Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana - Medical, Recreational and Scientific by Martin A. Lee
Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana - Medical, Recreational and Scientific by Martin A. Lee
Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana - Medical, Recreational and Scientific by Martin A. Lee
Acid Dreams (with Bruce Shlain) Unreliable Sources (with Norman Solomon) The Beast Reawakens
Prologue 1. HeRBLoRe Black and Blue New World Hemp elixirs and Tinctures High on Hash Sex, Drugs, and the occult 2. PRoHiBiTioN The Mexican connection The Mighty Mezz Voodoo Pharmacology A Truth Drug cold War cannabis Writing the Reality Script 3. ReeFeR ReBeLLioN Seeds of change The Riddle of THc grass and Acid A Tipping Point Legalize it! Flower Power High Spies
1 9 9 15 19 26 31 38 38 43 48 54 60 65 72 72 80 87 93 97 103 108
4. THe Big cHiLL This Means War Dr. Mikuriyas Medicine The euphoria of Secrecy Seeing is Believing Rasta Vibration in Your Face 5. JUST SAY NeVeR Reefer Sadness The Laughing cure Home grown going Dutch Drug-War Doublespeak The Hemperor 6. FRoM BLUNTS To BALLoTS Bush v. Weed The Brain and Marijuana Hip-Hop Hemp To Live and Die in San Francisco The Pot club crossing the Rubicon 7. FiRe iN THe BeLLY counterattack Unchartered Waters Southern exposure Falling Dominos The Stake-out Veterans for Drug-War Peace 8. gRoUND ZeRo Narcs gone Wild! Show Trials Physicians in the crosshairs The Supreme court Punts The Long Arm of the DeA Ten Years After
116 116 123 131 136 143 149 157 157 165 174 181 187 193 201 201 208 215 222 231 238 248 248 254 264 270 276 287 294 294 303 310 317 324 331
9. MeLLoW MAYHeM Senior Stoners An industry emerges Healing Without the High Booze or Bud? The green Rush Suffer the children Postscript Acknowledgments Notes Bibliography Appendices index
339 339 349 358 367 374 383 393 405 407 475 489 495
he tall, mustached Texan on horseback looks like the quintessential cowboy with his Stetson hat, red bandana, dusty boots, and jingly spurs. His sunburned arms and leathery face show the wear and tear of a rugged outdoorsman. But Howard Wooldridge isnt your typical cowboy. Hes a retired police detective whos riding across the country to promote a provocative messagelegalize marijuana and other drugs. Wooldridge, then fifty-four, and his trusty, one-eyed mare, Misty, began their journey in Los Angeles in March 2005, and it would end seven months and 3,300 miles later in New York city. With a bedroll and a bag of carrots tied behind the saddle, they clippety-clopped from coast to coast, attracting attention and generating press coverage as they passed through cities and towns. Along the way, they had to contend with rattlesnakes in Arizona and New Mexico, and the blistering summer heat of the great Plains. With the exception of a few death threats, the folks they encountered were usually friendly and many offered the veteran lawman a meal and a place to stay overnight. The horse is a wonderful vehicle because people relate to the cowboy cop image, Wooldridge explained. Then we start talking politics. Another surefire attention-grabber was the T-shirt he often wore, with the slogan: cops say legalize drugs. ask me why. During his transcontinental trek, Wooldridge lectured on criminal-justice issues at several colleges and universities. He spoke in a disarmingly folksy Yes, maam manner as he challenged students and other citizens to rethink their ideas about marijuana prohibition and the war on drugs. Wooldridge discussed his eighteen years as a police officer in Michigan and how he never once received a call for help from a battered housewife or anyone else because of marijuana. Yet Lansing-area cops spent countless hours searching cars and frisking teenagers in order to find some weed when the police could have been addressing far more serious matters. Marijuana prohibition is a horrible waste of good police time, says
