CH5 Solution 9e
CH5 Solution 9e
CH5 Solution 9e
1. At Chez Panisse, the restaurant in Berkeley that is credited with having created California cuisine, reservations are essential. At Mandarin Dynasty, a restaurant near the University of California San Diego, reservations are recommended. At Eli Cannons, a restaurant in Middletown Connecticut, reservations are not accepted. a. Describe the method of allocating scarce table resources at these three restaurants.
All these restaurants use a first-come, first-serve system. Eli Cannons uses this system directly. Chez Panisse uses a first-come, first-serve because the first person to call to make a reservation at a particular time is allocated the table at that time. Mandarin Dynasty uses a combination of the immediate first-come, first serve system and the reservation based first-come, first-serve system.
d. Why do you think restaurants dont use the market price to allocate their tables?
Market allocation requires that customers pay for a table and the price would fluctuate from one hour to the next depending on the number of customers who arrive. Customers would be highly uncertain about the price they would need to pay and such uncertainty decreases the demand for meals from the restaurant. The decreased demand lowers the restaurants profit.
The table provides information on the demand schedules for train travel for Ann, Beth, and Cy, who are the only buyers in the market. a. Construct the market demand schedule.
The market demand schedule shows the sum of the quantities demanded by Ann, Beth, and Cy at each price. When the price is $3 per mile, the market quantity demanded is 75; when the price is $4 per mile, the market quantity demanded is 60; when the price is $5 per mile, the marker quantity demanded is 45; when the price is $6 per mile, the market quantity demanded is 30; when the price is $7 per mile, the market quantity demanded is 15; when the price is $8 per mile, the market quantity demanded is 5; and when the price is $9 per mile, the market quantity demanded is 0.
b. What are the maximum prices that Ann, Beth, and Cy are willing to pay to travel 20 miles? Why?
Each persons demand schedule shows the maximum price that person is willing to pay to travel 20 miles. The maximum price Ann is willing to pay to travel 20 miles is $5, the maximum price Beth
is willing to pay is $4, and the maximum price Cy is willing to pay is $3.
c. What is the marginal social benefit when the total distance travelled is 60 miles?
The marginal social benefit when the quantity is 60 miles is $4 per mile. The marginal social benefit is determined from the consumers demands and equals the maximum price that consumers will pay for the quantity. The demand schedule shows that the maximum price consumers will pay for 60 miles is $4 per mile and this price equals the marginal social benefit.
d. What is the marginal benefit for each person when they travel a total distance of 60 miles and how many miles does each of the people travel?
The three travel a total distance of 60 miles when the price is $4 a mile. Each persons marginal benefit is $4 per mile. At this price Ann travels 25 miles, Beth travels 20 miles, and Cy travels 15 miles.
eBay Saves Billions for Bidders If you think you would save money by bidding on eBay auctions, you would likely be right. ... Two associate professors ... calculate the difference between the actual purchase price paid for auction items and the top price bidders stated they were willing to pay ... and the Maryland researchers found it averaged at least $4 per auction. InformationWeek, January 28, 2008 a. What method is used to allocate goods on eBay?
eBay is using market price to allocate the goods. The market price is the price established in the auction. If someone is willing and able to pay that price, the person will get the item.
The table provides information on the supply schedules of hot air balloon rides by Xavier, Yasmin, and Zack, who are the only sellers in the market. a. Construct the market supply schedule.
The market supply schedule shows the sum of the quantitie
s supplied by Xavier, Yasmin, and Zack at each price. When the price is $100 per ride, the market quantity supplied is 75 rides; when the price is $90 per ride, the market quantity supplied is 60 rides; when the price is $80 per ride, the marker quantity supplied is 45 rides; when the price is $70 per ride, the market quantity supplied is 30 rides; when the price is $60 per ride, the market quantity supplied is 15 rides; when the price is $50 per ride, the market quantity supplied is 5 rides; and when the price is $40 per ride, the market quantity supplied is 0 rides.
b. What are the minimum prices that Xavier, Yasmin, and Zack are willing to accept to supply 20 rides? Why?
