X Ray Generator
X Ray Generator
X Ray Generator
X-ray Generators
Scope of this Product Comparison
This Product Comparison covers x-ray generators designed for use as part of general-purpose radiographic, radiographic/fluoroscopic (R/F), tomographic, angiographic/interventional R/F, and cardiac catheterization R/F imaging systems. For related information, see the following Product Comparisons: Radiographic Systems, Film; Digital Radiographic/Fluoroscopic Systems, Angiographic/Interventional; Cardiovascular Radiographic/Fluoroscopic Systems, GeneralPurpose; Cameras, Radiographic Photospot Radiographic/Tomographic Systems, Linear R/F, and tomographic procedures. The control panel also operates auxiliary devices such as film changers, photospot cameras, and automatic exposure controls (AECs).
Principles of operation
The major components of an x-ray generator are the control panel and the transformer assembly (see Fig. 1). The control panel permits the selection of technique factors for radiographic or fluoroscopic examinations and the initiation of radiographic exposures. The transformer assembly contains transformers, rectifiers, and
UMDNS information
This Product Comparison covers the following device term and product code as listed in ECRIs Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System (UMDNS): X-ray Generators [16-602]
X-ray generators modify incoming voltage and current to provide an x-ray tube with the power needed to produce an x-ray beam of the desired peak kilovoltage (kVp) and current (mA). The generator supplies continuous power to the x-ray tube for fluoroscopic examinations, and its switching and timing devices ensure proper timing for discrete radiographic exposures. The x-ray generator control panel allows the selection of technique factors for different radiographic,
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Line Voltage
Filament Circuit
X-ray Tube
Rectifiers in the transformer assembly convert AC into the direct current (DC) required by the x-ray tube (see Fig. 2). A rectifier restricts current flow in an x-ray tube to one direction (from cathode to anode), thereby preventing damage to the x-ray tube filament. There are two types of rectification half wave and full wave; all x-ray generators listed in the chart use fullwave rectification. Typically, in half-wave rectification, two rectifiers are connected in series with the x-ray tube, with one on either side. As a result, electrons can flow from cathode to anode during the first half of each AC cycle but are blocked during the second half-cycle. In full-wave rectification, two pairs of rectifiers are configured to operate alternately, and electrons flow from cathode to anode during both halves of the AC cycle in a pulsating current. While both vacuum-tube and solid-state rectifiers are available, solidstate silicon rectifiers are now most widely used. Depending on the rectifiers and components included in the high-voltage circuit, the secondary voltage waveform presented to the x-ray tube can be single-phase, full-wave rectified; 3-phase, 6-pulse; 3phase, 12-pulse; high-frequency; or constant potential. Examples of each voltage waveform are shown along with the corresponding radiation intensity waveforms in Figure 3. The ideal secondary voltage waveform for presentation to the x-ray tube is a flat DC waveform with no temporal variations in voltage. Waveforms that deviate from this ideal lower the efficiency of x-ray production. Efficiency is affected by the ripple factor of the
where T1 and T2 are the number of turns for the primary and secondary coils and V1 and V2 are the primary and secondary voltages. In a step-up transformer, voltage increases and current decreases in the secondary circuit because the secondary coil contains more turns than the primary coil. Conversely, in a step-down transformer, voltage decreases and current increases in the secondary circuit because the primary coil contains more turns than the secondary coil. In the transformer assembly, one circuit containing a step-up transformer supplies the high voltage to the
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X-ray Generators
voltage waveform (the difference between the minimum and maximum x-ray tube voltages, expressed as a percentage of the maximum voltage) presented to the x-ray tube. Generators with a lower ripple factor have a greater x-ray output. The ripple factor for a singlephase generator is 100% because the voltage increases from 0 to a maximum value with each wave cycle. The ripple factor for a 3-phase, 6-pulse generator is 13.5% because at 100 kV, the voltage fluctuates between 86.5 and 100 kV; ripple is accentuated when 3-phase generators are operated under load (i.e., operating conditions). High-voltage circuit The high-voltage circuit provides the electrical power needed to accelerate the flow of electrons from the cathode to the anode of the x-ray tube to produce x-rays of the specified kVp and waveform. Also called the cathode-anode circuit, the high-voltage circuit consists of a step-up transformer (also called the highvoltage transformer) and an autotransformer. Because the potential difference across the secondary coil may be as great as 150,000 volts (V), the step-up transformer is sealed within an oil-filled tank, which enhances heat dissipation and provides electrical insulation between various components. A kVp meter and an mA meter are incorporated into the high-voltage circuit to monitor, respectively, the potential across the x-ray tube and the current through the tube during an exposure. The kVp meter is usually located between the autotransformer and the step-up
1 sec 60
a. Ideal DC
Radiation Intensity
1 sec 60
c. Single-phase, full-wave rectified
1 sec 60
d. Three-phase, six-pulse
1 sec 60
e. Three-phase, twelve-pulse
1 sec 500
f. High-frequency
g. Constant potential
Figure 3. Secondary voltage waveforms (left) and radiation intensity waveforms (right)
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X-ray Generators
control vacuum tubes are placed between the output of the transformers secondary wye and delta windings and the cathode and anode ends of the x-ray tube. Each control tube contains an electrode called a grid. Modifications of the voltage applied to the grid cause the control tube to act as a variable resistance, thus changing the magnitude of the voltage reaching the x-ray tube. A comparator circuit reads the voltage outputs at the two control tubes and alters their respective grid bias voltages to maintain a constant potential difference across the x-ray tube. The response of the comparator circuit and control tubes is nearly instantaneous, resulting in a DC voltage waveform reaching the x-ray tube. Some constant-potential generators use solid-state field-effect transistors rather than tetrode/triode control tubes to produce a ripple-free DC output. Timer circuit The timer circuit initiates the radiographic exposure, sustains it for a preset length of time, and terminates it. A timer mechanism controls the length of the exposure, and switches initiate and terminate the exposure. Typical exposure times range from 1/120 of a second to 6 seconds. Controls for the timer circuit are located on the control panel. The actual timer and switch units are contained in the high-voltage circuit. Three types of timer mechanisms have been used in x-ray generators mechanical, synchronous, and electronic. Mechanical timers are similar to springdriven kitchen timers; the exposure duration is determined by the length of time required for the spring to unwind from a preset, calibrated position. Because they are accurate to only about 1/4 of a second, they are unsuitable for standard x-ray exposures, which are often much shorter than that. Synchronous timers are driven by synchronous motors, which operate in tandem with the 60 Hz power frequency. These timers allow exposures to begin and end only at zero-crossings of the sinusoidal, 60 Hz voltage waveform and consequently offer precisely timed x-ray exposures in multiples of 1/120 of a second; however, they are unable to provide exposures in the millisecond (msec) range or a rapid series of repeated exposures. Electronic timers are most commonly used in x-ray generators. Their operation is based on the time needed to charge or discharge a capacitor, as determined by the value of a variable resistance in the timer circuit; selecting an exposure time from the control panel adjusts this resistance to the proper value. When used with electronic switches, electronic timers can provide accurate exposures as brief as 1 msec, as well as a rapid series of repeated exposures. Switching mechanisms are classified as primary or secondary according to their location in the high-voltage circuit. Primary switching is less complicated and expensive because it is easier and safer to switch the lower primary voltages on and off. Three types of primary switches are electromechanical contactors, thyratrons, and silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs). An electromechanical contactor causes a springloaded plunger to open or close a circuit when a current is applied to an electromagnetic coil. Because of inertia, these contactors are slow to respond, and their ability to handle a rapid series of repeated exposures is consequently limited. They are also expensive to maintain. Thyratrons are gas-filled, hot cathode tubes that function as electronic switches. A grid is usually negatively charged to prevent current flow through the thyratron tube, which in turn prevents current flow through the high-voltage circuit. If the negative charge on the grid is sufficiently reduced, a continuous flow of current results, allowing x-rays to be produced. A second thyratron is necessary to terminate the exposure. Thyratrons respond quickly (because of lack of inertia) and are able to handle rapid sequences of exposures, but they generate large amounts of heat and are expensive to maintain. SCRs, also called thyristors, are the solid-state analogs of thyratrons, retaining the advantages of thyratrons without the disadvantages. They can be used in synchronized or unsynchronized switching configurations. In synchronized switching, the SCRs begin and end their conduction of current flow only at zero-crossings of the 60 Hz line voltage, resulting in x-ray exposure durations that are precisely timed to multiples of 1/120 of a second (8.33 msec). Unsynchronized switching allows x-ray exposures to be initiated and terminated independently of zero-crossings. The high-speed electronic precontacting feature allows a response time of 1 to 2 msec for the initiation of an exposure, the pulsed commutation feature allows the initiation of an exposure without regard to synchrony with zero-crossings, and the forced extinction termination feature allows termination of an exposure without regard to zero-crossings. This combination of features reduces exposure durations to 1 to 2 msec and makes a rapid series of repeated exposures possible. The two available secondary switching mechanisms are triode or tetrode switch tubes and grid-controlled x-ray tubes; both are complex and expensive. Triode or tetrode switching tubes are used in constant-potential
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Reported problems
X-ray generators must be operated by knowledgeable individuals to avoid potential problems related to automatic features and fluoroscopic radiation exposure. Careful patient positioning is required for optimal performance of AEC devices and anatomic programming. Errors in patient positioning can result in rejected films and repeat examinations, which unnecessarily increase patient radiation exposure and examination costs.
