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BENEDICTS TEST Benedicts test (A) Sugar Tests This is a chemical reagent named after an American chemist, Stanley

Stanley Rossiter Benedict. This is a test to detect reducing sugars in a solution via oxidation reduction reaction. A reducing sugar is a carbohydrate possessing either a free aldehyde or free ketone functional group as part of its molecular structure Reducing sugars are oxidized by the copper ion in solution to form a carboxylic acid and reddish precipitate of copper (I) oxide. Since they reduce the Cu2+ Cu+ - the function of this reagent is to oxidize the presence of the aldehyde - ketone group in a sugar solution. Like the Fehlings test, a positive result is indicated by the formation of brick red precipitate. The composition of this reagent is copper sulfate in alkaline citrate. Heres the chemical equation that would be present in the reaction:

Would be responsible for the brick red precipitate. Specific objective: To detect the presence of reducing sugars through a visible positive result of formation of brick red precipitate from each samples. * Color of reagent: Blue

Samples Glucose Sucrose

Observations Red- Orange precipitate Blue solution


Red orange precipitate

a. Glucose

Benedict solution is light blue because it contains copper sulfate. When it is mixed and heated with a sugar, such as glucose, which has electrons available to donate, the copper will accept the electrons and become reduced, which turns it to brick red. During this process, the blue copper (II) ion is reduced to a red copper (I) ion. While the copper is being reduced, the glucose gives up an electron and is oxidized. Because glucose is able to reduce the copper in Benedict solution, we call it a reducing sugar.

b. Sucrose

Sucrose is a disaccharide derived from glucose and fructose. It has a molecular formula of C12H22O11.

Glycosidic linkage between C1 of glucose and C2 of fructose

Because of glycosidic linkage, there is no presence of free aldehyde, which is a property of a reducing sugar. This makes sucrose a non-reducing sugar, thus having no reaction with the Benedicts reagent. However, a non-reducing sugar can be hydrolyzed using dilute hydrochloric acid to convert the acetal or ketal into a hemiacetal or hemiketal. After hydrolysis and neutralization of the acid, the product may be a reducing sugar that gives normal reactions with the test solutions.

c. Fructose

Fructose is a 6-carbon polyhydroxy ketone. It is an isomer of glucose, therefore they both have the same molecular formula (C6H12O6) but they differ structurally.

These Disaccharide sugar contains two sugars that contain both aldehyde and a ketone as their first carbon. The ketone here undergoes Tautomerism which means that the ketone functional group hydrolyzes first into an aldehyde and formed aldose. This makes the possibility to react the sugar in the Benedicts reagent. And this property only happens to an alpha hydroxy ketone. Benedicts Test (B) Test for urine samples To test in the urine samples on their glucose concentration. The reagent would oxidize the reducing sugars and determine their glucose concentration as the table shows: 0 + ++ +++ *Blue Green Yellow Orange None Some More Much <0.1% or <100 mg/dL 0.5% or 150 mg/dL 1.0% or 1000 mg/dL 2.0% or 200 mg/dL >2.0% or >2000 mg/dL

. . . . . . . ++++



Color Symbol Description Amount of Amylase Activity

Glucose Concentration

* blue = 0 (no precipitate; no color change) The different color would be observed as how much the concentration of the urine sample tested. Would form a white precipitate, indication that sugars are present in the urine tested. It is determined by their amount of Amylase activity containing AMYLOSE - a glucose polymer which have Up to 1000 glucose unit; no branching

Specific objective: To test the glucose concentration of the different urine samples relying to the given table of glucose concentration. Reaction of the Benedicts reagent to a reducing sugar. * Color of reagent: Blue

Samples Fasting Sample Random Sample

Observations Yellow Solution with WHITE ppt. (++) Green Solution with WHITE ppt. (+)

a. Fasting Sample The concentration of this urine ranges to 1.0% or 1000 mg/dL which has more amount of Amylase Activity. This fasting urine is the most suitable because it is the most natural urine that we excrete and it is not yet mix with the chemicals etc. that we ingest.

