Asst. Professor Press
Asst. Professor Press
Asst. Professor Press
Nineteen posts of Assistant Professor Cardiology for Medical Education Department were advertised by the Commission in their advertisement No. 2/2009-10 & Corrigendum N0. 1/2011-12. Interviews for these posts were held on 18-04-2012 and 19-04-2012. After interviewing Eleven candidates, the Commission have selected following candidates in order of merit (From Left to Right) and their names are being recommended to the Government :SELECTED AGAINST GENERAL POSTS : 100015 100034(P) 100005(P) 100016(P) 100002(P) 100009(P) 100007(P) 100017
100024(P) 100020(P)
No Reserve List. P stands for Provisional. Two posts reserved for SC and One post reserved for ST (After 10-10-2002) remained vacant as No SC and ST candidates applied for the post. 4Three post reserved for OBC remained vacant as No eligible candidates are available. 5This result is subject to the decisions of S.B.C.W.P. Nos.5640/12 and 5804/12. 6Result of Manisha Bhaya (GE,WE) (Roll No.100028) and Sunil Kumar Jain (GE) (Roll No.100011) has been withheld and kept in sealed covers as per directions of Honble High Court. ______________________________________________________________________________
(Dr.K.K.Pathak) Secretary