Port Based Vlan
Port Based Vlan
Port Based Vlan
A port based VLAN switch determines the membership of a data frame by examining the configuration of the port that received the transmission or reading a portion of the data frames tag header. A four-byte field in the header is used to identify the VLAN. This VLAN identification indicates what VLAN the frame belongs to. If the frame has no tag header, the switch checks the VLAN setting of the port that received the frame. If the switch has been configured for port based VLAN support, it assigns the ports VLAN identification to the new frame. The port configuration method is really a way to configure separate LANs within the same box. The resulting LANs are technically not VLANs because they are configured as distinct wiring configurations. Port-based VLAN is the simplest and most common form of VLAN allows assigning the appliance's LAN ports to VLANs, effectively transforming the appliances. You can assign multiple ports to the same VLAN, or each port to a separate VLAN. Port-based VLANs are VLANs where the packet forwarding decision is based on the destination MAC address and its associated port. You must define outgoing ports allowed for each port when using port-based VLANs. Note that VLAN only governs the outgoing traffic, in the other word, it is unidirectional. Therefore, if you wish to allow two subscriber ports to talk to each other, e.g., between conference rooms in a hotel, you must define the egress (outgoing port) for both ports. An egress port is an outgoing port, that is, a port through which a data packet leaves. Port-based VLAN is specific only to the switch on which it was created. Definitely, Portbased VLAN can't across different switches. As the following network diagram shown
in most MTU case, for the sake of security, subscribers are isolated with each other except for the gateway. In a port-based VLAN, the system administrator assigns the switch's ports to a specific VLAN If a user relocates; the system administrator reassigns the port to the new VLAN. Another advantage is if a hub is connected to a port that is part of a VLAN, all devices connected to the hub are also part of the VLAN. The disadvantage is that there is no way to exclude an individual device on that hub from becoming part of the VLAN. The primary benefit of the port based VLAN technology is the localization of traffic that it provides. This function can offer improvements in security and performance to stations assigned to a VLAN. While the localization of traffic to VLANs can improve security and performance, it imposes some restrictions on network devices that participate in the VLAN. If a switch is operating in the secure mode, a group of users assigned to a single VLAN can communicate with one another freely, but cannot communicate with users on other VLANs without the services of a Network Layer (OSI Layer 3) routing device to make the connection between the VLANs. In the open mode, this restriction does not apply. In order to set up a VLAN, all the network switch devices that are assigned to the VLAN must support the prestandard IEEE 802.1Q specification for port based VLANs. Dax Product Offering: To view the Dax products that support TCP Header Compression, please use the below url:-DX-800XE series:
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