b. Random Sample The concentration of this urine ranges to 0.5% or 150 mg/dL which has some amount of Amylase Activity. This is not that accurate because at this moment that this urine is tested we ingested already many kinds of food whether it is a rich in glucose content or a solvent (water). SPECIFIC TESTS: BARFOEDS TEST A specific chemical test used for detecting the presence of monosaccharides. . It is based on the reduction of copper(II) acetate to copper(I) oxide (Cu2O), which forms a brick-red precipitate The function of the reagent is just like in the Benedicts test that oxidize the reducing sugar especially monosaccharide Barfoeds test uses copper(II) ions in a slightly acidic medium. (an acid media) which delays the reaction of disaccharide. . Reducing monosaccharides forms the copper(I) oxide within 2-3 minutes. . Reducing disaccharides cause the formation of copper(I) oxide after approximately 10 minutes. Heres the equation that would be observe in this reaction:

Would be responsible for the brick red ppt. The aldehyde group of the monosaccharide which normally forms a cyclic hemiacetal is oxidized to the carboxylate It was invented by Danish chemist Christen Thomsen Barfoed[1] and is primarily used in botany.

Specific objective: To detect the presence of reducing sugars through a visible positive result of formation of brick red precipitate from each samples. * Color of reagent: Blue

Samples Glucose Sucrose Lactose

Observations Brick red precipitate in blue solution Blue solution Blue solution

Glucose: We all know that glucose is a monosaccharide and in this specific test. Barfoeds test reacts faster in monosaccharide.

Study Question d.) Differentiate between the 3 kinds of normal urine samples: fasting, post-prandial and random. Which sample is the most suitable for use? Explain your answer. Fasting sample 12hour urine without any food/drink ingestion. Random just simple urine. Without any done actions. Post-prandial - The patient is given glucose water in a much diluted quantity and a blood test is conducted after two to two and a half hours. The fasting urine is the most suitable because it is the most natural urine that we excrete and it is not yet mix with the chemicals etc. that we ingest. e.) What is Diabetes Mellitus? Differentiate between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Is it possible to have sugar diabetes even if no member in the family has it? Explain.

Diabetes mellitus is a kind of metabolic disease that is brought about by either the insufficient production of insulin or the inability of the body to respond to the insulin formed within the system. What is diabetes mellitus type 1? Diabetes mellitus type 1 is caused by the loss of beta cells found in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Beta cells primarily produce insulin and hence, their loss will lead to huge insulin deficiencies in the body. In most cases, the loss of the beta cells is caused by an autoimmune attack mediated by the bodys own T-cells.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus makes up 10% of all the diabetes mellitus cases in Europe and in North America. Up until today, there have been no preventive measures found for disease. Most of the patients who acquire this type of diabetes are found in the younger populations. Because of this, Type 1 diabetes mellitus is also now known as the juvenile diabetes. What is diabetes mellitus type 2? Another type of diabetes mellitus is the type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is generally characterized by the bodys resistance to insulin. This is primarily attributed to the loss of certain insulin receptors in the tissues that are supposed to mediate the entrance of insulin into the bodys cells. This particular kind of diabetes is the most common kind that afflicts most of the reported cases of the disease. Type 2 diabetes usually leads to hyperglycemia which

can be treated by a series of medications that can either improve the bodys insulin sensitivity or improve the livers production of insulin in the system. The last major category of diabetes mellitus is the gestational diabetes. This type of diabetes commonly occurs in pregnant women and may disappear or even progress right after delivery. Gestational diabetes generally manifests the same kind of complication found in type 2 diabetes. Just like in type 2 diabetes, the body also exhibits a resistance to insulin and can sometimes produce insufficient amounts of the substance as well. This kind of diabetes is fully treatable but may require very close monitoring. And it is still possible to have a sugar diabetes even is not inherited. DM is also acquired when were engaging in a poor lifestyle and abandoned our self in eating too much sweets.

f.) Is one considered a diabetic if one obtains a positive result for sugar in a fasting urine sample? Explain. No.. Because only the amylase activity is the one that is tested on the urine sample. The test is not that accurate. Maybe the test only reacts with the reducing sugar. And nit with the other sugar.

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