Acute Gastroenteritis
Acute Gastroenteritis
Acute Gastroenteritis
Locally, In July 22, 2004, the Department of Health (DOH), Philippines declared an
epidemic (outbreak) of a water/food-borne disease called acute gastroenteritis in 45 towns in
Central Pangasinan. Acute gastroenteritis is a human enteric (intestinal) disease primarily caused
by ingestion of spoiled or bacterial contaminated water or food.
According to the DOH Secretary, Dr. Manuel Dayrit, a total of 2,778 cases of the said
intestinal infection were recorded in just 45 days (from May 31 to July16, 2004). From the
studies on the medical diagnoses of 81 cases, Dayrit concluded that infectious (transmittable)
cholera disease was the main cause of the epidemic.(
Locally, here in Tagum City, at Davao Regional Hospital pediatric department acute
gastroenteritis was considered number 3 among the most common pediatric cases. It is common
in this area because some of the people are not aware regarding the proper handling and
preparation of food.
Sex : Male
Nationality : Filipino
Based on the patient’s chart, it appears that seizure, dyspnea,
weakness, poor suckling, LBM with watery stool were the chief
complaints experience by Bb. Zoo Sy which eventually made her family
sought for admission.
Bb. Zoo Sy was born January 8, 2007. He was the youngest of the
4 children in the family. Two weeks prior to admission Bb. Zoo Sy
together with his siblings were left by their mother. While his father
was a hardworking businessman who was then at GenSan. The income
of his father is just enough to support their basic needs.
Bb. Zoo Sy was lying flat on bed, lethargic with sunken fontanels,
sunken eyeballs, dry pale lips, dyspnea, and distended abdomen.
9:10pm 37 80/50 43 99
7:00am 37 42 123
7 3pm
9:56am 36.8 90/50 44 118
6:13pm 38 90/50 42 135
7 7am
7 7am
Fine and evenly distributed, thin and dry hair was noted.
His nails were in convex shape, smooth in texture , capillary refill
of five seconds an untrimmed finger nails with poor skin turgor.
His skin was pale, dry, with fine and fare complexion
The size of head was in proportion with the body. The eyes
were symmetrical with the ears; with sunken fontanels and eyes.
When the eyes were tested papillary reaction to light, the pupil
constricted to 2mm. Ear had no discharges noted. Nasal septum
were intact and in the midline. Patient had cleft lip. The throat
was functioning well and in normal condition.
Patient’s CR was 140 bpm which is normal. No murmur
heard upon auscultation. There was no history of
cardiopulmonary disease.
Clinical Present Rationale
manifestations in the
Vomiting /
Excessive sweating
Incontinence (loss of
bowel control)
Dry mouth /
Once food has been reduced to a soft mass, it is ready to be swallowed. The
tongue pushes this mass—called a bolus—to the back of the mouth and into the
pharynx. This cavity between the mouth and windpipe serves as a passageway both
for food on its way down the alimentary canal and for air passing into the windpipe.
The epiglottis, a flap of cartilage, covers the trachea (windpipe) when a person
swallows. This action of the epiglottis prevents choking by directing food from the
windpipe and toward the stomach.
The mouth plays a role in digestion, speech, and breathing. Digestion begins
when food enters the mouth. Teeth break down food and the muscular tongue
pushes food back toward the pharynx, or throat. Three salivary glands—the
sublingual gland, the submandibular gland, and the parotid gland—secrete enzymes
that partially digest food into a soft, moist, round lump. Muscles in the pharynx
swallow the food, pushing it into the esophagus, a muscular tube that passes food
into the stomach. The epiglottis prevents food from entering the trachea, or
windpipe, during swallowing.
The stomach, located in the upper abdomen just below the diaphragm, is a
saclike structure with strong, muscular walls. The stomach can expand significantly
to store all the food from a meal for both mechanical and chemical processing. The
stomach contracts about three times per minute, churning the food and mixing it
with gastric juice. This fluid, secreted by thousands of gastric glands in the lining of
the stomach, consists of water, hydrochloric acid, an enzyme called pepsin, and
mucin (the main component of mucus). Hydrochloric acid creates the acidic
environment that pepsin needs to begin breaking down proteins. It also kills
microorganisms that may have been ingested in the food. Mucin coats the stomach,
protecting it from the effects of the acid and pepsin. About four hours or less after a
meal, food processed by the stomach, called chyme, begins passing a little at a
time through the pyloric sphincter into the duodenum, the first portion of the small
The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body, located at the top of
the abdomen on the right side of the body. A dark red organ with a spongy texture,
the liver is divided into right and left lobes by the falciform ligament. The liver
performs more than 500 functions, including the production of a digestive liquid
called bile that plays a role in the breakdown of fats in food. Bile from the liver
passes through the hepatic duct into the gallbladder, where it is stored. During
digestion bile passes from the gallbladder through bile ducts to the small intestine,
where it breaks down fatty food so that it can be absorbed into the body. Nutrient-
rich blood passes from the small intestine to the liver, where nutrients are further
processed and stored. Deoxygenated blood leaves the liver via the hepatic vein to
return to the heart.
