Table of Contents
The Importance of the ARC ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Pre-ARC activities ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Peer groups and experienced hires ............................................................................................................................... 4 Transfers, staff on tour, and national staff in the markets .......................................................................................... 4 Completing a comprehensive file review ...................................................................................................................... 4 Determining an RPR recommendation ........................................................................................................................ 4 Relative Performance Rating (RPR) guidelines ........................................................................................................... 6 Promotion recommendations........................................................................................................................................ 6 ARC activities .......................................................................................................................................................................8 Summary of RPR considerations ..................................................................................................................................8 Summary of promotion considerations ........................................................................................................................8 Annual performance bonus consideration (for senior associates and above) ............................................................ 9 Post-ARC activities ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 Communicating ARC decisions while waiting for exam results ................................................................................ 10 Additional Guidance .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Reference material/tools ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Appendix .............................................................................................................................................................................11 Assurance credential requirements for associates and senior associates ..................................................................11 Assurance credential requirements for managers and above ................................................................................... 16 FY12 required courses for core attest, PCS, Process Assurance, TS ..........................................................................22 Excerpt from Tim Ryan's September 2011 communication regarding the assurance bonus program ...................26 ARC review drafting template ..................................................................................................................................... 27
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Pre-ARC activities
Peer groups and experienced hires
Experienced Hires - Consideration should be given to the acclimation and transition period for Experienced Hires. They should be assessed against the expectations of a new hire at their staff level. This would mean that they should be evaluated across all rating categories; they should not automatically default to "high performer." However, if hired after January 1, 2012 and feedback is limited, it may be appropriate to assign a "0" rating for this initial period.
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Business: Knowledge, skills, and behaviors associated with business management and business development including project management, engagement economics, proposals, and growth opportunities.
Development over the course of the year should be considered in determining the RPR, including progression and achievement of quality related goals such as compliance with credentials (CPA licensing, credential exam requirements), and completion of required courses and related competency assessments. It is expected that "Top" and "Outstanding" performers will have demonstrated significant progress toward the following goals, which coaches should identify and summarize for the ARC review: o o Required Courses: HR will provide a summary of attendance at required courses and completion of related competency assessments, to be reviewed during the consultation meeting. All coaches should summarize the staff member's progress toward completion of all required courses and related competency assessments.
Required Credentials: o o Coaches should have an understanding of their coachees' progression toward achieving credentials, and should review progress against credential goals as documented in their coachees' Success Plans. For associates who have not yet passed the primary credential exam, the RPR may be impacted (please reference full details of the policy in the appendix). > Per the associate credential policy, third year (or later) associates failing to pass the exam may be rated no higher than "High Performer". The ARC should assess their overall performance and propose the rating as if their credential requirements have been met and the RPR will be adjusted as appropriate during the National post ARC review Following are requirements for associates to progress towards achieving their primary credential. These points should be considered in determining their overall performance rating. National will not adjust RPR based on these factors: a. Has sat for each part of the exam that has not been passed a minimum of twice per fiscal year. b. Credential plans incorporated into their Success Plans until all exam and work office license requirements are met. c. Created and maintained a CPA work plan in the CTS and updated the plan with sitting dates as they are set and with results as they are received. Those sitting for exams other than the CPA are not required to maintain a work plan in the CTS. d. Completed a minimum of 12 educational credit hours per fiscal year, if they currently do not yet meet education requirements to sit for the exam
Managers who may not yet hold their primary credential due to an international transfer, are working on a new work office license, or are on a credential work plan due to a business unit transfer should be assessed for credential progress. In these cases, HR will review progress against credential work plan and consider accordingly when determining initial RPR. During consultation meetings with coaches, HR can utilize the CPA credential tracking system to review current work plans and confirm that exam dates are recorded.
Coaches should identify and be prepared to summarize differentiating performance factors: Coaches should utilize the Assurance Expectations Guide (in addition to What is Exceptional Performance) and review the FY11 Assurance Differentiating Performance Factors Summary with HR to assist with developing a starting point for FY12 RPR recommendations, The FY11 differentiating performance factors have been applied to the 5 point rating scale organized by area of impact: quality, people, and business. Actual differentiating performance factors for FY12 will depend on current performance and will evolve as feedback is reviewed.
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Coaches must support recommended RPRs by documenting differentiating performance factors as identified in performance feedback, discussed during ARC and reflected in the ARC Review. Coaches should reference the Assurance Expectations Guide and the FY11 Assurance Differentiating Performance Factors Summary as a starting point. It is expected that for managers and above, those rated as "Top" or "Outstanding" performers will have at least one differentiating performance factor related to quality. All staff, regardless of rating, should have a clear understanding of their performance, contributions, and areas of development. For staff rated as "Needs Improvement" coaches should clearly document areas for development. When creating an FY13 Success Plan, staff should document specific actions to address these areas for development. For staff rated as "Unsatisfactory," performance issue(s) should be clearly outlined in the staff member's ARC Review. If creating an FY13 Success Plan, staff should document a plan for improvement.