Wooldridge. every hour spent looking for pot reduces public safety. Based on his experience as a peace officer, he concluded that marijuana is a much safer drug than alcohol for both the user and those around them . . . Alcohol releases reckless, aggressive or violent feelings by its use. Marijuana use generates the opposite effects in the vast majority of people. officer Wooldridge decided to protect and serve the public by focusing on booze-impaired motorists. His efforts earned him the nickname Highway Howie and kudos from Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Wooldridge did not condone or advocate drug use of any kind, but he had enough horse sense to recognize that by banning marijuana the U.S. government essentially drives many people to drink. He felt that a substance should be judged by the actual harm it poses to the community. From a lawenforcement standpoint, Wooldridge asserted, the use of marijuana is not a societal problem . . . America needs to end pot prohibition. convinced that the laws against marijuana were a lot wackier than the weed, Wooldridge and several ex-cops formed a group called Law enforcement Against Prohibition (LeAP) in 2002. Before long, LeAP would grow into a 40,000-member international organization composed of former prosecutors, undercover narcotics agents, judges, prison wardens, constables, and other disillusioned government functionaries who, after years of toiling in the trenches of a conflict with no conceivable end, had come to view the war on drugs as a colossal failure that fostered crime, police corruption, social discord, racial injustice, and, ironically, drug abuse itself, while squandering billions of tax dollars, clogging courtrooms and prisons, weakening constitutional safeguards, and impeding medical advances. LeAP condemned the war on drugs as Americas longest-running bipartisan folly. Wooldridge called it the most dysfunctional, immoral domestic policy since slavery and Jim crow. When law-enforcement veterans defect from prohibitionist orthodoxy, their arguments tend to be particularly potent. But Wooldridge understood that LeAPs views were very controversial. He knew that a long journey lay ahead, literally and figuratively, as he sought, one step at a time, to persuade Americans who had been exposed to years of government propaganda about the evils of marijuana. Many people reject the notion of legalizing drugs on moral and ideological grounds. They see marijuana first and foremost as a dangerous recreational drug, a harbinger of social decay. They believe the oftrepeated claim that smoking grass is a gateway to harder drugs. The devils weed has long been a favorite target of U.S. officials who misstate or exaggerate the physical and psychological effects of cannabis, the preferred name for marijuana in medical and scientific circles. Although cannabis has a rich history as a medicine in many countries around the world,
including the United States, federal drug warriors erected a labyrinth of legal and institutional obstacles to inhibit research and prevent the therapeutic use of the herb. They assembled a network of more than fifty government agencies and waged a relentless campaign against the marijuana scourge, a crusade that entailed sophisticated aerial surveillance, paramilitary raids, border patrols, sensors, eradication sweeps, the spraying of herbicides, national TV ads, antidrug classes in schools, and mandatory-minimum prison terms for marijuana offenders, including an inordinate number of black and Latino youth. in 2005, the year that Wooldridge and Misty hoofed across the states, more than 750,000 Americans were arrested on marijuana-related charges, the vast majority for simple possession. And the tally would continue to grow, irrespective of who was president or which political party was in power. Despite billions of dollars allocated annually to curb cannabis consumption, half of all American adults smoke the funny stuff at some point in their lives. An estimated fifteen million U.S. citizens use marijuana regularly. Marijuana is by far the most popular illicit substance in the United States, with 10,000 tons consumed yearly by Americans in their college dorms, suburban homes, housing projects, and gated mansions. Pot smoking cuts across racial, class, and gender lines. it has become such a prevalent, mainstream practice that cannabis users are apt to forget they are committing a criminal act every time they spark a joint. The history of marijuana in America has long been a history of competing narratives, dueling interpretations. As Harvard professor Lester grinspoon, M.D., observed in his 1971 book Marihuana Reconsidered, some felt that the road to Hades is lined with marihuana plants while others felt that the pathway to Utopia was shaded by freely growing Cannabis sativa. And so it continues. At the center of this dispute is a hardy, adaptable botanical that feasts on sunlight and grows like a weed in almost any environment. Marijuana