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PART-1 General Information

1.1 What is a Project? 1.2 Preliminary Information 1.2.1 Project Supervision 1.2.2 Project Proposal How to Go About Working 1.4.1 Identifying a Theme 1.4.2 Collecting Data 1.4.3 Analysing Data 1.4.4 Writing Your Project 1.4.5 Submission of Project Report

1.3 How Can the Supervisor Help You 1.4

1.5 Evaluation
PART- 2 Project Suggestions

2.1 Themes for PTS-4 (Indian Culture : Perspective for Tourism) 2.2 Themes for PTS-5 (Ecology, Environment and Tourism) 2.3 Themes for PTS-6 (Tourism Marketing)
PART-3 Annexures

Annexure A : Annexure B : Annexure C :

Project Proposal Proforma First Page of the Project Report Certificate by the Supervisor

October, 2010 (Reprint)

Olndira Gandhi National Open University, 2007

AN rights reserved No part ofthb work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission in writingfiom the Indira Gandhi National Open U n i v e r ~ i ~ Further information on the IndiraGahdhi ~ a t i o n aOpen Universiw courses may be obtainedfiom the UniversiV k l Ofice at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068.
Printed and Published on behalf of Indira Candhi National Open University New Delhi by Registrar, MPDD, ICNOU, New Delhl. Printed at : Educational Stores :- S-5, Bulandshahar Road Industrial Area, Ghaziabad (U.P.).

Phone : 0120- 4109807



This guide has been prepared to assist you in your Project Work and to familiarise you with its various aspects. You are advised to go through the guide before you begin work on the Project. The first part of the booklet provides general guidelines; the second part suggests broad themes from which you may identify your area of work; and the third part consists of annexures which give you a format in which to supply basic information about the Project.



A Project is a preliminary form of research. It is an independent investigation. It is very largely your own work and is to be pursued by you all the way from the inception till completion. The purpose of the Project Work is to enable you to gain practical experience. Through the Project you will be expected to put into practice all that you have learnt about that particular theme during your course work in the concerned Elective i.e. TS-4, TS-5 and TS-6. It is a way of applying the knowledge gained through the course to specific situations in Tourism.

Your Project Work constitutes four credits. This means that you are expected to spend about 120 study hours in completing your project work. Award of the diploma/degree is subject to a successful completion of your Project. To be able to successfully complete the diplomaldegree you must secure a minimum of 40% of marks (Grade D). We would prefer to receive a typed and bound copy of your Project Work. If, however, you find it difficult to get it typed, make sure that your work is neatly and legibly hand-written on one side of the page only. The format of the front page is given in Annexure B. The length of your Project Work may be between,4000 to 5000 words. Keep both these things (expected study hours and the expected length of your work) in mind while choosing the Project theme. The idea is that you should be able to say all that you want to within this word limit. You are free to write your Project in English or Hindi.



Ideally the Project Work should start soon after you enroll for your diplomatdegree. You are going to receive guidance from your supervisor in the Project Work. Your supervisor is familiar with the, skills of working on such Projects.


Project Supervision

Your Project shall be guided by a supervisor recognised by the Indira Gandhi National Open University. All counsellors are recognised as supewisors~for Project. A list of supervisors is available with the Coordinator of your Study Centre. Once you have selected a broad area for your study, please contact your Coordinator who will assign a supervisor to you, suited to your study. The next step is to get in touch with your supervisor and prepare a Project Proposal.


Project Proposal .

After identifying the area of study and a proper theme, you should prepare a Project ProposaltSpopsis in not more than 400 words. Your Proposal is essentially a description of what you propose to do and how you intend to go about it. In your Proposal, you should outline the objectives of your study, mention the kind of data that is available and state a work plan that you propose to follow. Proposal should also inciide the issues-y8u are going

to raise while conducting your work. You may also discuss your Project Proposal, with your friends and i:!tlleagues, your counsellor and any experts in that field that you know about. You shol.ild choose a theme which is to your liking and one which should sustain your interest.
It is very important that you are familiar with the geographical area you wish to base your theme on. It should also be accessible to you. Generally it is a good idea to choose a surrounding which is close by, or within your travelling range. It is a good thing to be close to one's sources.

