Ls Ic5 Manual
Ls Ic5 Manual
Ls Ic5 Manual
Always follow safety instructions to prevent accidents and potential hazards from occurring. In this manual, safety messages are classified as follows:
Improper operation may result in serious personal injury or death. Improper operation may result in slight to medium personal injury or property damage.
Throughout this manual we use the following two illustrations to make you aware of safety considerations:
Identifies potential hazards under certain conditions. Read the message and follow the instructions carefully. Identifies shock hazards under certain conditions. Particular attention should be directed because dangerous voltage may be present.
Keep operating instructions handy for quick reference. Read this manual carefully to maximize the performance of SV-iC5 series inverter and ensure its safe use.
Do not remove the cover while power is applied or the unit is in operation.
Otherwise, electric shock could occur.
Do not remove the cover except for periodic inspections or wiring, even if the input power is not applied.
Otherwise, you may access the charged circuits and get an electric shock.
Wiring and periodic inspections should be performed at least 10 minutes after disconnecting the input power and after checking the DC link voltage is discharged with a meter (below DC 30V).
Otherwise, you may get an electric shock.
Otherwise, you may get an electric shock.
Install the inverter on a non-flammable surface. Do not place flammable material nearby.
Otherwise, fire could occur.
After the input power is applied or removed, the inverter will remain hot for a couple of minutes.
Otherwise, you may get bodily injuries such as skin-burn or damage.
Do not apply power to a damaged inverter or to an inverter with parts missing even if the installation is complete.
Otherwise, electric shock could occur.
Do not allow lint, paper, wood chips, dust, metallic chips or other foreign matter into the drive.
Otherwise, fire or accident could occur.
(1) Handling and installation Handle according to the weight of the product. Do not stack the inverter boxes higher than the number recommended. Install according to instructions specified in this manual. Do not open the cover during delivery. Do not place heavy items on the inverter. Check the inverter mounting orientation is correct. Do not drop the inverter, or subject it to impact. Use the Type 3 grounding method for 200 V Class (Ground impedance: Below 100 ohm). Take protective measures against ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) before touching the pcb for inspection or installation. Use the inverter under the following environmental conditions: Ambient temperature Relative humidity Storage temperature Location Altitude, Vibration - 10 ~ 50 (non-freezing)
90% RH or less (non-condensing) - 20 ~ 65 Protected from corrosive gas, combustible gas, oil mist or dust 2 Max. 1,000m above sea level, Max. 5.9m/sec (0.6G) or less
(2) Wiring Do not connect a power factor correction capacitor, surge suppressor, or RFI filter to the output of the inverter. The connection orientation of the output cables U, V, W to the motor will affect the direction of rotation of the motor. Incorrect terminal wiring could result in the equipment damage. Reversing the polarity (+/-) of the terminals could damage the inverter. Only authorized personnel familiar with LG inverter should perform wiring and inspections. Always install the inverter before wiring. Otherwise, you may get an electric shock or have bodily injury. (3) Trial run Check all parameters prior to operation. Changing parameter values might be required depending on the load. Always apply permissible range of voltage to the each terminal as indicated in this manual. Otherwise, it could lead to inverter damage. (4) Operation precautions When the Auto restart function is selected, stay away from the equipment as a motor will restart suddenly after a fault stop. The Stop key on the keypad is valid only when the appropriate function setting has been made. Prepare an emergency stop switch separately. If a fault reset is made with the reference signal present, a sudden start will occur. Check that the reference signal is turned off in advance. Otherwise an accident could occur. Do not modify or alter anything inside the inverter. Motor might not be protected by electronic thermal function of inverter. Do not use a magnetic contactor on the inverter input for frequent starting/stopping of the inverter. Use a noise filter to reduce the effect of electromagnetic interference. Otherwise nearby electronic equipment may be affected. In case of input voltage unbalance, install AC reactor. Power Factor capacitors and generators may become overheated and damaged due to potential high frequency noise transmitted from inverter. Before operating unit and prior to user programming, reset user parameters to default settings. Inverter can easily be set to high-speed operations. Verify capability of motor or machinery prior to operating unit. Stopping torque is not produced when using the DC-Break function. Install separate equipment when stopping torque is needed. (5) Fault prevention precautions Provide a safety backup such as an emergency brake which will prevent the machine and equipment from hazardous conditions if the inverter fails. (6) Maintenance, inspection and parts replacement Do not conduct a megger (insulation resistance) test on the control circuit of the inverter. Refer to Chapter 13 for periodic inspection (parts replacement). (7) Disposal Handle the inverter as an industrial waste when disposing of it. (8) General instructions Many of the diagrams and drawings in this instruction manual show the inverter without a circuit breaker, a cover or partially open. Never run the inverter like this. Always place the cover with circuit breakers and follow this instruction manual when operating the inverter.
eniltuo launaM
Important User Information
The purpose of this manual is to provide the user with the necessary information to install, program, start up and maintain the SV-iC5 series inverter. To assure successful installation and operation, the material presented must be thoroughly read and understood before proceeding. This manual contains Chapter 1 Title Basic information & precautions 2 3 4 Installation Wiring Basic configuration 5 Programming keypad 6 7 Basic operation Function list Provides instructions for quick start of the inverter. Outlines the parameter information of the SV-iC5 such as description, type, units, factory defaults, minimum/maximum setting. 8 Control block diagram 9 10 Basic functions Advanced functions 11 Monitoring Gives information on the operating status and fault information. 12 Protective functions 13 Troubleshooting & maintenance 14 Specifications Defines the various inverter faults and the appropriate action to take as well as general troubleshooting information. Gives information on Input/Output rating, control type and more details of the SV-iC5 inverter. Outlines protective functions of the SV-iC5. Shows control flow to help users easily understand operation mode. Provides information for basic functions in the SV-iC5 Indicates advanced functions used for system application. Description Provides general information and precautions for safe and optimum use of the SV-iC5 series inverter. Provides instructions on how to install the SV-iC5 inverter. Provides instructions on how to wire the SV-iC5 inverter. Describes how to connect the optional peripheral devices to the inverter. Illustrates keypad features and display.
G3-2 G1-2
stnetnoC fo selbaT
stnetnoC fo elbaT
G2.2 G1.2
G2-21 ..........................................................................................pirt
G2.21 G1.21
G6-11 ....................................................
tluaf gnirotinoM
G51.01 G41.01 G31.01 G21.01 G11.01 G01.01 G9.01 G8.01 G7.01 G6.01 G5.01 G4.01 G3.01 G2.01 G1.01
nwoD-pU goJ CD
G1-9 ...........................................................................................................
G2-8 ..................................................................................
G2.8 G1.8
G2-8 ...................................................................................
G3-41 G1-41
stnetnoC fo elbaT
G2.41 G1.41 G
004 Motor rating 004 0.4 [kW] 0.75 [kW] 1.5 [kW] 2.2 [kW]
LG Inverter
Accessories If you have found any discrepancy, damage, etc., contact your sales representative. Preparations of instruments and parts required for operation Installation To operate the inverter with high performance for a long time, install the inverter in a proper place in
Instruments and parts to be prepared depend on how the inverter is operated. Prepare equipment and parts as necessary.
Connect the power supply, motor and operation signals (control signals) to the terminal block. Note
that incorrect connection may damage the inverter and peripheral devices (Refer to 3. P 3-1).
rebmuN laireS
epyT retrevnI
edoC raB
nottub yaW-4
nottuB NUR
.lavomer revoc tnorf rof 3-1 egaP ot refeR revoc tnorf eht tuohtiw weiV 2.2.1
etalpemaN retrevnI
. otom dna r rewop 3-1 egaP eeS . dob niam y morf devomer eb nac ti ,pu detfil dna enil siht llit kcab dellup si revoc .gnittes retemarap tnorf nehW :tols ydoB gnignahc dna gniriw nehw nottuB :revoC tnorF TSR/POTS ti evomeR nehw :revoC tupni ti gniriw evomeR mottoB
ecnaraeppA 1.2.1
Product Details
remove. 3. Lift it up to
GGoGUY .ydob niam eht morf evomer yletelpmoc ot drawpu tfil dna revoc eht fo sedis htob dloH .1 ni nwohs sa emas eht si dohtem ehT :gniriw rof lavomeR
nwod ti hsuP .2
tols ediS
)2 .eulav eht gnignahc dna gnittes retemarap rof nottub siht esU .raeppa lliw nottub yaw-4 nehT .)2 sa drawnwod ti hsup dna )1 sa ylthgils regnif a htiw nrettap eht sserP :gnittes retemarap egnahc oT
revoc tnorf eht fo lavomeR
.noitalusni eht egamad ro gniriw-sim ot dael yam elbac ezis regral gnisU .YLNO launam siht ni detacidni sa elbac eht fo ezis dednemmocer eht esU : etoN .slanimret lortnoc gniriw trats neht dna revoc mottob eht llatsnier ,gniriw lanimret rewop gnihsinif retfa :slanimret lortnoc ssecca oT
tupnI :
.tcennocsid ot pu revoc mottob eht tfil ,revoc tnorf eht gnivomer retfA :slanimret dna rewop tupni gniriw rof lavomeR
The inverter will be very hot during operation. Install it on a non-combustible surface. Mount the inverter on a flat, vertical and level surface. Inverter orientation must be vertical (top up) for proper heat dissipation. Also leave sufficient clearances around the inverter.
Protect from moisture and direct sunlight. Do not install the inverter in any environment where it is exposed to waterdrops, oil mist, dust, etc. Install the inverter in a clean place or inside a totally enclosed panel which does not accept any suspended matter.
ria gnilooC
naf gnitalitneV
niM mc01
niM mc01
noitallatsnI .2
2. Installation
2.1 Installation precautions
Handle the inverter with care to prevent damage to the plastic components. Do not hold the inverter by the front cover. It may fall off. Install the inverter in a place where it is immune to vibration (5.9 m/s2 or less). The inverter is under great influence of ambient temperature. Install in a location where temperature is within the permissible range (-10~50C).
When two or more inverters are installed or a ventilation fan is mounted in inverter panel, the inverters and ventilation fan must be installed in proper positions with extreme care taken to keep the ambient temperature of the inverters below the permissible value. If they are installed in improper positions, the ambient temperature of the inverters will rise and ventilation effect will be reduced.
Install the inverter using screws or bolts to insure the inverter is firmly fastened.
>lenap ni sretrevni elpitlum gnillatsni roF <
noitallatsnI .2
.lenap a ni naf dna sretrevni gnillatsni nehw noitallitnev taeh reporp no noituac ekaT : etoN
wolf riA
gniriW .3
3. Wiring
3.1 Terminal wiring
P4 P5 VR V1 CM I 30A 30B 30C MO EXTG P24 P1 P2 CM P3
FX : Forward run RX : Reverse run BX : Emergency stop JOG : Jog operation RST : Fault reset 24V power for P1-P5 12V power supply for potentiometer 0-10V Analog Input terminal 0-20mA Analog Input terminal Common Terminal for P1-P5, AM, P24 Multi-function Analog output terminal ( 0 ~ 10V) Common terminal for AM terminal Multi-function open collector output terminal Ground T/M for MO Multi-function relay output terminal A contact output B contact output 30A 30B Common Multifunction input terminal
L1 L2 P P1 N U
Terminal for Inverter DC P/S
P1 U V W N
L1 L2
Earth Ground
.stnenopmoc eseht egamad yam os gnioD .retrevni eht fo edis tuptuo eht ni sretlif IFR ro rosserppus egrus ,roticapac rotcaf rewop a llatsni ton oD .egamad retrevni lanretni esuac yam slanimret gnitrohS .slanimret N dna P ro 1P trohs reveN .snoitcnuflam dna snwodkaerb ,stluaf esuac nac stnemgarf eriW .retrevni eht edisni stnemgarf eriw evael ton oD .gniriw rotom dna rewop tupni eht gniriw nehw spac detalusni htiw slanimret gnir esU .egamad retrevni lanretni sesuac W dna V ,U slanimret tuptuo eht ot ylppus rewop tupni gniylppA .detsuahxe lla si yrtiucric CD retrevni ni egatlov tupni taht gniyfirev retfa demrofrep eb dluohs gniriW .slanimret N dna 1P neewteb egatlov eht kcehc ,elbaliava si retset fI .ti no gnikrow trats uoy erofeb ffo si yalpsid dapyek DEL retfa setunim 01 tsael ta tiaw ,noitarepo gniwollof ffo dehctiws si ylppus rewop nehW .gniriw erofeb ffo si rewop tupni eht erus ekaM
W N 1P P 2L 1L
gniriW .3
Terminal Lug
Ground Wire
Output wire
2mm 2
2mm 2 ,3.5
2mm 2
2mm ,3.5
2 2 2
3.5mm 2
3.5mm ,3.5
2 2 2
3 , mm2
2 2
3 , mm2
2 2
. etrevni eht gnidnuorg nehw woleb snoitacificeps eht wolloF : noituaC r .gnidnuorg gnitrats erofeb revoc mottob dna tnorf evomeR : etoN
lanimre T detacideD
.gnidnuorg rof cte ,sissahc ro esac eht ni wercs eht esu ton oD .retrevni eht dnuorg ot lanimret dnuorg detacided eht esU .)mho001 woleB :ecnadepmi dnuorG( dohtem gnidnuorg 3 epyT eht esU
gniriW .3
.etavitca ot V21 naht erom egatlov ylppa ,)5P~1P( lanimret tupni noitcnuf-itlum rof ylppus rewop lanretxe esu uoy nehW :etoN
.noitallatsnier revoc tnorf serefretni ti ,esiwrehtO .slanimret lortnoc eht morf yawa mc51 naht erom seriw lortnoc eht eiT :etoN
2 2 2 2 2
mm 5.0 ,GWA 02
nommoC B ,A03
mm 5.0 ,GWA 02
mm 5.0 ,GWA 02
mm 5.0 ,GWA 02
mm 5.0 ,GWA 02
2 2 2 2
mm 3.0 ,GWA 22
mm 3.0 ,GWA 22
mm 3.0 ,GWA 22
)mN( euqroT
ezis eriW
noitpircseD lanimreT
gniriW .3
.sliated erom rof launam drac noitpo UTR SUBDOM ot refeR .5Ci-VS rof elbaliava si drac noitpo UTR SUBDOM :etoN
tj tj tj tj
tj tj tj tj
y y y y
m m m
y tj tj tj tj
]PNP[ ylppus
pp[Y [Y pp[Y [Y [z [z [z [z
tj tj tj tj
y y y y
tj tj tj tj
y y y y
m m m m
y tj y tj y tj y tj
[Y pppp[Y [Y [Y
gniriW .3
gniriW .3
The following devices are required to operate the inverter. Proper peripheral devices must be selected and correct connections made to ensure proper operation. An incorrectly applied or installed inverter can result in system malfunction or reduction in product life as well as component damage. You must read and understand this manual thoroughly before proceeding.