Promotion recommendations
Promotion rates are anticipated to be similar to last year, with the promotion rate of associate to senior associate at 23%, senior associate to manager at 23%, and manager to director/senior manager at 20%.
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In addition to meeting credential requirements, promotion candidates will have demonstrated knowledge, skills, and behaviors related to quality. This includes but is not limited to technical auditing/accounting knowledge and the consistent delivery of accurate and high quality work products. Candidates for promotion to senior associate that were hired after May 1, 2007 must adhere to guidance provided in the Assurance Credential Requirements for Associates and Senior Associates (Including Primary Credential Bonus) located in the appendix and on myKcurve. HR managers should clearly explain the credential requirements outlined in the policy to all coaches and the ARC chairs prior to the ARC meeting, including the section of the policy which addresses the impact to RPR for those staff who have not met the requirements. Associates proposed for promotion need to pass their required credential exam and provide their HR representative with proof of exam results by June 15, 2012 in order for their promotion and pay to be effective July 1, 2012. Staff receiving exam results after June 15, 2012 will be promoted on the next PeopleSoft effective date. Promotions and pay increases will not be back dated to July 1, 2012. Associates recommended for promotion to senior associate will have until August 31, 2012 to sit and pass their required exam. Promotions and pay increases will be effective on the next PeopleSoft effective date following receipt of exam results. Promotions and pay increases will not be back dated to July 1, 2012. The last available effective promotion date will be January 1, 2013. Promotions that are not effective by this date will be deferred to the next ARC cycle. Promotion candidates to senior associate are expected to have completed all L&D required courses and related competency assessments for associates.
Promotion to Manager
The anticipated tenure of senior associates being considered for promotion to manager is the completion of at least three busy seasons. Senior associates recommended for promotion with fewer than three busy seasons need to be carefully evaluated to confirm that they have sufficient depth and breadth of experiences to assume the responsibilities and are expected to have a relative performance rating of "Top Performer". To be eligible for consideration for promotion to manager, candidates must: Comply with the ARC eligibility guidelines outlined in the Assurance Credential Requirements for Managers and Above located in the appendix and on myKcurve. Have a proven track record of strong skills in the area of quality, managing business economics and developing our people. This will be reviewed during the pre-ARC consultation between the coach and HR. Need to clear both independence and credential requirements by June 15, 2012 in order for the promotion to be effective on July 1, 2012. If a license (not exam) or independence process/form is completed after July 1, 2012 the promotion will be effective on the next PeopleSoft effective date. The last available effective promotion date will be January 1, 2013. Promotions that are not effective by this date will be deferred to the next ARC cycle. This assumes all other requirements have been met. Promotions and promotional pay increases will not be back dated to July 1, 2012. Promotion candidates are required to complete the 8 required courses and related competency assessments in the senior technical series (ASATS) and are expected to have completed all other L&D required courses and related competency assessments for senior associates. Senior associates who have not completed all 8 courses may be promoted, but are required to complete them by December 31, 2012. Failure to complete these courses by the deadline will be a specific consideration in the overall performance evaluation during the FY13 ARC process. Beginning in FY13, senior associates must complete all 8 courses to be promoted to manager.
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ARC activities
Summary of RPR considerations
RPR Considerations
Content of PFFs and Performance Notes* Progress towards achievement of Success Plan goals as demonstrated in PFFs and Self Assessment* Upward Feedback* Progress towards achieving primary credential
Data point Data point N/A Expected to sit for exams at least twice per year to achieve "Top" or "Outstanding" RPR. Third year (or later) associates failing to pass the exam may be rated no higher than "High Performer". Completion expected to achieve "Top" or "Outstanding" RPR Demonstrated by meeting credential and L&D requirements
L&D required courses and related competency assessments** Differentiating performance factors related to quality *as noted in the firmwide FY12 ARC Guidance **see FY12 Required Courses in the appendix
To Senior Associate
Passed primary credential exam Expected that all required courses and related competency assessments have been completed
To Manager
Licensed in work office state or hold appropriate primary credential Required to complete ASATS by 12/31/2012 for FY12 and complete prior to promotion for FY13 and beyond; Expected that all required courses and related competency assessments have been completed
"High Performer" or above. Those with less than three busy seasons as associate must be rated "Top Performer"
"High Performer" or above. Those with less than three busy seasons as a senior associate must be rated "Top Performer"
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Post-ARC activities
Communicating ARC decisions while waiting for exam results
During the annual summary conversation, the Coach should advise the affected staff member of the credential policy and the potential impacts on their rating and promotion. They can indicate to the staff that they were rated as "Top Performer" or "Outstanding Performer" and/or promoted but that the rating and promotion are conditional and will not be effective until passing results are received.
