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HW5 Sol

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The document discusses problems related to thermodynamics concepts like the Carnot cycle, internally reversible processes, and entropy change.

The four processes of a Carnot cycle are: 1) Isothermal expansion, 2) Adiabatic expansion, 3) Adiabatic compression, 4) Isothermal compression.

For a process to be internally reversible, it must be quasi-static and have no internal irreversibilities.


ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras SOLUTIONS TO HOMEWORK 5 Problem 1 (Carnot Cycle): One kilogram of air as an ideal gas executes a Carnot power cycle having a thermal efficiency of 60%. The heat transfer to the air during the isothermal expansion is 40KJ. At the end of the isothermal expansion, the pressure is 5.6 bar and the volume is 0.3m3 .Determine (a) The maximum and minimum temperatures for the cycle, in K. (b) The pressure and volume at the beginning of the isothermal expansion in bar and m3 , respectively. (c) The work and heat transfer for each of the four processes in KJ. (d) Sketch the cycle on p-v coordinates. Known: 1 kg of air undergoes a Carnot cycle for which, = 0.6 . Find: Determine the minimum and maximum temperatures, the pressure and volume at the beginning of the isothermal expansion, the work and heat transfer for each process, and sketch the cycle on pv coordinates.


Schematic and given data:

Assumption: The system shown in the schematic consists of air modeled as an ideal gas. Analysis: (a) using the ideal gas model equation of state T2 =
Then since

PV2 2 T2 = 585.4 K mR

= 1

TC TC = TH (1 ) = T2 (1 ) = 234.2 K TH

T3 = T4 = TC (b) For process 1-2, Q12 = 40 KJ . An energy balance leads m(u2 u1 ) = Q12 W12 But since internal energy of and ideal gas depends on temperature and T1 = T2 and 2 2 mRT V H dV = mRTH ln 2 . Solving and inserting W12 = Q12 . Further W12 = pdV = 1 1 V V1 values:

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ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras
ln V2 W12 = = 0.2381 V1 = 0.24m3 V1 TH


Since T1 = T2 p1V1 = mRT , p2V2 = mRT p2V2 = p1V1 p1 =

p2V2 = 7bar V1 (c) For process 2-3: Q23 = 0 . An energy balance reduces to W23 = m(u2 u3 ) With data from Table A-22, W23 = 1kg (423.7 167.0) = 256.7 kJ . For process 3-4 W34 = Q34 . Also Eq. 5.6 is applicable | Q34 | | Q12 | = | Q34 |= 0.4(40 KJ ) = 16 KJ Q34 = 16 KJ , W34 = 16 KJ TC TH For process 4-1, Q41 = 0 . An energy balance reduces to W41 = m(u4 u1 ) = m(u3 u2 ) = 256.7 KJ

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ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras
Problem 2 (Carnot Cycle): : The pressure-volume diagram of a Carnot power cycle executed by an ideal gas with constant specific heat ratio of k is shown here. Demonstrate that (a) V4V2 = V1V3


(b) (c)

T2 p 2 = T3 p3
T2 V 3 = T3 V2

k 1 k

k 1

Known: A Carnot cycle is executed by an ideal gas with constant specific heat ratio k. Find: Show that: V4V2 = V1V3 T2 p 2 = T3 p3
k 1 k

T2 V 3 = T3 V2

k 1

Assumptions: 1) The system shown in the figure consists of an ideal gas. 2) The specific heat ratio k is constant (required for part (b) only). 3) The system undergoes a Carnot cycle. Analysis: (a) The thermal efficiency of the cycle can be written as: Wcycle cycle = Qin where Wcycle = QH QC. For the cycle shown above, QH = Q12 and QC = Q34. Since the internal energy of an ideal gas depends only on temperature, and energy balance for process 1-2 reduces to U2-U1 = Q12 W12 where U2 = U1. Thus, Q12 = W12. Therefore, Q W cycle = 1 34 = 1 34 Q12 W12 Furthermore, 2 2 mRT V H W12 = pdV = dV = mRTH ln 2 V 1 1 V 1 Similarly for W34. 4 4 mRT V C W34 = pdV = dV = mRTC ln 3 V 3 3 V 4