The minimum supply-price equals the lowest price at which a producer is willing to produce the given quantity. The supply schedule tells us the minimum supply-price. Xaviers minimum supply-price for 20 rides is $80; Yasmins minimum supply-price is $90; and, Zacks minimum supply-price is $100.
c. What is the marginal social cost when the total number of rides is 30?
The quantity of rides is supplied is 30 when the price is $70 per ride. The marginal social cost of any quantity is equal to the price for which that quantity will be supplied, so when the total number of rides is 30, the marginal social cost equals $70 per ride.
d. What is the marginal cost for each supplier when the total number of rides is 30 and how many rides does each of the firms supply?
When the total number of rides is 30, Xavier supplies 15 rides, Yasmin supplies 10 rides, and Zack supplies 5 rides. The marginal cost for each firm is $70.
e. What is each firms producer surplus when the price is $70 a ride?
Xaviers producer surplus is $225; Yasmins producer surplus is $100; and, Zacks producer surplus is $25. When the price is $70 per ride, Xavier supplies 15 rides. Xaviers producer surplus is the triangular area under the price and above his supply curve. The supply curve is linear, so Xaviers producer surplus is 1/2 ($70 $40) 15, which equals $225. When the price is $70 per ride, Yasmin supplies 10 rides. Yasmins
producer surplus is the triangular area under the price and above his supply curve. The supply curve is linear, so Yasmins producer surplus is 1/2 ($70 $50) 10, which equals $100. When the price is $70 per ride, Zack supplies 5 rides. Zacks producer surplus is the triangular area under the price and above his supply curve. The supply curve is linear, so Zacks producer surplus is 1/2 ($70 $60) 5, which equals $25.
f. What is the market producer surplus when the price is $70 a ride?
The market producer surplus is equal to the sum of Xaviers producer surplus plus Yasmins producer surplus plus Zacks producer surplus, which is $225 + $100 + $25 or $350.
Based on the information provided in the news clip in problem 3, a. Can an eBay auction give the seller a surplus?
Yes, an eBay auction can give a seller a surplus. The seller has a minimum supply price for which the item will be sold. If the price established in the auction exceeds that minimum supply price, the seller has a surplus.
b. Draw a graph to illustrate an eBay auction and show the consumer surplus and producer surplus that it generates.
Figure 5.1 illustrates an eBay auction. The figure assumes that there are many suppliers of this good, each with a different minimum supply price so that the supply curve is upward sloping. The consumer surplus is area A, the area under the demand curve and above the (auction-determined) market price. The producer surplus is area B, the area under the market price and above the supply curve.
The figure illustrates the market for cell phones. a. What are the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity of cell phones?
The equilibrium price is $30 per cell phone and the equilibrium quantity is 100 cell phones per month.
b. Shade in and label the consumer surplus and the producer surplus.
In Figure 5.3 (on the next page) the consumer surplus is the shaded area A and the producer surplus is the shaded area B.
c. Shade in and label the cost of producing the cell phones sold.
In Figure 5.3 (on the next page) the cost of producing the cell phones sold is equal to area C.
The table gives the demand and supply schedules for sunscreen. Sunscreen factories are required to limit production to 100 bottles a day. a. What is the maximum price that consumers are willing to pay for the 100th bottle?
Consumers are willing to pay a maximum price of $15 for the 100th bottle of sunscreen. The demand schedule shows the maximum price that consumers will pay for each bottle of sunscreen. The maximum price that consumers will pay for the 100th bottle is $15.
Quantity Price (dollars per bottle) 0 5 10 15 20 400 300 200 100 0 demanded
Quantity supplied
b. What is the minimum price that producers are willing to accept for the 100th bottle?