Additional Guidance
Audit transformation program
Staff will be reviewed based on their ATP role and length of time on the project as outlined below: ATP Core Team, ATP Sector Initiative Team, and GADM Core Team: Individuals working 100% on these teams will participate in a dedicated ATP ARC outside of their local market, following the ARC Guidance. Those members who reside in their local market team and have a client complement in their home market will participate in their local market ARC process. Market HR leaders will be provided with information on the role of the individuals from their markets on these ATP teams, and will be asked to make sure that the ATP work is properly represented during the local ARC process. In addition, it is strongly encouraged that the local coaches for these individuals be in regular contact with the ATP Partner with whom the individuals are working. GADM and AURA Champions' will participate in their local market ARC process. PFFs and Time allocation: GADM and AURA Champions' time will be processed as internal with credit, and therefore not included in utilization statistics. Please note the hours worked by the GADM and AURA Champions so that they are recognized for these hours. Champions should be encouraged to seek PFFs for their GADM or Aura work (either from Core Team members or local contacts), where applicable.
Reference material/tools
Assurance Expectations Guide Firmwide FY12 ARC Guidance Global Mobility Guidance ARC Review Drafting Template FY11 Differentiating Performance Factors Summary L&D required courses and related competency assessments results
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Assurance credential requirements for associates and senior associates
(Policy effective April 1, 2012. This document supersedes any previous versions of the policy.) Completion of a Primary Credential is a critical step in staff development, including evidencing our commitment to quality through consistent examination and certification standards; such exams include the Certified Public Accountant ("CPA"), Certified Information Systems Auditor ("CISA"), Certified Internal Auditor ("CIA"), Chartered Financial Analyst ("CFA") exam or other exam as approved by Assurance leadership. The policy outlined below describes the requirements and expectations related to Primary Credential requirements for consideration for promotion to Senior Associate, as well as the credential bonus award for achieving the appropriate credential.
All Process Assurance Internal Audit Governance, Risk & Compliance and IT&PA
* Staff not performing attest services or support tasks may not be required to pass the CPA or other exam or hold a professional credential for promotion. Consult with your HR Manager and Partner Leader to determine if this is applicable to you.
Within 60 days of hire date, each Associate must assess his/her eligibility to sit for the appropriate exam in his/her work office state and the following actions must be taken: 1. 2. 3. Credential action steps must be included in each individual's Success Plan including key milestone dates (i.e. Becker or other review courses, exam sitting date(s), completion of education requirements, etc.). Those sitting for the CPA exam should create a work plan in the CTS by answering the questions in the work plan form regarding education, exam completion status, experience, license eligibility and target completion date. The action steps must be discussed with the individual's coach and HR Manager prior to plan sign-off.
Progression towards meeting credentialing requirements will be one of many elements considered when assessing staff during the Annual Review process and may have an effect on performance ratings to the extent that education and exam requirements are not met. Upon being hired, associates fit into one of three potential scenarios depending on the requirements of their work office state and the education level achieved and must meet the requirements as outlined below. 1. Individuals eligible to sit for the CPA exam (or other required exam) who have completed all work office state required education: Exam Sitting Requirements a. b. c. Sit for each part of the exam that has not been passed a minimum of twice per fiscal year. Enter credential plans into his/her Success Plan within 60 days of hire and obtain coach and HR approval. Include credential plans in all subsequent Success Plans until all exam and work office license requirements are met. Maintain a CPA work plan in the CTS and update the plan with sitting dates as they are set and with results as they are received. Those sitting for exams other than the CPA are not required to maintain a work plan in the CTS.
Promotion Requirements a. b. c. Individuals are eligible for promotion if they have successfully completed all parts of the required credential exam by August 31. Individuals who are awaiting exam results at the time of the ARC process or who plan to sit for the exam in July or August may be considered for promotion on a contingent basis pending passing results. If passing exam results are received after July 1, promotions and any related compensation changes will be effective on the following PeopleSoft effective date, which is the 1st or 16th of the month following receipt of the results. Retroactive adjustments of promotions or related compensation increases will not be made.
Performance Rating Impact a. If an individual does not sit for the exam as required, this will be considered during the Annual Review process and may negatively impact that individual's relative performance rating (RPR). Exceptions may be made in the case of approved leaves of absence (in this circumstance, the individual should consult with the HR Manager and Market Team Leader). Individuals will be rated no higher than "High Performer" during the ARC process if they have completed three or more years experience (i.e. completion of 3 "busy seasons") or are an experienced hire or transfer to Assurance designated as a third year Associate and have not yet completed the required exam. "Top Performer" and "Outstanding Performer" ratings awarded by the ARC will be reinstated if passing exam results are received for exams taken before August 31. (e.g. The ARC recommends an "Top Performer" rating in May, but the rating is changed to "High Performer" because the exam is not completed. If the individual sits for the exam before August 31 and receives passing results, the "Top Performer" rating will be reinstated.)
Associates not eligible to sit for the exam in their work office state due to not meeting educational requirements: Exam Sitting and Education Requirements
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a. b. c.
