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Medicine From Fish

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From Fish
\ | I | M | | | | | | M :
|ew te eaa m|r+|ae., jre.eat aeare|e|c+|
a|.eraer. +aa re.er.e ||: +aa tre|a. a|.e+.e
w|t| + aa||ae lermeatea l.| jrete|a
Irat| |a|||.||a |atera+t|ea+|, |ta
From Fish
\ | I | M | | | | | | M :
|ew te eaa m|r+|ae., jre.eat aeare|e|c+|
a|.eraer. +aa re.er.e ||: +aa tre|a. a|.e+.e
w|t| + aa||ae lermeatea l.| jrete|a
Medicine from Fish
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Mea|c|ae lrem ||.|

In this exclusive NewsTarget interview, Mike Adams interviews Tom Staverosky, president of
ForeverWell (www.Foreverwell.com) about a unique fermented protein product that shows benefts
for migraine suferers and people with digestive disorders such as IBS. Adams was not paid for this
interview and earns nothing from the sale of the product discussed here.
Mike: Let us start from the top. You have an interesting product that has a multitude of uses and
is based on fsh protein. What is this product, how did you come up with it, and what are some
of its applications?
Tom: In my study of natural medicine over the last ffteen years, one of the things that inspired me was
the number of doctors who told me 80 percent of the people walking into their ofcesregardless of
what disease they hadwere protein malnourished. Not because they werent eating adequate protein,
but because they were not digesting and absorbing it properly.
In order to try and improve that situation, digestive enzymes or probiotics were used, but a lot of the
doctors felt their patients still needed supplemental protein. However, when they used the various
protein powders, shakes, and other protein sources that are available in the marketplace, they found
that they had little therapeutic value.
Tey could get some therapeutic beneft from individual amino acids or amino acid blends, but
essentially what I learned was the real frustration amongst the natural medicine community relative to
protein metabolism issues in all kinds of ill patients. I, for a variety of reasons, happened to come across
research in the critical care arena.
Protein is a main component of the body. If you take the water out of the bodywhich is about 70 to
80 percent of the bodys weightwhat is left is about 70 percent protein. Protein plays a role in every
function of the body: hormones, tissue repair agents, and enzymes are all protein derivatives.
I became intrigued by this possibility that protein malabsorption was a real problem for a wide variety
of conditions. I went to the library and looked for books on how the body digests, absorbs, and utilizes
protein. I dug in the medical literature looking for it and really could not fnd much. Te only thing
I could fnd that seemed to be of real scientifc value was studies done in the body building and the
athletic markets, which did not seem to have a lot of implications for the chronically ill.
Mike: Let me ask you a question about that, because many people reading this article might think that
protien concerns only apply to body builders, not to the average person. Tey may think they get plenty
of protein in beef or soy or whatever protein source they consume. Isnt it true that many of us, even in
industrialized nations, are eating protein but not absorbing it?
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Tom: Absolutely. Te old saying, You are what you eat, ought to be replaced with, You are what you
digest, absorb, and assimilate. It seems that the rampant digestive dysfunction that doctors see in so
many chronically ill patientsI do not care what disease you are talking about, the doctors will say
that whether it is diagnosed or notis playing a role on these diseases. In particular, the bodys ability
to digest, absorb, and utilize protein. It does not matter how much protein we are eating. Te question
should be, are we absorbing and assimilating it?
Mike: I want to add that, of course, DNA is made of protein chains or protein bonds, and there are
proteins surrounding DNA that also control how DNA is expressed, correct?
Tom: Yes. What was fascinating was that it was difcult to fnd any good, clear medical research on
protein utilization. You can learn more about how a chicken digests, absorbs, and utilizes protein than
you can a human being. Why? Because we raise chickens for money.
I was fnally guided to some information in critical care research. Tis is an area where you might
think, Well, what does critical care have to do with arthritis or migraines or athletes trying to recover
from a serious workout? or other applications where protein seems to play a role in our daily lives.
Well, interestingly enough, in critical care they are concerned about bacterial translocation and
maintaining the integrity of a gut wall. Tose are protein metabolism issues. Essentially, when people
are in critical care, it is because they have gone through some surgery or trauma, and they are being
tube-fed directly into their stomachs. Te doctors main focus is getting protein nutrition into the
patient, because if you cannot provide outside sources of protein, then the body will start to break
down. Te body will begin to break down muscle protein and other proteins within the body for
essential needs.
Mike: We see in many people their aging process accelerating.
Tom: Absolutely. You look at our senior citizens, and you wonder why their appetites and their diets
start to deteriorate, but it is because their digestive functions start to deteriorate and they are unable to
digest, absorb, and assimilate protein. Ten they start to waste away.
