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New TYBCOM Paper Pattern

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AC. 10/02/2012 Item No. 4.



Paper Pattern for the

(For Academic year 2011-12 & 2012-13)

T.Y.B.Com. Papers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 16 17 18 19 20 Financial Accounting and Auditing: Paper III Financial Accounting and Auditing: Paper IV Financial Accounting and Auditing: Paper V Direct and Indirect Taxes Business Economics Paper III Commerce Paper III (MHRM) Export Marketing Computer System and Applications Business Management I Business Management II Business Management III Labour Welfare & Practice Purchasing and Storekeeping Marketing Research Entrepreneurship and Management of Small Scale Industry

Rural Marketing. Trade Unionism & Industrial Relations. Regional Planning Transport Management Psychology of Human Behavior at Work (PHBW)

Question Paper Pattern Annual Examination : 60 Marks 1. Financial Accounting and Auditing: Paper III Financial Accounting
Q. No.
1 1 2 2 a b 3 3 a b 4 4 For the Academic Year: 2011-12 and 2012-13

Third Year B. Com.

Problem OR Problem Problem OR Problem Problem Problem OR Problem Problem Objective questions* OR Objective questions*



15 15 8 7 15 8 7 15 15 15 15 15

Total Marks


*Multiple Choice / True or False / Fill in the Blanks / Match the Columns/Short

2. Financial Accounting and Auditing: Paper IV Cost Accounting and Auditing

Q. No.
1 1 2 a b 2 a b 3 a b 3 a b 4 4

Problem (Costing) OR Problem (Costing) Problem (Costing) Problem (Costing) OR Problem (Costing) Problem (Costing) Auditing Auditing OR Auditing Auditing Objective questions* (Auditing) OR Objective questions* (Auditing)



15 8 7 15 8 7 8 7 15 8 7 15 15 15

Total Marks


*Multiple Choice / True or False / Fill in the Blanks / Match the Columns/Short

3. Financial Accounting and Auditing: Paper V Management Accounting

Q. No. 1 1 2 2 a b 3 3 a b 4 4 Particulars Problem OR Problem Problem OR Problem Problem Problem OR Problem Problem Objective questions* OR Objective questions* 15 8 7 15 15 8 7 15 15 15 15 15 Marks 15 15 marks

Total Marks


*Multiple Choice / True or False / Fill in the Blanks / Match the Columns/Short

4. Direct and Indirect Taxes

Q. No. 1 1 2 a b 2 a b 3 a b 3 a b 4 Particulars Computation of total Income Income Tax OR Computation of total Income Income Tax Problem - MVAT Problem Service Tax OR Short Questions - MVAT Problem Service Tax Problem - MVAT Short Questions Service Tax OR Theory - MVAT Theory Service Tax Objective questions* Income Tax MVAT Service Tax (5 marks each) OR 4 Objective questions* Income Tax MVAT Service Tax (5 marks each) 15 15 7 8 15 8 7 7 8 15 15 8 7 15 Marks 15 15 marks

Total Marks


*Multiple Choice / True or False / Fill in the Blanks / Match the Columns/Short



The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students with the various aspects of Banking, Growth and Structure of Banking, Financial Markets, Public Finance, International Trade and WTO and Exchange Rate Determination SECTION I MODULE: 1 - COMMERCIAL BANKING A) Commercial Banking-Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks Trade off between Liquidity and Profitability. B) Banking Sector Reforms: Measures, Performance with respect to Public, New Private and Foreign Banks in the Post Reforms Period-New Technology in Banking in India. (15 Lectures) MODULE: 2- CENTRAL BANKING Changing Trends in Monetary Policy in India- RBIs Short Term Liquidity Management Role and Performance of Micro Finance, Self Help Groups and Composite Credit. (15 Lectures) MODULE: 3 - FINANCIAL MARKETS A) Money Market: Components and Features of Indian Money Market Money Market Reforms in India. B) Capital Market: Significance in Economic Development Capital Market Reforms - Role of SEBI- Role and Importance of Mutual Funds, Equity Market, Forward, Future and Commodity Market. (15 Lectures)

