Embankment Design
Embankment Design
Embankment Design
1. Met Data
Area Rainfall 'R' = 1200 mm
2. Reservoir Data
Fetch 'F' = Dam Length 'L' = Avg Resevoir Depth 'Davg' = Reservoir Area 'Ar' = Catchment Area 'Ac'= Dam Height 'H' = 0.7 50 6 2 8 km m m km2 km2 m
1. Quantity of Water Available
Catchment Yield Storage Capacity Y Q 0.24 MCM 0.07392 MCM 8.475528 MCF 2.6104626 MCF
2. Embankment Design
Height of freeboard Top/Crest Width Upstream Slope Downstream Slope Width of base h c x y W S Ve 0.37041 m 4.2 m 3.5 3 56.2 m 6.5 0.00522 MCM 1.214929 ft 13.776 ft
3. Earthwork
Combined Slope Volume 0.1842919 MCF
Component Dam Height Reservoir Level Top Dam Width Bottom Upstream Slope Downstream Slope Dam Length Storage Capacity Volume of Earthwork SI 8 7.62959 4.2 56.2 3.5 3 50 0.07392 0.00522 Metric 26.24 25.0251 13.776 184.336
Site Rating
10%*R*Ar*1000 0.22*k*L*F*H