plants are annuals that vary in height from three to fifteen feet with delicate serrated leaves spread like the fingers of an open hand. Ridged down the middle and diagonally veined, cannabis leaves are covered, as is the entire plant, with tiny, sticky hairs. The gooey resin on the leaves and matted flower tops contains dozens of unique oily compounds, some of which, when ingested, trigger neurochemical changes in the brain. The hotter and sunnier the climate, the more psychoactive resin the plant produces during a threeto-five-month outdoor growing season. known for its euphoria-inducing properties, hashish or kif is the concentrate made from the resin of female marijuana. Ancient peoples during the Neolithic period found uses for virtually every part of the plant, which has been cultivated by humans since the dawn of ag-
riculture more than 10,000 years ago. The stems and stalk provided fiber for cordage and cloth; the seeds, a key source of essential fatty acids and protein, were eaten as food; and the roots, leaves, and flowers were utilized in medicinal and ritual preparations. A plant native to central Asia, cannabis figured prominently in the shamanistic traditions of many cultures. Handed down from prehistoric times, knowledge of the therapeutic qualities of the herb and the utility of its tough fiber slowly spread throughout the world, starting from the kush, the herbs presumed ancestral homeland in the Himalayan foothills. The plants dispersal across eurasia into northern europe followed the extensive migratory movements of the Scythians, aggressive charioteers in the second millennium Bc. A famous passage in Herodotus Histories (440 Bc) refers to Scythians howling with pleasure in their hemp vapor baths. Details gleaned from various academic disciplinesarchaeology, history, anthropology, geography, botany, linguistics, and comparative mythology indicate that marijuanas historical diffusion proceeded along two divergent paths, reflecting its dual role as a fiber crop and a psychoactive flower. one path moved westward from china into northern europe, where cooler climes favored rope over dope, while the other path, the psychoactive route, hewed to trade lines that swung southward into india, Persia, the Arab Middle east, and Africa. As it traveled from region to region, the pungent plant never failed to ingratiate itself among the locals. Something about the herb resonated with humankind. once it arrived in a new place, cannabis always stayed there while also moving on, perpetually leaping from one culture to another. Recent archaeological findings confirm that marijuana was used for euphoric as well as medicinal purposes long before the birth of christ. in 2008, an international research team analyzed a cache of cannabis discovered at a remote gravesite in northwest china. The well-preserved flower tops had been buried alongside a light-haired, blue-eyed caucasian man, most likely a shaman of the gushi culture, about twenty-seven centuries ago. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that the herb contained tetrahydrocannabinol (THc), the main psychoactive ingredient of marijuana. To our knowledge, these investigations provide the oldest documentation of cannabis as a pharmacologically active agent, concluded Dr. ethan Russo, lead author of the scientific study. it was clearly cultivated for psychoactive purposes rather than for clothing or food. The first reference to the medicinal use of cannabis also dates back to 2700 Bc. it was subsequently recorded in the Pen Tsao Ching, the pharmacopeia of emperor Shen Nung, the father of traditional chinese medicine. credited with having introduced the custom of drinking tea, Shen Nung recommended ma (marijuana) for more than a hundred ailments, including
female weakness, gout, rheumatism, malaria, constipation, beri-beri, and absent-mindedness. Shen Nung called ma one of the Supreme elixirs of immortality. if one takes it over a long period of time, one can communicate with spirits, and ones body becomes light, the Pen Tsao Ching advises. When consumed in excess, however, it makes people see demons. chinese physicians employed a mixture of cannabis and alcohol as a painkiller in surgical procedures. in india, cannabis consumption had long been part of Hindu worship and Ayurvedic medical practice. According to ancient Vedic texts, the psychoactive herb was a gift to the world from the god Shivawhere the nectar of