SECTION II MODULE: 4 - PUBLIC FINANCE Changing trends in Tax and Non-Tax in India - Public Expenditure: Classification of Public Expenditure, Causes for Increase in Public Expenditure in India Public Debt: Meaning and Classification Burden of Internal and External Debt - Concepts of Deficits: Revenue, Budgetary, Fiscal & Primary Deficits FRBM Act (15 Lectures) MODULE: 5 - INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND WTO Gains from International Trade - Balance of Trade and Payments Causes of Disequilibrium in BOP Measures to Correct Disequilibrium in BOP- Emerging Trends in Indias BOP position since 1991-WTO : Functions and Agreements with reference to TRIPS, TRIMS & GATS. (15 Lectures) MODULE: 6-EXCHANGE RATE DETERMINATION Exchange Rate Determination Purchasing Power Parity Theory- Foreign Exchange MarketFunctions and Dealers- Spot and Forward Exchange Rates-RBIs Intervention and Foreign Exchange Rate Management (15 Lectures)

Pattern of Question Paper

I. II. III. IV. V. Therewillbe4questions.Allthequestionsarecompulsory,havinginternalchoice. QuestionNo.1islonganswer15marksquestionbasedonModulesIandIV. QuestionNo.2isshortanswer15(8+7)marksquestionsbasedonModulesIIORIII. QuestionNo.3isshortanswer15(8+7)marksquestionsbasedonModulesVandVI. QuestionNo4isobjectivetypequestionsincludingTrue/False,withreasonsandmultiplechoice questionsbasedonallmodules.

Q1.A.(15marks)FromModuleI OR B.(15marks)FromModuleIV. Q2. A. (8 marks) From Module II B (7 marks) OR C. (8 marks) D (7 marks) Q3. A. (8 marks) B (7 marks) OR C. (7 marks) D (8marks) From Module V From Module VI From Module III From Module III From Module V From Module VI From Module II

Q4.A.True/False,withreasons.Attemptanyfour(4x2=8) i. FromModuleI ii. FromModuleII iii. FromModuleIII iv. FromModuleIV v. FromModuleV vi. FromModuleVI B.MultipleChoiceQuestions.Attemptanyseven(7x1=7) i. FromModuleI ii. FromModuleI iii. FromModuleII iv. FromModuleII v. FromModuleIII vi. FromModuleIII vii. FromModuleIV viii. FromModuleIV ix. FromModuleV x. FromModuleV xi. FromModuleVI xii. FromModuleVI

6. Commerce Paper III (MHRM)

N.B. i. All questions are compulsory. ii. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 Answer any one out of two: a) Marketing ( Module 1) b) Human Resource Management (Module 1) Q.2. Answer any two out of four: (Marketing Module 2,3,4) Q.3. Answer any two out of four: (Human Resource Mangement Module 2,3,4) Q.4. Objective Type Questions. A. Multiple Choice Questions (All five questions from the entire syllabus) B. True or False (All five questions from the entire syllabus) C. Match the Following (All five questions from the entire syllabus) 15 marks 15 marks 15 marks 15 marks

7.Export Marketing
N.B. i. All questions are compulsory. ii. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q1. Answer any one out of two (Module 1 &2). Q 2. Answer any two out of four (Module 3, 4, 5, 6) . Q.3. Answer any two out of four (Module 7, 8, 9,10). Q.4 Objective Type Questions. A. Abbreviations (All five questions from the entire syllabus) B. True or False (All five questions from the entire syllabus) C. Match the Following (All five questions from the entire syllabus) 15 marks 15 marks 15 marks 15 marks

8. Computer System and Applications.

Q 1 is a long question with internal option with sub questions of 8 and 7 marks. Total marks 15. The question is based on unit 1 &2 of the syllabus. Q 2 and Q3 have internal option with sub questions of 5 marks each. Total marks 15 for each question. They are based on unit 3, 4, & 5 of the syllabus. Q 4 is objective question with all objectives of 1 mark each based on the entire syllabus. Objective questions can include True/False, MCQ, difference between, match the following etc.