Complete a minimum of 12 educational credit hours per fiscal year. Enter credential plans into his/her Success Plan within 60 days of hire including a detailed outline of the remaining educational requirements and obtain coach and HR approval. Credential plans should be included in all subsequent Success Plans until all exam and work office license requirements are met. Maintain a CPA work plan in the CTS. The work plan should be updated in the fall, by November 30, and in the spring, by April 30, with current education information. Once education requirements are completed, the work plan should be updated as exam sitting dates are set and with results as they are received. Those sitting for exams other than the CPA are not required to maintain a work plan in the CTS. Upon completion of all educational requirements, sit for each part of the exam that has not been passed a minimum of twice per fiscal year.
Promotion Requirements a. b. Individuals may be considered for promotion if educational credits are being completed at a minimum of 12 educational credit hours per fiscal year. Individuals are expected to pass the exam within 24 months of completing their educational prerequisites to sit for the exam and must sit for each part of the exam that has not been passed a minimum of twice per fiscal year.
Performance Rating Impact a. b. 3. Individuals will be rated no higher than "High Performer" during subsequent ARC processes if they have completed all education requirements but did not complete the required exam within 24 months of completing their education. Exceptions may be made in the case of approved leaves of absence (in this circumstance, the individual should consult with the HR Manager and Market Team Leader).
Associates eligible within their work office state to sit for the CPA exam but have not completed work office state required education: Note: This provision is only applicable in a limited number of states as of October 2011, including: Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and North Carolina. Staff should review the CPA Coach on myKcurve for the requirements of their assigned work office state as requirements may change from time to time. Exam Sitting and Education Requirements a. b. c. Complete a minimum of 12 educational credit hours per fiscal year until all educational requirements are completed. Enter credential plans into his/her Success Plan within 60 days of hire including a detailed outline of the remaining educational requirements and obtain coach and HR approval. Credential plans should be included in all subsequent Success Plans until all exam and work office license requirements are met. Maintain a CPA work plan in the CTS. The work plan should be updated in the fall, by November 30, and in the spring, by April 30, with current education information. The work plan should also be updated as exam sitting dates are set and with results as they are received. Those sitting for exams other than the CPA are not required to maintain a work plan in the CTS. Individuals in this category may sit for the CPA exam prior to the completion of their education. If the exam is completed prior to the education, continue to complete the education requirements with no less than 12 hours per fiscal year. Upon completion of all educational requirements, sit for each part of the exam that has not been passed a minimum of twice per fiscal year.
d. e.
Promotion Requirements a. Individuals choosing to complete their education first may be considered for promotion if educational credits are being completed at a minimum of 12 educational credit hours per fiscal year and the individual sits for each part of the exam that has not been passed a minimum of twice per fiscal year upon completion of the education requirement. Individuals are expected to pass the exam within 24 months of completing their education. Page 13 of 28
Individuals who pass the exam before completing missing educations credits may be considered for promotion if their educational requirements are being completed at a minimum of 12 educational credit hours per fiscal year.
Performance Rating Impact a. Individuals completing three or more years of experience (i.e. completion of 3 "busy seasons") or are an experienced hire or transfer to Assurance designated as a third year Associate will be rated no higher than "High Performer" during the ARC process if: i. ii. The individual did not complete the required exam within 24 months of completing his/her education Upon completing the required education, the individual has not sat for each part of the exam that has not been passed a minimum of twice per fiscal year within the 24 months following the completion of the education requirement. iii. Individuals choosing to complete education requirements first have not completed at least 12 credit hours per fiscal year. b. Exceptions may be made in the case of approved leaves of absence (in this circumstance, the individual should consult with the HR Manager and Market Team Leader).
Credential requirements for Experienced Hires and Transfers Within 60 days of date of hire or transfer into Assurance, each Assurance Associate must complete the requirements as documented in the section "Exam Completion Guidance with Promotion Eligibility and Performance Reviews" above. Experienced hires need to meet the requirements outlined above to be promoted to Senior Associate. It is expected that experienced hires and transfers into Assurance at the Senior Associate level will have the appropriate credential. Credential requirements for Direct International Hires, International Transfers and International Assignees who Localize a. b. If the individual has a home country credential, the credential must be added in the CTS within 45 days of their hire date. The individual must put a work plan on file in the CTS that outlines the quickest path to complete the CPA or IQEX exam. Work plan guidelines are as follows: i. Outline all major milestones and target completion dates to achieve completion of the CPA exam within 2 years of hire date or localization date. Obtaining and maintaining the promotion is contingent on securing a U.S. credential within 2 years (or a determination by your local HR Leader and Market Team Leader that sufficient progress has been made toward that goal). ii. Individuals should submit their transcripts for evaluation by an approved credentials evaluation service or to their work office state board within 45 days of their U.S. hire date. Since state regulations vary, the individual should consult CPA Coach or a CPA Licensing Compliance Group consultant regarding the appropriate process for his/her work office state. iii. As soon as an individual's education has been assessed and any additional requirements identified, the work plan must be updated with additional details. Individuals are encouraged to consult with the Compliance Resource Center (877-815-8616) as he/she prepares the work plan to confirm the individual understands the steps and requirements for work office state eligibility. The revised work plan must be submitted in the CTS and reviewed by your local HR Leader. Generally, the update should occur no more than six months from date of hire/localization. iv. International hires/transfers pursuing their work office license should only pursue their initial license in their work office state and should not pursue a work office license in any other state. For example: If your work office is Chicago, Illinois, you should not apply for initial licensure in Colorado. You may sit for the exam in another state prior to completion of educational credits if you choose to do so; however, you should not apply for licensure outside your work office state. In most cases you can transfer your test scores and apply for original licensure in your work office state. If you do choose to sit in a state other than your work office state, you should confirm the exam results will be
PwC Page 14 of 28
accepted by your work office state. State regulations vary and not all states will accept the results of examinations from another state where the individual did not meet the educational requirements of the work office state at the time they sat for the exam. Before you decide to sit for the exam outside your work office state or consider applying for licensure outside your work office state, you must consult with the Compliance Resource Center (877-815-8616), to make an informed decision. This is a challenging area given the unique and varying rules of each state.