immortality landed on earth, ganja sprang forth. Longevity and good health were attributed to this plant, which figured prominently in indian social life as a recreant, a religious sacrament, and a household remedy. Hindu holy men smoked hashish and drank bhang (a cannabis-infused cordial) as an aid to devotion and meditation. Folk healers relied on ganja, the food of the gods, for relieving anxiety, lowering fevers, overcoming fatigue, enhancing appetite, improving sleep, clearing phlegm, and a plethora of other medical applications. cannabis flower tops were said to sharpen the intellect and impel the flow of words. So grand a result, so tiny a sin, the Vedic wise men concurred. There are no less than fifty Sanskrit and Hindu names for cannabis, all praising its attributes. its been said that language reflects the soul of a people. eskimos have dozens of words for snowflakes, which underscores the centrality of snow in inuit culture. So, too, with cannabis nomenclature: The versatile herb has generated an abundance of terms in many languages. cannabis comes from the greek word Kannabis, which is related to the Sanskrit root canna, meaning cane. in the old Testament, kanna-bosm (Aramaic for fragrant cane) is identified as an ingredient of the holy anointing oil, a topical applied by Hebrew mystics and early christian healers. galen, the influential greek physician (second century AD), wrote of the medicinal properties of kannabis, but also noted that the herb was mixed with wine and served at banquets for pleasure. The first botanical illustration of the plant in Western literature appears in a Byzantine manuscript (AD 512) of Dioscorides, whose Materia Medica is the foundation for all modern pharmacopeias; he recommended covering inflamed body parts with soaked cannabis roots. Swedish botanist carl Linnaeus, who laid the foundations for modern plant taxonomy, christened it Cannabis sativa in 1753. Hemp, the common english name for cannabis through modern times, usually refers to northern varieties of the plant grown for rope, paper, fabric, oil, or other industrial uses. it derives from the Anglo-Saxon henep or haenep.
Differences in climate account for the paucity of hemps resinous secretion compared with its psychoactive twin closer to the equator. of the multitude of terms associated with the cannabis plant, marijuana is the most universally recognized and widely used within the english-speaking world (even though it is not actually an english word). Marijuana is a Spanishlanguage colloquialism of uncertain origin; it was popularized in the United States during the 1930s by advocates of prohibition who sought to exploit prejudice against despised minority groups, especially Mexican immigrants. intended as a derogatory slur, marihuanaspelled with a j or hquickly morphed into an outsized American myth. Slang words for marijuana in english are legiongrass, reefer, tea, pot, dope, weed, bud, skunk, blunt, Mary Jane, spliff, chronic, doobie, muggles, cowboy tobacco, hippie lettuce . . . And there are nearly as many terms for getting high, stoned, buzzed, blitzed, medicated. one could fill dictionaries with the shifting jargon related to cannabis. The profusion of idiomatic expression is in part an indication of the plants unique allure as well as the perceived need for discretion and code words among users of the most sought-after illegal commodity on the planet. According to a 2009 United Nations survey, an estimated 166 million people worldwideone in every twenty-five people between the ages of fifteen and sixty-fivehave either tried marijuana or are active users of the herb. Today, there is scarcely any place on earth that cannabis or its resinous derivatives are not found. A cannabis underground thrives from greenland to Auckland to Tierra del Fuego. What accounts for marijuanas broad and enduring appeal? Why do so many people risk persecution and imprisonment to consume the forbidden fruit? Does cannabis cast an irresistible spell that bewitches its users? is the herb addictive, as some allege? What happens when a society uses marijuana on a mass scale? it is difficult to generalize about cannabis, given that its effects are highly variable, even in small doses. When large doses are imbibed, all bets are off. Marijuana can change ones mood, but not always in a predictable way. immediate physiological effects include the lowering of body temperature and an aroused appetite. Flavors seem to jump right out of food. Realms of touch and taste and smell are magnified under the herbs influence. Quickened mental associations and a robust sense of humor are often accompanied by a tendency to become hyperfocusedwrapped in wild observation of everything, as Jack kerouac, the Beat scribe, put it. Similarly, Michael Pollan touted the italicization of experience that cannabis confers, this seemingly virginal noticing of the sensate world. There are detailed descriptions of the marijuana experience in literature
