Edu Cat e GSD FX V5R8
Edu Cat e GSD FX V5R8
Edu Cat e GSD FX V5R8
Table of Contents
Master Exercise : the Mobile Phone
Creating the Wireframe Elements Creating the Surfaces Performing Operations Analyzing and Modifying Offsetting a Solid
p.7 p.11 p.13 p.18 p.21
Wireframe Geometry Recap Exercise Surface Geometry Recap Exercise Operation Recap Exercise Managing Features Recap Exercise The Knob
Generating the Wireframe Extruding Basic Surfaces Performing Operations Analyzing and Modifying the Draft Offsetting a Solid
Table of Contents
The Plastic Bottle
Creating the Bottom of the Bottle Creating the Body of the Bottle Creating the Bottleneck Assembling the Three Open Bodies Creating the Bottleneck Screw
p.38 p.43 p.47 p.57 p.63
p.71 p.74 p.78 p.80 p.85 p.90
p.94 p.98
p.101 p.107 p.111 p.117
Master Exercise
60 min.
In this exercise you will have the opportunity to complete a telephone part by creating the place for its screen. You will create the supporting Wireframe and build the base surfaces. Next, you will trim,. You will then perform a Draft analysis on the surfaces to determine if the telephone can be extracted from a mould. You will modify a supporting sketch and will see the automatic propagation of this change through to the final Skin. Finally, you will see how to work in a Hybrid environment by creating a Solid by offsetting the Skin.
Creating the Surfaces
Analyzing and splitting the part
Master Exercise
The Mobile Phone (Step 1): Creating the Wireframe Elements
10 min.
In this step you will create : Parallel curves on a support Extracted curves Connect Curves Corners Circles Projected curves
Do It Yourself (1/4)
Extract these edges from the original surface :
You created the basic elements to complete the wireframe geometry. Now you can hide the blue datum surface.
Load: CATGSD_F_Phone_Step1_start.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/4)
Create a parallel curve from the top extracted edge using the extracted face as support (offset=45mm) :
Create a parallel curve from the side extracted edge using the extracted face as support (offset=1.5mm) :
Create a parallel curve from the top extracted edge using the extracted face as support (offset=2mm)
Do It Yourself (3/4)
Create a connect curve using the first and the last parallel curve as support and project this connect curve to the extracted face :
Create a 3mm corner using the extracted face as support, the second parallel curve and the previously created project curve :
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 10
Do It Yourself (4/4)
Create a point on the YZ plane :
Create a circle using the previous point as center and the YZ plane as support (radius=4mm) :
Master Exercise
The Mobile Phone (Step 2): Creating the Surfaces
10 min.
In this step you will create : An adaptative sweep A swept surface A fill surface
Do It Yourself (1/6)
Load: CATGSD_F_Phone_Step2_start.CATPart
0.8 point
Insert a new open body and rename it Surfaces. Define in work object this open body. You are going to create points that are necessary to define the sections of the adaptative sweep : Create two points on the corner curve using the ratio 0.8 and 0.2.
0.2 point
You are now going to create the adaptative sweep based on these two points, the corner curves vertices and the corner curve : Open an adaptative sweep dialog box clicking on the adaptative sweep icon :
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 13
Do It Yourself (2/6)
Select the corner curve as guide curve. Right click in the sketch field and select create sketch. This dialog box appears : Select this vertex as point defining the first sweep section :
Click OK to access the sketcher and design the first sweep section.
Do It Yourself (3/6)
When in the sketch, design this profile :
Do It Yourself (4/6)
You are back in the adaptative sweep dialog box. Select the 0.8 ratio point to define the second section .
.. then select the 0.2 ratio point to define the third section
.. finally select the corner curves vertex to define the last section.
Do It Yourself (5/6)
In the adaptative sweep dialog box, modify the sections parameters :
Parameters correspondence
Do It Yourself (6/6)
Click OK to confirm the adaptative sweep surface creation :
Create a linear sweep using the circle as guide curve and the YZ plane as reference surface (length1=7mm, length2= 5mm, angle=100deg) :
Finally, create a fill surface using the upper boundary of the previously created sweep :
Master Exercise
The Mobile Phone (Step 3): Performing operations
20 min.