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Completion of a Primary Credential is a critical step in staff development, including evidencing our commitment to quality through consistent examination and certification standards. In Assurance, to hold a position of Manager or higher requires the appropriate credential. Eligibility for promotion to Manager in most groups is contingent on having met specific credential compliance requirements. Outlined below is the specific policy for each group within Assurance. Much of this policy is written with the CPA Exam/License in mind. For those staff in Risk Assurance, TS and FS-BAS who are required to pass an exam and earn a credential for promotion, the intent and basic guidelines of this policy apply. This policy is supplemental to the U.S. CPA Licensing Policy and provides additional guidance based on practice area as well as information specific to international assignees, international hires and transfers, and individuals who have recently transferred to a new work office state. In addition to understanding the credential policies, please be aware that prior to promotion to Manager, candidates will be required to complete an Independence review. Consult with your local HR Manager if you have any questions related to this policy. Questions related to specific state requirements for CPA licensure or other CPA tools and resources relevant to the licensing process should be directed to the Compliance Resource Center at 877-815-8616. Information is also located in the Ethics and Compliance site on myKcurve using the CPA Coach link or through individual state board websites which may be accessed at under the heading Legislative Activities and State Licensing Issues.
Risk assurance
Managers and above in Process Assurance, and Internal Audit are required to have a CPA License in his/her work office state or hold their CISA or CIA credential. Special note for Risk Assurance: Managers and above performing SSAE 16 (formerly SAS 70) work will need to obtain and maintain a work office state CPA license in order to enter the partnership process. Therefore, it is advised that all Risk Assurance Directors/Senior Managers performing this type of work obtain their CPA license.
Transaction services
Credential requirements in TS depends on the nature and type of services provided to clients by the TS professional. Credential requirements for staff by type of service provided are as follows: 1. Capital Markets & Accounting Advisory Services (CMAAS) a. 2. Managers and above are required to have an active CPA license in their work office state.
Valuation Services a. b. Managers and above who provide accounting advisory services in conjunction with valuation services are required to follow the Core Attest CPA and promotion requirements. Managers and above who provide solely valuation services are not required to obtain a CPA license. These individuals are encouraged to pursue alternate credentials. Please speak with your HR Manager for additional credential information.
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CPA licensing in FS-BAS depends on the nature and type of services provided to clients by the FS-BAS professional. FS-BAS has communicated and posted specific policies related to requirements for promotion. Please review the guidance below in addition to the guidance supplied in the specific FS-BAS policies.
Promotion requirements
Promotees must receive their work office state license or other primary credential by the time promotions are announced to be included in any written or verbal promotion announcements. 1. Individuals Who Meet Credential Requirements for July 1 Promotion a. To be promoted effective July 1, an individual must have an active CPA license in his/her work office state or other primary credential by June 15 and clear all Independence requirements. Staff that join from international locations or have transferred recently may be promoted if they meet the requirements included on pages 5 and 6. Definition of Work Office State i. ii. 2. Work office state is the state of the PwC office where you are assigned. Your work office state is not based on where you live or where your clients are located. If you are unsure of your work office state, please contact your local HR Leader.
Individuals Who Do Not Meet Credential Requirements for July 1 Promotion Individuals who are not yet licensed in their work office state or who have not yet completed the primary credential may be considered for contingent promotion if one of the following criteria is met. Promotion and associated promotion increases may continue to be deferred through December 31. The last effective date for a promotion is January 1. Senior Associates receiving a license with an effective date after December 31 will be deferred until the next ARC cycle. The promotion and promotion increase will become effective in the payroll cycle following the issue date of the license or other primary credential and clearance of all Independence requirements. a. The individual has passed all portions of the examination and has submitted his/her complete license application package to the state board of their work office state by June 30. i. b. The promotion and associated promotion increase will be deferred until the work office state license is posted in the CPA Credential Tracking System (CTS) with the CPA Licensing Compliance Group.
