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Soving Recurrence Relations

Part 1. Homogeneous linear 2nd degree relations with constant coecients. Consider the recurrence relation () T (n) + aT (n 1) + bT (n 2) = 0

This is called a homogeneous linear 2nd degree recurrence relation with constant coecients: 2nd degree because it gives T (n) in terms of T (n 1) and T (n 2), linear and constant coecients because of the form of the left side, and homogeneous because of the zero on the right hand side. The idea for solving this relation is to guess a solution of the form T (n) = xn for some number x, and then to simply substitute this expression into the equation to determine the value(s) of x that work. Since T (n 1) = xn1 and T (n 2) = xn2 we get the equation xn + axn1 + bxn2 = 0 Since x is clearly not zero, we can divide by xn2 to get x2 + ax + b = 0 which is called the characteristic equation for the recurrence relation (). Case 1: If this equation factors as (xr1 )(xr2 ) = 0 with r1 = r2 (so that the characteristic equation has two distinct roots), then the general solution to () is T (n) = c1 (r1 )n + c2 (r2 )n where c1 and c2 are constants. This is called a general solution because every function T (n) that is a solution to the relation () has this form. If we also have initial conditions T (0) = t0 and T (1) = t1 then we can determine the values of c1 and c2 and thus get the exact formula for T (n). Well illustrate the process with a typical example. Example 1. Solve the recurrence relation T (n) 4T (n 1) + 3T (n 2) = 0, T (0) = 0, T (1) = 2

Note: This could also be written as n=0 0 2 n=1 T (n) = 4T (n 1) 3T (n 2) n > 1

Solution: The characteristic equation is x2 4x + 3 = 0, or (x 3)(x 1) = 0, so the general solution is T (n) = c1 3n + c2 1n = c1 3n + c2 . To nd c1 and c2 we plug in the initial conditions to get two equations in those two variables: 0 = T (0) = c1 30 + c2 = c1 + c2 2 = T (1) = c1 31 + c2 = 3c1 + c2

Its easy to solve these equations for the solution c1 = 1, c2 = 1, so the nal answer is T (n) = 3n 1 Check: We can check our answer quickly and easily. The recurrence formula gives us T (2) = 4T (1) 3T (0) = 4(2) 0 = 8 T (3) = 4T (2) 3T (1) = 4(8) 3(2) = 26 T (4) = 4T (3) 3T (2) = 4(26) 3(8) = 80 It appears that the sequence is indeed giving us numbers that are one less than the powers of 3 (1, 3, 9, 27, 81, . . . ), so the formula T (n) = 3n 1 seems to be correct. Case 2: If the characteristic equation factors as (x r)2 = 0 (with a single root), then we use as our general solution the formula T (n) = c1 rn + c2 nrn As before, initial conditions can be used to solve for c1 and c2 . Here is a typical example. Example 2. Solve the recurrence relation n=0 3 17 n=1 T (n) = 10T (n 1) 25T (n 2) n > 1 Solution: The characteristic equation is x2 10x + 25 = 0, or (x 5)2 = 0, so the general solution is T (n) = c1 5n + c2 n5n . As before, we nd c1 and c2 by plugging in the initial conditions: 3 = T (0) = c1 50 + c2 (0) = c1 17 = T (1) = c1 51 + c2 (1)51 = 5c1 + 5c2 The solution here is c1 = 3 and c2 = 2/5, so the exact solution is T (n) = (3)5n + (2/5)n5n = (15 + 2n)5n1 Check: The recurrence formula gives us values T (2) = 10T (1) 25T (0) = 10(17) 25(3) = 95 T (3) = 10T (2) 25T (1) = 525 These are indeed the values given by our formula as well: T (2) = (15 + 4)51 = 95, and T (3) = (15 + 6)52 = 525. Case 3: It can happen in general recurrence relations that the characteristic equation x2 + ax + b = 0 has no real roots, but instead has two complex number roots. There is a method of solution for such recurrences, but we will not concern ourselves with this case since it does not typically arise in recurrences that come from studying recursive algorithms.

