.5 strikes the surface of water with a velocity of 20 m/s. It comes to rest at a depth of 2 m. Find the work done by resisting force of water. 1. 2. 3. 4. -6 J +7.5 J -9.0 J -10 J

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

An object of mass m slides down a hill of height h and of arbitrary shape and stops at the bottom because of friction. The coefficient of friction may be different for different segments of the path. Work required to return the object to its initial position along the same path by a tangential force is: 1. 2. mgh 2mgh

3. 4.

-mgh it can't be calculated.

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

An object of mass m slides down a hill of height h of arbitrary shape and after travelling a certain horizontal path stops because of friction. The friction coefficient is different for different segments for the entire path but is independent of the velocity and direction of motion. The work that a force must perform to return the object to its initial position along the same path is 1. 2. 3. 4. mgh 2mgh 4mgh -mgh

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A bob is suspended from a crane by a cable of length The crane and load are moving at a constant speed

= 5m. . The

crane is stopped by a bumper and the bob on the cable swings out an angle of 60o . The initial speed is (g = 9.8 m/s2 )

1. 2. 3. 4.

10 m/s 7 m/s 4 m/s 2 m/s

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A scooter starting from rest moves with a constant acceleration for a time with a constant velocity for the next and finally with a constant deceleration for the next man sitting on the scooter behind the driver manages to stay at rest with respect to the scooter without touching any other part. The force exerted by the seat on the man is 1. 2. 3. 4. 500N throughout the journey less than 500 N throughout the journey more than 500 N throughout the journey to , then

come to rest. A 500N

> 500N for time


and 500N for

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans. (4)

A particle of small mass m is joined to a very heavy body by a light string passing over a light pulley. Both bodies are free to move. The total downward force on the pulley is 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 mg 2mg 4mg 5 mg

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution:

Ans. (3)

Two identical spheres A and B lie on a smooth horizontal circular groove at opposite ends of a diameter. A is projected along the groove and at the end of time t, impinges on B. If e is the coefficient of restitution, the second impact will occur after a time: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2t/e t/e ( (2 /t)/e /t)/e

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A stationary pulley carries of rope, one end of which supports a ladder with a man and the other a counter weight of mass M. The man of mass m climbs up a distance stops. The displacement of the centre of mass of this system is: w.r.t.

the ladder and then





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A board is moving with velocity V on a smoother horizontal plane. The upper surface of the board is rough on witch a ball falls with a velocity V and rebounds with velocity V/2. The mass of the board is same as that of the ball. After the collision, the board comes to state of rest. The coefficient of friction between the board and the ball will be

1. 2. 3. 4.

1/3 2/3 4/3 None of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

In a one dimensional collision between two identical particles A and B, B is stationary and A has momentum P before impact. During impact B gives an impulse J to A. Then coefficient of restitution between the two is





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A railway flat car,

whose mass together with the artillery gun is M, moves at a speed V. The gun barrel makes an angle with the horizontal. A shell of mass m leaves the barrel at a speed v, relative to the barrel. The speed of the flat car in order that it may stop after the firing is:




(M + m) v cos


Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A cubical block of side a moving with velocity v on a horizontal smooth plane as shown. It hits a ridge at point O. The angular speed of the block after it hits O is






Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

In the diagram shown, the string on the LHS is cut. What is the tension present in

the other string immediately after the string in the LHS is cut ? (No friction). If the rod is uniform and mass of the rod is equal to the mass of the block = m.

1. 2. 3. 4.

mg/2 3mg/5 mg/5 mg/3

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

An insect of negligible mass is sitting on a block of mass M, tied with a spring of force constant K. The block performs simple harmonic motion with amplitude A infront of a plane mirror placed as shown. The maximum speed of insect relative to its image will be





Max Marks : 1

Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

When a tangential force of 0.02N is applied on a large wooden plate of area 10 m2 . floating on the surface of the river, plate moves with the speed 2 m/s on the river surface. If the river is 1 m deep and the water in contact with the bed is stationary, then coefficient of viscosity of water is 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 10-2 poise 10-3 poise 10-4 poise 2 10-1 poise

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A block of wood of relative density 0.5 is placed 10 m inside a vessel containing water. The vessel is accelerated upward with an acceleration of 10 m/s2 . If the block is released at some instant then the time taken by the block to reach the surface of water from that instant is (consider g = 10 m/s2 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 0.5 s 1s 2s None of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A liquid stands at the plane level in the Utube when at rest. If area of cross-section of both the limbs are equal, what will be the difference in heights h of the liquid in the two limbs of U-tube, when the system is given an acceleration a in horizontal direction towards right as shown ? (L = length of horizontal portion of the tube, H = initial height of liquid in both limbs)





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A particle of mass m is moving in a potential well, for which the potential energy is given by U(x) = U 0 (1 - cos ax) where U0 and a are constants. Then (for the small oscillations), which of the following is incorrect ?

