Resources For The Journey
Resources For The Journey
Resources For The Journey
1. Biblical Story
Ewert, David, How to Understand the Bible (2000). o A good basic text for how to interpret scripture and understand the basic kinds of literature in the Bible. Foster, Richard, Life with God: Reading the Bible for Spiritual Transformation (2008). Hershberger, Michele, Gods Story, Our Story (2003). o A basic overview of the biblical story from a Christ-centered Anabaptist/Mennonite approach. Wald, Oletta, The Joy of Discovery in Bible Study (1975). o A good introduction to inductive Bible study. Wenger, J. C., Gods Word Written (1966). o Older, but a good basic text for understanding how the Bible came to be, its authority, meaning, importance of a Christ-centered approach, how it has been transmitted and translated. Wright, G. Ernest, God Who Acts: Biblical Theology as Recital (1969). o An old but basic text for understanding God as the center and moving agent in Old Testament history which moves on into the New.
2. Anabaptist/Mennonite Principles
Becker, Palmer, What is an Anabaptist Christian (2008). o Available online at A good, easily remembered updating of the three core Anabaptist principles in Harold S. Benders The Anabaptist Vision. Dyck, C. J., ed., An Introduction to Mennonite History (1981). o Basic text for learning Anabaptist/Mennonite History, beginning before the Reformation and continuing to the 20th Century. Chapter 8 offers a summary of the Anabaptist Vision. Junke, James C. and Hunter, Carol M., The Missing Peace: The Search for Nonviolent Alternatives in United States History (2001). o Invites a wonderful rethinking of t violence-centered US history by imagining how conflicts that were dealt with by war might have been resolved peacefully. ____, Practices: Mennonite Worship and Witness (2009). o Wrestles with issues of worship and witness in the context of a post-modern culture, inviting a return to Christ- centered, simple, communal, life-sharing, visible commitments. Krabill, Donald B., The Upside-Down Kingdom (1978, 2003). o A masterful companion to The Politics of Jesus, explicating the principle of revolutionary subordination in the life and ministry of Jesus. Places Jesus in his own historical-cultural setting and invites us to apply his principles in our own time and place.
2 Murray, Stuart, The Naked Anabaptist: The Bare Essentials of a Radical Faith (2010). o Presents seven core Anabaptist principles as experienced by Anabaptistminded believers in the British Isles. Roth, John D., Stories: How Mennonites Came to Be (2006). o An easy to read sweeping history of the church beginning with the New Testament and tracing the story forward with a central focus on the Anabaptist/Mennonite story. ____, Beliefs: Mennonite Faith and Practice (2005). o Written before Stories, but a good follow-up, focusing on central Mennonite beliefs in the context of the beliefs of other Christians. A good companion to Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective. ______, Choosing Against War: A Christian View (2002). o Another good, and more readable companion to Yoders work. Snyder, Arnold, Following in the Footsteps of Christ: The Anabaptist Tradition (2004). Yoder, John Howard, The Politics of Jesus (1972, 1994). o A seminal introduction to the non-violent way of Jesus.
3. Christian Spirituality/Discipleship
Augsburger, David, Dissident Discipleship: A Spirituality of Self-Surrender, Love of God, and Love of Neighbor (2006). Baker, Howard, Soul Keeping: Ancient Paths of Spiritual Direction (1998). Ive found this to be a wonderful introduction to a variety of ways to nurture and develop the inner spirit. Barton, Ruth Haley, Invitation to Solitude and Silence: Experiencing God's Transforming Presence (2004, 2010). o (a helpful book from a more evangelical perspective) Boers, Paul Arthur, et al, Take Our Moments and Our Days: An Anabaptist Prayer Book (2010). Boers, Arthur Paul, Lord, Teach Us to Pray (1992). This book has helped enrich my own use of the Lords Prayer as a guide to my daily morning prayers. _____, The Rhythm of Gods Grace: Uncovering Morning and evening Prayer (2003). A good introduction to the practice of contemplative liturgical prayer informed by the way of monastic praying. Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, The Cost of Discipleship (1959). A classic on understanding and commitment to living out a costly grace. Celtic Daily Prayer from the Northumbria Community (this inspired Shane's book above) Clairborne, Shane, et al, Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals (2010). Includes songs at the end. Foster, Richard, Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home (1992). ______, Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth (1978, 1988) A basic introduction to the inward, outward and corporate spiritual disciplines. A classic.
