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How Sharp Is The Shape-Ratio? - Risk-Adjusted Performance Measures

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Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio?

- Risk-adjusted Performance Measures

Carl Bacon Chairman, StatPro

How sharp is the Shape-ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures Alpha to omega, downside to drawdown, appraisal to pain

About the author: Carl Bacon CIPM, joined StatPro Group plc as Chairman in April 2000. StatPro provides sophisticated data and software solutions to the asset management industry. Carl also runs his own consultancy business providing advice to asset managers on various risk and performance measurement issues. Prior to joining StatPro Carl was Director of Risk Control and Performance at Foreign & Colonial Management Ltd, Vice President Head of Performance (Europe) for J P Morgan Investment Management Inc., and Head of Performance for Royal Insurance Asset Management. Carl holds a B.Sc. Hons. in Mathematics from Manchester University and is an executive committee member of Investment-Performance.com, and an associate tutor for 7city Learning. A founder member of both the Investment Performance Council and GIPS, Carl is a member of the GIPS Executive Committee, chair of the Verification Sub-Committee, a member of the UK Investment Performance Committee and a member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Performance Measurement. Carl is also the author of Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement & Attribution part of the Wiley Finance Series, numerous articles and papers and editor of Advanced Portfolio Attribution Analysis

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Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures Any discussion on risk-adjusted performance measures must start with the grandfather of all risk measures the Sharpe Ratio 1 or Reward to Variability which divides the excess return of a portfolio above the risk free rate by its standard deviation or variability: Sharpe Ratio SR

rP rF

Where: rP = portfolio return normally annualised

rF = risk free rate (annualised if portfolio return is annualised) P = portfolio risk (variability, standard deviation of return) again annualised if portfolio return
is annualised Most risk measures are best described graphically, a measure of return in the vertical axis and a measure of risk in the horizontal axis as shown below:


Risk (variability) Ideally if investors are risk averse they should be looking for high return and low variability of return, in other words in the top left-hand quadrant of the graph. The Sharpe ratio simply measures the gradient of the line from the risk free rate (the natural starting point for any investor) to the combined return and risk of each portfolio, the steeper the gradient, the higher the Sharpe ratio the better the combined performance of risk and return. The Sharpe ratio is sometimes erroneously described as a risk-adjusted return; actually its a ratio. We can rank portfolios in order of preference with the Sharpe ratio but it is difficult to judge the size of relative performance. We need a risk adjusted return measure to gain a better feel of risk-adjusted outperformance such as M2 shown below.

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Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures

M2 for portfolio B Return


Risk (variability)

A straight line is drawn vertically through the risk of the benchmark M . The intercept with the Sharpe ratio line of portfolio B would give the return of the portfolio with the same Sharpe ratio of portfolio B but at the risk of the benchmark. This return is called M2, a genuinely risk adjusted return, extremely useful for comparing portfolios with different levels of risk. It is relatively straight forward to calculate:

M 2 = rP + SR ( M P )

M =

market risk (variability, standard deviation of benchmark return)

The statistic is called M2 not because any element of the calculation is squared but because it was first proposed by the partnership of Leah Modigliani and her grandfather Professor Franco Modigliani 2 . Variability can be replaced by any measure of risk and M2 calculated for different types of risk measures. I prefer this presentation of the statistic; it clearly demonstrates there is a return penalty for portfolio risk greater than benchmark risk and a reward for portfolio risk lower than the benchmark risk. Those more familiar with Modiglianis work would recognise the following formula, although the answer is still the same:

M 2 = (rP rF )

M + rF P

Investment statistics can either be grouped as Sharpe type combining risk and return in a ratio, risk adjusted returns such as M2 or descriptive statistics which are neither good nor bad but provide information about the pattern of returns. The regression statistics (or systematic risk), (correlation), covariance and R2 (or correlation squared) are descriptive statistics. Jensens alpha is often misquoted as the portfolio managers excess return above the benchmark, more accurately it is the excess return adjusted for systematic risk. Treynor ratio or reward to volatility is similar to Sharpe ratio, the numerator (or vertical axis graphically speaking) is identical but in the denominator (horizontal axis) instead of total risk we use systematic risk as calculated by beta.