Part 2. Non-homogeneous linear 2nd degree relations with constant coecients. Now consider what happens when the right side of equation () (from page 1) is not zero. We get an equation of the form () T (n) + aT (n 1) + bT (n 2) = f (n)

Well learn how to solve () in the special case that f (n) =(polynomial in n)rn . Actually, this requires only a slight modication of the method for the homogeneous case. We simply multiply the characteristic equation by (x r)k+1 where k is the degree of the polynomial part of f (n). The solution method then proceeds as before. This is best illustrated by examples. Example 3. Solve the recurrence relation T (n) = 1 n=0 3T (n 1) + 2n n > 0

Note: This is actually a 1st degree relation (since T (n 2) does not appear), but the same method applies. Solution: If the nonhomogeneous term 2n were not present, the characteristic equation would be simply x 3 = 0. In the presence of the nonhomogeneous term, however, we must multiply this by (x 2)0+1 (In this case f (n) = 2n is a 0-degree polynomial [the constant 1] times a 2n term.) So, the characteristic equation is actually (x 3)(x 2) = 0, so the general solution is T (n) = c1 3n + c2 2n . Note that since the relation is only 1st degree, we only have one initial condition. Yet well need two equations to nd the constants c1 and c2 . We can get a second value to use by simply applying the recurrence formula for n = 1: T (1) = 3T (0) + 21 = 3(1) + 2 = 5. We now proceed as usual: 1 = T (0) = c1 30 + c2 20 = c1 + c2 5 = T (1) = c1 31 + c2 21 = 3c1 + 2c2 These equations have solution c1 = 3 and c2 = 2, so the exact solution is T (n) = (3)3n (2)2n = 3n+1 2n+1 Check: The recurrence formula gives us values T (2) = 3T (1) + 22 = 3(5) + 4 = 19 T (3) = 3T (2) + 23 = 3(19) + 8 = 65 These are bourne out by our solution: T (2) = 33 23 = 27 8 = 19, and T (3) = 34 24 = 81 16 = 65.

Example 4. Solve the recurrence relation T (n) = n+1 n = 0, 1 5T (n 1) 6T (n 2) + 3 2n n > 1

Solution: Here again, the nonhomogeneous term involves a zero-degree polynomial, so the modied characteristic equation will be (x2 5x + 6)(x 2)0+1 = 0, or (x 3)(x 2)2 = 0. The general solution must now involve three terms: a 3n term, a 2n term, and (because the (x 2) factor appears twice in the characteristic equation) an n2n term. Thus: T (n) = c1 3n + c2 2n + c3 n2n . Well need three equations to solve for the three constants, yet we have only the two initial conditions T (0) = 1 and T (1) = 2 to use. As in the last example, we can generate one more value by using the recurrence formula: T (2) = 5T (1) 6T (0) + 3 22 = 5(2) 6(1) + 12 = 16. This gives us the three equations 1 = T (0) = c1 30 + c2 20 + c3 (0) = c1 + c2 2 = T (1) = c1 31 + c2 21 + c3 (1)21 = 3c1 + 2c2 + 2c3 16 = T (2) = c1 32 + c2 22 + c3 (2)22 = 9c1 + 4c2 + 8c3 A little eort gives the solution c1 = 12, c2 = 11, and c3 = 6. The exact solution is then T (n) = 12 3n 11 2n 6n2n Note that we could have safely concluded that T (n) is in (3n ) simply from its general solution (without even solving for c1 , c2 , and c3 ). Check: In addition to T (2) = 16, the recurrence formula gives us T (3) = 5T (2) 6T (1) + 3 23 = 5(16) 6(2) + 24 = 92 Checking these against our solution, we nd T (2) = 1232 1122 6(2)22 = 1084448 = 16 and T (3) = 12 33 11 23 6(3)23 = 324 88 144 = 92. Example 5. Predict the big-Theta behavior of a function T (n) satisfying the recurrence relation T (n) = 7T (n 1) 10T (n 2) + (2n + 5)3n . Solution: The modied characteristic equation is (x2 7x + 10)(x 3)1+1 = 0, or factoring, (x 2)(x 5)(x 3)2 = 0. The general solution is thus T (n) = c1 2n + c2 5n + c3 3n + c4 n3n . This will clearly be in (5n ). Part 3. Change of variable technique for decrease-by-constant-factor recurrence relations. Many recursive algorithms (such as binary search or merge sort) work by dividing the input in half and calling itself on the now-half-sized input. Analyzing the eciency of such algorithms leads to recurrence relations that give T (n) in terms of T ( n ) instead of 2 in terms of T (n 1). These decrease by a constant-factor recurrence relations can be converted into standard linear recurrence relations by applying a simple change of variable. Lets say we have a recurrence relation of the form T (n) = aT (
n b