In this step you will perform : A symmetry Join operations Trim and split operations A variable fillet Edge filets
Do It Yourself (1/4)
Insert a new open body and rename it operations. Define in work object this open body. Apply a symmetry an the adaptative sweep using the ZX plane as reference. Join the two surfaces :
Join the linear sweep and the fill surface. Trim the datum blue surface with the first join :
Load: CATGSD_F_Phone_Step3_start.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/4)
Split the second join surface with the previous trim surface :
Create a variable radius fillet on these two edges (from 2mm at the phone top to 4mm at the phone bottom) :
Do It Yourself (3/4)
Create a 1mm edge fillet on these two edges :
Do It Yourself (4/4)
Create a 0.5mm edge fillet
Master Exercise
The Mobile Phone (Step 4): Analysis and Modifications
10 min.
In this step you will : Perform a draft analysis on the surface. Modify the adaptative sweep parameters. Create a reflect line to split the surface and make it extractible from a mold.
Do It Yourself (1/5)
Insert a new open body and rename it Analysis. Define in work object this open body. Create a reflect line using the surface as support, Z as direction and an angle of 90deg : CATIA asks you if you want to keep only one sub-element of the generated reflect line. Click YES and use the point (0,0,0) to define the near element :
Load: CATGSD_F_Phone_Step4_start.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/5)
Use this reflect line to split in two parts the surface, keeping both sides. Two split entities are generated. Rename the top surface top and the bottom one bottom. Hide the top surface. Perform a draft analysis on the bottom surface :
Do It Yourself (3/5)
Perform a draft analysis on the top surface :
There is a red area in this analysis : that means that the upper surface cannot be extracted. It needs to be modified.
Do It Yourself (4/5)
Access the surface open body and edit the adaptative sweep. Modify the section.1 and section.2 angle parameter :
Do It Yourself (5/5)
Confirm the Adaptative sweep modification by clicking OK in the adaptative sweep dialog box. The complet surface is updated and the analysis becomes :
Master Exercise
The Mobile Phone (Step 5): Offsetting a Solid
10 min.
In this step you will : Add thickness on the surfaces. Perform a Boolean operation. Sew a surface. Create an edge fillet.
Do It Yourself (1/2)
Access the part design workbench. Insert a new body. In this new body, apply a thickness to the top surface :
Define in work object the part body. Apply the same thickness to the bottom surface :
Load: CATGSD_F_Phone_Step5_start.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 31
Do It Yourself (2/2)
Add these two bodies :
In the operation Open Body, show the splitted antenna : Sew this surface to the previously created solid :
Wireframe Geometry Recap Exercise 10 min.
Do It Yourself
Create a Maximum Z Extremum on the left curve and a Minimum Z Extremum on the right curve Create a Connect Curve using the Extremums (Tangency Continuity; Trim Option) Optional: Create a Swept Surface per parameters above using the Connect Curve you just created
Load: wireframe_recap_begin.CATPart
Surface Geometry Recap Exercise 10 min.
Do It Yourself (1/2)
Offset 7 surfaces (1 mm.) from the inside of the Solid Clamp. Create a Blend Surface (Tangent Limits) to close off the Offset Surfaces. Extra Credit: Insert a JOIN operation to assemble all the Offset surfaces and the Blend surface into one single surface.
Load: exhaust_begin.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/2)
Extract a Boundary Curve from this JOIN surface. Create a Segment Sweep Surface using the black circle as a profile, the Output1-Plane as reference surface, a 88 degree angle and 100mm for length1.
Create a Loft tangent to the Join and the Sweep surfaces and using Spline.1 as the Spine. (Make sure that the Closing Points are on the same side and that the section curves are oriented in the same direction - see arrows otherwise you will have a twisted Loft).
Reference model : exhaust_end.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 37
Operation Recap Exercise 15 min.
This Dolphin is a fun part that would normally be most efficiently created as a solid. However, creating it as a surface model, although leading to a heavier model, will allow us to practice creating all the different types of Fillets available: Shape, Edge, Variable, Face-to-Face, and Tri-Tangent.
