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M14 Software Process Management Exam Paper Coventry University

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M14CDE/M32CS Software Process Examination, Winter 2011
This will be a 3-hour exam paper, with two sections:
Section\!\;- two questions set by myself: students must answer one of these.
Section 8 - three questions set by Dr Guo: students must answer two of these.
You should revise by studying the lecture notes and handouts given to you, materials made available to you
online (on Moodie or the W: drive), and wider references given to you. In the case of Section A questions,
you may be expected to base your answers on your overall coursework experience, but not on the specific
project details.
, t
Below are some revision questions relating to my part of the course.
I . ,..= ,'':, ' " ;.
Based.on Royce's artiple:. :' !-
1'i .:co'mpare and conttast traditional and rnodern software dE!veloprnent approaches. - How do they differ in
the p_rir:tciples employed? \vhat of the traditionar approach are addressed in modern
software processes?:.-What is the most important "discriminant" of successful projects, according to
Royce? Discuss (argue the of) this assertion.
\.;.:.... ---:
Based on Royce Ch.1 -4: - t:/. \ , \ .
2. Traditional process models are linear, while modern approaches are referred to as spiral, iterative, or
incremental. Explain the terms and discuss their significance. -
3. Project cost estimation factors are: size, process, personnel, environment and quality. With reference tc
these factors, outline how a modern process can costs.
c;:...:; , Based on Kruchten's article: ... ,
... , .Y 4. What are the in software development which, according to Kruchten, are encapsulated in
the RUP? -Explain how the RUP achieves or supports them.
5. The RUP is a product", not just a process. What are the features/qualities of RUP as a product? As a
project manager, how would you install/configure/use this product?
' \ '
Based on Royce Ch.S-7: , . , \ , .. ;.,.::: .
6. Outline the structure of .the RUP in terms of phases, and artifacts. Identify the most
important factors governing the move from each phase'161fie next.
7. Explain and discuss the central role of architecture in the RUP framework, both from a management and
. :". , a technical perspective.
. I
r. Iased on Royce Ch.8-9 . '
\ \ . {_8,... Each RUP iteration may involve activities from all disciplines/workflows. Give an example showing the
... - role of several (at least 5) discipl in_es within a single iteration. . .: . '
9. Differentiate between major milestones and status assessments. Which
woul d involve external and would be their role (the nature of their involvement)?
. . .: l' .
Based on Royce Ch.10 & Ap.B \
10. How does the Work_l2!e..?.8.c10"Y_f}_[rf:J.f_ure differ from the traditional WBS? Give ,
) '3 'l - reasons why the fgrffier is preferable in a modern context, and explain the c:onnection between the WBS
-- and the"cost & estimation process.
11 . Explain briefly the standard CoCoMo model and its Effort and Time estimation formulae. How well does
UG--- th;s model apply to modern iterative development processes?
Based on Royce Ch.12-13
.._ .
12. \What is round-trip eng,if1_ft[Jring and why is it a feature of a modern develgpment environment?
13. Explain how Software:Cnange Orders are used in change management, and ffow they could be used in
process i.Qstrumentatioo{give one relevant tools might be used to track
Based on Royce Ch.11 & 14
14. The 'default project organisation" consists of management, architecture, development and assessment
teams. Define the role of each team and list sampl e artifacts that they would be responsible tor.
15. Why might you want to "!ailor'' a software process, and how would you go about it?
Note: the above are not sample exam questions; they are questions intended to prompt you in revising
relevant topics from readily avail able sources.
Revision 13
February 201 0
Coventry University
201 0 Coventry University
Faculty of Engineering & Computing
Software Process Management
Instructions to candidates
Time allowed: 3 hours 0 minutes
This is a Closed Book Examination
1 Question from Section A plus
2 Questions from Section B
The total number of questions in this paper: 5
All questions carry equal marks
Start each question on a new page and carefully identify your answers
with the correct question number
For this examination you will be supplied with the following:
1 Answer Bookls
You must hand this question paper in at the end of the examination.
M14COE10.DOC 1 of 5 Saved 12/01/2010
- ;:..
Revision 13 201 0 Coventry University M14CDE/M32CS!5
Section A
Answer 1 question in this Section Each question is worth 25 marks
1. The meta-process of an organisation is the organisation's policies,
procedures, and practices for the line of business
a) Discuss why the meta-process is so important in terms of
process automation?
b) For each of the RUP workflows, discuss the type of
automation you would inject into each workflow, givi ng
c) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to an
organization of allowing stakeholders access to the
development environment.
2. a) According to Royce, there are three primary causes of
excessive personnel attrition. Identify and discuss these
b) Discuss the responsibilities of the software management
organization with particular emphasis on the artifacts and
responsibilities across the life-cycle phases
M14CDE10.DOC 2 of 5
(5 marks)
(8 marks)
{12 marks)
(1 0 marks)
(15 marks)
Saved 1 2/01 /201 0
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Revision 13 8 lf oov q;u.a.1 201 0 University
P Crlpesi"e-