The individual sits or is scheduled to sit for his/her final sections of the exam no later than June 30 and meets the state's requirements for licensure in their work office state. Following are the latest exam sitting dates based on exam offerings: CPA - May 31, CISA - June 30, CIA - June 30, and CFA - June 30. In this case, exam results will likely not be available prior to the ARC meetings. The following provisions will then apply: i. An ARC recommendation to promote will be contingent upon pending passing results and receipt of the candidate's work office state license. ii. Promotions will be deferred until the next ARC cycle for any individual who does not pass the full exam (all sections for the CPA). iii. If the individual has passed the exam but the work office license is not yet posted in the CTS with the CPA Licensing Compliance Group prior to June 30, the promotion and associated promotion increase will be deferred until the license is posted in CTS.
Individuals who have passed all portions of the examination but are missing educational credits to meet their work office state licensing requirements must complete any outstanding educational credits no later than August 31. The following provisions will then apply: i. A recommendation to promote will be contingent pending successful completion of all coursework by August 31 and timely submission of the candidate's work office state license application package.
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If the staff has passed the exam and met the educational requirements by August 31, but the work office license is not yet posted in the Credential Tracking System (CTS) with the CPA Licensing Compliance Group, the promotion and associated promotion increase will continue to be deferred. iii. Any individual not completing educational requirements by August 31 will be deferred until the next ARC cycle.
Licensed CPAs
Per Firm Licensing policy, any individual who is a licensed CPA, regardless of where they are assigned within Assurance, must hold an active license in his/her work office state. If you are in one of the groups identified above and you hold an active CPA license in a state other than your work office state, this policy applies to you and you must obtain a work office state license. Refer to the definition of Work Office State on page 3 under Individuals Who Meet Credential Requirements for July 1 Promotion.
Any questions regarding credentials required in your home country for promotion eligibility should be referred to your Global Mobility Consultant. 2. Direct international hires and international transfers, including international assignees who convert or "localize", must meet the following promotion requirements prior to being considered for promotion: a. b. If a credential is required in the home country, that credential is required to be on file for promotion. The credential must be added in the CTS within 45 days of arrival. The promotion candidate must have a reasonable yet aggressive work plan entered in the CTS (see page 8 for important details) that outlines the quickest path to achieve a work office CPA license. i. Work plan guidelines: 1. Outline all major milestones and target completion dates to achieve a work office CPA license within 2 years of hire date or localization date. If a U.S. credential has not been secured after 2 years and it is determined by your HR Leader and Market Team Leader that sufficient progress has not been made, your promotion may be revoked. Have the plan reviewed and approved by your local HR Leader prior to submission. Plans must demonstrate an aggressive approach to complete required steps, such as education or experience. Plans are entered in the Credentials Tracking System found on myKcurve.
2. 3. 4. c.
Individuals should submit their transcript for evaluation by an approved credentials evaluation service or to their work office state board within 45 days of their hire date. Since state regulations vary, the individual should consult CPA Coach or a CPA Licensing Compliance Group consultant regarding the appropriate process for their work office state. As soon as an individual's education has been assessed and any additional requirements identified, the work plan must be updated with additional details. Individuals are encouraged to consult with the Compliance
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Resource Center (877-815-8616) as he/she prepares the work plan to ensure the individual understands the steps and requirements for work office state eligibility. The revised work plan must also be submitted to your local HR Leader for review and approval. A final copy should be provided to the CPA Licensing Compliance Group through the CTS. Generally, the update should occur no more than six months from date of hire/localization. International hires/transfers pursuing their work office license should only pursue their initial license in their work office state and should not pursue a work office license in any other state. For example: If your work office is Chicago, Illinois, you should not apply for initial licensure in Colorado. You may sit for the exam in another state prior to completion of educational credits if you choose to do so; however, you should not apply for licensure outside your work office state. In most cases you can transfer your test scores and apply for original licensure in your work office state. If you do choose to sit in a state other than your work office state, you should ensure the exam results will be accepted by your work office state. State regulations vary and not all states will accept the results of examinations from another state where the individual did not meet the educational requirements of the work office state at the time they sat for the exam. Before you decide to sit for the exam outside your work office state or consider applying for licensure outside your work office state, you must consult with the Compliance Resource Center (877-815-8616), to ensure you make an informed decision. This is a challenging area given the unique and varying rules of each state. Note: Please see important information in the section entitled Work Plans.
Recent* transfers or hires from another state who hold an active CPA License in the state where they previously resided/worked or where they were educated may be considered for promotion under the following parameters: * A recent transfer is generally defined as someone who transferred September 1 or later in the current fiscal year. a. b. Individuals who qualify for licensure in their new work office state should submit an application for reciprocal license prior to their transfer date but no later than 30 days from the transfer date. Individuals who do not qualify for licensure in their new work office state and meet the following criteria: i. ii. Hold an active license in his/her previous work office state, or where s/he completed education; and have a reasonable yet aggressive work plan to achieve their work office CPA license. (Individuals are encouraged to consult with the CPA Licensing Compliance Group as they prepare their work plan to ensure the individual understands the steps and requirements for work office state eligibility.) 1. The detailed work plan should be approved by the local HR Leader in the new work office with a copy on file with the CPA Licensing Compliance Group via the Credential Tracking System. Individuals must notify the Compliance Resource Center (877-815-8616), of their status (the application submission date or a copy of their work plan where needed) within 30 days of their transfer date. Note: Please see important information in the section entitled Work Plans.