Do It Yourself (1/3)
For this exercise, go to the menubar and change the Units to Inches. (Note: The model is quite heavy so be patient during your interactions.) Create a Face-Face Fillet (Radius 0.9 in.) selecting faces on the two upper fins. Trim this Fillet with all the side fins (Join.15)
Load: dolphin_begin.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/3)
Create two Variable Fillets on these edges from (R=0.1in.) at the bottom to (R=0.03in.) at the top. Create Tri-Tangent Fillets for the four side fins.
Do It Yourself (3/3)
Create a (R=0.25in.) Shape Fillet between the last Tri-Tangent and the Nose surface of the Dolphin - use the Trim option to obtain a single surface as the result. Create (R=0.25in.) Edge Fillets between the body and the two front side fins.
Managing Features and Open Bodies Recap Exercise
10 min.
You will use the Group management tool to organize the specification tree of the Dolphin part Shape, Edge, Variable, Face-to-Face, and Tri-Tangent.
Do It Yourself
Create a Group SurfaceModel from the Open Body leaving out the six sketches. Rename the sketches to the names below and change the sketch color and line width for easy visualization. Go into the Front_Top_Fin sketch and drag the top right control point. Exit the sketch and update the part.
Load: dolphin_adv.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 43
The Knob 60 min.
In this exercise you will have the opportunity to model an appliance Knob starting from an empty model. You will create the supporting Wireframe and build the base surfaces for a quarter section of the Knob. Next, you will trim, fillet, and perform symmetry operations on these surfaces to obtain the complete Knob. You will then perform a Draft analysis on the surfaces to determine if the Knob can be extracted from a mould. In order to obtain a 4 Degree draft, you will modify a supporting line segment and will see the automatic propagation of this change through to the final Skin. Finally, you will see how to work in a Hybrid environment by creating a Solid by offsetting the Skin. A completed model Knob_Completed.CATPart is available for reference.
4 mm. Thickness
Offset a solid
The Knob (Step 1): Generating the Wireframe
10 min.
In this step you will sketch and constrain the wireframe geometry that will support the surface.
Do It Yourself (1/3)
Using the ZX Plane as Support, draw on the fly a quarter circle with R=64 mm, centered on the origin ; as shown.
Rem. : Do not use the sketcher. Use the stacking commands functionality
Load: Knob_Step1_start.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/3)
Using the YZ Plane as Support, draw the highlighted arc on the right at the position shown.
Rem. : Do not use the sketcher. Use the stacking commands functionality
Do It Yourself (3/3)
Using the YZ Plane, Sketch the line on the right and set all the Constraints as shown. Save your Part. Call it Knob_Step1
The Knob (Step 2): Extruding Basic Surfaces
10 min.
In this step you will create the basic surfaces for the Knob.
Do It Yourself
Extrude the two arcs by 70 mm and revolve the line by 90 Degrees. Save your part. Name it Knob_Step2.
Load: Knob_Step2.CATPart
The Knob (Step 3): Performing operations
20 min.
In this step you will perform the following operations on the Knob: Trim Split Extrapolate Variable Fillet Edge Fillet Symmetry Join
Do It Yourself (1/4)
Trim the first Extrusion with the Revolution. Split the second Extrusion with the Trim.
Load: Knob_Step3.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/4)
Extrapolate the Split Up to Element - specify the Trim. Use the Assemble Result option. Extrapolate the Extrapolation Up to Element - specify the Trim. Use the Assemble Result option. Trim this second Extrapolation with the first Trim.
Do It Yourself (3/4)
Rotate the part around. Put in a fillet varying from 20 mm. on the left to 10 mm. on the right. Apply a R = 5 mm constant EdgeFillet on the edges shown below.
Do It Yourself (4/4)
Perform a Symmetry on the resulting EdgeFillet. Now, Join the two symmetrical parts. Perform a Symmetry on the Join and once again, Join the two symmetrical parts. Save your part as Knob_Step3.
The Knob (Step 4): Analyzing and modifying draft
10 min.
In this step you will perform Draft Analysis on the Knob. You will then modify underlying Wireframe geometry in order to increase the Draft Angle. Notice how the change propagates to downstream surfaces and how the Analysis visualization is immediately updated.
Do It Yourself (1/2)
To see the result of the Draft Analysis, the current Render Style must be Customized with Materials active. Select the final surface and activate the Draft Analysis Tool. Set the Color Code Bar as above.