Mike: Often we jump to the conclusion that, Oh, that is just aging, but in fact it is not aging. We are
watching a degeneration process.
Tom: Tat is right.
Mike: Tat could be avoided or slowed at least, right?
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Tom: At least slowed, yes. I think depending on how early the onset of aging is, it can be reversed
for people dealing with chronic issues. I will tell you what I learned from the critical care research
that is very intriguingnow well knownand defning in the work that I am doing. Te various
feeding formulas that are available from the pharmaceutical companies for enteral feedingtube
feeding in their stomach-type situationsin critical care, in the research in that area, compare the
relative value of intact protein formulas, three-amino acid formulas, and what are referred to as
peptide formulas. So in a feeding formula that is made with fsh protein, milk protein or egg protein,
those proteins are in their full couple-hundred amino acid links that have to be further digested to
be utilized by the body.
Ten, you have amino acid-based formulas in which they use various chemical methods to synthetically
reproduce individual amino acids, and they are blended and put into a feeding formula. Te other type,
the third type of formulation, is peptide based.
Terapeutic peptides have specifc biological activity
Tom: Now let us defne peptide for a minute, because it is truly a poorly defned term. If you take an
intact protein and break it in half, you have two peptides. Tose long chain peptides must be further
digested by the body in order for them to have any application in the body.
Depending on when a doctor got his medical training, he was probably taught that the body digests all
protein down to amino acids, that amino acids are the only thing that cross the gut barrier, and that they are
reformed into the hormones, enzymes, and tissue repair agents that protein is utilized for in the body.
More recently, the research very clearly shows that the body absorbs both individual amino acids and
small chain peptides, which are two, three, four, and fve chains of amino acids still linked together.
Small chain peptides are absorbed intact and, more interestingly, have specifc biological activity in the
body in addition to their direct nutritional value.
Mike: Tis is new information for a lot of people. I want to make sure everybody gets this. You are
saying that previously, conventional doctors thought that these peptides were molecularly too large to
be absorbed into the blood stream through the intestinal wall, correct?
Tom: Trough normal protein absorption mechanisms. Tey thought that they had to be broken down
into the individual amino acids.
Mike: You are saying that the new research shows these are, in fact, passed through the wall into the
blood stream intact as peptides?
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Tom: Tey have specifc biological activity in addition to their direct nutritional value. Now what I
mean by that is if you have a three-chain peptide that is maybe argenine, tryptophan and glutamine, it
has the nutritional value of those three amino acids, but the combination of them in peptide form has
a specifc action in the body as well.
Mike: It is almost like a hormone.
Tom: Or an enzyme, tissue repair agent, or a trigger for any number of diferent things. What is
fascinating is if you do a Google search on peptide, what you will fnd is that a lot of pharmaceutical
companies are now starting to identify specifc peptides andtheir activity, synthetically reproduce them,
and we are going to see a new generation of drugs that are individual peptides.
Unfortunately, the human organism does not work on individual peptides any more than it works on
the active ingredient of an herb better than it acts on the whole herb or the whole proteinnot the
whole intact protein, but the cascade of peptides that the body generates by the digestive process when
it digests an intact protein down to who knows how many peptides.
Te truth is when you think of how many two, three, four, and fve chain peptides that you can create
out of twenty-some amino acids, it is hundreds of thousands. Te specifc action of individual peptides
is limited to a handful at this point. Maybe 15 or 20 have been identifed for their specifc actions.
Here is one of the aspects of this critical care research that really speaks to the folks in natural medicine:
Tey have shown that the cells of the gut wall are fed locally rather than systemically, meaning they
get their nutritional support from nutrients as they are absorbed through the mucosal lining. From a
protein standpoint, that support is coming from peptides and not individual amino acids.
When you are trying to deal with leaky gut, malabsorption, or any kind of infammatory bowel disease,
the best nutrient that you can provide in the lumen of the gut is small chain peptides. Tey have actually
shown that if they feed these patients, these critical care patients, only amino acids, the integrity of the
gut wall deteriorates, and malabsorption and bacterial translocation problems actually increase, which
is the exact thing they are trying to avoid.
Te form of your protein makes a critical diference in addressing some biological issues within the
body. When it comes to gut integrity, addressing leaky gut and malabsorption issues, the missing link
for a huge number of people out there is small chain peptides.

