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The Identity Invention of Jews and Negroes: Failing Grade For "Professor" Gingrich

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Minister Farrakhan welcomed in Saint Kitts

(FinalCall.com) - The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was wel-

comed into Saint Kitts December 16, 2011, as part of his working trip to
the Caribbean. His previous two stops were in Jamaica and Haiti.

Mi ni ster Farrakhan, Wyclef Jean appear on Hai ti TV, Radi o (FCN, 12-16-2011)
Mi ni ster Farrakhan lands i n Hai ti (FCN, 12-13-2011)
Mi ni ster Farrakhan Speaks i n Hai ti (FCN, Dec. 11, 2011)
A message for Jamai ca, hope for Cari bbean (FCN, 12-13-2011)

The Identity Invention of Jews and Negroes:

Failing Grade for Professor Gingrich

By Demetric Muhammad
Republican presidential candidate Newt
Gingrich recently was quoted as saying that
the Palestinians are an
invented people.
Here is why professor
and presidential candi-
date Gingrich gets a fail-
ing grade as a historian.
Author Tariq Berry in
his book The Unknown
Arabs writes: if the world knew
that the Hebrews, who are the cousins of the Arabs,
were a dark-skinned people, the European Jews would
never have been able to claim Palestine as their own.
If it were common knowledge that the Hebrews
looked like those in the picture below, the
European Jews would never have even
imagined trying to claim that they were
Hebrews and that Palestine was theirs.
Thats right, if there are people in mod-
ern Israel today who have an assumed or
invented identity, it is not the Palestinians,
who are members of the Earths original
people, those referred to by The Most
Honorable Elijah Muhammad as the Asiatic
Black Man.
Even prominent and erudite Jewish scholars and
rabbis now openly admit that the Jewish/Israeli peo-
ple have assumed an invented identity.

I was not raised as a Zionist, but like all other Israelis I took it for granted that the
Jews were a people living in Judea and that they were exiled by the Romans in 70 AD.
But once I started looking at the evidence, I discovered that the king-
doms of David and Solomon were legends.
Similarly with the exile. In fact, you cant explain Jewishness without ex-
ile. But when I started to look for history books describing the events of this
exile, I couldnt find any. Not one. Prof. Shlomo Sand
Professor of
History, Tel
Aviv Univer-
sity, Israel.
Author of The
Invention of The
Jewish People

The many Egyptian documents that we have

make no mention of the Israelites presence in
Egypt and are also silent about the events of the
exodus.Generations of researchers tried to locate
Mount Sinai and the stations of the tribes in the de-
sert. Despite these intensive efforts, not even one
site has been found that can match the biblical ac-
Prof. Zeev Herzog
Professor of Archaeology, Tel Aviv
University, Israel. Director of The
Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of
Archaeology since 2005, and
Archaeological Advisor to the Israel
Nature and National Parks Protection
Authority in the preservation and
development of National Parks at
Arad and Beer Sheva.

The truth is that virtually every modern archeologist who

has investigated the story of the Exodus, with very few excep-
tions, agrees that the way the Bible describes the Exo-
dus is not the way it happened, if it happened at all.
Rabbi David Wolpe
Senior Rabbi, Sinai Tem-
ple, Los Angeles, CA.
Named the #1 Pulpit Rabbi
in America by Newsweek
Volume 3, Issue 1 2012
Failing Crade for "Professor" Cingricb

The conclusionthat the Exodus did not hap-

pen at the time and in the manner described in the
Bibleseems irrefutable when we examine the
evidence at specific sites where the children of Is-
rael were said to have camped for extended peri-
ods during their wandering in the desert (Numbers
33) and where some archaeological indicationif
presentwould almost certainly be found.
Prof. Israel Finkelstein
Professor of Archaeology in the De-
partment of Archaeology and Ancient
Near Eastern Civilizations, Tel Aviv
University and Co-Director of
excavations at Megiddo in northern
Israel. (From 1996 to 2003, Director,
The Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute
of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University).
Co-author with Neil Asher Silberman of
The Bible Unearthed (2002).

Here is why all this matters to Black America.

