Physical Assessment (Head-to-Neck-) Name
Physical Assessment (Head-to-Neck-) Name
Physical Assessment (Head-to-Neck-) Name
1.Measure height
2. Measure weight
General Survey
3. Describe body built, height and Proportionate, varies
weight in relation to the client’s age with the lifestyle
lifestyle and health.
4.Describe the client’s posture, Relaxed, erect posture,
gait, standing, sitting and walking coordinated movement
5. Describe the client’s overall Clean and neat
hygiene and grooming
6. Describe body and breath odor No body odor or minor
body odor relative to
work or exercise, no
breath odor
7.Identify signs of distress, in No distress noted
posture or facial expression
8. Identify obvious sign of health Healthy appearance
9. Describe client’s attitude Cooperative
10.Describe the client’s Appropriate to situation
affect/mood; assess the
appropriateness of the client’s
11. Describe the quantity and Understandable,
quality of speech moderate pace, exhibits
thought association
12. Listen for relevance and Logical sequence;
organization of thoughts makes sense; has
sense of reality
13. Inspect for color; uniformity of Varies from light deep
color brown; from ruddy pink
to light pink; from
yellow overtones to
olive. Generally uniform
except to sun; areas of
lighter pigmentation in
dark skin people
14.Inspect for presence of edema No edema
15. Inspect for lesions according to Freckles, some
loc., distribution, color, birthmarks, some flat
configuration, size, shape, type or and raised nevi; no
structure abrasions or other
16. Palpate skin moisture Moisture in skin folds
and the axillae
17.l Palpate skin temperature Uniform; within normal
18.Palpate skin turgor When pinched, skin
springs back to
previous state
19. Inspect fingernail plate shape Convex curvature:
to determine its curvature and angle angle of nail plate about
160 degrees
20. Inspect fingernail and toenail Highly vascular and
bed color pink in light-skinned
clients; dark skinned
clients may have brown
or black pigmentation
21.Palpate fingernail and toenail Smooth texture
22.Inspect tissues surrounding Intact epidermis
23. Perform blanch test or capillary Prompt return of pink or
refill usual color (generally
less than 4 seconds)
24. Inspect the skull;; for size, Round( normocephalic
shape or symmetry and symmetrical w/
frontal, parietal and
occipital prominences)
smooth skull contour
25. Palpate for nodules, masses Smooth, uniform
and depression consistency, absence of
nodules or masses
26. Inspect for color and No depression
27.Palpate areas of tenderness No tenderness
28.Inspect for evenness or growth, Evenly distributed hair,
thickness or thinness thick hair
29. Palpate for texture and oiliness Silky, resilient hair
over the scalp
Note the presence of infections or No infection or
infestations by parting the hair in infestations
several areas, checking behind the
areas along the hairline at the neck
30. Inspect facial symmetry, Symmetric or slightly
features and facial movements asymmetric facial
features; palpebral
fissures equal in size;
asymmetric nasolabial
31. Inspect for hair distribution, Hair evenly distributes;
alignment, skin and quality and skin intact; eyebrows
movement symmetrically aligned;
equal movement
32. Inspect for hair distribution and Equally distributed;
direction of curl curled slightly outward
33.Inspect for the surface Skin intact, no
characteristics, position in relation discharge; no
to the cornea, ability to blink and discoloration; lids close
frequency of blinking symmetrically,
Approximately 15-20
involuntary blinks per
minute; bilateral
blinking. When lids are
open no visible sclera
above corneas and
upper and lower
borders of cornea
slightly covered
34. Inspect for bulbar con junctiva Transparent; capillaries
for color, texture and presence of sometimes evident;
lessions sclera appears white(
yellowish in dark
35.Inspect for palpebral Shiny, smooth and pink
conjunctiva for color, texture, and red
presence of lessions
36. Inspect the color and clarity white
37. Inspect for clarity and texture Transparent, smooth,
shiny details of iris are
38.Inspect for shape and color Color vai, oval and flat
39. Inspect for color, shape and Black in color; equal in
symmetry of size size, round, smooth
Visual Acuity:
40. Test near vision Able to read newspaper
41. Test distant vision 20/20 vision on snellen
42. Test each pupil for light Illuminated pupil
reaction and accommodation constrict, constrict
when looking at near
object, dilate at far
Lacrimal Gland, Lacrimal Sac
and Nasolacrimal Duct:
43. Inspect and palpate the No edema or tearing
lacrimal gland
Extraocular Muscle
44. Test each eye for alignment Both eyes coordinated,
and coordination move in unison, with
parallel alignment
Visual Fields:
45. Test peripheral fields When looking straight
ahead, client can see
objects in periphery
46. Inspect for color symmetry and Color same as the
position facial skin; symmetrical;
auricle aligned w/ outer
canthus of the eye,
about 10 deg from
47. Palpate for texture, elasticity Mobile, firm and not
and areas for tenderness tender; pinna recoil
after it is folded
External Ear Canal:
48. Inspect for cerumen, skin Presence of cerumen
lesions, pus and blood
Hearing Acuity Test:
49. Assess client’s response to Normal voice tones
normal voice tones audible
50. Perform tick test Able to hear ticking in
both ears
51. Perform Weber’s test Sound is heard in both
ears or is localized at
the center of the head
52. Perform Rinne’s test Air conducted hearing
is greater than bone
conducted hearing
53. Inspect for any deviations in Symmetric and straight,
shape, size or color and flaring or no discharge or flaring,
discharge from nares uniform color
54. Inspect the nasal cavities for Mucosa pink; clear,
the presence of redness, swelling, water discharge, no
growths and discharge lessions
55. Inspect nasal septum bet. Nasal septum intact
nasal chambers and in midline
56. Test patency of both nasal As the client breath
cavities towards the nose air
moves freely
57. Palpate for any displacement, No tenderness and
masses, displacements of bone displacement
58. Locate/palpate/ identify the No tenderness
sinuses; note for tenderness
59. Inspect for symmetry of Uniform pink color, soft,
contour, color and texture moist smooth texture,
symmetry of contour,
ability to purse lips
Buccal Mucosa:
60. Inspect for color, moisture, Uniform pink color,
texture and presence of lesions smooth, soft glistening
and elastic texture
61.Inspect for color, number and 32 adult teeth, smooth,
condition and presence of dentures white, shiny tooth
62. Inspect for color and condition Pink gums, moist, firm
texture; no retraction of
Tongue/Floor of the Mouth:
63. Inspect for color, texture of the Smooth tongue base
mouth floor and frenulum with prominent veins
64.Inspect and palpate position, Central position, pink
color and texture, movement and color, moist, slightly
base of the tongue rough; thin whitish
coating, smooth lateral
margins: no lesion
raised papillae
It moves freely; no
65. Palpate for any nodules, lumps Smooth with no
or excoriated areas palpable nodules
Palates and Uvula:
66. Inspect and palpate for color, Light pink, smooth, soft
shape, texture and the presence of palate: light pink hard
bony prominences palate; more regular
67.Inspect for position of uvula Positioned in the
and mobility while examining the midline of the soft
palate palate
Vital Signs:
1. Body Temperature =
2. Pulse Rate =
3. Respiratory Rate =
4. Blood Pressure =