Mea|c|ae lrem ||.|

How fermented fsh protein helps with IBS and Crohns disease
Mike: Tat explains why so many of your customers experience benefts from your product for irritable
bowel syndrome, Crohns Disease, and other digestive disorders. I also notice a lot of benefts in terms
of faster recovery time from physical exertion, athletic performance, and muscle gains. How do you
explain those benefts?
Tom: Tat is an excellent question, and it all relates to how well the body is absorbing and utilizing
protein. When I was a wrestler in college back in the early 70sjust to date myselfa training meal
before a wrestling match was steak and eggs. You have to get that protein in there to rebuild the body
tissue that you are going to tear down in an athletic competition.
With additional study, they realized that the steak and egg I was eating at nine in the morning for a
one oclock match was not digested and available to the body until the next day. Ten training meals
went towards carbohydrates, fast energy sources. Te truth is that in athletic competition, we are
tearing down muscle tissue.
Protein availability is critical. If you can have a protein source ready completely predigested in the
proper formmeaning a combination of amino acids and small chain peptidesthen you have the
potential of actually having something available to rebuild that body tissue the moment it is being torn
down. Tis would lead to much faster recovery times and greater endurance; things that we have seen
certainly on an anecdotal level.
Mike: Tat is exactly what I have experienced on your Foundation Formula. I do very intense athletic
activities such as Capoeira, that Afro-Brazilian dance art that is sort of half gymnastics, half dance.
Let us talk about what is in the Foundation Formula.
Whats in the Foundation Formula
Tom: What we set out to do was make the best one-step digestive product available on the market
today. We knew from the research on peptides and critical care that it had to be small-chain peptide
based. I have investigated just about every small-chain peptide product available on the marketplace,
and we focused in on one made from fsh. We are big fans of whole-food nutrition, and we did not want
just a protein powder, we wanted a whole-food powder that had a high level of protein predigested into
amino acids and small chain peptides. Te nice thing about fsh is that anything coming out of the ocean
has a beautiful mineral component. Tey also have a beautiful fatty acid component, and we consider
these things very complementary to the bodys ability to digest and absorb protein efciently. Te main
ingredient was this predigested fsh powder that has a high concentration of small chain peptides.

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We also learned through our study that probiotics, the benefcial bacteria that help us digest and
absorb our food is a huge need for many people sufering digestive issues. Literally, trillions of bacteria
live in our digestive tract generally for health.
Te benefcial bacteria outnumber and keep in control the detrimental bacteria, but when disease and
the use of antibioticsand other things I am sure your readers are familiar withcause an imbalance
in that good and bad bacteria, we end up with dysbiosis, yeast infections and all kinds of issues. We
searched for the most bioactive probiotics product we could fnd. Interestingly enough, we found it in
a product that we import from Australia. Te man there takes sea vegetableswhich we were excited
about as welland organic grasses, and he ferments them with a blend of 14 naturally occurring
probiotics. We have the peptides, the probiotics, and just a beautiful array of trace minerals and micro-
nutrients in a combination whole food fsh, whole food sea vegetable, and organic grass product.
Mike: Wow, that is remarkable. I am genuinely excited about what is in there. Just getting sea
vegetables by themselves is usually considered very healthy. Te mineral profle by combining that with
the predigested proteinno wonder I am getting good results from this. Can you explain to people
exactly what you mean by predigested?
Tom: Sometimes I get the question, Well, should I just eat more fsh to get the same results?
Well, certainly I believe that fsh is a good quality food, but if you are not digesting and absorbing
the protein in the milk, eggs, chicken, or any other source of proteinif you cant do thatthen
you are not going to do any better by eating fsh. An intact protein is made up of hundreds of
amino acids linked together. When we eat any protein source, even vegetable sources of protein,
the body triggers pancreatic enzymes and hydrochloric acid in the stomach and other things that
work to digest that protein.
We found companies that have unique technologies based on enzymatic fermentation that, essentially, is
the same process the pharmaceutical companies use to make the peptide base enteral feeding formulas.
Just like enzymes do in your body, these laboratory-based enzymes break the protein down to a certain
point where we end up with a combination of three amino acids and small chain peptides. People have
to be careful in this area. You will fnd peptide-based products in various body building formulas in the
health food store. Yet, if you look at the molecular weights of those peptides, they are still only partially
digested proteins. Tis means when you get down to a small chain peptide of two or three amino
acids, the molecular weight of those peptides is much, much smaller than the various designer proteins
you might fnd in the health food store that are claiming to be peptides. Tats because peptides is a
poorly defned term. Tey are not completely pre-digested like the proteins in our product.
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Mike: We see that on body-building productstheyll say micro-fltered and cross-fltered.