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X-ray Generators
Fluoroscopic examinations must be conducted with great caution to minimize radiation exposure to patients and tableside personnel. In the United States, federal and state regulations limit generators exposure rates to 5 or 10 roentgens per minute (R/min) at the location where the radiation beam enters the patient (depending on specification). Under typical conditions of fluoroscopic operation, patient skin entrance exposure is in the range of 2 to 5 R/min. To minimize patient radiation exposure, a fluoroscopic examination should involve as little beam-on time as possible, and the monitors last-image-hold feature should be used, if available, to retain the image on the monitor screen after the fluoroscopic exposure. To minimize personnel radiation exposure, protective garments and beam-shielding devices must be used, and distance from the radiation beam should be maximized. In addition, the fluoroscopic exposure rate should be measured quarterly by a medical physicist to ensure safety and regulatory compliance and to monitor the performance consistency of the automatic brightness control feature. the generator under load. The following formula is used to calculate power ratings for three-phase generators:
kW = (kVp mA) 1,000
For most generators, the power rating is not constant over the entire kV range, and the maximum mA and kVp values cannot be obtained simultaneously. For this reason, it is important to carefully examine the way the manufacturer indicates this information. Typically, power ratings are specified at 100 kVp, with maximum mA values listed for several different kVp values. The power rating and timing capabilities of a new generator should be selected based on the types of examinations to be performed and the operating technique factors required with the type of generator selected. For example, an examination using a three-phase or high-frequency generator requires lower kVp and/or mAs than the same examination using a single-phase generator. Routine radiographic, angiographic, fluoroscopic, and tomographic procedures also vary in their kVp and mAs requirements. All x-ray system components must also be selected for compatibility as an integrated system. Specifically, it is critical to choose compatible x-ray tubes and generators so that all features of both components can be fully utilized. Positioning the generator too far from the x-ray tube may cause distortions in voltage waveforms and timing responses caused by capacitance in excessively long high-voltage cables. Cost containment A purchase decision should be based on issues such as life-cycle cost, local service support, discount rates and non-price-related benefits offered by the supplier, and standardization with existing equipment in the department or hospital (i.e., purchasing all x-ray generators from one supplier). The initial acquisition cost is only a fraction of the total cost of operation. Therefore, before making a purchase decision based solely on the acquisition cost of an x-ray generator, buyers should consider operating costs over the lifetime of the equipment. The following costs should be considered when purchasing an x-ray generator: Special features (e.g., pulsed fluoroscopy capability) Service contract X-ray tube replacement Utilities
Purchase considerations
The x-ray generator and radiographic or R/F table are the primary components of any x-ray room. Each must be selected in consideration of both clinical needs and cost-effectiveness. For x-ray generators, the primary selection factors are secondary waveform type, power rating, timing capabilities, and compatibility with other system components. As noted previously, the secondary waveform type determines the efficiency of x-ray production, including the magnitude of ripple and the ratio of average to peak x-ray tube voltage. Single-phase, full-wave rectified secondary waveforms provide the least efficient production of x-rays, which results in longer radiographic exposure times and higher patient radiation exposure than for the same examination using the same kVp (because of higher skin exposure from lowenergy x-rays that do not reach the image receptor). In addition, single-phase generators cause increased x-ray tube anode heating, thus restricting small focal spot examinations and reducing tube life. Three-phase generators (and other generators producing waveforms with low ripple) allow higher mA exposures at shorter exposure times, thus reducing motion unsharpness and producing higher-quality radiographs for many examinations. If three-phase power service is not available at a location proposed for it, power installation costs must be added to the project budget. Power ratings, in units of kilowatts (kW), describe the maximum kilovoltage (kV) and mA capabilities of
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Stage of development
Microprocessor-controlled and modular x-ray generators have been available for several years. Microprocessor-controlled generators provide extensive automatic operation, which simplifies use and allows the technologist to spend more time on patient positioning. Automatic controls also reduce the likelihood of operator errors that require retakes, thus reducing radiation exposure to patients and operators. In addition, microprocessor-controlled generators feature internal self-diagnostics, which cause an error message to appear on the console when a component malfunctions. Modular generators are individually constructed to incorporate the purchasers selection of optional features. Solid-state electronic components have reduced generator sizes, simplified repairs, and aided the development of shared generators, which are used to control several x-ray rooms simultaneously.
Balter S. X-ray generation and control. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 1999 Jan;46(1):92-7.
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X-ray Generators
National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Power supply guidelines for x-ray machines [standard]. 1984 (revised 1989, 1994; reaffirmed 1999). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Food and Drug Administration. Diagnostic x-ray systems and their major components. 21 CFR 1020.30. 2000. Additional performance and safety standards are included in the radiation protection codes of individual states and countries. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (as per 21 CFR Part 1000), as well as several international organizations, have developed recommendations and requirements for acceptance testing and periodic calibration of x-ray equipment, including x-ray generators. For further information, contact Toshibas Assist Center by telephone at (800) 521-1968. Source: FDA Enforcement Rep 2001 Jul 25; Manufacturer. A4714 Great Britain. Medical Devices Agency. X-ray generator exposure timer: manual timer selector switch on Picker R703 MkII and R500 MkII generators. London: Department of Health; 2002 Mar. 3 p. (Safety notice; no. SN2002[09]). A5160 FDA has designated Class II Recall No. Z-0649-03 certain Sedecal high-voltage generators and controls. The generators fail to comply with the U.S. federal performance standard due to incorrect identification labels and failure to use the required sampling for the certification testing program. The distributor initiated a recall by letter dated April 9, 2003. Verify receipt of the April 9, 2003, letter from Sedecal. For further information, contact Sedecal by telephone at (847) 394-6960. Source: FDA Enforcement Rep 2003 Apr 30; Distributor. 39249 Davidson RA. Determination of radiographic characteristics of tissue compensation filters using a Compton scatter technique. Australas Phys Eng Sci Med 2001 Sep;24(3):166-71. 39625 Wang JX, Zhang LA, Li BX, et al. Cancer incidence and risk estimation among medical x-ray workers in China, 1950-1995. Health Phys 2002 Apr;82(4): 455-66.