that attest to the herbs capriciousness, its tricksterlike qualities. A cannabisinduced altered state can be calming or stimulating, soothing or nerve-racking, depending on any number of factors, including an individuals personality and expectations. Many people enjoy the relaxed intensity of the marijuana high; some find it decidedly unpleasant. it can make the strange seem familiar and the familiar very strange. Marijuana delinks habits of the mind, yet chronic use of the herb can also be habituating. The marijuana saga is rife with paradox and polarity. it is all about doubles, twins, dualities: fiber and flower, medicine and menace, sacrament and recreant, gift and commodity. The plant itself grows outdoors and indoors. it thrives under a diurnal or a twenty-four-hour light cycle. it can be male or female, single-sex or hermaphroditic, psychoactive or nonpsychoactive. There are two principal types of cannabissativas and indicas. Recent scientific discoveries show that there are two sets of g-coupled protein receptors in the human brain and body that respond pharmacologically to cannabis. Marijuanas therapeutic mechanism is bimodal; it acts upon both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, an unusual combination for a drug. cannabis has biphasic properties, triggering opposite effects depending on dosage. As a healing herb, it is ancient as well as cutting-edge. it has been used as a curative and a preventive medicine. it is both prescribed and proscribed. cannabis has always lived a double life, and this also holds true for many marijuana smokers. An escape for some and a scapegoat for others, marijuana embodies the double-edged nature of the pharmakon, the ancient greek word that signifies both remedy and sacrificial victim. extolled and vilified, the weed is an inveterate boundary-crosser. officially it is a controlled substance, but its use proliferates worldwide in an uncontrolled manner. it is simultaneously legal and illegal in more than a dozen U.S. states that have adopted medical-marijuana provisions. california led the way in 1996, when voters in the golden State broke ranks from Americas drug-war juggernaut and approved Proposition 215, the landmark ballot measure that legalized cannabis for medicinal purposes. its been an ugly, fractious battle ever since, as the federal government, working in tandem with state and local law-enforcement officials, responded to the medical-marijuana groundswell by deploying quasi-military units against U.S. citizens, trashing homes, ripping up gardens, shutting down cannabis clubs, seizing property, threatening doctors, and prosecuting suppliers. Much more was at stake than the provision of a herbal remedy to ailing Americans. Smoke Signals is a cautionary tale about U.S. government corruption and constitutional rights under attack. it tells the story of several exemplary characters who struggled against heavy odds, a David-versus-goliath chronicle in
which resolute citizens challenged powerful vested interests and deeply entrenched policies. This book also draws attention to underreported scientific breakthroughs and addresses serious health issues that affect every family in America, where popular support for medical marijuana far exceeds the number of those who actually use the herb. The wildly successfuland widely misunderstoodmedical-marijuana movement didnt appear overnight. it was the culmination of decades of grassroots activism that began during the 1960s, when cannabis first emerged as a defining force in a culture war that has never ceased. in recent years this far-flung social movement has morphed into a dynamic, multibillion-dollar industry, becoming one of the phenomenal business stories of our generation. The marijuana story is actually many stories, all woven into one grand epic about a remarkable plant that befriended our ancestors, altered their consciousness, and forever changed the world in which we live.
