14 Psychology
14 Psychology
14 Psychology
COURSE CONTENT SEMESTER I: Paper I Basic Psychology I Unit I: Introduction: Definition and goals of psychology; Role of a psychologist in society; Perspectives - Biological, Psychodynamic, Behaviorist, Cognitive, Cross-cultural, Humanistic and Evolutionary perspectives; Methods - Experimental, Observation, Questionnaire and Clinical methods. 8hours Unit II: Individual Differences: Concept and Nature of Individual differences. Intelligence Theories of Intelligence Factor theories and Cognitive models of intelligence; Determinants of intelligence Genetic and Environmental influences Characteristics of Intelligence Tests; Types Of intelligence tests. Practical: Kohs Block Intelligence Test 12hours Unit III: Learning: Definition. Classical conditioning basics of conditioning; basic processes Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery, Generalization, Discrimination, Higher Order Conditioning. Criticisms& Significance Of Classical Conditioning; Operant Conditioning Thorndikes law of effect& basics of operant conditioning; Reinforcement Primary And Secondary; Schedules of reinforcement; Punishment. Effects of Punishment. Process Generalization, Discrimination, Shaping, Chaining; Cognitive Learning Latent learning; Observational learning (Bandura); Insight learning (Kohler) Practical: Transfer of Training 12 hours Unit IV: Memory : Basic processes Encoding, Storage, Retrieval; Sensory Iconic Memory and Echoic Memory ; STM Working Memory, Serial Position Curve, Rehearsal, Chunking; LTM Modules of memory Declarative, Procedural, Semantic, Episodic Memory; Associative models Explicit Memory And Implicit Memory; Retrieval Cues ; State Dependent And Context Dependent Memory ; Tip Of The Tongue Phenomenon , Flash Bulb Memories; Levels of processing Constructive Processes In Memory Schemas ; Forgetting Decay Theory : Interference Theory ; Perspective Memory ; Absence Of Retrieval Cues ; Improving memoryMnemonic Strategies. 10hours Unit V: Basic Statistics: Measures of Central Tendency Mean, Median and Mode for Ungrouped and grouped Data. Grouping of Data Class Intervals and Frequencies. 8hours References 1.Feldman, R. S., (2004). Understanding Psychology. McGraw Hill India. 2. Baron, R.A., (1995). Psychology. 3rd Edition, Prentice - Hall India. 3. Morgan,C.T., King,R.A., Weiss, J.R., and Schopler, J. (2004). Introduction to Psychology. Tata McGraw Hill India. 4. Wortman, C.B., & Loftus, E.F. (1992). Psychology. 4th Edition. McGraw HillInternational. 5. Bernstein, Roy, Skull and Wickets (1991). Psychology. 2nd Edition. Houghton College Publishers. 6. Fernald, P.S., & Fernald, L.D., (1985).Munns Introduction to Psychology.5th Edition. A.I.T.B.S. Publishers and Dist Reg. 250
7. Hilgard, E.R., Atkinson, R.C., & Atkinson, R.L., (1975). Introduction to Psychology. 6th Edition. Oxford IBH Publishing Co. Pvt .Ltd. 8. Weiten, W., (2007). Psychology : Themes and Variations. 7th Edition. Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. 9. Garrett, H.E. (1985).Statistics in Psychology and Education. Vakils, Simon & Feffer Pub.
SEMESTER II: Paper II Basic Psychology II Unit I : Thinking : Theories and models of thinking Information Processing Theory, S- R theory, Cognitive theories, Simulation Models; Types of Thinking Free Association, Imaginal Thought, Reasoning Types, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Creative Thinking, Concept Formation, Language And Thought. 10 hours Unit II: Motivation and Emotion. Motivation: Meaning, Homeostasis, Need, Drive, Arousal, Incentives. Theories of Motivation. Types Physiological Motivation Hunger, Thirst, Sexual. Psychological motivation Achievement, Power, Aggression. Emotion: Introduction Meaning Physiological responses, arousal and emotional intensity, emotional expression. Theories James Lange Theory, Cannon Bard Theory and Cognitive Theory. How People Communicate Emotion Innate Expression Of Emotions. Social Aspects of Emotional Expressions, Facial Expressions and the Brain (Pyramidal Motor Systems Cortical Functions). 10 hours
Unit III: Sensation, Attention and Perception: Sensation: Basic Concepts, Processes in Sensation, Types of senses Receptors involved in each of the sensory modalities (i.e., Visual, Auditory, Gustatory, Olfactory, Tactile, Vestibular, Kinesthetic, and Organic Senses). Sensory Adaptation advantages and disadvantages, Sensory Threshold, Absolute Threshold, Just Noticeable Difference, Webers Law, Signal Detection Theory. Perception: Understanding perception: Gestalt Laws of organization; Process of perception Depth Perception, Constancy, Movement. Factors of Perception. Illusion. Subliminal perception. Extra Sensory Perception. Attention: Definition, Characteristics. Selective Attention, Divided Attention. Practical: Muller-Lyer Illusion 12hours Unit IV: Personality: Definition. Historical background. Basic Approaches Psychodynamic (Freud, Jung & Adler), Humanistic (Rogers & Maslow), Dispositional approaches Type (Eysenck, Type A & B, Rotter and Big 5,) and Trait (Allport, Catell), Behavioral Approaches Bandura & Walters, Skinner, Dollard & Miller. Assessment of personality Questionnaires, Rating Scales and Projective tests. (Characteristics, advantages, limitations, examples) Practical: EPQ-R 13hours
Unit V: Basic Statistics II: Measures of Variability - Quartile deviation, Standard deviation for raw data long method.