Prepare two copies of your Proposal (preferably typed), obtain the approval of your supervisor on the format given in Annexure A and send one copy on'the following address : Programme Coordinator (Tourism Studies), School of Social Sciences, Block 5, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068 Remember to : Keep a copy of the Proposal with you because we shall not send your copy back. Ensure that your Proposal is accompanied by a letter of approval by your supervisor. Send your Proposal through Registered Post only, so that it reaches us for sure. Do not change your topic or even its wording after you have sent the Proposal to us. In other words, the topic of your Project Work should be the same as in your Proposal. Put the name and code of your course from which you have chosen your Project, your enrolment number, the name of your Study Centre and the Regional Centre on the first page. In other words, fill the proforma given in Annexure A very carefully.

Do not wait for our approval of the Project Proposal. The approval of the Supervisor is final.

Now is the time for you to start working actively on your Project. In the next section, we give you an idea about the kind of help that you can expect from the IGNOU.



The supervisor will : acquaint you with such local groups and agencies as may be relevant to your work ;

give you letters of authorization which would enable you to make enquiry and investigations in different offices pertaining to your work; make accessible to you the library at the study centre for consultation purposes; and

advise you, to the best of hislher efforts, about your theme, location of your data and general work plan.



This is an application oriented course and should ideally be pursued at four different levels. Each level is equally imp~rtant and requires you to devote sufficient attention to it. The proportion of time spent at each level, however, may vary depending on the nature of your theme.


Identifying a Theme

Do not hurry up with the themeltopic selection lest you regret it later. What specific methodology you are going to adopt will depend on the theme you select. You are expected to select your theme from the courses you have done for your diplomaldegree. Some of the themes that you can choose your t.opic from are given in part 2 of this guide. For example: In case you have offered the course on Indian Culture : Perspective for Tourism (US-4), you could take up a study of the old monuments in your area and local attitudes towards them, or local crafts, theatre groups, folk music, patterns of urbanization in your town, impact of cinema on local culture etc.. It should be clear that a Pmject on a theme related to culture and attitudes will require, apart from general readings and library work, skills of observation and a constant interaction with'the people in the form of group meetings, interviews, questionnaires etc. If you have offered the course on Etology, Environment and Tourism (US-5), you can pick up as your Project theme a documentation of the flora and fauna of your region, or on sources of water, or on levels and sources of pollution in your town. These projects would require skills of observation and documentation. On the other hand you could pick up issues pertaining to your environment, environmental consciousness among different social groups, attitude of the media towards environment related issues or the impact of the environmental degradation on the human population of your town. As you can perhaps see for yourself, work of this kind will involve library work, surveys and interviews etc. Similarly, if you have offered the course on Tourism Marketing (PTSd), you could observe and comment upon the management and functioning of a tourist agency, or the problems involved in the running of a hotel or a restaurant, or on general issues related to the presence of outside tourists in your area, or a general profile of the tourists coming to your town. In short, the identification of your theme is directly linked to:

your inclination towards particular area of study; and your working aptitude in pursuing that Project. After identifying the area of your interest, you should discuss it with your supervisor and decide the topic you want to work upon. Now prepare a Proposal about which you have already learnt in Sub-section 1.2.2. We would, however, like to emphasize 'here that preparing a Proposal is a very important stage in your Project Work. Therefore, do not get unnecessarily worried if you find that this stage has taken up a longer time than originally scheduled.