Supplier information
Americomp Americomp Inc [170184] 2901 W Lawrence Ave Chicago IL 60625-3621 Phone: (773) 588-2444, (800) 458-1782 Fax: (773) 583-1751 E-mail: info@americompus.net Internet: http://www.americompus.net
Amrad Summit Industries Inc [171242] 2901 W Lawrence Ave Chicago IL 60625-3621 Phone: (773) 588-2444, (800) 972-9776 Fax: (773) 588-3424 E-mail: info@summitindustries.net Internet: http://www.summitindustries.net
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Control-X Control-X Medical Inc [108554] 2289 Westbrooke Dr Bldg C Columbus OH 43228-9644 Phone: (614) 777-9729, (800) 777-9729 Fax: (614) 777-0395 E-mail: lhurd@cxmed.com Internet: http://www.cxmed.com
CPI Communications & Power Industries Inc (CPI) [272875] 607 Hansen Way Palo Alto CO 94394-1130 Phone: (650) 846-3645 Fax: (650) 846-3276 Internet: http://www.cpii.com Communications & Power Industries Inc (CPI) Canada [272874] 45 River Dr Georgetown ON L7G 2J4 Canada Phone: (905) 877-0161, (888) 274-9729 Fax: (905) 877-5327 E-mail: marketing@cmp.cpii.com Internet: http://www.cpii.com/cmp
Daeyoung Daeyoung Medical Systems [202155] 638-2 Sangelo 1-dong Dong Jak-ku Seoul 156-031 Republic of Korea Phone: 82 (2) 8259231 Fax: 82 (2) 8259232 E-mail: dae-young@dae-young.co.kr Internet: http://www.dae-young.co.kr
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X-ray Generators
GE Medical Systems Canada [174606] 2300 Meadowvale Blvd Mississauga ON L5N 5P9 Canada Phone: (800) 668-0732 Fax: (905) 567-2115 Internet: http://www.gemedicalsystems.ca GE Medical Systems Europe [171319] 283 rue de la Miniere boite postale 34 F-78533 Buc Cedex France Phone: 33 (1) 30704040 Fax: 33 (1) 30709855 E-mail: info@gemedicalsystems.com Internet: http://www.gemedicalsystemseurope.com/frfr GTR Labs GTR Labs Inc [384436] 510 Elk St Gassaway WV 26624 Phone: (304) 364-2211, (888) 871-9232 Fax: (304) 364-2212 E-mail: gsa00214@mail.wvnet.edu Internet: http://www.gtrllc.com LISTEM LISTEM Corp [392886] 414-1 Chongchon-2 dong Pupyong-gu Inchon Republic of Korea Phone: 82 (32) 5155511 Fax: 82 (32) 5129814 E-mail: obd@listem.co.kr Internet: http://www.listem.co.kr LISTEM USA Inc [393197] 5200 NW 43rd St Suite 102 PMB 338 Gainesville FL 32606 Phone: (352) 271-5232 Fax: (352) 271-8978 E-mail: wchoi12@cs.com Internet: http://www.listem.co.kr Meditech Meditech Roentgensysteme GmbH [282234] Kardinal-von-Galen-Strasse 12 D-33332 Guetersloh Germany Phone: 49 (5241) 95555 Fax: 49 (5241) 955599 E-mail: info@meditech-roentgensysteme.de Medstone Medstone International Ltd [372618] Medstone House Ridge Way Donibristle Industrial Park Dalgety Bay, Fife KY11 5JN Scotland Phone: 44 (1383) 821890 Fax: 44 (1383) 821877 E-mail: jeremy.wheeler@medstone.co.uk Internet: http://www.medstone.co.uk Metaltronica Metaltronica srl [176850] via della Pisana 431 I-00163 Roma Italy Phone: 39 (06) 66160206 Fax: 39 (06) 66160357 E-mail: sales@metaltronica.com Internet: http://www.metaltronica.com Pacioni Pacioni & C snc [227240] via Peralba 18-20 I-00141 Roma Italy Phone: 39 (06) 8170030 Fax: 39 (06) 8170030 E-mail: mailcomp@tin.it Internet: http://www.pacioni-c.com Philips Philips Medical Systems Asia [188101] 30/Fl Hopewell Centre 17 Kennedy Road Wanchai Hong Kong SAR Peoples Republic of China Phone: 852 28215888 Fax: 852 25276727 E-mail: medical@philips.com Internet: http://www.medical.philips.com Philips Medical Systems North America [102120] 22100 Bothell Everett Hwy PO Box 3003 Bothell WA 98041-3003 Phone: (425) 487-7000, (800) 526-4963 Fax: (425) 485-6080 E-mail: medical@philips.com Internet: http://www.medical.philips.com
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Stadler Stadler Elektronik AG [428453] Bahnhofstrasse 16 CH-6014 Littau/Lucerne Switzerland Phone: 41 (41) 2505633 Fax: 41 (41) 2505677 E-mail: info@stadler-elektronik.com Internet: http://www.stadler-elektronik.com
Stephanix Stephanix [401705] boite postale 294 F-42014 Saint Etienne France Phone: 33 (4) 77478160 Fax: 33 (4) 77375519 E-mail: contact@stephanix.com Internet: http://www.stephanix.com
Toshiba Toshiba America Medical Systems Inc [101894] 2441 Michelle Dr PO Box 2068 Tustin CA 92680-7047 Phone: (714) 730-5000, (800) 421-1968 Fax: (714) 832-2570 E-mail: info@tams.com Internet: http://www.medical.toshiba.com Toshiba Corp Medical Systems Co Ltd [140664] 1385 Shimoishigami Otawara-shi, Tochigi Pref 324-8550 Japan Phone: 81 (287) 266301 Fax: 81 (287) 266050 E-mail: info@tams.com Internet: http://www.toshiba-medical.co.jp
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X-ray Generators
Toshiba Medical (Australia) Pty Ltd [373230] 5 Byfield Street North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia Phone: 61 (2) 98876000 Fax: 61 (2) 98874866 Internet: http://www.medical.toshiba.com.au Toshiba Medical Systems Europe bv [160817] Zilverstraat 1 NL-2718 RP Zoetermeer The Netherlands Phone: 31 (79) 3689222 Fax: 31 (79) 3689444 E-mail: info@tmse.nl Internet: http://www.toshiba-europe.com/medical Note: The following companies did not provide us with any product information in time for publication. Their addresses are listed as a service to our readers. Innomed Medical Inc [150026] Szabo Jozsef utca 12 H-1146 Budapest Hungary Phone: 36 (1) 4609200 Fax: 36 (1) 4609222 E-mail: innomed@innomed.hu Internet: http://www.innomed.hu Oy Medira AB [162451] Ilkontie 1 FIN-36220 Kangasala Finland Phone: 358 (3) 2345200 Fax: 358 (3) 2345250 E-mail: medira@medira.fi Internet: http://www.medira.fi Roentgen-Service AG [170912] Meierholweg 4 Emmen CH-6032 Luzern Switzerland Phone: 41 (41) 2600266 Fax: 41 (41) 2608266 Internet: http://www.roentgen-service.ch
Villa Villa Sistemi Medicali SpA [156442] via delle Azalee 3 I-20090 Buccinasco MI Italy Phone: 39 (02) 488591 Fax: 39 (02) 4881844 E-mail: sales@villasm.com Internet: http://www.villasm.com
VMI VMI Industria e Comercio Ltda [174435] Rua Pref Eliseu Alves da Silva 400 Dist Industrial Genesco Aparecido de Oliveira Lagoa Santa-MG 33400-000 Brazil Phone: 55 (31) 36819560 Fax: 55 (31) 36819565 E-mail: vmi.bh@zaz.com
AEC Automatic exposure control CE Communaute Europeen CE mark Conformite Europeene mark CRT Cathode ray tube CSA Canadian Standards Association DSS Digital satellite system EEC European Economic Community EN European Norm
XMA X-Ray Marketing Assoc [106898] 1205 W Lakeview Ct Romeoville IL 60446-6500 Phone: (630) 378-1992, (800) 325-8880 Fax: (630) 378-1048 E-mail: webmaster@xma.com Internet: http://www.xma.com
ETL ETL Testing Laboratories FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration FET Field-effect transistor HL7 Health Level 7 HV High voltage IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
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About ECRI . . .
