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Hepatitis A

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Hepatitis A (Infectious hepatitis/Catarrhal jaundice) Hepatitis A is liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus.

This is an inflammation of the liver that is not really very severe and runs an acute course. This generally starts within two to six weeks after contact with the virus, and lasts no longer than two months. It is known as infectious hepatitis because it spreads relatively easy to individuals who have close contact with the infected. Incubation Period The incubation period for hepatitis A ranges from 15 to 60 days, or three to five weeks, with a mean incubation period of 30 days. Period of Communicability The infected patient is capable of transmitting the organism from a week before until a week after the appearance of symptoms. Mode of Transmission The virus is transmitted through the fecal0oral pathway: 1.) Ingestion of contaminated drinking water or ice, uncooked fruits and vegetables, and fruits and vegetables grown in or washed with contaminated water; and 2.) Contamination of food/drinks by infected food handlers. Groups at Risk for HAV 1.) Children in day care centers can transmit the infection through diapers and toys. 2.) Troops living in crowded conditions at military camps or in the field are at great risk. 3.) Homosexual men are at an increased at risk of HAV infection from oral-anal sexual contact. 4.) People who live in areas with a breakdown of sanitary conditions, such as after a flood or other natural disasters. Pathology/Pathogenesis 1.) Following ingestion, HAV enters the bloodstream through the epithelium of the oropharynx or intestines. 2.) The blood carries the virus to its target, the liver, where it lives and multiplies within the hepatocytes and Kupffer cells (ex.liver macrophages).

3.) Virions are secreted into the bile and release in stools. HAV is excreted in large quantities approximately 11 days prior to the appearance of symptoms or anti HAV IgM in the blood. Clinical Manifestations 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) Flu-like illness with chills and high fever Diarrhea, fatigue and abdominal pain Loss of appetite Nausea, diarrhea and fever Jaundice and dark-colored urine The infection in young children is often mild and asymptomatic. Hepatitis A does not have a chronic stage and does not cause permanent liver damage. 8.) Following infection, the immune system makes antibodies against the hepatitis A virus that confer immunity against future infection. The disease can be prevented by hepatitis A vaccine. Complications 1.) Progressive encephalopathy characterized by drowsiness and cerebral edema. 2.) GIT bleeding progressing to stupor and later coma. Bleeding is not responsive to parenteral vitamin K administration. 3.) Clonus and hyperreflexia are later replaced by loss of deep tendon reflexes. 4.) Edema and ascitis. 5.) Aplastic anemia. 6.) In the late course of the disease, loss of corneal and pupillary reflexes, elevated arterial blood, respiratory failure, and cerebrovascular collapse may be present. Diagnostic Procedures 1.) HAV and HBV- complement fixation rate 2.) Liver function test- to determine the presence and extent of liver damage and check the progress of the liver 3.) Bile examination of stool and urine samples 4.) SGOT- serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase SGPT- serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase ALT- serum alanine transaminase 5.) IgM level Treatment Modalities 1.) There is no specific treatment, although bed rest is essential.

2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

Diet must be high in carbohydrates, low in fat and low in protein. Patient must take vitamin supplements, especially the B complex group. Intravenous therapy is occasionally necessary. Isoprinosine (methisoprenol) may enhance the cell mediated immunity of the Tlymphocytes. 6.) Alkalies, belladonna, and anti-emetics should be administered to control dyspepsia and malaise. Nursing Management 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) The patient must be isolated (enteric isolation). Patient should be encouraged to rest during the acute or symptomatic phase. The patients nutritional status must be improved. Appropriate measures to minimize spread of the disease must be taken. Observe the patient for melena and check stools for the presence of blood. Provide optimum skin and oral care. Increase the ability to carry out activities. a.) Encourage the patient to limit activity when fatigued. b.) Assist the client in planning period of rest and activity. c.) Encourage gradual resumption of activities and mild exercise during recovery.

Prevention and Control 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Hands should be washed thoroughly after using the toilet. Travelers should avoid water and ice if unsure of their purity. Food handlers should be carefully screened. Safe preparation and serving of the food must be practiced. The public should be educated on the mode of transmission of the disease.

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