Select circuit breakers with care. A large inrush current may flow in the inverter at power on.
Install it if necessary. When installed, do not use it Magnetic Contactor for the purpose of starting or stopping. Otherwise, it could lead to reduction in product life.
The reactors must be used when the power factor is to be improved or the inverter is installed near a AC/DC Reactors large power supply system (1000kVA or more and wiring distance within 10m)
To operate the inverter with high performance for a long time, install the inverter in a proper place in Installation and wiring the correct direction and with proper clearances. Incorrect terminal wiring could result in the equipment damage.
Do not connect a power factor capacitor, surge To motor suppressor or radio noise filter to the output side of the inverter.
noitarugifnoc cisaB .4
4. Basic configuration
4.1 Connection of peripheral devices to the inverter
Use the power supply within the permissible AC Supply Source range of inverter input power rating. (See 14. )
A 91 ,Hm89.1
A02 ,Hm65.0
F1 ,1-5Ci220
A 31 ,Hm29.2
A41 ,Hm88.0
F1 ,1-5Ci510
A2.9 ,Hm50.4
A01 ,Hm02.1
F1 ,1-5Ci800
rotcaer CD
A4.5 ,Hm00.7
rotcaer CA
A7.5 ,Hm31.2
esuf tupni CA
F1 ,1-5Ci400
F1 ,1-5Ci220
F1 ,1-5Ci510
F1 ,1-5Ci800
F1 ,1-5Ci400
noitarugifnoc cisaB .4
rotcatnoC citengaM
Recommendable AC/DC Reactor Recommendable MCCB, Earth leakage circuit breaker (ELB) and Magnetic contactor specification
Display FWD REV 7-Segment (LED Display) Lit during forward run Lit during reverse run Displays operation status and parameter information Blinks when a fault occurs
Keys RUN STOP/RST 4-WAY BUTTON UP Down Left Used to give a run command STOP : Stop the operation RST : Reset faults Programming keys (UP/Down/Left/Right arrow and Prog/Ent keys) Used to scroll through codes or increase parameter value Used to scroll through codes or decrease parameter value Used to jump to other parameter groups or move a cursor to the left to change the parameter value Right Used to jump to other parameter groups or move cursor to the right to change the parameter value Prog/Ent key Potentiometer Used to change the value of run frequency Used to set the parameter value or save the changed parameter value
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
5. Programming Keypad
5.1 Keypad features
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
Drive group
I/O group
Function group 1
Function group 2
code of drive group). Even though the preset value is 0.0, it is user-settable. The changed frequency will be displayed after it is changed.
Drive group
I/O group
Function group 2
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
Drive group
Function group 1
Drive group
Basic parameters necessary for the inverter to run. Parameters such as Target frequency, Accel/Decel time are settable.
Basic function parameters to adjust output frequency and voltage. Advanced function parameters to set parameters for such as PID Operation and second motor operation.
Function group 1
-. The 1 code in Drive group 0.0 will be displayed when AC input power is applied. 1 -. Press the right arrow ( ) key once to go to Function group 1. -. The 1st code in Function group 1 F 0 will be displayed. 2 -. Press the right arrow ( ) key once to go to Function group 2. -. The 1 code in Function group 2 H 0 will be displayed. 3 -. Press the right arrow ( ) key once to go to I/O group. -. The 1st code in I/O group I 0 will be displayed. 4 -. Press the right arrow ( ) key once again to return to Drive group.
Drive group
Function group 1
Function group 2
When you would like to move from the F 15 to function group 2 -. In F 15, press the Left ( ) or Right arrow ( ) key. Pressing the key goes to the first code of 1 the group. -. The 1 code in function group 1 F 0 is displayed. 2 -. Press the right arrow ( ) key.
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
nruter lliw edoc yna ni yek worra thgir ro fo edoc tsrif tfel .puorg hcae
edoc ts1 eht naht rehto sedoc yna morf spuorg rehto ot evom ot woH
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
5.4 How to change the codes in a group -. In the 1 code in Drive group 0.0, press the 1 Up ( ) key once. -. The 2 2
nd st
displayed. -. Press the Up ( ) key once. -. The 3rd code dEC in Drive group is displayed.
3 -. Keep pressing the Up ( ) key until the last code appears. -. The last code in Drive group drC is 4 displayed. -. Press the Up ( ) key again.
When moving from the F 0 to the F 15 directly 1 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key in F 0.
5 -. Return to the first code of Drive group.
Use Down (
-. 1 (the code number of F1) is displayed. Use the 2 Up ( ) key to set to 5. -. 05 is displayed by pressing the Left ( ) key once to move the cursor to the left. The numeral 3 having a cursor is displayed brighter. In this case, 0 is active. -. 4
Function group 1
-. 15 is set. -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. 5 -. Moving to F 15 has been complete.
Function group 2 and I/O group are settable with the same setting.
When moving from F 1 to F 15 in Function group 1. -. In F 1, continue pressing the Up ( ) key until 1 F15 is displayed.
The same rule applies to Function group 2 and I/O group. Note: Some codes will be skipped in the middle of increment (
)/decrement ( ) for code change. That is
because it is programmed that some codes are intentionally left blank for future use or the codes user does not use are invisible. For example, when F23 [High/low frequency limit select] is set to O (No) , F24 [High frequency limit] and F23 [Low frequency limit] are not displayed during code change. But When F23 is set to 1(Yes), F23 and F24 will appear on the display.
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
0 F naht rehto sedoc yna morf edoc gnignahc roF
Note) Pressing the Left ( )/ Right ( ) /Up ( ) /Down ( ) key while cursor is blinking will cancel the parameter value change.
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
5.5 Parameter setting method When changing ACC time from 5.0 sec to 16.0
Drive group
-. In the first code 0.0, press the Up ( ) key once to go to the second code. -. ACC [Accel time] is displayed.
2 -. Press the Prog/Ent key ( ) once. -. Preset value is 5.0, and the cursor is in the digit 0. 3 -. Press the Left ( ) key once to move the cursor to the left. 4 -. The digit 5 in 5.0 is active. Then press the Up ( ) key once. -. The value is increased to 6.0 5 -. Press the Left ( ) key to move the cursor to the left. -. 0.60 is displayed. The first 0 in 0.60 is active. 6 -. Press the Up ( ) key once. -. 16.0 is set. -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. 7 -. 16.0 is blinking. -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once again to return to the parameter name. 8 -. ACC is displayed. Accel time is changed from 5.0 to 16.0 sec. ) or Right ( ) key while 16.0 is blinking will disable the setting.
Drive group
-. In 0.0, press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. -. The second 0 in 0.0 is active.
2 -. Press the Right ( ) key once to move the cursor to the right. -. 0.00 is displayed 3 -. Press the Up ( ) key until 5 is displayed. 4 -. Press the Left ( ) key once. -. The middle digit in 0.05 is active. 5 -. Press the Left ( ) key once. 6 -. Press the Left ( ) key once. -. 00.0 is displayed with the first 0 active, but the actual value 0.05 remains unchanged. 7 -. Press the Up ( ) key to set to 3. -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. 8 -. 30.0 is blinking. -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. 9 -. Run frequency is set to 30.0 when the blinking stops.
Three digit LED display is provided in SV-iC5 Series. However, digit expansion is available using the
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
1 -. In F0, press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. -. Check the present code number. 2 -. Increase the value to 7 by pressing the Up ( ) key. 3 -. When 7 is set, press the Left ( ) key once. -. 0 in 07 is active. 4 -. Increase the value to 2 by pressing the Up ( ) key. -. 27 is displayed 5 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. -. The parameter number F27 is displayed. 6 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once to check the set value. -. The set value is 0. 7 -. Increase the value to 1 by pressing the Up ( ) key. 8 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. -. F27 is displayed after 5 stops blinking. Changing parameter value has been complete. 9 -. Press the either Left ( ) or Right ( ) key once to go to the first code. 10 -. Return to F0.
The above setting is also applied to change parameter values in function group 2 and I/O group.
Drive group
-. In [0.0], continue pressing the Up ( ) or Down ( ) key until [Cur] is displayed. -. Monitoring output current is provided in this parameter.
2 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once to check the current. -. Present output current is 5.0 A. 3 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once to return to the parameter name. 4 -. Return to the output current monitoring code. Other parameters in Drive group such as dCL (Inverter DC link current) or vOL (Inverter output voltage) can
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
How to monitor Motor rpm in Drive group when the motor is rotating in 1730 rpm.
Drive group
-. Present run frequency can be monitored in the first code of Function group 1. The 1 preset frequency is 57.6Hz. -. Continue pressing the Up ( ) /Down ( ) key until rPM is displayed. -. Motor rpm can be monitored in this code. 2 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. -. Last three digits 730 in 1730 rpm is shown on the LED. 3 -. Press the Left ( ) key once. -. First three digits 173 in 1730 rpm are shown on the LED. 4 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. 5 -. Return to the rPM code.
Overcurrent trip
-. This message appears when an Overcurrent fault occurs. 1 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. -. The run frequency at the time of fault (30.0) is displayed. 2 -. Press the Up ( ) key once. -. The output current at the time of fault is displayed. 3 -. Press the Up ( ) key once. -. Operating status is displayed. A fault occurred during acceleration. 4 -. Press the STOP/RST key once. 5 -. A fault condition is cleared and nOn is displayed.
When more than one fault occur at the same time, -. Maximum three faults information is displayed as shown left.
Drive group
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
During Accel Current Frequency
v v Gt
G k G k Gk G k
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
How to initialize parameters of all four groups in H93 1 2 -. Increase the value to 3 by pressing the Up ( ) key. 3 -. In 3, press the Left ( ) key once to move the cursor to the left. -. 03 is displayed. 0 in 03 is active. 4 -. Increase the value to 9 by pressing the Up ( ) key. -. 93 is set. 5 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. -. The parameter number is displayed. 6 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. -. Present setting is 0. 7 -. Press the Up ( ) key once to set to 1 to activate parameter initialize. 8 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. -. Return to the parameter number after blinking. Parameter initialize has been 9 complete. -. Press the either Left ( ) or Right ( ) key. 10 -. Return to H0.
ezilaitini retemaraP
Function group 2
-. In H0, press the Prog/Ent ( ) key once. -. Code number of H0 is displayed.
dapyek gnimmargorP .5
noitarepo cisaB .6
6. Basic operation
6.1 Frequency Setting and Basic Operation
Caution : The following instructions are given based on the fact that all parameters are set to factory defaults.
Results could be different if parameter values are changed. In this case, initialize parameter values (see page 10-17) back to factory defaults and follow the instructions below.
10 Hz
Operating pattern
10 Hz
Freq. P1(FX)-CM
Operating pattern
noitarepo cisaB .6
noitarepo cisaB .6
Frequency setting via potentiometer & operating via the Run key
1 2 -. Apply AC input power to the inverter. -. When 0.0 is displayed, press the Up ( ) key three times. -. drv is displayed. Operating method is selectable. 3 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key. -. Check the present operating method (1 is run via control terminal) 4 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key and then Down ( ) key once. 5 -. After setting 0, press the Prog/Ent ( ) key. -. drv is displayed after 0 is blinking. Operation method is set via the Run key on the keypad. 6 -. Press the Up ( ) key once. -. Different frequency setting method is selectable in this code. 7 -. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key. -. Check the present frequency setting method (0 is run via keypad). 8 -. Press the Up ( ) key twice. 9 -. After checking 2 (frequency setting via potentiometer), press the Prog/Ent ( ) key. -. Frq is displayed after 2 is blinking. Frequency setting is set via the potentiometer on the 10 keypad. -. Turn the potentiometer to set to 10.0 Hz in either Max or Min direction. -. Press the Run key on the keypad. -. FWD lamp begins to blink and accelerating frequency is displayed on the LED. 11 -. When run frequency 10Hz is reached, 10.0 is displayed as shown left. -. Press the STOP/RST key. -. FWD lamp begins to blink and decelerating frequency is displayed on the LED. 12 -. When run frequency is reached to 0Hz, FWD lamp is turned off and 10.0 is displayed as shown left.