Treynor Ratio

rP rF

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Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures



Systematic risk ()

Treynor ratio is extremely well know but perhaps less frequently used because it ignores specific risk. If a portfolio is fully diversified with no specific risk the Treynor and Sharpe ratios will give the same ranking. Some academics favour the Treynor ratio because they believe any value gained from being not fully diversified is transitory. Unfortunately the performance analyst does not have the luxury of ignoring specific risk when assessing historic return. The appraisal ratio first suggested by Treynor & Black 3 (1973) is similar in concept to the Sharpe ratio but using Jensens alpha, excess return adjusted for systematic risk in the numerator (vertical axis), divided by specific risk not total risk in the denominator (horizontal axis). Appraisal Ratio =

This measures the systematic risk adjusted reward for each unit of specific risk taken. Although seldom used I must say this statistic appeals to me and perhaps should be given more consideration by investors In exactly the same way we compared absolute return and absolute risk in the Sharpe ratio you can compare excess return and tracking error (the standard deviation of excess return) in the information ratio The information ratio is similar to the Sharpe ratio except that instead of absolute return on the vertical axis we have excess return, and instead of absolute risk on the horizontal axis we have tracking error or relative risk, the standard deviation of excess return.

Excess Return

Tracking Error

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Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures We have no need for a risk free rate since we are dealing with excess returns; the information ratio lines always radiate from the origin. The gradient of the line is simply the ratio of excess return and tracking error as follows: Information Ratio IR =

Annualised Excess Return Annualised Tracking Error

A negative information ratio is an indication of underperformance, smaller magnitude negative information ratios indicating a better combined performance than larger magnitude negative information ratios. Some commentators, Israelsen 4 (2005), consider this anomalous, because higher tracking errors generate better results and suggest modifying the information ratio to ensure high tracking errors are always penalised. This is of course a nonsense, it self-evident to me at least, that if you are going to underperformance it is far better to inconsistently underperform (high tracking error) than consistently underperform (low tracking error). The information ratio requires no modification The Sharpe, appraisal, Treynor and information ratios are familiar measures used by the industry for decades; they take the familiar form of reward divided by risk. More recently hedge funds have encouraged the use of additional risk measures designed to accommodate the risk concerns of different types of investors. These measures can be categorised as based on normal measures of risk, regression, higher or lower partial moments, drawdown or value at risk (VaR) as follows:

Type Normal Regression Higher or lower partial moments Drawdown Value at Risk

Combined Return and Risk Ratio Sharpe & Information, Modified Information Appraisal & Treynor Sortino, Omega, Upside Potential, Omega-Sharpe & Prospect Calmar, Sterling, Burke, Sterling-Calmar, Pain & Martin Reward to VaR, Conditional Sharpe, Modified Sharpe

Not all distributions are normal distributed, if there are more extreme returns extending to the right tail of a distribution it is said to be positively skewed and if they are more returns extending to the left it is said to be negatively skewed We can measure the degree of skewness (or more accurately Fishers skewness) in the following formula:

r r 1 Skewness S = i n P
A normal distribution will have a skewness of 0. Note extreme values carry greater weight since they are cubed whilst maintaining their initial sign positive or negative. Kurtosis (or more correctly Pearsons kurtosis 5 ) provides additional information about the shape of a return distribution; formally it measures the weight of returns in the tails of the distribution relative to standard deviation but is more often associated as a measure of flatness or peakedness of the return distribution.

r r 1 Kurtosis K = i n p

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Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures The kurtosis of a normal distribution is 3; greater than 3 would indicate a peaked distribution with fat tails and less than 3 would indicate a less peaked distribution with thin tails. Extreme values carry even greater weight than skewness since the 4th power is used but negative and positive extreme events both make positive contributions. A better understanding of the shape of the distribution of returns will aid in assessing the relative qualities of portfolios. Equity markets tend to have fat tails, when markets fall portfolio managers tend to sell and when they rise portfolio managers tend to buy, there is a higher probability of extreme events than the normal distribution would suggest. Therefore statistics calculated using normal assumptions might underestimate risk. The mean is known as the first moment of the return distribution, variance or standard deviation the second moment, skewness the third moment and kurtosis the fourth moment. Investors should prefer high average returns, lower variance or standard deviation, positive skewness and lower kurtosis Pezier 6 (2006) suggests using the Adjusted Sharpe Ratio which explicitly adjusts for skewness and kurtosis by incorporating a penalty factor for negative skewness and excess kurtosis as follows:

