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MATLAB/Simulink Model of Solar PV Module and MPPT Algorithm: Kinal Kachhiya Makarand Lokhande

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National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

MATLAB/Simulink Model of Solar PV Module and MPPT Algorithm

Kinal Kachhiya
P.G. Student, 4th Semester M.E. Electrical, Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar, Gujarat, India. kachhiyakinal@gmail.com

Makarand Lokhande
Asst. Professor, School of Solar Energy, PDPU, Raisan-382007, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. makarand.lokhande@sse.pdpu.ac.in

Mukesh Patel
Asst. Professor & Head, Electrical Engg. Dept., Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar, Gujarat, India. profmrpatel@gmail.com
AbstractThe paper presents the simulation of the BP SX150S Solar Photovoltaic module using Matlab Simulink. The I-V & PV characteristics are obtained for various values of solar insolation keeping the cell temperature constant. The Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm, which is based on the incremental conductance method, is also described. The P-V characteristics are obtained for various insolations using M-file showing MPP using Incremental conductance method. Also, the points indicating Module voltage Vmp and Current Imp at maximum power Pmax are obtained.

Keywords Photovoltaic modules, MPPT, Matlab/Simulink, insolation, Incremental conductance Method I. INTRODUCTION

The entire world is facing a challenge to overcome the hurdle of energy crisis. The diminishing deposits of non renewable energy resources such as coal, natural gas, fossil fuels etc. have added to this worry. It is thus fairly evident that a need exist for developing alternative energy sources. The immediate need would be to vitiate the problems caused by depletion of oil and natural gas, while the long term need would be to develop means that can replace coal and fossil fuels. Rapid population growth and industrialization, demands for an increased amount of electrical energy. Solar energy is a renewable, inexhaustible and ultimate source of energy. If used in a proper way, it has a capacity to fulfil numerous energy needs of the world. The power from the sun intercepted by earth is approximately 1.8 x 1011MW [1].This figure, being thousands of time larger than the present consumption rate enables more and more research in the field of solar energy so that the present and future energy needs of the world can be met. Thus Even though the PV system is posed to its high capital fabrication cost and low conversion efficiency, the skyrocketing oil prices make solar energy naturally viable energy supply with potentially long-term benefits. PV module represents the fundamental power conversion unit of a PV generator system. The output characteristics of

PV module depends on the solar insolation, the cell temperature and output voltage of PV module. Since PV module has nonlinear characteristics, it is necessary to model it for the design and simulation of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for PV system applications. The mathematical PV models used in computer simulation have been built. [2]- [3]. Almost all well-developed PV models describe the output characteristics mainly affected by the solar insolation, cell temperature, and load voltage. Recently, a number of powerful component-based electronics simulation software package have become popular in the design and development of power electronics applications. However, the Sim Power System tool in Matlab/Simulink package offers wind turbine models but no PV model to integrate with current electronics simulation technology. Thus, it is difficult to simulate and analyse in the generic modelling of PV power system. This motivates me to develop a model for PV cell, module, and array using Matlab/Simulink. However, the solar energy is a dilute source of energy and its availability varies widely with time. So, it is very necessary to make a complete utilization of solar energy in available time. Many maximum power point tracking algorithms are available for a solar panel in order to produce maximum output. It is very necessary that it is operated consistently at the maximum power point. The Incremental Conductance Method of MPPT is described here with its maximum power point. II. PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE AND ARRAY MODEL

Solar cell is basically a p-n junction fabricated in a thin wafer or layer of semiconductor. The electromagnetic radiation of solar energy can be directly converted to electricity through photovoltaic effect. Being exposed to the sunlight, photons with energy greater than the band-gap energy of the semiconductor are absorbed and create some electron-hole pairs proportional to the incident irradiation. Under the influence of the internal electric fields of the p-n junction, these carriers are swept apart and create a photocurrent which is directly proportional to solar insolation.

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

PV system naturally exhibits a nonlinear I I-V and P-V characteristics which vary with the radiant intensity and cell temperature. Fig. 1 shows the equivalent circuit models of PV cell. Since a typical PV cell produces less than 2W at 0.5V approximately, the cells must be connected in series series-parallel configuration on a module to produce enough high power. A PV array is a group of several PV modules which are electrically connected in series and parallel circuits to generate d the required current and voltage. The equivalent circuit for the solar module arranged in NP parallel and NS series is shown in Fig. 2. The terminal equation for the current and voltage of the array becomes as follows [5]-[8]. All of the model parameters can be determined by examining the manufacturers specifications of PV products. The most important parameters widely used for describing the cell electrical performance is the open open-circuit voltage VOC and the short-circuit current ISC The aforementioned SC. equations are implicit and nonlinear; therefore, it is difficult to arrive at an analytical solution for a set of model parameters at a specific temperature and irradiance.

q ( V / N S + IR S ) / N P ) I = N P I PH N P IS exp 1 kTC A
(1) where, IPH is a light-generated current or photocurrent, IS is generated the cell saturation of dark current, q (= 1.6 10 19C) is an electron charge, k (= 1.38 10 23J/K) is a Boltzmanns constant, TC is the cells working temperature, A is an ideal rking factor, RSH is a shunt resistance, and RS is a series resistance. The photocurrent mainly depends on the solar insolation and cells working temperature, which is described as (2) where ISC is the cells short-circuit current at a 25 C and circuit 1kW/m2, KI is the cells short-circuit current temperature rent coefficient, TRef is the cells reference temperature, and is the solar insolation in kW/m2. On the other hand, the cells saturation current varies with the cell temperature, which is ries described as 1 1 qEG ( ) Tref TC I S = I RS (TC / Tref )3 exp[ ] kA (3) where IRS is the cells reverse saturation current at a reference temperature and a solar radiation ,EG is the bang bang-gap energy of the semiconductor used in the cell. The ideal factor A is dependent on PV technology [4] and is listed in Table I. ]