05hours References 1.Feldman, R. S (2004). Understanding Psychology. 4th Edition. McGraw Hill India. 2. Baron, R.A., (1995). Psychology. 3rd Edition, Prentice - Hall India. 3. Morgan,C.T., King,R.A., Weiss, J.R., and Schopler, J. (2004). Introduction to Psychology. 7th Edition. Tata McGraw Hill India. 4. Wortman, C.B., & Loftus, E.F. (1992). Psychology. 4th Edition. McGraw Hill International. 5. Bernstein, Roy, Skull and Wickets (1991). Psychology. 2nd Edition. Houghton College Publishers. 6. Fernald, P.S., & Fernald, L.D., (1985).Munns Introduction to Psychology.5th Edition. A.I.T.B.S. Publishers and Dist Reg. 7. Hilgard, E.R., Atkinson, R.C., & Atkinson, R.L., (1975). Introduction to Psychology. 6th Edition. Oxford IBH Publishing Co. Pvt .Ltd. 8. Weiten, W., (2007). Psychology : Themes and Variations. 7th Edition. Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. 9. Garrett, H.E. (1985).Statistics in Psychology and Education. Vakils, Simon & Feffer Pub.
SEMESTER III: Paper III History of Psychology Unit I: Birth of Modern Psychology: Associationism (Hartley, James Mill, John Stuart Mill and Bain); Wundt as the founder of Structuralism; Titcheners Structuralism; Functionalism, Antecedents and Development (the Psychology of William James, John Dewey, James R. Angell, Harvey Carr). Practical: Two-point Threshold 12hours Unit II: Behaviorism: Antecedents and beginnings; Watsonian Behaviorism,E.R. Guthrie, Clark L. Hull, Skinner and E.C. Tolman; Gestalt Psychology: Antecedents and Founders (Wertheimer, Kohler and Koffka) Practical: Reaction Time 12 hours
Unit III: Psychoanalysis: Dissenters and Descendents - Freud; Adler, Jung; Neo-Freudians Horney, Fromm, Sullivan and Erickson. 10 hours
Unit IV: Humanistic Existential Psychology: Theories of Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, L. Binswanger, M. Boss and Rollo May 252
Unit V: Psychology and Society: Current status, societal applications of Psychology; Psychology in India- ancient and contemporary
8 hours References 1. Wolman, B.B. (1979). Contemporary Theories and Systems in Psychology. Delhi; Freeman Book Co. 2. Marks, M.H. and Croman-Hillix, W.A. (1988). Systems and Theories in Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill, International Editions, Psychology Series. 3. Woodworth R.S. and Sheehan, M. (1963). Contemporary Schools of Psychology. New York 4. Singh, A.K. (2006). The Comprehensive History of Psychology, Revised Edition. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidas Publishers. 5.Pandey, J. (1988).Psychology in India: State of the Art. Vol. 1-3. Sage: New Delhi. 6.Pandey, J. (2000-2001). Psychology in India Revisited: Developments in the Discipline. Vol. 13. Sage: New Delhi.