Adjusted Sharpe Ratio = SR 1 +

S K 3 2 SR SR 6 24

Predominately hedge fund management styles are designed to be asymmetric in their return patterns. If successful this leads to variability of returns on the upside but not on the downside. Investors are less concerned with variability on the upside but of course are extremely concerned about variability on the downside. This leads to an extended family of risk-adjusted measures reflecting the downside risk tolerances of investors seeking absolute not relative returns. . Standard deviation and the symmetrical normal distribution are the foundations of Modern Portfolio Theory. Post-modern Portfolio Theory recognises that investors prefer upside risk rather than downside risk and utilises semi-standard deviation. Semi-standard deviation measures the variability of underperformance below a minimum target rate. The minimum target rate could be the risk free rate, the benchmark or any other fixed threshold required by the client. All positive returns are included as zero in the calculation of semi-standard deviation or downside risk as follows:

Downside Risk D = Where:

min[(ri rT ),0] n i =1

rT = Minimum Target Return

Downside potential is simply the average sum of returns below target:

Downside Potential =

i =1

min[(ri rT ),0] n


Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures The equivalent upside statistics are as expected:

Upside Risk

max[(ri rT ),0] = n i =1

Upside Potential =

i =1

max[(ri rT ),0] n

In their article A Universal Performance Measure (2002) Shadwick & Keating 7 suggest a gain-loss ratio, Omega ( ) that captures the information in the higher moments of a return distribution as follows:

1 i=n max(ri rT , 0) Upside Potential n i =1 = Omega Ratio = 1 Downside Potential max(rT ri , 0) n

Omega ratio can be used as a ranking statistic, the higher; the better, it equals 1 when rT is the mean return, it implicitly adjusts for both skewness and kurtosis in the return distribution. The Omega ratio can also be converted to a ranking statistic in familiar form to the Sharpe ratio. Omega-Sharpe Ratio =

rP rT 1 max(rT ri ,0) n i =1

It can be shown that the Omega-Sharpe ratio is simply 1 thus generating identical rankings to the Omega ratio 8 The Bernardo Ledoit 9 ratio (or Gain-Loss ratio) is a special case of the Omega ratio with

rT = 0
Bernado Ledoit Ratio =

1 i =n max(ri ,0) n i =1 1 i =n max(0 ri ,0) n i =1

A natural extension of the Sharpe and Omega-Sharpe ratios is suggested by Sortino 10 (1991) which uses downside risk in the denominator as follows: Sortino Ratio =

(rP rT )

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Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures Again graphically:


Downside risk

Total risk has simply been replaced by downside risk, portfolio managers will not be penalised for upside variability but will be penalised for variability below the minimum target return. The upside potential ratio suggested by Sortino, Van de Meer & Platinga 11 (1999) can also be used to rank portfolio performance and combines upside potential with downside risk as follows:

Upside Potential Ratio

max(r r ,0)
i =1 i T

i =n

n =

Upside Potential Downside Risk

Upside potential replaces the portfolio return above the target in the Sortino ratio. Notice the similarity to Omega except that performance below target is penalised further by using downside risk rather than downside potential. Variability skewness 12 completes the transition from the Omega ratio utilising upside risk in the numerator Variability Skewness

Upside Risk = U Downside Risk D

Watanabe 13 (2006) notes that people have a tendency to feel loss greater than gain a well known phenomena described by Prospect Theory 14 , he suggests penalising loss as follows in the Prospect ratio

Prospect Ratio =

1 i =n (Max(ri ,0) + 2.25 Min(ri ,0)) rT n i =1

If value at risk is your preferred measure of risk then, of course, there is a Sharpe type measure that uses VaR called reward to VaR, with VaR ratio (VaR expressed as a percentage of portfolio value rather than an amount) replacing standard deviation as the measure of risk in the denominator.