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ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras Thus, the thermal efficiency is
V mRTC ln 3 V 4 = 1 mRTH lnV2 V 1



However, for a Carnot cycle the thermal efficiency is also defined as cycle = 1 Thus, with algebra we find that

V ln 3 V 4 = 1 V4V2 = V3V1 V2 ln V1 (b) and (c) Process 2-3 is adiabatic; therefore a energy balance in differential form reads: dU = Q W

where W = pdV and with assumption (1) dU = mcvdT. Collecting these results and using PV = mRT and c v = R we find that: k 1 1 d ln T = d ln V k 1 Integrating, and assuming k is a constant (assumption (2)) gives:
T ln 3 T 2 Finally, using V = mRT / p T2 p 2 T2 = T3 p 3 T3
k 1

V = ln 3 V 2

k 1

V T 2 = 3 T3 V2
T2 p 2 = T3 p3

k 1

k 1 k

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ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras


Problem 3: Known: A system undergoes a cycle while receiving QH at TH and discharging QC at TC. QH and QC are with hot and cold reservoirs at TH and TC, respectively.

Find: (a) Determine an expression for Wcycle in terms of QH, TH, TC and . (b) State relationships of TH to TH and TC to TC. (c) Obtain an expression for Wcycle when there are (i) no internal irreversibilities (ii) no irreversibilities.

Schematic and Given Data: Analysis: (a) An energy balance gives Wcycle = QH QC. .(1) An entropy balance gives Q Q Scycle = H C + cycle .(2) T 'H T 'C where cycle is the amount of entropy produced within the system. S = 0, since the system undergoes a cycle. Solving Eq.(2) for QC and substituting in Eq. (1) for Wcycle, T' .(3) Wcycle = QH 1 C T 'C cycle T' H

(b) For heat transfer to occur from the hot reservoir to the system, TH TH. For heat transfer to occur from the system to the cold reservoir, TC TC.

(c) If there were no irreversibilities within the system during the cycle, the term cycle .(4) vanishes in Eq.(3) leaving, Wcycle = QH 1 T 'C T' H External irreversibilities are associated with heat transfer between the reservoirs and the system. If these are also absent, TH = TH and TC =TC. Eq.(4) then becomes, T Wcycle = QH 1 C which is the maximum theoretical work that can be obtained. T H

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ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras


Problem 4 (Compute entropy increase): A cylindrical rod of length L insulated on its lateral surface is initially in contact at one end with a wall at temperature TH and at the other end with a wall at a lower temperature TC . The temperature within the rod initially varies linearly with T T position z according to T ( z ) = TH ( H C ) z . The rod is then insulated on its ends and L eventually comes to a final equilibrium state where the temperature is T f . Evaluate T f in terms

of TH and TC and show that the amount of entropy produced is

TC TH ln TC ln TH TH TC TH TC where c is the specific heat of the rod.

= mc 1 + ln T f +

Known: The temperature within the rod initially varies linearly with position z according T T to T ( z ) = TH ( H C ) z . The rod is then insulated on its ends and eventually comes to a L final equilibrium state where the temperature is T f . Find: Evaluate T f in terms of TH and TC and the amount of entropy produced. Schematic and Given Data:

Analysis: The final temperature can be determined using an energy balance which reduces to give U = Q W = 0 . Each element of rod dz changes temperature from T(z)

to the final temperature T f , and thus contributes to the change in internal energy

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ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras U = du = c(T f T ( z ))dm = c(T f T ( z )) Adz
0 0 0


= c(T f TH + (

TH TC ) z ) Adz L

T T z2 = Ac (T f TH ) z + H C L 2 0 T T = AcL (T f TH ) + H C 2 0
Since U = Q W = 0 , we have T f =

TH + TC . 2 To find the entropy production, an entropy balance reduces to give 2 Q S = + = 1 T


Eq 6.24 dS = dm c ln

Tf T ( z)

