BASIC COURSE Application for Admission Course sessions Spring 2011 January 10 March 4 March 13 - May 12 Summer 2011 June 5 - July 29 Fall 2010 August 15 - October 8 October 13 December 10
This application must be completed and signed by the student and accompanied by the required documents. See evidence of eligibility below. Inquiries can be made to ELOP by phone: (225) 578-5642, fax: (225) 578-5710 or email: elop@lsu.edu
Name (please print): Family (last) Name Permanent Address (in home country): Street: First Name Middle Name
City: Country: (I-20 will be mailed to this address unless otherwise indicated.)
Gender (Please circle) Male Female If married, will spouse or children accompany you? Yes No
If yes, please submit each dependent's name, date of birth, country of birth, country of citizenship and relationship to you.
If you are now in the United States, what type of Visa did you use to enter the country? Evidence of Eligibility: (All documents must be submitted in English.)
Proof of having completed high school. (You must be at least 16 years of age.) a. Copy of your high school diploma or proof of university study beyond high school, OR b. A letter from the principal (director) of your school showing expected day of graduation if you are enrolled in high school.
2. If you will receive funds from a sponsor or relative, the sponsor or relative must complete the Statement of Financial Support at the end of this application and also submit a letter from a bank showing adequate deposits to cover your expenses. 3. If you are self-supported, please send a letter from your bank showing deposits adequate to cover your expenses. All letters of financial eligibility should indicate U.S. dollar equivalents. 4. A $75 check payable to LSU as an application fee. This is non-refundable.
To complete form I-20, which is needed to apply for F1 student visa, please list the appropriate sources and amount of funds available to you to pay all your expenses (tuition, books, living costs) and house those of any dependents accompanying you for one term at LSU. Do not include cost of transportation to and from Baton Rouge. Your personal funds Family funds from your country Scholarship Loan Other (specify) $ $ $ $ $ $
Note: Admission to the ELOP does not constitute admission to LSU or to any other American University or college.
I fully understand the costs of the ELOP course (tuition, fees, living expenses, etc.) and that all payments are due on the day of the registration. I further understand that payments will be accepted only in cash, traveler's checks, credit cards, or personal U.S. checks. I am aware that I am expected to study full time in the U.S. and will not be permitted to work.
Mail this application form from your country DIRECTLY to our office.
(Applicants signature)
I, (Name of the Person Responsible for Support) certify that I will provide funds amounting to $
for each term in the English Language and Orientation Program for (Name of Student) to meet his/her expenses while studying in the United States.