Load: Knob_Step4.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/2)
Close the Color Code Bar. Double-Click into the Line Sketch and change the angle to 86 Degrees. Upon exiting from the Sketcher, the software propagates the change to the surfaces and the Draft Visualization is updated immediately.
The Knob (Step 5): Offsetting a Solid 10 min.
In this step you will see how surfaces are useful for creating complex solids. In this exercise you will specify an offset on the final surface to obtain a solid with a specific wall thickness.
Do It Yourself (1/2)
Change to the Part Design Workbench. Select the final join and create a 4mm Thicksurface pointing inward. No-Show the open body to see only the solid. Switch the render style to wireframe mode and look normal to the YZ plane. Notice that the offset of the 4 mm Degree drafted wall has resulted in a nonhorizontal footprint for the knob.
Load: Knob_Step5.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/2)
Perform a Split on the solid using the XY plane to take off the excess. Add a material Rubber and switch to the Customize Render Style.
The Plastic Bottle 3 hours.
In this exercise you will see how to create a plastic bottle using the Generative Shape Design workbench functionnalities : Creating wireframe elements (point, line, plane..) Creating surfaces (sweep,loft, extrude,revolve) Manipulating surfaces (trim, symmetry, join)
Creation of wireframe geometry : points, lines, planes, helix using the stacking commands capabilities and working on support Creation of surfaces using Sweep, Loft, Extrude and Revolve Operations on surfaces using Fillets, Trim, Join and healing Analysing the surfaces using the connect checker.
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2 3
Creating the bottleneck screw on the assembled part Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 66
The Plastic Bottle (Step 1): Creating the bottom of the bottle
30 min.
In this step you will complete the existing Wireframe and create the bottles bottom surfaces.
Do It Yourself (1/4)
Insert a new Open Body, rename it as Bottle_Bottom. Create an Intersection point between the Intersect.1 axis and the green profile Sketch.2. Working on the ZX plane support, draw a circle by Center and point (creating the center point on the fly) with the following characteristics :
Center point on the pink axis and 5 mm below the Intersection point just created (Intersect.4) Intersect.4 as point and 90 and 90 degrees as Start and End angle.
Load: start_bottle.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 68
Do It Yourself (2/4)
Create a point on plane (-15mm ; -20mm) with the Intersect.4 as reference. Create a Symmetry of this point using the pink axis (Intersect.1) as reference. Using these two points, create two bi-tangent lines with the previous circle. Trim the two created lines with the circle. Exit the Work on support mode. Create two symmetric planes with a angle of 36 degrees with the YZ reference plane.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 69
Do It Yourself (3/4)
Create an Explicit sweep using the Trim.2 as profile and the green Sketch.2 as Guide curve. Create a 180 degrees revolved surface using the Sketch.1 as profile and the Intersect.1 as axis. Trim the two created surfaces.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 70
Do It Yourself (4/4)
Create a Variable edge fillet as shown. Split the created EdgeFillet.1 with the two 36 degrees planes created before. Create 4 Rotate surfaces (72 degrees) to complete the bottom. Join the created surfaces an rename the Join as Bottle_Bottom.
Reference model : bottle_step1_end.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 71
The Plastic Bottle (Step 2): Creating the bottle body
30 min.
In this step you will complete the existing Wireframe and create the bottles body surfaces.
Do It Yourself (1/3)
Circle.1 Parallel.3
Parallel.1 Sketch.4
Insert a new Open Body, rename it as Bottle_Body. Create two parallel curves of the Sketch.4 on the ZX plane at a distance of 3mm in both directions. Create a parallel curve of the Circle.1 on the Plane.2 at a distance of 1.6mm inward. Create 2 Combined curves between the Circle.1 and the two curves Parallel.1 and Parallel.2 Create a Combined curve between the Sketch.4 and the Parallel.3
Load: bottle_step2_begin.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 73
Do It Yourself (2/3)
Create a Implicit Circular Swept surface with three guides using the three created combined curves as guide curves. Create 3 instances of this Sweep using a Translate along the Z axis and the Repeat object after OK option. For the distance between the instances, create the formula :
Starting_crv\Plane.2\Offset.1\Offset /5
Do It Yourself (3/3)
Create an Revolved surface using the Sketch.3 as profile and the the Intersect.1 as Revolution axis. Trim the created revolved surface with the previous Join. Create a 2 mm edge fillet on the edges resulting of the previous Trim. Rename the created fillet as Bottle_Body.