ECRI is a nonprofit health services research agency and a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization, providing information and technical assistance to the healthcare community to support safe and cost-effective patient care for more than 25 years. The results of ECRIs research and experience are available through its publications, information systems, databases, technical assistance program, laboratory services, seminars, and fellowships. Our full-time staff includes a wide range of specialists in healthcare technology, hospital administration, financial analysis, risk management, and information and computer science, as well as hospital planners, attorneys, physicists; biomedical, electrical, electronic, chemical, mechanical, and registered engineers; physicians; basic medical scientists; epidemiologists and biostatisticians; and writers, editors, and communications specialists. Underlying ECRIs knowledge base in healthcare technology are its integrity and objectivity. ECRI accepts no financial support from medical product manufacturers, and no employee may own stock in or consult for a medical equipment or pharmaceutical company. The scope of ECRIs resources extends far beyond technology. ECRI keeps healthcare professionals, manufacturers, legal professionals, information specialists, and others aware of the changing trends in healthcare, healthcare standards and regulations, and the best ways to handle environmental and occupational health and safety issues. ECRI also advises on management issues related to healthcare cost containment, accreditation, risk management, human resources, quality of care, and other complex topics. ECRI has more than 35 publications, databases, software, and services to fulfill the growing need for healthcare information and decision support. They focus on three primary areas: healthcare technology, healthcare risk and quality management, and healthcare environmental management.
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X-ray Generators
30 300 @ 100
30 300 @ 100
30 300 @ 100
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
50, 100 150, 200, 250, 300 0.5-400 0.004-2.666 IGBT Optional Ion chamber
50, 100 150, 200, 250, 300 0.5-400 0.004-2.666 IGBT Optional Ion chamber
50, 100 150, 200, 300 0.4-600 0.0083-6 SCR Optional Ion chamber
50, 100 150, 200, 250, 300 0.5-400 0.004-2.666 IGBT Optional Ion chamber
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
Yes No NA NA
Yes No NA NA
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
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5 x 30 x 18 (2 x 11.8 x 7.1)
5 x 30 x 18 (2 x 11.8 x 7.1)
5 x 30 x 18 (2 x 11.8 x 7.1)
2 (4.4)
2 (4.4)
102 (225)
2 (4.4)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
86 (189.6)
86 (189.6)
91 (200)
86 (189.6)
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X-ray Generators
50 500 @ 100
40 : 50 500 @ 80 : 630 @ 80
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
50, 100 150, 200, 300 0.4-600 0.00083-6 SCR Optional Ion chamber
10-500 : 10-630 10-500 : 10-630 0.5-1,000 0.001-6.3 IGBT Yes Ion chamber
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
Yes No NA NA
Yes No NA NA
NA : 30 NA : Not specified
NA : No
NA : Yes
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
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7 x 56 x 23 (2.8 x 22 x 9.1)
102 (224.9)
3 (6.6)
3 (6.6)
4 (8.8)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
91 (200.7)
100 (220.5)
100 (220.5)
107 (236)
Not specified 1 year 1998 Not specified Digital display; full x-ray tube protection; 3-, 2-, 1-point techniques; optional capacitordischarge model (GTI 30HF/DC). Meets requirements of ISO.
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X-ray Generators
Yes No Single-phase
65 : 80 800 @ 80 : 1,000 @ 80
40 : 50 500 @ 80, 400 @ 100, 200 @ 150 : 600 @ 80, 500 @ 100, 250 @ 150 40-150
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
10-800 : 10-1,000 10-800 : 10-1,000 0.5-1,000 0.001-6.3 IGBT Yes Ion chamber
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
30 Not specified
10 10 with ABS
10 10 with ABS
10 10 with ABS
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
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Automatic Yes 208-240 VAC : 380 VAC; 50/60 Hz, 100 A, single phase
Automatic Yes 208-240 VAC, single or 3 phase or 380-400 VAC, 3 phase, 50/60 Hz
Automatic Yes 208-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, single or 3 phase or 380-400 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3 phase
7 x 56 x 23 (2.8 x 22 x 9.1)
40 x 46 x 95 (16 x 18 x 37.5)
40 x 46 x 95 (16 x 18 x 37.5)
4 (8.8)
86 (190)
120 (265)
120 (265)
Not specified
58 x 33 x 46 (23 x 13 x 18)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
107 (236)
154 (340)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Not specified 1 year 1998 Not specified Digital display; full x-ray tube protection; 3-, 2-, 1-point techniques; optional highcontrast fluoro mode. Meets requirements of ISO.
Not specified 5 years (2 full, 3 prorated) Not specified January to December Digital display; tube overload protection; mAs display; digital timer; MS 525 is equipped with overcurrent protection.
Not specified 5 years (2 full, 3 prorated) Not specified January to December Compact control console and cabinet; manual override; technique reprogramming; selfdiagnostic software.
Not specified 5 years (2 full, 3 prorated) Not specified January to December Compact control console and cabinet; manual override; technique reprogramming; selfdiagnostic software.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
Yes No Single-phase
30 : 40 400 @ 80, 300 @ 100, 150 @ 150 : 500 @ 80, 400 @ 100, 200 @ 150 40-150
65 : 80 800 @ 80, 650 @ 100, 420 @ 150 : 1,000 @ 80, 800 @ 100, 500 @ 150 40-150
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
10 10 with ABS
10 10 with ABS
10 10 with ABS
10 10 with ABS
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Automatic Yes 208-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, single- or 3-phase or 380-400 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
38 x 41 x 36 (15 x 16 x 14)
40 x 46 x 95 (15.7 x 18 x 37.5)
40 x 46 x 95 (15.7 x 18 x 37.5)
12 (26)
120 (265)
120 (265)
306 (680)
56 x 66 x 84 (22 x 26 x 33)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
234 (515)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Not specified 5 years (2 full, 3 prorated) Not specified January to December Continuous digital readouts on CRT display; integrated computer records exposure parameters and is equipped with self-diagnostics.
Not specified 5 years (2 full, 3 prorated) Not specified January to December PC controlled with touchscreen monitor, manual override, technique reprogramming, selfdiagnostic software.
Not specified 5 years (2 full, 3 prorated) Not specified January to December PC controlled with touchscreen monitor, manual override, technique reprogramming, selfdiagnostic software.
Not specified 5 years (2 full, 3 prorated) Not specified January to December PC controlled with touchscreen monitor, manual override, technique reprogramming, selfdiagnostic software.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
30 : 32 Not specified
40 : 50 Not specified
32 Not specified
40 Not specified
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
40-125 : 40-150
25-400 * 25-400 * 0.4-500 0.001-6.3 FET inverter, 100 kHz Yes Ion chamber or solid-state 768 techniques No NA NA
25-500 : 25-600 * 25-500 : 25-600 * 0.4-500 0.001-6.3 FET inverter, 100 kHz : Not specified Yes Ion chamber or solid-state : Not specified 768 techniques No NA NA
10-320 * 10-320 * 0.5-1,000 (non-AEC) 0.001-6.3 FET inverter, 100 kHz Yes Ion chamber, solidstate, or PMT 768 techniques Yes 40-125 0.5-6 continuous **
10-500 * 10-500 * 0.5-1,000 (non-AEC) 0.001-6.3 FET inverter, 100 kHz Yes Ion chamber, solidstate, or PMT 768 techniques Yes 40-125 0.5-6 continuous **
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Not to exceed manufacturer's x-ray tube limits. ** High-contrast fluoroscopy levels available. *** Depends in imaging system. With multiple programmable kV/mA tracking curves.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
51 (112.5)
51 (112.5)
112 (247)
112 (247)
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, laptop interface, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, collimator, lamp power.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, laptop interface, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, collimator, lamp power.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, DSS, digital interface, laptop interface, remote fluoro, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, kV/mAs stepping, color touchscreen, integral DAP, falling load operation, custom interfaces, 3-phase 208/240 VAC line adjust transformer.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, DSS, digital interface, laptop interface, remote fluoro, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, kV/mAs stepping, color touchscreen, integral DAP, falling load operation, custom interfaces, 3-phase 208/240 VAC line adjust transformer.