Producers are willing to accept a minimum price of $5 for the 100th bottle of sunscreen. The supply schedule shows the minimum price that producers will accept for each bottle of sunscreen. The minimum price that produces will accept for the 100th bottle is $5.
d. How can the 100 bottles be allocated to beachgoers? Which possible methods would be fair and which would be unfair?
The bottles can be allocated using a contest (a raffle for the bottles, perhaps), first-come, first-served (a line until all 100 bottles are distributed), personal characteristics (perhaps all fair-haired people are allocated the sun screen), or force (a fight). Using the fair results criteria, none of the allocation schemes are necessarily fair because there is no guarantee that poorer people will receive the sun screen. Using the fair rules criteria, the force method is definitely unfair and the others are fair.
Wii Sells Out Across Japan Japan finally came in for its share of Wii madness this weekend. However, given the large amount of interest in the consolewhich Nintendo has flogged with a TV-ad blitz for the past two monthsdemand is expected to be much higher than supply. Yodobashi Camera was selling Wii games on a first-come, first-served basis, so eager customers showed up early so as not to miss out on their favorite titles. [But] customers who tried to get in the line after 6 or 7 a.m. were turned away. [and] many could be spotted rushing off to the smaller Akihabara stores that were holding raffles to decide who got a Wii. Gamespot News, Dec 1, 2006 a. Why was the quantity demanded of Wii expected to exceed the quantity supplied?
At the price of a Wii set by Nintendo, the quantity demanded was forecast to exceed the quantity supplied. Stores could run surveys to determine how many customers were likely to buy a Wii from the store. The survey could be as informal as clerks reporting how many people asked about a Wii during the clerks shift to more formal by asking customers to sign up in advance to buy a Wii. Given these surveys, the quantity demanded was expected to exceed the quantity Nintendo released for sale.
c. Can you think of reasons why Nintendo might want to underproduce and leave the market with fewer Wii than people want to buy?
Nintendo might have wanted to create a shortage to gain more publicity for its Wii. If news reporters had story after story about the shortage, then Nintendo would gain free publicity. Additionally, given the very high initial demand for a Wii, if the price was set so that the quantity supplied equaled the initial (very high) quantity demanded, then the price would be high. After the initial adopters were satisfied, the price would then fall and Nintendo would get a reputation for price gouging.
f. What do you think some of the people who managed to buy a Wii did with it?
Some of the people who acquired a Wii resold it to other people.
g. Explain which is the fairer method of allocating the Wii: the market price or the two methods described in the news clip.
Allocating Wii according to the market price is not necessarily fair using the fair results approach but is fair using the fair rules approach. The other two methods of allocation are fair according to either of fairness measures only by random chance.
Two Buck Chuck Wine Cult Its the California wine with the cult following. Charles Shaw is known in local circles as Two Buck Chuck, ... the $1.99 nectar of the gods that is sinfully cheap and good. ... A full year after flooding the market largely on the West Coast, its still being sold by the case to wine lovers who cant get enough. Its an over-abundance of grapes thats made Charles Shaw cheap to bottle an estimated 5 million cases so far. CBS, June 2, 2003 a. Explain how the Invisible Hand has worked in the market for this California wine.
The Invisible Hand worked by motivating wine producers, who are seeking their self interest by earning the largest profit possible, to create a wildly popular wine, Charles Shaw. The Invisible Hand also worked by motivating consumers who enjoy Charles Shaw wine to pursue their self interest by purchasing a large quantity of the wine. The Invisible Hand lead to the creation of a wine that many consumers enjoy, thereby increasing their well being, and increased the profits of the producers, thereby increasing their well being.
Two Buck Chuck increased the consumer surplus from wine. Consumers are flocking to this cheaper wine in place of more expensive wines. The consumer surplus increased because the price of Two Buck Chuck is lower than other wines and because the quantity of wine consumed increased.
c. How has Two Buck Chuck influenced producer surplus for its producer and for the producers of other wines?