Load: bottle_step2_end.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 75
The Plastic Bottle (Step 3): Creating the bottleneck
60 min.
In this step you will complete the existing Wireframe and create the bottleneck surfaces.
Do It Yourself (1/9)
Insert a new Open Body, rename it as Bottle_Body. Create a Point between the Intersect.2 and Intersect.3 points with a ratio of 0.6 Create a plane parallel to the Plane.2 through the created Point.3
Load: bottle_step3_begin.CATPart
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Do It Yourself (2/9)
Draw this Sketch on the ZX plane. Create two extremum ( Minimum and Maximum) points on the sketch in the Z direction.
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Do It Yourself (3/9)
Create an Revolved surface using the Sketch.3 as profile and the the Intersect.1 as Revolution axis. Create a Boundary curve with the lower edge of the revolution surface. Create a point on the boundary at a quarter distance from the Extremum.2
Load: bottle_step3_revol.CATPart
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Do It Yourself (4/9)
Create a 12 mm Extruded surface with the Circle.1 in the Z axis direction upward. Create a Boundary curve with the lower edge of the revolution surface. Create a 35 mm radius circle on the Plane.5 with the Point.3 as center.
Do It Yourself (5/9)
Create two projected points of Extremum.2 on the Circle.3 and on the Boundary.2 Create a Loft between the three sections : Boundary.1 ; Circle.3 ; Boundary.2 Use the boundaries surfaces as tangents and the Extremum.2 and its projections as closing points
Do It Yourself (6/9)
Create a Line on the Loft. Starting from the extremum.2 with an angle of 45 deg with the upper boundary and with a length of 500 mm. Create a second line on the Loft, starting of the Point.4 with all the same characteristics than the previous line.
Load: bottle_step3_loft.CATPart
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Do It Yourself (7/9)
Create a new boundary curve on the revolution surface relimited by the two previous lines. Create a second boundary on the Extruded surface relimited by the two previous lines. Hide the Loft and create a Fill surface with four previous curves.
Do It Yourself (8/9)
Create 7 rotated instances of the fill surface around the Intersect.1 axis (45deg rotation) Analyze the gap between the Fill.1 and the first rotated surface.
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Do It Yourself (9/9)
Create a healing surface with the Fill.1 and all the rotated surfaces. Define a Merging distance of 0.5mm Join this surface with the revolution and the Extruded surfaces. Rename the Join as Body_Style.
Reference model: bottle_step3_end.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 85
The Plastic Bottle (Step 4): Assembling the three open-bodies
20 min.
In this step you will complete the existing Wireframe and assemble the previous bodies with trim operations and fillets.
Do It Yourself (1/5)
Insert a new Open Body, rename it as Bottle_Assembled. Create a 2mm upward offset plane from the Plane.1. Create a 2mm downward offset plane from the Plane.2.
Load: bottle_step4_begin.CATPart
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Do It Yourself (2/5)
Create an Intersection between the Plane.7 and the Bottle_Body. Create an Intersection between the Plane.6 and the Bottle_Body. Create an Intersection element between the Plane.1 and the Bottle_Bottom.
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Do It Yourself (3/5)
Create an Implicit linear swept surface with two guide curves : Intersect.6 and Intersect.7 Create an Implicit linear swept surface with two guide curves : Intersect.5 and Circle.1
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Do It Yourself (4/5)
Trim the upper swept surface with the Bottle_Body. Trim the previous Trim with the Body_Style surface. Trim the lower swept surface with the Bottle_Bottom. Trim the two last trims.
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Do It Yourself (5/5)
Create an 5mm EdgeFillet on the two salient edges. Rename the fillet as Bottle_Assembled.
The Plastic Bottle (Step 5): Creating the bottleneck screw
20 min.
In this step you will complete the existing Wireframe and bottleneck screw surfaces.
Do It Yourself (1/4)
Insert a new Open Body, rename it as Bottleneck_Screw. Create on the fly a point and a plane with the characteristics shown below.