Tom: Yes, and the molecular weights are often in, I think, it is a term called Dacrons or Datrons I
forget now exactly. Te weight measurement is certainly much larger than what we were looking for.
We did not see a therapeutic advantage to using partially digested proteins over completely digested
proteins. I mean, one of the difcult aspects of this product is that you can go into a health food store,
buy a whole tub of protein for 20 bucks, and scoop out 40 grams a day for two months. Your cost is
then 30 cents a day.
Our retail price is $40 for a bottle of 180 half-gram capsules of protein powder. Even though it is
whole-food protein powder, the process of predigesting down to small chain peptides is an extensive
process. Tat is why in the enteral feeding formulas in the hospital, the protein formulas are rarely used
because they are about 10 times more expensive than the intact protein formulas.
Mike: I have an explanation that might help readers here: In chemistry, you have O2, oxygen, which
is essential for us, but if you add another atom, you have O3, which is extremely dangerous to us. It
can burn our lung tissues, right? So it is all oxygen, but it is diferent chain lengths. Ten, you can
have carbon monoxide CO, which is a poison to us. It is the same element, but it is how the element is
arranged that determines whether it is benefcial or harmful.
Tom: Tat is an excellent correlation, so let me tie it back to the protein. With leaky gut syndrome
and the delayed food allergy problems that we see in natural medicineit is the kind of case where
someone can eat an egg on Friday, then have a delayed response food allergy to the proteins in that egg,
and they end up with a migraine, an attack of arthritis, gout or something three days laterthere is
no direct correlation. Tat is because with leaky gut and malabsorption issues, if a long chain peptide
is absorbed in the body intact, but incompletely digested, the body sees it as a foreign substance and
has an internal allergic reaction to it. So, longer chain peptides create allergic food allergy problems in
the body.
Until the digestive system is working well enough to digest our protein down to the smallest component
that it needsthat is, amino acids and small chain peptideswe are running the risk of longer chain
peptidesincompletely digested proteincrossing a leaky gut; a gut barrier problem that creates the
food allergy issues that so many alternative doctors deal with.
Mike: Tat is an excellent point, and I want to mention, too, that also it can result in a lot of joint pain
in people.

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Tom: Te doctors who have inspired me in my work taught me that when somebody has a digestive
dysfunction protein metabolism issue, and it is causing an underlying dysfunction in the body, what
symptoms any one individual manifests is not a result of the disease that has attacked them, because
diseases do not attack.
It is a breakdown of normal function; it is how the genetic predisposition of any one individual will
adjust to that underlying problem. You and I could eat the exact same diet, live the exact same lifestyle,
and develop the exact same underlying protein absorption issue, and your food allergy issue would be
addressed by your bodys balancing and counter-balancing mechanisms directed by your genetics to
create the symptomswe end up calling it chronic fatigue.
Well, maybe with the same initial insult, my genetic predisposition will create the symptoms that
maybe we end up seeing as Parkinsons Disease. Te root cause is the body not working right; the body
not getting what it needs or not eliminating what it cannot use: gut, liver, gut, liver, gut, liver, and
when in doubt, gut liver. Tey have the bodys balancing and counter-balancing mechanisms which
adjust to those underlying problems.
Te health benefts of high quality protein nutrition
Mike: You have discussed some of the holistic ramifcations of this protein, and the importance of
digestion and assimilation. What kind of benefts people can expect to experience when they have a
high quality, predigested protein source?
Tom: Tis is what you can hear from almost any alternative doctor: it is reasonable to expect that one
aspect of stress and other daily issues is protein malabsorption. Now, the frst question is, what issues
manifest from protein malabsorption issues or protein metabolism issues?
Well, when you look at what proteins are responsible for in the body, you start seeing that almost
anything can respond through improved digestion and improved protein nutrition: any kind of tissue
repair or wound-healing issues; certainly any kind of digestive dysfunction where these small chain
peptides are healing the gut wall. Certainly, any kind of inter-related protein issues like neuro-peptides,
neurotransmitter issues. You can surmise that improving somebodys digestionprotein metabolism
issueshas an implication with certainly anything digestive and anything neurological, and that is
why our specifc work is focused on migraines and tissue repair issues like arthritis or athletes repairing
and recovering from strenuous workouts.
If you are going to look at the medical paradigm, disease is something that attacks us.When we are
sick, and we go to the doctor and say, Fix me, as if it is his fault and his responsibility to get certain

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answers. If you choose to look at disease as the breakdown of normal function, you then have to ask
this question: What are the critical functions that are breaking down that I have to address frst?