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
May 3, 2007
2:30 am - to CIU
- Maintain on MHBR
- Refer accordingly
- Secure 1 unit of FFP of patient’s blood type and transfuse 78 cc x 4 hrs x 3 cycles
after proper retyping
May 3, 2007
May 3, 2007
7:00am -(Change present IVF to D5 IMB 500 cc + 10 mEq KCl @ 22 cc/hr x 24 hrs)-HOLD
- start another line with D5 0.3 NaCl @ KVO rate, sidedrip with Dopamine @ 2cc/hr
May 3, 2007
May 4, 2007
- cutdown drip
- IVF to follow: D5 IMB 500cc @ 20cc/hr, SD with Dopamine @ 2cc/hr, hook to infusion
May 5, 2007
11:30 am - IVF to ff : D5 IMB 500 cc @ 3 cc/hr x 24 hours (50 kcal)
- continue meds
May 6, 2007
- D/C 02 inhalation
May 7, 2007
- continue meds
May 8, 2007
May 9, 2007
- Ff up cranial CT scan
- Continue meds
- Still for LP
- Continue meds
- Continue meds
- NPO x 4 hrs
- Refer accordingly
- Vit K 1 mg IM
- Continue meds
- Transfer to MR
May 3,2007
11pm-7am 1:15am>Admitted this 3 months old, male child, lethargic, afebrile, dyspneic in due to
difficulty in breathing. Vital signs checked. Seen and examined by Dr. Dagooc with orders
made. Lab exams requested. IVF of PLR IL @ 156 cc as IV bolus. OGT inserted. O2
inhalation @ 4 Lpm per face mask. Suctioning of secretions done. For CXR-ADL. Ushered
to ward per wheelchair. Endorsed to NOD.
2:50am>In from ER per wheelchair, stupurous. On NPO with Ogt distal end to bedside
bottle. With an IVF of PLR, with ongoing infusion of 156ccx1hr. with O2 inhalation on @
4Lpm via face mask. Ushered to room. Placed on bed comfortably. O2 inhalation
continued. vs checked and recorded. Lab exams and medicines prescribed followed up.
Watched for.
May 3,2007
7am-3pm 7:00am>On bed, stupurous. On NPO with OGT open to bedside bottle. With PLR @104cc
in 2 hrs. with O2 inhalation @ 4Lpm via face mask. With pulse oximeter with O2
saturation @ 99%. To secure 1 unit Fresh Frozen Plasma for transfusion. Lab exams
followed up. vs taken and recorded. Medicated. Seen and examined by Dr.Dagooc with
orders made and carried out. Cared for.
May 3,2007
3-11pm 3:00pm> on bed stupurous and afebrile. On NPO with Ogt open to bedside bottle. With
IVF @ right arm D5 o.3 NaCl @ KVO rate, with side drip of dopamine @ 2 cc/hr via
infusion pump. With D5 LR @ 32 cc/hr x 8 hrs, on KSS. Still for insertion. On O2
inhalation. Still to secure FFP for transfusion. Vs checked and recorded. Lab exams
followed-up. due meds given. Watched for any unusualities.
May 3,2007
7-3 pm 7:00am> On bed awake, weak, pallor, coherent and responsive, on MHBR, with 02
inhalation @ 5 Lpm via face mask. With ongoing BT #2 FWB 500 cc with serial # 112-07-
23172 blood type A+. On left arm is PNSS 1L @ 200 cc/hr. Due meds given. With FBC to
urobag. Endorsed to NOD.
3-11pm 3:00pm> Received lying on bed, awake, responsive, and coherent to verbal
communication. On MHBR position. With droopy eyes noted. With pale lips, dry and warm
skin noted, capillary refill less than 2 seconds. Established rapport. On NPO except
medications. With 02 inhalaltion @ 5 lpm via nasal cannula. With double line IVF- #7
PNSS 1L @ 200 cc/hr infusing well @ L brachial vein, #8 PNSS 1L @ 100 cc/hr infusing
well @ R basilica vein. With FBC attached to urobag draining amber colored urine. On
CBR without BRP-reinstructed.