) + f (n) 4

where b is some positive integer (usually b = 2). We will dene a new function S(k) by the rule S(k) = T (bk ). Our recurrence relation then gives S(k) = T (bk ) = aT (
bk b

) + f (bk )

= aT (bk1 ) + f (bk ) = aS(k 1) + f (bk ) which is a rst-order linear recurrence relation for S. This can then be solved by the methods weve already covered. Example 6. Solve the recurrence relation T (n) = 2 3T (
n 2

n=1 ) + nlog2 (n) n > 1

Solution: Using the substitution S(k) = T (2k ) this recurrence formula becomes S(k) = T (2k ) = 3T (
2k 2

) + (2k )log2 (2k )

= 3T (2k1 ) + (2k )k = 3S(k 1) + k2k The characteristic equation of this relation is (x 3)(x 2)1+1 = 0, so its general solution is S(k) = c1 3k + c2 2k + c3 k2k . What about initial conditions for S? We can use the recurrence formula for T to get T (1) = 2, T (2) = 3T (1) + 2 = 8, and T (4) = 3T (2) + 8 = 32. So, S(0) = T (20 ) = T (1) = 2, S(1) = T (21 ) = T (2) = 8, and S(2) = T (22 ) = T (4) = 32. We can now use these values to get equations for c1 , c2 , and c3 : 2 = S(0) = c1 30 + c2 20 + 0 8 = S(1) = c1 31 + c2 21 + c3 (1)21 = 3c1 + 2c2 + 2c3 32 = S(2) = c1 32 + c2 22 + c3 (2)22 = 9c1 + 4c2 + 8c3 Solving this three-by-three system of equations (by whatever method you prefer) leads to the solution c1 = 8, c2 = 6, and c3 = 2. This gives the solution to the recurrence relation for S as S(k) = 8 3k 6 2k 2k2k But we want a formula for T , not S. Remembering that S(k) = T (2k ) and assuming n is a power of 2, we can say T (n) = S(log2 n) = 8 3log2 n 6 2log2 n 2(log2 n)2log2 n = 8 3log2 n 6n 2nlog2 n valid for all values of n that are powers of 2. Here we have used the familiar logarithm law that says 2log2 n is equal to n. What can we do to simplify the term 3log2 n ? This just requires a bit of logarithmic trickery: 3log2 n = (2log2 3 )log2 n = (2log2 n )log2 3 = nlog2 3 So, we can rewrite our answer as 5

T (n) = 8nlog2 3 6n 2nlog2 n for n = 1, 2, 4, 8, . . . Two notes about this solution are in order: First, since log2 3 is clearly between 1 and 2 (since 3 is between 21 and 22 ) we can say that our solution is in O(n2 ) (at least for the values n = 1, 2, 4, 8, . . . ). Second, we know that our formula for T (n) is valid for powers of 2 that is, it correctly computes T (1), T (2), T (4), T (8), and so on. What about the other values of n? Thanks to something called the Smoothness Rule we can at least say that our formula for T (n) has the correct big-Theta behavior. See your text for the exact statement, but the basic idea is this: Smoothness Rule: Suppose T (n) is in (f (n)) for values of n that are powers of a constant b 2. Then if f (n) is a nice function (here nice includes the polynomials n, n2 , n3 , etc. but not exponential or factorial functions) we can say that T (n) really is in (f (n)). Homework Problems Solve each of the following recurrence relations. n=0 1 4 n=1 (A) T (n) = 8T (n 1) 15T (n 2) n > 1 n=0 5 9 n=1 (B) T (n) = 6T (n 1) 9T (n 2) n > 1 (C) T (n) = 1 n=0 n 2T (n 1) + 3 n > 0

n=0 1 2 n=1 (D) T (n) = 4T (n 1) 3T (n 2) + 1 n > 1 Hint: The nonhomogeneous term is 1n .

(E) T (n) =

2 T(

n 3

n=1 ) + 7n n > 1

(F) T (n) =

2 5T (

n 2

n=1 ) + 3n n > 1

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