Peanut Butter Cup Screenplay
Peanut Butter Cup Screenplay
Peanut Butter Cup Screenplay
By Eric Ritigstein
FADE IN: KENTUCKY LANDSCAPE - ESTABLISHING Green pastures. Rolling hills. Brown picket fences. Horses. Churchill Downs Racetrack. A highway sign reads.. Youre In Kentucky. Horse Country, USA EXT. HIGHWAY A rusted CADILLAC coasts along a scenic two-lane highway. It exits onto a single lane road. The Cadillac pulls into a driveway. It passes beneath a wrought-iron ARCHWAY. In big wooden letters... FLOOD BROTHERS FARM-- HOME OF ANNABELLE EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - CONTINUOUS As the Cadillac follows the driveway, its quickly apparent that this Kentucky horse farm is past its prime. The stables could use a paint job, the flower beds are empty, a barn door is falling off its hinges. The Cadillac eventually comes to a stop alongside a dirt RACE TRACK. HANK FLOOD (60s) cuts the engine. He walks along the racetracks railing, careful not to dirty his shoes. He leans over the railing and taps JOE FLOOD (60s) on the shoulder. Joe is concentrating on a STOPWATCH that dangles from his neck. Hes CLOCKING a racehorse as it turns for home. HANK Hows he doing? Joe IGNORES the question. Hank. He moves off the rail-- away from
As the horse crosses the finish line, Joe clicks his stopwatch. He calls out to GINNY OGLETHORPE, the exercise rider--
JOE Thats enough for today, Ginny. Joe joins Ginny (30s) on the track. He takes the reigns and helps Ginny DISMOUNT the muscular thoroughbred. Ginny removes her riding helmet. shoulders. Her LONG HAIR falls to her
GINNY I dont mind bringing him in. JOE Its okay, Ill do it. Besides.. Joe gestures toward Hank, whos still WAITING along the rail. JOE (contd) ..I have to deal with my brother. Ginny exits the racetrack. HOUSE. She walks toward a small GUEST CUT TO: EXT./INT. WINDRUNNERS STALL Joe and Hank are outside Windrunners stall-- a basic, metal enclosure. SAWDUST lines the floor. A metal trough is filled with condensed hay. HANK Whats his progress? JOE Hes coming along. Hank is dissatisfied with Joes answer. HANK We paid a lot of money for that horse. JOE Hell win some races. HANK Which races?
JOE Now how would I know that? Joe pats Windrunner on the belly. JOE (contd) Sweet dreams, boy. You did good today. Joe closes the stall. Locks it.
He walks with Hank, through the maze of stables. Hank is looking over the facilities-- the chipping paint, the empty flower beds. HANK This farm needs a champion, Joe. The brothers walk past Annabelles stall. A WOODEN PLAQUE is nailed to the wall. ANNABELLE - Kentucky Derby Champion HANK (contd) That was a long time ago. JOE Feels like yesterday to me. HANK It wasnt. CUT TO: INT. SUPERMARKET - DAY GINNY is carrying a hand cart through the frozen food section. She opens a glass freezer door-- removes a couple of frozen entrees. Nearby, two TEENAGE GIRLS are laughing and pointing-whispering to each other. TEENAGE GIRL 1 She looks like a doll. TEENAGE GIRL 2 I think shes a midget. It reads..
Ginny turns her back on the girls conversation. Tries to ignore it. TEENAGE GIRL 1 Ask her if shes a midget. TEENAGE GIRL 2 No.. that would be rude. Ginny tosses some frozen entrees into her hand cart. She walks away. In the opposite direction of the girls. CUT TO: INT. GINNYS GUEST HOUSE - LATER A cramped living space. A makeshift kitchen is connected to a functional living room. Theres a sofa-bed, a coffee table and a small television set-- not much else. An ashtray is overflowing with old CIGARETTE BUTTS. Ginny opens her freezer. Its packed with FROZEN ENTREES. She chooses one. With a lit cigarette dangling from her mouth, Ginny unwraps her dinner. She places it inside a MICROWAVE. Sets the TIMER DIAL. CUT TO: EXT. JOES HOUSE - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING A two-story COLONIAL-- white, all wood, big porch. Very Southern. Like every other structure at Flood Brothers Farm, the house could use a paint job. INT. JOES HOUSE The home of a die-hard horseman. Horse trophies and blue ribbons line the mantles. Photos and portraits of thoroughbreds cover the walls. Saddles and racing helmets and old-fashioned horse whips and Kentucky Derby memorabilia are on proud display. The centerpiece of the living room is a giant framed PHOTO of Joe and Hank and a beautiful PREGNANT WOMAN. In the photo, theyre standing with ANNABELLE inside the WINNERS CIRCLE at the Kentucky Derby.
A shawl of ROSES is draped around Annabelles neck, just after her Kentucky Derby victory. INT. JOES KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Joe and MAYA (10, curly blonde hair) are washing dishes by hand. Joe scrubs and rinses. He hands off to Maya, who dries with a dish towel. Maya is STARING at Joe-- a shrewd, knowing grin on her face. JOE Whats with you? Maya doesnt answer. JOE (contd) Did you finish your homework? MAYA Uh huh. Maya continues to stare. She POKES Joe with her finger. JOE Hey.. what gives? MAYA I know you know what day it is. Joe grabs the dishrag from Mayas hand. JOE Yeah, Wednesday. Whoop-de-do. MAYA What did you get me? JOE I may be getting old, but I know its not Christmas. MAYA Very funny, Grandpa. Joe scratches his head-- PRETENDS to rack his brain.
JOE Is it some kind of holiday? Maya isnt buying it. The doorbell RINGS. Then..
Its Ginny-- carrying a BIRTHDAY CAKE with a plastic NUMBER TEN and burning candles stuck inside. INTERNAL DISSOLVE TO: JOES KITCHEN - LATER Joe and Ginny are wrapping leftover birthday cake. Maya is at the table, struggling to keep her eyes open. JOE You look tired. Ill give you your present tomorrow. MAYA No, Im awake. (beat) Really, I am. Joe reaches into his shirt pocket. ENVELOPE onto the table. JOE Happy birthday Maya. Maya stares at the envelope. Not much of a present. He drops a sealed
JOE (contd) Go on and open it. She peels open the envelope. Removes a piece of bright red PAPER. The paper is folded in half-- a makeshift card done up to look like a coupon. She READS the card aloud. MAYA Happy 10th Birthday. This coupon entitles Maya to one... Maya flips the card open.
MAYA (contd) Horse! Maya is rejuvenated. her grandpa. She throws down the card and runs to
Gives him a giant hug. JOE Your mother was ten when I got her her first horse. Maya isnt letting go. MAYA Thank you Grandpa. JOE We can start looking this weekend. CUT TO: INT. LEXINGTON TELEVISION STUDIO - DAY A PRODUCTION ASSISTANT hangs a large cardboard PHOTOGRAPH on the wall. Its a Kentucky landscape photograph-- green fields, horses. It serves as a backdrop for Joe Flood and LOU SEPPA (60s, slicked back hair). A MAKEUP GIRL tries to apply blush to Lou Seppas face. pushes her away. LOU SEPPA Dont touch me with that stuff. The makeup girl turns to Joe. JOE No way sweetheart. She takes the hint. Hurries off the set. Lou
P.A. Watch the monitor. Were ready to roll in three.. two.. one..
INT. NBC TELEVISION STUDIO / INT. LEXINGTON TELEVISION STUDIO NBC horse racing analyst/former jockey Gary Stevens is set up at an anchor desk in New York. His face appears on the monitor in front of Joe and Lou. GARY STEVENS Im joined via satellite today by legendary Kentucky horse trainers Joe Flood and Lou Seppa. Joe and Lou nod to the camera/monitor. GARY STEVENS (contd) Our topic today is Fillies. Joe, you trained Annabelle-- the last Filly to win the Kentucky Derby. Will a Filly ever win the Triple Crown? JOE Absolutely... Got as good a chance as any male horse. LOU SEPPA Itll never happen. A Filly doesnt have stamina like a Colt. JOE Youre wrong, Lou. LOU SEPPA To win the Triple Crown, a Filly needs to win the Belmont.. and only three Fillies have won the Belmont since they started running it almost 150 years ago. Its just too long a race for a female. JOE Its not too long. Cautious trainers like you have no guts. You dont even train your Fillies anymore.. thats why theyre not in the big races. LOU SEPPA I dont train em because they cant win.
JOE Thats a lie and you know it. The reason you dont train your Fillies is because they wont fetch as much money for breeding rights. LOU SEPPA Gimme a break. Even your precious Annabelle didnt have what it takes to win the Triple Crown, and thats because she didnt have the stamina to win the Belmont. JOE Annabelle had great stamina. Lou turns and looks Joe squarely in the eye. LOU SEPPA Obviously not enough. Face it, females dont have the stamina of males. Thats why a Filly will never win the Triple Crown, and thats why Annabelle crashed and burned at the Belmont. JOE That does it.. Joe starts to UNFASTEN his microphone. Hes GOING AFTER Lou.
JOE (contd) Youve had this coming a long time, Seppa.. Lou unfastens his own microphone. LOU SEPPA Bring it on, Flood. GARY STEVENS Guys! They look over at the monitor, at Gary Stevenss face. GARY STEVENS (contd) Settle down. JOE Sorry Gary.
LOU SEPPA Sorry. They settle back into their chairs. Regain their composure. GARY STEVENS How is Annabelle these days? JOE Pregnant. Getting spoiled by my granddaughter. GARY STEVENS (wrapping up) Thats terrific. Joe Flood and Lou Seppa.. always delightful. CUT TO: INT. ANNABELLES STALL - LATER Annabelles PREGNANCY is showing-- a large bulge protrudes from her belly. Maya is sitting on an overturned bucket. Shes DRAWING on a sketch pad-- a picture of Annabelle-- very lifelike. Joe enters Annabelles stall. beside his granddaughter. He overturns a bucket and sits
JOE (re: Mayas drawing) Very nice. MAYA Why do you and Mister Seppa always fight on television? JOE We werent fighting. MAYA Yes you were. I saw you. JOE Thats just the way we communicate.
MAYA Why did Mr. Seppa say that Fillies dont have good stamina? JOE Hes wrong. EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - LATER Evening approaches. Joe and Maya are walking across the farm. Going home.
MAYA What color was my mothers first horse? JOE Black, I think. MAYA What was his name? JOE It might have been Herbie.. or Splinter. MAYA Which was it? JOE I dont remember. CUT TO:
INT. JOES HOUSE - LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM - NIGHT Maya is DOING HER HOMEWORK at the dining room table. Joe is reading a DAILY RACING FORM. MAYA If Fillies have good stamina, then why hasnt a Filly ever won the Triple Crown? JOE Not as many Fillies race for the Triple Crown. Owners like Lou Seppa like to race their Colts instead. Nearby,
MAYA Why? JOE Because when a Colts racing days are over, theres more money in breeding. MAYA What do you mean? Joe puts down his racing form. He joins Maya at the table. JOE Each time a Colt mates with a Filly, the Colts owner gets money. If the Colt was a champion racehorse, the owner gets a lot of money. MAYA Wasnt Annabelle a champion racehorse? JOE She was. MAYA Did she make a lot of money for you and Uncle Hank? JOE Yes. But we were lucky-- Annabelle made us money by winning races. (beat) Now that her racing career is over, Annabelle can only mate once a year. MAYA Because she has to carry the foal? JOE Thats right. MAYA So if you knew she could only mate once a year, why did you spend so much time training her?
Joe ponders.
JOE Because male or female, big or small, brown or grey.. Fast is fast, and Annabelle was fast. CUT TO: INT. MAYAS BATHROOM/BEDROOM - NIGHT Maya is in her pajamas, BRUSHING HER TEETH at the bathroom sink. Joe is standing behind her, waiting for her to finish. MAYA Do you think I like horses because my mother liked horses? JOE Probably. You also live on a horse farm. Maya rinses her mouth. She puts her toothbrush away.
Joe hands her three big PILLS. Maya pops all three pills into her mouth. with a single SWIG of water. JOE (contd) Finish the water. Maya makes a face. JOE (contd) Go on. Maya forces herself to finish the water. She hands the empty glass to Joe. JOE (contd) Good night, Maya. She downs them
INT. MAYAS BEDROOM Maya makes sure her bedroom door is closed all the way. She walks to her bed. Her blanket is HAND-KNITTED, a big M stitched in the center. The bedroom is lit only by a small lamp on Mayas night stand. Next to the lamp is a photo of MAYAS MOM. She kisses the photo. Then.. Maya removes her BLONDE WIG. Her head is completely BALD. wig stand. She gets under the covers. She places the wig on a special
EXT. DELANCEY HORSE FARM - DAY Delancey Horse Farms annual SPRING AUCTION. The grounds are immaculate-- manicured lawn, brightly colored flowers, flags from around the world. Green and white TENTS pepper the landscape. VALETS park expensive cars. WAITERS in tuxedos serve champagne and hors douvres to the guests, who carry leatherbound programs. A large, circular tent serves as the MAIN ARENA. INT. MAIN ARENA Hank Flood is seated amongst other HORSE OWNERS. Hes studying his leather-bound program, which contains photographs of the YEARLINGS up for auction. Hank is focused on a particular horse. In his program, hes marked its page with RED PEN. Dollar figures are scribbled in the margins. At the front of the arena, a HANDLER leads that same horse out onto a platform. The platform is located underneath a digital TOTE BOARD-- currently set at ZERO DOLLARS. The AUCTIONEER starts the bidding.