SEMESTER IV: Paper IV Social Psychology Unit I:Introduction to Social psychology: Definition, Field of Social Psychology, focus on behavior of individuals; Research Methods in social psychology. 8 hours Unit II: Attitudes: Definition; Attitude formation; Persuasion; Theory of Cognitive Dissonance; The Self: Self knowledge; self esteem; social comparison; The self as target of prejudice. Prejudice: Definition. Origin of prejudice; Formation of prejudice; Techniques for countering the effects of prejudice. Practical: Attitude Scale (any) 12 hours Unit III: Group Processes: Definition of group. Key components of group (status, roles, norms, and cohesiveness); Effects of groups on individual performance (Social facilitation and social loafing); Coordination in groups; Decision making by groups. Leaders and leadership: Definition, characteristics and traits; Types of leaders; functions of Leaders, Basic styles of leaders. 10 hours
Unit IV: Aggression: Perspectives on Aggression; Causes of Human Aggression; Aggression in ongoing relationships; Aggression in society; The prevention and control of Aggression. Practical: Aggression Scale 12 hours Unit V: Pro Social Behavior: Motives for pro social behavior; Responding to an emergency; External and internal influences on Helping Behavior; Long- term commitment to pro social acts. 8 hours References 1. Baron, R.A., Byrne, D., Branscombe, N.R., & Bhardwaj, G., (2010). Social Psychology.12 th Edition, Doring Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi. 2. DeLamater, J.D & Myers, D.J., (2009). Text Book of Social Psychology, Engage Learning. 3. Myers, D.G., (1988). Social psychology, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Book Company. 4. Lindgren, H.C., (1973). An Introduction to Social Psychology, John Wiley and sons. 5. Kimble, C.E. (1990). Social Psychology: Stuyding Human Interaction. C. Brown Publishers, New York. 6. Lindzey, G. & Aronson, E. (1975). Handbook of Social Psychology. Amerind Publishing Company, New Delhi. 7. Sharma, R.K., & Sharma, R. (1997). Introduction to Social Psychology. Atlantic Publishers. 8. Kretch, D. & Crutchfield, R.S. (1961). Theory and Problems of Social Psychology. McGraw Hill New York. 9. Sears, D.C., Peplau, I.A., Freedom, J.L., & Taylor, S.E. (1988). Social Psychology. Prentice Hall International Inc, New Delhi. 10. Sherif, M., & Sherif, C.W. (1969). Social Psychology. Harper and Row Publisher, New York.
SEMESTER V: Paper V Psychology of Childhood Unit I: Introduction: Concept of Child Psychology. Methods of studying children-observation, experimentation, sequential studies, correlation, cross-sectional, longitudinal, case studies, self report. Conception through birth: Prenatal development, environmental influences on prenatal development. Theories of Child Development - Psychoanalytic, Cognitive, Behavioral and Social Cognitive, Ethological and Ecological theories. 10 hours Unit II: Motor and perceptual Development in Infancy: The sequence of motor development, motor skills as dynamic systems, Fine motor development. Principles of motor development some common motor skills of childhood. Functions of motor skill. Hazards in motor development. Perceptual Development: Touch, taste and smell, balance, Hearing, Vision. Early deprivation and enrichment. 8 hours Unit III: Cognitive and Language Development development: Piagets Cognitive Development Theory Basic Characteristics of Piagets stages, Piagets ideas about cognitive change. Piagets developmental stages, Evaluation of Piagets theory. Vygotsky. Language Development 254
Components of language. Prelinguistic development. Bilingualism. Theories of Language development. Practical: Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM) 12 hours Unit IV: Emotional and moral development: Functions of emotion, Common emotional patterns, Understanding and responding to the emotions of others, Hazards in emotional development. Moral Development: Meaning of moral behavior, how morality is learned, Pattern of moral development, Meaning of Discipline, Essentials and techniques of discipline. Hazards in moral development. Practical: Emotional Maturity Scale 10 hours Unit V: Social Development: Agents of socialization: Family functions of the family, styles of child rearing, school, peer groups, Media Television, books/journals, and computers. Hazards in social development. Common concepts of children ( life, death, casualty, birth, bodily function, germs, space, weight, number, time, duration of time, historical time, money, beauty, comic). Self concept, Self recognition, self esteem. 10 hours References 1. Berk, L.E., (2007). Child Development. 7th Edition. Prentice Hall of India. 2. Hetherington, E.M., & Parke, R.D., (1993). Child Psychology A Contemporary Viewpoint. 5th International Edition, McGraw-Hill Publication. 3. Papalia, D.E., Olds, S.W., & Feldman, R.D.,(2004). Human Development. 9th International Edition. Tata McGraw Hill Publication, New Delhi. 4. Hurlock, E.B., (2005). Developmental Psychology a life-span approach. 6th Edition. Tata McGraw Hill Publication. 5. Santrock, J.W., (2006). Child Development. 11th Edition. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 6.Shaffer,D.R., & Kipp, K., (2007). Developmental Psychology. 7th Edition. ThomsonWadsworth,Haryana. 7. Berndt, T.J. (1997). Child Development. 2nd Edition. Brow & Benchmark Pub. 8. Morgan,C.T., King,R.A., Weiss, J.R., and Schopler, J. (1993). Introduction to Psychology.8th Edition. Tata McGraw Hill India. 9. Hoffman, L., Paris, S., Hall, E., & Scholl, R. (1988). Developmental Psychology Today. 5th Edition. Mc Graw Hill Inc. 10. Zanden, J.W.V. (1997). Human Development. 6th International Edition. Mc Graw Hill Publication. 11. Santrock, J.W., (2006). Life Span Development. 11th Edition. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. SEMESTER V: Paper VI Biological psychology Unit I: Biological Psychology Definition. Methods of Study: Ablation, Recording, Electrical & Chemical Stimulation, Stereotaxic surgery, Neuroimaging - CT Scans, Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scans), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) & Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). 6 hours 255