10 Hz
Operating pattern
noitarepo cisaB .6
tsil noitcnuF .7
7. Function list
Drive Group LED display 0.0 Parameter name [Frequency command] Min/Max Description range 0/400 [Hz] This parameter sets the frequency that the inverter is commanded to output. During Stop: Frequency Command During Run: Output Frequency During Multi-step operation: Multi-step frequency 0. It cannot be set greater than F21- [Max frequency]. ACC dEC Drv [Accel time] [Decel time] [Drive mode] (Run/Stop 1 mode) 2 RX : 3 Frq [Frequency mode] 0/8 0 1 Analog 2 the keypad(V0) 3 4 5 the keypad + I terminal 6 7 the keypad + V1 terminal 8 St1 [Multi-Step frequency 1] St2 [Multi-Step frequency 2] St3 [Multi-Step frequency 3] 0/400 [Hz] Modbus-RTU Communication 10.0 O 9-6 Setting via V1 + I terminal Setting via potentiometer on 9-4 9-5 Setting via V1 terminal Setting via I terminal Setting via potentiometer on 9-3 9-3 9-4 Motor reverse rotation Operation via Communication Option Digital Setting via Keypad 1 Setting via Keypad 2 Setting via potentiometer on 0 X 9-1 9-1 9-2 via control terminal RX : FX : Motor reverse run Run/Stop enable 0/6000 [sec] 0/3 0 During Multi-Accel/Decel operation, this parameter serves as Accel/Decel time 0. Run/Stop via Run/Stop key on the keypad Run/Stop FX : Motor forward run 5.0 10.0 1 O O X 9-10 9-10 9-7 9-78 defaults 0.0 during run O 9-1 Factory Adjustable Page This parameter sets Multi-Step frequency 1 during Multi-step operation. This parameter sets Multi-Step frequency 2 during Multi-step operation. This parameter sets Multi-Step frequency 3 during Multi-step operation. 30.0 O 9-6 20.0 O 9-6
Min/Max Description range This parameter displays the output current to the motor. This parameter displays the number of Motor RPM.
Factory defaults -
[Motor RPM]
This parameter displays DC link voltage inside the inverter. This parameter displays the item selected at H73- [Monitoring item select]. vOL POr tOr Output voltage Output power Torque
[Fault Display]
This parameter displays the types of faults, frequency and operating status at the time of the fault
This parameter sets the direction of motor rotation when drv - [Drive mode] is set to either 0 or 1. F r Forward Reverse
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Drive Group Adjustable Page during run 11-1 11-1 11-1 11-2 11-2 O 9-7
F2 F3 F4
F8 1)
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Function group 1 LED display Parameter name [Jump code] Min/Max Description range 0/60 This parameter sets the parameter code number to jump. [Forward/ Reverse run disable] [Accel pattern] [Decel pattern] [Stop mode select] 0/2 0/1 0/2 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 [DC Brake start frequency] 0/60 [Hz] Fwd and rev run enable Forward run disable Reverse run disable Linear S-curve Decelerate to stop Stop via DC brake Free run to stop This parameter sets DC brake start frequency. It cannot be set below F23 - [Start frequency]. [DC Brake wait time] 0/60 [sec] When DC brake frequency is reached, the inverter holds the output for the setting time before starting DC brake. [DC Brake voltage] 0/200 [%] This parameter sets the amount of DC voltage applied to a motor. It is set in percent of H33 [Motor rated current]. [DC Brake time] 0/60 [sec] This parameter sets the time taken to apply DC current to a motor while motor is at a stop. [DC Brake start voltage] 0/200 [%] This parameter sets the amount of DC voltage before a motor starts to run. It is set in percent of H33 [Motor rated current]. [DC Brake start time] [Time for magnetizing a motor] 0/60 [sec] 0/60 [sec] DC voltage is applied to the motor for DC Brake start time before motor accelerates. This parameter applies the current to a motor for the set time before motor accelerates during Sensorless vector control. 1.0 X 10-11 0 X 10-2 50 X 10-2 1.0 X 10-1 50 X 10-1 1.0 X 10-1 5.0 X 10-1 0 X 9-18 0 X 9-13 0 X 9-8 defaults 1 during run O 5-5 Factory Adjustable Page
Min/Max Description range 0/400 [Hz] This parameter sets the frequency for Jog operation. It cannot be set above F21 [Max frequency].
[Max frequency]
40/400 * [Hz]
This parameter sets the highest frequency the inverter can output. It is frequency reference for Accel/Decel (See H70) If H40 is set to 3(Sensorless vector), it can be settable up to 300Hz *.
above Max frequency. F22 [Base frequency] 30/400 [Hz] The inverter outputs its rated voltage to the motor at this frequency (see motor nameplate). In case of using a 50Hz motor, set this to 50Hz. F23 [Start frequency] 0/10 [Hz] The inverter starts to output its voltage at this frequency. It is the frequency low limit. F24 [Frequency high/low limit select] F25 2) [Frequency high limit] 0/400 [Hz] This parameter sets high limit of the run frequency. It cannot be set above F21 [Max frequency]. F26 [Frequency low limit] 0/400 [Hz] This parameter sets low limit of the run frequency. It cannot be set above F25 - [Frequency high limit] and below F23 [Start frequency]. F27 [Torque Boost select] F28 [Torque boost in forward direction] 0/15 [%] 0/1 0 1 Manual torque boost Auto torque boost This parameter sets the amount of torque boost applied to a motor during forward run. It is set in percent of Max output voltage. 5 X 9-17 0 X 9-17 0.5 X 60.0 X 0/1 This parameter sets high and low limit of run frequency. 0 X 9-19 0.5 X 9-19 60.0 X 9-15
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Function group 1 Adjustable Page during run O 10-3 X 9-19
F31 3) F32
2) Only displayed when F24 (Freq High/Low limit select) is set to 1. 3): Set F30 to 2 (User V/F) to display this parameter.
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Function group 1 LED display Parameter name [Torque boost in reverse direction] [V/F pattern] 0/2 0 1 2
[User V/F frequency 1] [User V/F voltage 1] [User V/F frequency 2] [User V/F voltage 2] [User V/F frequency 3] [User V/F voltage 3] [User V/F frequency 4] [User V/F voltage 4] 0/100 [%] 0/400 [Hz] 0/100 [%] 0/400 [Hz] 0/100 [%] 0/400 [Hz] 0/100 [%] 0/400 [Hz]
Min/Max Description range This parameter sets the amount of torque boost applied to a motor during reverse run. It is set as a percent of Max output voltage {Linear} {Square} {User V/F} This parameter is active when F30 [V/F pattern] is set to 2 {User V/F}. It cannot be set above F21 [Max frequency]. The value of voltage is set in percent of H70 [Motor rated voltage]. The values of the lower-numbered parameters cannot be set above those of higher-numbered.
Factory defaults 5
40/110 [%]
This parameter adjusts the amount of output voltage. The set value is the percentage of input voltage
0/30 [%]
Min/Max Description range 50/200 [%] This parameter sets max current capable of flowing to the motor continuously for 1 minute. The set value is the percentage of H33 [Motor rated current]. It cannot be set below F52 [Electronic thermal level for continuous].
This parameter sets the amount of current to keep the motor running continuously. It cannot be set higher than F51 [Electronic thermal level for 1 minute].
30/150 [%]
This parameter sets the amount of current to issue an alarm signal at a relay or multifunction output terminal (see I54, I55). The set value is the percentage of H33[Motor rated current].
0/30 [sec]
This parameter issues an alarm signal when the current greater than F54- [Overload warning level] flows to the motor for F55[Overload warning time].
This parameter turns off the inverter output when motor is overloaded.
30/200 [%]
the amount
0/60 [sec]
This parameter turns off the inverter output when the F57- [Overload trip level] of current flows to the motor for F58- [Overload trip time].
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Function group 1 Adjustable Page during run 0 12-1 0 0 0 12-2 0 0 12-3 0 0
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Function group 1 LED display F59 Parameter name [Stall prevention select] Min/Max Description range 0/7 This parameter stops accelerating during acceleration, decelerating during constant speed run and stops decelerating during deceleration. During During During Acceleration defaults 0 during run X 12-3 Factory Adjustable Page Deceleration constant speed Bit 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F60 [Stall prevention level] 30/150 [%] This parameter sets the amount of current to activate stall prevention function during Accel, constant or Decel run. The set value is the percentage of the H33- [Motor rated current]. 150 X 12-3 Bit 1 Bit 0 -
LED display H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5
Parameter name [Jump code] [Fault history 1] [Fault history 2] [Fault history 3] [Fault history 4] [Fault history 5]
Min/Max Description range 1/95 This parameter sets the code number to jump. This parameter stores information on the types of faults, the frequency, the current and the Accel/Decel condition at the time of fault (see page 1000). The last fault is automatically stored in the H 1- [Fault history 1].
[Dwell frequency]
F23/400 [Hz]
When run frequency is issued, motor starts to accelerate after dwell frequency is applied to the motor during H8- [Dwell time]. [Dwell frequency] can be set within the range of F21- [Max frequency] and F23- [Start frequency].
[Dwell time]
0/10 [sec]
This parameter sets the frequency range to skip to prevent undesirable resonance and vibration on the structure of the machine.
H11 1)
0/400 [Hz]
Run frequency cannot be set within the range of H11 thru H16. The frequency values of the low numbered parameters cannot be set above those of the high numbered ones.
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Function group 2 Adjustable Page during run O 5-5 11-4 O X X X 9-20 X X X X X
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Function group 2 LED display H16 Parameter name [Skip frequency high limit 3] H17 S-Curve accel/decel start side H18 S-Curve accel/decel end side H19 [Output phase loss protection select] H20 [Power On Start select] 0/1 0/1 1/100 [%] 1/100 [%] Set the speed reference value to form a curve at the start during accel/decel. If it is set higher, linear zone gets smaller. Set the speed reference value to form a curve at the end during accel/decel. If it is set higher, linear zone gets smaller. Inverter turns off the output when the phase of the inverter output (U, V, W) is not properly connected. This parameter is activated when drv is set to 1 or 2 (Run/Stop via Control terminal). Motor starts acceleration after AC power is applied while FX or RX terminal is ON. H21 [Restart after fault reset] 0/1 This parameter is active when drv is set to 1 or 2 (Run/Stop via Control terminal). Motor accelerates after the fault condition is reset while the FX or RX terminal is ON. 1) Set H10 to 1 to be displayed. # H17, 18 is used when F2, F3 is set to 1 S-Curve. 0 O 0 O 9-9 0 O 12-5 40 X 40 X 9-13 Min/Max Description range defaults 35.0 during run X Factory Adjustable Page
Min/Max Description range 0/15 This parameter is active to prevent any possible fault when the inverter outputs its voltage to the running motor.
1. H20[Power On start] 2.Restart after instant power failure 3.Operation 4.Normal after fault occurred acceleration
Factory defaults 0
Bit 2 -
Bit 1 -
Bit 0 -
This parameter limits the amount of current during speed search. The set value is the percentage of the H33[Motor rated current].
2) #4.Normal acceleration has first priority. Even though #4 is selected along with other bits, Inverter starts Speed search #4.
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Function group 2 Adjustable Page during run O 1012 O 1012 O O
f r = Rated frequency
rpm = Motor nameplate RPM
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Function group 2 LED display H26 Parameter Name [Number of Auto Restart try] Min/Max Description Range 0/10 This parameter sets the number of restart tries after a fault occurs. Auto Restart is deactivated if the fault outnumbers the restart tries. This function is active when [drv] is set to 1 or 2 {Run/Stop via control terminal}. Deactivated during active protection defaults 0 during run O 1015 Factory Adjustable Page function (OHT, LVT, EXT, HWT etc.) H27 [Auto Restart time] H30 [Motor type select] 0.2/2.2 0/60 [sec] This parameter sets the time between restart tries. 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 H31 [Number of motor poles] H32 [Rated slip 0/10 2/12 0.2 kW 0.4 kW 0.75 kW 1.5 kW 2.2 kW This setting is displayed via rPM in drive group. 4 X 0.4 1) X 10-6 1.0 O
fs = fr
rpm P 120
3.0 2)
Min/Max Description Range 0/2 Select one of the following according to motor inertia. 0 Less than 10 times that of motor inertia 1 2 About 10 times that of motor inertia More than 10 times that of motor inertia
Factory defaults 0
1/15 [kHz]
This parameter affects the audible sound of the motor, noise emission from the inverter, inverter temp, and leakage current. If the value is set higher, the inverter sound is quieter but the noise from the inverter and leakage current will become greater.
0 1 2 3
{Volts/frequency Control} {Slip compensation control} {PID Feedback control} {Sensorless vector control} If this parameter is set to 1, it automatically measures parameters of the H42 and H43.
[Auto tuning]
0/300.0 [mH]
Sensorless P gain
Sensorless I gain
H50 3)
0 1
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Function group 2 Adjustable Page during run X 10-6 O 1016 X 9-15 10-6 10-8 10-11 X 1010 X X O O X 10-8
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Function group 2 LED display Parameter Name [P gain for PID controller] [Integral time for PID controller (I gain)] Differential time for PID controller (D gain) F gain for PID controller [PID output frequency limit] 0/999.9 [%] 0/400 [Hz] This is the Feed forward gain for the PID controller. This parameter limits the amount of the output frequency thru the PID control. The value is settable within the range of F21 [Max frequency] and H23 [Start frequency]. [Frequency Reference for Accel/Decel] 1 0/1 0 The Accel/Decel time is the time that takes to reach the F21 [Max frequency] from 0 Hz. The Accel/Decel time is the time that takes to reach a target frequency from the run frequency. [Accel/Decel time scale] 0/2 0 1 2 [Power on display] 0/13 Settable unit: 0.01 second. Settable unit: 0.1 second. Settable unit: 1 second. This parameter selects the parameter to be displayed on the keypad when the input power is first applied. 0 1 2 3 4 Frequency command Accel time Decel time Drive mode Frequency mode 0 O 11-2 1 O 9-11 0 X 9-10 60.0 O 10-8 0.0 O 10-8 0.0 /30.0 [sec] 0.0 O 10-8 Min/Max Description Range 0/999.9 [%] 0.1/32.0 [sec] This parameter sets the gains for the PID controller. 1.0 O 10-8 defaults 300.0 during run O 10-8 Factory Adjustable Page
LED display
Parameter Name
Min/Max Description Range 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Multi-Step frequency 1 Multi-Step frequency 2 Multi-Step frequency 3 Output current Motor rpm Inverter DC link voltage User display select Fault display Direction of motor rotation select One of the following can be monitored via vOL - [User display select]. 0 1 2 Output voltage [V] Output power [kW] Torque [kgf m] This parameter is used to change the motor speed display to rotating speed (r/min) or mechanical speed (m/mi).