9. Special Subject: Business Management Paper I

Question Paper Pattern. All questions are compulsory with internal options Question I:- Long Answers- Any one out of Two: 15 marks Question 2:- Short Answers- Any two out of Four: 15 Marks Question 3:- Short Answers-Any two out of Four: 15 Marks Question 4:- Objective type questions such as fill in the blanks, match the columns, true or false, answer in one word etc.: 15 marks N.B. i. All questions are compulsory. ii. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 Answer any one out of two: a) Management ( Module I) b) Staffing (Module IV a b) Q.2. Answer any two out of four: Q.3. Answer any two out of four: Module IV c V, VII & VIII) Q.4. Objective Type Questions. A. Multiple Choice Questions B. True or False with reasons C. Match the Following (A column 5 points and B column 7 points) Note: Q No.4 should cover the entire syllabus 15 marks 15 marks 15 marks (Planning, Organization and Coordinating Module II, III, & VI) (Motivating, Directing, Controlling and Contemporary Issues in Management 15 marks

10. Business Management Paper II

Question Paper Pattern

Q.1 Answer any one out of two: a) Fund flow b) Cost sheet Q.2. Answer any two out of four: Two Theory essay questions. (Module 1,2,8) Two Practical problems (module 4 & 6) Q.3. Answer any two out of four: 2 Theory essay questions. (Module 3,5a,9) 2 Practical problems (module 7 &11) Q.4. Objective Type Questions. A. Multiple Choice Questions B. True or False with reasons

15 marks

15 marks

15 marks

15 marks

C. Match the Following (A column 5 points and B column 7 points) Note: Q No.4 should cover the entire syllabus

11. Business Management Paper III

Question Paper Pattern Q.1 Answer any one out of two: a) Module 3: Product portioning & Module 4: Promotion Mix b) Module 7: Strategic Marketing process & Module 10: Rural marketing Q.2. Answer any two out of four: & Module V: Pricing ) Q.3. Answer any two out of four: Module VI: Sales Forecasting , Module VII: Dealing with Competition & Module IX: Service Marketing. Q.4. Objective Type Questions. A. Multiple Choice Questions B. True or False with reasons C. Match the Following (A column 5 points and B column 7 points) Note: Q No.4 should cover the entire syllabus 15 marks 15 marks 15 marks (Module I: Marketing Management , Module II: Current Marketing Environment in India, 15 marks

12. Labour Welfare & Practice

Question Paper pattern

i) ii)

Therewillbe4questions.Allthequestionsarecompulsoryhavinginternalchoice. QuestionNo.1isforalonganswercarrying15marks.QuestionbasedonmoduleI

ORmoduleIV. iii) III. iv) Question No.3 is for short answer 15 (8+7) marks. Questions based on modules V QuestionNo.2isforshortanswer15(8+7)marks.QuestionsbasedonmoduleIIOR

ANDVI. v) QuestionNo.4isanobjectivetypesquestionincluding: a) Comment on the following Question Paper Pattern:Q.1A(15marks)ORB(15Marks) Q.2A(8marks)andB(7Marks) OR C(8marks)andD(7Marks) Q.3A(8marks)andB(7Marks) OR C(8marks)andD(7Marks) Q.4(A)Commentonthefollowing(AnswerAnyFour) (Onestatementfromeachmodule)(8Marks) (B) Match the columns (7 Marks) AND b) Match the Columns.

13. Purchasing and Storekeeping

Question No.1 (15 marks)
I. Materials management Importance, scope, objectives, functions of materials management. - Classes of materials - Materials management - Computer application and operation uses and advantages - Scientific purchasing Principles, Purchasing methods - Purchasing procedure a) Home Trade Goods b) Import Trade Goods and Import Documents II. Storekeeping - Objectives and functions of storekeeping - Types of organization of stores - Methods of pricing issues - Methods of valuation of inventory materials - Functions and responsibilities of storekeeper - Stock inventory control - Importance, Advantages of Inventory Control - ABC Analysis Objectives and advantages - Inventory Control Objectives - Techniques of Inventory Control

Question No. 2 and 3 - (15 Marks each)