Two Buck Check increased the producer surplus of its producer. Because Two Buck Chuck is a substitute for other wines, the quantity and price of other wines sold has decreased and so the producer surplus from these wines decreased.
10. The table gives the supply schedules for jet-ski rides by three owners: Rick, Sam, and Tom, the only suppliers of jet-ski rides. a. What is each owners minimum
b. Which owner has the largest producer surplus when the price of a ride is $17.50? Explain.
Rick has the largest producer surplus when the price is $17.50. Ricks producer surplus is largest because he produces the largest quantity and his costs are lower than those of the other producers. More formally, each suppliers producer surplus is equal to the area under the price and above that producers supply curve. Calculating these areas of producer surplus, Ricks producer surplus is $56.25, Sams producer surplus is $25.00, and Toms producer surplus is $6.25.
11. The table gives the demand and supply schedules for sandwiches. a. What is the maximum price that consumers are willing to pay for the 200th 1 sandwich? 2
The demand schedule shows the maximum price that consumers will pay for each sandwich. The maximum price consumers will pay for the 200th sandwich is $2.
Quantity Price (dollars per sandwich) 0 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 demanded
Quantity supplied
3 4 5 6
b. What is the minimum price that producers are willing to accept for the 200th sandwich?
The supply schedule shows the minimum price that producers will accept for each sandwich. The minimum price for which produces will produce the 200th sandwich is $4.
c. Are 200 sandwiches a day less than or greater than the efficient quantity?
200 sandwiches a day are more than the efficient quantity because the marginal social benefit (the maximum price consumers will pay) is less than the marginal social cost (the minimum price suppliers will accept).
surplus, what is the producer surplus, and what is the total surplus?
150 sandwiches is the efficient quantity and the equilibrium price is $3. The consumer surplus is the area of the triangle under the demand curve above the price. The area of the consumer surplus triangle is ($6 $3) 150, which is $225. The producer surplus is the area of the triangle above the supply curve below the price. The price is $3 and the quantity is 150. The area of the triangle is 1.2 ($3 $0) 150, which is $225. The total surplus is the sum of the consumer surplus plus the producer surplus, which is $450.
f. If the demand for sandwiches increases and sandwich makers produce the efficient quantity, what happens to consumer surplus and producer surplus?
If the demand for sandwiches increases, the price and quantity of sandwiches both rise. The producer surplus definitely increases. The effect on consumer surplus is ambiguous. It rises if the quantity increases by a larger percentage than does the price but it falls if the price rises by a larger percentage than does the quantity.
12. The Right Price for Digital Music: Why 99 Cents Per Song is Too Much, and Too Little. Apples 99-cents-for-everything model isnt perfect. Isnt 99 cents too much to pay for music that appeals to just a few people? What we need is a system that will continue to pack the corporate coffers yet be fair to music lovers. The solution: a real-time commodities market that combines aspects of Apples iTunes, Nasdaq, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Priceline, and eBay. ... Songs would be priced strictly on demand. The more people who download [a particular song] ... the higher the price [of that song] will go. ... The fewer people who buy a [particular] song, the lower the price [of that song] goes. ... In essence, this is a pure free-market solutionthe market alone would determine price. Slate, December 5, 2005 Assume that the marginal social cost of downloading a song from the iTunes store is zero. (This assumption means that the cost of operating the iTunes store doesnt change if people download
more songs.) a. Draw a graph of the market for downloadable music with a price of 99 cents for everything. On your graph, show consumer surplus and producer surplus.
Figure 5.4 (on the next page) shows this market. The marginal social cost curve runs along the horizontal axis. The consumer surplus is area A and the producer surplus is area B.
b. With a price of 99 cents for everything, is the market efficient or inefficient? If it is inefficient, show the deadweight loss on your graph.