Factory defaults
1/1000 [%]
H79 [Software version] H81 [2
120 f H 31
H 74 100
1.0 X
0/6000 [sec]
This parameter is active when the selected terminal is ON after I20-I24 is set to 12 {2 motor select}.
Decel time] H83 [2nd motor base frequency] H84 [2nd motor V/F pattern] H85 [2nd motor forward torque boost] 0/15 [%] 5 X 0/2 0 X 30/400 [Hz] 60.0 X
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Function group 2 Adjustable Page during run O 11-2 O 11-1 O 1016 O
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Function group 2 LED display Parameter Name [2nd motor reverse torque boost] [2 motor stall prevention level] [2
nd nd
Factory defaults 5
30/150 [%]
50/200 [%]
0.1/20 [A] 0/5 This parameter is used to initialize parameters back to the factory default values. 0 1 All parameter groups are initialized to factory default value. 2 3 4 5 Only Drive group is initialized. Only Function group 1 is initialized. Only Function group 2 is initialized. Only I/O group is initialized.
This parameter is able to lock or unlock parameters by typing password registered in H94. UL (Unlock) L (Lock) Parameter change enable Parameter change disable
LED display I0 I1
Min/Max Description range 0/63 0/9999 This parameter sets the code number to jump This is used to adjust the analog voltage input signal via keypad potentiometer.
Factory defaults 1 10
[Frequency corresponding to I 2 ]
Set the inverter output minimum frequency at minimum voltage of the V0 input.
[Frequency corresponding to I 4]
Set the inverter output maximum frequency at maximum voltage of the V0 input.
[Frequency corresponding to I 7]
Set the inverter output minimum frequency at minimum voltage of the V1 input.
[Frequency corresponding to I 9]
Set the inverter output maximum frequency at maximum voltage of the V1 input.
0/20 [mA]
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I/O group Adjustable Page during run O O 5-5 9-2 O O O O O 9-3 O O O O O 9-4 O
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I/O group LED display I13 Parameter name [Frequency corresponding to I 12] I14 [I input max current] I15 [Frequency corresponding to I 14] I16 [Criteria for Analog Input Signal loss] 2 I20 [Multi-function input terminal P1 define] I21 [Multi-function input terminal P2 define] I22 [Multi-function input terminal P3 define] I23 [Multi-function input terminal P4 define] I24 [Multi-function input terminal P5 define] 8 9 10 11 12 Multi Accel/Decel Low Multi Accel/Decel Mid Multi Accel/Decel High DC brake during stop 2
Min/Max Description range 0/400 [Hz] Set the inverter output minimum frequency at minimum current of I input.
0 1
Disabled Less than half the value set in I 2/7/12 entered Below the value set in I 2/7/12 entered Forward run command {FX} Reverse run command {RX}
0 1
2 3
4 5
10-3 9-6
6 7
10-2 1016
motor select
13 14 15
LED display
Parameter name
Min/Max Description range 16 Frequency decrease command (DOWN) 17 18 19 20 21 3-wire operation External trip: A Contact (EtA) External trip: B Contact (EtB) Exchange between PID operation and V/F operation 22 23 24 Exchange between option and Inverter Analog Hold Accel/Decel Disable BIT3 P4 BIT2 P3 BIT1 P2 BIT1 30AC BIT0
Factory defaults
P1 BIT0 MO 15 I26 [Output terminal status display] I27 [Filtering time constant for 2/50 If the value is set higher, the response of the Input terminal is getting slower.
Multi-function Input terminal] I30 [Multi-Step frequency 4] I31 [Multi-Step frequency 5] I32 [Multi-Step frequency 6] I33 [Multi-Step frequency 7] I34 [Multi-Accel time 1] I35 [Multi-Decel time 1] 0/6000 [sec] 3.0 3.0 O 9-12 15.0 O 20.0 O 0/400 [Hz] It cannot be set greater than F21 [Max frequency]. 25.0 O 30.0 O 9-6
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I/O group Adjustable Page during run 10-4 12-5 10-8 11-3 11-3 O
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I/O group LED display I36 Parameter name [Multi-Accel time 2] I37 [Multi-Decel time 2] I38 [Multi-Accel time 3] I39 [Multi-Decel time 3] I40 [Multi-Accel time 4] I41 [Multi-Decel time 4] I42 [Multi-Accel time 5] I43 [Multi-Decel time 5] I44 [Multi-Accel time 6] I45 [Multi-Decel time 6] I46 [Multi-Accel time 7] I47 [Multi-Decel time 7] I50 [Analog output item select] 0/3 0 Output frequency 1 2 3 I51 [Analog output level adjustment] 10/200 [%] Output current Output voltage DC link voltage 150 % 282 V DC 400V 100 O 10[V] Output Max frequency 0 O 11-5 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 Min/Max Description range defaults 4.0 during run 9-12 Factory Adjustable Page
Min/Max Description range 0/400 [Hz] This parameter is used when I54 [Multifunction output terminal select] or I55 [Multifunction relay select] are set to 0-4. It cannot be set greater than F21 [Max frequency].
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
FDT-3 FDT-4 FDT-5 Overload {OL} Inverter Overload {IOL} Motor stall {STALL} Over voltage trip {OV} Low voltage trip {LV} Inverter cooling fan overheat {OH} Command loss During run During stop During constant run During speed searching Wait time for run signal input Fault relay output When setting the H26 [Number of auto restart try] Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 When trip than the other low When the
[Fault output]
0 1
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I/O group Adjustable Page during run O 11-6 O O 11-6 11-6 11-8 11-8 11-9 11-9 1110 O 11-6
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I/O group LED display Parameter name Min/Max Description range 2 3 4 5 6 7 defaults during run Factory Adjustable Page I60 [Inverter station number] 1/32 This parameter is set when the inverter uses RS485 communication option. 1 O I61 [Baud rate] 0/4 0 1 2 3 4 I62 [Drive select loss frequency command] mode after of 0 1 2 I63 [Wait time 0.1/12 [sec] 0/2 Select the Baud rate of the RS485 1200 bps 2400 bps 4800 bps 9600 bps 19200 bps It is used when frequency command is given via V1 and I terminal or communication option. Continuous operation Free Run stop (Coast to stop) Decel to stop This is the time inverter determines whether there is the input frequency command or not. If there is no frequency command input during this time, inverter starts operation via the mode selected at I62. 1.0 0 O 12-7 3 O after loss of frequency command
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k G
m G
h V k
} V m
w ~ t
8. Control block diagram
Drive group Frq 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 Keypad setting 1 Keypad setting 2 0 1 2 3 4 Multi-step operation via Multi-function terminal Step freq.setting Step 0 I/O group St1 7 VR + V1 I/O group I20 ~ I24 St2 St3 I/O group Up/Down operation Jog frequency Func.group1 F20 I/O group I20 ~ I24 Step 0-7 I30 I31 I32 I33 Max/Min frequency Functi group on 1 F21 F23 15, 16 5 6 VR + I V1 + I VR:potentiometer V1 : 0 ~ 10V I : 0 ~ 20mA I/O input override + 0 Analog input scale I/O group I 2 ~ I15
Freq. setting
VR : Potentiometer
LED Run command setting Drive group drv 0 0 1 2 17 1,2 1 2 FX/RX Run Disable Func.group1 F1 FX/RX run enable Forward run disable Reverse run enable Run command 3-Wire operation I/O group I20 ~ I24
FX/RX run command setting via Multi-function terminal I/O group I20 ~ I24
Dwell freq. & time DC brake voltage & time Func. group1 H7 H8 DC brake start freq. Dwell operation F26 I/O group F25 F8 ~ F11 Max freq. Func. group1 F21 Reference freq. for Accel/Decel Func. group1 P1 ~ P5 0 0 0 Stop method select Func. group1 F4 DC brake freq. voltage, time 1~7 Frequency setting Func. group1 1 2 F8 ~ F11 FreeRun Stop DC brake 0 1 Stop F2, F3 Linear 1 S-curve H70 Accel/Decel pattern Func. group1 Operation Run command Accel/Decel time Drive group ACC DEC Func. group1 Freq. high/low limit
Digital input filter 1st-7th Accel/ Decel time I/O group I34 ~ I47
I/O group
I/O group
I20 ~ I24
V/F pattern Func. group F2, F3 Linear 0 1 2 + Square User V/F Freq., Voltage Func. group F31~F38 User V/F Output voltage adjustment I/O group F39 Base/start freq. I/O group F22 F23 PWM
Torque boost select Func. group F27 Manual Automatic 1 0 Torque boost value Func. group F28 F29
9. Basic Functions
9.1 Frequency mode
Digital Frequency setting via Keypad 1 Set Group Drive group LED Display 0.0 Frq Parameter Name Value [Frequency Command] [Frequency mode] 0 Range 0/400 0/8 Defaults 0.0 0 Hz Min/Max Factory Unit
Run frequency is settable in 0.0 - [Frequency Command]. Set Frq [Frequency mode] to 0 {Frequency setting via Keypad 1}. Set the desired frequency in 0.0 and press the Prog/Ent ( ) key to enter the value into memory. The value is settable not greater than F21 [Max frequency].
Digital Frequency setting via Keypad 2 Set Group Drive group LED Display 0.0 Frq Parameter Name Value [Frequency Command] [Frequency mode] 1 Range 0/400 0/8 Defaults 0.0 0 Hz Min/Max Factory Unit
Run frequency is settable in 0.0 - [Frequency Command]. Set Frq [Frequency mode] to 1{Frequency setting via Keypad 2}. In 0.0, frequency is changed upon pressing the Up ( )/Down ( ) key. It is seleted to use the Up/Down key as potentiometer on keypad. The value is settable not greater than F21 [Max frequency].
snoitcnuf cisaB .9
Used to prevent fluctuations in analog input signals caused by noise Set Group Drive group I/O group LED Display 0.0 Frq I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 Parameter Name Value [Frequency Command] [Frequency Mode] [Filter time constant for V0 input] [V0 input minimum voltage] [Frequency corresponding to I2] [V0 input max voltage] [Frequency corresponding to I4] 2 10 Range 0/8 0/9999 0/10 0/400 0/10 0/400 Defaults 0 10 0 0.0 10 60.0 V Hz V Hz Hz Min/Max Factory Unit
I 2 - I 5 : [Min/Max input voltage and corresponding frequency setting] The corresponding frequency to V0 input voltage is settable.
Example: When setting I 2 - [V0 input minimum voltage] = 2V, I 3- [Frequency corresponding to I 2]= 10Hz, I 4 - [V0 input max voltage] = 8V and I 5 - [Frequency corresponding to I 4]= 50Hz, the following figure is shown.
Freq. setting I5
10Hz 2V I2
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Analog Frequency setting via Potentiometer (V0) on the Keypad Set Frq [Frequency Mode] to 2. The set frequency can be monitored in 0.0- [Frequency Command]. I 1 : [Filtering time constant for V0 input] Effective for eliminating noise in the frequency setting circuit. Increase the filter time constant if steady operation cannot be performed due to noise. A larger setting results in slower response (t gets longer).
50Hz 8V I4 V0 input
Analog Frequency setting via Voltage analog input (0-10V) or potentiometer on the VR terminal Set Group Drive group I/O group LED Display 0.0 Frq I6 I7 I8 I9 I10 Parameter Name Value [Frequency command] [Frequency mode] [Filtering time constant for V1 input] [V1 input minimum voltage] [Frequency corresponding to I 7] [V1 input max voltage] [Frequency corresponding to I 9] 3 10 Range 0/8 0/9999 0/10 0/400 0/10 0/400 Defaults 0 10 0 0.0 10 60.0 V Hz V Hz Hz Min/Max Factory Unit
Select Frq -[Frequency Mode] to 3 {Frequency setting via V1 terminal}. The 0-10V input can be directly applied from an external controller or a potentiometer (between VR and CM terminals). Wire the terminal as shown below and refer to page 9-2 for I 6 - I10.
Frequency Setting via Analog Current Input (0-20mA) Set Group Drive group I/O group LED Display 0.0 Frq I11 I12 I13 I14 I15 Parameter Name Value [Frequency Command] [Frequency Mode] [Filtering time constant for I input] [I input minimum current] [Frequency corresponding to I 12] [I input max current] [Frequency corresponding to I 14] 4 10 Range 0/8 0/9999 0/20 0/400 0/20 0/400 Defaults 0 10 4 0.0 20 60.0 mA Hz mA Hz Hz Min/Max Factory Unit
Select Frq [Frequency Mode] to 4 {Current Analog Input (0-20mA)}. Frequency is set via 0-20mA input between I and CM terminals. See page 9-2 for I11-I15.