Load: bottle_step5_begin.CATPart
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Do It Yourself (2/4)
Create a Helix starting from the last created Point.5 with Intersect.1 as axis and with the following parameters : Pitch = 3 mm / Height = 7mm / Orientation = Counterclockwise Create a line normal to the helix on the last Plane.8 starting ay 1.6mm from the Point.5 with a Length of 20mm
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Do It Yourself (3/4)
Create a point on the helix at a distance of 0.8mm from the starting Point.5 Create a Connect Curve to link the Helix with the Line.5
Do It Yourself (4/4)
Create an Implicit cirular profile swept surface. Choose Center and radius as subtype, Connect.1 as Center curve and a radius of 0.8mm. Trim the created sweep with the assembled bottle.
Reference model : bottle_step5_end.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 96
The Space Mouse 3 hours.
In this exercise you will see how to create an Hybrid part using the Generative Shape Design and the Part Design workbenches : Creating Wireframe elements. Creating surfaces and solids. Assembling surfaces and solids.
Build an hybrid part : the Space Mouse Base that is used in an Assembly.
Create the base pad and the upper fillet
Create the surfacic elements
Sew the surface on the pad
Shell the created solid.
Split the part with the imported surface
Create the groove.
8 7
Create the shaft Create the holes and the pockets
The Space Mouse (Step 1): Creating the base pad and the upper fillet
30 min.
In this step you will create the base sketch, the main pad of the part, and you will fillet the upper face of the pad.
Do It Yourself (1/2)
Draw the following sketch on the XoY plane. Create a plane with an angle of 6.5 deg with the XoY plane.
Load: SMBase_begin.CATPart
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Do It Yourself (2/2)
Create a Up-to-Plane pad with the previous sketch and the upper plane.
Create a 3mm edge fillet on the upper edge of the previously created pad.
The Space Mouse (Step 2): Creating the surfacic elements
20 min.
In this step you will create two profiles, a loft from these profiles, a fill surface, and finally you will split the surfaces with the pad.
Do It Yourself (1/3)
Create a 10mm offset from the XoZ plane.
Create a 110mm offset from the XoZ plane in the same direction. On the first plane draw this sketch :
Do It Yourself (2/3)
Create a loft using the two created sketches :
Do It Yourself (2/3)
Create a fill surface between the line and the first sketch.
Join the filled surface with the previous loft. Split this join with the lower face of the pad.
The Space Mouse (Step 3): Sewing the surface on the pad
5 min.
Do It Yourself
In the CATIA Part Design workbench, sew the previously created split surface with the solid.
Load : SMBase_step2.CATPart
The Space Mouse (Step 4 to 7):
20 min.
In these steps, you will create a groove, split the part with an imported surface, shell the solid and create a shaft.
Do It Yourself : step 4
On the YZ plane, draw the following sketch :
Load : SMBase_step3.CATPart
Do It Yourself : step 5
Select the imported_surface in the tree and put it in Show mode :
Load : SMBase_step4.CATPart
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Do It Yourself : step 6
Create a shell of the solid with a 2mm inside thickness :
Load : SMBase_step5.CATPart
Do It Yourself : step 7
Load : SMBase_step6.CATPart
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The Space Mouse (Step 8):Creating the holes and pockets
20 min.
In these steps, you will create holes, instantiate holes with a user pattern and create pockets.
Do It Yourself (1/4)
Create a 28mm diameter hole on the shaft.
Do It Yourself (2/4)
Create a Up_to-Next pocket with the sketch you have just created
Do It Yourself (3/4)
Create the following sketch on the upper plane of the part :
Do It Yourself (4/4)
Create a 0,5mm edge fillet an the upper edges of the created holes. Sketch the following profile on the ZX plane. Create a pocket from this sketch.
The Space Mouse (Step 9):Assembling a new body to the part body and patterning it.
20 min.
In these steps, you will create a new body, a shaft and pad under this new body, assemble this body with the part body, and create a circular pattern of this assembled body.
Do It Yourself (1/3)
Insert a new body. Sketch the following profile on the YZ plane. Create a 12,5 degree symmetrical shaft from the previous profile.
