m1280015 BFG Yriels Raiders
m1280015 BFG Yriels Raiders
m1280015 BFG Yriels Raiders
by Matt Keefe
Although Eldar Corsairs are a constant threat to merchant shipping, they very rarely pose a major threat to Imperial battlefleets. The same cannot be said of the dozens of fleets of Eldar ships that protect each Eldar Craftworld. Each of these Craftworld warfleets is a deadly and highly potent force that is capable of laying waste to an entire sub-sector.
Over fifty years before the Tyranid assault, High Admiral Yriel had led Iyanden fleet. Although he was considered one of the greatest Eldar naval tacticians to have ever lived, his character was flawed by the sin of pride. When Iyanden had been threatened by a Chaos space fleet raiding out of the Eye of Terror, Yriel had led the fleet on a pre-emptive attack on the Chaos Fleet's flagship, leaving Iyanden Craftworld unprotected. He only returned just in time to stop a suicide attack by a small flotilla of Chaos raider ships, who nonetheless managed to damage the Craftworld. Expecting to be feted and honoured for his victory, Yriel was deeply angered when he was called upon to defend his course of action. Claiming that his record should speak for itself, Yriel refused to enter into the debate, leaving his old friend Kelmon no choice but to elect a new High Admiral in his place. Bitter with rage, Yriel vowed that he would never set foot on Iyanden again. He and a small band of followers left the Craftworld and formed an Eldar raider company that became the single most powerful Eldar pirate force operating in the galaxy. When he heard of the Tyranid's assault on Iyanden, Yriel did his best to ignore the terrible peril that threatened his old Craftworld. But proud though he was, righteously angry though he was, Yriel could not leave lyanden to its fate in this, its very darkest hour. Battling his way through the Tyranids' psychic blockade, Yriel swept to the aid of his people. He arrived just in time. Like a thunderbolt from the blue Yriel and his raider fleet smashed into the Tyranid Hive Swarms. He was quickly joined by the few remaining craft of lyanden's fleet, and together the combined Eldar space fleets tore the Tyranid Swarms apart. Two more waves of Tyranid Hive Swarms attacked the Craftworld, only to meet the same fate. Not a single Tyranid ship reached the Craftworld, though the cost to the Raiders was dear. Bloodied but unbowed the Raiders prepared to sell their lives to the last in order to turn back the next wave of Tyranids. On the bridges of the Craftworld and of the circling Eldar ships vigilant eyes watched the scanners, waiting for the first tell-tale blip that would indicate the direction of the next assault. Minutes passed, then hours, and with a growing sense of wonder the Eldar realised that no more Tyranid Swarms were coming - the assault was over. The Hive Fleet had been destroyed! But on Iyanden Craftworld the war went on. The Tyranid Hordes that had been fighting a tenacious rearguard action awaiting the aid of the rest of the Hive Fleet now turned like cornered rats and hurled themselves at the Eldar. Caught by surprise the Eldar staggered back, desperately trying to hold the suicidal Tyramd onslaught. The Fortress of the Red Moon fell to a surprise attack. and for a moment it seemed that with victory within their grasp the Eldar would be defeated. But, for the second time, Yriel led his Raiders to the rescue of the Craftworld. Disembarking from their orbiting spacecraft the Raiders joined with the battered defenders of Iyanden Craftworld and, yard by yard. step by step, forced the Tyranids back. A final wild charge led by the Tyranid Hive Tyrant was annihilated by the combined efforts of the Avatar, Yriel and the Ghost Warriors. and then in a series of vicious one-sided battles the last of the Tyranids were hunted down and destroyed. The Tyranid attack on Iyanden Craftworld was over. The Tyranids had been defeated.
special Holo-fields 5+ 16 4 4 1 1 Front Front Front
Cruiser/8 30cm
The Flame of Asuryan is magnificent, even by the standard of Dragonships. It bears three great sails one born upon its long elegant spine, and another pair each mounted atop the great outriggers to its flanks, both of which also bear deadly pulsar lances.
Notes: The Flame of Asuryan carries the most fearsome members of Yriels own pirate warband, which count as an Aspect Warrior Fighting Crew.
The Flame of Asuryan bore Yriel to many great victories at the head of the Iyanden fleet and he would give little thought to parting with the vessel once his own rank was lost and his own place amongst the Craftworld taken from him. Instead, he and his most loyal followers departed, Yriel himself still aboard his mighty flagship. By such means did the Flame of Asuryan come to depart the Craftworld of Iyanden. When Hivefleet Kraken descended upon Iyanden, Yriel made no attempt to aid his former home, but when the Tyranids overran Iyanden and threatened the Shrine of Asuryan itself, he could no longer ignore its calling. Returning at the head of a mighty fleet of raiders who he had gathered about him in his years of exile, Yriel smashed aside the Tyranid fleet.
Eldar Hero Your fleet may be led by an Eldar Hero, in place of its normal fleet commander. Eldar Hero (Ld 10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 pts You may purchase re-rolls for your Eldar Hero by paying the cost listed below: One re-roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 pts Two re-rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75pts Three re-rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 pts