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Frequency setting via Potentiometer on the keypad + Current Analog input (0-20mA) Set Group Drive group LED Display 0.0 Frq Parameter Name Value [Frequency Command] [Frequency Mode] 5 Range 0/8 Defaults 0 Hz Min/Max Factory Unit Select Frq [Frequency Mode] to 5 {Potentiometer on the keypad and Current Analog input (0-20mA)}. Override function is provided via Main speed and Auxiliary speed adjustment. Related code : I 1 - I 5, I 11- I 15 When main speed is set via potentiometer and Auxiliary speed via 0-20mA analog input, the override function is set as below. Set Group I/O group Code I2 I3 I4 I5 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 Parameter Name value [V0 input minimum voltage] [Frequency corresponding to I 2] [V0 input max voltage] [Frequency corresponding to I 4] [I input minimum current] [Frequency corresponding to I 12] [I input max current] [Frequency corresponding to I 14] 0 0 10 60.0 4 0 20 5.0 V Hz V Hz mA Hz mA Hz Units After the above setting is made, if 5V is set via potentiometer and 10mA is applied via I terminal, 32.5Hz is output Frequency setting via 0-10V + 0-20mA input Set Group Drive group LED Display 0.0 Frq Parameter Name Value [Frequency Command] [Frequency Mode] 6 Range 0/8 Defaults 0 Hz Min/Max Factory Unit Set Frq [Frequency Mode] to 6 {V1 + I terminal input}. Related code : I 6 - I 10, I 11 - I 15 Refer to the Frequency setting via Potentiometer on the keypad + Current Analog input (0-20mA) for the setting.
Frequency setting via Potentiometer on the keypad + 0-10V input Set Group Drive group LED Display 0.0 Frq Parameter Name Value [Frequency Command] [Frequency Mode] 7 Range 0/8 Defaults 0 Hz Min/Max Factory Unit
Set Frq [Frequency Mode] to 7 {Potentiometer on the keypad + 0-10V input}. Relative code: I 1 - I 5, I6 - I10 Refer to P 9-4 Frequency setting via potentiometer on the Keypad + 0-20mA input for the setting.
Analog Hold Set Group Drive Frq group I/O group I20 P1 define] ~ I24
P5 Define]
LED Display
This setting becomes activated when Frq [Frequency Mode] is set to 2-7. Set one of the Multi-function input terminals to 23 to activate Analog Hold operation.
Freq. setting
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Factory Unit Defaults 0 0 4
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9.2 Multi-Step frequency setting Group Drive group LED Display 0.0 Frq St1 St2 St3 I/O group I22 I23 I24 I30 I31 I32 I33 Parameter Name [Frequency command] [Frq mode] [Multi-Step frequency 1] [Multi-Step frequency 2] [Multi-Step frequency 3] [Multi-function terminal P3 define] [Multi-function terminal P4 define] [Multi-function terminal P5 define] input input input Set Value 5.0 0 5 6 7 0/400 [Multi-Step frequency 6] [Multi-Step frequency 7] 20.0 15.0 0/24 0/400 Min/Max Range 0/400 0/8 Factory Defaults 0.0 0 10.0 20.0 30.0 2 3 4 30.0 25.0 Hz Hz Unit Hz [Multi-Step frequency 4] [Multi-Step frequency 5] Select a terminal to give Multi-step frequency command among P1-P5 terminals. If terminals P3-P5 are selected for this setting, set I22-I24 to 5-7 to give Multi-step frequency command. Multi-step frequency 0 is settable using Frq [Frequency mode] and 0.0 [Frequency command]. Multi-step frequency 1-3 are set at St1-St3 in Drive group, while Step frequency 4-7 are set at I30-I33 in I/O group. Step FX or RX freq 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P3
P4 -
Step 1
Step 2
Step 0
Step 5
Step 7
Step 6
P4 P5
Run via the Run and STOP/RST key Group Drive group LED Display drv drC Parameter Name [Drive mode] (Run/Stop mode) [Direction of motor rotation select] Set Value 0 Min/Max Range 0/3 F/r Factory Defaults 1 F Unit
Set drv [Drive mode] to 0. Motor starts to accelerate by pressing the Run key while run frequency is set. Motor decelerates to stop by pressing the STOP/RST key. Selecting rotation direction is available at drC - [Direction of motor rotation select] when run command is issued via Run key on keypad.
FX : Counter clockwise
Run command setting 1 via FX and RX terminals Group Drive group I/O group LED Display drv I20 I21 Parameter Name [Drive mode] (Run/Stop mode) [Multi-function input terminal P1 define] [Multi-function input terminal P2 define] Set Value 1 0 1 Min/Max Range 0/3 0/24 0/24 Factory Defaults 1 0 1 Unit
Set drv [Drive mode] to 1. Set I20 and I21 to 0 and 1 to use P1 and P2 as FX and RX terminals. FX is Forward run command and RX Reverse run.
Operation will stop when both FX and RX terminals are turned ON or OFF.
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Forward Reverse
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Run command setting 2 at FX and RX terminals Set Group Drive drv group I/O group I20 P1 define] [Multi-function input terminal I21 P2 define] 1 0/24 1 (Run/Stop mode) [Multi-function input terminal 0 0/24 0 LED Display Parameter Name Value [Drive mode] 2 0/3 1 Range Defaults Min/Max Factory Unit Set the drv to 2. Set I20 and I21 to 0 and 1 to use P1 and P2 as FX and RX terminals. FX: Run command setting. Motor runs in forward direction when RX terminal (P2) is OFF. RX: Direction of motor rotation select. Motor runs in reverse direction when RX terminal (P2) is ON.
Frequency FX RX
FX/RX Run Disable Set Group Drive drC group Function F1 group 1 disable] select] [Forward/Reverse run 0/2 0 LED Display Parameter Name Value [Direction of motor rotation F/r F Range Defaults Min/Max Factory Unit
Select the direction of motor rotation. 0 : Forward and Reverse run enable 1 : Forward run disable 2 : Reverse run disable
Power On Start select Group Drive group Function group 2 LED Display drv H20 Parameter Name [Drive mode] (Run/Stop mode) [Power On Start select] Set Value 1, 2 1 Min/Max Range 0/3 0/1 Factory Defaults 1 0 Unit
Set H20 to 1. When AC input power is applied to the inverter with drv set to 1 or 2 {Run via control terminal}, motor starts acceleration. This parameter is inactive when the drv is set to 0 {Run via keypad}.
Particular attention must be directed to this function due to potential hazard as motor starts to run suddenly upon applying AC input power.
Input voltage
Restart after fault reset Group Drive group Function group 2 LED display Drv H21 Parametern name [Drive mode] (Run/Stop mode) [Restart after fault reset] Set value 1, 2 1 Min/Max range 0/3 0/1 Factory defaults 1 0 Unit
Set H21 to 1. Motor starts acceleration if drv is set to 1 or 2 and the selected terminal is ON when a fault is cleared. This function is inactive when the drv is set to 0 {Run via the Keypad}.
Particular attention must be directed to this function due to potential hazard as motor starts to run suddenly after the fault is cleared.
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Frequency Reset Run command When H21 is 0 When H21 is 1
Accel/Decel time setting based on Max frequency Set Group Drive group Function F21 group 1 Function H70 group 2 H71 unit] Accel/Decel] [Accel/Decel Time setting 0/2 1 [Frequency Reference for 0 0/1 0 [Max frequency] 0/400 60.0 Hz LED Display ACC dEC Parameter Name Value [Accel time] [Decel time] Range 0/6000 0/6000 Defaults 5.0 10.0 sec sec Min/Max Factory Unit
Set the desired Accel/Decel time at ACC/dEC in Drive group. If H70 is set to 0 {Max frequency}, Accel/Decel time is the time that takes to reach the max freq from 0 Hz. Desired Accel/Decel time unit is settable at the H71.
Accel/Decel time is set based on F21 [Max frequency]. For instance, if F21 is set to 60Hz, Accel/Decel time 5 sec, and run frequency 30Hz, time to reach 30Hz would be 2.5 sec.
Max. freq. 60Hz Run Freq. 30Hz Run command Accel time Decel time
More precise time unit can be set corresponding to load characteristics as shown below.
Setting range
Set Description value 0 1 2 Unit: 0.01 sec. Unit: 0.1 sec. Unit: 1 sec.
Accel/Decel time based on Run frequency Set Group Drive group Function H70 group 2 Accel/Decel] LED display ACC dEC Parameter name value [Accel time] [Decel time] [Frequency reference for 1 0/1 0 range 0/6000 0/6000 defaults 5.0 10.0 sec sec Min/Max Factory Unit
Accel/Decel time is set at the ACC/dEC. If you set H70 to 1 {Delta frequency}, Accel/Decel time is the time that takes to reach a target freq from run freq (Currently operating freq.).
When H70 and Accel time are set to 1 {Delta frequency} and 5 sec, respectively, (A zone: run freq 10 Hz applied first, B zone: Operating via 10 Hz, different run freq is not issued C: 30Hz Run freq (in this case, Target freq) issued while 10 Hz run freq is applied. But the preset accel time 5 sec is maintained. )
Freq. command (Run freq.) 10Hz A 5 Run command 5 sec 5 sec B 7 (Delta freq.) C 12
Time [sec]
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0.0006~1.0 11-9 00006~1
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Multi-Accel/Decel time setting via Multi-function terminals Set Group Drive group I/O group I20 P1 define] [Multi-function input terminal I21 P2 define] [Multi-function I22 terminal P3 define] [Multi-function I23 terminal P4 define] [Multi-function I24 terminal P5 define] I34 ~ I47 [Multi-Accel time 1] ~ [Multi-Decel time 7] 9.0 0/6000 3.0 Sec input 10 4 input 9 3 input 8 2 1 1 LED Display ACC dEC Parameter Name Value [Accel time] [Decel time] [Multi-function input terminal 0 Range 0/6000 0/6000 0/24 0 Defaults 5.0 10.0 Sec Sec Min/Max Factory Unit Set I22, I23, I24 to 8, 9, 10 if you want to set Multi - Accel/Decel time via P3-P5 terminals. Multi-Accel/Decel time 0 is settable at ACC and dEC. Multi-Accel/Decel time 1-7 is settable at I34-I47.
Accel time 2 Accel time 1 Accel Time 0 Frequency Accel time 3 Decel time 4 Decel time 5 Decel time 6 Decel time 7
MultiAccel/Decel time 0 1 2 3 P5 P4 P3
Accel/Decel pattern setting Min/Max Group Function group 1 LED display F2 F3 H17 side 1~100 S-Curve accel/decel end H18 side 40 % Parameter name range [Accel pattern] [Decel pattern] S-Curve accel/decel start 40 % 0 1 Linear S-curve 0 Set value Unit
Accel/Decel pattern is settable at F2 and F3. Linear : This is a general pattern for constant torque applications S-curve : This curve allows the motor to accelerate and decelerate smoothly. Appropriate applications: Elevator door, lifts.. Caution : For S-curve, the actual Accel/Decel time takes longer than the time set by user.
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.feR leceD/leccA fo 2/1 qerF gnidnE leceD 81H gnitratS leceD 71H 31-9 81H gnidnE gnitratS leccA leccA 71H leceD/leccA .qerF .feR qerF
Accel/Decel Disable Set Group I/O group I20 P1 define] ~ I24 terminal P5 define] ~ [Multi-function input 24 4 LED display Parameter name value [Multi-function input terminal range 0/24 0 defaults Min/Max Factory Unit
Select one terminal of I20-24 to define Accel/Decel disable. For example, if P5 is selected, set I24 to 24 to activate this function.
.detrotsid eb yam evruc-S fo epahs eht .qerf xaM woleb tes si qerf tegrat dna qerF xaM ot tes si )07H( leced/leccA rof feR ycneuqerF gnittes taht etoN
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feR leced/leccA qerF tegraT qerF )07H( qerF
V/F control
Linear V/F operation Set Group Function group 1 LED Display F22 F23 F30 Parameter Name Value [Base frequency] [Start frequency] [V/F pattern] 0 Range 30/400 0/10.0 0/2 Defaults 60.0 0.5 0 Hz Hz Min/Max Factory Unit
Set F30 to 0 {Linear}. This pattern maintains a linear Volts/frequency ratio from F23 - [Start frequency] to F22- [Base frequency]. This is appropriate for constant torque applications. F22 [Base frequency] : Inverter outputs its rated voltage at this level. Enter the motor nameplate frequency. F23 [Start frequency] : Inverter starts to output its voltage at this level.
Square V/F operation Set Group Function F30 group 1 [V/F pattern] 1 0/2 0 LED Display Parameter Name Value Range Defaults Min/Max Factory Unit
Set F30 to 1{Square}. This pattern maintains squared volts/hertz ratio. Appropriate applications are fans, pumps, etc.
Voltage 100%
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User V/F pattern Group Function group 1 LED display F30 F31 ~ F38 Parametername [V/F pattern] [User V/F frequency 1] ~ [User V/F voltage 4] 0/100 100 % Set value 2 Min/Max range 0/2 0/400 Factory defaults 0 15.0 Hz Unit Select F30 to 2 {User V/F}. User can adjust the Volt/Frequency ratio according to V/F pattern of specialized motors and load characteristics.
In case of using a standard induction motor, if this value is set much higher than linear V/F pattern, it could result in torque shortage or motor overheating due to over-energizing. When User V/F pattern is active, F28 - [Torque Boost in forward direction] and F29 - [Torque Boost in reverse direction] are deactivated.
Voltage 100% F38 F36 Linear V/F
F32 Freq. Start freq. F31 F33 F35 F37 Base freq.
Output voltage adjustment Set Group Function F39 group 1 adjustment] LED Display Parameter Name Value [Output voltage 40/110 100 % Range Defaults Min/Max Factory Unit
This function is used to adjust the output voltage of the inverter. This is useful when you use a motor that has a rated voltage lower than the input voltage.