Collecting Data

Collecting data, please remember, is the most important stage of your Project Work since it provides all the sources that you will eventually need while writing your Project. Data collection begins after your topic has been identified and approved by your supervisor. It is a rigorous process. The exact nature of your data collection depends on your theme. However, certain points need to be kept in mind;: It is always better to over collect than under collect your material. Eventually it 1s only half of it, and sometimes even less than that, which is utilised directly in your report. But every piece of information collected at this stage contributes to your knowledge of Tourism Studies. Do not get overwhelmed by the volume of data. Dv not, therefore, leave opportunities of data collection, or put it off for another day. You may not get the same opportuiiiv igain. Your sources, whether in the form of books, documents, sights or people may not be always available to you. ' Some thinking ,a system screening and monitoring are crucial in data collection. Certain principles of selection and the development of a framework in which to operate, are as useful before you begin the work of data collection as they are during the process. If, for instance, you have to collect samples of response!, then do

spend some time in preparing your questionnaire. Consult your supervisor, speak to experts in the field and read some literature related to it. Your questionnaire should evolve out of all these. The kind of answers you get in your questionnaire will depend, to a very large extent, on the kind of questions you ask. Time spent on this exercise will save you from landing into many problems later. If you want to organize a group meeting, then selection of people, representation of cross-sections and preparation, by you, of questions, statements and interventions in the debate will be useful. Your ability to record or put down on paper various view points and arguments will enable you to store material. Remember, these group meehngs may not always proceed as you plan originally. If it so happens do not get disheartened. Spontaneous and unanticipated responses are often very useful material. The important pfinciple is thorough home work so that you approach your sources fullf prepared and equipped, intellectually and psychologically. Some important things to remember are given here :

3 1

Classification and cataloguing of data will enable you to make an effective use of your material later. You should note the date and place etc. of the interviews taken. Maintaining separate files of different kinds of sources will help you later at the time of writing your report.


Analysing Data

Analysing data may not in all the cases exist as a separate stage. It often overlaps with the earlier and later stages. Analysis of your source material begins immediately after you have started collecting data. Analysing data requires maintaining constant interaction with your source material, developing different ways in which to look at your data, applying different interpretations to it and finally translating your material into a set of arguments around which your report should be written. It is while going through your material again and again that you become clear about the various aspects of the theme under investigation and the possibilities .it contains. This helps you in building your argument. Remember, your data can be in the form of written records, articles, copies of rules and regulations, impressions, recorded interviews, your own diary, observations, questionnaires, government documents, newspaper clippings, and minutes of group meetings etc.. In other words you will have access to material collected from a variety of sources. As you sort them out you will realise that they contain facts and information on the one hand and impressions and opinions on the other. Quite often the two may be at variance with each other, and present a very complex and somewhat self-contradictory picture of things. While retaining the complexity (that is to say not simplifying it unnecessarily) you have to avoid making your report appear contradictory. You can do this by distinguishing facts from opinions and making sure that other people's judgements do not appear as your own. While scanning your data, for example, you may find that an official document on a particular monument may be very different from popular versions about the same monument. In another case, for instance, media's handling of the environmental issues may not correspond with your own discoveries in your region. In such situations you will have to record your own impressions without being dismissive or unfaithful to other versions.


Writing your Report

Having collected and analysed your data, it is now time for you to start writing. Needless to say you should*first jot 1 down your main points, then prepare a rough draft of your narrative and finally write (or type) your report. You can write in English or Hindi. Your narrative may contain factual presentation along with your own views/opinionslobservations.'YOU may attach with your Project Report any documents etc. which you feel will highlightlsupport your main argument.f! you have collected responses through a questionnaire as part of your data, you could attach a cdpy of the questionnaire as well. Use of illustrations, graphs and diagrams etc. will depend on the nature of your iheme. Originality and clarity are two vital components of your Project. Remember, your Project is a test of your analytical capacity and skills of communication. Report writing is not just an exercise in recording your impressions and writing your story. It is also an exercise ir. the organisation of your ideas. Therefore, do keep the

following in mind while writing your report : Divide your report into sections and sub-sections. This gives a certain coherence to your report and prevents different ideas from spilling into different places.
% .