Work plans
Direct international hires, international transfers, and recent transfers to a new work office state in all Assurance practices required to have a primary credential are required to complete a formal detailed work plan in the CTS. The section below describes the elements and expected progression of the formal work plan. Individuals in these categories are the only individuals who may be considered for promotion based on compliance with other credentialing/licensing requirements as defined below and acceptable progression of their work plan action steps. The Credentials Tracking System has a specific Work Plan section in which staff will answer a series of questions and enter all data and efforts toward achieving their CPA License. Acceptable work plans conform to the expectations defined below in terms of timing and progression.
a. b. 2. 3.
Are missing educational credits to meet eligibility requirements in their work office state; or Are not missing educational credits but need a reasonable period to complete the IQEX or CPA Exam and acquire their work office state license.
Recent transfers to a new work office state if the individual does not meet the educational requirements of the new state and the individual holds an active CPA License in the state where he/she previously resided/worked or where he/she was educated. IAS and TS Managers who were promoted prior to September 1, 2009 and do not yet hold a credential.
Foreign accountants with a foreign accounting credential: a. A work plan to achieve the US CPA is deemed reasonable if the individual: i. ii. Is eligible to, and plans to sit for and passes the IQEX at the next scheduled testing event, or Is currently pursuing a US CPA license in their work office state as evidenced by a documented personal work plan where: 1. 2. 3. 4. Foreign education transcripts have already been evaluated by an approved credentials evaluation service or to their work office state board to determine if the individual qualifies to sit for the US CPA Exam in his/her assigned work office state; An aggressive schedule is defined to complete all missing educational credits at a minimum pace of 3-6 credit hours per quarter (excluding the January - March busy season period) or a total of 12-18 credit hours per year; A reasonable target date(s) is identified to sit for the US CPA Exam (dependent upon the number of educational credits needed); and An aggressive target date is identified to apply for a work office state license upon completion of all requirements.
Recent transfer/hire from another state: a. A work plan to obtain a work office state license is deemed reasonable if s/he already has a US CPA license issued by the board of accountancy in his/her previous work office state (or where s/he completed education) and does not immediately qualify for licensure in his/her new work office state, and is currently pursuing a CPA license as evidenced by a documented personal work plan where: i. ii. The individual does not have the appropriate credit hours to qualify for licensure; The individual has enough credit hours to qualify for licensure, but is still missing specific courses required by the state and knows exactly which courses to take in order to qualify for licensing (in some states it may be necessary for the individual to submit an initial application package). Please also see CPA Coach for your work office state where specific coursework requirements are identified); iii. An aggressive schedule is defined to complete all missing educational credits with measurable milestone dates; and iv. An aggressive target date is identified to apply for a work office license upon completion of all requirements.
Current IAS Managers who were promoted prior to September 1, 2009 should formalize a work plan that enables them to obtain a credential (CPA, CIA or CISA).
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Work plans on file in the Credentials Tracking System must be reviewed by the local Assurance HR Manager to ensure the individuals plan clearly and specifically details all requirements necessary for the individual to obtain his/her work office license and that the approach is aligned with the most expeditious path to licensure. The Compliance Resource Center (877-815-8616) should be consulted where there are questions regarding the most expeditious path to ensure appropriate action steps are defined. CPA Licensing will monitor and report on work plan milestones. They may directly contact staff as deadlines near to ensure goals are met. The local HR Leader should review and agree with the practicality of the individual's work plan and associated target dates. By signing off on the plan the local HR Leader is acknowledging the plan is reasonable and achievable. The plan must provide sufficient detail to enable assessment of completion against agreed upon activities and timelines. In preparation for the ARC meetings, the work plans of direct international hires, international transfers, and recent transfers to a new work office state should be reviewed by HR Managers. Assurance Leadership - Assurance HR Operations Leader will also review and contact markets for updates on individual staff. An assessment of eligibility for promotion will be based on an analysis of progression against the targets defined in the section Specific Guidance relevant to Inbound International Assignees, Direct International Hires or International Transfers, and recent transfers or new hires from a different work office.
