Psy 240 Syllabus
Psy 240 Syllabus
Psy 240 Syllabus
Axia College/College of Social Sciences PSY/240 Version 6 The Brain, the Body, and the Mind
Copyright 2011, 2010, 2009, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Course Description This course provides an introduction to the investigation of physiological and neurological basis for human behavior. The student will be able to study and discuss various influences on personality development, such as pre-natal maternal behavior; gender; nature versus nurture; brain development; genetic composition; sensory motor interactions; learning disabilities; drug impacts; and neurological diseases. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum.
University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Pinel, J. P. J. (2009). Biopsychology. Boston, MA: Pearson. Axia Colleges Writing Style Handbook All electronic materials are available on the student website.
DQ212/1 CheckPoint The Nature-Nurture Issue Post a 200- to 300-word response explaining the concepts behind the Pro-nature and Pro-nurture perspectives. Consider the following questions: Why is it flawed to ask how much of a particular behavior is due to genetics and how much is due to experience? Why is it appropriate to separate the contributions of genetics and experience when measuring the development of differences among individuals? 12/2 30
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Post a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the following: Briefly summarize the various methods for studying the brain. Use speaker notes to provide details about each method.
CheckPoint EatingWhat, When, and How Much CheckPoint Set and Settling Points
that the clients feel more comfortable, you would like to first start the session by explaining some of the physiological factors that cause people to eat or not eat. Then, you will open the floor for questions from the group. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in APA format containing the following: Introduction: Act as the eating disorder counselor and introduce yourself to the group. Provide a brief explanation about what you will be discussing today. Description of the physiological factors for hunger and satiety: Discuss the physiological myths about hunger and satiety and those physiological factors that do contribute to hunger and satiety.
Respond to the following questions proposed by the two different groups: Lindsey asked: My parents were both obese, is that why I am? Robert asked: My girlfriend and I eat together all of the time, so we eat the same food and amounts of food, but she never gains weight like I do. Why is that? Nancy asked: My mom says that I became anorexic because Ive been reading too many Cosmo magazines and want to look like those girls. Maybe I did, but I really just dont crave food. What do you think it is? Tyra asked: I dont eat because every time I do, I just feel sick! Do you know why this is?
Post a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation summarizing the different perspectives on sexual orientation and identity. Include detailed speakers notes to explain these perspectives.
Read Ch. 15, 16, 17, & 18 of Biopsychology. Participate in class discussion. Respond to weekly discussion questions. DQ11/24; DQ21/26 1/27 10 10
CheckPoint Emotions
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following: Briefly describe the following biopsychology theories of emotion. Darwin James-Lange Cannon-Bard Limbic System
Include drugs that can remedy or lessen the effects of the disorders and diseases. Explain how these drugs help. What are the negative effects associated with these drugs? Use a minimum of two outside resources.
You are interviewing for a psychologist position with a top company. After your face-to-face interview with the team, they have provided you with two additional assignmentsPart A and Part B below, which will complete the interview process: Part A: A psychologist understands how biology can affect psychological activities and disorders. In your interview, you are asked about your understanding of the causes and treatment(s) of schizophrenia. In your reply, discuss the following: Areas of the brain affected Causal factors Associated symptoms The neural basis Appropriate drug therapies
Part B: Part B of the interview consists of interpreting some case studies from a biopsychologists perspective. You are given four different case studies of disorders and have the option of choosing two out of the four case studies to analyze. Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper in APA format containing the following: Introduction Part A of the interview process. Part B of the interview process: o Choose two of the four case studies presented in Appendix
A. o Discuss your understanding of the problem presented in each of the two case studies from the perspective of a biopsychologist. Include each problems relation to the nature-nurture issue and any relevant portions of the Biopsychology text. Use a minimum of five outside resources, including at least 3 peer-reviewed articles. Apply any helpful drug interventions or solutions. Discuss the positive or negative aspects of these drug interventions or solutions.
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Optional Discussion Questions Week One Discussion Questions In your own words, describe biopsychology and its theoretical framework. How can understanding biopsychology be helpful in your personal and/or professional life? Provide a real-life example. How do various behaviors of social dominance and courtship display affect the evolutionary process? What other behaviors might have an impact on evolution? Be sure to provide specific examples.
Week Three Discussion Questions How would you explain the basic structures and functions of neurons and synapses in the brain to your little brother or sister? Consider using analogies and other examples so that he or she can easily comprehend the information. After posting your response to DQ 1, review a classmates response and play the role of the little brother or sister. Post a message asking the classmate a question about their description. Then choose a question written by a classmate and answer it. On p. 84 of the text, in the Thinking Clearly section, the conduction action potentials and activation of neurotransmitters is related to a row of mousetraps on a wobbly shelf. Think of another analogy you can use to describe the conduction of action potentials and activation of neurotransmitters. After posting your response to the second discussion question, review a classmates response. Post a message critiquing the classmates analogy. Was it effective? Why or why not? Week Five Discussion Questions You specialize in prenatal care and Mary, one of your patients, just discovered she is pregnant. Shes very
curious about how the sex of her baby will be determined. Discuss with Mary the neuroendocrine systems involvement with sexual development. After posting your response to discussion question one, review a classmates response and play the role of Mary. Post a message asking the classmate a question about their description. Then, choose a question written by a classmate and answer it. Describe how hormones masculinize or feminize sexual development and behavior. After posting your response to discussion question two, review your classmates posts and expand on their descriptions. Week Seven Discussion Questions Jim has taken heroin for the past 5 years. One day, Jim and Jack go out and both use large quantities of heroin. Although both did the same amount of drugs, Jack dies from an overdose. Discuss how drug tolerance and conditioning may factor into this outcome. Explain the possible reasons for their addiction. Review the Drug Health Effects Scale in Appendix D. Rate each drug according to the hazard scale for each of the categories listed. When finished, add each category for each drugs health hazard total. Copy and paste your completed Drug Health Effects table into a post in the Main forum along with your responses to the following questions: Are you surprised at your results? Why or why not? If the drugs social impact was a category, how might it change your totals? Review another students rating scale and comment on if you agree or disagree with their totals. Explain your response. Copyright
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