A well-structured report is easily comprehensible. Aims and objectives, should therefore be stated very explicitly even if there is some some repetition. Writing an introduction is important as it gives a certain entry point to your report. Similarly a conclusion helps you wind up your report and enables you to tie up various loose ends. Your report should not read like an assemblage of different sections but should be an integrated and structured whole. In other words you should divide your report into sections and sub-sections but make sure that they do not read like different pieces independent of each other. They should be related to each other and should form parts of your report. All your arguments should be neatly tied and logically culminated at the end of each section and again in your conclusion. At the same time the interconnections between different sections should be clearly maintained.

You should write in your own language using simple words and short sentences as far as possible. A report written in a language not easily comprehendable often distracts the reader from the contents of the report. Treat your language a potent medium to communicate your ideas. The Project will be assessed on the strength of your methodology and ideas. While you should not copy from other books, articles etc. citations are a legitimate exercise. Please observe the following instructions : the quotation should be relevant and the language should be that of the author. At the end of the quote, you should mention withih the brackets, the name of the author and the title of the book alongwith the year and place of publication and the page numbers. In case you have quoted from a newspaperlmagazine/journal, give the name of the magazineljournal, the number of the issue and the monthlyear of its pubf cation. Avoid lengthy quotes. Brief quotes often beautifully stress the point and blend easily into your text. A quote roughly of the size of about 50 to 100 words is quite reasonable. Here is an example of a quote : 'Who are the travellers and the tourists? Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines a tourist as one who makes the tour for pleasure or culture. A nineteenth century dictionary had a more interesting definition : people who travel for the pleasure of travelling, out of curiosity, and they have nothing better to do and even, for the joy of boasting about it afterwards. " (Donald E Lundberg, The Tourist Business, Sixth edition, New York, 1990, P.l)


Submission of Project Report

Prepare two copies and send one to us on the following address : Director, , , SR&E Division, Block 12, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068
Do keep a copy of your Project Report with yourself as we shall not send it back to you. Make sure your Project Report also has the declaration, given in Annexure C, duly signed by you and your supervisor.



Upon its submission, your report will be sent to an examiner. You must secure a minimum of 40% in your Project Work in order to successfully complete your course. Please note that the evaluation of your project will take a minimum of two months from the date of submission.
Remember :

e Project Work should be original and in your own language;

s You should not copy or reproduce any one elses' published or unpublished project or else it would be cancelled;

e Arguments should be substantiated by your data;


Information should he properly documented;


The research methodology adopted by you should be stated at the beginning of your work.

e Give a bibliography at the end. It should include all your sources like records, documents, reports, interviews, group meetings, newspapers, magazines etc. listed under separate heads.
Ensure that the quality of the Project Report is good. In case you secure less than 40%marks, you will have to do it all over again. In that case, you will have to send a ema and Draft of Rs. 3001- drawn in favour of IGNOU, 'payable at New Delhi, alongwith your Project Report to Director, SR&E Division, IGNOU.



Mere we have provided you with a list containing broad themes from which you can choose your Project. Remember, these are not topics to be chosen. These are themes which can be applied to specific studies of areas, institutions or contexts. What you have to do is to pick any of the themes or any aspect of a theme given here and convert that into a topic according to your research inclination, priority and feasibility of study. You are free to select a theme from outside this list provided your supervisor approves it.

21 .