Section B Jo
Answer 2 questions in this Section Each question is worth 25 marks
3. a) It has been said that "9 in 10 Waterfall-based software
" : : .)
projects fail". Discuss what you would to be the
major causes of failure in the traditional process and why,
and how these are avoided in a modern process such as the
Rational Unified Process.
b) Comment critically on the claim that the Rational Unified
Process is a process model. Use your
coursework experience to support your argument.
c) According to Royce, an important principle is Build the
Architecture First. Explain what an "architecture" is and
"'butline how the RUP supports this principle.
' . -
d) Give (and explain) three criteria by which the RUP Inception
phase can be evaluated in order to decide whether to
proceed to the next phase.
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' , .
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(7 marks)
(6 marks)
(6 marks)
(6 marks)
M14CDE10.DOC 3 of 5 Saved 1 2/01 /20 1 0
Revision 13 2010 Coventry University M14CDE/M32CSI5
.. . \ . '
4. a) With regard to the cost of software quality, explain each of
.' ... "\
the following terms and, compare and contrast the effect
each may have on the cost of a software project. Give two-
examples of each to support your answer.
(i) Internal Failure Costs
(ii) External Failure Costs
. , (iii) Prevention Costs
4"' ' ;"
. (!v) Detection Costs
b) According to Crosby, "Quality is Free". With reference to
prevention costs and detecti on costs (from part a above),
discuss you agree with Crosby's statement.
I ' .,' r-? . ,..,
c) Assume that, because of your expertise in software quality
and software quality assurance, you have just been hired
into a newly created position by the manager of an
organisation which is experiencing difficulty in their software
development. Recently, they have delivered several
products which are technically sophisticated, but have
. . ,.
developed a reputation for poor in the view of the
customers. The organisation is divided into groups along
project lines with a technical person leading each
project. The software are talented people but
.,... _ .. , . .
there appears to be' no. control of_
development process and a lack of GOn;isteil'cy in the
methods employed within projects and between different
projects. Your boss expects you to get things turned around
quickly. Whq.t are you going to do? Be realistic! Analyse
, ) . ::
the of your recommended actions.
1f . . t i ........ . .
d) Identify two kinds that should take place
in a well-managed software development project. Discuss
briefly the of each kind of review.
' . \
-. .. \ .\ \.. .
(8 marks)
(4 marks)
(8 marks)
(5 marks)
- '
M14CDE10.00C 4 of 5 Saved 1 2/01 /201 0
Revision 13 2010 Coventry University M14CDE/M32CSt5
5. a) What is Software Process Improvement (SPI)? Your answer
should briefly discuss the principles of SPI (e.g. how it
._/ / '
. . . ' \ \ ..
b) Why is process improvemenr1nlike-ly to occur ~ n l ~ s s an
organisation defines and manages its processes?
~ .. J: \ ..:
c) The CapabiJLty Maturity Model (CMM) rates software
companies according to how well they identify and manage
their software processes. The model has five levels: Initial, .
} \
:- :) Repeatable, Defined, Managed, and Optimising. . ~ .,
. >.>
(i) Discuss briefly each of the five levels.
(ii) What (!dvantages are there for a company to move up
to the top level?
d) The CMM Level2 Key Process Areas (KPAs) are:

Requirements Management

Software Project Planning

Software. Project Tracking
. . . \ ...