The market is inefficient. Efficiency requires that the amount be the quantity for which the marginal social benefit equals the marginal social cost, which in this case is the quantity at which the marginal social benefit curve intersects the horizontal axis. The deadweight loss is area C in Figure 5.4.
c. If the pricing scheme described in the news clip were adopted, how would consumer surplus, producer surplus, and the deadweight loss change?
The price of popular songs rises, so the consumer surplus for popular songs decreases and the producer surplus increases. A larger deadweight loss is created. The price of unpopular songs falls, so the consumer surplus for unpopular songs increases and the producer surplus decreases. A smaller deadweight loss is created.
d. If the pricing scheme described in the news clip were adopted would the market be efficient or inefficient? Explain.
The market would likely become more inefficient because the inefficiency of the popular songsthe songs most people wantincreases. The price exceeds the marginal social cost.
e. Is the pricing scheme described in the news clip a pure free-market solution? Explain.
With a pure free-market solution the price is determined by supply and demand. The pricing method discussed in the clip uses only demand and so it is not the same as a pure free-market solution. A pure free market solution produces the efficient quantity of 200 downloads and the price is zero.
13. Was Katie Holmes Marathon Entrance Unfair? Runners in the recent New York Marathon have been asking why Katie Holmes was admitted to the race when 60,000 hopefuls were denied. ... Holmes was admitted to the race as a VIP. She was not given a spot through a lottery system, or for running in one of the 26 sanctioned New York Marathon charities or even for having a competitive running time. The minimum qualifying run time for a woman runner is 3 hours and 23 minutes. Katie completed the marathon in 5 hours, 29 minutes and 58 seconds. MSNBC, November 9, 2007 a. By what allocation method did Holmes obtain entrance to the marathon?
Ms. Holmes was allocated her space in the race based on her personal characteristics.
14. MYTH: Price-Gouging is Bad Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood announced a crackdown on gougers after Hurricane Katrina. John Shepperson was one of the gougers authorities arrested. Shepperson and his family live in Kentucky. They watched news reports about Katrina and learned that people desperately needed things. Shepperson thought he could help and make some money, too, so he bought 19 generators. He and his family then rented a U-Haul and drove 600 miles to an area of Mississippi that was left without power in the wake of the hurricane. He offered to sell
his generators for twice what he had paid for them, and people were eager to buy. Police confiscated his generators, though, and Shepperson was jailed for four days for price gouging. ABC News, May 12, 2006 a. Explain how the invisible hand (Shepperson) actually reduced deadweight loss in the market for generators following Katrina.
The demand for generators sky-rocketed after Katrina. However anti-gouging laws prevented the price of generators from rising to its new equilibrium. The price gouging laws created a shortage and a deadweight loss. Mr. Sheppersons action of bringing 19 additional generators to Mississippi increased the supply of generators and helped meet the shortage. By supplying these generators he helped decrease the deadweight loss from the shortage.
15. After you have studied Reading Between the Lines on pp. 122123, answer the following questions: a. What is the major problem in achieving an efficient use of the worlds water?
Water needs to be transported from where it is available to where it is needed. This basic issue leads to two major problems: Overproduction in some areas and underproduction in other areas. Often overproduction in an area leads to underproduction later in the same area. In particular, markets in water are not competitive. In many areas, water is free to whomever digs a deep enough well. As a result, too many people dig wells and water is overproduced. If the overproduction is bad enough, the level of groundwater can be reduced so far that it becomes literally impossible to extract any water. Then water needs to be transported
to the now arid area. In this case, often the government transports the water and sells it at a very low price or gives it away. But because the government does not sell the water at an equilibrium price (and because the government is not motivated by seeking profit) less water is transported than the efficient quantity.
b. If there were a global market in water, like there is in oil, how do you think the market would work?
The market for water would be more efficient than the current situation. Areas with a great deal of water, say Canada, could export water to areas with less water, say Mexico. If water was purchased and sold in markets, there would be greater incentive to build desalination plants where they are practical as well as greater incentive to conserve water where it is in abundance.
c. Would a free world market in water achieve an efficient use of the worlds water resources? Explain why or why not.
