Bacterial Growth
Bacterial Growth
Bacterial Growth
2. Determination of Turbidity
Indirect Methods- Plate Count Dilute the sample and plate a known volume; incubate count the number of colonies 1 colony = 1 cell Calculate cells/ml adjusting for dilution
Advantages/disadvantages Direct count and turbidimetry may count dead cells Viable cell count do not Environmental Factors That Affect Growth
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Temperature pH Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Osmotic Pressure Hydrostatic Pressure Radiation Salinity
Temperature pH Acidophiles- optimum below pH 5.5 Neutrophiles- optimum at pH 6-8 Alkalophiles- optimum above pH 8 Molecular Oxygen (O2)
Psychrophiles - optimum less than 20C Mesophiles- optimum 20-45C Thermophiles- optimum 45-80C Extreme Thermophiles- optimum 85+C
Microbe vary greatly in sensitivity to O2 Aerobes- microbes which require O2. Anaerobes- microbes which DO NOT utilize O2 AND are KILLED by O2
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Facultative Microbes- microbes which can grow in presence OR absence of O2 Microaerophiles - required 3-15% O2
Carbon Dioxide Capnophiles - optimum 3-10% CO2 Many microaerophiles are also capnophiles Cultured in a candle jar
Osmotic Pressure Interior osmotic pressures must be balanced against exterior osmotic pressures Each microorganism displays an optimum salt concentration for growth Halophiles- require high concentrations of of NaCl
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Halo-tolerant- will grow in high NaCl concentrations but grow best at lower levels Hydrostatic Pressure o Barophiles- optimum hydrostatic pressure for growth of up to 1000 atm o Normal Pressure = 1 atm o Present in deep sea, oceans at depths Radiation Survive up to 10,000 Grays 5 grays can kill a man, Deinococcus radiodurans Help in radioactive waste disposal
Moisture Some amount of water is required Dehydration can kill bacteria Spores survive desiccation
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