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Understanding Physics: Motion, Sound, and Heat

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Motion, Sound, and Heat From the ancient Greeks through the Age of Newton, the problems of motion, sound, and heat preoccupied the scien- tific imagination. These centuries gave birth to the basic concepts from which modern physics has evolved. In this first volume of his celebrated UNDERSTAND- ING PHYSICS, Isaac Asimov deals with this fascinating, momentous stage of sci- entific development with an authority and clarity that add further luster to an eminent reputation. Demanding the min- imum of specialized knowledge from his audience, he has produced a work that is the perfect supplement to the student’s formal textbook, as well as offering in- valuable illumination to the general reader. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: ISAAC ASIMOV is generally regarded as one of this country’s lead- ing writers of science and science fiction. He obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry from Columbia University and was Associate Professor of Bio- chemistry at Boston University School of Medi- cine. He is the author of over two hundred books, including The Chemicals of Life, The Human Body, and The Human Brain, all avail- able in Mentor editions. @® MENTOR (0451) THE MYSTERIES OF SCIENCE [0 UNDERSTANDING PHYSICS: The Electron, Proton, and Neutron by Isaac Asimov. This is a brilliant picture of the men and ideas that have given our world the laser beam and the H-bomb, with their mixed legacy of wonder and fear. A fascinating study designed for students and laymen alike. (624025—$4.50) [0 UNDERSTANDING PHYSICS: Light, Magnetism, and Electricity by Isaac Asimov. The great transition from Newtonian physics to the physics of today -forms one of the most important chapters in the annals of scientific progress. Climaxing with Planck’s and Einstein's Jandmark contributions, this immense expansion of knowledge is examined and explained. (665446—$4.95) (Cl UNDERSTANDING PHYSICS: Motion, Sound, and Heat by Isaac Asimov. Aristotle, Galileo, Newton—-the drama of their discoveries, and the far- Teaching ramifications of those epochal breakthroughs are placed in focus by a writer unexcelled in rendering science intelligible for the nonexpert. In this volume, the author charts the vital link between the scientific past and the scientific present, and opens the path to under- standing a branch of knowledge supremely important in today's world. (623657—$4.50) (1 COMETS: THE SWORDS OF HEAVEN by David Ritchie. Since the beginning of time, comets have filled mankind with panic and wonder. Here are the mystique, the mystery, the magic, and the scientific facts about the heavenly bodies that have profoundly affected life on earth. Includes a Halley's comet watching guide. (256194—$8.95) Prices slightly higher in Canada Buy them at your local bookstore or use this conventent coupon for ordering. NEW AMERICAN LIBRARY, P.O. Box 999, Bergenfield, New Jersey 07621 Please send me the books | have checked above. | arr enclosing $_______. (please add $1.00 to this order to cover postage and handling). Send check or money order—no cash or C.0.D,’s. Prices and numbers subject to change without notice. Name ‘Address ——____— renner City________State____________ZIp Gode. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. This offer Is subject to withdrawal without notice. UNDERSTANDING PHYSICS Volume I Motion, Sound and Heat ISAAC ASIMOV A MENTOR BOOK ——_—$————— NEW AMERICAN LIBRARY NEW YORK AND SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO

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