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Other output power levels available between 30 kW and 50 kW with single-phase input requirements.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
50 Not specified
65 Not specified
80 Not specified
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
10-630 * 10-630 * 0.5-1,000 (non-AEC) 0.001-6.3 FET inverter, 100 kHz Yes Ion chamber, solidstate, or PMT 768 techniques Yes 40-125 0.5-6 continuous **
10-800 * 10-800 * 0.5-1,000 (non-AEC) 0.001-6.3 FET inverter, 100 kHz Yes Ion chamber, solidstate, or PMT 768 techniques Yes 40-125 0.5-6 continuous **
10-1,000 * 10-1,000 * 0.5-1,000 (non-AEC) 0.001-6.3 FET inverter, 100 kHz Yes Ion chamber, solidstate, or PMT 768 techniques Yes 40-125 0.5-6 continuous **
10-1,000 * 10-1,000 * 0.5-1,000 (non-AEC) 0.001-6.3 FET inverter, 100 kHz Yes Ion chamber, solidstate, or PMT 768 techniques Yes 40-125 0.5-6 continuous **
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Not to exceed manufacturer's x-ray tube limits. ** High-contrast fluoroscopy levels available. *** Depends in imaging system. With multiple programmable kV/mA tracking curves.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
112 (247)
113 (249.2)
114 (251.4)
115 (253.6)
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, DSS, digital interface, laptop interface, remote fluoro, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, kV/mAs stepping, color touchscreen, integral DAP, falling load operation, custom interfaces, 3-phase 208/240 VAC line adjust transformer.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, DSS, digital interface, laptop interface, remote fluoro, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, kV/mAs stepping, color touchscreen, integral DAP, falling load operation, custom interfaces, 3-phase 208/240 VAC line adjust transformer.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, DSS, digital interface, laptop interface, remote fluoro, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, kV/mAs stepping, color touchscreen, integral DAP, falling load operation, custom interfaces.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, DSS, digital interface, laptop interface, remote fluoro, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, kV/mAs stepping, color touchscreen, integral DAP, falling load operation, custom interfaces.
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Other output power levels available between 30 kW and 50 kW with single-phase input requirements.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
50 Not specified
30 Not specified
50 Not specified
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
25-300 : 25-375 * 25-300 : 25-375 * Not specified 0.001-6.3 FET inverter, 100 kHz Yes Ion chamber or solid-state 1,728 techniques No NA NA
25-500 * 25-500 * Not specified 0.001-6.3 FET inverter, 100 kHz Yes Ion chamber or solid-state 1,728 techniques No NA NA
10-320 10-320 0.5-1,000 (non-AEC) 0.002-6.3 NA Yes Ion chamber or solid-state 768 techniques Yes 40-125 0.5-6
10-630 * 10-630 * 0.5-1,000 (non-AEC) 0.002-6.3 NA Yes Ion chamber or solid-state 768 techniques Yes 40-125 0.5-6
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
3, 7.5, 15, 30
3, 7.5, 15, 30
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Not to exceed manufacturer's x-ray tube limits.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Automatic Error codes 230 VAC, singlephase; 400/480 3phase : 400/480 3phase
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
90 (198.5)
90 (198.5)
240 (529.2)
240 (529.2)
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional services software, laptop interface, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, 150 kV option, collimator, lamp power.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional services software, laptop interface, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, 150 kV option, collimator, lamp power.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, DSS, digital interface, laptop interface, remote fluoro, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, A2EC**@,pkV/mAs stepping.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, DSS, digital interface, laptop interface, remote fluoro, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, A2EC2, kV/mAs stepping.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
65 Not specified
80 Not specified
50 500 @ 100
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
10-800 ** 10-800 ** 0.5-1,000 (non-AEC) 0.002-6.3 NA Yes Ion chamber or solid-state 768 techniques Yes 40-125 0.5-6
10-1,000 ** 10-1,000 ** 0.5-1,000 (non-AEC) 0.001-6.3 NA Yes Ion chamber or solid-state 768 techniques Yes 40-125 0.5-6
600 max : 700 max 600 max : 700 max 1-500 : 1-600 0.01-6 SCR inverter Optional Ion chamber
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
Yes No NA NA
Yes No NA NA
3, 7.5, 15, 30
3, 7.5, 15, 30
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Specifications current as of March 2000. ** Not to exceed manufacturer's x-ray tube limits.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Yes Yes 208-240 VAC, 1-phase (30 kW version) or 208-480 VAC, 3-phase : 208-480 VAC, 3-phase
Not specified
Not specified
75 (165.4)
36.3 (80)
161 x 67.3 x 49.5 (63.3 x 26.5 x 19.5) rack cabinet 272 (600)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
240 (529.2)
240 (529.2)
166 (366)
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, DSS, digital interface, laptop interface, remote fluoro, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, A2EC2, kV/mAs stepping.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional GenWare service software, DSS, digital interface, laptop interface, remote fluoro, pedestal stand, wall mount, x-ray handswitch, A2EC2, kV/mAs stepping.
$17,500 : $25,000 1 year, parts 1991 August to July Meets requirements of ISO 9001 and UL.
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Specifications current as of March 2000.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
30 300 @ 100
60 800 @ 75
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
320 max 500 max : 600 max 0.5-1,000 0.002-6 SCR inverter Optional Ion chamber
320 max 800 max : 1,000 max 0.5-1,000 0.002-6 SCR inverter Optional Ion chamber
500 max 500 max 1-500 0.0083-6 SCR inverter Optional Ion chamber
10-800 * 10-800 * 0.4-1,000 0.001-8 HV solid-state secondary Yes Ion chamber or PMT
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
30 Not specified
30 Not specified
Not specified
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Automatic/manual focal spot selection. ** With 2 editable kV/mA tracking curves.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Yes Yes 240 VAC, 150 A, 60 Hz, 1-phase or 208-480 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
6.6 x 43 x 23 (2.6 x 17 x 9)
13.6 (30)
13.6 (30)
36.3 (80)
1 (2.2)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
27.9 x 38.1 x 43.2 (11 x 15 x 17); 46 x 66 x 46 (18 x 26 x 18) power module 54 (118); 55 (120) power module
545 (1,200)
$20,000 : $23,500 1 year, parts 1999 August to July Meets requirements of ISO 9001 and UL 2601.
$40,575 : $50,775 1 year, parts 1990 August to July Meets requirements of ISO 9001 and UL 2601.
$13,000 1 year, parts 1987 August to July Meets requirements of ISO 9001 and UL.