Unit II: Neuroanatomy - The neuron: Structure of the neuron, types of Neurons; The Peripheral Nervous system: Structure and function; The Autonomic Nervous System-Structure & function; The Central Nervous System: Spinal cord - structure and function; The Brain - hindbrain, midbrain & forebrain. 10 hours Unit III: Neural Impulse: Neural impulse Cycle: membrane potential, resting potential, action potential; conduction across the length of a neuron and conduction across the synapse; Neurotransmitters and the nervous system - acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine & GABA. 10 hours Unit IV: Hormones and Behavior - Main endocrine glands, their hormone products and principal effects of the hormones. Practical: Psycho Physiological State Inventory (PPSI) 12 hours Unit V: The Biology of Emotions, Learning & Memory: Emotional behavior - Visceral factors in emotional behavior, Autonomic nervous system & emotions; Brain mechanisms of emotions; Brain mechanisms in Learning & Memory. Role of hippocampus, amygdala and frontal cortex in memory. Practical: Bender-Gestalt Test (BGT) 12 hours References 1. Carlson, N.R., (2004). Foundations of Physiological Psychology. 6th Edition. Allyn & Bacon. 2.Kalat, James. W., (2007). Biological Psychology. 9th Edition. Brooks/Cole Publishers. 3. Morgan, C.T. (l965): Physiological Psychology, International student edition, McGraw Hill Series. 4. Rosenzweig, M.R., Leiman, A.L., & Breedlove, S.R. (2001): Biological Psychology. 3rd Edition, Sinauer Associates. Inc. 5. Schneider, A., & Tarshis, B., (1985). Introduction to Physiological Psychology. 3rd Edition. New York: McGraw Hill. 6. Thompson, R.F. (1975). Introduction to Physiological Psychology. New York: Harper & Row. 7. Pinel, J.P.J. (2000). Biopsychology. Allyn & Bacon. 8. Grossman, S.P. (1967). A Textbook of Physiological Psychology. John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York. 9. Leventhal, C.F. (1996). Introduction to Physiological Psychology. 3rd Edition. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
SEMESTER V: Paper VII Abnormal psychology I Unit I : Introduction: defining abnormality, Historical conceptions of abnormality. Biological viewpoint, psychosocial viewpoint and socio-cultural viewpoint. Classifying abnormal behavior DSM IV-TR, ICD-10. 7 hours Unit II: Stress and Adjustment Disorders: The diathesis Stress model, Stress and stressors categories of stressors, factors predisposing an individual to stress. Coping with stress. Reaction to 256
common life stressors unemployment, bereavement, divorce and separation. Acute Stress Disorder. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Prevention of Stress disorders. Practical: Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) 11 hours Unit III: Anxiety based disorders: Anxiety response patterns. Anxiety based disorders- phobias, panic disorders, Agoraphobia, GAD, and OCD. Somatoform Disorders: hypochondriasis, somatization disorder, pain disorder, conversion disorder sensory, motor and viceral, body dismorphic. Dissociative Disorders: depersonalization Disorder, dissociative Amnesia and fugue, dissociative identity disorder. Causes Biological, psychological and socio-cultural factors. Practical: Anxiety Test 12 hours Unit IV: Mental Retardation and Developmental Disorders: Levels of MR, causes of MR brain defects. Organic retardation syndromes. Specific learning disorders learning and coordination disorders; causes. Pervasive developmental disorders clinical picture, and causes. 10 hours Unit V: Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence: Common disorders of childhood: Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant and conduct disorder, Anxiety disorders of childhood and adolescence. Symptom disorders Enuresis & encopresis, sleepwalking, Tics, childhood depression. Eating Disorders and Obesity: Anorexia and Bulimia clinical picture, Causes biological, socio-cultural and family; Obesity causes. 10 hours
References 1. Carson, R.C., Butcher, J.N., Mineka, S. & Hooley, J.M. (2007). Abnormal Psychology. 13th Edition. Pearson Education Inc. 2.Davison, G.C., Neale,J.M., & Kring, A.M. (2007). Abnormal Psychology. 9th Edition. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 3. Comer, R.J. (1998). Abnormal psychology. 3rd Edition. WH Freeman & co. NY. 4. Brannon, L & Fiest, J. (2007). Introduction to Health Psychology. Thomson India Edition. 5. Taylor, S.E. Health Psychology. 4th Edition. McGraw Hill International Inc. 6. Bernad,L., & Krupat, E. (1994). Health Psychology .Harcourt Brace Col. Pub. 7. Misra, G. (1999).Psychological Perspectives on Stress and Health. Concept Publishing Co. New Delhi. 8. Rice, P.L. (1998). Health Psychology. Brooks Cole publication, International Thompson publishers. 9. Marks, D.F., Murray, M., Evans, B. & Willig, C. (2000). Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Applications. (Latest Edition). New Delhi: Sage Publication. 10. WHO. (2002). ICD 10 Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines. A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors, (Delhi). 11. American Psychology Association. (2000). DSM IV-TR. JayPee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi. 12. Kaplan, H.I., & Sadock, B.J.(2007). Synopsis of Psychiatry. 10th Edition. Walter-Kluver publishers.