AUCTIONEER This yearling is by King Freddie and out of Millibaloo. Hes the great-great grandson of Kentucky Derby winner Ferdinand. Well start the bidding at twentythousand. Immediately, a bidder raises his paddle. AUCTIONEER (contd) I have twenty thousand. Do I hear twenty-five thousand? Hank raises his paddle. AUCTIONEER (contd) Twenty-five thousand. Do I hear thirty? Another paddle goes up. AUCTIONEER (contd) Do I hear forty? Hank raises his paddle. red pen scribbles. He has written.. He looks down at his program, at his
$80,000 Maximum.
AUCTIONEER (contd) Do I hear fifty? The tote board continues to CLIMB. Another paddle goes up.
Then.. a shout from an AMBITIOUS BIDDER. BIDDER One hundred thousand! The tote board jumps to $100,000. On the platform, the yearling remains CALM-- impossible to know if he grasps what is happening around him. AUCTIONEER One hundred thousand. Do I hear one twenty five? Hank looks again at his program. $80,000 Maximum.
He closes his program and tucks his paddle under his arm. Another paddle goes up. And another.
AUCTIONEER (contd) One hundred fifty thousand. Do I hear one seventy? Hank stands. Frustrated. He heads for the exit.
AUCTIONEER (contd) Sold.. for two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars. EXT. AUNTIE JILLIANS HORSE FARM - DAY A striking contrast to Delancey Horse Farm. hors douvres. Nothing luxurious. No valets. No
Joe and Maya are walking through the stables with AUNTIE JILLIAN (60s, riding gear). Maya studies each horse she passes. watch for her reactions. Then-Maya STOPS WALKING. She approaches one of the horses. the horse sniff her arm. MAYA How old is he? AUNTIE JILLIAN Just turned six, and loves to ride. He can jump too. Maya scratches the horses snout. She moves on. She continues through the maze of stalls, past DOZENS more horses. Shows little interest in any of them. MAYA Are there more? AUNTIE JILLIAN Im afraid not. Lets Joe and Auntie Jillian
INT. JOES TRUCK - LATER Joe and Maya are driving home. MAYA Im sorry Grandpa. JOE You have nothing to be sorry about. Choosing a horse is a big decision, not to be taken lightly. MAYA What if I never find the right one? JOE Youll find him. CUT TO: EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - STABLES - LATER Maya opens a wooden locker/cabinet. She takes out a handful of CARROT WEDGES and bundles them inside her stretched out T-shirt. INT. ANNABELLES STALL One by one, Maya places the carrot wedges in the palm of her hand. One by one, Annabelle gobbles them up. When the carrots are gone, Maya reaches up and hugs Annabelles neck. She KISSES Annabelle on the snout. MAYA Good night, girl. CUT TO: INT. MAYAS BEDROOM - MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT Maya wakes up SUDDENLY. She sits up in bed.
She puts on her wig and climbs out of bed. It takes all her strength to OPEN THE HEAVY WINDOW. With the window open, the neighing is even louder. Maya runs out of her bedroom, SCREAMING-MAYA Grandpa, wake up! Wake up! Joe rushes into the hallway. JOE You go and get Ginny. Ill call the vet. EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM Maya RACES across the farm-- to Ginnys guest house. Joe heads for the stables. CUT TO: INT. STABLES Maya and Ginny arrive at Annabelles stall. They watch with Joe as Annabelle slowly, PAINFULLY attempts to deliver a foal. Its painful to even watch. After much agonizing, the foal is BORN. JOE Looks like another Filly. Annabelle starts to WHINNY. VIOLENTLY. MAYA Is that blood? She jerks her head up and down,
Theres a POOL OF BLOOD on the ground, being absorbed by the sawdust. JOE Its okay, honey. Blood is okay. Ginny and Joe exchange glances. Theres A LOT of blood.
JOE (contd) Weve seen blood before.. (trying to convince himself) Blood is okay. Its okay. The new foal appears healthy. She GETS UP on all fours. Joe glances again at the POOL of blood. JOE (contd) Annabelle delivered a few weeks early. Its an early delivery.. thats all. Thats why theres so much blood. A large S.U.V. comes BARRELLING up the driveway. alongside the stables. It parks
The VET (40, baseball cap) rushes over with his DOCTORS BAG-its the size of a small suitcase. He enters Annabelles stall, where Annabelle has commenced NURSING. The vet takes out a STETHOSCOPE. He examines Annabelle.
Her whinnying has given way to LOUD WHEEZING. MAYA Why is he checking Annabelle first? GINNY He knows what hes doing, Maya. MAYA Hes supposed to examine the foal first. He always examines the foal first. Annabelles wheezing is getting LOUDER.
VET Shes struggling to breathe. Ginny and Maya watch closely as the vet circles Annabelle. He STUDIES THE BLOOD, while Annabelle continues to nurse the foal. VET (contd) Shes in pain. Joe enters the stall. How bad? VET Severe. A prolapsed bowel has caused her lungs to congest. Shes keeping herself alive to nurse the foal. From outside the stall, Maya and Ginny are STRAINING to hear the conversation. JOE What about the foal? VET Shes healthy. I have a colostrum formula that we can feed her if you decide.. (beat) know. Annabelles pain is obvious. Joe takes a step back. He looks at the plaque on the wall-Kentucky Derby Champion. He takes a DEEP BREATH. He nods okay. The vet SEPARATES Annabelle and the foal. weak to protest. Annabelle is too Away from what Then.. Joins the vet.
Ginny tries to lead Maya AWAY from the stall. is about to happen. Maya wont budge.
MAYA You cant do this to her. JOE Sweetheart, shes in terrible pain. MAYA Please dont. As the vet prepares a colostrum formula, Maya BREAKS AWAY from Ginny. Maya ENTERS the stall. She looks the foal dead in the eye. MAYA (contd) I hate you, you stupid foal. I hate you! Maya runs away. FADE OUT. INT. MAYAS BEDROOM - MORNING Maya and Ginny are lying together on Mayas bed, above the covers. They havent changed clothes since last night. Havent moved since last night. Theres a box of TISSUES on Mayas night stand. Balled-up tissues are scattered about the floor. GINNY You can help the foal. MAYA I dont want to help her. GINNY She has to grow up without a mother. I think you know how that feels. Maya doesnt respond. GINNY (contd) If your mom was here, shed help the foal.
MAYA How do you know? GINNY Your mom was like that. Shed make sure the foal knew there were people who loved her. She always made me feel that way, and Im a pipsqueak. Maya cracks a smile. GINNY (contd) And I talk like a Muppet. Maya laughs. GINNY (contd) But your mother always made me feel special. MAYA You are special. GINNY Thats a sweet thing to say. Thank you, Maya. Ginny gets out of bed. waste basket. She gathers the used tissues into a
GINNY (contd) You know, its not the foals fault. MAYA I know. GINNY So its unfair to blame her, dont you think? MAYA Do you really think shes lonely? GINNY I do. CUT TO:
EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - STABLES - DAY Maya takes Annabelles NAME PLATE down off the wall. sets it on the ground. She pokes her head inside the stall. the stall seems especially large. She
The FOAL is standing ALONE in the corner. and looks at Maya. Maya DUCKS down, behind the barn door. Then--
Maya slowly lifts her body. She pokes her head up, ever so slightly, above the barn door. The foal is still staring at her. The foal starts to WHINNY. Maya ducks down again. The whinnying STOPS. Maya slowly rises.. rises.. rises.. until her eyes are JUST BARELY above the barn door. Its become a game of peek-aboo. Maya enters the stall. She approaches the foal-- slowly, non-threateningly. Maya extends her arm. The foal SNIFFS it up and down. MAYA Im sorry about the mean things I said to you.. I didnt mean them. I know it wasnt your fault. Maya kisses the foal on the snout. MAYA (contd) I brought you something. Maya removes a roll of SCOTCH TAPE from her bookbag. PHOTOGRAPH. And a
MAYA (contd) This is your mother. Her name is Annabelle. She tapes the photograph to the wall. MAYA (contd) Shes not here anymore, but she still loves you. Maya steps back. vantage point. Views the photograph from the foals
MAYA (contd) I have to go to school now, but Ill come back later and keep you company. I promise. CUT TO: EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - LATER A yellow SCHOOL BUS stops outside the entranceway to Flood Brothers Farm. Maya EXITS the school bus. Shes carrying a DRAWING.
She SPRINTS up the driveway, all the way to the stables. INT. ANNABELLES OLD STALL Maya enters the stall. She tugs on a long string thats attached to a light bulb-- the stalls only light source. She lays her bookbag on the ground, on top of the SAWDUST. She tapes her new drawing to the wall, alongside the photograph of Annabelle. Its our first look at the drawing-a mother horse NURSING her newborn foal. MAYA This really happened, right after you were born. I saw it.. I was there. Maya returns to her bookbag. Takes out a TEXTBOOK.
She sets herself up beneath the light bulb, next to the foal.
MAYA (contd) Your mother loved you. Maya begins her HOMEWORK. CUT TO: A MONTAGE.. of Maya BONDING WITH THE FOAL. Brushing the foal. Reading to the foal. Feeding the foal her special milk. Drawing pictures of the foal. (As the montage progresses, more and more drawings appear inside the stall) Hosing down the foal. Filing the foals hooves, then polishing them. Walking the foal to the RACETRACK, then watching with the foal as Joe and Ginny work out the older racehorses. END OF MONTAGE CUT TO: INT. JOES HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT Maya is dressed in her PAJAMAS. glass with water. Shes at the sink, filling a
She takes the glass of water and EXITS the house. INT. STALL Maya enters the foals stall and turns on the light. The stall is replete with drawings and photos and decorations. It looks like a childs bedroom. MAYA I need to tell you something. She closes the stable door behind them. around. Makes sure nobody is
MAYA (contd) Im sick. Maya reaches into her pocket. PILLS. She reveals a handful of
MAYA (contd) I have to take these every night before bed. Its called chemotherapy. Maya pops the pills into her mouth. the water. She downs them down with
MAYA (contd) Any time I get a fever, I have to go to the hospital. Maya undoes the top buttons of her pajamas-- revealing a small IV PORTAL in her chest. MAYA (contd) The doctor puts a tube here and fills me with medicine. (beat) But dont worry, it looks a lot worse than it feels. The foal SNIFFS Mayas IV port. It tickles.
MAYA (contd) Ive been getting chemotherapy since I was eight. In a couple of years, if my sickness goes away, I can stop. Maya peeks outside the stall. Makes sure the coast is clear.
MAYA (contd) This is what I really wanted to show you.. She REMOVES HER WIG. MAYA (contd) My medicine makes me lose my hair. The foal doesnt whinny. Doesnt react at all.
MAYA (contd) The doctor says itll grow back one day.
Maya picks a BLANKET off the floor-- her knitted blanket with the M in the center. MAYA (contd) I need to tell you one more thing, especially if were gonna be best friends.. She drapes the blanket over the foal. good and snug. Makes sure its on
MAYA (contd) When Im older, Im moving to Paris.. to become an artist. Maya puts her wig back on. MAYA (contd) And you can come with me. Im pretty sure they have stables there. Maya kisses the foal on the snout. MAYA (contd) Good night, girl. She clicks off the light. FADE OUT. EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - RACETRACK - DAY A brand new MERCEDES-- black, tinted windows, custom gold rims-- pulls up the driveway to Flood Brothers Farm. Loud Latin music is blasting from the stereo. When the door to the Mercedes opens, were expecting P-Diddy or Mike Tyson to step out. Instead, its HECTOR DE LA PENA (40S). Hector is wearing a JOCKEY uniform and carrying a RIDING HELMET. He is a TINY man-- even smaller than Ginny. He walks onto the track, where Ginny is aboard Windrunner. HECTOR Ill take it from here. Ginny DISMOUNTS Windrunner. She hands the reigns to Hector.
HECTOR (contd) Why dont you run inside and fetch me a diet soda. GINNY I dont think so. Joe comes over-- Ginnys cue to walk away. JOE Hector, youre late. HECTOR Traffic was brutal. Joe looks out in the distance. At the EMPTY ROADS that wind through the peaceful Kentucky hillsides. Hector WHISTLES to Ginny. HECTOR (contd) How about that soda? JOE You can buy your own soda when youre done working. Ginny EXITS the racetrack. She lights up a cigarette. Continues toward her guest house. Back on the track.. JOE (contd) You cannot be late to these workouts, Hector. The Derby is two weeks away. HECTOR I know when it is. JOE I need to know that we understand each other. HECTOR Were cool. Good. JOE Now lets make this horse fly.
He starts him out along the track. CUT TO: INT. JOES HOUSE - EVENING Joe and Maya and Ginny are EATING DINNER. JOE I was thinking wed head out to Lexington this Sunday and check out some more horses. MAYA (unenthusiastic) If you want. Joe and Ginny exchange CONFUSED glances while Maya pushes the food around on her place. JOE Dont you want a new horse? Maya puts down her silverware. Looks Joe in the eye.
MAYA I want Peanut Butter Cup to be my horse. JOE Whos Peanut Butter Cup? MAYA Annabelles foal. Thats what I named her. JOE But Maya.. I plan on training that horse. Youve known that all along. Tears WELL UP in Mayas eyes. JOE (contd) If I get you a horse of your own, an experienced horse, you can train him yourself. You can take him on trails and enter him in horse shows. MAYA I dont want an experienced horse. I want Peanut Butter Cup.
JOE Shes a thoroughbred, Maya.. just like her mom. MAYA So what? JOE You can still spend time with her, just like you always did with Annabelle. MAYA Peanut Butter Cup is different. JOE How? A long pause. Joe and Ginny WAIT for a response. MAYA I love her. CUT TO: INT. MAYAS BEDROOM - MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT Maya is asleep. Joe comes in. He sits on the edge of her bed. He looks over at Mayas night stand-- at an empty glass; at a picture of Mayas deceased mom; at Mayas blonde wig. He takes the wig in his hand. He TURNS ON the lamp. It wakes Maya. Instinctively, she reaches for her wig. Joe hands it to her. She sits up in bed. It takes a moment for Mayas eyes to adjust to the light. When they do, she sees.. Joe, just looking at her. Smiling.
JOE You and that horse.. you get along real well. Maya nods.
JOE (contd) You can keep her. MAYA Really? JOE I did promise you a horse. He kisses Maya on the forehead. MAYA Happy birthday sweetheart. Joe EXITS her bedroom. Maya hops out of bed. She walks to the window and looks outside, toward the stables. Shes smiling ear to ear, seemingly ready to burst. Maya can barely contain herself. She does a celebratory DANCE. CUT TO: INT. PEANUT BUTTER CUPS STALL - DAY Maya rolls a vinyl BEACH BALL to Peanut Butter Cup. The beach ball bounces off Peanut Butter Cups front leg-- no response whatsoever from the foal. Maya picks up the ball. DEMONSTRATES.. She lays it at her own feet.
MAYA You see girl, its easy. Maya aligns her own foot with the foals front leg. She swings back her own leg-MAYA (contd) Just like this, and you kick it. Maya kicks the ball. She goes to RETRIEVE it. One
One more time, she rolls the ball to Peanut Butter Cup. more time, the ball bounces off the foals leg. Peanut Butter Cup is completely UNRESPONSIVE. Ginny ARRIVES at the barn door. and a fancy HAT.
GINNY Maya, you need to go and get dressed. Were leaving soon. MAYA Im not going. Maya picks up the beach ball. Cups leg. Lays it beside Peanut Butter
MAYA (contd) Im staying home with Peanut Butter Cup today. GINNY But its the Kentucky Derby. MAYA (ignoring Ginny) Come on girl, kick the ball.. just like I did. Ginny gives up and WALKS AWAY. EXT. STABLES - CONTINUOUS Ginny is struggling to walk in her high heels. Shes holding her dress up with one hand, and trying to hold a cigarette and simultaneously keep her balance with the other. As Ginny EXITS the stable area, Maya calls out to her-MAYA Ginny.. wait! Maya comes running from the stable. She catches up with Ginny. MAYA (contd) You look really pretty today. GINNY Thank you. INTERNAL DISSOLVE TO:
EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - LATER THAT EVENING Joe opens the back door of a horse trailer. a long, tiring day. He lowers a wooden ramp. INT. WINDRUNNERS STALL Joe puts Windrunner away for the night. back. JOE You did good today. As hes locking up, Joe notices light coming from Peanut Butter Cups stall. He walks toward the light. INT. PEANUT BUTTER CUPS STALL Joe finds Maya ASLEEP. Shes sitting on an overturned bucket, slumped over with a book on her lap. He gently shakes her awake. MAYA (groggy) Did you win? No. JOE Not even close. Pats him on the Its the end of
Joe puts Mayas book aside, tries to pick her up. MAYA Wait, Grandpa, I want to show you something. Maya squirms away. She picks up the BEACH BALL. Places it on the ground-- alongside Peanut Butter Cups front leg. Nothing is happening. MAYA (contd) Come on, girl. Like you did before. Then, suddenly--
Peanut Butter Cup KICKS the ball. Maya claps. MAYA (contd) Good girl! It only took like an hour to teach her. Shes really smart. JOE Thats great, sweetheart. Ive got Uncle Hank waiting, so Ill see you back at the house. CUT TO: INT. JOES HOUSE - KITCHEN - SAME NIGHT Joe and Hank are seated at the kitchen table-- two beaten men. HANK Hows Annabelles foal looking? Joe gathers himself for the impending conversation. He walks to the refrigerator. He cracks them open. Takes out two cans of beer.
JOE Mayas taken quite a liking to her. Theyve.. bonded. HANK So? JOE So I gave Maya the horse. HANK Gave? JOE Im not training her. Hank nods, almost trancelike. A long SILENCE.
Then-- Hank starts LAUGHING-- LAUGHING harder-- LAUGHING more. Hes breaking himself up. HANK Well of course youre not training her. How could you train a horse that bonded with your granddaughter. I mean, its not every day that an eleven year old girl falls in love with a horse. Hank takes a swig of beer. Begins to relax.
HANK (contd) You had me going there. JOE Im not joking. HANK Seriously, when are you gonna start training her? JOE Im serious, Hank. This horse makes her happy. She asked and I said yes. HANK So you gave the foal of a Kentucky Derby winner to your granddaughter? JOE Yes. HANK So there will be no racing; no prize money; no race record to attract the breeders. You just gave her the horse. JOE I gave her the horse. Hank contemplates the situation. HANK Dont you think I should have been consulted?
JOE You wouldnt understand. HANK Whats to understand... We have a potential winning lottery ticket in our barn, and youre not even checking the numbers. JOE Its not that simple. HANK It is that simple. You need to tell Maya that you made a mistake. JOE I wont do it. HANK Then Ill do it. Hank tries to stand. JOE No, you wont. Joe PUSHES Hank back into his chair. HANK Whats the matter with you? JOE Until you know the pain of telling a little girl that her mother is dying of cancer.. Until you know the pain of explaining to her just a couple of years later that she has the same disease.. Until you understand how that feels, Hank, dont even pretend to understand this situation. Hank has no response. JOE (contd) The horse has Annabelles bloodline.. nobody can take that away from her. Well breed her when shes ready, but no racing. Hank wont win this battle. enormity of the situation. He takes a moment to digest the
HANK (under his breath) Does she have a name? JOE Huh? HANK I said, does she have a name? JOE Peanut Butter Cup. CUT TO: INT. PEANUT BUTTER CUPS STALL - SAME NIGHT If not for the sawdust on the ground, this could be a little girls bedroom. Drawings and photos DECORATE the walls. Hank is standing outside the stall. The first thing Hank notices is a PHOTO of Maya with Peanut Butter Cup. Both are wearing hats. The photo is surrounded by a heart-- Best Friends Maya comes up behind Hank. MAYA Do you like my horse, Uncle Hank? HANK I do. Shes very.. Hank looks at the horse-- notices a PINK RIBBON tied to her mane. HANK (contd) ..pretty. Maya enters the stall. She hops up on a STEP LADDER and places a HAT on Peanut Butter Cups head. MAYA Her name is Peanut Butter Cup. (beat) You see, shes mostly dark brown like chocolate, but in some spots shes light brown like peanut butter. Hank REMOVES the horses hat. Places it on the GROUND.
HANK Did you consider other names? MAYA Like what? HANK How about Speed Merchant? MAYA Nah. HANK What about Zippy? MAYA No thank you. HANK Lightning Bolt? Joe is now standing beside the stall-- listening in-enjoying the exchange. MAYA I dont think so, Uncle Hank. Im gonna stick with Peanut Butter Cup. Maya PICKS UP the hat. Hops back onto the step ladder and returns it to Peanut Butter Cups head. HANK Have you ever seen an Arabian? Maya shakes her head no. HANK (contd) Theyre beautiful horses.. Proud. Muscular. With shiny black coats. Ill bet nobody in your entire school has an Arabian. MAYA I doubt it. Joe puts his arm around Hank. JOE Come on, Ill walk you to your car.
Joe and Hank EXIT the stall. INT. PEANUT BUTTER CUPS STALL - CONTINUOUS Maya unrolls a SLEEPING BAG. Lays it atop the sawdust. Pops the pills.
Then Maya picks up a BLANKET-- her hand-knitted blanket with the M in the center. She climbs back onto the step ladder and drapes the blanket over Peanut Butter Cups back. She removes Peanut Butter Cups HAT. Comes down off the step ladder and places it carefully beside her sleeping bag. She removes her WIG. Places it alongside the hat.
Then she climbs back onto the step ladder and KISSES Peanut Butter Cup on the snout. MAYA Good night, girl. Maya turns off the light and crawls into her sleeping bag. FADE TO BLACK.
She looks over at Peanut Butter Cup, who is FULL GROWN. M blanket is tiny on her MASSIVE back.
In the span of a year, Peanut Butter Cup has transformed from a gangly yearling into a MUSCULAR THOROUGHBRED. CUT TO: EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - HORSE RING - DAY Ginny has Peanut Butter Cup on a LONGE LINE-- a long rope that shes attached to the horse. Shes turning herself in small circles, in turn walking Peanut Butter Cup in larger circles. Maya looks on. GINNY Just like this, Maya. Nice and easy to start. Ginny is moving slowly. Then she begins to pick up speed, turning her own body faster. GINNY (contd) Then gradually pick up the pace. The longe line is tensing up. Peanut Butter Cup is responding. Almost TROTTING now. Moving faster.
Ginny HANDS OFF the longe line to Maya. Maya continues right where Ginny left off-- turning her own body in circles, gradually INCREASING the speed of her turns. Peanut Butter Cup is keeping up. GINNY (contd) When you get comfortable, try changing speeds. Fast for five seconds, slow for five seconds. Get her used to moving on command. Maya tries to slow the pace, but accidentally YANKS on the longe line. Peanut Butter Cup STOPS DEAD in her tracks.
MAYA Sorry girl! GINNY Its alright. You didnt hurt her. MAYA Are you sure? GINNY Im positive. Start her going again. the training. Maya starts up again. CUT TO: EXT. PEANUT BUTTER CUPS STALL - DAY Ginny and Maya are dressed in RIDING GEAR-- riding helmets, chaps, boots. Ginny SADDLES UP Peanut Butter Cup-- attaches a BRIDLE; wraps a REIGN around her snout; sticks a BIT into her mouth. GINNY If you dont mind, Id like to get on her first. See how she takes to a rider. MAYA I dont mind. Ginny flips a BUCKET upside down-- uses it as a stepping stool. She places one boot on the bucket, then one inside a stirrup. Ginny pulls herself up and into the saddle. She pats Peanut Butter Cup on the neck. Then she gives her a KICK. The horse starts to MOVE. GINNY Good girl. Ginny walks her for a while, then pulls up on the reigns.
Peanut Butter Cup STOPS. GINNY (contd) Very good. Ginny dismounts. She INTERLOCKS her fingers and holds out her hands for Maya. GINNY (contd) Your turn. Maya steps up. stirrup. One boot into Ginnys hands, then one into a
Maya pulls herself up and into the saddle. INT. HORSE ARENA Ginny is standing in front of horse and rider, in the center of the horse ring. GINNY How does it feel up there? MAYA Really high. GINNY Shes a big girl. Maya gently TAPS Peanut Butter Cup with her HEEL. happening. MAYA She wont move. GINNY Give her a kick. Maya taps a little harder with her heel. Still nothing. Nothing is
GINNY (contd) Dont worry Maya, you wont hurt her. Shes tough. And remember, in the riding competitions, youre judged on how she responds to your commands. Maya readies herself.
MAYA Alright girl.. here we go. She swings her leg out wide. Gives Peanut Butter Cup a HARD KICK to the side. Peanut Butter Cup responds-- walks in the direction that Maya leads her. CUT TO: INT. HORSE ARENA With Ginny watching, Maya is aboard Peanut Butter Cup. making TURNS-- slowly at first, then quicker. Full circles. In both directions. Shes
GINNY Try starting and stopping. Maya stops Peanut Butter Cup dead in her tracks. She starts her up again. And again-- stop and go; stop and go; stop and go. CUT TO: EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - DAY Maya is riding along the outskirts of farm. beside her, on another mount. Ginny is riding
Theyre gradually picking up speed-- WALKING to TROTTING; TROTTING to CANTERING; CANTERING to GALLOPING. CUT TO: INT. HORSE ARENA Inside the horse ring, Maya and Ginny are playing a GAME-Maya is aboard Peanut Butter Cup. Ginny aboard another horse. A BEACH BALL is between them. At the riders coaxing, the horses KICK the beach ball back and forth. FADE OUT.
EXT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - ESTABLISHING A tiny elementary school in the middle of horse country. An AMERICAN FLAG and a KENTUCKY STATE FLAG hang from the flagpole. EXT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - PLAYGROUND Its RECESS. Maya is sitting on the grass with a couple of friends-- SOPHIE (11) and MICHAEL (11). MAYA Were entering the junior show competition. SOPHIE You cant do that. Your horse is too big.. you wont be able to control her. MAYA Yes I will. MICHAEL Isnt Peanut Butter Cup a thoroughbred? MAYA Uh huh. MICHAEL Why isnt she racing? MAYA Because I dont want her to. MICHAEL Is she slow? MAYA No. SOPHIE Maya, you know shell be the biggest horse there. Ive never seen a horse that big at a show competition. MAYA So what?
