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Master's Thesis Defense: Comparison of Noncoherent Detectors For SOQPSK and GMSK in Phase Noise Channels

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Masters Thesis Defense Comparison of Noncoherent Detectors for SOQPSK and GMSK in Phase Noise Channels

Afzal Syed August 17, 2007 Committee Dr. Erik Perrins (Chair) Dr. Glenn Prescott Dr. Daniel Deavours

Resulting from this work A. Syed and E. Perrins, Comparison of Noncoherent Detectors for SOQPSK and GMSK in Phase Noise Channels, to appear in Proceedings of the International Telemetry Conference (ITC), Las Vegas, NV, October 22-25, 2007. Other A. Syed, K. Demarest, D. Deavours, Effects of Antenna Material on the Performance of UHF RFID Tags, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on RFID (IEEE-RFID), Grapevine, TX, March 26-28, 2007.

Motivation for this thesis/Research Objectives Introduction Coherent Detection Reduced Complexity Coherent Detectors Noncoherent Detection Algorithm Serially Concatenated Systems Simulation Results Conclusions Future work

Motivation for this thesis

SOQPSK and GMSK highly bandwidth efficient CPMs. Coherent receivers good performance in AWGN. Noncoherent receivers favored phase noise channels often encountered in practical scenarios. No published results on how noncoherent detectors for these schemes compare in phase noise channels for uncoded and coded systems with iterative detection.

Research Objectives
Develop reduced complexity noncoherent detectors for SOQPSK and GMSK. Quantify performance of SOQPSK and GMSK in channels with phase noise for uncoded and coded systems which use these schemes as inner codes. Determine which is to be preferred for a given requirement.

Motivation for this thesis/Research Objectives Introduction

Coherent Detection Reduced Complexity Coherent Detectors Noncoherent detection algorithm Serially Concatenated Systems Simulation Results Conclusions Future work

Introduction : CPM
Q CPM Characteristics
Constant envelope Continuous phase Memory

Simple transmitter Power efficient Bandwidth efficient Flexible Suitable for non-linear power amplifiers

Introduction : CPM
Signal representation

CPM is completely defined by

h : modulation index M : cardinality of the source alphabet q(t) : phase pulse

Introduction : CPM
Aeronautical telemetry Deep-space communication Bluetooth Wireless modems Satellite communication Battery-powered communication

Introduction : SOQPSK
Similar to OQPSK where I and Q bits are transmitted in offset fashion.
1 1

01 11

0 1 1





Introduction : SOQPSK

SOQPSK is a ternary CPM with a precoder. 2 standards for SOQPSK

SOQPSK-MIL full-response with rectangular frequency pulse. SOQPSK-TG partial-response with L= 8.


Introduction : GMSK
GMSK is another widely used CPM. Can achieve tradeoff between bandwidth efficiency, power efficiency, and detector complexity by appropriately configuring the BT product. GMSK is binary (M = 2) with h = . We study 2 types of GMSK
GMSK with BT = 0.3 (L = 3) GMSK with BT = 0.25 (L= 4)

GMSK with BT = 0.3 is used in GSM.


Introduction : GMSK
GMSK has a Gaussian frequency pulse shape

Frequency and phase pulses for GMSK with BT = 0.3


Motivation for this thesis/Research Objectives Introduction Coherent Detection
A closer look at the phase of the signal Maximum-Likelihood (ML) Decoding

Reduced Complexity Coherent Detectors Noncoherent detection algorithm Serially Concatenated Systems Simulation Results Conclusions Future work


A closer look at the phase of the signal

Phase of the signal can be grouped into two terms

(t ) = 2h i q(t iT ) = h i + 2h
i =0

n L

i=n 123 144L +1 444 4i =04 4 2 3

q(t iT )

n L

(t )

Symbols older than L symbol times indicate the phase of the signal at the beginning of symbol interval (cumulative phase). Phase change depends on the most recent L symbols (correlative state). Thus the signal can be described with a finite state machine

n = (L,nL+1,L,n2 ,n1,n ) n = (nL ,nL+1, L,n2 ,n1,n )

14444 244444 4 3
pM Lbranches


Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoding

Received signal corrupted by noise r (t ) = s(t ; ) + n(t ) ML detector matches the received signal with all possible transmitted signals. Implemented recursively via the Viterbi algorithm. Organization of the trellis Branch vector is the (L+1) tuple n = ( n L , n L+1, L, n2 , n1 , n ) Each branch has a starting state S n = ( n L , n L+1, L, n2 , n1 ) And an ending state En = ( n L +1 , n L + 2, L n1 , n ) Number of phase states is p.


Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoding

For a CPM trellis

N S = pM L 1 N B = pM L

N MF = M L
Trellis example, GMSK with BT = 0.3. (h = , M = 2, L = 3 and p =4). 16 states, 32 branches and 8 matched filters.


Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoding

Optimal coherent ML detector

Metric update for each state is the sampled matched filter output. Serves as the benchmark detector for reduced complexity and noncoherent detectors.

Motivation for this thesis/Research Objectives Introduction Coherent Detection Reduced Complexity Coherent Detectors
Why reduced complexity detectors? Reduced complexity approaches Frequency Pulse Truncation Decision Feedback

Noncoherent detection algorithm Serially Concatenated Systems Simulation Results Conclusions Future work

Why reduced complexity detectors?

Longer, smoother pulses higher bandwidth efficiency. Decoding complexity increases exponentially with pulse length L. The optimal detector for SOQPSK-TG 512 trellis states (L = 8, p = 4, M = 2). Optimal detector for GMSK with BT = 0.25 32 trellis states (L = 4, p = 4, M = 2). Difficult to implement large trellis structures reduced complexity approaches.

Reduced complexity coherent detectors : Approach

Each trellis state is defined by
pM L 1states

S n = ( n L , n L +1, L , n 2 , n 1 ) 14444 4444 2 3

Removing/reducing coordinates from this L-tuple is the key to state complexity reduction. Number of techniques discussed in literature
Frequency pulse truncation (PT) technique Decision feedback

PT and decision feedback applied to GMSK for the first time in this work.


Frequency Pulse Truncation (PT)

Use a shorter phase pulse at the receiver: Lr<L Correlative state reduced Number of states and matched filters reduced by a factor
M ( L Lr )

Truncated frequency and phase pulse for SOQPSK-TG


PT performance
SOQPSK-TG Pulse truncated from L=8 to Lr=1. Reduction in trellis states from 512 to 4. Loss in performance of 0.2 dB at Pb = 10 5

Decision Feedback
Phase states chosen at run time. Since phase state is defined by

knowing an estimate of the past symbols the phase state for each trellis state can be updated. Using decision feedback to update phase for each trellis state reduces the number of trellis states by a factor p. The state now is S n = ( n L +1, L , n 2 , n 1 )
1444 444 2 3
M L1states


Decision feedback applied to GMSK trellis

Actual trellis 16 states

Simplified trellis 4 states


Decision Feedback : Performance

Performance of GMSK using the simplified 4-state trellis.


Motivation for this thesis/Research Objectives Introduction Coherent Detection Reduced Complexity Coherent Detectors Noncoherent detection algorithm
Why Noncoherent? The Algorithm Phase Noise Model

Serially Concatenated Systems Simulation Results Conclusions Future work


Why Noncoherent?
r (t ) = s (t ; )e j (t ) + n(t ) Received signal model

Phase noise channels often encountered in practice Robust Easy to synchronize Can recover input bits in the presence of phase noise


Noncoherent detection algorithm

Phase noise averaged out using exponential window averaging Metric increment for noncoherent detection

There is a complex-valued phase reference associated with each trellis stated and is recursively updated using

forgetting factor a is a real number in the range 0 < a < 1. Applied to GMSK for the first time in this work.


Noncoherent detection : Phase noise model

Motivation for noncoherent detector carrier phase is not known and is varying. Phase noise is given by

where are independent and identically distributed Gaussian random variables with zero mean and variance Phase noise is modeled as a first order Markov process with Gaussian transition probability distribution.


Motivation for this thesis/Research Objectives Introduction Coherent Detection Reduced Complexity Coherent Detectors Noncoherent Detection Algorithm Serially Concatenated Systems
Introduction System Description SISO Algorithm Performance

Simulation Results Conclusions Future work


Serially Concatenated Coded Systems: Introduction

Coded systems improvement in energy efficiency, large gains. Concatenated codes developed by Forney Multistage coding with inner and outer codes. Probability of error decreases exponentially while decoding complexity increases only linearly. We discuss SCC systems with CPM (SOQPSK and GMSK) as the inner code. Reduced complexity GMSK SCC systems studied for the first time.