igh up in the rugged Sierra Madre mountains, fifty miles inland from the Pacific ocean and a three-day journey on muleback to the nearest Mexican village, a terraced crop of marijuana is ready for harvest. Standing more than ten feet tall in blazing sunlight, hundreds of cannabis plants resemble thin bamboo shoots with clusters of long, serrated, fingerlike leaves swaying in the breeze. The gangly plants exude a distinctive, musky aroma. concentrated on the upper leaves and on the thick tangle of matted flower tops known as the cola (Spanish for tail), minuscule mushroomshaped trichome glands ooze resin containing psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THc) and many other medicinal compounds. The resina kind of natural, frosty varnishcoats the leaves and acts both as a sunscreen and an insect repellant. Before harvesting, farmers test the resin content by squeezing the colas. if a sticky residue is left on their hands, they know the weed is good. Stripped and bundled, the cola-bearing branches are carried to a large shed and hung upside down on special drying racks for ten days. Then the marijuana is pressed into bricks and smuggled into the United States. Long before it became an economic necessity for local farmers, the pungent herb was widely employed as a folk remedy by curanderas in Mexico, where marijuana patches were sufficiently plentiful in the countryside to be mistaken for an indigenous plant. The Tepehuan indians in the Mexican highlands occasionally used cannabiswhich they called Rosa Maria (the Sacred Rose)as a substitute for the peyote cactus in religious rituals. indicative of its ability to stimulate collegiality and loquaciousness, Rosa Maria was known as the Herb That Makes one Speak.
By the early nineteenth century, when Mexican peasants first began smoking it as a means of relaxation and inebriation, cannabis seemed to grow wild everywhere. The abundance of mota, as Mexicans often referred to marijuana, may have derived in part from Spanish hemp fields left fallow during the colonial era. in 1545, the Spanish crown ordered the cultivation of fiber hemp throughout its colonial territoriesfrom the southern tip of chile to Alta california. The extraordinary botanical flexibility of hemp enabled it to flourish in a wide range of soil types, altitudes, and weather. epitomizing Darwins survival of the fittest, hemp was so adaptable under stress that sexstarved plants could gender-bend and become hermaphroditic in order to pollinate and proliferate. Many hemp plants escaped from cultivation and, in the wild, underwent tricksterlike changes, according to Mexican historian isaac campos-costero, who postulates that the fiber strains of Mexicos colonial era became the drug plants of the 1800s. He suggests that feral hemp, exposed to the scorching Mexican sun year after year for several centuries, adapted to the hot, dry climate by morphing into high-octane marijuana, a heliotropic (sunloving) plant. it was the hangover-free high that drew most people to the plant in Mexico, especially the multitudes of poor campesinos who utilized cannabis as a social lubricant and an antidote to drudgery and fatigue. There was a common saying among lower-class Mexicans, Esta ya le dio las tres (You take it three times), which referred to the exhilarating bounce from three puffs of marijuana. The fact that the use of cannabis, dubbed the opium of the poor, was prevalent among underprivileged elements in Mexico (and in several other countries) may account for many of the persistent myths about the herb. Whereas the salt of the earth smoked pot as a palliative to help them cope with everyday tedium and despair, those of a more affluent standing tended to blame the problems of the less fortunate on the consumption of cannabis. its initial association with the dregs of societylandless peasants, bandits, bootleggers, prisoners, and so onmade marijuana a convenient scapegoat for deep-rooted social inequities. The military was one segment of the Mexican population that readily accepted marijuana. conscripts enjoyed smoking the weed, which, in most cases, was cheaper than alcohol and easier to obtain. During the Mexican Revolution (191020), the first great social revolution of the twentieth century, Pancho Villas guerrilla army, composed largely of peons and indians, smoked marijuana during long marches and afterward to a celebrate a successful campaign. known for their toughness, these pot-smoking peasants were valiant and tenacious fighters. Their stoned exploits in northern Mexico were immortalized in the well-known folk song La cucaracha with the chorus about a hapless foot soldier (the cockroach) who cant function unless hes high on marijuana:
Martin A. Lee
