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Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 22 July 2012

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Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 22 July 2012

Dear Reader, I do hope you have enjoyed a most Joyful, Healthy, Love filled and Abundant week. I would like to thank you all - and extend my Love and Gratitude - for all the most beautiful messages of Love and Caring that I once again received this week. I Feel Truly Humbled and Blessed, and Know, that this means a lot to me. Thank You. Many have asked about the further plans, that I mentioned in recent Newsletters My thoughts, and feelings, are never towards serving you less, but rather, how I may serve you More as we enter this profound Transitional stage in Human Evolution. For the last 7 years - since 2005 - I have sent you thousands of pages, and over one million words, week after week, year after year. And this is in addition to the tens of thousands of emails I have received in the process, my forums postings, my website and so on. With the Newsletters, I neither seek of claim any sort of credit or reward for what I have offered, because, in reality, I am simply but a humble messenger for Higher Sources who have Trusted and Blessed me to bring this to you, which I have done, tirelessly and willingly, out of Love for Humanity and all Life, and the Divine. This has always been, and will remain, my Greatest Blessing. My only thought is that if this service has been of positive value to even just a few people, then it has all been absolutely worthwhile - in every way. Yet - mere words alone are not always enough. When I write your newsletter, I am simply "translating" that which comes from a Higher Source in to crude human language, and sometimes, what I write is "lost in translation" or I simply use the wrong words altogether. I have always known this, yet, all I can do is my best. Sometimes though, when I convey these words as they are not intended, I can have a negative effect, which, although, is not what I intend at all, I still accept it completely because the responsibility is mine, and mine alone, and Gratefully Accept that, and always will. I have received literally tens of thousands emails over the years from readers all over the world, from almost every country, culture, religion and life situation imaginable. Some challenge my words - often from a religious or scientific perspective - which I much welcome, because no one should Ever, Ever accept anything I or anyone else says as absolute. I have always said, very clearly, as I do at the end of my book, that if anything I say does not resonate, or not Felt to be true, then this is totally fine as well. I simply wish people to relate to, if desired, those words that resonate and "ring true" - the Truth is within us all at some level - and immediately discard the rest.

Now - as I mentioned before - and in previous weeks - while I have a breath remaining in my body, here on Earth, I will always be here for those people, in whatever capacity required, to make a small difference during these crucial times. We should always, always, Follow our Heart and Inner Guidance, no matter what the "outside world" says, otherwise we are lost - to ourselves and everyone else. I know, and have known for some months now, that during these crucial, Transitional times, mere knowledge alone is no longer enough - if indeed it ever was. The only purpose of words may serve is to invoke, within us, the Seeds of Truth and Inspiration that we may reach a level of Inner Realisation that we be free to follow our own Truth, from within - it is all there - all of it - and through the Guidance of our own Personal Heart, Soul and Spirit. The words are really simply the potential "keys" to unlock the door to Self Truth and Realisation that we may Grow from these, and should never be taken as absolute Truth - there is no absolute Truth except that which we Feel is True - at every level. I Know - and have always known - that everything I share is True, but I have never expected people to blindly accept that - otherwise - there is more harm than good. At this moment in Human Evolution therefore, clinging on to mere words - from whoever writes them - can actually hold us back and keep us chained, instead of allowing us to move forward with the Guidance of Heart, Soul and of course Divine. This Knowing has been given to me from the same Source from which the words have come all these years, and when this happens I have no choice but to move forward with that, the consequences for not doing so, for everyone, myself included being potentially disastrous, and make no mistake, I remain personally responsible, not only for myself, but for All Those Who fail To Move Forward - or even move backwards due to relying totally on my words - which have always been brought to you in the Truth of where those words came from. We are now Beyond that point. I always knew this moment would be reached, I that I would never know when until the Moment arrives. There Is Only The Moment. Time, like Space, in an illusion. You see - No one has a "choice" - No one - not me, not you, not anyone. There is only one "Choice", if there is any "choice" at all. We can Choose To Be True To Ourselves, True to Our Heart, True to Our Inner Guidance, True to Our Source - or continue to "suffer" through Life Experience. This is a lesson that I have been personally learning all my Life. It is not easy, it is not meant to be easy. But at least, if we can help others to attain this level of Realisation without the suffering along the way, then that, alone, is worthwhile. But at the same time - "suffering" is not something we are born to "endure".

Suffering, is in a reality, a Great Blessing, because suffering is in reality just one of many tools available to us to find ourselves, and to help others find themselves. Above All Though, we need to Experience Divine The Joy of being Human, An Infinitely Loved Expression of Source, God - who goes by many names - which, in reality, are all the same "God", Who Unconditionally Loves Every One Of Us no matter our "choices" and may be summarised simply and Perfectly by "Divine Love". If we do not Experience The Love, Joy and Freedom Of Being Human - then we are lost - it means nothing. These are not words - it is Our Nature, Our Way of Being. We Are Only Truly Blessed When We May Experience These Fully. Everyone on Earth can Experience this - if we are True To Ourselves - not others. Nothing brings more Joy, Love and Freedom that helping others to find the same this is then - The Greatest Blessing Of All. So - as I mentioned before, I Wish Only Now To Serve You More, Not Less. But I will do this through other channels, other than this Newsletter, which no longer serves that purpose it used to. There are better ways - For Us All - For Me. This then will be my last Newsletter. But is not goodbye - far from it Dear Reader. So please remain subscribed to Our Ultimate Reality Newsletters - I will keep you informed, and let you know when I am ready to offer what I Feel is a Better Way. So just a few final words - for now anyway. For anyone that may believe that I am sort of "guru", "teacher" or "fill in the blank" - I am here to tell you - I Am Really Not. And never had any wish to be seen as such. I Am - Above All Human - Just Like You, with the very same Human needs although mine are really very basic - but still no less important to me. And to you. Until we meet again - soon - I just want to say that has been my Greatest Joy to Serve you so far - to the extent you have gained anything at all from my writings over the last 7 years - and that I Love You All - more than you could know - which is why I will always be here for you - to continue Expressing that Love in my own way. I humbly submit that all you must ever do - is to - Follow Your Heart.

In Unconditional Love, Light And Service - Always... And - Until We Meet Again - But Only If Your Heart So Agrees, Adrian.

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