She FALLS to the ground. She tries again to stand, but the playground is SPINNING around her. MICHAEL Ill get Miss Hobart. Michael RUNS for help. Sophie sits next to Maya on the grass-- HOLDS HER HAND while they wait for the teacher. MISS HOBART (teacher, 20s) rushes over. on Mayas forehead-- checks for FEVER. MISS HOBART Youre warm. Im calling 911. Miss Hobart dials her cell phone. INTERNAL DISSOLVE TO: EXT. PLAYGROUND - SOON AFTER Students watch as an AMBULANCE drives away from the playground. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - LATER Maya is sitting up in a HOSPITAL BED, an IV tube attached to her chest portal. Shes watching television, FLIPPING CHANNELS with a remote. EXT. MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM Outside the door, Joe is speaking privately with DOCTOR KWAN. She places her hand
DR. KWAN It was just a fever. Joe cracks opens the door. Peeks his head inside.
Whatever Maya is watching on TV is making her LAUGH. DR. KWAN (contd) But Id still like to keep her overnight, in case the fever comes back. Joe nods. DR. KWAN (contd) How are you holding up? JOE It never gets any easier. CUT TO: EXT. AUNTIE JILLIANS HORSE FARM - DAY Theres a BANNER above the entrance to Auntie Jillians Horse Farm.. WELCOME JUNIOR HORSE SHOW COMPETITORS Three separate HORSE RINGS hold three separate competitions. The rings are lined with SPECTATORS-- mostly friends and family of the young riders. JUDGES preside over each ring, high atop wooden PODIUMS. EXT. PARKING LOT A dirt parking lot serves as the PREP AREA. HORSE TRAILERS are parked haphazardly around the lot. The competition horses are tied to the trailers, as OWNERS and HANDLERS groom them for the days events. Handlers work from wooden TACK BOXES-- filled with curry combs, brushes, picks and polishes. Peanut Butter Cup is tied to the Flood Brothers Farm trailer. Maya is handling the grooming tasks herself, meticulously PICKING DIRT from Peanut Butter Cups hooves.
Peanut Butter Cup is the LONE THOROUGHBRED in the lot. The other horses are QUARTER HORSES or PONIES-- smaller horses for smaller riders. Children and adults alike are TAKING NOTICE of Peanut Butter Cup-- her beauty, her sheer size. They gather around the Flood Brothers Farm trailer. They WATCH her. They POINT at her. They PET her.
On the OTHER END of the parking lot, a REPORTER and his CAMERAMAN are busy covering the days activities. The reporter is DARBY MALONE (40s, handsome). Darby is BEGRUDGINGLY INTERVIEWING a LITTLE GIRL (5, wearing breaches and riding helmet), who is sitting atop a SMALL PONY. The little girls PARENTS are watching the interview, pleased as punch that their daughter and her pony will be on television. DARBY MALONE (re: pony) So whats her name? Darby holds out his microphone. The little girl GRABS IT. microphone as she speaks. Molly. Darby takes back the microphone, frustrated. with a handkerchief. WIPES IT clean Puts her mouth directly on the
DARBY MALONE And what competition will you and Molly be entering today? The little girl reaches for the microphone. Darby keeps it in his own hand this time. her. LITTLE GIRL Halter class. Darby notices the LARGE CROWD that has formed around the Flood Brothers Farm trailer. Holds it out for
LITTLE GIRL (contd) Ive been practicing very hard, and sometimes when I practice my mommy will.. DARBY MALONE (interrupting) Thats great.. just great. Darby cuts the interview short, to the DISMAY of the little girls parents. He gestures for his cameraman to follow him as he heads toward the crowd. EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS HORSE TRAILER - CONTINUOUS As Darby approaches, he can hear the RUMBLINGS amongst the crowd.. that horse looks like a racehorse.. its Annabelles daughter.. Maya is dressed in her riding gear-- blazer, breaches, boots and helmet. A plastic tag is attached to her blazer-- number 841. Shes perched in the saddle, high atop Peanut Butter Cup. Ginny has Peanut Butter Cup by the reigns, as she and Joe are TRYING to maneuver Peanut Butter Cup through the crowd, from the parking lot to the horse ring. Along the way, theyre picked off by Darby Malone. JOE Out of our way, Darby. DARBY MALONE Come on Joe, one quick interview for the 6 oclock news. Joe tries to ignore him. DARBY MALONE (contd) Shes gorgeous-- whats she doing here? JOE Let us through. Our event is starting. DARBY MALONE Is she really Annabelles daughter?
Darby looks to Ginny for answers. GINNY Yes, shes Annabelles daughter. Joe takes the reigns from Ginny. past Darby and the cameraman. Maneuvers Peanut Butter Cup
From the saddle, Maya turns back and looks toward Darby and the cameraman. So does Ginny. DARBY MALONE Why isnt she on a racetrack? CUT TO: INT. HORSE RING - AUNTIE JILLIANS FARM Eight horses in the ring-- three ponies, four quarter horses and one GIANT THOROUGHBRED. A JUDGE (60s, grey hair wrapped tightly in a bun) sits atop a wooden podium. She speaks into a MICROPHONE. JUDGE All come in please. Line up, numbers facing me. All eight horses line up in a row, their REAR ENDS facing the judge. The judge notes the numbers on the back of the riders blazers. Maya wears number 841. Peanut Butter cup TOWERS over the field. Maya is a good two feet higher in the saddle than the other riders. JUDGE (contd) Riders, walk. The horses fall out of line, one at a time. They begin to walk around the large, oval-shaped ring. Riders are careful to STAY STRAIGHT in the saddle and to keep their mounts UNDER CONTROL, especially as they pass the judge. JUDGE (contd) Halt everyone-- drop your irons. (beat) Pick them up. Walk again please.
The horses start up again. JUDGE (contd) Trot please. All trot. On their riders commands, the horses begin to trot. horses are quicker to respond than others. Maya coaxes Peanut Butter Cup to trot. Shes NOT RESPONDING. Peanut Butter Cup is not changing her stride. to walk. She continues Some
The judge is watching carefully, waiting for Peanut Butter Cup to trot. By now, all the other horses are trotting easily. MAYA Come on girl.. trot. Spectators YELL ADVICE to Maya from outside the ring.. SPECTATORS Stay longer on the reigns! Use the whip, Maya! ..but Peanut Butter Cup wont trot. The judge cannot wait any longer. command. JUDGE Canter please. All canter. The other seven horses pick up speed-- break into a fasterpaced CANTER. Peanut Butter Cup is still walking. to pass her. Maya loosens the reins.. MAYA Come on girl.. canter. The other horses start She MOVES ON to the next
Then, unprovoked-Peanut Butter Cup breaks into a GALLOP. She starts RUNNING. She runs past the other horses in the ring, who are still at a canter pace. Peanut Butter Cup is picking up speed-lapping the entire field along the inner portion of the ring. MAYA (contd) Slow down, girl! Spectators are LAUGHING, as Maya tries desperately to slow down her horse. JUDGE Riders halt. Peanut Butter Cup isnt responding. Maya is forced to PULL HARD on the reigns-- bringing Peanut Butter Cup to sudden halt. JUDGE (contd) Riders, drop your irons. (beat) Pick them up. All come in please. Line up, numbers facing me. Peanut Butter Cup and the other seven horses line up before the judge. They await the judges decision. JUDGE (contd) First place, blue ribbon goes to number 525. Second place, number 938. Third place, number 480. Maya looks to Joe and Ginny, who are watching from beyond the fence. Ginny CLAPS-- tries to be encouraging.
JUDGE (contd) Seventh place, number 276. And in eighth place, number 841. Good work, everyone. Maya and the other competitors file out of the ring, in the order they placed. Joe meets Maya outside the ring. Takes the reigns.
He leads Maya and Peanut Butter Cup AWAY from the horse ring and back toward the parking lot. Along the way, a CROWD begins to gather. People are GRAVITATING toward Peanut Butter Cup-- pointing, whispering, taking pictures of this beautiful horse. From Mayas vantage point high atop Peanut Butter Cup, its DAUNTING. All the commotion. All the attention. She can HEAR Darby Malones voice in the crowd. camera. Speaking on
DARBY MALONE And it remains a mystery to this reporter why the daughter of Annabelle is at a junior horse show, and not on a racetrack. CUT TO: INT. HORSE TRAILER - LATER Joe drives the horse trailer along the highway. Ginny and Maya are sitting alongside Joe in the front seat. Maya is visibly UPSET. GINNY You know Maya, the smart ones have minds of their own. Maya turns around. trailer. Looks toward Peanut Butter Cup in the
JOE Whats that, honey? MAYA That Peanut Butter Cup should be racing.. that racing is in her blood? Ginny doesnt answer. DEFERS to Joe.
JOE You never know until you get em on the track. MAYA Do you think shes as fast as Annabelle? JOE No. MAYA Why not? JOE Ive seen thousands of horses in my lifetime. Only a handful were as fast as Annabelle. MAYA But shes Annabelles daughter. She has her fast genes. JOE Maya, do you know who Secretariat was? MAYA A racehorse? JOE Not just a racehorse. Secretariat won the Triple Crown. He holds records for the fastest times at the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes. Hes the fastest horse I ever saw in my entire life, bar none.. probably the fastest horse to ever step foot on a racetrack. (beat) Well Secretariat sired dozens of horses, and none even came close to having his speed. (MORE)
54. JOE (contd) Some of Secretariats offspring were so slow they never even made it onto a racetrack.
Maya looks back toward Peanut Butter Cup. She understands what Joe is getting at. JOE (contd) Dont get me wrong, Maya. Peanut Butter Cup is a great horse. But when it comes to racing, nothing is a sure thing. CUT TO: INT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - CAFETERIA - DAY Maya is EATING LUNCH at a table with Sophie and Michael. SOPHIE I heard Peanut Butter Cup was out of control. MAYA No she wasnt. Shes just too smart for those horse shows. MICHAEL If she was so smart, she would trot when you ask her to trot. MAYA Thats not it. She just has a mind of her own. Maya looks at her friends faces. Theyre not buying it. MAYA (contd) She only ran because horse racing is in her blood. I know if she wanted to, she could go out right now and win races. She could probably win the Triple Crown. SOPHIE No she couldnt, Maya. Maya looks to Michael. He shakes his head NO.
MAYA You guys dont know what youre talking about. Maya takes her lunch tray and moves to another table. She eats her lunch ALONE. CUT TO: EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - RACE TRACK - DAY Joe and Ginny are working with a couple of RACE HORSES. Maya and Peanut Butter Cup are standing outside the rail, WATCHING. Peanut Butter Cup is tracking the race horses with her eyes. MAYA You want to be out there, dont you? Peanut Butter Cup continues to TRACK the horses. MAYA (contd) Thats why you started to run at the horse show, isnt it? CUT TO: EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - STABLES Joe and Hank are standing outside a stall, talking. Maya approaches the stables. HANK I spoke with Joe McKuyn, over at Equity. He thinks the timing is right. Maya OVERHEARS Joe and Hank talking. She ducks beside a corner stall. LISTENS IN.. JOE Were not selling this farm.
HANK People arent bringing us their horses. Not to train, not to breed, not even to board. JOE Its just a down cycle. back. Well bounce
HANK Nobody comes here anymore, and I dont blame them. Why would anyone bring their horse here? JOE Why wouldnt they? HANK Look around, Joe. falling apart. Look at yourself. Hank catches himself. Knows he shouldnt have said THAT. JOE Whats wrong with me? HANK Nothing. JOE Please little brother, tell me whats wrong with me? HANK I dont think anything is wrong with you, but word around town is.. youre a hasbeen. I see. JOE Our facilities are
HANK Joe, youve had a lot on your plate since Annabelle won the Derby. And all things considered, I think weve done pretty well. JOE Do you think Im a bad trainer?
HANK I didnt say that. JOE Im asking you.. do you think Im a bad trainer? HANK You used to be great. JOE But not anymore. Hank doesnt respond. JOE (contd) So thats it.. I am a has-been. HANK You know this business, Joe. A trainer is only as good as his last champion. Hank waits for a response. Hes not getting one. HANK (contd) We had a great run. Now lets sell this place and get out. On Maya.. still HIDDEN behind the corner stall. CUT TO: INT. PEANUT BUTTER CUPS STALL - DAY Maya with Peanut Butter Cup. She scans the walls-- looks at the DRAWINGS and PHOTOGRAPHS that represent the last two years of their lives together. MAYA Theres something I never told you. Maya removes a NEWSPAPER CLIPPING from her pocket-- an old article about Annabelle winning the KENTUCKY DERBY. She shows it to Peanut Butter Cup. One of the best.
MAYA (contd) Your mother was a champion racehorse. She was famous. This headline says Annabelle Shocks The Racing World.. Wins Kentucky Derby. Maya puts the clipping back into her pocket. MAYA (contd) I know you want to race. Maya climbs onto her step stool. the snout. MAYA (contd) Dont worry, girl. Ill tell them tonight. CUT TO: INT. JOES HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT JOE and GINNY are seated in the living room, watching television. Maya enters. attention. She TURNS OFF the television-- gets their full Kisses Peanut Butter Cup on
MAYA Grandpa, I want you to train Peanut Butter Cup. I want you to make her a racehorse. JOE Mind if I ask why? MAYA Because its what she wants. Joe contemplates. I see. JOE
MAYA I just know it, grandpa. JOE Well she is your horse.