La cucaracha, la cucaracha Ya no puede caminar Porque no tiene, porque no tiene Marijuana que fumar The cockroach, the cockroach Is unable to walk Because he doesnt have, because he doesnt have Any marijuana to smoke Roach, modern-day slang for the butt of a marijuana cigarette, derives from this song, which inspired a dance and an oscar-winning musical of the same name. initially a battle hymn sung by Mexican rebels, La cucaracha became a popular cultural phenomenon throughout North America. it is one of the first examples of how cannabis entered mainstream consciousness through mass media. Although many of his troops were stoners, its not known to what extent general Pancho Villa, the Sierra-bred ruffian, smoked marijuana. known for his martial prowess and his skills as a horseman, he was lionized as the gentleman bandit who rescued orphans and wowed the ladies while chasing Yankee capitalists out of the country. in an age of stark disparities between the wealthy few and the impoverished many, Pancho Villa was Mexicos answer to Robin Hood. His military feats became legendary through popular ballads called corridos, which chronicled significant events of the dayfrom gun battles and government betrayals to love affairs and bountiful marijuana harvests. (Narcocorridos, a subgenre of folk songs devoted to marijuana smokers, smugglers, and drug-related bandidos, originated during this period.) More than just a form of entertainment, these ballads were a key source of news and political commentary that resonated with Mexicos illiterate masses. Some corridos glorified Pancho Villas predawn cross-border raid in 1916 against a U.S. military garrison in New Mexico. other songs lampooned general John Pershing, who sent an expeditionary force of 12,000 U.S. troops into Mexico in fruitless pursuit of the wily guerrilla leader. Apparently some soldiers under Pershings command could not resist the wiles of Mary Jane, the aromatic temptress. After the guard went down to Mexico and came back, i saw the first white people who smoked the plant, a Texas-based U.S. Army physician told a federal fact-finding commission in the early 1920s. This practice found favor among U.S. troops stationed on the border, including black cavalry units, who smoked marijuana cigarettes either straight or mixed with tobacco.
The emergence of marijuana smoking in early twentieth-century America was catalyzed mainly by the tumultuous Mexican Revolution, which caused hundreds of thousands of brown-skinned migrants to flee to the U.S. Southwest in search of safety and work. Smoking grass became commonplace among dispossessed Mexicans in border towns such as el Paso, Texas, which passed the first city ordinance banning the sale and possession of cannabis in 1914. Public officials and newspaper reports depicted marijuana, the Mexican loco weed, as a dangerous vice, an alien intrusion into American life. enacted in a climate of fear and hostility toward swarthy, Spanish-speaking foreigners, early marijuana legislation was a handy instrument to keep the newcomers in their place. Antidrug and vagrancy statutes, in addition to legally sanctioned segregation in housing, restaurants, and parks, comprised what one historian described as a web of social controls that were mobilized to police Mexicans. on a federal level, marijuana prohibition would be implemented in increments. in 1906, congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act, a landmark piece of reform designed to restrain abuses and rampant charlatanism in the patent-medicine industry. it was the first national legislation to mention cannabis, which was includedalong with alcohol, opiates, cocaine, and chloral hydrateon a list of intoxicating ingredients whose presence had to be identified on the product label. The prescription system had its origins in this law, which anointed the U.S. government as the watchdog over all drugs and medications that Americans took to make themselves feel better. While well intended, the law gave unprecedented power to federal bureaucrats to decide which drugs a person would be allowed to consume. Under the auspices of the Pure Food and Drug Act, U.S. officials would prohibit the importation of cannabis for anything other than strictly medical purposes. Until 1906, there had been little concerted effort on the part of the federal government to regulate the manufacture, distribution, or consumption of psychoactive substances. cocaine was still in coca-cola; heroin and hypodermic kits were available through Sears. No drug was illegal. The Harrison Act of 1914 extended federal control over narcotics so that a nonmedical consumer could not legitimately possess opiates or cocaine. For the first time, the U.S. government asserted a legal distinction between medical and recreational drug use. Physicians did not realize that they could be tricked into giving narcotics to a police informant, who pretended to need a painkiller. one study estimated that on the heels of the Harrison Actwhich laid the foundation for contemporary drug prohibition25,000 American doctors were arrested on narcotics charges, 3,000 served prison sentences, and thousands more had their licenses revoked in a bare-knuckle drive to prevent physicians from prescribing opiates to their patients.