= Ac ln Tf T ( z) dz

Tf T ( z)


= S = dS = Ac ln
0 0

L L = Ac ln T f ln T ( z ) dz = Ac L ln T f ln T ( z )dz 0 0

Since T ( z ) = TH ( So

TH TC T T L dT ) z , dT = ( H C )dz dz = L L TH TC

ln T ( z )dT = ln T ( z )




ln T ( z )dT =

L T [T ln T T ]TCH TH TC

T ln TH TC ln TC = L H 1 TH TC TH TC Substitute into L = Ac L ln T f ln T ( z )dz 0 We have TC TH = mc 1 + ln T f + ln TC ln TH TH TC TH TC

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ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras 10/01/2007 Problem 5 (*): At steady state, an insulated mixing chamber receives two liquid streams of the same substance at temperatures T1 and T2 and mass flow rates m1 and m2 , respectively. A single stream exits at T3 and m3 . Using an incompressible substance model with constant specific heat c, obtain an expression for (a) T3 in terms of T1, T2, and the ratio of mass flow rates m1 / m3 . (b) the rate of entropy production per unit of mass exiting the chamber in terms of c, T1,/T2, and m1 / m3 . Known: An insulated mixing chamber of steady state receives liquid streams of the same substance at m1 , T1 and, m2 ,T2. A single stream exits at m3 , T3. Find: a) Evaluate T3 b) Evaluate / m3 Assumptions: 1. The control volume is at steady state. 2. No heat or work transfer for the control volume. 3. The liquid streams are modeled as incompressible with constant specific heat c and negligible effects of pressure. Analysis: a) At steady state, mass balance reads m1 + m2 = m3 . Energy balance equation results in 0 = m1 h1 + m2 h2 - m3 h3. Combining with mass balance gives, 0 = m1 (h1 h2) + m3 (h2 h3) => 0 = m1 c(T1 T2) + m3 c(T2 T3) => T3 = T2 + ( m1 / m3 )(T1 T2)

=> 0 = m1 (s1 s2) + m3 (s2 s3) +

b) Entropy balance reduces at steady state (Equation 6.39 with assumptions of no heat transfer) reduces to: 0 = m1 s1 + m2 s2 - m3 s3 + ; Using the mass balance and rearranging, we obtain:

=> (using equation 6.24 from the text) 0 = m1 c ln(T1/T2) + m3 c ln(T2/T3) + 3 Solving for , we obtain the following: m3 m T T = c 1 ln 2 + ln 3 m3 T2 m3 T1 Replacing T3 = T2 + m1 (T1 T2), we obtain the desired result. m3

m T m T m = c 1 ln 2 + ln1 + 1 1 1 m T m m3 3 2 3 m3 T1

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ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras 10/01/2007 Problem 6(Use tables): Employing the ideal gas model determine the change in specific entropy between the indicated states, in kJ/(kg K). Solve two ways: Use the appropriate ideal gas table, and a constant specific heat value from Table A-20. (a) air, p1 = 100kPa, T1 = 20 oC , p2 = 100kPa, T2 = 100 oC (b) air, p1 = 1bar , T1 = 27 oC , p2 = 3bar , T2 = 377 oC (c) carbon dioxide, p1 = 150kPa, T1 = 30 oC , p2 = 300kPa, T2 = 300 oC (d) carbon monoxide, T1 = 300 K , v1 = 1.1m3 / kg , T2 = 500 K , v2 = 0.75m3 / kg (e) nitrogen, p1 = 2MPa, T1 = 800 K , p2 = 1MPa, T2 = 300 K case Ideal Gas Table
p s = s 0 (T2 ) s 0 (T1 ) R ln 2 p1

Constant Specific Heat T p s = c p ln 2 R ln 2 T1 p1 With c p at 333K from Table A20 373 0 = 0.2431kJ / kgK 293 With c p at 475K from Table A20 s = 1.007 ln