A free world market in water likely would (eventually) bring an efficient use of resources as the necessary infrastructure was constructed. Of the factors that can lead to inefficiency (government price and quantity regulations, monopoly power, and so forth) the only issue that could possibly lead to inefficiency is the point that water is a common resource in some situations.
d. Would a free world market in water achieve a fair use of the worlds water resources? Explain why or why not and be clear about the concept of fairness that you are using.
A fair results approach to fairness would argue that in third world countries, very poor inhabitants (for example, nomads) would not be able to afford enough water and so some redistribution is needed for the sake of fairness. A fair rules approach to fairness asserts that a competitive market is enough to insure fairness.
16. Fight Over Water Rates; Escondido Farmers Say Increase Would Put Them Out of Business The city is considering significant increases in water rates for agriculture, which historically has paid less than residential and business users. . . . [S]ince 1993, water rates have gone up more than 90 percent for residential customers while agricultural users. . .have seen increases of only about 50 percent, . . . The San Diego Union-Tribune, June 14, 2006 a. Do you think that the allocation of water among San Diego agricultural and residential users is likely to be efficient? Explain your answer.
The allocation of water is almost surely inefficient. If the marginal social cost curve of distributing water is the same for agricultural and residential users, as is probably the case, the only way that the allocation scheme can be efficient is if the marginal social benefit curve of agricultural lies below the marginal social benefit curve of residential users. Such a situation seems unlikely because water is necessary for agricultural users to grow their crops so the marginal social benefit of water to farmers probably exceeds that for residential users.
b. If agricultural users pay a higher price for water, will the allocation of resources become more efficient?
If agricultural users pay a higher rate for water, probably the allocation of resources will be more efficient. Efficiency requires that marginal social benefit equals marginal social cost. Currently it is likely the case that the marginal social benefit of the last unit of water for agricultural users is less than the marginal social cost of producing the last unit of water.
c. If agricultural users pay a higher price for water, what will happen to consumer surplus and producer surplus from water?
If the price paid by agricultural users rises, the consumer surplus of agricultural users decreases and the producer surplus increases.
17. Use the link on MyEconLab (Chapter Resources, Chapter 5, Web links) to visit the Web site of Health Action International and read the article by Catrin Schulte-Hillen entitled Study concerning the availability and price of AZT. Then answer the following questions and explain your answers using the concepts of marginal benefit, marginal cost, price, consumer surplus, and producer surplus. a. What is the range of retail prices of AZT across the countries covered by the study?
The retail (pharmacy) prices range from $0.67 in Thailand to $2.80 in Germany.
b. What, if anything, do you think could be done to increase the quantity of AZT and decrease its price?
The article states that The major determining factor is the existence of alternative products on the market, i.e. competition. So one factor that will lead to lower prices and increased quantities is either disregard the patent or wait until the patent expires. In either case, the increased competition will lead to lower prices and increased quantities. If the government does not want to disregard the patent, it could try to negotiate lower prices by perhaps arranging purchases of larger quantities. Or the government could simply lower the allowable legal price for AZT in the nation. The drawback with this last policy is that it might lead to a decrease in the quantity of AZT available.
c. Canadian online pharmacies sell AZT to Americans for a price below the U.S. price. Does this practice increase or decrease consumer surplus, producer surplus, and deadweight loss from AZT in the United States?
The practice of Canadian on-line pharmacies selling AZT in the United States at a price below the U.S. price increases consumer surplus in the United States. U.S. producers sell AZT to Canadian pharmacies, but at a lower price than they can sell the drug in the United States. To the extent that the Canadian sales replace sales of U.S.-sold products, producer surplus in the Untied States decreases. However, to the extent that the product is manufactured in the United States and to the extent that these sales are new, that is, would not have been made except for the lower price, the sales increase U.S. producer surplus. Producer surplus in Canada increases.