4:25pm> Above IVF consumed and followed-up with #9 PNSS 1L @ KVO rate @ R basilic
6:00pm> Above IVF consumed and followed-up with #9 PNSS 1L @ KVO rate @ R basilic
10:00pm> Still to secure 6 units of platelet and 3 units of fresh whole blood. Advise for
bone marrow biopsy, still undecided.
May 4, 2007
11.7 11 pm> Received asleep on bed, afebrile, on milk feeding 30cc every 3 hours per OGT, With
IVF of D5IMB @ 20 cc/hr with side of 2 cc/hr, with heplock @ left and right foot, with O2 @4
Lpm, to secure another unit of fresh frozen plasma followed-up, V/S checked, due meds given,
cared and watched for.
May 5, 2007
7.3 7 am> On bed, on milk feeding/OGT 30cc every 1hr, # 4 D5IMB @ 20cc/hr, with side drip to
run @ 2cc/hr, O2 @ 4cc/mask. To secure 1 unit Fresh Frozen Blood for transfusion. Watched and
cared for.
3.11 3 pm> Received patient on bed awake, febrile. On milk feeding 30cc every 3hr per OGT,
checked patency, with Ivf ofD5IMB 500cc @3cc/hr infusing well, withside drip dopamine @
2cc/hr per infusion pump, with O2 inhalation @ 5Lpm via face mask, still to secre fresh frozen
plasma followed-up. V/S checked once recorded. Watched and cared for.
11.7 11pm> On bed asleep, on dropperfeeding 50cc every 3hr, with IVF of D5IMB @ 3cc/hr x
24hr, infusing well @ the level of 400cc/hr, with side drip of dopamine @ 2cc/hr infusing via
infusion pump. O2 @5 Lpm via face mask. Still to secure fresh frozen plasma for transfusion.
V/S checked and recorded. Lab exams followed-up,due meds given. Watched for any
May 6, 2007
7.3 7am> On bed asleep, on dropper feeding 50cc every 3hr, with IVF D5IMB @ 3cc/hr x 24hr, with
attached O2 @ 5Lpm via face mask, to secure kit fresh frozen plasma for transfusion. Lab
exams followed-up. V/S taken and checked. Endorsed to NOD.
7:45> seen and examined by Dr. Garingalao with orders made and carried out. Transferred to
Cardio Ward as ordered.
3-11 3pm> On bed, asleep, dropper feeding, with IVF of D5IMB @ 5cc/hr.
Still for blood CS. still to secure urine and stool exam. Followed up availability of fresh frozen
plasma. V/S checked. Meds given. Endorsed to NOD.
11.7 11pm. Received on bed asleep, on dropper feeding 50cc every 3hr, with IVF of D5IMB @ 5cc/hr
on KSS. V/S checked and recorded. Meds followed up. Cared for.
May 7, 2007
7.3 7am> on bed awake, dropper feeding, with IVF regulated infusing well. V/S checked and
recorded. Meds cut off. Watched and cared for.
3-11 3pm> Received on bed awake, on dropper feeding, helock KSS, labs followed up. still to secure
blood followed up. V/S checked and recorded, medicated, watched and cared for,
11-7 11pm> received lying on bed, awake, patient not in respiratory distress, minimal wheezes
heard upon auscultation, with cleft lip, with good capillary refill, with good skin turgor, warm to
touch, with heplock on right metatarsal vein. On dropper feeding, for blood CS, U/A, S/E, ABG.
12am> VS checked and recorded, afebrile. Bedside care done; linens stretched and tucked
well. Health teachings rendered to mother such as increasing OFI, encouraged to promote
good hygiene. Instructed to keep child away from allergens such as dust, smoke,
ect...instructed to refer any unusualities and to comply medical regimens. Infant was able to
defecate 180cc- soft in characteristics and yellowish in color.
4am> V/S checked and recorded; afebrile; watched and cared for.
5am> morning care done. Intake and output summed up and recorded.
May 8, 2007
7.3 7:30am> received on bed awake with mother on side, with cleft lip palate, with heplock on
right metatarsal vein; on on respiratory distress. On syringe feeding, able to consume milk
feeding 50cc, able to defecate with semisolid character of stool and yellowish in color about
30cc. VS checked and recorded, afebrile T: 36.4, PR:109, RR:39, BP:90/50. Bedside care done.