Manual Torque Boost Group Function group 1 LED display F27 F28 F29 Parameter name [Torque boost select] [Torque boost in forward direction] [Torque boost in reverse direction] Set Value 0 Min/Max range 0/1 Factory defaults 0 Unit
Set F27 to 0 {Manual torque boost}. The values of [Torque boost in forward/reverse direction] are set separately in F28 and F29.
If the boost value is set much higher than required, it may cause motor overheating due to overenergizing.
Auto Torque Boost Set Group Function F27 group 1 Function group 2 H34 H41 H42 [No Load Motor Current] [Auto tuning] [Stator resistance (Rs)] 0 0.1/12 0/1 0/5.0 0 A [Torque boost select] 1 0/1 0 LED Display Parameter Name Value Range Defaults Min/Max Factory Unit
Before Auto Torque Boost setting, H34 and H42 should be set correctly (See page 10-6, 10-8). Set F27 to 1 {Auto torque boost}. The inverter automatically boosts the output voltage by calculating torque boost value using motor parameters.
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5 %
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9.6 Stop mode select Decel to stop Set Group Function F4 group 1 [Stop mode select] 0 0/2 0 LED Display Parameter Name Value Range Defaults Min/Max Factory Unit Set F30 to 0 {Decel to stop}. The inverter decelerates to 0Hz for the preset time.
Freq. Run command Decel time
DC brake to stop Set Group Function F4 group 1 [Stop mode select] 1 0/2 0 LED Display Parameter Name Value Range Defaults Min/Max Factory Unit
Set F30 to 1 {DC brake to stop} (See page 10-1 for more).
Free run to stop Set Group Function F4 group 1 [Stop mode select] 2 0/2 0 LED Display Parameter Name Value Range Defaults Min/Max Factory Unit
Set F30 to 2 {Free run to stop}. The inverter turns off the output frequency and voltage when the run command is OFF.
Frequency limit setting based on Max and start frequency Set Group Function group 1 LED display F21 F23 Parameter name value [Max frequency] [Start frequency] range 0/400 0/10 defaults 60.0 0.5 Hz Hz Min/Max Factory Unit
Max frequency: Frequency high limit except for F22 [Base frequency]. Any frequency cannot be set above [Max frequency]. Start frequency: Frequency low limit. If a frequency is set lower than this, 0.00 is automatically set.
Run frequency limit based on frequency High/Low limit Set Group Function F24 group 1 F25 F26 select] [Frequency high limit] [Frequency low limit] 0/400 0/400 60.0 0.5 Hz Hz LED Display Parameter Name Value [Frequency High/Low limit 1 0/1 0 Range Defaults Min/Max Factory Unit
Set F24 to 1. Active run frequency can be set within the range set in F25 and F26.
When frequency setting is done via Analog input (voltage or current input), the inverter operates within the range of high and low limit frequency as shown below. This setting is also valid when frequency setting is done via keypad.
10V 20mA
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Skip frequency Set Group Function group 2 LED display H10 H11 ~ H16 Parameter name value [Skip frequency select] [Skip frequency low limit 1] ~ [Skip frequency high limit 3] 0/400 35.0 Hz 1 range 0/1 0/400 defaults 0 10.0 Hz Min/Max Factory Unit Set H10 to 1. Run frequency setting is not available within the skip frequency range of H11-H16. Skip frequency is settable within the range of F21 [Max frequency] and F23 [Start frequency].
Freq. H16 H15 H14 H13 H12 H11 0 Run command 10V V1(Voltage input) 20mA I (Current input) Freq. Up setting Freq. Down setting
When it is desired to avoid resonance attributable to the natural frequency of a mechanical system, these parameters allow resonant frequencies to be skipped. Three different areas of [Skip frequency High/Low limit] can be set with the skip frequencies set to either the top or bottom point of each area. However, during acceleration or deceleration, the run frequency within the set area is valid. In the case of increasing frequency setting as shown above, if frequency set value (Analog setting via voltage, current or digital setting via keypad) is within the range of Skip frequency, it maintains Skip frequency low limit value. If the set value is outside the range, it increases the frequency. In the case of decreasing frequency setting, if frequency set value (Analog setting via voltage, current or Digital setting via keypad) is within the range of Skip frequency, it maintains Skip frequency high limit value. If the set value is outside the range, it decreases the frequency.
Advanced functions
DC brake Stop mode via DC brake Set Group LED Display Parameter Name value Function group 1 F4 F8 F9 F10 F11 [Stop mode select] [DC Brake start frequency] [DC Brake wait time] [DC Brake voltage] [DC Brake time] 1 Range 0/2 0/60 0/60 0/200 0/60 Defaults 0 5.0 1.0 50 1.0 Hz sec % sec Min/Max Factory Unit
Set F4 - [Stop mode select] to 1. F 8 : The frequency at which the DC brake will become active. F 9 : Inverter will wait for this time after F8 - [DC Brake start frequency] before applying F10 - [DC Brake voltage]. F10 : It sets the level as a percent of H33 [Motor rated current]. F11 : It sets the time that F10 - [DC Brake voltage] is applied to the motor after F 9 - [DC Brake wait time]. Caution: If excessive DC Brake voltage is set or DC Brake time is set too long, it may cause motor overheating and damage to the motor.
F9 Freq. F8
Setting F10 or F11 to 0 will disable DC brake. F 9 [DC Brake Wait time] : When load inertia is great or F 8 [DC Brake Start Frequency] is high, Over current trip may occur. It can be prevented via F9.
Setting F12 or F13 to 0 will disable Starting DC brake. t : After F13 - [DC Brake start time], the frequency is increasing after DC voltage is applied until the time t. In this case, DC Brake start time may be longer than the set value.
DC brake at a stop Set Group Function F12 group 1 I/O group I22 terminal P3 define] [Multi-function input 11 0/24 2 [DC Brake start voltage] 0/200 50 % LED Display Parameter Name value Range Defaults Min/Max Factory Unit
F12 : Set as a percent of H33 [Motor rated current]. Select a terminal to issue a command of DC brake during stop among P1 thru P5. If P3 terminal is set for this function, set 22 to 11 {DC brake during stop}. Caution : If excessive DC Brake voltage is set or DC Brake time is set too long, it may cause motor overheating and damage to the motor.
Jog operation Set Group LED display Parameter name value range 0/400 defaults 10.0 Hz Min/Max Factory Unit
Function F20 group 1 I/O group I22 terminal P3 define] [Multi-function input 4 0/24 2 Jog frequency -
Set the desired jog frequency in F20. Select the terminal among the Multi-function input terminal P1 thru P5 to use for this setting. If P3 is set for Jog operation, set I22 to 4 {Jog}. Jog frequency can be set within the range of F21 - [Max frequency] and F22 [Start frequency].
P1 P3 CM
Jog operation overrides all other operations except Dwell operation. Therefore, if Jog frequency command is entered in the middle of Multi-Step, Up-Down or 3-wire operation, operation is executed at Jog frequency.
Up-Down operation Set Group LED display Parameter name value range defaults 2 [Multi-function input terminal I20 P1 define] ~ I23 terminal P4 define] [Multi-function I24 terminal P5 define] input 16 4
I/O group
input 15
0/24 3
Select terminals for Up-Down operation among P1 thru P5. If P4 and P5 are selected, set I23 and I24 to 15 {Frequency Up command} and 16 {Frequency Down command}, respectively.
P1 P4 P5 CM
3-Wire Operation Set Group LED display Parameter name value range defaults 2 0/24 input 17 terminal P5 define] 4 [Multi-function input terminal I20 P1 define] ~ I24
I/O group
Select the terminal among P1 thru P5 for use as 3-Wire operation. If P5 is selected, set I24 to 17 {3-Wire operation}.
P1 P2 P5 CM
t FX RX P5 (3-Wire)
If both 3-Wire and Up-Down operation are selected, the former will be ignored. The bandwidth of pulse (t) should be above 50msec. Speed search operation is valid even in the case of LVT (low voltage trip) following instant power failure.
Dwell operation Set Group LED Display H7 H8 Parameter Name value Range 0/400 0/10 Defaults 5.0 0.0 Hz sec [Dwell frequency] [Dwell time] Min/Max Factory Unit
Function group 2
In this setting, motor begins to accelerate after dwell operation is executed for dwell time at the dwell frequency. It is mainly used to release mechanical brake in elevators after operating at dwell frequency. Dwell frequency : This function is used to output torque in an intended direction. It is useful in hoisting applications to get enough torque before releasing a mechanical brake. Rated Slip frequency is calculated by the formula shown below.
f r = Rated frequency
fs = fr
rpm P 120
Slip compensation Set Group LED Display H30 H31 H32 H33 H34 H36 H37 H40 Parameter Name value Range 0.2/2.2 2/12 0/10 1.0/12 0.1/12 50/100 0/2 0/3 Defaults 4 0 0 Hz A A % [Motor type select] [Number of motor poles] [Rated slip frequency] [Motor rated current] [Motor No Load Current] [Motor efficiency] [Load inertia rate]
[Control mode select]
Function group 2
Set H40 [Control mode select] to 1 {Slip compensation}. This function enables the motor to run in constant speed by compensating inherent slip in an induction motor. If motor shaft speed decreases significantly under heavy loads then this value should be increased.
H30 :
Set the motor type connected to the inverter. H30 [Motor type select] 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 0.2kW 0.4kW 0.75kW 1.5kW 2.2kW
f s = 60
Factory Unit
H32 : Enter the slip frequency based on the following formula and motor nameplate.
fs = fr
rpm P 120
f r = Rated frequency
rpm = Motor nameplate RPM
H32- [Rated slip frequency] is 2Hz. Set H32- [Rated slip frequency] to 2.
H33 : Enter the motor nameplate rated current H34 : Enter the measured current when the motor is running at rated frequency after the load is removed. Enter 50% of the rated motor current when it is difficult to measure the motor no load current. H36 : Enter motor efficiency on the nameplate. H37 : Select load inertia based on motor inertia as shown below.
0 1 2
As the loads are heavier, the speed gap between rated RPM and synchronous speed is widening (see the figure below). This function compensates for this inherent slip. Set the Torque boost value within 2%. Setting it too high may cause motor over-energizing and lead to error in calculating slip speed.
twy GGt
f s = 60
1740 4 = 2 Hz 120
Less than 10 times motor inertia About 10 times motor inertia Greater than 10 times motor inertia
Feed Forward Gain Ref. freq setting DRV group Frq Func. group2 0 1 2 + 3 H53 : D time 0 Keypad setting 1 1 Keypad setting 2 2 V0:Potentiometer 3 V1 : 0 ~ 10V 4 I : 0 ~ 20mA P1 ~ P5 4 H51 : P Gain H52 :I time + Func. group2 + PID Control H55 PID output freq limit I20 ~ I24 0, 1, 3 2 H54 I/O group Func. group2 PID to Commercial Bypass
Keypa settin d g
I/O group
I/O group
Accel/ Decel
V0 : Potentiometer V 1
I 1, 6, 11
I 2 ~ I15
I/O group
I/O group
I 1, 6, 11
I 7 ~ I15
V 1
H42 H44
[Auto tuning]
[Stator resistance (Rs)] [Leakage inductance (L)]
Automatic measuring of the motor parameters is provided. The measured motor parameters in H41 can be used in Auto Torque Boost and Sensorless Vector Control. Caution : Auto tuning should be executed after stopping the motor. Motor shaft must not run by the load during H41 [Auto tuning].
H41 : When H41 is set to 1 and press the Prog/Ent () key, Auto tuning is activated and TUn will appear on the LED keypad. When finished, H41 will be displayed. H42, H44 : The values of motor stator resistance and leakage inductance detected in H41 are displayed, respectively. When H93 [Parameter initialize] is done, the preset value corresponding to motor type (H30) will be displayed. Press the STOP/RST key on the keypad or turn on the BX terminal to stop the Auto Tuning. If Auto tuning of H42 and H44 is interrupted, the preset value will be used. See page 10-12 for motor preset parameter values.
Caution : Do not enter any incorrect value as stator resistance and leakage inductance. Otherwise, the function of Sensorless vector control and Auto torque boost could be deteriorated.
Set Group Function group 2 LED Display H40 H30 H32 slip frequency] H33 H34 H42 H44 F14 [Motor rated current] [Motor No Load Current] [Stator resistance (Rs)] [Leakage inductance (L)] [Time for energizing a motor] Parameter Name value [Control mode select] [Motor type select] [Rated 3 -
Min/Max Range 0/3 0.2/2.2 0/10 1.0/12 0.1/12 0/14.0 0/300.00 0.0/60.0
If H40 [Control mode select] is set to 3, Sensorless vector control will become active. Caution : Motor parameters should be measured for high performance. It is highly recommended H41 [Auto tuning] be done prior to proceeding operation via Sensorless vector control.
Ensure that the following parameters are entered correctly for high perfomance in Sonsorless vector control. H30 : Select motor type connected to inverter output terminal. H32 : Enter rated slip frequency based on motor nameplate RPM and rated frequency. H33 : Enter motor nameplate rated current. H34 : After removing the motor load, select H40 [Control mode select] to 0 {V/F control} and run the motor at 60Hz. Enter the current displayed in Cur-[Output current] as motor no load current. If it is difficult to remove the load from the motor shaft, enter the value either 40 to 50% of the H33 [Motor rated current] or the factory default. H42, H44 : Enter the value of the parameter measured during H41 [Auto tuning] or the factory default. F14 : This parameter accelerates the motor after magnetizing the motor for the set time. The amount of the magnetizing current is set in H34- [Motor no load current].