The Jewish experts cited above have disproved
through their unrefuted researchthe basis for the
Jewish claim that Jews are the chosen people of God.
They have invalidated the Jewish claim to the land of
the Palestinian people. They have in fact opened the
door for the world of scholars and religious devotees
to consider the teachings of The Most Honorable Eli-
jah Muhammad.
On June 26, 2010, the
Honorable Minister Louis
Farrakhan declared before the
world from Atlanta, Georgia, that
the Black people of America are in
fact the chosen people of God.
Minister Farrakhans pronounce-
ment met with no refutation. This
fact, which has been a staple of
Nation of Islam teaching for more
than 80 years, is extremely
relevant when you consider that it
is we the Black people of America
who currently fit the Biblical de-
scription of a people in bondage in a strange land, af-
flicted 400 plus years. And since we are in fact the
prophetic Children of Israel, then it is we who are
entitled to a homeland and international aid and sup-
port. As the Minister thundered, You think it is that
Israel over there that if you bless them God will bless
you, but it is the Black man and woman of America
that if you bless, you will be blessed by God.
So this makes the traditional call for Black repara-
tions actually inadequate. This makes the integration
sought after by the Civil Rights leaders insufficient.
That Blacks in America are the real Children of Israel
means that what God promised to them as a blessing
for their suffering is what is actually due us. This
means land and territory. What America and the na-
tions of the Earth have provided to the modern-day
Israel in the way of resources and material support is
actually what is owed to the Blacks of America. This
means that the new strategy for Black progress in
America must be a Black Independence Move-
ment on the basis of the fulfillment of Biblical scrip-
The above scholars detail the invention of a new
identity for the Jewish people, but what is more ne-
farious where Blacks are concerned is that Jews and
whites also invented an identity for us. Most Blacks in
America self-identify as Christians. But the Christian-
ity given to Blacks during slavery was designed to
make out of the African a new creaturethe Negro.
Negro is a term whose root origin is the Greek nek-
ros or necr(o), which means dead or lifeless. This ugly
racial slur could only be attached to
the Africans and their descendants
after they had been processed inside
the peculiar institutions of the
American slavocracy. The Christi-
anity given to the slaves was
designed to render the slave
mentally dead to the ideas of
freedom, independence and self-
determination. In the book Slave
Religion, professor of history
Winthrop Jordan is quoted as
These clergy men had been
forced by the circumstance of racial slavery in Amer-
ica into propagating the Gospel by presenting it as an
attractive device for slave control.
The books author, Albert Raboteau, previously
Instructions were sent out from the Crown to colo-
nial governors, such as Culpeper of Virginia in 1682
and Dongan of New York in 1686, to do all within
their power to facilitate and encourage the Conver-
sion of Negroes and Indians to Christian-
ity.Missionaries appealed to the profit mo-
tive by pointing out that converted slaves do
better for their Masters profit than formerly,
for they are taught to serve out of Christian
Love and Duty.
Thus, the religion given to the slaves on the planta-
tion was the prime weapon in murdering the Black
peoples legitimate and natural hunger for freedom,
justice and equality. And as evil as this compensatory,
otherworldly religious teaching was and is, it yet pos-
Failing Crade for "Professor" Cingricb
sessed a core poisonous doctrine that permitted vio-
lence against Blacks to be perpetrated with religious
zeal and fervor.
The Hamitic Curse, as it is called, says that Blacks
are black because of a divine curse from God through
Noah. It maintains that Blacks are cursed to be hew-
ers of wood and drawers of water for the non-
cursed whites.
Not only is the Hamitic Curse a foundational doc-
trine of Christianity, but it is the very cornerstone of
white supremacy. The research, however, into the
Curse of Ham myth reveals that this is yet another in-
vention of the Rabbis who penned the Talmud. But
you dont have to take my word for it.

There is no denying that the [Jewish] Babylonian Tal-

mud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content
into the episode of Noahs curse on Canaan. Dr. Har-
old Brackman
Historian and consultant to
the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

In contrast the approximately contempo-

raneous Talmudic and Midrashic sources
contained such suggestions as that Ham was
smitten in his skin, that Noah told Ham your
seed will be ugly and dark-skinned, and that
Ham was father of Canaan who brought
curses into the world, of Canaan who was
cursed, of Canaan who darkened the faces of
mankind, of Canaan the notorious world-
darkener. Dr. Winthrop Jordan
Author, White Over Black: American Attitudes
Toward the Negro, 1550-1812, for which he won
four national prizes, including the Society of
American Historians Parkman Prize, Colum-
bia Universitys Bancroft Prize, Phi Beta
Kappas Ralph Waldo Emerson Award and
the National Book Award for History and Bi-
ography. William F. Winter Professor of His-
tory and African-American Studies for more
than 20 years at the University of Mississippi.

special conditions in Mesopotamia gen-

erated rabbinic stories associating Negroidness
with excessive and aberrant sexuality and
Noahs curse.
J. G. St. Clair Drake
Roosevelt University Professor, first
permanent Director of Stanford Uni-
versitys African and Afro-American
Studies, Author of the acclaimed 1945
work Black Metropolis.
Blacks must ACCEPT their identity as the Real Children of Israel to ACCEPT its rewards. They also must know
their new job description if they want the salary. The GOOD NEWS is that we are NOT cursed, but indeed
blessed. Buddying up with the impostor is a bad policy and a sure way to destruction. Jesus made this clear in
John 8. So the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has informed us of our true identitywe just have to believe
it. Weve been following too many muddle-minded Gingrich-thinkers. Let them have their Gingriches and their
fairy tale histories.