Software Subcontract Management

Software Quality Assurance

Software Configuration Management
In a typical, ad hoc, Level one company, which KPA do you
think is most crucial to address first? Why?
,.. tP
e) For the KPA you have selected in answering (c) above,
describe a specific goal that should be achieved.
(5 marks)
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
(5 marks)
(3 marks)
M14CDE10.DOC 5 of 5 Saved 12/01/201 0

Revision 7 2007 Coventry University M32CS;s
Section A
Answer 1 questions in this Section Each question is worth 25 marks
1. The of an organisation is the organisation's
policies, procedures, and practices for the line of business
a) Discuss why the meta-process is so important in terms of
process automa}ion?
. I
_. \. ; - '
_;'- -
b) For each of the RUP workflows, discuss the type of
automation you would inject into each workflow, giving
c) Discuss the advantages and to an
organization of allowing stakeholders access to the
development environment.
. \ .. ,
2. a) According to Royce, there are three primary causes of
excessive personnel attrition. Identify and discuss these
. . '
, I
b) Discuss the responsibilities of the software management
organization with particular emphasis on the artifacts and
responsibilities across the life-cycle phases
(5 marks)
(8 marks)
(12 marks)
(1 0 marks)
(15 marks)
M32CS08.DOC 2 of 5 Saved 12/1 2/2007
Revision 7 2007 Coventry University M32CSts
Section B
Answer 2 questions in this Section Each question is worth 25 marks
I '
3. a) What would you consider to be the _critiqal factors that
: to producing failure or unsa!isfaqtory computer
, systems? Explain your choices. ...? r .J;:
Jta&u.c+ @b) Discuss critically, in your own words, how a quality module
) \.P\ '!:;;."- such as McCall's model can help develop quality software
_;?; when it is employed. Your answer should also explain briefly
V\ .... ..ec:,...tv -
- r,:-----k-" ... \..._ what a quality model 1s.

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, .
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c) Software is to be developed to control a fly-by-wire aircraft.
Identify two of the most important \quality and justify
- -- . ... . .. ,, ..
your choice.
. ./( , . / '.
' :
d) In order to ensure attainment of the two specified
in part (c), according to the principle of _0QM model, identify

two suitable questions for each of the attributes, and one
metric for each question. Justify your choice of questions
and metrics.
(5 marks)
(1 0 marks)
(4 marks)
(6 marks)
(_r=-v-lur:!_r rVew 1

M32CS08.DOC 3 of 5
Saved 12/12/2007
Revision 7 2007 Coventry University
4. a) C?utline an organisation,
and discuss critically how quality assurance methods can
improve software quality.
b) In response to the large number of defects found in an
#\ < : . . )
organisation's software, you have been asked to implement
(1 0 marks)
\. ... :
the use of formal inspections as a way of addressing the
problem. Outline a plan of what you need do to make the
initiative successful. 2voW7 d/1-c.fokv<j
v d!J.. (5 marks)
I' / ' J' I . /. . I
1-' ,fA/ u <. t ... 1_ -J
:-- - -
c) There are five key of an ISO 9001:2000 quality cteJ;J -
system, Quality Manual, Procedures, Documents, Records
and Guidelines. Explain what each of these components
addresses and what information they typically contain.
5. a) The success of a Process Improvement initiative is based on
a positive change culture and a high level of acceptance
from all members of an organisation. Discuss the activities
that should be carried out to achieve this and your
answer. ' . ._::J-
b) A general statement was made about the Software Process
Improvement (SPI) approach in the software community,
which says that a high quality software process will result in
a high quality software product.
Do you agree with this statement? And why? (Your answer
z < should cover a brief discussion of software product, process,
(1 0 marks)
(8 marks)
---- and the SPI principles.) (1'0 marks)
.t . ...: .,"A\ w\...a.ve:..ue.
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. ' \.. _n_ Question 5 continued ...
, \\ \.._. JV, 1: -. - o ca
6. \1\- \'v\. 1--fod ucJ(o 1/tQ lA P\u.V\ -
M32CS08.00C 4 of 5 Saved 12/12/2007
4-. Vr6<X-S5 LM*'v'6V ..-, \
Revision 7
2007 Coventry University M32CS!5
With reference to Wiegers's article, one of the ways . \.-\.
SPI programme may fail is if "achieving a CMM level C,pa.bi \_ 'j
becomes the primary goal". Using your, knowledge of the 0o-.\- o..rl I
SPI and CMM, explain what the might be, and
a _solution to address the problem. (7 marks)
' .
. )
M32CS08. DOC 5 of 5 Saved 12/ 12/2007
Revision 2 2011 Coventry University M14CDE Resitts
MAY 2011
Coventry University
Faculty of Engineering & Computing

