Iti Advt
Iti Advt
Iti Advt
Date: 30.05.2012
ADVERTISEMENT FOR ITI APPRENTICE TRAINEE The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has four major labs and several other minor labs. These labs accommodate about 500 students (B.Tech. /M.Tech./M.S./Ph.D.) for their regular laboratory courses and project works. So, it is proposed to offer training (Electrical stream 3, Computer Administration 1) for the ITI holders in this department. Please note the following: ` 5000/- per month will be paid as stipend during the training period of one year. The training period is for only one year. For selected candidates, training will start from July 2012.
Interested candidate may send your resume / Bio-data in an envelope superscribed as Application for ITI Trainee and addressed to
The Registrar, Kind Attention: HOD / EEE National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620 015, Tamil Nadu, India.