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Brethren To Dwell Together in Unity!: Song, #7892

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Unity 8/10/12.


Ps. 133:1 [[A Song of degrees of David.]] Behold, how good and how pleasant [it is] for brethren to dwell together in unity! What does Unity really mean? It does not mean the absence of disagreement, but it does mean the absence of division! When Brothers are in Union they collectively represent the role of the High Priest in the earth! Lets examine this oft quoted verse from the Hebrew and then set the precedent from the Beginning! Shall we?

Shiyr Ha maalot: Song, #7892, shiyr, translated as song, specifically, praise associated with the Levitical choir. However, note its two-letter root stem: Shin-Resh, which forms a masc. noun meaning a chieftain, ruler, or prince, the Priest above others. Additionally, it refers to the navel or navel cord, or the flesh, as in (Ba) sar. Incidentally, it has a numeric value of 510 (Shin-300, Yod-10, and Resh-200) which is the same as the word #3477, yasar, to stand upright, straight, just, right: this is the root of the word ISRAEL! YISHAR-EL! What does this word tell us? Collectively, Israel represents the High Priest Yahshua, in the earth. He is the WORD made flesh, each letter of the word is a musical note, each word a chord, as we lift His words in praise, particularly as a Unified Body, out of our bellies will flow rivers of living water! The symphony of creation! (Jn. 7:38). What happens when we fall prey to division rather than Unity? Division is a SPLIT VISION! We cant see properly! Prov. 29:18 where there is no vision the people perish - #6544, para`, to let alone, avoid, to be let loose, to lose restraint, also to act as a leader! Hmmm? There will always be one who instigates division, acting as the leader! Ironically, if you add the Hebrew letter that represents vision the eye, or Ayin to this word Shiyr, you get #8163, sa`iyr, a term meaning shaggy, hairy, a male goat, the ancient symbol of hasatan. It is also the name of the country associated with Edom and Esau, The one who hated his birthright, which

specifically included the role of HIGH PRIEST of the family! Ironically, the numeric value of Para is 350 the same as the word for dust, `aphar the condition Adam found himself in after listening to the Shaggy One who instigated the first rebellion! Gen. 3: 19. The word para can also infer the unbraided or loosened hair of a woman found in Adultery! As such, Adam & Eve both compromised their role as the first instrument of Unity, the Bride of YHVH! As a People, we represent the 2nd Eve, who when presented with the opportunity to stand as ONE with our Husband, we instead choose the low road of division! We took our eyes off of YHVH our Husband, and gazed upon the god of the Tree of Carnal knowledge, the Shaggy One (Gen. 3:6). Degrees, #4609, ma`alah, here it is translated as degrees; however, ascent is the better translation. This refers to the Songs of Ascent (Ps. 120 134) sung by the Priests and all Israel as they made their way up the 15 steps from the court of the women to the court of Israel. During the festival of Sukkot which functions as a pattern of the Marriage rehearsal, the Songs of Ascent are sung in Unison with the Water Libation Ceremony, as the whole company of priests and Israel mount the steps to the Temple. The Sages teach a mystical connection to these waters and the original waters of the deep mentioned in Gen. 1:6, 7 which were separated from the waters of the heavens. This is an allegorical picture of the Bride (and the waters of the womb) being cut off or separated from the Living Waters or Seed of Torah. The steps of ascension represent the act of Teshuva or repentance as the waters are mingled UNIFIED again, producing the Sons of Elohiym! The gematria of maalah equals 145, and its letters are the same as #5959,

`almah, a virgin, the Hebrew word used in Is. 7: 14 where it asserts an almah will give birth to THE Son! This fulfills Gen. 3:15 where the Living Waters the Seed of YHVH/Torah enters into the womb of the Woman (Mary/Miriam Bitter Waters) and The Son is born! At the break of dawn, the priests would descend these 15 steps and declare their intent to repent of the pagan sun worship of their fathers and return to YHVH. According to the Talmud they would declare, We are to Yah, and to Yah are our eyes! Specifically using the Yod-Hey poetic form of His name. Our eyes return to YHVH! Incidentally, one of the daily prayers, the Amidah cites, And let our eyes behold Thy return in mercy to Zion. Blessed art Thou, O Yah, who restorest Thy divine presence unto Zion. Zion is also a word in horticulture which means the place of the graft! The Place of UNION! It is this place of Unity to which the Husband-Messiah resorts!

It would seem then; a precursor to Unity requires the Song of Degrees be sung! They are both songs of repentance and exultation! Our relationship with our brothers becomes a mirror reflecting our relationship with YHVH and exactly how far we have ascended upon the steps of ascension! The number 15 is written in Hebrew with the Yod-Hey, the root of the Divine Name, and it is from these two letters that all creation is birthed! To reach the apex of the steps, the Priests always stopped on the 10th step to acknowledge this connection. Additionally, as we each are charged with writing our own Torah our lives become indicators of what is written within, Deut. 11: 18 instructs us to bind the Torah between our eyes. The word bind, #7194, qashar, means to conspire, to bind. It is the word used to describe the soul of David and Jonathan bound to each other. This infers that we are not only bound to Torah, but, as our brothers attempt the same, our souls are bound together as well! It is worth noting, that when qashar is broken apart, the same original two-letter root, the Shin-Resh is seen indicating the Prince, chief one, the Priest. While the letter Qof represents the back of the head, the back part of YHVH, the Manifest Presence of YHVH, the Word made flesh, the Torah Scroll Messiah. When this Chief One if before our eyes our souls become as one! It is not an accident that the flood waters of jealousy began in the 600th year of Noah and, our Messiah returns in the 6th day or 6000th year. 600 also represents the value of the final or soffit letter Mem waters, chaos, womb, etc. Though different Hebrew words are formed from the same letters, the original letters retain their meaning. Their placement in the word determines the word picture. For example: the above word qashar, to bind or conspire, if rearranged can spell #8266, Saqar, to engage in deceit, to deal falsely. To be treacherous. It describes an agreement entered into with deceitful intentions. Such actions are the domain of humans. 1 Sam. 15:29, YHVH will not lie. The fruit of deceit is strife and division. What part does David Play?