SEMESTER V: Paper VIII (Optional): (a)Counseling psychology I or (b) Industrial Organizational Psychology I) (a) Counseling psychology I Unit I : Introduction: Nature of Counseling. Definition. Goals of Counseling. Need for counseling. Guidance: Nature, functions and applications.Counseling and Guidance movements in India. Practical: Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) 12 hours Unit II: The effective Counselor: characteristics and attitudes of the counsellor; Counseling relationship importance, components, facilitative conditions of relationship, empathy, respect confidentiality, genuineness. 8 hours Unit III: Professional issues: Education and training of counselors and counseling psychologists. Professional prospects. Ethical issues in Counseling APA code: Ethical standards. 10 hours Unit IV: Counseling Interview: Nature, importance and significant features. Components facilitating conditions, Types of interviews. 8 hours Unit V: Diagnostic testing: use of psychological tests, major classification of psychological tests, selection of tests, use of test results. Report writing. Practical: 16 PF 12 hours References 1.Belkin, G.S. (1988) Introduction to Counseling, London: W.G. Brawn Publishers. 2.Corey, G. (2001). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. California : Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. 3.Gelso C & Fretz B (2001). Counseling Psychology Practices, Issues and Intervention. Cengage Learning, India Edition. 4. Kochhar, S. K. (2001) Guidance and Counseling in Colleges and Universities. Sterling Low price edition. Sterling Publishers Private Limited. 5. Nelson Jones, R. (1996). Practical Counseling and Helping Skills. Better Yourself Books,Mumbai. 6. Patterson, L. E., & Welfel, E. R. (2000).The Counseling Process.5th Edition. Wadsworth Thomson Learning, Eastern press, Bangalore. 7. Rao. S. N. (1992).Counseling and Guidance. 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. 8. Yeo, A. (1993).Counseling a Problem Solving Approach. APCA Pub. India.
OR (b) Industrial Organizational Psychology I Unit I: Introduction: definition, goals, forces and fundamental concepts nature of people and nature of organization. Historical development. 8 hours Unit II: Job Analysis and Selection: definition and methods of job analysis- Questionnaire Method, Checklist Method, Individual Interview Method, Observation Interview method, Group interview method, Technical Conference Method, Diary Method, Work Participation Method and Critical Incident Method; Selection methods -Application Blank. Psychological Tests used in Selection Intelligence Tests, Personality Tests, Interest Tests and Aptitude Tests, (Mention two tests in each area). Interview - Guided Interview, Unguided Interview, Stress Interview and Group interview. 10 hours Unit III: Training: definition, Training methods for Non Supervisory staff: On the Job Methods Apprenticeship Programs, Job Instruction Training.Off the Job Methods Classroom Lectures or Conferences, Films, Simulation Exercises Case presentation, Experiential Exercises, Computer Modeling. Vestibule Training and Programmed Learning. Training Methods for Managerial Staff On the Job Methods Lecture, Conference, Programmed Learning, Simulation Exercises Role Play, Case Study Method, DecisionGames. In Basket Training, Managerial Games, Sensitivity Training, Human Relations Training and Transactional Analysis. 10 hours Unit IV: Attitude and Job Satisfaction: Attitude need and Importance of studying Attitude in Industry, Consequences of unfavorable attitude, Techniques to improve Attitude in Industry Good Behavior of Supervisor, Persuasion. Job Satisfaction-Definition, Determinants of Job Satisfaction Personal factors (6 factors), Factors related to the job (5 factors), Factors controlled by the Management (8 factors). Practical: Job satisfaction Test 12 hours Unit V: Leadership and Motivation: Leadership Definition, styles of Leadership Positive leader, Negative leader. Authoritarian, Democratic and Free Reign. Motivation Model of Motivation, Motivational Drives Achievement Motivation, Power Motivation, Affiliation Motivation, Competence Motivation. Need Theories of Motivation Maslows Hierarchy of Needs theory, Hertzbergs Two Factor theory, Alderfers E-R-G Model. Practical: Achievement Motivation Test 10 hours References 1. Luthans, Fred, (2007) Organizational Behavior. 10th Edition. McGraw Hill. 2. Robbins, Stephen (1996) Organizational Behavior. 7th Edition. Prentice Hall. 3. Blum M. L., and Naylor J. C. (1984) Industrial Psychology, CBS publishers and Distributors, New Delhi. 4. Newstrom J. W. & Davis K. (1998) Organizational Behavior Human at Work. Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd, New Delhi. 5. Mohanty G. Industrial Psychology and Organizational Psychology, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. 259
6. Schultz D. P. and Schultz E. S. Psychology and work today, 6th Edition, Mac Milan Publishing Company, New York. 7. Aswathappa K. (1997) Human Resource and Personal Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd, New Delhi. 8. Miner J. B. (1992) Industrial Organizational Psychology, McGraw Hill Inc., New York, Harrell. 9. Davis, K. (2000). Human Behaviour at Work. Tata McGraw Hill. SEMESTER VI: Paper IX Psychology of Adolescence and Adulthood Unit I: Adolescence: Physical Development Puberty, physical and mental health; Cognitive development Piagets stage of formal operation, Language development, Elkind, Moral reasoning. Educational Issues on school achievement. Dropping out of high school, educational and vocational preparation. 9 hours Unit II : Psychosocial development : The search for identity Self concept, Self esteem, Identity information, Eriksons Approach Identity versus identity confusion, Marcias approach Identity status, Gender differences, Ethnic factors. Sexuality: sexual orientation, sexual behavior, sexual risk taking, sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancy and child rearing. Relationships: Family, peers and adult society. Practical: Self Esteem Scale. 12 hours Unit III: Early Adulthood: Cognitive development, intellectual growth, post formal thought, Schaies stages of development, Perrys theory, Labouvie-Viefs theory, Sternbergs triarchic theory of intelligence, emotional intelligence. Vocational choice selecting a vocation, factors influencing vocational choice, vocational preparation of non-college-bound young adults. 10 hours Unit IV: Marriage & Parenthood: Marriage Entering matrimony, sexual activity after marriage, factors in marital success or failure. Parenthood Becoming parents, parenthood as a developmental experience, coping in dual earner families; Divorce. Practical: Psychological Well-Being Scale 12 hours Unit V: Middle Adulthood: Physical changes and health, work in Middle Ages; marriage and divorce; Relationships with maturing children; Relationships with aging parents. Late adulthood: Physical and mental health. 7 hours References 1. Papalia, Diane,E., Olds, Sally W. and Feldman, Ruth, D. (2007). Human Development, 9th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2. Berk, Laura,E. (2000). Development through the life span. 3rd Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. 3. Feldman, Robert S. (2000).Development across the Life Span. 2nd Edition, Prentice- Hall, Inc. New Jersey. 4. Hurlock, Elizabeth B. (1980). Developmental Psychology: A Life Span Approach.5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, New Delhi. 5. Conger, J.J., & Galambos, N.L. (1997). Adolescence and Youth. 5th Edition. Longman, New York. 6. Hoffman, L., Paris, S., Hall, E., & Scholl, R. (1988).Developmental Psychology Today. 5th Edtion. Mc.Graw Hill Inc. 260
7. Zanden, J.W.V. (1997). Human Development. 6th International Edition, Mc Graw Hill Publication. 8. Morgan,C.T., King,R.A., Weiss, J.R., and Schopler, J. (1993). Introduction to Psychology.8th Edition. Tata McGraw Hill India. 9. Santrock,J.W. (2006) Life Span Development.McGraw Hill. 10.Shaffer,D.R., & Kipp, K., (2007). Developmental Psychology. 7th Edition. ThomsonWadsworth,Haryana.
SEMESTER VI: Paper X Research Methodology and Statistical Reasoning in Psychology Unit I: Introduction to the Scientific Method; Introduction to Psychological Research- theoretical and empirical research, Qualitative and Quantitative Research; Ethics in Research - ethical treatment of the subjects of research, ethical dilemmas, ethical treatment of animal subjects, ethical treatment of the results of research. 8 hours Unit II: Research Design - meaning and purpose of research design, criteria of research design; Basic principles of Experimental Design, important types of research design- between - groups, within - groups and their sub-types; comparison of between - groups and within-groups designs; Steps in experimentation; Variables- types, techniques of controlling extraneous variables; Problems; Hypothesis; Errors in hypothesis testing; Sampling meaning and types, need for sampling, fundamentals of sampling, methods of sampling, sampling distribution, sampling error. 11 hours Unit III: Testing in Psychological Research-Introduction to psychological testing; history of psychological testing; uses of psychological tests; reliability - types and validity types; types of psychological tests. Practical: Field Study. 11 hours Unit IV: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning; The Normal Curve - concept, characteristics and properties, skewness, kurtosis, applications of NPC; Significance of Mean- concept of standard error, confidence interval, degree of freedom, computation of significance of mean in large and small samples; Significance of difference between Means- levels of significance, two-tailed and one-tailed tests of significance, errors in making inferences, testing significance in large and small samples (t-test and CR) 10 hours Unit V: Correlation- history, concept, scatter diagram; correlation- direction/ degree, correlation and causation; coefficient of correlation and its interpretation; Methods of correlation- Pearsons Product Moment and Spearmans Rank-order; Parametric and Non-Parametric Statistical Tests; Chi-Square test-concept, logic, assumptions; Mann-Whitney U Test (very small sample); Sign Test; Analysis of Variance- meaning, assumptions, comparison of t and F, calculation of One-Way ANOVA. 10 hours
References 1. Anastasi, A.., Urbina, S. (1997) Psychological testing. 7th Edition, Prentice - Hall Publication. 2. DAmato, M.R. (1984) Experimental Psychology-Methodology, Psychophysics and Learning. Tata McGraw Hill Publication. 3. Freeman, F.S. (1972) Theory and Practice of Psychological Testing. Oxford & IBH publishing co. New Delhi. 4. Garrett, H.E., (1985) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Vakils, Simon & Feffer co. Mumbai. 5. Kerlinger, F.N.(1983) Foundations of Behavioral Research. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Surjeet Publications, New Delhi. 6. Minium, E.W., King, B.M., & Bear, G. (1993) Statistical Reasoning in Psychology and Education. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 7. Schweigert, W.A., (1994) Research Methods and Statistics for Psychology. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company,Wadsworth Inc., California. 8. Singh, A.K. (2006) Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences.5 th Edition. Bharati Bhawan (Publishers & Distributors),Patna. 9. Breakwell, G. M., Hammond, S., & Schaw, C. F. (2000). Research Methods in Psychology. Sage Publication: New Delhi. 10. Siegel, S. & Castellan, N.J. (1988). Nonparametric Statistics for the behavioural Sciences. McGraw-Hill Publication. 11. Flick, U. (2006).An Introduction to Qualitative Research. 3rd Edition. Sage Publication: London.