Instructed mother to increase OFI and to report for vomiting and type of stool and its
consistency. V/S rechecked and documented. Give ample time for sleeping.
3pm> Health teaching given regarding proper hygiene, milk preparation, proper feeding
techniques and burping of the baby after each feeding. Observed closely for sign of intolerance
like vomiting and nausea.
3.11 3pm> Received on bed, awake on dropper feeding 70cc every 3hr, with heplock attached; still
patent. V/S checked and recorded, afebrile; lab exams followed up. due meds given, watched
and cared for.
11-7 11pm> Received on bed asleep ,with watcher on side, not in distress, with cleft lip, with good
skin turgor and warm to touch, with heplock in right metatarsal; V/S checked and recorded
afebrile; bedside care done. Linens stretched and properly tucked; left on bed comfortably.
Health teachings rendered to watcher such as increasing OFI of patient, promote good
ventilation and relaxation, encouraged mother to breastfed.
May 9, 2007
7.3 7am> Received patient on bed, sleeping with mother on side, with heplock @ right metatarsal
vein, on bottle feeding, able to consumed 90cc. V/S checked and recorded, afebrile, T:36.4,
PR:120, RR:28,BP:90/60. instructed mother to feed baby every 3-4 hours and should prepare
milk formula using sterile or distilled water and to report any sign of dehydration such as
cracked lips and sunken fontanels.
3-11 3pm> received patient on bed awake, on dropper feeding, with heplock attached on; V/S
taken and recorded, afebrile. Followed up availability of meds. Watched and cared for.
11-7 11pm> Received asleep on bed, afebrile; on dropper feeding with aspiration precaution, with
heplock attached, still for lumbar puncture, with consent, lab exams followed up, meds
followed up, V/S checked an recorded. Watched and cared for.
May 10, 2007
7-3 7am> On bed awake, on breast feeding with heplock, patent and intact. V/S checked and
recorded, labs followed up, medicated, watched and cared for.
3-11 3pm> Received on bed, awake, on dropper feeding 70cc every 3hrs; with heplock attached.
Still patent. V/S checked and recorded, afebrile. Lab exams followed up. Due meds given.
Cared for.
11-7 11pm> Received on bed, asleep, on dropper feeding; with heplock attached; V/S checked and
recorded; meds given, cared for.
7-3 7am> On bed, awake, on dropper feeding, with attached on. V/S checked and recorded, meds
given. Cared for.
3-11 3pm> Lying on bed asleep, on NPO temporarily; for lumbar puncture any time today with
consent. Still for cranial CT scan. V/S checked and recorded. Medicines provided, followed up
11-7 11pm> Received asleep on bed, afebrile, on dropper feeding, with heplock attached, still for LP
with consent. Lab exams and medicines followed up. V/S checked, cared for.
7-3 7am> On bed awake, NPO for 4 hours reminded, flat on bed x 4 hours, instructed, with
heplock, patent and intact, watched and cared for.
3-11 3pm> On bed asleep, on dropper feeding 79cc every 3 hours, with heplock attached on. V/S
checked and recorded. Lab exams followed up. Due meds given; watched for.
11-7 11pm> received asleep on bed, afebrile; on dropper feeding, with strict aspiration precaution,
with heplock attached, cranial ultrasound and lab exams followed up, V/S checked, meds
followed up, cared for.
3-11 3pm> Received on bed, awake; on dropper feeding every 3 hours. With heplock attached, still
patent. V/S cheched and recorded; afebrile. Lab exams followed up. Due meds given. Cared for.
11-7 11pm> Received asleep on bed; afebrile, on dropper feeding, with heplock attached. Urinalysis
and cranial ultrasound followed up, V/S checked, due meds given, cared for.
7-3 7am> Received patient cuddled by mother, awake. On breastfeeding, with heplock attached
on. V/S taken and recorded. Afebrile. Medicated. Watched and cared for.
3.11 3pm> On bed, afebrile, dropper feeding, with heplock attached; followed up cranial
ultrasound; urine CS followed up, fresh frozen plasma was available.
11-7 11pm> Received on bed, asleep, on dropper feeding, with heplock; V/S taken and recorded,
meds given; cared for.