Though the Psalms are mostly compiled by David, the specific wording should always be considered. Thus, lets examine his name as it is connected to the two previous phrases A Song of Degrees of David. David, #1732, David, it can be translated as uncle. However the purest form of the nouns usage infers love, especially that between the sexes. I.E. an

address to a lover. It is written with a Dalet on both ends - representing a threshold, or doorway. The Vav becomes a connector linking the two, restoring Unity! Curiously, its gematria is 14, the same as the Hebrew letter Yod (Yod-Dalet) above which represents the 10th step, 10 indicating divine perfection, and completion the whole cycle complete UNITY! Interestingly, 10 is also the value of zahav gold the symbol of purity and the metal which most adorns the Temple Man, identifying him as complete One Echad. It is in this state, that the Man and his Bride become the eternal example of Unity. David likens the Fellowship of Brothers in Union, to that of the sacred symbol of marriage as we dwell together! Just as a woman suspected of adultery would undergo a test to determine her status, using the name of YHVH, we likewise undergo a process of judgment and evaluation reflected in how we cultivate this Unity of the Brothers. It is during the fifteen days of Awe, prior to Tabernacles, which correspond to the name of Yah, that our focus turns to these offenses between brothers, yet, why neglect them throughout the year. Is our motive correct? And just as there was abundant blessing and rejoicing when a woman was found innocent and was lovingly reunited with her husband, likewise the people hold a festival of rejoicing and reunion with our Husband, following the annual Day of Atonement. We are facing the coming of the Fall Festivals which culminate in Sukkot, where we return to the Tent of Peace! It is fitting then that the Hebrew word for festival, #2287, chagag, to hold a festival, to celebrate joyously, also has a value the same as David 14. It was this characteristic the celebratory unity of the House of Israel their festive worship of YHVH demonstrated in their treatment of their Fellows that preceded them as they approached the Promised Land causing even the Giants to refer to them as Grasshoppers, #2284, chagab, the same root as festival! Numbs. 13:33. The whirlers, leapers, dancers, praisers! However, they are led by the 10 (note the number) spies who instigate the rebellion that causes Israel to take their eyes off their husband, and to engage the Tree of Carnal Knowledge. Gossip, backbiting, lashon hara, flows easily from this tree! It is worth considering the phrasing of the Hebrew in Gen. 3: 6, where the tree is described as being pleasant #8378, ta'avah, translated lustful desire, the Tav prefix indicates 3rd person future tense; you shall, she shall. This indicates a future encounter again. The root is the Alef-Vav-Hey, avah, #183-185. It means to desire, covet, but also to mark out, to frame, to establish a boundary. Later in verse 20 Adam prophetically calls his wife, Eve, #2332,

Chavvah, life or living. However, the letter Chet indicates a fence

or border as well. Thus, in order for Eve to become the mother of all living, she would have to fence off the carnal lusts of the flesh! This is speaking to the Bride today! Get the lustful works of the flesh under control! They are most often demonstrated by the tongue! The word lashon is translated tongue. To use the tongue. #3960, lashan, The Lamed prefix indicates toward, to goad; while the Shin-Nun spells Shin meaning to devour, to destroy. The tongue does exactly that! It will urge one toward destruction or to destroy. It has a value of 380, which is the sum of the dimensions of Noahs ark: 300x50x30. For those who kept their focus on Yah, their unity caused the Ark to become a sanctuary, the bitter waters of the flood judging them guiltless! For those outside the Ark, those same waters denied them access to the vessel of deliverance! David continues III. That pleasant relationship where the lusts are FENCED OFF is revealed (or not) when we dwell together. Dwell, #3427, yashab, to dwell, to cohabitate with as in marriage, I.E. to function as One! The root is the Shin-Bet forming the word Shuv, to return, turn back, as in Torah. The Yod when prefixed indicates a 3rd person, qal imperfect tense which infers a future, continuation of the action! Again, we will be tested in this fashion! *Note its gematria 312, the same as the word for new moon, #2318-2321, meaning to renew, repair. The moon represents the Bride, who has no light of her own. Its phases indicate the gestational cycle, dark or niddah, the sliver begins the cleansing and when the full moon is reached ovulation is at its optimum. We became niddah in the dark phase at Gen. 3, the menstrual cycle lasts 7 days at which time the bride may approach the husband. 7days = 7000 years! Blood is congealed light/seed/word. If separated from the seed the potential life it carries dies and it must be purged from the body. This death contaminates the body if not removed. Hence, dead words (life and death in the tongue) pollute the Union of our fellowship! We will finish with Ps. 133: 3. IV. *Note the word as #2919, tal, translated as dew, mist, etc. It also describes pleasant speech. It is from #2919, talal, a verb meaning a roof, to cover over. A

comparison is made between the dew of Hermon and the dew of Zion. The speech that originates as a covering from both. It is well established that Hermon was the place known as the Gates of Hell Matt. 16:18. Yahshua mentions this to His disciples declaring that it is upon the foundation He is pointing to, that He will build!

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