Not specified 1 year 1996 June to May Integrated low-speed starter; high-speed starter; automatic tube calibration; anode heat integrator; mA stabilizer; x-ray tube overload protection; standard universal interface; single cabinet and console. Complies with most standards.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
60 800 @ 75
80 1,000 @ 80
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
10-800 * 10-800 * 0.4-1,000 0.001-8 HV solid-state secondary Yes Ion chamber or PMT
10-1,000 * 10-1,000 * 0.4-1,000 0.001-8 HV solid-state secondary Yes Ion chamber or PMT
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Automatic/manual focal spot selection. ** With 2 editable kV/mA tracking curves.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
6.6 x 43 x 23 (2.6 x 17 x 9)
6.6 x 43 x 23 (2.6 x 17 x 9)
6.6 x 43 x 23 (2.6 x 17 x 9)
1 (2.2)
1 (2.2)
1 (2.2)
22 x 28 x 41 (8.7 x 11 x 16.1)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
636 (1,400)
636 (1,400)
636 (1,400)
18.5 (40.8)
Not specified 1 year 1998 June to May Integrated low-speed starter; high-speed starter; automatic tube calibration; anode heat integrator; mA stabilizer; x-ray tube overload protection; standard universal interface; single cabinet and console; optional integrated highspeed starter. Complies with most standards.
Not specified 1 year 1996 June to May Integrated low-speed starter; high-speed starter; automatic tube calibration; anode heat integrator; mA stabilizer; x-ray tube overload protection; standard universal interface; single cabinet and console. Complies with most standards.
Not specified 1 year 1996 June to May For cardiovascular applications; standard pulse fluoroscopy with nongridded tubes; anode heat integrator; integrated high-speed starter; standard universal interface. Complies with most standards.
Not specified 1 year 2003 June to May Immunity to tube arcs; solid dielectric HV units; high-efficiency power converter; designed for computed tomography. Meets requirements for Canada and U.S. (CSA, UL); CE directive 93/42/EEC Class II B.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
45 : 50 500 @ 90 : 630 @ 80
45 : 50 500 @ 90 : 630 @ 80
65 : 80 800 @ 80 : 1,000 @ 80
65 : 80 800 @ 80 : 1,000 @ 80
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
10-500 : 10-630 10-500 : 10-630 0.4-1,000 0.001-10 IGBT Optional Ion chamber, solidstate Up to 1,536 programs No NA NA
10-500 : 10-630 10-500 : 10-630 0.4-1,000 0.001-10 IGBT Optional Ion chamber, solidstate, PMT, photodiode Up to 1,536 programs Yes 50-125 0.1-10 continuous, 2.5-75 pulsed
10-800 : 10-1,000 10-800 : 10-1,000 0.4-1,000 0.001-10 IGBT Optional Ion chamber, solidstate Up to 1,536 programs No NA NA
10-800 : 10-1,000 10-800 : 10-1,000 0.4-1,000 0.001-10 IGBT Optional Ion chamber, solidstate, PMT, photodiode Up to 1,536 programs Yes 50-125 0.1-10 continuous; 2.5-75 pulsed
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
2.6 (5.7)
2.6 (5.7)
2.6 (5.7)
2.6 (5.7)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
45 (99.2) : 50 (110.3)
45 (99.2) : 50 (110.3)
55 (121.3) : 60 (132.3)
55 (121.3) : 60 (132.3)
Not specified 18 months 2003 June to May Integrated low speed or high speed anode drive; automatic tube calibration; flexible interface including support for flat-panel, canbus, RS-232. Full QA CSA 22.2.114/601, UL 2601; CE directive 93/42/EEC Class II B.
Not specified 18 months 2003 June to May Integrated low speed or high speed anode drive; automatic tube calibration; flexible interface including support for flat-panel, canbus, RS-232. Full QA CSA 22.2.114/601, UL 2601; CE directive 93/42/EEC Class II B.
Not specified 18 months 2003 June to May Integrated low speed or high speed anode drive; automatic tube calibration; flexible interface including support for flat-panel, canbus, RS-232. Full QA CSA 22.2.114/601, UL 2601; CE directive 93/42/EEC Class II B.
Not specified 18 months 2003 June to May Integrated low speed or high speed anode drive; automatic tube calibration; flexible interface including support for flat-panel, canbus, RS-232. Full QA CSA 22.2.114/601, UL 2601; CE directive 93/42/EEC Class II B.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
50 500 @ 100
50 : 65 : 80 See footnote *
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
40-150 kVp
40-150 kVp
Not specified Not specified 0.5-640 0.001-6.4 IGBT Yes Ion chamber
10-400 @ 32 kW ** 10-400 @ 32 kW ** Not specified 0.0001-6.3 Not specified Yes Ion chamber
10-400; 630 @ 50 kW 10-400; 630 @ 50 kW Not specified 0.00125-6.3; 0.001 (50 kW) Not specified Yes Ion chamber
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
75 programs No NA NA
>1,700 programs No NA NA
>1,700 programs No NA NA
12 95
Not specified
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * [640 : 800 : 1,000 mA] @ 80 kVp; [500 : 600 : 800 mA] @ 100 kVp; [400 : 520 : 640 mA] @ 125 kVp; [333 : 433 : 533 mA] @ 150 kVp. ** 10-630 @ 50 kW, 10-800 @ 65 kW, 10-1,000 @ 80 kW.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
0.8 (1.8)
299.3 (660)
401 (884.2)
Not specified
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
55 (121)
Not specified
30 (66)
Not specified 1 year Not specified January to December High-power inverter IGBT; microprocessor controlled; fault self-diagnostic on display.
NA 1 year 1998 January to December Integrated into table base to save space.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
6 50 @ 125
30 300 @ 100
50 500 @ 100
60 600 @ 100
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
60 10 with ABS
60 10 with ABS
60 10 with ABS
60 10 with ABS
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
22.9 (50)
31.7 (70)
31.7 (70)
136 (300)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
38.5 (85)
38.5 (85)
38.5 (85)
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
20 200 @ 100
30 300 @ 100
40 400 @ 100
50 500 @ 100
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Automatic Yes 188-253 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase (optional 380 VAC, 3-phase)
Automatic Yes 188-253 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase (optional 380 VAC, 3-phase)
68 (150)
68 (150)
68 (150)
68 (150)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
$7,290 (plus options) 5 years 2000 Not specified Meets requirements of UL 2601.
$9,115 (plus options) 5 years 2000 Not specified Meets requirements of UL 2601.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
1.0 mm 2.0 mm 0.4-600 mAs 0.008-6 Not specified Optional Not specified
1.0 mm 2.0 mm 1.5-100 Not specified Not specified Optional Not specified
1.0 mm 2.0 mm Not specified Not specified Not specified Optional Not specified
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
Yes No NA NA
Yes No NA NA
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Not specified
120 (264.6)
Not specified
20 (44.1)
60 (132.3)
Not specified
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
220 (485.1)
105 (231.5)
60 (132.3)
80 (176.4)
Not specified 18 months Not specified Not specified Meets requirements of ISO 9001.
Not specified 18 months Not specified Not specified Meets requirements of ISO 9001.
Not specified 18 months Not specified Not specified Meets requirements of ISO 9001.
Not specified 18 months Not specified Not specified Meets requirements of ISO 9001.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
Software controlled
30 300
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
75, 85
40-135 kVp
2.0 mm 2.0 mm 0.29-200 mAs Not specified Not specified Optional Not specified
50-200 50-500 1-600 maximum programmable 0.004-3.6 Thyristor Yes Ion chamber
Tube dependent Tube dependent 1,000 0.003-32 200 kHz Yes Ion chamber, solidstate Yes No NA NA
Tube dependent Tube dependent 500 0.003-6 200 kHz Yes Ion chamber, solidstate Yes Optional 40-125 25, 32, 40
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
Yes No NA NA
30 Selectable
Not specified
Not specified
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Range is dose rate controlled.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Automatic Text message on screen 400 VAC 10%, 50/60 Hz, 140 A, 3-phase
Automatic Yes 220-240 VAC, singlephase; 208/380/425 VAC, 3-phase; battery supported from wall outlet
190 x 60 x 410 (74.8 x 23.6 x 161.4); 35 x 40 x 40 (13.8 x 15.7 x 15.7) touchscreen monitor 120 (265); 8 (17.6) touchscreen monitor 100 x 50 x 50 (39.4 x 19.7 x 19.7)
Not specified
3 (6.6)
3 (6.6)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
Not specified
300 (661)
110 (242.6)
110 (242.6)
Not specified 18 months Not specified Not specified Meets requirements of ISO 9001.