May 15, 2007
7.3 7am> Received lying flat on bed, asleep with watcher at bedside. With heplock attached to
right metatarsal vein; still patent and intact. With cleft lip and dry skin warm to touched. With
normal capillary refill less than 2 seconds, with good skin turgor. Instructed on dropper feeding
every 3-4 hours.
8am> V/S checked and recorded; within normal ranges. Intake and output monitored closely as
ordered. Instructed watcher to report any signs of dehydration such as dry lips and skin,
sunken eyes and fontanels, vomiting, LBM, and weakness.
9am> Bed linen stretched and tucked well. Arranged things properly. Provided with restful
environment conducive for sleep. Changed soiled diaper into clean one, with semi-solid stool,
yellow in color weighing 70gs.
10am> Vitamin K given 1mg IM as ordered. Watched out for any signs of adverse reactions,
not noted. Able to consumed 70cc of milk via bottle feeding.
10:40am> Changed soiled diaper into clean one, with semi- solid formed stool, yellow in color
weighing 80gs. Measured head circumference as ordered: 40cm. health teaching imparted on
proper hygiene, importance of proper feeding and burping after each feeding, and to observe
for vomiting and LBM. IVTT meds given by NOD; watched out for any signs of adverse reaction,
not noted.
12nn> V/S rechecked and recorded. Intake and output monitored closely as ordered. Watched
out for any unusualities, not noted. Provided with restful environment conducive for sleep.
Needs attended to and cared for.
3-11 3pm> On bed asleep. On dropper feeding 70cc every 3 hours, with heplock attached. V/S
checked and recorded. Watched and cared for.
11-7 11pm> Received on bed, asleep. On dropper feeding 70cc every 3 hours. With heplock
attached. V/S checked and recorded. Meds given, cared for.
7-3 7am> Received carried by watcher per arm, awake andconscious. With no heplock
attached. With cleft lip and dry skin warm to touch. With normal capillary refill less than
2 seconds, with good skin turgor. Instructed on dropper feeding every 3-4 hours. Still for
cranial ultrasound; repeat CBC, platelet; for transfer to miscellaneous room.
8am> V/S checked and recorded; within normal ranges. Intake and output monitored
closely as ordered. Bed linens stretched and tucked well. Provided with restful
environment conducive for sleep. Able to consume 60cc of milk via bottle feeding with
good appetite. Instructed watcher to report any signs of dehydration such as dry lips and
skin, sunken fontanels, vomiting and diarrhea.
9am> Asleep; provided with restful and safe environment.
10am> Transferred to miscellaneous room as ordered. Bed linens stretched and tucked
well. Arranged things in proper place.
11am> IVTT meds given by medicating NOD as ordered. Watched out for any signs of
adverse reations, not noted. Instructed watcher to bottle feed within 3-4 hours.
12:30pm> V/S rechecked and recorded. Intake and output monitored closely as ordered.
Watched out for any unusualities, not noted. Needs attended and cared for.
Administered Paracetamol
for fever as ordered.
Instructed watcher to
perform TSB.
- provide comfort an
lowered body temperature.
A Risk Factors: Risk for Within 8 hrs of • Washed hands before & After 8 hrs of
Infection r/t nurse-patient after each care activity ,
• Decreased
P hemoglobin inadequate interaction, even if sterile gloves nursing care,
(20gm/dL) secondary will participate were used
R defenses 2˚ on GOAL MET
• Invasive -Reduces risk of cross -
Aplastic Anemia interventions contamination
procedures Patient was able
I such as foley Safety to prevent/
Rationale: to identify
catheter reduce risk of • Inspected wounds/site of
interventions to
L insertion, & Aplastic anemia infection as invasive devices daily,
paying particular prevent or
blood makes one evidenced by:
attention to parenteral reduce risk of
3 transfusion, Security susceptible to
and starting - Body nutrition lines. Noted infection as
double IV temperature signs of local evidenced by:
0, on RBCs, WBCs
lines & platelets will be within
which gives -Body
2 Objective: normal ranges - May provide portal of
high risk for entry for infection, primary
infection. WBC, -verbalization down to 37˚C
0 • Febrile @ Infection in particular,
infecting organisms,as well
37.8˚C of as early identification of
fights against -“kinahanglan
0 understanding secondary infections.
Protection foreign jud d I na limpyo
• Not taken a on proper
substances that • Noted signs and pirmi atong
7 bath for 2 enters the body. hygiene
days symptoms of sepsis lawas”, as
(systemic infection): verbalized.