Te obvious answer is digestion and protein metabolism issues. Based on genetics, they can manifest
almost anywhere in the body.
Mike: Are you familiar with a book Te Second Brain by Dr. Michael Gershon?
Tom: I am extremely familiar with that research. It is one of my favorite books on the planet, even
though it is one of the most difcult books on the planet to read.
Mike: Maybe you recommended this book to me. I have not begun to read it yet. It is important for
readers to know that there is emerging science in the feld of neurogastroenterology. Even the name
implies that the gut has its own complex nervous system, that it is a second brain and communicates
with the primary brain. Like you said, the neurotransmitters that we are so concerned about in our
brains and with antidepressant drugs and SSRIs and so on, those neurotransmitters are actually
manufactured in the gut. I think these are wow concepts for a lot of people.
Holistic healing and the gut / brain connection
Tom: Te beauty of the book Te Second Brain, and the feld of neurogastroenterology, is that it is
the frst concrete evidence we can hold onto to show a merging of two paradigms.
Now, the natural medicine paradigm, if you look at traditional Chinese medicine, classic naturopathic
philosophy, the Shamanic traditions, or the native culture traditions, will look at disease as an imbalance
in the bodys mechanisms and a breakdown of normal function. Most of those protocols, if you look
at the philosophies underpinning these diferent paradigms, point to bringing balance back to the
body, even though modern natural medicine is becoming too much green allopathic, or using natural
products used to treat symptoms, rather than address disease in the body. So many of the protocols talk
about gut and liver, and it all begins in that area. It is great that there really is, within the philosophies
of those traditions, some real commonality, but it would be nice if there were some modern medical
research that would help us gain some real credence to the possibility of what these ancient traditions
are teaching.
Tat is where Te Second Brain and neurogastroenterology just rings huge bells. We have always
known that the gut is responsible for digesting and absorbing the food that we eat and getting the
nutrients out of food that we need. For a long time, we have also accepted that the gut is a huge player
in our immune function. Now this research is showing it is also huge in neurological function.

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Probably the most compelling evidence from that book, in my mind, is two things: the frst is that
when they do autopsies on Parkinsons and Alzheimers patients they fnd tissue damage, lesions in
the brain tissue that are indicative of either Parkinsons or Alzheimers. Obviously, we have always
accepted those conditions as being neurological brain injury diseases. However, in those same patients,
if they continue to dissect the gut tissue, and they get to the neurological tissue of the second brain
and the enteric nervous systemthe gut brainthey fnd lesions in the gut identical to what they see
in the brain.
For the frst time, we are able to show that a condition thought to be strictly neurological has pathology
in the gut. Does it start in the brain and move to the gut? Start in the gut and move to the brain?
Or, is in both places at the same time? What you can extrapolate from this work is that if you have a
problem in your brain, you have a problem in your gut. Now, is this not directly refective of all the
ancient healing traditions?
Mike: Absolutely, and just the very idea that both health and disease are holistic in nature. You cannot
isolate the body parts and treat them in isolation.
Tom: Tat is exactly right.
Mike: Tey are all connected. Again, it gets back to the food. Your food is your best medicine. If there
is something wrong with your health, food is probably the frst place to look.
Tom: Te other thing with reading Te Second Brain is how complex the balancing and counter-
balancing mechanisms of the body truly are. It reinforced a belief that has evolved for me.
I share this with a lot of people, including doctors, and I have yet to have one of them argue with me: If
all the information necessary to understand how the body works, what causes disease, and what it takes
to recover from disease is a gallon of water, then what we truly understand with our brightest minds so
far is about two tablespoons. Interestingly, what most doctors say to me when I say that to them is that
the more they read, the more they realize how little we truly understand.
Te sad truth is we have all been taught in this society that when we are sick to go to the doctor and
say, Fix me, as if it is their fault and their responsibility. All I want people to do is recognize that they
are turning themselves over to somebody that has much more limited information than they realize. It
is not to condemn them. I think that most doctors are sincerely interested in trying to help us. It is just
that they are working with too little information. Te gut brain research and all that I have learned has
really helped me to honor how wise the human organism truly is; that within any paradigm, you want
to look at protocols that work with the body to help it work better. If you do that, you stand a much
higher chance of getting to a path of wellness than with protocols that are interfering with the bodys
biochemistry or biophysics.

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Mike: Indeedcomplement the biochemistry, dont highjack it.
Tom: Absolutely. It is just a shame that so many of the protocols in pharmaceutical medicineand
even in natural medicineare focused on interference rather than on complementing the bodys
biochemistry and its mechanisms.
Mike: Yes, absolutely.