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24 Audit Quality Workshop 22 xLoS New Manager (virtual and market classrooms) 8 Legal Issues Webcast (New Managers only) Professional Development (complete over 2-3 years) Practicing Networking (8 hrs) Practicing Conversations (12 hrs) Practicing Negotiations (8 hrs)
24 Audit Quality Workshop 21 Assurance New Senior Experience 2 Assurance Senior Associate Technical Series Affiliated Entities (6 hrs) Business Combination (6 hrs) Equity Instruments (6 hrs) Fair Value (6 hrs) Fraud (7.5 hrs) Income Taxes (6 hrs) Revenue Recognition (6 hrs) Stock Based Compensation (6 hrs) 1
40 3
Engagement Quality Review AS7 (New Managers only) Independence, Compliance and Ethics 2 Independence, Compliance and Ethics
Range of total 56-86 56-80 42-64 42-128 hours Programs noted in Black Italics will be delivered using virtual learning technology (eLearn, webcasts, virtual classrooms)
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24 PCS Audit Quality Workshop 22 xLoS New Manager (virtual and market classrooms) 8 Legal Issues Webcast (New Managers only) Professional Development (complete over 2-3 years) Practicing Networking (8 hrs) Practicing Conversations (12 hrs) Practicing Negotiations (8 hrs)
24 PCS Audit Quality Workshop 21 Assurance New Senior Experience 2 Assurance Senior Associate Technical Series Affiliated Entities (6 hrs) Business Combination (6 hrs) Equity Instruments (6 hrs) Fair Value (6 hrs) Fraud (7.5 hrs) Income Taxes (6 hrs) Revenue Recognition (6 hrs) Stock Based Compensation (6 hrs) 1
40 3
Engagement Quality Review AS7 (New Managers only) Independence, Compliance and Ethics 2 Independence, Compliance and Ethics
Range of total 56-86 56-80 42-64 42-128 hours Programs noted in Black Italics will be delivered using virtual learning technology (eLearn, webcasts, virtual classrooms)
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40 3
Range of total 44-70 56-64 24-46 hours Programs noted in Black Italics will be delivered using virtual learning technology (eLearn, webcasts, virtual classrooms)
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Range of total 3.25 3.25 3.25 hours Programs noted in Black Italics will be delivered using virtual learning technology (eLearn, webcasts, virtual classrooms)
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Excerpt from Tim Ryan's September 2011 communication regarding the assurance bonus program
The new bonus program is intended to recognize the accomplishments, contributions and performance of each of you as individuals and as part of the overall Assurance team. You will be rewarded through a combination of Credential Bonus, Contribution Award, and Annual Performance Bonus. These different bonus elements create an overall bonus plan that is tailored to each staff level, which results in a more practical and personal approach to our overall bonus strategy. Early in your career you will be eligible to receive bonuses more frequently through the semi-annual Contribution Award and the Credential Bonus. As you advance with the firm, your incentive potential will increase as a percentage of your base salary through the Annual Performance Bonus. Funding for the Contribution Award and Annual Performance Bonus will be based on the quality results and financial performance of the Assurance practice. Each of you has the ability to influence the achievement of our goals, which will in turn enhance our service delivery to clients, our quality and, ultimately, the success of the firm. Specific quality and financial performance goals include: Quality performance goals Inspections: Reduce the number and severity of non-compliant audits identified through inspections Training: Complete participation in all required training, including passing applicable assessments Planning: Improve the timing of planning and phasing of our audit work, including the appropriate use and leverage of our delivery model. Financial performance goals Revenue: Achieve our annual revenue budget, which includes a 4.9% revenue growth target Contribution Margin: Achieve our contribution margin budget Cash Collections: Achieve our monthly cash collection plan Achieving our quality and financial performance goals will require both an individual and team effort with all of us working together. Reaching our quality goals will require staff to continue to focus on our compliance with auditing standards, concentration on continuous improvement and enhanced management of all engagements. Meeting our financial performance goals will be dependent upon each staff charging all their time and billing timely for all client services.
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Annual Summary - ARC Review Section Draft (for Assurance) This is a template to assist with preparing the ARC Review Tab section of the Annual Summary prior to inputting into PC&D and is not to be shared with staff. This is to provide a consistent review and presentation of performance files for the Assurance Practice. Final review will be captured in PC&D. Note: each comment section of this form in PC&D has a maximum character count limit of 1,500. To review the character count for each section, highlight the appropriate text and click Word Count from the Review Tab on the above toolbar. Name: Click here to enter text. Achievement of Quality goals and expectations: Information to be shared during ARC panel. Feedback to be incorporated as appropriate in one of the following sections. (note: this section is not part of the PCD system) Key strengths and accomplishments: Outline significant contributions and accomplishments including impact on quality, people, and business. Areas for growth and development: Highlight areas for development and continued growth. Consider areas of quality, people and business. Relative Performance Rating Supporting Comments: Indicate how performance surpassed, fell below, or was aligned with peers and expectations. It is expected that ratings of "Top" or "Outstanding" performers are supported with at least one quality differentiator Proposed Relative Performance Rating (RPR)* Indicate initial proposed RPR For "Top" and "Outstanding" performers at the manager and above levels: Please choose at least one defining skill category that was the primary differentiator(s) in determining the RPR Recommendation for Promotion (yes/no)* - for client service only RPR: Choose an item. Skill Category: 1.Choose an item. 2.Choose an item. 3.Choose an item. Staff Level: Click here to enter text. Credential: Choose an item. Required Courses: Choose an item. Achievement of quality goals (reference Success Plan):
Choose an item.
* Not an editable field in PC&D - this will be uploaded to the summary in PC&D once approved in PeopleSoft eCompensation.
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