DM 35,000-40,000 (US$15,259-17,438) 1 year 1992 January to December Touchscreen virtual keyboard; integrated software-generated constancy check; printer documentation of patient examination parameters; can be used with available old system HV transformers (Siemens, Picker, Europa, TUR, GEMS, Hofmann, Italray, etc.).
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
40 400
50 500
50 or 80 600 @ 80, 500 @ 100, 400 @ 125, 320 @ 125 or 800 @ 100, 640 @ 125, 530 @ 150 40-150 (111 steps)
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
40-135 kVp
40-135 : 40-150
Tube dependent Tube dependent 500 (optional up to 2,300) 0.003-13 200 kHz Yes Ion chamber, solidstate Yes Optional 40-125 25-400
Tube dependent Tube dependent 500 (optional up to 2,300) 0.003-13 200 kHz Yes Ion chamber, solidstate Yes Optional 40-125 25-400
35-600 (10 steps) * 35-600 (10 steps) * Not specified 0.002-9 (35 steps) FET Yes Ion chamber, solidstate 840 programmable Yes 40-120 (81 steps) 0.5-5 (10 steps)
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
16 programs No NA NA
30 Selectable
30 Selectable
Not specified
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
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3 (6.6)
3 (6.6)
155 (342)
36 (79.4)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
110 (242.6)
110 (242.6)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
$17,000-30,500 1 year Not specified January to December Low-voltage capacitor discharge; LCD; tube overload microprocessor controlled; automatic line compensation.
15,000 (US$15,937), 17,000 (US$18,062) Not specified 1994 January to December LED and LCD displays; anatomic and free techniques; designed to supply power to 1 or 2 separate diagnostic radiology rooms without having to install the control unit in the middle (a small console in each room permits operator to program automatic anatomic techniques); IQ Net. Meets requirements of EN 46001 and ISO 9001.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
1-650 1-650 (depends on tube type) 0.5-850 0.001-6 Transistor Yes Ion chamber (4), photodiode (1) Yes Yes 40-110 0.1-3, 0.1-6
1-900 1-900 (depends on tube type) 0.5-800 0.001-6 Transistor Yes Ion chamber (4), photodiode (1) Yes Yes 40-110 0.1-3, 0.1-6
1-1,100 1-1,100 (depends on tube type) 0.5-800 0.01-6 Transistor Yes Ion chamber (4), photodiode (1) Yes Yes 40-110 0.1-3, 0.1-6
10-630 10-630 (depends on tube type) 0.5-850 0.001-6 Thyristor Yes Ion chamber (6)
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
6 Not specified
6 Not specified
6 Not specified
8* Not specified
Not specified
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Automatic Displays error codes 400 VAC 10%, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
Automatic Displays error codes 400 VAC 10%, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
Automatic Displays error codes 400 VAC 10%, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
Automatic Displays error codes 400 VAC +6/-10% with neutral and ground conductors, 3-phase
220 (485)
220 (485)
220 (485)
250 (552)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
126 (277.8)
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified 1,000+ APRs; Vario Focus; x-ray tube overload protection; 6 x 43 x 33.5 cm (2.4 x 17 x 13.2 in) operator control panel; tomographic density control.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified 1,000+ APRs; Vario Focus; x-ray tube overload protection; 6 x 43 x 33.5 cm (2.4 x 17 x 13.2 in) operator control panel; tomographic density control.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified 1,000+ APRS; Vario Focus; x-ray tube overload protection; 6 x 43 x 33.5 cm (2.4 x 17 x 13.2 in) operator control panel; tomographic density control.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified DSI compatible; control desk; gridcontrolled (pulsed) fluoroscopy; computer-corrected exposure parameters based on fluoroscopic data; singleplane cine imaging; interface for universal and peripheral angio; optional patient data printout.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
Yes Not specified High frequency, single-phase : High frequency, 3-phase Yes
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
10-1,000 10-1,000 (depends on tube type) 0.5-850 0.001-6 Thyristor Yes Ion chamber (6)
10-1,000 10-1,000 (depends on tube type) 0.5-850 0.001-6 Thyristor Yes Ion chamber (6)
10-300 : 10-600 10-300 : 10-600 0.5-600 0.006-6 : 0.002-6 SCR Yes Ion chamber
10-800 : 10-1,000 10-800 : 10-1,000 0.5-600 0.002-6 SCR Yes Ion chamber
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
8* Not specified
8* Not specified
In development : Up to 60 Yes
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Automatic Displays error codes 400 VAC +6/-10% with neutral and ground conductors, 3-phase
Automatic Displays error codes 400 VAC +6/-10% with neutral and ground conductors, 3-phase
250 (552)
250 (552)
150 (330)
150 (330)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
126 (277.8)
126 (277.8)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified DSI compatible; control desk; gridcontrolled (pulsed) fluoroscopy; computer-corrected exposure parameters based on fluoroscopic data; singleplane cine imaging; interface for universal and peripheral angio; optional patient data printout.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified DSI compatible; control desk; gridcontrolled (pulsed) fluoroscopy; computer-corrected exposure parameters based on fluoroscopic data; singleplane cine imaging; interface for universal and peripheral angio; optional patient data printout.
$25,000 : $44,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Touchscreen; 2- or 3-point; heat display; automatic calibration; 8 devices; interface board; service panel; tube selection. Meets requirements of IEC 601-1.
$53,000 : $65,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified Touchscreen; 2- or 3-point; heat display; automatic calibration; 8 devices; interface board; service panel; tube selection. Meets requirements of IEC 601-1.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
80 800 @ 100
50 500 @ 100
50 * 500 @ 100
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
120 10
30 10
30 10
30 10
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * 50 kW for 3-phase, 32 kW for single-phase.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Automatic Yes 380, 400, 415, 480 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase or 210 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
Automatic Yes 380, 400, 415, 440, 480 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
Automatic Yes 380, 400, 415, 440, 480 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
Automatic Yes 380, 400, 415, 440, 480 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
270 (595)
250 (551.3)
240 (529.2)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Not specified 1 year 1994 January to December Plasma touchscreen; pulsed fluoroscopy; DSA capable. Meets requirements of ETL.
Not specified 1 year 1998 January to December EL display; exposure time and mAs setting 12.5%; optional touch-sensitive panel. Meets requirements of ETL.
Not specified 1 year 1998 January to December EL display; exposure time and mAs setting 12.5%; optional touch-sensitive panel. Meets requirements of ETL.
Not specified 1 year 1999 January to December Digital LED display; exposure time and mAs setting 12.5%. Meets requirements of ETL.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
50 500 @ 100
32 320 @ 100
40 400 @ 102
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
50, 63, 80 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 320 0.2-320 0.008-6.3 By on button Optional Telamat Comet
25-400 25-400 0.1-500 0.001-5 IGBT Yes Ion chamber or solid-state Up to 250 in 2 tables Yes 40-110 0.3-5 continuous, 10-50 pulsed
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
24 programs ** No NA NA
30 10
30 10
Yes : NA
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * 50 kW for 3-phase, 32 kW for single-phase. ** 4 thickness-compensation levels. *** Editable kV/mA tracking curve.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Automatic Yes 380, 400, 415, 440, 480 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
Automatic Yes 380, 400, 415, 440, 480 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
Automatic Error messages, self-test program 3 x 400 VAC, 10%, 50 Hz, 3-phase
95.1 x 57.3 x 41 (37 x 22.6 x 16.1); 90.8 x 50 x 25 (35.7 x 20 x 9.8) console Not specified
7 x 38 x 31 (2.8 x 15 x 12.2)
180 (396.9)
230 (507.2)
3.5 (7.7)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
50 (110.3)
Not specified 1 year 1999 January to December Digital LED display; exposure time and mAs setting 12.5%. Meets requirements of ETL.