Tom: Tey are so complex and so poorly understood. It is difcult to understand how best to interfere
with them. Now the conclusion that we came to and the reason we designed the products we did,
was because there is nothing in the body that can get better and no disease that can be healed, in our
opinion, until gut and liver are working as well as possible.
Who benefts from Foundation Formula
Mike: Let me ask you this: Which groups, which demographics, are likely to experience the greatest
benefts from this?
Tom: Well, certainly people with any type of gut dysfunction. I do not care if it is chronic constipation,
chronic diarrhea, infammatory bowel disease, or Crohns colitis. Now it is rare that someone will say
that their product will work for both chronic constipation and chronic diarrhea, and yet that is exactly
what we see because this product brings the body in balance.
With any kind of digestive issue, protein metabolism improvement is the frst step. Te second areathe
area that we focused in on initiallyis migraine headaches, in particular, and neurological conditions
in general. We have been getting very nice results in our focused work on migraines with chronic
migraine suferers using Foundation and Renew to get their gut and liver working right. It is so easy to
point to the traditional healing philosophies and the gut brain research to show that neurological issues
have a gut root. Te body is an intelligent organism constantly trying to be healthy and balanced.
Mike: What about attention defcit disorder, and those types of neurological symptoms?
Tom: We have not done any specifc work there, but I would love to. All you have to do is look at the
dietary change from two generations ago and look at what our kids are eating now: sugar and way
too much processed food compared to the home cooked meals every night that most of us in our 50s
enjoyed from our parents.
Anecdotally, I have had some doctors use our products with ADHD and see very nice results. I have
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had a naturopathic physician in Colorado tell me that, relative to her depression and bipolar patients,
she has never seen better results since she started using our products.
Mike: That is very interesting. What about expectant mothers? They have such a high need
during pregnancy.
Tom: It is so interesting, because almost any product on the planet will say, If you are expecting, check
with your doctor before using this, no matter what it is. When I look at the specifcs on premature
births, I am just convinced that some day we are going to do a study that shows dramatic changes in
at-risk populations if they are on Foundation Formula during their pregnancy. Absolutely.
Mike: Tat makes sense.
Tom: Tat is protein metabolism, and it is also essential fatty acid in tablet form.
Mike: And the trace minerals, which are so often lacking in both the mother and the fetus.
Tom: Te issue that a lot of people raise when they think about fsh protein is they say, Oh my God!
What about the mercury? So let me speak to that just for a moment, because almost anything coming
out of the ocean will have some level of trace mercury in it.
Te raw materials we use consistently tested less than one-tenth of one part per million, and generally
speaking, one part per million is considered safe. More importantly than that, the dosage that we are
recommending people take is like having them eat less than one pound of fsh per month. Essentially,
they are eating a bite of fsh a day. Te stress on the detoxifcation system is miniscule compared to the
value of ending the digestive dysfunction and protein metabolism issues that are at the root of most
peoples problems.
Mike: It is like a bite of fsh each day, but that bite is highly bio-available, because it is predigested. It
is packed with trace minerals from the ocean.
Tom: One of the anecdotal examples of its bio-availablity is we have had chemotherapy patients and
AIDS patientspeople who are really shutdown digestivelyand we get them on this product, and
their guts heal. Tey really notice a diference. When somebody is throwing up everything they eat,
and you give them a supplement that they not only tolerate, but that causes them to feel their energy
coming back or their appetite starting to return, that is when you know that product is absolutely
supporting the bodys essential mechanisms.
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Anti-aging and Foundation Formula
Mike: What about senior citizens? I see so many elderly who are literally starving no matter how much
they eat because they cannot digest and assimilate nutrients.
Tom: Tat is exactly right, Mike and certainly the aging process has an impact on all of our function.
At 54 or 53 I do not run as fast as I did when I was 20. One of the areas that breaks down in older
people is hydrochloric acid production in the gut and digestive enzyme production. Consequentially,
digestive function starts to reduce. If it is at 100 percent capacity when you are in your early 30s, it is
probably at 70 percent when you are in your 60s and it goes down from there.
When this company grows and we can do the kind of follow-up research we want to do, one of the
studies we are going to do is show that probably the most important single daily supplement a senior
citizen can have is a product like Foundation and Renew. It supports the liver, kidney function, and
protein metabolism issues.
If you talk to older folks, you know what their complaints are. Oh I cannot eat, I do not eat as much.
I do not have an appetite. Well, the body is telling them, Do not send it down hereI cannot digest
it. Teir energy levels deteriorate. It is all protein metabolism issues.
Mike: Yes, and it is so sad. I see it so much in retirement centers and senior centers.