Materials requisition planning Coordination of materials management department with other departments Materials budget factors Materials budget procedure Personality traits for purchase executive (Qualities and Qualification) Types of buyers consumers Make or buy decision Import decision Buyers and Seller relationship Techniques of purchasing

Importance of purchasing Purchasing policy Ethics in buying Any two / four methods of purchasing Distinguish between: Speculative buying v/s Conservative buying Concentrative buying v/s Diversified buying Hedging v/s Speculative Invoice v/s Proforma invoice Centralized and Decentralized Purchasing Types of Quotation Types of Invoice Vendor rating and Vendor Development Specimen: Purchase order, Purchase requisition, Bin card, Store Ledger, Goods received note, Material return note, Material Transfer Note, Import Documents. Storekeeping Working in store department (How to take care / preserve materials?) Store location factors Stock controller functions Store records objectives Store records needs Inspection of materials importance Inspection of materials methods Problems related to LIFO, FIFO, Simple average price, Periodic weighted price, etc. Materials handling section Lead time Stock taking and stock audit Deficiencies and surplus of stock materials Essential of successful inventory control system Zero inventory culture Any two / four stock levels Distinguish between Maximum level v/s Minimum level LIFO v/s FIFO method of pricing

Question No.4 Carrying 15 Marks for objective type answer i.e. Multiple Choice, Fill in the blanks, Match the following, True or False etc. for conceptual testing (covering entire syllabus).

Maximum Marks 60 N.B. (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Answer any one from the following a. b. Q.2 Answer any two from the following a. b. c. d. Q.3 Answer any two from the following a. b. c. d. Q.4 Answer the following (objective type question) a. b. c. Match the following True or False (without reason) Multiple Choice

Duration: 2 hours

(15 marks)

(15 marks)

(15 marks)

(5 marks) (5 marks) (5 marks)

14. Marketing Research

Q.1 Answer any one of the following 15 marks a) UNIT I & II b) Q.2 Answer any two of the following 15 marks a) b) UNIT - III & IV c) d) Q.3 Answer any two of the following 15marks a) b) UNIT V , VI & VII c) d) Q.4. Objective type of questions 15 marks A) Multiple choice questions 5 marks B) True or False (Without reason) 5 marks C) Match the following 5 marks

15Entrepreneurship and Management of Small Scale Industry

NOTE: 1)Allquestionarecompulsory 2)FigurestotherightIndicateFullMarks Q.NO.1AnsweranyonefromtheFollowing15Marks a) TopicNo.1,5,7 b) Q.No.2AnsweranyTwofromtheFollowing15Marks a) b) TopicNo.2,3,4,6,8,9 c) d) Q.No.3AnsweranyTwofromtheFollowing15Marks a) b) TopicNo.10,11,12,13 c) d) Q.No.4ObjectiveType(OnfullSyllabus) a) FillintheBlanks5Marks b) TrueorFalseWithoutreason5Marks c) Matchthepairs5Marks

16. Rural Marketing

Question Paper Pattern

There will be 4 questions. All the questions are compulsory having internal choice. i) QuestionNo.1isforlonganswer,carrying15marks.QuestionbasedonmoduleI ORmoduleIV. ii) QuestionNo.2isashortanswer15(8+7)marksquestionbasedonmoduleIIORIII.

iii) QuestionNo.3isashortanswer15(8+7)marksquestionbasedonmoduleV. iv) QuestionNo.4isanobjectivetypequestionincluding: a) Comment on the following Question Paper Pattern:Q.1A(15marks)ORB(15Marks) Q.2A(8marks)andB(7Marks) OR C(8marks)andD(7Marks) Q.3A(8marks)andB(7Marks) OR C(8marks)andD(7Marks) Q.4(A)Commentonthefollowing(AnswerAnyFour) (Onestatementfromeachmodule)(8Marks) (B) Match the columns (7 Marks) AND b) Match the following Columns.