Not specified 1 year 1999 January to December Digital LED display; exposure time and mAs setting 12.5%. Meets requirements of ETL.
Not specified 2 years 2003 January to December Modular construction; PC interface; PC control panel with touchscreen; plug-and-play installation program software interface HL7; interface for dose product; easy editing organ tables; maintenance via notebook; optional high speed starter.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
50 500 @ 102
65 640 @ 102
32 320 @ 100
30 320 @ 93
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
40-125, 40-150
40-125 or 40-150
25-500 25-500 0.1-500 0.001-5 IGBT Yes Ion chamber or solid-state Up to 250 in 2 tables Yes 40-110 0.3-5 continuous, 10-50 pulsed
25-640 25-640 0.1-800 0.001-5 IGBT Yes Ion chamber or solid-state Up to 250 in 2 tables Yes 40-110 0.3-5 continuous, 10-50 pulsed
10-400 10-400 0.1-500 0.001-10 By button (on), by softkey (off) Optional Not specified
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
See footnote *
See footnote *
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
Colons separate data on similar models of a device. * Editable kV/mA tracking curve.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Automatic Error messages, self-test program 3 x 400 VAC 10%, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Automatic Error messages, self-test program 3 x 400 VAC 10%, 50 Hz, 3-phase
7 x 38 x 31 (2.8 x 15 x 12.2)
7 x 38 x 31 (2.8 x 15 x 12.2)
Not specified
3.5 (7.7)
3.5 (7.7)
95 (209.5)
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
50 (110.3)
50 (110.3)
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified 2 years 2003 January to December Modular construction; PC interface; PC control panel with touchscreen; plug-and-play installation program software interface HL7; interface for dose product; easy editing organ tables; maintenance via notebook; optional high-speed starter.
Not specified 2 years 2003 January to December Modular construction; PC interface; PC control panel with touch-screen; plug-and-play installation program software interface HL7; interface for dose product; easy editing organ tables; maintenance via notebook; optional high-speed starter.
Not specified 1 year Not specified January to December Load capacity 52,500 mAs @ 100 kV; UPS option.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
40 400 @ 100
40 400 @ 100
50 500 @ 100
50 500 @ 100
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
40-125 or 40-150
40-125 or 40-150
40-125 or 40-150
40-125 or 40-150
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
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Not specified
Not specified
95 (209.5)
Not specified
9.5 (209.5)
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified 1 year Not specified January to December Load capacity 52,500 mAs @ 100 kV; UPS option.
Not specified 1 year Not specified January to December Load capacity 127,500 mAs @ 100 kV; UPS option.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
65 650 @ 100
80 800 @ 100
80 1,000 @ 80, 800 @ 100, 630 @ 125, 500 @ 150 40-150, 1 kV steps
100 1,250 @ 80, 1,000 @ 100, 800 @ 125, 630 @ 150 50-125
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
40-125 or 40-150
Not specified Not specified 100-1,250 0.001-1 Not specified Not specified Not specified
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
30 Not specified
6 10 (federal limit)
1 10 (federal limit)
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
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9.5 (20.9)
9.5 (20.9)
420 (924)
110 (242)
Not specified
Not specified
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
Not specified
Not specified
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
Not specified 1 year 1994 April to March APR programming standard; 1-touch operation.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
50 500 mA @ 100 kV
50 500 mA @ 100 kV
55 : 70 600 @ 100, 500 @ 120, 300 @ 150 : 750 @ 95, 700 @ 100, 500 @ 125 40-125
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
10-400, 17 kV steps Not specified 0.5-500, 31 steps 0.001-6.3 sec, 39 steps IGBT Optional Solid-state
10-630, 19 steps Not specified 0.25-1,000, 35 steps 0.001-6.3 sec, 39 steps IGBT Optional Solid-state
10-630, 19 steps Not specified 0.25-1,000, 35 steps 0.001-6.3 sec, 39 steps IGBT Optional Solid-state
25-200 200-600 : 200-750 Not specified 0.01-8 : 0.01-6 SCR Optional Not specified
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
Yes No NA NA
Yes No NA NA
8 Not specified
Not specified
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
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Optional Not specified 220/380/415 VAC, 50/60 Hz, singlephase : 220/380/415 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
97 x 79 x 39 (38 x 31 x 15.4) : 97 x 93 x 39 (38 x 36.6 x 15.4) 139 (306) : 168 (370) 51 x 38 x 38 (20 x 15 x 15) : 98 x 35 x 50 (38.5 x 14 x 19.7) 184 (406) : 248 (547)
55 (121.3)
107 (235.9)
107 (235.9)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
No No High frequency
65 800 @ 81, 630 @ 103, 500 @ 130, 400 @ 150 40-150, 1 kV steps
80 1,000 @ 80, 800 @ 100, 630 @ 127, 500 @ 150 40-150, 1 kV steps
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
40-125 : 40-150
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
Yes Yes NA NA
8 Not specified
50 Not specified
50 Not specified
Not specified
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
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97 x 79 x 39 (38 x 31 x 15.4)
195 x 55 x 52 (76 x 21.7 x 20.5); 90 x 47 x 43 (35.4 x 18.5 x 16.9) operator console 200 (441); 25 (55.1) operator console Included in cabinet
195 x 55 x 52 (76 x 21.7 x 20.5); 90 x 47 x 43 (35.4 x 18.5 x 16.9) operator console 200 (441); 25 (55.1) operator console Included in cabinet
177 (390)
8 (17.6)
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
380 (838)
Included in cabinet
Included in cabinet
80 (176) : 60 (132)
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified.
$14,000 : $15,000 1 year Not specified January to December Tube overload, tube filament, and anode-circuit failure protection systems. Meets requirements of Health Ministry's Sanitary Vigilance certificate and IEC 601.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
No No High frequency
No No High frequency
64 800 @ 80
30 300 @ 125
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
40-125 : 40-150, 1 kV increments 25-150 200-500 Not specified 0.005-5 IGBT inverter Optional Solid-state
40-150, 1 kV increments 25-150 200-800 Not specified 0.005-5 IGBT inverter Optional Solid-state
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
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8 (17.6)
8 (17.6)
Not specified
Not specified
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
60 (132)
80 (176)
Not specified
Not specified
$18,000 : $20,000 1 year Not specified January to December Tube overload, tube filament, and anode-circuit failure protection systems. Meets requirements of Health Ministry's Sanitary Vigilance certificate and IEC 601.
$24,000 1 year Not specified January to December Tube overload, tube filament, and anode-circuit failure protection systems. Meets requirements of Health Ministry's Sanitary Vigilance certificate and IEC 601.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Meets requirements of UL.
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified.
2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
X-ray Generators
RADIOGRAPHIC MODE kV range mA range Small focus Large focus mAs range Timer range, sec Switching AEC Detector type
300 maximum 300 maximum 1-500 Not specified Not specified Optional Ion chamber
Anatomic programming FLUOROSCOPIC MODE kV range mA range Maximum number of exposures/sec Maximum exposure rate, R/min at patient entrance Pulsed fluoroscopy, pulses/sec Automatic brightness control
This is the first of two pages covering the above model(s). These specifications continue onto the next page.
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Automatic 6-field error indicator 260 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 100 A, single-phase; 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3 A minimum for console/logic system
Not specified
81.3 x 38.7 x 38.7 (32 x 15.3 x 15.3) with power module Not specified
Weight, kg (lb) PURCHASE INFORMATION List price, std configuration Warranty Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified 3 stations (up to 300 mA) selected at installation.
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