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- -- .. /
M14CDE Resit
Software Process Management
Instructions to candidates
Time allowed: 3 hours 0 minutes
This is a Closed Book Examination
' .;:
1 Question from Section A plus
2 Questions from Section B
The total number of questions in this paper: 5
All questions carry equal marks
Start each question on a new page and carefully identify your answers
with the correct question number
For this you will be supplied with the following:
1 Answer Book/s
You must hand this question paper in at the end of the examination.
M14CDE11 R.OOCX 1 of 5 Saved 23/05/2011
Revi sion 2
2011 Coventry University M14CDE Resitls
Section A
Answer one question in this Section
Each question is worth 25 marks
1. According to Royce, conventional Work Breakdown Structures
(WBS) are "frequently prematurely structured around the product
a) Discuss why is it generally a bad approach to structure a
WBS around product design?
b) Give an example of how you would structure a WBS based
upon Rationa_l Unified Process (RUP)?
c) Royce "The process framework must be configured to
the specific characteristics of the projecf'.
Discuss the key factors that drive process configuration?
2. a) According to Royce, there are three primary causes of
excessive personnel attrition. Identify and discuss these
b) Discuss the respon_sibilities of
organization with particular emphasis on the artifacts and
responsibilities across the life-cycle phases
(12 marks)
(5 marks)
(8 marks)
(1 0 marks)
(15 marks)
M14COE11 R.DOCX 2 of 5 Saved 23/05/201 1
Revision 2 2011 Coventry University M14CDE Resit/5
Section B
Answer 2 questions in this Section Each question is worth 25 marks
3. a) Pressman's definition of Software Quality, "An effective
software process applied in a manner that creates a useful
product that provides measurable value for those who
produce it and those who use if', emphasizes three
Explain each of the three dimensions of software quality. (3 marks)
b) (i) Briefly describe the software quality dilemma in your own
words. (4 marks)
(ii) Provide an example Web Application that you are familiar
with to support your answer in b)(i). (2 marks)
(i) With reference to McCall's quality model, what are the
three important aspects of a software product? . (3 marks)
(ii) Identify and describe one quality attribute from each
of the three aspects in the above c)(i). (3 marks)
d) Briefly explain the five activities associated with the software
measurement process. (10 marks)
M14CDE11 R.DOCX 3 of 5 Saved 23/05/2011
Revision 2 2011 Coventry University M14CDE Resitt5
4. a) There are four types of costs associated with software quality: Prevention
costs; Appraisal costs; Internal failure costs; External failure costs.
(i) Describe at least two activities that are associated
with each type of costs.
(ii) Which of the four types of costs do you think is the
most expensive, and why?
b) Define Software Quality Assurance and describe its scope
and role within an organisation.
c) A technical review is effective onJYJ_feveryone
How do you recognize a review participant who
has not prepared? What do you do if you are the review
leader? Use your coursework experience to support your
d) Discuss how _t>oor decisions can
software quality. Your answer should identify at least two
a) What is Software Process Improvement?
-:, \-> _I
- ____ ,.
b) What are the elements of a Software Process Improvement
(SPI) model?
c) What to be exhibited by an organization
. . -
to improve its software process?
4 nf "'>
(4 marks)
(3 marks)
(10 marks)
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
(3 marks)
Revision 2 2011 Coventry University M14CDE Resitts
d) The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) rates software
companies according to how well they identify and manage
their software processes. The model has five levels: Initial,
Repeatable, Defined, Managed, and Optimising.
(i) Briefly describe each of the five levels.
(ii) What advantages are there for a company to move up to
the top level?
e) The CMM model can be used for Software Process
Assessment (SPA) and Software Capability Evaluation
(SCE). Explain what you understand by the terms Software
Process Assessment and Software Capability Evaluation.
(8 marks)
(2 marks)
(4 marks)
M14CDE11 R.DOCX 5 of 5 Saved 23/05/2011

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