SEMESTER VI: Paper XI Abnormal psychology II Unit I : Mood Disorders: Normal depression and manic episodes. Unipolar mood disorders Major depressive disorders (mild, moderate & severe), dysthymic disorder. Bipolar Disorders (I & II) , Cyclothymic disorder. Clinical picture and causal factors. Practical: Depression Scale 10 hours Unit II: Personality Disorders: Clinical features of PD. Types of PD paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, borderline, avoidant, dependent and obsessivecompulsive. Sexual Disorders: Sexual dysfunctions causal factors and treatment. Sexual variants paraphilias, incest and rape, causes. Practical: Adolecent Psychopathology Scale (APS) 10 hours Unit III: Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders: Schizophrenia Clinical picture, positive, negative and disorganized symptoms, sub-types and causes. Other psychotic disorders Schizoaffective, Schizophreniform, delusional, brief psychotic and shared psychotic; Clinical pictures and causes. 10 hours 262
Unit IV: Substance related disorders & Psychotherapy: Alcohol abuse and dependence. clinical picture and causes. Drug abuse and dependence causes and clinical picture, narcotics, sedatives, stimulants, hallucinogens, psychedelics and anti-anxiety drugs. Treatment and prevention. Psychotherapy psychoanalytical, behavior, cognitive-behavior RET & stress inoculation and humanistic. 10 hours Unit V: Health Psychology: Definition of health psychology,: Body-mind relationship; stress and the immune system, lifestyle factors in health and illness; AIDS (transmission of HIV AIDS, consequences, intervention, and coping with AIDS); Cancer psychological factors in cancer, course and adjustment to cancer; Hypertension & coronary heart disease; diabetes; Asthma; Alzheimers. Health enhancing behavior: Exercising, weight control, meditation, social support; Health behavior modification. 10 hours References 1. Carson, R.C., Butcher, J.N., Mineka, S. & Hooley, J.M. (2007). Abnormal Psychology. 13th Edition. Pearson Education Inc. 2.Davison, G.C., Neale,J.M., & Kring, A.M. (2007). AbnormalPsychology. 9th Edition. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 3. Comer, R.J. (1998). Abnormal psychology. 3rd Edition. WH Freeman & co. NY. 4. Brannon, L & Fiest, J. (2007). Introduction to Health Psychology. Thomson India Edition. 5. Taylor, S.E. Health Psychology. 4th Edition. McGraw Hill International Inc. 6. Bernad,L., & Krupat, E. (1994). Health Psychology .Harcourt Brace Col. Pub. 7. Misra, G. (1999).Psychological Perspectives on Stress and Health.Concept Publishing Co. New Delhi. 8. Rice, P.L. (1998). Health Psychology. Brooks Cole publication, International Thompson publishers. 9. Marks, D.F., Murray, M., Evans, B. & Willig, C. (2000). Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Applications. (Latest Edition). New Delhi: Sage Publication. 10. WHO. (2002). ICD 10 Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines. A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors, (Delhi). 11. American Psychology Association. (2000). DSM IV-TR. JayPee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi. 12. Kaplan, H.I., & Sadock, B.J. (2007). Synopsis of Psychiatry. 10th Edition. Walter-Kluver publishers.