1. the time period of small oscillation is 2. the speed of the particle is maximum at x = 0

3. the amplitude of oscillations is

4. the time period of small oscillations

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A particle of mass M is executing oscillations about the origin on the x-axis. Its potential energy is |U| = K|x|2 , where K is a positive constant. If the amplitude of oscillation is a, then its period T is: 1. 2. 3. 4.

proportional to 1/ independent of a

proportional to proportional to a3/2.

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A drop of water of volume V is pressed between two glass plates so that it spreads to an area A. If T is surface tension, then the normal force required to separate the glass plates is





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution:

Ans. (2)

A wire of length L & area of cross section A is attached to a wall. Two forces are applied the position as shown in the figure, then extension is (Y - Young's modulus)





None of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

A drop of honey is falling through air from a height. Its radius is r, the density of honey is d, its velocity is v and the viscosity of air is h. The retarding force on it due to viscosity will be 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 6 r/6 /6 rv/ rv v rv

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

Two capillary tubes of same radius r but of lengths

1, 2


fitted in parallel to the bottom of a vessel. The pressure head is P. What should be the length of a single tube

that can replace the two tubes so that the rate of flow is same as before? 1.




Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

Two soap bubbles of radii r1 and r2 , (r1 > r 2 ) get attached to each other to have a common interface. The radius of this interface is 1. 2. r1 + r 2 r1 - r2



Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

A metallic wire of density d floats horizontal in water. The maximum radius of the wire may not sink, will be (surface tension of water = T)





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans. (1)

A big drop of radius R is broken into 27 equal small drops under isothermal condition. Work done in the process is - (S Surface tension) 1. 2. 3. 4. No work is done.

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans. (2)

The height of water in a vessel is h. The vessel wall of width b is at an angle water on the wall is to

the vertical. The net force exerted by the






Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans. (3)

A wave represented by y = a cos(kx - vt) is superimposed with another wave to produce stationary wave, such that x = 0 is a node. The equation of the other wave is: 1. 2. 3. 4. y = -a cos (kx + vt) y = -a sin(kx - vt) y = a sin(kx + vt)

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans:(3)

A source having frequency f and a detector are projected in the same vertical plane as shown in the figure. Maximum frequency recorded by the detector during flight is (2V0 velocity of sound in air)






None of these

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans:(1)

A wave pulse on a string has the dimension shown in figure. The wave speed is v = 1 cm/s. If point O is a free end. The shape of wave at time t = 3 s is





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans:(4)

A source is rotating in a horizontal circle with constant speed. As a detector is moved with constant velocity along the axis starting from the centre of circle then apparent frequency 1. 2. 3. 4. Decreases detector move away from centre of circle Increases as detector move away from centre of circle Remains as detector move away from centre of circle Can't be calculated because magnitudes of velocities are not given

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans:(3)

In an experiment it was found that string vibrates in n loops when a mass M is placed on the pan.

What mass should be placed on the pan to make it vibrate in 2n loops with same frequency. (Neglect the mass of pan) 1. 2M

2. 4M

3. 4.

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans:(2)

A traveling wave on a tight string is described by the equation y = Asin (kx - wt). If tension in the string is F then total energy stored in the string having from x = 0 to x = 2p/k is 1. 2. 3. 4. k k2 A2 A2 A

None of the above

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 1 Solution: Ans:(1)

The equation for the vibration of a string fixed at both ends vibrating in its third harmonic is given by y = 2 cm sin[(0.6 cm-1 )x] cos [500 is 1. 2. 3. 4. 24.6 cm 12.5 cm 20.6 cm 15.7 cm s -1)t]

the length of the string

Max Marks : 1

Correct Answer: 4 Solution: Ans:(4)

A source of sound having frequency f is moving between a fixed detector and a vertical wall. Beat frequency recorded by the detector is (2V of sound in air) velocity





Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 3 Solution: Ans:(3)

If intensity of a sound wave is increased to times then corresponding increment in sound level is 1. 2. 3. 4. 9dB 11dB 10dB


Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans:(2)

A spherometer has a least count of 0.05 mm and its head scale is divided into 200 equal divisions. The distance between consecutive threads on the spherometer screw is 1. 2. 3. 4. 0.005 mm 1.0 mm 1.0 cm 0.0025 mm

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans:(2)

The error in measurement of the radius of a sphere is 2%. Then error in the measurement of volume is 1. 2. 3. 4. 2% 6% 7% 9%

Max Marks : 1
Correct Answer: 2 Solution: Ans:(2)

The vertical limbs of a U shaped tube are filled with a liquid of density upto a

height h on each side. The horizontal portion of the U tube having length 2h contains a liquid of density 2 horizontally with an accelerator g/2 parallel to the horizontal arm. The difference in heights in liquid levels in the two vertical limbs, at steady state will be .

The U tube is moved

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