Demetric Muhammad is in the student ministry class of Muhammad Mosque 55 in Memphis, Tennessee.
He is also the author of In the Light of Scripture and A Complete Dictionary of the Supreme Wisdom Lessons.

Iunct|ona| I|||teracy |n the Greatest,
Wea|th|est Nat|on |n the Wor|d
Functional illiteracy in the United States is growing at a
rate of over 2 million new inductees per year into its ranks.
U.S. statistics show:
functional illiterates constitute 70% of the prisoners in
state and federal prisons
85% of juvenile offenders are classified as functionally
or marginally illiterate
43% of those with the lowest literacy skills live in
Over 42 million American adults cant read
50 million read at fourth or fifth grade levels
the total number of functionally illiterate adults
increases by about 2.25 million persons every year
20% of all graduating high school students are
functionally illiterate.
While public education funding has doubled in the last
fifteen years, testing indicates the percentage of American
children who read well has not improved for the last 25

America Un tbe Brink of Anarcby

Amer|ca on the
8r|nk of Anarchy

[Excerpt from Torchlight for
America, 1993]

Without an advocate for the
poor, without a new state of mind
in America, the country lies on the
brink of anarchy. Anarchy is the
complete absence of government. Its a condition of political
disorder, violence and lawlessness in the society. We saw
signs of it in Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdict.
Anarchy may await America due
to the daily injustices suffered by the
people. There really can be no peace
without justice. There can be no
justice without truth. And there can be
no truth, unless someone rises up to
tell you the truth.
The Nation of Islam can be of
assistance. We desire to reason with
the political and economic leadership,
with the hope of formulating a
cooperative effort for the benefit of us
all. We want a new relationship in
which we can work together for the
good of the whole.
However, the desire of the wicked
is to harm me and to destroy the idea
that I carry so that black people and
all who would listen cannot and will
not make the type of progress that
time demands. This is no different
from the desire of the wicked to
destroy Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad,
Marcus Garvey, Frederick Douglas,
Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman,
Denmark Vesey, and all who have
stood on behalf of the poor and
It appears that there is a genocidal
plan against black people. The desire of many of those in
power is the maintenance of white supremacy. Whites and
their institutions have created inferior-minded black people
with a slave mentality. There are those who do not wish to
see us as equals in the society. So generation after
generation of black people have been corrupted with a slave
mentality, and generation after generation of white people
have been poisoned with the doctrine of white supremacy.
However, the presence of truth condemns both mindsets.
The time of white supremacy and black inferiority is over.
This is why it appears that an organized effort is underway
to destroy black youth. Youth are more readily inhaling the
ideas and truths that can free the mind from the former
controlling forces of white supremacy and black inferiority.
Their hearts and minds are inclining toward interest in self-
knowledge. As a result, there are those who fear that our
youth are no longer afraid to resist white supremacy and
reject its efforts.
Notice how the police and the judicial system do not
treat our youth as children. Our 14-year-olds and 18-year-
olds are killed in police stations, and the police offer lies to
explain their deaths, such as they hanged themselves with
their own shoestrings and other such foolishness. All too
often, the Justice Department of the U.S. government is
weak in pursuing the truth about what the
black community believes are wrongful
deaths at the hands of law enforcement.
They fear our youth. They fear the gangs
because prior to the gangs, the police were
the only gang in town. Often the police are
running or compromising with the dope
business, the prostitution business and the
criminal element in the society. Many
officials do not desire to see young blacks
organized, fearing that they may join
together and one day do unto law
enforcement what the law enforcement
officers have been doing unto us.
This is not to say that all police are
corrupt. But when we see so many
incidences of police corruption, such as the
Rodney King case and others, then the
entire law enforcement system loses our

The youth have the basic qualities of
what it takes for seeking liberation. The
leader has to have helpers to fulfill the
vision. The helpers cannot be afraid of the
enemy. God rides in on our faith in Him.
This is why when Moses was leading the
people into the Promised Land, the older
people were left to wander in the
wilderness until they died out, and their
children were taken into the Promised Land. This was done
because their children did not have the fear of Pharaoh or
the love for Egypts wealth, nor did they have the fear of the
giants that inhabited the land that Allah (God) had
promised them.
1he State of Israe|

"Cne nat|on so|emn|y
prom|sed to a second na-
t|on the country of a th|rd.
More than that, the country
was st||| part of the Lmp|re
of a fourth, name|y 1urkey."

Arthur koest|er

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