Tom: I had a doctor in Florida who has used our products with a lot of senior citizens, and one of the
comments he made to me was, Ever since I added your products to my standard protocol, I have been
able to cut in half all the other supplementation I have my patients on.
Mike: Tat does not surprise me at all.
Tom: Tey are absorbing so much better.
Mike: Well, I have personally seen really amazing results with a liquid vitamin product called Ola
Loa Vitamins. It is liquid. It has highly bio-availabile ingredients. I have seen senior citizens really
do well on that. I have not yet been able to witness personally any senior citizens on your Foundation
Formula, but I am sure interested to do so.
Tom: Well, I would love to work with you to do that.
Mea|c|ae lrem ||.|
Health efects on children
Mike: Now, what about children? Children have very high protein requirements during their growth
phase. Tey typically do not eat that well in Western Culture today.
Tom: As I suggested, our specifc area of work so far has been with migraines, and we see very nice
results with these products in kids who are sufering the onset of migraine headache issues. In our
world, that is all related to their digestion absorption issues. As is ADHD, and so everything is
Tis was the huge light bulb moment for me when I frst got involved in this industry as a lay person
like you. One of the frst things that hit me as I was going to various alternative doctor conventions
all over the country is that the naturopaths would say this, and the chiropractors would say that, and
there was no guiding philosophy. Tere was no way to understand what works and what does not and
why. Tat, I think, is the big challenge for most lay people. We all have a sense that there is something
good about natural medicine, but we are not sure what. When we turn to the book store, the Internet,
and the health food store to learn, more often what we get is overwhelming and confusing. With the
exception of folks with good websites like your own that really give people the direction they need.
What I learned from the doctors who have inspired me is this whole concept that the things that
work are going to be the things that help the body work better. My initial reaction to that approach
was, Well, that kind of makes sense. It speaks to my intuitive knowledge of how the body works.
It almost even seems a little too simplistic. I will tell you this: I have come to honor the wisdom
of simplicity. I am just a huge believer that what we have to do is address the foundational needs
of the body, whether it is in a child, in a stressed-out single mom, a high-powered executive, or a
senior citizen. Te underlying dysfunction that leads to the breakdown of the balancing and counter-
balancing mechanisms of the body and lead to symptoms of any particular disease can only be
countered by getting the body to work better.
Mike: Tat also alludes to the very important point that the body already knows how to heal itself. It
just needs the environment, the raw materials, the energy; it needs to be able to get rid of waste. It just
needs these basic things.
People ask me, Why do you drink pomegranate juice? Tere is no scientifc evidence that it does
anything. And I say, I do not need something written on paper, because the pomegranate juice is
naturally utilized by my body in a healing way, regardless of whether or not I intellectually know
the formula. You do not have to know it intellectually to beneft from it. Your body heals itself
on its own.

Mea|c|ae lrem ||.|

Tom: Tat is exactly right. A lot of people say the body can heal itself. I like to take it a step farther and
say not only is the body capable of healing itself but in every minute of every day, it is constantly trying to
achieve health and vitality. Tat is an important thing to remember, because what that speaks to is that
a little bit of the right thing can help it move in the right direction and stimulate remarkable results.
Mike: Again, the product name is Foundation Formula. Te website is www.ForeverWell.com. I
want to warn readers too that this product does have a fshy type of smell, although it does not have a
fshy taste after I eat it.
Tom: Tat is certainly an issue that we warn people about in the instruction sheet that comes with the
product. We instruct them that if the fshy odor is problematic keep it in the refrigerator. Cold does
slow down those volatile little molecules. In addition, the concentration in the bottle is much stronger
than a couple of capsules you take out for a daily dose.
Mike: I have not found any problem with that. To me, it is just an indication that this is the real deal.
Tis is what you say it is. Tere is actually high density pre-digested fsh protein in those capsules. No
doubt about that.
Tom: People are not going to wonder if it is fsh.
Complementary liver support with Renew
Mike: What else would you like to include here?
Tom: I would like to talk a little bit about Renew, why it is complementary, and why we believe it is
two sides of the same coin because when you look at digestive issues if you are not also addressing liver
issues, then you are running a risk. Some of your readers have heard me say so far that we are a company
trying to address the foundational needs of the body. While our initial focus has been on applying that
philosophy to the treatment of migraine headache suferers, it really has implications and applications
within a wide variety of chronic diseases. I believe the best example of the underlying philosophy is a
classic naturopathic philosophy, which says disease is caused by the breakdown of normal function in
one of three areas, and one of those is the body not getting what it needs, which is digestive function
and dietary choices, which is the focus of our Foundation Formula.