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Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures Reward to VaR

rP rF VaR Ratio

VaR does not provide any information about the shape of the tail or the expected size of loss beyond the confidence level. In this sense it is a very unsatisfactory risk measure; of more interest is Conditional VaR otherwise know as expected shortfall, mean expected loss, tail VaR or tail loss which takes into account the shape of the tail. Historical simulation methods which make no assumptions of normality are particularly suitable for calculating conditional VaR Conditional VaR

Conditional VaR

Conditional Sharpe Ratio replaces VaR with Conditional VaR in the denominator of the Reward to VaR ratio. Clearly if expected shortfall is the major concern of the investor then the Conditional Sharpe Ratio is demonstrably favourable to the Reward to VaR ratio.

Conditional Sharpe Ratio =

rP rF CVaR

Alternatively VaR can be modified to adjust for Kurtosis and Skewness using a Cornish-Fisher expansion as follows:

z2 1 z 3 3z c 2z 3 5zc S + c KE c S 2 MVaR = rp + z c + c 6 24 36

z c = -1.96 with 95% confidence z c = -2.33 with 99% confidence

This method works less well for distributions with more extreme skewness and excess kurtosis Similar to the Adjusted Sharpe Ratio the Modified Sharpe Ratio uses Modified VaR adjusted for skewness and kurtosis. 9 www.statpro.com

Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures Modified Sharpe Ratio =

rP rF MVaR

Perhaps the simplest measure of risk in a return series from an absolute return investors perspective, wishing to avoid losses, is any continuous losing return period or drawdown. The average drawdown is the average continuous negative return over an investment period, three years being a typical period of measurement for comparison purposes.

Average drawdown D Where:

j =1

j =d

Dj d

D j = j th drawdown over entire period

d = total number of drawdowns in entire period Some investors take the view that only the largest drawdowns in the return series are of any consequence and therefore restrict d to a predetermined maximum limit of say three or five thus enabling fair comparison between portfolios. The maximum drawdown (DMax), not to be confused with the largest individual drawdown, is the maximum potential loss over a specific time period, typically three years. Maximum drawdown represents the maximum loss an investor can suffer in the fund buying at the highest point and selling at lowest. Like any other statistic it is essential to compare performance over the same time period.

Recovery time

Cumulative return


Maximum Drawdown

D3 D1


The Ulcer Index developed by Peter G Martin 15 in 1987 (so called because of the worry suffered by both the portfolio manager and investor) is similar to drawdown deviation with the exception that the impact of the duration of drawdowns is incorporated by selecting the negative return for each period below the previous peak or high water mark. The impact of 10 www.statpro.com

Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures long, deep drawdowns will have a significant impact since the underperformance since the last peak is squared.

Di 2 Ulcer Index = i =1 n
i =n


Di = drawdown since pervious peak in period i

This approach is clearly sensitive to the frequency of time period and clearly penalises managers that take time to recovery to previous highs taking into account both the depth and duration of drawdowns. If the drawdowns are not squared then the resulting Pain Index is very similar to the Zephyr Pain index in discrete form as proposed by Thomas Becker in 2006 Pain Index =

i =1

i =n

Di n

The Calmar ratio (derived from California Managed Account Reports) suggested by Terry Young 16 (1991) is a Sharpe type measure that uses maximum drawdown rather than standard deviation to reflect the investors risk. In the context of hedge fund performance it is easy to understand why investors might prefer the maximum possible loss from peak to valley as an appropriate measure of risk.

Calmar Ratio

rP rF DMax

The risk free rate in the numerator is not a feature of the original definition but reflects the move from commodity and futures funds to traditional portfolio management. Arguably it should be included for all types of investors The Sterling ratio replaces the maximum drawdown in the Calmar ratio with the average drawdown. There are multiple variations of the Sterling ratio in common usage, perhaps reflecting its use across a range of differing asset categories and outside the field of finance. The original definition attributed to Deane Sterling Jones 17 appears to be: Original Sterling Ratio =

rp DLar + 10%

The denominator is defined as the average largest drawdown plus 10%. The addition of 10% is arbitrary compensating for the fact that the average largest drawdown is inevitably smaller than the maximum drawdown. Typically only a fixed number of the largest drawdowns are averaged. With apologies to Deane Sterling Jones I suggest the definition is standardised to exclude the 10% but in Sharpe form as follows: Sterling Ratio =