With s 0 data from Table A22 s = 1.92119 1.678298 0 = 0.24289kJ / kgK


With s 0 data from Table A22 8.314 2 s = 2.49364 1.70203 ln = 0.47632kJ / kgK s = 1.0245ln 650 8.314 ln 3 = 0.47684kJ / kgK 28.97 1 300 28.97 1 With c p at 438K from Table A20 With s 0 data from Table A23 and M from Table A1 300 573 8.314 300 241.033 214.284 8.314 ln s = 0.9686 ln = 0.4862kJ / kg ln 150 = 0.4769kJ / kgK 303 44.01 150 s = 44.01 With pv=RT With c p at 400K from Table A20 p2 T2 V1 500 1.1 500 8.314 = = = 2.444 s = 1.047 ln ln 2.444 = 0.2696kJ / kg p1 T1 V2 300 0.75 300 28.01 With s 0 data from Table A23 and M from Table A1 212.719 197.723 8.314 ln 2.444 s = = 0.2701kJ / kg 28.01 With c p at 550K from Table A20 With s 0 data from Table A23 and M from Table A1 1 300 8.314 1 191.682 220.907 8.314 ln s = 1.065ln ln = 0.8389kJ / kgK 2 = 0.8373kJ / kgK 800 28.02 2 s = 28.02




Problem 7 (Reversible process): One kilogram of water initially at 160 oC, 1.5 bar undergoes an isothermal, internally reversible compression process to the saturated liquid state. Determine the work and heat transfer, in each in kJ. Sketch the process on p-v and T-s coordinates. Associate the work and heat transfer with areas on these diagrams.

Known: One kg of water undergoes an isothermal process between two specified states.

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ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras Find: Determine the heat transfer and the work. Sketch the process on p-v and T-s coordinates. Schematic & Given Data:


Assumptions: 1. As shown in the accompanying figure, the system consists of 1 kg of water. 2. The compression takes place isothermally and without internal irreversibilities. 3. There is no change in kinetic and potential energy between the end states. Analysis: Using assumption 2, Eq.(6.25) becomes Q = TdS = mT ( s2 s1 ) . Then with
1 2

data from Tables A-2 and A-4, Q = 1kg (433K )(1.9427 7.4665) kJ / kg .K = 2391.8 kJ The magnitude of the heat transfer is represented by area 1-2-a-b-1 on the T-s diagram. The energy balance reduces to give W = Q m(u2 u1). With data from Tables A-2 and A-4, W = -2391.8 1 kg(674.86 2595.2) kJ/kg = -471.5 kJ. Alternaltely, W = PdV . The magnitude of the work is represented by the area 1-2-a-b
1 2

1 on the p-v diagram.

Problem 8 (Entropy change): For each of the following systems, specify whether the entropy change during the indicated process is positive, negative, zero, or indeterminate. (a) One kilogram of water vapor undergoing an adiabatic compression process (b) Two pounds mass of nitrogen heated in an internally reversible process (c) One kilogram of Refrigerant 134a undergoing an adiabatic process during which it is stirred by a paddle wheel. (d) One-pound mass of carbon dioxide cooled isothermally. (e) Two pounds mass of oxygen modeled as an ideal gas undergoing a constant pressure process to a higher temperature (f) Two kilograms of argon modeled as an ideal gas undergoing an isothermal process to a lower pressure.


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ENGRD 221 Prof. N. Zabaras S =



+ = 0 . It can be + or 0 depending on the nature of the process.

Indeterminate! (b) Nitrogen heated internally reversibly. 2 Q 2 Q S = + = > 0 . Increase! 1 T 1 T (c) R134a stirred adiabatically 2 Q S = + = > 0 1 T

Stir would increase entropy. (d) CO2 cooled isothermally 2 Q S = + . Indeterminate! 1 T >= 0

(e) Ideal gas undergoing a constant pressure process T2>T1 Using Eq. 6.21(a) p s = s 0 (T2 ) s 0 (T1 ) R ln 2 = s 0 (T2 ) s 0 (T1 ) > 0 Increase! p1 (f) Constant temperature p2<p1 p p s = s 0 (T2 ) s 0 (T1 ) R ln 2 = R ln 2 > 0 Increase! p1 p1

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