Serially Concatenated Coded Systems : System Description

an {0, 1}




r(t )

r(t )


an {0, 1}

Outer code: rate-1/2 convolutional code Inner code: SOQPSK and GMSK Block length N=2048 and Ni=5

Serially Concatenated Systems :SISO Algorithm

P(c,O) Outputs P(a,O) and P(c,O) P(c,I) SISO based on code constraints. P(a,O) module P(a,I) Forward and backward recursions to update metrics associated with each trellis state.



Serially Concatenated Systems :SISO Algorithm In case of noncoherent detection where is the phase reference associated with each state and is updated only during the forward recursion. The output probability distribution for the bit/code word for symbol time k is computed as


Performance of Coded SOQPSK Systems

High coding gain is achieved.


Performance of Coded GMSK Systems

High coding gain is achieved.


Performance of Coded Systems

Coding gains for serially concatenated SOQPSK and GMSK

More bandwidth efficient schemes have higher coding gains.


Motivation for this thesis/Research Objectives Introduction Coherent Detection Reduced Complexity Coherent Detectors Noncoherent Detection Algorithm Serially Concatenated Systems Simulation Results
Performance of Noncoherent detectors Performance of Noncoherent (Coded) systems

Conclusions Future work


Performance of Noncoherent SOQPSK detectors

Noncoherent detection of SOQPSK-TG with no phase noise. Loss of 0.75 dB when a = 0.875


Performance of Noncoherent SOQPSK detectors

Noncoherent detection of SOQPSK-TG with phase noise of = 2 /sym. Loss of 3.1 dB when a = 0.875


Performance of Noncoherent SOQPSK detectors

Noncoherent detection of SOQPSK-TG with phase noise of = 5 / sym. Loss of 9.8 dB when a = 0.625 Lower value of a betters tracks faster phase changes.


Performance of Noncoherent GMSK detectors

Noncoherent detection of GMSK (BT = 0.3) with phase noise = 5 / sym. Loss of 2.0 dB when a = 0.625


Performance of Noncoherent detectors

Loss in dB for noncoherent systems with phase noise of = 2 / sym. at Pb = 10 5

GMSK (BT = 0.3) has the best performance. SOQPSK MIL and GMSK (BT = 0.25) are comparable.


Performance of Noncoherent detectors

Loss in dB for noncoherent systems with phase noise of 5 = 5 / sym. at Pb = 10

GMSK (BT = 0.3) has the best performance. SOQPSK TG performs significantly worse. Lower values of a enable faster carrier phase tracking.

Performance of Noncoherent Coded Systems

Noncoherent detection of coded a) SOQPSKMIL and b) SOQPSKTG with = 5 / sym.


Performance of Noncoherent Coded Systems

Noncoherent detection of coded a) GMSK (BT = 0.3) and b) GMSK (BT = 0.25) with = 5 / sym.


Performance of Noncoherent Coded Systems

Loss in dB for noncoherent (coded) systems at Pb = 10 5

a chosen to be 0.875 for all cases as Eb/N0 is low. SOQPSK and GMSK have comparable performance when = 2 /sym. GMSK is marginally better than SOQPSK for the severe phase noise case i.e. = 5 /sym.


Motivation for this thesis/Research Objectives Introduction Coherent Detection Reduced Complexity Coherent Detectors Noncoherent Detection Algorithm Serially Concatenated Systems Simulation Results Conclusions
Key contributions

Future work

Noncoherent (uncoded) detectors for GMSK and SOQPSK have comparable performance for low to moderate phase noise, for severe phase noise GMSK performs significantly better. For coded systems noncoherent GMSK detectors have marginally better performance than SOQPSK. SOQPSK TG has the highest coding gain (it is also the most bandwidth efficient).


Conclusions : Key contributions

Developed reduced complexity coherent detectors for GMSK for the first time. Noncoherent detection algorithm which can be used for uncoded and coded systems was applied to GMSK for the first time. A comprehensive set of numerical performance results for SOQPSK and GMSK noncoherent detectors in phase noise channels were provided.


Motivation for this thesis/Research Objectives Introduction Coherent Detection Reduced Complexity Coherent Detectors Noncoherent Detection Algorithm Serially Concatenated Systems Simulation Results Conclusions Future work

Future Work
Noncoherent coded SOQPSK and GMSK performance with other convolutional codes as outer codes. Investigation of GMSK with lower BT values (more bandwidth efficient). Other complexity reduction techniques such as the PAM decomposition for GMSK.


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