PTS-4 Indian Culture : Perspective for Tourism

The cults or groups in a region or locality with respect to their rituals, socio-religious practices and' customs. The study can also focus on specific rituals and customs practised among several groups or cults. Fairs, connected with local traditi&s, religion and/or social festivals. It can be a study of the economic trahsactions taking place in the fair. Fine arts of a region especially various dance forms, music (both vocal and instrumental) and traditions of painting. The project may contain the documentary details pertaining to the practice of the fine arts as also the development and dispersal of these fine arts. You may also study the individual artists who have contributed at national or state level to the development of these art forms. Regional forms of theatre including the folk forms. Study of the cinema in a region can also be undertaken. A comparative study of theatre or cinema can also be undertaken. Architectural styles, their origin, development and present form. Study of individual monuments, their history, tourist flow, the state of conservation and management can also be of importance. Comparative study of styles and individual monuments can also be made.





Sculpture in a region. Comparative study of various styles and forms. Development of a' particular style or form over a period of time can also be undertaken. Archaeological sites in a region and their relationship with other sites. A comparative study of sites in a region, the tourist flow at these sites and ancillary attractions of any can also be studied. Museum in your regionllocality. The collection of artifacts in the museum and, their upkeep, interest of local population and tourists in the museum are visible areas. Study of specific category of artifacts in the museum etc. can also be undertaken. Crafts and craftsmen specific to a region. The problem of authenticity in craft forms and their commercial potential as also the importance of a craft in the overall commercial production of the region. Textiles - production of the small sector, the materials, designs etc. Development over a period of time. Special costume in a region, the development of regionql styles over a period of time. Specialist craftsmen involved in the production and organisation of production can be studied. Tribal cultures in your region. Their social, economic or religious institutions or practices may be studied. Comparative study of tribes in the above areas. Interaction between urban and tribal cultures. Policies regarding t;ibes (Government or non-Government) and its impact on tribes. Government policies on culture - a critical study of these policies. The policies and their effect on tourism etc.

9) 10)




PTS-5 Ecology, Environment and Tourism

Local environment - description of the specific features. State of conservation - local environment Possibilities of developing tourism in your locality/region without harming the environment models. Developmental activities in your locality and region and their impact on the environment. The infrastructural facilities needed for an access to the environmental resources of your localitylregion. Listing and Classifying the environmental resources of your localitylregion. Surveying the community's perception of its environmental resources. Surveying the visitor behaviour with regard to locallregional environment. Surveying the environmental protection measures adopted by the Hotels in your town. An inventory of the locallregional flora and fauna. Potential for the growth of tourism with specific reference to locallregional flora and fauna. Study of the physical hydrology of your regionllocality. Awareness of Environmental Issues in your locality Possibilities of interpreting the landscape of your locality and the tourist. Rules and regulations regarding protection of environment in your locality.




5) 6)

9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)



Project should be based on fieldworklattachment with industry of case study. It should n d be copied fiom Internet Websites or bought fiom market. Such projects would be rejected.

- - -


Candidate's Information (to be filled by the candidate) Name Programme Code (DTSJBTS) Enrolment No. Address Course Code (give No. 4, 5 or 6) Date

Regional Centre Study Centre Name Code Title of the Project (enclose the proposaUsynopsis of the Project)


I hereby certify that the proposal for the Project entitled (Name of the Project)
by (Name of the candidate) has been prepared after due consultation with me. The proposal has my approval and has, to my knowledge, the potential of developing into a comprehensive Project Work. I also agree to supervise the above mentioned Project till its completion.

( Signature 01the supervisor ) Name Designation Address

ANNEXURE B : First Page of the Project Report

Programme Code Course Code Enrolment No.

Study Centre c o d e Regional Centre


Project Report submitted to the Indira Gandhi National Open University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma in Tourism Studies/Bachelors Degree in Tourism Studies. I hereby declare that this is my original work and has not been submitted elsewhere.

Signature of the Candidate Name of the Candidate Institutional Address, if any

Certified that the Project Report entitled (Topic of the Project) submitted by (Name of the candidate) is his/her own work and has been done under my supervision. It is recommended that this Project be placed before the examiner for evaluation.

( Signature of the supervisor ) Name: Address: Study Centre: Regional Centre:

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