MAYA But if she does become a racehorse, I have two conditions. First, you have to promise youll never force her to run. If Peanut Butter Cup doesnt feel like racing one day, you cant make her. Joe CONSIDERS the first condition. JOE Well that sounds fair enough. Whats the second condition? MAYA I dont want Hector to be her jockey. JOE Whats wrong with Hector? MAYA He doesnt know her. JOE He could get to know her. They could get to know each other. Hector was Annabelles jockey, you know. MAYA Well I have a better idea. Maya looks TO GINNY. Joe and Ginny both know what Maya is getting at. GINNY Maya, Im an exercise rider. MAYA You can do anything a jockey can do, and we all know it. GINNY Thats very kind of you to say, but the idea of racing in front of big crowds and people betting money on me.. its too much pressure.
JOE Hold on Maya.. youre getting way ahead of yourself. Do you remember what I told you about Secretariat? MAYA Yes. JOE Before anybody makes any promises, we need to get Peanut Butter Cup out on the track. CUT TO: EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - RACE TRACK - EARLY MORNING The sun is barely up. grass. A sheet of frosty dew covers the
Joe and Maya lead Peanut Butter Cup onto the track, where Ginny is waiting in her riding gear. Joe helps Ginny up into the saddle. JOE Take her once around. Nice and slow. Ginny settles into the saddle. Starts along the track. GINNY Alright big girl, lets see what youve got. Ginny has Peanut Butter Cup under control-- a nice, slow pace. Joe and Maya watch closely as Peanut Butter Cup heads into the first turn. MAYA Is she doing okay?
JOE Shes just getting a feel for the track. EXT. RACETRACK - CONTINUOUS Peanut Butter Cup continues along the first turn. As she and Ginny head into the backstretch, they PICK UP SPEED. GINNY Thats it, girl.. set your own pace. Peanut Butter picks up more speed. Faster. Faster. GINNY (contd) Keep it going.. Ill keep up. From the other side of the track, Joe is watching through his binoculars. BINOCULARS POV: backstretch. Peanut Butter Cup is motoring along the
MAYA It looks like shes running, Grandpa. Is she running? Joe hands Maya the binoculars. Maya looks for herself. Peanut Butter Cup comes barrelling out of the final turn and into the HOMESTRETCH. She sprints for home, zipping past Joe and Maya like a BLUR. JOE Sweetheart, I need a minute alone with Ginny. MAYA Peanut Butter Cup did okay, didnt she? JOE She did fine. Joe meets up with Ginny.
JOE (contd) What happened out there? GINNY (gasping for air) She wanted to run. I couldnt stop her. CUT TO: EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - RACETRACK - EARLY MORNING The STARTING GATE is set up on the track, hitched to a John Deere tractor. Ginny is aboard Peanut Butter Cup-- facing the starting gate. Shes giving Peanut Butter Cup a PEP TALK. GINNY Alright girl, I know it sounds scary, but were gonna put ourselves inside that little chamber. Joe and Maya are standing nearby. Joe WHISPERS to Maya.. JOE Learning the starting gate will take some time. Its a horses instinct to stay out of small places. Ginny continues her pep talk. GINNY I promise we wont be inside for long. The doors will open, and youll be free to run. Now here we go, girl.. were going in. Without any trouble, Peanut Butter Cup ENTERS the starting gate. Ginny throws up her arms, SURPRISED at the ease with which they entered.
He looks to Maya.
MAYA I think shes been watching the other horses. JOE You havent been training her? MAYA I wouldnt know how. Joe closes the METAL FLAPS behind Peanut Butter Cup, locking her into place inside the starting gate. He takes a couple of steps back and pushes a button, RELEASING the starting gate. As the starting gate swings open, Peanut Butter Cup comes SHOOTING OUT onto the track. Shes in full sprint. CUT TO: EXT. STABLES - CEMENT SHOWER STALL - DAY Maya is hosing down Peanut Butter Cup. MAYA Youre doing great out there. Im proud of you. She pats Peanut Butter Cup on her side. smacking noise. MAYA (contd) Were all proud of you. Joe and Ginny are standing nearby.. discussing Peanut Butter Cups progress. JOE Hows her posture.. is she keeping straight? GINNY Straight in the body, but tilting her head. JOE On the turns? Her wet skin makes a
GINNY Yeah. JOE Kind of like shes looking for something? GINNY Exactly like that. Joe laughs. JOE Annabelle used to do the same thing. Shes looking for competition. She wants to race. CUT TO: EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - RACETRACK - EARLY MORNING The starting gate is set up along the backstretch. THREE OTHER HORSES, all mounted with EXERCISE RIDERS, are waiting with GINNY and PEANUT BUTTER CUP. Peanut Butter Cup is the LARGEST of the four horses. Joe INSTRUCTS the group. JOE Six furlongs. Game situation.. treat it like the real thing. One at a time, the horses enter the starting gate. One at a time, Joe shuts them inside. He steps off the track and pushes the release button. The gates SWING OPEN. The horses BURST onto the track. They start along the backstretch, bunched in a group. As they head into the turn, theyre all about even. Then--
Peanut Butter Cup MAKES HER MOVE-- she blows past the other three horses. She picks up speed. More speed. Around the turn, shes building on her lead. increasing with every stride. Into the homestretch, its no longer a race-Peanut Butter Cup is in a league of her own. She crosses the FINISH LINE, all alone. Ginny slows her to a light gallop. She continues around the track-- back toward Joe, who is waiting for them. Ginny flips up her goggles. Shes out of breath. The lead is
GINNY (gasping for air) Shes ready. Are you? JOE CUT TO: INT. GINNYS LIVING ROOM/BEDROOM - EARLY MORNING 4:30 AM. An ALARM CLOCK blares. Ginny reaches to turn it off. INT. GINNYS KITCHEN With a plastic MEASURING SCOOP, Ginny rations out half a cup of Special K cereal. She pours one quarter cup of skim milk into a measuring cup-fixes herself a tiny bowl of cereal and skim milk. She opens the window shade. Its PITCH BLACK outside.
EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - SAME MORNING The sun still hasnt come up. Flood Brothers Farm is COLD and QUIET. The only audible sound is the rhythmic CRACKLING of feet on morning dew. The feet are Ginnys-- shes JOGGING the outskirts of the farm. CUT TO: Ginny in TRAINING.. Stretching. Jogging. Sit-ups. Push-ups. Pull-ups.
Lifting weights. Eating right. Ginny EMPTIES her entire freezer. into the TRASH. Throws her FROZEN DINNERS
She throws her CIGARETTES into the TRASH. CUT TO: INT. DR. KWANS OFFICE - EXAM ROOM - DAY Maya steps onto a scale. DR. KWAN Your grandpa says you havent been eating. Dr. Kwan adjusts the scales masses, balancing the scale. MAYA I havent been hungry. Dr. Kwan jots down Mayas weight. DR. KWAN Youre getting too thin, Maya. (beat) Are you feeling alright? MAYA Uh huh.
Dr. Kwan slips on a pair of RUBBER GLOVES. She prepares a NEEDLE. MAYA (contd) Im skipping school on Wednesday. DR. KWAN Whats happening on Wednesday? Maya rolls up her sleeve. MAYA Peanut Butter Cup has her first race, and Im gonna watch. Maya lays out her arm. Dr. Kwan sticks Maya with the needle. Maya doesnt flinch, as Dr. Kwan fills a vial with blood. DR. KWAN Well I hope she wins. Dr. Kwan fills a second vial. Dr. Kwan removes the needle. She places a COTTON BALL on Mayas arm. DR. KWAN (contd) Will you hold that for me? Maya holds down the cotton ball. Dr. Kwan places the vials of blood on the counter. She labels them.. WBC COUNT Dr. Kwan returns to Maya and covers the cotton ball with a BAND-AID. DR. KWAN (contd) Promise me youll eat more. MAYA I promise. Dr. Kwan walks Maya to the door. And a third.
DR. KWAN Have fun at the track. CUT TO: CHURCHILL DOWNS RACETRACK - DAY Wednesday afternoon at Americas most famous horse track. The grandstand is practically EMPTY-- the small crowd an unhealthy mix of SENIOR CITIZENS and DEGENERATE GAMBLERS. INT. RACETRACK SNACK BAR No customers. A SHORT-ORDER COOK (Tommy) stands alone behind the counter. Then-A customer appears. Its DARBY MALONE.
SHORT ORDER COOK Whatll it be, Darby? DARBY MALONE Tuna sandwich and a coffee. Darby settles onto a stool. He spreads his DAILY RACING FORM on the counter-- starts flipping through. DARBY MALONE (contd) Any action? SHORT ORDER COOK Typical Wednesday. DARBY MALONE Get this, Tommy.. next race has a seven thousand dollar purse. You ever hear a purse so low? Tommys BACK is to Darby as he prepares Darbys sandwich. DARBY MALONE (contd) All maidens. Should be good for a laugh.
Tommy reaches into his apron pocket. Takes out a BETTING SLIP. SHORT ORDER COOK I like the Number Three. I forget the name. Darby scans his Racing Form. DARBY MALONE Peanut Butter Cup. SHORT ORDER COOK Yeah, Peanut Butter Cup. Darby checks Peanut Butter Cups pedigree.. ANNABELLE by HIS MAJESTY He checks the farm.. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM Checks the trainer.. JOE FLOOD Checks the jockey.. G OGLETHORPE SHORT ORDER COOK (contd) I never heard of the jockey, but I figure what the heck-- if Annabelles her mother, how bad can she be..? Tommy TURNS AROUND with Darbys sandwich, but-Darby is GONE. EXT. CHURCHILL DOWNS - PADDOCK AREA Darby Malone enters the PADDOCK AREA. wooden picket fence. He stops along a Some horses
The horses are getting saddled for the race. arent behaving-- first time jitters.
Peanut Butter Cup looks relaxed, like shes been here a thousand times before. A STABLE BOY is trying affix her SADDLE, but he cant reach the strap around Peanut Butter Cups large mid-section. He turns to Joe-STABLE BOY Shes too big. Joe steps in and gives the stable boy a hand. together to snap the clasp shut. They work
With the saddle is in place, Joe turns to Ginny.. JOE Ready? Ginny nods yes. Joe lifts her up and into the saddle. Shes wearing a BRIGHT YELLOW jockeys uniform, her long hair tucked completely underneath her riding helmet. Darby is JOTTING NOTES in a notebook. He looks again at his Daily Racing Form-- Jockey - G. Oglethorpe Darby spots HECTOR DE LA PENA, sitting aboard one of the other horses. Calls out to him.. DARBY MALONE Hey Hector! (gesturing toward Ginny) Whos riding for Joe? Hector looks over at Ginny. He SHRUGS.
The horses leave the paddock area and PARADE toward the track. INT. CHURCHILL DOWNS Darby checks the TOTE BOARD. The #3 horse is going off at seven to one odds. He jots the odds in his notebook. He takes some cash from his pocket. Stops at a BETTING WINDOW.
DARBY MALONE Twenty dollars to win on Number Three. Darby takes his ticket. Then he STOPS. Thinks for a moment.
DARBY MALONE (contd) Make it one hundred dollars.. No.. (he counts out all the cash he has) One hundred twenty eight dollars to win, on Number Three. EXT. CHURCHILL DOWNS - RACETRACK - CONTINUOUS The BUGLE sounds. Its POST-TIME.
Ginny and the other jockeys await their turn to enter the STARTING GATE. Hector is aboard the #4 HORSE. Hes lined up next to Ginny. He looks over. Tries to place the face behind the goggles. Ginny catches him looking. HECTOR Is that Ginny the exercise rider? Hector starts laughing. HECTOR (contd) I guess the old man finally ran out of money.. cant even afford a jockey. Ginny ignores him. around. She turns herself and Peanut Butter Cup
Then she steers Peanut Butter Cup into the starting gate. Hector steers the #4 Horse into the stall right beside her. HECTOR (contd) This isnt a practice track, you know. Ginny is ignoring him. Concentrating on the task at hand.
HECTOR (contd) Honey, if you cry the jockeys wont stop to give you tissues. Ginny pats Peanut Butter Cup on the neck. The horses are all about loaded in. GINNY Alright girl, lets show em what youve got. And... THEYRE OFF! Right out of the gate, Peanut Butter Cup jumps to an early lead. She positions herself on the rail, as the horses move along the backstretch. The #4 HORSE pulls alongside her. Hector shoots Ginny a look. She looks back at him. Then-Peanut Butter Cup TAKES OFF. She starts to build on her lead. One length. Two lengths. Three lengths. Four. A cocky grin.
As the horses head into the back turn, Peanut Butter Cup is pulling away from the field. INT. OWNERS BOX Joe and Hank and Maya are UP ON THEIR FEET. EXT. RACETRACK - CONTINUOUS Coming out of the final turn, Peanut Butter Cups lead has expanded to seven lengths, with no sign of slowing down. Into the homestretch, the lead is EXPANDING.. Five lengths. Six lengths. Seven lengths.