Set value -
Factory Defaults 0
Set the amount of output voltage to be reduced in F40. Set as the percent of Max output voltage. For fan or pump applications, energy consumption can be dramatically reduced by decreasing the output voltage when light or no load is connected.
Parameter Name [Speed Search Select] [Current level during Speed search] [P gain during Speed search] [I gain during speed search] [Multi-function terminal select] output
Set value -
I/O group
I54 I55
This is used to prevent possible fault from occurring if the inverter outputs the output voltage during operation after the load is removed. The inverter estimates the motor rpm based on output current, so detecting exact speed is difficult.
4.4 8.8 5.3 5.6 1.2 5.3 1.1 8.1 5.0 9.0 ]A[ ]zH[ gnitar qerf tnerruC-33H pils detaR-23H
H23 : It limits the current during Speed search. Set as the percent of H33 [Motor rated current]. H24, H25 : Speed search is activated via PI control. Adjust P gain and I gain corresponding to the load characteristics. I54, I55 : Signal of active Speed search is given to external sequence via Multi-function output terminal(MO) and Multi-function relay output (30AC).
When the input power is cut off due to instant power failure, the inverter outputs Low voltage trip (LV) to hold the output. When the power is restored, the inverter outputs the frequency before the low voltage trip and the voltage is increased due to PI control. t1 : If the rise in current is greater than the preset level in H23, the rise in voltage will stop and the frequency is decreased. t2 : If the opposite of t1 occurs, the increase in voltage starts again and the decrease in frequency stops. When the frequency and voltage are restored back to the nominal level, acceleration will continue at the frequency before trip.
Speed search is suitable operation when load inertia is great. It is highly recommended to restart after stopping the motor when the load inertia is great.
Set Group Function H26 group 2 H27 try] [Auto Restart time] LED Display Parameter Name value [Number of Auto Restart -
This parameter sets the number of times auto restart is activated in H26. It is used to prevent the system down caused by internal protection function activated by the causes such as noise.
H26 : Auto restart will become active after the H27. The H26 [Number of Auto restart try] is reduced by 1 when it is active. If the trip outnumbers the preset restart try, auto restart function is deactivated. If the setting is reset via the control terminal or the STOP/RST key on the keypad, the number of auto restart try set by user is automatically entered. If there is no more trip occurring for 30 sec after Auto restart operation, the H26 is restored to the preset value. When operation is stopped due to Low voltage {Lvt} or Emergency stop {EST}, Auto restart will be deactivated. After the H27- [Auto Restart time], the motor starts acceleration automatically via speed search (H22-25).
The following pattern is shown when the H26 [Number of auto restart try] is set to 3.
G{ Y W ^Yo X Y
j Gy
y Gj
Set value -
60.0 0 5 5
% % % % % A
30/200 50/200
1.8 0
0/24 input 12 4
Select the terminal among Multi-function input P1 thru P5 for second motor operation. If using the terminal P5 for second motor operation, set I24 to 12.
Used when an inverter operates 2 motors connected to two different types of the loads. 2nd motor operation does not run 2 motors at the same time. As the figure below, when using two motors with an inverter by exchanging them, different values can be set for the 2 Multi-function input terminal and parameters set in H81-H90. Turn the I24(setting: 12) On after motor is stopped. Parameters from H81 to H90 are applied to the 1st motor as well as the 2nd motor.
Parameter initialize Min/Max Group Function group 2 LED Display H93 Parameter Name Range [Parameter initialize] 0 1 2 3 4 5 Initialize groups all 4 parameter Default 0 Factory
Initialize Drive group Only Initialize Function group 1 Only Initialize Function group 2 Only Initialize I/O group Only
Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key after selecting the desired number in H93. H93 will reappear after the setting.
X Gt Y t
Parameter Lock Set Group Function group 2 LED Display H95 H94 Parameter Name value [Parameter lock] [Password Register] Range 0/FFF 0/FFF Defaults 0 0 Min/Max Factory Unit
This parameter is used to lock the user-set parameters using the password.
See the table below to lock the user-set parameter via the H94 [Password Register].
Parameter value can be changed in UL (Unlock) status. While seeing this message Enter the Prog/Ent ( ) key. Enter the password created in H94 (e.g.: 123). Enter the Prog/Ent ( ) key Parameter value cannot be changed in L (Lock) status. Press either the left ( ) or right ( ) key.
See the table below to unlock the user-set parameter via password.
Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Description Go to H94 [Password register] Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key Parameter value cannot be changed in L(Lock) status. Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key Enter the password created in H94 (e.g.: 123). Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key Parameter value can be changed in UL (Unlock) status. While seeing this message Press the Prog/Ent ( ) key
Operating status monitoring Output current Set Group Drive group LED Display CUr Description value Output current range default Min/Max Factory Unit
Motor RPM Set Group Drive group Function group 2 LED Display rPM H31 H40 H74 Description value [Motor RPM] [Number of motor poles] [Control mode select] [Gain for Motor rpm display] 2/12 0/2 1/1000 4 0 100 % range default Min/Max Factory Unit
Motor rpm can be monitored in rPM. When H40 is set to 0 {V/F control} or 1 {PID control}, the Inverter output frequency (f) is displayed in RPM using the formula below. Motor slip is not considered.
H31 : Enter the number of rated motor poles on the nameplate. H74 : This parameter is used to change the motor speed display to rotating speed (r/min) or mechanical speed (m/mi).
120 f H 31
H 74 100
Factory Unit
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User display select Set Group Drive group Function H73 group 2 [Monitoring item select] 0/2 0 LED Display vOL Parameter Name value [User display select] range default Min/Max Factory Unit The selected item in H73- [Monitoring item select] can be monitored in vOL- [User display select]. H73 : Select one of the desired item numbers. H73 [Monitoring item 0 select] 1 2 Output power [kW] Torque Output voltage [V] Enter motor efficiency indicated on motor nameplate to H36 to display correct torque Power on display LED Group display Function group 2 H72 [Power on display] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ` 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Frequency command (0.0) Accel time (ACC) Decel time (DEC) Drive mode (drv) Frequency mode (Frq) Multi-step frequency 1 Multi-step frequency 2 Multi-step frequency 3 Output current (CUr) Motor rpm (rPM) Inverter DC link voltage (dCL) User display select (vOL) Fault display 1 Fault display 2 Parameter Name Setting default 0 Factory Select the parameter to be displayed on the keypad when the input power is first applied.
Input terminal status monitoring Set Group I/O group I25 display] LED Display Parameter Name value [Input terminal status range default Min/Max Factory Unit
Active input terminal status (ON/OFF) can be monitored in I25. The following is displayed when P1, P3, P4 are ON and P2, P5 are OFF.
OFF P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
Output terminal status monitoring Set Group I/O group I26 display] LED Display Parameter Name value [Output terminal status range default Min/Max Factory Unit
Current status (ON/OFF) of the Multi-function output terminal (MO) and Multi-function relay can be monitored in I26. The following is displayed when Multi-function output terminal (MO) is ON and Multi-function relay (30AC) is OFF.
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11.3 Monitoring fault condition Monitoring fault display Set Group Drive group LED Display nOn Parameter Name value [Fault Display] range default Min/Max Factory Unit The kind of fault occurred during operation is displayed in nOn. Up to 3 kinds of faults can be monitored. This parameter gives information on fault types and the operating status at the time of the fault. Refer to 1.6 How to monitor operation. Refer to Page 13-1 for various fault types. Fault types Frequency Current Accel/Decel Information Fault during Accel Fault during Decel Fault during constant run Fault History Monitoring Set Group I/O group LED Display H1 ~ H5 H6 Parameter Name value [Fault history 1] ~ [Fault history 5] [Reset fault history] 0/1 0 range default Min/Max Factory Unit H 1 ~ H 5 : Up to 5 fault information is stored. H 6 : Previous fault information stored in the code H1 thru H5 is all cleared. . When a fault occurs during operation, it can be monitored in the nOn. When the fault condition is reset via the STOP/RST key on the keypad or multi-function terminal, information displayed in the nOn will be moved to the H1. In addition, the previous fault info stored in H1 will be automatically moved to H2. Therefore, the updated fault info will be stored in the H1. When more than 1 fault occurred at the same time, up to 3 types of faults will be stored in one code.
Analog Output
Set Group I/O group I50 select] [Analog I51 adjustment] output level LED Display Parameter Name value [Analog output item -
Output item and the level from the AM terminal are selectable and adjustable.
I50 : The selected item will be output to Analog output terminal (AM).
output 0 1 2 3 Output frequency. Output current Output voltage Inverter voltage DC link
10V Max Frequency (F21) 150% of Inverter rated current 282 Vac 400 Vdc
item select
I51 : If you want to use Analog output value as a gauge input , the value can be adjustable corresponding to various gauge specifications.
tj th
gnirotinoM .11
11.5 Multi-function output terminal (MO) and Relay (30AC) Group LED display I54 Parameter Name [Multi-function output terminal select] [Multi-function relay select] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I/O group 15 16 17 FDT-1 FDT-2 FDT-3 FDT-4 FDT-5 Overload {OL} Inverter Overload {IOL} Motor stall {STALL} Over voltage trip {OV} 12 Low voltage trip {LV} Inverter cooling fan overheat {OH} Command loss During run During stop During constant run During speed searching Wait time for run signal input Fault relay output When setting the H26 [Number of auto restart tries] Bit 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 When the trip other than low voltage trip occurs Bit 1 When the low voltage trip occurs Setting Factory default I55 I56 [Fault relay output] Bit 0 Select the desired item to be output via MO terminal and relay (30AC).
I56 : When 17 {Fault display} is selected in I54 and I55, Multi-function output terminal and relay will be activated with the value set in I56. 0 : FDT-1 Check whether the output frequency of the inverter matches the user-setting frequency.
Bandwidth/2 Set Group I/O group I53 Bandwidth] LED Display Parameter Name value [Frequency Detection range 0/400 default 10.0 Hz Min/Max Factory Unit
1 : FDT-2 It activates when the preset frequency matches frequency detection level (I52) and FDT-1 condition is met. Active condition: (Preset frequency = FDT level) & FDT-1 Set Group I/O group I52 Level] [Frequency I53 bandwidth] detection 10.0 LED Display Parameter Name value [Frequency Detection 0/400 30.0 Hz range default Min/Max Factory Unit
It cannot be set above F21- [Max frequency]. When setting I52 and I53 to 30.0 Hz and 10.0 Hz, respectively
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Frequency Detection
Gy vt
Gy vt
GUm Um
Set Group I/O group I52 level] [Frequency I53 Bandwidth] Detection LED Display Parameter Name value [Frequency Detection -
Min/Max range
0/400 10.0
It cannot be set above F21- [Max frequency]. When setting I52 and I53 to 30.0Hz and 10.0 Hz, respectively
3 : FDT-4 Become active when run frequency meets the following condition. Active condition
LED Group Display I/O group I52 I53 Bandwidth] [Frequency Detection level] [Frequency Detection Description
Cannot be set above F21- [Max Frequency]. When setting I52, I53 to 30.0 Hz and 10.0Hz, respectively.
FDT Level
(FDT Level FDT Bandwidth/2) Set value 0/400 10.0 Min/Max range Factory Unit default 30.0 Hz
Gy vt
Gy vt
gnirotinoM .11
2 : FDT-3 It activates when run frequency meets the following condition. Active condition: Absolute value (FDT level - run frequency) FDT Bandwidth/2 Factory Unit default 30.0 Hz
LED Display
Parameter Name value [Frequency Detection Level] [Frequency Detection Bandwidth] 10.0 0/400 30.0 range default
It cannot be set above F21- [Max Frequency]. When setting I52, I53 to 30.0 Hz and 10.0Hz, respectively
8 : Over voltage Trip {Ovt} Become active when DC link voltage exceeded 400V and led to Over voltage trip.
9 : Low voltage Trip {Lvt} Become active when DC link voltage decreased to 200V and led to Low voltage trip.
10 : Inverter cooling fin overheating {OHt} Become active when overheated inverter cooling fan triggers protection function.
FDT Level
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oWZ Gy vt Um
16 : Wait time for run signal input This function becomes active during normal operation and that the inverter waits for active run command from external sequence.
17 : Fault relay output The parameter set in I56 is activated. For example, if setting I55, I56 to 17 and 2, respectively, Multi-function output relay will become active when trip other than Low voltage trip occurred.
Gy vt
Gy vt
Gy vt
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11 : Command Loss Become active when frequency command is lost. 12 : During run Become active when run command is given and the inverter generates output voltage.
Protective functions
Electronic Thermal
Min/Max Group Function group F50 1 F51 minute] 50/150 [Electronic thermal level for F52 continuous] F53 [Motor type] 0/1 select] [Electronic thermal level for 1 LED display Parameter Name [Electronic thermal 1 Set value setting 0/1
Select F50 [Electronic thermal select] to 1. It activates when the motor is overheated (time-inverse). If current greater than set in F51 flows, inverter output is turned off for the preset time in F51- [Electronic thermal level for 1 minute].
F51 : Enter the value of max current that is capable of flowing to the motor continuously for one minute. It is set in percent of motor rated current. The value cannot be set lower than F52. F52 : Enter the amount of current for continuous operation. Normally motor rated current is used. It cannot be set greater than F51. F53 : For an inductance motor, cooling effects decrease when a motor is running at low speed. A special motor is a motor that uses a separately powered cooling fan maximize cooling effect even in low speed. Therefore, as the motor speed changes, the cooling do not change.
[Motor type] 0
Standard motors having a cooling fan directly connected to the shaft Special motor that uses a separately powered cooling 1 fan.