3 Guenther, Margaret, At Home in the World: A Rule of Life for the Rest of Us (2006). o This book has a chapter on "Learning from our enemies"-- forgiving as a spiritual discipline. Hamilton-Poore, Sam, Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God's Creation (2009 o Excellent for those involved in Creation Care! Janzen Longacre, Doris, Living More with Less: 30th Anniversary Edition, revised by Valerie Weaver-Zuercher (2010). Kropf, Marlene and Eddy Hall, Praying with the Anabaptists: The Secret of Bearing Fruit (1994). May, Gerald, The Awakened Heart (1993). Miller, Wendy, Invitation to Presence (1995). Newell, J. Philip, Celtic Benediction: Morning and Night Prayer (2000). Pennington, M Basil, O.C.SO., A Place Apart: Monastic Prayer and Practice for Everyone (1983, 1998). Makes contemplative monastic prayer accessible to more active Christians. Peterson, Eugene H., The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to the Art of Spiritual Direction (1989). Helps a pastor move from frantic busyness to living and ministering out of the being-center. Rice, Howard, The Pastor as Spiritual Guide (1999). Schrock, Daniel P, Prayer Practices for Terrifically Busy People (2011). o (written by a Mennonite spiritual director) Steere, Douglas V., Dimensions of Prayer - Cultivating a Relationship with God (1997). Thompson, Marjorie, Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life (2005). o (I have used this in a SS class) Wallis, Jim, Rediscovering Values: A Guide to Economic and Moral Recovery (2010). Willard, Dallas, Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ (2002).
5. Contextual Awareness
Ammerman, Nancy T, et al, Studying Congregations: A New Handbook (1998).
4 o An excellent guide for studying and understanding a congregation in the context of its wider community and cultures. Boyd, Gregory, The Myth of a Christian Nation: How the Quest for Political Power is Destroying the Church (2007). Steinke, Peter L., How Your Church Family Works: Understanding Congregations as Emotional Systems (1993). o Offers basic understanding of the dynamics in the local congregation from the family systems perspective. ______, Healthy Congregations: A Systems Approach (1996). o A good follow-up companion to How Your Church Family Works.
6. Leadership.
Barton, Ruth Haley, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry (2008). Blanchard, Ken and Phil Hodges, Lead like Jesus (2008). Covey, Stephen R, Principle-Centered Leadership (1992). Esau, John A., ed., Understanding Ministerial Leadership (1995). o A collection of essays by Mennonite professors and pastors on a variety of pastoral leadership dimensions. Greenleaf, Robert K., Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness (1977). o A key work by a Quaker author on leadership and its expression in the wider world, a variety of institutions and the church. Nouwen, Henri J. M., In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership (1989). o Works with the three temptations of Jesus to chart a course for leading in the manner of Jesus: from relevance to prayer; from popularity to ministry; and from leading to being led. Peterson, Eugene H., Five Smooth Stones for Pastoral Work (1980). o Offers insight into five dimensions of pastoral work utilizing Old Testament material: Prayer-Directing (Song of Songs); Story-Making (Ruth); Pain-Sharing (Lamentations); Nay-Saying (Ecclesiastes); and Community Building (Esther) ______, Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity (1987). o Focuses on the pastoral priorities of prayer, scripture and spiritual direction ______, Under the Unpredictable Plant: An Exploration in Vocational Holiness (1992). o Draws powerful parallels between moves in the Jonah story and the pastoral journey Sawatsky, Erick, ed., The Heart of the Matter: Pastoral Ministry in Anabaptist Perspective (2004). o A collection of essays on various aspects of pastoral ministry by professors of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary.