In this project, we consider an experiment in which marbles are dropped through a viscous uid and the terminal velocities of the marbles are recorded. Our goal will be to use dimensional analysis and regression to determine a model for these terminal velocities as a function of the given parameters. (NOTE: While its possible1 using Stokes Law, Archimedes Principle, and Newtons second law of motion to model this phenomenon with ordinary dierential equations, that is not the goal of this project.) Since the viscosity of a uid is critical to this project, Ill discuss it briey here. Roughly speaking, viscosity measures the resistance to motion due to collisions between particles. Imagine yourself as a particle walking across campus: density is a measure of how many people are walking around, and viscosity is a measure of how many times theyre stopping to talk. In this way a campus crowded with people who do not know one another would have a high density and a low viscosity, while a campus with a few people who know each other well would have a low density and a high viscosity.2 The viscosity of a uid is measured by a determination of the amount of resistance the uid poses to motion through it. One fairly easy way to accomplish this is with Stokes Law F = 6vr, which describes the resistance force F on a sphere with radius r moving with velocity v through a uid with viscosity (the sphere is assumed to be reasonably far from the boundary).3 Stokes Law assumes laminar ow, by which we mean uid particles move along
In fact, pretty easy. Unless the people dont like each other, but you see what Im getting at. 3 Strictly speaking, this is not the denition of viscosity. For the standard denition, consider an innitesimally thin plate with area A moving with velocity V through a viscous uid, parallel to a at surface, and separated from the at surface by a distance h. (Something like a frisbee over a soccer eld, the frisbee a height h from the ground.) Since viscosity sets up a drag between the xed surface and the thin plate, if the force on the plate is held constant, the velocity V of the plate will depend on h. In particular, for a Newtonian uid, V will increase linearly as h increases (V = h for some constant ). Technically, the viscosity of a uid is dened as that constant value such that F = A V (often written F = A dV or h dh F = A), where F is the constant force acting to push the plate with velocity V , or alternatively can be thought of as the force due to resistance on the plate. (The relation F = A V is true, by denition, for h a Newtonian uid, a class which includes all gases and most common liquids including water and oil. For non-Newtonian uids (e. g., mud, milk, blood) the viscosity changes with changing force, and consequently we cant talk about the viscosity of the uid.)
2 1
smooth paths in thin layers (lamina). In order to obtain a value for , we incorporate F into a model of the sphere (based on standard Newtonian mechanics) and estimate from data. More precisely, the common metric unit of absolute viscosity is the poise, which is dened as the force in dynes4 required to move a surface that is one square centimeter in area past a parallel surface at a speed of one centimeter per second, with the surfaces separated by a uid lm one centimeter thick (i.e., the units are dyne s/cm2 , with associated dimensions ML1 T1 ). The SI unit for viscosity is actually pascal-seconds, but this is seldom used in practice. Of course, all this is for a xed temperature, and viscosity changes dramatically with temperature.
Experimental Data
Data was collected for two uids and ve marbles. Physical properties of the uids and marbles are listed in Table 1, while terminal velocities are tabulated in Table 2. Marble 1. Mass m = .003 kg, radius r = .0070 m. Marble 2. Mass m = .005 kg, radius r = .0080 m. Marble 3. Mass m = .013 kg, radius r = .0110 m. Marble 4. Mass m = .022 kg, radius r = .0130 m. Marble 5. Mass m = .054 kg, radius r = .0175 m. Fluid 1. Krogers Light Corn syrup, Density = 1427.1 kg/m3 ,Viscosity = 5.0 kg/m/s. Fluid 2. Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo, Density = 1018.0 kg/m3 ,Viscosity = 20.0 kg/m/s. Table 1: Physical properties of uids and marbles. Fluid/Marble Marble 1 Marble 2 Corn syrup .026 m/s .030 m/s Shampoo .009 m/s .010 m/s Marble 3 Marble 4 Marble 5 .046 m/s .070 m/s .076 m/s .016 m/s .019 m/s .021 m/s
1. Use dimensional analysis to determine a general form for the terminal velocity of a marble descending through a viscous uid. (The rst step here consists of deciding what the key variables are; of course in this regard the data Ive given you is a pretty good hint.) Your report should contain a typeset version of this analysis. 2. Use the data in Tables 1 and 2 to develop a predictive model of the terminal velocity for any marble and uid. Your report should contain a tabulation of dimensionless products used for this calculation and any plots you used in the tting. 3. Write a MATLAB function M-le that takes as input the appropriate variables, as determined in Assignment 1, and returns the terminal velocity associated with a particular marble moving through a particular uid. In class on Friday Oct. 9, you will test your model by predicting the terminal velocity for the marble and uid presented in class. You will write your prediction at the top of your report, and your project grade will be based entirely on its accuracy.5
Just kidding.