3– • Untrimmed fever, altered LOC.
fingernails Reference:
-To assess causative/
Medical Surgical contributing factors
Nsg. 10th Ed by
Brunners &
• Monitored temperature
- facilitate in promoting
personal wellness
Clients with Acute Gastroenteritis, watchers are instructed to take the following plan for
M- Medications should be taken regularly as prescribed , on exact dosage, time, & frequency,
making sure that the purpose of medications is fully disclosed by the health care provider.
E- Exercise should be promoted in a way by stretching hand and feet every morning and
exercise burping every after bottle feeding.
T- Treatment after discharge is expected for patients and watcher with Acute Gastroenteritis
to fully participate in continuous treatment.
H- Hygiene must be maintained for patients with Acute Gastroenteritis. Promotion of
personal hygiene should be encouraged such as, daily bathing and changing of diapers
when soiled.
O- OPD such as regular follow-up check-ups should be greatly encouraged to clients wather
with Acute Gastroenteritis as ordered by physician to ensure the continuing management
and treatment.
D- Diet should be promoted, since, during admission, the patient was on NPO. Proper
selection of milk that are suitable for babies will help enhance immunity.
a. Doctor’s Order: 1.5mg IVTT now then PRN for frank seizures
b. Indication: Management of general anxiety disorder, panic disorders, and provides pre-
operative sedation.
c. Mechanism of Action: Depresses all levels of CNS, including the limbic and reticular formation,
probably through the increased action of GABA, which is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in
the brain.
d. Nursing Responsibilities:
Do not overuse or miss regularly scheduled doses. Administer drug properly as ordered.
• Ceftriaxone
c. Mechanism of Action: Inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis by binding to one or more o the
penicillin binding protein.
d. Nursing Responsibilities:
Assess for previous history of reaction to other cephalosphorin or penicillin. Monitor for allergic
Assess for bowel function (if severe diarrhea occurs, discontinue drug).
• Ampicillin
c. Mechanism of Action: Interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis during active multiplication,
causing cell wall death and resultant bactericidal against susceptible bacteria.
d. Nursing Responsibilities:
• Phenobarbital
b. Indication: For generalized tonic clonic (grand mal) and partial seizures.
c. Mechanism of Action: Interferes with transmission of impulses from the thalamus to the cortex
of the brain, resulting in an imbalance and facilitatory mechanism.
d. Nursing Responsibilities:
Constant observation and frequent monitoring of BP, RR and HR.
• Paracetamol
a. Doctor’s Order: 60mg IVTT q 4hrs (PRN for temp ≥ 37.8 °C)
c. Mechanism of Action: Reduces fever by acting on the hypothalamus to cause vasodilation and
d. Nursing Responsibilities:
• Dopamine
b. Indication: Treatment of shock which persist after adequate fluid volume replacement.
c. Mechanism of Action: Stimulates both adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors, lower doses are
mainly dopaminergic stimulating and produce renal and mesenteric vasodilation, higher doses
also are both dopaminergic and Beta1 adrenergic stimulating and produce cardiac stimulation
and renal vasodilation.
d. Nursing Responsibilities:
Monitor infusion site for extravasation.
• Silver Sulfadiazine
c. Mechanism of Action: Acts upon the bacterial cell wall and cell membrane.
d. Nursing Responsibilities:
Observe for hypersensitivity reactions (irritation, redness, burning or itching in unburned areas).
Doenges, Marielyn E., ET. Al. (2002) Nursing Care Plans, Guidelines for Individualizing Patient
Care. (6th Edition)
Doenges, Marielyn E., ET. Al. (2004). Nurse’s Pocket Guide. (9th Edition)
Kozier, Barbara ET. Al. (2004). Fundamentals of Nursing, Concepts, Process and Practice. (7th
Smeltzer, Suzanne C. ET. Al. (2000). Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. (9th Edition).
Smeltzer, Suzanne C. ET. Al. (2000). Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. Volume 1 (10th
Turkoski, Beatrice B., ET. Al. Drug Information Handbook for Nursing including Assessment,
Administration, Monitoring Guidelines and Patient Education (2000-01).
A Case Study
Aplastic Anemia
Presented to:
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
Presented by:
Cabibil, Ervin Rol C.
Colita, Arven Troy L.
Abundo, Jissa A.
Albero, Karren Rose A.
Aquino, Sunshine S.
Benilan, Melody E.
Cadiente, Joyce C.
Haguyahay, Faith E.
Hinay, Rodelyn B.
Javier, Kathleen Alyce B.
Legal, Chinki C.
Travilla, Allen Rose Y.