17. Trade Unionism and Industrial Relation

Question Paper Pattern i) Therewillbe4questions.Allthequestionsarecompulsoryhavinginternalchoice. ii) QuestionNo.1isforlonganswer,carrying15marks.QuestionbasedonmoduleI ORmoduleIV. iii) Question No.2 is for short answers, carrying 15 (8+7) marks. Questions based on moduleIIORIII. iv) Question No.3 is for short answers, carrying 15 (8+7) marks. Questions based on modulesVANDVI. v) QuestionNo.4isobjectivetypequestionsincluding: a)CommentonthefollowingANDb)MatchtheColumns. vi) QuestionPaperPattern: Q.1A(15marks)ORB(15Marks) Q.2A(8marks)andB(7Marks) OR C(8marks)andD(7Marks) Q.3A(8marks)andB(7Marks) OR C(8marks)andD(7Marks) Q.4(A)Commentonthefollowing(AnswerAnyFour)(8Marks) (B) Match the columns (7 Marks)

18. Regional Planning

Question Paper Pattern i) Therewillbe4questions.Allthequestionsarecompulsoryhavinginternalchoice. ii) QuestionNo.1isalonganswer15marksquestionbasedonmoduleIORmodule V. iii) QuestionNo.2isashortanswer15(8+7)marksquestionbasedonmoduleIIORIII. iv) Question No.3 is for short answers, carrying 15 (8+7) marks. Questions based on modules(IVANDVI)OR(VIIANDVIII). v) QuestionNo.4isobjectivetypequestionsincluding: a)CommentonthefollowingANDb)MatchtheColumns. QuestionPaperPattern: Q.1A(15marks)ORB(15Marks) Q.2A(8marks)andB(7Marks) OR C(8marks)andD(7Marks) Q.3A(8marks)andB(7Marks) OR C(8marks)andD(7Marks) Q.4(A)Commentonthefollowing(AnswerAnyFour)(8Marks) (B) Match the columns (7 Marks)

19. Transport Management

Guidelines:I. II. There will be 4 questions. All questions are compulsory, having internal choice. Question No.1 is long answer 15 marks question based on Modules I, II, III.

III. Question No.2 is short answer 15 (8+7) marks questions based on Modules IV, V and VI. IV. Question No.3 is short answer 15 (8+7) marks questions based on Modules VII and VIII. V. Question No.4 is Objective Type 15 marks Questions including: A. Multiple choice questions B. True or False with reasons C. Match the Following (A column 5 points and B column 7 points) Note: Q.No.4 should cover the entire syllabus.

Paper Model for (60) Sixty Marks. Question Paper Pattern for T.Y.B.Com. Transport Management
N.B. i. All questions are compulsory. ii. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1. Answer any one out of Two: 15 marks (From modules I, II and III). Q2. Answer ant two out of Four: (From modules IV, V and VI) Q.3 Answer any Two out of Four (From modules VII and VIII) 15 marks

15 marks

Q4. Objective Type Questions 15 marks Multiple choice Questions. (All five questions from the entire syllabus) True or False (All Five questions from the entire syllabus) Match the Following (All Five questions from the entire syllabus).

20 Psychology of Human Behaviour at Work (PHBW)

(With effect from the academic year 2011-12) The Syllabus is to be divided into three modules. Module 1 :a) MotivationConcepts b) BasicApproachestoLeadership c) PsychologicalHealthintheWorkplace

Module 2 :a) WhatisOrganizationalBehaviour? b) Attitudes&JobSatisfaction c) FoundationsofGroupBehaviour

Module 3 :a) b) c) d) RelationshipsatWork Communication Power&Politics Conflict&Negotiation _____________________ PatternofTheoryExamination

Duration of examination= 2 hours


Marks= 60 15 15


Question for long answer (Module 1) Or Q 1 Question for long answer (Module 1)

Q 2 Write short notes (Any 3 out of 5 each carrying 5 marks) (Module 2) Or Q 2 Give reasons (Any 3 out of 5 each carrying 5 marks) (Module 2) Q 3 State whether the following statements are True or False & give reasons for the same (Any 3 out of 5 each carrying 5 marks) (Module 3) Or Q 3 Explain the following terms.(Any 3 out of 5 each carrying 5 marks) (Module 3) Q 4 Multiple choice question covering all the modules with 4 options for each statement (Any 15 out of 25)

15 15 15 15 15

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