Te second cause is the body not eliminating what it cannot use, which is largely a problem with the
liver, kidney or low vitality, and the vitality is something that no one can address with a pill. Vitality
is the choices that we make in our life to be vibrant, alive, and energetic, or not, and that is the whole
spiritual bio-energetic side.

Mea|c|ae lrem ||.|

We have covered Foundation pretty extensively. I would like to mention Renew Formula, which is our
liver support product. We are concerned about the amount of literature out there about liver detox and
liver cleansing. While I see the value of that, I worry that people are being guided down a path that
says, Oh, take this group of herbs for two weeks, poop your brains out for a couple of dayspardon
the expressionand your liver is healthy again. I worry that is stressful to the organ. Let us remember
that the liver, by design, is detoxing on a daily basis. A lot of people who are chronically ill have their
livers overloaded, and they need nutritional support.
Our Renew Formula is designed to give the active functions of the liver the support they need in a food-
like presentation. Now what I mean by that is we could not fnd a pre-digested whole-food product
that addressed liver kidney issues the way Foundation addresses digestive issues. Tat would have been
our preference. What we did is we looked in the medical literature and asked, What is it that the liver
needs for detoxifcation pathways? What is it that it needs for the formation of glutathione? What is it
that it needs for the other activities and responsibilities it has in the body? We looked at the literature,
and we saw this micro-nutrient and this vitamin and this herb and this mineral all play a role.
We created a product that has 21 diferent ingredients in it: vitamins, minerals, herbs, and micro-
nutrients, none of which are included in what is generally considered to be a therapeutic dose, because
we believe that the liverjust like the digestive systemneeds to be able to pick and choose the pieces
that it needs, and little amounts of the right things are all that is necessary.
Te nice thing about Renew is that it is not something that you can only use for a certain amount of
time. It is a gentle support product that efectively helps the liver and kidney work well. In our world,
being guided by the philosophies of addressing the gut, liver or kidneys individually is only half the
story. Tey are two sides of the same coin. In our work with migraine headache suferers, we sold the
two products as a migraine combo, because we do not want to have to guess which patient might need
more liver support and less digestive support, or more digestive support and less liver support. We
wanted to make sure we are addressing both issues.
Mike: It is interesting to me that the philosophies you described sound very similar to traditional
Chinese medicine. Do you have training in Chinese medicine?
Tom: I do not, but I have read about the ancient healing traditions, Chinese medicine, ayurvedic
medicine from India, and the Shamanic traditions. Tey talk about imbalance or disease in the body,
and if the protocol is not a spiritual or some sort of bio-energetic protocol, if it is a biochemical protocol,
it is gut liver. Tey all start there. Traditional Chinese medicine, ayurvedic medicine, Shamanic
traditions, classic naturopathic philosophy; they are all the same.
Mea|c|ae lrem ||.|
Tat is why I love the work on the second brain, because now we are getting the kind of medical
research that says, Everything does start in the gut and its cousin, the liver. What is interesting
about the second-brain work is it shows that the second brain, the gut, operates the digestive processes
independent of direction from the head brain. Its able to tell the liver when to release bile. Its able to
tell the pancreas when to shoot digestive enzymes into the intestines. Its able to direct the support of
the organs of the digestive process independent of any direction from the head brain.
Mike: I think it also must explain why people so rapidly tend to deteriorate in their health once they
take pharmaceuticals, because almost every pharmaceutical is toxic or stressful to the liver and the gut.
Tom: Yes, absolutely.
Mike: Even over-the-counter pain killers can cause permanent liver damage, and they do.
Tom: Yes, absolutely.
Mike: Or gastrointestinal bleeding, right?
Tom: Te two most common side efects of pharmaceutical medications are gut and liver dysfunction.
Mike: Ten, of course, the typical Western doctor would look at whatever new symptom appears and
prescribe a second drug for that, and that cascade continues.
Tom: All of which continues to interfere with the foundational needs of the body. Basically, you are
looking at two diferent paradigms. You can accept the paradigm that says the best way to treat the
body is to interfere with the mechanisms of the body, or you can say the best way to treat the body is
to support the natural mechanisms of the body.
For more information about ForeverWell, visit www.ForeverWell.com
Te interviewer, Mike Adams, is the executive director of the non-proft Consumer Wellness Center
(www.ConsumerWellness.org) and a writer for NewsTarget (www.NewsTarget.com). Adams is
dedicated to improving human health through nutrition education.
Copyright 2007 by Truth Publishing International, Ltd.
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

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