Peanut Butter Cup isnt letting up. She crosses the finish line TEN LENGTHS in front of the second place horse. CUT TO: INT. WINNERS CIRCLE Darby Malone is watching from just outside the winners circle. Peanut Butter Cup is flanked by Joe, Hank, Ginny and Maya -- a PHOTOGRAPHER snaps their picture. When Ginny removes her helmet and goggles, it finally dawns on Darby who she is. CUT TO: INT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - PEANUT BUTTER CUPS STALL - DAY A BOOM BOX is set atop an overturned bucket. down and presses play. Music fills Peanut Butter Cups stall. MAYA May I have this dance? PULL BACK to reveal: Maya is wearing a FORMAL DRESS. She extends her hand to Peanut Butter Cup, who is donning a TOP HAT along with a BOW TIE and CUMBERBUN. She hops onto her STEP STOOL and wraps her arms around Peanut Butter Cups neck. They start to SLOW DANCE. Then-Joe enters the stall. He STOPS the boom box, cutting off the music. JOE Sorry sweetheart. Joe REMOVES the horses top hat. cumberbun. He DETACHES the bow tie and A hand reaches
Joe leads Peanut Butter Cup out of the stall. JOE (contd) Our girl has work to do. And just like that, Peanut Butter Cup is GONE. Maya looks at the boom box. She looks down at the ground. The top hat and the bow tie and cumberbun are now scattered haphazardly on the sawdust. She pokes her head outside the stall, and sees that Ginny has joined Joe. Ginny and Joe lead Peanut Butter Cup toward the racetrack. CUT TO: A MONTAGE.. Of Peanut Butter Cup WINNING RACES.. by large margins.
Newspaper and magazine HEADLINES, announcing Peanut Butter Cups latest triumphs. Peanut Butter Cup on the cover of HORSE RACING DIGEST, with the caption Annabelle, Part Two Ginny on the cover of HORSE RACING DIGEST, with the caption Ginny Who? Joe on the cover of THE DAILY RACING FORM, with the caption Hes Back! Hank standing with Peanut Butter Cup in a winners circle, smoking a cigar and accepting a giant NOVELTY CHECK. Flood Brothers Farm getting a complete MAKEOVER-- new paint job, fresh flowers, a shiny new copper bell. Peanut Butter Cup on the cover of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED.. Undefeated END OF MONTAGE.
INT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - DAY Maya is alone inside Peanut Butter Cups stall. The walls are blanketed with CURRENT NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS and MAGAZINE CLIPPINGS, along with OLD PHOTOS and DRAWINGS from before Peanut Butter Cup became a racehorse. Maya is checking out her old artwork and the old photos-reliving the MEMORIES. She looks to the spot where Peanut Butter Cup used to stand. Its conspicuously EMPTY. She walks outside the stall. In the distance, Maya sees Peanut Butter Cup on the RACETRACK, working out with Joe and Ginny. There are a NEWS VANS parked along the racetrack. REPORTERS and CAMERAMEN from every network are on hand to cover Peanut Butter Cups workouts. Maya re-enters the stall. She looks again at the walls, where the POST-RACING newspaper and magazine clippings outnumber the PRE-RACING photos and drawings. Maya stops at a particular photo, of Peanut Butter Cup wearing her BLONDE WIG. It makes her smile. She finds the VERY FIRST DRAWING she ever made for Peanut Butter Cup-- of Annabelle NURSING her as a newborn foal. She stares at the picture. She hears her own VOICE... MAYA (V.O.) This really happened, right after you were born. I saw it.. I was there. Maya looks back at the racetrack, at the throngs of cameramen and news people-- at her horses NEW LIFE. FADE OUT.
INT. GINNYS HOUSE - EARLY MORNING The alarm clock sounds. 4:30 AM Ginny reaches over and turns it off. EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM Ginny is JOGGING the outskirts of the farm. She jogs past the racetrack. house. Past the stables. Past Joes
She arrives back at her front porch, sweating and catching her breath. Shes surprised to find-DARBY MALONE holding a tape recorder, waiting for her. DARBY MALONE Time for a quick interview? Ginny checks her watch. DARBY MALONE (contd) I know, its 6 a.m. Gotta wake up pretty early to catch the hottest jockey in Kentucky. Ginny LAUGHS. DARBY MALONE (contd) Im not kidding. GINNY I know.. but its still funny to me. DARBY MALONE Why? GINNY It hasnt sunk in yet. I mean, none of it seems real.. like who am I to be riding in the Kentucky Derby?
Darby CLICKS ON his tape recorder. DARBY MALONE Think you can win? Ginny looks at the tape recorder. Sees that its RECORDING. GINNY Maybe. DARBY MALONE What about the Triple Crown? Ginny again looks at the tape recorder. She doesnt answer. DARBY MALONE (contd) Come on, you must think about it.. racing immortality, not to mention the Triple Crown bonus. GINNY We should probably take it one race at a time. DARBY MALONE Fair enough. (beat) Tell me when you first became interested in horses. GINNY I grew up around here, so Ive been around horses my entire life. My best friend lived right here on this farm...she was Joes daughter. Darby lays the tape recorder on the ground. He leans back against Ginnys house. He listens to Ginny-- completely ENGAGED. GINNY (contd) Wed pretend the horses on the farm were our boyfriends. Wed dress em up in crazy outfits. (MORE)
78. GINNY (contd) I used to drape shoulder pads over my horses back.. I figured if I was already pretending, why not make him captain of the football team.
DARBY MALONE How did your horse feel about wearing shoulder pads? GINNY He didnt mind indulging me a little. He was a sweet boy; he knew I was just having fun.. pretending to be popular. Ginny looks over at Darby, somewhat EMBARRASSED. DARBY MALONE A horse with compassion. GINNY All horses are capable of compassion. Its up to the people around them to bring it out. DARBY MALONE You mind explaining that? GINNY Its simple, really. A horse sees people from the inside out. If you treat a horse right, that horse will go to the end of the earth for you. Ginny looks down at the tape recorder-- realizes its still recording. She LAUGHS. GINNY (contd) Some jockey, huh? Darby doesnt answer. He just smiles. CUT TO:
EXT. CHURCHILL DOWNS RACETRACK - ESTABLISHING Horse racings biggest day on its most famous stage-Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs. the
The grandstand and infield are packed with a hundred thousand SPECTATORS-- its a giant PARTY. EXT. CHURCHILL DOWNS - PADDOCK AREA The racehorses are getting SADDLED inside the paddock. Horses and jockeys are decked out in colorful RACING GEAR. Peanut Butter Cup is wearing bright yellow garb. She has a NICE SWEAT going. Throngs of spectators surround the PADDOCK, ten rows deep. Fans peer through binoculars. Children are perched atop their parents shoulders. Everyone is trying to catch a glimpse of Peanut Butter Cup, the overwhelming favorite. Joe is being INTERVIEWED on camera by NBCs Gary Stevens. Maya listens in.. GARY STEVENS What a story this Filly has become.. Local horse, undefeated, the tragic circumstances surrounding her birth. Peanut Butter Cup has unwittingly become Americas sweetheart. Does that add pressure? JOE I dont think so. Of course we want to win today, but above all were trying to have fun.. trying to enjoy this crazy ride. Behind Gary Stevens, a BEACH BALL is being swatted around the crowd. There are BANNERS throughout the paddock area, all pledging support for Peanut Butter Cup. Maya is scanning the crowd, reading the banners.. I LOVE YOU PEANUT BUTTER CUP / MARRY ME PBC / PEANUT BUTTER CUP FOR PRESIDENT
INT. PADDOCK Hank LIFTS Ginny into the saddle. Her bright yellow jockeys uniform matches Peanut Butter Cups. She joins the PARADE of horses circling the paddock-- one last chance for the crowd to view the horses before they enter the racetrack. GARY STEVENS I dont think theres been such a onesided cheering section at the Derby since Secretariat back in 1973. Did you ever think your horse could gain such a following? JOE No Gary, its really somethin else. The beach ball GETS AWAY from the crowd. It travels over a fence and lands INSIDE the paddock. It ROLLS onto the path where the thoroughbreds are being paraded. A spectator YELLS to a stable boy. SPECTATOR Hey man, throw it back! The stable boy cant hear him above the crowd noise. The beach ball rolls up alongside Peanut Butter Cups front leg, and-The entire crowd goes QUIET. Then-Peanut Butter Cup KICKS the beach ball. It travels high in the air. Sails over the fence.
It lands in the crowd, inducing thunderous APPLAUSE. The crowd starts to CHANT.. P B C! P B C! P B C! P B C! CUT TO:
EXT. CHURCHILL DOWNS RACETRACK As the horses make their way toward the starting gate, a BRASS BAND is wrapping up My Old Kentucky Home-- the signature song of the Kentucky Derby. Ginny waits in line with the other horses and jockeys. At the front of the line, the horses begin entering the STARTING GATE, one by one. Hector de la Pena rides up alongside Ginny. HECTOR Your luck runs out today, sweetheart. This is the big time. Hector rides past her. He leads his horse into the starting gate. A TRACK OFFICIAL closes the metal flaps behind him, locking Hector and his horse inside. Ginny and Peanut Butter Cup enter the starting gate next. An official closes them in. Ginny is rubbing Peanut Butter Cups neck-- trying to keep her CALM. Shes trying to keep herself calm, as they WAIT for the remaining horses. The crowd is collectively holding their breath. Watching. Waiting. Anticipating. The final horse is in. The gates SWING OPEN. And.. THEYRE OFF! The crowd roars. Peanut Butter Cup immediately moves to rail-- stakes out her position in the middle of the pack. The speedy front runners break for the lead.
Ginny and Peanut Butter Cup sit comfortably on the inside rail, content to lay low, several lengths off the lead. The front runners are sprinting. THE GAP. Theyre beginning to EXPAND
Into the backstretch, Peanut Butter Cup is still moving comfortably along the rail, seven lengths off the lead. INT. OWNERS BOX Joe is watching through his binoculars-- Peanut Butter Cup is buried in the middle of the pack. Hank is getting anxious. HANK Why isnt Ginny moving her? Maya is trying to watch the race. people in front of her. She cant see over the
Frustrated, Maya resigns to sit in her chair. JOE Hang in there, Ginny. Patience.. Hank is scratching his head. a move. Hes waiting for Ginny to make
JOE (contd) Now Ginny.. Now! EXT. RACETRACK - CONTINUOUS Peanut Butter Cup moves off the rail. She breaks to the outside. Then-BAM!! She makes her move-- one lightning quick BURST-- the burst one hundred thousand fans were waiting for. Peanut Butter Cup comes CHARGING at the leaders.
She passes one horse. And another. another. And another. Shes three lengths off the lead.
She sets the leader in her sights-- Hector de la Pena. Peanut Butter Cup makes another charge. Two lengths off the lead. One length. As they turn for home, Ginny and Hector are neck and neck. Hector peeks over at Ginny. They make EYE CONTACT. BAM! Peanut Butter Cup makes another burst. The entire grandstand is up ON ITS FEET, one collective cheer, as Peanut Butter Cup starts to PULL AWAY. INT. OWNERS BOX Joe and Hank are jumping up and down and SCREAMING. JOE Keep going baby! Keep going! Maya is quiet. NOT cheering. Stoic. The only person at Churchill Downs She peeks back.
EXT. RACETRACK - CONTINUOUS Peanut Butter Cup is running away with it. Three lengths. Four lengths. Five lengths. She crosses the finish line-- Kentucky Derby CHAMPION. CUT TO: INT. WINNERS CIRCLE Joe and Hank RUSH to meet Ginny and Peanut Butter Cup inside the winners circle.
HUGS her.
A TRACK OFFICIAL drapes a BED OF ROSES around Peanut Butter Cups neck. CHARLIE THE PHOTOGRAPHER is about to take the customary winners photo, until-Joe STOPS him. JOE Wheres Maya? The group scans the area-- nobody can find Maya. Nobody except for Peanut Butter Cup. Peanut Butter Cup is STARING RIGHT AT HER. right back. Peanut Butter Cup starts to WHINNY. Joe spots Maya, standing just outside the winners circle. JOE (contd) Come on, sweetheart. The crowd around the winners circle is growing. getting louder by the second. JOE (contd) Come on over. Maya isnt coming over. Shes getting engulfed by the crowd. Its Maya is staring
Peanut Butter Cup is still watching her. MAYA Just take the picture without me. And with that, Charlie the photographer snaps the picture. Ginny is immediately whisked away by REPORTERS. Gary Stevens sticks a MICROPHONE in Joes face. GARY STEVENS That was one heck of a performance. JOE Yeah, she did great today.
GARY STEVENS I have to ask, Joe.. can this horse win the Triple Crown? The crowd around the winners circle grows QUIET, anxiously awaiting Joes response. JOE I dont know, Gary. Shes a damn good horse, but the Triple Crown.. well.. I dont know.. The crowd BOOS and HISSES, disappointed with Joes response. GARY STEVENS It sounds like these fans want a prediction. JOE Theyll have to wait. one race at a time. Were taking it
GARY STEVENS At least answer me this.. will Peanut Butter Cup be racing in the Preakness? JOE Absolutely. The crowd CHEERS. Its confirmed-- the possibility of a Triple Crown winner is still alive. CUT TO: INT. MAYAS BEDROOM - DAY Art supplies are spread haphazardly on the floor. Maya is lying on her belly, working hard on a DRAWING. EXT. STABLES - LATER Maya RUNS toward the stables, DRAWING in hand. She makes a beeline for Peanut Butter Cups stall. MAYA I have a surprise for you, girl.