SEMESTER VI: Paper XII (Optional) : (a)Counseling psychology II or Organizational Psychology II (a)Counseling psychology II
(b) Industrial
Unit I : Psychoanalytical approach to counseling. Holistic Approach -Relaxation and Meditation. 7 hours
Unit II: Behavioral approach Relaxation training, Systematic desensitization, assertion training, social skills training, modeling and token economy. Cognitive Behavioral approach RET. 11 hours Unit III: Humanistic Approach - Person centered, Existential, Gestalt, and Transactional Analysis. 8 hours Unit IV: Practices of Counseling and Guidance: Group Counseling, Family & Marital Counseling, School and Career Counseling, Vocational counseling & counseling the socially disadvantaged. Practical: Adjustment Inventory. 12 hours Unit V: Counseling for Crisis - Counseling for drugs and alcohol dependents; attempted suicides; terminal diseases / chronic illness HIV/AIDS, cancer. Practical: Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ) 12 hours References 1. Belkin, G.S. (1988) Introduction to Counseling, London: W.G. Brawn Publishers. 2. Corey, G. (2001). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. 3. Gelso C & Fretz B (2001). Counseling Psychology Practices, Issues and Intervention. Cengage Learning, India Edition. 4. Kochhar, S. K. (2001) Guidance and Counseling in Colleges and Universities. Sterling Low price edition. Sterling Publishers Private Limited. 5. Nelson Jones, R. (1996). Practical Counseling and Helping Skills. Better Yourself Books,Mumbai. 6. Patterson, L. E., & Welfel, E. R. (2000).The Counseling Process.5th Edition. Wadsworth Thomson Learning, Eastern press,Bangalore. 7. Rao. S. N. (1992).Counseling and Guidance. 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. 8. Yeo, A. (1993).Counseling a Problem Solving Approach. APCA Pub. India. OR (b) Industrial Organizational Psychology II Unit I: Incentives: Industrial Incentives and Moral Financial Incentives Types of Wages, Incentive System Time Rate System, Piece Rate System, Multiple Piece Rate and Differential Piece Rate System. Non Financial Incentives Attitude, Supervisory Relations, Level of Aspiration, Praise and Reproof, Knowledge of Results, Cooperation and Competition, Industrial Morale Definition, Characteristics, Morale and Job Satisfaction Determinants, Methods of Increasing Morale Expert Approach, Industrial Spy, Industrial Counselor, Employee Problem Approach. 8 hours Unit II: Communication and Work Design: Communication - Fundamentals of communication - Importance Communication Process, Barriers, Communication symbol, downward communication, upward communication, lateral communication, electronic communication; Informal communication - Grapevine pattern, features of grapevine, management 264
response to grapevine, rumors. Work Design Task characteristics theories requisite task attribute theory, job characteristics model, social information processing model; work redesign -job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment; alternative 3work schedule option- compressed workweek, shorter workweek, flexitime, job sharing, telecommuting. Practical: Communication 12 hours Unit III: Performance Appraisal Definition, Appraisal Process, Appraisal Methods - Absolute Standards Essay Method, Critical Incident Method, Check List Method, Graphic Rating Scale, Forced Choice Method,Behaviour Anchored Rating Scale (BARS); Relative Standards Group Order Ranking, Individual Ranking, Paired Comparison; Management by Objectives (MBO) 360* appraisal. Errors in appraising. 10 hours Unit IV: Employee Stress, Counseling & stress management: Employees Stress Definition, Symptoms of stress, Extreme products of stress Burnout, Trauma, Work place trauma; Causes of stress Job related causes of stress. Frustration sources of frustration, Stress and Job Performance, Stress Vulnerability Stress threshold. Perceived Control, Type A and Type B people. Employee Counseling Need for Counseling, Counseling Types Directed, Non Directed, Participative Counseling. Practical: Occupational Stress 12 hours Unit V: Conditions of work, accidents and consumer psychology: Conditions of work: Physical Conditions of Work- lllumination, Noise, Color, Music, Temperature and Humidity; Temporal Conditions of Work Hours of Work, Length of work Week, Flexible Working Hours, Rest Pauses, Shift Work; Psychological conditions of work Boredom, Monotony and Fatigue. Industrial accidents Definition. Causes and Prevention. Consumer Psychology: Scope of Consumer Psychology, the Seller Nature and Scope of Advertising. Types of advertising appeals, Trademarks, Product Image, The Package, Sex and Portrayal of Women in advertising. Introducing a new brand. The Consumer Buying habits, Impulse buying, Price and Consumer Behavior. 8 hours References 1. Luthans, Fred, (2007) Organizational Behavior. 10th Edition. McGraw Hill. 2. Robbins, Stephen (1996) Organizational Behavior. 7th Edition. Prentice Hall. 3. Blum M. L., and Naylor J. C. (1984) Industrial Psychology, CBS publishers and Distributors, New Delhi. 4. Newstrom J. W. & Davis K. (1998) Organizational Behavior Human at Work. Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd, New Delhi. 5. Mohanty G. Industrial Psychology and Organizational Psychology, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. 6. Schultz D. P. and Schultz E. S. Psychology and work today, 6th Edition, Mac Milan Publishing Company, New York. 7. Aswathappa K. (1997) Human Resource and Personal Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd, New Delhi. 8. Miner J. B. (1992) Industrial Organizational Psychology, McGraw Hill Inc., New York, Harrell. 9. Davis, K. (2000). Human Behaviour at Work. Tata McGraw Hill.