WWX LG GGj \` \]
Overload warning Set Group Function group 1 I/O group I54 terminal select] I55 [Multi-function relay select] 5 17 LED Display F54 F55 Parameter Name value [Overload warning level] [Overload warning time] [Multi-function output 5 setting 30/150 0/30 0/17 12 default 150 10 % Sec Min/Max Factory Unit
Select one output terminal for this function between MO and 30AC. If selecting MO as output terminal, set I54 to 5 {Overload : OL}.
Overload trip Group Function group 1 LED Display F56 F57 F58 Parameter Name [Overload trip select] [Overload trip level] [Overload trip time] Set value 1 Min/Max setting 0/1 30/200 0/60 Factory default 0 180 60 % sec Unit
Set F56 to 1. Inverter output is turned off when motor is overloaded. Inverter output is turned off when excessive current flows to the motor for F58 [Overload trip time].
12.3 Stall prevention Group Function group 1 LED Display F59 F60 I/O group I54 I55 Parameter Name [Stall prevention select] [Stall prevention level] [Multi-function terminal select] output Set value 7 7 Min/Max setting 0/7 30/150 0/17 Factory default 3 150 12 17 % Unit
During acceleration : Motor acceleration is stopped when current exceeding the value set in F60 flows. During constant run : Motor decelerates when current exceeding the value set in F60 flows. During deceleration : Motor deceleration is stopped when inverter DC link voltage rises above a certain voltage level. F60 : The value is set as the percent of motor rated current (H33). I54, I55: Inverter outputs signals through multi-function output terminal (MO) or relay output (30AC) when stall prevention function is activated. Stall prevention operation can be monitored by external sequence.
F59 : Stall prevention can be set as the table below. F59 [Stall prevention select] Setting During Deceleration Bit 2 During constant speed Bit 1 During Acceleration Bit 0 -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
G Gk
Set Group Function H19 group 2 protection select] LED display Parameter Name value [Output phase loss 1
Set H19 value to 1. This function turns off the inverter output in the event of more than one phase loss among U, V and W output. Caution : Set H33- [Motor rated current] correctly. If the actual motor rated current and the value of H33 are different, this function could not be activated.
External trip signal Set Group LED display Description Value setting default 0 P1 define] ~ I23 terminal P4 define] [Multi-function I24 terminal P5 define] input 19 4 ~ [Multi-function input 18 0/24 3 [Multi-function input terminal I20 Min/Max Factory Unit
I/O group
Select a terminal among P1 thru P5 to output external trip signal. Set I23 and I24 to 18 and 19 to define P4 and P5 as External A contact and B contact.
External trip signal input A contact (N.O) : This is a normally open contact input. When a P4 terminal set to Ext trip-A is ON, inverter displays the fault and turns off its output. External trip signal input B contact (N.C) : This is a normally closed contact input. When a terminal set to Ext trip-B is OFF, inverter displays the fault and turns off its output.
_XGdGZYpGaGGUvUu [w `XGdG[YpGaGGUjUu \w tj
Inverter overload prevention function is activated when the current above inverter rated current flows. Multi-function output terminal (MO) or Multi-function relay (30AC) is used as the alarm signal output during inverter overload trip.
LED display
Gy PGiO\w
Set Group I/O group I16 signal loss] [Drive mode select after I62 loss of frequency LED display Parameter Name value [Criteria for analog input 0
command] [Wait time after loss of I63 frequency command] [Multi-function I54 terminal select] I55 [Multi-function relay select] 11 17 output 11 12 1/12 0/17 1.0 Sec
Select the Drive mode when frequency reference set via V1 and I or (V1+I) input terminal or communication option is lost.
I16 : This is to set the criteria for analog input signal loss when frequency reference is given by V1, I, V1+I or Communication option.
0 1 2
Disabled (Does not check the analog input signal loss) When less than the value set in I 2, I 7, I 12 is entered When below the value set in I 2, I 7, I 12 is entered
EX 1) The inverter determines that the freq reference is lost when DRV- Frq is set to 3 (Analog V1 input), I 16 to 1 and analog input signal is less than half of the minimum value set in I 7.
EX 2) The inverter determines that the freq reference is lost when DRV- Frq is set to 6 (V1+I), I 16 to 2 and V1 input signal is either below the minimum value set in I 7 or I input value is less than the I 12 value.
I62 : When no frequency command is given for the time set in I63, set the drive mode as the table below.
Gy vt
I54, I55 : Multi-function output terminal (MO) or Multi-function relay output (30AC) is used to output information on loss of frequency command to external sequence.
For example, when I62 is set to 2, I63 to 5.0 sec and I54 to 11, respectively,
When a fault occurs, the cause must be corrected before the fault can be cleared. If protective function keeps active, it could lead to reduction in product life and damage to the equipment.
Keypad display
Protective Descriptions functions The inverter turns off its output when the output current of the inverter flows more than Overcurrent 200% of the inverter rated current. Ground current Inverter Overload Overload trip inverter rated current for more than the current limit time (1 min). Heat overheat DC capacitor overload Output loss Phase The inverter turns off its output when the one or more of the output (U, V, W) phase is open. The inverter detects the output current to check the phase loss of the output. The inverter turns off its output if the DC voltage of the main circuit increases higher than Over voltage 400 V when the motor decelerates. This fault can also occur due to a surge voltage link sink The inverter turns off its output if the heat sink overheats due to a damaged cooling fan or an alien substance in the cooling fan by detecting the temperature of the heat sink. The inverter turns off its output when it is time to replace the old DC link capacitor to a new one. fault The inverter turns off its output when a ground fault occurs and the ground fault current is more than the internal setting value of the inverter. The inverter turns off its output when the output current of the inverter flows more than the rated level (150% for 1 minute). The inverter turns off its output if the output current of the inverter flows at 150% of the
generated at the power supply system. The inverter turns off its output if the DC voltage is below 200V because insufficient Low voltage torque or overheating of the motor can occur when the input voltage of the inverter drops. The internal electronic thermal of the inverter determines the overheating of the motor. If Electronic the motor is overloaded the inverter turns off the output. The inverter cannot protect the Thermal motor when driving a motor having more than 4 poles or multi motors. Parameter save error This fault message is displayed when user-setting parameters fails to be entered into memory.
Caution :
The inverter starts to regular operation when turning off the BX terminal while FX or RX terminal is ON.
External fault A When multi-function input terminal (I20-I24) is set to 18 {External fault signal input : A contact input External fault B contact input Operating method the when (Normal Open Contact)}, the inverter turns off the output. When multi-function input terminal (I20-I24) is set to 18 {External fault signal input : B (Normal Close Contact)}, the inverter turns off the output.. When inverter operation is set via Analog input (0-10V or 0-20mA input) or option (RS485) and no signal is applied, operation is done according to the method set in I62 (Operating method when the frequency reference is lost).
frequency is
command lost
Protective functions
Overcurrent When an overcurrent fault occurs, operation must be started after the cause is removed to avoid damage to IGBT inside the inverter. Accel/Decel time is too short compared to Increase the Accel/Decel time. 2 the GD of the load. Replace the inverter with appropriate Load is greater than the inverter rating capacity. Resume operation after stopping the motor Inverter output is issued when the motor is or use H22 (Speed search) in Function group 2. free running. Output short circuit or ground fault has Check output wiring. occurred. Mechanical brake of the motor is operating Check the mechanical brake. too fast. Ground fault has occurred at the output wiring of the inverter The insulation of the motor is damaged due to heat. Load is greater than the inverter rating. Inverter overload Inverter capacity is incorrectly selected. Torque boost scale is set too large. Check the wiring of the output terminal. Replace the motor. Upgrade the capacity of motor and inverter or reduce the load weight. Select correct inverter capacity. Reduce torque boost scale.
Overload trip Cooling system has faults. An old cooling fan is not replaced with a new one. Ambient temperature is too high. Faulty contact of magnetic switch at output Faulty output wiring Output Phase loss An alien substance is clogged in a ventilating slot. Inverter has been in use without changing a cooling fan. Decel time is too short compared to the GD2 of the load. Regenerative load is at the inverter output. Line voltage is too high. Line voltage is low. Load larger than line capacity is connected to line (ex: welding machine, motor with high starting current connected to the commercial line). Faulty magnetic switch at the input side of the inverter. Motor has overheated. Load is greater than inverter rating. ETH level is set too low. Inverter capacity is incorrectly selected. Inverter has been operated at low speed for too long. Check for alien substances clogged in the heat sink. Replace the old cooling fan with a new one. Keep ambient temperature under 40C. Make connection of magnetic switch at output of the inverter securely. Check output wiring. Check the ventilating slot and remove the clogged substances. Replace the cooling fan. Increase the Decel time. Use Dynamic Brake Unit. Check whether line voltage exceeds its rating. Check whether line voltage is below its rating. Check the incoming AC line. Adjust the line capacity corresponding to the load.
Over voltage
Low voltage
Electronic thermal
.retrevni eht yfidom reveN .srotcennoc dna strap renni yna egnahc ton oD .noitallatsni ro noitcepsni rof meht gnihcuot erofeb DSE tsniaga serusaem evitcetorp ekaT .stnenopmoc evitisnes )egrahcsiD citatsortcelE( DSE sah retrevni seires 5Ci-VS .gnideecorp erofeb retset a gnisu N dna 1P ro P lanimret neewteb egatlov eht kcehC .ffo denrut si rewop eht retfa neve degrahc eb llits nac tiucric niam retrevni eht ni sroticapac sub ehT .degrahcsid sah roticapac knil CD eht gnikcehc retfa ecnanetniam mrofrep ot erus ekaM .ecnanetniam gnimrofrep elihw rewop tupni eht evomer ot erus ekaM
Check points
Daily inspections Proper installation environment Cooling system fault Unusual vibration and noise Unusual overheating and discoloration Periodic inspection Screws and bolts may become loose due to vibration, temperature changes, etc. Check that they are tightened securely and retighten as necessary. Alien substances are clogged in the cooling system. Clean it using the air. Check the rotating condition of the cooling fan, the condition of capacitors and the connections with the magnetic contactor. Replace them if there are any abnormalities.
Part replacements
The inverter consists of many electronic parts such as semiconductor devices. The following parts may deteriorate with age because of their structures or physical characteristics, leading to reduced performance or failure of the inverter. For preventive maintenance, the parts must be changed periodically. The parts replacement guidelines are indicated in the following table. Lamps and other short-life parts must also be changed during periodic inspection. Part name Cooling fan Smoothing capacitor in main circuit Smoothing capacitor on control 4 board Relays Exchange (as required) Exchange (as required) Change period (unit: Year) 3 4 Description Exchange (as required) Exchange (as required)
Technical data Input & output ratings Model : SV xxx iC5 2x 004 0.5 0.4 0.95 2.5 0 ~ 400 [Hz]
3 4
Max motor capacity1 Capacity [kVA] Output ratings FLA [A] Frequency Voltage Voltage Input Frequency ratings Current
[HP] [kW]
Single Phase 200 ~ 230V (10%) 50 ~ 60 [Hz] (5%) 5.5 9.2 16 21.6
Control Control mode Frequency setting resolution Analog: 0.06Hz (Max. frequency : 60Hz) Digital: 0.01% of Max. output frequency Accuracy of Frequency command Analog: 0.1% of Max. output frequency V/F Ratio Overload capacity Torque boost Linear, Squared Pattern, User V/F Software: 150% for 60 s, Hardware: 200% for 30 s (time-inverse) Auto/Manual torque boost V/F control, Sensorless vector control Digital: 0.01Hz
Operation Operation mode Frequency setting Digital : Keypad Operation features Input Multi-function terminal Function: (refer to page 3-5) Multi-function Output collector terminal open Operating status Function: (Refer to page 11-6) PID control, Up-Down operation, 3-wire operation NPN/ PNP selectable Keypad/ Terminal/ Communication option selectable Analog: 0 ~ 10[V], 0 ~ 20[mA], Keypad Potentiometer
Indicates the maximum applicable motor capacity when using a 4-pole LG Standard motor. Rated capacity is based on 220V. Max settable freq is 300Hz when H30 is set to 3 Sensorless Vector Control. Max output voltage will not be greater than the input voltage. Output voltage less than the input voltage can be programmed.
snoitacificepS .41
022 3 2.2 4.5 12
4 3 2 1
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Multi-function terminal Analog output 0 ~ 10 Vdc : Frequency, Current, Voltage, DC link voltage selectable relay Fault output (N.O., N.C.) Protective functions Over-voltage, Under-voltage, Over-current, Ground fault current detection, Over-temperature of inverter Inverter Trip and motor, Output phase open, Overload, Communication error, Loss of frequency command, H/W fault Alarm Stall prevention, Overload Conditions Momentary power loss Less than 15 msec : Continuous operation More than 15 msec : Auto Restart enable Environment Cooling Forced air cooling method Degree protection Ambient -10C ~ +50C temperature Storage -20C ~ +65C temperature Relative Less than 90% (no condensation) humidity Altitude, Vibration Application Protected from corrosive gas, combustible gas, oil mist or dust site 1,000m above sea level, Max. 5.9m/sec (0.6G)
of Open, IP 20
.egnar elbissimrep nihtiw pmet tneibma lenap eht peek ot enod ylreporp si noitapissid taeh erehw ti llatsni ,lenap a ni dellatsni si tinu eht fI .pmet tneibma elbissimrep eht nihtiw esu ni si retrevni nehw deilppa si hparg evoba ehT .1
: eto N
tnerruC daoL
snoitacificepS .41
.detcennoc si rotom detar nehw gnitar tnerruc retrevni no desab si evruc gnitared sihT