Health Policy
Health Policy
Health Policy
Rationalist Approach
Based on scientific thought of 1960s and 1970s Example: Management by objectives (MBO) Start with objectives, work outwards sans bias Centralized Policy Development, Top Down Nil to little input from key stakeholders Good when little infrastructure in place, e.g. Education, Organized labour, professional groups
Incrementalist Approach
Begins with what currently exists and where to go from there Less mechanical than rationalist approach More interactional between players and interests High level of consultation with stakeholders Nurses should be highly involved in BOTH rationalist and incrementalist approaches
Effective Preparation
Nurses and students need to be taught to develop: Confidence in public speaking Skill in engaging in challenging discussions To defend positions publicly Question the opinions and statements of others Be articulate and effective leaders Accurately educate others about the issues Lobbying, change agent, community development skills