Pokhara University: School of Business
Pokhara University: School of Business
Pokhara University: School of Business
Business Development Plan
(Graduate Seminar- 1 credit Hour)
Reason for selecting this project
Better opportunities in the market. Availability of resources. People tends to increase their habit towards fast food due to their busy life.
Production Plan
How to produce goods / or how to offer the service or combination of both? Food production and assembly will take place in the kitchen of the restaurant. Moderate low price offering menu Fresh, ready-made and delicious in test Three ways to purchase these products; table service at the restaurant, take-out from the restaurant, and delivery to home or office. Prompt service will be provided to the customers to enhance their value and satisfaction and build loyalty
02/27/12 Name of student MBA IV Trimester, SOB,PU 5
Organization Chart
CEO, Manager, Head cook, Assistant cook, Waiter, bar boy, Cashier and Dishwasher
HR Policy
Training and development programs Compensation and benefits Rewards and incentives, Health and safety issues etc
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SWOT Analysis
capable and skilled employees Prompt service and quick delivery and well-packaged product Offered clean fresh, delicious varieties of fast food for breakfast at reasonable price
concentrated only on limited no of customer located in specific area May not able to reach to all types of customers on delivering goods Lack of practical experience on the business sector
little competition Availability of raw materials and other resources Can sell goods at reasonable price Availability of skilled and capable HR
Threats Emergence of new restaurants, hotels in these sites. Popular old restaurants serving large no. of customers.
Marketing Plan
Marketing Strategy
Focusing on the unique aspect of the product theme (healthy, tasty foods) a mix of marketing vehicles will be created to convey our presence, our image, and our message. Print media -- local newspapers, magazines and student publications Broadcast media -- local programming and special interest shows Hotel guides-- Chamber of Commerce brochures Misc. -- charity events, Mahotsav etc
Marketing plan
The target groups are people who work in organizations and private shopping centers owners or employees and other youngsters, college students and tourists. The target market is Newroad and nearby places. Market trends is in increasing due to increase in consuming habit of people towards fast food. Fewer competition, although there are large no. of hotels and restaurants in this place , they do not provide home delivery. Our competitive strategy will be on quality, employee motivation and sales attitude, prompt service and delivery. Sales are assumes to increase 10% each year.
Financial Projection
Assumption of Financial Calculations:
Year 1 2 3 4 5 Capacity % 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Name of student MBA IV Trimester, SOB,PU
Financial Projection
Assumption of Financial Calculations: About Demand : About Variable Cost : About Fixed Cost : About Market Scenario : About Government Policy : About Industry related factors : About internal factor :-
Financial Projection
Initial Investment : 1,000,000 Fixed Assets Requirements: 800,000 Working Capital Requirements: 200,000 Initial Capital Structure Debt- 50% = Rs 500,000 Equity- 50% = Rs 500,000 Fixed Assets = 800,000 Working capital Long Term Loan Total Assets Equity Capital Total Equity & Liabilities
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Financial Projection
Income Statement Summary
100% 50%
1 10614200 7910005 5307100 3955003 1352098 714900 637198 18% 90000 547198 25% 136799 410398 50% 205199 205199
3 7429940 5537004 1892937 655876 1237060 62576 1174485 293621 880863 440432 440432
Year Sales VC Contribution Margin FC EBIT Interest EBT Tax Earning After Tax Dividend Retained Earnings
6368520 4746003 1622517 660175 962342 77420 884922 221231 663692 331846 331846
Financial Projection
Cash Flow Summary
Year Total cash Inflow (A) Total cash outflow (B) Cash Balance (A)-(B) Add :Opening Cash balance Closing Cash Balance 1 2 3 4 5
Financial Projection
Capital Budgeting Summary Initial Investment - Rs1,000,000 Total Present Value - Rs 1,701,402 Non Discounted Pay Back Period - 1.75 years Discounted Pay Back Period - 2.12 years Net Present Value (NPV) - Rs 549,405 Internal Rate of Return(IRR) - 37% Profitability Index - 1.70 times
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Financial Projection
BEP and major Financial Ratios BEP (average for 5 years) - 37% BEP ( first year 50% Capacity) - 53%
ROI ( average for 5 yrs) - 41.68% ROE ( average for 5 yrs) - 57.04% ROA ( average for 5 yrs) - 41.68% Net Profit Margin ( average for 5 yrs) - 11.36%
Financial Projection
Sensitivity Analysis ( 3 scenarios)
Other variable remaining the same but.. If Sales price decrease by 10%, BEP = decreases for 5 years If cost increase by 10%, BEP = decreases for 5 years by increase in cost If Sales price decrease by 5% & Cost increase by 5%, then BEP = increase for five years.
Considering the above analysis and projection based on above assumptions, I would like to recommend that : There is a suitable situation to conduct or operate the business because IRR( 37%) is greater than cost of capital( 18%). NPV of the project is positive which means wealth maximization. Investment will be recover in nearly 2 years.
Any Questions???
02/27/12 Name of student MBA IV Trimester, SOB,PU 22
Thank You
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