rp rF

j =1

j =d

Dj d

The number of observations d fixed to the investors preference


Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures Perhaps the most common variation of the Sterling ratio uses the average annual maximum drawdown in the denominator over three years. A combination of both Sterling and Calmar concepts, to avoid confusion and to encourage consistent use across the industry I suggest the following standardised definition 18 : Sterling-Calmar Ratio =

rp rF Dmax

Given the variety of Sterling ratio definitions great care should be taken to ensure the same definition is used over the same time period using the same frequency of data when ranking portfolio performance. Burke 19 (1994) in his article A sharper Sharpe ratio suggested using the familiar concept of the square root of the sum of the squares of each drawdown in order to penalise major drawdowns as opposed to many mild ones.

Burke Ratio =

rP rF

j =1

j =d

2 j

Just like the Sterling ratio the number of drawdowns used can be restricted to a set number of the largest drawdowns. If the duration of drawdowns is a concern for investors the Martin ratio or Ulcer Performance Index is similar to the Burke Ratio but using the Ulcer Index in the denominator. Martin Ratio =

rP rF Di 2 n i =1
i =n

The equivalent to the Martin ratio but using the Pain index is the Pain ratio. Pain Ratio =

rP rF i=m D ni i =1

With so many similar ratios the natural question to ask is which is the best measure to use? In fact Eling & Schuhmacher 20 (2006) have published an article Does the Choice of Performance Measure Influence the Evaluation of Hedge Funds which concludes that most of these measures are all highly correlated and do not lead to significantly different rankings. Both the question and their article to some degree miss the point, risk like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the investor most decide ex-ante which measures of return and risk best reflect their preferences and choose the combined ratio which reflects those preferences. One, and only one, of the above ratios are most likely to reflect the preferences of the investor.

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Carl Bacon: How sharp is the Sharpe ratio? - Risk-adjusted Performance Measures

Mutual Fund performance Journal of Business, 39, 1966, pages 119-138 Leah Modigliani, Risk-Adjusted Performance, Part 1: The Time for Risk Measurement is Now, Morgan Stanleys Investment Perspectives, February 1997 3 Treynor, Jack L., & Fischer Black. "How to Use Security Analysis to Improve Portfolio Selection." Journal of Business, January 1973, pp. 66-85 4 Isralsen, C L. (2005) A refinement to the Sharpe Ratio and Information Ratio Journal of asset Management, 5, 423-427 5 Pearson, K. (1905). Das Fehlergesetz und seine Verallgemeinerungen durch Fechner und Pearson. A Rejoinder. Biometrika, 4, 169-212. 6 Pezier J, & White A, (2006) The relative Merits of Investable Hedge Fund indices and of Funds of Hedge Funds in Optimal Passive Portfolios 7 Shadwick WF & Keating C (2002) A Universal Performance Measure , Journal of Performance Measurement, Spring, 59-84 8 Bacon CR (2008) Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement & Attribution 2nd Edition, 95,96 9 Bernardo A & Ledoit O,(1996) Gain, Loss and Asset Pricing 10 Sortino F & van der Meer R, Downside risk, Journal of Portfolio Management, Summer 1991 11 Sortino F, van de Meer R & Plantinga (1999) The Dutch Triangle : a framework to measure upside potential relative to downside risk, Journal of Portfolio Management 26, pages 50-58 12 Bacon CR (2008) Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement & Attribution 2nd Edition, 98 13 Watanabe Y, (2006), Is Sharpe Ratio Still Effective? Journal of Performance Measurement Fall,2006 55 to 66 14 Kahneman & Tversky A, "Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk", Econometrica, XLVII (1979), 263-291 15 Martin P & McCann B, (1989) The Investors Guide to Fidelity Funds: Winning Strategies for Mutual Fund Investors 16 Futures magazine, (1991), "Calmar Ratio: A Smoother Tool", Terry W. Young 17 McCafferty T, The Market is Always Right, McGraw Hill, 2003 18 Bacon CR (2008) Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement & Attribution 2nd Edition, 89,90 19 Burke, G (1994), A sharper Sharpe ratio, The Computerized Trader,March 20 Eling M, & Schuhmacher F,(2006), Does the Choice of Performance Measure Influence the Evaluation of Hedge Funds, Journal of Banking and Finance

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