We get our first look at the drawing-- Peanut Butter Cup crossing the finish line at the Kentucky Derby. Its drawn with great detail. Great precision. Obviously took Maya a long time. Maya tapes the drawing to the wall, alongside the other drawings and photos and press clippings. She looks toward the racetrack-- a dozen NEWS VANS are parked along the rail. Joe and Ginny are conducting INTERVIEWS. In the center of the racetrack, a STABLE BOY is holding Peanut Butter Cup by the reigns. CAMERAMEN and PHOTOGRAPHERS are taking pictures. INT. PEANUT BUTTER CUPS STALL Maya returns to the wall. She takes down her latest drawing. Looks at it. Glares at it. And then-She TEARS IT in half. Tears it again. And again.
Then she freezes. Shes staring at the very first drawing she ever gave her horse-- Annabelle nursing Peanut Butter Cup as a newborn foal. Maya pulls the drawing off the wall. She holds it in her hands. Then-She TEARS IT into pieces. FADE OUT. INT. SUPERMARKET - DAY Ginny is pushing a SHOPPING CART along the produce aisle. She picks up some vegetables, when she notices two TEENAGE GIRLS looking in her direction. The girls are pointing at her. Giggling. Hurries off. Contemplates.
Ginny puts the vegetables in her shopping cart. The girls FOLLOW her.
Ginny picks up speed. Shes really motoring with that shopping cart, but the girls are right on her tail. She checks over her shoulder, and-She STOPS. She turns and faces the girls. Holds her ground.
The girls are young-- about Mayas age. GINNY Alright, you caught me. The girls are taken by surprise. GINNY (contd) Say what you want to say. They dont respond. GINNY (contd) Come on.. ask your questions. Still no response. GINNY (contd) Well Im not a midget. Im just small. Ive always been small. Im not a dwarf or a munchkin or an OompaLoompa. Im a person, just like you. GIRL Youre Ginny Oglethorpe.. Now Ginny is the one taken by surprise. GIRL (contd) We watched you win the Derby. You were great. GIRL 2 Can I have your autograph? Ginny looks down at the girls hand. OF PAPER and a PEN. Shes holding a PIECE
GIRL Dont tell her that! GIRL 2 Its okay.. she used to do it too, and shes Ginny Oglethorpe. Ginny signs the paper. GIRL Good luck in the Preakness. CUT TO: INT. GINNYS HOUSE - LATER Ginny is still smiling from the supermarket encounter as she puts away her vegetables. She spots a NOTE taped to the refrigerator. She pulls down the note. Reads.
Ginny drops what shes doing. RUNS out of the house. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - LEXINGTON HOSPITAL Maya is lying in bed. her chest portal. Shes asleep-- an IV LINE attached to
Ginny enters, and joins Joe and Dr. Kwan at Mayas bedside. GINNY Tell me its just a fever. Joe shakes his head. Its worse.
INT. DR. KWANS OFFICE Joe and Ginny are seated with Dr. Kwan. DR. KWAN Chemo didnt take. The cancer is back. Ginny looks to Joe-- he has a pained expression on his face.
DR. KWAN (contd) The best alternative at this point is a bone marrow transplant. We have a large data base of willing donors. Thousands of different blood types. JOE How painful is it? DR. KWAN The operation itself is painless. The days following the operation.. they can be difficult. JOE But she was doing so well. Why cant we just continue with chemo? DR. KWAN The cancer left, and then it came back. That means the chemotherapy is ineffective.. weve taken the chemo as far as we can. FADE OUT.
FADE IN: INT. MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM - DAYS LATER The room is filled with balloons and get well cards-- Maya looks to be in good spirits. Joe is at her bedside. JOE Ill be back Saturday night. The minute the Preakness is over, Im getting on an airplane. Joe hands Maya a wrapped GIFT. JOE (contd) I got you something for your end table.
Maya unwraps her gift-- a framed SPORTS ILLUSTRATED COVER of Peanut Butter Cup after her Derby victory. A bed of roses is draped over her neck. The caption on the cover reads.. AMERICAS HORSE Maya is unresponsive. Nonetheless, Joe stands it on the end table. He gives Maya a kiss. JOE (contd) Ill see you Saturday, sweetheart. Joe EXITS the hospital room. Maya turns and looks at the framed magazine cover. AMERICAS HORSE CUT TO:
On TV, the TRACK ANNOUNCER is calling the race-TRACK ANNOUNCER (O.S.) they turn for home, its Peanut Butter Cup by a length. Peanut Butter Cup by two lengths. Her lead is increasing.. Peanut Butter Cup by three.. Peanut Butter Cup by four.. Peanut Butter Cup will be the Preakness winner.. Nurses, doctors, patients-Theyre all up on their feet-CHEERING. TRACK ANNOUNCER (O.S.) (contd) Belmont Stakes, here she comes.. Look out Triple Crown! INT. MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM Maya can hear the EXCITEMENT out in the hallway. She doesnt even get out of bed. She continues drawing. EXT. PIMLICO RACETRACK (PREAKNESS) - THE WINNERS CIRCLE CONTINUOUS A TRACK PHOTOGRAPHER readies to take the customary winners photo, but Peanut Butter Cup wont stand still. Shes turning herself in circles, SCANNING the crowd. A TRACK OFFICIAL drapes a bed of BLACK-EYED SUSANS over Peanut Butter Cups neck. The flowers make things worse. Peanut Butter Cup starts to WHINNY. She gets on her hind legs. Begins REARING. The situation is getting out of hand. Joe and Ginny STRUGGLE to keep Peanut Butter Cup steady. Joe takes her by the reigns. It takes all his strength to hold her still. He SCREAMS at the photographer.
JOE Take the picture already! The photographer snaps the photo. Joe loosens the reigns. Catches his breath.
Peanut Butter Cup goes back to SPINNING in circles.. SCANNING the crowd. FADE OUT.
FADE IN: INT. NBC TELEVISION STUDIO / INT. LEXINGTON TELEVISION STUDIO - DAYS LATER On a television monitor, were treated to a clip from Gary Stevenss earlier interview with JOE FLOOD and LOU SEPPA-LOU SEPPA Face it, females dont have the stamina of males. Thats why you will never see a Filly win the Triple Crown. Quick splice/cut to repeat.. LOU SEPPA (contd) Thats why you will never see a Filly win the Triple Crown. Lou Seppas face is stopped MID-FRAME on the monitor. PULL BACK to reveal.. We are back LIVE inside the Lexington television studio, with Joe Flood and Lou Seppa. Gary Stevenss face appears on another television monitor beside them. GARY STEVENS That was three years ago. LOU SEPPA Yeah, I remember.
Gary Stevens Still feel the same way? LOU SEPPA Absolutely. JOE Hes just being pig-headed. LOU SEPPA Its too long a race for a Filly. JOE Well see. LOU SEPPA Like mother like daughter. Annabelle couldnt do it and neither can Peanut Butter Cup. All you bettors out there.. save your money. JOE Shes got talent and shes got heart. Do you know what it means to have heart, Seppa? LOU SEPPA Dont be such a sop. JOE Im no sop. LOU SEPPA Im just telling it like it is. JOE You dont know how anything is. LOU SEPPA I know how it was with Annabelle. JOE Im warning you.. LOU SEPPA Theres no shame in not winning the Triple Crown. My god, its damn near impossible.
JOE Well see about that. LOU SEPPA Yeah, we will. Mark my words.. in a couple of years the name Peanut Butter Cup will just be an old trivia question. JOE Youre on thin ice, Seppa. LOU SEPPA You know what Peanut Butter Cup is.. Shes the flavor of the month. JOE That does it. Joe undoes his microphone. Hes coming after Lou Seppa. LOU SEPPA Bring it on, Flood! GARY STEVENS Guys, please.. Settle down. Joe looks back at the monitor-- at Gary Stevenss face. Remembers hes on television. JOE Sorry Gary. LOU SEPPA Sorry. The trainers settle back into their chairs. GARY STEVENS Joe Flood and Lou Seppa.. always a pleasure. CUT TO: INT. LEXINGTON HOSPITAL - MAYAS ROOM Joe enters Mayas hospital room, where he finds Dr. Kwan sitting at her bedside. Both Dr. Kwan and Maya are smiling KNOWING GRINS.
JOE Whats going on? DR. KWAN You tell him, Maya. MAYA We found a matching donor. DR. KWAN The transplant is scheduled for June 10. JOE Same day as the Belmont. DR. KWAN Is that a problem? JOE Of course not. Ginny has the horse in New York. She knows what to do. Joe gives Maya a HUG. JOE (contd) This is the best news I ever heard. DR. KWAN If its possible, Id like Maya to go to New York, too.. to Sloan Kettering Hospital. Joe looks to Maya. Shes VERY excited-- nodding YES. DR. KWAN (contd) Dr. Stefan Bradley is available that day to perform the transplant. JOE Yeah, of course.. we can go to New York. DR. KWAN Youll need to leave right away. A bone marrow transplant is a nine day process. CUT TO:
EXT. NEW YORK CITY - ESTABLISHING Crowded Manhattan streets. Liberty. Belmont Park. Skyscrapers. Taxicabs. Statue of
The Upper East Side-- Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital. INT. SLOAN KETTERING HOSPITAL - ESTABLISHING The nations top cancer facility. A hospital directory lists departments and doctors specializing in every type of cancer. An entire WING is devoted to Leukemia. INT. MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM New. Bright white. Antiseptic.
Modern equipment surrounds Mayas hospital bed-- this is a STERILE environment. NURSE LINDA (50s) is addressing Maya, Joe and Ginny. As she speaks, she cleans Mayas room-- diligently SCRUBBING the counter tops. NURSE LINDA The process starts today. Today is Day Nine. For the next nine days we will rid your body of all blood cells, both cancerous and non-cancerous. Maya looks to Joe and Ginny. Its a SCARY proposition. NURSE LINDA (contd) On June 10, which well be referring to as Day Zero, Dr. Bradley will refill your body with new, healthy blood cells from the donor. Nurse Linda notices Joes HAND resting on the counter top. She removes his hand from the surface. NURSE LINDA (contd) The actual transplant is painless. She scrubs away Joes hand print with an alcohol pad.
NURSE LINDA (contd) But you will be uncomfortable afterward, as your body adjusts. Nurse Linda turns to Ginny. NURSE LINDA (contd) Are you the mother? GINNY No. NURSE LINDA Very well. Nurse Linda EXITS. CUT TO: EXT. BELMONT PARK - ESTABLISHING Belmont Park is a rural oasis smack in the middle of Queens. Beautiful park fairgrounds surround the enormous Belmont GRANDSTAND. EXT. BELMONT PARK - EARLY MORNING The grandstand is EMPTY, still days before the race. Ginny and Joe lead Peanut Butter Cup out of her barn. Immediately, theyre surrounded by hordes of REPORTERS and CAMERAPEOPLE. The media people follow Peanut Butter Cup out toward the racetrack. They snap pictures, roll cameras, speak into their tape recorders. EXT. RACETRACK Peanut Butter Cup goes through her workout routine-A light RUN. Some quick SPRINTS. Nothing newsworthy. Yet-FLASHBULBS are popping. REPORTERS are reporting.
Triple Crown HYPE has begun. CUT TO: EXT. PLAZA HOTEL - ESTABLISHING Fifth Avenue and Central Park West. famous luxury hotel. INT. HOTEL ROOM Close-up on a TELEVISION SCREEN. Channel surfing. New York Citys most
The TV is flipping from local news to NBC to ESPN to LIFETIME. Every network is doing a story on Saturdays big race. The possibility of the first Triple Crown Winner in more than 30 years is still alive. The possibility of the FIVE MILLION DOLLAR Triple Crown bonus. The possibility of horse racing IMMORTALITY. PULL BACK to reveal.. HANK FLOOD, wearing a Plaza Hotel BATHROBE and smoking a CIGAR. Hank is lying atop a king-size bed, feeling pretty good. CUT TO: INT. SLOAN KETTERING - MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM Nurse Linda opens the window shades-- lets the sun in. She unwraps an alcohol wipe and starts cleaning the counter top. Something catches her eye. She walks to Mayas end table. She picks up a DRAWING.. of a young girl in a hospital gown. The girl in the drawing is ALONE, looking out a window. Her view is city streets and tall buildings. Nurse Linda carries the drawing to Mayas hospital room window. Compares the view from the window to the view in the drawing. Theyre identical.