Load : SMBase_step8.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/3)
Create a 0,5mm edge fillet on the 5 edges as shown. Sketch a 8mm diameter circle on the bottom face of the part.
Do It Yourself (3/3)
Create a circular pattern of the assembled body as shown below.
3 hours. The Shampoo Bottle
In this exercise you will: Create wireframe elements Create Lofted Surface Create Extrude Surfaces Create Fill Surfaces Create Fillets Create Join Create Split
Creating Basic Shape Wireframe Geometry
Creating a Lofted Surface
Creating the Filled Surface
Join Surfaces
Create a Symmetry and Join the surfaces
Creating The Bottom Fillet
Creating Bottleneck
Thick the Surface
Creating the Handle of the Bottle Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002
Creating Fillets 125
Do It Yourself
3 hours. The Lemon Squeezer
In this exercise you will create a Lemon Squeezer starting from an existing model. First you will complete the supporting Wireframe using : Evolution laws Extremum points Wireframe relimitation Next, you will create the surfaces using : Swept and fill surfaces Blend surfaces with coupling points Trim operator Then you will add fillet on sharp edges and you will create filtering holes in the lemon squeezer using : Circular patterns Projected curves
1 mm fillets
Filtering Holes
Creating basic surfaces
Creating blend surface with coupling and adding the handle
Creating filtering holes
The Lemon Squeezer (Step 1): Completing the Wireframe Elements
30 min.
In this step you will: Create an evolution law Use it to create a driven parallel curve Create an extremum point Re-limite the existing Wireframe elements
Do It Yourself (1/5)
Using the Knowledge advisor create an evolution law in the PART 2 : Y=abs(2sin(10 X))
Rem. : Before creating the law the part has to be active as shown below.
Load : lemon_start.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/5)
Create a parallel curve to Circle.1 on Plane.3 using the law mode : select Law.
Do It Yourself (3/5)
Create the symmetry of Parallel.1 using Project.2 as reference. Join it to the previously created parallel curve.
Do It Yourself (4/5)
Create the minimum point on Sketch.1 along the Z axis.
Do It Yourself (5/5)
Translate Project.2 :
Direction = Plane.3 Distance = 10mm.
Create a plane parallel to Plane.3 through point. On the previously created plane create a circle :
Radius = 2mm.
The Lemon Squeezer (Step 2): Creating the basic surfaces
30 min.
In this step you will: Create swept surfaces Create fill surfaces Join the result
Do It Yourself (1/3)
Create the following explicit sweep and create the lower boundary :
Load : lemon_step1_end.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/3)
Create the following explicit sweep and create the lower boundary :
Do It Yourself (3/3)
Fill the Circle.5 passing through the point called Translate. 3:
The Lemon Squeezer (Step 3): Creating a blend surface with coupling points and adding the handle
30 min.
In this step you will: Create coupling points Create blend surface using the coupling points Add the handle to the result
Do It Yourself (1/5)
Create the upper boundary of the entity Join.3. Create a plane passing through this boundary and its central point. Using the previously created elements create a polar extremum on the boundary :
Do It Yourself (2/5)
Create a point on the boundary curve using the extremum point previously created as reference.
Do It Yourself (3/5)
Put Circle.5 in the No-Show and create the boundary of the fill surface Fill.3. Project all the previously created points on this boundary (you can project them in one operation).
Do It Yourself (4/5)
Create a blend to complete the part using the previously created points as coupling points :
Do It Yourself (5/5)
Show the handle and trim it with the previous Join.
The Lemon Squeezer (Step 4): Creating the filtering holes
30 min.
In this step you will: Create a sketch Create a circular pattern Project curves Trim a surface with curves
Do It Yourself (1/4)
Create an offset plane from XY (10mm and Z direction) and create this sketch in this plane :
Load : lemon_step3_end.CATPart
Do It Yourself (2/4)
Create a circular pattern from the previous ellipse on the Plane.7 :
Do It Yourself (3/4)
Project in the Z direction the ellipse and the circular pattern on the main surface (keeping all the sub-elements) :
Do It Yourself (4/4)
Split the Lemon Squeezer with the previous projected curves :
Rem. : The projection of the circular pattern engenders a single nonconnex entity. This reduces the number of Split operations.
Reference model : lemon_step4_end.CATPart
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