The Identity Invention of Jews and Negroes: Failing Grade For "Professor" Gingrich
The Identity Invention of Jews and Negroes: Failing Grade For "Professor" Gingrich
The Identity Invention of Jews and Negroes: Failing Grade For "Professor" Gingrich
I was not raised as a Zionist, but like all other Israelis I took it for granted that the
Jews were a people living in Judea and that they were exiled by the Romans in 70 AD.
But once I started looking at the evidence, I discovered that the king-
doms of David and Solomon were legends.
Similarly with the exile. In fact, you cant explain Jewishness without ex-
ile. But when I started to look for history books describing the events of this
exile, I couldnt find any. Not one. Prof. Shlomo Sand
Professor of
History, Tel
Aviv Univer-
sity, Israel.
Author of The
Invention of The
Jewish People