INT. SLOAN KETTERING HOSPITAL - REC ROOM Young Leukemia patients are hanging out-- playing games, laughing, talking. The majority of patients are BALD. Nurse Linda spots Maya, sitting alone. shoulder. NURSE LINDA Get dressed. Were going for a walk. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL ATRIUM Maya and Nurse Linda enter a large, bright room. Its filled with plants and trees. Lots of green. The room is surrounded by ENORMOUS WINDOWS on all four sides. Nurse Linda pulls a couple of chairs to a window. overlooks a PARK. The window She taps Maya on the
Looking down, Maya and Nurse Linda have an unobstructed view of a DOG RUN-- dozens of dogs, running and barking and playing within a large enclosure. NURSE LINDA I love the dog run. Look at them.. theyre so funny. Mayas eyes shift to a YOUNG GIRL, about her own age. girl is inside the dog run. The
The girl throws a tennis ball, and her dog races to retrieve it. When the dog returns with the ball, the girl gives her a hug. NURSE LINDA (contd) Do you have any pets, Maya? Maya is still staring at the young girl, who is now getting affectionately LICKED by her dog. MAYA No. FADE OUT.
JOE (contd) You know what.. I have a better idea. Im gonna stay here, and we can watch the race together. MAYA No! Maya is fighting the urge to cry. together. MAYA (contd) You have to be there. JOE No, I dont. Ginny and Hank are both there. They know what to do. They know how to get her ready. MAYA Peanut Butter Cup needs you, or else shell be scared. Trying hard to keep it
JOE No she wont, sweetheart. MAYA She will be scared. her. You have to be with
JOE Im staying here with you. Cup will be alright. MAYA No! You have to go, Grandpa. with her. JOE But sweetheart.. MAYA Go. Please, go now. Maya wont be dissuaded. Joe kisses her on the forehead.
Peanut Butter
You have to be
CUT TO: EXT. BELMONT STABLES - LATER THAT DAY Joe steps out of a taxi cab. He shows a SECURITY GUARD his credentials. the stables. INT. MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM - SIMULTANEOUS DR. STEFAN BRADLEY (40s) enters Mayas hospital room. holding a medical chart. DR. BRADLEY So.. Day Zero. Are you excited? MAYA I guess. Dr. Bradley checks Mayas pulse. Hes Hurries toward
DR. BRADLEY (upbeat) You should be excited.. and confident. You have every reason to be confident. Ive successfully performed hundreds of these procedures. Dr. Bradley checks Mayas IV Portal. He checks her eyes with a pen light. DR. BRADLEY (contd) Youre in very good hands. He flips open Mayas medical chart. DR. BRADLEY (contd) I see youre from Kentucky.. thats horse racing country. MAYA Uh huh. DR. BRADLEY Big race today. Dr. Bradley makes notes in Mayas chart. DR. BRADLEY (contd) I suppose you like Peanut Butter Cup. Maya nods. DR. BRADLEY (contd) My wife likes her too. Dr. Bradley takes out a stethoscope. DR. BRADLEY (contd) The Belmont is long race for a Filly. He examines Maya with the stethoscope. DR. BRADLEY (contd) Its actually a long race for any smaller horse. Dr. Bradley puts aside Mayas chart. MAYA Peanut Butter Cup isnt small. bigger than most of the colts. Shes
Dr. Bradley chuckles. DR. BRADLEY Ill be checking in throughout the day. He EXITS Mayas hospital room. CUT TO: OLD TELEVISION FOOTAGE-of Secretariats 1973 Belmont Stakes / Triple Crown victory. In it, Secretariat DEMOLISHES the competition-- shattering the track record, crossing the finish line 31 lengths (one quarter mile) in front of the second place horse. During his entire run along the homestretch, 100,000 FANS are on their feet-- giving Secretariat a standing ovation. For anyone who hasnt seen this footage, it is truly remarkable. Then were back at-EXT. BELMONT PARK - PADDOCK AREA A STATUE of Secretariat is featured prominently in the Belmont paddock. NBCs Gary Stevens is standing alongside the statue of Secretariat, amidst a sea of spectators, reporting-GARY STEVENS (into camera) Its been more than three decades since that astounding race. Secretariat not only set the Belmont track record that day, but he entered the elite fraternity of Triple Crown winners. (beat) In about an hour, the word fraternity may no longer apply. CUT TO: INT. BELMONT GRANDSTAND Wall to wall people.
Terribly long lines at the betting windows. CUT TO: EXT. OTB (OFF TRACK BETTING) - MANHATTAN OTB betting lines filter out onto the sidewalk, wrapping themselves around the corner. CUT TO: EXT. BELMONT PARK - PEANUT BUTTER CUPS BARN A STABLE BOY is trying to bridle Peanut Butter Cup. Peanut Butter Cup is BUCKING and REARING-- just going nuts on the stable boy. Joe and Ginny rush over. JOE Step back.. Ill take her. Joe approaches Peanut Butter Cup. Peanut Butter Cup lifts her front leg. She takes a SWIPE at Joe. Ginny looks on. Frightened. CUT TO: INT. MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM Mayas television is on. Maya is alone in her room-- watching pre-race coverage. CUT TO: EXT. BELMONT PARK - PEANUT BUTTER CUPS BARN - CONTINUOUS Behind a closed barn door, Joe and Ginny are trying DESPERATELY to calm her down. Peanut Butter Cup wont cooperate. her. She wont let them near
Shes BUCKING and REARING and FIGHTING like crazy-- kicking up a tremendous fuss. Ginny approaches cautiously from the side. GINNY Its okay girl, its only me.. Ginny has the bridle in her hand. GINNY (contd) ..Im just putting on your bridle, thats all. She tries to slip it on. Then-Peanut Butter Cup gets up on her hind legs. She takes a SWING at Ginny. CUT TO: EXT. PADDOCK AREA One by one, the horses ENTER the Belmont paddock. CUT TO: INT. MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM Dr. Bradley and some NURSES have joined Maya in her room. Theyre watching the Belmont coverage on Mayas TV-- NBCs Gary Stevens is live from the Belmont paddock with another RACING ANALYST. GARY STEVENS Most of the field has arrived at the paddock, but I still dont see Peanut Butter Cup. RACING ANALYST I was at the barn this morning, Gary, and she looked ready. Her ears were twitching, her eyes were big and alert. I think she senses the magnitude of todays race.
GARY STEVENS We are just thirty minutes away from the start of the Belmont Stakes and a shot at racing immortality. Gary Stevens signals for the cameraman to CUT. The camera light goes OFF. Gary Stevens puts down his mic. GARY STEVENS (contd) Whats going on.. where is she? The cameraman shrugs. Nobody has an answer. Gary Stevens (contd) Is anyone checking the barn? CUT TO: EXT. BELMONT PARK - PEANUT BUTTER CUPS BARN A rowdy MOB of reporters and camerapeople, including DARBY MALONE, are gathered around Peanut Butter Cups closed barn door. They start banging on the door, DEMANDING answers. REPORTERS Where is she..? Whats going on..? CUT TO: INT. MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM Maya and Dr. Bradley and the nurses are glued to the television. On TV-Gary Stevens has joined the mob of reporters outside Peanut Butter Cups barn. So do the crew members.
GARY STEVENS (on TV) Weve just received word that Peanut Butter Cup has been scratched from todays Belmont Stakes. A collective GASP from the nurses. Gary Stevens (contd) (on TV) I repeat, Peanut Butter Cup has been scratched. DR. BRADLEY She must be injured.. theres five million dollars at stake. GARY STEVENS (on TV) We can only pray that this marvelous animal hasnt been seriously injured. (beat) Well keep you posted with information as we receive it. CLOSE-UP on Maya-Shes terrified. CUT TO: EXT. BELMONT PARK - PEANUT BUTTER CUPS BARN The barn door opens. Theres momentary SILENCE, as Ginny steps outside. Then-the reporters SWARM in. They rush toward Ginny. They stick MICROPHONES in her face. CAMERAS everywhere. FLASHBULBS popping in her eyes. GINNYS POV: Shes completely surrounded. SCREAM questions at her-The reporters
What happened? Is Peanut Butter Cup okay? Is Peanut Butter Cup alive? Is Joe Floods heart okay? CUT TO: EXT. OTB - MANHATTAN Pandemonium outside OTB. People are clamoring to the betting windows, DEMANDING their money back. The crowd is pouring out onto the street. A WHITE PICKUP TRUCK drives by-- theres a HORSE TRAILER hitched to the back. The truck nearly slams into a BETTOR as it passes. BETTOR Watch where youre driving! CUT TO: EXT. BELMONT PARK - PEANUT BUTTER CUPS BARN Ginny amidst the sea of reporters. Her tiny body is LOST in a mad ruck of elbows and microphones. Its a struggle just to breathe. DARBY MALONE steps into the fray. He pushes away the pack. DARBY MALONE Back away, everyone. Theyre not responding. DARBY MALONE (contd) I said back away! The other reporters start to back off.
DARBY MALONE (contd) Give Ms. Oglethorpe some room, and give her respect dammit! CUT TO: EXT. SLOAN KETTERING HOSPITAL The white pickup truck is parked outside the hospital. A wooden RAMP has been lowered from the back of the attached horse trailer. CUT TO: EXT. BELMONT PARK - PEANUT BUTTER CUPS BARN Ginny has some breathing room. Darby Malone is at her side-- standing guard. Hes keeping the reporters at bay.
INT. MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM Maya and Dr. Bradley and the nurses are glued to the set. Theyre watching Ginny on TV-WAITING anxiously for her to speak. CUT TO: INT. SLOAN KETTERING HOSPITAL - MAIN LOBBY We see only a mans LOWER BODY as he hurries across a marble floor. He stops at an elevator bank. Presses the elevator button. CUT TO: EXT. BELMONT PARK - PEANUT BUTTER CUPS BARN Ginny is standing before a CLUSTER of microphones.
The reporters are finally behaving-- WAITING for her to speak. She begins-GINNY First off, Id like to apologize to all of the fans who came here today to watch Peanut Butter Cup race.. Behind Ginny, the barn door OPENS. Its HANK. He pushes his way through the sea of reporters. He joins Ginny and Darby Malone in front of the cameras. Puts his arm around Ginny for support. GINNY (contd) I know youre all disappointed. So are we. CUT TO: INT. SLOAN KETTERING HOSPITAL - LEUKEMIA WARD The elevator doors slide open, revealing-JOE. He exits the elevator. Starts walking down the hallway. EXT. BELMONT PARK - PEANUT BUTTER CUPS BARN Ginny continues-GINNY Peanut Butter Cup was simply unable to race today. We tried everything, but we just couldnt get her out of the barn. We couldnt even get her saddled up.. CUT TO: INT. MAYAS HOSPITAL ROOM Maya. Dr. Bradley. The nurses.
Theyre all watching Ginny on TV. Maya still looks TERRIFIED. GINNY (on TV) The good news is, the horse is healthy. The bad news is, thats all I know right now. (beat) Once again, we are truly sorry. As Ginny finishes her statement, Joe ENTERS Mayas hospital room. He joins Maya at her bedside. JOE I guess the big girl just had more important things on her mind today. As Joe gives his granddaughter a hug, he WHISPERS in her ear.. JOE (contd) And so did I. RACE ANNOUNCER (on TV) The horses are all in the starting gate.. and theyre off! Joe TURNS OFF the television. With the help of Nurse Linda, he detaches Mayas IV. JOE Come on sweetheart, lets take a walk. MAYA Is she okay? JOE Shes fine. CUT TO: EXT. BELMONT STABLES - PEANUT BUTTER CUPS BARN Outside the barn, the crowd of reporters dissipates. Ginny leans against the side of the barn. slowly slide to the ground. Lets her body
She watches the reporters flock back toward the racetrack-watches a chapter of her life disappearing with them. Darby and Hank spot Ginny sitting on the ground. They both sit beside her, beneath a Belmont barn PLAQUE that reads Peanut Butter Cup. All three have similar expressions on their faces-Wondering what could have been. What might have been. CUT TO:
INT. HOSPITAL ATRIUM Joe and Maya are alone inside the large, glass atrium. They walk to the enormous WINDOW overlooking the park. They look outside-- at the dog run. EXT. DOG RUN A large CROWD of people is gathered around the dog run. Theyre surrounding PEANUT BUTTER CUP. A stable boy has her by the reigns. Shes still wearing her bright yellow racing garb. Her muscles are rippling. Her skin glistening.
Peanut Butter Cup is twisting and turning-- SCANNING the area around the dog run. Then-Peanut Butter Cup SPOTS MAYA at the atrium window. They spot each other. Maya presses her face and hands against the glass. on the window. MAYA Thanks for coming, girl! Down below, Peanut Butter Cup starts to WHINNY. She wont take her eyes off Maya. Mayas tapping is growing LOUDER. She TAPS
MAYA (contd) I missed you, girl! Peanut Butter Cup is BOBBING her head-Up and down. Side to side. MAYA (contd) Its all gonna be okay.. They continue to watch each other, as the rest of the world slowly disappears around them. MAYA (contd) Im gonna be okay, girl. Joe puts his arm around Maya. She STOPS TAPPING the glass. She leans in close to Joe, as she stares down at her horse. MAYA (contd) Were gonna be okay. FADE OUT. SLOWLY FADE IN ON.. EXT. FLOOD BROTHERS FARM - SOME YEARS LATER Green pastures as far as the eye can see. In the distance, we can make out a horse GALLOPING toward us. As it gets closer, we realize its PEANUT BUTTER CUP, with MAYA aboard. Horse and rider are moving together as one. Theres no racing gear. saddle. No bridle. No reigns. Not even a
Maya is riding bareback-- her full head of DARK HAIR blowing in the breeze. They continue on, across the vast green field. They keep going. And going.