(N P V / N S + IR S ) / R SH

Fig. 1 Equivalent circuit model of PV cell

IPH = [ISC + K I ( TC Tref )]

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

Technology Si Mono Si-Poly a-Si:H a-Si:H tandem a-Si:H triple CdTe CTS AsGa

A 1.2 13 18 3.3 5 1.5 1.5 13

Fig. 2 Equivalent circuit model of generalized PV

Since normally IPH >> IS and ignoring the small diode and nd ground-leakage currents under zero-terminal voltage, the leakage zero short-circuit current ISC is approximately equal to the photocurrent IPH , i.e.,

(1) On the other hand, the VOC parameter is obtained by assuming the output current is zero. Given the PV open open-circuit voltage VOC at reference temperature and ignoring the shunt shuntleakage current, the reverse saturation current at reference temperature can be approximately obtained as

qVOC I RS = ISC / exp 1 NS kTC A

(5) In addition, the maximum power can be expressed as

Pmax = Vmax I max = VOC ISC

(6) where Vmax and Imax are terminal voltage and output current of PV module at maximum power point (MPP), and cell fill factor which is a measure of cell quality. is the

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology


In this section the characteristic equations (1), (2), (3) & (5) for the PV module is implemented in MatLab Simulink as shown in Fig. 3. The parameters chosen for modeling corresponds to the BP SX150S module as listed in Table II. The voltage V is considered varying from 0 to open circuit voltage Voc corresponding to the variation in current from short circuit current Isc to 0. Fig.4 & 5 shows the V-I & P-V characteristics V with the variation in solar insolation level at a constant cell temperature of 25 degrees respectively. It can be seen that the short circuit current as well as the power increases with the increase in insolation level, while very little change in the open-circuit voltage. The peak value of the product of V and I represent the maximum power point (MPP) Pmax of the solar module. The current and voltage of PV module at the MPP are denoted by Imp and Vmp, respectively. The solar module should always be operated in this region so as to extract the maximum power for a given input conditions. For this purpose various maximum power point algorithms can be used.
TABLE II PARAMETERS OF BP SX150S SOLAR MODULE Fig.5 P-V Characteristics for different insolation V

Fig.4 V-I Characteristics for different insolation I

Parameter Maximum Power (Pmax) Voltage at Pmax (Vmp) Current at Pmax (Imp) Warranted minimum Pmax Short circuit current (I sc ) Open-circuit voltage (Voc) Maximum System Voltage Temp. Co-efficient of Isc Temp. Co-efficient of Voc Temp. Co-efficient of Power NOCT

Value 150 W 34.5 V 4.35 A 140 W 4.75 A 5 43.5 V 600 V (0.065+-0.015)%/C 0.015)%/C 20) -(160+-20) mv/C -(0.5+-0.05) %/C 0.05) 47+-2 0C



Fig. 3 Matlab Simulation of PV Module

The output power of the solar PV module changes with change in direction of the sun, change in solar insolation level and change in temperature. Also there is a single maximum power point in the PV characteristics of the PV module for a particular operating condition. It is desired that the PV module operates close to this point, i.e., output of the PV module es approaches near to MPP. The process of operating PV module at this condition is called as maximum power point tracking (MPPT). Maximization of PV power improves the utilization of the solar PV module.[11] Many MPPT algorithms had been proposed in the past. Two comparatives between them are included in the works presented in [8]. The most common algorithms nowadays are ]. the P& O and the incremental conductance method [ Also [8]. the Hill climbing method is described in [10]. [10].The Incremental conductance method offers the main advantage of providing high efficiency under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions, so it has been employed in the proposed model. Nevertheless another MPPT algorithm could be used if i was required in it the simulations. The MPPT implemented algorithm is depicted in Fig. 6. The algorithm basis is the PV array output current, which is constantly adjusted to reach the voltage in the maximum power point (MPP). Fig. 7 shows the P-V characteristic for the BP SX150S module obtained using incremental conductance X150S method. The Algorithm is implemented using M M-file in MATLAB. Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 show the module voltage Vmp and Current Imp at the maximum power Pmax .

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

Fig. 9 Module Current at Maximum Power, Imp



Fig. 6 Incremental conductance Method [12] ductance

The I-V and P-V characteristics of BP SX150S solar V module are obtained using the MATLAB/Simulink for different values of insolations. The P- characteristics are also -V obtained using the M-file with Incremental Conductance file method. It is observed that the characteristics obtained using both methods are matching with the theoretical C Characteristics. Also the module voltage Vmp and Current Imp at the maximum power Pmax are obtained which are fairly same as indicated by the manufacturer of BP SX150S solar panel. Thus the X150S proposed simulation model in conjunction with MPPT algorithm can be used with DC-DC Boost converter to obtain DC the required dc voltage to supply the dc load. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Prof. Jatin Patel and Prof. ike Makarand Lokhande of School of Petroleum Technology, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Gandhinagar, Gujarat, University, India and Prof. K. B. Shah of Sankalchand patel college of Engineering, Visnagar, Gujarat, India for their valuable , contribution to this paper. REFERENCES
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Fig. 7 PV curve for Incremental conductance Method





[7] Fig. 8 Module Voltage at Maximum Power, Vmp

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

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13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

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