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Thanks to strong lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry, marijuana was not covered by the Harrison Act. From a federal perspective, cannabis didnt seem to pose much of a problem at the time. Most Americans were not yet aware of marijuana and few people, other than marginalized Mexicans and blacks, smoked it. While the feds dithered, several western and southern states proceeded to outlaw the herb, with california taking the lead in 1915, a move that served as a pretext for harassing Mexicans, just as opium legislation in San Francisco forty years earlier was directed at another despised minority, the chinese.* in each case, the target of the prohibition was not the drug so much as those most associated with its use. Typically in the United States, drug statutes have been aimedor selectively enforcedagainst a feared or disparaged group within society. All Mexicans are crazy, and this stuff [marijuana] makes them crazy, said one Lone Star state senator. Marijuana was outlawed in Texas in 1919 amid a wave of labor unrest. There were more than three thousand strikes throughout the country that year. ignoring the rights of free speech, assembly, and due process, Attorney general A. Mitchell Palmer launched his infamous raids against aliens, reds, and union members in dozens of American cities. The first Palmer raids in November 1919 were timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the Russian Revolution. The U.S. Supreme court would soon outlaw picketing, abolish the minimum wage for women, and overturn child labor laws, while federal agents roamed the land, breaking up public meetings, seizing political literature, and patrolling freight cars for migrants. Side by side with Bolshevik labor leaders, state penitentiaries held significant numbers of Mexican American men serving time for drug crimes, according to sociologist curtis Marez, who notes that arrests and convictions of Mexican workers for marijuana possession were most concentrated during the years of, and in the areas with, the highest levels of labor organization and action. The incarceration of Mexican workers, whether for smoking or striking, made the workforce as a whole easier to manage. American society in the 1920s was a simmering cauldron of phobias anti-communist, antidrug, antiblack, antiforeigner. Law-enforcement operations against alleged reds and dope fiends (the two became conflated in the nativist mind) were bolstered by the ku klux klan and other violent white vigilantes, who attacked left-wingers, Mexican immigrants, and other so-called un-American groups.
* concurrent with the ban on opium, there were laws against wearing queues (ponytails), the traditional chinese hairstyle, in San Francisco.
in 1925, the U.S. government convened a formal committee to investigate rumors that off-duty American soldiers based in the Panama canal Zone were smoking goof butts for kicks. it was the first official U.S. inquiry into cannabis, and it concluded that marijuana was not addictive (in the sense in which the term is applied to alcohol, opium, or cocaine), nor did it have any appreciable deleterious influence on the individual using it. on the basis of this assessment, previous orders prohibiting possession of the weed by military personnel were revoked in 1926. Three years later, congress passed the Narcotic Farms Act, which misclassified indian hemp as a habit-forming narcotic and authorized the establishment of two hospitals in the federal prison system for treating drug addicts. The emerging consensus among lawmakers was that the nonmedical use of narcotics, like a cancer, had to be excised entirely from the body politic. The myth of the shiftless marijuana addict, which surfaced during this period, was the figment of an early twentieth-century imagination desperate to define its own normality by highlighting the difference between us (the well-born and productive members of society) and them (the dirty, lazy, foreign-born pot smokers).* Since colonial times, Americans had been the arbiters of their own drug experiences; it wasnt considered the proper business of government to tell people what to smoke or swallow or what to avoid. Now the federales were keen to intervene, claiming a moral imperative to protect individuals from harming themselveswhether they liked it or not.
ScRiBNeR A Division of Simon & Schuster, inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 copyright 2012 by Martin A. Lee All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Scribner Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 First Scribner hardcover edition August 2012 ScRiBNeR and design are registered trademarks of The gale group, inc., used under license by Simon & Schuster, inc., the publisher of this work. For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Simon & Schuster Special Sales at 1-866-506-1949 or The Simon & Schuster Speakers Bureau can bring authors to your live event. For more information or to book an event, contact the Simon & Schuster Speakers Bureau at 1-866-248-3049 or visit our website at Designed by carla Jones Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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